#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately
n3xii · 4 months
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Today's reading will focus on:
-your greatest strengths and abilties
-your "weaknesses" and how they can be leveraged to be skills. you have three pokemon cards to choose from.
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strengths and skills:
when I look at your cards I feel like im looking at someone who has been at rock bottom and knows how to talk themselves (and others) out of a low point. You know how to extract lessons from situations others would see as a ''failure." in your world giving up doesn't exist, any "failure" is just a bigger, overarching lesson that helps you get closer to success. I feel like one of your strengths is being able to see things from both a higher perspective, and as the perspective of someone who has been at rock bottom. Its like you have both a helicopter view of a situation, and a on the ground view as well. This dual understanding allows you to help other people on a deeper level where no one else has been able to reach them. you help others understand their situation from a higher perspective but also from the perspective of someone whos ''been there.'' this skill reminds me of a Lenord cohen lyric where he describes Jesus, "and ..he realized only drowning men could see him." You can connect with people who have never had anyone meet them where they are, because you know how to guide them out of the waters. you have birds eye view which provides a greater understanding of a turbulent situation and its purpose without loosing sight of how it feels to be at ''rock bottom" on a personal, intimate level.
weakness and how it can be a strength:
Your weakness has to do with maintaining objectivity and balance. because you know so intimately how others may feel when they are at rock bottom, maintaining the boundary of not accidently going back down can be something that hinders you. But at the same time, this can be a strength in the sense that you feel very strongly for them, you want to stand up for them and find a fair conclusion. Your sense of justice may make your biased at times, but it also makes you motivated
your strengths and skills
you can see beyond LIES and MISTRUTHS, you're someone who sees through anything thats unclear and confusing. you know when someone is trying to misdirect you and to confuse you, you have an uncanny sense of when something isnt adding up. i also feel that you can cut through extra details and bluff to get to the point of something, you dont mince words and you communicate very well regardless of the medium you choose.
weaknesses and how it can be your strength
you may not come from money, or you may not come from a background that gives you a soft cushion for you to fall back on. lacking a solid foundation may be something you consider a weakness about yourself, but this is actually something that can be your biggest strength- i know many people who come from BIG money. im talking Mercedes car before they even got an official license. Their privilege does help them in life. HOWEVER, they have no work experience, no applicable skills, no understanding of what its like to work 8-12 hours a day. they have never made a resume as they have literally never worked a job. I used to think this was something to envy but then I realized something pivotal: when their main providers die and that foundation goes away, they will have to learn skills many of us learned at 15-16 years old in their twenties or even thirties. that sounds like my worst nightmare.
when you dont come from that type of comfort, you have to learn to rely on yourself. this is a strength that makes you more powerful than alot of people in this world because you know how to build your own stability instead of having it provided for you. you will create your own legacy.
strengths and skills
im getting the sense that you're very good at entertaining yourself, you have a magnetic sense to you that could attract others to you but its like you prefer your own company. Your passions, creativity and humor are enough to supply you with enough entertainment for a lifetime. you dont rely on other people to do this for you, you know how to make yourself laugh, how indulge in your passions, how to make yourself smile. You are your own sun, literally, my intution compared you to the sun lol
your weakness and how it can be a strength
you're very analytical, alert and aware of your surroundings. this may make you overly cautious, anxious but at the same time, its a strength to have the awareness that you possess. You're quick and on your feet, its difficult to catch you off guard. your focus may be pulled in several directions at once, but still, you have keen senses. I feel like you process stimuli very quickly, its may be a weakness in the sense that its hard to process it all at once, but it also makes you very difficult to catch off guard. You notice details others wouldnt, you hear things others cant.
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etoilesbienne · 8 months
out of curiosity, what are the common qEtoiles mischaracterizations, and the accurate characterizations you wished people used more? Sincerely, an English speaking fan who is re-learning French!
honestly i kind of consider it a mischaracterization when people like... make etoiles into this team leader who always knows what to do and move things forward. or like that he has a bad attitude to like... match his fighting skills. or like the dark knight brooding warrior. he says he is these things. these are lies. he lies about himself constantly. i wouldnt trust a good 2/3 of the things he says about himself to be true. you read him clearer through his actions than his statements.
in my opinion etoiles is more like. sturdy second in command. he's not there to lead, he's there to fill in the holes where they pop up. he's there as cover. he's quick witted in shortchange scenarios, but that is so not the same thing as a genuine strategist. in another expression, if someone is a leader, the leader is a doctor, etoiles's role is more like... the EMS team in an ambulance. He's not there to fix your problem, he's there to keep your problem covered until you can get someone else to fully fix it. but that doesn't mean his role is any less important when he's needed.
Etoiles is also, like, so very much a team player if he respects and trusts a person. And it is so easy to have his respect and trust. His trust starts at 100% for everyone. he's also so very very very good at reading people (gesture to the bbh clip where bbh moves his mouse slightly downward and etoiles calls him out on being depressed). He read Mousey as enjoying dungeons and pvp way more and wanting to hang out with her. He's also one of the only people who like continuously runs in the girlies group and makes all of them pvp with him and they all love it so he keeps coming back to pvp with them. Thats how he started his whole thing with Tina and pvping with her constantly. Reading other people also, he loves finding other pvpers so he attacks roier constantly now bc he knows roier can pvp.
What else OH Etoiles loves whining (and this is because Rayou loves whining) that dude will just complain constantly. You haven't seen an etoiles stream if youve never seen him whine. Can't say I'm not kind of endeared by it. With this too he loves over explaining things (RIP armor powerpoint wish you couldve been given...) because he wants to help everyone....
OH and he's very over exaggerated too in replying to people in a complaining way and a self deprecating way and also likes to try to push the envelope with people and he does all of that to try and get a laugh out of others. like he's well aware people find him going "Oh so you don't give a shit about me and want me to die ? you want etoiles to die ?" fucking hilarious and also loves complaining in the first place thats why he does that. if your etoiles isn't complaining and whining then it isn't etoiles. the self deprecating thing is... its interesting bc he does have full faith in his abilities but will never say it out loud unless its trying to reassure someone who is worried. pushing the envelope is so specific he won't do it too much and its like........... from what ive seen (correct me if im wrong) heavily directed at non francophones where if they laugh at something wack he's done he'll try to do it again to make them laugh more. shoutout to the time he made bbh laugh so much when he cursed he didn't get languaged by bbh so he kept cursing to try to make bbh do it again. the dudes a total people pleaser.
smaller thing ive talked about extensively already (u can prob find it in my q!etoiles tag if i remember i'll edit a link to the posts in here soon lol) etoiles hates losing he looooooves winning he's very intense about it lol. its cute!
on a final note even if you don't become deeply unwell about etoiles like i am i think this highlight clip video has like everything he's like condensed into like 11 minutes. You should watch it. It's a good starting point.
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vivipokedex · 4 months
Your animal anatomy foundation 100% feels very solid, do you have any books or online sources to recommend to budding artists?
thank youuuu :)))
im gonna be honest... i never really specifically sat down to study drawing animals, or followed any art-oriented books or guides about that or anything. tutorials tend to not be very helpful to me because they rarely deal with gesture and focus more on getting the proportions right, which by itself is only a small part of it. and live drawing classes rarely involve animals...
i think it helps to have an existing, like, sense and confidence when it comes to observation and capturing volume and gesture in general. at the end of the day pretty much everything can be broken down into basic shapes, planes, blobs. actually A Blob is a good starting point to draw pretty much any animal... draw a blob and then put a head and limbs and appendages on it. yknow?
another thing is to just be curious and have an interest in the diversity and minutiae of the animal kingdom. i know it sounds very basic but I Love Animals. there are some real crazy creatures out there. obviously i recommend looking up as many reference pics as you can, not necessarily to copy stuff, but to have a handy guide of where stuff goes. but just looking at pictures honestly isnt quite enough in my opinion... read up on the animal. get a sense of what makes this particular species unique among ones similar to it, how it lives and functions in its habitat... watch a nature docco. watch some footage of weird little shrimp. learn how to tell different species of aeshnidae apart.
also, yeah, youre gonna have to look at and draw some animal skeletons at some point. i dont think you have to like, study the skeleton of every vertebrate you wanna draw, but yknow, its good to have a general knowledge. it really does teach you a lot to draw a horse skeleton and the individual parts in it. ideally of course you would be sitting in front of either the real thing or a 3d model, but sometimes photos and illustrations have to suffice... it's just important that you pay attention to what you're doing.
as for books... well, a relevant point here is that photos arent everything. obviously theyll give you a faithful picture of the living breathing animal, but thats the thing, they wont always let you see the exact shape, all the distinctive details, and so on. so this is where i recommend getting into some old timey illustrated books. yeah youre gonna have to do some treasure hunting... but listen. ive got this awesome book from 1979 for example, which lists pretty much every species of bird that lives in my little corner of the world, along with amazing detailed illustrations. it's so inspiring and informative. it is the kind of stuff i really wanna urge everyone to get into.
