#but tourette's is just like that sometimes lol
didderd · 1 year
adhd sans is such a relatable character, seeing as i have my own issues. i seriously struggle with stuff similar to his problems so it feels comforting knowing there's a skeleton just like me and a lot of other people
yes omg
i love Duck sm. projecting heavily onto this boi, especially with the comic.
fkn. sorry, i hope you don't mind me using your ask as an excuse to ramble abt my neurodivergent ass. you don't have to read this.
ramblings bordering on venting, but mostly jus cus i wanna talk abt my disorders more, but not in a venty way, but hhhh.. under read more:
ADHD is such a struggle, especially the executive dysfunctioning. ppl would assume that the Tourette's is the more crippling of the disorders i have, jus bc it's more physical and more like. known for being disabling(?) but at least in my case it's nothing compared to my ADHD symptoms.
the most my Tourette's does usually is bruise my wrist or make me have to stop what i'm doing (like literally just now stopping writing to snap my fingers and clap several times lmao hkgvhc) for a moment to tic.
but my executive dysfunction stops me from doing just about anything. chores, basic hygiene, important life shit, even eating and hydrating.
and my dissociating does the same thing as my tics, making me stop what i'm doing sometimes. or it'll make me have to like.. slow down and not able to look at what i'm doing while my vision is unfocused and i stare off into space or at whatever's directly in front of me lol.
the sensory problems also. sometimes i can't walk around in certain cloths bc the texture is too much. it feels like sand paper. (there's more i could say abt the sensory problems, but i need to stop rambling skdbvjsdvk)
anyways, yeah. so fkn grateful for adhd sans, bc now i have a character to pour all these problems into lmao.
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blippin · 1 year
You know, as much as it killed my self esteem and social skills as a child, growing up with tourettes was kind of hilarious in hindsight
8-year old me: shrugging my shoulders uncontrollably for the past two hours
Classmate: why do you keep doing that?
Me: ....*shrug* I dunno
Me: *has developed first vocal tic as a high-pitched squeak*
Sunday school teacher: Okay everyone, I'm going to hand out masks and were all going to pretend to be animals on Noah's Ark! *hands me a mouse mask*
Me: you fuckin bitch wtf-
Me: *accidentally winks at a stranger on the bus*
My brain: Shit! they're gonna think you're flirting with them! They don't know you just can't control your face! Quick, do something else to attempt to communicate this!
Me: *makes several other strange facial expressions*
My brain: I don't think that helped. But making those faces was fun so you're going to continue to do them indefinitely *develops new tics*
Authority figure: did you just roll your eyes at me?!
Me: no! I mean yes but it wasn't intentional!
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pigeonclaw · 2 years
Big ramble ahead but, okay. It kind of bothers me when people say Cinderpelt was forced to become a medicine cat. That language would seem to imply that she was forbidden from becoming a warrior, when that just... wasn't the situation.
After breaking her leg, she couldn’t walk properly. Travel became slow and exhausting for her, and as a result, everyone was worried that she couldn’t be a warrior. Up until this point in her life, becoming a warrior was the path basically everyone took, and if she couldn’t physically handle warrior duties, she feared that she was useless. But Yellowfang appreciated her company in the medicine den. She started giving her tasks to help her feel useful, and Cinderpelt began to regain some of her self esteem. After she had been helping out in the medicine den — not as an apprentice, but as a friend — for some time, Yellowfang made it clear how valuable she was as an assistant. When she eventually offered to take her on as an apprentice, Cinderpelt was overjoyed. She loved the crabby old cat and the work she did for her, and she was very dedicated to both.
I think the idea that her life was a tragedy because she switched to medicine cat training comes not from the first arc where her story actually takes place, but from Power of Three. When you’re years removed from a narrative, it’s very easy to think back on it and recontextualize it to fit into your own mindset. And that’s exactly what Power of Three did to her. In that arc, we do have a disabled protagonist forced to become a medicine cat (which is an even more complex topic), and Cinderpelt’s reincarnation of sorts as Cinderheart for the purpose of living the life she was supposedly meant to have. It’s... a bit of a tricky issue, because the notion that her life was a waste because of her disability is... troubling, to say the least. And the interpretation that her life was a waste because she didn’t cling stubbornly to the warrior path isn’t much better.
The reason this bothers me is because I feel, based on the books she's actually alive in, that she lived a full life (or would have, had she not died young). Cinderpelt wanted to be a warrior, yes. Her entire culture glorifies being a warrior more than anything. After her injury, she had to give up on that dream and pick up another. And she was a fantastic medicine cat! Before she was even officially made Yellowfang’s apprentice, she was praised for her enthusiasm, good memory, efficiency, and trustworthiness. It’s pointed out that she’s a quick learner and good with patients, and we see this regularly too. She was very determined, always going out of her way to do the right thing, even when she wasn’t allowed to. And this, combined with her medicinal skills, allowed her to touch so many lives. Cinderpelt didn’t accomplish the things she planned for when she was little, but her potential was not lost.
I’m not claiming that Warriors isn’t ableist at times. But I notice a tendency for folks to reframe every disabled character’s life as a sad tale of someone being forced to give up their dreams and live a worse life because no one believed in them — even when that isn’t really the case. Disability is a very complicated and sensitive subject that needs to be written with more care than it often is. But for a character to face limitations due to their disability, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad writing and/or the abled characters around them are terrible. For a character to lose something as big as their dream, their goals, their ability to keep up with their peers... I don’t believe that alone is unrealistic or cruel. What matters far more for me in a story is how the disabled character handles their limitations and where they go from there. Please understand, also, that sometimes handling limitations is not the same as overcoming them. Not everything can be overcome. What’s important is what you do with what you have.
