#basically i just asked myself.. what are the assumptions i have that are making this hard to believe. should i reassess my assumptions.
“And the relative simplicity of her music works with people who just want something mindlessly play in the background. It's also really easy for average people- who have no musical background- to sing along with. The lines are simple rhymes, and she never really uses any specialized vocal techniques like Vibrato. Basically, it's music for bland people who think salt is a spice.”
Some of your takes are valid and it’s healthy to critique anything that amasses such a large following in pop culture. However I would argue there is a way to do this without coming across as a pretentious undergraduate who read a few required and recommended readings from the syllabus and now sips their tea with a pinkie protruding. Let’s remember that tumblr is not inherently full of academics and defining anyone who hasn’t got a certain level of education as average or bland is such an Americanised, my way or the highway way of thinking.
It is possible to have differing opinions to others without insulting their intelligence or falsely presenting them in a certain way. Average people as a term in general, is quite elitist and classist. For example, I have a PHD in literature and am a classical musician. I work in publishing and academia.
That said, I still enjoy pop music, sometimes something can just be enjoyable and it’s not that deep.
Criticising Taylor Swift is low hanging fruit for a lit major who claims to be allied with as many causes as yourself. Or, if you do decide to continue with it, I hope you do it in a more articulated manner that focuses more on the quality of your arguments, and not just an assumption that those who oppose you are stupid or “bland” when I suspect the truth is much more complex than that, as it always is.
Best of luck with further studies. I hope to see more diverse content from you in the future, maybe some literary analysis of contemporary texts, or other artists who you deem intellectual enough to enjoy, or some recommendations.
Honestly- I do not know with which tone I should address this anon. I cannot tell if you are being hostile- but I certainly feel that you are being condescending.  
Thanks for at least direct quoting my words with which you draw issue. I appreciate it- some people send me critiques but fail to outline which of my posts is the problem.  
I can capitulate to exactly one of your points- and admit it is a good point- that I am overly sassy on occasion. The post you are angry about is just me chitchatting with someone about Swift’s live shows- it wasn’t a literary analysis. I cannot do an academic analysis of her live shows- but that does not mean I don’t have an opinion of them.  
Again- it was opinion not argument or analysis. Not a serious post. This is not a blog where I am going to speak like an academic all of the time. I’m here to have a little fun- and try to remind myself why I actually do love what I do for a living.
Generally speaking- I will try to make a more obvious, clear difference between what is just an opinion and what is a researched, literary argument on Taylor Swift in my future posting. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  
There are some other things about your ask that I want to address, because it struck me as a bit unnecessary.  
You say that I’m “coming across as a pretentious undergraduate who read a few required and recommended readings from the syllabus and now sips their tea with a pinkie protruding” (para. 1). This is condescending. No, I did not simply “read a few required and recommended readings” to complete my education. You say you’ve got a PHd in the same discipline- and yet you want to tell me all I did for my degree was read a couple of books? You should know the kind of intellectual work that goes into real literary study. I am trying to show people with this blog, at least in some small way, that while literary study is not so straightforwardly quantifiably valuable like, for instance, physics- it is still a real discipline. With real requirements on argumentation and logic. It takes intellectual skill to wrestle with concepts in literary theory – but more so to apply them in synthesis and interpretation of textual evidence.   
SO, why are you essentially patting my head and saying “aw-cute she read some books and now thinks she’s smart?”   
To be clear- I am not in undergrad. I have finished two different degrees and am currently working on my third.
Why would you accuse me of classism and elitism predicated solely on a bad joke in a post wherein I am not even doing any real literary analysis? What prompted that? I made no effort to even pretend the post in question was little more than opinion- my real posts however, about literary analysis, I take great pains to research and edit those together with care.  
Also, “Americanized” what? Are you American? Because people ‘round here don’t care about what level of education you’ve got? The access to education varies remarkably state to state- and down into Latin American too- and we all know it. So, there is very much a culture of “help each other out when struggling” and not a culture of thinking that everyone of Earth needs to go through American University in order to matter. What are you talking about? Do you think American’s hold the monopoly on having Dogmatic views or “my way or the highway” thinking? That’s obviously not true- so what are you trying to say here?  
Did you miss the part of my Bio where I talk about being a teacher? I am a teacher in one of the poorest- most unfunded places in the country. My friend- I am repulsed by the idea of classism- I take my position in my community very seriously. Knowledge is not a stick with which I attempt to beat others down- Please understand that.  
Next, you say it is possible to critique without insulting people’s intelligence (para. 2). um, I did not insult anyone’s intelligence? I said their taste in music was bland, which does not correlate to an assumption on their intelligence. Um- I have also said many times that I like simple pop- music. Am I calling myself stupid because I’ve been listening to “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter on repeat? NOpe. It’s just a silly little song- and dancing to it makes me feel cute, young and free- but it’s still a bland song with no literary or moral value. What exactly is the problem here?  
Okay, within this same point you draw issue with my use of the word average, saying that “average people, as a term...is quite elitist and classist” (para.3). Okay, you misinterpreted my use of the word “average” here- as I was not referring to people as “average” because they have no education, or a different education compared to my own. I was only using the term in the most colloquial sense- meaning “in general” or “on average” as in the median percentage of people have no musical background- therefore they find simplistic pop music the easiest to digest and the simplest thing to play in the background or sing to on car trips. It’s pleasing to the ear because we don’t have too much “work” into understanding it- that's what I mean when I say it’s bland. 
If oatmeal was a type of music- it would be pop music. bland filler- but you know it can still be good.   
Okay, let’s talk about your final point “Taylor Swift is Low Hanging Fruit” (para. Whatever I can’t be bothered to count). Ummm? A billionaire musician who has massive worldwide acclaim and social impact is “low-hanging” to you? I mean yeah- she's clearly not worth study through the lens of poetical semiotics, or God forbid- Linguistic Morphology; however, there are several different ways a good analysis of her work could function- through feminist, Marxists, Post-colonialist, or anything under the umbrella of cultural studies. I also intend to do a rhetorical analysis on her use of “lower class” aesthetics and how that attracts the audience she wants. And, I’ve done a couple of syntactical analyses. However, I had to prop those up with a dichotomization of her work to someone with more impressive literary value, like Kendrick Lamar, because her work alone is not strong enough for that type of analysis.  
Apologies if I have written a return, you did not expect or want- perhaps, I should be less sensitive on the internet. I do often brush off people's condescension, especially when I notice that they are extremely young or just do not know anything at all about my field of study. Because why worry about uninformed opinions? I wanted to speak with you, however, because you do care. It is obvious, and I am glad that people do care. I admire you for caring about the integrity of the discipline- but I really wasn’t doing what you thought I was doing.  
 I admire anyone who also studies Literature, and you say you’re a classical musician, I think that’s so impressive! I love classical music! Rachmaninoff makes me feel insane! I love it! You know that one O’Hara poem? The one that is an ode to Rachmaninoff’s birthday that ends “you’ll never be mentally sober” because I feel that line in my bones. And don’t even get me started on Tchaikovsky- Truly, you might never hear the end of it. (CAnnoNS!!!!??? what a guy)
 I just wanted to clear up anything that you found offensive- but I also defended myself because you do know what I’m talking about when it comes to literary study- and so the conversation took priority over the other meaningless “hate” messages I get. And- boy howdy- I've been getting hate messages pretty much daily. 
Promise to no longer be condescending to me and I think we ought to be friends and not fight- let me start- what did you concentrate on for your PHd? 
 I, myself, focus on post-colonialism, feminist theory, and post-modernist thought in American Literature. I work mainly within US Multi-ethnic literature, though, outside of school, I have an intense fascination with medieval or ancient Literature- primarily, these days, classical Sanskrit poetry. Last year it was an obsession with old Norse literature- lol I like to switch things up. Have you ever read the Heliand? It’s about Viking Jesus- so cool and written in old Saxon! But, anyway, I think the unique prosody of Sanskrit is so neat-o. My other obsession is this one old french poem called "le roman de silence" what a crazy little gender-bending 13th century thing that is (haha). And this doesn't even get into my philosophical preoccupations- though I believe I will discuss those on my blog, too, at some point.
Anyway- perhaps I will talk about my more niche interests on this blog- all good things in time. I have no interest in solely focusing on Taylor Swift forever- but I do want to finish saying all the things I’ve been holding back for years. I think it’s important- because Swift holds such a massive influence over people. It’s healthy, as you said, to critique people like that.  
Okay- Sorry I talked soo long. Peace Out :)
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9w1ft · 10 months
hi there! i was a hardcore kaylor from 2014 until about 2017/18. fully believed that josh and karlie had a lavender marriage up until her first baby. i still fully believe in gaylor, and believe that taylor and karlie are doing better after a rough period now, but have always been curious about how those who stayed kaylors possibly explain karlie’s kids. would you mind helping me out there?
hi! thank you so much for sending me an ask! i guess for me, i just don’t think it’s that hard to imagine taylor and karlie loving each other to the point that they’d want to start a family (the lover music video ends with a scene of a family, right? the man, and anti hero as well, depict taylor as a parent.) and due to the nature of their circumstances, that they would have to go about doing that in an… unconventional way. and maybe, had to be adaptable along the way.
as for the specifics of that? i’m really not that picky or in a rush to prove it to people or figure out every last detail, though that’s not to say i haven’t thought it through— i do have thoughts. i think they’re different from a lot of kaylors in terms of their complexity. i think my interpretation is quite simple. but i haven’t made a push to share… i guess what i mean is that comprehending that it’s possible was enough for me to have stuck around these past years.
and so started a grace period and i held out and by the time midnights rolled around and i listened to it, i only became more confident in how i think. this is both from a multi album discography perspective, and also, of course, there have also been a lot of fun easter eggs along the way.
sorry to speak vaguely, but you know it’s a touchy subject. if you really crave specifics please dm me! or if you’re in a rabbit hole mood, take a look through my blog archive or scroll away from the top!
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radiance1 · 2 months
"Old fuck!" Said Dan as he kicked down the wall to Vlad's office. Vlad only let out a sigh, apologizing for the noise and then ending the meeting right then and there. He glanced over at Dan and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Do you truly have no concept of a door?"
