#but they don't live in a destroyed planet obviously
pachu09 · 2 months
Warning: I had never seen any of the Star Wars movie. I only read fics of it....uhh so sorry about that.
Star Wars AU
Tobirama ducked beneath the rock that practically dwarfed a patch of greenery he found as a shelter in the vast desert. He knew that landing in this little planet far away from his destination is a huge mistake on his part. Just because he felt a wick of a child who's developing Force sensitivity...it doesn't mean he had to quickly retrieve said child without a backup even.
Now, he found himself cursing as several platoons of Uchi'ha's started to chase him. He hasn't even assume that several dozens of the warrior Clan would even visit this tiny planet. It boggles his mind as to what they were doing here....
Tobirama flatten himself as he felt five Uchi'ha had passed by his hiding place. He gritted his teeth, if he can run without being spotted for at least a few meters more he could latch on his Hiraishin markers so he could safely ride his ship again and get the hell out of this Uchi'ha infested planet.
When he was sure that the five Uchiha are several meters away from his position. Tobirama leapt to his feet as fast as possible and run like his body was on fire.
A minute later, he stiffen in surprise and he made a frantic leap to his left as he felt the air behind him being displaced as a sign of a weapon nearly cleaving him in half passes him by.
Tobirama snarled under the hood he was wearing as he face his attacker. The Uchi'ha had a long mane of black hair that spike in every which direction. But his face was covered with a mask that differ with the Uchi'ha he had seen. This one wore an Oni looking mask with two faces on it. The stranger wore an elaborate armor and is wielding a Gunbai. He is shorter than Tobirama. But the large gorge he had made on the ground tells Tobirama that if he hadn't successfully dodge that underhanded attack he could have been dead in just a second. ( His brother would have surely despaired if he died in the middle of bum fuck no where. )
The Albino shuddered in fear as the red glow of the mask eyeholes brightly lit up.
" What business does a Jedi needs in my territory?. "
Tobirama furrowed his brows. He hadn't known that this little planet was an Uchi'ha territory. If he had known he had never step foot on it, regardless if there's a child that needs him.
" Nothing. I only landed in here to chart it. I had never seen this little planet upclose. I am sorry if I disturb you all. I would leave quietly. There is no need to harass me. " he lied boldy. The Uchi'ha was only hostile because Tobirama had landed in their little territory. He really hope that the man would accept his bold face lie.
The Uchi'ha tilted his head and studied Tobirama's face. " Figures, Such bold faced lies easily fell from a Human's lips. Your kind lies as easily as you breath. You will never leave this planet alive, Jedi!. "
Tobirama scowled. He didn't want to fight. But he had to because he could sense the Uchi'ha's blood lust in the air. He leapt backwards in haste as the man quickly leapt towards him with the intent on cleaving him with his oversized Gunbai.
The Albino called the Force to aid him in stopping the Uchi'ha. He threw several big icicles ( much larger than his own height ) at the man, but the Uchi'ha easily slices it in half as if they were made of sheet of papers. Tobirama frowns; he called his Water Dragons and directed them to attack the charging Uchi'ha. But before his Water Dragons could swallow the man....
The Uchi'ha's mask quickly click open and the man's mouth spewed a great black fire the likes Tobirama had never seen. His eyes widen as the resulting explosion surprisingly blew him off of his feet.
Tobirama flew backwards a few meters away and he hack his lungs out as the gritty sand entered his mouth and nose. With teary eyes, he slowly stood on his shaking feet and he eyed in trepidation the Uchi'ha that was running to determinedly chase him again.
The Albino quickly pivoted on his heels and run the opposite direction. He's outclassed with the man's surprising ability. He cannot hope to beat the man with his own techniques. He would die in this desert if he tried to fight this unknown Uchi'ha.
Just only a seconds he could feel his Hiraishin Markers again. This monster of Uchi'ha would be left behind in this hellhole as soon as Tobirama can latch on his ship's Marker.
As soon as he saw the outcropping of rocks in front of him. He leapt up and climb it in haste. He also planted some little surprised bombs to slow down his pursuer. He could feel the man's presence was a few steps away from him and Tobirama shuddered in fright if the man ever caught him.
As he prepared to jump down, Tobirama's short breath was suddenly knocked out of his lungs as tons of pounds heavily drop on top of him. He wheezed painfully as the Uchi'ha clamp his one broad hand tightly on his neck.
" Strange, I hadn't even known there is A Blessed for a Jedi. Tis a scenario I wouldn't dare dream for myself. " Tobirama eyes widen as the man's gloved fingers carefully traces his eyelids, the skin beneath his eyes and his temples.
Tobirama tried to buck the man off of him. But his futile struggles only brought amuse chuckles out of the stange Uchi'ha.
" Struggle all you want my dear Blessed. You will never escape me for I won't allow it. You are mine in this day forward till the day we die. "
Tobirama glared weakly and he had only had a second to realize that he can finally latch on his Hiraishin marker before the man could put a suppression collar on him.
Aa soon as he landed inside his ship he tiredly leaned on the console and hack repeatedly to expel the remaining sand in his nose and lungs. He trembled in fear as he recalled the enrage bellow the man had let out as he successfully escape him. He really hope he does not encounter him again.
He knew he wouldn't successfully escape the second time around if the Uchi'ha decided to chase after him again.
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spacedace · 1 year
It was the final hour. Doomsday at their door, with only hours left before the world was consumed entirely and every last living thing was devoured right along with it.
Summoning the High King of the Infinite Realms was the only option left, and even then felt more like choosing a firing squad rather than a noose at the end of the day. Pariah Dark might - might - accept the task of destroying the foe they faced, but tmit would come at a cost that was near equal to doing nothing at all. Provided the tyrannical ruler simply didn't let them all die, an entire planet dead was an entire planet to add to his endless armies.
They had to try. Stupid and suicidal as it was.
Zantanna and John worked in silence as they created the summoning circle, hands shaking and stomachs cramping as they worked under the apprehensive eyes of the rest of the League. They all understood that no matter what happened, they would all likely end up dead by the end of it. That the best case scenario meant that death was only the beginning of their problems.
Candles were lit. Insense burned. Blood spilled. Words spoken.
It failed, not so much as a flicker of magic. Which was impossible, they'd checked and confirmed a dozen times that they had the right ritual, that they were following the steps, they had done everything right way wasn't it working? What had they done wr-
"Ugh, gross is that blood?"
Elle Phantom, fifteen minuted late to the site of the ritual with both the boys Super, the most murderous Robin and a sugary abomination of an iced coffee from Starbucks, scrunched her nose in disgust as she looked at the summoning circle.
"This ritual is so out of date, where did you even find it? Wait is that Latin? Who tries to summon someone from the Ghost Zone in Latin?"
John had burned through every drop of alcohol and cigarette he owned hours ago while trying to find this bloody damn ritual and was very much not in the mood for the little hellspawn's color commentary on the process.
"I don't bloody well seeing you providing with any alternatives for summoning the Ghost King." He swore, turning away from the gremlin to tear through the ancient book he and Zantanna had discovered with the ritual inside.
There was a loud slurping noise as the undead hero sucked the last remnants of her drink through the straw. John's brow twitched, even Zantanna - who usually seemed endeared by the chaos goblin - looked at the end of her rope.
Then - "Oh, is that who you wanted to summon? Why didn't you say so?" She drifted over, handing her empty drink off to a disgruntled looking Batman, and began rummaging through the unused magival supplies left over from the - failed - summoning circle. "Here, give me like, five minutes."
John was fairly certain his head was about to explode.
"You know how to summon the Ghost King? You?"
Phantom rolled her eyes at him. "Duh, obviously."
"Obviously." Zantanna repeated, looking like she was half a moment away from having a breakdown. She didn't try to stop the ghostly girl, though, and to be fair neither was John. They were already fucked, might as well let the gremlin try her hand at it.
It took less than the five minutes Phantom had claimed she needed.
When she was done there was a significantly smaller circle on the ground. At the cardinal directions of the circle, written clockwise she'd drawn not any magical runes but instead what appeared to be the Roman Numerals for one, then two, then something akin to a sideways T with an additional mark rising upward from the long horizontal bar, then the letter L.
It had to have some kind of ancient magical significance John didn't know as Shazam made a noise like a dying goose and squeaked out the word Loss like it was a question. Phantom gave the Champion of Magic a sharp toothed grin before adding some words in a language John didn't know before she finally allowed gravity to pull her back to earth and plant her feet on the ground.
She wiped her hands together a bit dramatically, looking pleased with herself, but at that point John didn't care. He could feel the building magic, heavy and oppressive as she had begun her task. Unlike the circle he and Zantanna had attempted, this one was working.
He couldn't help thr nervous swallow he gave as Phantom then declared, with a strange amount of seriousness. "All that’s left are the words."
She took a deep breath, eyes closing for a moment, and the world went utterly silent around them. This, John could feel, this was the real deal. Fuck him sideways the hellspawn was actually doing it.
Phantom's eyes opened, glowing with that bright eerie green light of her power. Another deep breath and then -
"You are my dad! You're my dad!" He watched, any scraps of hope she'd instilled in him dying an undignified death as she gave a terrible little wiggle dance while she sang(?) Off key, "Boogie woogie woogie!"
