#bill the paranormal investigator
emeraldspiral · 6 months
Top 10 Invader Zim Characters Besides Tak, Skoodge, and Zib Who Should've Made a Comeback in No Particular Order:
#1 Ultra Peepi
There's like a million Godzilla movies + giant robot anime to draw inspiration from for a sequel. We saw at the end of Hamstergeddon that Peepi crash landed back on earth somewhere. So he could be in hiding, burrowed underground, or he could've mutated further and grown gills to hide deep in the ocean. Just invent another monster so there's an excuse to go and awaken Peepi to fight it and make the concept as stupid as you want. The show even already established that a giant Santa monster revisits the planet annually, so the return of Ultra Peepi could double as a sequel to the Most Horrible Xmas Ever. Give me Ultra Peepi King of the Monsters.
#2 Iggins
A big issue with Gaz is that being apathetic and wanting nothing to do with Zim or the paranormal as core facets of her character makes it difficult to create interesting storylines for her. So she mostly ends up just existing to be someone Dib delivers exposition to and to make snide remarks at his expense. GameSlave 2 worked really well for her because there was actually something for her to care about and you got to see how Not So Above It All she is compared to Zim and Dib when it comes to the few things she's passionate about. So it seems like if you want to do more episodes centered around Gaz it'd be a good idea to bring Iggins back as a recurring thorn in her side. Maybe it starts off with her not taking him seriously and beating him without much effort, so she can still see herself as not being like her brother. But then Iggins starts to really get under her skin and she feels like she has to teach him a lesson, but he just never learns. Like Zim, Iggins is too egotistical and overconfident to admit defeat, and it starts to drive Gaz crazy after awhile and eventually she becomes just as obsessed as her brother with trying to beat him and prove once and for all that he sucks.
#3 Service Drone Bob
I would love an episode about him fleeing the empire after they attempted to kill him and joining the Resisty. Actually, what would really be funny is if they did the concept I came up with where they do a Resisty story, but troll the audience by only showing them little slivers of what sounds like a really exciting story as cutaways from a silly, inconsequential no-stakes story completely disconnected from it. But like, in those brief glimpses, you'd get just enough references to what's happened off-screen to form an impression of this whole Zuko-esque character arc that Bob's been through of having his eyes opened and unlearning Irken propaganda and being at war with himself before finally deciding to join the Resisty and then having to win their trust and establishing deep bonds with the rest of the group. And then it all ends with one cutaway indicating that they're about to go into the final all-or-nothing battle and then the last cutaway reveals that everyone died and their actions made no impact on the status quo and will never connect back to Zim in any way.
#4 Chammy Wamboo
I think there was a lot of missed potential with Chammy's first appearance. It's hinted that she has actual supernatural abilities, which makes her vaguely unsettling, but the story didn't really go anywhere with it. I think a good way to bring her back would be if she just appeared with no explanation and started harassing Zim and Dib again but this time it seems like it's actually working and it's freaking them out. Eventually, they figure out that Chammy got back to earth by using her powers to brainwash everyone in her path into being her friends and cooperating to help her get home. Now that she's back she's not going to try to reason with Zim and Dib anymore, she's going to make them be friends whether they like it or not. So it's no longer even a question of whether Chammy's just wrong about their relationship or if Zim and Dib are just being stupid, stubborn idiots who can't see that their lives actually would be better if they became friends. The issue now is that their free will is being violated and she's treating real people like dolls she can mash together and make kissy-noises with.
#5 Invader Tenn
I think a lot of Tenn's popularity is owed to her being one of very few female Irken characters and one whose brief appearance in Megadoomer gave rise to a lot of speculation about what might've happened to her next. The earliest versions of the fake fanon Invader Dib storyline involved an attempt to rescue Tenn from the Meekrob, but I kinda like the idea of her ending up in Moo-Ping 10 and teaming up with Tak to escape. Really though, there's an infinite number of possibilities for whatever happened to Tenn after Megadoomer. Was she left for dead? Did the Tallest blame her for failing her mission even though it wasn't her fault and banish her to a place like Dirt or Foodcourtia as punishment? Did she ever find out Zim blew up her Megadoomer?
#6 Zorphic aka "Madness"
The dog that terrifies Zim turning out to be an alien was such a good twist and I wish we could've seen him make good on his promise to get revenge on Zim for his betrayal. I think he has an interesting personality that sets him apart from a lot of the Zim cast but we never got to see what he's like in retribution mode.
#7 Bill
Outside of Career Day I think we only see Bill once more briefly in Chickenfoot and then again in the Lil Meat Man story, where I don't remember him really doing any of his usual schtick of wasting Dib's time and making his field of expertise look bad, they just kinda drive around together trying to catch Zim but always getting to where he's been after he's already left. I think there could've been some more funny episodes with Bill stepping on Dib's toes. Like Dib needs to follow Zim into a location but Bill is blocking him because he thinks there's a real monster in there and Dib's trying to convince him that it's just a cereal mascot and the real threat is Zim. Or Dib and Bill are investigating the same phenomenon but they disagree about what's causing it. What it actually is is plainly obvious to Dib, but people either believe Bill instead because some poorly timed coincidences make Bill's theory look right, or they just buy into his absurd leaps of logic because they think the complexity of the theory makes it more well thought-out than Dib's simpler, more straightforward explanation. Basically Bill is like a YouTube pop culture theorist making garbage arguments and Dib is the person making debunking videos that unpack all the logical fallacies, glaring omissions, and outright lies used to support his flimsy thesis that ignores what's overtly communicated by the text.
#8 Dwicky
I feel like there's a bit more mileage that could've been gotten out of getting Dib's hopes up and teaching him a harsh lesson by having Dwicky repeatedly promise to help him, only to flake out, until Dib finally realizes that just because he's an adult and he believes him doesn't make him reliable or a worthwhile ally.
#9 Membrane's parents
We only see them briefly in the comics but I really want to know more about Dib and Gaz's grandparents and what relationship they have with them. Are they even still alive? Do they visit ever? Membrane apparently chooses to believe in Santa because he can't bear to think his parents would give him socks for Xmas, so he must otherwise have positive feelings toward them which makes the disappointment of getting socks feel too contradictory to his perception of them to reconcile with. But then again, Dib and Gaz seem to be pretty fond of Membrane, but as outsiders the audience can see that he's a terrible parent and hope that when they get to be teenagers they'll start to realize it. I just feel like if we got to know more about their grandparents we could understand better why Membrane is such a bad father. And who doesn't love a good story about unpacking generational trauma?
#10 Snarl Beast
It's a fucking crime this space cat didn't become a regular cast member. Like I've said before, Snarl could've been like Dib's GIR. An adorable-on-the-outside-but-actually-horrifying little creature who fucks things up for Dib more than he helps, but Dib would never dream of parting with it, and Hot Topic could print money off of it.
