#bearded jaune au
howlingday · 1 year
au where jaune has some really bad scars after a run in with a very angry cat he was trying to save from a tree and looks super intimidating so he grows a big mountain man beard to try and cover them up but it only makes things worse so his friends take turns decoratiing it with braids and flowers in an attempt to make him not look so intimidating.
like jaune is now the most intense-looking guy ever but he's still a huge dork and just wants to make friends and help people and he's got braids and flowers all through his hair.
Jaune read over the chapter again. He was getting the hang of fighting, and Grimm had some easily noticeable variations among them, but for the life of him, dust just could not stick to his brain. There were a nearly limitless variation, and it didn't help that at least three of them were green, with their own different elements!
"Um, excuse me," Jaune looked up to see Velvet looking down at him, "do you have a second?"
"Sure." Jaune said, closing the book in front of him. Not that it was doing anything good for him anyways. "What's up? Is Cardin bothering you again?"
"No, no, but," Velvet rubbed her arm, "it has nothing to do with Cardin, but I just," she looked away to the window, then sighed. "Actually, there's nothing wrong."
"Are you sure?" He leaned a bit forward. Velvet flinched and leaned away. "Oh, sorry."
"It's fine." She sighed. "I just needed someone to talk to without getting my team involved."
"Yeah, Beacon really needs a counselor." Jaune brought a burly, calloused hand up to his face and stroked his massive bush of a beard. A flower petal fell to the table with a flutter. "Until then, I guess I'll have to do, huh?"
"Yeah." Velvet noticed there was a scar poking out from behind the beard.
Jaune was a stark contrast from Cardin, who used to bully her incessantly half a year ago. At the time, she kept it to herself while she carried herself through it. Until Jaune decided to stepped in, she thought she would have to suffer this torment until her graduation. She didn't know the details, but she heard that the young man in front of her left the Forever Fall behind Cardin, with the bully looking more shaken of the two.
"You sure you're okay?" Jaune asked again. "You seem kind of distant."
"No, no, really, I'm fine." Velvet waved her hands. "I just got lost in my thoughts."
"Mm, I get that sometimes." Jaune nodded, shaking a flower loose from a braid.
"Hey, have you, uh," Velvet plucked the flower from the table, "have you ever thought about trimming your beard?"
"Yeah." Jaune chuckled. "But my team likes to braid it and put flowers in it."
"Your whole team?" Velvet asked.
"Well, mostly Nora." Jaune corrected. "But Ren and Pyrrha will add their own flair if Nora asks them to. Ren like to tie the ends off with elastic bands, while Pyrrha prefers to do cross-braids in between."
Velvet giggled. "And the flowers are Nora's idea?"
"Yeah, except she'll drag Team RWBY into it, too. I'm usually sitting in a chair for about three hours while everyone gets a turn to do something to my beard."
"You could alsways shave it." Velvet offered.
"I could, but," Jaune sighed, "then you probably wouldn't talk to me."
"Why?" Velvet asked. "Is there a Grimm under there?"
"No, there isn't, but..." Jaune then held up a finger and pulled out his scroll. "What you're looking at is Jaune with a beard." He tapped and swiped across his scroll until he found what he was looking for. "This is me with no beard."
As Jaune turned the scroll, Velvet flinched at the image. What she was staring at was something out of a horror film. A horribly disfigured man with piercing blue eyes stared back at her. There were scars slashed across his lips, cheeks, and chin.
"What kind of Grimm was that?!" Velvet asked, glancing back and forth between Jaune's before and after image.
"That was Shrapnel."
"A bomb exploded in your face?!"
Jaune chuckled. "No, Shrapnel was the neighbor's cat. Mean little thing, too. Pretty sure she was the one tearing up Mom's garden."
"What happened?"
"Well, I was trying to save them from the tree. She was big enough to climb up, but the neighbors thought she couldn't climb down. I stepped in to help because 1, I'm a nice guy, and 2, I had a crush on his oldest daughter."
"And how did that work out, Romeo?" Velvet smirked.
"Well, I think a picture speaks a thousand words. Don't you?"
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howi99 · 4 months
Genuis Au: Does Penny like Jaune's growing beard. If she does how much on a scale of good looking to Weiss "Mature"?
Penny: You should take better care of yourself Jaune. Your beard is becoming a bit too long.
Jaune: You think so? I felt it gave me a distinguished look.
Penny: You look 10 years older with it Jaune. Just cut it off.
Jaune: Fine... Wait, do we even have a razor?
Penny: Jaune, stop finding excuses and go ask the relic for one.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Actor Au 5
Actor au 4 <-
Ruby:🎶Guess who’s back? Back again. *flips camera*
Adam:Not me! *thumbs up* Let’s get to filming! Wooo!
Ruby:Well look who it is, back at the food table.
Yang:*bites doughnut* It’s 5am on a beach. The sun is down and so is my body temperature.
Ruby:At least you don’t have to be near the water. Happy to be back?
Yang:Hell yeah. Let’s get this shit.
Interviewer:How’s it feel to be back on screen after so long.
Ozpin:Pretty shocked if I’m being honest, but in a good way. I got so used to cozy pjs and being a voice. Roman walks over and goes “We’ll shoot your scene tomorrow.” I look around and go “pardon?” and he nods. Just goes “yeah you and your son shoot tomorrow.
Oscar:He’s downplaying his excitement.
Interview:Were you excited?
Oscar:I read what my scene was and had to double check if my contract had expired.
Ruby:Thought it was your last episode?
Oscar:Yes! You literally came up to me and said “ready for me to kill you?” Keep in mind, we don’t film everything in order. Luckily I finally got briefed.
Ruby:It felt appropriate because Ozpin looked at me with pure joy and and said “Finally I get to fight you.”
Director:Alright Neo, you’re just getting from the crash and you are seething. And… Action.
Neo:*stands up*….FUCK!
Director:Cut! Neo!!
Neo:I know! I know! *snickers* Could you imagine though?
Weiss:*throws fake rock*
Another prop rock comes in off screen and misses her completely, hitting Blake.
Blake:Oh shi-
Weiss:…*turns around* Nora, how?
Nora:*covering face* I don’t know how I missed.
Blake:You curved ball a rubber rock. I’m not even hurt; only impressed.
Blake:I can’t believe it! The Rusted Knight, in person!
Jaune:You did well JNPR. *slowly lefts helm-
Helmet gets stuck.
Jaune:…*keeps helmet on, nods, walks away*
Ruby and Yang: *wheezing*
Blake:W-Wait! We..pfft..*drops to knees* tell us who you are hahaha.
Weiss:Did it snag the beard?
Jaune:A hundred percent!!
Jaune:*removes helmet*…..I just yanked out some beard hair I’m sorry. *eyes watering*
Coco: *off screen* Let me trim it down just a little!!!
