#but it’s just not something rowena would do
pinkfey · 2 years
the thing abt rowena and alistair that kills me is how her making him king is (in her head) an act of love in the same way her parents sending her with duncan against her will was
#forcing fate on another bc it’s your only means of protecting them#dooming them to a life they never wanted but at least they’ll live a few years long#*longer#in her head there isn’t even a choice and that is fucked up!! of course there’s a choice!! his choice!!#bc in her head as long as he is alive he’s a threat to the crown and people will never leave him be#and she can’t trust anora because anora is too much like her and she’s already been wounded by the people in power#too much to trust anyone other than herself#so she makes him king and promises she’ll carry all of the burden and he relents only because he loves her#it’s so messed up !! tbqh !! warden alistair is the ideal to me#but it’s just not something rowena would do#there’s commentary about how a deeply traumatized TWENTY YEAR OLD should not be the one deciding the fate of a country#too much power in the hands of a girl so angered at those whose actions put her there#idk why i’m rambling i just. that decision is awful yet so complex. there’s so much going on there and so much that intersects !!#her and alistair her and anora her and eamon and loghain and howe…..#i know ppl hate when alistair isn’t a warden and especially when he’s still softened while made king it’s just !! it’s abt The Narrative 😔#and they end up okay. they do. they’re okay. he doesn’t hate her for it. they love each other Too Much. it’s just !! u know !! a flaw !!#anyways.txt#ch: rowena cousland#x: a soft epilogue
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runraerun · 6 months
helloooo :3 i have this lil idea that i’m kinda (absolutely) too lazy to write myself but i saw ur interested in adding to jack/harper and so i wanted to give this to you :)
concepts: chuck won, jackharper, jack-centric with harper pov, samwena on the side optional but envisioned in my mind
plot: harper tracks jack down post 15x19/15x20 (your choice, i’ve gone back and forth) OR to the bunker and meets sam (and dean if you’re going with post 15x19) and thinks Something Is Wrong when jack isn’t there. so she starts doing some magic and investigating. of course she originally wanted to kill and zombify him but… when she finds him she realizes he is Not the man she was obsessed with. which makes her quite pissed and curious because how could he change so fast?
rough aspects: a redemption arc that doesn’t start out with that intent, witchcraft and bonding with / life lessons from rowena, more on her past, hunting down jack, her wanting a family and companionship but going about it in the wrong way, harper using her innocent looking face to her advantage
side note: in my head she’s covered in blood or using bones in her craft in the opening scene to mirror rowena’s entry.
just an idea in case u ever get bored and want her to be a lil feral for bad -> good reasons. I hope this was at least fun to think about!
— hw
Oh boy! My first ask on this blog and it's about my new obsession that I'm currently spiralling over! Hurray! I'm so very into the Chuck won theory. I know some people get personally offended by it, but I think it really changes the whole vibe of finale for the better, because it effectively turns it into a horror show, especially for Jack.
I would LOVE to see Harper team up with Rowena (I may or may not have something in the words regarding this), and try and rescue their boys.
Also, the whole Harper using her innocent/beauty to her advantage while also being a total agent of chaos, carrying around scrying bones, graveyard dirt, virgin blood, and possibly a skull from someone who may or may not have been her ex-boyfriend. Feral, scary, unhinged, all while being pretty, feminine and flashing her thousand kilowatt smile like, "who me?;)" I LIVE FOR IT. I also really dig the idea of her not accepting that Jack became God, like "ummmm so he said he's *everywhere* now? in every drop of dust or whatever? Lame. he's supposed to come with me to the farmers market tomorrow, not be *everywhere*. I gotta talk to him."
And then immediately recognizes that this Jack is not her Jack. Galaxy brain or no, this is someone pretending to be Jack.
Ahhhh I love it. How ironic that it would be Harper potentially saving everyone just because she's like "hmmmmm no, no one tries to kill my boyfriend except me, got it?:)"
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castielmacleod · 2 years
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Also. MacLeods with glasses.
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shanastoryteller · 10 days
Happy birthday! Anything SIAT please
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ingina isn't at all appreciative of her efforts.
"Four years?" she screeches. "I could have been married this year but thanks to you I have to wait four years!"
Rowena doesn't massage her temple only because she knows better than to show weakness to enemy. "Yes, and now you might actually have a decent relationship with your husband. Apparently Godric is better than the rumors, because he wasn't exactly eager to wed and bed a teenager a decade younger than him. Give yourself a couple years to grow up. Maybe study your swordplay if you want him to be actually interested."
Her eyes narrow. "Well, you've changed your tune, haven't you? You just want him for yourself!"
She wrinkles her nose. "One, absolutely not. Two, if I did I would have simply challenged him for his hand and we'd already be married. I really did this for your benefit, Ingina."
"I hate you!" she snaps, stomping off to her room in a flurry of skirts.
Rowena resists the urge to summon something alcoholic. She's still not completely over her hangover from drinking with Helga. Again.
Godric had warned her. Salazar had just laughed.
"Maybe I should have bargained for eight years instead," she says dryly.
Her uncle claps her on the shoulder than goes after his daughter.
Her father is giving her a look that makes the space between her shoulder blades itch. "What?"
"You do seem to be more complimentary towards the young Lord Gryffindor," he says slowly.
"Not you too," she sighs. "He has excellent companions and is rather tolerable after the second glass." She pauses then admits, "I do not believe he would have much patience for Ingina as she is now. "
"Well," he sighs, "let's hope the next four years are full of change, then."
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zepskies · 7 months
Like idk maybe say Sam didn't listen to Dean and tried making a move on reader? Like ofc he wouldn't ever do that *I don't think* but in this hypothetical scenerio it happens
Hey hun!
Oooof, that's hard. You guys really like this angsty love triangle stuff, huh? 😂 I genuinely think Sam would rather saw off his own hand than hurt Dean that way. But this is like, the only thing I could think of on this one. 😅
See this imagine for context: You are Dean's one exception.
Pairing: Dean W. x Reader, one-sided Sam W. x Reader Word Count: 1,100
Imagine: Sam crosses the line.
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Goddamn witches.
That's the last coherent thought Sam has, before his mind is no longer completely his to control.
Well, it's still his mind. His body. But the careful door in his mind and in his heart, reinforced with steel and chained shut with titanium, combo-coded, locked and loaded, now has broken hinges.
Thoughts he hasn't allowed himself to think for months are pried open, with a sick kind of enjoyment in pain.
You're his brother's girl. Sam can't help but love you. He wants you. And now, he might be able to have you.
The witch is dead, but the spell she just hit Sam with remains. He's not dead, so that's a plus.
"Are you okay?" you ask him, slightly breathless. You're the closest to where he's sprawled on the ground, so you go to him. You touch his arm, and he can't help but clamp down on your hand. He looks at you with the thinly veiled eyes of a hunter as he smiles. Because your concern reaches the deepest parts of him.
"I'm fine," he says.
But Dean reads the hunger in his brother's eyes. He's subtle in the way he grasps your shoulder and Sam's (noticeably tighter).
"But what happened? How do you feel?" you ask, trying to take stock of what you're all dealing with here.
"I uh...feel fine, actually," Sam says. He rolls his shoulders. His gaze focuses on you. Dean holds him back from getting off the ground.
"Get the book. See if there's a way to fix this," Dean tells you without taking his eyes off Sam.
Sam tilts his head at Dean, the beginning of an angry frown on his lip as you rush away to find the witch's spell book.
"What's the matter, Dean?" Sam asks. He doesn't bother to lower his voice. (He literally doesn't have a filter anymore.) "Afraid of what might happen when she actually has the chance to choose?"
Dean's lips purse as his eyes darken. "This isn't you. And when you wake up from this, you're either gonna hate yourself for even thinkin' what you're thinkin', or you're gonna have one hell of a headache."
Sam stares back incredulously. He scoffs. "What're you gonna do, kill me?" They both know that's not happening.
But that's also when Dean knocks him the hell out.
When Sam wakes, it's to you stuffing tissues in his bloody nose. He groans a bit. He looks at you and still wants. But when he looks down at himself, he's in the bunker, handcuffed to the war room table.
You look worried for him as you go back to your side of the table with the book. Dean is oddly nowhere in sight. Sam thought he'd be watching you (and Sam) like a hawk.
"Dean'll be back in a sec. He's trying to get ahold of Rowena," you supply. "But how're you feeling? What's the spell doing to you exactly?"
