#but the smexy scenes are giving
khunvegas · 2 years
i feel SICK that they decided to cut this
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hey-there-benerino · 2 years
There's something so filthy in S3E1 Sparrow!Ben at the club smoking and pouring some girls champagne uSING ONE OF HIS TENTACLES HELLO ?? POLICE ?? AAAA ???
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 1 month
Blue and Fire Engine Red, Pt 4 (smexy times ahead)
Three baskets of onion rings later, Kara feels a pleasant buzz humming through her body. She lets Lena climb the steps back up to street level first, only to find herself having to studiously avoid staring at the woman’s ass. They walk a little ways down the block in comfortable silence. Kara feels confident that they’ve managed to salvage the date– the conversation had recovered relatively well following her tragic backstory. 
She reflects on how Lena hadn’t lingered on the trauma, had neither asked questions nor offered unneeded sympathies. She’d simply let Kara drive the conversation, and followed when Kara had moved on to stories from the academy. Lena hadn’t shared much of herself, but Kara was content with her laughter and effusive smiles.
When they pause at the curb, Kara hesitates. She isn’t nearly ready for the night to end, but she doesn’t want to come on too strong. Now, it’s Lena’s turn to drive–
“So,” Lena says, tucking her hands into her back pockets. “How drunk do I need to be to go home with you?”
Kara jolts, not expecting the forthright question. She barks a laugh. “As drunk as you wanna be,” she says, taking a step closer. “But ideally not so drunk you won’t remember in the morning.”
Kara crooks her arm, and Lena threads her arm through it. She only saw Lena with the one drink, but that doesn’t keep her from continuing to tease. 
“Will I have to take a sobriety test?” she asks puckishly.
“Only if you ask nicely.”
It’s a short walk to Kara’s building. She leads Lena up to her third floor walk up, and unlocks the door to admit them both. Kara enters first, passing a critical glance across the first room as if she hasn’t already power cleaned expressly in anticipation of this possibility. Lena trails in after her, stripping off her leather jacket and as she casts a look around. Her gaze is less judgemental and more curious, to Kara’s eye, as though it might tell her more about Kara.
When she catches Kara observing her, she touches a finger to her nose. “Do I pass, Sergeant?”
Kara shakes her head with a huff. “Shut up,” she mutters. She steps smoothly into Lena’s space, gently pushing her back by the shoulders until she hits the wall. Only then do their lips meet in a collision of heated breath and quiet fervor.
The ball of tension that has been slowly building in her belly since meeting Lena on the scene releases when Lena moans into her mouth. Her hands slowly drift from Lena’s shoulders, to down her ribs– letting her thumbs give a deliberate brush of Lena’s breasts along the way. It elicits a sharp inhale from Lena, and an answering nip on Kara’s bottom lip.
“Jesus,” Kara murmurs. “You are so…”
“So…?” Lena prods. Her eyes are dark and heady, her swelling lips curling into a smirk.
Kara grins back. “Beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning–”
Lena captures her lips again, and this time Lena’s tongue gently quests forward, barely tasting Kara’s lips before Kara opens her mouth to receive her. But barely a moment later, Lena grunts and pulls back again.
“Couch?” she suggests.
Kara nods enthusiastically. “Yeah– yeah, of course.”
She takes a moment to peel off her own jacket and pull up a playlist on her phone, filling the room with a low, sensual beat. She meets Lena at the couch, and gamely sits when Lena pushes her onto the cushions. 
With a grin, Lena plants a knee on either side of Kara’s lap. She pulls her loose muscle tank up and over her head, exposing a toned, muscled midriff under her crop top. Kara’s breath catches in her chest. She’s been with beautiful women before. She’s been with fit, muscular women before. But none of them have captured Kara the way Lena has. 
Catching her staring, Lena reaches down to lift Kara’s hand to rest against her torso. Her skin is warm, and firm, and soft. “Better than a calendar, no?”
Kara swallows the sudden excess of saliva pooling in her mouth. “Oh, hell yeah.”
Lena bends, keeping Kara’s hand on her skin, and kisses her soundly. Kara moans, letting herself be pressed into the cushions. Lena’s free hand slips under her shirt, and soon Kara moves her own hand up to cup Lena’s breast. She lets her fingers play across Lena’s ribs, then tugs Lena closer, until the seat of her ass sits firmly in Kara’s lap.
“You are so fucking hot,” Lena utters, her voice a velvety purr. “So. Fucking. Hot.”
Heat rushes from Kara’s belly and flows directly to her crotch. Her underwear dampens, but she can’t find it in herself to feel embarrassed. She has Lena fucking Reilly in her lap. She is officially the luckiest woman in National City tonight.
“I want you so bad,” Kara returns. “I want to lick your clit until you come so hard you see stars.”
Lena’s eyes glint. “I certainly wouldn’t say no to that.”
In an instant, Kara has them flipped. She kisses Lena deeply, then makes her way down to the waistband of her jeans. When she pops the button she kisses a trail down the triangle of fabric that greets her. She’s pleased to find that the crotch of the fabric is as damp as hers, filling Kara’s senses with a sweet, musky scent. 
“Glad I’m not the only one who’s fucking drenched.” 
Kara’s voice pulls Lena gaze downwards, a dark brow arching. Kara gives a lascivious smile. “Drenched,” she emphasizes.
Plump lips curl in a satisfied smile. “I look forward to doing something about that. But first...”
Kara hooks a finger around the damp lace and pulls it aside, laving her tongue along the lips of Lena’s entrance. When she dips her tongue into the cleft between, without quite plunging inside, Lena gives a strangled whimper. In an instant, Kara decides that tonight isn’t a night for games. Perhaps another night, should she be lucky enough for another night, she could explore the limits of Lena’s patience. But tonight, Kara simply wants to make good on her promise.
She gets to work. 
Starting with a single finger, she curls up and Lena into. She finds a good spot almost immediately, confirmed by the snap of Lena’s thighs against her ears. Almost immediately, her knees fall open again.
“Sorry,” Lena huffs with a breathless chuckle. “Wasn’t expecting you to get there so soon.”
Kara glances up at her with a puckish grin. “What can I say? I guess I’m just that good.” 
“Show me,” Lena dares. “Show me how good you are.”
Kara obeys, dipping her back down. She adds another finger to Lena’s slick folds, then seals her lips around Lena’s clit. Lena squirms when Kara strokes slowly over the stiff, swollen bud, and gives a low moan that rumbles through her body. Warm fluid coats Kara’s fingers, dripping down through her fist.
Then, Lena’s hand brushes Kara’s head so tenderly, it almost makes Kara come on the spot. Long fingers drift down past her ear, until they cup the edge of Kara’s jaw. The touch is so gentle, affection in a sea of libido.
Kara’s eyes prickle unexpectedly. She blinks the sensation away, then begins in earnest. Stroking and thrusting in tandem, its not long before Lena’s gasping high and sharp ion every breath. Kara feels the way Lena’s thighs strain and tremble with tension, the way her walls clench and grab at her fingers with each stroke. It won’t be long now–
Lena crests with a cry. Another gush of arousal floods Kara’s briefs, and she increases her pace, intending to draw out Lena’s orgasm for as long as possible. Only when Lena’s moans turn to whimpers does she ease off. Kara leaves her fingers slack inside Lena, but removes her lips with a final steadying lick before pressing a sloppy kiss to the inside of Lena’s shaking thigh.
“You were so amazing,” she murmurs, panting.
Lena’s eyes blink blearily open, focusing on Kara with a delayed smile. 
“You okay?” Kara checks in.
Lena nods. She reaches down to withdraw Kara’s fingers and pull her back up onto the couch. Kara flops down beside where Lena slumps, taking a moment to wipe her chin. Still clasping Kara’s hand, Lena lifts Kara’s sticky fingers to her mouth and gives them a slow gentle lick before rolling to kiss Kara on the lips. 
“Stars accomplished,” she murmurs.
Kara grins goofily. “Yeah?”
“Yeah!” Lena giggles. 
“Good.” Kara gives Lena another kiss.
They sit for a long moment to reclaim their breath. Lena lets her head rest on Kara’s shoulder, and Kara rests her head on Lena’s. Their fingers remain laced together, until Lena finally lifts her head with a cheshire smile. 
“What do you like?” she asks plainly. 
Kara deflects. “Oh, I don’t need–”
“We don’t have to,” Lena affirms, “but I want to. I want to make you feel good.”
Kara chews her lip for a long moment, then cranes her neck to meet Lena’s gaze. “I have some toys in the bedroom…?”
Lena’s eyes spark with excitement.
Later, when they’re both sprawled on Kara’s bed, naked and exhausted with Kara’s favorite strap on discarded on the floor, Kara gazes at Lena’s sinuous form in the darkness. In the pale light of the street lamps outside, Kara can see the shadow of the tattoo she’d glimpsed when Lena had stripped earlier, the tally marks grouped in stacks of ten. She counts thirteen tallies.
“Hey, Kara?”
Kara hums. “Yeah?”
“Can I ask you a question? About what you told me at the bar?” Lena shifts, turning her head to look at Kara. “I think I already know the answer, but…”
“Of course,” Kara returns. As she’d said before, she’s comfortable with talking about it, including answering the questions that many people have when they find out. Even if she wasn’t, with Lena she would be. “You can ask me anything.”
Lena inhales softly. “Do you still talk to Kenny?”
Oh. That isn’t a question she’s been asked before. 
“Yeah,” she responds quietly. “I do.”
She tries to visit at least once a month, but Kenny always forgives her when she can’t quite make it happen. It had taken a while, to get to a point where she was able to talk to him about something that wasn’t about the why and the why and the why… But Cat’s compassion that day in the hall had remained persistent in her memory, driving her back to the penitentiary again and again. Now, it almost feels like they’re back to the way they were before.
Kara sees Lena’s nod, but her bedmate doesn’t say anything. 
“Is that the answer you expected?”
A glimmer of light answers her as Lena flashes a brief, sweet smile. 
“Yeah,” Lena confirms. “It is.”
She squirms closer to Kara, pressing a brief kiss to the corner of her mouth before snuggling into Kara’s shoulder. Kara curls her pinned arm around Lena’s shoulders, rolling until their bodies are flush. They’ll likely overheat soon and separate, but sleep pulls at Kara’s eyelids. 
It’s been a long time since Kara has been afraid of anything. There’d been moments of fight or flight, adrenaline surges galore, but not fear. But there in that room with Lena, she can’t remember a time she’s ever felt so safe.
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schemmentigfs · 2 months
Okokok pretty please with a cherry on top could you write one where the reader is taking care of schemmenti that leads into smexy time? Or their wedding night orrrr my brain is malfunctioning I'm doing this on a whim lol but something between the two? (Also I love your writing!!! This is like asking a celebrity to autograph something!!)
two queens in a king size bed.
paring: melissa schemmenti x reader.
summary: you and your wife melissa share a lovely morning after the happiest night of your lives.
warnings: smut, but basically it's pure romance.
author notes: Aww thanks babee! 🩷 You are so sweet and kind. Hope you like this one, it was an honor to write your adorable request. I tried my best to write somethin’ between the two. And yes, I am one of those who loves the reader taking care of mel dynamic. Also this was my first time writing smut, let me know if I did good or horrible! (be kind pls)
title was inspired by two queens in a king size bed by girl in red. <3
english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. Work not revised!
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Melissa smiled as she watched your sleeping figure on the left side of the bed. Yesterday had been the happiest day of your lives, after five years together, she could now refer to you as her wife. The woman of her dreams was officially her beloved and sweet wife.
It was gratifying to see that one of her childhood dreams had finally come true.
The redhead closes her eyes, losing herself in the memories of the wedding night. Everything had been perfect. The way she always imagined and desired when she was just a little girl and heard everyone around her talking about marriage on the classic Schemmenti family reunions.
The topic of marriage has always been something delicate in her life, when she experienced it for the first time it was something traumatic and horrible, Joe was not a good husband. In fact, he was the opposite of that.
And after they divorced, the redhead was determined to not get engaged to anyone else again. The promise has been strengthened for several years, this until you appeared in her life. Melissa didn't believe in miracles, but you were practically a divine gift from heaven that belonged to her and only her.
The beginning of the relationship was difficult for both of you, since the older woman had her fears and insecurities — a consequence of the traumas of the past. But that wasn't a problem for you who helped her overcome all this and didn't give up on her at any time.
That's what surprised the redhead, you fought for her from the first moment making it clear that you loved her unconditionally. And it was so fucking worth it, because here you were. Ready to start a new chapter in your lives, together.
Melissa blinks and turns her head to look at you again. The small rays of sunshine escaped through the window reaching your figure, making you even more stunning. A true work of art.
She carefully approached and put her palm on your cheek lovingly. “Fuck. So beautiful,” she whispers running her fingers through your face. Wanting to memorize every detail of your gorgeous features.