Ruby:When they told this volume would have a focus on Ruby’s crumbling emotional state I was excited. I barely get to play with negative emotions often so I was ready! However, I was not prepared for Jaune to have to grow out his hair.
Ruby:Do you understand how hard it is to maintain sad vibes when in rehearsal this guy is walking around in a man bun!?
Interviewer:So the hair was all real?
Jaune:Yeah I originally got a call from Adam who asked if I knew anyone who could pull off an older version of myself. Instantly I went to my dad, however, I did not know at the time my character would be old for the majority of the volume. Love my dad, but he can’t fake act through a volume. Second best option was growing out my hair and hitting the gym.
Adam:We basically shot all of his scenes when he was young at once so long ago at this point. Then during vacation and all that in between volumes this man was obligated to not cut his hair as much as possible. My sister, Coco, did practical makeup to add age as well.
Jaune:Never again.
Interviewer:Fans like the look!
Jaune:Oh I get it. It’s the mainly the beard I wouldn’t want again. All the lights are fire scenes were soooo hot! I was dying!
Blake:You named them after your team?
Jaune:No. I named them after everyone.
Everyone looks at where the paper pleaser would be.
Paper Pleaser:Hello. I am the one they call Jessica.
Ruby:Jessi- You met her once! Ya gotta let go!
Jaune:I can’t! 😢
Nora:Get a load of this. *turns camera*
Penny and Oscar:* sharing food*
Nora:They’re like magnets to each other I swear.
Blake:*sips coffee* Get this, today is the big day. The amazing crew has built a simple rope bridge only a couple feet off the ground. Yang is currently finding the courage to stand on it.
Yang:LISTEN! Rope bridges are scary!
Weiss:You aren’t actually high in the sky!
Yang:Rickety bridges strew me out.
Ruby:Should’ve confessed sooner.
Weiss:Imagine getting confessed to because that person is avoiding a fear? The instant they get on the bridge Yang folds.
Ruby:The true love was the solid ground we had along the way.
Interviewer: Let’s talk about the kiss! How’d that go?
Blake:*deflates* I have a complicated relationship with that scene for two reasons! One is you, Yang.
Yang:I may have tripped or had to fix my hair because the wind was aggressive! Your beef isn’t with me, it’s the weather!
Blake:She’s right. It came out perfectly, the shot. However, that’s a real sunset. It took so many days for the weather to be good enough! The two of us are trying to stay warm while look at each other lovingly.
Yang:Meanwhile she’s shooting daggers into my soul going “I’m begging you to get this right. I am cold.” Sometimes you sneezed.
Blake:I wanted to cry. Bright side, I got to kiss this lovely lady finally.
Interviewer:Speaking of that, Yang, your character onset and yourself offset would probably have some interesting words to each other given…
A picture is pulled up on a screen that makes Blake laugh while Yang blush, giving an embarrassing smile. It’s a picture from her social media where she’s on Adam’s shoulders at the beach.
Yang:W-What can I say? I’m winning at life.
Pyrrha:*getting dressed* Hmm Hmm Hmm 🎶
Weiss:Someone is happy to be back.
Pyrrha:It’s pretty funny how every three volumes I come back to serve trauma and leave. Honestly make me the villain at this point.
Penny:Today is beat Ruby day. *thumbs up*
James: A glorious day indeed.
Ruby:Sometimes I feel like my friends and coworkers aren’t telling me something about themselves. Everyone is a little too enthusiastic.
Weiss:For those who don’t know, Neo over here does most of Ruby’s stunts, but now she’s pulling double duty again.
Neo:I love how there’s a narrative that my character is this brilliant fighter. In truth, most times I’m told to fight Ruby I let them know ahead of time one of us better be losing badly.
Ruby:I’ve gotten better at complex choreography!
Neo:And I’m very proud of you. *pats head* prepare to be tossed around like a rag doll.
Jaune:Ever wonder who’s doing the creepy motion capture for the Jabberwalker? *points left*
Tyrian:*in mo-cap suit* Greetings…
Jaune:Easily scarier than his normal clothes.
Jaune:*doing pull ups*
Yang:Hehe, what’s going on over here?
Weiss:I’m getting into character. I take my job very seriously.
[punderstorm scene]
Weiss:*sees Atlas*
Jaune: *looks into water*
Jessica slowly fades in.
Weiss:What the- *face palms*
Ruby:*laughing* When did you guys find the time!? Is she sneaking on set?
Jaune: *In character* I wonder how she’s doing these days?
Jessica:Nora snuck me in early to watch the setup process for résumé. Learned a lot about audio and video. More than I should.
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
For the Vtuber Au (if that's gonna be the name of it for not)
...has our dear Errantry Paladin ever played Dark Souls/Soulsborne/equivalent genre of games, if so how much rage has Jaune ever expressed in any form, if at all
Bonus question if you'd like to answer:
What his cute Vtuber model look like?
No, that’s gonna be the name of this, AU.
The VTuber: Of Bugs, and Rage
Errant: Hello everyone~! And, Welcome to the stream!
The Errantry Paladin started his stream with a smile across his avatars lips. People often marvelled at how expressive his avatar could be, only adding to help humanize the digital creation in their eyes.
~~~ Steam Chat ~~~
: Whoo! It’s beginning!
: It’s starting!
: What are you playing today?
: Hi everyone!
: There’s that winning smile that we all know, and love!
: How are you this day my liege?
: He’s as handsome as ever!
: Sire my babies!
: Any thoughts on growing a beard yet?
All as perusal for one of, Errant’s streams.
Errant: So I was asked… a lot. Honestly it more like begging, and pleading with me really to play a, Souls game. Like, Dark Souls, and the like.
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
: We didn’t beg you.
: Suggested.
: Encouraged you.
: Certainly didn’t beg
:❤️I beg for you babies!❤️
: I beg for cake!
Errant: Well, at least some of you are honest… or, claim to be…
Errant shot his chat a skeptical look before address the screen, and what game he was going to play today.
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
: Aww he looks like an upset puppy!
: Who’s a good boy!
: Who wants the ball?
Errant: Stop that! Ahem… So, in honour of your request, today we will be playing, ‘Hollow Knight!’ Now this is a game I’ve been looking forward to playing for a while now, I just haven’t had the time to do so. I stumbled across someone saying how great the soundtrack is, gave it a listen to myself, and fell in love with it, so I wanted to give it a go. And, since you asked me to play a, Souls game, and this game has been described as the, ‘Dark Souls of Metroidvania.’ And, since I’ve never played a Souls game, a Metroid game, or a Castlevania game before either. Well, three birds on stone.
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
: Oh Hollow Knight hell yeah!
: It’s not Dark Souls but he will rage.
: This game is brutal.
: This game makes me sad.
