#but these are people with lived experience and theory on their belt
mueritos · 9 months
Hey! Asking about your experience with being punk/punk adjacent and also in academia. How do you handle the two? Punk action and activism is grassroots, which I try to be involved in, but I feel like I’m just speaking big words and writing into an echo-chamber about gender. Like the only good I do is explaining to a group of cis people terminology. What are your experiences on this, if you have any?
Hmm. Yea this was difficult for me to balance too. I'll insert a readmore cuz this got kinda long.
I enjoy academia and research and being able to have more advanced conversations with people, but I was also sick of being in classes or circles of people who I knew would speak "woke" for the sheer fact of looking like good people, but on the down low were incredibly racist, classist, queerphobic, and just down right nasty carceral people. It was difficult trying to sift through who was safe to open up to and who wasn't, because many people were actually liberals in disguise (even if they called themselves leftists or leftist aligned). I also was never shy about being an anarchist/punk, I was the only person who wore my spiked jackets and boots to class, my outfits were loud, but I also began seeing some other queer people I knew wear their own jackets because they were encouraged by me (so that was nice).
I was doing activism on campus while in undergrad alongside the usual academic theory/research stuff, and it turns out that people actually will hate your guts the moment you start pointing out problems. The usual "YOU become the problem the second you point out THE problems", so I faced a lot of social backlash, even from other marginalized people who I had confided in about problems. My advice is that unless you're willing to become one of the most hated people on campus, don't do your activism on campus. It's a surefire way of making enemies, even enemies in people you have never met in your life. There are plenty of local orgs, food banks, and churches with programming that you could be way more productive in than trying to combat institutionalized oppression like that of an academic institution. You can try, believe me because I did, and while I learned a lot about organizing, I also learned when to give up and focus on my community instead of changing systems.
You pointed out that you're getting sick of explaining to cis people. This is definitely something you can stop doing, if you'd like. I stopped giving up my labor to educate other people (within reason) because I was one of the few trans people on campus. But I also have this value that I am not about to let some person walk around with the wrong idea about marginalized communities, so I always speak up when people say incorrect things (this has also caused some yt people to avoid me lol). Of course, you do this with compassion and with the goal of making sure their future interactions with marginalized people go better, but after a certain point, you need to be able to hold your energy for where you want to put it. Put more pressure on your institution or adjacent orgs to have things like safezone training (or bring in queer orgs for trainings/lectures). You can also just tell people some websites to check out instead of answering their questions, because surprise to them, their questions can in fact be solved by a simple search, they just are far too lazy to do that.
I dunno tho. I still struggle with growing so much in terms of punk/anarchist theory and ideas, but i have a serious lacking in actual community organizing. I'm introverted, don't like big noisy crowds, and I am quite socially anxious. Being punk is like my armor in a world that doesn't like me, because I find people fuck with me less when Im in spikes and boots. I find theory and academia so fulfilling for my virgo brain, but I also don't shame myself for not being active in local community. I know there will be a time I will be, but I also know that everyone is helping in the movement in the ways they can. It doesn't matter if that is at the food bank, in protest, on the computer, or by reading theory. All of it is equally important, and some of us aren't going to be good at everything.
I found myself feeling far more productive and alive when I was working with communities I knew would keep me safe. Started surrounding myself with more BIPOC queer people who were also working against carceral thinking, and I found my life to be way more enjoyable. connecting authentically with people who you feel safe with is just as important as organizing or protesting. You can organize or protest, but if you don't have a community to turn to, you'll burn out and won't be able to sustainably stay in the movement. Focus on energies, peoples, and love, connect authentically and have difficult conversations about love and politics and theory. You can be an academic, but still maintain the punk values you love in your daily life. Humans are made of contradicting values and experiences, we shouldn't shame each other for that and instead hold the multiple and contradicting truths in us all.
I can go on and on, but ill leave it at that. feel free to ask anything else in specific tho.
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mazamba · 2 months
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Ironically, the most eventful day in the careers of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton had nothing to do with ghosts. The two had just returned from the supermarket and were carrying in the groceries, when the shadow in the corner began to speak.
"We need to talk."
The couple were on their back before they could draw their weapons.
"You are the foremost experts in the field of ecto-biology," said Batman as if he hadn't just brought down a three hundred pound man and a ninth-degree black-belt before either of them could realize he'd moved, "I have questions regarding your sponsor."
"Sweetie, is the Batman in our living room?" asked Jack.
"I do believe he is," replied Maddie as she stood up and patted the dust off her clothes, "you know, you could have called for an appointment. We'd have made time."
"In the 80's, the two of you had your doctorate studies rescinded due to your studies in what you called "ecto-science"," he stated, ignoring their indignation, "yet you now live in an upper-middle class neighborhood and spend thousands of dollars a year on technology that didn't have a proper proof-of-concept until recently."
"What's your point?" asked Jack.
"Where is the money coming from?"
"If you must know, we have a sponsor," replied Maddie, "after our dean proved to be too small-minded for our research, we were approached by a man who was more open to the possibility of inter-dimensional research."
"He wanted us to study ghosts!" cut in Jack, "He even gave us our very first sample of ectoplasm!"
"That one sample was the backbone of our research for years, until we got our portal running."
"You never asked where he got that sample from?"
"He seemed like a trust-worthy fellow," dismissed Maddie, "all he asks is for copies of our experiments and for ectoplasm from our portal."
"What sort of experiments?"
"Well, at first we needed to verify the psycho-active behavior of the sample," recalled Maddie, "if you give me a second, I have my research around here somewhere."
"You took the sample to several morgues," Batman told them, "the sample's most drastic and extreme behavior occurred when it was placed close to bodies who had a history of violent and anti-social behavior in life."
"Maddie, the League's reading our papers!" Jack giggled excitedly, "But yes, it's how we know that all ghosts are evil ectoplasmic scum!"
"You never questioned the origin of the sample?"
"It was the only sample we had," pointed out Maddie, "but it's properties matched all of our theories."
"The man you spoke with was Ra's al Ghul," he informed them, dropping a folder full of pictures and documents for them to peruse, "thousands of years ago, Ra's found a well of green water that is now known as a Lazarus Pit. Using its power, he has rejuvenated himself time and again to maintain his position as the head of the League of Assassins. After some experimentation, he found the same pits could keep his forces alive, even in death.
"Over time, the League came across a problem that threatened their continued existence. They were consuming the Pit's water faster than it was replenishing itself. After much experimentation, they found a solution. At the moment of death, when the human soul passes over to the Infinite Realms, what you call the Ghost Zone, a small amount of ectoplasm leaks over to our side."
"Wait, you don't mean...?" Maddie trailed off, horror settling in.
"Ra's killed people en masse to replenish his pool," affirmed Batman, "further experimentation revealed that people who died in a state of extreme fear or pain provided more ferocious soldiers. That is where your sample came from.
"In it's neutral state, ectoplasm reacts equally to all emotional ranges. Repeated exposure to emotional extremes will imprint the ectoplasm, causing it to react more strongly to a specific emotional range than to others. The negative emotions of Ra's victims imprinted on the ectoplasm, resulting in your skewed results."
"Wait, how would you know that?" demanded Maddie, "We're the foremost experts on ecto-science and we didn't know that!"
He pulled out a thick folder and slammed it onto the table.
"I had my research peer-reviewed."
"By who?" asked Jack, "We looked all over and couldn't find anyone in the scientific community!"
"You weren't looking in the right place. There is a branch of the Justice League that specializes in the supernatural, ghosts and demons chief among them. They want me to bring you in."
"Really!? Did you hear that Mads! We're being recruited by the Justice League!"
"They want me to arrest you," Batman corrected them, "for illegal poaching of innocent and neutral spirits, particularly after last week's attack on their newest member, Danny Phantom."
"The Ghost Boy!?" roared Jack, "That no-good ectoscum made the League before we did!?"
"I have watched his fights. He takes care to avoid collateral damage and only appears when other ghosts attack, sometimes at great personal cost."
"Look, Mr. Batman," sighed Maddie in a condescending tone, "we've fought the ghost boy for years. He has a history of crime and violence. If you look far enough, you'll find-."
Batman had no time for nonsense.
"The League has already looked into the incidents. All show indications of either coercion or mind control."
"Ghosts are deceitful and conniving-!"
"We have already established that your initial sample skewed your results," he cut Jack off, "this would imply that all of your research and experiments need to be reassessed, including your opinions towards ghosts in general.
"Regarding Ra's al Ghul, you will need to continue working with him. Cutting contact suddenly may put you and your family in danger."
That caught their attention.
"What do we need to do?" asked Jack, all jokes and outrage immediately tossed out the window.
"Keep doing your research with this new information in mind. Your experiments have been applied to the Lazarus Pits, resulting in unstable results. Recent subjects have come out in a mindless rage, while others have shown no effect on their mind, and yet others have had no effect. Ra's is already skeptical of your continued collaboration. If you provide him with research based off this new information, he may decide you are not worth his time or money. When it comes to Ra's, your best option is dismissal to irrelevance. You do not want to make an enemy out of him."
