#birthday present from my little sis
alderaana · 1 year
pretty, pretty girl.
leon kennedy is your older brother's best friend, you're freshly eighteen.
nsfw, p-v, virgin reader, slightly older leon. please wrap it before you tap it.
Your birthday was highly anticipated. Finally legal, so many opportunities that have opened up to you. Your parents had showered you with gifts all day, leading up to your party tonight.
"Happy birthday sis, here's a little something from me."
Your brother smiles, handing you a medium wrapped box. You smile, tearing the package as he leans up against the wall to watch you.
"Oh my god- Danny you seriously didn't.."
You were met with a signed slipknot shirt, all of the current members had signed it...
"i jumped through hoops for that so you better love it."
Your brother laughs as you engulf him in a huge hug.
"Thank you so much, seriously this is amazing."
"Don't sweat it kid, you made it to the border of adulthood."
You smile, admiring the shirt and thanking your brother again. making your way upstairs, you glance over your notifications of all of your friends wishing you happy birthday.
You place the shirt on your desk, admiring it fully before hearing your parents call you downstairs.
The stairs are stiff as you run down them, finding your parents in the kitchen.
"Hey birthday girl! your party is going to start soon, we wanted to know if you had a time for the family to leave and it just be us and your friends?"
You nod.
"Can it be around 8? I think that will be enough time for grandma and grandpa since the party starts at three."
"Sounds great. well help round them up around eight then."
Your mom smiles as your dad opens his phone, presumably to let the family that was coming know. you had a bunch of your friends coming over to spend the night for your birthday.
Your family all came pouring into your living room, holding gifts as you and your parents greeted them. Soon after your friends were doing the same.
The party was fun, but oddly overstimulating. There are so many people in your house which wasn't common at all. When it came time for cake, everyone gathered around as you stared at the Sicilian cheesecake with a candle sat in front of you.  The tension was high in your brain as everyone serenades you for your occasion.
The candles flicker out as you blew them out, the sounds of cheers as you did so. A good amount of "you made it!" and "you're getting so grown" were thrown towards you as everyone cut their slice out. You smiled at everyone, enjoying your cake.
Presents were the most exciting yet nervous time of the night. Lots of money made its way into your hands, your friends gifting you lots of casually sexual things which you would laugh with them about later.
"Thank you all so much, seriously. I am so grateful."
Your smile seals your sentiment as your family all gather around to take a picture with you. a momentum for the scrapbook, you finally being legal.
"Alright, it's getting late you all."
Your mother pipes in, silently hinting for everyone to roll out so you could spend just one on one time with your friends.  Everyone wishes you one last time as they roll out slowly, some help pick up and take some food from dinner home.
Your mother sighs as she shuts the door, turning back to you and your friends.
"Alright girls. we'll leave you alone now, don't go too crazy."
Both of your parents head upstairs, leaving you with your friends.
"So what now hm?"
Jess pipes in, giggling with everyone else.
"I honestly don't know. my family was kind of exhausting."
You say, rubbing your eyes as you turn the tv on.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie?"
"Let's just listen to music, you'll pass out if you watch a movie."
Madi says laughing, grabbing the remote and putting on a party playlist.
"Yeah come on, it's your birthday let's make the day last!"
You laugh, shaking your head as they make you stand up, encouraging you to dance with them.
"You guys are insane, fine."
You dance with them, letting yourself enjoy it as they turn the lights off. The TV being the only illumination as you danced more with them. Madi grabs your sides, giggling as she dances up against you. You all laughing as Jess takes pictures, both of you posing stupidly as the music plays louder.
"Hey! turn that down. mom and dad are asleep."
Your brother says from the bottom of the stairs, laughing at all of you.
"Sorry Danny, guess we just got a bit carried away."
Your friends laugh and hum in agreement.
"Well, either way I had to get something from downstairs and it was way too loud coming out of my bedroom."
You laugh, watching your brother head towards the front door, assuming he's getting something from his car.
Unfortunately, you were wrong. he opened the door and you were met with his best friend holding a present. The man was wearing a leather jacket, his hair slightly damp as it was pouring rain outside.
"Am i late to the party?"
You freeze, your friends being confused. He smirks as he with one arm goes in for a hug and pat on the back with your brother.
"Sorry, i totally forgot to tell you Leon was coming over sis."
You shakily laugh as you regain your composure.
"No it's fine, and no you aren't late at all."
Leon walks up to you, handing you the gift.
"Good, this is for you kiddo."
"You seriously didn't have to Leon."
You admire the packaging, its decorated with black sleek wrapping paper, a red bow decorating the top.
"C'mon, open it."
Your friends sit up, looking at you as you awkwardly look down at it. Your hands slowly unwrap the present, treating it as if it was a bomb in your hands.
Inside the box was a bomber jacket, black with gold embroidery on the back that made into a moth.
"Holy shit Leon. where the fuck did you get this?"
He laughs, happy with your reaction. You smile wide as you throw it on, it fits exactly how you wanted it to.
"Looks perfect on you."
A blush creeps over your face as you surge forward, hugging Leon tightly. he's caught off guard, slowly hugging you back.
"She doesn't even hug me, and my gift was better!"
Your brother says, laughing in shock. Leon looks over at him, laughing lightly as you break the hug.
"The slipknot shirt was just as good Danny, I just don't want to touch you. you reek of old spice and Leon doesn't."
You and your friends laugh, Leon trying not to join as your brother's face looks jokingly offended.
"Okay, you're lucky it's your birthday or I seriously would have went there."
He points at you menacingly as you laugh.
"Alright, i'm going to hang out with Danny now."
He ruffles your hair.
"Happy birthday again."
Leon smiles as he heads upstairs with your brother.
"Dude your brother's friend is hot."
Jess whispers, you glaring her down.
"I fucking know. and he's always been hot..." you sigh, Madi and Jess looking at eachother in glances.
"so what's stopping you now?"
Madi asks, searching for your answer. The idea was in your mind, especially with the way he hugged you back. He was always someone you crushed on, ever since Leon and Danny started being friends. that was five years ago, but you never let it really control you. He always seemed like someone out of reach even if you tried. for god's sake he's 23, and you're freshly 18.
You look down, shyly shuffling your feet.
"Because he's way older you guys. he's 23 just like Danny."
Madi laughs, "and?"
You scoff.
"That's a bit of difference.... i don't know you guys."
Your friends look at you like you said something outlandishly stupid.
"Dude... even if he doesn't seem interested i would try and go for it."
"You guys are being bad influences cmon.."
"Bad influences?? with the way that man looks? no we definitely aren't."
You sigh, sitting down in between them.
"Dude, just go upstairs and find a lame excuse to be in Danny's room."
It wasn't a bad idea, there were several things you could go into his room for. Asking if he had an empty laundry basket, keys to his car because you left something in his car, etc...
"Okay well let's go to my room and think about this more."
Madi claps excitedly, "yes let's make tonight us helping you out as wingwomen." Jess smiles and nods, all of you heading upstairs to your room. which uncomfortably was next to Danny's. Footsteps were soft as everyone heads into your room. Madi plopping onto your bed as Jess sits in the chair for your desk. You close the door and look back at them, who both share the biggest shit eating grin.
"Guys come on... don't look at me like that."
"Okay, so what if you go in there and ask if Danny can heat up some of the food from dinner.” 
You deadpan Jess. 
“What.. i’m hungry it’s not like you’re lying.”
Sighing, you nod and make your way out of the room. Stopping at the closed door to your brother’s room. You could hear them laughing, playing some sort of video game. You suck in deeply and open the door, being met with Leon sprawled out on the bed watching your brother play some game. They both turn towards you, and notice Leon wearing a black tee that fit him extremely well. 
“Danny can you heat up some of the food for my friends and we’re hungry again.”
He looks annoyed as he shakes his head. 
“Can’t you do it yourself? It’s literally so simple.”
“Yeah but it’s my birthday and i won’t put that on my friends.”
Danny gets up, visibly annoyed and loudly sighs. 
Leon laughs, watching Danny leave the room.
“He was in the middle of a match, but good job making him get up.”
You nervously lean up against the doorway, smiling at Leon.
“You should see him when you’re not around.”
Leon props himself onto his elbows, making direct eye contact with you.
“Oh believe me, i’ve known him so long i hear about it every single time now.”
You scoff, jokingly holding your chest.
“Wow. what a brother.”
You admire Leon as he laughs, his legs spread apart and his sweatpants fit exactly how you want them to. 
“Cmon, you know Danny. How surprised can you be.”
You giggle back, nodding in agreement. 
“I guess you’re right.”
You bite your lip gently, focusing on the floor for a second before deciding to be bold. 
“So Danny told me you’ve been enjoying your federal job? How is that going?”
He sits up more, now on the edge of the bed. His elbows propped on his knees as he looks up at you. 
“It’s alright. I make the money i want to, and i’d like to say i’m pretty good at what I do.”
You gently nod, shifting against the doorway. 
“You don’t come around as often because of it.. I noticed that. Danny did too.”
He smiles, looking at his hand.
“You pay attention to that?”
His tone gets flirty, and a little stern. It catches you off guard.
“Well…. Don’t say it like that..”
He stands up, getting closer as you start to internally panic.
“Oh i know it’s exactly like that.”
He leans closer, his hand running underneath your chin forcing you to make eye contact with him. You couldn’t feel air in your lungs as you stare into his gaze, him smirking slightly as he towers over you. 
“I’m going to check on Danny, we can talk about this later birthday girl.”
Leon chuckles, walking past you and going downstairs. You couldn’t feel your face as you try and calm your breath. What the fuck?
You walk into your room, being met with two faces of anticipation.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Danny has food ready downstairs, let's go.”
You turn around, walking down the stairs as your friends lightly tap your shoulder unspokenly asking what happened. 
You avoid eye contact as Danny hands you a plate of food, sitting on the couch. Your friends thanking Danny. You focus on your food until Leon sits near you on the couch. They had made themselves a plate as well, but the silence was killing everyone. Your phone buzzes underneath your leg.
Jess: dude WHAT happened…… it’s so awkward? Did it go badly? 
You look up, glaring Jess down from your end of the couch. 
“I think i’m just going to eat in my room, you coming le?”
Danny asks, waiting for Leon.
“Nah, i’ll finish then come up.”
“Yeah we might do the same Danny.”
Your friends follow Danny upstairs with their plates, leaving you and Leon alone. Fuck. your phone vibrates again.
Madi: this is for your own good 
You sigh, throwing your phone down and trying to just focus on your food. 
“Your friends know what they’re doing, huh?”
Leon laughs, standing up and putting his plate in the dishwasher. He makes his way over to you, grabbing your empty plate and doing the same. You try to get up and make a run for upstairs but Leon stops you before you can even think about it. 
“You’re so pretty when you’re nervous….. I love it.” 
He holds eye contact with you, and all you can do is lightly gulp unsure of how to react. 
“L-Leon what are you doing”
He grabs your wrist, standing up and forcing your chest against his.
“Don’t play fucking dumb.”
You try to free his grip, but he already was so much stronger than you. His free hand comes to run through your hair, tucking it behind your ear.
“Pretty, pretty girl.” 
His hand comes underneath your chin again, bringing it to his face as he lays a gentle kiss to yours. You catch yourself kissing back, his hand slowly letting go of your wrist. You could feel your heart rate going through the roof, his hand catching your lower back. 
“Your brother is going to notice me being gone for so long.”
He smirks, letting go of you and heading upstairs. Again, what the fuck?
You stand there for a moment, realizing that this was the second time he had left you in that position now. Why was he treating you this way? He was just calling you kiddo earlier. My god. You grab your phone, heading upstairs and finding your friends. 
“Seriously guys. That was fucked up.”
More confused looks. 
“What even happened?”
You sigh, throwing yourself onto your bed. As you speak, you zone out at the ceiling. 
“He kissed me, then just left.”
They both jump up, trying to not squeal since he was literally in the room next to theirs. 
“Dude… you’re in!!!”
“I don’t even know… he just left me so fucking confused.”
“Oh shut up. Do you think he’ll take your virginity?? Oh my god. Jess, we need to sleep in the guest room.”
Madi exclaims to Jess, causing you to roll over and scream into your pillow. 
“Guys! Stopppp.”
You try not to smile, but you definitely weren’t good at it. You were just okay with kissing him, but losing your virginity? That was a dream come true.
“You know what… It is getting late.” 
Jess smugly smiles at Madi, who nods in agreement. 
“Yeah. it is.. Guess we will have to sleep in the guest bedroom now.”
They both get up, starting to grab their things. You can’t even stop them as by the time you could even argue they were out of your room.
“Oh my god. They just fucking bailed on me. This is not fair.”
You get up, sighing as you turn your light off. You could hear Danny lightly snoring as you laid down in bed. You open your phone up, texting Jess and Madi that they were dicks but that you loved them at the same time. You scroll on social media, before getting up to use the bathroom.
The hallway was dark, and you stumble around until you open the bathroom door. After finishing your business you wash your hands, admiring yourself in the mirror before drying your hands and heading back to your bedroom. 
As soon as you close your door, you turn around to find Leon sitting on your bed. 
“Your friends ditched you.”
He spoke in a whisper, but you could still hear how smug he was about it. 
“What are you doing in here-”
Leon pulls you towards him, you stare down at him. The only thing illuminating the both of you was your lamp on your desk. 
“Finishing what I started, that’s all.”
“And what is that, Leon?”
He trails his hands up and down your sides, his hands slightly underneath the bottom of your shirt. 
“So beautiful.”
He breathes out, his hands trailing farther up your shirt. You put your hands on his chest, subtly stopping him. 
“Leon, if you’re fucking with me. It’s obviously working. Is this some dare Danny made you do? Because that is low.” 
He pulls you into his lap, causing you to gasp in surprise as he holds your back.
“Danny would kill me if he caught us like this, so no.”
He smiles, watching your face determine and realize what’s happening. He cups your face with his other hand, kissing you again. Leon’s hand on your back lowers, cupping your ass. You moan into the kiss which encourages Leon even more. He grabs your ass, his hips pressing into you. The kiss deepens, and you can feel his boner underneath you.
He breathes out, admiring your face as you stare right back at him. You catch yourself sitting up, straddling him better. His hands meet your hips encouraging you to keep doing what you were doing. You lean down, kissing Leon harder as his hips press up slightly from the contact.
You run your fingers through his hair, then cupping the side of his face. Leon is an amazing kisser, he really knows how to take the lead. His tongue moved perfectly against yours, biting on his lower lip caused him to grip your hips harder. 
“Let me take care of you…. It’s your birthday.”
Before you can respond, he flips you onto your back. He leans over you, kissing slowly down your neck as he bites and licks small hickeys onto it. You whine which causes him to slowly grind into you. You can feel yourself getting wetter at the attention. His hand comes up, cupping your boob as he kisses more into your neck.
“Leon please..”
He perks up, a smirk on his face.
“Please what, princess?”
You blush, feeling yourself heat up as your core throbs at the pet name. He looks down at your shirt. 
“Let’s take this off. Is that what you want?”
You nod shyly, letting Leon help you out of your shirt. His breath hitches at your lace bra, obviously not expecting that. He leans in and kisses you harder, excited over the new exposure of skin. 
“So beautiful baby… going to make you feel so good I promise..”
Leon breathes out, kissing your neck again and trailing down to your boobs. You grab his hair, lightly moaning as he leaves darker hickeys on your tits. You grab at the bottom of his shirt, silently asking for him to take his off as well. 
“Yeah? Alright baby….”
He leans up, taking his shirt off. His body was insane… You knew he went to the gym but he was built. You catch yourself staring before Leon leans down again. You feel along his back as he kisses you, his hips starting to grind against you again. You whimper into his lips, causing him to smirk into the kisses. Leon’s hand trails down to the waistband of your pants. 
“Do you want this?”
You blush at the question, starting to slightly tremble at the excitement. 
“Yes Leon..”
“Ill be gentle, just for you baby.”
He smiles, sitting up to pull your pants off. His breath hitches as he realizes your panties match your bra, causing his dick to jump a little. He tosses your pants onto the floor, laying further down, spreading your legs. You can’t stop trembling as you watch him. His broad shoulders hold your legs as his arms hold your thighs. He looks up at you, smiling. He taps your thigh with his finger, silently saying it’s okay. You calm down, giving Leon the leeway to start. 
His hand trails over your clit, admiring the underwear. He slowly pulls it to the side, admiring how beautiful you are. 
“Oh my god..”
You feel Leon sigh onto your pussy, the bed slightly moving from Leon grinding into the mattress. He gently feels your entrance, admiring the slick you’ve produced. He licks his fingers, slightly whining at the taste. 
“Mmnmmm. Are you ready?”
You nod, still nervous. He slowly peppers kisses around your thighs, finally latching onto your clit. You whine, trying to be quiet. He smiles against you, licking up and down. He enjoyed the taste, letting his finger tease your entrance as he focused on your clit with his tongue. You arch your back and press yourself against his face. He loves all of it. The way you already are breaking out into a sweat because of him.
You grab his hair slightly, causing his pace to speed up. His fingers slowly dipping into you more. You can already feel your orgasm building up. His smirk is imprinted into your clit as he eats you out. You feel your legs spread farther, but Leon stops that very quickly. Leon’s fingers quicken alongside his tongue, your orgasm almost there.
“Leon please… im going to …. Please fuck fuck fuck..”
“Come on babygirl… let me taste it.”
That sends you over the edge, you can feel him moan into your pussy as you clench around his fingers. Your grip on his hair not helping. You try and catch your breath, Leon pulling his fingers out and his tongue laps up your cum.
“So good…. You did so good princess.”
You cover your face in embarrassment, which isn’t for long as Leon pulls your hands out of your face to kiss you. You can taste yourself on his tongue, him moaning into the kiss. You trail your hand down to feel his hard on. Which causes him to moan into the kiss more. 
“Please Leon….. Fuck me.”
He smiles, petting your hair again. He nods, taking his sweats off leaving him in his boxers. You pull him into you, feeling his boner against your core. He takes you in for a kiss again, grinding into you fully this time. You’re shaking with anticipation again, moaning at the friction. Leon tugs at your underwear, slowly pulling them off for you. 