"It's more fun this way," He mentioned offhandedly as he stomped his way over the Vlad's desk and slammed his hands down on it. "Do something for me!"
Vlad, silently, moured the loss of another table and those three glorious months of peace. He looked Dan in the eyes and raised an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, do you want me to do for you?"
"So you know Superman-"
Dan reared back like he'd been slapped. "The fuck!? You didn't even hear me out yet!"
"I don't need to." Vlad calmly sipped at his tea that wasn't there a second ago, and then let out another sigh. "And do stop screaming obscenities at me, it is horribly low-class and you're better than that."
"You're only saying that because I'm a fusion of you." Dan pointed out with a deadpan expression. Vlad snorted. "Obviously."
"Hear me out and I'll think about it."
Vlad sighed again, crunching away at a cookie -seriously where is he getting all of this??- before waving a hand in Dan's direction that basically said "Go on."
"Alright so Superman, you know the guy and you most certainly know his weakness." He swipped a cookie, then continued at Vlad's nod. "Kryptonite, nasty stuff yea. You know who uses Kryptonite the most out of basically everyone?"
"Lex Luthor."
"Lex fucking Luthor."
Vlad placed his teacup onto the desk, threading his fingers together and resting his chin on them as he stared the fusion down. "You know, if you wanted me to... complicate, his gathering of Kryptonite. You could have just led with that."
"Would it have worked?" Dan genuinely asked.
"I would have thought it over a bit more before my refusal." Vlad answered and Dan growled. "Just accept already you old-timer."
"Now, now. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were perhaps, worried about the Man of Steel himself?" At that, Vlad's eyes turned red as a playful smirk graced his lips.
Dan's eyes narrowed as he lifted a finger towards Vlad acusingly. "Don't you dare try your mind control bullshit on me."
Vlad chuckled. "Oh I would not dream of it, I was merely..." Vlad's eyes shined with mirth as he deliberately paused. "Stating an assumption."
Dan hissed, translating his sheer annoyance through ghost speak while Vlad respond back with a purr. More than throuoghly pleased.
Usually, it was the other way around.
"You can go to hell with your assumptions." He leaned over the desk, destroying it even further as he his claws dug into it. "Either you deal with him or I'll do it myself."
Vlad stared him down for a good few moments, the room falling silent as they stared each other down. Vlad sighed. "Fine, I don't need your little temper tantrum leaving me with such a giant mess to clean up." He tapped a button under his desk -mercifully safe from the destruction- and waved Dan away. "Now if you will excuse yourself, I have a few calls to make, a desk to replace, you know the works."
Dan nodded and over to the giant hole in the wall before pausing. He reached out with ghost speak, sending out a violent threat through intent if he did not follow through.
Vlad simply responded with nonchalance, exasperation, and even a bit of annoyance.
A few weeks later
Lex Luthor is livid.
Someone has been buying up all of the Kryptonite before he could get to it, which should be impossible in itself. But no, then they proceeded to mess with the shipments he managed to get his hands on, interrupt deals to acquire them and even outright destroyed a few.
He has his own stockpile for emergencies, yes. But it's very noticeably dwindling.
Meanwhile with Vlad
"Now what exactly am I supposed to do with all of this?" Vlad asked himself, staring at the large pit of Kryptonite capable of filling multiple warehouses.
Honestly, it was utterly useless to him.
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gorgeouslypink · 7 months
My Take on Manifesting + How to Use It to Wake Up in the Voidੈ✩‧₊˚
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The Law of Assumption (LOA) in a nutshell is the concept that whatever you assume to be true is the truth. The most common and popular summary is: an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.
You've probably heard this a million times before, but I really want to explain this the way I interpret the law and I want to present it to you the way I wish it was presented to me.
The entire law operates on the principle that your 3d reflects your 4d. These terms are interchangeable with concious/subconcious, inner man/outer man, etc but basically that is the main principle that you should understand and accept: Your 3d reflects your 4d.
Now, here's where I deviate a bit into my personal opinions. If you know that your 3d reflects your 4d and you see something unfavorable happening in your 3d, why would you force yourself to pretend it doesn't exist? Deal with it in the 3d but KNOW that you can change things. Go and fufill what you want in your 4d.
Imagination Creates Reality.
You've probably heard this said a million times by LOA girls but it is such an important concept to understand.
Something that completely annoyed me back when I was trying to get into the void and had no grasp on LOA was people who would say that your imagination is your "true" reality or that you need to fufill yourself so much in your imagination to the point that you don't even care about it anymore in your reality. I do understand what they were trying to get at, but for me, I was just like if I want to manifest going to a concert, I don't want to just imagine it to the point where I'm fufilled, I want to actually watch it?
Let me explain my perspective now. Your imagination is not your reality. You can close your eyes right now and imagine yourself dating Harry Styles but once you open your eyes again, you're not going to be dating him. Imagining something doesn't make it magically appear in your reality, or else daydreamers would be living insane lives.
However, imagination CREATES your reality. To really understand this, we have to backtrack. Let's revisit LOA in a nutshell: An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.
I think most people understand the idea but acctually applying it is where everything comes crashing down. For me, there were so many times when I was super motivated, I listened to subliminals, I affirmed to myself, I was really assuming whatever I was trying to manifest. But then it didn't manifest and I was left disappointed.
I think this is a pretty common occurrence in the community and I know I've gotten hundreds of asks with people in this exact position. This ask that I answered covers this more in depth but I want to introduce a topic that isn't being pushed as much as it should: NATURALNESS.
"The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of already having what you desire."
-Neville Goddard
So basically, this is what I think the law should be represented as: An assumption, though false, if persisted in within your imagination until it feels natural, will harden into fact.
There are many ways that you attain this naturalness. Most people use imagination, just imaging themselves with their desire, really connecting to the feeling of having their desire so that it feels natural to them. This is when your desire turns into an assumption.
There are many methods within this; visualizing being the most popular one. Just visualizing normally or SATS allows people to experience their desire in imagination, making it more natural to them. Some people can't really visualize so they rely on scripting, pinterest boards, etc. The options are endless but the end goal is the same: making your desire feel natural so that it manifests into your reality.
Some people say you have to keep repeating your method for something to feel natural to you but I disagree. Just going to imagination once, truly feeling it and knowing its yours and knowing the law and that your manifestation has no choice but to appear is all you need to make something feel natural to you. I think the main reason that it takes some people repetitions is because they don't have a strong faith in the law backing them up so it doesn't feel natural to them but if you know the law is backing you up, your desire will natural to you instantly.
Now, if you noticed, I said most people use imagination. What about other people? Well, once you've experienced a few manifestations and really strengthened your belief in the law and acknowledged your power as the creator of your reality, you don't really need to imagine. You just know your desire will come. It's natural for you to manifest anything you want so anything you want will manifest. This kind of goes into what I was saying in the previous paragraph about knowing the law is backing you up. This is why states was and is so popular, it's knowing the law is backing you up and just occupying the state of whatever you desire and knowing it has no choice but to manifest. I love this post by @lotusmi explaining it and I highly recommend reading it.
Now, how to use all this to enter the void. There are 4 things you need to understand, embody, and assume.
1. You are limitless: Literally. You can manifest anything and everything. Seriously.
2. The void is real: One of the main things I've tried to do on my blog is getting everyone to a point where you might not fully believe in the void until you acctually use it yourself but you should know its real. In my Doubts post, I linked so much material across different platforms and groups of people and all of them are talking about the void. Recently, in my challenges, I introduced a book where the author talks about the void and how that's where your reality is created from. I even had a follower recently make a post about how they found their Reiki book talking about the void and how it creates your reality. There's endless examples and at one point, you have to sit down and wonder how all these different platforms and groups of people are all talking about the void if it's just a lie. It can't be a lie if so many people have come to the same conclusion.
3. You are going to wake up in the void state tonight: You understand manifestation now right? All you have to do is know you are going to wake up in the void, make it natural to you and that's it. I promise when you realize that the word operates on your beliefs and that your imagination is honestly what matters because your reality is just a platform for your imagination to project onto (your imagination creates your reality), your manifestations are going to be so quick.
4. Naturalness is all you need: All you're doing when you're manifesting anything, in this case; the void is making it natural to you. Once you do, it has no choice but to manifest in your reality. This really ties into the third point, but I want you to understand this because once you realize the third and fourth point, the law will be so easy to you. If you haven't entered the void yet, the only problem is that it was not natural to you. As a void blogger, I know this is a case because I've gotten so many asks about this and everytime I can tell that they struggle with seeing themselves actually enter the void. It's unnatural to them. But recognizing that naturalness is the problem is also the solution. Just make it natural to you. Know that you are going to wake up in the void tonight and really rest easy in this. You know you are limitless, you can manifest anything, waking up in the void is a peace of cake.
So here's what you're going to:
Starting this moment, know you are going to wake up in the void tonight. Just know it. Now, go straight to your imagination and do whatever method will help your desire natural to you. Know that your reality is just a projection of your imagination and that you are the creator of your reality. Deal with your 3d but know that your 4d is what triumphs.
If you don't wake up in the void, don't spiral. Your desire just doesn't feel natural yet, that's all. Just focus on making your desire natural to you. That is literally all you have to do and you know you're going to enter. If you're someone who might need some time to make your desire feel natural to you just because you struggle with staying firm in the law, do @littlemissprettyprincess 's void challenge: linked here.
The void is easy, you are going to wake up in the void tonight, and you are going to live your dream life. I know you are. Literally embody that and tell yourself that. Anytime a doubt or negative thought comes to mind, just stay firm in your desire and know the law is backing you up. Waking up in the void state is so natural to you and I can't wait for your success story.
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reading-comp-posting · 3 months
Have you ever considered using AI tools to assist with writing your responses?
Well no, because I'm doing this blog for fun. I'm enjoying writing out reading comprehension questions for posts, so why would I automate that away?
But let's say that I saw myself as some sort of arbitor of reading comprehension who needs to post as much as possible to enlighten the lowly tumblr masses. Let's say that I'm interested in upping my output of questions by any means necessary.
