#baker street file
sherlockianscholar · 7 months
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the intro for the baker street file contains several quotes that feel like they're directed entirely at jeremy (which he definitely did not listen to at all):
"although this series is intended to be a straight and faithful adaptation of the sherlock holmes stories conan doyle's writings cannot obviously be regarded as holy writ; neither can this list be thought of as a set of absolute instructions."
"it is pointless to adhere slavishly on film to every word that doyle wrote."
"however it is important to know when (and why) we intentionally disregard what doyle writes."
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kneelbeforeclefairy · 9 months
Sherlock Holmes fandom, I find it very difficult to believe that the Baker Street File, which HAS been published, though doesn't seem to be available to buy right now,has not been digitized online somewhere. Does anyone have a link to a PDF, or know, at least , where I can buy a copy?
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year
I know the names Herlock Sholmes and John Wilson were a reference to Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmès, but while I will dearly love the stupidity of the name Herlock until my dying day, the name Wilson didn't make it clear enough that it was John Watson who was murdered in case 1. However, I also think the separation is good, because I do not want to taint Watson's good name with Wilson's shit personality.
What I'm saying is that he should have been named Wohn Jatson -
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icarusfrommars · 1 year
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Alright, alright, alright! Let's see what we've got.
Seems like most of the contestants from round 1 managed to stay in for round 3! Good job at beating the competition you earlybirds. However, now we're getting into the real juicy eliminations...
L VS Batman: L was once again victorious over the more popular detective and so moves on to round 3!
Mystery Inc. VS Columbo: Those darn meddling kids got away with it as they beat Columbo and go on to round 3!
L and Mystery Inc. will face off in round 3.
Scully and Mulder VS Goro Akechi: It seems the FBI is smarter than the Ace Detective and so the two of them move on to round 3!
Professor Layton VS Connor: Connor was no match for Layton's intuition and so the professor moves on to round 3!
Scully and Mulder and Professor Layton will face off in round 3.
Sam and Max VS Shuichi Saihara: He may be the ultimate detective, but he's not good enough for the chaotic dog and rabbit duo, as Sam and Max go to round 3!
Basil of Baker Street VS Jessica Fletcher: Upset, she wrote! Basil of baker street managed to pull ahead in the competition against Jessica and moves on to round 3! (OOC: objectively wrong but wtv).
Sam and Max and Basil of Baker Street will face off in round 3.
Nancy Drew VS Jessica Jones: Nancy proved that you don't need superpowers to be a great detective as she wins against Jessica Jones and moves to round 3!
The Hardy Boys VS Auguste Dupin: The only member of round 2 to beat their round 1 counterpart, Auguste Dupin proved to be a better sleuth than the brother detectives and so moves on to round 3!
Nancy Drew and Auguste Dupin will be facing off in round 3.
And that's the lineup folks! The polls will be opening soon! Make sure to get your votes in!
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g1rld1ary · 16 days
lifeguard!james x reader 3
wc: 1384
cw: horny.
the next time you see james is early in the morning. you're on a run, trying to get it in before the sun reaches full strength and it's awful to even move, so most of your town isn't awake yet. you run through the streets, legs burning and lungs heaving as you focus on the good parts of the experience. the emptiness of the streets lets you admire the old buildings -- maybe worse for wear but still architecturally beautiful. the smell of bread filled the air from one of the nearby bakeries, so far untouched by the stench of petrol usually pervading the main street. you waved at one of the bakers arranging the display cabinet in the window, the father of someone you went to school with.
the joy of the morning had distracted you from the pain of running, but when you reached the site of a public drink tap you realised how much your legs ached, tired pain shooting out from the knees. you'd run a bit further than you normally would have, caught up in your daydreams and so took a break for a drink and to stretch out the soreness in your legs, pulling your cap off to wipe the sweat from your brow. you glanced to your left casually, whipping your head back for a double take when you saw james in the window of the 24-hour gym, doing god knows what on a machine you didn't know the name of. you did, however, know that it was turning you on.
both your interactions with james thus far had featured him shirtless; as a lifeguard, it was bound to happen even with the mandatory red and yellow sun shirt, and james in particular seemed determined to wear it as little as possible. so, you knew he was gorgeous, with the body of a Greek god and the confidence to show it off. this somehow seemed more sensual -- how was it that sometimes wearing some clothes was more sexual than wearing nothing? james was in a muscle shirt with the arm holes cut longer to give a peek into the broad expanse of chest underneath. he was on the ergo, you remembered marlene explaining once, and the way his muscles shifted under his skin was downright sinful. you'd never understood why they were described as 'rippling' until you saw james'.
you realised with a start you were openly ogling him on the side of the main street and tore your eyes away with a start, pretending to admire a nearby tree as you felt your embarrassment catch up to you. you fanned yourself with your cap quickly, putting on a big show of taking a rest break for no one but yourself. stealing one last glance at him, glistening with sweat and looking positively unearthly, you began to run again, filing the image away for when you were alone.
you were pretty sure he hadn't seen you, thank god, but your hammering heart still matched the pounding of your feet against the pavement as you headed home. you figured if nothing else, giving you full-body goosebumps just by working out probably earned him your name, and you resolved to give it to him the next time you met.
you thought you were safe for the rest of the day since you were working a shift at the local supermarket, alas, fate had other plans. you'd been behind the counter for a few hours now, well into the groove of scanning the items through and getting them into bags as fast as possible.
"hi, welcome to -- oh!" you said, meeting his hazel eyes. "james."
"nice uniform," he glanced down at your shirt, eyes catching on your silver name tag. he tried it out, seemingly content with the way it sounded from his mouth.
"you caught me." you smiled, not upset your game had come to an end.
"how do you know this girl, jamie?" the woman next to him said and you noticed her for the first time. she had to be his mother, both contextually and because they shared the same spark of trouble in their eye and lopsided smile. you raised an eyebrow in his direction: jamie. james seemed unfazed, to his credit, smiling down at his mum warmly.
"this is one of the girls i told you i met down at the pool. my first friend here." his earnestness caught you off guard again and you hated the way it warmed your heart.
"it's nice to meet you mrs, uh..."
