#but what will you lose? why might people not trust you in community spaces any longer?
trans-axolotl2 · 1 year
In my last residential treatment stay, I did have one psychiatrist who I trusted and had a positive relationship with. Her name was Dr. R, and when I came in on the first day of treatment and told her that I would not take any psych meds and that I had a lot of past psych trauma, she validated me and told me that she would not bring up meds unless I did. Throughout my stay there, she was empathetic, listened to my concerns, helped advocate for me, and generally made me feel heard. At the same time, when management took away our doors-she did nothing. When I needed to get a feeding tube--she lied to me about how long it would be in, and what I needed to do to get it out. She enforced policies about restricting outside breaks, restrictions on items, and contributed to treatment plans that my friends felt were unfair and damaging.
She was a good person and I liked her, but she was choosing to work within a system where she could not control the dozens of things happening there that harmed us every single day. This is what I mean when I say there is no such thing as a good psychiatrist in inpatient units--she was a progressive, validating, nice person --but her very job description made it impossible for a “good provider” to exist. To be a provider who wasn’t a part of the harm that was occurring on that unit, she would have had to quit, because the very requirements of her job required committing ethical violations, restricting peoples autonomy, and perpetrating iatrogenic harm. If she had stopped enforcing harmful policies and challenged her coworkers publically, she probably would have gotten fired. And that really is the problem--causing iatrogenic harm has essentially become a job requirement on inpatient units, and being a “good provider” by the metrics of the system require you to participate in that harm. 
I think Dr. R did a better job than most inpatient psychs in mitigating the harms she participated in, and finding ways to resist shitty systems when possible. I was glad she was there and I think she made my treatment better, but the two of us had a lot of conversations together where she acknowledged the fucked up things happening in the treatment center, acknowledged her role in them, and also stated that she did not have any power to change them. She could not fix the system by working within the system. 
I get a lot of questions by people who are interested in careers in the mental health system, and asking me on whether I think it’s okay for them to work there. My first response is usually if you’re asking because you’re feeling guilty after seeing what psych survivors say, I’m not someone who’s going to give you permission to ignore that guilt. The second thing I usually say is this: you need to go into this job aware with the fact that you will cause people harm, you will get into ethical dilemmas, and there will be times where you will either have to betray your personal values or quit. There isn’t one right answer on how to engage with mental healthcare as a provider, with the reality that until we build up alternative systems of care, the current structures still exist and have people who need support inside of them.  If that’s something that you think you can navigate in a way that lets you create the least harm possible, then that’s something you need to decide for yourself, and to think really deeply about if the reality of the psych system matches up with your goals.
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ribstongrowback · 2 months
re: "what if Callouts For Good tho?"
i need you to think of callouts like you think of the cops. you'll hear this retort often, when one professes their mistrust of the police establishment: "okay, but what if you get mugged, huh?".
it is a fair question, after all, we are told the police is here to serve and protect, nevermind the fact that most of the time what you'll get out of reporting a theft to the police is that you'll be able to make an insurance claim later.
the reason why this is not the armour piercing question some people think it is, is that the police is not, in fact, here to help you if you get mugged. we all know this. the police protects capital, and if you don't have that, they won't protect you, especially if you're a minority.
you know what i mean. i'm summing this up because i assume that you're coming to this debate from a broadly leftist point of view, and only repeating them so that you put a pin in that as i make my actual point. if you don't think all cops are bastards, i don't think the rest of this post will convince you either way.
the point is that the police can and will only help you if you are a person of means. the actual things that police can do, the violence cops are capable of, only works on the poor and disenfrenchised. on anyone who's not the bourgeoisie.
callouts work in a similar way, because what callouts attack is social capital.
the point of a callout is that it's a non-police solution, essentially, right? in the ideal scenario, you're pointing out harm that someone is doing so that the community wises up to how dangerous that person is, in order to reduce their ability to do harm. most people who use a callout are aiming at least on paper for the target to lose their status in the community, or for their exclusion.
the issue here is that for this to work, you have to convince the community, and even with the best intentions in the world, this only works if you, as the caller, have enough social capital compared to your target that you will be trusted over the established feelings the community harbors towards that target.
you'll notice, whenever a callout works, that the people will line up to declare that they never trusted the target anyway. that they caught a "vibe" or whatever. true, some of that might be people exonerating themselves, but mostly i think these people just feel vindication over having their biases confirmed.
in other word, callouts that work work because the target already has low social capital.
now, in a community, who has the lowest social capital? why, the minorities, of course. this is why black, disabled, trans people are the most common target of any callout that works. because these people are not trusted by the community as much as white abled and cis people, because even in progressive spaces, prejudice persists.
all of this to explain something that @txttletale said in a much more succint way: callouts only work when you're punching down.
like the police.
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twinklefists · 5 months
so that's it then? you're leaving? - from nat
angst prompts / always accepting
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carol's hand hesitated at the communicator on her wrist. it had lit up a few hours earlier, calling for her help; try as she might to fight it, she had ended up putting on her suit, preparing to head out. she had to do something, it was her fucking fault that this was happening; she hadn't been fast enough, hadn't been strong enough, hadn't been AWARE enough to know what thanos was doing until it was too late. she could've stopped it, but she didn't, now she had to deal with the aftermath. it was her responsibility to fix this. for most planets, she was their last line of defense. there was, however, only one thing that stopped her.
many months ago -- maybe even closer to a year, time was blurring together now -- she had made the decision to stop before disappearing off the comms, to ask natasha if she was okay. ask if she wanted company. it was so goddamn lonely up in space that she'd admit part of it was selfish, but the other part of it was just what she'd seen natasha become over the years. herself and natasha were the only ones left still fighting. everyone else seemed to be moving on. so, when the nights were long, the loneliness of space threatened to choke her, and natasha stopped answering her texts, she'd made it a habit to show up at her doorstep. to talk to her, plan with her, offer her help, share a drink with her, eat take out. anything that made them feel a little bit normal. with both of their nights constantly filled with suffocating guilt, the tiny bits of normalcy had become something of a lifesaver for her.
this time, natasha had actually asked her to come over. she hadn't asked why, and hadn't pushed about why she sounded so distraught over the phone, but had shown up mere minutes later. she'd spent the better part of the night just talking to her, sprawled out on that couch, conversations only interrupted by the beeping of the console from the other room. the closer she got with natasha, the worst she felt about all of this; she was just so inherently good, and didn't deserve all this weight on her shoulders. didn't deserve to feel like she failed.
part of her thought sneaking out would be easier. with natasha asleep, maybe she could leave and come back in the morning. distracted as she was, she was foolish to think that the spy didn't hear her footsteps. she finally met her friends' eyes, noticed the bags under them, the pain in her eyes. how many other people did she have to rely on these days? how many others saw her like this, how many others even cared anymore? aside from steve, who always showed up, no one else checked in.
she lowered her hand, letting out a small sigh. "i'm sorry," she said softly as she approached, eyebrows knit together in concern. her stomach rolled with anxiety, and she was surprised to find that the anxiety came from the worry that natasha would trust her a little less after this. she briefly forgot about the planet she'd been called to. with all of this guilt and sorrow in her mind since losing to thanos, she didn't think she had any emotion left inside of her to expand to new people. the avengers were just a team to her, not people she concerned herself with getting to know. natasha, though, had surprised her. "i was called, i..."
she stopped herself. she was trying to get better about making excuses for her actions. now standing in front of natasha, she reached out to gently take her hands, try and ground her and hopefully push for a bit of forgiveness. "i'm sorry. i didn't want to wake you. i'm trying to get better about answering every call, but..." she worried her bottom lip, images of the sorrow of different planets flashing by in her mind. "... it's hard not to carry that guilt. are you okay? couldn't sleep?"
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hivemindscape · 2 years
Hello boys!!
I've been getting messages from the kindest people in my inbox, it was killing me to see you upset, so i decided to respond in this way.
I want to hug the crimeboys community. I want to hug you so tightly.
I am genuinely happy for those of you who enjoyed the finale. I envy you, because I did not.
There isn't a chance that I'll ever like it, either, as I've been turning it over and over in my brain relentlessly, reading people's takes when i can make myself to, grappling for a buoy, something to make it okay. In brief moments of the "no thought brain empty" state, I'm fine, but mostly there's intense frustration and confusion. And Big Sad.
In my opinion, this was an awful ending for these two characters. I hate that I'm forced to accept it, so I probably won't.
That being said, I'd rather you didn't message me asking why I'm of this stance, or moreover writing me an essay on why I'm wrong, I dont have the energy or patience to compose a pretty reply to that.
Keep in mind, most importantly, that everyone is entitled to their opinion on this lore, and is free to critize the writing, providing they don't go insulting ccs in their faces. If you see someone making fun of those who are processing their grief in public spaces, understand that the former people are emotionally immature and had poor upbringing. Yes, I said grief. What I've been feeling for the past 3 days was heartbreak and grief, with its physical manifestations. So I'm here to say it's alright if you breathe around a boulder too.
What you have to be doing as part of the fandom is have empathy and respect for people you do not know on the internet. Recognise you have no high ground to dictate what's the right reaction. Introspect a bit if you have an urge to tell someone to "chill": what impact that comment would have, and recognize that there's none. You'd just come across as an asshole.
I was intending to not go on a rant about that, but it's an apparent problem currently which I couldn't not address, as it turned out. You might be thinking "Bro they're speaking so seriously as if someone died". If so, the following should explain it well enough:
Ability and desire to give your heart to something fictional is a valuable, bright, very telling character trait. This is empathy of the highest order. This means one's heart is immense, and strong. Sorry for speaking cliche, but I do want you to read into what I'm saying.