I opened up chatgpt and input a certain request, which would hopefully make it write questions about the last post I responded to:
Write reading comprehension questions about a Tumblr post, written by a user named "echoeyee," that reads as folows: "my take on shipping aromantic characters is that if you're aro you get to do whatever you want and if you're not you have to write me a three page essay 12 pt font times new roman double spaced explaining in detail why you believe entering a romantic relationship would be an interesting and worthwhile storyline for the character and how you believe their aromanticism would affect the way they experience said relationship"
And it certainly did write a lot of questions about it. Let's go through them, one by one.
1. What is the primary stance expressed by the Tumblr user "echoeyee" regarding shipping aromantic characters?
This one is good. If you look at the set I wrote, my first one is basically the same, just with different words and a less formal tone.
2. According to the post, what conditions must non-aromantic individuals fulfill if they wish to advocate for romantic storylines involving aromantic characters?
Again, this one is good. It's basically my 3rd question but, yet again, more formal.
3. Describe the format and specifications outined for the essay mentioned in the post.
This is the part where the questions get bad. The exact details of the essay are irrelevant, other than the fact that they imply a formal, academic setting.
4. In your own words, explain the user's perspective on the autonomy of aromantic individuals in contrast to non-aromantic individuals when it comes to shipping characters.
This question seems to genuinely be a product of chatgpt pissing on the poor. The purpose of the post (and specifically the essay within) is to ask people who ship aromantic characters without being aromantic themself to consider said character's aromanticism instead of erasing it.
Meanwhile, chatgpt seems to think that the OP thinks that people who aren't aromantic should be forced by law or something to write an essay if they want to ship an aromantic character.
5. How does the Tumblr post reflect the user's views on representation and storytelling in relation to aromantic characters?
I think that this one is a bit too speculative, but it does actually relate to the OP's intended takeaway.
6. Discuss the potential implications of the requirements set forth in the post for writers and creators in the realm of fiction and fanworks.
This one is just a bit confusing. Chatgpt seems to be going off the assumption that OP is issuing a decree as the emperor of the world.
7. Reflect on whether you agree or disagree with the sentiments expressed in the post and provide reasons to support your viewpoint.
This could have been a "discuss with a mutual" question, and I actually did initially write a question like this one, but I ended up removing it.
Aromantiscism is already controversial enough and I fear that a discussion of whether OP's take on shipping aromantic characters is valid could quickly devolve into discussion on whether aromanticism itself is valid.
8. How might the user's approach impact discussions and representations of aromanticism in media and popular culture?
Yet again, chatgpt is taking the essay thing way too literally. Yes, forcing every single writer who isn't aromantic but wants to ship an aromantic character to write an essay about it would most likely lead to a decrease in people erasing their identities, but the essay isn't the point.
9. Consider the broader societal and cultural context in which this post is situated. How might prevailing attitudes towards romantic relationships influence reactions to the user's perspective?
Obviously historical context is important to keep in mind when you're reading/listening to/watching/whatever a text, but this question has almost nothing to do with reading comprehension. You need to understand the post to imagine how people would react, sure, but understanding how people would react to the post doesn't help you understand this post very much.
10. What insights can be gleaned from this post regarding the importance of diverse and inclusive storytelling in media and creative works?
This could be a discuss with a mutual question. The issue is that it's a bit to broad of a topic.
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star-anise · 5 months
now, hold still—
I'd kill for some resources on body image in the context of disability, chronic pain, and having grown up with a complicated and intense medical history. I think I've exhausted my local library's offerings. Yes, I'm seeing a counsellor who focuses on this, and he's probably got recs, but I'm pacing my cage and lashing my tail in between sessions.
"Body image" has a particular connotation most of the time, because it comes out of the field that deals with eating disorders. Which is great and I'm glad for the people it works for, but its basic principles and assumptions are for completely different problems than the one I have.
I can't track down who said it first, but in my reading I keep coming across this narrative of, "I saw my body as something to be disciplined and controlled, an object only seen by external eyes. Now I've learned to take joy in what my body can do and experience, and to see it as a site of pleasure."
...Sounds fake, but okay.
My body is a site of pain. It cannot do or bear the experience of many things. I have to exercise a huge amount of discipline and control just to get out of bed every day. I can't imagine my body being a visible object that other people might find pleasing; it's incredibly hard to look up from my continual tooth-and-nail fight getting my body to let me live to imagine what someone who doesn't live with all this shit might see.
When I was a child, I learned to hold myself very still. For a hairdresser, or photographer, or a dentist, or someone who wanted to measure my height, or an injection, or a doctor who wanted a demonstration of how one of my joints looked, or an X-ray, or an IV inserted, or a CAT scan, or to have a cast taken off, or a PET scan, or to have a wound treated, or an MRI, or to have a pin pulled out.
And you know, I got proud of that. I felt like a brave warrior in a fantasy novel. I learned to take deep breaths, and take myself in my mind away from the anxiety and unpleasantness, until I could shut down my reaction to it. So that I didn't flinch or scream or cry. Because there was something wrong with my body, and doctors knew how to fix it.
When I was getting assessed for fibromyalgia, this new doctor told me he was going palpate areas in my back, arms, and knees. I get a lot of massage; I knew what was coming. I slowed my breathing, concentrating on the long outbreath. I took myself away from my reactions and thought continually, obsessively, about letting my body droop, weightless, like the moment when your aching limbs meet a solid surface and fresh cool sheets.
"Hm, I dunno," he said. "A lot of this checks out, but your trigger point exam was totally negative. Most people, when I touch those points, they have a big reaction. Some people even scream and jump off the table."
"Well, no," I think I said. "If I'd done that, it would have hurt way more, for like, hours." And I was polite about it, because you have to be polite to doctors; doctors know how to make you feel better. But what I felt at the time, and still feel today, is a kind of outrage I labelled was unreasonable the moment it was born: You wanted to hurt me, and it's my fault for not letting you?
How do you learn how to ask for things, when you've taught yourself to lie still and cry quietly because the nurse who said they'd be right back is helping someone who suddenly needs the help more? How do you express yourself, when you've spent your whole life gritting your teeth?
The problems I have about my body are not about being attractive or thin. They are, however, about being small. Learning to cry less, scream less, and ask for less. About feeling like my body is a burden to anyone who comes to know it, and like that's a burden I can't ask other people to take on unless I'm staggering under the weight of it.
Right now, what I've got is this:
Remember, you weren’t the one who made you ashamed, but you are the one who can make you proud. Just practice, practice until you get proud, and once you are proud, keep practicing so you won’t forget. You get proud by practicing.
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justalia · 10 months
address the feeling
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recently i’ve been thinking about my understandings of the law and i decided to read again some of the stuff i read at the beginning of my journey. i’m glad i did because i now have a deeper understanding of what i thought i understood before, but actually never truly grasped its full meaning.
i have to be honest with you sometimes i still have my moments of anxiety, i still have my mind wondering if i’m doing things right and once in a while i still ask myself if i’m doing enough. shocking right? from my posts you may be thinking that there’s no one that understands the law better than me and you may be thinking “she must have the most perfect self concept i can’t wait to get there”
truth is: we are all humans at the end of the day and we are gonna have our moments, no one is better than anybody and the fact that my posts have helped people fill my heart with joy because i do not think of myself as a teacher, i merely try to share the notes of what i studied for myself and try to write it in a way that can reach anyone easily.
i haven’t felt inspired to post something in a while now, i was just numb cause i thought “there’s nothing else i could possibly share my thoughts on” and i have drafts of posts i have started writing but never finished because i didn’t feel called to do it and i don’t like to force myself to write something.
all my posts come from a burst of inspiration and i write them all at once (or at least i try) seizing the moment in which i feel the most inspired.
this being said what i’m about to address in this post is probably the most important teaching i have come across while reading the source and reading some material again has struck me with inspiration.
“feeling is the secret.”
what does that mean?
to say that feeling is the secret is to say that feeling is the womb in which all things are born, when felt an idea has to be expressed whether you like it or not, unless you change the feeling and fuse your imagination with its opposite.
you see your physical world has no way of existing if it wasn’t for your imagination, it reflects that and the ideas you believe to be true.
“yeah alia you’ve said that”
i know i know, i have addressed this, these are the basics, but bear with me.
pay attention to what i’ve just said “it reflects the ideas you believe to be true”.
how tiring does that sound? does that mean we have to change our beliefs? does that mean we have to do shadow work and see what ingrained belief we have to dismount?
it doesn’t.
self is what we believe to be true and what gets reflected? self.
inevitably when we start to think about this we think we have to find a magical way to change our beliefs and to trick our mind into believing something new about ourselves or we pretend in hopes to fake it till we make it. we begin this journey prepared to train ourselves, prepared to do dozens of techniques and we fill ourselves with hope.
self is what we believe to be true in this world of imagination, our beliefs get reflected and this is why not every single thing we imagine gets reflected. yes, imagination gets always reflected and it happens instantly, but for that to happen you must believe in the reality of said idea.
what is a belief?
a belief is something, an idea, a concept YOU feel to be true. you is the key word because the sole operant power is you, in your life your world operates according to your assumptions, in your life there is no other creator but imagination, YOUR imagination.
a belief is something you feel to be true because a belief it’s just an idea and it’s powerless until we feel it to be true.
why do we feel it to be true? we decide it is.
you decided that your friend was rude to you because they don’t want to be your friend anymore; you decided that your partner was losing feelings because they were distant one day; you decided you were going to fail the test even if days away because you didn’t feel good enough.
you decided the reason your friend was rude to you was because they didn’t want to be your friend anymore, even if just yesterday they asked you to hang out.
you decided the reason your partner was acting a bit distant today was because they are losing feelings, even if just yesterday they said how much they loved you and bought you flowers.
you decided you were going to fail the test before you even started studying for it because you decided you weren’t smart enough, even if the last test you did went beautifully.
you have been making decisions dismissing the senses your whole life and probably occupying states that do not serve you at all without even realizing it. you have misused your power for so many years it feels too good to be true to finally realize it’s all in your hands.
to decide that your friend was rude because they don’t want to be your friend is just as easy as deciding they just had a bad day and accept that as true.