I may not have a twisted leg, but I do have a neurological disorder that has impacted every area of my life at one point or another. My spasms have been severe enough to injure me many times, and for years I couldn’t learn to drive because I was too afraid (and often rightly so) that it would be unsafe with my condition. I eventually had to give up on my education and dream job because of my failing health in general. For a long while, I was afraid I could never amount to anything because I couldn’t do any of the things I’d been aiming for since childhood. But with time, my situation has changed. I aimed for more realistic goals, bearing in mind that my disorder is made far worse by stress and exhaustion. My symptoms are less severe these days because I’m no longer stressing myself out trying to force my way through a career that my disability is simply not compatible with. Things aren’t perfect. But I’m figuring out a better way to proceed.
I think you get the picture. What I’m trying to say, and what Cinderpelt’s story means to me... is that having to give up on something doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life, it doesn’t mean that you’re worth any less, and it certainly doesn’t mean you’ve been defeated. When bad things happen, you may not be able to return to how life was before. And maybe that’s okay.
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apparently tomorrow (6/7) specifically is ts awareness day within ts awareness month… saw a post on insta that said “turn it teal” (because that’s the color of our ribbon<3) so now imma wear teal to work tomorrow, specifically because of this new information <3
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oneweirdbookaddict · 6 months
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Hello, Whyareyoudo! (I didn't know if you wanted the tag lol) Finally got this written out for you, hope it's alright! It was so interesting to research Tourette's as I wrote this. Thanks for the request!
1182 words.
No warnings! Let me know if that should change!
“Shh!” Four hisses, expression pinching. 
Those closer to Four frown at the smithy. 
“Four? You… uh, ok?” Wind asks, glancing at his friend. 
The smith blinks awkwardly, ears flushing. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry, just ignore me.” 
“Were you shushing someone?” Wild asks curiously. 
“No. Nope. Just… making noise. Sorry. I’ll shut up.” And they let it go. No more questions are asked, and Four doesn’t make any more unexplainable noises. 
However, he does keep twitching oddly, wincing as if… he’s in pain. First, his arm twitches, moving halfway to his chest before the smith scowls and moves it back down. Then randomly ticks his head to the side. 
He watches carefully until Four catches him and scowls. “What?” 
“You have tourettes.” He states simply. Not an accusation, not a question. Just puts it out there. 
Four pauses. “I have- I… What? No. I mean…” The smith trails off. Blinks. 
Then settles on, “How the hell do you know that?” 
“Because I have it, too.” He says easily. Shrugs when Four’s eyes go wide. 
“Wait, ok, hold up. What’s tour- ett’s?” Wild frowns. “Can we help?” 
“Tourettes.” Four says. “Its a neurological-” 
“It affects the nervous system and makes it so you make movements and noises you don’t mean to.” He says before Four can launch into an overly complicated, full science report-sounding explanation. 
“And you both have it?” Twi says, looking interested. 
“Well, I do. And I think Four does, too.” 
“Wait so like when you swear randomly you don’t even mean to?” Wind asks. 
He considers this. “Sometimes. But now you’ll never know which ones I do purposefully so you’ll never be able to tell me off, Old Man.” 
That gets some laughter into the group, easing the awkwardness that had developed. 
Four, he notices, doesn’t even smile. 
He seems deep in thought, biting his lip in that way he does when he’s thinking. Or maybe it’s another tic. 
“I don’t think I do.” Four says finally, slowly. “It’s not always the same, it’s just random little… movements. Aren’t tics more… repetitive?” 
“Sure, sometimes. Not always, though. There are other types… but I’m not gonna get too deep into that. Mine were like that, yeah, but I also know someone who’s also diagnosed and his are more like yours. It’s just rarer, I think.” 
Four considers this, then nods slowly. “I’ll have to do some research, I think. It’d be nice to…” 
The smith’s eyes snap to him. “You said were. Past tense. It went away?” 
“It did for me. Well, not entirely. It just… got much less frequent as I got older. It doesn’t happen for everyone.” 
Four nods, fingers twitching. Then shrugs somewhat awkwardly. 
He shrugs, too, feeling bad for putting him on the spot. “We should keep going. I smell rain.” 
So they continue down the path. 
They find a town before the rain comes, and an inn as well. With enough rooms open that they all get their own- a rare occurrence. 
Since they’re inside with the rain, Wild and Wars just pass out rations for dinner and they all take to their rooms. 
It’s been a rough few days, and they all go to bed rather early. 
Or so he thought. He wakes up to the door next to his creaking open, soft footsteps fading as they move down the hall. 
He waits a few minutes, then goes in search of the smithy with a sigh.
Out the inn, wandering aimlessly around town for a bit to give Four some alone time, then stumbles across the library in town.
Four, naturally, is buried in a stack of books, eyes slightly crossed as he fixates on the one under his nose. 
“Smithy, it is three in the goddamn morning.” He grunts, and Four jumps and drops the book. 
“Librarian said it was ok.” Four yawns, finding his page again. 
“Wasn’t my point. You even gonna try to sleep tonight?” 
“How can I?” Four mutters. It’s not sharp, not angry, but he still winces anyway. 