Have you ever felt enveloped in a hug by someone's mere text message, when they said they understand, relate, and support you? This is incredible. You read fics and cry, you look at art and feel warmth in your chest, you talk with other fans and feel connected. This is a gift that we have, to be connected through this fictional story. And the media format that it uses does not matter here, only makes it surprising and unique.
So. You're valid to be satisfied with the ending. You're valid to be unhappy with it. It's valid to be deeply unhappy because of it. These characters meant the world to me. The trust I put in the content creators not to ruin them was immense. I'm currently figuring out where to go from here creatively.
I want to promise hovewer, that I'll do my best to recover from this shit, and bring comfort to you guys with my crimeboys art again. Its largely because of you and your love for my work that I've decided that. But also this fandom is the place where Ive felt the happiest with myself in my whole life. It's insane, I don't want to lose this.
If you have anything you want to send me, any fic or any art, you can dm me on twitter or instagram of the same name as this blog. I'm currently trying to keep distance from dsmp content (key word trying), but if it's something you're passionate about sharing, I'll go and appreciate it as soon as i can. It means a lot to me when you guys share your thoughts and your work with me Q^Q 💜💜💜
Your messages and your tags under the last piece that's blown up, have been a huge comfort to me. A Huge comfort. Thank you so so much for letting me know. I create art cause its the meaning of me, to be influencing people's emotions, leaving a mark, so I'm incredibly happy I could help you feel better in this time, and any other time. 🫂
Thank you guys. And I'm sorry.
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The ask about ray having to take care of a pocket mc got me thinking, Ray invites another MC in order to do the roll of communicating with RFA. That new MC follows Vs route, which means they end up escaping, however they end up finding pocket MC (maybe because they tried to escape or something) and both MCs are outta mint eye. Now both V and Seven are stuck with figuring out not only how to deal with Mint eye but also how to take care of pocket MC, while Ray is probably freaking out since he doesn’t know where MC is and they are like the size of a miniature doll, probably not to happy to find out they ended up escaping with V and Seven. (If that makes sense, but holy your starting to get me obsessed with this au)
It always hurts when someone takes Ray’s MC. They don’t want to leave him in Mint Eye, nor do they want to leave without him. I’m sure MC wants to do what they want to help Ray... but, at this size, what are you supposed to do to get any help for him? For you? You would give him more stress if you left your spot with him... and a part of you is afraid to venture out of your space because things are far too big for you now. You know the likelihood of your survival is slim to none if you take a few steps out of Ray’s room. Hm... but, how could you find the other MC safely? 
Considering that Ray is likely to never let you out of his sight, that’s going to be tough. But, maybe you slipped into his pocket without him knowing? There’s a chance you could do that if he’s so skittish and frazzled about V... trying to find him and remove him as fast as he could. There’s a moment when he might go and find the other MC, and that would be when you could find them and speak to them directly about your situation. I’m sure they’re a nice person since they love V and want to help him. 
You only wanted to talk to them about helping Ray get out... because you’ve seen and heard things that they haven’t even realized are going on. You want help for Ray even though you don’t know everything yourself. You’ve heard him talking to himself... you’ve heard things about V and Seven... you’ve heard that they’re not good people... but... you always have a doubt in your mind because of the way Rika treats him when she thinks nobody’s looking. So, you wind up connecting the dots with the MC about what you both know. 
However, you probably intended to wait with MC until Ray came back so that you could return with him to your safe place. You love him... and you know he loves you. You wouldn’t want to leave him alone for long, and when he knows you’re missing... well. He might lose his mind trying to find you and make sure that you’re okay. He’s afraid you could be dead. But, instead of Ray coming to find you... it’s Seven and the others who find V’s MC and you. 
That wouldn’t be good. You wouldn’t be able to consent to anything. They would take you with them without warning, and no amount of protesting or wanting to look for Ray would stop them. Sure, MC would try to advocate for you and get them to find Ray, but they wouldn’t be able to do that... which would leave you stuck with them against your will. But, that’s par for the course... you’ve been living a life for the past few months where everyone else controls your life and what you do. 
Now, MC would keep you safe and sound, but Seven would have a lot questions for you. It’s not every day you meet someone who just... woke up that tiny for no reason one day. if you realize that he looks just like Ray... well, maybe you won’t say anything... maybe you’ll blurt out what you’re thinking... one thing is for sure, though, you fear for Ray’s safety. You know you can trust MC, but you still feel a lot of unease with Seven and V. Why wouldn’t you? You don’t know who or what to trust anymore for sure. 
Ray would be distraught... afraid and upset. He could care less about V’s MC at this point. He knows his Savior is upset about them, but he can’t live without the person he loves the most. You’re nowhere to be found, he’s panicking, and he’s on the edge of breaking down. It would take a while for him to realize that you’ve been taken. His worst assumption is always that someone hurt you and left you to suffer somewhere in the building... and until V’s MC confesses to him on the phone that you’re safe, he would think he failed you and... and that there’s no life left for him. 
Oh, imagine the anger... the disdain... the fear... the rage. They took his precious person away from him and they could torture you! They could hurt you because they’re careless! They could hurt you like they hurt him! He is living a nightmare of the greatest caliber! The only thing that could keep him out of the explosion is if they lured him out of hiding to come and find you... and even then... he might hesitate if he starts to think you ran away from him willingly... would you do that? Was he suffocating? Did he not treat you right? Did he not care for you the way you needed? 
One thing is for sure, he would rip apart his entire room if Saeyoung got his filthy paws on you. 
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trash-iest · 1 year
1,4,12,15,23,35,38,40,4650,55,60,75,78,83,86. You don't have to answer these. It's alot I know and I'm sorry. Just.. curious 😅
1. What do you crave in a psychological sense? Intimacy, passion, purpose, belonging, social interaction, etc.?
Passion & purpose (im sorry it's impossible to choose one)
4. Who's the most important person in your life right now? Why?
Myself because i need to consistently work towards my 5 year goal. Its the bare minimum but feels a lot so im hoping ill adjust and become a better version of myself if not the best.
12. What's your most controversial opinion? Would you state it publicly? What's the most controversial opinion that you would publicly support, if it's different?
The moon is made of cheese and pluto is a planet. Oh i would shamelessly state that publicly and stick out my tongue if the other person tries to educate me on the matter (im sorry if you were looking for serious answers, we dont do that over texting)
15. Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple?
This is stupid (but youre allowed to laugh at how basic i am) Book: 13 reasons why. So just a bit of context: Up until grade 7 i was an extremely insensitive kid like id mindlessly laugh at people in school, made fun of their insecurities and was completely clueless about feelings/emotions. It was just considered banter since i was the class clown but the way id gang up with my group and tease other kids was wrong, yet no one corrected this behaviour (tbf i didnt grow up with cousins and they rarely ever visited so there was no sense of realisation) Now end of grade 7 i came across this book and I casually started reading it like any other book and lets just say i didnt expect the traumatising details. It was nothing like the stuff i used to read and it ended up giving me the biggest reality check. I started analysing my behaviour and realised how i might be an actual bully and i couldnt fathom the thought of someone resorting to self harm or suicide because of my silly jokes so i stopped and apologised to those few people. Lets just say this book was the first step towards developing eq and becoming a better person.
23. What would you never admit to in real life?
A LOT of things. I cant really think of anything atm but i mostly just stay quiet when people say questionable shit because i dont have the energy to explain my pov and idc about their opinion lol.
35. What's wrong with you? Physically, mentally, whatever comes to mind. What's right about you? What are your best and worst traits?
Physically— i have a HUGE nose, kinda short, dont have grey/hazel eyes, i wear specs (doesnt look cute), my nails chip every time i grow them out and theyre not a natural pretty shape. Also, i dont feel pretty like an actual girl; im not elegant or any of that and neither am i a hot tomboy. Im just eh. (Edit: i just remembered the dark circles and i look dead without lipstick/lip taint lol)
Mentally— anxious sometimes but thankfully no more anxiety attacks. I feel like my major trust and commitment issues come under personality disorders but ill just list them here. My therapist said im stubborn and very rigid (and I believe him over anyone else) and quite frankly i feel incapable of forming a real human connection. To sum up my worst traits: Im mostly horrible at reciprocation, im always emotionally unavailable, im selfish, hella lazy, careless, stupid. Im definitely forgetting something so whenever I remember it ill add it here lol. My best traits: im very understanding when it comes to the other person needing their space. Im a good listener because i rarely have good advice or solutions lol. Im calm and rarely ever lose my temper which doesnt really last long. I believe in communication instead of letting misunderstandings grow until they explode (im guessing thats good because it has strengthened my friendships)
38. Who do you miss, if anyone?
My 15 year old self. She was so happy, loved the way she looked and was so mentally stable (i might be considered a narcissist at this point)
40. Would you sacrifice your life for a stranger? An acquaintance? A loved one?
I WILL SACRIFICE MY OWN LIFE FOR PAKISTAN (its hard for me to be consistently serious, bear with it pls)
46. Do you have a "right person, wrong time"?
Yeah feels like it
50. What qualities do you find charming?
Whatever prince charming brings to the table (its so hard to be serious about this im sorry it reminds me of middle school)
55. What reminds you of your childhood?
Certain songs, snacks and a few places.
60. What are you afraid of? What are your worst fears? Are you afraid of any of the following - the dark, fire, heights, being alone, people, spiders, snakes, blood, drowning, or death?
Betrayal/abandonment from someone i truly love, getting attached to the wrong person, staying unemployed after graduation, childbirth and raising my own kids, emotionally depending on someone and lizards 💀 Of the following: people, only the big spiders like tarantulas etc, snakes, drowning only because i dont know how to swim and its a very painful death from what ive heard so no thank you.