to decide that your partner is losing feelings because they are acting a bit distant today is just as easy as deciding they just were busy today and accept that as true.
to decide that you’re going to pass the test and that you are smart enough is just as easy to accept as true.
how? how can i accept that as true if reality is showing me the opposite? how can i accept it as true if i failed in the past?
we always disregard appearances, we always disregard and dismiss the senses and accept things as true based on our imagination. there is no outside reality because the true reality is within and as within so without. you accepted it as true and now it is expressing in your life, your mirror is just reflecting what you decided to be true, you had no other proof when you started assuming those negative things about yourself and about others.
think about it! when you first started worrying your partner was losing feelings, did you have proof of it? did you have concrete proof that made you think they wanted to dump you? i think you made an assumption, decided it was true hoped with all your heart it wasn’t, but felt it to be true and soon you were provided with proof and there you go: “just like i thought”.
you decide everything all the damn time!! trust me this is nothing new, the thing is that when it comes to positive things we want to believe to be true we think we need proof, and what is proof? the permission to believe something as true. the 3D never played a part in this, when it came to you assuming negative things about yourself or about others you didn’t think about how it wasn’t true on the outside, did you? when you started feeling insecure in your relationship and worried they would dump you, did you think about how it wasn’t “real” on the outside? did you worry about how the outside was opposite so it couldn’t possibly be true?
no, you didn’t.
you decided it was true, trusted it, dismissed the senses even when completely opposite and soon enough the universe, god, whatever you believe in, provided proof for you.
the power we have is the power of dismissing the senses, the power of deciding what is true or not. and you do that using imagination as your instrument. yes, imagination gets expressed but imagination is not just the silly little scenarios you make up, imagination is your mental activity and what gets expressed is what you believe to be true in imagination.
again when it came to negative stuff you were well aware that the outside was opposite from what you believed to be true but you didn’t care one bit and it still manifested into your life. your lover was distant one day, you assumed they lost feelings, the next day they tell you how much they love you and you assume they are lying, you assume the outside isn’t as true as what you believe to be true inside.
you sustain that feeling, you trust it, and it gets expressed.
you never actually waited to look at your partner and see them telling you they were losing feelings before you assumed they were. you never worried about what the 3D was showing you, you never CARED for it.
when you assume something new about yourself and you imagine yourself to already be the one you wish to be you do so because by imagining you are experiencing it in the true reality. imagining it to be already realized helps because your imagination is a tool, it’s an instrument that makes it easier to trust the new idea you decided to assume about yourself because you actually experienced it.
when you imagine yourself in a new state and you do so by, for example, conjuring up a scene, you do so because you want to experience what you desire. you want to live it, you want to experience it and feel it to be true, that’s what the scenes are for, you visualize a scene that implies your objective realized and you indulge in that peacefully enjoying it.
you don’t have to necessarily visualize scenes, affirm, or do this or that technique. these are just tools, methods you can use to use your imagination in a way that is most comfortable to you. for example i am naturally a visualizer so to get myself in a new state sometimes i find it helpful to conjure up a scene that implies my objective realized and experience it, i enjoy it fully and when i open my eyes i trust the implications of that scene to be true, i just experienced it, who’s gonna tell me i didn’t?
what you need more than anything is to give yourself permission to trust in the reality of imagination, that’s the only thing you need.
yes, you are allowed to believe you are good enough for that job; you are allowed to believe you are safe and secure in relationships; you are allowed to believe anything you want no matter how far fetched it might seem.
you can be so bold with your scenes, or your affirmations. you imagine the most perfect scene or say the most wonderful affirmations but i dare you to be as brave with feeling as you are with your scenes and your words.
i dare you to accept it is true, i dare you to believe it is true because you said it is, and then again i’m not talking about the outside!!! i’m talking about imagination because imagination is the only reality. if it is true in imagination and it is because you can just DECIDE it is, then it’s truth. there’s nothing more to do on your part, you just sustain that state and everything else will take care of itself.
free yourself entirely in your mind and accept as truth whatever you desire to be true about yourself, you can imagine yourself to be confident, smart, beautiful, loved, cared for and you can give yourself permission to accept it to be true inside of imagination and see yourself exactly how you want to see yourself.
stop caring about how it’ll happen or if it will happen or what will happen and just FEEL.
address the feeling
what do i mean by that?
pay attention to your mental activity for one day and see where your mind wonders naturally, that will tell you your current state.
let’s say you get ugly thoughts, you think you’re not enough and that you are going to fail the test you have in two weeks. pay attention to your mental activity and see how the thoughts FOLLOW the feeling, and not viceversa. first you get the feeling of unworthiness and then you start thinking “i’m not enough i will fail i can’t do this”, there is no inherent truth in those thoughts.
it may be difficult to notice at first but everything starts from a feeling and then the thoughts follow. there is no thought you have to flip because they hold no truth and no power by themselves, they are simply a manifestation of your FEELING.
fearful feeling gives birth to fearful thoughts. anxious feeling gives birth to anxious thoughts. lonely feeling gives birth to thoughts of loneliness. insecure feeling gives birth to insecure thoughts.
the only reason why you believe something to be true is because you FEEL it. there’s no actual truth in those fearful, anxious, insecure thoughts.
YOU FELT FEAR and the fearful thoughts came along and then you started worrying about them manifesting into your life. YOU FELT INSECURE and the thoughts of insecurity and unworthiness came alone and you started feeling bad about yourself and unworthy of your desire.
just as easily as you felt insecure you can feel secure, just as easily as you felt fear you can feel safe.
you create the feeling you desire to feel and you indulge in that, you FEEL it because why would you deny yourself of such experience if you can have it?
why would you deny yourself from experiencing what you want in your own mind? why would you create blockages? why don’t you feel what you want to feel? because you are scared? scared of what? of it not working? working for what?
this is not a method for fuck’s sake. this is not a technique!!! this is how you are living, this is how you have lived and how you’ll always live.
change your feeling, allow yourself to feel what you want to feel and thoughts will naturally come from that, and from thoughts will come actions and from actions will come events. NATURALLY.
there’s no work on your part, meaning that you don’t have to worry about what you need to think or do, you will naturally do that. and this goes for opposite action too: if you’re manifesting to pass all your tests with straight A’s and you go and decide to sit on your ass all day without studying you are still messing with the how! you are pretending you have something IN THE MIRROR when you DON’T! you have it in imagination ONLY. your job is to change self and you don’t change self by pretending or acting as if you have something in the mirror.
your job is to simply FINALLY give yourself permission to actually FEEL.
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sexydreamgirl · 8 months
I’m sorry to ask this repetitive question but I am autistic and struggle to understand many basic concepts within the Law of Assumption it's especially harder since most people speak in riddles and I'm not good with those things. I need clarification on a few things; What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine? Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts? How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life? For example, if I have a test on Thursday and I want to manifest that I don't, should I not study and pretend that I don't have a test? If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life? There's too much information about what to do and what not to and I'm so confused because I don't understand it and it makes me insane!
Ma vie, it's much simpler than you think it is. Allow me to break it down little by little:
What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine?
Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
To imagine simply means to devise an idea. Ideas owe their origin to imagination. Before it became reality, everything around you was once merely an idea: the internet, social media apps, technology, electronics, the model of your home, cars, freeways, haircut trends, the design of the clothes you are currently wearing, the very idea of even wearing clothes, art as a whole, it doesn't matter what you point at; EVERYTHING was born from imagination.
Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts?
You make acknowledging your state sound like something you have to be constantly monitoring. You don't have to be monitoring anything. As I'm sure you know, you're always in a state because you are always conscious of being something. Regarding micromanaging your thoughts: NO! Your thoughts indicate your state so if you're thinking against your desired state of consciousness then that means you are not conscious of being who you desire to be, and so you change that via I AM and you persist in it.
How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life?
Ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. It is about not letting it have the last word.
Pretend? NO! Pretend implies that it isn't real, when imagination IS REAL. IMAGINATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU!
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8
When you live in imagination, you contemplate what you would like to experience and then immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Accept that invisible state (your dream life) as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours.
If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life?
Do what you have to do in your day-to-day life, just remember to bring yourself back to that which you desire to be. Walk as though you were and persist in it. As I said, ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. Attending it for a moment will not kill your imaginal act. So you take care of what needs to be taken care of and remember to bring yourself back to your idea if you waver. Accept what you want in imagination. Remember that imagination is the cause and the 3D is the effect.
I hope this cleared up your confusion. As always, if you have further questions you're welcome to send them over <3
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adambja · 1 year
Basically I am gonna be direct I am always direct in everything
basically I am gonna do the silva method 2 yes I entered the void state before it was somehow by the help of myself (my subconscious mind) and @rosellesworkshop she really helped me a lot
And..... the first void state story is here
I didn't post anything about what I manifested but basically I typed everything on my google notes and I put an affirmation "I have everything on my void list" and I affirmed in my void state it was pretty easy but such a vivid experience it's so special so peaceful to me but at the same time it was just normal because that peaceful vibe I have been always feeling it my whole life because of my self-concept
what I manifested I can literally say everything but it's almost a lot of things it would take me 2 hours to say it all but gonna make it simple because someone messaged me here asking if it's life-altering?
