#but it has to be talked about so intentionally and carefully
lovverletters · 1 month
Could you do a yan school nurse's assistant if you haven't already?? Like yan is the assistant of the school nurse but also is around their age plsss
hh enjoy !!
T/W : injuries, drugging, sfw touching when reader is asleep, misuse of power, misuse of medication, implied future kidnapping , delusional thoughts.
!! yan is the same age as reader !!
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«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
yandere! nurse assistant who was in his senior year and decided to take up the position as the school's nurse assistant for extra curriculum points. Despite being quite clumsy and often tripping on his feet, he's great in assisting the school nurse.
yandere! nurse assistant who met you when you had came in the infirmary with minor injuries. You were a carefree person who lives life to the fullest but most of the time it ends up with you being bruised and hurt.
" wㅡwelcome ahhㅡ ! get in quickly you need to be treated right this instant "
yandere! nurse assistant who frets about you and immediately tended to your injuries. His gentle hands carefully pressing the alcohol swab on a scratch on your leg, muttering apologies as you winced and hisses in pain.
" i'm sorry .. ! " " oh no ! did i press on too harshly ? "
yandere! nurse assistant who places a cutesy bandaid on your treated injuries. Once he was done treating you did he finally got a good look of your face and immediately became flustered.
He had treated many other students but it felt oddly intimate with you.
yandere! nurse assistant who finally mustered up the courage to make small talks with you whenever you would come to the infirmary to get your wound cared for or if you're feeling unwell.
As he learns more about you, the deeper he fell for you. Some delusional part of him thinks that you intentionally get yourself hurt just to see him.
yandere! nurse assistant who would give you slightly more doses of medicine than you need to take when you're running up on a fever/cold so he can stare at your adorable face while you slept on the infirmary bed.
He'd lightly pat your hair, carresses your cheek and hold your hand. if he's feeling bold, he'd lay beside you in bed and peck your forehead, silently admiring your beauty.
yandere! nurse assistant who would try to use some of the medications he has access to to fend off your suitors. He'd tamper with their bentos and cause them stomach aches, put sleeping pills in their food to make them sleep and misses out on your date/hangout.
He'd never uses any of those medicine against you !
at least, not yet.
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evnnkinard · 7 days
having thoughts. about buck and tommy and 'daddy', and about how eventually, the use of it starts to occasionally leak outside of the bedroom, too.
they don't always use it when they're having sex, just when the right mood hits for it. and it's not really a thing, except for how it's maybe become a little bit of a thing, but it's also not something they make into their entire dynamic; they don't want it to be, really. they're just having fun with it. but tommy's not blind to how well buck responds to it, either. how when tommy refers to himself as 'daddy' it grabs his attention, makes him listen, makes him melt, soft and pliable in tommy's hands.
the first time he uses it outside of sex, he doesn't really mean to. evan's just come off a rough 48 hour shift. he's bruised, inside and out, body trembling and exhausted and ready to drop at any moment, but in true evan fashion, he keeps insisting that he's fine. tommy doesn't push him, doesn't make him talk, knows that's not what evan needs right now, knows that part will come later. but when he catches him in the bathroom, fighting a losing battle to get his top off over his head because it's pulling uncomfortably at all his aches and bruises, he also knows he can't keep watching him hurt. so he slips inside the room, loud enough to make evan aware of his presence, but quiet enough to not startle him, either. he crowds up behind him, takes evan's wrists in his hands and carefully brings his arms back down to his sides. drops one hand onto his waist afterwards, places the other over his chest, feels the way that evan's breath hitches and gently, but firmly presses evan back into him. hooks his face over his shoulder, drops a kiss, two, onto evan's throat, and nuzzles his face a little into the crook of his neck and says, "it's okay, baby, let daddy take care of you now," and feels the way evan shudders, and then completely melts against him. there's still tension in the outlines of his body, but he's putty in his boyfriends hands right now, and tommy will help ease the rest of it away in the hours that follow.
he finds himself using it more intentionally after that, though it's still few and far between.
like when evan ends up in the hospital, again. injuries minor, but completely avoidable if not for the dangerous, reckless stunt he'd pulled. he struggles to keep the upset off his face after he knows for sure that evan's going to be okay, and his boyfriends quick to pick up on it. things quickly turn into a heated discussion that tommy's sure evan must have had a million times before with other members of his family by now, and when it's apparent that what he's saying isn't really sinking in, he makes a decision without giving himself time to second guess himself. stands up from his seat, quickly makes sure that no one else is around and bullies his way between evan's legs from where they're hanging off the edge of the hospital bed. evan's hands immediately come up to hold his waist, pull him in closer, but tommy doesn't let himself get distracted. gently, but firmly grabs evans chin in his hand and holds it in place. makes sure that he has evan's eyes locked on his own, says, "evan, listen to me. daddy needs you to come home to him, okay? i can't lose you."
evan's mouth drops open, breath escaping him. and then his hands grip tighter at tommy's side, whole body softening and swaying forwards, towards tommy. whines, quietly, "t-tommy, that's not fair."
"baby boy, anything's fair if it keeps you alive," he says. means it with his whole being. moves his hand to cup evan's cheek instead, and leans down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
his least favourite memory using it has his hands coated in evan's blood. a drunk driver t-boned them on the passenger side. tommy was driving. his memory's hazy, doesn't remember everything; doesn't think he wants to. but he remembers evan's blood. the way it seeped past tommy's fingers no matter how hard he pressed. how it matted in evan's curls and stained his lips. and he remembers evan's fluttering eyes, fighting to stay open, "no, no, no, evan- evan, keep your eyes open for me. evan, come on, baby, eyes open. i know it's hard, but you gotta keep them open," he remembers begging, "evan, evan- daddy needs you to keep your eyes open, okay? can you do that for me, baby boy? that's it, keep them open for daddy," remembers thinking hysterically that evan's usually the one begging, that it sounds so much better when he's the one doing it.
remembers how weeks later, the only good memory to come out of the whole ordeal, evan had cheekily presented him with a 'my daddy is my hero' mug.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
pro hero deku x f!reader. reader is wearing a dress and they are married and they refer to each other as husband and wife.
“I am so glad that is over with.”
Izuku stands in the doorway of your bedroom loosening the knot of his tie around his neck, the silk drooping through the collar of his shirt in response. A sigh is all he can manage when you raise a brow, lips remaining in the same flat line they’ve been in since the two of you started your ride back home.
The glitz and glamor of events like this is only fun as long as everyone is enjoying themselves and you did not. The pair of you had your photo taken probably hundreds of times, photographers calling your names to get you to look at their cameras, wives of other pro heroes subtly mentioning beneath their breath about how good the pair of you looked and especially your husband.
Your smiles only felt more forced as the night went on, agitated by the gall of anyone to mention your husband’s attractiveness within your earshot. Sure, it’s evident and you can’t do anything about it but it’s not like you were sitting there drooling over their less impressive specimen partners.
“You okay over there?”
He doesn’t waste a moment crossing the room to come to you, reaching to tug down the zipper on the side of your dress. Doing your best to dodge the touch, you reach for the metal yourself and he hums in response, frowning. Folding your arms over your chest to hold your dress in place, you walk toward the closet and let the fabric drop to the floor.
“I’m fine. Just tired.”
Izuku sighs to himself and removes his tuxedo jacket, shrugging it off and placing it on a hanger before following you into the closet. He grins when he sees you standing there in nothing but a luxurious looking bra and panties, his hands reflexively reaching for you. You step out of his reach, searching for your robe to throw on over the unmentionables.
“Hey,” he starts and you shake your head, holding up your palm. “Tell me what’s wrong?”
Contemplating the cost of telling the truth, you shake your head stubbornly and refuse to speak.
“Nothing, Izuku. I’m trying to get ready for bed.”
Green eyes trace over every contour and curve of your body but you’re preoccupied being angry, intentionally ignoring the hungry gaze. You cannot find your robe and you turn around in a huff, preparing to head to the adjoining bathroom on the other side of the room, but he stops you by grabbing your arms gently and holding you in place.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
No longer being asked but commanded to spill, you slump in his grasp and puff air out of your mouth. His big hands rub a reassuring path up and down your arm and you reach out to fiddle with the buttons of his dress shirt, undoing each of them to keep yourself occupied.
“I overheard all of them talking about how hot you are,” you murmur so quietly that your husband has to lean in to hear it. “What a prize you are. How sexy you look in your suit. Did you change your workout routine? Who is doing your hair now? Blah, blah, fucking blah…”
Loosening another button, you scowl at the sight of tanned skin peeking through the opening in his shirt and stop, throwing your hands down at your sides. Izuku watches you carefully, reaching to finish unbuttoning his shirt, letting it sag out of the waistband of his pants. Grabbing your hands from your sides, he gathers them in his larger ones and presses them against his collarbones.
“They can say whatever they want,” he shakes his head and looks at you so earnestly it almost makes you feel less frustrated at being the cat who got the cream. “There’s only one person who I’m a prize for.”
Raising his eyebrows sarcastically with his words, you look up at him and purse your lips. He slides your hand down his collarbone, settles it over his pec and presses your palm against the bare skin and muscle.
“And who is the only person who gets to touch me here?”
Cheeks warming, you glance downward and furrow your brows. He subtly flexes the muscle your hand rests on and despite your best attempt to bite back your smile, it appears in an instant, the curve of your cheek lifting with the side of your mouth. Shaking your head on a hard exhale, you attempt to move your hand but your devoted husband holds it in place.
“Stop that. There’s no need for this.”
Izuku smirks, freckled cheek jumping as he moves closer to you, your extended arm bending at the elbow as he takes up the little space existing between the two of you. His hand over yours, he slides your palm down his pec and toward his defined abdominal muscles, taking a detour over his dorsals.
“No? My far too generous little wife doesn’t need to be reminded of what’s hers?”
Your fingers twitch over the freckled skin covering his broad body as if every bit of him hasn’t already been committed to your memory for as long as you live. Sensory memory kicks in and you have enough control of your finger to run it through the divots separating each of his abs and he chuckles in response, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
“Because I know what’s yours and it’s me.”
Graciously, your husband gives you back your hands and you make quick work of drawing a line down his torso and to the waistband of his pants, wedging your hand beneath the tight fitting fabric.
“Oh yeah?” You ask and he nods, his big hands finding your hips and pulling your body against him.
“Yes. All yours,” he repeats, leaning to capture your lips in another kiss.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Rainy Season - Part 6
If You Told Me To
Azriel Eris x Reader
Eris has a little chat with Azriel. As Y/N braces herself to face her mate for the first time since leaving him - she calls in reinforcements. Eris calls in one of his own.
A/n: This is the second to last chapter of the series. Chapter 7 will be the final chapter followed by an epilogue. I have been excited to share this chapter as, lyrically, the song it’s titled after is one of my favorites. Enjoy!
Part 5 Part 7
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Warnings: Language
The Shadowsinger sat chained in a cell beneath the Autumn Keep. Comfortably lit, temperature regulated, nothing egregious. There was a dark, selfish part of Eris that would not have minded a bit of suffering to befall the male, a little seemed fair given the hell he’d put Y/N through. But Eris couldn’t do that to her. Certainly there was a small part of the mating instinct that would have left her in pain to see her mate - a title he didn’t deserve - hurting.
Eris begrudgingly placed a glamour over her scent that clung to his skin like fine perfume, such a waste to cover it with his own autumnal blend. It was not his place to explain or unveil anything regarding the relationship between them, Eris would have to tread carefully in his questioning.
He almost, almost said “fuck the glamour” and let that intoxicating-as-hell summer storm scent of hers fill the air and marched straight to the dungeons in his sweats and a linen tee, let him see exactly what Eris had been up to all morning. The look on the Shadowsinger’s face would have been so damned satisfying.
Alas, he chose to play the part of pompous High Lord, dressing in the most lordly of attire.
“Well, well, well, what brings you to my humble abode, Shadowsinger? You could have just knocked.”
Azriel snarled through his gag, nose flaring. To put it lightly, he looked rough. His once golden skin paled, dark circles prominent beneath his eyes, and multiple large purple bruises littered his skin.
“Ah, right.” Eris cleared his throat, giving the tattered male before him a disapproving stare. With a quick flick of his wrist the gag disappeared.
“Just let me fucking talk to her.” Azriel growled, his shadows darkening the cell.
Eris inspected his cuticles, refusing to drop the air of irreverence he’d intentionally given off. “Who would you like to speak with, Shadowsinger?”
“You fucking know.” He growled, rage limning each word.
“Say her name.” Eris replied cooly. Needing to make a point to himself.
And in that moment Eris realized just how far gone he was in his desire for Y/N. It was dangerous, the fiery rage that burned through his chest at the sacrilege of her sacred name falling from his desecrated lips.
Though Eris refrained from any external display of that inferno blazing inside of him, the slight tick in his jaw must have given him away to the awaiting Spymaster.
Azriel pulled and jerked with all of his might against the chains and Eris was well aware of his power, the entire Autumn Court was. Eris had backup measures in place that - even with his contempt toward the male - he did not wish to use.
“Stop pulling on the chains, Azriel.” Eris commanded.
The use of his given name instead of Eris’ typical “Shadowsinger” caught Azriel’s attention and the look alone on the his face could have killed a lesser male as Azriel’s furious gaze met Eris’
“If you fucking hurt her, I will rip you apart limb by limb. I will make it slow-“
Eris cut him off. “Was it those theatrics that won her heart, Shadowsinger? Truly, you bore me.” Eris returned to examining his nails.