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bulbabutt · 1 year
ok i wanna talk about tmnt 2007 and the way i think this is the best version of a leo and raph conflict, and also leo as a character
for context i've been talking about tmnt things kinda chronologically, so i'm gonna mention an unconditional understanding in 03 i bring that up in a previous post about that show and the family dynamics in it here if u want context for what i mean
i think this movie can really be appreciated for the place it has between adaptations, and the way character-wise everyone is more or less the same as they've always been but with a more interpersonal relationship as the focus. the main villain of this movie doesn't really matter, the conflict, the fights, that's not where the strength is (although, it is reflected in the conflict and ill get into that)
so tmnt 07 is one movie that kind of combines the 90s movies, 03, and mirage all in one place, and tonally is is similar to the show that will come after it, 12. if the 90s movies give us conflict between leo and raph, and 03 gives us the unconditional understanding between the two, 07 takes these two aspects and creates a story out of it. (debate in your own mind if this movie is a literal sequel to the 90s ones or not, its not that important)
the set up of this movie is we are in a post killing the shredder world. leo has been told by splinter to go get training elsewhere, there isn't much context for what happened to cause this, but i would bet its a similar cause to 03, where he had ptsd and lashed out at his father to which splinter sends him to his grandfather to get better advice than he thinks he can give him. the difference here is there is no grandfather hes sent to, he's sent on a journey of self discovery around the world to learn about it and himself.
the thing about leo as a character, and this goes for all leos, he's has a very black and white way of thinking. leo thinks he's been sent away because he's failing his family, that he's not a good enough leader. so he stays away for longer because he doesn't feel good enough. he finds a place where he can help and he does that. leo always needs a bad guy to fight, or else he's fighting his own demons. so he stays there for a long time. finding a place he can help quietly, never letting anyone see him, and becoming a legend to the locals because no one knows what's really going down.
april manages to track him down and tell him about whats going on with his brothers, how they're holding up without him and without being a team, and i think thats a good reminder for him that they miss him. he doesn't tell april but he finds a way home only after hearing about this. when he arrives and speaks to splinter, he says "i was so caught up in my own world i forgot about everyone else, i'm sorry i failed" he still doesn't feel like he's done anything of worth.
i'm gonna jump in here and say, you know how we all love rise raph? cuz hes the big brother and some traits that come from that are like being overprotective and taking on everyone else's problems and trying to handle emotions alone? well that's a trait thats usually leo's. but the difference with leo is sometimes that concept doesn't make you as likeable. sometimes it means you come off like a nagging mother hen who thinks they know best but in an arrogant way. sometimes it makes you mirror being a parent when no one asked you to be. leo's less of a passionate character than raph, hes more analytical and full of himself. he takes splinters lessons more seriously, and hes always trying to do whats best for everyone so they don't have to worry. this is something evident with 03 and 12, but its so specifically noticeable here because these traits make up the main conflict. i just want to bring that up so we start seeing leo as no different than some of our other favourite iterations.
splinter responds to his apology by saying "you owe me no apology, but perhaps you should talk to raphael, your absence has been particularly difficult for him, though he'll never admit it" but when leo greets him raph is brushing him off.
on raph's end, this is him being angry that leo left, and angry that hes back and everyone wants to pretend that he wasn't gone at all. as if the time he was gone didn't happen. hes lashing out because he too cant handle talking about these emotions. and hes lashing out by becoming a vigilante in his own right.
i see a lot of people misunderstand what raph is doing here, that "this is what the turtles always do" or "this is the same as what leo was doing how could he be mad" when that is not true. that's what casey does. its true that both leo and raph have been fighting bad guys on their own (as a way of dealing with their issues) but raphael has made himself a costume to disguise himself which means hes prepared to be seen. hes riding a motorcycle around, which is loud. this isn't stealthy, this is aggressive. his vigilante name is in the news. the turtles are ninjas, they silently help where they can and fade into the night and, very specifically, they work as a team. these turtles live in a dangerous world, what if something happened to him while no one else was around? they would never know because he never told anyone.
so raph is lashing out, and leo doesn't have a good way of dealing with it. he tries to slide back into being leader, doing what splinter says but he forgets how his brothers are, and with raph egging them on they get into fights they shouldn't. which leo specifically gets in trouble for, as the oldest brother, and as their leader. leo tries to be this better leader hes supposed to have learned to be, but it doesn't work and raph ends up back out there in his vigilante get up. leo tracks down said vigilante, and in his peak "leo knows best" moment, lectures him, not knowing its his brother. there's a scuffle, and the mask comes off. let me point out that casey knew this vigilante was raph but his own brother didn't, because leo has been gone that long.
so lets get into what this fight is really about. on the surface, its "wow you've been going out at night alone putting yourself in dangerous situations with no backup" and "so what you're just mad that i can do it without you" which leo would be right about. and this is the analytical leo, he really thinks that's all that's going on here. what hes missing is that raphael has missed him as a brother, and hes hurt that leonardo left and just came back no big deal. that he wants everything to be normal. raphael is always a character with big emotions and the only outlet he knows to express them is violence.
leo, who as we've established, went away to learn to be better for his family is angry that raph doesn't see that. he's mad raph doesn't appreciate the effort he went to, and he thinks he's just angry because he's not in charge. each brother sees the other as being arrogant.
this leads them to the big fight. no one can disagree that this is the best part of the movie (seriously watch the movie for this scene if you haven't seen it before) , but the real best part of it is that raphael wins. raph proves hes just as capable of a fighter as his brother, if not more-so. he uses those sais as they're supposed to be used, catching leo's swords and in a fit of rage he fucking breaks them, leaving leo defenceless and completely vulnerable to attack. you'd think he'd be smug that leo lost but he pauses, going through a lot of emotions in a moment, questioning what he's doing, why hes doing it. and leo finally looks his brother in the eye and sees raph going through something he didn't before, realizing raph hasn't been angry that he's back, but that he's angry that he ever left. they don't have a conversation, because raph cant handle all these emotions and he runs away, crying as he does. leo just watches him, taking it all in and realizing the error of his ways.
hearing leo scream turns raph around, but he's too late to help him, and this is where raph regrets his own actions because right then, leo is also proven right in his argument. because he gets kidnapped. if leo hadn't chased raph down, there is a very good chance that would have been raph being kidnapped. with no backup, with no one knowing what happened to him. that's why its important that the turtles are a team.
raph goes home full of guilt, and there's a good moment of showing how he cannot open up emotionally here, because he grunts, punches the wall, knocks over some weights and forces splinter to ask him what happened, because that's how raphael is. he laments to his father that he finally understands why leo is the better son, proving that to raph none of this was about their team, but about their family. conflating the two ideas in his head. splinter gives him a talk that mirrors what he said to leo when he returned earlier in the movie, encouraging him that he is a good son and brother. this shows that these brothers have very similar insecurities about their value to their family.
the rest of the movie plays out as you expect, they go save leo, they stop the bad guy, they reconcile and behave as the team they're supposed to be. but i just want to point out that the villains plot is mirrored in leo and raph's conflict. the 'villain' here is a brother who has been cursed to be immortal without his own siblings. for 3000 years he lived to regret his actions and decided to undo his curse, but he used the cursed stone versions of his siblings to do so. no communication, just thinking he knew better (which maybe he did) and lying about it. that caused them to lie to him right back, and try to overthrow him and destroy the world. this is just one family whose inner turmoil could have destroyed the world. you might say, oh that's not a very interesting turtles villain, but its not supposed to be. its not the focus.
this movie is all about the complicated relationship between a family, and i see so many people talk about it by trying to ask who's right and who's wrong. that's not how it works. life is more complicated than that, people are more complicated than that. its boring to look at this movie and just say "leo is wrong and raph is right" because that's not even how the characters see it. this movie is about leo and raph being mirrors of each other in their arrogance, in their insecurities, and in their stubborn pig-headed refusal to let the other know how they feel. splinter says as much at the start of the movie. this whole movie shows that without each other, they need to be fighting something so they don't get swept up by their own emotions, which they are both bad at processing. they are SUCH brothers. they are so similar emotionally, yet they have such a hard time understanding each other.
personally 07 leo is my favourite leo for his complexity, his flaws his strength, his growth. its sad we never got those sequel movies to get into the other brothers heads as much as we got into leo and raphs heads.
also nolan north and james arnold taylor gave the best vocal performances in this movie and they deserve all the credit for it.