"It's not just that," admitted Maddie, "if we were the only ones being affected, we'd simply let him know we're exploring new horizons outside of ecto-science. The thing is, we have two children, one in college and one near graduation."
He gave them a card. "Call that number. All of their college expenses will be taken care of."
"I... Bruce Wayne?" read out Jack.
"We've collaborated before, he is trustworthy," he reassured them, "the next part is up to you. Will you be scientists, or poachers?"
Their lights flickered, and he was gone.
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
You know those video games where the character has to complete puzzles and work through their trauma to escape/wake up/something? Obstacles getting in their way and being tied to their past as they delve more into their trauma and have to learn/heal from it before they can progress?
Danny has been around a loooong time. He's old, he's powerful, and has a space in the ghost zone that he controls much like a god. The ghosts have long since started leaving him alone, the ones he's friends with have their own affaires to deal with, and in his ever shifting labyrinthian layer he's too powerful, and even outside of it he can still kick their asses.
and he's without a purpose
His friends had long since passed on after leading long and wonderful lives with him, not even leaving a ghost behind. His Family as well. Jazz had never had children, and try as he and Sam might have, half dead as he was he couldn't have children. He had no one left and nothing to do, and all of eternity to do it in.
Thinking of Jazz is what made him do it the first time
She loved helping people with her psychology, and Danny decided to do it in his own way. It hadn't been pretty, and it hadn't been easy, but he had found his method. Some took to it better than others, and many had different theories about his lair and his motives, but he helped people move past their trauma. Some believed his lair was some kind of purgatory, and... they weren't totally off
So, when Danny moved on to the timeline of the DC multiverse, he had some experience under his belt
He just underestimated how much trauma superheroes can have
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blehbet · 2 months
Firefly and Sam / the Past and the Present
Hi. Let's take ibuprofen together. And by 'let's take ibuprofen together', I mean that I have a theory and I am tying you down so that I can rant to you about it.
(Unless you don't want to see spoilers so MAJOR SPOILERS FOR HSR 2.1 AHEAD, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!)
Okay, so. Firefly. It's revealed that Firefly is Sam at the end of the quest.
This theory posits that that is very much the case HOWEVER, it is not Firefly wearing a mech suit like some have speculated. Instead, Sam -- *Sam's body* -- his entire mechanical make, IS Firefly.
From story implications, it's alleged that Sam is a "remnant of Glamoth's Iron Calvary". According to Firmament Frontline: Glamoth's relic set, Glamoth's Iron Cavalry are "genetically engineered warriors that possess superhuman abilities" who fought against the Swarm.
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"In their short lives..." No wonder her name is Firefly...
That aside, this leads me to believe that these so-called warriors did not start out as robots, but were instead manufactured by way of the disease that Firefly suffers from.
Entropy Loss Syndrome.
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I want to emphasise the use of *reality* and *dreams* in this context for my next point. The distinction (or lack thereof) between reality and dreams is fundamental to how the Iron Calvary works. The cavalry was telepathically connected to "Titania", their empress. And according to the Relic Set, these warriors are "woven into dreams." This leads me further on to believe that in order to be woven into dreams, their physical forms have to slowly fade to then occupy and be turned into a mechanical suit that was ultimately built to serve its ruler, and protect its people from the Swarm.
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So how does Firefly appear as she does in the Dreamscape?
I think it's Sam simply dreaming and wishing for the form that they once had. In reality, Firefly has either disappeared entirely OR her body's consciousness has completely detached itself to then occupy the mech.
This is further supported by her leaked lightcone image. It doesn't depict her occupying Sam, instead, she's in some kind of shattered vat (the 'icy medical cabin', if you will). A visual metaphor for the shattering of dreams and reality, perhaps?
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So, TLDR so far: Firefly is Sam. Firefly was a citizen of Glamoth that was turned into a member of the Iron Calvary by way of Entropy Loss Syndrome in an effort to fight back against the Swarm. In the current reality, there's only Sam; Firefly as we see her in the Dreamscape no longer exists. Sam is dreaming of their old 'human' body whenever they enter the Dreamscape.
Now, at this point, you're probably thinking that I'm contradicting myself here by brushing over the 'icy medical cabin' possibility. Right now with what we know so far, it's only feasible either Firefly no longer physically exists OR she does, but she's trapped. But, stick with me, I'm going to explain how it's possible that both outcomes can 'co-exist'.
In Act 1 of the quest, it seemed like Sam and Firefly were in conflict with each other at one point. At first, I thought this was also evidence that goes against this theory. However -- this opens up an interesting possibility as to how these two interact in the Dreamscape. Firefly acts as the younger and possibly more idealistic version of Sam who brashly charges forth to achieve her goals, meanwhile Sam is Sam, the Stellaron Hunter and seasoned warrior with more experience under his belt.
Now, who runs in parallel to this possible narrative? Who have we, as players, *directly seen* go through an eerily similar Dreamscape experience?
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From Aventurine's POV, we actively got to see this process of a person's Past and Present interacting in the Dreamscape.
Meanwhile with Firefly, we only saw glimpses of the process in Act 1 and the results of it in Act 2. It's possible that at the end of Act 2, the Past and Present of Firefly / Sam had come to accept each other and were now ready to confront the Trailblazer, much like how Aventurine had to accept his Past and Future in order to go through with his big gamble at the end of his arc.
So, back to the 'icy medical cabin' contradiction. The Firefly that has manifested in the Dreamscape is a Past version of Sam that was in the process of being turned into a Iron Calvary soldier.
Kakavasha's behaviour supports this notion too, given how he reacts to the Dreamscape in ways that would make sense to him in his current state of mind at the time of being a child.
This possibility also has the potential to explain a lot of what Sam was talking about here...
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Is it also possible that these "11 times" he's referring to was Sam's attempts to save his Past self from 'dying' in the Dreamscape? Living vicariously through her, only to find out she was fated to be destroyed from the very beginning?
Another fun bonus! Doesn't help either that both Aventurine and Firefly have experienced 'Death' in the Dreamscape. It's as if the Dreamscape is allowing those who die in its grasp a final glimpse of their life.
"Life is flashing before their eyes" when they "Die" in the Dreamscape.
Anyways. Firefly transmasc canon is also what I'm trying to say YIPPEEE THANKS FOR READING IF YOU'VE COME THIS FAR, MWAH
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hell-drabbles · 1 month
(tbh, I don't even have the angel cards cuz I'm broke lol🙃, but I'll tell a few thing's what I noticed on other people's post about them either the comics, message's, or stories and theories)
Let's start with Rafael, the dude is like that one insecure kid in the family that always get compared to their other siblings or cousins, Gabriel is the messenger, Michael is the right hand, Rafael wanted to be acknowledged as something, he sees god as kind and benevolent being and being too merciful so he wanted to be the one who punishes evil for him because he loves god and wanted to understand him in some degree, so he judges based on his beliefs wether they're innocent or not and just like other Angel's, his views are always on god and wouldn't acknowledge the God's other creations because he sees them unworthy of God's recognition, bro is already insane (and God didn't even reprimanded this type behavior idk) and had spiraled further since God disappear when peepaw Solomon died, so ever since then he sees all of his decisions and other forms of punishment as a will for/from God in hopes he will come back one day and see his work.
So, the Christmas event happened and most of us know about the chastity belts they wear as to keep them pure for god, and out all of the three seraphim, Rafael is the only one that had his successfully and actually taken off by Raon (that's what they say) and by the time our little rara came back to heaven, bro had his post nut happiness because no joke that the brother actually thought he had ascended into a higher rank than Michael and Gabriel after he experience his first nut (since Lucifer said that Angel's engaged in ecstasies and eventually stop before they climax) Rafael was in a good mood back in heaven during those days that he scared most of the other Angel's.
(that's all bro, I'm new to your blog and love your raon trash talks, sorry English is not my native language btw, you also get a follow, I'll still go a couple of research for the other seraphim)
[ and also After reading a couple of your Lucifer x Companion works I'm hooked, Raon is so rotten to the point I think he wouldn't stop even if ever one day Companion gets married to Lucifer and Raon would just insist that its for the betterment of hell lol bye]
Funny you should send me Raphael of all angels, I was actually starting to write about him. So that's how he's like huh? That's funny. I am going around and reading what I can find about him, especially his card lines because I get the strongest grasp of a character by the way they're talking. And wow, he's a delusional one, ain't he? Also, I take an interest in his relationship with Heaven, since it's pretty clear he has no love for the others that live there, and if need be, will burn that place to the ground if it aligns with his views on God. What a weirdo.
Haaa, my brain has been stuck on how the seraphim would take in interest in the Embittered Companion, and how that would descend into some good old obsession. I know for certain that they didn't take any interest in the Embittered Companion. It's only after spending time in Heaven do things start to descend. Of course, I naturally want each of their obsessions to be distinct from one another. Like, how I imagine Gabriel to take issue with anyone who keeps a feather of the Embittered Companion to themselves, regardless if they were demon or angel. And Raphael, he has a weird sense of when the Embittered Companion is about to become lucid, so he tends to be there and just, stares. And sometimes laughs for seemingly no reason. He's creeeeepy.
