#better now than when it starts gaining traction!
goldensunset · 8 months
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sora’s new roommate looks like a really nice and normal girl i wonder what her story is
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duckytree · 28 days
Hi everyone!
I’d like to start by thanking you all for 2 years together (4 if you count the old blog). You’ve followed me through high school into university, during and after COVID. I’ve looked forward to seeing your reblogs, comments, asks, DMs, etc. every day. I’ve read every note on this blog. Some of you even call me your favourite artist, an honour that is unimaginable to me even now.
This blog started as just a digital storage for me to save and keep my art, so I never expected it to gain the traction and support it did. Recently, we surpassed 10k followers, beyond anything I ever expected when I first started posting my art.
However, I’m sorry to announce that I’ll be retiring this blog. My reasons for doing so vary, and a lot of them are due to extremely personal reasons. I’ve been sitting on the idea for a long time, and I’ve finally made the decision. I’m sorry my explanation isn’t satisfactory and leaves you confused, but I really can’t afford to spill my guts out on the internet (some people can be cruel).
I left so many loose ends, series I never finished, asks I never answered, promised sequels and planned projects that I never got to do. I never wanted to leave you guys hanging like this and I hope you will forgive me.
Maybe in the future when I’m ready I’ll bring this blog out of retirement, or maybe I’ll make a new one for a fresh start. Maybe not. I don’t want to say that this is my last time seeing you, because you’ve made my teenage years so special. But I don’t want to give you false hope in case I really don’t end up coming back. If I do, hopefully you will be greeted with a better and more put together version of me than right now.
Thank you all, I’m so happy to have been a part of your day.
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lou-struck · 4 months
"Sit Down"
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Wakatoshi Ushijima x reader
~Wakatoshi finally gets a chance to play spectator on a date with you at a Professional Women’s Volleyball game, but when he goes to get snacks your once perfect view becomes obstructed.
WC: 1.8k
a/n: I hope reading this brings you joy. Joy was an emotion I was not feeling when being ‘inspired’ to write this.
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The lights of the stadium are blinding as a spotlight shines down on the starting lineup for today's match. 
It has taken far too long for Women's Professional Volleyball to gain traction, but now that it has. Wakatoshi Ushijima takes it upon himself to go to games to support not just the hardworking athletes who have put forth thousands upon thousands of hours towards their craft, but to the sport of volleyball itself.
It's been too long since the Olympian has gotten the chance to sit back and watch a game without scouting out his opponent's moves. And the fact that you are right next to him, excitedly spectating, makes everything so much better.
Your eyes are sparkling in wonder as you watch these women play with everything they have. "Wow, did you see that?" You exclaim, clapping excitedly as one of the players sprawls herself over her team's aluminum bench to save the ball. Your cheers get lost in the crowd as you enjoy the stadium's electric atmosphere. 
"That was impressive." he hums in approval as the rest of the point unfolds in a tense rally. You can't help but smile and cheer along with the rest of the stadium as your home team takes the first set. 
With both teams off the court, people begin to get up to use the bathroom or stretch their legs. The happy little giggling behind you captures your attention, and you see an adorable little boy hoisted on his mother's muscular shoulders. His little hands are clutching a huge, soft pretzel that is larger than his head. Cuteness aside, that ginormous pretzel makes your stomach rumble enviously. 
Your gaze is transfixed on the snack as Wakatoshi's soft chuckling rumbles behind you. 
"Would you like one?" 
"No, I don't need one." you sigh, glancing back at the court where the teams are still huddled up strategizing their respective game plans. Climbing the stairs, heading to the concession stands, and waiting in line would take too much time. "I don't want to miss any of the game."
"I didn't ask if you needed one." he states simply, "I asked if you would like one. I would get it for you so you wouldn't miss the game."
"But you would miss it." 
"It's no bother." His large hand lightly touches yours on the armrest as he speaks. "You want something to eat, and I want to get it for you. It won't take long."
His care for you, along with the knowledge that you will soon be getting a soft pretzel, brings a smile to your face. "Alright then, I would love a Pretzel, thank you."
"You're very welcome, y/n," he says, the corner of his lips turned upwards in a satisfied smile before he leans over to kiss the crown of your head. "I'll be right back." His massive frame popping up from the stadium seat. The people in your row politely stand to allow the athlete to pass them by to reach the steps as he disappears. 
A few minutes later, the second set begins. As your team scores the first point of the match, you hear everyone cheering, but you and the people next to you have no idea what is going on since a small group of young men are standing up in the front row, obstructing the view of everyone behind them. 
At first, you think it's unintentional. After all, these guys are in the very front row; there is nothing in front of them that would lead them to stand up for a better view. Wakatoshi's seats may be great, but these guys are in the best seats in the whole stadium. But after a minute of not being able to see anything that is going on on the court, you realize that they don't care that the people behind them can see. They may be in the best seats in the house, but they have collectively decided not to actually use them for their intended purpose.
One guy is wearing a bright red foam cowboy hat for some reason, which is strange because none of the teams playing today have a mascot remotely close to a cowboy…He is double-fisting aluminum bottles of beer, which must've cost a pretty penny, thanks to these stadium prices.
After noticing the way his friends take a few nervous glances back at the crowd that is growing in irritation, you realize that he is the ringleader of this little group. 
If he doesn't sit down, his friends won't either.
Other people are glancing at them and whispering amongst themselves but are not willing to actually say anything to these guys. You don't blame them; anxiety is no joke,
'Do they realize people are behind them?'
'Mom, I can't see anything.'
'Literally the standing section is right over there.'
Upon hearing that last little mutter, you turn your attention to the designated standing zone of the stadium. Here, the space between rows of seats is larger, and everyone, no matter how tall, is able to stand and cheer.
These guys would fit in perfectly there, especially since there are so many open seats in that section. 
No one else is going to say anything. Gathering your courage, you take it upon yourself to ask the group to sit down. Gently, you lean forward and tap the unnaturally sweaty biceps of Cowboy Hat Guy. 
He turns and looks at you with a carefree smirk.
"Hey," you start trying to sound friendly. "Could you guys sit down? The people behind you are having trouble seeing the game."
He laughs in your face, sending a pungent aroma of beer and Takoyaki up your nostrils. 
"Nah, It's all part of the vibes,bro," His friends laugh along with him as he starts to turn around towards the game no one else gets to watch, "if you don't like it, you can just go look at the screen." 
They gesture with their head to the monitor on the side of the stadium wall, away from all the action. Why would you wanna watch the screen of something when there is a live match going on in front of you.
You smile again, this time gritting your teeth in frustration. "Come on guys, there's a lot of people who can't see. You guys have some of the best seats in the house, but if you want to stand, the standing section is right over there."
