#beidou is a privateer
thedilucharem · 2 years
Beidou’s Woes Against Mondstadt’s ‘Divinity’: Part III
Beidou regrettably files for personal bankruptcy. (Written as of 2.5 being out)
Two captains, a ‘nun’, a bard, and a privateer, walk into Angel’s Share for an impromptu meeting of what I like to call ‘High-Functioning Alcoholics Anonymous’. At the bar table, Beidou is sandwiched in the middle of Kaeya and Venti with Rosaria next to her usual drinking buddy and Eula taking a seat next to the bard that slanders her family daily through song - much to her delight.
Kaeya: - and then he was just sitting there! Honestly, it was one of the funniest things I ever saw! (laughing)
Eula: (slurs) Holy shit. (hic) What . . . what an idiot. (chugs her third round of beer)
Rosaria: (shakes her head in bemusement) That doesn’t even make any sense.
Venti: (chuckling to himself) Considering the pocket change involved, you could say that it makes perfect ‘cents’, wouldn’t you agree?
The Cryo users groan simultaneously as Venti and Beidou shriek with laughter.
Beidou: (wipes a tear from her eye as she gives Venti a heart slap on the back) You’re an absolute riot! (boisterously) Charles! A round for my new friends and an extra one for the small green man!
Charles: (sighs deeply as he makes the drinks and passes them out) You know I’m going to have to cut you lot off soon.
Eula: (sniffs and sloppily waves her hand in dismissal) I’m not even that drunk. (paws at the full pint of beer)
Rosaria: (rolls her eyes) Please. (takes her glass of wine) You make Alberich look sober with how much beer you’ve had in the past hour. 
Kaeya: (chides) Oh, come now dear Sister. Such an accusation must have some reasonable basis. (sips his drink petulantly) I’ve only had two Death After Noons.
Venti: (tries not to wince as he snorts and takes a swig of his glass of wine) Yeah, two Death After Noons in fifteen minutes.
Kaeya: (glares shrewdly at Venti) Hmph! Well, I will have you know that I needed it today. (turns away from him) 
Venti: Oh, come on, Sir Kaeya! (teasing) I was only saying so in jest, no need to give me the cold shoulder. 
Cue Venti and Beidou losing their minds again as all the Cryo users wonder why they didn’t drink by themselves tonight.
Rosaria: (finishes her wine and sets down some mora) I have things to do. 
Kaeya: (overembellished mock hurt) Rosa? How could you even consider abandoning me at a time of need? (dramatically throws a hand over his visible eye) I’m hurt.
Rosaria: (low) I can hardly call objectively terrible puns from a drunken bard a ‘time of need’. Also (lightly pokes Eula’s flushed cheek) either get her sober enough to walk home or I’m going to tell the Outrider to get her myself.
Eula: (doesn’t notice Rosaria’s pointed finger) (slurs) I’m . . . (hic) I’m just fine. (burps in a closed fist) Just need some more beer. (finishes the beer) Aw, fuck. It’s (hic) gone.
Rosaria: (exhales sardonically) Case in point. (gets up and begins to walk out)
Venti: Aw, leaving already? (cheerfully) May the winds of Barbatos watch over you, Sister Rosaria!
Kaeya: (sing-song like) I hope your nightly work isn’t too taxing tonight ~
Eula: (just waves in Rosaria’s general direction as she rings up yet another beer)
Rosaria: Yeah, yeah, see you around, fuckers. (lingering in the doorway of the tavern as she says to Beidou) You’re loud, brash, and obnoxious, but tolerable.
Beidou: (finally catches her breath and salutes in a friendly good bye) It was a real pleasure meeting you too, Rosie. Take care of yourself! 
Rosaria: (bristles but nods) (quiet, but loud enough to be heard) I always do. (leaves the tavern)
Kaeya: (long whistle) Well damn, she must really like you, Captain.
Beidou: (snorts and raises her eyebrow) Why do you say so, Captain? 
Eula: (groans into her fourth pint of beer) That stupid joke (hic) stopped being funny (hic) after the first . . . five times.
She’s right and I agree with her. 
Kaeya: (sniggers) The last time I tried calling her Rosie, I nearly died. (sips his third drink) I can’t imagine why or how she didn’t eviscerate you on the spot.
Beidou: (shrugs) Can’t say that I know the answer to that. (takes a long swig out of her mead) She’s nice enough.
Venti: (swinging his legs rhythmically) I can’t help but agree with you, Captain Beidou! (hums melodically to himself) Though I must say that Rosaria has quite the thorny disposition. (snickers as he starts to finish off another wine glass) 
Eula: (sniffles) Why . . . why is it empty? (legitimately forlorn) I just (hic) wanted a (hic) drink- (collapses on the tabletop with her head buried in her hands) It’s not (hic) fair . . .
Beidou: (hesitantly grasps Eula’s shoulder) . . . you good there? 
Eula: (moans quietly and unintelligibly) Why . . . couldn’t I have been born an orphan? 
Kaeya: (tsks under his breath) Oh dear, it seems that our dear Captain Eula is done for the night. (reaches over and lightly shakes her) Unfortunately, the time for drinking and company for her has run it’s course.
Eula: (protests loudly) Mmngh. (slowly tries to get up on unsteady feet) ‘m fine.
Kaeya: (watching closely) Mmm, but you have another mission in a day or two, do you not?
Eula: (glares coldly, before conceding) . . . you do have a (hic) point, I suppose. (sways as she stands) 
Beidou: (waves over) Charles, some water over here?
Charles: (already sliding down a tall glass of water in the group’s general direction)
Beidou: (catches it) (to Eula) Drink some of this, yeah? It’ll be good for you.
Eula: (takes the water and chugs it) Bleugh. (blinks rapidly) It’s terrible. (sighs after a beat of silence) I . . . should be heading (small cough) back to my quarters. 
Kaeya: Mhm. Would you like me to accompany you back?
Beidou: (casually) It wouldn’t bother any of us to, ya know.
Eula: (waves her hand dismissively) No need . . . no need. (begins to walk away from the bar table, setting down some mora)
Venti: (wipes his mouth with his sleeve) Heading out, Miss Eula? (takes off his hat and waves it in the air) May the breezes carry you safely home.
Eula: (nods as she exits the tavern) (sticks her hand through the doorway) Good night to you all. (turns to Beidou) Except you. Your choice in drinks are awful. Hmph. (leaves the tavern proper)
Kaeya: (blinks) Did . . . did she not know that it was water?
Venti: (innocently turns to Beidou and cocks his head to the side) I dunno, but that look she gave you positively chilled me to the bone! (shrieking laughter)
Kaeya suffers as our duo of terrible puns and jokes continue to laugh their asses off.
Kaeya: (rolls his eye at Venti as he finishes his drink) If I didn’t find comraderie with you, I’d have left already. 
Venti: (still giggling as he scoots closer and presses into Kaeya’s side) Oh, come now, Sir Kaeya! I will have you know that I am absolutely hilarious. 
Kaeya: (sighs through his nose) I will say that you are an excellent bard, Venti, but you’re not as much of a comedian as you think you are.
Venti: Ah, but Sir Kaeya, I’ve managed to get a rise out of your pirate friend!
Beidou: (still laughing her ass off as she is on the floor, rolling) 
Kaeya: (snorts halfheartedly) How insufferable.
Another round of drinks later, things are starting to wind down.
Kaeya: (genuinely shocked) Well, that was an interesting tale. I wasn’t aware that a sea serpent could even bend in that direction.
Beidou: I didn’t know either until I saw it for myself. (finishes the last of her drink) You know, if you ever want to come see all sorts of crazy things on the high seas, I’d be happy to take you on.
Kaeya: (idly traces his finger on an empty glass) I would love to join you, but alas, I have my own duties and happenings here already. (chuckles warmly) Besides, two captains on a single ship seems tenuous, does it not?
Beidou: Pfft. (reaches out and ruffles Kaeya’s hair) Whatever you say.
Kaeya: (pouts, but doesn’t stop Beidou from doing so) Och, watch the hair, will ya? It took years for that lovelock to grow out.
Venti: (slurs, slumped over, still clutching a wine glass) Dandelion wine . . . (laughs drunkenly) tastes the same as I remember . . . (hic) but everyone I know who’d have it with me . . . (hic) is dead.
Kaeya: (looks at the multiple empty wine bottles next to Venti before turning to Venti) Friend, do you not think that you’ve had enough dandelion wine? Why, I fear that you may have drunk straight through most of this season’s brew.
Beidou: (whistles appreciatively at the stack of bottles) Holy fuck, that’s a lot of alcohol for such a little dude.
Kaeya: (gives a small laugh) You wouldn’t be saying that if you saw him during the Windblume Festival. I heard it was about *56 glasses of wine he drank?
Beidou: (visibly shocked) How is he not dead?
Kaeya: (shakes his head) The bartender asks themselves the same question every time he doesn’t stop at five glasses.
Venti: (attempts to lift up his head) (hic) Another round . . . perhaps? 
Kaeya: (tuts at Venti) I personally wouldn’t recommend it. You would want to let the wine breathe a bit before drinking it, no?
