#brought my laptop to work so i could edit and post this
Finally Woken: Part Seven
Working for the family business of traveling trade caravans, means you‘ve always accepted having to put up with a lot from your family, especially your dad. He finally goes to far when he tries to sell your prized possessions to make up for his own business failings. You’re proud of yourself for making a stand, but he’s not wrong when he says you don’t have any real connections outside the family–but he’s not completely right either.
Your closest friend happens to live in the city you’re stopped at so you decide to see if you can stay at his place until you can figure out what you’re going to. You’ve never come by the city this early, but he’s probably fully woken up from the naga’s traditional bout of hibernation by now, right?
Fantasy, friends to lovers, naga, male monster x female reader, M/F, Part 7 of 8
Story Status: Complete
AO3: Finally Woken Chapter 7
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]  [Part Four] [Part Five] [Part Six] Part Seven [Part Eight - NSFW]
When you get home from a day that at least ended early, if rather disappointingly, you realize one thing right away: Heshi’s already awake.
Not only is he awake, he’s moving around and talking to someone. You can hear his voice from the foyer. Last night he’d said he was gonna see if he could wake up early enough for a full sunning on the roof to provide the final jolt out of hibernation—and the weather had certainly cooperated. 
Instead of being excited he seems to be fully out of hibernation, tension shoots up your spine. The air in the apartment doesn’t feel fearful or angry, but it does feel feverish in some way, almost anticipatory. There’s a panic in his voice and movements, like he’s pacing, which makes it impossible for you not to feel nervous.
You can’t make out any of the words he’s saying, but you decide to drop your bag in the hall just in case you suddenly have your hands full with worried naga again. Some instinct of yours seems to be urging caution and it's any easy enough thing to do to appease it. Hesitantly, you walk over to the archway and peer further inside. 
You spot Heshi in the kitchen but you notice right away that there’s no one else here. He seems to be talking to himself, gesturing emphatically along with his own words, but speaking fast enough you still can’t really follow what has him so agitated. Because he definitely is, agitated that is. 
His hair is completely undone, flowing around his face and down his back in wild tendrils, all semblance of a braid long gone. He’s moving back and forth, changing height depending on how much of his tail he’s putting into the motion—something he rarely does as he likes to keep to a steady height. The difference is down to the way the bulk of his tail stays where it is, the tip flicking in time with his pacing. He’s also not wearing a shirt, which you knew he didn’t wear when he sunbathed, but is still rather unusual since he’s inside now. 
You tell yourself your focus on his chest is just to see if he’s shivering—which he doesn’t appear to be. In fact, you blink in surprise: he almost looks flushed. The skirt he has on is loose and comfortable, but also hastily thrown on. Combined with the way his claws are unsheathed—a sure sign he’s expecting a threat–it’s more than enough to unsettle you further. Despite all this agitation, he still hasn’t even noticed your presence yet. You doubt it will take long though and you don’t want to scare him, especially not in this state.
You take a deep breath and step forward. “Heshi?” 
His head whips around with lightning speed, pupils slit thin before blowing wide when he identifies who made the sound. He gasps out your name, looking at you with such shock that you instinctively freeze. He starts toward you before stopping himself, placing his hands on one of the tall kitchen tables as if to hold himself with it between you and him, despite him being several feet away on the other side of the room as it is.
“Uh, Heshi…?”
He seems to notice your confusion and visibly straightens, clearly trying to coach his rather wild facial expressions back to normal. It might have worked better if you hadn’t, you know, literally watched him do so.
“Hey,” his voice is breathy, but less desperate or shocked than when he had called your name. He clears his throat before continuing in an alright approximation of his usual voice, “how was your day?”
“Okay…” you reply slowly. It's clear he doesn’t want you to notice, or at least not to comment on, whatever is bothering him. You’re willing to play along, for now. You don’t want to spook him. “I guess.”  While you talk, you try to see if you can spot a physical source of what might be bothering him. He doesn’t look visibly injured or sunburned—can naga get sunburned? “The shop had already sold my flute though.”
He sobers at your words, distracted enough by your news that he forgets to try so hard to be normal. He frowns and says sympathetically, “I’m sorry, that’s really too bad.” He makes an aborted motion towards you, like he’s going to come over to give you a hug but then he stops himself. You suddenly realize this is the longest it’s been since you woke him up from hibernation for him to be awake and aware of you and yet not touching you.
A pang of hurt goes through you at the thought that he might truly be done with hibernation and the long embraces will stop. You knew this would happen, you told yourself not to get used to it. You still feel an aching sense of loss that you try to shove to the side. You’ll deal with it when you’re inevitably sleeping alone again.
“If you’d like,” Heshi’s voice pulls you back to the present. He’s clearly trying to be upbeat, trying to cheer you up, but there’s a manic undertone to his voice that still worries you. “I could try to make you one? A flute, I mean. It’d be glass and not silver, but I’m sure it will sound just as pretty.”
He looks adorably earnest, but it's so obvious something is conspicuously off with him. “That, that would be really lovely,” you say truthfully, because it is a really sweet offer, and yet you can’t ignore this any longer. “But Heshi, what’s wrong?”
“Wrong?” he repeats anxiously. “Nothing’s wrong.” He winces when his voice pitches too high. He deliberately coughs before continuing, “In fact, my hibernation is officially over. So everything’s back to normal.”
You eye his very nervous smile at that proclamation and say, “Um, it’s really not.” You take a step closer, studying him as you continue in vain to try to figure it out yourself. “What’s wrong, Heshi?” You’re starting to really think he might be sick. Is this because you messed with his hibernation? You take another step closer, trying to peer around the table—a naga’s tail normally will give them away if there’s something wrong with their body and you can’t quite see it from where you’re at.
“Stop!” He holds out his hand, palm facing you. “Stay over there.” You immediately freeze, too surprised by his reaction to even say anything. 
“Why?” you breathe, unsure of what you’ve done to make him more upset. You try to hide the illogical bit of hurt you feel at his words, but given how his face falls, you don’t manage it.
“I’m sorry,” he says, looking wretched and wringing his fingers, “but you really need to stay away.”
“Should I leave?” you offer, not sure what else to say. You want to understand, but you want him to feel better more so if you need to leave without an explanation, you will even if you know you’ll end up at wit’s end with worry.
“No!” he reaches out again, this time as if to pull you close. He squeezes his eyes shut and presses his fingers to his forehead. “I mean, yes, probably. You shouldn’t be here while I’m like this. I’m so sorry.”
Any hurt or fear melts away in the face of his distress. “But what is this? Are you sick? Is it contagious? Should I find a healer?”
“No, well, sort of,” he pulls his fingers through his hair violently enough it almost looks like he’s pulling on it. He deflates, pressing one palm to the table and leaning on it. “Maybe you should.”
Before you can even think of how to respond, he continues talking, “I just don’t understand! This shouldn’t be happening.” He glares at the table top as if the pressed glass pattern he designed might hold all the answers.
Hesitantly, you say, “Are you sick or not? How can I help?” You swallow before venturing, “Is this because your hibernation got interrupted?”
He barely seems to hear you, talking to himself and keeping his eyes down as if purposely not looking at you. “Not sick, exactly. No illness. Hibernation, yes, yes. My sunsleep! That’s where it all starts but why? How?” He looks up and you can see his eyes are wildly dilated, now that yours have adjusted to the lower amount of light in here. “None of this makes any sense. It shouldn’t be possible.”
“What shouldn’t be possible?” 
“I’m in heat!” The words burst out of his mouth without his permission and his grip on the table edge goes white-knuckled. He looks embarrassed as your mouth falls open, but he doesn’t take the declaration back even as he snaps his mouth shut tight.
“I’m sorry, you’re what?” you ask, mind spinning, even as you catalog his symptoms in a new light. He is flushed, you hadn’t realized ‘heat’ is quite so literal, but it clearly is. His breathing is too fast, but it's deep too, drawing your attention to his bare chest. The tension in his frame, the dilation of his eyes, your eyes nearly try to track down his body before the table and your own awareness of the situation stops you in your tracks.
You frantically try to remember everything you’ve heard about a naga’s heat. Heshi himself has only mentioned, in passing, that it happens after hibernation between mates, but that’s really all he’s said. Everything else you know, you picked up just, listening around. You haven’t been to help but wonder, what with having a naga friend. An attractive naga friend. An attractive naga friend you had a crush on.
Still, you’d never outright asked anyone—you’d never be able to get the words out—but you know it lasted more than a day, that there is a special significance placed on the first heat after marriage, and that the reason so many naga are born around the same time as a species is because the majority of them are the result of heated matings. Because obviously the other part is that anyone in heat wants to have sex—like, a lot. However, like Heshi himself had always seemed to suggest, you thought it only happened when they already have a partner and possibly only if that other partner was a naga.
“I mean,” your face feels warm and so does the rest of you at just the thought that Heshi might be…riled up—and he so clearly looks it too, now that you’re looking for that. “I thought, you needed, you know, a partner,” you manage to squeak out, “for that to, um, start.” How are you standing here talking about this with him? Is some god upset that your moving out went so well that they’ve thrown this in your path? 
You almost feel like, now that you’re not worried he’s hurt or sick, that it's affecting you too. Could humans sense, smell, naga pheromones? Is it actually warmer in here? 
“Sort of,” he says, a bit miserably, finger tracing along the table, drawing your eyes to the slender digit. “That’s what doesn’t make sense. I’m not with anyone or courting or anything so it shouldn’t be possible. You don’t need someone officially, but you do need someone with potential as a nestmate.”
A shiver of heat and jealousy goes down your spine at the word ‘nestmate’. You think he just means someone else who’d hibernated with him in the same nest—not an actual mate—but the only person even close to that description is you, if only for the last week, which sends a tendril of heat through you. The jealously is at even the thought of someone else, wrapped up in his arms, in his nest, waiting for him to awaken and… “Right,” you say quickly.
“There needs to be complementary pheromones in the air,” he continues explaining as if trying to prove to you why it shouldn’t be possible. “Someone interested in mating with you being close enough, often enough, during hibernation to trigger heat.”
“Oh,” you nod, again trying not to picture this hypothetical other naga that would make your Heshi all... “And you haven’t seen any other naga, right?”
“Well,” he hedges, “it wouldn’t have to be a naga actually.” He shrugs and you try so hard to keep your expression steady at that little admission. Before your mind can run with it, he continues, “but you’re missing the key: receptive. I would have to be around someone who wanted to mate with me.” He presses a hand to his chest before shrugging again. “And I’ve only seen you and Nell, so I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“I…” You swallow, sure your whole face must be turning red because if that’s what brought this on… “You’re sure that’s what’s happening?” If all that’s needed is someone interested in him, sharing his nest then…
He rubs the back of his neck, “I’ve gone into heat once before—years ago.” He gives a sharp nod. “I’m sure.”
Oh gods. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you. If the ground swallowed you up, would that make his stupid heat stop and prevent you from having the most embarrassing conversation of you life? After a second of nothing happening, you burst out with, “Then this is all my fault. I’m so sorry, Heshi.” You squeeze your eyes shut, cursing your stupid feelings for making things ha-difficult for your friend. “How do I make it stop?”
“Your fault?” Heshi’s face screws up in absolute bewilderment. “How in the world could this be your fault?”
“Because what you said earlier was wrong,” you say, trying to force the words out of your mouth, but they’re as jumbled as your thoughts are. “You… I… I didn’t know… I didn’t mean…”
He says your name, sounding calmer than he has all night, clearly trying to ground you, but it's not working because you have to tell him. There’s no getting around it. 
“Darling, what are you—”
“I am, is the problem,” you blurt out, knowing it probably still sounds like nonsense. You hate putting yourself out there, but you have to say it. “Interested or receptive or…” You flap your hand uselessly in his general direction, unable to even look him in the eye. 
“You…” The clear disbelief in his voice, lacking in recrimination as it is, does little to make you feel better.
“I swear I had no idea this would happen.” You finally look at him again, needing him to understand this wasn’t some horrible plan on your part, but he’s still just staring at you in shock. “I tried to sleep in my own bed. And there was only that one dream! Why didn’t you warn me that's what causes your, you know, heat?”
Heshi actually moves out from behind the table, his gaze intent, his expression surprisingly unreadable. You unthinkingly take a step back.Your stupid feelings did this to him, clouding his mind, overwriting his desires. 
He tilts his head to the side. “Are you saying you find me attractive or that you have feelings for me?”
His voice doesn’t give away anything that he’s thinking. You shrug helplessly. “I mean, yeah. Both?”
You barely have time to blink, barely able to see something ripple across his expression before he’s across the room, in front of you. His strong fingers take hold of your chin, tilting you face up towards his. He slants his mouth over yours for a kiss before you can comprehend anything beyond how much heat he seems to be giving, so different than his usual temperature. 
Then there’s nothing on your mind except the feeling of him pressed so close, the softness of his lips, how solid he is against you. Your hand wraps around his wrist, keeping him where he is and his arm slides around your waist—as it has so many times in the last few days—and yet everything is different this time as he pulls you against him. Your other hand curls over his shoulder as you return the kiss instinctively. He pulls away briefly, only to press another kiss to your lips, giving a light pull to first your top lip, then your bottom lip. He flicks his tongue against the seam of yours after that and you let out a gasp at the sensation.
He takes advantage of the opening, pressing even closer, his slender, adroit tongue slipping in. You slide your own against his, causing him to moan. That sound combined with the feeling of his fangs against your lips send a ripple of heat through your veins. 
You tighten your grip on him as he kisses you. You never want him to let you go ever again, you think deliriously as his large hand strokes up and back down your back, encouraging you to arch into him. This is everything you ever wanted with him.
 Everything you wanted.
The thought sends a shard of ice down your spine and abruptly, you find the strength to use your hold on him to push him away. 
You part with pop and stare up at him panting. His eyes are half-lidded and dark, fixed on your lips, and it's not until you try to maintain the distance between you that he seems to notice something is wrong.
“We’re not doing this just because you’re all hormone crazy,” you sputter, trying to push him even further away. “I can’t! Please.”
“Oh, darling.” It’s unfair how liquid and low his voice is. He leans down to catch your eyes with his own. “It still takes two.”
“What?” You can’t take any chance that he might mean—
His smile is warm and encouraging as he says, “You can’t go into heat for someone you don’t want back.” When you just stare at him with surprise, faintly shaking your head, he ducks his head a little before his eyes meet yours again. “Is that so hard to believe? I’ve had a crush on you for ages now.”
Your eyes grow even wider as you try to make sense of his words. “You have?” There’s that shy hope you were trying to avoid, but it's so hard with him continuing to say all the right things, still holding you, still looking well kissed by you.
“For years,” he admits, a little sheepish. “I just didn’t say anything because, well, I lived here and you lived everywhere.” He pushes against your hold again and this time you let him close once more, his breath fanning across your face as you stare, entranced. He nuzzles against you, before pulling back the barest inch to continue, “I thought it was a dream, you saying you were going to stay here, that you wanted to live with me. I felt so guilty for how happy I was that your family finally crossed the line, but I am.”
He looks like he expects you to judge him for that but you’re just waiting to hear what other, wonderful, impossible thing he might say next. He presses his forehead against yours and murmurs, “Because you’re finally here, with me. In my nest, in my arms.”
“Oh,” you breathe, unable to find a single coherent thought to voice in response.
He pulls back again, just slightly, and goes on to say, “I was going to wait until you were more settled, see how you liked living here, living with me—when you were dealing with fewer changes--to see if you might consider…” he looks at you through ridiculously pretty lashes you’ve somehow never noticed until right this second, “consider being with me.”
“Yeah?” your voice is a little teary in the face of his sincerity, his consideration. Heshi. Heshi had a plan to ask you out. Heshi likes you. Heshi wants you. Your mind is spinning and you’re holding back tears and you’ve never felt so many overwhelming good feelings in your life.
He nods with a smile. “Yeah.”
“Yes,” you say, nodding rather vehemently. “I don’t need time and yeah, life is crazy now, but it always is. I want to be with you.” And this time, you pull him down and press your lips to his. The kiss starts sweet, but he lets out something like a whine against your lips in the split second you pull back to breathe. Heat radiates from him and you begin to feel feverish with it too, the desperate need to be closer, even closer. 
Ever since you nudged him from hibernation, you’ve been trying so hard to hold yourself back, to accept his hugs and embraces, but not reach for him. Your arm hooks around his neck as you let yourself pull him to you. He capitulates easily, wrapping arms around you, his tongue along yours as the kiss grows hungrier. You feel something smooth and strong against your legs and moan when you realize his tail is spiraling around you.
At some point you have to breathe and he wastes no time in lunging for the spot where your neck meets your shoulder, his favorite spot to nuzzle, only this time… This time, you gasp out his name as his fangs lightly drag along the spot and he nips. The shiver his mouth inspires only grows when he sets about sucking a mark into your skin.
You groan as he skims his mouth and fangs back up your neck only to pant desperately in your ear, “Want you. So much.” You nod thoughtlessly in his hold.
“Now, please,” he demands, breathy with need.
[Part Eight - NSFW]
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cassidymb121 · 21 days
OMG It’s You (Part 6)
YouTube! Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️Warnings⚠️: rambling, rambling, and more rambling
🏷️: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone @silverstarburst @jusanontstuff @anxiousskylar @drewsandsebastianswife @amararosesblog @niaalove (Taglist open)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
I felt a sense of being overwhelmed as I attempted to set up the PO Box address. Gasping for breath, I went to my desk to power up all the necessary devices. I sank into my chair while waiting for my computers to boot up. I had just started reading an email when I received a call from the post office. After logging into my laptop, I returned to the email to continue reading.
Dear Y/N,
We closely follow your channel and greatly appreciate your insightful reviews on K-pop albums. On behalf of everyone here at JYP Entertainment, we are pleased to offer you exclusive access to Stray Kids' newest mini album, Oddinary. We kindly request that you refrain from releasing the video until the official release date. We would also request early access to the video to arrange for Stray Kids to watch it together before the release. We sincerely appreciate your continuous support for Stray Kids. Thank you.
