#bat gab
I’m in a musical with an…. Internet celebrity and if this had happened a mere 4 to 5 years ago I don’t think I could’ve been a normal person about it
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pamesjatterson · 1 year
i am very disturbed as in my science class I learned whales used to have feet. I don't like that at all
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Dirty Work 43
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Joyous Walpurgisnacht: Part I
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Here we go!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As you stand from the table, your name draws your attention from your plate. Mr. Laufeyson mirrors you as he peers over at his mother. You notices how his fingers twiddle by his side. 
“You’ll come get ready with us, dear,” Frigga says, “Trina is coming to do our hair an makeup. Be sure to grab your dress.”
“Oh, uh…” you look at Laufeyson and he shrugs with one shoulder. “Okay.”
“Don’t worry about my brother,” Hela snorts, “I’m certain he’ll be torturing himself over the proper shade of white; shall I go for the ivory or the pearl?”
“Quiet,” Laufeyson sneers under his breath before he turns to you, “go on then,” he looks at his watch, “we all have much to do.”
He strides past you and you watch after him. He’s still upset. It’s your fault. You’ve been errant in your duties. You will make it up to him. At Walpurgisnacht, you won’t dare leave his side.
“Come,” Frigga beckons to you, “Hel, you too.”
“Yes, mother,” she drones and rounds the table.
You follow them to the door, only noticing as you approach that Thor’s done the same. He keeps a step back as he waves within, “after you, lady.”
“Er, thanks,” you eke out and step in ahead of him.
He’s quick to tail you, his fingers sending a shiver through you as he touches the back of your arm, “happy birthday, little one. How old are you now?” He asks.
You wince and hug yourself, keeping your chin down as he matches your pace. Frigga reaches to flick a strand of Hela’s black hair as she gabs on about it. You chew your lip and crane to look over your shoulder. You don’t see Odin, he must’ve stuck behind to chat with the staff.
“Thirty-two,” you answer as you face straight.
“Mmm, not too old,” his hand brushes across your back, “you look much younger.”
“Thank you, uh,” you stutter as his touch ventures further, tickling the top of your ass. Your panic swells and you bat him away, “I… have to go.”
You don’t know how to make him stop, but you can control yourself. You rush ahead to catch up to Frigga. As you come up at her side, Thor’s low rocky chuckle rolls through the air. You don’t look back as your blood runs cold. You don’t know why he won’t leave you alone.
“Ah, dear, I think we could put some flowers in your hair,” Frigga remarks as she waves you ahead of her up the stairs, “to go with that pretty dress of yours.”
“Sure,” you agree.
“She’ll look like a bride,” Hela scoffs, “perhaps just some diamonds around her neck–”
“Pearls,” Frigga argues.
“Pearls? She’s not an old lady yet,”
“Eh? Pearls are nice,” Frigga counters.
“Perhaps for you,” Hela rebuffs, “babe,” Hela swoops around her mother and drapes her arm over your shoulders as you turn down the hall, “what do you prefer?”
You blink, finding it hard to breathe through the tension. You don’t dare pick a side.
“I like the dress on its own,” you say.
“Ah, yes, she’s right, it is so nice, it would be ruined with too much,” Frigga hums, “how about just the petals,” she reaches to touch your hair, “a small accent but not garish.”
“Mm, yes, like a little fairy,” Hela muses as she retracts her arm, “I’m afraid I’m going for more of a witchy vibe.”
“Oh dear,” Frigga mutters, “Hel.”
“A good witch, mother, never fear.”
You look in the mirror, swept away by your own reflection. The small white flowers in your hair are placed so delicately and just so, matching with those on the dress in their fluttery display. You skin seems to glow from the precise application of makeup, your lashes are long and curved but not too heavy. Your lips are painted a natural hue with a glossy finish and a touch of blush lends colour to your cheeks. It feels like a lot but looks like less.
The dress is just as wonderful as you remember. The outer layer decorated in carefully cut flowers over the simple dress of white beneath. The skirt flows to your lower calves, ending just above the straps of your heels, a bow on the back of each. You blink and tilt your head at your reflection, is it really you looking back?
“Absolutely gorgeous,” Hela growls as she steps up behind you, “uh, so darling.”
“You look amazing, dear,” Frigga calls over.
You turn to watch the older woman pin on large dangling earrings. She wears a white dress hemmed below her knees with large fanned bell sleeves. Her necklace is strung with pearls that get large towards the centre and her silver and gold hair is spun into loose waves pushed back behind an elaborate headband with golden points.
Hela is dressed much less elegantly. Her jumpsuit is taut to her figure, the neckline cute so deep you wonder how it stays up. She wears a sort of cowl, sparkling with diamond as it goes from chin to shoulders, a larger gem dangling down her cleavage.
“Well, I think we’re almost there,” Frigga announces breezily, “come, come.”
She ushers you and Hela from the room into the hall. The house is buzzing with activity. As you come downstairs, you’re lost amid the flurry. The kitchen is bustling with furor and workers flit around like bees in a hive. You stay close to the other women as they walk unfettered through the rush.
You come out to the veranda, clutching the sides of your skirt as you watch your feet, careful not to trip on your heels. In the sunlight, Frigga sighs, and calls to someone. You look up and follow her down the steps. 
The lush green flat of the yard is entirely changed. A white floral arch, white cloth draping over the roofs of newly erected tents, tables in similarly silky ivory, petals scattered all around as stems are capped with full blooms atop posts, in plinthed vases, and around tables. A stage stands, blocking out much of the garden, a bar along an edge of the expanse with several workers behind it arranging glasses and bottles.
“Yvonne,” Frigga trills again, “come, come, we should like some photos.”
A woman in a white suit approaches with a large camera in hand. She is tall with full hips emphasized by the cut of her clothing. Her strawberry blond hair is twisted into a high bun with two pin straight pieces framing her face.
“Hello, Von,” Hela purrs at her familiarly. The women glance at each other and an eyebrow twitches. They know each other. Everyone does but you.
“This is our photographer,” Frigga introduces you to Yvonne, “she’ll be taking pictures so don’t mind if you see a flash or two through the night.” She turns back to the strawberry blonde, “hm, where are the men? They must be here…”
You fold your hands and sway back and forth. Surely you won’t be included. This is for the family. You’ll just stand to the side.
“Ah, Odin!” Frigga throws her hands up, greeting her husband as he approaches in a white pressed shirt beneath a matching stiff vest and white slacks. He wears a golden chain around his collar and cufflinks at his wrists. His shoes also bear golden buckles. “There you are. Where are your sons?”
“So quick to disown them,” Odin kids, “they were…” he looks back.
Thor clamours down from the veranda, combing out his long blond hair which he’s let loose from its usual bun. The waves fall to his shoulders, just along his open collar, unbuttoned to boast the thick muscles of his chest. He beams in white just like everyone else. A gold medallion hangs from his neck and his fingers are stacked with rings.
Loki follows last, shoulders high, hands staunchly tucked into his pockets. He looks at the sky as he appears in his simple attire. White shirt, white tie, white slacks cute perfectly to his sleek figure. White loafers with plain silver buckles. His black hair is swept back, the front pieces drawn back into a clip behind his head as the tails curl out behind his ears.
As he takes the same path as his father and brother, his eyes search and find you. His irises flicker and his brows arch. You avert your gaze and look at the grass, fidgeting as you wait awkwardly to the side. Frigga preens at each son and tells them how handsome they look.
“Alright, alright, we’ll get a few photos before the guests arrive,” she claps her hands.
There’s movement along the edge of your vision. You keep your head down as Frigga orders her family around. You flinch as she grabs your wrist suddenly and pulls your hands apart.
“Right here, dear,” she guides you next to Odin before she stands at his other side. “Okay, everyone, no scowling.”
You look up, wide eyed and the camera flashes. You bat your lashes and put on a smile as Odin bends his arm behind you, resting his hand on your lower back. The gesture calms you as the photographer counts down.
You stand frozen as the camera shutters, wondering why you’re there. What will they do with the photos when you are irrelevant? Finally, you’re allowed to disperse as Frigga struts over to Yvonne to have a look at the photos.
You turn nearly collide with Mr. Laufeyson before you can even think to look for him. You back up as he stares at you. He raises a hand as if to touch your arm then thinks better of it. He clear his throat and tugs on his skinny tie.
“That is a beautiful dress,” he remarks, “very on theme.”
“Thank you, Mr. Laufeyson,” you sniff and rub your palms together.
“Stay close,” he says tersely, clearing his throat, “or…” you hear his tone soften, “I might lose you in the flowers.”
His lips curve, just a little. Is he joking? You’re not sure.
“Come,” he jabs his fingers through the air, “let us get a drink before it is too busy.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
You walk beside him and he sighs. No, you’re not sure he was being funny. He’s still unhappy.
As you reach the bar, he greets the workers in white behind it. He orders whiskey on ice, then turns to you. For a moment, you’re taken back to the night you found him with the same drink… that was the first, maybe the only time, you saw him so human.
“What would you like?” He asks.
“Um, I don’t… know,” you murmur.
“Our cocktails,” a worker points to the standing list of drinks. You lean in and read each. 
“Oh, uh, could I get the lavender lemonade, please?”
“Yes, miss,” the worker replies and sets to mixing the drink. Laufeyson takes his and holds it tight.
“Lokiiiii,” a familiar brogue rumbles through the air.
You turn to face Bragi as he approaches. A pocket watch swings from his vest, though he wears no shirt beneath it. You greet him with a tight-lipped smile.
“And his lady,” he smirks at you, “you haven’t seen Fossegrim, have you?”
“You brought that creature?”
“Ah, he tagged along. He chased off a chickadee and I’ve not seen him since. Never to worry,” he snaps his fingers, "I'm all set up.” He nods towards the stage, “and look at you too, pretty in white.” He looks at you pointedly, “I must say, you look like a goddess. I was also let in on a secret,” he declares, “it is your birthday. Happy birthday, did you have a favourite song? I might fit it into my set.”
“Um…” you think. “I don’t…” you look over as Mr. Laufeyson reaches back to take another glass from the bar and offers you the purple drink. You take it with a meek nod before facing Bragi again, “there was this song… from a movie… Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She sings it on the balcony but I can’t remember how it goes.”
“Oh, yes, I know the one. Beloved Hepburn, what a treat she was,” he purrs, “I think I can figure out the chords.”
“You don’t have to…” you shrug.
“I want to,” he insists, “oh and watch for dark shadows, Fossegrim will surely return once he smells food.”
“Sure,” you agree and squeeze the glass tight. Laufeyson just hums in his throat.
“Anyhow, I need water,” he sidles past you, “happy Walpurgisnacht!”
You return the sentiment before you step away. You peer around, uncertain what to do next. Your heels sink into the grass and you pull them out, teetering. Laufeyson glances over at you.
“Shall we sit?” He asks.
“Erm, okay.”
He waves you ahead of him and you weave over to one of the tables. You sit and put your glass down without tasting it. He sips his own as he lowers himself. He’s tense, setting it down with a heavy clunk.
You look around and see new faces arriving. It’s beginning. Your stomach churns as each guest appears. It really is a big deal.
“You are nervous,” Laufeyson intones, bringing you back to the table.
“A little.”
“Mm,” he pokes his tongue in his cheek, “well, then, even more reason to stay by my side. I’ve navigated these waters all my life, I can stave off the sharks.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
His lips slant and he spreads his hand over his chest before dragging it down, “and…” his throat bobs, “happy birthday, if I forgot to say.”
“Um, thank you,” you squeak, “it isn’t a very big deal.”
He inhales, “it isn’t? By your choice or… his?”
You shrug, “I never made it one. Really, just another year.”
“Certainly, time does keep on now matter what,” he mulls.
You’re quiet. You take the drink and look at it. It’s a lovely colour. You take a sip; it’s tangy but nice, a little kick under the citrus notes. Your cheeks pinch as you put it back down.
“Too strong?” he asks.
“No, it’s good,” you assure him, careful not to drip any on your dress.
He taps his fingers on the tabletop, “I must say, you do look rather… rather nice.”
“Oh, yes, um, Trina, your mother’s friend…” you utter, “she did it.”
You look at him, finding his eyes rapt upon you. His gaze almost takes your breath away. He reaches to touch your hand, leaning in just a little. His eyes flick past you suddenly and he stops, his hand lightly over your as he sits frozen.
You turn to peek over your shoulder. You hear Thor’s thundering voice as he greets someone. A perfect swoop of dark hair bounces before him and he embraces the tall, slender woman. You know, even without seeing her face, who it is. Sif.
You bring your other hand over Laufeyson’s and press it down firmly as you face him, “are you alright?”
His eyes skitter back to you and he slips his hand free. You deflate as he instead takes his glass and slurps with a scowl. Walpurgisnacht will not be a new beginning, only a reminder of old wounds.
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callumsgirl · 2 months
Beautiful Things...that I've got
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pairing: Austin Butler x female reader (Elizabeth)
summary: Elizabeth is young and beautiful when she starts a bartender job at the Rough Wheel. A dimly lit bar known for its jukeboxes, pool tables and the Outlaw MC drinking and hanging around.
Elizabeth had been working at the bar for two months and had had a crush on Austin ever since she first saw him playing pool and he called her a Babydoll in a raspy, warm voice, and handed her his credit card. It only got worse from that moment on, because to say Elizabeth was inexperienced with men was an understatement. She was 21, unkissed and a virgin, and Outlaw's number two had it in for her.
warnings: mostly flirting, age gab (21 y.o. and 33 y.o.), light and heavy smut, kissing, sexual unexperienced woman, virgin woman, first sexual experiences, some hard wording, use of pet names, fist fight, blood and smut, tears and mental pain
word count: 15,7 k
A/N: English is my second language. Please have mercy with me!
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POV Elizabeth // Chicago, USA
Today is my two month anniversary, and all of my classes at the college are going pretty well for me. My grades are impeccable, I'm almost done writing my senior thesis, and I've made $60 in tips in my last two shifts.
Also, my mother had finally stopped trying to fix me up with a smart young man from her church. She tries to do that all the time and it's annoying. Mom always wants to get me a good match. She's hopelessly romantic. I let out a silent sigh. After combing my hair, I put it up in a plait. A young woman with moss-green eyes and freckles on her cheeks looks at me in the mirror. Hoping to look halfway decent next to the other female waitresses and earn a few dollars in tips, I dab a little lip gloss on my lips.
I'm wearing my favourite dress. It's red, cute and not too short for working behind the bar. I made the mistake of wearing a skirt that was too short once in my first week at the bar…and it was awkward and disgusting when Jimmy - that weird old guy who always sits at the bar - saw my half-naked bum.
Since then I've only worn jeans, skirts or dresses that cover my thighs. I'm also the only one of the waitresses who doesn't wear red lipstick. Callie, a bartender friend of mine, thinks I'm a prude and pretty stupid to miss out on all the tips just because I don't want to wear red lipstick.
To be honest, I need every cent, but I'm not going to earn it by wearing red lipstick, batting my eyes and sitting on some guy's lap. I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.
I take one last look in the mirror before I leave the student hall of residence and get on my bike to cycle to the bar. My shift starts at 6pm and it takes me about 20 minutes on my bike.
When I arrive at the bar, it's still quiet and empty. I put my bag in my locker, tie an apron around my waist and start taking stock of the alcoholic drinks and snacks.
Just as I'm ticking off the last few lines of the list, Callie comes into the bar and smiles at me. She is tall, athletic and has flawless skin. Her full lips are all glossy and dark red. Callie looks beautiful and sexy without much effort. Life can be really cruel. I curl my lips a little enviously.
"Hey sweet girl. You look pretty. Did you put the dress on for Austin?" she teases me and winks as her hands clasp the hem of my red dress and she strokes it. She really winks at me!
I shake my head gently and feel my cheeks flush.
Damn it. Calm down Elizabeth, I think and give her a shy smile. Just one comment about Austin and my heartbeat goes out of control and I look like a tomato.
Sometimes I think she has an idea of how sheltered I grew up. That my parents kept me a million miles away from all the boys, that all I had to worry about was making sure I got good grades. But then she winks at me and makes these… comments about red lips and that I work in a bar full of hot bikers.
This bar is definitely a place my parents would never have let me go. Plus, this bar is far from my parents' idea of where I should work and who I should hang out with. But I haven't told them about my job yet.
The hourly wage is okay. The tips don't make me rich, but it helps me get through the month and I'm certainly not going to call my parents and ask for a dime.
I bite the inside of my cheek and lower my eyes, embarrassed. "Don't be silly, Callie," I laugh nervously. "I'm wearing this dress because I like it. Austin wouldn't even look at me if I - I gesture in her direction with my pen in hand, pursing my lips at her revealing outfit. "…if I wore something like you. It just doesn't suit me." I can feel my cheeks getting even hotter and quickly brush a loose strand of hair that has come loose from my plait behind my ear.
"You're joking, aren't you?" she asks, raising an eyebrow curiously. Her make-up is striking and dark. Her green eyes look so hypnotizing and intense with the black eyeliner and her red lips distract me.