Yes entering the void state and manifesting in general is life-altering but it isn't that special like it's normal you have been manifesting everything your whole life based on your thoughts your imagination and your feelings also I felt that I am worthy of entering it and manifesting thru it because i just want it and why wouldn't I be worthy of it? No damn reason so yeah I deserve all my manifestations and I deserve to feel good about myself my worth is literally the whole universe with all the people and everything in it
Let me make it so clear
I am gonna do something like getting the limiting beliefs I saw here + the ones I didn't have out and flip it
Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from entering my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / Astrology-planets-saturn-saturn in retrograde-mercury-mercury in retrograde can't stop me IT CAN'T
religions doesn't stop me from entering my void state/ religions doesn't stop me from waking up in my void state / religions can't stop me (in fact everything about LOA in every damn religion but people can't simplify every word to understand it fully in every book of the three religions I read QURAN I read THE BIBLE I even read THE TORAH) - I am not religious at all HEY DEAR MUSLIMS Law Of Assumptions isn't haram and Law Of Assumptions isn't shirk at all it's about changing yourselves which is the self which is halal in Islam as their god says it all in here so Dear Muslims wake up and realize your own religion and understand (not just read) your own book I am not even Muslim and I know more than y'all HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR FELLOW MUSLIMS IN THE DARK when it's actually all there in YOUR QURAN anyways NOW Hey Dear Christians lets get to the bible it's all in here and FINALLY Hey Dear Jewish People almost every part of the torah is full of self-concept Jewish people will understand what I mean and the answer about LOA is here
the void state is real it's me not the void state isn't a place outside of me
Everything/everyone outside of me isn't real everything/everyone is defined by me
My subconscious mind is always helping me and loving me
Nothing from my new self-concept can be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone because i did anything wrong when actually nothing is wrong or right it can't be deleted damaged destroyed erased or removed or even gone
Everything lasts forever btw but you don't have to attach to it or control it just let it be what you want
Time isn't real every process is instant in every reality such as entering the void is already instant for me
Just let every thought go you don't have to even do anything to it or flip it just let it be breathe then after a while think ABOUT the reason you have that thought
I am in control of what version I am and of who I am and of what I want to experience and of how I want to experience it!
Assume success as it happened period
I am ALREADY CALM AND COMFORTABLE I JUST live and trust my own subconscious because I know it's just giving me what I want why? I already reprogrammed it to do it I already know it listens to me I already know it loves me too I already know it is me WHO DECIDES ALL THIS! MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS A PART OF ME NOT ANOTHER PART of something that's away from me
Everything i want is meant for me why would i even think about it In the first place?? Because it's already mine
LET IT GO it's easier
I assume that i already got it
i assume that my void state is already mine I can do what I want with it THE VOID IS MINE ITS ME I AM MINE EVERYTHING I WANT IS MINE EVERYONE I WANT IS MINE NO ONE CAN STOP ME
Nothing is actually hard it's MY choice to CHOOSE MY OWN DESTINY AND I CHOSE THAT EVERYTHING IS EASY
The void state isn't hard the void state is easy
The void state isn't your imagination at all it's just you with a deeper sense of self aka it's a deep mediative state
My subconscious mind always accepts everything I want instantly
my subconscious is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true
My subconscious mind doesn't have an opinion of me
My subconscious mind is just like a bitch who gives me what I want instantly no matter what and my subconscious mind is so smart my subconscious mind always has a way of making things happen magically period
My conscious mind is full of my good affirmations and my perfect self-concept and just like a bitch AS MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
My feelings are stable and I feel safe everywhere with everyone and within myself
The void state is for everyone not for a specific amount of people or like a chosen people it's for everyone
The void state is life-altering
I am the god of my reality forever
I don't have to control anything outside of me i am in control of myself and that's enough because it's all me nothing exists outside of me
Delusional?? I call it imaginative and the imagination is the core of the reality I always love living in my imagination
I am not gaslighting myself - I am not even lying to myself I feel like I am saying the truth to myself because my subconscious always accepts everything I say and think about as true I don't even have to worry about anything!
spirituality doesn't matter calmness and breathing and focusing on nothing and the self matters more than anything
The old story is old let it go the new story is actually who i am so I would call it my current story
My chakras are already aligned and open my chakras can't be blocked or closed
I am already aligned and ready for everything I want
I am already what I want to be instantly
I am love my heart chakra is open I feel love
My desired reality is already mine
I always claim everything as mine because it is mine and my subconscious mind always makes it as true and I am fearless and I know so well I already have it inside of me in my imagination and outside too aka (everything I want is already mine)
There isn't anything such as blockages lmfao bruh I already don't have blockages period
Law of assumptions is assuming that the thing i want is already here with me and I already got it also assuming i already have that perfect self-concept i already have everything I want I already entered my void state instantly easily and effortlessly the same thing with everything you already have your sp or whatever you want
I just focus on controlling what is inside of me and as a result the outside already changed as my thoughts changed and my feelings changed
I can and I always enter my void state/wake up in my void state in any room in any house in any place and at anytime even if it's after midnight I am always able to do what I want because I want to do it
My body is already ready to wake up in my void state / My body is already ready to enter my void state - My mind is already ready to wake up in my void state / My mind is already ready to enter my void state
I don't give anyone my energy or my power and my energy is mine and my power is mine and no one can take my power/my energy from me finally I can't give anyone my energy or my power
I can't give anyone my own self-concept because they don't deserve it it's mine and I deserve it more than anyone because I worked for it I affirmed for it I listened to tapes for it so it's mine no body deserves it even if I love them they don't deserve my self-concept
I always focus on myself and helping myself only I don't have to help others at all helping others isn't my purpose in life forever in every reality helping others isn't good if it takes my time away
Everytime I talk about any manifestation of mine that it already happened to anyone it already happened and it was instant no matter what and telling anyone my manifestations can't stop my manifestations from happening because it already happened and because that's what I want period and my manifestations can't be damaged and my manifestation can't be destroyed and my manifestations are already protected by me and my smart subconscious mind
To understand #46 better WATCH THIS
What is the lesson from #46? Don't be like Cher when she let Tai have her moment and that made cher feel unwanted and unpopular LISTEN STAND UP GIRLS AND GUYS REMEMBER WHO TF ARE YOU YOU MADE THIS THING/PERSON/WHATEVER THAT BIG YOU CAN MAKE THING/PERSON/WHATEVER NOTHING AGAIN IT'S A CHOICE! DON'T EVEN PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS NO ONE DESERVES WHAT YOU HAVE BUT YOU PERIOD YES HELP THEM YES GUIDE THEM BUT NEVER LET IT BE ON YOU! cause they are nothing but assumptions in your subconscious mind period!
I guess I said everything but another question think with me
If you can memorize that memory from your far past how can't you enter your void?? Ofc you can
Assume that you entered it everytime you slept all those years since you were born but you were just unaware now you are aware of it period and wake up there I tried it many times after manifesting my void list it's simple, easy also i understand and realize that my subconscious mind is always listening until i die and my subconscious always makes everything I think of and say or affirm as true and basically use the breathing that @gorgeouslypink put as a technique which is Wim Hof technique it's A M A Z I N G
So I am gonna try the silva method because I made another void list to manifest it thru my void state again but I just wanna try another way to enter and I always wake up in my void state everyday btw because it was written in my first void list it's all for fun now nothing else
Read "my void doc" by @rosellesworkshop
Read this and this by @gorgeouslypink
It might seem so simple and that's seriously it
That's the void state it's simple as hell but some people here and on Twitter just complicate it because of their own feelings and this brings us back to 1.how you breathe daily and 2.your self-concept add to those two things 3.emotional intelligence which is basically choosing your own feelings period!
Have fun with the silva method I bet it already works because everything always works for me instantly!
I know thanked u a lot but thank you again Rosie and everyone @rosellesworkshop @gorgeouslypink @littlemissprettyprincess @angelria111 @voidbaby111 y'all are amazing seriously everything y'all posted helped me in my journey generally
also seeing success stories from @voidsuccess @voidsuccessarchive was very helpful to me I defined all the points ABOUT what did those people who entered or woke up in the void state have and I started defining it as me and as WHO I AM NOW! And I Just Said "That's Me Now" and that's was a change of state inside of me you can check law of states too ;)
Happy pride month to the LGBTQ+ - Y'all are loved
And y'all have a great day/night depends on y'all's time zones GOODBYE!!
Update: I already entered using it too it was too easy I entered while doing it 😭😭
Also like I already wake up in my void state everytime I nap/sleep so basically it was too simple and easy for me
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
So after that one ask about housewife!Vox having an accident in bed, it got me thinking;
Would the aftermath of that—or something similar to the humiliation of that—be the moment Vox realizes that he wants to marry you? This is based off the assumption the two have not tied the knot yet, obviously.
Like over the course of the next few days, Vox can’t help but think about you and your relationship; you’ve been there for everything. When he was pretty much at the top of the world, his booming business, his scuffles with Alastor, down to the downfall of the Vee’s and much more after that.
Obviously he knew this relationship was gonna last a long time. After all, revealing his mommy kink and his naturally subby nature to someone is something he would absolutely never reveal to anyone unless he knew he could really, really, trust you and see this lasting for a very long time. So it’s definitely not the first time he’s thought about it but this time it’s different.
It’s not like the “They wouldn’t be a terrible spouse”, or, “I suppose being spouses isn’t the biggest inconvenience”, no. This time, he’s like really thinking about it.
His humiliating downfall from his overlord status to basically a “loser baby~🎵” (sorry couldn’t help myself) made his already insecure ass even more insecure. Surely you’d leave right? Why would you stay? Why would you insist he stay? He’s thought about leaving with just himself and Vark to anywhere as to not be a burden to you. Who would want such a failure like him as a partner anyways? Who would want to come home to him everyday?
Well, you do. Whether he’s on top of the world or at rock bottom—you’re there. And if he’s honest with himself; with you there it doesn’t feel like rock bottom at all.
I can imagine the proposal going a few different ways. Like he dips into his savings that he only uses for emergencies (usually spoiling Vark with an actual tank rather than using your little bathtub all the time) and buys a ring—he’s going to propose. Or, he subtly starts hinting towards engagement rings to you in hopes you’d propose. Hell I can even imagine him excitedly calling up Velvette (headcanoning he keeps contact with the other fallen Vee’s) and calling in a favour to make him a wedding suit before he’s even proposed to you 🤦‍♀️ he’s just excited. And he hopes you are too <3
THIS IS SO CUTE OMFG— Anyways, for those who don’t know, the post that sparked this was an ask regarding housewife!Vox, after the fall of the vees, (A little au i have on here if you don’t know) waking up from a terrible nightmare and realizing that he wet the bed.
The anon proposed that leading to sex but in the ask I said that he would prefer to just be comforted and made feel better about his childish and ‘pathetic’ behavior. So imagine, after taking care of the sheets and remaking the bed, taking him in your arms just spooning him, holding him and reassuring that he’s not pathetic, and he’s been having a rough time.