Park Jin-young
I almost wanted to roll my eyes when he asked me not to release the video until everyone could access the mini-album. Like, I would even think about doing that anyway. I click on the attachment below where the mini album sits, waiting to be listened to. I look back at all the stuff I brought from the post office and drop my shoulders. ‘Do I want to record this video first, or wait and make a video about all the stuff I got from the fans?’ That thought alone was already making my head hurt. “On one hand, if I go ahead and listen to the mini album, all I’ll have to do is edit it. However, I’ll have all these packages and letters littering my room.
On the other hand, if I do the stuff from the fans, I might be unable to record the mini album video before it releases.” I say aloud to myself. I knew that no longer sitting here would prevent me from doing anything.
After making up my mind, I decided to make a short video showing all the stuff I got from the post office and then review the mini album. So that way, I can edit it and have it ready. In the meantime, I can start opening up the mail I’ve gotten from the fans. Satisfied with the plan I’ve conjured in my head, I get started on executing my plan.
Before I go any further, I type up a professional email to JYP thanking him for the access and promise not to release the video until everyone else has access.
After creating a brief video showcasing the items I received and promising to film myself opening the packages, I uploaded it to my channel. Next, I retrieved the attachment for the mini album. I reached for my headphones from the rack on my desk and plugged them into my laptop. After conducting thorough sound checks to ensure the viewers and I could hear the music clearly, I proceeded to freshen up and grab something to eat once everything was set up to my liking.
Returning to my seat, I feel refreshed after showering and having a satisfying meal. I lean back and settle in, cleaning my teeth thoroughly with brushing and flossing. I need to present myself well to my audience, and I want to avoid any distractions, like food stuck between my teeth, that could detract from the experience. The thought of it gives me chills.
Grabbing my favorite pair of over-ear headphones, I carefully place them over my ears, ensuring they fit snugly. I double-check the microphone to ensure it's picking up my voice clearly, adjusting the distance as needed. Taking a moment to compose myself, I settle into my chair and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. With everything in place, I press the button to turn on my camera and count to five before flashing a warm smile and beginning my address to everyone watching.
“Hello Lovelies! So, I have some fascinating news for all of you. I received an email from a certain company and have been given early access to this artist's mini-album. That’s right! JYP has given me early access to Stray Kids newest Mini Album!” I start excitingly clapping to myself and smiling as wide as I can. “Now, while I may be getting to listen to this early, this video will not hit my channel until the actual release date comes. I will also upload this video once everyone has access to it. As most of you know, I listen to the whole album and then talk about it—what I like about it, what stands out most, etc. Still, in the end, I will give this album an honest review and rate it from 1 to 10. So, let’s get started.”
Third Person POV
The boys were called into one of the offices, and you could say they did not feel this would be a good meeting. Even when they get to the room, they see their boss already there with a laptop. Chan, getting ready to take the heat from their boss for the group, gets stopped by JYP. “I didn't call you here because you did anything. I called you here for quite the opposite.” The boys were about to ask him what they were called in for, but their boss beat them. “I have something that I want you boys to watch. I think you will enjoy this. Leave the laptop when you’re done and press play when ready.” He tells them, leaving them with the laptop. Once he leaves the room and the boys can no longer hear his footsteps, they rush to the computer. They hesitate before pressing play, but what they see leaves them speechless.
It’s a video of Y/N, and they see that their boss gave her early access to their comeback album. Before they get too far into the video, they get chairs to be comfortable while watching her listen to their music. Changbin brings up the idea of connecting the laptop to the projector so it's not crowded around a small screen. They all agreed and fixed everything; all they had to do was press play on the laptop. Once everything is set, Chan clicks on the play button. All attention turns to the screen showing their favorite YouTuber.
“So, Stray Kids newest comeback album is called Oddinary and I will edit in a picture of what the cover looks like.” Before talking about it, she adds a picture of what their cover looks like. “Just from looking at it, I would say it looks pretty dope, like a screen-like mannequin head with screws showing out of it. Their color scheme is green, black, silver, and maybe purple. The titles on the album are, in order, Venom. Maniac. Charmer.Freeze. Lonely St. Waiting For Us with Bang Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin, and I.N. Muddy Water with Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, and Felix. I like all these song titles. Waiting For Us will be a tearjerker, so I must have my tissues on standby.”The boys start laughing and nudging each other. She bites her bottom lip while moving her cursor to the first song. “I’m going to listen to the songs in order, and I might save Waiting For Us last since I want to make sure Muddy Water gets a fair chance. Plus, I would cry in the end. Okay, without further ado, let’s get started.” The boys watch and gauge her reaction to each song. She tells them that she will talk about each song after listening to them all. When she reaches the end, she stops playing the last song. “Wow. I’m trying to save all my thoughts until after I listen to Waiting For Us. Why am I so nervous about listening to this? I know it will be a good song, but this one might knock it out of the park.” She shakes her head. “Alright, let’s do this. I’ve got my tissues on hand.” The boys laugh with her. The music starts to play, and her reaction changes right away.
Chan sees her go ahead and grab a tissue. Lee Know sees that her eyes start to look shiny. Changbin says that she’s gripping the tissue in her hand tightly. Hyunjin notices that she’s trying to keep her face neutral but fails to smile. Han watches as a stray tear falls down her face, even though she’s happy. Felix’s eyes follow her hand as she wipes her face with the tissue. Seungmin looks as she replays the song again. I.N. watches as she closes her eyes, listening deeply to the words, and tears stream down her face. At the very end, she removes her headphones, looks off to the side, and then laughs.
“I told you I was going to cry. I knew it was inevitable.” The boys smile at the girl on the screen, waiting for her review. “I will give this mini album a 100 out of 10. It has some great aspects to it. I love how each song fits and feels with the album title. There was a reason why I left Waiting For Us last: because I knew I would fall in love with it and did not want to listen to the other tracks. As it turns out, I was right.” She and the boys laugh.
“One thing about listening to a song for the first time is that not all click with you immediately. Everyone is different. Sometimes, it may take a few listens before you think, ‘I dig this song.’ Others will like it right away. I would say that I loved each song, but a couple of songs that didn’t click right away were Venom and Muddy Water. Now, does that mean I don’t like those songs? No, I enjoy them. That’s like the IN LIFE album. At first, The Tortoise and the Hare didn’t click with me. I loved the lyrics and the music, but a couple of parts in the song threw me off. Now that song can be put on repeat, I wouldn’t get tired of hearing it repeatedly. The moral of all the nonsense I’m saying is that sometimes songs don’t click right away but end up promising.”
The boys, watching her intently, wait for her final words. “I made two edits of this video since I knew I wanted to send one to the guys.” The boys freeze up as she looks straight into the camera before continuing. “Stray Kids. If you’re watching this right now, I want you to know how proud I am of all of you. You’ve come this far, and you’re still doing an amazing job. You keep showing Stays daily that you still have tricks up your sleeves.” She smiles at them. “Keep up the good work, but take care of yourselves. That means taking breaks, ensuring you eat, and getting the necessary sleep.” She points at the camera, “That means you too, Christopher.” She raises her eyebrows. “Don’t make me fly over there and force you to sleep.” The boys start to tease their leader with her mocking words. He waves their hands away, trying to listen to what she has to say. “Well, that’s it for the video! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did until we meet again. Bye!” She smiles, waving at the camera.
(A/N: I decided to add this in because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ The reader gets first access to Stray Kids mini album and Stray Kids get early access of the reader reacting to their newest comeback. I’ll be doing a second part to this chapter specifically to the reader videoing herself opening the packages from her fans (Including the boys 🤪)
(With a special surprise 😏)
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scarlethexelove · 10 months
A Crazy Love Story
Tumblr media
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader, Natasha x Wanda (Platonic), Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: When Wanda gets a call that her wife has been in a car accident what will happen next in their crazy lives.
Word Count: 4.6K
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Depression, Coma, Pregnancy's, maybe a bit of Angst, Probably more
A/N: This is a work that I had originally posted on ao3. So I figured I might edit it a bit and post it over here.
Wanda and Nat were sitting on the couch in the compound finishing up paperwork. The room was silent, the only thing that could be heard was the typing of the computers and the sounds of pencil on paper. Occasionally the sounds of a wine glass being picked up or put back down.
The silence was interrupted when Nat’s phone started ringing. She looked at the number that flashed across the screen, she didn’t know it, so she hit ignore on it. If it was important, they would call back or leave a message. It just so happens to be that important cause her phone starts to ring again. This time she picks it up.
“Hello?” Natasha questioned over the phone. “Hello, is this Natasha Romanoff?” The lady on the other end of the phone asked. “Yes, this is her.” Nat responses the the woman questioning what this could be about. “I’m a Nurse at NYC Health Bellevue Hospital. You are one of the emergency contacts for Y/n Maximoff. We tried to contact her wife, but nothing ever went through.” Nat stops listening and looks to Wanda. “Wanda, where is your phone?” Wanda picks up her phone and looks down at it sadly, noticing that it is currently dead. “It’s dead.”
Nat is brought back to the conversation with the other woman. “Ma’am, Y/n has been in an accident, and you should get here as soon as possible.” The woman on the other end of the phone says as she brings Natasha back to the conversation on the phone. “We’ll be right there.” Nat hangs up the phone, putting her laptop down and getting up. “Wanda get up now we have to go.”
“Nat what is going on? Where do we need to go? We haven't finished our reports yet.” Nat walks over to Wanda and places her laptop on the table in front of her. “Y/n has been in an accident, we have to go.”
Wanda felt like all the air in her lungs had been pushed out hearing those words fall from Natasha’s lips. She gets up off the couch in a daze as Nat pulls her towards the garage. Wanda stumbles along behind her not knowing how to feel or think.
The two of them barge past the boys not being able to hear a word coming from them as their minds only focus on you. Nat pulls Wanda out into the garage, grabbing her keys off the hook and heading straight to her car. Wanda gets in the passenger seat as Nat gets into the driver seat. The drive was silent. Both Wanda and Nat’s minds racing. Nat’s mind flash’s back to different memories.
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When she first met you, you were 18 and fresh out of the academy. Becoming a top SHIELD agent was something you were striving for. You were great at hacking, but you were also skilled in combat making you a versatile agent.  She knew you were fresh out, but she could see your determination and your drive to do your best.
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Nat’s mind then flashes to when she truly started to care for you and wanted nothing more than to protect you. “I know it’s late and I hate to call you … but I need some help. I have no one else to call.”
Your voice sounded so small on the other end of the phone. The longer you talked the quieter your voice got. It sounded like you had been crying and maybe in some sort of pain. “I’ll text you my address.” Before Nat could say anything back to you, she heard the phone line go dead. But just like you promised your address popped up on her screen.
Nat got in her car and drove to your place. Getting there way before the estimated time. She rushed up the stairs going to the exact apartment number that you had sent her. She double checked the address from her phone and where she was currently standing before knocking on the door.
Nat hears a barely audible come in. She pushed open the door, shocked to see a trashed apartment. Glasses shattered everywhere. The coffee table was broken and the kitchen table overturned. That is when she spotted you curled up in the corner of the room. Your knees were pulled up to your chest as you lay your head on your knees. She could see a trail of blood that leads up to you.
Nat quickly moves over and crouches down in front of you just now hearing the light sobs coming from your lips. “Y/n?” You lift your head to look at Natasha in front of you. Nat looks at your face seeing a deep gash that is about 3 inches long on your cheek that is just below your left eye. Your right eye is just about completely swollen shut.
“I’m sorry.” You say to Nat in a low strangled voice. “Y/n what happened?” Nat felt anger inside her seeing you like this. “Lucy, s-, she.” You struggled to get your words out, stopping when a loud sob broke through your lips. “I’m going to kill her.” Nat said, going to stand up and find your worthless girlfriend. “Nat please.” You whimpered, grabbing her hand before she had a chance to get away. Causing her to crouch back down in front of you.
Nat has hated your girlfriend since the day she met her. You two have been together for 2 years now. Moving in together only 6 months ago. She never trusted her, but now she wanted to kill her for hurting you.
“Fine.” Nat huffed looking at your small figure in front of her. She knew she couldn’t leave you like this. Nat helped you get up off the floor and into your shared bedroom with the jackass. You had blood all over your cloths all of it being your own. You needed some clean cloths, but you struggled to pull your shirt over your head. Nat came up behind you and helped you lift it over your head. As your arms dropped back to your sides Nat notices that your right side is just one giant complete bruise. She notices the faded older bruises and the ones that aren’t so faded yet around your torso.
“Y/n/n how long has this been going on for?” Nat gritted her teeth as she helped you pull a clean shirt over your head. You held back tears looking at Nat directly in her eyes. “6 months.” You say as a whisper.
Nat knew you could defend yourself, but for someone to have this much power over someone that they won’t even defend themselves makes her see red. Her face hardens, knowing that as soon as you moved in with her, she started beating you. You, of all people, never deserved that.
Nat was about to rush out of your room when she noticed a blood spot forming on the front of your clean shirt. She lifted it up just to the point of the blood to see that she had missed the small stab wound that was on your abdomen.
“You need to go to the hospital.” Nat said dropping your shirt and taking your hand to lead you out of the room. “No, please. I can’t go. May and Peter will find out if I do.” Scared of what your family would think of you in this weak position. “Y/n you need help. Your ribs are broken, you’ve been stabbed, and your cheek is still bleeding.”
“I can’t.” Your eyes started to water again as Nat pulled you into her embrace. “I know someone who can help you.” You shook your head yes in her chest. This was the night that Nat took you to the Avenger’s tower. Bruce had set your ribs back in place. Stitched up your stab wound and the cut on your cheek. You lived at the tower for a few years. Nat had called some other SHIELD agents to get your things out of that apartment. This was the night that you two became best friends and sisters.
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Nat’s memory goes forward to a year and a half later. You're now 23 years old and were dating some other SHIELD agent that you had met at work. Nat thought you were safe with her since she was a SHIELD agent. But you had pushed everyone away.
Nat had, had enough and went over to your girlfriend’s place after not hearing from you in a week. Maria had called her saying you hadn’t shown up for work in 3 days. She was worried so she didn’t hesitate to barge into your girlfriend’s place. She heard screaming coming from the bedroom.
When she walked in, she saw your girlfriend banging on the door and screaming at it. She didn’t see you, but she heard your sobs from the other side.
“What the hell are you doing?” Nat yelled, catching the attention of your girlfriend. “What the hell are you doing in my apartment?” Your girlfriend asked. But Nat didn’t back down just moving closer to your girlfriend. “I said what the hell are you doing?” Nat said through gritted teeth. “This is no concern of yours Natasha!” Your girlfriend spat. Her words were laced with venom. “It has everything to do with me. You better get the fuck out of here before I make you.” Nat stalked closer to your girlfriend who is utterly terrified of her. So, she throws up her hands and rushes out of the room.
Nat walks to the door and knocks on it slowly still hearing you crying from the other side. “Go away.” You whimper trying to sound confident. “Y/n/n it’s me Nat. Please let me in.” The door swings open and you just jump into her arms. “Natty?” You can't help the tears that fall. “I’ve got you.” This relationship didn’t have physical abuse like the last, but she mentally broke you down and you stopped talking to friends and family as time went on. It only took a few short months for you to pull completely away from everyone. But Nat wasn’t going to give up on you that easily.
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Soon Nat was back to the present with her thoughts when she pulled up to the Hospital. Not even remembering the drive to the hospital, only thinking of you. Nat parked the car and jumped out the car running towards the door Wanda right in front of her. They both run up to the main reception desk.
“Excuse me, I'm looking for Y/n Maximoff.” Wanda asks the nurse who was sitting behind the desk. The nurse starts typing on the computer looking at it intently before she looks back up to Wanda and Nat. “It looks like she is currently in surgery.” The nurse points behind them. “That officer was the responding officer.” Wanda nods tears in her eyes. “Thank you.” Wanda rushes over towards the officer who is talking to a family. The man is covered in blood, the woman is holding a small child, and another child is latched onto her leg.
“Excuse me officer, the nurse said you may know about my wife’s accident.” Wanda's voice is smaller than ever as she speaks. “Wanda Maximoff?” The officer asks her. “Yes.” The officer motions for them to move away from the family that is giving them sad looks.
“Your wife was in an accident earlier today. Someone ran her car into oncoming traffic.” He points to the family. “Her car was about to hit that family and according to witnesses she swerved the car out of the way of them running straight into a barrier. Her car flipped over and landed down in a ditch. The family she almost hit helped get her out of the overturned car and was there when paramedics arrived. We don’t have any leads on the car that ran her into traffic, but we are investigating.” The officer hands Wanda a card with his information on it as before walking away. Wanda and Nat walked over to the family who had sad smiles on their faces. Wanda held out her hand to the man.
“Thank you for helping my wife.” The man shakes Wanda’s hand. “It was the least I could do. It looked like someone really wanted to hurt her and she decided to save my family at the risk of her own life.” Tears were freely flowing down Wanda’s face knowing that you would do anything to help people no matter the cost.
The interaction with the family was quick and filled with a lot of thank yous from both sides. After the family left Wanda and Nat went to sit down in the waiting room.
Several hours passed filled with anxiety and fear waiting to hear anything about your condition. But then Wanda and Natasha were pulled from their thoughts as a surgeon walks up. “Wanda Maximoff?” Wanda scrambles to her feet followed by Natasha. “That’s me.” Wanda’s accent is thick due to worry and concern for you.
