#brooke x sam
crazychicke · 2 years
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moodboards: Brooke x Julian x Sam
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xtrokeme · 1 year
where are the sam riley fanfics???
I've read every ff I found but it's not enough
it's getting out of hand
I want to write something but it's hard for me to do it
if anyone has an interesting prompt I could try (original or not, kind of a request, it helps me clear out ideas and make new ones)
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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Beautiful Mark Brooks cover for X-Men Forever #2 in April!
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miraclottie · 1 year
Kirk sleep with your doors locked tonight because an army of angry sapphics are coming for you!!!
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arieslunaangel · 2 years
Chapter Six:
Skipping Stones
<- Chapter 5 Chapter 7 ->
Trigger Warnings ⚠️:
Filler Chapter ahead
‘Bold and italic’ = Hanna’s thoughts
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Song: Take me Home Tonight by Eddie Money
(This song is intended to fit this chapter.)
Silence fell over the area as the last headlight from their bikes disappeared into the darkness. The only sound echoing in her ears was the erratic beating of her heart as it nearly leapt out of her chest.
Who were these boys? And better yet, how did the curly haired boy know her name? So many questions danced around her head to the point where it started to make her feel dizzy. Did she also tell them her name without realising it, too?
Not understanding what had just occurred, Hanna covered her face with her hands. Her mind overloading with too much information to take into consideration where she was, or who was standing directly behind her, for that matter, until the person behind her asked her a question that caused her heart to momentarily stop inside her chest.
"- H-Hanna, i-is that really you?"
Steamy hot water cascaded down her tense figure as she stood under the steady streams. The house was quiet, save from the water swirling through the pipes and the distant footsteps belonging to Mr Emerson that she could hear downstairs.
'How did it all come to this?'  She pondered solemnly, wrapping her arms around her small frame in an attempt to comfort herself. 'Falling into another time period — no — another dimension? How was that even possible? Surely it wasn't. Not even remotely.'
Yet, no matter how hard she tried to piece everything together -- to find some logic behind what had transpired-- here she was. Completely and utterly alone in a strangers house; taking a shower without even thinking twice.
Freezing in her place, Hanna turned off the shower abruptly. No longer wanting to waste her time bathing in a strangers bathroom.
Grabbing a fresh towel from the rack next to the shower, she quickly wrapped her self up and began to dry off; her hands rubbing non-too-gently across her skin, causing red blotches to appear on her arms and legs.
"Make yourself at home why don't you." Hanna whispered to herself harshly. Her voice dripping with hateful sarcasm. Truthfully it wasn't even her idea in the first place. But since the incident outside, she clammed up; refusing to cooperate with the old man downstairs, who, for some reason, seemed to know who she was.
Finishing up, she gripped the shower curtain and slowly pushed it to the side, stepping out onto the shower mat opposite the sink and a small warped glass window. A small paddle-head hairbrush rested on the sinks rim along with a fold of fresh yellow and blue flower print pyjamas — two things she received from the man before he left her to have her shower.
Wasting no time at all, she dressed. Her thoughts circling the same thing over and over again like a broken record, 'How do I go home?'
Picking up the discarded towel, Hanna hastily dried her hair before running the soft bristles of the brush through the damp locks; a whimper falling from her mouth every now and then from the large knots that had managed to accumulate in the shower. 
"Oh! for-!" She cut herself off as a shot of pain travelled from her now sore scalp. Her brows furrowed in anger at the uncomfortable sensation and she had to try her hardest not to beak down and cry.
"Hanna, are you alright in there?" A male voice questioned softly from the other side of the door causing Hanna to drop her brush out of fright.
Finding her voice she let out an unsure, "Y-Yes! Yes, I'm fine."
A brief silence met her from beyond the door and she began to wonder if he had heard her or not, that was until he let out a bemused sigh, "I'll be downstairs inside my red room. Come down when you're ready to talk."
Without waiting for an answer, Hanna could hear his footsteps receding back down the hall before descending the stairs. His words weighing heavily on her mind. Was she ready to talk to him? Ever since she arrived her words were nothing short of vacant — full of confusion and built on adrenalin which had dissipated fast the moment she entered Mr. Emerson's house.
Truthfully, all she wanted to do was sleep and pray that when she awakes, she'd be back in the somewhat-dingy-but-tolerable hotel room not far from the ocean front in Santa Cruz — surrounded by her family.
Alas, she doubted things would be so simple.
Sighing heavily, she finished up in the bathroom and gingerly opened the bathroom door. Once again, silence enveloped the house; the only noise being the dull creak resounding from the doors old metal hinges.
Stepping out into the hallway, Hanna began to survey her surroundings, something she was too distracted to do when she first entered the house. Hard wood floors, aged yet weirdly intact wallpaper that had an eerily close resemblance to the colouration and pattern of her night clothes, as well as the countless stuffed animals and antlers littering the walls and cabinet tops.
'Great,'  She thought, 'I'm dressed like wallpaper; inside a kooky house; in the middle of nowhere.' Hanna rolled her eyes and let out a silent groan at this unfortunate realisation, her hands picking at her top and the hem of her shorts self consciously.
Moving onwards, the staircase came into view; the wooden banister slightly uneven from being hand carved. With a moment of uncertainty, Hanna reached out and grasped the small wooden sphere sitting atop the start of the steps, the smooth wood caressing her fingertips as she careened her neck to peer down into the front room.
The interior of the living room was vast and open, allowing access throughout the house by the various open entryways; the furniture a few worn out couches and a corner full of old junk that — from what Hanna could only guess — had presumably sat there for decades.
Pulling back, Hanna contemplated whether she really wanted to discuss tonight events with the strange old man. To many it seemed like the best and only palpable thing to do under the circumstances; but she was also aware that things would become real if she spoke — something she wasn't comfortable about coming to terms with.
Seconds stretched into minutes as she stood there, teetering on the edge of the first step contemplating her next move.
With a deep breath she began her descent down the stairs, her heart thrumming nervously inside her chest causing her breath to come out somewhat unevenly.
Stopping in her tracks she surveyed the rest of the room; her eyes focusing on the closed wooden doors at the far side of the living space where movement could be heard.
Concluding this to be the 'red room' the old man had talked about, she made her way over to the doors with slow steps; eyes raking over the different taxidermy and miscellaneous objects scattered hazardously about the place with little to no care.
With three knocks, she waited with bated breath. The sound of a chair scraping across the hardwood floor caused her to momentarily freeze up before taking a step back.
The door opened swiftly, the face of the old man peeking through the gap with an unreadable expression etched onto his aged face as he gazed upon Hanna's unsure figure looming a few feet away from him. 
With a tight lipped smile he squeezed through the door, trying his best to obscure the interior of the room from her brown eyes, remembering how much she despised his line of work and how it made her uneasy. 
"Let's go get coffee." His voice was light, however Hanna could hear the tightness hiding under the easy-going façade.
Screwing her face up in confusion she looked down at her night clothes then back up to the old man who had already began to shrug on a worn beige corded jacket. "Umm..." She paused, tilting her head to the side with disbelief, "Now? Isn't it a bit late for coffee?" 
"It's never too late for coffee," he deadpanned with a small shake of his head, his fingers now fiddling with the front door keys, "Anyways, it just turned ten O'clock."
Swallowing a protest Hanna glanced around to try and find a clock, not entirely convinced that the time was so early. Swerving her body slightly, she soon found the object she was looking for displayed beneath the wooden skirting above the kitchen archway, its hands confirming that it was in fact only ten.
"Get a coat and some shoes on and lets go." He gestured towards the stairs with his head before leaving out into the front yard, the front door snapping shut behind him.
"Ugh..." She blinked slowly, "This is gonna be some night."
"Just a vanilla shake," She spoke with a small smile, her fingers playing with the cheap plastic-type leather seating of the booth, "Thanks."
The waitress — a stubby woman in her late fifties with thick rimmed glasses — shot her a knowing look before turning to Mr Emerson, "The usual, Dennis?" The question earning her a small nod and another thanks from the old man, "Coming right up! It'll be out shortly." She smiled at them both before slipping away towards the kitchen; swerving around teenagers as they entered.
"I don't usually come here at night," Mr Emerson started, scrutinising the surprisingly crowded diner, a distasteful look etching its way onto his face as he spotted a group of punks throwing fries at each other across the room, "Not my kinda crowd."
"Then why did we come here?" Hanna enquired, her attention also focusing on the rowdy teens across the diner.
With a dry laugh the old man turned back to her, his aged blue eyes locking onto her young dark brown ones, "I felt it might be best to talk in a more public environment. It can be quite..." He trailed off trying to find the correct words, "—Suffocating at home, especially since this situation is extremely sensitive," He paused with a sigh, "And I saw the way you looked when you came back; confused and uncomfortable. So I thought it would be better to speak here rather than back at the house."
Hanna could only nod in reply, thankful for his decision to bring her here rather than to stay there.
"Besides, the coffee here is so much better than the one back at home." Mr Emerson stated, humour present in his voice as he attempted to ease the tension; an act which earned him a small smile form the young woman across from him.
"So what happened, Hanna? I mean — one moment you're leaving for work and the next you've fallen off of the face of the earth! For a while I was convinced it was an act of rebellion; but I knew that couldn't have been it! You're not the rebellious type!" His words were desperate — voice high with deep confusion.
"I-I don't know what to say." She stuttered, her eyes now staring down at her lap where her fingers were playing with the zipper of her light blue jacket.
"Anything! Where did you go? Why did you leave? Were you kidnapped? Did someone say something to make you run away?" His questions came one right after the other making her stutter and recoil in her seat. "Where -"
"I was with some friends." She lied, cringing at how bad a liar she was and knowing that he could probably guess that what she said wasn't the truth.
Sitting back with an exasperated look across his face, Mr Emerson gave her a pointed look.
"Was it that boy again? That Shane kid who hangs around your group of friends? Did he stop at your work and take you somewhere?" His voice was firm. Cold. She could see the distrust brewing in his eyes as he spoke of the boy.
Not knowing who he was talking about, she chose to lie once again; he didn't seem to hold much liking towards whoever this guy was and she wasn't ready to see his face become any more sour than it was already, "No, it wasn't him. It doesn't matter." Her eyes stared into his, her palm growing clammy as her eyes threatened to look away from the tense blue staring back.
"Of course it matters!" Mr Emerson started, bringing his hands up to rub his creased brow, "You were gone for 3 months — no calls."
Before she could reply, a large vanilla shake was slipped under her nose catching her attention and making her look at the waitress who awkwardly stood before them dishing out their orders.
"Thank you, Elsie," Mr Emerson smiled, his icy countenance thawing away quickly at the sight of the older woman and the food, "It looks great!"
"Aww, thanks, dear." She replied, the awkwardness vanishing after hearing his words and a warm smile blessing her wrinkled face.
Tuning them out, Hanna looked down at her milkshake, absentmindedly stirring it with her straw.
How could she explain herself to Mr Emerson if she couldn't even explain herself to herself?
The commotion in the diner began to escalate causing the atmosphere to buzz with intensity; all of which was ignored by the brown eyed girl who sat absentmindedly sipping on her milkshake. It wasn't until a tap on the window next to her that she fell back into reality.
Swinging her head to the left, her eyes met with the familiar blue that belonged to one of the boys who took her home earlier.
Smiling now that he caught her attention, the tall blond sent her a seductive wink before turning on his heel and heading towards a row of stripped bikes, each one accommodating three other familiar boys.
Not really knowing what to do, Hanna turned her attention back to her milkshake; her body slowly sliding down the chair to try and hide her awkwardness.
"— What d'ya say?" Mr Emerson enquired looking at her expectantly.
"—Hm?" Hanna replied, eyes shooting up towards Mr. Emerson to see that he was now talking to her and not the waitress. Her eyebrows furrowing in contemplation.
"About your job. I asked if you feel comfortable returning to your work?"
"Oh! Um..." She trailed off not knowing what to say.
"You don't have to go back straight away. In fact, it would be best for you to take some time off. Get your bearings sorted." He advised with a small nod.
Agreeing, Hanna nodded her head. The idea of going to work in some unknown place frightening her a bit.
"Okay. No problem. I'll let Ned know the situation. I believe he'll be glad that your back and unharmed. You caused a lot of panic for everyone here." He spoke again, chewing lightly on fries as he did so.
"I'm sorry." She apologised wholeheartedly, deciding to just play along with whatever was going on; noting that she would have to do a bit of digging around for information to make sense of what was happening.
With a tired sigh, Mr. Emerson leaned back in his seat; blue eyes scrutinising Hanna's sincere expression with an absence of emotion.
"It's okay." He breathed, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The tightness of the conversation now loosening and once again becoming more light-hearted.
Smiling back at the old man, she resumed drinking her milkshake — the creamy flavour relaxing her and putting her into a calm state.
"Ain't they the boys who took ya home tonight?"
Mr. Emerson's question caught her attention immediately. The straw that she was sucking on falling away from her mouth as soon as she looked back towards the bikes she saw mere seconds day ago.
Sat astride their steel steeds were the handsome boys from before. The blond who knocked on the window stood next to the pale blond, both nursing cigarettes in their hands, all the while the other two were conversing with each other — about what, she couldn't tell as their words were masked behind their jaw-dropping smiles.
"Y-yeah..." Hanna replied, her eyes stuck to the four like glue.
"Hm." Mr Emerson breathed distastefully, "I think it's time to head back. It's getting late and I think ya need some rest."
Without waiting for a reply, he stood up from the booth; money already out and his jacket halfway on his shoulders, "Come on."
Abiding by his decision, Hanna began to slide out of her seat; the soft leather of the booth lightly sticking to her bare thighs as she moved.
"Goodnight Dennis! It was good seeing you again." The waitress, Elsie, called out as she watched them leave the diner. Replying with a carefree wave, Mr Emerson guided Hanna out into the crowded streets of the boardwalk — the brunette still transfixed on the mysterious boys sitting on their stripped back motorcycles.
"Come on, come on." Mr Emerson lightly scolded, "There's no time to ogle at boys. We need to get home."
Half listening to his words Hanna picked up her pace next to the old man, swerving around the odd pedestrian as she went.
Reaching the strip that lead to Mr Emerson's jeep, Hanna realised just how close the boys had situated their bikes to where they were parked, their presence a mere stone throw away. 
"Damn punks." Mr Emerson muttered to himself, his body already halfway inside the vehicle. 
Ignoring his snide remark, Hanna hopped into the passenger side of the jeep, her eyes looking back to the boys only for her breath to catch in her throat when her eyes met with the crystal clear blue that belonged to the pale blond. 
With quick movements she looked away, pretending to be interested with the zipper of her coat. Her mind buzzing over the fact that she just got caught staring at the attractive boys.  
As the jeep engine roared to life, she took one last sneaky look at the men, brown meeting blue once again. 
Smirking at her embarrassed state, the pale blond blew out the last puff of smoke from between his thin -- yet soft -- looking lips before crushing the butt of the cigarette underneath his boot. 
Not being able to tear her eyes away, she watched as he peeled down the opposite end of the boardwalk, the other boys following close behind -- each one sparing her one last glance before disappearing into the darkness beyond the boardwalk's lights.
Tag List 🏷:
@nataliewalker93 @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame @aldhidbah
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ghostfaceaddams · 1 year
Fall Out Of Love | Masterlist
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"Save yourself, fall out of love."
Synopsis: Tatum Riley Jr. is left with her entire world being flipped upside down and the foundation cracked. With her dad and friends dead, she begins to spiral down an unpleasing path. Tara is left to remind her of the few good things in life.
Chapter One - coming soon!
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soovermyself · 2 years
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prettywhenibleed · 1 year
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𝕾𝖆𝖒 & 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗: When Worlds Collide Pt 1 - Pt 2
Dean Winchester Smut
Spam liking without reblogging = blocked
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rosie-writings · 4 months
You’ve Got my Body, Flesh, and Bone Part Two
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Summary: You didn’t think you would let it go this far, but alcohol always gives you the bite to challenge Colby until you’re both faced with the things that keep you from being together.
Warnings: Colby x Reader smut, Angst, Slow Burn, Dom/Sub dynamic, slight Predator/Prey kink, Overstimulation, Bondage, Overstimulation, Subspace
Words: 23.4k
No Y/N Used
Title is from ‘The Summoning’ by Sleep Token
Part One
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My blood rushed my veins a degree warmer. I looked down the hallway from where I stood in front of the biggest mirror I had ever seen. The girls partied loudly with drinks and music, and they ruined the kitchen with snacks. I walked back over to them.
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And that was the only time I broke the law for the next 10 hours.
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The only recognizable thing were the messages from Colby that flooded my phone. Other than that, I woke up in a house I had never seen before. My head laid on the foot of the bed and my blanket hung over the edge. At least I was alone. But Tara and the others were not with me. 
I shot up and raced out of the room.
Tana and Brooke were passed out on the same sofa in the living room.
I checked every bedroom and finally the erratic racing of my heart stilled when I found Tara curled up in a dark cozy bed alone. 
What even happened last night?
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I scoured the house for a quiet secluded place, and I went back into the bedroom I woke up in. There was a patio and private sliding doors, so I went outside. I didn’t want Tara to know that I was breaking the rule again.