Michael, eh, I don't have anything on him right now. Maybe later.
And yes, yes, Ra-on is certainly a rotten little thing, because holy hell man, incel behavior is no joke and that shit is extremely hard to weed out of a person. So, Ra-on is going to be a frustrating character to deal with, but he'll get better eventually. It's just going to be a rather painful process because of how much he's gotta unpack. Thank you for liking it all!
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laf-outloud · 8 months
(S 1/3) I hope it's okay to... not vent, but more like muse or think out loud here? This is all so weird. I know there are snakes who betray those who were good to them. I know there are imbeciles who let the best thing in their lives slip away, due to greed or jealousy or short-term thinking. I know self-sabotage, narcissism, and egos exist. All of that is in the dictionary and in psychology books. I've met people like that. I know it exists. I still can't understand. How can someone have the unparalleled privilege of working with Jared for over 15 years, of spending almost every waking moment with him (filming in Vancouver then downtime in Austin), of basking in Jared's generosity, kindness, loyalty, and EXCELLENT business sense, of being considered Jared's best friend in the whole world, of getting to sit in interviews and onstage at cons and say he knows Jared better than anyone (and having Jared say that in the past), and then throw it all away? I can understand, in theory, how Jensen was probably jealous of Jared eclipsing him after what must have seemed to Jensen (in season 1 or 2) like Jared was deferring to his "experience" in acting. (Personally I think Jared was more than Jensen's equal with Gilmore Girls under his belt, but I can imagine how Jensen may have thought of himself as a mentor at first.) I remember Jared saying he was super focused on Jensen in the first season, because the relationship between the brothers and the chemistry and rapport between him and Jensen were key to the show's success.
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Bless your heart for being willing and able to write all that down! And thank you for the sweet compliment about my blog. I also hope that Jared feels the love from his fans.
I will also admit that I am also fascinated by the psychology behind J2's friendship and the various iterations it's gone through. I'm just sorry that you had to experience a toxic one yourself and am glad you were able to break away.
At best, I can only conclude, like you do, that Jensen misses the hero worship and is also jealous of Jared's success.
If you want to read something eerie, check out this article, 9 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist.
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elijowa · 10 months
The Nice and Accurate Observations of Good Omens by Elijowa, Fan
Being a Close Re-Watching of Season 1 in the Light of What We Now Know from Season 2
Containing therein Analyses of Crowley, Aziraphale and their Relationship throughout the Show
Episode One
So I have a confession to make. I've only ever watched Good Omens Season 1 twice and Season 2 once.
I know, I know, I need to get my priorities straightened out! How can I possibly be a fan if I've only got a mere 18h of watch-time under my belt? What can I say? Life keeps on getting in the way.
Anyway, I decided to treat myself with a close re-watching of Season 1 and see what jumps out at me now that we have new information from Season 2. You're very welcome to follow along or ignore these ramblings as you please!
So, without further ado, I present my thoughts on S1E1.
(Much, much more below the cut)
Let's start with the big one:
Crowley and Aziraphale don't appear to be in love - or even "in like" - during Episode 1.
So, picture this: I'm settling down with lots of warm fuzzy anticipation for all the stolen glances and hesitant hand gestures between Aziraphale and Crowley that I was sure I had either missed or forgotten about from my previous two viewings, and I make a surprising discovery:
There aren't any.
They barely seem to like each other in this episode - they are quite distant and snarky with each other (not the affectionate teasing banter that we've come to know and love, but almost a condescending snideness).
I can't see this version of Aziraphale trusting this version of Crowley to aim a live firearm at him (in fact, in the very next episode, he isn't even comfortable with the demon pointing a paintgun at him). And this version of Crowley would not dream of following Aziraphale around to help him fulfil his dream of being a professional conjuror, and actually actively discourages him from pursuing the notion (although, as many people have pointed out, it's amusing to think that this is because of happened the last time he did this).
So what gives? If there are people saying that the ending of S2E6 doesn't make sense (it does) because it betrays the millennia-long journey these characters have been on (it doesn't) - then I feel like we ought to be having that same discussion about the beginning of S1E1.
OK, OK. Obviously there are lots of 'out-of-universe' reasons for this inconsistency in the portrayal of C & A's relationship. This is the first episode of a new series and not all of the audience will be familiar with these characters; it's necessary to start them in the position of being hereditary enemies in order to give them room to grow and change; the show is a faithful adaptation of the book in which there's basically no romantic tension between the A & C at all, and Neil Gaiman is on record saying he didn't want to make any big changes this relationship, since he could sadly no longer consult with Terry Pratchett. Plus, S2 hadn't been written at this point, so there are undoubtedly details that Mr Gaiman didn't yet know with regards to the shared history of Crowley and Aziraphale while writing S1.
My current theory is that the infamous "You go too fast for me Crowley" line was NOT Aziraphale saying "please be patient with me because I need more time to catch up to where you are in our relationship". Rather, it was him saying, "I can't keep doing this. It was fun while it lasted but it's time I grew up, faced reality and put this silly little crush behind me. So goodbye forever." And he meant it.
But where's the fun in just talking about real-world reasons when we can come up with lots of juicy headcanons instead?!
From Crowley's point of view, I think that by now he'd be used to Aziraphale having periodic wobbles about their friendship. And so, from experience, he knows the best way to handle it is to back all the way off until Aziraphale has 'completed his process', is ready to re-engage again - maybe in a couple of hundred years - and things can go back to what Crowley thinks of as normal.
But knowing all this doesn't make it any less hurtful or frustrating to be rejected because of who he is. So maybe Crowley throws himself back into his bad boy role with a bit more venom than usual - still not doing anything directly evil per se, just enough to tick the boxes on some Hellish paperwork (bringing down mobile networks, designing the M25). Maybe he's more likely to foment discontent while simultaneously not really caring about anything he does either way, because what's even the point if he doesn't have his angelic foil around to wind up/impress?
And normally they would both have about a century or two to successfully work through their respective feelings, and so when they eventually reconnect they can slip back into their comfortable familiarity with relative ease. But the birth of the Antichrist screws up this schedule, truncates both of their coping processes, and means neither of them are quite ready to be best buds again. Hence their 'more prickly than what we might expect' attitudes towards each other in Episode One.
Hooo boy. I feel like I've barely even got half way through all the things I noticed and want to talk about in S1E1, but I think I need to save it for another time or we'll be here for all ineffable eternity. Well done if you made it this far and thanks for coming along for the ride!
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
“Don’t worry, you still got me. I guess nothing’s changed” & “I heard you became an agent” aka another Resident Evil headcanon/rant
Damnation is my favorite Resident Evil film. Not just because it’s awesome but also because I feel like we get the most insight into Leon as a character in it.
He’s usually ‘on’ in some way when we see him. He’s usually either protecting someone, keeping a civilian (or fake civilian) calm/safe, or with people he can’t really trust (like Benford) or doesn’t know if he can trust yet (like Helena). But his interactions with Hunnigan, JD, and Buddy/Sasha in that film are different. He’s very raw and open. And hurt. And tired. And hungry. He really lets them (and us) know how he feels about everything. It might just be the best characterization we get from any character in this franchise.
As part of this unusual expression of feelings, he makes the title quote before hanging up on Hunnigan at the end of the film. He seems upset. He starts to storm out of the hotel room he’s in before taking a breath and walking out with a little more control. Considering that he’s on furlough during that film and then part of the DSO in the next game, I always figured the ‘I guess nothing’s changed’ line meant that Benford pulled his shit again, using something to make Leon feel he had to join the DSO. Initially, I figured it was something to do with Buddy/Sasha. After all, we do see him returning to his life as a teacher at the end, despite having kidnapped and nearly murdered a US citizen during the film.
But then In RE6 we learn that Sherry Birkin is a DSO agent who answers directly to Simmons. This strikes me as weird for several reasons.
He’s her adopted father. Wouldn’t there be a conflict of interests to him being her CO?
As unlikely as it would be irl, we keep being told that the DSO answers directly to the president, so why is she an exception?
She’s a BOW who has been kept very sheltered/protected up to this point. When, where, and how was she safely trained?
Then I thought of that part of Damnation.
What if making Sherry an agent was what got Leon to sign on? As the most experienced agent with the most successful BOW related cases under his belt, Leon would be the natural choice for all the really crazy/dangerous assignments after joining the DSO. If he were to refuse to join though, then an agent with no experience but the ability to heal rapidly would probably be a top contender for such assignments. Leon taking the position would mean protecting her all over again and that’s something Benford knows works.