“I’m sorry for… I don’t know. You know it doesn’t matter if you do, right? It’s not going to fix the tics or change… well, anything, really. There’s no way to treat-” Four closes the book and shoots him a look. “I don’t have Tourette's and we both know that. I would’ve had these tics since childhood and I haven’t, they’re not nearly repetitive enough to be considered tics, and-” Four sighs. “I know what causes it. Something that happened on my adventure. I appreciate you giving me an out, but I feel awful for lying.” 
He takes a seat next to the smith. “You don’t have to lie. Just…” 
“Lead them to believe the wrong thing,” Four says flatly. 
“You did with Wolfie.” He counters, and Four winces. 
“That’s different. It was his secret.” 
“And this is yours. Listen, you don’t want to tell people about whatever this is. I get it. But they’re gonna ask- letting them believe this will stop the questions. Otherwise, they’ll just keep asking. Not with the intent of prying of course, but just out of curiosity. And that’ll make it worse. Maybe every once and a while you get a question about Tourette’s, but that’ll be it. If you keep deflecting questions they’ll keep asking.” 
Four looks away, considering this. Then nods. “Thanks, Legend.” 
He smiles, getting to his feet. “Anytime, Smithy. Now get some sleep- you look beat. Come back to the inn with me.” Four looks around, nodding. “I just… gotta put all these away first.” 
Gives a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. 
He laughs, helping the smith put the books back on the shelves, then walking with him back to the inn. 
“Goodnight, smithy.” He says as Four enters his room. 
“Night, Leg.” Four yawns, giving a slight wave as he closes the door. 
Four raises his arms above his head, stretching as he walks up to the lake. 
Walks up to Wild, who’s standing at the very very end of the dock, just his heels hanging on. 
A strong gust of wind would put him in the lake. 
“Whatcha looking at?” The smithy asks, and Wild shrugs. 
“Just trying to see if there’s any fish in here.” 
“So you can bomb them?” Four snickers, and Wild scowls playfully. 
“It’s more efficient than sitting there with a worm on a string!” The champion insists, laughing. Four peers at the water, then points at a spot. 
“I think I see some there.” 
Wild crouches, squinting. “Where?” “Over- shit.” 
Four’s arm twitches, knocking into Wild’s back. 
The champion flails frantically, grabbing-
The others on the land burst into laughter as Wild surfaces, staring in surprise and offense at Forur. “Smithy! I did nothing to you! Well, besides the peppers… and the tomatoes… ok, maybe I deserved that.” Wild sighs, laying back to float in the water. 
“Sorry,” Four shrugs, but he can’t keep the grin off of his face. “Tourette’s.” 
Wild sends a splash of water at the smith, causing Four to laugh and dart back to the safety of dry land.
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sturniozo · 4 months
Chris dating a girl with tourettes? What do u think
Ngl I had to do a lot of research on this because I did not know exactly what Tourette's is lol. I thought it was just excessive stimming but its not I had to look it up lol. anyways, here you go!!!
Chris x Tourettes! GF hcs
-He thinks the phrases you repeat are so cute sometimes
-but if it's like a curse word or something that's actually funny he doesn't stop laughing after you say it and each time you say it just gets funnier to him
-very protective if someone makes fun of you though
-like if someone is purposefully repeating something to get it to be one of your tics (I think that's what they're called) then he does not hold back
-He's always there for you if you have a tic attack (again I think that's what it's called don't come at me)
-He'll do whatever he can to make you feel better
-Overall, he's just such a sweetheart with you in general
sorry, this is short lol
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Why do so many people like...have such an aversion to admitting they might have OCD? Like someone will be talking about OCD symptoms and people will be like "oh I do that but it's because of my autism!" or "oh yeah that's totally me except ADHD lol"
Like...guys I've got news for you.
ASD and ADHD do not cause obsessions or compulsions. They might cause symptoms that look similar (like dependence on routine in ASD or mental hyperactivity in ADHD), but aren't obsessions or compulsions like what's seen in OCD. If you see OCD people describing their inner thought processes and you relate, you can't chalk it up to ASD or ADHD. However ASD and ADHD are highly comorbid with OCD (about 30% for both autism and ADHD), so chances are you just also have OCD. But an autistic or ADHD person without comorbid OCD is not going to have obsessions or compulsions (again, they might have symptoms that resemble them from an outside perspective, but they aren't going to relate to OCD people describing their OCD).
The only other neurodivergencies that can cause obsessions and compulsions are Tourette's and sometimes personality disorders if we're being technical with our definitions (that could be a whole other post because it's complicated).
Like yes there's overlap between neurodivergencies, but they don't cause identical symptoms, and when you look at the internal processing they're easy to tell apart. If you have the exact same internal processing as someone with OCD, chances are you have OCD. There's probably something to be said about recent OCD demonization leading to this aversion, but that can be saved for another time.
Untreated OCD can be really deadly, you aren't going to be able to get better with OCD if you think it's just your autism or ADHD, that's why this is important.
Bottom line is: research whether certain symptoms appear in a disorder before attributing those things to that disorder to avoid misinfo. Because good God this shit has caused a lot of that.
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fentrashcat · 10 days
May 15th- June 15th is Tourettes Awareness Month!
I want to try to do something for at least every other day to talk about Tourettes and my experience with it.
⚠️please be aware that each person's experience is different and I can only talk about my own personal experiences⚠️
For today I'm just going to talk about vocabulary, both medical and colloquially.
Gillies de la Tourette's Syndrome- also called Tourettes Syndrome, Tourette disorder, Tourette's disease, or TS- is a tic disorder characterized by the presence of both motor and vocal tics that last a year or longer and are onset before the age of 18.