Venti: (scrunches up his face in thought) Mm. (hic) On second thought . . . (hic) I think I would like to (hic) compose a ballad. (hums in thought) To what though? (hic) It will come to me in time . . .
Venti summons a lyre, only to promptly set it down on the bar table, and then collapse.
Beidou: (blinks) Is he-
Kaeya: (waves his hand dismissively) He’s fine. Give him five minutes and he’ll be recovered enough to drink another bottle of wine. Regardless of that . . . (sighs to himself) I believe I must be going now. 
Beidou: (nods) It is getting kind of late, huh. I’ll probably be heading out soon too. (grins) I had a great time! The drinks always go down easier with good company.
Kaeya: (fondly) I truly did enjoy our time together in each other’s company as well! (genuinely) It was the most fun I’ve had in a while, actually. (gets up with drunken flourish) But alas, all good things must come to an end at some point in time, for if life wasn’t so bitter, we would not be able to relish in the occasional sweetness it brings. (sets down a generous amount of mora)
Venti: (from his slumped form, mutters) Cheers . . . I’ll drink to that.
Kaeya: (with a hint of genuine sadness) I bid you adieu. Until next time, from one Captain to another. (makes his way to walk out)
Beidou: (salutes) Stay safe out there, Captain.
Kaeya: (through the doorway) Are we really at the end of the day? (leaves the tavern proper)
Beidou gets to ruminate on that loaded comment along with her three previous companions for all but a few moments before Venti becomes lucid enough for conversation yet again. So they chat for a little while longer, sing a shanty or two and Beidou has a few stanzas composed in honor of her voyages before something interesting comes up in the exchange.
Venti: (blearily) Mngh. (yawns) Well, it seems that the lull of sleep is trying to whisk me away. (giggles to himself) But this night, I find that sweet words and good company keep the nod at bay.
Beidou: (groggily) Well said, my friend. Well said. (plops a weighty bag of mora) But unfortunately, I actually gotta get goin’ now. (stretches and pops some creaks in her joints) 
Venti: (turns to her) Mind if I join you for a little stroll, just a few minutes or so? I’d really hate to think of you alone going to your abode.
Beidou: (shrugs) If you want to. (gets off the stool)
Venti: (hops from his stool) Wonderful! Well come on, my friend, into the night! We cannot waste the precious moonlight! (makes to walk out)
Beidou: (raises her eyebrow in confusion) Do . . . bards not have to pay for drinks or something?
Venti: (stops in his tracks) Ehh. (looks to the five bottles stacked neatly where he sat) You would think that my songs and presence would be payment more than enough, but in retrospect, I didn’t think I would take to this season’s bottle that much. (shudders) Even considering the drinks I snag and grab, it pales in comparison to the oppressive tab . . .
Beidou: (casually) Don’t worry about it.
Venti: (surprised) Huh?
Beidou: (turns to him) For you, it’s on me.
Venti: (gratefully) Really? Tab and all?
Beidou: (nods) Yup. *Tab and all.
You would think that after seeing how much Venti drank and allegedly drank per according to several eye-witnesses, Beidou wouldn’t have agreed to do this.
Venti: (grabs her hand and shakes it fervently) My dearest thanks my good friend! I’ll repay you with a tale- no an epic to the adventures and stories that will never end!
Beidou: (laughs) It’s fine, I’m just helping you out a bit.
Charles: (struggles to speak at all and eventually gives up trying to, only sighing deeply as they both walk out the door) 
A few weeks later in Guyun Stone Forest, Beidou, and Kazuha are chatting on the railing of the Alcor when Mora-Grubber comes up to hand her a piece of paper and assumedly discuss it’s contents.
Mora-Grubber: (head lowered) I apologize if I’m interrupting anything Captain, but this is kinda important.
Beidou: (nonchalantly) Nah, it’s okay. (to Kazuha) Sorry kid, it was starting to get pretty good.
Kazuha: Please, there’s no need for you to be. (curiously) However, I would feel quite delighted if we could continue this story at a later time tonight, if that’s alright with you? 
Beidou: (claps him on the shoulder) Of course, you don’t have to ask! 
Kazuha: (gives a small smile) Okay! (begins to make his way to the crow’s nest)
Beidou: (turns to Mora-Grubber) Alright, so what’s the issue?
Mora-Grubber: This, Captain. (hands her a paper)
Beidou: Huh? (sees the paper) What about my personal taxes? There’s not some fine I forgot to pay, is there?
Mora-Grubber: Not fines, no, but if you look here and here . . . (points to a few things circled in ink)
Beidou: (focuses on those) Okay, so I have the deduction here and then we have the foreign sales tax . . . (eye widens significantly) and over three million mora? (clamps her mouth shut and breathes in heavily)
Mora-Grubber: Captain?
Beidou: (clamps her eye shut and exhales briskly) No, no, you’re fine, but (struggles to articulate) . . . how?
Mora-Grubber: (slowly) Well, Captain, the grand total of 3,875,325 mora is the baseline for what is being taxed, so . . . you’ll actually be paying more than that.
Beidou: (pauses) . . . really now. Huh. 
Mora-Grubber: (uncharacteristically nervous) I mean, I could run these tax forms and crunch the numbers again-
Beidou: (lightly) No, that number sounds about right. (sighs deeply) Well, I guess I gotta head on into town and meet with some folks . . . (groans) Wow. So I’m pretty much-
Mora-Grubber: Bankrupt? Yeah. Already submitted the paperwork for that.
Beidou: (sighs deeply) By the Archons . . .
Mora-Grubber: (pats her shoulder with the intent of comfort) I’ll run the numbers again just to be sure that there ain’t anything fishy with this. Don’t worry, Captain, I’ll get to the bottom of this! (to herself as she walks away) I didn’t know someone could get the wholesale tax slammed on them like that . . .
The picture of a certain Tianquan cackling as she looks through the bankruptcy filings only serves to sour Beidou’s mood even further after the fact.
Note: The characterization for this one was a little rougher than I would like after going over it a couple of times, especially for Venti and Kaeya, but I hope to get better in the future because the rhyming bit was fun as hell and honest Kaeya is refreshing to think about.
*The wiki says that Venti can take at least 37 glasses, but it never clarifies if that was the limit, only suggesting that he could totally go more. So he does.
*Also, the way I figured out the tab was with these numbers: Each bottle would be about $22 retail, but he canonically takes it by the glass. Each wine bottle has about five glasses worth in it and each glass would be about $15 each per according to what the average is and the quality of the wine itself, not including tips. This, combined with how much Venti drinks (minimum of two bottles per visit) and converted into mora ($1 = ~163 mora) is astronomical at best and unfathomable at worst. 
The total is bigger than that, but an average of six bottles a week is plausible for Venti. And generous to his character, considering it’s likely more and that his gnosis was responsible for his disturbing lack of alcohol poisoning.
(inspired by Beidou's lore concerning how she conducts herself, wacky hijinks and mishaps that can be assumed in respective character lore and content, and a minimal amount of taxes and business law)
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snowshinobi · 1 year
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not every character who makes peace w their struggles w external acceptance through friendship and self acceptance has to be queer but right after reassuring Shenhe, Ningguang hashes out battle strats w her girltoy Beidou. So like. This is lesbian-to-trans-woman communication right here
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woman-respecter · 1 year
haven’t seen black sails (yet!) but im so happy their guy beat that annoying dude from ofmd on the pirate poll
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facelesssbirds · 6 months
Cuddles || Genshin
A.N. Summary: How you (and them) cuddle. Characters: F!Reader, Neuvillette, Furina, Beidou (I promise Childe will be in the next one...) Rating: E - Everyone <33 P.S. If you have requests, I'd really appreciate it! I'm trying to grow my writing skills through fan fiction, because it brings a lot of joy to people, so... I'll do my best tysm!
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Neuvillette is all seriousness and perfection in public, but when you get him alone, he devolves into a cuddly teddybear that just adores curling up on the couch with you, just lazing around.
That isn't to say he's opposed to days like this, where you've crashed his lunch break, he had planned to skip it completely, the overflow of documents from the court clerk's office standing tall and unrelenting at his desk.
"Neuvi!" You grinned, opening the door, "I brought lunch."
He looked up, only briefly, giving you a hint of a smile, "Oh? What'd you get today?"
He had long since learned that even kicking you out wouldn't deter you, and your insistence on making sure he got proper time to rest.
"Steak-Frites," You said, tossing a few bags onto his coffee table, "Nothing special."
He raised a brow, almost imperceptibly, "Oh? Then, ma trésor, why are you here so unannounced?"
You laughed nervously, wringing your hands behind your back, almost like a child who's been caught stealing from a cookie jar, your eyes darting to his, then away, a faint flush painting your cheeks.
"Well..." You trailed off, busying yourself with the cuff of your sleeve, "cuddles?"
He chuckled, a low rumbled, barely there as he stood from his desk glancing at the clock.
"I suppose I have time."
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Furina is a clingy lover, you come to understand very early into the relationship, but despite her grandiose and facades, she's a private person. She didn't want her lover to be the subject of whispers and rumors, or scandals, no she wants you all to herself, safe and sound, thank you very much.