: The music is damn good!
: Hed probably just curb stomp everything in a Souls game honestly.
: Id like to see that!
Errant cheekily shrugged his shoulders as he gave a coy smirk as he explained his reasonings. Many in the chat we disappointed that he wasn’t playing a, Souls game, but what many truly wanted was to see their calm, and collected, Paladin rage. For the rage unleashed by the calm, and collected was a true sight to behold, and they were all looking forward to see it for themselves.
Errant: Enough stalling lets start it up. Lets see… Eh? Classic, Steel Soul, and Godseeker? Must be their names for the level difficulty. No wait… Classic: Normal Play mode. Steel Soul: No reviving. Death is permanent?! Is there a one life mode in this game?!
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
: Yep!
: You gotta beat the game first before you can play that mode though
: Good luck
He looked at his chat, then to his game with a shock look in his eyes. People played on such a difficulty, and won?
He could help, but wonder what it was he was getting himself into.
Errant: And, the last one: Godseeker: Challenge the gods of Hallownest. Is that a boss battle royal type of thing?
He looked to his chat, and saw people typing ‘yes,’ or the equivalent of that throughout the chat feed.
Errant: Okay… How many bosses are in this game then?
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
: A lot
: Too many
: You’re gonna love them!
: Mantis Lords are the best!
: Grimm King is evil!
: 😍Mantis Lords😍
: all hail Gorb!
: You’ll die at least once to each boss
: Most likely
Errant: Oh… Well now I’m scared. No matter, lets delve into, Hollow Knight then shall we?
Do you guys think this is a good way to integrate the stream chat reply? I think it does, but…?
Well, I ask for your thoughts after all.
As for giving, Jaune a cute, VTuber model. How about something more…
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Ruggedly handsome? Roguishly charming? Somethings like that, he needs a different air about him.
Don’t you think so too?
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
Tumblr media
La Mode illustrée, no. 10, 7 mars 1869, Paris. Robe de faye jaune. Toilette de ville. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel, 28, r. Nve. des Pts. Champs. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Robe de faye jaune, garnie de trois volants (le dernier surmonté d'un bouillonné); robe de dentelle blanche, garnie d'un large volant surmonté d'une ruche de ruban jaune. Cette robe est relevée de chaque côté (sous le bras) par des guirlandes de capucines. Une même guirlande reléve encore la robe, en pouff, par derrière. Corsage décolleté, orné devant, et sur les épaules, de branches de capucines; mêmes fleurs dans les cheveux.
Toilette de ville. Robe de satin à rayures vertes et noires; casaque de faye noire, ajustée quant au corsage, garnie d'un bouillonné à double tête, et drapée de chaque côté sous les bras, à l'aide d'un double nœud en large ruban de satin noir; bouillonnés plus petits, à l'entournure, et à l'extrémité des manches; bouillonné encore plus petit sur l'encolure. Chapeau de dentelle noire, orné d'une plume noire posée en diadème, et d'une grosse rose placée sur le côté gauche; barbes de dentelle noire, croisées sur la poitrine sous une petite rose. Gants gris clair; en guise de lingerie, une ruche de dentelle à l'encolure et sous le poignet des manches de la casaque.
Yellow faye dress, trimmed with three ruffles (the last topped with a bubble); white lace dress, trimmed with a large flounce topped with a ruffle of yellow ribbon. This dress is enhanced on each side (under the arm) by garlands of nasturtiums. The same garland still lifts the dress, in a pouff, from behind. Low-cut bodice, decorated in front and on the shoulders with nasturtium branches; same flowers in the hair.
City ensemble. Green and black striped satin dress; black faye cassock, fitted at the bodice, trimmed with a double-headed bubble wrap, and draped on each side under the arms, with a double bow made of wide black satin ribbon; smaller bubbles, at the edges, and at the ends of the sleeves; bubbled even smaller on the neckline. Black lace hat, decorated with a black feather placed as a tiara, and a large rose placed on the left side; beards of black lace, crossed on the chest under a small rose. Light gray gloves; as lingerie, a ruffle of lace at the neckline and under the cuff of the sleeves of the gown.
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rwac96 · 10 months
Type: Ask
AU: Crossover AU
Fandom: RWBY x DC Comic Universe: Justice League
Summary: Jessica what is your opinion on seeing a older version of Jaune Arc with a long hair in a warrior ponytail and a small but thick beard and look a fairy tale knight in shining white armor? (Note: Image Jaune with his Rusted Knight appearance but look more cleaner and healthier in appearance, Crossover with this art)
Jessica: *drooling slightly at the sight* Oh, my...~
Ruby: *raises a brow* Jess? *waves a hand in front of the Green Lantern*
Yang: Looks like she's pulling a Weiss.
Weiss: *blushing* Oh, hush!
Jessica: *stirred from her daydreaming* Oh, sorry. I was focusing on how much a....how much a hunk he is.
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Plotbunny AU:
Okay, you want more lore for this story? Let's follow this plotbunny down the rabbit hole.
So Jaune did not travel through time. Not really. Alyx did, and Juniper followed her to meet up with Jaune again, but Jaune is more like Rory from Doctor Who: A version of him experienced that time, and he vaguely recalls it, but there's a door in his head keeping the worst of it from his conscious mind. He can open the door to let those years in and take stock, but he's still Volume 1 Jaune who had a bunch of info dumped into his head, which had the effect of making him closer to Volume 7 Jaune.
When RWBYJ left the Ever After, Vol 9 Jaune was de-aged by having the 'extra time' sucked out of him, unaware of this. This was something of a trick the Blacksmith played, at Alyx's behest, though it wasn't exactly what Alyx herself wanted.
The Blacksmith told Alyx they they could use it to make an actual Afteran Knight to stay with her and Juniper, but she protested saying that the 'extra' deserved to go home, too.
The Blacksmith said that the 'extra time' would need a vessel to make the journey, and a guide. Alyx volunteered to take it back to Remnant, but no one could carry it.
Enter Juniper. Whose purpose is and will forever be: Help Jaune. Because she loved him with all of her being, just as he loved her. And if even a part of him needed help, and helping it meant she might see it again, Juniper would gladly do anything.
Juniper became the vessel, and shrunk and slept in a cabbage until the time was right to awaken and share the memories.
And Alyx would be the guide to Remnant and to "the next vessel". She could never return to the Ever After in doing this, but she decided to be brave like the Rusted Knight and her Brother and went forward.
But desire all her time in the Ever After, she's still just a child who never grew up, suddenly in a Remnant that's so DIFFERENT from the one she knew. She doesn't know what a Scroll is, the villages she knew are gone, and since when does Vale not have a King?
She's alone, she's hungry, she's trying not to be scared becase she needs to get to Beacon and meet the Wizard named Oz, who will know where Jaune will be in this era.
