#best affiliate marketing books
amaxline · 3 months
Alles über Designrr: Erfahrungen und Funktionen im Überblick
Design ist weit mehr als nur eine ästhetische Disziplin; es ist ein Zusammenspiel aus Form, Farbe und Funktion, das sich nicht nur auf physische Eigenschaften erstreckt, sondern auch technische Funktionen und die Interaktion des Nutzers entscheidend prägt. In einer Welt, in der Inhalte König sind, bietet Designrr – eine Pionierleistung in Sachen Content-Transformation – Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Inhalte mit außergewöhnlicher Eleganz und Effizienz zu revolutionieren. Ob es darum geht, Kindle-Bücher zu erstellen oder in Flipbooks zu verwandeln, Designrr steht Ihnen als mächtiges Werkzeug zur Seite. Sie stehen im Begriff, eine transformative Erfahrung mit Designrr zu machen, eine Erfahrung, die Ihre E-Books und Blogbeiträge nicht nur bereichert, sondern auch Ihre Position als Designer stärkt. Dieser Artikel wird Sie durch Schlüsselelemente wie Designrr.io free, die Erstellung von E-Books und das Login für den Designrr Buchersteller führen. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie unter Verwendung von Designrr Ihre Grafikdesign-Arbeit optimieren und Content nahtlos in Kindle-Formate und weiterführendes digitales Lesematerial überführen können. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Tür zu unendlichen kreativen Möglichkeiten aufstoßen.
Was ist Designrr?
Designrr ist Ihre Eintrittskarte in die Welt der digitalen Produktgestaltung, ein Ort, an dem Inhalte nicht nur konsumiert, sondern neu erfunden werden. Als Plattform, die sich auf die Erstellung von digitalen Produkten wie E-Books und Kursen spezialisiert hat, bietet Designrr Ihnen die Werkzeuge, um Ihr kreatives Potenzial voll auszuschöpfen. Sie können Inhalte importieren, ein automatisiertes Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellen und Ihr Design nach Belieben anpassen, um ein einzigartiges Produkt zu schaffen, das Ihre Botschaft klar und ansprechend übermittelt.
• Funktionalitäten und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten: Mit einer Auswahl an Vorlagen können Sie Ihren Inhalt editieren, Multimedia-Elemente hinzufügen und sogar im Team an Ihren Projekten arbeiten. Die Flexibilität von Designrr erlaubt es Ihnen, Ihre Vision präzise umzusetzen und dabei eine professionelle Ästhetik zu wahren.
• Preisgestaltung und Pläne: Der Zugang zu Designrr ist durch zwei Hauptpreismodelle möglich: einen Monatsplan für 27 $ und einen Jahresplan für 247 $, jeweils mit einer 30-tägigen Geld-zurück-Garantie. Für anspruchsvollere Nutzer steht die Pro-Version zur Verfügung, die für 47 $ pro Monat oder 397 $ pro Jahr zusätzliche Funktionen bietet.
• Ideal für Kreative und Profis: Ob Sie ein Content-Ersteller, Blogger, Vermarkter oder ein Geschäftsinhaber sind, Designrr ist das ideale Werkzeug, um Ihren Content neu zu gestalten und ihn in einem digitalen Format zu präsentieren. Mit Funktionen wie KI-gestütztem Lernen und raumzeitlicher Wiederholung für effizienteres Lernen hebt Designrr die Art und Weise, wie wir lernen und lehren, auf ein neues Niveau.
Designrr steht nicht nur für seine robusten Funktionen, sondern auch für seine Bildungsressourcen. Der Designrr-Blog deckt eine Vielzahl von Bildungsthemen ab und bietet eine mobile App für iOS- und Android-Geräte an. Mit starken Bewertungen und zahlreichen Downloads hat sich Designrr als beliebte und effektive Lernplattform unter den Nutzern etabliert. Wenn Sie bereit sind, Ihre Inhalte auf die nächste Stufe zu heben und in Formate wie Kindle-Bücher oder Flipbooks zu verwandeln, dann ist Designrr Ihr Schlüssel zu einer Welt voller kreativer Möglichkeiten.
Hauptmerkmale und Vorteile
Designrr ist nicht nur ein einfacher Begleiter in Ihrer kreativen Reise, sondern ein revolutionäres Werkzeug, das Ihre Inhalte in professionelle E-Books, Berichte und Lead-Magneten verwandelt. Mit seiner benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche und exzellenten Integrationstools öffnet Designrr neue Horizonte für Ihre Projekte und ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Visionen mit Leichtigkeit umzusetzen.
• Nahtlose Integration und Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Importieren Sie Inhalte direkt aus Ihren Blogbeiträgen und überlassen Sie Designrr die Automatisierung von Aufgaben wie Seitennummerierung und Inhaltsverzeichniserstellung. Diese Funktionen vereinfachen den Erstellungsprozess und sparen Ihnen wertvolle Zeit.
• Hohe Benutzerzufriedenheit: Mit einer Bewertung von 4,7 von 5 Sternen auf Capterra, basierend auf 188 Nutzerbewertungen, spiegelt sich die Zufriedenheit und das Vertrauen der Benutzer in die Effektivität von Designrr wider.
• Weltweite Anwendbarkeit: Designrr wird in verschiedenen Ländern und Branchen eingesetzt, was seine umfassende Anwendbarkeit und Vielseitigkeit unterstreicht. Seine globale Präsenz ist ein Zeugnis für seine Effizienz und Anpassungsfähigkeit an unterschiedliche Geschäftsanforderungen.
Designrr's Design System ist ein Paradebeispiel für effiziente Produktentwicklung. Es betont die Wichtigkeit von Klarheit, Minimalismus und reduzierter Komplexität, um nicht nur die Ästhetik, sondern auch die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern.
• Starkes Design System: Das Design System von Designrr bietet eine Toolbox für Entwickler und Designer, die eine starke visuelle Identität und eine verbesserte Benutzererfahrung fördert und gleichzeitig Kosteneinsparungen ermöglicht.
• Modulare Struktur: Die modulare Struktur des Design Systems dient als Leitfaden für die Erstellung eines eigenen Designsystems, einschließlich der Definition von Zielen, der Entwicklung einer Designbibliothek und der Teamzusammenarbeit.
• Zusammenarbeit zwischen Design und Engineering: Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Designern und Ingenieuren ist entscheidend im Produktentwicklungsprozess von Designrr, um eine effiziente Produktion und Kosteneinsparungen zu gewährleisten.
Die Präsentation von Inhalten in verschiedenen Sprachen kann nicht nur die Suchmaschinenoptimierung verbessern, sondern auch die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Marke in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen erhöhen. Designrr unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre Inhalte global zugänglich zu machen und so Ihre Reichweite zu maximieren.
• Mehrsprachige Inhalte für SEO und Markensichtbarkeit: Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Inhalte in verschiedenen Sprachen anzubieten, um Ihre SEO und globale Markensichtbarkeit zu steigern. Designrr ist Ihr Partner, wenn es darum geht, kulturelle Grenzen zu überschreiten und ein weltweites Publikum zu erreichen.
Designrr ist mehr als nur ein E-Book-Ersteller; es ist eine Investition in Ihre Marke und Ihren Content, die sich durch Professionalität, Effizienz und globale Reichweite auszahlt. Beginnen Sie heute mit Designrr und erleben Sie, wie Ihre Inhalte zu professionellen Publikationen werden, die Ihre Zielgruppe ansprechen und begeistern.
Erfahrung mit Designrr
Ihre Erfahrung mit Designrr könnte sich als ein Wendepunkt in der Art und Weise herausstellen, wie Sie Inhalte für Ihr Business wiederverwenden und präsentieren. Mit der Fähigkeit, eine Vielzahl von Inhalten in E-Books, Berichte, Whitepapers und Lead-Magneten zu verwandeln, wird Designrr zu einem unentbehrlichen Werkzeug in Ihrem digitalen Marketing-Arsenal.
• Vielfältige Importoptionen: Sie können Inhalte aus unterschiedlichen Quellen importieren, sei es aus Blogposts, Word- oder Google-Dokumenten, Podcasts, Audiodateien, Videos oder PDFs. Dieser nahtlose Importprozess wird durch die intuitive Benutzeroberfläche von Designrr vereinfacht, die selbst für Anfänger leicht zu bedienen ist.
• Automatische Transkription: Besonders beeindruckend ist die Fähigkeit von Designrr, Audiodateien wie Podcasts oder Videos innerhalb von Minuten automatisch in den Editor zu transkribieren, was den Prozess der Content-Erstellung beschleunigt und vereinfacht.
• Anpassbare Vorlagen: Mit hunderten von Vorlagen, einschließlich Cover-Vorlagen, bietet Designrr eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Sie können Schriftarten, Stile, Bilder und Farben nach Ihren Wünschen anpassen, um Ihre Publikationen visuell ansprechend zu gestalten.
Designrr ist nicht nur bei den Nutzern beliebt, sondern hat sich auch durch seine durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4,7 von 5 Sternen auf Capterra als eine vertrauenswürdige Lösung etabliert. Die Benutzer schätzen insbesondere die Fähigkeit von Designrr, dynamische Flipbooks zu erstellen, die auf einer Website oder in einem Blog veröffentlicht werden können. Diese Flipbooks bieten eine interaktive und ansprechende Möglichkeit, Ihre Inhalte zu präsentieren und die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Zielgruppe zu fesseln. Die Preisgestaltung von Designrr ist transparent und bietet mehrere Pläne an, die sich nach Ihren Bedürfnissen richten. Der Standardplan kostet 29 $/Monat, der Pro Plan 39 $/Monat, der Premium Plan 49 $/Monat und der Business Plan 99 $/Monat. Zusätzlich gibt es ein besonderes Angebot: das Designrr Lifetime Deal für eine einmalige Zahlung von 27 $, anstatt der jährlichen 324 $ für den Standardplan. Diese Preisstruktur macht Designrr zu einer erschwinglichen Option für Online-Unternehmer, die Lead-Magneten benötigen oder E-Books für Einkommen verkaufen, Kurs-Ersteller, die PDFs und dynamische Flipbooks generieren, YouTube-Ersteller, die Video-Transkriptionen benötigen, und Podcaster, die ihre Podcasts transkribieren möchten. Nutzerbewertungen heben hervor, dass Designrr für seine einfache Importfunktion von Blogbeiträgen, die Erstellung von E-Books und Whitepapers sowie die Möglichkeit, ohne Designkenntnisse zu editieren, gelobt wird. Allerdings gibt es einige Bugs und Einschränkungen bei der Formatierung und Bildbearbeitung. Andere Nutzer schätzen die Fähigkeit von Designrr, visuell ansprechende E-Books zu erstellen, die Integration von mp4- und mp3-Dateien und die erschwingliche Preisgestaltung, während einige auf Einschränkungen bei den Formatierungsoptionen hinweisen. Einige Nutzer betonen auch die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche und die Fähigkeit, Blogs in PDFs umzuwandeln, obwohl sie eine Lernkurve und eine begrenzte Anzahl von Vorlagen in der Basisversion erwähnen. Wenn Sie bereit sind, Ihre Inhalte auf ein professionelles Niveau zu heben und ein globales Publikum anzusprechen, bietet Designrr die Werkzeuge und Funktionen, die Sie benötigen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten, die Designrr Ihnen bietet, und beginnen Sie noch heute, Ihre Inhalte in beeindruckende Publikationen zu verwandeln.
