#ateez prompt
03jyh23 · 2 months
prompt list || 💌
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made with: random dialogue generator
you can request: here — hi there! if you're unsure about what you'd like to request, i've prepared a long list to assist you. feel free to ask for as many as you'd like! ♡
"Are you drunk?"
"Sorry, I haven't checked my phone all day."
"Do you ever think about the future?"
"I can't help you if you won't let me."
"We never should've kissed—that was our first mistake."
"I'm not leaving you."
"I don't deserve you, but I want you anyway."
"Why are you talking like we'll never see each other again?"
"Am I not good enough?"
"Be patient with him. He's trying."
"Do you want to come in?"
"Careful there, someone might think you're actually starting to care."
"Did you want to be alone?"
"You want me? Here I am."
"I won't let anyone hurt you."
"Someone's had a little too much to drink."
"You refuse to tell me where you're going?"
"All you do is hurt people!"
"I have so much I want to say to you."
"Don't we deserve to be happy?"
"Are you happy here with me?"
"I can't do this without you."
"Wait. Did you hear that?"
"Well, this is where I live."
"I haven't kissed you yet today."
"I don't need you to understand, I just need you to help me."
"Do you remember anything? At all?"
"Why don't you stay the night? I'll take the couch."
"Please... say something."
"I don't like the way they look at you."
"Is that blood? Is it yours?"
"You don't give a shit about me."
"I know I'm not the person you want, but I'm here."
"I had my suspicions, but I wasn't sure until now."
"I'm supposed to be the one protecting you."
"I trust that you'll be on your best behavior tonight?"
"You're not a very convincing liar."
"Is this seat taken? Sorry, it's a bit crowded here."
"I hope you haven't been standing out in the cold this whole time."
"You look... amazing."
"Would it be alright if I borrowed this?"
"The only time you talk to me is when you need something."
"Do you remember when we first met?"
"You were put on this earth to give me a headache."
"I heard you were feeling sick, so I made you some soup."
"Put me down! I don't like to be manhandled!"
"This is the part where you leave."
"You don't need to protect me."
"What did you want to tell me?"
"Don't run away from this."
"You can't just show up here like this."
"It's not going to be easy, you know."
"I'll still be here when you wake up."
"You got me flowers?"
"Can I come inside?"
"You're not leaving again, are you?"
"I'm on your side."
"I don't always need you to fix everything. Sometimes I just want you to listen."
"What are you trying to prove?"
"Don't be naked. I'm coming in."
"You're an asshole, you know that?"
"I won't cause you any more trouble."
"Why can't you tell me what's wrong?"
"You can't get rid of me that easy."
"I was making sure you weren't dead, since you never called."
"I didn't mean to make you upset."
"You've been gone for so long and all you have to say is 'hi'?"
"Are you... smelling me?"
"Don't go. Please."
"I'm going. Are you coming with me or not?"
"I can't leave you alone for one minute, can I?"
"Would you like a cup of tea?"
"You're afraid of the dark?"
"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back."
"You're not the only one whose life was ruined."
"Where am I supposed to go?"
"I swear it wasn't me."
"I haven't heard from you in weeks."
"Did you do something different with your hair?"
"Everyone's staring at us."
"You're soaked. Let me get you a towel."
"I'm not sorry."
"Pretty and smart. We're gonna get along just fine."
"Let me see that."
"Quick, this way. Before they see you."
"I never want to see you again."
"Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you actually going to kiss me?"
"Hey, it's getting late. You ready to go home?"
"How long have you been awake?"
"Let me buy you another drink."
"We could leave, you know. Go far away."
"I was worried something happened to you."
"I bought two. Here."
"I'm starting to think you like wasting my time."
"I guess I should've told you."
"I like seeing you smile."
"I'm never gonna let you go."
"I can't remember what it's like to be truly wanted."
"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"
"I wish I could hate you."
moodboard by: bisnaguinha
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yakuly · 1 year
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🫐 Fluff/Soft Prompts
» "Você cheira muito bem"
» "Voce é mais que isso pra mim...sempre foi"
» "Eu acho que você está bêbad." "E eu acho você bonit."
» "Me beija logo!"
» "Tudo o que eu sei, é que sou mais feliz com você"
» "É magia!" Não, é você."
» "Eu quero que você seja a primeira coisa que eu vejo de manhã"
» "Não se preocupe, eu vou cuidar de você"
»"Eu esqueci o quão bonito é o seu sorriso"
» "Você fica melhor nas minhas roupas do que eu"
» "Essa é a minha camisa?" "Não, essa é a nossa camisa"
» "Eu não quis dizer isso, mas é, eu te amo"
» "Alguém ja te disse que seus olhos brilham a luz da lua?
» "Essa vista não é de tirar o fôlego? "A vista é boa, você é de tirar o fôlego"
» "Você é a única pessoa que eu penso em dividir meus pensamentos, meus sonhos, futuro, café e vinho" "Wow! Eu sou tão importante assim?" "Você é tão importante assim".
» "Eu não acreditava em alma gêmea até conhecer você"
» "Tudo bem, mas você me deve um beijo"
» "Isso é minha camiseta?"
» "Você é tudo o que eu sempre quis!"
» "Mas você é minha casa"
» "você é um/uma idiota!" "sou o seu/sua idiota!"
» "Você está na frente da vista" "Eu sou a vista!
» "Não é estranho, sou só...eu"
» "Eu amo seu jeito de dizer que me ama". "mesmo que seja estranho?" "Mesmo que seja estranho"
» "Você é a melhor parte do meu dia!"
» "Você tem lábios doces"
» "Pare de pensar, e se deixe levar por uma vezes"
»"Não podemos fazer isso aqui!" "Tem razão, nos devemos fazer isso aqui!"
» "Eu disse que te amo!" "Deveria tentar dizer isso sóbrio!"
» "Eu te amo. Mais do que amo vinho!"
» "Isso é um flerte?"
» "Preciso que você esconda uma coisa pra mim..." "O que?" "Eu"
» "Que sorrisinho é esse?"
» "Tudo o que tem que fazer é dizer sim!"
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🫐 Angst Prompts
» "Nunca houve um nós"
» "Amor é um escolha, não uma necessidade..."
» "Eles perguntaram sobre você"
»"Eu estava bem sem você"
» "Pare de agir como se não tivesse levado tudo de mim"
» "Você não pode ficar?" "..." "Por mim?" ...
» "Pare de afastar todo mundo! Para de me afastar"
» "Você tá me machucando!"
» "Algum dia para de doer?" "Não, você só se acostuma"
» "Você algum dia ia me contar?"
» "Estou cansad. Cansad. das suas desculpas. Cansad. das suas mentiras. Cansad. de você!"
» "Suas desculpas não fazem doer menos"
» "Eu não acho que ainda te amo"
»"Você me quebrou, e eu não acho que tenha um jeito de arrumar"
» "Me deixa! Você sempre foi o melhor nisso de qualquer jeito..."
» "Eu the amo! Não, e você nunca amou. E nós dois sabemos disso."
»"Desculpe se não sou o que você queria!"
» "Dói?" "Eu vou sobreviver" "Nao foi isso que eu perguntei"
» "Vai embora! Você sempre foi o/a melhor nisso"
» "Então agora é minha culpa?"
» "eu te amo!" "Não, você se ama!"
» "Quando você vai parar de mentir?"
» "Claro, por que você está sempre certo/certa!"
» " Você não era assim"
» "Você me quebrou, e eu não acho que tenha concerto"
» "Não quero te ver nunca mais!"
» "Desculpe se não sou o que você queria!"
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🫐 Suggestive / Smutty Prompts
» "Eu nunca quis tanto que alguém me fodesse"
» "Você é mais que o caso de uma noite"
» "Gosta do que vê?"
» "Você está gostos. e eu estou tentando não te beijar/foder até você perder até você os sentidos"
» "Você tem certeza? Uma vez que nós começarmos, eu posso ser capaz de parar"
» "Me obrigue"
» "O que? Isso é bom?"
»"Se nós formos pegos, eu vou colocar a culpa em você"
» "Eu realmente quero te beijar agora."
» "Você nunca vai me levar pra cama. Nunca." "Quem disse que precisa ser na cama?"
» "Eu sei que el. parece ser só pirulitos e arco íris, mas por trás das portas é só látex e chicotes"
» "Não me importa o que você faz, só me fode"
» "Eu imagino o que seu/sua (xxx) faria se visse o que nós estamos fazendo agora"
» "O que está fazendo?" "Eu vou jantar" "mas não tem nada pra comer" "Bem, não tinha nada pra comer na cozinha até você chegar"
» "Esse foi o som mais lindo que eu já ouvi"
» "Agora todos saberão que você é minha"
» "Batom fica bom em você"
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m8ntiger · 1 year
Ateez as Taylor Swift Song (Midnight 3AM Edition)
Kim Hongjoong
Park Seonghwa
Jung Yunho
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
Jung Wooyoung
Choi Jongho
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extra-gray · 8 months
heey i would love to know what kinks do you think ateez members have and what they’ll be into👀
— Ateez Kinks
Thank you for this ask! I hope you enjoy~ Feel free to submit more prompts via my ask box <3
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Seonghwa loves pretty things. Lace, leather, rope. He loves seeing different materials and colors against your skin. He loves when you dress up for him. Whether that be pretty skirts, dresses, makeup, jewelry, or even fancy suits or sexy dress clothes. You’re his doll. He’d have a wonderful time slowly worshipping your body… but if you tease him enough like the pretty thing you are, he might just have to ruin your makeup. And don’t forget that he loves to feel pretty too.
Hongjoong likes to be in charge. He loves when he has someone to boss around, someone to listen to his every command. When the members give him a hard time, he knows he has his obedient little pet to take his stress out on. And he does just that. He mixes pleasure and pain, just to keep you on the edge. He can be a bit rough at times, but he lets you know how grateful he is to have such a good pet. Disobey him, however, and you’ll regret it. His punishments are unforgiving.
Yunho likes to breed like a dog. He’s obsessed with giving you his cum, his pups. He wants to fill you up and cover you, and he’ll do anything for you to let him. He loves to beg, and he loves being deprived of what he wants… even if he whines about it. He loves when you deny him until his dick takes over. Until he can’t take it anymore, and has to pin you down and breed you for hours. He seems submissive, but he’ll absolutely ruin you… even while begging and whimpering.