Tic- which I occasionally call a glitch- is an involuntary sound or movement. They can be motor based (shrugging, head jerks, blinking, ect) or vocal (humming, saying words or phrases, clearing the throat). They can also vary in complexity, for example saying one word vs saying a full phrase.
Prompt- idk how widely used this one is but I personally use it so including it here- is the feeling you might get before a tic. My common tics have different prompt feelings so I can sometimes know what's coming. I don't always get a prompt, and they don't mean I can change what is about to happen, it's just kind of a warning.
Coprolalia- the involuntary use of obscene language. If you only know Tourettes from popular media, this is likely what you know it for. In reality this only affects about 10% of people with Tourette's, though I have seen estimates that go up to 30%.
Echolalia- involuntary repetition of words or phrases spoken by others. I also count mimicking noises under this but there may be a word for that I'm not aware of.
Copropraxia- involuntary obscene gestures
Echopraxia- involuntary repetition/mimicking of movements.
Tic attack- a sudden severe outburst of tics.
That's all I can think of at this moment but I'll try to update if I think of anymore. My asks are open if anyone has questions I will be happy to answer to the best of my ability 😊
Trigger- sets off a tic. Not all tics have triggers but several of mine do, and some of them are very odd, I'll probably talk about my strange triggers tomorrow lol.
Tic shopping- picking up a new tic from someone else who has tics.
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solunstell · 5 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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system-architect · 9 months
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BELATED asura appreciation week day 1 - talk about one of your asura ocs! i had a busy week but there's never a bad time to talk about my guys lmfao
gunner is my main character and is also my commander! he has a non-commander au as well but i mostly think about the commander version. don't let his appearance fool you-- he's about 185 years old right now, the mists just kind of pickled him
he's a rata novan who ended up getting hurled into the mists due to uncontained ley energy overloading the portal he was traveling through while trying to escape the chak. after escaping the mists, he got his masters in synergetics, had a brief stint in the inquest researching the mists/eternal alchemy, accidentally blew up a lab after making his collider go supercritical, hid out briefly in the maguuma wastes, and then fled into the fractals to lay low while being a fractal explorer. in commander au, he's eventually caught by the peacemakers and then sort of leashed to zojja (in the same way canach was to anise) and sucked into the personal story timeline from there on
the freak accident w/ the portal left him with permanent physical-magical-spiritual scarring, and on top of turning him into a revenant, it 'blew open' the ley channels within his own body. he's unable to properly regulate his own magical flow and soaks up uncontained magic like a sponge, with his condition worsening over time as more gods and dragons are killed
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the extra magic has some perks and is why he's been able to so "easily" hold himself in combat as the commander, buuuut if he isn't careful, he hits critical mass and his body attempts to purge all of the excess magic at once. the magic trying to vacate forcefully is extremely painful and incapacitates him for awhile, and is super dangerous to anyone around him. he usually gets warning signs prior to this happening in the form of vertigo, headaches, and 'auras' (physically seeing ley anomalies and magical flows). the different pieces of tech built into his armor are regulators (built by one of his "coworkers") that are supposed to help slowly diffuse the magic out over time to prevent this. this 'ability' has won him a few fights, but the cost is high.
he's trans + gay
he has adhd and tourette's syndrome. both of those get worse the more magic he has in his body (or the more stressed he is lol)
he has ley magic and spectral agony scarring all over the right side of his body
mallyx and shiro are his canon legends, kalla sometimes comes and goes at will
he obtains astralaria during heart of thorns, and he ALSO has a canon nevermore that he gets during icebrood saga
his name is technically gunn but he just plain prefers going by gunner and that's effectually become his name
he had Normal Organs at the start of PS but over time his magical corruption has turned his innards/mouth/teeth a glowy kaiju blue
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singular-ghost-sound · 5 months
Ya know what.
I’m surprised I haven’t done this yet so here’s a get to know me!!
Hi my name is ghost (not my actual name just what I go by on here) and I am a gimmick blog that like a to *ghost sound* People. I for the most part do it COMPLETELY at random and will sometimes get someone twice on accident. You are welcome to ask me to *ghost sound* your friends. I will happily do so just send me the blog name!!
Unless a *ghost sound* is specifically asked for It is completely at random. Sometimes I will end up doing it to a bunch of people in the same fandom due to those blogs being what my tumblr is recommending to me at the time.
Anyways! Here is a quick few facts
•my favorite color is yellow
•I have an obsession with paper stars
•I am an artist in almost all medias
•I am the author/illustrator of my book finding color. I do have a blog for it I just never post on it lmao @finding-color (I’m gonna be trying to move most of my art and other things there tho)
•I use she/her pronouns but I honestly don’t really give a shit lmao
•I have visual snow syndrome and tend to always see static in my vision (joyful right?, Im also dyslexic, a I have a high chance of having tourette’s syndrome (i’m gonna start doing some doctors appointments to try and figure it all out lol) 
•I am in a SHIT ton of fandoms but my favorite is transformers (prime and cyber verse are my favorites)
This is a safe place for all. I will not hesitate to block for any reason that makes me or someone else uncomfortable, including but not limited to:
Homophobia, transphobia, pedos, unkindness, sending unprompted sexual messages (I don’t mind if you do that on your own blog just don’t on mine please), and hate in anyway shape or form
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I’ll add on!!