Still, when you're home alone, and she's just gotten back from a particularly interesting day at court, she'll hop down next to you on the couch, regardless of what you had been doing earlier, and snuggling into your arms. Then she'll talk.
You always enjoyed hearing Furina talk, it was where her passion shined out into the world, even when she was being particularly needy.
"And so I said, 'well you can't--'," Furina cut herself off, looking at something on the coffee table, she was snuggled right under your head, the book you had previously been reading discarded.
"Furina?" You probed quietly, your arms tightening around her waist.
She turns to look at you, scooting sideways, and pouts, "You had hot-chocolate without me!"
You chuckle, realizing what this is about, "Ma cherie, do you want some?"
She burrowed under the blankets, "Yes, please!"
"Well then, you know you're going to have to move... right?" You warned her, a amused smile creeping onto your face.
She pouts, again, this time more jokingly, "I will not! I am Lady Furina, the Hydro Archon and I will not move for you!"
You laugh along, gently moving her out of the way, so you can go to the kitchen and make your darling a nice cozy drink.
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Beidou normally didn't do cuddling. Not that she was against it or anything, but the whole 'physical affection' thing came easy for her towards friends, it was entirely different with lovers. Not to say she was nervous, more-so she was just... unfamiliar with the concept.
As a girl who grew up on the sea, and with a love for the sea, work and friendliness ran in her veins, romance however was something of a mystery. She could flirt seven way to heaven and charm a man of his beard, sure, but that didn't make up for her absolute unawareness of the... fluff that came with love.
"Beidou--" You wined, coming out of the captains cabin just after the sun had risen. Today was supposed to be your and Beidou's day off, and you had planned to sleep in, and laze the day away. Naturally, you dearest, ever hardworking had derailed those plans.
Still, she looked up, smiling at you, and yelling your name. You waved back from above, yawning. Nonetheless she was beside you in a flash, "Good morning, sleepyhead-- you're up late."
You gave her a deadpan stare that conveyed, 'it's too early for this.' before nestling into her side, and arm wrapped around her waist.
"I wanted cuddles," You whined, it seemed that your day off had made you a bit bratty, "Its out day off, we should spend it... like, taking time off."
She laughed, hearty, "This is me taking the day off," She grinned, and you returned it with a smile, "But- I suppose, I can make an exception, just this once."
Your initial smile lit up, suddenly energized you tugged Beidou away from the crew. Perhaps a new experience wouldn't hurt?
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℙ𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Lyney, Freminet, Kazuha, and Heizou with a reader who makes plushies?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Of course! AAAA ALL OF THEM ARE MY FAV BOYS LET'S GO!! Anyway~ I had a bit of fun with it so hope you like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Kazuha finds what you're doing pretty adorable
✧ he loved how you can make something so fun with just few materials and threads
✧ and if you ever happen to lack idea for new plushie... he'll be happy to tell you few stories, real or not
✧ if you actually make a plushie based on his stories, he'll melt on spot and you'd be able to see genuine smile on his face
✧ he's always on ship so if you're not part of th Crux, he'll sleep burried in your plushies when he's away (you heard stories from Beidou about that~)
✧ and if you give him one of your plushies? Oh he's not leaving your side today! In fact, he's ready to pamper your face in kisses so get ready for that once you get somewhere private!
✧ surprisingly, he recognizes all materials just by touching them! He says it's just a lucky guess but how can someone lucky guess something 30 times in a row?!!
"Those are high quality materials... You didn't had to spend so much on me... Let me treat you to a dinner for that at least."
✧ same goes for style of sewing, he'll somehow notice details like that and if he notices difficult style, you can be sure he'll compliment you for that
@bleachtheidiot - come get your poetic samurai~
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✧ Heizou somehow notices any time you have or lack any idea
✧ if you have one, he'll make it a fun game for himself to get to know what is it without asking you about it directly
✧ but if you lack it, he'll randomly drop small story or two untill it catches your attention, tho if you look closely, there's small smirk on his face
✧ similiar to boy alone, he also guesses materials quite quickly tho it's more of an experience rather than lucky guess
✧ it's actually useful to be able to tell difference between materials, so he most likely knows at least the basics
✧ but one thing he loves doing is teasing you when you desperately try to hide you're planning a toy for him but you still want to make sure he'll like it
"Hei! What do you think of this? Soft enough?"
"Hm... I would guess so, yes. But why are you asking me that instead of person who'll receive it?"
"I d- They just deserve it!"
"Mhm~ Whatever you say, dear."
@bleachtheidiot - come get your flirty detective~
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✧ Lyney can't help but smile every time you present him with new idea, prototype or plushie
✧ he thinks this job suits you and is often amazed when you start rambling about different types of materials and the difference between each of them
✧ whenever you present a plushie and asks for opinion, he'll take his time to show he takes you seriously and check plushie from every side, squeeze it, hug it... and then he tells you what he thinks in details!
✧ but he likes to be playful sometimes, he'll take the plushie, inspect it and then pull disappearing and reapearing trick off leaving him chuckling and hopefully you too
"For me?! Oh mon cherie... I absolutely love it! It's the perfect color... and it's so soft too~ Mwah! Hehe, why won't I repeat it on creator now~?"
✧ prepare yourself mentally to see this plushie on his performances and for Lynette to tell you the cutest gossips about him and his new plushie
✧ and if you give him a plushie that you designed specifically for him? Well... you know how clingy he usually is? Multiply it by 10
✧ he'll spoil you with not singular rainbow rose but biggest bouquet of them he could find, takes you to a fancy restaurant and of course, hold your hand and hugs you all day long
@bleachtheidiot - come get your charming magician~
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✧ Freminet is actually happy both of you have something in common, I mean... you both like to create?
✧ the only difference in what you do is that he creates out of metal and you create our of softer materials
✧ if you have a penguin plushie that you often carry with you, there's no wonder even Pers was interested! Who knows? Maybe little robot feel in love like the creator~?
"I love it, it's cute~ Heh, and Pers loves it too I guess... You really did a great job with that plushie."
✧ he knows how it is to struggle from lack of ideas or to need someone to check your sketch, so he'll be more than happy to do that if you ask him
✧ when it comes to materials... he's not the worst but he will get similar ones mistaken usually
✧ first time you made a plushie for him, he felt like he didn't deserve it and needed to repay you as soon as possible
✧ but with time, he learned to just accept it and repay you when the ocassion happens. Maybe he'll just pay for dinner? Or you'll see some robot in the movie and he makes it for you?
@bleachtheidiot - come get your shy diver~
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yoimix · 1 year
genshin men + first kiss ★ pt. 2
ft. kazuha, xiao, scaramouche
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✽ kazuha’s gaze lingers over your lips long enough for anybody else to get the hint—anybody but you, of course. but how could you? when you’re unable to stay still, even under the warm beach sun, as soon as he smiles at you. seasickness has never haunted you as much as lovesickness has. yes, you want to hold him and yes, you can’t return his gaze for longer than two seconds. love is hard for travelers without destinations. and love is hard for you, who can’t see beyond his words, at the gaping meaning: i like you. in more ways than one. you were never a poet to begin with. so you cast aside these feelings overboard and into the sea, leaving kazuha sighing more often than beidou has patience for. and that means, she’s decided to leave the two of you stranded on an island off the coast of liyue (‘an easy little comission’, she dubs) till you can figure your feelings out, or get eaten by mitachurls. tough love makes the crux go around.
“i’ve cleared the camps on the right,” kazuha notifies, sheathing his sword.
“i-i’ve done my part on the left,” you respond right away, taking a gulp of air.
under the light breeze of summer, you’re tugged even more towards the man at the base of the rock you sit upon.
“woah, careful!” he exclaims, holding you right in time before you trip off the rock and onto the sand.
“th-thanks,” you mutter. 
and even under the light breeze of summer, the air is heavy with your repressed emotions. you can thank kazuha’s steady hand on your back for catalyzing the flow of blood to your face.
“will you... let go?” you look away quickly, retracting your hand.
“oh! i’m sorry.” he quickly removes his hand from your body and you almost regret it. there must be better ways to rid of this awkwardness. you’ve been friends for far too long to experience it, and it’s only started intruding after you realized your feelings.
the sound of waves crashing against the beach laces his sigh.
“(name), i’m not quite sure how much longer i can keep at this.”
“huh? what do you mean?”
“i have professed my love, have i not?”
“you-...you’ve what now?”
kazuha furrows his brows before a short, melodic laughs leaves his lips. it eases your heart the way same as the waves do. you look at him in anticipation, the bubbles in your stomach contained as they wait for a moment to pop.
“ah,” he sighs, still smiling, “i don’t know if this is the right time then.”
“what, standing in between two hilichurl camps?”
“yes, there’s that. but the view of the sea is still grand, wouldn’t you say so?”
kazuha has his autumn eyes on you, unwavering till they fixate on your lips. no sea song remains on his, no poem, no cryptic words of affection—only their feather touch against yours and sigh so soft it can’t be heard over the ocean.
you gasp, the sensation only a moment long and he pulls away.