“Fuck you.” Azriel growled.
Eris would ask Y/N’s forgiveness later for what he was about to say. At least he’d made an honest effort to keep his feelings for her separate from the situation at hand.
Without missing a beat, the High Lord goaded, “Funny you should say that. Was it not your fucking around that put you in this position in the first place?”
Azriel lost it. Eris couldn’t recall a time in his centuries of living that he’d seen such display of rage. He yanked at the chains with all of his might, his centuries of strength training apparent as the sounds of the rage and the grinding of stone on metal filled the cell. His efforts nearly successful in ripping free from the wall.
“I’ve asked you once to quit pulling, Shadowsinger. You are in here with just cause and will answer as such. You can behave like a civil being or continue the brute act and I will be forced to take matters into my own hands.” With that, fire sparked and was contained within his palm.
Azriel banked slightly at the display and for a moment Eris felt a twinge of remorse as his eyes landed on those scarred hands.
“Spare me your pity, High Lord.” Azriel spat the title with venom.
Eris shook his head, pacing alongside the cell. “Oh but I do pity you, Shadowsinger. Not in the way I hold back my fire given your past circumstances, that is basic decency on my part.”
With a mock bow, he continued,
“What I pity is how you wage such concern over Y/N’s well-being within my palace walls while blatantly disregarding the fact that you are the one who broke her with your own two hands. And now that she has built herself back up shard by fractured shard into something far stronger, even more rare than the shining gem she already was, you appear like a thief in the night. What is your plan, Azriel? Are you here to break her again?
Eris stepped closer to the cell. Flame igniting those amber eyes as he crouched down face to face with the bound Shadowsinger, grounding out in a low, predatory tone. “Because you won’t this time. Diamonds don’t crush under pressure.”
And with that, Eris stood back up, placed his hands in his pockets, that casual irreverence once again masking his features. “And I find diamonds to be quite precious, so I’ll be sure to cherish mine with the tender, loving care that she deserves.”
Azriel seethed, shadows raging violently within the cell. And Eris wasn’t certain but he could have sworn that anger was directed at their master himself.
Eris waited for more violence, for the filth that would spill from his mouth but the Shadowsinger only hung his head low, and to Eris’ surprise, large, salty tears began falling from his face.
Eris said nothing as Azriel sobbed. Why kick the male when he’d already downed himself? So Eris stood and waited. Eventually Azriel looked up again, “Please, just let me talk to her.”
Eris paused, taking stock of the broken male before him.
Just when it appeared to Azriel that he’d deny him, Eris replied. “You are fortunate that your mate is far more benevolent than I, she has agreed to speak with you.”
Azriel let out a large, broken sigh of relief.
Eris only smirked. “But she has conditions.”
I don’t want to look back on these days, knowing all the things you’d never know if I never said a word and let you go.
“You don’t have to do this, Y/N.” Eris spoke softly.
“I do, Eris. What he did, it’s too much. Too far. If you weren’t the ruler that you are, this might have been treated as an act of war.”
Eris shook his head. “You’re right. What he did is not acceptable by any means. But you, you shouldn’t have to deal with this after all you’ve been through.”
“It’s the right thing to do.” She spoke firmly.
He pulled her in closely, resting his chin on her head, those warm arms wrapped tightly around her easing the bitter cold threatening to frost her heart. “He never deserved you.”
Eris knew a mask when he saw one. Knew them far too well. Beneath the strong exterior she was presenting, his brave girl was nervous as hell.
I don't want to steal you away or make you change the things that you believe.
Eris escorted Y/N to a large meeting space by a roaring fire, sitting her at the head of the table, he to her right. One with a lesser sense of hearing might have missed the increase of her heart rate. That mask beginning to slip.
“Look at me, minx.”
Her glassy eyes met his as he reached forward, his hands enveloping hers. “You owe nothing to anyone. Nobody. Not to the Night Court, to my Court, or even to the Summer Court beyond what Tarquin has contracted you to do, and you especially owe nothing to the Shadowsinger.”
Her lip quivered and he spared her the discomfort of replying right away by continuing, “If it is your choice to hear him out, I commend you. You are far more brave and strong than you realize, and the fact that you are giving him your time today is an act of kindness in itself. Do not feel that you are obligated to comfort him or give your forgiveness.”
Eris lightly placed a broad palm on her chest. “What’s in there points true. Follow your heart, little fox. Do not do or say anything for anyone’s benefit but your own.”
Eris gave her the time she needed to collect her thoughts. His thumb brushed soothing strokes over the back of her hand as she composed herself.
Her voice cracked only slightly when she asked, “Is what I’m doing wrong? Are my conditions too harsh?”
Eris took a moment. Her heart racing like the best of a hummingbird’s wings as she awaited his response. He didn’t want to steer her any particular direction. Obviously, he wanted her by his side. Hell, he needed her by his side, she was as essential as water to him at this point. But her happiness and well-being mattered more than his needs.
He didn’t want her to go back to the Night Court as he knew Azriel would try convincing her to do. A selfish part of him begged to take her hand and bow on his knees before her. He was at her will and would serve her for the rest of his days should she only ask. But she needed to make this choice for herself. She was a summer storm, his little fox, who was he to stop her from flowing whatever direction she willed its winds to take her.
So, he wouldn’t ask her to stay or think of him at all during this meeting with her mate. However, he would emphasize what she likely already knew, that he had already fallen in love with her. That he fell in love with her spirit the moment that filthy string of curses fell from her pretty mouth when they met that first day. He wouldn’t pressure her by speaking those words aloud just yet, but he could show her in the best way he knew how given the circumstances, by empowering her.
“Y/N,” he broke the silence. “I meant what I told you. What you are doing today is brave. You are strong. To face a male who has not earned your time or presence in front of his own family to hear out his side of things, or whatever it is he wishes to say - you are so much stronger than you realize. Do not worry about what he or anyone at this table will think or feel. You hear him out and you choose what is right for you. The only person owed anything today is you and what you’re owed is peace. You deserve the world, fox.”
Those shining eyes of hers welled up. He lifted her chin with a long finger, “No tears, little one. You go in there and you take your power back. I will be out there.” He nodded toward a corridor to the eastern wing of the keep. “If you need anything at all, I’ll be waiting for you.”
She placed a delicate hand on Eris’ muscled bicep. “Eris…”
“Yes, fox?”
“I don’t want to do this alone.”
I want to drink from the words you say and be everything you need.
The creak of an oak door captured their attention. A sentry entered the room, his steps echoing throughout. “High Lord, Lady, the guests are arriving.” The sentry looked to Eris, “along with the guest you personally requested.”
Y/N turned toward Eris, her brows furrowing in confusion.
“Bring her in.” He replied to the sentry, turning to face Y/N. “I thought you may want someone in your corner for this meeting.”
Camila, Y/N’s sister, burst through the door, all bronze skin, bouncing black curls, and smiles. “Sister!!!” She squealed.
Y/N looked to Eris. Immense gratitude radiating from her lovely face. He nodded toward Camila, gesturing to go to her. The sisters ran to eachother, nearly tackling one another to the floor.
Camila giggled, gasping as she fought to catch her breath. “I saw a red-headed male outside with long hair, gorgeous tan skin, a wicked smile, and-“ she whispered not-so-subtly in her sisters ear “worship worthy thighs, handcrafted by the gods themselves.” She dropped the whisper act, continuing, “Oh my gods, Y/N, and a scar over his eye! Giving him that sexy mysterious look that you only ever read about in smutty novels.”
Eris choked as he realized who she was talking about, capturing the attention of Camila. “If I’d known what you were hiding here, High Lord, I’d have ventured over from the Summer Court much sooner.”
“I hate to disappoint you, Camila, but Lucien lives in the Day Court when he’s not at his apartment in Velaris.”
Camila’s mouth dropped into an “O” as she realized who the male was. “Well, onto the next one then. Who else are you hiding around here for me to fall in love with?”
The laughter was broken when the Oak Door opened again, a sentry announcing the next guests. “the High Lord of the Night Court and his general.”
Darkness suddenly overtook the room, and an instinctual part of Y/N caused her to pale. She’d very rarely seen Rhysand’s darkness so adamant, and it was never a good thing. Cassian kept a straight, stoic face, warrior’s stance on full display. This male, this was the Lord of Bloodshed and not the lovable giant she’d known for decades.
She remained frozen, Camila gasping in horror before deciding that she’d rather stare daggers at the brothers of the male who cheated on her little sister. Rhysand took in the room, paying no mind to Camila’s violent glare. When he realized Azriel was not in the room, his eyes landed on Y/N and the darkness immediately faded away. Rhys’ expression softened as he directed his footsteps toward her, opening his mouth to speak, but it was Cassian who yelled, “Y/N babygirl! Look at you!”
The giant male bound right past Rhys, running to her. Leaving no time for Y/N to brace herself as he whisked her up into a bone crushing hug, spinning her in circles. “Fuck, I’ve missed you. Never leave without saying goodbye again.”
As soon as Cassian said it, he faltered, gently setting her back down with his eyes downcast. “I had no idea, Y/N. We only found out the real reason why you left yesterday.”
Eris gave distance to the trio so she could speak with the males, Camila coming to his side. Eris couldn’t help smirking at the glare she gave to the Night Court’s High Lord and Cassian. He leaned in to her ear, his low voice barely a rumble, “I’d never admit this to them but while they are brutes, they’re not so bad.”
Camila only scoffed, waiving a dismissive hand in his direction.
It was true. Rhysand had given her space to heal but regularly sent check-in’s to the Summer and Autumn Court High Lords to ensure her well-being. Both Tarquin and Eris had to swear not to tell her, but Rhysand had contributed significantly to Y/N’s extremely generous salary as emissary between the courts. She didn’t know what emissary’s typically made so she never thought about it, but it certainly was not the substantial amount that she was being paid.
Once Cassian was finished fawning over his “favorite little ass-kicker” Rhys stepped forward.
“Y/N” he said. Eyes roaming up and down her body. She was more filled in and fit than she had been when he last saw her, the radiance had returned to her skin, the light in her eyes shone bright as the stars of Velaris. Gods, he’d forgotten the way his brother’s mate rivaled even the most vibrant of summer sunsets.
She held her chin high, meeting her former High Lord’s violet gaze. Rhys pulled her close and she melted into his arms. Not just her former High Lord but her friend. She knew this. And the warmth of his strong arms embracing her reminded her of exactly that.
That stinging rejection of Azriel’s betrayal had somewhat tainted her view of the Inner Circle’s love for her. They had accepted her into their little family immediately when she and Azriel mated and she thought they’d dismiss her just as quickly when she left.
His breaking of what they had did not change that the inner circle cared for her. Rhys held her close for nearly a minute, burying his face into the top of her head, whispering how sorry he was for not realizing just how awry things had gone with Azriel and Elain. She felt guilty for leaving them.
“Don’t you for one moment regret this, Y/N. You will always have a place in my home but there are bigger things in this world for you.” He nodded toward Eris briefly with a cheeky expression that felt a lot like understanding, approval even.
She swatted at him. “Get out of my head, busybody.”
“It was written all over your face, darling.” He shrugged.
Cassian cut in. “We wanted to come in first to assess the situation. Everyone else is in the entry hall. Are you sure about this, Y/N? You don’t have to see him if you’re not ready.”
Darkness flared around Rhys again as he nodded in agreement.
She stepped to Eris’ side with renewed confidence. “I’m ready.”
Eris commanded his sentries. “Go ahead and bring them in.”
Resisting the urge to press a parting kiss to her forehead, he gave a reassuring brush of his hand against hers and began to step away.
She grabbed his wrist. “Please, stay.”
Her pleading eyes spoke what she couldn’t “I can’t do this without you.”
So, he stayed by her side as they waited for the impending shit show to unfold.
I could be so good at loving you, but only if you told me to.
Tags: @going-through-shit @kalulakunundrum @lisanna2000 @fxckmiup @sheblogs @emryb @one-big-fangirl @historygeekqueen @isa1b2h3 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @theravenphoenix26 @sidthedollface2 @i-am-infinite @caraaaaugh @evergreenlark @darkbloodsly @piceous21 @anxious-study @chessebookgirl @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @crazylokonugget @mysticalfuncollectorus @starsinyourseyes @b0xerdancer-writes @inloveallthetime @thegirlinshadows101 @viistrength @grunchwench @starryhiraeth @macimads @feiwelinchen @acourtofbatboydreams @nebarious @haechansleafblower @melsunshine @thegirlintheshadows101 @plsfckmern
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reverieblondie · 4 months
Could I request headcanons for Rolan, Haarlep, Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Astarion with shy gn s/o?
Sorry this took forever! This is my first time doing headcanons and was unsure how to format it. The last bullet point for each character is NSFW just as a warning. I hope you enjoy!
Did the same HCs for Raphael and Zevlor here
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When you two first meet, he misread your shyness as apprehension towards him. Now he knows that you are just painfully shy, leaning more towards quiet. The way you two became close was through his siblings Cal and Lia; those two extroverts, of course, were set on becoming friends with you. They will pull you into their family conversations, you will listen to how they lovingly bicker, with a smile. Rolan slowly starts to get used to you being near and finds himself missing you when you are gone, not that he would ever admit that to you however. Your relationship with Rolan will bloom over time the more private time you two share.  