Preisgestaltung und Pläne
Entscheiden Sie sich für das passende Designrr-Preismodell, das Ihren Anforderungen an die Content-Erstellung und Ihr Team am besten entspricht. Hier ist eine Übersicht über die verschiedenen verfügbaren Pläne:
• Standardplan für 29 $/Monat: Perfekt für Einsteiger, die unbegrenzt E-Books erstellen möchten. Dieser Plan bietet Ihnen:
o 100 Projektvorlagen
o 922 Google-Schriftarten
o Unbegrenzte E-Book-Erstellung
o Lizenzfreie Bilder
o Flipbook-Generator
o E-Mail-Support [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/designrr-pricing-plans-cost-guide-ajibola-busari]
• Pro-Plan für 39 $/Monat: Ideal für Fortgeschrittene, die mehr Designoptionen benötigen und ihre Marke stärken wollen. Zu den Standardfunktionen kommen hinzu:
o Über 200 Cover-Designs
o 3D-Coverbild-Tool
o 100 vordefinierte Vorlagen
o Anpassbare Branding-Tools [https://www.capterra.com.de/software/202801/designrr]
• Premium-Plan für 49 $/Monat: Für Profis, die zusätzlich Transkriptionsservices benötigen, umfasst dieser Plan alle Pro-Funktionen plus:
o 4 Stunden Transkription jeden Monat [https://realgoodsoftware.com/designrr-pricing/]
• Business-Plan für 99 $/Monat: Ausgerichtet auf Unternehmen, die umfangreiche Transkriptionsservices beanspruchen, bietet dieser Plan:
o 8 Stunden Transkription jeden Monat
• Agency Premium-Plan für 249 $/Monat: Dieser Plan ist auf Agenturen zugeschnitten, die mit mehreren Benutzern arbeiten und einen höheren Bedarf an Transkriptionsdiensten haben:
o Alle Funktionen des Business-Plans
o Über 25 Stunden monatliche Transkription
o Zugang für bis zu 5 Benutzer
o Onboarding-Concierge
o 24/7 Premium-Support
Für alle, die sich langfristig engagieren möchten, gibt es das einmalige Designrr Lifetime Deal für den Standardplan zu einem Preis von 27 $, was eine erhebliche Ersparnis gegenüber dem jährlichen Preis darstellt. Wählen Sie Ihren Plan basierend auf Ihren spezifischen Inhaltserstellungsbedürfnissen, Teamgröße und der Wichtigkeit von Transkriptionsdiensten aus. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/designrr-pricing-plans-cost-guide-ajibola-busari]
Mit Designrr haben Sie die Freiheit, Ihre Inhalte in beeindruckende E-Books, Kindle-Bücher und Flipbooks zu verwandeln, ohne dabei Kompromisse bei der Qualität einzugehen. Erweitern Sie Ihre kreativen Horizonte und wählen Sie den Plan, der Ihre Vision am besten unterstützt.
Designrr im Vergleich
Wenn Sie Ihre kreativen Projekte auf die nächste Ebene bringen möchten, ist es entscheidend, die richtigen Tools zu wählen. Designrr bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die speziell für die Erstellung von E-Books und Flipbooks entwickelt wurden, aber wie steht es im Vergleich zu anderen Branchenführern?
• Figma und Adobe XD: Diese beiden Tools dominieren den Markt mit einem kombinierten Marktanteil von 48%. Laut einer Umfrage von UX Tools im Jahr 2022 ist Figma das beliebteste Tool unter Designern, mit dem stärksten Wachstum und den besten Bewertungen. Es bietet Cloud-basierte Nutzung, unbegrenzten Cloud-Speicher, Echtzeit-Updates und einfaches Teilen. Adobe XD hingegen punktet mit einer minimalistischen Oberfläche und ist in Adobe Stock und Fonts integriert, was das responsive Design und Prototyping unterstützt.
• Webflow vs. Framer: Die Wahl zwischen diesen beiden beliebten Webdesign-Tools hängt von den spezifischen Anforderungen Ihres Projekts ab. Webflow eignet sich ideal für fortgeschrittene Websites, während Framer perfekt für einfache Designs ist. Beide Tools bieten einzigartige Vorteile, und Ihre Entscheidung sollte auf den spezifischen Bedürfnissen Ihres Projekts basieren.
• UX-Design-Analyse-Tools im Vergleich: Eine Vielzahl von Tools wie Hotjar, Mouseflow, SessionCam, Crazy Egg und UserTesting bieten unterschiedliche Funktionen an, einschließlich DSGVO-Konformität, Heatmaps, Session-Aufzeichnungen, Funnels, Formulare, Feedback-Umfragen und Integrationen. Die detaillierte Gegenüberstellung dieser Tools kann Ihnen dabei helfen, das beste Tool für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu identifizieren.
Bei der Auswahl des richtigen Tools für Ihre Design- und Content-Erstellungsbedürfnisse sollten Sie nicht nur die Funktionen, sondern auch die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Integrationen und das Gesamterlebnis berücksichtigen. Designrr steht Ihnen als leistungsstarker Partner zur Seite, um Ihre Inhalte in beeindruckende E-Books und Flipbooks zu verwandeln, die Ihre Leser fesseln und Ihre Marke stärken. Nutzen Sie Designrr, um Ihre Vision mit Eleganz und Effizienz zum Leben zu erwecken.
Fallstudien und Erfolgsgeschichten
Designrr als vielseitiges Content-Erstellungstool ermöglicht es Ihnen, eine breite Palette an Inhalten zu produzieren, von Präsentationen und Dokumenten über Videos und Infografiken bis hin zu Social-Media-Grafiken, Mockups und markenspezifischen Vorlagen. Ihre kreativen Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt und lassen sich durch die Features von Designrr, wie Symbole, Interaktivität, Fotos, Integrationen, Datei-Widgets, Kollaborationsmöglichkeiten, Flussdiagramme, Social Scheduler, Presenter Studio und den AI Image Generator, weiter ausbauen und verfeinern. Diese Tools sind speziell darauf ausgerichtet, Ihre Arbeit nicht nur zu erleichtern, sondern auch zu einem echten Erlebnis zu machen, das Sie und Ihre Zielgruppe gleichermaßen begeistert [https://unternehmer.de/marketing-vertrieb/135814-vorteile-von-case-studies-8-gruende-warum-sie-fallstudien-nutzen-sollten]. Fallstudien sind eine hervorragende Methode, um die praktische Anwendung eines Dienstes zu demonstrieren, Vertrauen und Vertrautheit mit potenziellen Käufern aufzubauen und die Vorteile auf eine konkrete und greifbare Weise zu veranschaulichen. Sie bieten hohe Glaubwürdigkeit, ein überzeugendes Format, hohe Engagement-Raten, breite Relevanz, schnelle Produktion, langanhaltenden Wert, vielseitige Anwendbarkeit und stärken die Kundenbeziehungen. Dies sind alles Attribute, die Designrr in seinen Fallstudien hervorhebt. Diese zeigen auf, wie Nutzer aus verschiedenen Branchen und Hintergründen das Tool erfolgreich eingesetzt haben, um ansprechende und effektive Inhalte zu erstellen [https://fastercapital.com/de/inhalt/Fallstudien-zum-Marken-Storytelling--Aus-Erfolgsgeschichten-zum-Marken-Storytelling-lernen.html]. Die Fallstudien von Designrr umfassen verschiedene Anwendungsfälle, einschließlich Marketing, Vertrieb, Personalwesen, Produktentwicklung und Betrieb, was die Vielseitigkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Effektivität des Tools unterstreicht. Sie bieten wertvolle Einblicke und Best Practices für Nutzer, die überzeugende Inhalte erstellen möchten, und inspirieren dazu, das Potenzial von Designrr voll auszuschöpfen und seine umfassenden Fähigkeiten zu entdecken. Lassen Sie sich von den Erfolgsgeschichten anderer Nutzer inspirieren und nutzen Sie Designrr, um Ihre Inhalte zu beeindruckenden Publikationen zu verwandeln, die Ihre Zielgruppe ansprechen und begeistern [https://de.venngage.com/blog/fallstudien-beispiele/].
Tipps und Tricks für die optimale Nutzung von Designrr
Um Designrr optimal zu nutzen und Ihre kreativen Projekte auf das nächste Level zu heben, sollten Sie diese Tipps und Tricks beachten:
• Markenidentität stärken: Wählen Sie eine Hintergrundfarbe und ein Logo, das Ihre Marke repräsentiert, um einen starken ersten Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Dies schafft eine visuelle Identität, die sich durch all Ihre Designrr-Projekte zieht User Interface Design Regeln.
• Elemente hervorheben: Planen Sie im Voraus, welche Elemente besondere Aufmerksamkeit benötigen. Überlegen Sie sich, wie Sie diese durch Platzierung und Styling hervorheben können, um die Wichtigkeit zu unterstreichen.
• Mobile Optimierung: Da ein Großteil des Online-Verkehrs über mobile Geräte erfolgt, ist es unerlässlich, dass Ihre Designs mobile-friendly sind. Dies verbessert nicht nur die Benutzererfahrung, sondern auch Ihre SEO, da 80% des Online-Traffics in Deutschland 2021 über mobile Geräte kam Webdesign Gestaltungstipps.
• SEO und Benutzererfahrung: Für eine effektive Online-Präsenz ist es wichtig, eine klare Strukturierung zu verwenden:
o Richtige Überschriftenstruktur
o Bildoptimierung
o Sinnvolle Verlinkungen
o Meta-Beschreibungen
o Strukturierte Daten
o Backlinks
• Visuelle Hierarchie: Erzielen Sie eine visuelle Hierarchie, indem Sie eine dominante Farbe und größere Überschriften für primäre Informationen verwenden. Dies lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit des Betrachters intuitiv auf das Wesentliche.
• Sicherheit und Stabilität: Halten Sie essenzielle Plugins stets aktuell, um Sicherheitsprobleme und Systemabstürze zu vermeiden.
• Vier-Schritte-Designprozess: Folgen Sie beim Planen eines Interior-Design-Projekts einem vierstufigen Prozess: Planung, Design, Möblierung und Dekoration. In der Designphase sollten Sie unkonventionelle oder neue Ideen berücksichtigen, aber gleichzeitig die Prinzipien guten Designs beachten Erstellen ansprechender Benutzeroberflächen.
• UI/UX-Design: Verstehen Sie Ihre Nutzer und erstellen Sie Nutzer-Personas, um eine emotionale Verbindung herzustellen. Verwenden Sie klare Nutzerflüsse und interaktive Elemente gezielt, um das Nutzerengagement zu verbessern. Regelmäßiges Feedback hilft Ihnen, sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Design den Bedürfnissen und Erwartungen der Nutzer entspricht Angebote richtig schreiben.