I’ve never subscribed to the fan-theory that Sherry is basically Leon’s daughter. I’ve always seen it as more of an unbalanced brother-sister relationship. Leon gave everything to protect her (from Umbrella, from the US government, from a life as a lab rat, from foster care) but he was nine years older than her and busy saving the world. She specifically refers to him as the person who saved her in Raccoon City rather than just someone she can trust or has known over half her life when Jake questions her about trusting Leon in RE6. She ultimately trusts him over her adopted father, so they definitely know each other still, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve spent  lot of time together.
There’s also the way he says he heard she became an agent. It’s very...stilted. Like he’s trying not to give away too much or is maybe not too happy about that but knows it’s not his place to say anything. It’s all very much like a big brother who went off to live his life when a much younger sibling was still growing up at home. There’s trust, respect, and caring there, but only one seems caught up with the other’s life.
About that ‘not giving away to much’ thought: Leon is caring and initially trusting, but he’s also smart and has seen some serious shit. He wouldn’t have signed away his freedom to guarantee Sherry’s safety without wanting some sort of evidence that she was truly being taken care of in exchange. He’s probably been given regular reports on her, both from Simmons and from Claire. He probably has files of childhood photos and drawings, copies of medical reports/report cards, and random reports on her interests going back to when she was twelve. He probably has video of her home ballet pageants or piano recitals or whatever she was into at any given point in her childhood.
But would Sherry know about any of that? She knows who Leon is, of course. She remembers him saving her in Raccoon City and has probably heard about him from Claire, just like she heard all about Chris from her. However, no one knows how Benford ‘recruited’ Leon. Would it have been more beneficial to Benford to let Leon see her or to keep them separated so his only way of learning about her was through Benford? And what about Simmons? He agreed to take responsibility for Sherry, would he have wanted Leon potentially butting in while he saw to that responsibility?
I’d like to think Leon made sure he got to see her sometimes, but it sounds like such visitations would have been rare. With Claire able to verify whatever the reports said about Sherry, would Leon feel the need to push to see her all that often? If he was given the choice of him being able to see Sherry or Claire, I would bet he’d let Claire see her.
That means Leon would have to say something like ‘I heard you became an agent’ because at this point, they don’t have time for a full explanation, assuming he’d even be comfortable giving one. Without context, it might seem odd or even creepy for her to find out just how much he’s been keeping track of her life if she doesn’t know she was basically a hostage used to guarantee his service for years.
It kind of makes me wish we’d gotten that version of RE7 with Leon and Sherry working together. Maybe they’ll use it for a future game, like a Revelations type title that takes place in-between existing games/films. It would be interesting to see what their relationship is now that Benford isn’t around anymore.
TLDR: Headcanon that Benford let Sherry apply to be an agent of the DSO in order to force Leon to join after Damnation. Simmons probably agreed under the condition that Sherry reports to him instead of Benford. Leon has been getting reports on his surrogate little sister/instrument of coercion for years but she doesn’t know that.
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twinkylilstar · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Discussion, Hisoka Theory
I cant help but wonder if Hisoka will eventually "change his ways" later on in the manga. Not entirely, perhaps. But in a sense of Hisoka finding his own worthiness on a deeper spectrum.
Due to the fact Hisoka is probably a protagonist (Togashi's Hxh's birthdays = protagonist layout), the thought of Hisoka making an entire 180° (or close to it) and becoming "good"/"improving" in some way, lives in my mind rent free. Leaving Hisoka's strange and inappropriate strength attraction out of the matter, maybe a character such as Gon, for example, reminds him of a person he wants to be or a persona he presented in his past before his upbringing?
(I'm fully aware that we may never learn about his past)
In addition, there must be some sort of symbolism with Hisoka's views on a person's strength and how he deems those possessing it as attractive or worthy. SPOILERS below,
Possibly, his near death experience via Chrollo altered his perception on those qualities, and applied them to himself. That could explain the chastity belt get up, right? He isn't focusing on others anymore, he's focusing on himself- besides being a sexy clown slut with a horse penis
This device eliminates the SCHWING!
Hisoka is well known for exhibiting self-destructive and impulsive acts in order to carry out his passion; his love for fighting strong opponents. What if this event triggers Hisoka into changing, but it's only the tip of the iceberg? He finally realizes that it isn't logical to "play" while fighting. He changes in the sense of being able to fight others, while also reflecting on himself to feel that "thrill". He wouldn't allow himself to make rash decisions that leads to injury or death if he found himself worthy.
The thought of Gon inspiring Hisoka to change or even sacrificing himself (on his own terms) in the future is STRONG. I feel as if this would happen after Hisoka "kills the Phantom Troupe" on the Black Whale.
Gon is well known for impacting others in a positive nature, including his enemies, and its tends to be unexpected. It's plausible to say that this is possible, right?
Hell with it. Maybe the character that changes him wouldn't be Gon, but someone associated with him. But, it just feels right to say that it would be our sun child that often brings darkest people/situations to light.
Feel free to have a discussion with me or add your thoughts 😉 nicely.
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SWAN FAN SPOTTED!!! thoughts on swan/the juicy fruits?
hihihihi!!! sorry for taking so long to answer!!!! there is a LOT
his work is a lot bigger of an influence on my playing style than i'd care to admit. if I tell people I don't listen to pop that often i'm lying through my teeth 🙃
i really do think his work is brilliant, especially his older material but I also love a lot of his newer releases (esp. his spin on the California sound/sunshine pop and return to early British Invasion influence with some of his more nostalgia-oriented albums)
not to mention just being a monumental influence on rock music and music as a whole while ALSO strictly refusing photographs and staying out of the public eye as much as possible apart from interviews. I can't even begin to imagine the sheer level of humility that must take. Massive respect. He's the Oxford definition of a living legend
Slightly-tangential-but-not-really personal rambling ahead: when I was in piano lessons in my early teens, half of my repertoire was miscellaneous classical composers and the other half Bach (and I kind of have a deeply-ingrained prejudice against his music as a result that i'm still grappling with). My ma, who definitely meant well, blindly agreed with my instructor's claims that contemporary music wasn't worth learning because it lacked technical skill, but after managing to (sloppily) learn a few Swan songs by ear from the radio, that was enough to convince ma that maybe modern material was worth switching teachers over after all, for the emotive aspects of the music but even for its own distinct technique that can't quite be gleaned the same way from classical compositions.
It's kind of like how Erik Satie's Gymnopédies and Gnossiennes are often dismissed by piano teachers (including my own) for being "too easy", but the emotional aspect of them is greatly overlooked and is, in actuality, very difficult to master unless your heart is 100% in it. I think the same goes for music on the Death label. A song doesn't have to be structurally comparable to the works of Liszt to be exceptionally powerful and challenging to replicate the right feel of. I'm definitely grateful to have had that classical training under my belt bc having that technique/theory knowledge makes my musical pursuits a lot easier now, applying that experience to contemporary repertoire, but I'm equally grateful if not more for having stuck to my guns knowing what I was passionate about. and I have Swan and his music to thank for that
and uhm. really rather not talk about the juicy fruits
ty for the ask!! swanblr's felt so empty lately so it's so cool to run into a fellow cygnet ^^
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themidnightguardian · 2 years
Day 8: Head Trauma -- Gaara
pre-GaaLee | canon compliant but who knows when in the timeline this is happening | Content Warnings: kick to the head, hinted concussion, passing out
Whumptober Masterlist
In theory, a friendly spar to clear the air between them wasn’t an inherently terrible idea. Gaara had long since settled into a calmer, less homicidal demeanor, and Lee had kept training to live up to Gai-sensei’s legacy. There really wasn’t any bad blood, though some people liked to speculate about things like that, and the whispers had been running rampant from the moment Lee arrived in Suna on a diplomatic envoy.
Really, the spar was more to soothe the tensions of the people of Suna and reassure them of two things:
Firstly, that Rock Lee did not hold a grudge, and that the past was in the past. Their unfortunate first encounter during the Chuunin Exams was not a barrier to their current amicability, nor would it affect the treaty between Suna and Konoha.
Secondly, that Konoha trusted Gaara (and by extension, Suna) would show restraint, and the strength of that trust was only heightened by the fact that Lee had been hurt—nearly killed—by Gaara before.
Gaara still didn’t understand, really, why Lee trusted him so much. Why Lee had forgiven him. Why Lee had volunteered for this diplomatic mission and had gone out of his way to be more than just polite, but friendly.
He did know, however, that he wasn’t going to take it for granted. Lee had seemed genuinely excited for the spar, and though there was a part of Gaara that worried he would somehow accidentally hurt him again, he could not find it in himself to refuse.
Thank the gods I didn’t, he thought mid-fight. Rock Lee had always been a fearsome opponent, even back during the Chuunin Exams. He’d been incredible, and then he’d dropped his training weights and ascended to something else entirely.
Now, with years of experience under his belt, Lee was somehow even faster, stronger, more graceful. Watching him move was a revelation, and Gaara only wished he wasn’t in the fight so that he could focus more on admiring Lee than trying to dodge.
And then, for half a second, Gaara was caught off guard by the way Lee did a back handspring, and as a result of spending a fraction of a second too long thinking about Lee’s core strength and Lee’s flexibility in general, he took a hard kick to the side of his head.