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fatkish · 2 months
Funny (Y/N) x MHA
Inside the teachers lounge:
(Y/n): *looking at Aizawa from across their desks* choke me with your thighs daddy.
Aizawa: no
Vlad and Hizashi: *spits out drinks*
All Might: *chokes as blood spills from his mouth*
All might: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves?
Aizawa: Milfs.
(Y/n): Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves.
All might: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for???
Hizashi: Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties.
Hizashi: I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago.
(Y/n): Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck.
Hizashi: Oh, is it not mom in late fouries?
Aizawa: What? No! It isn't!
(Y/n): Hizashi...
(Y/n): I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you.
All might: The word milf has been ruined for me.
(Y/n): Y'all are dumbasses.
Midnight: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Hizashi: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Aizawa: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
(Y/n): Guys
All might: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
(Y/n): *sighing* Aizawa.
Aizawa: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
Hizashi: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
*Bakusquad is learning CPR on a test dummy*
(Y/n): So, assessing the situation. Are they breathing?
Kirishima: No, (Y/n). They are not breathing. And they have no arms or legs.
(Y/n): No, that’s not part of it—
Mina: Where are they? You know what? If we come across somebody with no arms or legs do we bother resuscitating them? I mean, what kind of quality of life do we have there?
Denki: I would want to live with no legs.
Bakugou: How about no arms? No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Sparky. You don’t do anything.
(Y/n): All right, well, lets get back to it. ‘Cause you’re losing him.
Kirishima: *pumps frantically*
(Y/n): Okay, too fast. Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.
Sero: Okay, that’s uh, hard to keep track. How many is that per hour?
Bakugou: How’s that gonna help you Tape arms?
Sero: I will divide and then count to it.
Bakugou: Right.
(Y/n): Okay. Well, a good trick is to pump to the tune of ‘Staying Alive’ by the Bee Gees. Do you know that song?
Denki: Yes, yes I do. I love that song. *clears throat, begins to sing* First I was afraid, I was petrified.
Y/n), on the phone: Uh. . Hey, Hizashi , i uh, I’ve been stabbed.
(Y/n): Wait- You aren’t Hizashi . Sorry- I didn’t mean to call you-
Aizawa: Your smug self-assuredness is revolting.
(Y/n): I think we need to validate self confidence more, lest you end up angry at others for having even a sliver of it. I've done nothing wrong and I have a heart of gold.
Vlad king: I think this message is extremely valid, but also (Y/n) has implied wanting to set off the Yellowstone supervolcano, so what's the truth?
(Y/n): I want to set it off.
(Y/n): Why are you like this??
Aizawa: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Dabi: I'm trash.
(Y/n): As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Dabi: You smooth motherfucker.
Dabi: And yes it does.
(Y/n): Crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m near mine, I start acting stupid.
Aizawa: You always act stupid.
Aizawa: Wait…
Twice: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Dabi: I'm gonna tell them.
(Y/n): Don't you dare.
Toga: You really believe in (Y/n)?
Tomura: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Kurogiri: I had to pick up (y/n) early.
Mr. Compress: That’s alright. Have they been sick?
Tomura: No, not sick, they’re just very upset because they’ve had a hard day.
Dabi: Wait, why did they have a hard day?
Tomura: They took their two pet snails to school with them today, and they had the snails in their book bag. They let out the snails by the sink in the back of the classroom for some exercise, and some kid, who was visiting the class that day, thought they were snails that had come inside from the playground, so they threw (y/n)’s snails out the window.
Dabi: Oh my god.
Kurogiri: I know you are laughing, guys, but please act sad about it when they get home today.
Dabi: I’ll try but that is hilarious.
Tomura: Yeah, I know. Stupid pet snails.
Tomura: I’m trying not to let (y/n) see me laugh.
(Y/n): Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Aizawa and I are dating.
Nedzu, Hizashi, All Might, and Aizawa: *gasp*
(Y/n): Aizawa, why are you surprised?!
(Y/n), about Hizashi and Aizawa: My god, would you two just get a room already?
Aizawa: Excuse me, (Y/n)?
(Y/n): You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding?
Hizashi: ...
Nedzu: I ship it!
All Might: CAN YOU NOT?
(Y/n): Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water??
Nedzu: Y- you were putting it in cold water??
Aizawa: (Y/n). Answer the question, (Y/n).
(Y/n): Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason.
(Y/n): Plus you think I have the patience to boil water?
Nedzu: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes??
Aizawa: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it?
Nedzu: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Aizawa: It takes less than a minute.
Nedzu: Is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun???
Aizawa: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Nedzu: Like seven minutes??
All Might: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan!
Aizawa: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? All Might? Your stove is enchanted!
(Y/n): Every single person here is a fucking lunatic.
Hizashi: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?!
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 11 months
The arc with the resistance in ml season five???? Is so good????????????? The way that???? Its been going on low-key for a while????? But theres this Massive Shift this season where literally the entire miracuclass stops running away from akumas or hiding???? And its like???? The fear is GONE by the end of the season???? Theyre not scared anymore theyre just pissed off????? At the system???? Not at the akumatized victims???? But also its not a “babying the akumas” thing either like when gabe is akumatized theyre like “WRONG BAD” at him????? Same with chloé???? But like the entire class will see a butterfly and start running TOWARDS it because theyre like “oh no someone needs help goddamit i gotta get there before hawkmoth” and they dont always win and they dont beat themselves up about it???? Like in confrontation, Juleka got akumatized despite their best efforts and theyre all like “ugh this sucks” but no one’s giving up hope or anything???????
And!!!!! The way that the anti-akuma charms work in that episode??????!?!??!?? The way the fandom has this trend of thinking like,,,, the only way to escape akumas is to push emotions away deep deep down,,,, thats how marinette and adrien have kind of been operating?!???? But then it’s revealed on no uncertain terms that the powerups of the anti akuma charms are reactive to emotions?????!?! That pushing things down doesnt help?? you have to Fight Back and FEEL on your own terms and accept others’ help and feelings?????
Juleka shutting down and curling up into a ball and trying to disapear didnt work!!!but her yelling about how its not fair and shes proud of mr damocles despite it all???? like??? Catalyzed the entire anti akuma charm shield thing???????
The way that this season has shown time and again that it’s okay to be mad and frustrated and hate the system and its okay to feel trapped and scared but you have to learn to reach out and find a good outlet for those emotions even if that outlet is yelling with your friends???? instead of isolating yourself and pushing away people who have your best interest at heart????? And lying and pretending it’s okay doesn’t help but looking for bits of real joy and support amidst the chaos does???
The way that ladybug and chat noir started this season as The Most Alone Theyve Ever Been with the miracle box stolen??? and realized by the end that no one needs powers to be heroes??? they just need to be able to trust each other and take turns carrying Hope for the group and remembering whats worth fighting for!? and as long as theres a drive to fight theres always little victories to celebrate??????????!??
(Also the way that Nino—who heads the resistance—literally calls everyone in his group including Bustier Comrade and the way that they talk about how sometimes it feels like no one’s listening and revolution is the only way?? and the way they address fears about spyware and technology only benefitting the elites and the school system being designed without students’ well-being in mind and environmental terror and the police being corrupt and they take all of that and they say “it is Still a worthy battle and it sucks but you are going to be okay,,, just do not give in to hopelessness… find the people who will help you keep fighting and keep believing in a better future and Cherish Them”)
People complain about this show going “off the rails” as it’s switching its target audience and addressing more “mature” themes or whatever but like do you guys understand how much every single narrative decision makes me scream
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shankschewtoy · 9 months
Just went driving on a road it was scary ash. So anyway I was wondering how one piece characters would fair on the road. Ik for a fact that luffy is probably banned from every road imaginable. Have a good day slayer
a/n - ah yes I’m slayer 😂 (a demon slayer) jkjk thanks for your request anon and yes, Luffy is banned from driving forever. (Garp’s also banned but we don’t talk about that)
Warnings ⚠️ - modern au, g/n reader, crack, bro Luffy is so bad at driving it’s hilarious
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- if you think you’re a bad driver no you’re not. Luffy’s 10x worse
- he eats when he drives and he steers the wheel with his toes 💀💀💀
- “You have to stop at the red lights Luffy.”
- “MFFMM got it!” *his mouth is full*
- bro speeds through red lights and somehow stays alive
- and this time he managed to fly through a literal building. A BUILDING.