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piggiebonez · 5 months
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do you guys rememember bill. he was funny broooo
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me nephew i drew a while ago. i wasnt plannign on posting this but whatevor eat it
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the vid bill is referencing if you havent seen it already
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entering a period when i cant draw shit again cuz UNIVERSITy. killikng myself etc. whatevar
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greenpidge101 · 10 months
I’ve been watching a lot of paranormal investigation tv shows/youtube videos recently and these are who the losers fit best.
Richie, Beverly and Bill: Ghost Adventures
Stan and Mike: Shane and Ryan.
Ben and Eddie: Sam and Colby.
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lucentparanormal · 2 years
Danny Gonzalez books a stay at The Stanley Hotel, once visited and investigated by the Ghost Adventures Crew.
Staff members at The Stanley claim to Danny that information aired during the GAC episode was outright fabricated by GAC, hurting the credibility of the famous paranormal team.
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randomitemdrop · 30 days
Trick or trivia
Happy Halloween! I do enjoy trivia of many types, but one of my favorite genres is what I call the Berenstein Timeline: unmade shows and movies, versions of classic movies where studios and producers made different decisions, some better, some much worse. All of these are real projects that were, on some level, considered (there are some recurring names)
"Heat Vision & Jack", a 90s pastiche of 70s-80s action shows starring Jack Black as an astronaut on the run from the law and Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle
"Jurassic Park" directed by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Alan Grant, Jim Carrey as Ian Malcolm, and Vincent Price as John Hammond
the 90s "Batman" directed by Ivan Reitman; Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy were going to star but couldn't decide which of them would be Batman and which would be Robin
Back in the 1970s the American network was getting good numbers showing heavily-edited reruns of "Monty Python's Flying Circus", so they tried to sell the Pythons on the next logical step: an animated Saturday morning cartoon
"Edward Scissorhands" still directed by Burton but starring Tom Cruise or maybe Michael Jackson
"Return of the Jedi" directed by David Lynch; Harrison Ford was considering not coming back for the third movie and so when he came out of the carbonite there was a chance he would have been Christopher Walken
Guillermo del Toro's "At the Mountains of Madness". Also "the Hobbit" and lots of other things, he seems to have a lot of unmade projects
the 2010s "Star Trek" movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, where the edgy reboot crew visits the Gangster Planet from that one stupid episode of the original series
Everybody knows about the unmade "Superman Lives" starring Nicolas Cage in the title role, but did you know it was going to be directed by Tim Burton and include Christopher Walken as Brainiac, who would have been a green head on spider legs
Harold Ramis didn't particularly want to act on camera, so when they were casting "Ghostbusters" Egon could have been Christopher Walken, Christopher Lloyd, Jeff Goldblum, or John Lithgow. Supposedly the movie was originally intended to be a relatively serious exploration of Dan Akroyd's very real interest in paranormal investigation, although this clashes a bit with the fact that Peter Venkman was originally going to be played by John Belushi and Winston Zeddmore was written for Eddie Murphy who backed out when the character's backstory and most of his lines were cut
John Waters' animated series "Uncle John" on 90s MTV
the original version of "Bill & Ted's Time Van" starring Pauly Shore and Sean Penn
"Red Dragon" (the original Hannibal Lecter novel) directed by David Lynch starring John Lithgow as Hannibal Lecter and Mel Gibson as Will Graham
the 1970s "Dr. Strange" TV series
the 1990s Disney animated "John Carter of Mars"
the 1990s Warner Bros animated "King Tut" musical with songs by Prince
the serious horror version of "Beetlejuice"
Drew Barrymore's 2000s remake of "Barbarella"
the Dungeons & Dragons movie James Cameron was going to make until TSR left the table over merchandising disputes, forcing Cameron to go work on some dumb movie about the Titanic
American "Doctor Who" movie starring Michael Jackson
Canadian "Doctor Who" cartoon by Nelvana starring a Doctor based intensely off of either Jeff Goldblum or Christopher Lloyd
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" directed by Terry Gilliam
"Good Omens" directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Johnny Depp and Robin Williams
"The Black Cauldron" using character and background designs by Nightmare-era Tim Burton
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Thoughts on a Hatchetfield/Fantasy High crossover
So, I know the odds are good that I'm sending this into a very niche void, but I also know that these fandoms overlap, so... yeah. Basically, this is a world where the Bad Kids (and I guess pretty much every character in the world of Spyre, but the Bad Kids are who we're focusing on) are seemingly normal humans living in Hatchetfield, with all the weirdness and danger it entails.
Let's get into it.
Fabian: He's a rich kid living in Pinebrook, the star quarterback of the Nighthawks, and is one of the most popular kids in school due to being rich, good at sports, and surprisingly nice---and he's dating Ragh, though that's something that's a bit on the down-low due to them worrying they'll get kicked off the team and Ragh not being quite ready to come out. Honestly, Fabian really shouldn't be tied up into the spookiness, if you take him at face value... except for the fact that both of his parents are very much tied into it. Haleriel's family has been in Hatchetfield since the beginning, and while they're not tied with the Church of the Starry Children or the Hatchetmen, they do have some serious occult connections. And Bill... well, as far as everyone knows, he's an Irish fencer who got into the big leagues, retired, and took up pirate LARPing in his spare time. All of that is true, except for the fact that he is, in fact, an actual seventeenth-century pirate who got on Tinky's bad side and wound up in 2000s Hatchetfield. Fabian doesn't know about this yet, but he will.
Gorgug: The result of a secret relationship between two Abstinence Camp junior counselors, Gorgug was originally raised in secret in Witchwood Forest until he was three, when he was found and promptly put up for adoption. By then, he was already unusually large, strong, and angry for his age, but he still found a loving home with the proprietors of Thistlespring Mechanics. Gorgug thankfully never got to the monstrous level of Lil' Gerry, and he can pass for a normal kid if you ignore his height... however, he has been homeschooled for a good portion of his life due to constantly having manic outbursts that took years to learn how to keep under control. When he finally goes to Hatchetfield High, Fabian and Ragh take him under their wing---if only because they took one look at him and realized that he'd be perfect for the Nighthawks---and Gorgug definitely begins to shine due to having friends. Still, though... you can never really get rid of how Witchwood Forest changes you.
Riz: Now, he is very much aware of all the crazy, scary, and inexplicable things that go around in Hatchetfield, to the point of becoming a paranormal investigator---YouTube channel and all. His mom isn't really sure what to make of this, but she's a cop, she's busy, and it mostly keeps Riz out of trouble. As far as he knows, his dad worked for the military, and he assumes that he died in combat (in reality, though, Pok was a PIEP agent who got killed by Blinky). Riz has a part of his paranormal investigator business that's open to him taking on cases for others, but people don't tend to take him up on the offer, and he's usually investigating strange happenings by himself. That is, until...