“sorry,” he chuckles. “you looked beautiful. i couldn’t possibly describe it in sea melodies any longer—“
“please shut up and kiss me again,” you huff, blood rushing to your ears. “i can’t stand a single word of yours, not when i can’t ever get what you mean.”
kazuha blinks at your interruption, before covering his mouth with his palm to keep himself from laughing. before you can feel dismayed, he takes a step closer and you, one back against the rock.
he smiles, his palm against your cheek and your heart in your throat before you can protest. you did request it.
“if it is meaning you want, i shall give you plenty.” 
and with that, his oh-so-precious lips are on yours again.
✽ xiao isn’t too familiar with the mundane customs of human life, most of human behavior bizarre to him. what’s most bizarre, however, is how often you ask to kiss him. he turns it down, the thought outrageous, even though he himself pledged his heart and soul to you. he can call you his lover in private, when the word is just a whisper leaving his lips to grace only your ears. unfortunately, it will take time for him to understand the gesture of pressing his lips to yours, no matter how soft they look. and though cheeky in your attempts to sneak in kisses, you wait patiently for him to warm up to the idea. but it is rather exhausting, and combined with your busy work schedule for the week, you find yourself dozing off on xiao’s shoulder in your little liyue bedroom with not a single kiss stolen. you were too tired to tease him today. 
“is this truly comfortable?” xiao asks quietly. “you’re so strange, (name).”
you grumble, snuggling closer to him to wrap your arms around him. while innocent, xiao did not expect you to pull him into bed with you. he holds his breath as you get comfortable, your arm dangling over his waist lazily and your cheek resting against his shoulder. he peers down, the sight of you so relaxed making him release his breath in a softened sigh.
well, what does he know? it must be comfortable even if it’s him you’re clinging to—with his curses and blemishes, his blood-soaked clothes and war-stained hands. you caress his skin without a care, and wherever you draw your touch, it’s like you purify him bit by bit. 
“you’re so bright,” he mumbles.
when he looks back at you, you’re blissfully asleep. he reaches for the pillow near the edge, placing it below your head while he carefully removes his arm.  oh, how he swore he wouldn’t fall in love.
bending down, he brushes his lips against your forehead. this is the gesture, is it not? he’s seen people in love do it. it’s endearing how peaceful you can be when you sleep, while also getting on every single nerve of his awake. 
“good night, (name),” he whispers.
before he can fully rise, however, you peck his lips, the action effectively stunning him into paralysis.
you grin, though sleepy. when he doesn’t move, however, you grow worried.
“xiao? sorry if that was sudden. i didn’t mean to—hmpf!”
his lips are pressed against yours with much more pressure than you anticipated and it takes a while to ease into the kiss. he sighs when he pulls back, face glowing crimson under the faint moonlight.
“so... does that mean you liked it?”
✽ scaramouche is stiff and awkward with you around. it would be practically impossible to tell apart his feelings if you weren’t so good at reading them. you encourage him with little nudges and smiles, enough to elicit an eye roll or a riled up complaint. you do enjoy seeing him that way but you often wish you could see him a tad gentler. after all, you do believe there is something gentle at the core of the storm that plagues him. despite his constant threats and warnings, his gaze often flickers to your lips till he’s annoyed himself with the idea of them. you’re sure you can call each other friends now, even though he’s nothing but prickly. but you have faith in his engineered heart, a heart working beyond its creator’s understanding, a magnum opus. and nothing will ever come so close to his heart as you do, even if he can’t admit it. emotions are weaknesses and you, his biggest flaw.
“don’t be stupid,” scaramouche snarls. “it’s a suicide mission for the likes of you.”
“ah. are you afraid you’ll lose me?” you giggle. the rest of the fatui do admire how calm you can be around him. you just think it requires a bit of patience, patience you’re willing to give to him.
“you’re disgusting,” he huffs. “stop assuming things and—”
“you want to kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid.” a teasing grin has plastered itself onto your face, so insufferable you’re sure he’ll tear you apart any moment.
there’s a moment of silence, the fallen snow a quiet audience and you think you’ve finally done it. you’ve short circuited the puppet’s wiring and he can finally be better off without it.
“oh dear, have i finally shut you—“
you feel lips against yours, and an arm around your waist with a hand supporting the back of your neck. this was the last thing you expected, your heart firing up rapidly till you can return the kiss.
he pulls away, unable to meet your eyes. you can see, however, how red his skin is all the way down to his neck.
“you’re beautiful,” you say, a soft smile playing on your lips.
he returns a glare. “why do you say that?”
“your feelings are beautiful.”
he breathes in sharply, clearly annoyed. “i fucking hate you.”
“i don’t mind. i like how you express your feelings. it’s very human.”
“how dare you?” he hisses, “you know the truth, and yet you still call them beautiful? the very reason i was discarded?”
“yes,” you whisper, stepping in even closer. “weaknesses are what make people strive to be stronger. you’re more human than you realize.”
“you’re pissing me off,” he seethes, grabbing you by the shoulders. “stop calling me human.”
“it’s no so bad,” you hum. “for example… isn’t this feeling quite nice?”
you lean forward and place your mouth over his, the gesture immediately relaxing his muscles. he will never admit it, but you hold him in a grasp tighter than he shows.
when you pull back again, there is a kind of sorrow in his eyes, sorrow not humanly possible to describe.
“will you stay with me, then?” his tone is finally gentle. “or will you abandon me like the rest?”
“only death will keep me from you, my dear,” you giggle.
“then teyvat will burn before i let you die.”
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rooksamoris · 7 months
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💞 — diluc , zhongli , beidou , deuce , jamil , rook
💞 — gender neutral reader
💞 — a little suggestive in beidou's and rook's
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He loves when you come visit him in the tavern. Regrettably, he is far too busy to spend hours and hours with you, so these little attempts of yours are extremely endearing. Most already know not to take that spot by the counter where you tend to sit. Sometimes you’ll read, draw—perhaps write about your love for Diluc, and he just finds it so endearing. He’ll refill your drink without question and occasionally lean his arms over the countertop to talk with you, “You seem invested in that story,” he’d say, his expression neutral as ever. He couldn’t hide the love in his eyes though, “Take a break from reading. I’m free for a bit now.”
Archons, when you rest your head in his lap—he just loves it. It’s a common occurrence at this point. He’ll take you to the most beautiful landscapes in Liyue, and as he sits on the grass, you instinctively take it as permission to rest your head on his thighs. You look up at him with such admiration and curiosity as he speaks the histories of generations in that deep voice of his. His hands find their way into your hair and along your cheek, tracing down your jawline and to your collar, “It’s as if your curiosities can never quelled,” he teases, softly, “I wouldn’t mind more of your questions if it means we can be like this for a moment longer.”
Her favorite thing to watch is your dancing on the ship's deck. Whether it be a soft sway in your hips whenever you’re sweeping or if it's while the crew celebrates with music, she’s locked onto you as you dance. In the late nights while the crew drink, dance and sing, she’ll wrap her arms around you from behind, hiding her face in the crook of your neck and nibbling the skin, “You dance so beautifully,” she’d mutter, her voice slurred. She probably drank more than the crew combined. Her cheeks are flushed from the proximity and the alcohol. A soft chuckle comes from her lips and she bites your neck, “Let’s go dance in private, sweetheart.” 
His heart races just a little faster whenever you praise him for his grades. Deuce has been trying his best to be a better man for you and his mother. One of the qualities on this list is academic excellence, since he didn’t do very well at all in middle school, and one thing that keeps him going is your praise. After an exam, he’s quick to push Ace out of the way to stand before you, holding his test grade in front of you. It’s just a bit above average, thanks to his rigorous studying with you, “Look—I’ve never seen such a high percentage on one of my tests,” he tells you, cheeks flushed and he seems a bit bashful as he looks down, “Thank you so much.”
There aren’t words to describe how thankful he is to you for taking care of him. He’s often stuck caring for more than he is appreciated for. It’s always rare that he gets to relax, and he does it often in your presence. A soft sigh escapes his lips as you roll the cool jade roller along his cheek after rubbing some serum on his face. His arms were loosely around you while you stood in between his knees. He was sitting on the counter while your hands delicately applied things to his skin. He stopped you and rested his head on your shoulder, “Let’s stay like this for a moment, hayati (my life),” he muttered. He didn’t say anything else and just rested there.
That little flinch that you do whenever he suddenly touches you brings him glee. Sometimes, he’ll surprise you with a kiss on the cheek or a quick grab of your hips to watch you jump a little and gasp. When you see him, you blush and make a playful remark about how he shouldn’t just surprise you like that. He’d laugh in return and place his hands on your waist and tug you closer to him, till your body was flush against his, “Oh, mon ange (my angel)... you and I both know you enjoy my surprises,” he murmurs as his hands trail from your waist down to your hips. He squeezes them a little and raises a brow, “You’re quite sensitive, non?” he teases in response to your breath hitching.  
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hadischara · 8 months
Affection and how much?
He is more of a private man.
He, for one thinks that such actions as cuddles or kisses are reserved for the comfort of your four walls.
But he ain't saying no to pinkie linking or a bit of hand holding.