He then motions you to sit up, helping you pull your bra off. His eyes latch onto your bare tits, admiring how perfect they were. You lay back again, watching as Leon pulls his boxers down. His dick springs free, precum leaking. He was huge. You internally panicked, and he picked up on that. 
“It’s okay, we can go slow unless you want to stop.”
“No. it’s okay, it’s just my first time.”
His dick twitches at that, causing Leon to smile.
“Is it? I'm going to set a high expectation then.” 
You blush, trying to look away. He grabs your face, kissing you as you feel his tip brush against your entrance. You grind into him, both of you moaning at the contact. 
“If you keep doing that i will fuck the shit out of you baby.”
You apologize, which causes Leon to laugh. 
“So cute.”
He sits up, pushing your thighs to your chest. He grabs his dick, gathering your slick onto his dick. He quietly groans at the sensation. He lines himself up and looks at you again.
You shyly nod. He pushes in slowly, letting you adjust to him. You well up with tears, trying not to cry. You feel how much he stretches you, glad he prepped you beforehand. 
“Shhh.. shhh. It’s okay. You can take it. Fuck you’re so tight”
Leon wipes your tears away, giving you gentle kisses as he pushes more and more into you. 
“Doing so good for me baby…. Look at you. Take me so well, especially for your first time.”
He kisses your neck, almost bottoming out now. You feel yourself wince as he does, glad it finally was over. Leon kisses you again, trying to help ease you. It works, it really helps you relax, his hand running through your hair. You start to clench around Leon, feeling yourself at ease.
“Fuck….. So tight… I don't think I'll last..”
Leon sighs into your skin, slowly pulling out. The feeling making you whimper as he pulls almost all the way out before slowly pushing back in. This causes a low moan from Leon and a whimper from you.
“Oh my god.”
He bites your neck to prevent himself from moaning loudly as he repeatedly slowly pulls out and pushes in. Both of you in pure bliss as he does so. 
“Are you doing okay princess?”
You nod, feeling yourself moan as he holds your thighs to your chest, starting to pick up his speed. 
“God i’m trying so hard to be gentle but you feel so fucking amazing.”
“You can go faster I- i can take it.”
You grab at his back, then your other hand holding the nape of his neck as he picks up his speed. 
“So fucking beautiful… look at you. This pussy is perfect.”
He leans down, sucking your nipple and pinching the other. The sound of his thrusts starts to get louder. Leon didn’t care, he was way too busy with how amazing you were to care about anyone else in the house. You can feel yourself tighten as he goes harder. He sits up, his hands digging into your thighs as he starts to go as fast as he can into you. You’re moaning as quietly as you can now but he’s practically hitting your cervix with how hard and fast he was going. 
Leon’s face scrunches, enjoying the way you feel around him. You can feel your orgasm building up which causes you to whine. Leon whimpers as he feels you pulse around him.
“Baby i’m about to cum inside of you if you keep doing that.”
Your back arches.
“Please cum in me Leon please..”
You feel him speed up even more.
“Yeah? Going to fuck myself into you… fill this pussy up.. Make you mine. You are mine. After this. Going to cum inside my princess’s pussy real hard for her.”
You can feel how he’s about to, which sends you into your orgasm. Your head is thrown back into the pillow, feeling your walls pulse around him as he releases into your pussy. His pace is still the same, slowing down as he makes sure he cums every last drop into you. You catch your breath as Leon collapses on top of you. You hold onto his back, and the back of his head.
“Fuck Leon..”
He laughs into the skin of your neck, still inside of you. 
“Was it good for your first time?”
“That was perfect.”
He kisses your neck, moving up to kiss your cheek. Petting your hair, he admires your face and smiles. Leon sits up, slowly pulling out of you. He watches as his cum slowly leaks out of you, a big smile on his face. 
“Let me clean you up, pretty girl.”
He stands up, finding a towel from your laundry and helping clean you up. Leon then pulls his clothes on, searching for yours and helping you get dressed. 
“Please don’t leave this time Leon.”
He smiles at you, admiring how pretty you truly are.
“I wasn’t even planning on it, babygirl.”
He lays down, pulling the covers over the both of you. Letting yourself fall asleep, you enjoy Leon's big arms cradling you as he cuddles into your neck. 
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morallyinept · 5 months
Pop Goes The Javi - A Javier Peña One Shot for PMAMC 2024
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Written for @wannab-urs Peg That Middle Aged Man Campaign 2024 - proud to be part of this collection of amazing writers. Check them out for all the Pedro Boys being pegged! 🍑 Also, check out last year's PMAMC 2023 too!
Summary: It’s Javi's birthday and you have the perfect gift for him.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub. Reader speaks and understands Spanish.)
Word Count: 4.5k-ish
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶️ “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me.”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Explicit - Pegging/rimming/anal fingering/anal penetration, M receiving/fingering F receiving/all the glorious butt stuff with Javi's pert lil' butt 🍑 Javi being a drooling mess.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me and I share with you. If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: There's a fair amount of Javi Spanish in this, so I've provided translations at the end of the story. Special thanks to my sweet hermosa @rhoorl for helping me out with this. 🖤
Thanks again for letting me be apart of this @wannab-urs 🥰 Please be sure to check out, and re-blog, all the other amazing stories by the other fantastic writers who have also taken part this year! 🍑
PMAMC Banner/poster created by @wannab-urs 🖤
Enjoy! 🖤
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As the sun dips below the Bogotá skyline, casting a warm, orange glow across the city, the heat coats your skin like a greased balm. 
You find yourself nestled into a cosy booth with Javi in a restaurant; the taste of sweet agave and ash lingers on his lips, and his nimble, thick fingers cause a mutiny of tingles to travel across your epidermis as he brushes the tips of them over your thigh. 
The flap of his open collar, under his worn in leather jacket, reveals golden bone protrusions that you long to taste again, and it takes you a few moments to realise that you haven't heard a single word he’s said most of the evening as you’ve been fixated on it, until his fingers sweep up to your inner thigh under the table.  
“This fucking dress leaves little to the imagination.” He murmurs, planting a kiss on your temple.
“And I assume yours is running amok right now?” You say, leaning further into him.
“Si, cariño.”
“Good. Mission accomplished.” You smile into his mouth. 
He licks his tongue into yours as you tug at the soft, creaky lapel on his jacket. 
“I think we should go, vamos a casa,” Javi husks into your face with a prudent smirk; a plush bottom lip pouting suggestively under that moustache. 
“No, you’ve not had any dessert yet,” you smile, stopping his hand from going any further.
“I plan on having it back at yours,” he says, eyes dropping to your cleavage and then back up to your face. 
“I think you’ll like this one better,” you grin as a dessert with a single candle arrives at your table.
The restaurant staff, having been forewarned it’s Javi's birthday, join in singing a lively rendition of Feliz Cumpleaños, much to his chagrin.
You can’t help but giggle at his discomfort, eyeing you with a puckered frown and pink pout, but equally trying not to laugh at your audacity when you clap and sing along enthusiastically with them. 
“For the record, I hate birthdays.” Javi mutters, as you pick up the spoon and feed the dulce de leche flan to him. His teeth clash against the metal as he eats it begrudgingly whilst you grin and sparkle at him. 
“I think you’ll enjoy this one. You won’t forget it in a hurry.” You muse. 
“Mhm.” He retorts with knitted eyebrows. 
“I still haven’t given you your present yet.” 
“You got me a present? ¿Qué voy a hacer contigo?” Javi murmurs under his breath. Then he softens. “If it’s not you in my lap in this dress, then I don’t want it.” 
You lean forward, fingers raking through the sweaty curled hairs at the nape of his neck.
“I’m not wearing any underwear…” You tease.
The growl that escapes his lips is heard by the table opposite as they turn quizzically as he feigns clearing his throat.
“We’re going. Right fucking now.” He says, standing. Your eyes are drawn to the obvious bulge straining in his tight jeans at eye level.
A short cab ride to your apartment is spent glued to his lips as your curl yourself around him as close as you physically can. His hand rests dangerously close to the centre of your thighs; the slip of liquid silk from your dress riding up further as his fingers edge closer to the wet heat there. 
You soon feel his wandering digits probing brazenly at your slit, sliding the length of them up and down through your drenched lips, making you moan into his hungry mouth on the backseat.
The backs of your thighs stick to the leather as Javi collects the slick pooling at your hole and rubs it onto your clit where he circles languidly with a delicious pressure that makes your skin tighten and crack. 
He works two fingers in with slow, intense strokes as he clutches you close to him with his other arm around you, lips buried in the skin at your throat as he sucks it gently into his mouth.
Small, little whines escape you as he builds you up, and it’s not long before you glance at the driver peering at you both through the mirror surreptitiously.
“Ojos en el camino, señor.” Javi instructs with a grizzled bite to his tone as the driver looks away. 
He withdraws his fingers smirking as you giggle. He generously tips the driver outside your apartment before pulling you in through the door, latched onto fuzzy lips that want to devour you whole. 
He has you pinned up against the door with his hand swimming back under your dress, but you clamp down on his wrist stopping him. 
“No. It’s your birthday and I have something I want to give you.” You whisper, stamping a sizzling kiss on his cheek.
“I don’t need anything, but this…” Javi says, stroking lightly against your pussy lips again.
“Please. Just indulge me. No te arrepentirás lo prometo.” You groan, pushing his hand away.  
Sighing into your shoulder, Javi allows you to lead him to the bedroom. Kissing feverishly, you unbuckle his jeans; those tight, dark jeans that keep him all snug and shapely as you work your hands over that tight, little ass of his. 
You pull away from the kiss, admiring your hands squeezing and lavishing his cheeks slipped down in the back of his jeans. You groan as you knead and squeeze the pliant, bouncy meat of it. 
“Is this what you want to do? Feel up my ass?" Javi smirks, the left side of his lip crooking up first. 
You shake your head, grinning at him. “No. I want to fuck it.”
Javi baulks. “What?”
"You heard me." You flutter.
He sinks onto the end of the bed, watching as you scurry over to the closet. 
“I got you this.” You pull a box out and place it on his lap. 
“What is it?” He asks, regarding it as though a bomb might go off in his face at any second.
“It’s your birthday present. Open it.” You say, watching carefully.
He opens it, pulling at the wrapping paper curiously and then sighs when it’s revealed to him.
“Jesus.” He hides the panic in his voice extremely well, but you can see it spreading all over his face.
“Javi, don’t be upset.” You say tentatively.
“I’m not upset, I just…” He looks up at you with those big browns, deep and entrancing, and full of something else; something you’ve never seen before as it picks at you. You worry you've made a mistake.
“We've talked about it. You said you wanted to try it one day."
"I did." He admits in a low tone.
"Do you want to try it tonight?” You probe gently.
“You know you want to...” You smile enticingly at him.
He glances at you again, that same look and you realise what it is - vulnerability. 
“Javi, do you trust me?”
He frowns instantly. “Of course I do, sabes que lo hago.”
“Good. We’ll go as slow as you want.” You confirm, nodding gently. 
He stares into the box for a few moments and you can see him gulp. He puts the box on the bed, lights up a cigarette and takes a deep drag. 
“Don’t I have to prepare, or something?” Javi asks, his shoulders hunching up through the plume of smoke. “I sound like a fucking idiot. Jesus.”
“I've got lube.” You say, nodding to the box. 
He peers in. “Mierda.”
You come and sit beside him as he blows the smoke out away from your face. He slings his arm over your shoulder and you kiss his hand as your fingers entwine.
“We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, Javi. But I think you want to...” You sway. "I'd really like to fuck you on your birthday," you add, whispering.
Javi regards you carefully, those inquisitive eyes latching onto yours and you can see him mulling it over.
He takes another drag on the cigarette, the end burning a bright red in the darkening room.
"You want to fuck me, cariño, hmm?" He says and you can see that lip crooking up again.
"Mmhm." You nod, smirking.
He blows out more smoke. “Alright. Let me shower first, okay? I fucking stink.”
You smile and nod. “Okay.”
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When he comes out, a little while later, the room is cast in a soft light from the bedside lamp.
You have the dildo, lube and strap laid out on the bed. You’re sitting there waiting for him, trying not to imagine him derailing this by his own insecurities, when he emerges with a towel loosely wrapped around his svelte waist and dark hair a damp mess.
He’s never looked so fucking good, golden skin shiny with water droplets that sparkle in the light. You can't help but stare and lick your lips.
“Ven aquí,” you hold out your hand and pull him towards you with an entrancing smile. “If I do something you don’t like, just tell me to st-”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” Javi growls as he takes your face in his big hands and plants his lips on yours.
He nips on your bottom lip as his hand slides up under your dress to find you soaking for him again. A few brushes against your clit has your thighs spasming, but again you stop him, stepping back and lifting the dress over your head. 
You pull the faded towel off of him and turn him so he’s sitting on the bed.
"How do you want me?" Javi asks.
"Just like this," you say.
You kiss all over his tan skin, down his chest and towards the prominent swell of his cock resting against his belly; a small thicket of dark, curled hairs rests at the base, damp from the shower. 
He’s already leaking glossy pearls in anticipation as they string onto his skin. You kiss all around his groin, deliberately avoiding his cock as you lay him back.
Parting him by the knees, you smile and stroke the insides of his thighs.
"I want to kiss you."
He nods, pupils already blown and lips parted as he anticipates your every move.
Balls swollen like ripe plums hang heavy over the untouched skin of his taint where you run your tongue first. 
The soft snuffles from his nose indicate that he likes it, and you lick under his sack, sucking one of them into your mouth gently as he hisses in response. 
Trailing your mouth and planting kisses, you push his legs wider and he moans out as you find his dark, little hole and begin to wiggle the tip of your tongue over it.
Catching him by surprise, apparent from the shock in his voice, Javi's tone shifts to a higher pitch as you lick around the pink pucker of his ass.
“Fuck,” is all he can but utter on a choked whisper as you tongue him there. 
Teasing, licking and smooching around the most intimate part of him, a part that he’s never revealed so brazenly to anyone else before; you can tell by the way he’s all coiled up, fists clenched and back taut and rigid. Trying to relax into it, but feeling out of sorts at the same time as these new sensations flood over him.
He'd said he'd wanted to try it, was curious about the appeal, when you'd both opened up to each other about your fantasies.
You'd asked if he would try with you and he'd said yes, as he kissed you moaning into your mouth, and harder than he'd ever been at the idea.
Equally, you'd thought about nothing else since, planning on making it perfect for him.
Well, there was no perfect time than his birthday and it solved the conundrum of what to get him as a gift.
You flick your tongue over his hole, back and forth, back and forth, as he shudders. You can feel a little contraction as you push in the tip, a slight hesitation, as he grunts out. 
But Javi grabs his cock and begins stroking it while gritting his teeth. His breathy groans turn into heated growls as you continue to lick and explore his ass with your tongue, readying him up for what’s to come. 
You glance up at him, head craned back in the pillow and slack mouth open, and you know you won’t get that image out of your head for a while; it’s burned into it like a firebrand on raw cattle hide.
He looks fucking exquisite, paused in his own pleasure. His eyes catch yours when you stop, taking this moment to indulge.
“You're feeling pretty good about yourself right now, aren't you?” He questions looking down at you looking at him, as you kiss around his little, pink rim again.  
“Maybe.” You smirk. “But you are too, admit it. You like it.” 
"I do." He nods with a content snuffle.
You reach for the lube, squeezing a little out and running the smooth silk of it over his hole. He hisses, lips curling back over his teeth, with the coolness of it and you rub your finger over his hole; around in teasing, slow circles, gently increasing the pressing until the tip of your finger slips in. 
“Mmm,” he grunts. But you can feel him resisting as it pops out again. 
“Relax for me, Javi.” You pat his stomach reassuringly.  
You push again when he breathes out and your finger slips in, past the tip and proximal phalanx. You pull back and watch his face; eyes still closed and biting down on his full bottom lip.
His large hands twist at the sheets, gripping so tight they could tear. You pump gently, pushing further in each time and plant kisses on his thigh that twitches. 
“You’re doing so good,” you encourage, your mouth running up his thigh as you push your finger deeper with each pump, twisting and curling it until his whines become a strained gasp when you find that delicious, untouched spot. 
“Fuh…” Javi husks in a strangled moan.
“That’s the spot huh?” You smile. 
“Oh, fuck yes.” He pants as you stroke against it with a little more pressure. "Shit, that's..." He trails off, distracted by how damn good it feels.
His legs jerk as you rub against his spot and his cock literally pulses in response.
"Do that again."
"Are you begging me for more already, Agent Peña?" You grin as you stroke against him some more.
He looks drunk, eyes glazed over as he nods lazily, trying not to grin himself.
“Shall we try the strap?” You entice gently pulling your finger out.
He sits up on his elbows. “If we’re doing this… I-” The look on his face is a mixture of hesitation and fear despite the wild dilating of his eyes turning them into tar pools. 
“Why don't you ride me?” You encourage with a nod. “You can control the depth.”
“Jesus Christ…” Javi blushes almost immediately, a heated flush creeping to the tips of his ears. 
“If you don’t like it we can stop, okay?” You confirm, reaching for the dildo and strap. “But I think you’re really going to like it,” you smile. 
“It’s small.” Javi says, sitting up fully as you belt it on, and you're not sure if he’s relieved or disappointed. 
“Well, your ass is small.” You confirm taking a handful of his pert, little butt. “If you like it we can work up to a bigger one.” 
You squeeze lube all over the dildo and look up at him as you lay back on the bed, head propped up on the pillows. 
"Come here and kiss me, Javi."
He straddles you, leaning down to plant his lips on yours, and you can tell he’s nervous. You angle the silicone cock between you, as it brushes against the crack of his ass.
The veins in his neck swell, his teeth grinding as he feels it nestle between his cheeks, sticky and wet against his hole. 
You hold onto his hips, stroking over the creases in his inner thighs. He looks down at you, eyes deep and trusting, lips red and swollen like the end of his dick.