Also if any of all the colors and shit bothers you and make it to where you can’t read it let me know and I’ll make one without the crazy colors. I use colors in my post a lot because they help me see and read it better lmfao
Pfp by @regular-gnome
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c-kiddo · 1 year
tmn are all nd: a bunch o headcanons
(a sequel to these trans headcanons lol)
(also, warning before that this post is about neurodivergency and mental illness, so various mental illnesses will be mentioned. i dont want to single any out here, but you should probably skip this if thats something thats upsetting 2 you)
(also also, this is a infodump and not super in-depth or articulate, so sorry if i worded things wrong because i don’t mean to lol im just bad at reading things on screens so it might get jumbled. . )
beau: she’s got adhd and will hyperfocus and work All night on her theories and notes. perhaps she has audhd, has low-ish empathy and doesnt know how to regulate volume or realise her tone is usually annoyed sounding ksjnjkfs :''') also she has depression n that combined with adhd made her especially impulsive and self destructive, but she’s working on it, getting better :’) also had problems with substance abuse but the cobalt soul (dairon specifically) helped her get out of that. has cptsd because of her upbringing and abuse from her dad 
fjord: he’s got adhd too, babey!!!! also he’s got tourettes and his most common tics are: clearing his throat, a small head tilt, raising his eyebrows and grinding his teeth. he's a bit (a lot) impulsive and him and beau cant be trusted alone together they will get distracted and into trouble
yasha: she's autistic!! mostly effected by th social aspect of it.. like, talking to people is hard and she doesn’t get jokes or sayings and its all just tiring. also has p bad social anxiety. also memory loss from trauma as per canon.. struggles with when she does start to remember things but luckily has a support system so she doesnt just run off on her own like before :')  she also tends to disappear off like that due to sensory overload and just being overwhelmed in general bc of autism
caleb: i mean, he’s autistic n its basically canon. he experiences psychosis and has ptsd n depression/anxiety that has come from his trauma. he already had OCD before trauma and his obsessions revolve around hurting others A Lot, especially with fire after his trauma.. he also has dermatillomania due to ocd and anxiety. also has some sort of disordered eating in a self-punishment way.. .
veth: she has autistic-girlie-who-was-diagnosed-as-an-adult swag .. . and then the substance addiction that often comes with that i guess :''') .. also think she has body dysmorphia of course, especially during her being Nott, and some lingering things after too.. she just struggles to perceive her body for a while.. yeza rly helps ground her back to herself tho so thats nice :' ) . also she ptsd from her own murder + drowning , as per canon
molly: has npd and also he has a traumatic brain injury caused by all the things going on in his brain when his souls leave and he dies and things.. so struggles sometimes to find the right words and with memory and with mood regulation. also experiences psychosis and just, in general, strange things going on in his brain.. . also he likes sounds and textures all the time but will sacrifice th sounds for hanging out with yasha because its 110% worth it to sit with her instead ;w; they sign to eachother sometimes and have a made up sort of language
jester: she's got adhd and it means she loves having 10 conversations at once and spinning around and telling you all about her fave romance novel at lightning speed. she stims like all the time with little objects and ribbons and bells. also accidentaly yells a lot sknfsk and same as molly, likes noise n things all the time, gets kinda anxious or sad without it.. ;-; oh jester,, filling up space with noise so she doesnt have to be in the quiet..im not sure if i have any more thoughts about her rn :o
caduceus: he’s autistic (so overwhelmed by noises and too much all the time, also his empathy is fluctuating and he's not sure how to perceive it.. its confusing, he can be very empathetic and then, sometimes he's just in focus-mode and totally doesnt get at all what the vibes th other person is putting out is).. he’s got (inattentive) adhd. also depersonalisation derealisation disorder. and experiences psychosis since it was triggered by being alone in the grove so long + consuming hallucinogens a lot. he tends to just deal with it and not to tell tmn though, even though most of the time there's some little whispery noise or a fuzzy shape around, he's not scared mostly, only when he's triggered by something... also bad anxiety sometimes that he doesnt know how to deal with so he usually casts calm emotions on himself to help, or the herbs he chews (or smokes) for his joint pain help it. and also, his eating is Disorded but doesn’t quite realise (denial, ignoring it perhaps) the eating habits he has aren’t healthy,... he's just. kinda messed up still from all that time alone.. he had his own odd sometimes nonsensical reasons behind ways he treated his body and some of them stuck. also omg this section is a mile long im sorry,  but also he has dyslexia and dyspraxia and dyscalculia . .. numbers and letters and walking without bumping into stuff is tricky. also thats why his fine motor skills for writing /drawing aren't so good like in canon :-3 
ok,. thee end. good night now u_u zz
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greensimp · 10 months
First off, I want to say I’m glad I found a fellow asexual in the fanfic community! Considering the majority of it is smut/sexual related, it’s nice to see works being done that don’t correlate to that 😅 I didn’t realize you were one until reading your guidelines when submitting requests, so it was a nice surprise!
Second, I enjoy reading your Gyutaro fics, he became an instant favorite of mine after watching Demon Slayer. If at all possible if requests are open, would you be interested in doing a forgetful reader x Gyutaro? It’s a struggle of mine (ADHD is a factor in my case) and it can get frustrating considering people treat me like I do it on purpose and don’t pay attention, especially if it’s in a scenario where I’m overwhelmed. If not, I look forward to continue seeing your other works regardless!!
Oh my god I get so frustrated with myself when I forget things all the time. I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or anything, but I suspect I may have something similar. Especially since I’ve already been diagnosed with Tourette’s and ADHD/ADD often coincides with that. I can relate with you on a spiritual level tbh lol.