If they hear you, they don't act like it. Continuing to laugh and joke around with each other. Downing their aluminum beer bottles of Budweiser like there's no tomorrow. Their cheeks and necks flushing red from the liquor. 
"Then maybe you should've gotten some better seats." one of them spits back cockily. 
Dejectedly, you realize that trying to talk to these guys like they are normal, functioning, empathetic human beings is going nowhere. You deflate into your seat with a sigh and turn your eyes toward the screen. You wish you could see what was happening live. But if this is what you have to do to support the team, it will do.
A black-blazered security guard descends down the stadium steps, and you feel a bit of hope. But it is extinguished as he walks past the stands and over to the fence to talk with his colleague. Laughing away, unaware of the little situation in the stands. 
The end of the second set comes too quickly. Although you could barely tell what was going on, you could tell from the lack of cheering in the crowd that your team had lost the second set. Then, frustratingly, the guys from earlier decide to take a seat and relax between the sets. 
Apparently, they do know how a chair works…
A deep pout forms on your lips, and you don't notice Wakatoshi making his way down the aisle until he is right next to you. His muscular arms filled with not just the pretzel you wanted but some of your other favorite snacks and drinks. 
His thick brows furrow when he sees your long face, but then, just as the third set starts up, the group stands again, eliciting a series of grains from the other spectators.
Wakatoshi Ushijima isn't stupid; the minute those guys spring to their feet, he knows what is going on. He turns to you, and you follow the flicker of his gaze toward the troublemakers as if asking your permission to step in.
It only takes a soft nod from you for him to act. Just as you had done, he places a hand on the shoulder of the Cowboy Hat guy. As he pivots in your direction, His smirk is ready to flaunt his pompous nature to the crowd of unwilling spectators as his gaze starts low. But when he realizes that it is not you, it widens as he slowly takes in each and every inch of Ushijima's massive muscular frame. His mustard-dappled mouth gapes open like a fish as he realizes that he is no longer the big fish in this pond. 
"Sit down," your boyfriend says sternly. His heavy-browed glare shot sub-zero pangs of fear down the man's spine. His ruddy cheeks pale from terror-induced sobriety as Wakatoshi continues. "You are making it difficult for the people behind you to see."
"Uhhh." their brows are furrowed in confusion as they try to think of what to say next "Oh, umm- really?"
You roll your eyes. Is this guy really just playing stupid now? No matter, Ushijima's unintended intimidation works like a charm, and the Red Hat guy plops down in his chair as quickly as he can. He even takes off the ridiculous foam hat that has been annoying everyone fourteen rows up. 
His little posse of pals join him in sitting down. It makes you feel relief as you see that the people around you also are relaxing.
"Better?" handing you your soft pretzel and drink. As he sinks down into the plastic backed stadium seat. 
You raise the cup to your lips and take a relaxed sip from your red straw as the game plays on in front of you. "Much better." You lean against his broad shoulder as Wakatoshi gives you one of those warm, small smiles that set the flecks of honey alight in his olive gaze. As you watch the rest of the match with an unobstructed view.
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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cottonundiestf · 6 months
Winner Take All
Diana and Violet shared a streaming channel, DiViGaming, that was struggling to gain traction. The streaming space was crowded if you didn't have a gimmick, and they hadn't settled on one yet.
At least, not until they got their hands on the Victor's Spoils Chokers!
Wearing matching choker necklaces, their contests now had higher stakes, with the winner getting to steal away a trait of her choice from the loser. Viewers flocked to watch each stream, waiting with pants in hand for the results.
Today's games had been... rough on Diana. Violet won the first game, a rhythm game, which was expected; she was always more on beat than Diana. But Di had way better reaction time to make up for it in the next games.
Except Violet cheated! "As winner, I'm going to... drain some of your motor functions."
"What?" The small gem at Diana's throat glowed and suddenly she felt the world slowing down as dizziness overtook her. When the sudden wave subsided, she looked at her hands, trying to move her fingers, only to realize they were difficult to move and didn't react right away. "Ch-cheater!"
Violet just grinned. "We never said it was against the rules! Oh well, next game!"
With Violet's reactions and dexterity souped up and Diana's at minimal functionality, the next series of games were a stomp. And Violet was showing no mercy, laughing and bullying her friend the entire time.
"I win again! Let's take... that lovely tan complexion of yours." Diana grumbled, feeling the ripple of goosebumps across her body as the natural tan granted by her mixed heritage drained away until she was pale white and her friend's Nordic background vanished behind a perfect warm complexion.
"Another win? Oh my, how about... that round ass of yours! I could use a boost." The girls had comparable bottoms, or at least they did, but Diana was forced to stand and show the camera as her ass lost enough mass that her pants started to slip off. Meanwhile, Vi was happy to taunt Di, shaking her new cake for the viewers.
"Won. Again. You know, I can tell you've been hitting the gym. I'm fine reaping the rewards." Diana groaned, feeling weak as her muscle mass withered away, leaving her frame narrow as a toothpick while Violet enjoyed her new healthy build.
And this kept happening. Diana dropped out of frame as her height was reduced by a foot while Violet shot up. Diana's long hair had to be pulled into a close, messy bun as Violet flipped her new luxurious locks.
And, of course, with the final game, Violet approached her petite partner and touched her chest. "They aren't even that big. Cute little B cups. But..."
Diana whimpered. "...Please?"
Violet shrugged. "Sorry Di. It's all you've got left." The gem glowed, deflating the perky tits on Diana until she was left with naught but puffy nipples on her flat chest.
Violet chuckled, grasping her chest. "Well, this has been a fun stream! I hope everyone enjoyed this thorough ass-kicking! Now if you switch to our... 'private stream,' you'll get to see Di appreciate our body in all its glory."
"Can I at least get my brain stuff back," she grumbled?
"...Yes. But only because I'm going to make sure to put that dexterity to good use. Now smile for the camera, Di!"
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Tags for @misseviehyde and @bimbosanddolls for getting me in an attribute theft mood!
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neonghostlights · 11 months
I am SO happy that you’re taking requests! Your work is fantastic, I adore seeing you pop up on my feed 🥰
Could I request a little angsty piece with Rockstar Eddie? He’s gone a little off the rails, enjoying everything that comes with being young, hot and famous and you ended up breaking things off with him as his behaviour got more and more inexcusable.
Six Months after you break up, he shows up at your door in the rain, crying, full of regret. He begs ‘take me away from this big bad world and agree to marry me, so we can start over again’ (yes that’s from a blur song 🤣)
I’m happy for you to run with this and let your creative juices flow! Thank you Angel 😇
Aw thank you so much❤️! I really hope you like this one! Rockstar!Eddie Munson x ex!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Break up, Crying, Alcohol, Hurt/Comfort, 18+ only
Wordcount: 2.1k
The cardboard box of memories sat in the middle of your kitchen island. It had been there for a few hours, ever since you got brave enough to pull it out the back of your closet. 
