#but you didn’t want it ennis!!
chirpsythismorning · 1 month
Say it’s likely there will be a Brokeback Mountain reference in s5 and nobody bats an eye.
Say it’s likely that the final byler fight will be inspired by this scene and society goes wild.
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kikedike · 10 months
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bananntoo · 9 months
getting jealous
sanji x reader
sanji is constantly swooning over other women, leaving his girlfriend forgotten
dating sanji was amazing- constant compliments, never going hungry, having you’re own little maid do everything for you, but it came with a constant worry of other women. you weren’t insecure about yourself in any way, but the fact that sanji swooned over every girl he saw hurt a little. you knew he couldn’t help it and that he loved you more than any woman, but it still hurt.
it was the party at water7 to celebrate the straw hats return from ennies lobby. you had wanted to enjoy the party with your boyfriend but he told you he was busy with the kitchen and for you to enjoy your own time. that was until half a hour later you saw him practically drooling over a group of girls not leaving their sides. was he serious? he had turned you down- HIS GIRLFRIEND- to hang out with a group of women he didn’t even know? you were so done. not even having the urge to party anymore you left and decided to stroll around the empty town.
the walk was a lot. you tried thinking of anything and everything to get your mind off of sanji, but nothing worked. you felt stupid. did you really think he wouldn’t left your side the second he saw another girl?
sanji had noticed your absence from the party now. he walked over to nami asking if she had seen her. she told him you had left and went on a stroll through the town.
why would she leave? is she okay? it’s dangerous for such a pretty lady to be walking alone at night! she should’ve asked me to come with her. his angry thoughts soon turned into happy ones once he saw your figure in-front of him. your back was turned as you were still walking away from him, not yet noticing his presence.
“Y/N-SWANNN” you heard him rushing towards you.
“i missed you so much! i was wondering where you were-“ he had stopped when he heard your stuttered breathing. you thought you were doing fine. you thought you could hold it in, but you were wrong. the second you heard his voice you broke down. did he really not know what was wrong?
“y/n are you okay?” that hurt. suddenly instead of just stuttered breaths it all came rushing out. tears were flowing almost so hard you couldn’t breathe. he was still facing your back. you didn’t want him to see you like this. so defenseless and weak. your legs couldn’t support you anymore so you dropped to the ground, curled up in a ball, with your head in your knees, arms wrapped around your head.
sanji didn’t know what to do. should he support you? should he leave you alone? should he apologize? he didn’t even know what was wrong.
you couldn’t blame him. he was a gentleman. telling him to stop would be like changing the thing you loved most about him. you just had to get over it and dust yourself off. but why was it so hard?
sanji had come to your front now, trying to pry your hand away from your face in order to console you but you held your grip.
“please leave me alone sanji” you had said through broken breaths.
“you know i cannot” he replied. with his worried voice you felt even worse. instead of dealing with your emotions alone, you had now worried sanji. this was the one thing you didn’t want.
a/n : slight scrap. its been sitting in my drafts for a while and i don’t know how to continue it. pls lmk if there’s anything you want me to add
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glenechoslasher · 3 months
"Savior" ||
Arthur Morgan x GN!Reader
Rating: None
Length: 2.1k
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Asked by: @photo1030
Ooo! Random thought, maybe can link to my last request. Reader (or character, your choice) gets hurt and Arthur has to take care of them. Maybe shot in the leg and he has to carry them. They get to see a softer side to him, being all caretaker and protective.
Protective Arthur is just... *chef's kiss* I can't explain it but seeing him so good with a gun, being able to down someone within seconds then to turn around and be so gentle with you?? I need it, crave it, even. Thanks for the ask, hon!~
It was supposed to be a simple bank coach robbery, just a quick in-and-out sort of situation, and you insisted that you go along to assist Mary-Beth and Sean, but with Arthur being as worried as he always was, he felt it was best to tag along and make sure Sean didn’t pull you into any other mischief. The Irishman, of course, took offense to that, but he didn’t exactly mind that you two wanted to tag along. The more the merrier, even if the cut of the pay was less.
As much as Arthur tried to insist you remain back, you were headstrong and refused to let him tell you what you were capable of. You’d had a successful string of heists you were able to pull off with the other gang members, so why would this one be any different? Without much argument afterward, you rode off on your horse behind Sean and Mary-Beth, and a disgruntled Arthur followed you all from the rear. 
It was difficult to put into words how this made Arthur feel, but he knew that going along to assist would have eased his discomfort, and hearing Sean’s plan to distract the coach was more than entertainment in itself. But with Sean being inept with firearms, Arthur had ridden alongside your horse to listen in on the plan. 
Mary-Beth was more than excited to get out of the camp and put her talent to good use, and even more so when you had offered to tag along if they wouldn’t mind. “Oh, this is excitin’!” She exclaimed with a large smile on her face. “Easy enough to flag ‘em down, I think.”
Sean was proud of his idea and felt that he should have had more credit, but Arthur, being who he was, was unsure and unimpressed with Sean’s usefulness when it came to stressful situations. 
“I’m just keepin’ an eye on you, MacGuire, I know they’re solid,” he stated matter-of-factly as his horse trotted along to the speed of Ennis. 
“Alright, alright, you get knocked out on a mission one time-”
“More than once,” Arthur corrected. 
The Irishman just scoffed and shook his head. “Look, you can write about it in your journals, but let’s get back to my job, the one I brought y’all in on!” He huffed.
You couldn’t help but laugh at how much those two men were always at each other’s throats, no matter what the other was doing. “Let’s focus, gentleman, the lady and I will have this done lickety-split, it’ll be a cakewalk.” You looked over at Arthur with confidence shining in your eyes, and you thought you caught a glimpse of a smile from across his face, but it was gone before you could blink. 
Sean led the way until they came to a crossroads, then he told you all to keep the horses out of sight as he scoped out where they could hide for the time being. “Alright then, here we are, they’ll be comin’ from the North any minute, you both know what you’re doin’, right?”
Arthur just scoffed and shook his head. “Course they know what they’re doin’,” he replied gruffly.
You jumped down from your horse and patted its muzzle gently. “Mary-Beth is gonna run out and flag ‘em down, I’ll be off a ways to scope out the guards, and you two will be behind the log. Sean will ring off some shots, and Arthur will come in and clean up while I pick ‘em off from behind. Easy.”
Sean looked satisfied with that response and nodded. “Alright, perfect! Now, Morgan, let’s go and get behind this log, you-” he pointed in your direction, “-get over to those trees and don’t be spotted. Mary-Beth, get ready.”
The redhead felt proud of this plan, he was sure everything would work out, and he had the details down to a T. Everything went fine until it didn’t.
Instead of spooking the guards to throw them off, Sean took aim after hearing the way one of the men spoke to Mary-Beth and scoped him from his spot behind the log. Arthur immediately began to fire, albeit reluctantly since Sean was deviating from the initial plan. He hadn’t caught sight of you yet, but he figured you were doing alright for yourself. Then suddenly, a man lunged for Mary-Beth and held a gun to her head, his arm clenched around her throat.
“Let GO of me!” She snapped, trying her best to claw at his arm.
“Got your little lady friend here! Drop your guns!”
Arthur removed his rolling block rifle and watched the man hide himself behind the woman through the scope. “Dammit, he keeps movin’, don’t got a clear shot.”
“I got it!” You suddenly yelled out, and before you had a chance to line up the shot, the man had heard you and took aim. The shot rang out and the bullet penetrated your upper thigh. 
Your scream echoed out and Arthur finally had a clear shot to take the man down for good. “Sean, get Mary-Beth! I got them!” He said as he threw the gun over his shoulder and took off running where you’d fallen to the ground. “Shit, shit, shit,” he mumbled to himself as he finally caught up to you. 
You were trying your best to hold onto your leg the best you could to apply pressure, but it didn’t help much, you couldn’t stifle the scream you released when it hurt a little too much. “Shit, guess I messed that up badly…”
“Nah, you didn’t, lemme see,” Arthur said as he moved your hands, checking out where the wound was. “Ah, right through the meat of the leg but just missed your femoral artery. You’ll be alright, just gotta treat it when we get to camp. C’mon, it ain’t gonna feel pretty.” 
Arthur grabbed his bandana and tied it around your leg the best he could to keep pressure, then he scooped you into his arms and carried you back to his horse. 
Sean and Mary-Beth had cleaned out the coach and the dead men’s pockets as he took care of you, but Mary-Beth felt awful. “Are they gonna be alright?” She asked, her tone laced with worry. 
He just nodded and helped you as carefully as he could onto his horse, but the discomfort was a lot, yet you remained as strong as you could and held onto the horn of the saddle. “Call my horse, please…” You whimpered. “Can’t leave ‘em here…”
“You worry ‘bout yourself, your horse’ll be fine,” the gunslinger assured you as he hopped on behind you. “It’s gonna hurt with the ride but the faster we get back the better. Y’all go on, we’ll split the money when we meet back, don’t let anyone follow you.”
“Sir, yes sir,” Sean said with a meek smile, feeling awful you’d been hurt. “Take care of ‘em, will ya?” 
Arthur nodded in response, whistled for your horse to follow, and rode off as quickly as he could. The ride was definitely painful, but you managed to hold out long enough until you got back to camp, where Arthur had taken you to your tent, which thankfully had some privacy. He left you alone for all of two minutes when he came back with all the necessities he needed to fix you up proper. 
You lay there on your cot, and as you tried to look up at him to speak, all you could do was groan in pain until he placed his hand gently on the back of your neck, having you sit up slightly. “Here, take a shot of whiskey, it’ll help a bit. I gotta dig the bullet out and cauterize the wound.”
After hearing all that and swallowing the burning liquid, your consciousness was in and out, very hazy, until you saw black and just heard the sound of Arthur’s voice. 
Hours later, you awoke with a dry hoarseness in your throat, your eyes blinked rapidly to adjust to the low lamplight that had been inside your tent, and you looked up to see Arthur beside your cot. He already reached for the deerskin and placed it to your lips. You drank greedily at the water until you felt satisfied enough to pull away, coughing from the coldness. 
“There you are,” Arthur greeted softly, removing the deerskin from your grasp. “You’re gonna be fine, just gotta stay off the leg for a while,” he commented. “You feelin’ alright?” He leaned over and dunked a cloth into a bucket of water, then wring it out, and placed it gently over your forehead. 
You looked over at him and smiled softly. “Didn’t know you were so caring,” you joked softly, chuckling to yourself. 
Arthur waved his hand dismissively and scoffed. “Had my fair share of bullets is all, makin’ sure you don’t pull a stunt like that again, you hear?” 
You nodded and a small smile crept across your face, you couldn’t help but stare up at him and admire the man. He acted as if he didn’t care much about others, that he wasn’t any better than a stone-cold killer, but here he was worrying about you and taking care of you. Usually, it was left up to one of the women who were more well-versed in bedside manner, like Miss Grimshaw, but Arthur had insisted on your behalf. Naturally, he didn’t tell you this, it was Mary-Beth who informed you when she came in to visit while Arthur had gone to refill the bucket and grab some more medical supplies from Strauss’s wagon.
“Oh it’s been real sweet, he ain’t left unless he needed to get somethin’ for you,” Mary-Beth beamed. “Almost like somethin’ straight out of one of my books, he’s been real particular, too.”
“Of what?” You questioned.
“He hasn’t let anyone other than me and Tilly into your tent, even was on edge when Charles offered to help.” 
This information made your cheeks feel warm, he was practically babying you back to health, you’d never seen this side of him before. “Wow, I would have never expected Arthur Morgan to be at my bed-side,” you teased as you looked up at the young woman. 
She nodded, still all smiles. “Well, I hear him comin’ so that’s my cue, better leave you to it or else he’ll kick me out,” she joked and stood up from the chair. “You feel better, and holler if you need anythin’ from us.”
“Thanks, Mary-Beth.”
She nodded her head and left the tent, then was quickly replaced by Arthur, who set the bucket down beside his chair and had a bowl of stew in the other hand. “You think you can eat yet?”
You hummed in response and wet your dry lips with your tongue. “I can try if it’ll make you feel better.”
“It would, now here,” he offered as he slowly placed his hand beneath your shoulders, giving you a little push to help you sit up.
“Heard you’ve been fussin’ over me since we got back, that true?”
Arthur sighed, knowing damn well Mary-Beth was going to say something to you at some point. “It ain’t a big deal, no big drama,” he waved it off. “Just makin’ sure you’re gonna be okay, which you are, by the way.” He held the bowl until you were ready to take it and try to feed yourself, but still leaned forward in case he needed to grab it from you. “Just rest up and you’ll be right as rain soon enough.” You grabbed the bowl and smiled over at Arthur, the adoration in your eyes quite apparent. “Arthur… thank you, I know you’re gonna think it’s no big deal, but it is to me. Couldn’t have made it without you,” you remarked. “I owe you-”
“You don’t owe me nothin’, well, except maybe one thing.”
Your head perked up and you offered him a smile. “Anything.”
With that, his mouth curled into a wide smile, thoughts running through his head as if he could have said so many things, but those thoughts would be shared later. For now, he figured he should settle on the obvious. “Promise me next time you ain’t gonna go runnin’ with MacGuire, you need a job done, you ask me.” He sat back in the chair and offered a lopsided grin. 
Thankfully you didn’t bring the spoon up to your mouth; you’d laughed and almost dropped the bowl. “Sure thing, Arthur, anything for you.” Your eyes locked with his and you couldn’t help but feel like you owed him more than that, but for now, you owed him to get better and listen for once. You’d show him how grateful you were when you could use your leg again. 
“Hey, Arthur?”
“Thanks again,” you said softly. 
The man just chuckled and lit up a cigarette after getting your permission. “Anytime, sweetheart.”
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puppydoggraham · 3 months
Hannigram is brokeback mountain coded especially the breakdown scene which is Mizumono
(Jack is Hannibal, Ennis is Will)
Jack: “We could’ve had a good life together. Fuckin real good life. Had us a place of our own. But you didn’t want it.”
Hannibal about Florence. That’s what he wanted with Will before Will betrayed him: a good life together. So much so that he was willing to leave without a sacrifice. This line is parallel to the “I gave you a rare gift but you didn’t want it” line. In the same way that Ennis in the film is struggling (he wants to be with Jack but because of internalized homophobia and his circumstances, he doesn’t feel like he can), Will struggles to choose to have a life with Hannibal because of struggles with his morality, not wanting to accept his feelings both about Hannibal and about his darker nature, and the fact that Hannibal actually has feelings for him which he doesn’t think is possible and doesn’t want to it accept it. Both Hannibal and Jack think that Will and Ennis don’t want to be with them “but you didn’t want it” but they do, hence Will saying “didn’t I?” and the following breakdown from Ennis.
Jack: “So what we got now is Brokeback mountain. Everything’s built on that. That’s all we got boy, fuckin all, so I hope you know that if you don’t ever know the rest.”
A lot of Will and Hannibal’s relationship similarly occurs in private away from the outside world. Brokeback mountain in terms of the show represents all of these private moments that their connection was built on (a lot of season 2 but applicable for pretty much any season).
Jack: “You count the damn few times that we have been together in nearly 20 years and you measure the short fuckin leash you keep me on and then you ask me about mexico and you tell me you’ll kill me for needing something I don’t hardly never get.”
Obviously the timeline is different but it’s a similar sentiment with how Hannibal feels that their shared moments are brief. He obviously needs the connection with Will and hardly gets it, which is what Jack is expressing here.
Jack: “You have no idea how bad it gets. And I’m not you, I can’t make it on a couple of high altitude fucks once or twice a year.”
They never explicitly have sex in the show (we all know I think they did and it wasn’t shown LOL) but applying this to them, Hannibal feels like Will can survive off the lack of intimacy (he’s used to being neglected) meanwhile Hannibal can’t. He wants to have all of Will and isn’t content with hardly having him.
Jack: “I wish I knew how to quit you.”
And there it is yeah…. Hannibal cannot give up Will no matter what. They can’t stay away from each other.
Ennis: “Then why don’t you? Why don’t you just let me be then huh it’s because of you Jack that I’m like this. I’m nothin. I’m nowhere.”
Will frequently blames Hannibal for being the way he is. He also just expects that Hannibal will give up on him (he will not).
Jack then walks over and says “it’s okay” and Ennis says get the fuck off me and lashes out and pushes him away. Jack holds him anyways while Ennis breaks down in his arms and Jack tells him it’s all right and says “damn you Ennis”. Ennis says “I just can’t stand this anymore, Jack.”