Sam rolls the kinks out of his neck and removes the tissues, even though his entire face radiates with pain. His brother once promised to break his nose, and he did just that.
"Basically? I think it took away my inhibitions," he replies. More like threw them in a blender and put his deepest, headiest desires into overdrive.
You frown. "Like a really bad bender, or a truth serum kind of thing? But why would he punch you out for that?"
Your gears are turning rapidly, weighing out all the options. You always were smart. Sam leans forward slowly. Noting your thread of wariness, his face softens. He doesn't want to scare you...
He sighs. "Listen...there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now."
He reaches out a hand. You're looking at him in frozen surprise. His curled fingers brush your cheek. He leans in toward your face.
But you flinch and pull away.
"What the hell are you doing?" you ask.
Sam should've known, but it still hurts him. His jaw clenches. The spell takes away his self-preservation, however.
Just as he might've tried with words to finally confess the depths of his heart, the door creaks open.
The sound of Dean's heavy boots approaching makes him flinch. But Sam looks over with an unrepentant stare.
Dean glances at Rowena, nostrils flaring. "Fix him." He gestures at Sam before he joins you on your side of the table, resting a protective hand on your back.
Rowena shoots him a droll look. "Only because you asked so nicely."
"I don't need fixing!" Sam argues, glaring at Dean. His voice echoes on the bunker's walls. "You're just afraid of what happens if she knows the truth!"
Your eyes widen further. You look from Sam, to your boyfriend. Dean's jaw is clenched tight.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?!" you ask in earnest. Dean meets your gaze for a moment, his face tense. His reluctant eyes communicate to you things you never knew. Things that clog emotion in your throat. Dean turns back to Sam.
"Don't do this, Sammy. It don't end well for you," Dean says.
"Like hell," Sam retorts.
"Okay, sleep now, dear," Rowena says. And with a wave of her hand and a haze of violet, Sam's world once again blackens.
When he next wakes, he's in his own bed. Not restrained. He indeed has a massive headache, and it's hard to breathe through his still broken nose. He groans and turns, and his brother is there.
When the overwhelming guilt sets in, Sam knows he's himself again, with all the careful walls around his heart put back in place. Rowena must've broken the spell when he was unconscious. Dean can see the truth in Sam's eyes.
"There he is," Dean remarks dryly. "Our giant Jekyll and Hyde."
Sam inhales deeply. "Dean..." I'm sorry doesn't quite cut it.
"She knows," Dean says, after a moment. "Obviously."
Sam nods, swallowing past a lump in his throat. He hesitates to ask the next burning question, because part of him knows the answer.
"It doesn't change anything."
Sam's head turns at the sound of your voice. You stand in the doorway, with your arms crossed despite the disheartened look on your face. Your eyes meet his, steady and sad, but firm.
"I know," Sam says, with a small, self-deprecating smile. "I'm sorry...for all this."
"It's not your fault," you reply. Spell or no spell, the way he feels is not his fault.
You step into the bedroom and go to Sam's bedside, laying a hand on Dean's shoulder. That hand smoothes up his neck, and your fingers briefly thread into his hair. Another silent conversation passes between you and Dean, the way only lovers that close can accomplish.
After a beat, Dean nods and gets up out of his chair. He thumbs at your cheek; it's both an answer to your unspoken request and an endearment. Then he pats Sam's shoulder before he leaves you and Sam alone in the room.
Trust. That's what that is. Dean trusts you, and now that the spell has worn off, he trusts Sam again.
Sam meets your gaze. As awful as he feels, he still loves you. He knows you know by the way your gaze meets his.
All he wants to do is touch you.
To apologize, and to touch you.
He hates himself.
You shake your head. "I love you, Sam. As my friend. My brother."
"I know," he nods. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry," you reply. "You just have to respect that."
"'Course, I do," Sam nods again. You would've never known, if not for the damn spell.
You surprise him by taking his hand. Yours is soft and warm and kind.
Always kind...
But never truly his to hold.
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AN: GAH! The Angst. You could bottle it. 😩
Want to know what that conversation was like between Dean and the reader after she "found out?"
Read It Here: You and Dean talk about Sam's feelings.
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 months
Dean Winchester & daughter!reader, Sam Winchester & niece!reader
Requested by anonymous (x2)
Synopsis: you get your period for the first time, and Sam and Dean help you through it
Warnings: blood, period, crying, fluff
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You awoke in the middle of the night, unsure at first what had woken you up. Then a sudden, stabbing pain in the pit of your gut had a pained gasp escaping your lips.
“What…” you mumbled as you pulled your blankets aside and clicked on your lamp. Another gasp, this time one of shock, came out as you saw blood covering your sheets and blankets. The gasp was followed by a whimper as another wave of pain washed over you.
You didn’t understand; you hadn’t been injured anywhere recently, and certainly not down there…
The only thing you could think of was a witch—Rowena had been around lately, and though she seemed to be on your side, could you really be sure? She could have left a hex bag in your room, something that would make you bleed to death! You checked your mouth, your nose, your ears—anywhere else that you could be bleeding from—but nothing; it was just between your legs. Your chest was tight, your throat constricted, as panicked gasps left you. You tried to take deep breaths—you needed to keep calm—but it wasn’t very effective.
You wanted to go and get your dad and Uncle Sam, but first you decided to do a quick sweep of the room; you didn’t find any hex bags.
You made your way awkwardly towards your fathers room, very aware of the blood running down your right leg. Your hands were shaking as you reached out to knock on his door, and when you looked down you realized that all of you was shaking.
Dean opened the door, rubbing his face and looking half asleep.
“N/N? What are you doing up?”
“I-I-I…” you swallowed hard and tried again to speak past your tears. “I think I got hexed.”
Dean was suddenly alert, his eyes fully open and his stance straight.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Im ble-bleeding and it won’t stop,” you sobbed.
“Bleeding? Where?” It was too dark for Dean to see the growing stain on your pajama pants.
“Um…my-my…” you were suddenly shy, struck with how awkward it felt to talk about this with your father. You clammed up, alarming Dean.
“Commere,” he said, opening his room for further and gesturing you in. He clicked on his bedroom lamp and looked you up and down. It took him mere seconds to see the blood on your pants, and to your surprise he relaxed completely. “Oh kiddo…”
His lips began to twitch ever-so-slightly, and now it looked like he was having an internal battle. Was he…
“Are you smiling?!” You demanded. “Dad, I could be dying!”
A single second of laughter escaped him before he schooled his features, noting how scared you were.
“Honey, you’re not dying, I swear. This is totally normal.”
“Normal? How could this be normal, I’m bleeding!” Dean’s nonchalance just made you more frustrated, which just made more tears fall.
“Hey, hey ok,” Dean’s voice was gentle and understanding. “Just take a seat and I’m gonna go get Sam. He can get you what you need for this and while he’s gone I’ll explain it.”
“Do-do we have to tell Uncle Sam?” You mumbled, still embarrassed, but less panicked.
“Trust me, Uncle Sam knows what this is too. It’s not gonna bother him a bit.”
“Ok.” You nodded your assent. “But-but I can’t sit on your bed, I’ll get blood all over your sheets.”
“Just sit, I’ll wash them later, ok?” Only after you’d hesitantly sat on your dad’s bed did he leave to get Sam.
Dean was just wrapping up his explanation when Sam returned with a Walmart bag and a gentle smile.
“Hey there,” he greeted. “How are we doing?”
“Um—ok,” you mumbled. Now that you understood you weren’t dying, you were more embarrassed than anything. “Sorry for freaking out.”
“Don’t apologize,” Dean insisted. “I should’ve told you earlier, I just…I thought I’d have another year or two.” Dean ruffled your hair. “You’re growing up fast, kiddo.”
Your lips twitched up—only a little—and Dean grinned before turning to take the bag from Sam.
“Ok, what do we have here?”
“Uh—“ Sam scratched the back of his neck. “Well I asked this lady that was buying some of this stuff herself, just to make sure I got everything. I got pads and tampons, because she said that Y/N should get to pick. Then I got a heating pad—that’s supposed to help with cramps. I got this one that you can plug in, it looks easy to use, but then I got this one shaped like a teddy bear that you can put in the microwave.” Sam reached into the bag as he spoke, pulling out each item in turn. Sure enough, he pulled out a little brown bear, and you smiled. “And then I got a lot of chocolate, and some, uh…” Sam pulled out a bottle. “I don’t really know what they are, but it’s supposed to be better for cramps and stuff than Advil, so…”
Looking at all the stuff on the table, you felt incredible overwhelmed. You needed all this stuff?