“I’m Dr. Grey, your wife is out of surgery and is currently being taken to a room. Her left leg was shattered in the crash. We had to put several plates and screws and also needed the use of rods. She had some internal bleeding that was determined to be from the liver. She also has a nasty gash on her head and currently looks to be doing fine but we will keep a close eye on it. I am happy to tell you that your wife and baby are doing just fine. You can head on into her room whenever you are ready.” Wanda mumbled out a thank you. The words baby ringing through her head over and over again. Nat hearing it also was confused by the words. She hasn’t heard anything about the two of you trying for kids. There is no way you would cheat on Wanda would you. No, it can’t be.
Wanda is heading towards your room with Natasha hot on her heels. As they get there, they see you laying in the bed looking so broken. They could see the rods sticking out of your leg all the way from your hip down to your ankle. They could see the gash that the doctor was talking about, some of it poking out from your hairline on the top left of your forehead. Your face was covered in small lacerations as were your arms.
Before Natasha could ask Wanda about the baby an ultrasound tech walked into the room with a machine. “Hello, I came to check on the baby and see if there is any concern.” The woman walked to your right side and began to perform the ultrasound. Wanda went to your left and was holding onto your hand as she watched the screen. The room was silent, no one knew what to say or do. All that could be heard was the beeps from your heart monitor and the swishing sound from the ultrasound.
The tech took a shot of the screen and smiled at Wanda. “Well, would you look there?” She marked two locations on the screen. “Looks like you're having twins.” Wanda felt the tears streaming down her face as the tech handed her a photo that she had printed that showed both babies, one marked A and the other B. “Congratulations.”
Wanda gripped onto the photo looking at the two small jelly beans in the photo. Blinking away tears as the tech continued taking some more photos and printing a few more and placing them into a small envelope.
Nat had her hand on Wanda’s shoulder looking at the photo that was tightly gripped in her hands. The tech left after leaving the photos with Nat as Wanda was still clutching the first one.
“Wanda?” Nat tries to get Wanda's attention. “I’m sorry Nat. I’m sorry. We wanted to wait to tell everyone when we knew she was actually pregnant. We’ve been trying for months but it always ended up being negative. I didn’t know this one took.” Nat spun Wanda around and pulled her in a hug as Wanda sobbed into the crock of her neck. “It’s ok Wanda. They are all ok and looks like you two are having twins.” Wanda sobbed harder at the thought of having twins just like what she is. “I’m so happy for you two Wanda.” Nat cooed as she rubbed her hand on Wanda’s back trying to calm her down. Wanda started to calm down as it really dawned on her that you were pregnant and you two were going to have twins. She turns back to look at you with a small smile on her face.
Wanda sat down on your left side holding onto your hand as Nat went to the right and just watched you. They sat there for an hour when all of a sudden, your monitors started to beep like crazy and your body began to convulse.
Nat quickly smacked the emergency button. Soon the room was flooded with doctors and nurses. Wanda and Nat were moved to the end of the bed watching as they worked on you. The two girls holding each other in an embrace.
The doctor opened your eyes and flashed the light seeing that your pupil was blown. “We have to get her back into surgery right now. Someone page Dr. Greene.” The team of them started moving you out of the room leaving Wanda and Nat standing there both having tears stream down their faces.
Before they could do anything, Nat’s phone started to ring. She looks down as Tony’s name flashes across the screen. “What Tony.” Nat bites not in the mood for the man. “We need you and witchy back at the compound now.” Tony is heard through the phone. “Tony that is not going to happen. Y/n was in an accident, and they just had to take her back to surgery.”
Tony was silent for a second taking in the news. Nat and Wanda had forgotten to inform anyone else of the situation. “Can you make it? We are under attack by Hydra.” Nat huffed knowing that Tony wouldn’t ask if he didn’t really need the help. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“What’s wrong?” Wanda asks concerned just from the one side of the conversation that she could hear. “The compound is under attack. I told Stark you are staying here but I’ll go help.” Nat explains. “Are you sure?” Wanda questions, not really wanting to go but knows if they need her she has to go. “He wouldn’t ask if he didn’t truly need it. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
With that Nat left out the room. Wanda didn’t want to sit in there by herself, so she went into the hall seeing some chairs lining the hallway a few feet from your room. She sat down waiting for you to come back to her.
Wanda waited for hours fidgeting with her rings as she stared at the wall or sometimes the clock on the wall waiting for you to come back. Wanda was so in her own head she hadn’t notice the person who sat next to her. They placed a hand on hers stopping her from fidgeting. She looked up meeting the green eyes of Natasha. “Your back.”
“And I brought some friends.” Nat gestured behind her as Wanda seen the team standing behind her. Wanda’s attention was taken away from them when she heard the sounds of a gurney coming towards them. She looked back seeing them wheeling you back into your room and the doctor once again coming up to her.
“We were able to stop the brain bleed without any complications. We made sure to keep a monitor on your wife and babies. They all did just fine.” The doctor explains. “Thank you.” The doctor turned around leaving as Wanda headed back into your room taking the same seat as before. The whole of the Avengers following into the room. Peter pushes from the back of the group towards you and Wanda.
“Babies?” Peter questions Wanda as he looks at you. His older sister that has spent years helping to train him. “You’re going to be an Uncle Peter.” Wanda gave Peter a small smile. Peter’s demeanor changed to happy and giddy as he looked between Wanda and you. It was still sad that you were hurt but so exciting knowing that he was going to be an uncle.
“Wait didn’t the doctor say babies, as in more than one.” Steve asked. Wanda shook her head with a smile. “Twins.” Still excited by the news. “Congrats Witchy.” Tony said with a smile on his face.
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It has been a week since your accident, and you have yet to wake up. They had you in a medically induced coma for the first 5 days but have weened you off of that. The doctors think you will wake up soon, but it is hard to tell.
Nat was sat in the same chair as Wanda was in hers. Nat was reading a book as they hoped and prayed that you would wake up soon. Wanda looked at you with tears in her eyes.
“Nat.” Wanda said softly. “I can’t lose her. It’s been 2 days and she still hasn’t woken up.” Nat places her book down on the stand next to your bed. “Wanda you are not going to lose her. She is too stubborn for that.” Nat tries to reassure Wanda. “I can’t take losing another person. First my parents, then Pietro, and then Vision.” Wanda started to cry looking at how peaceful you looked.
“You know before Y/n met you, she had given up on love. After Lucy and that crazy bitch, she swore to me that she was done. She didn’t think she deserved to be loved, all love had ever brought her was hurt. The strongest person I know was beaten down and broken cause she couldn’t bring herself to fight the person hurting her. Then you came along, and I had never seen her so in love. She wanted to push it down and never let it happen. But you who never seems to give up on love brought it out of her. I wish that Maria and I can match up to what you two have. Don’t give up on our girl now she’s a fighter.” The tears flowed freely from Wanda as she looked at you in so much admiration and love. Nat was right your stubborn and a fighter.
“I love her so much.” Wanda mumbled. “I love you too.” A whisper came from your lips as you slowly blinked your eyes trying to get use to the bright lights of the room. Wanda grasped your hand in hers as she looked into your y/e/c eyes. “Baby.” Happy tears fill Wanda's eyes.
“What happened?” You questioned trying to remember and understand why you’re in the hospital. “You were in an accident but you’re ok.” Wanda places a hand on your cheek. Her thumb brushing over the scar below your eye. Something she always does to calm and comfort you.
You look to your wife and see a small photo sticking out of her hoodie pocket. You instantly recognize what the photo is just from the top corner of it.
In a small flash, you remember what happened that day. You were worried that all your symptoms of pregnancy were just another tick from your body. You had seen how much it crushed Wanda each time the test was negative. So, to stop her from going through the pain you decided that you would take the test on your own for the first time, but you had run out of test the last time, so you had to go to the store.
On your way to the store a black SUV rammed into your car continuing to push you into the opposite lanes traffic. You could see the car carrying a family getting closer and they had no where to go so in your split decision you swerved and hit the barrier on the other side of them. That was the last thing you remember before now.
Your brain runs at a million miles an hour panicking thinking that you hurt that family. You also think that you may have just killed your baby. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I should have waited and now… now…”
You sob as your try and get your words out. Wanda hates reading your mind, but she does hear what you’re thinking. Since your words come out as a sob. “No, no, baby. It isn’t your fault. They are all alright. The family is ok, our babies are ok.”
“It was Hydra’s fault. They used you to help split up the team. But we got them Y/n/n they won’t hurt you again.” Nat had filled Wanda in on the events that happened when she left. They had figured out that it was Hydra behind everything. They knew if you were hurt that both Wanda and Nat would be by your side taking them out of the fight. But what they didn’t expect was for Nat to go back and for Peter to be there.
Wanda takes your face in her hands making you look into her eyes and see that everything is fine. As your sobs turn into sniffles you realize just what your wife had just said to you. “Babies?” You question. “Yes babies.” Wanda pulls the ultrasound out from her pocket. She hands it to you. You look down at it seeing it marked with an A and a B with two small jellybeans underneath the letter. You start to cry happy tears as you take in the image in front of you. “Twins.” Wanda nods at your words. “Twins.” Wanda repeats.
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Your now 4 months along in your pregnancy. You and Wanda have been living at the compound since your apartment was compromised. You two want to find a house but with your recovery and pregnancy it has been hard.
Your mood has been down recently. Hating that you can’t do anything on your own paired with the hormones from your pregnancy you start to get angry and distant.
Right now, you were being stubborn, and you needed to go to the bathroom, but you didn’t want to call for help. So, you took it upon yourself and got up and tried to head to the bathroom. Quickly losing your balance and falling on your ass. Letting out a yelp of pain from hitting the ground.
Wanda comes running in the room seeing you sitting on the ground and struggling to get back up. “Baby why didn’t you call me?” Wanda moves over to you to try and help you up, but you swat her away and continue to try and get yourself up. “Baby please let me help you. You could hurt yourself.”
“I’m fine.” You roll your eyes. “You’re not fine and that’s ok.” Wanda tries to still help you even if you don't want it. “No, it’s not. I can’t do a single damn thing by myself. I have to sit in bed all day and have you wait on me hand and foot.” You spit angrily. “I don’t mind, I just want to help you.” She tries to reassure you more. “Help me! Help me! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be in this mess. They used me to get to you and now look at me I’m pathetic and broken.”
Wanda stepped back from you with tears in her eyes. She knew that you have been beating yourself up over what happened, and you were just pissed. You finally snapped and took it out on the next person.
“God, I’m so useless.” You struggle to try and bring yourself up. Wanda watches you wanting to help but knowing right now you’re breaking. Soon tears start to stream down your cheeks as you give up. You place your hands over your face as you begin to sob.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.” Wanda moves over crouching down next to you and pulls you into her chest as you continue to cry and keep your face covered. “I know baby. I know.”
“No, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m sorry.” You sob feeling bad for snaping at Wanda. Wanda continues to hold you as you continue to cry and mumble sorry. Finally, your cries turn into sniffles, and you stop saying sorry. Your hands fall from your face as you look up at Wanda. She has a small smile on your face letting you know everything was going to be ok.
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thelvrsera · 5 months
Snowed In
Request : (yes)
Warnings : none
Paring : Jimmy Keene (black bird) x fem! Reader
Words : 1,622
a/n : its been snowing a lot recently where I am at, a whole whopping 9 Inches of white powdered rain lies outside my home as we speak. So why not incorporate it into this little fic.
Using female/female identifying terms! I can always edit it in post <3
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The fall of the snow came heavy as the hours ticked by making the day feel a lot longer than it should have been . The expensive car that sat outside the front of house, was now covered by a thick coat of cold powder, the branches on the trees swayed as it carried the weight of the snow on its limbs. It never seemed to bother Jimmy a bit , but it did bother y/n to an extent. She hated the way it clung to her clothes , making everything slightly damp , or the way it would make getting to and from work the biggest fight of your life.
Nonetheless, it never seemed to suppress her mood as she was stuck behind the four walls of her boyfriend’s home , where it was warm and a random episode of Dawsons Creek played that they’ve both seen countless times. A book that once rested between nimble fingers laid face down on the dining room table , that was only picked up and read by Jimmy throughout the day. It was always rare to see him pick up any kind of book. A novel, an instruction manual, if it had words and a cover? He’d rather be dead than be caught reading any thing of the sort. y/n was the only one who knew about his secret love for reading , how he found it easier to pick up a book rather than leaving his house for a night on the town.
The book had remained untouched for about an hour , until Jimmy came waltzing into the living area with two wine glasses and a bottle of Chardonnay , humming a tune from a Frank Sinatra song as he sat both glasses on the coffee table and filled them a little under half way as he tossed the cork behind him somewhere amongst the room , possibly hidden behind the suitcases left behind the sofa from a vacation over the holidays. As Jimmy was satisfied with the contents in the glass, he lifted the woman’s legs up from their stretched state and had a seat , allowing her to stretch them back out across his lap. All she could do was close her laptop halfway and look at him as she sat up and grabbed one of the glasses holding the contents of the white wine. Y/n swirled the beverage around a little before sipping at it , a small hum of acknowledgement coming from her lips as she sat in thought for a moment.
“When did we buy a bottle of Chardonnay?” she spoke , curiosity striking her as she remembered skimming the cabinet for some type of wine , but there was none in sight .
All James could do was chuckle at her , remembering the hotel they stayed at that provided the bottle in a small bucket full of ice to keep it cool . “I swiped it from that hotel . No one else was going to drink it , and it was free . Win – win situation if you ask me” he had replied , his pearly white smile showing through plump pink lips as he gave a small smile before raising the glass to his lips and sipping at the alcoholic beverage.
Y/n’s eyes just followed his movements , the laptop now laid on the coffee table as admired the man on the sofa with her. The way the one vein in his bicep always protruded out of his arm as if he wasn’t wearing his own skin , like it was a hemmed seam of some sort. The way he delicately held the expensive wine glass between his fingers. It was unusual to see a man who possibly had the strength to tear apart a man from limb to limb , be so gentle with an object that could break so easily . It almost brought tears to her eyes at how delicate he could be with inanimate objects , how delicate he could be with her . She wondered how she got so lucky to be sitting here , to be loved by a man like him , it was a strange feeling to say the least , but her thoughts were disrupted as she heard him speak.
“y/n ? hello ? you alright there , honey ?” Jimmy asked , a wave of relief washing over him as she finally blinked . It was almost as if she was frozen , completely in a whole other world as she sat there , but he didn’t mind it at all . If it were up to him , he would sit there and stare at her all day.
Y/n let out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding in as she nodded softly , a smile painting her features as she sat up a little , trying to get comfortable in the spot she was in . “yeah ! yeah , I’m alright . just… lost in thought I suppose “ she replied , playing with the cuffed end of the sweatshirt she was wearing that a size too big for her , signaling it belonged to the man on the other end of the sofa . It kept her warm to say the least , besides the pair of sleep shorts she was wearing which exposed the skin on her legs a little more than she was used too , but nonetheless , she was thankful it was warmer inside than it was outside.
Jimmy shuffled around on the sofa so he could face her , sitting with one foot tucked under him and the other planted on the floor as he leaned over to place his glass on the table . No one felt like cooking , and there was one takeout place that was still open , it had quickly became both of their favorite spot when they had started dating.
"Y'know we could order takeout , and watch one of those shitty comedies" Jimmy spoke , and quickly added "We don't have too , but if you're up for it , I can go and make the call real fast." He knew doing takeout every once in a while was thing they both liked , and y/n never turned it down for anything.
All she gave in return was a small nod in agreement , and she watched as he hopped off the couch and made his way into the kitchen to retrieve the number that was tucked away into a random drawer .
After take out was ordered and eventually ate , and the classic comedy Billy Madison was watched , both parties resigned on the couch for the rest of the night , too full to move and too tired to stay awake.
Jimmy was now rested on the couch as he used the arm rest as a place to rest his head as y/n used the man beneath her as a pillow of some sort , with a random throw blanket from the storage closet wrapped around them both to keep them warm . It was strange falling asleep at such an early time as 6:30 in the evening , the time change that occurred months ago made days short and nights longer , but y/n couldn't complain , she enjoyed days like this.
As the credits of the movie played , all y/n could do was drag her body up a little further so she could rest her head a little higher on Jimmy's chest , being able to hear his heartbeat against her ear , trying to memorize the pattern of the rhythm it gave , it was her favorite song , a song she never wanted to stop hearing whether it was now or forever. It was a song so soothing it was engraved into her brain.
Jimmy was half asleep as he played with the loose strands of the womans hair , letting every fiber tell him a different story , the whole "hair holds memories" theory playing a key factor in his mind. He kept fading in and out , between sleeping in short intervals and waking up for split second to keep twirling a section of y/n's hair between his middle and index finger. This was peace on Earth to him. No fighting , no arguing , and no distractions in between . It was just him , his lover , and the song playing from the ending credits of the comedy film displayed on the television.
Y/n looked up at the man for a moment before giving a small smile , admiring the sleepy state he was in , she knew there was no way in hell they'd move from this sofa until tomorrow . She leaned up and pressed a small kiss to his jaw , the only place she could reach him without moving too far and making him stir . Y/n whispered a small "i love you " to him before resting her head back upon his chest and falling into a deep slumber as more snow continued to fall right outside the window . There was no one else she'd rather be snowed in with than Jimmy.
a/n : WOO WOO FIRST FIC IN THE BAG! i actually feel really confident about this one , its by far my favorite thing i have written in my years of writing , it almost made me tear up a little writing it. It is just a little rushed as i had started writing it a couple days ago and lost my train of thought, but it all gets better from here!!
Thank you , anon , for such a beautiful request <3
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anormalweirdo · 11 months