"potter," she finished for you, "but call me effie, all of james' friends do." you smiled at her, introducing yourself politely despite the name tag rendering it superfluous.
you continued to make small talk with them as you bagged their groceries, surprised by how easy it was to talk to james and his mum. you were never really one for new people in general, growing up in a smaller town made it an unnecessary skill to develop, but you were especially bad with parents. you could hardly talk to lily's parents, and she was your closest friend. yet, with effie it felt natural, as if you'd known the both of them all your life.
you answered her questions about the town patiently, giving her recommendations about what you thought were the best restaurants and telling her about the book club your mum was part of that might be a good way for her to make friends. as the transaction came to an end effie was all gratitude, showering you with kind compliments and an invitation to visit their house whenever you pleased (much to james' chagrin, judging by his red cheeks).
"you bring these to the car, mum. i just have another question and then I'll be right out." you looked at him curiously, unsure of what couldn't wait or be said in front of effie. james watched her leave for a second before turning to you with an unnaturally innocent expression.
"you follow arsenal, right? pretty chuffed with their results this season, though I wish they could've brought it home." you opened your mouth to reply before pausing, your eyes narrowing to scrutinise him.
"how do you know i support them?" you asked, sure you hadn't brought up football in your limited interactions with him.
"you were wearing their hat, right? this morning?" he asked, and you tried to think back, oh. if you hadn't picked up on the reference, james' shit-eating grin told you all you needed to know. he'd seen you this morning. oh god, james had seen you checking him out from the street and you wanted to sink into a hole.
somewhat predictably, james didn't appear mad. in fact, he looked rather pleased with himself as you covered your face with your hands, hoping he'd just leave you to wallow in self-pity.
"you know, you could've just asked," he said casually, as if you weren't utterly embarrassed, "i would've let you watch. hell, i'll let you touch if you ask nicely." now he was teasing, and for the sake of your pride you had to come up with something in response or he'd take the upper hand and never give it back.
"i was just making sure you didn't hurt yourself, big boy." not your best, but at least it wasn't tears of shame, and james seemed amused anyhow.
"good to know you would have saved me, supergirl." he shot you a wink and you scoffed good-naturedly. you shooed him off with the excuse of his mum waiting in a hot car, but honestly, you knew you couldn't keep up the banter or staring up into his eyes for much longer without jumping his bones in the middle of the checkout line. you had a feeling your boss wouldn't take too kindly to you riding james potter on the conveyor belt, even if he was the hottest man you'd ever seen in your life.
"see you later, hot stuff!" he called, probably too loudly for the grocery store, a cheeky salute to you as he braved the heat outside.
"bye, baywatch," you muttered, praying you didn't look as flustered as you felt. you called the next customer over, greeting them politely as you tried to pretend there wasn't an aching in your core.
not sure if im convinced by james as an arsenal supporter but lmk if you have a more fitting team for him!!
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yamy-brett · 7 months
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"During filming [...] while other actors disappeared to the canteen at lunchtime, Brett would remain on set sitting alone reading the script, analysing every nuance. One of Brett’s prize possessions during filming, according to Manners, was his 77-page “Baker Street File,” which covered everything from Holmes’ mannerisms to his eating and drinking habits. From such obsessiveness resulted heavenly acting."
"The beauty of Jeremy Brett"
Article By James Jeffrey, 21 May, 2020
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yes-asil · 7 months
Hey so I’m about to watch detective Conan for the first time and I just wanted to make sure but Cased Closed is the one I’m supposed to watch first right? Cuz there are a could other detective Conan stuff on the site I’m using
I have the perfect list on how to rewatch the show under the cut
We've got a German website over here, so this is kinda??? official, but not really, it just makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
Episodes 001-054
Movie 01 (The Time-Bombed Skyscraper)
Episodes 055-097
Movie 02 (The Fourteenth Target)
Episodes 098-139
Short Stories 01-03 (Wait for Me, Wandering Red Butterfly, Santa Claus of Summer)
Episode 140
Movie 03 (The Last Wizard of the Century)
Episodes 141-173
OVA 01 (Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!)
Short Stories 04-07 (Detective George, Ten Planets, Play It Again, Making of Conan)
Episodes 174-186
Movie 04 (Captured in Her Eyes)
Episodes 187-231
Movie 05 (Countdown to Heaven)
Episodes 232-262
OVA 02 (16 Suspects!?)
Episodes 263-275
Movie 06 (The Phantom of Baker Street)
Episodes 276-303
OVA 03 (Conan, Heiji, and the Vanished Boy)
Episodes 304-315
Movie 07 (Crossroad in the Ancient Capital)
Episodes 316-344
OVA 04 (Conan, Kid, and the Crystal Mother)
Episodes 345-356
Movie 08 (Magician of the Silver Sky)
Episodes 357-383
OVA 05 (The Target is Kogoro!! The Detective Boys’ Secret Report)
Episodes 384-396
Movie 09 (Strategy Above the Depths)
Episodes 397-424
OVA 06 (Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan and Heiji vs. Kid!)