Yeosang uses his tongue for its intended, god-given purpose. It doesn’t turn 180° for nothing baby. His favorite activity, his favorite hobby is eating you out. And he eats it like a madman. He has a way of reducing you to nothing with just his tongue. And he can go for hours. You’ll never find anyone as good at giving head as him. He loves the taste, loves the feeling, and absolutely refuses to stop making you cum even if his jaw hurts. He gets off to it. Can cum untouched, even. He praises you the entire time, telling you how fucking good you taste, and how much he craves it when you don’t give it to him.
San… my boy. He’s so painfully obviously an ass man. He’ll eat your ass, finger it, fuck it. He’ll give you back shots and fuck you as hard as he can just to watch it jiggle. Spanking is a must. He loves to bruise it and bite it. He’ll fuck you into the mattress, make you ride him in reverse, have you sit on his face. He can’t keep his hands off. Ever. He makes you wear tight pants, or short skirts/shorts, so he can see it at all times. He loves when you wear short skirts with nothing underneath, especially in public, and bend over to tease him. Everyone around you has to accept the fact that he’s constantly grabbing your ass and spanking it, no matter where you are.
Mingi. Come on. He has a size kink. His cock is huge, and he loves shoving it in with no warning. He loves forcing you to take all of him, even if it hurts. He’ll act all sweet and innocent while he does it, too. Even when there’s tears in your eyes, he’ll fuck you harder. Deeper. He loves dirty talk. And he’s talking you through it. Telling you how pretty you are, how cute and small you look under him. He’ll hold you down, and he loves when you thrash. He just keeps talking in that innocent voice, praising you like you’re not struggling. Kissing your face and ramming into you with long, deep strokes. He likes to lay his entire body on you, and feel how small you are. He’ll talk you all the way to your orgasm, and all through it. Even coax you into more. Over and over again, until your wrists are bruised, and your body aches.
Wooyoung loves to tease. He dies for the attention. He teases you until you’re sucking up to him… showering him with compliments and fueling his ego. Worshipping him as if he was your god. Sometimes he’ll jerk off while you sit and praise him, watching, unable to touch. He’ll torture you like that until you’re about ready to sob. And then he’ll give you everything you want, and more. After he’s had his time being the center of attention, he gives it all to you. Allows you to play the pillow princess/prince/pet and devours and ruins you till you’re shaking and begging for him to stop. He learns all the moves that make you fall apart, and abuses them.
Jongho is absolutely obsessed with physical power. He’ll find every opportunity to manhandle you, no matter when or where you are. He loves to throw you around, loves to play fight/wrestle, and he can’t help but mark you in the places you tell him not to… just because he’s too strong for you to fight back. He fucks you good. Loves to pound you roughly, and then force you to ride him while you’re exhausted. He won’t help you cum, either. He watches you, desperate and dripping as you try to make yourself cum on his cock. His self control is amazing. He’ll stay hard as a rock as you struggle on top of him. But eventually, he’ll hold you up and fuck into you with all of his strength until you cum harder than you ever have before. He abuses your g spot, and twists you into positions that forces you to feel it even better. Nobody can do it like him.
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1ovewoo · 6 months
Hihi I'd like to request prompt 8 and 11 for Mingi please ^⁠_⁠^. Thank you 💕
tysm for submitting these prompts! sorry for taking so long to post this but i hope u enjoy regardless!
cw/tags: making out, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, bed humping lol
send me a prompt! [closed]
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the sound of you and mingi’s lips smacking fills the air as you and him make out on his bed, his large frame hovering over yours and making you feel almost trapped in the best way. 
mingi’s hands glide down your body and he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties, sliding them down your legs and tossing them somewhere behind him.
he sits back on his heels and grips your thighs, “open your legs for me, baby. i wanna see you.”
a blush burns your cheeks as you allow mingi to guide your legs apart, sliding his body down to lay between them and planting wet kisses up the inside of your trembling thighs. 
you run your fingers through his messy blonde and black hair as his lips finally reach where you need him most, his tongue sliding up your core and swirling around your clit expertly, causing you to cry out, tossing your head back.
mingi hums and brings a hand up to slip two fingers inside you, curling them up into your sweet spot as he slurps up the arousal pouring out around his fingers.
after a few minutes, he slips another finger into you as he sucks harshly at your clit and you let out a loud, breathy moan at the intense feeling.
“that noise…keep making it,” mingi groans into your pussy, his hips rutting into the bed beneath him as his hand picks up his pace of fucking into you.
your moans increase in volume as your boyfriend brings you closer to the edge, the bed slightly shaking from the force of his movements, both his fingers inside you and his hips against the mattress.
“coming.. fuck mingi, baby please,” you gasp as you hurtle towards your climax, waves of pleasure washing over you and your vision blacking out for a moment as your jaw hangs open while mingi continues to pound into you, fucking you through your high as he reaches his own, cries spilling from his lips and his eyebrows furrowing.
after, you both lay across the bed, chests heaving as you catch your breath, until mingi climbs up your body and plants a sweet kiss on your lips.
you sigh and relax into him, exchanging sweet nothings against each other’s lips until you jolt, feeling the tip of mingi’s cock sliding through your folds.
“ready for round two?”
ty for reading! if you enjoyed this and would like to support my works please consider reblogging or checking out my masterlist!
© 1ovewoo 2023
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atinycafe · 1 year
COMMON MASTERLIST — ateez blurbs
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collection of my blurbs under the cut ٩(๑ `︿´๑)۶
multiple members
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- longing for your owners!ot8!ateez, who had left hybrid!you alone at home, you reach for the phone seeking comfort. - hyungline!ateez headcanons about the first time u meet them - atz headcanons about reader being unusually silent when drunk - atz headcanons about reader hugging a pillow 2 sleep - atz headcanons about making out with them on a chase atlantic beat - atz headcanons on them using "tiny" during sex [nsfw]
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- biker!seonghwa vs bimbo!reader [suggestive] - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help)
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- a long-awaited reunion in hongjoong's creative studio leads to soft moment - hurt 2 comfort with hongjoong [light angst] - hongjoong and your first subdrop [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - primal play with predator!joong [nsfw] - soft sex w joong [nsfw]
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- during a late-night math session, you're visited by spiderman!yunho - bf!yunhwa help you in this heat (yunho acc doesn't help) - yunho fucks your nightmare away [nsfw] - choking kink w yunho [nsfw] - some boxer!yunho timestamps
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- you admit something to vampire!yeosang [suggestive] - prince!yeosang rubs oil in your hair (cuz he loves brown girls) - yeosang and his oral fixation aka he loves boobies [nsfw]
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- babying and doing san's eyebrows - ceo!san leaves u alone in ur bed 4 a meeting - sangi taking care of sick you - phone sex with daddy!san [nsfw] - pregnant reader faints [slight angst] - emperor!san x empress!reader
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- mingi taking care of drunk you - sangi taking care of sick you (i have a thing 4 mingi taking care of me and i think it shows) - roommate!mingi is a big pervert [nsfw]
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- wooyoung playfully interrupts your asmr session, expressing his jealousy in a dramatic yet affectionate manner. - hybrid!wooyo plays a little game with you in your bathtub [nsfw] - overstimulation w meandom!woo [nsfw] - shopping spree with dilf!woojoong - zombie au - zombie au pt 2
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- exbf!jongho misses u but u... miss him too? - jongho teases u
other groups
- spoonfuls of ice cream [brother's best friend!eunseok] - yandere school (+18) tropes [riize, atz, tbz, txt]
other works can be found here
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sanspuppet · 5 months
Masterlist - smut promps
choose 1/2 dialogues, an ateez (or any other group) member, and send me an ask (if you want more specific details just write them) imma write a scenario about it, yeah need to busy myself during holidays :)
prompts taken by @_ smaoineamhsalach
• red phrases are already taken, please don’t ask if the prompt is in red 🙏🏻 instead, hard hours are always open you can request anything else
- “You heard me. Strip.”
- “Let me hear you, baby”
- “Show me how you want to be touched”
- “Why don’t we film it?”
- “You have no idea how much i want you right now”
- “I’m going to fuck every last thought out of this pretty little head”
- “god, you look amazing like this”
- “let’s put that smart mouth to good use”
- “You should probably hold onto something”
- “wait, what if someone sees??”
- “no underwear?”
- “i could lift up your dress right now, and no one would even notice”
- “since when do friends do things like this?”
- “go on baby. ride my thigh”
- “say that again”
- “let’s give them a real reason to be jealous”
- “Don’t worry about the damn clothes. I’ll just buy you new ones”
- “touch me”
- “im yours”
- “if you want to cum, you’ll have to beg”
- “if i have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week”
- “shush, we can’t have anyone hearing this”
- “i’ll buy you whatever the hell you want, as long as you let me take it off of you”
- “you look so pretty when you’re cumming for me”
- “why don’t we use some of your toys?”
- “i need you. now”
- “beg for it”
- “You like it when i do that, baby?”
- “tell me what you want me to do to you”
- “oh fuck, do that thing with your tongue again”
- “i had no idea you were into this”
- “go on. fuck yourself on my cock”
- “if you’re worried about people hearing then you’d better stay quiet”
- “i like you so much better with my hand around your throat.”
- “what would they think if they could see you now, hm?”
- “poor baby, already fucked out and i barely even touched you”
- “you heard me. i want you to sit on my face”
- “you never look better than you do when you’re underneath me”
- “do you seriously think it’s funny? sending me shit like that while i’m at work?”
- “you can be a little rougher, y’know. i’m not exactly delicate”
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pyeonqie · 11 months
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2023 FIRST HALF FAVORITE RELEASES WRAP-UP tagged and inspired by @jangdaehyeonz <3
ty for tagging!! i had sooo much fun with this
no tags from me but if anyone wants to do it and say i tagged them feel free <3
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bvidzsoo · 8 months
Hi! First off I just wanna say how much I love your work! You are such a talented writer🤍 okay okay so for the Halloween prompt request, I was thinking maybe Vampire Seonghwa? (He's been plaguing my mind hella hard) with the prompts 3 and 22? I'm excited to see what you come up with!🤍
Thank you so much!🤍
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◆Vampire!Seonghwa◆ (pink haired Seonghwa has me in an unhealthy grip and it will end me one day)
↳3. Well, that didn’t hurt nearly as badly as I was expecting it to.
