#broken miraculous
mymiraclebox · 1 month
If someone were to use a broken Miraculous, what would happen to them?
A Miraculous does two things: it binds a kwami to a physical form, and limits their magic to be safe to use on earth. So when a Miraculous is broken those are the two things that falter; and for humans the danger comes from the unhindered magic leaking through the gem.
So when a human wears a broken Miraculous the excess magic begins to physically harm them, as it is too much for their body to handle. Any part of the body can be affected, and as long as one doesn't continuously use the Miraculous then their body has a chance to heal. But if they use it too often, or the magic harms something that can't recover, then the excess magic will eventually kill the holder.
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theytistic · 7 months
Broken Miraculous
Well… this is just a brief post explaining how a broken miraculous (which will appear in the story, but without too many spoilers) works.
One thing I hate about miraculous is how a broken miraculous, used only once, gives the person a death sentence, so I've given it a brief makeover.
The miraculous work like a battery between Kwami and Carrier, storing extra energy so that when they activate their powers, they don't feel tired, they just need to recharge to fill up that battery again, and in this first case, if a carrier after transformation doesn't immediately recharge their kwami, it won't make them feel bad (it will just be rude to the "pet"). That's also why younger wearers can't maintain their transformation for very long, because the jewel's ability to recharge its battery is so limited (considering that it doesn't even have a battery to maintain the suit).
But then comes the question, and when it's broken, regardless of the age of the wearer, it will only affect him when he uses more than 50% of that energy, since it doesn't have much storage capacity and would be taking his energy to complete that energy, then comes the question, what would be considered that 50% the amount of powers, like: a young wearer can only use 1 power at a time, but an adult can use them all, but with the miraculous broken, using a miraculous that has for example 3 powers, using 2 would be safe, while the 3 would be risky. Miraculous with 2 powers, only 1 can be used per transformation, and if you use a miraculous with 1 power, well… Russian roulette, like: use it and get de-transformed or risk losing vitality (in this case you wouldn't have a deadly disease, just a lot of tiredness, like anemia or prolonged insomnia, bad things for the body, but which don't necessarily kill you, unless you abuse the powers).
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toqiuh · 1 year
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felt like doing a cute fanart of them
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@yeet-noir 's conversations with AI Adrien have been living in the back of my mind for days. So I drew them
Bonus (my favorite):
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coffeebanana · 1 year
Today's warm-up ficlet brought to you by me wanting to experiment with writing broken ribs. And it's complete enough to share as a tumblr snippet, so...enjoy!
“We’re almost there,” Marinette said, gently squeezing his arm. As if Adrien didn’t recognize the staircase up to his own apartment. Then again, nothing in his life really seemed the same anymore. Even this trip upstairs was more than he could handle. Each step jostled his broken ribs, and every breath was a fiery spike in his chest. The pillow he clutched to his chest did little to help. And not even his mind offered any distraction; his father’s betrayal was a whole other kind of pain.  If it weren’t for his friends—Marinette at his side, Nino following behind, and Alya waiting for all of them at the top—Adrien was sure he wouldn’t have made it. He would have given up halfway up the first flight of stairs. Or he’d still be at the hospital, struggling to put on his shoes. “You’re doing great, mec,” Nino encouraged, like a broken record. Adrien didn’t think he’d heard his friend say anything else all day.  You’re doing great—when Adrien could barely stand up on his own. You’re doing great—when he was seconds from bursting into tears. You’re doing great—after he almost snapped at Marinette for fluffing his pillow one too many times, and was tempted to do snap at Nino for daring to repeat the same lie over and over. Now, at least he was grateful for the words—how had Nino had the patience to put up with him all day? Tears sprang to the corners of his eyes, but he couldn’t let them fall. If he started crying, he wouldn’t know how to stop, and crying was another thing that hurt too much. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.  He’d forgotten that breathing to deeply was the worst pain of all. Adrien gasped midway up the next step, clutching the pillow closer to his chest. It was no use; the damage was done. The pain ripped out like a stone dropping into a pond—each wave was a little weaker than the last, but there was nothing he could do to hurry it along. “Let’s rest here for a minute,” Marinette suggested. Adrien wanted to argue—they were three steps from the top. What was the point?