- needless to say. You’re scared asf. (Who wouldn’t be-? I’d die the moment I step into the car 💀)
- “IM OUT OF FEET!” *feet on the steering wheel*
- “SIDJEONRORNRKT STOP EATING OMFG-“ (you are about to murder your bf. i support that movement, do it)
- nothing can interrupt a meal 👍
- garp is just as bad except he gets more angry at dumb drivers. He’s also been banned by the city government from driving but he drives anyway
- Luffy is very close to being banned by the country government. That’s a whole new level of bad driving
- you have survived all the times and I commend you for that. If you didn’t worship god before you do now thanks to Luffy. You pray before every driving experience 🫶
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- does zoro know how to drive? Yes
- is he good at it? Eh he’s ok
- does he use a gps? no.
- do you end up in Hawaii when you’re trying to go to Starbucks? Yes
- he’s a smooth driver don’t get me wrong, but he never ends up in the right place
- “zoro im gonna take a nap wake me up when we get there.”
- “k.”
- you’re on the right path, and it’s a straight way for a couple hours, nothing could go wrong! Right?
- when you woke up, you found yourself in the heat of a- battle?! WHERE TF WERE YOU?
- you saw stars all around you. NOT FIGURATIVELY. LITERALLY
- “Y/N PLS HELP.” (Zoro is dying rn)
- you’re in space. you’re in space.
- don’t ask me how you can breathe with no air it’s zoro’s fault
- you’re in the star wars verse btw 💀
- “IS THAT A ROBOT FLYING THAT SHIP?!” -you (this is a normal reaction)
“Oooo that guy’s sword is green! I gotta get one of those.” -zoro (this is not a normal reaction)
- you’re literally abt to get shot to death by lasers and zoro’s talking about lightsabers 💀
- afterwards.. yes. you drove while he took a nap instead. You’ve learned your lesson to never let this mossy bitch drive
- also yes. Zoro got a green lightsaber as a souvenir so don’t worry about him
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- believe it or not he’s always drunk when he���s driving (omg it’s so hard to believe ikik)
- but fr he’s always driving while being illegally intoxicated 😭
- since he’s also missing an arm that makes it worse because he has to take his hand off the wheel to do anything else
- “Babe pls keep your eyes on the road.” -you
- “Yeah i got it don’t worry!”
- he doesn’t got it
- he’s swerving all over the place, getting honked at, getting flipped off, and most of all, getting angry death glares from other drivers
- “Hey babe I’m gonna take- a nap.” -shanks
- “Ok.” -you
- …
- “Wait what? SHANKS WTF-“
- bro fell asleep on the horn and made the car start swerving around all over the place. You couldn’t count how many poor trash cans the car ran over 💀
- you tried to take the wheel but his dumb ass was too heavy and big to move out of the way
- you ended up punching him in the nose, making it bleed, and he woke up in a daze. Bro stank ASS. HE SMELLED SO BAD
- bro was RANCID. Smelled like over fermented kombucha and that is not a good smell trust me
- “Oh hey babe what’s going on?” -shanks
- idk how y’all didn’t crash but you didn’t so-
- you needed some therapy from Benn later but that’s ok 👍
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a/n - i chose all bad drivers
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ma3mae · 10 months
Don't be so annoyed, love!
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Summary: He's so annoying sometimes but it's ok because you love him 😭 (HC w/ Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
Genre: Crack, fluff, lowkey suggestive themes
Warnings: 🗿 we ignoring the red flags bc we can. also mentions of farting bc dazai 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
A/N: u cant tell me that they wouldnt do any of these things ok 💀also kunikida's got a small drabble out of nowhere but im always wildin when it comes to him 😭😭😭😭😭
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Dazai Osamu
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u cant tell me that as soon as hes rly comfortable in ur relationship that he WOULD NOT be ashamed of just farting outta nowhere honestly 💀
Like yall r just chilling on the couch, watching smth and he just lets it all out bc why should he hold himself back 🗿
Hes at home 🗿
But bro's lucky he doesnt smell but 🗿🗿🗿🗿 wheres the warning from him
u give him the side eye and hes like "What? Are you perhaps ashamed of human nature, bella?" like ok we'll leave him alone but he ruined the emotional moment of the movie yall were watching 😭😭😭
Is also the type to prob leave his socks and clothes lying around
It got better over time but he still sometimes does it bc old habits die hard i guess 🧍
once got so bad you just collected all of his clothes and put them infront of the door so he'd have no choice but to pick all of that up and do it himself 💀
would try to talk his way out of it in the beginning but also felt kinda bad after the relationship got more and more serious
So now hes a good bf/ husband and does it himself 🤩 (with the occasional sock under the couch 💀)
drinking habits would take a bit longer to be fully gone, he'd learn to regulate it over time
He's learned to warn you tho when he thinks that a rly shitty day might hit him bc work and more
sometimes you take the day off and do something together to take his mind off of it
Sometimes you're at work and a "im home" text without hearts will come and you know whats wrong
would feel more comfortable over time letting you take care of him
will definitely show you his appreciation for you the next days in one way or the other 🤩💅
talking about living together, yall would often have to sit down to talk about his spendings bc our man cant save for ANYTHING
Used to often come home with little things like "Look, this reminded me of you!" and it's a plushie of a cat or something
Started off cute and small but got dramatic like him really fast
ngl he came home with a expensive necklace u liked when the both of u went shopping but u didnt buy it bc.. she expensive...
like he was charming as always with his "Tada! Guess what I've got you?~ 😋" ".... Not the necklace...? 😧" "🤩 How did you guess that right, bella??" "😨😨"
THIS man right here wouldnt even hesitate to just right out fking steal shit for you if u want it bc thats how much Power u got over him he'd never admit that tho sksks... OK maybe in bed...
he'd def either blackmail or bribe chuuya into helping him with stealing
probably even has access to his bank account and you'd only realize that when he'd stand infront of your door, asking where that "f*cking b*stard" is
you'd legit have to mediate their convo or else the whole building you live in would be gone immediately skks 💀
Chuuya likes u so he wouldnt make yall pay for it bc he knows that dazai's nearly broke 24/7 and u dont deserve to pay for his fault 💅
it would be enough to destroy his pride to make him obey chuuya for like 2 weeks or sum cue evil cackling from said red head
queen of Gaslightining nr. 1 😭 sometimes its for the dumbest arguments tho like why its okay to smack your lips while eating 😭
"I don't know it's just really noisy and kinda annoying for me?" "But Bella, that shows just how tasty your food is or are going to deny that fact and say that I should not show my appreciation for it? What if for me personally it's a sign of a good meal?" "Yeah but doesnt need to be that for me. Also you can show your appreciation for it in other ways like just simply saying its delicious?"
"But actions speak louder than words, my love." "YEAH, well then what do you want then???"
Its just a whole shit show and would (lmao it WILL) end in him giving you just shameless bedroom eyes and well you know whats gonna be after dinner lmaooo 🤡😭
Also also i do believe that hes not the best cook at first but hes a real fast learner so it prob would only take him a week of consuming cooking videos and reading books and BOOM
"Samu, is this a 3 course meal you're cooking because that's a LOT of ingredients in the kitchen." "Sssh just sit down, wash yourself up and enjoy the evening, my love! I'll call you when I'm done 💕"
Manages to somehow still give you some snacks and drinks in between the cooking 😭 with some sneaked in kisses on your shoulder or lips 😏
If you go and hug him from behind, he'll be MELTING
Like nuzzling your face into his back while wrapping your arms around his torso, you feel the slight rumble in his chest as he chuckles at your cute action 😭
"If you want to eat something then you should take a break from being so cute, you know? Don't want the food to go bad from maybe getting a bit distracted if you stay here for a bit longer." "Ew, are you implying you'd start something infront of our food??"
"... Well, I can just have a whole meal by myself but you'd be left hungry so it's your choice 😋"
🗿 the way he doesnt need long to be turned on is alwaya amazing to u but thats just how whipped he is and bro is a whole snack himself so WHOS complaining 😋💅
food's is guaranteed to taste heavenly but if he knows youve got time, then he'd make excuses to taste your cooking like
"Samu, it's been a while since I've gotten to taste your cooking." "Aww, was it that delicious for you? Hmm but I actually prefer your cooking!"