Also yes, I do mostly identify with the asexual community! My writings are definitely mostly catered toward fellow asexual people and I agree that there is an oversaturation of smutty content in fanfiction (not a jab at those who enjoy smut, I know it’s the majority of fanfiction consumers that do, but I also think that pretty much everyone can enjoy a story without smut as well. It’s inclusive to asexual people and the average reader.)
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Gyutaro x Forgetful!Reader Headcannons(ish)
A/N: AFAB reader (Ace coded in honor of the requestor).
-In the canon setting, I don’t think your forgetfulness would effect your relationship much. Its your personal and internal frustrations about it that would get in the way of anything.
-You’d live in a small room above a clothing store near the Kyogoku house as the owner’s assistant.
-Your boss’s main customer? The Kyogoku house, of course! Gyutaro met you when you had tagged along with your boss to get his sister’s measurements one day.
-From the beginning, he got the impression that you were a little air-headed, often misplacing small objects and frantically searching for them once your boss asked for them. How could someone lose things so easily?
-The first time he would “visit” you (sneak into your room to play with his food), he’d taunt your behavior, only for you to be more concerned about whether you had met him before and had forgotten, absolutely mortified at your own perceived rudeness. Like, his appearance was the least of importance, a rarity in Yoshiwara.
-Once the initial “honeymoon” phase of your relationship wore off, your true worries would begin to affect your relationship (at least, you would believe that to be so).
-Gyutaro caught on from the start that you weren’t normal. Your brain didn’t work like other peoples’. If he was being honest, your common fits of panic when you couldn’t find an important piece of jewelry or document was one of your most endearing qualities. You cared so much about little things in such a drastically different way than other people. You spent so much energy on being the perfect little maid servant to your boss (and him sometimes) and you strove to be kind to others.
-However… the longer you tried to keep him and the people you interact with on a daily basis happy at your expense, the more apparent it was becoming that a breakdown was eminent. Months of masking your abnormal behavior and constantly taking great steps (often repeating a single task in your mind hours on end so you wouldn’t forget) to remember things would come to a head.
-You’d be in your room, frantically searching for an important document with the measurements for a very high profile client. It wasn’t that big of a deal, as the client would be stopping by later that day and could just be measured again. It would only take a few extra minutes at the beginning of the appointment. That didn’t matter to you though. You hated the thought that anyone would be inconvenienced because your brain can’t work right.
-Your brain is just defective. Worthless. Why were you cursed with such an incompetent memory? Why were you so weird?
-Gyutaro would emerge from your window to find you sitting on your knees and looking down.
-At this point, you and him had been in a relationship for almost 6 months. He’d gotten comfortable just appearing in your room whenever. At the moment, it was very early in the morning, the sun not even peeking over the horizon yet.
-“Hey baby, whatcha stressin’ about this time?”
-He could tell you were tense, but when you didn’t turn to face him with those adorably panicked eyes like you usually do, his big toothy grin fell, eyes softening.
-Then he’d notice the tremble in your hands as they gripped the fabric of your kimono.
-Now concerned, he’d furrow in brows in confusion, crouching down to try and get a look at your face.
-only to be met with a thousand-yard stare
-“Why am I so stupid?”
-The question would take him aback. You’d never acted like this before, so  what had happened to you?
-“I try to do everything right. I try and try and try. So why can’t I just remember? Why can’t I just be normal?”
-Something about the tone in your words would resonate with his memories long since locked away by Muzan’s influence. Merely a reflexive reaction at this point.
-“Hey, snap out of it, you’re actin’ like it’s the end of the world or somethin’-“
-Your head whipped around and you gave him the most horrified stare he’d ever seen from you. Your eyes were wide with terror and your teeth were chattering. Internally, you felt like your world was ending. An unexplainable sense of doom was gripping your chest without mercy, causing your breathing to pick up rapidly.
-“What if I forget things about you next?! What if I forget our memories?!! What’s HAPPENING to me, Gyutaro?!”
-A panic attack. Gyutaro knew about it all too well. Even as a demon, he would probably still experience those.
-As if on instinct, he would jump to envelop you into an embrace, trying everything in his power to ground you. Guilt would quickly overcome him, now realizing how much you had been bottling up for his sake. You didn’t want to inconvenience him with your problems.
-When you would finally calm down, he’d grab your face and kiss you softly, not caring if your salty tears touched his lips.
-“Even if you do forget about us, I’ll spend every waking moment reminding you. You don’t have to worry, sweetheart.”
-He'd make sure you don't have to burden your insecurities alone ever again.
-And yes, he did help you find those measurements.
AAAAAGH I'm so sorry this took forever to answer I've in the process of moving for weeks and my job is exhausting *sigh*. I really wanna update this blog more regularly from this point onward tho!
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g0ingb4tty · 4 months
Hi random SpookyMonth rant incoming but i HATE the way Dexter's character is seen/portrayed and mischaracterized in the SM fandom (I've mainly seen it on TikTok), but the fandom waters down his complexity to "silly smol bean autism murder boi" and that's just... no.
Dexter is canonically a mentally deranged murderer and will spiral if he doesn't kill something within a certain period of time (as seen in episode 4 Deadly Smiles where he posessed the kids' Happy Fella doll and tries to kill them)
He CANONICALLY became an exterminator so he would have a constant supply of creatures to kill and yet the fandom just waters him down to a "silly innocent twink" and it pisses me off.