Hannibal understands Will. He knows how Will is. He expects this kind of reaction. Even when Will lashes out, Hannibal will take it all and still be there for him. No matter what they cannot be away from each other regardless of the forces that try to keep them apart. When Ennis says he can’t stand it anymore, that could be referring to their separation or the relationship because of the back and forth. Both can be applied to hannigram. Will eventually gave up in s2 in Mizumono and then realized his mistake. Ennis realized that mistake after Jack died and regretted it. Will realized his mistake after Hannibal left (symbolic death), regretted it, and tried to make up for it by going after Hannibal in Florence and making sure he understood better. If only Jack and Ennis could do the same.
In conclusion:
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dearweirdme · 5 days
I was just curious about you and other followers and supporters of Taekook, how we’ve all felt about their relationship the further in we’ve gotten from the beginning of their enlistment. To put into context: despite Paris and T*ennie and everything, 2023 really did come close to convincing me 100% of Taekook, though most days I still tried to retain a healthy sense of skepticism about them.
These days though, we haven’t seen them in a while, so now I feel probably closer to 60-70% that they are SOMETHING more than friends. Like I almost ask myself each day, could they really be that? Isn’t that a little impossible? And if they are… can they manage to make it through this difficult period of extended separation? What would they even be like when they come out of the military?
It’s not like I’m having doubts, but it does just seem too good to be true the further away we get from seeing them in the present time.
I wonder if you or your other followers are feeling this way…
Hi anon!
My feelings and ideas about them haven’t changed. My expectations about seeing them together or hearing about them together during enlistment were very low even before they left last december. To me this is a period of time in which we will most likely get nothing to base our understanding of the current state of their relationship on. My state of mind going through this period is basically that I believe they were probably together before they enlisted, I am aware of the possibility of them not making it through this, but I have high hopes that they will. I think a possible breakup will be noticeable when BTS reunites.. and in the meantime all we can do is base our thoughts on whatever we might get to see.
I’ve seen comments about them having broken up because Tae hasn’t posted Jk yet and on them having not seen each other yet. To me those things mean nothing. Would it surprise me if Tae posted Jk at one point.. no, but at the same time I’m never expecting him to. Even last year, though it was a great Tkk year, we probably saw them together way less than they actually were. Just like all members probably saw each other more than we were aware of. They choose when to post about each other, they do not only post about each other when they actually meet. People will call me an idiot for this probably, but Jk doesn’t seem to want to be seen at the moment.. and I think all members would probably be aware of how the others want to be present in fandom right now.
It’s a hard time for those who like to have reassurances every now and then. Selfdoubt is a thing and it very often occurs when looking back at things. It does not surprise me that Tkk fandom has become a bit.. quiet lately. It is something we have to deal with though, because I truly think we won’t get much realtime Tkk for another year. Personally I’m not bothered much, because I always deal well with not knowing everything. I did not become a Tkkr without looking into things extensively first, and my ideas about everything I’ve seen have not changed. To me all the Tkkry from the past is still as valid as it was before enlistment.
I always kinda wonder about the ‘good to be true’ aspect I see sometimes (and I’m not wanting to be critical here, I just truly wonder), because to me that seems like people think Tae and Jk are this magical fairytale come to life. If we are correct about them I do feel we are seeing something unique, but to me it does not carry much of the magical fairytale. I think what we have spotted is the very cruel treatment of two boys/men in love. Sure, they are rich and famous and handsome and their love ia of the greatest kind, but a lot of the things we have spotted is actually signs of closeting, of two sensitive boys having to hide their feelings. While I do get the romantic side of seeing Tae and Jk together (obviously I do 🥰🥰🥰), I have at times thought that maybe if I were wrong about them it wouldn’t be a bad thing.. because that would mean that they didn’t go through some of the hard stuff I think they went through.
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cervviidae · 3 months
i let you know me. see me. i gave you a rare gift.. but you didn’t want it, ennis. so what we got now, is brokeback mountain 🤣🤣🤣
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angstics · 2 months
something i read about brokeback mountain shifted how i saw gay issues when i was younger. the dominant reading of brokeback is epitomized when jack twist says to ennis del mar, “we could’ve had a good life together.” the perceived tragedy is that ennis was so traumatized by the world’s homophobia that he couldnt live a gay life, loud and proud, like and with jack (our liberated hero). but jack doesnt accuse ennis of being scared, even when knowing of the lynched men from ennis’s childhood… one of his next lines in that monologue is “but you didn’t want it.” the interpretation i mentioned read that as the true separation btwn jack and ennis: different understandings of “being gay”, separated by urban and rural lifestyles, which CRUCIALLY arent better than the other. the tragedy is a universal take on conflicting desires that cant be compromised. it’s ridiculous to call rural gay men who aren’t necessarily out a lesser sort of gay — or repressed, cowardly, even “tragic”. that being “out” is the only honest and happy way of living. especially when what is honest and happy for someone depends on their circumstances… the warped idea that one lacks value by not being out is all over gay media and gay history and perceptions of gay people
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beauty-and-passion · 16 days
TMA - Chapters 71-80: And now?!
Hello everyone, and welcome to the end of season 2.
It took a while for this post to come out, but it's finally here and oh boy, I cannot wait to see what will happen. What will Jon find in the tunnels? How many more mysteries will be uncovered? And how many more questions will arise?
Only one way to find out.
<< Main Masterlist < Previous post 
MAG 71 - Underground
Welp, saying that this start was disappointing is an understatement.
Not only we have the most useless statement until now, which is basically the fear of being buried alive mixed with the London Tube, but also Random Dead Guy no. 247. In the end, not even Mrs. Górka cared about her own statement. Wow, that’s probably a new record of indifference.
At least I am glad to see Jon is slowly coming back to his senses: he’s sure there is someone human in these tunnels but, instead of going down again on his own, he chose to wait for Basira’s assistance. Thank you, Jon, for still valuing your life.
But wait, is there really someone human in these tunnels? Could it really be the umpteenth Lukas, hidden for killing reasons and killing reasons only? When I said it, I was joking, I didn’t expect my words to come true. If it’s truly a Lukas, I might die laughing.
MAG 72 - Takeaway
Meat is back. And it’s more supernatural than ever.
You know, I’m starting to enjoy the supernatural meat. It’s a weird little thing, there are too many people involved with it and I can’t fully understand what kind of supernatural shit it is, so I’m curious to see if we will understand it a bit more.
Well, not that this statement really helps with it. I mean, in addition to meat, it also gave us:
a kid who wrote MEAT IS ME, so I supposed he’s the body of the supernatural meat. Or maybe not and he’s just a red herring.
John Haan, who died, or maybe not because apparently no one can die.
Tom Haan, who was in MAG 30 and killed himself but, guess what, he’s alive as well.
Mr. Goodall maybe is part of the supernatural meat too, considering that his ankle should’ve been cut and he should’ve lost a few fingers but he did not.
So… I suppose Jared Hopworth isn’t the meat and that the meat and the boneturner are different supernatural shits. There are too many shits in this world, I hope we will have a full list one day.
Speaking of supernatural shits, it looks like it’s the end of the run for Maxwell Rayner: Basira is going to arrest him.
Yes, sure, I totally believe the police can get him, considering he’s the Dark or whatever name has his supernatural shit. What do you bet he will mysteriously find a way to disappear/escape?
Also… why doesn’t Jon want Daisy’s presence? Does he fear she will beat Rayner so much to kill him? Or is Daisy some supernatural shit as well?
MAG 73 - Police Lights
Contrary to my expectations, the police truly managed to stop Maxwell Rayner. Or did they? *dum dum duuum*
But let’s start from the beginning: what was Rayner/the Dark trying to do? Was it trying to find a new host in Callum Brodie? Considering that Maxwell Rayner was very old, I suppose that the supernatural shit wanted the youngest possible host. But why this child in particular?
Second: is Rayner truly dead? We also saw Natalie Ennis from MAG 25 who was missing and seemed dead. And we already know about the tendency of these little shits to die multiple times and always come back to life.
Third: why is Jon so sure that the story is over and Maxwell Rayner is actually, truly, 100% dead? He knows others survived. He knows these shits tend to come back to life. What’s different with him? 
Speaking of Jon: so he thought about quitting but…
"It’s not an option, of course. I’m in far too deep now. I get the impression that to quit would be giving up whatever small protection I seem to have here. I just wished... I don’t know."
Do you know what that reminds me? When I talked about Jane Prentiss, I said she went to the Institute because that’s what prey do when they feel threatened: they hide behind a bigger predator. Here, Jon is basically doing the same: he’s relying on the big predator’s protection to survive.
And yes, of course now it’s too late, damn you, Jon, and damn your curiosity. We got the most important lesson in MAG 2, literally at the beginning of the series, and the lesson was: don’t get involved in any supernatural shit. And what did you do instead, Jon? Uh?
But seriously, I’m starting to get scared. Not only he’s getting too involved in general, but with the statements too and I fear he’s connecting with Big Brother in more ways I still cannot understand.
MAG 74 - Fatigue
Holy shit, this statement was a trip and I loved it.
I liked Jane Prentiss’ statement so much because it was a stream of consciousness and I like this statement for the same reason, even if the two streams of consciousness have very different focuses: Jane’s was mostly about her own emotions and thoughts about the Hive, while Lydia Halligan’s statement is more of a collection of images, facts, events, memories and nightmares mixed so much you can't distinguish what's real anymore. And there are vivid images and recurring elements too, like the billboard.
Mmmh… now that I think about it, I probably like it so much, because I try to achieve something similar with my writing style. I always try to show the story with vivid images, but I also want to show the character’s thoughts and ideas through vivid/symbolic/evocative/recurring images. That’s because I want to keep the POV as close to the character as possible, so the reader can know them through their own mind, thoughts, thinking patterns and yes, writing style (which should vary depending on the character).
This statement does a great job of making me know Lydia Halligan better: it makes her an interesting character and some images are so vivid, I can still feel them. Like when she lays down on the tarmac and says it’s warm and soft. I can still feel the warmth and the small “grains” against my cheek.
And then, among all these beautiful images, we get a tall guy with curly blond hair and holy shit, Michael?!
Yes, it looks like my Boyo came back from the war and he’s still adorable, creepy as fuck and weirdly interested in this woman. Why? Was it just messing with her? Or was it trying to connect with her the way other supernatural shits try to? It didn’t look like Michael wanted to “eat” her as it was last time with Mrs. Richardson, after all.
Thank god, instead of going down the tunnels, Jon put on a camera. Thank you, Jon, for using your brain.
And the camera showed him not just Not!Sasha doing Not!Sasha things, but also… a middle-aged guy with a case, who comes, picks statements from the archives and leaves?! Uh? Who the fuck is this guy, now? I thought it was a Lukas hiding for killing reasons or maybe some weird supernatural shit… but who is this guy now? A supernatural businessman/thief? What is he stealing? And how the fuck can he move the floor away and put it back? What supernatural shit is he? The Ghost? The Ghostly Thief? I’ll call him Ghostly Thief.
MAG 75 - A long way down
Holy shit, Michael Crew is back! And he’s the Vast or the Lightning or whatever the fuck he is. By now, I have no idea. All I know is that he’s scary and he… uh… searches for people to give them nausea and… idk, throw them from a window? Zap them? He’s still very mysterious and I don’t really understand what is he doing, less alone why and how.
And even Jon isn’t so sure. More or less:
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It looks like my suppositons were kind of true: the Leitners change people. Either because they make it easier to connect to a supernatural shit or for other reasons, they still play a role.
Also, Jon is a bit confused: Robert Kelly didn’t meet Michael Crew, but Simon Fairchild. So either Simon and Michael are the same person (just at different ages), or Simon Fairchild truly is the Grandfather of the Vast, while Michael Crew is the Vast.
Or maybe Michael is the Vast and Simon is just another fucker who pretends to be something he’s not. No idea, but I can’t wait to better understand.
Basira! You’re back! And you stole a goddamn box of tapes. This woman is truly the most badass of them all: the police cover for the other agent’s death? Well, fuck them, no more loyalty given, time to steal as much as possible and give all the tapes to the obsessed Archivist.
Honestly? I’m thrilled. I know we will find the real shit now. I know Gertrude’s tapes will blow my mind. And I really REALLY hope to find out stuff like the structure of this world, the existence of these supernatural shits and everything else.
MAG 76 - The Smell of Blood
Once again, a useless statement. It’s just “Melanie gets into a haunted train carriage and gets hurt by a psycho/ghost/guy and stuff about blood”. Not the most interesting thing ever.
But at least the plot evolved a little bit: Melanie will now go to India to learn more about ghosts (goddamit Melanie, and here I thought you valued your life. But nope, Jon’s influence got you and now you also think self-preservation is overrated) and, most importantly, she planted the seed of doubt about Sasha. She remembered the real one and now, finally, Jon is starting to truly suspect about her. Does that mean Not!Sasha will be the final boss of this season? Will it be unmasked?
MAG 77 - The Kind Mother
Omg a declaration about the Not-Things! Another one! This time, it was an insufferable mother replaced by a kinder version.
And yes, I noticed that Gertrude said this “Not Thing” could be “an aspect of The Stranger”. Well, it looks like we have another name for these supernatural shits. After the End, the Hive, the Vast and the Boneturner, we have the Stranger.
Even more interesting is that this “Not Thing” isn’t the Stranger itself, but “an aspect”. So these supernatural shits can appear/show themselves in different ways. So I suppose that the weird twisted corridors are aspects of Michael and the black shadows from MAG 63 are aspects of Maxwell Rayner. This reduces the number of supernatural shits (which is good for my memory), but since I still don’t know how many actual supernatural shits there are, I really really want a full list.
Holy shit, Gertrude labeled this statement as “Changeling / Imposter”?! Just like I called Not!Sasha! Great minds think alike? XD Or maybe Gertrude is just a more practical lady, compared to Mr. “let’s pick the most evocative, poetic and dramatic names for these shits”.
But hey, despite Jon being a bit dramatic in his naming choices, at least he’s a clever guy and immediately realized that yep, that’s not Sasha, that’s a fucking imposter. And he wants to kill it! Oh gosh, Not!Sasha is truly going to be the final boss of season 2! Can’t wait to see this new battle unfold.
MAG 78 - Distant Cousin
Oh, so we immediately found the statement Gertrude was talking about. And it’s about another one of these Not Things that is being imprisoned by the table. Uh, that’s interesting: so the table/the Spider Gang is effectively a potential “predator” of this supernatural shit.
This makes me think that:
maybe these supernatural shits are not all equally powerful gods, but some might be the “predator” of someone else. A sort of “water beats fire" kind of situation. Maybe the Spider Gang can destroy the Stranger. Maybe the sick guy can defeat the End. Something like this.
In MAG 51, while talking about the Not Things, Not!Sasha said: “It didn’t sound like the sort of thing that would want to be bound to an object.”. At the time, I thought it was because they didn’t like the table/spider stuff. But it looks like they don’t like it, because it’s an effective enemy that can bind them. Love how things work in retrospectn TMA's author truly had things planned in advance.
Oh, I love the pure rage in Jon’s words: “And now I see you.”. This man is so done, I can't wait to see him go apeshit. After 78 episodes with people waking up and choosing violence, Jon decided: “You know what, now it’s MY time to wake up and choose violence”. And if I stan others doing it, I stan Jon even more.
But first, he had to save Tim and Martin’s lives, because he might be a bit of an ass, but deep down he’s a good boy and wants his friends not to risk their lives again. Awww.
And speaking of good boys… my Boyo Michael is back and holy shit what the fuck is happening. Jon destroys the table, which of course was a stupid move - goddamit Jon, haven’t you heard the statement? I thought you wanted to use that table to bind Not!Sasha! Why the fuck are you destroying it?!
And then… Michael is all soft laughs, while he reminds Jon that hey, there’s only one way out :) you might need my help :) tell me you want my help :) He’s creepy and adorable. I love him.
But also: what will happen now?! What will the next episode be? Did Jon enter one of Michael’s weird corridors? I need to find out!
MAG 79 - Hide and Seek
As it was for season 1, the second to last episode of this season is incredibly full of elements. I will try my best to analyze them:
Martin and Tim are my precious boys
Oh, I love their dialogue: we get to see more of Tim’s resentment towards Jon, sure, but we also see him speaking words of truth and saying what I’ve been saying for two seasons:
“I’m pretty sure it would stop Elias firing John even if he decided to try actually running the place for once.”