Every last person on Earth was going to die and one of John's last moments was going to be spent watching the little undead shit do the Macarena. Well fuck him, he guessed.
Then there was the sound of the veil between the world's tearing in two and the fucking Ghost King was standing in Phantom's summoning circle screaming in a screeching falsetto:
"When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences!"
You know what actually at this point John would rather the apocalypse kill him.
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cure-typhoon · 6 months
please please please talk more about the beta troll’s friendship 🙏
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You have summoned me in my favorite subject: 🎉🎉🎉🎉 FRIENDSHIP!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Take a sit because this is going to be long, so long i may end up dividing into different posts!
Okey so sadly we don't have a lot of info of the full group dynamic besides some clues and what we know is them literally at their worst thinking they we're going to die in a meteor,after a full one month campaign in the game they had won yet was taken from them being chased by an undefeatable enemy that destroyed their planets and probably their lusus too. And at the end three of them going on a rampage and killing the rest of the team
So not the most reliable info of how their normal dynamic as a friendgroup would be, but tbh it could never be "healthy friendgroup" in a human sense because, well, they live in Alternia.
But even in hell, the flower of friendship can blossom, so lets talk about the fucked up friendship between these kids:
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We know little about how their friendship started, contrary with the Beta Kids that we know because of June's birthday presente for Jade arriving in the past to young Jade with her pesterchum and her probably looking at the clouds in Prospit and seeing there the pesterchum of Rose and Dave following suit
Because the Beta Trolls are a much bigger group and we dont really know if they actually celebrate their wriggling days, as none of the trolls mentioned it but it could also be in part because of Karkat's disdain for the celebration or them maybe not knowing because he is a very private kid after all
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Maybe Kanaya was the first troll that befriended all of them, like Jade was and both of them being the assigned Space player of their group and the first ones to wake in Prospit, but i also doubt that considered she didnt went through the birthday gift shenanigan that young Jade went through
So what most likely happened: The trolls who we're closest to eachother (Equius and Vriska, Eridan and Feferi, Aradia and Tavros, Terezi and Vriska* (not totally sure about that one) and maybe Sollux and Aradia/Feferi) befriended eachother first and meet the rest (Karkat, Nepeta, Gamzee, Kanaya) online and just shared their info between eachother.
I honestly wonder who thought of the idea of all sharing their Trollian between eachother, maybe Feferi? maybe it just happened overtime? but what matters right now is the
So today we will talk about the underrated friendships between the group
Starting with Aradia and Tavros! Both members of Team Charge, i see very few people talk about them as friends even though they were obviously very close considering they we're part of a Flarp campaign together.
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Both seem to match pretty well personality wise, both adventurous and wanting to have fun in the game, Aradia knows that Tavros picked a hard class for himself yet she still encourages him and tries to cheer him on and advice him in the case of Vriska trying to get under his skin.
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When Vriska starts to surrond him, she tries to communicate with her first, but sadly she and terezi where distracted by Doc Scratch, so he gets paralized
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Side note: After Aradia and Terezi, his third option for asking for help is Karkat, which is...interesting, they dont talk a lot but when they do its Tavros trying to get advice/help from him (2 out of 3 convos), so either Karkat and Tavros have more convos besides the ones showed (very likely) or Karkat just having a reputation of helping with issues that he is the first one who comes to Tavros's mind
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also Karkat calling him bro is so fucking funny cdbhd, idk if its sarcasm or if its genuine like with Eridan but he seems worried for a little before going on a rant about how stupid this is, only to come back trying to advice him to do this in private (also he winks at him as GTavrossprite but thats smt for the Tavkat shippers)
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Anyway, back to Aradia, after her death we dont know about their relationship that much, we know that the whole reason that this whole revenge cycle was because Aradia wanted to avenge Tavros
But after her death, we don't know if they talk or if Tavros even knows she is dead, as it was mostly secret that only Sollux, Vriska, Terezi and Equius seem to know,
What we know is that Aradia keeps Tavros close to her heart, as the only reason she didnt straight up kill Vriska is
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Because he was there to see it
And thats all the info we have of their relationship while Aradia was a robot, is more than likely Tavros confronted Vriska (besides creating Bec Noir) because Aradiabot had just exploded and he was blaming her for that too (especulation)
Their post-death/revival shows them having the same relationship pre-aradia's death, after they find eachother in the afterlife
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Theyre big pals :)
Staying with Tavros, another friendship people dont seem to talk a lot about is Kanaya and Tavros, which tbh, we dont have a conversation on screen between them, but we know they talk and Kanaya tries to mediate to help him when Vriska is bullying him
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And also, even after she cut Vriska out because of the whole ''Having a crush on her but finding out she has a crush on Tavros'' (probably because she was sulking) she seems to have a fine relationship with Tavros, as she made a Tinkerbull plushie for him
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To other friendships, Kanaya and Feferi! Another group of trolls with very few coversations, but we can easily tell in those that they cared for eachother
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They have a lot in common, being of the few trolls who woked up in their moons before the game, having a huge responsability as their lusus can either kill or revive their entire civilization, being in a unhappy moiralliagance (with their cases kinda mirroring eachother, with Feferi not wanting to be in any quadrants while Eridan wants to change them, while Kanaya wants to change quadrants while Vriska seems to be fine with where they are) and knowing their lusus were going to die when they were 13
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Feferi and Kanaya seem to have very a similar relationship as Karkat and Eridan, where they advise eachother about their moirals + possible romantic relationships. And their very contrasting personalities helps them balance eachother out
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Feferi is even comfortable enough to invite Kanaya to the horn pile and knowing Kanaya's expressions enough to guess that she is nervous about coming off as meddling with them
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After Feferi gets killed off, Kanaya is already ready to attack, only waiting to see what Eridan is planning to do, attack her first or trying to escape
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If it weren't for Kanaya distracting herself with the matriorb, and Eridan inmediately picking on this opportunity
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To piss her off enough to set her off and attack him first
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So she is an easier target that he can kill her off without a fight
Speaking about this two, next time we will to talk about the complicated (annoying) friendship between these two, why next time? because this post is already getting to fucking long!
Come here for Part 2 -> Here! (when its done this will get updated with a link lol)
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shuttershocky · 3 months
Consider, Barret.
I'm always considering Barret!
He's my favorite FF7 character and his design in Remake is outstanding.
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Parts of Barret didn't age too well (his original character concept is "big and scary man" and he's the only major black character so uhhhhh) but I love that he's an unapologetic revolutionary and a genuinely charismatic leader that cares for the people under him as much as for his cause, whether or not they're even his responsibility.
One of the more endearing parts of the Remake is all the ways that Barret still cares for Cloud despite Cloud only being a hired merc instead of being a true believer in Avalanche; he gets worried when Cloud doesn't make it back immediately after they bomb Mako Reactor 1, and when they bomb Mako Reactor 5 and Barret thinks Cloud is about to fall to his death, Barret immediately says "Listen merc, I was wrong about you!" because he won't let anyone under his command die without him doing everything he could, even if all he can do is tell them they made him proud. He even offers to to stay behind and help Cloud battle Rufus Shinra, expecting Rufus to cheat (he does) and not wanting Cloud to sacrifice himself just to buy the party time to escape when that should be his responsibility as Avalanche leader.
He's even a loving father that spoils his daughter Marlene, but instead of making that detail something that contrasts his hardass personality, it's because he has a child that he's a hardcore eco-terrorist—his child's future is on the line.
I love that he's obviously the most well-read party member, quoting books about planetology and social justice in between all of his other lines being a Mr. T caricature. When the likes of Tifa grow uncomfortable with Avalanche's mission because of the ordinary people whose lives they disrupt too, he's always there to steady her and remind them all that their fight is literally for the planet's life; most Shinra employees are ordinary people just trying to do their best for their families, but Shinra itself is slowly destroying the planet and will kill them all, this fight must be done for everyone's sakes. A good man that serves an evil master must recognize his complicity before he can redeem himself.
One of the coolest things the Yuffie DLC does is expand more on Avalanche as a resistance group with different factions, with the main faction receiving support from Wutai. Barret's group is called "the splinter cell" because the other Avalanche factions don't want to associate with them since they think bombing the Mako reactors goes too far. The rest of Avalanche don't want to destroy Shinra entirely and ruin the lives of many people in the process, they want to force it into reforms.
Sonon and Yuffie end up chatting about this and Sonon says "The problem is, Avalanche is made of good people. They're soft. They want things like better work conditions, fair elections, equality for the undercity members. They can't do what needs to be done, and will eventually be against us. If you ask me, those guys in the splinter cell are who we should be supporting." Sonon is speaking as a Wutai agent out to destabilize Midgar in vengeance for Midgar burning Wutai to the ground back in the war, but it also really highlights how Barret is the only real force for change inside Avalanche, if all the other Avalanche factions are getting support from other countries and doing nothing while Barret is waging a full on war and earning victories against Shinra with only a gun, a girl that can punch good, and a twink with a big sword.
Also gameplay-wise Barret carries this fucking team on his back. Steelskin and his huge healthpool make Barret a tank (very important when many enemies can decide to give you the finger and wipe the entire team), and Lifesaver allows Barret to take damage meant for his teammates, which is critical for surviving many tough fights, but also makes gimmick/joke builds like Nailbat Cloud viable where you want to keep him on 25% health to have that crit chance and damage boost, but can't let him get slapped once or he dies.