You knew you needed to get rid of it, it wasn’t healthy to hold onto. But you found yourself doing this once a month, when you heard a song on the radio that was too familiar or someone was brave enough to mention his name when you were within hearing distance. You would always shove it back in the closet when you were done, promising yourself you would never do this again. 
The rain and wind hit the windows so hard you thought they might crack. You could blame the weather on your mood, and not the fact that today was the six month anniversary of the break up. You had just gotten to the point you could call it the break up mentally and out loud. There was a time where you could only bear to refer to it as the separation or the incident. You liked to think you were making some progress. 
That was until tonight, of course. 
You pulled the box off the counter, making your way to your living room. You set it on the wooden coffee table with a thud. The creases of the box were fraying from carrying over its weight limit. One day you’d have to throw it all out. But not today. 
You reached in and grabbed the tape you knew would be right on top like it always was. You popped it in the radio, letting the sound of Never Tear Us Apart play. He never liked this song but you did. You played it enough that he started to sing along to it too, and then that turned into dancing to it in the living room together. 
It unofficially became your song. And now it was the soundtrack of your heartbreak. 
You sat on the couch gently, afraid that if you moved too quickly it would break the trance and you wouldn’t be able to savor these little moments you allowed yourself to have. 
The first thing you grabbed was an old t-shirt of his that you never gave back on purpose. You were wearing it the night it all went to shit. If you inhaled deep enough you could still catch a whiff of the perfume you were wearing and the stale smell of cigarette smoke. 
He hadn’t shown up to dinner that night. You had both moved out to Chicago together in hopes he would gain some traction with his music there better than Hawkins. It worked. He got what he wanted. 
The day it ended was your 4 year anniversary. You had made plans together for when you got off work and he made it out of the studio. You waited at the restaurant for over an hour and he just never showed. 
Eddie had started partying a lot. His band had taken off and they were picking up fame. With the attention of all his new friends he had seemed to have forgotten about you though. You left the diner, embarrassed that the sweet waitress was pitying you. 
Your small one bedroom apartment felt suffocating by the amount of people inside of it when you got home. 
You slammed the door behind you when you entered but no one paid you any attention. The music was so loud you couldn’t hear your own thoughts as you maneuvered and pushed by sweaty bodies. 
“Baby!” You heard him call as you passed by the couch he was sat on with people surrounding him. He always had people surrounding him. You were never alone anymore. 
You ignored him, making your way to your bedroom. You opened the door to two people tangled on your bed. 
“Get out!” You yelled, watching as they picked up stray clothes and scrambled out of the room. 
“Baby. What’s wrong?” Eddie cooed when he caught up to you. He was swaying, the smell of alcohol strong on his breath. 
“Everything’s ruined, Eddie,” you bit out, grabbing the duffel bag from your closet. 
He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand across the wrinkled blanket. 
“It’s not ruined, babe. We can wash it,” he informed you with a smile, slurring his words. 
You rolled your eyes and started grabbing handfuls of clothes and emptying out your drawers, throwing anything you could get your hands on into the bag. 
“Wait a second,” Eddie said, pushing himself up from the bed sloppily. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m leaving,” you snapped, zipping up the bag. 
“But why?” He asked, genuine confusion in his voice. You wanted to pull your hair out. He just didn’t get it even when it was right in front of him. 
“Why do you think, Eddie? I waited for you for over an hour and you never showed! This shit,” you waved your hands in the air, “is all you care about now. You used to hate parties and all of this bullshit but look at you now.”
Eddie’s face softened, some coherency coming back as he realized what he had done. He reached for you but you moved away. You watched as the panic came across his features. 
“I can fix this. I can make everyone leave,” he said, making his way to the bedroom door. 
“Don’t bother. I’ll make it easy for you and I’ll go,” you muttered, pushing past him and into the hallway. 
“Wait!” He yelled, scrambling after you as fast as he could with the alcohol still burning in his veins. “Where are you going?”
“Does it matter? We’re done,” you called over your shoulder, using your bag to push through the people. 
Something shattered and broke in the kitchen.  You didn’t bother to stop, it wasn’t your problem anymore. 
“So you’re going to give up on us? Just like that?” He questioned, anger lacing his voice. 
You whipped around to face him, not caring that you had an audience. 
“Just like that? I have been begging you to give me an ounce of attention for months, Eddie, and you’d rather give all of your time to strangers. Don’t put this on me,” you snapped, turning back around and running through the front door before he could say anything else. 
“What a buzzkill!” Someone taunted you before you could close the door all the way. The sound of a scuffle broke out but you didn’t check to see if it was Eddie fighting. You needed to get out of there. 
That was six months ago. You had moved back to Hawkins and rented a house. Eddie’s band got even more famous. You doubted he was even still in Chicago anymore. He was probably out in California or New York, enjoying even bigger parties and everything that came with them. You grew nauseous at the thought. 
You couldn’t do this to yourself anymore. You tossed the shirt back in the box, covering the rest of the memories in there. You popped the tape out, cutting the music off, and threw it in there too. You couldn’t handle this tonight. It was all too much. 
You placed your head in your hands. Did he ever miss you as much as you missed him? Doubtful, since he never once called or came looking for you after you left. 
The sound of the doorbell had you lifting your head out of your hands. You waited a few moments, wondering if it was just all in your head. The sound of it ringing again had you getting up from your seat. 
No one should be here tonight. The weather was so bad that you were sure the streets were flooded. Maybe Steve and Robin were stopping by to check on you since they knew what today was. They had promised to give you space but maybe they had changed their mind. 
You threw the door open, ready to scold them for coming out all of this way. But it was Steve or Robin standing on your doorstep with dripping hair and eyes. 
Eddie clutched a bouquet of flowers tightly in his hands. They were soaked, the white and red petals drooping from the weight of the water. Eddie looked like he had just gone swimming, his hair wet and his black band t-shirt drenched and pressed against his t-shirt. 
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, like he wanted to speak but couldn’t. He thrusted the bouquet forward and into your hands. You caught them, water streaming down your arms and soaking the sleeve of your sweater. 
“What are you doing here?” You demanded, tempted to throw the flowers back at him. 
“I miss you,” Eddie sniffled. It was obvious he had been crying tonight. His voice cracked on every syllable. 
“Eddie, I-” You started. 
“I’m sorry. I need to say this because I have a whole speech planned and then you can say whatever you want to me,” he explained, shaking slightly from the cold air and water. 
You nodded silently, allowing him to speak. 