Big browns melting into you like chocolate. 
“Estas listo?” You ask.
“No,” he sighs with a slight crook of his lip and then chuckles. 
"Go slowly," you say.
He rocks back and forth gently, your hand clasps softly around his stiff cock, stroking as it glides in and out of your hand effortlessly with the remaining lube around your fingers.
You can feel him tentatively getting comfortable, the head of the dildo rubbing at his wet hole as he braves himself each time to push back that bit further onto it. 
He breathes out, relaxing, or trying to relax as best as he can. 
Javi stops, freezing, just as it pushes through the rim and gasps. “Fuck, fuck…”
“Slowly,” you ease again, your hand squeezing his thigh, rubbing gently. 
You’re tempted to buck up a little, help him through the initial pinching through the sphincters - you know he’ll be clenching.
But you also know he needs the control right now. He needs you to let him do it himself.
“I promise it’ll feel so good,” you say, jerking his cock a little harder. “Just relax.”
“I can’t relax when you’re doing that to my cock, fuck…” Javi groans. 
“I can stop-"
“No, no pares… feels so good.”
His fists press into the pillow either side of your head as he leans forward to drape kisses on your mouth and pelts your eyelashes with hot, tempered breaths. "You're fucking killing me, baby." He whispers.
"That's it, let it in. Fuck my cock, Javi. Just like that."
“Mm, shit…” he gasps as he lets his hips sink. “Bésame,” he says, pushing his lips against yours again.
You slip your tongue in his mouth as he whines, gasping as he breaks through. 
He slowly builds a momentum, one that steals his words and breath entirely as his grazed chin runs against your jaw. His cock slides into your palm further as he winds his hips. 
“Sit back, Javi. Let it fill you up.”
You put your hands on his thighs and push him backwards gently as he steadies himself upright. 
You raise both your knees up and it pushes the dildo further into his ass. 
“Fuck… Querida!” He pants, forehead and clavicle shiny with that sheen of sweat already as the room is engulfed with heat. 
“That feel good?” You ask, smiling at him.
God, he looks so fucking gorgeous on top of you right now. Face and chest flushed pink and glowing in the light. 
“Si, así, que bien se siente… Fuck!” 
“A little shift in position got you all fucked up, hmm?” You grin. 
“Fuck…” It’s all he can say as he works. 
You grip round his slippery, fat cock tighter, feeling it pulse against your palm like it has a spine of its own. 
“You’re cute when you ride me.”
“Shut up.” He grunts, blushing harder. 
“I’ve never seen you like this.”
“Like what?” He gasps. 
“Shut up.” He tries not to smirk under his moustache, but it’s fruitless. It pours out of his mouth like liquid gold dripping onto your tits. 
“You look so good, Javi. So fucking gorgeous.” He always does when he's on top giving it to you, but now you're giving it to him, and it's exquisite to watch him him take it all.
He leans forward again, kissing over your nose, making you smile as he works his hips a little faster on the end of your cock. “Querida, it feels-”
“Tell me.”
“It feels really good.” He grunts. “No puedo creer lo bien que se siente…”
“Told you you’d like it.” You giggle. You raise your hips again and he shudders. 
“Ah, fuck.”
“Your cock is so hard, Javi.” You say feeling it throb more in your fist. “You really like this, don’t you? You like me fucking your tight little ass, hmm?”
He doesn’t answer, but the look he gives you confirms it. He’s utterly beside it all, cracked open and split in half; a vacant, glassy look in his eyes. Drunk on silicone cock and drooling for more.
"Such a cock slut, aren't you?" 
"Hey!" He growls and you giggle again as he pants and whines.
He doesn't know what to do with himself, his large hands keep coming to your face and then to his hips, and back to your face again as he works and grinds. You’ve got him spun, in a tizz.
Javier Peña is a quivering wreck in front of you, on top of you, riding you.
It’s feels so fucking good he can’t think straight. 
You can only imagine what he’ll be like when you eventually get him face down into the mattress and fuck the shit out of his cute little ass.
The thought makes that hot spark flash down your spine and fizz on the end of your clit. You clench around nothing as you fuck up into him some more.
He’s shaking, you can hear it in his voice, those shudders rolling waves on his smoky breath that dislodge from the back cavity of his throat and tumble into your face, all warm and exposed as they peel open. 
“Mmm… mmm.” They flow out of his mouth as jumbled whimpers; little rattled grazes of pleasure between gritted teeth that plead for more and cower in the corner behind terrified eye sockets.
You lean up planting kisses over the smooth crest of his sternum, tasting the salt brine that slicks across it mixing with sweet remnants of your own mango shower gel.
You feel one of his hands supporting the back of your head, combing through your hair as you suck his feverish skin into your mouth. 
“Still feel good?” You query, looking up at him. 
Javi nods, unable to speak and you decide to thrust up into him that bit deeper. 
“Fuck!” He whines loudly, his head snapping back.
You stroke his cock harder, wet and rock solid in your hand as you pump. His whole body shakes now, moving in tandem with you.
“Are you gonna come soon, Javi?”
“Fuck… yeah…” he whispers raggedly. "Si, si..."
He pulls you up a little closer to him. Just his hips move, his cock crushed between the two of you now as he cradles you close, slicking between your stomachs as he grinds his ass deep on the dildo. 
“Oh fuck!” He growls louder, more unrestrained. 
“Yeah. That’s it.” You enthuse. 
He takes his cock, jerking it hard; sitting fully upright as his hips swivel around on the dildo stuffed tight in his ass. 
“Come for me, Javi.” You urge him, reaching up to stroke his chest. "Come all over me."
You buck up into him again, holding onto his shoulders, weighing him down on the dildo, noticing he’s stopped moving, and then he utterly loses it. 
The tip of his cock pulses and squirts thick, pearly ribbons of come from it, splashing over your breasts. 
He grunts with the strain, the pleasure coursing through his body at breakneck speed, flooding him. It feels like electricity in his bones, water filling in his lungs. 
“Fuck, fuck… fuck!” He pants. A small, breathy chuckle escapes him as he ejaculates; his cock continuing to leak all over his hand and you keep going, pushing up into him as he explodes. 
You kiss him delicately, pecking and licking at his lips.
“Mmm shit,” he murmurs against you. 
You buck up again, fucking him that little bit harder as he keeps fucking his fist.
“You’re not done yet, Javi.”
There’s so much of it spilling out of him onto your chest as the dildo rubs against the place deep inside of him that makes him boneless putty in your arms. 
“Q-querida.” He stammers out.
“Feel good?”
“Yeah!” He puffs. 
“You coming again?”
“I don't think I've stopped... Jesus fucking Christ!”
"You feel so good, Javi." You praise as he whines and whimpers endlessly.
He flops forward, his body trembling.
“Do you think you can take it a little bigger next time?”
“Mmm, fuck… next time? I… shit.” He can’t even think about next time, he’s still reeling from this time. 
“You don’t want to?”
“No I do… no te detengas… I really fucking do.” He’s gasping now, babbling almost in a mix of clumsy Spanish and English as he tries to get his thoughts straight.
He doesn’t want it to end. His hand is a sticky mess, warm and full of his spend that keeps leaking from him. 
You giggle as he pushes his forehead against yours, the sweat slipping across it as he breathes out. He can barely keep himself upright. 
“Can I fuck you a bit harder?” You ask. 
"I wanna fuck you. From behind."
“On your hands and knees, baby.” You smirk at him as you kneel up between his legs as he gets into position.
You squirt some more lube over the dildo and push it gently against his stretched little hole. It squelches as you slide in easily and he hums out in keen want. 
You hold onto his cheeks, squeezing as you thrust your hips forward gently, sliding the dildo in with ease as he’s open and relaxed; nice and deep, and his groans shake the walls. 
His hand comes over his mouth as though he’s in shock at the noises he just made. 
“Let it out, baby.” You say. “I wanna hear how good I’m making you feel, Javi.”
“Mmm-mmm-mmm-fuck-fuck!” He faceplants into the pillow, back arching in a way you’ve never seen him flex before.
You see him push back, chasing your cock as you withdraw and plunge in. 
“You can’t get enough, can you?” You snicker.
He doesn’t answer, but you know that he wants more; know that he’s close to breaking point again as you fuck him harder. The slick pops of the dildo in and out of his ass fill your ears alongside his moans and growls.
He takes you well, takes you that bit harder as you fuck with determined resilience, your hips snapping into him now.
You’ll know he’ll stop you if it’s too much, you remind him to, but the way he’s growling and panting tells you he never wants you to stop.
“Querida, don’t… I… shit. Fuck!” He pants. “I can’t believe you’re fucking inside me, no puedo creerlo.”
Javi whines, long and low as you grind a little more frantically now, fuck him deeper as he twists at the sheets, grinds on his teeth until they’re worn down to flat stumps in his gums. 
“Come for me, Javier.” You press.
His cock still hasn’t fully recovered yet, still half hard, but it doesn’t matter, another creamy load starts to leak from it as you grind up agaisnt that sweet spot inside him, spurting thick globs across the sheets below him.
And he can’t quite believe it. 
“There we go.” You praise as you watch Javi shatter into pieces for the second time. 
You lean over him, kissing his clammy back gently. "You okay?" You whisper in his ear.
He nods, turning to catch your lips on his his. You pull out of him slowly and gently, discarding the strap-on across the messed up bed and nuzzle into him as he collapses on his back. 
He welcomes you in with open, trembling arms, sticky with sweat and come. You feel it smear across your stomach as you get comfy, gluing yourself to him. 
“Fuck,” Javi whimpers into your hairline, a shaky kiss pasted there. 
“How do you feel?” You ask, fingers stroking over his cut jaw. 
He sighs out. “Like... I need about fifty cigarettes.” Javi chuckles, his chest rumbling under you. "Shit."
"You liked it?"
"Si, very much so." He squeezes you in his arms.
“So, do you still hate birthdays?” You query with a smirk after a few minutes of listening to his heartbeat regain its regular pace. 
The heat in the room is still stifling and you stick further to him.
Javi chuckles, shaking his head with some slack wonderment. “Sin comentarios.” 
“I’ll take that as a no,” you confirm with a grin, nuzzling into him. “Feliz cumpleaños, Javi.”
"Gracias, querida."
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Si, cariño - Yes, baby/darling
Vamos a casa - Let's go home
Feliz Cumpleaños - Happy Birthday
¿Qué voy a hacer contigo? - What am I going to do with you?
Ojos en el camino, señor - Keep your eyes on the road, sir
No te arrepentirás lo prometo - You won't regret it, I promise
Querida - Dear/baby/darling
Sabes que lo hago - You know I do
Mierda - Shit
Ven aquí - Come here
Estas listo? - Are you ready?
No, no pares - No, don't stop
Bésame - Kiss me
Si, así, que bien se siente - Yes, it feels so good
No puedo creer lo bien que se siente - I can't believe how good it feels
No te detengas - Don't stop
Que? - What?
No puedo creerlo - I can't believe it
Sin comentarios - No comment
Gracias, querida - Thank you, darling
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Thanks so much for reading! Please consider re-blogging if you enjoyed this story. I'd love to know your thoughts on pegging Javi! Thank you, lovelies! 🖤
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The Finish Line.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - in honour of the london marathon being held today, and my dad running, enjoy this little blurb.
word count - 1.3k
in which, harrys wife is running the london marathon, having been signed up by her sister in law gemma as a joke and now as she is nearing the finish line, harry is determined to be there to greet her.
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As you sit in your cozy living room on your birthday, your husband Harry by your side and your one-year-old son peacefully asleep on the cushion next to him, you feel content. Gemma, your sister-in-law, suddenly interrupts the tranquil moment with a mischievous grin on her face.
"Happy birthday, sis! I've got another present for you," Gemma announces, holding out an envelope with excitement.
You accept it, exchanging puzzled glances with Harry. "Oh, Gem, you didn't have to get me anything else. You've already spoiled me enough."
Gemma shakes her head, insisting, "Trust me, you're going to love this one. Open it!"
With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, you tear open the envelope. Your heart skips a beat as you pull out a letter. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you read the words:
"Congratulations! You've been signed up for the 2024 London Marathon."
Your jaw drops, and you stare at Gemma in shock. "What?! Are you serious?!"
Gemma's grin widens. "Absolutely! I know you've been talking about wanting to challenge yourself, and what better way than running a marathon, right?"
You can feel the panic rising within you. "But Gem, I've never even run a half-marathon before! This is insane!"
Harry chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, looks like you've got some training to do, m’love."
You shake your head, still in denial. "No, no way. I can't do this. I'm not ready for something like that.”
And now, just under halfway through,just seconds away from reaching mile ten,doubts start creeping in, and your legs feel heavier with each step.
The cheering crowds blend into a blur of noise around you.
Just when you're on the verge of giving up, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos, calling your name.
You glance up and spot Harry and your son standing behind the barricades, their faces lit up with pride and encouragement.
With a surge of determination, you veer towards them, pushing through the throngs of runners, apologising when you get in the way.
When you reach them, you're breathless and exhausted, but seeing their smiling faces fills you with a renewed sense of hope.
"H-Harry," you pant, trying to catch your breath. "I don't think I can do this. It hurts."
Harry wraps his arms around you, offering comfort and support. "Hey, hey, you've got this. You've trained so hard f’this moment. Y’stronger than you think."
Tears well up in your eyes as you lean into his embrace. "But what if I can't finish? What if I let everyone down?"
Harry gently tilts your chin up to meet his gaze. "Listen to me, m’love. You've never been a quitter, and you're not about to start now. Remember why you're doing this – for yourself, for our family, We believe in you, and we'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
You glance down at your sleeping son, his innocent face a poignant reminder of the love and support surrounding you.
With a determined nod, you straighten up, wiping away your tears. "Okay, I'll keep going. For us."
Harry flashes you a proud smile, planting a kiss on your forehead. "S’my girl. Now go show 'em what you're made of. We'll be waiting for you at the finish line."
It takes you around another two hours to near the finish line, every step feels like an uphill battle.
Your ankle throbs with each stride, threatening to give out beneath you, and a wave of nausea washes over you. The cheers of the crowd blend into a distant hum as you focus all your energy on putting one foot in front of the other.
Your vision blurs with tears of pain and exhaustion, but you can see the finish line looming ahead like a beacon of hope. With every ounce of determination left in you, you push forward, the crowd's encouragement spurring you on.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you limp across the finish line. Tears stream down your face as you collapse onto the ground, the rush of emotions overwhelming you. The volunteer at the finish line rushes over, their concern evident as they kneel beside you.
"Hey there, are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" the volunteer asks, their voice filled with genuine concern.
You manage to nod weakly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I-I think so. Just... just give me a moment."
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a bottle of water and helping you sit up. "Take your time. You did an amazing job out there. You should be really proud of yourself."
As you cling to the poor volunteer, you turn to the her with a hopeful expression. "Um, excuse me, could you... could you help me over to my husband, please?"
The volunteer nods understandingly, offering you a supportive arm. "Of course, let's get you over there."
With the volunteer's assistance, you limp over to Harry, each step feeling like a small victory. As you draw closer, Harry's eyes light up with relief and love, his arms open wide to welcome you.
"Thank you so much," you murmur to the volunteer, tears still streaming down your face.
She smiles warmly. "It's my pleasure. Congratulations on finishing the marathon. You're an inspiration."
You nod, touched by her words, before turning your attention back to Harry. His eyes are filled with love and pride as he opens his arms to you, and you melt into his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of his love surrounding you.
"Oh, Harry," you whisper, tears of exhaustion and joy streaming down your cheeks. "I did it."
He holds you close, his embrace a comforting anchor in the midst of your overwhelming emotions.
"Yes, you did," he murmurs, his voice soft and full of admiration. "I'm so proud of you, m’love. You're incredible."
You bury your face in his chest, inhaling his familiar scent and reveling in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. "I couldn't have done it without you," you admit, your voice muffled against his shirt.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his touch tender and reassuring. "Y’stronger than you know, darling. And I'll always be here to support you, every step of the way."
Your heart swells with love for him, overwhelmed by the depth of his devotion.
"I love you, Harry," you whisper, your words a vow of gratitude and affection.
"I love you too, my darling," he replies, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Now let's get you some rest. You've earned it."
Your son looks up from the stroller, his face breaking into a wide grin as he reaches out for you.
"Mama!" he exclaims, his little arms outstretched.
"Hey there, my little champion," you coo, scooping him up into your arms. His giggles fill the air as you pepper his chubby cheeks with kisses, each one a testament to the overwhelming love you feel for him.
Harry watches with a tender smile, his eyes shining with pride and adoration.
"Look at you two," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "My heart could burst with how much I love you both."
You laugh through your tears, the exhaustion and elation of the moment blending together in a whirlwind of emotion.
"I love you too, Harry," you say, your voice choked with emotion. "So much."
With trembling hands, you reach for the medal hanging around your neck, the weight of it a physical reminder of the journey you've just completed. Carefully, you drape it around your son's neck, the metal cool against his warm skin.
"There you go, my little marathoner," you say, your voice catching in your throat. "You deserve this just as much as I do."
Harry wraps his arms around you both, holding you close as you bask in the glow of this precious moment.
"I couldn't be prouder of you, love," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear.
"You're my hero."
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wineauntie · 30 days
How do they tell Evie?
A BABY? — family is family universe
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Once you found out you were pregnant, Evie was one of your first thoughts. Your little girl had always wanted a sibling, often begging for a baby to dress up and play with.
Once you’d told Quinn, the two of you began devising how to tell Evie.
“Dad, can I get extra pancakes?” Evie flashed her puppy dog eyes at Quinn, a neat trick that Luke had taught her last time him and Jack had visited.
The three of you were out for breakfast in a local sixties themed diner, one in which the three of you often frequented when Quinn had a morning off from training. You figured that this would be the best place to tell Evie, whilst she was knee deep in her usual pancakes and hot chocolate.
“Yeah, Bug,” Quinn smiled softly, “Just for today.”
“Thank you!” Evie beamed, twirling her menu in her hands.
