#but ye i like our special lil sounds
ajarofpickledtears · 11 months
I love sounds that the English language doesn't have, like German ch and r or Spanish j and r and c or Irish r and a
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forever-rogue · 9 months
Could I request something with the prompt, “that’s a mighty sexy costume you’re wearing” with best friend!Eddie seeing bookworm!Reader in a skimpy costume for the first time? Maybe a lil smutty, if you want, but no pressure! - @munson-blurbs 💚
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AN | Ooh, this is a great idea! I feel like Eddie would just short circuit! 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.9k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I have bad news," you walked into the trailer without ceremony or announcing yourself, dumping your purse near the door and kicking off your shoes.
Eddie looked up from the couch, where he was sprawled out, nose buried in his book. He quickly set it down and gave you his full attention, raising an eyebrow.
“The absolute worst,” you flopped down on the couch where he had made room for you, huffing dramatically. Eddie snorted in amusement as you made yourself comfortable on the opposite, positioning yourself so that your feet were touching his. You relaxed slightly now that you were back in his presence, his magnetic warmth and charm washing over you. 
“And just what are these horrible, terrible, very bad news?” he nudged your foot with his and offered you a small, encouraging smile. You could have easily melted into a puddle from that alone, “lay it on me.”
“I…” you leaned in, playing up the theatrics as you knew from years of being his best friend that he often did. He mirrored your position, the two of you looking at each other with matching grins.
“I…don’t have a Halloween costume,” with that, you leaned back and threw your arm over your eyes, making a sound somewhere between a sigh and a groan, “what am I supposed to do now?”
“Oh. My. God,” he reached for your hands and pulled you closer, a deeply concerned look on his face, “this is the worst. What are we going to do? I think…I think we might have to cancel Halloween this year.”
“NO!” you closed your  eyes and clutched at your heart, “no. It’s our favorite holiday. You must go on without me!” 
When you looked at Eddie again, the two of you broke into a fit of giggles. He loved when you were like this, so free and open and utterly yourself. He knew you were shy and more quiet around others - until you warmed up to them - but there had always been something special, something different about the bond the two of you shared. You were…everything to him, even if you, or he, didn't know that.
"C'mon sweetheart," he stood up and gestured toward the kitchen with a crook of his head, "pizza got here just before you did. Let's eat and then we can figure out this little conundrum."
"What kind did you get?" You bounced after him, stomach almost grumbling as you took in the mouth watering sight of the pizza boxes.
"My favorite and yours," he stated as though it was the most obvious thing into the world, "didn't really think I'd let me girl go without exactly what she wants, right?"
"N-no," my girl. Your head was buzzing with those two simple words. He'd said them so many times over the years that sometimes you even allowed yourself to think that they held more meaning than they truly did, "I should have known better."
"Yes you should have," he reached into the fridge and pulled out a few beers, "now dig in so we can start our movie and then solve all your problems!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So," the two of you were sitting on the floor of the trailer's living room. The space was always cozy and inviting, especially towards the colder months, always overflowing with blankets and good food. You took a big bite of pizza and chewed it thoughtfully, "what led to this coming to an issue?"
"Ugh," you swallowed thickly before wiping your greasy fingers on a napkin, "I went to a couple of stores and halloween shops to look for costumes with Nance and Robin. And there was practically nothing there!"
"Nothing of interest? Nada? Zilch?"
"There were some," you admitted sheepishly, cheeks growing warm as you thought to the costumes you did see. Eddie seemed to sense your hesitation and motioned for you to go on. His big brown eyes were concentrated on you and that made your mouth run dry, "but they were umm…they were sexy."
You whispered the last part so softly that Eddie almost didn't even hear you. But once he processed what you said, his face went through a copy of different expressions before settling on curiosity, "sexy?"
"Sexy," you repeated gravely with a nod, "like sexy nurse, sexy witch, sexy pirate, sexy everything! The only costumes that weren't like that were the complete opposite! I can either be a sexy scientist or a big, round pumpkin. Why can't there be a middle ground?"
Eddie had been listening, and listening intently, but his brain was currently having a moment. As soon as you said sexy, his mind went completely into the gutter. He would have been a dirty, filthy liar if he said he hadn't immediately started imagining you in said costumes. He hated that he did that but he was just a simple man after all. And you were the girl he was in love with so naturally…it went hand in hand.
"Eddie? Hello….earth to Eddie," you were waving your hand in front of his face as he blinked and pulled himself back into reality. His cheeks flushed a pretty shade of bubblegum pink as he smiled sheepishly at you, "you alright there, space cadet?"
“Y-yeah,” and he was a liar. A damn, dirty liar. He was currently trying, and struggling, not to pop a boner at the mere thought of you. Eddie shifted slightly to try and make his situation a little less obvious but it didn’t help, “so…umm, ugh - maybe we could make costumes?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought about too,” luckily you were so worried about your own ordeal that you didn’t notice his, “I guess we could do that. Maybe as a last resort. I was thinking about going into Indy with Steve soon and looking. I’m sure I’ll figure something out. You still want to go to that big party with everyone, right?”
“Of course - as long as it’s what you want,” he was always looking out for you. It made you feel so safe and loved, “but that sounds like it’ll be fun. Can’t wait for Steve to bust out those dance moves again.”
“Seriously!” The last party the lot of you had been to had ended with a very not sober Steve who insisted he could dance. He couldn’t but it was still hilarious for the rest of you, “it’ll be fine. It’ll be fun! I just have to figure out a costume, which I’m sure I will.”
“Of course you will, sweetheart,” was it shameful that Eddie was lowkey but definitely high key wishing for you to wear something sexy? Probably, but his brain was feeling very simple at the moment, “this Halloween will be a great one.”
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“I think I am having second thoughts,” you looked yourself over in the mirror and sighed deeply, “a lot of them.”
“You look amazing,” Robin appeared behind you in the mirror, hands on your shoulders as she pressed a kiss to your cheek, “stunning.”
“I feel naked,” you definitely weren’t but it was still way less clothing than you were used to wearing or that anyone had seen you in. Looks like you really went with sexy after all. It was supposed to be just nerdy…but it ended up being that and a whole lot more. Or less if you were really thinking about it, “are you sure this doesn’t look ridiculous?”
“Princess Leia would be proud,” She grinned at you before stepping into the bathroom to finish her own makeup. You cringed slightly…you had a feeling Leia wouldn’t inherently be proud but she was all about autonomy and you were exercising yours so…it was all fine. Right? Right.
“Let’s go before I change my mind,” you grabbed your coat off the hook by the front door and wrapped yourself up in it. There was no reason to be cold already after all.
“Coming!” Nancy and Robin were both putting on the last touches to their costumes - a couple’s costume - which you thought was already. Their relationship wasn’t terribly new anymore but you could see just how enamored they were with each other. It was disgustingly cute. You couldn’t help but wonder at times, if Eddie had ever looked at you like that. If only you knew.
“This is going to be so much fun!” the three of you were meeting the boys at the party and you couldn’t completely shake off the nerves. Especially every time you thought of Eddie. 
You supposed you’d get his response soon enough. What would happen was anyone’s guess.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Was your costume…supposed to be girl in trenchcoat?” Eddie’s voice was soft and warm in your ear as the two of you headed towards the bar to get some drinks for the table. People around you were in various stages of sobriety and costumes, but it was a good party and everyone seemed to be having a good time. You were ready to do the same…maybe. Hopefully a few drinks would help. 
“No…not really,” you turned to Eddie and couldn’t help but look him up and down again. He was dressed as a vampire, silly plastic fangs half hanging out of his mouth. He looked pretty good, but you loved the fact that he still managed to be so himself, “it’s underneath.”
“Are you gonna show me or are you going to keep it hidden all night?” he settled his hands on your waist as he stood behind you as you approached the bar. The feel of his touch on you sent electric shivers down your spine. If only he knew how close he was to touching your bare skin, “mmm, sweetheart?”
“I-I can show you,” your eyes grew wide, heart pounding as loudly as the bass pouring through the club’s speakers. You swallowed thickly, “but can we go somewhere a little more private? I’m still not sure if I’m totally comfortable with it. I guess…maybe you could give me your opinion.”
His curiosity was piqued as he blinked at you a few times before nodding, “yes, of course. Always.”
He almost died when he felt your fingers wrapped around his wrist, quickly following behind as you pulled him towards a more secluded area near the bathrooms. Once you were sure you were away from prying eyes, you fumbled with the belt holding your coat closed. 
“If it’s super terrible, be nice please. It’s so out of my comfort zone and I don’t know what I was thinking, but here we are,” before he could say anything, you unknotted the tie and let the coat fall open. After a moment to psych yourself up, you shrugged the coat off and draped it over one arm and gave Eddie a vague little ta da. 
He didn’t say anything - couldn’t say anything as he stared at you. It took every fiber of his being to remain objective and not let his more animal part of his brain take over. You interpreted his silence to mean it was terrible and that he’d never seen anything worse. You scrambled to try and put on your coat again, but he put his hand on your arm and shook his head, “Eddie?”
“That’s…umm. Wow. That’s a mighty sexy Halloween costume,” he finally spoke and his voice sounded so strained. You bit your lip and looked at him with big doe eyes; you were going to be the death of him, “sweetheart, I thought…this wasn’t what you wanted?”
“It wasn’t initially what I wanted but then I couldn’t find anything else and then I just sorta settled on…this,” you gestured vaguely at yourself, keenly aware of how much the Princess Leia bikini costume revealed - it left very little to the imagination, “umm, is it that bad?”
“N-no,” he swallowed the thick lump in his throat, “fuck no. You look amazing.”
And oh. That wasn’t what you had been expecting at all. Eddie wasn’t sure if he was really going to say that to you, but he didn’t feel like holding back either. Maybe now was the time - the time to tell you how he’d felt about you for so long now. 
“Really?” you sounded much too sweet and demure for someone looking so ridiculously sexy. He nodded so vigorously that his chocolatey curls were bouncing around, “it’s not…stupid?”
“Not at all,” his hands settled on your forearms as he looked around. There was something that came over him that caused him to feel partially possessive of you, “listen I…fuck. You look so good and I know what all those guys are going to be thinking. Because…honestly? I’m thinking the same thing.”
“What do you…oh,” your entire body felt like it was on fire from his intense gaze. You weren’t exactly sure what response you had been expecting from him, but this wasn’t what you had imagined. It felt so…invigorating and thrilling, “you think it…I look good?”
“Angel, you always look good - better than good. But this is…a whole level,” you swore his eyes got darker as he leaned in closer, his cologne washing over you, “never thought my little bookworm would look like this.”
“Me neither,” you weren’t sure if you were reading the situation right, or just dreaming that it was going the way it was, but you were definitely feeling a type of way, “I guess we should go back to everyone.”
“Hmm? Oh,” he silently cursed the fact that you were at a party. He wanted you all to himself and he didn’t care that it was selfish, “yeah. I guess we should.”
“It’ll be fun,” you nudged his arm with a small smile, “c’mon, let’s go and get those drinks.”
You were still feeling self-conscious but Eddie’s reaction gave you a little bit of a much needed confidence boost. He trailed closely behind you as you made your way back to the bar; he could see the way heads turned in your direction, eagerly looking you up and down. 
“Let’s just get this over with,” he huffed under his breath, glaring down anyone who looked at you for too long. 
He didn’t even care if it made him look like an asshole. You were his and tonight he was going to make sure you and everyone else knew that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The party seemed to drag on and on, and Eddie knew that he was probably getting more sour by the minute. He kept an eye on you as you went out and danced with Robin and Nancy, his conversation with the guys half-hearted as he kept zoning out of the conversation. As it grew later into the evening, Eddie had had enough. 
“Sweetheart,” he found you at a table with Nancy and Robin and a few other girls that you’d befriended. He leaned in so only you could hear, “do you want to go? It’s getting late. We could-”
“Yes!” you turned to him eagerly, already waving goodbye to your friends as Eddie shot them an apologetic look. Robin and Nancy weren’t bothered, they were more than supportive of what was going on. 
“Do you want me to take you home?” The cool night breeze was a welcome change from the stuffiness of the club. He offered you your coat back and you slipped back into it, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Can we go to yours instead?” and why would Eddie ever deny you? You looped your arm through his and leaned in close as you walked to the van, “maybe we can watch a scary movie or something. I just…I wanna hang out with you.”
“Of course,” he gave you a gentle squeeze as he opened the door to the van and helped you in. He would have done anything for you - anything you asked of him, “to Casa Munson we go!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Eddie?" The two of you were sitting criss cross applesauce on the living room floor, a big bowl of popcorn between your bodies and some random slasher playing on the television. He shoved his handful of popcorn into his mouth and motioned for you to go on. You were both still in costumes and he was struggling not to keep stealing glances at you, "can I ask you something?"
"Ofcourseanything," he mumbled through his mouth of popcorn. He swallowed it down before nodding and clearing his throat, "yeah."
"Would you have sex with me?"
Eddie choked on air as soon as he heard your question, coughing violently as he tried to figure out if you had seriously asked him that. Your own face turned so warm you were sure you could fry an egg on it. 
“I just…I meant like if you didn’t know me or if you like had any more feelings than just friends feelings,” you were quickly trying to backtrack and reiterate your question. You almost wished that you hadn’t said anything at all, “like would you have sex with me if you saw me like this?”
“I…” Eddie’s brain was short circuiting as he tried not to imagine all the ways and scenarios in which he would very much like to have sex with you. The question now was how would he tell you that yes, he would very much have sex with you without weirding you out or ruining everything. That or he could just…he could tell you how he truly felt.
“You know what, nevermind,” you were ready to stand up and run out. You’d run home if you had to - anything to avoid more of this situation, “forget I asked. I just…yeah. Sorry, Eddie. Can we just pretend that nothing happened?”
“Yes,”  he said suddenly just as you were sure you were going to die of embarrassment.
“Umm…yes to what? Yes to ignoring that this happened or -”
“Yes, I would have sex with you,” you froze, eyes almost comically wide as you stared at him. Eddie’s entire face and neck were turning to a violent shade of crimson, “I-I respectfully of course.”
“You would?” you sounded so sweet and innocent despite not even trying to, “really?”
“Yes,” he nodded fervently as you relaxed, leaning in closer to him. If it had been almost any other man you would have felt uncomfortable but never with Eddie. He’d never once made you feel anything by safe and happy and…loved. A nervous laugh escaped the boy as he scooted closer, your hands almost brushing, “I don’t just want…it wouldn’t just be sex. It’s about so much more than that. Because I…it’s never just been that. I feel…very strongly for you.”
“Eddie?” your entire body felt like it was vibrating with energy as your heart pounded in your ribcage. You were surprised it didn’t burst through your ribcage with how hard it was going. Was he seriously saying what you thought he was? Was there actually a chance that Eddie Munson felt the same the way about you that you felt about him? You leaned in so your face was closer to his, voice dropping low, “what do you mean? Tell me…please.”
"Sweetheart…fuck. I've thought about this so many times in the past. Pictured this exact moment so many times…but you're not usually in a Princess Leia costume," his little quip caused both of you to laugh softly, "I adore you. I have for so long now and I love everything about you and who you are and…I'm in love with you."
Oh. Oh. You hadn’t been expecting to hear that. Maybe you had, deep down, always known how Eddie truly felt. But hearing him verbalize it was on a whole other level. When you didn’t say anything in response, Eddie feared that he had said the entirely wrong thing. 
But then you looked at him with nothing short of heart eyes, smiling softly. That was definitely one of his favorite sights in the entire world. He hoped he'd get to see it every day for the rest of his lifetime.
"I've pictured this moment too, so many times," you moved your hand closer, letting your pinky brush against his, "and it didn't involve you as a vampire. Usually though, in these scenarios I'm one that says it first. I adore you beyond words, Eddie."
He brought his hand to gently rest on yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. You looked down at your hands and couldn't keep the beaming grin off your face. This evening had definitely taken a turn that you weren't expecting.
"Does that mean what I think it means?" His face was close to yours and you studied him. He really was pretty with those soft brown eyes and pink lips and the faint freckles that dotted along his cheeks and nose. You nodded once before reaching up and touching his face with your free hand, stroking your thumb over his cheek.
"I'm in love with you, Eddie."
He let out an incredulous little sigh as his eyes quickly shifted down to your lips. Your tummy was fluttering with butterflies by now, "may I kiss you?"
"I hope so," with Eddie there were no nerves, only sheer excitement, "we've waited long enough for this."
That was all he needed before he closed the small bit of remaining distance and pressed his lips to yours. You couldn't help the small sigh that escaped your lips as you leaned into him, wanting every bit of him. As he continued to kiss you, you crawled into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
Eddie was pretty sure he was in heaven as his hands settled on the soft, warm skin of your hips. There was no learning curve with him, it just all felt right and natural, like the two of you had been doing it forever.
He kissed you dizzy and neither of you pulled away until you were breathless. He pressed his forehead to yours and took your face tenderly in his hands.
"This is better than I ever imagined," he confessed sheepishly. You could feel that he was getting hard as you rocked yourself against him, "fuck, sweetheart."
"Don't stop," you whispered, leaning in to kiss him again, "don't ever stop kissing me."
"Sweetheart," he was breathing hard, his entire world being rocked by you, "if we keep going I'm not sure I'll be able to stop. And I don't want to push you or make you do anything you don't want to."
"I want this," you were kissing along his jaw and neck, finally marking what had always been yours, "I want you. And not just now, but always."
"O-okay," he was having a hard time not losing it and cumming in his pants like a teenager at the feeling of your lips and hands all over his skin, "me too."
"I love you, Eddie," you stopped and softly kissed his lips, "so much."
"I love you too, angel," he nudged his nose against yours, "happy Halloween."
"Eddie," your laugh was like magic. You both knew you'd remember this day and this Halloween for the rest of your lives, "happy Halloween, love."
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staryuee · 2 years
— a lifetime of love awaits, will you marry me?
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꒰warnings꒱ {edit} I HAD TO ADD SCARA OKAY
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . how would they propose to their beloved?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . tartaglia, venti, eula, kazuha, yoimiya, kaeya, ayato, zhongli, scaramouche
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . FINALLY IM FREE FROM THESE CHAINS !! lana can finally stop bullying me :( — this won’t be the end, i’m planning to write wedding/marriage hcs w these lot too ♪( ´▽`)
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when did he realise he wants to marry you?
ajax realised when you came over to see his family for the second time. the way his siblings rushed over to greet you, each of them stumbling around because they want to be the first one to hug you, your bright yet gentle smile as you squeezed each of them tightly and peppered their faces with kisses — it all sent the most electrifying butterflies to his stomach. seeing the way you handle his energetic siblings and the way his parents have clearly welcomed you in as part of the family, it really made him think “i want to be with you forever.”
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s a fearsome fatui harbinger, do you really think something as special and important like this will easily slip out? yes, absolutely. he cannot for the love of the tsaritsa herself shut the fuck up. he’s obviously already talked to your family and some friends of yours he knew he could trust but at this point everyone practically knows his plan with how much he’s been talking about you. honestly, speaking to yours and his family was his first step — he just wanted to make sure he had their blessings!! (as cliche as that sounds). with how overly-nice and generous people have been to you, you were starting to garner suspicions however tartaglia always has his special ways of distracting you~
you’ve just finished a lovely dinner with tartaglia’s family, his siblings were surrounding you two near a fireplace, the snezhnayan winter was being extremely unforgiving that particular evening with snow pouring down onto the ground, creating a massive winter wonderland. “did you know, [name] took me around liyue harbour again!!” teucer jumped onto your lap holding his lil’ ruin guard ehem ‘cyclops’ plushie in his hand, his bright eyes shining with delight. “alright, alright now teucer, i’m sure ajax and [name] are very tired from their journey and don’t want you jumping around on them. why don’t we all take a nice little breather outside?“ tartaglia’s mom intervenes, gesturing to the rack of coats.
snezhnayan winters were absolutely breathtaking, despite the snow engulfing you in cold, the pure sight of the kids playing and building their cute lil’ snowmen was enough to warm you inside and out. of course ajax didn’t get the atmosphere as he decided to come up and put his cold ass hands on your cheeks. “ajax!!! you absolute bi-“ you squealed as a shiver went down your spine. honestly you couldn’t get angry at him with the way his smile and laughter made you completely forget yourself. however, that didn’t make you want revenge any less. therefore !! you decided to start a harmless snowball fight with him.
while you and tartaglia were having a not-so friendly snowball fight, tonia finds a way to sneak up behind you and tug on your coat for attention and so, being the sweet person you are, you looked down at her… which ended up with you getting hit in the face with a snowball and ajax laughing it off by giving you small kisses. “sorry [name], uhm i just wanted to show you our snowmen! we just finished (。・ω・。)” she smiled up at you. god you felt your heart absolutely explode that snowball meaning absolutely nothing to you at that moment. taking her hand into yours she leads you to the place her and her siblings built the snowmen.
and who would’ve thought the little angels built the snowmen to resemble you and ajax <3 they had a small pebble heart around it with some local snezhnayan flowers scattered about and … some carving in the snow which read “turn around :)” as you did, your eyes instantly brimmed with heated tears. ajax was down on one knee, a beautiful ring imbedded with the finest jade in one hand while his other one reached out for yours.
