#as in on twitter everything’s already there but on tumblr there never is (even when there were people here it was like that
daydadahlias · 8 months
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I need you guys to understand that the reason I took down my stuff was for my own peace of mind because they're my stories and i started feeling unsafe having them out because of how they - and I - were being treated.
absolutely nothing is wrong with mim and I love that fic and I care so much about it which is why - for my peace of mind - i want it to belong to only me rn. I know the fic was only out a month after i finished it and that really upsets me about taking it down. i want to reupload it because i know people like the fic and i love sharing my stuff but also there's that level of how much the fic matters to me and how much more devastating it makes it when people are cruel. and how much it hurts when I, as the creator of something, am treated like I don't matter at all and that my stuff can so easily be stolen or copied. like, it's an extension of me, yknow? You can't separate content and creator in such a small and intimate sphere as fandom. like, you guys all use my first name when referring to me, yknow?? there's that sense of connection. and since it's such an intimate space, having that trust be betrayed or disrespected is so much more potent than if we were in a large fandom with a lot of creators.
the fear of having MiM copied is really immense and real for me rn and i know that's potentially me being overly paranoid but considering the Amount of times this has started to happen - and how blatantly rude and nasty and entitled readers have been getting with me and other creators over the last year - it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility.
MiM wasn't written for readers, it was written for me. and i shared it because i wanted to and that was wonderful. but to have any of my stuff stepped on so much just doesn't make me feel very safe in this fandom space rn and makes it hard to let people have access to something that matters so much to me.
I'm not saying MiM has been deleted forever, I'm just saying i want some more time for it to be mine.
#like i thought about not uploading scene 14 too especially bc she HAS been stolen verbatim before but.#at this point it just feels too late bc so many people have already read it#yeah i have a lot of conflicting feelings and im not saying i'll never repost mim but i just need some more time with her yknow????#like she matters a *lot* to me. and im allowed to be a little finicky with her#and this has been just so. immensely hurtful lately#like i spent most of the weekend crying my eyes out over this stuff because it's just so. hard. to consistently share things#and *have* consistently shared things for three years#and to actively *see* the change that's been occuring in this fandom where people just started treating content like it was consumable#and dispensable. and then started just *expecting* things from me and demanding fics or being pointblank rude and like...#i just dont have time for it yknow??#this stuff is supposed to be *fun*. i do it in my free time and share it with strangers for free bc i want to share the fun with others#and when people start disrespecting that. it makes it hard#like ive had so much more fun in the last week writing fic solely for myself and *not* sharing it than i have in. like. the last month#bc whenever i share fic publicly now. i know im going to have to deal with people potentially stealing it.#or not giving a shit about it and just asking when the next thing is coming. or going on twitter and ? talking about me publicly#where i cant even see it#like it's just been *so* many things lately. and it's hard when this is something i should only be doing to make me happy.#and it's been causing me sm stress instead.#and the fact that i took a week off tumblr and like. i got several pretty?? shitty asks?? that really undermined my feelings on everything.#and made it about themselves like#i dont know how to explain to you guys that we're all people and the whole point of fandom is to *share* with each other#not take.#so yeah i want to be able to share my stuff again and feel comfortable doing that but right now i just dont#and im gonna. get off my soapbox now ok <3#the biggest thing is that. people act so overly familiar with me by calling me jess in asks and comments and acting like they know me#and then somehow. they are also so mean and devaluing of me? i cant really make sense of it.#ok enough of me. talking about myself. and venting#pigeon#anon
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
with twitter imploding, people are talking about how much it'll suck to have celebrities and brands on here, but...I think celebrities can exist on tumblr in a healthy way.
because I've already seen it happen.
I don't know if you guys remember, but there used to be a decent number of celebrities on here! I mean, the white house had an official tumblr! so did my local library for some reason! everyone thought tumblr was the place to be!
we had George Takei, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Hayley Williams, Ariana Grande, Dylan Marron, Dante Basco, Rebecca Sugar, John Green, Hannah Hart, Jacksfilms, Daniel Howell, and Ashens to name a few, as well as brand accounts for Doctor Who, Sherlock, Denny's, and so many others.
(Cole Sprouse was even on here, and it was fine. don't act like it wasn't. it was really not a big deal! it was fine!)
there were plenty of celebrities and brands on tumblr a decade ago - and it worked fine when people knew to stay in their lane!
did Obama's official account give a shit when people posted Obamney slash? absolutely not!
did we pay attention to whatever the brand accounts were posting? we did not!
and so we existed pretty well together on this site - because, after all, we don't have to look at anything we don't want to. we can block people. and they can block us. and we can keep posting what we want, no matter what any celebs or brands have to say about it, just like it's always been.
the only thing I think needs to change is, well...hey...remember how I mentioned John Green and Rebecca Sugar up there?
yeah the reason we don't see them on here anymore isn't because tumblr isn't a place they'd thrive - it's because a bunch of assholes harassed them until they left.
and that's not fucking okay.
so look, if you see celebs/brands on here, follow them, or don't! block them and ignore them, or don't!
but if you send threats and harassment to anyone on here, whether it be a celebrity, brand, or average tumblr user, you are the asshole. full stop. sending threats to other people is never okay. never.
and yes, this goes for the corporate accounts too! those are still run by people!
it's somebody's job to run those accounts, and guess what! that poor, probably-underpaid person doesn't deserve to get sent gore and death threats because their job is running a corporate tumblr account!
just, whatever happens when twitter explodes and dies a horrible death, it's gonna be okay. but please be kind. above everything else, please, I am fucking begging you, be kind.
it's really the most important part of thriving here
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hobismilitarywife · 2 years
i feel the same way but its hard to enjoy his comeback on tumblr when most creators drop him as soon as another member breathes so i just stay on twitter :(
as someone who used to make gifs and uploaded regularly on here, i don’t think it’s right to put the blame on creators, creating gifsets, even posting videos etc is very time consuming and when you put so much of your time and efforts into anything you end up doing it more for the person you like the best/your bias, because that itself takes soooo much time you know...
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Hello... again! Are you hyperfixated on RedactedAudio?
Do you want (need) to know who to follow to cultivate your dashboard and feed your gremlin brain good, good boyfriend roleplay content and my first recommendation post of magnificent fan-artists and fan-writers wasn't enough dopamine for you?
Cool, I’ve got you, and I’ve got even more hyperlinks. Buckle up.
(Note: This is by no means a comprehensive, objective, or complete list, as I have biases and favorites and limited time. If you feel I've missed someone, please feel free to reblog with your additions! I just would have loved a guide like this when I got into the fandom back in August 2022 and wanted to spread some positivity~!)
@agentplutonium: they/them
Pluto is just one of the many gorgeous people who've migrated to Tumblr now that Twitter is, ya know, on fire. I've been following them on Tiktok for ages, and I'm so pleased they joined us on tumblr now! Highlights: "Constant" and "Inconvenience" mean the world to me, because there are just not enough aspec headcanons in the fandom, we could always have more.
@angelicaether: they/them
Aether is a fucking gem unto this fandom- not only do they run Sky Side, a friendly, closeknit (hehe) server for 21+ Redacted fans but they also were who we have to thank for Redacted Kinktober 2023, bless them~ Highlights: New Job Posting is magnificent if you’re in the mood for some David/Angel smut today and this cute couple crossover fic if you’re feeling more SFW!