I shake my head again and turn to more important tasks. Namely, finally getting through this list before the bar fills up.
"No," I reply and shrug my shoulders. "It's obvious that I don't fit in here and I'm sure no one here is interested in me. Look at me." I can't help but smile. It's obvious that I grew up differently and don't belong here. I stand out with my freckles, my clothes and the fact that I hardly wear any make-up. I often feel out of place. That's often the case. I press my lips together.
Callie smirks and brushes another strand of hair out of my face. "You're really sweet, Lizzie, and naïve," she says, pinching my cheek.
I gasp indignantly and frown. "What?" I ask in shock and blink at her. She can't be serious, can she?
"You're clever, and pretty, and cute. You're a lot more dangerous to the boys here than you think. Plus a lot of the men calling you by pet names. It's a good sign and more money for you, sweet girl." Then Callie turns her back to me and starts polishing beer glasses.
What nonsense, I think to myself and stare at her for a few more seconds until I get back to work.
Two hours later, the bar is overcrowded and I'm mixing various drinks in piecework time. I cut fresh lemon slices and decorate cocktail glasses. Then I pour beer and polish glasses again.
The air is warm, stale and when the front door opens again, a cool breeze blows over my heated, slightly sweaty skin. Only now do I realize how out of breath I actually am and how hungry I am. As if on cue, my stomach grumbles and I sigh in bittersweet despair. My break isn't for another two hours and judging by the rush at the bar, I'll be making a lot more cocktails before then. I let out another sigh and chew on my lower lip. The thought of my turkey sandwiches in my rucksack makes my stomach growl and I feel sick.
I roll my eyes. Pull yourself together, Elizabeth.
Then I work through the customers' drinks requests. I mix cocktails and pour beer. I fill the ice and lemons, rinse the glasses and polish them afterwards. Another blonde comes to the bar and waves for a waitress. Just as I'm about to approach her, Callie comes towards me and sends me on my break. Thank God!
I devour my sandwich and an apple during my short break between the current swing and the next. Then I stand behind the bar again and push full glasses across the counter. I'm slicing up more lemons and limes when someone throws a penny into the jukebox and selects a song. This Live by Curtis Stigers.
It's loud in here and it's hard to hear the music, but when the first sounds come through to me, I know immediately that he is here. Only one person in the bar would dare to play just this one song. I exhale loudly and my fingers tremble as I place the lemon and lime slices in a bowl.
My eyes sting slightly and I squint. While everything around me is black and yet so loud, I try to calm my frayed nerves. My heartbeat speeds up and a shiver runs down my spine. I bite my lower lip and whirl around to the counter as a woman's voice calls for the waitress again.
I see him out of the corner of my eye as I'm mixing two Bloody Marys. "Have a nice evening," I murmur in a loud voice and push the glasses over to the blonde woman waiting impatiently for her drinks.
As soon as she's gone, I wipe my hands on my apron and take two or three steps to the left. From here I can see the pool table, and I swallow hard when I recognize Austin among the bikers. It's not unusual for the MC to come here, but it's nerve-wracking for me. It's the closest I've ever been to a bunch of law-breakers on roaring motorcycles.
Young - and attractive, very attractive. He is tall, wears washed-out blue jeans and a black sleeveless top, with his biker jacket over it and has dark blond unruly hair and crazy blue eyes with which he surveys the entire bar.
I take another step closer to the end of the counter and scrutinize him. Describing Austin as handsome doesn't even begin to do him justice. I bite my lip and continue to stare. I don't normally do this, but I can't help myself…he's just so good looking.
"Oh, my God," I moan softly and lean over the bar a little, standing on my tiptoes as Austin takes the pool stick from a younger guy. A prospect I guess. They're all wearing biker jackets and I can feel my pulse fluttering under my skin.
The jackets of the older members are decorated with various patches and the prospects wear completely naked jackets. I don't really know much about life in an MC, but I've overheard conversations from the girls at the bar and know that the prospects have to earn their patches. With character and courage, sometimes with strangely dangerous tasks and other times they have to take a beating. I think it's exaggerated and dangerous, but nobody asks me.
"Damn, kiss me, fuck me," I sigh and watch as he leans his upper body over the pool table, focuses on the balls in front of him and then shoots. An electric wave rushes through my entire body and I press my lips together helplessly.
"Yeah, you'd like that," Callie suddenly mumbles behind me, scaring the hell out of me. I don't even know that I said it out loud.
But Austin isn't paying any attention to me and is smoking his cigarettes and playing pool with his boys. I press my lips and eyes together in shame and turn to face to Callie. "I didn't…"
"Shut up, sweet girl," she puts a finger to my lips and leans closer to me, her lips almost touching my cheek as she murmurs in my ear: "I'd fuck him too. He's really hot."
The two of us watch Austin as he leans on the edge of the pool table with both arms. The subdued light makes shadows dance across the deep ridges of his muscles. His muscles are firm and pronounced and as he slowly raises his head, mumbles something to himself and shoos one of the contenders away, our eyes meet. I need a moment to find my voice again. If this man had any semblance of a middle-class and less dangerous life, I would probably throw myself at him. But he lives for the MC and that… is not for me.
I have been crushing on him since the first night he handed me his credit card, called me with a raspy voice Babgirl for once, and asked me to start a tab for him. That was the starting point and it only got worse from there.
I gasp out loud - once again I feel caught out tonight and as the corners of his mouth lift slowly and sensually, his lips curl into a knowing, dirty smile, my stomach tightens. I stumble back half a step and bump my back against Callie's torso.
"Sorry," I mumble breathlessly and turn around in a flash. I disappear into the break room and sit there for five minutes until my heart rate calms down.
Pull yourself together, my sense of honor whispers to me and pulls my shoulders back. It raises its little chin to the sky and then gives me an encouraging nod. Get out there and keep serving drinks, Elizabeth.
I have regained some control of myself as I step behind the bar. It takes all my mental strength not to turn my head and look back at the pool table, but I persevere. Over the next half hour, I continue to serve drinks and the memories of Austin are pushed back into my mind. However, the biting feeling of shame in my chest continues to remind me that I've made an idiot of myself.
That's just the way you are, the cynical little voice in my head etches, jabbing me in the ribs. Prudish, untouched and not wanted.
Austin is in a different league to me. I scrape together the last shreds of self-respect and lock all my thoughts of him away in a little box in the back of my head.
I am overcome with nausea and only by taking deep breaths do I manage to shake off the feeling. I turn to polishing more glasses when I suddenly feel a dark, slightly cheerful and vibrant presence behind me. My back muscles tense up and I lift my chin slightly. My senses are on alert.
I hope it's not Jimmy again, I think wistfully and curl my lips into an unpleasant grimace. Just as I've mentally resigned myself to having to deal with Jimmy today, I hear a pleasantly hoarse voice murmur: "Hey Babydoll, are you free?"
I stifle an annoyed groan and grit my teeth. Then I breathe in and out quietly before I start draining another glass of beer. Austin called me Babydoll, again and a tiny part of me likes it. Very much so. Apart from the life he leads, which I absolutely don't want for myself, he's insanely handsome. I mean, what's the big deal if I look at him from time to time. As far as I know, no one has ever died from being adored from afar. My self-esteem grinds its teeth alarmingly and crosses its arms in front of its chest. I shake my head slightly, worried about the direction my thoughts are taking, and grab another glass to polish. "I'm busy. Please leave me alone."
"Doesn't look particularly busy," Austin replies. "If you're already behind the bar-"
The day had started so well and now - after my embarrassing reaction to what? A brief eye contact and I'm done. I interrupt him, annoyed and angry at the lapse in my self-control. In one fluid motion, I turn to him and the words flow uninhibited from my lips: "Then what, asshole?"
Shit! I'm fucked, I think the moment I recognize my words. I open my eyes. My subconscious lifts its little head in shock and stares back and forth between me and Austin. It's completely beside itself and hisses angrily: Are you crazy? I stumble a step back and my butt bang against the back of the bar. My hands are shaking and I barely manage to put the glass of beer down on the counter.
A few seconds pass and everything around me suddenly happens in slow motion. The music is muffled and only reaches me to a limited extent, the shouts of the waiting guests are far away and the laughter over at the pool table barely touches me.
"Asshole, hmm? I wouldn't have trusted you to have such a dirty mouth, babygirl." Austin's ice-blue eyes scrutinize me attentively. The intensity of his gaze and demeanor gives me the creeps.
"Don't call me, babygirl", I grumble angrily. Then I hesitate and lower my gaze. I stare at my sneakers and then raise my head again, heart pounding. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you."
"Ohh, you can call me whatever you want. I've been called far worse," he laughs lightly and licks his lips.
Oh, I can immediately think of some suitable names; arrogant idiot, fool, arrogant ass…I follow the movements of his body and watch as he rests his elbows on the counter, his muscles bulging, and then murmurs dangerously darkly, "Why not? Do you have a boyfriend I should know about?"
"What?" I squeak and blink like crazy. "Do I what?", I add. My gaze is still glued to his lips. Wow, what pink, full lips. I wonder how they would feel on mine....hmm. Stop! I squint my eyes. No, I think angrily. He's a tease and he's making fun of me.
"Do you have a boyfriend, little girl?" he asks again, continuing to look me in the eye intensely as he leans a little further over the counter and reaches for a bottle of brandy.
"Hey," I grumble. "Put it back down," I demand of him and there's that amused glint in his eyes again. To my surprise, or perhaps more likely his own, he puts the bottle back down and raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. At least make me a drink."
I snort and step hesitantly on the spot. None of my colleagues seem to have noticed what's going on between him and me.
Then it suddenly occurs to me that he could get me fired quicker than I'd like. A nasty look from him and Tom, the owner will sack me. I lower my eyes to my feet once more and then tighten my shoulders. I take two steps to the front bar and pick up the bottle of brandy.
"With cola? With ice?," I ask and take a heavy crystal glass from one of the lower cupboards.
"No, just ice," he shakes his head and as I pour the brandy into the glass, he doesn't take his eyes off me. As I break some ice in the cooler, I don't notice how he slowly raises his left arm and shortly afterwards I feel his rough, warm knuckles on my cheek. When his knuckles touch my skin, I feel like sparks are flying. Embarrassed, I pull my head back. Must have been static energy. I blink, about as fast as my heart is beating. I lift my head slightly and look at him with a slightly trembling lower lip.
"What are you doing?", I whisper. "Please stop." I turn my head slightly to avoid his touch, even though it burns me and feels good.
Again, he doesn't answer my question. Instead, he repeats his, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Why does he want to know? He's certainly not checking out his chances with me. I inwardly roll my eyes at this unnecessary comment and the clear side-swipe from my subconscious.
I sigh half annoyed at his arrogance, half shocked that he's touching me. "No, I don't have a boyfriend. Please let go of me."
"That's a real shame," he murmurs, his husky voice doing strangely heated things to me. I'm blinking too fast, breathing too loudly and my hands are shaking badly as I put the full brandy glass on the counter and push it over to him. "You have really nice lips. Not as made up as the other girls here."
I turn deep red. Once again, and when he recognizes the heated glow on my cheeks, he finally leans back slowly. But before his knuckles leave my cheek, his thumb brushes over my bottom lip, tracing its outline. My breath catches and I can't move. Austin raises the glass to his lips and takes a small sip. "That really is a waste, babygirl," he replies, and I swallow hard.
As soon as the meaning of his words get through to me, I tear myself away from him. With unsteady legs, I stumble back and slap his hand away. "Stop it. I'm not one of your whores!"
I feel hurt and humiliated. Really offended by his words.
His eyes flash in astonishment. His slapped hand hovers in the air for a few moments and then he lowers it. He still looks unimpressed and completely calm. But the expression in his blue eyes has changed. In addition to the glitter, shadows now dance in his eyes and it's really creepy.
I really did beat him. Fuck!
Well, not really, but it was wrong. Now he has every reason to have me thrown out.
He strokes his own lip with the thumb that was just touching mine. The way he strokes his lips is hypnotizing and dangerous at the same time. "Hmmm… you're not really," he murmurs, fixing me very slowly. "If you were one, my hands would be around your pretty, slender neck right now."
He can't possibly be serious. My pulse quickens. Why is he upsetting me like this? Is it because of his outrageously good looks? Is it his penetrating gaze? Or is it because he keeps tracing his lower lip with his thumb and glaring at me menacingly? Can't he finally stop doing that?
I catch my breath and unconsciously lift my own hands to my neck. He grins wickedly. "Exactly… I would squeeze and squeeze until your eyes glaze over and your beautiful lips open slightly. I would make you beg and punish you", he confirms without any humor in his voice and stares at me.
"You're physotic," I reply in a low voice. I hardly trust my own voice anymore. The words slip out before I can stop them.
He gently shakes his head again, amused by my choice of words. Then everything happens very quickly. Austin leans over the bar again and grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him with a jerk. The tips of my feet touch the baseboard of the bar and I gasp in his face, startled and frightened.
I blink around, looking for help, but still no one is looking after me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Callie at the other end of the bar and I want to call out to her, but one look into Austin's eyes and I fall silent. He raises his free hand and brushes a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. My whole body trembles with tension and sheer fear.
"No, I'm not," he contradicts me. "I just grew up differently to you, babygirl," he explains, lowering his eyelids briefly. His voice is surprisingly soft. Austin stares at the neckline of my dress from above and can see my breasts rising and falling quickly. Then his eyes fall on my necklace. He licks his lips and takes the small cross between his fingers.
I expect him to say some stupid line about God and Jesus, but none of it comes out of his lips. Instead, he leans down so that his cheek brushes my chin and I raise my hands, clasping his wrist as he strokes my lips. "Just as innocent and pure as I suspected."
"You don't know anything about me", I stutter and in the next moment, I close my eyes and press my lips together. God, how can anyone be as stupid as me?
Austin is grinning and he is so close to me that I can breathe in his scent. He smells intoxicatingly of aftershave, soap and engine oil. I greedily soak up the smell.
"Oh no?" he asks, amused. "Then listen carefully Elizabeth. You're young, so damn pretty and innocent. I could have you broken and floating in five fucking minutes. Don't tell me you're a bad girl who kisses random strange men and spreads her legs," he stops and I jerk my eyes open. Austin leans back enough to look me in the eye again. "You're pure, you're perfect, and yet you're in this fucked up place…with me."
"Please let go off me", I beg.
Austin tilts his head slightly and looks at me. "You've got my attention now and I'm not done with you yet."
His words are both a threat and a promise. What does it all mean?
There are so many confusing thoughts chasing around in my head. I can't bring order to the chaos and when Austin brushes my lips again, muscles I didn't know I had tighten deep inside. "Do you know what the problem is with beautiful things in life, Elizabeth?"
I shake my head, barely noticing. Somehow I fear something bad and I try to pull away from him. The corners of his mouth twitch again. Sick bastard! He's having way too much fun with this whole thing. Intimidating young women like me and making fools of them is probably one of his habits. Austin smiles, fascinated, and loosens his grip on my wrist. A brief illusion of control and freedom that I try to take advantage of. I tug and tug, but he tightens his grip again.
"Shh, shh," he whispers. "You don't have to panic, babygirl. Just answer my question."
"I don't know, what's with the beautiful things, Austin?" I sound much whinier than I would like and shrug my shoulders cluelessly. I just want to get out of this bar and crawl into my little bed in the dorm.
"They are only beautiful until they are broken. What will break you?"
He loosens his grip and slowly lets go of me. I immediately increase the distance to him and wipe my palms over my cheeks. There are a few tears and I quickly wipe them away. Then I rub my wrist gently and look at him, scared and angry.
There is a satisfied, ashamed grin on his lips as he stands up and pushes the brandy glass over the counter. He toasts me and strolls back to the pool table.
I wrap my arms around my torso and try miserably to calm my nerves and my raging heartbeat. I just want to get out of here and wash the entire day off my skin. But when I look over at the wall clock, it's only 11 p.m.
I keep glancing nervously over my shoulder and catch Austin staring in my direction. Maybe this is another one of his strange habits, I think distractedly and purse my lips.
Then a rarely romantic thought rises up in the depths of my mind and I wonder if there is any hope left that there is still some light shimmering in Austin. I'm naïve, but not naïve enough to think I can change him. I realized early on that I'm not the girl that guys quit their jobs or move across the country for. A guy certainly wouldn't give up his lifestyle and values for me. Not when it involves motorcycling and a god damn MC.
It's after midnight when Callie goes into the break and the bar is half empty. I start refilling a few shots, washing glasses and wiping down the bar. When I've done everything behind the bar, I grab a fresh cloth and start wiping down the empty tables in the entrance area. I replace the burnt-out candles with new ones and refill the serving dispenser and cutlery.
It takes me about ten minutes to finish the first tables and say goodbye to the other regulars. Austin and his biker friends are still there. While some continue to play pool or darts, Austin sits on a chair. He sits upside down on it and leans his arms over the backrest, holding a half-empty glass in one hand. A cigarette burns between his lips and I quickly look away from him when I realize how much I'm staring at him. Just after… everything.