“i love you with my entire heart and i wish to spend my entire life with you, [name], will you marry me?”
VENTI — 温迪
when did they realise they want to marry you?
better question: when did he NOT think about marrying you? it’s impossible to pinpoint just a specific moment where he thought about putting a ring on your finger. everyday he’s latched onto you like a personal heating pack whether that’s just him holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you etc he always has some part of him touching you. therefore, one of the more prominent times where he thinks of marrying you is when his heart actively yearns for you during the times you’re apart from one another. they do say “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and well venti takes that to the extreme.
did they nearly reveal their plans by accident?
venti is an ancient beloved god, he has absolutely no problem keeping his plan a secret from you! well, perhaps he can keep it from you verbally, ehem minus the few minor slip ups, he does make it quite obvious at times when he starts playing with your hands more often or stops frequenting the tavern to “focus on something more important” - his words not mine. he definitely tries his best, and to be fair he absolutely succeeds given with how loud and talkative he is you’d think he’d let it out eventually however, he wants this to be a complete surprise :)
the unfortunate ending of the weinlesefest was drawing nearer, yet the abundant love - platonic, familial and romantic - was filling the air with a sweetened fragrance. or perhaps that was just the scent of your boyfriend who had downed a couple bottles of diluc’s finest wine earlier that day. either way, your heart was brimming with everlasting joy.
venti held your waist with one hand, while his other hand rested on the top of your head to push you ever so closely. starsnatch cliff was the perfect place to wind down at , nothing but the tender autumn breeze and the silent brushing of the grass against you while you stared up at the glowing sky. although the day seemed to be perfect, you suddenly remembered that venti looked somewhat worried all day - consistently looking nervous and pondering over things that you couldn’t quite decipher.
you gently pushed yourself off venti and he gave you a perplexed look, “what’s the matter, windblume?” you just took him by his hands and told him to take a few deep breaths and appreciate the scenery. “venven, you looked so stressed the entire day, whats been on your mind?” he took a small step back from you and averted his gaze, subconsciously starting to fiddle with his braid.
taking a final deep breath, he looks you in the eyes cups your cheek and gives you a gentle smile. “mh, guess theres nothing i can hide from you is there, my warrior?” he takes his hands into yours.
“you know that i love you more than words can describe, you’ve changed my heart and life for the better and whenever im without you it feels like i've lost a part of myself. i’ve seen your kindness and your strength, as well as your fears and sorrows. you are the love of my life, i cannot imagine a life without you. i could tell you i can’t love you more than i do now, but i know tomorrow i will even more. my heart sings a song that’s only for you to hear.”
while hot tears brim at the corners of your eyes and spill out slowly, venti gets down on one knee and reaches into one of his pockets - your free hand flew to your agape mouth in an instant. “[name], windblume, my love, my shining star, will you marry me?”
EULA — 优菈
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
probably the first time she ever allowed herself to be vulnerable next to you. eula loves equivocation so unless you’re down to become a professional literature and language analyser , understanding her true intentions is rather difficult. but! that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her moments where she allows her façade to be broken down, she’s human after all and everyone needs support once in a while. those few times where she simply rests on your shoulder, hugs you tightly and sheds a few tears with you whispering words of comfort — those are the times eula fully cherishes her love for you.
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
she’s a bit of a tricky one to decipher as on one hand i’d feel like she’d become so much more hyper-aware of people and of her surroundings and she’d absolutely refuse to talk about her plans to anyone except maybe amber while on the other hand, i feel like she’d have the attitude of “if you find out, you find out and that’s that.” eula does try her best to hide her intentions and though her attempts at stopping your suspicions are futile it’s cute to see her focus on something so intently.
blanketed by a starlit sky at brightcrown canyon’s coast, cider lake glistening brightly and mirroring yours and eula’s forms as she swayed you to the melody of your hearts - a soothing lullaby as she called it - everything was all so mesmerising.
“i didn’t know the the leader of the reconnaissance company could be so romantic.” you giggled, she shook her head proceeding to give you a harmless glare that made you laugh once again. eula dipped you down with the grace of a true efficient professional , staring into your eyes with a sort of mischievous expression.
“i’m starting to think you say these things on purpose, my dear.” she gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth, actively avoiding your lips to tease you. “eulaaaa..” you whine pulling yourself up closer to her. she only chuckles at your complaints and pulls you back up.
“come on my love, we can’t have the dinner getting cold can we?” taking you by the hand with a complaisant and gentle smile, eula leads you to a lavish and fragrant dinner in front of cider lake. like the classic gentlewoman she is she pulls out the chair to help you get seated. despite literal years of being together, her romantic etiquette has never failed to swoon you.
“it’s rare to see you with so much ebullience, love mind telling me what’s gotten you in such a good mood?” she simply hums in response and sits down opposite you. unbeknownst to you, eula’s mind was in total frenzy and while not being a woman of many words her face currently held more emotions than a sentence could handle.
eula cleared her throat, “[name],” her gaze flickered between you and the floor before finally settling on you, “i know it must get extremely draining having to constantly deal with me, but i am thankful each day that you’ve stuck with me and loved me.” you could see a prominent blush form on the tips of her ears. “my dearest, i can’t imagine what i would be like without you, i want to be there for you when no one else can, therefore,” she finally places her hand on the table revealing a silver ring with a jewel that matched the colour of your eyes, “will you marry me?”
K. KAZUHA — 枫原万叶
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
kazuha is innately a romantic, ask him this question and he’ll laugh it off and tell you that every passing second of his was spent thinking about being with you — and while that isn’t inaccurate, he definitely recalls this one memory where he felt his entire world slow down to appreciate you. of course, he’d never tell you it though!
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
once or twice he may have accidentally sent you the wrong letter where he specifically mentions his plans of proposing to you (all of which were meant to be sent to his mama beidou btw) but best believe he retrieved those letters as quick as he sent them. this is such a significant part in both of your lives were the ink in your chapters begin to spill into one another, where the string of fate tightens to emphasise your bond and, more simply, were your souls become one - he needs this to be absolutely perfect.
kazuha is a man of classical romance, i mean not only does he write endless haikus for you, send you letters while he’s out on a voyage (when it’s only been like a couple hours), he is also covered in maple leaves which themselves are woven in love — therefore it wasn’t much of a surprise when he asked you out on the third date of that week.
what was a surprise on the other hand, was the place he took you. it was the same place you two had first met, a lovely area that was abundant in peaceful joy and tranquility: amakane island. the night submerged the beautiful city of inazuma in a comforting silence with only the hums of the wind echoing in your ear. kazuha led you hand-in-hand to a small picnic he had prepared earlier that day.
from where you were sat you could clearly see the gorgeous stars scattering the glowing sky like lanterns. even when presented with such a view, kazuha’s eyes were still gently fixated on you. “you are absolutely breathtaking.” your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, how could he say such things so nonchalantly AND to your face at the same time? kazuha gives you a closed eyed smile and rested his head on his palm.
“you make me complete.” he looks at you with one eye open. in an attempt to recover from your flustered state you sigh and decide to sit back and enjoy kazuha’s delicate teasing and compliments. he begins fiddling with your hair, “without you i am not whole.” you closed your eyes as his calming voice lulled you.
“dove, please marry me.”
you’ve never sat up so fast before.
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
much like venti it’s practically impossible to narrow down one memory with you. some reoccurring moments have always made her ponder her future with you therefore, it’s not really a realisation more so a confirmation the person she wishes to spend her days with till old has to be you. memories she recalls that definitely emphasised her love for you all include you smiling. the knowledge she makes you just as happy as you make her is enough of a reason to put a ring on your finger. :)
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
listen she really tried her best to be more organised and seemingly unbothered by her internal disorder, she wanted to keep her plans a complete secret from you to serve as a cute surprise however… she was almost completely sure you heard like the majority of her plans with how much she had to yell instructions and ideas to her dad. none of that dimmed her enthusiasm though! no matter if you found out about her plans, she knew the actual proposal would still leave an impact in your heart.
“yoiyoi…pleaseee we’ve been walking for ages! can’t we go sit down or something.” yoimiya continues dragging you past the bustling city of inazuma. you really don’t understand why she was so insistent on seeing the fireworks with so many people around, but you’re weak to her puppy eyes so you couldn’t refuse.
while the city itself was crowded with joyous laughter and sweet kids running around and causing headaches for their parents - the bridge was rather empty and calm. at last you both came to a stop. you hear yoimiya giggle ahead of you, swiftly twirling around to once again drag you to the bridges barrier. “this is the best place to watch the fireworks!” well you dare not doubt her claim.
yoimiya’s cheeriness was so infectious you didn’t even notice the corners of your mouth rising as you watched your lover gaze up at the stars of teyvat with such excitement. “yoi-“ she cut you off with a surprising kiss.
“look up, the show is starting soon!” her eyes shined brighter with every word, you couldn’t help but laugh at her silliness. in a mere number of seconds the sounds of fireworks could be heard from all over inazuma, the splashes of vibrant colour painting the sky in a loud yet melodic harmony. while the show seemed normal, your eyes caught sight of some bright kanji exploding into the sky rhythmically: 異体同心 [“two bodies, same heart.”]
albeit a bit vague, your heart was pounding into your chest and echoing in your ears as something in you begged you to turn around. as you did, all your emotions freed themselves. yoimiya was down on one knee, ring in one hand with the brightest grin adorning her face. “[name], will you marry me?”
KAEYA — 凯亚
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
when you truly felt like family to him. kaeya has been through a shit ton of travesties, things that still to this day keep him lying awake in cold sweat as his headache gets more intense. multiple people have left him, whether they perished in the cold hands of death or abandoned him callously he’s seen how cruel the game of life can be. he has clung to fate and blamed it when things refused to go his way — however, oddly enough he now praises fate for giving him a chance to meet you. waking up in the morning with you evokes such a gentle feeling of completion.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
absolutely not! he’s so good at keeping his mouth shut and purposefully misdirecting people, and even you on the occasion, it’s to no surprise no words of his proposal comes out. that, and, he personally didn’t put that much thought into the whole ordeal. it’s not because he doesn’t appreciate you, it’s because he wants his words to just naturally flow out, he sees more sentimental value in things that are said in the moment (probably why he drinks so often even while being with you lol).
“klee! please stop running around you’ll hurt yourself!” you catch her in your arms as the crayons in her hands proceed to fall onto the hardwood floor. she simply giggled and jumped up to hug you, you couldn’t help but sigh with a smile on your face as staying mad at her sweet face was pretty much impossible.
klee plopped herself down next to the messy piles of paper and the scattered crayons, picking up some specific colours to use for later. kaeya sat on the couch, resting his head on his palm, quietly enjoying the whole fiasco. he chuckles, “told you she’s a very energetic child.” ‘energetic’ might be a tad bit of an understatement. you join kaeya on the couch, nuzzling yourself into his side comfortably.
despite the massive headache you were forming from all the running around, the atmosphere stayed rather relaxed - getting to spend time with your boyfriend as well as klee made it feel like you were a lil’ family. with the warmth from kaeya lulling you with the addition of your prior fatigue, you were feeling rather drowsy but before your head could fall onto kaeya’s shoulder klee started tugging on both yours and his clothes. “come with me pretty please! i need a uhm reference! (∩_∩)” now, who could refuse that even while in a state of sleepiness ?
you all sat around a table, kaeya directly opposite you and klee sitting in the middle with her paper that she was suspiciously hiding from you. every few seconds she switched her gaze to look at you and then kaeya while scribbling in some details. she smacked her hands onto the table excitedly, “done!! mr kaeya can i show [name] now?” she gleams up at him. he gives her a gentle nod with his eye(s?) closed.
“look [name]!” she shoves her cute drawing your way expectantly, you could practically see a sunshine and rainbow form behind her as her childish wonder blinded you (in a good way of course).
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transcript: mr kaeya wants to ask you a question
the drawing itself was absolutely adorable: you and kaeya holding hands and klee looking endearingly menacing in the background was a perfect depiction of your relationship. what caught your attention was the text written above the rest of the drawing, at first it was hard to figure out (bless klee’s heart), but soon enough you managed to read it and with a grin you turned to kaeya, “what’s the question you have for me, mr kaeya?”
leaning over to you quietly, he says in his usual calm and frosty tone, “will you marry me ?”
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
immediately when he started absentmindedly acknowledging you as part of his family — whether that’s including you in familial outings with ayaka, or sharing embarrassing stories from childhood. he already treats you like you have the kamisato name, so why not make it official?
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
with how goddamn dramatic he is you’d think so however, with the aid of the entire yashiro commission (it was mostly just thoma, bless him..) he was able to keep any words of his proposal plans from spreading. he may be quiet about it while he’s planning, however when it’s all set in motion and he’s gotten your response you best believe every single person in teyvat is at least vaguely aware of your engagement.
ayato has been very secretive over the past few weeks, you were used to this behaviour with him working in the yashiro commission and with the shuumatsuban , but it’s like its been completely amplified. you weren’t even able to process any of these changes either since every time your suspicion grew, ayato would whisk you away for a date.
speaking of whisking you away, ayato had “randomly” decided to take you on a vacation to fontaine. to say the least, you were absolutely ecstatic!! the beautiful nation of fontaine, filled with endless waters and buoyant sea creatures seemed like a perfect contrast to the perpetually thundering inazuma and was exactly what you needed as a break.
while the journey itself was rather chaotic, arriving at your destination and taking a deep breath in of the morning air was gratifying. “ready for today, my love?” ayato gently took you by the hand, guiding you off the ship, with that phrase alone you knew you were in for a long yet fulfilling week.
and that you were — ayato planned out an entire few days worth of activities just for the two of you. most of them consisted of intimate time together which you did not mind the slightest. every day felt like a mere second, each touch and kiss felt like a fleeting moment that would disappear and before you knew it, the end of the week dawned upon you.
despite that, this absolutely wasn’t the end of the festivities as ayato had something very special planned for this particular night. after a time at the spa and some minor shopping trips, ayato had asked you to wear something formal - you obliged, albeit with a raised brow, nothing good usually comes with ayato telling you to ‘dress up’ (last time he forced you to come to a several hour private discussion within the yashiro commission..)
as soon as you finish getting ready, ayato gracefully placed a piece of silk on your eyes, “ayato what in the name of teyvat are you planning?” he simply chuckled in response and gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth. “don’t worry, dear you’ll be fine just follow my lead.” with a nod of your head ayato proceeded to help you walk.
“honey, are we there yettt?” you groaned. the silk finally lifted and as your eyes adjusted to the sudden lights you were in utter awe, turning around to hug him in thanks, ayato finally broke his silence, “this isn’t even the best part my love.” you cock your head to the side in confusion, how is a private and secluded dinner in front of the starry sky NOT the best part?
“you already know how much i cherish you, how i would take down the sky for you, i’d gift you the stars if you asked. with this hand i vow to protect you until my dying breath, with this hand,” ayato pulls out a box from his sleeve getting the hint at what he’s about to say, salty tears begin piling up in the corner of your eyes, “i ask you to be mine, the light in my life, will you marry me?”
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
it was quite a long process, he wanted to make sure he was worthy of you — a god accompanying a mortal throughout their entire lifespan is not only an extremely honourable thing, but it’s also a tragic circumstance. but alas when the world paused for a moment to allow him to think about both of your futures, he desperately yearned that he was still in yours. he doesn’t want to waste your time and energy, after all you only have so many years to spend with him, this is one way he could show you that he truly cares for you and loves you.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s old as shit and talks way too much so yeah. he didn’t necessarily try to even hide it from you, he just refrained from talking about it but occasionally it slipped past and well, he acted very nonchalant, not really seeing a massive deal in it, while you, on the other hand, were having a flustered breakdown. he does hope you forget about it so he gets to see the genuine excitement in your eyes when the time comes.
the peak of guyun stone forest. the perfect place to reminisce on the old memories and rejoice the new ones you’ve made — which was exactly what zhongli took you here to do oddly enough. you were quite prone to his sudden outings, he’d always ask you if you’d like to join him and well you can never resist this man.
even with the chilly breeze of the mountains, with zhongli by your side you managed to find comfort in the winds flurry. “if i did anything in my life right, it was when i gave my heart to you.” god this man really choses the most random times to make your heart skip a beat. you gleam up at him with a jovial smile, leaning your head on his body to relax, he placed his hand on your waist to pull you closer.
“i love you, my dearest. the privilege of seeing you at your best and your worst, and the privilege of guiding you through those times when fate is rather cruel is something i withhold deep in my heart. the world in which we are born into intoxicates us with its glacial and vicious atmosphere, forcing us to claw at fate to beg for mercy. yet, the chest of a beloved so easily entraps you in comfort and a gentle feeling of softness in one’s heart. i wish nothing more than to be the person in your future that holds you close and shields you from the worlds most unsightly of occurrences.” at this point you were already in absolute tears, the fact he could go on such long tangents to explain his adoration for you was enough to sweep you off your feet.
“i want to be all your firsts and all your lasts, your everything until the end of time. will you—” you very abruptly say yes probably a million times over yet the archon continues, “—marry me? i promise you my beloved, no matter what things you face i will be there to aid you, i can’t promise to solve all your problems but i can certainly promise a future where you won’t ever have to go through anything on yo-“ you kissed him, putting a sweet and quick end to his long rant. was he going deaf due to old age? perhaps.
“zhongli, my beloved and my most dearest, i’ve already said yes!!”
when did he realise he want to marry you?
you made him feel human, like he belonged. he felt a nonexistent heart beat a melodic tune, one that copied yours, perhaps because he knew no other rhythm or because his love for you surpassed his forged marionette. even on his road to godhood you were there, during his tragic downfall you were there; catching him in your arms, ignoring the incessant worried yells of the traveler. with months of constant nurturing and desperate tears that fled from your hopeful eyes, he was sure you’ve grown tired of him, you’d abandon him just like those before you. yet you didn’t, of course you didn’t. maybe that’s when he realised that in order to rid himself of an everlasting, dreadful reminiscence of the past, he’d have to replace those taunts with a tangible memory of your love.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he is able to keep anything from you — i mean you didn’t even find out you were ‘dating’ until one day he referred to you as his s/o and from that day forward it became your duty to positively annoy him with affection! the only person he probably turned to for help was his auntie nahida, but she wasn’t too much of help emotionally.. her words and plan definitely reassured one thing - a proposal should be surprising and heartfelt.
a glistening divine light beamed from the statue of the seven, illuminating scara’s anxious and pensive expression. “feeling alright, honey?” you touch his cheek, his eyes darting to yours in an instant. scara let out a discomforted sigh, “yes, i’m fine, let’s go.” he abruptly intertwines your hands together and leads you towards the verdant flowery path of vanarana.
while you were rather suspicious on the lack of aranara idling about, you were much more concentrated on enjoying this once in a lifetime moment — scaramouche taking the initiative and preparing a date. well, that IS what he called it, but you weren’t sure whether he was planning to bury you with the padisarahs or coddle you, because the distance you were walking was oddly alarming. ‘surely we must’ve passed many great spots by now..’ , yet kept your tight hold on his hand - having trust in him.
making a subconscious effort to avoid the pond of mossy water, you squeeze yourself closer to scara, he can only smile to himself. your eyes trailed along the bright flowers that sprouted from each patch of grass , keeping a mental note on every sumeru speciality in sight (listen that shits HARD to farm ..). scaramouche’s eyes dart around so fiercely you were almost convinced he’d pass out from dizziness. you were so entranced by scara’s beauty as well as conspicuously bizarre behaviour, you didn’t even realise he had come to an abrupt stop (impromptus you bumping into him ..). you let out a contented sigh, “are we th-“ — “no. not yet.” he interrupts as he nods at something afar.
after some final groans from you and begrudging steps, you had (hopefully) came to the place you were meant to — which ironically was the same place you started at. “scaramouche don’t tell me we did an entire circle around vanarana for no reason.” he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, “of course it’s not for no reason, you idiot” he murmurs.
he shifts to face you, “close your eyes.” it was best not to argue with him with questions of ‘why’. he took hold of your hand once more to guide you, albeit roughly, down to the middle of the vanarana pond. compared to the prior echoing silence, there was a lot of shuffling and some hushed giggles that were increasing in volume with every step. the water seeped into your garments but currently that was the least of your many worries…
“y-you can open your eyes now.” scara stammered, his head filling with excruciating heat - and you did so. your eyes widened in bewilderment.
“aiya, what’s goi-“
“marry me.” scara cuts in.