But it's so hard. She's alone. She doesn't have Lewis, or Jaune, or the Blacksmith, or even the Cat, and Juniper is asleep....
But just as she sits on the sidewalk she's found herself moping on, contemplating if she's desperate enough to steal some food, someone with a higher pitched but familiar voice asks if she's okay....
And Alyx could admit, she shed a few tears and got a little clingy.
But it was Jaune, definitely. His beard was missing, his armor was almost all gone, and his voice was cracking, but he hugged her like Jaune, and he offered her food like Jaune, and he asked if she was okay like Jaune.
This was it. Mission accomplished.
So why does she hesitate in waking Juniper up?
Why not right away give him the 'extra time'?
Oh, she realizes: he's actually happy.
And Alyx decides that she doesn't want that to end, just yet.
So she takes his offered hand, and asks if he could take her to Beacon, and promises herself and also him.
I'll make sure we're both going to be Better this time.
And so it begins
Okay but this is hella cute?? This is SO so cute?
I love this I LOVE THIS
I love her not revealing Juniper right away even though that was the only reason she came back. Because she’s only known this version of Jaune for five minutes but it’s already so obvious that he’s more happy than the Rusted Knight ever was
And Jaune literally just meeting this girl, but it’s JAUNE so he’s instantly like “I have to help her”
God this is all so good THIS IS ALL SO GOOD!! This is like the fix-it fic to end all fix-it fics
I know you just sent me this but by god I need more
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lemon-whiskey · 3 months
‘The Tarnished Knight, Part Two.’ — Ironwood’s Redemption Concept (Vol 9 spoilers)
My theoretical of if James Ironwood was the extra person to fall with team RWBY, instead of Jaune, into the ever after and how I think that would work. Biggggg post beyond the cut. My posts tag for this idea: [ #The Tarnished Knight RWBY au ]
You can reblog if you want to!
We left off with The Blacksmith.
James accepts The Blacksmith’s offer to be given the start to be who he wanted to be. She re-carves him for his second chance.
He wakes up on the beach again, covered in multicolored maple leaves. James takes a deep breath as he slowly sits up, blinking widely. He felt as different as he felt the same, one notable change is that he didn’t feel the pain. He still had an ache but he felt,,, better. More alive. His pants- once dark blue- now a charcoal grey. A dark blue tunic almost like a gambeson replaced his greatcoat and uniform. Worn Silver Paldrons and rerbraces that stopped at his elbows, tassets at his hips and thighs, his arms now matching and in a gently used silver, no gloves in sight.
He’s ticking softly, only noticeable because he can feel it. He holds a hand up to his right breast and unbuttons his tunic to look down and see the face of a small clock flanked by filigree in the metal side of his chest, ticking along with the rhythm of his heart. Yes he still has that for human reasons because he is indeed still human.
His gun is no longer a gun, it’s an axe that matches the silver and black of his old gun(s) with the filigree along the handle as well. A small blue stone set in the bottom of the pommel. He’d see himself in the weapon’s reflection, years younger. A smooth face he didn’t remember he ever had, alone in what he believed to be purgatory. He gets a helmet too, dramatic reveals and all that.
From here, he would now take the place of the rusted knight in Lewis’s story. He would realize he’s not in purgatory, but a different universe entirely.
James would not have ended up with the paper people though, this I will stray further off the script for as I’m echoing the tin man from The Wizard of Oz a little more here. He’s a forest dweller who makes a home and protects the flora and fauna while frequenting markets. We’re keeping juniper here because I love her so much except in his case she is either Ace or something else. Maybe the rabbit in the beginning fell in with him instead of running off idk. She gets silver antlers as a treat if you wanna play on the lucky rabbit vibes add a horseshoe symbol to her chest.
We’ve now approached the point where he’d be back at his original vol 8 age, beard and maybe a pony tail for vibes. And now he’s gonna re-meet team RWBY and oh boy! It’ll be ugly but also hilarious. Get ready for ‘Just James.’
Yeah Weiss still gets her mature comment except it’s replaced with a shocked but appreciative, ‘Striking.’
James is trying to get RWBY to trust him, the cat plays on the fact that they don’t.
Things go a similar way as the original story but with a lootttt more tension and we get James backstory possibilities!
In the mirror domain we get him seeing some options: maybe himself but in his old atlas uniform, or possibly Qrow in the mirror, maybe Clover. Hell both maybe, I’m just a gremlin here.
I might draw this in the future, I’m pretty content with the idea!
Part One: [HERE]
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gigawatt-conduit · 1 year
More actor!AU headcanons for RWBY, continuing off from part 1
• much of Ruby's blowup took shape the day of shooting. Jaune wrote the episode with some of her edits and she was hitting it, but something felt off to both of them+the director. she eventually was like, "hey, this feels like a speech, right?" and it clicked for all 3 of them. It couldn’t be a speech, it had to be rambling, like she was angry and finally let it out. With that in mind, she nailed it in two takes
• to go along with that: J+R's argument was improv'd. Jaune generally wrote "they have a fight," and they kicked ideas back and forth over text. There's a version shot where she hits him at the end, but they pulled back cuz it didn't feel like Ruby
• training for the RWBY/AO fight of V7 was done in the same room as ORNJ v Neo, and sometimes Nora would heckle them (or Ruby/Harriet doing the heckling). One time Nora and Jaune did fighting game commentary and made Weiss burst out laughing as she hit Marrow w her play sword
• from V2-onwards there's at least one point in the season, usually towards the very end, where Blake just takes her ears home with her and doesn't even realize it until she's halfway back to her place.
(B: not every sea--
W: every. Season. Sometimes it happens twice!)
• Ren had to braid his hair in V7+8 because it kept blowing in his face during 5+6, and he also lost a bet with Yang
• as each season is airing, the gang texts Weiss video compilations they find online of her eating shit, and she saves them on a playlist for when she's feeling sad
• Neo+Ruby took acting classes together and were actually good friends. Ahead of V9's back half, Neo texted Ruby saying "I'm gonna fuck you up" and Ruby said, "yaaaaaaaay :D"
• Pyrrha shot her V9 scenes+her RWBY/JL cameo in the same day, and was utterly geeked to find out she got to emotionally devastate her good friend and her boyfriend hours apart from each other
(J: the morning before shooting, she texted me, “I’ll ruin your day later babe! Kbyeeeeeee”
P: *nods while smiling*)
• Jaune tried to do his best to grow out his hair and beard for Old Man Jaune to make it easier on the makeup dept. they eventually had to get a beard because his wasn't properly "old" in time for shooting
• reading her segments of V9's back half made Ruby cry. She showed up to Summer's scenes and cried harder, and they got a picture together. Yang also got one w summer+raven individually, then all of them+Tai
• RWBY's mirror convos were shot as such: first, they'd do the scene in their current outfits, then again in their old ones. One of the other girls would stand in as the other version
• Nora turned out to be pregnant towards the end of V8's shooting, which kinda prompted her being on Vacuo side of things/her+Ren not being in 9 p much at all
• the scene where the Paper Pleasers "die" and Jaune goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" had to be reshot like 3 times because Yang broke and cackled at his anguish over paper people
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the-wayward-arc · 1 year
Based upon @brimstonesoul Orphan Au
"Remember, you need to be patient. Don't let it know you're here."