Alright yall imagine this with me
Part two
You’re a YouTuber with a somewhat popular following of around 35k. Considering how close you are with the fans you have they are fully aware of your major crush on the popular guitarist Yuji Itdadori. Something about that pink haired man just had you in a chokehold real bad. The things you wanted to do to him just for him to not notice you at all was absolutely insane😫. On a serious note you decided to challenge your fans to see how willing they are to embarrass you on your social media. “Hey you guys I’ve noticed how close we are to 50k and I thank you all so much and I love you all. I’ve decided to create a little challenge for you guys to spice things up. If we can get to 50k by the end of the year I'll personally contact my favorite YouTuber, which y'all should know who that is by now and I'll try to see if he'll be willing to Collab with me." You continue on with your video and call it a night thinking nothing of it.
You wake up around 2pm and get ready for your day. Washing your face, brushing your teeth, fixing up your hair and all of that good stuff. You set your mind to ordering food rather than making anything, especially considering the fact that you have videos you need to edit. "Alright y/n let's get this shit started so we don't have to do anything later". You sit on he couch with your laptop in hand and quickly get to work. Around 15 minutes go by and you hear a knock at your door. "Ouuu that's my food!" You say while hopping out of your couch. You rush to the door and open it. You see a boy who looks no order than 18 who has your bag of food. You see the boys face go from completely uninterested to wide eyed with his jaw literally touching the floor. "You're Y/N! Like the YouTuber" he says excitedly. "Oh yea wassup" "I'm such a big fan! Can I have a picture?!" The excited boy said quickly. "I don't look the best right now but I'll let ya slide since you brought me food" you say. You take your picture with him and he gives you your food. You rush back to your couch to continue your editing while you eat your food
You post your video and soon after begin your nighty routine and soon hope into your bed. You're scrolling through Instagram when you see him. Yuji Itadori. Something about him makes you melt into a big ass puddle of water. All of those tattoos covering his arms. Ouuu those arms, those big juicy arms. He's just all around sexy and many others can definitely agree. He's a big YouTuber with around 500k subscribers easy. You wonder how you could even get someone like him to notice you. You chose to ignore all those thoughts for now and go to sleep. You feel your eyes become heavy as you lay your head on your pillow and almost fall asleep immediately.
You wake up to a few notifications on your phone. A couple of likes on your new video and some tweets. You yawn and get up to do your morning routine. Once done you sit on bed you look at your phone. 'maybe my video will blow up if I post it on TikTok' you thought. Thinking nothing of it you decide to post some clips of your video to TikTok to see if you can at least reach your goal. Now don't get me wrong you knew there was a possibility your goal could have been met but trying to get the Yuji Itadori to Collab with you was gonna be hard as hell. Especially considering the fact he has over 500k subscribers. 500k!!!! You're not even at 100k, but you made a promise to your fans. You chose to ignore it for the night and went to bed.
Over the next few weeks your Tiktoks as well as your YouTube video have been blowing up like crazy. You already passed your goal of 50k completely, reaching around 100 thousand new subscribers. You kept your part of the deal and texted Itadori a few weeks ago but have yet to have a response by the pink haired man. "I don't know you guys I already contacted him on his social media and his email. Maybe he just don't wanna Collab or something" you say into the camera as you attempt to bake a cake for your channel. You wanted to celebrate hitting a milestone of 150k but there was one problem.....you couldn't cook for shit nor could you bake. But that didn't stop you're hussle to try...plus you're fans voted for you to do it. "Alright y'all I'm done with this damn mixing now I'm finna put this shit into the oven. Let's hope and pray I don't burn it" you say jokingly. You pause your camera and sit on a chair near your table when you heard a ding on your phone. Thinking nothing of it you open you phone and began to read the notification. Your eyes widen as you continue reading. "Dear Ms. Y/N, sorry if you're receiving this email unexpectedly. Sorry I'm just not responding to you're email you sent me. I wasn't aware of any emails being sent to me considering the can't my management team is responsible for all emails and calls I have. If you're still willing to Collab with me I'll be happy to make something work so we can make some videos together. After all you made a promise to you're fans lol. If you still want to Collab please respond to my email whenever but I might not respond quickly because of my schedule. I hope I wasn't too late with my response, if I wasn't please email me back or text me on my socials. Sincerely, Yuji~.
You stare at the email in shock and quickly begin to write an email back, telling him whenever you're free. Youre so in shock that you don't even think to take you're cake out or even check on it. That is until you hear your smoke detector go off. "Oh shit my cake" you say as you jump out of your chair.
Hey you guys I was wondering if I should make this just a oneshot or if I should continue this and make it into a series. If I don't make it into a series it'll definitely be my first one. I was also wondering what should I make Itadori's channel about. Should it be cooking, sports, music or gaming. I have absolutely no clue about these topics so I'll just make a poll about both of them and the most votes wins.!
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suseagull04 · 5 months
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Thanks to the lovely @firenati0n @zwiazdziarka @wordsofhoneydew @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @heybuddy-drabbles for the tags!
I've shared a lot of words today for the WIP Tag Game, so I'm going to post them all here so everyone who wants to can see them... And there may or may not be a high school AU snippet at the end!
Scrabble/Bananagrams AU:
He can't believe this.
He had thought he was the best at Scrabble and Bananagrams. Even factoring out the fact that he’s fluent in two languages, he usually manages to defeat any opponent he's up against.
But that was before he met the infuriating Henry Fox.
He's a friend of June's that she's invited along with a bunch of her other college friends for game night, and he's… well, he doesn't think Henry is used to losing, Alex will put it that way.
Alex has been playing this game for ages, though. He will win, no matter what it takes.
Bookstore oneshot:
“Remember, H, we only have an hour before we need to leave for the inauguration.”
“Of course, of course,” Henry dismissed Alex's worries with a wave of his hand. “I just want to get the new collector's edition of Jane Austen’s works. It has all of her writing, Alex. All of it in one place! Can you imagine anything better?”
Yeah, he could, actually: the way Henry looked when he was talking about this stuff was better than any book Alex could think of. His eyes were shining, his smile nothing short of brilliant. Alex would bring Henry into a bookstore every day of the week if it meant he would smile like that.
Baker Alex, writer Henry:
There's nothing quite like finding the perfect place to write, Henry mused.
He had been unable to focus on his work that morning, too distracted by… well, honestly, everything. He loved his beagle, David, but he had constantly wanted attention, which Henry was only too happy to give him, of course. Plus, there were dishes to be done, vacuuming to do… Henry could make all the excuses in the world not to write, but the fact remained that he wasn't writing as he should be.
So he had packed up his laptop and googled cafes in the area, looking for a good place to get some writing done. 
High school AU:
At last, her most promising source of distraction that day showed up. Alex brought over a guy who was slightly taller than him and said, “Henry, this is my sister, June.”
“Lovely to meet you,” Henry greeted her, sticking out his hand. She shook it, entranced by his accent from the moment he spoke. Not that that meant that a certain Jewish friend of hers was driven from her mind, though. “This seems to be a lovely party. I especially like the decorations. Jane Austen is my favorite author, you know.”
At his words, June's brain went into overdrive. She had never thought she'd meet a guy who liked Jane Austen. “Mine too! She's just incredible. No one writes like that anymore.”
“True, and it's such a shame. The ability to get that descriptive with prose, the complexity of the plot and how she immediately gets you immersed in the plot with such eloquent dialog… she's unmatched, that's for sure.” June grinned. She had never thought meeting a prince would be so fun, that a boy the same age as her brother would want to talk about Jane Austen, let alone actually like her work. There were certainly no guys like that in the States. 
I'm pretty late to the game, but tagging @anincompletelist @14carrotghoul @inexplicablymine @happiness-of-the-pursuit @raysletters @rockyroadkylers and @read-and-write- in case they have anything they want to share- and open tag for you if you want to play too! If you take the open tag, please tag me, I'm always eager for more fic snippets!
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jeannereames · 5 months
The Importance of Space
Sometimes where we work matters. At least it does for me.
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When my sabbatical was approved for spring of 2024, I assumed I’d do it where I’d spent most of the pandemic: my couch with a rolling laptop desk, and my kitchen table. I have an office at the uni, yes, but have never worked well there. As a grad student, I got used to research in my home space, and I never successfully transitioned to an office somewhere else. I have colleagues who can't work at home, for whatever reason, but I work best at home (even when my son was young).
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For some time, I've planned to renovate my upstairs into an office after my son graduated and moved out, for “when I retire.” In fact, I bought this old (1936) house because it had a lovely open floor plan in the finished attic that just SCREAMS library/office. But it needed a split-AC to better control the temps, and serious updating. I’d even had thoughts of adding a little half-bath. I started saving up for all this as soon as I moved in, but it would cost a lot, so it became what felt like a “unicorn” long-term goal. My work for the ATG Netflix docudrama was to get additional funds towards that renovation sooner than “some day.”
This past summer, I finally had the split-AC done. Nothing else could move forward until that, replacing windows, and the potential half-bath. Yet estimates for the last were out of this world, post-Covid, so I decided to jettison the idea.
THAT meant—around August/September—I realized I might be able to get all the updates done in time for sabbatical.
You have no idea how much this recognition thrilled me. To have My Own Home Office (again), and make it just the way I wanted it (albeit without a half-bath). So, bids commenced. I had a GOAL, and a timeline. My sabbatical would begin January 2nd, 2024. And by golly, I was going to have my office (mostly) ready. That a retrograde Mercury would turn direct the evening of January 1st (my time zone), made me all the more convinced that it was the right date to begin.
Ergo, on top of the crazy teaching load, and editing for the Macedonian collection, I scheduled renovations. I just had to survive through December! It was sometimes anxiety-inducing, and half my library (non-academic) was up there. I had to pack all the books (c.1000+), move them downstairs, then move them BACK. Upside? I’ve been recording them with Library Thing as I unpack and reshelve, so I’ll finally have an accurate list of everything I own, at least at home. I’m also slowly using those same (emptied) boxes to bring home books and files from my uni office, for research. And for Christmas, my dear son made me a pair of custom sized-for-the-wall-space bookshelves, 5 feet by 5 feet. I’m tickled pink.
I even managed to find, after much searching, a desk and office chair that are low enough for a short person (The Struggle Is Real). They arrived just in time to be assembled before Jan. 2nd. It really did feel like FATE.
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Oh, yes…best part. My office is inspired by Chefchaouen, Morocco’s famous Blue City, with bi-colored blue walls, white ceiling and accents, and a terra-cotta toned carpet. The various installers thought I was nuts until they actually saw it complete: ‘Oh, yeah, this really works.’ Um, yes. Yes, it does. Sun-yellow cushion and blue-yellow-white sheer scarf curtains complete it. Plus a beautiful blue-and-white bowl a student brought back from Morroco for me—the first décor I set out along with my reproduction of the gold sarcophagus from Royal Tomb II at Vergina that Beth Carney bequeathed me.
Eventually, once all the bookshelves are in place, I’ll decorate with photos from Macedonia. My dining room features photographs I took in Rome + a little Greece, the living room is mostly Greece…but my office? That’ll be Macedonia. Virtually all the pictures in the house (with a couple exceptions) I took myself.
There's still a lot more to do; less than half the books are unpacked. My white board isn't up yet, some furniture is still downstairs, BUT.
Today, I unpacked the Loebs I’d brought home, onto my new desk, and started organizing my research. 😊
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nikkeisimmer · 6 months
The Status of
“The Chikamori Legacy”
Not being able to have ready internet access at all times is a fucking pain
So far what I’ve been trying-to do with the Legacy is work on the text chapters. At least until I can get my hands on a new wifi adapter. Unfortunately, it appears that our room is a dead zone, which means that I have to get either a wifi booster or a stronger USB wifi adapter. Part of it is also the fact that the landlord doesn’t want me wiring up to the router boosters because of the fact that it will be a “tripping hazard”.
This is going to mean delays in my posting schedule of my Sims 3 Legacy. It also means that being able to access files on my PC to upload is also gonna be a royal pain in the ass.
But them’s the breaks. You take what circumstances throws at you and you make the best of it.
Some of that means going back to some of the Sims stuff I did in the past just to leave it to memory on Tumblr.
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Unfortunately, stuff like my “Mushroom Cloud Chronicles” game are on a hard-drive that I don’t have the finances to make into a external drive at the moment and probably won’t for quite a long time. Until I do, that particular game is in semi-permanent stasis.
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I basically had uniforms and everything set up so that I could play out an entire “military scenario”. What I really wanted to do was continue that as a side story along with my legacy because I never seem to have a muse that can stay “on target” with one thing at a time (thank you, ADHD).
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Ultimately, I fully want to get my hard-drive in my defunct laptop fixed so I can recover the files from there or...when I get my disability, I will end up having to get Photoshop Elements/Premiere Elements all over again (by spending $114.99) to rebuy a program I already own just because Adobe refuses to support it any more because it's 2014 (9 years old). Thank you Adobe for being a royal pain-in-the-ass. Is it worth it to get it? Well, it's the photo/editing software that I'm most familiar with. And when it comes down to it, I will have to upgrade to the latest and greatest - Photoshop 2023...or whatever the fucking hell they have brought out now.
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Attaching the Navy markings and creating individual ribbon racks for each of the Sims uniforms was a painstaking process the initial time. The military officers and enlisteds caps were even worse, because getting the scrambled eggs on the brim right was a painstaking process that required hours of adjustment.
But I love my sims and my Sims 3 game and I like making things to use in my stories whether it be t-shirts, uniforms or other articles of clothing, or wall-hangings or other-stuff.
I would love to be able to learn how to mesh and make my own objects or clothes (namely uniforms) that I can use, however, I'm not sure if this 53 year old brain of mine can keep up. With ADHD and other learning disabilities hampering my ability to keep up with new information and having to learn at my "own pace". That makes it extremely difficult to be able to get a handle on complicated processes such as meshing and Blender is a complicated mess for me to understand. Milkshape 3D would probably be just as complicated.
So hence the reason I concentrate on my Legacy rather than any other story at the moment.
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In my old Legacy I killed off Haruo and River at the point just before they were about to turn from Adult to Elder. No, both River and Haruo do not survive that accident. Poor Parker still loves River even though she married Haruo. He pleads with her to remain with him, but she doesn't. She passes away in his arms.
Parker knew that his attempts to make River stay with him were in naught…her pulse was fading and she was shivering. "My…Hus..band…" her voice was just a whisper.
Parker's eyes spilled over as he tried to get his voice out through the enormous logjam in his throat, "I'm sorry…River…I'm…so sorry…" he whispered to her. "He's gone…but you're still here…you need to live…for your kids…" he tried to give her something to hold on to.
She coughed weakly again…her breath watery, "Kids…grown…I'm going…with…Haru…"
"No…River…no…Please…" There was still a part of Parker that loved River and he was devastated, "No…you can't…"
She went limp in his arms…coughing out blood…as the life left her. "No…RIVER!!!!" Parker wouldn't let her go; he held her tight to him, cleaning off the corner of her mouth of blood, all the while whispering: "no…River…no…no…" was all that he could repeat.
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Yeah, it was a fatal accident. Smashing into a cedar tree and a rock porch - devastating internal injuries. Haruo died on impact.
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So, there was a lot of stuff that I did in the Sims 3 when I had Adobe. But this particular legacy won't be continued. And I'm working on "The Chikamori Legacy" which is in the process of being written. Not only are there significantly longer chapters - each chapter is around 20+ pages on a Word Document, and that is before even screen-capturing images from the game to go along with the story.
So just letting you know, I'm playing Sims 3 amidst the hockey posts. Just letting y'all know that this is primarily a Sims 3/SWTOR tumblr with maybe a little Mass Effect thrown in here and there. So no, you haven't stumbled onto a "wrong site".
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bobathirstaccount · 11 months
AU - Business Trip Pt 6
You meet the new sales exec at a company offsite…
Boba x fem!reader, smut, weed smoking
Your friend text you during one of your 15 minute breaks in your workday. It was Wed, right before virtual All Hands - West Coast. You clicked into her text message.
-girl i know you’re gonna c it so imma lyk… go to miss bp’s insta
Stomach dropping, you did so as fast as you could. You frowned. There was a new photo of her and Boba. You read the caption, “work date ♥️”
Ugh, you thought. You text back.
-ok well they aren’t touching. So i guess she’s helping w new client?
But you didn’t feel as even keeled as your text sounded. You went back to study the photo, scolding yourself for doing so. They appeared to be in a house. You wondered whose, mood souring further. You zoomed in, feeling insane but doing it anyway. Yes, you thought you’d seen it. A bottle of wine was just visible on the left side of the photo, on a table. So, booze was involved. Work date. Work… date. Date. You signed in to All Hands, but didn’t pay attention.
After work, you settled into your sofa and pulled up the damn Instagram post again. It was still there, mocking you as you scrutinized it for more details. Miss BP was wearing casual clothing, very casual, you thought. She was wearing a sports bra and zip up workout top, with the zipper decidedly not zipped. Annoyed, you text your friend.
-what should i do?
-abt the pic? nothing, just wait until 2morrow.. you c him tomorrow night right?
This was true. You frowned and text back.
-yeah. But should i text him tonight?
-let him txt u tomorrow
-then NEVER bring it up… itd be super weird if u did
-ur gonna be ok. Remind him why he’s seeing U
-but what if he’s not just seeming me?
-trust me she aint got shit on you
You smiled at her compliment, but decided to go rogue against her advice. You took a shower to feel at your best, then grabbed some lingerie Boba hadn’t seen yet. An ex had gotten it for you. Was that weird? No, you decided. You slipped into it and spent 45 minutes posing in front of your full length bedroom mirror.
Finally you had it. The Perfect Shot. You edited it to enhance the Vibes it was giving. Sending it, you sat back and waited.
And waited. You started to feel a little silly. Pulling on some comfy pjs, you made a hot beverage and got into bed. You put on a movie and fell asleep to it.