See? I’m not the only one who thinks Elias does nothing else besides being suspicious af and keeping his ass on a chair all the time. He’s so bad at his job, even his subordinates know it.
Elias’s lazy ass aside, we also get to see more of Martin’s thoughts and gosh, when he wants, this man has an attitude and I stan.
I mean, look at how he scolded Tim:
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But also, bless his soul, all Martin wants is to everyone to live in peace and be happy. I hope his wish will come true and this series will end with them being happy - first, they will probably go through hell, but in the end they deserve some peace, come on.
Michael is a sassy queen
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I love Michael. He’s such a sassy queen, always with a smile in his voice, even while saying creepy, scary shit.
And yes, I know what TMA’s author is doing: he wants me to think Michael will “eat” Martin and Tim. But you know what? I don’t believe it. We lost Sasha, fine, but she was the most “useless” character. These two are basically co-protagonists. Can two co-protagonists die now? With three more seasons to go? If they’ll ever die, I suppose they will around season 4. Dying now would leave the entire story on Jon’s shoulders only for three entire seasons. Seems a bit too much, imho.
Or maybe more people will come and take their place? But then what? Season one dies one person, season two dies two people, season 3 dies three people, season 4 dies four people and season 5 dies everyone? Nah, don’t think so.
Also, Michael is my Best Boyo and I love him and I don’t want to start hating him, so I really REALLY hope he will not kill them. Please Michael, please be a good boy, please keep them in your weird corridors but do not kill them.
Opposite supernatural shits!
"God, I’m an idiot. Smash the table, kill the monster, stupid! Lazy, sloppy assumption. Of course the table was binding it. The table is webs and spiders. Spiders are something else. They don’t help each other, they oppose, they... they weaken. It was caught in a web, and I... All the pieces were there. And I just... I couldn’t see it."
Wow, didn’t expect a confirmation of my words so soon! It looks like I was right when I said that these supernatural shits work in a “water opposes fire” kind of situation. Glad to know I was right.
Big Brother has a lot of eyes
"So the monster got its friends to carry the table all around, and it still got to take faces and scare people. Then one day it was sent to the house of its enemy, which had the biggest eyes you ever did see. The monster was sent there to steal all its secrets, but it was sad because it couldn’t scare anyone any more."
Okay, so:
The Not Thing has friends who carry the table around. And we know their friends are Breekon & Hope Delivery, because they carried the table in the Institute.
The enemy with “the biggest eyes you ever did see” is clearly Big Brother and holy shit, I was right when I said it has one million eyes or something. And it looks like they’re all pretty big. Scary af, love it.
The Not Thing was sent to steal Big Brother’s secrets. What kind of secrets?
Speaking more of eyes, Not!Sasha reconfirms the eye theme, by saying that:
“I wear you, will I really become the Archivist? Rob the eye of its pupil?”
Which means:
Big Brother truly has eyes
Jon is somehow Big Brother’s pupil - maybe in more sense than one. He’s not just his beloved human, but his literal pupil, because Big Brother can look at the world through his eyes.
*Gravity Falls intensifies* *Stanford Pines intensifies* *If this thing is triangular I’m going to explode*
Is this how Big Brother connects to the Archivist? Is this the crimson fate? Is this Jon’s destiny? Becoming a means through which the supernatural shit can express itself?
The Unknowing!
"You’ll miss the Unknowing, of course, but you wouldn’t understand it anyway."
Okay, now, what the fuck is the Unknowing. A supernatural shit? But Not!Sasha talked about it, as if it’s an event rather than a being. So, what is this? What does Jon have to understand? I don’t remember exactly where, but there was someone else in the past who said something similar about “not understanding it”. I’m so curious!
Interlude: voices, vibes and sounds are top tier 
I don’t talk about this enough, but gosh, the cast is made of great voices only. Every word is full of passion, they convey all emotions so well and I love them all so much <3
I can feel Martin’s rage when he raises his voice. I can feel Jon’s regret when he says that, despite knowing the truth now, he still can’t remember Sasha’s face (that part broke me, so beautiful, so desperate, it was amazing).
And you can feel Jon’s fear when you hear Not!Sasha’s voice approaching, closer and closer. You can hear the tears in his words, the regret when he says he’s sorry about everything, his urgency when he tells his friends to leave the Institute.
And Not!Sasha’s voice? The distorted, echoing effect is amazing, it makes it 20x scarier. And it looks like Not!Sasha’s real shape is like “a stretched person”, so my mind immediately made the connection:
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This series is starting to become suspiciously similar to Mandela Catalogue. And if Gravity Falls ended on a positive note, Mandela Catalogue looks like a tragedy and I fear TMA will lean in that direction.
And now, who the fuck are you?
So, after founding Jon, after him literally begging to live, Jon is saved by… bricks? Shifting bricks? I mean, after thinking about it, I realized it meant something like “a whole wall shifting”, but when I heard it the first time, I thought that someone was throwing stones at Not!Sasha and, apparently, that was enough to kill it. It was hilariously funny.
But I can’t even take a sigh of relief for Jon still being alive, that I am suddenly greeted by a “mysterious figure” who wants to have a chat with Jon.
And when I read it, my first comment was: “and now, who the fuck are you?”.
Then I connected: this is Ghostly Thief! The maybe-human middle-aged man who shifted the floor to enter and exit the tunnels and steal stuff. And he wants to talk! We will have answers! Fine, probably we won’t have all answers, but we will have something!
MAG 80 - The Librarian
Sorry, but I was a little… a-hem… surprised. Yes, let’s say I was surprised.
So not only the Norwegian fucker just appeared like nothing, but he gave answers and hints and holy. Fucking. Shit.
But let’s start from the beginning:
The missing two books
The Seven Lamps of Architecture by John Ruskin is the book that helped Leitner “shift” the floor and the structure of the tunnels. That’s why Jon found everything weird and complicated: because Leitner was deliberately messing with the architecture of the tunnels.
A Disappearance removes you from the world, but if you read some parts, it hides you. And that’s how Leitner has been able to stay hidden until now. Very clever.
Three years ago Leitner went out and Gerard found him and beat him to death. Not only this proves Gerard is a hero and a mood because I would’ve beaten this fucker too, but it somehow confirms my man Gerard truly died. I am devastated.
“The reverse Pandora”
“I saw myself as a guardian, a reverse Pandora, gathering the evils of the world and locking them away.”
I appreciate the change that happened in Leitner from the angry little man described in MAG 35 to the guy he is now. And speaking of MAG 35, now I can understand why he was so obsessed with the idea of the hidden library: he thought he had a mission. He thought he was the chosen one. And he wanted to store his books safely, without them “reacting” to each other.
And wow, he did his job so well, he collected 978 volumes. Nine seven eight. I thought we would’ve had a collection of… 20 volumes at least. My supposition was pretty far from the truth, lol.
The attack
Just like Pandora opened the vase and all evils flew out, so all evil books have been set free by a sudden attack, who involved:
“Thomas McMann was stabbed through the throat by something with too many teeth and limbs like knives.”. - The Boneturner?
“Mary Johnson was pulled into a cavernous maw that opened beneath her.” - The Dark?
“Gregory Todd ran into a door that shouldn’t have been there.” - Michael.
“A great hand reached down through the roof and plucked away Leandra Toulouse.” - The Vast?
“And there was one other assistant pulled into a great, pulsating pile of meat.” - the supernatural meat.
If I am right and those five worked together, something must’ve happened back then. How and why did Michael become neutral? Are they on the other side of the “war” that’s going on?
The origin of the supernatural entities
Holy shit, I asked for a backstory of these entities and I got a backstory of these entities. Mr. Sims, TMA’s author, thank you for listening to me and providing me with the answers. I appreciate this sort of “time-delayed connection” we got.
And you know what, it’s an interesting backstory. It’s fascinating to imagine these beings that are not in our universe, but “adjacent” to it:
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It’s a very exciting concept, because it can be explored in two different ways:
These beings are curious and they want to enter our universe, because they see it as their property/a place in which extend their dominion. To circle back to the ant analogy, it would be a bit like a human trying to “open” the anthill for their needs, because the anthill is on their property.
These beings feel like they are trapped, “glued” to our universe. They feel like they’re forced to move towards it, to interact with it, because there is nothing else in the space where they live. Because there is nothing else, besides this place. And maybe they hate it, they resent it and they do not care about anything and anyone: all they want is more space to move.
I hope we will have more of these beings talk about their place, their feelings toward our universe and their goals, because it would give us a wonderful insight into how they see it. Maybe their point of view is similar to 1) and they’re more possessive/curious. Or maybe it's more similar to 2) and they’re bitter and resentful. I really hope we will know more about this.
Everything revolves around books
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Again, I was kinda right: the books can help you to connect to these beings, because the books are their essence. A bit like surging into their power a bit.
And the monsters are not minor supernatural shits: they’re parts of these shits, like muscles. Again, it reconfirms these beings re not 200 but less - which is good for me - and makes them even more eldritch-esque and weird. Really liked it.
Many new names
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Wow, I almost got Michael’s name too, didn’t I? It’s not Mr. Distortion, but simply the Distortion.
And he’s not exactly a supernatural shit, but part of it: a “lying power” called the Spiral. That’s probably why he’s associated with fractals too. Pretty cool!
Also: this helps us understand why Michael has so many issues with identity. It’s because Michael isn’t an entity, but part of it. It makes sense, it’s so logical! I love when things fit so well in a story.
What a surprise, hold onto your seat, you won’t believe it…
Hear me out, guys: Elias killed Gertrude.
I know, what a shocker, I can't believe it, it’s not like he had “I KILLED GERTRUDE” written all over his face.
Joke aside, he did it… because Gertrude wanted to burn down the Archives? She woke up and chose violence! Like everyone else! I stan this woman even more.
And yes, I want to give Elias the same treatment Gerard gave Leitner.
Elias and Big Brother
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Did Leitner just casually tell me that Elias is Big Brother?
Listen, when I said that everyone is a supernatural shit here I was joking. It was a joke, IT WAS A JOKE-
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Holy shit, we got Big Brother’s name too! And yes, I could’ve guessed it: it has eyes, of course it’s called the Eye. When it'll be called The All-Seeing Eye, I will start to fear it’s really Bill Cipher.
The Stranger and the war
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Oh, so I got it wrong: The Unknowing it’s not an event, but just another name for the Stranger. And this Stranger shit seems pretty important, considering they’re all looking for it.
Speaking of “they”, Elias replies that “we” will stop them. So I suppose that “they” and “we” are the two sides of the war Michael talked about chapters ago. And considering what Leitner said before, I suppose these two sides are:
The entities that attacked Leitner and his assistants, aka the Boneturner, the Dark, the Distortion, the Vast and the supernatural meat.
Elias/the Eye, the Lukas family and their supernatural shits. And maybe someone else?
And then we have the Stranger in the middle - oh, and let’s not forget the spider lady, the supernatural fog and the End. On which side are they? Also, Michael switched and became neutral, so maybe something else happened and the sides changed even more? Nnnngh, I want to know!
Killers, killers everywhere
And then, just like nothing, Elias kills Leitner on tape, by beating him to death. Holy shit this man might be lazy when it comes to the job, but he’s ruthless when it’s time to kill.
Also, fuck you Elias, now who will give me answers? I was a bit angry with Leitner for tricking me, but he was willing to talk! And cooperate! And after explaining himself, I was forgiving him too! Fuck you again.
Martin and Tim my beloveds found a way to come back to the Institute! (thank you, Michael, for not eating them) And the first thing they find is a dead man in Jon’s office.
... They’re totally gonna believe Jon did it, aren't they?
In conclusion
Holy shit what an ending!
We got Leitner, we got answers, we got more mysteries.
And now? I have no idea. Will Jon run from the law? Will he hide at Basira’s place? Will we see him in prison? Will Jon be able to explain himself? Will Martin and Tim realize how dangerous Elias is and beat him to death before he does the same to them?
And what about the Stranger? Will we see it? Will we find out even more about these supernatural entities?
I really don’t know. And I love when a series does this to me: after the season 1 ending, I could’ve predicted a few things, like that Jon would’ve found out who was Gertrude's killer. But now? Now I really have no idea! And I can’t wait to be surprised by what will happen.
TMA’s author, Mr. Sims, you truly are one of a kind. I approached this story with a mild interest, then my expectations rose. Now, you gave me actual backstory and explanations about these supernatural entities.
Next I want to see how you developed all the given premises. I know there are still three seasons to go, but a good story should drop elements on the way. It’s like building a palace: the foundations are here, we just need more planes to be build on them. And then, all these planes should start to converge and be stable enough for the conclusion. But we’ll talk about that in due time.
For now, thank you Mr. Sims and thank you all for following me in this little adventure. I will come back with season 3 very soon, but in the meantime take care of yourself <3
>> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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karatekels · 5 months
TIGmas Day #8 – What You Do To Me
Today’s request is for @iliketoboopacat, who has requested KK3 Terry doing what only Mr. Silver can: overwhelming Reader with adoration that crosses over into sweet, sweet torture. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: You and Terry have been together for quite awhile now and he is crazy about you. Before he can tell you that he loves you, he decides to test your loyalty by seeing how you respond to another man trying to seduce you at a gala. Once you pass his test with flying colours, he sneaks away with you to confess his love, and shows you just what it’s like to have his full devotion…
TW: Deception; unhealthy relationships; dirty talk; edging; overstimulation; degradation kink; crying kink; praise kink; fingering (vaginal); graphic sex;
What You Do To Me
Reader’s POV:
The interior of the Ennis House had been transformed into a thing of pure fantasy, and you had been decorated along with it. DynaTox’s annual Christmas party was being hosted at its CEO’s home for the first time, an uncharacteristically vulnerable choice that let the employees and their guests have a glimpse into the life of the man himself. One would almost think that as they stepped over the threshold into the house that they had been transported from California to the mountains of Colorado, fake snow mounded around the bases of real pines. An honest-to-goodness ice rink had been constructed in the Grand Ballroom, the waitstaff skating amongst the guests with trays of champagne and hors d’oeuvres in hand.
Despite all of this revelry, there’s only one thing on your mind.
Where’s Terry?
This is the first elite party you’ve attended where you are also playing the hostess. You had anticipated that Terry, who normally kept you glued to his side constantly, would be even more insistent to have you with him – the two of you had been together for long enough now to be considered serious, and he had made clear his intentions to get you used to being in his circles.
But now, when you needed him around, he was nowhere to be found. You ordinarily felt a bit at sea when you weren’t by his side, especially at lavish events like these, but now that you were in a way responsible for the event you feel like you’re outright drowning. Servers, caterers, and security had all come to you for directions, and you have been doing your best to guide them, hoping that everything would go off without a hitch. So far, it had.
“Excuse me, Y/N L/N?” comes a voice from behind you, and you turn, bracing yourself to put out yet another fire.
Instead you find Michael Nelson, the star quarterback from your high school days. He seems to have grown nicely into adulthood and success, judging by the way his expensive suit fits his strong build. Was this some sort of a weird dream?
Michael had been the first man you had fallen for – but then, all the girls had fallen for him back in the day. But you had been friends and neighbours growing up, you knew each other.
You’d thought you’d had a chance with him, but the opportunity never came.
It had taken you quite awhile to get over your infatuation, and looking at him now you still have those childish butterflies in your belly. The man was the epitome of the one who got away, after all.
“Michael Nelson!?” you say his name with incredulity. What was he doing here, anyway? He didn’t work for DynaTox, not that you knew of anyway.
“You remember me!” he exclaims, giving you a warm smile that would’ve made you melt back in school. Instead, it has you worrying about Terry taking this moment to appear – he doesn’t appreciate other men chatting you up.
“Of course I do, Michael,” you reply distractedly, scanning the ballroom for Terry. “How have you been?” Your brain doesn’t even register his response, letting him talk to himself as you try to find a way out of the conversation.
“Y/N?” he asks, trying to reclaim your attention. Your eyes reluctantly slide back over to his; you don’t want to be rude to him, after all.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” you ask, giving him an apologetic smile.
“I said that I’m glad I ran into you; it’s been awhile. And you look wonderful tonight.”
His eyes roam across your expensive, form-fitting velvet dress, and you’re grateful that you elected to wear this one with the turtleneck rather than a lower cut neckline as his eyes linger on your chest.