Episodes 425-434
Movie 10 (The Private Eyes’ Requiem)
Episodes 435-452
Drama Special 01 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~Prologue Until Goodbye~)
Episodes 453-459
OVA 07 (A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys)
Episodes 460-470
Movie 11 (Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure)
Episodes 471-490
OVA 08 (The Casebook of Female High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki)
Drama Special 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo Returns! ~Confrontation with the Black Organization~)
Episodes 491-504
Movie 12 (Full Score of Fear)
Magic File 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab)
Episodes 505-520
OVA 09 (The Stranger from Ten Years Later)
Episodes 521-529
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (TV special)
Episodes 530-531
Movie 13 (The Raven Chaser)
Magic File 03 (Shin'ichi and Ran, Memories of Mahjong Tiles and Tanabata)
Episodes 532-561
OVA 10 (Kid in Trap Island)
Episodes 562-570
Movie 14 (The Lost Ship in the Sky)
Magic File 04 (The Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey)
Magic Kaito Special 01
Episodes 571-610
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 01
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 02
Drama Special 03 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~The Mystery of the Legendary Bird~)
Movie 15 (Quarter of Silence) (Love that movie aughhh)
Magic File 05 (Niigata ~ Tokyo Souvenir Capriccio)
Episodes 611-616
OVA 11 (A Secret Order from London)
Episodes 617-623
Drama Episodes 01-02
Episode 624
Drama Episode 03
Episodes 625-626
Magic Kaito Special 02-03
Drama Episodes 04-07
Episodes 627-628
Drama Episodes 08-09
Episodes 629-630
Drama Episodes 10-11
Episode 631
Magic Kaito Special 04
Drama Episodes 12-13
Episodes 632-634
Magic Kaito Special 05
Episodes 635-641
OVA 12 (The Miracle of Excalibur)
Magic Kaito Special 06
Episodes 642-651
Movie 16 (The Eleventh Striker)
Magic File 06 (Flower of Fantasista)
Drama Special 04 (Shin'ichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case)
Episodes 652-666
Magic Kaito Special 07-08
Episodes 667-670
Magic Kaito Special 09
Episodes 671-674
Magic Kaito Special 10
Episodes 675-680
Magic Kaito Special 11-12
Episodes 681-694
Movie 17 (Private Eye in the Distant Sea)
Episodes 695-721
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Episodes 722-735
Movie 18 (Dimensional Sniper)
Episodes 736-753
Magic Kaito 1412 01
Episodes 754-756
Magic Kaito 1412 02-04
Episodes 757-758
Magic Kaito 1412 05-06
Episodes 759-760
Magic Kaito 1412 07-08
Episodes 761-762
Magic Kaito 1412 09-11
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa ~The Worst Two Days in History~
Magic Kaito 1412 12
Happy New Year, Kogoro Mouri (Fugitive: Kogoro Mouri)
Episodes 763-764
Magic Kaito 1412 13-14
Episodes 765-766
Magic Kaito 1412 15-16
Episode 767
Magic Kaito 1412 17-18
Episode 768
Magic Kaito 1412 19
Episode 769
Magic Kaito 1412 20
Episode 770-771
Magic Kaito 1412 21-22
Episode 772-773
Magic Kaito 1412 23-24
Episode 774
Movie 19 (Sunflowers of Inferno)
Episode 775-813
Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare)
Episode 814-844
Episode “One”: The Great Detective Who Shrank
Episode 845-854
Episode 856-874
Episode 855
Movie 21 (Crimson Love Letter)
Episode 875-898
Movie 22 (Zero the Enforcer)
Episode 899-935
Movie 23 (The Fist of Blue Sapphire)
Episode 936-1002
Movie 24 (The Scarlet Bullet)
Episode 1003-1038
Zero’s Tea Time 1-2
Episode 1039
Movie 25 (The Bride of Halloween)
Zero’s Tea Time 3
Episode 1040
Zero’s Tea Time 4
Episode 1041
Zero’s Tea Time 5
Episode 1042
Zero’s Tea Time 6
Episode 1043-1058
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 1
Episode 1059
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
Episode 1060
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 3-4
Episode 1061-current
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softieekayy · 2 months
Sweet treat
Vincent Renzi x reader
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: the dialogue is italicized because my French isn’t good enough (yet) to right proper dialogue.
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Moments like these were precious to Vincent. These quiet serene moments where the only sound was the chirping of birds and the soft, mellow music in the background that accompanied it. He liked to light a cigarette, lean into his chair as he sat on his small balcony, looking out to the sky and the street below him.
However what captured his attention more was the cute little baker from across from him.
Vincent noticed that she often started her day early, rushing into the store as if her pants were on fire, hair unkempt and a cigarette dangling from her lips as the long winter coat protected her from the harsh wind. Vincent often donned a smile seeing her. He saw himself in her. The way the hair was messy and the cigarette, she was just another version of him. One that he so desperately wanted to know.
He watched her now, eyes squinting slightly as the silver haired man waited for his mystery woman to arrive. She was late today but Vincent swore up and down that he wasn’t stalking her. No, he’d never do that. He’d just familiarized himself with her routine. It wasn’t much different from his own. Up at such ungodly hours doing lord knows what.
This time though, she felt him watching. The clearly disheveled woman could feel eyes on her a couple months ago yet she chose to ignore it. Until she caught a glimpse of possibly the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. The young woman let a small smile graced her lips as he looked up at him, eyes squinting from the sun that decided to peek out today. He wasn’t looking at her then, no. He was looking ahead, not even in her direction. Deciding that she was running late already, the woman headed into the shop, quite unaware of Vincent’s watchful eyes.
Days went by yet neither of them made any moves. (Y/n) watched him occasionally, admiring the way his silver hair fell over his forehead. He looked like a cat. A very beautiful cat. She wanted to know the man yet she couldn’t exactly match up to him and ask questions. Her nose crinkled at the thought of being so invasive. Vincent, ever the recluse, watched her from his balcony, a cigarette in his mouth. He wanted to introduce himself to her and get to know her, possibly at dinner but he didn’t. He couldn’t.
“Watching him again?” A voice, Helene’s voice, interrupted the young woman from her thoughts. She turned her head slightly to look at the older woman standing in front of her, a teasing smile on her face and arms crossed.
(Y/n) scoffed. “No, I’m just… admiring the weather.” Her voice held uncertainty. Helene laughed, the young woman couldn’t lie to save a life.
“Mhm, because the weather is stunning today.” It wasn’t. The weather was horrible, not a peak of sunshine. It was just strong wind and clouds looking like they’re about to bless the ground with snow.
“Yeah. I can’t wait for the inevitable snow storm we’ll have.” The younger woman replied sarcastically, throwing her hair over her shoulder. She’d done it nicely today, two braids on both sides.
Helene looked up at the man, his name still unknown to both of them.
“He is quite beautiful.” She sighed, taking in Vincent’s form and earning herself a jab in the rib from her coworker.
“Come. Stop being distracted, we have work to do.” (Y/n) tells her, pulling the older woman in by her arm, leaving Vincent unbeknownst to their conversation.
The older man retreated into his apartment, it wasn’t a very small one. It was nice, well, nice enough for him. Two bedrooms, one used as an office while the other one looked like it had barely been slept in. He rubbed his eyes, trying to drive away the tiredness that seeped through his bones and into his head. Vincent looked over to the pile of files he had to sort through, sighing, he went over to brew himself a nice, warm cup of coffee.