@caelumsnuff: they/them
Phoenix is magnificent, creative, and endlessly sweet. I also respect the hell out of anyone that can take the anon hate that they get with as much grace and attitude as they do /gen /pos Highlights: I love this gift for the Quinn-fuckers they wrote, I do, but I have to admit I'm partial to the Imperium!Vincent/Imperium!Asher piece they did, because their tension and hatred was just too palpable to deny, I needed it.
@empydoc: any pronouns
Empy's Soul Eater AU has not only taken over my life but has also got me deeply wanted a Soul Eater rewatch. God forbid xe succeed because this post has already been delayed enough /j Highlights: I love the Marcus/Asset post, because that's my favorite pairing but also because Asset as both an android and a weapon is so, so interesting. Blake/Bestie's is also a particular gem, because being a meister just gives him a new dimension to his manipulation and I love it.
@floofdeloop: she/her
Not only is Floof a beloved fic writer but she's also one of the adored DJs of the fandom. Are you really a fan if you haven't looked up Redacted on Spotify and saved all her playlists? /j Highlights: Her whole playlist page is literally so good, but I love the cute, domestic vibes of this Geordi one or the tragic, angsty, Britrock vibes of this Porter playlist~!
@joshusten: they/them
Sten is one of if not the writer that comes to mind when you're looking for amazing Guy/Honey content! Highlights: Bitter Melon is my personal favorite of their work; what can I say? I'm a sucker for a little jealousy in my fics. You also can't miss Honeysuckle, their most recent piece which gets into Guy's canonically less-than-pure mind~
@pinksparkl: she/her
Gosh, where would we be without her? Pink never has a bad word or thought for anyone and just persists in being a delightful, sweet presence in the fandom. Highlight: I can't decide what I'm more obsessed with- their Adam-centric fic exploring the Progeny/Maker bond or their nsfw Gavin-centric with his tail exploring Freelancer nudge nudge wink wink
@redlikeredacted: they/them
Just as their blog says, they are the CEO of Dasher. In my head, they are the president of both the David/Asher and the Autistic!David fan clubs, and I'd vote for them a second and third term okay I love Red Highlights: Their "David bottoming for the first time" fic is everything to me okay I am here for nothing but this except maybe this Milo fic where he gets Aggro~
@teafairywithabook: she/they
A lovely writer, voice actor, and person, Cheri does it all! With a whole 34 Redacted works on AO3, they are a must-follow. Highlights: I'll provide the masterlist of previously mentioned works, but I must recommend her nsfw Avior/Starlight fic keeping us sated until we finally get an Avior BA and their fic of Alexis's POV of Sam's turning I couldn't not okay I'm just a person I have biases
@tepid-judas: he/they/it
My favorite Adam stan, my friend, and the person who converted me into an Adam/Brighteyes shipper, I thank Judas every day for that. Highlights: I love their series of epistolary fics, because who doesn’t love a good letter, but I would be remiss if I didn’t rec his DAMN polycule plus Xavier fic cause fuck canon let's add frosty the snowman to the orgy /lh
@themonotonysyndrome: she/her
Lady, my dearest friend and greatest foe~ How else do I describe the gorgeous, sociable, friendly person who bought Alexis/Christian into the world and ruined my life? (affectionate) Highlights: Let these two assholes in love take you on a ride, fall in love with them too. If that's not your vibe, I cannot recommend enough her insane, gen z Bright Eyes being an absolute fucking terror /pos
Can YOU believe Penguin's only been posting art since, like, December? I certainly can't, because it's like they've drawn every boy at this point and each is as smoochable and adorable as the last. Highlights: Their Porter is one of my favorites; what can I say? Who can resist this high ponytail and cape combo? I also love their Hush, cause look at him~! He's adorable! Penguin gives all these boys such luscious, floofable hair; I love them!
@cute-brainz: she/they/it
Kindly, lovingly, respectfully, Cute's listeners designs reduce me to a sniveling, simpering puddle of a simp. I become nothing but a humble, simple straight man, and none of you came blame me good god their listeners are hotter than all the redacted men- Highlights: Like, look at their Lovely: the hair, the singlet, the VIBES? Fuckin irresistible; like Vincent, I'd give them anything their heart desires. And their ANGEL? The MINUTE David Shaw fumbles that bag, I'm on my knees with a ring hello earth angel will you be mine
Darl has been posting art for only a month and a half at the writing of the post, and yet I feel like I've loved their Solaires for forever. They, as a unit, are hot and tragic as fuck, and I love them. Highlights: I am obsessed, particularly, with the Solaire family portraits, but maybe that's because my girl Alexis is up there, and I love her. There's also this bust compilation of more Redacted boys in case you didn't find your favorite in the Solaires~!
@free-boundsoul: she/her
Okay so, like, vibe with me did you ever love Lisa Frank products with the bright, saturated colors and sparkling eyes but wish instead of cuddly animals that there were really hot men? Then Savvie is the artist for you~ Highlights: One, it's fun to see a Regulus that's not blue, okay? It's thinkin outside the box. Two, the CRACKS? WITH THE GOLD PEEKING THROUGH? I'm inconsolable my god. Speaking of daemons, Fool!Gavin is sort of everything to me. He's just really rocking that sweater vest!
@hotmcrodz: he/they
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one obsessed with the way Jai draws human anatomy. I have unironically seen a Jai piece in the tag and gone "WOWZA" like I'm Jim Carrey in The Mask; that's what they do to me. Highlights: This Milo was one of the pieces that made my eyes pop out my head like a cartoon wolf; I think it's the shirtlessness plus the muscle pose. I just couldn't handle it. I also reacted like that to their Babe because I am an equal opportunity pervert /hj
@izzuku: he/they
Izzuku designs characters with the most realistic and gorgeous body types; like, I love the soft jawlines and how warm and touchable they draw skin. Every Izzuku design is kissable as hell. Highlights: I have to recommend his Regulus and Hush designs, obviously, they're my favorite men. However, I can't let the world go by another rotation without recommending this special Halloween version of Vincent~!
@kilarthmac: she/they
In case we needed another reason to love and appreciate the iconic timestamping account we all recognize from the Redacted comments, we cannot neglect their fanart! Highlights: Like, look at this brought-back-wrong Vega! This Hush with his cute face and off-putting air! He's so cute and so weird! I also love this piece they've done for one of my favorite rarepairs, Imperium!Lasko/Adam~
@latenightsleeper: he/they/it/she
My kinfolk and my beloved, one of the few people who understand me and the vision that is beautiful, blonde, dumb and lovable Christian. They will give you so many feelings about Darlin and Christian, and they will cause you agony /pos Highlights: Obviously, I'm obsessed with the Tank/Christian art like this one (Christian is just so cuuute), but we're all obsessed with this Sam/Darlin animatic set to Eat Your Young.
An amazing artist that I'm so glad we managed to get to migrate to Tumblr from Twitter so I could put them on this list~ Highlights: I am obsessed always with their Indigenous character designs, especially David. Like, look at him, he's indescribably beautiful, outshone by no one except maybe Max's Imp!Vega, because oh my god look at him~
@nortyourself: she/her
I don't think there's anyone who's not obsessed with at least one of Rachel's pieces; like, I believe she'll get to every Redacted man with the speed and beauty she works. Even Reticuli has gotten the Rachel treatment and been made hot af. Highlights: Technically, this Imperium!Damien just takes me breath away; like, it would be blown up and framed in his palace (for all of his short and tempestuous reign). Personally, her Hush has a dear and special place in my heart. He's just my favorite~!