"This is so stupid," I mutter to myself after turning my back on him. "Get over him , Elizabeth!" I wipe down the next tables. Some have stains, others are sticky. I scrub like crazy. I'm finally done, my hands a little rough and dry from the detergent. Just as I'm about to disappear behind the counter, I bump into a guy.
I squeak, startled, and stammer: "Sorry, I didn't see you."
"No problem," a pleasantly warm voice replies, and I feel two large hands on my upper arms, gently pushing me back a few steps. "Didn't see you, sweetheart."
I think his name is Benny. He's so young and a prospect in the MC. He does the dirty work and has to be pushed around by the older members.
But for what?, I ask myself.
I take a closer look at him and notice that he has a nice smile, even though he's completely drunk. His brown, wispy hair sticks out in all directions. His dark eyes are narrowed.
"It's okay," I smile. "Maybe you should go home. You've had a lot to drink," I suggest in a cautious voice.
He looks at me silently for a breath, maybe two. Then he nods slightly and makes a slightly snivelling face. "I can't leave until the others do. That's what being new is like."
"Ohh," I gasp in surprise. "I didn't know that."
"It's alright", he reply. "You're really pretty by the way", Benny adds.
His thumbs rub lightly over my bare upper arms and I start to shiver. I tilt my head back slightly and giggle. "Really?" I ask. "Am I pretty?"
He frowns in confusion. "Yeah…"
"Benny, come here." A harsh, hoarse voice cuts through the air. I feel Benny's fingers tighten around my upper arms. Inevitably, I hold my breath and take half a step back. Benny drops his arms and when his hands leave my skin, I feel a chill run through me.
"I'm sorry," he begins. But once again his words are interrupted by Austin's hoarse, strained voice. I press my lips together and close my eyes.
"It was nice talking to you, Benny." I say with a small smile and circle around him.
Just before I stand behind the bar again, he murmurs in a q uiet voice, "I'd like to talk to you more often."
The corners of my mouth twitch and for the first time in a few hours, something feels normal, and nice. I nod slightly, "Okay Benny."
From a distance, I hear a chair scraping loudly across the wooden floor, and then Austin appears in the corner of my eye. He comes towards me with determined steps and I open my eyes in shock as he stretches out an arm and jerks Benny around by the shoulder. For a fraction of a moment, Benny is completely surprised, then he tries in vain to push Austin away from him. Austin wraps a hand around Benny's neck and holds him tight. But it is futile. Austin presses him closer to his chest and his lips almost touch the shell of Benny's ear as he whispers hoarsely in his ear. Meanwhile, his icy blue eyes lock on me. An unstoppable storm rages in them and I stumble back.
Benny looks completely tense. He nods mechanically to everything Austin hisses into his ear. Then Austin lets go of Benny's neck. I breathe a sigh of relief. My heart is pounding in my throat as Austin presses Benny's cheek flat against the sticky counter with a deafening slap. Benny groans painfully, but makes no sign of resisting.
"Do you hear me?" Austin hisses angrily. "You will never talk to her or look at her again or I'll break more than your fucking ribs."
"Austin," I scream, terrified. "He didn't do anything."
"Shut up, baby girl. He needs to learn his place." For a split second, I see something like humility and remorse in his eyes. Then it's gone, leaving behind the dark shadows and the raw aggression that runs through his veins.
I stumble back a few more steps until my legs hit the back of the counter. My fingers rebel as I clutch my hands hard around the edge of the counter, turning my head to the side as Austin pushes it down on the counter once more. A whimper escapes me and I immediately slap my hands over my face.
"Now take it like a man, Benny," he demands and lets him go. Austin takes a few steps away from him and takes off his jacket. He hands it to a guy with a long white beard. I think his name is Hank.
The scene in front of me makes no sense to me at all. I want to intervene and object, but I don't understand what this is all about. My lips open, but I close my mouth again. What should I say?
The other bikers have now also stood up and some of them, mainly the older ones, are watching the show with amusement. Then Knickers comes over to the bar and leans sideways on the counter. He gives me a surprisingly sympathetic look. As if he can grasp my confusion, he says, "It's not personal, sweetheart. Those are the rules at the MC and Benny has to respect them."
"But he only spoke to me," I mumble in exasperation. Austin's lips are curled into a promising grin. The tip of his tongue darts out from between his lips and he moistens them. Then he raises his hand and holds up exactly one finger. "You have one free stroke, Benny. Then I'll finish you off."
"What?" I gasp. "Hank?" I chastise in shock and open my eyes. "He's not really hitting him, is he?"
"Relax, little one. It'll be over quickly." He pats my hand like I'm five years old.
"No." I shake my head wildly. "I can't let that happen." I'm halfway to stepping out from behind the bar when Knickers grabs my hand, gently but firmly. "Stay here, little one. Austin can be a moody son of a bitch, but he's fair."
Fair?! This is a really bad joke. I audibly expel the air from my lungs and watch as Austin encourages Benny with a wave of his hand. "Go on!" he shouts.
Benny raises his fists and in the next moment he dashes forward with a big stride. He swings his right fist and misses Austin's chin by a hair's breadth. I squeal and squeeze Hank's hand.
Then they circle each other like predators and it's as if Austin is taunting him and deliberately not landing any hits. A frightening darkness flickers in his blue eyes again and I bite my lower lip. Benny takes advantage of the moment of inattention and delivers a brutal left uppercut to Austin. I squeeze my eyes shut and the next time I open them, Austin is wiping his thumb over his split lip and spitting blood onto the scratched wooden floor of the bar.
"You little fucker!" Austin curses and spits again, this time right at Benny's feet. This is followed by two quick steps and a combination of uppercuts and frontal punches to Benny's ribcage.
A deafening crack followed by pain-filled moans pierces the bar and my ears. Benny sinks to his knees and a breath later Austin pushes him to the floor and starts hitting him with wild combinations of punches. All I can see is spurting blood and hear loud, uncontrolled breathing.
I pull my hand out from under Hank's and flee to the back of the bar. As soon as I reach the back office, I push through the crack in the door and close the door behind me. Salty tears run down my cheeks and I try to contain the adrenaline rushing through my body. I stroke my cheeks, then my hair and walk in circles.
My head is spinning. What the hell just happened? What have I got myself into?
"Fuck," I mumble breathlessly. "Benny…what have I done," I cry. I throw myself onto the brown leather couch and pull my legs close to my chest, crying bitter tears. I am overcome by a wave of guilt. It all happened so fast - one second I was wiping the table and the next Austin was pining over some poor, innocent guy…because of me. I am the reason for this outburst of brutal, bloody violence. My chest rises and falls heavily and I gasp desperately for air. Tears blur my vision and I sniffle, and sniffle. It's no use and within a few minutes my nose is completely blocked and my cheeks are burning from the salty tears. I wipe my face roughly with my hands.
I'm so lost in my thoughts and tears that I don't even notice the heavy footsteps approaching me. It's only when the office door opens and Austin steps into the room that I raise my head, startled. My legs tremble and my fingers feel numb and cold as I struggle to my feet. Defiantly, I jut my chin up and sniffle: "I didn't invite you in."
"You didn't have to, babygirl," he replies harshly.
Damn it, go away, I plead silently and when he doesn't move, I scrutinize him from head to toe. My gaze first falls on his clenched fists. His knuckles are swollen, partially burst open and full of blood. I feel sick in an instant. I quickly turn my eyes away from his hands and look him in the face. His ice-blue eyes gleam wildly and impenetrably in my direction and I bite my lower lip. His lower lip has split open and blood is slowly drying on his chin. I swallow hard and turn away from him. "I don't want to see you. Please go away!"
Again, there is no answer. I don't hear the door either and the next moment I feel two warm, large hands resting on my upper arms and turning me around. His arrogance pisses me off and I want to scream at him, but at the same time I'm terrified of him. Austin has just beaten up a man…over an innocent conversation.
"That's not true," he insists in a gentle voice. "Why are you crying?" he whispers. He hugs me to him with one arm while he lets the fingers of his other hand glide tenderly over my cheek. I avert my gaze and close my eyes. His fingertips trace the contours of my face and when his thumb strokes my lower lip, his breath catches and I open my eyes. Austin looks me in the eye, and I return his smoldering, bewildered gaze before his shapely mouth catches my attention. Despite the swelling already setting in and the dried blood, his lips are still pink and full. For the first time in my twenty-one years of life, I want to be kissed. Even if all the circumstances speak against it.
Damn it, kiss me!, I beg him silently.
"You hit him," I whisper in a trembling voice. I'm paralyzed, completely captivated by him. I stare at his mouth, spellbound, and Austin looks down at me with a darkly veiled gaze. He cups his palm around my cheek and chin. His touch forces me to lean towards him.
"He was looking at you," he explains and I stare at him, confused.
What? "Just like every other guest tonight. Do you even hear what you're saying?" I ask, frowning. I raise my arms and press my palms to his chest, which turns out to be a clear mistake. He doesn't move an inch and feeling his warm, firm muscles and heartbeat under my fingers feels so wrong and yet so outrageously good.
"Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand," he sighs and strokes my cheek again. This time his cracked knuckles touch my skin and I flinch. Austin shows no pain, though. "The rules in MC are very specific. He had to understand that there are rules, and you're one of them, babygirl." He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and shakes his head almost imperceptibly, as if to answer my unspoken question. When he opens his eyes again, the expression in his blue eyes is distant and there is a steely determination in them.
"Elizabeth, I'm exactly what you don't want out of life," he whispers.
Excuse me? How does he know that? Where did this sudden change of direction come from? Surely that's my decision alone, even if he's absolutely right and my reason applauds his words. My thoughts swirl out of disappointment at his confusing rejection. "You don't want me! I'm fucked up," he announces, swallowing hard. "I'd only break you," he adds hoarsely, gently pushing me away from him.
No!, my subconscious screams as he detaches himself from me and half turns away. Suddenly I feel very lonely and exposed. He watches my reaction carefully and a thought flashes through my mind: I wanted to be kissed, I made it damn obvious, and he didn't do it. He doesn't desire me.
I feel like a naive fool.
"You can't just say something like that and then walk away!" I mutter indignantly. The disappointment at his rejection and the cryptic meaning of his words make me angry. I grab his wrist and force him to look at me. "What do you mean I'm part of these MC rules?"
Austin looks at me silently for a while. Then he nods slowly and licks his lips. "Okay babygirl," he murmurs softly.
How can just a few words sound so enticing? I let go of his wrist and sit down on the brown couch. I look at him expectantly and watch as he somehow searches for the right words. Wow! I didn't think it was possible that someone like him - dark and dangerous - could be speechless; reaching for the right words.
"Some of us enjoy certain…privileges because of our rank in the club. We eat first, drink first, pick women," he pauses and rubs his knuckles together. "I picked you, and that includes the other guys keeping their distance from you."
"You did what? Picked me out, reserved me?" I shout at him angrily and stand up. I don't normally tend to use loud words and I immediately lower my voice again. Shouting has never helped anyone.
I straighten my shoulders and stare at Austin. My pulse starts to race. Something tightens in my stomach and the next moment I push past him wordlessly to leave the room. I can't believe it - I feel objectified, like an thing that can be reserved. My eyes start to sting again and I bite the inside of my cheek. This evening is a nightmare. I just want it to be over and I can leave. I'm sure if I find Callie and tell her I'm not feeling well, she'll let me go.
Just as I grasp the doorknob, an arm wraps around my waist from behind and spins me around. I collide with Austin's chest and gasp in shock. His fingertips tighten their grip around my waist and squeeze the fabric of my dress. He grabs my chin with his other hand and forces me to look him in the eye. My lower lip trembles and my choppy breath collides with his as I open my lips slightly. Austin stares at me, dark and promising. Is he going to kiss me after all?, I wonder, and in the next moment I receive a powerful jab between the ribs. My inner voice warns me and shrieks wildly. Fight him off, growls my subconscious. I silence it.
"Yes and no…I was protecting you with it, Elizabeth! Don't you understand that at all?" he asks, his jaw grinding.
How is he trying to protect me? He reserves me and puts his brand on me, and then?
"Protecting me? You're kinding right, Austin." I roll my eyes and press my hands against his chest. I desperately try to break away from him, but he won't let me escape. I turn my head jerkily and tear myself away from an engaging touch.
I hit his damn hard chest again. Son of a bitch!
He doesn't budge an inch and I realize how my nerves are slipping away from me repeatedly that evening. My blows become more uncoordinated, sluggish and weaker until my palms are just resting on his chest.
He lifts my chin again and I reluctantly give in. "Would you rather I kept my mouth shut and let some random guy throw dirty comments at you, grab your ass or pull you out of their laps, huh?"
I shake my head dejectedly and pause for a moment. I take a moment to memorize the sight of him. I have him to thank for the fact that I have mostly been left alone for the last two months, neither adjusted nor pulled onto any laps…after all the silence and my silent, bittersweet pining, he is still looking at me. Why me? I don't understand.
We remain silent. All thoughts are blown away and what remains is darkness and emptiness in my head. I risk a furtive glance up at him and at his lips. When Austin notices, his lips twitch.
He tightens the grip of his arm around my waist a little more and presses my upper body against his. My hands are now trapped between our bodies and suddenly the atmosphere in the room changes. Maybe it's because we're in such close quarters, or maybe it's because the hint of blood mingles with his unmistakable scent and numbs my senses. Tense, heated anticipation is in the air. My breathing and pulse quicken and he lowers his head a little. His eyes shimmer like liquid ice water and I bite my lip.
"Oh, shit!" he curses. "Maybe I'll regret this later, but I want to break you so badly, Elizabeth." He wraps one hand around the back of my neck and before I know it, his hips are pressing against mine. My God! I can't move my hands and desperately stand on my toes as one of his lips touches mine and he kisses me. His lips soften beyond measure and I moan into his mouth as I taste the blood. His tongue explores my mouth and then my own glides over his. I slowly feel my way forward and then our tongues begin an erotic dance. He spins me around and pushes me backwards a few steps until my ass touches the edge of the desk. I can feel his erection against my stomach. Wow… it's explosive.
We are both breathing heavily when the kiss ends. "You're amazing and beautiful," he gasps.
Beautiful. The compliment brings a blush to my cheeks. Austin thinks I'm beautiful. I risk a glance into his glowing eyes.
"Have you ever been kissed by anyone?"
"No," I whisper back. I do my best not to sink into the floor with embarrassment. Well…maybe Bobby tried to kiss me once in high school…never mind. It was childish and not worth mentioning.
"How is it that no guy has knocked you out yet? I don't get it. Men must be crazy about you." Suddenly my mouth is numb. Austin runs his fingers down the back of my neck and twists my braid around his wrist, forcing me to look him in the eye. I suck in the electrifying air around us. He gives me a wolfish grin, and I promptly feel that strange tugging in my abdomen again.
"You really are pure, so perfect." His thumb glides over my lower lip. His words act like an accelerant on me; my blood boils. He leans down to me, kisses me passionately and sucks on my lower lip. I moan and he smiles against my lips. "How old are you, Elizabeth?" he then asks in a low, raspy voice and I frown at his curiosity.
Why does he suddenly want to know? I swallow and open my mouth. "I'm twenty-one, almost twenty-two."
Something dark flashes in his eyes that I can't place. "How old are you?" I ask before I can stop myself.
A shadow flickers across his eyes and he continues to trace my bottom lip. "Thirty-three."
Oh man! There are several years between us. I slowly pull my hands back and intertwine my fingers.
"I really should leave you alone. You're far too young for me. Far too beautiful and I shouldn't want to break you."
It's that little compliment again. It's the second time he's said that he thinks I'm beautiful. I try to hide my stupid grin. Do you hear me now? He wants to break you?. my inner voice is shouting at me. My subconscious raises its head weakly. At least it's still alive. It's been suspiciously quiet for the last few minutes. Where was it when I needed it?
"What happens if you stay?" I whisper and his breath catches. "What happens then?", I add.
He grins darkly. "I don't know if you're naïve or just inexperienced, but you're remarkably brave," he says, his voice hoarse.
His words encourage me. They set me completely on fire and I press myself closer to his body. My hand trembles as I lift it and slide it along his neck. Austin freezes at the touch and blinks about as fast as my heart beats. My eyes fall on his lips again and I blush. He kissed me with those lips…wow.
I take the next step and run my fingers from his neck to his cheek to his chin. The blond stubble feels surprisingly soft and I look at his slightly swollen lips. The blood has dried and a crust is slowly forming. My fingertips hover in the air and I hold my breath with a pounding heart as I touch his lips. "Does it hurt?"
I don't know who this hurts more. Him or me. Austin stands perfectly still, not making a move. Only his fingers twitch around my waist and send pleasant shivers down my spine. "Not really. I've had far worse injuries after a fight," he explains with a sphinx smile. He opens his mouth slightly and licks my fingertips with his tongue. I gasp and then it takes my breath away. Why is that so sexy?
"Would you feel better if you tended to my wounds?" he whispers, hitting the mark with his words. I would really feel better if I knew that nothing was wrong with him. Not really I mean…my inner goddess sleepily lifts her head as she realizes we're about to touch Austin again. Suddenly she is wide awake and full of energy.