The feeling of your wife's loving touch makes you hum in satisfaction and open your eyes slowly. And there she was, Melissa Schemmenti looking at you with all the love in the world. The scene brings an air of domesticity making your heart melt.
“Mornin’, babe,” you say with a smile kissing the tip of her nose. “Did you sleep well?”
“Buongiorno, amore della mia vita,” she snuggles into you, putting her arm around your waist protectively. “Yeah, I did.” Soft green eyes meet yours and no matter how much she was apparently content, some tears ran down her cheeks. Which didn't go unnoticed by you.
“Hey, what's wrong, Lissa?” you ask softly with a bit of concern.
“Nothing. I just love you so much,” she reveals and has something so genuinely sincere and truly in her words. The older woman was known for her tough way of acting and seeing her here by your side, allowing herself to be vulnerable without any fear of being judged or having to use her fight or fight response as a defense mechanism, made you think how lucky you were to have the redhead as your wife.
“I love you too, baby. More than anything,” you rest your foreheads together and lean over to capture her lips in a calm and tender kiss.
Her manicured hands grabbed your neck with a certain force, making you moan in her mouth.
As soon as you pull away, the emerald eyes are replaced by lust and hunger. She bites her lip and you know what that means. “Prove it then,” Melissa challenges with an arched eyebrow. “Show me how much you love me.”
“Is this a challenge, Schemmenti?” you questioned already knowing the answer.
“Maybe?” the redhead responds with a lovely pout. “C'mon, don't keep me waiting.”
You laugh, as she repositions herself in bed, putting her head back on the pillows. “Y/N,” she says looking impatient. “Come here now.” Her authoritarian tone sending chills all over your body.
Straddling her waist, you started to unbutton the buttons from her pajamas, exposing her naked torso. “You are so soft, so warm. So beautiful,” you comment between kisses, moving down to lightly nibble on your wife's neck. The act making her shiver when you bite a sensitive spot. “I’m the luckiest woman in the whole fucking world.”
She moans, struggling with the difficulty of forming a single sentence. “Baby…please, I need you. Just...”
“It looks like someone is quite needy,” you teased with a smirk continuing to explore her perfect body, placing a trail of love marks on the valley of the older woman's breasts.
As soon as your mouth covered one of her nipples, the redhead's back arched extracting a celestial sound from her lips. “Yeah,” she sighs, tangling her fingers in your hair, guiding your head where she needed it most.
Obeying her non-verbal commands, you went down to the middle of her legs grabbing her shorts, giving a wicked smile when you noticed the wet patch dripping through the fabric of her black panties.
Sliding your hands down her thighs, you spread her legs, Melissa understood the message and raised her hips, helping you get rid of her ruined underwear
“So pretty,” you murmur before tasting her, your lips soft and moist covering Melissa's pussy, your tongue exploring her folds and swollen bud. Your movements were slow, but still precise causing chills in the woman above you.
“Oh!” The redhead moaned loudly grabbing the sheets. “Fuck, more. Please more. JESUS-” she yells when you shove two fingers in her entrance and start pumping at a strong pace, without stopping sucking her.
The combination of your tongue and skillful fingers made Melissa reach the edge in seconds. “I'm gonna—” she stuttered between quick breaths.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” you gave her a final trust, feeling her walls clenched around yours fingers and she came with a scream of your name. “I gotcha, my sweet angel,” you calm her down by placing soft kisses on her thighs and whispering sweet nothings during her high.
As soon as her panting breath stabilized again, Melissa pulled you back to lie on her chest. “That was perfect,” she speaks in a hoarse voice, completely exhausted from your activities.
“It was,” you chucked, drawing imaginary patterns on her naked skin.
She kisses your head and closes her eyes. “Ti amo infinitamente, dolcezza mia. Non hai idea di quanto sono grato di averti come moglie.”
You fell asleep again with your bodies intertwined, without worries. Just Melissa and you, enjoying each other's company. As it should be.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (part 9)
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A/N: and i'm back. I'm trying to finish this big moment of the story before going back to molre fluff, smuttyness and calmer stuff. I'll alternate between that. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedbacks, it really helps. Also i'm just shocked how this taglist grows everyday. I see all your comments, i'm sorry if i don't answer all of them, i love ya'll!
WARNINGS: 18+ CONTENT, violence and smexy scenes, bewaree!
You blinked your eyes open. Your head was pounding. The bright lights weren't helping at all. Voices..you could hear voices. You turned your head to take in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room. You could recognize the medical care area. You tried to remember what happened. You were… attacked at the base? Fuck. Your eyes shifted to the voices the whole squad was there. Laswell was here too. Your eyes filled with tears. They came for you. 
You looked at the couch next to the bed. 
"Reaper…" you tried in a rasp. 
Everyone turned to you in a flash. 
That simple word had felt like you were ripping apart your own throat. 
"Fucking hell Y/N!" Simon growled. 
Everyone rushed to your side. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, worry clearly tainting her voice. 
You nodded slightly.  
"Let me call the doc." Price said. 
You wanted to roll your eyes. Your eyes shifted to Simon. You smiled at him. 
You came… you mouthed.
"You called." 
The doc walked in, stepping towards you. He checked you up, giving you some medicine for your head and throat as you had tried your best to describe where it hurt and some water. You were fine. The squad had intervened very fast. You had to rest though. You wouldn't be able to speak for a little while. The angry bruises on your neck looked quite bad, but fuck it, you were alive. You had to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure everything was fine. 
Talking was a no for a little while, probably a few days, so you got creative.
Did you guys catch the guy? You wrote on your phone before showing the screen to the team. 
"Yes." Soap answered seriously. 
"Ghost shot him on sight." Gaz said in the same tone.
You turned to look at him as he stood, arms crossed looking at you. You smiled at him. It could have been a good source of information. But you understood his move. You even found peace in his violence. He didn't hesitate a second to kill for you. 
What are we going to do? You wrote again. 
"Right now you do nothing." Laswell answered. You had never heard such a tone in her voice. 
"You rest. You do nothing. This time squad 141 had been tasked to keep you safe and I won't take no for an answer. It's an order and it's already been acted." 
You looked at Ghost. He was unreadable. But you could still feel how uneasy he was feeling.
You sighed and nodded. You weren't going to complain. 
Soap and gaz left a bit later, going to rest before taking their shift in your room to watch over you. Ghost was staying obviously, he hadn't even sat down yet. 
Laswell and Price hovered over you like hawks. Laswell looked absolutely torned. 
Kate it wasn't your fault. You wrote 
"Y/N. You are under my responsibility. Putting aside the contract, you matter so much to me and I've failed to keep you safe."
You wrote furiously, hating the fact that your voice would burn your throat. 
This isn't the first time, you can't always protect me. 
"I know I can't always protect you. But fuck you are literally on a military base, and someone tried to kill you. Our part of the contract with you is to keep you safe and away from harm as you put yourself on the first line against the worst." She said, her eyes glistening softly. 
You took her hand in yours, smiling at her. You didn't want her to cry. You'd cry too. 
"We were right there. We were supposed to keep you safe too. Everyone's on edge." Price added. 
You looked at him. Something flashed through your mind. Simon. He probably was feeling furious, thinking you disobeyed him and this happened. This time you tried blinking the tears away. You took back your hand, typing something on your phone. Your eyes then searched Simon's ones, and he immediately walked to you. 
You turned the screen towards him, a heartbroken expression on your face, a tear escaping what should have been their prison. 
I'm sorry
He frowned. 
You bit your lip. 
"Don't you dare apologize, you hear me?" He growled. 
"No, Y/N, this isn't your fault…" Kate added. 
You nodded frantically, of course it was. He was after you. You were causing such a mess. 
"No, no hey, you're ok, don't beat yourself up for someone else's actions. You are being hunted down." Price softly said. 
You were fully crying now. You felt so bad and so guilty. Ghost looked absolutely out of himself, you could feel his hands softly shaking on your leg. You caused this. 
"Hey, hey. Look at me. Bunny. I said, Look at me." 
You finally gave in. His hands rose to your face, cupping it softly. You noticed the obvious bruises and blood on his knuckles. 
"It. Is. Not. Your. Fault."
You blinked, letting tears fall again. 
"Do you understand? No one. And I say NO ONE. Is holding you accountable for this situation."
You closed your eyes leaning into his touch. He wrapped his arms around you, you buried your face in his chest, trying to ignore the ache coming from your throat. He softly brushed your hair, calming you down. 
You took a deep breath gaining composure. You separated, wiping your tears away. 
"Rest now. Alright?" 
You nodded. 
"Lieutenant Riley and I will take the first watch." Price said. 
Laswell nodded. Price walked her out of the room. You remained with Simon. You looked up at him as he glanced at you. A hand rose to hover over your jawline, eyes fixated on your bruised throat. You grabbed his hand, rubbing your cheek against it, trying to comfort him. 
"I fucked up. You got hurt while in my care." He said. 
You shook your head softly. 
"Yes. You were."  He took a deep breath. 
"Listen to me now. You are my mission from now on. Do you understand?" 
You frowned. 
"I'm going to keep you safe, even if I have to burn this base down." 
You shivered. 
"But I'm also going to be very professional. Do you understand?" 
You look puzzled. 
"No more bunny. No more Simon… I'm gonna be cold. Tactical. Don't take it personally please." 
You pouted. 
He smirked under the mask. 
"I promise. I'll take care of this, and then we'll enjoy each other." 
You rubbed your cheek against his hand again. 
"Darling… look at me. Do you understand? From now on, it's going to be Ghost. You're gonna have to be a good girl, and obey. Alright?" 
You looked up at him, nodding. 
You grabbed your phone, typing up. 
Can I still wear your hoodie… it comforts me… 
He chuckled.
"Yes. You can wear my hoodies. I'll still be here, I'm not leaving, ever. I'll just… my head's going to be focused on a target." 
You nodded. You were understanding that. You weren't going to fight over this. You still felt absolutely guilty and terrible. You just wanted for this to be over. Usually, when you were the target, you often ended up in almost similar situations, though this time you had been careless. You truly would have been dead if it wasn't for the squad having your back. 
You had let yourself go on the fact that you were on a military base and you thought you were perfectly safe. 
"Come on, rest now. Price and I are here." 
You smiled at him and nodded. You let yourself fall back into your pillow. He brushed a few strands of hair away from your face before turning and walking to the door meeting Laswell and Price outside. 
You looked at the ceiling thinking about the events. You were trying to remember everything that happened during the attack, something that might bring a memory, a piece of information. But the more you thought about it, the heavier your eyes became. You were exhausted. But also frustrated. The ache in your throat was a reminder of what was wrong. Was that guy's darkends? No. He wouldn't have put himself in danger like that.
You had to find darkends. You had to get to him. But how? Especially now that you were being watched constantly by squad 141. 
You closed your eyes. Swallowing felt really painful. You were thankful for the medication who was starting to numb the pain. You tried to stay awake but we're slowly being lulled to sleep. 
Did they walk back in? You were sure you could hear their voices… Did they put Reaper next to you? You could hug something fluffy now. You weren't sure, you were tired. You fell asleep. 
During the night, you woke up, feeling something heavy on you. You blinked looking down. You were absolutely shocked, Simon was cuddling you, his head over your stomach and his legs in between yours. He was hugging your waist. Price was outside, you could see his shadow through the blurred glass window. You smiled, letting your hand fall on Simon's head, softly caressing it through the mask. His grip around your waist tightened. 
"Hush… go to sleep Y/N." 
You smiled. You wanted to ask what happened to being professional? But you couldn't. Though he seemed to read your mind. 
"Let me just stay like this a bit… you're here. I almost fucking lost you-" 
You let your hand go to his cheeks caressing it and the other on his forearm. He sighed. 
You smiled, closing your eyes again. It felt warm. Amazing to have him against you like this. You were falling back asleep, trapped in between the land of dream and reality. The world around you was a blur… 
My little bunny
After a full week you were discharged. Kate had completely refused to let you return to your apartment. Instead, a small space right at the center of the base had been converted into a living space. The small building had been made so the higher sergeant or lieutenant could catch a break and had a small kitchen and a bathroom and two small rooms that were previously offices. The two small rooms had been emptied and a bed, and a few other pieces of furniture were occupying the space. One of the rooms had bunk beds and a single bed so the boys could sleep. 
Soap had nicely brought things from your apartment, though Simon was the only one to touch your clothes… because… underwear. You had some blankets, your laptops, chargers, Reaper obviously, some hygiene products and mostly, Simon had brought you a few of his hoodies. 
You were bored. The boys wouldn't let you do anything on your own except go to the bathroom and shower. 