Fig: Unlike in canon, Fig has always known that Gilear was her stepdad, not her real dad, but she still considers him her dad---mostly because that for a good deal of her life, she grew up thinking that her real dad was a deadbeat who left her. After Gilear and Sandra Lynn get divorced, however, Fig decides to finally start looking into her biological dad... and she discovers that he didn't skip town as she initially believed, but he went missing shortly before she was born. The case went cold, and all that's known is that he was attempting to stop the Honey Festival---specifically, the pageant---before he disappeared. Fig, who's recently developed an interest in the occult, realizes that there's something sinister going on there, and she hires Riz to help her find out the truth. (Vague spoilers: Gorthalax---or, well, Gordon T. Ax---is alive, but he's been trapped by Nibbly as punishment for successfully interfering and saving the Honey Queen)
Kristen: She's essentially the Grace Chastity of this universe, just without the crazy---church girl, teacher's pet, yet actually a nice person who doesn't really realize just how messed up her parents' beliefs are. Though she doesn't know the details about the Black & White, her parents are part of a group that are descended from the original Hatchetmen, and they've taught her that anybody who has The Gift is inherently evil. Of course, Kristen has always had the power to magically heal others, and she's kept this hidden from her parents her whole life---which becomes harder as her powers start getting stronger. And then she starts having a sexuality crisis and a crisis of faith, triggered when she befriends the niece of Hatchetfield High's new guidance counselor. So, yeah, Kristen's not having a good time.
Adaine: Her family recently moved to Hatchetfield from London, supposedly because her dad's job changed. In reality, her parents are devout followers of Wiggly and the other LiB, and they know that Hatchetfield is the focal point of their power (and no, Alewyn doesn't know about this, but she does know more about the spooky stuff than she's letting on). For her part, Adaine has psychic powers similar to Hannah, right down to having Webby as an imaginary friend, but she keeps this secret from her parents... mostly due to the time when she was little and told them about Webby, and the reaction was pretty negative. On top of her powers, she's also struggling with her anxiety disorder, her gifted kid complex, and the general stress of going to a new school in a new country... so, it helps when she gets adopted by Kristen and Fig at the same time, and Webby immediately takes a liking to them both. Through Fig, she meets Riz, and then she meets Fabian at one of her parents' awful functions, and he introduces her and everyone else to Gorgug... and the Bad Kids can begin.
I've got a lot more ideas about this---mostly involving Ayda, Arthur Aguefort, the O'Shaughnesseys, and some fleeting concepts about The Seven---but that's for another post, so... yeah.
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ckret2 · 3 months
I'd love to know more about Bartholomew, and how they befriended him! although it is very funny that something that wild happened entirely offscreen XD
I thought this would be short, but apparently I had more to say about Barty than I thought! So here:
Bartholomew was acquired from a crane game filled with haunted dolls that was set up at Gravity Falls' mall. I do not know why that crane game was there. It's just the kind of thing that happens in Gravity Falls. Each haunted doll is possessed by the evil ghost of a creepy Victorian child. Dipper & Mabel didn't discover this until the next night.
In life, Bartholomew was a 14-year-old necromancer who bound his spirit to a doll so he could live forever—which is why he happens to know so much about poppets and can teach the twins how they work. He's hoping they'll bind Bill to a poppet, he'll die, and he'll remain attached to the poppet, so Bartholomew will have a new haunted doll pal.
(He was not friends with the other dolls in the crane game machine. You know how it turns out wild wolves in normal packs are really friendly and cooperative with each other, and vicious alpha wolf dominance fights only happen when wolves are forced together in captivity and are stressed and defensive? Yeah. That crane game was cramped. Nobody made friends in there.)
He's spent over a century as your typical feared creepy haunted doll, shuffling between locked trunks and antique malls and dusty attics and paranormal investigators' houses that mysteriously burn down and thrift shops. His prior crimes could fuel a horror movie series fit to rival any Chucky or Annabelle you could think of.
His original ambition—as it always is when he's in a house with a boy age 12 to 17—is to murder the kid (and anyone who tries to stop him) and take over his life. We are unclear on how an immobile porcelain doll intends to pose as a living human child. I'm not sure he's ever thought through that part of the plan. He thought killing Dipper would've made a particularly sweet deal since he would've gotten a free sister out of it.
It turns out he does all this because he's desperately lonely and unloved after over a century as a creepy haunted doll, and he just wants a family and friends his own age again. Mabel quelled his murderous urges by saying he can have a bed and live in their room and be their friend as long as he doesn't kill anyone. Usually when kids find out he's alive, they run crying to the adults about the scary living doll begging to get rid of it, and the adults either don't believe them or join in trying to get rid of him. Running into a couple of kids that are totally chill with a haunted doll as long as he doesn't commit murder is a new experience for him. This is the most positive socialization he's had since he died. He's turned around real fast.
So far, Mabel and Dipper haven't told anyone else about Bartholomew. Not on purpose, they just kind of dealt with it on their own at like 3 a.m. and then never thought to bring him up to the adults. Even Bill hasn't noticed him yet. Probably in late August the kids'll end up in a conversation with the grunkles like "wait, did we really forget to mention the haunted doll we've been living with all summer??" Typically he only speaks in front of children. There's a chance Candy and Grenda have been told about him, but due to the Bill situation they haven't been over to meet Barty yet.
He was not in Gravity Falls last year and doesn't really get who Bill Cipher is. What he knows is that Bill is a cute girl who's allegedly a guy who's allegedly some kind of demon from space who can single-handedly destroy Earth. He's read War of the Worlds, he knows all about destroyers from space; but he didn't realize Martians have demons too. He just kind of accepts this all as true, but doesn't really fear Bill (except when he thinks Bill might be in a mood to smash delicate porcelain dolls).
Dipper and Mabel often catch him posed like he was doing something right before other people came in. Sometimes they come home and Barty is posed like he's been petting Waddles. They don't know if this means he's actually let Waddles see him move.
Have you ever watched The Boy? He looks and moves kind of like The Boy, although he's closer to the size of a baby doll and a bit less realistic. Creepy formally-dressed porcelain doll, only moves when nobody's in the room and/or looking at it.
His haunted doll powers include creepily turning off all the lights, writing messages on foggy windows/mirrors, causing disembodied knocking/rattling, slowly dragging the bedsheet off a sleeping child in the middle of the night, teleporting when no one's looking, slipping strange whispers into TV/radio/cassette audio, causing furniture to rearrange in strange ways during the night, and—if he gets really mad or distressed—he can briefly act as a poltergeist and make things levitate and fly around.
As a ghost possessing a doll, he's able to see other ghosts. This makes him—along with Bill, disembodied-Dipper, [redacted], [redacted], and sometimes [redacted]—one of the few members of the cast that can see the mindscape.