Once together, Rolan is making you blush by pure accident. At first, he didn’t notice what he would be doing until he turned to see your flustered face while his tail curled around your leg, seemingly of its own accord. The first couple of times it happened he would apologize and remove himself from you, it wasn’t until you grabbed his hand and leaned in closer with your cheeks blazing red, whispering how you enjoyed the closeness. At that he decided he would keep doing it more intentionally. 
One of his favorite things to do for you is to write you notes and secretly slip them to you. Rolan can struggle with expressing himself, so writing it for you tends to be easier for him and you. You always look forward to reading the notes as soon as you get them, though sometimes he has to whisper in your ear to read them in private when his words lead towards more intimate confessions that will leave your head spinning all night. 
A date night for you two is a lovely night in which you two share a bottle of wine he carefully selected after much research of what would be the best mix of both your tastes. Then, curling up with you in front of a burning fireplace with a book that you, of course, got to pick out for him to read till the late hours of the night. 
When you and Rolan are in each other's intimate embrace, tangled up together and sharing in soft pants and shy whispers he does anything to make you moan. It makes him feel good to help bring out your shy moans for him, letting him know he is doing a good job bringing you intense pleasure.  
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As they laid eyes on your flushed figure taking in their appearance only one thought crossed their mind; corrupt you. Finds your reserved nature delicious and loves to fluster you in any way possible. At first, it was all just a game but as they kept seeing you more and more they started to get excited by your presents. The teasing never stops and sure they can sometimes push you a bit far that you're practically a melted puddle of feelings but Haarlep just isn't used to such shyness, they love it.  
Loves to make you blush and relish in how you tremble when they whisper filth in your ear. They will brush their lips against the shell of your ear talking about all the ways they want to break you out of your shell, it still makes you fill with shivers of excitement no matter how many times they tease you. Haarlep will even try to sway you to talk dirty to them with sweet coos and sugared promises.
If you do start feeling brave enough to attempt to talk dirty back to them, Haarlep would laugh and tease you with playful kisses and pinches to your sides. Though half the time they can’t make it to that part considering when they watch you try to stumble out the words from your trembling lips they can’t help themselves from leaning in to bite your sweet lips in a passionate kiss. 
For a date night, Haarlep admittedly loves a nice spa night. Sure, they could just take you in bed all night long but they find themselves relishing in the way you two take care of one another for a night. Not used to people wanting to pamper them like you do but is more than willing to accept it. You two will take a nice long bath together, taking the time to wash each other carefully. Then once washed and dried expect long messages with delicate-smelling oils to ease and soften each other's muscles. They will try to slip into some naughtiness but you assure them they don't have to. This is a different level of intimacy they could get used to. 
When you two do find yourselves letting your spa night turn into something spicier Haarlep isn’t just going to let you get away with just getting what you want, no, they want you to beg for it to plead for what you're wanting. They just can’t help but tease their shy little thing, making you come undone with a pleading cry of your desires. 
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When he first met you he was a bit thrown by your silent nature. So what did he end up doing to compensate for your silence? Rambling on and on to you about everything and nothing trying to get anything from you but only being met with your shy smiles and pleasant nods. Ultimately thought you didn’t like him, which is far from the truth you thought he was interesting but you just are not much of a talker but you noticed the dejected look in his eyes as he left to go make dinner for the camp. Later when you worked up the nerve to ask him for more stories from his youth and studies of the weave he was more than excited to start talking on and on again. Slowly but surely you two clicked with the dynamic of him being the sweet chatterbox and you the calm listener.
Gale always showers you with compliments, always making you blush with how he pours his heart out to you. He is a hopeless romantic and so are you, though sometimes the compliments seem to come from nowhere. You could be standing in the market trying to pick out vegetables for the night's dinner and he would come to you with a smile praising how your face in concentration is a marvel to witness. Instantly your chest warms and the lady who owns the vegetable booth states you are lucky to have such a loving partner. 
When he's not showering you in compliments he's showering you in kisses. This man can not keep his lips off you for a single second, he's entirely devoted to you. Would be more than willing to leave your skin covered in hickeys if you were to allow it, and sometimes despite your meek nature you do. You don’t even mind how the beard slightly scratches your skin, you love that he is so open and so willing to show what you mean to him. 
Gale's very favorite date night between you two is a nice night where you two can prepare a meal together. While you two pour over the recipe together it's a great time to unwind about each other's day while leaving gentle touches on each other. You could be mixing the sauce and as soon as he's done chopping the vegetables you feel his arms curling around your waist while his lips press against your flushed skin. Sure your two might burn the food slightly when you two get caught up in cuddling with one another but nothing a little bit of magic can’t fix. 
Gale loves to press himself against you, you can bet that after dinner he will have you on your back as he grinds into on top of the table. You have already reached that white-hot bliss a couple of times now but Gale keeps going, keeps pressing long strokes into you as hot tears rush down your cheeks, you stumbling and mumbling how it's too much but he just begs for one more…
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Clocked your timidness as soon as he laid his hazel eyes on you. He introduces himself to you and asks you questions about yourself listening with a soft smile as you speak, being patient as you at first give short answers then slowly beaming how your answers get longer and longer. Before he knows it you two are being more open towards one another. Loves to see you coming out of your shell and is more than welcoming to your quiet nature. All of nature's creatures are made differently, you would often apologize for being so timid but he would only smile and place his hand over his heart reassuring you that nature makes no mistakes. 
Eye contact is extremely important to him, he considers it disrespectful if he doesn’t look into his partner's eyes. This was an adjustment for you being so shy from him staring as you speak. Loves how your cheeks flush and your sweet voice trembles as you try to keep your resolve and lead the conversion. Halsin loves you no matter what but is proud of your efforts to lead conversions more, he is sure to tell you this always.  
Loves to give pet names to his partner, when he first called you his heart you swear all the air in your lungs was swiftly knocked from you. Halsin, ever observant, saw your startled reaction and asked if the name made you uncomfortable because he is all about your comfort first and foremost. It was his turn to be surprised when you shook your head with a bashful smile saying that now you will have to find a pet name for him in return. 
Completely understands your want for nice quiet dates so he will always take you for late nice hikes to show you the beauties of nature, of course during the walk he will softly hold your hand and talk to you about all the different plants and animals you two would come across. Before you two reach your destination he will carefully cover your eyes and lead you to the spot he wanted to show you since he found it. Uncovering your eyes you see the tall elf smiling as you look out over the cliff and see nature's majesty. Right as you think it couldn't get more incredible shooting stars fall from the sky is a shimmering shower. Oak  father has truly blessed them tonight. 
While you two are undressing to embrace one another he will rake his eyes all over your body. As he lays you down against the forest floor's soft grass, takes his time to kiss and touch every part of your body worshiping to get to see you in your natural glory all for him to partake in. You're not ashamed to admit his hands over your body make you come out of your shell like no other can.   
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When Wyll met you he faced your shyness with friendliness to get you to feel more comfortable. When he joined your camp he immediately started helping out in any way he could. Need help setting up tents? He will politely ask to help you and proves himself to be quite resourceful. Loves to tell you stories of his travels to you as you work together and smiles as he sees your eyes sparkle in enchantment with his stories. Going to get firewood he offers to tag along to keep you company. While you two walk together you will share your stories, though in your opinion they are not as grand as his but it doesn't seem to stop him from being engaged as asking you to explain further in detail for him to fully picture it. Before you know it you and him are sitting and chatting for hours like you have been together for years. The vibes and electric energy he radiates are just too contagious to not get wrapped in, and you love it. 
Wyll is all about public displays of affection, he wants to show you off and is hopeful you feel the same for him, which you do. His hand is either in your hand or he somehow has his hand wrapped around your waist. Wants to show you all the love possible. And you can't help but blush as he unapologetically gives you kisses in the street not caring if others see. When you sadly do have to break apart for a moment he blows you kisses as you walk away, you of course catch them and hold them to your heart and sometimes if you are feeling brave you will blow one back.
Loves to have you sit in his lap, not in a creepy way but in a sweet way wanting to hold you close. He doesn't care where you are or who you two are with. If he gets the opportunity he will pull you down to his lap and nuzzle softly into your neck. Sometimes if it is late at night and you two are cuddling by the campfire you will find yourself falling asleep in his embrace, Wyll loves that you have become so comfortable in his arms and will spend the night softly brushing your hair back from your face while you sleep. 
It's no surprise that for your dates you two go out to a local tavern to dance. At first, you shyly admitted to him that you were not a good dancer but Wyll is very patient and will carefully guide you and smile through gritted teeth as you step on his feet. Over time however and through many dates you two become quite the dancing partners. However, if the dance floor becomes too crowded and you start to feel shakenly overwhelmed he will lead you to a private corner and gently sway with you whispering how much he adores you.  
In the late nights of each other's embrace as you two shower each other in devotion, he will whisper honey praises into your ears. How well you take him. How much he loves you. How he wants to be with you forever to see you unravel before him like in this intimate moment of intense pleasure. 
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Rolls his eyes as he watches you trying to stumble through conversions. How can someone with no social skills make it through the world? You of course were intimidated by him and when he would speak to you it would always leave you overwhelmed but you never thought poorly of him you understood that it was perhaps how he coped through situations like you go through yours meekly. First Astrion saw your kindness and shyness as weakness, but slowly over time as you two opened up towards each other he saw it as a good thing. Feels safe to be vulnerable towards you and you are more than happy to open up to him late at night when you two can't sleep. Your relationship started through friendship and understanding, but still teases you any chance he gets. 
Teases you endlessly, his favorite is when he gets the chance to sneak up on you and cover your eyes, he never gets over your startled little squeak in surprise at the impromptu game of Guess Who. By now you know that it is Astrion and will guess him quickly as you hold your hands on top of his cold ones. When you two are at the shops or camp he loves to shoot you flirtatious winks from across the way, it never fails to make you blush. Though you will never forget when you saw the look of surprise on his face when you winked back at him before slipping into his tent, he would later tell you it was very naughty of you to surprise him with that. 
After you two had been together and learned about each other's past he found himself needing to just have quiet moments with you. You would be getting ready for bed oiling your skin as you hum softly to yourself. Astarion would lower his book and just watch you for a moment, at a time you had been too shy to even talk to him but now here you two are sharing a bed. Carefully and quickly he would slip behind you and hug you tenderly. At first, you were startled and thought something could be wrong but as you softly ask he simply shakes his head and says he just wants to be close to you for a moment, no games just tenderness. You are more than happy to give him that moment. 
Late-night dates at the rare late-night markets in Baldur's Gate are a real treat and you two are more than happy to go on a shopping date for the night. Astarion will watch as you admire all the exotic merchandise from across Faerun oooing and ahhing at everything. He of course notices that you take particular interest in a fancy-looking ring, but you could not justify buying it for yourself. Later when you two are wrapping up your date for the night he will suddenly stop you kiss your hand then slip said ring on one of your fingers, you would stumble and say how he shouldn't have it and how it was too expensive, but he reassures you that he got a five finger discount. 
You two waited a while before making love with one other, you wanted it to be special and you wanted him to know how much him being  comfortable meant to you before you did. He of course reassures you by kissing you passionately till your two are stumbling into the bed. Though the kisses and the foreplay were ravenous when he finally slipped into your tight entrance, he is slow and soft, constantly asking if you are alright. Through bashful glances you kiss him softly as he lets you adjust to his length, this is truly the definition of making love.
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luxaofhesperides · 6 months
Could i request a ghostlight where danny can turn into a dragon, it could be though a curse or just training from queen dora?
Like dragon Danny seeing the yellow signal outfit and thinking "mmmmm gold, shiny, must take".
He should probably be more worried about being cursed.
Scratch that, he should definitely be more worried about being cursed. However, it wasn’t done intentionally or in bad faith. This is just the consequences of him, Sam, and Tucker fucking around and finding out when left unsupervised with the grimoire of a long dead witch.
In their defense, they didn’t know Tucker could use magic. This revelation both upset Tucker, who refused to be swayed from tech, and Sam, who thought she was a better fit for magic considering how goth she is. Danny hadn’t really cared, since he was too busy being turned into a dragon. At least it isn’t like with Dora’s necklace; Danny is still himself, can think clearly, and isn’t overcome by rage. 
He’s just… Danny. But as a dragon.
“Well, you do something to fix him then!” Tucker shouts, waving a hand in the air angrily, “Since you want to be so good at magic, you do it then!”
“I would if I could! But you’re the one who gets to use magic, so figure it out and turn Danny back!” Sam shouts back, getting in Tucker’s face with a fierce scowl.
Danny sighs, shifting uncomfortably. His room is not big enough for a dragon, and his back is starting to cramp up. He looks longingly out the window to the clear skies that call to him, and wonders when his friends will stop fighting. 
They keep shouting, so he doubts they’ll be able to focus on actually helping him for at least another hour.
The only silver lining about the situation is that Jazz and his parents are gone, taking the weekend to visit a few colleges so Jazz can decide which one she wants to go to. Though he’s been cursed into dragon form and his friends are yelling about it, at least his family can’t make it any worse with their attempts to ‘fix’ things. 
There’s a lull in the yelling, Sam and Tucker both turning their attention back to the grimoire. Danny shifts his wings, tail flicking slightly, and leans his head closer. He wishes he could help figure this out, but he can’t talk in this form, and any attempt at charades will destroy his room. 