“I’m so fucking sorry. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you. You were- I mean are the most important thing in my life and I got so blinded by everything else that I didn’t take care of you and our relationship. I got so blinded by people wanting to be around me and thinking that I was cool that I lost touch of what really matters. I need you. I feel like I haven’t been able to breathe since you’ve been gone, baby. I wanted to marry you, you know? I was gonna propose to you once we signed that deal with the label. Now we’ve signed it and you weren’t there and I feel so damn lost.” His teeth were chattering as he spoke; his limbs shaking from the low temperature. Every time he blinked drops of tears and rain flicked from his long eyelashes. 
“Why now? I’ve been here for six damn months and you never even called,” you bit out, eyes tearing from what he had confessed. It felt like a slap in the face to know your whole future had gone down the drain because of Eddie’s behavior. 
“I didn’t think you’d want to see me. Trust me, you don’t know how often I wanted to come here since Harrington mentioned you moved here. I wanted to get better for you first, though. You were so mad and I thought that you didn’t want me anymore. I, uh, I’ve been seeing someone. A therapist,” he explained, “I’ve been working on my shit. I don’t drink or party anymore. I just work with the band. That’s it.”
You chewed your lip, thinking over what he was saying. 
“I don’t want to be like how I was anymore. I just want you. I want to make you my wife. I want to have a life with you. Please,” he begged. 
“I can’t jump back into this relationship again. I can’t get hurt again and I’m definitely not going to just marry you after you show up on my doorstep claiming to have gotten your shit together,” you said finally. 
Eddie’s face crumpled but he didn’t argue. He just nodded in understanding, looking down at his feet. 
You sighed, your heart arguing with your head. How often had you wanted this exact scenario to happen? You couldn't just push him away now when he has been all you've needed for the past six months. If what he was saying about getting help was true, he deserved the chance to make things right.
“But I’ve missed you so much. I still love you so much that it hurts. I can’t just hand you my heart again and let you do whatever you want with it. Maybe we can start over though and see what happens?” You offered. 
Eddie’s face lit up at the offer and he straightened up, sticking a hand out to you. 
“Hi, I’m the new and improved Eddie Munson and I promise not to break your heart,” he said, taking your hand and lifting it to his lips, pressing a delicate kiss on the skin there. 
You told him your name in a shy voice. Eddie didn’t let go of your hand after he kissed it, he just squeezed it tighter. There was a moment between you, where neither of you knew what to say. 
“So, Mr. New and Improved Eddie Munson, would you like to come inside and dry off for a bit?” You asked. 
Eddie smiled, nodding his head in agreement. You led him inside the warm safety of your house, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
You and Eddie played your song again that night. And this time, you were able to listen to it all the way through.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Tsun Yan Camboy + G.N Loser Reader- [mdni]
A chronically online shut in and the roommate blessed misfortunate enough to bunk with them.
God - he can't stand you. How can you even consider yourself his roommate? All you ever do all day is hole yourself up in your room wasting the day away watching your favorite streamers and actors - and when you do leave, all you ever talk about is them. It's disgusting - you're disgusting. He should find another roommate and be done with you. There you go again babbling on about your fav streamer reading your message today .....why don't your eyes ever light up like that when he's talking to you?...
Your roommate eventually gets fed up and steals your phone while you're sleeping. What do they have that he doesn't? Granted, you had made a move on him when he first moved which he quickly shot down. Undressing him with your eyes, hurling disgusting flirts and taking any chance to grope at him in close counters. His heart leapt straight into his pants remembering the last time he accidentally left the door open a crack and caught you staring like a predator to prey - belittling him more to just a slab of meat. It made him sick... it made him feel desired.
All these creators on your feed. Your messages are nothing short of repulsive too. A little bit of skin exposed and you just couldn't help yourself. He could do it too. Better than all the little tramps that caught your eye. It would be easy too. Everyone always complimented him on his physical appearance anyways - always trying to offer him their couch while things with you were getting figured out when the only place he wanted to be was your bed.
He got to work as soon as he returned your phone - creating various accounts on sites you frequented and buying everything he needed to get started. He even obtained a gym membership to work on his flexibility and thighs which he later switched to home training as his popularity grew; giving you the middle finger whenever you inquired where he was going and made the indepth observation his ass had gotten bigger than you remembered this past few weeks.
It didn't take long for him to gain traction.
A lot of the things you enjoyed could apply to the masses and he put more effort into his research than anything he had prior - even just confessing his love. He wore the outfits you loved, spoke in the breathy tones you liked, and on those specially lonely nights - he spanned your messages with invites for his pages so frequently you probably wouldn't checked him out sooner if you hadn't thought they were bots. None of the fame, fans or money really mattered - until he saw that familiar name in his inbox.
"Hey gorgeous, loved your vids~ hope you would do me the pleasure of texting me back sometime."
And he did - everyday. You're such an utter mess when it comes to acting like a functional being it's no wonder you were blocked by a few streamers before he thinned the list out - but it was the cutest thing. He was jealous of his own self now for having your full attention, but the anonymity allowed him to do things for he normally wouldn't in a million years- like spreading his legs open on his desk and showing you what exactly your sweet, fucked up words do to him.
To combat the threat of you finding his identity he wears cute masks and wigs - eventually earning enough to rent a small apartment to keep you fully in the dark. You might point out a mole on his backside in the same place as your new favorite streamer, but a quick dick pic from said individual draws whatever conversation you started to a close. Always searches for your recommendations out of thousands when asking for input on his next fit/scene and calls all of his followers his subjects - while wearing a choker that says master on it. It's still a little irritating to hear you ramble about some bitch you found online - but being that bitch makes it all worth it.
"You should see dude's hips... I mean - the handles on this guy.... don't even get me started on the things he does with his tongue.
Your roommate scoffs and rolls his eyes - nursing a sucker between his lips as he hits order on the swim suit you suggested to him and sends you the confirmation email along with a good morning
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
No Answer:
I call my ex "No Answer"
As in that's my nickname for her ’cause when I call, no answer.
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You lay in bed, watching the phone ring. At this point it was routine, you knew Jack was in town and he tried to reach you every time, even though you never answered.
He always had hoped you’d pick the phone up, but deep down he knew the chances were slim.
You had been broken up for months now, so why was he still calling?
You were just in bed reminiscing about all that happened between the two of you.
You and Jack met through mutual friends, over a year ago. One of your friends was having a party for Derby weekend and he showed up with Copelan. You had never met him before but it didn’t take long for the two of you to become practically inseparable.
He was drawn to your confidence and you his humor. Jack knew how to make things feel light and airy, something you weren’t used to. He constantly made a joke of things, and that would normally bother you but not when it came to Jack.
Being with him made you feel safe, something you didn’t have a lot of growing up. You didn’t trust easily but with Jack, it felt like second nature. At first, it was intimidating to you but once the walls came down the two of you were pretty much a package deal.