Planting innocent little kisses on his hands and neck while explaining how he’s safe, he’s with you, and you’re not gonna let anything happen. Oh and most best of all, just as you know he’d prefer, you’d forget all about this in the morning.
Something about that, the way you knew exactly how to treat him, exactly what to say to make him feel better, and the fact you didn’t kick him out for doing something so humiliating. Something just clicks in that moment.
With you planting a gentle kiss on his shoulder, he knows. He wants to marry you. It’s honestly a foreign feeling, the need to be tied down to someone permanently like that. But from that night on, it’s on his mind constantly.
You do something for him and he’s just thinking “Oh my god… I love my [wife/husband] so much.” And you’re not even married yet.
He’s planning out his proposal, hinting to you that he wants you too, making ‘slick’ remarks about rings in shop windows. Seeing which one you might be interested in and if that doesn’t work, hinting at the one he wants.
I have such a vision in my head of the proposal being very sitcom-esc. But in the sense where he’s behind you on one knee, waiting for you to turn around, and when you finally do you just grin and laugh, before pulling out a ring from you pocket and going to on one knee yourself.
Like that goofy ‘proposing at the same time’ skit would literally fit this so well. Ugh, domestic Vox gets me so hard. And I like this way better than the more probable way that the housewife!Vox arc would end (so much angst. Terrible terrible terrible.)
Anyways, i’ve been posting a lot of Vox content lately. Can you guys guess my fav character? Haha… nope, very slick.. OH BOY I SURE HOPE NO ONE LEAVES MORE VOX ASKS JN MY INBOX TONIGHT!! maybe more of that boss/assistant human au!! ☺️☺️
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ms-demeanor · 8 months
it's hard to find legitimate data on risks associated with alcohol--a lot of results from religious organizations w/ vested financial interest in evangelical cult-type shit comes up when i try. i drink heavily occasionally, mostly because i just really like the experience of getting blasted with close friends once every few months--any advice on tracking down actual *reputable* data on the risks of that?
(tamping down on the urge to anonymously defend my actions in my favorite anarchism blogger's inbox but i *will* allow myself to defensively note that i never drink to the point of blacking out or puking. this isn't really relevant to the question i just have brain problems where i feel compelled to defend myself against imaginary assumptions.)
Okay i want to start this out by pointing out that I'm not particularly judgemental about drug use. Any drug use.
Basically, you do you. As long as you're not drinking and driving or otherwise doing harm (for instance, attempting to provide childcare while too intoxicated to do so safely) the only thing you have to worry about is what alcohol is doing to *you* and I was a smoker for like twenty years knowing full well how awful for me it was. If you want to drink and you know the risks, do what you want.
So, all that said, I mean this very gently (because it's clear that this is a sensitive issue for you) but it is not particularly difficult to find good data about risks associated with alcohol from sources less biased than American evangelicals.
For some research on the overall risks of alcohol consumption, here are some good, comprehensive, recent papers about the effects of alcohol on both individuals and populations.
Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption: combined analysis of individual-participant data for 599,912 current drinkers in 83 prospective studies
Population-level risks of alcohol consumption by amount, geography, age, sex, and year: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020
Alcohol consumption and risks of more than 200 diseases in Chinese men
Getting occasionally blasted with friends is what's called "binge drinking" - which is defined as five or more drinks within two hours for men or four or more drinks in two hours for women, or reaching a BAC of .08 (the legal limit for driving in the US). This is a lot lower than most people think of when they think of "binge drinking" - that's five beers, an average bottle of wine, or two strong cocktails like a long island iced tea. Five or more drinks wouldn't put most people into blacking out or puking territory, and if you're a seasoned drinker a BAC of .08 may not feel like anything over the top or ridiculous, but it is a drinking binge nonetheless and there are specific risks associated with binge drinking. Here are some write-ups on binge drinking specifically:
Binge drinking: Burden of liver disease and beyond
Binge Drinking’s Effects on the Body
Effects of Repeated Binge Drinking on Blood Pressure Levels and Other Cardiovascular Health Metrics in Young Adults
I get the urge to feel defensive, it sounds like this is something that's concerning you and from the tone of your ask it seems like this is something that you were not aware of and has made you uneasy. (And it sounds like you're around a lot of people who ARE judgemental about alcohol consumption for reasons that have to do with them imposing their morality on you, which is a shitty position to be in)
But hey i wouldn't be a very good marginal anarchist if I wasn't about making sure that people have informed interactions with the world.
I still go out and get shitfaced every once in a while because it's fun and there are things that I can do to mitigate the risks (like making sure I'm around safe people, don't have access to a motor vehicle, and don't do it often) but I do so with the awareness that what I am doing could have some pretty bad consequences and I need to make sure to watch out for my health to keep an eye on the systems that drinking like that might impact. If you're gonna drink, you should be keeping an eye on yourself generally. If you're gonna drink heavily (even if it's only every couple of months), you have got to keep an eye on your liver, pancreas, and heart specifically.
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emilysholster · 11 months
Satisfied (David Rossi x BAUAgent!Reader) Pt. 1/2
Summary: the tension building between you and Rossi becomes hard to ignore when he invites the team over for dinner
Tags: mentions of breakup, reader is in denial of feelings (but not for long 😼), flirting, unspecified age gap, so much tension that it’s basically edging at this point, also i made assumptions about the layout of his house ok, (fem!reader)
Translations: buonasera (good evening), bella (beautiful)
A/N: sorry I split this one into two parts just because it was getting so long <3 also please note I try to write the reader as neutral as possible, since it’s something I appreciate in fics as a woc myself. that being said, please point out to me if you ever feel that language I use in a fic is not as neutral as it could be in terms of skin colour, body type, etc.
Read Part Two
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Maybe it was because you and your boyfriend of the past few years had just broken up, but it felt as though the energy between you and Rossi had been different as of late.
To be fair, you’d always found yourself drawn to the famed agent; not because of his reputation, but because you genuinely enjoyed being around him. Rossi was great at pushing you to be the best you could be and to think outside the box. He also had a knack for knowing exactly how you were feeling at a given time, often being the source of reassurance when you were down.
And all of these things still stood, but lately it was becoming more difficult than usual to keep your feelings for him strictly professional. At times, it felt as though you and Rossi were communicating things without words.
There would be instances where you could feel his eyes on you from across the room, without even looking at him. Other times, you’d be looking over details of a case together and he would somehow find a way to have a hand on you, whether it be on your shoulder or on the small or your back.
Even Emily had noticed the shift. She said as much when the two of you were out for lunch a few weeks ago.
“Hey what’s up between you and Rossi? Is that finally happening?”
You looked up at the brunette in alarm. “What? What do you mean?”
Emily gave you a look, telling you she was seeing right through you. “Look, I don’t know exactly what it is, but what I do know is that he seemed particularly interested that day when you were telling me about your breakup.”
At your incredulous look, she went on. “He was pretending to read a file in his hands 6ft behind you but it was obvious he was eavesdropping, Y/N.”
Emily smirked. “Deny all you want Y/N, but I see you fighting that smile.”
Despite all this, you still tried to push your feelings aside. He was a senior agent and you were technically the newest of the team, having been on it for about two years now. And who’s to say he wasn’t like this for the other team members? Maybe he just had a habit of taking people under his wing. It didn’t mean anything.
So, this was what you told yourself when Rossi’s eyes stayed on yours for a beat too long as he invited everyone over for dinner. It was what you told yourself when he said ‘see you tonight’ as he passed by your desk on his way out earlier today. And it was what you kept telling yourself when you reached Rossi’s house and rang the doorbell, stomach filled with butterflies.
It seemed like you were the first to arrive, as the other team members’ cars were nowhere to be seen. The door opened, and Rossi smiled when he saw you. “Buonasera, Y/N.” He greeted, ushering you in.
You were welcomed by the scent of the agent’s famous cooking, your mouth already watering. You could hear the soft sound of Italian music coming from what you presumed to be the dining room, making you smile to yourself. The man knew how to create ambiance.
“Is that a gift for me?” Rossi asked, turning to where you stood in the foyer.
You looked down at the cream coloured orchid plant you held in your hands, having momentarily forgotten it. “Oh! Yes. A housewarming present, since it is my first time here.” You handed the pot to the amused agent. “Your house is lovely by the way.”
“How nice, thank you.” He smiled softly, holding the plant up so he could admire the flowers. “If I’m remembering right, Ancient Greeks believed orchids to be symbols of virility, love, and passion.” At this, his eyes met yours, and you could feel your cheeks warming.
“Interesting,” you smiled, hoping it wasn’t obvious that you knew that already. A smirk played about Rossi’s lips as he placed your gift on the table in the foyer, just as a timer in the kitchen rang out. “Excuse me a second, Y/N. Make yourself at home, please.” He said over his shoulder as he walked over to the kitchen.
You began unbuttoning your coat as you walked to the dining room, shrugging it off and leaving you in the simple black dress you wore. You hung the coat behind a chair before noticing some pictures that were hung up on the wall opposite to you.
You walked over to study them closer. There was a black and white one of two people you assumed to be Rossi’s parents. His father had the same rich dark hair and build but his eyes and smile were clearly those of his mother.
Another photo was of a younger version of him standing with a team of people, probably from when he helped found the BAU. The one next to it was of him and Hotch, likely taken after solving a case.
You heard Rossi’s footsteps approaching and turned to see him holding two glasses of wine. He paused a few steps away, and you watched as his eyes roamed over your figure in a way that made your skin burn. “Look at you,” he said, almost to himself.
You smiled, grabbing a glass from his outstretched hand. “I like the photos you have up here.” You said, looking back at the framed pictures as he stood next to you.
“Arguably from my better days,” Rossi chuckled. You turned back to face him at this admission, surprised.
“Really? I would beg to differ,” you quipped, watching him as you took a sip of wine. Rossi’s gaze flickered down to your lips as you licked them.
“Would you now?” If you weren’t mistaken, there seemed to be a hint of suggestion in the older agent’s voice. You registered just then how close you two were standing.
Before you could come up with an intelligible response, the doorbell rang. Rossi gave you a knowing smile before leaving to answer it.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. Taking a large gulp of wine, you entered the kitchen just as Rossi and Emily did.