He secretly doesn't mind that Mabel calls him Barty Mew-Mew and is increasingly beginning to think he'd kind of like being a catboy. Mabel will be ecstatic when she finds out.
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whumpily-ever-after · 2 months
Whumpy Book List #3
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Hello! As requested, here is another book list. Some of these books will contain a list of whump tropes and others will not. I did not take notes while reading, and I don't remember the exact tropes. There is at least a little bit of whump in each book.
Happy reading!
List below the cut
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The Last Sun (The Tarot Sequence #1) by K.D. Edwards
Summary: Rune Saint John, last child of the fallen Sun Court, is hired to search for Lady Judgment's missing son, Addam, on New Atlantis, the island city where the Atlanteans moved after ordinary humans destroyed their original home. With his companion and bodyguard, Brand, he questions Addam's relatives and business contacts through the highest ranks of the nobles of New Atlantis. But as they investigate, they uncover more than a missing man: a legendary creature connected to the secret of the massacre of Rune's Court. In looking for Addam, can Rune find the truth behind his family's death and the torments of his past?
Genre: Fantasy, urban fantasy, magic, MM romance, Mystery, adult
Whump tropes: Past trauma
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 Liar City by Allie Therin
Summary: A murder has Seattle on edge, and it falls to a pacifist empath—and a notorious empath hunter—to find the killer before it's too late It’s the middle of the night when part-time police consultant and full-time empath Reece gets an anonymous call warning him that his detective sister needs his help. At an out-of-the-way Seattle marina, he discovers that three people have been butchered—including the author of the country’s strictest anti-empathy bill, which is just days from being passed into law. Soon, Reece’s caller a shadowy government agent known as The Dead Man, who is rumored to deal exclusively in cases involving empathy. He immediately takes over the investigation, locking out both local PD and the FBI, but, strangely, keeps Reece by his side. As the two track an ever-growing trail of violence and destruction across Seattle, Reece must navigate a scared and angry city, an irritating attraction to his mysterious agent companion, and a rising fear that perhaps empaths like him aren’t all flight and no fight after all…
Genre: Fantasy, mystery, paranormal, MM romance, urban fantasy
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Magic in Manhattan Series (Spellbound, Starcrossed, and Wonderstruck) by Allie Therin
Summary: To save Manhattan, they’ll have to save each other first… New York, 1925 Arthur Kenzie’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric…and the only one available has sworn off his abilities altogether. Rory Brodigan’s gift comes with great risk. To protect himself, he’s become a recluse, redirecting his magic to find counterfeit antiques. But with the city’s fate hanging in the balance, he can’t force himself to say no. Being with Arthur is dangerous, but Rory’s ever-growing attraction to him begins to make him brave. And as Arthur coaxes him out of seclusion, a magical and emotional bond begins to form. One that proves impossible to break—even when Arthur sacrifices himself to keep Rory safe and Rory must risk everything to save him.
Genre: Fantasy, historical fiction, MM romance, paranormal, magic, urban fantasy
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Spell Bound by F. T. Lukens
Summary: Edison Rooker isn’t sure what to expect when he enters the office of Antonia Hex, the powerful sorceress who runs a call center for magical emergencies. He doesn’t have much experience with hexes or curses. Heck, he doesn’t even have magic. But he does have a plan—to regain the access to the magical world he lost when his grandmother passed. Antonia is…intimidating, but she gives him a job and a new name—Rook—both of which he’s happy to accept. Now all Rook has to do is keep his Spell Binder, an illegal magical detection device, hidden from the Magical Consortium. And contend with Sun, the grumpy and annoyingly cute apprentice to Antonia’s rival colleague, Fable. But dealing with competition isn’t so bad; as Sun seems to pop up more and more, and Rook minds less and less. But when the Consortium gets wind of Rook’s Spell Binder, they come for Antonia. All alone, Rook runs to the only other magical person he knows: Sun. Except Fable has also been attacked, and now Rook and Sun have no choice but to work together to get their mentors back…or face losing their magic forever.
Genre: Fantasy, young adult, MM romance, urban fantasy, magic
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A Market of Dreams and Destiny by Trip Galey
Summary: Below Covent Garden lies the Untermarkt, where anything and everything has a price: a lover’s first blush, a month of honesty, a wisp of fortune. As a child, Deri was sold to one of the Market’s most powerful merchants. Now, after years of watchful servitude, Deri finally spots a chance to buy not only his freedom but also his place amongst the Market’s elite when he stumbles into the path of a runaway princess desperate to sell her royal destiny. But news of the missing princess and her wayward destiny spreads. Royal enforcers and Master Merchants alike are after it. Outmanoeuvring them all would all be hard enough had Deri not just also met the love of his life, a young man called Owain, whose employers are using the Market for their own nefarious schemes. Deri soon finds that the price of selling the royal destiny, making a name for himself, and saving the man he loves is dear. The cost of it all might just change the destiny of London forever.
Genre: Fantasy, MM romance, historical fiction, urban fantasy
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Saint of Steel Series by T. Kingfisher
Summary: Stephen's god died on the longest day of the year… Three years later, Stephen is a broken paladin, living only for the chance to be useful before he dies. But all that changes when he encounters a fugitive named Grace in an alley and witnesses an assassination attempt gone wrong. Now the pair must navigate a web of treachery, beset on all sides by spies and poisoners, while a cryptic killer stalks one step behind…
Genre: Fantasy, mystery, romance
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Silver Under Nightfall and Court of Wanderers by Rin Chupeco
Summary: Remy Pendergast is many things: the only son of the Duke of Valenbonne (though his father might wish otherwise), an elite bounty hunter of rogue vampires, and an outcast among his fellow Reapers. His mother was the subject of gossip even before she eloped with a vampire, giving rise to the rumors that Remy is half-vampire himself. Though the kingdom of Aluria barely tolerates him, Remy’s father has been shaping him into a weapon to fight for the kingdom at any cost. When a terrifying new breed of vampire is sighted outside of the city, Remy prepares to investigate alone. But then he encounters the shockingly warmhearted vampire heiress Xiaodan Song and her infuriatingly arrogant fiancé, vampire lord Zidan Malekh, who may hold the key to defeating the creatures—though he knows associating with them won’t do his reputation any favors. When he’s offered a spot alongside them to find the truth about the mutating virus Rot that’s plaguing the kingdom, Remy faces a choice. It’s one he’s certain he’ll regret. But as the three face dangerous hardships during their journey, Remy develops fond and complicated feelings for the couple. He begins to question what he holds true about vampires, as well as the story behind his own family legacy. As the Rot continues to spread across the kingdom, Remy must decide where his loyalties lie: with his father and the kingdom he’s been trained all his life to defend or the vampires who might just be the death of him.
