#but i absolutely adore demeter cabin :)
ilycosy · 2 months
Hii! Don’t know if your accepting requests or not but I loved Noted and was wondering if you’d be interested in doing another smau with Luke x Demeter Reader? No pressure obviously, just think it would be cute <3
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ive been picking up the motivation to finish noted so im sorry but i probably won't make a full smau for a lil bit <3 but im down 4 a little written series abt this ?? (or js texts/tweets w this idea) !!!
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ssparksflyy · 4 months
i cannot remember if i already sent in a request, my apologies if i did. but could i get a percy x daughter of dionysus boyfriend headcanons
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs! ๋࣭ ⭑⚝
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of dionysus!reader warning(s): alcohol, teensy bit of underage drinking a/n: hellooo! dw pooks u didnt send it already <33 sorry this took me a sec to get out, school SUCKS
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im not kidding though. percy's literally so in love with you that he feels drunk
he gets super smiley and giggly when he talks about you
im talking actually twirling his hair and kicking his feet goodnight
and the poor new camper he's supposed to be showing around literally just wants to learn where the restroom is
he seizes up any opportunity to talk about you methinks
someone could be like
" look at that (f/c) flower! its so pretty!!"
and percy, who's like 12 feet away would run up like
at this point half the camp knows your entire life story
honestly. pollux loves percy.
he sees how happy he makes you and how well he treats you and is just like 'awwww'
he also definitely doesn't see percy sneak into your cabin. no siree he doesnt. hes sleeping. goodnight.
( castor also loved him. ILY KING. 😭 )
mr d on the other hand...
literally surprised he hasn't turned him into a dolphin yet
one day he will
but like say you guys are just happily walking around camp, holding hands, being cute , the usual.
when like suddenly you turn to the big house and see your PISSED dad DEATHSTARING you guys. oh hell no.
he'll literally look mr d straight in the eye. then turn to you and give you a long kiss. right in front of him.
chiron has had to hold him back countless times
like there was one time when you walked out of cabin 12 together and mr.d saw
he was FUMING
he's seen you walk out of cabin 3 before, BUT CABIN 12?? HIS CABIN????
percy's ass was grass.
you two were sitting together on the grass, just chatting, and percy could not get uppp
there were vines literally tying him to the ground
you were laughing so hard and he was PANICKING. RIPTIDE WOULD NOT CUT THEMMM.
eventually when you stopped laughing you were able to get the vines to retreat, but percy is still scared to sit in the grass, so all picnic dates have been moved to the lake ♡
whenever youre practicing making wine and like have to taste test it, percy always takes a sip with you
cause obviously you gotta taste it and make sure your actually improving, so you both take a little sip together
it's his own way of saying that he trusts you and your talents
he absolutely adores picking strawberries with you
sometimes you'll help out the demeter kids and bring percy along
and hes just like speed running it i swear
you dont even know why. like he's just laser-focused
apparently, he doesn't know either, it just happens 🤷‍♀️
at the end of the day, when youre done picking strawberries, you'll sneak a few in your pocket and share them with percy ♡
he doesn't care if he's developing back problems from being hunched over in the fields all day, your strawberry kisses are worth it ♡
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tratieiscanon · 2 years
si en algún momento tenés ganas y tiempo, would you mind sharing tratie headcanons?
It’s always an absolute pleasure sharing tratie headcanons so thank you so much for asking ❤❤❤
This is kind of an obvious one because it appears basically in every fic, but Travis calls Katie by all sort of nicknames except for her real name: Kit-Kat, Katie-Kat, Kitty-Kat, Katie-Kates, Katie-Cakes, Cupkate, Kitty. She complains at first but then she grows fond of them and gets sad when he just calls her “Katie”.
There is a strawberry field behind the Stoll’s house in Ithaca, NY, so strawberries remind Travis of home. He always steals them from the fields at CHB, but only when Katie is there, because it’s so much fun to get yelled by her. And then when they start dating, he also steals kisses from her while he’s there.
Travis steals all sorts of stuff from her —chapsticks, scrunchies, bracelets— and then toys with them between his fingers during dinner. It always makes her stand up from her table and go to his, yelling at him and pointing at him with an accusing finger. Everyone gets out of her way because no one likes to mess with an angry child of Demeter, except for Travis Stoll
He also steals her flower crowns, but she never takes those back from him. She says that it’s because it’s just easier to make another one, but the truth is she thinks they look adorable on his curly head.
The Stolls have magical backpacks (they were gift from Hermes after Luke left the camp) in which they can fit anything —kind of like Hermione’s bag (I don’t remember if there was anything like that in the PJO universe, sorry). Travis has his filled (well, not literally) with Katie’s gardening tools and books and pots and seeds and anything she would ever need to garden anywhere they are.
He also has winged shoes and he loves hugging Katie and flying her everywhere while he sings A whole new world.
The Stolls are a pain in the ass when they have to inspect the cabins. As their cabin is usually in the last place, they don’t really care about the results of the inspection and just mess around during that time. They make ridiculous rules like taking points out of the cabins if they don’t have blue towels or adding points if there are peanut butter snacks around. The campers hate them as inspectors except for Katie, because Travis gives her cabin extra points for each kiss she gives him there,
Baking bread relaxes Katie, so Travis always makes sure to have a bag of flour (la Pureza que ya viene con levadura lista para hacer pan) laying around for when something has her stressed.
The boy loves Katie’s overalls and summer dresses; she looks so freaking adorable in them.
He also loves her braids. He loves softly pulling at them and playing with the ends between his fingers and just generally touching her hair. Katie loves it too. 
She is obsessed with Travis’ curls. She is always touching them when they cuddle or when she’s gardening and he rests his head on her lap.
They are a very physically affectionate couple. The rest of the campers almost preferred it when they despised each other and were constantly fighting, but not really, because they are the cutest thing ever.
Aaaand those are the ones at the top of my head right now, but I’ll probably share more later ❤
I hope you like them! And thanks again for asking 🥰
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heyimboredtalktome · 3 years
Nico being old fashioned in dating and Will finding it adorable is so cute do u have any headcanons???
So Nico's like pretty traditional in a lot of aspects, he's pretty proud of his Italian heritage in general and although he's starting to fit in the modern world there are some things that he does dislike especially like the dating aspects
Someone tried to tell him about Tinder and Grindr he was low-key like," What the fuck?" You literally just....try to meet random people and hope that you hit it off??? No courting no flowers no soft whispers and no sensuality??? That's horrible! And will was like taking down notes a) courting b) flowers c) soft whispers and d) sensuality
So Will been sorta researching and compiling stuff that he thinks Nico would like, he literally asked to Demeter Cabin to grow these really pretty black roses and make it into a bouquet before their date
So when Will asked Nico for a date he didn't pull any shit like," oh let's just hang out" no he straight up said," Nico would you like to go on a date with me" and Nico's like grinning so wide because will was so fucking sincere it was adorable and Nico loved it
And will was taking this date s e r i o u s l y it was pretty much the most important moment of his life as far as he was concerned he like got a new suit just because ....well it was Nico and he literally planned everything to the last, what do you sayyyyyy, oh yeah, everything to the last t so it was gonna be p e r f e c t. He'd picked out some soft music and although he wasn't all the good at poetry he wrote such a beautiful one for Nico and so like jsjsksksk
So at last the night was here and Will was fucking nervous that man was a ball of nerves. He had Nico's bouquet in his hands and he was like oh god blease Kayla I'm nervous I'm gonna like throw up and Kayla basically yeeted him to the Hades cabin
Okay so when he saw Nico he almost died. Literally. Because Nico looked so pretty Will was like I've died and gone to gay heaven and so Nico was wearing this sorta androgynous suit, his face was lightly dusted with makeup and he had gold eyeliner on- so basically for Will Nico looked even better than Aphrodite rn and he didn't even care if she heard him.
Once he had y'know stopped drooling because Nico was like raising one pretty eyebrow at him like "whatcha staring at" and Will was like you're so beautiful and Nico's like-
So Will kissed Nico's hand and gave him the bouquet and Nico was like dying what had he done to deserve this absolute pancake of a demigod will was too cute-
And so it was a beautiful night, soft slow dancing to old classics soft whispers and kisses and sensuality and flowers and all the things Nico liked
Also when Nico read Will's poem he low-key cried because it was so beautiful and then they kissed and it was a beautiful beautiful gay date
I hope you liked these!!💖🌺🌺🦄🌺🦄🌺🦄🌺🦄
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blueforpercy · 3 years
Demeter Cabin Headcanons
🌾 To start off, this isn’t even a headcanon it is 100% completely canon- the Demeter cabin is filled to THE. BRIM. with plants.
🌾 During the summer there’s an eclectic array of plants inside and outside of the cabin, the foliage almost making it difficult to walk sometimes.
🌾 There’s plenty of flowers and herbs in the mix.
🌾 Demeter girls and boys wearing intricate flower crowns 🌸
🌾 The plants can be found in windowsills, hanging from the ceiling, large plants on the floor, on the porch, on the roof, there are plants everywhere you can think of.