“Thank you, Michael. So do you.” You return the compliment with a complete lack of enthusiasm, and he pretends not to recognize it, sensing that you’re going to try to leave the conversation.
“Can I get you a drink?” He cuts in eagerly, head inclined down towards yours as though he was trying to hypnotize you into accepting. “I would love to catch up and hear about what you’ve been up to since we last saw each other.”
“I’m sorry, I actually need to go tend to a few things. I’m one of the people in charge of this circus! It was… nice running into you.”
You turn and walk away from him without another word, your eyes now scanning the party not just for Terry but for anyone you recognized who would be able to keep Michael at bay. Miraculously your eyes land on Margaret, and you make a beeline for the older woman trying not to look too desperate.
“Is everything alright, Miss L/N?” she asks as you approach, taking in your panicked expression.
“Have you seen Terry? I can’t find him anywhere!” You’re doing your best to appear at least somewhat poised, not wanting to look too pathetic – you couldn’t expect Terry to solve all of your problems for you, after all. He already did so much…
“Mr. Silver had an important matter come up that he needed to attend to. He’ll rejoin the party when he’s finished.”
You bite back the small pout you feel start to twist your lips; you hate being at these sorts of events without him, but to be partly responsible for making sure things ran smoothly in his absence is an entirely different level of overwhelming.
“What are we going to do? The staff keep coming up to me for instructions, and I don’t know what to tell them!” you ask, your brows knitting together. Margaret lifts an eyebrow at you.
“I will handle any issues that arise, Miss L/N. Mr. Silver rarely troubles himself with organizing the events he plays host to. You should enjoy your evening,” she suggests firmly, dismissing you without another word as she turns on her heel and disappears into the crowd. You briefly look around for anyone else you recognize that you could start a conversation with but give up after a moment, needing to just get away from everything now that you know you aren’t needed to help the evening go smoothly.
You make your way out onto one of the small terraces that lined the property of the Ennis House, trying to keep to the shadows as you take a minute to yourself. You know that it’s silly, feeling disappointed – Terry was an incredibly successful and important man, and the party had plenty to offer by way of distraction. But you find that you don’t want to enjoy yourself without him there beside you; you always wanted to share everything with him.
The breeze is lovely, but the relative quiet is what you find really refreshing. You take another deep breath of air, bracing yourself to re-enter the party. Hopefully Terry wouldn’t be too long, and when he returned he could see you having fun and fitting into his world the way that you so desperately want to.
“I never knew you to be the type of woman who liked to play hard to get, Y/N.”
Michael’s voice is harsh and quiet as he joins you out on the dark terrace, sending a shiver down your spine. You whirl around in surprise, not having heard his approach, and notice that he is already trying to herd you into the dark corner of the balcony, keeping himself between you and the door heading inside to prevent your escape.
“I’m not playing anything, Michael,” you snap back at him, offended by the insinuation. You don’t remember him being nearly so egotistical back in school.
“Yeah? I thought you said you had to go help with the party but here you are, sneaking away from everyone like you didn’t know I was watching.”
You suppress a shudder. “I didn’t know you were watching. I hoped you weren’t,” you snap at him defiantly, stepping back until your legs hit the balustrade surrounding the porch. Michael keeps coming towards you, increasing his pace as his confidence grows.
“Don’t act so naïve. You’ve been in love with me for years, and everyone knows it. Let’s finally give us a chance, Y/N,” he purrs as he cages you in against the balcony. Gathering your nerve, you give his chest a firm shove until he takes a few steps back from you.
“I’m not interested, Michael; I’m with someone.”
“And what, they’re worried about a little competition? So worried that they’ve left you all alone tonight?”
“There’s no competition to be had! I’m dating Terry Silver; I’m already his.”
He seems briefly taken aback at the news that the man you’re with is the CEO of the company but quickly recovers, his nose crinkling with distaste.
“You’re his?” he echoes you in disbelief. “You’re talking about your relationship like you’re his property!”
You roll your eyes; clearly he wasn’t very familiar with the man that owned his job. That, or he hadn’t considered that the level of devotion you and Terry had for one another was a two-way street – you know that you’re crazy about one another.
“We belong to each other, Michael, and there’s nothing that you or anyone else can do to change that. Now, if you want to keep your dignity and your job intact, I’d recommend leaving, or at least getting the hell away from me,” you hiss, a fire blazing in your eyes.
“B-But Y/N, I –” Michael starts to stammer, but you’ve had enough.
“Leave. Now. Terry doesn’t take well to those who try to steal from him.”
You’re not entirely sure where this fury is coming from, but the thought of someone trying to come between you and the man you love has you absolutely fuming. And you do love Terry, even if you haven’t told him yet.
You have to go and find him, you realize with a sudden urgency as your heart clenches with need. Paying Michael no mind, you move past him and back into the ballroom, determined to find your love.
Terry’s POV:
Terry could not be more pleased with your performance so far this evening. He’s been stealthily following you all evening, either from hidden alcoves or security cameras, unbeknownst to you and the guests. Hosting the annual Christmas party at the Ennis House enabled him to observe you when left to your own devices. Hell, the whole reason he was having this party was to see how you would behave when pursued by another man, especially one he knew you had once held feelings for.
And why has he chosen to test you in this manner?
Because he has come to the conclusion that he is in love with you. Once he had come to that realization, it was as though a switch had been flipped. He now knew without a shadow of a doubt that you are the one he’s going to spend his life with.
But before he can tell you, he needs to make sure that you are just as infatuated with him in order to commit to you fully.
His plans had been elaborate, and had been going on for months now, at the first inkling of falling for you. First, he had needed to do some research into your history, looking for a suitable candidate to test you with. You weren’t the type of person who would be wooed by a celebrity, even though that would have been much easier to organize for his purposes. No, he’d had to find someone that you’d had a connection with, maybe even feelings for.
Your yearbook had been a great source of insight into your early forays into romance, showing photographs of you with some kid, your schoolgirl crush evident in your innocent eyes. After that, it hadn’t taken him long to investigate, determining the extent of your history with this man and confirming that he would be the perfect bait.
Then, he’d had to set the scene so that you could be alone with Mr. Nelson – with him being able to watch in secret, of course – to see if you would even entertain the idea of leaving him for ‘the one who got away.’ That meant purchasing the small law firm that the man worked at, ensuring his attendance at tonight’s event, a worthy investment in his opinion if it meant cementing you by his side permanently. The two of you had kept your relationship relatively quiet and out of the public eye for now, and he had ensured that the other man was not made aware that you were spoken for.
After that, all he’d had to do was wait for tonight’s main event, disappearing into the labyrinth of passages the Ennis House held within its walls and greedily drinking you in with his eyes. You look particularly ravishing tonight in your slinky velvet dress; Nelson had better keep his hands off of you. No one but him would be touching you, on this night or any that came after.
It was difficult for him to stay away from you as the party stretched on, his unwitting pawn apparently needing to down some liquid courage before approaching you. It wasn’t only his own need to be by your side but your own desire to have him with you that nearly has him throwing his own plan out the window and whisking you upstairs and away from the world.
But he was a paranoid man, and he would not be making himself vulnerable without ascertaining your loyalty first.
Fortunately, you had exceeded his expectations, hardly giving the man the time of day as he’d first approached you. Margaret, aware of his plan as always, had played her part brilliantly, refusing to let you cling to her for protection and relieving you of your role as hostess for the evening. You’d have to deal with Nelson now.
He’d cracked the window just above the balcony where the man had rejoined you, eagerly listening in. His large hands gripped the windowsill hard enough to make it crack as he watches the man trying to cage you in, only loosening when you firmly shove the man away from you. Part of his investigation into Michael Nelson had been to determine if there was anything of concern with regards to his romantic history – he wanted to test you, but not if it meant some prick putting their hands on you, let alone causing you any harm. The PIs that he’d hired to dig up dirt had clearly been worth the money, as they’d been correct in their conclusion that Nelson wouldn’t force himself on a woman.
Hearing the way you take him to task was well worth the momentary stress of leaving you alone with another man. And when you’d called yourself his… he had immediately started to get hard, the urge to rush down and take you nearly overwhelming him.
And now he could. You had done more than pass his little test, you had shown him the depth of your devotion.
He waits until you storm past the man than had dared to refer to him as competition before making his way back to the ballroom. Keeping out of sight, he takes a moment to watch you searching for him with desperation. Your persistence is something to be rewarded, and to be rewarded now. Stepping into view, he makes sure to savour the look on your face when you lay eyes on him – relief, desire, need.
He lets you come to him, watching you gracefully twist and bend your body as you slip through the crowd towards him.
In an uncharacteristically public display of affection you throw yourself at him, locking your arms around his neck as you press your body up against him, your eyes seeking out his. He winds his arms around you in a tight hug before gripping your hips, holding you at an arm’s length from him.
“What’s the matter, doll? Are you alright?” he asks innocently. If he had his way (and he would), you would never know his role in how the evening had played out thus far.
Your brow creases adorably and you nibble your lip, likely trying to decide whether or not telling him the truth would have him disappearing to hunt down the man that dared to try to have you for himself. You decide to avoid the topic by gripping the lapels of his suit jacket and pulling him down far enough to speak in his ear.
“Take me somewhere where we can talk, please,” you beg in a breathy whisper, and the needy tone to your voice sends a thrill through him. He tucks you under his arm, immediately leading you to one of the studies just down the hall, closing and locking the door behind him. Ducking under his arm, you turn to face him with hooded eyes, though the tension held in your body is palpable.
“Tell me that I’m yours,” you plead with him, and your need to be claimed has celebratory fireworks going off in his head as you all but proclaim yourself his perfect little doll.
“Of course you are, sweetheart,” he coos, slowly guiding you backwards and over to his desk. You hop up onto it the moment your back hits the wood; he’s trained you well. “You’re all mine,” he purrs as he comes to stand before you, enjoying the way you relax at the words, letting out a deep breath. “But what’s this all about, sweetheart?” he asks, taking your face in hand and stroking your cheek.
“It’s nothing, I… I just wanted to hear you say it,” you mumble in a quiet voice, your eyes fluttering closed as though embarrassed, and that won’t do. The last thing he wants is you feeling ashamed about your need for him; you should be reveling in it. He decides to banish that thought from your pretty little head without dragging things out any further.
“Oh Y/N,” he croons, chuckling slightly. “I love you, my silly girl.”
The expression on your face as your eyes fly open is one that he vows to remember forever.
Reader’s POV:
You are completely taken aback by Terry’s confession, your eyes flying open to look at his face to determine if it was a joke or an accidental slip of the tongue. Instead you find his eyes locked onto your face, gauging your response with an intense expression of his own.
You never would’ve thought he’d be the one to say it first – part of you had thought that he wouldn’t say it ever – which was part of the reason you haven’t told him about your own feelings. Even though the depth of your love for him was likely very apparent, you hadn’t wanted to put it into words at the risk of scaring him off.
You gasp for breath after a prolonged silence, belatedly realizing you haven’t been bothering to breathe, the shock too much for your body to function normally.
“I – I – Oh!” you are unable to get the sentence out, your heart thudding too fast and too hard.
Terry, calm as ever, seems to identify the symptoms of a panic attack and moves to help you work through it, his large hands gripping your shoulders firmly but gently as he bends to your eye-level.
“Breathe with me, Y/N,” he instructs you, taking slow, deep breaths that you try your best to mimic. You keep your eyes locked with his, calmed by their gorgeous shade of blue, and after a few minutes of focus your breathing returns to normal.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” he asks, looking you over with a watchful eye, his brow creasing slightly with worry.
“You love me?” you ask him somewhat incredulously in response to his question. You don’t think you’ll ever be simply ‘alright’ again after this. Terry’s gaze softens, and he takes your face in his hand once more, his thumb softly stroking your cheek.
“I do, but I won’t say it again if it’s going to give you a heart attack,” he jokes, his mouth quirked in a small smile. Your heart skips a beat, and you fight to stay calm, not wanting to give him a reason to stop this thread of conversation. You still can’t quite believe it.
“Say it again,” you beg him in a whisper, your body leaning towards him like a flower to the sun. His nostrils flare slightly as he moves to lean over you, his palms flat on the desk to either side of your hips, making you feel on edge as though he was a about to strike. He lowers his face close to yours, his eyes unblinking, and you feel yourself hypnotized.
“I. Love. You.”
He enunciates each word clearly in a deep, husky voice and the intensity of the confession has you trembling. Rather than the moment being awkward as you are physically unable say the words back to him, Terry seems to take in your reaction with a great deal of satisfaction, his lips curved upward in a slight smirk.
You’re not sure how you’re lucid or coordinated enough in this moment to pull the move off, but you somehow manage to launch yourself off the desk and into his arms, kissing him desperately as though you need the taste of him more than air.
Terry’s reflexes are lightning quick as always, his arms wrapping around you to support you as he returns the kiss, gradually returning you to your perch on his desk, though his lips never leave yours. Something about the way he’s kissing you breathless feels different from before; perhaps you’re just caught in the moment and imagining it, but every brush of his lips against yours feels more intimate, more precious, as though every second of sweet torment is conveying the depth of his love.
“I love you too,” you pant out the words once he lets you up for air, your fingers clinging to his suit jacket as you try to keep him pressed against you. His gaze is still possessive and sensual as he gazes down at you, but you see the way his eyes light up as soon as the words leave your lips. “Please never let me go, Terry.”
“Not a chance,” he growls at you, his hand tangling in your hair as he pulls you towards him for another searing kiss that makes your heart sing.
A loud ripping noise brings you out of your dazed stupor, and Terry’s hands running up your bare thighs helps you attribute the noise to him having torn your dress, extending the side slit from your knee up to your waist.
“Terry!” you whimper against his lips, though you know he doesn’t give a damn about the dress. You get the sense that he would tear through anything to get to you in this moment. He shushes you in response, his hands coming up to tear it off the rest of the way, throwing the scraps of fabric behind him.
“Nothing is going to keep me from having you, Y/N,” he growls against your skin as he laves kisses across your bared flesh, his hands gripping you tightly. Your hands eagerly reach for his belt and begin to unbuckle it, but he snatches your wrists, pinning them none-too-gently over your head against the desk and leaving you squirming as you lay exposed to him. “Oh no no no. You’re getting all the attention tonight, babygirl. I’m gonna make you earn my cock.”
Your head falls back against the desk with a groan – you thought Terry had been intense and nearly torturous with his teasing before. You can’t even imagine what you’re in for now. He chuckles darkly at your reaction, the sound sending a shiver down your spine.
Sitting you up, he tenderly removes your lingerie, his fingers barely brushing your skin and making your body yearn for more. You wriggle your hips to help him slide your underwear down your legs, your whole body tense as you brace yourself for whatever is about to happen.
Instead of touching you, Terry moves to the bar on the other side of the room, pouring himself a whisky. He takes a long sip as he stares you down before resting the glass on a side table as he shrugs off his jacket, draping it across the back of the chair. You wait patiently, biting your lip as you try not to squirm.
“Who do you belong to?” he asks you casually as he neatly rolls up his sleeves to his elbows, not a hair out of place while you sit on his desk flushed and naked.
“You!” you moan, clenching your thighs together as you desperately try to get some friction on your clit. “I’m all yours Terry, just please –”
“What were you made for?” he interrupts you, retrieving his drink and slowly making his way back over to you as though he didn’t have a care in the world. You can see his erection straining against the fabric of his pants, the only visible sign of his arousal.
“To please you,” you whimper, the words spilling past your lips oh-so naturally. He gives you a wolfish grin in your response.
“And what does that mean?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you over the rim of his glass.
“It… it means I’ll do whatever you want?” you reply hesitantly, unsure if that’s the answer he’s looking for. “I’ll do anything, I’ll be anything, just please let me do something, Terry! I need you,” you whine, your fingers digging into the wood of the desk as you grip it tightly. And you do mean what you’re saying – you’re quite sure that you are so enamored by Terry Silver that you will happily do anything he asks of you.
“Let’s test that out,” he leers, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Push your tits together for me.”
Your hands immediately move up to grab your breasts, lifting them up and presenting them to him, your eyes rolling back into your head as your hardened nipples rub against your palms. Terry’s eyes glint as he polishes off his drink, never taking his eyes off of yours. He’s still too far away to touch you, and the realization has you nearly sobbing with need.
“Good girl,” he praises, and you feel yourself getting wetter. “Keep them there, and spread your legs.”