↳22. Do I look tasty?
A/N: Hii! Thank you for your kind words, it makes me happy to know people like my stories as I place a lot of time in them. I shall say that pink haired Seonghwa has me in a GRIP and I'll NEVER escape it, so uhm, I did a little something here, haha. I hope you enjoy this little one and requests are open until the 1st of November for anyone interested! Before you start the short story, I want to say that this was inspired by Vampire Academy written by Richelle Mead, so here's a little explanation for those who haven't read the books:
1. Moroi-are born vampires, imbued with the magic to have power over the elements;
2. Dhampir-are half-human, half-vampires who are born to protect the Moroi. Don't have elemental magic, but have enhanced strength and senses making them the strongest protection against the Strigoi;
3. Strigoi- are the type of vampires that one would expect from an old horror classic
TW: cussing, blood, very slightly suggestive?
◆Halloween Prompts◆
That damned pink hair could be visible from miles away. If his desperate need to be distinguishable by some feature wasn't enough, then his flamboyant persona certainly was. Park Seonghwa was absolutely detestable. It isn’t enough that he comes from one of the royal moroi families, which makes him incredibly famous, he also makes sure to remind everyone of his high status in the order by looking down on you while flaunting his riches, the arrogant smirk never absent from his face. I truly wish one day I'll be able to punch that perfect nose of his, even if dhampirs weren't allowed to hurt morois. I tried to keep the sneer off my face as I glared at the back of his pink head, a disgusting color if anyone asks me, as his loud laughter carried over the crowd. How was it possible that he could be heard over all the chatter in the auditorium? I felt a nudge to my side and my attention was off Seonghwa as I stared at my best friend, whose eyebrows were raised. She already knew I would be in a sour mood when I realized I was forced to breathe the same air as Seonghwa, but today was also the day we'd be paired up for our field trip. The dreaded field trip. Us, dhampirs, would be assigned to a moroi to protect for a week, totally left alone by our teachers and other guardians. Basically, we were forced to fend for ourselves for a week in order to show how capable we were in completing our duties once we graduated. I, on one hand, was ready. I was born ready; I knew I could do this. The only problem was that I didn't know who I'd be assigned to protect and the thought of having to possibly spend a whole ass week with Seonghwa was giving me a freaking headache.
"I think he can feel your glare, Y/N." Kazuha muttered as I turned to look back towards the front, Seonghwa’s annoying hair bugging my eyes again. I just rolled my eyes and ignored my best friend’s comment, thinking to myself, that it was only good if he felt my glare. Everyone knew I didn’t like Seonghwa, why try and hide it? The head teacher walked in holding a big paper scroll in his hands, stopping in the center of the auditorium.
“Quiet down, everyone.” Despite the authority in his voice, Seonghwa proceeded to finish his joke and laugh loudly as everyone else glanced his way, the teacher sighing before continuing, “I’ll read the dhampir names first and then the moroi they’ll have to protect for the following week. Changing your partners isn’t allowed, and if anyone does so in secret, they’ll be expulsed from the Academy, never to graduate. And then you can try and live a miserable life.”
I don’t think I agree with the teacher. Having to live without being surrounded by some annoying spoiled morois sounded like every dhampirs most secret wish. The teacher opened the scroll and started reading the names, most students looking content and even happy with their partners, but there was one problem. Park Seonghwa’s name hasn’t been read yet, and with my luck…my fate in this whole thing was slowly dying out.
“Lee Y/N.” I stood up straighter in my seat, debating whether to say a quick prayer, but the moroi’s name was already called, “Park Seonghwa.”
Fuck. I hissed and allowed my head to fall against the table, creating a loud bang as I groaned lowly. The people sitting around me chuckled, amused by my reaction, and probably thankful they didn’t get paired with Seonghwa. Lucky bastards. I felt eyes on me before I could lift my head and I braced myself for the conceited smirk on his face as I looked up, eyes connecting with his. Seonghwa was smirking, and as if to make things worse, he winked before turning around and ignoring my existence.
I would’ve done anything to avoid this moment. To avoid sitting in a car as Seonghwa was handed the keys to the Academy’s expensive Mercedes, as if he didn’t own at least two muscle cars back at home. God, I wanted to die. He opened the door and sat inside, head turning to look at me. My jaw was clenched as I looked straight ahead, refusing to look at him, able to see from the corner of my eyes the amusement written all over his features. God, if only I was allowed to punch him.
“Since when are morois allowed to drive?” I snapped as he ignited the engine to life, “You know the dhampirs are the ones supposed to drive around and shit.”
“I know,” Seonghwa shrugged nonchalantly as he backed out of the parking lot of the Academy, our head teacher and the dhampir supervisor watching us with hawk like eyes as I mouthed a small ‘please, save me’ to them, a displeased look crossing their features, “But I don’t trust a woman with driving.”
I scoffed annoyed, my tongue pressing against my cheek as I tried to hold myself back, Kazuha’s words ringing loudly in my head. ‘Ignore him, think of anything else and just stay calm. You can do this.’ In fact, no, I was certain I couldn’t do this, and we have barely left the safety of our Academy.
“Do you even know where we’re supposed to go?” I opted to ask instead, glaring at the radio as Seonghwa turned it on, browsing through the channels.
“To my family’s vacation house?” Seonghwa gave me a look which said, ‘are you crazy for even asking that?’.
“If that’s where you’re taking us, just pull over, and I’ll walk back to the Academy myself and sabotage my own future.” I groaned and allowed my head to fall back against the headrest. Seonghwa scoffed and gave me a quick glance as we turned onto the highway.
“You seriously want to live in a shady neighborhood in a dodgy apartment for a week?” He looked at me as if I was crazy and I closed my eyes, pressing the button to roll down the window. I needed some fresh air. Perhaps that would stop me from wanting to crash our car, which I was supposed to be driving. I’ve never driven such a luxury car, Seonghwa robbed me of another once in a lifetime experience…once again.
“Yes, Seonghwa, because this is a test to what our lives will look like very soon, you conceited idiot!” I snapped, finally breaking as I turned to face Seonghwa, “You might have everything handed to you on a silver plate, but I certainly won’t be living in a mansion or my family’s vacation home once I’ve graduated.”
“If you graduate.” God, I really wanted to punch that arrogant smirk off his face. I didn’t have to be top of my class to graduate. I was one of the best dhampirs at our Academy currently and I was needed as female dhampirs were rare. Unlike him, who was raised on a silver plate, he had no significance whatsoever if he was stripped of his title. He wasn’t even a prince, he was around fifth in line to the throne, so he really was unimportant. His skills were mid and unless he continued his family’s business, he was a no one. That brought a content smile on my lips and Seonghwa threw me an annoyed glance, probably able to sense that my thoughts weren’t the nicest. He didn’t say anything else as he focused on the road, turning up the volume of the radio, making me sigh as I relaxed into the car seat and closed my eyes. It’s not that I trusted him, but I had barely gotten any sleep last night as we threw a secret party before our departure. It was wild.
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            Four days had gone by and things were going surprisingly well. For me, at least. I quickly got familiar with the area and did my patrols regularly, keeping an eye out for any unwanted danger. I even managed to become friends with our upstairs neighbor, who was a nice old lady. I found mundane tasks quite enjoyable as I walked to the market each morning and bought fresh fruits and vegetables to cook later, and of course, since it was Seonghwa’s money, I enjoyed spending it even more. I finally managed to get that long deserved haircut and all in all, this test turned out to be a lot more manageable than I expected it to be. Living with Seonghwa wasn’t too difficult, surprisingly, as he stayed in his room almost all day, listening to loud music and facetiming with his other moroi friends almost every other hour. Hearing his boisterous laughter and awful jokes through the thin walls was rather depressing, but I managed to block his voice out as I turned on the TV in the living room and turned the volume up, hearing Seonghwa scream at me to be quieter, only to get ignored. Of course, things weren’t going constantly smoothly as he always found something to start a petty fight based on, but after realizing that my anger was only bringing him enjoyment, I stopped showing my emotions. That didn’t mean that I didn’t want to bash his head against the wall at times, I was just smarter and started hiding it. However, despite me living my best life for the past four days, Seonghwa seemed to hate it here. He would jump at the slightest sound coming from outside and the curtains would have to be drawn almost all day as his skin was specifically sensitive to sunlight. That was a thing I didn’t believe, but I didn’t want to try my luck and actually set him on fire, that wouldn’t only get me expelled from the Academy, it would earn me the death penalty too. I preferred staying away from that one if possible. It was one of those serene nights, where I almost couldn’t tell if Seonghwa and I were living together, but my heightened senses could pick up on his breathing, a thing which annoyed me, but normally was very good as I could protect the morois in case of danger. Earlier today I bought some red wine and condiments to cook some pasta as I missed the taste of it, the chef’s cooking back at the Academy is rather bland, almost makes you think she’s a moroi. I have prepared everything and threw the ingredients together, letting it boil before pouring the heavy cream over it, letting it simmer for a few more minutes as I stirred it. I was lost in my world, humming a song which Seonghwa had been listening to on repeat, when suddenly I felt warmth behind me and my muscle memory kicked in as I whirled around, grabbing the intruder by the neck and slamming them against the nearest wall. My grip instantly loosened around Seonghwa’s neck when I finally realized it was just him, his normally round eyes wider than I’ve seen them ever before.
“Don’t ever creep up on me again, Seonghwa.” I hissed, eyebrows furrowed, “I could’ve hurt you.”
“Isn’t that what you want?” The stunned look was gone from his face, replaced with an annoying smirk. God, I hated his stupid face.
“Yeah, it is.” I muttered as I released him and went back to stir my sauce before shutting the gas off, taking the pot to the table. Seonghwa followed after me and watched me as I sat at the table, pouring the sauce over my spaghetti. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a sip, humming at the rich taste of it. It was expensive, but then again, Seonghwa was founding me so I only bought the priciest things, hoping to deprive him of all of his money. It was impossible, but it still bought a little satisfaction to my heart.