Time for some cooking and baking lessons together, eoow 💅 with the occasional make out session because the sauce found it's way on your lips and he just had to clean it up with his 😭😋
honestly despite all of some of the difficulties, dazai would never fail in making you feel loved in his own way even tho u gotta peel back some layers 🗿
At the end of the day, his bear hugs and many kisses are smth u love to come back home to after work
also doesnt say it but would def be a house husband for u 🤩 with the occasional "whoops gotta go and do smth quick" text and he comes home at like midnight skks bc the agency needs his cute ass 😋 but dw dinner's ready and house chores have been done so enjoy ur evening after work, zurlie 💅
dont kill me for this but id give him a 7.5/10 😭
Obsessed with him and i love him but it would prob be really really exhausting to get him to FULLY trust you and its honestly understandable
Also he kinda makes me feel like i'd have to walk on eggshells around him because you often dont really know what hes thinking 😭😭
could smile at u while thinking "why u so ugly" 😭😭
also bro is so smooth, its scary like he'd prob make us forget immediately that hes trying to find out everything about us(why he sounding like a stalker 😨😨 wouldnt want him to be MY stalker 😨😨 or would I?? 🤩) MY DELULU BRAIN 👹
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Doppo Kunikida
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😨 Cleaning maniac
personification of the verse "I can COOk, i can CLEAN" (i know its "dont" instead of can but we all know hes like perfect house husband material... maybe a bit too perfect 💀💀💀👹)
If u forgot a cup on the dinner table, he'd legit take the cup, put it in ur hand and be like "why did u leave it there if u r not using it"
WILL def rant about why u shouldnt do it
Honestly huge nagging mom vibes 💀💀
At the beginning of moving in together, he'd just clean everything without a word whatsoever
Like you wanna help around the house too? NUH UH, he already finished everything up.
Vaccuming the house? Done
Swiping? Lmao be sure to not arrive at home after work around that time bc u gotta stand at the door and WAIT until the floor is dried 💀😭
Dishes have been done like at 5 in the fucking morning 💀👹
Bro thankfully doesn't wash clothes that often (gotta be careful of the water bill 😭) but there r days where he legit throws his clothes nearly everyday bc the worse the mission the more blood yk 🗿🗿
U had to legit drag his ass to the couch to talk to him bc he gonn be deep clean the house if someone doesnt stop him
"Kuni, you literally don't need to do EVERYTHING by yourself! I'm also here to help and frankly, it feels like you're my maid sometimes 😞" " Don't worry. Everything fits perfectly in my time plan and since you sometimes work overtime, it's better if I do a bit more of it."
... "🗿 You are legit saving this city from being destroyed so often and I just sit in the office, bro 🤡" "I understand your argument but I have seen the way you look tired so often so let me take a bit of your burden"
He knows how to make us go "🥺"
The argument prob went on for an hour until yall settled on making a plan on who does what on which days and if someone's gotta work overtime or sum then the other takes a bit of it over and so on
So in the end its alrighty 🎉
Groceries and so on are never a problem except it sometiems turns out like going shopping with your mom because...
"Omg Kuni, look!!" *holds up cute decoration* "We could put this on our dinner table! Isn't it cute 🥺??"
Bro just takes it from you and looks at the price. Legit gives you the 🤨 look
"That's 937,32 Yen (around 6€) 🤨🤨. For a tiny statue of a dog? We could find it somewhere way cheaper." "🥺 But it's a limited edition and it reminds me of you bc its got the same fur color 🥺. It's even got ur glasses on 🥺"
Bro will say no but the day after you spot the dog on the table 🤡
Yall lying in bed together and cuddle so give him a peck on the lips while killing him with your cute ass smile (U MURDERER 🗿🗿)
"What was that for?" "Hmmm, well I just noticed that said statue magically appeared on our table. You think it was a cute long haired fairy with glasses and a grumpy look 😋? "
He tries really hard to deadpan at you but the corner of his lips still tug upwards as he pinches your nose
"Well, sometimes its not so bad to buy a little extra, I guess."
If theres a market nearby with some really good deals then you'd either be dragged together with him or he'd come home after work with tons of bags
Always surprises you in how good he is at negotiating about the price
Sometimes you gotta stop him from arguing with some of the shop keepers because some decided to sell some items way too overpriced 🗿🗿🗿
you once found him stay up all night researching about reasonable prices for veggies... 😨
and cue to yall standing in the morning infront of said shop keeper getting absolutely destroyed in an argument by your man.. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Well guess who even got some extra free stufd because kuni terrified the shit out of him 😋
"Thank you for your hard work in harvesting and selling us these delicious vegetables. My wife is quite a fan of them." Your husband said as he put the money into the shop keepers shaky hands, face red in embarassement as he squeezed out a "It's nothing." between his teeth. His face paled at the words "We'll see each other next Monday. Until then have a great week." leaving your man's mouth as he gave him a friendly smile before taking your hand and going to the next stall,only for you to sheepishly wave goodbye to the shop keeper before going with your husband.
"Well, you gave him quite the scare back there." You said as you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter, the bustling of the array of people only increasing by minutes. "Someone had to correct his ways. It would help his sales but only if he's willing to take that advice seriously." he simply answered as he looked at the contents of the bag, counting the ingredients left to purchase.
"Well atleast we got ourselves more than we needed so we can go home and call it a day." "Who are you?" Chuckling at your surprised face out of the corner of his eyes, he continued to make his way towards the end of the market, to finally reach your car.
"I thought over your words and I do believe it would be nice to" laze around together "for once in a while. Everything in the house has already been done, so maybe we could try out that one series you've been talking about. The reviews seem to be quite positive about it."
He just lets a breathy laugh escape his lips at your squeal while you begin to rant on why its gonna be so good watching it and
honestly there are like no real red flags like his red flags are disguised green flags and yall can legit work through it easily
The only thing would be his tendency to overwork himself and it could lead to an argument but never a real fight because hes pretty easy to reason with
Like even when hes stubborn, he'll STILL listen to your words because the many good things about him that he'd always make sure to take your words seriously 🗿🗿
which sometimes makes it tempting to tease him bc we can lowkey understand why dazai easily tells him the most outrageous shit and your man just casually writes it down in his notebook 😭
"That damn idiot managed to fool me again by telling me that aliens have been among us (AMOGUS 👹) and that the goverment has been hiding it from us for decades." "I thought you already knew about that tho?"
"What" "What?"
"Wait so they're real?"
Cue to him showing him a video (that dazai sent to you a week ago just for this moment 😭)
Lmao dont tease him too much tho but dw, he cant stay mad at you at all lmao 😋💅
Honestly a 8.5/10 bc his nagging scares me 💀😭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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"Greatest Detective" more like "Queen of Gaslightining" 👹👹
Everyone knows hes way too obsessed with sweets but how the hell is his teeth actually still existing 🗿🗿
ngl i believe fukuzawa would prob sometimes just randomly ask him if he brushed his teeth bc he lowkey lowkey raised him ok 🤡
Ranpo is all nice like "yup, i did." but when u ask him, hes a whole b*tch about it
"Hah??? Why would you ask me that?? Do you really believe that I'd be so dumb to forget about brushing my teeth? If i can solve the most difficult cases then why would you assume that brushing my teeth might something that I'd forget, huuuhh??"
His gaslightining used to work at the beginning of ur relationship but sooner or later its not hard to notice his patterns 🗿
Like yas ok, he could just put up a whole ass strategy in how to not get u to notice that he didnt brush em at all but bro
Hes too lazy
And hes a sucker for attention 😩 like he might be "annoyed" if u nag at him bc of smth but he absolutely loves it bc its just one of his many ways to get ur attention without him having to actively get up and get it for himself 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hes a huge clown but i love him 😭
Dazai tends to forget his socks or smth lying on the floor but THIS mf right here just doesnt rly care 😭
Like that was the first thing u noticed when u entered his apartment 🤡
Its not right out messy on a disgusting degree, its more like theres tons of trinkets n shit from cases or just random candy wrap hidden under the couch 💀💀💀
The epitome of "I can do it tomorrow" bc bro doesnt forget, he just IGNORES that he has to do it 😭
might take a while to actually get him to yk do smth around the house
used to prob only sleep and shower at his apartment and thats it💀
But when hes whipped then hes whipped and hed actually try his best to help around the house
Key word "try" 🤡
Like its often tbh accompanied by "okay, ill do it but only if i get smth"
But there are days when he legit deep cleans everything by himself bc either you had a bad day or yall had a fight 👹👹
still would whip out the "now gimme something, please 😋" if yall cuddle after a fight and he cleaned and tidied everything up for his love 🤩
doesnt always have to be candy yk HEUEHEUEHEUUE 👹👹👹👹👹
also its not a surprise but dont let him near the kitchen
Like he had only cooked for ONE time and it was like a fever dream
Bc u legit had a fever and he cooked chicken soup but uhm 🗿
he cooked it so good??? Like veggies n meat cut and cooked up nicely?
Broth kicking in real hard?
Like? "What the hell? I thought you couldn't cook??"