Genre: Fantasy, vampires, LGBTQIA+, gothic
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The Druid Stone by Heidi Belleau
Summary: Sean never asked to be an O'Hara, and he didn't ask to be cursed by one either. After inheriting a hexed druid stone from his great-grandfather, Sean starts reliving another man's torture and death...every single night. And only one person can help. Cormac Kelly runs a paranormal investigation business and doesn't have time to deal with misinformed tourists like Sean. But Sean has real magic in his pocket, and even though Cormac is a descendant of legendary druids, he soon finds himself out of his depth...and not because Sean's the first man he's felt anything for in a long time. The pair develop an unexpected and intensely sexual bond, but are threatened at every turn when Sean's case attracts the unwelcome attention of the mad sidhe lords of ancient Ireland. When Sean and Cormac are thrust backward in time to Ireland's violent history—and their own dark pasts—they must work together to escape the curse and save their fragile relationship.
Genre: Fantasy, time travel, MM romance, contemporary
Whump tropes: Curses, sent through time, torture
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Whisper into the Night by Jay Leigh
Summary: Theo Moreau never wanted to be involved with politics, but when his mother wins the presidential election, he reluctantly agrees to tag along for his younger siblings. Nothing could have prepared him to juggle his anxiety, complex family dynamics, and the complicated world of the White House. Lacking supportive friends and family, he leans on his steadfast Secret Service agent as tensions rise across the divisive political landscape and the dangers of being close to the president come to the surface. Agent Connor O’Brien always wanted to be a hero, so working on the protective detail for the First Family seems like the perfect opportunity. What he isn’t expecting is to fall head over heels for the man under his protection. As their relationship blossoms, the foundation of the administration grows more unstable and the chatter from America’s right-wing demographic rises to a fever pitch. But when Theo becomes the target of their campaign, the stakes get even higher. Unsure of who to trust, and with little help from the President, Theo and Connor join forces with their motley group of friends to unravel the mystery of who is working against them from inside the White House before the situation turns explosive. As the sinister reach of this masked shadow spreads, Theo and Connor grow even closer and the magnitude of everything they risk losing propels them into a race against the nefarious mastermind, desperately clinging to the hope they’ve found in one another before their dream come true turns into a nightmare.
Genre: Contemporary, MM romance, suspense
Whump tropes: Anxiety, asthma, kidnapping, bad parents, bodyguard
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Adonis by L Sherleen
Summary: Accused of a hate crime and expelled from school in his final year, Connor returns home to his seaside town to let everything blow over. There, not only does he have to learn to deal with the addition of two new stepbrothers and a new stepdad, but he also has to grapple with a world set against him. It’s not all bad though. Within his dad’s underwater lab, he discovers something in the deep. Something exciting. Something that calls to him. Something that doesn't shy away from the ugly in him as the world does. And Connor could use the distraction…even if it endangers his life.
Genre: Fantasy, MM romance, mermaids, science fiction, mystery
Whump tropes: Found family (kind of), bad parents, kidnapping, false accusations
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A Rake of His Own by A.J. Lancaster
Summary: Marius Valstar doesn’t know which is worse: the dead body in his greenhouse or the naked fae prince on his desk. The only rakes of interest to Marius are garden tools. Not fae princes. Certainly not the arrogant, selfish fae prince he has the misfortune to have a history with. But when Prince Rakken turns up naked and bleeding in Marius’s college the same day a body appears in his greenhouse, scruples must take second place to solving a murder that could unravel the delicate balance between humans and fae. Marius’s own developing magical powers are more hindrance than help – as is Rakken’s bloodied past. Forced to work together, they must forge an uneasy alliance if they are to track down the killer. But how can Marius trust the man who represents everything he’s trying to avoid?
Genre: Fantasy, fae, MM romance, mystery
Whump tropes: Pain from telepathy, attempted murder, bodyguard
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Wicked Fox by Kat Cho
Summary: Eighteen-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret--she's a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt. But after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy, being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her better judgment, she violates the rules of survival to rescue the boy, losing her fox bead--her gumiho soul--in the process. Jihoon knows Miyoung is more than just a beautiful girl--he saw her nine tails the night she saved his life. His grandmother used to tell him stories of the gumiho, of their power and the danger they pose to humans. He's drawn to her anyway. With murderous forces lurking in the background, Miyoung and Jihoon develop a tenuous friendship that blossoms into something more. But when a young shaman tries to reunite Miyoung with her bead, the consequences are disastrous . . . forcing Miyoung to choose between her immortal life and Jihoon's.
Genre: Fantasy, young adult, mythology, romance
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Headcanon: Keanu Reeves's characters as University Students.
Headcanon for Keanu Reeves's characters as University Students.
A/N: This was such a well timed request for me as I just started back at Uni this week (fml) so this is what I think different Keanu Reeves's characters would be like as Uni Students, so hope you enjoy :P 💚
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John Wick: Major: Criminal Justice or Military - If bro wasn't raised to be a killing machine for the high table and that shit, John Wick would probably be the quiet and mysterious student who keeps to himself. He's the one you don't want to mess with. And if all that fails, bros just going to the military, let's be honest, (whether he wants to be or not) bro was made for fighting. He would be a very disciplined student and get all this shit in on time to a very good standard, not to be a kiss ass or anything, but for self-satisfaction.
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Ted "Theodore" Logan: Major: Music or Philosophy. - Ted would likely be the laid-back student who's passionate about music and spends his time jamming with his Bill or discussing existential philosophy after his experience with time. People definitely think it’s a weird combination of majors but he has his reasons! He might be the type to procrastinate on assignments but somehow always manages to pull through with a brilliant idea at the last minute. My guy is definitely finding loopholes to this shit and pulling it off.
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John Constantine: Major: Religious Studies or Occult Sciences. - Constantine would be the enigmatic and rebellious student who delves deep into the study of religion, mythology, and the occult. He'd be known for his unconventional methods and willingness to challenge authority figures, especially when it comes to matters of the supernatural, like this man would be shit talking the professor all day. Constantine would likely spend his time researching ancient texts and investigating paranormal occurrences around campus. Bonus: he'd chose Magic and Witchcraft only to drop it when he realised he wouldn't be learning how to do it, but just learning about it's history.