You feel your face burning with humiliation, but you do as he says with no hesitation, opening your legs for him.
A whimper escapes your lips as you spread your legs as wide as you can, fully on display for him.
“Now tell me what you want.”
“Anything. Everything. Just please fucking touch me!”
Terry gives you a pleased grin, finally closing in on you. Tangling his free hand in your hair, he pulls your head back, pouring the remnants of whisky onto your chest and making you shiver as you try to remain in position.
“Such a perfect little doll,” Terry coos, running his hands along your legs. Dipping his head, he laps at the droplets of whisky that run down your body, pulling your hands away from your chest as he lays you back down on the desk, savouring every taste as you arch your back up towards him, craving more.
“You’re so good, so needy for me,” he breathes against the curve of your neck, his lower lip running along your sensitive skin to your ear. “I want you to keep track of how many times I make you come, Y/N. I’m gonna make every fucking inch of you mine tonight, inside and out.”
“Yes Sir,” you chirp up at him with a cheeky smile. He looks down at you with amusement, his dark eyes promising a long night of pleasure that will have you aching and spent.
“Then lay back, pretty girl, and let’s see just how quickly I can make you scream for me.”
It doesn’t take long; the instant his fingers brush against your neglected clit you are wailing for him. Terry pins your hips down with one arm, teasing you with his free hand, quickly pumping two and then three fingers into your tight heat. You let out a constant stream of moans, obscenities and his name the only coherent words you can produce.
“God Y/N, your pussy takes my fingers so good,” he groans, lifting his head and pausing his mouth’s vicious attack on your breasts to watch you coming apart from him.
“Meant to take you – please!” you choke out, tears in your eyes from the intensity of your desire. You can hardly believe how quickly he’s got you on the edge.
“You wanna come already, baby?” he taunts, laughing as you frantically nod your head, unable to speak.“Yeah? Talk dirty for me and let me hear how bad you want it.”
“TERRY PLEASE!” you scream, your voice hoarse and cracking. “Please don’t stop, please make me come for you!” Your fingernails dig into his forearm, trying to keep his hand in place. “I’m so close, you fingerfuck me so good! Right there baby, pleeeease!”
Terry takes your words to heart, keeping your hips still as he curls his fingers inside you, his thumb teasing your clit as your thighs clamp down hard on his hand as you come hard. He doesn’t relent, forcing you to stay in place as he draws out your orgasm, watching you with a fiendish delight as tears stream down your face, your chest heaving as you gasp for breath. Before you can even process anything he’s pushing you to another orgasm without you ever coming down from the high the first time.
After what feels like an eternity he lets up, pulling his hand from between your legs and wiping the evidence of your arousal on your chest until your breasts are shiny with it, the hickeys he’s given you dark and glossy along your flushed skin.
“How many was that, love?” he purrs the petname, smirking smugly down at you. He’s lifted one of your legs over his shoulder, massaging your calf to keep it from cramping up and laying kisses up and down your leg. You hold up two fingers, your hand trembling as you try to get your breathing under control, but he clucks his tongue at you. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
“T-Two,” you whine the word at him, feeling delirious. A low, pleased rumbling emanates from Terry’s chest, and he wordlessly switches the position of your legs to tend to the other.
“Only two, and you’re already such a mess for me, babygirl,” he croons as he kisses your ankle, his tone condescending in a way that has you shuddering with desire. Only Terry could have you feeling like both a dirty, desperate slut and the luckiest, most cherished woman in the world all at the same time. You give a noncommittal hum in response, unable to speak, but he clearly thinks that you’ve had enough of a break. “Flip over for me,” he demands, lowering your leg, and you force yourself to slide off the desk only to turn and bend over it, only barely having the presence of mind to curl your arms together to form a pillow.
“Oh, I know you haven’t had enough yet, doll. Not even close.”
You lift up one leg, your knee resting on the desk, presenting yourself to him to let him know you want more. Terry’s hands knead your ass roughly and you brace yourself with your hands on the desk to try to keep yourself upright. Sex with Terry was as much a mental act as it was a physical one; you always had to anticipate what he wanted from you and what he was going to do next.
“Beg for it.”
“Pleeeeease,” you groan, your eyes scrunched shut as you try to focus on getting the words out. “Please fuck me, Terry – I need you inside me!”
“Do you think I don’t know exactly what this pussy needs?” he snarls, delivering a sharp slap to your clit that has you lurching forwards against the desk and nearly going cross-eyed. He always seems to know just where your line is, getting as close to the boundary as he can in ways that you don’t know how to navigate yourself.
“You do you do you do!” you whine. “It’s yours, my whole body is yours!”
You recognize the sound of fabric rustling and brace yourself for a thorough fucking, but he refuses to touch you until you’re trembling with need.
“Show me how bad you want it, my dirty girl,” he growls, his hard cock teasing your slick entrance as he lubes himself up with your arousal.
With a desperate cry you force yourself to crawl fully on the desk, your shoulders and head pressed against the surface as you reach back and pull apart your thighs and ass, baring the most intimate parts of you to his gaze shamelessly. Your show of obedience is rewarded as he thrusts himself fully inside you, the bone-deep sense of completion echoing through the room as you both moan loudly with satisfaction.
“God, I love this tight little body of yours,” he hisses through his teeth, reaching around to pull you back against his chest, large hands playing roughly with your nipples as your head lolls back against him; you’re completely cock-drunk. “Perfect little cocksleeve… just made for me…”
“M-M-Made for you – ah!” you keen as he fucks you at a new angle, the fat head of his cock hitting your cervix hard enough to ache deliciously. “L-Love you, n-need it so m-much!”
Terry’s hands grip you hard enough to bruise as he ruts into you almost frantically; your admission of love in the heat of the moment making him thrust into you at a furious pace as he takes his pleasure in your entire body and makes you sing for him.
“Take one more, sweetheart. Let me give you just one more,” he coaxes you in a hoarse, guttural voice, clutching you to him like a man possessed.
You grind your hips back against him, your brain and body unable to do anything except try to get him in deeper…harder… He could fuck you every day for forever and you don’t think you’d ever get enough, even as he utterly overwhelms you.
“That’s it, my sweet girl; ride my cock and come with me,” he coos, his muscles straining slightly as he holds you tightly right where he wants you.
“Yes fuck Terry YES!” you chant over and over in time with your ass bouncing against his hips, completely mindless with pleasure.
“That’s it baby, get after it,” he growls, leaning down to bite your shoulder as he pistons his cock to fuck up and into you. “Be a good girl and let me feel that pretty pussy come all over my cock.”
You roll your hips, grinding against him and moaning wantonly, feeling so damn close.
“Just one more, and then my little slut gets a break before I take her upstairs,” he urges you. “Take me, sweetheart – take all my love.”
Your pussy clamps down, squeezing his cock tightly as his words take you over the edge. Terry’s hands slide down your hips, holding you down on his cock as he comes as deep inside you as he can with a low grunt of your name. You both catch your breath, your body slick with sweat against Terry, who somehow still doesn’t have a hair out of place.
“Three?” he asks quietly as he gently guides you to sit back on the desk. You let out a whimper, your pussy tender from his rough attentions.
“Three,” you confirm the number of orgasms, giving him a sheepish, sleepy grin.
“I think that’s earned you a bit of a break then, princess,” he announces, and you bite back a sigh of relief.
Terry walks over to the chair, picking up his suit jacket and laying it over his arm. Your eyes scan the floor, spotting the scraps of your torn dress, and you look up at him with wide eyes. He stares back, his head slightly cocked to the side as though considering something, his eyes tracking you as you retrieve your lingerie; at least that was still in tact.
“Who do you belong to?” he asks suddenly, still surveying you with bright eyes, and you know it’s a test. You walk over to him, trying not to stumble with your weak knees, dropping to the ground when you get close and dropping to your knees. You crawl to his feet, nuzzling your face against his legs in answer to his question. After a moment you feel one of his hands in your hair, stroking the top of your head almost shyly. Looking up at him, you see him looking down at you with a soft smile.
“God, I love you,” he whispers, a tone of awe in his voice that has you feeling all tingly. He offers you his hand, pulling you to your feet and into his arms. You stand on your toes, calves twinging slightly, and lay a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I love you too, Terry.”
He tosses his jacket around your shoulders, helping you put your arms through the long sleeves; you must look a mess right about now, but from the way he’s looking at you, you might as well be a queen in his eyes.
“Your job now,” he begins quietly, and you find yourself automatically straightening in response to his commanding tone, “is to make it upstairs with nobody seeing you.”
Just the thought of anyone seeing you like this, reeking of sweat and sex and wrapped only in Terry’s jacket has you blushing. No, only Terry could see you like this.
You know who you belong to.
Giving him a nod, you move to retrieve your shoes, concealing them beneath your coat with your lingerie and your ruined dress.
“I’ll go make our excuses for the evening, and tell Margaret that we are not to be disturbed. By the time I join you upstairs, I expect to find you on all fours on the bed. I want that ass to be the first thing I see when I walk in.”
You can’t help the noise that escapes you, and he arches an eyebrow at you in response.
“You didn’t really think we’d be stopping after three, did you?” he asks incredulously, giving you a laugh. “Oh, Y/N, you’re in for a long night.”
He walks over to the door, turning back to you before unlocking it. You have no idea how long the two of you have been gone for.
“Nothing’s for free, doll,” he murmurs, taking your face in his hand and running his thumb along your swollen bottom lip. “You’re gonna pay for what you do to me, and you’re gonna thank me for it.”
He turns away from you without another word, leaving the door open behind him as he returns to your guests. You nervously peek your head out, making sure the coast is clear before scampering down the hall and up the stairs, trying to keep hold of your bundle of clothing.
The price of owning Terry’s heart is high, but you’re content to be forever in his debt.
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(I know this isn't the most fitting gif, but I think it still fits and I couldn't resist after seeing the way it pans down to show the extent of the slutty gi!)
Thanks for your patience everyone, and I hope you enjoyed! I did have some ideas for when they make it up to the bedroom where he really pushes you over the edge, so if anyone would want to see that at some point just throw it in my inbox!
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
Preface: I’m a card carrying member of the Homelander Is So Cute UwU club, and a lot of the fic I consume is various ways to get a redemption wish fulfillment.
And even with this level of HL bs tolerance, I periodically come across a sentiment in this fandom that, frankly, gives me bad vibes: “HL is not written as a rapist in the TV show and Becca would have been the one outlier event, so it probably didn’t happen that way.”
Are we watching the same show? The creepy way he talks over Maeve at the race in S1E3, the way he strongarms his way into a fake relationship with Starlight in S3, the threat of harvesting Maeve’s eggs right after assuring he’d never do something as gross as force himself on her…. Are all pretty rapey.
It’s a particular flavor of rapey, and quite different from the one in the Garth Ennis comics, granted. At the risk of being reductive, I’ll reference the Groth rapist subtyping (proven problematic when used to categorize real people but good enough for this):
HL in the comics is presented a sadistic rapist: The type that gets off on their victim’s suffering, that likes to emphasize their victim’s helplessness, and the power differential between them. This goes for Starlight’s initiation, Becca’s rape, and even colors the Soldier Boy herogasm scene which is allegedly consensual but definitely not in the #metoo era.
HL in the show is presented as a power rapist: the type that actually plays down any power differential, and wants to delude themselves into thinking that the victim was willing all along or (perhaps even better!) came around because of the rapist’s sheer sexual prowess. The force used is often soft— words over physicality— and sometimes oblique (I.e. ‘the implication’ in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia). The usual MO of the daterapist.
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Homelander being nervous and subby with Madelyn doesn’t negate those scenes— she has a very particular role in his life to have that dynamic with him. The possibility of him being ‘groomed’ by her at an early age doesn’t negate that either. If anything, people who are sexually abused are more likely to become abusers themselves.
All that said, can you hc that he isn’t a rapist? Can you write fic set in a universe where these scenes didn’t happen? Of course.
Am I saying Kripke and team did an impeccable, nuanced job with this subject matter? No.
But I cringe every time I see the “HL could never rape anyone ever, he lasers people but he’s a sub and we all know subs can’t rape anyone, and that’s canon!” discourse on tumblr, and its close cousin on Reddit of “HL is so awesome, why would he need to rape anyone / who would ever refuse him.”
………… and now you can argue with me if you want lol, the floor is yours.
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chirpsythismorning · 11 months
Just watched Brokeback Mountain for the first time and I need to talk about it.
Throughout the movie, we see Ennis experience a lot of intense discomfort and fear at the idea of being intimate with a man, despite it becoming abundantly clear in the details and based on his actions that that is indeed what he wants. He even admits to Jack that this fear stems from an experience he had at a young age, when his father showed him two men who were presumed to be lovers (they were roommates vibes), murdered and castrated, with him basically using it as a lesson to show Ennis that being gay was wrong and would get you killed.
Jack on the other hand was a little less discomforted or fearful at the idea of being with a man, in that we actually saw him return the following summer to Brokeback Mountain hoping Ennis would be there, only for him to show up alone. We saw how after this he confidently approached a man at the bar hoping to get to know him, only to get rejected and risk getting hate crimed (foreshadowing 😭). And we saw how, over time, Jack’s struggle had more to do with being hurt over Ennis’ unwillingness to commit or even just consider the possibility of them being together long term, even despite the risk of being gay in the 60’s.
Near the end of the film, upon Jack’s death, Ennis discovers from his father that over the past 20 years since they met at Brokeback Mountain, Jack constantly brought it up to his folks, how Ennis, his friend, was going to move up to their ranch and they were going to build a cabin and live together and take over for the family.
Jack was often the one in the moment taking the chances for them to be together. He was the one who mentioned that they could go to Mexico, with Ennis furiously rejecting it saying ‘you know what happens to people like you there??’
But what’s even more painful, is that in this same scene, Ennis’ acknowledges the truth more directly, and why it’s so painful is because it ends up ironically coming true:
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Here, Ennis is basically saying that if he decides to be with Jack for real, aka faces his queerness head on, that’s going to be the thing that gets them (Jack) killed. Shortly after this, Jack loses it and has that infamous ass monologue, followed by Ennis breaking down over how it’s Jack’s fault that he’s this way in the first place.
In the end, when Jack dies, Ennis finds out about what happened from Jack’s wife, Lureen Newsome, who said Jack was pumping up a flat out on a backroad when his tire blew up, with the rim of the tire slamming his face, breaking his nose and jaw, and knocking him unconscious on his back. By the time someone drove by on the deserted backroad, he had drowned in his own blood.
The audience might’ve believed this story, if it wasn’t for how rehearsed it sounded coming out of Lureen’s mouth, but it also doesn’t help that images of Jack being hate crimed as his true cause of death are flashing across Ennis’s mind in real time while Lureen is telling him about the ‘accident’.
While it’s left up to interpretation, it’s implied from what his wife and father said, that Jack was hate-crimed by his father in law, with it being covered up.
Broken nose? Broken jaw?… Those are the kinds of wounds someone endures after being beaten up. And if it’s happening to the point of death, then he was essentially beaten to death.
This then fits into what Jack’s father said, because apparently, shortly before he died, he’d told his father he’d found a different friend that was going to come up there to the ranch with him. And so it’s very likely Lureen’s father caught wind of this as his plans to leave neared, leading to his murder (Jack also bitched his father in law tf out in an epic way, which on its own felt unnecessary in the moment, but within the context of this makes a whole lot more sense).
Either way, it seems Jack waited for Ennis to change his mind. 20 years he waited, and when Ennis didn’t, Jack finally moved on with someone else who made an offer of his own years before, only to get murdered just as Ennis feared he would if he decided to live his life authentically.
Ennis initially found out like this, in a postcard that bounced of him inquiring Jack about seeing each other again after that last massive fall out where they had, only for Ennis’s worst fear to be realized:
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Nov 7th with deceased stamped across it has me spiraling 😭
Now, obviously Brokeback Mountain is one of the most well known queer films of all time, like there’s no denying that. So it’s fairly easy to assume ST could be taking some inspiration from this film just like they have with hundreds upon hundreds of other films. But especially if they are planning to go the queer route, homage to this film is pretty much guaranteed (there’s also one more reason it might be guaranteed, but I’m saving that for the end 🤣).
Regardless, as you can probably already tell, it’s very easy to see similarities between Ennis with Mike and Jack with Will.