The night you met the two of you played air hockey, Jack was a sore loser but you were still convinced he let you win for conversation's sake. Copelan swore up and down to you that Jack wouldn’t do that, as he had a naturally competitive nature.
Jack let you think that though, but truthfully you were just better at most things than him.
You and Jack hadn’t been dating long when he started to gain more traction, and your own insecurities set in. You didn’t feel safe and secure anymore, and you felt like you had to fight for a spot in your boyfriend's life.
The two of you rarely argued in the beginning. Now when you did, it was usually your fault. Your defense mechanism was to push him away before he left on his own, and he didn’t understand why.
He had no intention of ever being without you.
When he told you that he was doing a music video for What’s Poppin, your jealously picked a fight.
You played that fight over in your head a lot, knowing you probably ruined a very pivotal moment in his career. You had regrets now, but at the time it made sense to you.
Jack ran into the room, excited, eyes wide like a little kid. He told you about the call he received and that Cole Bennett wanted to film the music video but you tuned him out once the idea was told to you.
Jack explained it would be in a diner and he’d be surrounded by women, you swore up and down that, you felt your blood physically boil.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He sat next to you concern painted across his face.
“You’re going to be surrounded by all those beautiful women and forget all about me” you huffed.
“Baby, that would never happen” he sighed, having been through this before. “Do you wanna be in the video?” His face fell, and you could tell he felt defeated.
You shook your head, trying your best not to escalate the argument.
That night ended in tears, both your own and Jack's.
After that night you swore you’d be better, more understanding, and less jealous. And you were, for a while.
Jack ended up recording his first album, with a big label behind him meaning he had tons of opportunities that he never had before. Which also meant he was rarely ever home.
You knew you had to let him go, for the sake of his career. You knew he wanted this more than anything in the world and you didn’t want to stand in his way because you were insecure.
You remember the breakup like it was yesterday, it stayed forever engraved in your mind. The way Jack's face fell when you told him you couldn’t do it anymore broke you over and over again for months.
“But I love you, don’t you love me too?” he shouted, his lips trembling. His blue eyes filled to the brim with tears.
“It’s because I love you that I can’t do this anymore.”
He didn’t understand it at the time but the older and wiser he got, it started making more sense.
You shut your eyes tight, trying not to cry as you remembered the door slamming shut for the last time.
When Jack called your phone all the memories came flooding back, but you couldn’t bring yourself to block his number.
You watched as your phone rang for the second time tonight, Jack never called a second time, and your curiosity got the best of you.
“Hello? Are you okay?”
“Hi, I am now” his voice was warm, inviting and you immediately knew answering was likely the wrong decision. “Thought you’d never answer, remind me to change your name in my phone.”
“What is it?” You asked nervously.
“No answer, because when I call you don’t answer” he teased, knowing you loved his banter.
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Happy birthday ^^ I'm in my 30's so, glad to see some older peeps on tumblr.
(even if 29 aint old XD )
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Don't worry, I know. I don't truly believe myself to be old, just relatively old. I could be wrong, but I feel like a majority of the people I interact with on Tumblr and Discord are younger than me. Sometimes not by much, and sometimes by a lot. One of my favorite artists is about a decade younger than me! (Which is admittedly wild to think about. XD)
I want to take a moment to be sappy, and hopefully not conceited. I don't want to sound or act like I have a big head; I just want to offer some advice as an older artist.
When I was a teenager, I dreamed of having what I've since gained through this blog. I wanted to tell a story, and have people interact with it and ask questions, primarily in the form of Nuzlocke comics. I only ever tried on DeviantArt and, in more recent years, Twitter (may it RIP), and never really gained any traction. I wonder if things would've been different if I'd tried Tumblr back then, but I kinda doubt it. I was a teenager. I was still a developing artist and storyteller with an underdeveloped sense of self-confidence. Now, that's not to say I don't think teenagers can do great things and tell great stories... But if you're trying and it's not working out, YOU. HAVE. TIME.
At some point I came across what I believe was an advice post from Tumblr, but I can't find it anywhere and don't truly know where it's from. It had some wonderful advice that I wish I could share verbatim!
The biggest thing I gleaned from it is, don't down-talk your own art! If you have trouble liking the art you make, look for the good in it! Find the parts you can be confident in, build on that, and love what you do!
Here, I'll get you started.
You are an artist, which is a wonderful thing! You have the ability to bring your ideas to life, and that will only get better with time! I'm way, WAY better of an artist now than when I was 16, 17, 18 when I first tried telling stories online. Your biggest hindrance will be yourself, so please don't let yourself get in the way. Perfection in art is impossible. Aim for loving what you do, and be patient with yourself.
Anyways, that's my random sappy spiel. Enjoy your art, lovely artists young, old, and in-between!
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alacrity42 · 2 months
Iruma Misfit Headcanons
Basically just stuff I like to put into my fics or think could/should be happening
Iruma: The class is divided into two groups: the 'no snack' group and the 'feed Iruma' group. Iruma campaigns every day in the group chat to lift the ban on snacks.
Alice: Softened up around everyone since entering second year, and no longer glares at them like he wants to punch them. Took up knitting in an effort to seem more approachable after Iruma lectured him on the subject.
Clara: Drags one of the Misfits to join her playtime sessions once a week. They have all learned what Azz and Iruma go through. Only Elizabetta came out unscathed.
Sabnock: Took up classic literature in his research on the demon kings. His vocabulary has a 13% chance to switch to Old Demonese if he's excited.
Lied: Started a group DeviTube channel. The primary uploader, he makes video game playthroughs and occasionally asks his friends to make videos of their own.
Jazz: Despite Allocer's intellect, he's the one who tracks everyones debts. Often turned to in order to settle conflicts, he revels in the fact that he's now the big brother of the class.
Allocer: Dating an older woman he met online. Keeping it incredibly secret, he worries that the Misfits will scare her off with their chaos and insistence on meeting her.
Elizabetta: Dating both Purson and Lied. Struggled to cope with being polygamous and accepting herself, but is now better off for it. Routinely interviewed by the school newspaper and runs a gossip column.
Crocell: Has taken up gardening to express herself in a way that isn't performing. Gets annoyed when the photos of her plants get more traction than some of her casual posts.
Kamui: Locked in gentleman class hell with Mr. Hatt and Kalego. They fixed him up and now he's stopped harassing women. A phenomenal start.
Purson: The second most frequent uploader on the shared channel, he has gained popularity as the Pixie online. Uses his money to purchase good music equipment, and to Kallego's annoyance, tests it every morning before class.
Gaap: Makes everyone breakfast. Has started taking requests because Agares assured him that people would get sick of constant onigiris. Kalego has praised his work.