75. What is your favourite fairytale?
Definitely hansel and gretel because of that edible cottage (still such a dream) but I recently read the story of the youth who went forth to learn what fear was (grimm's fairytales) and its my favourite one as an adult now.
78. Have you ever written a poem or song about someone? Or had someone write one about you? Do you hope to have either of those experiences in the future?
Nope i havent. My best friend has written poetry for me, about 3 times. It was super cute but it constantly made me feel indebted because ive never made a grand gesture like that and what she wrote was proper poetry and she appreciates me so much. Ive only ever written her letters with my ugly handwriting yet she treasures them. Hypothetically if i do find someone in the future like that idk how id react but ill definitely be thinking about ways to reciprocate.
83. What's your type? Otherwise, do you think you attract a certain sort of person?
An aromantic asexual or at least someone whose love language isnt physical touch and theyre naturally not a cheezy person but i feel like im asking for a lot here since most people associate romance with their partners and what i say is considered abnormal or bs so lets not go there. Ill need to be attractive to attract a certain type of people or anyone for that matter lol.
86. What could you talk about for hours?
Honestly my chattiness depends on my mood or the type of day im having instead of a particular topic.
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leonbloder · 7 months
Letting Go Of The Sin Of Certainty
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One of the best books I've read over the past five years is Peter Enns' The Sin Of Certainty.  This book was instrumental in developing my own theology and provided me the language I needed to articulate it better. 
The book's thesis is simply this: Many Christians "mistake 'certainty' and 'correct belief' for faith when God really desires trust and intimacy."
Enns provides space for the reader to wrestle with the notion that doubt and skepticism are not the enemies of the faith but rather provide us with the opportunity to deepen our faith if we are courageous enough. 
But for many Christians, the fear of what might be on the other side of doubt and skepticism is too much to bear, so they double down on the perceived safety of certainty. 
According to Enns, the refusal to move past the safety of certainty when it comes to our beliefs falls short of what God desires.   
We also fashion a faith that clearly delineates lines between who is allowed in and who is kept out.  
In one sense, we lose the notion of what it means to be a true disciple who wrestles with their faith, and in the other, we can quickly put ourselves in the place of God, deciding who is orthodox enough to hang with our particular community of faith. 
As you might imagine, there's sin (or falling short) in both senses. 
I love this quote from The Sin of Certainty: 
“When we reach the point where things simply make no sense, when our thinking about God and life no longer line up, when any sense of certainty is gone, and when we can find no reason to trust God but we still do, well that is what trust looks like at its brightest – when all else is dark.”
We might struggle to understand how the Bible gets used so often as a weapon or a way to exclude, or we have a hard time believing some of the things we read in it. 
Or we may reach a point in our lives where the trials and tribulations of life leave us exhausted and feeling isolated, wondering where God is in all of it.  
It requires no small amount of humility to admit to ourselves that we doubt and often struggle to understand what God is up to in the world.  It takes humility to say that we don't always get what we read in the Bible. 
It also takes humility to be open enough to want to learn more, dig deeper, and do the good work of true discipleship, which is to wrestle with and engage in matters of faith.   The esteemed atomic physicist Dr. Friedrich Dressauer once said: 
At the beginning of all spiritual endeavor stands humility and he who loses it can achieve no other heights than the heights of disillusionment.  
When we choose the certainty of our beliefs or the safety of our traditions over the fact that we don't know everything, we can easily become disillusioned when something happens to send our carefully constructed belief system crashing to the ground. 
I've had so many conversations with people who left the Christian faith because what they'd been taught to believe was certain came into question within the crucible of experience. 
Some of these people experienced losing a loved one or ending a relationship.  Others came to grips with their sexuality and were expelled from their faith communities when they came out as gay.  
And some started asking questions, wondering why, or openly doubting.  
The bottom line is that these people were faithful disciples because they wrestled with their doubts and struggled with their faith, but because they were told they weren't, they left. 
God gave the Hebrew people the name Israel, the very name given to Jacob the Patriarch.  That name means "The one who wrestles with God."  The name says it all.  This is what God desires: people who are engaged enough in their faith to doubt, wonder and ask.  
So may you ask your questions of faith.  Voice your doubts.  Wrestle with them.  True discipleship is marked by the openness to learn and to grow.  May we all find that kind of openness and no longer sin with certainty.  
And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, now and forever. Amen.  
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pressagie · 9 months
Hi, how are you? I saw you were offering free readings and was interested in asking a question. I would like to know what’s coming towards me next in love? I’m single. Can you use the lenormand deck. Can you also add a song? Please 😊 Thanks! - JD
JD, what's up? We're finally doing this, let's go!
Note: I added some info to the bottom of my pinned post, and I recommend (to everyone who sent in questions) giving it a read :]
— your anchor to the topic
The way The Moon card came out indicates a sense of loneliness, and being aware of it – not just being alone, in a neutral/positive way, but feeling somehow uneasy in that (single) state. It seems like this comes from (and becomes worse because of) you acting, without reason, like that will always be your reality. Might be something to unpack, and I don't think it would be too hard for you, if you decide to do so.
— external factors at play
In the past, you used to hold some beliefs that were more hopeful in regard to how you felt about (and even acted towards) love, connections, yourself, and love for yourself. This may not be (immediately) clear to you; at the time you could have done it without even thinking and/or due to outside influences – but it is somehow connected to The Moon issue, as it could be a reminder and inspiration to present-you.
— what really matters
The Stork speaks of positive action you take towards other people or a person – this does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship (what, I'm assuming, you asked about); it could be searching for a community, a family or any kind of connection that helps you feel good, and more a part of something, with those who function like you, and aim for similar places in life. Where do you (figuratively) want to go?
The Child, on the other hand, points to you thinking about a bad past experience, when you might've been taken advantage of, and it burdening this present one (The Stork) – even though they are not the same! Try to keep that in mind and recognize where you actually stand, and you can have a better time.
— results taste better with a grain of salt
The Scythe and The Anchor came out hand in hand, meaning these are tools to utilize together.
On the one hand: make the most of this/these new connection(s); find your space, and allow yourself to grow from there.
On the other hand: be sure that you're not in a group or with a specific someone because you'd rather have anyone than no one, ending up in situations that do not benefit you – or in which the other(s) feel(s) used. Don't lose track of yourself, as well as why it all started.
To clarify: none of this seems like it's about manipulation and abusive dynamics. More like miscommunication and similar mistakes that can still cause some harm. So, remember to maintain and respect everyone's boundaries, including your own.
Overall (and the most probable scenario): if you check in with your feelings, and let them guide you, you'll be happily surprised by what you take from this experience.
— one possibility within reach
The Owls card comes towards the end of this timeline, in a disruptive position. It signals a conversation or encounter that you won't understand for what it is, and that will be incompatible with the peace you might have established by then. It demands an active response to clear up.
Don't despair! There's no need to worry about The Owls right now. For better or worse, nothing lasts forever. When the time comes, and everything settles, this could even end up being a favorable change or, at least, a learning experience. Either way, you'll know it's coming, and can deal with it according to what you discover along this journey, as well as the paths you choose.
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac in Rumours (1977)
Thank you for trusting me to read for you. I would love to know what you think: if this resonates with your circumstances, and what comes of it. Don't be afraid to give me honest feedback and suggestions, after all, it'll help me become a better reader :]
Do you want to expand on this or have another topic to explore? Leave me a (follow-up) question!
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Elioth Gruner's Milking Time / Araluen Valley
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jaidonschool · 11 months
The Future of Art
"Platform physics are the ways in which a medium’s design determines a piece of content’s nature, the content’s “natural motion” through a network, its recipients’ responses, and the various nth order effects of this content being in circulation."
"As the media space grew noisier, paths around the mess of algorithmic social media emerged organically in the mid-2010s... external to web2 platforms might be thought of as a “dark forest” or “cozy web” region of media, a semi-anonymous yet paradoxically more personal space of communication: the group exchanges on Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal, etc.) ...therefore not governed by clearnet physics. "
“If you and your community do not have a concrete set of norms, practices and institutions designed to allow you to use the internet without the internet using you—you are destined to lose."
"the capacity for composability emerges as an indispensable quality... it refers to building “protocols” rather than platforms, and portability of a community across platforms... Structurally, what these communities were doing was composing their own media networks. They were forging a social protocol where the community signal is stronger than the pull of any individual platform.
...the community itself becomes a form of media... individuals with strong connections across multiple communities become literal inter-faces... Web 2.0 attention-driven network: a sea of individual influencers connected unidirectionally to tiers of followers. In a composable community-as-media model, a protocol synthesizes both. Members of a shared network interact... while also broadcasting across social media feeds cross-pollinating... and attracting new members."
"we anticipate a voiding of the Mid, especially on social media. Younger generations are already suffering from Mid-exhaustion as endless culture-warring and grandstanding didacticism have made “👏using 👏your👏voice” on social media seem extremely cringe.
Illegibility. Poetry. Speaking even more in diagrams, images, metaphors, collages, neologisms—forms of language that AI (and the Mids) do not yet understand." Using fake names.
"dark forests will proliferate. In the digital and in the real, we need to plant more trees. Everyone will belong to one or more of these dark forest communities, and will need to defend their culture from spammers" from the Mid.
"Apps are engineered to be maximally addictive, siphoning as much time and money as they can from “users.” Young people are fully immersed in an addiction economy—it’s all one big scam, and they know it. Scam Realism is the paradigm of the now, because scamming is the water in which we all swim"
"When there’s so much noise and so much scamming, where do we find truth and who can we trust? Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of conflicting information, hot takes, scoldcore, and didactic thinkpieces from the Professional Managerial Class, people increasingly trust only those to whom they’re directly connected... non-institutional figures—Substack writers, artists, podcasters—and their wider communities will continue to fulfill the role of Trusted Sensemakers. Meanwhile, corporations and governments will need to cultivate relationships with these sensemakers in order to gain broader trust—and traction."