“So, Evie,” you began, your hand curling into Quinn’s nervously as you spoke. “We wanted to give you something.”
“A present?!” She exclaimed, her curious eyes darting between you and Quinn. “But it’s not my birthday.”
“This is a special present,” you continued, your soothing voice calm and steady as the man beside you slid a blue box across the table.
Evie tentatively grabbed the box and opened it, revealing a pendant necklace that Quinn had suggested the two of you buy for her.
“Pretty,” your little girl awed, as her fingers traced the lettering on the pendant.
“Can you read the words, sweetheart?” You asked carefully, squeezing Quinn’s hand for support.
“I’m seven, I can read,” Evie looked at you in a very matter of fact way. Her teacher had told you that she was one of the best readers in the class and Evie had overheard and ran with it. “B-est big sis-ter,”
“Good job,” Quinn praised, his eyes shining as he watched Evie’s face contort in confusion.
“I’m not a sister,” your little girl pouted, her eyebrows scrunched together. “You gave me the wrong one!”
You and Quinn exchanged a quick look before the two of you rounded the table and sat with Evie sandwiched between you.
“What if you were a big sister?” You whispered with a smile as Evie’s eyes met your loving one’s. “And what if I had a baby?”
“A baby?!” Evie squealed, her eyes widening in surprise. “Are you getting a baby?”
You nodded with teary eyes as your girl broke into a wide grin. She whipped around enthusiastically to shake Quinn by his arms.
“Mom is having a baby!”
“Yeah she is, Bug,” He chuckled, “you’re going to be a big sibling!”
“Like you with Jack and Luke!”
Your smile widened as Evie turned back to you in pure unadulterated excitement, her eyes brimming with wonder.
“You’re having a baby,” she whispered again, her eyes dripping to your covered stomach. “Mom,” Evie’s voice wavered. “I’m having a sister!”
“Or a brother,” Quinn added, whilst your lips quirked up, as you wrapped your arms around your bouncing girl. “They could be a boy.”
“Moms having a baby!” Evie huffed out, turning to Quinn with stuck out tongue. “Mom had me and I was a girl.”
Quinn stuck his tongue out back at her and the three of you fell into laughter.
Your little family was growing and you were more than excited for what the future held.
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random0lover · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if u can write how simon ghost riley reacts to if u want to fem!reader being all dolled up for an event or sumn. you imagine the rest 😭😭😭😭😭. love ur writing btw 🙏
A Day for First’s and Adding a Second
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x wife fem!reader
Summary: It’s your and Simon’s son’s kindergarten graduation so you have to dress nicely and Simon loves it. Also a little surprise at the end.
Word Count: 1,686
Warnings: slightly NSFW (grinding while fully clothed) so 18+, established relationship, fluff at the end, reader is called love once, Simon being all hot and bothered, Price is your dad 🫣, pregnancy mentioned towards the end, is fem!reader and should be POC friendly! If you notice anything that makes you feel otherwise please let me know! I never want anyone to feel excluded with/in my work ♡
Notes: This is my first Simon fic and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it. Part of me adores it and the other thinks it’s trash, either way I wanted to respond to this request as it’s so sweet and the idea is adorable. I hope I was able to do your request justice my love! Also flashback are in italics.
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You don’t often dress fancy but today your and Simon’s son was going to be graduating kindergarten. He goes to a private school at the moment so there were certain expectations and dress codes that you had to follow whether you wanted to or not.
The kids were all to wear navy blues and the parents were all to wear white or black. Everyone dressing formally.
You were currently getting ready in yours and Simons shared bathroom while Simon was helping your son finish getting ready.
You decided pretty quickly that while you would’ve loved to wear a white dress, being around children for up to three hours did not go well with the color white.
So you went with a black dress that reached right above your knees with loose sleeves that went down your arms to help make sure that you wouldn’t be cold with a neckline that was set right above your chest. The dress wasn’t to form fitting so that you would be able to sit for an hour or two without being uncomfortable or feeling constricted.
You were just finishing up your preferred makeup look when there was a light tap at the bathroom door.
You call out a small come in but start digging through the jewelry box on the counter that Simon had slowly been filling up over the years that you had been together no matter how much you protested against it.
You heard the door click open but didn’t hear Simon come in but you could feel his presence there, you always could.
“Hey Si, which necklace do you think I should wear?” You’re holding a necklace in each hand. The one in your right hand was the first necklace he had ever gotten you for your 6 month anniversary. It had two pear-shaped diamonds at the center surrounded by round-cut diamonds on a sterling silver chain.
The one in your left was a necklace that had been passed down through your family line and not too long ago your dad gifted it to you as a birthday present. It has 20 round shaped diamonds and in the center sits an oval shaped diamond with a white gold setting on a Singapore chain.
You usually didn’t have a hard time choosing a piece of jewelry but today you were slightly conflicted and his silence wasn’t helping.
You finally look up from the jewelry in your hand to look into the mirror and find Simon leaning against the bathroom door frame in an all black suit with gloves to match. He usually wears a black face mask out in public but he doesn’t have it on yet leaving it off until you were all ready to leave.
You feel his gaze slide along your body leaving a hot trail in its wake and you patiently wait until his eyes connect with yours in the mirror. Once they do you can’t help the sharp breath that escapes your mouth from the intense look he is holding in his dark brown hues.
A hum starts in your core when he steps towards you in three large steps and slightly leans his weight into you causing you to lean over the counter slightly.
You squeeze your eyes shut relishing in the heat surrounding you. Your lips part in a silent gasp when he slides his hand down your spine leaving it to settle on your hip and in the same moment runs his mouth along the arch of your neck and up to your ear.
“If we didn’t have somewhere to be I would take my time ravishing you against this sink.” His deep voice wraps around your body making goosebumps trail the lengths of your arms.
The impact of his words on your hazy brain makes you grind back against him, he lets out a small groan and rocks his hips into you while tightening his grip on your hip and pulling you back against him causing the perfect amount of friction.
You’re both lost in the moment trying to keep your moans and his grunts as quiet as possible so that your son didn’t hear.
Your body is getting hotter the longer you both claw at each other. It has been too long since the last time you’ve had the chance to feel each other's skin without being interrupted. You can tell that he’s getting close from the way his breath is puffing at your ear and he’s pulling you into him harder and harder, almost lifting your feet up off the ground.
Your ears are starting to ring from the pleasure and the rope in your stomach that is pulling taut when you hear little feet running across the house combined with giggling when you yank yourself away from Simon and open your eyes for the first time since this whole ordeal started.
You're busy trying to fix your dress and Simon is adjusting the bugle in his slacks when you hear the running stop outside yours and Simon's shared room before picking up again and the giggling sounding farther away.
He’s staring at you again when you look up at him making the fire in your body that was slowly sizzling out to start up again.
“The one your dad gave you.” You look at him confused for a moment and he smirks lightly, “the necklace.”
You look over at the two necklaces that had been carelessly tossed onto the counter during your moment. You pick up the necklace he said and offer it to him while moving your hair out of the way making your neck available for him.
You face the mirror and once he’s behind you you look into his eyes in the mirror, “Speaking of my dad,” you let out a sigh,”he offered to babysit tonight.”
He pauses mid wrapping the chain around your neck, his eyebrows lifting, “Price actually offered to watch him?”
You roll your eyes, “How many years have we been together and how old is our son now? I’m pretty sure my dad being mad at you is gone by now.”
He latches the necklace and slides his hand around you to grip your chin making sure your eyes stay connected in the mirror, “I don’t know,” he moves his mouth right up against your ear making you shiver, “I can still hear how mad he was when he found out his lieutenant was doing more than helping his captain's daughter move into her new flat.”
You sigh, mind flashing back to the day that all the tension between you and Simon finally snapped.
You had found a flat to finally move into and your dad was supposed to help you but something came up at work that was a bit more important so he sent over a man he knew he could rely on. What he didn’t know is that you and Simon had been fighting the urge to give into one another and you two being alone all day? It was bound to happen.
Price had walked in when Simon was helping you put the last of the furniture in which was your couch. You weren’t in a compromising position or anything but your neck was littered with love bites. You had a glow to you that you didn’t have that morning when you saw Price, and you were wearing Simon’s shirt leaving him with just a black wife beater on.
The man flew into a rage slamming his fist into Simon's face and a shocked Soap was left gawking until he kicked into gear yanking his captain up off of his lieutenant which was not an easy feat.
Simon didn’t fight back one bit as he knew that this was the reaction he was going to get. The captain had made one rule with his team, “Don’t touch my fucking daughter.”
It took months for your dad to even be okay with seeing you together at all. He could see how in love with each other you were and so the day Simon asked for his blessing he of course said yes.
You're pulled out of your thoughts from Simon sighing into your neck and gently kissing a sensitive spot. “Was thinking we could maybe make your favorite dinner and watch a movie?”
He nods, stepping away from you, “sounds good to me love.”
You give him a smirk in the mirror, “I also have a surprise for you.”
His eyes glide over you again focusing on how the dress hugs you in all the right places, “oh really? I’m going to hold you to that so no getting all cuddled up in my lap and falling asleep early.”
You know he’s teasing so you snort and roll your eyes before shooing him out of the bathroom trying to keep a knowing smile hidden, “I’m almost ready so why don’t you go get our little energy ball in his car seat.”
He gives you a quick kiss before walking out of the room and you hear him calling for your son. You listen for a moment to make sure he won’t be coming back and once you're sure you pull out a little key to unlock a part of the jewelry box.
You dig your hand into the open drawer and pull out a light blue rectangle box with a pink ribbon tied around it. Inside the box were three positive pregnancy tests. You wanted to be sure and didn’t want to get your hopes up so you wanted to take more than one.
You were so excited to tell him about the pregnancy as a few weeks ago he came to you asking if you would ever want another baby. You were hoping for a little girl this time around, the perfect addition to your family of three. Adding a second bundle of joy to your lives.
You hear Simon calling into the house for you and you yell back that you were coming. You put the little box back into the drawer and grab your purse and leave the room thinking about how your life is so different than what you thought it would be and honestly you couldn’t be happier.
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Hi my lovelies, I hope you liked this little fic! I wasn’t sure how to go about the ending so personally don’t know how to feel about it and would love some feed back. Anyways I hope you all have amazing days <3
Requests are open! I can not promise when or if I will write them but I do prefer requests that are slightly more specific as I find them a little bit easier to write but it’s not required. Thanks for reading my darlings ♡
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malecftw · 4 months
Dirt - Tom Blyth
A/N: Duuuuuuuude, I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. Never would I have thought I'd ever be writing again, years later! Please please please let me know what you guys think since this is my first story back. It'll probably play a part in wether or not I'll write more since I obvs love writing, but a writer isn't a writer without readers.
Enjoy xx
Warnings: fluff.
(Not my gif obvs)
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The cool breeze of the opening car door makes you smile. The vehicle moves slightly as someone sits in the driver's seat. After some rustling you hear: "Open up." You do as you're told and open your lips slightly, only to feel the cool metal of a reusable straw. A groan escapes your lips as you taste your favorite cooled beverage. By now, he knew all your favorites by heart, just like he knew your dislike for the standard paper straws they've started using everywhere. You're all for saving the planet, but paper should never be sucked on. You lean your head against the headrest as you turn your head towards the driver's seat, even though your eyes could only see black.
"Does this mean you're gonna be my servant all day?" You hear a chuckle. "Don't get used to it hot stuff. You're only blindfolded until we get there." You puckered your lips, "and where is there exactly?" you try again. For months, he's been keeping you in the dark about what he had planned for your birthday. He hyped it up quite a bit so your curiosity only grew as it led you to this moment, literally in the dark about the whole thing. He just kissed your lips and you knew that was the only answer you were gonna get.
The drive was filled with your favorite music, the occasional chatter and regular hand kisses as he held yours in your lap. Although you couldn't see anything, you weren't bored. It was rare that you got to spend much time together, so even this was a treat. You still found it crazy how he had been able to persuade the producers and director to film around your birthday. Well, persuading isn't exactly the right word. He had a few different gigs lined up, so he could basically tell them: "Give me these days off, or I'm going for the other job."
He was always the assertive one in the relationship. Especially when it came to you. Any free moment he could get, he would make sure to capitalize on it just so he could spend it with you. Ever since you guys met at Julliard, you'd been absolutely smitten with eachother.
Your thoughts were interrupted as the car came to a halt. "Slow down tiger." He said, quickly grabbing your hand moving towards the blindfold. "Tooooooom, please..." you whined, squeezing his hand. "You'll find out soon enough, trust me. Now I'm going to come over to your side to help you get out okay. No peeking."
The dramatic sigh that left your lips made him laugh, loving the advantage he had over you. As you play with a loose thread on your jean overall he opens the door. Grabbing your waist, he lifts you out of the Jeep, squeezing your sides in the process.
"Okay, take off your blindfold on my mark." He exclaims, followed by alot of shuffling, making you aware of multiple people present. "Go for it babe." He says loudly, and you do as he says.
The sight infront of you startles you, not at all what you expected. It feels like you're in some kind of national park. Only stones, sand and dirt in sight. If you exclude the group of people infront of you that is.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone shouts at the same time and you jump back a little in surprise. In front of you are you closest friends, as well as some of Tom's coworkers you'd been lucky enough to get close to. A few Billy The Kid costars were also there, you assumed the others had to keep filming while he had a couple days off.
As you take in the sight, hand over your mouth, still in shock, you notice everyone has a bucket hanging from their wrist. "What the fuck!?!" you shout, happy but confused. Tom walks up to you, takes your hand and walks you closer to the group. He hands you a similar looking bucket, a chisel and a hammer.
"We're going crystal digging." Tom smiles, stretching out his arms proudly as he looks at the scenery. Your heart nearly bursts at the seams as you throw your new equipment to the ground and jump in his arms, clinging onto him like a Koala.
"Tom Blyth, you are the most unrealistically perfect boyfriend ever and I do wonder how I ended up with you." You whisper, looking into his eyes, trying to make him realise how much this means to you.
It's not like you were crystal-obsessed. It's just something you'd been drawn to your entire life. A little quirk one might say. It was a subtle part of your life. One that you had often gotten judged for by previous boyfriends. Tom never spoke negatively about it, it was just a part of who you are and if it made you happy, why would he try to manipulate it out of you like the ones before him. It's not because he himself wasn't that interested in it, that you weren't allowed to be.
"Babe, all I do is listen. It's not rocket science." He smiles as he gives you a little Eskimo kiss. "So humble," you mock swoon as het puts you down. "Oi, don't be jealous if I find the biggest rock okay." He grins while nudging your side. "Not gonna happen. I'm a crystal magnet." You say cockily as you join the group.
After a couple hours, everyone was covered in dust and dirt. Happily you look at your bucket, having found a couple huge, beautiful crystals and a lot of smaller ones. Next to you Tom was also holding his bucket closer to his face to inspect what he found. Your shoulder touches his elbow as you say: "You know what, I might have a couple of them made into some lovely jewelry pieces."
Tom looks at you bewildered. "Like what?" You don't think much of it as you answer. "I don't know. There's some beautiful stones in here for some earrings, necklaces, bracelets... Or maybe I can make some stuff myself you know. Get my creative juices flowing." He sighs softly at your answer. "I love you." At that you raise your eyebrow. Neither you or Tom were shy of expressing your love for eachother, but this was a bit random. "I love you too. I honestly don't think you realise how much this means to me. I never would have guessed this to be the surprise. It's so thoughtful. It truly shows how much you know me through and through." "I'm glad you like it. You're always down to try anything, even if you're not sure about it in the beginning. That's why I feel comfortable trying something new. I'm aware it hasn't been easy now that work's been steady and I've been away from home a lot. And you have no idea how much I appreciate you giving me the freedom to follow my dreams."
He leans down and kisses you passionately. Melting into his touch you stand there for a while looking at the scenery, taking everything in.
*That evening*
"You clean up nicely mr. Blyth." You comment on his attire. He does a little twirl, smirking as he checks you out. "You're not so bad for a little scavenger." You poke his side and sit down in one of the chairs. After you'd said your goodbyes to the rest of the group, Tom had driven you about an hour away from the crystal mine. You knew that wasn't the end of your birthday surprise since he'd told you to also pack some nice evening attire.
Tom had booked an amazing restaurant. The owners went above and beyone to blow your mind, preparing an outdoor table with the best view. After dessert, you both were enjoying some lovely wine and eachother. Catching up after not having seen eachother for a while since you'd only flow in yesterday so you could spend your birthday together.
He absentmindedly played with your fingers as a comfortable silence settled between you two. You felt him rubbing your ring finger and noticed him looking at it. "Looks quite empty doesn't it." He says quite casually. You roll your eyes and jokingly hit his chest. "Don't play that game." You say, smiling widely. You'd talked about marriage before, you both knew you wanted it at some point in your life. Sure some people say it's just a piece of paper, and you couldn't fully disagree, but it also had a deeper meaning to the both of you. The promise of choosing eachother, every day, forever.
He looked into your eyes and shook his head.
"I'm not playing games anymore love."
The way he said it made you shiver. He'd made that joke before, but never with an answer so serious. He leaned back in his chair. "Do you remember, early on in our relationship, that time I forgot my tie for one of the first plays I did at Julliard?" You smile as you think back to that memory. "How could I forget. You were basically a living zombie for 3 weeks leading up to that play."
Tom nodded, back to playing with your fingers.
"I remember I had been so stressed. The character I played was so dull. I struggled so much finding ways to make him more interesting to the audience. And that damn tie. It was so important to me. Silly how something so small could mean so much at the time." "So much that you forgot it at home 3 hours before the play." You humored.
Looking enamoured, he continued.
"And I remember you. You with your make up half done, running towards me in a fucking thunderstorm. And when we met in the middle, you just casually opened your vest, handing over that damn tie."
Laughter exploded from your chest. You were in the middle of getting ready to attend the play when you got the frantic call from Tom. You didn't think twice and started running towards the school, and didn't even realise it was raining until you were running through the streets of New York City, by then it was too late to turn back to dress appropriately for the weather.
The man infront of you smiling, as he relived the same memory.
"That's when I knew."
