#ehe 😅
pachu09 · 2 months
Warning: I had never seen any of the Star Wars movie. I only read fics of it....uhh so sorry about that.
Star Wars AU
Tobirama ducked beneath the rock that practically dwarfed a patch of greenery he found as a shelter in the vast desert. He knew that landing in this little planet far away from his destination is a huge mistake on his part. Just because he felt a wick of a child who's developing Force sensitivity...it doesn't mean he had to quickly retrieve said child without a backup even.
Now, he found himself cursing as several platoons of Uchi'ha's started to chase him. He hasn't even assume that several dozens of the warrior Clan would even visit this tiny planet. It boggles his mind as to what they were doing here....
Tobirama flatten himself as he felt five Uchi'ha had passed by his hiding place. He gritted his teeth, if he can run without being spotted for at least a few meters more he could latch on his Hiraishin markers so he could safely ride his ship again and get the hell out of this Uchi'ha infested planet.
When he was sure that the five Uchiha are several meters away from his position. Tobirama leapt to his feet as fast as possible and run like his body was on fire.
A minute later, he stiffen in surprise and he made a frantic leap to his left as he felt the air behind him being displaced as a sign of a weapon nearly cleaving him in half passes him by.
Tobirama snarled under the hood he was wearing as he face his attacker. The Uchi'ha had a long mane of black hair that spike in every which direction. But his face was covered with a mask that differ with the Uchi'ha he had seen. This one wore an Oni looking mask with two faces on it. The stranger wore an elaborate armor and is wielding a Gunbai. He is shorter than Tobirama. But the large gorge he had made on the ground tells Tobirama that if he hadn't successfully dodge that underhanded attack he could have been dead in just a second. ( His brother would have surely despaired if he died in the middle of bum fuck no where. )
The Albino shuddered in fear as the red glow of the mask eyeholes brightly lit up.
" What business does a Jedi needs in my territory?. "
Tobirama furrowed his brows. He hadn't known that this little planet was an Uchi'ha territory. If he had known he had never step foot on it, regardless if there's a child that needs him.
" Nothing. I only landed in here to chart it. I had never seen this little planet upclose. I am sorry if I disturb you all. I would leave quietly. There is no need to harass me. " he lied boldy. The Uchi'ha was only hostile because Tobirama had landed in their little territory. He really hope that the man would accept his bold face lie.
The Uchi'ha tilted his head and studied Tobirama's face. " Figures, Such bold faced lies easily fell from a Human's lips. Your kind lies as easily as you breath. You will never leave this planet alive, Jedi!. "
Tobirama scowled. He didn't want to fight. But he had to because he could sense the Uchi'ha's blood lust in the air. He leapt backwards in haste as the man quickly leapt towards him with the intent on cleaving him with his oversized Gunbai.
The Albino called the Force to aid him in stopping the Uchi'ha. He threw several big icicles ( much larger than his own height ) at the man, but the Uchi'ha easily slices it in half as if they were made of sheet of papers. Tobirama frowns; he called his Water Dragons and directed them to attack the charging Uchi'ha. But before his Water Dragons could swallow the man....
The Uchi'ha's mask quickly click open and the man's mouth spewed a great black fire the likes Tobirama had never seen. His eyes widen as the resulting explosion surprisingly blew him off of his feet.
Tobirama flew backwards a few meters away and he hack his lungs out as the gritty sand entered his mouth and nose. With teary eyes, he slowly stood on his shaking feet and he eyed in trepidation the Uchi'ha that was running to determinedly chase him again.
The Albino quickly pivoted on his heels and run the opposite direction. He's outclassed with the man's surprising ability. He cannot hope to beat the man with his own techniques. He would die in this desert if he tried to fight this unknown Uchi'ha.
Just only a seconds he could feel his Hiraishin Markers again. This monster of Uchi'ha would be left behind in this hellhole as soon as Tobirama can latch on his ship's Marker.
As soon as he saw the outcropping of rocks in front of him. He leapt up and climb it in haste. He also planted some little surprised bombs to slow down his pursuer. He could feel the man's presence was a few steps away from him and Tobirama shuddered in fright if the man ever caught him.
As he prepared to jump down, Tobirama's short breath was suddenly knocked out of his lungs as tons of pounds heavily drop on top of him. He wheezed painfully as the Uchi'ha clamp his one broad hand tightly on his neck.
" Strange, I hadn't even known there is A Blessed for a Jedi. Tis a scenario I wouldn't dare dream for myself. " Tobirama eyes widen as the man's gloved fingers carefully traces his eyelids, the skin beneath his eyes and his temples.
Tobirama tried to buck the man off of him. But his futile struggles only brought amuse chuckles out of the stange Uchi'ha.