Emily raised a brow once she saw you, a devilish grin on her face that went unseen by Rossi. “And here I thought I was early.” She seemed delighted by your flushed appearance and the death glare you shot her way.
The rest of the team arrived fairly soon after that: Hotch, Reid, JJ, Morgan, and lastly, Penelope. Rossi served his famous lasagna for dinner, followed by tiramisu for dessert. It was clear he was proud of what he made and he revelled in the team’s praise.
Derek clutched his stomach after the meal. “Rossi, man. I think I’m gonna be in a coma after this.”
“I second that,” JJ laughed.
The team moved over to the living space, settling on the couches as they chatted away. You noticed Rossi carrying some dishes to the kitchen and decided to stay in the dining room and help clear the plates from the table.
A hand came to rest on the small of your back while you stacked the plates, startling you before you realized it was Rossi. He leaned in close to your ear. “What did you think of the food, bella? I’d like your personal review.”
You turned around to face him, now positioned in such a way that his hand rested on your hip while you leaned against the table. “And why is that?” You asked, smirking up at him.
“No reason,” he said, though his tone wasn’t convincing. “Just tell me.”
You giggled, leaning back slightly against your hands as they gripped the table. “It was delicious, Dave, really. You’re an amazing cook.”
Rossi seemed pleased with your answer. “And were you…satisfied?” This time you were sure he was alluding to something else.
You felt your throat go dry. He tilted his head as he studied your face and you felt the hand on your hip tighten its grip almost imperceptibly. “Well?”
Maybe it was the wine and the brimming tension of the evening that made you respond the way you did. “Almost.”
If you hadn’t been watching Rossi’s eyes intently, you would have missed it, but you swore you saw them darken. “Is that so,” he said lowly, his lips hovering near yours. You felt your your skin warm under his gaze, your face inching towards his.
“Hey Rossi, Y/N,” Derek called, startling the both of you into springing apart. “Quit cleaning and get over here. We’re playing poker.”
Your heart raced as you were abruptly reminded of the team sitting a few feet away. Thankfully, the two of you were obscured by a wall between the dining and living areas.
Rossi let out a deep sigh, expressing your mutual disappointment at being interrupted. He gave your hip a meaningful squeeze before heading over to where the rest of the team sat, with you trailing behind him.
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Would I be the asshole if I start hooking up with my hook-up's friend?
Some background info is necessary here. I'm aromantic and I've always been completely open about that and as upfront about what a relationship with me will (and, more importantly, won't) entail. I met this particular guy on a dating website like OKCupid or something like that, I don't remember exactly which one. We got along and were attracted to each other so I sat him down and had my usual talk with him about what he could expect and what he should never expect and whether or not that was a relationship he was okay with having. He said yes, so we started doing basically a FWB thing.
He's incredibly hot and we are very compatible sexually (which is honestly not super common for me tbh lol). The problem is, he often gets clingy and weepy and complains to me about how lonely he is and that he really wants a romantic relationship, complete with things about how no one will ever love him and those types of sayings. I've talked to him about it a few times and asked if he was sure he wanted to keep doing this with me when I will never be able to meet that need. We're also not exclusive at all, so I usually respond to this kind of thing by encouraging him to keep seeing other people/keep putting himself out there/etc and hyping him up and stuff. Every time we talk about it he says he's good to go, that he totally understands my aromanticism and he won't try to push for romance from me, and like I said it's kind of difficult for me to find people who also want the sex I want (I guess I'm kind of kinky and a stone top which in my experience a lot of guys are not into idk) and especially to find people who are interested in sex and dating with no actual romantic feelings or intent. So I've been sticking with him even though he keeps bringing this up and kind of (seemingly) implying that he wants things from me I've told him repeatedly I can't give. I don't want to hurt his feelings by still sleeping with him if he wants love, but I'm basically operating on the assumption that he's a big boy who can make his own decisions and I've been honest with him and understanding, at least as far as I'm concerned.
That's the backstory, now we reach the issue I'm actually asking about. A few days ago, maybe as an early birthday present for me or maybe just coincidentally, this guy had a friend over at the same time as me and we ended up having a threesome. It was great! I really liked the other person involved and we were all compatible and had a lot of fun. They gave me their number on my way out.
So I've been texting with this person, that my long term (I guess, depending on your definition of "long term") hook-up introduced me to via a threesome, and they have asked me if I want to hook up again with just them. Which I totally do. I know I wouldn't be an asshole to start seeing them in addition to the first guy because we're not exclusive and never have been, and I've made myself clear from the beginning that we never would be. My question is would I be the asshole if I started seeing this person that he introduced me to via a threesome, and also stopped having sex with him (I would be open to still being friends who don't have sex, but somehow I doubt he would be very interested in that).
The thing is, this new person is also aromantic, so I know that a non-romantic sexual relationship that stays non-romantic would actually for sure be okay with them. I wouldn't have to worry a) about hurting their feelings because they want something from me I can't give, or b) them repeatedly implying they want more or thought I could change my mind eventually or whatever. But... It just seems like it might be a bit of a dick move when he introduced us for group sex and then to... cut him out of the group, I guess.
So... would I be the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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remcycl333 · 1 year
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the most frequently asked questions about states and the law of assumption, all in one place!
Q: is states a method?
A: no! states is not a method. you can't decide that you don't want to use states, because you are always in a state no matter what!
Q: what do i do if i can't imagine?
A: everyone can imagine!! imagination ≠ visualization. even if you have aphantasia (like me) and can't see images in your mind, you can still imagine! you can imagine in words, sounds, feelings, even smells!
imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
Q: how do you "feel it to be real"?
A: think about how it would feel to have your desire! maybe you'd feel calm, relief, excitement, contentedness, peace, etc. this is the feeling you're looking for. now, whenever you do methods, such as visualization, affirming, scripting, etc, your goal is to conjure this feeling! that is how you feel it real: you feel how you'd feel if you already had it.
note: you don't have to feel it real every single time you enter the state of the wish fulfilled!
Q: what if I have a lot of desires I want to fulfill at once? do I imagine all of them being in the wish fulfilled state or should I focus on one after another? I am also worried since I don't really remember all of my desires by heart.
A: i'm sure we're all familiar with the idea of blanket affirmations such as "i have everything i want." it's just like that! embody the state of being someone who has everything they want, or the state of having your dream life!
your subconscious is super smart, so it remembers every one of your desires even if your conscious mind doesn't! if you want to write a list of all your desires down, you can do that! or you can script a scene that implies you have all of these desires if that's a method you'd prefer! if you want to focus on them separately, you can do that too!
every time you've noticed you've fallen out of the state of having everything you want (negative thoughts are indicators of that) shift back to your desired state!
Q: how long should it take on average to receive your desire in the 3d after your state has changed?
A: as soon as the state of the wish fulfilled becomes your dwelling state, it will manifest into your 3d! sadly there's no set time on how long it takes for a state to become your dwelling state. it depends on you! to make sure your desired state becomes your dwelling state as fast as possible, make sure you're returning to your desired state every time you notice you've fallen out of it!
Q: how do you know if you're in sabbath/what is sabbath?
A: being in the sabbath state basically just means that you know your desire is yours and you've accepted it as a FACT that its yours! and now you don't feel the need to do anything to get it bc you know you already have it. or for some people you feel like you don't even want your desire anymore, even though you know you do!
it's kinda like when you want a new phone really bad, and then once you get it, after a while it just feels normal for you to have it. you no longer want it really badly, because you already have it. even though you still love your phone and are happy you have it, you're used to it! you don't feel like you need to do anything to get this phone anymore, because it's already yours! that's basically what the sabbath state feels like!
Q: how do i get over the feeling that i have to monitor my every thought?
A: i went through this too! what really helped me was allowing myself to think of other things. so whenever i'd doubt or begin to overthink, i'd just reassure myself i already had my desire and there was nothing i needed to do, and then make myself think of something else. monitoring my thoughts had become a habit, so i broke it by allowing (even forcing) myself to think of other things!
Q: tips on doubts/overthinking?
A: what helps me the most is to remind myself that my desire is already mine in the 4D, no matter what thoughts pop up in my conscious mind. your thoughts don't manifest, so your doubts won't manifest either unless you dwell in them.
something else i've always done--which might be a little unconventional idk--is tell myself that the only reason im having doubts or overthinking is because im sooo close to manifesting my desire and my conscious mind knows that and is trying to sabotage me. is this actually what's happening? prob not but i just tell myself it is (thoughts don't manifest so it doesn't matter if i think this) and let it the idea motivate me to get back on track. you don't have to do this, but i am very used to the idea of self-sabotaging myself, so by explaining it to myself like this makes it easier for me to continue persisting,
also, don't expect to be perfect at manifesting right away! the more you continue to go back to the state of the wish fulfilled, the easier and easier it will get. you will notice less and less doubts pop up! don't let the fact that you get doubts prevent you from trying! it;s like learning how to ride a bike: you fall off every other second whenever you start, but with time and practice, you start to be able to stay on the bike longer and longer. eventually, it's smooth sailing and you never fall!! but if you had given up the first few times you fell off, you wouldn't have gotten to the good part!
Q: how do I know if I am stuck in the state of lack?
A: you're never stuck in any state, that state is just your dwelling state. and you know the state of lack is your dwelling state because the thoughts that naturally enter your day about your desire are negative! you can easily shift to another state, you're not stuck in any one state!
Q: do i have to visualize?
A: nope! visualization is simply a method. it's not a requirement at all!
Q: what is the difference between dominant thoughts and states?
A: the definition of the law of assumption if you look it up on google: The Law of Assumption is a means of manifesting desires by having a state of mind and the feeling that those desires, wishes, and aspirations have been fulfilled. Neville Goddard (who introduced this law), explains that achieving the desired goal has everything to do with your state of mind rather than mere action.
the definition of the law of attraction on google: The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
in the law of assumption, your state is what manifests. it's what Neville has always taught. once again, let's revisit this Neville quote: “You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has decreed himself to be.”
basically, you can repeat an affirmation (or thought) five thousand times a day, but if you haven't changed your dwelling state, it's not going to matter.
affirmations are for your conscious mind. your subconscious responds to feeling, not to thoughts or images or actions. you can repeat affirmations to help soothe yourself and assure yourself you have your desire. and you can also use them to create the feeling of the wish fulfilled within yourself. you can use all methods to create this feeling. they're not what gets you into the state, but they can help you maintain the state.