A questioning look painted your face.
"I knew. Right then and there, that I'd always look for you in the crowd."
Speechless, you squeezed his hand.
He sat up straight in his chair. Taking both of your hands in his.
"I love you. I love the way you still can't use our airfryer, 2 years after we got it. I love your random obsession with knitting and making me wear your handmade sweaters to work. I love home, but only when you're there. I love that you let me be who I truly am and I love that you are fearlessly yourself."
He stood up and kneeled down infront of you, taking out a red, velvet box.
"Please allow me, to fulfill one more dream of mine."
As he opens the box he speaks with shaking voice and tears in his eyes.
"Will you marry me?"
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celestialhole · 6 months
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Simon Riley x GN!reader headcanons
Warnings: Contains NSFW content below the cut, read at your own risk! Sorta proofread, random as fuck but here's your din din. Thinking about Simon Riley who uses his kids as weights for him to lift while working out. Just for fun. He likes hearing his kids laugh and giggle. Simon Riley who gets hella annoyed when your family/extended family buys so much crap for the kids. "The bloody hell they need this for? Don't we already have the damn pool outside!?" Simon looked down at the huge box in their living room, it was a goddamn bouncy house for the little ones. "I dunno Si. We can put it in the frontyar-" "WE ALREADY HAVE THE BALL PIT OUTSIDE!"
Never really celebrated his birthday before meeting you. You started giving him presents, taking him out, and taking him back to hotels (or your home) to ride him til' dawn. Now that you have little ones you all plan a small birthday party for him since he's old and grumpy. You give him one of his favorite desserts, have all the kids pile on him, and show him some love it resulted in him counting to 5 before chasing them all down while you record all of it.
Will fantasize about what life could've been like if his family were still here with him, what it could've been like if they had lived long enough to meet you. He's sure his Mother and Nephew would've loved you, and his brother would tease him n' say something like, "Now you know how it feels, it ain't as bad as you thought huh?" He wished to God he'd get to experience that in another lifetime. In my world, he doesn't celebrate Christmas and we know damn well why. If he's been with you for a long time he'll find a way to make something for you to make it special or he'll buy you something you mentioned wanting a few weeks or months back. But don't expect him to place a big ass tree in his apartment. If you manage to convince him to buy a tree he'll buy it and maybe a few ornaments he likes but the rest you're buying. Riley totally tore that bitch up and trust me, he tried to stop her but it was too early in the morning for that and he didn't want the tree anyways so he just sighs, puts some tea on the kettle grabs his reading glasses and his favorite book, and just relaxes on the couch as his military dog is tearing up your 350$ Christmas tree. "Jesus fucking Christ what happened in here!?" You stumbled over an ornament as you walked into the living room. Simon was chilling peacefully on the couch as Riley held a broken branch in her mouth and they both looked as if there wasn't a shit tone of ornaments and small pieces of the tree everywhere. It looked like a cluster fuck in your living room. "Tree became a chew toy," Simon mumbled. "I can see that.. And you didn't stop her?!" You narrowed your eyes at him. "Tried to, then it fell and I gave up," Simon took a sip of his tea and turned a page of the book he was reading. "Oh for fucks sake Simon.." You rubbed your eyes and leaned against the wall. He glanced up at you from the couch with an amused smile and looked back down at his book. "...This is what happens when we don't listen to Simon says-" "I'm kicking you and Riley out." You cut him off.
I see this man with an uncut shave because he's too lazy for that shit, however, if he notices he has a whole ass fucking jungle down there he'll trim it and then leave it alone for another 5 months. A solid 7 inches when soft and hard. Girth? Lots of it. Saggy balls. The type of man who doesn't notice when you get something done (hair, nails, etc). When you ask him if he notices anything different he'll immediately look at your ass to see if those squats did you any good. Speaking of your ass he loves your ass. Flat or thick he's smacking it when he casually walks past you. If you're plus-sized or just thicc it's even better. Don't ever bend over with this man in your perimeter. And it's even worse when you're in front of him and walking up the stairs cause he's staring hard at it. When you bend over he's smacking it, groping it, caressing it, and if he's really bold he's sneaking a quick hump against it. It's all shits and giggles till he's in that position. And you never hold back either. Now he doesn't trust walking up the stairs in front of you because you won't stop poking his ass and he hates it he loves you anyways. Call him daddy and he's not gonna speak or look at you for the rest of the day. You've made him spiritually nauseous good job. HE'S A BODY MAN BUT IN MY WORLD HE'S A THIGH AND TUMMY MAN! Also, I can see him being obsessed with ya nipple piercings if you ever got them. But nipple piercings are one thing, a genital piercing IS ANOTHER THING. Mutual masturbation is a must on the weekend mornings. He'll wake you up with pepper kisses to your neck while his hand is rubbing your tummy, when you wake up he'll gradually run his hands over your chest and pinch your nipple before moving his hand down to caress your arousal. He sucks the skin on your shoulder and neck to pleasure you and when you turn over to stroke his already hardened cock, he groans and moves his hips to slowly thrust his cock along your hand while his fingers slowly speed up. Now imagine his groans + his morning voice. This man loves you with every fiber of his being and tries his very best to make sure you know he loves you no matter what, so don't even think about asking him if he'll still love you as a worm. He'll keep you safely tucked in the pocket of his shirt and feed you noodles. He doesn't give two shits if you're hairy, plus-sized, or "unattractive". He'll cross the Amazon or even Antarctica to eat your ass I'm just saying. Don't protest or even speak, just bend over and let him have fun with his beautiful partner.
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dinotoro · 8 months
i just knew
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pairing : myung jaehyun x reader
genre : romance
subgenre : fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers
word count : 1.1k
summary : jaehyun and you have friends since the time big bang happened. you always felt that you two could be more than that. however, jaehyun's perspective on the situation was a bit different.
warnings : none
disclaimer : all character depictions are fictional and in no way represent or depict the actions of the real people.
permanent taglist : mochamvgz , nyxvrse , luvistqrzzz , hyhees , sngvhs
footnotes : this fic is dedicated to my lovely baby sis cinny aka mochamvgz. this was inspired by that one scene in s8 of b99. this was not proofread. i hope you like it <3
release date : October 26th, 2023
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The earliest memory that you had featuring Jaehyun and you were when you two were five years old.
It was a pleasant spring day, and your families had decided to host a picnic in the nearby park. Little Jaehyun was told to share his candies with you. Even though he was reluctant, he pushed a lollipop towards you. You smiled widely and accepted it, thanking him softly. 
At that moment, Jaehyun felt happy that he shared it with you. 
You, on the other hand, were not so compassionate. Since childhood, you hated sharing your things. So when you noticed Jaehyun staring at your last piece of french fry, you felt protective over it. His lips formed a slight pout as if imagining himself eating that. With pleading and puppy eyes, he looked at you. 
You just turned your head away and quickly ate the last piece. 
You had turned around to see Jaehyun’s reaction and saw that his eyes had turned glassy with tears. Even though something tugged in your heart, you just walked away and sat somewhere far away. 
Cut to middle school, when both of you were a bit closer to each other than before. You used to sit beside him and would love to annoy him. He used to say that the purpose of your birth was to be a menace (you could not disagree with that). He would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the little shenanigans. 
The banter continued till high school. You would present him with a muffin, only to take a bite out of it before him and giggle. He would pout, but would secretly enjoy it. He would let you eat the rest of the muffin while tugging your stray hair strands behind your ear.
You would feel your heart racing, and wishing something you had been wanting for a long, long time - that Jaehyun would become more than just a friend. 
When college started, both of you almost stopped meeting. Your heart would hurt, but the situation was out of your hands. Jaehyun was pursuing his dreams of becoming an idol, and you were ecstatic to see him excelling in the field he had always wanted to go in. However, a small part of you yearned to be back to those days when it was just two ordinary friends and not a successful idol and his boring best friend. The insecurities would build up, slowly crumbling your confidence to ask him out. 
It was your twenty-fifth birthday and Jaehyun wanted to surprise you. He was in charge of driving, but won’t tell you where he was taking you. You were feeling curious and impatient, but he would only smirk. Seeing you fidgeting restlessly and behaving like a little baby, he kissed your cheek and kept driving. That was an effective method, for your insides were churning and you were feeling warm. 
He parked his car a little far away from the location and told you to close your eyes. He kissed your cheek gently again and led you to the place. 
When you opened your eyes, it looked vaguely familiar. Jaehyun could see the gears clicking in your head, and replied, “This is the place our parents brought us to for a picnic. It was our first meeting.” Your eyes widened, and you wondered what he had in store. 
He handed you a lollipop, and suddenly all the memories started to flood back. You thanked him softly and started eating it. Jaehyun asked, “When were you going to confess to me?”
You froze. He smiled gently and said, “When we were in high school, I remember that you had written a small note where you had confessed. You thought you had discarded it, but you had kept it on my desk. At first, I was confused, wondering if it was an accident or whether that was your way of confessing. But when I saw you not saying anything or even anticipating any reaction or reply, I understood that you did not mean for that note to reach my eyes. However, the cat was out of the bag.”
You turned towards him, your teeth holding onto the lollipop like it’s your emotional support. Embarrassment coursed through your veins, and your palms started to sweat. You took the broken lollipop out and said, “I am sorry. I was…scared. I did not want to ruin our friendship.” The sunset looked beautiful, the breeze gently blowing Jaehyun’s hair askew. The last rays of the sun illuminated his face, giving him a golden sheen. He looked perfect, and you felt something heavy pit in your stomach. 
He kept looking at you, a small smile adorning his face. He was waiting for you to continue, and expression encouraging you to do the same. You said, “I mean look at you. You are so perfect. You are a great son, a great friend, a great idol, a great leader… I could never compare. How could I even ask you for something, when I knew I was not worth it? Look at your status and look at mine. Wouldn’t it be a harsh joke? Wouldn’t my rash decisions and feelings ruin everything?” As you were telling him about your feelings, you could feel tears rushing into the corners of your eyes. Jaehyun noticed this and hugged you gently, to which you rested your head on his chest and cried. It felt good to finally confess, but at what cost? Did you lose everything now? Did you lose him?
Jaehyun kissed the top of your head and hugged you tightly. It felt like he had returned home, in the arms of his loved one. He said, “Y/N, you should not jump to conclusions like that. You know I love muffins, but I always let you eat those. I love french fries, but you love them more. I would gladly sacrifice all my french fries for you because I love you more, and seeing you happy after eating them is better than eating them myself. I know that for you, it might have a slow realisation, but for me, it has been you. It has always been you. It will forever be you. I love you.” 
You looked up at him, your mouth forming an ‘o’ shape. He was slightly teary too, but those tears were of joy. He kissed your forehead and smiled widely. He knelt on one knee and asked, “M’lady, will you be my girlfriend?” You nodded, and he got up and hugged you again. 
You might have taken some time to see the blooming love between you two, but for Jaehyun - he knew. He always knew. 
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robo-milky · 1 month
Sometimes, you feel like you’re being watched.
The burning gaze of a person unknown, drilling its way into your back, staring into your very soul. It used to make you uneasy, wary, even. Yet you tried your very best not to show it.
Turning around discreetly around every corner, peeking from the corner of your eye. Stealing glances at shadowed nooks and crannies, trying to pinpoint the source of your unease. Remarkably, you’ve never seen anyone, even after all this time.
Not even the smallest glimpse of fabric, or a wayward footprint. Sighing to yourself, you resume your journey. Most stalkers tend to get conceited by now. They think they’re ever so sly, that they let down their guard. They get a little cocky, if to put in it such crude terms.
Unfortunately this stalker seems to be rather skilled in their profession. Despite your annoyance, you find yourself grudgingly admiring the ability of your wonderful little “friend”. Musing to yourself, you hum softly to yourself. A sweet little tune from the depths of your memory. You’ve heard it, somewhere before, but the memory seems determined to evade you.
“À la claire fontaine m'en allant promener
J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baignée.”
(As I was walking by the clear fountain,
I found the water so lovely I had to bathe.)
You pause, struggling to remember the next line. Only to hear another voice humming softly along with you. The same sweet little tune in a deep, passionate voice.
“ (refrain) Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai”
((refrain) I've loved you for so long, I will never forget you)
The voice had the richness of fine wine, yet there was something gravelly about it. It intoxicated you, creeping deep into your heart. A siren’s voice, you mused. A wonderful sound that was simply music to your ears.
You could curl up right next to the singer and listen forever, until your body rotted away. It was mesmerising, enchanting… spiriting you away from the present like a prince in a fairy tale.
While you were lost in your thoughts, you felt a warm breath, waft against the nape of your neck. Before a pair of soft lips pressed against it, gentle and tender. A kiss, like one a gentleman would yield towards a fine lady.
A soft chuckle was laughed as your skin flushed pink, before another kiss was pressed into your skin. But like the meek light from a sunset, the sensation was gone all too soon.
A weight pressed into your shoulder. Turning around, you see a flash of blonde, before those soft, gentle lips press against yours, capturing them in a lovely kiss. A greedy one, where he took every last bit of your air from your lungs like some depraved beast.
Yet the feeling… wasn’t totally unpleasant.
In the middle of it all, you catch a raspy whisper, words spoken ever so softly, just for your ears alone.
“Happy Birthday, Cloche dear.”
Anyways happy birthday from the mage of misery🫶 wishing you a great one!!!!
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash]
UWAHHHHHH CERUUUUUUU WHAT IS THIS- CLOCHE SINGING ONLY FOR ROOK TO CONTINUE AT THE RIGHT TIME??? THE PECKS BEFORE THE MAIN EVENT?? AND THE FACT THAT THEY FINALLY KISS ON THE LIPS- I’M GONNA LOSE IT- Oof this feels like watching those really long TV shows and finally getting to watch the will-they-won’t-they couple finally get together 😭😭
Ig it’s canon now that Cloche has French nursery songs drilled into her head from Canadian elementary- they pop in there at the worst times (as someone who was once in a half French immersion school- the war flashbacks are real-) But in all seriousness I just love this detail??? I will never not be salty that we were robbed of Rook singing more
Ofc Rook goes out of his way to tail Cloche instead of going to the party like normal people 😩 What is so special that it just can’t be shown to others??? Show off PDA, cowardly huntsman- assert dominance like an alpha— 👁️👁️ /j
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this!! This will now forever be my brainrot- Like holy— I can feel this in my soul, hear it, see it-
Schedule’s tight now but one day….
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oreo-oro-orero · 14 days
Ekko's Birthday present
Jinx: "Gah! What's taking him so long, he's usually back by now, I bet one of those firelight chicks are holding him up, probably making gogo eyes at him.
(Jinx in mocking overtly princess voice)"Oh Ekko happy birthday, you just have to come up to my room so I can give you your "present!". Yeah well guess what toots he's already taken! Besides he wouldn't even dream of looking at another girl unless he wants a stick of dynamite shoved up his..
*The sound of Ekko's room door opening interrupts her*
"Ahh finally! He's here! Okay Little man get ready for the most awesome amazing birthday gift you've ever seen in three...two...one!"
Jinx cuts herself off only to be just a little caught off guard by what she's sees, Ekko is here which is good...but so is Vi....and Caitlyn....and Scar....and a couple of other Firelights.
And Jinx is there completely naked.....covered in cake frosting after popping out of the huge cake she took two days making...with the only article of clothing she has on being a ribbon wrapped around her neck with a tag that says "To: Ekko" written in pink marker
Caitlyn immediately covers her eyes and walks out of the room followed by the rest of the Firelights and Scar who just sighs and shakes his head. Now the room is empty apart from Vi, Ekko and Jinx
Vi: "So....Little man."
VI says staring directly at Ekko who is looking at the ground praying in his mind that he develops the ability to turn invisible.
Vi: "Care to tell me why my lil sis thinks that her being naked is an appropriate gift for your birthday day?"
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Imagine getting Azula a present for her birthday
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The first thing you noticed when your family returned to the fire nation was how serious everyone was. You’d been born in a fire nation colony so had little experience with the capital of your nation. Your parents were high born but even they’d relaxed in the colonies and allowed you to have a mostly normal life. However once Ozai declared your parent’s mission over and summoned them back to the capital that all ended. Rules patroling you seemed to spring from everywhere. Don’t wear your hair fully down, don’t meet the eye of anyone who ranks higher than you, bow from the floor to all members of the royal family...the list was endless! Due to your parent’s being very well respected you were introduced to Azula and she took you into her group. Part of you wondered if she only did it to please her father or because you were considered an oddity here in the capital but as time went on you didn’t think either was the case. Everyone here was very strict or distant and even Azula’s closest friends didn’t know her very well. Mai seemed to tolerate her mainly because of her titles and brother. Ty lee, while seemingly fond of Azula, obviously didn’t try getting closer to her than necessary. That wasn’t how friendships worked in your town and you were determined not to pick up this capital custom. So you put time and effort into all three of the girls and made progress with each. You’d go shopping with Ty lee, discuss popular and obscure theology with Mai and help Azula think through her battle strategies. Azula was the one who reacted the strongest to your attention and friendship. She began spending more time with you alone, seeking you out regularly and inviting you to events where even Mai and Ty lee weren’t permitted to go. You found yourself drawn to Azula because she seemed like the one who could most do with a friend. Mai had Zuko, Ty lee seemed content flitting from numerous different people but Azula didn’t really have anyone.
So you continued nurturing your friendship and when Azula’s birthday came around you set out to get her the most meaningful present you could to let her know she was cared for. You were very excited with your choice of present and rushed into the palace, the box you’d spent hours wrapping and unwapping until it was perfect, held tightly in your hands. “Good morning” you smiled finding Mai, Ty lee and Zuko in the royal wing. “Good morning” Ty lee beamed back but Zuko and Mai just nodded not being morning people. Mai noticed your present first. “What’s that?” she asked and you smiled “Azula’s present!”. They all looked at you confused and Zuko spoke first “why are you buying my sister a present?”. “Because it’s her birthday” you explained but that didn’t seem to help, they all still stared at you blankly. “It’s her birthday so I got her a birthday present...is that not something you do in the capital?”. “No but it sounds very sweet” Ty lee grinned. Mai shrugged “I would like presents every year just for being born but I can’t say I understand the logic”. Zuko nodded but you shrugged “ow well, hopefully Azula will enjoy it anyway”. “You’re still going to give it to her”? Zuko asked shocked and you paused “well why wouldn’t I?”. “She might think it’s weird considering you only give people presents when you’re...”. Mai hit Zuko’s arm before he could finish and shook her head. You stared confused “if you’re what?”. “It doesn’t matter” Mai said quickly “Zuko was thinking of something else, I think Azula’s in her study if you want to see her”. You frowned but Mai and Ty lee smiled at you encouragingly so you shook Zuko’s words from your mind and went to find the birthday girl. 