"Why build products or services, when you can control and therefore capitalize on the infrastructure through which every exchange takes place? To gain agency in today’s media space, you need to overcome the physics of its software. By thinking meta, you can build new protocols, structures that allow truth and trust to emerge. Whether through blockchain tools, new nested internets, or meta-assemblages of various platforms and apps, the future of media will come from experiments taking place at the level of protocol. And through these new protocols, new complexities will emerge through new relationships—complexities that we should embrace. Worldbuilding together, we can keep True Names secret, protected from the homogenizing force of the Mid, allowing for a return of productive incoherence, uncertainty, deep wisdom, and magic."
Build your holograph. Design your protocol.
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asking-jude · 1 year
Hello Jude… I am having a bad time at the moment cause I’m afraid I will lose a friend of mine. Whenever I talk to other people I rely on they only say “I’m sorry” or “it’ll be okay”… I know they mean well but it’s like I need an specific answer.
This friend means a lot to me, we have known each other for years and, even though there were so many good times we had together- for some reason I can’t get over the fact that they didn’t tell me things … important ones.
They said that they may want to talk about it but not now cause they are not doing good mentally and I want to give them that space… but how long should I wait? What if they never come back? How should I move on?
I’m angry and sad at the same time but then there are moments where I can only have so much love for them and I want them to know, on others I just- miss them and then I get confused cause maybe I don’t, but I miss the relationship and not necessarily them?
I feel lost and I try to write on my journal about this process and I just feel like I am going nowhere.
Thank you in advance for reading this, I really appreciate any guidance/advice I can get
Do you want free, fast mental health help? Visit askingjude.org.
I’m sorry you’ve been through such a tough time with your friend. It can be frustrating when you feel like the answers you’ve been getting aren’t enough. Navigating this feeling of uncertainty can be challenging, and I want to let you know that we’re here to help.
I understand that it can hurt when someone close to you decides not to share important information. Trust is vitally important in any relationship, and it’s possible that you’re feeling hurt by the idea that your friend felt they couldn’t trust you with their issues. Sometimes people make mistakes or don’t communicate in the way we expect them to, and it’s okay to feel disappointed by that. If the two of you start talking again, it might be helpful to approach the conversation with curiosity and empathy instead of anger. If you haven’t already, you could ask them to share their perspective on why they didn’t tell you and express how that has been making you feel. 
It sounds like you’ve been trying your best to be patient, and I want to commend you for that. Again, I know it can be frustrating to not have answers or know how to move forward, but it’s important to respect your friend’s boundaries and be understanding of their mental struggles. Regarding how long you should wait, unfortunately, there’s no definite answer. I’d tell you to trust yourself and your needs when trying to figure out when the right time to come back is. Try to set boundaries for yourself in the process; it’s okay to not wait indefinitely for your friend to come back. Give yourself a deadline for how long you want to give them. Friendship breakups can feel just as bad, if not worse than romantic ones; try to remind yourself that if missing your friend feels intense now, you may still need time to deal with this for yourself. It’s hard to say if/when your friend will be ready to talk again, so in the meantime, try to focus on your feelings, your value, and your overall well-being.
If you need additional help trying to make sense of the situation, this article goes over how to healthily give someone the time they require to work through an issue: https://shorturl.at/gKR79. 
This article also provides a few coping strategies to deal with the emotions of missing someone you care for: https://shorturl.at/EILN9. 
Journaling is a great way to process your feelings during this time, but if you feel like you’re not making progress, there are a few different things you could try. You could give yourself prompts so that your writing has more focus. Have you tried changing the environment when you’re journaling? Sometimes a change in scenery or a distraction-free environment can be exactly what you need to inspire new ideas. Journaling isn’t your only option either. Other ways you can try to process your thoughts include meditation, art, or even just putting aside some time to focus on self-care. If you still feel you’re not making any progress then it may be best to consider reaching out to a licensed counselor or therapist. 
I found a brief list of activities similar to journaling to help you process some of the feelings you’ve been experiencing. Finding new ways to express yourself can be a great way to get out of a rut: https://www.silkandsonder.com/blogs/news/how-to-process-emotions. 
Thank you again for reaching out to Asking Jude. I hope I was able to help, and you are always welcome to reach out again. Remember to always take care of yourself!
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tobi-smp · 2 years
Picture this with me
Lets say you're a kid with depression and feel out of touch with the people around you, so you reach out online and slowly but surely build up a community. Maybe your interests are too weird for the people in your life, maybe you get bullied, maybe there's something about this community that gives you a level of involvement and freedom that you can't get elsewhere. either way you end up relying on this community not just as a coping mechanism, but as your primary form of social interaction.
So when drama happens this has a profound effect on you specifically Because of the deep emotional investment that you have in this space with these people. Maybe it even gets bad enough sometimes that it starts seriously effecting your mental health. Maybe you get more irritable, do and say things that you normally wouldn't (that you don't mean, that you regret). And maybe you even start changing as a person.
Imagine then, in this situation, that you come home and your father's destroying your computer. Or even worse, you got into an argument and he destroyed it as the direct result of it.
All at once you lose access to the friends you'd made and the community and Routine you built, and your father doesn't offer you any replacement for it. He just tells you you're not allowed to have a community like that again for your own good.
And maybe later he explains that he did it because it was hurting you. Maybe he says that you need to connect with Real people in the Real world. And he loves you and he forgives you but he also hurt you and he doesn't understand that.
He doesn't understand that that community gave you something that you Couldn't get without it and that it had Real connection even if it looks different from how he'd experience it.
And what's more, the act of destroying your things, as a punishment Or a lesson has hurt you and made you feel anxious about the things you still have or could have in the future. That he might take it away. It makes you feel Unsafe and its damaged the trust between you even though his intentions were ultimately to help you.
And maybe something about the situation Did have to change, maybe it Was unhealthy and you needed to find another way to experience what you got out of this community without the toxicity (maybe in getting rid of people who caused that toxicity. Maybe in establishing new rules and boundaries between all of you. Maybe in engaging in more constructive communication).
But ultimately going the nuclear route hurt you more than not doing anything would have. It turned what could've been an opportunity to grow into a traumatizing event and made it actively harder for your situation to improve Because it hurt you. Especially because he jumped to hurting you Before talking to you and left you to try to pick up the pieces by yourself in the aftermath
Anyways, that's my non-comprehensive analogy for why phil blowing up l'manberg to teach a lesson about valuing people wasn't a good thing even if he thought he was helping people grow
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
The Best Worst Thing to Have Ever Happened pt. 1
An AU in which James/Lily are somehow still alive, and Harry chooses to continue living with Sirius and Remus. (this one doesn't hurt, not so much; similar to Fault Lines, it will also be posted in installments on tumblr because it's just a dribble.)
"What's it like to be living my life, Sirius?"
June 1995
Sirius had always been susceptible to things that went bump in the night. Remus joked that Sirius didn’t know the meaning of a good nights sleep and had been saying it for years. But usually, when Sirius sat bolt right up in bed, a chill running down his spine and heart racing, it was nothing. Black magic was just particularly paranoid and sensed every movement.
Every noise.
Every unwanted whisper.
“Sirius, go back to sleep…” Remus mumbled next to him when Sirius had reached out to grab his husband’s shoulder, communicating a sense of urgency. A fire when there wasn’t even a spark. Remus had become an expert at navigating the imaginary emergencies and quieted anxiety half-asleep.
Sirius sat still though, listening and hoping to narrow in on magical or muggle.
A lost postman.
A stray animal--that had happened before.
But there was nothing.
Still, he kept his hand on Remus’s shoulder.
“Baby…” Remus rolled over to face Sirius, one eye cracking open a sliver, “Everything is fine.”
“I…don’t know.”
“Do you hear something?”
“No.” Sirius felt Remus’s hand snake out from underneath the covers, placing it gently on Sirius’s chest. He was sure his husband could feel his racing heart, a breath away from taking off his shirt just for more space. “It’s just a feeling.”
“What kind of feeling?”
“Like…something terrible is going to happen today. Or…not terrible…I don’t know.”
Remus shifted, moving out of the cocoon of blankets realizing Sirius wasn’t as quick to settle this time around. More awake than he wanted to be at four in the morning, but climbed on top of Sirius’ lap nonetheless.
It was a faint buzzing.
This feeling.
A paralyzing sort of ache that made Sirius want to stay in bed, his mind drafting a letter into work for why he couldn’t have the hearing today. Everything was going to have to wait until the feeling passed and Sirius was sure the sun would come up. Right now he wasn’t so sure.
“You get these feelings every year just before Harry comes home.” Remus’s face was mostly shadows, eyes catching hazy morning light every so often, but otherwise Sirius was looking into darkness. If it wasn’t for Remus’s body on top of his, he might have drifted there altogether. “Every year it’s fine, right?”
“Yeah. Mostly. He’s getting taller and moodier so... I dunno if that’s fine.”
“It’s not terrible.”
“Might just have to trust me, love. It’s just a feeling.”
“I…” Sirius sighed, “No, you’re right.”
“No, tell me.”
“It feels like magic. Like someone’s trying to get in here…except not…really. Do you feel it at all?”
“No,” Remus shook his head, “I’m sorry.”
It was probably nothing. Just like every year, when he felt the feeling and it had been nothing then.
Remus usually could pick up traces of magic if there were any to be found, even without Black magic.
“It’ll pass?” asked Sirius.
“I think so.” Remus nodded and brushed his fingers through the dark curls that were sticking to Sirius’s forehead from sweat. “I love you.”
“One more time.”