“Fuck.” Vincent muttered, seeing the sputtering of the old machine. He sighed, rubbing his forehead in agitation. He knew he should’ve replaced the damn machine months ago but he didn’t. And now he’s seeing the fruit of his labour. Maybe today was his lucky day. Maybe he’d get to talk to the cute owner of the coffee shop. The older man exhaled deeply, pulling on a black sweater, one of his nicer ones along with a black trench coat.
The weather didn’t seem to be letting up soon and he wasn’t fond of freezing.
Vincent made his way down the stairs of his apartment, walking across the street and towards the shop. He stopped for a minute, breathing deeply, he didn’t want to come across as a stalker and he sincerely hoped that the cute girl didn’t notice his obvious staring. He pulled the door open, walking into the shop, surprised to see it busy.
“Oh my god.” Helene whispered, her jaw dropping as she noticed the silver haired man walk in. She nudges the younger woman beside her.
“What?” (Y/n) asked her, not in the mood to listen to another one of Helene’s rants on the cute guy that just walked in. (Y/n) stood up from where she was crouching and turned to look in Helene’s line of direction, only for her jaw to drop as well. The man that she had been admiring for the past few weeks was even more beautiful up close. His hair fell so perfectly over his forehead and the sweater he wore just did something for him. Not that he wasn’t perfect already.
Vincent looked at her, eyes crinkling as a small smile donned his lips as he made his way up to the counter.
“Hello.” Vincent greeted her politely, hands stuffed into his coat pockets. God she was even more beautiful up close. Big doe eyes looking up at him from behind the counter making him forget why he was here in the first place.
“Oh hello! Welcome to Café of Curiosity! How can I help you today?” The young woman chirped happily, looking at Vincent. Well, she wasn’t really looking, she was admiring him. Vincent lost his train of thoughts for a small second. He wanted to hear her voice for the rest of his life.
“Café of Curiosity?” He asked.
“Mhm. It’s because there’s many coffee flavors that intrigue curiosity that we offer!” Helene chirps in and both of them turn to look at her. (Y/n) shooting her a sharp glare while the older man just looks at her and nods before turning his attention to the woman before him.
“Right then. I’ll just get a plain black coffee and a croissant, please.” Vincent tells the young woman in front of him, nodding at his choices.
“Going for the basics?” She asks, not looking up at him from the screen. Vincent hums in answer.
“Right… May I grab a name for the order?” She asks him kindly, offering him a sugary sweet smile.
“Oh I’m sorry! It’s Vincent.” (Y/n) laughed at his expression, a deer in headlights. Vincent felt warmth rush up to his neck and into his cheeks, no doubt looking like a beetroot. He’s sure he’s embarrassed himself and ruined all his chances while the woman opposite him thought that he was endearing and charming, in an awkward way. She nodded and gestured for him to wait by the other side of the counter.
“He’s cute, no?” Helene nudged the younger girl who only smiled. Helene knew though, she always knew. She looked up at the man, Vincent, who was looking at her co-worker and smiled.
“Well, I’m not handing him his order.” Helene exclaimed, moving to greet the person at the counter.
“What why?!” (Y/n) asked, eyebrows furrowed together and a small pout on her lips.
“Because, my dear, I doubt I’m the one he’s here to see.” Helene winked, pushing the younger girl forward gently. Vincent smiled awkwardly, fiddling with his phone, opening the photos app and settings, trying to look like he was doing something other than staring.
“Vincent!” She called out, capturing his attention. The said man looked up at her, smiling. He seemed to be doing a lot of that near her. He went up to the counter to grab his drink and croissant, hands briefly touching.
“Oh, thank you!” He responded, grabbing his coffee off the counter. The younger woman nodded her head in response. Having nothing else to say, he awkwardly turned around and left, cursing himself for not saying more. Inside the café, (Y/n) was doing the same, shaking her head in disapproval at her stupidity for not saying anything.
“You know, he’s still outside.” Helene pointed out, seeing the mop of silver waiting for the light to turn green. (Y/n) looked at her before smirking, she grabbed a tiramisu, tossing it in a box before running out.
“Vincent!” The young woman yelled out, waving her hand for him to pause, and he did. Vincent halted in his tracks, waiting for the woman to catch up.
“You forgot this.” She panted out, one hand holding the box out to him while the other was on her knee, trying to catch her breath.
“Oh… I didn’t order this.” He told her, trying to turn it down, thinking that she had mistaken him for someone else.
“Think of it as a treat! From me to you.” She told him, shoving the box in his hands and bolting before he had a chance to say anything else. The older man huffed out a small laugh at their interaction and made his way home, not thinking much of it. On his short walk home, he couldn’t get the sound of her voice out of his head.
Vincent Renzi was utterly enamoured by this siren of a woman.
He set the box down, opening it up only to see something that surprised him. Inside the box was the woman’s phone number and name.
“Call me… or not.” He whispered out loud, laughing a bit. He hadn’t even known her properly yet she was already weaseling her way into his heart. He saved the number in his phone, not quite ready to shoot her a text yet.
This had to be the best day possible for him. All because he forgot to replace his stupid coffee maker.
Deciding that the weather wasn’t going to change its mind anytime soon, Vincent decided to drink and work outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Only to see that she was waiting for him, in the window of her café, waving at him shyly before signaling her hand into a phone. Vincent nodded, truly intending to know the woman more, hopefully over a nice dinner and a glass of wine. She smiled before turning on her heels and rushing back to the café.
Oh dear, he hadn’t even known her yet he was in so deep.
Tagging: @caramel-hufflepuff @weird-civilian @hypocritic-trash-baby @ynguklvr @jake-g-lockley
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jrow · 22 days
May Prompts (19)
Day 18 here. Start from the beginning here. Day 20 here.
They are talking about the bloody weather.
Sure, he is legitimately thrilled to be outside for the first time in days (even if he is stuck in a wheelchair) and it is unseasonably warm. But still, the weather hardly warrants 10 minutes of conversation. He knows that he and Molly are both avoiding having what might be a slightly uncomfortable conversation. It is so very British.