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redstonedust · 1 year
I really wanna now the jobs of the hermitsims, if they have some... I feel like there's so much comedy potential in seeing a bright green creeper hybrid (who apparently just gave birth??? congrats but wtf???) be like a programmer working a 9-5 job lmao
fun fact i actually forgot to give any of them jobs at first, except for etho who i immidiately made a retail worker because it was funny. and then their power got shut down bc they werent paying bills and i was like OH YEAH.
anyways currently their jobs are:
ren: actor
xb: sometimes he like. goes diving and sells what he finds
gem: gardener
zedaph, cub & doc: scientist
mumbo & impulse: engineer
false: law
scar: politics (fun fact his cause/platform is 'speak for the trees' because haha season 7)
etho: retail
bdubs: interior design
cleo: trying to be a freelance knitter but the mechanics for it SUCK
iskall: civil design
beef: he sells a lot of paintings?
hypno: unemployed atm but i kinda wanna work him towards a paranormal investigator license for funsies
stress: style influencer
joe: technically a freelance writer
tango: astronaut
grian, pearl, xisuma, keralis, jevin: moral support :)
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 2 months
✨Words Into Potions✨
Project intro for Moon and Seraph's March writing event!
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Title: Apophenia
Genre(s): Urban fantasy, paranormal fantasy
Mermaids don't exist. Every agent of the Coven, the organization that researches and governs the supernatural community, knows that. Accepting a classified assignment to investigate sightings along the Broken Coast is just an easy paycheck as far as Isaac Soto is concerned (not to mention another way to avoid dealing with his trauma and relationship issues).
A chance meeting with a charming stranger in a roadside diner changes not only the course of Isaac's assignment but the trajectory of his life. A life now in danger of being cut short unless he figures out how to escape the bloodborn who takes him hostage, a necromancer out to kill both of them, and the corruption at the heart of the organization he thought he believed in.
WIP intro and first chapter here
WIP tag: #dysthanasia
Goal(s): One outline "chapter" a week, one faction post a week, one character intro a week
Snippet under the cut
“What brings you out to the western wilds, Isaac?”
“Well…something similar actually. I study big predators. Wolves and cougars mostly. Alligators once in a blue moon. I keep track of their movements and population sizes, births, deaths, habits, that sort of thing.” It was true in a general sense, even if the predators in question spent most of their days on two legs and paying the bills just like him.
“Que coincidência. Do you enjoy your job?”
“Mostly, yeah.” Nevermind that if not for the Coven—and Elfy, for that matter—he didn’t know how he would’ve made it through the past ten years. “I get to travel a lot, see tons of interesting places, expand my horizons and all that.” Rather than huddle on his sofa until he degenerated into a mat of depressed lichen.
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lumiidragon · 9 months
I'd love to hear your head canons about Dib or Zim - how do you envision their futures?
-lounges back on my computer chair like some terrible evil villain or something-
Ok, so I'm gonna be the SUPER oddball out, but here's basically an AU my spouse and I have for the Dib and Zim future.
Dib is Zim's dad now. As Dib grew older, he realized that he's annoyingly attached to this horrible green turtle-bug and exposing him the old fashion way just isn't gonna run anymore. However, he can't let Satan's hamster run around on his own, so he devised a plan: Adopt the terrible toddler and just keep an eye on him more personally.
Dib gets into Science and even works with his dad, but he's a paranormal investigator on the side (the "real science" is just the bill-payer with the latter for soothing the soul). Due to Dib's surprising logical planning for his future, he's got money to throw and gets himself a pretty sweet deal of a house. Now it's time to get his, hopefully potty-trained child-monster.
So he tricks Zim: "Hey Zim, look at how all the kids at school have changed and grown up while you stay small and child-looking. Oh wow, people are sure gonna start getting suspicious. You're still 4-foot-a-bitch, living with your never-aging parents, and your dog should be decrepit by now. Hey, I got an idea. Live with me under the guise that you're my son and we'll just keep this little charade going, eh?"
-logically thinking alien noise and a lot of convincing later once he realizes how quickly the world is changing around the slow-aging irken- "Sure, you horrible mortgage-paying clown, I will accept these terms so I may be closer to destroying you and using you for my own evil Earth-controlling deeds! -classic Zim laugh-
Now that they're playing this father/son thing, Dib keeps Zim on a leash pretending that he's still doing his job (that is long overdue to be completed frankly and the Tallests really couldn't be bothered to care and have changed their number countless times but the little radioactive roach still gets it somehow), and Zim gets to play 'I Am Indeed An Invader' while also getting to live a human childhood over again.
Dib's grown fond of his broccoli son and really does tend to him as his own child, but also has to make sure Zim is still being enriched like a zoo animal by still doing their "Zim and Dib battles and fights" every now and then before going out for ice cream because "oh shit Zim, you actually passed that multiplication test this time."
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Dib's hair handlebar is trademark and he refuses to change it while Zim thinks his new disguise is so unique and unrecognizable. Hey, it works for both.
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meryofthefty · 2 months
SCP-3999 is literally Bill Cipher
Object Class: Keter
SCP-8311 cannot be contained at the present moment, and currently poses a ZK Class End-of-reality scenario. The most advisable course of action is for Stanford Pines, believed to be the main focus of SCP-8311, to remove himself from contact with all Foundation sites and personnel to avoid further collateral damage to Foundation property. It is theorized that if Stanford Pines is to contained in protected area, then the destructive capabilities of SCP-8311 will temporarily cease
be contained
preserve some remnants The most advisable course of action is for Stanford Pines, believed to be the main focus of SCP-8311, to build a magical barrier around the Mystery Shack to protect all people from ̶destructive The most advisable course of action is for Stanford Pines, believed to be the main focus of SCP-8311, to trap himself along with his entire family under the magical barrier that is the only possible way of contaiment of SCP-8311. Stanford Pines then to be turned into a golden statue and to be laughed at SCP-8311 is to be contained within a specialized reality anchor chamber constructed of reinforced tungsten carbide and continuously powered by a dedicated fusion reactor. The containment chamber is to be situated within Mystery Shack. Access to SCP-8311 is strictly prohibited except for the Pines family, in which case they should all be forced to jump off a water storage barrel. Access to SCP-8311 is strictly prohibited except for Stanford Pines, a paranormal investigator who came to Gravity Falls, Oregon, to study the huge concentration of supernatural activity in and around the town. Inform all the authorized personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher that Standorf Pines is a nerd. SCP-8311 cannot be contained Stanford Pines is to be contained inside his most horrific nightmares without the possibility of escaping.
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figureofdismay · 4 months
Pitch: An absurdist dramady version of The X Files. Like in the style of Pushing Daisies or Northern Exposure. Or Arrested Development lol. where instead of being assigned together they meet at some kind of investigative seminar (or a new agey 'self discovery' thing Melissa dragged Scully to and Mulder's there investigating something or meeting someone?), and Mulder and Scully meet and instantly become inseparable and get married by the end of the conference and have to integrate their lives. It's like a supernatural version of 'Dharma and Greg' except instead of trying to mesh the hippy stoner astrology rebel family background on one side and the WASPy conservative rich family background on the other side, you've got the 'emotionally traumatized and involved in a massive conspiracy involving aliens and eugenics for profit' background and the 'boisterously eclectic middle class family of navy brats and moby dick fanatics' background on the other side.