Black dots swirled in his vision, but that was less alarming than the mouthful of sand he’d all but inhaled after collapsing to the ground.
“Kazekage-sama! I’m so sorry!” That was Lee.
Why is he apologizing? Gaara wondered dazedly. It was a good hit.
He blinked when he felt strong hands slip underneath his body and hoist him up like he weighed nothing, and then the next thing he was aware of was lying in a hospital bed? And it was dark out?
His head throbbed, almost as bad as it used to when Shukaku would throw temper tantrums. His forehead itched, but when he went to scratch it, his fingertips met bandages. And speaking of his fingers, they felt heavy and slow. His whole arm was heavy and slow, too. Maybe his whole body was?
“Kazekage-sama, you’re awake!”
He tilted his head to the side, ignoring the way the slightest movement made him want to vomit. The person who had spoken to him was sitting in the chair beside his bed, dressed head to toe in a green jumpsuit. He had wide, dark eyes that watered like he was on the verge of tears, dark, shiny hair, a sharp nose, a wobbling lower lip. Overall, a little odd—dramatic, was the sense Gaara got—but handsome.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you so hard. I thought for sure you would dodge!” The man was crying now. “Please allow me to make this up to you! I will run a hundred laps around the village!”
“No,” Gaara said, mouth moving without his permission. “Stay.”
He didn’t know why this man would offer to run a hundred laps, but that was counterproductive to Gaara’s current goal of keeping him close. He got the feeling he was supposed to know him, but with his head swimming as it was—and the fuzzy feeling that was thrumming through his whole body—he couldn’t focus enough to be sure.
A lovely pink suffused the strange-but-not-strange man’s cheeks. “Ah. If that is what Kazekage-sama wants…”
“Pretty.” Gaara’s eyes felt like they were blinking very slowly. He also wasn’t sure if he’d only thought that the man was pretty or if he’d said it out loud. Or maybe he’d dreamt this whole encounter. That certainly seemed like a plausible theory.
Especially because even when he tried to keep his eyes open, black crept in around the edges.
Maybe he would close his eyes again. Just to rest them. Just for a minute.
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orlissa · 1 year
Let me tell you about the Hungarian cultural equivalent of the Karen: the IEFA
IEFA is an acronym for the term “Idős Ember Fenyegető Aurával,” or “Elderly Person with a Threatening Aura.”
Contrary to Karen, IEFA is a gender neutral term, and instead of mostly middle-aged and middle-class, they are almost exclusively north of 60, and are working class. But what is shared is the entitlement. They are also right wing, as in have bought into the brainwashing of the currently ruling party, and are absolutely positive that they are living better than four years ago, even though they can’t pay their bills, but they are given some potatoes for Christmas, and the head of the ruling party is God’s gift (okay, this is not absolutely exclusive. One can be an IEFA regardless of political orientation). They do not want to speak to the manager--they are enraged why the manager has a cushy job where they are “not even working,” and they think they should go and work on the fields. They are most often to be found at supermarkets, marketplaces, on public transport, and on the internet. In case of a real life encounter, they are often seen with a “hag tank”:
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As for the subtype found on the internet, they:
Usually can’t spell properly and write everything in caps
They are outraged that people have office jobs instead of working on the fields
Honestly even teacher should be working on the fields, because teachers are lazy and they should stop complaining
If they news is about anything bad happening to anybody, their usual response is “why did they go there?
“Back in my day...” You know the rest
Some of my personal experiences:
The height of covid, mask mandate on, you cannot even enter a store without a mask on (in theory). I ren into Mr. IEFA at the local supermarket -- heavyset guy of around 60 with a huge walrus-like mustache, which was on full display, since he kept his mask pulled down. We are lining up at the register, him behind me, we are putting our stuff on the belt. Guy is pretty negligent about it, crawling into my personal space (6 feet, my ass), his stuff is almost touching mine and he is not about to do anything about in, so I lean back to grab one of those dividers, while the guy just kept packing, and almost smashed my face with a jar of pickles.
Last september, I was travelling by train to see my cousin. The train had cabins with a very narrow hallway in front of them and a small open area at the doors, which had some steep steps leading down to the platform, wide enough for only one person to pass. Once we reached my stop, I got to the door just as the train stopped, and waited for it to open -- once it did, I was about to disembark, only a couple of IEFAs were already coming up, barring my way. But the problem is... I was barring their way too in return, so basically none of us could leave this small area in front of the door, and a kind of traffic jam was forming -- which would have been super easy to solve if only they let me get off. But nope, they kept coming, grumbling because they couldn’t move towards the cabins. At one point my last nerve snapped and I said, to no-one in particular: “It would be the best for everyone if you let me get off the train!” Then this Mr. IEFA turns towards me and says: “You should have gotten here sooner!”
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21st Century Gavin learns from Crowley that Crowley is a demon and that he sold his soul for an extra three inches below the belt
Ghost Gavin knows the same information. He knows that the guy who looks nothing like his father is his father and he knows Crowley sold his soul for an extra three inches below the belt
But first how? Well there is a theory for that. If 17th century ALIVE Gavin already knew about the demon deal and that was why his ghost also knew about it then 21st Century alive Gavin wouldn't have been surprised that his father sold his soul because he would have already known about it
21st Century Gavin was shocked as if this was the first he heard about it! "You sold your soul!? Sold it?! For an extra three inches of willy?!"
If ghost Gavin has a soft spot for his father, because of his experiences in the 21st Century, why did he tell Bobby where his father's bones were?
Well, after Crowley taught Gavin how to read. Gavin wouldn't just know what the squiggles mean, he would also have reading comprehension. The ability to understand each individual word separately but also understand the idea or information the words are trying to give as a whole
AKA Gavin would be way smarter than when we first met him in the 21st Century which means he may have figured out that
1. His father will live by default. Maybe Gavin doesn't know it's called a causal loop. But he does know that Bobby expects him to know information he got from the 21st Century, so the fact that he knows this information from the 21st Century means that the 21st Century with his father being alive already DID happen. Because his father had to be alive then to tell him that. Which means no matter what decision he makes his father will live in Weekend at Bobby's. Otherwise Gavin wouldn't have known about his father selling his soul, which is information he got from the 21st Century
2. Gavin is such a sweetheart and didn't want an innocent man's soul going to Hell and betted that his father would back down because most people would and because of #1
Before you ask but what if ghost Gavin learned that information about Crowley during his time as a ghost?
Well it may be that but unlikely as Gavin would be too busy distracted by his paradise in Heaven with Fiona to stalk his dad for whatever many years to learn information tbh
Ghost Gavin learnt from his experience in the 21st Century the relevant information about Crowley [ KotD ] about selling his soul to give that info to Bobby in "Weekend at Bobby's"
This means it is a causal loop. I.e an event in the "future" [ aka King of the Damned ] is the cause for the event in the "past" [ Weekend at Bobby's ] The event in the "future" is Crowley giving 21st Century Gavin information about the reason he became a demon. [ KotD ] Then that event in the "future" [ KotD ] causes the same event of Gavin knowing to tell Bobby about Crowley selling his soul in the "past" [ WaB ]
That would explain why ghost Gavin nearly smiled and then stopped himself going to a full smile like oh snap I just forgot this isn't the same Crowley who loved me lol my bad 😔
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
Stray Kids OC Profiles: Cheon Seoyeon and Min Hyeseong
Cheon Seoyeon
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KR: Cheon Seo-Yeon (전서연 / 全 敍姢)
EN: Sophie Cheon
23 (2023)
October 30, 2000 - Scorpio
151cm / 5’
Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist
aka. Yeonnie, Yeonnie-ah, Yeon-ah, SENRYU (千竜 / 센류), Sen
Color: Navy Blue
Animal: Panda, Dragon
A passionate artist and admires 3RACHA, the doted on maknae
She was born in Gimpo, South Korea.
She has an older brother, who is friends with Lee Know of Stray Kids, Minho.
Her best friends are Park Eunyeong and Min Hyeseong, whom she met during high school.
She shares an apartment with them.
She said that Eunyeong is the one who first approached her, noticing her drawing a character that she recognized, and started a conversation from then on. She felt awkward at first, but Eunyeong felt so genuinely nice that she wanted to be her friend. She was then later introduced to Hyeseong and the rest of their friend group, which coincidentally her brother was in. They have been her best friends since.
Being the maknae in that group of friends, she was always teased and doted on by them. She finds it annoying but says that “it’s them so I don’t mind.”
Seoyeon finds it hard and scary to socialize.
Seoyeon is often described as either a kuudere or a tsundere. 
At first, she would seem cold and closed off, especially because she usually has a poker face, but she is more open to the people she’s close with. 
She is sarcastic and really savage; she usually has the last word, but that's how she jokes around. At the same time she is also childish, a playful and cheeky kid. 
She has a soft spot even though she tries to hide it. If someone asks her to do something, she acts annoyed and whines for them to do it themselves, but later she will do it in the end. 