Bro is about to put that spoon fr away 💀
"I'm not so heartless to let you starve and I definitely wont be giving you some cheap soup either. I just looked it up on the internet and followed the instructions so you gotta get well soon because I miss your cooking 🤩🤩"
Are we flattered?? Gurl, maybe but he'd def know if we tried to make ourselves be sick to taste his cooking again
Bro only offers to help when it comes to baking 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨
His only help is licking the dough or chocolate outta the bowl or smth 😀
would sneak in many kisses tho bc he likes u and sweet stuff is just sugar overload for him and he loves it 🤩
I think one of the important factors for him in a relationship is that fukuzawa approves of you? Since he does value his opinion over his own intellect
Like bro trusted him when it came to Fukichi and other ppl 💀
fukuzawa could legit go "aliens r evil" and ranpo would be like "ok everyone, aliens are evil!!!!" 🗿🗿🗿
honesrly i dont think why there would be a reason for fukuzawa not to accept you (if there is one then time to take 100 steps back and reflect on urself 💀)
He'd prob be impressed on how u even fell in love with him bc.. its ranpo💀
petty, clingy, can be manipulative ( but never with ill intentions), would legit prank ur ass bc he can, impatient and quickly bored af
But hes attentive, kind, can be patient when it comes down to it, empathetic (depends sksks) (also thank u fukuzawa for kinda ramming that into his head 🤩), affectionate in his own way (a sucker for physical touch but would NEVER right out admit it 🗿) and so much more honestly
there arent any real red flags tbh (might come as a surprise for some ppl)
Maybe maybe he'd obviously have a bit of difficulty fully opening up and i do believe there might be times where he once or twice legit deducted what ur feelings r for him bc hes used to being careful around people and especially bc in case someonw could randomly target the agency
Or is some kinda criminal in general
But honestly when hes learned to trust you then you know youve got yourself someone loyal 💅 and i mean FR loyal
personal favorite hc and honestly prob canon since we've already seen it : he'd not be ashamed to throw hands at someone when he thinks you're being insulted or harassed
And with hands i mean exposing them to 100% until they are pissing their pants and begging him to leave them alone 🤩🤩🤩
Also also, gives me off a similar vibe to dazai with the "maybe having to walk on eggshells" around them but ranpo doesnt make you feel as watched tbh as dazai which would kinda make it easier to talk to
but bro isnt as smooth as him so whOOP 💀💀
Overall iconic and a solid 8/10 🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕
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The random ratings i gave them LMAO 💀💀💀 hope u like em 🗿
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mello-bee · 3 months
Reasons why YOU should be suspicious of O'Connor
(contains spoilers to the princess event and slight Clarence's white day event) (it's also written from the prespective of an EN only player)
I believe O'Connor is in cahoots with Cael somehow and have alot of delusional reaching - that I and @smudgedvolt come up with in our secret lbc basement - to back me up
for one, he's the art TA for the school, and while Cael isn't the only art professor in the school, he was never specified to be anyone else's assistant, for all we know he may have been handpicked by Cael himself (i told you this had alot of delusional reaching)
he also just straight up didnt graduate, which is more of an indicator that Cael may have pulled some strings to get him to work in ST. Shelter
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secondly, he's the only NPC that appears everywhere at all times on the map
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he's the only NPC that does this as IL are the only ones that change location once per day, and NPCS like gerald and william are usually bound to where they are everyday
so how come he's the only one who can change location multiple times per day? and specifically going where YOU are?
what if he's specifically watching you?
he also gives MC alot of assignments,
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Do you think he's maybe trying to keep her busy?
In his introduction, MC describes him as something that doesn't belong
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it's not like its the first time she's seen tourists or older people at ST. Shelters?
later we learn that he was the council president, before he suddenly disappeared and came back unannounced
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the only other people described by Clarence to have disappeared are MC and Cael and you obviously know what's up with them (this actually makes Clarence's relationship with MC a bit sadder bc this means he's used to people close to him like O'Connor suddenly disappearing without an explaination and this could be why he documented everything in his notebook)
and even if he didn't mean "fled" as in "disappeared", fled is still a strange choice of words, was he running away from something? someone?
he also seemed to know that she's missing points; he explains that, of course he knows as he was an art student as well, but would he be able to guess that she's behind all the other art students bc she missed a few activities?
unless he knew of her travelling to godheim at he start of the year
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next is the list he made during princess event, i haven't played princess event myself though so forgive me if any of this is explained at some point but
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he just??? made a list of all the paragons?? + william and two other guys??? lars ISN'T EVEN A STUDENT why on earth would he put him there??
after Heinrich's death, Clarence visited the lab to find it empty
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Clarence ruled out Cael because he also disappeared, although Cael has freaky time travelling powers but we cant rule out the possibility of someone else helping him
O'Connor is the only NPC with a card higher than R
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i can't be the only one who finds it weird that Some Weird Art Guy™ just has an SR while lore important NPCS like Amelia and Naledi's counterparts are stuck as Rs and Ns?
I was gonna talk about this scene and the "mysterious seller"
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but it all got thrown out of the window, it turns out Cael was behind the account :(
although I can technically use this along with other points to point out how william is even MORE suspicious than O'Connor but thats a post for another day
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puppyeared · 26 days
who up seeing their disorder in a fictional character but feel like its not their place to put a name on it
#id have to be waterboarded before i can talk abt how i see a lot of my adhd and personality in mitsumi iwakura let alone post it#idk how to talk abt this without feeling like im talking over or invalidating ppls experiences relating with a character#someone was talking abt how ppl tie laios' autism to special interest and social difficulties but not much else which kinda flattens it#and then went into a respectful in depth analysis of other autistic behaviour that laios exhibits and it wasnt phrased meanly#its fascinating and important to me to hear someone explain a little bit abt traits that they recognized and often go overlooked#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately#like i have adhd and some of my adhd symptoms overlap with autism (time blindness and pattern seeking behaviour) but that only means#it feels familiar to me even without having autism. on top of that traits arent always cleanly determined as being /caused/ by#a disorder. to understand my environment i compare it to something unrelated but similar to make it more familiar and for the longest time#i thought that was a personality thing and not an information processing thing since i loved playing pretend in my head as a kid#so if you make a character who experiences that hoping to reach people that also experience that and tell them its not weird or#smth youre making up like. thats the goal. ppl who dont get it arent expected to it just means it doesnt cater to them but it helps them#become familiar to it yk? since i dont have autism myself i dont feel confident i can depict it properly or explain it in my own words#but that doesnt mean im trying to dismiss it or try and cut it out completely.. ill just leave the floor open to someone who /can/#a lot of issues around fanon depictions are when smth is baselessly popularized or a characters personality and behavior is flattened#especially to fit them into a trending meme. its harmless and its supposed to be for fun but it gets tricky when you drag things that#need to be carefully explained beforehand or else it gets lost in translation. like that tweet abt 'hyperfixating' on cooking pasta#once it becomes popular language usually the original meaning is left out for the sake of simplifying it for everyone that when it#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it#actually thats probably why i felt wrongfooted during diagnosis bc it felt like i was misusing the words i heard to describe what i felt#i /know/ i see a lot of myself in mitsumi because our minds are always somewhere else and we tend to put good faith first and for me#that personal connection is enough. but idk it feels like its always gonna have to be 'palatable' first before i can talk abt it openly#mad respect to writers and creators who stick to their story even if theres the looming fear of ppl misinterpreting it and letting them#have it.. its been almost 2 weeks and i am so close to deleting that m3 dunmeshi drawing bc ppl keep saying chilchuck wouldnt have 200 HP#IT LITERALLY SAYS I MADE IT WHILE WATCHING EP 1. I USED EARTHBOUND LOGIC AND I WASNT EVEN TAKING IT SERIOUSLY CHILL#yapping
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
okay i know solving counting sheep is an evo fic first and foremost but i'm super curious how the hermits end up dealing with three. it sounds like this is the kind of hermitcraft thats already a sanctuary for weirdos, but i feel like someone whos skin is feathers and wears a mask they can't see out of is a new level of strange. also, would pearl canonically still join the hermits after a few seasons in that universe? sorry to bombard you with questions when you already have a lot queued up LMAO
okay so this is like, a BIG QUESTION, and another one i've talked about with @strifetxt. we've noodled around a lot so off the top of my head, here's a few answers to "things we think three might do on hermitcraft"! (with the note: none of this is CANON. just because i'm saying it, word of god style, doesn't mean that's actually what HAPPENS, you can have your own story and headcanon for this in your head.)
three joins in season seven, not six, in my head. i'm not even going to try to pretend to guess what a season six without grian looks like just know that apparently happens.
three gets like, SUPER into the head games, because its a way to use its combat skills to HELP SOMEONE why wouldn't it get super into that? this is the first real introduction most of the hermits have to three. the hermits are like "okay mumbo where on earth did you find someone this good at murder". mumbo is like "who knows".