“You cooked dinner and didn’t even tell me…” Seonghwa trailed off, face falling for a second before it became composed again as he walked to the cupboard, taking out a plate.
“I didn’t know in what mood you were.” It was clear, Seonghwa was struggling without blood. I might’ve hated him, but I knew a moroi, a vampire, couldn’t survive without blood. Yes, they were able to eat normal food, but it could make them sick for days even. Seonghwa hasn’t eaten anything since we left the Academy. Hasn’t fed since we left the Academy. I tried to convince him to come to the hospital with me and I’d take a few blood bags for him, but he refused and said he’d survive without this week. He preferred fresh blood, apparently. And the lack of blood was already showing its first signs, his skin was paler than usual and dark bags were slowly forming underneath his eyes. I noticed his eyes glowing red every now and then, but that wasn’t necessarily a sign of bloodlust.
“I’m starving.” Seonghwa muttered more to himself, forgetting that I could hear him. I paused chewing as he sat down opposite me, surprised that he was willingly sitting at a table with me. He’d never do that at the Academy, but then again, I probably would pour my food all over his head if he did. I pushed the spaghetti and sauce pot towards him as Seonghwa reluctantly leaned forward and inhaled, eyes widening a little.
“Oh, this actually smells really nice.” He muttered absentmindedly and my eyes narrowed as I analyzed him. Was he being sincere? He seemed like he forgot I was even sitting at a table with him.
“I probably won’t be able to eat much, my stomach’s rather weak these days.” He said as he looked up and placed some spaghetti and sauce on his plate. I nodded and continued eating, watching his face for a reaction when he finally took a bite. He chewed slowly on the food and his eyebrows furrowed before he gulped the food down. He just glanced up at me and wordlessly continued to take a few more bites, but stopped at the fifth one. He pushed the plate away and grabbed a stray glass from the table, pouring himself wine.
“That wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be.” I was about to thank him, for the first time in my life, but he had to continue, “I didn’t know dhampirs are now taught how to cook. But then again…you’re a woman, you’re supposed to know how to do that.”
“If you don’t shut up I will push that knife down your heart.” It was an empty threat, but it felt nice saying it as Seonghwa chuckled and took a big gulp of the wine, eyes going to the bottle before settling back on me.
“Are you trying to bereave me of my money, Y/N?” He cocked an eyebrow elegantly and I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair as I was finished with dinner too.
“As if you don’t have more than enough already,” I scoffed and took a sip of my wine, “Since I risk my life to protect you, you at least can let me spend as much as I’d like—”
“Yeah, like at the hairdresser.” Seonghwa cut me off with a scoff, eyes narrowing, “Who even charges that much?”
“I might’ve left a bigger tip than necessary.” I replied nonchalantly and hid my smirk behind my glass as I took another sip, Seonghwa scoffing as he drank the contents of his own glass before pouring some more wine for himself.
A few hours later, the lights seemed to dance around me as I sat in the chair, leaned back and one leg brought up on the chair, hair pulled in a low ponytail as I was feeling hot. It was from the wine, I knew that, but I couldn’t help fan myself as Seonghwa placed another card on the table. It was red. I didn’t have any red cards, so I had to pick up one from the deck. If anyone told me four days ago that I would be playing some silly card games with Seonghwa while the both of us were tipsy, I would’ve laughed in their face and asked them to walk to the psychic ward. But it was happening right now and Seonghwa was winning, for the fifth time. I was getting fed up.
“You’re cheating, okay?!” I exclaimed and slammed my cards on the table as Seonghwa placed his last one down, winning again. He just chuckled and took another sip of his wine, cheeks slightly flushed. One would say he looked like a living creature for once. It was late in the night and we were supposed to be sleeping, but I haven’t done my patrolling duty yet and it was cold outside, I really didn’t want to go. Besides, I was tipsy, my reflexes were dull, and if a strigoi were to attack me, I probably wouldn’t get very far, let alone be able protect Seonghwa.
“I’m not cheating,” He scoffed, looking offended, “I’m just really good at this game.”
“Yeah, right,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “Like you are at everything else.”
“Of course, I am.” He smirked and flicked a stray pink strand out of his eyes.
“Then why do you refuse to go to the hospital and steal one or two blood bags with me?” I raised my eyebrows challengingly, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Seonghwa stiffened for a second before he leaned forward, placing his interlaced hands on the table and his chin on them.
“Because,” His voice lowered, as if he was scared someone was eavesdropping on us, “I only drink fresh blood.”
I scoffed, of course he did, he had the circumstances to, he was rich, “And why is that? Did mommy and daddy spoil you that much?”
That annoying smirk was back on his lips, “Yes, they did. I can’t stand the stale taste of blood; it makes me throw up. I like drinking it from the source, when it’s still warm and gushing, thick and rich and full of aroma.”
His eyes flashed red again and I watched as he licked his lips, suddenly the bloodlust obvious on his face. Perhaps I shouldn’t have brought up this topic, but I wanted to know the real reason. A vampire who was thirsty shouldn’t be challenged, but I was safe. It was strictly forbidden for morois to drink blood from dhampirs. And it would make me seem like a whore. But the alcohol was hitting hard and I was genuinely curious, never having talked to a moroi about this before, almost wanting to experience the euphoric feeling it’s said a vampire’s bite gives you.
“Do I look tasty?” The words left my lips before I could think much as Seonghwa and I made eye contact. I knew my eyes were glazed over with intoxication from the alcohol, but suddenly Seonghwa’s pupils grew in size as his eyes flashed red and remained like that. The ceiling lamp’s light falling on him made his eyes seem a deep red, swirling around almost in his round eyes.
“You or your blood?” Seonghwa’s voice was low and a strand of pink hair fell into his eyes as he stared me down. Suddenly, I felt glued to my place. He looked like a predator ready to pounce on its pray.
“Both.” I answered breathless, taken aback by Seonghwa’s sudden change of character. He was always so arrogant, so uncaring and so irritating, you’d never think he was capable of looking at you with such danger written all over his face and body. A vein in his neck was visibly pulsing and his hands tightened around each other, knuckles turning white as he inhaled deeply, eyes slightly fluttering closed.
“You smell like flowers, but it’s so—sweet.” His voice was strained as he blinked his eyes open, red glinting back at me as I straightened up in my chair, body suddenly flushing at his words. It was most certainly the alcohol making me feel like this, but I pushed my ponytail behind my shoulders, and I didn’t miss Seonghwa’s eyes focusing on my neck as I cleared my throat.
“Have you tasted sweet blood before?” I whispered, Seonghwa’s jaw clenching and unclenching as if he was fighting back his demons. He said nothing as he shook his head no and I sucked in a deep breath, making eye contact with him, “Would you like to?”
Before I could blink, Seonghwa was up on his feet and next to me, sending his chair to the floor with a loud clank, and I was hauled up by a grip around my bicep. Seonghwa’s long fingers dug into my skin with a bruising force as he sneered down at me, our height difference very obvious. He’s never stood so close to me before.
“You’re playing with fire, Y/N, stop.” He warned, voice deep and eyes flickering from red back to its brown color to red again. I bit my lower lip and stood on my tip toes, lips barely brushing against his earlobe.
“I know you want to bite me, Seonghwa, suck my blood—” What was the reason of my taunting? Probably nothing more than wanting to fuck with him. To finally see him so out of control and desperate, anything like the Seonghwa he always presented himself to be. And it was the alcohol, of course, because I would’ve never asked such thing of him sober. I was ruining my dignity at the moment.
“If anyone finds out…” His voice was horse as he slightly pulled me back, looking down at me, eyes trained on the smooth skin of my neck.
“Nobody will,” I smirked at him, barring my neck more for him as his eyes flicked back to red, “But you have to swear you will keep your mouth shut, Seonghwa.”
“Will you become my supplier, then?” That annoying smirk was back on his lips and I hissed at him, glaring fiercely.
“Don’t overstep your boundaries, asshole.”
“As if you aren’t the one begging me to bite you.”
“As if you aren’t the one desperate to bite me.”
That’s all it took for Seonghwa to finally give in, lips parting and fangs shirking as he opened his mouth more, locking eyes with me. I nodded subtly and my body tensed as Seonghwa slowly leaned down, closer to my neck. My breath caught in my throat as Seonghwa’s plush lips pressed softly against my neck in a small kiss before I felt them retreating and instead two sharp fangs poked against my skin. Before I could have time to rethink my poor choices, the sharp fangs pressed hard into my skin, making me gasp loudly and grasp onto Seonghwa’s shoulders as his teeth tore through my untouched skin, sharp pain erupting in the area as it traveled towards my shoulder and ear. My grip on Seonghwa turned harsh and suddenly I felt him pulling my body flushed against his as he held my nape, sucking on my blood. As soon as the pain came it was gone, the feeling of his fangs foreign as my eyes started becoming blurry, brain fogged up. My lips fell open as my whole body seemed to tingle, from head to toe, and Seonghwa suddenly moaned, lightly pushing me backwards until my hips were pressing against the table. The euphoria was becoming overwhelming as my breathing stuttered and I whined quietly as my head lulled back, knees feeling faint all of a sudden. Seonghwa moaned again, sending vibrations down my neck, my skin covered in goosebumps as I had to grab onto the table with one hand as the other still held onto Seonghwa. Dark spots started covering my vision, but I was unable to speak, unable to let Seonghwa know that he was probably drinking too much. But he must’ve known as suddenly, his cold fangs were gone from my neck, the cool air hitting the marks as Seonghwa’s nose nuzzled against my jaw, breathing hard. I gasped as my knees bucked for a second, Seonghwa’s arms holding me up as my mind slowly started to clear up. The fog was lifting, but just barely, as I squeezed my eyes shut, suddenly the light too much for them. I took deep breaths, the marks pulsed as I was finally able to close my mouth and swallowed, my throat dry all of a sudden. The dark spots were gone, but a slight headache started overtaking the haze, forehead lightly pulsing rhythmically. As I opened my eyes, I was met with Seonghwa staring down at me with lust coating his whole face, his red eyes shinning as he was breathing hard. Apparently I wasn’t the only one affected as my body continued to tingle, a different kind of want overtaking it. Seonghwa’s hand was still gripping my nape and my eyes fell to his plump lips, the inside of the still bloody. Coated with my blood. Something inside of Seonghwa snapped again as he leaned down, crashing his cherry red lips against mine, tasting like iron, nothing like the sweet taste he described. His lips moved against mine hungrily and I kissed him back with just as much fervor, fingers tangling in his pushed back pink hair, yanking on it when he pushed my lips more open with his tongue. His tongue slipped inside my mouth and lapped at my own, sucking on it hard, making me moan involuntarily. Seonghwa’s hands gripped my cheeks hard as my lungs screamed for air, but I was drunk on his warmth and passion, teeth clanking against the other. I bit his lower lip hard, making Seonghwa hiss before I released it, licking the saliva off my lips. Seonghwa went and clipped my lower lip with his suddenly shirked fangs. His breath was fanning my face, quick and hot, and all I could do was look up in his brown eyes and chuckle, pulling my head back slightly to free my lip from his assaults.