Diese Tipps sind nicht nur entscheidend für die Erstellung beeindruckender Inhalte mit Designrr, sondern auch für die Stärkung Ihrer Marke und den Aufbau einer effektiven Online-Präsenz. Nutzen Sie Designrr, um Ihre Vision mit Eleganz und Effizienz zu verwirklichen. Designrr hat sich als leistungsstarkes Werkzeug etabliert, das zum unentbehrlichen Bestandteil des kreativen Werkzeugkastens eines jeden Content-Erstellers geworden ist. Mit seinen maßgeschneiderten Lösungen zur Gestaltung von E-Books, Flipbooks und der Umwandlung diverser Inhaltsformate in professionelle Publikationen hat es die Art und Weise, wie wir Informationen verbreiten und konsumieren, revolutioniert. Die Anpassbarkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und vielfältigen Importmöglichkeiten unterstützen Content-Ersteller dabei, sich von der Masse abzuheben und ihre Botschaft effektiv zu vermitteln. Wenn Sie Ihre digitale Präsenz verstärken und die Reichweite Ihres Contents global ausweiten möchten, bietet Ihnen Designrr die benötigten Funktionen und Flexibilität. Die Zufriedenheit der Nutzer und die in zahlreichen Bewertungen bestätigte Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit sind Zeugnisse für die Fähigkeit von Designrr, die digitale Publikation auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. So erweist sich die Entscheidung für Designrr nicht nur als Investition in effiziente Content-Erstellung, sondern auch in die nachhaltige Entwicklung und den Erfolg Ihrer Marke.
• Vielfältige Dienstleistungen: Designrr ist eine Designagentur, die ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen anbietet. Von Webdesign über Grafikdesign bis hin zum Branding finden Sie hier professionelle Unterstützung für Ihre kreativen Projekte [HubSpot Design Manager FAQ] [Cricut Design Space FAQ].
• Entwicklungszeit für Websites: Die Dauer der Website-Entwicklung variiert je nach Projektumfang. Bei Designrr kann eine einfache, kleine Website zwischen 1000 € und 1300 € kosten. Dies gibt Ihnen eine klare Vorstellung von den zu erwartenden Kosten und hilft Ihnen, Ihr Budget entsprechend zu planen.
• Benötigte Materialien für die Website-Erstellung: Als Kunde sollten Sie informative und abwechslungsreiche Texte, professionelle Bilder, vollständige Firmendetails für das Impressum und Ihren eigenen Datenschutztext bereitstellen. Diese Elemente sind entscheidend für den Erfolg Ihrer Online-Präsenz und tragen dazu bei, dass Ihre Website sowohl informativ als auch visuell ansprechend ist.
• Design Sprints – Intensive Workshops: Ein Design Sprint ist ein 5-tägiges Workshop-Format, das intensiv an einem spezifischen Projekt oder einer Fragestellung arbeitet. Es kann auf verschiedene Arten von Herausforderungen angewendet werden und ist ein effektives Format, um kritische Annahmen zu validieren, indem Prototypen mit potenziellen Nutzern getestet werden [Northbayco Design Sprints FAQ].
• Teamzusammensetzung und Materialien: Für einen Design Sprint sollte Ihr Team aus 4-9 Mitgliedern mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen bestehen. Wichtige Materialien sind Post-its, Wandflächen, Marker, Vorlagen und ein tragbarer Drucker. Diese Ressourcen ermöglichen es Ihrem Team, kollaborativ zu arbeiten und innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln.
• Fokus der Design Sprint Tage: Jeder Tag eines Design Sprints hat einen spezifischen Fokus. Vom Verständnis der Herausforderung bis hin zu Benutzertests wird jeder Schritt sorgfältig geplant, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie das Maximum aus dem Sprint herausholen und Ihre digitalen Dienste erfolgreich auf den Markt bringen können.
Erstellung von Designrr-Inhalten https://www.designrr.io › E-Book › Ersteller
Designerr io – Lifetime Deal – Wandeln Sie Ihre Inhalte mit nur wenigen Klicks mit Designer in wunderschön gestaltete E-Books um. Importieren Sie von Ihrer Website, MS Word, G Docs, PDF, Audio, Video und mehr ...
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golearn · 2 years
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earnmoneybysean · 2 years
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ariaste · 17 hours
I'm super excited for your new book, quick question though... I recently saw something about an author not getting much $ from amazon because of the way revenue/profit was allocated when the book was on sale. What are the best 3 ways to buy your book in terms of revenue for you? I'm assuming Amazon isn't great? What about B&N? small local book stores? From the link you shared? A different method?
That is an AWESOME question and extremely thoughtful! I will give the short answer and the long answer. Short answer for RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND specifically:
Buy the hardback from Allstora (GREAT) or my Bookshop.org affiliate store (still good) or Barnes & Noble (I won't get any extra money, but it's good for other reasons, see below) or your local indie bookstore (we love supporting small businesses)
Buy the ebook from wherever is best for you! Right now I make pretty much the same amount of money regardless of platform.
Remember to recommend it to your local library in hardback, ebook, and audiobook form. (I still make money when libraries buy my books, and libraries help new readers discover my books)
For readers outside of America: You should be able to get it everywhere, and buying it from any retailer is great! I recommend a local indie bookstore.
Longer answer for all of my books:
Right, so I do both indie publishing and traditional publishing, so this is where things get weird:
Allstora is amazing for authors. For physical copies of my books, I get between 10% and 40% of the sale price on top of the royalties i get from my publisher. It is sincerely a game-changer. Buying my books from from my Bookshop.org store, linked above, is also pretty good -- it gets me a little boost of 10% of the profits of any books you buy through my affiliate link. Pretty cool. Buying books from Barnes & Noble is good for different reasons, because while I do not get any extra money beyond my royalties, B&N is very good at reporting their preorder numbers to my publisher, which is useful data for them to know for things like how much of a marketing budget to give my books. As for buying from indie bookstores, that speaks for itself: They are the backbone of our literary society and supporting them is just a morally good thing to do. (For international readers looking to get the hardbacks: Whichever retailer you usually use is great! There's no clear frontrunner right now that gives me more benefit than any other)
For ebooks of my traditionally published books (A Conspiracy of Truths, A Choir of Lies, Finding Faeries, A Taste of Gold and Iron, and now Running Close to the wind), again, buying them anywhere is currently fine. I hear Allstora might be working on getting ebook functionality in the future, in which case that will become the answer :) For ebooks of my self-published works, however, get them from my Patreon shop. I walk away with about $8 off an $8.99 sale. It's incredibly good.
Again, recommending my books to your local library (there's usually an online form on their website) is hugely helpful because that's FREE for you and STILL MONEY for me! :D And libraries are awesome, so.
You can also sign up for my newsletter or join my Discord server to get notifications of special events when you can buy autographed books directly from me! This gets me even more money than Allstora, but I only run these events a couple times a year for special occasions.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for asking this question! I hope this helped!
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Hello I'm joining the Have You Read/Watched/Listened to polls, but this time about trans books ❤️.
Submissions are open. Books already submitted can be found here.
My bookshop Affiliate Link can be found here if you'd like to buy any books mentioned in the polls and support my own book buying.
Further Information under the cut:
First I want to define what I consider a trans book for this poll: Any book with a main transgender character or a strong transgender focus. The character doesn't need to be the only main character or their story about transitioning, but the character has to be canon transgender (on page & textually heavily implied are both acceptable). Transgender here includes any non-cis identities and I will accept questioning and unlabeled characters. The author doesnt need to be transgender (or out), but if I know the book is marketed as ownvoices I will tag it as such, as it might be interesting for some people.
All genres are welcome. I personally mainly read horror, fantasy and sci-fi, so I would love recommendations in other genres. I will also include memoirs and non-fiction books.
Traditionally published and self published books are all welcome, but for self published books I would appreciate a link for where to find it and find a summary & cover picture.
You are allowed to give your personal opinions in the tags and replies, but don't be bigoted or start fighting in the notes please or I will block you.
For now I appreciate any and all feedback on how to best run this as I'm just starting out. I already accept submissions!
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Corporate Barbie Files- Begin
When I was kid I didn't know what an executive was but I wanted to be one so bad. Now that I know I've decided to aim a bit higher- Chief Financial Officer day job and small business tycoon. ✨🧿
Please do your own research, I'm no expert and I don't want to lead anyone down a weird path
Planning (business plans)
You can get an LLC for less than 200$, 500$ MAX. What makes LLC's expensive are the licenses, fees you pay when registered, and the state you register.
Sole priorerships (depending on your state) don't need to be registered but you forgo the protections that come from having a government recognized business.
Any small business template online is a great resource.
Plan it out for 3 years minimum but think of this business plan as a living document. As you operate your business it will have to change.
Business research!
You need to do your own research on each business you want to start if you want to succeed.
Topics/questions to research
Researching competitors (Strengths & Weaknesses/marketing strategy/Pricing/products and product features)
Market share
Strengths and weaknesses
Your window of opportunity to enter the market
The importance of your target market to your competitors
Any barriers that may hinder you as you enter the market
Indirect or secondary competitors who may impact your success
Who are your customers and why are they interested in buying your product or service?
What characteristics, interests, desires, pain points and needs do they share?
Where do they live?
How old are they?
What is their education level?
What is their income range?
Which types of websites do they frequently visit?
Where do they currently buy similar products?
Which languages do they speak?
What industry do they work in?
License needed
Growth projection 
Assessing the legal aspects of your industry
Can you reach your target audience? If you're selling inline skates, are you opening in an area with a population of the right age and disposable income?
Is the market saturated?
Your Brand 
Questions you wanna ask
Here are a few methods you can use to do direct research:
Focus groups
In-depth interviews
Ask potential customers 
Questions you wanna ask and answers
Demand: Is there a desire for your product or service?
Market size: How many people would be interested in your offering?
Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment rate?
Location: Where do your customers live and where can your business reach?
Market saturation: How many similar options are already available to consumers?
Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives?
Best ways to reach customers 
Suppliers, quotes and budget
Sources of funding, uses of funding
Finding funding, type in your demographic 'black woman/LGBT black woman, ect' and your state + small business funding. Apply for everything. Find space for inventory. Think up promotional material- Vistaprint is amazing for just cheapy slapping your brand on something that others want (candy, notebooks, pens, cute tote bags).
Skills you may need: Negotiation, Manipulation, Marketing, Social media handling, Emotional intelligence, Personal emotional control, Leadership and delegation, Networking, Memorization (names, position and places you met this people), Self discipline, Conversation, Communication.
Just do it
If I wanted until I felt 100% ready I wouldn't have two functional businesses at the moment.
Low risk low reward business ideas
These may not make you rich unless you market to high heaven or get lucky. But they are a great passive income opportunity/place to start.
Vending machine
Selling books on Amazon/Audible/Printing on demand services
Selling on a ready made sale site- Shopify/Amazon/Esty
Direct sales
High traffic blog for ads
Affiliate marketing blog/social media
Mid-Tier business ideas
Can be scaled up to make 7 figures but after taxes and fees will probably make a steady 6 figures yearly. (Please note that 6 figures can be any where from 100k to 999k. I've noticed a tendency to see 6 figures as only 100k.)