we were definitely joking that outside of hermits who know how to recognize a watcher (iskall, probably xisuma, i'd say also maybe like... doc or ren), the hermits just kind of assume three is autistic and roll with it from there because the idea the hermits, on being told three's actual circumstances, go "why would we guess that mumbo you said you met it hiding in a bar from overstimulation with you" is VERY FUNNY TO ME.
we were debating if election still happens; three is less likely to set up events on its own but IS likely to accidentally do something a little overboard.
our hack for if we wanted three to do the election is as follows: mumbo makes a joke with like, scar, about wanting to be mayor, three takes this completely literally, three and false end up in a cold war of "who is the scarier person NOT to vote for as mayor". meanwhile scar is vibing and a sith lord backing stress is very concerned.
grumbot does not happen. i don't think there's a world where three does grumbot.
three DOES befriend etho, at first to learn how to do interiors better, since etho is doing the all-interiors base, but later because etho's brand of tomfoolery actually works well with three. TWO weird dorks in masks now.
i think three would LOVE free glass. it and etho would make the world's Most pranks i think, all of which are technically what they were asked for. three helps work for shade-e-e's.
there's definitely more stuff we've talked about that i've missed and ALSO these aren't necessarily canon! you may have your own COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEA of what happens post-scs, which is fine! this was us waffling around about what would be fun to have happen, haha.
as for pearl... i like to think she does eventually still join hermitcraft, after a few years of texting back and forth with three and a bit more healing. she deserves it.
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ghost-rattan · 8 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well! Can I please request romantic Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma (seperate) with an extremely intelligent and calculated SO (Male or gender neutral if possible pls) who looks like a cinnamon roll? Like, reader looks innocent and eccentric and easy to manipulate but that could not be further from the truth. Like reader could be playing chess with Fyodor and talking about some random nonsense, beats Fyodor at chess and just walks away like it's nothing. Also, reader LOOOVES flustering the characters because they're smart and know exactly which buttons to push to get the best results. TLDR; reader has ultimate IQ and ultimate rizz XD
S/o with high IQ (male reader)
OOO! I was so excited when I saw this ngl! Hope you like it!!!
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He thought he could read you like a book
His sweet innocent boyfriend
He knew you where smart just didn't know that you where that smart!!
He first noticed when he was organizing a mission for one of his men
He was taking a break looking at his map with a marked out way to get in
"you know this way would be better"
he looked at you amused
"my, I seem to have missed that, what a cleaver boy you are~"
But the moment he really noticed it is when you where playing chess
he was going easy on you
"Wow! You might be handsome but you can't read the room can you"
"hmm, what do you mean mishka?"
"I can tell you are going easy on me pretty boy but I can assure you I can win with out your help"
"fine then"
you guys started again and while he was judging every move you made you where chatting to Nikolai about the circus thats coming to town
much too Fyodors surprise and annoyance you still won
"Oh! I win! But I think the acrobats will be the best! No clown can compare to you Nikoali~!"
He was so pissed off after that but he did learn not to underestimate you
After that he does play little games off wit with one another (thats how he flirts now)
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"MY HUSBAND! You look so cute!" he tells you this everyday
"Oh My! What a complement coming from the man who is in the lead for most handsomest man ever!"
"My little cutie! I am in no need to be in any competition unless its one for your heart!"
He is a hardcore flirt so you both often have little flirt wars with each other
His pick up lines are horrible though well they are creative
while you can come up with pick up lines that always fit what you both are doing
Fyodor thinks you both are a good duo
Fyodor also likes you because when you and Nikolai attend a meeting you often have a long talk with Fyodor about a book you both where just reading (DOA book club when?)
You and Nikolai once went on a mission together and you both had to split up for a bit
when Nikolai got back to you the enemy had found you first and was trying to get you to back stab and betray Nikolai!
Nikolai hid to see what you would do
"Join me, we can take better care of you pretty boy, better than that stupid clown can~"
Nikolai felt his heart break
Before any thing could happen you looked at Nikolai and smiled
You honestly would have just punched the guy but you knew not to underestimate him as you knew nothing about him
so you came up with a plan by looking at your surroundings
you saw a fire extinguisher
you got up and ran to grab it
the man went to use his unknown ability
but you grabbed the extinguisher and threw it at Nikolai who used his ability to hit the man from behind leaving him on the ground dead from the blow
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(I love him sm)
He thinks he is the one who has to protect you
If he doesn't what type of boyfriend is he
The first time you visited the casino you wanted to play some of the games
he was going to rig all off them for you to be able to win
To his surprise you wanted to play black jack!
he was very surprised by how good your pokerface was
he was even more surprised by how easily you where able to win
He gets so flustered with your flirting
even before you guys started dating he would blush uncontrollably
Scared you would get manipulated by some one but once he saw a bunch of people trying to and you where able to be polite and tell them to fuck off
He often ask for your help with the casino
Honestly once he realised how smart you where he was kinda scared you would manipulate him (poor baby)
You often help new comers to the casino on how to play the games (he finds it so cute)
He wants you to teach him chess (he wants to beat fyodor)
You win and sigma just smirks in the back like that’s my boyfriend
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daftpatience · 7 months
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heurhgh. thinkin abt the prince and the sea witch AU because i am an ocean boy and and and theres so much to thinkabout with this one!!!! i love aus that tap into classic fairytales becasue theres so much to work with!!! connections to make and parallels to draw
context and thoughts under tha cut cus this au sorta escaped me at first and there's very little stuff about it in english
the original au came from a leaflet that was bundled with volume 8 on toranoana:
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rough translation explains that mermaid princess hinaichi rescued prince ronaldo, and sea witch draluc offers to give her legs to meet him again (and if he doesn't like her she'll turn into seafoam) which she declines. (literally what she says is "no need!" and the big words to the side of her say "no regrets" which is hilarious.) thats the end of the story and ronaldo is left alone. also, john is a sea turtle that lives in a clam.
im lifting my own headcanons and such from the original little mermaid story (not so much the didney one) where the prince doesn't see the mermaid and instead falls in love with this woman who comes to help him from a nearby temple (who he doesn't realize is actually the princess he's betrothed to later.) in this au that's draluc who was observing from a distance. (i just drew a half sunken agora and im calling that a temple. watever. its refd from one of the old arts and i think its pretty)
i like the idea that ronaldo exaggerates his own memory of spotting draluc that day due to the distance making details difficult paired with the fact that he was probably a little delirious. the idea that he doesn't immediately put together that draluc is the person he saw is kinda fun 2 me, and of course he'd make up some beautiful girl in his head. of course he would.
im messing with some ideas about draluc deciding to meddle with ronaldo instead - does he offer to turn him into a merman to look for his made up maiden? or does draluc come to land for his own reasons? maybe they visit each other at the temple every day and bring each other little things and talk and stuff. itd be cute if they butted heads but still went to see each other every day anyways.
a popular thing in the au is draluc being captured - maybe ronaldo, desparate to find his love and only knowing she was some sort of fish, does something stupid like setting up nets and traps. hahah. maybe he catches draluc and takes him to his castle to learn about merfolk and such. iunno. whatever the case i hope they fall in love in the process and also bicker a lot like their usual schtick
ive got a little sad idea that borrows from some 30 years later au stuff where draluc is worried about ronaldo's lifespan (this is also in the orig little mermaid where mermaids live longer than humans by hundreds of years) but also can't turn human to match ronaldo because it's too painful for him to walk on legs (since one of the au rules is that he must always be weak and the orig little mermaid made it clear that legs hurted real bad)
also also i very big headcanon draluc the sea witch has a sunken castle that looks a lot like ponyo's dad's house on the inside. fulla potions and stuff. wouldnt that be cute! maybe hes got an interest in human life/a collection of old things kinda like didney little mermaid - since canon draluc is so well adjusted to modern human stuff like games and livestreams and whatnot. in this au i think he'd be a lot more stubborn and reluctant to admit it, though, cus i also like the idea that his grandpa went the route of loving a human and going to land and maybe he doesn't want to end up like that? but it might be fate just cus draluc and ronaldo parallel D and helsing so well.
also i still want hinaichi to be in it but her rejection of the plot is so funny and good, i don't want to shove her in without thinking of a good way for it to make sense. she's good friends with draluc and likes his cooking...can you cook underwater??? maybe magically?? maybe draluc takes up cooking on land and brings hinaichi things he makes??? maybe then she gets interested in humans and wants to come to land to try all the cooking theyve got. iunno.
i usually keep this sort of note taking and doodling to myself but this fandom needs all the stimulation it can get. hiii hellooo :]
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lienspien · 1 month
I feel like all the Skittles have SOME sort of weird thing that's going on with them. Tw mentions of blood and dissecting
Barty is batshit crazy. Wild, messy, and all over the place. Almost terrifying. He makes ur mom jokes and threatens to kill or hurt or fuck someone who's messing with him. He also learned how to do his own tatoos and piercings, thats why he has a new tattoo or piercing every month. He finds it fun and silly to be stabbing his ear and shoving a piercing through it, likes the sting cause it gives him adrenaline
And there's Pandora who says the most out of pocket shit. She has weird visions sometimes and seems to be everywhere and knows everything. And she's so incredibly calm while saying the wildest shit ever that it scares some people. People never hear her footsteps, and she just shows up randomly. Her voice is so calm and peaceful that it really doesn't fit her liking in scary creatures
Then Evan, who is just as off-putting as his sister. Unlike Barty, who is chaotic, he's more reserved and calm. But sometimes does creepy stuff and acts like it's normal. He is weirdly fascinated with disecting humans and animals. Also has a weird interest in teeth and dead animal corpses. He probably learned how to preserve them somehow. He has a like thing where dead butterflies are stuck to and he wakes up everyday to admire it as a way to start his day.