@penncilkid: any pronouns
One of the most gorgeous and darling and non-stop creators in the space! They're a true triple threat, kicking our hearts in the butt with their art, their writing, and their audio roleplay series~ Highlights: With so many mediums under their belt, it's so hard to choose. If you're looking for purely Redacted content, their art is prolific and so creative, I've got to share the whole gallery. If you're in the market for a new VA to fall in love with, you've got to check out their youtube channel~!
@pycth: any pronouns
I dont have anything creative or profound to say here- all of pycth's designs are smoking hot and would render me selectively mute with a glance, 'nuff said. Highlights: How can I PICK? Ugh, hottest of the hot that comes to mind has got to be their President Moore art; like, this pose isn't FAIR. On the other end of the spectrum, if you want your heart kicked in the butt, I don't think any of us are over this Sam piece or ever will be.
@rainingcatsandjune: any pronouns
Another new artist who's only been here since April, and yet- I would die for his and his fine-ass, touchable Sam. Like, hell, render any man pretty like that, and I'll die for him. That's how pretty this art is. Highlights: Like, look at him. How does one do anything but look at him, especially in this pose? Again, look at him! Look at the hands. The soft, touchable glow and how it lights and shades his and Darlin's skin. The broad shoulders good god~
@sainthowlzon: they/he
You can't turn a corner on tumblr without seeing some of Howl's adorable Scribble Dolls or Icons! (Or any other social media actually. I feel like I've deffo seem some of Howl's icons on Tiktok too.) They're cute, they're iconic, and there's one for almost everyone! Highlights: Here's that full set of icons for your perusal; my personal favorite is Asset's. And here's the full set of Redacted Scribble Dolls; my favorite is Regulus, I think, because of his freaky vibes, but it's so hard to pick!
@sincerelywhistler: any pronouns
Like everyone with a working set of eyes and a beating heart, I am obsessed with all of Wes's designs; like, who wouldn't fall in love at first sight with all those beautiful and often shirtless people? Highlights: There's honestly too many to pick from, but I'll TRY. Their Gavin is an absolute must, I share it with the Discord on sight, he's that it girl if you will. Oh, and one cannot neglect Avior's HBS piece; I'm not even an Avior girlie, and I was like daaaaaamnnnnnnn~
@slushiepizza: they/them
Where would all the guy-lovers be without Slushie and their absolute cornucopia of Guy and Honey delights? Like, where else would we get our homemade, MacGyver'd serotonin? Highlights: The "Everyday" series is everything to me, and I mean everything; Guy has become too relatable and has struck me right in the heart. If you're not in a Guy mood, I'm also in love with their older, cozy Anton~!
@s0lairee: she/they
Jo's style is just so clean, so cute, and I really love it when they play with lighting in their pieces. Like, we are almost, almost there to making me stan Vincent if you're gonna drape him in moonlight like that... Highlights: ...thought, if I had to pick, I'd probably lean more towards Vincent's partner. They're rocking the red eyes, I love them! I'm also obsessed with their freckle-y, sweet Lasko, because who isn't?
@strawberrybouvine: he/they
The artistic equivalent of gourmet candy, I am absolutely obsessed with the gorgeous colors of Jasper's art and cannot get enough of the sweetness! Is this sugar running through my veins or unparalleled cuteness? Highlights: I'm not even a David stan but, like, jesus christ, the long hair and hairy chest makes me want to go feral. Don't even get me started on the cuteness of his chibi art, I really will start foaming at the mouth.
I don't know exactly what medium Haylin uses or what colors or effects they use, but goddamn it makes those men so dreamy. I'm not even a Sam stan, but that's a smoochable man right out of Gilmore Girls /pos Highlights: Like, are you seeing the Gilmore Girls vision? That's a handsome man from a wholesome show geared for women- almost as handsome as this art of David. I see this smile in my dreams; it's so beautiful.
@venuslove-28: any pronouns
Venus's art is strawberry and vanilla soft serve injected straight into my heart; it's so familiar and cute, so charming, and I want to stim and bounce in excitement when I see it. Does that make sense? It'll make sense when you see it. Highlights: Personally, I have never and I will never stop thinking about this Huxley, I am simply not capable. Their Avior is also cuter than all get-out, I must admit.
I don't think anyone does cute and colorful and pastel and kawaii quite like Cupid. You can't help but look and admire all the eye-catching colors and then want to hug their cheery, dynamic characters! Highlights: I'm highkey obsessed with their Freelancer and DAMNily and all their d(a)emons in general. Like, look at this! Minh is such a cutie and a simp, I love them! I'm also constantly thinking about this art in particular, because look at all these PRICELESS EXPRESSIONS!
@yoteako: he/it
Would you like stunning, high quality art and tragic, old man yaoi on your dash? That's a silly question; of course you do which is why we're going to follow and love on Yote. Highlights: See how beautiful, doomed, and intimate this multi-page comic is about two characters who've never canonically spoken? That's devotion. On the less forsaken side of the narrative, their Gavin/Lasko ship art is embedded into my heart.
If you’re reading all the way here, I hope you found the post helpful and smiled while making your way through it! Or both! The RedactedAudio fandom is truly one of my favorite spaces on the internet; it’s so intimate and creative, and I’ve found some amazing, perfect friends here, so I hope you will too 💖
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
I saw your post about ingram, and out of curiosity, is there some advantage to going through the whole self-publishing thing with retailers when you're just starting out? like I mean the way that fandom zines work is that they don't even bother going through ingram or amazon or whatever. they just set up a social media site (usually twitter) to gain followers, open preorders (usually 1-2 months in length) to generate the costs of printing upfront, and then sell anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred copies of their books (usually artbooks, but anthologies exist too). I've seen some zines generate over a thousand orders. they're kind of like pop-up shops, except for books. maybe the sales numbers aren't so impressive to a real author, but the profit generated is typically waaaay more than the $75+ apparently needed for Ingram Spark, so I still feel like new authors could benefit from this method too, especially if they just need some start-up cash to eventually move to ingram if they want to for subsequent runs of their book. I think authors would also have to set aside some of the pre-order money to buy an ISBN number to have printed on their book, and I'm not really sure what other differences there are, but I just wanted to ask about it in case there's some huge disadvantage I'm missing!
So, popup zines work well for some people, and I know some authors who kickstart their work successfully. But for a lot, it's just not feasible as a long-term stratedy. Or even as a means to get off the ground.
Fanzines succeed primarily because an existing fanbase is willing and ready to throw money at something they love. They’ve got a favorite writer or artist they want to support. Supporting all the others is just a happy by-product. They also take a HUGE amount of short-term but intense planning that just doesn’t always jive with how some of us work.
I, for one, would never offer to organize a fanzine. I’ll take part in them as a creator, but I’d rather throw myself off a cliff than subject myself to wrangling that many people and dealing with the legal logistics.
When it comes to authors doing anthologies, it'svery much the same. The success of the funding often hinges on having other big-name authors involved whose existing fans will prop up the project. Or having a huge marketing budget.
Most self-pub authors have zero marketing budget. I’m one of them, and I’m under no illusions that my work would not be as popular and self-sustaining as it is if I didn’t have a large Tumblr blog.
When I thank Tumblr in my forewards, I am utterly sincere. Tumblr brought fandom levels of enthusiasm to an unknown work and broke the Amazon algorithm so hard, that Amazon thought I was bot sniping my way to multiple #1 spots and froze my sales rankings.
That’s not the norm. And while I could probably kickstart my own work as an indie creator, that’s because I’ve put literal decades into building up a readership. I’ve been doing this since I was 16 and realized people thought I was funny. I didn’t know what to do with it or if I’d ever actually write anything, but it meant the groundwork was already there (thank you, past-me). I basically fell upward into my success by virtue of never being able to shut the fuck up and wanting to make people laugh. Clown instincts too strong.