🌾 I feel like the Demeter kids are really nice
🌾 Like the sweetest little children
🌾 And they’re so naturally pretty
🌾 lots of freckles and brown eyes and reddish-brown and blonde hair, dark skin
🌾 Demeter’s children are very warm and soft people. Unlike the Apollo kids who are bright and lively, their warmth is softer and more comforting like a flickering fire on a cool autumn night.
🌾 Speaking which, cabin four’s occupants absolutely adore autumn.
🌾 It’s the time of harvest and home.
🌾 During the fall, their decorations switch to some earthier colors with leaves and vases with wheat. Pumpkins and cornucopias everywhere.
🌾 All of Demeter’s kids hate winter
🌾 It’s cold and bitter and colorless and worst of all it always ends their favorite time of year way too early
🌾 The kids who stay at camp over winter break don’t mind it so much because it seems no matter how much snow may break through the magic barrier, not one flake can be found within a 10 meter radius of the cabin. It’s like it just refuses to fall there.
🌾 The lack of snow around the cabin is definitely Chiron’s doing, to make them feel less out of place.
🌾 Cottagecore, cottagecore, cottagecore, cOtTAgECoRe!!!!
🌾 If any cabin in this camp has the cottagecore aesthetic, it is Cabin Four.
🌾 I don’t even need to explain myself. It’s everything THEY STAND FOR.
🌾 Don’t ask why but I feel like Demeter kids are either really short or really tall and there is no in between
🌾 I guess some of them just never hit their growth spurt- ba dum tss
🌾 Lots of vegetarians in this cabin, they live, breathe, and eat plants
🌾 They get along really well with the druids, and they help their trees grow healthy and strong with their Goddess-Given Power Over Plants.
🌾 If it weren’t for the monsters, the Demeter kids would spend all of their time in the forest.
🌾 Farm girl Demeter kids 😭 so cute
🌾 Imagine them in their plaid shirts with their muddy boots on. They can tell you everything about the plants they grow on their family farms.
🌾 There’s probably so many horse girls in the Demeter cabin, let’s be honest.
🌾 At least it helps them start some somewhat relatable conversations with Percy.
🌾 There’s always traces of soil under the Demeter kids’ fingernails from planting and uprooting and replanting etc etc
🌾 These children may be normally soft and kind-hearted, but the calluses on their hands rival those of the Hephaestus cabin.
🌾 These 🅱️itches love bread.
🌾 Their favorite snack is whole-grain toast
🌾 They just eat toast all the time. Like all the time.
🌾 Instead of butter they put homemade jam on it made from the camp strawberries 🤤
🌾 They think white bread is a sin and refuse to eat it
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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shipuu · 4 years
So i find tratie adorable so this how i think they got together
We are gonna make this realistic not that “fell in love when we were 16 and somehow managed to stay together through everything”. Nothing wrong with that trope. But like i said ~~realistic
Katherine gardner - originally from washington dc. She went to gerogetown uni.
She has always been passionate about the plants and first decided to major in Agricultural Studies, but then she didnt really like it.
So she switched to environmental studies. Not exactly about plants per se. But still related to the environment.
She sees the way humans are destroying the world and genuinely wants to help
Shes got good friends in college, sleeps around a little bit. Has a good relationship with her father.
Extremely hard working. Work ethic 1000000. Graduated with honors. Got a job at an enviromental consultancy firm in new york.
Travis off to college. I believe he went to a college in ny to be close to CHB and connor. Probably a community college seeing as he couldnt afford other unis
Nothing wrong with that. His relationship with his mom is rocky. So she wouldn’t be able to help out.
Majored in business administration. He takes it lightly his first year, seeing as how he isn’t used to the education system because he lived at CHB his whole life.
He genuinely wants to be successful. To have a life for himself and connor. So after first year kicks his butt, he works hard and raised his GPA the following years.
Extremely good at math and numbers. He steal messes around, playing pranks on people but nothing harmful. Also sleeps around a lot. (Nothing wrong with that)
Malcolm pace made an offhanded comment about how travis should start a new club at uni called “how to steal” and he considers it before shoving the idea away.
During the summer, he helps chiron with any business related things (tax forms, buying shirts, selling strawberries). Connor and him still play a lottttt of pranks
Graduated with honors. Lives in brooklyn With connor who is currently attending college. They still visit CHB from time to time.
So this one time, he steals something but then gets caught. Nothing expensive. A petty offence really. He calls chiron up to save his ass but chirons like NOPE.
So he gets charged. And the court gives him community service since it really was a petty offence.
He has to work with those “plant a tree” volunteer services during the weekend.
Katie is also volunteering there for fun and mostly because during the weekend, she has time to spare.
Travis goes there and is genuinely surprised to see her since he hasnt seen her in 4 years. ( she doesnt visit CHB as often. And even when she does she doesnt see the stolls)
Katie is genuinely surprised too.
First day, they dont talk the whole morning- just planting trees. Katie is still curious as to why he is here. So by the afternoon she asks him.
Shes isnt one bit surprised about the stealing thing. She also forgave them about the Easter Bunny cabin incident as it was 8 years ago??¿¿
Hes kinda nervous and blushing when he tells her the truth. Tbh he had a tiny crush on her back when they were teens. But it sorta went away, as they didnt interact much.
They catch up and its mostly just small talk. The next day, they talk more and katie realises travis has changed. He isn’t as annoying anymore. Travis also realises that katie has changed as she doesnt lecture and scold people anymore. Shes become more chill
The volunteering thing is over so they exchange numbers, promising to keep in touch. However over text, their convo is dry seeing as they arent THAT close and with their busy adult lifes. They slowly drift apart.
Fast forward another year. Katie works at her environmental firm and they start a new project. The firms brings in business consultants because the project has to be a success. One of the consultants is obvio TRAVISSSSSS.
Again both of them are surprised to see each other. Like always they dont really talk in the beginning. Mostly small talk. But then they get paired together for a part of the project.
So then it begins, late nights, coffee runs, laughter at 11pm in the office. Trying to work on numbers and investors and getting the most out reach on this project.
They get to know each other on a much higher level. They start to like each other but wont say anything.
Travis admits katie is gorgeous. And katie admits travis is handsome (not to each other. They just think about it)
2 months later, katie invites travis over to work on the project, trying to come up with an action plan. He brings over beer. And they settle in. Its 2 am. And they both are tipsy.
The project is long forgotten, and start talking about weird things like is cereal soup? Is gucci even worth it?
Its 2 am. Katies apartment is dim because of the lighting. They are both drunk. Sitting on the floor, extremely close to each other. Travis find hers absolutely gorgeous. Her cheeks are flushed coz of the alcohol. And shes wheezing so hard coz of what he said.
Katie thinks he looks hot as hell. And with his knowledge on business she finds him 1000 times more attractive.
Travis kisses her first, he pulls back about to apologise, before katie grabs him by the shirt and kisses him back. They have drunk sex on the carpet.
When travis wakes up the next morning, he realises he fucked up. Sleeping with a coworker. What was he thinking? You dont mix business and pleasure.
So he leaves her apartment. And when katie wakes up to see him not there she is kinda hurt.
They see each other in the office next day. And travis cant make eye contact with her. Katie is super confused because she thought he had a good time.
When everyone goes to lunch. She grabs travis and pushed him into a broom closet. And practically interrogates him.
Travis admits he likes her and she says the same. They’re super close to each other(coz of the tiny closet). The electricity in the air is charged. And they kiss again.
Travis doesnt wanna have sex in a closet so he picks her up, slams her on a table in the closet, bunches her tight skirt around her hips, and goes down her.
And katies just trying not to moan loudly. But failing miserably. Travis stoll knows how to eat pussy.
The rest of the day is filled with luscious glances, slight touches, her putting her hand on his thigh under the table and slowly inching upwards.
They meet up that evening at her apartment. And they agree to start dating. They keep it lowkey not yet telling connor.
After 1 month, they tell connor who btw called it from day one. He’s extremely happy for them.
Travis gets a bit jealous when guys flirt with katie and vice versa. But the two them only have eyes for each other.
Katie gets paired with another guy from the office for some work. Travis also notices that the guy checks katie out a lot, even though she is oblivious.
because of their conflicting work schedules, and how they never get to see each other. Katie working on the project with “that guy”travis is busy with his work, and helping connor out in his senior year. Late nights where they miss each other so much
And thats when their first real fight happens. Hes yelling. Shes yelling. Travis gets insecure that katie doesnt want him anymore. Katies positive they are gonna break up.
In a last ditch effort, she goes to his place. And have a painfully truthful conversation on how they both messed up. They promise to do better and communicate more
That night they make ~~love~~ to each other. Not sex, LOVEEEEE.
After that its smooth sailing. They have fights now and then, but nothing they cant handle.
Their first “I love you’s” is a week after they made love to each other. She was making dinner ( shes a fucking amazing cook) and travis is standing behind her arms around her waist, chin on her shoulders.