Mike getting the ‘you see Michael? You see what happens?’ treatment from his father, in the first episode in the series, is very Ennis coded in that this is a TV show that follows that up with seasons of Mike pushing Will away from him, with it leading to a boiling point where he says, ‘What did you think? Really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were just gonna sit in my basement in play games for the rest of our lives?’ with Will responding, ‘Yeah. I guess I did. I really did,’ aka extremely Jack coded.
The really epic thing about this though, is that ST is clearly going on a different journey than Brokeback Mountain did, in that it’s simply subverting the bury your gays trope. While they are acknowledging the risk of being queer in the 80’s, they’re not letting it end ‘realistically’ like many people have insisted it must because that is the only option. And this will be a satisfying ending because it’s coming as a response to all those heartbreaking stories before it that have reinforced this idea that happy endings just aren’t an option for gay people who simply want to be together.
While Ennis and Jack didnt get their happy ending like they wanted, Mike and Will on the other hand 😏
And last but not least, on a more hilariously ironic note, the guy who Jack was going to settle for in the end instead of Ennis, was a guy named Randall Malone, played by none other than David fucking Harbour.
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poorconnections · 2 days
Discovered that Ennis has haters and now I’m js confused bc did we watch the same movie?? The point isn’t to vilify Ennis but to show WHY he’s like that.
Like yes he can’t emotionally connect to the kids he didn’t really want (which btw HE DOES TRY TO AT THE END! I saw someone say he didn’t go to Alma Jr’s wedding when he clearly says he’ll quit his job just to go to but whatever) and is a shitty partner to Alma and Jack, but that doesn’t make him an entirely evil character? Did you miss the build up?? His backstory??
I think people need to stop measuring the likeability of characters in media by morality and instead perceive them and their backstories as what they’re intended to SHOW (i.e. the effects of a violently heteronormative patriarchal society on queer men here) bc it makes things so much more interesting. Also helps with trying to understand what an author, actor, etc. is trying to say about a topic which some people I reckon need to work on!
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choicesmc · 26 days
#4 for whoever (take all the liberties my friend lol)
oh, love that one!! thank you for stopping by o/ went with a familial direction between Jiahao and his sister!! feat. younger Jia just figuring herself out ♡
4. ...where it hurts from [this] ask game
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Jiahao pulled her knees close to her chest, her hands clasping each other tightly, rocking herself back and forth. Ignoring the knock at her door, Jia shut her eyes desperately trying to stop the tears that spilled regardless. 
“Ennie?” A familiar warm voice softly called. 
“Go away,” Jiahao responded, his voice cracking between words. He didn’t want her to see him like this: humiliated and angry. Even more, he didn’t want to tell Adanne why he was like this –and she would definitely ask, “I don’t want to talk to you.”
A small ‘oh’ escaped her from the other side of the door. Great, she was disappointed. He’d made her upset with him. Because, apparently, that was all he was good for.  
“Mom told me something,” Adanne started, settling down as if telling a story, “She said when you were a baby, you stole one of her lipsticks and absolutely painted your face with it.” 
Jia said nothing. She’d heard this story before. Countless times even. Each time ending with a laugh or a pat on the head, reminiscing on how weird she’d been as a child.
“And you used to wear her heels when you thought she wasn’t looking,” Adanne continued, her voice falling softer, “And I know, this is just something I noticed –not something mom told me, you still do.” 
Jia stilled her rocking, carefully opening the door and letting his sister in before shutting the door again. 
He couldn’t meet her eyes, feeling the unspoken question weigh down her gaze. The words spilled out of him, “I was looking at a skirt today. Online. When, when ma asked about it, I said it was for me. She —she laughed Ada! She laughed!” 
Adanne pulled Jia close, running a hand down her back as Jia’s tears stained her shirt, murmuring small comforts over and over again
“So I said I was joking,” Jia continued, a crack in her voice as she muffled herself on Adanne’s shoulder, “I told her it was for you. But it wasn’t. It hurt and I don't know why it hurt so much. I'm being stupid, aren't I? This is so dumb. You should leave." 
Jia scruched her hands into Adanne's shirt, voice hitching as she repeated, "You should leave. I'll find you later."
Instead, Adanne peppered several kisses into Jia’s hair, heart clenching as Jia sobbed in her embrace. 
“I’m sorry, shì wǒ de cuò, ndo,” Adanne whispered, apologizing in every language she knew, as if apologizing on their mother’s behalf. Her lips ghosted the top of Jia’s head, placing another final kiss of comfort, “I’m so sorry.”
Jia sniffled, slowly nodding her head. Her voice was still heavy with tears, but she pulled away, a bittersweet smile tinging her words, “It’s, it’s not your fault but thank you anyway.” 
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 61- Tense
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Chapter Summary: Still shooked by the dream Jennie begins to feel awkward around Jungkook and her unusual behavior does not go unnoticed
Words: 6,000+
Author's Note: D.E.N.I.A.L lol. Also, If you played Cards Against Humanity (highly recommend), then you know things get suggestive so if you are not about that life, just skip it. Also there is foreshadowing at the end! :)
Jennie didn’t get much sleep that night, still shaken from those events that appeared in her dream. This was not good and she kept mentally kicking herself for letting her mind imagine something so inappropriate about her best friend.
Near morning, she was the first to go into the kitchen and sought to distract herself with a bowl of cereal and games on her phone.
“Morning, sweetie!” Jin���s voice was heard as she looked up with a timid smile.
“You want me to make you anything?”
“Nah, I’m almost done with my cereal. But I’ll help you cook breakfast.” she got out of her seat.
Helping him fix a big meal for the members, they set up plates around the table. Before she knew it, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hobi made their way into the kitchen to eat. Gathering her dish after eating another bowl of cereal, Jennie advanced her way to place the bowl in the sink.
“Hey, morning!” Jungkook’s cheerful voice filled the room. 
Flinching, she inadvertently dropped her bowl on the floor, causing the glass to shatter.
“Crap...” she quickly kneeled to try to carefully pick up the pieces.
“Aw, hyung! Another thing broke?” Jimin walked in, complaining.
“It wasn’t even me! It was Jennie!” Namjoon exclaimed, pointing at her.
“You all right?” Hobi asked, earning a soft “yeah” from Miss Bangtan.
“Hey, I got it.” Jungkook quickly went to help her. 
Her hand brushed against his, causing her to flinch again. She immediately stood up and cleared her throat. 
Jungkook shot her a worried look. “Hey, you all right?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Just accidentally cut my finger,” she responded quickly. “I need to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” she hastily left while he cleaned up the mess with Hobi.
Walking into the hallway bathroom, she shut the door and placed her hands on the sink, exhaling slowly. She wished she didn’t feel so clumsy around him because of a dream.
‘Should I just tell him?’ she thought to herself. Shaking her head, she added, ‘No way. Keep this to the grave. It’ll take some time but I’ll get over this.’ 
At least, she hoped she did.
After washing her hands, she sat on the toilet seat. She can’t hide in here forever. She’ll have to leave sometime. She just needed some time to regroup and put on a fake smile.
“Ennie, are you all right?” Taehyung knocked on the door.
“Yeah, you can come in,” she answered.
“Let’s take care of this.” he grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and kneeled in front of her, taking her right hand.
“I could’ve done this.”
“I was worried.”
“It’s just a little cut, Tae.”
“Still.” he placed some antibiotic ointment on the cut and placed a small band-aid on her right middle finger. “There, all better.”
She chuckled as she watched him cutely kiss her bandaged finger a few times. “Thanks, Tae.”
“Now let’s head back to the kitchen.”
“R-right. The kitchen.”
Where Jungkook was...
Strolling back into the kitchen, she locked eyes with Jungkook, who waved. “Jennie, I saved your seat. Sit next to me!” he gave her one of his cute bunny smiles.
“Thanks,” she murmured and sat next to him with the rest of the members around the table. 
Boy, she wished she could hide right now as her cheeks warmed up.
While the members were immersed in conversation, Jennie tried to distract herself by going on her phone. But it was short lived when Namjoon grabbed it and placed it on the table. She shot him a ‘What the hell’ facial expression.
“If Jin had to take my phone away, your phone would be taken too. No phones at the table. We’re both suffering,” he responded.
Jungkook had been watching her the entire time. She seemed...off today ever since she dropped her bowl. 
“Hey, are you all right? You seem jumpy today,” he murmured to her.
“O-oh, I’m fine. It’s just that time of the month.” she laughed nervously.
“I thought it doesn’t start until the following week. We’ve been keeping track, remember?” Jin called out.
‘For fuck sake! Really Jin?!’ she complained in her head, struggling not to glare at him. “It’s irregular today. Must’ve been something I ate. It’s okay.”
“Maybe it was the beef? Does that happen? Females eat something and their cycle acts up?”
“Jesus...let’s stop talking about periods, it’s too early for this.” she rubbed her temples.
For the next few days, Jennie proceeded to be on edge as the members started noticing her change in demeanor. Her voice would go up an octave and she often laughed nervously at the most basic things. There was one time when Hobi had brought a box of pocky and asked if she wanted some. She yelled a loud “No!” unexpectedly, causing him to yelp. She had apologized profusely for it. She couldn’t even look at Pocky because it made her think of Jungkook.
Following dance practice, Jungkook had decided to address her. He regarded that she wasn’t as chatty with him and spent even less time with the other members, remaining quiet. He began to feel jealous of the lack of attention, poking the inside of his cheek when he watched her avoid conversation all day.
“Hey, did I...do something wrong?” he asked, watching her place her bag over her shoulder.
Jennie took a small step back, feeling intimidated by their closeness. “Huh? What you mean?”
“Something is bothering you and it’s starting to bother me. I don’t like seeing you so troubled.” he crossed his arms. 
Concern was clear in his voice and facial features as she nervously looked at him in the eyes.
“What makes you think I’m troubled?”
“I dunno you just seem kind of...distant...I hope I didn’t do anything wrong. If I did, I’m sorry.”
Her eyes softened. He truly was a sweetheart. She was being so unfair to him and she didn’t want him to be upset like this. 
“Y-you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t worry about it. I’m just a little tired. I’ll be fine. I uh, watched this horror movie, that’s why I’m a bit on edge.”
“What movie?”
‘Crap...’ she thought. “T-The shining. It’s an American movie. Y-you know, hereeeeee’s Johnny!” she started laughing anxiously as he raised a brow.
'Something is definitely off.' he thought but decided to let her slide.
He chuckled and shook his head. “You’re so goofy today. Maybe you should stick with action movies. I also think you ate too many smarties.”
“Yeah, smarties. That’s it.”
The next day, Jennie had tried to get her mind off things by going to a private gym, early in the morning. Wearing her Nike jacket zipped halfway, over her sports bra, she also had the sneakers and leggings on. She sat on the bench, wrapping her hands in a pair of MMA gel hand wraps.
After stretching and running on the treadmill for a warm up, she switched to the weights. Once she was done, she turned to the punching bag to take out all her frustration by punching and kicking aggressively.
“Get! Your! Act! To! Get! Her! Stop! Think! ‘ing! A! ‘bout! Him!” she muttered after every punch and kick.
“How come you decided to go to the gym without us?” Jimin whined, walking in with Jin.
Stopping her punch, she turned to them, trying to keep her nervousness in check. "I-I sorry. I wanted a head start,"
She noticed that almost two hours had passed and her entire body was perspiring and aching. Grabbing a towel, she sat on a bench and wiped her face. Jimin and Jin had begun using the weights while she watched them, occasionally speaking while in their conversation. After her little break, she went to do squats with dumbbells in her hands. 
She shouldn't still be working out for this long but anything to distract her from her mind wandering back to her best friend in her bed.
Jungkook was also located in the gym, finishing up his set of chin-ups on a bar. Looking up, he noticed Jennie, catching a glimpse of her bending down for another squat. His gaze lingered on her rear, watching closely. He didn’t know how long he was staring for but he couldn’t look away.
“Hey, Jungkook!” Jimin patted him on the back, causing the Maknae to jump. “Whatcha staring at?”
“N-nothing.” he stuttered, feeling his face get flushed.
“Staring at her again, eh?” he teased.
“N-not at all.”
Jennie turned around and widened her eyes in alarm when she saw Jungkook speaking with Jimin.
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‘Time to go!’ she yelled in her head, gathering up her things hastily.
“H-hey, where are you going?” Jin called out, getting off one of the machines.
“Something came up! Gotta go! See you in the dorm!” she raced out of the gym.
“W-we just got here! I thought we were going to do Zumba!” he yelled, catching the attention of Jimin and Jungkook.
“What happened?” Jimin asked.
“She just left out of the blue...now, who is going to teach us Zumba?”
“I can!” Jungkook raised his hand.
“Jennie does it better than you, though.” Jimin dismissed him, causing the Maknae to playfully hit him
After working out, Jungkook had gone back to the dorm, to lay on his bed. He couldn’t get that image of Jennie out of his head as his mind began to wander.
It was a summer afternoon in the dorm with Jennie chilling on the couch, in the living room, on her phone. He noticed that she was in her gym clothes and he was too, so he assumed they’d be working out together. Her hair was down, which he always liked. Whenever she put her hair in a bun, he always had the abrupt urge to take it out.
“Hey! There you are. Before we go, I’ve been itching to play this game. It’s called Cards Against Humanity, ever heard of it?” she beamed.
“Yeah, never played it though.” he sat next to her.
“It’s simple, I’ll show you. Seijin isn’t coming to drop us off at the gym for another hour, so you want to play to pass the time?”
“Yeah, why not.”
He watched her get up and get the box of cards from her room. Sitting back on the couch, she shuffled the cards.
“All right, this game can get sexual and inappropriate. It’s not your average kiddy game,” she informed him. “And it can be offensive. It’s been a while since I played this and I’m really bored, so do you mind? Only if you’re comfortable with it.”
Jungkook nodded. “It’s fine.”
“This game is supposed to have at least three players, but let’s just have fun and see what crazy combinations we can come up with. And be 100% real with me. It’s just us. No judging. Let’s have fun, and get our teenage minds flowing. What happens here, stays here. And be as random as possible in this game so I can have a good laugh.”
“All right, you’re on.”
“The black cards are the question cards, which is basically a statement. The white cards are what we can use to answer the statement as you can see there’s a word to fill in for it. Usually, the person with the best white card answer will win the black card.”
She placed a black card on the couch and it read ‘There’s an app for that’
Jennie placed down, ‘Feeding Rosie O’Donnell’ while Jungkook put down, ‘bitches’
“Really...?” she deadpanned.
“What?” he smiled sheepishly.
“That’s a dry answer, Kook. Don’t give me these wack answers.” she playfully scolded.
As they continued to play, their combinations got funnier as Jungkook loosened up and enjoyed himself in the game. Their answers were so random that they had to google what some words meant because they hadn’t heard of them before.
‘And the Academy award goes for...goes to...’ said the black card with two white cards that needed to be placed for the statement.
Jennie placed down ’72 virgins’ and ‘Batman’ for her answer, while Jungkook suddenly placed down, ‘Firing a rifle into the air while balls deep in a squealing hog’ and ‘sperm whales’
“What the actual hell?” she cackled. “Jungkook, what is going on with your mind today?”
“I dunno about that.” she teased.
‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s...’
Having terrible cards, Jennie decided to get rid of her ‘Hot Pockets’ card for her answer, while Jungkook chose ‘Sexual Tension’
“So, how does a girl be born with sexual tension?” she asked.
“I guess when she automatically gives the guy sexual tension?” he shrugged.
“Fair enough.”
‘I drink to forget...’
Jen put down ‘Horsemeat’ while Jungkook put down ‘Pulling out’, causing her to stare at him, surprised.
“Wow, Jungkook.” she shook her head as he let out a shy laugh.
‘Why am I sticky?’
Jennie chose ‘Judge Judy’ and Jungkook placed down ‘Fingering’ for the next card.
“Wow. You have a very dirty mind, Kook.” she asserted, checking out her white cards.
Jungkook had felt his face warm up at her statement. 
Well, she wasn’t wrong. 
As they continued to play, Jennie laughed again when Jungkook had put down, ‘Doing the right stuff to her nipples’
“You’ve been hanging around Namjoon too much.”
“It-its just a game! I’m trying here!” he stuttered.
“That’s what they all say. I guess that mouth of yours doesn’t just sing and rap, huh?”
‘If it’s for you, I’ll do whatever you want.’ he thought to himself.
“You wanna kiss?” she asked out of the blue.
“Yes,” he answered immediately.