Agares: Falls asleep on Gaap's lap routinely because he trusts Gaap to take care of him. It has worked like 60% of the time, but he does it anyways.
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Whenever I see a post while looking through the proship tag that says "Not proship, not an anti, but a secret third thing, a person with a job", or otherwise talks about how they thing the debate is stupid and "chronically online" when there are "real problems" in the world. It's so often just a block on sight.
We know it's stupid, that's why it's so important to us. Right now people are fighting against the censorship of queer media, plus the demonizing of consensual self exploration that isn't considered "normal". Do these people think that the struggle will stop and conclude peacefully if we try to compromise?
"This media that focuses on socially deviant topics (queer people/drag/kink) is important and should be allowed to exist with fair and proper maturity ratings that aren't held to a double standard for being 'taboo', allowing people to determine for themselves if this is a topic they wish to engage with. But this media that focuses on socially deviant topics (underage/incest/any abuse with an unreliable narrator pov) is evil, and will corrupt your children by merely existing. So it's alright to not allow anyone, not even adults, access to this material, or even the resources to create said fiction, because we know what topics they are mentally equipped to engage with better than they do."
The people censoring queer media don't give a fuck if you present yourself as 'morally' pure and good by trying to seem separated and 'better' than the evil enemy they're 'actually' against. They just see you're against 'evil deviancy', and view that as reasoning as to why queer media counts as 'evil' and should be banned. So unless people stop fighting with hypocrisy, we'll get nowhere.
All this anti-ship stuff started with fandom, but continued to gain traction and now runs rampant. Thanks to it, purity culture has been more severe than it ever has been, and even if someone has never heard the word proship in their life, they HAVE had experience with anti ideology and behavior. And if you want to fix this shit, you have to start at the roots.
I am proship because I DO have a life/touch grass/have a full time occupation/whatever you want to call it, and I'm sick and tired of slowly losing the freedom of expression as the rest of the world fights about what kind of media I'M allowed to enjoy. And that's not stupid or insignificant.
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infinity-or-oblivion · 5 months
so my loa batkids au has gained a little traction and i’ve hit a bit of a wall when it comes to writing new stuff so here’s an infodump to hopefully kill my writers block xoxoxo
first of all, jason. my forever number one blorbo. there’s a bit of a role reversal here because compared to all the rest of them, jason arguably had it the easiest. like we’re not going to compare traumas but an argument could be made. i honestly don’t remember if i mentioned it at all in the actual series yet, but the story i have for jason is that his childhood with willis and catherine was about the same as canon/commonly accepted fanon, meaning he was homeless around nine years old. however, instead of living on the streets for years, it was only a few months tops before meeting bruce.
and bruce! this is very fun to me, but basically i was thinking that if he didn’t raise dick, then why couldn’t this version of bruce be younger? so bruce becomes batman in his early twenties, which is also around the time that he visits the league of assassins for training and damian is conceived. (for a little more about that, here) and bruce is roughly 25 when he finds a tiny 9-10 year old jason trying to steal his tires. just imagine that it’s so fucking adorable and heartbreaking ANYWAYS bruce, despite being overall a disaster, doesn’t let a malnourished 10 year old out to fight crime right away, so there’s a couple years between when jason first meets bruce and when he becomes a child soldier yayyyy!!!! but legit, it makes a lot of difference to jason, because you know how canon!jason has some self-esteem issues (for lack of a better term) around bruce not really loving him/seeing him as a son because bruce started training him as robin (and as dick’s replacement) immediately after adopting him- you know that whole thing? yeah well here, despite jason actually offering to help bruce as a vigilante, this bruce is like hell nah you’re literally ten years old and the size of a six year old no way, and those few years in between really stick in jason’s mind as solid proof that bruce really does love him, not for what use he can provide, but simply as a son. also being the only child definitely helps with that
(that little detail of jason and bruce’s relationship is slightly inspired by minimum height requirement, which is absolute batfam gold btw)
okay so. slight pet peeve of mine is in aus where dick isn’t the first robin, the legacy is still called robin for whatever reason (lookin at you reverse robins aus) because!!!!! how dare you erase mary and john grayson’s importance!!!!! (look there’s more nuance to it than that i know but. to put it simply it feels like flying graysons erasure to me) so in this au, jason can’t possibly be called robin. the real robin has been missing for roughly seven years at this point
and listen. i tried to be creative and come up with something cool and original for jason’s vigilante name i really did, but apparently i used all of my naming talent on nighthawk (fucking love that name for dick it’s so fantastic) so we just have bluejay. womp womp
also! on my list of things to expand on: main timeline stephanie!!! i’ve had an absolute blast making myself cry while writing every heart sings a song, incomplete and those who wish to sing always find a song, but spoiler steph will always be my babygirl. and duke!!!! i have not written barely anything for duke in this universe but believe me i have some Thoughts. perhaps even Ideas. basically a lot of steph&duke and steph&babs and steph&duke&babs because i love my little underrated trio
also just more babs in general, because like. i’ve had so many tiny little snippets of cass and babs and their sweet little relationship just sitting in my notes for literal years now that i really just need to organize and expand into their own fic. and yet. i have not done that. but rest assured cass&babs are very very important to me
such is the curse of female fanfic writers: always destined to fixate more on the male poor little meow meows than the female bad bitches. seriously what the fuck is up with that guys i don’t get it why does this happen
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kqirvaa · 25 days
Rmember when I made like SCU headcanons or some shit (Smosh Cinematic Universe)? Well some of y’all really liked that and I’m getting chosen lore brainrot after the live so I’m making another for purely chosen lore 🥰🥰
Disclaimer: these are all my headcanons, unless I like say or some shit all of this is being made up in my brain because I think it’s cool or whatever, don’t take this as fact at all but like u can also headcanon what I’m saying bro idk 💀😭😭
Bro my ass essentially made my own fucking story or fanfic plot or whatever 😭😭😭
Also this shit is a long ass ramble so if u don’t wanna bother just be known one of the headcanons is that Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are in a purely romantic relationship ❤️ (SOMEONE BETTER MAKE A FANFIC OF THEM)
Okay… so getting the most important chosen thing out of the way, chosen is not bullshitting, the chosen all have real powers and shit and are from different dimensions, doesn’t mean they aren’t also loser awkward virgins though they’re still that but just are also powerful Jedi mfs lmao
Now for the next one I’m gonna use into the spiderverse as a good example. All dimensions have a Spider-Man, however not all Spider-Man are Peter Parker, while he still exists in some of those dimensions, like Gwen’s.
So, all dimensions have a chosen, however there are different chosen in different dimensions (if the chosen is played by a different cast member it’s not the same chosen, except mb Olivia’s we’ll get to that 💀) and a person who is chosen in one dimension won’t be chosen in another. Let’s use the chosen who faps, that chosen is that dimension’s Chanse, in that dimension Chanse is chosen.