She also gets flustered very easily when praised. She is shy and is very quiet when she's with unfamiliar people, she'll only talk when spoken to. She doesn't like drawing attention to herself.
Seoyeon is a graphic designer.
She can speak Japanese. She finds English hard to learn, though she tries, with the help of Eunyeong.
When Eunyeong graduated, she took a scholarship in Japan and was supposed to live there for half a year. Unfortunately COVID hit, prolonging her stay in Japan. She returned to Korea as soon as possible once she completed her scholarship.
Her favorite colors are black, navy blue, white and maroon. Also likes metallic colors like gold and silver.
Her favorite season is autumn because summer is too hot and sweaty, she gets sick from the cold in winter and spring gives her hay fever.
She has asthma, so in the past, she was admitted to the hospital very often as a child. Because of this she couldn’t experience playing sports as much and is quite physically weak. Her physical state is also because of the fact that she's a premature baby.
Her father tried teaching her taekwondo once, as he used to be a taekwondo instructor when he was younger, but she never made it past white belt.
Seoyeon's hobbies include: drawing, writing, reading, playing video games, reading manga and watching anime, listening to music, mixing and trackmaking, rapping, sleeping, eating. 
Her brother introduced her to anime.
Her favorite anime is One Piece. Her favorite character is Tony Tony Chopper. 
She has all sorts of anime merchandise in her room, mainly One Piece. She even has a collection of Chopper plushies.
Eunyeong has commented that Seoyeon is well-versed in Japanese media.
She knows basic music theory from taking piano lessons before and can play a little bit.
Her favorite genres of music is rap, lo-fi, R&B, hip hop and EDM. She prefers calmer songs she can vibe to in the background, but also songs with a more dark vibe.
She knows how to edit videos and mix audio. She's held commissions for her services before. Currently, she does this for Eunyeong's YouTube channel.
She also knows how to make her own tracks and has uploaded them to her SoundCloud. 
Seoyeon loves to rap and is very good at it. She likes to sing as well but is not nearly as confident in her singing skills compared to her rap. Eunyeong and Hyeseong say that her singing voice is very cute, it's so soft and lovely that she can sing you to sleep.
She has a YouTube channel where she posts some casual covers. She's never promoted it, but it got a spike in popularity after Eunyeong promoted it on her channel, moreso after their WOLFGANG collaboration.
She is also a digital artist and animator. All of the artwork she uses for her YouTube videos are made by her. She also has an art account on Twitter and Instagram.
Seoyeon has a painfully obvious soft spot for cute things. 
She likes horror and dark things. She especially likes it if it’s psychological, because she also has a minor interest in psychology. She has a rather dark sense of humor as well.
Seoyeon is actually very easy to entertain as long as she's interested. She also has a pretty low sense of humor, laughing at even the lamest of jokes and puns.
She likes riddles and puzzles. She also likes escape rooms.
She falls asleep easily. She can fall asleep anywhere if she wanted to, even if it's very noisy. She's a heavy sleeper.
She gets surprisingly passionate whenever she talks about the things she loves, and can talk for hours in contrast to her usually reserved manner.
Because of her height, she’s often mistaken as a child. She said her parents even used it to their advantage by buying entry passes while listing her as a child.
However, her height also made her look small and vulnerable along with her quiet demeanor, making her a frequent bully victim as a child. Her brother would usually protect her, but when he would move to the upper-level schools because of their age gap, she was the most vulnerable. By middle school she learned to stand up for herself and fought back against her bullies. She scared them so much that no one in her year level would dare to mess with her anymore.
Her role models are Yonezu Kenshi, Seoyeon of G-IDLE, 3RACHA and her friends.
Seoyeon has been a huge fan of 3RACHA ever since she discovered them on SoundCloud, being a fan of rap music. She especially loves SPEARB for his powerful voice and machine gun flow.
She became a fan of Stray Kids after finding out that 3RACHA is a part of that group and is the producing team, her bias obviously being Changbin.
Because of how talkative she is about her passions, she talks about them a lot. 
She's learned all of their raps in their songs.
Her favorite songs from them are District 9 and Matryoshka.
Now imagine if Eunyeong were to one day have Seoyeon meet her idol 🤭🤭
Min Hye-Seong
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KR: Min Hye-Seong (민 혜성 / 閔 彗星)
EN: Stella Min
25 (2023)
September 28, 1998 - Libra
166cm / 5’5”
Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
aka. Minmin, Minnie, Seongie
Color: Pink
Animal: Dog (Shiba Inu)
Confident fashionista who won't let anyone put her or her friends down, the hyperactive extravert planner of the group
She was born in New York, United States, but moved to Korea when she was 10.
Being born in the US, she is fluent in English.
She has a younger brother.
She met Eunyeong during high school, bonding over KPOP, fashion, singing and dancing, while she later met Seoyeon through Eunyeong and Minho. She's the one that absolutely smothers and dotes on Seoyeon in the teasing way while Eunyeong does so in the motherly/older-sisterly way.
Hyeseong is a clothing stylist and make-up artist for other KPOP artists.
Originally, her dream was to become a dancer and KPOP idol, taking both singing and dancing classes for it when she was younger, but later she grew a love for fashion and style and decided that she wanted to take the stylist route instead.
Because of her career, she has befriended many KPOP artists, being naturally friendly and chatty.
She is Eunyeong's voluntary stylist whenever she's performing for a YouTube cover, always eager to make her rendition of the outfit concepts of the artists Eunyeong covers.
If you ever need fashion advice, Hyeseong is always one text away!
In high school, you may assume she'd be the stereotypical popular girl type, but no, Hyeseong has a very strong character and sense of morale. She takes no nonsense and will not let anyone put her or her friends down, dare so hurt them. Do NOT mess with Min Hyeseong.
Was offered leadership roles such as in student council and debate club, but she turned them all down in favor of the fashion technology club.
She's one that stays true to her passions and works hard to accomplish her goals.
May or may not have been the cupid behind Eunyeong and Minho's relationship 🤭
Oh, but Hyeseong has declared to stay her free single pringle life, despite all the confession letters in her locket 🙃 girlboss needs no man ig
Her favorite colors are pink, white and blue.
Her favorite seasons are autumn and winter (for the fashion, of course 😉)
Hyeseong's hobbies include: shopping (especially thrifting), cafe dates, fashion designing, scrolling through Pinterest, photography, crafts, singing, learning dances
She doesn't really have preferences in KPOP groups and music, as long as it's upbeat and happy and something she can sing and dance to! She also tends to lean more to girl groups, such as STAYC and Le Sserafim (sorry idak much groups myself akjsd)
The only anime she's ever gotten into were some shoujo series during high school but she's forgotten them by now
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 22A: I Am Danny Phantom - Part 1
Summary: The Mystery Kids visits the city of Amity Park.
Word Count: 3.242
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here.
Danny Phantom.
The first time Norman came across that name was after Halloween of last year, about a few weeks after his encounter with Aggie. He was browsing through some of his favorite occult and conspiracy theory websites out of boredom when a brand new article caught his eye. It talked about rumors of a real-life superhero going by the name of Danny Phantom, who battled supernatural threats with seemingly supernatural powers of his own. Norman was intrigued, and quickly became a fan. He had searched around in his spare time for more information about the mysterious hero in the following months, but every site he went to only contained theories and more vague rumors. The only thing people could agree about was that he operated around Amity Park, a city in Minnesota. Even after Danny’s popularity rose to the point that he was talked about in national television, nobody couldn’t seem to figure out who he was exactly. 
That is, of course, until the whole asteroid thing.
Not even a month after the Mystery Kids stopped Weirdmageddon, a gigantic asteroid hurtling through space was set on a direct collision course with Earth. Norman remembered how, even with the Mystery Kids scattered across the country, they still frantically tried to find a way to stop it. Norman remembered the despair they felt, once they realized none of them knew what to do, and they all resigned themselves to their inevitable deaths. Suddenly, in one of the most bizarre experiences in his life, he felt a strange shift in his state of being, and then for a few quick seconds, he saw what the insides of an asteroid looked like. It wasn’t until he turned on the news that he found out that Danny Phantom, along with some of his allies, turned all of Earth intangible, letting the asteroid pass through harmlessly. That same news broadcast was also when the hero revealed his true identity; a teenager named Daniel Fenton. 
Norman remembered Coraline joking about how similar his real name and his superhero name was, and while Norman was a fan, he couldn’t help but agree.
The world was abuzz with the news of its savior, as well as the undeniable proof that the supernatural truly do exist. Norman didn’t hear much from the hero after that. He had guessed Daniel wanted to keep his private life a secret, even after he ousted himself to the world, and Norman could respect that. He certainly wouldn’t want strangers poking into his private life after Aggie or after Weirdmageddon. That’s precisely the reason why he felt weirded out, not to mention uncomfortable, to be reading Daniel’s case file.