And they’re talking and he says “well thats one of things i love about u” and after a second he realises what he said and practically freezes. Katie stops stirring the pasta and turns to look at him.
They both just kinda stare at each other and travis is so fucking nervous and then katie breaks out into the most breathtaking smile he has ever seen. she tells him i love u back.
Their kissing turns to making out and he picks her up, slams her on the kitchen counter and they have sex. (They also turned off the stove dw)
2 orgasms later. They finally eat dinner. And things between them are fucking amazing
After dinner they retreat back to the bedroom where katie is screaming his name and travis’ grunting heavily.
And it’s complete bliss.....
Also side note. Hermes and demeter 100% approve
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essentiamortis-arch · 3 years
@ofhadesblood​ sent:  Change | fear-themed headcanon questions.
change: What was a turning point in your muse’s life?
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elizabeth’s had TWO turning points in her life. 
one. this one is the most obvious. her mother dying and being brought to the underworld. on one hand; she absolutely loves the fact that her dad is around all the time but she’s also processing her mother’s death. it took her a few days, closer to a week to realize something was off. her dad was ten feet fall most of the time, there’s skeleton soldiers and creatures that remind her of zombies walking around, working. the distant screams in the background. all of these things and more should’ve terrified her especially with her only being seven but she welcomed it. she felt more at home than she did on the surface with her mother. things started to make sense like the ghosts that surrounded her childhood home or the fact her dad was gone for long periods of time. 
she adores her father, it took her a while to fully see him as a god outside of just being her dad. being raised by him ( with help from others of course, because he’s a busy god. ), she’s one of the few demigods that has a positive view of their godly parent. she respects him and it breaks her heart when she finds out how the other gods ( namely the other olympians ) treat him. no throne on olympus, no cabin at camp half-blood for his children. it’s enough to make her blood boil. 
two. being on the princess andromeda, listening and talking with luke and the other demigods that join kronos’ army. it’s her first time actually interacting with other children of the gods, outside of them being dead. she’s just a spy but she also realizes how different her life would’ve been had hades not brought her to the underworld, if he had just left her there that night. she uses those thoughts, those what-ifs when she’s playing her part. no one knows her true parentage, it almost doesn’t matter though. she’s over the age of sixteen so the thought of her possibly being a child of the big three doesn’t cross anyone’s mind. 
being on the ship, an idea crosses her mind. her father as king of the gods. he doesn’t neglect his children, he saved her as well as bianca and nico. he deserves more respect from his immortal family. she’s talking to the ghosts he sends, giving him all the information of what luke and kronos are planning, she’s raising in the ranks, trying her best to stay close to luke since kronos is talking to him, trying to be that person he can lean on because she’s not going to abandon him or his cause, even if she has alterative motives .  
she believes fully in luke’s ideas. she believes he has good intentions, just he’s going about it wrong. most greek demigods seem to be dying in their teens, used as pawns and for what? a moment of glory or praise from your godly parent. screw that. now, hades ( and persephone ) did teach her to respect the gods but following the war; her arrogance and anger gets the better of her and she'll tend to just favor / listen to certain ones but all underworld gods have her respect and she’ll help them at the drop of a dime. the olympians ( with the exception of demeter. she’ll do what she asks without question ) however; she’s pulling the ‘i have to ask my dad, first.’ card. or just straight up saying ‘no.’ 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                             Mirabile Visue
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapters: 4/6
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: I want to briefly apologize. I want to stretch this fic out by adding an extra chapter to this story. I know I said this fic would only be five chapters long, but I have some stuff planned that I felt deserved it's own chapter and not be squeezed into this installment. So there will be two chapters after this chapter, not just one, making the fic a total of six chapters in length. With that out of the way, I must say you folks are truly wonderful! Thank you so much for your feedback! It means the world, it honestly does! I don't want to take up too much of your time talking, so bring on the next chapter! Also shout out to @mitsukatsu on tumblr who's been a true inspiration to me through her fabulous artwork (and allowing me to brainstorm ideas). -Jen
                                                  Chapter Four
                                                     Varna, Bulgaria
                                                       The Demeter
"You've been having a manor built in Yorkshire and never once considered asking my thoughts on it in the slightest?"
Agatha glowered at Dracula as she tucked away more articles of clothing into her bag. Sorina sat on the edge of her mother's bed, completely unaware of the anger aimed at her father. It had been mere hours since the farmer's untimely demise and already the stress of it all was eating away at the former nun's sanity. Meanwhile, her husband didn't seem the least bit bothered by the sudden need to drop everything they knew and move countries away from their home. After all, it wasn't as if he hadn't been planning for this excursion all along. Though, of course, not in the manner that it happened.
"Because I knew you'd say no," the vampire replied simply. "I just needed time to figure out how to convince you and now is more convenient than ever."
He ruffled Sorina's hair and the girl giggled. At least she didn't seem traumatized by what had happened, much to Agatha's relief. Still, she was finding herself really resenting the count at that moment. With no other outfit to aim it towards, her negative emotions had chosen him as their target. Inhaling, she watched as Dracula knelt down to Sorina's eye level.
"We're going on an adventure, little one," he smiled, holding out one of her dolls to take. "I think you and your Mama are going to like it." The count's eyes flicked briefly to Agatha before returning his attention to Sorina. "I'm sure of it."
"An ad...venture?" Sorina asked, sounding out the word. "Where?"
"To a lovely place called England. Your Papa has made a special castle for you and Mama both," Dracula explained. "But we have to take a boat to get there. You know what a boat is, right? From your storybooks?"
"Mhm," the girl nodded. "Boats go in water!"
"Clever girl," the vampire chuckled, bopping her nose with his index finger. "You'll see," his attention now turned to his wife. "Everything is going to be absolutely fine."
Agatha snapped back into reality, turning away from the shore's waters that lapped against the pier. Around her, men were loading various cargo aboard the large vessel that bore the name, The Demeter, in deep carved letters on the side. The air was cool, the weather surprisingly pleasant, and though any normal person would have found it a lovely day to set sail, the former nun felt uneasy.
She blinked, pulling herself together as she looked over at the man who addressed her. He offered her a small smile, nodding to the piece of parchment he grasped in his hands.
"Might I have your name, if you please?"
"Agatha," she stated. "Countess Agatha Van-oh do be careful with that!"
The man's attention turned to the three crew members who seemed to struggle hauling a rather large box onto the ship. Accidentally, one of the corners smacked against the side of the boat causing the crate to sway unevenly for a moment. A round of apologies sounded as the now flustered woman looked once more at the sailor.
"It's Agatha Van Helsing," she said tersely.
"Ah," he smiled. "There you are. Cabin nine. And it also says…"
"Yes, I'm here with my husband, Count Dracula, and our daughter, Sorina." Before the man could say another word, Agatha added quickly. "They must've already gone aboard. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'd so like to do so myself."
She hurried on, pushing past a rather burly sailor with one hand who offered her a cup of some sort of liquid. Though it had been years since she had truly been able to enjoy fresh air, Agatha made her way towards the cabins. Just as she was about to grab the handle to their room, Dracula opened the door. He smirked, stepping back to reveal a slightly dirty Sorina.
"I was in a box, Mama!" She declared proudly. "And Papa too!"
"Yes, I know," Agatha replied, slipping past the count who closed the door. "Let's get you out of those clothes and into something clean." She smiled softly, licking her thumb before wiping away a smudge of dirt across Sorina's cheek.
"And you did a wonderful job," her father grinned. "Quiet as a mouse. A little bumpy getting on board, but we managed."
"Can I go outside, Mama," the little girl begged. "Please?"
"No-" Agatha started before her husband quickly cut her off.
"Later tonight, micul mea liliac," the vampire promised. "After dinner." He looked to the former nun, offering a smile. "I recommend the fish. We're on the ocean, after all. One can guarantee it's fresh."
"I'm assuming you already have your menu planned," she frowned. "Mr. Balaur." He gave her a look of pleasant surprise which, in return, she returned with a glare. "Did you really think that I wouldn't pick up on that? Such an odd name for you to suggest Sorina call her doll. Not to mention, of course, the variety of passengers is quite strange."
"I didn't just marry you for your beauty," he smirked. "Your intelligence and wit are also very charming qualities."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Count Dracula," she stated firmly. "Just...just be clean and smart about it please. And above all else, not around her." Agatha nodded towards their daughter who, at that moment, had taken to exploring the room. "Four weeks before we reach England. A month. Whatever you do, don't draw attention to us."
The vampire stood before her and tenderly tucked a lock of Agatha's hair behind her ear. When he kissed her lips, still down-turned into a frown, she couldn't help but smile a little. Damn his alluring nature. That was part of the reason that pulled her into his arms in the first place. He made it very hard to stay mad at him. Even though she found herself getting after him a lot. Perhaps all marriages were like that.
"Now, darling," he crooned. "When have I ever let you down?"