He answered quickly.
”Holy fuck you sould like shit,” he laughed.
”Excuse me? I just drank myself to death and got sick like three days in a row; you can’t be mean to me.”
”No, I think this is the perfect time to be mean to you especially for how much of a lightweight you are. You’re sick all the damn time.”
”Hey! At least I get sick once and then I’m fine; you and Sam rot in bed for two days. How boring is that? That seems more like lightweight behavior to me.”
”Whatever,” he laughed. “Do you really not know where you are?”
”These are Tana’s friends I’m pretty sure. I kind of remember her talking to them, but it was kind of crazy last night, and there were a ton of people here.”
”At least you guys are safe,” he sighed. I didn’t enjoy the warmth that invaded my skin. “I’m suffering.”
”Why is that?”
”What do you mean ‘why is that?’ Now I understand why it’s taken Sam and I so fucking long to go to Australia; this flight sucks.”
“Aw poor you; willingly taking a first class flight to Australia to meet up with friends—“
”Shut the fuck up, bitch.”
”Call me a bitch again—“
”You would like that, wouldn't you?” I gasped in shock; my face flared.
”Not as much as you, you fucking asshole.”
”And who said I would like it?”
”You called me a bitch first, bitch.”
”Wow, now look who’s calling who a bitch.” I sighed in defeat. I took a breath to say something, but he interrupted me.
”You’re doing a poor job at entertaining me.”
”What? I’ve sent you two photos and have answered your texts at any chance I can.”
”Yeah like twice.”
”What can I say, I’m a busy girl.”
”Yeah, busy with partying like it’s the end of the world.”
”You’re one to talk,” I spat back. This time, my voice laced with a whiny teasing tone rather than spite. And dare I say, the joking tasted better in my mouth than the hatred.
I was fed up. I didn’t like how we leaned on one side of the fence anymore; was this uncharted territory really all that safe, albeit uncomfortable? 
“You know what? You’re right. We too will be busy with partying like it’s the end of the world with friends.”
”Aw, that sounds nice. Have fun being so busy partying with bros and fucking bitches.”
“Whoa, no one said anything about that. Got something to tell me about last night?”
”Wouldn’t you love to know.” My skin crawled at the way he sighed my name.
”Oh? Did you break your stupid rule?”
“What? You know about the rule?”
”Tara told on you. Can’t believe you’re breaking rules for me, that's so embarrassing for you.” My hand held onto the roots of my hair for support.
”You’re making me feel gross, I’m going and taking a shower—“
”Or maybe you feel gross from the partying so hard you got sick—“
”Alright motherfucker, when you haven’t drank yourself sick come talk to me.”
”But it’s so fun talking to you now.”
”Colby,” I laughed and groaned his name simultaneously. “Yeah because you’re so bored now, right?”
”Yes I am. At least bring me with you when you shower.”
”Whoa,” I faked a shocked gasp. “At least take me to dinner first.”
”I fucking paid for your rent the past two months, bitch.” 
“Your shower privileges are revoked.”
”No I didn't mean it,” he laughed. 
“Aw, you’re sounding desperate now?” 
“No, just want what you promised me.”
”And what’s that? I don’t remember promising you anything.”
The gravity of the situation yanked my stomach out of its place. I sat in the chair frozen as my body caught on fire. I heard a singular uneven breath on the other side of the line.
He didn’t reroute his words. He doubled down on them with every silent second that passed.
”I’ll see what I can do.”
And I hung up on him before he could get another word in.
With every shaking fiber of my being, I collected myself and tried to get my ass in the shower without passing out. I would never admit to a soul—including my own—that a stupid man made me feel like this. A best friend, at that. 
Completely undressed, I stared at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror that stood in the threshold between the bedroom and bathroom.
I sat on the floor.
I snapped a photo.
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I didn’t respond but I didn’t tell him that I did as he told.
I washed the heat in my body out with a chilly shower.
When I got out, I found the crew zombified trying to pull together an edible breakfast. Somehow, someway, Colby’s conversation was the fuel I needed to not tear anyone apart.
This fuel came to a climax that night when a text message revealed itself on my phone.
It wasn’t me, this time, who broke the rules. It was his fault.
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I tried to keep the breath in my throat, but it left me quicker than I could hold on. My eyes raced up and down his body, and I didn’t stop myself.
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I scrolled to the message he emphasized; the photo of me undressed while I sat on the floor. My vision darkened as my heart beat loudly in my ears.
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I very much knew the position I put him in. I needed him to say it; paint the picture for me.
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My legs pressed together and I thanked the heavens that I sat in the chair against the window that overlooked the skyscrapers of the city. The girls were lounging. We watched a show and baked cookies. It was quiet time.
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And, oh, how I hated how hot my body was. The ache in between my legs should have been illegal, and I took a glimpse at the girls. I couldn’t even make up a lie. Lying was my second language, and someone my first language was annihilated before I even moved to stand up.
My legs moved before my brain processed.
”Where are you going?” Brooke asked. I paused and words left me. Tara gasped.
”Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.”
The girls teased me for a moment and I flicked them off.
I still went to my bedroom alone. 
I locked the door.
I sat on the bed. My heart so ferociously worked that I wondered if I lived my last few seconds.
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His lack of immediate response told me everything I needed to know. He wasn’t messing around. I never pinned Colby as the type of person to mess around with things like this; but I never anticipated him being so quick. So bold with it. 
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My uneven breath tangled in my throat as my back hit the bedding. 
Tears welled in my eyes from the amount of desperation that his simple texts alone injected into my bloodstream. Perhaps it was my lack of quick response, or maybe he supernaturally sensed a morsel of my trembling need, but he went gentle on me without my asking for it. My phone buzzed one last time.
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And so I did.
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After that, Colby and I didn’t speak for a long time.
Perhaps the pressure was relieved, and the visceral irritation I felt towards him and our situationship cooled off for the time being.
He sent me photos and updates here and there, and I ate all of them up. Of course I reciprocated, and the tension between us nearly subsided completely. We were friends—best friends—again, and there was a part of me that was excited to go home and spend time with him and Sam.
When I got home, the excitement turned into nervousness. Butterflies drenched the inside of my organs as I waited for their not-so-distant return from Australia. 
Four days.
When the morning of their arrival greeted me, a snap from Colby said hello with it.
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I rolled my eyes at the way my body shuddered. Why did I allow him to swoon me like that?
I replied with finality; see you soon. 
He responded with a black heart.
Two months ago, we all planned for a party at their house because it just so happened to coincide with trips our friends took as well. Friends from other countries and also states visited LA that week, and so Sam thought it would be a perfect end to a month of traveling. He wasn’t wrong. It sounded phenomenal.
Well, it sounded phenomenal before Colby and I became something.
I could see it in his eyes.
I didn’t say a word, a breath of relief washed over me. I wanted to cringe at it; spit it out of my mouth. But his eyes alone felt like a welcome home hug, as much as I didn’t want to come to terms with it, and I decided to give him the responsibility of approaching me and sharing the first word between us in person in over a month. 
Colby didn’t look away from me; that was the problem. He didn’t smile either which should have been a good thing, but it was the alternative expression pulled at his face.
I didn’t think even Sam could take his attention from me.
Maybe if we were alone I would have withstood this staring contest, but we weren’t alone. The music, the voices, the partying was all too much, and even though probably not even a single one of them paid attention to us, I was convinced the world watched our every move. So I caved first.
”You made it back in one piece,” I said as he made his way towards me. He still wore the same flannel and that dumb hat. His eyes flickered to my mouth on instinct. I did talk a bit too low for him to hear in the chaos around us.
”Did you?” He asked me and chills raced across my skin from the unfiltered decibels of his voice. It wasn’t distorted by a phone call.
I also didn’t mean for that flirty smile to lift on my mouth. I shoved it back down with words as fast as it came.
”Does that matter?”
”What?” He gasped but I shook my head. A darkness covered his eyes as they lingered on me even as I broke our stare, and started conversation with other people.
I talked to Sam, to Kris, to friends I had longed to see for quite a while, and we settled in conversation about our trips. In between sentences, I took a glance at Colby, and a pit opened in my stomach when I locked gaze with his darkened eyes. He didn’t even blink. His hat and backpack were now out of sight. He swallowed the sip of his drink he took and I returned my attention to the conversation at hand.
Tara spoke enthusiastically about the night we had at the club that was particularly notable considering Brooke—of all of us who were there—was stood on the table screaming at someone. It never crossed my mind that Brooke would be the one permanently banned from a club in New York City, but I supposed I didn’t know much at all.
From the way Colby's presence ever followed me, surely I knew nothing at all.
I played it off well. His eyes were there when I searched, his back was closer to me as he spoke to people, and he moved from place to place as I did. I didn’t know how much longer we would play this game.
I was long past the finish line, and when we trapped each other in the kitchen with our best friends on either side of us, that was when I realized he had crossed it long ago as well. 
Now, we simply waited.
Maybe it was the alcohol that gave me confidence to challenge him; if often did. But as friends were distracted with their games, their conversations and sharing of substances, I found him there in that hot kitchen. 
“So what, are you second guessing the risk you took in coming back?” I asked him with eyelashes that were heavy. He looked down at me, not smiling.
”What are you asking for if not this?” He asked and the alcohol was the only thing that kept me from caving in on myself from that deep tone of voice.
”I don’t know; you didn’t kiss me when you saw me, didn’t even hug me. I was afraid you didn’t want it.” He laughed with a certain kind of venom on his smile.
”No. I’m just afraid that if I touched you right now, I wouldn’t be able to stop until I made you a mess of yourself lost in your headspace, and I didn’t think that was very appropriate for this party.” My eyebrows shot up as I stared at him in awe. 
“I mean you’ve never ruined a party before so why not do it now?” Colby laughed back at me and shook his head.
”Why should I start now? Why should I ruin my own party?”
”If anything, this is Sam’s party.” He rolled his eyes.
“That gives me even more reason to not ruin it.”
”Whatever,” I sighed as I turned back to the island and grabbed a bottle to pour another drink for myself. “I don’t care. Make me wait.”
”Yeah, I will,” he scoffed. I felt his warmth on my skin as he stood impossibly close to me without touching me at all. “I mean I’ve waited all this time to tear you apart, what’s a few more hours?”
I stared through the alcohol that poured in my cup as my vision blurred with the nasty thoughts he gave me. Then the bottle was out of my hand.
”And that’s enough.” He took the cup from my hand as well.
”What? I’m not even drunk yet.”
“Uh, you think I don’t know you? You’re drunk as hell.”
”You’re an idiot.”
”No, I just know that only drunk you can talk back to me like that.” I stared up at him in frustration. “Fine, take it back.” He held the cup to me. “But I would rather you remember the first time I take my time with you.”
He smiled evilly as I walked away from him empty handed.
It was two hours later when I heard his voice again.
”Sam, you’re going home with her, right?”
”Obviously,” he laughed. “And I’ll either stay with her or Jake until you text me.”
My stomach was in knots. 
It was only two am and the majority of people were gone. I hadn’t gotten as drunk as I anticipated, and Kris and Celina were sober enough to drive back to their hotel. Sam got in that Uber with the girl he introduced me to during Christmas, and then the front door was closed.
Besides the slight mess, the house was exactly the way we left it a month ago.
Only this time, it was silent. Beckoning. 
Colby turned around and faced me, and I stood like a deer in headlights in the middle of the foyer.
When his lips turned up in a smile, as did mine, and when he took his first step, I took off deeper into the massive house.
”What? Where are you going?” He laughed. But I heard his shoes chase me faster than I ran.
”No where! Why-Why are you chasing me?” I laughed back. I skirted around the bar area and through the kitchen. I ran through the room that should have been the dining room, but he was still hot on my heels.
”I wouldn’t be chasing you if you just let me catch you.”
”If you can’t catch me then why do you think you deserve to tear me apart?” His uneven gasp switched the tone of his voice so fast that I nearly had whiplash.
”Oh alright, if you wanna play that way then maybe you should run faster so that when I catch you, you can get a bigger reward.” His smile was gone and his voice reverberated in my bones. I trembled with a desperation to run, run, run and I aimlessly chose my next escape. 
“Colby!” I screamed when he also rounded the corner as scrappily as I did. “Get away from me!”
”Oh that’s not what you’ll be screaming when I catch you.” I knew better than to take the stairs; his legs were much longer than mine. I retraced my steps and took off into the kitchen again. “You’re making this too easy for me,” he sighed.
And he easily cleared the island.
”No! Colby—“
His hands grabbed my waist with an intensity I had never known.
He absorbed the shock from leaping over the island by pushing me back and back until I collided into the wall. 
A hand pinned me to the wall with enough force to convince me that he actually thought I would try to run away. 
He was finally mine, how could I?
He didn’t stop; it was all the same motion from when he cleared the island to kissing me like it was our last. It was always and forever would be like that between us, wouldn’t it? I cried into his mouth as I tasted him for the second time, but this felt like the first. 
He licked into my mouth with fervor and my hands found his neck, his hair, and I yanked him closer as if it were humanly possible. I didn’t mean to moan when he pinned me against the wall so hard that I had nowhere else to go but up. My leg wrapped around his waist, and his hand grabbed the back of the other one to lift me fully off the floor. 
“Colby—“ I quietly gasped his name in choppy breaths. He moaned against my skin as if he tried to say something, but simply couldn’t. My heart pounded from our chase, and this amount of contact didn’t aid it.
The world spun around us until there was nothing but us alone.
”Oh fuck!” I cried when he finally grinded against me. “Holy shit, I always dreamed of how you sounded,” he whispered against my hot skin before he kissed me again and again.
He drank down my moans as he kept a steady pace, and I wish he gave me the second to beg but he didn’t. My hands clawed at his clothes and he pulled them away over and over until he groaned in frustration.
”You are so impatient,” he spat when my wrists hit the wall above my head. 
“Can you blame me, fucking asshole?” I swear his eyes turned black.
”If you’re going to keep talking that way then you better choose a safe word now.” My throat clamped shut. Dizziness overwhelmed me and I tried to stand my ground.
I laughed.
”You really think you can make me use it?”
“You’re going to have to be a bit more convincing, sweetheart.” 
I stared at him dead in those fiery filled eyes.
“No. You should convince me already.” And of course Colby laughed at me.
He didn’t say another word as he all too sweetly kissed my skin. He must have felt the erratic beating of my heart, but he didn’t move furiously nor painfully. I tried to catch my breath as I sat in anticipation over his eerily gentle behavior.
When he unbuttoned my pants, I allowed him to pull them off and I graciously didn’t try to run away. 
“Oh my god—Colby—“
”Shut up,” he demanded and went back to his work. “Just shut the fuck up already and let me have you.”
”Take me,” rushed out of my mouth faster than I could reel in the thoughts. “Take all of me—“ I cut myself off with a gasp when he dropped me. My feet hit the floor, but he still held onto my wrists high above me. Then I looked down and watched as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
”Please-Please just let me—“
”You’re already begging for me?” He laughed. “That’s no fun now, is it?” My knees gave out at the sight of his mocking smile.
I paused, I looked up at him with a wide smile.
”I’m having fun playing along with you,” I said, and apparently it was the wrong thing to say because I was back in my place pinned to the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist.
”Alright, tell me when you’re not faking then.” My stomach twisted when his hand shoved in between us.
”Colby,” I whispered his name breathlessly. Heavy breaths came from his lips, and I couldn’t pull my gaze away from his mouth
Without another word, he pushed inside me, and he didn’t let me catch my breath.
”Colby—“ My voice rose. He didn’t answer me. Instead, he thrusted forward. Again. Again and again. “Colby.” This time my voice shook with weakness. His eyes found mine like he knew. His parted lips pulled in a small fond smile, and his free hand fell from my neck and to my hips to hold me still to the wall.
“Colby!” I finally broke, and my yell mixed with the sound of his body colliding into mine.
”What?” He sighed with a teasing pout in his eyes. “Having an issue with faking already?”
”You just feel so good,” I gasped. He faltered. His eyes glazed.
”Fuck—“ He gasped and hesitated. “The-The way you make me feel—“ He didn’t finish his sentence.
He didn’t change his rhythm and it drove me crazy.
He was too much, not enough; I couldn’t decide.
”How do-How do I make you feel?” I choked. He shook his head as his sanity melted before me.
So he fucked me harder.
”Oh my god—!” I screamed, but his thumb gouged into my side to shut me up. My back arched off the wall, and that was when his voice broke with moans as well.
“Fuck,” he grumbled lowly, and my eyes had to close our else another glimpse of his perfect face would put me in the ground. “I need—Fucking hell—“
”Colby!” I gasped, and when he let go of my wrists, my arms wrapped around his neck.
His arms held me under my thighs and I was whipped around towards the kitchen.
”Holy shit—“ I gasped shakily when my hands hit the island countertop. He stood behind me, hands on my waist.
”Need to tear you apart, remember?” He pulled my underwear to the side and shoved inside of me all over again.
My moans echoed across the granite, and I crumbled at the sound of his uninhibited moans. He was so—
Just so.