Whenever a fandom gets ahold of a complex character, especially a mentally ill or "crazy" one, that just so happens to be a bit silly or act quirky, the character's lore immediately gets erased or watered down in fanon to where they're just some playful innocent guy who just so happens to kill people. It happened in the Creepypasta fandom too, and they're also doing it to Bob in a way but it's to a much worse degree with Dexter.
Sr. Pelo describes Dexter's character as a bad person trying not to get worse, and even calls him a "sicko"
No, he wouldn't cry over a movie, no he wouldn't cling to Bob's or whoever the hell you ship him with's shoulder 24/7 and whine whenever he's alone.
(Speaking of him being shipped with Bob, they canonically dislike eachother lol)
In canon he ENJOYS comitting murder, he would probably (assuming the person has no personal connection to him) laugh if he saw someone crying/on the brink of death (e.g. Streber) he wouldn't go out of his way to help people, he's (for lack of a better word) EVIL.
And what really bothers me about these types of fanon, is yeah, they do it with almost every character in one way or another, but it's always the ones that are MEANT to be bad people, to be almost, or completely unredeemable. They have their complexity stripped away from them.
Take "ticci" Toby Rogers, he was abused by his father, he was bullied in school for having Tourette's Syndrome, watched his sister, the only person who cared for him (other than his mom) die in a car crash, then spiraled and killed his dad. The Creepypasta fandom waters him down to some innocent uwu waffle loving boy, and that's just... taking away from the entire story.
They're doing the same with Dexter too, like, actually look into the lore, you don't even have to do much reading between the lines when watching the show to see that he's literally DERANGED.
What these fanons are doing is just taking the character's name, design, (sometimes they even change how they look beyond recognition too :/) and just making a new character with it. It makes me so mad.
I could apply this to a gazillion different fanbases, like how I used Creepypasta as an example, but Spooky Month is my hyperfixation and I hold CANON Dexter very near and dear to me because he's a comfort character for me and it just INFURIATES ME seeing how they misportray him, I go looking for fanarts/fanfics/any fanworks of him and it's all just mischaracterized and it makes me physically cringe every time i see it.
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sits on a chair very politely. hi corey!! tell me about some of your bsd hcs ever
okay, so first and foremost, kenji and higuchi have tourette's syndrome (and i could go on about that but that's a whole other list lol)
jun'ichirou has a stutter and when he feels strong emotions, his eyes glitch like a neon green
kajii and ranpo hooked up once just cause
kajii is aroallo, so he was down for a one night stand and the two hold it over everyone's heads all the time like "remember that time i slept with the lemon explosions guy?"
dazai. kyouka, and akutagawa are all canonically afraid of dogs, but also like it's not like a silly hehe let's laugh fear it's like feel anxious around dogs, flinches when they hear them bark, hates their hair and has to shower every time they come in contact with one (okay the projection may be a lil strong with this one)
whenever kunikida and dazai are walking together and see a dog, kunikida makes sure he's the one closest to the dog and will wordlessly switch sides with dazai. atsushi does the same for kyouka and akutagawa, and gin + black lizard does the same for akutagawa, too
kenji struggles to process that he's experienced traumatic things, so when the adults around him try to shelter him (and kyouka, but it feels personal for awhile) from worse things, he feels like they're babying him and doesn't understand that they're trying to protect him. and then, eventually, it all blows up (prolly after the cannibalism incident) (okay... yes this is the plot of my kenji & tecchou fic but i stand by this lol)
i like to think that, no matter what universe, kenji has some kind of role in inadvertently getting kunichuu together
kenji has an eating disorder due to his ability, but he still hasn't Really processed that yet (like with his trauma) but the agency is really good about making sure he eats (but sometimes it gets hard during Tough arcs like with the hunting dogs and stuff... when kenji took food but only enough for everyone else and not himself... ough...)
kenji also (last one iuygcfghuji) has trouble sleeping at night due to his ability and bc he's so used to getting up early back at itahov. sometimes he doesn't get any sleep in a night, sometimes he can't sleep unless he eats.
when dazai and kunikida find out, dazai steals kunikida's credit card (and kunikida) and they go to the store and buy kenji a cow plushie so he has something to keep him company at night and is perfect for holding and cuddling
dazai suggests he names it kuni-san and kenji LOVES the name
dazai and kunikida get kyouka a cuddly bunny plushie after she joins, too
lovecraft loves reality tv
the guild has mandatory weekly movie nights
nonbinary mark & lovecraft <333 and mark is Somewhere on the arospec... idk where, and neither do they, but they Are
one time mark pranked everyone by stealing their toilet paper holders and hiding them in a locker (... a student did that once. stole a toilet paper holder from the boy's bathroom, hid it in his locker, claimed he found it on the floor and put it in his locker for safe keeping)
this one is stolen from this AMAZING fic called "i can keep a secret if you hush" everyone should read it anyways kenji once walked in on tanihara making out (... heatedly... choking was involved) and they told him that it was a "fight between men" and "please don't tell anyone"
jun'ichirou is canonically afraid of earthquakes. the irl jun'ichirou's childhood home was destroyed by one. the real naomi died in an earthquake and so did the rest of his family and jun couldn't cope (he was A CHILD!!!) so light snow manifested naomi and it took him a couple years to realize she wasn't real and in this essay-
ranpo knew naomi was an illusion the Second he saw her and had a breakdown and hated her for a bit and avoided her and then told her she wasn't real once (and that lowkey traumatized him bc she broke Down) (anyways yes this is also the plot of a fic i wrote i just love this hc)
ranpo and naomi are gossip buddies and share Everything with each other. ranpo knows all and naomi was trained under dazai, so she's real close to knowing all. no silly secrets are safe.