"Papa, look!" Sorina's voice was filled with excitement as she tugged on Dracula's hand. "People!"
The vampire peered down at his daughter and smiled. Before them stood the cozy quarters of an already full dining room. All who were present were elegantly dressed, Sorina much resembling one of her dolls as she sported a cornflower blue dress with a matching bow her mother had picked out for her. Agatha's eyes wandered around the room, her curiosity piqued as to what specific requirements her husband used to determine who he'd chosen for this particular voyage.
"Ah, I believe that is our table over there," Dracula stated, pulling the former nun from her thoughts. "Shall we?"
Before his wife could utter a reply, Sorina broke away from her father and hurried over to a table where a much younger couple sat. Of the pair, a rather beautiful lady beamed in delight the moment her attention was drawn to the little girl.
"Why hello there," she said cheerfully. "Aren't you just a pretty little thing!"
"I know," Sorina stated. "What's your name?"
"Dorabella," Dorabella replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sorina. Is this your first time on a ship?"
"My first time outside!" Her words caused Agatha to grimace. "I live in a castle!"
"Why, isn't that the most adorable thing I've ever heard!" Dorabella giggled, looking to her husband. "Oh, darling, isn't she just precious?! How I simply cannot wait until we have children of our own!"
"Sure," the man replied seemingly uninterested. "Whatever you say, dearest."
"I'm so sorry," Agatha said, finally hurrying over and taking a hold of Sorina's hand. "I apologize for the interruption." Her eyes flickered over to her daughter. "Come, Sorina, it's time for dinner."
"Oh, she's no bother, really," Dorabella insisted. "You have such a lovely child. You and your husband must feel very lucky. We just got married!" She smiled warmly at Sorina. "Your mummy and daddy clearly love you dearly!"
"I love my Mama and Papa," Sorina said proudly.
"My congratulations to you both," Agatha said, feigning a smile. She knew full well that neither would be making it off this vessel alive. "Darling, it's time to eat. You must be hungry."
"Bye!" The little girl called, waving to Dorabella as her mother led her off to the table where her father sat. "See you later!"
Dracula grinned when Agatha and Sorina finally joined him. He watched as his wife did her best to get their daughter situated, Sorina's head just barely poking above the table. The former nun sighed, shaking her head as she took her own seat. The menus were already stacked into a neat pile off to the side, giving the family of three much more space.
"Already being acquainted with the other guests?" Dracula inquired. "It seems Sorina has made a new friend." Agatha threw him a look as her husband's attention shifted to his daughter. "Are you having fun, love?"
"Mhm!" The girl smiled, eyes sparkling. "Papa, there are people here!"
Just as Sorina spoke those words, two plates of fish and potatoes were placed in front of her and her mother. Before even giving the marinated cod a taste, the little girl's nose crinkled in disgust. She picked up her fork and began to poke at the flaky filet with a frown.
"I only like the potatoes," she said.
"Sorina, you haven't even tasted the fish," Agatha sighed. "And do stop playing with your food. We raised you to have good table manners."
"I only like the potatoes," Sorina repeated. "Fish is yucky."
"Clearly she's got a refined palate like her father," Dracula half joked.
"Clearly," Agatha rolled her eyes. "But she can't just eat potatoes for the next month." Her husband began to open his mouth but was quickly cut off. "Don't."
The vampire raised his hands as if to protect himself. "Fair enough," he smirked. "I know my limits. Surely there are other things we can find to appease her tastes."
"Until then," Agatha said, scrapping her potatoes onto Sorina's plate. "I suppose a little bit of starch isn't terribly harmful."
Once they had finished eating, Dracula excused himself and left to strike up a conversation with a rather elderly looking woman. Agatha tried not to think about his true intentions as she led Sorina back into their living quarters. The young girl yawned as her mother helped remove her dress and ribbon before slipping a nightgown over the girl's head. It had been a rather exciting day for the child. It was no wonder she was exhausted.
"Where's Papa?" Sorina mumbled, snuggling under the covers as Agatha tucked her in.
"He'll be back when you wake up," the woman assured her daughter, drawing the curtains tightly closed. "Get some rest, sweetheart. You've had a big day." Sorina yawned once more and Agatha couldn't help but chuckle. Gingerly, she leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you. Papa loves you."
"I love you too, Mama," Sorina whispered. "Papa."
Agatha waited awhile until she was quite certain the child was sleeping. Quietly, she moved to a nearby chair and, what little candlelight she had, took to reading one of the few books she managed to bring from Transylvania. It wasn't until she felt someone's fingers running through her hair that she opened her eyes realizing she had fallen asleep.
"Sorry," Dracula murmured. "I hadn't intended on waking you."
"It's okay," Agatha exhaled, shifting into a more comfortable position. "That woman, is she…"
"Do you really want to know?" Agatha tiredly shook her head. "I left no trace," he promised. "No one will suspect a thing." He offered her a gentle smile. "Quite an exciting day, wouldn't you agree?"
"Perhaps for you," the former nun whispered. "I've never felt more anxious in my life."
"Sorina did beautifully," the vampire replied. "Better than either of us anticipated."
"This is only the first day out of several," Agatha frowned. "How are we to know the outcome of all of this. What if we can't protect-"
"Shh," he hushed her. "We'll take it one day at a time, yes? You know I would do absolutely anything for the both of you. I'd never let bad happen. No one would dare touch a single hair on our daughter's head if they knew who I truly was."
"But we can't let them know that." Agatha massaged her temples, clearly very exhausted over the matter. "I would die a thousand painful deaths for Sorina, but those are just words." She looked back at the sleeping frame of her daughter. "I…"
"Agatha," Dracula now cupped her face in his cool hands. "Let's step out a moment. You need to breathe. Sorina will be fine, she's fast asleep." He took her by the hand and pulled her up, somewhat surprised she didn't protest. "Come, the night is lovely."
Together, the pair stepped out of the cabin, Agatha glancing behind her once more to ensure Sorina was still dreaming. She followed Dracula to the front deck, somewhat surprised to find that they were alone. It was then she noted that her husband's cape laid stretched out before them. The vampire guided her to sit down, taking his own place beside her once he did.
"We're alone. No one will bother us for a while," he informed her. "But don't worry, I've ensured that we won't crash."
"A foggy sky is quite romantic," Agatha smirked, looking to her husband.
"An easy fix," Dracula replied smugly.
She watched as he snapped his fingers, as if doing so completed some magic trick. To her surprise, and delight, she watched as the fog lifted to reveal a clear, starry night sky. Agatha grinned, looking over at her husband. The vampire chuckled, evidently pleased by his wife's reaction.
"Does this lighten the mood?" He inquired, laying back and inviting the former nun to do the same. "I suppose it's safe to have some clarity for now."
"You can be quite the charmer when you want to be," Agatha chuckled.
"Why thank you," he mused, taking her hand to kiss it. "Countess."
Agatha snorted, shaking her head as she slid closer to his body. When his arm snaked around her, she rested her head on his chest. It sometimes felt strange, lying there unable to hear his heart beat. But she didn't mind it. As time wore on, she had grown accustomed to it. She might even go as far as to say it was comforting. Agatha exhaled, closing her eyes momentarily until Dracula's next chosen words jolted her wide awake.
"We should have another baby."
"What?!" Agatha coughed, sitting up abruptly. "A baby?! Is that why you brought me out here?!"
"Well, Sorina's getting older," Dracula replied, sitting up calmly. "And the manor I've constructed is more than capable of housing more than three people."
"Did you forget what we were just talking about in there?" She snapped, pointing her index finger towards the direction of their cabin. "We have enough to worry about when it comes to taking care of one child. I can't even begin to imagine another!"
She began to stand up when Dracula grabbed her hand. Exhaling, Agatha turned to meet his gaze. He was staring at her expectantly, for what reason, she wasn't sure. Certainly her answer was obvious. And yet, the former nun found herself sitting back down.
"If you truly do not wish for another child. I'll respect your wishes," Dracula stated. "But at least humor me and listen to my reasoning."
"...Fine," Agatha exhaled.
"Thank you," he smiled. Dracula then began to rummage before producing what appeared to be a small notepad. "Here we are. I thought I'd list some of my reasons for this discussion."
"You took notes?" She inquired, an eyebrow cocked.
"For your benefit, not mine," he explained simply. "I know you value information, so I created this with the hopes that you'd find someone honor in me for making it."
He held out the notebook which, in turn, Agatha took with hesitation. She studied it carefully, beginning to thumb through the text. Dracula watched in amusement as her brows raised and furrowed interchangeably.
"Our genetics provide attractive traits on both a physical appearance and intellectual base…" Agatha read, her eyes briefly flickering to meet his.
"Such can be seen with our dear Sorina," he stated. "Wouldn't you agree?"
"...My maternal qualities are superior to many women, and then you have in parenthesis "just from what I've observed, not that I have openly consumed the blood of mothers"?" Agatha struggled to hide the amusement in her voice.