I nod gently and he releases me with a confident grin. My breathing is shallow; I can't take my eyes off him. He grabs a first aid kit from the filing cabinet next to the couch and places it on the desk next to me.
"Ready?", he asks.
"Hmmm," I hum and he puts his hands on my hips. He lifts me up in a flash and sits me on the tabletop. I squeak and open my eyes. Now I'm almost at eye level with him and he smiles in amusement at my reaction.
I turn my gaze away from him and take the first aid kit in my hands. I open the zipper and examine the contents. There are plasters, bandages, cleaning cloths, gloves and… condoms. My cheeks flash deep red. It's not really much, but it will be enough. I press my lips together in concentration and think hard about what to start with. I've never treated anyone after a fight before.
"Clean first, then treat", he helps me out.
Then I expel the unconsciously held air from my lungs and grab a bottle of disinfectant. I pour some of the blue, alcoholic liquid onto a white cloth and hesitate, muttering, "It'll probably sting."
Austin's eyes twinkle in amusement. "Go on, babygirl. I can take it."
I dab gently over his forehead, his cheeks, and when I reach his lips, his hands suddenly settle on my thighs, clasping with gentle pressure. My movements stutter and he grins smugly. What a bastard!
I squint slightly and press the cloth against his lips harder than necessary, wiping away the dried blood. Austin hisses softly and now I'm the one smiling with satisfaction. Ha!
"I didn't know you could be sadistic," he teases, watching me put the cloth away and reach for some ointment. A wave of heat chases through my body again.
"I'm not," I contradict and demand: "Hold still", I command then.
The corners of his mouth twitch, but he holds still. I put a little ointment on my index finger and stroke his eyebrow, his left cheek and his lips. He breathes in loudly through his nose while I concentrate on my work.
"Just keep telling yourself that," Austin murmurs, and a feeling of hot lust flashes through me. He stands in front of me, looks me in the eye. He's so damn sexy.
I ignore his words and ask instead: "Have you been caught anywhere else?"
"I don't know." He shrugs and then whispers playfully, "But you're welcome to look, Elizabeth."
I gasp for air. He's clearly taking the piss.
"I'm serious, Austin."
His fingers twitch around my thighs again and squeeze lightly. His palms are warm and rough. Every slightest movement of his hands makes all the senses in my body sing on high alert.
"Me too, babygirl." His hands wander up my thighs and reach the hem of my dress. My heart stops beating.
"Do you have any idea how seductive you are, Elizabeth?" He lets his hands wander tenderly over my thighs and pushes the red, fluffy fabric up. I automatically spread my legs for him and he steps closer to me. "Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you?", he adds as I whimper softly.
The muscles deep inside me contract deliciously. I would love to close my eyes, but the wild expression in his blue eyes hypnotizes me. Unpredictable waves of lust and darkness break in his eyes and I want to drown in them. He releases one hand from my thigh and I immediately miss the feel of his warm fingers there. But then he curves his hand half around my chin, half down my neck and leans in for a short, sweet kiss.
"Once you say yes, there's no going back," he whispers and as I realize he's not only offering me a warning, but also a way out of this messed up, heated situation, my nerves are completely shot. I breathe in and out frantically. I can almost feel the chaotic feelings - or is it the hormones? -that are coursing through my body. The voice of reason calls out to me and holds out its small hand. Ready to take flight with me, but I stare at Austin unblinking. I want him so much, even though all reason rebels inside me. I wrap my hands around his upper arms and feel his firm biceps.
His blond hair is tousled, his black shirt clings tightly to his chest - his blue eyes flash out at you. "Yes, please," I whisper. Honestly, I'm not sure what exactly I want from him. I'm just sure that I don't want him to let go of me and walk away.
"Please what?", he asks teasingly. His gaze is very intense, half in the shadows and half in the dim light of the office.
"Please kiss me, touch me, Austin." ...fuck me. As soon as the words have left my lips, he kisses me again. So wishes can come true after all.
He breaks away from me, his face only centimetres away from mine. "I'm not exactly known for being gentle, babygirl. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You know that, don't you?" He sounds very serious, almost desperate, and his eyes are glowing. His words surprise me.
Who would have thought that this handsome, tough biker would care about my well-being. "I would never do anything I didn't want to." As soon as I get the words over my lips, I'm not so sure anymore. Right now, I'd probably do anything he asked of me. My answer seems to satisfy him, though.
"Show me!", I demand and the corners of his mouth twitch furiously. His lips meet mine again and the kiss is unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Not that there's much to compare it to.
He strokes the contours of my lips with his tongue and asks for entrance. I open my mouth and our tongues touch. A muffled moan escapes me and he intensifies the kiss. Then his lips leave mine and he breathes feather-light, moist kisses on my jaw and neck. When he starts to suck on a sensitive spot under my ear, I shiver.
"You react very intensely," he whispers huskily. "Your skin is so soft and you smell good," he adds.
Why does he say he can't be affectionate? His words make my arms and legs melt and heat rushes through my veins.
Austin lets go of my chin and grabs my own with his hand, pressing it to his chest. My fingertips twitch and I feel a surge of nervousness race through me. He wants me to touch him, it occurs to me, and I run my palm hesitantly over his bulging pecs. He pulls his head back so far that he can look at me and I breathe heavily. I avoid his gaze and continue to stroke his covered upper body. Despite the fabric, I can feel his warmth and the hardness of his muscles. Both his hands rest on my thighs again and this time he doesn't stop at the hem of my dress. He grips the hem and crumples the fabric in his fists, pulling it up until he catches a glimpse of my white lace panties. Luckily I'm wearing nice underwear!
"Fuck," he growls and licks his lips. "Your skin is flawless. I want to smell and taste you. and get you all dirty, baybgirl."
His uninhibited, rough words totally arouse me. I turn red. His dirty words are in stark contrast to his gentle touch. His fingers glide over the insides of my thighs and he spreads them wider. I'm putty in his hands. He exhales audibly and closes his eyes as he runs the knuckles of his right hand over the soft lace fabric. I gasp for air and my toes curl in my shoes. Oh…how can I feel that touch down there?
"I love delicate lace," he murmurs, pushing the red fabric of my dress further up and stroking the lace pattern of my panties with the fingers of one hand. His next kiss is demanding, his tongue and lips teasing mine. I cling to him and crumple the fabric of his black shirt. He presses his body against mine, pushing my upper body back until I'm lying half on the tabletop. One hand clasps my bare thigh, the other moves down my back to my waist and my bum. As he thrusts his hips forward, I feel his erection.
I let out a muffled moan and swallow his quick breath as he kisses me again. I carefully stroke his neck and hair. It is soft and yet unruly. I tug gently and he moans hoarsely. He runs one hand over my collarbone and pushes me down onto my elbows with the flat of his palm on my chest. The cold wooden board collides with my bare arms and sends shivers down my body.
I expect him to undress me, but he doesn't. He lets go of me, straightens up and sinks to his knees, grips both my thighs and pulls me jerkily towards the edge of the table. He's not going to, or? My inner goddess swings her hips in boundless anticipation, while a little voice in my head whispers doubts. However, I don't have time to get to grips with the chaos in my head. My legs float in the air and then they suddenly rest on his broad shoulders and I close my eyes, fluttering. He kisses the inside of my thighs and gently scratches my hip bone with his teeth. He gently nibbles and kisses his way from my left hip bone to my belly button and sinks his tongue there. I moan again.
Seeing him on his knees in front of me and feeling his mouth on my skin is unexpected and exciting. My whole body is on fire and the excitement comes over me in waves. I try in vain to control my loud breathing. He looks up at me with his blue eyes under his incredibly long eyelashes, kneads my thighs and licks his lips. His nose grazes my skin down there. Before I know it, he leans forward and pushes his nose between my thighs. I can feel him down there. His hot breath collides with my own warmth. Oh God!
"Hmmm…you smell so good," he murmurs, inhaling deeply. I let myself fall back onto the tabletop and chew my lip. Something seems to explode deep inside me.
He blows lightly against my covered centre and I shiver. "Ohh," I whisper and he chuckles. He spreads my legs wider and bends my knees upwards. I'm completely exposed and can't think a sensible thought as Austin drags his knuckles over my centre. Although the touch is light as a feather, I can feel the reverberations all the way to my abdomen. I press a hand to my mouth and gasp for air. Oh boy, that's intense.
When I briefly lift my head, there is a sensual expression in his eyes and he lowers his lips. His lips move over the thin lace of my panties and he growls. The vibration reverberates deep inside me. One of his hands grabs my briefs and pushes them aside, revealing me and then I feel his lips on my bare skin for the first time. I moan, feel the pulsation between my thighs and how wet I am. Please, I beg silently as one of his arms wraps around my stomach and stops me from wriggling around. I clutch his forearm and dig my fingernails into his skin.
"Have you ever touched yourself and brought yourself to orgasm?" he whispers smokily.
I try my best to sound offended. "Yes," I breathe breathlessly - but none of my touching has felt anything like what you do.
"Maybe one day I'll watch you rub that sweet little pearl and moan breathlessly."
In the depths of my foggy mind, the thought arises that I might even like it. To see him in front of me, half naked, and his eyes are only on me. That would be definitly something.
His lips open and with the next breath I feel his tongue. The tip of his tongue slowly and sensually circles my clit. His fingers part my labia and when he briefly lifts his head and blows against my wet centre, my body rears up. But Austin holds my hips in an iron grip and I sigh in sweet agony. He doesn't let up and continues his sensual assault.
"Now let me explore this litte thight hole." He strokes my entrance with one finger and I feel my muscles tense and pulsate down there. He pushes a finger inside me, again and again.
When he stops circling my clitoris and starts sucking lightly instead, my vision blurs and all my muscles tense up. Something knots in my stomach and I chase after a tingling flicker. His finger pumps into me at a steady pace, becoming more urgent as he adds another. A cry of pleasure escapes me as he speeds up.
"Please," I beg and throw my head back. My lips open and my legs tense and tremble.
"Let go, babygirl." His teeth scrape over my clitoris and he slides two fingers inside me. Just before he pulls them out again, he curves his fingertips and grazes a sensitive spot inside me. My eyes go black and I see stars. I cry out and freeze. The madness! I've never experienced anything like it.
My eyelids are heavy as I flutter them open again. He lifts his eyes and looks at me with a satisfied, dark grin. I return his smile shyly and am sure that I have just collided with the sun. I feel like Icarus who flew too close to the sun and got burnt.
I come down from my orgasm with a gasp. His hands glide over my thighs and he slowly rises from his knees. I prop myself up on my elbows and watch as he grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls the fabric over his head. Oh wow…Adonis and David's michelangelo can pack their bags next to him. Austin is outrageously hot. A light film of sweat glistens on his skin and I wander with his eyes over the peaks and valleys of his pronounced muscles. My mouth is watering and I'm suddenly overcome with the desire to taste him on my lips. I straighten up into a sitting position and reach out for him.
Excitement and triumph dance around in his gaze and he breathes heavily. "How was that?" he asks in a raspy voice.
I blink and think about what would be a suitable answer. Exciting, explosive… definitely world-shattering. "Good," I whisper back. He laughs and grabs my face with both hands. Then he kisses me and I taste my own arousal…it's dirty…and exciting…and feels far too good.
"You're killing me. How can you be so innocent?"" With his fingers he gently grips my wrist and directs my movements up his chest and along his ribcage, then down to his stomach and my fingers graze the path of blond hair disappearing under his waistband. I stare at the spot where our hands rest and widen my eyes as I see the bulge in his jeans.
I swallow hard and there's that promising, dangerous grin on his lips again. He lets go of my wrist and unbuttons his jeans, then pulls down the zip. I hold my breath. His palm is pressed against his erection and he closes his fist around his cock. I slide my fingers over his upper stomach muscles and they tense under my touch. It's a heavenly feeling to be so turned on. He pushes his jeans down and kicks his boots off his feet. Then he's standing in front of me in just black, tight-fitting boxer shorts and when his fingers slip under the fabric, I bite my lip. Tense excitement slowly builds up and watching him touch himself blows my mind… insane!
Austin takes half a step closer to me and wraps his other hand around my chin. I crane my head and sigh as he kisses me again. It's wild and hard on the edge of pain as he presses my head back and stretches my neck muscles. This time I feel braver and search for his with my tongue. He moans in surprise at my initiative into my mouth. I slide my hands further down his stomach and touch his forearm. He's still pumping his hard cock and I wrap my fingers around his forearm and wrist.
"Let me…" I stammer awkwardly. His muscles quiver under my fingers. "Show me how…"
He nods and pulls off his boxer shorts. My eyes widen. His cock is big. The tip is red and wet, and he grabs my hand again. "Keep your fingers loose, babygirl," he instructs me and I obey. When I look into his eyes, there's a lewd grin on his lips. I want to punch him in the face, but I'm too nervous and curious about what's going to happen next. He clearly enjoys my stunned expression and lays a quick kiss on my lips. It's smooth, wide and beautiful. I want to touch him, but I don't know how.
Austin leans down to my ear. His lips brush the sensitive skin there and I lick my lips in anticipation. Hm…all right.
He guides my hand towards his penis and whispers. "Close your fingers." I close my fingers into a fist and gasp. His cock is much harder than I expected in my hand, but also soft and warm. "First slow and firm," he whispers, moving my hand up and down, and his eyes shimmer like boundless oceans as he looks at me. He sets the pace for my movements. My mouth is slightly open, I lower my gaze and watch our hands glide up and down, mesmerised. It's fascinating how the wet tip of his cock keeps disappearing and reappearing between my fingers. I wonder what he tastes like?
"That's it, babygirl." He lets go of my hand and cups my face with both hands, then leans his forehead against mine and closes his eyes in pleasure. Seeing him where…aroused and out of control fires me up and I grow bolder. When he thrusts his hips forward slightly, I involuntarily tighten my grip.
A deep groan echoes from his chest. Ha! He likes it and a new, electrifying warmth spreads through my chest. It's a sound I'd like to hear more often. I remember Callie and the other girls talking about blokes and how they like it. So I speed up my movements a little and at the same time carefully slide my thumb over his glans. I watch his reaction carefully.
"Shit", he growls in a deep voice. Austin opens his eyes, and I repeat the slide of my thumb. I also start to twist my fist a little with the up and down movements and get another deep, hoarse moan from Austin. He's both hard and soft, like steel, covered in velvet, and when I switch hands, bringing my wet thumb to my lips, he tastes amazing, good, a little salty. While I'm not so sure about this flavor, one look at ihim and I don't care. Seeing him so aroused and wild is worth it.
Austin groans and thrusts his hips towards me more and more often. I continue with the twisting pumping movements of my hand. I feel powerful! My tiny little inner goddess is delighted with my skill. I can drive him crazy with my hand. Again I let my thumb glide over his tip and his hips jerk. "Fuck, babygirl and you've never done this before?," he growls and when I make a sign to lean forward, he shakes his head breathlessly.
I bite my lip and shake my head. "Never."
Why not? Before I can sulk, he whispers: "If you curve those pretty pink lips around my cock now, I'll come deep down your throat." I feel the muscles in his legs tighten and he breathes heavily as he closes his hand around my wrist, slowing my movements before pulling my fingers away from his cock.
My pulse quickens as he grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it over my head. Now I'm only wearing my white lace bra. "I'd much rather feel your tight little pussy around my cock when I come."
I shudder at his crude words and he flicks my bra open, slips it over my shoulders and as the cool room air brushes my breasts, my nipples harden. His fingers glide over my one breast as he kisses my neck. He rolls his thumb over my nipple and I feel a longing tug between my thighs. His lips leave wet kisses on my neck, my collarbone and when he cups my one nipple, I threaten to burst.
The next second he kisses me again passionately, completely wildly and wraps his arms around my back. He lifts me off the tabletop and stands me on my own feet. I cling to him with wobbly legs. But before I can wrap my arms around his naked torso, he turns me around so that my bare back touches his chest. He grab a condom package. What is he up to?
"You're really pretty, Elizabeth," he whispers and I shudder. His hands wander over my shoulders and down my arms. Then they rest on my hips, exploring the soft skin of my lower back, and when he slides one palm between my shoulder blades and presses me forward onto the ice-cold tabletop, alarm bells start ringing in my head.
He wants to take me from behind. I press my palms on the tabletop and push against him. His palm presses further into my back and I panic.
No!, my little inner goddess screams indignantly. This is not how she and I had imagined my first time. Part of me resigned myself some time ago to the fact that there would be no roses, candles and sweet words, but being taken from behind… hard, that's absolutely non-negotiable for me.
The echo of Austin's words reverberates through my head. I'm not exactly known for being gentle, babygirl.
I realize that if I don't say anything now, he will take me from behind. He's probably used to getting his way and the women he normally fucks have long since resigned themselves to not experiencing romance or expressing their desires. But I'm certainly no whore…I grit my teeth as he traces the contours of my ass with his fingers.
I feel his warm body firmly behind me and as his fingers slide between my thighs, I press my legs together, even though it feels damn good to be touched by him. I lift my head, "No!"