The doctor had run multiple tests, luckily, the strand of plastic that had wrapped around your neck had mostly cut the flow of air, bruised and burned your skin thanks to the fabric laced around the cable. The boys had very luckily found you fast enough and made sure that you were breathing. The bruises were still very visible, you tried to hide it  but it was pointless. Your voice was slowly coming back but talking was still a challenge so you kept using your phone to talk to the team. 
You wanted to do something, maybe walk around. You kept searching on your laptop, sending any bit of information to the rest of the IT team. Laswell kept nagging you, she wanted you to completely withdraw from the mission. You had refused, after all you were the one being hunted. 
After a few days, they had finally found the identity of the attacker, a soldier from base. He had no particular link to you or the mission, so you asked Laswell to bring his electronics. You spent hours on the small table in the makeshift living room, searching through his phone and laptop. It didn't take long to find evidence. 
Pictures, messages, videos, all from missions he had been on. Missions that turned wrong. All used to mentally blackmail and wash his brain into complying. You froze in place when you read one of the messages sent by darkends. 
And the little bird kept singing to everyone,  and the cat, jealous, made sure it would no longer sing.
That motherfucker. He had completely used that poor guy, just to taunt you? Just to send a message? Fuck, that guy's dead now! You felt incredibly guilty, closing the laptop with a snap, attracting curious looks your way. 
"Is everything ok?" Soap asked. 
Simon eyed you from a corner of the room. 
You grabbed your phone typing something. 
My throat hurts, I want to speak and I can't. I'm very frustrated. 
You lied. You tried to write something they would accept. 
"Oh, would you like tea?" He offered with a smile. 
You softened your features playing pretend and you nodded, mouthing thank you. 
You, on the other hand, grabbed your own laptop and immediately got to work. You had to secure the team. Their files were confidential, but you wouldn't put it past darkends to manage that exploit. You knew the boys wouldn't betray you, but you'd be damned if they were thrown into a fire you were causing. 
It took a few minutes to get into the protected system and find the files. You knew by now the IT team had been alerted by a breach of security because you weren't being careful. You wanted to encrypt the files until no one, no, one, could open them. You had very little time before someone came rushing through your door, probably Laswell, scolding you. 
You had managed to encrypt everything, living your signature imprint. Soap had given you a warm tea with honey in it and you smiled, this time a true one as you felt relieved. Little over a minute after, the door swung open, startling Price and Soap. 
"What the fuck?!" Laswell yelled. 
You were expecting it. You took a sip of your team, the warmth of it making you feel good and in slight pain. 
"What happened? " Price asked, following her glare straight to you. 
"You hacked the military?! What for??" She was slightly furious. Slightly. 
You opened the soldier's laptop, opening the message wide. You turned the screen to her. Everyone walked to it, reading it. You took this time to write on your phone. 
He's using people against me. I'm not letting him use my friends. 
She read your phone, the boys taking a glance too. 
"Damn right we're friends!" Soap cheered, earning a 'shut up' from Ghost.
"You protected their files?" She finally understood. 
You nodded typing again. 
Sorry I didn't ask, I wanted to do it fast.
She sighed. 
"That's going to be a lot of paperwork…" 
You smiled apologetically.
"You know, we'd never hurt you." Soap said, looking at you. 
You frowned sadly. 
"I know… he'd hurt you…" you tried with a low, shaky voice. It still burnt your throat to speak. But you felt like you needed to say it out loud. You needed to tell them you trusted them with your life. He smiled, running to hug you. You smiled too. There wasn't a doubt in your head, these men would protect you with their lives. You would be fucking damned if you wouldn't protect them at all costs. 
It had been almost three weeks now you were stuck in this little house. Sure, it was fun to spend time with the boys, playing poker or the switch. Unfortunately, as Simon had warned, he was cold. He was very professional and wouldn't participate in the games. It made you sad. You wanted to be in his arms. And in all honesty, you were slightly annoyed, and pouting. One hug. It wouldn't kill him! 
You could feel his eyes on you sometimes. Ghost really had seemed to be taking full control. His gaze was darker. It was thrilling. And you played with it. Especially now that you were bored and annoyed. You wore a tank top, sometimes without bras, your nipples showing through the fabric. He would look absolutely furious. The poor boys were the one paying for your taunts as he threw murderous glances to everyone. You had given up, taking pity on the boys. You'd talk back, you'd be a brat. But he kept it professional. Much to your dismay. 
It had been extremely peaceful. Your bruises were almost faded, but your voice was still shaky. You'd speak a bit more often. But no yelling, no laughing out loud. At least you didn't have to type anymore. 
Nothing had happened. Nothing. Darkends had been silent. You were even wondering if he hadn't given up. It was, however, calm before the storm.
Laswell walked in, three soldiers behind her. Everyone turned to the newcomers, attention on them. 
"We have a problem." 
Price stood from the small couch. 
"Your apartment has been trashed." She continued.
This time she was talking to you. You jumped from the chair. 
"No. No. You are not coming." She warned.
"What..?" You hated how weak your voice was. 
"Ghost, Soap and price, you're coming with me, Sparrow you'll be staying with these recruits for the next few hours. Gaz and Konig will also join them soon." 
You frowned. That was ridiculous! You were going to say it out loud before Ghost spoke. 
"No. Stay." 
You looked at him. You wanted to scream but you just looked angrily at him. 
"Get mad if you want. Wouldn't change shit." He fumed. 
You gasped, shocked. 
You flipped him the bird, earning a terrifying glance from him and a laugh from Soap. You ran to your room, locking the door behind you. God! Your blood was boiling. They wanted to protect you, sure. But it was your mission. You wanted to be part of it. 
You heard them as they left. You needed to do something. You needed to go there with them. It was your house! Your home. Your eyes stopped on the window. This was a long shot. A very long one. But fuck you needed to try it. You opened it, taking a look outside. You could see the cars not too far. The gears in your mind were turning. Was there any way you could run and hide in the trunk? 
Fuck. It was either staying in your room, or giving it a try. The worst that could happen is Ghost finding you and… who knows. 
You slipped through the window, thanking whatever you could that the ground wasn't too far from your feet. Walking to the corner of the building you took a peek. Laswell was having some kind of pep talk. You looked at the car in front of you. You had to run, hide behind it, open the trunk as discreetly as possible and hide in it. 
You took a deep breath, hunching down and making a run for it. 
You couldn't believe it. It worked. You were behind the jeep. Now was not the time to get cold feet, you had to act fast. You slowly unlocked it, cringing at the lock's noise. You opened it slightly just enough to roll your body inside. Now closing it was the hardest part. And then there it was. Price and Laswell barking orders loudly. Loud enough to cover the sound of the trunk closing. So you did, not wasting this chance.
You exhaled. God. You couldn't believe this. The car shook as the doors opened. You froze, eyes widening. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
People got in. By the voices, Soap, Ghost Price and someone else. 
The way the car rolled out of parking, you knew Ghost was driving. It was going to be a long ride. 
And it had been. You were sure to have a few bruises when you'd get out. When the car finally stopped you almost thanked the skies for it. The guys got out. Now you had to get out. An idea popped in your head. You took your phone out texting Soap. 
Soap. Trunk. Don't tell Ghost. 
You waited. It was long. What was he doing?! 
And suddenly the trunk opened. Soap looked absolutely horrified. You would have laughed.  But also looked horrified when he closed the trunk right back. What the…?! 
You knocked on the trunk repeatedly to make him open again. And he did, still wide eyed and now looking around to see if anyone was looking. 
"What are you doing here?!" He said in the loudest hushed whisper ever. 
"I'm going to see my apartment!" You answered in the same tone, glad to be talking in a low voice. You rolled and jumped out of the trunk. 
"Nonononononono…." He whispered-yelled again. 
"Yes. Yes. Yes." You claimed looking straight at him. 
"LT is going to kill us! You for disobeying and me for hiding you from him!" He hushed again. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"You're fine!" You whispered-yelled too. 
You passed right by him heading straight to your building. 
"Sparrow! No!! Fuck!" 
You kept heading up, now fully visible to everyone Soap running up to you. He looked visibly unwell. You promised yourself to take the fall for him. You were climbing the stairs, every soldier now noticing you and looking a mix of shock and terror as you passed by. It made you uneasy. You started to worry about Ghost's reaction too. But now was no time to worry. You were here, you were going to investigate. 
Finally reaching your apartment door you stepped inside. The first one to see you was price. And the first thing you noticed, was that the place wasn't trashed at all. 
"Y/N!" Price reprimanded. 
You stopped. Fuck. He could have said anything. A 'why are you here', or 'what the fuck' or anything else. But your name? It attracted him. He almost came running from the hallway. When your eyes locked, the only thing you wanted to do was run. He immediately rushed to you picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder. 
"No!" You tried.
You pounded on his back, though he clearly didn't seem to care. He started heading towards the door. In a last attempt you grabbed someone's arm. Laswell. 
He stopped. You closed your eyes, sighing with relief.
"Please put her down." 
He took a second, his breathing had quickened, but he put you down, not softly, you had to get your balance back. 
You frowned at him. A staring match starting. 
"Sparrow." Laswell reasoned. 
You looked at her. 
"Why are you here? How did you even?" She asked. 
"It's. My. Mission. My house Kate." You explained. Your voice kept at a normal level, even though rage coursed through your mind. 
She opened her mouth but your cut her off. 
"It's my life on the line." She looked taken aback. "Don't keep me out of this." 
She seemed to think for a second. Finally, she nodded slightly. You relaxed your shoulders, turning to look at Ghost. He truly looked furious. But so were you. You stuck your tongue out at him. 
"You little-" 
You turned your back on him turning to Laswell. 
"The place was supposed to be trashed." You noted. 
For a second hey eyes faltered. You immediately understood. Your room. You headed down the hall, stepping inside your bedroom. You weren't prepared for what you saw. The tags on the walls, the room completely trashed. Your belongings everywhere, on the floor, broken or ripped apart. You didn't even have to guess. The words 'you're mine birdie' had been spray painted all over the walls. You looked to the floor, kicking the head of one of your stuffed animals that seemed to be missing his body. 
"Are you alright?" Kate asked, showing up next to you. 
You shrugged. 
"It's just some objects. I'm fine. It's going to take forever to fix it though." 
You walked to your built PC, completely broken. 
"This, however, breaks my heart." 
She chuckled. 
"We'll pay for a new one. I promise." 
You smiled at her. You checked the broken components. Your hard drive was still there. Nothing had been stolen. This was just for show. 
"Anything?" She asked. 
"Nothing. Nothing's been stolen. This was on purpose, to send a message." You said. 
She sighed. 
"The question now is, was it him or did he have another puppet?" She wondered.
Ghost walked in. For some reason. You knew you were fucked. And not in a good way. 
"May I take her now? I'd like to have a chat with her in the bathroom" He asked. 
You looked panicked, looking at Kate for help. She grinned. 
"Absolutely. She's all yours lieutenant." 
"What?" You said, voice barely above normal. You tried not to force your voice and you hated it.
"What? You thought we'd leave you unpunished?" She asked. 
"What the fu-" 
You didn't have time to finish, in two steps he crossed the space in between you two grabbing your wrist and dragging you with him. Kate pretended to look away at something much more interesting.
"Traitor!" You threw as you exited the room.
Your heart beat rose as you approached the bathroom. You felt everyone's gaze as you were shoved inside, Ghost behind you. You turned around to look at him, mouth gasping as you saw him lock the door.
When his eyes met yours you shivered. You didn't exactly know if it was fear or anticipation.  He crossed his arms over his chest. He had rolled up his sleeves, his muscles flexing. 
"You don't fucking listen." 
You gazed back into his eyes. 
"For the past week, you've been bratting non-stop." He stepped forward, now inches from you. 
You frowned, trying to have some kind of composure in front of him. 
"What's wrong bunny? Cat got your tongue?" 
God you felt yourself melt. Bunny… the last time he called you like that was in the hospital. 
"I'm sure I saw it moments ago in the living room though. Such a big mouth yet very little action. Once it's only the two of us, you melt down"  
That motherf-
"Fuck you Ghost." You spat, mouth running faster than your brain.
He chuckled. A very dark one. He grabbed your wrists, made your arms fold behind your back and twisted you so you were back to him, staring into the bathroom mirror. He was right behind you staring right back at you. Your cheeks burned. Fuck… 
"You want my attention. That's what you fucking want." He spoke in a low grunt, right next to your ear. You closed your eyes. 
"Eyes on me." He ordered. 
You opened them looking at him in the mirror.
"Good girl." He praised. "If you want attention, now you have it. You have my whole attention." He growled. 
He held your wrist with one hand only. Fuck he was so big compared to you. His other hand rose to your mouth. 
"Bite it. Take off my glove." 
You frowned. 
"If I have to repeat myself, you're going to regret it." He warned. 
You opened your mouth slowly. His clothed fingers touching your lips. You grabbed the fabric in between your teeth and he wiggled his hand out. He grabbed it as you let it drop. 