His friends look focused, at least. So maybe they’ve decided to focus on finding solutions instead of fighting. 
“Here,” Sam says, shoving the grimoire over to Tucker roughly. “Try that.”
Tucker reads over the spell, then scoffs and pushes the grimoire back. “That’s not going to fix anything. Didn’t you read it? It clearly says truth is the greatest revenge, revealing one’s true form force it into light. It’s talking about making people who are secretly cruel turn ugly or something like that! It’s not going to do anything for Danny!”
“It says one’s true form and Danny’s is a human! That would work!”
And they go right back to arguing.
Danny sighs, turning to stare out the window again.
In any other circumstance, being a dragon would be so fun. He has wings! He’s big and has claws and can probably breathe fire! And it’s not making him act on animal instincts or anything! If he could just be outside…
He glances at Sam and Tucker again. 
Maybe he can go outside, enjoy the curse a bit before they figure out a way to undo it. Spend some time flying around with wings. 
All the curse did was turn him into a dragon. It just changed his form. If he still has his ghost powers, if the curse didn’t change his nature from halfa to dragon…
Carefully, Danny focuses on his tail and tries to make it intangible. There’s a strange sensation of ice running down his spine, then it goes into his tail. In the next second, his tail drops through the floor, and Danny bites down a grin. 
He is so out of here. 
He gives Sam and Tucker another glance; they’ve got their heads bent over the grimoire, paying no attention to him. 
Danny goes fully intangible and sinks through the floor of his bedroom, then maneuvers his way outside the house. As soon as he’s out, standing beneath the sunlight and able to stretch out his new body, Danny pulls his power back and takes a few careful steps on the grass, testing his balance. His wings shift on his back, and he stretches them out, feeling the way his new limbs move.
Everything feels natural, as if he’s always been a dragon.
Taking a deep breath, Danny spreads his wings out and takes off running. A few hard pumps of his wings gets him into the air, and he can’t help but let out a joyful roar. 
Distantly, he hears Tucker and Sam yelling again, but he’s too happy to be free of that room to care. Let them argue. He wants to have fun.
Staying in Amity Park is a no go; Val might go after him, thinking he’s a threat, and ghosts could pop out at any time to cause problems. He might as well take this chance to fly around wherever he wants. Chicago wouldn’t be too hard to reach with how fast he’s flying, but he’s been there before and doesn’t want to stay in Illinois. 
What other big city is nearby that he can fly to?
New York?
Or, better yet, Gotham. 
It’s definitely a bad idea, but if any city is able to handle a dragon appearing without warning, it would be Gotham. Plus, he might get to see some of the heroes in action! Sure, it’s the middle of the day, but surely a dragon is a good enough reason for Batman to show up before the sun sets. 
Mind made up, Danny flies up into the clouds and heads towards Gotham, following the roads out of Amity Park. 
The flight is quick. It takes barely over an hour to see the dark figures of Gotham’s tallest buildings, fog surrounding the city like something out of a horror movie. The sun glints off the ocean behind the city for a rare, cloudless day. He’s heard stories about Gotham’s weather, how dreary it is, the occasional acid rain, the gloominess of it all. As bad as his luck is, it seems that the sunny day is trying to give him something good to even it out after being cursed into a dragon.
Excited, Danny angles himself down, diving out of the lower clouds and shifts his wings to catch on a wind current that smoothly sends him towards the city.
Just to be careful, he goes invisible as he gets closer, staying out of sight once he enters the city proper. 
Noise overwhelms him immediately, cars honking and voices yelling, the occasional gunshot and sound of something breaking. It makes Danny wince, disoriented enough to make him falter as he flies above the streets.
Amity Park is quiet and peaceful in comparison, so much so that he hadn’t realized just how enhanced his senses had become in a dragon’s form. 
The sounds of everything are so much, and all the movement of such a big city is dizzying. At least he can’t smell anything but salt from the sea; if he had to deal with the constant smell of blood, guts, and sewage, he would find a way to fully die to get away from it.
He slows down to a smooth glide, weaving his way between buildings as he takes in the city. Even with the sun out, it’s gloomy, the tall buildings casting shadows across the streets, a mix of art deco and gothic architecture filling up the space. He wonders if he should find some place up high he can rest, maybe bathe in the sun for a bit until he felt like moving again. If he managed to fall asleep, that might give Sam and Tucker enough time to figure out how to undo the curse.
“Ow! Shit, that hurts.”
Or he indulge in his curiosity and check up on whoever just cursed loud enough to be heard over the ambient noise of Gotham.
It takes a minute of searching before Danny’s eyes zero in on a bright flash of yellow moving across rooftops. 
All other colors seem dull in comparison, and Danny has just enough time to think, Oh, there’s the dragon instincts taking over, before he’s flying after it, unable to focus on anything else.
Every time the yellow leaps out of the shadows, it’s as if it glows. As if Danny’s chasing sunlight. 
He gets close, but loses the yellow every so often with how he has to maneuver around buildings, putting his new flying abilities to the test in an effort to keep up.
Then the yellow comes to an abrupt stop. Danny can’t stop in time and flies past it, tilting his body and spreading out his wides as far as he can to make a tight turn. 
“I’m fine, just bruised up, but I feel like I’m being followed,” the yellow says to no one. There’s a pause, and then the yellow says, “I don’t see anything, is the thing.”
If the yellow has anything more to say, it doesn’t get the chance to do more than open its mouth before Danny’s crashing into it, tackling it to the ground. 
He’s elated as they roll across the roof, the living sunlight caught safe in his arms. He holds it close to his chest, protecting it until they come to a stop, dropping his invisibility as a low rumble builds in the back of his throat. The dragon brain has thoroughly taken over, and it takes far too long to wrestle control back from it.
Once he’s able to think more clearly, Danny looks down at the poor guy he’s caught and realizes, hey that’s a hero!
And then he realizes, that’s a hero. I fucked up.
He tries to say sorry, but all that comes out is a low chuff. The hero, who he can recognize as the Signal because who else wears mostly yellow in Gotham, leans back as much as he can, trapped in Danny’s grasp.
“Hey, dragon,” Signal says nervously. “I’m really hoping you didn’t catch me because you were looking for a snack.”
Danny huffs, bumping his head against Signal’s chest. He hopes he doesn’t come across as aggressive, because all he wants to do is laze around with a hero, his dragon brain happy to keep hold of its yellow sunshine.
He’s not going to let go of Signal, though. He intends to make the most of this moment while he can.
“Okay. You seem friendly? That’s good I guess.” Signal sighs, then tries to wiggle out of Danny’s grip. Danny doesn’t budge until Signal gasps and curls into himself, clearly in pain.
Worried, Danny lets go of him and tries to see what’s wrong, his snout poking against the Signal’s ribs.
The Signal hisses out a breath, trying to push Danny away. “Stop, don’t do that. Man, I hope my ribs aren’t broken. That would suck.”
That would suck. Rib injuries are the worst, and the bruises always seem to stay longer on ribs than anywhere else, in Danny’s experience. He would love to offer the Signal some ice, but as a dragon, he’s not sure how to use that particular power. He settles instead for backing off and making himself small, offering an apologetic rumble.
“Thanks,” Signal smiles, gingerly uncurling from where he’s hunched over, an arm crossing his stomach, protecting it. “I guess you’re friendly, then?”
Danny nods.
“...And you can understand me?”
Danny nods harder, a high pitched growl slipping out of his mouth. 
“That’s so cool. What are you doing here in Gotham?”
It’s not a yes or no question, so Danny’s stuck on how to answer when words are so far out of reach. He shrugs, wings shifting against his back, then carefully bumps his head against the Signal’s helmet. 
“Yeah, that was a bad question. Do you need help?”
Danny scrunches up his nose as he thinks. He is cursed, but so far, being a dragon isn’t all that bad. It sucks that he can’t talk, but everything else is cool! He just doesn’t want to be a dragon forever. But it’s nothing the Signal can help with, so Danny just shrugs again.
The Signal tilts his head. “Alright. I guess I’ll get going then, and you can chill up here.”
The low growl comes suddenly, without him even thinking, and Danny wraps himself around the hero again. Distantly, he thinks that he should stop, that this is technically holding the Signal in place against his will, but the much louder, dragon part of him is deeply upset by the thought of the Signal leaving while he’s injured. Danny can protect him, so there’s no need for him to go anywhere! In fact, he’s only safe as long as he’s with Danny!
He leans more of his weight onto the Signal until they both fall back onto the roof, pinning the hero in place. 
Danny tries to be gentle, but the impact still makes Signal groan, tensing up in pain.
Sorry, he tries to say, the words coming out in a low chuffing noise. He draws his tail up to curl around the Signal so he’s completely surrounded by Danny, kept safe from anything that would try to attack him. 
Letting out a breath, the Signal lightly knocks his head against Danny’s neck, the helmet barely felt through Danny’s scales. “Alright, Oracle, can you send someone to my location? I’m a bit stuck.”
It’s hard to hear, but Danny manages to make out a voice saying, “Black Bat is heading there now. What’s wrong?”
“I’m a bit stuck.”
“Just my ribs, but that’s not really the problem. There’s a dragon who’s very determined to keep me on this roof.”
“A dragon,” the voice repeats. 
“Yeah. It seems to like me? But it’s also not letting me leave. So. I’m stuck.”
There’s a pause, then a soft burst of static before the voice says, “I’m going to send a message to everyone else just in case they’re able to provide any back up. I’m sure Tim is looking for an excuse to ditch Bruce at that accounting meeting.”
“Guess I’ll just wait to be rescued, then,” Signal says, sighing. Then he tilts his head up to look at Danny. “Is there some way you could talk to me? To pass the time. Maybe morse code? Do you know what that is?”
Dragon brain makes him stupid, apparently, because Danny does know morse code. He didn’t even think of alternative ways of communication once he discovered talking was impossible with his new vocal chords. 
It’s probably not even dragon brain. It’s just Danny brain that makes him like this.
Embarrassed, Danny drops his head onto the roof, drawing his tail closer to himself so it can cover his eyes, his best attempt at hiding his face. Then, with one sharp claw, he taps out Y.E.S.
“Oh! So, what’s up?”
N.O.T. D.RA.G.O.N. H.U.M.A.N. G.O.T. C.U.R.S.E.D.
“Why did you say you didn’t need help if you got cursed?!”
Danny wants to say it was an accident, but has no confidence that he can spell ‘accident’ correctly, so he goes with F.R.I.E.N.D. M.A.D.E. M.I.S.T.A.K.E.
“And can they fix it?”
I.D.K. T.H.E.Y. W.E.R.E. F.I.G.H.T.I.N.G. Danny huffs out a breath, flicking his tail in annoyance as he uncurls slightly, giving Signal some more breathing space. He doesn’t look as stressed out anymore, which is nice, but he still holds his ribs tenderly, careful not to move too much. G.O.T. B.O.R.E.D. L.E.F.T.
The Signal taps his own fingers against the roof, thinking after he takes in Danny’s words. “Do you think we can call them and see if they know how to fix it? I doubt you want to be a dragon forever.”
N.O. P.H.O.N.E.
“It’s cool, we can use mine.” And he pulls out a cell phone from… somewhere. Danny has no idea where. It’s like he blinked, and a phone suddenly appeared. His hero suit probably has a lot of hidden compartments and pockets to hold as much stuff as possible, but it’s so well designed that Danny can’t begin to think of where he’d put anything. Especially when his dragon brain keeps getting distracted by how nice the yellow is.
Danny taps out Tucker’s number when Signal asks for it, watching as the call connects and is put on speaker.
“Hello?” Tucker’s voice says, hesitant and a little distracted.
“Hi,” Signal responds with a mischievous smile, “Do you happen to be missing a dragon? Cause I’ve got one here who’s hoping he can get a little help from a friend.”
Danny hears something clatter on Tucker’s end, then Tucker starts yelling for Sam. He’s not quite able to bite back his laughter, entire body shaking with it. The Signal keeps his composure better, but he does share a glance with Danny that has him biting his lip, trying to keep his smile from growing.
“Where is he?!” Tucker demands, and for a moment Danny feels ashamed of how much stress he’s putting his best friends through. And then he remembers them fighting nonstop while ignoring him and doesn’t feel bad at all.
“...Gotham,” Sam repeats. Her voice is flat in the way it always gets before she verbally (and sometimes physically) tears someone apart. Danny winces hard enough that it jostles the Signal, making him glance back at Danny.
“Yeah. Gotham. He said he was cursed?”
Sam sighs heavily. “Yeah. Not my fault. It is Tucker’s fault, though.”
“I think I found the solution though! And also, it was an accident. You were the one who wanted to read the grimoire.”
He can tell they’re gearing up for another fight, so Danny lowers his face closer to the phone and lets loose a dark growl. It shuts them right up, and he briefly wonders about learning how to growl like that as a human, since it’s so effective.
Tucker clears his throat, and continues as if nothing happened. “Anyways. The cure. The thing that will make Danny stop being cursed.”
There’s another long pause.
“The cure…?” Signal prompts.
“Sorry, what?”
“It’s kisses.”
“Like… true love’s kiss?”
Danny hopes it’s not true love’s kiss. If it is, he’s never going to be human again. Who would his true love even be? As much as he liked Valerie, that ships sailed long ago. And he loves Sam and Tucker, but not quite like that. 