New or first-time authors trying to sell their work without that will find it infinitely harder.
All of that aside, even if an unknown author somehow gets lucky and manages to fund their work, there’s still the question of shipping and distribution logistics. Are you shipping everything yourself? Better hope you’re able-bodied and have the time for it. (for reference, it took me months to ship out 300 patreon hardbacks because of my disabilites. It damaged my back and hands. I couldn’t type for several weeks after I was done.)
Are you going to sell primarily at conventions? Better hope you’re able-bodied, have the time and don’t have cripling anxiety about being in large groups...
Also, will selling a dozen to a few thousand copies in one burst be sustainable in the long run as a career? Not for me. Doing things via Ingram and Amazon means I earn a steady trickle of sales for the rest of my life provided the platforms remain and so long as I keep working and can generate interest in the series, not just when I have funds to pay for physical copies to sell. The one-time (in theory) cost of $75 to distribute through Ingram gets paid off pretty quick that way. And it doesn't require the same logistics as doing the popup/crowdfund.
Ultimately, it comes down to what you are capable of but also the type of work you’re doing. If you’ve got an extended network of fellow creatives who will back you or you’ve got a large following elsewhere, doing it like a popup might work for you.
If you’re an exhausted burnout who can’t fathom the short but intense amount of organization that sort of thing requires, not to mention doing it over and over and over... Ehhhhh. No thank you.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Samba Schutte; Dominic Burgess; Lindsey Cantrell; Rhys Darby; Fan Spotlight; Never Left Podcast; Cast Cards; AdoptOurCrew; SaveOFMD Crew; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
I figure we could all use some normalcy tonight so I'm going to treat tonight like every other night and bring some news in-- Love Notes are where to go for commentary/love tonight lovelies.
== David Jenkins ==
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All the photos from his Instagram Post Are listed here on Tumblr
Instagram Source
== Samba Schutte ==
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Samba BTS Videos
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 1
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 2
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 3
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 4
OFMD 2 Set Shoutout #2 Video Part 5
Rhys Wink Video - @kiwistede ty
#Crew4Life video
== Dominic Burgess ==
Being the upstanding gentleman that he is, Dominic is still out here supporting us.
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== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Getting love from Lindsey regarding our loss. Ty so much hon.
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== Rhys Darby ==
Look whose cameo is back 👀
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== Fan Spotlight ==
== Never Left Podcast ==
The Never Left Podcast has decided to throw hands and I fucking love it. Balls for days. Never Left Podcast - A Message for David Zaslav and Casey Bloys
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Art by: AmysBirdHouse
= Cast Cards =
Even with the bad news, our lovely @melvisik is still at it! More cast members to collect! Love it!
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
March 8th - Next Goal Wins!
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When:  8 pm GMT / 3 pm EST / 12 pm PST
Thank you @lamentus1 for the info! Now available to buy in the UK: £11.99 @ Apple (https://tinyurl.com/mr3p6bvm) and £9.99 or £11.99 @ Amazon https://tinyurl.com/2fwdmezz. 
(US fans can watch on Hulu, and Disney Plus)
Watch Party Hashtags:
Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
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Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. 
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
== Adopt Our Crew ==
A message from our dear friends at @adoptourcrew
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== Save OFMD Crew ==
Our good friends over at @saveofmdcrewmates also had a message for us.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. Boy. What a day it's been, huh?
Never thought the clowning/honking would stop. I have to say, I'm glad at least that David saw all our commentary about "if he thought there was no hope he'd say something" and did in fact say something.
It's a bit of a hard pill to swallow, I know. We're all going through the various stages of grief right now. Some of us are already progressing on at a quick rate, others are still at the beginning.
I know I've said some of this across the platforms so I apologize if you've heard it already, but I think it's important to hear.
Whether it was only signing the petition, or tweeting every day for a week, or just supporting your crewmates. Every little bit to every large bit you did--
You did EVERYTHING you could.
None of this is your fault. None of this is David or the Cast's fault, and certainly none of it is the fans fault. You did everything you could, and even if it feels like it it was all for nothing, it meant so very very much.
Every Cast and Crew member got to see how much they meant to you. Smaller cast members like our friends Wendy Anderson, and Damien Gerard, and Dominic Burgess have all gotten to feel so much love from us. They've come in and participated with us in our various fuckeries, and we've gotten to know them better because of it!
Every single streaming service we targeted got to see just how much queer media means to us. So many new fans got to join us on this journey because we were loud, polite menaces, and we made a safe space for them to join us. Not just streaming services and new fans, but products, and groups too! Fucking Astroglide did watch parties with us, squishables got involved! Q+ and Pink News!
News Media ALL OVER THE DAMN PLANET looked at us and commiserated and shared their distaste for our loss.
If ONE streaming service picks up a true queer show (not just queer bait) because they saw our engagement, it was worth every single tear lost.
If ONE queer kid, years from now, gets a show where they feel represented because we fought for our silly little pirate show, it was worth EVERY SINGLE EFFORT.
IF ONE of your crew-mates felt included and decided to stick around on this planet a little longer because of it, IT WAS WORTH IT.
It already matters so much, to all of us. I get to spend every day, feeling hope in humanity because of this fandom. Every single day I come online and I see just how creative, and kind, and accepting you all are, and it gives me so much hope for the future. I feel loved again, for me, not who I pretend to be in my day to day life.
We raised money for SO MANY charities. We made LITERAL differences in people's lives. People we don't know, and who don't know us. Do you know how incredibly powerful that is?
Do you know just how much those tiny ripples cascade over this entire earth? Kindness is one of the most powerful driving forces in this world. It is not quantifiable in any way, and yet it makes such an impact.
We have some of the most amazingly talented, and resourceful, and brilliant people on the planet in this crew. That's all of you. You are absolute treasures, every single one of you.
And you know what? You didn't fucking deserve this.
You deserved your show back. You fought hard for it, and you are allowed to be angry about it. You are allowed to cry, or scream, or lie on the floor and not get up for a while. You are allowed to grieve.
Some of you haven't got there yet. Some of you are still fighting the good fight, or trying to support others, and just know lovelies, we will all be there when you struggle too.
I've said it before, but grief isn't linear, it comes in waves, and no matter how each of us proceeds tomorrow, it's going to continue to take time to heal from.
Whatever YOU NEED to cope, do it.
Do you wanna "Fuck it we ball" and keep fighting? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go cry in a corner and take a week off? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go hug a fellow crew-mate and tell them a goofy ass joke so they laugh? Fucking do it.
Do you wanna go read fanfiction til you pass out? Make sure to drink some water, but go fucking do it.
Do you wanna draw, or sing, or write something that gets some of this awful energy out? Well? You guessed it--Go fucking do it.
BUT a gentle reminder lovelies:
Don't go hurt anyone, they don't deserve it.
Don't hurt yourself, YOU don't deserve it.
We've got discords, and tumblr, and twitter, and dm's galore. If you need support, reach out. I know so many of your crew are reaching out to each other to send love and support, and dole out all the hugs.
Lean on each other.
We are in this together.
We still have each other, and we will continue to.
This is not the end for OFMD. Whether it gets renewed in 10 years, or gets a movie, or graphic novels, or some other medium. This is not the end. It's certainly not the end of any of the cast & crew's careers. We will have so much to support them in going forward.
This fandom, these friends, don't end with this.