“Ok.” Dean clapped his hands together. “I guess you should start with these.” He held out the box of pads and the box of tampons. You took them both, reading the instructions on the back carefully before taking both boxes with you to the bathroom. You returned a few minutes later to both men busy at work—Dean taking the sheets off his bed while Sam was returning from your room with clean clothes.
You took the clothes from Sam and retreated back into the bathroom, and after a quick shower to clean yourself off, you emerged again in clean pajamas. Dean was just returning to the room with the teddy bear fresh from the microwave, and Sam had gotten you a water bottle.
“Do you want us to take this stuff to your room?” Dean asked, and you saw his question for the open invitation that it was.
“Could I stay in here?” You asked, and Dean smiled.
“Of course, sweetheart. I’m gonna go get some clean sheets, and then we can go back to bed, ok?”
Not ten minutes later, Sam had returned to his room and you and Dean were getting comfortable in his bed.
“Just let me know how you’re feeling in the morning, and we’ll go from there ok?” Dean said.
“Ok,” you mumbled sleepily, burrowing into Dean’s side. “Hey dad?”
“My pleasure, kiddo.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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river13245 · 4 months
They React To You Being Asexual
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, Rowena, Lucifer
(this is going to be a thing that I do regularly so request)
Dean Winchester
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The both of you have been dating for almost a month now. You weren't oblivious to the fact that Dean was a very touchy guy. He would go to bars and pick up women all the time before you came around. Maybe that's why you had a pit in your stomach. You go to dean who was in the main room of the bunker and ask dean if you could talk to him in private.
He gets up and walks into your guys's room. "what's going on. Something happen?" he asks and you shake your head. "no not yet. Uh I just thought I should tell you something" He sits down on the bed and looks at you. :alright what's going on?" you take a deep breath in and speak all in one breath "Im asexual. I know that you like sex which is not a fault but I just know i'm not going to be able to give that to you"
He asks you to explain it to him and when you do he nods and its quiet for a moment before he speaks. "babe this isn't going to change anything between us. You don't want sex. that's fine i can take care of myself if i need to. Don't feel bad" when you sit beside him hs places his hand on your thigh and you rest your head on his shoulder.
Sam winchester
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Your boyfriend was sitting on the bed reading when you entered the room. He looked so nice in the sweatshirt and sweatpants he was wearing. You were taking a moment to think about how you wanted to tell him that you were asexual.
Sam had never once made you feel as if you had to do anything you didn't want to do. If anything he was always cautious for first moves. your first kiss he leaned in slowly, making you close the gap. He also never really asked or initiated for the both of you to go any further beyond just kissing and cuddling. You had a feeling he knew which made you less nervous. "whets going on in that head of yours" he asks as he looks over at you.
You sit onto the bed beside him. "there's something I need to tell you" he puts his book down to give you his full attention before nodding. You take a breath before saying calmly "i'm asexual. I don't ever want to have sex with you. I should have told you sooner and i'm so sorry I didnt i was just waiting for the right time an-" You stop speaking because sam has placed both of his hands on the sides of your face and kisses your lips. "its okay honey, I have had a feeling that you might be and I still love you either way. Plus i have a lower sex drive than most people so you dont have to worry with me okay?" You nod and you cuddle up against him as he reads a little while longer.
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You were sitting on your bed just thinking about how you were to tell your boyfriend that you were asexual. Your boyfriend had never really said anything about wanting sex or anything like that but it still made you nervous. You knew Castiel wouldn't break up with you because of it. So once you calmed yourself down a bit you prayed for him. "castiel I need to speak with you"
Wasnt even 2 minutes later and hes standing in front of you. "Theres something on your mind?" he asks and you nod. "yes there is. I just needed to tell you that if we are going to continue our relationship..there will be no sexual acts. Kissing and everything is fine but just not sex."
He looks at you for a moment before he takes your hand in his "That is perfectly fine. Angels dont need to have sex." you lean in and kiss his cheek and hug him
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Crowley had been in one of his moods today. Your boyfriend was a very moody person. One thing could piss him off so because of this you were not looking forward to telling him about the fact that you are asexual. In fact you were thinking about not telling him. Not for a while anyways.
However when he walked into the room he could see the way you didnt come up to him to welcome him back like you always did. So he crossed his arms and looked at you. "what" you asked as you looked up at him. "What is going on? You arent acting normal" this caused you to roll your eyes at him. "when have I ever been normal" he shrugs but doesn't say anything else which makes you sigh.
You laid down onto the big bed you two shared. "Crowley I am asexual. That's why I haven't made a move to do anything more than kissing" He uncrossed his arms and lays down beside you. "really that's what's got you so weird?" nodding in response he rolls his eyes. "I'm a demon and have lived much longer than you have. You being asexual is the least of my problems. I want to be with you either way"
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Rowena was doing some of her witchy stuff looking beautiful while she focused. You knew you shouldn't interrupt her but this was eating you alive. Your friends had been talking about their partners and how they were great in bed and everything else. You loved your friends of course but its started to eat away at you. That you couldnt and wouldnt give that to Rowena.
She was a woman and many women want that part of the relationship. That kind if intimacy and you were feeling awful about it. Rowena deserved an explanation so before you could talk yourself out of it you walked up to the table and took a seat. "Rowena Love" She looked up at you and when she noticed how you looked she stopped what she was doing. "what's wrong dear"
You let out a long sigh before explaining to her about what you and your friends were talking about and then you pause for a moment before speaking again. "I know that you probably want that and I cant give it to you. How could you possibly be happy like this" She places both her hands on the sides of your cheeks and kisses your forehead then your lips. "I am happy with you. There has not been a moment where I doubted us or my feelings for you. You are the one that I want to be with for the rest of our time here" She pulls you into a soft hug
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You had just walked back into your home and Your partner was sitting on his chair that he had claimed as like his "throne". He had been talking to a few other demons that worked for him and so you tried to walk quickly past them but he made you stop. "where do you think your going?" he wasn't angry he was just confused because you usually greet him when you come back home. You look at him "i'm going to our bedroom"
He could tell by the tone of your voice and your body language that something was wrong. So he quickly made the demons leave before turning to look back at you. "come here" you walked closer to him and he looked at you sitting up more on his chair. "what happened while you were out?" He was very protective over you and it was written all over his face. You knew he was going to find out anyways so you begin to tell him.
You tell him about how your friends were asking about how you and your boyfriend was. Asking how the sex is going etc etc. Lucifer nodded and was actually letting you finish speaking. "when I told them that. We don't have sex because i'm asexual they started judging me and everything." He almost speaks up but you cut him off "why do you stay with me. Lucifer I know that you have had many demons and even other angels in your bed before. Why stay with the one who cant give you what you need"
Lucifer looks at you as if you just said something in a language he didn't understand. He uses his power to bring you closer to him and then he stops and holds his arms out for you. Silently telling you to sit with him and so you do. You sit on his lap and rest your head on his shoulder. "I may have had others share a bed with me. But none of them have had such a emotional hold on me before. You are the one that i fell in love with. Don't ever doubt me or my feelings towards you." he says the last part with such a serious tone and all you can do is nod and let him hold you.
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s1ater · 2 years
unprofessional help.
pairings. robby keene x fem!reader
about. you dislocated your shoulder, robby has to pop it back into place.
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warnings. injury (dislocated shoulder), swearing
ricky rocks. wrote this A LONG TIME ago, but didn’t finish. it’s basically a crack-fic because there’s no purpose to the story.
“okay, just take a deep breath, alright?”
his words didn’t stop the whining coming all the way from the back of your throat, deep breathy whines that drawed out into groans of deep, deep pain.
“y/n, breathe,” he whsipered, now looking directly into your eyes, realizing you were holding your breath, trying to make yourself pass out, trying to make it all go away.
he slowly pushed you to the ground on your stomach, making you yell, both his hands on your dislocated shoulder pressing hard but carefully.
“robby—robby, i cant do this, i cant do this,” you stuttered out his name, breathy and all caught up in your throat as your chest rumbled up in down. your eyes were wide with terror as they connected with his, just as freaked out, screaming out, but he kept it calm as he pulled it slowly, like he was preparing himself to pop it back into place.
“y/n, you have to-“
“robby no!”