Now you may IMMEDIATELY be thinking abt the main chosen, Shayne Topp and the chosen are from the same dimension. Well this is my most controversial headcanon, Shayne’s chosen is NOT from our dimension. But then who is our dimension’s chosen? ANTHONY PADILLA.
Anthony was a chosen, but then fapped or something (I have faint memories of the funeral roast) and is like calamity chosen and shit and no longer chosen. This is what attracted Shayne’s chosen to our dimension, as an incredibly powerful chosen he was drawn to this dimension as it completely lacked any chosen.
Oh yh and u may be thinking “but the main chosen’s name is Spencer Agnew… so he’s not Shayne Topp…” you think your parents are gonna give you the same name in every dimension buddy? You might not even have the same parents!
Anyways main chosen is stunned by our world as to how unchosen it is (normalised gooning) and comes here a bunch to try and change that, he also looks for some form of way to get his presence known on some kind of public platform, which is where smosh/smosh Vegas comes into play. (Where he was first introduced)
This is now a side headcanon: Smosh Vegas was this event hosted by Smosh to get unknown talent onto the channel to have their chance at possible success in some form of entertainment route for their future, which is where all these new characters (a lot of which we never see again coz it was for just that event and they didn’t gain much traction or popularity or whatever, bleeding into real life here). Smosh mostly picked weird and wacky individuals, think like reality tv show casting 💀, so the chosen most obviously got accepted onto Vegas.
Now I have not fact checked this but I’m pretty sure the chosen was the only character introduced in Vegas who came back afterwards, he was also one of the few in more than one video. I’d say he found success in entertainment, the audience loved him he could’ve gone on to do his own thing and shit, but he stayed with Smosh.
This is where my headcanons start to get really silly and in fanfic territory or whatever. Why did the chosen stay with Smosh? Well it’s a great public outlet for getting his ideas out there, they (us) loved him! But he also stayed due to other reasons. The chosen knows about Anthony, that’s why he’s here in the first place of course he knows what happened. But Anthony was long gone and presumed never coming back when the chosen came, so staying at smosh because of Anthony would be a stupid idea.
No, there was something else at smosh… SOMEONE. Charles Spencer Agnew, more commonly known as Spencer Agnew. They had almost the exact same name while not being variants of each other, the chosen couldn’t think that was just due to coincidence!! He believed it was some kind of sign and decided to stay to investigate what it meant. This is also why the chosen and Spencer are in heaps of vids together (…early on at least 👀)
Okay so now we’ve gotten the silly origin story out of the way and this is already like the longest post I’ve ever made 😭😭😭
The chosen begins to host Chosen Multiverses. This is a common chosen practice to see which chosen are strongest, the chosen just decided to start hosting it in our dimension as 1. Public platform and 2. This universe has no chosen so 5 chosen being there benefits.
An important part about these competitions!!! I believe this is canon coz it was mentioned once, when you win a chosen multiverse you are upgraded to “the chosen” over just being “chosen”, meaning Shayne, Spencer, Ian and Angela’s chosen are all the chosen.
Anyways here’s the silly part that’s inspired this and has ao3 vibes. The first multiverse is where we meet Spencer, Jackie and mb Courtney’s (idk if they did a tntl bit first but oh well!) chosen for the first time. Also Noah who thankfully canonically doesn’t have a chosen as he’s actually some merch ad and not a real chosen 😘.
Main chosen is truly stunned by Spencer’s chosen… as they are equal in power. Main chosen has never come across anyone close to his power, which is also why Spencer’s chosen comes back all the time. Now we also already established that Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are NOT THE SAME PERSON, and are variants of their respective cast members. So this brings us to the main headcanon for why I made this:
Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are romantically attracted to one another and have a purely romantic relationship.
Now the chosen is canonically not asexual (Shayne said in a Lego stream), I’m not here to headcanon sexuality stuff but I do agree with this and they’re constantly battling their urge to fap and shit coz of their Jedi duty .
Anyways the chosen already isn’t straight coz he canonically sucked Tim’s dick in the matrix (don’t ask) so when u think abt it not very far fetched ❤️
Anyways this brings us to the actual fuckinng livestream Jesus I’m so sorry for the LENGTH of this ramble
If you remember the trailer, it starts as Anthony hitting his head and having a “dream sequence”. Guys let me cook with this next one cos I’m proud lowkey: as Anthony is a chosen anomaly, he still kinda has powers, and the whole sitcom is a micro dimension created by Anthony’s brain after his accident that 3 chosen venture into to contain and eliminate it from existence. This is also why they kinda break the 4th wall in the script and stuff and almost spectate the whole live because they are aware that it’s fake.
Not really too sure what to think of the weed thing btw 💀 anyways yh so chosen!shayne x chosen!spencer canon plsplsplsssss
Also they’re teaching Trevor’s chosen btw that’s why the bring him (yet to be ready for a multiverse, which also btw I was 100% expecting him to be in this years multiverse, like I was thinking the lineup would be him and Arasha over Spencer and Courtney) and Shayne and Spencer’s chosen are dealing with it coz they’re the most powerful.
Uuhhh yeah cool so sorry u had to read all that lmao I probably missed some stuff like loopholes or whatever, I’d love to answer questions in the comments in shit so yh!
Ps: someone make a fucking fanfic of chosen Spencer and chosen Shayne PLEASE
Oh yh I also forgot to mention normal Spencer chosen by proxy and Olivia’s chosen but oh well they weren’t important…
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silverskye13 · 3 months
("Order of Balanced Scales" anon again) It actually fascinates me that the universe-as-meta-character aspect was uninentional, I think I must've read too much into some earlier posts (the proposed tagline for the fic being "The universe doesn't care, so he must", and that post about the alternate End poem for helsmets from a very hateful universe) :'] Or perhaps I was conflating those aspects with another AU I saw, where the universe was even more directly active in the story
I think it's less that you read too far into it, and more that it's an idea that's ballooned over time. It started out as a simple fact of the world so the story makes sense.
"Why do the helsmets fear death more than the hermits? Because sometimes it's permanent."
"Why is it sometimes permanent? Because the universe likes players, not the things made from them."
Eventually it kind of just gained traction in the story. When the helsmets talk about the universe, it makes sense for them to view it as cruel, or at least thoughtless. So the reader views it that way. When we see hels!Zedaph's struggles to be remembered, someone pointed out [in asks or comments I can't remember] that in theory, hermit!Zedaph went through his own little fic with character growth that ended with his life getting objectively better -- at the expense of his hels, who was robbed of that chance, seemingly arbitrarily. Because the universe said so. Any benefit from that happening is beyond the scope of the story, so all we see is the harm, and that's impactful.