“SORRY-?” i mean you were going to guess that’s what was going on, considering the many aranaras gleefully surrounding you with flowers and or flower crowns in their tiny hands - as well as the not so hidden lesser lord kusanali with a ebullient smile spreading on her face - BUT YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT SO SUDDENLY?
your silence was feeding scara’s fears, and so he does what he always does: gets grumpy. “are you going to keep staring at me while flies go in your mouth or are you going to answer me.” cue you pouncing on him with the most joyous laughter and tears, the melody of your happiness made him subtly smile.
“i love you so much.” you tightly hug his frail form, his head drops down to your shoulder so his answer muffles, “i…love you too.”
past his unsavoury words was a heart that beat for you, and only you.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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bluejukebox · 9 months
somewhat damaged - ghost x reader ˚₊⊹
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The 141 Task Force gets their own special combat medic, one who catches the attention of Simon "Ghost" Riley. ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ warnings: NSFW !! MDNI !! afab reader, blood, stitches, unsafe sex, p in v, vaginal fingering, some dirty talk ☆
They were all huddled in Captain Price’s office when he proudly uttered the words : “We’ll be expecting a new addition to the 141”. Ghost couldn’t exactly say he was happy. He especially couldn’t when the captain was being extremely vague about this ‘new addition’. It wasn’t a secret that Ghost was absolutely horrible with new people, the walls he’s built for himself standing strong and high. Maybe it was a territory thing or maybe a textbook case of trust issues, he wasn’t sure. All he knows for sure is that his ‘distrusting of people’ habit gave him a not so positive reputation around base. His intimidating figure, mannerisms and appearance scared people off, which he definitely prided himself on. He knew that the other members, specifically Gaz and Soap, would try and force information out of Price by continuously whining, so Ghost decided to sit back and observe, per usual. 
“C’mon cap, ya can give us a lil’ bit more than that can’t ya?” Soap immediately perked up from his chair.
Price shut his eyes out of annoyance. “MacTavish, don’t start.", with a deep sigh he continued “If I had more crucial information about her I would’ve already given it, don’t you think?”
“Her?” Gaz and Soap both astoundedly said. Even this little detail caught the Lieutenants attention. He’s worked with numerous women before, to him the sex of a person isn’t a problem as long as they keep to protocol and know what they’re doing. The Task Force 141 would occasionally team up with other ‘groups’, like the Shadow Company, but new members being assigned was rare. 
With yet another deep sigh the captain continued speaking. “Yes, her. She’s a very reputable combat medic. As you all know there’s been some staff shortages in the medical area around here”, he said while cutting the tip of yet another cigar. “- and trust me I know how stubborn some of you guys get about getting your injuries checked out, don’t even try to deny it. In my professional opinion I think she’ll be a valuable asset to our Task Force, you’re all dismissed”. He waved his cigar clad hand towards the boys to signal them to get out. 
Not even a second after Ghost leaves the office he hears the scot rambling on, “Ya hear that LT? A lady, I wonder what the lass is like”.
Ghost frowned beneath the mask, he had expected Soap to be more concerned with the girl’s gender and less her combat abilities and medical skills, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. All he gave in reply was a grunt while he strided back to the ‘dormitory wing’. 
As he left the area he heard the loud discussion between the members about the new mystery combat medic, but it wouldn’t be until a couple weeks later that you’d arrive. 
And god, Ghost was troubled, These complicated, strong feelings all started the second you stepped foot in the base… 
The contrast between you and him was astonishing, you were so vastly different from him. The bubbly personality, and the cute shy way you had introduced yourself to the Task Force really caught his attention. You’re a proper pretty woman, with a very nice physique that was obviously trained hard for. Safe to say he was interested, though he’d never admit this outloud. The man isn’t known for being in touch with his feelings and definitely isn’t known for accepting intimacy, but that’s somehow exactly what you got him to do.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It was a rough mission, bad intel all around, your ears still ringing from all the shooting, explosives, the deafening sound of jet fighters flying close to the ground and projectiles. But the numerous injuries needed tending, the severity of them varying was your responsibility, you needed to focus. You needed to mend their wounds and nurse them back to health. 
It was a close call but you all got to safety, hiding out in a little safe house far enough from where all the chaos was unfolding. You immediately got to work, readying your supplies and putting on some gloves to maintain the little hygiene you could. Firstly you treated the wounds that called for the most attention, which thankfully weren’t life threatening if they get proper treatment back at base. After the emergency operations on numerous bullet grazes, scrapes, cuts and bruises the group was finally able to rest their eyes for a moment. 
They all scattered off, sounding grunts and hisses of pain. That’s when you realized there was one person you hadn’t mended to, Ghost. Your eyes lifting to find his, you found him looking at you with his brown eyes, his masked head quickly turning back to observe the treeline outside the window. 
“Someone’s gotta keep watch, you can go take a break” He heavily grunted, exhaustion evident in his gruff voice. “Are you okay? I-I’m here to help, I want to help you”, You frowned, disappointment unmasked in your response. Ghost could feel his heart skip a beat, he couldn’t even remember the last time someone spoke to him the way you did, the feelings you gave him were clouding his judgement. “I’m fine love, go rest up”
That nickname always got the blood rushing to your face, time and time again. You already were a shy person, the guest free and welcoming nature of the members of 141 didn’t change how intimidating they all were to you. But hearing the endearing nickname come out of his mouth, with his extremely attractive accent and voice, it was a no-brainer that you started developing feelings (and fantasies) for the man.  You thought you hid it pretty well, the way you’d become bashful when he spoke to you, the way you’d stutter your replies back. Obviously you didn’t, the others caught on pretty fast. It quickly became a huge trend in the 141 to tease you about your schoolgirl crush. Soap calling you ‘Mrs Ghost’ when you were alone or the looks they’d send your way when the lieutenant would lift the hem of his shirt to tap away the sweat droplets at the juncture of his neck during training. Even Captain Price joined in, it positively mortified you.
It was hard not to be intrigued by the skull mask, the skull sewn onto a balaclava, white paint replacing the place where the mandible would’ve been. There was obviously a lot of thought put into it, maybe love you wondered. Ghost wasn’t one of the youngest men in the military, it was safe to assume he had a partner and family waiting at home. That's why the late night fantasizing about the lieutenant made you feel guilty and gross, and the innocent crushing foolish.
“Alright, the offer still stands. Would it be okay if I stay here, with you?” The grunt you got in response was enough affirmation for you, quickly finding a spot to settle down and silently thanking the gods for the blankets that were still stored in the safehouse. Slowly you dozed off, exhaustion from the day weighing down on you and pulling you down into a light slumber. 
You were awoken by muffled hisses of pain, lifting your head from your makeshift pillow and trying to locate the sound which you quickly found. There was Ghost, stripped from his usual heavy gear, instead sporting a grey t-shirt, awkwardly stitching up what looks like a very deep bullet graze on his left bicep. Your shifting must’ve alerted him because his head shot to where you were resting. He knew he was caught.
“Oh, Ghost.." you sighed “You could’ve told me atleast, it’s my job you know” 
“Didn’t wanna burden ya”, he muttered after a pregnant pause looking properly defeated. He dropped the needle and thread. Slowly you got up from your prone position, standing up to stretch your legs. Cautiously you sauntered over to where he was sitting. “Well you can’t possibly burden me, and definitely not when you’re hurt and in need of assistance” You smiled, your presence truly calmed him. But the way you cared, the way you talked awakened something deeply buried in him, you were so confusing to him, a mystery. 
As you got closer to him, you settled down against a nearby chair. “Can I help you now?”, to which he only nodded. Carefully you placed your hands on his forearm, your touch making him jump.
“Sorry, my hands are pretty cold”, you bashfully said. 
That’s not why he jumped, he couldn’t even feel the temperature of your hands. Calling him touch-starved would be an understatement, the simple feel of your softer hands touching his tainted skin so gently made his blood rush down south. He felt so perverted, he was getting hard from you simply doing what you were assigned to do. 
You simply took over for him, disinfecting and stitching up his wound for him. In the amount of times he’d come to you for help you both felt the tension. It was undeniable, and this time it was the exact same. Even though the safehouse was chilly, even though you could see every exhale you felt flushed. Warmth spreading over your entire body, and pooling in your lower belly. You could barely sit still while tending to him.
“I’m almost finished” You whispered, your tone coming out more breathy than you had anticipated. The arm you were tending to tensed up, in fact his whole body tensed up. Suddenly the air around you both seemed to get heavier. He couldn’t help letting his thoughts transition over to a more inappropriate side of his brain. It wasn’t the first time his mind went there (certainly not the last). On lonely nights he’d have the image of you splayed in different positions, situations, outfits-  He was sure he looked a mess; clammy hands, a tense body sporting a semi. Praying to god his hard-on isn’t as visible as it feels, he wasn’t small by any means, nothing about him was. You both sat in silence waiting for you to finish up, noticeably your movements got more jittery and shaky. He saw the way you crossed your legs over one another in the corner of his eye. How your legs were squeezing together for some form of relief. He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating or not, there could absolutely be no chance you were interested in him, no chance he was the reason you’re getting turned on. One of his specialties is observing people, there’s no way he never noticed the signs.. Now he was staring intently at your face, his body fighting against the urge to kiss you, mark you, push you to your knees- 
“All done” your cheery voice cut through his lewd train of thought. When your eyes met his, your body was uncontrollable, your hand that was patching him up slowly drifting over his bicep, over to the place where his shoulder met his neck. That was the last straw for Ghost. Gripping your waist and pulling you towards him, faces inches apart. He could feel you breathing, eyes shifting down to your plump lips, chapped from the cold. 
Suddenly your face showed uncertainty, which immediately made Ghost drop his hands from your body.
“Do you have somebody waiting for you at home? Please be honest with me”
“Oh love, I don’t, I promise I don’t”
You’ve never heard his voice sound so desperate, so warm and needy. With the vulnerability he’s showing to you right now there’s no way he’s lying. All you could do was give him your signature infectious smile, that was his queue to touch you again. When he started lifting up his mask, placing the hem of it on the bridge of his nose, you were absolutely mesmerized. His strong jaw with a slight stubble and plump lips were on display, all and only for you. 
Your hands sneaked from the juncture of his neck to his jaw, eyes flicking down to his lips and then back to his eyes. Faces inching closer, lips slightly touching but neither of you giving in.  Before your lips finally met, he grabbed a hold of the sides of your face and ground his lips on yours. He grunted into your lips which made you whine back into his. The kiss became more and more needy, hints of nips and licks. Now that he’s gotten a taste of you, he’s become insatiable. He doesn’t even want to imagine never feeling your lips on his again, you were intoxicating. The position you both were in wasn’t comfortable anymore, he manhandled you and made you sit on his left knee, your back to his chest and his knee resting comfortably between your legs. His lips now working his way down the right side of your neck, hands moving from your hips to your thighs. His touch was light, hands moving from your outer thigh to your inner, before gripping lightly and spreading them for you. Your thighs felt so sensitive, his touch made your body light aflame, nobody has ever had this effect on you.  
“Is this okay darlin’?” He spoke against your neck, if his accent didn’t make you crazy before, it definitely made you crazy now. 
“Yes, please don’t stop” you whispered, unfortunately you weren’t alone in the safehouse and you definitely weren’t hidden. All you got in response was a chuckle. His hands kept teasing you, noticing how sensitive you got when he caressed the insides of your thighs, when he got closer to where you needed him most. Slowly his hand inched towards your tactical belt. But you beat him to it, desperately unbuckling and removing it. Ghost could only watch in amusement.
He helped you with the button on your pants, he couldn’t wait to feel what a mess he turned you into. He’s been dreaming about this for weeks now, the way you feel, your taste, the sounds you’d make, all of it. His brain already working overtime to tuck the memories of your warmth, the sound of your voice and the taste of your lips safely tucked away in his brain. It’s something only for him. 
The zipper of your pants being pulled down sent your brain into overdrive. You were so horny, your clit throbbing, positively drenching your underwear. Without thinking you shifted your hips backwards, your butt being driven into Ghost’s arousal as well as your clit making contact with the surface of his thigh. Bunching the fabric of his pants up in your hands while barely being able to contain your whine. What you both were doing was taboo, him being your superior and all. If anybody found out there could be drastic consequences for the both of you, but he obviously couldn’t care less about that now, and honestly neither could you. 
“Take what you need love, god- you’re so beautiful, I can feel you through my pants”
Slowly you started rocking your hips back and forth, the friction and pressure just enough to relieve you even a little bit. Breath hitching at every pleasurable rock against him, he started helping you thrust your hips by guiding you with his hands on your hips. You swear you could cum from this, you were so sensitive. All the pent up energy and all the fantasies you’ve had about him weren’t helping. 
“I-I’m close”, you whimpered, fisting his pants even harder than before, positively stretching the material out. 
"Already? You’ll be a good girl and cum for me, won’t ya?” Your brain was clouded by lust. You couldn’t even detect the humorous mocking in his voice. Him praising you is what set you off, hips starting to rock in a frenzied rhythm trying to reach the climax heavily burning in your core. Ghost started rocking his hips into your ass, simultaneously pleasuring you even more, his mouth so close to your ear, licking and biting on the lobe. His heavenly moans, grunts and heavy breathing pushed you impossibly closer to the edge. 
The fire in your core burned brighter with every thrust of your hips against his thigh. Letting go of your hold on his jeans you stabilised yourself against his hands holding your hips. Your body tensed, you threw your head back against his shoulder and moaned a lot louder than you should’ve when the pressure finally released, the pleasure kept building and building in intensity, every muscle in your lower region tightening in a delicious rhythm. “Good girl,” he breathed out, you were moaning so prettily, he wanted to save every octave and tone you were making in his brain so he’ll never be able to forget. The slow grinding of your throbbing clit against him brought you back to earth from the best orgasm you’ve had in your life. When he saw you came down he started to rub your arms soothingly up and down. He started pulling you even closer to him, the pressure and warmth of his body on yours helped you come back to your senses.
“I-I’ve- nobody has ever done that to me”, you giggled, turning to look at him. Who would’ve thought his touch would be like magic. Your body felt like jelly, but somehow you still wanted more. “You’re so beautiful when you cum”, He said while brushing loose strands away from your face, his eyes staring into yours. It was so incredibly intimate, his touch so tender it was making you melt. His hand yet again wandering to your core, brushing over your shirt clad breasts and travelling down to your open zipper. His fingers found their way inside your pants, he could feel the warmth radiating off of you. The way his fingers immediately felt wet simply just touching you outside of the fabric of your underwear, you had to be dripping. Even the insides of your thighs were a little slick.
“God, doll, you’re so fucking wet”, he groaned out. All you gave back in response was a high pitched ‘mhm’ muffled by your lips. His cock throbbing at this discovery, the fact you were affected by him so badly was making him feel so self-assured, his ego positively growing. Everything about you was perfect to him. 
After caressing you for a while through your underwear he finally decided to put his hand in your underwear, the uncensored feeling of his skin on your sensitive flesh was better than you could’ve imagined. With no fabric in the way it felt twice as good as it did before, you felt him spread your labia with his fore- and middle finger, making you clench, another drop of wetness dripping out of you. His now lubricated fingers moved upwards and circled your clit, you whined and moaned at his actions.
“I want to fuck you so badly but I need to get you ready for me love, fuck- I’ll take care of you”
That’s all he said before his middle and ring finger dipped down to your opening, making sure they were covered plenty in your slick before sliding inside you. You were tight due to your recent orgasm. He stopped halfway, his hands being huge compared to yours, he knew you’d need some time to recover. 
You’ve never felt so desperate for somebody, it was consuming you. Every fiber of your being needed him, you needed him to go faster, to go deeper. You wanted him to mark you, for him to be yours, and you his. 
Your hands grabbed onto the arm that was busy pleasuring you, one palm slipping from his forearm to his hand, trying to push him deeper inside you. He hadn’t even touched you for 2 minutes and you were already close. He was going to be the death of you.
“Ghost- fffuck, go deeper, I need you”, you were shamelessly moaning now, the thought of the other members being inside the building pushed out of your brain by the mind blowing pleasure Ghost was gifting your body. 
“Call me Simon, love”
You chanted his name, feeling yourself yet again get closer to the edge, the knot in your stomach unraveling faster than you ever anticipated. You were gradually getting tighter and tighter around his fingers, it felt even better. The rhythmic rocking sent you into yet another overwhelming orgasm. 
Ghost felt you gush around him, the sound of your slick with every thrust was deafening. He had to do everything in his power not to cum in his pants. You were truly a dream come true to him. 
When you calmed down and he felt your walls around his fingers relax, they slipped out of you. Strings of wetness tied his index finger to his middle, even his palm was wet. He started working on getting you both undressed, quickly pulling off his hoodie and shirt. Seeing him strip had put you into action as well, quickly ridding yourself of your shirt. As you sat there, tits clad with a very tight and uncomfortable sports bra, you gawked at his physique. He was crafted by the gods, muscles so defined and sharp. The broadness of his shoulders were twice, maybe even triple, the size of yours. 
Reaching up to caress his gorgeous chest your hand accidentally slid over his nipple, making him let out a muffled moan. You wanted to make him moan like that more, you’d do anything to hear it again. Hands drifting to the line of hair that disappeared into his cargo pants, slipping even lower and caressing his bulge through the thick fabric. Your pupils dilated at the reactions he gave at every touch you gave him. He looked like a god so you wanted to worship him like one. 
Standing up with shaky legs you pushed your pants that were hanging low on your hips down to your feet. Now standing only in your undergarments in front of him. He wasted no time in ridding himself of his own pants. Relieving some of the pressure on his hard, throbbing cock. 
He was sporting a tent in his boxers, which was now very visible with the fabric of his thick pants gone. You just stared at it, you’ve been with men before but it’s been a while. He certainly was above average, a fact that matched the rest of his physique. You caressed your hands down his sculpted body, ghosting over his pecs down to the hem of his boxers. Wasting no more time you gently pulled the boxers down. He was uncut and leaking onto the fabric of his underpants, which made your mouth water. Everything about him was just painfully attractive, the sight of him sweating, legs spread with his cock out and head thrown slightly back to gaze at you was something you’d never forget. 
“We have to be quick love, it’s already dawn”, Ghost said. His left hand gripping the base of his cock and the other gliding from your waist to your ass, gripping and pulling you towards him until you were standing in between his legs. Both of his hands were now working on pulling your underwear down your legs with desperation. You knew he needed you on him, around his cock as much as you needed him. 
You wasted no more time and sat on his thighs, the air between you two heavy. Ghost gripped the base of his cock and rubbed the tip of him on your clit, before finally positioning it near the opening of your hole. His mouth was open, the man breathing heavily in anticipation.
“Love, ffffuck I need you. You still want me right?”, the arousal was dripping off of his words.
“Mhm, yes-yes please put it in me, I can’t wait any longer”,
His tip slid in slowly, you felt the muscles of your pussy accommodate him. The stretch brought a slight sting with it, you’re not used to fucking men with cocks as girthy and big as Simons. You moved your hips closer to Ghost’s, you felt the overwhelming feeling of wanting to be as close and connected with him as humanly possible. At your motions he let out a symphony of grunts and moans while squeezing your hips to contain his excitement, trying to hold himself back. 
“Please don’t hold back, I need you to fuck me dumb- Simon please”, and the second your words processed in Simons brain he broke. Pulling you completely on his cock until he was balls deep inside you, hips angling upwards so that you’d somehow feel even fuller than before. Gripping his shoulder and nape you started your movements with him, hips moving in sync. 
“Doll, you’re fucking made for me. Born to be my fuck toy, how -fuuckkk is it possible for you to feel this good?”, Ghost said with a strained voice. Hearing his words made your pussy clench even tighter around him, “Hah- you like that? Being mine?”, all you could do was whimper and moan pathetically in response. 
Both of you wouldn’t last long, Simon was already nearing his climax after not even being 2 minutes inside of you. His masked face was pushed into your neck, making you feel the vibrations of his moans and his heavy breathing. Suddenly he let go of your hips and slid his hands under your sports bra you were still wearing, pulling the bra up to expose your chest. He positively groaned when he saw your perfect tits. Bouncing in sync with the rhythm, the cold air hardens your nipples even more. 
“Ahhh- I can’t last any longer love, where do you want me?”, 
“Don’t pull out- don’t stop”,
Your cockdrunk response triggered his orgasm, his thrusts getting slower and deeper to ensure you’re fucked full with his load. Feeling him throb so deeply inside you was fueling your own oncoming climax. You started riding him fast and deep in desperation. You grabbed his hand and started using his fingers to rub your clit, he loved seeing you get off with everything he had to offer. 
Your hips got wilder and wilder, until finally your body shuddered. Gasping and moaning was all you could do, the orgasm seemingly never ending. The soothing motions of Simon caressing your back and him still circling your clit in slow circles helped you come back down to earth. 