You woke up to a block of texts from Boba. Hurriedly, you read, then reread them.
-that’s a nice little number u got on 👀
-but i think id like to take it off. If u know what i mean
-im so drunk. Accidentaly drank too much. Laying down on a couch
-cant wait 2 c u tomorrow
You smiled, but wondered where he was laying on a couch and who he’d been drinking with. You tried to put it out of your mind, but it stuck with you all through your workday. At lunch, you gave in and text him back.
-glad u liked it. Who’s boozing u up?
Was that too direct? Oh well. It was too late now. You ate your lunch and got back to work. With an hour of work left, you checked your phone. He had text back.
-work mtg w a few coworkers. One of them brought So Much wine🍷♾ After work we all tried 2 relax and relaxed too much. I slept on a couch lol haven’t done that in a long time 🤷
You thought of the wine bottle in Miss BP’s Instagram post. Dammit. You tried to respond back cheerfully.
-lol. Hope you slept alright. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you
-never. C u soon… i drive a green bentley. U sure u dont want me to come up + get you? 😎
You smiled. How gentlemanly.
-nah i just got 1 bag… i’ll meet u @ front of my complex
-ok. Can’t wait to c u 🤤
You grinned. You decided to stop work a little early to change your outfit. You had already dressed for the evening, but decided to dress Very Casually like Miss BP had at the “work meeting.”
You closed your laptop and went to your closet. You stood in front of it for a moment before going to your dresser. Here, you pulled out a bandeau top and a loose fitting tank top to go over it. It revealed just enough to be Exciting. Then you added a nice pair of fitted jeans and some casual sandals. Okay, you thought. This works.
-im here. I found parking right in front lol take ur time i have a work email im finishing up
Always working, you thought. But then again, that’s why he drove a Bentley. You were ready, so you wasted no time and went down. You saw his Very Nice, shiny car and sidled up to it, feeling a bit silly. He got out of his car and jogged around it to greet you.