Keep making your fanfiction-- write and draw your own s3! Share it! Take this wonderful piece of queer art and joy that means so much to us and keep extending its infinite universes. Write meta and discuss and laugh and cry about it. We have lost the potential for s3, but we haven't lost what we already have, which is a glorious piece of media.
We have the cast & crew who continue to support and send love, and share our artwork and stories.
We have each other.
Now I'm gonna go mama bear on you and ask you to consider some things:
Have you had any water lately? Have you had anything to eat? Have you slept? Have you gone to the bathroom lately? Have you been outside, even for a moment?
Then finally, going with one last thing. This song helped me a lot today. Maybe it'll give you some love today too.
Just Begun by WILD
Not your vibe? Are you angry? @celluloidbroomcloset reminded me of this gem today:
This isn't the end crew.
This fandom is our home. We've just begun.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I realize the vibe might be off for these gifs but you deserve dopamine inducing gifs, you can fight me about it later.
Rhys gif: @ofmd-ann / Taika Gif: @dallonismysavior
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nakedbibi333 · 1 year
There are just a few things I want to say right now because a lot has changed and I want to express that to you guys!
I find that a lot of the advice given on tumblr, twitter, instagram, youtube, etc. is all very 3D-based. That makes sense, but they’re sorely missing out on the internal aspect that is involved in using the law of assumption.
What we are assuming is not a belief, well yes a lot of the time it is, but it’s also assuming a different state of being. We go inwards and access the version of ourselves that already has what we desire at that moment (through imagination) and we assume that version to be us at that very moment.
I took a lot of time during my break to relearn what I knew about the law, just so that I can come back to it with fresh eyes and a new perspective, and I learned this by reading Edward Art’s main series on Reddit. I decided that I would take his word on it and attempt to use this method, to go inward and fulfill every desire in imagination, without ever worrying or even caring about the external world. I’m never concerned about when, how, or if it would ever manifest in the physical, because I am fulfilled within.
Using this method, I got everything. Everything. I got all the desires I had pending on my (long) list, and more. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I’ve managed to bring about in my external reality, simply by fulfilling myself within (fulfilling the inner man, my true self) and living in that state.
I’m just telling you guys that all you need to do to manifest anything (and I say this from personal experience) is to change self, fulfill the inner man in imagination, and live in that state of fulfillment.
That’s all!
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For the people who still think the colony of Israel has a right to defend itself:
They're not defending anything, they're just having fun killing:
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Update 1 (17/10/2023) for the confused and sceptics :
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Update 2 (10/22/2023): To add some context to this post following Reuters (direct link to article) attempt to verify the reality of the IDF Facebook post.
In fact, Reuters failed to verify anything: as the agency admitted in its article, its journalist "could not find the impostor's Facebook account or the publication on the platform social network".
They then contacted "a spokesperson for the IDF", who told them that " the Facebook post was not shared by one of its official accounts. He added there was only one official IDF Facebook page in Arabic that carries a verification tick "
A Reuters reporter also contacted"a representative for Meta, Facebook’s parent company, told Reuters the page was removed".
In this total absence of material evidence, and relying solely on the statements of these two sources which are the least reliable when it comes to commenting and sharing information and facts about the war against the Palestinians (the Israeli army is party to the conflict therefore It is biased and will protect its agents and soldiers- and Facebook has a history of censoring Palestinian content that could be used to document violence and help legally qualify zionist crimes).
Reuters came to this hasty conclusion:
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Their main arguments are that
The Israeli occupation army never admitted to bombing the hospital and blamed Islamic Jihad, so it had no reason to celebrate.
Reuters journalists conveniently ignore the timeline. The IDF message welcoming the bombing of the Baptist hospital in Gaza was published immediately after the attack, while the controversy over the perpetrators of the attack began a few hours after its deletion.
Until the controversy, no one wondered who was behind the attack. The zionist army has always publicly assumed its crimes: it even ordered (according to the clerics who were in charge of the administration of the hospital) on several occasions the hospital to evacuate, knowing perfectly well that it was impossible. It was only when outrage became widespread that western media, including Reuters, began to question the origins of the strike. There's a post on Tumblr that pulls together the subtle changes in headlines to make it seem like Israel never took credit for the attack (even though it destroyed different 2 floors of the hospital a few days before the biggest attack).
There are other videos on Mohammed El Kurd's Twitter account showing the zionist army celebrating its strikes. There are videos on social media of zionist soldiers humiliating prisoners in their custody, so gloating on social media is not a new practice for them.
There is no reason why they should not celebrate what they consider a victory: their ministers have already publicly and clearly stated that civilians who do not leave northern Gaza, whatever their reasons, will be assimilated to Hamas fighters. So everything is consistent; in their minds, hitting innocent and defenseless civilians is legitimate and they are happy about it.
On its Twitter account, the Israeli military removed a video that purported to prove that Islamic Jihad carried out the attack, but ultimately did not prove its claims. So they also have a habit of deleting their own content when they realize that it exposes them more than it helps them.
Other journalists (Al Jazeera uses its own images: it is the only media that remained in Gaza and they filmed all the attacks, information from Channel 4) and independent experts on weapons of war and geolocation worked on the question of identifying the perpetrators of the bombing of the hospital. So far, their preliminary conclusion is that the Israeli military's claims do not match the facts and material evidence on the ground.
Full details of this debate are on the X/Twitter accounts of Lowkey and Mohammed El-Kurd (look for posts made on October 17).
2. I don't really know how Facebook/Meta works: I never had an account on it (I mean I never used it properly: I opened an account years ago, exclusively to follow the activity of a group that I was part of in life but closed it after a few weeks without interacting beyond a few likes), but on Twitter you can hide the checkmark.
Even if the checkmark cannot be hidden, there is nothing in the Reuters "report" to indicate that the Zionist army does not maintain multiple accounts - some with checkmarks and some without - and does not delete accounts that are not officials when it does not suit their interests.
They have a history of spreading fake news: from rumors about 40 beheaded babies, to accusing Palestinians of bombing themselves, to creating fake documents to accuse Hamas of planning attacks on primary schools while manipulating parents by buying YT ads shown during videos aimed at children to improve their image damaged by their violence with families, and to justify the harm they do to the children of Gaza.
I'm only making this long argument because Lowkey and Mohammed El-Kurd deleted the tweets I reposted and I think they shouldn't have done so. I understand why: it actually seems like an insignificant speck in an ocean of real crimes, but I personally consider it symbolic and indicative of the true and greater zionist project: genocide.
Genocide in international law is based on proof of intent to destroy a group, and the zionist army's mocking Facebook post establishes beyond doubt that nothing is accidental on the zionist side, everything is premeditated and based on their superiority complex over the Palestinian people.
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snapscube · 11 months
You probably answered this before but I've been meaning to ask how you got to be snapcube on some platforms and snapscube on others because I used to be like "holy shit why can I never get her name straight" until I realized that both versions are real
SnapCube is the Official name but when i was coming up with it I chose it between an option of either SnapCube or SnapsCube, cause it partially came from the name “Snaps” which is a nickname i used to go by in old RP groups. so SnapsCube was at the back of my mind anyway. then when i started changing my twitter handles and such to get everything on the same page, a while after changing the channel name officially, it turned out “SnapCube” was taken on like…. all of them. by seemingly entirely different people too. i literally could not be SnapCube on Twitter, Tumblr, or Twitch. so since it was already in my mind, i just went with SnapsCube for my socials. i don’t like it nearly as much but at this point i feel like it would be too much of a hassle to change in the places i can because it’s been so long. on top of that, i STILL can’t even get SnapCube on twitter or twitch. and the accounts that have them are completely devoid of public activity. but here’s a fun twist: a while ago someone actually reached out to me and told me that “snapcube” on tumblr had recently been set free. So now i do actually have snapcube in reserve on a side blog here haha. Just in case.