“I love you,” Remus repeated without hesitation, coaxing Sirius back down in bed.
The feeling didn't pass, though Sirius managed to get out of bed, disappearing to his desk at the ministry hoping to drown out lingering worry with legal procedures. Until mid-afternoon when a patronus came.
A report to the ministers office.
Wizarding council robes swirling around his ankles, wondering if this was the day that Sirius would lose his job for saying bullshit instead of objection in a hearing room.
Remus was there as well when Sirius arrived in front of the Minister’s office.
Sirius knocked, and the door opened by magic, two people already seated in front of the minister and Albus Dumbledore.
Messy jet black hair that didn’t belong to his fourteen year old.
A violent swear from his husband.
“I should’ve stayed in bed…” Sirius muttered, the door behind them shutting as the minister invited both of them to take a seat next to Lily and James.
James couldn’t talk about it. What had happened.
James would start and immediately stop and Sirius wasn’t sure if it was because there was magic involved preventing him from doing so or too much weight behind the words. His tongue not strong enough to carry it, or not willing to pass it off to someone else.
Knowing James, it was probably the latter.
Sirius didn’t ask him to explain after a third attempt. There was no pressure, even as the sun started to come up and it was made clear that James wasn’t going to just vanish into the light. It wasn’t an odd fever dream. It wasn’t like the other times Sirius had gotten drunk off his arse and made-up conversations with his best friend in nearly the same spot. Sirius kept unconsciously reaching a hand out to touch James’ face as he spoke; kept his eyes open afraid that if he blinked James would disappear again. But James would just smile--that stupid wide one he had seen on his kid for the past fifteen years; the one he had missed the most on days dark clouds rolled in and promised nothing but storms--and return the touch, warm hand touching Sirius’ face. And how could Sirius make that up? How could he make up Lily’s obnoxious cackle from the next room as she talked with Remus?
If it was a fever dream, it was a really fucking good one.
Sirius would gladly let whatever illness this was consume him if it meant he could have his best friend next to him for the rest of his days.
James looked older than when they had last seen each other, more facial hair too, Sirius remembering teasing James to no end when it took him three months to get anything that resembled a five o’clock shadow. James had been so proud.
Sirius wondered if James was proud this time around, even if no one was around to share it with him.
Of course, Sirius looked older too. They all did after…after surviving a war and doing their parts to rebuild themselves in a world that had opened wide and swallowed them all whole.
“Don’t…be mad at anyone,” James squinted up at the sunlight,
“I’ve been mad at Dumbledore since he let me spend a night in Azkaban…” Sirius muttered, “Being angry at him for this is just another reason.”
“You’re right. I’m impressed you haven’t killed him yet.”
“Shouted at him? Definitely. I’ve tried to get him sacked a handful of times too but…I’ll settle for having the board micromanage him…” Sirius grinned softly, “This doesn’t feel real.”
“Lily stopped me from writing so many times just to say that we were okay…so many times, Pads, you have to believe me, I tried.”
“I would’ve tried too.” Sirius swallowed, “I’m not mad at you. Least of all.”
Sirius left out the part where he had spent a whole month angry at a person who was no longer living because they had left him.
How dare you leave me like this?
What about me?
What am I supposed to do without you?
Sirius had figured it out--how to live in a world without his best friend who had loved him when he thought it wasn’t possible--after years of scrambling and searching for dry land.
“You’re different,” James told him, “I think…same but different.” A not quite comfortable silence enveloped them.
“It’s been fifteen years, I should hope I’m different. You are, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” James nodded, “So…how’s my kid?”
And that was when it hit him.
You could be unbelievably happy for something having worked out…and unbelievably hurt at what was about to unravel at the same time.
This was the terrible, sinking feeling.
Sirius shoved down the slight hurt at the phrase my kid. Because Harry…Harry had been Sirius’ kid for years and years. Sirius was the one who was there fore the late-night fevers and trips to St. Mungos; Sirius had been to every Quidditch game and hung up every exam score. Sirius’ desk at work at a picture of the three of them--Remus, Harry, Sirius. His family. And in a few hours…in a single sentence, this shifted.
Pushed from the cliff, falling down to the ground in a heap because it occurred to Sirius that Harry…had his parent’s back. The ones he was supposed to have before the worst thing to have ever happened, happened, and he was put into Sirius’ care.
Suddenly, Sirius was sixteen all over again, out cold on the streets running aimlessly and searching for someplace to go.
I’m lost.
Who will want me now?
Where do I belong?
Because his kid…might not be his anymore.
Sirius never expected to feel this way again at 35. Not when there was a wedding band around his finger. Not when there was a tattoo of July 31st on the underside of his wrist and a bedroom upstairs decorated in Quidditch posters and a desk in the parlor with art supplies.
“Alright?” James asked, breaking Sirius out from racing thoughts that had just come to fruition.
“Yeah. Sorry…” Sirius pasted on a fake smile, “Harry’s the best. I…was just thinking I can’t wait for you to meet him.”
Happiness was so incredibly fleeting.
People talked of happiness like it was some holy grail destination. A white whale. And once you captured this elusive happiness it would be yours forever and never leave.
But that wasn’t true.
Happiness was an emotion, just like sadness or anger, ebbing and flowing like the waves on the shore.
One moment Sirius was happy to have his best friend back; Harry was overjoyed to meet his parents, their dinner table of three turning into one for five. A week of pure elation and laughter with shared memories and time spent playing Quidditch in the backyard.
The innocent getting to know you questions and the high of the happiness rollercoaster all coming to a screaming and startling halt when a different sort of question was posed.
So, how would you feel if next week we took Harry home?
Sirius wanted to scream.
And he did, when he got on his bike under the impression he was taking a joy ride and for once there were plenty of adults to supervise a teenager with insatiable curiosity. He yelled as loud as he could, masked by the sound of an engine, choking on exhaust fumes until his throat felt it would bleed.
This is his home.
He’s already there, can’t you see that?
You can’t take him
Sirius didn’t know how but he had managed to maintain his head. Legally, it wasn’t as simple as just taking Harry home. Which is how they all ended up in the sitting room of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Lily and James on one couch, Sirius and Remus on the other, Harry caught in the middle on a chair looking at his hands.
“There’s no pressure either way, Harry. It’s your choice, who you want to stay with,” James’s voice was thick with emotion as he spoke, holding onto Lily’s hand so tight Sirius could see light knuckles from across the room. He was holding onto Remus’s hand in a similar way, already preparing to have the rug pulled out from underneath his feet.
“...I don’t want anyone to be mad at me,” Harry said. Sirius pulled his eyes away from James to look at Harry who was looking the floor. Caught in the middle of a game of tug-of-war he didn’t ask to play; keeping score and tallying up points when he just wanted to enjoy being there. He knew Harry had hoped for a forfeit, and Sirius had hoped for one as well…even if it ended badly in his favor. For some sort of legality and clause in ancient ministry rules that stipulated what took precedence--adoption papers or biology. But the ministry was unsure of which one to void, laws coming up empty, and it was instead put into the hands of an almost fifteen year old.
It seemed irresponsible.
It seemed unfair to give an impossible, bone crushing weight to a child (though Harry would disagree if those words were ever told to him).
But there they were.
“I won’t be mad at you, love, they’re your--” but with an elbow to his side Remus, Sirius stopped speaking, realizing for the first time that Harry had picked his head up and was looking at James and Lily. Not Sirius. Not Remus.
“You…seem very nice. I...like getting to know you, ” Harry said, “but you might as well be strangers to me. I’m…sorry.”
Sirius watched as James and Lily put on the same fake smile Sirius had been wearing since that day in the ministers office. The smile he used to pretend everything was okay when he had seen this coming from the very beginning.
A rift.
The feeling was back.
The paranoid, lingering feeling that something…terrible was going to happen returned as he walked James and Lily to the door of Grimmauld Place after Harry left to go to his bedroom.
“Good for you. You’ve…obviously made him really happy.” James words were harmless but his tone said otherwise. His face gave him away, looking at Sirius with an odd sort of mixture of betrayal and confusion.
What’s it like living my life, Sirius? You always did fancy being a Potter.
“You don’t mean that.”
“You’re right. I don’t.”
Continue to part 2
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x11 thoughts
For an episode that ends with a journalist Ted trusts but has (understandably) recently lied to warning Ted that he’s publishing an article about his panic attacks, it was fitting that this episode seemed entirely about what all of these characters choose to tell each other. And after most of a season of television that Jason Sudeikis has described as the season in which the characters go into their little caves to deal with things on their own, it turns out they are finally able to tell each other quite a lot.
Which is good because, um, wow, a lot is going to happen in the season finale of this show!
Thoughts on the things people tell each other behind the cut!
Roy and Keeley. I absolutely loved the moment during their photoshoot in which they bring up a lot of complicated emotional things and are clearly gutted (“gutted”? Who am I? A GBBO contestant who forgot to turn the oven on?) by what they’ve heard. We already know that Keeley and Roy are great at the kinds of moments they have before the shoot begins, in which Roy builds Keeley up and tells her she’s fucking amazing. From nearly the beginning of their relationship, they’ve supported each other and been each other’s biggest fans. But their relationship has gone on long enough that they’ve progressed from tentative arguments about space and individual needs into really needing to figure out what they mean to each other and how big their feelings are and what that means in relation to everything else. Watching these two confess about the uncomfortable kiss with Nate, the unexpectedly long conversation with Phoebe’s teacher, and—most painfully—the revelation that Jamie still loves Keeley didn’t feel like watching two people who are about to break up. (Although I could see them potentially needing space from each other to get clarity.) It felt like watching two people realize just how much they’d lose if they lost each other, which is an understandably scary feeling even—or especially—when you’re deeply in love but not entirely sure what the future holds. Not entirely sure what you’re capable of when you’ve never felt serious about someone in quite this way, and are realizing you have to take intentional actions to choose that relationship every single day. I’m excited to learn whether Roy and Keeley decide they need to solidify their relationship more (not necessarily an engagement, but maybe moving in together or making sure they’re both comfortable referring to the other as partner and telling people they’re in a committed relationship) or if things go in a different direction for a while.