“No. Thankfully,” Sam says. “Just kisses. What matters is the amount, not the person it’s from. So whoever you are, we’re gonna need you to be giving Danny as many kisses as possible until he’s human again. We’re also on our way to Gotham now. Johnny’s offered us a ride.”
On cue, an engine revs loudly. 
“We’ll be there soon!” Tucker shouts over the engine, and the call ends just a second later. 
Danny huffs, shaking his head lightly.
“Interesting friends you got there,” Signal comments idly.
Y.E.S. Danny taps out. L.O.V.E. T.H.E.M.
The Signal sits up and moves away from Danny, who has to stomp down the urge to curl around the hero tighter to keep him in place. He stands up, putting his phone away, and looks over Danny. His gaze feels like a physical weight, moving from his face, and the horns on his head, to the scales covering him, to his wings and tail.
His tails flicks back and forth nervously. Danny can’t get it to stop.
“Dragon,” someone new says, startling Danny. He spots the newcomer immediately, a lithe figure in all black perched on the ledge of the roof. Her voice is rough and he can’t see her face at all, fully covered as it is in her mask.
This must be Black Bat. He doesn’t know much about her; no one does, with how she’s managed to avoid being photographed and how rarely she is seen by anyone at all. He honestly wasn’t sure if she was real or not, but here she is.
“Hey,” Signal greets easily, “We need to kiss him better.” 
Black Bat tilts her head. “Kiss… dragon?”
“He’s cursed. And kisses will fix him. Not true love’s kiss, but just a lot of kisses.”
“True love’s kiss?” she repeats.
“Oh, shit. I guess you haven’t read any fairy tales?” Black Bat shakes her head, and Danny wonders how she’s managed to avoid all fairy tales for so long. They’re usually among the first stories children are exposed to. “Yeah, in a lot of those stories, a curse can only be broken from a kiss by someone by love.”
Black Bat nods slowly, and it’s clear she doesn’t really understand, but she does hop off the ledge and walk over to Danny. She pulls up her mask to reveal her mouth, then looks to the Signal for guidance.
“Like this,” Signal says, then leans over and presses a soft kiss to Danny’s cheek.
If he were human, Danny would be blushing madly. As it is, he has to force himself to stay still and not hide his face in his hands, claws and all, from how flustered he is.
Black Bat follows in suit, dropping a delicate kiss to the top of his head. 
Danny loses track of how many kisses he gets, all over his face, beyond flustered by the amount of affection two heroes are showering him in. It’s just to break the curse, but it’s still a lot of kisses! 
Signal kisses the tip of his nose, and there’s a flash of light. Danny feels himself change, growing smaller, his human softness returning to him. It’s barely a few seconds, and then Danny’s human again, sitting on the roof with the Signal and Black Bat standing over him.
They blink at each other for a long moment, then Black Bat smiles and pats the top of his head. 
Danny smiles. He knows his cheeks are red, can feel how hot they are himself, and ducks his head, too embarrassed to look at either of them.
“How are you feeling?” Signal asks, crouching down to be eye level with Danny.
He tries to answer, but all that comes out is a hoarse rasp. He winces and brings a hand up to his throat, then shrugs and gives the Signal a thumbs up.
He clears his throat. This time, he manages to whisper, “Thank you.”
Black Bat gives him a cheerful wave, then hops back onto the ledge and jumps off. Signal barely takes his eyes off Danny enough to give her a nod goodbye. He reaches out and brushes Danny’s hair off his forehead some before his fingers trail down the side of his face. 
“I’ll admit, you looked cool as a dragon,” Signal says, “But you’re much cuter like this.”
Danny gives in and hides his face in his hands. The Signal laughs, warm and bright, and kisses his forehead. 
“Come on, let’s make sure your friends can find you.”
“They’re going to be so annoying about this,” Danny mutters.
“It’s how friends show affection.”
“Seriously, though, thank you. I know being tackled by a dragon isn’t what anyone expects. Did I hurt you? Your ribs…”
The Signal shrugs. “Nah. I’m all good. Just a little bruised, but it’ll heal quickly enough. Though, you’re more than welcome to give me a kiss to help me feel better.”
Danny shoves him lightly for the teasing, but he does pull the Signal back for a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth.
It’s only fair, after all.
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mimimui · 1 year
comma after dearest (genshin impact)
wherein (character) reacts a certain way to a grammar mistake you made in your letter (or was it?)
includes: kazuha, ayato, thoma, xiao, zhongli, alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche
tags: a bit unserious writing, fluff, i am obssessed with "it changed the meaning, did you intend this?" forgive me, not proofread
a/n: not sure if anyone's done this before, but take it as my apology for not having written in a while (╥﹏╥) my fever + colds are killing me & i have a lot of scheduled things to do for school aaaa. maybe i can write this with other fandoms as well ? (and character x character ships hehe) .. enjoy !
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kazuha notices it immediately. aside from all the work with the fleet, he spends time reading—or rereading—your letters. written messages aren't uncommon when he's at sea, but this letter was different. had you made a mistake with your punctuation? no, it can't be, you've always opened your letters with "my dearest kazuha".
he blinked at the words, now seeing a comma between the word 'dearest' and his name. as much as he was confused, he was flustered. if this wasn't a mistake, and that you intentionally called him your dearest, then it's a shame you can't see how absolutely smitten he is for you right now.
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ayato is busy going through papers and folders when he sees an envelope slide under his door. he chuckles as he reads his name in your writing, carefully picking it up and opening it. you have a habit of writing him letters and sliding it under his door while he works, which ayato finds very endearing.
when he reads "my dearest, ayato", his smile only widens more, finding new motivation to finish his assignments for the day so he can get to you as soon as possible. he knows how much effort you put into writing these short, yet loving, letters when he places this one on his (already full of other letters) pinboard.
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thoma takes a while to realize, but when he finally notices it, his heart rate increases by a concerning amount. he loves you so much to the point that when he reads "my dearest, thoma", there's hearts in his eyes. thoma's so much happier after reading your letter, and now he's doing everything smiling.
ayaka told him he looks brighter than usual today, and ayato even asked him if he received good news. of course, he was shy about this, but he told the kamisato siblings it was nothing to worry about. though, he continues to do his work with a little bounce in step.
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xiao denies it. he thinks he's read it wrong at first, but when he looks over at it again, it is confirmed that you did write him as your dearest. forgetting about the rest of the contents of the letter, xiao began to contemplate. an error like that was unlikely, especially since you're fond of writing.
the next time you meet, he has a hard time trying to bring up the topic. he knows you meant what you wrote, but he wants you to confirm it. when you tell him, "yes, i mean it." he tries to hold back a smile. keyword: tries.
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zhongli adores the salutation. or rather, he adores you. he appreciates the sweet, small detail you added in. zhongli hurriedly, yet carefully, writes you a letter back, addressing you as "my dearest, (y/n)" and replying to the contents you had in yours.
he never really indulged in using endearments, but ever since your letter, he's only even been calling you his 'dearest'. when greeting you, when asking for your attention, when talking about you, whenever. zhongli's never said it outloud, but you know he absolutely loves that nickname now.
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alhaitham is amused. he thinks you genuinely made a mistake in your letter, but doesn't address it until he returns to sumeru. when you see him again, he brings it up, expecting to be able to playfully taunt you about it. but he was so wrong.
"but you're my dearest. how is that wrong grammar?" you say, turning the situation around and teasing him instead. alhaitham wanted to tease you so much that he didn't bother to think of other possibilities. he's defeated, and all he can say is, "...i have no reply."
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kaveh doesn't know how to react to it. should he be flustered, or correcting you for the mistake? was it even a mistake? he does write you a letter back, but best believe he immediately asks you about it as soon as he comes back home. "did you intend this?" he says, showing you your letter.
when you nod your head, all the shyness and blush that should've came in before came in now. kaveh uses the folded letter to cover his smile, but it's too wide and too bright to even try to. when you tease him about it, he strongly denies having his heart race from it.
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scaramouche chooses to ignore it. he knows you wrote that punctuation on purpose, but he doesn't want show that he's thinking about it. this ultimately failed when he doesn't write you back, and you knew something was up with him. once he returns and he acts indifferent, you bring it up.
his eyes widen as he looks away, realizing he forgot to reply to that letter. scaramouche hesitates before quietly apologizing, mumbling something about 'my dearest' and 'running out of paper'.
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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lawsfuckasshat · 2 months
✙ ✙ ✙ olive branch. 🕊️🫀
gn!strawhat!reader, pre-dressrosa.
warnings: swearing, brief death mention, pre-relationship, law’s perspective, very short and hopefully sweet. not beta’d.
a/n: first time posting my writing ever… i hope it’s alright! i don’t think there’s an official reason for why law dislikes bread, but i like the headcanon that it’s because corazón doesn’t like it either :))
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“so, is it like, a yeast thing?”
law rolls his eyes, face painted with his typical scowl. as cool, mysterious, and annoyed as ever. he crosses his arms, leaning back against the mast.
“no, __-ya.” he utters. you nod sagely, like you’re studying the guy under a microscope, and don’t seem deterred by his attitude in the slightest.
“then… is it a texture issue? ‘cause i totally understand that, i really don’t like-“
“i’m finding it difficult to understand why you want to know so badly.” law wishes that his intentionally curt answers would make you stop pestering him, would make his heart stop skipping beats every time you tried to pry open his hard outer shell. ‘mind over matter’ works well in every other aspect of how he presents himself, but the blood rushing to his face refuses to cooperate with him. great.
“i just wanna understand you,” you reply earnestly, “and what goes on in that pretty head of yours, is all. ya know?” for a split second, law is afraid that his heart has failed, if the free-falling drop in his chest is anything to go by. how could you say something like that so easily? right to his face, like you were talking about something as simple as the weather?
he tries to carefully pick his words, running through dozens of possibilities in his head, brain scrambling to say something, anything that’ll get you to leave him alone to wallow in his thoughts (…you think he’s pretty?) you wouldn’t really leave him alone if you left though, would you?
instead, he chooses to ignore you. head tilting down, one of his crossed arms coming up to tug the bill of his hat further down his face, shoulders slightly scrunching in. he feels like everything his body is doing is absolutely, incredibly, extremely obvious to you. his palms sweat uncomfortably and he’s so goddamn aware of your presence next to him, it’s driving him up the wall. he wishes he wasn’t so awkward, so scarred by all the loss in his life.
you don’t say anything, just turn your body and lean back against the mast with him. he briefly thinks his stonewalling worked.
“that’s okay.” you utter. there’s no rejection anxiety, no hurt in your voice. law’s shoulders and hidden scowl don’t relax, but he huffs out a hushed sigh. he stays quiet otherwise and waits a long minute before chancing a glance at you.
you’re leaned back against the mast, body language lax and open, although your arms are loosely crossed. your eyes are closed, skin sun-kissed. gentle sea breeze brushing across your clothes. you look warm, he thinks. he wishes you would reach out and touch him, but he also doesn’t 100% know if he’d like it. maybe he would.
law hates taking risks. he needs everything carefully planned out in his head before he makes a move, especially with the fruits of a thirteen year long effort coming to fruition in the next few days. he’s prepared to die kicking and screaming, fighting tooth and nail. he can’t fuck a single facet of his plan up.
then again, he’s dealing with the straw hat pirates here. a crew known for miracles. law steels his resolve and takes a calculated breath.
“someone i cared about a great deal didn’t like bread.”
the way you grin at him makes risking the olive branch worth it.
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@ lawsfuckasshat 4.2.24
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netflix · 8 months
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Spotlight: Adam Stockhausen
Production Designer, The Wonderful Story Henry Sugar
Oscar winning production designer Adam Stockhausen (not pictured above, that’s Benedict Cumberbatch), whose work you may know from Wes Anderson films like The Grand Budapest Hotel, Asteroid City, The French Dispatch, Isle of Dogs, and Moonrise Kingdom, as well as titles like Bridge of Spies, and West Side Story (2021), took the time to answer some questions.
Which details from or aspects of The Wonderful Story Henry Sugar did you focus the most on while adapting it to the screen? How did you meld Roald Dahl and Wes’s worlds?
The details on this one started with Dahl’s writing hut! We matched the details pretty carefully and exactly. As soon as we step outside of the hut though we start to move through the world of the story and the world of the stage at the same time. Wes had the idea of how he wanted to do this from the very beginning. My main challenge was trying to figure out how to pull it off—making the parts move and getting each to have the right detail.
What’s a small change you made on a project that ended up having an unexpectedly significant impact? 
Lots of times this happens—where what seems like a small thing at the time becomes a very significant turning point. I’m in Berlin now writing this and remembering being here scouting for East Berlin for Bridge of Spies. We were struggling to find a section of town that still felt old enough to show the early 60s, and decided to take a chance on a quick search in Poland. That quick search changed the whole production plan and ultimately gave us the look of our East Berlin.
How has technology changed the way you approach your work? 
Technology has definitely changed the way we plan the work. We used to model everything in cardboard or sometimes just plan in two dimensions with pencil and paper. We can now plan in 3-dimensional space using modeling programs and see what real lenses will do.  This allows for more accurate planning and makes scenery moves like the casino set in Henry Sugar possible.
Do you have any signature easter eggs you like to leave? Any small details that you are particularly fond of? 
I wouldn’t say there are easter eggs in this one. But there are loads of special details! I think my favorite might be the levitation boxes where we painted a perspective view of the background onto a prop box. The actor sitting on the box appears to be floating in a very special and theatrical way.