That's on top of Barret's skills being your best ranged options in Remake that isn't spending MP (Aerith can do way more damage with spells but also dies to a sneeze without spending materia slots on HP Up), which is also highly important as half the enemies are flying around and Cloud can barely air attack until Rebirth reworked him. There's also bossfight gimmicks like The Arsenal's guns being interrupted by Focus Shot (you normally need Thundaga to stop it and Hard mode doesn't let you use items, making MP conservation really important) Maximum Fury being amazing at building stagger on bosses from the sheer hitcount and being very satisfying to use, and Barret's incredible Deadly Dodge allowing you to cheese the super annoying Brainpod fight because he swings his gun and hits all the Brainpods at once.
Finally, it's really funny how the Remake added in a big cosmic fate force called the Whispers that have the ability to raise the dead and cause or prevent disasters as fate demands it only for them to be destroyed by Barret and Red XIII shooting it repeatedly. Capital D Destiny, a fundamental force of the multiverse, was slain by the power of a guy with a gun and a weird dog.
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Lotor x Pearl!GN! Reader
Request: Now that the requests are open I want to do one about Voltron (again), about Lotor headcanons with a reader who is like a pearl from Steven Universe, who probably was a "gift" from his governess, I imagine that reader @ is a very scared but sweet person who is afraid of disappointing Lotor and that he will throw them away because of that (traumas from the past before meeting him). I just want some comfort from one of my favorite Voltron characters💕
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Warnings: allusions/mentions of past abuse, reader at first treated more like an object than a person, fear of abandonment, somewhat confusing timeline for the sake of the plot? HURT with Comfort, Fluff, non-canon ending of Voltron for my sanity :') Lotor What have they done to you?
You come from a very... special planet to say the least.
Especially you were born in a social caste that was considered the lowest, so you were trained all your life to be the future accessory of a powerful person. As bad as it sounded.
This was obviously not a pleasant process, especially with the Garla empire breathing down your planet's neck.
You could say that you got especially ruthless training, the slightest mistake was severely reprimanded, only to know that if you did it in REAL practice you most likely wouldn't come out alive...
Then the Garla Empire took possession of your planet. Everyone was terrified of what could happen, YOU were terrified of what was going to happen to you.
But fortunately? You were given as a personal servant to the Garla, along with many others, in exchange for not destroying the planet completely.
But you were lucky enough that it was your turn to serve the Prince of the Garla, Lotor.
This was before the Paladins intervened, so even when they arrived, this still stood.
To say that you were scared was to say, you were terrified of what was going to happen. What if he was one of those super strict princes? What if he had a bad temper? What if he got angry with you and got physical? And If it hurts you? Or worse?
You set out to be as correct and upright as possible for this new position, apparently you would be a gift, well, maybe you don't have to do much, you can do this.
Dayak barely talks to you, although the first time you meet her is only so she can give you a checkup to make sure you live up to her expectations, and fortunately you are and she seems very satisfied.
Before meeting this "Lotor" she gives you a tour of the Garla main ship in a vague way so that you become familiar with everything and thus adapt quickly before seeing Lotor. The ship is GIANT so it takes a while.
Although at least with this you can hear some people talking and whispering about Lotor, apparently the winner of the "Kral Zera", the first Half-Blood emperor and Zarkon's heir...someone to have fear apparently.
Let's just say they didn't make you feel much better.
But at the end of the day you finally meet him. Is he together with what appear to be the paladins of Voltron? And Dayak makes his presence quite noticeable (poor paladin Blue and especially yellow).
Before retiring, Dayak introduced you to Lotor, as his new personal assistant, to serve him in any way he wanted.
To your surprise, Lotor seemed just as off guard as you, it seems that he had forgotten the deal with the Kral Zera matter, it is understandable, but it was especially shocking when he apologized to you because he could not introduce himself properly, since he had a VERY busy day with the Voltron thing...
....weren't you supposed to come help him with that? What Quiznak?
You tried to tell him that, that you could help him manage that, but he said no! That for now he could handle himself well, but that you should give him time to think of something for you...
okay that was VERY strange
But a nice strange? Lotor was not like you thought he would be.
Even when he finally did what he had to do with the Paladins and Princess Allura (love of a person), he still treated you with a respect you weren't used to.
you were mainly in charge of his agenda with the other Garla leaders and works like that, together with the Paladins and Princess Allura, etc. It wasn't a heavy job, but it required attention to detail and you definitely went out of your way to make it perfect.
And contrary to what you thought, you received some recognition from your, so to speak, Boss (because Lotor hated it when you called him "master" or "owner"), Lotor was grateful that you helped him and that you were so diligent, He let you know when he kept you up to date.
You could even have conversations with him! It wasn't something you had been prepared for in the least, but it was nice, Lotor was someone very intelligent and even had an interesting sarcastic sense of humor. You learned a lot by talking to him.
In turn, Lotor learned more about your species based on his experience with you, although at first it was difficult for him, because you insisted on keeping a certain distance, but he was able to make his way through your walls.
He found you quite pleasant and even charming! Lotor always tried to see other species with equal respect, and for you to see him from such a high place (without the need for violence, just doing his job) made him feel very good about himself.
And the feeling was mutual.
It made you feel calmer about all of this, that everything was going better than you thought. You had ended up with an owner--ahem, Boss- who was nicer than you expected and everything seemed fine--
But then you made a MISTAKE.
You were trying to get used to one of the controls on Lotor's main ship and out of nowhere the controls stopped working. They didn't respond, didn't work and seemed glitched.
You realized that you had pressed the wrong places (used to the mothership controls) and that you had "messed up" this one.
But all you could think about was the trouble you'd get into with Lotor.
Oh no oh no oh no What am I going to do? What are they're going to do to me? They're going to have to throw me away, right? How can I get through this? What if they kill me? What if--
You were so panicked that when Lotor arrives you don't notice.
And it only makes you even more afraid.
Lotor asks what happened, but he starts checking the console on his own and realizes what happened, he knows what you did--
And you can't stand the urge to cry anymore.
Lotor honestly freaks out, he thought you would have gotten hurt and that's why you were crying so much, but you were apologizing for breaking the console, and saying that you were fine with being replaced with someone more capable as long as please, please don't kill you...
Even if he didn't show it much on the outside (it's a habit up to this point he's sorry for it), it hurt Lotor to see you like this. And even more so for something so small. Is this why you thought he was going to replace you? Kill you?? Although he sees that it's mostly because you've been traumatized before, so he's not offended (at all).
Lotor tries to calm you down, explain to you that it's not a big deal. It's not broken! It just needs to restart! Please don't cry! He's not going to replace you! Much less touch a hair on your head! You are save with him...
He ends up fixing the console to prove his point and you calm down, something like that, both of your emotions are running high.
From there, you are a little more alert for your possible "mistakes" and honestly, Lotor misses how you were before this little incident, now it seems like you are walking on eggshells (Whatever that means? The blue Paladin said it ) when you are around him.
He discovers that he misses talking to you more than he thought, he is not someone who gets attached easily, but finally having someone who respected him as a person and not as Prince Garla and that you are now in this scared state hurts him.
So it does something... surprising.
He asks the Paladins and Allura for help.
Obviously some make fun of him a little ahem LANCE AND PIDGE ahem, but for the most part they try to give him good advice on how to approach the situation, although they all have a common idea.
TALK IT DIRECTLY or let you adjust naturally again (which seemed unlikely without the former).
So he did it, he call you to speak alone.
Sincerely? You almost died of fright. This on your planet was a VERY BAD omen, VERY BAD.
so imagine your surprise when Lotor was REALLY alone when you went to see him, but you still remained nervous, this man could destroy you with just one arm after all.
But Lotor...just talks.
And he gets straight to the point, he does NOT plan to replace you, he does NOT plan to hurt you, he does not want you to think that you are so expendable, especially when he has come to enjoy your company so much, you can rest assured, mistakes happen, we ALL make them, he prefers that you make them. a thousand mistakes to not having you at all.
Being honest? It was quite nice.
And you were able to be more...at peace with yourself after that. Be the sweet assistant again.
If we talk about advanced terms of a romantic relationship, IT'S PURE FLUFF.
Lotor has shown that he doesn't give a shit about race, so he has no problem relating to you even if you're not even half Garla. What if someone has a problem? They won't have it anymore :)
If your planet is still under the control of the Garla, it is most likely that Lotor has forced them to have laws and a more egalitarian legislature, your people have not lived so well in decapheobes! Of course, there are those who are still not used to it and others who are directly against it, but that always happens.
Lotor is patient when it comes to old wizard habits, chances are you'll still be that way! But more as a consort😅
Get ready, now that it is certain that he loves you and that you love him too, there is no escape from affection. Lotor is aware that he's touch-starved, but when you discover through this that YOU'RE touch-starved TOO, it's like, the perfect mix.
Lotor is the most openly affectionate, which helps you gain some courage to do the same, although of course, when it comes to making the other person nervous, you never win (although Lotor MELT inside seeing you try).