Q: is state another name for feeling of wish fulfilled? and if it is, why is it called states now because Neville has literally sworn by the fact that all one need to manifest desires is the feeling of wish fulfilled?
A: Neville has always said you need to get into the STATE of mind of someone who already has your desire. aka the STATE of the WISH FULFILLED. the wish fulfilled is a state, just like there's a state of lack. when you have the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you are in the state of the wish fulfilled. and this will manifest once it becomes your dwelling state
Q: how is ignoring an opposing the thought the same as shifting back to TSOTWF?
A: as i've described in my posts about states, you enter a state by intention. so if you notice an opposing thought pop up and you decide to ignore it bc it's not what u want, you are intending to shift back to the state where you do have your desire. you are ignoring that thought because you don't want to identify with it, and the reason you don't identify with it is because you want to opposite of it. so intention can really be as small and simple as that!
Q: is it normal that at first i can't hold the state for a long time?
A: yeah! don't force yourself to hold the state for long periods of time, it's not necessary! it's really about which state you go back to the most frequently, not how long you can hold a state!
Q: when i enter my desired state, i don't naturally have thoughts that i have my desire. does that mean i'm not in the state?
A: don't expect to start naturally having thoughts from the state of the wish fulfilled when you just start manifesting something! the more you shift to your desired state throughout the day, the easier it will get and the longer you will stay in the state. as your desired state becomes your dwelling state, that's when you'll start naturally having thoughts that you would if you already had your desire.
Q: when i shift back to my desired state by reminding myself that i have my desire, i DO NOT feel anything. Is this ok?
A: yeah! when i shift back to my desired state throughout the day, if im in the middle of doing something, i don't feel anything at all! i focus more on the feeling of knowing while im doing methods, to ensure im doing them not to get my desire, but to experience already have it in my 4d! but when you're just quickly shifting yourself back to the state of the wish fulfilled while you're busy doing something else, it's not necessary to feel anything!
Q: how to remain in a state despite 3d showing unwanted reality?
A: it is okay to fall out of the state! you don't have to get into a state and then stay in it until it manifests in order for it to become your dwelling state! you make the state of the wish fulfilled your dwelling state by going back to it more times than you go back to the state of lack. so if something in your 3d make you fall out of the state, that's okay, just shift back into it! don't feel pressure to be in the state 24/7!
Q: how to know if you're truly fulfilled or just in a good mood but still in a “lack” state?
A: your state creates your thoughts, so if you're still in the state of lack, you will have opposing thoughts about your desire! you wouldn't be able to have "good" thoughts about your desire if you weren't in the state of the wish fulfilled!
Q: how to consistently satisfy the inner man without seeing it as a step to manifest something into your 3d?
A: don't force yourself to do a method you don't want to do! don't force yourself to visualize the same scene someone else even though it doesn't create any feeling of knowing inside of you and feels like a chore to you. don't repeat affirmations if you don't want to and don't repeat an aff you don't resonate with. do what you think is fun! and do what feels natural to you! by taking the pressure of being perfect off yourself, it's easier to imagine in order to experience, rather than to get it in your 3d.
also if you're just not in the mood to imagine or do a method, don't do it! fulfilling yourself can be as simple as shifting into the state and then going on with your day!
Q: how do i fulfill my imagination without feeling delusional?
A: remember that you can do or be absolutely anything in your imagination! you don't have think that what you see in your 4d is happening right now in your 3d! you just have to know its happening in your 4d, and it clearly is because you are imagining it! your 3d will reflect your 4d, but you don't have to focus on that fact while imagining! imagine to experience, not to get. your imagination is your safe space, you can have anything you want in there, and it's not delusional to imagine yourself as someone who has what you want!
you might be putting too much pressure on imagining, when really it should be fun and natural. remember, your imagining to feel as though your inner man already has it, not to manifest it into your outer world (even though it will naturally do that on its own)!
Q: is it really possible to manifest anything you want?
A: yup! your imagination creates your reality, so if you can imagine something, you can manifest it into your reality!
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itgomyway · 9 months
(you)r sp and you ♡
i have already made a post about how you should love yourself and your sp will love you almost as much (bc they actually are you!) but lets go into more detail
a lot of you guys, including me, wanted to get into a relationship. and with that, youve discovered the law of assumption. the basics start off with whatever you assume will be. but after months of arguing, harassment, and bullying on twitter, you’re probably confused and too scared to ask.
FUCK THAT. let me be the one to tell you that none of it matters. you very much can and WILL manifest your sp. others false opinions (false because theyre not real) mean nothing. this isnt a loass post though im talking about non dualism (which is not the same).
“but wait… i want my sp and non dualism isnt about getting so why would i-“ because your sp shouldnt be someone that brings you happiness. they should be someone who adds to your quality of life. why does that sound like loass vs non dualism? because it is.
people use the law of assumption to manifest desires for their physical world. theres nothing wrong with that! that is how i manifested my current relationship. however, when we speak about non dualism, it goes beyond trying to get anything. youre just being. and “getting” into a relationship can very much help or make your false sense of self feel better. you as consciousness know relationships themselves dont exist because it is you but your ego, the false sense of self doesnt know that. it wants to experience love as part of the human condition. but youre still not getting anything. lemme explain.
you were trying to “get” something that was never outside of you TO make you happy. that doesnt make sense when not only are they you, but they are apart of you. everything your awareness is on “reflects” how you feel about yourself because all there is is you.
lets go back to non dualism’s basics. everything is consciousness = you creation is brought on by your awareness = you. “but back when x happened-“ the past and the future do not exist. the only thing that exist is now. you cant “apply” this way of thinking to something that doesnt exist. that makes no sense. youre just going to confuse yourself. i am telling you RIGHT NOW the only truly real thing is YOU. that is all there is and will ever be. you can control your awareness through observations meaning youre in total control. read that again.
so when it comes to your sp, romantic or not, they are never not yours. they were never not you or not a part of you. every thought, feeling, affirmation, or word you wrote down, they have received. because its you. think about it. are you ever aware of anything youre unaware of? (no). because things only exist the moment youre aware of them!
and remember, if something can come to our awareness like a relationship and leave our awareness it is not real. but you, as consciousness are infinite and are always here and always consciousness. so you are real!
after discovering non dualism i have thought about the feelings my boyfriend has presented to me and how they currently match the feelings i have for myself. i have always loved myself and will always love myself. if i didnt, how could i expect my creation, which is a projection of my own self image, to have different feelings than me? your sp isnt a separate person. Your relationships will always show how you feel about yourself, romantic or platonic. they’re not real because they come and go through your awareness but your ego as the false self believes they are. and thats okay. thats its job. let it be and observe them as consciousness.
nothing can happen outside of your awareness because the moment you are aware/conscious of something, it exist instantly. so if your sp is treating you the way you dont want to be treated then reflect on your own feelings about yourself. this DOES NOT necessarily mean work on your self concept. ask yourself if “you” think youre worthy of what it is your ego desires. a lot of my blockage came from that. i had to fall in love with myself so my ego could comprehend how i could be loved. because its still me.
lets talk about “free will”.
“free will” doesn’t exist. lemme tell you why. the idea of free will is a person outside of you having a say in their own life. the basic principle of non dualism means theres only one being, consciousness (you). so tell me how can “another person” “outside” of you have a say in their “own lives” when none of that exist in the first place?
your sp having or not having free will shouldn’t effect how you feel about them unless you see them as a separate entity outside of you. they’re not an “object” you control theyre your creation and another form of consciousness so of course you have control over your creations you have control over EVERYTHING.
your sp feels the same way you feel about yourself. always. if you dont feel good about yourself then i do suggest working on your self concept. not to “get” anything but for YOURSELF! why not love yourself? why cart that responsibility off to your creation?
at the end of the day, itll just be you surrounded by your creations. you can pick and choose what they are specifically BUT THE ONLY REAL THING IS YOU
© itgomyway
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cator99 · 2 months
went to a nearby university today since an author whose book I'm reading teaches there and I wanted to ask some questions. wandered until I found something called the deans office and then made a very quick assumption where he might be and asked for directions to that department and the lady there said "oh are you looking for [name], the [job title]? Shes in [room]!" So I just said YES and thanked her and went to [room] where I was just like oh are you [name] and she immediately just said "YES come in!!!" no questions asked she looked bored as fuck and also had the rainbow stuff going on in her room so maybe she was oh what do they call it "enthusiastic about female baldness" but i apologized for intruding and explained that i was directed to you but I'm actually looking to speak to [authors name], and she didnt know who that was, definitely not this department, hmm weird, so we chatted and she looked him up on her computer and asked me about my research which is when I clarified that I'm not a student I just started reading this guy's book last week and realized i happened to be working in the area where he teaches and figured I'd try to speak to him which she thought was super dope so she printed me off a map of the campus and highlighted how to get to him she was really great I wish I hung out with her instead of going to find him and getting shut down hard as fuck the people in his department practically rolled their eyes at me which I absolutely expected but yeah I guess you can just go to universities and talk to faculty so long as they're not also media darlings. So I just been looking up a bunch of people (lesbians. mostly) who do their thing at other universities and have information about things I want to learn about because to be honest I don't really know what school is or life really I just show up places and start asking questions and that seems to be half of the work now the problem is there's this 2 part seminar I really really want to go to about careers in a field of study I'm interested in but its undergraduates only and also invite only but basically I'm thinking of just showing up and acting normal and shaking hands and all of that and by the time they realize I shouldn't be there they'll be like ahh well you're not hurting anyone with your driven curious nature and enthusiasm for learning so sure buddy why dont you stay. I mean how else am I supposed to know if I should sink years of my life into pursuing it? I want to hear the professionals speak to the undergrads and pretend I'm one of their kind so I can really immerse myself in the experience and can from there make an informed decision okay perfect yeah sounds like a plan
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