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Did you talk about reflecting the iconic Quentin Blake illustrations in production design? How would you go about doing that? 
Not really. They are such incredible drawings and I’d say they’ve been inspiring me since I saw them as a child! But for this the starting point was really the machine Wes devised to move us through the story—and pairing that to specific references scene by scene.
There is such an intentionality to the aesthetics of a Wes world. Is there a set or frame that took you a long time to get perfectly right? 
All of them! It’s a very labor-intensive process getting these frames right. Occasionally one will click right away, but usually it’s a process of refining and refining. The jungle for instance went from sketches to models to samples and back again several times before the final look settled.
If you had to present one frame that showcases the best of your work, what would it be? 
Oh my. Maybe the jungle? I really enjoyed making the jungle!
With all the moving sets in the trailer for The Wonderful Story Henry Sugar, it feels reminiscent of a theatre production. Are there distinct differences in approach between film and theatre and how much do you blur the lines between them in your work? 
I think the lines are blurred completely! Or maybe they aren’t even there. I love that Henry Sugar is so incredibly theatrical in its storytelling.  It allows us to show the artifice of the sets all the time which somehow makes them even more satisfying when they finally do line up and create a complete picture. I think the casino set is a perfect example—the pauses where it all lines up for a second are even more enjoyable because we get to see it broken apart and sliding away.
Thanks, Adam!
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sinimake · 4 months
How to write smut scenes
Some personal tips i use for writers who want to set fires to the loins of their readers: (nsfw content)
For starters, define your end goal and drive of your smut.
Every writing must have a drive. Every character has an intention. No, I'm not talking about only the plot, and yes, even PWP needs it. Your scene can start in the midst of the action but must still contain the purpose.
Ask yourself why are the characters fucking? Does one character want to show their love to the other? Or are they seeking their own pleasure? Your characters' dynamic can be the drive. If you have kinky undertones, that can be your drive too.
What this does is that make the scene spicy, stake up the tension and give gratification to readers when the goal is reached.
Point of view
I said it before and i will say it again: No head hopping! Smut is a very intimate scene in which we dive deep into the character's feelings, emotions and entirely focused on their sensations.
You make readers feel the sensation of your first character then show outward reactions of your other character(s). So carefully choose whose pov you wanna write. If you need to change the pov, take a scene break, then switch.
How to absorb your readers into the action?
There's a simple technique called "being in your prime character's head" and this is how you do it.
Instead of writing this:
The air in the room was cold but the florescent light overhead was warm.
You write:
Goosebumps broke out on A's arms against the brisk air of the room while the warmth of the florescent light overhead heated his flushed skin furthermore.
An active tone example:
A shivered against the streep contrast of the cold night air and their flushed skin under the warm florescent light.
The beauty of pacing
If your foreplay is nicely detailed but the main course lasts for like two paragraphs, the satisfaction aint gonna be it, bestie. (Or you intentionally want it short, then oke you do you boo)
One of my favorite pacing techniques is carrying out the actions through dialogues. It keeps the characters dynamic and adds variables to the sentences while pushing the motion.
How to lengthen your smut scene:
The writing feels bland? Add sultry words.
Don't know many variations of sex movements? Use implications! You don't need to describe every thrust. Write about the noise, the rhythm, the bed moving, heart fastening, thighs quivering, breath getting haggard etc.
The scene feels too action oriented? Let your characters talk! Break it up with dialogues! Dirty talking is your condiment.
You don't wanna write long scene but want it to feel like it is long and properly paced? Change positions.
Don't know how to get in the mood? Watch porn (not only to enjoy it) and try to narrate what's happening in your head. It is a useful exercise, if you're comfortable.
Literally don't know what to add? Read smuts and take examples.
Well, that's it, folks! If you have any questions, feel free to hit up my ask, and i will walk you through it, bestie.
Happy writing!
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courtofterrasen · 2 months
Alright, clearly some of you guys are just not getting it. So no more emotion from me; I am simply going to write in factual terms.
It takes a VAST amount of work to go into creating a series like Bad Batch. You have to go through writing, scene painting, 3D modeling, rigging, lighting, SFX, voice lines, editing, final production, etc; just to name a few. It takes hours upon hours upon hours of work for those animators to create all of the nuances in a scene, let alone in Bad Batch where there is an extremely high level of attention to detail. It’s not like anime where a character and background are mostly stationary while they talk. There’s constantly stuff happening in the background and they intentionally make choices that provide extremely little to the overall story and, in all honesty, take up a significant amount of their time and can be argued that they’re wasting their time and money and effort (I don’t think so, but I’m sure people could argue it if they thought that effort should be allocated elsewhere). But they do it because it provides a deeper sense of realism to the story as a whole and make it feel like a living, breathing world. For example, when a character trips a little bit or they animated them doing something slightly harder than it would have been otherwise or eyes darting around and studying someone. These are all very little things that take them hundreds of hours to get perfect. And those are the kinds of things that go unnoticed by the vast majority of people watching the show. Either because they don’t noticed the little detail that was put in at all, or they don’t understand the level of work that goes into creating little minute decisions like that. And all of those decisions that they make, both big and tiny, are given to them in specific instructions by the directors. When you think about the insane amount of work that goes into creating a show like Bad Batch, you realize that every single little detail that they choose to add in is intentional and was given to them via specific instruction. It’s not like in live-action shows where the actor can choose to make a subtle decision on the fly. There are hundreds of thousands of hours of work that go into this and every choice that they make is intentional. The lighting dept. has even confirmed this for us, saying that all of the lighting that they did was done very carefully and intentionally and to pay attention to what’s happening in the scene. Because there’s an extremely high level of detail that’s put into the show, based off of very detailed instructions that were presented to them.
Now. Taken all of these points into account, it’s critical to look at all of the little choices that were made when it comes to her character and the way that both she interacts with the world and the people around her, as well as how they, in turn, respond to her. Because, like the lighting dept. has already made very clear to us, every design choice they has been made in the creation of the show is 100% intentional. Even if that’s not something that they had said or wasn’t something you were aware of, when you focus on the aspect of animation, it’s sometimes hard to get a clear grasp on just how long it takes them to do these things. And that every little choice that they made was carried out under specific instruction. And that’s not even getting into the nuances of voice acting and understanding the subtle distinctions in the way someone talks and being able to discern the meaning behind their words based on dialect and the instructions they were given. And for someone who just casually watches the show, absolutely none of these are important. They’re watching it to watch it and no further thought is put into it. And there’s nothing wrong with that. People are allowed to watch things at a surface level and get enjoyment out of it.
For every character, they can be broken up into various parts:
•Their visual appearance
•Their behavior
•Their interactions with others and the world
•How others respond to their character
•Their small, subtle behaviors (such as a particular twitch or repetitive body movement that can be used to convey a deeper meaning)
•And their internal motives
In that order from the least to most complex. And these topics can also be used to understand the complexity of a character. For someone like Cid, all of these topics are touched on in a variety of ways.
•She’s different from them
•She’s gruff and money hungry
•She speaks to the Batch like they’re a bunch of kids and she knows better than them
•They never fully bring themselves to trust her and, at times, they see her has a burden
•Towards the end of their time together, she gets snappier, and whenever she’s around them her movements slow ever so slightly and she furrows her brows slightly a lot more than in the past
•And in the end, she betrays them
And that’s putting her character into a single sentence for every bullet point, which, for well written characters like Cid or Hemlock or Rampart or Nala Se, cuts a lot of things out.
When it comes to the way that Phee is written and what she contributes as a whole to the show, she is not a very complex character. I’m not going to go into every single scene with her, but I am going to touch on a few. And if I need to continue the discussion further to cover more scenes, then I will. On multiple instances, she puts the Batch into very dangerous situations, and overall appears to care very little for them as people unless it gets her something that she wants. This is made very evident when, for example, she gets Omega, a child, excited about a big grand adventure and Omega then convinced the Batch to go along with it. Even though they were very adamant about not doing it. This is said with both their words and their tense body language. They don’t want Omega to get hurt and they know it’s a bad idea; but in the end she’s able to convince them. Then, when they get to the site, she shows clear lack for them or their safety and proceeds to put them in a very dangerous situation where someone could have gotten seriously hurt or killed. And she shows no remorse for it. Her language, both verbal and bodily, are very loose and nonchalant, assuring them that she had everything under control and that they were able to handle it, despite their very clear frustration. This type of behavior is shown again and again and again as they continue to interact with her. Her actions relay to the viewer that she does not respect their boundaries, or arguably, them as people. Her words are designed to be rocks with a pretty bow on them. And again, this is not personal opinion or speculation. Every single word and action was carefully designed by the team. All the tensed muscles were created by a team of people working very hard to convey that to the audience. Every thinly veiled word was guided by a director when the VA came in to record the sessions. Every single choice was intentional for a very specific reason.
Tech likes things in a very specific way. He likes his ship to be in a particular order and takes very good care of its maintenance and upkeep. He prides himself on being able to maintain a good ship. He spends a lot of time on his data pad. It’s how he was designed on Kamino. That’s his link to his role in the group. He can do everything he needs to from there and, in certain scenarios throughout the show, you can see it provides him with a sense of comfort and stability. You can see this, not only in his subtle body language, but also in his fairly obvious body language with how he hunches over it. It’s reminiscent of a child hunching over a toy to bring it closer to them and protect it. It comforts him. You can also see, when he interacts with the rest of the Batch, his aversion to touch. It’s not significantly often that you see it, given that the rest of the Batch knows him better than anyone, but there are still times when physical contact or even just very close proximity happens and he either has a reaction by tensing up slightly or leaning away from it, or sometimes he doesn’t react to it at all and almost seems to not register it; such as when he’s focused on his work. Every little reaction that he has with his brothers was scripted and orchestrated for a very specific purpose. It conveys the nuances of who he is as a unique and individual person.
Keeping that in mind, when it comes to the way she interacts with Tech specifically and the Batch, it’s very clear to understand the dynamic behind them when you look close enough. To recall a few instances, there was a time when she was recounting a story about finding a big treasure and Tech says something along the lines of “she changes this story every time she tells it”. He’s conveying to both the people in the show and us as viewers that she is a liar. She is either changing the story to make herself seem cooler, or maybe it didn’t happen at all and she’s making the entire thing up. Which, I will briefly mention again, are traits synonymous with narcissists. In another instance, Tech, Omega, and Wrecker were having a conversation where Tech is reprimanding them for bringing items back from a junkyard that they were in that they thought were cool instead of what he asked them to go find and bring back for him. I’m this conversation, Phee inserts herself and tells Tech that it’s not junk; also, in that same instance, not calling him by his name, which I will get to in a minute. Tech, in that moment, is trying to work, and his conversation with the other two was interrupted and fizzles out as Omega gets excited about the idea of a treasure map. A third is when the group is on Pabu and Phee is trying to get Tech to converse with her. His body language is hunched, tense, and he averts eye contact with her. When she prods him further, he is unsure how to engage in the conversation. And when he doesn’t respond in the way that she’s wanting him to, she talks about him to the rest of the Batch as he stands there around him and says to them how he “doesn’t know how to have fun”. And then they proceed to laugh at him. And again, you can see in his body language that he is confused as to why they’re laughing at him as well as uncomfortable being in that situation. And going off of that for another small fourth instance, there is another moment when they are getting ready to leave Pabu and she approaches Tech, who is working alone and trying to avoid contact with anyone, and says to him “So you’re just going to leave without saying goodbye?” His body language immediately tenses, he hunches further in on himself around his datapad, and his words make it clear he is both unsure and unwanting of the conversation. And when he does not respond in the way that she wants him to, she moves the datapad away from him to make him focus on her. She removes the item that brings him the most security to force him into engaging in a conversation he is uncomfortable with having. And again, these are all very intentional choices. They are not left up for interpretation. They are there to tell us what the character is feeling in that moment. They are trying to convey to us that he is uncomfortable. Not that he’s shy around a girl he thinks is pretty. And given on other scenarios that have happened throughout the show, it’s very clear that interpersonal relationships with anyone outside of Omega and the Batch is not something that he’s interested in. If they wanted to convey that he found her attractive, there are routes they could have taken to ensure that that comes across correctly to the audience, such as a faint little blush or rubbing a hand through his hair. But they didn’t do that, and instead chose for him to shy away and hide from certain situations or tense up and keep his head down in others. They are conveying to us that he does not like being around her. Because every single action they made him carry out took hundreds of hours of work to execute, and they would not go through all that trouble for no reason.
Branching off of that, we reach the topic of Tech’s name. When you watch the series as a whole, you can count on one hand the number of times that Phee refers to Tech by his actual name, while she refers to the others as their actual names. This is different from Cid in the way that Cid made that intentional choice to call them different things as a way to maintain distance from them. It’s clear from both her body language and her words that she did not want to get close to them. And really, wanted nothing to do with them unless they made her money. These are intentional choices. Phee’s character is designed to be flighty and unbothered. And she wants what she wants when she wants it. The choice to call Tech names and refer to everyone else by their names is an intentional choice. Him not understanding why she does that is an intentional choice. She does not respect him, which is why she does this. She can see that he doesn’t know what to do about it, so she keeps doing it. Like when a person presses on a bruise. These are all intentional choices made by the directors.