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meruz · 2 months
i hope this hasn't been asked before. what size do you make your canvas? and do you crop it to fit other socials (like Instagram for example)? i hear that 300 dpi is standard. i never know if it's good to make my canvas big or not.
hi i think this ask is like at least 4 months old but i was scanning my sketchbooks from last year and i abruptly remembered i had gotten this ask because i had made a little chart in my sketchbook trying to figure out how to answer it
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anyways theres pros and cons. and the size of your canvas is really going to depend on personal needs + preference. how good ur computer is, how complicated ur art style, how comfortable drawing feels, how much disk space you have to spare, what youre gonna end up using the art for in the end...300dpi is standard for PRINTING specifically, if you only plan to ever post things online then 72dpi works great and will save you space (fun fact a lot of professional animation files i deal with are 72dpi. and those eventually go on your tv screen). but personally i make everything i draw 300dpi because i am always printing stuff for cons, zines, etc and its nice to have the option even if i dont end up printing.
when I was a teen I used to draw on a rly shitty laptop and i made everything 800x800px 300dpi because big canvases would cause a lot of lag and also the resolution on this laptop was pretty small so 800px was a lot of the screen already. now i have a slightly better laptop with a bigger resolution and i sketch on giant 10000px-40000px canvases with the hard round brush and no shape dynamics or transfer whatsoever to minimize lag. when it comes to making a final illustration when i know ill be using a bunch of layer effects/blending modes/colors/mixing brushes etc etc ill generally crop the canvas down to the 6000px range. most illustrations i try to make sure are comfortably printable on tabloid size paper so thats pretty much anything hovering around or above 3000x5000px w 300dpi (so 11x17in). HOPE THIS HELPS?
EDIT: OH ALSO re: socials. i always ALWAYS size down my art to post on the internet. i think its crazy when other artists dont. because why would i ever let the internet have my hi-res file for free. also in general i think it looks better if you do the resizing yourself because if you don't then many social media sites will compress your file for you! a lot of people will post a hi-res file to twitter and then go "Wow twitter killed the quality of this img!!!" UH YEAH because they have an automatic image compressor. because they need to save space too lol and they dont want your image to take 248263895 years to load. same with instagram and to a lesser extent tumblr. when i post anything on social media i resize it down to 1200px-1600px on the longest side... its a little arbitrary but im kind of basing it on the smallest resolution of widely available screens. mostly because i think it looks stupid when u open up an image file fullsize and u have to scroll to see the whole thing... also iirc instagram only takes images up to 1080px before it resizes them? granted if you upload something smaller than that itll also resize it up which will look worse so I think bumping the numbers just over 1080px is pretty safe.
I should really be bringing the dpi down to 72 too when i post online but often im too lazy to do that. but it will technically help ur image load faster and stuff. and make it less likely for people to yoink it off the web and print it themselves.
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genderqueeradrien · 1 year
ideal ranboo stream: it’s titled “important stream.” you open stream the second you see the notification and the stream is pitch black aside from those same words in comic sans. after three to four minutes, ranboo turns their mic on, clearing their throat, before leaning closer to the mic to say:
his mic turns off, and you’re left in silence while chat freaks out. already, someone is discussing whether a nonbinary person who likes men can say the f slur according to a carrd they found on twitter. others are saying how disappointed they are in him, and still others are spamming ranbooPRIDE emotes.
the mic clicks back on. without hesitation he says:
the stream ends immediately. chat is freaking out, and very few of the 80k viewers are in support of this turn of events, aside from one of your tumblr mutuals. “ranboo neg” is trending on twitter already.
you don’t hear from him that day, or the next, or the next. days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. you’re beginning to believe you’ll never see one of his streams again, that the fagdyke incident of 2023 was the last you’d ever see of him.
thursday, march 12th, 2026. it’s a quiet day, aside from the rain tapping against the roof, and the faint hum of the refrigerator, you’re left in relative quiet. these days, you haven’t needed five forms of electronic stimulation to hide from your thoughts.
your phone dings, a twitter notification- elontwt, as the app is now called, actually. you turn your phone over to read it and your eyes widen with shock.
when the time rolls around, you open stream to the exact same starting soon screen you’re so used to. a lemon demon song plays in the background and after a couple minutes the camera turns on.
it’s ranboo, clearly older, with a long beard, but it’s ranboo. he’s wearing his signature black and white mask. it’s like nothing changed, somehow, when he says, “hi chat!”
over the course of the next hour, he explains how he had been sick of dealing with elontwt drama and twitch and everything else about being a streamer, and while he loved his community, the stress was taking a toll on him. additionally, he had been wanted by the us government for several counts of breaking and entering, as well as theft and other petty crimes. he’d hopped on a plane to switzerland with a fake id and settled down, even meeting a nice young man with whom he eventually moved in.
time flies, and after an hour, ranboo says, “welp!” they clap. “i’ve got to go get ready for my karate class, so i think it’s time i wrap up stream. don’t forget to follow if you haven’t already, you’ll see your name on the screen, aaaand… it’s been good talking with you, chat! i’ll see you all in the next stream! byeeeeeeee”
he never addresses the slur allegations.
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hauntedbarbiex · 27 days
If not Now, then When?🧚‍♀️✨
If you don’t have your desire right now in this very moment as your reading this then when will you have it? 
After you affirmed another 10 times?
After you’ve visualised that scene one more time?
After you read just one more tumblr Loa post?
After you see it in the 3d? But the whole point of manifesting is to know that you have it WITHOUT proof from the 3d right? It listens to YOU. Not the other way around. So why are you waiting for the 3d then? Why are you waiting for the 3d to tell you you have it when you telling the 3d that you have it regardless is what will bring it to you? 
When will you let yourself just accept your desire as yours? When will you just give it to yourself? No strings attached, not after you affirm once more, or read one more informational post. When will you just let yourself live your life as happily and care free as you can, just knowing that you’ve already given it to yourself?
So there’s no need to worry anymore or force anything because it has to be reflected. It has to be reflected. Because thats the law. A LAW.
Just try taking a deep breath and just allowing yourself to have what you want no matter what. No matter if you feel sad, angry, anxious, or your self concept is down in the dumps. No matter if you haven’t thought about what it is you want all day or all week. No matter if the 3d is showing you opposing circumstances or if you’re constantly doubting.
Just breathe. Relax your shoulders. Practice having some faith in yourself and your incredible power. Remind yourself that its still yours, right now in this moment, no matter what. When you think there’s another thing you have to do first, like check tumblr to make sure you’re “manifesting right” or “feel it real” just stop and breathe. You already did everything you need to. You’ve done more than enough lovely💗 You are the one in control, allow yourself to give it to yourself. Whatever it is you want.
You’ve been manifesting your whole life, you’re doing it right now as you read this too. You’ve never stopped. And you’ve always done it perfectly, there’s nothing to do. There’s never been anything to do as you’ve been manifesting your whole life, except decide what it is you want. It’s like breathing, you can’t mess it up and you do it naturally without even trying. Go have some fun, call a friend, take a walk, grab a coffee, watch your favourite show, eat a sweet treat! You deserve it! You’re in control always, no matter what. You can “mess up” a million times or spiral as much as you want, just remember you’ve already done it. You’ve already done it, now go have fun!