Now the only noises in the room were the heavy breathing of you both recovering. Your head falling down on Simon’s shoulders while he soothingly pet your hair, his softening cock still inside you. He kissed you long and soft, you felt him still breathing heavily out of his nose. Finally departing from the sweet kiss, he pulled you close. His face was in your hair. Giving you kisses on top of your head. “Thank you, love. I really needed this”, he whispered.
“I- it was my pleasure, Simon”, you said bashfully.
“My cock is inside you and you’re still this shy?”, Simon laughed. You couldn’t help but join in, all the chaos that took place only a couple hours before momentarily forgotten. 
Simon felt truly at peace. Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time, nevermind this mind-numbingly powerful. After having a taste of you and all that you’ve made his cold heart feel, he wasn’t going to let you go easily. Not that you wanted him to anyways.. <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
this is my first fanfic! i'm european so i'm very sorry about my possible grammar mistakes :')) i also posted this on AO3 !
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dwailol · 1 year
My Favorite Pose
ComPOUND Round 3 [Bucky x Fem Reader]
Minors DNI 🔞
Summary: First morning of your week alone in the compound with Bucky. He adds himself to your morning routine. ;) Established relationship. If you’ve been following the plot PLEASE STOP but your powers and vaguely why you stayed behind are revealed.
Warnings ⚠️: smut af, bondage, a lil rough but not too much, oral (m and f), praise kink, p in v, unprotected
WC: 1.7k??
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It’s 5:30 AM and there are little to no off days even for low key weeks like this. I get up and walk to get the specially designed breakfast that F.R.I.D.A.Y. planned for me. If there is one thing I miss about my past life it was a big flavorful breakfast… well and my family not being the reason the rest of the Avengers are trying to save a population of innocent people.
Surprise! I’ve got daddy issues. That’s my whole conflict of interest that kept me from the mission. I can’t do it. I told them not to tell me who did it if they are gone by the end of it. No matter how much I’ve been burned by them I’ll still hesitate.
I take my last bite and walk to the training center. I try to quiet my mind with some yoga before I get into the intense workouts. As I move into downward dog, I feel Bucky’s two hands pull my ass to his crotch. He gives it a light squeeze that still hurts because of the marks he left on it last night.
“Downward Dog - my favorite pose. What are you doing up so early Angel?”
“You know that pet name can only stretch so far,” I stand up. He throws his hands up with a cocky grin.
“Sorry, it’s just so fitting. I haven’t seen them in a while. It’s kind of hot when you pop them out. You should give me a quick show,” he says with that grin somehow getting smugger. The lack of sleep I got last night really motivated me to remind him what got me here in the first place.
“Careful what you wish for.”
In less than a second I sprout my wings then clap them hard in front of me which sends him flying across the room. I retract them back in an instant. He gets up laughing and clapping.
“Woo! That is what I’m talking about angel! I would ask to see the other stuff but we don’t want to set the building on fire do we?”
I can’t control myself when my other powers ignite - literally ignite. While he playfully annoys me, I don’t think I could ever release that hell fire. My powers are not “biblical” but they sure are other worldly.
“I need to get back to it. There’s food in the fridge. Just don’t touch my meal prep,” I hate that sentence just left my mouth.
“I don’t want your meal prep,” he walks behind me with our bodies facing the mirrors and his hands snaking up and down my body. “I want you. If you wanna get some training in I can show you somethings,” he says into my ear while tucking my hair back. So unfair.
“I don’t have-“
“You see this?”, he picks up my yoga strap. Out of nowhere he runs in front of me to kick the back of my legs. We both fall to the floor. He has me pinned down and starts tying the strap around my wrists.
“This is called a constrictor knot. In the event you have a disobedient girl giving you attitude, this knot comes in real handy,” he pushes his hand up my shirt to grab my breast. He moves it back down into my leggings and starts rubbing.
“Fuck. I could do whatever I want to do to you right now. You’re so wet. I cannot wait to get my cock inside you.”
I feel his fingers slip in and out. I let out a whimper. The sounds of my wet cunt make him growl. With a loud grunt he rips my leggings off. His fingers are back inside me and moving with fury. His eyes are hungry and he plants his head between my thighs with force.
As his tongue moves around my clit, I let out some “Ah! Ah! AH!”s. I start thrashing my body from the pleasure. He takes his vibranium arm to hold my hips down making me immobile.
“Whatever I want to do to you. Don’t make me repeat myself again. Now what do we say?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl.”
He sits up to free himself from his shorts. I am towered over with his cock in my face.
“Get to work doll. Let’s practice some breathing exercises for your training today.”
He puts his cock in my mouth and I start to move my head up and down. His length hits the back of my throat and I cough choking on it.
“Such a good girl for me trying so hard. Now you’re getting that pussy filled.”
He pulls on the strap to lift me up for a sloppy kiss with my taste still on his tongue. He drops me to the floor again to pin me under him. In no time his cock is thrusting into me with a speed so fast it shakes my body back and forth.
“I’m really making you mine this week. I’m gonna fuck you in every room I can. Get ready to drop whatever you’re doing for me whenever I want.”
I need this honestly. Losing my body to him feels more comfortable than I ever thought it would. My helplessness to his pounding excites me with both safety knowing he’s the one doing it and anticipation for what he might pull next.
He pulls the strap up so that I mesh into a seated position with him. He pumps into me with an unmatched passionate kiss. His free hand runs through my hair and gives it a pull in the back. He releases a heavy breath and moan. I’m squealing as he hits my g spot and my clit rubs against his body.
“Fuck Bucky! You’re killing me!”
“Good thing we know you’ll go to heaven then.”
He turns me onto my stomach so that I’m facing the mirrors. I arch up my ass anticipating his next move. I grip onto the strap preparing to take him. He kneels behind me and picks my head up.
“Look at you catching on. Now watch yourself get fucked.”
He slams his cock back inside me and thrusts with power. My high pitched screams are music to his ears. He grabs my ass and slaps it back and forth a few times.
“I thought I was being your good girl?”, I tease.
“Don’t act like you don’t get pleasure from my punishments. You might be my good girl right now but doesn’t mean I won’t give you a reminder of what’s in store for bad girls.”
“Not fair,” I laugh. Wrong choice.
He flips me over swiftly. He pulls tight on the strap to put the end in front of my face. His grip tenses around it.
“You remember this? I decide what’s fair and what’s not. You’re all tied up Angel. You take what you get and believe me you’re gonna get it.”
He throws my arms down then smacks the side of my ass with his vibranium hand. There is pleasure in his punishments. His movements are the hardest and fastest I’ve felt from him since our first time.
“I’m getting close to giving you my next load. I’ve loved filling you up with all my cum and watching it drip out you. Shows you’re all mine. No one else gets this pussy but me.”
My body tingles at his words. I give him an affirming mhm. He grabs my face.
“I wanna hear you say it ‘Bucky this pussy is yours’ if you want this load. Sing me that beautiful song Angel and it’s all yours.”
“Bucky…,” he hits the spot again which throws me off track.
“Bucky this…,” he cues for the rest of what he wants to hear. He lifts my hips up and my eyes roll to the back of my head. I scrunch my face then open my eyes wide as I feel my own cum.
“It’s yours! It’s yours! I promise it’s all yours!”
Mmmmh! I feel his huge burst of cum in me. He pulls out and it was definitely the biggest load of all the rounds so far. My hands are set free with some mild brush burns. He grabs my hands and gives them each light kisses.
“I’ll be more careful next time bunny. You just get me too hot,” he groans. I get a kiss loaded with tongue.
What a wonderful first morning with him back!
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chrisevansonly · 6 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: what better way to celebrate your first christmas season together than by wearing matching christmas pyjama’s
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none, just fluffy goodness
𝐚/𝐧: i am in such a december christmas mood now that it’s almost the holiday season and idk it’s giving me little bursts of energy to write so here’s a lil harry fic for you all! i know it’s been a while, don’t worry he’s not going anywhere and is still very much my boy❤️
“Okay sit down, I have something for you!”
Harry raised his eyebrows at your excitement, I mean who wouldn’t be excited it was the first Christmas season for the two of you as a couple, and you were about to share a tradition with him that you’d always loved from childhood to now.
“Should I be scared?”
“Maybe of how much I love Christmas, but this I promise, will not hurt you”
He couldn’t help but laugh, giving you a simple nod as he settled onto the couch, his eyes watching you with a gentle curiosity
“So I know it’s our first holiday season together, and I wanted to give you this…it’s a tradition that-well I want us to share it…but only if you want to, here..”
Handing him the tissue wrapped package he smiled, taking your hand to kiss it gently before unwrapping your gift. When he spotted the soft pyjama bottoms dark blue with snowflakes and little reindeer, a matching top only it was plain, leaving all the fun to the bottoms he smiled
“Thank you baby, I love them”
“Um do you know why I gave you pyjamas..?”
He nodded
“To be comfy of course!” he stated, enthusiastic as always
“Well yes but…” you paused, walking to the love seat across the living room and picking up the matching pair, and bringing them over.
As soon as Harry noticed his eyes softened and he patted the seat next to him
“You got us matching Christmas jammies baby?”
“I did…” your voice was shy, it almost made you want to internally cringe
“I just, I loved wearing matching pyjamas growing up and I wanted to share the tradition with you…but if you don’t like it then it’s okay!”
Harry was quick to pull you in for a kiss, the thoughts and insecurities melting away as his hand moved to cup your jaw, knowing just how to get you to stop talking
“I love this, and I love you, thank you m’love”
Your heart grew warm at the sheer amount of love he held for you always making you feel that special kind of warm and fuzzy
“I love you…so do you maybe want to put them on and watch Charlie Brown Christmas…? I made cookies earlier”
“You know what, I think that sounds like the perfect night to me”
Some might think it’s silly, not even December first and you’re already in the holiday spirit, getting ready to wear your matching pyjamas, watch a Christmas movie and enjoy yummy sugar cookies, but Harry didn’t care, and neither did you.
He’d do anything to make you happy, and he’d be a fool to skip out on the greatest holiday movie of all, especially paired with your famous cookies, he’d never ever turn those down.
With the snow falling outside, there was no better night to get cuddle up on the couch with his favourite girl, and his new favourite jammies…
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
season 1 of obey me spoilers btw
i like the idea that since it was so long ago that lilith got reincarnated that theres just dozens of people who are liliths decendents. mc isnt actually that special theres a bunch of people running around with busted magic but have no idea
You know, anon, I think that has to be how it is???? I mean they definitely make it sound like MC is unique because of it, but that really doesn't make sense.
So like I did that whole DNA test thing (my whole dang family said they were gonna do it & have their kits but so far my dad and I are the only ones who have actually mailed back our spit), and it's constantly telling me I have new third and fourth cousins or whatever.
I think it makes a lot of sense that there are probably a decent amount of Lilith's descendants.
Also depending on how far back it was that Lilith was alive, it just make sense to me that her DNA would have spread more than just straight down the line to MC.
I always kinda felt like it was implied that Lilith somehow influenced MC being chosen (why am I remembering something about MC's application somehow catching Lucifer's eye or something?? am I crazy???). If that was the case, then perhaps it was like... okay yes this is one of my many descendants, but this particular one also has the capacity to be a demon therapist lol. So I'm making sure they get chosen!
Either way, I think it's really funny to think about all these peeps in the human world with that lil bit angelic power. I kinda want them all to meet up just to see what would happen with their magic all in one place.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
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❃ Festivaled Away: Burned Memories hosted by @bangtanbathhouse​  
⤞ Ticket: Playlist ⤞ Main Event: Based on a Playlist ⤞ Games: fucking playlist | sensory deprivation | breath play | phone sex | oral fixation
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⤞ title: mu$ic fairy  ⤞ pairing: rapper!yoongi x podcaster!female oc/reader ⤞ genre: smut   ⤞ summary: When Yoongi’s career started to kick off, he never imagined he’d have a secret admirer this early in the game. Sure, random women throw themselves at him all the time, but this one has a different approach when it comes to getting his attention.  ⤞ word count: 11k ⤞ warnings: strong language | sexual tension | pet names | dirty talk | guided masturbation | ball fondling | dom/sub dynamics | sensory deprivation | breath play | phone sex | oral fixation | mutual masturbation | protected sex | ruined orgasms | orgasm denial | hard dom!yoongi | sub!reader | blindfolding kinda? | rough sex | choking | degradation | face down doggy/ass shots | hair pulling | squirting | ass slapping | nipple sucking | multiple orgasms | blowjob | face/throat fucking | yoongi moaning(yes that’s a warning) | oral (male and female receiving) | face slapping | finger sucking | clit biting | gagging | bdsm themes | orgasm control | cum swallowing | praising | cum swapping | forced orgasms | kissing but not the cute kind | aftercare | yoongi’s harsh(no other way to put it) | crying(the good kind) | sex & music | manhandling | sex with no feelings | marking/biting/scratching | possessive!yoongi(like he’s obsessed with marking her up) | pain kink | you’re either going to love me or hate me for the ending | pov switches | lying ass heauxs | toxic behavior because they are wild lol | alcohol consumption | the oc is slightly curvy and brown like me😜 ⤞ rating: 18+  ⤞ a/n: This got way out of hand lol. I tried to write a drabble but it just didn’t work out. I need to first and foremost give a special thanks to my beta readers Bambi @agustdealer & Ryen @kithtaehyung​ for not only looking over this for me but listening to me cry and rip this story apart over and over lol(there may still be some mistakes because I’m a clown and added stuff they didn’t read). I really appreciate your dedication and faith in me. Also, praise needs to be given to the ever so talented Ryen @/kithtaehyung for this amazing banner. She slayed as always. Lastly, thank you Madame Amai @kkulmoon​ for hosting this event. I hope you all enjoy it. Don’t forget to comment, reblog, and leave feedback to let me know what you think.💖
Playlist: Vulture Island V2 by ROB49 ft Lil Baby | It’s Givin’ by Latto | Whole Lotta Money by BIA ft. Nicki Minaj | Thick by O.T. Genasis ft. 2Chainz | MMM MMM by Kali ft. ATL Jacob | Have Mercy by Chlöe Bailey
Read on AO3
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Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Please stay on the line and allow us to find you the perfect match…
With a few basic questions and a two minute wait, he was paired with a woman that sounds rather beautiful. He imagines that she is, at least. Well, he hopes. 
He’s been chatting with her for about an half of a minute, and he’s feeling her. So he doesn’t hang up when the official timer begins.
“So umm…how confidential is this?” He can never be too careful. This could ruin his reputation if someone found out.  “You said you’ve done this before, right?”
“Yeah, it’s safe, love. Trust me.” 
He hopes you’re right. 
“After you complete the questionnaire, they pair you with a random person who has similar preferences.”
He pushes the worrisome thoughts to the back of his mind and proceeds to pleasure himself before time is up. He’s currently living paycheck to paycheck, so fifteen minutes was all he could afford.
“Should I lead or…?”
He scoffs out a laugh. “I got it, babe. Just vibe with me.”
“Okay.” Your response is through small labored breaths. You must be broke as shit too because you aren’t wasting any time. “C-Can you put on some music or something?...I umm, can’t do it  when it’s this quiet.”
He grabs his laptop and allows whatever track is next to travel through the speakers.
Fuck. He forgot about the beats he was playing for someone earlier. Hopefully, it doesn’t ruin your mood before he can change it. “Sorry,” he mutters a bit embarrassed.
“No, this is fine.”
“Yeah, it’s sensual,” you pant. His brows knit together in curiosity and he momentarily ceases his movements. “The bass complements your voice well, actually. Did you umm…?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“I like it.” The little moan behind those words has him standing at attention. In any second, he could blow his load.
“Yeah? What else do you like?...Tell me what gets your attention.”
There’s a pause. “Or would you rather me shut up?”
“The opposite. I wanna hear you…your voice. You sound hot,” you giggle and it’s one of the most soothing things he’s ever heard. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. You don’t sound bad either…Just hearing you laugh is making me hard.”
He hears a whimper; one of the sexiest, neediest whines to ever grace his ears. “Tell me what you just did. Don’t be shy.”
You hesitate, so he steps in.
“Touching your pussy, huh?”
He senses through the phone how worked up he’s getting you. You’ve started panting and moaning out your words shamelessly.
“Mmhm, my clit.”
He chuckles and whispers of curses come through the phone.
“Do me a favor?” you agree and he continues. “Move a little lower and dip your fingers in your pussy. Tell me how wet it is.”
He uses his spit for lubrication and tightens his fist around his cock. He imagines it was your walls snuggled around him, pumping his length as you bounce up and down. Something inside of him believes that you’re pretty, with a nice ass too. A really nice ass, that’s what his fantasies project at least.
“Fuck. How many?” you ask him.
Damn. You’re obedient as well. That’s hot, really hot. 
“As many as your pretty cunt can take.”
When he hears a muffled cry, his bottom lips tucks between his teeth while he concentrates on the squelching sounds coming through the phone. You both move in sync with the music and allow it to take away the nervous jitters the both of you had previously. His cock starts twitching in his palm when your sweet little moans move through his ears.
“How many did you use, sweetheart?”
You answer him in a high-pitched voice. You’re close too, he can hear it. Your eyes are probably screwed shut, trying to keep it together to prolong the call, but he has to go before his bill skyrockets. He needs to get you off—quickly.
“Two. Three, now. I needed more.”
“Greedy, aren’t we?”
“No…I’m just really horny.”
He has to smile at that. “Yeah? Me too. This is good, but I'd rather be balls deep in you.”
“Fuck, I’d like it.”
Sweat beads on his forehead, but he just wipes it away with the back of his hand and keeps going. The music has changed to something more upbeat and he knows this is his shot for home plate.
“Really? Is that why you’re making a mess? I can hear it, you know...you’re so fucking wet.”
“Shit, I wanna come,” your words are barely recognizable and you just keep begging him for more, “please help me.”
“Fuck, sweetheart. Take your fingers out and rub your clit. Spread that sticky shit all over it and get yourself off.”
He throws his head back and curls his toes, bracing himself for the impact of his orgasm. This has to top he sexual encounters and he’s not even touching you. It’s just something about you that’s driving him insane. He doesn’t even know your name, but he doesn’t need to, not when all that matters now is the pleasure of this experience. 
“I’d lick it all up too, eat you out until you cry and forget your own fucking name. You want that, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I wanna feel you so bad.”
“I know, baby. You’d let me take you anyway I’d like, wouldn’t you?...I could bend you over? Dick you down with your legs pinned by your head. I fuck you up, princess and you’d never want another.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna—”
Dead silence. 
“Are you kidding me? Fuck!”
The phone hangs up just as you both reach your climaxes. Disappointment is thick in the air as his quick strokes gradually begin to slow. He groans and curses angrily at the loss, and grips fistfuls of his hair in frustration. Out of all the people for this to happen to; it had to be him. Just when he thought his luck couldn’t get any worse, this happens and proves that life is just out to get him.
“Something’s gotta give, man. I can’t keep living like this.”
So, he shrugs off his needs and does what he does best—work. He puts on his headphones and hopes that one of these tracks will be the one that opens the door to all of his dreams.
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Two years later…
“This is your boy Jay Millz, and you're listening to Q107.9. We got my man Suga in the motherfuckin’ building. This guy has the hottest track on the radio right now, bro. He’s gonna be chilling with us for a minute while we dip into the Rush Hour Mix with DJ Reign. Suga! How you doin’, man?...”
He nods and greets the guy behind the mic. They extend their arms for a brief handshake before he continues. “What’s good? Glad to be here, man.” 
Yoongi looks around the table and sighs. He’s tired of the same fucking questions. 
What’s next for you? How does it feel to be the hottest rapper out right now? Will you sign with SlaughterHouse Records?
As if he’d leave a crumb behind for the tabloids to fight over. Yoongi’s been careful; really careful. He’s worked hard to maintain a decent reputation; besides a few run-ins with the law. But overall, he’s avoided anything that could damage the image he’s created for his pseudo. 
Many have tried to tear him down, or trip him up. However, he knows how to handle those people, and that’s what he’s about to do when the woman across from him asks the question lingering on the tip of her tongue. He knows it’s coming; he can tell by the way her nails tap on the table. She waits for silence and then she goes for the kill.
“So…Suga, you know I have to ask.”
The other co host sighs with an exhausted eyeroll. “Bee, please don’t start.”
“I have to. The people wanna know,” she argues and Yoongi can feel his head starting to throb. 
It’s bad enough that he hates these things and they cannot stop themselves from trying to dabble in his personal life.
“Anyway, are you currently dating anyone, Suga? A fan? A girlfriend?...etc?”
Yoongi looks to his left and gives her a lazy smirk, just fucking with her mind a bit before he responds.
“Nahh, I’m good. Gotta stay focused, you feel me?”
He takes a sip from his cup and savors the cold liquor before he gulps it down, watching the poor girl slump her shoulders in defeat. However, he was a fool to think this was over.
“And what about Mu$ic Fairy?” the interviewer to his right asks.