"Okay dad."
"You can do this, I know you can. Just breathe. Focus on it. Fire only when you know for sure..."
Paris opened her eyes, then squeezed the trigger, hitting her mark as the deer went down. She sighed in relief as she gathered her rifle and walked over to the animal's body.
"Okay, I can probably drag this close enough to get someone to help me car-"
"I can help you Da-i mean Paris." She didn't turned around, she already knew she was there the whole time. She wasn't as sneaky as she thought she was, Dad taught her to always be aware of your surroundings.
"I don't need your help. I can do it on my own, I've been doing it on my own for a while now." She responded back, a hint of venom in the last sentence. Pyrrha sighed, walking forward. She knew the animal was too heavy, even for her to drag back before a scavenger came looking.
"Let me just hel-"
"I SAID I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!" She yelled at Pyrrha, causing said woman to pause. She saw how her daughter was ready to grab the beat up rifle, to aim at her.
"Mighty fine kill there Paris! Mighty fine!" An enthusiastic voice yelled out behind her. Jasper, local hunter and from what Pyrrha understands, a good friend of Jaune's. He was a portly man, sporting a beard with pepper colored hair. Reminded her alot of Professor Port from her old beacon days, even his mannerisms and personality were alike. One would think they were possibly related. He walked over, giving Pyrrha a small smile as he passed her. "Straight through the artery. Seems you've been practicing."
Paris Beemed in pride at the compliment. "Yep, just like dad taught me." She stated as she squatted next to Jasper.
"Well, luckily I was nearby then. I'll help you carry it back and we can gut it."
"Thank you, and yes you can have the liver since I know that's your favorite." She stated, a smile on her face. One that stung Pyrrha. A smile for him but only Malice for her.
"HA! You're too kind Paris! I'll make you a stew with the meat!" He stated as he patted her head. "Now go get your ropes, we'll keep the scavengers off of it." Paris nodded, glancing at Pyrrha before running off.
"T-thank you."
"Think nothing of it, like I said, luckily I was around."
"I-yes. Luckily you were..."
"Miss Nikos, what did you think was gonna happen out here? That you would somehow connect with her when you helped her carry back the animal?" He asked her as he turned to look at her.
"I-i don't understand. I just wanted to make sure She was safe is all. She managed to kill the de-"
"You killed the deer. I know Paris, she has a long way to go before getting kill shots on deer, espcially with that rifle. I know you guided the bullet where it needed to go." Pyrrha was shocked. Speechless at having been caught.
"H-how did you even know?"
"The moment I saw Paris head into the woods, you followed. I knew something was gonna happen so I followed. I know your semblence is polarity, everyone knows. I saw you use it to guide the bullet. If you hadn't, it would have only wounded it." He explained to her, again she was speechless. Yes, she had guided the bullet. Only so Paris could eat. Maybe even help her carry it back, so they could talk. Maybe...
"I don't blame you. You're a mother wanting to connect to her child. But you need to understand, this would only do more harm than good. Now Paris will think she's got it down, that probably she won't have to practice so much anymore."
"I-i'm sorry."
"I'll make sure She keeps up her practicing but Miss, please. Leave h-"
"Back! Here, let's get it going." Paris yelled as she ran to Jasper. Pyrrha could watch as she helped stap the deer and help it onto Jaspers Back. She watched as they walked away, Back to the village. Pyrrha could only sigh. She had failed again.
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howlingday · 5 months
swashbukcler au jaune levels up, he learns a little bit about utilizing his panach and swagger to enhance his abilities. that is to say so long as he acts like he knows what he's doing he's able to win because people psyche themselves out.... one of these days he's gonna get a real win. Anyways yang and ruby are up, can jaune con them into thinking he's a threat? and is jaune's dad impressed that his boy is able to take on huntresses? and why is pyrrha breathing heavily over the scroll when rwby calls back to beacon to explain what's going on?
1 2 2.5 (3) 3.5
"What would you have done, Dad?"
The elder Arc stroked his beard as he closed his eyes. A smile came to his face, a sign Jaune knew quite well. This was the face he made when he was daydreaming about his younger days of heroism. This would take a while, so Jaune continued helping sort through their library of books. His father's eyes then open and he whirled about on his wheels.
"Did I ever tell you about the time I went outside of the city, Jaune?"
Jaune blinked. No, he hadn't. All the stories Jaune heard were from when he was inside the city. He carried a book to his father, some old text on intercontinental trading. "You went outside Aquadia?"
"Yes, I did, my boy, and it may have helped bring all the tourists in, too!" He smiled wide as he began to rock himself in his chair, a sign that he was excited to begin telling his tale. "Back when I was about your age, I got a seriously bad case of the wander-lust."
"The wander-lust?" Jaune raised a brow, pulling Atlesian Economics from the shelf. "What's that?"
"It's a sickness only cured by roaming. Tell me, boy, have you ever looked to the sky and asked yourself, 'Is there something more to this?'"
"No, not really." He smiled. "All I could ever really want is right here in this city."
"Oh, sure, I thought that, too, kiddo," the father took the book from his son, "but then I looked to the sky and I saw a bird flying out of the city. I got to wondering, well, that very question I asked ya."
"Huh." Jaune thought for a moment. He remembered the Grimm that swam into the port a few days ago. Where did it come from? These thoughts were interrupted by his father cackling.
"That's it, boy! That's the exact same look I had when I asked my question!" He whirled around again, spilling books from his lap. "Oh, I'm remembering everything so vividly, I swear I was right there!"
"What was it like?" Jaune asked, picking up the books, only to sit down as his father began to tell his tale.
"Oh, it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before!" He threw an arm out. "Imagine, a land where the sun and the moon can share the same sky, and their light covers all that you can see. Where there are no casting shades because there's no caldera to cover you. Where animals you could only see in books leap and roam all around you!"
Jaune leaned in on his hands as he tried to imagine himself there. It was a look his father never tired of seeing; innocence, wonder, and a thirst for adventure, all rolled into two ocean-blue eyes full of stars. The story seemed to last only minutes as Jaune hung onto every word his father spoke. He was so distracted, that he didn't notice that an hour had passed, nor had he noticed that he wasn't the only audience member.
"Wow..." Ruby said next to him. Jaune leapt away with a yelp. "Sorry, I wasn't interrupting, was I?"