“Hi, baby,” he kissed your cheek as he embraced you. You hugged him back and enjoyed the light smooch. He pulled back, “C’mon, get in; I’m almost done with this dumb email and then we can take off.” Boba opened the passenger side door for you. You got in, smelling the Expensiveness of the car immediately. You looked around as he got back in and picked up his phone.
The interior was immaculate. You looked back to Boba. He was engrossed in his email, furiously typing out a response.
You looked around the car again. That’s when you noticed it. In the backseat, there was a black bag with white lettering. CHANEL. It confronted you. Surprised, you turned around, pretending to not have seen it.

“You saw it, go ahead and look. I’m almost done, I promise. I wanted to get you something nice for this weekend; hope you like it.”
You gulped and grabbed the bag. Pulling the tissue paper out of the way, your eyes got wide as you pulled out the item. It was a classic Chanel bag. Your mouth dropped open.
“Do you like it?” He was still typing.
“Do I like it,” you laughed in disbelief, “of course, it’s gorgeous and… and… you shouldn’t have.”

”I absolutely should have. I also got you something else, but it’s smaller.” He continued to type.
You searched the shopping bag and found a smaller bag at the bottom. This one was white with delicate lettering on it. Van Cleef & Arpels. Holy SHIT, you thought. You tore through the packaging to the box inside. Carefully opening it, you were confronted with a traditional style bracelet. It had green stones inlaid in it. Of course, you thought, smiling. He had a thing for green.
“Wow, I love it… the green stones are so unique,” you slipped it onto your wrist and fastened it. Holding your arm out, you admired it.