Scully's a pathologist and Mulder's working the x-files with Jerry from Ghost in the Machine and later Jeffrey Spender, but they end up involved in each other's cases all the time while arguing about them. Samantha was taken but returned like a year/18 months later with no memory of what happened and she grew up feeling like such a freak because of it that she's obsessed with being very normal, so she thinks Mulder is too 'out there' and too overprotective, and doesn't want to believe in the conspiracy stuff. Scully and Samantha don't get along but Sam does think she's better than Diana. Who pops up from time to time to wreck havoc.
Carl Spender is openly Mulder's biological father because it came out when Teena divorced Bill, but he's still a megalomaniacal power monger in the center of a conspiracy and Mulder still hates him, he just also thinks that Mulder should acknowledge him as a 'decent father' because he hasn't let the syndicate outright kill him and hasn't targeted his new sort-of daughter in law. Mulder and Jeffrey know they are half brothers and Jeffry is insanely jealous both because 'Ol Smokey likes Mulder better (cares enough to taunt him instead of just ignoring him) and because Mulder's much better at investigating paranormal stuff. Jeffrey has also always had a crush on Samantha and is trying to protect her from the Syndicate, but Samantha thinks it's too weird that he's her brother's half brother and won't have anything to do with him.
Jeffrey's also jealous that Mulder got married and to such a normal woman from outside the pool of special conspiracy people when CGB will be expecting him to marry who he picks, so he keeps trying to set Scully up in the eyes of the Syndicate or the Bureau in retribution but she and Melissa have the opposite of CC's 'woman danger tragedy magnet syndrome' and effortlessly sidestep his incompetent little plots without hardly even noticing by simply being focused and intuitive.
Melissa is the only one from either of their families who thinks their being married is a good idea. Also Melissa ends up dating the Lone Gunmen. All of them, in a complicated poly situation that both Mulder and Scully are mildly alarmed by this but it's actually very sweet.
Scully's friend Ellen is concerned that Scully doesn't seem to see how suddenly and wildly insane her life became, kind of like becoming a mob wife but with bugs and goo and aliens, but Scully shrugs it off because it's interesting and she has Mulder now so that part's good, plus he needs her, and you can't choose your in-laws can you.
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roppongi-division · 4 months
Kai's Thoughts on Otaku Corps
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Keiko Yumi
"I've not seen her around here much, if at all, really. I think she tries to avoid Minato like the plague. Truthfully, I only know her because my son likes her comic book or whatever it is that it's called. Besides that, I also know of her because of Aika Yumi. I'll admit, at first, I thought it was a coincidence that they shared the same name. After all, having the same surnames is quite common in today's world. Back when I lived in America, I couldn't tell you how many Johns, Bills, or Franks, I knew. Talk about originality." Kai rolled his eyes at the memory.
"Anyway, I later found out that the two of them were mother and daughter. And apparently, she despises Aika due to her lifestyle. ...While I can understand feeling some sort of frustration about the way your mother lives her life, from what Aika tells me, she's tried on multiple occasions to try to make up with you, kid. Take it from me, you're better off trying to make peace with your mom, ASAP. I'm probably not the best person to speak about such things, but... just trust me on this, kid. You'll regret it for the rest of your life, otherwise."
Criss Hiromi
"I've seen this young girl wandering throughout Minato a few times in the past. Apparently, she fashions herself as a 'paranormal investigator'. I don't know if that's such a wise career path, but at least she's having fun. I just hope she's making sure to do ample research on these places she's going to. From what Zakari tells me, some of the places in this country aren't for the faint of heart. I'll take his word for it."
Nikki Yoshie
"Would you believe me if I told you that I've actually had to do music for some video game soundtracks? It's true. I was the head producer for one video game called 'Fight Barrage'. It was a pretty obscure game made back in the 90's, but they wanted to do a reboot with new graphics and a killer soundtrack, so they asked me to make up themes for the characters. It was... interesting, to say the least."
"Anyway, I first met this young girl because she was beta-testing the game. I didn't recognize her at first, since I don't really pay attention to video games, but I later found out that she was Nikki Yoshie, the #5 video game player in the world. ...Huh, I met an actual celebrity, and I didn't even know it. Maybe Zakari was right. Maybe I am old-school..."
Otaku Corps
"This is the probably that second Akihabara team I've heard about. ...If I'm being honest, these three do more to represent Akihabara than the previous team we expounded on, Pixel Syndicate. Not saying they're tougher, but... well, whichever team comes out ahead, they'll have definitely earned it. I wish the both of them the best of luck."
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 2 years
You are haunted.
Those words simply sound so strange to utter. Ghosts, ghouls, demons, and poltergeists were fables and myths meant to strike fear into the godless. But here you are. A living testament to those false "tales".
Ghastly shades and haunting phantasms have stalked your movements since you were 11. They fed on your life force and manipulated your fate with their bony fingers. You rarely felt a moment of rest until their presence all but vanished one day. The dark ages.. or what you so affectionately refer to it as. From age 13 to 14 your life was just one large blank spot. You couldn't remember what you did, or the events of that year. On your 14th birthday, it was like waking up from a long nap. It was just another day for you. But to your family; that day meant everything to them. You were unfazed and blase at the concerned and crying faces of your family. Nor could you understand what exactly happened to you that year. No one talked about it, and they weren't willing to tell you what happened.. all you knew was that the spirits no longer plagued you. And for that you were happy.
Your life has slowed down significantly in terms of ghostly encounters. Your past demons have been subjected, and you may finally be able to move on with your life. However, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong… Oh, so very bad.
Your once peaceful dreams have become recurring nightmares.  You dream of desecrated churches, burning red skies, and overflowing rivers teeming with dead fish. Shadowy figures with malicious intent and distorted cackles grip your soul. It’s just dreams; is what you tell yourself. But the choir of voices that hum melodically in your ears when you wake is too daunting to dismiss. Your spirits are back, and they refuse to be ignored.
The daily horror you experience and the constant stress of your life is beginning to take a toll on your psyche, and it is all too much. Your best friend Tama Shirosaki recommends an experimental VR game called ”A Trial of Horror” to destress, but something about the company and its website rubs you the wrong way. You don't understand how Tama would think this is a good idea, but an incentive of $10,000 to play is too good to pass up, especially when you have loans and bills.
The VR feels too real, every scratch and scrap, you gain burns with pain, and your lungs feel like they are on fire as you run. This game you are in may not just be a game; every mistake you make has real consequences. If you want to get out, it would be in your best interest to survive, but your survival does not mean the game is over. It is just the beginning... 
Stuck within a vicious cycle, you struggle to find the truth behind these sinister plots and get yourself permanently unsubscribed from the company’s beta testing. 