"See. You can be such a good girl. But no. All you wanted was my attention. You couldn't fucking handle seeing me right there not touching you." 
The more he spoke the warmer you felt. What was he doing? What was happening… 
"S-simon…" you let out. 
"Wrong. Try again."
"Ghost…" you whined. 
"Yes. Ghost. I told you it was going to be like this. That I was going to be professional." He explained.
His naked fingers reached your lips again. 
You blushed, eyes widening a bit. 
"Bunny." He warned. 
Your lips parted slowly. 
"Stick your tongue out. Go on. You seem to like doing it in front of everyone, so do it for me." 
You obeyed. Two of his fingers touched your tongue, softly applying pressure. The rest of his hand enveloping your chin.
You whined. 
"I told you. I warned you. And yet you walk around half fucking naked in front of my men just to rile me up." He hissed. 
His hand lingered there. The more your mouth was open, the harder it was to swallow, his fingers getting wetter by the second. 
"My mind is fucking stuck in killing mode. And you rile me up bunny? Congratulations, you might be the only one to manage to fucking turn on Ghost." 
You couldn't believe it. You had turned him on. You had been torturing him. Fuck, the way he looked at you. 
"Do you know how many times I wanted to bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone? Just to fucking show them who you belong to?" 
You bent your back, trying to grind unto him, his little confession having much more effect on you than you wanted. However he didn't allow it, backing off without letting you go. 
"Oh no little bunny. Do you like that thought?" He chuckled again. 
You were obviously drooling all over his hand. Not that it seemed to bother him. 
"Fuck… look at you little one. So fucking pretty for me. So obedient. The only reason I'm not deep throating you with my fingers, that I'm not wrapping my hand around your pretty neck, it's that it's too soon. I don't want to hurt my little doll." 
Ok. Now you were wet. That asshole was torturing you just like you did to him. You closed your eyes, whining again. 
"Look. At. Me." He ordered again. 
You obeyed. You looked at him, pleading. You didn't even know what you were pleading for.
"Are you going to be a good girl now? Are you going to behave for me?" He asked in a vanilla voice that contrasted a lot with the way he was holding you. 
You whined again, trying to nod your head. 
"Fuck. Look what mess you made of my hand… go on. Suck on my fingers." 
You looked a bit shocked again but he held your gaze. Your lips wrapped around him as you retracted your tongue. You sucked softly, using your tongue to lick your saliva off his fingers. 
"Fuck bunny… such a good girl." 
The way he praised you, his own voice laced with desire. This situation had escalated quickly.
He took back his finger, wiping your chin. He sighed. His now free hand traveled to your waist, his arm now wrapping around it. The other let go of your wrists, letting you bring your arms back to your chest. He hugged you tightly from behind, hiding his face in your neck. 
"I-I'm sorry…" 
You blinked. Did you really hear that? 
"I'm sorry… I… got off track." 
You smiled. 
"It's ok… it was… nice" you tried. 
He looked back up at the mirror. 
"Really. I trust you. You… can do those things to me…" you looked away. You couldn't hold his gaze anymore. What the hell were you saying? 
"Don't say shit like that bunny… I'm gonna loose my fucking mind with you. I'm on mission fuck." 
His embrace tightened, his hands traveling a bit closer to places you craved. You had been wanting this. His arms. Being in his hold. This was even more than you had wished for. 
Your phone buzzed. You couldn't see the screen but he did. And whatever he read there, brought him back to reality. 
"God fucking damn it!" He cursed. 
That woke you up too. He let go of you and headed out of the door. You blinked. You took your phone in your hand. 
Hi birdie, I'm coming.
What the? You opened the message log. How? How did he get so close now? Another message showed. 
The little bird, no longer singing, was sad. The wolf took pity and swore to protect the birdie. The cat, growing even more jealous, swore that he'd take her from him. 
You shivered. You had to be honest. That guy was frightening. A complete psycho. And he just ruined your moment so fuck him. You walked out, everyone was already running everywhere. 
"Sparrow, you're going back to base right now." Price announced. 
You nodded, not wanting to discuss this. You choose your battles and this wasn't one you wanted to win. Laswell walked to you, hand forward asking for your phone. You gave it to her for her to read the message that clearly Ghost had already told everyone about. She cursed loudly. 
"Hansen, Soap take her back to base." 
Hansen? Peter was here? You looked at him smiling a bit as he clearly looked anxious. 
"Wait. I'll take her." Ghost interrupted. 
"No. I need you somewhere else lieutenant. They can perfectly bring her to safety." She refused. 
Ghost looked annoyed, his hands turning into fists. 
"I'll be with her LT. I'm keeping her safe." Soap said. 
It warmed your heart. Peter simply nodded, still looking on the verge of having a panic attack. 
"Good. Now go!" Laswell ordered. 
You smiled at Ghost as you followed Soap and Peter out. 
You headed down the stairs to the parking lot, the two men closely watching you and your surroundings. 
"We can take my car" Peter offered. 
Soap frowned but nodded. Peter unlocked his car, opening the backdoor for you. You hopped in as he closed the door. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. You wanted this to end. You needed your calm, boring life back. You wanted to enjoy Simon and continue whatever was happening between the both of you. You also wanted to finally sit down with him and ask him what he truly wanted from you, hoping that he wanted you to be his officially. You needed to hear him say it. 
You opened your eyes back as the car shook a bit. Peter had sat in the driver's seat, turning the car on. 
"Where's Soap?" You asked. 
"The lieutenant called him back." Peter said. 
Really? That was weird… Ghost wouldn't have let you alone with Peter. 
The car moved as you started to head out of the parking spot. You turned in your seat watching through the back window. You felt your heart fall into an abyss when you saw Soap lying on the ground. 
"What the fuck?!" You yelled, too loud for your sore throat. 
You turned back to Peter. He looked different. A new confidence in him that was unfamiliar. 
"Don't worry. He's not dead. Just napping." 
You were confused and suddenly terrified. Did darkends also blackmail Peter ?
"Peter, whatever that guy is blackmailing you with, I can help you. Please." You tried to reason him. 
He laughed. 
"You're adorable. Really. I can't wait to have you all to myself birdie." 
And it clicked. The puzzle pieces finally fit together. How was this even possible? Simon was right. You didn't recognize your own voice as you stated the obvious.
"You're darkends."
A/N: my foreshadowing is shit, and ya'll are too smart
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cw// 12am thoughts, lowercase intended, spoilers?, lore spill??
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a sudden thought came to my mind about the Impostor!SAGAU just now
why don't the ones capable of shapeshifting, like the archons, yokai, etc., try using another form to investigate?
whether they transform into a bird, cat, frog, crystalfly, box, walking koi fish or another person entirely, just a different form than the one they went by before
like in the au where they're skeptical of the current/nonexistent creator, whether on the throne or not, or whether it's by official order, by the law or by their own volition, is real — can't they do that?
(more utc ‼️‼️‼️)
for example:
zhongli, after curiosity put him in a chokehold, decides to turn into a bird of sorts.
his movement was a bit clunky, having not taken a different animal form than his exuvia one in so long, but he got the hang of it.
with feathers of orange and black he soared, under the sunlight did they glisten like the amber and obsidian he'd used to craft the most exquisite of weapons and sculptures alike for his creator.
it was only till sundown did he see his target: the impostor.
but he won't kill them just yet — as much as he wanted to do so.
he guided his wings to a glide, swooping from the skies above and into the forestry below. his claws gripped itself onto the sturdy branches of the sandbearer tree, perching himself above the impostor.
it was almost a pitiful sight to see, really; there you were, bruises and cuts in the midst of healing, vulnerable and unaware that you've been caught yet again.
not a moment later, a plethora of fauna surrounded you, the sight baffling the lord of geo.
from large squirrels to small geovishap hatchlings, even finches and eagles of varying sizes, shapes and colours.
he shook his avian head, having seen enough that his mind could comprehend, and quickly flew away without a peep.
his wings lifted his body away from the scene, away from the forest and off into the skies.
the orange haze that painted the horizon had gradually descended into shades of purples, giving way for nighttime to creep in once he'd returned to his residence.
zhongli's form slumped on the fine furniture that was his drawer, eyes almost as wide as dinner plates. he still couldn't shake off the scene from his mind. he won't. he didn't. he never will.
there was still tomorrow to count on and he needed more time to process the information brought to him on a silver platter.
all because he chose a form that wasn't his.
slowly undressing from his work clothes, he changed into night wear and laid on his bed, not bothering to shower tonight.
... maybe he'll peck at their skin once he sees them to confirm his suspicions.
and so, he closes his eyes, his veins impatiently waiting for the next crack of dawn as he eventually falls into a deep slumber.
his eyes had failed to spot the teal bird that clung the closest to your figure. (coughcough bird xiao creator pspspsps coughcough)
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anyways, scenarios just like that are what i'm curious about
thank you for taking the time out of your day and have a smexy rest of your day, you lovely, gorgeous, stunning people 😘😘
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bitchcakegreen · 2 days
Let’s talk ADR - automated dialogue replacement - for sec.
I want to bring this up because I’ve seen folks removing the music from the smexy scenes between Polin and getting confused that there’s quiet spots and the sound doesn’t fully sync up.
When we film, the mics don’t always pick everything up. We try to capture as much of the dialogue as possible while on set or location but sometimes stuff just doesn’t come through. Especially in long shots or if there’s lots of ambience noise, mainly on location shoots.
Same with sound effects. These are added afterwards. There’s a great female foley artist on tiktok who gives people a bts view of what she does, if you’re interested. Her handle is reelfoleysound
About 10-30 percent of dialogue has to be ADRed. Basically re-recorded in a sound studio. ADR is secondary recording of dialogue that didn’t get picked up on location and then is overlayed with the music and sound effects tracks. What does that mean for the carriage scene and others like it? Well, it makes that Luke and Nicola might have had to stand at a microphones and make all those sexy ass moans and groans. They have playback of the scene and the actors say the lines or whatever along with it as the sound tech records. It helps to keep everything synced in the final product.
That’s why when you remove the music from the scene to hear the moaning better - you can’t always do so.
Rock on, Bridgerton babies!
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shijiujun · 8 months
OFFICIAL NOVEL: Kiseki Dear to Me Rundown From Start to End (A PRETTY LONG POST)
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I briefly shared a brief read through of the last two chapters (and also what we can expect will happen in episodes 9-13) for Kiseki Dear to Me yesterday, and now that I have a bit of time, here's a slightly more detailed look through the novel! The drama was adapted from the novel so I think we can more or less expect some of these details in the novel turn up in the drama as well, although I've already seen some differences, mostly due to timing.
Also another thing to note is that the novel's protagonists were clearly Bai Zongyi and Fan Zherui, so the others really don't feature in terms of deepening relationship at all, but disclaimer that I'm still doing a skim through for now, haven't had time to read every word ;-;
Title: Kiseki Dear to Me (same name) Total: 1 Prologue + 10 Chapters + 2 Extras + 1 Special Feature (?) Author: Lin Peiyu, who's behind quite a number of well known TW BLs, including H3T
(1) Prologue
Ai Di curses as he and Bai Zongyi leave the prison, and he makes the mistake of looking back as it's considered a taboo for released prisoners to look back at their place on incarceration (because it means you're gonna go back)
BZY: Well if you obey the law from now on you won't have a chance to come back, and Ai Di goes: Who the hell do you think I am of course I'm going to get into trouble and how can you say that to me, I protected you for a year!!
Chen Yi picks Ai Di up in a sports car and Ai Di scolds Chen Yi because how's he gonna give BZY a ride in a two-seated but Chen Yi doesn't want to bring BZY any more potential negative trouble, and drives off
Ai Di is like why is it so depressing when I should be happy and Chen Yi said: That your damn problem and Ai Di is all: We haven't seen each other for a year and you're still so nasty to me
(2) Chapter 1
Mostly the same as the drama, BZY meets FZR who's injured for the first time, Ai Di goes crazy hitting people when they lose FZR
Chen Yi teases Ai Di saying if he smokes any more he's not going to grow taller to which Ai Di says, "Are you so damn great just because you're 180cm?!"