But I feel like he needs hugs...give the man those. He deserves them.
He's the type to kiss your forehead or the back of your hand.
So a good solid 7-8 out of 10 bc of the pda. But nobody be saying that you have to show the public 🤷‍♀️
If you'd allow him, he'd hang on you like a Koala ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
But you for one have a full time job sooo..that's it?
He'll find other ways to show affection.
Such as having a song or two about you, and playing them when you have a little break.
He totally would take you on walking dates around Windrise.
He's not feeling one tad guilty for nearly suffocating you with his hugs.
Each time he sees you, a hug, a kiss then he can let you go. Not for long tho
Affection: 9/10
He so is writing a poem that declares his love for you.
Dates that are set up by Beidou bc the crew is WAY too nosey and would totally spy on you.
But Beidou isn't going to let that happen.
Mainly bc you are one of the reasons Kazuha walks off the ship for a walk (with you. )
I can see him giving and receiving cheek kisses.
Give him head pats, he'll melt into your touch.
If he is feeling bold for the day a kiss on the lips isn't uncommon to get from him.
A good 8.5/10
Man would plop into your lap and call it a day.
On occasion he would gift you rainbow roses that he seemed to let appear out of nowhere.
Look me in the eyes and tell me he ain't giving backhand kisses.
He would definitely ask you to do his hair if he has the time for it.
A lot of your dates have magic tricks involved, but at the end of each one is made with a kiss on the lips.
Please shower him with affection! He needs it.
I really hope you liked it and had your fun!
Cya ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Hey! I wanted to know how Lisa, Yae Miko and Beidou would react to an S/O who in public is quite stoic and mature, but in private they can be quite submissive and are easily embarrassed when smothered by their affection.
(Genshin Impact) Lisa, Yae, and Beidou with a stoic but easily flustered S/O
I believe in Electro women supremacy
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Lisa absolutely adores the reactions her S/O has.
While on the outside, S/O seemingly doesn't react to her petnames like "Darling" or "Cutie", but she knows they're dying on the inside.
Especially when she suddenly hugs them from behind when they're alone in the library, hearing a soft yelp come out.
(S/O) "A-Ah, Lisa!-"
(Lisa) "Hm? Something the matter?~"
Lisa fails to contain her amusement as she sees S/O squirm under the attention she gives, always stuttering over their words or just quietly blushing.
It was a challenge to see how much love she could smother them in before their facade in public would crack, thinking it the cutest thing she's seen.
If anything, their stoic nature contrasted by their bashful one made them all the more attractive to her.
Knowing how level-headed of a person they were, and that she alone could reduce them to putty in her hands.
Now that brought a smile to her face.
(Lisa) "Where did all your confidence from earlier go, cutie?~"
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Yae knew how easily S/O could fold just by her affection, and you can bet your ass she would abuse that knowledge. (Lovingly, of course.)
She'll act as the (kinda) responsible Guuji she is well known for with S/O next to her, right before she whispers something in their ear.
While S/O's facial expressions do not budge, their cheeks suddenly start burning a crimson red as Yae chuckles.
In private, her laughter grows even louder.
(S/O) "I cannot believe you said that to me in front of the others!"
(Yae) "Hm? Which thing did I say, S/O? You're going to have to be a little more specific-"
(S/O) "I am not repeating...something so vulgar!"
Yae's hand covers her mouth as she watches S/O pout. If anyone else saw how they were reacting, their perception of them would completely shatter.
As fun as that would be, there was something special about having that side only be shown to Yae.
And she was quite possessive of that fact.
(Yae) "Don't worry, little one. I'll keep your reputation of being stone-faced safe...At least in front of the others."
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Beidou kind of gets where S/O is coming from.
She was quite the boisterous, loud, and fiery person in front of the crew, but she only really showed her softer side to very few people.
And it seemed S/O was the same way, seeing how flustered they got whenever she wrapped an arm around them.
It makes her own heart skip a beat as she snuggles closer to them in the safety of her quarters, smiling all the while.
(Beidou) "You're damn cute, you know that?"
She felt S/O fidget from the compliment, proving her correct even more than before.
(S/O) "You as well..."
(Beidou) "Heh, at least look at me when you say that."
While Beidou will still tease and mess with S/O, mercifully she doesn't unleash her full power unless it's just them.
Mostly so that S/O wouldn't explode from sheer embarrassment, because the things she did say and do in private.
Well, that was the Captain's secret, and all that anyone knows is that S/O walks out of her quarters with their hair disheveled quite badly.
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thedilucharem · 2 years
Beidou's (Alleged) Crimes Against Liyue's Bureaucracy: Part II
Beidou Confesses to Various Illegal Activities Pertaining to Contraband
(at the Spirit's Keep, currently closed for that day, in one of the booths further in the space)
Itto: You got any sixes?
Childe: (gleefully) Nope! Go fish!
Itto: (grumbles and picks up another card) (looks at it and groans loudly) Man, all of these cards suck so bad.
Childe: (hums in teasing disagreement) No, I think you're just not as good at the game as you thought you were, comrade. Do you have a king perchance?
Itto: (glares competitively as he slides two cards to him) The game isn't over just yet, buddy.
Beidou: (sitting next to Itto and peering over his shoulder at his cards) Mmmm, I think it's about to be.
Itto: (huffs in indignation) Well the last cards aren't down, so it isn't over.
Zhongli: (plopping his chin on his palm and looking at Childe's cards) (candidly) It very well could be in a few rounds, I'm afraid.
Itto: (pouts in his direction) Not you too, Gramps! Aren't us Geo users supposed to stick together?
Zhongli: (hums noncommittally)
Itto: (grumbles) Hmph. You got any . . . aces?
Childe: (eyes widen slightly as he crows) Well damn, Itto, things are starting to get a little interesting now. (hands over the aces)
Itto: Whoo! See, I'm totally winning this.
Beidou: (neutrally) He's still gonna win, you know.
Zhongli: (agreeing) Childe still has the most pairs.
Itto: (determined) The game ain't over until all the cards are down, damn it!
Childe: (smirks) Yes indeed. (sweetly) My fellow companion in fun and games, do you just happen to have some tens?
Itto: (growls underneath his breath as he slowly slides the cards towards him)
Childe: (giggles as he collects his cards) And I believe that makes me the winner! (sticks his hand out) Good game, comrade, very exhilarating round of Go Fish.
Itto: (exhales deeply and begrudgingly shakes his hand) I may have lost this round, but there's no way in hell I'm backing down from a rematch.
Beidou: (drawls) And so concludes the epic five-minute event of the most intense game of cards I've seen in my life. (finishes her drink and hollers) Oy, barkeep! A drink, if you please!
Diluc: (rolls his eyes from the other end of the establishment) (half-heartedly) The bar isn't open to customers yet, so I technically don't have to serve you right now.
Beidou: (snorts) What about a friend, then?
Diluc: (hums in jest) At three in the afternoon?
Beidou: (pouts and fishes out her flask) Alcohol is alcohol, Firefly. (takes the last swig) Damn it, it's empty.
Childe: (eyes light up) Hey comrades, I have an idea! (deftly snatches the flask from Beidou's hand)
Beidou: (tries grabbing it) Oy, what are you doin' with my flask-
Childe: (laughs lightly) Relax, my privateer, we're just going to play a game of Spin the Bottle!
Itto: (perks up) Game? Haha, okay! (booming) You're all goin' down!
Diluc: (muttering loudly enough to hear) You can already count me out.
Zhongli: (winces a little, more confused than anything) Isn't that game more popular amongst the youth for the reasons of frivolousness? (ponders) Or is there something I'm not understanding in this context?
Beidou: (has given up getting her flask for now) (huffs) Yeah, what he said.
Childe: (snorts a laugh) Oh, no, it's not like that at all! (conspiratorially) We'll simply be exchanging our darkest secrets instead in a game of improvised Truth or Dare!
To summarize, they can ask questions in the typical style or simply inquire. There's just the added element of spinning the flask as a way to balance the game.
Itto: (confused) Huh? Whattaya mean by 'our darkest secrets'? (confidently) Ha! I've got nothin' to hide! Nope, nada, zilch. Absolutely nothing.
Diluc: (looks towards them in curiosity before beginning to gather some things)
Zhongli: (ponders further) I suppose that the results of this game could be quite interesting . . . provided that none of it ever leaves this booth.
Itto: Like a pact of silence or somethin'? (shrugs) Well, I've never broken any promises before and I obviously ain't stoppin' now.
Beidou: (nods) Yeah, that's fair.
Childe: I agree to those terms as well. (slowly grins while he rubs his hands together) Okay, then. Are you joining us, Master Diluc?
Diluc: (coming over with drinks and a bottle of alcohol with shot glasses) I suppose. (sets them down on the table and slides next to Zhongli and mutters quietly) I pray that none of this leaves these walls.
Beidou: (eagerly grabs the drink and whiskey bottle) Oh, and also? (looks over them all one by one) None of you can get mad. (pours some whiskey into her drink before swigging it) Absolutely no one.
Childe: And anyone who doesn't want to answer has to take a shot! (pats Diluc's shoulder) Don't worry, comrade, we'll dilute yours.