He pauses in his movements. "No, what?" Austin asks roughly.
I take a deep breath and think about what to say. "No," I repeat stupidly. "I don't want it like this. You're not going to take me from behind like one of your whores."
The pressure of his palm on my back finally disappears and I straighten up. When I turn around, there's an indefinable expression in his eyes and I swallow. He looks so lost; like I've slapped him in the face. Oh, Austin.
For a fraction of a moment, I can see through the walls he's built around himself. He frowns in confusion. Austin almost doesn't understand my objections, but then it hits me like a blow. How could he know otherwise? That's the way he lives, and it makes me a little sad.
It's the first time I've seen something like vulnerability flicker in his eyes. Austin seems speechless and overwhelmed. So if I want this to work, I have to do something.
I don't have any sexual experience, but I know what I don't want. That includes a hard fuck from behind. I sigh softly and wrap my arms around his chest. Then I stand on my tiptoes and lift my chin until my lips hover over his.
He finally wakes up from his stupor and presses his lips to mine. The kiss is different - somehow full of emotion and when he puts one arm around my upper back and the other around my bottom, I press myself against him. We are both breathing heavily when the kiss ends and he suddenly lifts me up. I automatically wrap my legs around his hips and he walks over to the couch. He sits down with me on his lap and his hard cock slides right between my labia. I freeze and shudder at the same time.
"Once you say yes, there's no going back," he mumbles and it feels like deja vu.
"Please take me," I whisper and press myself against his naked body. I don't know where the courage comes from, but I lean my cheek against his, lick the shell of his ear and rock my hips against his lap. "You're not going to break me right now, Austin," I add in a soft, gentle voice. Even though there are some doubts in my mind about that, I continue to encourage him. At least not immediately and completely, my little subconscious grumbles.
I dispel the unpleasant thoughts in my head and blow a kiss on his jaw. His hands glide over my back and within a breath he has spun us round and my back is pressed into the seat of the couch. I blink and shiver like a deer in headlights. So it's really happening. Bloody hell! Now I'm getting a little scared. I think of his big cock. How is that supposed to happen? How?
Austin pushes his knees between my thighs and leans over me. His arms are propped up next to my head and I stare up at him from below. My mouth is dry as dust and I whimper softly.
He slides one of his hands round the back of my neck and holds my head in place. As he lowers himself onto his elbow, our naked bodies touch and his hard pecs rub over my sensitive, hard nipples. I gasp and follow his words as he murmurs, surprisingly calmly, "Pull your knees up a little."
I look between our bodies and chew on my lip as the tip of his cock rubs over my clit and then slides along my labia. A pleasant muffled sound suddenly hums in my ears and I don't know whether it's me moaning or him. "Take a deep breath and relax, babygirl. I'll let it pass quickly."
I lift my head and take a shaky breath. I wrap my arms around his ribcage and press my fingers into his warm, firm skin in joyful yet anxious anticipation.
His glans slides further down and as he pushes his hips forwards a little, he finds my entrance. His blue eyes glow intensely and unyielding desire, lust and the devil of darkness dance a tango in them. I close my eyes and take another breath. Then he lowers his forehead against mine and whispers in a smoky voice, "I'm going to enjoy breaking you, Elizabeth. Quick and dirty until there's nothing left of you, babygirl." I open my eyes and he thrusts his hips forward, penetrating me deep with a single thrust.
The unaccustomed stretch burns and the feeling of being completely full squeezes all the air out of your lungs. I gasp for air and squeeze my eyes shut. A whimper escapes me and when Austin's fingertips twitch on my neck and he kisses my cheeks, I realise I'm crying.
"Ah, you're so fucking tight," he whispers and kisses me. All my muscles are tensed to the breaking point and only when his lips part and his teeth pull lightly on my lower lip does a little tension leave my body.
I'm out of breath and a ball of fire races down my spine and explodes between my thighs as he slowly pulls back and then slides back inside me. More fluid and deeper this time; I run my hands from his ribcage to his cheek to his hair. I bury the fingers of one hand in his unruly hair and tilt my head back as the burning sensation turns into a less urgent pain and subsides.
"That's it!" he praises me and slides out of me, only to penetrate me more firmly the next moment.
I press my lips into the crook of his neck and lick and suck at his skin. "Austin," I moan, overwhelmed.
"You take me so well, babygirl." He gyrates his hips and new sensations race through my body again. My toes curl and I wrap one leg around his hips. He sucks on my neck and scratches my sweaty skin with his mouth and teeth open. "You smell so good."
I melt under him. Why does he say he can't do the romantic thing?
Before I can follow the loose thread of thoughts in my head, he lifts his head and his eyes lock on me. His fingers slide from my neck to my throat and wrap around it. I blink at him under half-lowered lids and then his thumb slides over my parted lips and he grins wolfishly. His eyes darken as my hot breath hits his thumb and then something unexpected happens. The grip of his hand around my neck tightens. He squeezes the air out of me with controlled pressure. It's close to the pain threshold and I panic.
The corners of his mouth twitch devilishly and his eyes darken. He savours the hint of my panic and as I slide my hands out of his hair and around his wrist, he intensifies his gyrating hip movements. I groan again and notice a tingling sensation building in the depths of my muscles…just like before when he knelt between my legs. I swallow restricted by his hand and the grin on his lips darkens into something…more dangerous, more unbreakable.
In something that really scares me. Scraps of memories from the past few hours appear before my eyes. Austin's first grab for my wrist at the bar, then the gruelling back and forth of our gazes across the evening, to the fight with Benny, and his lips between my thighs.
Austin narrows his eyes and licks his pink lips. His thrusts alternate between fast, and slow and hard. Then he changes the angle of his hips, leaning from his elbow back onto his hand. He wraps his fingers around my neck a few shades tighter and I gasp slightly.
Panic flutters over my body and I try to squeeze my legs together. But with him between my legs and over my body, I hardly have a chance to defend myself or move. He enjoys my reluctance and takes pleasure in my burgeoning panic. Sick bastard!
"Yes," he grins devilishly. "Lose yourself in desire, babygirl." His thumbnail traces my lip and then slides into my mouth. My vision blurs and I suck on his thumb. He growls and suddenly there's no holding back. Austin speeds up his movements; sliding in and out of me, again and again with heavy breaths, and I melt beneath him.
The panic and my desire for redemption are close together. I can't keep the two feelings apart as they blur and send hot, cold shivers through me.
"You look so pretty underneath me," he whispers. "So fragile," he pushes hard again. "So wonderfully dishevelled," another hard thrust. "…and so fucking wet around my cock. Do you like that, babygirl?" His thrusts are hard on the edge of pain and as the tingling continues to brew in my stomach, spreading through my arms and legs, my eyes begin to water.
"Austin", I shout. Go easy on me, I beg silently. The grip of my hands around his forearm weakens and as he realises this, he loosens his vice-like grip and oxygen floods my airways.
I gasp and scream with pleasure as my orgasm approaches. "Come for me," Austin whispers, breathing heavily, and I burst into a million pieces. He thrusts hard a few more times until he comes too and pours my name into me, panting.
While I try to calm my racing pulse, my thoughts sink into chaos. Wow… that was amazing. That was… erotic and psychotic.
He lowers himself onto his elbows and presses his entire body weight onto me. He breathes loudly and heavily into the crook of my neck and I pull out my arms, which are now trapped between us, and wrap them around his neck. His muscles twitch under my fingers and he is still inside me. Then he lifts his head slowly and looks at me with a dark gaze. The unstoppable storm in his eyes has receded and for a brief moment I think I recognise something like warmth and tenderness on his face, but then he shuts up again.
Austin kisses me softly and then murmurs as he looks at me, "I've never seen soemthing that was so beautiful while I was breaking it."
It's strange that he says something like that. Basically, I don't feel broken, just cracked open. I swallow, barely comprehending his words. Austin has cracked my hard shell, and sticky, sweet infatuation oozes out of me.
He slowly slides out of me and I close my eyes. "Oh." I wince at the unfamiliar sensation and immediately wrap my arms tighter around his back as he try to stand up. "Please stay. Just a minute."
Confusion flickers in his eyes again, but he nods almost imperceptibly and lowers his face into the crook of my neck. To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing, but asking him to stay feels terribly intimate. Austin isn't the kind of guy you cuddle with, but a tiny spark of hope ignites in my chest as he relaxes over me and stays put.
I run my fingers through his slightly sweaty hair and enjoy the weight of his body on me. "Are you okay?" he asks, still hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
I hesitate and close my eyes. For a moment, I hush inside my body. A bittersweet burning sensation sets in between my legs now that the arousal has subsided and my muscles feel heavy. Tomorrow I will have sore muscles everywhere. A giggle escapes me and he lifts his head. I slap a hand over my mouth and mumble, "Sorry. It's just so ironic that you ask me that after you…well…choked me."
His blue eyes glow. "I'm well aware of that," he says dryly, lowering his gaze to my neck. His fingertips gently stroke the sensitive skin and I sigh silently. "Was I too rough? I know I can be pretty wild", he adds.
Pretty wild and hot. A little scary and controlling, but hot. I give him a gentle smile and kiss his jaw. "I'm okay, but thank you."
Now that he has cracked my hard shell, the feelings just bubble out of me. Butterflies are dancing around in my stomach and I know that things will only get worse from here on out.
I feel strangely cared for as he rubs his knuckles over my neck and whispers: "Your skin is so beautifully red from my hands." He drags his thumbnail across the edge of my chin and my toes tense. My body twitches beneath him and he grins triumphantly.
Then he leans towards me and kisses me tenderly. Just as I'm about to lose myself in his lips, he ends the kiss and makes an effort to get up.
That's it now, isn't it, I think disappointedly. No, that can't be all. My subconscious lazily lifts its little head and blinks at me. Where has it been for the last hour? It eyes me skeptically and shakes my shoulders. Pull yourself together, Elizabeth. Understand that he doesn't stand for romance. He's rough, wild and unrestrained. I grin mischievously at the thought.
I watch Austin stand up and reach for his boxers and jeans. He quickly puts them on and when he reaches for his shirt, I'm on my feet in a flash and pick it up off the floor. He gives me a wolfish, playful look.
"What are you doing, babygirl?" he asks, clicking his tongue.
I realize I'm still completely naked, and in another situation I'd be damn uncomfortable, but I try to stop him. At the ridiculous performance, my sense of honor props his face in his small hands and shakes his head. Fuck that! This can't be the end.
"I don't want you to go." The words pass my lips before I can stop them and his eyes widen.
Then he looks at me very seriously and comes towards me. He reaches out a hand and curls it around the back of my neck, forcing me to look at him. "I'm not staying the night-guy. I'm just not like that, babygirl," he states dryly.
Everything inside me roars. I know, I know. I press his shirt against my bare breasts with both fists. The bitter disappointment that he wants to leave and leave me alone hits me unexpectedly. Even though the sensible part of me had foreseen all of this.
"So you're done with me now after you broke me?" I sound more emotional than I should. I taste the bitter truth of my words on my tongue. Austin blinks at me, startled by my emotional outburst, and rubs the back of his neck with one hand.
"Don't do that. Don't make it so hard on yourself, Elizabeth," he murmurs. "You knew what you were getting yourself into. I'm not your prince in shining armor."
I squint my eyes. "Obviously." I sound hurt and biting. He takes a step closer to rip the shirt from my hands. I shake my head, barely noticing. I dare him to do that!
"So I'm only worth one fuck?" I then ask, suppressing the trembling in my voice with all my might. "Got it. that you won't take me out or love me, but do you have to be such a bastard. You just took my virginity and you're so - ah -," I mumble angrily, my tongue flicking out of my mouth. "…such a fucking bastard! Couldn't you at least have had the decency to cuddle me for a few more minutes?"
Austin grinds his jaw and his blue eyes flash emotionlessly. The hardness in his gaze makes my blood freeze in my veins. "It's better if you're angry with me. Hate me if you have to, but don't fall in love with me. You don't want me in your life," he makes it clear and rips the shirt from my hands.
Too late, I think.
"It scares you," I say, startled. As the words slip past my lips, his eyes widen and he freezes in front of me. Apparently I've hit the bull's eye. "You finally care about something in life besides your MC and now you're trying to push me away by being disgusting to me. Stop it, you son of a bitch!"
Austin growls. "No, you're wrong." He leans his lips so close to my ear that I can feel his warm breath on my skin. "That didn't mean anything to me with you. It was just a fuck."
My pulse quickens and I jut my chin out. Even though his words hit me hard, I blink into his eyes and murmur, "If it didn't mean anything to you, you can spend the night with me. It wouldn't change anything, right?" I raise an eyebrow defiantly, and the moment Austin inhales loudly through his nose and licks his lips, I know I've hit his sense of honor.
Maybe my provocation is pathetic and maybe I'm making a fool of myself because it really meant nothing to him, but in the way his muscles tense and the corners of his mouth twitch, I know I've found a vulnerable spot.
"Fine," he grumbles in a low voice. "As soon as the sun comes up, I'm gone. Come here." I can hardly believe my triumph and I stifle a squeak with all my might. His big hand clasps mine and pulls me towards him. "Lift your arms," he instructs me and pulls his muscle shirt over me. Then he picks up my panties and helps me into them. I watch him without comment and bathe in the tingling waves of my little victory.
He walks with me by the hand to the couch and lies down. His back is half leaning against the backrest and when he spreads his legs and pulls me between them, I almost trip over my feet. Austin wraps his arms around me and looks tense as I rest my cheek on his bare chest. I close my eyes and just before I fall into a dreamless sleep, I feel his fingers stroking my hair and a soft, husky voice. "Maybe you just mean too much to me."
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OMG, I can't even believe I wrote this emotional and steamy adventure! Please commet down below your thoughts and feedback! It would mean the world to me if you reblog the post, show it to your friends and community or like it 🫢
It would make me the happierst author in the world if you (my fave people) commet down belong.
tagging: @bloodynereid @obsessedvibee @avonne-writes @austinbutlermischief @austinbutlerslovers @hogans-heroes @sempervera @sagesolsticewrites
xoxo callumsgirl
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Fußballtrainer Teil 2
Nun ist Fußball aber ein Mannschaftssport und die gezeigte Leistung ist ja nicht nur von den Torschützen, sondern von allen Spielern abhängig. Somit hatte ich mir für die Nichtabstiegsparty etwas Besonderes ausgedacht. Als abzusehen war, dass wir auch das letzte Spiel gewinnen und somit in der Spielklasse bleiben, schickte ich Nadja und einen Auswechselspieler in die Kabine. Sie sollten den kalt gestellten Sekt und Bier auf die Tische stellen. Aus unseren SM Fundus hatte ich eine Art Gynstuhl mitgebracht, welche die beiden im Duschraum aufstellten. Mirko war von dem Teil sichtlich überrascht, doch Nadja wies ihn an, was er damit anstellen sollte. Gleichzeitig zog sie sich dabei aus.  Naja viel hatte sie nicht zum ausziehen. Es war ein herrlicher Frühsommertag und somit hatte meine Frau ein Sommerkleid an. Wie immer trug sie keine Unterwäsche und so stand sie mit einem Zug nackt da. Gemeinsam brachten sie die Vorrichtung in Stellung.  Bisher durfte Mirko meine Frau noch nicht besteigen daher war er so erregt, dass sich eine gewaltige Beule in seiner Hose abzeichnete. Nadja bemerke es und bückte sich danach noch aufreizender, so dass er einen freien Blick auf ihre glänzende Fotze und ihrer kleinen Rosette hatte.
Nach dem die beiden fertig waren, legte sich Nadja auf dem Stuhl und bat den jungen Auswechselspieler darum ihre Beine und Hände in die vorgesehen Positionschalen zu bringen und die Schlösser zu verschließen. Der Stuhl war so konstruiert, dass Nadjas Unterleib und damit ihre beiden Lustöffnungen frei zugänglich waren. Zum Schluss legte sie noch ihren Hals in eine Halterung, welche ebenfalls mit einem Schloss verriegelt wurde.  Nadja war nun völlig breit aufgespannt. „Gefällt dir dieser Anblick“ fragte Nadja den Jungen. Mirko kam bei der Antwort fast ins Stottern. „Klar und wie, schade dass meine Leistungen nicht so gut sind, so werde ich wohl nie in den Genuss kommen.“  Er wollte gerad wieder die Kabine verlassen, als ihn meine Frau hinterherrief.“ So kannst du unmöglich aufs Spielfeld.“ Mirko blickte mit rotem Kopf auf seine Beule in den Shorts. „ Komm her wir haben ohnehin noch etwas vergessen.“  
Der Auswechselspieler trat an die nackte und geile Frau. Sie lag offen da er hätte in diesem Moment alles mit ihr machen können. Doch sein Anstand, seine Schüchternheit und die Ehrfurcht vorm Trainer verboten ihm, die Chance zu ergreifen. Meiner Frau gefiel seine Art und ein hübscher Junge war er sowieso.  Komm zieh deine Hose runter und steck deinen Schwanz in meinen Mund. Ich möchte den anderen eine unbenutzte Fotze präsentieren doch wenn du deinen Saft in meinen Mund spritzt kann nichts passieren. Wie von einem Blitz getroffen zog er seine Shorts runter sein harter Schwanz schnappte heraus und fand ihren weit geöffneten Mund. Sein Schwanz war nicht außergewöhnlich lang, jedoch aber von beachtlicher Dicke. Sie nahm ihn tief ins sich auf und seine Lusttropfen waren von Beginn an zu schmecken. Sie saugte im Wechsel fest und zärtlich und umspielte mit einer Hingabe seine Eichel, dass es ihm schon nach kurzer Zeit schwarz vor Augen wurde. Mit einem gewaltigen Orgasmus spritze er seinen Saft in ihren Hals und Nadja hatte Mühe diese Menge gleich zu schlucken.  Sichtlich erlöst stieg er von meiner Frau ab, steckte sein erschlafftes Glied wieder in die Hose.  Bevor er ging gab er Nadja noch etwas zu trinken und verschloss ihren Mund mit einem Knebel. Der Knebel war so gearbeitet, dass ihr Mund weit geöffnet blieb und somit das dritte Loch an ihr war, welches ungehindert benutz werden konnte.