You knocked on Azula’s door and heard her call come in. “Happy birthday Azula!” you cried as soon as your eyes fell on her. Azula jumped vividly, the  brush she was writing with dragging messily across the page ruining her letter. “I am so sorry” you gaped “can it be saved”. “No it cannot” Azula sighed angrily “please in the future don’t scream just because it’s my birthday”. You nodded “is wishing someone a happy birthday not a thing here either?” you asked “just when I think I’m getting a handle on the capital I mess everything up”. “Birthdays are not a big deal here” Azula nodded “only important ones are given any recognition but I have heard of some places where every single birthday is celebrated. I take it your home town is one such place?”. You nodded smiling at the memory “Yes! Every year you usually have a party or do something special with the people you love most! You eat your favourite foods and someone usually makes a cake, it’s lovely”. Azula nodded her head but looked unconvinced and then her eyes fell on the box in your hand. “And what is this?”Azula asked. “A present” you smile brightly but Azula blushed and looked away for some reason. “For my birthday right?” she asked “this is one of your odd traditions nothing more?”. “Yes” you agreed unsure what else a present could mean “you also give the person whose birthday it is a present, something you think they’ll like and wrap it up nicely for them...can I give it to you?”. Azula was still red but nodded so you placed it down on the desk before stepping away. 
Azula picked it up hesitantly and undid the bow before removing the lid carefully. You watched her face excitedly for any reaction but all Azula did was stare inside. You were dying for a sign however small to know if she loved or hated it but Azula continued to stare until you thought you would burst of anticipation. When you couldn’t contain yourself any longer you sighed “so do you like it? It’s the trinket we saw in that glass store in town”. Azula nodded her head “yes I recognise it...how did you decide on this for me?”. “Well I thought I saw you admiring it when we were there because you kept staring at it but now I’m not sure if you staring at something means you love or hate it”.
Azula remembered the day a few weeks ago when you went into town together and she recalled how you’d mysteriously disappeared before reappearing minutes later. She picked up the small figurine carefully. It was a rose that fit in the palm of her hand made of different orange, red and yellow coloured glass all intricately folded together. When the light hit it looked as if it was on fire and Azula remembered thinking it looked very beautiful and she had the same thought now. 
“So...is it okay?” you asked nervously “If you don’t like it then I can always return it and get you something else?”. “No!” Azula said sharply before she composed herself and rid her face of the emotion she felt underneath. “It is a nice present, I like the colours...” she said awkwardly aware she was blushing “I will keep it, thank you”. The look on your face made Azula’s heart beat faster. You were so happy that she liked the tiny piece of glass and Azula figured if such a small thing could cause you so much happiness maybe it wasn’t such a stupid tradition after all. “I’m so glad you like it” you grinned “I was going to suggest we have a meal or something to celebrate but as that’s probably not a thing here either I’ll leave you to your work. Have a lovely birthday day Princess” you smiled and with a bow to her you disappeared.
All day your gift didn’t leave Azula’s mind. Usually when you gave someone a present it meant you were interested in courting that person. For a second when you entered Azula thought that was what you intended, she thought this was your declaration before she realised what your intention’s really were. As she stared at the small rose she recalled the slight relief she felt realising you didn’t mean to court her but she also felt another feeling, larger and deeper inside herself which she refused to acknowledge. 
Azula placed the rose back in the box and got back to work. A while later a servant let her know that her father was ready for her and she prepared to meet with him. She hesitated to leave the present you gave her and frowned. She saw the servant glance at it and blushed furiously. “Tell my father I will be there soon” she commanded and he scurried away. Azula sighed and lifted the lid off the box once again. The rose was still shining beautifully and Azula hesitated before picking it up and slipping it into her pocket. 
The meeting did not go well. Ozai didn’t mention Azula’s birthday which wasn’t odd but the fact he didn’t even seem aware it was today stung a little considering a girl she knew for only 8 months did. The meeting went from bad to worse as Ozai started snapping at everyone in the room and through it all Azula gently held your rose. It was cold in her palm and she liked the coolness. She carried on with her meeting, holding the rose whenever she needed something positive to focus on, and got through the meeting. 
When Azula was finally dismissed she was relieved and felt the toll it had taken on her. She started back to her study aware she still had work to do but honestly her eyes were tired and her brain hurt. She didn’t want to do any more work and your offer suddenly came into her head. You’d mention something about food...a tradition you’d thought to try before figuring Azula wouldn't want to. Azula thought it over before she found a messenger and dispatched them to go find you.
You arrived at Azula’s apartments in the palace confused. Her note hadn’t said much just that she wanted to see you and to come quickly. So you dutifully dropped your very busy schedule (which concerned lounging and reading in the gardens) and made your way to her door. Two guards let you in and you called out for Azula. “Ah y/n” a voice replied and you turned to see Azula descending the stairs. “Azula” you smiled before remembering the note “is everything okay? Your note just said to come here”. “Everything is fine” Azula assured you “I just...thought we could entertain that custom of yours”. “The meal?” you asked excitedly. Azula nodded looking away to disguise her blush “exactly, what must we do?”. You laughed “we don’t have to attack it like a battle! I have everything planned, I’d already gotten the picnic ready and I still have the spot in the gardens although I do need to decorate it and call the others...if you give me an hour I will have everything ready!”. Azula nodded “that is fine” and with a smile you rushed for the door. Before you could disappear Azula called out to you “ow and y/n there’s no need to disturb the others i’m sure they’re too busy on such short notice”. You paused “are you sure? You’re their friend so i’m sure they’d happily drop whatever they were doing to celebrate your birthday, I mean it only happens once a year”. Azula smiled at the sentiment but shook her head “somehow I doubt they’ll think that way but it doesn’t matter, I will be happy with just the two of us”. Now it was your turn to blush. You nodded and bowed slightly “of course princess” and left the room. 
An hour later Azula made her way to the gardens, following the instructions you’d sent her. She usually avoided the gardens for obvious reasons but she was hoping you’d give her a good memory in the place her mother cherished. You’d said to follow the yellow flowers and so Azula did that until she saw a raised area. There was a small platform with food all arranged along a small table. A small cake perched in the centre with the words “Happy Birthday Azula” frosted on the top. Lanterns hung around the platform and lines of colourful fabric hung from the ceiling of the structure. Cushions were placed on the floor in a seating area and the whole area looked very inviting even if it wasn’t very fire nation. Azula took in the scene for a few seconds before she realised you were there. You were muttering about something as you re-arranged some of the decorations your back to her. “Y/n” she called and you jumped “Azula! I promise I’m almost done I was just trying to work out where to place the balloons”. Azula smiled “there’s balloons too?” looking at the sea of decorations all over the small structure. You paused “why is it too much?”. Azula stepped through the doorway and saw due to the streams of decorations you were practically hidden away from the rest of the garden. Azula liked that idea and surveyed the rest of the platform. The lanterns made the light that passed through them change colour and they chimed nicely in the breeze. The food looked and smelled delicious and the cushions looked very comfortable. “No this is just perfect” Azula smiled. You beamed at her happily and squeezed her arm “I’m so happy you like it! You deserve a special day”. Azula blushed and wasn’t sure how to respond to something like that, especially while you were staring at her just inches away. So Azula just avoided the topic. 
“Shall we begin?” she asked and you nodded. You placed a selection of all the foods (which were all Azula’s favourites of course) on a plate and passed it her before doing the same for yourself. You joined her on the cushions and smiled “so! How was your birthday? What made you decide to indulge me?”. Azula looked down at her food “it was fine...I had a really long war meeting and honestly the thought of doing more work after it was not appealing, so I contacted you. I know it’s not ideal, a whole evening wasted on being frivolous but there’s nothing to do about it now. I’ll just work extra hard tomorrow”. You frowned before looking up at her “it’s your birthday so I think you’re allowed to have a more chilled day just enjoying yourself. Plus you already work so hard anyway, if anyone deserves a rest it’s you”. “Yes but I work hard for a reason, you don’t become the best by being lazy”. You nodded “yes but you’re already the best!” you grinned “so sit back and relax for one evening. The world will still be waiting for you to conquer it tomorrow”. You nudged her shoulder and despite your words going against everything she’d been taught Azula found herself smiling “okay”. 
The two of you chatted while you ate and when you finished you began cutting Azula a piece of cake. She watched the concentration clearly etched on your face fondly. You passed Azula the piece and she took a bite cautiously but she had no reason to. It was wonderful. “This is rather nice y/n what type of cake is it?”. You smiled “it’s based off a red velvet cake because you know fire nation but I also added some spice because I know you like it”. “You made this?” Azula cried and you nodded “yes but it was no bother...i’m just glad you like it”. “I do” Azula agreed “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this silly custom of yours. It is nice to be spoiled”. You nodded grinning “it is! My birthday is in January just so you know”. Azula froze at the thought of having to plan something like this for you when you laughed “don’t worry I was joking, you don’t have to do anything for me”. “Well I doubt I’d be able to match this” Azula said gesturing around her “but I will remember, you have my word”. You smiled blushing but didn’t break your eyes away from her “thank you Azula, I’m really glad I met you”. Azula went red matching you and nodded her head “I am too...although I should be going soon. I have a meeting early tomorrow morning”. You nodded standing “of course, would you like me to walk you back to your room?”. Azula shook her head “that is fine thank you y/n...do you need any help with all the decorations?” she asked hesitantly. You shook your head “no it’s fine, the decorations will take 5 minutes to pack away and i’ll take the spare food to the kitchen...the only thing is the cake, would you like to take it or would you like me to?”. Azula eyed the cake remembering the delicious taste and nodded “I will take it with me”. You packaged it up for her and smiled “well I hope you’ve had a nice birthday”. “I have thank you” Azula nodded “now I must be going”. You nodded and waved as Azula left the gardens. 
Azula walked through the palace to her room your cake in her hands and she felt proud. Her friend had made this to celebrate her birthday. She hadn’t asked you to, you did it because you wanted to do it for her, because you cared for her. Azula stepped inside her room and looked about her. She couldn’t help but realise after all the colourful decorations you’d used just how dull her room was. Despite all of the finery none of the room was really hers. None of the pieces had been bought just for her, they were all things passed down for generations. Azula placed your cake on a table and took your present out of her pocket, running her hand over it softly. Nobody had ever bought her something just because they wanted her to be happy. Azula wondered where to place your present. She didn’t want it out in the open where anyone could see or break it. She couldn’t find anywhere suitable so she changed and got into bed still undecided. She toyed with the figurine remembering the way you’d smiled when she said she liked it. Now safely in her own room alone she recognised she’d been slightly disappointed this was a token of friendship and nothing else. She enjoyed having your attention and liked you most out of all her friends but in a very different way. Still, even if this wasn’t a romantic gesture it was still a gesture of love and such an open un-fire nation one. 
Azula smiled to herself before placing the rose under her pillow where she could hide it but also keep it close to her while she slept. “What a strange day” she muttered to herself but she knew it hadn’t actually been strange, it had been the best birthday she could remember having and it was all because of you.   
I’m constantly sad Azula never had anyone really love and care for her like Zuko did, she deserved better. But even if someone had shown her affection, based on her sad upbringing, I feel like Azula wouldn’t know how to respond to it because she’s never been shown what love is so I want to shower her in it!!  Hence this story :)
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skymoral · 6 months
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🩵 Bi-Han x B!F Wife Reader W/ MK1 Friends 🩵
Summary: You already knew how this would turn out, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Tags: Competition, competitive, aggressive, stacking is fucking evil, arguments, family time, game night, you like to win, war
A/N: It may have a good end or it may not lol
Today was another family game night you planned again. After begging your husband, and you promised you’d be present at this one
Because the last one went a bit astray when you were absent for a short moment.
You were all in the palace hall, sitting at the round table. It was You, Bi-Han, Tomas, Kuai, Kitana, Johnny(in place of Liu Kang who was busy), Kung Lao, Harumi, Rhonda(Your girlfriend), and Kenshin.
“I’m glad you guys came, especially my ladies.” You said cheerfully as you shuffled the cards.
Your two daughters were sitting in Bi-Han’s lap giving him long French braids. Johnny looked in amusement.
“So are you gonna get mani pedis next?” Bi-Han glared at him, the only reason he didn’t react or say anything. Because of his girls, as he held them.
“Johnny refrain yourself from provoking my husband. I said you could only come in Liu Kang’s place if you promise to do the fucking least.”
“Of course, anything for you doll.” You rolled your eyes passing out the cards. You saw Bi-Han about to say something but you interrupted him.
“I love your hair grandmaster, it suits you.” You smirked at him. He just looked away.
“Thank you for extending your invitation Grandmistress Y/N. I’m deeply honored.” Kitana thanked you.
“Of course! And I didn’t want to be the only lady, so I’m glad my girlfriends joined my family events every now and again!” You sat down next to Bi-Han.
“Friend I’m always down for a little fun, especially when there is a little cutie present.” Rhonda lend over to Tomas blowing him a kiss. He looked at your friend nervously.
“Up you go girls, adult night.” You grabbed them, they whined before kissing there parents goodnight and leaving.
“So everyone remembers the rules from earlier!” You clapped your hands together looking around, everyone nodded.
“Perfect! We will start with Harumi, then proceeds going to the right.”
Whose next to Who
Harumi - Kitana- Tomas - Rhonda - Kung Lao - Johnny - You - Bi Han - Kenshi - Kuai Liang and then back to Harumi(who is on her left)
Everyone looked at their hands, you smirked but hid behind your cards.
“I’ll put down a blue six.” Harumi put her card down.
Kitana put down a blue one, “UNO!” She yelled excitedly.
“Ooh girl no, you only say uno when you’re on your last card. Because if you don’t you’ll have to draw one.” You laughed.
Kitana deflated with ‘oh’ as the game continued, and it was nice and quiet.
A/N: This is where it becomes toxic lol
“I’ll be back, I’m just grabbing my blanket real quick.” You got up and ran to you and your husband’s room.
Kung Lao put down a draw 4, “draw 4 little cage, and the color is green.”
“Ha! Yeah not happening. Colors red.” Johnny put down a draw four.
“Who the hell told you niggas we we’re playing stacks?” Rhonda looked at the cards.
“Stacks?” Kenshi questioned.
You came back wrapped in a big blue warm fuzzy blanket your husband gave you on your birthday. You grabbed your cards and looked at the cards.
“I AM NOT DRAWING EIGHT FUCKING CARDS! Y’all are fuckin trippin!”
“Sis were we playing regular or stacks?”
“What are stacks, if you don’t mind me asking?” Kenshi asked.
“Stacks is where if someone put down a draw card and you have a similar one. You stack yours on top, along with the next person. Until someone doesn’t have it, they will have to draw the amount of cards that we stacked.”
“Sounds interesting! Let’s try it!” Kitana chimed.
“Are you guys sure?”
“Yeah it could be fun, and it’ll be faster to.” Tomas added.
“I agree with my man Tomas, let’s play stacks.” Rhonda lend closer, shoulders touching batting her eyelashes. Tomas tensed, face turning red
“Rhonda behave! Sooo alright… fine… stacks it is… Baby I’m sorry in advance.” You looked at Bi-Han patting his biceps.
You put down a draw four, Bi-Han looked and only smirked. He put one down, then Kenshi, Kuai, Harumi, Kitana, Tomas, Rhonda, and now it’s back to Kung Lao.
“Are you KIDDING ME! I am not pulling 40 DAMN CARDS!”
“Those are the rules broham.” You smiled.
“Screw these rules, you did this on purpose. With your shuffling!” Kung Lao looked at you.
“ME! I asked everyone are you sure you want to do stacks, AND YOU ALL AGREED! Isn’t that right babe!?” You looked at Bi-Han
“Asian Jack Frost would agree with you on anything.”
“I’m warning you cage! You talk as if you know every little thing, but the only thing you know HOW to do is fail in life and PISS ME OFF!”
“You wanna go French braids!?” Johnny grinned at him angrily.
“This is why yo ass should’ve left it at regular Johnny boy.” Rhonda chimed watching the four of you all argue.
“Listen happy meal, no one asked for an extra two cents. So stay out of it.”
“What you call me NEGRO!?”
“You shouldn’t speak to a lady like that Johnny.” Tomas interjected.
“That’s right tell him babe.” Rhonda smiled.
“You know how about we just take our cards back and do normal?” Harumi tried to ease the flame.
“I don’t think that’s how this work dearest” Kuai told her.
“Yeah, Kung Lao you’re being dramatic.” Kenshi told him.
“Exactly! Just grab the damn cards, after that no more stacking. Alright, JOHNNY?”
“I think that’ll be a good idea.” Kitana added
Everyone nodded, as well as Johnny. Everyone sitting back down, Kung Lao being reluctant.
“Hurry UP!” Bi-Han barked, still a bit fiery because of Johnny.
“Relax beloved.” You tried to soothe him, rubbing his arms up and down.
Kung Lao put down a draw four, you drew four. Despite your slight grumble, but at least you weren’t Kung Lao.
Going down turns, it reached Kitana. Who put down there card, she noticed she only had one. “OH UNO UNO UNO!” Kitana jumped from excitement. You chuckled.
“Okay girl we gotchu.” Rhonda said smiling.
Tomas took his turn, then Rhonda. Now on Johnny who put down a skip card.
“Really Johnny!?”