“Well, that didn’t hurt nearly as badly as I was expecting it to.” I muttered and Seonghwa smirked, leaning close again that his lips were brushing against mine.
“If you think you’ll ever get away from me after this,” He chuckled and shook his head, “you’re very wrong. Once we have graduated I will request for you to be my guardian.”
“Fuck you.” I snapped, suddenly glaring at him as Seonghwa smirked viciously, “You’ll never have me.”
“Oh, but don’t I already?” He taunted and pressed a soft kiss against my lips mockingly, making me wrestle out of his grip as he just laughed, “I always get what I want.”
“If you tell anyone that I—” Suddenly I felt too sober, suddenly I realized the weight of my actions.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want anyone to know about our dirty little secret, love.” Seonghwa chuckled as I walked away from him, needing to put distance between our bodies, “I hope you do know vampire venom is addictive—”
“Of course, I know!” My voice raised as I whirled around to glare at him, “One bite won’t make me addicted, though.”
“One or two won’t, indeed.” I didn’t like the glint in his eyes nor the promise in his voice. Something told me that this wasn’t the last time he’d come to me to drink my blood. Fuck, I just fucked myself over for a lifetime. Park Seonghwa always gets what he wants, and if he requests for me to be his guardian after graduation, he would get just that. It’s true what they say after all, curiosity killed the cat.
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Masterlist (divider) Next part
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shinestarhwaa · 8 months
I'm so excited for your event I'm literally dancing in my chair 😂
My request is San + kinks 12 and 25 + line 48 + 59. Arranged marriage AU hehe.
Let's gooo and let the creativity fairy bless you mwah 😘🩷
Thankyou darling! I hope you'll enjoy this one!
City Lights || CHOI SAN
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: husband!San x Fem reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Tags/warnings: Arranged marriage! AU, Dirty talk, praise kink, virgin!reader, handjob, fingering, oral sex (f), unprotected sex, making a baby🤪
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @lemonhongjoong @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123
"Well, it's quite romantic, isn't it? With all the lights?" Your husband grinned. You gave him a weak smile, still feeling fuzzy from the flight. He patted your back as you walked down Regent Street.
"Is there anything you need?" He asked. You shook your head. "Did you lose your tongue, Y/N?" He sighed. "No, sorry," you apologized quickly.
You and your husband had just touched down in London for your honeymoon. San insisted on going somewhere sunny but you loved the gloomy days and requested to go to London instead. After all you were married and supposed to be together forever, there would be a lot of opportunity's to see warm countries instead.
San had requested you to be his wife, well actually, your parents had arranged this. You hadn't found a suitor yet and his parents wanted him to marry someone from good wealth and they didn't trust San with finding a wife as he fell in love with 'nothings' before.
But you were something. Your parents run one of the largest company's in South Korea and is currently planning on blending with Choi INC., the company that San's parents run. It was only natural that they both decided on getting their children to marry each other.
Now you could have done worse, you were aware. He was handsome and he hasn't been bad to you so far, but it was hard for you to give him so much attention and love when you hardly knew him. You were married for money and specifically for your parents' money and you thought it was kind of fucked up.
Nonetheless, you were with San in London for a week and you had to make it work. You have been a little absent, your mind too clouded. You were expected to gift him at least one child, preferably a son, San's father had said. You smiled to yourself when San defended you in this, saying your body belonged to you and if you would have his child he'd love it no matter the gender of the baby.
Maybe you were paired with a good man after all.
You had told him before your wedding he shouldn't expect sleeping with you on the wedding night as you didn't know him well enough and San understood. Yet the pressure of conceiving a child on the honeymoon was bigger than yourself and it concerned San as well. You knew there was a big chance San would want to have sex with you this week. But how on earth were you going to tell him you were a virgin?
On the first day of your London trip he took you to see Notting Hill, the Big Ben and the London Eye, the typical tourist stuff. On the second day you went shopping and he bought you beautiful clothes. Today was the third day and the time was ticking and somehow you could feel San's impatience. You were gonna have to tell him tonight. After a long day of visiting the famous palace and beautiful museums you finally sat down in a private booth of a lovely restaurant. The Mojito in your hand slightly calmed your nerves as your dinner was filled with anxiety.
''What's going on, dear? Was today a lot for you?'' he asked. Dear. Oh My.
''Well, there's just something on my mind,'' you confessed. ''Tell me about it, it might clear up your mind,'' San offered as he took another bite of his salmon dish. ''As you know, there's the matter of... bearing a child for you,'' you started, slightly startling San, but he nodded. ''It just feels like big pressure to... have a healthy son.''
''Dear, first of all...It's not just for me... It... would be our child, right? We'll raise the child together and... We will love the child together. I also don't care if it's a son or a daughter, as long as it's healthy. Even if it's unhealthy I'll promise to love the baby.''
You took a deep breath and nodded. ''I know that it's sudden,'' San spoke as he took your hand in his, ''I know that it might be really soon for you, but I promise to be here. I'm not going anywhere. You'll be fine, I promise.'' You felt your heart feel lighter as San reassured you again. ''Thank you San.''
You continued your dinner peacefully and he often made you smile with his kind remarks. "The city lights shine beautifully on that angelic face of yours." You grinned and rolled your eyes at his cheesy lines, but they made you feel fuzzy inside. Maybe you could truly trust him with your secret.
''How could you ever be a virgin?'' San gasped.
You were seated on the hotel bed and San was just about to kiss you. You were quick to stop him, hands rested against his chest as you blurted it out. You felt your skin getting hotter, a blush creeping up on your cheeks.
''It just never happened for me. The kiss we had at the wedding was my first too,'' you confessed. You tried so hard to be brave but tears filled your eyes. San's heart filled with worry and he took your hands in his, gently rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. ''Y/N...'' He started.
You looked down but San lifted your chin up again. ''I'll take care of you, if you'll let me.'' Something inside you changed and as of that moment you wanted nothing more than to be in your new husbands' arms. You fell into his embrace and closed your eyes for just a second.
''I'm so sorry I wasn't more careful, I just think you are so beautiful I didn't think of it.'' ''You think I'm beautiful?'' San nodded. ''I think you're stunning. You looked like an angel in that weddingdress... and even when you go to bed you're still gorgeous,'' he said softly. You nodded and smiled. ''Thank you San... I feel better. I don't know if I can do it tonight but... I promise you... I'll give you your baby. Tomorrow.''
''Tomorrow?'' ''Tomorrow.''
It was 7PM and you were having your 'everything-shower'. Hair washes, legs shaven, body butter doing it's work. You knew San was sitting on the bed and he was waiting, waiting to fuck you into oblivion. At least that's what was said in the books you've read.
Is that even a thing in real life? You knew how sex worked, you weren't innocent, but you also didn't know everything. You dried your hair as you looked into the mirror. Did you look good enough to have sex with without any make-up on?
You looked at your body, your wedding night lingerie on. The white material complimented your skintone and it hugged your body in the right places. But it did not stop you from being insecure.
What was a woman's body supposed to look like? What if he thinks your private parts look strange? He's married now, he will have to live with it. You shook your head and sighed, forgetting your stupid thoughts. Don't think so much, you told yourself.
You put on your robe and scrunched your hair to make it look right again. You finished your skincare and stepped out of the bathroom. San was indeed seated on the bed, his tight black shirt and pantalon showing off his big muscles. You swallowed thickly at the sight of him.
"Hi," you spoke softly as you walked closer to him. He smiled and stood up, taking your hands. "Hello there, beautiful."
His arms wrapped around you as he pulled you tight. Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his hand slide up and down your back. "Y/N, can I kiss you?" He asked. You weren't sure if it was forced or genuine, but you felt safe enough. San was a good man. He is kind. And he's your husband.
You nodded slowly.
His lips attached to yours slow and softly. Gently. Even though you were inexperienced it was like he guided you, it was automatic. San's lips were soft like cushions and his movements were smooth.
San's tongue slipped out of his mouth, slowly licking your bottom lip. You stopped the kiss before his tongue could slide in, slowly panting out.
Before he could say anything you attached your lips to his neck and carefully unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing his toned chest and abs. As you watched him stripping off the shirt and pants you discarded the robe, letting it fall on the ground.
His mouth fell open as he watched you in all your glory, softest skin ready to be touched, lingerie waiting to be torn off your body. "God, dear, you have no idea how beautiful you are. Feel how hard I am now," he breathed out as he took your hand and laid it on his clothed cock. You gently palmed it and you felt your breath hitch in your throat again at the feeling of his growing erection.
"I did that?" "Yes honey, you are doing that. You're that hot," he smirked, "do you wanna touch it, Y/N?"
Your husband slid down his boxers and revealed his big, throbbing length. You admired his naked body before you took his hard dick in your hand, stroking it slowly. San's breath picked up when you spat in your hand and smeared the spit over his cock as lube, working him up.
"God babe, you're insane," he groaned when you picked up the pace, jerking him off at a steady and affective rhythm. You felt your pussy clench around nothing at his praise, making you rethink your life, were you getting off on his praises?
You worked your hand faster and his grunts and puffs got louder and his hips bucked up. "You're making me feel so good angel, you're gonna make me cum if you're gonna keep going," he moaned. "B-But I shouldn't, I need to cum inside your pussy, baby," he said a few seconds later as he stopped you. He took a deep breath before pulling you close, unclasping your lacy white bra.