Lots of physical contact!! Especially at events with too many people and where you can easily feel overloaded, it's a quick way to calm yourself down and for Lotor to be happy and calm (literally, if they want to calm him down they have to bring you into the room and he's INSTANTLY in a good mood again).
You have a friendship with Allura! She jokingly says that you're too good for Lotor, but in a loving way.
The Paladins don't understand how Quiznak, someone as sweet as you ended up with Lotor. Did they threaten you? Blink twice if so--
Your nature is now a little more curious, you see everything with new eyes, it is something tender for Lotor, for him most of these things are everyday, but for you it is something new and even unique, it is nice.
He also now handles your crises better when PTSD strikes, takes you somewhere spacious, keeps some distance so you can breathe better, and when you recover he is on you for the rest of the day, quite worried.
In general, Lotor sees his partner with equal respect and love regardless of their race, social status or how they met, he loves you regardless of everything or how you perceive yourself. You are his equal, his partner, nothing changes that.
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Reblogs, shares and Comments are very welcome!!
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inbarfink · 8 months
You know, outside of all the obvious reasons why Simon’s Bad Crown Plan was Obviously Bad - there is one extra reason the series itself didn’t directly acknowledge. That is, while wearing the Magic Crown can grant any ol’ schmuck ice powers 
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It generally doesn’t seem to give them the Full Ice Wizard Transformation Treatment, with all the Madness and Sadness that comes with it
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Unless the previous Wielder is dead.
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So presumably, what Simon was trying to find wasn’t just any Magic Crown, it was a Magic Crown who wasn’t attuned to any other wearer and probably because the previous wearer is dead. But in the show it just never directly came up since the non-destroyed Crowns we’ve actually encountered were:
The Extinctworld Magic Crown, over whom the majority of the Drama actively revolves around - whose wielder was indeed long dead before Simon and Friends even got there.
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The Vampireworld Magic Crown, where killing the wielder of the Crown was already kinda taken as granted as part of the plan for getting it.
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And even when that plan got derailed and our trio was considering taking the Magic Crown and bailing - it was also explicitly stated that just knocking the thing off his head could’ve dispelled the clouds blotting out the sun and killed him anyways. 
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Then there’s the Winterworld Magic Crown, where despite Cake’s… eagerness
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Simon and Fionna never make any attempts to get the Crown from the Winter King, but also this guy does also pretty much immediately says he's willing to help them in ways that don't involve taking his specific Crown.
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And at the same time it is notable that as soon as he does die
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Simon is pretty quick to try to loot his ‘corpse’. 
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So, really from the immediacy of his actions here, I feel like he is aware that needs a Magic Crown not immediately bound to a living person.
With the possibility of infinite crowns in infinite circumstances, I’m going to assume Simon’s plan was, if he found a Crown bound to someone’s below Vampire King’s level of ‘apocalyptic supervillain slowly killing the whole planet’ level of awfulness and also without Winter King's capacity and (supposed?) willingness to help - they’d just hope on to the next universe and try again.
And obviously I understand that, narratively speaking, for the sake of Simon’s character arc - Crown Quest kinda had to remain focused on Simon’s own self-sacrifice and the price he felt he had to pay for the sake of Fionnaworld. But… I do wonder, with how desperate the situation got in Episodes 7 and 8…and with Simon previously already seeing death as preferable to the curse of the Magic Crown…
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... What would have happened if it seemed like the last chance to save Fionnaworld was a Crown bound to a living Ice King? Would Simon even consider upping the number of sacrifices needed to keep Fionnaworld eternal from one to two? Especially if he can rationalize it as the ‘Mercy Killing’ he never got? Or would the second his Purpose involve any sort of destruction that isn’t purely self-destruction is the point that this plan is off the hook?
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lovelybucky1 · 8 months
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kinktober day 14- bondage
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT- non con, AFAB!Reader, handcuffs, vaginal reader, finger sucking, rough treatment, 18+ minors DNI
main masterlist
kinktober masterlist
Anakin Skywalker was no longer the man you knew. He was a great warrior, a general, an upstanding person, a kind soul, a Jedi, and most importantly, a friend. He was never meant to be a mechanical killing machine for Darth Sidious to lead around on a leash.
You managed to escape the violence of Order 66, though not without sustaining injuries of your own. For months after the massacre you saw visions of Anakin with orange glowing eyes in your dreams. The screams of children could be heard in the background. You were haunted.
You know some of the other Jedi escaped, though you don't know who or where they went. Being a Jedi is a death sentence these days, so it's better to lay low and not know anything more than absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately, laying low on an outer rim planet where you live off the grid on your own little farm isn't low enough for the Empire. You returned from the forest with a basket of berries and mushrooms to add to your stockpile when you found your house burning, your animals slaughtered, and Darth Vader himself standing among the flames.
After seeing the brutal events of Order 66, you took not being killed on sight as a blessing. The stormtroopers surrounded you, grabbing your arms and forcing you to your knees before Vader. The dark mask was expressionless, but the tilt of his head to the side made you feel like a wounded animal he was about to put down.
"Take them to the ship," he said in a modulated voice. He sounded nothing like the man you knew.
You were hauled aboard the massive ship that they carelessly landed in a field of wild flowers. It was almost poetic how this hunk of machine destroyed something natural and beautiful.
Once the hatch of the ship closed, you accepted that your fate was sealed. You were brought to a cell in the bowels of the ship and abandoned, left with your own thoughts and restricted by force-blocking cuffs.
You were alone for hours until someone came by. You heard the sound of heavy boots banging against the metal grate floor, but it wasn't until you heard the heavy breathing that you turned your attention towards the intruder.
"Jedi," he says as a form of greeting.
You glare at him through the bars of your cell. "Vader."
He says nothing more. He only stands there, emotionless and unmoving. Anakin must have learned patience through his transformation, because the man you knew hated silence.
"Why am I still alive?" you ask. You'd rather be dead than be taken prisoner and be forced to work for the Empire. "You killed all the others. Why not me?"
"He wants you," Vader says crypticly.
"Who does?" you ask.
"Your friend," he says.
Anakin. He's in there somewhere, obviously, and he wants to save you. Maybe this is his way of making up for his atrocities, by making right with you. It could never be enough, but it comforts you to know the monster before you isn't entirely evil.
The door to your cell slides open and Vader steps in, looking like a giant as he towers over your slumped form on the floor. You look up at him but you can't get a read on him. The cuffs block any force sensitivity so you can't even feel him. The door shuts behind him, trapping you in a small box with the face of evil.
"He cares for you," Vader says. "He wants to protect you." It warms your heart in a weird way to hear him say that. "But you are insignificant to me."
Vader reaches down and grabs you by the roots of your hair. He tugs harshly until your scrambling to find your footing and stand so he doesn't rip out your hair.
He dwarfs you. You never noticed how large he was until you were face to face, mere inches apart.
Vader pushes you back roughly, sending you slamming into the wall. Your body crushes your arms that are bound behind your back and you whimper in pain.
"He will watch me destroy you," Vader says as he advances, crowding you against the wall.
He brings his hand down to the waistband of your pants and tugs, effortlessly ripping them off. Your underwear receive the same treatment, though the pull on your skin is painful.
He kicks your legs apart with his boots. The heavy, hard material on your exposed ankles hurts like a bitch, but there's nothing you can do about it other than scream.
Vader shoves his gloved hand between your thighs and carelessly invades your cunt with his thick fingers. You cry out in pain, beg him to stop and for someone to help, but you know it's useless. Everyone here does Vader's bidding, and disobeying their lord is an instant death sentence.
He grows tired of your crying, so he shuts you up by restricting your throat with the force. You have enough air to breathe, but not enough to speak.
You look into the blank helmet with teary eyes, hoping that somehow you can connect with Anakin. You know he's in there, you just have to bring him out.
Vader's fingers split you open painfully. You don't know what he has underneath the suit, but you fear that it will be even worse than the treatment being done to you now. When he pulls his hand away, your creamy juices coat the black glove.
He grabs your jaw and squeezes hard, forcing you to open your mouth. He shoves the wet fingers inside for you to clean, tasting yourself off of them. It's disgusting and degrading, but you're helpless to resist.
When he pulls his fingers out, his glove glistens with your spit. A string of it connects your lip to his glove and when it breaks, it falls against your chin.
Vader drops his hand and you're left staring up at him. The panel of his chest presses against yours uncomfortably, digging into you. You're legs are shaking, not from pleasure but from a mix of fear and the ache in your pussy.
Vader then grabs you by the shoulder and pushes you down, sending you sprawling onto the metal floor. He turns his back to you and the door opens again. Wordlessly, he leaves you alone once again, his heavy boots echoing down the corridor.
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sciderman · 3 months
Currently reading through the spiderpool blog and just finished the civil war era. That alternate timeline where Pete is an assassin, of course we know Ben is alive but what happens to that version Ben and May? I wonder if they know what he is doing and if they are still even apart of his life.
oh, anon. anon... it's a sad little tale,, it's a sad little story. i do imagine that this specific peter parker pursues his career of fame and fortune, and becomes vain and horrible. a real "talk to my agent!" kind of asshole.
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and initially, he still cares for uncle ben and aunt may. they're the only two people in the world who loved him properly. but... but. fame goes to his head. the old cliché. he's making bank, and – there's less urgency for him to stay to support aunt may because uncle ben's still around, so, peter kind of goes his own way. very quickly he can afford his own apartment by doing tv deals and very quickly he's signed on for a movie deal. he is hot shit.