"I kept my promise to you about not murdering anyone for the sake of understanding your pregnancy," he answered. "So I can only assume."
"Hm," she nodded, looking down once more. "Sorina will not only gain a sibling, but a lifetime friend with the understanding that she has inherited the gift of immortality," Agatha read. "We have proven to be fantastic parents and it is known, without a doubt, that we are willing to go great lengths to protect our child and will continue to successfully do so…"
"I suppose that's the gist of it," Dracula nodded. "Have I done well to convince you?"
Agatha was silent for a moment, her lips pursed in deep thought. "Well…" she ventured. "I suppose it wouldn't do much harm to consider it…" She saw his devilish grin. "Consider it, I said, I didn't say-oh!"
The former nun cried out in surprise when the vampire flipped her onto her back, his head cradling her head so that it didn't hit the wooden planks. He loomed over her, his smile mischievous. Agatha huffed, rolling her eyes in false annoyance as her husband began to kiss her neck, his lips lingering over her jugular. It was becoming much more evident that talks of expanding the family hadn't been his only motive to get her outside. She shivered in pleasure as she felt his hand begin to trail up underneath her dress.
"You're such a brute," she scoffed, unable to stifle a laugh.
"And you love me for it," he playfully growled.
"Yes," Agatha breathed, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I suppose I do…"
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nicostolemybones · 4 years
I’ve been a part of the fandom for a touch more than a decade, so welcome to the club! I’ve been through a lot and changed so much over the years but I always come back to PJO. I try to stay out of discourse (mostly... but I will admit I can be a teeny bit hotheaded). All these Nico and Will headcanons got me cracking UP. When y’all have completed your sandwich war saga (if it ever truly ends), do you have any ideas to share for how Nico and Will got together/their first official date? - 🐑
I'm glad to hear you had a good laugh at sandwich wars😂😂
As for how Nico and Will got together, I usually change my ideas of how they got together for different fics, but I'm working on one that I'll start in 2020 and how they'll get together for that fic and I like to think it's adorable.
They are Very Close Friends. Always cuddling and holding hands and sharing inside jokes and secrets. One day, Will makes a daisy chain and puts it on Nico's head. He decides Nico looks absolutely adorable with a flower crown so next he makes one from sunflowers. And then.
He asks the demeter cabin about flower code and they teach him.
So he starts to leave messages in his flower crowns.
The day he confesses in flowers? Nico's suspected for a while the flowers mean something. And he recognises the flowers used? So he asks the demeter cabin who translate the flower code and oh.
Will's in love with him.
With help from the demeter cabin, Nico manages to make a flower crown that says he loves him too and he races to the infirmary to give it to Will and then they're just. Awkward for a few seconds? Then Will just hugs Nico and they're all blushy and like?? They are officially boyfriends.
Their first date is in the strawberry fields away from everyone and they have a picnic and it's just like old times, it's comfortable, it's fun, and then they're kissing and it's awkward but it's perfect and they almost fall asleep together under the stars until a harpy tries to eat them so Nico shadow travels them to his cabin and they laugh for a while being dorks, they kiss a little more, and they fall asleep awkwardly tangled. When they wake up, Will's leg is dead and Nico's elbow is on his bladder, and Nico's neck hurts and his arm is trapping Nico in place and it's awkward and they laugh about it and talk about their relationship and boundaries and start planning how to hide it for now until they're both ready to come out
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Solangelo Headcanons
because I'm a dork.
: Willing to bet money that at least once, Will bribed the Demeter kids to grow 13 black roses for him and he put them all in a big beautiful bouquet and left it in front of the door of the Hades cabin for Nico to find later
:when the camp Halloween party draws near, Nico and Will decide to dress up as Hades ad Persephone, but the other way around just to mess with everyone. So Nico wears a black rose flower crown and Will is wearing some of Nico's clothes with an added black robe for dramatic effect. So when they show up to the party, everyone is just looking at them extreamly confused while Piper and Annabeth are taking pictures
: Nico talks a lot with his hands (according to the book. I mean he is Italian) and sometimes Will has to stifle his laughter because he thinks its so adorable.
: Sometimes when Nico and Will go out on a date, the rest of The Seven will follow them around ingonito to make sure nothing goes wrong. ESPECIALLY the date where Nico plans on proposing (I like to think he's really good at grand romantic gestures (which is from another solangelo headcanon, which I did not write, so credit where credit Is due)) Frank is definitely the bird's eye spy for obvious reasons. Annabeth is the stealth master with her Yankees cap, :Nico is secretly a kickass dancer (especially when it comes to Liny Hop, Jazz, and Swing Dancing) While poor Will has two left feet. Nico sees this as an opportunity to spend more time with Will by teaching him how to dance.
:One day Nico decides to shadow travel him and Will to Venice and spend the day together and just mill about being all cute together <3
:Sometimes, Nico and Will get into a competition of one-upping eachother in the grand romantic gestures department, most of which Nico wins. But the one time Will actually won was when he got up and started a one man flash mob to "Classic" by MTKO in a tuxedo and top hat (bless his heart, he pulled 3 all nighters to come up with the choreography for it).Piper, Annabeth, and Jason (the original Solangelo shipper) made absolutely sure that Nico had a front row seat.
:Whenver Will finds out that Nico hasn't eaten, he remembers that the boy has a weakness for McDonalds so in order to get him to eat, Will will ask Nico to shadow travel them there (Will is pretty smug about finally getting Nico to eat something without begging, pleading, or threatening to tell Jason, Reyna, Piper, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth, and Frank about how many meals he's been skipping)
: Hades and Apollo have had a bet in place for a while on who will be the one to propose and when Nico tosses an Apple to Will one day with a ring of gold with a silver skull imbedded in the center of a golden sunflower in the middle tied to the stem, Hades wins to he shock and surprise of pretty much everyone.
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thelioncudgel · 7 years
A PJO/HoO - Danganronpa fusion
Because there’s very little I enjoy more than crossovers when it comes to fanfiction, here’s one of the many headcanons I spend way too much time thinking about when bored at the gym.
And hey, no one will ever see this so I don’t feel too self-conscious sharing it!
Komaeda is a child of Tyche, the most powerful one in recorded history—but his incredible abilities come with a price, in the form of his unpredictable (and devastating) endless cycle of miraculously good and catastrophically bad luck. He was born a danger to himself and all those around him, and so unsurprisingly was never welcome at Camp Half-Blood. After his parents died and he was turned away from Camp, he simply grew up wandering about alone all over the country, living off the considerable inheritance from his late parents and his own strokes of financial luck. This wasn’t particularly dangerous for him, as, unlike most demigod children, he didn’t even need to lift a finger to survive monster encounters, more often than not: his luck would take care of the beasts for him. However, while his luck always protected his body, his heart was left undefended: he soon came to see his inborn power as more of a curse than a blessing, as it always resulted in damage to himself during monster attacks being redirected towards innocent mortals. Komaeda leaves his resentment towards his godly mother carefully unspoken, but he has no love for Olympus; to him, the true God, the true absolute good, is the abstract concept of hope, as it’s hope that his life will one day get better that gets him through the day far more than the luck that protects him from monsters. (Thus, by extension, he’s Hestia’s most devoted follower, as she was entrusted with Pandora’s pithos near the end of the second Titanomachy. Hestia is very grateful to be worshipped again after so long, especially by such a kind, albeit…unusual demigod. But she worries deeply for this incredibly messed up child who adores her so unconditionally, almost seeing him as a son.) Due to his sickly body and the fact that he was banned from Camp and thus couldn’t receive combat training, he was unable to ever learn to defend himself in such a way that his luck wouldn’t need to protect him by causing harm to others in his place. This destroyed his self-esteem at an early age, and resulted in Komaeda forcing himself to develop a mentality of complete disdain towards mortals, so that their deaths in monster attacks aimed at him would no longer tear at his conscience. He greatly admires all demigods who possess powers he sees as more useful and remarkable than his, and will go out of his way to help them in their quests if he happens to come across them in his travels. As a child of Tyche, he’s able to control his luck to an extent, at least long enough to ensure that his temporary companions will only experience excellent luck while by his side; he reaps all the damage from his resulting bad luck afterwards, once they’ve left safely. Unsurprisingly, rumours of a “pretty but almost creepily helpful Tyche kid with incredible power, who’ll lend a hand on quests for free” spread around both Camps quickly.
Hinata is a clear-sighted mortal. Born and raised in New York, a city full of demigod and monster traffic due to its proximity to both Mount Olympus and Camp Half-Blood, he grew up watching heroes flit in and out of his life battling monsters, living fantastical, exciting lives so unlike the mundane humdrum of school, homework and more school that was his own—and came to envy them. He runs into Nanami by chance one day, and after befriending her, eventually finds himself dragged along on one of her quests, at the end of which he’s brought back to Camp and made the newest host to the Oracle of Delphi. He then soon comes to understand the true meaning of the adage “be careful what you wish for”, bitterly regretting his inability to be satisfied with not being special. The Oracle, having settled into his mind as a separate entity that calls itself Izuru, is cold and unfeeling and so very, painfully bored of a world that holds no secrets to one with the power of foresight. His apathy constantly bleeds through into Hinata’s heart, leaving him struggling with depression; Hinata is also tormented with traumatically bloody dreams every night, and feelings of guilt whenever he delivers prophecies that foretell a young hero’s death, knowing that his words won’t be enough to change their sealed fates. So it’s unsurprising, of course, that both Hinata and Izuru would be thrilled to meet Komaeda and become fascinated with this singularity who will never be killed by anything but old age or his own hand, who is so chaotically beautiful in his blessed, wild unpredictability.