"Oh no, I was just finishing up the story of when I was coming back from my journey. Home was calling me back, and I found my way into the heart of a young maiden along the way."
"I'm assuming this is your wife?" Blake asked, causing Jaune to leap into Ruby's arms from the other side.
"Do all of you sneak up like this?" Jaune asked.
"I don't know," Ruby groaned before dropping him, "are all of you Aquadians this heavy?"
"Only after a good meal!" Jaune's father bellowed, slapping his belly a few times. "And to answer your question, yes, it was. See, I met her as she was being accosted by bandits. Why, I was in such a fury, I accidentally attacked a huntress I mistook for one of their own! See, the young maiden, my future bride, Jaune's mother, was being escorted by a Huntress/Huntsman team. The team was made up of two Huntsman and two Huntresses." He looked close at Ruby. "And I'd say their leader had the same silver eyes as you, my dear." Ruby gasped. "And when I rushed in to help, I drew my blade, crying-"
"NICHOLAS ARC!" The older man flinched. "I thought you were going to be looking over the city's basic income program, not telling stories to our guests whom I hired to do their job, much like Jaune should be doing his job of helping you with yours." She huffed, walking away.
"I... suppose that's all for now."
"Was she always that bossy?" Ruby asked.
"Believe it or not, yes, she was. Even while being rescued."
Jaune ran from rooftop to rooftop, the same as he did the night before. While he was out running errands, he listened in on the two huntresses out shopping for supplies... and souvenirs. Playing with her La Lama Lunga action figure, the round one, Ruby mentioned how excited she was to be working with Yang tonight, the older sister of the two sharing her excitement. Judging by how they looked during their fight against the Grimm, he surmised that they'd be different fighters than Weiss was.
Where Weiss was light on her feet, as was common with fencers, Ruby was far lighter and likely more dexterous with her scythe while Yang was all brute force with her gauntlets. He figured out a plan to give him an exit. While one attacked him, he'd bolt for the other one, slip past, and watch the two collide with one another. It was foolproof!
"Gotcha!" He looked behind him to find Yang leaping after him. He couldn't see Ruby, which meant she was probably preparing to ambush him. Making a sharp turn, he leapt across to the other building...
"Gotcha!" Said a voice that wasn't Ruby's. He swung down, covering his face as he smacked into a nice, old lady's potted plants. As he looked up, he saw on the other end of the line was an amber-eye shadow within the shade.
"That's not Ruby." He groaned, rolling from the ground. Looks like he was staying at the street level. "New plan, new plan..."
"Incoming!" He jumped away, barely missing the explosive landing of the blonde bombshell brawler. And yes, it was explosive, like with concussive force and heat and everything. "Sorry to drop in on your escape."
"No, no, it's totally cool." Jaune picked himself up from the ground. "Not like I was blowing anywhere."
"Pfft! Not bad." She was a jokester. Maybe he could use this.
"Yang, focus." Or maybe not. The one that wasn't Ruby perched behind Yang on a balcony. One he recognized.
"What happened to my biggest fan?" Jaune asked. "Did we have a falling out? Tossing me to the curb already?"
"You're a criminal, and we were hired to-"
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU KIDS TO STAY OFF MY BALCONY!" Right on time, an old man burst open the balcony door, swinging his cane left and right. Blake fell backwards, surprised by the sudden, and hostile, arrival of the old man. "DON'T THINK I DIDN'T HEAR YOU BREAKING MY WIFE'S POTS!"
Jaune started to get ideas. Turning on his heel, he ran down the street, following the waterway down the block before jumping over. He could hear Yang shouting as she gave chase down the alleyway. This would be a risky move, but worth it if he succeeded.
He slowed down to a walking pace, making his lungs struggle to breath through only his nose. Yang continued running, getting closer and closer. He could feel her hand reach out, grabbing his cloak.
"GOTCHA!" She tugged, feeling him get closer.
"Did you?" He said in a soft voice, ducking and kicking his legs out, shoving himself into her. His cloak came loose, and he ran away as fast as he could.
"Ah, dang- WAH!" Yang fell into the water as a barking dog scared the daylights out of her. With a splash, she lost sight of the legendary La Lama Lunga. "Damn."
"No luck, either, huh?" A hand reached down to her.
"You could say that." Yang took Blake's hand. She then used her free hand to cover her mouth.
"Don't." Blake warned, a welt growing a third bump on her head. "He's gone again, isn't he?"
"Yeah." Yang shook her head. "This mission really is going to the dogs, huh?" She snickered, pointing to the still barking dog down the road.
Blake pushed her into the water.
"Really?" Ruby sighed. "Okay."
"I take it that was Yang and Blake." Weiss asked.
"Yup. Looks like Bumblebee was a letdown."
"Well, it was kind of last minute, wasn't it?"
"I thought they would work better than me and Yang." She groaned. "And I have to tell the mayor about this, too..."
"Well, you know who I think would help?"
"You mean...?"
Weiss nodded. "I'm sure the mayor won't be too displeased to have another huntress team coming to help. Especially someone who's been here before."
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Jaune blinked at him- more specifically probably the thick beard that'd sprung up since he'd last seen him two days ago- and Cardin sighed heavily, fingers pushing up his glasses so he could punch the bridge of his nose. "I know," Cardin said. "I need to shave. Badly." 
"Wha- no." Jaune swallowed and shook his head. "It looks really good." 
Cardin blinked. "What?" 
"I mean- I-" Jaune faltered. Pink rose to his cheeks. "It, uh, objectively, it looks really handsome on you. Objectively!" 
"Oh." Cardin's eyes had widened slightly at Jaune's words as he badly stumbled through them. He could feel heat on his own face. And ears. "... thank you." 
"You'r- you're welcome," Jaune said with a shy smile. And Cardin returned it. For a few seconds they just stood there. Almost in a trance. Then Jaune suddenly seemed to snap out of it. "Anyway I gotta go!" Jaune said quickly, rushing out. "Things to do, people to save! Bye!" 
"Take care, Arc!" Cardin called after him. As he turned to go find his own team he absently ran his fingers up through the beard. Maybe he'd have to keep it just a bit longer this time.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Actor AU
Ruby:*looking at cameraman* You know in the show how we ham up the fact Blake likes fish? Well actually.... *points behind her*
Blake:*stuffing down sushi roll*.....What?
Ruby:Absolutely nothing changes. That sushi bar is her playground.
Nora:Aye cuz, you ready for your big scene!?
Penny:*getting face painted* Time to die! Wooo!
Nora:Woooo! *whispers* she’ll be back. Ssssshhh!
Blake:Now most people might think Yang and Adam would cause some friction offset with all drama in the show. *looks at food bar*
Adam and Yang: *dancing while eating doughnuts*
Blake:*snickering* They are the biggest clowns here. Ruby, come get your sibling before they choke!