“Yep.” Johnny smirked, looking at his cards
You drew a card, then Bi-Han pulled a blue card with arrows. “What does this card do again my love?”
“OOH! That’s a reverse card, so when you use that card it’ll skip Kenshi’s turn and reverse back to me.” You smiled at him sweetly.
He put down the card and, you cackled wickedly loud. Dropping a skip card, then Johnny and Rhonda started dying laughing.
“That’s it I’M OUT!” He dropped his cards, showing what he had remaining was numbers. Which made you laugh harder holding on to your husband so you wouldn’t fall out the chair.
It continued, till Kitana said uno and out. Which officially ended the game.
The ladies thank you for inviting them, Kitana clearly enjoyed herself and wanted to do it again at your next one, as well as Harumi as she loved seeing you and the family.
Your girlfriend Rhonda kidnap Tomas to supposedly speak to him privately. After everyone left and you cleaned up.
You were relaxing in a nice hot bath curly hair in a bun with your husband. Your back leaning against his chest, he gave you a soft kiss against your neck.
His nose rubbing against it as he inhaled your scent, “Did you enjoy yourself my darling?”
“I did! I like these kinds of things, and having chaotic fun with everyone.” You turned around wrapping your arms around him.
“Thank you for indulging in my gaming events, and taking the time out of your busy schedule to spend this day with me. My darling grandmaster.” You smiled.
“Anything for you my beloved grandmistress.”
You both shared a lovely and passionate kiss. Bi-Han deepening the kiss. As his grip around your waist tightens.
Then one of the kids knocked on the door, interrupting whatever ya’ll was doing could lead to.
You slowly broke the kiss, “Guess that’s our cue to get out.”
“Well I guess we can finish in the room. When they go back to sleep.
You definitely like that idea, and soon enough when the kids were back to sleep. Bi-Han stood on his word and continued where y’all left off in the bathroom.
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A/N: I had fun writing Rhonda and Kitana!💅🏾
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lady-phasma · 17 days
I've had this headcanon that if Viserys and Daemon had had a little sister, Daemon would have wanted to marry her, instead of her marrying Viserys, as would have been the custom since he's the eldest. In my mind, he would have done whatever it took to have her.
What do you think of that?
Hi! ilysm! I have been saving this like dessert. You have no idea! Is it my birthday because this feels like a birthday present!
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Targaryen weirdness aside, I am so here for this! You have broken my brain but in the best way possible. Why did I immediately think of her as a spitfire, feisty and outspoken like Rhaenyra? What if she didn't want to marry Viserys?
You know, I have this vague headcanon that Daemon really never wanted the crown and if I followed that path I could totally see him telling King's Landing to fuck off and maybe take lil Sis off to the Stepstones or Dragonstone.
My mind is racing and I have all the thots. What if she were the middle child? Born between them? I think Viserys is four years older than Daemon in the book, so what if she were always protecting her baby bro? You have put the most adorable brain rot in my head. I know, I know, you said younger sister, but I just imagined her around 14 tending to her 12 year old brother's skinned knee after he fell in the training yard. How it would probably keep Daemon from being married at 16 if she were older. I love Rhea, but we all know that was a poor match.
But younger or older I had the cutest thought about his first tourney and asking for her favor.
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The "he would have done whatever it took to have her" part - 100% agree! I know how much he loves his brother, but he would pull some shady, underhanded shit. Even if him and Sis hadn't slept together, he could easily lie about her being pregnant, we've seen him do it in canon.
Or throwing some helpless female cousin at Vizzy so he could would be distracted and maybe change his mind or fall in love. The possibilities are nearly endless considering Daemon's flexible morals.
I hope you know I am going to be thinking about this all the time now because I am in love with this. You are amazing! I know it's not a new au and other people have written him with a sister but I want to know more about what you see unfolding too. I bet you have some great ideas since you've been thinking about this longer. I am literally grinning from ear to ear.
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It's your birthday too (Christen x Tobin x Reader)
I don't know how I feel about this one, but I hope you like it :)
Words: 1.8K
I was hanging out with Ashlyn before Christens surprise birthday lunch. She knew about it, but she didn't know we had invited her whole family and a couple of her friends. We were scrolling through tiktok to kill time when a message from my brother popped up. I froze as I read what it said, knowing that Ashlyn had likely seen it as well. My suspicions were confirmed when she tapped into it.
Hey kiddo, I know you don't really celebrate it, but happy birthday little sis. I hope you have a good day whatever you're doing. Call me later, love you.  
Ashlyn slowly turned her head toward me, "Y/n."
I swallowed hard before turning to face her, "Yes?"
"It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me."
"It doesn't matter about me, it's Christens birthday." And it was true. My birthday was something that I didn't care about, my whole focus was on making it a good day for Christen. Honestly, I would forget it if my brother didn't message me every year. 
Ashlyn looked at me like I had grown another head or something, I stifled the laugh that threatened to bubble out when I received a glare, "It's yours too Y/n not just Christens."
"Well yeah, but I don't celebrate it and Christen does. Now I have to go."
I escaped quickly, not allowing Ashlyn to say anything else. Christen was coming back to the room before lunch and I wanted to give her the present I got. Christen walked into our room a couple of minutes after me. 
"Happy birthday Chris, I go-"
"Don't happy birthday me Y/n. Why didn't you tell me?" Christen stood in front of me, arms crossed as I decided to play dumb. 
"Tell you what?"
Christen threw her hands up, giving me a 'are you serious' look, "That it's your birthday!"
I shrugged, I should have known Ashlyn wouldn't have kept it quiet. She likely texted everyone the second I left, "Because mine isn't important."
"Yes it is Y/n! It's important because you're here. It's literally celebrating you being born and I think that's something worth celebrating Y/n. You are amazing, you deserve to be celebrated."
I blushed turning away from her, trying my best not to show her how much she affected me, "I just don't celebrate it."
Her face softened slightly, taking a step toward me, "Why not?"
"Nothing good has ever happened on my birthday, when you share it with a twin who is very clearly your parents favourite, it's just not a good day." There was more to it then that, but I didn't really want to go into it. My parents and everyone else in my family had forgotten all of my birthdays after age 5. It had taken me a while to realise they hadn't forgotten, they just didn't care. 
"Well, we want to celebrate you Y/n, I want to celebrate you. You could always restart your birthdays."
"I don't know if I can do that Chris. There's just so many bad memories."
"Then lets give you a good one," Christen said before cupping my cheek and connecting her lips with mine. I froze at the feeling of her lips on mine, they were so soft. I had wanted this for so long, but Christen had Tobin. I wanted them both, but had neither of them. I pulled away quickly, putting distance between us when my brain realised what was happening and I remembered Tobin, "I'm sorry I-"
"We ca- we can't do this, you, Tob-" I cut myself off when I saw Tobin standing in the doorway. I froze, expecting to be yelled at or anything really. Instead, a soft smile stretched along her face as she slowly stepped closer to me. 
My brain stopped working as I stuttered an apology, it completely malfunctioned when Tobin wrapped her arms around me. "Happy birthday Y/n."
"I-I what?"
Tobin pulled away slightly to look at Christen, "I told you we should've waited until we were both here."
"I know, but she was sad, I just wanted her to not be sad anymore."
My heart seemed to stutter at that, but it also just increased my confusion. What the fuck was happening? I pulled away from Tobin, looking between the both of them. They were looking at me with such adoration, such love that butterflies erupted in my stomach. I did what I did best in situations that were uncomfortable or painful, I made a joke, "Wanna clue me in? I haven't quite mastered this whole mind reading thing yet."
Tobin snorted while Christen glared at her and actually explained, "We like you. We've been talking about telling you for a while, but weren't sure if you actually liked us or if we just wanted you to."
I took a second to process what Christen had said. There were no signs of dishonesty or reluctance, "Wait, so I get to kiss Tobin too?"
Christen nodded while Tobin looked at me with a slight smirk, "Please do."
I smirked, leaning in just to turn and connected my lips with Christen instead. Our lips moved in sync for a few seconds before I pulled away, leaving a quick peck on her lips. At this point there was no use in trying to hide my smile. It was no doubt huge and goofy, but I didn't care. I got the girls. I still wasn't sure if this would change the way I felt about my birthday, but it was definitely the best one yet. 
"Why do I like you?" Tobin grumbled, pout appearing. She was adorable.  
"Because I'm hot." I cupped the back of Tobin's neck, finally connecting our lips. I felt Tobin relax against me. Our lips moved in perfect sync as Tobin's hand settled on my waist, pulling me close. Her lips were actually softer than I expected with a hint of vanilla. Between her and Christen I was screwed. They were both so addicting. I slowly pulled away, head leaning down to rest on Tobin's shoulder as I took it all in. Tobin's fingers traced random patterns on my hip. I don't think I had ever seen her so soft before. Now it was directed at me, something I never expected to ever happen. It made me fall for her just that little bit more. I kissed her shoulder before pulling away to take Christens hand. 
"Can I finally show you what I got you?" 
"No, because I didn't get you anything."
"Chris, this is the best birthday I've ever had. The best birthday present I've ever gotten so please don't feel bad about it. You didn't know."
Christen sighed and I knew I had won, "Fine."
I handed her the small wrapped box, inside were two simple silver rings, one cut to look like mountains and the other cut to look like waves. I had seen them and instantly thought of Christen. She would love them, well so I hoped anyway as I stood there fidgeting nervously. I had been a bit nervous that Tobin might see the present as to much. That I had overstepped and it was too romantic or something. That nervousness had faded given what just happened, but I was still a bit worried Christen wouldn't like it.
"Y/n... These are amazing. They're beautiful, I love it so much. Thank you baby." My face warmed at the pet name as Christen kissed me then hugged me tightly. 
I kissed her temple, holding her just as tightly, "You're welcome love."
Tobin groaned dramatically as we pulled apart, "You're giving me a run for my money Y/n/n."
"We can join forces in the future. What did you get her this year?"
"Um she's only opened one of them so far, the other is downstairs."
I rolled my eyes at Tobin's reluctance to answer. Obviously it was something she didn't want to share, "Could you be anymore vague? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"It's not that, it might just be a bit much information given that we just happened."
"Oh, so you got her a sex toy then," I laughed as both Tobin's and Christen's faces turned bright red. It was meant as a joke, but judging by the looks on their faces, it was accurate. "Wow, that was supposed to be a joke, but I mean that's a pretty good present. I look forward to seeing it. Now, as much as I would love to stay here, we have to go."
Their cheeks got redder then I thought possible as they both stumbled over what to say. I bit my cheek to stop the laughter as I walk out of the room. Christen and Tobin rushing to catch up.
We had decided the meal room was the better option for lunch seeing as all of us together were often quite crazy. Also add in Christens family, there was a lot of us. This morning we had decorated the room with happy birthday banners, balloons and anything the younger ones had decided to put up. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed my name had been added to the banner and there were two piles of presents. Everyone had decided to give Christen her presents all at once, but I had wanted to give her mine when it was just the two of us. How had they put this together so quickly?
"We were tasked with distracting you while they set this up."
I tensed, was what just happened only a distraction, "Oh."
Tobin wrapped her arm around my waist, "Hey, we were always going to tell you about our feelings, it was just originally going to be tonight instead."
Christen placed her hand on my back, "Happy birthday Y/n."
"Happy birthday Chris." A wide smile spread on Christens face when she noticed her family standing in the back. She made a beeline toward them while I stayed by the door. Everything was a bit overwhelming. Having people actually care about my birthday was foreign and overwhelming. Tobin stayed beside me, arm still around my waist, as I lent into her to calm myself down. 
Tobin discreetly kissed my neck before whispering, "I think there's someone waiting to say hi."
I looked up to find my brother standing a few steps away. I quickly pulled away from Tobin, running into his arms instead. It had been a long time since we had seen each other, "Jamie, what are you doing here? Did they set this up?"
"No, I had been planning on surprising you for your birthday, I just happened to show up when they were frantically trying to set everything up. I'm glad you finally told them."
"It wasn't me actually. It was you." He looked confused so I explained what had happened. He sheepishly apologised, but I wasn't actually annoyed anymore. I guess it wasn't a bad thing that they knew. Besides Jamie, they were the closest thing to family I had. 
We laughed, talked and had a really nice afternoon. The girls had managed to run out and get me a bunch of new art supplies and stationary stuff. And I ended the night cuddled between Christen and Tobin after reassuring them again that I didn't care if they got me anything. I was just happy that I finally got the girls. Maybe I could get used to celebrating my birthday after all. 
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petitelepus · 2 months
A Loner's Unexpected Journey, Part 17
Kimetsu Academy!Genya Shinazugawa X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Genya and you are both adults now and want to spend a night with each other, experimenting... Could it lead to something greater?
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa
The day spent with Genya and his family was absolutely fantastic. You spent a good hour or two at your and Genya's shared apartment, drinking coffee with his big brother Sanemi while the younger siblings played with Lady, read manga, or went through your game collection.
The kids actually got hungry before you or Genya, but you were more than happy to head out for your lover's birthday meal. Sanemi and the 5 younger siblings took you and Genya out for hamburgers and while it was a meal that kids wanted more, you and Genya were enjoying yourselves.
You were honestly so happy to spend time with his family. It had been ages since you had that much fun with actual people. Due to your loner status, you never enjoyed people's companionship and you detested crowds but Genya's family was different. They weren't annoying, petty, or mean to you, no no. They were kind and for the first time in ages, you felt accepted when you were with them.
"Happy birthday one more time big brother!" The kids cheered together as the Shinazugawa family dropped you by your front door.
"Thank you everyone! This was an amazing birthday!" Genya smiled happily as he knelt down and his siblings rushed to hug their big brother, the birthday hero. You were smiling as you watched the warm family scene unfold before you. You were so happy for him for having such a loving family.
The kids bid you and Genya farewell, but before they left, the teacher, Sanemi walked up to you and opened his arms. You and Genya blinked, both of you shocked and the teacher growled, "Well? Aren't you going to say goodbye to me?"
Genya nodded shakily as he stepped forward and his brother hugged him, patting him on the back like men tended to do. You smiled, happy to witness such a brotherly love moment. What you didn't expect, was for Sanemi to turn towards you when his hug with Genya was over.
"Well? Get in here," He said and you nodded shakily as you stepped forward and the two of you hugged. You felt a little alien, not used to hugging people other than Genya, but you sucked it up and hugged the teacher.
"Hey…" Sanemi suddenly whispered, "Take care of my knucklehead little brother. He may be a man soon, but he is still my little brother."
You blinked, stunned and blushing as the white-haired man pulled back and turned to look at the younger siblings, "Alright everyone, time for us to head back home!"
"Bye-bye, big brother! Bye-bye, big sis!" The kids cheered as Sanemi herded them away. You and Genya waved after them, closing the door only when his family was completely out of sight.
It felt like time stopped. You were absolutely horrified as you realized what your teacher was implying. That you would make his little brother a man that night. Well, he wasn't wrong, but you were still horrified… But why was Genya blushing also?
"I… I still haven't given you my present…" You said bashfully and Genya swallowed and you knew he had an idea or at least a hunch about what you were about to do.
"I think that maybe- I mean we should…" You swallowed nervously, "We should probably take a shower before doing anything, don't you think?"
"Y- yeah," He nodded, "You're right."
You had told Genya to take a shower first while you prepared his birthday present. The young man was nervous as he applied shampoo to his hair, his mind wandering from one thing to another.
What had you exactly prepared for him? What should he do? Would he be able to do anything? He was so nervous he wasn't sure if he could do anything!
The young man sniffed the air experimentally and blinked, realizing that he had used your shampoo instead of his. Hopefully, you wouldn't mind it, but Genya was sure, no, he knew you weren't the type to get mad over small things like these.
"Take care of her and be a gentleman." His big brother's words echoed in his mind as he dried himself off the best he could with a towel, and wrapped it around his waist before stepping out of the bathroom and making his way into your shared bedroom.
"Hey, the shower is free if you-!" He was saying and you yelped out loud, nearly jumping out of your skin as you slammed the nightstand's drawer shut and turned to look at your partner.
"Ah, pardon! What did you say?" You asked and he swallowed, "The shower is free."
"Oh, thank you." You nodded as you stepped away from the drawer. "I'll be right back." You said as you passed him and he nodded as you left the room.
Genya glanced at the drawer and his curiosity got the best of him. He swallowed as he stepped forward and slid it open. His eyes widened and he swallowed nervously. A packet of condoms and a bottle of lube.
The young man shut the drawer with a little too much force and instead sat down on your shared bed. He had only his towel wrapped around his waist, but he felt like dressing up might be counterproductive.
Millions of thoughts ran through his mind. Was this really going to happen and would he be able to make you feel good? What about if he came prematurely and left you unsatisfied? That was probably his greatest fear. Well, that, and maybe you laughing at him and while he knew you would never be that cruel, he was still nervous.
"Genya?" You called him and the young man flinched as he called, "Over here!"
The door creaked open as you slipped into the room, making sure that Lady wasn't able to come inside. Genya swallowed nervously as he looked at you, towel wrapped tightly around your body, but still showing your figure. Your hair was dry so you hadn't most likely washed it, but it didn't matter, it was still clean and very pretty.
After making sure that the door was shut, you sat next to Genya, but neither one of you dared to look at the other one, both a little too nervous to do so. If you had looked, you would have seen how red both of your faces were.
"Genya…?" You started carefully.
"Y- yes?" The young man stuttered, still not daring to look at you. You were admiring him and his physique, wondering where he got all the scars and if they hurt. They looked like they hurt. You wanted to kiss each one and take away all the pain he could have ever felt.
"May I… May I kiss you?" You asked and he swallowed nervously as he turned to look at you and nodded shakily, "Y- Yes please…?"
You nodded as you carefully leaned towards him, cupping his burning cheek with your hand before pressing your lips together. Genya was so nervous, but slowly he calmed down enough to close his eyes and focus on the feeling of your lips against his.
As you kissed, he felt you carefully grasp his hand and he gasped against your lips as he felt his palm cup something super soft and warm. His eyes snapped open and he froze as he saw that you had dropped your towel and had pressed his palm against your bare breast.