He sighs and looks at Molly, who is still talking about how Toby loves lying in the sun. Enough is enough.
“Molly,” he interrupts, “do you know if I gave Sherlock his birthday gift? Do you know if he opened it?” There is no point in beating around the bush.
Her shoulders tighten a bit but she lets out a sigh. It’s like she’s both relieved and anxious that they are having this conversation. “You definitely gave it to him. I guess you don’t remember but you were … determined when you went over there that night.” She smiles sadly. “It was about time, if you ask me.”
He takes a deep breath. “I don’t remember getting to Baker Street but … yeah, determined is the right word. I remember feeling that.” He closes his eyes. “Sherlock hasn’t said anything.”
Molly scooches down the bench so she’s closer to him. “He hasn’t opened it,” she stage whispers. She looks around the hospital garden as if making sure no one’s listening. “I popped by Baker Street yesterday—Mrs. Hudson let me in. I wasn’t snooping, I swear! Sherlock borrowed a few files from me last week and I needed them back. I didn’t have the heart to ask him to get them so I just did it myself.” She leans closer. “And your gift was still unwrapped on the coffee table.”
He rubs his hand over his face. “Okay, that answers one question. But why hasn’t he mentioned it at least? Even in his recounting of what happened that night?”
“John,” she says, reaching out and touching his leg. “He’s terrified. And, quite frankly, he has other things on his mind.”
“He feels guilty. It’s obvious.”
“Yes. Incredibly obvious.” She chuckles. “He feels guilty about your fall. You know how he can be. Somehow his silly little brain has decided it’s his fault. I suppose he thinks he should have caught you.”
She makes a good point, but he can’t help but worry it’s something else. “It could be about the gift, though. What if he deduced what’s in the box and feels guilty that he doesn’t want the same.”
She looks to the sky and sighs. “Boys,” she says quietly as if to herself before turning her gaze back towards him. “That’s stupid, John,” she says bluntly.
John leans back, a bit offended. “Come on, you know Sherlock can deduce anything.”
“Not about you!” she says, raising her hands in the air. “You’re his blindspot.” She puts her hands down and takes a deep breath. “And do you really think he’d spend time deducing a birthday gift while you were lying in a hospital bed? I saw him that morning, John. He was a mess. Kept it together on all things Rosie but all in all a mess. He’s not feeling guilty because he thinks he needs to let you down easy.”
John feels slightly chastised but also better. Molly isn’t lying about this. She believes what she’s saying. That’s the best he can hope for.
“Thanks, Molly,” he says, leaning forward to put a hand on her shoulder. “For everything.”
“I’m happy to help. I keep offering to do more with Rosie, but Sherlock refuses. At some point I do want to actually see her when she’s awake!”
He laughs. That all sounds about right.
She shrugs. “You know, I’m not sure Sherlock will get it anyways. When he opens the gift, I mean. You are trusting that present to explain quite a lot. Most people would just see it for what it is. A bit extravagant maybe, but that’s it.”
“He’ll take one look and put the pieces together.”
“Blind spot, John. And then you’ll be forced to use your words. Heaven forbid.”
“He’ll know, Molly.” He takes a breath. “I was determined. I am trying to get that determination back. And … I’m not good with words.”
“You two are a pair in that regard.” She shakes her head and then stands up. “Come on, let’s get back.”
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @quimerasyutopias @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels @dapetty
Let me know if you want to be added or removed 😊
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king-of-the-birds · 10 months
a launch party for wings
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He produced a handwritten invitation, leaving space to write in the invitee's name, as well as a number, which would be used for a raffle drawing toward the end of the evening. (The prize was a magnum of champagne; the disc jockey Jeff Dexter was the winner.) (..) The recommended dress was "glam."(..)
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Some 800 musicians, reporters, friends of the band and music business honchos were invited.(..)
As always at such events, there was ample carping, which a reporter for Rolling Stone duly cataloged. After describing the Empire Ballroom as decidedly unhip, a leftover from the days when the Joe Loss Orchestra would play foxtrots, and young ladies shopped for husbands among the dancers, the writer noted that while the wine and cheese were free, everything at the bar was for sale.
Eyebrows were raised when, instead of a Wings performance, partygoers were treated to fox-trots, waltzes, quicksteps, and congas, played by McVay's band-along with what McVay remembered as arrangements of sixties and seventies hits, including a Beatles medley and some Beach Boys tunes. They were raised higher still when the heavily sequined and coiffed Frank and Peggy Spence Latin and Ballroom Formation Dancing Teams filed onto the floor to demonstrate their artistry.
"I'm beginning to think that Paul actually digs all this" one guest quipped to the Rolling Stone reporter, "that he actually likes dance bands, ballrooms, and buffet food. That's incredibly camp, you know, incredibly camp. Have you seen his suit? It's like a clown's costume, the jacket is about five sizes too big, and it's not even been finished."
(from the McCartney Legacy Vol. 1)
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Paul: A press launch is always a good excuse to have a night out, so we invited friends and journalists, played the album, danced and had a few funny people come on to entertain. I wore an outrageous big check suit that I thought would be good. When I went to collect it from the tailor that morning he told me that it wasn’t finished. I said, ‘Maybe not, but it’s a look!’ So I went to the party with the cotton and the stitching showing, and everyone said, ‘Your suit’s not finished.’ I said, ‘Yeah, I know. Great, huh?’
(from Wingspan, 2002)
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Some of the guests that attended were Jimmy Page, Elton John, Sandy Denny, Mary Hopkin, members of the Who, the Faces, Deep Purple, Ginger Baker, Henry McCullough, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Graham Bond, Sandie Shaw, the Greek synthesizer wizard Vangelis, the actors Malcolm McDowell, and Terence Stamp, some of the Monty Python troupe, Sir Joseph Lockwood, the head of EMI, Allan Clarke, of the Hollies, and (Benny) Gallagher and (Graham) Lyle.
After the party a fan encountered Paul:
He went skipping (yes it is true) down the road with Linda and just as he turned the corner to a side street, I took courage and called him back. He stopped and said “yeah” so I ran to catch him up and breathlessly asked him for his autograph. The funny part is my pen was at the bottom of this large bag of mine! He stood patiently watching me with arms folded as I rummaged elbow deep. I asked him if he had a pen as I just couldn’t find mine; he said no (which isn’t surprising as he had this crazy suit on that had no pockets).