FZR cooking > All these are the same, the only thing is they packed eps 1-3 all in the first chapter
In the car when FZR is picked up by Ai Di and Chen Yi, they talk a bit about how FZR is someone that Chen Dongyang passed to Chen Yi to protect and that's why he puts so much attention on him, and FZR is like "oh so anyone who matters to Chen Dongyang you'll protect? oh, i forgot, except for Er-Ye (second boss, Zhou Minglei) and ISTG Chen Yi is so damn wild?! He goes, "He's (Zhou Minglei) is still alive, that's as much as I am tolerating him" (because he's jealous he gets to be with Chen Dongyang) > THIS IS WAY MORE OBVIOUS HERE THAN IN THE DRAMA
(3) Chapter 2
Technically when FZR leaves BZY's house and intends not to see him again, they next meet in the school in drama with FZR as a teacher, but in the novel, FZR comes back to the house drunk with BZY cuz he missed BZY unconsciously and also because BZY was working at the place he got drunk at, and also got into a fight at
Ends with scared-of-the-rain scene with FZR comforting BZY
(4) Chapter 3
WHEN THEY WAKE UP IN BED THE NEXT DAY THEY ARE ALREADY GETTING SMEXY WITH EACH OTHER like cuz they're in the same bed from FZR comforting BZY who was scared of the rain the night before, and when they wake up, they couldn't help it and FZR basically pounced on BZY - they don't go all the way tho, strictly hands only until Ai Di calls and interrupts them
Ai Di treats FZR's wounds and we can really see how great friends they are because Ai Di is lived as hell that FZR is hurt and cursing up a storm and FZR is all "if I die, do you wanna bet you'll be the saddest out of everyone?" LMAO
And we get the student framing scene, but FZR is not a teacher AT ALL he's there as BZY's cousin, and he comes to school all decked in like riches and everyone is like OMG IS BZY A RICH BOY
After that we get the same thing i.e. FZR asking BZY if he did well at defending him, the hug and the likes
Difference is BZY gets home that night and gets a fever because he was burnt by the chemicals from the incident in the classroom with the girl who framed him after not handling rejection well
FZR takes care of him really well and they're really attracted to each other and can feel that deep connection and are super drawn to each other idek how to put it
Ai Di ends up at a "part-time job" without telling Chen Yi
(5) Chapter 4
Gangster boss meeting NOT in the bathhouse but in a regular meeting room and everyone is present, and obviously Zhou Minglei is scolding Chen Yi but Chen Dongyang is obviously protective over Chen Yi and excusing his actions (same as drama)
Chen Dongyang tries to convince FZR to go back to his family
FZR goes back to BZY after a while (at least a few days or weeks because everytime they reunite in this chapter and past few chapters, FZR makes a comment about how he's now taller etc.)
BZY confesses, and wishes to grow up faster so he can have FZR
(6) Chapter 5
FZR avoids BZY and asks Chen Yi why they all keep asking him to go back to the Fan family (same as drama), then he runs back to BZY's place because of the rain and BZY is hurt (same as drama too)
And then yes same the drama they sleep together for the first time (and a few times after lol)
(7) Chapter 6
The morning after, unlike the drama, they do get their second morning round in
And then some time after BZY actually gets to orientation at med school, and somehow finds out that FZR might have something to do with the Fan family, and realises he's not FZR's match in terms of status
FZR talks about his past, and then BZY tells him again that he loves him for him, and then FZR says "you're my man" and BZY goes insane obviously
After they confirm their feelings again, FZR decides that he can't keep living the half-gangsta life and decides to leave the gang and head back home
He bids farewell to Chen Yi and Ai Di quite formally like with a cup of tea and they don't say goodbye because from today onwards their paths are different and will never cross again (WTS?!?!! drama much?!)
Chen Yi tries to look for Zhang Teng
(8) Chapter 7
BZY's fam comes to visit, and then they stay over
FZR suggests that BZY moves in with him and same as drama, all the sweet promises and trying to build a future together
While they're rolling in the sheets, FZR threatens BZY and say if he dares to break any promises to him he would kill him LOL
(9) Chapter 8
Chased down by Zhang Teng's men just after they move in together
There's no backstory for Zhang Teng and FZR either, ZY just plain hates Chen Yi and co, and the same thing where he ends up dying too
As FZR is undergoing surgery, BZY asks Chen Yi and Ai Di if they're cops or gangsters and Ai Di is like oh the latter, and then FZR's grandpa, dad, younger brother and mother come
They meet but don't say much to each other and then afterwards BZY is no longer able to see FZR, and FZR's parents sell the house and tell BZY not to cling onto FZR anymore etc., and FZR basically realises what a shitty ass home FZR lived in and why he wanted to run away and join the gang
BZY's dad ends up in the hospital and he's at the hospital when Chen Dongyang finds him and convinces him to take the rap for FZR, and BZY himself realises what grandpa Fan is doing, he wants to break them up
But he agrees anyway because if FZR wakes up and turns himself in it might be a death sentence
Chen Dongyang is super unhappy he had to pass the news to BZY like this under grandpa Fan's requests, who he owes a favour too, and really hates and regrets that he ruined BZY's future, and he scolds Chen Yi and tells him that they would forever owe BZY one till the day they die
Ai Di goes to the hospital, sneaks in and whispers the news to FZR hoping it'd wake him up, so turns out Zhang Teng went after FZR because he realised he was from the Fan family (wtf is the link idk, they don't really say it here) after FZR's third uncle let the news leak to him
He tells him BZY is in jail and what grandpa Fan did to him and FZR finally reacts, but he asks who Ai Di is after he wakes up
(10) Chapter 9
BZY gets out of jail, returns home to his dad and sister, and poor bb is depressed af. They urge him to go back to med school since he doesn't have a record anyway, but he tells them that he hurt his head in jail and has severe short term memory loss, like he can be saying one thing one moment and forgetting it the next and saying it again, he needs his notebook to help him remember
They both know why he went to jail and dad is guilty af and angry af at FZR but BZY told him he doesn't regret doing it for the person he loves
Dad tries to creep up on BZY but BZY reacts very badly, because he had to protect himself in prison from terrible people
And while his brain can't handle med school anymore, BZY takes the money that grandpa Fan and Chen Dongyang promised his four years ago and opens a dessert shop to sell the desserts he promised FZR he would make for him
FZR at this point is getting scolded by his grandpa, and his younger bro, heir to the Fan family, is speaking up for him
Once FZR leaves the room, grandpa Fan tells younger bro to make use of FZR and squeeze him dry because that's all the use he is
But once the younger bro leaves his grandpa, he meets FZR outside and tells him not to give too much of a shit about what grandpa said, and that's when it's revealed that FZR has NOT lost his memories
Younger bro has been hiding it for him all this while and they're working together - FZR wants revenge against third uncle and also his grandpa a little, while younger bro doesn't want to sit at the top of the family but still be subject to grandpa's control
Younger bro was also the one who told him all about BZY and what grandpa did to him the moment he woke up from the accident four years ago, and that's how he managed to pretend to be amnesiac in time
FZR is filled with guilt and self-blame and pain because where BZY is that's his home, but now he's ashamed to see him, but he still can't see him either because he needs to revenge first, makes sure it's safe
A new cafe opens near a university, and BZY makes the best desserts - his sister asks him why he doesn't go find FZR, and he just doesn't dare to anymore because of the way he is now, broken - AND SIMULTANEOUSLY FZR and his younger bro are seated in a car outside the bakery and younger bro is like "miracles don't happen just by you sitting on your ass here" and FZR also doesn't dare to go in and see BZY
He threatens his bro and makes him go in to buy desserts for him, and tears up when he realises all the desserts are familiar to him, that BZY was keeping his promise, but still doesn't go in
BUT SNEAKY LITTLE BRO!!! On the note he gives BZY, he writes a message "FZR didn't lose his memory, if you wanna see him come to xxx place tomorrow"
And BZY is convinced by his dad to take the leap
BZY goes to the address as stated the next day and realises he knocked on younger bro's door, and younger bro is like he's NEXT DOOR thanks
BZY goes in and sees FZR asleep, and a bottle of sedatives next to the bed. He wakes him up, and FZR thinks he's a figment of his imagination in his dreams because FZR, through the four years, has been using sedatives to fall asleep because that's the only place he sees BZY
They sleep together, FZR still thinking it's a dream, and only a bit later when he feels pain he realises that FUCK IT REALLY IS HIM
THEY ARE FINALLY WHOLE!!! THEY open their hearts to each other again and tell each what they're thinking and how scared they are etc., and they've found their way back to each other again
(11) Chapter 10
FZR and BZY are seeing each other again with FZR running between Taipei and Taichung, and then he finally runs into FZR's dad again
He's apologetic and regretful and ashamed, but dad is now understanding and gives his blessings
On the TV, news of Taiwan's imminent gay-marriage bill is on and BZY plans to propose and marry FZR, and FZR promises that in the future, he'll write in his notebook for him, he'll remember and make memories for them both
BED TIME! Happily ever after
(12) Extras + Others
Extra 1 is the scene in the drama where BZY's sister sees them kissing in FZR's living room
Extra 2 is between FZR and his brother, and his younger brother basically tells him that he's always known what FZR's mother was doing but he never cared about it because no matter what she or FZR did, whether he acted stupid or smart or whatever, FZR's brother's status at the heir would never change, and FZR is like wtf bro firstly, that's hurtful, secondly, you're telling me I could have just been less emo all these years, and then FZR's bro drops a bomb that HE IS GAY TOO and he's seeming someone and FZR is like "omg is grandpa Fan going to have a heart attack you've got two gay boys here huh"
Special Feature is just a routine day between dessert maker BZY and busy businessman FZR, a sweet, sweet day <3
Okay I'm honestly not at all surprised at the loopholes in the writing in the novel it's quite characteristic of quite a number of the authors' books LOL and I'm so damn happy the drama decided to take it up a notch and give colour to Ai Di, Chen Yi, Chen Dongyang and Zhou Minglei because DAMN the novel treated them like third-class citizens ok barely like a handful of mentions I'm like WHY DO YALL EVEN EXIST HERE IF NOT TO BE GAY AND BECOME CPs
Sad Zhang Teng too, he was literally just a token villain CAN U IMAGINE
HAPPY WATCHING THE REST OF THE KISEKI DEAR TO ME DRAMA YALLLLLL <3 No need to be scared of extended dual amnesia plot pain UNLESS we get a drama canon deviation
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e-dubbc11 · 5 months
Top ten fave billy scenes <3 <3 <3
Selene, I love you to pieces for sending in as many asks as you did. Going over all of my favorite Billy scenes in my head, I think I have some good ones and they’re not all smexy time 🤣 thank you again! These will go in no particular order.
Join the sleepover HERE
1. I’ll give you a really good one to kick things off with…the towel scene. I mean, my gawd! 🥵🥵🥵
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2. Uncle Billy.
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3. “Wait…so Ann Margaret isn’t coming?” That smile at the end and the look on Frank’s face…I’m dead 😵 🥵🤣♥️
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4. The red sweater, the look…I can’t! 🥵🥵🥵
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5. “I didn’t know you could read…” *doink*
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6. “Goddamn Frankie, I love to watch you work.” The green henley, you smexy motherfucker. I hate you but please fuck me 🤣🥵♥️
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7. “When a grown man tells you that you’re pretty…you know nothing good is coming.” the vulnerability, how he opens up just that little bit, I just wanted to hold him.
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8. When he’s visiting his mother…”I would have given you the world, if you had just wanted me.” The sadness in his eyes…my poor broken love.
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9. What I wouldn’t give for him to touch my face like that and I don’t like anyone touching my face. I’d let him wear me like a hat though. 🥵🥵🥵
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10. Walking away from an explosion in slow motion. I mean, what’s not fuckin awesome about that?
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Honorable mention: apparently I’ve hit the 10 image limit on the mobile app but after he kills Arthur. How scared he is because he still doesn’t know what happened to him plus Ben’s acting in season two is chef’s kiss ♥️♥️♥️
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hi jelly! Remember me? I saw your requests were open so I have an idea I would like to share with you. A Levi x reader (obviously) we’re they have like 4-5 kids that are grown with the youngest being in her last year of high school and it was thought that since reader and levi are older they wouldn’t be able to have any more kids (key word being thought) and after some smexy times reader feels really weird after a couple of months and starts craving weird food. It’s actually levi that connects the dots as he realizes that she only ever wanted to eat those specific kinds of food when she was pregnant.so they take a pregnancy test together and no surprise it’s positive and reader is floored she for sure thought she was to old to have kids but I guess not.then comes the ordeal of telling the other kids who are obviously surprised and happy at the prospect of getting another sibling. Than maybe some snippets of the pregnancy progression and Levi and reader talking about having a kid again after 17 years and maybe a scene of them telling grandma kuchel about the surprise grandchild. Maybe a scene where the whole family meets the surprise grandchildren because drum roll please SUPRISE TWINS a boy and a girl.
So, I had to change a few things around to fit with health and safety and biology etc. This will also be a bit on the serious side.
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Note: Reader is 37 in this fic to fit the request. The eldest child is 17, not the youngest.
Worries and blessings
Pairing: Dad!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Dad Levi, parents, four kids, fluff, romance, angst, emotional, medical talk, age talk, serious talks, pregnancy, mentions of labour, mentions of medical tests.