There was also a comment that said she behaves exactly like Crosshair does. And there are a few things I think did not entirely process when they made that comment. The first being that Crosshair was written to be one of the main antagonists for the first two season. I know they appeared in Clone Wars as well, but I’m talking specifically about Bad Batch. He was designed to be a bad guy that goes through a redemption arc; just like Zuko did in ATLA, for those who enjoy it. They both started out as antagonists, had horrible things happen to them, realized along their journey that maybe they were wrong, and are able to redeem themselves in the end and side with, or in Cross’ case, return to, the protagonists. In the beginning Cross was very sharp and defensive and thought he knew what was best. But he grew over time and learned how to care for people and share his weaknesses instead of putting on a facade all the time. And that’s the difference. We are reaching the end of the series and Phee has never had character growth to the level that Crosshair has and softens and opens up to the rest of the group. She hasn’t had any character growth at all. She is still the same exact person she was when we met her. There have been characters who have appeared for significantly less time that her, and if you pay attention to them, they have had significantly more growth than her as well.
The problem that I have begun to notice with people who are so quick to defend her actions is that they seem to be focusing more on her than on anything else. When you focus on just her, I can see how someone could mistake these interactions for being positive. Because all they’re focusing on is someone who’s having fun, and of course that would translate to something positive for him. But for the people who focus on Tech, it becomes very evident that these interactions are not positive. When you watch Tech, and I mean actually pay attention to him and not just watch him, you see all the subtle signs that you would otherwise miss. Him being annoyed and uncomfortable and confused and tired and generally not enjoying being around her. And this, unfortunately, happens a lot in real life too. People don’t take the time to absorb both sides of what’s happening. And since we as humans are quicker to pick up on people who are happy as opposed to people who are not, it’s so easy to miss the signals and just assume that what you’re watching is a happy interaction and put forth no further effort into making sure that’s actually what’s happening.
There is no other way to say that these things are all intentional. They wrote, designed, and sent out something that they have spent the past few years creating. When you understand the level of work that was put into it all, there are a lot of things that become very clear. And sure, headcanons exist and people can speculate what happens between the episodes. But headcanons can only go so far before it becomes ridiculous. We cannot confirm that Echo didn’t run off to go have a quiet life with Cid, but that doesn’t automatically mean that it’s true. Inferring things that are not within the realm of possibility is not conducive. Assuming that Phee spent a lot of time talking about her adventures that she may or may not have had with the Batch between the episodes? That’s conducive and we have clear evidence that would support that. Assuming that her and Tech had a very close relationship and she always listens to what he had to say between episodes? As much as some people want it to be true, it’s just not. There is no evidence that supports that line of thinking, and, in fact, there is a vast amount of evidence that would actually conform the opposite; such as Phee talking over everyone and commanding the conversation, not respecting things that Tech says, etc.
I’m going to wrap this up by talking a bit more personally now. There are plenty of people assuming that I’m a racist or a misogynist or that my literacy skills are lacking or whatever, but because you’re upset that someone is calling out the awful behavior of someone you like doesn’t make it any less true. And that applies to both this type of situation and in real life. I know who I am and what I stand for, and you trying to tell me that I’m otherwise changes nothing. And defaulting to assumptions like that shows that either you do not watch the show with a more attentive eye, or that’s all that you see Phee for. A black woman. Both of which are issues.
People are allowed to not like black characters, even if they are black.
People are allowed to not like Asian characters, even if they are Asian.
People are allowed to not like female characters, even if they’re women (or AFAB people).
People are allowed to not like LGBTQ characters, even if they are queer.
People are allowed to not like neurodivergent characters, even if they are neurodivergent.
People are allowed to not like characters that display particular traits or thought processes, even if they share those same traits or thought processes.
People are allowed to not like characters if they think that the character is bad.
Also, for the people saying I’m using my autism as a shield clearly don’t understand how autism works? I don’t say that to be an excuse. I say that to provide context and reasoning behind the things that I say. Like many other neurodivergent people do. You all are getting pressed about the wrong things. If you want to debate the time and study I’ve put into the show because I genuinely enjoy it, then be my guest. But don’t throw out petty insults and waste everyone’s time. At least put forth some more critical thinking behind it and try to figure out why someone could be saying the things that they’re saying
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403tarot · 2 months
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* yesterday i was chatting with my friends and they made some nsfw asks about hongjoong & san so i decided to share it here <3
** all answers were given based on tarot cards, take it lightly etc etc etc. just for your information, both askers are women.
what nicknames does he like to use? does he like using pet names in sex or just calls by your name and stuff?
san doesn't usually use pet names, he kinda prefers using affectionate names like, "love," "baby," "honey"...
does he enjoy that whole thing of having sex while looking in the mirror? *cuz he has a big mirror on his bedroom
he would like the idea of having sex with someone while they can clearly see what he's doing to them. i asked if it has happened before, and it might have happened but not intentionally. he would also like to see through the mirror to get another angle or just like something about self-affirmation here... like "look at what i'm doing to you now"
what's he like during aftercare?
he doesn't do aftercare like "oh now i'm going to do aftercare because it's important after sex"; it's something that happens naturally. when it's with someone he likes, san lays down with his partner, cuddle, and talk about random things, just chatting.
knowing he wouldn't be rough with me... would he slap me in the face without me having to formally ask? *i'm not thinking about a hard slap though, just gentle taps on the cheek like in blowjob or smth
not on the face. without you asking him to, san would like to slap you in other body parts, he would do that anyway because he enjoys it. on the face... he wouldn't even think about it, but if you asked for it, he would – very carefully but he would.
what about overstimulation? giving and receiving
san would enjoy overstimulating you, feeling in control with it... he might get a taste of being sadistic and mistreating you by making you orgasm so much, the thought of it would turn him on. but about receiving... maybe he would try it experimentally once but then i see he wouldn't like it/wouldn't be able to handle it then san would ask to stop or try to dodge it.
can we delve into the theme "san would like it if you two acted like puppies together" as a treat? [op is a pet play enthusiastic and is referring to the sexual reading i took for her & san]
san would prefer to act as the owner most of the time but he would also like both of you to act as pets. it's something like "can i also try it?" by the way, using a collar would be something that turns him on... having his collar pulled. so yeah, it would be a topic that really heats up for him, and if you two acted like you were puppies together san would really enjoy having sex like that. freaky sex.
i remember when you did my sexual reading with him, it came out things like he would enjoy if i stayed on top of him [in sex] but is there any other position he likes/prefer?
he would like positions where his dick goes in deep and where he can play with your pussy while fucking you, but his favorite would be you riding him. positions where he can see his dick going in and out as well, from behind also to see your ass, positions that give him access to your neck... he would be the guy who likes to hold your neck not to do breath play but just to put his hand on it (?)
knowing he can be a fan of explicit pics, what kind of photo turns him on the most?
he prefers to be surprised with a photo and not have to ask for it, just like getting a regular pic and then a more provocative one. he likes cute (kawaii?) aesthetic but also sexy & elaborated photos, might like the person dressed up for him then with lingerie or nice clothes/costumes. san might likes pics that show everything (explicit body parts!), pics posing especially sitting on thighs. he likes someone who knows how to take these photos, who puts on a little show, and then looks beautiful for him to keep. he might also likes to send this kind of photos.
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what would hongjoong think of the idea of ME giving him a lap dance while i'm just wearing lingerie and he can't touch me until i tell him to?
hongjoong would be playful about it... "i can see it but i can't touch it, so close but also so far..." he would think in a bittersweet way. he would try to keep his hands to himself for the sake of the dynamic but there's a hint of impatience, he's not the most rational when horny
so would he disobey and touch me?
would he let me suck him under the table while he's working in the studio? [oh she's a real one]
actually he would really like that. a lot. the world card, just do it and he'll think about it like it's part of his creative process.
is he the kind of guy who would mark me in places that could be seen? like a hickey on the neck and stuff? even if it was unintentionally?
visible places, no. as for non-visible places, he might like to leave some marks but it would be more like slap marks, marks from gripping... all of it hidden though. and biting, of course ...
hongjoong may have a tendency for playing a "cruel"/cold role or lightly sadism and masochism along with psychological games. what exactly would he enjoy in psychological games?
there was a vibe going towards roleplaying of dubious consent like forcing something until the other person accepts.
i want to know if hongjoong is also an overstimulation enjoyer
he wouldn't enjoy doing overstimulation on you but he would enjoy receiving it. he would like to be induced to overstimulation. hongjoong would try to endure it properly... so eager for control, even if it's just to challenge himself.
what positions would he enjoy doing with me?
he would really like positions where you make eye contact, where he can see your face. he would like having sex with you standing out of the bed and seeing you riding him while he holds your boobs.
this isn't sexual but if i were dating hongjoong and a guy flirted with me in front of him, how would he react? (don't need to delve, just see the reaction like if he would say something or pretend nothing is happening, if he would make a face...)
he wouldn't handle it well. he doesn't really like to feel jealousy and for him it's not funny so he would feel kinda bad but would try to show that he's with you. he would come, grab you by the waist, "love, who's this you're talking to?" in a bittersweet voice then pull you away from there. he would get very touchy-feely to keep you close because he doesn't handle jealousy well but wouldn't verbalize it... although his actions betray him.
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you can also get answers like these with hongjoong, san or any other idol of your choice buying a combo of questions ❤️‍🔥 dm me to know prices and additional infos about it !
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saigethearies · 10 months
(fem!reader, mentions of insecurity and self-consciousness)
sometimes you felt as if your boyfriend iwaizumi’s friends didn’t like you.
they always seemed to…laugh whenever you were around. you weren’t sure what was funny to them exactly but you couldn’t fight the feeling that you were the one being looked at as a joke.
you had begun to avoid being around iwa whenever you knew he was with his friends because you just couldn’t help how self-conscious you were becoming around them.
one friday afternoon, however, you found yourself heading towards the gymnasium. your boyfriend had promised a boba date once he was done with practice. he should be the only one left, since oikawa and him started to take turns on who was gonna stay longer to finish locking up.
“haji bear!” you chimed happily, almost skipping into the gym you were so excited.
unfortunately, instead of your boyfriend, you were met with the sound of someone snorting in amusement.
“haji bear?” makki questions between chuckles, mattsun and oikawa also bursting out into laughs beside him. “he actually lets you call him that?”
you shrunk in on yourself, that familiar sensation of insecurity swirling in the pits of your stomach. you hadn’t even been there for more than fifteen seconds and they were already laughing at you. again.
“what other pet names do you have for him? hajikins? haji pie?” mattsun asks, continuing off of the bit makki started.
“please, gentlemen, im sure she’s more creative than that,” oikawa said. “she probably has some nice rhyming ones that iwa-chan just loves.”
their chorus of chortles increased in volume, and you stood there feeling like a stupid and silly girl.
until they heard a small sniffle and every single one of them went silent.
the three men began to watch on as your eyes got glassy, shoulders starting to slightly shake.
“why do you guys- sniffle- always have to make fun of me?”
finally voicing the thought you’d kept to yourself for weeks had your tears streaming down your cheeks, eyes squeezed shut as little sobs left you.
that’s when the expressions on your onlookers faces turned into ones of horror.
you heard three bodies shuffling towards you, a pair of hands coming to rest on your shoulders and panicked voices sounding off around you.
“it’s not like that! we swear! we’d never try to make fun of you!”
“makki’s right! we’d never purposely make a sweet thing like yourself upset! promise!”
the hands on your shoulders gave a small squeeze. “what mattsun said, we weren’t trying to offend you, cutie! we just think it’s so funny someone as bubbly as you is dating someone as grumpy as our-“
“what the actual hell is going on here?”
the trio surrounding you froze, and everyone turned to look at iwaizuimi, signature scowl present on his face.
at the sight of tears on your face and the deer-in-headlights look all of his friends sported, however, his scowl nearly became a snarl.
“what did you three dumbasses do to her?”
oikawa released his hold on your shoulders immediately, having more familiarity with iwa’s wrath than anyone else. “just a little misunderstanding! that’s all!”
your boyfriend walked forwards, pulling you away from his teammates so that he could tuck you safely into his side. he immediately felt you hold onto his arm, small sniffles still being heard.
“and what exactly was this ‘misunderstanding’?”
“we heard her refer to you as haji bear and we laughed because we thought it was funny! that’s all!” makki answered in a rush, hands coming up as if in surrender.
“we weren’t intentionally trying to hurt her feelings, iwa, swear,” mattsun added.
“but we understand how our actions came across and take full accountability for accidentally bringing tears to eyes of lady iwa-chan!”
oikawa sounded out of breath by the time he was done talking, trying to come about the situation in the most emotionally intelligent way that he could to avoid getting smacked in the back of the head.
iwa regarded all of his friends carefully, each of them still looking incredibly nervous. he then turned his gaze to you, eyes meeting your still watery ones staring back up at him.
“they telling the truth, doll?”
you gave a small nod. “yeah, that’s pretty much what happened. i…i believe what they’re saying.”
you heard the three of them all sigh in relief. was your haji bear really that scary to them?
“we’re really sorry we upset you!”
“we weren’t making fun of you, pinky promise.”
“we just always find it funny how someone as sunny as you is doting on our grumpy iwa-chan.”
you gave them a small smile, a weight lifting off your shoulders now that you finally understood what was always so humorous to them. “apology accepted.”
you heard your boyfriend huff. “i guess it’s easy to judge my relationship when none of you have your own to worry about.”
the look of offense that flashed across the three faces in front of you almost had you laughing.
long story short, iwaizumi doesn’t let anyone mess with you.
not even his best friends.