" Struggle all you want my dear Blessed. You will never escape me for I won't allow it. You are mine in this day forward till the day we die. "
Tobirama glared weakly and he had only had a second to realize that he can finally latch on his Hiraishin marker before the man could put a suppression collar on him.
Aa soon as he landed inside his ship he tiredly leaned on the console and hack repeatedly to expel the remaining sand in his nose and lungs. He trembled in fear as he recalled the enrage bellow the man had let out as he successfully escape him. He really hope he does not encounter him again.
He knew he wouldn't successfully escape the second time around if the Uchi'ha decided to chase after him again.
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I currently have writer's block and fucked around and made Iliad and Odyssey memes :'D Some look like "repeats" but aren't. Just different scenarios/people. Enjoy!
There's... A LOT. I don't care if you pick out your favorites! I put this all in one post as I don't want to spam the tags! :D
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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@glowweek Day 5 FAMILY | FRIENDS
Peridot and specially Lapis do not trust the racoons.
Specifically chose this angle so I don't draw feet. _(:,3」∠)_
Mi own connverse kids Ebony and Rohini are there! And technically Sakura and Zachary. (Please until now I don't know what else to name them. 😭)
And sorry the older Maheswarans aren't there. I don't know where to put them and I already had character overload. 😞
Hibiscus print on Bismuth's shirt is from ManMadeOfGold!
Speaking of shirt, another thing I avoided was thinking of their outfit designs. 😅 It's somewhere a little over a decade of timeskip since SU:Future and I'm sure at least one or two would've reformed during the time. So I'm gonna say they wanted to keep the vibe of a casual outdoors picnic-type event so they wore the casual themes.
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blanketforcas · 1 year
stay a little longer (blijf nog even hier) || destiel [x]
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jackwolfes · 1 month
52 “can I kiss you” (like dream world ship is Matthias/Kaz but if you don’t ship that) Kaz/Wylan or Kaz/Jes
“can I kiss you” Prompts: [1] [2]
Hatred and respect are brothers in arms. Their tired boots tread the same path with unerring conviction, neither worth their salt if they were to bend from the rigidity that has fuelled them thus far. 
Too many times, Matthias has found, it has led to nothing but crossed wires. Still, he persists, and that might just be how he finds himself here. 
For all this demjin is smaller than he is, the presence of something dangerously dark sloughing off his frame keeps Matthias pinned against the barren wall of his ridiculous bedroom. Ineffably, it angers him, which is another barb-edged cousin to hate. He exhales, letting it go. Now is not the moment for anger, nor for fear. 
“Let me,” Matthias says, speaking through clenched teeth. With irritating slowness and a smugly entertained look in his dark eyes, Kaz raises a single eyebrow. 
“Let you what?” His voice slips out of his lying lips with saccharine slowness like a taunt. 
The iron forge of his own will is all Matthias has, so he exhales through his nose and puts all his focus into not shoving the man into a wall. Kaz probably has some trick up his sleeve to slip through, should Matthias try anything. 
“You said you would do this for me.”
“I say a lot of things, Helvar.” His raspy voice caresses the shell of his ear, stroking taunting fingers down the hard line of his jaw. “What do you want me to let you do?” 
Matthias shuts his eyes. Humiliation, a fourth companion. He’d deny finding it pleasurable in any regard, but that would make him a liar. Every surging feeling he’s identified in his chest tonight brings satisfaction to him, somehow. 
He measures out the words in his head, divorcing himself from the meaning of them — the heavy, smouldering want — and speaks.
“Let me kiss you.”
Kaz laughs. It is sharp and hateful with neither anger nor respect but plenty of mockery, and Matthias aches with it. Then his arm is being twisted round his back and his knee is being kicked, sending him to the floor with a heavy thud. 
Pain explodes outward from where his knee made impact with the worn old floor. A gloved hand shoves through his hair, longer with the years and easy to pull. Matthias bites his tongue before he can cry out; denied, mortified, and hard in his trousers. 
“Be polite, Helvar.” 
I hate him, he thinks, but it is the flowering haze of respect starting to take root in his stomach, and he knows it. 
“I will not beg,” he replies. 
He’s certain that Kaz knows as well as he does that that’s a lie.
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holidehg · 1 year
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im doodling
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fangomango · 3 months
SMSW Day 1: Side, Minor, One-Off Character
I've had motivation to edit so I just made a simple edit in like.....a few minutes so if it sucks blame it on the fact it's early
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
We had a state wide blackout yesterday around 3 to about an hour ago (it's 6.30am the following day now) so I went outside til it got dark and drew Rena! ^^ (human ver.) @marinerainbow I want to show you The Crazy Whore XD Haha 💛💛💛
Yes her hair is meant to look like devil horns. And yes, those hearts on her skin are tattoos.
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the-toasted-teacake · 7 months
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DSteve lives.