Sharon and Ted. I’ve had this feeling of “Wow, Ted is going to feel so intense about how honest he’s been with Sharon and is going to end up getting really attached and transfer a lot of emotions onto the connection they have and that is stressful no matter how beneficial it has been for him to finally get therapy!” for a while now. And Sharon’s departure really brought that out and it was indeed stressful. But the amount of growth that’s happened for both of these characters is really stunningly and beautifully conveyed in this episode. Ted is genuinely angry she left without saying goodbye, and he doesn’t bury it some place deep inside him where it will fester for the next thirty years. He expresses his anger. (I also noticed he sweared—mildly—in front of her again, which is really a big tell for how much he has let his carefully-constructed persona relax around her.) He reads her letter even though he said he wasn’t going to, and he’s moved. I don’t think Ted has the words for his connection to Sharon beyond “we had a breakthrough,” but Sharon gets it, and is able to firmly assert a professional boundary by articulating her side of that breakthrough as an experience that has made her a better therapist. And is still able to offer Ted a different kind of closure by suggesting they go out before her train leaves. No matter how you feel about a patient/football manager seeing their therapist/team psychologist colleague socially, I appreciated this story because IMO it didn’t cross big lines but instead was about one final moment in this arc in which both Ted and Sharon saw each other clearly and modeled what it is to give someone what they need and to expect honesty and communication from them. I liked that Ted ends up being the one saying goodbye. (The mustache in the exclamation points!) I like that whether or not Sharon returns in any capacity (Sarah Niles is so wonderful that I hope she does, but I’m not sure), the goodbye these characters forge for themselves here is neither abandonment nor a new, more complicated invitation. It’s the end of a meaningful era, and although the work of healing is the work of a lifetime, it’s very beautiful to have this milestone.
Ted and Rebecca. So, maybe it’s just me, but it kinda feels like these two have a few li’l life things to catch up on?! (HAHHHHHaSdafgsdasdf!) I really adored their interactions in this episode. I maintain that Biscuits With The Boss has been happening this whole time (even when Ted’s apartment was in shambles, there’s biscuit evidence, and I feel like we’ve been seeing the biscuit boxes in Rebecca’s office pretty regularly too), even if it might have been more of a drive-by biscuit drop-off/feelings avoidance ritual. It was really lovely to see Ted on more even footing in Rebecca’s office, joking around until she tells him to shut up, just like the old days. And GOSH—for their 1x9 interaction in Ted’s office to be paralleled in this episode and for Ted to explicitly make note of the parallel in a way Rebecca hears and sees and understands?! MY HEART. In both of Rebecca’s confessions, she is not bringing good news but it is good and meaningful that she chooses to share with Ted. In both situations, Ted takes the moment in stride and offers acceptance equivalent to the gravity of what she has to confess. And in both situations, he’s not some kind of otherworldly saint, able to accept Rebecca no matter what because he’s unaffected by what she shares. He is affected. When he tells her about Sam, you can see a variety of emotions on his face. Rebecca is upset and Ted is calm, and even if I might have liked for him to try to talk about the risk the affair poses to the power dynamics on the team or any number of factors, I also really liked that he just accepts where she is, and—most importantly—does not offer her advice beyond examining herself and taking her own advice. A massive part of being in a relationship with another person (a close relationship of any nature) is figuring out how to support that person without necessarily having to be happy about every single thing they do. It’s so important that Ted connects what she’s just told him about Sam back to what she told him last season about her plot with the club. These both feel like truth bombs to him, and he is at least safe enough to make that clear. These are both things that impact him, things that shape how he sees her and maybe even how he sees himself. He cares about her and is capable of taking in this information; he has room for it. But it’s not something he takes lightly, and neither does she. See you next year.
Tumblr user chainofclovers and the TV show Ted Lasso. My brain is going wild thinking about all the ways the next “truth bomb” conversation could go in 3x11 or whatever. Maybe they go full consistent parallel and Rebecca confesses something else, this time about her and Ted or some other big future thing that impacts him as much or more as the other confessions have. (The same but different.) Maybe the tables turn and Ted has something to confess to her. While the 1x9 conversation ended in an embrace and the 2x11 conversation ended with a bit more physical distance (understandable given the current state of their relationship and the nature of the discussion), the verbal ending of both conversations involved voices moving into a sexier lower register while zooming in to talk specifically about their connection to each other, so I have to assume there will be some consistencies in s3 even if the circumstances will be completely different. I don’t really know where I’m going with this and I obviously will go insane if I sustain this level of anticipatory energy until Fall 2022 but I have a feeling my brain and heart are going to try!
Sam and Rebecca. I know there’s been a lot of criticism about whether this show is being at all realistic about the power dynamics and inevitable professional issues this relationship would create. On some level, I agree; I like that pretty much everyone who knows about the affair has been kind so far, but you can be kind and still ask someone to contend with reality. But I also think that in nearly every plot point on this show, the narrative is driven by how people feel about their circumstances first and foremost. (It’s why the whiteboard in the coaching office and the football commentators tell us more about how the actual football season is going from a points perspective than anyone else.) This episode reminded me how few people know about Sam and Rebecca, and how much their time together so far has been time spent in bed. The private sphere. I thought this episode really expertly brought the public sphere into it, not—thank goodness—through a humiliating exposure or harsh judgment but through an opportunity for Sam that illustrates not only all his potential to do great things but how much Rebecca’s professional position and personal feelings are in conflict with that. Could stand in the way of that. I don’t have a strong gut feeling about where this will go, but I do think Sam’s face in his final scene of this episode is telling. He started the episode wanting to see Rebecca (his most recent text to her was about wanting to connect), and Edwin’s arrival from Ghana really exploded his sense of what is possible for his life. If he’d arrived home to Rebecca sitting on his stoop prior to meeting Edwin, he’d have been delighted. Now he’s conflicted, and whatever decision he makes, he has to reckon with the reality that he cannot have everything he wants. No matter what. And Rebecca—she has taken Ted’s advice and is attempting to be honest about the fact that she can’t control Sam’s decisions but hopes he doesn’t go, and even saying that much feels so inappropriate. And I’m not sure how much she realizes about the inappropriateness of the position she’s putting him in, although maybe she’s getting there considering she exits the scene very quickly. I’ve honestly loved Rebecca’s arc this season. I think it’s realistic that she got obsessed with the intimacy she thought she could find in her phone. I think it’s realistic that her professional and personal ambitions are inappropriately linked. (They certainly were for Rupert. It’s been years since she’s known anything different; even if she’s done some significant recovery work to move on from her abusive marriage and figure out her own priorities, she’s got a long way to go.) I know there are people who will read this interaction between Rebecca and Sam as a totally un-self-aware thing on the part of “the show” or “the writers” but what I saw is two people who enjoyed being in bed together and now have to deal with the reality that they’re in two different places in their lives and that one has great professional power over the other. If that wasn’t in the show, I wouldn’t be able to see it or feel so strongly about it.
Edwin and Sam. I really enjoyed all the complexities of this interaction. Edwin is promising a future for Sam that doesn’t quite exist yet, though he has the financial means to make it happen. He offers this by constructing for Sam a Nigerian—and Ghanaian—experience unlike anything he’s found in London. Sam is amazed that this experience is here, and Edwin’s response is to explain to him that the experience is not here. Not really. The experience in Africa. Sam has of course connected to the other Nigerian players on the team, but this is something else entirely. I’m really curious if Sam is going to end up feeling that what Edwin has to offer is real or not. That sense of home and connection? So real. And so right that he would want to experience that homecoming and would want to be part of building that experience for others. But at the end of the day, he went to a museum full of actors and a pop-up restaurant full of “friends,” and is that constructed authenticity as a stand-in for a real homecoming more or less real than the home he’s building in Richmond? (With other players who stand in solidarity with him, and with well-meaning white coaches who say dumb stuff sometimes, and an a probably-doomed love interest, and a feeling that he should put chicken instead of goat in the jollof, and the ability to stand out as an incredible player on a rising team.)
Nate and everyone. But also Nate and no one. Nate’s story is so painful and I’m so anxious for next week’s episode. For a long time I’ve felt that a lot of Nate’s loyalties are with Richmond, and a lot of his ambitions are around having given so much to this place without getting a lot back, and having a strong feeling that he’s the answer to Richmond’s future. But now I’m not so sure; his ambitions have transferred into asking everyone he knows (except Ted, of course), if they want to be “the boss.” But Nate is all tactics and no communication. When he wants to suggest a new play to Ted, he hasn’t yet learned to read Ted’s language to learn that Ted is eager to hear what he has to say. And while Ted has been really unfortunately distracted about Nate and dismissive of him this season, he clearly respects Nate’s approach to football and was appreciative of the play. Nate just can’t hear that. The suit is such a great metaphor of all the things Nate is in too much pain to be able to hear clearly. Everyone digs at him for wearing the suit Ted bought him (including Will, who’s got to get little cuts in where he can, because he’s got to be sick of the way Nate treats him), but when he gets fed up his solution isn’t to go out on his own and find more clothes he likes; he asks Keeley to help him. And then crosses a major line with her...and no matter how kind she was about it, she was clearly not okay. Everything is going to blow up, and I’m so curious as to whether Nate will end up aligning himself with Rupert in some way or if he’s going to end up screwed over by Rupert and in turn try to screw over his colleagues even worse than he’s already done. Or try desperately to make amends even though it could be too late for some. Either way, I’m fully prepared to feel devastated. (And there’s no way I’m giving up on this character. If he’s able to learn, I truly believe he could end up seeking forgiveness and forging a happier existence for himself. Someday. Like in season 3 or something.)