Diluc: (scoffs) It will not have to come to that.
Zhongli: (clasps hands together) So we are in agreement that not only do the contents of this game never leave this place but that we are sworn to leave the game with no hard feelings over them. Are these terms acceptable?
Itto: (enthusiastically) Yup!
Childe: (puts his thumbs up) Absolutely.
Beidou: (casually) Sure, I'll take those terms.
Diluc: (somewhat gravely under his breath) I already regret doing this but yes, your terms are acceptable.
Zhongli: (nods once) Good. (serious) So you also understand that whoever is found in violation of this agreement shall surely suffer the Wrath of the Rock.
Childe: (plucking his drink from the tray) . . . yes?
Itto: Uh huh, yup.
Beidou: (takes a swig of her spiked drink) Agreed.
Diluc: (exhales deeply) Yes.
Zhongli: (hums in confirmation) So the agreement has been struck and is now sealed in stone. (a chunk of rock appears from his clasped hands and he puts it in his pocket) You may now begin the game.
Childe: (swallows a dry lump) Okay . . . (spins the flask)
The flask lands on Beidou
Childe: (chuckles) Alright then! What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?
Beidou: (rolls eye) How original, comrade. Hmmm. (suddenly remembers) Nope, I did not need to bring that to the forefront of my mind. (pours a shot and pounds it back)
Childe: Boo! It's already getting boring.
Beidou: (mischievously) Oh, don't worry kid. Things are going to get mighty interesting. (spins the flask)
The flask lands on Itto
Beidou: (looks him dead in the eyes) I dare you to tell everyone what happened two months ago.
Itto: (groans and huffs) Really, man? That?
Beidou: (grins) Absolutely.
Yes, I absolutely used a randomly generated wheel spinner for this and I also tossed a coin to see if some of these scenarios would work out. Fun exercise.
Childe: (interested) Ooh, what'd you do, Itto?
Itto: It was a good idea at the time! The thing just . . . . didn't work out. (protests) But it was still a good idea!
Zhongli: (curious) So what was it?
Itto: (frowns and scrunches up his nose) (inhales deeply) I put fire sparklers on my horns because I thought it'd be cool. And it was! (quieter) For about fifteen seconds.
Beidou: (grinning devilishly) And?
Itto: (grumbles) They set me on fire instead.
Childe & Beidou: (cackling)
Diluc: (laughing quietly in shock and disbelief)
Zhongli: (face-palms in secondhand embarrassment)
Itto: Geez, you guys, as if you haven't done anything like that before! Whatever, I'm spinning, and you (at Beidou specifically) had better not cop out this time! (spins the flask)
The flask lands on Childe
Itto: (laughs in glee) Childe!
Childe: (chuckles as well) Bring it on, I'm ready for whatever you got, buddy.
Itto: (triumphantly) I challenge you to an arm-wrestling competition!
Diluc: Hold on Itto, that is not how the game works. You have to either dare him to do something or ask him some questions. (drinks his grape juice in finality)
Itto: Eh? Oh, alright. (thinks pretty hard) Ah! I dare you to drink your entire glass without your hands!
Childe: (without hesitation) Ha! Challenge accepted!
Beidou: (crows) Okay, now it's getting heated! (drinks more of her spiked beverage)
Diluc & Zhongli: (look at each other from across the table and then back at Childe) Huh. Interesting.
Childe succeeds and everyone is somewhat impressed.
Childe: Snezhnayans aren't known for their drinking for nothing, you know! (spins the flask)
The flask lands on Diluc
Childe: (slowly and gleefully) Well, since Beidou didn't answer my last question, I suppose you'll have to do it instead ~
Diluc: (sighs) Just get it over with.
Childe: (laughs lightly) (innocently) So, Master Diluc, what is the most embarrassing thing you're ever done?
Diluc: (looks at the whiskey bottle) (looks away from the whiskey bottle)
Itto: (hardly containing his excitement through fizzled laughter)
Beidou: (lightly) Come on, kid. It can't be that bad, can it?
Zhongli: (sipping his juice as he shamelessly looks on)
Diluc: (frowns as his ears redden with abject shame) (flares his nostrils before exhaling deathly slow)
Childe: (small, menacing smile) Ready to tell us, comrade?
Diluc: (petulantly) You absolute child.
Childe: Yup, that's my name, don't wear it out ~
Diluc: . . . (mutters incomprehensively)
Childe: Hmmm? (relentless teasing) What was that?
Diluc: (grumbles as his lowers his head, face burning) I flew. I fucking flew.
Zhongli: (starts to chuckle deeply)
Diluc: (groans) Ugh . . .
Childe: Oh, come on comrade, you gotta tell us a little more than that.
Diluc: (buries his head in his arms) (muffled) You were all there, why do I have to retell it . . .
Beidou: Because it's funny as hell- (cut off by Itto's booming laughter)
Itto: (recovers enough to ask) Is that what you were talking about the other day, Bei?
Beidou: (laughs all the more in response)
Diluc: (muffled even more) I hate you all. (lifts his head just enough to spin the flask)
The flask lands on Zhongli
Diluc: (raises eyebrows in surprise) Oh. (looks at him) What is something you'll never try again?
Zhongli: (without hesitation) Seafood.
Diluc: . . . okay-
Zhongli: (vehemently) Words alone cannot describe my absolute disgust at that vile thing. You will never see me eat it unless it is absolutely pulverized as it should for what it has the audacity to be. If all of the fish in the sea were to disappear, I would be eternally grateful for it. For lack of a better phrase, I really fucking hate seafood.
Itto: (hesitantly pats Zhongli's back) Remind me to never drag you to a sushi place then.
Zhongli: (exhales and calmly drinks the rest of his beverage) I appreciate the sentiment.
The rest of the table: (shook)
Zhongli: (unbothered, spins the flask)
The flask lands on Beidou
Beidou: (cracks hands) Okay, old man. (leans back) Lay it on me.
Zhongli: What is the most interesting object you have found on your travels?
Beidou: Hmmm. (ponders) Now that I think about it . . . it's gotta be this tome that I sold to a mage up in Sumeru. Freaky stuff I tell you, dealing with dust and flowers. Or maybe it was the weird collection of hilichurl masks at that one place . . . no, actually! It's definitively the entire shipment of this mead called 'Dandelion's Honey'. That stuff was fuckin' great.
Diluc: (blinks in recognition) Wait, what was that mead called?
Beidou: Dandelion's Honey! Apparently, this stuff was real popular because as soon as we hit that one market in Fontaine, it sold almost instantly.
Childe: (nods eagerly) Oh yeah! I remember getting a bottle while I was up there! It was absolutely mind-blowing.
Beidou: I dunno who brewed it, but they're a genius, I tell you. (drinks deeply) I still have a bottle left in my cabin, but it's a limited brew. (sighs) A crying shame. I can almost remember that first taste.
Zhongli: (hums in sympathy) At least there were those who could partake in the memory of such a fine mead.
Diluc: (deadpans grimly) So that's why I heard about smugglers with my mead in Fontaine.
Beidou: . . . huh?
Itto: (eyes widen as he takes out a lollipop and pops it in his mouth, idly shuffling a deck of cards)
Childe: (grabs the whiskey and pours a drink) (cheers in Beidou's direction) It was nice. (drinks it)
Beidou: (realization hits) Mhm. (turns to Diluc) That was over a year ago.
Diluc: (looks her dead in the face) (quietly) The third fiscal quarter of last year was absolute hell.
Beidou: (takes a long drink) Look bud, I didn't see your logo anywhere on the damn boxes.
Diluc: (dead and soullessly) That's because they were never meant to be sold outside of the tavern in Mondstadt, Beidou.
Beidou: (numbly) By the fucking Archons, Diluc, I didn't even really know what the Dawn Winery was at the time.
Diluc: (looks at the whiskey) (looks at Childe) A shot.
Beidou: (slides Childe her shot glass) Spike mine with that fire-water I know you have.
Childe: (obliges without a word)
Diluc: (meets Beidou's gaze and sighs) I never even liked the mead, I'm just taken back at the audacity of those hoarders.
Beidou: (swirls the shot glass) I would make them apologize, but the folks we got it from are swimming with the fish and I can't drag their rotting bodies from the sea for them to explain themselves.
Diluc: (nods) I respect the gesture anyway.
Beidou: (lifts shot glass) Let bygones be bygones?
Diluc: It's water under the bridge to me already. (clinks his shot glass against hers and knocks it back)
Beidou: (does the same) Mmm, there was a bit too much fire-water in that.
Childe: (shrugs as he spikes his whiskey with more fire-water) You're the one who wanted to mix it with whiskey.
Diluc: (visibly drunk) That was fucking awful. I dunno how you can drink this 'cause it tastes like piss.
Zhongli: (blinks in surprise)
Itto: (tries not to choke on his drink)
Beidou: (shakes her head with gentle teasing) If that ain't ironic. The ruler of Mondstadt's wine industry hates the damn thing.
Diluc: (glares at her) (slurs) You wouldn't . . . get it anyway . . . (exhales heavily) with how you . . . (already nodding off) guzzle it like . . . fuckin' water.