“What about her?”
He sets down his cup and turns in the man’s direction.
“She dropped a new playlist last night. I know a lot of us would have gone to see about that by now.”
Yoongi scoffs out a laugh. “Well, I’m not a lot of us, am I?”
“Damn right,” Jay chimes in from across the table. He notices Bee shaking her head in the corner and he couldn’t agree with her more. This is ridiculous. 
This girl, “Mu$ic Fairy” or whatever she calls herself is nothing but a fucking distraction. No one can resist bringing her up when he’s in the room. There’s no fucking escape.
At first, it was cute. A few Spotify playlists dropped every once in a while with a rather risqué cover just to tease, but now it’s an entire movement. Some fans are even calling themselves fairies, and wearing themed attire to his performances. 
He fucking hates it. The wings, the glitter, the overly sweet tones in which they speak. Of course, he appreciates his fans and they’re fun to look at, but Yoongi’s a picky guy. And if that’s the kind of girl you are, then you aren’t his type.
“I would’ve probably hit her up after she dropped the Fre@kii Ho @nthem! playlist.” 
Jay bumps fists with the other guy host after he says that and they have a “same” moment.
Bee adds her input after it quiets down.
“Well, I’m going to have to agree with—”
“Do not…say her name around me,” Yoongi intervenes.
He can’t; not when he has a show tonight. Just hearing her name pisses him off. 
Another reason he hates doing interviews is because someone always has to mention…
“Oh, are you talking about that podcaster?...Damn, what’s her name…”
Jay struggles to remember while snapping his fingers, so Bee attempts to help him out. However, Yoongi cuts her off before she can speak of the devil.
“Don’t you dare.”
The woman once again backs down and carries on.
“Well anyway, I agree with you know who. She makes valid points about how none of these people were after him before he started making industry music. They don’t really fuck with the real Suga.”
Yoongi only nods his head because the annoying bitch behind that podcast is right. This Mu$ic Fairy chick started showing up when he became popular and so did her followers. But that’s about one of the only things he agrees with. Everything else is out of line. This woman doesn’t know anything about him, but yet always has an input to give when it comes to his music.
One of the interviewers notices his change in demeanor and senses the hatred he has for this chick. He steps in and changes the subject quickly.
“Shit, we’re almost out of time. That’s what happens when you’re chillin’ with one of the greatest to ever do it.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “Nahh, man. Don’t put that on me yet. Give me some time.”
“Many would have to disagree with you there, bro. Matter of fact, you should ask them. Why don’t you tell the listeners where you’re gonna be tonight?”
“Yuh, tonight you can catch me at the Varsity. Tickets sold out, but yeah…fuck with me.”
The interviewers briefly share a round of applause before Jay concludes.
“Alright. You heard him. Tickets sold out, but who knows ladies…he might just take you home for the after party, right bro?”
Yoongi can only press his lips in a straight line because anyone that knows him, knows that a piece of ass is the last thing on his mind right now, but for the sake of some poor girl’s imagination…
“Yeah, we’ll see.”
And because of this, he’s probably going to have to fight his way out of the club.
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The rush Yoongi gets from being on stage always lingers in his veins even after the music stops. The crowd keeps the energy going and going. They scream his name, applaud his techniques, and praise his stage presence like he’s a king. He is, in a way. Suga is the king of this city; there isn’t a guy who doesn’t want to be him or a woman who doesn’t want to fuck him.
Typically, temptation is easy to resist since his career leaves him little time for extracurricular activities. However, sometimes he just can’t allow something to slip away. Not again.
“You killed it tonight, man.” 
Yoongi doesn’t even spare his manager a glance as he brushes past him. His train of vision is focused on that little black dress swaying through the crowd. If he takes his eyes off of you for a second, he knows he’ll lose you in the mass of people.
“Thanks, dude. I’ll talk to you in a bit.”
He doesn’t know what was said in response because he’s out of range within seconds. He’s a man on a mission, and he’s not even sure of why. 
You’re beautiful, there’s no denying that—and sexy. But something else about you is just luring him in, and he thinks he knows why. At least, that’s his excuse for following you outside of the club. 
It’s dangerous, of course, since anyone could be waiting to get him alone. But tonight he can’t let you just leave without a word. He’s done that too many times. You show up to show after show, stare him down as if he’s your last meal, then leave without even a wave or goodbye.
Yoongi’s had enough; this ends now.
You immediately stop in your tracks at the sound of his voice. He wastes no time trying to eliminate the distance between you, but you dash down an adjacent alley before he can get close enough to talk to you. 
He follows you, and calls out to you one more time before you halt and finally respond to him.
“Hey there.” 
Your voice is so dulcet, but edgy…and familiar. Where has he heard it before? 
“Looking for me?” The closer he gets the more clearer the sound becomes and eventually it clicks. He knows exactly why he knows your voice.
But you aren’t the person he thought you were, and you’re the last person he wants to see.
“You’re that podcaster, aren’t you?” Yoongi questions, approaching you carefully. At least his mind still holds the common sense to be cautious. 
When you look over shoulder, it’s like his breath leaves his body. He’s seen his share of gorgeous women, but you are out of this world. There’s no way you could be her. But everything is telling him that you are.
“Depends…who wants to know?” 
Yoongi doesn’t know where to look first. Your face or the body that comes along with it. “You or the bitches who want to be like me?”
The moment he’s close enough to hear the cockiness oozing from your voice, he knows it’s you without a doubt. He can feel the same aura radiating from you now that he does whenever he listens to those podcasts. You’re her; he’s a hundred percent sure of it.
“So you’re bold behind the mic, but now you’re too pussy to look at me?”
You turn around on queue, adorning a wide smirk that he’d give anything to wipe off your gorgeous face. “Better?”
Yoongi nods slowly and takes a few steps towards you. With every step he takes you move backwards, allowing him to corner you and in the dimly lit alley. 
“It’s funny because with all the shit you talk on air, I didn’t take you to be a runner,” he points out.
“I don’t think you know me well enough to assume that, love.”
“But you know me well enough to critique my music?”
You hum. “I do, actually.”
“Really?” When your back nearly touches the brick wall, he leans in a little closer. You show no signs of uneasiness so he plants his palm on brick structure and hovers over your shorter frame. “What makes you believe that?”
“Because I’ve been a fan for a very long time. Ever since your underground days. You’ve never noticed me…but I was there.”
When he gives you a look, you roll your eyes. Of course, he doesn’t believe a word that pretty mouth of yours spits out.
“Your first real gig was on your birthday. You were a senior in high school and you invited your parents to the show. You looked around and when you finally saw them you smiled like a fucking dork.”
Damn. You read him like a book, but that doesn’t make up for the negativity spilled on your behalf.
“So you’ve been following me to shows so you can build up the repertoire for your little podcast? For how long?”
You shake your head in denial. 
“I followed you because you’ve always been my favorite artist. I admire you, and I’ve been around since the beginning. Even when nobody was fucking with your music…your real music. The kind you’re passionate about.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Like you would know anything about that.”
“But, I do. That’s why I’m so pissed at you. All you make is industry music now, and I’m just…bored, I guess.”
You’re cute when you shrug your shoulders, but your eyes are lethal. He feels like he’s being stripped bare under your gaze. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you were silently flirting with him, but they’d be a reach.
“So find a hobby,” he suggests.
“I did find hobbies. The podcast, the playlists, the—”
“Wait,” Yoongi’s face contorts with confusion at those words, believing that he’s misheard you, “...you said playlists. What playlists?”
Your smirk returns and Yoongi suddenly feels his cock slowly rising in his underwear. Why do the heavens place the demons in the most beautiful women; he’ll never understand.
“You know which playlists I’m talking about, love…” your hand makes a move to touch his shoulder but he grabs your arm to prevent contact, “they were made for you.”
“Made for me? What does…”
Oh, damn.
“Are you…?”
“Well, it sure isn’t the whore in there dressed like Tinkerbell. You think I’d wear that shit?” Your laugh is so intoxicating; he almost cracks a smile just standing there watching you. “I don’t need all of that to grasp your attention. I never have.”
Yoongi shakes his head. All this time you were right under his nose. Two women he could never stand to mention are placed right in front of him, hiding behind a goddess. It’s pure comedy; his reaction to the news should have him pulling away from you and heading in the opposite direction.
But can admit that he judges a book by its cover; you aren’t what he thought you were. You’re different, interesting…someone he’d actually like to have underneath him in the opportunity ever presents itself. But he’s confused…why him? Why go through all the trouble if the music is all you care about? That whole Mu$ic Fairy concept has completely fucked with his mind. 
How does he go from having no interest to wanting to see what it’s all about? There has to be more to it; otherwise, it makes no sense. You two are strangers. 
He shouldn’t crave the warmth beneath his palm while his hand grips your forearm, but he does. The skin to skin contact should not arouse him so easily, but there’s no denying the bulge forming in his pants. Despite all of this, Yoongi keeps his composure the best he can; you’re too cocky for him to just slip up and expose himself.
“Out of all the times to fuck with me…” he pauses when your beautiful glossed lips part to blow the strawberry bubblegum you’ve been chewing. Your tongue darts out to pop and collect the medium-sized pink bubble, and he can feel his knees buckle when you suck it back in. 
He’s usually not this fond of people and gum, but the way you handle it, the way you slowly rolled it over your tongue in preparation was a fucking sinful, and he can’t get enough of watching you do it. 
“Why tonight?” he asks you.
You bat your thick lashes, probably knowing good and well what you’re doing to him. He knows you’re taunting him, silently asking for him to make a move, but he won’t. You’ll have to beg him for it.
“Because…I’m horny, and I’m tired of waiting for your clueless ass to figure this out.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Bullshit.” 
He looks down as your finger loops underneath one of his chains and tugs him closer, something he wouldn’t allow anyone to do, but somehow you already earned privileges. You don’t know how dangerous of a game you’re playing with him, but he silently prays you’ll get to find out. He’d give anything to bend over the hood of his car and—
“And, I think you owe me something,” you inform, placing your other hand on his shoulder once he slides his to your waist.
“What might that be, love?”
Your smirk widens as you hypnotize him with your brown orbs. He can smell your perfume and flavored gum even better from this proximity, and your scent makes him feel like he’s in some sort of blissful haze—intoxicated by the smell of you. It’s no secret that he wants you bad; he just can’t let you know that. Not until you tell him why you’re doing all of this.
“An orgasm.”
Everything grows quiet after you articulate those words. It only takes him a couple of seconds to remember, and when his mind processes it all, his brain nearly malfunctions as he tries to speak.
“You’re fucking with me,” he insists.
“You should know by now that I’m tired of the games, Yoongi.” His body shutters when you use his real name. Something he’d normally go off about, but he never wants you to stop saying it. He needs to hear you say it again; for an entirely different reason. “You can tell me to fuck off, if you want.”
He blinks a few times, not realizing he was just standing there and not saying anything.
“No, no. I’m just–wow…I never expected you to remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s not everyday you’re matched with your favorite rapper on a sex hotline,” you wink and Yoongi’s mouth falls open.
“You knew it was me the whole time?...and you didn’t say anything?”
You nod. “Yeah, I did. Your voice, your demeanor; I knew from the start, but I played along because you obviously weren’t on the call to talk about mixtapes. I just wanted you to enjoy yourself, I guess.”
“This is fucking crazy.”
Yoongi’s speechless. That was kind, and you kept it a secret all this time. Suddenly, all of this seems kind of sexy. It’s a secret he could have been in on if only he had read between the lines. However, he knows now, and it’s still technically still a secret…if it stays between you and him.
Your lips are once again his main focus; he’s so close to living the fantasies he had of you all those nights he wondered about how you handled yourself after the phone call ended. Did you come? Or was your mood ruined like his? He sure hopes not, because you were incredible and if anyone deserved to finish, it should have been you. 
He was right about you too. You are sexy, and the longer he stands here with you, the harder it is for him to hold back on his urges. But hearing your needy voice breaks him entirely.
“How much longer am I going to have to wait for it, Yoongi?”
All regards for his reputation goes out the window. He looks towards both ends of the alley before he makes his move. Anyone could be watching, but once he feels your hands sliding up his body, he decides that that is no longer his concern.
“Come here.”
Yoongi grabs you by your throat, but doesn’t squeeze or choke you. He just wants you closer, and your eyes tell him you understand where he’s going from.
“I live 20 minutes away from here, think you can wait that long?”
“Do I have a choice?” you reply and that sass is what gets him riled up.
He doesn’t think twice about kissing your pillow soft lips. He’s been staring at them, wishing he could feel them, taste them, and now he is and he already can’t get enough. The level of sweetness on his taste buds is sinful, but it’s one addiction he’d never give up. 
His tongue enters your mouth without any resistance from you, and he eagerly explores its depths, getting familiar with the woman wrapped in his arms as if he has all the time in the world with you. Your moans sends vibrations through his throat when he lifts your leg, nuzzling his crotch against your heat. 
Yoongi would fuck you right now while he has you pinned against this wall but that just wouldn’t satisfy his thirst for you. You’ve been teasing him for too long for him to just rush this. It took two years to lead up to this moment, a quickie would never do it any justice.
“I need you to be on your best behavior until we get to my place,” he tells you through his slightly labored breaths.
“And if I don’t?”
His features harden. 
“Then you won’t get anything, now come on. Let’s dip before one of your friends sees me without security.” 
Or…before he changes his mind. He’s had plenty of bad ideas, but this tops the list.
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It’s the only thing you can think about as your eyes scan over the sleek hood of the Lamborghini Gallardo. The man’s got some taste, you have to admit. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be taking you to his place. You like the fact that he’s picky, but always chooses correctly.
You drink in the sight before—Yoongi standing there in his stage outfit, complimenting his car. The vehicle’s custom, all white except for the tires and the heavily tinted windows. You could only quiver at the image of him driving it, and when it actually happens, your mind and your mouth start to go in different directions.
He asks you basic questions like your name and where you’re from; you can only hope you’ve given him the correct answers because you cannot break away from the visual of him gripping the wheel with one hand while he’s laid back in his seat. His jewelry glistens and shines even in the darkness of his car, but your eyes still fight through the nearly blinding twinkle so you can watch the man behind it all.
You’ve wanted him since you first saw him. He came to a pep rally at your high school and you fell in love with his music and his sound—his voice especially. Sure he was a cutie, still is. But he had so much hunger, so much passion for music that you felt him on a spiritual level. 
He did so well on his first performance, and you remember telling your friends how much you wanted to listen to his Soundcloud when the event was over. Of course, they laughed and thought he sucked because he didn’t fit their visual standards, but now…they probably wish they’d been a little more invested in him.
“Can you stop doing that and answer my question?” 
There it is again. That voice. It drives you crazy; when he said hello to you on that hotline, you knew without a doubt you were talking to your favorite rapper.
“Wha–Doing what?”
“Eye fucking me and biting your lip like that. Do you want me to pull over?” 
You open your mouth to speak but he interjects.
“Actually, never mind. Don’t even answer that. Certain things I don’t need in my head while I’m operating a vehicle.”
Your neck and face heat up. If only he knew that you aren’t as confident as you appear. He’s hot, but the fact that he doesn’t know it makes him hotter.
“Sorry,” you turn towards the window so you can smile. You don’t want to feed his ego. No matter how much he denies it, he’s cocky as hell. If he knows you’re gawking over him simply driving, he’ll run with it. “...What did you ask me?”
A slow exhale leaves his lips, like he’s slightly annoyed and you should be offended, but damn—it was kind of sexy.
“I just wanted to know what you do for a living. How can you afford to travel and come to shows all the time? ...I’m just curious.”
“Why? You think I’m selling my—”
“I wasn’t going to say that.”
“You were thinking it, and the answer is ‘no’. And no, I don’t have an OnlyFans either…probably should, though. I’d make bank,” you shrug.
“Look, I know you aren’t doing any of that. Honestly, you seem kind of selfish with the goods anyway, but…tell me how you keep up. That’s all I’m saying. Podcasts bring in that much money?”
“No they don’t, especially when you do them for free. I’m a writer. I write songs and I sell them to some of your favorite artists.”
Yoongi whistles. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Name a few.”
“This isn’t roll call, babe. If you wanna look up my credentials, you know my name now…Google me.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Fine,” you scoff.
When you look forward, you notice that you’re entering a gated community. Yoongi lets down his window and waves at the on-duty guard before the older man opens the automatic gate. 
After driving past many luxurious homes, Yoongi pulls into a driveway and uses a clicker to open the garage door. 
“We’re here,” he announces.
His home is lovely, and you’re in awe by the set up and interior design once you enter. You’re impressed, most guys don’t spend much thought on this level of organization. 
Yoongi leads you up the stairs and into his bedroom. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach fluttering more and more as you get closer to the top of the stairs. Your knees buckle slightly when he opens the door, but your eyes still look in every direction once you’ve made it inside.
It’s dark, but you can still make out the colors that fill the room. Blacks and grays with white walls. His bed is draped with a dark set; you can’t help but find it inviting. And it’s huge; you imagine he must be a wild sleeper because you couldn’t imagine sleeping in a bed that large alone.
“I love your home, Suga.”
He waves his hand. “Thanks, but you don’t have to call me that. You didn’t call me that earlier.”
“I didn’t?”
“Nope.” He shakes his head and tells you that you can make yourself comfortable while he disappears into his closet. When he returns with clothes, you tilt your head with curiosity. “I’m gonna go shower, don’t get too nosey while you’re in here by yourself.”
“You’re leaving me? Why can’t I join you?”
Yoongi’s eyes widen for a second and a hand runs through his hair while he ponders over his answer. “Because umm…”
You crane your neck trying to coax an answer but he still stammers.
“It’s…you know.”
You smile. He’s kind of adorable, in a way.
“Too intimate?”
Your head lolls back while you laugh and Yoongi huffs in annoyance as he makes his way to the bathroom. 
“What am I supposed to do while you’re in there?” you call out and he stops to turn around.
You watch him get ready to produce a smart remark. However, he pauses before he can get it out. He puts his clothes on the bed and walks over to the nightstand, turning on his laptop and grabbing some Bluetooth headphones from the drawer.
“Here,” he says, pairing them to his computer and then handing them to you. You take them before you look up at him, wondering where he’s going with this, but he’s quick to fill you in. “Listen to this, I won’t be long.”
Yoongi puts on some music and gives you a wink that makes your pussy clench. He leaves you sitting on his bed, headphones in hand without another word. 
For the first minute you stare at the object wondering what’s being played, but your curiosity takes over quickly and before you know it, they’re coming over your ears. You don’t regret it the second you hear his voice. 
The music begins to travel through the speakers, you become obsessed with it from the very first track. You love that it’s similar to his original sound, but it isn’t the same track over and over again. They’re all so different yet so him. You can hear and feel the amount of dedication and effort he put into it. Like it wasn’t done out of obligation, but because he wanted to do it for himself. You can’t help but get up and sway your hips to the music. 
You feel so connected to him through his work, and that’s why you go on and on about how you wish he’d make another mixtape because this shit is fire. You wonder how long he’s been hiding it from the world.
You aren’t expecting him to be sitting on the bed when you turn around. Your hand finds your chest and you lower the volume on the headset.
“How long have you been sitting there? You fucking scared me.”
He shrugs. “Long enough to know that I want that dress off of you.”
Your startled expression turns smug. “Oh, really?”
“Hell, yeah.”
“So…you want me to take it off?” You raise an eyebrow.
“What do you think?”
“I think you’re going to have to use your words with me if you want something.”
Yoongi’s arms fold at his chest; his white tee strains against his beefiness. You remember how his clothes used to swallow him, but now he’s filling them up quite nicely, if you may. Either way, he looks good. It’s just a natural trait he possesses.
“I mean either you can take it off or you can leave. Doesn’t matter to me,” he shrugs his shoulders.
If you weren’t horny just looking at him sitting there in his boxers, you’d call his bluff. But you’ve already picked up on his stubbornness and you know better than to try him. “Fine.”
You sigh as you drag down the straps of your dress, rolling your eyes when he tells you to slow down. You flip your hair and twirl your body as you wiggle the fabric down your hips, turning around in the opposite direction to give him a peek at your derriere. 
Looking over your shoulder, you notice how his face becomes etched with approval. You give yourself a silent applaud for selecting this piece. You’re sure your thong leaves nothing for his imagination. It also doesn’t help that you’re topless.
You stop torturing him and turn around so he can see the front.
“Damn,” is all he can say.
You take off your heels before walking towards him and his eyes never leave your breasts the entire journey, even once you’re standing between his legs, preparing to straddle his lap.
“I want you.” You tell him as if he doesn’t already know. 
Yoongi’s hands find your waist while you place your knees on the bed. As soon as you’re on his lap, you can feel his bulge threatening to burst out of his underwear. It’d be so simple to pull your panties aside and milk him for everything he has, but not tonight. He’s the one who owes you a good fucking.