—but he couldn’t manage to speak. Instead, he succumbed to the tears slipping down his cheeks, doing damage control by means of taking shallow, steady breaths, trying not to feel anything that would spur the tears on. That became near impossible when gentle fingers wiped away his tears and delicate lips pressed against his cheek. Marinette too had been ridiculously patient. Impossibly tender. And she was Ladybug—that truth hadn’t had a chance to sank in, but it barely needed one. It just felt right. “Come on,” Alya said. Her words weren’t impatient, but they didn’t coddle him either. And that felt right too. It felt good—to know that at least one person wasn’t treating him like he’d break. “Three more steps,” she encouraged. “Then you can rest as much as you want.” That wasn’t really true. The pain didn’t go away even when he was sitting, and he doubted he’d be able to get much sleep. Plus, there were a hundred things he knew he’d have to deal with in the coming days—cops, lawyers, and the weight of Paris’ opinion, to name a few. But when he opened his eyes, Alya met his gaze with a friendly challenge. Marinette rubbed his arm, and Nino squeezed his shoulder. Three more steps.  He’d take one for each of them.
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bajaberries · 7 months
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let me love you, just for tonight
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Reference ❤️
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Do you think that Marinette ever looks into her partners eyes, and is sure that, for a second, the green flashed into a soulless blue, and her stomach turns?
Do you think that Adrien ever flinches when someone close to him yells, terrified that they'll become a villain that he'll be forced to fight, a force he'll be required to destroy?
Do you think that Marinette ever looks over her shoulder in public compulsively, afraid and paranoid that she's being observed by an enemy priming itself for attack?
Do you think that Adrien wakes up from a nightmare and sheds a tear for the children he had for too short and lost too soon?
Do you think that Marinette ever catches herself paying attention to, and involving herself in, the issues and lives of complete strangers, that she feels it is her responsibility to keep feeling good
Do you think that Adrien ever feels a physical weight on his hand from all the destruction he has caused? and actual feeling of his hand getting heavier from the burden of disaster?
Do you think that the heroes of Paris ever feel a bit of guilt or a bit of worry any time they feel an emotion too strongly? That they are incapable and unworthy of feelings that could cause the decimation of their city?
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box-of-birds · 8 months
Reverse Alya from the new promo!! I love her <3
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xhanisai · 1 year
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Or, silly sketch of an AU where lovesquare and miracuclass are five years old, Gabriel is a supervillain who always gets his ass kicked by them and wishes to get back together with his ex wife who is currently married to her bestie Nathalie and Plagg and Tikki have human forms which they use to babysit the lovesquare.
Close ups!
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monpetitchattriste · 1 year
Like no this episode broke me in so many ways. The sad music playing as Adrien tell Marinette he is leaving ripped my heart out.
Them cluching the luckycharm like a lifeline will forever be engraved in my mind.
Adrien defying is fathers wishes just to kiss Marinette is so powerful.
Them being pulled apart I don't even have words to express my thoughts
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mymiraclebox · 10 months
How does a broken miraculous affect a kwami?
When a Miraculous is broken a kwami's mind becomes split between their current state, and the mindset they have in their spiritual/true form. I'm going to call this state "concept-minded", where a kwami becomes more focused on their concept and acting as a force of it.
The strain of being pulled between these two states can make it hard for a kwami to focus, remember, and fully grasp the world around them. A kwami with a broken Miraculous may not realize that they're in dangerous hands, the risk that can come from their powers, or even the fact that their Miraculous is broken and can hurt a holder.
How a kwami acts when in a "concept-minded" state can vary depending on kwami. For example in Dearest Family I'd probably put Tikki's as acting in a concept-minded state (even though her Miraculous wasn't broken), being solely focused of finding and indulging in the most recent act of Creation that caught her attention (galette), and going as far as to use her powers to create more of it without thinking of how it would impact everyone else. Her mind was in pure Creation mode.