Speechlessness. It washed over me with every harsh thrust given. And when his hand met the back of my neck and pushed down, I closed my eyes and relaxed my body to give him all of myself. My fists and nails tore at the granite as if it could splinter, and I pushed my forehead to the chilling slick stone for support.
”Colby! Oh my god—I can’t—You feel so damn good.”
”Holy shit,” I think he mumbled again, and he breathed loudly as he raised my hips more. “Up here, baby,” he muttered gently, and I felt his hand link under my knee. I rested my knee up on the edge of the island so that he could have better access.
I think I blacked out.
I wasn’t sure. 
“Yeah baby, you sound so good let me hear you.” His hands pushed my hips back more, and he reached the pressure point inside of me that melted my vision. I couldn’t hold on anymore and I forgot to act. Why did we act anyway?
This was better than I could ever imagine.
”Colby—“ My voice came off as a warning.
”What?” He spat. I think I mumbled. So, his fingers tangled in the roots of my hair, and he yanked.
I gasped as my back arched and his face came to the side of my head.
”Finish your sentence,” he warned.
”I’m—You feel too good.”
He laughed again.
”I don’t think I can feel too good yet, just wait. I’ll let you know when it’s supposed to good.”
”Colby, I’m going to—“
”You’re not going to do anything except sit here and take it like a good girl.” My voice was caught in my throat. It felt like cotton stuffed in my ears and replaced every coherent thought in my brain. 
There wasn’t a feeling I experienced that compared to it, to this.
”Maybe—ugh,” I moaned as my eyes rolled back from another thrust and scratch of his nails. “Maybe you’re the one-the one who has to be good and-and fuck me like you mean it.“
”Oh my—“ He laughed loudly and pulled out of me.
”I said—“ He spun me around and his chokehold cut my sentence short.
”You’re really going to repeat that sentence?” The deafening weight of his whisper actually twinged whatever courage I mustered. I swallowed tightly, but his fingers squeezed the sides of my neck tighter. My vision blackened.
”I might if-if you don’t…”
”If I don’t what?” I opened my eyes again as I tried to keep myself from passing out. 
”I-If you don’t fuck me like you mean it.” His grip lightened and his thumb dragged across my cheek.
”Look at you,” he mocked sweetly. “You’re such a mess for me already; how do you know I haven’t meant it?”
”I can still talk, can’t I?”
”And is that a problem for you?”
”It will be if you don’t-if you don’t give me everything.”
”Then it sounds like you should get your ass upstairs then, hm? Or can you not walk?”
So, in my stubbornness, I shoved him off of me and waver in my stance. His eyebrows shot up.
“I can walk,” I scoffed. “You’re the one who won’t be able to catch me.” He burst out laughing. 
“I caught you once. This time you’ll just run into my trap, so—“
”How do you know it’s yours and not mine? Just ‘cause I’m not fucking you to hell and back doesn’t mean it’s not my trap.”
”You—Oh my god,” he laughed as I took off. I heard him follow me quickly, and I took three steps at a time; the adrenaline must have caught up with me.
It was flesh and blood after I burst into his room. 
The only light was the orange glow from one of the bedside tables, and my stomach turned with the realization that this was getting real. He slammed the door behind him until the walls shuddered, and I stood in the middle of his room with my back to him so that he could catch me. His hands didn’t touch my skin, no, they yanked the rest of my clothes off without remorse.
I turned around.
He actually allowed me to undress him. I unbuttoned each button of his flannel slowly to test him. I watched him and waited for him to break, but he didn’t. When the soft fabric fell from his ever darkened shoulders—I forgot, it’s summer in Australia—my hands moved to his waistband. His pants were already unbuttoned, so I pulled them down.
My eyes locked with his as I dropped to my knees.
His clothes didn’t hit the ground—they didn’t even reach his knees—before I finally had him in my hand, and had my way with him. His eyebrows furrowed and lips parted with illicit moans pouring from them. 
I didn’t take my gaze off him as I took him in my mouth. 
It took all but two motions, and his head tipped back with pleasure. His fingers found my scalp and I moaned around him.
His moans filled the air that already thickened with a tension, a frantic heat I wasn’t prepared for. I didn’t use my hand, no. He grabbed my hair with two hands and I fell into him at will. His hips pushed forward until I couldn’t breathe, and I tasted him in the back of my throat. My eyes rolled back and I pushed the back of my tongue tightly around him. 
Expletives shot into the air as I was the one who quickened the pace. Then he fucked his hips forward with every yank of my hair. 
But, apparently I did too much. Or—
“Alright, baby,” he sighed unevenly. He let go of my hair. “Give me your hands.” So I raised them. He took my wrists in one hand and pinned them back to the bed. I still rested on my knees on the floor, and a high pitched whine escaped my mouth as my body bent backward in a compromising position. “You’ve had so much fun with me, but I thought you wanted me to use you. So be a good girl and relax that throat for me.”
My lips parted, and I looked up at him darkly. His legs stood on either side of me. My head hit the comforter as he thrusted back in.  
“Oh fuck—“ he gasped and instantly, my knees spread and I fell deeper under him. Again, my eyes rolled back and I relaxed. One of his hands still held himself, though, and for that I was slightly grateful, but it took me knocking his leg with my knee for him to take his hand away and catch himself from falling.
In the jostle, he fucked into my throat as deep as he could reach, and I gagged but didn’t push him away. He gasped and looked down to make sure I was fine.
I didn’t know what I looked like, but apparently it was enoguh for him to fuck his hips more and more—
I moaned particularly loudly, and his grip on my wrists tightened to the point where I assumed when I got them back they would be blue with bloody crescent moons in them.
I couldn’t believe the heat in between my legs. I needed something—anything—and I rolled my hips like there was something in front of me that could grant me friction. 
Of course cool air was all I was met with.
”You are so insane,” he gasped as he pulled out of me. I gasped for air and he pulled my hair out of my face. “Get up,” he demanded. “Get up now. I need both of my hands.”
I didn’t utter another word, no; I wouldn’t dare. Not when I knew where he was about to put the remaining of my control of self.
He tossed me to the bed and my head hit the pillows. Before anything else, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above me. I stared at his face in a trancelike speechlessness; his eyes focused on the work of his own hands.
In mere seconds, my wrists pulled and they were so tightly locked in place that I hardly budged.
What caught me off guard, though, was the cold sharpness of the metal cuffs. I didn’t anticipate the pain. I thought my hands would be met with the warm softness of fabric cuffs or something; not a pair that no matter how much I wrestled, I would never escape without his key.
”Colby,” I cried; my voice roughened.
He sat on his knees in between my legs. 
‘Finally,’ his expression seemed to convey. Then he slowed down and took the rest of his clothes off.
“Look at you,” he sighed and I melted under his gaze. He soaked in every ounce of my body. “Your cat and mouse game was so cute.” Chills fell across my body. He crawled hauntingly slowly over me; his warmth grazing my skin. I was so attuned to it that it felt like I held onto it like my only anchor in reality. 
I looked across his body; the warm lighting of the light glowed his golden skin softly, and I wanted nothing more than to touch every inch of it. His fingers raised and touched my mouth. On instinct, I parted my lips, and his fingerprints rested on my tongue.
Oh, I pulled on him. I tasted him, licked them clean even though they weren’t dirty, and I didn’t take my eyes off of him. Then he dragged them down my chin, my throat, and my breath stopped heavily in my chest where they touched next. My stomach rose and fell again quicker and quicker as they reached my belly button and lower, lower—
His eyes looked back up at mine.
”I don’t even have to touch you,” he said. “Can already see how ready you are for me.”
’Please,’ I thought I mouthed, but no sound came from it. His head cocked to the side.
”Can’t talk already? Or are you still faking?” My heart couldn’t keep up. I blinked quickly.
My speechlessness told the whole story.
”And I haven’t even paid the attention to you that I wanted to yet.”
So he leaned over. My eyes rolled back in frustration because what now?
My chest caved in on itself when he came back.
A small wand vibrator sat in his hand. 
“Colby—“ I choked.
”Oh, now you can speak?”
”I-I—oh god—I haven’t—”
”You haven’t what?” It was the calm tone; that’s what it was. That’s what did it for me. A storm was behind his eyes, but the calmness in his tone made every hair stand up on my body. 
“Haven’t used a vibrator in so long—Please don’t—“
”Wait, what?” He gasped, out of character for a moment. “You don’t have one?”
”It-It broke so long ago and I-and I forgot to get another—Oh my god Colby, please don’t—“ His evil smile twisted my stomach with sparks.
”This got a lot more entertaining for me,” he remarked.
And he turned it on.
”Oh my—“ I gasped when he pushed it gently against my aching arousal.
Like that, I swear he brought heaven down on earth.
”Colby,” I gasped his name, and already my arms twisted in the restraints. “I-I’m not going to last long. I literally-I literally already feel like…”
”Like what?” That sweet airy tone should be the one in trouble next. No, it wasn’t fair. 
“So close,” I whined.
”It’s on the lowest setting, baby, and it’s hardly touching you.” Another string of loud moans poured from me. “Fuck, you know I’m not taking it off of you until I’ve had my way with you?”
I nodded furiously.
”Good, then that means I’ll let you come, but the sooner you do, the more orgasms you’ll have.”
This ounce of control he gave me was already wasted.
It built in my stomach, and my muscles contracted to keep it at bay, but holy shit, it was too entirely impossible with that look raining down on me.
”Colby, fuck, oh my god, you fucking, oh my—“
”Yeah?” He laughed. His eyes watched my body. He pushed it harder against me. I gasped and my back arched. I wiggled my hips from him, but he pinned them down with his other hand.
It didn’t help that my thighs were tossed over his, and he still kept his firm stance on his knees.
”How close are you?”
”Going to,” I gasped.
”Fine,” he sighed. His eyes watched me and maybe that was what pulled it out of me so fast. Maybe that was the reason my first orgasm crashed into me with such intensity I swore I blacked out. “Holy shit,” he laughed. “Yeah, come so hard for me. Oh my fucking god, you look so good.”
”Please—“ I gasped for air. 
Then, the overstimulation.
It reigned over me without remorse. It wasn’t kind, and Colby was lesser. He didn’t take the vibrator away; he turned it onto the next speed.
I screamed as the burning pleasure turned into pain. His eyes glazed into darkness as they focused on my face.
”You know your safe word.” The challenge still hung on his words. I opened my eyes, and I smiled back.
He turned it higher.
Maybe it was a mistake to challenge him back, I couldn’t decide. This wasn’t a pleasure I was familiar with. We had never met before. His nails made permanent imprints on my thighs to keep them spread. I tried to kick my legs, but he was still so much stronger than me. 
It was the first time that I thanked the gods that their house was big enough to contain the loudest noises.
“Please-Please, Colby please! Holy shit!”
”You are so fucking hot,” he laughed. “But no. I’m not done with you. I thought you were going to be good and take it.”
”I-I am! I did.”
”No, I’m not done yet.”
“Inside, please!”
”I don’t know what you’re asking me for. That’s not a full sentence baby.”
”Ugh! Oh my god, fuck you—“ The words hardly escaped my mouth before he slapped the fuck out of my hip.
”I’m playing nice right now, baby. If you want me to be mean I can be, but you won’t be too happy about it considering you can barely handle this.”
”I need you inside of me, please! Need to be full.”
”There, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” I hummed a mixture of whines and moans.
He didn’t let up the vibrator. Two of his fingers accompanied it and pushed ever so slowly inside of me. I ached—writhed and gasped and moved—for more, but only his fingertips teased me.
”You want it that bad?” He asked sweetly.
”Yes, I need it. You-You were already inside of me once! How-How—I need it again.” My voice tore out of my throat harshly. He didn’t even flinch.
”Tell me how much you want me to fill you.”
”I need you so bad I’m going to cry; please! Give me your fingers I need them.”
”Tell me you’ll be so good and sweet for me, and that you’ll take what I give you.”
”I’ll be so-so good for you, Colby,” I whined as my hips shook with another harsh was of overstimulation. His eyebrows shot up as he pinned them down. “I’ll do anything you tell me to; I’ll take whatever you want to give me.”
”Alright, you said you’ll take whatever I want to give you so…”
My breath was taken from me when three fingers pushed into me. He thrusted them in and out with no remorse, and mixed with the vibrations, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I met another high. 
Which terrified me.
Rarely ever did I finish more than once in a single session, but something about the way he touched me promised me another one and another—
Then he found it, aggressively.
”Fuck!” I gasped quietly. My back arched and he used his elbows to keep my legs apart still. “There, there, there,” I whined.
”Yeah? Does that feel so good?” He teased. I nodded quickly. Tears flooded my eyes. “You going to come again?” He asked.
“Tell me, baby.”
”Yes, I’ll come again.”
He didn’t say anything else. He moved quicker and quicker, and my breathing rose and rose—
He pulled his fingers out of me when my orgasm was two paces in front of me.
”No! Please don’t! I’m—Oh shit—“ My orgasm was ruined on the vibrator, and I shook from the violent sting of it. 
“And that was called punishment for teasing me for so fucking long and making me want you the way I do.”
”Colby,” I gasped. It was a habit at that point.
And just as the overstimulation came with a vengeance, he pushed himself inside of me.
Another wave of moans and noises poured from me, but he didn’t move. I saw it on his face, oh, he wanted to fuck me until I couldn’t breathe, but he waited. He watched, he listened. I writhed on him and humiliation showered on me when I realized he smirked at the fact that I was crying on him without him even moving.
”You’re so pretty when you cry,” he sighed. 
Then he slowly pulled out of me.
”But only when you’re crying on my dick.” And he pushed back in. A gasp ripped from me. He pulled out and pushed back in again, and again.
”You’re-You’re fucking—Ugh, Colby,” I cried, and dragged out his name with a whine.
”Yeah, holy shit, you feel so good,” he moaned and he savored some selfish seconds for himself as he gained speed.
I dug my head into the pillow as he pushed my hips further back. One of his hands pressed against the underside of one of my thighs, and I couldn’t look away from him. His hair began to separate from the heat in the room, and his eyebrows furrowed with pleasure again. I only needed to watch his face to find my pleasure, so I tried to block out the feeling of the powerful vibrator in between us or else I would finish again.
”Colby.” Now I was embarrassed about the amount of times I chanted his name tonight. “I can’t take it, I’m-I’m going to again.”
”Fucking hell,” he laughed. “Again? You’re crazy. No way you can come that many times.”
”You—oh my god—It’s your fault.”
”My fault?” His tone pretended to be innocent. “How is it my fault?”
”You’re such…” My insult fizzled into inaudible moans.
”I’m so what? Do you want to try to finish that pathetic sentence?”
”You’re such-such a cocky asshole.”
”Oh yeah? And who’s making you feel this way?” 
Before I could respond, his hips collided into mine harsher. I gasped and I swore in that moment, my nails tore into the skin of my palms. He fucked me like he meant it. I was to blame for that.
”The-The vibrator.”
”Oh yeah?” He choked a laugh. “It’s making you feel so good, isn’t it?” I only hummed in response because holy shit he nailed that spot inside of me. “God, you’re so close already. Can tell by the way you can’t even talk or look at me. You’re breathing harder and your moans are getting louder—“
”Colby!” I snapped at him, and just as my orgasm hit he pulled the vibrator away. “No,” I gasped, but the tidal wave of pleasure was too steep to ward off.
I writhed through my ruined orgasm with nothing but him inside me unmoving. 
And his cruel laughs filled the air around us and mixed with my moans. 
“You act so tough, like you have something on me, but now here you are crying and coming on my dick like a slut when I’m not even doing anything to you.”
And that was where I drew the line.
”Oh my god,” I gritted my teeth as my senses slowly came back to me. “Fuck you, you motherfucker. You’re such a—“
I knew he was testing the waters in a less confident way. That’s why when his hand met my face it certainly wasn’t hard enough to blush it red, but it was harder than any other time he touched my face. My eyes must have stared up at him wide and bright because his dominance began to melt into concern.
“Don’t act like I haven’t been slapped before.” The astonishment on his face was worth getting in trouble over.
”Jesus Christ, you are such a brat, honestly, I should just tie the vibrator to you on the highest setting and leave you here all night.” I burst out laughing.
”Yeah, like you’d be able to handle that. You wouldn’t be able to listen to me moaning for ten minutes before you’d run in to fuck me.”
”You’d be surprised. Wanna test it? We’re alone in this house.”
The gravity of the situation fell on my shoulders; I clearly was all bark and no bite.
”Yeah,” he laughed as he held my face. “That’s what I thought.”
”I want you to come in me now. Tonight, as soon as possible. I don’t want the vibrator without you.” More expletives rushed under his breath as he thrusted his hips forward. I hummed with him in contentment. 
I was so entirely and utterly full under him that I couldn’t foresee myself wanting anything else, anyone else, like I wanted him. 
“If that’s what you want, then you need to be patient for it.” His eyes searched mine. “I mean, you can be. I already see how hazy your eyes are. You think you can handle much more?”
”I can handle as much as you want to give me,” I rushed out before I could think about what I said. A twinge of question pulled at his face. 
He knew.
Then I understood.