Zhongli: (sighs deeply as he starts rubbing Diluc's back) Go to sleep, Master Diluc.
Diluc: (immediately collapses) (heavy snoring)
Itto: (reaches around Zhongli and pokes Diluc's face) Wow. (lightly slaps the side of his head) Wow.
Childe: (chuckles at Itto) What, you didn't know Diluc was a lightweight?
Itto: (currently pulling at both of Diluc's cheeks) (whispers with giddy awe) How isn't he waking up right now?
Beidou: (drinks) He isn't going to for a little while if what Childe heard from Snezhnaya is true.
Childe: (lifts hands in a disclaiming demeanor) The' brewmaster that couldn't handle his drink' was all the merchants would talk about for weeks! Anything could be exaggerated from Mond to the home country.
Zhongli: (tries to position Diluc's limp body away from Itto, only to accidentally shove his lower body onto the floor)
Diluc: (blearily) Ow. (passes back out)
Zhongli: (mutters) Oh dear. (hauls Diluc back into the seat and lets his upper body sprawl on the table) I have not met many so easily assailed by alcohol.
Beidou: (actual surprise) He really is a lightweight.
(a moment of silence)
Itto: (slowly) Sooo I'm gonna guess the game is kinda off now, right?
They actually play the game for a bit longer after getting Diluc up into a small room tucked into the back of the bar to sleep off the singular shot of diluted whiskey he had. As the day turned into night and progressed, the four of them that remain learned things about each other that only reaffirm that whoever lets these forbidden things slip will surely be put to death.
If you hear of topics of discussion regarding a certain civil scuffle in Fontaine, selling the meat of a sea serpent, Dragonspine, tanuki, the appearance of dozens of bite-sized marks in chunks of Noctilucous Jade, occasional back pain, a defunct glass eye, or anything alluding to chili beans, pretend you have no idea what any of that means.
Also, if anyone says that the right wall of the Spirit's Keep was blown out, it was not. And the stone wall that's now there was a result of renovations. You didn't notice a thing.
(inspired by Beidou's lore concerning how she conducts herself and wacky hijinks and mishaps that can be assumed in respective character lore)
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r0ttenhearts · 10 months
My Dove
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sypnosis: in which kazuha leaves you after the death of tomo
warnings: angst, no comfort
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“hey, wait, kazu! hold it still!” you giggle into the frame as kazuha holds a kamera above the three of you. a smile gracing your features as kazuha’s arm slung around your neck. tomo’s wide smile perfectly captured in that photo.
that was the last time you all took a photo together.
the news of tomo’s passing hit you hard, but not as hard as it hit kazuha. his fleeting touches became much more scattered as he kept to himself. your usual routine of being together came to a screeching halt the day he told you he needed space.
the solem look in his eyes, the way his head tilted downwards, you were weak to him so of course you complied. but what you didn’t know was that he was leaving inazuma. he never told you he was boarding the crux, nor that he was going to liyue.
you only found out when yoimiya brought it up to you one day as you helped her decorate her firecrackers.
“do you know how long until kazuha is back? i helped him load them up but he never said when he’d be back.”
you froze at the mention of kazuha. load? when he’ll be back? your mouth felt dry as you looked up at yoimiya from your painted firework.
“what do you mean, yoi? he left?”
yoimiya’s eyes widened, her hands halting.
“the ship is going to liyue and kazuha was on it with captain beidou. i thought you knew (y/n), isn’t he your best friend? you two used to always be together on the docks.”
you shook your head. your heart clenching. kazuha never told you he was leaving.. why didn’t he? especially after what happened. he said he needed space, not that he was leaving.
your mind flashes back to the private moments you had with him, moments you’d replay in your head that never failed to make your heart race.
his gentle lips on yours, the way his warm hand would gently squeeze yours, his warmth breath on your face as he did your eyeliner for you, his endearing nickname he gave you, “dove.” did this all mean nothing to him?
“he never told me anything.” you whispered as yoimiya rubbed your shoulder. she assured you that he’d be back soon enough! he just needed time to sort out his thoughts like he said! you stayed positive, agreeing with her until weeks turned into months and eventually it had been 3 years since he left.
your positive attitude and cheery demeanor was long gone, replaced by a cold and indifferent girl that now wore your face. mentions of kazuha and the renowned traveler had met your ears as your friends gushed over the traveler one day, failing to notice the way you scoffed at the mention of his name.
kaedehara kazuha. the man that had taken your heart with him on that ship, only to let it disappear into the salty winds of the sea he seemed to adore. he adored more than he did you, anyway.
you pretended not to care for his absence, cursing his very existence every time someone would ask you about him. not a single letter from him, nothing. not a word. if he wanted to forget about you, you declared you’d do the same.
one day after helping yoimiya with her firecrackers for the yokai festival, you noticed she was more chipper than usual.
“what’s with you today?” you asked, your monotone voice flat as ever. yoimiya shook her head, giggling to herself. “oh nothing (y/n)! thanks for the help today. if you could, could you go set up some fireworks by the docks?”
you nodded, scooping up a bundle of the brightly painted fireworks as you made your way down to the docks. you didn’t notice a familiar ship that was docked with a few others.
you sighed, crouching down and setting up some fireworks together. you tied a bundle of them with red string, not hearing hurried footsteps from behind you.
“dove? is that you?”
your eyes widened with shock as you heard him behind you. you slowly stood up from your crouched position, turning to see the face of the man that had broken your heart. a wide smile on his face as he tugged at his sleeve before taking a step towards you. his face falling as he saw you take a step back.
“(y/n)? what’s wrong? i came back to see how you were doing-”
“don’t bullshit me kazuha.” you spat, voice laced with anger as you walked in front of him, pointing a finger to his chest. angry tears bubbled up in the corners of your eyes, your chest feeling nothing but hate.
“if you cared so much, why didn’t you write? not a word from you for these past few years, and you think showing up will make that okay? you didn’t even fucking tell me you were leaving.”
you shoved him hard as he stumbled, his eyes creasing with worry. the sight of that only made you angrier as you lifted your hand, a slap resounding off of the water.
“you’re a cruel man to have broken my heart and shown up here like nothing happened between us. i no longer feel anything for you kazuha. don’t speak to me again.”
kazuha didn’t say a word as you left, watching your back as you slowly disappeared from view. he knew he fucked up, but he didn’t think you’d be so angry. angry enough to strike him.
a few days had passed since your reunion with kazuha. the festival was now in full swing as you stood next to yoimiya in your yukata. she gave you a small smile, telling you she knew what had happened. you frowned, remembering the events that had occurred.
“wait a moment, traveler! paimon keeps taking me to the food stalls.”
your eyes narrowed at the boy with white hair, his smile and laugh as he stood next to the blonde traveler and their floating companion. the sight of it made you sick.
“why do you think he never told me?”
yoimiya looked to you as you asked that, her nose scrunching up in confusion. “what do you mean (y/n)?”
“he just looks so happy with them.” you gestured to the trio that was down the hill from where you both stood. yoimiya shook her head, taking your hands in hers. “don’t think like that (y/n). i’m sure he had his reasons. he cared- cares about you.”
her worried features scanned your face for any sign of any emotion that would tell how you were feeling. your features remained indifferent as she hugged you.
after a month kazuha had boarded the ship once again, his eyes scanning the crowd for any glimpse of you. it was a silly hope to think you’d see him off after the scene that you two shared, but he wanted to fix things. every time he attempted to talk to you, you’d turn and briskly walk in another direction. it hurt. hurt to see his childhood friend act in such a manner towards him. he sighed, his bandaged hand resting on his chest as the boat began to sail away from inazuma.
“i’ll make it up to you one day, my dove. i promise.”
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taglist: @samarill
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hunnieknight · 1 year
Red Claymore Trio walked in on you (+art)
I like these trio, they are my favorite now.
Diluc wouldn't just barge into the room, man is polite and know privacy.
Beidou doesn't. Dehya just thought you'd lock your door when it is private.
"Need help on that buttons?" She said as she leans on the door frame, eye fucking you.
"Beidou, my hands are working and the buttons are at the front " you continued putting on your shirt, not even bother to ask for privacy, knowing it's futile.
"Aight, worth a try."
Silence. But you didn't hear any steps nor the door closed
"WHY DON'T YOU LOCK YOUR DOOR?!ANYONE COULD'VE BARGE INTO YOUR ROOM!!" Dehya shouted from outside the door. Her voice muffled by the door.
"ANYONE WOULD'VE KNOCK FIRST" you shouted back.
You only heard a mumble and
"Do you..." he trails off. Then silence. You wondered if he already left but you can still see the shadow under the crack of the door
"Do you..require assistance?" His voice became smaller until the end. You didn't see it, but you 100% sure his face is as red as his hair.
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bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin characters reacting to GN reader falling asleep.
(Part 2)
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, Childe (tartaglia/ajax), Kazuha.