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of course all of that fame and being so busy and being so secretive and spider-man's identity still being a secret to the public and to ben and may means that he ultimately grows distant from may and ben. he skips school to pursue fame, doesn't think he needs it. and i mean, the guy hates high school. it's a living hell for him. he's given an out - of course he'll take it. he doesn't graduate high school. doesn't get a college education. doesn't tell uncle ben and aunt may because obviously they wouldn't endorse him dropping out of school.
they wouldn't get it. they wouldn't understand. he becomes a mystery to them. they don't know where he goes, what's going on with him. he's barely home and then he, so very quietly, moves out with all the money he's made.
fame is fickle, though, and - spider-man doesn't capture peoples hearts for the long-term. spider-man doesn't inspire heroism in this world. he doesn't waste his effort on selfless deeds. he doesn't become a heroic figure. hence why wade doesn't join weapon x.
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the spider-man of this turn of events doesn't amount to more than a quick cash-grab, and the people are over him so quickly. people who worked with him realise he's kind of a jerk, and isn't even pulling in money anymore. spider-man becomes a has-been before he even reaches his twenties.
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so, this spider-man lives alone - can't face uncle ben and aunt may because he's quickly realising that yeah. he made the wrong choice. he dug his grave, and he has to lay in it. he's a drop-out, and he feels like peter parker is entirely worthless. he can barely look at himself in the mirror. at least as spider-man he has some power. some reputation. something. peter parker? peter parker disappeared off the face of the planet some years ago, and nobody knows who or where he is. peter parker is dead and neglected. there's no future for peter parker. so he builds a life with the skills that he has, as spider-man. he does what he's good at. becomes hired muscle. becomes hired muscle for anyone that can pay his rates. those are usually bad guys.
he falls deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole. and the further he falls, the harder it is for him to conceive he could ever come back to uncle ben and aunt may and have them welcome and accept him, with all the mistakes he's made.
unfortunately, in this particular timeline - as bex and i'd plotted it out for the alt!verse fic where wade winds up trapped with this sad, isolated peter parker - it still takes uncle ben dying to destroy peter's barricades and have him finally reach out to aunt may, in his way. first distantly offering her financial support before he, after months, eventually gains the courage to face her. and she can see the scars on his face.
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i think it kind of universally takes uncle ben dying for peter to learn "great power great responsibility" - not as peter interprets or misinterprets it, but... the loss of uncle ben meaning peter recognising he has a responsibility to the people around him. he can't disappear from it. he can't isolate himself from it. when uncle ben passes, he finds out he has a responsibility to aunt may. that's kind of the whole thing, that's what great responsibility is. him filling uncle ben's shoes.
i think that's something i'm obsessed with - that peter knows that the loss of uncle ben means he needs to step up and fill ben's shoes, but he's still not entirely sure what it means. what he has to do to be able to fill that void that's left empty by ben's absence. what ben meant. what manhood means.
great responsibility is about manhood, and looking after the people you love. it's not - it's not about what you owe the world.
i think peter unfortunately has to learn that lesson the hard way, every time.
but, eventually, at some point, peter comes home.
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sexhaver · 11 months
games where you work for an evil exploitative megacorporation that very obviously views you only as easily replaced capital (Hardspace Shipbreaker, Satisfactory, Deep Rock Galactic) kind of paint themselves into a narrative corner. on the one hand, it's tempting to make your employer the villain and set up a story arc where you work your way up the ranks/unionize/etc to win against all odds in a David and Goliath story. and that would be fantastic if this were real life, but it's not real life, it's a video game that you presumably bought because you, the player, enjoy the gameplay loop provided by what your in-game avatar would consider "exploitative and unsafe working conditions". so you either completely overhaul your entire game once the player hits a certain point in the storyline (bad) or end up with an ending that by definition cannot change anything despite supposedly being focused on overthrowing the status quo (less bad but silly) because it turns out people like to replay games after beating them on the same file.
Hardlight Shipbreaker does this the wrong way by shoehorning in a plot about unionization that ends with the union "winning" against the company, except for gameplay reasons none of these victories translate to any change whatsoever in your in-game working conditions (because that would fundamentally change the game that people enjoyed enough to play all the way through the storyline of).
Deep Rock Galactic takes the approach of having the titular company be less "comically evil" and more "comically focused on profits", which meshes super well with the conceit of the game. for example, when loading into a Salvage mission, Mission Control opens with "a previous crew lost their Mini M.U.L.E's, their Drop Pod, and their lives in this cave." the order those things are listed in tells you everything you need to know about DRG's priorities as a company without having to hammer it home with character arcs
Satisfactory takes imo the best approach by making you an active hand of the evilness of your employer instead of just a cog in the machine. you're sent to a beautiful alien planet full of breathtaking views and diverse wildlife, then told to destroy it by extracting every last bit of value out of it to make stuff that you then turn around and fire off into space. and you do! gladly! like. you know how Spec Ops: The Line had that scene with the white phosphorus that was supposed to make you, the player, feel like a monster for gleefully pressing the buttons to make it happen? Satisfactory is like that but for environmentalism because the gameplay loop gradually changes how you view the world from childlike wonder to ruthless efficiency. what was formerly a rolling grassy field is now a site for mining outposts. you don't see a waterfall, you see placements for water pumps to cool your coal plants. alien forests full of plants unknown to science become annoyances to be chainsawed down so you can run conveyor belts back to your megafactory. in this way, Satisfactory is a much better critique of capitalism than Hardspace Shipbreaker not even trying to be
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crisiscutie · 4 months
Sephiroth's mental breakdown was nailed perfectly. The raw emotions and him realizing Gast was no better than Hojo... Oh man... Rebirth is gonna be amazing
Game isn't even out and it's already one of my favorite scenes. The music. The buildup to it. THE JENOVA CLOSEUPS. The superb voice acting. (yes, I think Tyler Hoechlin does a fine job)
The only thing that seemed iffy was cutting out some of Sephiroth's monologue about the Cetra and traitor thing.
And you know what, I like Rebirth's slight retcon. In this version, it's much more about Sephiroth, providing a clearer understanding of why he succumbed to darkness. This man and boy (since young Sephiroth is his inner child that's always with him) finally discovered the ugly "truth" about the twisted experiments that made him and the other monsters. He always wondered about his purpose, and this was it. All those years of abuse and exploitation... were done at his expense because he's a monster. The few people that did love and support him? No, no such thing. They're no different from his tormentors. He felt so alone and lost.
The Nibelheim Incident is pretty much his trauma reaching a breaking point. I can see how difficult it was for some to discern for some this nuance in the OG (and even in CC) because they focused more on Sephiroth developing an ego complex from more obviously, outdated information. This retcon is more closer to the truth, the only erroneous thing being that Jenova was an ancient. It's an amazing fix and does a great job in humanizing Sephiroth. I absolutely loved how they used the Jung Shadow. I'm a psychology nerd. You basically watched the death scene of Sephiroth's old identity, especially notice how prominent his shadow is. It's meant to show his inner conflict and then his transformation.
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He became exactly what he never wanted to be.
Anyways, another thing to note: what was a bit weird in the original game and the compilation is the strange shift in Sephiroth's beliefs and motivations. At first, he believed himself to be a Cetra and had a divine right to rule over the planet. Then, he transitions to wanting to destroy the planet at the beginning of FF7, seemingly abandoning any claims to Cetra heritage. We know why his motivations changed, but it feels odd not getting more expansion on it after they just suddenly threw that bit of information at us. I believe this retcon should help smooth out that awkward transition. It's a great feeling that one item from my wish/check list might be addressed.
And you know another thing I fucking loved Rebirth's portrayal of the Nibelheim Incident? They didn't back off from Sephiroth's villainy and sadism. I already made a post about it here, but holy fuck. He is out for blood. Everyone and everything in his path had to suffer, just like he did. They don't deserve to continue to live life so happy and normal.
Sephiroth really did not deserve any of the shit he was put through, but that will never not excuse the atrocities he committed in Nibelheim. I was honestly scared to see how the writers would humanize Sephiroth, but so far, they seem to do a great job of it. Hopefully, the full game can keep it up.
The demo still has some issues with Sephiroth and how the gameplay works, though.
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idontcaboose · 4 months
Dp x Shazam/Dc prompt
Danny is now ghost king after the reborn 7 deadly sins caused the world to be
A) destroyed, causing Danny to universe hop
B) scarred, only amity is destroyed/forgotten. where Danny went to live in the Infinite Realms only to come back years/decades/centuries later to enjoy the living realm again
The sins are back, and Danny feels obligated to keep what happened last time from happening again. At least he has the Champion of Magic to assist this time.
Disclaimer: I know that the Shazam comics have the sins as a regular rogue, but not what they do or how they are portrayed. Just woke up from a weird dream, and this prompt hit me like a truck.
For those who want to use my sleep addled thoughts on the Sins Danny faced for maximum angst, here you go:
Let me know your thoughts on who would be who, Dp or Shazam/DC world.
Maddie Fenton - Pride
Pretty self-explanatory, Maddie was always proud of what she did, even when it obviously was detrimental to others.