Your tits sprung free, meeting your husbands' eyes. They filled with hunger and lust as he took the image of your bare breasts in. He was an ass-man but as his cock kept twitching at the sight of you, he had to admit your breasts excited him to the fullest.
He slipped off your panties as he laid you down on the bed. You were shy, nearly blushing as he kissed every inch of your body. "So beautiful," he whispered after a few kisses, "doing so well for me."
San spread your legs slowly and looked at your wet cunt, gaping at the sight of it. "I am going to touch you now."
His fingers reached your folds, sliding them through gently and collecting the wetness. "God, so beautiful, you're a diamond, baby," he hummed from between your thighs. San had lowered himself so he was at eye-level with your cunt.
You took a deep breath as your anxiety rose, but San's tongue lapped at your sensitive clit only seconds later. You whined as you forgot about your surroundings, San's tongue being the only thing you could concentrate on.
It worked magic against your clit as he slowly scissored his middle- and ringfinger inside you to work you open. You felt the cold metal of his wedding ring prod at your entrance as he fucked his fingers deep inside you.
Your moans grew louder and soon became uncontrollable as San went nuts on your pussy, losing himself in the pleasure of pleasing you. Mutters of "you're doing so well" and "prettiest pussy" left his mouth every now and then, only working you up more.
San made you arch your back from the pleasure and you felt your orgasm coming closer as San sped up the pace of his fingers. His tongue kept flicking and toying with the sensitive bud and his fingers finally found your g-spot as he curled them just the right away.
With a loud moan you released, orgasming on his fingers and tongue. He licked you and his fingers as clean as he could before he pulled himself away to hover above you.
"I promise," he panted as he kissed your jaw and neck, sliding his cock between your folds a few times. The head of his length rubbed against your clit, making you whine out his name. "I promise I will be gentle and I will take care of you, and I'm gonna make you feel so good, gonna make you a mommy, my delicate angel."
You held your breath as San slowly slid his member inside. "Breathe out honey, deep breaths," he grunted as he felt your tight walls squeeze him tightly. You clenched your eyes shut as you breathed in and out, taking all of his cock little by little.
"Yes, my precious angel, you are doing so well, you're taking my cock so well," he cooed, slowly pushing his cock in and out of you. You winced as he did so, feeling the sting and hearing your body telling you to stop, but you weren't going to stop, not when he positioned himself in a way that made it possible for him to directly hit your g-spot as he thrusted into you.
"Oh! S-San," you whined out. The stretch of his cock still hurting, but pleasure overtaking as he repeatedly hit your g-spot. "Right there, huh, angel? Right there? I'll fuck you right there, my good girl," he grunted as you nodded eagerly.
"Yes please, fuck me right there," you squeeled, nails digging into his biceps. "You're doing so well, pretty pussy taking my cock, you like that huh? You like the way my dick slides in your little pussy?"
"Yes, yes I love it, please," you moaned, feeling his cock reach deeper inside you. You nearly forgot about the stretch until he moved slightly, making you tense up.
"It's okay precious, it's okay, I got you," he said as he slowed down, holding you in his arms. You whined out as you felt his cock stretch out your walls more. "S-San!"
"My good girl, taking me so well, you're being so good, so brave," he grunted as the grip on your hips tightened. His hand reached between your bodies and his fingers found the way to your sensitive clit. He rubbed it quickly and made the moans spill from your lips.
"O-oh, San! Yes!" You moaned loudly as you felt another orgasm wash over you. You clenched down on his dick, making him reach his orgasm too. He moaned loudly as he spilled all his seeds inside you, filling you up to the brim.
He panted out and stayed inside you, not wanting any of it to leak out. You regained your breath as your hands ran over his back, eyes closed. "My precious angel," he whispered in your ear as he slowly pulled his dick out of you. You felt some of your man's hot cum drip from your pussy down to your ass, making you hiss at the feeling.
"You were amazing honey, you did so well," he said as he kissed your head, holding you in his arms. "I will make sure to keep trying to put a baby in you," he promised as he carressed your hair, "and I'm gonna make you feel so good every day, while you're looking so pretty in the city lights."
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dazz-linglight · 3 days
Will you marry me?
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(college-student!Park Seonghwa x Office worker!reader) feat. Students!Ateez
One shot // Absolute Fluffy
(this story is based on a dream I had last night, it was very cute 🥺 🥺)
You met Park Seonghwa during a college party when you were in your last year of studying business administration, while he was starting his first year of computer science. You being a social butterfly met one of his friends Wooyoung, who is also an extrovert and introduced you to his group of friends, all with different personalities, but they got along very well. You were enchanted by Seonghwa pretty quickly, by his calm demeanor and cute smile, you couldn't help but pick an interest in the tall man and he seemed to reciprocate, making efforts to keep a conversation with you and after a while he asked for your number.
You didn't think that night would be so important, but soon became the night you met your future lover. You spent a few days texting him and occasionally seeing him around the campus, until he officially asked you out on a date. He picked you up in his car and brought you to a coffee shop by the evening, you two shared a red velvet cake, he drank bubble tea and you matcha latte and talked about life. You felt truly happy around him and he always had a smile on his lips when he is around you. He gave you that feeling you will never forget.
The sun fell and the night came, so you decided it was time to go. Seonghwa drove you back to the campus and parked his car close by your dorm, getting out first to open the door of your side and help you come out.
"Thank you for today, Seonghwa.. I enjoyed a lot." You walk to your dorm door side by side with Seonghwa, fiddling with the tip of your blouse, not looking at him directly. You felt a bit nervous to what would come next.
"Me too, it's always special for me to spend time with you." Seonghwa had many thoughts running through his head, but one specifically was louder.
"Can I have a kiss?" He asked in a low tone, looking in your eyes as he was standing in the front of your dorm, bringing you home after you third date. The question was so simple yet irregular.. not because you haven't been kissed before but because he was the first person to ask. You felt a bit overwhelmed with happinnes flooding your senses, that tears weld up in your eyes. He didn't know what was going on your head, so your lack of answer and current expression made him panic.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" He with worry in his eyes brought you back to the moment and you stepped closer to kiss his lips gently. He held you closer and you whispered by his ear "You're perfect."
You both were willing to give each other anything and everything. A kiss? what bliss, of course! You became each other's comfort space, and in that space, things just fall into place. Two souls completely transparent to each other became one.
That serendipitous friendship that grew into a stronger feeling of a romance with each passing day. The two of you started meeting regularly at the library, initially to study but eventually just to talk and spend time together. You found Seonghwa's enthusiasm for coding and technology infectious, while Seonghwa admired your ability to balance the hectic schedule with grace. You often discussed dreams and aspirations. You talked about your goal of working for a prestigious company, climbing the corporate ladder, and making a significant impact in the business world. Seonghwa, on the other hand, was passionate about creating something of his own—a tech startup that would revolutionize the industry.
The bond between you deepened each day as you supported each other through life challenges. You helped Seonghwa navigate through the complexities of university life, offering him valuable advice on time management and academic success. In return, Seonghwa provided you with a fresh perspective on your life and business ideas, often suggesting innovative tech solutions that could enhance your projects.
As the end of the academic year approached, you faced the daunting task of finding a job, attending numerous interviews, networked tirelessly, and prepared meticulously for each opportunity. Seonghwa, although still a freshman, offered her unwavering support, often staying up late to help you practice for interviews and refine your resume.
On weekends, you both explored places together, going for coffee, attending networking events, and going around the city. One friday evening, after a particularly grueling day of interviews, Seonghwa took you to a quiet spot on campus where you could see the city lights twinkling in the distance.
“I’m really going to miss this place,” You said quietly, voice tinged with a bit of nostalgia. “But I’m excited for the future.” You smiled softly, turning to look at your boyfriend.
“You’re going to do great, princess. Any company will be lucky to have you." Seonghwa replied, his eyes filled with admiration for you.
At that moment, the air seemed to shift and Seonghwa took a deep breath and, with a nervous smile, said, “But I'm not excited to not seeing you here everyday.” You giggled like a little girl, feeling butterflies on your stomach.
A while after your graduation, you received a job offer at a prestigious financial firm. The job was more than you had hoped for—challenging, rewarding, and full of opportunities for growth. You thrived in your new role, rising step by step due to your dedication and expertise. Meanwhile, Seonghwa continued to excel in his studies, always keeping you updated on his progress.
During one of your visits back to campus, Seonghwa introduced you to a group of friends with whom he had been working on a startup idea. They were a talented bunch, each one bringing a unique skill set to the table. Seonghwa and his friends had a vision of creating a tech company that would develop cutting-edge software solutions for businesses, they nomitated the project as 'ATEEZ CYBER SOLUTIONS'.
One of his friends, Hongjoong, showed you a presentation about the project, talking about their ideas and plans for the future company. You were impressed by their passion and ambition and offered to help them with the business plan, drawing from your own experience and knowledge. So together, all of you worked to refine the ATEEZ project, preparing for the day when they could turn their dream into reality.
A few years went by and Seonghwa's graduation approached, the startup team was ready to launch their own company. They matured the project together and worked hard to gather initial funding, developed a prototype of their software and were eager to bring their product to market. Seonghwa’s excitement was palpable, but he couldn’t shake the nervousness about what the future held for both his career and his relationship with you.
One friday, after a long day of final exams, Seonghwa called you. “I’ll pick you up at work later for a surprise. ” he said, his voice filled with anticipation. You sensed the imporntace of his words and felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety. You couldn’t wait to see him and get to know what the said surprise is.
When Seonghwa arrived at parking lot of your work building, he seemed both nervous and exhilarated. He took you home and told you to get a bag of clothes and beach wear. He took you to you on a car trip to a beach house in a city 2 hours away from where you live to spend the weekend. You spent the first night exploring the city, visiting a famous restaurant, later going back to the house he rented. He held your hand to bring you to the balcony and showed you the pretty view of the sea at night, the ambiance perfect for a heartfelt conversation.
"Oh my, Seonghwa.. This is so pretty!" You didn't see the beach often since you live a bit far from it, you get impressed everytime.