“Okay, done!” He put his phone in the center console. “Looks good on you. Okay, let’s get going…” He put the car in drive and you were off.

-omg bitch i’m in a bentley.and he got me GIFTS. Like, expensive
You typed hurriedly while you were stopped at a gas station. Boba was inside searching for the type of drink you liked while he grabbed some chips for himself.
-tell me E V E R Y T H I N G
-ok ok so. He got me a chanel bag and van cleef & arpels bracelet. And he drives a bentley
-omfg sned me a pic asap!!!
You snapped a few quick photos of your newly gotten goods and sent them off. You received a flurry of texts in response.
-bitch what!!
-look at all that loot
-daddy likes u
-♥️ the bag obvi
You were laughing as Boba got back in the car. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh,” you tried to compose yourself a bit, “My friend -the one you met at the offsite, Vodka Girl- she likes the bag you got me.”
“Ohh, already gossiping. How am I rating so far?”

”Very good,” you said smugly, leaning over to kiss him. He grabbed your hand and held it as you smooched.
“Good,” he pulled away and you settled back into the passenger seat. Time to drive again. You put your phone aside so you could continue the conversation you and Boba were having.
You were gently shaken awake. “Huh, omigosh did I fall asleep?” You slurred. You heard Boba laugh as you came to your senses, “Yeah, just for like the last half hour. You were so peaceful I couldn’t wake you. But, we’re here now.”

You sat up and looked out of the car windshield, curious. You were parked in front of a very charming bed & breakfast. The cute little sign read, “Bodega Bay B&B.” It was carefully hand painted. You smiled, taken by the place immediately.
“Is this quaint or what?” Boba asked, his hand finding your thigh. Turning to him, you smiled, “So cute. I can’t wait to see how it looks on the inside.”

”Well, let’s check in and find out.” He grabbed your small overnight bag from the back seat.
“Baby, it’s lovely,” you commented as you twirled around in the middle of your suite. It had its own bathroom and a wonderful view of the ocean, with a little balcony just big enough for two chairs. Boba smiled, “Not as lovely as you.”
You walked over to him and jumped into his arms.
“So, princess… what’re we gonna do now? I have reservations for us for dinner, but that’s 45 minutes from now, and it’s basically across the street.”
“Hmm… whatever will we get up to?” You pulled your tank top off and tossed it aside.
“Hm, nice top…” He kissed your collarbone. Your heart fluttered as he tossed you down on the bed. Crawling in on top of you, he commented, “I have a few ideas what we can do…” He unbuttoned your jeans and pulled the zipper down slowly. “Like… I could fuck you senseless again,” his voice was a rough purr now.
Pulling your jeans off, he rubbed his erection into your panties. “Hmm, can’t wait,” he purred softly. You were becoming desperate for him. Trying to play it down a bit, you coyly pulled your bandeau top off. He watched, eyes hooded with desire.
“Nice show, princess,” Boba growled, pulling his sweatpants down. He quickly pulled your panties to the side. Sliding his fingers into your wet folds, he purred, “You need some attention… well I’m gonna give it to you.” He rubbed into you but didn’t penetrate you. You squirmed, whining softly, wanting more.
“All in due time, princess,” he drawled, taking his time. With his other hand, he pumped himself several times. Slowly, he shifted his weight so he could kiss you. Lining his hips up with yours, he slid his cock up your thigh and in between your legs. He lightly rutted into your wetness while he kissed you hard.
Begging for more, you scratched down his back with both hands. “Keep begging, princess, it suits you.” He fended you off, holding your hands above your head with one hand. The other he used to prop himself up on his elbow, so he could kiss you again. While you two kissed like your lives depended on it, he thrust into you swiftly. Moaning, you bucked your hips involuntarily.
Fucking you slowly, he purred, “Beg some more… tell me how you want it.”

Delirious, you moaned his name instead. He smiled mischievously, “Hmm, yes?” He started to fuck you harder, still holding your arms above your head. You struggled lightly against him for the thrill. He held you in place and fucked you harder, “Where you think you’re going?”

Arching your back, you pleaded, “Hold me down and fuck me until I scream.” Boba growled and flipped you over. Pulling your legs apart, he laid over you and rubbed into you for a moment. His cock kept sliding right around the right spot, driving you crazy. You tried to buck your hips, but he held you in place. Groaning, he used a knee to spread one leg wider. “Now I’m gonna make you scream,” he said darkly. You felt him slide inside slowly. Whining, you reached for his hip with one hand, “Harder.”

Boba grunted and abruptly started fucking you just the way you’d asked. “You like this, princess? You’re so bad,” he pumped into you, “You’re so good at being bad.”
As he fucked you, one of his hands wiggled under your chest to grab you. Squeezing, he moaned, “You feel amazing, spread your legs for me…” You did as he commanded, feeling him fuck you deeper. The rhythmic pace took you over the edge. Squirming under him, you gasped and moaned. “That’s it princess, tell me how good it feels when I make you cum.”
In an unladylike tone, you begged for his cock, harder. “Fuck you’re so bad…” He slammed into you as you came hard, going limp in your extremities as your pussy spasmed on his shaft.
“Fuck, I wish I could cum in you,” He muttered, grabbing you by the throat. He gave a few more savage fucks before pulling out, groaning and shaking. Rolling off, he pulled you against him. You both laid there, feeling a bit dazed. You grabbed his hand and held it. He squeezed your hand twice.
“Wake up, princess, if you wanna go to dinner.” Your arm was being gently rubbed. You felt a kiss on your temple. You cracked an eye open.
“How much time we have?” You murmured, wanting five more minutes of glorious sleep.
“Oh, say 10 minutes.”

Your eyes flew open.
“Shit! I gotta shower, and makeup, and my hair, well, that’s a mess —“
He put a finger over your lips.
“Shh. No stressing allowed. It’s super casual. We can also Grubhub something if you don’t wanna get out of bed.”
You considered for a few more seconds, enjoying the feeling of the soft comforter on the bed.
“Let’s go! But I do need to shower - I’ll be real fast!” You sat up slowly.
“We don’t have to go, I’m more interested in just spending time with you doing what you want.”
Smiling softly, you snuggled into him. “I wanna see what you have planned. Lemme hurry.” You pecked a kiss on his lips and leapt up.
Turning on the shower, you called, “Hey, pick out one of the two dresses I brought.”

”Okay, uh, I just… go through your stuff?” He sounded astonished.

”What do you think you’re gonna find in there?” You laughed, jumping under the water. It was hot. Delicious. You quickly sudsed up and rinsed. Stepping out carefully, you grabbed a towel and went into the bedroom. You grinned crookedly. He was holding your underwear in his hands. “Uh, I got distracted. I like these ones, by the way,” he held up the crotchless black undies you’d gotten specifically for this trip.
“Oh those; those are for dinner tonight. Thanks for finding them.” You took them from him and slipped them on. Standing there, you put your hands on your hips. “Well, which dress?”

”You sure.. you uh, need anything else?” He teased as he turned back to your weekend bag. Rifling through it, he found the strappy black dress first. “Oh, definitely this one,” he offered it to you.
You shimmied into it and found the correct pair of shoes. Putting some moisturizer on, you turned to him. “Okay, let’s go.”

”With a minute to spare!” He teased, laughing. He offered his arm. You took it, feeling shy and sexy at the same time.
“One thing, though; how do you think I’m supposed to focus during dinner, knowing you’re wearing those panties?”
You couldn’t stop laughing on the short walk back to the B&B. Stoned and very horny, you kept grabbing for his belt while you walked. He good naturedly kept you at bay, but under his breath he was murmuring a string of dirty promises to you.
“Once we get back to our room, I swear I’m gonna — Oh, hi, good evening, yes she’s fine she’s just… tired,“ he interrupted himself to talk to a well meaning couple heading the other way. They nodded and headed off, arm in arm as well.
“Anyway, I’m gonna spoil you with some online shopping and then I’m gonna turn the lights off and make you and the bed shake.”

You murmured in excitement, still going after his pants. He laughed, “Last time we vape at dinner. Next time we sit inside. I shoulda known you’d be so bad, though, what was I thinking.”
“You love it,” you exclaimed, letting him guide you down the driveway to the B&B entrance. “I do,” he said softly, making sure you didn’t walk off the gravel and into the shrubbery.
“Where’d these bushes come from?” You complained.
“Oh, they must’ve just planted them,” he said seriously.
“Stop it! You’re making fun of me,” you giggled as you reached the front of the door. “Okay, shhh, we’re entering a domicile,” you teased. Boba laughed softly, “I’ll do my best.”
He ended up carrying you up the stairs as you couldn’t quite seem to get the hang of them at the moment. Setting you down in front of the door to your suite, he fished for the metal key in his pocket.
“So cool,” you murmured, as he unlocked the door. You breezed inside as he followed.
“Okay, so what was this about shopping?” You asked gleefully.
“Well,” he sat on the little couch and motioned to you to join him, “I wanted to buy you a dress to go with that bag, but I didn’t know what you would like. So let’s pick one out together. Where do you wanna look first?”

An hour later you had spent just under $3,000.00 on two dresses and a couple accessories Boba insisted on. As he used Apple Pay to finalize everything, you casually pulled out your phone to text your friend.
-omg girl.. he just dropped $3k on some stuff for me… it was HIS idea btw
She text back after a few seconds.
-omfg!!! 😏 daddy liiiiikes you 💘
-stop calling him that lol
-noooo. Omg. Do you have a bf?
-idk… we havent really talked abt that
You looked over at him shyly. He was sipping a glass of water calmly, waiting for you to finish. You put your phone away.
“So. What was this about turning the lights off…” you asked coyly.
-ok. Keep it casual rn… but totally let him spoil u tho
-hey r u still there?
-r u two fing rn?
-lol bet
-kk niiight 😘
You awoke to a string of texts from your bestie. You read them quickly while you were snuggled against a still sleeping Boba. Texting back, you wondered what Boba had in store for today.
-gm babe ☀️so i just had the Night Of My Life last night
-he’s crazy in bed lol
You stopped yourself from oversharing. Putting your phone aside, you rolled over and cuddled into Boba’s sleeping form. He grumbled lightly, but ended up snoring slightly as he settled down again.
Boba’s phone rang. He grumbled, “Who’s there?”
Laughing softly, you whispered, “It’s your phone.”
As it continued ringing loudly, he reached for it, complaining, “Who would call me like this.” He shook his head as he put the phone down, letting it ring. He sighed, “It’s only 7:30 in the morning and people are calling me about work.”

You wondered somewhat irrationally if it was Miss Beauty Pageant as Boba continued, “It’s Melissa… you met her at the offsite.”

Your eyes flew all the way open. Miss BP! Boba continued talking. “She’s super helpful, but I don’t know what’s so important she has to call me this early. Anyway now that we’re both awake, wanna see about breakfast?”

”O-okay,” you were stewing on Miss BP’s phone call.
“Mmm okay, let me get dressed and I’ll go see.” He sat up and stretched, looking good in the morning light. “Okay, I’m going now,” he coached himself into getting out of bed. “Omigosh, this carpet is really nice though,” he commented as he grabbed his pants.
You watched as he closed the door behind himself. Then you rolled over, and, fluffing your pillow, text your friend again.
-miss bp just called him! He didnt answer
She appeared to not be awake yet, as you got no response. You continued texting her anyway.
-what do u think it means?
The door opened and you heard Boba’s warm purr, “Breakfast is gonna be up shortly.” He jumped into bed, “Better get dressed. That sucks for me, but I guess I can always just undress you afterwards.”
You laughed softly as you sat up and stretched slowly. “Pick me out an outfit?” You asked, sleepy.
He got up and went through your bag again. He pulled out a cute little number you’d grabbed as a last minute thought.
“How about this? I like the color.” He offered it to you.
“‘Kay,” you slipped into it and went and laid on the couch. After a minute, there was a knock at the door. Food! You thought. You got up and sat like an adult at the small breakfast table as Boba answered the door.
You had ended up sitting outside for dinner again. As you rehashed the day with him, Boba offered you the vape pen again. “I’ll just supervise you this time,” he teased, winking at you.
Flustered by his flirting, you took a hit. Passing it back to him, you answered his question, “Okay, so my favorite part of the day. Gotta be… seeing the schoolhouse from The Birds.”

”Really? Cool. We could watch it tonight when we get back to our room.”
You smiled wickedly. “Sure, ‘watch,’” you intoned. He grinned and shrugged. Just as he was about to say something, his cell rang.
“Oh shit, that’s CEO ring tone… let me see if there’s an emergency.” You nodded and sat back, vaping while he answered his phone.
“Hi. Oh, okay. I will. Okay, bye.” He hung up, saying, “I need to check my work email. I paused notifications for our trip. But we have a potential lead, so I need to respond to some questions really fast.”
You mmhmmed at him and vaped some more while he read the email and started typing. “Hm, I need some research for one question. Hold on, one more thing I just need to call someone to do it for me.”