Jack Fenton - Sloth / Pride
Jack could be either, another half of Maddie or as Sloth. Sloth in the way all of the inventions either never worked or never worked right. He never took the time to make anything correctly or safely. By taking shortcuts or planning just enough to make it functional (and most of the time, not even that) makes me feel Sloth would work for him.
Vlad - Envy
This one is also pretty self-explanatory, he envies the Fentons for having what he does not. We have all seen the extremes he wnt to for that. *side eyes Dan and Dani*
Sam - Greed
Sam wants to be needed, noticed, and validated. She got Danny killed for a picture and did it again when she wished for her not to know them and realised she was a 'nobody' without Danny. For all she is against corporate greed, greed does not always mean monetary wealth. She is greedy for any attention and has gone to extreme lengths to gain it.
Jazz - Gluttony
Jazz, much like Sam, wants validation and attention, but her way is more wanting to feast on family ties. She craves for any attention she can garner from her parents and Danny. I feel the saying "A glutton for punishment" fits Jazz a little too well for her to not be an aspect of gluttony. Gluttony does not always mean food.
Dani - Lust
Now that the PSA is out of the way, Dani is defined by the word Wonderlust. She lusts after the life she never got to live, and is willing to leave the people who helped her to chase that dream.
Dan - Wrath
I feel this one is also pretty self-explanatory. Dan destroyed the entire planet in his rage. If that isn't the textbook definition, then I will eat my hat.
Now, I know I left Tucker and Valerie out of the list, but if I had to replace or choose a sin for each:
Tucker - Sloth / Pride
Tucker does good and is helpful, but he is rarely the one spearheading anything. He usually has to have either Danny or Sam push him into action, and even then, it is met with grumbled annoyance. I feel like Jack is a better Sloth.
Tucker has his vision of himself and isn't afraid to show it, even if it makes others uncomfortable. A lot of times where Tucker instigates a problem, it's because he is overconfident in his vision, and being a reincarnation did not help with that. Yet, again this feels a little weak compared to Maddie, but I don't feel like Tucker would represent any other sins to detrimental levels.
Valerie - Pride / Wrath
Valerie, before and after she became the Red Huntress, had always been prideful. To the point where after she fell off the A-lister pedestal, she hunted down the one responsible with extreme prejudice. She would kill for that back and went to the extreme to do so. As with Tucker, I don't feel like Valerie truly fits like the others above.
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Recombinant Miles Quaritch x OC
My Little Scientist- Chapter One
Warnings: Smut themes, Minors DNI
2,182 words
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Blue skin glistening with sweat moved over bulging muscles that showed years of dedication, beads of sweat dripping down a long neck before pooling at the clavicle. Gaia's tongue instinctively dipped out of her mouth to lick her lips.
"Quit eye fucking the colonel for once Gaia."
"I was not!"
She spat, tearing her eyes away from his tall form as he commanded his troupes so effortlessly in the heat of the Pandoran sun.
"Oh you so were, you've got it baaad for him."
Her good friend and fellow scientist June smirked.
"Ugh as if, that man is so.."
She trailed off, thankful to be interrupted by Mike.
"What are we talking about here ladies?"
He asked, slapping his food tray down beside them both, taking a seat next to June.
"Oh just Gaia's hopeless crush on Colonel Quaritch."
"Pahahah, oh I would not have expected that."
They both teased, much too loud for her liking as she covered her cheeks in her palms, attempting to hide her heated face.
She all but screeched, taking an aggressive bite from the bread roll in front of her.
"Oh so you just want to fuck him then, coz honey the way you looked at that man I thought you were about to go into heat,"
June jibed, both her and mike howling with laughter at their own hilarious nature.
"How would it even work? I mean their dicks must be at least 15 inches,"
Mike chipped in, watching intently as Junes eyes crinkled with laughter, small tear droplets forming at the corners of her eyes.
"Now who's the one thinking about their dicks?"
Gaia only mumbled, attempting to ignore them both to steal another glance at the colonel out on the field. She really didn't have a crush on him, as a scientist she just appreciated the technology it took to create such a brilliant warrior's physique- was all she thought as her eyes glazed over his massive forearms, striped like a tigers fur.
"There she goes again, earth to Gaia,"
June snapped her fingers in front of her face making her glower.
"Wow you really need to get laid,"
another man you didn't know too well mused, obviously eavesdropping on your conversation.
"Go away Abe, only me and Mike are allowed to tease Gaia, I'll absolutely destroy you if you upset my baby,"
June giggled, pinching her cheeks and cooing, causing her to swat her hand away and grumble in annoyance.
"Can you and Mike stop flirting in front of me its making me sick,"
she narrowed your eyes at Mike whilst June pretended to dry heave dramatically.
"Oh stop being grumpy because a certain someone hasn't noticed you,"
Mike Laughed halfheartedly, pushing at her forehead.
"Why don't you try and make a move Gai?"
June questioned, for once in sincerity. She were silent in thought for a moment before answering honestly.
"Come on, the Colonel's not gonna go for a girl like me,"
her eyes cast downwards a little as she attempted to hide her disappointment.
"Don't be like that, you're gorgeous trust me,"
June stroked her arm softly to cheer her up.
"You have to say that you're my friend,"
she whined, tipping her head back in frustration.
"Um I certainly do not, I can tell Mike he looks exactly like a sewer rat even though we're friends."
Mike slapped her arm playfully causing them to fall into another argument as Gaia tuned out, thoughts mainly focused on a certain soldier and how they looked during strenuous physical exercise.
After her lunch, Gaia had settled back into the lab, running through various samples of Pandoran plants, yielding fascinating results about the connection between the planet and every living being. It truly was a wonderful place and how she wished she could inhabit her very own recombinant body.
A firm knock at the door ripped her from her thoughts and her eyes almost popped out of her skull at the sight of the Colonel himself stooping underneath the doorframe to enter her own tucked away laboratory.
he cleared his throat, seeming a little out of place in such a small room.
"I was told I'd find the Na'vi expert here,"
he gestured to her, keeping a wide stance with one hand resting on his belt loops.
"Um I wouldn't say expert,"
she faltered, causing his gaze to harden.
"But I mean, I'm one of the scientists currently studying the interactions between Pandora and the organisms that inhabit it,"
she babbled nervously, the catlike golden eyes in front of her causing her to stutter as they seemed intent on holding her gaze.
"Gaia Ambros?"
He questioned, raising a brow, seemingly unimpressed at her insecure nature.
"Yep that's me sir."
"Well then.."
His grimace turned into a predatory smile, eyes glowing as they bored into her own intensely,
"They tell me that you're the expert round here darlin', How's about you give me some lessons in this whole Na'vi bullshit?"
He cocked his head to the side, causing her cheeks to heat up further at the nickname as she struggled not to let her eyes drop to admire his impressive form up close.
She asked incredulously, biting the inside of her cheek nervously.
"That's what I said lil' darlin', I don't like repeating myself,"
he tutted, growing impatient with this drawn out conversation.
"Um, well I guess I can teach you what I know about Pandora if you want sir... when would you like me to?"
She asked, craning her neck from her seated position to meet his eyes once again.
"In the evening at 19:00 sharp, come to my office,"
he commanded, not acknowledging nor thanking her for her offer as he turned to stride away, ducking under the door frame and vanishing as quickly as he had appeared, leaving her head spinning with possibilities as she tried to refocus herself on the samples in front of her that had long since lost their intrigue.
"He did what?"
June screeched in her ear as she tried to hush her on her way to the canteen.
"He just said he wanted lessons about Pandora,"
she attempted to speak calmly, knowing she had her first little meeting in only a few hours.
"Lessons my ass, there's gotta be another reason he wants you all alone in his office at night,"
she wiggled her eyebrows at Gaia.
"Maybe he just wants some relief after his long hard days as a Colonel, it must be so difficult,"
she mused, dropping into a deep register to impersonate his voice,
"Oh Gaia just try to fit it in, just the tip will be enough, yeah that's it, there's a good little scientist."
Gaia practically shoved her into the wall, storming off in front of her, attempting to purge the dirty scenarios out of her mind before she would have to be in a room alone with the man.
"Oh come on I was just teasing,"
June pouted at her, hoping to win her forgiveness.
she murmured, taking her seat at the usual table beside Mike and a few of the other scientists. June then began a dramatic retelling of her story with the Colonel to the whole table, causing giggles to be heard all round as Gaia hung her head in shame, trying to fill the pit in her stomach with the food in front of you.
"Oh yeah, I set that up,"
Mike stated nonchalantly as he continued to eat the stew and stale bread provided by the RDA.
"You what?"
Gaia finally tuned back in, confusion set in her features as she wondered how on earth he could have.
"Pulled a few strings, got some RDA soldier mates and higher ups you know, just recommended you for one of their special missions, said you were keen to work with the Colonel yada yada... I guess it's not something they hear everyday,"
he snorted, making her eyes widen in shock for the second time that day. Cursing out at the thought that the whole ship now practically thinks she's begging for the Colonel's dick and she wished the ground could swallow her then and there.
"You can thank me later,"
he smirked, patting her back smugly as she sat stunned, still processing the news.
7pm unfortunately rolled around far too quickly and Gaia trudged her feet towards the huge recombinant Colonel's office, somewhat terrified of what would occur.