"Ah- Ah- Ah-!" He stuttered as he pulled back from the kiss and tried to pull his hand back, but you pressed it just harder against your breast.
"Please Genya…" You whispered breathlessly, "Can you… Touch me?"
"A- Are you sure?" He couldn't help but ask and you nodded quietly. The young man swallowed nervously as he nodded and slowly he turned, cupping your both breasts, and started to roll and squeeze them gently in his palms.
Genya swallowed. You were so gorgeous and your breasts were so soft and warm and as he fondled them… He felt his cock harden.
"A- Ah-!" You gasped as you looked down and saw the obvious tenting on the towel around Genya's hips. Noticing you looking, he froze.
"I- I'm sorry-!" The young man stuttered as he moved to remove his hands from your breasts and press them down on his lap, trying to hide his obvious hard-on, "It just-! On its own-!"
"Y- yes?"
"Can I… Can I see it?"
Genya couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were so much braver than he was…! The man swallowed hard as he nodded and spread his towel open, showing you his cock.
He was embarrassed as he watched your eyes widen and he mistook that as horror… But you felt anything but horror… Okay, a little fear, but mostly curiosity.
"G- Genya…!" You whimpered as you looked at him, "May I… May I touch it?"
"Ah-!" He swallowed hard as he collected himself and nodded, "O- okay."
Carefully, you reached forward and petted his cock with the tips of your fingers and you were shocked at how hard and smooth it was. Slowly, you wrapped your fingers around it and started to stroke it experimentally.
Genya flinched, feeling stunned by the pleasure of having someone else than himself touching him down there. It was foreign, but not unwelcomed. A small drop of precum leaked from his tip, making your hand move with more ease.
What Genya didn't know was that your mouth was watering like crazy at the sight and feeling of his erect cock. You didn't know where the need came from, but you needed him in your mouth, now!
"Genya, can I… Can I try something?" You asked carefully and he looked at you in confusion, "W- what is it?"
"With my… With my mouth?" You asked and he blushed furiously as he nodded speechlessly.
You nodded as you slipped your towel on the bed and got down on your knees between his legs, admiring his cock up close and Genya gasped, knowing what you were about to do, but it took his body a moment to actually realize what you were about to do.
Your lover got sudden cold feet, but he didn't get a chance to back up when you wrapped your lips around his tip and licked. He smelled like soap thanks to his earlier shower but tasted clean and a little salty.
"Shit-!" Genya's hips bucked on their own accord, accidentally thrusting his cock into your mouth and making you gag on him.
"I- I'm sorry!" He stuttered as he moved to pull away, but you squeezed the base of his cock with your hand and he stilled immediately, not daring to play tug of war with his manhood. You took him a little deeper and swirled your tongue all over his cock before applying suction and Genya's legs almost locked in pleasure.
He ground his teeth together, drool trickling down from the side of his mouth as he groaned. Slowly, he surrendered to the pleasure, his hand unintentionally grasping the back of your head and starting to guide your mouth on him.
You moaned around him, licking the underside of his cock and holding in your gag reflexes as you took him as far in your throat as you could without gagging and swallowed. His cock was trembling in your mouth and you could taste more and more of his precum. You wondered briefly if he was close…
"I- I'm getting close…!" He warned you, and you mentally patted yourself on the head for being right, but you didn't stop there just because he was about to come. You wanted him to come into your mouth so you worked your tongue harder and applied even more suction.
"P- Pull away, please!" Genya cried out and you couldn't help but moan around him, but he pulled on your hair so you gave in and opened your mouth wider, letting him pull himself out, but it was too late.
Genya groaned as his balls tightened and cum spurted from his cock, covering your face with his sticky load. Luckily, you managed to close your eyes just in time to avoid getting any of his cum on them. You opened your eyes carefully and looked up at him, but he was horrified.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that-!"
While Genya was apologizing like crazy for "tainting" you, you collected spurts of his cum with your fingers and admired how much he came. Without thinking it further, you stuck the cum covered fingers into your mouth and Genya almost got a heart attack.
"D- Don't eat it!" He cried out, but it was too late as you swallowed his cum eagerly.
"Tasty…" You murmured softly, feeling so turned on honestly that it didn't matter how his cum tasted, but poor Genya almost fainted.
"H- Here, let me help!" He grabbed your forgotten towel and gently used it to wipe your face clean. Despite your face being clean, you were still licking your lips, still faintly tasting his essence on them. Suddenly you snapped out of your lust-filled state of mind and you looked at your flustered lover.
"Ah, I'm sorry…!" You panted breathlessly as you wiped the corner of your mouth with your thumb, "I- I got too excited…"
"I- It's alright," Genya swallowed a lump in his throat, "It felt good. Very good!"
"I'm glad- Ah!" You gasped as you saw his cock, still standing hard and proud, "You're still hard?"
You were half expecting the night to be over with his orgasm, but your partner looked like he was more than willing to continue. And honestly? So were you.
"I- I'm sorry!" He cried out, embarrassed as he moved to get up, "I'll go take care of it in the bathroom-!"
"No, please!" You snapped and he stilled, "W- what?"
"Genya…." You swallowed nervously as you stood up and leaned over your lover's body. The young man blinked as he backed down until his back hit the mattress and you crawled on top of him.
"Can I… Can I make you feel even better?" You asked and Genya thought he might pass out, but he willed himself to stay conscious. Slowly, he nodded and you smiled a little as you leaned down and kissed him. The night was just beginning.
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P. 3
Click here to see the master list
Get ready for the best party of your lives bestiess. Thank you all for your support, as always I greatly appreciate when you like, reblog and comment. So don't feel bad to blow me up! I love you all! Happy reading 😉
A/n: Now we are into the present story! This is just the beginning 😉 Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, but still a whole lot of love (please let me know if there is any that I missed)
Please don't take my work, I will find you.
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You arrived home and opened the door to see your daughter getting help from her auntie Bri with her costume. 
Leia: “Momma! Look! I’m Princess Leia!” She did a twirl. “Auntie Bri just has to put my hair in the little buns!”
Y/n: “You are the cutest thing in the world, Lei.” You said smiling and running towards your daughter. You picked her up and gave her a bunch of kisses. 
Bri: “Okay Lei, come here so I can finish your hair!” She put her hand out for Leia. 
You put Leia down and she went to grab Bri’s hand. You walked over to where they were situated. “How was work, Momma?” You gave her another kiss on her head, “It was good, my lovey.” You looked at Bri and she smiled and shook her head. 
Leia sat down at the counter eating some fruit while Bri did her hair. Leia was kicking her feet in excitement and humming the Star Wars theme song . She was so excited for her party. She’s been waiting to finally have one after she found out she had the same name as Princess Leia. You walked over and sat next to Bri as she did her hair. 
Bri: “Is everything ready for tonight?” She said in nearly a whisper and looked at you raising an eyebrow.
Y/n: “Yes it was perfect. Penny literally did everything before I got there. It was the cutest thing ever.” You sighed in relief. 
Bri: “That’s so nice of her!” She said in shock. 
Y/n: “I know, she was so excited when I got there and she had shown me what she had already set up.” You threw your arms over Bri’s shoulder hugging her. “Thank you so much for keeping her occupied and watching her while I went to go and get that finished.” You relaxed into her back.
She put one hand on your hands and leaned back onto your head gently. “It was no problem girl, I love spending time with Leia when I can.” She smiled and then continued with Leia’s hair. 
You lifted your head from Bri’s back. “Well, I should probably go and get ready for the party.” You got up.
Leia: “Hurry up, Momma. You always take foreeevvveerrr!” 
You went up to her and took a couple of her fruit. She grimaced at you and snatched her bowl of fruit to keep near her. She pointed to the stairs gesturing you to get away from her fruit. You stuck your tongue out at her and then plopped the cherries into your mouth. 
You went up stairs and got ready for the party. You were dressed as Padmé, it just made sense and felt right. You wore Padmé’s arena battle outfit, but the one after she was clawed by a Nexu. It was a little revealing but still appropriate for your daughters birthday. You looked in the mirror after you finished your hair and makeup. You smiled. “I look good.”
Bri: “You sure do sis!” She startled you as you stared at yourself.
Y/n: “Jeez, Knock next time.” You turned around and shook your head.
Bri laughed and continued into the bathroom. “Sooo..”  She put the toilet cover down and sat on it. 
Y/n: “what?” You looked at her because you knew that tone in her voice all too well. “What did you do this time?”
Bri smiled big at you. “Well you know how my boyfriend, Billy, is coming to the party? Right?” She batted her eyes at you.
Y/n: “Just tell me what you did.” You said while looking at her blankly.
Bri: “He’s going to bring one of his friends for you!” She smiled at you wiggling her eyebrows.
You sighed. “To my daughter, my 6 year old daughter’s birthday party?” You looked at her unamused.
Bri: “YES! You need to put yourself back out there girl! You deserve to have a man that takes care of you the way you care for Lei!” She grabbed your hand. “Girl please, he’s really cute! You’ll like him. Lei will too!”
You took a deep breath. She was right. The last person you had been with, even if it wasn’t a real relationship, was Bradley. Even though you had Bri and Leia, you did miss the feeling of having a partner. So you rolled your eyes and smiled. “Fine.”
Bri squealed and jumped while hugging you. “THANK GOD GIRL! I already told him you’d love to meet him!”
You put your hand out to move her back. “What… What if I said no?” You cocked your head.
She squeezed you again. “Too bad! See you down stairs hot mama!”she winked at you.
Bri left the bathroom to go finish putting on her Ahsoka costume. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. Getting excited to put yourself out there. You also felt really nervous. You made sure your hair was nice and you put on extra perfume to keep you fresh. You took a deep breath and just looked at yourself. 
Leia: “Momma.” She tapped you on the back. “You look so beautiful.” She smiled.
You picked up your daughter and and looked at the both of you in the mirror. “Thank you my little Lei.” And you hugged her tight and gave her a kiss. 
It was time to head back over to the Hard Deck. You loaded Leia into her booster seat in the back of your Jeep while Bri secretly brought in all the gifts to put into the trunk of the car. After, you both got into the car and headed to the Hard Deck. When you arrived you unloaded Leia from her seat and brought her into the bar to be with Penny. It was right before the night rush so the bar was empty. 
When you got into the bar Penny lit up and ran to you. “Oh my gosh! Is this her? Little princess Leia?” She said while bending down to hug her.
Leia: “Hi! I’m Leia!” She said and gave Penny a big hug.
Penny pulled back and placed her hands on Leia’s shoulders. She was just looking at her and examining all her features. “Y/n, I don’t know what you are talking about. I think she looks just like you!” She put her hand on Leia’s cheek, “You look just like your mommy! I think the only difference is she has green eyes, y/n.”
You looked nervously at Bri. Bri bit her lips and looked around. You both were hoping you could squeak through the night without Mav or Penny noticing who she REALLY looked like. ESPECIALLY MAV.
Leia: “Penny, I’m Princess Leia from star wars. Do you like my costume?” She did a little spin.
Penny: “I love it so much Leia, you’re a very pretty princess.” She pinched her cheek lightly. 
Your daughter has such a big heart and is so loving to everyone. She treats everyone as if she’s known them all her life. Another one of yours and her dad’s qualities. Penny brought Leia to the back deck where her party was set up while you and Bri grabbed the gifts and brought them to the back deck. 
Bri leaned into you, "Well, shit y/n. That was close." She shoved her shoulder into yours, "She's literally Bradley's twin." You nodded slowly at her and took a deep breath.
Leia was so excited and started to cry. “This is perfect!” She started to jump around. 
After some time. the guests started to show up. All of Leia’s neighborhood friends started to show up dressed up as little Jedis and Storm Troopers along with their parents. Leia was having so much fun with her friends playing around, chasing each other around with their balloon lightsabers. You and Bri chatted and had conversation with the parents.
Mav walks up to you and Bri giving you both big hugs. “Hey girls!”
Bri: “Hey Mav! Long time no see!” she was so shocked to see him. she looked at you with wide eyes and mouthed, "Holy shit! Good luck!"
You tried to act normal but she knew you were terrified, “Mav! You made it!” You said smiling and sipping your blue milk. 
Mav: “Like I said I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He smiled and patting your arm. “So where’s little Princess Leia?” He was looking around.
Bri caught your eye and she was giving you a devious look and nodding. She mouthed, "HE'S GONNA KNOW." and gestured it was over for you by running her thumb across her neck. You just stared at her blankly. Such a supportive friend.
Leia came and tapped his arm. “Hi! Im Leia!” And she gave him a big hug. Your heart SUNK.
Mav crouched down and gave Leia a big hug. “Happy birthday princess!” He gave her a big present. 
"Please god, please! I'll be good!" you pleaded in your head.
Her eyes widened in shock. “This is for me!?” Her jaw hit the floor. “Thank you!” She gave the present to you and she gave Mav a big hug. 
Mav came back over to you, “God she looks just like you, y/n. Her eyes are just different. She must have that from her dad.” He patted your back.
“If you only knew….” You thought to yourself. “You know Penny said the same thing, but I think she really looks like her dad.” You laughed. “You should see a picture.” Your eyes widened after those words left your lips. “Shut up, y/n….” You said in your head. 
“No, She is literally a copy and paste of you, y/n!” He cocked his head at you and clapped your back before disappearing into the party. 
“Pheeewwww….” You went to go put the present on the gifts table when Bri came up to you. 
Bri: "Is that man fuckin blind?" she was looking over at him so confused. "Didn't he literally raise, Bradley?" she was watching him as he weaved through the crowd saying hi to some of his buddies.
You put your hands on the table trying to stable yourself, "God I almost shit myself." you sighed. "How the hell did he not notice?" you looked at Bri and she threw her hands in the air.
You continued to have conversation with Mav, trying to distract him from getting another look at Leia. You met some of his old Navy buddies that were at the party with their grandchildren. Then, Bri pulled you by your arm.
Bri: "Hey, Mav. I'm going to borrow y/n for a minute."
Mav: "Oh, of course!" he raised his drink to her.
Bri: “Hey girl, Billy is here.”
You turned to see someone dressed as Boba Fett. “Hey Billy! Thanks for coming!” You gave him a hug.
Bri: “And this is Auuustinnnn!” 
He came out from behind Billy. He was dressed as Darth Vader, what are the odds. Of course he was dressed a Darth Fucking Vader. This has Bri written all over it. 
Austin took off his Darth Vader helmet and he was so damn cute. You felt butterflies. He was tall probably like 6’0, black long slicked back but messy hair, lighter toned but still kind of sun kissed skin, bluish/green eyes, luscious ass lips and a freshly shaven baby face. You were taken back. Frozen.
Austin stuck his hand out that wasn’t holding his helmet. “Hi it's nice to finally meet you Y/n.” He had a little bit of a raspy southern accent. 
Bri nudged you so you could stop being weird. “Sorry, hi Austin. It's really nice to meet you.” You grabbed his hand gently and smiled.
He smiled and retracted his hand, obviously blushing. He then put his helmet back on and stepped back. Billy nudged him and they went in to go get drinks at the bar. 
Bri: “Told you he was cute.” She said as she looped her arm into yours.
Y/n: “Oh totally cute!” You looked at her and you both laughed. 
Leia ran up to you pulling on your arm, “Momma I wanna do the cake please!” 
Y/n: “Baby we haven’t sat down for dinner yet!” You laughed at your ecstatic daughter.
Leia: “Pleeeeeeeeaaaase momma!” Her big green puppy eyes. She was so good at that, just like her dad. She was irresistible when she used them and she knew it. 
Y/n: “Okay Leia, in 10 minutes. We are going to wait for Penny, okay?” You said as you fixed a couple of her curly stray hairs, something she got from you and her dad. 
Leia: “Okay momma! See you in 10 minutes! May the force be with you!” She said as she ran off to chase her friends onto the sand with their balloon guns and lightsabers. 
10 minutes went by and Penny came out after a couple of her workers came in to relieve her so she can be at the party. Just as the rush started. 
Penny: “Okaaaaaay! Let's get this party started!” She said as she clapped her hands together and running up to Leia to give her another hug. “Happy birthday, princess Leiaaaaaa!"
Bri leaned into you again, "God she's blind too."
You shook your head at her and pushed her playfully as you both laughed.
Leia: “Momma! It's time!!!” Your daughter sang as she ran to her cake. She started to jump around in excitement as you announced it was time for Leia’s cake. 
Your daughter’s cake was a 2 tier Star Wars themed cake. The top was the duel on Mustafar between Obi-Wan and Anakin, the bottom layer just had a variety of Jedi’s and other characters. The inside was chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Leia had gotten her love for chocolate from her dad. 
You stood with your daughter as everyone gathered around and started to sing Happy Birthday to her. Right when you were in the middle of the song you heard an all too familiar tune kicking up and coming from inside the bar. Every time everyone would pause to take a breath before continuing to sing to Leia,  you would hear the tune coming from the bar little by little. You couldn’t make out exactly what everyone was singing inside, but it sounded so familiar. 
You became a little distracted trying to figure out what it was, but then the birthday song was over and it was clear to you what it was. Your heart fluttered and your stomach churned as you heard the all familiar tune being played on the piano. Hearing it brought you back to your days at university. You and him playing it on the piano, super drunk. Singing so loud and slurring your words just to look like idiots. It was his favorite party trick, the one he learned from his dad and Mav. The one that eventually you started to use. He used to try over and over again to teach you how to play it. You always struggled because your hands were so small. You always would rather sing along with him as he played. 
You slowly started to walk towards the doors of the bar, Bri, Penny and Mav looking at you, already knowing. 
Leia: “Momma? Where you going?” You left your daughter by her cake.
Bri started to walk to you to stop you, but Penny and Mav grabbed her arm. You had your hand over your chest holding back your heart before it flew out of your chest. You started to feel sicker and sicker, your throat dry, your skin burning hot, your knees grew weaker with every step . As you got closer you could hear an all too familiar voice getting clearer and louder each step you took…
“Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!” 
I hope you all enjoyed this part! What do you think will happen next besties? Are you ready for it? I'll see you in the next part! 😉
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