Warnings: Cussing and mentioning thoughts of death [childe], sexual misunderstanding [zhongli]
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Being in a relationship with the well-known Childe was certainly a hassle in itself. You had many close encounters, causing your poor boyfriend to always be on edge. This also meant you didn't have the luxury of many things, like being alone outside. However, him always working made you lonely so you would often sit outside of his door and wait for him. Soon enough your eyes started to get heavy, sleep quickly taking over.
When Childe opened his door and saw your body limp on the floor, the blood drained from his skin. "Fuck come on (y/n)" he grabbed your body and shook you heavily. The gingers heart was beating hard against his chest as his brain turned into a fog. However, that fog quickly dissipated as you groggily opened your eyes "tartaglia??". He let out a heavy breath as he hugged you tightly "babe I'm gonna need you to never do that again." Before you could ask what happened, he kissed your lips and lifted you up. He placed you down on the couch and plopped his weight on top of you. "Let's sleep before you give me another heart attack"
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The ship rocked slowly, the warm sun beating down onto each of the crew members. It was morning time, Beidou had us stop at an abandoned island to grab some fresh fruits, and hopefully, there was some treasure. You had decided to stay back and read your boyfriends poems. There wasn't much for you to do anyways so why not? Soon enough, the rhythmic rocking swayed you to sleep.
Afternoon had hit, the rest of the crew had come back and started to make some lunch. "(y/n)?" A voice called out from the stairs, footsteps made their way to the slumbering body. A bandaged hand grazed your cheek softly, as small kisses peppered your face. Your eyes fluttered open to only be met with loving red ones. "C'mon love, lunch is ready." he said before he kissed your lips lovingly.
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Xiao was called by Aether, he had a deal with him to where if anything happened to just call his name. He had that for a few people, so you couldn't be angry at him suddenly disappearing. You sat in your room at Wangshu Inn. It wasn't certain if Xiao would come back tonight, but just in case you placed down some almond tofu. As the moon light lit the sky, you laid down in your bed. There had been many times when you had been alone waiting for your demon killer to come back, but it didn't make it less lonely. You closed your eyes and went off to dream land.
The door to your room creaked open, revealing the anemo yaksha. His eyes landed on the tofu and then quickly moved to your sleeping body. Not wanting to waste your delicious food, he took a few bites of the tofu and walked over to you. Carefully, he moved the pillow that you were cuddling and placed himself in your arms. "I'm back, sleep well"
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The old archon had been with you for hundreds of years, each chapter making new friends. In this chapter of your life, a devious rich asshole named Childe waltzed in. And now here are the two of you sitting in a private room waiting for the ginger boy to join you. The both of you were reading a book together, your head leaning on Zhonglis shoulder as he read the words aloud. Childe was very late, most likely getting stuck with some authorities. Zhongli took another sip of his tea as he flipped the page of the book.
"He's taking a while, isn't he my dove?" His deep honey-like voice said. However, when he didn't gain a response, he peered down. His golden eyes looked at his beloved, your eyes were closed as you set off to dream land. He carefully moved your body down to his lap as he brushed his lengthy fingers through your hair. (If you lack hair then he softly massaged your head)
Shortly after the one and only Childe slammed into the room, startling you from Zhonglis lap "Oh hoo hooo~ now what were you two doing~~~"
I think this was good
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angelltheninth · 1 year
Genshin Characters + How Much They Kiss You
Pairing: Jean, Lisa, Beidou, Kazuha, Sara, Yelan, Ningguang, Venti x Reader
Tags: fluff, kissing, established relationship, PDA, hand kissing
A/N: Mixing up the character roster a little.
Jean kisses you a lot but mostly in private, away from the prying eyes and any teasing she might have to endure from her team and friends. Loves kissing the back of your hand right before she pulls you to her front, one hand on the small of your back when you sit in her lap.
Lisa will kiss you at any chance she gets, the woman is relentless in her compliments. Her favorite time to kiss is when she knows she has you flustered by something, leaning in to whisper in your ear and then leaning back to kiss you properly and watching you stutter.
Beidou comfortably kisses you in front of her crew. When you're just departed and looking ahead to the new adventure she will pull you into a kiss, had cupping your face and drag you into her captains quarters where more passionate and heated kisses are to be had.
Kazuha is a tiny bit sparing with his kisses, preferring you to initiate them first but quickly getting into the rhythm of one once its started. He gets a little shy if the kisses are in public which only makes you want to kiss his cheek more.
Sara kisses you the most when you're alone. When you're out and about she has to maintain her image of a tough leader. In private though she will go nuts for your kisses, chasing your lips with her in an almost wild passion that's been pent up in her all day.
Yelan will kiss you a lot when she's home but not outside that much because she does have quite a few people gunning for her due to her intelligence gathering job. She misses you a lot when she's on missions so she gets as many kisses as she can when she's home.
Ningguang gladly gives you kisses whenever and wherever you need them. Your lips while you're walking outside, the back of your neck as you're getting dressed, the palm of your hand when you bring her things. There's no such thing as too much kisses in her book.
Venti kisses you any chance he gets really. He feels very fortunate that he has you and as such wants to show others how happy the two of you are. That being said kisses when you're in bed cuddling after a long day are some of his favorite.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ let me love you
a/n: feeling soft and fluffy today :)
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly, tw suggestive in Ganyu's part
_________ ׂׂૢ་��࿐
Dainsleif pats your back awkwardly when he hugs you, but he means well. He vows to protect your smile with his life, damn the gods.
The Raiden Makoto may be dead, but that doesn't mean that she's forgotten about you. Every day that passes by in Celestia, you and Ei are on her mind. You are special, and she makes sure that you know by paying you a little visit when you dream.
Thoma cooks delicious and hearty meals for you, all with a smile on his face. His cheeks are rosy as he presents his dish to you and gives you a little cheek kiss to go with it~
Baal stands behind you and glares down all the citizens that do so much as take a glance at you. She nuzzles her cheek into your neck and shoulders in private whilst whispering that you shouldn't be wasting your time on people that aren't her.
Heizou's uncontrollable laughter and giggles ring out as harmonious melodies as you tickle him. You only poked his neck and look where you both are now.
Beidou spins you round in circles and plops you on her shoulder like a parrot. You are her treasure, her good luck charm, her everything.
Zhongli rubs your cheeks fondly and chuckles softly at your expression. Your visions are the candlelight at your dinner.
A small kiss here, a small kiss here - and a big ol' kiss on your forehead. Miss Lisa is obsessed with you to the point where I love you is the understatement of the year.
Cyno squeezes your hand and walks with you through the rainforests of Sumeru, his hood getting caught on the branches every once in a while. Poor thing's getting more and more frustrated- more hand squeezes!
Lumine sighs as she lets you detangle and brush her hair. Her flowery accessories are beside her, discarded long ago, and it's just you and her in the comfort of the Serenitea Pot.
Bennett tries to wiggle his way out of the tight embrace you had him in, to no avail of course. You manage to successfully grab him by the waist and resume the task you were doing: counting his freckles.
You lie comfortably between Ganyu's thighs and pepper soft kisses all the way up to her... you-know-what. THIS IS FLUFF AIRO TF ARE YOU DOING. Suddenly, the qilin feels a lot better about her appearance, thanks to you.
Aether shoves a bouquet of windwheel asters into your hands bashfully and tries to make a run for it in order to hide his flushed face, but he looks so cute that you just have to hook him by the belt and turn him round just to get a proper look at the cutie~
Ningguan coos as she sees you wearing the brocades that she had specially crafted for you. You look like a treat; your appearance is on fleek, and she's so happy to be yours.
Xiao reluctantly opens his mouth to receive more almond tofu that you are in the middle of feeding him. It seems to taste a whole lot better when someone you love feeds you.
Keqing likes being pampered, after all, she's always busy. Speaking of which, stop whatever you're doing and sit down next to her - let the maids do all the work.
Scaramouche frowns when he sees you in his hat. That's his! You can't take it whenever you please, even if you do suit it.
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Yanfei:*grabs paper*
“Golden Hair Traveler Shifts the Tide on Fontaine’s Biggest Murder Mystery!
An inside look on the fledgling attorney’s breaking discoveries!”
Yanfei:..I guess he’s doing well for himself. Heh, that’s good to know. Wait, fledging attorney!?
Yanfei:*grabs paper*
“From Rising Hero to Submerged Convict!? Traveler Sentenced to Fort Meropide!”
Yanfei:….*puts paper down*
Yelan:*serves tea* Here you are. What are you reading? The Steam Bird?
Yanfei:We need a ship.
Yanfei:I said we need a ship, and we need one tonight.
Aether:*in jail* I really hope Neuvillette didn’t let this news go public.
Paimon:Even if it did, it would be awhile before it made the rounds, right?
Back on a boat
Beidou:*steering* What’s it look like up there!?
Kazuha:Rough waves ahead!
Yanfei:We push through! For justice!
Heizou:For the truth!
Kuki:*studying Fontaine law* Guys, what if things don’t go away legally?
Yelan:*looking at jail blueprints* For plausible deniability reasons, don’t worry things like that. Just keep your pretty eyes on that book.
Paimon:On second thought, we do know some pretty proactive people. But they’re also level headed!
Paimon:Neuvillette better have made this private information.
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