Souda is a son of Hephaestus, obviously. He insists despite all evidence to the contrary that Sonia is obviously a child of Aphrodite and thus is meant to be with him. Despite acting more like a child of Hecate or Hades, Tanaka has an inborn connection with animals thanks to his father, Pan. He can tame any beast, no matter how wild, though he’s soft-hearted enough that he hates making them fight for him. Nanami is a daughter of Athena, gifted like no other at the war table. Despite her undeniable talent, some of her siblings are annoyed by her spacey personality and her tendency to treat all strategy meetings as preludes to games. She’s also uncommonly sweet and friendly for a child of the somewhat stuck-up cabin. Sonia is a spiritually begotten daughter of Hera (not conceived the usual horizontal tango-induced way because hey, goddess of marriage). She inherited all of her godly parent’s commanding presence and motherly kindness, and none of her overbearing possessiveness and bitterness. Kuzuryuu is a son of Zeus, but dislikes the pressure this puts on his shoulders to always take on leadership roles. He also hates being teased about being “pretty tiny, for a child of the King of the gods”. Unfortunately for those naysayers, he certainly inherited his father’s temper, if not his imposing size. Pekoyama is the quietest, coolest daughter of Ares you will ever meet, but make no mistake, she’s deadlier by far than all of her uncouth and bloodthirsty siblings. She’s also Kuzuryuu’s terrifying self-appointed bodyguard. Koizumi is a daughter of Clio, and loves immortalising little bits of history through her craft as a photographer. She has no inborn special ability for battle, but, being scarily protective of her loved ones, made up for it by training hard and is a master of knife fighting. Saionji is a daughter of Terpsichore, and thus a fantastic dancer. She wields tessen just as sharp as her tongue and adores Koizumi, firm in her belief that daughters of under-appreciated muses should stick together. Tsumiki is a daughter of Apollo with the strongest ability for healing seen in millennia, but can be surprisingly sadistic towards those she sees as enemies. She’s very self-conscious when chanting hymns, as her mousy voice isn’t much to write home about despite her parentage. Her half-sister Mioda, by contrast, has a voice like an angel and can make any instrument sing for her like a lover. Shame she’s a fan of screaming, growling death metal. Ah well, at least it does well in making attacking monsters’ eardrums and brains explode. They just “can’t handle how hard [she shreds]”. Owari is a daughter of Hercules, bronzed and beautiful, ditzy and fight-crazy. Instead of being satisfied with her inborn super-strength, she trained hard to surpass her limits since early childhood, and is all the more terrifying for it. Nidai is a son of Chiron, able to switch at will between human and centaur forms. It’s in his nature to push heroes to be the best they can be, and he’s always vocally thrilled to work alongside his exasperated but loving father in training demigods. His bulging muscles aren’t just for show, but he’s surprisingly pants at archery. Hanamura is a son of Demeter, and can work magic in the kitchen with just a handful of grain and a few veggies. He deeply respects life and is a bit of a wimp when it comes to blood, but is deadly with a meat cleaver. The Impostor is a child of Aphrodite who defies common standards of beauty by being noticeably overweight. They have the strongest talent for shapeshifting ever seen in a demigod, and is a surprisingly excellent leader. Yukizome, the ultimate homemaker, is a spiritually begotten daughter of Hestia (because hey, maiden goddess). Sakakura is a son of Hercules and Munakata, a son of Athena.
All the Dr1 cast are children of Roman gods. Naegi is a son of Fortuna (and thus Komaeda’s sort-of brother/cousin); Enoshima is a daughter of Venus who betrayed both her camp and the world by deciding to revive Kronos, who blessed(/cursed) her with the ability to see through time at an early age.
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tiny-sparkeu · 7 years
BTS as Demigods (Percy Jackson)
Namjoon: Son of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom 
Best in his cabin at solving word problems/riddles
Sometimes acts really stupid to the point that people question his parentage
Broke the first seven weapons he tried out (much to the the awe and horror of the Hephaestus cabin because how? Half of them were made of solid celestial bronze) Because he’s the God of Destruction
The Hecate cabin had to grant him a magical sword with a spell on it so it would never break
Bunk area is best described as “organized chaos”
His siblings always wonder about the weird relationship between him and a certain Son of Aphrodite Namjin
Came to camp at age 9, first of all of the boys
First monster was an empousai, his babysitter to be exact
Only one in his cabin NOT terrified of spiders, siblings go to him for spider problems
Often helps Hobi and Yoongi rapline write songs to perform at the campfire 
Seokjin: Son of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty
Extremely proud of the fact that he’s the son of the goddess of love AND beauty Visual Power
Makes other campers jealous because he’s skinny yet pigs out during meals
Gets asked out often but so far has rejected every single proposal because he’s waiting for Namjoon
Make-up guru, people from other cabins go to him for tips
Doesn’t enjoy fighting like most children of Aphrodite, but can kick butt with his sword when he needs to
Always goes out of his way to greet new campers *cue dad jokes*
No one knows how him and Namjoon became friends, they kind of just clicked
Ares cabin is jealous of his wide shoulders
Came to camp older than most, arrived when he was 14
His distinctive laugh *windshield wipers* is often heard from the Nike cabin whenever he visits to see a certain demigod there
Yoongi: Son of Hypnos, God of Sleep and Dreams
LOVES to sleep, indoors or outdoors he’ll find the perfect place to nap
When awake, he plays basketball on the courts and pretty much dominates
Very passionate about music, greatly enjoys writing songs with Hobi and Namjoon 
Fights with a spear, always surprises people because of how easily he handles it
Since he’s always sleepy, his mood often changes, can go from 0 to 100 and back in the span of a couple seconds
Sleeps with a teddy bear name Kumamon
Always has his trusty neck pillow his lover wrapped around him, never know when he might find a good place to nap
Namjoon once stepped on his pillow with shoes on, since then Yoongi has really disliked Converse “Converse, Converse, I really hate Converse.”
Pretends to sleep when he doesn’t want to deal with people
Once accidentally insulted an Aphrodite kid and was cursed, now his hair changes color every week to match the album cover
Hoseok: Son of Apollo, God of the Sun, Music, Archery, and Poetry
Literal sunshine child
Has a decent singing voice, but still loves to sing loudly and off-key
Skilled in pretty much every weapon but prefers archery 
Best fighter in the group, when he’s serious he goes hard, the monsters never see it coming
Met Yoongi by accidentally tripping over the Son of Hypnos when the other was napping underneath a tree Sope
They both love music and decided they wanted to perform for the other campers
Everyone was BLOWN AWAY. Now they perform once or twice a month
Loves to read sappy poetry to Yoonji, it makes him cry
Often misses his mom, he even wrote a song about her Mama
The definition of extra, loves making campers laugh when things are especially tough “I am your hope! I am your angel!”
Jimin: Son of Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture
Loves tending to the plants on the exterior of his cabin
When fighting, he’s extremely graceful, making his battles look like a dance “Smooth like a like a snake”
Can be fussy over his siblings, he gets it from HIS mom
The last to arrive at camp out of the boys, was 12 years old
Despite coming to camp later, he’s one of the group’s best fighters, uses his flexibility and agility to easily take down monsters 
Was hard for him to make friends at first until a certain Son of Iris knocked him off his feet, literally VMin for the Win
Skilled in controlling plants, especially strawberries since they’re what he first practiced on
Makes the best strawberry jam 
Hobi often tries to get him to sing at the campfire sing along
Many Apollo kids are jealous of his beautiful voice “Tell me a llliiiieeeee~”
Taehyung: Son of Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
Rainbows, rainbows, and more rainbows
Fascinated by the different types of monsters, has a whole journal dedicated to his observations about them 
Adores pegasi the most, often found in the stables attending to them and sneaks a ride whenever he can
Has the power of photokinesis: the ability to control light 
Was once practicing his ability and accidentally shined light in the eye of a Demeter kid tending to the garden on their cabin roof, causing them to fall off
That day, Taehyung met his best friend and soulmate Jimin
Fights with a really shiny knife in order to reflect light that he can control
Faster than most demigods since his mom is a messenger goddess
Often uses his speed to beat a certain Son of Nike in foot races, much to the younger’s displeasure VKook/TaeKook
Extremely friendly, has at least one friend in each cabin that’s occupied, much to the shock of everybody he somehow even befriended a Hunter of Artemis Hwarang hyungs, Baekhyun, Leo, Sungjae, Mark, Park Kyung, etc.