"Well there you are goldilocks, you gonna come in or stand there all day?"
Herr mouth ran dry, looking up at the sneering man as he gestured her into his office- equipped with an enormous chair, desk, even a Na'vi sized coffee mug sat on the table. It all made her feel a bit like Alice in wonderland if she was honest.
"Yes sir,"
she mumbled, stepping in tentatively and looking around in bewilderment
"Oh take a seat wherever you want darlin',"
he jutted his chin out, referencing her awkward stance as he calmly lowered himself in the chair behind his desk. So she took the liberty of attempting to drag another large chair to the opposite side of the table in order to face him, failing miserably as she found she was unable to even move the thing an inch, huffing in frustration at the pathetic display.
"Oh right, sorry there,"
a voice rang out from behind her and the chair was lifted from her hands by two much larger blue ones to place it effortlessly in the location she'd been struggling so much to bring it to. Half of her wondered if the colonel had purposefully not moved the chair prior to her arrival to watch her suffer.
"Um thanks,"
she murmured, blushing darkly as she eventually slumped down in the large chair, making an effort not to brush her legs with her superior.
"So what have you got for me today goldilocks?"
The nickname made her squint in annoyance, she'd almost prefer if he'd just come out and call her a dumb blonde.
"I was going to teach you about the connection between Pandora and the Na'vi people,"
she straightened herself out, watching him raise his eyebrows and smirk, his eyes telling her to go ahead.
She continued with her little speech for a while, as the Colonel eventually leaned his head on his hands, eyes studying her face curiously and allowing their legs to lean together comfortably in the tight space.
After an hour had passed she deemed it long enough and decided to end the lesson.
"Well that was... interesting,"
Colonel Quaritch mused, showing his fangs a little when he spoke.
"Hmm I'm glad you thought so,"
she replied attempting to ignore his sarcasm.
"Well I'd better get going,"
she began to push herself up from the chair but a foot knocked her leg out from under her, causing her to fall back down. She glared at the culprit, only causing his smug smile to widen.
"Not so fast sunshine, I have another proposition for you."
She gulped nervously, why did the question sound so suggestive coming from his mouth?
"u-m and what would that be sir?
"Calm down brainiac I'm not gonna force you to... anyway.."
he coughed, laughing to himself.
"I'm going on a mission to the Na'vi forest in the next three days, I would like you to accompany me and my troupes to help us...connect with 'Eywa'."
He seemed disbelieving of her teachings but nevertheless, she'd never pass up the chance to see Pandora up close.
"Absolutely Sir,"
she rocked forward in your chair in sheer excitement.
"Well then, ain't that outstanding"
He clapped a hand down on her shoulder, the force leaving shockwaves ringing through her body, reminding her of how pathetically weak she was in comparison with both the recombinants and any Na'vi people she might stumble upon during the mission.
she tested the waters before propositioning her question to him. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, before quickly withdrawing his hand as though he may have offended her.
"I have a question for you."
"Well ask away sunshine I haven't got all day."
He crossed his arms over his chest, causing the muscles in his arms to strain against his taut skin, rippling whenever he shifted slightly.
"Well It's just as a human I'm so weak,"
she paused watching a smirk appear on his lips.
"In return for helping you and your soldiers, I'd like to request my own recombinant body."
"Ahh, I see sunshine, I think that can be arranged for you... since you've been so generous."
He looked down at her mockingly, though soon she hoped they would be on equal footings, more or less. She nodded at him, starting to leave, hoping he wouldn't kick her back into her seat again.
"See you in three days cupcake, don't make me wait."
He called after her and she had the slightest feeling his eyes were burning holes into her back as she sauntered away, feeling quite proud of the arrangement she'd come to.
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jackalopetrope · 4 months
I'm experiencing The Locked Tomb again, and the Second Reading (or listening in my case, I'm doing audio books this time), is absolutely DELICIOUS. It's like, a whole different book. Littered with details that couldn't possibly be enjoyed without having read the subsequent story beforehand!!
I've had to pause and jot some things down just because they make me feel ways (this is obviously full of spoilers):
In Chapter 6:
1) Aiglamene is teaching Gideon how to wield a rapier and tells her, her hands "Shouldn't be twins, but sisters", that they have different roles, but should be aware and support each other or something. And I was, Tamsyn are you sending me secret messages about the Third?
2) Harrow is speaking to the congregation and Gideon is thinking about how full of shit she is, but then Harrow says something like how no one will ever love the Ninth like she does, that "her heart is interred here", and Gideon is like well actually that bit sounded sincere. Oh boy. It sure is Harrow. Sounds like Ninth Poetic Gothic Nonsense, but in Hindsight, really quite literal. Well done Muir.
3) This one is a little less direct but when Gideon realizes she may never return to the Ninth and thinking that that somehow makes it seem fragile, that by turning her back on it, not looking at it, it might fall apart. Likes she's destroying it... Omg 😰 Just sort of rang like a precursor to how she felt about Harrow "turning her back on her" with the lobotomy y'know?
4) So Harrow and Gideon are getting on to the shuttle to Canaan and tension is high, they are not happy with each other and Harrow says "I want to watch you die", and Gideon, just super hyped to finally be escaping, smugly saying "Well you won't do it here." (Here being the ninth) 😭 Tamsynnn
Chapter 9:
When Ianthe catches Gideon hiding in dark, listening in on the third, she refers to "the necromancer of the third house", necromancer SINGULAR. Nice little drop there.
Chapter 14:
Harrow says "I'm not equipped to deal with a spirit attached to a live nervous system, you're so noisy!", implying Harrow is equipped to deal with spirits NOT attached to live nervous systems, like say, a bunch of dead kids haunting you???
Chapter 15:
Harrow says "She never liked that cursed thing anyway" in regards to Gideons longsword, said she always felt it was "judging her". Which is a weird thing to say about a sword Harrow
Also my current crazy theories that may debunked during this book or the next two because I don't remember all the lore:
1) Teacher is John? The colorful belts and the bracelets mentioned on Ianthe and Kiriona are like... Control belts or something. John needed a way to "be" on that planet without going to the system. John got hyper paranoid after all his Lyctors betrayed him, and wanted security measures on his Princes?? Like clearly he isn't aware of what they doing all the time, but maybe he can, remote in? Idk. Crazy theory.
2) Cytherea is the only reason Gideon made it through the aversion trial. Or Harrow rather, because I'm not convinced Gideons body didn't die. (Or do her escape death trick). During that sequence Gideon starts throwing up blood and seems like it's going to end very quickly then Dulcinea is like No! And the blood dries up, and the soul sucking pain is described as moving around Gideons body... I don't think Harrow would be experienced enough to adjust her siphoning like that. Also Dulcinea was clearly very intent on that key. At first I thought in half memory of the scene that maybe she was just interested in seeing if Gideon COULD survive the trial. But I don't think she cared who got her that key really.
Idk! I'm only on Chapter 20 of Gideon. I've gone completely nuts about these books.
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selkie-on-land · 7 days
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In season 1 of Justice League, there is an episode called "Fury". This could have been a great episode, if the subject matter wasn't just so misogynistic.
In this episode, Aresia, an Amazon, creates a virus that only affects men. In doing so, it highlights all the incredible women who does the same job and better as them but who are invisible because they are women.
Obviously they make Aresia, crazy, hysterical, the super villain of the episode to be destroyed at all costs.
''mope, mope, a woman is a misandrist so she will destroy the entire humanity'' when in all the galaxies (on absolutely all the planets in all the episodes) the problem is indeed the behavior of men and males and that the only societies that function are those of women exclusively. It was cool to have Amazons, until I realized that they only serve to demonize and dehumanize women who obviously have the nerve to recognize the patriarchy. And it wasn't even the entire humanity, just men.
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Usually, we have Wonder Woman (Diana) who warns women against men, protects them when they engage in sexual harassment, street harassment, coercion, manipulation, etc. She's also a critical of make up, marital life, marriage, having relationships with men etc. An icon. And there, the whole moral of the story of the episode is to say ''not all men''.
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This is really the moral of the story, because the plot's end of the episode is the Queen of the Amazons (Hyppolyta) who tells Aresia that ONE day in ALL the history of humanity, ONE man saved her. He saved her from violent men, who transformed women into sex slaves, before that, she was already a survivor of the war of men who had genocided her villages, some rapes against women too, etc. JUST MEN KILLING AND MASS RAPING.
But since ONLY ONE, ONE DAY, apparently did just ONE good deed, which let's face it, is NORMAL behavior!!!
Not good, not bad, NORMAL. The bare minimum.
This makes him the hero and her the villain.
The Amazons live among women, no man is allowed to set foot on the land of Themyscira, by law. They have observed men from afar, sometimes forced up close, they are feminist and realistic when it comes to the situation of the evolution of our planet and the place of men and patriarchy in the responsibility for these developments.
Knowing this, and worse, saying it openly to other women, protecting them from men, makes them BAD. But not in the sense of not nice but inhumane, horrible and VILE.
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This is one of the rare episodes we get to see other Amazons who are BADASS WARRIORS GODDESSES but it turned them into sick unrealistic villains.
When they are the most realistic on the entire show. They are marking FACTS.