Concept: You start to get a familiar feeling inside you, so you decided to take a pregnancy test. You're shocked to find you're pregnant because Levi had a vasectomy. Troubled by your findings and your age, you confront your husband and kids about it. All are thrilled. You go to your doctor and find you have to go to extra appointments and take extra tests due to your age. Levi supports you through worrying tests and until the end.
Warning: Mentions of medical tests, mentions of pregnancy worries, mentions of age worries, mentions of pregnancy.
Not tagging due to a few warnings involved.
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You stared at the tests in your hands, all of them saying the same thing. You felt the tears stinging your eyes as your worry set in. You knew the risks, but part of you was so very happy that you could welcome another little Ackerman into the world.
A little knock on the door made you look up and see your husband. You smiled softly. "Hey, love."
He gulped hard as he worried. "Are you okay?"
You laughed a little because it was the only reaction you could give that was positive, otherwise, you would cry. "I uh...I'm impressed by you. You had the snip but your swimmers are strong."
"What do you mean?"
You handed him the tests over. "Levi, I'm pregnant."
He stared at the tests before looking back at you. "Pregnant?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
He put the tests down before kneeling in front of you and holding your hands. "It's going to be okay. I'm with you every step of the way, no matter what you choose and no matter what happens." He covered your hands in kisses. "I love you."
You shook a little as you held back sobs. "I love you so much."
Levi knelt up and wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Whatever you want, we'll do it."
You pulled back and laughed. "God, what is our daughter Kuchel going to think? She's in her last year of high school."
"Hmm, I'm sure she'll think it is fun if we are going ahead with this."
You gazed at Levi and nodded. "I want to keep them."
Levi smiled at you. "Okay. Well, it is a good job I kept a lot of the baby stuff."
You laughed. "You couldn't let them go, huh?"
"It's hard, okay? You know I love kids."
You stood up and released a long sigh. "Let's go tell our kids then."
Levi put his arm around you and guided you downstairs to see the kids sitting around the dining table doing their homework and helping each other. Kuchel was 17, Evan was 15, Dean was 13 and Lilly was 10. Each child you had was precious to you and Levi.
Levi sighed. "Ackerbabies, we need to talk."
Kuchel put her pen down. "What's wrong? Who hurt Mum? Who are we burying?"
Evan pouted. "No one hurts our mum."
Levi blushed as you stared at him. "I didn't teach them this." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, my little Ackerbabies, we have some news to tell you and we need to be a strong family through it all."
Lilly gazed at you. "Are you okay? Mummy?"
Dean reached over and held your hand. "You look like you've cried."
You ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head. "I'm okay. There are just going to be some changes happening in our home. You are all wonderful and you have been there so much for your father and me."
Levi sighed. "Your mum is pregnant."
You jumped and stumbled into Levi's arms as your kids jumped around screaming and cheering. "My goodness. I was not expecting this reaction."
Levi laughed. "I wasn't either, looks like they're happy."
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Levi hugged you tightly inside the hospital. He knew you were a little worried and scared to do your next tests. You had blood taken and tested. Today you were having your results and then another scan too.
He let you go and kissed your forehead. "It'll be okay."
You nodded and whined. "I just hope they're okay."
"They will be." He cupped your face. "I have full faith."
You smiled and snuggled up to your husband. "Yes."
"Mrs Ackerman?" The nurse smiled at you. "Come with me."
Levi held your hand tightly and escorted you. "It'll be okay."
You gulped hard. "Yes." You sat in the chair and waited for the doctor. You smiled as she came in with your file. "Hello."
The doctor winked at you. "Mrs Ackerman, hello. I have your blood work here." She sat down and sighed. "All good news. We don't see any abnormalities at all, so you're doing really well. I do need to get another scan done."
"Something wrong?"
"No, I just need to confirm something. So, hop onto the bed and I'll do an ultrasound."
Levi helped you onto the bed and held your hand. "I am sure it's all okay." He covered your hand in kisses. "My sweet and precious wife."
The doctor moved your top up and moved the device on your baby bump. "Let's have a look...ah! Just as I suspected."
You frowned. "Suspected?"
She turned the screen. "You are having twins."
Your eyes widened when you saw two babies. "T...T...Twins?"
She hummed a laugh. "That's right."
Levi grinned. "Twins!"
The doctor printed off a picture. "Here you go. Your babies."
Levi held the picture and began bouncing up and down in delight. "Twins."
You giggled. "It's exciting, huh?"
The doctor cleaned you before letting out a long sigh. "Now, we need to talk about your delivery day. It will be a c-section due to your age and for yours and the baby's safety. I'll give you some information about it, but we will need to have a meeting regarding it closer to the day you are due."
Levi squeezed your hand as reality hit him. "What happens if she goes into labour before then?"
"She'll need to be rushed here. There are a lot of risks and concerns when you get past 35 and become pregnant. I can assure you we will do everything we can to keep your wife and your babies healthy and well." She smiled. "I don't mean to scare you both."
You got off the bed. "That's okay. I understand the concerns because when I found out I was pregnant, we did worry a lot."
Levi nodded. "We did. Day at a time, right?"
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Levi ran through the halls until he arrived in the waiting room to see his kids, your parents and his mother. He smiled at them. "Momma and babies are doing great! She's been moved into the recovery room."
Levi's mother, Kuchel, tackled her son into a hug. "I'm so glad! I was worried about her."
Levi let his mother go before hugging all his kids. "It's okay little ones, Mum's okay." He smiled when he heard a few crying. "Hush now. Let's go see your mother, okay?"
Your mother let out a long sigh. "I'm so glad she's okay. We'll wait here with your mother."
Levi waved to them. "Thank you." He hurried down the hall with his four kids. He stopped outside your room and hushed his four. "Calm, okay? Your mother is recovering." He opened the door and smiled at you. "Hey, my love."
You waved weakly. "Hey." You sat up and smiled. "Hey, kids. Lovely to see you all. Come meet your brother and sister." You giggled as they ran over to the babies in their cots. "I know you'll all be wonderful big brothers and sisters."
Your daughter Kuchel smiled at her brother and sister. "Can I pick one of them up?"
Evan bounced up and down. "Can I pick up the other?"
Levi hummed a laugh. "Sure, but be careful, okay?"
Kuchel picked up her sister and gasped. "So tiny."
Evan picked up his brother. "So cute."
Levi sat on the bed with you as your other two kids gazed at the babies. "They're small because they had to share your mum's belly."
Kuchel grinned. "You're incredible, mum."
You wafted your hand. "You're too kind."
Lilly gazed at you. "You're so strong!"
Dean nodded. "And brave."
Evan smiled softly. "You're the best. You do so much for us."
Levi gave you a big squeeze before kissing your hand. "Your mum is truly wonderful. We all love you so much." He kissed you and smiled. "Love you."
You giggled as your kids hugged you and said they loved you. "I love you all so much."
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena reactions S1Ep3 (I unfortunately don't have English reactions for the first two eps. They're at least half in German)
Xena Episode 3
Awww, Gabrielle training. (sword stuckkkk)
"You're lucky the tree was unarmed" 😂
Wisdom before weapons
Xena three seconds later: *pulls sword*
Uh oh. Orpheus? Or Morpheus? *rewinds* yeah, no idea. Probably Morpheus. Cos title: Dreamworker
"I'm waiting for you to say it for me" Pfft, the lesbianism
Gabrielle... No swordies for u
Oh yeah. Morpheus.
"You must be experienced then." "I've had experiences" SO valid as an answer
"Bigger" Xena staring at her breasts.
*shoves guy against barrel* Oop. She is BIG MAD her gf is gone. (Vastra 🤝 Xena)
"I'm not the wifey type" LESBIAN
Uh oh. Gabrielle senses opportunity
Ooooop, Gabrielle shouldn't kill
Travel dreams to save her love. (Something something "time travel was always possible in dreams")
"Use your own mind against you" uh oh
Is she wearing purple? Pwettyyy (not giving Katie McGrath at all, yes I'm gay)
OHHHH. Names of her victims. It's so much harder to kill when you see people as people...
"Kill us" oh yikes I'm getting hooj FMAB vibes from the philosopher's stone scenes. Especially in uhhhhh when they're stuck in the wrong portal
Oiii, Morpheus is not an ally to lesbians. Rude. Boo
Gabrielle my pretty princess I will fall to my knees are worship at your feet (I'm gay)
Remember Xena's words, Gabrielle
She made them fight each other, whoop
I want them to speak through either dreams-
Ohhh. The lesbianismssss xD So gae
Look at the gays
"It was a hypothetical question"
PFFFT Gabrielle bargaining for beauty sleep xDD
Why was the sword quality of the first sword so shitty?
Wow Gabrielle has SO much luck
"Soon she'll be just like you" ahhhh
Xena doesn't want Gabrielle to suffer that way
Ohhh, she controls her own passage!
Woman 👀 Smexy
"It means I finally get to kill you" HUH
Did I mention women are super sexy
Awww, poor Gabrielle
"If you were that strong I would never have left you"
HAH. She disappearedddd
Gabrielle. Give that sword to Xena
Boob knife boob wife
"10 percent off everything" shdhdhs
Yay, blind man got his job back (don't like his miracle healed sight but whatever)
"Mythical priests in your area"
Gabrielle my beloved
"We're all capable of it" The waterrr
"But if we sit here long enough, it'll go back to calm" HHHHH
They're so gay
The water is calm as they leave... Xena at Gabrielle's side
Um yes I will absolutely use a concept similar to this in a Jenny/Vastra fanfic at some point btw. I have the dreamspace and a psychic connection to exploit, hellooo.
I absolutely adore Xena and I think I'll spend the next few weeks watching only that.
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takekawa · 2 months
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expanding on this while sick off my tits to give me something else to focus on
i love when bitches are CRAZY and/or pathetic which is admittedly funny thinking about my favorite beautiful lovely obeyme wife Solomon who is you know. not THAT crazy and not pathetic in the way i like. like he’s competent and his blustering social incompetence is in the “he just doesn’t know he’s kinda weird and mildly ominous at times” way not the “pathetic whimpering animal” (mammon) (leviathan) way i usually go for
although admittedly im just a sucker for the ‘jovial wizard who is definitely threatening’ trope. merlin fate. shahmat dirtycrown. in hindsight it’s funny all of these guys have white hair. would all be fluffy long white hair if Solomon didn’t have that fuckass cut
obey me in general is such a funny series for me to be into bc like. No one in it is THAT crazy due to the medium/target audience (except belphie I respect whatever the fuck is wrong with him) but they all still enchant me so bad. admittedly im reinterpreting them a teensy bit in my head to be bigger creeps because i have a rare disease where if i don’t make every character a little bit of a yandere stalker ill die. whatever. my vision is true
off the top of my head like
lucifer ok I can’t actually fuck this one bc he lives in my head and regularly talks to me but he’s still moe moe kyun. exhausted brat-tamer father is inherently crack cocaine to me. Cannot say more and still look that alter in the eye. my bad peepaw
satan HATER NATION REPRESENT 💥💥💃 also him being such a stuffy serious nerd gushing about cats is moe. Meow for me boy
beel definitely the least interested in him bc of how aggressively normal he is but it’s fine he’s smexy. and presumably built like a chubbier laios. Sultry little whore body type
belphie gotta love a guy who fakes being your friend to turbo murder you then goes back to being your friend with the limpest apology ever as if the attempted murder and false friendship wasn’t even that big a deal. love you casual psychopath. also a siscon so bonus points
mammon pathetic dog who would wear a leash if you asked him too and act really indignant the whole time like this is SUCH an ordeal UGH he’s so above this (he’s been nuclear levels of wet the entire time)
asmo see appearance wise im not interested. But. not a clue if im bastardizing his character but ive been assuming his total obsession (the like… measuring your body and pointing out tiny traits of yours that are cute/changed scene comes to mind) is in the “he’s definitely stalking you” vindictive possessive way. throwing dead birds at the window whenever you’re hanging out with someone else. starting shit on his fifth alternate instagram account so it doesn’t look like it’s HIM stirring the pot every time you don’t respond to his texts immediately. I like to think he’s very petty and pissy but that’s admittedly my debilitating stalker kink talking
levi pathetic ass neet nerd with zero game you enchant me. bend over while watching mid harem anime boy
the extraneous cast (outside of Solomon) i am woefully less knowledgeable on but at a glance i do like all of them. simeon is obscenely hot and also motherly-but-ominous (sexy). mephi seems like a raging cunt which i respect but he is a devoted cuck so we can’t fuck. diavolo is married to lucifer but i do respect the whole ‘outwardly jovial but will use his status to make you do what he says’ schebang. he’d aggravate the fuck out of me but i can’t diss the hustle
who the fuck else is there. barbatos is also a devoted cuck but i like how cunty and rude he is. luke does not hit the notes i like in that way but he’s a funny little guy i enjoy him. no fucking clue what the one woman with a number name im forgetting does but i like her fit and vibe
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succubuswants · 10 months
Smexy Short Story FxF
I wanted to test out and see how many people would like this scene from my short story I'm writing. My character Ellana is a hypnotist and Isabella is the detective trying to catch her. Carter is Ellana's apprentice, but he is a little occupied at the moment. Please let me know!!