Nach dem Abpfiff war natürlich der Jubel in unserer Mannschaft groß. Mit viel Freude und Jubel stürmten die jungen Wilden, wie ich sie immer nannte in die Kabine. Beim Anblick meiner Frau stockte aber allen des Atmens. Sie sah aber auch in dieser Position bezaubernd aus. Sie atmete vor Lust und Aufregung tief, aus ihrer Spalte lief bereits ein kleiner Fluss ihrer köstlichen Flüssigkeit heraus. Als ich zur Kabine reinkam, stand bereits die gesamte Mannschaft um ihr herum. Kommt Jungs jetzt wird erst mal Sekt getrunken. Nach und nach wurden Korken knallen gelassen. Nach einer kurzen Ansprache gab ich dann auch meine Frau für jeden frei. So verschwitz und geschafft sie auch vom Spiel waren, soviel Geilheit hatten sie in sich. Nach und nach wurde meine Frau von allen Spielern bestiegen. Sie ficken sie unablässig in ihre Öffnungen. Sie ließen den Sekt in ihre Fotze spritzen oder ficken Nadja gleich mit der Flasche. Es war ein treiben wie ich es mir in meinen geilsten Träumen nicht vorstellen konnte. Aus ihrer Fotze und aus ihrem Darm lief das Sperma-Sekt Gemisch heraus und ihr Mund samt Gesicht war bedeckt von einem Überzug von Männersäften. Ich konnte die Orgasmen nicht zählen, bevor sie in Ohnmacht gefallen war, doch es waren unzählige. So wurde meine Frau zwischenzeitlich etwas geschont und ich kümmerte mich um meine durchgefickte Frau.  So kam sie wieder etwas zu Kräften. Inzwischen duschte die Mannschaft. Stöhnend gab mir Nadja zu verstehen, wie geil dieser Ritt war und sie wäre schon wieder total geil. Die ersten Männer kamen frisch geduscht zurück. Die Fantasie kannte keine Grenzen. Sie ließen sich ihre Schwänze oder Rosetten lecken, Sekt floss über Nadjas Körper und mit steigendem Alkoholgehalt wurden sie noch ungehemmter. Immer wieder steckte ein anderer  Schwanz in Ihr. Manchmal nur mal so im vorübergehen, ohne bis zum Abschluss zu kommen. Sie stand ja den ganzen Nachmittag und Abend wie ein kaltes Buffet zur Verfügung. Die Männer machten sich gar nicht die Mühe, sich anzuziehen. Nadja schwamm förmlich in einer Lage aus Körperflüssigkeiten. Ihre Haare trieften und klebten. Was aber alle Anwesende nicht störte. Sie sahen nur noch eine willige Frau, welche sie ohne Hindernisse benutzten. Nur den Knebel hatte ich nach einer gewissen Zeit entfernt.
Ohne Ankündigung und wohl selbst nicht richtig gewollt, schoss plötzlich ein Strahl ihres Natursektes aus der Mitte ihres Schoßes und traf mit voller Kraft einen der Spieler.  Zuerst versuchte meine Frau noch den Lauf zu unterdrücken, doch es war zwecklos und unter dem Beifall der Gruppe entleerte sie Ihre Blase auf direkt auf den Torhüter, welcher die Gelegenheit gleich nutzte und sich vor ihr warf.
Meine Frau lag nun schon mehr als 4 Stunden gefesselt auf dem Stuhl. Sie bat mich absteigen zu dürfen und die Männer halfen ihr auch sofort aus ihrer Lage. Trotz ihrer Offenherzigkeit wurde sie mit sehr viel Respekt von den Männern behandelt. Es war fast so, als hätte sie eine Mannschaft aus Liebhabern. Dagegen ging es heute bei diesem Sex richtig hart zu. Der Dirty Talk kannte keine Grenzen. Zuweilen wurde meine Frau als geile Dreckfotze, Hure, Fickfleisch und viele andere „Kosenamen“ betitelt. Doch Nadja steht auf sowas und schrie selbst dann immer vor Geilheit, ja benutzt mich, ich will eure Sklavenfotze sein, eure dreckige Spielerfotze usw.
Nadja konnte aber vor Erschöpfung kaum noch laufen und so legten wir sie auf dem Fußboden. Wie schon gesagt, die Stimmung wurde immer ausgelassener und immer wieder diente sie zur Befriedigung oder die Männer ließen sich einfach mal ihre Schwänze massieren. Doch dann wurde sie aufgefordert sich wieder breitbeinig hinzulegen und die ersten Spieler erleichterten ihre Blase auf ihr. Nadja verrieb den warmen goldenen Sekt auf ihren Körper. Sie brachte sich sogar so in Stellung, dass die Pisse richtig gut in ihre Fotze traf. Dennoch fanden sich Spieler, welche diese dreckige, versaute Frau fickten. Spät am Abend legten wir meine Frau in meinen Touareg. Zum Glück hatte ich die Rücksitzbank schon umgebaut, so konnte ich meine völlig erschöpfte Frau gleich so wie sie war transportieren. Zuhause legte ich Sie in unser Latexbett. Verschmiert, dreckig und bis zu totaler Erschöpfung durchgefickt lag sie nun neben mir. Die Bilder der letzten Stunden gingen mir nicht aus dem Kopf und so fickte ich sie ebenfalls in dieser Nacht noch drei Mal. Doch davon bekam sie kaum noch was mit. Fast mechanisch reckte sie mir ihren Arsch entgegen und da ihre Fotze ohnehin voll von Säften war, konnte ich ohne Probleme in sie eindringen und meine Lust befriedigen.
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polarspaz · 2 years
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Steve pile 4, I think?
Top left is just me wanting to draw Steve with sharp teeth. Turns out ingesting demonic bat blood isn’t a good idea.((BTW he’s talking to Robin on the phone)
-And then some Naga Steve in the winter on the right side, actually having fun for once. And then at the bottom right is NagaSteve with Eddie. Eddie who “accidently” finds out Steve’s predicament from Dustin, who is really worried about how depressed Steve’s gotten and finds himself spilling the beans to Eddie, pleading for help from the metal head.
-Eddie doesn't entirely believe Dustin, but fuck it, he’s curious now. So he let’s Dustin take him to Hopper’s cabin the middle of the woods. Eddie has little time to react when he sees Steve curled around himself on the wooden porch, his arms and chest resting on top of his coiled tail, dozing in afternoon sun. Dustin’s gabbing snaps Steve’s out of his doze, and suddenly he’s is up, eyes wide and filled with panic as he askes Dustin what the hell is Eddie doing here?!
-Thankfully Eddie steps in before the two can argue longer, cause honestly as weird as this is, he just wants to stop the sheer panic radiating off of Steve. He  finds slapping Steve on the shoulder in greeting before giving him a big, nervous smile “Not to sure what’s going on, but no worries alright? I won’t tell anyone! And trust me if I did, who would believe Eddie “the Freak” Munson?”
-Steve just kind of deflates, the energy he had seconds ago with Dustin seemingly ripped out of him, replacing it with a deep melancholy. “If anyone here is a freak Munson, it’s me.” Steve says tiredly, like he’s said this a hundred times.
-Eddie decides there and then that he’s going to Steve’s friend. Steve has no choice in this, is has been decreed. Eddie Munson is going to make this sad snake man smile again.
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rueswelt · 2 months
Wire: @rueswelt 🖤
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Rue hatte anfangs kein besonders leichtes Leben. Sie lebte mit ihren Eltern und ihrem Zwillingsbruder Jason in einem kleinen Örtchen in North Carolina namens Banner Elk. Ihre Familie ist recht wohlhabend, da ihr Dad ein hohes Tier in der Wirtschaft ist. Allerdings interessierte sich ihr Vater mehr für die Golfspiele mit seinen Geschäftspartnern und ihre Mutter interessierte sich eher für Whiskey und Prada, als für ihre Kinder. Rue wurde das Gefühl nicht los, dass ihre Mutter sie regelrecht hasste. Wenn sie mal da war und mit ihr redete, konnte Rue sich eigentlich nur an Kritik und Verachtung erinnern. Ihrer Mutter war es ein Dorn im Auge, dass Rue sich nicht fürs Cheerleading oder Mode interessierte. Rue gehörte schon immer eher zu den Einzelgängern und Außenseitern. Ihr Musikgeschmack ging schon früh in Richtung Metal und Grunge und so auch ihr Äußeres. Ihr Bruder hingegen war einer der beliebtesten Schüler und Top-Sportler. Das Basketballteam ihrer High School war eines der besten in der Region und Jason war ihr Captain. Für ihre Eltern war er allerdings trotz allem auch nicht gut genug. Egal was er tat, irgendeinen Kritikpunkt fanden sie immer. Rue hat dies schon recht früh erkannt, weswegen sie sich auch nicht mehr bemühte ihnen zu gefallen, doch Jason konnte einfach nicht anders. Er wollte unbedingt ihre Anerkennung, was ihn innerlich geradewegs kaputt machte.
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Trotz all der Unterschiede waren Rue und Jason ein Herz und eine Seele. Sie unterstützen sich gegenseitig, waren für einander da und hielten immer zusammen. Da ihre Eltern oft unterwegs waren, manchmal sogar für mehrere Wochen, konnten die beiden den Großteil ihrer Zeit jedoch machen was sie wollten - was sie auch taten! Die Schule war ihnen jedoch trotzdem wichtig, da sie nicht ewig von ihren Eltern Abhängig sein wollten.
Kurz vor ihrem 17. Geburtstag war Rue auf einer Party. Jason blieb zu Hause, da er am nächsten Tag ein Spiel hatte. Doch an diesem Abend geriet alles außer Kontrolle. Auf der Party gab es neben Alkohol und Gras noch andere Drogen und Rues Mitschüler wurden hemmungsloser. Ein paar der Jungs versuchten sie weg von der Party zu drängen und wer weiß was mit ihr zu tun. Sie schaffte es sich irgendwie zu befreien und rannte weg. Die Party war ein wenig Abseits der Stadt im Wald, an einem beliebten Treffpunkt für Teenager. Rue rannte so lange, bis sie ihre Mitschüler nicht mehr hören konnte. Irgendwann verlangsamte sie ihre Schritte und holte ihr Handy raus. Sie rief völlig aufgelöst ihren Bruder an und bat ihn ihr entgegen zu fahren, was er auch tat. Er fuhr viel zu schnell. Rasend vor Wut über das, was seiner Schwester passiert war. Doch dann sprang ein Hirsch vor seinen Wagen. Er versuchte auszuweichen, doch der Wagen kam ins Schleudern und Jason starb noch am Unfallort. Rue hat sich das nie verziehen.
Danach war alles anders. Sie hielt es nicht mehr bei ihren Eltern oder in dieser Kleinstadt aus. Mit 17 ließ sie sich für Volljährig erklären und haute von zu Hause ab. Ihren Schulabschluss holte sie an einer anderen High School nach und reiste danach viel herum. Mit Kellnerjobs hielt sie sich über Wasser und lenkte sich mit kreativen Dingen ab, wie z.B. ihren Zeichnungen und der Musik.
Mittlerweile arbeitet Rue in einem Pub namens "The Alibi Room". Über die Jahre ist ihr schon aufgefallen, dass es so einige unerklärliche Dinge auf der Welt gibt und das Alibi ist ein beliebter Treffpunkt für Übernatürliches...
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jemgirl86 · 3 months
🚿 🎓🌈
Thanks for the ask @katatonicimpression ❤️
🚿 What's Sam's favorite song to sing in the shower?
Okay, I’m going to cheat right off the bat and name more than one lol. I really feel like he’d try to start each day by getting into a positive mood, even if he wasn’t really feeling it. (Oh, since we know he’s a morning jogger, we know he’s got to be a morning shower person lol). Anyway, so his go to song is Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day.” But, as predicable as it is, he loves Marvin Gaye, so he has to sing something by him sometimes too, but nothing from Trouble Man. Sam likes to keep it kinda easy in the shower, so he does one of Gaye’s earlier hits like “Ain’t That Peculiar.” Now, Sam doesn’t only like old old school, he also enjoys the old school of his youth lol, so I’m thinking he puts on “Motownphilly” some mornings just to get kind of hype. Plus he loves singing the breakdown 😂
🎓 What was Sam like in high school?
I might’ve said it before, but even if I did, I’m gonna say it again: Sam was basically Ferris Bueller in high school, and I’ll die on that hill. Dude is personable, has the gift of gab, and even though people think they know him, they don’t really know him like that lol - only his close friends do. And, he doesn’t discriminate - he’s open to being friends with everyone, and he’s cool with everyone. And he’s well known in his parish. Ijs… the man is Ferris Bueller 🤷🏾‍♀️😂
🌈 What is Sam's favorite memory of Riley?
You know what I like? I like when people headcanon Riley as being Sam’s childhood friend, and say that they decided to join the military together after high school (or college, dealer’s choice). People used to actually be able to join the military on the “buddy system,” so they’d always get stationed together, but idk if that’s still real, or even if it was ever official, or just a thing tptb would do if you signed up and made it a condition lol.
Anyway, I give all that unnecessary background to say, I think his favorite memory of Riley would be a childhood memory. Maybe the first time they got to take Sam’s daddy’s boat out by themselves and spend the night on the water. Sure, they were only 15, so they weren’t allowed to go too far out, but it was far enough lol. They packed a cooler full of pop and goodies, took their fishing poles and Riley’s new radio, and left the house at o’dark thirty one morning. They spent the whole day fishing, and gossiping, and eating junk food. Nothing spectacular happened, it was just a nice relaxing day, but they felt so grown up and independent. And, even though they’d end up taking the boat out many more times by themselves, nothing ever topped that first time.
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batsghoulsandghosties · 4 months
Sang a little song and did a little dance in front of half of the McElroys the other day and didn’t piss my pants or throw up
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There is a thing I don't get, why Yuanzhi was so against the idea of Ziyu becoming the sword wielder?
Just because he wanted his brother to be it? Or because of the rumors about Ziyu's mother? I mean, Shangjue was always logical on the reasons why he didn't want Ziyu to be the leader while Yuanzhi seemed to just do what he was told to do.
I read an answer on Reddit where Yuanzhi was described as Shangjue's dog, with no opinions of his own, petty and oblivious. Many people regarded him as the true villain of the show because he caused pain and played tricks for no real reasons. Do you think he is like that? Only smart for poisons?
Me to the Redditor who said that:
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Knuckle and buckle, kids, you're on the Gab Meta Train.
1. Gong Ziyu started out hella unqualified and everyone knows it
Don't come at me and tell me Gong Ziyu was the most worthy candidate to be the Sword Wielder because based on the first character setup, he definitely was not it. He was known to frequent the pleasure house, he stumbles home drunk in broad daylight, he has no involvement in the family's affairs, and he is most definitely more known as a dandy than anyone who is being groomed to take over the helm of the family.
Honestly, off the bat, in real life, would you want someone with a proven track record to lead you and protect you and your interests, or would you want some dude who is better known for hanging out at a brothel than he is actually handling paperwork or has a track record of maturity?
Yuanzhi, who is younger than Ziyu, but already is contributing to the day-to-day running and the development of tech and research for the family.
Which means...?
He has skin in the game about who he wants to lead him in the family. And that's a very valid stance to take. It's more than "oh Gege told me to do this, so I will" because that's such a sad 1 dimension take, and again, to that Redditor:
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Of course, we as the audience know that Ziyu will shape up. He will step up and he will answer the call, so to speak. But Gong Yuanzhi and Gong Shangjue did not. And if you really think about it, they're pretty much 'employees' of the Gong company. They just didn't agree with what top management decided and vocally voiced that opinion.
If you reeeeeallly want to think about it, they were just unionising :)
(gonna put this under a read more coz it got long)
2. Gong Shangjue has instilled a mentality of "Family First"
Relating to the first point.