I am so proud of them but I HATE with all my heart how they did them dirty for daring to say the truth about men.
AND Aresia is fully clothed, not hanging around, saving the world from men in a underwear but clothed, less sexualised then Diana.
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Aresia can wear flat shoes, a full clothes costume but she's the villain.
While Diana is in underwear and heels.
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I also noticed that she has 2 allied, one with a full practical clothes, and another one in underwear too. One with short hair and the other with long hair.
Guess who betrayed her for men and her not all men speech? And who stayed with her?
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I don't remember if the betrayal of Star Sapphire (in the middle) was part of Aresia's plans tho but that's not my point.
Anyway HAIL ARESIA 👑 !! 🛐
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Long live Aresia in our hearts!
May her wisdom guides us in this man's world!
She showed us the ways. 🛐
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atlasscrumpit · 9 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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(after endgame)
After everything that had happened it had been nice to have your own place with Bucky.
Tony had left nearly everyone an entire estate when he died.
But, Bucky knew something was upsetting you. Obviously a lot had gone on but it was more than that.
When he found on the couch at 5am in the morning watching tv he was even more worried.
"Doll? Have you slept?" He asked sitting down where your feet were.
You shook your head and Bucky looked at you sadly.
"I know a lot has gone on, baby. But, this feels like something else. I know we lost a lot of friends and you're allowed to grieve, I'm just worried." Bucky whispered as you turned the TV off and sat up.
"Can I be honest with you?" You whispered as Bucky looked at you and nodded.
"I'm grieving Natasha and Tony... But I'm angry at Steve. I'm so angry." You muttered, closing your eyes tightly.
"Why are you angry?" Bucky asked in a calming tone.
"Because he's fucking selfish, Barnes! Why the fuck did he get to live happily ever after and leave the rest of us! He was my best friend and your best friend and he just left us because he couldn't get over a fucking girl!" You shouted as Bucky looked at you in shock, he could tell you had a lot of built up anger.
You stood up and began to pace, tears forming in your eyes.
"He fucked up the timeline just to have a happy ever after! He is selfish, Bucky! I hate him so much, I fucking hate him!" You said as you began to sob and fell to your knees.
Bucky rushed towards you and held you while you cried.
"I don't hate him... I miss him and I'm angry that he left." You whispered through your tears as Bucky ran his hand through your hair.
"I know, Y/N. I was angry as well... I know this doesn't explain anything but just try to see it from Steve's eyes. When you lost me because of the snap you were willing to destroy planets just to have me back. That's how Steve felt with Peggy." Bucky explained as you held onto him.
"That helps me understand better... But, I'm still angry that he left." You muttered making Bucky chuckle softly.
"That's okay, baby. You have every right. Now, I think it's bed time for you, darling." Bucky said kissing your forehead, before picking you up in his arms.
You smiled and let your body relax, falling asleep before you even got to the bedroom.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
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walkawaytall · 10 months
Oh no, I’m participating in Star Wars discourse.
Uh, so there’s a post floating around that I’m not reblogging mainly because it’s just this person’s headcanon and, whatever, people can have headcanons, but the main points they make in the midst of talking about their headcanon that I’ll be addressing are:
Leia and Han getting married and having kids is the most boring thing you can do with Leia
Leia should be a Jedi like every other dang Skywalker because somehow continuing an assumed dynasty isn’t the most boring choice you can make for her
Leia is more cut out to handle lack of attachment than Luke which we know because of her lack of response to Alderaan being destroyed
Leia and Han shouldn’t get married or even be around each other much because Han is a wandering soul and needs to travel and go places
Leia never expresses a desire for marriage or children in the OT, so removing these things won’t contradict George Lucas’ canon
And, look, these are just…missing the point of the character growth that occurs in these two during the OT.
(there's just a whole-ass essay below the cut if anyone cares to read about the many thoughts I have on Leia Organa and Han Solo.)
So, I'm not saying existing or past canon/EU has done it right, but I disagree with the statement that having them marry and live kind of basic lives is the most boring choice. If that's all there was to it, sure, but those two choices by themselves show a monumental amount of character growth for both Leia and Han. (I mean, frankly, I think "Skywalker = Jedi every time no matter what" is a pretty boring choice storytelling wise, but I also think the Jedi on the whole are incredibly boring characters, so, uh...I'm biased.)
Leia was never going to live a quiet life even if Alderaan hadn't been destroyed. Like, she did not have that option, period. She would have either remained in politics or taken over as queen, may or may not have had to marry for political reasons, and may or may not have been involved with the Rebellion. Her life was chaos starting as a teen and she had no reason to believe she wouldn't die living a hectic and chaotic life.
And then she loses everything. This isn't emphasized in the movies obviously because they are fun family romps and not gritty dramas, but, good night, in a single second, she loses every family member, nearly every person she knows, every place she finds most familiar and comfortable, everything and to top it all off, the guilt that it's happened because of her unwillingness to give up the Alliance will probably always be there. She was tortured, they lost lives in battle, and, yeah, they destroy the Death Star, but at the end of that day, literally all she has left is the Alliance and those three pilots who managed to unlock her cell door without too much trouble.
I don't know about you, but I'd be straight-up shut down emotionally at that point. Like, I don't think PTSD even covers what Leia probably has going on in her head. And I think that's kind of what we see in ESB (I know the filmmakers weren’t thinking in terms of PTSD, but there are still hints of it there regardless). She's angry, she's afraid of losing people (she's obviously pissed Han is leaving after he said he'd stay, but also, there's a scene that was cut -- a good move in my opinion because the dialogue is beyond dramatic and Carrie seems out of it, but it stands that this was the intended source of Leia’s frustration -- where Luke is telling Leia he's leaving the Alliance for Dagobah and she is extremely upset that both he and Han are leaving, goes on a whole rant about how she should know better than to trust anyone but herself, etc.), and when she finally lets Han in, she promptly loses him and nearly loses Luke.
And then the events of ROTJ happen and she finds out that the man who tortured her, who stood idly by while her entire planet was destroyed, who tortured the man she loves and handed him off to the space mob to be murdered, who cut off her brother's hand and nearly allowed him to die, who has terrorized the Galaxy in general, that guy is her bio dad. And that guy is the entire reason she's Force-sensitive.
Leia stopping her Jedi training in the new canon was for a dumb reason, I agree there. Leia not wanting anything to do with the thing that, from her point of view, nearly ruined her life and the lives of those she loves about a thousand times over...I dunno, I think that's way more interesting than her just going, "Ope, I'm a Skywalker! You know what that means! Gotta be a Jedi!" And as far as her being more of a natural at it...do we know that Leia is better at healthy non-attachment than Luke? Like, any response to a planet being destroyed could easily just be a trauma response. Is shutting down like that good, actually? Or is it just going to cause problems down the road, Anakin-style?
I don't know, I just think that after living through all of that as well as a freaking war, girly might want a quiet life -- that she gets to choose -- with a husband -- who she gets to choose -- and kids -- who she gets to raise without the threat of the Empire or her nightmare of a biological father looming over their lives. And the very fact that she's able to open herself up to that sort of love and affection when the fear that it might all be ripped away from her is likely ever-present is a big deal. Her having kids knowing they'll likely be Force-sensitive even though that aspect of her biology terrifies her is a big deal. And as far as her not expressing a desire for marriage and kids in the OT...I mean, Leia isn't given the opportunity to express her desire for much in the OT, let's be real (she also never expresses a desire to become a Jedi in the OT either. We can't use what Leia didn't express in the OT to dictate whether she wants or doesn't want something is what I'm saying). They're at war. She's a military leader. She probably can't even hazard wishing for anything beyond waking up the next day. But that's not to say she didn't want such things or grow to want such things once she felt it was safe to do so. We literally don't know, but I don't think the absence of that expressed desire is indicative of anything.
As far as Han goes, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure in every iteration of his story, his itchy feet weren't like...a part of his personality. He had a highly traumatic childhood that left him with few options and ended up living a transient lifestyle out of necessity. He actually seems remarkably easy to keep around if you don't treat him like garbage. I mean, he's given exactly one day of friendship, and he sticks around with the Rebellion for three years before some run-in with a bounty hunter makes him realize he needs to take care of his debt with Jabba. He's not leaving just for funsies or because he's bored or just really needs to be a smuggler again...and he seems legitimately sad have to leave when he's not busy getting pissed at Leia for not having the emotional response he wants her to have (first half of ESB Han is being a big ol' baby and I'm perfectly fine admitting that). And what character growth to see Han "I'm in it for the money" Solo learn to care for his friends, learn to support a cause, learn to love Leia when he's spent so much of his life unattached. Han making boring life choices is indicative of character growth and learning to care about others more than himself. What a lovely thing for this man to learn.
The call for Leia and Han to remain living separate lives but still committed to one another kind of demands that they move backward in character growth in my opinion. We have two people who are in rough places due, by and large, to trauma, who eventually open up to one another and seem better for it and then they...just go back to what they were doing before except they occasionally see each other? Why would they want that? They've grown as people, they've won a dang war, and they're finally able to live somewhat securely. Why wouldn't they want to live basic lives when they were denied the privilege of such choices for so long? And how is them making choices based on their love for another person — love that they had a heck of a time coming to terms with — boring?
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