“your shoulder is dislocated. i need to pop it back into place,” the reality of the situation seem to hit you the moment he said those words, his eyes piercing yours with sympathy but harshness. you winced, resisting the urge to cry as the pain surged through your body in large waves. “it’s going to hurt, but i’m trying to help you. it’ll hurt a lot less.”
you bit the inside of your cheek, slowly pulling your eyes from his, settling onto the ground. you became very hyper aware of everything that you were feeling and any slight movement that would shift through your bones.
robby was straddling, pinning you tightly to the ground as he mentally prepared for this himself. he had never put a shoulder back in its place, but he had seen it done before.
“y/n, you’ll be fine. guys at the skatepark have this happen all the time to them. once they get popped into place, they’re good as new,” his version of reassurance made your stomach slightly settle; he could tell by the way your body became more relaxed. “you ready?”
you nodded your head.
“i need you to say it aloud, are you ready?”
“yes, yes, robby, just please make the pain stop,” you spoke frantically, slightly squirming beneath his light movement. “just do it!”
he pops it into place right as you yell out your sentence, but it finishes out in a strangle cry.
“good girl,” he breathes out, relieved, placing his hand against your head in a encouraging way, “good, y/n. now let’s get you some actual medical help.”
@multifandom-obsessed @thecraziestcrayon @myalupinblack @avengersgirllorianna @beetlepussy @fruitiseavey @ishwiya @Uselesssapphickitten @skateb0red @black-rose-29 @rrosecar @hawksahandful @let-love-bleeds-red @instabull @isleofhawk @rudypankowisdaddy @rottenstyx @the-anxious-youth @itzstacie @urfavtemptress @whoreforsophialillis @andrealoveshere @wellyn06 @coral-peony-writer @nyx.midnight.mikleasion @famousgalaxytidalwave @w0nderr @bebybailey @write-from-the-heart @wiseflamingoqueen @carpioassists @simplytpwk @Skiala45 @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @LydiaAmphlett @teti-menchon0604 @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @spiderman-berries @i-love-scott-mccall @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @demigirl-with-problems @sunsetcurve-95 @nyx3028 @missaryasstuff @hizziestial @carav4l @popeheywardssecretgf @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @xivilivix @ritz-hell-hotel @alascaxq @fruitiseavey @colbysbrocks @deathtobarbie @love-marauders @areil4 @something-noir @colorfulpaperthing @ditigdisis @helloicecreamisalwaystheanswer @sunflower4 @morganaah @eichenhouseproperty @confusedchildstuff22 @savagemickey03 @liltimmyst @theresawtf @alexxavicry @esposadomd
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queen-of-deans-booty · 10 months
His Anchor
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: MoC!Dean, fluff at the end
Request by @jessicalynnann: how about mark of Cain dean and he is an ass to everyone but the reader. He is all fluffy and lovely dovey with the reader and one night he has had enough of her cuteness and just kisses her… maybe she tells him about a book she is reading… 
Summary: Dean is affected by the Mark in ways you and Sam don't realize, and he's trying not to let it affect others around him. However, there is only one person who can lift his spirits even when he's shrouded in darkness.
Square Filled: the first blade (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Dean sits alone at the library table with just a dim lamp to light the room and a glass of alcohol next to him. He hasn’t been doing good as of late because of the fucking Mark on his arm. It’s a constant reminder of how much he’s got to lose, and it’s taken over his life. He wants the damn thing removed but he’d be putting people in danger if he does. This Mark has already claimed so much of his life that he’s trying to hold onto whatever he has left, refusing to give into it more.
He traces the edge of the Mark with his index finger and goosebumps crawl up his arm immediately. There’s something raw in the danger that befalls the Mark including the First Blade. He’s used it plenty of times to kill those who deserve it even though it itches for more. The First Blade will never be satisfied with how many kills Dean gives it because there is a purity in how many victims it can claim.
Including himself. In the end, he’ll fall victim to his own blade. Would he die? Would the Mark allow him the sweet relief of death?
“Hey, you alright? Why is it so dark in here?”
Dean is pulled from his thoughts and looks up at his brother who has entered the room.
“What do you want?” Dean asks and turns the brightness up on the lamp.
“I might have found a lead on Metatron. He’s the only one that’s gonna have information on the Mark.”
Dean is so sick and tired of hearing how his brother found a lead only for that lead to turn up dead. He’s been led on by hope far too many times only for it to bite him in the ass later.
“Sammy, how many times do I have to tell you? Stop looking for the cure. It’s pointless if it means a lot of people are gonna be hurt in the process.”
“I know but this time is different. Listen to this. Rowena is a really old witch. She comes from the same kind of magic as the Mark, so I figure if we can get to Metatron, then--”
Dean slams his glass onto the table, shattering it to pieces. His hand bleeds but he doesn’t care about that. Sam jumps at the sudden noise and stares at his brother with uncertainty in his eyes.
“Don’t make me smack you.”
Sam’s shoulders sag in defeat.
“Fine. Whatever.”
The younger brother leaves to investigate this on his own. If Dean isn’t gonna help him then he’ll do everything himself. Dean knows he will never give up because that’s not what they do. If it were Sam who took this Mark on, then Dean would be the same way. Dean shakes his head and grabs another glass from the small cart by the table and pours himself another drink. He has bigger things to worry about than the Mark like Rowena, Cain, the Book of the Damned, and just about every fucking thing in his life.
You walk into the library with a book in your hand and Dean’s mood becomes ten times better. Everything in his life is fucked up but you. You’re the light in all this darkness and he’s so scared you’ll end up hurt because of him. You look up and smile when you see Dean but the smile is lost when you see the pieces of glass on the table.
“Hey, where’s Sam?” you ask.
“Doing nerdy things,” Dean shrugs.
“Okay, can I talk to you about this book I just finished? Like I need to tell someone.”
“Sure,” he chuckles and welcomes the distraction.
“Okay,” you rush to the table and sit next to him, “so the main character, Alana, works at this big company that everyone knows about and she feels trapped doing the same shit every single day. She wants to be doing more with her life but doesn’t know where to start or what she should be doing. That is, until the CEO of the company, Marcel started doing some shady shit. She tries to find out what he’s been up to, and it turns out that he’s making this serum that will make him rule the universe or some shit like that. She’s like hell no so she tries to foil his plans but ends up as his test subject! She tries to escape him but he ended up giving her the serum since he needed a human subject. This whole big fight happens between them but I was not expecting that turn of events!”
Dean isn’t paying attention to a goddamn word you’re saying. You’re so passionate and happy about this book you’re reading that he’s focused on your smile, the way your eyes light up, and how you can’t sit still. You give him joy like no other. How did he ever cope before he met you?
“Are you even listening to me? Why are you staring at me like that?” you ask.
Dean can’t help but grab your chair and pull you closer to him. He slides his big hands into your hair and plants his lips on your impulsively. You haven’t felt his lips in over a year since he kissed you when he was ass-backward drunk. You thought he never brought it up because he was drunk, but he didn’t want the one good thing in his life to go away if he confessed how he felt about you.
He pulls away from you and watches as your mouth opens and closes like you don’t know what to do. Your cheeks heat up in nervousness because you were not expecting that at all.
“Oh, okay,” you stutter.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. I’m glad I found you and not Sam.”
“So, how did Alana escape Marcel?”
Just like that, you’re back to passionately talking about your book. You’re the only thing anchoring him down and keeping him sane, and he needs a bit of that right now.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year
The types my favourite Supernatural characters would fall for:
Includes Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Jack Kline, Crowley, and Rowena Macleod
Sam Winchester:
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Surprisingly, I don’t think Sam would go for a nerd, or a bamf. No, I think he loves the gentle people most. Those who - regardless of whether or not they know about monsters - see the good in everything. Those who share a positive mindset and manage to smile through every situation. Sam has been through hell and back, and he needs that place of solitude more than he cares to admit. Someone he can run to who he knows will make him feel better. Comforting arms, gentle words, reassuring kisses: he craves those things more than anything. And he will damn well do anything he can to keep you safe from all those things he fights against. God forbid you are the one to be faced with those evils. His face always seems to light up upon seeing you. He has this habit of walking to you and wrapping his arms around you, lifting you off the ground slightly. But when he is exhausted, or something goes wrong, he will saunter, place an arm around your waist and pull you in for a side hug, his face buried in your hair, simply grateful to be back home. With you. He needs those things and we all know it.