Ellana places her tea cup in the sink as she stands there for a few moments hoping that Carter’s next slave wouldn’t be as easy, giving her some relief. As she stood there with her arms stretched across the sink, Ellana turns her head towards the door as it sounded like someone was standing outside of her door with the sound of high heels shifting from side to side as if they were debating to knock or not. Ellana quietly took off her high heels as she set them neatly on the floor in the kitchen as she crept her way towards the door. Trying her best to not make a sound as Ellana was standing near inches from the black wooden frame, pressing her ear against it as she heard breathing from the other side of the door. ‘When will you ever learn. Thought I lost you for good this time’ Ellana sighed as she pressed two fingers to her throat as she spoke.
“Freeze” Ellana said with a stern tone as she unlocked her door to see a busty woman in her mid-thirties standing there with her long wavy blonde hair. The woman was wearing tight looking jeggings that matched her long-sleeved navy top that had a large V-neck, showing off her large D size breasts. Her eyes that were dark brown had faded to a light gray as she stood there completely still before Ellana, trapped in her trance.
“It’s been a long time Isabella. Come on in and take a seat on the couch” The woman walks into the room as she sits on the couch as commanded. Ellana closes her door as she takes a seat on the other end, looking the detective's beauty up and down, admiring her looks as she places her gentle hand on Isabella’s thigh.
“Good girl now be a good little detective and remove your top” Ellana commanded as her eyes were waiting to see her little slave follow her commands as Bella removed her navy-blue top to show off her blue colored bra that was underneath it. Ellana scooted closer to her slave as she reached over and slips her hand down Bella’s bra, groping and fondling her breast as Ellana’s fingers traced over her erect nipples through the bra.
“You seem to remember your master very well Bella. I enjoy watching my little mouse try to catch me, but to no dismay have you ever succeed my little slave. Isn’t that right Bella?” Ellana carefully moved Bella’s leg up on the couch as she spread them apart, seeing the material around her pussy tighten as she traced a finger down the line, seeing her slave gasp.
“Y-yes master. I will never be able to caaatch you” Bella remained still as Ellana smirked, looking her slave up and down as she then barked her next command.
“Bella, remove your top and jeggings. I want to see those perky nipples and that sweet wet pussy” Ellana smirked watching this determined independent detective turn into a mindless sex slave for her. She watched carefully as Bella stood up and pulled down her jeggings to show off her red lace thong that had a single line of string that hung covering her pussy as she undid her bra and tossed it to the floor. Ellana stood up as she placed her hands around Bella’s hips as she felt how soft and firm her body was. Bella seemed to keep in shape as she had nice curves that Ellana grabbed onto as her hand slowly traces down her thighs and then towards the front feeling her smooth skin that was against her pussy. Ellana bites her lower lip as she stared at the beautiful woman before her as she tossed her long brunette hair behind her shoulders. Her hand rubbed against Bella’s clit, feeling the skin there start to heat up as Ellana teased her slave, seeing those glossy lips remain untouched until Ellana shoved two slender fingers into the wet opening between her slave’s legs. Those glossy lips parted as a soft moan was heard from Bella who seemed to like feeling her master put her fingers inside of her. Ellana moved her fingers around, feeling the walls of her slave’s pussy begin to tighten as her long nails inched farther up into her hole.
“There you go Isabella. How do you feel? Do you enjoy having your master fondling you?” Ellana asked her slave whose lips were spreading even more now. Ellana took her other hand as she slowly moved her slave towards the couch and carefully set her down as her two fingers were slowly moving up and down inside, feeling up the wet squishy pussy. She knelt down before Bella as she carefully spread her slave’s legs apart even more as she got a good look at her slaves pink colored pussy, seeing her juices coming out.
“M-masters fingers feeeel so good. Want my master to ffffinger me mooore” Ellana smirked as she listened to her slave’s needs as she shoved another finger into her slave’s tight pussy, going deeper, hitting against her walls as she heard her servant gasp from pleasure.
“Your master will finger you some more, but you need to return the favor and eat master out, alright my pretty little slave?” Ellana was saying as she felt her own pussy getting wet seeing her slave moan and gasp as she was moving her fingers up and down, hitting every side of her walls. Carefully, Ellana shoved her forth finger into the slit as she pressed even harder, nearing hitting her womb this time as she stretched out her slave’s hole even more.
“Y-Yyess masssster! I-I will eat you out, e-eat you outtt….” Bella was slurring with her words as her cute little tongue was hanging out of her mouth from the extreme pleasure she was feeling and gasped the moment she felt her master’s whole hand slip through there, hitting the back of her womb as her whole body was shaking from pure ecstasy. Ellana reached up with her other hand as she gripped Bella’s breast hard, moving it up and down rather quickly, feeling the water filled fat jiggle squeeze in-between her fingers until she felt her slave cum into on her hands as she heard her let out a moan in pleasure. Ellana didn’t stop fisting her little servant as she pushed farther in, moving her hand in circles against Bella’s swollen pussy that was squeezing against her hand tightly.
“There you go my little slave. I’ll make you come so you can remember how much you missed your master. The more I pleasure you the better you will feel when you eat your master out. You will put that tongue of yours to work, right?” Ellana asked her servant who could only reply by nodding her head up and down as drool was coming out of her servant’s mouth as she felt more of Bella’s juices flow down her hand.
Ellana continued like this for while as Bella’s eyes were fluttering rapidly as she felt her slave cum on her several more times. She slowly pulled her hand out as she made her slave lick up her dirty mess as she stood up there.
“Since you been such a good girl Bella. You have the pleasure to eat me out” Ellana sat beside her slave as she pulls her skirt up to show Bella her pussy was in plain view, since her master didn’t wear any panties today. Bella then slowly scoots down with her pussy still dripping as she slowly spreads her master’s legs as she leans her head in close to her master’s clean-shaven pussy, moving her lips against her master’s hot skin. Slowly her tongue inches out as it presses between the folds and into the wet pussy, feeling her smooth tongue touching against the walls. Ellana took a hand and pushed Bella’s head farther into her crotch as her legs were spread apart as far as she could get them, feeling her servant’s tongue going deeper inside of her as it was swirling around, moving quickly inside as if Bella was a thirsty dog lapping up water.
“Ahh ahh ahh” Ellana moans as she breathes heavily feeling her self climax already since she was about to burst from pleasuring her servant before. Ellana takes her free hand and slips one of her G size breasts out of her deep red top as she massages it, squeezing it hard as she twirls her harden nipple in between her smooth fingers. Her hips begin to move on their own as she rocks them back and forth as her slave continues to lick and swirl that tongue of hers inside, swallowing any juices that her master releases, giving her more pleasure with each climax.
“Ahh!! T-there you go my sweet Isabella. Now clean up and fix your clothes. Once you’re finished go back to your room and finish unpacking. Forget you came here when you get back. Oh, and Isabella no matter how many times you masturbate when you get horny you can’t climax without me” Ellana smirks knowing the last little part was a little harsh, but since her servant found her again she might as tease her play thing. Ellana slipped her breast back into her dress top as she rolled her skirt back down as it covered up her damp pussy as she watched her servant clean up and put her clothes on as Bella was still in a dazed like state as she left the room to go back to hers to forget any of this ever happened.
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djservo · 7 months
movie recs w bro auras??
ohhhh you shoulda never asked me this question I think about those things way 2 much.. get your reading glasses on pal it gets real ugly down there
ok firstly want to clarify wit "bro aura" there's "whoa this character is so [bro]" in a singular characterization way n then there's "ohhh this is somethin the bros would do" in a situational way n then there's a more general/subtle yet distinctive vibe like the Pathos n Dynamics of it all... that's how i think of it at least all very convoluted yes but just 4 distinction 🦠 that being said I think these recs are more situational/dynamics rather than than str8 up characterizations bc if i tried listing all the individually sergio or joaquin aura coded movies we'd be here forever and i have a pie in the oven rn i don't have the time!!! ok onward .
Some Like It Hot (1959) — sorry to be corny but it's a classique for a reason!! Tony Curtis is so demure and Jack Lemmon is god's favorite court jester U can't take ur eyes off that man's mannerisms + they both play off each other so well!!! I love dummies stumbling thru silly hijinks!! I'd also recommend Matt Baume's video essay on the making of the film for a TMC #herstory moment
The Odd Couple (1968) — kinda theeee opposites-as-roommates movie, not my fav tbh it's a bit of a slog when Jack's not on screen but worth it if you want like a Cinema Classic Bro (brorigin..) moment that's kinda the foundation for the opposites-as-roomies dynamic
Paul Newman + Robert Redford are the original bros in my heart so Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid (1969) is a must and U might as well (in fact I implore you to) toss in The Sting (1973) to cement the fact that their chemistry is magical even just from the way they look at each other with those freaky beautiful blue eyes man it's like they're telekineticing... telekineticizing... shakspear luv.... I got into cards bc of this card trick Paul's character does ugh truly titillating work...
Rope (1948) inspired by Leopold and Loeb (the original Billy + Stu from Scream if u really think about it) sociopathic buddies with a buttoned-up formality that gives it this smexy polite n repressed edge (don't you love when the killers are true gentlemen!) this film also has a fun gay history so pair with Matt Baume's vid if u end up watching! if you like murder mysteries I think you'll enjoy
all 3 of the movies I did simstober edits based on obviiiii though I feel like generally every other 80s/90s horror movie has bro moments + I'm sure I've even posted a few rando screenshots here if u wanna dig around. I rewatched Re-Animator (1985) last month + almost did that for this year's simstober edit instead 🤭 and An American Werewolf in London (1981)!!!! good ol chummy back n forth right from the start + it also has the best transformation scene Ever (to me).. the Fright Night remake (2011) if u wanna stay in that 'friend comes back wrong' lane (the original is so good too but doesn't have as much buddy interaction if rmbr correctly)... also Lair of the White Worm (1988) which is soooooo fkn fun and worth it for the campiness alone but THAT ENDING !!!! I think about it all the time, it's one of my favs!!
Thelma & Louise (1991) is monumentalllll (lightly referenced in this bro post a couple years ago hehe) if U watch Butch Cassidy u gotta pair these two together, outlaw buddy movie marathon baybee!! & while we're in '91 might as well toss in Point Break ("I know you want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth" bonk) there's just somethin about late 80s/early 90s homoerotic undercover cop/action cheese .. the devastating n overbearing power of friendship(+love) or somethin... something gay was in the water in '91
if u don't mind more of an ensemble film Jason Lee + Jeremy London's characters in Mallrats (1995) are so spot on right down to their stupid conversations + even their outfits and PATHOSSSSS🤌 wise, that general meandering 90s feel ticks the bro aura in my head well BRAIN TURNING TO MUSH god this is getting long but I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface OK buck up (<-me to myself)
situationally Y Tu Mamá También (2001) is prob obvious when it comes to 2 friends getting into a Thing that drastically changes their dynamic (not that that's necessarily the bros .) + Splendor (1991) also fits the 2 guys 1 woman dynamic too but in a sillier way + Araki's style is a treat for the eyes just in general. Hush! (2001) also fits that dynamic but they're actually boyfriends rather than just friends (girl wants one of the guys to get her preggo bc she wants a baby & kinda forces herself into their relationship. me as hell. jk) but it's surprisingly really heartwarming!!! perf for the holidays!! Plan B (2010) is sooo underrated, that's another silly plot where a guy wants to get back with his ex-girlfriend & he hears that her new bf is bi so he tries to seduce the current bf to get him away from her...???? soo fkn silly and fun but Also surprisingly sweet and charming!! I posted about Matthias & Maxime (2019) when I first watched it bc it felt that uncanny... tbqh I'd recommend any early Xavier Dolan to immerse urself in joaquin's early québécois herstory (I totally ripped his backstory from I Killed My Mother not that we would even KNOW that @ djservo's slow ass smh) but this one in particular is soooooo....??!!! just watch it and report back to me . and i'm sorry to say in the year of lord 2023 that The Social Network (2010) is still that bitch to me hand covers bruise I WAS YOUR ONLY FRIEND YOU HAD ONE FRIEND oh my god JAIL TIME mr fincher for making me emotional over BILLIONAIRES !!!
not a movie but I've been sick n wanting something easy on the brain so I've been rewatching Boy Meets World from the start and if you don't already know, I based the bro apartment on Eric + Jack's in s5 and I've finally reached s5 and MAN O MAN!!! goldmine of bro auras through n through honestly cory + shawn have their moments too but literally just watch any eric + jack compilation on youtube (or jump to s5 tbh) to see the vibes it's actually so serious that I've been building an apartment from scratch in my feverish haze to closer resemble their with a working balcony it's soooooo soo gravely serious to me wait what were talking about again
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will-you-pick-me · 1 year
Ulrich Blurb (NSFW)
I hope this is what y'all were hoping for lmao, I've never actually written hatefucking before so I had to do some research and peer review ldjkfghlfsakd---
CW's: GN bottom (masochistic) Y/N, top (sadist) Ulrich, everyone's angry (but mostly Ulrich), semi-long intro/scene-setting, heavy impact play (spanking, hitting, grabbing, etc.), degrading/name calling, overstimulation, general rough sex shenanigans, conflicted/confused feelings after the fact, the smexy was unprotected because spur of the moment decision. The butler knows what you did.