You laughed, “Must be nice.”

He stuck his tongue out at you as he placed his call. You were busy smiling as he said, “Hi, Melissa.”
Your eyes widened as you tried to casually sip your drink. Why’d he have to call her, of all people? You couldn’t help yourself… you casually eavesdropped as you vaped.
“So, I just forwarded you an email. I need some help with question 3, do you have bandwidth right now? I know it’s the weekend…”

He leaned back in his seat, “Okay, thanks. … Hmmm, no ….. Oh. Cool. Yeah we could meet up. Okay, bye.”

You nervously sipped your drink again.
“What’s wrong?” He sounded concerned. “Sorry I had to work.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I totally get it. That’s why you make the big bucks,” you joked.

He tilted his head, “Then what is it?”

”Oh, nothing,” you lied, hitting the vape pen to stall for time. “I’m just hungry.”

He let it go, but didn’t looked convinced. You handed him the pen, “Here, take this before I vape myself under the table again.”

He laughed, “Kay. But you were so cute.”

Feeling shy, you smiled. Suddenly the waiter was there with your appetizers. You sat back as they were placed in front of you.
Time to Let It Go, you forced yourself to focus on the meal and company at hand. Life was good today.
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It's me again. Sorry for bother you in your askbox, but I can't answer in comments at any posts, idk why ☹
Yes. I remember your works with LK Parcel 3D model as Connor (btw, I also found this model recently and just "oh wait, I've seen him before…OMG!") and then I saw your post when you finally had Gavin model. Long story short: the links brought me on twitter and I decided to give it a try. And yes, I have few minor questions about DAZ and I will definitely ask them :D I've been working with Photoshop long enough so it's easier for me to edit problems, than looking for solution. How to create raindrops, for example. No, Blender is still tough for me. Too many buttons and I don't have the patience for it. I only use it for import/export stuff. So yep, DAZ and IRAY photoreal. What about you?
Hey, how long does it take you to create a full scene? (from opening DAZ to final render). Last one with Convin, for example?
Hi again!
Thanks again for your reply! I tried to contact you yesterday to tell you I got this message and will reply later, but I could neither tag you nor write you via the Tumblr messanger. Maybe you've selected something in your settings that denies people to tag and send you private messages? Is there any way we could chat directly? Maybe you can try send me a private message here or on Twitter? Do you have a Twitter account? Instagram would also be an option, if you use that.
I've been working with that Parcel model for over a year before I learned about Metoria on Twitter who finally could help me getting all the original models I use now, well, not them alone, but also apathetic-roombas who shared several of their original models with me they had already commissioned from Metoria. I was so indescribably happy to finally have original models to work with!
Feel free to hit me with all your questions! I'll try to help you as best as I can.
Idk, maybe you could also teach me a bit about photo editing? I know a lot of functions in GIMP are similiar to the ones in Photoshop.
I also render in Daz with the Iray Photoreal setting. I was just wondering if you used that for your 2 pictures of Connor alone in a car and Connor and Nines together in a car, because these pics had such a cool grainy look that somehow made them look like real screenshots from the game.
How long a scene from beginning to the finished render takes me varies heavily. For example the "He was beautiful in a way deadly things always are" Nines took me only like 10 - 15 minutes including rendering! The Convin pic with the rainy background though took me several hours with posing including facial expressions and arranging the scene, finding the light solution that satisfies me. And also for full complex scenes like that one my laptop needs two hours to render (and just because I set this as the render time limit). And after that there's the editing of course which can also take some time. What about your renders?
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I know I’ve been offline for a while, but this whole month has been a rollercoaster and I feel like it's finally slowing down, so I figured I would give you a small life update before finally getting around to editing part 10! I haven’t gotten to read your new post, Eleanor, but that’s because I’ve been saving it as a reward for finishing up everything in part 11 and editing part 10 haha! I can’t wait to finally read it either later tonight or tomorrow!
Onto the more serious stuff, I suppose! Well, as I said in my last post, we started this month out getting rained on by our upstairs neighbors twice in the same week and someone damaging our front door locks (presumably to break in and steal while we were out). Great way to start February, I know! Thankfully, my brother Mike - technically, he's my sister, Honey's husband, but I call him my brother since we’ve known each other for so long - came over to fix the door and help us with our ruined ceiling tiles. Then, my great-aunt (91yo) got sick with the stomach bug and, while she is still recovering, she’s feeling well enough to not need someone with her 24/7. On top of staying with her for a while, I started three jobs in the first week of February (housekeeping and dog walking for a lady in town and PCA work for a bedbound woman in the area) only to have the first lady take my housekeeping hours away because she claims her mother could do it instead. Honestly, I was glad she took those hours back because I could barely tolerate the way that she was over my shoulder the entire time I was there. She knows that I've been a housekeeper since I was 16 and that I knew what I was doing, but I’ve come to discover that she’s a bit of a control freak in all aspects of her life, so I am more than willing to let someone else handle her housekeeping 😂
Next up, my sister, Honey, and her family got a new puppy named Vanya and she is the sweetest, most loving little crackhead in our family. She loves to snuggle and gives people dirty looks if they tell her she needs to go back inside, but she has a weakness for peanut butter and listens to whatever my niece tells her to do. Vanya isn’t even a year old and they've only had her for a short time, but I will hurt anyone who dares look at her wrong because she is the fluffiest little angel and I adore her
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A small, more emotional dip in things came when my Uncle Doug came over with a truckload of all of my grandparents' and Uncle John's belongings. Uncle Doug moved into their old trailer before they passed and, since the three of them have passed away, he owns the house and wanted to see if we could go through all of their belongings since he is trying to fix the place up and has no space for everything. I don't know where he thinks we have the space for everything in our apartment, but we took it all nonetheless and used our old, practically unused computer room as storage as we went through 67+ years worth of my grandparents’ things. There were a lot of emotions for me and my mom to go through and even more things that my mom didn't know her parents and brother still held onto - my great-grandmother's high school diploma and things from her business among those items - but we really loved going through the disorganized chaos that was dropped on us on a random Thursday!
Now, onto today! After all of the chaos and stress that February brought us, I feel as though things are finally coming to a point where I'm ready to keep going with the way things had been. Today, Honey and Mike came over with my old laptop, told me to set it aside for a while, and brought me out to his truck where they showed me the project they had secretly been working on for months now: an actual PC just for me! It glows and so does the keyboard and mouse they got for me, and I just can't get over how cool it is! They told me it was much deserved because of all that I do for the people in our family, but I still don't see how even though the two of them and my mom took the time to explain it. I don't do any of the things I do for recognition or gifts, so it's very hard for me to accept such an insanely expensive gift for something I do out of love for my family and those around us. I know it certainly wasn’t cheap, I’ve wanted one for ages now and done hours and hours of research trying to find a good, cheap one. I suppose I'm still reeling from it all. It will definitely take me a while to adjust to everything, especially having a mechanical keyboard in place of my old laptop's keys, but I now have an actual desk and setup that I can write at and I couldn't be more excited to start this new chapter in my writing journey. It feels like a step in a better direction, if that makes any sense at all haha!
Anyway, I hope you aren't upset with me for taking this super long break; I really hadn't intended for it to be this long of a break, but I can't say that I didn't need it with everything else going on in my life. I should have the next part up soon after I get all of the editing done and get a moodboard made up for it. I just wanted to fill you in on all that's happened during my little break from everything on the internet. I can't wait to read your new story once I get everything finished! It should be a great reward after all the work I'll be putting into everything! I hope everything has been going well for you and that you have an amazing day! 💕😊
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revisionaryhistory · 2 years
Three Days ~ 119
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My heart grew at least three sizes that day. I was proud of him for how he handled the IG thing. He stayed present and with me. I trust he would have said something if he was upset. I think we can handle anything as long we're in it together. I was proud of how he reacted to his friends. So matter of fact. And while I have absolutely no idea what he said to Olivia, I was proud of him for that too. A man being authentically good to one's little sister is heartwarming, makes those butterflies in my stomach take flight, and is quite the turn on.
I showed him how proud of him I was before we left for the airport. Let’s face it, sex as a reward for Sebastian is also a reward for me. Not a hard ship at all.
Since we were going to Los Angeles for D23, our flight back was with the California crew. Kelli and I talked while watching a movie. The four men were providing feedback as Ethan and Will edited their little movie. They thought part one would be ready tonight.
Back in the seat next to him I wrapped my arms around his bicep, "Are you ready for it to be out there tonight?"
Sebastian tuned and kissed me, "Yup, I'm good." He cocked his head, "You?"
I nodded, "I'm fine."
"I scrolled through the comments. Nothing too bad. I wish I could say I expect that to last."
I turned in my seat and held his hand in mine. "Let’s make this interesting." I watched his eyebrow quirk. "If it's posted tonight, you are not allowed to look at comments until after tomorrows panel thingy. You don't look and you can dress me for the party."
Sebastian's eyes glazed over and he started to smile, "And what if I do look?"
"I get to pick out what you wear to the panel. From the stylist’s selection anyway." I held out my hand, "Deal?"
"Deal." He shook my hand. "I'd rather kiss on it."
"That can be arranged."
At the airport we hugged our friends goodbye and hopped in a cab to our hotel. First thing we did was send everything in our suitcases out to be laundered. Sand, salt, copious amounts of booze, and humidity demanded to be freed from the fabric. The hotel had very nice fluffy robes. We had both avoided anything work related while on the island. Those who needed to know, knew how to contact us. Tonight we would catch up. I considered it a slow return to real life. I had a little more than a week before school started with the kids. A week later my doctoral program started. I love my summers off, but there comes a point in the summer when I’m ready to go back. Ready for the structure and routine. I’ve never been sure if that’s because I like the structure and routine or because I know it’s coming anyway and my mind has tricked me into thinking that’s what I like. Either way, I was at that point.  Sebastian sat on the couch with his laptop on his thighs. I laid down with my laptop on my thighs, and my feet tucked under his. I aimed my eyes over the top of my laptop and looked at my beautiful man. His skin was tan and the sun had brought out highlights in his hair. He was concentrating on something, evidenced by him doing that thing where he plays with his tongue. I sighed. “I miss our bed.”
He didn’t move, except the corner of his mouth turned up a little. “Which bed is our bed?”
“No preference.”
“Which ever one you’re in.”
Sebastian made a face like he was saying “oof”. He turned his head, “I like it.”
I wiggled my toes under his thigh, “Me too.”
We went back into our emails. I had dates for my before school professional development. My first-grade team was in charge of teaching the other grades to set up online classrooms. We had that ready to go. We’d written things down as we went so we wouldn’t forget what we’d done and we edited as we found better ways of doing things. We put that on a training classroom. We would teach how to create a classroom from a classroom. Had a couple of emails from the university with house keeping things. Online trainings for the new students about sexual harassment, alcohol/drug abuse, safety, and suicide prevention. Pretty much the same yearly things I had to do as a teacher. I finished and put my laptop on the table. I closed my eyes for a moment.
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up.”
I stretched and opened my bleary eyes. For a second I didn’t know where I was and panicked. My heart rate shot up and I gasped while pushing my feet into the couch to sit up.
I felt a hand on my face and jerked away.
“Hey, hey, Em, it’s me. You’re ok. It’s me.”
Sebastian’s voice grounded me in the present and the bottom dropped out of the panic. I looked in his eyes, seeing concern and love. “Sorry, I didn’t know where I was for a moment.” I leaned into the hand against my face.
“Traveling will do that.” He pressed his lips to mine softly. “Know where you are now?”
I chuckled, “LA.”
“Well, shit!”
He sat back on his feet, kneeling beside the couch, “I was hoping for a no, but as long as I’m with you I don’t care.”
“I messed that up.”
He shrugged, “Another time.” He pushed up to stand, leaning over to kiss me again, “I know that’s what you meant anyway.”
We decided to order in food and stay in the bathrobes. It’s amazing how you need rest after a vacation. Even though we had our own room and plenty of alone time, this felt like the first time we’d been alone in a long time. Ethan texted us a warning when they uploaded the video. We had a good laugh rewatching our antics. Part one covered the beginning with them dousing us in water, the reactions of all of us to the somehow ruined muffins, and the men pouting with their signs about price of admission. Fuck, that had been so fun.
After putting the leftovers in the minifridge we curled up on the couch with a couple of glasses of wine. We picked up where we’d left off on Schitt’s Creek, going to bed when we couldn’t keep our eyes open.
A dozen soft kisses rained over my face. I smiled with the ones on my eyelids, “Baby, wake up.” I made a noncommittal grunt. “Baby.” He’s a cute whiner. “We have twenty-four hours to see all Los Angeles has to offer.”
“We’ve both been here numerous times.”
“True.” He laid on his back, right up next to me, crossing his arms across his chest. “Since this afternoon is all about me, I was thinking you might like to go walk around a cemetery.”
I gasped happily, “Really?”
Sebastian chuckled, “You look very excited to go to a cemetery. You’re strange.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I know.” I thought of something and smiled softly with a sigh.
“Can we go to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery?”
He shrugged, “We can go wherever you want.”
I wasn’t going to wait for him to ask or wait until we got there. “My uncle Chris is buried there. Chris Cornell.  Audioslave . . .”
He interrupted me, “I know who Chris Cornell is. Amazing voice.”  
I nodded.
“Is this a bad idea? I don’t want to upset you.”
“No, I won’t be upset. I’ve only been there once and I wanted to explore, but it wasn’t the time.  I’d like to go wander and at some point drop by for a visit.”
There was a knock at the door. Sebastian got up, “Breakfast.” He spoke as he walked away, “That sounds fun. Well, not fun, but something I’d like to do with you.”  He waved his hands in the air, walking away, “To find out what you find so fascinating.”
We'd have to come back and shower before heading to D3. Our clothes were brought back and we threw on shorts. It was as hot here as it had been on the island, but without the breeze. Our breakfast dishes had been removed and Sebastian had apparently held back the vase with a small bouquet of flowers. I didn't notice until he grabbed it off the coffee counter, "I thought you might want to take these." He looked uncertain.
 I went to my toes and kissed his cheek, "Thank you. I'd love to."
We held hands down to the valet and into the car. "I know you think cemeteries are about life as much as death. Tell me more."
 "I fell in love with cemeteries on a family trip to Savannah. They have amazing old cemeteries with moss covered trees. We took a cemetery tour and heard the stories. I was fascinated. Now I don't know, but along t winding paths and headstones are love stories, tragedies, and mysteries. The stories of people's lives." I raised my shoulders "It's peaceful." I decided to tell him the slightly crazy part., to see how he held up.
 Sebastian nodded, "I've not really been in a cemetery except for a funeral."
"So you're a virgin?"
Even the driver snorted, "Sorry."
 Sebastian glared playful at both of us, "Maybe I am?"
I raised an eyebrow.
"I am willing to pretend.”
I patted his hand, "Oh baby, you're not that good of an actor."
 He put his hand over his heart, "You wound me."
At the cemetery he kept hold of the vase and I wrapped my arm through his. The entrance was gorgeous. Palm trees, iron gates, and classical revival buildings. I stopped a moment to take it all in.
Sebastian turned his head to look at me, "Will you stream of consciousness this? So I can see it how you do?"
I smiled and started talking. “The buildings remind me of a fort in St Augustine. Even the high palm trees. Stepping through the gates feels like entering a sacred place. The air just files different. Swirling with the energy and emotions contained here. I mean we're in the middle of LA and Paramount Studios is right over there." I pointed. "But here is an island of quiet." I took a deep breath, "Peaceful." I heard him breathe in beside me. "Manicured grounds, like a park, but quiet and serene. Some of the headstones are works of art."
 We wove our way through the graves, stopping at the large mausoleum by a pond. This was me taking a moment to prepare. I squeezed Sebastian's arm, "Chris's grave is behind this, across the pond."
 I headed that direction and pointed, "Its right beside that rock." I smiled when I saw flowers and items around the grave.
 I let go of Sebastian at the gravesite. I righted a plant that had fallen over, moved one that had died along with some dead flowers, and moved some items and letters off his headstone to the grass around. Once I'd finished tidying up, I took the vase from Sebastian, sat down by the headstone, and put the vase on the corner. I looked up at Sebastian, "He would love that this is stolen."
 He smiled and sat beside me, "Will you tell me about him?"
"Sure." I told him stories and laughed with the memories. "He was a good guy. He and dad had some crazy stories. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they texted and talked all the time. They'd come up together in Seattle with the music. They were like brothers."
Sebastian held my hand, "Uncle Chris."
"Yep." I brushed my fingers over the cold stone. "Dad took a lot of shit for not coming to the funeral. His brother died a year earlier in Africa while rock climbing. I know he wasn't anywhere near finished grieving that loss when Chris killed himself. He talked with his family, but he couldn't do the funeral. He really tried to put it out of his mind until he felt in a better place to deal with it. I took Olivia to the funeral. We represented the family. Chris' oldest daughter Lily is around a lot."
 Sebastian filled in my pause, "I think grief is different for everyone and personal. If Ed didn't want to grieve publicly that's his business."
 I put my hand on his face to bring him closer for a kiss, "Me too. He came here when he could. "I looked back at the headstone. I kissed my fingers and laid them on the cold marble. "Love you, uncle Chris. Miss you, we all do."
 I took Sebastian's hand and stood up, "Let’s go get ready for the Mouse's party."
Sebastian waved his hand, "No worries if we're late. Mice can't tell time."
Back at the hotel there was definitely a higher security presence at the front entrance. Nothing like roped off areas, but more officers to handle the small, but I suspected, growing crowd. Finding a hotel isn't hard. It just takes one staff member to tell a friend or one person being at the right place at the right time. Ed has never been one to reward hotel stalking. I knew Sebastian sometimes did.
Sebastian looked at his watch, "Not stopping." He took my hand out of the cab and we walked in. The rule is, if you're not stopping look where you're going and not at people. Same rule women follow when walking down the street alone.
I leaned against the railing in the elevator, "I wonder if fans will be looking for us?" I hadn't looked at the response to the vacation video, but Mallory had texted some obscene number of views and comments.
Sebastian ran his finger through his hair. "They're staking out the venue for you."
I tried my best to look innocent, but there was no way he wasn’t going to peek at the comments. "How do you know?"
"Shit!" The look on his face told me he’d either completely forgotten about our deal or he’d planned on playing like he hadn’t and had just outed himself. Hard to know which one.
I pointed at him laughing, "I get to pick out your clothes." I skipped and laughed down the hall to our room.
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ethernalium · 16 hours
Not the same anon as last, but I just want you to know that I support you. A working laptop is so crucial in this day and age, especially if you’re hoping to go to school or get a better job. And, of course, everyone should have access to entertainment and joy.
I know it’s hard to ask for help, especially when it feels like the world is on fire and it can make you feel very small. I know how shitty that feels and it honestly does take a lot to admit it.
However, I think that editing your original post or writing a new one to clarify its for school and work could help you a little bit. I don’t think many people who see it, especially non-followers, know that.
And for anyone reading this, please help Paulo if you can, especially if seeing his gifs has ever brought you joy as it has for me! Even a dollar helps or sharing his post. I will be tossing coin in a few days when I get my paycheck. 🙏
I was the entire january thinking about this, a friend of mine got me to study in uni but since my pc broke, and it's very old :( I couldn't installed some crucial programs to run my study, oh its geography tho, so I realized I can't do it alone, so I asked for help
I will edit my post to clarify tho, I wrote feeling a super fear and tbh I haven't even read about it, I just dropped by impulse because I can't do it alone
Sometimes I overthink a lot, I just don't want to feel fear by losing my things due to violence and I know my life is very dear and the support my parents gives to me; It's been a lot of hardship lately but I know everything will change ❤🧡💛 thank youuu
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sholtiscapstone · 1 month
For Future Capstone Students:
Hey, everyone!
So, I figured it would be a good idea to write a sort of “letter” to future pre-capstone/capstone students for one of my final posts, just in case any of you check out my Tumblr. I wanted to give you all some advice that I would have liked before I started my senior experience. It’ll only be three main tips, nothing major, but they should give you some ideas...
Don’t go too big if you can’t handle it
Going into this, I wanted to do a documentary. Granted, it would have been short, but the process of filming and editing would remain the same. After shifting my project, I felt so relieved, as that past version of me would have been in way over her head with the workload she was giving herself. Remember, you have other classes and personal things, and most importantly, your mental health to worry about outside of capstone. So, do something you know is measurable with your life and free time. For instance, I wish I had brought a social media aspect to my project, as that way I could constantly access it on my phone to work on it or grow my account, as with a talk-story series, all of my post work happened on a laptop which I couldn't bring everywhere. 
2. Have a back up plan (and people!)
HAVE A BACK UP PLAN, ALWAYS! This piece of advice came to me when I thought back on having to scramble for another interviewee on the day I was finally filming because someone dropped out only hours before, and like a dozen people declined me to fill their spot. If you’re doing something that requires help from other people, always plan for them to drop. It never hurts to communicate with others asking for them to just be on standby, and it really helps you know who you can trust. With the project itself also have a back up plan for anything that might not pan out if you have those resources available to you. For example, if you’re doing a film or video and can’t record somewhere, look for stock footage online. That’s just an example now, but you get the point! 
3. Timing, timing, timing! 
Probably the biggest piece of advice I can give -- always be aware of your timing. I thought I had everything planned out for myself and then weeks flew by in a flash. Even 15 minutes can feel like 1 when you’re under enough pressure. My flaw with timing was not making enough room for outside factors that might hold me back. LIFE HAPPENS, YOU HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR IT. You might get sick, busy with other classes, or anything else you just can’t control. Even if you think you have it all planned out, never think the universe won’t throw something your way to test you. 
Anyway, if you’re a future capstone student that reads this, I really hope this will help you in some way. Best of luck on your project! 
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soulfulscriptor · 1 year
1 month update
It has roughly been a month since I decided to do online side gig and turn them into a functional, profitable business. So the plan has always been to go into business for myself, but I needed Accounting and Finance degrees plus certifications and work experience/networking.
Well you can see that hasn't happened yet. Granted I've been in the, I need to be financially free mindset for about 7 years now. And I had vision blinders on to the point I was blind to all the options out there in the world. I could have been a multimilionair if A. I continued making AMV's and stuff that I was making for fun in highschool and freshman year of college.
So that was right around when YouTube went live. I was in highschool 2004-2009, so you can imagine if I kept on being creative over the last 2 decades, what sort of money that would have brought in. Granted I didn't know until probably 2015, that one could make money off YouTube. Those video's are still live, and some have thousands of views for low quality stuff where I just got pictures off the internet and made a video, sometime putting hours of work into them, until I liked them.
And if I didn't get bored easily of gaming, my gaming channel could have been monitized 7 years ago. Granted no personal computer, so only being able to record on a PS4 at the time, and no way to edit stuff, made me just stop playing all together. Though there will always be potential for the channel to start having videos posted to it again.
But honestly, I thought the markets for everything had been tapped out. I personally don't think I can solve problems, or at least see a problem that needs a new or better solution to what's out there. To myself I'm not creative, as I have a hard time articulating what I'm trying to do, and sometimes it could take months or years for me to finally say or ask what I'm trying to do.
YouTube has away of giving me what I need before I know I need it. And it's been doing that since 2019/2020, though I wish it could have prevented my financial crisis I had that year.
So enough back story.
So 1 month into giving it my to create a better life for my kids. I've had $0 profit. My etsy shops need to be gone through for a 3rd time, and SEO optimized again. I'm struggling with titling things and descriptions and tags. And so far no amount of YouTube video's are helpful besides telling me, you need to figure this sh*t out.
My YouTube channels are Ok. My Ambience Channel is being neglected a bit, but at the same time, like Etsy, I'm struggling with SEO creative optimization to make people want to click the videos, and I don't have the ability to get the software to make the video's longer than 30 minutes at the moment.
And for me, as I've been utilizing Frequencies, Ambient noises, and such for almost 4 years now (YouTube suggested to me, when I was struggling with being able to sleep), it's something I not only want to do for myself and kids, but I want to give to others. But that channel ain't going too great right now.
My Fact channel, the one you see some blogs about, is going decent. I'm hoping I can monetize it before the school year starts up in August. I have some series ideas for the channels though so I'm hoping that will help. I'm doing decently keeping all my stuff SEO optimized for this one, as it's facts and information and education in general, it's alot easier to create things that the algorythm can get out to the public.
I'm fully aware if I had better software to make high quality content I probably would have been monitized already. But if I want to add clips that aren't from places like pixabay, I first have to record the clips from my phone, put it in my google drops box, and than download to the laptop I use for my day job. And sometimes that can take hours to get to the drop box.
But I'm not letting that stop me, and I plan to remake old conent in the future when I have better equipment, and can get an extra hand to find clips that the public would like, because what I like and what everyone finds high qulaity isn't the same.
I also generate AI art for Adobe stock, no sales there, but my subscription to the AI just renewed today, so I need to get some more art up there, and make sure these ones are more creative in the titling, descriptions and tags. I let Adobe fill it all in for me for my 1st 40 images, and I"ll be honest they weren't great.
I had just got done watching a side hustle video with this as an idea, and I just rushed through it. Lesson learned, and now I plan to take my time and find what works for me.
Then I have a good friend (whom I call Krispy) we met in a game I've been for 3y now, and that's his in game name. And he thought affiliate marketing would a good idea.
So call me crazy I'm trying it, well doing it. Had to get a business account for pintrest, which I never use pintrest. I've been very anti social media, as even though I want to be out there, I don't want to be out there. At least not out there with pictures or videos of myself.
I'm always on the fence about it with my own kids. Social Anxiety for the win, am I right?
And I've made $0 off that as of today as well. So, money made $0, expenses probably close to betwenn $500 and $1k. But I'm sticking it through. A couple of things I've gotten have 1 year subscription plan, so I don't have to worry too much about losing video software, and other things are free.
I'm working on turning my losses around, by bloggin, sharing links to my stuff and just optimizing what's already out there.
If you've made it to the end, thanks for reading. I hope you can read more of blogs and check out some of my YouTube Channels or Etsy Shops. I appreciate everyone who reads about my adventure.
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Tumblr media
Ok so I got nothing done yesterday except the project update and filing my nails. In my defense, the novel-length fic I was reading was really good and brought me lots of joy.
I have spent the past half an hour working on my own fic so that I could get it out of my system, though this has made me even more excited to work on it and I hope I can keep that excitement up this evening. With any luck I'll be able to edit this chapter and post it tonight!
Also in my defense of yesterday's zero output, I started looking for a new job, which I do every once in a while when the ennui gets to be too much.
My thought is that if I transition away from being a software engineer and go to being a product manager I would have all the same bullshit I'm dealing with now but with none of the inferiority anguish I feel from being a shit programmer. I have a few options in this regard:
Apply for a product manager role I don't necessarily want just to have the interviewing practice and see if I can get such a job.
Attempt to transition to a similar role at my current company to see if I even like it.
Put my nose to the grindstone and become a better programmer even though every bone in my body is screaming that while I am capable of this, I do not want to do this.
At the moment I want to do option 2 though I suppose I should also make more of an effort at option 3. Regardless I think I'm giving myself until next March for a few reasons:
I don't want to give back my new work laptop and it will officially become mine in March 2024.
All of my stock options will have vested by then and I will have had the opportunity to exercise as much of them as possible (need to get on this this year actually so taxes are less of a headache).
I will have gone through another review cycle which, according to my last one, means I might get promoted if I get my ass in gear since the only thing holding me back is how slowly I deliver completed projects, a fixable thing.
The length of time will give me a chance to "design my work life" (as per that book of the same name that I will be going through) and see, in the most risk-averse way possible, if I even like the work required of a product manager. To that end there are a few things I can start doing now that I know of without even going through that book's work sheets, such as attending my working group's assessment meeting tomorrow and maybe checking out the work done by the current product team, of which I am not 100% certain that we even have one as such. All of this I will record in the incredible Japanese notebook/bullet journal with my incredible Japanese pen (pictured above) that I bought on my work trip to Tokyo two weeks ago (just another thing to be grateful for about this job - I get to go on awesome trips!)
Ok! Enough outlining grand plans, the to do list!
Quantitative experiment analysis
Qualitative analysis
Phone roaming charges reimbursement I have checked on this and I have not yet been charged for international stuff
Work trip photos, part 1 Done though I will take a break here and actually share them with my coworkers another time, I've spent enough time on this today
Read the assessment before tomorrow's meeting
Investigate the product team
Go through mountain of receipts for reimbursements
Registration form for upcoming all company meet up
Personal Admin/Life:
Cook dinner
Health expenses substantiation
Personal Creative:
Work on fic #1
Work on digital painting
Self portrait?
Volunteering!!! (I am so behind on this. This is actually a programming project of the computational linguistics variety which is its own possible career exploration, not to mention actually interesting, so I can't neglect this!)
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