Small bar
Small restaurant
Ice-cream truck
Food truck
Website with subscriptions
A clothing line
Makeup or skincare (especially if it has mostly black women in mind- think Black Girl Sunscreen or Fenty Beauty)
Natural hair wigs (as in 3b-4c pattern, its not super common and the ones that are aren't very good nor last very long)
Small hair and nails salon
Haircare product line
Do your own research please, these are just the most common and least expensive I've found entrepreneurs start. They may not work with your skills/personal brand/time constraints/experience ect.
Have a vanity business!!! A business that matters because you like it so much. One where the success is not based off just money but personal satisfaction. This will keep you from getting bored, too frustrated or purely money driven. Of course a business is money driven but at some point you look up from your work and get distressed from dissatisfaction from being stuck working for money instead of pleasure.
You should be interested in each business you make/engage with a least a little bit.
Break down how much you need to make per day and per week to get to your goal amount. This has helped me mentally, I no longer freak out about the big picture when I'm focused on the main goal of the day/week.
Have a reading list in these 5 categories: Emotional intelligence, Your field of study (finance, tech, medical, beauty), Manipulation/Negotiation, Beauty/Dating/Self-esteem, and Money.
Don't try to build up more than 2 businesses at a time if you're doing it alone. You will drive yourself insane and burn out quickly.
If you do direct sales on the streets make sure you have an incentive for people to actually stop and look at what you have to offer. Something free pretty with your logo or information and matches your brand image. It can be hand made!
Mistakes I made
I relied on one business too much when my goal isn't to scale it too big
I didn't have a workable marketing campaign. People are tired of ads. I'm tired of ads, I had to get creative or rather make the ads less invasive.
I relied too much on online sales. There is way too much competition- I now make 90% of my money from in person sales, there's a 'rush' factor because the pop up shop won't be there tomorrow, and I can make a human connection before I make a sale.
I put too much money into some businesses and not enough into others. Now I have a budget of 200$-500$ for each new business unless I'm buying large equipment that I will own (vending machines, massive printers, ect).
I didn't have enough different types of products. I need variety but I shouldn't panic and make too much or else I'll lose money and have too much inventory.
My mentor had told me to make decisions quarterly (every 3 months) rather than weekly/monthly. This has helped her build her real estate business.
My journey
My motto when it comes to dealing with my businesses is Slow Progress Is Still Progress.
I’ve always wanted to be a higher up in a company- an “executive woman”- I would eat up all the songs and tv shows made for kids about business (Biz kids, Schoolhouse rock mostly). I started my journey with my vanity business because I tired of waiting to get published by a major publishing house. Why not be a major publishing house? As I've come into my own I've realized I want more- more money, more experience, better titles, more power ECT.
My method is to work smarter and never harder: I create a company, place 100% of my attention on it and create systems that make the work I have to do minimal. 1-2hrs of work per day max. Borderline passive income. Then I move on to creating another business when I’m comfortable leaving the previous ones without my direct attention for a while. Being a CEO is all about creating sustainable systems that are efficient, reliable and profitable.
I have 2 functional businesses at the moment, they have been planned out for 2.5 years (I started them at the beginning of the year). I have two more I’m working on both in the ‘finding a reliable vendor’ stage. Once I’m past this part I’ll be ready to launch. I don’t advertise online, I work with the areas I’m in and the small businesses around me. It’s easier and more effective than to interrupt other people’s days by doing online ads. No one likes them and a lot of people will straight up avoid your brand out of spite. I’m in the middle of a rebrand and expansion so that eventually I can reach my goal of making 5k a day from my small business empire.
My journey is a work in progress.
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linguisticdiscovery · 2 years
The Linguistics Starter Pack
Curious about linguistics but not sure where you can learn more? The Linguistics Starter Pack is for you! This is a curated list of my top recommendations for getting started in linguistics. Most of the items on this list are popular science books, aimed at a general audience, and written in a non-technical way. I’ve also included a few highly accessible introductory textbooks if you’re looking for something more structured instead.
Note: The links on this page are Amazon affiliate links, which means I get a small commission from any book you buy through these links (at no additional cost to you).
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Language myths (Bauer & Trudgill, 1998)
If there’s one book on this list you should read to introduce yourself to linguistics, it’s this one. Consisting of short, bite-sized chapters each focused on a different myth, this book dispels some of the most common misconceptions about language and linguistics. The book is almost a quarter-century old, but remains one of the best places to start learning about linguistics.
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The 5-minute linguist: Bite-sized essays on language and languages (3e) (Myrick & Wolfram, 2019)
A collection of tiny essays answering some of the most common questions about language and linguistics. This book is a more up-to-date take on Language myths (see above), except the style is more FAQ than myth-busting. This third edition is sponsored by the Linguistic Society of America because of the great impact that the first two editions had on educating the broader public about linguistics.
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How languages work: An introduction to language and linguistics (2e) (Genetti, 2018)
Hands down the best introductory linguistics textbook on the market. Extremely easy to read, and covers a variety of topics not typically included in other introductory linguistics textbooks. It also includes a number of language profiles, illustrating the rich diversity of languages in the world. The chapters are written mostly by the linguistics faculty at the University of California, Santa Barbara, one of the top linguistics departments in the world. Proceeds from the book help fund fieldwork with endangered languages.
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Through the language glass: Why the world looks different in other languages (Deutscher, 2010)
How does language influence the way we think and see the world? This book is a brilliant journey into the relationship between language and thought, covering everything from how color terms shape our perception of those colors to how grammatical gender shapes the way we categorize people and things in a surprisingly captivating writing style.
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The language myth: Why language is not an instinct (Evans, 2014)
A long-overdue introduction to language and the mind for a general audience, this book explains how humans bring to bear a huge array of cognitive skills to make language possible, debunking the idea that language is an instinct and that we all possess a Universal Grammar. Written by the foremost scholar on cognitive linguistics, this book is perhaps one of the most important popular science books published this century. Think of this book like a non-technical introduction to cognitive linguistics.
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When languages die: The extinction of the world’s languages and the erosion of human knowledge (Harrison, 2007)
This book showcases the incredible diversity of ways that Indigenous languages work, and highlights just how much of this diversity and indigenous knowledge is being lost as more and more languages stop being spoken. The book covers topics like Indigenous ways of telling time, spatial orientation, and number systems, while serving as a poignant introduction to linguistic diversity and language endangerment.
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The unfolding of language: An evolutionary tour of mankind’s greatest invention (Deutscher, 2006)
An enthralling introduction to how languages change over time, and how languages develop their incredible grammatical complexity, evolving from rudimentary utterances like “man throw spear” to the beautifully intricate Turkish sehirlilestiremediklerimizdensiniz ‘you are one of those whom we couldn’t turn into a town dweller’. This is the second book on this list by author Guy Deutscher (see Through the language glass, above), and for good reason, because his writing style makes his books impossible to put down. Think of this book like a non-technical introduction to historical linguistics.
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Empires of the word: A language history of the world (Ostler, 2011)
A history of the world told not by tracing the development of civilizations and empires, but by following the growth of the world’s major languages. Ostler weaves together a fascinating narrative that gives a fresh perspective on history. This book is a must-read for any history buff.
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The dawn of language: Axes, lies, midwifery and how we came to talk (Johansson, 2021)
Weaves together the latest research in archaeology, anthropology, neurology, and linguistics to tell the story of how language evolved.
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Language files: Materials for an introduction to language and linguistics (13e) (Ohio State University Department of Linguistics)
Want to get your hands dirty with some actual problem sets in linguistics? This is the book for you. Half textbook, half workbook, Language files is one of the most widely-adopted textbooks for introductory linguistics courses, packed with problem sets illustrating each concept in the book.
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An introduction to the languages of the world (2e) (Lyovin, Kessler, & Leben, 2017)
If you’re interested in learning about specific languages and language families, this is the book for you. It introduces the field of linguistics by taking you on a tour of the world’s languages. This is one of the most unique textbooks in linguistics, and a lot of fun to read.
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An introduction to linguistic typology (Velupillai, 2012)
A survey of the incredibly diverse ways that languages work. This is the most technical / advanced book on the list, but is the ultimate guide to the grammars of the world’s languages. This is a great reference to keep on hand when reading other books and articles about linguistics.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
Chapter Two (Part 3)
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We sit in the window of a vegan restaurant and we pick at our sweet potato and quinoa bowls while she goes on about some poetry night she was at last week. She always goes to poetry nights, she insists that she’s moved by the prose, which to me seems like endless spoken word performances about the Ballymun flats, soliloquies about the gentrification of the working class postcodes, references to things that Dubliners love, like the Poolbeg chimneys, which are… just chimneys. 
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Marnie is one of those people who loves pretending that she isn’t posh. She can lament about the flats, but she’s never been in or near them. She buys bags of tobacco, skins and filters for five euros when she could easily afford to buy her cigarettes pre-rolled, and does her best to uphold the most neutral of neutral accents, so ambiguous that nobody could ever guess where she’s from. It’s only on rare occasions when she lets her guard down that her plummy, south side accent peeks through and she can’t disguise affiliation with the fee paying school she attended in Blackrock. For both primary and secondary, no less.  
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I’ve been to poetry nights with her, but only once or twice, because I hate them.  She likes to sit there and make outraged sounds in the right places, pretending to be furious at the bankers, even though her dad is one and he definitely benefited directly from the housing market crash. The whole reason she’s there though, really, although she’d never admit to such shallowness, is so that she can meet weird, literary boys who go to Trinity. They seem to love her, and I can only ever sit in amazement as she brings me to their tables and watch as she wraps them around her little finger using nothing but clever words and conspiratorial little smiles. None of them are that handsome, they’re all a bit gawky, and usually after a couple of weeks of knowing her they’ll do something earnest like write a poem about her which she’ll read to me mockingly, pretending that she isn’t privately delighted by it. 
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She’s not like anybody else I’ve ever met, which drives my fascination with her. She’s very interesting. She reads books about feminism, and always has high-brow, intelligent opinions about things like the patriarchy, which I am only now hearing about for the first time. And she’s very cool, and I know that she tries very hard to be cool, but it works, and when I’m around her I kind of feel like I’m cool by association. She’s got attitudes towards things that I know someone like my mam would say were “very modern”. She told me before that she used to be in an open relationship with a boy called Peter, and insists that humans were never supposed to be monogamous. But the open relationship arrangement only seemed to apply to her, as evidently Peter never went on a date with another person for the entire relationship, and they eventually split because he was jealous. Except she hadn’t said “jealous”. She’d said “Unevolved”.
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“Come on, Evie.” She pesters me over our salads after my less than enthusiastic response to her invitation to yet another slam-poetry-spoken-word-whatever night. “It’s always a good laugh. I know that you have a good time, even just a small bit.”
I sigh. “I really don’t, Marnie. I’m just not that bothered about the poetry.”
“Well, if you don’t like poetry, at least come with me to flirt with a few cute guys. It would be good for you.”
I look at her doubtfully, knowing that there are never any cute boys there, only exceptionally odd looking ones wearing doc martens boots laced all the way up to their knees. “I’m not that bothered about the boys there either.” I say. “None of them are… really my type.”