Daniel Fenton, aged sixteen. Second child of Jack and Madeline Fenton. Younger brother to Jasmine Fenton. Lived in Amity Park his whole life. Currently enrolled in Casper High School. First known by the name of ‘Invis-o-Bill’, and later as ‘Danny Phantom’. Exhibits supernatural powers that seemed to stem from his half-ghost nature.
Norman squinted again at that part.
Half. Ghost.
“Yo, Norm.”
Norman blinked, looking up from the document in his hands. Neil stood in front of him.
“Uh, yeah?”
“Get ready, dude. We’re about to land.”
Norman looked around the jet, finding the rest of the Mystery Kids already left their seats and were currently preparing their gear. Norman took a peek outside the jet’s window, spotting the city of Amity Park that had started to come into view.
“Ah, right. Sorry.” Norman set the document aside, unbuckled his seat belt, and rose to his feet.
“Still reading his file?” Dipper asked as he pulled his journals out of the overhead compartment and stuffed them into a backpack. “I can’t blame you. It’s interesting stuff.”
“Uh… yeah.” Norman glanced down at the file, brows furrowed. “It’s… really something.”
Norman felt a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to find it was Neil’s, watching him with a worried expression. “Something bothering you, Norman?”
“No, no, it’s nothing, just…” Norman paused, brows furrowing again, “… he’s half-ghost.”
“I know, right? Freaky.” Neil grinned.
“Yeap, super freaky-deeky!” Mabel added from somewhere in the front.
“No, guys, you don’t get it, saying he’s half-ghost implied that-!” Norman pinched the bridge of his nose, “Ghosts aren’t a different species! It’s a different state of being! How can you be half of it?!” He took in a quick, calming breath. “Sorry, this is just… it’s breaking my worldview.” 
“Heh, yeah, you can say that again. This is like finding out ghosts actually exist all over again.” Neil looked off into the distance with a smile that Norman found to be strangely wistful. “I mean, if ghosts are a thing, then that means there’s an afterlife, and that means there’s probably a Heaven and Hell, and that means God probably exist too.”
Norman stared at Neil in silence. All other activities in the jet ceased as the others joined him in his silence.
Coraline was the first to speak again. “Neil, next time, do us a favor and keep that existential shit to yourself.”
“Gotcha, cap’n.”
Coraline tensed and sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Again with the whole ‘captain’ thing. Would you guys please cut that out?”
“Well, you kinda are the captain, Jonesy.” Wybie pointed out.
“So is Raz!” Coraline pointed over to Raz, who sat closer to the cockpit. “How come he never got the ‘captain’ treatment?”
Raz, who were occupied with rummaging through a bag, replied without bothering to look up. “That’s because, unlike you, I’m not bothered by it.”
“Plus, he really doesn’t need the ego boost.” Lili added, prompting a short laugh from her boyfriend. 
“Speaking of our dear captain,” Raz pulled out what looked like an emerald-colored, six-inch long metal rod from the bag, walked over to Coraline, and held the item out to her, “I was ordered to give this to you.”
Coraline raised an eyebrow curiously. “And what exactly is that?”
“Basically, it’s a psychic stun baton.” Lili quickly explained. “It’s infused with a small dose of psitanium so it can emit short bursts of telekinetic pulses. We usually give it out to non-psychic VIPs for self-defense purposes.”
“Sasha juiced this one up by a lot, so it can do way more than self-defense.” Raz continued. “Just press this button near the top here and you’re good to go.”
Coraline eagerly took the rod from Raz’s hand. She inspected it closely, turning it over in her hands a few times with a smile. “They’re rolling out the cool gadgets already, huh?”
“It’s really just a small token while everything else gets sorted out.” Raz quickly turned to the rest of the group. “For the rest of you guys; don’t worry, you’ll get some cool stuff too eventually.”
Norman couldn’t imagine what kind of ‘cool gadgets’ would aid him in what he could do, but he had to admit the mere prospect of owning one still excited him. 
“Agents.” A voice called out from the cockpit. The source was none other than the blonde-haired woman piloting the jet. Norman recognized her as Agent Danvers, the same Psychonaut agent who picked him and Neil up on that fateful day, and as Norman found out just a few hours ago, one of the few Psychonaut agents that Sasha and Milla personally handpicked to help them in supervising the Mystery Kids.
Norman perfectly understood why Sasha and Milla needed some extra help. His group of friends could be quite a handful.
“Figured out a spot to land yet?” Agent Danvers asked.
Raz glanced up at Coraline with a mischievous smile. “I say we park in Casper High’s front yard.”
“No.” Coraline glared. “Unlike your Psychonaut buddies, we still remember what ‘subtle’ means, and I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Alright, alright, sure.” Raz shrugged. “One question, though. Why?”
Coraline gave Raz an incredulous expression. “What do you mean, why?”
“Coraline, we live in a post-Disasteroid world.” Raz replied, spreading his arms out wide. “The secret is out. There’s really no point in being subtle anymore.”
Dipper cleared his throat, calling all attention to him. “You know, for once, I have to agree with Raz. Our mission statement is to uncover secrets, not make more.” he stated. “Besides, it’ll be faster that way, won’t it? The faster, the better.” 
Coraline opened her mouth to retort, but then she paused, before she flopped down into a nearby seat with a huff. “Look, just because we don’t need to sneak around on our tiptoes anymore don’t mean we have to strut everywhere we go.” she grumbled, her fingers absentmindedly pulling at her hair. 
“I’m just saying, it really would be faster.” Dipper pointed out, earning him a rather intense glare from Coraline.
Norman decided now to be a good time to chime in. “Well, if Coraline is our captain, then I guess it’s her call, right?”
In response, Coraline sent him a smile of gratitude. “Thank you, Norman.” That smile then turned into a smirk directed towards Raz and Dipper.  Raz simply raised his hand in defeat, while Dipper shrugged and went back to manage his backpack.
“So? What is the call, captain?” Lili asked, her arms crossed. Norman could tell she was getting impatient. 
Coraline rose to her feet, though not before shooting Lili a quick sour look, and turned to address Agent Danvers at the cockpit. “Skirt around and try to find a good place to land in the woods. We’ll enter the city on foot.” Agent Danvers nodded in reply, before Norman felt the jet shift to follow Coraline’s orders. Norman had to admit, he was surprised at how accepting the agent was at taking orders from a teenager. Norman didn’t know many adults who would have that kind of demeanor.
“And then? What, we just walk around the city until we run into him?” Lili promptly asked. Coraline opened her mouth to reply, only for another voice to interrupt him.
“Uh, guys?” Wybie raised his hand, grinning. Everyone turned their attention towards him. 
“For that one, I think I might actually have an idea.”
The Phantom statue was bigger than Norman thought it would be. From the pedestal it was placed upon, to the carved figure of Danny himself, to the planet that rested on Danny’s outstretched arm, Norman guessed the whole thing must be at least twenty feet tall, or maybe even more. He had always wanted to see the statue in person - he and Neil even made plans to see it at one point - and although he never expected it to be under these circumstances, he was still ecstatic nonetheless. However, it quickly became clear not everyone shared his excitement.
“Why-were-you-born, I swear to god, if you dragged us here just so you can take selfies in front of this stupid statue, I will take my new psychic baton and shove it up where the sun don’t shine.”
Wybie, who was in the middle of taking a camera out of his pocket, froze under Coraline’s glare. “Well, for one, I won’t be taking selfies.” he said, nervously, with a nervous chuckle. “And, well, for another, I just thought, you know, maybe this is his favorite place to hang out? I mean, it’s pretty cool, as far as hangout places go, right?”
Coraline didn’t say anything in reply. Instead, she swiftly fished out the six-inch long metal rod she had just received from her satchel and started marching menacingly towards Wybie. Wybie yelped and immediately sprinted away, though amazingly he still took some pictures even as he sprinted. Norman decided not to interfere, for once. Issues that arise between Coraline and Wybie have a habit of sorting itself out, and he’s certain this one was no different.
That was his excuse, as he quietly took his phone out of his pocket and started taking pictures himself. 
Beside him, Lili let out a long sigh, her face buried in her hands. Raz, while still grinning at the duo that were now caught up in a full-on chase around the statue, gave her a comforting pat on the back. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing we don’t find Danny here.” Lili conceded. “If he’s the type of guy that likes to hang around his own statue, I’d seriously reconsider recruiting him to the team.”
Norman was surprised to see Neil step up next to him, pulled out his phone, and started taking pictures as well. He glanced at Norman with a sheepish smile, which Norman reciprocated with a similar smile. Neil wasn’t as huge of a fan of Danny Phantom like Norman was, but it’s still not every day they get to visit a monument dedicated to an actual, real-life superhero.
Mabel, who had so far been quiet with both hands on her hips, suddenly announced, “Welp, since we’re already here…” before she took off running towards the statue with a grin.
Dipper’s eyes widened in panic, quickly chasing after her sister with a cry of, “Wait, no, Mabel!”
Raz really had to hold himself back from laughing. Meanwhile, Lili hissed out a low, frustrated, “Oh my god.”