I stopped pulling at the cuffs long ago. I relaxed my hips, the pain was far from me. I was safe and desperate. I didn’t challenge him anymore.
”I’ve got you, okay?” The sudden real and soft tone was jarring. 
“Okay,” I whined, and I inwardly cringed at the high pitched break in it. He brushed my hair back and fucked his hips into mine brutally. 
The pleasure returned like a train and I was strapped down helpless on the tracks. 
His hands wrapped around my waist and held me down as he used me as he pleased. I could only lie and take it, and my eyes closed. I couldn’t handle seeing anything at all anymore. I couldn’t handle hearing; that was thrown out the window a few seconds ago.
My senses were all so overstimulated that I could only handle and focus on the feeling of him viciously claiming what was his. I tried to grab onto something, anything at all, but there was nothing. 
“You’re so good for me,” he whispered praises in between moans. I was sure his hands memorized every round of my skin. “Fuck,” he breathed with another wave of bated breath. “You piss me the fuck off.”
”How?” I gasped. 
“You-You match me,” he grunted as he sat up more. The angle switch shoved a gasp out of me. How can he have a conversation at a time like this? 
”I don’t fucking know,” he snapped through a roughened moaned. “You-You just keep up with me and fucking bite back, and-and I’ve been so scared to break that.”
”You-You aren’t,” I whined. 
But he nailed that spot inside of me.
The tears streamed down my burning face.
”You sure?” He laughed. “Because you’re falling apart for me.”
”No,” I cried. “This-This isn’t the bad break.” I was glad he understood because I used the rest of my vocabulary.
How disgusting, vile, wretched; I lost my mind and my sense of self and speech on a man’s dick. How low did he make me swoop? Never in my life did I allow myself such dissonance within myself. Or maybe he caught up with me. Maybe I didn’t swoop down and handed him my autonomy.
Perhaps all this time we kept up with each other, and I handed my autonomy over when he clearly trusted himself to hold it and protect it.
”Oh my god—“ And when he moaned my name, any concern that crept up my bones disintegrated. 
“Please,” I whispered.
”What else do you want from me?” He sighed like it was a burden. Of course I knew it wasn’t actually a burden; he probably fucked me in shock as if he couldn’t imagine giving another layer of himself to me through all this time.
”Just-Just come, I need it. I need you inside of me. Please, fill me up; I want you to come inside of me.”
”Alright—oh shit—Okay baby, you don’t have to beg,” he gasped sweetly as his hand found my face again.
This time, he leaned over me, and as much as I could see it in his eyes—he wanted to kiss me, and I kiss him back—we couldn’t. It felt too good, like too much, and open mouthed moans pushed against my lips, my own breath.
He said my name again; clearly, with more purpose. I watched as his eyes couldn’t stay opened and I didn’t even consider another release for myself. I just needed him. 
“Baby,” he warned.
”Please.” God, I hated begging. “Colby please—“ 
And a hand held my neck and face while the other snaked behind my back. He held me like I belonged in his arms. His open mouthed kisses, nose, and breath pushed against my neck, and his body shuddered when it fully pushed flush with mine.
I think I moaned his name again before a loud moan poured from him. At that point, every touch far surpassed his intentions. Everything he did, he meant it and then some.
A few seconds passed, and those open mouth moans against my skin melted into kisses. I caught my breath, and I still couldn’t open my eyes as if I was the one who found heaven in that minute.
”No!” I practically screamed when he pulled out of me. “Don’t I need—”
”Sh, I’m not going anywhere.” His voice was entirely gentle now, relieved. I opened my eyes. Not a cavern of his eyes elicited another ounce of dominance or frustration. I liked it. I liked that I stuffed those feelings in there and I liked that I was the only one who could yank them out.
What I didn’t wholeheartedly like was the fact that his man decided he could do the same to me.
He kissed down my body, and my breaths caught unevenly as I realized that we weren’t done yet. He wasn’t done.
”Colby!” I cried when his tongue dipped in between my legs. 
“What?” He teased me. My skin crawled from his voice touching it. “You didn’t come with me.”
”Pf, yeah!” I shouted as my hips writhed away from his brutally gentle touches. I felt his breath on me while two fingertips lightly teased up, down, up and down. “But I already did like three times? I don’t remember.”
”Okay, then make this another one you can’t remember.” I hated him. I hated that banter; he always had to one up me, but I would never let him win. “I haven’t even tasted you yet.”
That was a lie; his tongue knew my skin.
I think I moaned his name again, and I didn’t concern myself about the feeling of the fluids slipping from me. He might have caught the mess or he might have let it fall to the bed. I didn’t care about it; I couldn’t admit to anyone except for my own conscience that I liked our mess, and I would bathe in it like it cleaned me.
His tongue met me again, and he moved with my hips this time rather than controlling them. Then his fingers pushed inside. I basked in the feeling of his giving; that was all he did, wasn’t it? How did I not realize it before? I built it up in my head that he took and took without fairness, but there clearly wasn’t a cell in his body cut out for that. 
He ate me like I was made for him. 
I didn’t warn him when he pleasured me through my orgasm. It came without my telling, and he knew it. I knew he knew me thoroughly already. I always knew he was a fast learner. The problem was, he knew when to stop but he didn’t care.
“Let go,” he demanded. And when my body screamed at me to obey, I did. I gasped when his fingers fucked me faster than he did a second ago, and I made another mess of us. ”Holy shit—“ he gasped as if he wasn’t sure if he could get me to do it. 
I was sure I chanted his name louder and louder until he finally eased up on me. When his bright eyes met mine, out of defiance, he dipped back down and didn’t break eye contact. He licked up the mess and, this time, pushed his moans against me.
”You taste so good,” he whispered when he finally crawled back up to me.
”Please,” I whined with the remaining of my strength.
”Now what?” 
“Let me touch you.” His eyes flickered to the cuffs.
And he unlocked them.
I thought I would pounce, at least that was my plan, but my arms laid there rendered useless.
”Baby,” he gasped. He didn’t move to clean up. Instead, he lay next to me and kissed my skin. His fingers touched my skin again and again. 
“Sorry—Hold on.”
”Don’t say sorry,” he laughed. “I can’t tell if I did my job well or not enough.” I laughed.
I shook my head.
”What are you talking about? I’m a mess.”
”Yeah, you are,” he laughed at me. “But you almost slipped and then I pulled you out of the headspace. I thought you wanted to.” I shook my head.
”I wanted to stay with you and feel everything you would give me.” His silent answer must have meant contentment.
Then, I opened my eyes. 
I pushed him to his back and he drew in a sharp breath when his head met the pillow. I looked down on him as I straddled him and he looked up at me like he couldn’t dare to blink.
”When is it my turn to make you fall apart?” He actually laughed this time; his smile shined up at me like he wasn’t past the point of exhaustion. It neared four am.
”Tomorrow.” My eyebrows piqued in interest.
”And the next day?” I asked.
”Yeah, and for everyday you think you can get away with it, it adds on to your punishment.” I hated the way my throat tied in a knot.
”Oh okay, so what you’re telling me is to do it for a week?” That was when shock pulled at his face.
”What are you not okay with?”
”You keeping yourself back from me.”
”You just want me to test your boundaries.”
”What am I supposed to have boundaries with you for if you don’t test how strong they are?” I swore his eyes rolled back with something.
”You’re going to kill me.”
I was sure those words alone proved to the both of us what we knew all this time. It wasn’t him over me, it wasn’t me on my knees for him, no. It was us fighting and wrestling the fact that we pulled on each other equally.
And there I was all my life thinking I didn’t have a match. 
“If you’re going to die, then at least I’m the one doing it.”
The nod of his head told me that he agreed and it was the same for me.
I didn’t remember much else aside from sharing the same body with him until the sun rose. 
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theonlymadmanonmars · 4 months
What your favorite Hatchetfield ship says about you.
Paul x Emma: You just want good things for Paul.
Paul x Ted: You Just want good things for Ted.
Ted x Bill: You are a connoisseur of the enemies/Rivals to lovers trope.
Ted x Tinky: You used to ship Billdip. And/or you're a monster fucker.
Paul x Bill: You are a connoisseur of the best friends to lovers trope.
Ted x Charlotte: You Believe cheating on your husband is ethical in some circumstances. You're correct.
Mr Davidson x Carol: You really wanna be choked out in bed.
Ted x Emma: You love sarcastic asswholes.
Deb x Alice: You are an angsty teenager.
Sam x Zoey: You think morally grey people are hot.
Sam x Charlotte: You are clinging hard to that broken Relationship and/or the child of a divorce you never really got over.
Ethan x Lex: You think a sweet delinquent is the best thing ever, and you just want Ethan to be happy. You also live for angst.
Tom x Becky: You believe that no matter how your first relationship is you can find love again.
Linda x Gerald: You think Morally grey women and their supportive husbands are hot.
Dan x Donna: You really like background ships, and think characters are more interesting when you have to work to learn things about them.
Peter x Steph: You're incredibly wholesome and just want them both to be happy.
Ruth x Steph: You just want Ruth to be happy.
Peter x Richie: You Believe in Best friends to lovers and you are an awkward teenager
Ruth x Richie: You love nerdy best friends who support each other when no one else will.
Peter x Ruth: You think joke flirting should always lead to real flirting.
Grace x Steph: Why have enemies to Lover or friends to lovers when you can't have Frenemies to Lovers.
Ruth x Grace: You love unhinged girlfriends.
Max X Richie: You want good things for Max.
Max x Grace: You think a couple who could take over the world together is the best kind of couple.
Brooke X Richie: You definitely have a whole personality and backstory for Brooke conducted in your head. You love background Characters and Desperately want Richie to be happy.
Linda X Becky: You love Enemies to Lovers and Absolutely stan Linda as you should.
Duke x Holloway: You love Angst but don't need all the toxicity. You also probably had a crush you never told how you felt about them.
Wiggly X Wilbur: You're a monster fucker You think Wiggly's hot. As you should. You love the idea of Tentacle sex with feelings
Wiggly X John: You're a monster fucker You're a fan of tentacle sex without feelings.
Bill x Blinky: You're a monster fucker. And You want to put Bill into a jar and shake him.
Let me know if I missed anything!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Love Story
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: minor angst, mostly fluff
Request by @fuiabarcelos: I was thinking of a fluffy one-shot inspired by "Love Story". The reader is a kind and charming girl, but she was raised by Crowley. The reader falls in love with Sam, but Crowley does not approve of this relationship because he is a hunter. Oh, I really like the idea of having a ball, like in the video clip. But I want you to feel free to add whatever details you prefer🥰❤️
Summary: You and Sam have a very secret love. Your dad hates the Winchesters and hates that you're with them all the time. He tries to keep you in Hell but you always manage to find your way back to the youngest Winchester.
Square Filled: “where have you been? Do you know what time it is?” (2023) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You peek into the main throne room where your adoptive dad is. He is sitting on his throne going through paperwork with a demon by his side. Maybe if you go the back way, your dad won’t see you sneaking out… again. It’s his own damn fault that he’s trapping you in Hell. You hate it here. You hate everything about it. You hate demons. You hate the King of Hell. You hate the torture. You want to live life on Earth but your dad doesn’t want you to get mixed up with humans.
After all, you’re only half-human.
There are many doors in and out of Hell, and some of them aren’t even guarded. You’ve been here long enough to know which ones are safe and which ones are heavily guarded. You’re out in record time and already on Earth, loving the feel of the sun on your skin. Everything about Earth is amazing; you’re not sure why people hate it so much. You love the waterfalls, babbling brooks, heavily guarded forests with tall trees, mountains that seem to reach the sky, gentle winds, and sandy beaches.
Why would anyone want to leave here?
There is only one person you came here to see, so you head over to the rendezvous point and wait for him. Ten minutes later, you hear the delicious rumble of the Impala pulling into the parking lot. Sam steps out and you go running into his arms.
He catches you so you can wrap your legs and arms around his body, and you kiss him like you’ve been wanting to do since your last hook-up. It’s been so long since you’ve gotten to feel his touch and kiss his lips. Your dad likes to keep you locked up in Hell for as long as he can. He doesn’t like you embracing your human side.
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper against his lips. “It’s been hell waiting to see you again.”
“I’m here now. I got us a room.” He sets you back on your feet and guides you to the room he booked for the night. “It’s not luxury but—”
“It’s perfect. Trust me, I’ve lived worse. This is actually an upgrade. Where’s Dean?”
“Back home.”
“He was okay with you taking his precious car?” you grin.
“He might have been drunk when I asked him.” You giggle. “So, how’s Hell?”
“Hell. Crowley doesn’t see that I hate it there. I keep finding new ways to escape no matter how much security he has.”
Your dad doesn’t approve of your relationship with a human, especially a Winchester. Not like you care what he thinks. You are in love with Sam, and it’s because of your human side that you can feel things like love, pain, and happiness. Your biological dad was a demon who came to Earth and fucked a human woman. Crowley was the one who found you and took you under his wing. You’re not sure if he did that to have a daughter or to have a powerful Cambion on his side.
You gained the powers of a demon while still having your human soul in you. You’re very powerful but you don’t like using your powers. You didn’t ask to be born this way so you’re going to do everything you can to hold onto your humanity. Sam is that anchor. Without him, you’ll succumb to the dark side.
It’s rare to have an entire night with Sam so you two spend it talking, catching up, making out, and enjoying each other's company. By the morning, you two hadn’t gotten any sleep. He’ll probably rent this for another night and sleep before going back to Dean, but you have to get back to Hell before Crowley notices you’re gone… if he hasn’t already. He hasn’t sent a fleet of demons after you like last time, so you think you’re in the clear.
“I have to go,” you whisper.
“Stay one more hour.”
“If Crowley knows I’m gone, I’m in big trouble. That might mean trouble for you.”
“Eh, I can handle a few demons he sends my way.”
“Still. I love you but I have to go,” you say and kiss him quickly. “Until next time, my love.”
You use the same way you took when you escaped Hell in hopes your dad didn’t notice you were gone. He tends to leave you alone when you’re in one of your moods, so you made sure to act out right before leaving.
Hell seems quiet when you get back but you don’t let that fool you. Usually, that means your dad is out conducting business but that can also mean he’s set a trap for you knowing you were gone. You sneak past a few of the guards and get to your room but you’re not safe yet. You close the door as quietly as you can but jump when you notice a shadow in the corner of your room.
“Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?” Crowley scolds.
“You’re not my dad,” you roll your eyes and take off your jacket. “Stop acting like one.”
“I am the one who raised you!”
“Only because you had to, not because wanted to. You wanted a soldier on your side but I don’t want to embrace my demonic side! That just pissed you off!”
“Where have you been?” he asks again.
“Does it matter?”
Crowley gets up and walks over to you. He leans in and sniffs the air only to roll his eyes in annoyance.
“You’ve been with Moose.”
“If you knew then why did you ask?”
You push away from him and open the door to let him know that you don’t want him in your room anymore.
“You know I don’t want you seeing him.”
“Tell me why. What has he ever done to you?”
Your dad laughs as if you’re a fucking comedian.
“Squirrel and Moose are a pain in my ass ever since I became the King of Hell!”
“How is that my problem?”
“Watch your tone, young lady,” Crowley glares.
“I am going to bed. Please leave,” you sigh.
Despite still having this conversation, he walks to your door.
“You are not to see that man ever again. He is a hunter who hunts our kind.”
“Your kind. I am not a full demon! I still have my humanity left, and that’s something you’ll never have.”
“You are the child and I am the adult!” You’re not really a child, just much younger than he is. “You are not to see him again. In fact, I’ll have someone assigned to you to make sure you stay here. You have duties here you need to fulfill.”
“I hate you!” you scream and slam the door in his face.
“Kids,” Crowley rolls his eyes.
Crowley kept true to his word and kept you locked in Hell for the next couple of days. Thank God for wireless internet because that’s how you’re able to contact Sam from Hell.
I am going insane here. Crowley wants this perfect demon daughter. I just want to be with you.
Maybe you can. Dean and I are going on a hunt involving a shapeshifter who robs people and takes on their forms to steal whatever they have left. They “kill themselves” as soon as they’re done and move on to the next victim. We tracked him down to a ball of some kind. Want to join us?
Say less. Where is it?
As soon as you got the address from Sam, you concocted your plan of escaping again. This time, you’re going to use your powers to get what you want. If Crowley wants to send his minions after you to keep you here, you’re doing whatever it takes to escape their clutches.
You open your door and the guard standing there turns to face you.
“Are you really going to keep me locked in my room?”
“No. I’m here to escort you to wherever you want to go.”
“How charming. I’d like something to eat. Can I do that alone or do you need to be up my ass for it?” The guard shifts uncomfortably in his spot and you roll your eyes. “Come on.”
You leave your room but quickly turn and place your hand on his head. You pull him into you and use your powers on him. His entire body glows orange as you slowly kill him from the inside. He’s just following the King’s orders but he’s an unnecessary evil. You drag him into your room and throw him on your bed to make it look like you’re sleeping. If Crowley comes in, you might fool him long enough to meet up with Sam.
You don’t have clothes for a ball so you’ll have to get some when you get topside. You use the same way as you did last time to leave Earth and end up in the city that Sam and Dean are in. It’s easy to snag an outfit with your demonic powers in a city that has a bunch of rich people.