Dean Winchester:
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Now, Dean is the exact person to fall head over heels for nerds. People who can kick ass? Sure. But someone who knows a lot of things about a lot of different subjects? Very attractive. We all know Dean is somewhat of a nerd himself - we’ve seen it on multiple occasions - but he buries it deep down. But once you start rambling about a book series you love, or a game you’re really into, 90% chance he’ll give it a go behind your back. When you find out, he always plays the “so I can talk along” card, but let’s be honest: he’s genuinely curious. It sounds so stupid and nerdy, he wants to know what it is all about. Opposite of him, you love books. Unfortunately, he used to take advantage of this. He’d let you do all the reading while he sits in the chair beside you. Doing nothing. But he’s learned to love research with you. Somehow, it is very calming to him. He tends to let go of his emotions easier when it’s the two of you nose deep in books. And that’s something so delicate to you, because you know how Dean can be during these times. It is a sign he trusts you a lot.
Charlie Bradbury:
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Golden retriever girlfriend golden retriever girlfriend golden retriever girlfriend golden retr-. She has a lot of nerdy hobbies, if you will. But if you are willing to participate in them, she’ll do a double take. In her eyes, you had always been attractive, but she is awkward, so she pushed those feelings down. But now you are actually interested in playing a game of DnD with her? Maybe she is over analysing things, and you are just being polite. But one event turns into two, which turns into three, which turns into four. And when she announced your fifth shared event with Dean, he’s had enough. He is the one to actually encourage Charlie to ask you out. In his words “grow a pair and get it over with”. Very inspiring. So, that day, she starts stumbling over her words. Anxiety overload. And that’s when you interrupt her and ask her out for dinner. A dinner as in a dinner date. And after that, everything just happens on its own. You don’t care what Charlie comes up with, as long as she doesn’t have to do it alone. And for her to have someone to share her interests with, is all she could really ask for. It makes her so happy, it becomes difficult to contain. All in a good manner, of course.
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You guys know Folklore/Evermore (you should)? Cas would definitely be attracted to someone with those vibes. Someone calm and gentle, very laid back, bookwise, and imaginative. Perhaps an author, or a musical s/o. Someone who outs expressions and emotions through art. The look of focus and dedication on your face is simply so entrancing. Oftentimes, he’ll simply sit beside you and stare at you while you work. At first, it was very distracting and made you grow all flustered, but you got used to the feeling. Now, instead of intruding, it is soothing. He’d met you through Sam and Dean, who you knew in your youth. They kept in touch. And then one day he shows up in the middle of your bedroom, claiming he would bring you somewhere safe. And just like that, you had found yourself in the bunker. The boys had been hunting a pack of werewolves with a grudge against the Winchesters. And they had found out about you. As the pair was out, you and Cas got to know each other fairly well, and things just took off from there. He claims your works are some of the best his father ever created, and that he can spend hours looking at them, or listening to them. And he will. He actually keeps an entire journal with ideas he finds throughout his life and offers it to you, hoping to help you somehow. It’s endearing.
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Gabriel has seen some stuff, okay. He has heard and seen stories happen throughout many lifetimes. And he’s always been a sucker for a good story. If you are an author or bookworm, he’d grow enthusiastic at the thought. Sure, he loves looks, but he has a soft spot in his heart to those who love stories as much as he does. That entire Casanova attitude drops when he’s around you. He’s gentle, careful, almost as if you are the most precious cargo in the world. You have to share your works with him, would you have them. He wants to know everything he can, and everything you are willing to share with him. Read any good books? Tell him all about it. In detail. Rant about it, he doesn’t care. Late nights are spent on either the couch or on the bed. His head is in your lap as you drown yourself in a good book, reading aloud to him as he hums occasionally, letting you know he is still reading. And in exchange, he’ll tell you the things he has seen (though, only the good things). His entire personality seems to change around you, and is something he is so grateful for.
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Lucifer isn’t usually the type to fall in love quickly. But it’s all about playful banter with him. You dare argue back to him? You’re lucky you’re cute. Your initial meeting was after the whole Amara debacle, and - suffice to say - you were pissed when you saw him. You full-out shouted in his face, pointing accusing fingers and yelling words you probably shouldn’t. And he just smiled. He’d probably say something along the lines of “you’re adorable when you yell”. Now, that pisses you off even more. It takes some before you finally have a good conversation with him. And that’s when you realise, he might not even be that bad of a guy. If anything, you are the one who argues back and forth with him because you know he loves it. It’s that playful and loving mocking, you know? He lives for it and you know it. That satisfied smirk? Those joyful eyes? That’s all admiration, darling. He is taken with you from your first shouting match at him. “Asshole” “Minx” “Mister ‘I like to make others feel bad because it makes me feel good’” “Who am I? ‘I like to pile up all my emotions and stuff them down somewhere until I explode’” “You insufferable prick” “Your insufferable prick ;)”
Jack Kline:
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Jack loves a person who lives more in the present. He worries a lot. Like, an unnecessary amount. There’s a lot of things swirling in his mind constantly. He needs a significant other who will take him on walks in nature. Someone to take him shopping just for the fun of it. Spontaneous dinner dates, taking the car to a random destination, changing the rooms just because they can. Someone who is spontaneous enough to drag him with them constantly. He needs the distractions, whether he likes to admit it or not. But he goes with you willingly. Regardless of what you say or offer; his answer always seems to be ‘yes’. He has fallen for you the moment he set eyes on you. He didn’t even know what that feeling was at first. It led to a very uncomfortable conversation with Dean. He said things he probably shouldn’t have said to Jack. He feels inexplicably happy around you, as if all worries and care simply disintegrate in your presence. It’s so relaxing to him, he doesn’t find himself wanting to part with you anytime soon. He is smitten with you and everyone can see it.
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Crowley appreciates honesty more than he lets on. Does he lie? Yes. Does he do it on a daily basis? Yes. Would he lie to you? Only if he had to to protect you from something. But he needs a break from that constant nagging from demons, or the calling of the Winchesters. He needs a place to rant and sigh. Someone who he could explain all his irritations towards. But he wants that person to actually form a conversation with that person. Not just be heard, but also receive caring words. Honest words for when he needs it most. But, besides those moments, he needs someone with somewhat of an intimidating atmosphere around them. This already comes naturally when seeing Crowley, but you need that neutral face, set in stone, safe for when it’s just the two of you. Someone who can help him with difficult decisions or orders. But also someone compassionate enough to slow him down at times. Ironically, the Winchesters really like you. Crowley hates it.
Rowena Macleod:
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Rowena is a lady and she loves to be reminded of it: take her out on dates, buy her flowers, engulf her in affection and offer her compliments on the daily. She returns the gestures twice as much. I mean, she puts spells on you just to make sure you are okay. That spell she uses for herself so she cannot die easily? She will 10/10 do that on you too. Once she finds someone to settle for, someone she truly loves, she’ll do anything for that person. Your opinion and well-being comes first, always. It’s almost as poetic as swans; she can and will dedicate her life to you. The Winchesters didn’t even know about you until Lucifer got out to look for his son. Rowena hid at your place after she was burned. You were her one safe place and she did not hesitate to run to you. She is the person to put her life on the line if it meant getting you to safety. Hell, even Crowley was in it for as long as he could. And he did a great job, because - when he was still alive - the Winchesters never found out about you. Rowena is the type to be all domestic with someone: A home, a cat, cooking in kitchens - though she does love fancy restaurants. At first you wouldn’t really believe it, but she would love to get settled down somewhere. As long as it means she gets to keep her craft there as well.
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beansidhebumbling · 1 month
A Rhysta Snippet inspired by the amazing @theladyofbloodshed
His ribs began to ache before the Manor came to view. It should have been a sign in hindsight, that blooming flower of pain in his side, a warning corsage from the Mother. But the swirling snow obscuring their sight and Feyre's wringing hands, picking in turn at her ragged nails and then the fine leather of a scabbard Cassian had pushed onto her that morning for protection, were bigger concerns.
His lovesick fool of a General, was continuing his pining from 6 feet away, fists clenched and jaw tight, a wound spring of longing. Rhys would never have called his brother hesistant until now. But love did strange things to males his mother had said. As Cassian’s eyes bore holes into the back of Feyre's head, fear or idiocy, probably a mixture of both, prevented him from comforting the Saviour.
Which left Rhysand with the honour.
He was going to thrash Cassian in the ring for this tomorrow.
Falling in step beside the girl he said lightly,
"Relax. I think you've faced down worse than whatever that place houses."
He tipped his head towards the looming shadow of the building that had emerged from the gloam just a moment prior. With each step further detail of the house was revealed, candlelit windows with iron bars on them, marble pillars and statues of beasts of old caught his eye. The humans had spent Tamlin's coin well it seemed.