“How badly?”
His lips find your skin and make their way to your tits, making you clutch onto his damp curly strands while he sucks and tugs on your sensitive nipples. Your hands tug his hair, and you force him to look at your face.
“Yoongi. You’re either going to fuck me or I’m going to fuck you. What’s it going to be—”
He scoops you up and drops you on the mattress, making you squeak in surprise. The dark gleam in his orbs has your thighs rubbing and your fists clinging onto the comforter. He's finally had enough, and hopefully he doesn’t hold back anymore.
“You asked for this,” he warns you and you almost giggle with glee. He pulls his shirt over his head and is about to toss it somewhere, but then he changes his mind. Yoongi looks at you for a moment, contemplating before he speaks. “You trust me, right?”
“Well, I came home with you even though you hate me, didn’t I?...Why do you ask?”
“So a lot or a little?”
You groan. 
He chuckles and you feel the butterflies once again. Yoongi turns the volume up on his laptop before holding up a thumb to ask if it is too loud. Honestly, you’re glad it tuned him out because though you understand that safety is first, there’s little you wouldn’t try when it comes to this man. You’ve been waiting as patiently as you could to experience this and you’re ready to get started.
You nod and his devilish smirk is the last thing you see before he throws his shirt over your head. Darkness fills your vision but it doesn’t bother you as long as his voice is filling your ears. His cold hands slide up your thighs and spread them, wasting no time in touching your slightly sodden underwear.
Gasps escape your lips when his finger presses gently on your clit, and you can only hope the sound isn’t too awkward since you cannot hear yourself. 
The bed dips so you assume he’s climbing on and you release a breath when you feel his lips hovering over your body. He leaves kisses between your breasts and he doesn’t stop until your lace panties prevent him from accessing any more skin.
Yoongi quickly slides them off, leaving lying on his bed completely naked. Everything from the moment when his tongue dips into your center is one feverish bliss. Your back arches, your toes curl, and your fingers entangle in his hair. The sounds you’re making are probably feral and of an obnoxious volume but Yoongi doesn’t bother to shush you or stop his sinful movements. 
He draws circles over your throbbing clit with his tongue, moving in the same motion as you do as you swivel your hips. This song has you in the mood to grind your pussy on his face, and that’s entirely his fault for coming up with such vulgar lyrics. It’s filthy and you feel the muscles in your stomach tightening by the seconds. You scream his name over and over but he just keeps going until you release the pressure built up inside of you.
The shirt is snatched off your face as you’re at your peak and what you see between your thighs only intensifies your orgasm. His face is buried in your heat, sucking your bundle of nerves into his mouth and nibbling gently while you squirm in his iron grip.
Yoongi kisses your inner thighs once you begin to calm down to help you relax. When you back slowly droop onto the bed is when he carefully removes the headphones, turning them off and then setting them on the nightstand next to his laptop.
“I would go back for seconds, but that would only make me want more,” he tells you. He opens the bottom drawer and pulls out some condoms then throws them on the bed.
“I don’t know if I’d survive that.”
“Well, you better say a prayer because we aren’t done,” he laughs and excitement bubbles inside of you.
Yoongi switches the music to something else and you can’t help but pout. 
You sigh. “I pray you aren’t all talk.”
He glares at you for your comment and steps closer to the bed. 
“You’re a sweet girl, but…” he flips you on your stomach and pulls you up by the waist, positioning you so that your ass and pussy are directly in his line of sight, “you need to watch how you fucking speak to me.”
A shriek leaves your lips when he slaps your ass. “Yoongi…please.”
“Please? You want me to stop?”
“No!” Your voice is high pitched and shaky, almost unrecognizable to your ears. “Don’t stop, please.”
Yoongi finds humor in your desperation. “Ask me nicely.”
“Fuck,” you whine but it’s the wrong answer. “Yoongi, please do it again.”
Your breath hitches. “What?”
“I said no.”.
“Such a fucking asshole,” you mumble insults, thinking they’re too low for him to hear.
“What was that?”
You look behind you and notice Yoongi rolling a condom over his dick. You can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of those veiny hands stroking his cock slowly, preparing himself to dive into your wetness. You’ve always wondered what he looked like doing that, ever since that time on the phone.
“Nothing,” you lie.
He puts his knee on the bed and inches closer to you. You tease him by wiggling your ass a little but he places a hand on your hip to still you. “You know…”
You can feel his cock against your entrance and your body pushes back on him to try and get it inside of you yourself. However, your impatience makes you forget how petty the man behind you really is.
The tip slips past your folds and with the amount of arousal seeping from your opening, he’s able to slide in with ease. But it’s only a taste; the majority of his cock still remains outside of you, and quickly your frustration takes control of you.
“If you wanna meet an asshole…” he makes a loud gasp leave your lips when he, without warning, slams into your pussy in one smooth motion. You whimper; a harsh snatch of your hair makes you wince and grip the sheets. Your head is turned in an uncomfortable position, but the only thing you can focus on is the intensity of the stretch and the way his dick doesn’t leave any room to spare, “I could introduce you to one.”
Yoongi pushes your head forward and pins you to the mattress. Your teeth grit together because of your sensitivity. You could come just like this without him even moving. That’s how worked up you still are. You just need a moment to pull yourself together, but Yoongi doesn’t have the patience for that.
“Arch your fucking back.”
He pulls out but swiftly snaps back into you, causing you to let out a squeak. You try to cover your mouth but his large hand comes down on your ass before you can do so. Your moans turn into screams within minutes, increasing in volume each time Yoongi slaps your rear.
“I know you can do better than that. Straighten up before I do it for you,” he grunts through the lewd skin-slapping noises that fill the room.
You squeeze your eyes shut and arch your back like he demands. The position is only uncomfortable for a few seconds, but eventually it becomes familiar and the sensitivity ebbs away.
Yoongi lets go of your hair and starts rubbing his hands all over your ass, kneading the reddened flesh and giving it words of appreciation.
When you start to fuck him back he holds your waist and pulls you back on his cock. Your body begins to move naturally with the rhythm of the background music and he allows you to set the pace while he whispers obscene remarks.
“Look at you taking it just like a whore.” 
You can feel the arousal between your thighs, dripping and making a mess of the sheets. The squelching sounds are disgusting but don’t phase you in this heated moment. You have more important things to worry about. Like how long you’ll be able to keep this up. You weren’t expecting him to have this much stamina, but you’ve learned to never judge a book by the cover.
He’s strong, the grip he has on you is evidence to that. The way he’s handling you like you’re nothing but a fuck toy he can use at his discretion has you clenching around his dick. His deep chuckle fills the room when he feels your walls tighten.
“On your next podcast, you should tell them how I fucked your brains out to your own playlist,” he comments.
Yoongi’s thrusts have your knees trembling and nearly giving out, but he’s quick to assure that you keep up. “No fucking slacking, whore. Do better or I’ll pull out and use your throat instead.”
You’re sure your ass will be sore in the morning because Yoongi cannot keep his hands off of it. He strikes you every chance he gets and the stinging sensation from his blows push you closer and closer to your peak.
“Fuck. Yoongi…please.”
Tears roll down your cheek when his cock travels deeper, touching the spot that makes you unravel at the seams. It’s all too much and you beg him to allow you to surrender to the pleasure.
“Not yet. Shit, do you have any idea how juicy your ass looks like this?”
“But I can’t,” you sob into the comforter.
A slap to your left cheek leaves you a shaky mess. However, he shows you no mercy and does the same thing to the other side.
“That’s not an option. If you come, I swear—”
“Sorry…” Your muffled cries are the last thing you can recall before your body accidentally gives in.
Your juices leak onto the bed while you hold on for dear life, afraid you’ll float away if you let go of the fabric. But just as your orgasm reaches its peak, it’s ripped away from you  by one of the foulest humans on this planet.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he growls as he drags you off the bed. Yoongi forces you to your knees, ignoring your pleas to regain what was stolen from you. He slaps your cheek a few times, snapping you back into reality and demanding your attention. “Answer me!”
“You…You told me not to come,” you hiccup.
His expression tells you how displeased he is, but it’s too bad that you don’t care. Something comes over you that has you sucking it up and wiping your tears. If he wants to play dirty, you can do it too.
“So why did you?...I never said that you could.”
You look up at him with innocent eyes. However, you have no intentions on being good anymore.
“Because it felt good and I wanted to,” you tell him and he grabs your face.
“You don’t get to decide what you want to do or what feels good. If you had the answers you wouldn’t have been begging for my dick for two years.”
Yoongi pulls off the condom and brings his cock to your mouth. You clench your fist to hold back the excitement when he tells you to open. You’ve craved the taste of him even though you’ve never had him. Your mouth waters as you wait for him to enter, and when he does, he doesn’t stop until reaches the back of your throat.
“Tap my thigh if you need air, and do not suck until I tell you to, understand?”
You mumble around him as best as you can. “Mmhm.”
Before you can prepare yourself for a pace you know will be relentless, Yoongi withdraws and slowly re-enters your crevice. Your eyes roll back from the fullness and addicting taste of him. You want more—need more to fulfill your desire.
Ignoring his instructions, you enclose your lips around him and begin to suck him in each time he tries to pull out. “Easy,” he warns but you keep going.
One of your hands comes up to fondle his balls and Yoongi’s deep moans begin to fill your ears. He throws his head back in pleasure while you give him, what you would consider, the best blowjob of his life. The sound he produces is the only music you want to hear. His voice holds so much lust and bass, arousal gushes from your cunt as a result.
“Fuck, I told you not to do that.”
You hum around him, sending vibrations up his shaft. The feeling brings him to his senses and he places both his hands on your head. You have to grab onto his thighs to keep yourself steady since he’s starting to take control. You try to maintain the suction but his wild movements make it impossible.
“You wanted to suck me off so badly. Keep it up,” he grunts, increasing his speed.
You choke on his dick and the sounds make him twitch in your mouth. Yoongi starts to intentionally go deeper, but he’s unsatisfied by the lack of space there is for him.
He pulls out of you, leaving you coughing and gasping at the sudden intake of air.
“Well, damn. Do I have to teach you how to suck dick too?”
Yoongi shakes his head as he looks down on you then uses his index and middle finger to open your mouth. He pushes the digits in and finds the back of your mouth with ease, pressing on the back of your tongue to make you open wider. “Stop being shy and open this pretty fucking mouth,” he demands, making you gag on his fingers.
Your eyes water and spit drips down your chin. You must look like a complete mess, but Yoongi cannot take his eyes off of you. 
“Now show me, and I’ll give you some more.”
You’re scolded before you can even wrap your lips around his fingers. 
“Stop being fucking lazy.” He gives your cheek a few more slaps before shoving his fingers deeper into your mouth. 
This time you slurp and allow your saliva to coat his digits. ”Fucking, right. Now open up and milk this dick.”
Yoongi removes his fingers and replaces them with his cock. This time you just open your mouth and let him in. He uses your head like a fleshlight and drills into you at a rapid speed. You try your best to keep eye contact and breath through your nose, but then out of nowhere he buries his cock down your throat.
There’s an intense burning in your airways due to lack of oxygen but it’s nothing you can’t handle. The rush takes you so high you become slightly lightheaded, sending a tingling sensation straight to your center. Nothing but music, the sound of you choking on his dick, and his sound of pleasure can be heard and the way he calls your name sends your ego through the roof.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. Stay just like this, sweetheart.”
Within five long thrusts, his warm seed deposits on your tastebuds. You try to swallow everything but he pulls out quickly and empties the rest on your lips and chin. Your tongue tries to gather as much as you can, but some places are impossible to reach. 
“Come here.” Yoongi pulls you from the floor and brings you closer, greeting you with a sloppy kiss once you’re on your feet. He laps up all the cum on your face and gathers it all on his tongue before he feeds it to you. You savor the taste of both of you as the kiss prolongs, and even after he pulls away you can’t help but remember how good he tasted.
If you had to guess which body part Yoongi favors the most, you’d say it was your lips. He can’t tear his eyes away from them. You bite them, he shudders. You lick them, his cock twitches. So you can’t control yourself when it comes to teasing him and pressing them against his soft skin.
“You must want another round if you keep that up,” he mentions as you make your way to his earlobe. You nibble on it gently before you whisper in his ear.
“I just wanna come one more time before you kick me out.”
“Who said I was kicking you out?”
“You aren’t?”
Yoongi ushers you to his bed and helps you lie down before he joins you. He hovers over you once again and his hand snakes between your thighs.
“I definitely am, but not right now. I’m not done with you,” he informs, fingers entering your heat while his thumb caresses your clit.
“Well, hurry up then.”
He frowns. “Do you ever shut up?”
“Yeah, whenever someone has the balls to make me shut up—”
“Interesting,” he states after his hand pins your neck to the mattress. “Let’s test that theory.”
Yoongi’s digits begin to move in and out of your wetness, producing more lewd noises and causing your body to shake with sensitivity.
His name flows past your lips like water. It’s the only word you can think of at the moment. Having been worked up all this time with no relief makes you desperate to satisfy the lingering desire that’s settled in the pit of your stomach.
“Feels good, huh?”
It feels damn good. Your hips buck off the bed to match his movements so you can chase your high. “Yes…more.”
His hand tightens its grip and restricts your air supply. He knows how close to the edge it takes you by now and he doesn’t hesitate to use it against you.
“Say please and I’ll make you come all over my fingers,” he chuckles, knowing you can’t respond like this.
You try to speak, but everything gets trapped in your throat. You can only claw at his chest, begging him to guide you to your release. He loosens his grip and through your coughs you manage to give him the answer he wants.
“Please. I can’t take it.”
Yoongi gives you a fake pout, squeezing your face between his fingers. “But you can…watch this.”
His fingers curl inside of you and you’re seeing stars. Your nails dig into his arm, body arching off the bed due to the intense wave of pleasure that hits you. You try to run, but he pins you down and forces you to accept the mind-blowing orgasm you were begging for.
“You talked a bunch of shit, now back it up, love,” Yoongi tells you while your walls clench around him. His hand covers your mouth, preventing your screams from waking up the neighbors as if it isn’t already too late for that. “Let’s see if this cunt’s worth the headache.”
The coil snaps and your body stiffens. Yoongi’s deep voice continues to degrade you as your juices squirt all over his bed. Even though you cry out from the sensitivity he fucks you until the last drop. Your body just falls on the bed once he’s done with you, and you move into a fetal position when he carefully slides out his fingers.
The aftershock of your release has you twitching, but the bliss you feel is superior. This is what it feels like to get fucked out, and you knew he would be the person to deliver. Satisfied would be an understatement because you weren’t expecting to be stuck like this after you were done. Usually, you’re able to get up and go before they can return from the bathroom, but tonight you can only lay there in silence while Yoongi cleans you up with a warm cloth.
“I didn’t break you, huh?”
“The opposite, actually,” you laugh weakly.
“Good.” He lays his body beside you and wraps his arm around your waist, enjoying the familiar beat that plays into the dark room. It’s your phone sex song; the beat he played to help you relax. “Remember this?”
“Yeah, how can I forget?”
“You keep saying that like I’m always on your mind.”
“Maybe you are,” you reply.
A soft scoff comes from behind you. “I hope you’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
There’s silence, then eventually a long sigh. 
“I want you gone before I wake up, okay?”
You shake your head. Not in disbelief because it’s what you expected, but because he can’t read between the lines. But you aren’t naïve and you know when someone wants you just as bad as you want them. So for now, you’ll be patient.
“Fair enough,” you answer.
Satisfied, he rolls over and drifts off into sleep, leaving you awake to wallow in your thoughts. It seemed best to just get up and leave then, but it takes nearly an hour to regain your strength. And just when you think it’s safe for you to slip away and consider this night one of the good memories, the warmth you felt before returns and pulls you closer—it is then that your eyes become heavy and you submit to the comfort you know you aren’t supposed to have.
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When Yoongi wakes up and finds a cold empty bed, he can only throw his head back in frustration. He hopes…no, he prays he didn’t say anything to make you feel like he wasn’t interested. He knows he can be a dick, but he was just pissed and horny last night. You’re not easy to handle, but he likes that about you. You aren’t afraid to put him in his place.
He rolls out of bed and the first thing he notices is that his laptop is still playing music, so he makes turning it off his first task. However, once he enters the password, he finds an opened document with a typed note in the center of the page.
If you ever think of me, just call...If you want?
Yoongi’s speechless, and out of his damn mind. That’s the only excuse he has for picking up his phone and calling the number you left at 9 am in the damn morning. The longer the phone rings, the more regret fills him. He can’t help but think you left that there to tease him for calling you so quickly. He tries to hang up but before he can remove the phone from his ear the ringing stops and your beautiful voice blesses him once again.
He panics, and doesn’t respond. He searches the room frantically and finds his excuse lying on the floor right in front of him.
“Yeah, you left your earring. Looks expensive,” he murmurs before he clears his throat.
“Oh, I’m wearing both of mine now. Must be for someone else.”
Embarrassment washes over him as he stands there naked in his bedroom. How could he be so stupid? That thing’s probably months old, if not longer. He wonders if you saw it. Maybe that’s why you left.
“I’m kidding, Yoongi. If it’s a gold hoop, it’s mine,” you laugh and he feels a weight left from his shoulders. 
The idea of you finding stuff that belongs to other women in his home doesn’t put a good feeling in his chest. He also doesn’t want you to think of him as someone who lets anyone in his home because he’s not that kind of guy. 
“Haha, you’re so funny,” he says once your giggles cease. 
“And you’re sarcastic.”
Still sharp as hell. He thinks to himself.
“Whatever.” He takes a seat on his bed and rests his back against the headboard while he checks emails on his laptop and uses small talk to melt away the awkwardness. “So…you left in a hurry, huh?”
“You told me you wanted me gone before you woke up, remember?”
Of course, he did. Because he’s an idiot.
“Yeah, I was just fucking with you, though. I would have given you a ride or something, you know.”
“No worries. I made it to my hotel room safely,” you assure and he releases a sigh of relief. 
“Well, that’s good. Glad to hear that.”
“Mmhm, miss me already, huh?...too bad you kicked me out.”
“Honestly, I thought I was gonna wake up to some tits in my face, but that’s fair.”
There’s some shuffling in the background like you’re moving something, but he doesn’t ask any questions about it.
“Can you remember anything from last night?” you ask him after a beat of silence.
His fingers run through his hair as he thinks about all the filthy images replaying in his mind.
“Well yeah, I remember you, of course. You were fucking incredible. But everything after that moment was a blur. Please don’t tell me I did something stupid.”
“No, you’re good. I had fun.”
So did he. He wishes it’d happen again, and again. “And you’re okay too, right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My ass is sore and I can barely sit down, but I feel good. Thanks for that.”
Thank heavens you are. He knows how rough he was and most women aren’t into that but you took it and enjoyed it. You were fun to play with, and now his cock twitches at the thought of what your ass must look like now, covered in his marks.
“What about you?”
“I’m fine, love. Bummed about having to work, but I’m good,” he responds.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay. And I’m sorry I kept you up when you have to work this morning.”
“Don’t apologize for that. I enjoyed your company, and…”
He almost told you that he missed you, but caught himself at the last minute.
“And what?”
“Uhh, nothing,” he gulps. “I was reading something…Forgot what I was going to say.”
Yoongi can tell by the sound of your voice that you don’t buy it.
“Yup,” is all he can say in response.
After a minute or two of both of you just holding the phone, you finally say something to keep the conversation going. “Yoongi?”
“Are you busy right now or…?”
He places his laptop beside him because he can assure that whatever he has to do isn’t as important as this.
“No, what’s up?”
“Well, it’s about last night,” you admit.
Now, he’s kind of nervous. What else happened while he was in his post orgasmic bliss.
“Yeah, what about it?”
Yoongi stays on the line waiting patiently for your answer, and it’s one he doesn’t expect.
“Well, you still owe me, you know?”
“And what do you mean by that?” he questions.
Yoongi already knows where this is going and luckily he knows exactly how to handle this situation. “Not satisfied, are you, baby?”
“No, I am. But…”
He chuckles. “You want some more?”
“If it isn't too much trouble. And if you have time, of course.”
You’re as sly as a fox and you know how to get what you want. It’s hot, but he’s going to have to humble you before he does anything else.
“No trouble at all, baby. Do me a favor, and spread your legs for me.”
He hears some more movement and then you return, prepared to do anything he tells you in the hopes of pleasuring yourself. You tell him once you’re ready and he provides you with more instructions, in which you follow without question.
“Now, facetime me and place the phone between your thighs so I can see your pretty pussy.”
Within a second, his phone notifies him of an incoming facetime call. He answers it and finds you sitting in your hotel room. You’re wearing a large shirt but he can still see the fresh blooms from where he took your skin between his teeth the night before creeping up your neck. He can’t stop the smirk from spreading across his face.
He curses when he sees your cunt, all glistening and wet with your juices. His mouth waters but he pushes his filthy thoughts in the back of his mind.