Ruby:Real or fake one!?
Weiss:*balancing on chair* Boom! Told ya I could do it. All balance baby.
Yang:This her fifth attempt. Please tell me we got the second one on film?
Weiss:So Blake, What is wro-aaah! *smacks against the door.*
Yang:*wiping her tears* God that was hilarious. Her body just went wham!
Weiss:Shut up!
Weiss:Psssst! Look at this bitch over here. Practicing for his debut.
Whitley:*reading his lines*......!? *flips her off*
Weiss:*smiles* He’s gonna do great.
Whitley:Imma steal all your light. *smiles* They’ll make me the new ‘W’ for RWBY.
Weiss:Brothers, I tell ya. I don’t know if he’s more annoying on or off set. Got a whole ass trailer with his name on it. Such a diva. I’m so proud.
Ruby:I just wanna say I’m the greatest sister ever. I got connections and influence so... *points to set*
Coco:*winks* Surprise!
Ruby:I got her a small part. Got siblings all up through this set.
Adam: *chilling on a roof* I actually earned my part!
Ruby:Somehow! “PerFect! SeT THe ChARgeS!” What kind of line delivery!? Hahaha!
Coco: “YaNG! IS tHat yOu!?”
Adam: “YAng!? Yaaaaaaaannnnnng!”
Ruby:*red* Shut up!! That was my first read and I was younger!!!
Weiss:Your mom kidnapped me!?
Yang:You kidnapped her!?
Raven:And proms tomorrow!? Yes I kidnapped her! I’m a god damn bandit!
Yang:*keeping it together* Y...You fiend! How could...hehe. H-How.....
Raven:*snickering* You...you good?
Yang:Why prom!?
Raven:I don’t know!?
Vernal:*activley laughing*
Pyrrha: You know I asked my girlfriend is she ever misses me on set. *smiles* Smart ass said if I did then you’d be alive.
Cinder:*barges in* Am I wrong though!?
Emerald:You just can’t go to Vacou! Cinder-
Mercury:Forget about her. You’re backing the wrong horse here. She doesn’t care! See ya around Em. *kisses her and walks away*
Emerald:......*looks at camera, then the hall* Di..he didn’t realize..?
Tyrian:I don’t think he has!
Mercury:*walking back* Did I just kiss you?
Emerald:*holding laughter* Took you long enough! It’s only been what fans wanted forever! Eight volumes Mr.
Mercury:*face palming* My bad everyone.
Tyrian:I was just stunned! I thought I missed part of the script! Couples, focus man! I know you love your girlfriend but I need ya too hate her a bit right now!
Emerald:*laughing* Please put this in features!
Salem:*controlling grimm*
Oscar and Neo: *flossing off camera*
Salem:....Fuck *smiles* Damn you two! Let me be serious!
Ren:You cheated your way into Beacon!
Jaune:And you cheated on Nora!
Jaune:WITH ME!
Ren:IT WAS ONE TIME! *hits bike* I WAS SO AFRAID, AND YOU WERE SO WARM!!!! *tears up*
Yang:*Amazed and confused* And the plot thickens!!!
Oscar:James, you need to calm down. Now I know you miss Oz-
Ironwood:I miss no one. *shoots Oscar* No one.
Ozpin:*off screen* Nooooooooo!
Oscar:I’m not upset you left. I’m upset you came back.
Ozpin:Fine I’ll go get some milk and cigarettes. Shit, wanna be alone so much.
Oscar:Oh my god hehe...d-dad no! Wait! Haha c-come back! What do I tell mom!?
Jaune:And that was the last time Ozpin ever showed up.
Cinder: You know I hope I get another fight scene with you Jaune.
Jaune:Why’s that?
Cinder:You know, took your partner’s heart and rearranged your crush’s guts. *smiles* Jealous?
Nora:My lord...
Jaune:This is who I deal with off set. Cinder unchained. Witty as hell.
Penny: *dancing with Oscar*
Nora:You know...starting to think my cousin wasn’t excited to comeback for me. Fine, I’m not salty. I bet Cardin would love to come back. Get the whole family up in here.
Soldiers:*aiming guns*
Ironwood:Making progress? *strokes beard*
Watts:*strokes mustache*.........Yeah.
Watts:......Huh? Oh are we filming!?
Ironwood:Oh my-yes! Haha! For like a minute.
Watts:My bad, zoned out.
Ironwood:Man is just stroking his mustache out of character as guns are pointed at him! *nudges him*
Watts:I..I got nothing. *face palms*
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
The Beard
Smol Jaune AU
Pyrrha: A mining mission… You know I thought we clear out mines, and the like, not help guard one.
Ren: Why is that, it seems pretty bog standard Hunter Mission.
Pyrrha: Still, just not what I thought we would be doing today.
Nora: I want to be smashing stuff…
Ren: You always want to be smashing something, Nora.
Nora: I know, but still…
Pyrrha: Oh! There’s Team Rwby; lets ask them if they have seen, Jaune.
Ren: Good idea, We’re getting no where trying to find him on our own.
Pyrrha: Hey, guys!
Ruby: Hey, Pyrrha! How goes the patrol?
Pyrrha: It’s fine, but have you seen, Jaune?
Yang: Is something wrong?
Pyrrha: Kinda… We lost him…
Weiss: How did you lose him?
Ren: We don’t know; one second we were walking about the camp, Jaune was looking at some tools, Pyrrha, and I had to stop, Nora from getting into a fight…
Blake: What was the fight about?
Nora: Someone dared to say waffles were better than pancakes! I needed to correct them…
Weiss: Ahh… Typical…
Pyrrha: And, by the time we looked back, Jaune was gone.
Yang: Weird, it’s not like Lover Boy to just walk off like that…
Blake: Did he say anything before he left?
Ren: No, he just disappeared.
Ruby: Well, we haven’t seen him… Maybe one of the miners saw him?
Blake: It’s a good enough place to start.
Pyrrha: Okay, let’s try that… Umm… E-Excuse me?
Miner #1: Can we’s help ya?
Pyrrha: We’re looking for our team leader; His name is, Jaune Arc, about five feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, sorta looks like a knight in white armour.
Miner #1: Can’t reckon aye’s seen anyone like that before…
Miner #2: Could da’s be talken about da new foreman?
Miner #1: Well, he is a mighty small fella… Can’t say if he be a blond though, on account he be wearing his helmet all da time…
Miner #2: Good as place as any to start.
Pyrrha: Where might we find this foreman of yours?
Miner #2 Boss should be around the front of da mine…
Miner #1: Good luck, little Miss.
Pyrrha: Why thank you!
Yang: Wow, they actually talked to you, we tried to talk to one, and she told, Weiss to ‘piss off…’
Weiss: Uncouth slobs.