Fifteen minutes passed before the Mystery Kids were finished with their respective, impromptu business. Norman and Neil had managed to take quite a handful of pictures, and they both agreed to share some with Wybie later. Speaking of Wybie, her chase with Coraline ended somewhat peacefully, with Coraline’s psychic baton decidedly not shoved up his rear end. Mabel returned, though now wearing a pout, after she got a stern talking to from both Dipper and the local security. Apparently, she tried to climb the statue with her grappling hook. Nonetheless, the Mystery Kids eventually reconvened in the middle of the square, some in a sourer mood than others.
Coraline sent Wybie a pointed glare. “You pull a stunt like that again, Wybes, and I might make good on my promise.”
“Gimme a break, Jonesy.” Wybie retorted, wiping off the sweat on his forehead. The chase seemed to leave him quite winded. “This statue’s the only one left in the world. It’s already been taken down everywhere else. You’re dreaming if you think I’m not gonna take advantage of this.”
Meanwhile, Dipper had his arms crossed, wearing an expression that was a mix of anger and disappointment. “Remember when I made that promise to not do too many stupid things, Mabel? I think you might have to promise me that, too.”
“I just wanted to test out my grappling hook!” Mabel whined, still pouting. “I haven’t used it since the end of summer! I just wanna make sure it works right!”
“I can think of ten other ways you could have done that without almost getting us arrested.” 
Mabel’s pout shifted into a cheeky grin. “And none of them are as fun.”
Dipper simply shrugged. “Fair point.”
“So.” All heads immediately turned towards Lili, who wore a look dark enough to send a shiver down Norman’s spine. “Are we done? Please tell me we’re done embarrassing ourselves.” 
“Well, that depends.” Coraline turned her attention to both him and Neil. “You two got anything stupid you wanna do before we move on?”
Norman and Neil shared a knowing look, before Neil replied, “Nothing at the moment.”
Coraline breathed out in relief, a small smile appearing on her features, but that smile immediately turned into a look of outrage once Lili hissed out, “Great job on being ‘subtle’, by the way.”
“Hey, I didn’t expect these two dorks to go running off on their own!”
“One of those dorks started running because you chased him!”
“Alright, alright.” Raz quickly stepped in between Coraline and Lili. “Let’s not cause another scene, okay?”
Norman took a glance around them. Earlier, a small crowd of bystanders had gathered around them because of their antics. Even now, Coraline and Lili’s small outburst managed to turn a few heads. At least they were treated as simply a group of particularly rowdy tourists, instead of anything negative. 
Lili huffed, crossing her arms and averting her gaze. Coraline sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. With the conflict somewhat resolved, Raz continued by asking, “What’s our next move, Coraline? We’re on the clock and this is kinda been a waste of time.”
Coraline looked to be deep in thought for a few moments. “I know we know where his house is, but I don’t feel comfortable going straight there. Doing that is a bit creepy.” she casted her gaze down in a surprisingly sheepish manner. “So, I guess we check out his high school.”
Norman spotted Lili unashamedly rolling her eyes. If Coraline saw it, then she chose not to react to it.
Raz, on the other hand, reacted to the news with glee. “Alright!” he exclaimed. “We finally get to flash our new badges around!” 
“No, no, no.” Coraline quickly interjected. “We are not doing anything like that.” she put a hand on her hips, now addressing everyone in the group. “Really, for just this once, I want a relatively normal day out. No chases, no explosions, no nothing.”
Norman was extremely surprised, and yet at the same time not at all surprised, when at that very moment, he could hear, somewhat muffled in the distance, something that sounded a lot like an explosion.
Coraline’s expression remained unchanged. “You ever get the feeling that life hates you?”
“Only most of the time.” Dipper remarked with a dry smile.
They all turned their heads in the direction where they heard the sound. They easily spotted a plume of dark smoke rising against the blue sky in the distance - roughly about five blocks away, if Norman had to guess - and they caught the sound of screams and crashing metal echoing down the street as well. Even if he didn’t see it happen in person, Norman had no doubts that the sound that they heard was indeed an explosion.
“Any ideas on what that’s all about?” Dipper wondered aloud.
“I’ll tell you exactly what that is.” Grinning, Raz lowered his goggles over his eyes. “That’s our public debut.”
“So,” Coraline spoke up, glancing about at everyone, “anyone in favor of ignoring that and running the other way?” Norman kept his mouth shut. The others did the same. Coraline smiled. “I know there’s a reason why I’m friends with you guys.”
“I guess we’re postponing our actual mission again, huh?” Lili said with a sigh.
Norman decided to share his thoughts. “Well, if Danny really is the hero that we’ve heard so much about, I have a feeling we’re going to run into him there.” 
“Alright, two birds with one stone!” Raz swiftly put on a battle-ready stance. “C’mon, Coraline! The hunt…!”
Despite herself, Coraline grinned as well. “… is on!”
Raz was the first to sprint towards the plume of smoke.
“Mystery Kids, move out!”
So, I know I’ve been hyping this up as the ‘Danny-Mystery Kids team-up chapter’, but unfortunately I was not able to finish it in time for my regular schedule, so I had to split this into two parts in order to stick to my schedule. Apologies for this. I promise not to make a habit out of it.
The second part should be up by this time next week.
Thanks for reading this first part, and I hope you have a good day!
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clatterbane · 2 years
Historical, Mythological & Social Origins of the Satanic Panic and How it Nearly Destroyed My Life
Starting in the early 1980’s the Satanic Panic ignited in the United States before spreading through the world. Here law enforcement, psychiatrists, social workers and occult ‘experts’ uncovered a vast satanic conspiracy which predated upon children at daycares, infiltrated heavy metal music, lured in teenagers through Dungeons and Dragons all organized by a grand network of satanic covens. These claims resulted in constant bullying for social non-conformists, hundreds of arrests, prosecutions, compromised guilty verdicts along with accusations which ruined lives and livelihoods for many more. The Satanic Panic is even more shocking when considering that no evidence has come to light in over 40 years to substantiate these claims. Feeding on centuries of demonological lore set into the social and economic degradation of the last quarter of the 20th century, the Satanic Panic continues to have a decisive social impact. Join me as I dive deep into the origins and development of the Satanic Panic and how it nearly destroyed my life.
Another unfortunately excellent video from Justin Sledge, which carries just about all the content warnings you might expect in this context. From medieval antisemitic violence, up through the 1980s ritual abuse craze--and, as he discusses some, more recently getting resurrected to some extent through the QAnon garbage. It's ugly history all the way down, y'all, though he treats it with the usual sensitivity here. (And more soberly than usual, with the multiple levels of obviously still uncomfortable personal relevance there.)
I was 12 when Geraldo Rivera's first mega-trainwreck special peddling this bullshit aired. So yeah, I remember this period a little too well--if thankfully more in the background, growing up in a non-religious family outside the Bible Belt. The White Evangelical Right hadn't made many inroads in our area (yet). I did know some other kids who ran into more trouble at home, with parents who were keeping an eye out for various supposed Satanic Influences. I did also hang out around some of the local Redneck Stoner Metalheads, so yeah. I'm still pretty cool with most of that crowd back home, and have no reason to think it's not mutual.
And I did run into some bullying with that shit used as an excuse--but surprisingly little in retrospect, as a neurodivergent weirdo with an interest in the occult myself, who was getting bullied within millimeters of my life already. Which whole experience honestly helped steer me harder into that punkmetalgoth freak glory, btw. Along with a lot of kids pushed well over onto the margins in those days.
(I also got much less directly caught up on the edges, through what was thankfully a much more straightforwardly secular version of the whole deeply pernicious "repressed memories of nonexistent abuse" fad. As I have talked about some before. Basically because I was obviously ND as hell, no doubt sending off some serious queer vibes, and dealing with plenty of then-ongoing trauma to boot. That whole mess was frankly traumatizing as fuck, but I feel like it at least didn't screw with my head in as bad a ways as, say, actually becoming convinced that you were indeed sadistically abused in Satanic rituals. They also never pulled out hypnosis on me, but stuck to insistent leading questions based on horrible assumptions in the face of my persistent "poor insight" and total lack of recall of any earlier childhood abuse of the sort ever happening. Don't know how well hypnosis would have worked either, tbh, but there was more than enough badness there even without finding out. And without the explicitly "Satanic" elements.)
It is difficult to stress hard enough just how many people did get harmed in some way by this particular load of conspiracy theory horseshit. And in some ways that were still echoing down, even before the QAnon revival. As he goes into some here.
Dr. Sledge, OTOH, is just enough younger that I wouldn't have thought he'd have been at as much risk. But yeah, he was also a similarly geeky weirdo growing up in Mississippi and getting involved in Judaism at the time--who was actually into D&D, some occult special interests, and at least now black metal. (Hard to tell which way any connection there might have run, of course, considering he doesn't mention the metal back when this shit was actively playing out.) And, of course, he ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
At any rate, this video is indeed a pretty long deep dive, but I would really suggest checking it out.
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