Jungkook: Son of Nike, Goddess of Victory
Extremely competitive, absolutely lives for Capture the Flag games and chariot races
Wins at pretty much everything so teams fight to have him on their team Golden Maknae
Demigod stuff still surprises him so he always looks shocked jungshook
Takes training really seriously, went from lanky to buff, nearly giving his friends a heart attack from the significant change Maknae on top
Still a huge kid though, pesters Jin to go look for sea shells with him along the shore
Skilled fighter, his goal is to one day be able to wipe the floor with Hobi who has been his instructor since he arrived
Holds the record for the fastest lava wall climb
Occasionally joins in at the campfire sing alongs, still kind of shy
He met Jin first, the Son of Aphrodite greeted him upon his arrival with wide shoulders and dad jokes
Loves teasing Jimin about how motherly the other is
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wasabi-duck · 7 years
demigod tae
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i was gonna say something low key salty about got7 but i won't cause i don't want to get beat up
anyway this is demigod tae
if that wasn't obvious
alright let's start from the beginning shall we
tae’s dad was a simple man, just a farmer
a livestock farmer like a very small farm down in the countryside of upper new york, just past corning
can you raise livestock there well i guess you can now
it's mostly cows!! but there's also a little plot of land dedicated to growing some crops maybe like a sweet potato that seems valuable
okay anyway he has his little farm, taehyung’s dad that is, and he's pretty isolated all to himself
he gets together with some other fatness occasionally and sells his goods whatever that may be
idk about farming im just going off harvest moon okay
but you know it's whatever
okay down to the drama
there's a forecast for major flooding in the area, and tae’s dad is a little worried because while he's on high ground, he loves his little cows and he will not let them get hurt
so when the rain starts to fall, he grabs seven hundred blankets and treks out to the barn where all the cows are
he pats down some hay and makes a little nest for himself so he can chill with the cows
the rain starts to pour and it's actually rather alarming how hard it's slamming against the roof, but tae’s dad feels infinitely better knowing he's with the cows and they're safe
he's relaxing, singing some songs to the cows, when there's this sudden slamming against the barn door
tae’s dad thinks he must be hearing things, but he's maybe too curious for his own good, and so he goes to check it out for himself
he opens the door cautiously, and standing there in the pouring down rain is a pretty lady, with a hoodie under a pair overalls
she's very tanned, and her hair is dark and a little unruly, and her eyes are the color of the earth right after it rains
tae’s dad gets all flustered because she's gorgeous but then he snaps out of it and ushers her in
so what if she's oh, i don't know, a serial killer or something
she's kill him with a garden hoe or something smh
anyway he quickly searches around the barn and finds some old blankets and hands them over
he then takes off his jacket and says he'll close his eyes if she wants to put it on
he definitely doesn't try to peek through his fingers
no he wouldn't, he's a good guy and he gives her the privacy she needs and when she changes he opens his eyes again
“how'd you even find this place?” he can't help but ask
the lady ignores him at first, heading over to buttercup the cow and rubbing her head affectionately
finally she looks over at tae’s dad “lost.”
he gives her this look because who even wanders out into the countryside anyhow?? like how did she even find the countryside???
“you must really love these cows. they're fond of you.” the lady says with a soft smile. “especially this one.”
and tae’s dad eyes widen and he just gives her this look “wait can you---”
“what?” and she smiles and goes back to petting the cows
obviously she can't really escape the rain and so the lady decides to camp out with tae’s dad and the cows for the night
and they spend the entire night rambling about their favorite flowers and favorite garden plants and favorite vegetables to grow and the best ways to care for chickens
they don't even sleep because they spend the entire night talking and also the rain is really really loud they can't sleep under those conditions
and she won't reveal her name the entire night but when the sun starts to rise, she looks over at tae’s dad and kinda mumbles “the names demeter”
and tae’s dad eyes light up and he gets all smiley “you mean like the greek goddess??”
“something like that”
and by mid morning, the rain has calmed down into a soft sort of drizzle and demeter could easily leave but she chooses not too, instead the two of them stay in the barn and keep talking
and they kind of get on the topic of the farm and demeter is all “oh is it only you caring for everything here?”
and he nods “it's fine. not many people like farming.”
“i like farming.”
it starts out with demeter showing up bright-eyed every morning, ready to work under the blazing sun with tae’s dad and yes it's hard work but they're always smiling and getting to know each other better and tae’s dad’s corny farm jokes make demeter giggle and blush
get it
corny jokes
cause it's a farm
okay but the months go on and demeter is staying later and later and the two are getting closer and closer
and finally tae’s dad is like “there's an extra room in the house”
and that's when demeter officially moves in with tae’s dad
she's like wow yikes i wasn't planning on falling in love with him this is--- this is new
so she's like well i better tell him i'm the actually the greek goddess so when he's scared away at least there'll be a valid reason for it
and so one day she comes down to breakfast and sits on the old wooden bench where a plate of scrambled eggs and fresh strawberries is waiting for her
she kinda smiles a bit because wow she really is in love??
and tae’s dad comes down the stairs and his hair is a mess and he looks sleepy still and demeter is literally heart eyes for days
he comes and sits across from her and has the most gentle of smiles on his lips
demeter starts to play with her hands nervously “look, i gotta tell you something…”
and tae’s dad rests his hands on hers to try and calm her “it's okay!! i already know your secret.”
“you, you do?!”
“you like me, don't you?”
and demeter just stares at him because he's giggling to himself and he looks so damn proud of himself
“i thought that one was obvious.” she laughs and she leans over and kisses him on the nose
and yes, she eventually tells him her actual secret and yes he totally flips out but not in a bad way more like the most excited wonderful way in the world
they don't actually get married because yah she's a goddess that kind of breaks the goddess rules but they basically act like it
they raise all the beautiful cattle and sunflowers and carrots together
but is that enough??
nah fam it's not
they're sitting at breakfast again right
and they're holding hands as the sun shines through the window and the birds sing outside
“look, i gotta tell you something…”
tae’s dad laughs and he kisses her forehead “oh come on, i already know you're the goddess demeter!!”
“i thought that one was obvious…”
they both laugh but get serious again
“look, the reality of it is… i'm pregnant”
tae’s dad screams for maybe the next seven years?? yah, at least seven
he spins her in his arms and kisses her face all over and then kisses her stomach
zeus doesn't even seem interested in demeter and gods only know why
but she gets to stay with tae’s dad, and eventually, with lil baby tae
as soon as he can crawl baby tae is out in the garden, messing with the sunflower, pulling up carrots, trying to talk to the bumble bees
he's the cutest baby and he's spoiled by his parents, especially so by demeter who gives him the gift of being able to grow plants by singing to them
like one day he'll have the potential to control plants with his song but right now he's a small bean baby
get it bean
cause demeter
anyway tae is raised knowing who his mom is and he's so damn proud even though he's not allowed to tell anyone he's so proud of her and he thinks she's the coolest person in the world
he obviously loves his dad too
small bean tae names all the cows after his godly aunts and uncles and apollo is so damn offended he has an ugly ass cow named after him
tae absolutely adores nature like both of his parents and he's like i'm gonna be a farmer like both of you guys are!!
and demeter is like look buddy… and that's when she gives him the whole demigod talk like we love you and everything but eventually zeus is gonna come for my ass and i won't be here to protect you any longer and you need to go to a special place called camp half blood
and tae just about sobs because he's such a momma and daddy’s boy like he loves both of his parents and the idea of having to be separated from his parents breaks his heart
after he hears about camp half blood he sleeps in his parents bed for like four weeks straight
but alas the time comes for him to go and unlike most demigods there's no monster attack, no monster chase scene
it's just him and his parents all walking hand in hand to the border of camp half blood
tae is sniffling, because even though he's like twelve years old he loves his parents more than anything
demeter promises he's always welcome back home but she might not be there, and he need to learn and train to be able to defend himself in the demigod world
so tae reluctantly steps past the border and when he gets inside he's a sniffling mess but guess what's above his head it's demeter’s emblem
the most adorable boy in the world comes running over to tae and he gets all flustered because the boy is up in space and he's so adorable
“hi i'm hoseok!! i know about you, you're the one who named a cow after my dad!! my dad said i should seek revenge but you're so cute, so i'll take you to your cabin instead!!”
that's how tae ends up in the demeter cabin, surrounded by a bunch of siblings who immediately put a flower crown on his head and a giggling hoseok who wants one too
i didnt know this was four pages long but it already is and im at school typing this aren’t you guys im willing to sacrifice my grades for this au
jk im in creative writing this is a really chill class and i can get away with doing this kind of thing
okay anyway tae grows up at camp and he always goes back to visit his dad because demeter is back up on olympus but she drops by sometimes and they’ll have picnics together
but for the most part his days are spent at camp, training and overall being one of the heartthrobs of camp
like i know demeter has a wicked wrath, just think like winter?? but i see the demeter cabin being pretty chill, almost like your stereotypical hippies
like tae is super happy go lucky we all know that but at camp he has like zero boundaries he would probably walk up to someone and be like wow you’re so cute i wanna kiss you!!