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smol-bean-boi13 · 7 months
*smash bros battle music*
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First drawing of raph VS latest drawing of raph
(one scene in the first picture is based off of someone else's work, idk their user bc I found the original on Google images ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ )
Also references are used from other people's art not mine (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
(also found on Google)
Main masterpost
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willkimurashat · 10 months
Hey love, i’ve been thinking lately and I’m so torn.
My question for you: Will or Andy?
Let’s imagine they both are in love with you and it’s final recoupling and you need to choose!
How dare you
How DARE you make me pick🫵
Do you hate me?????
Why would you do this to me, I thought we were friends😭😭😭😭😭
Okay okay okay….😣😣😣😣😣
I feel like… the safer option is….. if we think long term….. probably…. maybe…. potentially…. I guess…. I suppose….. i think…. perhaps…
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
Ko-fi commissions? UNAVAILABLE (Reserved slots for June if you're interested!)
Wanna order a drawing from me but you're on a tighter budget? Perhaps you'd like to consider my Kofi commissions instead?
Ko-fi commissions are the cheaper options among my commission list! ^^
>> My Ko-fi account here
if you're unable to use ko-fi, you can use direct to Paypal or Payoneer. See, I actually just keep calling it "Ko-fi doodles" just to differentiate it from my much more casual personal doodles. 😅
Style A Ko-fi doodles:
flat colors / simple gradient overlay filter
Won't be a multi-paneled comic
$2 will be busts but we can work around more body parts shown if I feel it's needed to convey the message of the drawing, or if it's a simple chibi.
Only applicable for $5: I do best with thighs up/knees up visible so that’s my standard. But it can be full body if the scene requires it or if requested.
Can be up to two characters; additional character will cost extra.
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It's basically the same as above but added a little embellishment for added atmosphere or for (relatively) more detailed environment.
Can be 2-3 paneled simple comic (Simple as in few details and/or characters shown are just head/bust.)
For comics, you must provide dialogue.
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Style B Ko-fi doodles:
The anatomy is a simplified version of my regular commissions, but can be in style A if specified.
$10 - single image
Flat colors / simple gradient overlay filter
Can be up to 2 characters. (Additional character will cost extra.)
I do best with thighs up/knees up so that's my standard. But it can be in full body if the scene requires it or if requested.
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$15/20 - single image
Same as above, added a bit of embellishments for atmosphere/ if there's a lot of details/ for a more detailed environment.
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[note: You'll notice the last sample had more rendering than the other ones, and it's simply because this is on the max $20 price without extra elements such as heavy details, additional character/s, and/or background. Basically I had more time to spend on it. In case you do like to have more rendering while having extra elements, it will cost extra.]
$10 per comic page. Maximum of 6 panels per page. A page that has a more detailed background and/or has multiple knees up/full body shots will be $15-20 per page.
You must provide dialogue (if there is any) for comics, specially the longer ones.
There are more specific details we need to discuss and clarify in DMs.
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If ko-fi is inaccessible we can use Paypal or Payoneer directly.
If you're interested and would like to discuss details before tip, hit me up with a DM. (Recommended, tbh.)
I will not do complicated/detailed drawings. Any backgrounds would most likely be super rough ones with monotone colors or no colors at all. (Remember this is a doodle! Drawn casually; rough and simple.) If, say, the background or little/extra details are a necessary, it would cost extra.
There is no deadline.
I can also do suggestive, NSFW, Grimdark, blood, and gore.
If it's a major nOTP, I can't do it. 😅 (Ask if you're uncertain.)
For NSFW/suggestive: Nothing that depicts the character/s as minors. No incestuous and/or adult X minor themes. No explicit feral or softcore porn feral. There are certain fetishes I can't do like scat, inflation, etc. (Ask if you're uncertain.)
I may draw subjects that makes me uncomfortable if I'm desperate enough for cash that day. But the specifically stated on the last two bullets are always a no.
You must be 18+ if you request NSFW.
No NFT or AI use. No claiming you draw it yourself. No monetizing the doodles. No refunds.
I'll credit you as your ko-fi username by default, but let me know if you like to be credited in a different name or be anonymous.
By ordering a Kofi commission, you have read the above and agreed to the terms.
Interested in my Regular commission?
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 10 months
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idk what to caption this one tbh
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maxemilianverstappen · 8 months
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I sleep for three hours and I wake up to this ☠️☠️
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fjordfolk · 9 months
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Day one, excellent and sent out in 5th place out of 10.
"Very good type. Nice size and proportions. Feminine head, a little narrow. Slightly light ears, well placed. Good muzzle. Good neck and topline. Normal angulation, good body, good croup and tail. Good coat and colour. Good movement."
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all54321 · 2 months
Just got my order from @chrisrin and they all look so good! I definitely stared at the stickers for a while, they’re all so cool. Same with the keychains and pins too. Just love them all.
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