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She puts her hand on my wrist and looks at me worriedly. “I was actually wondering.” She says in a low voice. “Like, I’ve known you for over a month now, and we’ve been out in town so many times and met so many people and yet I’ve never seen you even flirt with a single person.”
“So what?” I say defensively. 
“So do you like boys? Girls? Neither?”
“I’m shy.” I huff. 
“I used to be shy.” She comments, and I don’t say anything to that, because I know that her definition of what shy looks like is extremely different to the kind of shy I’m living with. “I was a very quiet child, then my parents sent me to a therapist and I was alright after that.”
“You think I should go to therapy because I’m shy.”
“Oh, everyone should be in therapy, it’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and actually, this country’s relationship with mental health has historically been shameful, so we have to make extra effort to challenge our prejudices about it.” She goes off on a tangent, all while gently stroking her thumb over my wrist, and I zone out for a few moments so I can look out the window onto the windy city street. 
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“So like, when’s the last time you got with someone?” She says suddenly.
I pull my hand away from her so I can rest it on my hot cheeks. She’s very good at asking direct questions in a very conversational way that are very difficult to twist your way out of, and I don’t know what to say so I grumble something incoherent. Then she pokes me in the arm. “Hey. It’s no big deal, just a simple question. How long has it been?”
I sigh. “A while.”
“What’s a while?” 
I take my fork and start stabbing at my chunks of sweet potato, my hand fisted at my cheek. “Never.” I finally admit. “You got me, okay? I still have my… virginity.”
I know as soon as the words leave my mouth that she’s going to have something grandiose to say, and she does. “Virginity doesn’t exist.” She announces. “It’s made up by men to control the sex that we do or don’t have, completely based on the obsessive patriarchal ideological rhetoric that leads to the idea that daughters belong to their fathers before they belong to their husbands.” 
“Okay.” I say. 
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“So go out and have it.”
“It’s not that simple.” I say half-heartedly, already tired from years of having this exact conversation with first Kelly, then Claire, neither of whom have ever understood me, or tried to. “Everyone else already has experience, and will expect me to have experience too. Because I should have some experience by now. And when I finally do… it with someone, I’m going to disappoint them.”
“Because you’re not immediately a porn star?”
“Well, there is that, and men will always have unrealistic expectations of what is physically possible…” she says unhelpfully, then stops when she sees my forlorn expression. “But you’re too in your head about it. The best way to get over it is to just do it.”
“Yeah. Great. With who though?”
“Someone, any lad will do.”
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“It’s supposed to be special.” I say weakly. “Everyone says you don’t forget your first time, and if I’m going to remember it forever then I want it to be perfect.”
“People have sex sometimes, Evie. It’s not a big deal. Can you imagine the pressure of having to live up to the kinds of expectations that you have?”
I never considered the effect of my expectations. Maybe she’s right, maybe I am piling the pressure on too high for everyone involved, but I have no idea how I’m going to even begin to untangle the web that is my intimacy issues. I groan and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands in resignation. “I know I have to try. It’s not like I want to be like this, but I just feel so stuck.”
“We have to unstick you.”
“Yes I’ve decided to help you.”
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“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Think about it, you and I out on the pull together, chatting to men. I could definitely hook you up with someone.”
I fix her with my best warning look. “I don’t ever want you to try and set me up with anybody. I want free will and choice.” 
“I have great taste.”
She doesn’t. The last guy she hooked up with had an infected eyebrow piercing and curly mohawk in this queasy, seasick colour where it used to be blue. 
“Fine, next time we’re out, I’ll give you complete agency.” She relents. “I won’t bring anybody over to you, even if he’s an absolute babe who’s exactly your type.” Then she reaches out and touches my wrist again. “But I think this is good, Evie. It’s time to push past your anxiety, and just see who’s out there.”
“I suppose.” I say grimly, and go back to stabbing my salad. “But I’m not ready to sleep with anybody. I just want to talk, and maybe kiss someone. Maybe.”
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“That’s so secondary school.” She teases. “But look, I get it. It’s probably been ages since you even kissed someone.” A pause. “If ever?”
“I’m not Drew Barrymore, I’ve been kissed.” I scoff. “Just not in a while.”
“What’s a while?”
“My debs date tried to kiss me.” I say elusively.
“Tried to? Or actually did?”
“Tried to.” I admit, and then shudder with the memory of Bootsy’s dead eyed face looming toward me on the dancefloor, mouth already open. He didn’t even have the decency to look disappointed when I rejected him either, and ten minutes later I saw him devouring Cristina the Horse Girl by the bar.
“Okay so you objectively did not have your last kiss at your debs.”
“I suppose not.” 
“So it was when?”
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I feel too embarrassed to answer. Since the dawn of my love life, since my very first kiss at thirteen, I’ve never gone more than a few weeks or months without it happening. It used to be something I did just to get it out of the way, so that I could say that I’d done it, but now something has switched. I’ve had an intense aversion to it, to anybody showing interest in me. It all just seems too much, too overwhelming, something so gross and unappealing to me now that the idea of it makes me feel a little sick.
“A while ago.” I say, feeling flustered at the old memory. “It was back during the summer after fifth year.”
“So like, a good year and a half?”
“Yeah when you put it like that it sounds so sad.”
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She doesn’t need to tell me that yes, in fact, she does think it’s sad, she just shakes her head in dismay. “You’re getting back on the kiss train, firstly. Let’s start there. Once you’ve broken the seal it’ll be easy. It’s just about pushing through fear.” She says it like she really knows what she’s talking about, with absolute conviction, and I kind of believe that she does. Marnie gets all the boys, all the time, even if they’re not handsome boys, she still gets them, so surely she knows a thing or two that I don’t. I find myself nodding along to what she’s saying. 
“Alright.” I say. “I’ll get back on the kissing train.”
“Amazing.” She grins. “Let’s go out tonight.”
I take a shaky breath. “Wow, that’s soon.”
“Come on, Evie, it’s never too early, just push through it.”
“Alright. But can we go to a normal bar? Not one of those Trinity pubs, please, I don’t fancy any of those academic types.”
“I feel as though you’re just making excuses.”
“I’m really not, just, please, can we go somewhere normal.”
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She sighs. “You know I like the Trinity students.”
“Can you compromise?”
She rolls her eyes theatrically. “Fine. We’ll go to a bar. A boring bar full of boring people.”
“That’s more like it.”
“But as a pay off you have to kiss someone.”
“I have to?”
“Okay, like, obviously it’s really bad-out for me to pressure you, I know, but you have to try some light flirtation with at least one boy.”
“Okay.” I say to her, “I’ll try.”
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“Yes. I promise. One boy.”
“That’s good enough for me.”
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kolbisneat · 11 months
Summer months here we go! Just wrapped up my time with Zelda so I foresee more reading and tv in my future again. In the meantime, here’s how I spent June!
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Saw it twice and the first time was very nearly too much to take in. The second viewing was far less overwhelming and still a joy. While it didn’t feel like a complete story following Miles, at least there’s some satisfying conclusion with Gwen. I’m glad part 2 comes out in less than a year. 
Ali Wong: Baby Cobra (2016) Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood or maybe going with one of her older specials wasn’t the right call but I wasn’t really feeling it. I can see hints of overlapping themes that pop up in BEEF (which I loved and why I wanted to watch one of her specials) but that was more interesting than it was funny. Still gonna check out her other specials.
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Goldeneye (1995) I have more memories playing the game than watching the movie but still a big fan of this flick. Really great characters and locales and I forgot just how comedic it is. So many one-liners! Always feels a little long at the end but worth it to see Boris’ death scene.
Encanto (2021) Late to seeing this and really great! Beautiful and personal and peak musical songs where characters basically ONLY share their personality through song.
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Ted Lasso (Episode 3.11 to 3.12) I was really dragging my feet about finishing the series as I found season 3 wasn’t as consistently enjoyable to watch. But those last two eps really stuck the landing. Some beats were expected, some were welcome surprises, and there were so many callbacks that were naturally woven in that I was really impressed. Some of the best from the season (and on par with the rest of the series) and I’m really glad I finished it.
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Do "gun buybacks" work? by Vox A really succinct breakdown of how the US can do better, and an honest look at why this needs to be a part of a more complex plan. VIDEO
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Agnostic TTRPG Prep Method by Map Crow Really fun way to use all the books that you’re not currently using! Watch the vid and then if you like the process you can pick up the bundle HERE (not affiliated, just a fan). VIDEO
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The Station Toronto Needs by RMTransit Hey I’m a big fan of trains and I just found this channel. This was my first introduction to them but I’m keen to watch more. More trains! VIDEO
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How Editing Creates Comedies That Make You Cry... by The Editing Podcast Another channel I recently came across and I’m keen to watch more. I know very little about editing but am keen to learn more.  VIDEO
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Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber (Page 7 of 285) Clearly I’ve only just started this (thanks to me dragging my feet on The Righteous Mind) but really excited to dig deeper. The prologue is the original essay that inspired the book and that alone already has so much in it! A really great primer and I wasn’t expecting it to lay a lot of the blame at capitalism’s feet so I think it’s gonna be a great read. 
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt (Complete) The first time I read this (at a time when the COVID-19 vaccine was just coming out and folks were choosing not to get it) the book really helped me understand the reasoning behind other people’s choices. For that it was really helpful. This time around, with more time and more political moves behind us, I find it glaringly obvious just how out of touch (or conservative-leaning) this book is. There’s a whole section about how the free market and capitalism is good for healthcare. Wild stuff. If you want more in-depth reviews explaining why this didn’t sit right with me this time around, I found Storygraph had a lot of great write-ups (also Storygraph is great if you want an alternative to the amazon-owned Goodreads).
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 12 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Listen I sing this series’ praises every time I read a volume and this is no different. Somehow the story, setting, and characters grow while still remaining connected to the main theme of “what if we ate the monsters we fought in an RPG?” It’s truly top-tier and I can’t stress enough that if you like charming, funny, expertly-illustrated comics, you should try out this series.
The Fade Out by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Elizabeth Dismang (Complete) Really fun read. Old Hollywood murder mystery with a lot of really nuanced characters. The resolution felt a little abrupt and unsatisfying, but without giving anything away I think it was appropriate. I’m also not sure if it was a stylistic choice but all of the women have different shadows than the men. It feels like they’re living in two different worlds but maybe that’s intentional? Still really great.
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PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation by King Gizzard (2023) Loved King Giz’s first foray into metal and this continues that trend. I may not love everything that they do, but I love that they do everything that they do.
Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The Tuesday Crew is currently up against a young dragon (Dragonette) plaguing a mine (recap HERE) while the Mof1 Crew is divided across Munchkin District and each dealing with their own small crisis. They say never split the party but I think the trouble gets way more interesting when you do.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo) Finally moving on from this after countless hours spent in this world and it’s all bittersweet. Loved the familiar stuff, loved the new stuff, and loved the overall arc of the game. Hopefully the next game in the series goes back to something smaller and focused.
And that’s it. See you in July!