Ted and Trent. Trent deciding to reveal his source to Ted is a huge deal, and I’m torn between so many emotions about this exposé. I’m glad it’s a Trent Crimm piece and not an Ernie Loundes piece. I’m glad that Trent made the decision to warn Ted and let him know that Nate is his source. I fear—but also hope—that this exposure will set off a chain reaction of Ted learning about some of the things he’s missed while suffering through a really bad bout with his dad-grief and panic disorder. The things Ted doesn’t know would devastate him. I wonder if Ted will want to figure out a way to make Nate feel heard and reconcile with him, and I wonder how that will be complicated if/when he realizes Nate has severely bullied Will, gets more details on how he mistreated Colin, etc. I wonder if Rebecca, whom Nate called a “shrew” right before she announced his promotion, will be in the position of having to ask Ted to fire him, or overriding Ted and doing it herself. So many questions! I have a feeling it’ll go in some wild yet very human-scaled, emotionally-nuanced direction, and I’ll be like “Oh my GOD!” but also like “Oh, of course.”
This VERY SERIOUS AND EMOTIONAL REVIEW has a major flaw, which is that none of the above conversations include mention of the absolute love letter to N*SYNC. Ted passionately explains how things should go while dancing ridiculously! Will turns on the music and starts gyrating! Roy nods supportively! Beard shouts the choreography like the Broadway choreographer of teaching grown men who play football how to dance like a boy band. Everyone is so incredibly proud when they nail it. I love them.
I cannot believe next week is the end. For now. I’m kind of looking forward to letting everything settle during the hiatus, but I’ve really loved the ride.
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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The Piano
(okay yall i wrote something. this takes place after gaon finds out yohan is alive the second time. i had written this for myself but if this helps anybody get their daily dose of gahan, here it goes. its not proofread or anything so bear with me :’])
Gaon walked out of the mansion, feeling empty. Of course, he was happy that Yohan was alive, and he was with Elijah. He was relieved that he was able to keep his promise to Elijah. It was such a relief that they were together again.
Only, without him.
Yes, he had fucked up. Yes, he almost messed up the bleak relationship Yohan and Elijah had. It never struck him how easily he blended in with them. Okay, it did strike him, but he chose to ignore that it might not have been permanent. It probably never would be. He just... wished he could go back.
As he walked his usual path home, he noticed another sapling, growing in dire conditions on the side of the road. The leaves were yellowing, roots sticking out from the mud.
"Are you alone too?" he murmured, picking up the broken pot.
He held it close as he walked down the stairs, wondering when was the last time he felt so lost. Alone.
Maybe this was a good thing? Even if the thought of having nobody made him shiver in anxiety and pain. He couldn't even process how he lost so many people so quickly. He regretted some things, he appreciated some things. By the time he reached his front door, his sleeves were stained with the mud, and mind still hazy from everything that had happened. He was hoping the walk would clear his mind. But this wasn't something a walk would fix. He soon realized, this wasn't something that diving deep into work and losing the little sanity he had left would fix. He skipped meals, came home late and didn't talk to many people. His only company was his mind, which wasn't really helping.
He was sitting on the bench on his terrace with his dinner that consisted of a single coffee. He knew that he was getting a fresh start, he had to start living for himself now, there was no other way. He wondered how Elijah's rehabilitation was going, was she able to feel her legs? Was she able to stand, walk around? What was their relationship like now?
He felt a turmoil every time he even vaguely thought of Yohan. His emotions would fly through a spectrum. The more days went by, the more he got time and clarity to think, and the more his anger and acceptance clashed.
Was he not enough?
He was never a part of them, he was just visiting.
Did he not repent for his mistakes enough?
They needed time away to heal.
Did Yohan lose all the trust he had in him?
Elijah's treatment was a priority.
Had Yohan finally pushed him away?
He must have needed space from the person who didn't choose him many times.
Had Gaon, read it all wrong?
There was only so much he could do to convince himself that there was once a beautiful phase in his life - short, surrounded by pain and betrayal - but beautiful nonetheless. He now had to build meaningful relationships with people from the ground up, and people were exhausting. He was tired of losing.
Why was he the one always losing his people? As he watered his plants, he noticed the newest one not doing so well. He put in some fertilizer, adding some rocks at the bottom and placing it in a different location.
Maybe this is what he needed. Some reorganizing.
Gaon had known how to play the piano. His father's piano was still in the house, by the corner. He had learnt a few things from him. He wasn't the best, but Gaon liked learning it exactly the way his father played it. After their death, he never looked at it. He had managed to sideline its existence, simply because no one could play it the way he was used to.
It seemed old now, worn out. Gaon had cleaned it once in a while, just as any other furniture in the house. Not a single key had been played since the last few years, this was the first time Gaon was properly looking at it. He sat on the seat, immediately regretting it. He felt the keys softly, trying to gain some familiarity.
He pressed a key, another one, and another one. His pace got quicker and the sound messier as he desperately tried to make sense of the unfamiliarity,
He stood up in frustration, and gave up on the attempt. As he lay curled up in bed, the weight of not just the loneliness but the strength he didn't have to continue weighed on him. His tears fell, and he was at the rock bottom again.
He came home the next day, and stared at the piano from the kitchen table. Why he was so adamant on playing it, he didn't quite understand. He rummaged through some old boxes in his house, and found a music notebook, with some loose sheets inside. Placing them on the sill, he tried to read and play. He didn't care if he was playing it right, he just wanted to play. He wanted to feel something. He wanted to feel the comfort of sitting next to his father who played a love song for his wife, every time she came home from work. He wanted to feel that belonging.
He played after work everyday. He missed a lot of notes, he had to look up tutorials to understand things he had forgotten. He wasn't acing this, but it kept him going.
He chose to ignore the images of Yohan that crept in his mind as he played the piano. And then one day it didn't hurt so much to think about Yohan as he played. And the next day he deliberately thought of Yohan, not that he had to put in much effort for that. He imagined playing the piano for Yohan. He might never have Yohan again, but this was for him. For letting him choose his own paths, for giving him a family and that feeling of belonging, for allowing Gaon to see him vulnerable, for trusting Gaon. And, for accepting the way Gaon was.
Gaon was planning to reorganize his house after the day of the reform meeting. He'd have some time on his hands to give it some thought. A few days ago he had bought groceries and made himself proper dinner. A few days before that he had cleaned up the mess that his house had become.
Before he left for the meeting, he noticed the leaves of his new plant turning a rich shade of green. He smiled on the way to work.
But the smile disappeared when Jin Joo mentioned she was leaving. He realized he could've spent some more time for her. But he wasn't going to regret it. enough of that. He promised to visit and keep in touch. He knew that she wouldn't expect him to, but he was still going to try.
What he did not prepare for, was to see Yohan again. He had given up. And here Yohan was, standing in front of him. His unkempt hair, informal clothes, the vulnerability in his eyes, and the hopeful smile. Was this another chance? There was so much Gaon wanted to say. There was so much Gaon wanted to make sure Yohan knew. His heart raced as he tried to conjure up some words, something, anything.
But he realized he didn't have to say anything, Yohan knew. Of course Yohan knew. He knew him better than anyone.
He stood frozen, a smile and tears plastered to his face, as he watched Yohan walk away. Now he knew, they were finally on the same page. Gaon would chase Yohan to the ends of the world, if Yohan allowed him. But Yohan was always by his side, right from the beginning. He loved Yohan, and it was only a matter of time before he would bring up the courage to tell him so.
He visited the mansion as soon as he could escape from the office. He saw the lights on for the first time in a month. He'd never understand how he had conflicting emotions, yet a sense of comfort everytime he was here. He entered the house, on his way to Yohan's study, where he knew Yohan would be. The last time he did so, he was holding a knife. This time, it was his own heart in his hand.
He stopped in his tracks as he turned around the corner and watched Yohan leaning against the table, hands folded across his chest, as if waiting for him.
"I was waiting for you" he said. His eyes were unreadable but Gaon knew he didn't just mean about this meeting.
Gaon closed his eyes and let a tear fall. He'd never thought he'd hear this voice again. This was all real, after all. He really was here.
"What brings you back?" Gaon managed to ask, taking a few steps forward. He didn't even try to hold his tears back, whatever the answer was going to be, he was going to show Yohan his honest feelings. That's what he was here for. He wanted Yohan to see him.
He watched Yohan's face softening, relaxing his arms. Gaon wished he'd hold him.
"I came to check on you"
Gaon felt like the floor was swept off from under his feet. He was worth it after all.
"Thank you" he whispered, sniffing away his tears.
"How's Elijah? Is she here?" Gaon asked, after a pause.
"No, she's getting adjusted to the center there. She's okay, she misses you"
"And you?"
Gaon watched Yohan look for an answer. He hadn't prepared for this blunt question, and frankly, neither had Gaon. The longer the silence was, the more afraid Gaon felt to know the answer.
Yohan had a habit of communicating with his eyes. Gaon was pretty good at reading them, but today he just had to be sure. What he didn't know was that Yohan was remembering every waking memory of him missing Gaon in the last month. Elijah's first appointment, their first meal they had made themselves, every single meal they had, the milestones Elijah was reaching, just...everything. How was he supposed to say this?
When Gaon got impatient, he decided to simply confess.
"I've missed you," he let out a breath he was holding all this while "a lot. I was losing my mind"
"I really thought I had lost you two forever," he paused to get a reaction, anything, from Yohan. He realized Yohan wouldn't have anything to say unless Gaon laid himself bare for him. So be it.