'You haven't met Nesta.'
Feyre let out an unconvincing watery laugh.
He'd heard more than enough about the eldest Archeron. Whispers between Cassian and Feyre had reached his ears in Velaris. And he was not blind to the tears that carved new paths on the archer's ice-nipped face. He always had a particular disdain for those who failed to care for blood, hence his hatred of the mirror.
'Nesta hasn't met me.'
He muttered darkly.
'Stop it.'
Feyre snapped firmly.
'You'll have manners, Rhysand. Do you understand?'
She was very like Rowena when she said his name like that. His sister would have loved her. A fellow pain in his neck.
Huffing in agreement and feeling like a scolded child he stormed forward to knock on the great iron studded door they had reached.
He had always liked romance books, a secret youthful pleasure his mother indulged and his father abhorred.
He dreamed his first meeting with his mate would go like the great love stories he'd devoured, a single glance, a fleeting touch that would explode his world of night into symphony of colour and sunshine.
Instead as a human opened a door, his pulse began to rise, a tremendous searing heat radiated from his heart and the snow around him whirled with fae cast gusts of innate power before being evaporated when he got his first glance of her.
She was resplendent, his mate, her delicate eyebrows furrowed in distrust even as the corner of her mouth softened at the sight of her sister.
He attempted to correct his expression into something gentle and charming so she might like him. It was imperative she liked him.
Instead Nesta Archeron with a beauty so sharp it shredded the snowflakes around him, took one glance at his pained grimace, his pointed ears, his damned wings, and promptly shut the door in his face.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
The Crowley and Amara thing as it was in canon was very much a complete disaster but part of the reason I so strongly prefer Amara as Crowley’s kid conceptually over him having anything to do with Gavin is because I really prefer the idea of Crowley choosing to be a parent on his own terms because he wants to have a relationship like that, and not out of any sort of forced obligation.
#Especially because to me Gavin only exists because Fergus MacLeod was a gay man who#had to force himself to marry and have children to hide that significant part of himself.#And that is why he resents Gavin so much in the first place. Not that it justifies the mistreatment but that’s at least WHY#It’s at least why Crowley feels that way. In my interpretation that is#So I think Crowley would have a LOT of parenting hang-ups related to that whole ordeal#Which I think is why he has Amara call him uncle instead of papa or something because he’s still not entirely comfortable#with fatherhood and his place in it and so the uncle thing is a way he can distance himself from that a little#But he very much was trying to parent Amara. Like in complete and total earnest too regardless of any initial intentions#I honestly believe that it became less about getting the Darkness on his side and more about him wanting a family#Wanting ANYONE. Love of any kind be it romantic platonic familial etc. He just wanted someone who would stand next to him#And maybe that’s kind of a woobie take but on my head be it I guess because I really do believe that#The show is atrociously written of course so like I said it’s an entire mess but he really did read parenting help books in the middle of#important meetings. Like. What am I supposed to do with that information other than think he is actually really trying here#ANYWAY to return to the point I’m trying to make with the post….. the fact that Crowley wanted to be a parent to Amara and clearly#did not want to have had Gavin is an important difference to me.#And I think if fan content is going to give Crowley any adventure in parenting then I’d much rather see him with Amara#Making the active choice to be someone for her#Rather than force himself to have anything to do with Gavin out of guilt at best and pure obligation at worst#(Due to Crowley and Rowena’s same person syndrome this is also why I think that while they could be friends that their#parent-child relationship is a ship that has LONG since sailed. Rowena is not a mother she’s not comfortable with it etc. So#they would stop trying to force that particular angle and just try and be amiable with each other and I think it would make it#genuinely easier for them to get along if they stopped trying to be Mother and Son and just tried to be people.)#My posts
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy Holidays! I hope yours are peaceful and joyous.
I would do dastardly things for more identity/porn/gender-is-a-side-dish WWX like the Lady MO story (omg or time travel!!!), but I also love love love your story about Zag and the Prince's court and him helping people 😍 (living blood?). And I also want to read more of FMA Ed in the desert evacuating people (?) and Roy expecting him to be a monster. Ugh and I was just going back through your masterlist and forgot about the series about Godric, but I can't find the name and don't want to run out of time!!! If the untamed still sparks joy, I would love to read a continuation of one of those stories!! If not... dealers choice? Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4
Salazar hasn't had much interaction with the Ravenclaws. His father considers them to be old fashioned, which is the nicest way he's ever called someone poor. Salazar doesn't think the family is particularly poor, even for their status, except perhaps in relation to the level of wealth that marrying his mother gave his father access to.
Or it could be the way certain members of that family never seem to quite manage to give his mother the respect she deserves. Salazar isn't particularly inclined to judge the lot of them based on the actions of a few, but that's not a trait that he got from either of his parents.
Rowena could go either way, considering she's burst down their door and is looking to curse his best friend inside out for the great sin of giving in to his mother's desire to arrange his marriage.
As if he could have stopped her. Salazar wouldn't cross Lady Gryffindor for all the gold in his vault. Godric does it occasionally, as he is the favored son, but certainly not over something like his marriage.
He can tell by Helga's grin that she's far less wary of Rowena, but that's probably because she's delighted when someone manages to take Godric down in a fight. She's disinclined to do it herself unless he really irritates her - beating respect into him is apparently not sustainable.
Personally, Salazar has found it the quickest way to get Godric's head of his ass, but playing mediator between Godric and Helga just ends up with the both of them pissed at him. He's learned to leave them to it.
"Slytherin," Rowena says slowly and Salazar tenses, readying himself for a comment about his father and his choices, then she says, "You've been traveling with him. You know where he is then?"
If anything, Godric's been traveling with him. There are idiots looking to die on his friend's sword everywhere and the books he and Helga are hunting down are significantly harder to find.
"He's at the tournament now," Helga says. Salazar rolls his eyes. "You can probably petition to swap in for his next opponent if you have a personal grievance."
Rowena's eyes narrow. At him, for some reason, even though he hasn't even said anything. "I thought you were his second?"
"I am," he says, then waits for the comment about his scholarly reputation and lack of public duels.
"He's at the tournament," she says slowly, "and you're here."
Salazar tries to think of a way to put this delicately.
"Have you seen the idiots that live around here?" Helga scoffs. "He's not going to need a second. Frankly, he could win with only using his wand or his sword. Subjecting them to both almost seems cruel."
Ah, Helga. A lack of growing up among nobility has left her with all the subtlety of a curse between the eyes.
He wishes he didn't find it endearing, but he wouldn't get along so well with Godric or Helga otherwise.
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zepskies · 7 months
Omgosh I loveeee the imagines for Sam having a crush on deans gf!!! And the part 2 SO ANGSTY. And you write dean and readers interactions so well! (Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna do this) But I'm so curious to know how the conversation went between Dean and the reader after finding out! I just need to know how dean talks about the situation with them!! Anyway HAVE A GREAT DAY 🩷🩷
Hello my lovely anon!
I'm so glad you enjoyed those angsty little imagines. 😂 For those who don't know, they're referring to these:
You are Dean's one exception. (In which Sam is in love with Dean's girlfriend - and how Dean reacts.)
Sam crosses the line. (The sequel: Sam finally sees his chance with you after he's hit by a witch's spell.)
I tried to imply what followed between the reader and Dean after this section:
Your eyes widen further. You look from Sam, to your boyfriend. Dean's jaw is clenched tight.
"Okay, what the fuck is going on?!" you ask in earnest.
Dean meets your gaze for a moment, his face tense. His reluctant eyes communicate to you things you never knew. Things that clog emotion in your throat.
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But since you asked so nicely, this is my headcanon for that conversation between the reader and Dean (after Sam is knocked out by Rowena lol):
Of course, you would demand to know why Dean didn't tell you earlier.
Your heart and mind are a maelstrom of emotions: shock, not wanting to believe it's true, anger and hurt at both of these men for lying to you for so long about what's been going on.
Because a lie of omission is still a damn lie.
Dean is quiet at first, and you're forced to read into his silence. You peer at him closer, grabbing his wrist.
"Dean...did you really think it would change anything?" you ask incredulously.
His brows furrow. "No."
But you don't quite believe him.
"I just...didn't want you to have to deal with this shit, that's all," he eventually admits.
Your eyes narrow as you stare up at his face. You're trying to discern the truth.
"Is that really why?" you ask.
"Yeah, okay?" His voice is gruff and frustrated.