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onlineearningselite · 11 months
Affiliate Marketing Strategy - The Best Easy Copy-Paste Method
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In this blog post, I'm going to share an Affiliate Marketing Strategy which is a completely copy-and-paste technique that anyone can implement, even if they are completely new to online marketing and have no audience. By marketing affiliate products, you'll be able to get daily income using this step-by-step method. So let's get started right away!
Step 1: Finding an Affiliate Product
Finding an affiliate product to promote is the first step to begin in our Affiliate Marketing Strategy, Digistore24 is one of the sites you can use; it provides a large selection of affiliate products. You can create an account and go to the marketplace area. It's critical to select goods that are well-liked, have a strong sales ranking, and take the cancellation rate into account. Let's utilise the "Ultimate Keto Meal Plan" as our affiliate product for the sake of this demonstration and to show you this Affiliate Marketing Strategy.
Step 2: Leading with value
The common error made by most people, which infrequently results in purchases, is to simply spam their affiliate links. Instead, we'll adopt a fresh Affiliate Marketing Strategy and provide potential clients value. The first step is to Google "best-selling [niche] books." If your offering pertains to health and fitness, for instance, look up "best-selling health books." Look for hot books in your niche that are popular right now.
Step 3: Look up the book's title
Using the information you gathered in Step 2. The book will typically be made available for download in PDF format. If not, try other URLs until you locate one that works.
Learn More: Affiliate Marketing Step by Step.
Step 4: Adding Affiliate Links to the Book
Once you have the book's PDF, go to the sodapdf.com website and use their PDF editor tool. Place your affiliate links in the book at key points when you upload the PDF. To increase the likelihood that readers will click on the links, place them every 10 to 20 pages or in each chapter. Use the link feature in the editor to make the text clickable.This will send readers to your highly-converting affiliate offer when they click on the link. Using This Affiliate Marketing Strategy You Can Easily Promote your offer and Earn High Rate Of Commision.
Step 5: Adding the book to Google Drive
Upload the book to Google Drive to make it available to prospective readers. Create a free Google Drive account if you don't already have one. Upload the PDF document that includes your affiliate links. Right-click the file after the upload is finished and choose "Get link." If you want people to be able to view and download the book, select the "Anyone with the link" option. Copy the provided URL.
Step 6: Facebook Book Promotion
It's time to target prospective customers who are interested in your specialised market. Visit Facebook and look for groups in your niche. Join organisations that are active and have a sizable membership. "Hey, I was thinking of trying [your niche product], and I heard that [book name] was good," compose a post providing the free book and include a message like this. If anyone wants to read it, feel free to message me because I have a copy. Reply to messages from people by pasting the Google Drive URL.
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Learn More : Freedom Asselator Webinar
Even if you're new to the internet world, you can make daily payments as an affiliate marketer by using this copy-paste technique. Don't forget to add value by offering free books and placing your affiliate links properly. To reach your target demographic, use social media groups and platforms like Digistore24. With perseverance and the appropriate strategy, you can begin to make big commissions. Good luck on your path in affiliate marketing.
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saber-monet · 4 months
To Manifest more money, get more specific.
Here are a FEW( there’s nearly infinite ways, don’t close yourself off!) ways one can receive money
Treat it like Pokémon and collect them all lol
1. Salary/wages: Regular income earned from employment self/employment.
2. Investment returns: Profits gained from investments such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
3. Inheritance: Money or assets received from a relative or benefactor.
4. Grants: Funds awarded by organizations or institutions for specific purposes, such as research or education.
5. Loan repayment: Money received when someone pays back a loan that was previously provided.
6. Dividends: Payments made to shareholders from the profits of a corporation.
7. Royalties: Payments received by creators for the use of their intellectual property, such as books, music, or inventions.
8. Tips: Additional money given as appreciation for services rendered, typically in industries like hospitality or personal services.
9. Rebates: Refunds or discounts given after a purchase, often as an incentive or promotion.
10. Alimony/child support: Regular payments made to a former spouse or partner for financial support.
11. Found money: Money discovered unexpectedly, such as in lost or forgotten accounts, or on the ground.
12. Lottery winnings: Prizes won through games of chance like lotteries or scratch-off tickets.
13. Refunds: Money returned to a consumer after returning a product or canceling a service.
14. Sponsorship: Funds provided by companies or individuals to support a person or organization in exchange for advertising or promotion.
15. Crowdfunding: Money raised from a large number of people, typically through online platforms, to support a project, cause, or individual.
16. Cashback rewards: Money returned to a consumer as a percentage of their purchases, often offered by credit card companies or retailers.
17. Scholarships: Funds awarded to students to help cover the costs of education, typically based on academic achievement, financial need, or other criteria.
18. Patronage: Financial support given by individuals or organizations to artists, writers, or other creatives to fund their work or projects.
19. Rental income: Money earned from leasing or renting out property or assets, such as real estate, vehicles, or equipment.
20. Contest winnings: Prizes awarded for winning competitions or contests, which may include cash or other rewards.
21. Side hustle earnings: Additional income earned from part-time or freelance work outside of one's primary job.
22. Government benefits: Financial assistance provided by the government to eligible individuals or families, such as unemployment benefits, social security, or welfare.
23. Referral bonuses: Money received for referring new customers or clients to a business or service.
24. Stock options: Compensation provided to employees in the form of company stock, often as part of their overall compensation package.
25. Affiliate marketing commissions: Money earned through promoting and selling products or services for companies as an affiliate marketer.
26. Consulting fees: Payments received for providing expert advice or services to clients or businesses.
27. Trust distributions: Money distributed to beneficiaries from a trust fund, typically according to the terms outlined in the trust agreement.
28. Liquidation proceeds: Money received from selling off assets, such as stocks, bonds, or property.
29. Cash gifts: Money given by friends, family, or acquaintances as a gesture of goodwill, celebration, or support.
30. Insurance payouts: Money received from insurance companies to cover losses, damages, or expenses incurred due to accidents, disasters, or other covered events.
Focus on the ones that fits your self concept the best, for the best results. 
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 month
This is me and thanks a lot for your detailed assessment of my ask. I genuinely appreciate it. Like you said, I do still like Gen very much along with all her limitations in my opinion.
I connected with her videos and the things that she has spoken about in the past quiet a bit. There is a certain honesty and vulnerability to her especially in the SPN fandom context where most extras seem toxic. I also think she is a great mom who really prioritizes her kids.
However, I do find her lacking towards Jared and feel that she could do more to offer support to him like you very much mentioned in your post. I know it isn't easy being in a relationship with someone who suffers with depression, anxiety and has had struggles with suicide ideation. It must take alot but I feel she could do that public support a bit more instead of trying to act aloof at those moments. Like I really appreciated the note that Sandy (it's heartfelt) put out for Jared even after their breakup but I've never seen anything like that from Gen.
Jared is a very supportive husband who constantly props her up so even if everything is not about money, I would understand why she wants to be with Jared even when she may not be that fully in love with him anymore. That's the kind of partner every women wants and very few men are like that.
For eg, I wouldn't consider Jensen making Danneel the EP on TW being supportive as that was just him sort of using her in his agenda of taking over SPN.
If Gen and Jared are not the ones for each other I would still wish them both well individually.
Welcome back Anon. So there are some good points you make here but also some I can't agree with which I'm going to explain why. Know that I'm speaking from a point of view where I look at things more objectively and am not going about things from a petty stance. "Oh what is she wearing here" or "she looks terrible" kind of thing. Instead, I'm going to talk about things more or less that come straight out of their mouths and will do my best to elaborate on the context of things as well.
As far as the parenting thing goes, I'm not 💯 sure I can say she's a great mom. Yes, being a parent is challenging. It's the hardest job to do but it's the easiest one to have an opinion on. I think however she gives into this "woke culture" a bit too much and it is alarming at times. For one, she talks about the kids' problems too openly and why on Earth she decided to openly say on a podcast from 2020 that her kids are all in therapy along with her and Jared and calling it "brain exercise" is questionable at best. First of all, why would you talk about the kids being in therapy under the age of 10? Outside of the whole HIPAA stuff going on there where therapists can't talk about their patients especially when someone doesn't need to know as part of their treatment plan, why would you air your dirty laundry about your kids being in therapy? A lot of the grown world is aware that people don't go to therapy and PAY for it just for shits and giggles or as she puts it "brain exercise". This is what puzzles, books, etc. Are for, not therapy.
Therapy is to address some kind of trauma, emotional disorder, treat a psychological condition, etc. Calling it brain exercise and generally trying to normalize something like therapy, sure lots of us go to therapy and there's nothing wrong with it. Heck, I do too for depression/anxiety reasons because of a lot of things that I went through as a child pertaining to how I was treated by the school system in elementary school and other things (thanks to being neurodivergent). But for Gen to talk about it casually as if everyone is going to view it the same twisted way she does IS a problem. Don't talk about your kids' issues, let alone use it in your affiliate marketing crap as, I'll dive into below. I took the below screenshot on April 16, 2024, around 11:27am EST and from the time stamp given being 53m (indicating 53 min Instagram style), this makes it so she posted this around 10:34am EST (or 9:34am CST since that's her time zone). I'm going to touch onto some of the stuff these books tap into based on Google searches, as I sadly don't have the time to read as much as I'd like. Going based on the covers here, it seems to me she have some insight as to what kinda issues her kids have, what her flaws as a parent are, etc. "Raising Good Humans" talking about breaking the cycle of reactive parenting.
The Anxious Generation, I didn't read this book but I did watch a documentary called The Social Dilemma tapping into how social media websites are designed to keep people interacting as much as possible. It also talked about how AI behind sites like Facebook can know things about your personality, interests, people who are likely to get into a relationship based on their interactions, if you're struggling with mental illness, etc. The answer to this problem? Don't let your kids be glued to electronic devices or even have social media for a long time. I mean hell my 8 year old son has a friend in his class who already has a Facebook. Like really, why just why?
As for The Explosive Child, based on some comments she's made, general vibes their kids give off in how they react to certain things and behave, etc. It is not difficult to guess which child this is. There are also plenty of easy solutions to this problem, like teaching your child what the word no means. But we're not there to see or hear everything, I'm going based off of what had been observed from publicly available videos, posts, etc.
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To define Reactive Parenting as a synopsis from this site here,
"Reactive parenting is a parenting style where the parent’s reactions are primarily driven by their strong emotions toward a child’s behaviors rather than a thoughtful understanding of the situation. Reactive parenting is characterized by the following.
* Emotions such as anger, frustration, and fear drive impulsive responses.
* Over-reactive, punitive, aggressive, and explosive reactions.
* Yelling, threats, punishment, or bribes.
* Lack of self-control.
* Inconsistency in reactive discipline is confusing for the child.
* Focus on immediate control rather than teaching the child or the long-term results.