Once dressed in a beautiful golden dress with open sleeves, you head to the beautiful mansion that already is flowing with a bunch of people. Sam and Dean are at the front when Sam spots you. He looks so ravishing in his tuxedo but he has metaphorical stars in his eyes.
“Where did you get this?”
“Do you like it?” you grin and spin for him.
“I love it.”
“Damn, Y/N, you know how to clean up for a demon.”
Dean hasn’t yet come around to you dating his brother. He only tolerates it because you’re half-human.
“It’s always nice to see you, Dean.”
“Seriously, you look stunning,” Sam compliments.
“Thank you,” you grin and kiss him. The music is very elegant and slow-moving but the DJ puts on something that you can waltz to. “Let’s dance!”
“Let’s slow it down a bit. Grab a partner and join us on the dancefloor.”
Sam looks at his brother who nods.
“Go dance, Romeo. I’ll keep an eye out for our shifter.”
“Yay! Let’s go.”
You grab Sam’s hand and drag him to the dancefloor where there are other couples. The woman stands on one side of the dancefloor while the men stand across from you. They bow down and the ladies curtsy at the start of the dance, and you step toward Sam. You extend your hand to him and he goes to grab it but stops before he can make contact with your skin. You step in a small circle around him before suddenly switching positions.
You’ve never done the waltz before so you’re letting the music guide you. You’re not entirely sure you know what you’re doing but Sam takes over. He’s done a few of these dances in college so he knows some of what he’s doing. Meanwhile, Dean is scouting the area for the shapeshifter, content with doing this by himself. A shifter is nothing and he doesn't really need his brother.
At the end of the dance, you pull Sam close and kiss him lovingly. You pull away when you feel a shift in the air, and you look to the right to see demons standing at the entrance of the mansion. Shit, they found you. Crowley found you. If you split from Sam now, they’ll leave him alone and go after you. They won’t dare go after a Winchester. That’s like going into a gunfight with a knife.
“Meet me by the gazebo outside,” you whisper to him.
You’re gone before Sam has a chance to question you. You leave the room before the demons catch you. Maybe you can make it out of here without them knowing. However, you can’t leave without saying goodbye to Sam. You make it to the gazebo outside and wait for Sam to come. The gazebo is fitted with golden lights that make it look like it was torn right out of a fantasy book.
“Hey, what are we doing out here?” Sam whispers from behind you.
“Demons are here. They haven’t seen me yet but that means Crowley knows I’m gone. I killed the guard outside my room.”
“You’re quite the troublemaker, aren’t you?” Sam chuckles.
“Crowley thinks he can tell me who I can and cannot date. He hates you.”
“Yeah, he has good reason to.”
The feeling you got when you felt the demons in the room is getting stronger. They’re looking for you and will find you if you don’t move now.
“Shit, I have to go now. They’re coming for me. I wish I could stay here forever with you. Dean needs you and I need you to not get killed by my dad’s minions.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. When will I see you again?”
“Probably sooner than you think. I’m more powerful than Crowley realizes. He can’t hold me.”
You kiss Sam before parting ways with him. You hate the situation you’re in but you love sneaking around with Sam. It’s the thrill of the chase, and someone like Crowley isn’t going to keep you from being with your one true love.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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skyesdaisys · 8 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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readyforthegarden · 2 months
Season of the Witch - Teaser
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x F!Reader, Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Danny always told you, you shouldn't play with things you don't fully understand. When trying your hand at magic, you accidentally summon something more than you bargained for. Now stuck, you try to find a way to rid yourself of him, but what if the only way of ridding yourself of him is dying?
Warnings: This fic will contain mentions of witchcraft, smut, angst, forced proximity, slight enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, love triangle, mentions of blood and death. 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!
A/N: I have had this project in the works since 2022!! I'm excited to share this Sam with y'all!!
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You were backed against the door of your bathroom, Sam leaning forward. He gazed at you with mischievous eyes.
“Tell me, do you find me tempting, Little Fawn?” you kept your breathing as steady as possible. Of course you were tempted by him. Everything he did made you want him in some way. Watching your reaction, he smiled. “If I offered you an apple, would you take a bite?” Sam conjured an apple into the palm of his hand, holding it mere centimeters from your lips. Your mouth watered at the idea of sinking your teeth into the soft red skin, the sweet juice seeping onto your tongue. You could almost taste it as you stared at it. 
“No,” you replied softly, knowing well and good it was a lie. By the bemused look on Sam’s face, he knew too, keeping eye contact as he turned the apple in his hand and raised it to his own lips, taking a crisp bite. The spray of it fell upon your face, and suddenly you wished you had taken that bite. Sam’s lips made a soft sucking sound, making sure no juices escaped his lips. Pulling the fruit away, he smirked as he chewed. 
“You look flushed, darling.” he murmured, backing away. “You should get some rest. If you need me, I’ll be on the couch.” you were frozen in place against the door as he sauntered back towards the living room, the sound of another crunch into the apple echoing behind him.
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr @ofthecaravel @musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @demonrat444 @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat
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builtbybrokenbells · 6 months
Catch-22 | iv
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Sometimes new beginnings are really just the same old story hidden in disguise.
Read while listening: harvest moon - neil young
Pairing: Sam Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 14k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, car sex, fingering (f!receiving), mentions of oral (f!receiving), praise, possessiveness/jealousy, biting, lots of dirty talk, mentions of masturbation, mentions of hookups/casual sex, name calling, drinking, mentions of addiction, mentions of cheating/cheating, arguing, swearing, fighting, mentions of breakups, crying, general angst/sadness, anxiety, sorry if I miss any!
i hate to say finally…. but finally some smut lol. sorry for the wait, and thank you for sticking around 🫶🏻 as always, be kind, enjoy, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes! (lightly edited, my apologies 😘)
“Where is my curling iron?” You exploded, pushing open the bathroom door with enough strength to knock it off its hinges. Your eldest sister peeked her head around her open door, looking at you with concern.
“Why are you screaming?” The house was full after months of the upstairs bedrooms being mostly vacant, and it had done nothing but cause chaos. Things were constantly getting lost, there was never any good food in the fridge, and it was beginning to feel like you were in high school all over again. As nice as it was for the first few days of the reunion, it was beginning to grow old. Brooke was back from her graduate studies for a few weeks to celebrate the holidays just the same as you, and Ellie was on Christmas break from high school. With all of you home constantly and nowhere to go, tension was begginning to rise at an alarming rate.
“I have somewhere to be in half an hour, and I can’t find it anywhere!” You explained, stress eating away at you.
“Did you have it in your room or the bathroom?” Brooke asked, now stepping out to join you in the search.
“I don’t know, I can’t remember.” You sighed, running a hand through your freshly blowdried hair. Brooke stepped towards the bathroom just as Ellie’s bedroom door opened. With a confused stare, she tried her best to piece together the cause of the commotion.
“Here!” Brooke called, sticking her arm out of the door, holding the exact thing you were looking for. With a sigh of relief, you grabbed it from her with a smile.
“Thank you.” You breathed.
“What’s got you all riled up?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“She’s got a date!” Ellie called out, rushing to join in on the conversation. Brooke raised an eyebrow, now curious about your plans for the night.
“Not a date!” You corrected, giving your youngest sibling a glare as you searched for the outlet to plug in the curling iron. “Dinner, and a very platonic one at that.” Ellie leaned against the doorway as Brooke hoisted herself up on the bathroom counter, both of them unwilling to retreat back to their rooms just yet.
“I wouldn’t be this worked up over dinner with a friend.” Brooke chuckled, looking through your makeup bag. “This is cute, where’d you get it?” She pulled out a lipgloss, inspecting the label.
“I’m not worked up,” You snipped, running a comb through your hair. “I just don’t want to be late. And I got it for my birthday, I don’t know where it came from.”
“Your friends have good taste.” She hummed, dropping it back in the bag as she continued looking through the rest of it. “Who’s your strictly platonic friend that you’re terrified to keep waiting?”
“No one you know.” You huffed, clipping the top section of your hair back. Ellie cackled at your dismissal, not willing to let you get away with such a lie.
“It’s Sam.” Brookes eyes widened as her head snapped up in your direction.
“Ellie!” You hissed.
“Sam Kiszka?” Brooke pressed, her eyes never leaving your face. “I never thought that would happen again.” Your face burned red, embarrassed and annoyed at their persistence.
“Nothing is happening, not now, not ever. It’s just dinner, catching up with an old friend. After this, we’ll probably never see each other again.”
“Uh-huh,” Brooke gave a slow nod, not believing a word you said. “Be careful, squirt. He’s notoriously good at breaking your heart. I don’t want to see you go through that again.” Your lips tightened as you held back a grimace, her reminder doing nothing but resurfacing an old ache in your heart that you’d worked hard to cover up.
“He can’t break my heart if he doesn’t have access it, and he most certainly doesn’t now, nor will he ever.” You muttered, wrapping your hair around the metal barrel of the curling iron. Brooke gave a slow nod, watching you struggle to keep the lock of hair in place. When it fell from around the iron for the third time, she rolled her eyes, slipping off the counter as she extended her hand towards you. “What?” You asked, looking at her through the mirror as you tried again.
“Let me do it.” She said, her tone soft and much more caring than usual. She would never say it, but every time Sam broke your heart, hers broke for you. She had her fair share of misery at the hands of boys, but never had she seen someone hurt another person so extensively. She had no idea why you were so drawn to him, and in turn, why he was so fascinated with making you fall for him only to throw it all in the garbage, but she was at peace with the fact she never would. Nobody else needed to understand the nature of your relationship, because it was yours and yours alone. As a sister, it was her job to call you stupid first and then comfort you through it later. She did her job well, and she would continue to do it for the rest of her life.
“Thanks.” You sighed, watching her curl the long locks of hair with ease. She grabbed a few clips from the counter and clipped the curls as she worked, choosing not to acknowledge your appreciation. Ellie took Brooke’s place on the counter, now taking her own turn to inspect your makeup bag.
“Has he changed?” Brooke asked, her stare fixated on the iron. She refused to look up and catch your gaze, fearful that you might see the apprehension in her eyes.
“I hope.” You shrugged. “He seems like he’s grown up, but every now and then, I see the same old Sam in his eyes when he looks at me for a minute too long.” You said, your own eyes fluttering towards the sink. “I’m not the same person, though, and I think that’s the difference. He doesn’t know me anymore, and he doesn’t have any power, either.” You were lying with a ferocious intensity, but nobody was willing to call you out on it. If there was one thing Sam knew, it was you; it did not matter if continents and oceans were between you, and not even if decades and centuries separated you from each other. It was a violent act of the universe to place someone with so much power over you directly in front of you, and you prayed that if his power had not lessened, your immunity to it had grown.
“And you’re sure that this is a strictly platonic event?” She said, moving on to the upper portion of your hair.
“Yes.” You assured her. “I made that very clear.”
“Good, because if you’re uncertain about that, he’ll pick up on it. They always do.” She did not hate Sam, and she never had. She hated the way he treated you, and she hated the way he promised things he could not do for you. Brooke found the Kiszka’s just as charming as you did, and she was no stranger to the difficulties of loving them. She had a brief history with Jake after the summer of her senior year, and they broke each others hearts more than you and Sam had ever done to each other in your entire lifetime. If she told you she was going to dinner with Jake, you would likely have the same reaction. “Is Josh home, too?” Her intentional exclusion of the other twin was duly noted, but it seemed as though all three of you had no interest in calling each other on your bullshit.
“Yeah, I saw him at the bar the other night. I didn’t talk to him, but I’m sure he’d love to see you.” She gave a dry chuckle at the formal response, but she did not believe you one bit. Josh felt for her the same as she felt about Sam.
“Leave these in until you’re ready to go.” She said, clipping the last lock of hair to your head. “If you don’t, you’ll ruin them.”
“Okay.” You nodded.
“I’ll get you a nice dress.” She said, patting your shoulder as she left the room. You knew her gestures were sympathetic, but you had faith in yourself to stay strong and refuse to give in to temptation. You had to, because you feared if you allowed Sam to break your heart again, you would never recover from it. While you waited for her to come back, you put on some foundation and dusted blush across your cheeks. You applied some light eyeshadow and mascara before swiping on a thin layer of lipgloss. By the time you were finished, Brooke had long returned and was lost in chatter with your youngest sister.
You picked up the dress from the counter, inspecting it closely. It was a simple one, but stunning nonetheless. You were grateful for her charitable contribution to your not-date, and you disappeared into your room to change. When you joined them in the bathroom, you held your arms out by your side as if to ask them what they thought. “You look beautiful.” Ellie gushed, always supporting you no matter if your decision was stupid or not.
“Thank you.” You breathed, beginning to unclip the curls from your head. When all of the pins were discarded in their place, you combed your fingers through the strands of hair and sprayed a touch of hairspray to keep it in place. Just as you set the can down, you heard your mother calling your name from the bottom of the stairs. Your heart sped as the anxiety began to creep back in. Ellie took to the closet, throwing a bottle of perfume at you, and Brooke searched a drawer for deodorant. As much as your sisters got on your nerves, they were your best friends in the whole world, and you knew that they would always have your back. When you were certain you were ready, you rushed to your room to grab a jacket and your purse. The other two met you in the hallway, ready to see you off.
“Have fun.” Ellie grinned.
“Be safe.” Brooke warned. “And smart.”
“I will.” You took a deep breath, trying to settle the shaking of your hands and your restless head.
“Can I come and say hi?” Ellie asked, hoping for a yes. She missed Sam, but not enough to overstep your boundaries. You couldn’t blame her for wanting to see him; he’d been nothing short of an older brother to her for years.
“F’course, bug.” You looked to Brooke, wondering if she would join. With a reluctant nod, she silently told you she’d follow. With little courage and a lot of heart, you took a step towards the stairs. You could hear joyful chatter sound from the kitchen, knowing that your mother had likely trapped Sam in an unavoidable conversation. When you stepped foot on the ground floor and peeked your head into the room, Sam seemed to immediately feel your presence. He looked to the stairs, giving you a smile that instantly warmed your heart and sent your stomach into a flurry of butterflies. You broke your stare from him, already regretting your decision to go out with him. A simple shared gaze from Sam was more powerful than anything from another, and you were slowly realizing that his hook was just as deep in your skin as it was the last time you saw him.
“You didn’t tell me you were going out with Sam, y/n!” Your mother scolded, but her tone was light. She was elated to see him, and despite your years of tortuous love, she still adored him like he was her very own son.
“My apologies, I’ll be sure to put out a flyer next time.” You said, trying to keep your humour alive despite the fear brooding over your head. You took a step closer to Sam, and the cloud of despair only seemed to grow larger. He was dressed in nice clothes, clearly just as anxious about the night as you were. When you were close enough that you could catch the scent of his cologne, you nearly fell to your knees in grief.
Sam Kiszka had never been just a friend, and he never would be. Before he even said a word to greet you, you were head over heels for him the same as you were all those years ago.
“You look nice.” You mustered the strength to speak, your eyes glued to his face as if it were the force that held you to the earth. You feared if you looked away, you would float away and descend into nothing.
“So do you, Rapunzel.” He extended his arm, drawing you in even closer. You accepted the gesture, melting into his touch as he wrapped you in a hug. It was the nicest interaction the two of you had since your duly cold reunion. When you pulled away, a part of you ached to continue the contact. Your body had been longing for him since you left him last, and now that he was within reach, you never wanted to let go.
“Hi, Sam.” Ellie cut in, a grin eating away at her face.
“Hey, bug.” He greeted her with just as much enthusiasm. “You’re all grown up now.”
“So are you.” She shrugged, chuckling at his surprise.
“Come here.” He beckoned her towards him for a hug, which she accepting happily. “How’s school going?”
“It’s high school.” She said, not knowing any better way to describe it.
“A little birdie told me that you’re the captain of the volleyball team?” He raised an eyebrow at her, curious to hear it from herself.
“I am.” She nodded, enthusiastic about the fact.
“That’s awesome, El. I know you’re going to do a great job.”
“Thank you,” she breathed, happy for the recognition.
“As much as I’d like to stay at talk all night, we’ve got a dinner reservation to make.” Sam said, casting a sideways glance at you. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, slipping your jacket over your shoulders.
“Don’t be a stranger, dear. We’d love to see you again.” Your mom said, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.
“Of course.” He agreed. “It was great seeing you again.”
“Oh, you too.” She sighed, reminiscing on the younger days when you and Sam were too little to get yourselves into any trouble. “Have fun tonight.”
“Thanks, mom. Love you.” You cut the conversation short, moving towards the door. Sam was close behind you, allowing you to slip your shoes on before he moved any further. When you looked over your shoulder at him, letting him know that you were ready to go, he made a move to open the door for you.
When you broke out into the cool evening air, you were brought back to reality with a ferocious sense of fear. The bubble of momentary bliss that came from having Sam around you and your family was so intense that it allowed you to forget about everything else. His arms wrapped around you felt so good that you were willing to overlook every injustice that he’d committed since the very beginning of time. As he opened the car door for you, you hesitated as you got in. Even if it was nice to be around him again, you were unsure if you were ready to deal with the consequences if the night ended poorly. Loving Sam was a dream come true, but being heartbroken over him was worse than any other pain in the world.