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mochamamii · 7 months
yandere!nct: you try to unalive yourself.
▹ a/n: hello loves, I can’t remember if I’ve written something like this before but I wanted write something a little darker today but soon I will force myself to write some fluff I promise lol.
▹ pairing: yandere!nct x reader
▹ triggers: self-harm, readers attempts to unalive themselves, kidnapping, forced relationships
▹ warning!: I can’t stress enough how triggering this might be, I get descriptive at certain parts and I strongly urge you to consider whether this is something you want to read, this is dark and not my normal writing. please prioritize your own well-being and do not read this if it will influence you in anyway, I have lots of other lighter reads 💕
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Taeil won’t let it get this far. Taeil loves you deeply and wants only the best for you no matter how demented it appears to others. He dotes on, and nurtures you like his life depends on it, carefully crafting your meals and your routine to keep your mind and body healthy. If something like this were about to happen, he would be able to foresee your declining mental state and hopefully prevent any attempts. Taeil would do everything in his power to keep you safe and he’d do his best to make you as comfortable as possible. He’d even consider letting you go if it meant saving your life.
“How could you do this to yourself? Don’t I take care of you well?”
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Johnny is always calm and collected, even when he’s pissed off, a stranger wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, he always keeps the same mask on, never giving you any idea of what he’s thinking inside his head. Until now that is…He comes home to find you on the bathroom floor. At first he thought you must’ve slipped, hitting your head and knocking yourself out in the process, not that it had been done intentionally. Johnny is at a loss of what to do, it’s one of the few times he’s not sure what to say or do to fix this. He usually has a witty comeback to lighten the mood but he knows now isn’t the time. He helps fix you up, cleans the wound on your head, and tucks you in bed. Anytime you part your lips to speak he’ll shush you. The two of you will probably sit in silence for a while until he can figure out how to address this.
“It’s okay, shhh…Just rest, save your energy. We’ll talk about it later.”
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Taeyong is an angry mix of emotions. He’s known for at least a week now that you somehow managed to obtain poison. He theorized that you must’ve used cleaning supplies to mix a cocktail of chemicals, he found you hiding your stash under the bathroom sink. He assumed your plan was to use it on him, simply out of curiousity and amusement he wanted to see if you were actually capable of trying to kill him so he didn’t address it. He wanted to see how far you’d go to leave him. He waited and waited, but he never noticed anything different. He already had cameras installed in your shared apartment to watch you while he was away, he hoped to find you tampering with his food in a botched attempt to poison him. But still, nothing ever came of it. Until suddenly, you were the one who fell sick. His worry turned to anger as he arrived home one night to find you on the floor of the bathroom, the mixture of poison lying next to you.
“Are you insane? What were you trying to do, kill yourself? Do you think that will work, because I promise you, nothing…not even life itself will keep me from you. Don’t ever do something stupid like this again.”
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Yuta feels remorse. It’s one of the few and probably only times Yuta will ever feel this way. Out of everyone, Yuta is one of the most intense and dangerous yandere’s, but he still loves you in his own twisted way. He likes to push your buttons and torture you a little but he’d never kill you…probably. For Yuta, part of the fun is seeing how badly you want to live, how badly you want for him to release you and return to your old life. When he arrives home to find you on the floor, a dark crimson pool of blood surrounding you he panics, all the color draining from his face as he sees your barely conscious body. He’ll clean you up, bandaging your wounds, he’ll monitor you for a few days wondering if he should take you to a hospital. In those few days as he waits to see if your condition worsens he’ll be super gentle, much more gentle with you than he’s ever been. His hands will run over all the old scarred skin where he’s cut you in different places before, a deep pang in his chest screaming at him for doing that to you. He’ll be soft with you, but he can’t help but still poke fun at you in an attempt to get you to talk to him.
“Hey, couldn’t you wait for me? At least I know when to stop, clearly you’re still an amateur…You could’ve really hurt yourself. What would I do then, huh?”
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Doyoung is angry. At you, but mostly himself. He likes to believe that he knows you better than you know yourself. To come home and find you in the middle of attempting to harm yourself he will realize just how little he truly knows about you and your condition. Initially the only emotion he can really process is anger, the thought of coming home a second too late and losing you enraged him. Even while angry, he was solid as rock, never giving you much of a clue about what he was thinking. He will carefully nurse you back to health, never leaving your side not even for a second. Once you begin to recover he will experience heartbreak and grief over what could’ve happened. Doyoung won’t address the incident much and will from then on refer to it as the ‘incident’ he wants to pretend that it never happened. He’s a stubborn man and his behavior towards you might not change much, if anything he gives you less freedom, afraid to let you leave his side.
“Never do that again. Hate me. Hate me all you want to, but never do that again. Please.”
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Jungwoo is distraught after finding you in such a state. He’s in disbelief and this is a rare occasion in which he is truly afraid. Afraid of what could’ve happened to you and what might happen again in the future if he’s not careful. It flips a switch in him and forces him to realize something that he cannot shake. That he might not just need to protect you from the world but from your own self too. He becomes distrustful of you, scared and afraid that you might try to hurt yourself again. There’s no amount of convincing or promises in the world that will put his mind at ease. This fear will drive him to act irrationally, he’s not above strapping you to a bed all day while he’s gone if it means keeping you safe. In his mind you forced him to take these measures to keep you safe.
“You know why I have to keep you locked up like this don’t you baby? I can’t risk you doing something like that again, what would I do without you?”
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Mark is shocked. He never expected it, he doesn’t necessarily make your mental health a priority for him. He knows you probably hate him and that you’d do nearly anything to get away from him. He just never thought unaliving yourself would be on the table for you. In fact, he probably expected you to try and kill him before you ever tried to hurt yourself. He will feel shameful and for the first time a little guilty about taking you. I don’t see him ever letting you go but he might be willing to talk and see what changes can be made to make you more ‘comfortable’ in your new life.
“Don’t punish yourself for the decision I made. If you wanted to kill someone it should’ve been me. Not you, never you.”
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Haechan’s response might come off as cold and heartless. That’s only half true. Initially he might try and make himself believe that it wasn’t you who did it to yourself but that an intruder broke in and attacked you. When he realizes what you tried to do he knows that nothing he will say will comfort you or inspire you to never do it again. You hate him, so much that you’d rather die than be stuck with him another second. What could he possibly say to change your mind? His approach is a little brazen and risky but he wants to test your will to live. How badly did you truly want to be free of him? He used the only thing he knows for sure works in keeping you in check. Fear. Your fear of him and what he might do.
“What? It’s okay for you to go around taking lives but I can’t?” He asks with a quizzical expression as he holds a knife to your former friend’s throat, his icy eyes piercing into yours.
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thebearer · 10 months
Okay, I feel like Teddy would have broken bones throughout her childhood for sure. But like, imagine Carmy and reader being so worried when Teddy gets hurt each time, and like the one time when she breaks or injures something and she needs to have surgery for it how freaked they are about it and like Tina, and Richie and everyone is there waiting for her. And Teddy would totally beg Marcus to make her all the desserts for her while she recovers. Thanks! I got a little carried away, lol.
i feel like teddy, yes. like ofc she's accident prone (she's literally just a ball of energy lol) but imagine this... it's willow.
like willow is so calm and sweet, but she's so clumsy too. and for some reasons she's always the one getting hurt. mainly bc teddy is so rough with her, not even intentionally, like she's just more fearless and wild.
they're jumping on the trampoline, and teddy is going absolutely insane bc a trampoline??? fuck yeah. and she's bouncing with little four year old willow, who's trying to keep up but her sister (in classic older sister style) has double bounced her like seven times. there's a net and you're watching, warning teddy each time she gets too wild, but then it happens- in seemingly slow motion.
teddy bounces willow, who flies for a second, before falling back on her side, extending her arm to brace her fall. you hear the pop! and then a shuddered breath before willow is wailing, her arm hanging by her side, bone sticking against the skin.
you're nearly lightheaded, screaming for carmen, trying to get willow off the trampoline carefully. teddy is scared to death, of course, and is sobbing too. and carmen is so overwhelmed, walking out frantically to your scared tone and two sobbing babies.
you spend your night and most of the morning in the er, each holding a crying child trying to console them. they tell you willow's break was bad and she'll need surgery, which makes you want to cry now too. carmen looks like he might genuinely pass out because the thought of his baby going to surgery???? he's horrified. needs his emotional support pepto asap.
they get her in pretty easily, and your family and friends (most from the bear) come to see her, bring her gifts and things afterwards. willow is terrified, bright eyes just wide and skittish when they tell her she's going to take a nap and come back with a cast.
carmen opts to be the parent in the waiting room, agreeing to follow all the procedures just to keep her calm until they get her under because willow would not go back there without him.
you're smothering her face in kisses. "daddy's gonna go with you, and he'll be with you the whole time, wills." you coo, smoothing a hand down her hair. "you'll get a pretty blue cast on, and then me and teddy and everyone can sign it for you. and marcus will bring you cupcakes. how's that sound?"
willow is sniffling, shuddering breaths that have your heart breaking but agrees. carmen hugs you and teddy good bye before going with them.
you're thankful richie is there, a sentence you never thought you'd say. your thankful he brought eva to keep teddy distracted, and that he could talk to a fucking brick wall if he had to. thankful he was there to keep you distracted so you didn't keep checking the time.
willow comes back, still asleep, all bandaged and wrapped up in a sling. carmen looks like he might need to throw up, which he does, but he's relieved.
willow spends the next night in the hospital, surrounded by toys and balloons and flowers- and of course, marcus brings her cupcakes.
she gets her cast eventually, and carmen draws on it for her with a sharpie. it wasn't very good, in his opinion, a little difficult to sketch with the cast material and a sharpie but willow seems to love it. giggles loudly when he shows her the various animals he'd drawn for her.
teddy enjoys it too. especially because with the influx of "get well soon" toys, she gets to play with them too. opting to "help" willow, of course, since her arm was broken. willow doesn't seem to mind, playing with her free hand with her sister, and you're just happy she's feeling better.
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
One of my characters is forced to kill one of their childhood friends to save a bunch of people and I'm wondering how quick (or painful) can you make their death with just a knife? Thanks for your input!
I'm not sure exactly how fast a bleedout from a severed femoral or carotid artery is. In the former, we're talking less than a minute, in the latter, death occurs within seconds. Being able to reliably open the artery you want does require a bit of anatomical knowledge, so getting the most value out of a knife isn't something that any character would automatically be able to do.
As for how much it hurts, I dunno. Neither one is particularly high on my bucket list, so I'm content on leaving that as a question mark.
From personal, subjective, experience, the condition of the blade has a bigger impact on how much it hurts. A clean, and sharp blade, fresh from the factory (or carefully sharpened and honed) will hurt less than a poorly maintained blade. In the latter case (or, with cat claws, as I was recently reminded), you can feel the foreign object catching and ripping your skin. It's an unpleasant sensation, and, far more painful than a clean blade.
In fact, my most painful laceration experience came from a hose attachment that came apart while I was using it, and ended up getting jabbed into my thumb. As a safety measure, if you find yourself in a situation like this, turn off the water beforetrying to repair the attachment.
In contrast, the scar on my right index finger was almost painless. It was a brand new knife, which I fumbled. (Specifically it's double bladed, and the handle is a little too short for my hand. I accidentally knicked my left hand on the base of the fore-blade, and instinctively, flicked it away, gashing my off-hand.) At the time, I didn't even feel the cut, and then saw what I thought was a small welt... before it started bleeding. There is some truth to the cliché about not feeling a cut when it occurs, but the blade needs to be in immaculate condition for this to occur.
How painful can you make it, intentionally? This is not going anywhere pleasant, but I'm not sure there's a limit. That's not sarcasm. There is a point where too much pain can cause someone to slip into shock and die, but, for someone with sufficient sadism, there isn't really a limit. The problem is that a knife in an experienced and knowledgeable hand can do horrific things to someone without killing them. If the point was to inflict pain and suffering, that could be drawn out for day. Probably weeks.
As for the scenario, I have reservations. I'm reading a lot into the way you phrased the setup, but there is something very artificial and, more than a little cliché, about the villain strong arming a protagonist into violating their morals. Particularly on ticking bomb scenarios.
In a lot of cases, neither side really gets anything of value out of the interaction. The villain gets a tiny bit of room to wag a finger and say, “we're not so different now,” but, really, they would have done that anyway. And the hero gets to have a chunk of their credibility chipped away, for no real benefit. In this case, I specifically mean their credibility with the audience.
The reason I say that is because this is a downright inhuman thing for someone to do. Kill someone who you presumably care about, or save the lives of five thousand randos. One of these things is an abstract concept, and the other is a person.
Now, the problem is, for you, both are abstract concepts. Your hero's childhood friend is not a real person to you. They are, at best, a simulacrum, but one you know is fake. Similarly, the mass casualty event is something you also know is fake. Even more so because you have already chosen the outcome. This means that, for you, this is a simple trolley problem. However, the evaluation would be radically different for your character. In situations like that, it is possible they'd elect to kill their friend on the basis of there being fewer casualties, but that kind of cold calculus is borderline monstrous.
This doesn't mean that you can't create a compelling scenario where a character ultimately needs to put down their friend. But, it is a deceptively difficult scenario to credibly engineer, and even then, can frequently result in massive plot holes. So, it can be done, but proceed carefully.
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