Then here are 10 examples also from the same website as to what reactive parenting is:
* Yelling or screaming at the child
* Punishing out of anger
* Reacting physically, such as spanking or grabbing a child in anger
* Using shaming or name-calling
* Resorting to threats or ultimatums
* Getting easily frustrated and snapping at the child over small issues
* Caving in to whining or giving in to tantrums
* Making fake promises
* Feeling personally attacked or insulted by a child’s misbehavior
* Making sarcastic or hurtful comments in response to a child’s behavior
Now, I'm not gonna sit here and say that any parent is perfect. Everyone had moments where they don't react the best to situations and we all have our boiling points. Based on other clips like from the FanX or Atlanta con or maybe even Scotland in a panel Gen and Jared did together, it is clear both Jared and Gen probably have issues disciplining their kids at times. One of the comments made was sobering to the effect of "this is what it's like trying to discipline our kids at home" in a joking manner. I can't for the life of me recall which panel it was but I know it was a more recent one.
Also, if we want to talk about how the boys don't seem to really like being filmed especially Tom, that bizarre vampire cake Odette got for her birthday that doesn't look child appropriate in my personal opinion or even how Gen admitted she lets Odette be mean to Shep from being a sensitive oddball, it's clear to me Gen is permissive yet also strangely territorial against Jared to the point where it seems he doesn't even fit in at home. Just like everyone else, I do have my opinions on raising kids even if they're not mine because guess what? All kids grow up and are meant to be productive members of society, I'd like to see as many of them grow up to be healthy, well rounded individuals who contribute to society as possible. Isn't that what we all want?
Good for Gen on admitting to her flaws as a parent on multiple occasions, seeing something is wrong with what you're doing and admitting to it is the first step to addressing a problem. But seriously, I say she needs to stop airing her dirty laundry and frankly, not everything is meant to be some monetizing opportunity.
Now onto your comments about being with someone with depression and/or anxiety and suicidal ideation. I know I know, it's all just a chemical imbalance right? (Sarcasm to be duly noted here). Gen admitted to having some issues with anxiety in the Rise Together podcast she did in Nov 2020 with Dave Hollis I've mentioned several times lately ha ha. I am going to say no it really isn't that hard, especially if she supposedly has anxiety like he does. She should have some better grasp on his issues as his wife than she does, let alone more than the average person. She made it pretty clear she's very tone deaf when it comes to Jared. Don't get me started on her yellow sticky note talking about "the empaths" and whatnot from this post she made below. It honestly isn't THAT hard to be with someone who has depression or suicidal ideation at times. I think with suicidal ideation people get very uncomfortable when they hear someone thinking about it. I understand why as this is something a professional should deal with but in all honesty, sometimes what these people need is a listening ear.
It's ironic you mentioned the letter Sandy wrote about their breakup as I'm aware she ended up getting her Masters degree in Psychology per her Etsy page. She also sells some sensory kits which seems to stem back to her interests in psychology. It is slightly ironic she is Jared's ex fiancé, got her masters in Psychology and we're talking now about how hard it apparently must be for Gen to be with Jared given his history with mental illness. Ironic given the black magic stuff, how him and Gen met merely within 2 months after he and Sandy broke up, etc. and the educational background she now has. Hmmmm... did Gen's black magic result in this "surprise in the bag" (referring to what that psychic guy I mentioned before said about sorcerers, black magic, and how higher powers always throw in these surprises for them "be careful what you wish for") because Gen's black magic actually "took" Jared away from someone who was maybe a little more better suited for Jared than she is? And now the struggles she must have marrying into these problems. By the way, I was told on a side note Jared and Sandy aren't true love soulmates either but that Sandy would've still been a better fit for him. It could however in a way be said that maybe Sandy's life is more simple and seems overall at least somewhat happy from what I've seen on her posts, where she's at in life and whatnot. I think things with Jared may have ended up less tumultuous if he were with Sandy instead but at the same time we always have a choice in how we behave. We may not always be in control of what emotions arise from things but we all can 100% control HOW we react to things, which I think is a lesson both Gen and Jared have yet to learn (and was implied in the reactive parenting book choice she chose to picture in her story and is trying to monetize off of).
Now with the most recent book post I provided screenshots of below funnily enough, this wasn't something she underlined but it is relevant to the black magic stuff I was talking about. In one of the screenshots from the post she made the other day from the book it says: "This shame is wrapped up with the morality of the sins and baked into our culture, invisible to our eyes. I believe envy is at the crux of woman-on-woman conflict, the unleashing that pulls us back from expression. It may seem unyielding but it's a spell we can break: we need to examine the instinct then unbuckle the col-..." and stops there. It's a spell we can break. Hmmm... funny page to post given the timing of my making these posts about her black magic. Of course this isn't the context from the book but I just found the timing to be rather funny and how she picked that page to take a photo of and post. As for what she sacrifices and whatnot, she lives a very comfy lifestyle and has nannies to help with the kids. Only thing she sacrifices is freedom due to having kids. See Gen, isn't the idea of having more kids just silly at this point? Sure it would be nice to have that kind of lifestyle (oh no ENVY on my part) but I do not see what else I would have to ENVY her about lol.
I remember one conversation I had with my grandmother years ago before she passed away when I was having some issues with my own mom. She talked to me some about how when she came to America from India after marrying my grandfather, she knew next to nothing about sewing, cooking, raising kids, etc. She had to learn real quick after she started having kids and said that my oldest aunt helped her with the rest of the kids (my mom is the youngest of 10 along with her twin sister, my aunt!). Now THIS is sacrifice to me on my grandmother's part and my aunts. She was trying to convey the point that parenting is hard and to try giving my mom some slack on things.
For a bit of some backstory, She grew up in India back when it was taken over by Great Britain and the British families were given Indian servants. Now, families like my grandmother's hid their Indian ancestry or didn't talk about it because of this lifestyle they were given. Point is, my grandmother lived a relatively comfortable lifestyle prior to coming to the USA and had to sacrifice her lifestyle in India to move to the USA with my grandfather and start a family. I'm aware Gen comes from a wealthy family and has a more parallel movement socially if not upward. I'm not sure what she sacrificed as it seems she enjoyed being pregnant and talks a lot about how her source of strength is in being a mother and such. Hmm...
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With Jared and Gen, true love soulmates/divine matches my ass, they definitely aren't. You don't need to be a psychic or have any intuitive gifts to see that if you look closely enough. I laugh when people say they clearly have a rock solid marriage because of you know enough about them, it starts to become clear as day that's not the case. Jared definitely is a very good man, even if he comes with a lot of baggage. I think even though he has many great qualities (very kind, affectionate, supportive, wealthy come on I had to lol, handsome), he also is flawed like anyone else. I think the mental health issues he has however serve as a deterrent for a lot of people. We also can't forget how he has in the past doxxed customer service people online and has said some rather mean stuff about others, which maybe why Charlie and such takes over his page at times.
I am curious about your comment regarding Jensen using Danneel in his agenda to take over the SPN brand. I will say a lot of people blame Danneel for how things with The Winchesters went down and for announcing it publicly when it was announced. They also blame her for starting off Prequelgate. The reality is, it was going to be announced at some point no matter what day they picked. Jensen should've talked to Jared about his plans from the get go and not later, but what do I know? It's debatable as to whether Jared really knew nothing about the show prior to it being announced or not, and also how much of this was Jensen or Danneel's fault. I personally think Jared should've talked to Jensen behind closed doors about it instead of taking it to Twitter but hey I guess he needed to rant, right? Can't blame him for feeling at least left out of this one but then again, I find it interesting Jared came up with the idea for Walker first before Jensen ever came up with the idea for The Winchesters. Jared already had a deal to do Walker before Jensen did for The Winchesters, let alone before Chaos Machine Productions ever came into existence. I say things do not add up publicly as to who is to blame here honestly but I think it boils down to bad communication on all parts. It's also up for debate about Jensen taking over the SPN brand as there's things he's done that suggest this is true. For example, getting the FBBC LLC registered and trademarked back in about 2014 or 2015 before they opened doors on 2018. Also doing The Winchesters could be another one but then again Jared had his Walker deal first and was hoping Jensen would play Cordell. I can't seem to find a source for this but some peeps told me Jensen told Jared he isn't interested because he didn't care for the script, but he did show up for a cameo and ended up directing an episode of Walker. Then there is the whole YANA versus AFK stuff that went on back in 2016 which was at the very least questionable.
I do love your sentiment Anon that even if they aren't soulmates you wish them well anyways as individuals (no sarcasm here, I promise). I can never condone the idea of parents staying together for the sake of the children. Happily married, yes unhappily no. If there are fundamental differences that are leading a married couple to be unhappy, it isn't gonna work. Kids do eventually figure out mom and dad aren't good together if they aren't. It always trickles down to the kids when parents aren't happily married. I think there are definitely worse people out there and far worse parents who do horrific things to their kids. However, I can't say Gen is a great parent but maybe a more average parent or so coming from an objective point of view.
Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and having this conversation with me Anon. And also thank you for taking the time to read my long response ha ha. I hope this post gives some more insights as well, even though we don't entirely agree on everything.
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mahmudulhasan46 · 2 months
AI WebProfit Review - Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites (Ariel Sanders)
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AI WebProfit Review – Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites
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And before ending my legit AI WebProfit Review, I promised to give you my very Special Unique Own Developed PFTSES Formula for FREE.
AI WebProfit Review: Money Back Guarantee
AI WebProfit’s money-back guarantee, if any, is often a crucial deciding factor for potential customers. Unfortunately, including a money-back guarantee section in the original review wasn’t possible due to the lack of readily available details.
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AI WebProfit Review: Conclusion
AI WebProfit offers a suite of functionalities designed to leverage artificial intelligence for online marketing optimization. While it promises significant benefits such as efficiency gains, data-driven decision-making, and improved conversion rates, there are drawbacks to consider, including limited transparency, over-reliance on AI, and potential data security concerns. Carefully evaluate your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise before deciding if AI WebProfit is the right fit for your online business. Consider exploring alternative tools and strategies to achieve your marketing goals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/month It’s up to you.
How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to AI webProfit.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
No, AI webProfit is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
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While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. If you tried AI webProfit and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid And send you $300 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.
How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page and secure your copy of AI webProfit at a one-time fee.
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See my other reviews: Six Figure Side Hustle Review, Ai Money Sites Review, And ProfitTok Review.
Thanks for reading my AI WebProfit Review till the end and I hope it will help you to make your purchase decision.
Source: AI WebProfit Review - Create SEO Optimized AI Blogs & Websites (Ariel Sanders)
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Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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gold-onthe-inside · 4 months
What’s the first thing Piper does when she moves to a new city? Find the local library? Read up on local politics? Go on a walking tour? Find a farmers’ market?
She moves around so much I imagine she probably has a routine lol
omigod i love this question asjkdfhjfgh. okay, yes, piper's got so much on her to-do list that furniture is the least of her concerns. first, find a local therapist and support group cause mental health. make some kind of affiliation with a local institute/university (and if they aren't connected to asclepius, bring that up in any way shape or form possible).
rather than a walking tour, she'll try to find a local history nerd to be friends with and/or a native to the city. she also blends in very well with the student populace so she'll go to those hangouts -- dive bars and trivia nights.
that said, she's not dependent on people, she's fine wandering the city alone and discovering places and foods. she'll go to book readings and poetry slams and participate in community drives etc.
farmer's markets take a while for piper to find, it's very trial and error. she'll try a different market each week, figure out which one she likes best. as for politics, piper has a general overview of what's going on in most states, but yes, she'll try and zero in on what the communities that she has access to need.
you're absolutely right, piper does move around a LOT in her 20s. she's usually never in one city for more than 4 months so she tends to stay light -- not much furniture, sticks to library books and online journals, mostly renting apartments or student accommodation if that applies. that massive collection of books and music she's got when she moves to DC permanently -- all accumulated in the year she spent in texas, either bought online or in local stores.