Taking out a small bag of Hershey Kisses, she handed him a few in a small ziplock bag. “Jeez, you’re really eager for chocolate, aren’t you? Well, I don’t blame you. We all need a little chocolate in our lives. It’s good for the soul.”
‘Oh, this was what she meant.’ he examined the candy. “Let’s eat the chocolate later. We’re going to be going to the gym soon. Don’t want to upset our stomachs.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
While the game continued, Jungkook had randomly placed down the ‘Reverse Cowgirl’
“Huh. You appear to be familiar with that position, Kook,” she spoke in a serious tone, meeting his gaze. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
“U-uh...” he averted his eyes, hearing her giggle.
“I’m just messing! I don’t judge.”
“Y-you need to stop teasing me with the answers I choose.”
“Or what?” she taunted, raising a brow. “What are you going to do Jungkook?”
Part of him was tempted to just say screw it, toss all the cards aside and kiss her but he refrained himself.
Getting back into the game, he put down, 'Bouncing up and down.'
Jennie, out of nowhere asked, “On what exactly?"
Jungshook appeared as he shifted in his seat, unable to look at her in the eyes.
"What? Is it a bed? A trampoline?” 
“Ah, is Seijin here?” he grabbed his phone to change the subject. 
Jungkook sensed something thick in the air and felt flushed all over. As if on cue, Seijin did arrive and the 97 Liners were dropped off at a private gym where they wouldn’t be disturbed. After stretching and warming up, they stood on a series of mats to practice wrestling. Although ISAC was over and she dominated in wrestling, she still wanted him to teach her a few more moves, just in case they have it again.
With the both of them sweaty and trying to pin each other down, they got up close and personal. After their sparring, Jungkook went to go bench press, laying on his back while Jennie told him she would be on one of the machines.
Placing the bar back, he took a break, resting on his back. Promptly, Jungkook felt pressure on his lap. Widening his eyes, he realized it was Jennie straddling him.
“W-wh-at are you do-ing?!” he stuttered.
“I’m aware of what’s going on here,” she responded, placing her hands on his chest, and getting comfortable. “I’ve seen you staring.”
He was so tongue-tied that he couldn’t speak anymore as he stared at the enticing view. Whatever she was starting, he hoped that she’d finish because his self-control was slim to none the longer she sat on his lap.
“I-I’m sorry, I shou-”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“A-aren’t you angry?”
“Who said I was mad?” her hands slowly moved up his shirt to take it off. “The only thing I’m wondering about is why you haven’t taken the initiative yet.”
He watched her unzip her jacket and place it on the floor.
“So, I guess I have to be the one to make the first move,” she added. 
Feeling her move against his lap, his breathing quickened.
“I’ll admit, this is a nice view,” she remarked, watching his face scrunch up in pleasure. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her hips. “But it’ll be nicer if you’d relax and tell me what you want me to do.”
And he did and Jungkook woke up, on his bed, drenched in sweat. He regarded a tightness in his pants, quickly making his way to the shower, to take care of himself and clean himself up.
The next day, Jennie managed to avoid the weird dreams of Jungkook, distracting herself with other things to keep herself occupied. 
Unfortunately for her, Jungkook began to notice her distance and spoke to Namjoon about it.
“Jennie is acting strange. I dunno what is going on. She’s not herself and I feel like I did something wrong. Could you...maybe talk to her, Hyung?”
Namjoon had fulfilled his request when he found Jennie in her studio.
“Hey...what’s up?” she asked, taking off her headphones.
Namjoon even noticed she wasn't acting like herself, especially with the way she greeted him.
“Jennifer, I want to talk with you,” he spoke in a serious tone, closing her door and grabbing a seat next to her. 
From the tone of his voice, she knew that she was in trouble with something. 
“What did I do, now?”
“Jungkook approached me today.”
‘Oh God...’ she cringed at his name as all the thoughts came back. ‘I thought I was doing so well.’
“He says you seem on edge about something,” Namjoon added. “We all see it. You've been acting strange. I want to know what is going on. Are you all right?”
She hesitated. “Why is everyone so worried about me? I’m fine, all right?”
Namjoon frowned. “You know you can always tell us what’s wrong. No matter what it is. We’ll work through it together.”
“I know and I will if there’s a big problem. I promise,” she responded truthfully.
Jennie decided to keep it to herself because she wanted to speak with Amber, Hyuna, and Hayoon about it first when she went to meet them. Get a girl’s perspective before taking that risk to tell Namjoon if she feels like she really should.
“Llama~!” Jennie jumped right on Amber’s back, holding onto her like a koala while Amber laughed loudly. 
She met up with her outside of her place. After getting off her back, Amber picked her up and spun her around.
“Smartie~!” she copied the way she greeted her and set her down. “We are gonna have so much fun today. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too. So, where to first?”
“I want ice cream. Oh, I’m also filming for my YouTube channel, so I want you to be in it.” 
“Okay, fine by me!”
Once Amber started rolling the camera, they walked around. “Ahhhh it’s such a nice day~! Everyone! Guess what!? My best pal, Jennie is here~!” Amber grabbed her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Ayeeee! What up!?” Jennie waved.
She always loved speaking with Amber because they could speak English freely and she felt like she could express herself better when speaking in her native language.
“We all know Jennie from BTS, isn’t she amazing?”
“Isn’t Amber amazing?”
“We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Yeah, because we’re very sweet people.” Amber removed her arm from her.
“My body is sore.”
“What did you do prior?”
“I went to the gym.”
“I need to go to the gym more. I’m out of shape.”
“We’re both out of shape. Let’s plan to go sometime together.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ah, have I told you guys that I really love my friends?” Amber asked on camera. “They are my family.”
“I’m your family?” Jennie asked in an emotional voice
“Yes, you are my family, I love you.”
“I love you too~!”
Arriving at a local ice cream shop, they ordered a big banana split with some fruit on top to share. Jennie carried it over to the booth they sat in.
“Oh yeah....get-in-my-belly~!” Jennie stared at the ice cream with love while Amber giggled, filming her. Eating a big spoonful, Miss Bangtan moaned in delight, savoring the taste. Raising her arms, she looked up at the ceiling. “Hallelujah!”
Amber mocked her moan and yelled, “Hallelujah!” which caused the duo to giggle wholeheartedly.
“We’re weird, we know,” Amber said to the camera, setting it down.
“So how’s the upcoming album?” Jen asked with a smile as they shared the ice cream.
“4 Walls is getting together. I love it. It’s going to be great. We have this song called Papi, I want to send you the instrumental so you can practice it to help your DJ skills.”
“Oh snap, that kind of song, huh? Okay, I’ll do that, thanks.”
“How’s Bangtan’s album going?”
“Slowly but surely we’re getting things down. We’ve been recording and stuff. I think this is going to be my favorite comeback by far. Our title song is called Run. I’m not sure what our music video is going to be about yet, it’s too early to tell but the song is really good.”
“Awesome, can’t wait to hear it. Any goals for this comeback?”
“I hope we get to have some wins for the song. And maybe some awards for it. That would be great. Either way, I’m proud of our work so far for it.”
“I’m rooting for you.”
“I should’ve had some rocky road with this. There are no nuts in this ice cream.” Jen pondered about ordering the ice cream flavor.
“Oh, I have some nuts.”
“Deez nuts.” Amber started giggling while Jennie deadpanned, shaking her head.
Grabbing the plate of ice cream, Jennie started eating it by herself while Amber tried to pull it back to the middle of the table. 
“I am so over you,” Jennie called out
“I thought you loved me!”
“Not at the moment!”
“Guys, she doesn’t love me anymore.”
“We’re getting a divorce.”
Amber pouted to the camera. “We will find a way to work this out.”
After finishing the ice cream, there was one piece of strawberry left on the plate and they aimed to grab it with their spoons. They grabbed onto each other’s arms while trying everything they could to take it.
“Hey! Hey! Mine! Mine!” Amber exclaimed.
“Come on, let me have this one, it’s a strawberry.”
“No way, I saw it first.”
They ended up giggling, moving around as they tried to grab the fruit. In the end, Amber leaned down and grabbed it with her mouth
“Weak!” Jen complained while laughing, setting her spoon down.
“Better luck next time!”
After they left, they rented bikes to ride around the bike trail. Amber was standing next to her, continuing to film as they prepared.
“Hamster and Llama ready for biking!” Amber dramatically announced.
“Yeah! That’s how we do!”
“Wow, look at the beautiful view.”
“Me?” Jennie placed a hand over her heart, touched by her words.
“No, the sky.” Amber deadpanned. 
Miss Bangtan dropped her jaw and Amber couldn’t help but snicker at her reaction.
After their banter, Amber set her camera down. “Let’s go, rawrrr~!” she made a funny sound effect as they began to ride around.
“Woo hoo~! When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield~!” Jen yelled out, over Amber’s laughter.
Once they went back to her place, Hyuna and Hayoon arrived to spend some time together. The four girls shared stories of what had been going on with their idol lives and Jennie shared the funny stories of Bangtan’s current prank war.
“I plan to numb their toothpaste this time,” Jennie announced.
“That’s evil! I love it! If you can, film their reactions!” Amber laughed.
“I will! I will!” Jennie turned to Hyuna. “Girl! Your comeback! What the hell?”
Hyuna giggled and covered her face. “I’m happy you love it. Roll Deep is so fun. We still need to figure out a date so I can teach you ways to improve your charisma on stage.”
“I’ll keep you posted.”
“Are you ready to go back to school?” Hayoon asked Jennie.
“Honestly, I am a little bit. I kind of like school. The main thing I’m looking forward to is my guitar class.”
“Me too. I found out that Jungkook is in my math class, this semester. Hopefully, the class won’t be too hard.”
Hearing Jungkook’s name caused Jen’s stomach to drop again. As the girls talked, Jennie became tense again.
“Hey, are you all right? You seem distracted.” Amber nudged her.
“Uh...a little. A lot on my mind.” Jen murmured
“Share! What’s going on?” Hyuna asked.
“I hope it’s nothing bad,” Hayoon responded.
“Have you guys ever had...weird dreams about someone close to you?” Jen asked.
“I’m pretty sure we all have weird dreams,” Amber reassured her. “But what’s the deal? Who’d you dream about?”
“I had a dream about Jungkook...”
“About...?” Hyuna gestured for her to continue speaking.
“We were...making out...on my bed and it was very physical,”
“O-oh...oh! Oh dear.” Hayoon widened her eyes, while Hyuna and Amber were just as surprised.
“We did some...sinful shit man...” Jen went on. “I feel so dirty. I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if I didn’t wake up when I did.”
“This escalated quickly,” Hyuna murmured.
“Yeah, this was not what I thought about when you said weird dream,” Hayoon added.
“Wow...that is awesome!” Amber called out, applauding.
“Awesome!?” Jennie stared at her with fear. “That’s not awesome! I am freaking the frick out!” she grabbed a hold of Amber and shook her rapidly while she giggled in response.
“Are there more details to this? I want to know exactly how this came about.” Hayoon spoke.
“Yoon, what the hell!? You’re encouraging this!?” Jennie yelled.
“I mean...maybe it’s a sign. Right, Amber?”
“Yep.” Amber smiled.
“Ah...I-I don't think so. I don’t know what to do.” Jen exclaimed, shaking her head. “I should not be having those dreams. It just came out of nowhere and I don’t know why. I’ve tried my best to avoid him-“
“D-don’t avoid him!” Hayoon scolded. “That is unfair to him.”
“What else am I gonna do?! I can’t face this guy! Every time I see this guy’s face or hear his name, I think back to when he was smooching up on me. That is not an image I should have of my best friend, man! Ugh! What is wrong with me? Dirty! This is so dirty!” she covered her face
Hyuna and Amber started laughing at her comment.
“What is so funny!?” Jen called out.
“The way you said smooching up on me.” Hyuna giggled.
“Ugh! He would never do that, that is so not like him.” Jen mentioned.
"You sure about that? You sure about that?" Hayoon asked.
“I mean, you never know what Jungkook is capable of,” Amber claimed. “People shouldn’t underestimate him. He is called the Golden Maknae for a reason.”
“I agree,” Hyuna replied. “I’m sure when he’s good, ready, and comfortable with someone, he’ll be golden in that department of activity, too.”
“There was always this saying that I hear...” Hayoon remarked. “What was it? Oh, yeah, it’s always the quiet ones-“
“PLEASE for the love of smarties! Stop! You’re giving me weird thoughts!” Jennie covered her ears.
“I think you should speak to him about it,” Hyuna suggested.
Miss Bangtan shook her head vigorously. “No. Absolutely not. Hell no.”
“Jennie...do you think you like him?” Hayoon wondered.
Miss Bangtan hesitated. 
Jennie averted her eyes for a moment, thinking about the question. "N-no...why would I?"
Hayoon and Amber glanced at each other with knowing looks before giving Hyuna the same look.
“Say, Jennie do you think the dream meant something?” Hyuna inquired.
Jennie hesitated again. “I-It meant nothing. It was probably just some silly dream. I just wish I could stop thinking about it.”
“I’m gonna say it. I think you are in denial.” Amber announced.
“Wh-what!? No! N-no way! I’m not! I am not in denial! Nothing is going on between us! Okay!?” Jen’s sudden yell caused the three girls to glance at each other, surprised.
“Whoa. Relax.” Amber put her hands up in defense.
“I am relaxed!” she argued.
“Your voice doesn’t sound relaxed.” she giggled, trying to calm her down. “We get it. Nothing is going on yet-“
“Oh my gosh, c-can we just drop it? We’re friends. Always will be. Maybe I just went to bed before my food was digested and a weird dream came up. I don’t like him, okay? We’re friends. Best pals. I gotta pee.” she stood up and went to the bathroom.
“D.E.N.I.A.L.” Amber murmured, taking a sip of her water.
“Yeah...looks like she’s in the denial stage. Sooner or later she’ll realize and accept these feelings.” Hyuna guaranteed. “What do you think we should do?”
“We should plan accordingly.”
“Jennie and Jungkook...it’s going to happen. We just need to remain patient.” Hayoon said. “I know it’ll be worth it in the end but let’s also make sure we don’t force it and let nature take its course. It’s happening but at a very slow pace. It will progress. They will be together soon. So, let’s tread lightly on the matter. She's in denial now...but sooner or later something big is going to happen that will make her see that these feelings are real.”
“Duly noted.”
After the week went by, Jennie proceeded to feel more like herself as she decided to dedicate herself to her work, getting her mind off things. After working on some covers, she jammed in the studio, practicing the guitar notes for Charice’s Before It Explodes, humming the song.
A series of hard knocks on her door made her place her guitar down. 
“Who?” she called out.
“It’s your golden best friend,” Jungkook murmured against the door.
Her stomach dropped at the sound of his voice. Of course, it was him.
She couldn’t avoid him forever. It wasn’t right. But she just couldn’t face him. She felt so ashamed and awkward.
But she knew she had to confront him sometime. Might as well do it now.
Clearing her throat, striving to act as normal as possible, she responded, preparing for the worst, “You can come in.”
Jungkook had stormed into her studio, upset. He noticed that she didn’t even say her trademark, ‘Enter my realm’ comment, which made him angry because something was definitely up.
“What is it-” she was cut off when a sharp breath escaped her lips once Jungkook vigorously grabbed the back of her chair and turned her around to face him. 
He slammed his hands on the armrests, making her flinch and widen her eyes.
“J-Jesus, Kook, what is your problem?” she stuttered, feeling her heart rate quicken.
“My problem?” he scoffed, shaking his head. He grabbed another chair and sat in front of her with a frown. “My problem is you and I’m not leaving this room until you tell me exactly what is going on,”
Averting her eyes, she murmured, “Nothing is going on-“
“Don’t lie to me.” he firmly cut her off. There was a brief pause as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. “Look at me.”
‘Don’t say that please.’ she thought to herself, thinking back to the dream. After a while, she reluctantly met his gaze. “L-look, nothing is going on-”
“You’re avoiding me.” he cut her off again.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” he said softly with a hint of sadness.
“Let’s just drop it. I have some work to do.” she spun around in her chair to face her desk but he turned her back around.
“What did I do so wrong? Tell me. Did I miss something? Was there a special anniversary for us regarding our friendship? Your birthday didn’t pass yet so that’s out of the question. Is something going on back at home? Are your sisters all right? Is your family okay? Did someone try to hurt you? Did another guy try to say something inappropriate? Did I say some-“
“Stop, stop, you didn’t...you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then what happened? Just tell me!”