“Princess,” Seonghwa called for you, squeezing your hand in his and you faced him. “these past years have been incredible. I’ve seen you grow into this amazing, successful woman, and I couldn’t be prouder. You’ve always supported me, believed in me, and I can’t imagine my life without you." Your heart raced as you listened to his words.
“Now that I’m about to graduate and we’re launching the startup, I feel like it’s the right time to take the next step in our relationship. I want us to build a future together, not just in our careers, but in our lives too.” You could see the sprinkle of tears appearing by the sides of his eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. Opening it, he revealed a beautiful ring. “Would you give me the honor of marrying you?”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stared at the man before you, the one you had grown to love deeply and truly. Without any hesitation, you nodded and said “Yes, Seonghwa. Of course, I will marry you.”
You jumped to hug him tightly in your arms, Seonghwa sighed and squeezed your waist, bringing you to his chest to spin you around.
The engagement marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your lives. Balancing the demanding careers and planning a wedding was no simple, but the two of you faced each challenge together with unwavering commitment and love.
You continued to work hard at your job, taking on more responsibilities and gaining recognition for her contributions. Your expertise in business administration proved invaluable to Seonghwa's startup, which began to gain traction in the tech industry. You often collaborated on strategies, with you providing insights on market trends and financial planning while Seonghwa worked on product development and innovation.
Despite the busy schedules, you always made time for each other, ensuring that the relationship remained a priority in your lives. You moved in together and enjoyed quiet evenings at home, exploring new hobbies and planning for the future. The love bond grew stronger as you supported each other through the highs and lows.
The wedding day came and it was a beautiful cerimony on the same beach house where Seonghwa proposed, the party was intimate, attended by the closest family and friends. A real celebration of love, resilience and the journey you had undertaken together. As you exchanged vows, you both promised to continue supporting and cherishing each other, no matter what the future brings ahead.
With their wedding behind them, you and Seonghwa focused on building the future together. The ATEEZ startup, now officially launched, began to attract attention from investors and first clients. With Seonghwa’s leadership and technical expertise, combined with your business acumen, proved to be a winning combination.
Gradually, you took on a more active role in the company, initially as a side job as financial consultant but eventually joining the team full-time as the Chief Financial Officer a year later. Your strategic vision and financial management skills were crucial in securing additional funding and scaling the business. Under the joint leadership, the company grew rapidly, earning accolades for its innovative solutions and customer-centric approach.
As the company expanded, so did your and Seonghwa's dreams. He envisioned creating a workplace that not only thrived on innovation but also prioritized employee well-being and community impact. You implemented policies that fostered a positive work culture, emphasizing diversity, inclusion, and work-life balance. The company became known not just for its cutting-edge technology but also for its commitment to making a difference in the lives of its employees and the community.
You and Seonghwa grew professionally and personally, becoming a powerful couple who loved each other very much. Years ago, you didn't expect that destiny was preparing such a great future for your life. You were once a young lady entering the university with dreams and you ended up meeting the love of your life and working together for a bigger purpose.
With the moon glowing by the horizon, you and Seonghwa stood hand in hand on the rooftop of ATEEZ office building. The company had just celebrated their 1 year anniversary. The party was over, but the rooftop was still adorned with twinkling fairy lights, drinks and decorations, a symbol of the journey they had embarked upon together. Seonghwa glanced at you, eyes sparkling with a mixture of love and pride.
“Remember when we started this?” He said softly, leaning his head over your head. “It was just the two of us and a dream.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around you to hug you close. “And now, look at us. A big team, our own office, and changing lives. The journey had been far from easy. There were late nights, moments of doubt, and countless challenges." He thought loudly.
"But through it all, we had each other." You completed his sentence, looking back at the past year and everything that happened. Love was the cornerstone of your success, providing the strength and inspiration you both needed to push forward.
From across the rooftop, the original team members Hongjoong, Yunho, Mingi, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung and Jongho watched the couple in quiet admiration. They had seen firsthand the dedication and passion that you and Seonghwa poured into work and their relationship. This synergy had fostered a family-like atmosphere in the company, making it a place where everyone felt valued and motivated.
Seonghwa reached into his pocket and pulled out a small blue box. You watched in surprise as he opened it to reveal a delicate necklace, a silver pendant shaped like a key. “For you,” he whispered, fastening it around her neck. “The key to my heart and our future.”
Seonghwa never failed to make you emotional with happiness, a tear falling down your eye as you leaned in and kissed him softly. “Here’s to many more years,” you said, reaching for two glasses of champagne.
“Together.” You toasted with big smiles as the city lights twinkled below and they stood embraced, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it side by side, their love and partnership as unbreakable as ever.
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peachesyeo · 3 months
so i have this fic that i wrote the first chapter for and just threw it somewhere in my drafts. i hope you guys would tell me what you think about this. if you guys feel that it's okay i'll continue this once i end 1117. if i end 1117. and little fourteen. hehe.
for more info, it's a yandere alice in wonderland au with ateez and my original female character. yeah it's kind of dark.
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💌 parings: yandere!ateez x female!oc
💌 genre: alice in wonderland au, yandere
💌 contains: suggestive, strong language, seonghwa is 'alice', yunho is the 'white rabbit'.
💌 word count: 2k words
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"fuck, i want to breed her with my kittens the moment i saw her."
— j.yh
Kyu hate these kinds of parties.
She sighed, watching as these hypocrites of the upper class gathered around, in their fancy dresses and suits. She snorted as she saw her cousin gossiping with her supposed 'friends', giggling and hiding their faces behind their fancy fans.
Illusion is a beautiful city, but too bad there are so many stuck-up snakes hanging around the place.
"Kyu!" Kyu turned at the mention of her name, to see her mother and father, standing near a well-dressed gentleman. Kyu sighed inwardly, walking over to her parents. "Mother, Father."
"Here, Kyu." Her father signalled for her to stand between them, and Kyu gave the gentleman a small and polite courtesy. He looked around her father's age, wearing a grey tailored suit and a monocle on his left eye. "This is my old friend and the one who organised this party, Uncle Park."
"Nice to meet you, Uncle Park." Kyu greeted, while Uncle Park smiled, giving a slight bow. "Likewise." His eyes crinkled kindly as he scanned Kyu. "The last time I saw you, you were still a toddler, and Hwa was so fond of you… Do you reckon he would recognize you?"
Kyu frowned slightly, not finding the name familiar in any way. Mister Park seemed to see her confusion, and before she could speak, he had already called out for someone afar. "Hwa! Come here!"
Kyu followed his gaze, and her heart started to pick up speed. He made his way to them, adjusting his gloves as he stood beside his father. "Father, you called?"
"Seonghwa, remember your Uncle Han and his wife?" Mister Park gestured to Kyu's parents, and Seonghwa nodded, giving Kyu's father a bow, and taking Kyu's mother's hand, kissing them gently. "It's been a long time, Uncle and Auntie Han."
He spotted you, and he smiled. "And hello, Kyu." He bowed politely, as Kyu curtsied back to him.
"We'll leave you two youngsters around, we got something to discuss here…" Kyu's father said, as Seonghwa held out a gloved hand to Kyu. "Shall we?"
"Of course. See you, Father, Mother." You took his hand. Seonghwa gave his father a slight nod, as the middle-aged gentleman waved his son off. Seonghwa leads Kyu towards the garden, away from the party.
Comfortable silence fell between them, but Kyu swore her palm was sweating.
She's holding hands with a man.
Wait. No.
She's holding hands with an attractive man.
"You know, you have grown up a lot," Seonghwa said as both of them walked towards the fountain, cutting off Kyu's own talking in her head. "I remember you running after me, asking me to carry you."
"Oh." Kyu's face blushed. "I don't remember much of that…" She said. Seonghwa's form stiffened slightly, but before she could notice, he relaxed again; the corner of his lips raised in an attractive smile. "It's alright." He tilted his head slightly, reluctantly letting go of Kyu. "But you used to call me Hwa oppa… It's weird seeing you being very polite with me."
Kyu's face has proceeded to burn. Her younger self chasing around this handsome man, calling him by an intimate title?
Wow, she wants to turn back time and praise her younger self.
"Hwa… o-oppa?" Kyu almost bit her tongue for stuttering. Seonghwa's smile widened, and he nodded. "That's right, Kyu." His voice was soft. "That's right."
They stayed in silence for a while, until Seonghwa broke it again. "I want to show you something from our childhood. But if you don't remember me, I doubt you remember it too."
He offered a hand to Kyu, who took it. She didn't know why, but she just couldn't seem to refuse Seonghwa's offer when she looked into his captivating eyes. The man pulled her along, deeper into the garden. Kyu didn't know how deep they were in, nor did she know where Seonghwa was leading her to, but strangely, her normally sharp mind seemed to be clouded with strange giddiness.
Seonghwa stopped in front of a large willow tree, and stepped into the bush. He beckoned Kyu to follow him, and she raised the hems of her skirt gingerly, also stepping into the bush. Seonghwa kneeled down on one knee, lifting up a small vine on the bark of the tree.
Kyu gasped. There was a large hole, enough for both of them to fit into. She looked towards Seonghwa, who seemed to be amused at her expression.
"While you were younger, I brought you here. I wanted to bring you down with me, but your parents arrived and you have to leave early." Seonghwa said, tilting his head slightly to the hole. "So I went down to this place myself. And you won't believe what I see."
"What did you see?" Kyu was intrigued. Seonghwa merely raised a hand to the hole.
"Ladies first?" He said, sending a charming smile by Kyu's way. Almost as if she was mesmerised, Kyu walked towards the hole, peering down at the darkness below.
"Don't worry, and trust me. It would be an adventure." Seonghwa's voice reassured her from behind, and with his help, Kyu stepped into the hole.
And from there, she fell.
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"..Kyu? Can you hear me? Kyu! Wake up!"
Kyu hissed in pain as she felt someone grip tightly onto her shoulders, shaking her repetitively. She opened her eyes, and the figure of Seonghwa appeared. She groaned, feeling a sharp ache behind her head. "Ow…"
"Here." Seonghwa sounded relieved as he helped Kyu up. "We had a nasty fall…"
"Where are we?" Kyu asked, her fingers reaching to the back of her head to feel around. Thankfully, there was no blood, only a slight bump.