I’m aware that this mindset may not be for everyone but if it resonates then i hope i could be helpful! Go take a break off of Loa tumblr, YouTube, twitter, whatever. You had it the moment you wanted it. The moment you first affirmed for it, or did your technique of choice the first time. Whenever you decided first, you had it. Have some faith in your power, you are limitless. Go prove it to yourself and relax x
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darksvster · 3 months
Hi, I usually only send asks to people on anon, but I really wanted to say that I am so sorry this fandom has been so awful to you and made what should have been a fun and cool thing such a negative experience. I will be sad not to see the rest of the scripts, but I hope stopping the posts gives you some peace 💙
thanks for the kind words, honestly i need them right now. after some consideration, i've come to make a decision on how i want to operate moving forward.
as of now i've permanently deleted my scheduled posts on twitter, i won't be posting anything there anymore.
for tumblr, i removed everything from my queue and they're sitting in my drafts, but i may just post the excerpts i like this weekend.
on the whole, i'm taking a big step back from this fandom. i've met a lot of nice people here and made friends, but the loud voices of some of the worst people here just make this an overall unenjoyable experience. for my own mental health, i think it's important to simply cut off the opportunity for people to engage with me directly.
to give some clarity, this is not just about people doubting my posts. i find those to be funny since i have never made it a secret where i get my scripts from, people just seem to be unwilling to read or do research. i actually do have one single image of a script on my phone that the librarian okayed me to photograph. but i forgot about it while making edits and now i simply don't want to post it. (i thought i didn't copy down daemon asking for rhaenyra's hand in episode 4, apparently, i was wrong and just forgot about the picture.)
this is about people calling me awful names, accusing me of pedophilia, because that's everyone's favorite word to use in this fandom, and insulting my friends when i won't respond to them.
it's about people who seem to think i deserve harassment because i put myself out there. it's about people who think i'm just too engaged and need to be more "zen" about fandom and the insults being hurled my way. it's about people who feel entitled to my posts and regularly demand greedily that i post about their favorite character already.
it's also about people cozying up to me one minute and then calling me names the next. it makes it really hard to trust anyone in this fandom, much less want to befriend them. i shouldn't have to get used to people suddenly popping up in my dms trying to befriend me after finding out that i could be a "source" for them, but i did and that's on me.
i said before that if i stopped this project i would expose everyone who was an asshole to me. the hilarious fact is that it would literally be too many screenshots of people acting like the worst type of people. all the things i listed above are from multiple people across multiple platforms. it's not just twitter, or tumblr, or discord, or reddit. it's the fact that these people exist literally in every corner of this fandom that makes me want to pull back completely.
i'll keep contributing in the areas where i enjoy contributing, but i'm done engaging with people who seem to view me as entertainment or a punching bag.
to people who have defended me without knowing me, or have simply just been polite, thanks so much. it really does help even if i don't reply to every kind word.
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ffc1cb · 4 months
new art blog
the short version:
1. i made a new art blog: @cbge;
2. @ffc1cb will stay up as an archive.
the long version:
hi everyone. this announcement is somewhat late, since the blog in question has been up for a few months now, and i’ve already started posting art on it. the reason it took me so long to “reveal” it is because i’ve been trying to figure out whether a new blog is something i actually want, or if it's just me throwing darts at a board, trying to make myself feel better somehow.
i don’t know when precisely it all started, but ever since sometime last year i’ve been going through a hard time, both emotionally and creatively. i’m not sure whether being depressed is what made art harder, or art becoming harder is what made me depressed (a bit of both, i think), but lately, drawing has been a struggle. 
i’ve found myself having less and less energy for art, and this lack of energy resulted in poorer quality of drawings, which resulted in me feeling like i’m getting worse at it, despite my efforts. i knew i could make good art, art that i’m proud of - i’ve done so countless times before, - but somehow it felt like i just couldn’t anymore, like my hands forgot how to. nothing looked right. 
i’ve been trying to experiment. i’ve learned some new things, tried this and that - it was enlightening, to say the least, and even though i kind of liked how it looked, it made me feel a sense of displacement. i was at odds with myself, my art, and how i felt about it, when previously i was always in sync. i was making art, yes, and it looked nice, but it felt like it wasn’t mine.
i suppose part of it was also the growing lack of engagement, and i don’t mean likes and reblogs - i never particularly cared about those. they are all just numbers to me; dry and impersonal. what i’m talking about is actual, human interactions: personal thoughts in tags, asks, replies, etc. a conversation. 
i don’t mean to sound “old” or anything, but i remember when talking to artists online was more commonplace. my wife tells me it’s because the internet culture has changed over the years, that people have become more reclusive, less willing to be open with their thoughts, and she's probably right, but in my slump i find it hard to believe. somehow it feels like it’s my fault for being less “engaging”, for seeming unapproachable or perhaps intimidating. maybe it’s “just a skill issue”, maybe it’s because i have stopped churning out fanart for popular fandoms, maybe it’s because i refuse to torture myself emotionally by having an art account on twitter (i can’t fucking stand the place anymore; i still post nsfw art there, but only because it’s literally one of the only places on the internet that allows you to do so. i miss when you could post female presenting tits on tumblr).
i have always, ever since i started posting art on the internet back in 2012, done it for human connection. i wanted to talk to people, and have people talk to me. i wanted to inspire people with my art, and i wanted to bring them comfort. i wanted to elicit an emotional response, and have people tell me about it. it was one of the main reasons i drew in the first place; having lost that, i’ve been struggling to stay passionate about making art.
i miss being a small artist on the internet during the 2010s. i remember when i could make a post going, “hey everyone, how are you all doing today?” and it would not seem weird to people in the slightest. it is just me? does anyone else feel that way? am i too deep in my own head? the internet feels so unwelcoming nowadays, especially to artists. we are all just content machines; people scroll by our stuff, or maybe look at it for half a second and leave a like before scrolling away. i know it’s unfair to demand people’s attention, especially now when our lives are already so overwhelmed by everything - no one has the energy to pay closer attention; i myself am not immune to mindless scrolling. but it feels bad. i wish we were all sincere and enthusiastic again.
anyway (sorry for rambling. i hope i haven’t bored you to death), you might want to say, okay, but how is making a new art blog on a “dying” social platform going to help with any of that? the truth is, i don’t know. i just felt like i needed a change. 
i’ve been running this blog since 2016 (that’s almost 8 full years!). i feel incredibly attached to it, but at the same time, i feel it weighing me down. 
there are people who followed me years ago for one specific thing, still expecting me to post about said thing (i still find it mindboggling that some people follow artists for a specific fandom only, but that is a whole other matter for a whole other post that i will never write). a third, if not half, of my following are probably dead blogs. and with my current struggle with trying to regain the joy i once felt for making art, looking back at all the art i’ve done over the years makes me feel tired. i still love it all; it’s all very dear to me. i’m proud of it; looking at it makes me mourn my younger and more passionate self.
so i’ve decided to make a new blog, where i will let myself post whatever i want, in whatever stage of donness i feel like. maybe it will help me, somehow. maybe it won’t. but if you care about my art, if you want to keep following me on my artistic journey, i welcome you to join me there. similarly, feel free not to - no hard feelings.
thank you everyone for your support over the years; it matters a lot to me. i’m not planning to delete or private this blog; it will stay up, and i will still be reachable on here. i will still answer asks, if there will be any. i’m just not planning to post any art here anymore. this is it for my dear old friend ffc1cb.
i can be found in other places:
@cbge, as mentioned earlier,
@k0nstanta, an art blog dedicated solely to my wife and i’s ocs,
@inquisimail, a dragon age ask blog that has become my dragon age sideblog in general,
and multiple other blogs, none of which are art related, but feel free to ask, if you’re curious.
thank you very much for reading all of this. i hope you have a wonderful day.