(Kathy Turner – From Meet the Beatles for Real: Wings Party)
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Imagine trying to warn Sherlock that Moriarty is free…
The verdict was in - not guilty. You honestly wanted to shake the jury by their shoulders and ask why they had left their rational thoughts at home. The judge slammed the gavel, signalling for Moriarty to be free of his bonds and when you looked at the man, you could have sworn that he winked.
John nudged your arm, reminding you that it was time to follow the rest of the courtroom out. Once the pair of you were out on the street in much cleaner air, John pulled out his phone and began punching in a number.
“I’m calling Sherlock. He needs to know that this maniac is going to be walking about like a free man.”
Giving him a nod, you pulled out your own device. “I’m going to head back to Scotland Yard.”
John instantly pulled his phone away from his ear as it started to ring.
“What? Y/n we need to stay together.”
“I know but I need to set up a protective detail on Sherlock and Baker Street. Moriarty doesn’t care about collateral damage.” You reminded the good doctor.
Pointing at you, John’s expression was stern and serious. “Okay but be careful. I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
You gave the man a brief hug before turning and bolting down the street to hail a cab. Thankfully, the area was crawling with the vehicle you required. Once you had hopped in, you dialled Lestrade’s personal number and hoped with each ring that he wasn’t otherwise engaged. Your heart was pounding in your ears, the traffic felt slower than normal and the phone wasn’t being picked up as if the matter wasn’t of import.
“Come on.” You edged nervously, staring outside at the pedestrians huddled on the sidewalk.
When the signal turned green, the call was answered by the man you had been trying to reach. “Greg? Oh, thank god.”
“Y/n, I just heard the news. How are you holding up?” The detective inspector asked.
“Honestly I’m pissed but we can get into that later. Listen, I need a favour. I need a-“
“You need a protection detail on Sherlock, I know.” Lestrade guessed correctly. “I filed in the paperwork as soon as Moriarty’s trial started and got it fast tracked. It felt appropriate since you, Sherlock and John have thwart his schemes the most.”
You frowned. Something didn’t feel right about the way he was talking about the detail. “And?” You prompted.
“And it got rejected as soon as Moriarty was acquitted.”
You were mad and disappointed - in all honesty, you wanted to scream. But you pushed it all down and did what you could to tackle the problem. Leaning forward, you tapped the driver on the glass to get his attention.
“Yes, dear?” The elderly man smiled.
“Change of plans - take me to 221B Baker Street please.”
“Y/n, what are you doing?” Shit, you almost forgot Lestrade was on the phone.
As the car turned left onto Baker Street, you kept a tight grip on the device. “If Scotland Yard won’t help, I’ll do it myself.” You told your friend before hanging up just as the taxi pulled up to the curb.
Paying for the ride, you made a mad dash to the front door, pushing it open to get inside. It was mostly quiet. Mrs Hudson was running the cafe and it was clear that John wasn’t home from the lack of his coat from the hallway rack.
There was an absence of people and yet you heard teacups being set upon saucers and very low voices speaking. Heart leaping into your throat, you raced up the stairs and burst into the open flat of 221B.
The rest of your sentence died on your tongue, ice running through your veins when you saw the man who had almost killed you and your friends without any remorse standing in the living room.
“Hi Y/n.” Moriarty greet when his eyes laid on you. “I take it that your little bid for a protection detail fell flat?”
He knew and he was mocking you for it. Stepping into the flat, you scowled at the enemy. “I’ve kept my friends safe from you before. I can do it again.”
Moriarty smirked. He moved away from Sherlock and across to you on his way to the door. His eyes skimmed over your features before he inhaled.
“You’re just delectable. Ready to give your life for a man who isn’t ready to return the favour. A pity really.” He commented and walked off.
~ More imagines here ~
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kneelbeforeclefairy · 5 months
hii ^^ i just wanted to tell you the baker street file is available on zlib
Thank you! I was able to find it on a discord but I appreciate the second source! And maybe someone else will find that useful!
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lisbeth-kk · 1 month
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May Prompts
Today's prompt is: secret
The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 11)
Summary: Uncle Myc has his eyes everywhere. Even at Rosie's school.
Eleven Years Old
From time to time, uncle Myc picked me up from school in one of his black town cars. The questions were endless the days after, and I found it increasingly difficult to answer them truthfully. By now I knew that my uncle’s business was of a delicate and important nature. In my eyes, he knew everything my parents didn’t, and he obviously had eyes everywhere. Also, in my school it turned out…
I rarely visited him at home. When he picked me up, there were three possible destinations we’d arrive at. Baker Street, a café to have something sweet, or like in this case, his office at the Diogenes Club.
I greeted George, the man at the front desk, in sign language. The first time I did it, I was a bit disappointed that uncle Myc didn’t seem the least bit surprised by this. 
One of my classmates was deaf, so each week we learned new words. My uncle obviously knew this, because he remarked on my progress when we were safe inside his spacious office.
“You know everything, don’t you?” I said, which he assured me he didn’t. 
“I just prefer to keep a keen eye on things,” he offered.
“And sticking your long nose into matters that aren’t your concern!” I heard Papa murmur in my mind.
A chuckle escaped me, and he cocked an inquisitory eyebrow at me.
“Don’t tell me my brother has taken up telepathy,” uncle Myc said dryly, which made me snort.
“Papa doing anything paranormal related?” I asked incredulously. “Are we speaking of Sherlock Holmes, or do you have another sibling?”
I’d never seen my uncle like that. He was shaken, looked ashen, but was rescued by a knock on the door. Tea had arrived.
During tea, my uncle asked me about school, my progress in mathematics, science, biology, history, English and geography. He never asked about my friends or teachers. Other people than his family never seemed to interest him much, though he did sometimes inquire about Greg Lestrade.
“Something is bothering you, Rosamund,” uncle stated. “How can I be of assistance?”
I didn’t even blink at this. I might have a few years ago, but I was used to his and Papa’s “knowledge” when their loved ones struggled or had a problem that needed solving.