She exhaled loudly. She might as well just say it. 
“Look...I uh...ugh, this is going to be so random but have you...ever had weird dreams about a friend?”
“What do you mean?” he raised a brow.
“I have this friend...she uh....dreamed about making out with someone close to her.”
Jungkook nodded, figuring it out. “So, you dreamed of making out with a friend.”
She widened her eyes and shook her head frequently. “I-I didn’t say it was me!”
“It was you,” he responded calmly.
“No, it was not!”
“I know you. I can tell when you lie to me. I see it in your eyes.”
Jennie felt her embarrassment intensify as she couldn’t say that he was wrong. 
“You need to stop paying so much attention to me,” she complained.
A smile came across Jungkook’s lips briefly. “Can’t help it. So, this is what this is all about? A dream about a friend? Is that it?”
“Well...do you...think it’s weird to have that type of dream? I mean, have you...dreamed of someone like that? The dream was pretty intense. Out of character,”
Jungkook, averting his eyes, shyly looked down as his anger went away. 
‘If only you knew...but you would probably think I’m creepy for thinking of you that way.’ he thought to himself.
His mind drifted back to that dream he had. When he first had a crush on her, once in a blue moon he would dream about what it would be like to date her. Going on arcade dates, picnics, the whole thing. As he got older, falling in love with her, the dreams turned to kissing and more kissing. And then things went way further.
He thought about her in many ways, including the intimacy. A lot of fantasies came to mind. Back at Yamen TV, when Jimin called him the golden perv, he knew exactly who Jungkook was thinking about when he watched those videos that Namjoon would download. Like Jimin had said, he couldn’t help himself. The way his body reacted when he thought of her that way. Jungkook freaked out big time when Jimin caught him months ago. He felt guilty about it but Jimin had reassured him that things were fine and that there was nothing to be ashamed of.
Jungkook wasn’t ready for that type of activity and neither was Jennie he was sure about. However, he always hoped to be her first, doing everything he could to make her feel cherished once he grew more confident in himself.
His thoughts were interrupted by her voice.
Getting his thoughts together, he chuckled awkwardly. He should be honest with her. 
“It’s...not as weird as you think.”
“Have you...”
“Y-yes, I have.” he could feel his face warm up as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Wow, I’m not the only one?”
She watched him nod in response. It made her feel much better but she still felt a little weird for dreaming of him in that way.
“Do you think your dream meant something to you?” he asked her.
“You know...my mind is saying that it didn’t. But something else is screaming that it did. I think what frightens me most is I get this lowkey feeling that it did mean something, no matter how much I don’t think it should.”
“Who did you dream about?” he asked curiously. 
His question made her hesitate. She just couldn’t tell him. 
“I...don’t want to answer that, Kook. I’m just...confused, right now. My mind is all over the place.”
Jungkook decided not to pry her about it. He wouldn’t be able to tell her that he dreamed of her anyway. Jealousy crept up on him again as he thought about Kevin and Bam Bam being the person she might’ve dreamt about. He hoped she wasn’t catching feelings for either of them. While he was in his thoughts, he noticed that she was rambling.
“...and that dream was too fast-paced.” she met his gaze. “Ah, I dunno why I’m thinking about it but with making out with someone or whatever, I’d want to take things slow. I’m not used to this kind of stuff. I’m not even ready for any of that type of intimacy. But when I am ready, I just hope it’s special.”
“I’m sure you and your guy will learn a lot about each other together once you begin dating,” he responded. “He’ll be patient with you and I know that you will be with him, too. Don’t worry about it too much. You’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Kook. I’ll trust your words. I just hope that whoever I end up with...he’ll wait for me until I’m ready.”
“He will,”
A chuckle escaped her lips. “You’re so confident with your answer, Kook.”
“Nine times out of ten, he probably will want the same thing you want. He’s probably not ready for that either and wants to go slow, too.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. He’ll wait for you.”
She smiled softly and nodded. “And what about you, International Playboy, you seem to be interested in anyone these days?”
She regarded his body language change and noticed his face getting pink. 
She widened her eyes and playfully hit his arm. “You do! Tell me!”
“Ah, I will when I’m ready. Not today.”
“Do I at least know her?”
“Is she pretty?”
“Pretty isn’t even the word to describe her.”
“Does she have your heart like IU does?”
He smiled softly. “She has my heart more than IU.”
“Wow, this is serious then. Nothing comes in between you and IU. I have to wait to know who she is? Why not just tell me? What’s the problem?”
“I just...think about your reaction when I end up telling you.”
“Because when I tell you, it’ll change our friendship forever.”
She looked at him earnestly. “Kook, I’ll be happy either way for you. Nothing is going to change. What can you possibly say to me that would change our friendship forever? You’re fine, don’t stress over it, too much.”
As much as he wanted to tell her right then and there, he didn’t think it was the right time and he thought about rejection. He feared it. There would be times when he felt like he wasn’t good enough to be her boyfriend or ruin a great friendship because of his growing feelings for her. He didn’t want to lose her. He cherished her so much.
He had negative thoughts about her reaction. And if she did reject him, it’ll just be awkward and it’ll take a while for them to act normal again. When he was ready, he wanted her to take time to think about it and not give him an answer right after he told her how he felt. He knew it wasn’t going to be like it was in the movies.
With Jennie, deep inside, she felt a bit...disappointed that he was becoming interested in someone. It also bothered her that she felt this way because she shouldn’t feel this way. She should be happy for him. 
Another part of her felt hopeful because she thought maybe this could help her get over that whole dream situation.
They were great friends and she appreciated that in the group. She felt as though she should not be dating anyone around here. She should stay professional and focus on BTS. Jen thought it would never work if she had dated anyone in the industry. And with these crazy “fans”, she didn’t want whoever she ended up with to deal with any drama. The way “fans” reacted to Kai & Krystal dating, Baekhyun & Taeyeon dating, Tao’s departure from EXO and various other breaking news on K-Pop sites that were claimed as ‘scandals’, it’ll only be ten times worse for her, she assumed.
She wouldn’t even call them fans because they were so ruthless with their reactions to idols dating. It made her angry because fans should be happy for their beloved idols. And when she does date, she vows to never apologize as some idols have done for dating someone.
What was there to apologize for? 
For being happy? 
Never would she bring herself to do that. Idols are human and deserve love.
Jungkook noticed her expression change into a frown while deep in thought. “Hey,” he grabbed her hand as her head swiftly turned to him, surprised.
“You okay? You look angry.”
Her pondering about those negative fan reactions had gotten her worked up. “Sorry, deep in thought again.”
They sat in a comfortable silence, pondering about random things.
“I wonder when you’re ready for that stage with whoever you’re interested in if you have any idea how you want it to go...” Jen blurted out randomly, thinking out loud. She looked up and shook her head. “I was just rambling. You can just ignore me.”
After a pause, Jungkook spoke after looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah...I thought about it.”
“It’s not how it would be in the movies,” she recalled as they locked eyes.
“Yeah, nothing like the movies. Thinking about it, I just...want it to be special for the both of us. Away from the Hyungs that's for sure. A nice place alone...with a comfortable bed. I would want to plan it all out. Decorate the room nicely. I'd want it to be romantic if I could. Maintain eye contact when I’m with her. Take my time for sure, let her know how much she means to me with my actions, not just my words.” he said, thinking about it with a smile. "I hope that one day, I’ll grow more certain in myself and can show her how manly I am when we’re both ready. When we are, everyone can continue calling me a baby but she’ll know that I’m far from that when we’re together behind closed doors.”
Jen looked at him, astonished. For a second she thought he was speaking to her directly.
She lowkey wished that she could have something like that one day. She even tried to fight the little thought in her head that she wished it was her he was talking about.
They don’t seem to make guys like Jungkook anymore. He was always so sweet and respectful. She never wanted him to change. She adored everything about him.
“Do me a favor...” she spoke.
“Don’t ever change. For anyone. If someone can’t accept you for who you are when you’re not portraying your stage persona, then that person doesn’t deserve you. You are great just the way you are. Your shyness included. We’re all a work in progress, sprinkled with unique traits. Your future girlfriend will appreciate you for who you are. I’ll admit, I’m lowkey jealous.” she spun around in her chair, going back to her computer.
Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, smiling as he watched her.
‘There’s no need to be jealous of yourself, Jennie...’
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rebelliousstories · 1 year
Happily Ever After
Relationship: Jack Twist x Male!Reader
Fandom: Brokeback Mountain
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Strong Language, Mentions of Ennis and Unwelcome Feelings
Word Count: 1,805
Masterlist: Here
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co. Masterlist: Here
Summary: Sometimes, Prince Charming is just a few years away.
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As much as he wanted, Jack knew he couldn’t wait forever. Every year that he waited for Ennis to come to him, took something away from his heart. He knew why Ennis never did, hell, he understood better than anyone else. But that didn’t mean that the pain didn’t go away. The pain of being put aside for him to live a life that they both knew he didn’t like, with his only bright side being his girls. Yes, Ennis Del Mar was a stubborn son of a bitch, and so was Jack Twist. Which meant they both held out hope that the other one would come to their senses and leave.
After his last visit with Ennis, Jack decided enough was enough. He couldn’t continue on meeting up with him every once in a while to spend the night together, and then return him back to his wife and kids the next morning. His heart hurt to do it, but it was for the best. Ennis looked relieved and depressed at the news, which didn’t make dropping him off any easier on Jack. But it had to be done, for both of their sakes. Which lead Jack to wandering across America. The divorce had put things into perspective for him, and now he was trying to enjoy life as best he could.
Eventually, Jack settled back on Brokeback Mountain. The place that felt more like home than anywhere else. The man felt the sun start to peak over the horizon and onto his face from the window in his bedroom. He groaned and turned over, but felt something heavy and warm wrapped around him. The warm something against his back, and the distinct lack of coffee smell let him know that his companion had yet to wake up and get started on the day today. Jack heard a groan behind him, and felt the warm body nuzzle further into his neck from behind. The early morning, the smells of the mountain, and the company with him pulled Jack into a welcome memory.
“‘Scuse me, sir?” Jack turned around and beheld a man with a beautiful, but worn Stetson on his head. The espresso brown color complimented the mystery man’s skin, eyes, and the little bit of hair peaking through.
“Anyone sittin’ here?” The mystery man asked, and pointed to the only other available seat at the bar. Jack shook his head and motioned for the man to sit down, which he did. Flagging down the bartender, he heard a honey smooth voice order a double whiskey on the rocks. He sounded like a man after Jack’s heart.
“Whatcha doin’ in a place like this? You look like a city boy.” Jack’s eyebrows shot up to the top of his head as he slowly looked over his shoulder at the man. The look he was giving him must have been enough to convey the emotion he felt being called a city boy, because the mystery man started to talk once more.
“Oh, ‘m sorry. Me and my big mouth. I-I-I meant that you look really clean cut for being out in a workin’ part of town like this. Not that you…” he trailed off, mumbling to himself about the trouble his mouth was about to get him into. The man reminded Jack a lot of him when he was younger and more full of vigor. He started to chuckle lightly as he turned to face the man more.
“You’re alrigh’, I suppose. What’s your name?” The whiskey in his hands felt warmer than usual, as Jack watched the man’s face. The man supplied him with his name, and let himself roll it over his tongue a couple times before giving him his own. It was strange for Jack to be back in this position all these years later, now weathered and hurt. But it reminded him of the good times he had, and hoped for more to come.
“So, what brings you out here, Jack?” He asked, nursing the whiskey in his hands. He laughed humorlessly and thought about his answer.
“Just tired of living for everyone else. All my folks ran me off, so I’m just wanderin’ now. What about you? Your folks run you off?” A flash of blonde hair and a white hat passed over his mind, but the response wasn’t right.
“I guess I’m the same. I’m tired of survivin’ for everyone else. I wanna live for me.” And like that, the sweet chocolate brown eyes flashed away from memory. The gruff voice was replaced by this honey laced one. Same situation, different outcome. It took Jack a long time to realize that this was the beginning of the rest of his life.
Being pulled back into the present, soft kisses were pressed against Jack’s shoulders, neck, and back. He hummed at the affection and let himself sink further into the embrace. The head that the devilish lips were attached to peaked over his shoulder and came into view.
“Good morning, cowboy.” His partner said, voice stifled with sleep. He dropped his head on Jack’s chest and let the other man card his hands through his hair.
“Good morning, beau.” Jack responded as he pressed a small kiss to his head. They laid there for a moment more before his partner had to get up, and he made it known. Groaning, he shuffled over Jack, stretched, and walked over to grab a pair of jeans off the floor. Jack simply admired the man from behind, and made no move to get out of bed just yet.
“You wan’ some coffee, cowboy?” He asked, hand waiting on the door. Jack leveled him a deadpan look.
“Does that damn rooster wake us up every morning?” The man laughed as he walked out the door of their bedroom, and left Jack laying down in their shared bed. He knew he needed to get up. He had to help with taking care of their ranch, but everything seemed peaceful right now. He’d hate to disturb it, but it needed to be done. After a few minutes of staying in the warm bed, and letting the sunrise get him awake, Jack stood and went to go find a pair of jeans and a shirt. He stuffed his feet into a pair of socks, before grabbing another flannel shirt and heading to the kitchen.
The sight was something to behold when he finally arrived in the kitchen. His partner stood with his back to the threshold, and lost in his own world. He hummed quietly as the coffee was brewing on the stovetop, with the radio guiding him along in tune and tempo. As he watched the man in the kitchen go about his routine, Jack ran his hands over the flannel in his hands that he was going to offer. Their life together so far flashed in his head as he quietly observed. He came up behind the shirtless man and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, while tucking his head into the little spot where the neck met the shoulder. Jack felt his partner’s head tip back onto his own shoulder and the two began to sway gently. The music, the smell of the coffee, and the sound of the great outdoors that awaited them all helped set the mood of the morning.
Both were just content. They were content to be with each other, content to live where they did, and content to be themselves. It was easier to be themselves away from the prying eyes of society. The same ones that called their lifestyle sinful while having multiple affairs. But that didn’t matter out here. Here, they were just there. No heavy deadlines, or appearances to keep. No watching what they say, or how they act. It was freeing to be them out here. Jack watched with droopy eyes as his partner placed several spoonfuls of sugar into his mug and went to add a splash of milk. While Jack didn’t need the milk, it was a nice touch when they could afford it. He watched the man fix his own cup of coffee before dragging them both over to the table in the dining room. Jack had totally missed the food that was already there. How long had it been that his partner left their bedroom?
“Here you go, cowboy. Eat up. We’ve gotta go repair that fence today.” The man said, digging into his eggs and sausage. Jack groaned around a mouthful of eggs and threw his head back.
“Seriously? How many times have we had to fix that damn fence this month?” He continued to tear into his toast and breakfast while they talked.
“Three. That’s because of the damn sheep. They just don’t leave it the hell alone. Which reminds me, we’ve gotta eat anythin’ that can go bad soon. We’re movin’ the sheep ‘cross the mountain again this summer.” Jack was amazed at his ability to multitask like that. It surely couldn’t have been easy but he made it appear so.
“Damn it. Okay. We takin’ Jesse with us, right?” He asked, biting off a piece of toast.
“Yep. We’re gettin’ a little raise from last year’s adventure but it will be enough to pay for the fence and then some.” The men finished their meals with some small talk, mostly about the day ahead. With plates in the sink, and mugs in hand, a now full dressed couple stood on the porch, and watched the land. Jesse came up as soon as she saw her owners with a dead squirrel in her mouth and tail a wagging. They laughed and got the squirrel away from her before resting. The same routine everyday, but they loved it. One last moment of piece before they would turn in for the night later on.
They drank their coffee and enjoyed the blissful state of nature around them. Jesse laid at their feet, while Jack wrapped his right arm around his partner’s shoulders. He felt his partner do the same but with his left arm. Jack turned and pressed a kiss to his partner’s head and nuzzled further into the hair that he fell in love with years ago. He always imagined that he would be doing this with Ennis. That’s what his heart wanted for twenty years; twenty years of longing, pain, love, and heartache. But this was even better. A partner that loved him as he loved him, one that stood by his side but called him out when he needed to. Someone to live out his happily ever after with with no doubt that he would crawl through fire and glass just to see Jack happy. Maybe it’s not with who he originally thought it would be, but happily ever after takes a little time to get sometimes.
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