Perhaps you may finally get some rest after this is all over. If your ghosts will let you.
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Select your gender, sexuality, and appearance!
Choose from 3 backgrounds that will help determine your stats.
Stats matter people
Develop a bond that is not easily broken with any one of 4-gender selectable ROs
1 mystery RO is included, but if you love yourself, don’t romance the mystery RO
Help your RO find their purpose, or stray them off course into chaos
Piss an eldritch horror off, and live to tell the story, maybe?
Shop til you drop, literally.
Players can buy products at Florences Precarious Wonders. You can use these items inside and outside of the game to survive.
These products are available using the points you accumulate after finishing a game. If you survive, that is.
Participate in 10 (at least for now…) games, all with different monsters, but a similar theme
Complete Instances
These are hauntings or paranormal events that you can investigate and solve in your everyday life.
You don’t need to complete them; however doing so may boost your skills, and your relationships and help you piece together just what is happening
Figure out who's behind these games, and stop them, if they can be stopped.
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Some RO options may already know each other due to the games or for other reasons. These past relations can make romancing opposing RO’s difficult. There may be potential for more RO options, but I really want to play it by ear.
Alexander (M) / Alexandria (F) Adakai: Alex seems to be a pretty simple person from what you’ve seen. They know what they like and don’t like and have no problem letting you know it. However, you’ve realized that anyone chosen to play the games is far from simple. Passionate, warm, and supporting, you’ve found Alex loyal to a fault once you’ve earned their respect (or affection) and know that they would willingly follow you into hell, but is that necessarily a good thing? [Has a predetermined ‘relationship’ with Moore]
Meridith (F) / Micah (M) Moore: Moore is arrogant and confident, overly confident if you ask their friends, individual. They are an up-and-coming lawyer working in Napa Valley, California, at one of the most prestigious law firms in the country. With their put-together suits and overpriced cologne, you can almost smell the privilege rolling off them. For this reason, you cannot fathom how they got involved with the game. Is something hiding behind their well-placed façade, or are they really as arrogant as they seem? [Has a predetermined ‘relationship’ with Adakai]
Nasir (M) / Zahra (F) Faizan: An aloof and cranky player that seems hellbent on pretending that you don’t exist. They haven’t participated in the game for too long, but they already have a reputation. Considered an omen and not the good kind, it’s known that anyone who partners with them dies shortly after. Is their attitude towards you justified? Or do they just need a bowl of raisins to clear up that ever constipated expression?
Felix (M) / Jalissa (F) Alvarez: A computer programmer from New Mexico, the way you two met wasn’t exactly the best. To be exact, you almost get them killed, but they seem to still want to be your friend despite the blunder. Self-nominated as the cinnamon roll of the group, you can’t help but want to go to them for all of your emotional issues. You’ve found their optimism and gentile attitude to be precisely what you need in this game. However, behind their too-wide grins and hearty laughs, you can’t help but feel that something is wrong. Oh, so wrong.
Yue Tu (M): An entity that’s guile has only grown stronger with his age. He needs you, but for what, you’re not sure. Catching the attention of two eldritch horrors cannot be good, but you notice that he seems to regard you with a special kind of affection. However, you cannot help but wonder that his love for you will fade once his need for you is over. He is a wanderer, but once he finds himself committing to you. He will never let you go. Not even death will keep you two apart, unfortunately.
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As of now. here are some important NPCs that show up in your journey.
The Magdalene: An ancient and powerful entity with which you have crossed paths on multiple occasions. She’s too sly and coy to fully trust; however, she has no problem going after what she wants. And what she currently wants is your help, whether you wish to give it to her. Her purpose is not fully known to you; hell, you don’t even think she knows what she wants. What you do know, however, is that you’d instead not get into ancient business, but when she laughs, you can’t help but be drawn into her like a moth to a flame. She can either become your biggest ally or your biggest enemy depending upon your interactions with her. (Please don’t piss off the thing that could probably rewrite the world at the flick of her thumb). Has a predetermined relationship with Alvarez, Faizan, and Yue Tu.
Jin Yeong (SO): A player that has a predetermined relationship with Faizan, and Adakai. He seems to possess a strange ability and moves through the games as if he was wading through water. He is looking for someone, but he cannot quite remember who that person is. He comes off as easy-going. However, you can’t help but feel that everything he says has a double meaning. His trademark expression is a smirk; however, you catch that lost expression he tries to hide.
Michael Samson: Has a pre-determined relationship with Faizan. They know them best and often worry about them. For whatever reason, they seem to always glare at you whenever you’re around
Charlie “Ahiga” Adakai: Adakai’s 4-year-old nephew. He is a strange child, and you have caught him seemingly talking to no one on more than one occasion.
Erika Smith: A player in the games with a predetermined relationship with Moore. She seems to spend too much time scheming and not enough time actually thinking.
Carlos(Meech) Perez (SO): An dealer with a sorted past, Meech loves the flashing lights and rhythmic beats, something that is far and few between in your large city. Being a South Nevada Native, you wonder just what he’s doing in Wisconsin? The dreary state just doesn’t seem to be his vibe, and refusing to get involved with the game, you have no idea why he’s so interested in you. But from what you heard from Jin, he’s chasing after a client with a huge bill and having fun along the way.  Has a predetermined relationship with Moore and Jin Yeong. {Meeting Meech is contingent on having met Moore and expressing interest in them.} 
Satinder (Sati) Singh (SO): A former player of ATOH, Sati has definitely moved up the food chain as she is now the North-Western regional manger for the Information Department for the gaming company Ego Tai. Sati is not what you expected from a former player. She is meek, and always apologetic; seeming to be afraid of her own shadow. Because of this, you don’t understand how she could have lasted as long as she did. Rumors are that she made a deal with something in order to get out of the game, but they’re just rumors... Right?
Khalid ibn-al Bakir(SO/RO): Alex's self-proclaimed best friend, he and Alex are joined at the hip; their dynamic reminds you a lot of your own relationship with Tama. As long as Alex thinks you're cool, then Khalid will find no problem with you. However, if you cross Alex, your may as well have crossed Khalid. Pre-determined relationship with Adakai, Jin Yeong, and Alvarez
Nola (Nora) Jenkins (SO): Daughter of Maribelle. After completing your first mission, you had begun to receive a bunch of strange emails and messages. All with subjects titled, ‘The Truth’. She’s a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and acts as if she knows something about the producers of the game. You’re sure it’s just a her being crazy, but after several incidents that she predicts come true, you start to believe that she might not be as crazy as you think.
Emiko/(Yuna) (SO): The older sister of Tama Shirosaki. You’ve never met her or the entirety of his family before, so when she arrives at your tiny apartment sobbing, you are thrown for a loop. You have no idea what she wants from you, but what you do know is that she’s pissed. 
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