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30 gifts for 30 days of November - Day 26
This is the twenty sixth of thirty Better Than a Poke in the Eye recommended gifts for the book lover in your life, even if that book lover is YOU!
Today’s recommendation is : The Worst Witch Colour Gift Edition by Jill Murphy
Whilst these are children's books, even now adults who loved this series as a child still read them, and that is why we have included them in this list.
The Worst Witch was one of Rachel’s favourite book series whilst growing up, so much so that when we recently cleared out her father’s possessions after he died, we found a whole box of Rachel’s childhood books that he had kept for her, and The Worst Witch books were amongst them and obviously very well read.
The Worst Witch tells the story of Mildred Hubble and her new best friend Maud trying their very best to get through their first term at Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches. Mildred’s clumsiness at being a witch and the trouble it gets her into is the source of much hilarity in these books.
Jill Murphy finished writing The Worst Witch when she was just 18 years old, having started it when she was 15 and in a convent school, but it didn’t find a publisher until 6 years later as most publishers deemed the story about witches too scary for the children's market.
There are eight books in the series, the first, The Worst Witch, was published in 1974 with the latest book First Prize for the Worst Witch getting published in 2018.
Each book covers one term at the school. There are two terms each year: the Winter term, from September to January, and the Summer term, from March to July. In First Prize for the Worst Witch, the most recent book, Mildred is in the Summer term of her fourth year.
Jill Murphy illustrated all the books herself, with black and white drawings which are divine and invoke some very special memories for Rachel (and some of her friends too).
This particular edition is special as Jill has revisited these drawings and produced full colour versions for this anniversary edition of The Worst Witch.
Some readers may remember some of the live action films, tv series and the stage adaptation of the books. The television film, made by ITV in 1986 starred a cavalcade of well known actors such as Tim Curry, Diana Rigg and Fairuza Balk. It's worth seeking this out and having a watch. Tim Curry is especially creepy as the Grand Wizard
You can purchase it through our online bookshop or through any of our affiliate links.  
The Worst Witch Colour Gift Edition by Jill Murphy - R.R.P. £10.99
Better Than a Poke in the Eye Bookshop .org
Amazon UK
You can also purchase the rest of The Worst Witch series of books via our bookshop.
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marketingprofitmedia · 7 months
Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World
Welcome to the gateway of financial liberation — welcome to “Passive Income Paradise: How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World.” In an era where autonomy and flexibility reign supreme, the pursuit of passive income has become a journey towards unrestricted financial prosperity. This blog delves into the multifaceted realm of passive income, offering you insights into diverse avenues that enable earnings without the shackles of constant effort. Join us as we explore traditional investments, online ventures, real estate, and intellectual property, guiding you on a path to financial freedom that transcends geographical boundaries. Embrace the art of making money effortlessly, and let’s start on a journey to the paradise of passive income together.
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Types of Passive Income
Passive income refers to earnings derived from a business, investment, or other sources with little to no effort on the part of the recipient. While it often requires upfront work or investment, the goal is to generate income with minimal ongoing effort.
Here are some common types of passive income:
Dividend Stocks: Investing in stocks that pay regular dividends allows you to earn a portion of the company’s profits.
Rental Income: Owning real estate and renting out properties can provide a steady stream of passive income.
Real Estate Crowdfunding: Participating in crowdfunding platforms allows you to invest in real estate projects and receive a share of the profits.
Peer-to-Peer Lending: Platforms that facilitate peer-to-peer lending allow you to lend money to individuals or small businesses in exchange for interest payments.
Create and Sell Intellectual Property: This could include writing books, creating music, designing software, or developing other forms of intellectual property that can be sold or licensed.
Create an Online Course or e-Book: Sharing your expertise on a particular subject through an online course or e-book can generate passive income.
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link.
Automated Online Businesses: Building and automating online businesses, such as dropshipping or affiliate marketing websites, can generate passive income.
Royalties from Intellectual Property: If you own patents, trademarks, or copyrights, you can earn royalties from others using or licensing your intellectual property.
Stock Photography: If you are a photographer, selling your photos to stock photography websites can provide ongoing royalties.
Create and Monetize a Blog or YouTube Channel: Building a blog or YouTube channel and monetizing it through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing can generate passive income.
Dividend-Generating Funds: Investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on dividend-paying stocks.
Automated Investing Apps: Robo-advisors and automated investment platforms can help you invest in a diversified portfolio with minimal effort.
License Your Art or Designs: If you’re an artist or designer, licensing your work for use in various products can generate passive income.
Create a Mobile App: Developing a useful or entertaining mobile app and earning money through ads or in-app purchases.
The Pros and Cons of Passive Income
Venturing into the world of passive income brings both promises and challenges. Enjoy financial freedom, flexibility, and diversification, but be prepared for the initial effort required and potential market volatility. Navigate the landscape wisely to unlock the true potential of passive income.
A. Advantages
Financial Freedom: Attain the freedom to live life on your terms.
Flexibility: Enjoy a flexible lifestyle with more time for personal pursuits.
Diversification: Spread your income sources, reducing dependency on a single channel.
B. Challenges
Initial Effort: Many passive income streams require substantial effort upfront.
Market Volatility: External factors may impact income, especially in investments and online ventures.
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Getting Started with Passive Income
The route to passive income begins with self-reflection. Determine your hobbies, investigate prospective revenue sources, and develop a strategic strategy. This first step is critical for building the groundwork for future financial success by aligning with your abilities.
Traditional Investments
Traditional investments offer a stable route to passive income. Dive into the dynamic world of the stock market, bonds, and mutual funds. Learn the art of strategic investment to secure steady returns and create a robust financial foundation for the future.
Online Ventures
Online ventures offer a dynamic path to passive income. Engage in affiliate marketing, promoting products for commission. Transform passions into profit with blogging, leveraging ads and sponsorships. Explore YouTube for ad revenue and e-commerce for a digital storefront that generates income while you sleep.
Start your journey of online entrepreneurship.
Affiliate Marketing: Identify products that resonate with your audience. Build a dedicated following for sustainable earnings.
Blogging: Choose a niche you’re passionate about. Monetize through various channels, gradually turning your blog into a passive income powerhouse.
YouTube: Craft engaging content, optimize for search engines, and let ad revenue and sponsorships contribute to your passive income.
E-commerce: Select the right platform, products, and marketing strategies. Build a brand that continues to generate income with minimal oversight.
Real Estate
If you want a safe way to make money while you sleep, get into real estate. If you want to make a steady income from rentals, you should buy rental homes. Check out real estate crowdfunding. When people pool their money and time to work on bigger projects, you can get a piece of the income without having to do any work yourself.
Explore the realm of bricks and mortar for long-term, reliable passive income.
Rental Properties: Invest in properties that attract tenants. Enjoy a steady rental income.
Real Estate Crowdfunding: Pool resources with others to invest in larger real estate projects, sharing the profits.
Intellectual Property
Unlock the potential of intellectual property as a passive income source. Write and publish, earning royalties from books and articles. Create online courses to share expertise globally. License innovative ideas, turning creativity into a continuous stream of income in the dynamic world of intellectual property.
Monetize your creativity and knowledge.
Writing and Publishing: Write books or articles and earn royalties. Leverage digital platforms for wider reach.
Creating Online Courses: Share your expertise through online courses, reaching a global audience.
Licensing Ideas: Turn your innovative ideas into passive income by licensing them to businesses.
Overcoming Challenges
Journey through the inevitable challenges of passive income. Embrace failures as invaluable lessons, adapting and growing stronger. Navigate market changes by staying vigilant and flexible. Overcoming these hurdles is integral to carving a resilient path to financial freedom through passive income.
Acknowledge and overcome the hurdles in your passive income journey.
Learning from Failures: Treat setbacks as learning experiences. Adapt and grow from your failures.
Adapting to Market Changes: Stay vigilant and adapt your strategies to navigate through market fluctuations.
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Scaling Up Your Passive Income
Improve your passive income game by intelligently scaling up. Profits should be reinvested properly, compounding earnings for exponential development. Automate procedures to lessen your hands-on engagement, enabling your revenue to grow with less work. Investigate new enterprises to diversify and improve your financial situation.
Move beyond the basics and elevate your passive income game.
Reinvesting Profits: Compound your earnings by reinvesting in your existing ventures or exploring new ones.
Automating Processes: Streamline operations to minimize hands-on involvement, allowing your income to grow with reduced effort.
Exploring New Ventures: Stay dynamic by exploring new opportunities and expanding your passive income portfolio.
Case Studies
Set off on an inspirational adventure via real-life case studies. Dive into success stories to learn about the techniques and tactics people used to attain financial independence via different passive income sources. Take away key lessons from these situations to help you on your journey to success.
Learn from those who have successfully mastered the art of passive income.
Success Stories: Explore real-life examples of individuals who have achieved financial freedom through passive income.
Lessons Learned: Understand the challenges faced by others and gain insights into overcoming obstacles.
The Future of Passive Income
Peering into the future of passive income unveils exciting possibilities. Stay ahead by embracing emerging trends and leveraging technological influences. Constantly adapt and innovate to navigate the evolving landscape, ensuring sustained success in the dynamic realm of passive income.
Stay ahead of the curve by anticipating future trends.
Emerging Trends: Stay informed about new opportunities and technological advancements in the passive income landscape.
Technological Influences: Embrace technology to enhance and diversify your passive income streams.
As we conclude our exploration of Passive Income Paradise, reflect on the diverse avenues unveiled. Align your passions with profitable ventures, overcome challenges, and witness the evolution of your financial strategies. This journey isn’t just about earning; it’s about creating a lifestyle that affords freedom and fulfillment. Stay committed, learn from experiences, and watch your passive income flourish, providing the key to unlocking financial independence and making money easily from anywhere in the world. The possibilities are limitless, and your path to prosperity begins now.
Q1. How much initial investment is needed for passive income?
The initial investment varies based on the chosen income stream. Some require minimal investment, while others may demand a more significant upfront commitment.
Q2. Can passive income replace a full-time job?
In many cases, yes. However, the transition depends on your financial goals, chosen income streams, and the effort you invest initially.
Q3. What are common mistakes to avoid in passive income ventures?
Avoid the mistake of expecting instant results. Patience is key. Additionally, thorough research and ongoing learning are crucial to success.
Q4. Is passive income suitable for everyone?
While passive income is a viable option for many, it’s essential to assess your skills, interests, and commitment level before diving in.
Q5. How long does it take to see significant returns from passive income?
The timeline varies, but it’s common for significant returns to take time. Be prepared for an initial period of effort and learning before experiencing substantial results.
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World
Thanks for reading my article on “Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World“, hope it will help!
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