Shangjue is obviously Yuanzhi's North Star. He is who Yuanzhi is shaping himself to be, and for all we know of his character, of course he would. He's basically the perfect man to aspire to be in a society like theirs.
So, when Shangjue says, "Family is the Most Important", don't you think Yuanzhi is gonna listen? Gong Shangjue is Gong Yuanzhi's most important person. He's family in a way that the rest aren't. Even if he doesn't outright say "I want that position", Yuanzhi would have done anything to help support him and get him there.
And going on the point where Shangjue and Yuanzhi were on Ziyu's case coz of the rumours that his mom was possibly pregnant when she married into the Gong family; I know other users on the MJTY tag have quite possibly discussed this matter (shoutout to @kingsandbastardz @swiftletinthecloud @romchat for their lovely metas and analysis posts ❤️ I consume them with much gratitude and glee), but let me crudely try to wrangle what has been beautifully said into my my own words;
For a family that prides themselves with being very strict about their familial rules, the fact that there is some measure and level of doubt persisting about Ziyu's parentage should have and must disqualify him from the position itself. Ziyu's dad could have easily kiboshed the rumours but he didn't, why?
More than that, the implication given to Shangjue over tea was that the position of Zhiren was always meant to go to him. Rewatch that scene where he last saw his uncle. Tell me differently.
The whole paternity issue is just one facet of a very Ziyu shaped problem. Having a murky paternity will raise issues of succession. Why do you think the nobilities of Europe back then had a court of people, usually people of importance, to be present when a marriage was consummated and a child was born? This is to make sure that there was no doubt that the marriage was legitimate and the line of succession and paternity remains unbroken.
(there were always exceptions to the rule, of course, but you get my drift, right?)
Of course, we got the resolutions to all of these issues; Ziyu was always the bio son of the Zhiren, he probably didn't kibosh the rumours because he never wanted to have his son carry that burden of leading the family when he could tell that his son had always wanted to leave the Valley, and Shangjue never coveted the position in the first place, he just wanted the right person to lead.
3. Yuanzhi has no opinions
Yuanzhi's just a dog to Shangjue? Well, if he's a dog, I wanna be one too Woof Woof.
Yuanzhi has his own motivations and drive. They just so happened to be Gege-shaped. I don't see how that warrants being called someone's dog.
He doesn't have his own opinions? Bro quite literally almost died to prove a point that the porridge was poisoned and Shangguan Qian cannot be trusted. HOW IS THAT NOT HAVING AN OPINION?
Honestly, it's Reddit so I shouldn't be this surprised about the hot takes that happen on there, but damn if some people lack two brain cells to rub together to critically consume the media in front of them.
4. Yuanzhi is a reactionary character
Think about it; how many times throughout the narrative did he cause problems for no apparent reason?
If anything, don't you think that Ziyu & co. are the ones who deliberately do things to antagonise him and Shangjue? It's almost midnight as I am typing this and the old noggin is starting to lag, but let's focus on the blood GPS incident.
Yuanzhi saw that the people in the Yu residence were being a bit suspicious so he goes to snoop (cause + reason = reaction). Jin Fan is best boy, but Yuanzhi did not instigate that fight, he did (with good reason i know i know). (offense + defense = reaction). Ziyu & co. tried to stuff him into the closet (*snerk*) and what does he do? Bites down until he bleeds because he knows Gege will find him if he sniffs him out. And he did. A successful reaction.
In my opinion, he's like gunpowder -- left alone, they'll be fine. When given a spark, will react.
And again with feeling... To the Redditor who spouted such utter shite;
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Class dismissed
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babarasdream · 1 month
Babara Intim 25: Die Dreilochstute
Die Musik war leise. An der Bar saß ich alleine. An dem Tisch gegenüber saßen drei Männer. Einer schaute immer zu mir hin, dann bekam ich ein Glas Prosecco und stieß mit dem Kerl an. Er was sympathisch und schlank. So hatte ich nichts dagegen, dass er mich um den Tanz bat. Es war angenehm. Ich ließ mich auf einen engen Tanz ein, ja forcierte es sogar. Es dauerte nicht lange und ich spürte eine Regung in seiner Hose. Ich sah ihn fragend an und meinte beiläufig, dass doch jeder eine Zimmernummer hat. Ich wollte ihn. So ein wilder Stecher, der sich an mir abarbeitet, war mir gerade recht. Ich hielt mich in der Dusche nicht lange auf. Er sollte doch zuschauen, Ich versprach mir einen härteren Schwanz. Und den Spürte ich dann ja auch gleich in mir-
Der Kerl war gut. Er zog lang durch und verstand es mich umgehend zu bringen. Ich kam schneller als mir recht war. Aber der Kerl hatte so ein Ding, was mich wahnsinnig machte. Ich segelte dahin und ließ mich fallen. Ich weiß nicht genau was geschah, er war plötzlich weg, dann aber wieder da und wollte, dass ich mich auf den Bauch legte. Der Kerl war wahnsinnig. Er drang so langsam in meinen Arsch ein, dass ich innerlich jubelte. Er konnte das.
Dann aber drehte er mich nach oben. Ich lag rücklings auf ihm und er fickte genüsslich von unten in mich rein, Dann erkannte ich den 2, Mann vom Tisch in der Bar. Er war nackt, packte mich bei den Fußgelenken und spreizte meine Beine und drang in mich ein. Verrückt dachte ich noch. Dann aber nahm mir das massiv ausgefüllte Gefühl der Überdehnung den Atem. Die Lust überkam mich. Unfähig mitzuficken und gegenzuhalten, fickten die Kerle in eine willenlose Fickmatte rein.
Es war einfach geil. Sie fickten mal gleichmäßig, mal gegeneinander. Mein Bauch war geweitet, wie eine ausgeleierte Gummihülle. Die Kerle fickten und ficken, spritzten aber  nicht. Dann aber drängte der Dritte an mich ran. Erst spürte ich seinen Schwanz im Gesicht. Ich roch seinen Samen, kurz darauf schmeckte ich in. Dann fickte er tief rein. Ich hustete und bekam keine Luft, wehrte ihn an, dann war er wieder tief in mir. Die drei legten los. Ich weiß nicht ich habe nicht alles mitbekommen. Aber dieses geile Gefühl in mir, das gab mir Genugtuung.
Etwas wacklig ging ich in die Dusche. Als das Wasser über meine Votze lief musste ich pinkeln ich ließ es einfach laufen. Die Männer schauten zu, Keine lachte, jeder gab mir zu verstehen, dass ich doch eine geile Fickstute sei. Ich war es. Ich wollte es in dem Moment sein. Einen Moment dachte ich sie sollten noch , mal anfangen. Ich wollte dieses Gefühl des extremen Fickens länger spüren. Wo führt es hin, was fühle ich als nächstes. Dann aber spürte ich die Pisse aller Drei auf meiner Votze und in der Arschkerbe. Die Kerle wuschen mich auf ihre Art.
Neuanfang, nachdem mein Blog gelöscht wurde. Bitte helft mir und repostet meine Beiträge
🔞 Einfach dem Link folgen: BabaraWolke
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scriptedencryptid · 1 year
Jordie lives content
My spin on jordie lives story
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Jordie still gets tricked by rollins, hook line and sinker. But instead of just sitting and waiting for the plague to hit, he takes that bank note and P.T. Barnum’s it at another bank. (Taking the worthless note to pull out a loan at a second bank bc second bank doesn’t know it’s worthless). This gives them both enough financial padding to survive the plague, and not a penny more. After that following the narrative in SoC, homeless, barrel brat, mugging other children, scams, and later a piss pot washer for the dregs.
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That gift of gab never fades and only gets stronger, jordie has a talent for negotiation, parley, and show biz. This leads him to usually working at the bar in the crow club or as a bouncer. And he generally improves the public opinion of the club itself and by extension Kaz in the gang itself.
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Kaz tends to get a sort of kick out of shelling out payment where it’s due, jordie unfortunately doesn’t share this feeling. The gang generally thinks that jordie is too nice to be in the barrel, he doesn’t enjoy the carnage, he avoids conflict where he can, and is really just here to have a good time and support his brother, in kaz’s atrocities and other endeavors.
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That being said he’s soft and prepared. Conflict can’t always be avoided so when a fight does roll around he moves to end it as fast as possible, gun, bat, mallet, fists. Usually with a blunt force weapon, to knock down his opponents and not kill. That being said he can be very thorough in educating his opponent on why they shouldn’t ever try him again.
in my head jordie is the bigger (taller,stronger) of the brothers, though this is most likely due to the fact that kaz spent his most vital period if growth (9-14) malnourished.
not to be mistaken though, kaz is still the mastermind in this whole situation
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Chapter 1
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The life of a top designer is stressful in itself how much will change when you find 2 glowing eyes peering back at you from your yard.  
Poly!Skz x Tall!Nonbinary!Reader
Series Warnings: mention of abuse, hybrid au, omegaverse themes, strong language, suggestive topics, and themes (see individual chapters for specific warnings)
Chapter warnings: mentions of stress, anxiety, slight angst, mentions of possible neglect, Reader uses they/them 
Word count: 3.2k
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Err— Err— Err—
I turn my head to look at the clock
God it's too early
Yesterday was so tiring I wish I could sleep in but it's 6:30 and I would prefer to not mess up my current sleep schedule. I get up and shuffle my way to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready.
I know that I really should go shopping but as I look out the window I can see the rain coming down pretty hard outside. I put on jeans and a warm sweater, almost forgetting about the events that happened last night.
The sun still rises as I scroll through my phone listening to the sound of brewing coffee. The emails from the marketing team came flooding in
‘Thank you, Y/n for contacting us on the events of yesterday's unveiling of the Colra x Script fashion line. You have our hope and sympathy. We however only have a month and a half until we have to release to the public. There is enough in the budget for more fabrics, and as the project manager, it will be your job to finish up the project in a way that is deemed fit to Colra’s standards. Please ensure that at the end of the week you email the creative directors of Colra your design,
Thank you,
Theo Mclaughlin from marketing ‘
That's just great I can probably get the designs finished but getting the entire line done? that's going to be a lot. I can maybe ask two or three people to help me sew the pieces. The line was supposed to include 13 pieces.
I sigh, this was going to be a mess to try and clean up.
“uh hi—” A deep voice makes me jump slightly and turn around.im greeted with dark down eyes and longish hair and a similar height to Chan
“Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,” The male with bat ears apologizes, a smile so contagious I can't help but smile back. The dark bat years sitting on the top of his head were familiar to that of who I help to bed last night.
“Oh sorry, you caught me off guard— uh how are you feeling,” I say remembering how cold and out of it he seemed last night. On top of his head lies dark bat ears and his eyes are also very dark but warm deep and inviting. As I take in his face I see, freckles scattered across his face. Much like his eyes, I find myself getting lost in them..
“A Lot better, thank you for letting us stay here.”
“Of course, you're welcome to say as long as you want. Would you like coffee?” I offer.
He nods, sitting down at the island as I grab a mug.
“ I'm Felix by the way.” he says
 ”nice to meet you, Felix, I’m Y/n,” I say handing him the mug of coffee.
I move toward the fridge open the door and look over the contents, I pull the drawer to the fruit crisper open. the idea of fruit and eggs pops into my head. I gab the ingredient to make a fruit salad out and the eggs from a higher shelf.  I crack the eggs, mixing them up in with seasoning before pouring them into a skillet.
“So how long have you lived out here?” Felix says during our conversation.
“Oh, I think this marks almost 3 years since I bought the house I remodeled some of it though.”
“That's cool, it looks very nice,” Felix looks around the kitchen area.
“Breakfast will be finished in 15, but feel free to explore.”
Felix lights up at the opportunity to look around as I’m putting the eggs on a plate and fruit on the side.
“Chan they made breakfast,” Felix says as the other hybrid walks through the entrance
I push the plates toward the two young men.
“I was telling Felix that after he eats he can explore the house feel free to do the same,” I say smiling.
“Oh—Thank you,” Chan says with a warm smile.
I see the time, getting close to 9:30
“Oh shit— I need to work on some stuff, I'll be in my office,” I say moving around to rush in my office. I just wanted to finish doing stuff before this afternoon.
hours into redesigns I found myself wishing to slam my face into the wall. 
I've redesigned 3 of these outfits and I still have so many left to go, truly I feel like Colra is the bane of my existence.
Hoping I can sort through some of the designs I get up and move to the island in the middle of the room I typically use to lay out patterns and cut on. I hear soft knocks on the door leading me to jump for a second forgetting that two other people are staying in my house.
“Come in,” I say as I mark the designs littered on the table-like top.
I turn my head to face the door to see the wolf hybrid peeking his head in.
“Hey Chan what’s up,” I say slightly concerned, worried that something bad could have happened.”
“Sorry this was the last room,” he trails off looking in still standing near the door, looking around for me 
 “So what do you do?” his arms cross as he walks closer to the table in the middle of the room currently covered in papers and binders. His crossed arms seem tense, as if he was trying to avoid touching things.
“Oh– I'm a designer. Sometimes I put pieces together at home or make my pieces here. It's useful when I'm working from home.”
“Do you work from home? “ his voice raised a bit with surprise at the end of his statement
“Yeah kinda, sometimes I have to go in For things I’d rather not do over the phone like meetings or interviews. But I typically go in 3 days out of the week and from home,” As I let out a sigh I notice his shoulders relax.
“If you’re supposed to be off why are you working?” he asked eyebrows furrowed.
I let out a sad sigh.
“Admittedly, it's my fault. We were working with a company and I, along with my team of designers, we're supposed to do a collaboration project but when it came to the unveiling it kinda flopped,” I tap the pencil in my hand against my tabletop. “I have a little time before the line is supposed to publicly drop so I'm working to fix it and I have around a month and a half?”
“That sounds stressful, yeah?”
I chuckle at the response from the wolf hybrid.
“Yeah, but I can't let my team down. All of them tried so hard and did so well with their designs so I feel a bit guilty I guess,” I say looking up from the papers.
Chan hums softly in response to my statement and wanders around the room looking at the different cubbies and shelves. I quickly remember the idea I had a few hours ago.
“Oh— Chan I was gonna ask for some help trying to order clothes for you and Felix,” I say as I continue to mark the sketches with parts I want to keep.
“Oh you don't have to do that,” Chan says, looking back the different threads sitting on shelves. 
“I may not have to but I want to. those are two very different things, plus you guys are staying here you should feel comfortable while you do.” I looked up offering a soft smile to him.
“Uh thanks,” there's a twitch to his ears
The silence in the room is suffocating.
Did I say something wrong?
“So you live here by yourself?” he breaks the silence.
“Yeah, it's just me.”
“This is kinda a big house for just one person.” 
”Yeah sometimes it gets lonely I guess— but I like the space and I like living out here it's so different from what the environment of my job and line of work is like. Sometimes I find myself in the public eye and its nice to be able to retreat to my house all the way out here.” I ramble off as I continue to sketch up a new design.
a design that I'm finally happy with and think will get approved, I finish a design im finally happy with I place it down and reach for my laptop, Once I gather my things I start to head toward the door. I see Chan perk up a bit his fluffy ears angling towards me before his head turns to me as I go to leave the room motioning him to follow me. We walk to the living room, finding Felix seated crossed-legged on the couch watching the TV. His ears twitch slightly to follow the noise of me and Chan entering the room.
“Hey Felix,” he turns smiling.
“We're gonna order some clothes, wanna join us?” I say, patting the spot on the other side of me on the couch.
We spent next hour looking at clothes and other things they liked. Felix has a more diverse color pallet choosing things in other colors, I can tell he has a love for sweaters and hoodies. On the other hand, There’s Chan who almost exclusively chooses black a good mixture of sleeveless shirts and hoodies. 
I decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend the rest of the afternoon preparing soup for dinner and relaxing. The three of us sit in comfortable silence watching a cooking show that Felix was previously engrossed with.
The night is peaceful and I can tell we're going to get along great, and I've voiced that if they ever feel uncomfortable they don't have to feel forced to stay but they are welcome to as long as they want.
And they do at least for the rest of the week. I don't exactly want them to leave, but I don't want them to think that they're stuck here. I like having them in the house, they both make me laugh especially during days that are especially painful at work. It's been a long time since I've had friends who could do that.
Making Chan smile warms my heart, he wears his emotions on his sleeve he doesn't do a good job at hiding them, and while I haven't asked about their past and I don't think it’s my place, I can tell somethings bothering Chan, 
Despite the way he laughs things off when faced with questions about how he's doing and feeling. When the clothes finally came He didn't seem displeased but his fidgeting and uneasiness made it clear something was wrong. Felix on the other hand, he's a little more open and very affectionate. He likes to hug me when I get home and lay against me if I'm reading on the couch. Which I gladly welcome with open arms. He can be hesitant to accept things or join me in activities, for example, The other day I invited him to come bake with me since I see how interested he is in baking, it took some reassurance to finally get him to come make some cookies.
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I hear my alarm go off, I rush to get ready for work almost slipping down the stairs shoes in hand. I sit at the dining table crossing my legs in an attempt to quickly tie my shoe when a groggy voice comes from around the corner. 