“Intrusive questions from classmates and other pupils,” I sighed. “Not my friends. They understand that I’m uncomfortable about answering everything about Papa’s and your work, but the others…I’m tired of coming up with constantly “new facts” you know.”
“Indeed,” uncle agreed. “I have something for you to help with that. It’ll be our little…secret.”
He walked over to a large cupboard and retrieved a black box. Inside were several files with suggestions to what I could answer my peers, without giving away any government or personal secrets. (Not that I knew any of the former…)
“Brilliant!” I exclaimed while I leafed through the sheets.
“You do realise that you are saying that out loud,” uncle Myc chided, but the satisfied smile and his pink cheeks gave him away.
Also available on AO3
Thank you all for the lovely comments so far. All the love <3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Five Fics Friday: March 29/24
Happy Friday Everyone, and Happy Easter Long Weekend! Here are some great fics to get you through the weekend!! And please be sure to give the boosted fic some extra love! Enjoy!
Pocketful of sunshine by good_vibes_mostly (G, 2,618 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Kissing, Developing Relationship, One Shot, POV Sherlock, Five and One, Hand Holding, Sherlock and Kids) – 5+1 times John used Sherlock's pockets.
A Minor Exorcism by sgam76 (G, 2,319+ w., 1/? Ch. || Post-S4, Parentlock with Rosie, Implied / Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, PTSD Sherlock) – They're a real family, these days. Rosie's growing, and Sherlock and John are settling into the people they want to be, a little at a time. But an unexpected, violent incident uncovers some remaining unresolved issues that threaten their peace. Part 15 of Scheherezade 'vers Series
The Rescuing by BakerTumblings (M, 5,296+ w., 2/12 Ch. || WiP || Canon Compliant Until S3, Medical Realism, Military Background, Peril, Medical Trauma, Rescue Missions, Trauma Recovery, BAMF Mycroft, BAMF John, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Sherlock Whump) – Captain Watson to the rescue! Series compliant until beginning of Season 3 - then all bets are off. Sherlock, off in Serbia, has been captured and severely injured. Mycroft recruits John to aid with freeing him and then overseeing his recovery. The story begins in London but will explode in Serbia, slide into a European hospital and then tiptoe through a safe-house before returning to Baker Street.
Nightjet by khorazir (M, 22,051 w., 2 Ch. || Post-TRF Hiatus, Grief/Mourning, Pining, Friends to Lovers, Past Drug Use, Night Train, Germany, Bed Sharing, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Reunion) – Officially deceased for eighteen months and still looking for the last remainders of Moriarty’s criminal empire, an exhausted Sherlock boards a night train in Germany to bring him to his next hunting ground. Due to a mishap with the sleeper cars, he is forced to share a compartment with a stranger – who turns out to be not quite as strange as Sherlock thought. The universe isn’t lazy, after all ...
The Green Means I Love You by VeggieHarumaki (T, 3,576 w. 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Soul Mates AU || Colourblindness, Pining, Caring Mobius, First Kiss, Pining Mobius, POV Mobius, Forehead Touching, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. It's the first color Mobius sees. His world fills with new colors, sensory levels overwhelmed as his gaze scatters across the courtroom. Browns, yellows, colors he'd only heard of before he finally sees with his own eyes. But the green. The cold, emerald green. L1130 stares back at Mobius, eyes full of suspicion, and Mobius can't help but let his breath hitch. Oh no. Mobius' heart sinks as fast as it had risen. This variant, L1130, Loki, is his soulmate. But Mobius had read Loki's files one too many times to forget. Mobius is not Loki's. 
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renx01 · 1 month
Out of Sight - part 1
Summary: Moriarty is your boss. After he helped you out of a precarious situation when you were still a minor, you started working for him. Now, he has a new job for you. Get close to the Holmes brothers to keep an eye on them for him. Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Reader & Jim Moriarty/Reader Fandom: BBC Sherlock Word count: 1492
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Jim Moriarty is a tricky man to work for, yet you do. After meeting you while you were a seventeen year old that had gotten involved with the wrong crowd, he had seen potential in you. So, after some training from his right hand man, Sebastian Moran, you became one of his best. He even gave you a nickname, Spike, after your personality. When you initially started working for him, you were quite spunky and talked back whenever you felt like it. Now that you’re older and have worked in his organisation for a couple of years, you’ve mellowed out a bit when it comes to business and listening to Jim. Now, you’re a ruthless assassin that will do whatever you’re told to by a certain Irishman in the blink of an eye. Currently, you’re on your way to his estate out of town. The sleek car that picked you up is quite lavish, something you’d somewhat grown used to as he tends to enjoy showing off. You watch the trees flash by you as the car speeds up while music plays through your earbuds. It had been a while since you last were at the estate, as you’d been out of the country for business the past couple of months. The car eventually comes to a halt and you quietly get out.