Sam Kiszka would be the death of you, and the small town of Frankenmuth would serve as a catalyst for the bitter end. For some reason, you were stuck believing it to be the other way around. You were not ready to accept that Sam was your vice, and not your childhood home that housed all of the hurt behind the walls. The house held what he had caused, but it was easier to blame the inanimate rather than the beating heart that moved in time with your own. He was the one thing that was impossible to give up, and on your deathbed you would still be clutching the memories with a fervor that none could understand.
“I’m happy you agreed to have dinner with me.” His sweet tone pulled you from your internal struggle, drawing your eyes towards his face and cementing your body to the seat below you.
Dinner was definitely not going to be platonic, nor had the agreement ever been reached with the intent of friendliness. You were both head over heels for each other and were hoping to relieve the happiest days of your lives while ignoring the worst of them.
“I am, too.” You whispered, begging your eyes to look at anything other than him.
“I was scared you might change your mind.” He confessed, both of his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly to ensure one would not find its place on your thigh. It was so easy to fall into routine with you; easier than falling asleep, and it was as dangerous as certain death. As badly as you feared getting hurt, he feared doing the hurting just as much. It was the worst curse in the world to only know how to cause harm to the person you only ever wanted to love, and it seemed like he was stuck with it. For him to blindly rekindle the love without first acknowledging the mistakes he made was reckless, and he wanted to show you he had changed.
“I’m surprised I didn’t.” You mumbled, finally freeing your stare from his face. You ran your fingers across the hem of your dress, mindlessly busying your hands so you couldn’t reach out to grab his own. The two of you were so similar, and the strength in which you felt for each other had never diminished.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did.” He shrugged, trying to keep his eyes on the road. It was hard when you were sat next to him, because you were the only thing he wanted to look at. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” You said, looking out at the streetlights illuminating the dark roads. “It wasn’t for charity.”
“That’s good, I guess.” He chuckled, turning the stereo up ever so slightly. Your eyes flickered to the display, a fizzle of excitement growing in your chest. A small smile graced his lips, noticing the moment just the same as you did.
“Did you play this on purpose?” You accused, but the sparkle in your eye told you it was all playful.
“It’s the radio, Rapunzel.” He laughed. “I’m not smart enough to plan ahead that much.” You reached over, turning the dial up a few more notches.
“Sing it with me?” You asked, hopeful that he would agree.
“Always.” He assured you, his heart pounding against his rib cage as he anticipated the lyrics.
“Come a little bit closer,
Hear what I have to say” his soft brown eyes were staring straight into your soul as he sang. His fingers nervously danced over the fretboard, vibrating with fear but continuing with hopes of pleasing you.
“Just like children sleepin’
We can dream this night away
But there’s a full moon risin’
Let’s go dancing in the light
We know where the music’s playin’
Let’s go out and feel the light” he took a shaky breath as he prepared himself for the chorus.
“Because I’m still in love with you
I want to see you dance again
Because I’m still in love with you
On this harvest moon” you sang softly alongside him, adoration radiating from you and enveloping him in a cloud of comfort. He slowed his playing to a near stop, only the distant hum of the strings reminding you he’d been playing at all.
“Did you learn that just for me, Sammy?” You asked, your fifteen year old self never before being on the recieving end of such a romantic gesture.
“Yeah,” he chuckled, nodding his head. His eyes were still focused on his hands, almost afraid to look up at you. “It’s stupid, I know, but it’s your favourite.”
“It’s not stupid,” you shook your head, appalled that he would even think that “it was beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He breathed, finally finding the strength to meet your eyes. “I begged Jake to teach it to me. It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday, but I couldn’t wait. I don’t know all of it, but I promise I’ll keep learning.”
“You’re the best, Sam.” You smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek in your hand.
“I love you, Rapunzel.”
“I love you more.”
God, how you wished it wasn’t true.
You were tired of living a lifetime where you always loved him more than he loved you.
By the time the song drew to a close, tears were prickling your eyes as your heart broke at the years of memories tied intricately to the song. He looked over at you, his eyes also damp with sorrowful reminiscence. “I haven’t listened to that song in a long time.” You confessed, a sad laugh sounding over the static hum of the radio.
“It reminds me of you every time I hear it.” He said, his eyes back on the road. It was not to ensure safety, but rather because he could not bear to look at you any longer without breaking down.
“Me too. That’s why I can’t listen to it anymore.” You bit down on the inside of your lip, stopping it from quivering from the tears begging to fall. “It’s still my favourite.”
“Mine too.” He said, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. “Maybe it was a sign, Princess.”
“Maybe so.” You sighed, swiping away any evidence of sadness that slipped onto your cheeks. “Guess we’ll never know for sure.” You hoped to god that he secretly planned the whole ordeal, mostly because it was too hard to digest the truth that the universe would always force you two back together.
“Maybe it’s better that way.” He offered, parking the car and turning it off. You hated to disagree, but you knew better than anyone that the uncertain was always more painful than certainty. That was exactly why your relationship with him hurt so much. You never knew how it would end, or if it would end for good. Your entire story with Sam ended on a cliffhanger, and you did not know if your heart could handle another one. “You want to go inside?”
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded, unbuckling your seatbelt. When you stepped outside, your bones were nearly aching from the cold air. Sam joined you by your side, wrapping an innocent arm around your shoulders to preserve any heat for you.
The outside of the small restaurant was covered in Christmas lights, all caked with a light layer of fluffy snow. Warm, yellow hues poured from the windows, inviting you inside with the promise of comfort. The open sign was flashing blues and reds at you, but the bulbs of the ‘O’ had blown out. You knew it would never be replaced; instead, it would be kept hanging and turned on (even in the darkness of the earliest hours, because someone always forgot to turn it off) until the very last light died. Even then, you were certain they would keep it there forever.
It was the fanciest restaurant on the downtown strip, but fancy in accordance to small town standards was nothing to call home about. The interior was nicely decorated, and the food tasted great (even if it was a bit pricey). They served good wine and had friendly staff, and you were content with his choice. He’d taken you here once before on a date, and you could recall it being quite enjoyable. Then again, time spent with Sam was most often spent happily.
He opened the door for you, allowing you inside first. When the door shut with a heavy thud behind you, he guided you towards the main room. He stopped at the front desk, letting the hostess know you were there for the 6:30 reservation. She grabbed two menus from her stack and guided you towards a secluded corner booth. You slipped off your jacket and placed it beside you as you sat down, watching as Sam did the same. They waitress asked if she could start you off with any beverages, in which you quickly asked for a glass of wine. Sam settled on water, knowing that he’d be driving you home. When she walked off to retrieve your drinks, Sam finally allowed himself to settle his focus solely on you.
“Josh and Jake are begging me to bring you over tonight.” He admitted, taking a quick look over the menu. “They miss you like crazy.”
“I miss them,” you chuckled, doing just the same. “Tell them they can always call me.”
“I think they’re worried about overstepping.” He explained. “Jake never really forgave himself for everything that went down.”
“It wasn’t Jake’s fault.” You said, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
“I know that, but you know what he’s like.” He said, a grimace crossing his face. “He thinks that because he invited you, he hurt you, too.”
“He’s an idiot.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll have to go and see him, just to set the record straight.”
“Maybe,” he shrugged “he loves you just as much as I do. Just hurt him to see you hurting.”
“Tell him to blame it on his stupid brother.” You joked, sending him a smile, but he didn’t return it.
“He did that too, don’t worry.” He assured you. “They were pretty angry with me for a long time. I deserved every minute of it, but I don’t want you to think that they let me get away with it.”
“Oh,” you whispered, unsure of where to go from there. Part of you was happy that he received some sort of punishment for his behaviour, yet you felt guilty that they did so on your behalf and you never tried to stay in contact with them. There was a part of you that felt like you weren’t allowed to, that they were off limits and your relationship was only allowed to exist with them when you had one with Sam. Now that you thought about it, you realized how stupid you were for thinking so. The three other boys had been your friends for just as long as Sam had been, and you had punished them for a crime they did not commit. “I’ll definitely have to set that record straight, then.” He gave a solemn nod, pained at the memory of the look on your face that night. “Let’s put the sad stuff to the side, yeah? We came here to have fun, so let’s do that.”
“Yeah, okay.” He agreed, smiling at the waitress as she dropped off your drinks. “Is school considered a fun topic?”
“Depends; don’t ask me about my finals.” You joked, sipping at your wine.
“Noted.” He laughed. “How’s your classes, then?”
“Good.” You replied, still pondering your choice of dinner. “I took the big step and dived into poetry this semsester. Did you know that there’s so much to learn about writing pieces that take twenty seconds to read?”
“Yeah, it’s crazy.” He chuckled. “Poetry and music are pretty similar, right?”
“Yeah, I mean poems are basically songs waiting to be sung.” You agreed. “I wanted to wait until the end of my degree to get into it. Poetry’s always been my favourite, but it’s a lot to tackle. To me, it’s the hardest out of all the courses I’ve taken. I think it’s because it’s so emotionally taxing. The symbolism and the figurative language is really hard to perfect.”
“Harder than Shakespeare?” He raised an eyebrow, recalling his blatant distaste for the high school English courses that prided all of Shakespearean literature.
“I like Shakespeare, Sam. Not everyone hates it.” You reminded him. He raised his hand in surrender, showing you he wouldn’t argue it. “I only have three more classes to finish next semester, then the degree is in my hand.”
“You must be really excited.” He said, shaking his head in disbelief that time had stolen so much from him.
“I am, but not as much as I am scared.” You admitted. “I’m an adult now, and I have to get out into the world. I’m happy to have accomplished what I have, but I’m terrified at the same time.”
“This world has always turned just for you, Rapunzel. You have nothing to be afraid of.” He mumbled, his eyes falling to the table to hide the blatant love he held for you in his gaze.
“I used to say that about you, Sam.” You hummed, silently begging for him to look up at you. “The world can’t turn for the two of us.”
“It can.” He assured you, his gaze flickering back towards your face. “It has before, and it still can.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you were asking me to try again.” You said, noticing your wine glass was nearly empty. You made it a point to place it further away from you so you wouldn’t continue to give in to the temptation.
“I’m always asking you to try again.” He chuckled. “Even if it is indirectly.”
“That would defeat the whole point of a friendly dinner, would it not?” You questioned, leaning back in the booth as you studied his face. He was so different; the version of Sam sat before you was different from what you’d always known. He was older, and maturity graced his features. In his eyes, there was emotions that you weren’t able to place. His mind was different, too, even if you had a hard time to imagine it. When he spoke to you, the boyish humour and mannerisms seemed to disappear. He was replaced with a man that could only be described as a familiar stranger, and it hurt to see it. There was so much to be discovered, and so many forgotten feelings you were desperate to remember. You wanted to know him in all of the ways you once did and even beyond that. Not knowing Sam completely killed you, and you weren’t sure if you could survive another minute of it.
“It would.” He nodded. “That’s why I didn’t bring it up first.”
“So you were hoping I would?” You pressed, folding the edge of your napkin over itself to distract yourself from the thud of your heart against your chest.
“I’ve been hoping for two years that you would ask me to try again, even if I knew that it was never going to happen.” He was not shy to admit that he hadn’t moved on, nor had he ever tried. Even if the world seemed to work against you both, he knew that there was nobody that could compare to you. The love you gave him was sacred, better than anything he’d ever felt before, and he would go to the ends of the earth to feel it again. Before you could respond, the waitress returned to take your order.
When she went on her way, the air was filled with an uncomfortable silence. You did not know how to proceed, nor did you want to. Instead, you did what you knew best: avoiding the imminent elephant in the room with everything you had in you.
“How’s living in Nashville?” He watched you, stunned at your eagerness to move on from the topic at hand. He knew that you weren’t interested in rekindling any old flames, yet he thought you would at least want to talk about it.
“It’s good.” He cleared his throat, nodding as he spoke. “It’s lonely, but it’s good. It’s hard being away from home, but I’ve got my brothers there with me.”
“I never really felt that way.” You shrugged. “I guess maybe for a little while, but I was so glad to get out of here that I forgot to miss it.”
“Did you forget to miss me?” He was pushing his limits, seeing how far you would let him go before you put a stop to it.
“No,” you picked up your glass, realizing that intoxication was your best shot at making it through the night without any hateful comments. “I missed you more than I care to admit, but it wasn’t a happy feeling. It was bitter and resentful, but I certainly didn’t forget to miss you.” You swallowed down the last of the liquid, placing the cup down with a bit more force than intended. “Sorry, Sam.” You sighed. “I’m trying, I really am.” You promised.
“I know.” He said, chuckling at your inability to remain harsh. “Maybe that’s what we need.” He theorized.
“You need to get it all out.” He said, giving you a smile. “You’ve been holding on to it for too long, and it’s killing you. Tonight is about moving on, so do it.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m following.” You let out a laugh, confused about his intent.
“Tell me everything you’ve ever wanted to say. Be as mean as you want. I’ll sit here, I’ll listen, and I’ll take it. God knows I deserve it.”
“I can’t do that.” You shook your head. “The past is the past, Sam.”
“Clearly it’s not living in the past. It haunts you every single day.” He leaned in a little closer, drawing your attention even further. “You deserve this, y/n.”
“Fine, you want me to tell you how I feel?” You asked, looking around to survey if there was anyone else within earshot. When the coast appeared clear, you flagged down the waitress to order two more glasses of wine. “I’ll tell you exactly how I feel, but you don’t get to be upset about it. You never get to throw it back in my face, and you never get to say that I was being too harsh. You asked for it, and I’ll give it, but you don’t get to go back on your word.”
“Pinky promise, princess. Those are sacred, remember?”
“Pinky promise it so it’ll last forever.” You raised your hand to him, holding out the digit while you awaited his response.
“What?” He laughed, looking at your hand with curiosity.
“You said we’ll be together forever, so pinky promise it. They’re sacred, Sam. You know that.”
“I do.” He nodded, raising his hand and intertwining his finger with yours. “I’d pinky promise you forever, Rapunzel, because I’ll never want anything more than you.”
You recoiled at his words as if he’d struck you across the face. Just as you did, your beverages were placed in front of you and the intruder was gone in an instant. “That. That’s exactly what I mean.” You snapped. “That’s why it’s so hard to love you, Sam. You walk back in my life after two years of fucking misery, and you remind me of all of these little things I’ve been begging myself to forget.” You hissed, furious that he would even bring that up. “You pinky promise to love me for the rest of my life, and you fuck it up, every time. You say that I’m your soulmate, and that I’m the only thing you want, but sometimes it feels like I’m the last thing you want.”
“No, you said I can say whatever’s on my mind.” You snapped, cutting him off. “I have loved you for my entire life. Sometimes it feels like loving you is the only thing I know how to do, or that it’s the very reason why I was put on this earth. I have given you my entire heart and soul, and I have loved you like my life depended on it since the minute I met you. I don’t think it’s brash of me to say that I was allowed to expect you to do the same.”
“It’s not, y/n.”
“The first time you broke my heart, I was devastated. I thought the world was ending. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep; I spent every single night sleeping in Ellie’s bed because I was too upset to sleep in my own. I let you come back, I forgave you and decided it was for the best to move on, and then you did it again!” You smacked your palm against the table, all of the anger coursing through your veins too strong to keep locked inside. “I swore I was done, and I promised myself that I would never let you hurt me like that again. When we went to prom, I had to beg myself not to fall for you again. Then you showed up with your stupid smile and your pretty eyes, and I fell in love without even knowing it. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, but you’re also the worst. You’re like an addiction that I can’t kick, and I want to hate you so much that it makes me hate myself for feeling something so vile.” You chugged down the liquid in the newest glass in front of you, feeling the sting of tears in your eyes.
“The third time, I was convinced that it was forever. It was so different from anything that came before, and it was the longest that we had ever loved each other without hurting. I was planning to move to Nashville just to be with you when I finished school, to put all of my plans on pause so I could watch you live your dream!” Your hands shook as you pointed a finger at him, making sure to perfectly portray your hurt. You were on display for everyone to see, your betrayal and mistrust loud and your broken heart placed in a glass box for all to witness. “I walked into that house that night with nothing but love for you in my heart. I walked down the stairs after driving for hours to surprise you. I squeezed my way through that crowd just to be greeted by your arms around another girl while she stuck her tongue down your throat. You can hate me for walking away without saying anything, because that’s well within your rights, but you do not get to blame me for how I chose to move on from it.”
“I never blamed you,” he shook his head, a grimace on his face and tears shining in his own eyes.
“I packed up whatever was left of my life into a box, and I went back to Michigan State with the intent of never stepping foot in this town ever again. I was determined to forget you, or at least to hate you enough that it overshadowed all of the love, but I couldn’t even do that. I watched your name taunt me through a phone screen every time you called, I tortured myself looking at old pictures every night, and I killed myself over and over again as I replayed every tear filled apology left on my answering machine. Your memory has plagued me for years, and your touch has seared into my skin so much that there’s nothing left but scar tissue, and you get to waltz back in here and hope that I’ll give in and love you again?” You asked, the notion incredulous and unsettling you to the extent of insanity. “You see me at the bar, and you think you have the right to speak to me? You show up at my house and expect me to let you inside? And then you have enough nerve to ask me to dinner and hope that I end up in your bed?”