"In the place I wanted to show you." Seonghwa said, as Kyu finally looked around at her surroundings. Her eyes widened, and she was in disbelief.
She was standing with Seonghwa in a luminant forest, with trees and flowers way bigger than her. They glow in the dark, purple, blue and green all around, and Kyu gasped. "Where's this place?" She questioned, looking down at her dress to find them slightly stained with dirt.
"This," Seonghwa put a gentle hand on Kyu's shoulder. "Is Wonderland." He looked around them. "And he might show up in just a moment."
"'He'?" Kyu didn't understand Seonghwa. She felt as though she was in a dream, a dream that felt so real her head was aching like hell. "Who are we waiting for?'
As her question falls, the nearby purple and green bushes rustled. Kyu jumped, holding on tightly to Seonghwa, who grabbed her waist protectively, both looking towards the direction of the noise.
"Oh dear, oh dear, I'm late, I'm late!" A man emerged from the bushes, as Seonghwa relaxes. He didn't let go of Kyu's waist though, as she scanned the newcomer, alert.
He was tall, towering over both Seonghwa and Kyu. Two white bunny ears perked up on his head, and his hair is grey, combed and parted neatly. He was wearing a white and red suit, with red boots on the ground. His gloved hand holds a watch, and he halted in front of both of them.
"Yes, you are fairly late, Yunho." Seonghwa sighed, as the stranger glanced from him to his watch. His eyes landed on Kyu, and it seemed to turn larger until it almost popped out of his head. "Sorry, got caught up, hyung has orders… Hello there, tiny… Alice hyung, is she her? Oh dear, I'm so sorry for being late…"
Kyu blinked as the strange rabbit man rambled on and on. She looked towards Seonghwa, and the male shurgged, giving her a wink. She giggled quietly to herself, as the rabbit man stopped at once.
"Relax, Yunho. We've just arrived anyways, you're not that late." Seonghwa said, as the man named Yunho sighed in relief, a hand over his heart. "Thank the Kings, you won't tell them, would you, Alice hyung?"
"I told you to call me Seonghwa hyung, Yunho." Seonghwa sounds tired, but Yunho had already turned his attention to Kyu. Without warning, he leaned in, sniffing the girl. She recoiled slightly, moving into Seonghwa's chest. Yunho's ears twitched slightly, and he smiled, holding out a hand.
"Hello, my name is Jeong Yunho, you can just call me Yunho." He said rather happily, as Kyu shook his hand hesitantly. "I'm the advisor to the Red King, as well as the counselor in the White King's court… I've heard so much of you from Alice- I mean, Seonghwa hyung…"
"Um, nice to meet you." He said all these so fast, Kyu could barely make sense of his words. Nevertheless, she reached out and shook his hand. Yunho beamed, pulling her out of Seonghwa's arms and using both his hands to clasp her own.
"No, I have to say, the honour and pleasure is all mine… But look at the state of you, tiny, you should look presentable for the audience later." He twirled her around, frowning at the sight of dirt on her dress. Seonghwa crossed his arms, his stance relaxed.
"I was thinking of bringing her to the Hatter." He said, as Yunho looked at his watch again. Kyu stole a quick glance at it, only to find that the watch was not filled with numbers, but yet strange symbols that she had never seen before.
"Hatter? Him? The Mad Hatter, you say?" Yunho's nostrils flared as his ears twitched slightly. "I suppose we can make it in time if we're fast, unless that crazy man has his fingers stitched together by those fancy little hats he makes… Mines are still overdue and he wouldn't tell me when he's going to give it to me…"
Kyu tried to pry his fingers off her hand, but the rabbit man's hand would not budge. She sent a look for help to Seonghwa, who gave her a smile, not understanding her.
"Now, we should go… Be on time, that's the way, love. Time doesn't wait, it's precious…" Yunho rambled on, pulling Kyu along with him as Seonghwa followed them. Every time she tried to remove his grip on her, Kyu was positive that his grip got tighter. "Um, Yunho? You're hurting me?" She said softly, as Yunho barely stopped, still rambling on about the time being the essence of… Whatever the hell is. Seonghwa had finally caught on to the discomfort Kyu was feeling, and he cleared his throat. "Yunho, let's go. She's not going to get lost with us here. You don't have to hold on to her now."
"..and therefore time is key- What? Oh dear, I'm so, so sorry!" Yunho said, letting go of Kyu's hand. His white ears turned pink with shame, and he began to panic. "Oh, love, why didn't you say so earlier? Are you in much pain? I would never hurt you on purpose, you know?"
Kyu nodded. Her mind was buzzing with whatever shit Yunho was rambling about, and she has never met someone as talkative as Yunho. For now, she would do whatever it takes for him to just shut the fuck up. "Yeah, I know. Can you just… Stop talking for the rest of the journey to this hatter?"
Behind them, Seonghwa let out a snort of laughter. Yunho's ears flopped, and his shoulders slumped slightly. Kyu was alarmed to see his eyes swarm up with tears, and she became flustered, shaking her hands at him. "No, no I didn't mean it like that… I just…"
She looked towards Seonghwa for help again, but the oldest had his face hidden behind his hands, his shoulders shaking.
Fuck this.
"I mean, you must be tired from all the talking, right? Save your voice for the audience later? I mean, being an advisor means you need to do a lot of talking, doesn't it?" Kyu thought quickly, speaking fast to quickly salvage herself from this situation. Yunho's ears perked up again, Kyu wondered whether the tears she had seen on his face was just a hallucination.
"Oh. Right you are, tiny. I do need to save my voice. You're very sweet, tiny." He complimented, as Kyu sigh in relief.
And with that, the three of them journeyed to the Hatter's in silence.
No one else will ever love you the way I loved you.
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let me know what you think. i'll turn it into a series if you enjoy it. if any other writers are interested, please let me know and i'll gladly pass the baton to you. &>
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yawnzzznnn · 7 months
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1.All I Want For Christmas Is You(Minjae) (Xikers)
2.Christmas Tree Hunting(Yeonjun - TxT)
3.Decorate With Me!(8Turn)
4.Elf undercover (Seungheon - 8Turn)
5.Secret Santa (Sunho - BoyNextDoor)
6.Last Christmas (Yechan) (Xikers)
7.Cookie baking (Niki - Enhypen)
9.Nightmare Before Christmas Debate (Mingi - ATEEZ)
10.Gift Giving (Kyungmin - 8Turn)
11.Slow Dancin' & Romancin' (Bang Chan - Skz)
12.My Favorite Ordainment (Taesan - BoyNextDoor)
14.Gingerbread Competition (Jaehyun - BoyNextDoor)
15.Cinnamon Treats (Yungyu) (8Turn)
16.Counting Down X-Mas (Lee Han - BoyNextDoor)
18.Tree Topper (Beomgyu -TxT)
19.Best Present Ever (Yungyu) (8Turn)
21.Christmas Songs(Sunwoo) (The Boyz)
23.Home...(Seungheon) (8Turn)
24.24 to 25 baby stay with me(JJ - Trainee A)
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yunnierights · 11 days
Ya favourite girl is back with her pinterest addiction and hallucination filled tropes involving eight korean men who do aegyo for money!
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Righteous heavenly warrior Seonghwa who gets back stabbed and used as an escape goat by his people
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And he turns evil. Now his sole purpose is to find the people who left him to his doom and leave them in a state where death would be kinder.
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Or Maybe just straight up evil Seonghwa who's the happiest hearing the cries of his enemies when he skins them alive.
Angel Yeosang who sees what happened to Hwa and decides to leave this place full of deceit and fraudulent people to follow Seonghwa.
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hwanswerland · 1 year
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week 1:  cute bias moment OR sexy bias moment
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1ovewoo · 8 months
prompts for you~^^
"Swallow it. All of it." & “Ah, fuck.” with woo..... *head in hands*
UHMMM EXCUSE ME?? the way i clenched reading this ask like wtf. i wanted it to be more dom!woo but i feel like every time i write him he turns into a cute whiny mess so idek.. he tries to have control but does he truly have it..? u decide. hope u like this my dear!! ty for the ask<3
tags/cw: oral (m receiving), cum eating/swallowing, semi public sex??, dressing room sex, pet names (baby, good girl)
send me a prompt! [closed]
wooyoung tosses his head back against the couch of his dressing room, one hand threaded through your hair as you sink your mouth down over his cock.
you swallow a few times around him, fighting your gag reflex as tears spring in your eyes and you feel his tip brushing the back of your throat. after holding yourself there for a few seconds, you pull off of him slowly, slurping at the saliva and precum pooling in your mouth before spitting it back onto his cock, using it to ease the way as you jerk him fast, other hand coming up to play with his balls, gently rolling and squeezing them in your palm.
“ah, fuck,” wooyoung groans when you proceed to plant wet, open-mouthed kisses up the side of his dick before swallowing him down again and beginning to suck him off with vigour, making his toes curl in the boots that he didn’t even bother to kick off when you two stumbled into the room together after the show. 
it’s not long before the pressure in wooyoung’s belly grows nearly to its peak, his thighs tightening next to your shoulders and the muscles of his torso twitching.
“so close, baby.. gonna make me come like a good girl?” wooyoung purrs. you look up at him through your lashes and respond with an “mhmm”, which vibrates straight down his cock, making it twitch. 
it only takes a few more bobs of your head before wooyoung is crying out, cock pulsing in your mouth as ropes of cum begin shooting down your throat. you try to pull back but wooyoung grips your hair tighter, forcing you down until your nose presses into the hair at his base.
you gag again and breathe heavily through your nose, moaning when wooyoung pants, “swallow it. all of it.”
you obey, swallowing heavily until you’ve drained wooyoung of all his warm cum and he finally releases you from his hold. 
a hiss slides through his teeth as you pull off his member and suck in a few deep breaths, licking your lips and looking up at your boyfriend from your place kneeling on the floor below him, rubbing your thighs together in search of relief for the throbbing between them. 
“fuck, don’t look at me like that,” wooyoung whines as you crawl into his lap, knowing that you two were far from finished. 
ty for reading! if you enjoyed this and would like to support my works please consider reblogging or checking out my masterlist!
© 1ovewoo 2023
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