probably how he met jeongguk tbh, and then yoongi respectively who then threatened to beat the daylights out of him
okay anyway he always has his flower crown perched atop his head, it’s never like him actively picking flowers for his crown, but like since he has the ability to revive things, he can take flowers that have died and revive them for his cute little crown
he makes some for all of bangtan and it’s quite the ordeal because hoseok asks if he can pretty please have sunflowers, and pink roses are obviously the flower of choice for jin, but yoongi whines and complains when he doesn’t have the same kind of flowers as jeongguk has
tae should make a business out of it or something
okay but i don’t see tae as someone who actively wants to fight even if it’s for his own protection, he thinks that monsters probably have good in them if you look long and hard enough for it
but he can’t just rely on that philosophy when you know- he’s about to be eaten
he has a spear and it’s a perfect fit because he’s tall and he’s agile and it can be used as defense as well as a weapon unlike like, idk a bow or something
okay anyway back to tae being the cutest smallest bean at camp who isn’t actually small but whatever
okay so you’re pretty on the dl around camp, you stick to your cabin, a few close friends, but you definitely don’t go out there and try to get to learn everyone and their stories
you like to spend your days, sparring with close friends, reading, hanging in the arts cabin, or just kind of doing your own thing
the rockwall is something you’ve always wanted to try though and so one day you’re like you know what i’m gonna head down there and i’m gonna climb the wall of doom
but there’s kind of a line going on because like while anyone can just go for it, it’s hard to maneuver when there’s seventy two other people trying to climb the same area that you are
and you’re like i can do this, i’ll wait, it’s no big deal
but after a while, you feel a pair of eyes on you
you know how you can just tell when someone is staring at you?
well that’s the feeling you're getting right then and there and so you spin around and leaning up against a tree is the most handsome person you have ever seen
he’s tall, dark, and handsome
i finally can use this
yes, in all of these au’s, all the boys retain their natural glow, this is an anti-whitewashing blog
anyway he catches you staring and you would assume he would look away all embarrassed but nah fam, he gives you one of those nods, and then winks and you immediately turn back around and shove your hands into your pockets because that is not allowed to happen no sir how dare he do that to you
how dare he attack you in your own home
but guess what you can still feel his eyes boring a hole into the back of your head and you will not tolerate this oh no
so you spin back around and he smiles and motions you over and you’re like hoe don’t do it but you do anyway
you cautiously make your way over to him and when he sees you’re actually coming his eyes light up and this huge smile breaks out on your face and you’re like this is what heaven looks like i guess
“i’m taehyung, but you can call me tae, or babe, whichever you prefer”
you roll your eyes and laugh a bit and he laughs too and wow that’s a very nice life
you introduce yourself and then you ask why he called you over and suddenly he looks confused and you have this sudden panic that maybe he was waving to someone else but then he smiles all cute
“well, it’s cause you’re adorable!! and i wanted to tell you, duh”
and you get super blushy and flustered and stare up at him and he just gives a shrug and smiles again
“me and my friends are probably gonna head down to the lake later today, do you wanna come?”
a few hours later, you find yourself fending off hoseok and taehyung who are trying to splash you and jeongguk with water
seokjin pulls down his sunglasses to glare and jimin mimics him and yoongi naps under his floppy sunhat
namjoon is stuck in the middle of the war
when you prove very resistant to his attacks, tae starts singing to the seaweed and suddenly it’s all up on your legs and you squeal and try to move but the seaweed has you in place
tae giggles and demands your surrender but before he can claim victory, hoseok splashes him and tae falls back in the water dramatically
you break through the seaweed and run over to him to see if he’s okay but when you lean over, tae grabs your arm and pulls you down into the water with you
it’s really shallow so it’s not it’s dangerous and you practically fall onto tae so there’s that happening
you gasp loudly and try to get up but he tells you that it’s really fine and that you can be his human shield from that traitor hoseok
which you end up doing
besides tae is just warm?? and laying in the water next to him isn’t half bad
after that you’re always with the group, no matter what
mostly with tae but the group does exist in the background…
like you even get an honorary flower crown and tae acts oblivious when namjoon calls him out for using flowers that mean beauty and attraction and love
but you and tae don't really ever hang out alone because one of the boys if not more are tagging along--
until you get sent on a quest
and taehyung is the only one who tags along
there's been some suspicious activity out west and you and taehyung have been chosen to go expect the issue and fix what needs to be mended
the quest is really freaking vague and you and tae are somewhat confused but hey, as long as tae is by your side you don't mind
he's not very good at fighting and you always have to protect him, but he can use certain plants to heal your wounds if needed
he likes to set up camp at night and he always volunteers to watch first so you can sleep
he's also pointing out the different kinds of plants you encounter in each of the different states and he talks about all their properties
at first things were kind of !! because obv you both had a thing for each other deep down but after a week in tae was like you know what---
and so he casually holds your hand and when you question it he says “it's safer this way”
he lets you use his sleeping bag because he insists it's warmer
okay anyway you get to the good old west and you're like okay so what are we supposed to do---
and suddenly you get an iris message and yoongi and jin appear on the screen and you're like my dudes!!!
but they look absolutely worried and now you're kind of questioning what's going on
jin sounds absolutely panicked “you two need to leave, it's not safe for you anymore, we figured out why you two are there and-”
the message cuts off suddenly but right before it's gone you hear yoongi curse
you and tae exchange horrified looks but you shake your head “look, we're aware, we'll be okay…”
there's a sudden rustling from behind you and you and tae spin, but a small kid comes walking up and you're like where---
“hi, i'm minhyuk!! i'm from camp jupiter, you must be taehyung?”
taehyung glares “hey i'm not the only person here”
and he introduces you with a scowl
“it's okay…” you rub his arm soothingly “i didn't know there was another camp--”
“really??” minhyuk just shrugs. “well come with me, we have a lot to talk about!!”
minhyuk grabs you by the hand and tae just about has a heart attack because wait no other cute boys aren't allowed to touch you like that !!
but anyway you end up at camp jupiter or as you like to call it “camp sticks up their asses” because it's so strict
it's nothing like camp half blood and while it's definitely impressive it's not home whatsoever
and like everyone seems way too interested in taehyung and you're not liking it whatsoever
like everyone is like wow you're so handsome and so gifted and so strong
and tae is like i've never killed a monster lol
and they just--- still so handsome and so gifted and so strong!!!
and you're wondering what the heck is going on and why you're here and what your quest is
but one day while you and tae are eating your meal, one of the campers, a kid named wonho, asks tae to follow him
you get up to tag along but wonho smiles softly “we'll be back in a few okay??”
but they're not back in a few
in fact it's night and you're still waiting for tae
luckily a pair of friends named taeil and sicheng try to keep you company and cheer you up
but you're sniffling because you and tae are a duo and now he's gone---
and it's light out and camp and you go to the guest house alone
it's past midnight when tae comes stumbling in
you bolt up and slide off the bunk to meet him and you pull him into your arms
“what the hell is going on?!”
taehyung shakes his head “they're trying… the gods are a bunch of crackheads--”
and how he's rambling and he's talking about the gods and how their split personas are getting worse and how zeus///jupiter has this wild idea to try and merge camps permanently through an exchange program of sorts and how he was the one nominated along with the wonho kid and neither of them had a say in it whatsoever
and taehyung says he will not do it there's no way in all the underworld he will do it
and you tell him to calm down and take some deep breaths because he's overworking himself but he takes you by the shoulders
“i'm not leaving camp half blood!! i grew up there!! my family is there!! and you're there, i'm not ever going to leave your side!!”
“tae, nobody ever said-”
“i love you!!!”
and you two just stare at each other and there are hot tears streaming down his face but he smiles softly “gods i really love you”
and he leans down and kisses you so so so gently as if you might break if he's any rougher
that night you two crawl into the same bunk, snuggled together and praying for the best
you're both shaken awake violently though, and you open your eyes to see taeil and minhyuk standing there
“hurry up hurry up, we're getting you out!!”
the four of you sneak out of the cabin to the edge of camp and you're like but what about the guards but minhyuk just laughs and giggles
boom you're swept up in this black mist and it feels like you're body is pulling itself apart---
tae grabs your hand and squeezes it tight
when you open your eyes you're standing in the middle of what looks like a desert
“sorry, shadow travel is exhausting” minhyuk yawns
and you and tae just stare in confusion??? because minhyuk??? a son of pluto??? but he's so pure???
“opposites attract i guess!!!”
he says he and taeil will get you guys out of california for protection
and they do
you and tae make it back to camp half blood safely and you explain the details to chiron because he wasn't even sure what was going on
he says he'll try to mediate ok the gods behalf
and most of the gods side against zeus so it's okay!!!
you and tae are safe and very much in love
the end
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