“This is what you’re going to do,” he starts, watching in awe as strings of arousal snap while you’re scissoring yourself in his presence, “...you’re going to imagine me fucking your brains out and you’re gonna use that image to get yourself off…without me.”
He tsks. “I’m not your man, and making you come is not my job, baby.”
If he gave a fuck, he’d break hearing how desperate and needy your voice sounds, but you need to understand that he isn’t going to come every time you call for him. He’s a busy man and he doesn’t need distractions.
“But nothing…Now, bye. Have fun.”
He hangs up just as you start to curse at him and yell into the phone. But he knows this isn’t over; you’re probably getting a ride over to his place right now, and that’s exactly what he wanted. 
You were able to just walk out of here this morning without even waking him. That doesn’t sit right with him, and there’s only one solution for it really—
He’s just going to have to fuck you harder during round two…
And maybe, just maybe…get to know you a little bit after.
We’ll see.
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2K notes · View notes
raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 months
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Part 22
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Series Masterlist
Part 21 🟣 Part 23
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Fluff, ongoing vampire shenanigans, abusive parents, drama, angst, more drama.
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Alright so actually I'd completely forgotten that I had this finished, and I found it today, so... enjoy!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @ellethespaceunicorn @mis-lil-red @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld @proud-aroace-beastie
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Three weeks later you had all but forgotten about Katie’s threats, and you were getting ready to spend a day in with your four favorite guys, gathering snacks, drinks and blankets for a cozy movie-marathon — something you felt you very much deserved because not even August had been able to ward you of all the discomfort of having that IUD put in.
Your plans were disrupted by the doorbell. Sherlock opened the door, and though you couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, you recognized that voice immediately.
“May I inquire what this is about?” Sherlock asked politely, not immediately ready to let the strangers inside.
“We were informed that our daughter is living here, and that we should go see her.” You’d recognize your mother’s distinctive accent anywhere. It cut through all other sounds — and not in a good way… Sherlock turned to look at you, and you nodded as you tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
“Darlin’!” your mom pulled you into a hug, and after that your dad did the same, only in a much more possessive way. Your mother looked around the room, at the table full of snacks, the nest on the couch and the four guys in the living room. “Are these friends of yours?”
“These are, eh… my roommates,” you stammered, surprised you had even managed to choke out a single word of that sentence. This was not going to end well.
“You’ve been living with four men?” Your father looked as though his face was about to explode. You could have seen that coming. You should have seen that coming. Just like you could have predicted your mom’s gasping and proverbial pearl-clutching. What were they even doing he—Katie! That bitch.
“Yes, mom,” you said, your voice betraying you. They were never going to approve of this arrangement, never mind the other arrangement you had with the guys. Maybe there was a chance you wouldn’t have to tell them about that.
Of course, they weren’t just going to leave — especially not after such a long drive — so August made everyone coffee while trying to keep you as calm as possible. Mike tried a few times to get closer to you, but you shook your head. Having four guys as roommates was strike one. A boyfriend would be strike two, and possibly also three. Learning that any of them was a vampire would likely give your dad an aneurysm. Not that that would be such a bad thing, but still. You were so completely unprepared to have this conversation…
So you drank your coffee and introduced your partners as friends, tearing off little pieces of your heart with every word, not so much because of the lie you told your parents, but because you couldn’t gather the strength to tell your family about your situation. Yes, it was unconventional, and yes, it was absolutely going to cause some really big problems… but you loved the guys so much. Then why was it so hard to choose their love?
“They’re your family, I promise we all understand,” Marshall let you know, and you thanked the universe for his gift and the fact that it was becoming so well-established outside of feeding situations.
“You’re my family too,” you replied, fighting back tears. “Probably more than they are.”
He promised you that you’d get through this, that life would go back to normal, and that your parents didn’t have to find out about the details of your relationship with the guys, and it all seemed to be headed that way — until something startled your mother and she dropped her empty coffee cup as she reached to put it back on the table. Unthinkingly as ever, Mike snatched it before it could hit the ground — a feat you could have passed off as ‘incredible reflexes’, if not for the fact that he was on the other side of the room from your mother when it happened, and he was back in his chair with the cup in his hands after barely a second.
“Darlin’, come here,” your father said slowly as he got up from his chair. “Now.”
“No, dad, sit down.”
“We have to leave,” he insisted. “That man is a vampire.” He held a hand out to you, and in that moment half of your childhood flashed before your eyes. Countless memories of being pulled along, dragged away from all things deemed dangerous and ungodly… Endless lectures on dangers you now knew never even existed in the first place. The amount of times that hand had struck you for disobedience and being ‘too curious for your own good’ — whatever the hell that meant.
“I’m aware of that,” you answered, your voice surprisingly even.
As per your predictions, your dad’s face looked like he was about to explode. “Y-you’re… aware of that?”
“Honey, you… you knew he was a vampire, and you chose to live with him anyway?” Your mother was pale as a sheet and looked like she was about to faint.
“I didn’t know at first,” you explained quietly, “and when he told me… I was shocked, of course. But… it didn’t change anything. He was still the guy I met… the guy I… fell in love with.” Cat, say goodbye to bag.
You focused your attention on the throbbing vein on your father’s forehead, so you could avoid looking into his eyes for a moment longer.
“Do I understand correctly that you are living with four men, one of whom is a vampire, and you are also seeing that boy? That… monster?” Mommy dearest was three seconds away from smoke coming out of her ears, dad’s face displayed an interesting mix of terror and fury. And you… you were finally fed up with all of this.
“No, mom, you’re mistaken,” you spoke slowly as the rational part of your brain begged you not to do what you were about to do. “I’m living with four men, all vampires…”
“Don’t say it,” Marshall broke into your thoughts, “please. They’ll never forgive you. Think about this.”
He was right, of course, and you should think about this a while longer. Blowing up your relationship with your parents on a whim was probably not a great idea, not to mention that they were only here because Katie was such a bitch. And Marshall was right: they’d never forgive you.
“After everything we’ve given you, everything we’ve done for you… we let you go to college!” Your dad spoke through gritted teeth, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. “And you thank us by getting involved with these miscreants? You’re coming home, you ungrateful little whore!”
He raised a hand to hit you, but Marshall was faster. Of course he was faster. As soon as your father’s hand connected with Walter’s body, you heard a strange, loud tick — one that reminded you of the electric fences around your old neighbor’s yard. Whatever it was, it made your father retreat.
“Marshall…” You reached for him, only to be pulled back by August.
“Don’t touch him right now,” he warned you quietly. “You’ll get hurt.”
“He attacked me!” your father screamed — presumably mostly at your mother, but who knew…
“Young lady, you are coming home with us,” your mother said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Back to where it’s safe, far away from these abominations.”
“I beg your pardon.” Your father seemed to have forgotten the mysterious incident with Marshall, who had now reluctantly stepped aside and seemed to have regained his composure. “Do not go against your mother, young lady, or…”
“Or what? You’ll hit me again? I don’t think any of them will let that happen,” you said, gesturing around you at the guys. “And I don’t think I will, either. I’m not going anywhere. I belong here.”
“You belong with your family,” your father snarled.
“I believe I just said that.” Tears escaped your eyes as you said it.
“You’re truly choosing these creatures over your own flesh and blood?” your father inquired angrily.
“Oh they’re more my blood than you can possibly imagine.” And that was the precise moment all remaining bridges went up in flames. Had your mother been wearing pearls, she’d be clutching them, and your dad… The anger in his face disappeared, making room for a completely blank expression that carried more hatred than anything you’d ever seen before.
“You’re feeding them.” Not a question, very much an accusation. And a correct one at that. Your father didn’t need an answer. “We’re done here.”
“You are no daughter of mine,” he said, his voice dripping with contempt. “I thought we could save you, but this sin will never be forgiven.”
They left quietly, leaving the five of you behind in your own bubble of deafening silence.
It took a while for you to speak. “Mike,” you whispered, “I’m going to get so totally unreasonably mad at you. I’m already sorry, and I won’t mean a word of whatever I’m about to say…”
“That’s okay, Sweetcheeks. Kinda deserve it.”
“I… you…” But whatever words you had planned on throwing at him got caught in your throat, and before you fully realized you were moving, you were on your way to your bedroom, where you dropped down on the bed, no longer able to fight back your tears.
Some time went by and the mattress dipped next to you, and two arms wrapped around you. Mike. Then again, and another pair of arms. Sherlock.
“Can we…”
“Get in here, both of you,” you grumbled. This bed was not big enough for all of you, but fuck that.
Marshall got in behind Mike, August behind Sherlock.
“Hm, this hasn’t happened in forty years,” Marshall mused as he squeezed both you and Mike close.
“What the hell happened in the eighties, damn,” you laughed.
“We could show you,” Mike said as he snuggled closer to you, suggestive eyebrow wiggle included.
“I have no problem with the cuddling, but if this turns into an orgy, I’m gone,” Sherlock warned half-jokingly.
They all laughed. Half-heartedly at first, but soon… the sound of them was genuine and deep and warm, like a blanket and a warm bath, all at the same time.
“Did I fall asleep?” It was getting dark outside, so you must have, right? Sherlock was still holding you, but Mike was gone. Apparently, Marshall had taken his place.
“You did, darling,” Sherlock answered. “How are you feeling?”
“Weird…” As was to be expected after such an intense break up with your parents. “Is it bad that I don’t feel as bad as I think I should feel? Where’s Mike?”
“He had to get out of the house. He feels guilty,” August said calmly.
“I couldn’t have bluffed my way out of this forever,” you sighed. “And I know they’re not going to change. I’m so sorry for everything they said about you.”
“I’d say we’ve heard worse, but… it was up there. For me, at least.” Mike. Standing in the doorway one moment, sitting at the foot of the bed the next. “I’m sorry. If I hadn’t caught that cup…”
“Like I said, Mikey… I couldn’t have kept this from them. Even if this had gone over well, Katie would have told them eventually.” You reached for him, and he immediately took that to mean ‘please dive on top of me this instant, preferably face-first into my cleavage’. It did not mean that, but it was fine. More than fine, even. You ran a hand through his messy curls and smiled at your favorite idiot.
“Is there anything we can do for you?” You were fairly sure you’d never completely grow used to sweet August.
“Someone could explain to me what the hell was going on with” — you turned around so you were facing Marshall — “you… And then we can get to our movie night, maybe?” Mike immediately jumped up, mumbling something about snacks, and disappeared.
“Right, that…” Marshall said. “I can tell you, but I can also show you… I promise I won’t hurt you.”
With your curiosity thoroughly piqued, how could you refuse? You put your arm on the covers like he asked, and gasped in surprise when he ran a hand over it. Little… pricks, of some kind, stung your skin as he moved his hand. It felt like…
“Electricity?” you asked. Marshall nodded. “You tased my dad?”
“I suppose you could say that,” he responded calmly — maybe too calmly for someone who was admitting to electrocuting your father. “It’s not that dramatic, love.” Right. Mind reading. “As far as we know, I can manipulate existing electrical currents.”
“Can you turn the lights off?” you blurted out. They flickered for a moment, and he smiled at you. So, yes. He could.
“I don’t know how it works, just that it does,” he shrugged — for as far as possible when one is lying in bed, anyway.
A dirty smirk revealed he knew what you were thinking. “Pondering the possibilities, are we?” he said softly as he ran a hand over your arm again. The feeling raised goosebumps all over your arm. “We’ll continue that experiment at a time when it doesn’t make Sherlock insanely uncomfortable.”
“Sorry, Sherlock,” you mumbled.
“It’s alright, darling,” he replied. “We should join Mike, I think he’s done setting up.”
Marshall carried you to the living room and pulled you into his side as he sat down on the couch, while August put your feet in his lap. Mike, who just came back with a cup of tea for you, whined softly.
“Do you want attention?” you asked with a smile, already knowing what the answer would be. Mike nodded furiously. You gestured at the floor in front of the couch. “Come sit here. You’re staying with me tonight, okay?”
You’d asked the guys a million times if they weren’t uncomfortable on the floor, and they’d sworn they weren’t, but you still felt slightly awkward asking Mike to sit there. He hummed softly when you ran your fingers through his hair, and reluctantly reached for the remote.
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covetyou · 9 months
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moodboard and fic inspo by @psychedelic-ink main masterlist
rating: Teen (this is an 18+ blog) warnings: fluff, Joel and Sarah being domestic and cute af, swearing, Sarah being a little shit. No outbreak. word count: 876 summary: a morning in the Miller Household with our fave resident Girl Dad and his Daughter (who is a little shit affectionately).
A/N: @psychedelic-ink is having a cute lil joel miller birthday bash and i requested a silly y2k moodboard in honour of the occasion. This spawned from my brain before I could stop it. Happy Birthday, JM!
if my boss asks, i've been working super hard for the last hour and not writing this.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future work
Joel sat at the kitchen counter, nursing his morning coffee. It was a clear day, the heat of summer dwindling now that October was approaching. He relished these quiet moments in the mornings, just him and his world inside that house, safe and sound.
Even after 15 years though, the silence never lasted long. He was glad for it - he dreaded to think how quickly the days of silence would come and how much he would long for the noise.
As expected, footsteps thundered down the stairs.
One day that kid's goin' to bring this fuckin' house down.
"Hey Dad," Sarah says breathlessly as she sidles up to Joel. She's hiding something behind her back, and Joel well knows that look on her face by know. She's been up to something.
"Mornin' kid," he smiles. Whatever she's up to he doesn't care, seeing the best thing he ever did every morning always put a smile on his face. "What you got there?"
"I got something to show you," she bites her lip. "I made it."
Joel's heart wants to burst out of his chest. As a kid, he was always being gifted little drawings and creations - pictures of them in their house, a deranged looking cat with too many legs (a sign from Sarah that she really wanted a pet kitty - he wishes he could've said yes to her, but his allergies would never let it happen), a paper mache lump of something she'd made and painted. He kept it, but he still didn't know what it was. My babies first abstract art he'd joked at the time. It had been years since she'd made anything for him, she was more into playing with friends and sports than arts and crafts with her old man these days.
"Alright then, let's see it," he turns to face his daughter as she pulls her laptop from behind her back. It was a birthday gift this summer, and she was rarely off the damn thing - she said it made homework easier than having to use the family desktop computer, but he still didn't quite believe she didn't just use to to talk to her friends until the early hours of the morning. Still, he could never say no or be mad at her for much of anything for too long.
"And you ain't takin' that to school."
Sarah rolls her eyes. "I'm not. Look."
She points to the screen.
"I was up all night making it for you - Happy Birthday, Dad!"
It's... well. It's something else. Pictures of him (he recognized one as a picture she had taken 5 years ago) and the two of them together, all interspersed with a collection of other images he wasn't familiar with but somehow seemed to match. Joel's stomach dropped with it - if this is what his baby girl was into, maybe she'd changed more as a teen than he thought. Still, she'd made it for him. It was special.
"I... it's..." Joel was getting genuinely choked up. He didn't care what it was. He just loved that she made it for him.
"Don't you love it?" she prods his arm, grinning like a maniac.
"I do." And he did.
"The color pallette is so cute right, and this picture is my favorite." She points to a picture in the middle from a 4th of July last year - Her and Joel had gone to a neighbors house to celebrate. There'd been a bonfire. "I put filters on everything to make it more pink. It really gels it all together, don't you think?"
It was one of his favorites too. Even with... all the pink.
"It is uh, real pink, yeah," Joel says, scratching his neck. "It your new favorite color or somethin'? We need to paint your room again?"
Sarah's face drops. "I - I thought it was your favorite color, Dad." She looks devastated.
Joel is dumbstruck. What does he say. He flounders, stuttering, trying to find the words.
Suddenly, Sarah's face breaks into a shit eating grin big enough to rival Tommy's.
"I'm just fucking with you dad."
Joel's eyes snap to hers, a warning, and amusement, flashing across his face.
She holds her hands up in surrender. "Messing! I'm just messing with you."
"Well, I love it anyway. Even if you are just messin' with me," he kisses her temple and pushes her toward the door. "C'mon, lets get goin' or you're goin' to be late, and so am I."
Sarah rolls her eyes, gathers her school bag and heads for the door with Joel in tow. They both head for his truck, starting their day the same way they always do - together.
Joel stops before he reaches his truck, placing a large hand on the hood and looking over to his daughter. His - how did he get so lucky.
"Hey kid... can you send me that picture when you get home from school?"
Sarah smiles. It was a silly joke, but she's glad he loves it too. "Sure thing, Dad."
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future work
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babybluebex · 1 year
Just imagine dadJoe if his little ones showed up at a photoshoot or an interview 🥹
tiny lil blurb lol bc we deserve it
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“This project was so special to me,” Joe said, looking just past his computer as he thought about the interviewer’s question. The interviewer sat on the other end of the Zoom call, watching and waiting, and Joe added, “We filmed mostly in London, which meant I got to stay home with my girlfriend and our daughter, and that was meaningful to me.”
“How old is your daughter now?” the interviewer asked, and Joe smiled widely, thinking about his little Evelyn, his dearest Evie.
“She’s two and a half,” Joe answered. “And she’s a handful, but I adore her.”
“Terrible twos, right?” the interviewer laughed, and Joe nodded as he smiled. “Just one more question, Joseph—“
Just then, the door to Joe’s office creaked open, and he quickly turned to try to shut it; the flat had a draft that opened doors all the time, and he thought he had closed it fully, but he stopped when he saw his curly-haired Evie standing there in her jammies, holding her stuffed bear to her chest. “Well, hello there,” Joe cooed, sliding away from his desk and beckoning her over to him.
Evie instantly went to her daddy, climbing into his lap as she popped her thumb in her mouth, and Joe grunted as she adjusted her tiny weight on his lap. “Seems like someone woke up early from her nap,” Joe said, smoothing down Evie’s wily curls, and he planted a kiss on her head. “Where’s Mummy, darling?”
Evie shrugged and cuddled up in Joe’s warm arms, and he smiled as he turned his attention to his computer once more and the interview call. “This is Evie,” he said. “She gets clingy after naps.”
“Hi there, Evie,” the interviewer said, and Joe smiled as Evie waved at them. “Like I said, one more question— Did being a father affect your performance in this movie? I mean, a horror movie is quite a big undertaking.”
“Well, being a father affects every aspect of my life,” Joe started, wrapping his arms around Evie’s middle. “I wanted the job in A Quiet Place because of how the script affected me, I couldn’t help but imagine if I went through this, how would I protect my family versus how my character protects his family. I would lose sleep, worrying if I would be able to protect my girlfriend and my daughter in this situation. It affected my performance greatly, I’d say.”
“Daddy,” Evie mumbled, her thumb still in her mouth.
“Yes, my love?” Joe said, looking down at her, and she rested her head on his chest, playing with the thin silver chain around his neck.
“Hungry,” Evie said, and Joe nodded, rubbing her back.
“Hungry? That won’t do at all,” Joe said. “We’ll get a little snack in a minute, when Daddy’s done here, alright? I’m almost done.”
“Okay,” Evie whispered, and she kicked her legs a little as she waited.
Joe smiled and shook his head a little, amused by her, and he asked, “You said that was the last question?”
“That’s all I’ve got for you,” the interviewer said, and Joe nodded. “Thank you for your time, have a good one.”
“You too,” Joe said, and he looked down at sleepy Evie in his lap. “Say bye, Evie.”
“Buh-bye,” Evie mumbled, waving at the camera again, and Joe was quick to click off the Zoom call.
“Let’s go find that snack, eh?” Joe asked, slinging her around his waist as he stood from his chair, kissing her face again. “I’m feeling some apples and peanut butter, how does that sound to you?”
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - nsb giving you promise ring
pov: the title say it all
warning: none that i can think off, except it's really smooth and sweet??? like it's super wholesome
type: wholesome
members: all of them
sorry i didn't had a lot of inspiration for this one since i'm not really used with promise rings and all 😭 but i still hope you'll like it anon!!
likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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would be super sweet about it
he would give you so much love :(
i mean it's oliver moy we're talking about
"i promise you that one day, we'll have real rings around our fingers and that i'll see you walk along the aisle and that you'll see me crying of joy in front of both our families"
bye he's so cute
"you're the only for me, y/n and you'll always will be. and i want you to know that i'll do everything in my power i can to make you happy"
(rest of the members under the cut!)
would give you a promise ring because he have the money and he loves you-
nah i'm kidding (i mean it's true, he loves you and money but he doesn't buy one bc of that 😭)
would do like if it was a wedding proposal or smth
and he will take off one of his shoes to kneel down because he does not want to damage it and bend it (yes like in the shorts he did 😂)
"y/n, my baby, my love, my soulmate.. i want you to know that our love will never stop. i will love you forever and this is a promise"
he's so sweet
"even though we're still very young to have like babies or to even have a wedding, i wanted to give you this promise ring so you can know our love is real and will stay strong until we're old enough to have wedding and all these amazing stuff"
bye he's so talkative 🙄
you better kiss him so he can stop talking /hj
he would give you a promise ring and smile
bye his smile-
"y/n, my love, i love you so much, you know that, right?"