He had nothing to say. Instead, his head was pointed towards the table as the weight of your confession began to crush him.
“Is it a game to you, Sam? Is it fun to lead me on and let me go? Like fishing, a catch and release? You only want me until the thrill wears off?”
“Are you even listening to yourself?” He snapped, finally unable to withstand any more. “I have loved you just as much as you’ve loved me, for my entire life. You can accuse me of whatever you want, but you don’t get to accuse me of not loving you, y/n. I love you so much that it hurts, and it hurts me even more to know that I didn’t know how to love you right.” You sipped at your wine, washing the bitter taste from your mouth as he spoke.
“How else am I supposed to feel?” You rolled your eyes, finding his rebuttal weak. “You can’t say that you love me, then act completely different and expect me to believe you. Maybe I’m the idiot because I keep coming back, but I can’t walk away unless you let me go. This constant back and forth is going to kill us, and we owe it to ourselves to let go, Sam.”
“I can’t let you go, y/n, but you don’t get that. You just see me as the monster who wants to hurt you. We were kids when we fell in love. We loved each other without even knowing what that meant. I fucked up, and I’ll admit to that every day for the rest of my life, but I have never had intent to cause you harm.” He put his face in his hands, trying to wipe away the stress in his features. “It’s been two years. I live in a new city, and I have an entirely different life, but I still can’t seem to forget what it feels like to have you in bed next to me. I wanted to let you go, because part of me knows that it’s what’s best for you, and you deserve the peace after so much pain, but I just can’t do it. I saw you at that bar and I knew that we were there for a reason. Don’t you think after two years of nothing but silence, we should have made some progress? That we shouldn’t be this hung up on each other when we’ve been trying so hard to get over each other?”
For the first time since you arrived, you were too stunned to speak. There was no argument in your mind, because you knew he was right.
“I hate you, Sam. I hate you so much that it makes my head spin and my chest ache.” You muttered. “I’ve spent the last two years wishing I never met you.”
“I don’t blame you for feeling that way.” He whispered, trying to catch your eyes. “But I love you, Rapunzel. I don’t think I’ll ever stop. I'm afraid that if I let you walk away, I’ll wonder what life would have been like with you until the day I die.”
“I love you, Sammy.” You bit down on your lip, hiding the quiver that was taking hold. “I love you more than I could ever hate you, and that’s why it’s so hard for me.” You wiped away the tears littering your cheeks. “Every time I try to forget, I only ever seem to remember more. I will love you until the day I die, and I’ll still look for you even after death.”
“I’ve changed, Princess. I know you don’t believe me, and that’s okay, but you have to know that I’m not that person anymore. When I watched you walk away for what I thought was the last time, I knew I needed to be better, and not just for you, but for me. I can’t live my entire life hurting the people I love. When I saw you at the bar, I thought that maybe all of that work was for a bigger reason, and I finally had the chance to make up for everything that I’d done wrong. I couldn’t let you walk away without trying. I still can’t let you walk away without trying, so that’s what I’m doing. It’s not a sick game, it’s not a trick; I love you more than anything else in this world, and I know I always will.”
“God, we can’t do this again.” You shook your head, swallowing back a sob. He reached out, taking your hands in his. You hated that it immediately soothed you, the touch more comforting than anything you’d felt in the last two years of your life.
“We can’t, or you won’t?”
“Both! I don’t know, Sam. I don’t know anything! I came here tonight certain that I’d walk away with a clear head, but it’s only gotten worse. I thought I just wanted to be friends, but I know that when it comes to you, it will always be more.” You sighed.
“Look at me.” He pleaded, reaching out to guide your chin upwards. Your eyes connected with his, the tension between you two nearly too much to withstand. “I don’t know, either, but I do know that I have always loved not knowing anything with you by my side. I don’t need to know anything else, because when you’re around, it all makes sense.”
“Stop it,” you shook your head, but it was weak. “Don’t do that.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You are.” You scolded, but you could feel a smile begging to break free despite your sorrow. Even when it was painful, there always seemed to be a part of Sam that made everything better.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He grinned, happy to see a spark of your old self still remaining inside your eyes.
“Stop,” you warned, holding back a laugh. “We’ve already made enough of a scene in the restaurant. They’re never going to let us back in here.”
“F’course they will. They need the business. Plus, it’s probably the most exciting thing they’ve seen all month.”
“You’re terrible.” You scolded, a giggle stuck in your throat.
“You love it.”
“I do.” You hummed, already in too deep to back away. His claws were deep, and you were too blind to notice the pain that stemmed from it. The temporary euphoria was too strong to resist.
“I'd like to kiss you, Rapunzel.” He whispered, his eyes locked with your own. “If that’s okay with you.”
“I don’t think it’ll matter either way.”
“Only if you want me to, y/n.” You took in a long breath, unsure of where to go from there. After a moment, you gave a weak nod against the hold of his hand.
“I do, Sam.”
Not even the slightest hint of hesitation was in sight, and within seconds, he leaned across the table and his lips found your own.
It was not earth shattering in any sense. There were no sparks flying nor an eruption of butterflies, but it was familiar, and god was it comfortable. It seemed as though it was the very thing your body had been yearning for, and suddenly, the world seemed right again. The ache in your chest subsided, and the emptiness that haunted you was filled with so much love that it began overflowing. You didn’t care that you were engaged in a blatant public display of affection, and you did not care that you were both uncomfortably laying across the wooden tabletop to engage in the aforementioned activity. The only thing that mattered was Sam, and he was the only thing that had ever mattered in your twenty-three years of living. Even when he was hurting you, and even when you were miles away, your heart only ever wanted him.
When he pulled away, the grief from the separation nearly brought tears to your eyes. You had missed him so much that you weren’t sure you could handle missing him again, even if it was superficial compared to what you had been feeling for the last two years. He looked over your face, the same type of yearning you felt for him. In that moment, you knew that all of what he said to you had to be true, because it was impossible to fake the emotion showing in his eyes.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He asked, still dangerously close to your face.
“Yes, please.” You nodded, your desperation evident, but little shame was to be found. With that, he sat back in his seat, pulling his wallet from his pocket and throwing a few bills on the table to cover your drinks and the meals that had yet to be served. He slid out of the booth, jacket in hand as he reached an arm out to you. You laced your fingers through his, grabbing onto your purse and coat as he pulled you to your feet.
In a mess of giggles, you both put your jackets on as you rushed out the door. You didn’t even care about the food you were so excited for, because your appetite for Sam was much more demanding. You were long overdue for a reunion, and the one you so badly wanted was not appropriate to be had inside a restaurant.
You could not even wait until you were in the car to touch him again. Before you were fully out of the restaurant, he was pulling you into his side, and before you had reached the vehicle, he had slipped an arm around your waist. He opened the door of the passenger seat for you, but before he let you climb inside, he pulled you into another kiss. It was heated, his body was pressed tightly against yours. The cold air could not even reach you, because you were too immersed in him. His hand was cupping your cheek, and his other had a firm grasp on your hip, holding you to him as if he was scared you would disappear. When you were both desperate for a full breath of air, he parted with great hesitation. He let his forehead rest on your own, not straying too far away from you in hopes that the closeness would make up for all of the lost time.
“I missed you more than you’ll ever know, Rapunzel.” He muttered, resisting the temptation to kiss you again.
“Me too,” you breathed, letting your eyes flutter closed. If you were not so aware of the effects of his searing touch, you would have believed it to be a dream. It would not be impossible for your brain to conjure such a story, mostly because you’d spent every night for the last two years dreaming to have him like this again. “We can’t go to my house. Everyone is home.” You chuckled, realizing that seclusion was near impossible with a family like yours.
“My family’s home, too. If I brought you back there, they’d never let you out of their sight.”
“We… we can go to our spot.” You said, almost reluctant to speak the memory into existence. It had been a long time since you visited, and you had already come to terms with never seeing it again.
“Okay.” He said, nearly brought to his knees by the strength in which he felt for you. He was almost surprised that you remembered it after so long, but he knew that if you felt even close to how he did, forgetting was the hardest part of living. In all of the time the two of you spent away from each other, not once could he remember what it felt like to be without you. No matter if it was years or miles separating you, the world was bleak without you by his side, and remembering with such clarity was the only thing that got him through it.
He placed another kiss on your lips, this one sweet and short-lived. He allowed you inside, and within an instant, he was in the driver's seat and the key was in the ignition.
You feared that the wine was clouding your judgment, or if the months worth of tortuous thoughts of him was driving you to make a decision that lacked any rationale, but when his hand slipped to your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze of reassurance, you knew that being with Sam was always where you were meant to be.
The drive was silent, filled by the radio singing you songs of love and longing. The lyrics, although not always about the emotions your heart was feeling, seemed to twist and morph into a perfect descriptor of the love you had for him. You hated that no matter what it was, whether it be a song, a poem, a movie, or a couple sitting next to you on the bus, it was impossible not to see a picture of you and Sam, love struck and completely lost within each other. He was the whole world, and you just lived in it, begging him to be kind to you so you did not have to face any more tragedy.
He pulled on to a little dirt road, so secluded that the street lamps could not even penetrate the darkness. The headlights of the car did little for your visibility, but he had no fear of finding the place he’d missed so deeply. He would find his way back to it bloody and blindfolded, because it was the only spot where his heart truly felt at home. From the main road, there was a small cut off in the tree line. It was a trail so easily missed by those who weren’t looking, and it had quickly become your favorite hideaway. At the end of the narrow trail sat an opening. There was a plateau, dirt covered in a thin layer of snow that was fenced in by an old, rust eaten guard rail. Beyond the weathered metal was a plethora of trees that bordered the sky, and a clear view of the busy streets down below.
If you could go back in time and thank the curious teenage version of yourself for finding it, you believed even that would not be enough.
He parked the car and let it idle, fearful that the cold might claw its way into the comfortable bubble you’d grown inside of the vehicle. He looked to you, admiring your face that was illuminated by the extremely minimal daylight still hanging on to the bottom of the sky. The moon was overhead, the white glow casting a serene aura over the two of you.
“You know, I always said that I would ask you to marry me, here.” Sam whispered, wanting to look out at the breathtaking beauty of the landscape, but his eyes were glued on you. In truth, he knew that whatever lied outside the car window had minimal impact compared to the sight of your face.
“Don’t get any ideas, Kiszka.” You warned. Still, as you looked over at him with just as much adoration, you knew that if the words tumbled past his lips in a mess of anxious thoughts, you would say yes before he could even finish his sentence.
That was the horrendous thing about loving Sam; no matter how much he hurt you, or how long it had been since you were last with him, you always loved him just the same.
“You deserve more than a spur of the moment proposal.” He assured you, but did not deny the fact that he would still ask you to marry him given the chance.
“You don’t have to sweet talk me anymore; you already got me here.” You were captivated by his stare, unable to look at or think of anything else. The night was a whirlwind, and you had no idea how you ended up in such a position, yet there was a small part of you that knew long before you got in the car that you would end up immersed in him sooner or later.
“I’m not saying it to get what I want,” he said, pushing his seat all the way back. “I’m saying it because I want to, and because it’s true.” He extended his arm out to you, an invitation that you could not refuse. With his help, he guided you across the console and into his lap.
“You always know just what to say to get me to fall in love with you.” You said, raising a gentle hand to his cheek. As your fingers ghosted over the skin, you were struck with a type of longing that you could not even begin to comprehend. He was the same person who sat below you all of those years ago, with the same bumps and scars on his cheeks that nobody else had ever cared enough to notice. He had the same love in his eyes, and the same familiar scent that you could only ever describe as home. He was older, and so were you, but you were still the same stupid kids who fell too deeply in love.
“Why is it always my fault? Maybe I’m not doing anything at all and you just love me, Rapunzel, and you don’t want to admit it.”
“It’s easier to blame you than to admit that after all this time, I still feel the same way about you.”
“Then I guess I should start blaming you too, then.” He reached up, tucking a strand of your curled hair behind your ear. The night casted a dark shadow over your face, but not even the night could diminish the glow of your beauty. To him, nothing could ever outshine it. “I love you, y/n, and I never stopped loving you. I tried, but it’s impossible. This world is only worth living in if I get to love you.”
“All that song writing seems to have turned you into a sap.” You teased, but you couldn’t deny the swell of your heart as he spoke.
“I think it’s just you.” He admitted, his hand resting on your hip as he drew your face closer to his own. “All of those songs that I wrote always seem to come right back to you, Princess. You’re in everything I do, even if you don’t want to be. I can’t help it, and I can’t seem to stop.”
“Right now, I don’t want you to stop.” You chuckled. “I spent all of that time wondering why I couldn’t get over you, and why it was so easy for you. Maybe we’ve just gotten really good at pretending.”
“Maybe I’d make a good actor too, because nothing about these last two years have been easy, except for this part. It’s always easy with you, and it’s always been easy loving you. I just wish that I wasn’t so stupid, and I wish that I knew how to do it better, back then. You didn’t deserve a single thing that happened, and it kills me to know that I hurt the person who was willing to give me the world.”
“Shut up.” You shook your head. “I don’t want this to be sad. This isn’t supposed to be sad.”
“Okay,” he agreed, nodding as you spoke. “No more sad.” You gave him a half-smile. It was all your brain could muster as you watched his face, too enthralled in the small detail that you’d missed so much. Even after spending so many days denying it, you wanted this version of you to know that version of him, even if it may not last. You thought it was a shame for any version of you to not know him, and vice versa, because after so long spent loving someone, you felt cheated to miss out on any of it.
You leaned down, kissing him softly as your fingers laced with his hair. His hand tightened on you ever so slightly, showing you that your advance was welcome. You knew that even if the two of you sat there all night and never went any further, he would be just as happy. He never expected anything more than you were willing to give, and it was one of the very things that made him so unforgettable. But, you had been deprived of his touch for too long, and denying yourself any gratification was out of the question. You needed him more than you needed water, and you knew that the desperation was shared between you.
As his teeth sunk into your bottom lip with great caution, your hips grinded against his growing erection. It was a response that was automatic, and it sometimes felt as though your body would constantly be in search of his own. His hands moved to your thighs, his fingers snaking their way under the skirt of your dress and hiking it all the way up to your navel. Without breaking the kiss, his hands found your ass, pulling you down on him with a little more force every time your hips made a move of their own.
“God, I missed having you like this.” He muttered against your lips, nearly in euphoria just from the small movements.
“Me too,” You sighed, just as far gone as he was. “I thought about this every night.” You admitted, which was no lie. After the anger passed and the ache of missing him subsided, you often thought of his hands on you and his lips on your skin. Sam was your biggest guilty pleasure in every sense of the statement.
“Yeah?” He let his eyes flutter to your hips, nearly crazed by the thought of what was to come next. “Every night?”
“Every night.” You confirmed, uncaring about the blatant desperation laced in your words. You didn’t care if he knew how badly you wanted him, and you didn’t care if he knew how often you dreamed of it. Sex with him was the best you’d ever had, and even on the rare occasions that you’d find yourself with company for the night, you were still thinking of him. When the door closed behind the men you cared little about, it was Sam's face pictured so clearly in your mind as you made quick work at getting yourself off. He was the only one who ever knew how to do it, and he was the only person in the world who could make you feel this good.
“You had nobody to take care of you all this time?” He crooned, his eyes crossed with stars at the idea of you still needing him so badly.
“No one is as good as you.” You knew you shouldn’t be inflating his already too-large ego, but you couldn’t help it. It was so easy to want to please him, and even easier to do it.
“So you had no one to do it right.” He corrected, his jaw clenched tightly at the thought of someone else’s hands on you. He knew his jealousy was misplaced, and you being with other people was only a direct consequence of his own actions, but it still stung. Instead of punishing you for it, he knew that the only thing he could do was prove himself to you once again. “You poor little thing.” He sympathized, reaching one hand between your legs to relieve the ache that was steadily growing. You leaned back slightly, making the position a little more comfortable for both of you. His fingers ran over your clothed cunt, the action sending a shiver down your spine. You needed him so desperately that you weren’t sure you could wait a second longer. “This is what you need, baby?” He asked, his voice low and his eyes fixated on his hand.
“Fuck, yes.” You muttered, watching him watch you. His pleasure ridden expression was almost too much to bear, and you knew that nobody else in the world would be so pleased with pleasing you.
“Okay, angel.” He hummed, adding a little bit more pressure to his touch. “I’ll give you what you want, but I think we have some catching up to do.” He said, his eyes flickering to your face.
“What do you mean?” Your words were breathy, and you were barely focused on anything he was saying. The only thing you could think of was his hand between your legs and how long you’d waited to feel it again.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, Princess. There’s lots that I missed out on.” He explained, his fingers pulling the fabric of your underwear to the side to allow himself access to you. “I’ll keep touching you as long as you keep talking to me.” You wanted to protest, knowing Sam well enough to know that his antics were not going to be as fun for you as they were for him, but as his fingers slid through your arousal and traced over your clit, you were willing to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. “Does that sound okay?”