Nora: That’s just, Pyrrha for you!
Pyrrha: Oh, stop it~!
Ruby: Ahh look! There’s a group of miner’s huddled over there, maybe one of them can help us find, Jaune.
Pyrrha: Okay, umm, excuse me; We were…?!
: What do ya bloody mean, you lost da damn dust vain!
Ren: W-What the?
Weiss: Wait… Is that, Jaune?
Ruby: It can’t be…?
Jaune: I told ya bleedn’ gits! You need ta mark where the fockin’ vein is!
Miner #3: We’re sorry, boss! We accidentally lost the mark, while we were blastin…?!
Jaune: BLASTING?! Didn’t I tell ya fuckers not to use any ‘splosive’s! One wrong placement, and you’d turn da whole mountain into yer graves!
Miner #4: But, we needed to make room for da mining equipment!
Jaune: Den’ pick up your fockin’ pick, and make room for it, you lazy bastards!
Miner #4: R-Right, sorry, Boss…
Jaune: ALRIGHT!! Listen up, you bunch of lazy bastards! We’s got a deadline to meet! And, if you lazy bastards don’t get to work on it, dem’ Atlasian whore-sons from the SDC, are gonna come over ‘ere, and royally fuck us over! And, I for one, ain’t gonna let that happen! The only one who’s gonna get fucked over, is that Jacquess motherfucker, when I show his wife how a real man fucks! Now get to work, and lets shatter some dust!!!
Miner’s: RAHHHHHHH!!!!
Ren: Okay… When did, Jaune become the foreman…
Ruby: And, where did that beard come from; He was clean shaven only a few hours ago?!
Pyrrha: Oh, such a full bread~! I thought, Jaune was quite charming before, but now… That’s such a rugged look on him. Mmm~!
Yang: And, those muscles… W-When did he become so swol?! Oh, I want to lick the sweat righ of of them~! Mmm~! Mommy likey~!
Blake: No, do me instead! I can be better woman for you than any, Schnee bitch, Master~!
Weiss: Excuse me?!
Ruby: W-What’s going on!
Nora: Jaune’s short stature, plus being stuck around a mine, and mining equipment has effected his mind! Jaune has now become a mining crazed, Dwarf!
Ruby: She’s kidding right…?
Ren: Well…
Nora: Dwarven Miner for life bitches!
Jaune: Oi! Put on a helmet before ye go into da mines ya git! NOW!
Nora: Yes sir, sorry sir!
Jaune: Den get back ta work!
Nora: Right away sir!
RR: …
Ruby: Okay… He’s gone full on dwarf… Now what?
Weiss: Excuse me, but are we going to ignore the fact where he threatened to bed my mother?!!
Yang: Only after he does us first~!
Pyrrha: DIBS! I go first!
Blake: Naww… I wanted to go first…
Weiss: …
Weiss: What the fuck…?
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Jaune and Pyrrha reaction to seeing growlith hera turning into hisuian growlithe
Jaune and Pyrrha looked down in surprise. In a quick flash of light, Hera had suddenly changed. She wasn't bigger or anything, but the small tuft of white fluff on her head had seemingly grown. A lot. Hera's whole head was now pretty much covered by the snow white fur. It definitely covered her eyes, then went even further and replaced her chest floof, giving her what almost looked like a beard.
Jaune and Pyrrha looked at her for a minute, then at each other. They were very caught off guard by this, especially Jaune. He knelt down slowly to one knee, keeping his eyes on his little Fire-Type. He hesitated for a few seconds, before questioningly calling out, "H-Hera?"
The little fluffy girl's ears perked up in excitement after Jaune called her name. She turned to look over at him and let out a very excited cry "Growlithe!" Hera excitedly hopped over towards her papa with energetic strides. In no time at all, she was a foot in front of Jaune's kneeling form and sat down, her tail still wagging happily as she looked up at him.
Jaune reached out and gently rubbed her much fluffier head, including the small, soft spike now on her head too. "Well... it's definitely you girl. You... feeling okay?"
Hera nodded and pushed her head into Jaune's hand more. "Grow lithe!" She hopped up and moved forward even more, nuzzling her head into Jaune's knees.
"That's good." Jaune looked up to Pyrrha, who looked just as confused as Jaune. "Do you have any idea what happened?"
"No I don't, sorry Jaune." Pyrrha knelt down next to Jaune as well and carefully held out her own hand. Hera noticed her Papa's friend now being close, and didn't want to be rude so she waddled over to the nice red haired lady and gave her own hand some nuzzles.
"Well... She seems to be feeling alright, not hurt or anything. So that's all I really care about."
Pyrrha nodded, scratching Hera behind the ear. "Maybe we should still take her to the nurse just to be safe?"
"That's not a bad idea. Let's head there right now."
Jaune reached forward to pick up his Pokemon, only for the same flash of light from early to happen again. It faded quickly and revealed Hera, once again looking like her old self, no longer with all the extra fur around her head. Hera stared up at her Papa, a happy smile still on her face as he was reaching out to pick her up, having stopped when the flash of light happened.
"Ooooor not..." Jaune finished reaching forward and did pick Hera up, much to her joy. Jaune stood back up, looking over Hera curiously. "That was... strange."
Pyrrha stood up as well, eyes also glued on Hera. "Indeed it was. However, I still think we should see if the Nurse might know what happened."
"Agreed." Jaune turned around and headed toward Beacon's main entrance. Pyrrha walked alongside with him, reaching over to pet Hera once again on her head.
Meanwhile, Hera was pretty oblivious to everything that had happened. She was just happy to be in her Papa's arms, while the nice lady patted her head.
Using this to say that space-time distortions may be involved in the AU, I don't know how much for canon stuff though. Just a fun idea I might want to try.
Also, in my personal opinion, while Husui Growlithe is very adorable, I can't help but think OG Growlithe is cuter. Some for Arcanine.
Also I hope everyone that has gotten Pokémon Legends: Arceus is enjoying it!
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rwac96 · 10 months
Type: Prompt
AU: RWBY AU: Future AU, Crossover AU
Fandom: RWBY x Darkstalker
Summary: Lilith is the happiest woman alive. Married to love of her life and soon to be mother of their very first children which she suspect will be quadruplets.
Theme: Nightly Gallancy, Pregnant Lilith, Lilith is a Happy Woman, Jaune is Soon-to-be-Proud-Father
Lilith Aensland lets out a small exhale, looking down at her swollen stomach. Before, she was simply the other half of Morrigan, her 'sister' in a sense. Now, she was married to Team JNPR's leader, pregnant with what felt like quadruplets. The pink-haired succubus smiled brightly, giggling as her bearded husband kissed her cheek. It certainly felt like a significant change to her bizarre and unique beginnings.
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