You move in closer, gripping the open edges of his plaid shirt. He knows what you're demanding in your gentle silence.
Don't lie to me.
Your hand reaches up to his cheek, a tender gesture that softens him. Your thumb brushes across his lower lip.
"Good," you reply. "Because if I have to remind you that I am entirely, undeniably, irrevocably in love with you, then I might just have to punish you."
A slow smirk spreads across your man's face.
"Oh yeah?" he says. His hands find your hips, drawing you closer. You're satisfied by the hint of doubt washing away from his demeanor. From his tight shoulders loosening.
"Just outta curiosity, what might that entail?" Dean asks.
Your lips curve. "Oh, you'll find out, after we fix your brother... Dean, I'll need to talk to him."
Dean's burgeoning good humor fades, but you take his face in both your hands and make sure he meets your gaze. You are firm in your convictions, and he sees that.
He nods in acceptance, before he dips down to press his lips to yours. It's gentle at first, but all too soon becomes claiming, born of hidden frustration and passion.
When he parts from you, it's slow, reluctant. His fingers draw a strand of hair behind your ear.
In his eyes, you see the true depths of him. Something not many people get to see.
It's there that you always know that you're loved.
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I hope that satisfied you, my dear! 😘 I miiiiight do a more official 3rd part to this imagine-verse where Sam gets his happy ending (with Eileen).
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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midnightsilver · 3 months
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Playing with fire
- Process:
Drawn in Procreate, actual time 1 hr 20.
With this picture I wanted to used a similar technique to the one I had used to draw Sammy. And while I like the final result, it wasn’t exactly what I was aiming for. The plan was to draw fire where Rowena’s hair would go and then to put the black layer on-top and erase the highlights to have the fire showing through from underneath. I ran into some problems tho because I had included white in the flames and as I etched in Rowena’s curls on the black layer there were too many random flashes of white throwing off the flow of her hair. So midway through I went back to the base layer and covered all the white with a lot more red. The end result is that I have a really interesting fire themed colour palette for this picture (something I wouldn’t normally have chosen if I was just choosing colours as I was drawing) but it’s not obvious that the hair is drawn on-top of actual flames, it all just looks red. So in future I need to consider how much of the under painting will show through and what shapes will best complement each other. Maybe I could do elements or nature scenes as underpaintings to match a character’s personality. Im definitely having fun experimenting tho 😄
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𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦
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Being the reason of the magic in the whole world was pretty classy to some people
And yeah, in a way, it was because how many people could actually say "I'm the one who gave magic to my children and later other people."?
Now it wasn't that you were the Merlin, but more like a reincarnated one. You would have different dreams of those before you and what they felt and then wake up almost feeling... Empty.
It wasn't until you showed your eyes and strong magic that your "family" believed in who you were and decided to hide it from everyone else to have you, and by extension your powers, all to themselves and celebrated the good news...
But that also meant your family was the oldest magical family ever, which meant every other "pureblood" family tried to get into your family for more power.
Utter bullshit if someone asked you, and the Merlin himself inside you
"What the fuck are they talking about being 'pure'?! What is this nonsense!?"/ "Calm down hoe, ı'll explain."
Needless to say... He was pissed, but that was for another time to talk about.
All their attempts backfired and now everyone knew who you were and you had to learn how to defend yourself at a young age while rejecting whoever tried a move on you. (It wasn't that hard to punch them and scare the shit outta them anyways.)
At one point, the news of Hogwarts reached to you and you insisted on going there even if it was against every plan your family had, which consisted of brainwashing you so that you would believe in their ideals.
(which was also why you were doing it and get away from them before they did something)
The point is, there was a time the Four Founders knew you, and therefore the Sorting Hat also knew you very well... And instead of sorting you, you two gossiped together about those four.
"Do you remember how Godric was left in his underwear because Salazar was mad at him for changing his potions?"
"or that one time Rowena had to be held by Helga, who never liked conflict if I may add, because Godric stole her crown and danced around the castle?"
But the Hat knew that you had to be sorted, yet again, sorting the literal pure and ancient magic holder was... Absurt.
So, it made the best and most hilarious decision of all the History of Magic under the shocked eyes of everyone present.
" Y/N Y/L/N belongs to all houses!"
"you could have put me in Godric's house at least, stupid! They seem funny at least..."
And the hat only cackled and shooed you away under your teasing eyes as you sat at the corner while the teacher gave their speechs.
But, just like everyone else there, four sets of eyes followed you after that day. Wherever you went or whatever you said.
They thought you would be evil, or extremely cocky and bullying everyone. They even planned a grand joke for you to teach you a lesson...
But none of them ever came and instead they often found you... Sleeping at corners in different positions.
At first, they thought you were merely acting so that you got away from their pranks.
But when they shook you awake, and you just faceplanted on the ground and continued to sleep, they were absolutely bamboozled.
"Are they alive? I think they are..."
"How can someone sleep like that?! Especially after falling down?"
But this wasn't their first official meeting with you.
It was when they were sitting down for dinner and you appeared behind Remus to look at the book he was reading.
Even he didn't feel your presence and the soft hum you did, and he was a werewolf.
"Hello, gentlemen! How are you?"
And Sirius, being Sirius, did what he always did the best: Complimented you, which would turn to flirting as the years passed.
What they did not know was that you were the Merlin. Sirius and James were aware of your existence, Sirius with being the heir of the Blacks and his mother trying to prepare a date in the future, but they never knew what you looked like.
No one did.
When they realized it, they thought you were one of those pure-blood extremists and their opinion changed about you fast
They thought you would bully Remus or Lily...
Which was already a big no-no
But they were proven very wrong when one day, they caught you bringing chocolate and books Remus wanted to read for a while, the pile of books flying in the air behind you in a long line
"Hi! Uh, I hope I'm not being a complete nuisance but I couldn't help but notice your love for chocolate and hear your list of books you wanted to read and... I just wanted to talk?"
What? Giving something to someone to gain their trust, though it was for an evil ulterior in your family, was the thing that was taught to you.
And you weren't like them, you really wanted to be their friends and prove that you weren't like any of them but... At that moment, you were just a shy bean full of anxiety as you fiddled with your fingers shyly and they looked at you puzzled with shocked pikachu faces.
The stare they had given you in shock would never leave your mind as you giggled at them, the sound making the boys blush as Remus stuttered out a thanks and you gave a wide smile and asked to sit down with them. That was when the doubts started to bloom in them.
No bloody racist could be that sweet and shy while talking to someone "lower" to them.
And besides you seemed genuine but they still had doubts...
Until James remembered how you protected Lily at the Great Hall one time and then, as he heard it later, baked her cookies and helped her study.
"Y/L/N, we need to talk! There is an important matter..."
You sluggishly woke up and looked around you after your beauty sleep, only to see Lucius who had been working hard to pursue you, looking at you with what appeared to be... Anger. You stared at his face for a few seconds and then at the bustling Hall where everyone now stayed silent to watch you two.
Everyone knew that you and Lucius weren't on exactly good terms. You didn't do anything that could make you seem like "a barbaric" person, even though you had half of the mind to do so after everything he said about Lily and muggleborns in general, you had to stay calm and also ease the angry ancient wizard inside you as he fumed like a dragon.
Or else, this summer wouldn't be too nice for you.
"important matter?.. Okay, what is it?" You mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes and slapping your face a few times to sober up a bit. Even if your eyes were half open, you still kept them closed as a yawn left you and pretended to listen to him while leanin over the table.
"I believe, as true magic holders, you would agree on the fact that there are people who shouldn't be here." said Lucius sneering, emphasising on true magic and people while looking especially at Lily as the girl suddenly curled in on herself in fear. James seethed from where he was sitting as his eyes wandered to the girl and then his friends, silently planning another prank for Lucius so bad that the blonde wouldn't be able to walk outside.
Their eyes drifted to you though, Peter eating anxiously, Sirius raising a brow as Remus lifted his head and stared with an expectant look. This was the moment they would get their answers, whether what you had been telling them was true.
Whether you really cared about being pure or not.
"This is a magic school Lucius, anyone who has magic can enter. I heard that the bullying of pureblood nonsense wasn't as bad in other schools and they are also welcoming so... Suck it up." You explained bored and waved your hand dismissively at hım as he widened his eyes and sputtered out in disbelief.
How could someone as powerful as you say such thing?