“O-okay,” you stuttered, already lost in the feeling of his touch.
“Good,” he hummed, carefully inspecting your expression as he continued his movements. You were irresistible to him, and he was just as much of a fool for you as you were for him. “So you’ve had no one to take care of you all this time?” He asked, the pad of his finger circling around your clit with a steady pace.
“No,” you let out a shaky breath, overwhelmed by the feeling.
“You’re telling me nobody knows how to treat her right?” His middle finger slid down towards your entrance, waiting to go any further until you responded.
“No, Sam.” You shook your head, placing your arm on the seat to brace yourself upright.
“Tell me what you did instead.” He said, locking his eyes with your own.
“W-what?” You stuttered, shocked at the filthy question. You had grown, and that was for certain, and even for a moment, he felt like he was having sex with an entirely different person. Then, your eyes would catch his own, or you would stumble over your words and your cheeks would dust red with a blush, and he knew that you were still the exact same woman he fell in love with so long ago.
“You said that nobody knows how to take care of you, so I want you to tell me what you did instead.” He repeated, slipping one digit inside of you. You let out a hiss of pleasure as your head fell backwards in bliss. “Tell me exactly what you did, sweet girl.”
“O-oh, god.” You groaned, feeling the familiar pressure pulsing in your stomach. If he wanted to play dirty, you could, too. “After I kicked them out, I locked the door behind them and turned off all the lights.” Your voice was weak, but he was listening intently. “Sometimes, I’d even light a candle or throw on some music.”
“Mhm,” he prompted you to continue, his eyes steadily flickering from your face down to your cunt.
“Then I’d get into bed, and I would make sure I was really comfortable. I’d close my eyes, and I’d think of you. I’d remember how good it felt when your hands were touching me, how nice it felt when your lips were kissing me.” Your breath hitched in your throat as he added another finger to you. “What I thought about the most was your tongue, and your head between my legs, and how much you loved to be there. I thought about how good it felt, and it would get me so bothered that I had to slip my fingers between my legs and touch myself while I thought about it.” He let out a groan, his eyes squeezing shut at the sound of your obscene story. He added his thumb to the mix, letting it brush over your clit with every pump of his fingers. The stimulation was fantastic, and he could tell you were getting close. As he felt you clench around his hands, he recalled all of the other times he’d made you cum the exact same way.
“Such a bad girl,” he let out a disapproving tsk “getting off to me after having someone else in your bed.”
“I had to, Sammy.” You pleaded with him, but you were unsure why you felt the need to defend yourself. “They couldn’t do it right. They couldn’t do it like you.”
“I know, baby.” He sympathized. “Nobody knew how to make my sweet girl feel good. That’s not your fault.” He assured you. “But, I need to hear you say it before I make you feel good, Princess.” You knew what he wanted, and you were almost willing to give it to him. You were so close to an orgasm that you were certain you would do absolutely anything he asked of you. You opened your eyes, first noticing the strained erection against his jeans. You swallowed hard, knowing that you would give anything for him to fuck you, now. You needed him so badly that you couldn’t even comprehend it. When you looked up to his face, a whimper left your lips. His eyes were blackened with lust, crazed at the thought of having you wrapped around him again. “Say it, and I’ll let you cum. I’ll treat her just how she deserves.”
“Nobody else can make me feel this good, Sam.” You let out a shaky sigh, hoping that he would be kind enough to grant you the pleasure. “You’re the only one who can do it right. I need it, baby. I need you.” His head fell back against the seat, a guttural groan tearing through his chest at the sound. He loved knowing that you were his, and you had always happily obliged to the need.
“That’s it, angel.” He was heavy on the pet names, unsure of how else to show you how much he still cared. If you still weren’t sure of it by the time the night was through, he did not know what else he could do to prove his point. “Show me how much you missed me,” he ordered. The permissive statement washed over you with a fervent intensity, and it was only seconds before you descended into the climax. Curses and moans filled the air, and his name painted the windows along with the sinful fogging of the glass. Your sin was all but written on the vehicle for everyone to see, and you had missed him so much that you could not even fathom any consequences that may come after. Your legs were shaking and you were covered in a thin layer of sweat. As you came down, he tapered his movements and withdrew once he knew he had drawn out the pleasure for as long as he could.
As you collected yourself, he undid the buckle of his belt and unzipped his jeans. “That was so fucking good, Sam.” You breathed, head still spinning with euphoria.
“Yeah?” He hummed, freeing himself from his boxers. You shifted backwards, giving him a little bit more room to work with. As you did, you bumped into the steering wheel and applied pressure to the horn. The loud honk startled you, causing you to jump in response. He let out a laugh at your mishap, finding the hiccup hilarious and perfectly fitting for the two of you.
“Are you laughing at me?” You huffed, feeling your heart still pounding against your chest.
“I’m laughing with you, Princess. There’s a difference.” He corrected, reaching out and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes, feeling your cheeks tinge red with embarrassment.
“Come here, honey.” He chuckled, drawing you closer to him. “You don’t ever have to be embarrassed around me. You know that.” He lined your hips up so the tip of his cock was resting against your entrance.
“I know,” you grumbled, already forgetting about the incident and only thinking of what was to come next. Without any further discussion, you lowered yourself down on him and silenced any conversation indefinitely. He let out a hiss of pleasure, the feeling taking him by surprise. A sigh of relief left your lips as you began to move, the sensation so familiar even though it had been years.
“Fuck you feel good,” he groaned, placing his hands on your hips to help you move. With every movement, he pulled you down on him even further, heightening the impact and increasing your pleasure. “I thought about you too, Princess. Every fucking night.” He admitted, moving one hand to the top of your dress to free your breasts from the fabric. “Wished that I could have you there with me so I could fuck you in every one of those fancy hotel rooms.” Your face flushed at the idea, the confession blunt, but it sent a whole different flood of arousal through you. Sam was otherworldly; no other boy in the world held a candle to him romantically or sexually. He was your whole world, the reason your heart continued to beat, and the very thing your soul searched for every minute of the day.
“I missed you so much.” You gasped, feeling the tip of his cock hit the sensitive spot he knew so well. His thumb brushed over your nipple, the soft tickle sending goosebumps across your skin. “I missed this so much.”
“Me too, Princess.” He leaned forward, capturing your nipple in his mouth. A gasp left your lips, your hips bucking against him as his tongue ran over the sensitive skin. His hand traveled to the back of your head, gathering your hair in his fist as he gently pulled your head backwards. His lips trailed upwards, his tongue gliding across your skin as he left marks to remind you of the reunion in days to come. He let his teeth sink into your collarbone, doing everything in his power to drive you over the edge. He was so deprived of you that he wished he could keep you there with him for the rest of time. He was terrified of losing you again, and some part of him believed that sex would keep you with him longer. There was no act he was unwilling to commit to keep you wrapped around him forever.
As he connected his lips with yours, your body ignited with an unfamiliar feeling. There was a fire burning within you, now, one that had long burnt out and could not be reignited by anyone other than him. All it took was one dinner and you were just as crazy for him as you were in high school. His love was a curse, a vile addiction that ravished your body with intent to leave nothing behind. He was evil, maybe not as a whole, but definitely to you. The things he made you feel were ungodly, and the ease that he had while doing so was heinous. You knew he was bad, but you couldn’t get away, and now, you didn’t even care to. His sin felt like bliss, and when with him, the euphoria was incomparable with anything else.
You were doing every single thing you swore to avoid, but it felt so good that you managed to convince yourself that this was what you wanted all along.
The two years worth of tears and agony meant nothing now that he was back in your arms. The hurt was obsolete, replaced with all of the love that was once shared between you. In that moment, you felt so good that you almost forgot every bad thing that ever happened. He was just a boy, and you were just a girl so hopelessly in love with him that you could not see him for what he truly was.
“Can you cum for me again, baby?” He asked, breaking the kiss for only a moment.
“Yeah,” you nodded, desperate for another release. You had not had an orgasm like that since the last time you were so sinfully intertwined with Sam, and you were selfishly in search of more. For once in the entire history of your relationship, you were moving with a selfish intent, and if he had to admit, it was intoxicating. To see you so crazed for pleasure and so determined to fulfill your needs was almost too much for him to handle. He was ready to come undone, and he was close to an orgasm before he even started fucking you. Pleasing you was the most pleasurable thing he’d ever done, and he would do it until the end of time if he knew it would make you happy.
“Come on, angel.” He pleaded, knowing that he could not hold on for much longer. You let out a whine, feeling the knot tighten even further. Your movements up until that point were steady, but now your hips were stuttering and your legs were shaking with the intensity of the impending climax. He reached his hand between your legs again, his fingers finding your clit in hopes of driving you over the edge. He knew you well enough to know that it would work, and within minutes, you were a mess. You could barely speak his name; your brain was rotten with impure thoughts about the man below you and what he was capable of. “That’s my girl,” he purred, moving your hips for you so you could get the most of your orgasm.
“Fuck, Sam.” You moaned, the possessive proclamation sending you into another wave of madness. As much as he enjoyed knowing that he was yours and that he was the only one who could treat you right, you were absolutely feral at the idea of being his. It felt like it was what you were put on earth for, and him, too. You were meant to be his, and he was meant to be yours, even if the world threw obstacles and challenges at you every other day. “I love you.”
The dreaded slip of words stole the air from his lungs and made his body weak.
Oh, how long he’d been waiting to hear you say it again.
He only had enough time to say it back before his orgasm came hard, sending him into the same state as you had been just seconds before. He pulled your hips down on him as he spilled his release into you, muttering curses mixed in with your name. The sound was heavenly, and you knew that there was no better one in the entire world. When you both relaxed from the excitement, he leaned back into the seat and pulled you into him. You let your forehead rest on his while hearts danced in both of your eyes. You let out a long sigh, your skin tingling with the ghost of pleasure and your body light without the stress of sexual tension in the air.
“I was hoping for it to be more romantic than this.” He admitted, letting his fingers trail over the soft skin on your thigh.
“So you were planning it?” You smirked, knowing that this had been his intent the whole time. Although you had denied it, you were secretly hoping for the same outcome.
“We’ve never been good at friends, Princess.” He reminded you, wishing he could live in the bubble of comfort for the rest of his life.
“No, we are good at being friends. We’re just not good at staying friends.” He let out a chuckle, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your own.
“You’re right. We’re not good at staying friends.” Neither of you were willing to bring up the proclamation of love, nor did you even want to. The moment was too sweet to ruin it with any talk of the future. The future always ruined the sweetness of your relationship; the uncertainty of where you would end up, whether that be someone moving away or another breakup, always seemed to dampen the mood. You did not want to think about what would happen next, because your fear was nearly paralyzing you. You wanted so badly for every moment to be this happy, but with your history, you knew it wasn’t possible.
He slowly withdrew from you, sliding your underwear back in place to contain the mess. With his help, you climbed back into your own seat. For a few moments, you both sat and stared out at the sky, unsure of what to do or say. Eventually, he slipped his hand into your own and gave it a gentle squeeze. The tightness in your chest lessened with his touch, but the fear did not dissipate.
“I should probably get home.” You whispered, your eyes fixated on the dark tree line.
“Sure, Princess.” He said, his eyes flickering towards you. He knew that vacant stare, and he knew the withdrawal all too well. He was afraid he did the exact opposite of what he intended and pushed you away for good, and he was too afraid to ask. He did not know if he would be able to handle the answer. Hesitantly, he pulled back out into the main road and began the journey to take you home.
You watched as the city passed you by, dread settled deep in your stomach the closer you got to your house. As gratifying as the sex was, you knew now in your new-found state of clarity that it was a mistake that was nearly fatal. You were so adamant about not letting Sam back in your life for a reason, and you were angry with yourself for overlooking it in exchange for momentary pleasure. You looked over at his face, pained at the sight of his beauty. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, yet it was haunting, and incredibly dangerous. Loving him was easier than falling asleep, and knowing that he held so much power over you was terrifying. You wanted to believe that he would never use it against you, but history has a terrible tendency to repeat itself, especially when it came to your own.
The truth was harrowing, and it was deeply unsettling; You loved Sam so deeply, but it had always been at a cost that you could never afford. You loved Sam, but this time, you weren’t sure if you were as willing to risk your life for it as much as you were the last.
TAGLIST: @itsafullmoon @freefallthoughts @lightsofthe-living-gvf @heckingfrick @sagekiszka @clairesjointshurt @thetroublegetssoloud71 @torniturntomyarrow @dannythedog @jordie-gvf
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miraclottie · 1 year
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Kirk out here changing his name after embarrassing himself for proposing to a lesbian
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saintmeghanmarkle · 13 days
📋 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐌 𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐑𝐎, 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟒𝟎𝐱𝟒𝟎 📋
📌 ARO jam recipients (as of May 27th, 2024)
Tracy Robbins (designer, wife of Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins) *
Delfina Balquier (Argentine socialite, wife of Nacho Figueras) * and Nacho Figueras (professional polo player) *
Kelly Mckee Zajfen (friend, Alliance of Moms founder) *
Mindy Kaling (actress and comedian) *
Tracee Ellis Ross (actress, daughter of Diana Ross)
Abigail Spencer (friend, Suits co-star) *
Chrissy Teigen (television personality, wife of John Legend)
Kris Jenner ('Momager') *
Garcelle Beauvais (actress, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) *
Heather Dorak (friend, yoga instructor) *
📌 Archetypes podcast guests
Serena Williams 🏆
Mariah Carey 👑
Mindy Kaling (actress and comedian) *
Margaret Cho (comedian and actress)
Lisa Ling (journalist and tv personality)
Deepika Padukone (Indian actress)
Jenny Slate (actress and comedian)
Constance Wu (actress)
Paris Hilton (entrepreneur, socialite, activist)
Iliza Shlesinger (comedian and actress)
Issa Rae (actress and writer)
Ziwe (comedian and writer)
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (former wife of Canadian PM Trudeau)
Pamela Adlon (actress)
Sam Jay (comedian and writer)
Mellody Hobson (President and co-CEO of $14.9B Ariel Investments, Chairwoman of Starbucks Corporation, wife of George Lucas)
Victoria Jackson (entrepreneur, wife of Bill Guthy: founder of Guthy-Renker, leading direct marketing company)
Jameela Jamil (actress, television host)
Shohreh Aghdashloo (Iranian and American actress)
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (actress and singer)
Candace Bushnell (Sex and The City writer)
Trevor Noah (South African comedian)
Andy Cohen (talk show host)
Judd Apatow (director, producer, screenwriter)
📌 40x40 participants
Adele 🌟
Amanda Gorman (poet and activist)
Amanda Nguyen (activist)
Ayesha Curry (actress, cooking television personality)
Ciara (singer and actress)
Deepak Chopra (author and alternative medicine advocate)
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris (former Surgeon General of California)
Elaine Welteroth (former Editor-in-Chief of Teen Vogue)
Dr. Ibram X Kendi (professor and anti-racism activist)
Fernando Garcia (creative director of Oscar de la Renta)
Gabrielle Union (actress)
Gloria Steinem (feminist journalist and social-political activist)
Hillary Clinton (politician, wife of former US President Bill Clinton)
Katie Couric (journalist) *
Kerry Washington (actress)
Chef José Andrés (founder of World Central Kitchen)
Melissa McCarthy (actress)
Princess Eugenie (member of British Royal Family)
Priyanka Chopra (actress)
Sarah Paulson (actress)
Sofia Carson (actress)
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (former wife of Canadian PM)
Stella McCartney (fashion designer, daughter of Paul McCartney)
Dr. Theresa "Tessy" Ojo - CBE, FRSA (Diana Award CEO)
Tracee Ellis Ross (actress, daughter of Diana Ross)
Unconfirmed - Edward Enninful (former Editor-in-Chief of British Vogue)
Unconfirmed - Daniel Martin (makeup artist) *
An official list of all "40x40" participants was never disclosed
source 1 // source 2 // source 3
📌 Notes:
Names with an asterisk (*) indicate that they follow ARO on Instagram
Notably missing from these lists: Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos and wife Nicole Avant, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, Beyoncé, Tina Knowles, Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King, Kevin Costner, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia Rossi *, Brooke Shields, John Travolta, Kelly Rowland, Holly Robinson Peete, Misan Harriman *, Michael Bublé
Wedding guests missing from these lists: Jessica Mulroney, George and Amal Clooney, David and Victoria Beckham, Idris Elba and Sabria Dhowre, James Blunt and Sofia Wellesley, Janina Gavankar, Elton John and David Furnish, James Corden and Julia Carey, Patrick J. Adams and the rest of the cast of Suits, Joss Stone, Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley, Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford [Source]
Sunshine Sachs must've called in a LOT of favors to get so many famous names on board the Archetypes Podcast and the 40x40 project. Vanity projects that went... nowhere.
Without Sunshine Sachs, IMO it's highly unlikely that M will ever be able to reach the same level of celebrity access on her own.
If there are any names missing from these lists, please comment below 👇
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author: SeptièmeSens
submitted: May 27, 2024 at 06:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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