Dorcas has an interest in lucid dreaming and shifting and all things psychological. Sometimes she'll say stuff like "oh I sent a message to you in your dreams, you got it, right?" Most of the time, you probably won't get it, but it happens sometimes. Mostly to the slytherin Skittles and Marlene. She also learned to do nonverbal spells earlier in her years because it helps give her more control over her own mind. She has definitely learned and did research on why the imperius curse does what it does to its victims
And Regulus, though never to admit out loud, fucking loves astrology. He learned about it through Pandora, and since then he's been doing astrological readings. He just finds it cool how something like a time of birth, the position of a planet, the moon phase of your birth, and all can say a lot about a person.
Anyways it might not fit some characters but it's how I think of them and I love them this way cause imagine like Pandora walking up to Barty and say "certain plants can bloom above dead corpses" and Barty suggests that they have to see it happen for themselves
Or Dorcas coming up reg like "did you get my message?" And Regulus said "yeah, it's written in the stars that your relationship will go well don't worry and stop pestering me in my dreams"
Or Barty making a new piercing and Evan suggesting that he should make a piercing out of one of his insects legs and Barty was really close to doing it before Reg stopped them
Or Regulus catching squirrels for Pandora to keep in her little squirrel cage and have as a pet that'll probably die because Evan keeps feeding it the wrong food
Sometimes, the Skittles all get hurt except for Dorcas, and she says stuff like "yeah because the universe is protecting me. I'm their favourite mortal"
Barty getting slightly unsettled and maybe a bit flustered when he sees Evan so focused on learning how to use his new dissecting tool, just tweaking it here and there for his own liking yk
Regulus in a bad mood cause today's horoscope says that it's going to be shit.
Yeah they're weird
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actualbird · 3 months
dear zak sir, pardon me 3am luke thoughts that help me sleep at night.... but have u ever wondered WHAT IS rosa never did reciprocated (romantically) how luke felt for her, like would it be a "oh u don't like me back (that way) i guess that makes it easier for me. u shouldn't love me anyways" or would he be really devastated about it............... (eye eye)
hello anon!! this is a heartwrenching ask! klJBLSKJDFLSD but it also made me think. and the conclusion i ended up with turned out more life-affirming than sad
in a lukerosa universe, if mc does not reciprocate, i dont think that luke would be like.....completely devastated.
of course, i still do think that he wouldnt take it well, especially in the beginning. i think that he would go through a bit of a dark period in life, because in the route where luke does get with mc, it's clearly shown that mc's intervention (which happened due to her developing romantic feelings) is what made him start to turn a new leaf and stop being as self-isolating and self-destructive. he learns to be better because of her love. so if she doesnt reciprocate, i definitely think he'll be Rather Down About It, very much in the way that you describe: "you shouldnt love me anyways" this quiet, almost gentle self-deprecating and self-punishing view of "oh, i deserve this. i deserve to be unloved."
but thats where hes wrong
because i still do believe that even in a world where mc isnt romantically interested in him, that she still obviously loves and cares about him. it may not be in the same way that he loves her, but that love and care is still absolutely real, and still absolutely has the power of change that her romantic love did.
in essence: just because shes not in love with him, doesnt mean she doesnt still love him. she would still want him to live well, to be happy, to take care of himself
and that, i think, would still incite luke to better himself. it'll take a loooooot of work, obvi, but he's never been one to deny his beloved anything, even if it turns out to be one-sided
in addition to all this, my view is that luke's romantic love for mc is like.....not particularly hinged on reciprocity
it just is
he loves her the same way the sun always rises, like universal truth that reveals itself day after day. he loves her the same way he inhales and exhales, he loves her the same way tomorrow will always come. his love is not something that needs to be "paid" or "rewarded", even if that would be nice. his love is simply absolute. no strings attached. luke's love strikes me as "i love you, and it's okay that you dont love me the same way. i still love you and i will always hope that you find happiness and joy."
sorry to reference another media, but it's kinda like in Frieren: luke is very Himmel The Hero-coded when it comes to his love. the same way himmel lived through his whole life and died loving frieren, feeling no resentment yet also no decrease on his love despite never being reciprocated in his lifetime, i see as also luke also loving along this same vein.
he'll need to work on his self-loathing and commit to being a better person to himself, yes, but i dont think it would be the end of his world if he were not loved back romantically
after the initial heartbreak, he will still see that he is loved, be it in different ways
and that makes a difference
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wazzappp · 5 months
So you know your green lantern milagro au. What am I saying ofc you do it’s literally your au. I’m imagining like, Movie Milagro and Jaime here, for starters, just cause funzies. Anyways. I think it would be SO FUN if Milagro learns about the Reach and their whole deal while like, training or smth, and halfway through she’s like ‘Holy shit. That’s my BROTHER you’re talking about.’ And she has to deal with the knowledge that at any point her brother might just get possessed by galatic supercolonizers and start enslaving / murdering people. And she gets home and tries to explain it to jaime and he’s not having any of it (he and khaji are best buddies, duh, khaji would never do that but would they? he doesn’t know.) Oh and at some point it would be really fun and angsty if milagro has to actually fight jaime while he’s being possessed because what’s more fun than the crisis of ‘hurt my family to save the world or hurt the world to save my family’
I love the idea of her fighting possessed Jaime. Milagro has to try and convince the other green lanterns that NO its actually NOT really Khaji Da its those BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKIN REACH BASTARDS. Milagro strikes me as the kind of person who would kill if she ever heard an 'I told you so' which, like. same honestly it makes me murderous. So stop being so 'green lanterny' and fight the reach mothership so she can focus on only mildly beating the shit out of her brother while also staying alive.
I think Milagro would have some difficulty listening to the lanterns AT ALL about this honestly. Girlboss is LOYAL loyal. I think she would need some reminding about exactly WHAT Khaji and Jaime are capable of together. Remembering that he was very very close to just straight up killing Carapax (should have turned that man into a blood fountain honestly. Jaime, puncture his jugular and watch that shit become the centerpiece of a fucking royal garden) might get her to go 'yeahhhhh. ok yeah I could kind of see it'. But I think for her to REALLY believe them she would have to see Jaime being particularly ruthless. Like if he was going after someone who came after their family. OHHHHHOHOHOHOHOHO PRIME SCARY BEEBLE HOURS FRFR. Don't get me wrong, Milagro would go after any motherfucker that threatens her family, its the fact that JAIME. Peacemaking, understanding, kind Jaime is ready to beat this guy into the ground, that troubles her (especially if its presented as evidence by the lanterns).
Honestly if you could convince her that her brother is mostly replaced I think you might even get her to work with other lanterns on some kind of capture mission. The council is like 'The scarab on earth must be eliminated' and Milagro finds herself in a position where she can say 'thats BS he's my brother I know him'. Then they can bring up all the violence he's been engaging in and she can propose that they should at least do a capture mission instead of like. an execution. She really is doing everything she can and staying loyal to her brother, but HES NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT. OHHHHHHH HEARTBREAK. OHHHH PAIN AND SUFFERING AND BETRAYALLLLL <3
I also have just. the CLEAREST fucking mental movie of them working together after getting the lanterns to just chill the fuck out a little bit to evacuate a planet. Jaime keeps trying to approach the people on this alien planet so he can direct them to evacuation ships but they just. Keep running away from him. Doesn't matter what he says doesn't matter what he does, they think he's going to kill them. Milagro flies in and the kid Jaime has been trying to convince to come with him runs behind Milagro and BEGS her to fight Jaime and "make the scary reach soldier go away". Idk where these ideas come from but I put them on repeat so often girl help the daydreams are becoming sentient.
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