Ulrich had been in his office entirely too long, you'd decided. And somebody had to break up his work so he didn't go gray early, so why not you? It's not like any of his staff had the balls to interrupt him.
You meandered into his office without knocking, smirking slightly to yourself as you saw his brows immediately furrow at the intrusion.
"I'm busy." A statement that was also an unspoken command, directing you to leave. You walked closer, hands bracing on his desk opposite him.
"Yes, you have been for several hours." He shoots you a glare, before going back to reading, signing, and stamping papers. "Your point?"
You smirk again, snatching the paper he was working on out from under his pen, causing him to pause, then exhale a forceful sigh through his nose, a muscle in his jaw flexing. He held out a hand for the paper, looking at you over the rims of his glasses expectantly. "You've made your point. I will take a break once I've finished with this stack, now give-" "What stack?"
He stared at you incredulously as you asked the question entirely too innocently, before you swiped your hand at the stack of papers on his desk, sending them fluttering and flying to the floor. He stood up quickly, his chair rolling back and thumping into the wall behind with a clatter. You only had a second to feel nervous at the look in his eyes before he'd moved around the desk, snaring his hand in your hair to slam you forward over his desk, leaning in over you from behind to growl in your ear.
"Bad move, Y/N."
You snarl back, trying to free yourself or kick or elbow behind you, through the position makes it hard to do anything effective. "Oh, fuck you-" "With pleasure, bitch." You unintentionally gasp as he growls in your ear, feeling his hand move to undo your pants. Finally, you notice the bulge pressed against your ass, and feel your cheeks heat up in response. Like hell you're going to let him win, though - you try kicking out again, managing to land a hit on his shin this time and prompting a grunt of pain from Ulrich, as well as distracting him enough that you manage to squirm away. You back up against a wall, heart hammering as you glare at him, watching him stalk towards you as he undoes his belt, glaring back at you with just as much energy. You're distracted for a moment by the flash of skin over his boxers as his shirt is untucked, something you usually never see from him, as well as the way his open zipper seems to perfectly frame the bulge in his boxers as his belt weighs the corners of the zipper down, drawing your eyes down the line of his toned legs.
Too late, you realize that he's reaching for you, and though you try to lunge to the side, his hand is balled up harshly in your hair again, his lips crashing in for a hungry, demanding kiss that catches you off guard, the faint taste of coffee and expensive cigars mixing with the taste of him on your tongue as rich cologne invades your nostrils, making your head spin. He grinds his hips against yours as you rip his suit jacket off his shoulders and down his arms, which jerk around quickly to fling it to the ground fully, his hands moving up quickly to pull up your shirt as you unbutton his shirt harshly, as if the buttons themselves had insulted you. You manage to get a good yank on his ponytail, making him grunt again, before he's dragging you back over to his desk, shoving you back down onto it again with one hand as he uses the other to push your pants down roughly, grinding his erection into your ass as you grit your teeth. With a huff, you shove down your underwear and try to swipe at his, though he backs up slightly with a dark chuckle, pulling out his dick on his own terms, causing you to growl in frustration at not being able to steal the power back.
You're not allowed to pout for long, though, before he's grinding up against your bare entrance, only a cursory teasing before he's pressing in, leaving you to gasp from lack of preparation. You hear him chuckle above you as he shoves your face down into his desk, beginning to thrust into you none too kindly. You growl your frustration as you clench yourself around him in retaliation, feeling some small satisfaction as you prompt a small groan from the man above you at the added tightness. His hands grope and scratch at your sides, leaving angry red marks in their wake as they work up towards your chest, roughly twisting your nipples and forcing you to let out a choked moan. You thrust your hips backwards into him, using the desk under you as leverage, a few pens rolling off it's surface and joining the papers on the floor as it's rocked. You're both using each other to vent your frustrations, but in the moment, neither of you really care that you're just a toy to the other person - at least this feeling is mutual.
You're caught off guard once more, though, as Ulrich yanks your head backwards by your hair, his other hand coming up under your chin to force you into bending your back in an almost painful way - if you roll your eyes up to the point of straining, you can catch a glimpse of his wicked smirk as he pounds into you, the angling rubbing something sinful inside of you, chipping away at what little scraps of control you had over the situation as your eyelids droop from the pleasure. You hear him chuckle darkly again, as he leans in to your ear to growl his words - "That's it, you fucking whore, give in..." - as his thrusts get deeper and rougher, speed getting sacrificed for the sake of force, but the dull ache inside of you blends with the pleasure in a heady mixture that has you rushing towards climax faster than you're used to, mind feeling hazy as you lose composure and begin moaning under him, too far gone to pretend you're not enjoying it anymore.
You gasp again as his teeth sink into your shoulder, bruising skin and deep tissue alike as his hand lets go of your chin to grip at your hip instead, pulling you into his thrusts to bury himself in you fully with each push, his breathing turning to panting and growling as you eventually lose control, screaming out as you clench around him, hands seeking something to hold on to, a lifeline, but only sending more papers to the floor in their blind desperate search. All you earn yourself is your face pressed back against his desk, his hand holding you down by the back of your neck in a rough grip, nails digging into your skin harshly as you drool dumbly onto the lavish cherry-stained mahogany wood. His hand that was gripping your neck moves down and around your front, beginning to tease at your outside as he continues pulling you into his rough thrusts, forcing your already sensitive bits to continue squeezing around him in waves as he extends your climax, driving you deeper into your whore-dumb state. All you can do anymore is take his dick, as he mocks you for losing this game - "What's the matter, bitch, too much for you to handle? Regretting picking this fight, hm?" - while he uses your hole as his own personal toy. You can hardly stand as he continues to pound into you, your legs trembling and twitching each time he rubs at you with his other hand, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes from the overstimulation as you sob out your moans.
"Beg for me to stop, and maybe I'll finish this up quicker." Your breath gets caught in your throat in another sob, even as the idea makes your cheeks burn again with blush.
"P-please..." "You can do better than that." You squeeze your eyes shut, forcing the tears to roll down your cheeks as you try to stutter past your shame and around your moaning, words coming out as a much more desperate whine than you would ever be willing to admit later on. "Please, m-mercy, sir..." "Hm..." He pretends to consider your begging, before laughing at you mockingly. "No."
You scream again as his free hand rubs at you expertly, forcing another climax out of you alongside more tears, as he continues to thrust into you aggressively, cruel laughter in between his own grunts and groans. You're a panting mess, legs trembling even more, relying on the desk under you and Ulrich's hand at your hip to stay up, staring dazedly at a dip quill on the desk a few inches from your face that rocks in time with his thrusts. You feel him slow down for a second, hearing the metal clink of his belt buckle as he pulls it off, letting the end snap against your ass and giving a short chuckle at your wince, before he's looping the belt around your neck, feeding the end back through the buckle a second time to ensnare your wrists behind your back as well, before starting his rough pace again, using the belt bondage to restrain and choke you. With horror, you realize you're building up to a third climax, and you try to beg again but get cut off by a harsh tug on the belt, leaving you to cough instead. "Shut up so I can focus on getting off - or do you want this to last even longer?" You shake your head frantically, sobbing out another moan as he gives a satisfied, victorious laugh before giving you a particularly nasty thrust, leaving you to scream as you unravel yet again, clenching around him as he speeds up, his breathing finally starting to become uneven and haggard as he speeds up, the hand on your hip moving to slap your ass, a moan clawing its way out of his throat as he hears you whimper. You can feel nothing but desperate relief as you finally feel his thrusts stutter and become even, a long moan working it's way out of him as he pulls you flush against his hips, cock pulsing inside you as he finally cums, breath hot and heavy against your back as he rests his head against your shoulder, muttering something foreign under his breath - "Тебе повезло, что ты мне обычно нравишься...".
Eventually, he lets out a disgusted noise, shoving off of you and removing the belt from your neck and wrists, feeding it back through his belt loops and buttoning his pants back up. He looks down at the mess on the floor and his desk with distaste, before leveling a glare at your weakened body that's slumped to the floor, your pants still down around your knees. "... I don't care how tired you are, you will be helping me clean this up. But I will at least call for water to be brought up, so get yourself covered."
You shakily nod, swallowing dryly and wincing at the way your throat sticks to itself as you pull your pants up, feeling dazed and confused by what just happened. You hadn't exactly been planning on this, and you weren't sure if you should be disgusted with yourself or not for enjoying it as much as you did or getting off that many times from it. The furrow in Ulrich's brows made you suspect he was going through the same, but like hell you were going to ask if he was ok after he tortured you like that. You still resented that he made you beg so pitifully only to deny your pleading, even if he was good with his hands. You take a couple more deep breaths to get your braincells back, then clumsily grab a few of the papers near you, glancing at the numbers of the pages to get them in some kind of order. You just barely manage to stand, placing the papers on the desk as a butler knocks and then enters the room, tray of glasses with a beautifully chilled to the point of condensation pitcher in hands, face professionally neutral as he glances at the mess and your flushed face, before he speaks after an artful pause. "... You called for water, sir?" You've never wanted to die out of embarrassment more.
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e-dubbc11 · 4 days
Stay Salty! Summer Sleepover 2024
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Hello my darling friends!
I thought it would be fun to do a summer sleepover. I’m about 20 away from 500 lovely friends on tumblr so a celebration will be in order if/when that happens but for now, we’ll do this if y’all are up for it.
So I’ll leave the rules under the cut. Thank you all so much for your continued support and friendships, they all mean so much to me! 🧡
Once again, I do love doing these but I do need your help so please like and reblog this. I promise I don’t bite so if you feel like it, please send something in!
Send in as many as you like
Not limited to my darling followers but I would love it if you did.
My VERY handsome men that I write for are my love, Billy Russo, Brock Rumlow, Matt Murdock, Dean Winchester, and a tiny bit for Donald Pierce
I’ll keep this open until June 11, 2024
Sleepover Offers…
Sunny Skies and Butterflies 🌞🦋
Summer activity moodboards 🏄‍♀️🌊🏖️☀️👙limited to mutuals only OR if you have ever reblogged or commented on any of my fics. Send me a character and a SUMMER activity and I’ll create a moodboard for you. If you ask me for some BEACHY WAVES to go along with it just give me a basic description of what you look like (hair color, skin tone, tattoos, etc. and anything else you’d like to tell me) and I’ll include that too with your moodboard
Walking On Sunshine ☀️ ☀️
Give me a SUMMER song and I’ll try and come up with a fic/scene/drabble based on it. I’ll leave some summer playlists I found, below.
Good Times and Tan Lines 🩱👙🩳
Recs: send me recommendations…movies, shows, music, books, etc.
Eat, Drink, and Be Sweaty 🍹🏖️🍦
Send me celebrities for hot or not
Stay Salty, Starfish ⭐️⭐️
Send me some assumptions you have about me
Vent. If there’s anything you wanna chat about, send it in. Anonymously or not
Send me some good beach reads
Top 5 Lists - can be for whatever you’d like to know
We Mermaid for Each Other 🧜‍♀️
And last but not least because I know everyone seems to like when I leave prompt lists so I’ll leave those at the end but also…
If any of my one-shots need/deserve another part, let me know.
Requests for any of my ongoing series are always on the table, you can combine the ask with dialogue prompts, situations, etc from the lists below or any idea you may have
Send me a character and a GIF, can be fluffy, smexy, angsty…I’ll try to write something based off of it
Protective Prompts
Angst Prompts
Did you…? Prompts
Post argument prompts/make-up dialogue
Smut Sentence Starters
Smutty One Liners
I’ve had a really rough day, please make it better
Lazy Morning Prompts
Beach Day Prompts
Summer Prompts
Summer Prompts-Married Couples (Sweetest Pain, anyone?
Heatwave Prompts
I hope to hear from you lovelies soon! Thank you again and I hope it ok to tag my friends that might be interested
Tagging: @k-marzolf @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @music-indie-tv @jvanilly @ittybxttykxttytxtty @fluffyprettykitty @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @aoi-targaryen @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @itwasthereaminuteago @danzer8705 @snowkestrel @fictional-hooman @vaguekayla
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