anyways dazai taught naomi stuff, yes, but ranpo is the one who took her under his wing <333 (once he got over the illusion stuff)
yosano really likes reading, especially good mysteries, so when ranpo is busy or when poe wants a reader who won't figure it out right away, yosano is his test/beta reader <333
kenji lives with kunikida bc in wHAT WORLD would kunikida allow a fourteen year old who has never been to the city before to live on his own??? and clearly everyone else is too childish to host a child, other than jun but he already has naomi so there's two of them there, so ofc kunikida takes him in!!!
nathaniel isn't in love with maragret: she's like a younger sister to him and reminds him of his younger sisters
stealing this hc from "Poe's Baking Business: A Horror Story" but poe LOVES baking and is really good at it!!!
hirotsu owns a tractor and loves gardening <333 it's how he destresses
when people refer to "the black lizard", yes they mainly mean hirotsu, gin, and tachi, but over time, it started to include higuchi, akutagawa, and kajii <333
after the whole thing with fukuchi is over, kenji and tecchou have weekly lunches together
jouno comes along one day bc they don't "trust kenji" and now they accidentally adopted a son
kenji is willing to try tecchou's strange food combinations
anyways kajii and tecchou friendship supremacy
they also have weekly dinners where they just try the most obscure things (kajii is actually a really good cook)
jouno gets really jealous and thinks they're dating at one point lol
tachi is the resident forced babysitter at the pm, so when kyouka was there, sometimes he'd take elise to her cell and they would pass her paper and coloring utensils so they could color together
tachi still has some of her drawings
once kyouka decides she likes you, you get doodles and drawings <333
names mean a lot to tachi. he doesn't quite understand why and has lots of identity issues, but he suddenly feels more like a real person when jun'ichirou calls him "michi" for the first time
after the vampire incident, higuchi and akutagawa sit down and have a MUCH needed conversation about their relationship (not romantic lol) and it's awkward and a lil messy but oh SO worth it
ofc dazai, kunikida, tachi, and akutagawa never fully healed from their injuries from the whole... everything going on right now and all have chronic pain
elise's favorite game is tea party but with Roles. tachihara is always the sparkle solider and chuuya always ends up being the worm. never upgrades. sometimes, very rarely, akutagawa gets to be a sparkle princess
ATSUSHI HAS CHRONIC HAND PAIN BC OF THE ABUSE FROM THE ORPHANAGE so the gloves he always wears that ranpo got him? compression gloves!!! i will DIE on that hill!!!
kenji also gets compression gloves bc of his tics <333
atsushi and jun have hooked up at LEAST once. probably more.
hirotsu and yosano have chronic migraines
lucy is a t.aylor s.wift fan (s/o to grace for that one lol)
kunikida has ocd and undiagnosed adhd
poe, akutagawa, and jun'ichirou are lowkey theatre kids. also jouno.
no but jun'ichirou is an AMAZING actor, so more often than not, he's the one who gets sent on undercover missions
dazai has to frequently remind kunikida that yes, he's older than atsushi, jun, kenji, kyouka, and naomi, he's just barely an adult, too. he's still super young. cue a a kunikida breakdown. like genuinely.
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Riz Gukgak Has Tourettes
A lot of his tics are lower key, so new people usually don't notice any of them
His only consistent vocal tic is clearing his throat
He will occasionally have an echolalia tic (repeating what someone says) though if he's super anxious
Little head jerks to the side and shivers are his most common tics
Lots of eye tics. Stuff like shutting his eyes super tight, blinking a lot, and opening his eyes really wide
New people frequently ask him if he has a cold because of the throat clearing
Went through a phase where he bit himself. Thankfully that went away after a few months.
Tic attacks are pretty rare for him, once every few months or so, but when they do happen, they happen *bad*
On top of all the regular stuff, he only ever gets breathing tics during a tic attack (such as a quick/forceful exhale, holding his breath until a different tic urge (blinking for example) goes away, a long inhale then strong exhale through the nose)
Which means he's not able to breath correctly/fully and gets lightheaded as a result
There were a couple times that a tic attack has made him cry because he was just So Tired
Since his tics are usually so lowkey, none of the bad kids ask questions (either not noticing at all, or just assuming he's a little twitchy), so he doesn't mention it
So the first time he has a tic attack around them, everyone is really worried
He immediately regrets not telling them beforehand because like 'oh my god how am I going to explain this *during* a tic attack'
So he's incredibly relieved when he asks if they've heard of Tourettes, broken up by several seconds of struggling to breath, and Adaine does and takes over to explain
Kristen is immediately joking about it
Fabian is So Distressed that there's nothing they can do to help
"So, there's *nothing* we can do? You just have to... sit and wait until it's over?"
He does his best to explain that yeah, tic attacks suck, but they're just something he deals with sometimes and they really don't need to be worried
After that, when he has one around the group it's like "you good Riz? Okay, anyways, what I was saying-"
Sometimes if it's an especially bad one, Fig will hold his hand or Gorgug will put an arm around him
(p.s. this was long because I'm projecting lol. It can be really cathartic to write about your favorite character going through the same thing as you. Also, breathing tics are the bane of my fucking existence, I have all the ones I mentioned and OH MY GOD they suck so fucking much)
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