“Oh Y/n before you go, do you mind if I try to bake something today?” Felix asks, rubbing his eyes still filled with sleep. 
“Oh yeah go for it there’s some cookbooks in the living room on the bookshelf near the window,” I respond quickly grabbing my bag to head out the door. I respond quickly grabbing my bag to head out the garage door “See you later Felix, I'll be back by 7:00.” 
When I woke up this morning I had the plan to get Chan and Felix phones, that way they would have a little more freedom and I'd feel better about leaving them at the house in case they needed something or an emergency happened. Waiting out the long day till my lunch I quickly pack my stuff and move out the door heading to my cell provider store. 
I look at the models deciding to get them the same model as mine, reliable and durable. “Uh– i'll go with 2 of these,” I point at the phone in front of me. 
As the lady rings me up I can't help but be worried they won't like the phones, or that they’ll be offended cause they don't plan to stay. I leave the store with the small bag in my hands as I go back to my car to finish my day at work.
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The welcoming warmth of walking through my garage door never fails to relax me. I take off the hat I had been wearing for the day and make an attempt to slide my shoes off. Felix mixed something in the kitchen and Chan crouched near the floor looking in a cabinet tail brushing up against the floor and ears pinned back. 
”Hey guys,” I say, struggling to get my shoes off, leaning against the wall to get a better grip at my boots. “whatcha making?”
“ We found a cookie recipe in this cookbook,” Felix says motioning to the book in front of him.
I was gonna put the pair of shoes back in my room before I came back, but Chan Seems to be looking for something and can't find it,
I walk over with my shoes in hand.
“whatcha lookin’ for?” Chan jumps a little at the sound of my voice.
“Oh do you have some cookie sheets?” he says turning to me.
“ Yeah! they're in this cabinet,” I put down my shoes to look thew the cabinets and stick my hand in the back finding the sheet. 
“I don't use them very much. I'm not great with cookies but I make a good lemon cake,” I say, handing him the sheet and giving him a smile.
I pick up my shoes and head to my room to change. The warm F/c knit sweater I grab hugs me comfortingly and the grey sweats were thick and loose. I walk down the stairs to join the boys back in the Kitchen to go into the garden in hopes of finding a few vegetables harvest with it being the end of the harvesting season approaches. 
“I'm gonna head into the garden and pick some stuff,” I announce before going on the porch slipping on the boots I keep outside.
I kneel in the dirt between the slightly raised garden beds. Picking up a beet with a bite taken out of it.
Weird something must have gnawed at it.
I pick the beet regardless and put it to the side while I pick some more beets. throughout the garden looking at what all the rain has brought for me to harvest, it seems the lettuce and kale are ready for me to pick. The more I look throughout the garden the more I find bite marks and paw prints littering the moist soil, which means I probably have something eating my plants. While it's a bit inconvenient, they must be hungry, and maybe if I put down something to eat leave the rest of the garden alone. I grab a lettuce leaf and the beet I had set aside earlier, which I was originally going to put in compost. Together I place the leaf and beet on the floor in hopes that whatever is eating my garden will accept the offer as it's placed closer to the tree line. I went inside and put the basket full of vegetables on the edge of the counter. Chan and Felix put the cookies in the oven.
“Hey have you guys seen anything in the garden?”
The sound of water rushing as I turn the sink on to wash the produce
“Uh no not really why?” Chan's eyebrows furrowed.
 ”I just found some bite marks in some of the stuff out in the garden” 
” Yeah, no sorry. Do you want us to keep an eye out?” Felix asks, taking the oven mitts off and standing up straight.
 ”Sure if you guys want, I'm sure whatever's munching on the garden is just hungry.” I shrug my shoulders “Oh that's right I got you guys something” I say rushing to my bag still sitting in the hall near the garage and laundry room.
and pulling out the phones and sitting them on the table. ”oh wow,” surprise evident on Chan’s face
“Are these for us?” Felix questions. A big smile on his face.
“Yeah I wanted to get you guys something to one, contact me if anything happens and two, just to give you guys some type of freedom you're staying here but I don't want you guys to feel trapped ya know?”
I hand them the phones “I already set up your numbers with my provider and put my phone in there,”
“No one ever done something like that for us,” Chan says looking down at the phone.
“Well hopefully you guys will put them to good use,” I say smiling and moving through the entryway to the living room.
With the food ordered and eaten and the cookies on a plate in the kitchen, I for once found myself alone in the living room.
The tv plays in the background as I Scroll thru my phone. when I hear footsteps of someone coming into the living room.
I turn my head to see who the footsteps belong to, I'm surprised a bit to see Felix typically Chan is up late.
“Hey Felix, What's up?”
 ”I just want to ask you something,” He says with a shrug,
I scoot over on the couch moving to the side to give the bat hybrid more room. He sits down crossing his legs under him.
“You've been so nice since we've been here, and I guess I'm worried that you’ll ask us to leave,” his eyes are glassy, staring at his hands.
“Felix you guys can stay here forever, don't feel like you have to leave. I would love it if you guys stayed to live here with me. I enjoy your guys' company and I want you to feel like you're welcome, okay? I'm not asking you to leave and there's no plans in the future if you want to leave, that's gonna be your decision ok?” I say taking his hands into mine, ducking my head to try to look into his brown eyes.
“I don't know what the homes or centers have been like and I may never really understand but I want you to feel safe and welcome here,” tears quickly fell down the boy's freckled face as he moves to hug me, mumbling a thank you into the knit sweater that's being soaked by his tears.
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Bismuth Taglist :
Don't forget to reblog and let me know how you like it 
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Wir waren ein paar Tage unterwegs. Doch ein Teil unserer Lampen geht auch am Abend an und aus. Als wir am Sonntag im Bett lagen, hörten wir etwas im Treppenhaus. Vorsichtig schlichen wir uns aus dem Schlafzimmer, obwohl wir beide nackt waren, denn unsere Kleidung lag noch im Bad. Tatsächlich kam eine Person in den Flur. Wir nutzten den Überraschungsmoment und sprangen auf die recht schlanke Person. Mit wenigen Griffen hatten wir die Person im Schwitzkasten und klemmten seine Hände auf dem Rücken. Da wir noch unsere Spielsachen von der Reise im Flur stehen hatten, waren schnell paar Handschellen gefunden und wenig später noch breite, schwarze Kabelbinder für die Füße. Der Typ jammerte und wollte sich befreien, aber er hatte keine Chance. Erst jetzt bekam er mit, dass wir bei nackt waren und machte große Augen, als wir seine Maske vom Kopf zogen. Noch immer versuchte er sich zu bewegen und zu flüchten, doch nach und nach brachten wir mehr Kabelbinder an. Dann stellten wir den Kerl auf die Knie, machten das Licht an und konnten sein Gesicht sehen. Er war noch keine dreißig und man sah seine Angst. Wir stellten ihn vor die Wahl die Polizei zu rufen oder seine Strafe gleich bei uns zu erleben. Weinend bat er darum keine Polizei zu rufen. Also schleppten wir ihn unter einem der Balken, welche wir zu Fixierung auch nehmen. Hände wurden nach oben gestreckt und festgebunden. Mit einem Skalpell, schnitten wir ihn die Kleidung in Fetzen bis er nahezu Nackt vor uns stand. Abwertend nahm meine Frau seinen Schwanz und seine Eier in die Hand, quetschte fest daran und gab ihn paar Schläge darauf. Zu unserer Erheiterung begann sein Schwanz zu zucken. Doch nun ging es zu Bestrafung. Wir beide nahmen unterschiedliche Peitschen und zogen diese abwechselnd über seinen Körper. Der Einbrecher wand sich vor Lust und offenbar auch manchmal vor Schmerz. Immer wieder schlugen die Gummi- und Lederriemen ein. Sein Arsch und Oberkörper waren inzwischen voller Blutergüssen und am Arsch platzten erste Hautpartien auf. Keuchend stand er vor uns und denn tropfte sein Schwanz. Immer wenn eine der Fäden den Boden berührte, gab es paar kräftige Ohrfeigen. Meine Frau und ich waren von dieser Art der Bestrafung inzwischen richtig heiß geworden. Also gönnten wir uns eine Pause und fickten gleich vor dem Einbrecher. Meine Frau kam mehrfach und spritze enorm ab. Trotz seiner misslichen Lage, stellte sich bei unserem Anblick sein Schwanz steil auf und er bleib auch steif, nachdem wir schon unsere Lust befriedigt hatten. Natürlich registrierten wir das und es ging in die nächste Runde. Nun mit zwei Bullwhipps, wurden sein Körper so lange bearbeitet, bis er nur noch leise wimmernd in den Seilen hing. Lediglich sein Schwanz tropfte weiter und zwischendurch sonderte er mehr als nur die Lusttropfen ab. Schlaff nahmen wir ihn von dem Balken. Als er so vor uns kniete, ging meine Frau ins Schlafzimmer und zog sich einen Strapon an. Dabei nahm sie den größten Dildo. Nun endlich durfte ich auch kommen. Während der Einbrecher vor uns kniete, durfte ich meine Ladung auf seine Rosette spritzen. Sofort setzte dann meine Frau den Dildo an und schob den Gummischwanz ohne Rücksicht in dessen Arsch. Der Kerl bäumte sich kurz auf, entspannte sich aber ziemlich schnell und konnte nun hart genommen werden, bis er auslief und wenig später völlig erschöpft zusammenbrach. Erst jetzt warfen wir uns paar Kleidungstücke über, nahmen den Kerl in unseren Transporter und fuhren mit ihm in die nächste Stadt. Zirka eine Woche später fanden wir einen Brief bei uns vor der Tür. Dort entschuldigte sich der Einbrecher für seinen Überfall und gab zu, dass er wohl schon mehrfach in Häuser eingedrungen war. Dazu gab er uns genaue Angaben, auch wo das Diebesgut ist. Er versicherte uns, dass er es zurückgeben würde und auch für die Schäden aufkäme, doch unter der Voraussetzung, dass wir ihn für jede seiner Daten bestrafen würden. Seit dem ist er regelmäßig bei uns und wird bestraft. Inzwischen hat er sogar erfolgreich den Einstieg ins Berufsleben geschafft.  
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zerosocialskillz · 22 days
why am i thinking of making a post-canon au of ultrakill where gabs and vee gets transported to a world of bats and birds and racism after fucking dying but gabs is a dove and vee is a bat and they are shunned for their relationship except for a few including a parental figure cuz they need one i think
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dreamlandforever · 9 months
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@writersmonth Prompt: Day 29 - Fireflies
Fandom: Teen Wolf | Sterek WC: 1.2 K
XXIX. Fireflies
“Daddy, what’s she saying?” Eli asked, insistently pushing his mason jar against Stiles’ face. Stiles batted him away gently, doing his best not to throw the pan with their dinner to the floor.
“I don’t know, Eli.” Stiles answered, turning the stove off and turning to put his son back on the floor and making a mental note to re-arrange the kitchen so the kid cannot get on the counter this easily. He took the mason jar from Eli’s hand and looked at it, curiously. “Who took you firefly hunting?” Stiles asked, slightly unscrewing the lid so the firefly could breathe.
“Uncle Peter!” Eli answered excitedly, making grabby hands at Stiles for the jar. Stiles gave it back to his son, and turned to the big glass screen doors that lead to the backdoor, and, hence, the preserve.
“Derek Samuel Hale! Get…” He turned to his son and sighed dejectedly, forcing himself not to curse in front of him. “Get in here, Big Guy. You’re in big trouble.”  He finished lamely, counting until 10 before his boyfriend was entering the window.
“What’s wrong?” Derek asked, looking around the house curiously, probably looking for a mess that would definitely get Stiles screaming at him. 
“You were supposed to be watching Eli. Why was he on the counter asking about fireflies?” Stiles asked, arms crossed, and pointing at the jar Eli was proudly holding for both of them.
“Daddy has the gift of gab, Papa! Auntie Lydia said so. And light is a language. And so is gab, I asked!” He explained happily, forcing the jar into Stiles’ hands. 
Derek turned around to face the door to the kitchen, but Stiles could still very clearly hear the snort. He was so going to ask Lydia about that conversation later. “He was with Peter, Boyd, Jackson, Erica, Lydia, Isaac and me. He was very intrigued about the light, so Erica helped him trap them in one of the mason jars you use for jam. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.” Derek said unapologetically. 
“Honey,” Stiles said, getting eye level with his son, “the fireflies use the light to communicate among themselves, just like we use words. I can’t understand the firefly any better than they can understand us.” Stiles explained, handing the jar back to his kid. “It’s like when Papa decides that grunting is a language. No one understands him.” Derek side eyed Stiles at that, but let it go when Eli simply nodded like it made sense. He was done trying to win against his boyfriend and son. 
“Go away and send Scott in.” Stiles said simply, going back to the stove where his very not cooked chicken was still in the pan. 
“Peter said you were a blabbermouth. Lydia you said a gift. Erica said the gift of gab. They were defending you in their own way. I told them all to shut up, and then growled. I promise.” Derek said, hugging Stiles from behind. Stiles let his weight fall on his boyfriend, leaning against his chest.
“How loud?” He asked.
Derek chucked against his neck, making a shiver run down Stiles’ back. 
“Very loud. Eli gave me a 10.” Derek answered. And just before he was able to kiss Stiles’ neck. Or cheek. Or anywhere, really, he was reminded exactly where he was by Eli trying to get in between his legs. 
“I want to hug Daddy, too, move, Papa.” He instructed, pushing at Derek’s legs. Stiles barked out a laugh, but stood straight, going back to the kitchen, while Derek picked Eli up and got him closer to Stiles so Eli could hold on to his neck. Derek moved slightly so it was more of a hug than a chokehold, but Eli was very adamant in his strength. Stiles hugged him back, holding onto one hand to make sure he wasn’t actually choked. 
“Go help him catch more fireflies. When you come back I’ll teach you a bit more about them. Did you know that even their eggs glow?” Stiles asked, attention back on the food. A hungry Eli was an angry Eli, even if right now he was being very nice and happy. He took after Stiles in that regard.
“Really?” Eli asked excitedly, staring intently back at his two fireflies.
“It takes longer for them to lay eggs, Champ. But, yes, really. I’ll tell you more after you’re done and Papa gets you cleaned up for dinner.” 
Eli nodded violently, pointing at the back door so Derek could take him outside, like a very strict werewolf pilot. 
“I’ll send Scott your way, I guess.” His boyfriend said, planting a kiss on Stiles’ cheek and following Eli’s finger all the way back to the others.
It wasn’t even ten minutes before Scott was in the kitchen with him.
“What’s up, bro? Derek said you called?” Scott asked, looking at the now mostly ready chicken and going to get he rest of the ingredients for enchiladas.
“Yes, I need you to read me fireflies facts while I prepare the enchiladas, because I promised Eli.” Stiles said happily, handing Scott a spoonful of salsa so he could try it.
“Perfect, as always. And sure thing, man. You do know Derek got you an Alexa, right?”
“Yes, but you have a cuter voice, bro.” Stiles said with a wink.
Scott groaned loudly. “Isaac told you.”
“Of course Isaac told me! Why didn’t you?” Stiles half yelled at him, pointing a dripping spoon at him. 
“I didn’t want to get in trouble!” Scott defended himself, grabbing at the spoon with a napkin, trying to minimize the mess Stiles was making. “Isaac is such a tattletale. He does know you’re not his father and you aren’t allowed to ground him, right?” 
“I so can ground him. He’s Pack. And I can ground you, too, Mr. True Alpha. Now, you are going to look up facts for fireflies. And before each one, you’re going to tell me why in the world you thought it was a good idea to teach my son how to get on counters.” 
“I didn’t think about it! I did it, and then he tried it. He’s more stubborn than you, took him like five minutes to figure it out.” Scott groaned again. He was about to go on defending himself when Isaac walked in.
“Hey! I just need water. Eli is thirsty but he’s learning to count his fireflies. He was three, but he gets confused after one.” Isaac laughed, grabbing two water bottles from the pantry.
“Tattletale.” Scott mumbled at him. And it wasn’t until Stiles laughed out loud and Isaac looked at him like he had grown a third head that he realized his mistake. “Isaac didn’t tell you!” 
“Of course not, Scotty, he was outside. Eli quite literally decided to show me his fireflies by getting on the counter. Only other people to do that here are you and Jackson. And Jackson’s very…” Stiles interrupted himself, trying to find the right word.
“Psychotic?” Isaac provided, rather unhelpfully.
“Don’t be an ass, Isaac.” Stiles chastised. “He’s very protective of Eli. He wouldn’t do it in front of him.” 
“I gave myself away.” Scott said, shocked.
“You did. Now, facts and explanations.” Stiles said, busy slightly frying the tortillas in the sauce before making the enchiladas, the way Eli liked them. Kid was very against soggy food.
Isaac took the moment to silently leave the kitchen while Scott found very creative ways to convince Stiles he was making sure Eli could get out of trouble, and not trying to get him into trouble, and Stiles just couldn’t see it. For his own safety, Isaac knew being far, far away was the best choice.
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