We take that harm and we recontextualize it based on the main characters. Their fears make even more sense now. And not only do they make sense, the existential horror of it sinks in as well: they live in a world where the universe has decided their only point of existence is as a plot point in someone else's story. No merit of their own will ever be worth more than that, according to the weave of the world. If the universe is something living and sentient, that is favoritism and cruelty. If it isn't, it's a very sad act of god, like being struck by lightning -- unforeseeable, unpreventable, unfortunate. A family curse with no origin.
It's very.... Existential. Almost Eldritch. Something too big and unknowable to really comprehend in the context of the story is making decisions about someone's happiness, either by impulse or instinct, and there's nothing we can do about it but think about how much it sucks, objectively. It's easy to sink your teeth into that concept and walk around it in circles, ultimately getting nowhere but still taking many steps.
I dunno. It's the serendipity of writing sometimes that stuff like that just Happens and it makes the world richer, without you ever realizing you put it in.
Anyway! Thank you for giving me excuse to walk in more circles anon ⚖️
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bennizone · 5 months
How do you deal with starting out posting art and it going kinda rough? I work really hard and it only gets two likes and then just sinks to the bottom of tags within a few days. It kinda kills my drive to make anything.
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(I've been away for the holidays, havent had time to answer these!! might be from the same person? either way,)
I didn't get much traction in the beginning either - I remember getting 1-2 likes, too. It definitely feels really disheartening. I'm trying to remember what helped...Here's my thoughts:
1: whenever you see art that you like, COMMENT! especially on art from artists that are the same place as you, yanno, just starting out and/or their art journey is at a similar point. It helps sooo much to not only see BIG POPULAR NAMES on your dash all the time, so try to mingle with people that are gonna resonate with you on an even level.. It's more healthy to feel invested in online art because you share growth and exploration with others alongside you, rather than racing against people who already are super established following-wise or expertise-wise.
2: Why are you posting? I want to spark passion, joy, and inspiration in others!!! when I stay true to those words, my art seems to reach more people, because my soul is in it, which resonates better = more people like it and share it! It sounds like you're already putting a lot of effort in, so that's awesome, try your best not to lose the spark of joy. Take a break if it gets too rough, and try to clear ur head and return to the mindset of WHY you're posting in the first place. And pls don't be afraid to change your purpose if you ever want to, let urself evolve, it's normal! 3: I used to get 1-5 likes, and now I get an average of 100-300 on twitter and tumblr (sometimes i get more if my post suddenly gains traction but yanno)... and, on Insta (which I only started using recently, but ofc some ppl followed from other platforms) it's more like 15-60 on average. Some people would consider these numbers miniscule... I don't consider any of my posts "flops", I just have a smaller audience than some other artists. Also, I almost only draw OC-art, so it's more niche...... All that to say, give it time, especially if you havent figured out your Goal yet and you're still trying to figure out why you're posting/what kinda posts you wanna share, or if your art is kinda niche. There's a lot of reasons why you might still not have a lot of reach.
recap: If you manage to find some sorta goal and you interact with peers, and try to remind yourself you're still growing, I think you'll get to a place where u feel more satisfied! i wish you lotsa luck, this stuff is hard. the internet can feel pretty hostile tbh, please never blame/shame yourself from feeling sad sometimes, cus it's rly unfair. We just have to do what we can and try to stay true to ourselves!!!
this got rly long, i hope it's helpful to anybody who read it!! love u all!!!! xoxo benni
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
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asked on anon first but i still wanna know how da first meeting of ej the don and j kirschtein went 🤞🏽
lmfaosvsjs and I had just saw that anon. But we all know some shit went down because Mr. EJ got a slick ass mouth and Mr. Kirschtein has an even shorter temper so that’s a lovely combination. 😭 they first met during a festival that AMG was putting on to showcase some new artists and Eren was just starting out at the time. He had only ever worked as Vivian’s pianist and mentee up until that point. But his debut single, First Degree and his EP, Living Dead Boy had blown up on the underground scene was gaining a lot of traction online so they put him in as a performer! Meanwhile, Jean’s new band, Ateiler Kiss were the headliners. He was AMG’s golden boy, earning record breaking profits so he was feeling himself a lil’ bit. Not to mention, he was sleeping with one of the top stars and next heir to the throne at the time, Mika ASH. One night, they were all backstage. EJ was talking to Armin when Jean walks up and makes a remark, basically calling Eren a glorified stage hand and baybeeeee, it was up from there!! 😭 EJ from that point never took his foot off his neck. “C’mon dude. He’s not worth it. He’s probably just joking.” “I don’t give a fuck because I’m about to have a good laugh.” He let him get up there, do his thing..even congratulated him on a good set. It wasn’t until a week later when Eren shot his second music video; poolside at the Hard Rock Cafe surrounded by beautiful women..including one of his best and oldest friends, Mikasa. Who could be spotted bent over during the line of his song, AWeekendAtBernies: “you can hate me all you want, guarantee your bitch likes me.” Winking directly into the camera, just knowing he’d be watching. Also shows him a Jean lookalike being pushed from a building. Needless to say, Mika was pissed that they had put her in the center of their little dick swinging contest and the fact that he’d insinuated they fucked. “Jean, please don’t make me laugh. That manchild? Please, I could do much better than that if I was going to cheat.”
now, every time they see each other, they on go. Staying at each other’s throats and making slick comments. “Jean, you bastard. I didn’t think it was possible but you get uglier and uglier everytime I see you.” “Says the walking jumpscare himself. I’ve seen piles of dog shit that look better.” They can’t attend one meeting together without lunging at each other so there’s always extra security in case one of them takes it too far. When (y/n) first met EJ and told him that you were dancing for Jean’s tour before, he was upset because that asshole would undoubtedly hold it over his head and brag about it. You and Mikasa even tried forcing them on a double date which led to them both throwing insults at each other. It was a mess.
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katy-l-wood · 11 months
I think one of the interesting things to come out of the current state of capitalism is the amount of reactionary creation by companies. They are so utterly TERRIFIED of someone doing better than them in ANYTHING that if a competitor does something interesting they'll push out a competing product within a year and it will have had 10% of the thought and development put into it, making it absolute dogshit.
Photoshop pushing out a terrible new mobile version after Procreate started to really gain traction and market share is a good slightly older example of this. Now we're seeing it again with Threads. Putting aside all the privacy crap, Threads is just objectively BAD. There are basic visual design mistakes everywhere. It lacks the most basic usability options. It's glitchy as all hell. But Meta was so fucking desperate to swoop in and scoop up wayward Twitter users that it didn't matter to them at all if they offered a GOOD option as long as they offered SOMETHING.
I miss the days when stuff was just one thing and focused on that one thing until it was great, rather than trying to do all the things at once and ending up doing each one badly.
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