Also I imagine that when a kwami is in their true form, like what we see from Plagg and Tikki in Recreation, that they are also in a concept-minded state. In this form Tikki and Plagg viewed reality in a very different way, and had no hesitation merging for a Wish, or even granting it once they became Gimmi.
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yunyin · 6 months
I'm watching Riposte and the akuma went into Kagami's ring!
I realize it's possible that some things weren't all worked out re: senti stuff/rules at this point, but I think there might be an in-universe explanation, too.
We know at one point Felix's ring cracked and he's still here. Kagami's Riposte transformation was all merged together, like the sword was merged with her hand and she's armor all over, etc. Maybe it works more like damage in that case?
Or maybe it doesn't count when it's transformed? I can imagine that being the case.
It's interesting to think about, anyway.
Edit: Hold on, this ring doesn't look like her amok...
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So she got it later? This is actually more interesting!!
So maybe Tomoe decided she was worthy of holding her amok sometime during the series?
Edit 2: She has it in Frozer, which is her next appearance according to the wiki!
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Now I’m just imagining Marinette and Adrien being assigned that whole ‘take care of this fake baby for a week’ school thing. They would just break down in tears at seeing one of their children again. They would take it so seriously.
At the end of the week, the teachers have to call in Mr. Damocles to take it away from them, and Adrien tries to kill him again
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On the subject of the finale, I've seen many fanarts and fanfic comics and stuff with Eminath flirting, and while I ship them BIG TIME, I'm surprised by how many people portray Nathalie as the flirty one. Nathalie would absolutely do a Marinette if anyone ever tried to flirt with her. Half the time she probably wouldn't pick up on the fact that Emilie was flirting with her, and the other half of the time she'd just go bright red and stop speaking for at least five minutes. I mean come on this is Nathalie we're talking about - she's literally got "heartless" in her name and is canonically very very shy (and covers it up with the "heartless" exterior). Emilie is the flirt here.
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2manyfandoms2count · 1 year
I thought Intuition would help me disconnect from work, but turns out not! So here's the attempt at diagnosing Gabriel's Cataclysm-induced heart condition that nobody asked for (It's ok, I need the revision anyway)
Firstly, I want to point out that what we hear when Nathalie/Tomoe listen to Gabriel's heart sounds more like what you get on a heart ultrasound rather than what you'd even without a stethoscope (you can hear severe heart conditions without the latter, btw, sometimes without just pressing your ear against the person's chest)
Anyway, what we hear isn't a normal heartbeat, that's for sure; it's irregular, for one, and instead of hearing the two normal heart sounds (B1-B2), the erratic heartbeat seems to go B1-B2-B3-B4. That's a sign of severe heart failure, probably because the heart is being deprived of oxygen from the destruction of the surrounding tissue. Plus, given that Gabriel's been using Second Chances for ages in "his" timeline, it's a distinct possibility that his heart has tried adapting to this, and while changes in heart (and general organ) structure are helpful short-term to compensate for its dysfunction, they're generally harmful in the long-run, contributing to the worsening of the condition.
The hypotesis of heart-failure from ischemia is further supported by Gabriel's sudden chest pain at the end of the episode, associated with shortness of breath, which is very typical. In real life, given Gabriel's age, that would definitely require a call to the local emergency call service (dial 15 in France, it's the equivalent of 911 in the US or 999 in the UK), even if it's just to eliminate a heart dysfunction... Although obviously, in the context of the show, I don't see how Gabriel would accept to be taken to the ER in his state, it would be a fairly anticlimactic Monarch reveal if Adrien discovered the truth from his father wearing a hospital blouse 😅
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I’ll just take this out of context and pretend this is the whole show. 
Just a widower trying his best to make his son happy, while dealing with unexpected feelings for his personal assistant (who happens to require those feelings) and his new discovered passion for the culinary arts. Hijinks ensue.
Bonus: the american bodyguard who’s just happy to be part of the family.
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