"i know it's not a ring proposal or anything like that, but i still wanted to give you one to make you know our love will stay strong and real until the very end"
"i really hope one day i'll be able to change it for a real one and be able to call you my wife"
justin is a real romantic guy in my eyes
so ofc he would make a lil' scene and speech haha
okay, okay, if this man do that, know that it's going to be romantic
flowers, little date, beach, sunset.. PICNIC DATE, IDK HE JUST GIVE ME THIS KIND OF VIBE IDK WHY
(imagine if ryan give you a promise ring during a picnic date, bye it'll be so cute 🤭)
just know that if ryan give you a promise ring, know that he cares a lot about you
like a lot
he think you're special
and the only one for him :')
he love you very much omg
"life may not be forever, but our love will be"
bye, ryan why are you so cute???
"i know we're still both young, but since i have met you y/n, i feel like my inner child is happy and that everything's going to be okay if i'm with you"
he's too cute :(
oh my lord
kane would be so adorable bye-
i mean kane's already adorable, but yeah you got it
"y/n, my darling, my soulmate, my safe person.."
i feel kane would call you with pet names before giving you the promise ring
"y/n, you're the only one for me. i love you so so much and i don't think i could live a day without you and your funny habits you do when you wake up or when you find something annoying.."
this man would do a speech like if he was proposing, bye he's too cute 😭
"i give you this promise ring because i want you to know that our love will live forever and that i'll never let you go"
but it took him a lot of time to choose the ring and how to say his speech without him sounding weird
"dear y/n... no, this is not good! y/n, i love you... no! it's not good enough!"
would literally search on google on how to do a great speech without revealing all the thing he want to say (in others words: how to avoid revealing all your thoughts)
darren would be super mega excited about it
like a excited puppy or something 😂🐕
he would be so excited that i feel he wouldn't be able to contain the surprise until the day he want to give you the ring
(he want to practice his speech so it's perfect)
he'll give you hints
and you wouldn't know it!!
"damn i thought you loved wearing rings.." (ok that may not be a great hint, i'll give you that)
other hints be like "y/n, do you think promise rings are overrated or underrated?"
"what do you think about.. promise rings, y/n?"
like darren couldn't keep the surprise (at least not for a very long time)
"even though i told you some hints since almost two weeks.. i hope this promise ring will make you know how our love is strong and how much i want to continue to keep loving you.."
so so cute
so cute
i mean we're talking about the regie macalino here 😎
if like him, you're from the philippines, he'll tell you his speech in his language
and if you're not, then he would do in english
or even better
he would do it in your language
the guy downloaded duolingo just to know how to speak your language and to make it more romantic haha
like regie??? do you want us dead?????
he would give you a promise ring that is so shiny
bc in his eyes, you're the shiniest thing he ever saw
"whatever life may come to us, i'll still love you and i always will. and that's a promise, y/n. i love you and i want you to be by my side until we grow old together"
like justin, a real romantic guy.. he'll do a cute speech and all haha
hope you liked it anon!! like i said, i didn't had a lot of inspiration to do a whole scene, but i hoped you liked them! <3
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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willowser · 6 months
Hello again! Willow you HAVE to stream! You would be so good at it! Take it from someone who did it, hated it, and quit lmao. But also from someone who made it through the pandemic with the help of twitch streamers and their awesome communities. Even the chats I didn’t actively talk in which was the majority. You can absolutely create a nice little space on twitch just as you've done here.
We already know you’re excellent at interacting with strangers on the internet and people want to hear your thoughts on the things you love. You’re great at keeping a conversation going and making the quiet ones (like me) feel welcome to the point that we want to participate too (clearly). And you just have great internet etiquette and carry yourself so well when you have to deal with gross anons that I’m sure you’d handle twitch trolls no problem IF it ever came to that. And thaaaat’s coming from someone who mods for a guy who did not handle the trolls well 😬
Was that screenshot you making your account? Lemme go follow
i really can't tell you how important it is to me that you feel welcome in our lil space here 🥺 because you are 🥺 you're so so welcome here and the thought that we've been able to curate this little corner of the internet into something fun !! and enjoyable !! and for everyone !!! means everything to me 🥺 you're so kind 🥺 how special it is that you've formulated such high opinions of me, i'm so 🥺 touched 🥺 blessed 🥺 how wonderful 🥺
i think it could be so fun to chat there !! idk what i would play !! maybe something fun and romance-y, like stardew 😌 idk idk !! the possibilities seem endless !! but it does sound fun 🥺 i am coming up on a milestone very quickly and i briefly wondered if maybe celebration stream would be interesting to do but !!! idk !!! i'm shy !!! i wasn't sure how many people would want to do that 🥺🥺
you sound so experienced with twitch !!! i was wondering if, in the future, if we go through with this, i could ask you some questions if i needed to ?? 🥺 bc i admittedly know nothing about twitch ajfbrjajq and you're like a liddol wizard 😌 idk !!!
how fun 🥺 how sweet 🥺 i'm so touched by all you've said, i can't believe it, how lucky am i 🥺
oh and yes !! hehehe that was my bio but !! this me !!! if you want to follow 🥺
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momoliee · 9 months
Okay! now that I’m done rereading Mo Du by Priest, time for an overall review on the entire series! WARNING: unlike my previous book by book review, this review WILL contain spoilers, even if theyre not major, cause it’s more of an analysis than a review so beware!!
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A piece of work about: a team of investigators, from the special crimes department, whose wildest wishes is not to spend the weekend working overtime; a sociopathic young CEO, who cant put the case behind his mother’s death to rest; five elderly policemen from the previous generation, two of whom have died under suspicious circumstances; and a never ending series of crimes varying from kidnappings to trafficking to murder and maybe even serial killings. If this already sounds complicated, then dont worry, cause it gets even more and more complicated to a point where you find yourself juggling two, maybe even three, cases at a time.
I’ll start with the characters:
Luo Wenzhou: a charismatic, quick tempered captain of the investigation team who’s a lil too full of himself but he still has a heart large enough to embrace everyone he comes across. i absolutely adored his character, his dialogue and quips, his fatherly demeanor in which he lectures his subordinates before proceeding to do exactly what they were doing, then buying them all food so they can overlook his shamelessness. Luo Wenzhou is the sort to overcrowd the room with his boisterous, loud personality; the sort elders lectured all the time for getting in countless troubles, but still openly favored anyway. He is bold, capable, kind, creative with his insults, and even though he’s always threatening to give everyone around him a beating, the most he does is smack them on the back of their head. His character is simple and easy to read, but definitely very lovable and warm.
Now meet Fei Du. Our beloved sociopath. Yes he’s an actual sociopath (he is NOT a psychopath, cause psychopaths are born that way, and sociopaths are MADE that way during their childhoods, which leaves room for them to heal and reverse what they were forced to learn and unlearn it all, a very important point. While we certainly meet a lot of psychopaths in the series, the difference between them and Fei Du is that Fei Du, later on, unlearns everything that was forced down his throat and heals, which is one of the themes in the series). Now what I really love about this novel, is that while in every other danmei, there’s always one shy and and quiet character while their love interest is always the loud and extroverted one, in this web novel, they are both equally flirty, equally shameless, equally extroverted, and equally bold in everything they do. While Luo Wenzhou’s charisma expresses itself in a more cocky, big handsome brave man type of way, Fei Du’s charisma is a lot quieter and more…seductive, sensual and silk-draped. His words are always as sweet as honey, he’s the sort to send flowers and wear expensive strong cologne, drive up to your work place in an expensive chic car, and open the door for you. A true Gentleman, the very opposite of the Hero and Savior, Luo Wenzhou, who’s a lot more aggressive and rough and protective.
But Fei Du’s character goes deeper than that. I absolutely loved how intelligent priest made him out to be, and i always looked forward to his explanations and deductions for every case, his chameleon like mindset and mirroring personality that seems to shift and change and adjust according to whom he’s talking to and what he wants from the person he’s around. His childhood is horrific, truly the most frightening backstory in any novel i’ve read, it exceeded my expectations the first time i read the series and completely took me by surprise, nothing i couldve ever expected. He is extremely manipulative, and up until the last few chapters in the last book, you still cant trust him or deduce his motives or know where he stands. And yet, priest somehow manages to make him no less lovable than Wenzhou, cause even if you dont know whether he’s evil or not, you still cant help but be fond of him.
I absolutely LOVE and ADORE fei du and luo wenzhou’s dynamic, with the way they spent the first novel bickering and fighting back and forth, unable to so much as stand being in the same room as each other, to the way they started shamelessly flirting back and forth and one upping each other in the next book, building up so much tension between them. And even when they got together, they still retained a very interesting dynamic, their relationship never mellowed down, it was still very entertaining through and through. A perfect enemies to lovers. (Also side note, i feel like if you were to take priest’s character Gu Yun from Shapo Lan, and split him in two, you’d actually get fei du and luo wenzhou. I feel like they represent the two different sides of Gu Yun, the flirty and seductive young master everyone wants to sleep with, and the capable and bold leader everyone would follow loyally to any battle.)
The rest of the characters, aka Tao Ran and Lang Qaoi and Xaoi Haiying and Zhou Huajin and basically everyone, are my CHILDREN i will protect them with my BLOOD.
Now for the plot, well, i’ve always been a mystery and thriller girl, so need i say more? All priest had to say was CRIME, and i came running. From the moment the first case presented itself, i knew this series was gonna become one of my all time favorites. I’m talking yellow “KEEP OUT” tapes, i’m talking forensics complications and bloody crime scenes, I’m talking clues and hints and evidence and suspects and a classic ‘who done it’. Every case was different from the last, so the series never felt repetitive or boring. Each time it was a different issue, a different pattern, a different plot twist. Priest definitely kept my nerves wrapped up in a twist throughout all five books, always on a look out for different clues and hints, always trying to put two and two together and figure things out along with the characters. She touched on topics from mass homicide to rape and pedophilia to prostitution and drug addiction to a wealthy family strife over inheritance to cults and the abyss behind victimhood and grief. I absolutely loved the range, how you could go from reading about the silly banter between the characters over what they should eat while they work overtime, to serious and deep discussions over trauma and justice, and what was the correct way to process grief and get over an event that ruined your life and the lives of everyone around you. Another thing that i loved, was how interactive the cases where. It felt like everything clicked, everything made sense, and nothing was overlooked. Every question i asked myself, a character in the book would ask and an answer would be presented, and every minor detail that was mentioned in the very beginning that i quickly forgot, was brought back later on and expanded on in more detail and care. It was an extremely fun read.
Finally, the overarching theme of the story, discussing the processing of trauma, grief, abuse and victimhood, as well as criminal psychology and the line between justice and self righteousness. I love how for every case presented, Priest always showed you the two sides to the same coin, the two paths anyone is presented with in the face of life altering events. Priest gives you the answer to questions like, why did Fei Du choose not to become like his father, an actual psychopath, why was he capable of undoing all the things his father taught him and why did he consciously CHOOSE that path, over simply following his father’s path of psychopathy and greed and apathy and murder. Priest presents you with characters that are born into circumstances similar to Fei Du’s, but with just the tiniest differences and alterations, they ended up on a complete different path, being on the opposite end of the interrogation room table, bearing handcuffs. But priest doesn’t give you all the answers right away cause where’s the fun in that? She leaves you wondering why fei du turned out different, or did he actually turn out different? Why didn’t he end up like all those other psychopaths who followed the lead of their parents? Till at last, she explains everything in the last book, and you put together a similar conclusion yourself just before everything is unraveled (if you guys want, i can do a whole meta analysis on fei du’s character, cause he is one of the most interesting characters that i’ve read about). Another example on the same circumstances but two paths concepts would be, without any major spoilers, the families of the deceased and the victims. Now i wont divulge into details not to insert any major spoilers, but whoever reads book 5, then reads the extras after the epilogue, will definitely understand what i mean. That was a brilliant stroke on Priest’s part, definitely genius.
This whole installment was intriguing, intricately woven, complex and simply mind blowing. You’ll laugh, cry, get anxious, feel relief only to end up anxious again, attempt to solve the cases along with the characters, stay up late while going over the INTENSE interrogation scenes, and meet all sorts of criminals and personas as you dive deep into their psychological thought process and motives. This series is a DEFINITE 1000000/10 to me, my third favorite danmei (right after the dumb husky and his white cat shizun by meatbun and heaven’s official blessing by mxtx). Also, there’s a pet cat :D
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golden--doodler · 8 months
So I messaged @drawthethingdoppelganger today and it ended up being so long and fun to write that I want to share it (I modified it a bit, but it's mostly the same as when I sent it):
Also shame on everyone who keeps vitriolically hating on Jimmy Jr.! He's a middle schooler, come on. Sure, "V For Valentine-Detta" was not a great episode for him, but that doesn't make him an awful, toxic person who's manipulating Tina.
It's super frustrating how people keep saying things like this to justify why Tina should 100% be with Zeke or Josh instead. Sure, I ship Tina and Josh the most, but that doesn't mean Tina and Jimmy Jr.'s relationship is toxic, especially considering how young they are. Also, let's not forget that Tina's not totally innocent either, she's done her fair share of (lovingly) being mean to J Ju. Like when she got high on caffeine in "The Unnatural" and made fun of his lisp. That exchange sends me every time.
Anyway, he's just a dumb teenager who has commitment issues! I genuinely believe he will mature as he and Tina grow older, no matter what their relationship status eventually turns out to be. It just makes me upset when people are so mean to him, it reminds me of the few people who are super mean to Gene.
Gene is also a dumb middle schooler (said with love) and sure, he's not perfect, but isn't that what makes him a lovely, compelling character? He has flaws. The only episodes I don't really enjoy him in are "Beefsquatch" and "Mommy Boy". That is it. And even in those episodes, he learns his lesson and comes around in the end, so they're not completely devoid of value either. He is actually so sweet that he doesn't even want to prank anyone on April Fool's Day! And let's not forget how in "It Snakes A Village", he quickly pushed through his fear of snakes to save Tina and Louise's lives! He's clearly still scared of them after that episode because of that one episode where he gets terrified of Steve in Nat's limo, so he did all of this for his sisters. I mean 🥺
Still crying that someone on Reddit said he should be killed off because he's annoying and doesn't add anything, like no! 😭 Does that person understand how strange and empty the show would feel without my precious baby boy? He may be the Middle Child, but he's so crucial to the show and its humor! He basically invented it from episode one, I'm telling ya. Like his cute lil' burger suit and his weird sound effects machine thingy? Yes. There would be something missing and everyone would feel it.
I adore the rest of the Belchers too, I really do, but no one has ever said that any of the others should be killed off? Because that's such a ridiculous notion?? I can't think of any characters in the show I would even think this about because I love all of them so much, every one of those side characters has a special place in my heart too.
One example I can think of where the show would feel so empty without Gene was that one scene (I can't remember which episode) where Tina tried to be like Gene and tell a joke, and then Gene said the same joke a second later, and Bob actually said, "It was funnier when Gene said it." It's unexplainable, but it's true. Somehow it was funnier when Gene said the joke! I love you so much, Tina girl, but Bob is right. He just fills a certain niche for the show, like Jimmy Jr. does. I feel as if we're in the same boat @drawthething so much because I think Jimmy Jr. might be the one character some people are as mean to as Gene? Like, come on! They're our precious dumb middle school boys (who are definitely LGBTQ+) and their flaws make them such fun characters to follow. They're not perfect, but that's what kind of makes them perfect.
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hyenahunt · 4 months
Rouge & Ruby: Epilogue - 1
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Nagisa, Ibara
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Nagisa: …We hope that by responding to your love, we can help you to take ahold of what you wish and place it in your hands.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Time: Towards the end of Chocolat Fes, on Eve's Special Stage
Hiyori: "...Ahaha, would you just listen to the sound of that cheering ♪"
"But there's a little astonishment mixed in, isn't there? Everyone looks so surprised to see that it's just the two of us on stage!"
"Now that it's finally Eden's long-awaited turn to perform, you must have all expected Eden to appear, yes?"
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Jun: "Well, anyone would think that, right?"
"Honestly, I was feeling kinda nervous while waiting to go on stage. You see, I had no idea what kinda reaction we'd get.”
"But just by the look on everyone's faces... You're all telling me that you're more excited than anything to see what's gonna happen."
Hiyori: "That's right! How cute you all are, looking so alert and expectant! ♪"
Jun: "We have a passionate answer to all your anticipation coming right up, so...."
Hiyori: “Don’t you take your eyes off us for even an instant. We are Eve, who shall herald the performance of Eden — ”
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Jun: "And now, we'll offer you a listen to — no, a taste of us, as well."
"Come fall into burning passion with us on this Valentine's Day ♪ "
Hiyori & Jun: "―― Ruby Love."
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Location: Adam's Special Stage
Nagisa: … Our stage is starting.
Ibara: Yes. As far as I can tell from their delighted cheers, the fans' reaction is very positive. Perfect. ♪
I've already done some quick research… and news of only Eve appearing on stage with their new song is spreading like wildfire.
This buzz we've created will in turn fuel anticipation for Adam's performance—we can see our audience's expectations grow in real time.
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Ibara: Fufufu ♪ The feeling of shooting far beyond people's expectations to pierce straight through their hearts is nothing short of ecstasy!
Nagisa: … Our chocolate seems to have become a hot topic as well. The promotional image we have on display also stands out.
… But isn’t it a little too early to celebrate?
Ibara: Why do you think so, Your Excellency?
Nagisa: …We have yet to even see the outcome, let alone achieve the "victory", the success you speak of.
…Up until now, we have put in work and made preparations according to your plans. I’m sure there are many other things that you have done behind the scenes that we don't know about.
Ibara: …Indeed.
Nagisa: … We believe that there is a part of you that can see how victory isn’t limited to mere numbers.
… All of us are hoping that these events — everything that has transpired and accumulated up until today — can become something irreplaceable for you.
…We hope that by responding to your love, we can help you to take a hold of what you wish and place it in your hands.
…So, after you find what it is you seek, I hope that you can share that happiness with us.
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Ibara: — … As you wish, Your Excellency.
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Location: Eve's Special Stage
Hiyori: "~♪~♪"
(Hehe. It's plain to see how everyone's eyes are glued to our every single move!)
(Which in turn goes to show just how immersed in us they all are. How sublime it feels!)
(But this isn't nearly enough; not yet. They must watch us with every last drop of attention, gaze upon us and nothing else —)
(And slip right into our sweet trap... ♪)
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Hiyori & Jun: "♪~♪~♪"
Jun: (Makes me cringe a lil' to think I said something like "come fall into burning passion with us"...)
(But in this moment, we get to take in all these feelings of love and return them with everything we have — and there's nothing more precious than that.)
( ... In the end, that's just what Valentine's is, right? It's a day filled with love.)
(And it feels like my body is filling up with love, with every note I sing and every step I dance. ♪)
(On a day like this, I’ll turn all this love into strength and deliver as much of it in return as I can until the end!)
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Jun: "Everyone, did our song and dance reach your hearts?"
"...But we won't be granting you any time to bask in the afterglow just yet. With this next act, y'see, we'll whisk you away ever deeper into our paradise.... ♪
"Ibara, Nagi-senpai! The rest is in your hands~!"
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Location: Adam's Special Stage
Nagisa: “…Just like how chocolates can be sweet or bitter, emotions can also come in all kinds of flavours.”
Ibara: “Through this song, we—Adam—will thoroughly hammer in this lesson for you …☆”
Nagisa & Ibara: “― Melting Rouge Soul.”
Nagisa: (...Eve has drawn out their hearts with sweet dreams, which Adam will entrap and bring to our feet.)
( … It is such an Ibara-style strategy, but I don’t dislike it. )
( … By dominating the fans’ hearts — No, by making them belong only to us, the amount of people who will fall in love with Eden will surely increase. )
( … I also deeply cherish the people who have given their love to Eden. As long as that feeling can reach the depths of their hearts, that's enough for me. )
(...Besides, Ibara looks like he's enjoying himself singing, doesn't he? )
Ibara: (? I’m quite sure this isn’t the part where we lock eyes as if tantalisingly just missing each other. But somehow, I can feel His Excellency staring at me…)
( — Oh well, it is not the time to think about it. They haven't seen the best of our show yet. )
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Ibara: (Until I have reached the depths of the hearts of all of you gathered here today, as well as those who are still coming to watch us…)
( We'll continue to engrave our power, charms, and existence into your beings.)
( I’ll lure you into our mire before you even realise you've begun to drown in us... and then, your entire hearts will be ours for the taking ♪ )
(In the end, the ones who shall receive the most love and become the rulers of this Chocolat Fes are us — Eden!)
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