‘My dearest Spike,’ Jim smiles when you step into his office, ‘it has been a while hasn’t it?’ ‘It has, sir.’ You smile back at him. ‘Business in Hong Kong has been settled without too much issue.’ You glance at Sebastian entering the room. ‘The target has been eliminated and you are now in control of the biggest criminal network.’ Moriarty’s smile turns into a grin. ‘That is wonderful to hear, I didn’t expect any less from you.’ His face suddenly becomes serious again and he turns to Moran. ‘Sebastian, do you have the files I requested?’ The other man only nods before putting the files onto the desk. ‘Good, good.’ He starts looking through before his eyes turn to you once again. ‘Spikey dear, come here. I want you to look through these documents and photographs today, I have a new assignment for you.’ You approach the table and file which is filled to the brim. There’s mostly pictures of and reports about consulting detective Sherlock Holmes. Jim walks around the desk and stands next to you on your right, while Sebastian is already on your left. ‘I want you to get close to Sherlock Holmes and his Brother, Mycroft.’ He points out a picture of the two of them. ‘Keep and eye on them for me. Gather as much information as you possibly can, I do not care how, as long as you don’t reveal your identity.’ Turning to him, you finally look the shorter man  in the eye. ‘Of course sir.’ Sebastian shoves another file into your hands before he starts talking. ‘We’ve arranged for a new identity so you’ll be able to fly under the radar. Name: Charlie Moore, age: 27, occupation: intelligence analyst at Scotland Yard. Any other information you may deem necessary can be found in this file. You’ll move into 221C Baker Street tomorrow morning. We’ve already arranged for you to be able to stay there.’  That night you spent looking through the files that were given to you. Sherlock and Mycroft both seem quite interesting in their own rights. Sherlock is a high functioning sociopath that seems to get a thrill out of showing off his intellect and skills to others. His skill is quite incredible, but nothing you hadn’t seen from Jim before. Besides, deduction is a skill a person is able to learn, quite easily in fact. You’d been taught by Sebastian when you first joined Moriarty’s organisation, though your skills have been sharpened over time, with some help from the Irishman himself when he thought you could do better. Now, you rival Sherlock’s speed and skill when it comes to deduction. Still, you understand why your boss is such a fan, that is what he calls it anyway. You think it’s more of an obsession. Contrary to his brother, Mycroft doesn’t seem to enjoy showing off as obviously as Sherlock does, yet he does enjoy flexing his power from time to time. The files you possess show how Sherlock’s newest acquaintance had been picked up by the man’s secretary multiple times and driven to an ominous location so he could talk to John. Supposedly, he offers money to those that get close to his brother, so you’d be keeping that in mind. It does become clear, however, that Mycroft didn’t just hold a minor position within the British government. Clearly he, like your boss, constantly keeps an eye on the consulting detective.
The following morning you arrive at Baker Street using a cab, so as to not have any suspicions arise. You have two suitcases, mostly holding clothes, books, and other essentials. Your larger weapons have already been delivered to and hidden in your new flat, so you don’t have to worry about those. After knocking on the door, you’re greeted by Mrs. Hudson, your new landlady. ‘Good morning dear, you must be the new tenant.’ She smiles brightly. ‘Yes, very nice to meet you Mrs Hudson.’ You smile back and stick out your hand for her to shake it. She does so before letting you in. Before she leaves you be in the flat, to which some basic furniture had already been delivered, courtesy of Jim, she warns you about your upstairs neighbours. ‘I do hope you’ve read the warning about the noise carefully dear. Sherlock can be quite a lot with his antics.’ Despite not being too worried about the noise, having had to deal with plenty of situations which were significantly worse than a single man could accomplish, you make sure to assure her you’ll be fine. ‘Yes, of course Mrs Hudson. Noise does not tend to bother me very much and I’ll be away for work during the day, so I suppose I should be fine.’ You smile at her again before closing your door and starting to unpack. It is Sunday morning, so you want to try and unpack most of your things before the start of the workweek, tomorrow is your first day at Scotland Yard after all. Before you start unpacking though, you put in your earbuds and put on Radiohead’s album In Rainbows.
The day went by without much issue, or noise from the upstairs neighbours. Probably because Sherlock was on a case, as your employer had let you know. During that time, you’d hidden the last of your weapons in places which aren't deductible and gotten your image in check. Your persona was quite a boring one to be fair, and while there’s always a hint of truth in them to make it believable, your own life has a lot more excitement and risk. Still, that is something you have to intentionally hide from the brothers and their acquaintances. Looking at your watch, you decide it’s time to go to the shops, as you’d be likely to arrive once Sherlock’s already back and you’d have a reason to introduce yourself. ‘Bye Mrs Hudson. I’ll be back in a few.’ You close the door behind you and head out. When you return with a bag of food, you’re met by two men standing at the door. You immediately recognise them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson. ‘Excuse me, could you please step aside so I can get to my flat?’ You deliberately make your voice softer and quieter than it usually is as to come across as somewhat shy. The doctor steps aside without much hesitation while the detective just turns around and starts trying to deduce you. ‘You must be the new tenant. Nice to meet you, I’m John Watson.’ The short man smiles at you. You shake his hand before introducing yourself and turning to the taller man, though he isn’t much taller than you. ‘Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective.’ He looks you over once again. ‘You’re in the police force but no officer, your nails are too clean for that. You’re dressed as if you have a new job despite it being a Sunday, you’ve only brought clothes you wear to work, which means you don’t go out much or meet people in your free time. You prefer listening to music and reading books to social interactions.’ You feign surprise but are glad, those were all the markers you’d set for him to read. He turns around and heads up the stairs to 221B. ‘I’ll see you at Scotland Yard tomorrow.’ John quickly turns to you and apologises for his friend’s behaviour before following him up the stairs. He’s certainly a character. Didn’t notice a thing though. -S
I told you so, and that’s why I wanted you to do this. -JM
I’ll keep you updated. -S
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Hello, hello!
After a few days, and careful consideration, I have decided both through a mix of your submissions and a few personal picks of my own... The Detective Bracket!!
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THE MATCHUPS: BRACKET 1: -Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Detective Pikachu (Detective Pikachu) -Batman (DC) vs Eddie Valiant (Roger Rabbit) -Basil of Baker Street (The Great Mouse Detective) VS Iris Archwell (StreetPass) -Honor Mizrahi (Murder by Numbers) VS Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) BRACKET 2: -Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney) -Lynne (Ghost Trick) VS L (Death Note) -Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) VS Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa) -Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) VS Hercule Poirot (Poirot) BRACKET 3: -Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files) VS Professor Layton (Professor Layton) -Erika Furudo (Umineko) VS Lady Love Dies (Paradise Killer) -Shinichi Kudo (Detective Conan) VS Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) -Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) VS Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew) BRACKET 4: -BBC Sherlock (BBC) VS Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad) -Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget) VS Columbo (Columbo) -Herlock Sholmes (Ace Attorney) VS Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes) -Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk) VS Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks) But wait, there's more! Introducing... the Loser's Bracket! How it works: When a character loses a given match, they will enter the loser's bracket. There, they gain a chance to make it back to the main bracket, with the winner of each dual bracket (Brackets 1 and 2 and Brackets 3 and 4) having to face the winner of the respective losing bracket set. This gives some less appreciated characters a second chance to win! One last thing. Watch out. There may be surprises along the way... The actual voting portion will open Tomorrow, from 8 PM to 8:15 PM CT, and will remain open for one day!
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