"I didn't even think you were real today, at the office. I was really really happy that you got out of all that alive, only that, you left. I wished you'd have told me. I was angry at first"
Yohan furrowed his eyebrows.
Gaon continued, "But I know Elijah's treatment was important, and you needed some peace, after... after all that. I'm sorry for everything I caused. Honestly, you gave me a second home and I, I just can't imagine...I cant imagine a world without you"
He averted his gaze and said one last thing, "If you want me to leave, please say so. I'll -"
"I've missed you, Gaon-ah"
Gaon dared to look at Yohan.
"So much that it hurt"
Gaon swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. Yohan stepped forward.
"After everything we've been through, I could never leave you behind. I thought you knew me better than that"
They stood close, their faces inches apart. Gaon couldn't tell what the anger in Yohan's voice was for. But he was willing to take it. He would take anything.
He stepped forward and held Yohan's shoulders, gently pulling him into his arms. He buried his face in Yohan's neck, the cloth of the robe absorbing his tears. He felt Yohan's arms sliding up his back, grip slowly tightening.
Neither would let go for a long time.
Later that night, Yohan watched as Gaon moved about the kitchen at Gaon's home, preparing dinner. He sat on one of the chairs, arms folded, eyes moving wherever Gaon went.
Gaon felt his gaze and didn't hide his smile.
"I'm guessing you haven't been eating well" Yohan observed.
Gaon bit his lip. "Guilty"
Yohan shook his head and looked around the place. "You play the piano?"
Gaon looked over, his hands still working on the stove. His saving grace stood there in all its glory.
"My father used to play, mostly for my mom. I had learnt from him but didn't touch it for a long time. I got back to it a few weeks ago"
"I'd like to hear you play"
Gaon's eyes welled up but he focused on the cooking. He smiled back at Yohan, like it wasn't a big deal.
Gaon stared at Yohan as he ate. He ate like a child, and Gaon adored him. He rubbed some crumbs off Yohan's lips and fed him some more. Was this really happening? He didn't really care, he was just happy.
They sat on the piano seat together. Yohan stared at Gaon as the latter played. Although Gaon's face felt hot with Yohan's gaze in such proximity, he focused on the music. He wanted to play it right.
"This is something my father used to play for my mother. I used to watch them sit here and reminisce about their college days"
Gaon struggled to get more words out. He wanted to be explicit with Yohan. He wanted to be unabashed. He took Yohan's hand, the one that held the scar. As he traced a finger over it, Yohan laced their fingers together.
Gaon looked at Yohan, who had scooted closer than ever. He squeezed Gaon's hand, reassuring and soft.
"Let me love you" Gaon whispered, as if saying it any louder would break the delicate moment.
He closed his eyes and gently pressed his forehead against Yohan's.
"Please" he added.
"Are you sure?" Yohan asked, his voice heavy. Like he’d played this conversation multiple times in his head before, and had thought of all the responses he could come up with, with very few of them favorable.
Gaon swooped in, closing the short distance between them.
On the terrace, the new plant bloomed a flower bud.
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sapphixxx · 3 years
Just finished Lain. Watched the last episode twice, which gently removed my heart from my chest and pulped it into a fine paste in a mortar and pestle. This hit much closer to home than I expected.
In my Lain epistemology post I somewhat flippantly made an aside that the series was only tangentially about Lain the actual character. By which I meant that my read on the series up until that point (around episode 8 or 9) was that each episode was teasing apart different aspects of the ambiguity of truth, knowledge, information, and communication, with the events of Lain's life being almost just a sort of example case study for how these concepts can impact someone on an individual level. Lain was framed in a kind of zoomed out way as an abstract avatar moving through these events without a whole lot of expression of her personal thoughts and feelings.
And then we get to the last three episodes.
It's in this space that Lain the 8th grade age girl with thoughts and feelings and wants and needs and fears comes into painfully sharp focus. The beginning of the final episode sums up and contextualizes what all of this has always been about.
Who am I? What is the real me? How can I tell what's real about me if everyone interprets it differently?
Do I even exist if other people can't see me?
The flippant bravado that I expressed in that post is the same attitude that Lain has been applying to her own very sense of self throughout the series, as just another arbitrary and moldable piece of information subject to interpretation with no inherent truth.
She effectively commits suicide by removing herself from sight, mind, and memory, of everyone around her. After all, if they have no knowledge of her, then she no longer exists. But what is lurking in the subtext of this finale is that she fails to consider that everyone she is cutting off is equally subject to this process. She imagines that without her meddling they are able to be happy. But that's all it is, imagination.
She doesn't exist to them anymore because she erased their knowledge of her, but it goes both ways. In doing this, they cease to exist to her, too. The image of the happy lives of the people she knew don't come from real observation or fact. It is something that she is imposing upon her memory or imagination of those people, which is only possible because she's removed herself from the possibility of being reminded just how complex and occasionally painful their lives will be with her or without her. In those scenes nobody misses her except in these brief fleeting moments where they remember some fond association with her, before moving on to their happy lives.
But this isn't reality. She isn't seeing these people. This is how she comforts herself, by imagining that everything is for the best without her, and nobody has to feel the pain of missing her. But that's not something she can know or control. The pain they feel upon losing her doesn't exist only because she has removed herself from where she might see it and have to acknowledge it.
Do I even exist if other people can't see me?
This phrase is taken to its literal extreme in the finale. But I think it's important to take a step back and really think about what this means on a more human level, especially when it comes to the kinds of struggles that everyone, especially kids that age, are dealing with.
That is to say, even if you literally physically exist and go about the world talking to people going to school eating dinner and so on, if there are parts of you that people don't know about, if there are things inside you that you can't express, you quickly come to the painful realization that to other people, that stuff just doesn't exist. Which means that whole side of you doesn't exist, according to the outside world. And if that side of you encompasses something important about your identity or your experiences, it's hard to not come to the conclusion that the real you, the entirety of your being, doesn't exist to them either. And when you try to tell them about it, or when they notice on their own, but they don't understand or perhaps outright reject it, hasn't some fundamental part of your humanity been erased? In this kind of environment it's easy to start doubting that any of it exists at all. After all, if nobody else will recognize it, you've only got your own word to go on. And that isn't always enough to trust.
And again, keep in mind that this goes both ways. I think Lain's sister is the clearest example which is given by the series. One episode she begins as a character, someone who has thoughts and a personality and so on. By the end of the episode she is reduced to the state that she will stay in for the rest of the series, blank-eyed and senseless. That fully fledged self she had still exists though. Lain just stops being able to see it, so effectively her sister stops existing for her.
Do I even exist if other people can't see me?
When you are isolated you can say anything about yourself. You can say you're nobody, or you're God, or perhaps something even wiser and greater than God. It can feel powerful to start writing your own existence and rationalizing your own isolation, the perceptions of others be damned. You can say well, my parents don't understand me and I stopped being able to connect to my sister, but who cares! Family is just arbitrary biology anyway! What if they aren't even my family at all, and are just plants put in place by a secret organization. I'm not lonely, I'm just seeking a greater truth, a conspiracy that only I can see! I don't make social mistakes, I'm not afraid of hurting anyone, that's the fake me running around out there! But it's not sustainable. Eventually life comes crashing down, whether it be in the form of interference in the material world, or if that mental state with all of its attendant self-spun narratives just finally collapses.
As with most things in this series, Lain's interactions with "God" are written in a very abstract symbolic way. But, the pattern that it follows seems very familiar to me as one of a predatory adult grooming a vulnerable minor. He alternates between gassing Lane up as the most powerful and important being who has ever lived, and then in the next breath saying that she's nothing. In peddling his conspiracy theory narrative of humankind merging with The Wired, of Lain simply being a powerful piece of software meant for Grand Purpose, he feeds into her struggle for identity and the need to be seen and understood by at once validating these feelings and how confusing they are, while reinforcing her isolation and his own dominant grip over defining the shape of the world and society.
When Arisu finds Lain living in filth and comforts her, that is one of the rare moments that the raw, vulnerable, material world Lain, weighed down with no pretenses, pokes her head out. That moment of genuine intimacy that she has been so hungry for this whole time is enough to allow her to retaliate against "God" when he shows up in anger upon being doubted. When Arisu reacts poorly to this sight, though, is when Lain makes her final dive back into her own walled off reality. For as much as she wants to be seen and held and comforted by this girl she loves, it is far more painful for her to have to witness and live with the feeling of rejection and guilt that came from Arisu's fear in the aftermath.
The final image of her father finally expressing the real tenderness she has longed for. The imagined future of Arisu dating her former teacher well into adulthood, because it's the only model of a relationship Lain has ever seen someone want, because her parents certainly don't seem happy, and she herself didn't get anything out of the boy who kissed her. The final statement, "I will always be with you". As with everything in the series, these can be interpreted many ways. But to me it reads unmistakably as the final moments before suicide.
In any case though, after all that, it seems fairly starkly clear why Lain resonates so strongly with trans people. Contrary to the old saying that all happy people are happy the same way, but all miserable people suffer uniquely, this path to despondence is depressingly common. It is the way out that is unique to everyone who finds themselves there. I hate to say it, although I feel very lucky to say that I have survived being in that place many times--which I think is proof that it is possible to get to the other side and make a good life, despite everything-- I think if it had ended any more neatly or more positively, it just wouldn't feel as honest. It captures the depth of that state of being. That's just what it's like. And as heavy as it is to sit with, I get a lot from being able to see something painfully familiar to me reflected in such a raw way. After all that, a happy ending would just feel disingenuous. I mean, that's my life, and any happy ending they could have written just isn't how it went.
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