His eyes drifted to where the group of your "friends" were sitting and cheering you excitedly, clapping hands as your eyes shone with happiness for being accepted by them wholeheartedly finally. Their smiling faces were cute, and you'd later go and buy some chocolate and sweets for them but right now, you couldn't be the sugar mommy.
You needed sleep. Immediately.
"Now, I will sleep and you better not wake me up..."
"They are the ones who feed you with lies, are they not?" He sneered angrily as he came closer to your form, a frustrated sigh leaving your lips at what he foolishly said while forgetting who you exactly where, instead seeing one of those submissive girls he was used to having around at his beck and call.
How easily you could end him and his whole lineage.
"If you think them, you or any other person can manipulate me, that's your problem. But I'd like to point that I can suck the magic out of you, alter your memories and even make your hair turn pink without you or anyone realizing what's happening. Don't tempt me..." your eyes snapped an angry yellow as your hands glowed with golden swirls of raw magic, making him take a step back in slight fear.
"you're only angry because one, she is pretty. Two, she is wicked smart and three, she is one of the few girls who said no to you." You mumbled tiredly and bored as you rolled onto your other side on the bench and continued to sleep soundless as if you didn't just threaten him with unaliving. The only answer you got, not that you cared, was just a grunt and feet stomping away.
"Fucking git of a witch... And she is supposed to be Merlin? Only a fake öne with those she hangs out..."
Needless to say, as you snapped your eyes open and slowly rose up, your eyes glowing in the usual golden color as your hair floated up and the ground shook angrily... Lucius was fucked.
After that flipping you did with Lucius, practically all the school was on their knees worshipping you
Because fucking finally someone stopped that menace
After that, the Marauders rarely left your side. Always demanding attention, begging you to teach them and all that... Except Sirius.
He just wanted to bring you over to his home so that you can roast his family too lol
When you learnt what happened to the Black Brothers, after they both warmed up to you, you flipped and choked on the water you were drinking.
"Those fuckers did what?!"
The sight of the Merlin, hair up and floating menacingly as an angry sneer left you was one that would haunt their wildest nightmares to come.
That was when one of them fell for you.
Perhaps, it was Regulus since he had been harbouring a huge crush on you ever since forever or Sirius when he had come to you wounded as you healed him and hugged him thightly to your chest, patting his hair and assuring him that everything would be better as he clinged to you and cried his sadness out.
Sirius... Never thought that he would relate to you.
To what ... What happened to you.
A soft smile as you healed him. "The same as whatever happened to you."
"All my life people failed me. Just because I'm Merlin doesn't mean that I was an exception to the torture you and Regulus went through."
"many times my family told me to just conceive a child and just be a wife... Seeing what I hoped my magic would bring to this world fail and see my descendants suffer... It wasn't what i wanted."
That was a shared regret of both you and Merlin, after all, magic was for everyone. He himself was born to completely human parents with absolutely no relation to magic. He lived through an era when pretty much everyone was hung for magic but still managed to survive for... this?
For his own children to do the same?
Apart from the angsty traumatical life experiences you all had and literally parenting a bunch of sad kids...
Their pranks were fucking genius.
Now, you didn't join them in their shenanigans much, especially if it included poor Severus
But from time to time... You would come up with the weirdest, most AWESOME and jawdropping jokes ever developed by mankind
Such as changing all the toilet papers on the bathrooms with an identical realistic cake version of them that would explode with lighters as soon as they were touched, just to piss off both female and male bullies that picked on the poor students- mostly muggleborns
And then, as if you had a better mental state, there was the weekly sessions you had where you just listen to them vent.For more than once, you assured Remus no, he wasn't a mindless monster and yes, you were totally sure he deserved happines, or making Peter see his true worth and not living on what people thought of him, making him gain some confidence. Then there were the "tea parties but actually drinking parties" you went with Sirius in the muggle world where he just cried about his life and then proceeded to pole dance like a maniac as you calmly sipped your water.
Or sitting with Effie and James as you three gossipped and talked shit about the most pureblood families.
But... even if you seemed lively and happy, every listener needed someone else to listen to them too and they were ready to pay back for every time you took care of them.
But it wasn't that easy.
Another fact of having a fucked up family life: Inability to actually react
Such as crying
( why the hell do I keep coming back to angsty side??)
For the longest time you thought it was a hard thing to do.
Like.... how does a person just tear up?
Ohhh, and you didn't even want to cry with an audience watching. That shit was scarier than any Boggart possible.
Then you saw James cry after he saw a Puffskein and... yeah.
Then the day came when they were all talking about birthdays and you said you never celebrates it and... They all stared blankly.
" Wait... like at all?"
"nope, never seen the thrill of it." You answred noncholantly, groaning when Sirius suddenly jumped on your laying figure on the carpet and shook you frustratedly.
"Even I had a birthday celebration in my life! What do you-"
"It never was a celebratory thing, except reminding my family how good of a tool I am... So I never brought it up and-James are you crying?? Remus-no,no not all of you!
Aghh, come on... * affectionately yet awkwardly patting their back as James cried on your neck while the four clutched you from all sides*
After that, it had become a mission for them to show you just how much they appreciated you by showering you with gifts, your favourite meals and even taking you to a muggle concert with the girls.
You totally didn't get wasted and ended up making out with one of them drunkenly after they made you get loose a little bit after that strict life-
They were the family you wished you had but never did, they showed you a lot of things and made you have fun. They showed you how to love and care and they were now... family.
You were ready to, quite literally, die for them
And therefore, as the only one with the knowledge of what was going to happen to them... You had to take action and protect those silly kids from the evil clutches of the common enemy.
"Are you not a kid yourself though?" would be James' answer whenever you spoke about the war, since he too was worried but couldn't let it affect your friends when they relied on him, teasing you playfully with a smile though he was happy you cared about them just as much as they cared about you.
"It's different, I'm Mer-"/ "You are Y/N and our friend who is also 17. It's okay to be scared, you don't have to shoulder everything."
That fucker and his sudden cute yet emotional talks-
It did nothing to even slightly stop you tho, you already made a plan.
Dumbledore obviously knew who you were, how powerful and strong you were and could easily become a supreme wizard/witch, therefore he thought the best way to deal with you was to get rid of you.
Jinxes, poison, harsh training, hard missions that not even the best wizard or witch wouldn't be able to complete...
You stopped all of them, it was as if you were like a killing machine, never wavering back and diving first to the fight just to protect your friends so that they could sleep peacefully for one more night, so that they could smile even slightly a bit more.
Even if you turned back bloody and bruised, having to listen to them scold and pamper you, you just didn't die.
And you knew who was behind all this, and why he was doing it.
"Look, Dumbledore, I don't care if I'm messing up with your plans- which I'm so delighted to do so, you have no idea- but if you get on my way and threaten my friends one more time, know that it's not gonna end up well for you."
"But the prophecy-"
"Damn the prophecy! I'm not letting you manipulate young children into a war that's not theirs to fight! If needed, I'll be the one to fight him off... But if you bring them into this death game, I'll gladly finish you as well."
"Remember, I'm the reason why you have that magic coursing through your veins. And I can take it back."
*dramatic standing up and leaving coolly without the cloak like the Batman*
And even with all these shit going on, having 5638 different meltdowns and existensial crises
"Oh, isn't that the traitor hanging out with those bastards?"
Lucius Malfoy, a pain in my ass
"Oh, if it's not my favourite brat in the world! What is it this time, Malfoy? Are you going to whine because I refused to marry you?"
Well, that was something the Marauders didn't expect. You were supposed to marry him?
What the hell?!
"You should be grateful that it was I who asked for your hand in marriage, Y/L/N-"
Remus clenched his jaw at the clear insult, at him seeing himself above you when it was the other way around. He saw how you fisted at your clothes and he took a hold of your hand under the table. He knew, just like the rest of his friends, that you wished your identity to be hidden, that you didn't want others to see you any different.
But Malfoy was making it very hard for you, for the past 4 years or so.
"Trust me, brat, you are the one who would have been all over the moon if that were to happen."
That cold voice didn't mean something good.
"What did you just say?"
"I said that you are hust pissy bevause for the first time in your life, someone, a woman, stood on her ground and flat out ridiculed you with rejecting you. In front of people. It's very sad that you, like the other blood-suprematists, are void of love and care but guess what?"
"My family marries for love, we are the ones who gave all of you this magic and you dare to belittle me, boy? Patheatic, little man."
Okay this was hot, and now the one who had a crush on you had a bleeding nose-
And that, was the story and the first entry of your "Marauders Diary".
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