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inuhalfdemon · 23 days
No One Can Know... (13/?)
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Word Count = 3,883 Words
Rating = Mature (Sexual Content/Humor)
Chapter 13
I know we said that sex isn't love
But it seems like enough for us
I know we said that we're having fun
But, I'm getting too numb to your touch
Fanart posted in fic belongs to:
@honestlynotgonnalie (Tumblr)
@honestlygonalie (X/Twitter)
Please stop by and give the artist some love!!!
Alastor gave an exaggerated groan. “Ugh, this is most unpleasant.” He said, sinking himself further into the hot water and foaming bubbles; his arms draped limply over the sides of the extravagant clawfoot bathtub, his legs fully outstretched and submerged as he leant back languidly – completely relaxed.
“Funny, I was just thinking that you looked like you actually might be enjoying yourself.” Lucifer told him; he laid reclined against Alastor in the tub; his head resting on Alastor’s lower chest, looking up at him. “You’re certainly less skeptical now.”
“Well, when you asked me to ‘take a bubble bath’ with you; I assumed it was something sexual that you were wanting.” Alastor remarked.
“From ‘bubble bath’?”
“Luci…most everything you talk about is sexual. I really don’t think that I was very far off the mark when I took your offer with a fair bit of caution.”
“Hm, true.” Lucifer allowed. “And, I mean…we are both naked.”  He added suggestively.
“There is it is.”
Lucifer chuckled. “I’m surprised you humored me, actually.”
“I’m not opposed to trying new things, and all kidding aside, this is quite lovely; especially after the week we’ve had.”
It had been a week since the hotel had begun making its preparations in defending against Heaven’s planned attack. Three weeks until extermination. All residents had taken on extra duties and tasks in preparing Rosie’s cannibals for the onslaught, fortifying and re-fortifying defenses, assembling and distributing weapons and carefully evaluating their strategic plans when applied to a wide variety of possible in-battle scenarios.
“So, bubble baths are a new thing for you?” Lucifer asked, half-teasing.
“No, not really. But, having a bubble bath with the King of Hell…that’s something novel.”
Lucifer tilted his head; then, he shifted himself forward his back leaning away from Alastor now, absently swirling water and bubbles with one claw.
He was getting better at reading Alastor’s tastes in….intimacy. He knew Alastor was naturally independent, that he was often touch-averse and felt easily smothered if too much attention was directed toward him; physically and emotionally. However, his mood was a spectrum and it varied greatly; even from moment to moment, but he had subtle indicators that Lucifer was learning to pick up on that clued him in to what he might expect.
His ears seemed to be the best tell-tale. If Alastor was feeling especially touch-averse; his ears would stand up, perfectly straight – neither rotating, flicking, lifting or raising; never reacting to things said or things done around him. Lucifer suspected that Alastor – whether intentionally or unintentionally – refused to outwardly express himself in these moments. The fact that Alastor kept his tail constantly hidden – for the most part - made Lucifer believe that it was intentional, namely due to the fact that his tail was a dead give-away to his moods, it’s movements likely more involuntary in it’s signaling. If Alastor was feeling open to being touched; his ears were all over the place – constantly moving, tweaking or turning; openly and overtly expressing himself.    
The trouble with reading Alastor, though, was that he was rarely one way or the other. He often gave mixed signals; the expressions on his face – apart from the eternal smile – and the expressions of his ears regularly contradicted each other, and it was hard knowing which one was genuine. More often than not, it seemed that Alastor himself couldn’t tell what kind of a mood he might be in until they were already doing things. Alastor often tolerated some touch but rarely felt like being intimate. Lucifer, himself, craved touch and affection so they both were left with finding creative ways to meet each other’s needs partway. Alastor worried that this might prove frustrating to Lucifer, but so far, the angel seemed pleased to have a challenge to occupy his time and mind with. 
The bubble bath they currently were enjoying together was just one example of this. As intimate as it was: Lucifer’s only physical contact with Alastor was the touch they shared simply by being with each other; Lucifer sitting or lying against Alastor in the tub. Lucifer wasn’t being invasive to Alastor with the exploration of his hands; nor did Lucifer press him for anything like it. It was something that – for now – suited them both perfectly.
Alastor shifted behind him and Lucifer turned to look when a sizeable tentacle lifted itself; emerging and dripping wet form the water. It hovered for a moment before rising and sliding over the edge of the bathtub and slithered itself beside two rubber ducks Lucifer had sitting decoratively on a bathroom counter. The tentacle curled around the little ducks; picking them up and pulling them to Alastor.
“So what’s with these anyway?” He asked. “I’m very curious to know.”
Both ducks were made to have cutesy little bath caps on, different only in the colors of the caps. Alastor regarded both with sharp and interested eyes before the tentacle stretched and flicked; dropping both ducks into floating and bobbing in the water with them.
“Uh…nothing. They’re…well, it’s really just a stupid little hobby…you know.” Lucifer shrugged against Alastor; poorly feigning nonchalance.
“Mmmm…’stupid’ is not a word I would have thought to use.” Lucifer turned, looking back over his shoulder at Alastor.
“You’ve clearly spent a great deal of time and thought in making them – and there are many. They must be important to you, significant - in some way…” Alastor explained. His tentacle was slithering in and out of the water; playfully moving around the ducks like it was some sea monster of lore; threatening their little lives. “I would be more inclined to call it…endearing more than anything.”   
Even Alastor was able to admit to himself that Lucifer’s nonsensical, naïve and childish parts of his personality were starting to grow on him. But, much like Alastor…Lucifer had his own puzzles to be worked out; and Alastor had every intention of finding and completing each one.
Lucifer sighed; lifting one of the ducks into his hand – water trickling between his fingers as he held and tilted it.
“My original angelic form – my natural form – was something very similar to a duck. I lost it when I…when we fell from Heaven. I can’t even shapeshift myself into a regular duck. I started making them as a kind of a joke and fun little gifts for Charlie when she was smaller but then, I uh…I don’t know. I got good at making them and they made me feel like…like I was doing something; creating something for an intent that could never be misread as nefarious or result in any true form of failure if I made a mistake.”
Alastor listened; absorbing his words in silence.
“Heh, like I said…it’s stupid.” Lucifer slid his hand back into the water and the little duck bobbled over to its counterpart.
Alastor’s tentacle lifted itself from the water; touching Lucifer’s face and turning it so that he was looking directly into Alastor’s face.
“No. It’s remedial and it’s beautiful.” Alastor told him, softly. “Take pride, my King. There is strength in healing.”
Alastor’s tentacle released him and Lucifer looked back to the ducks; feeling the sting of tears - and a small smile on his face.
“Can I ask you a question now?” Lucifer poked at one of the ducks; sending it bobbing away from him.
“You may.” Alastor allowed; his smile genuine.
“What is it that you be gaining from your deal with Lilith? If not power…what exactly do you want when you are all done with this?” 
“She hasn’t told you?”
“No, she wouldn’t.” Lucifer shook his head. “She takes her deals in private and keeps them that way; even from me. I’m also not the sort of person that would ask her to tell me something like that.”
“Hm…well, please forgive me; but I’d rather keep that fresh little tidbit between Lilith and myself.” Alastor was playing with the ducks again; this time he was using his tentacle to swirl water into a miniature whirlpool; the ducks sliding in and spinning in a chaotic fashion.
“Somehow, I thought you would say that.” Lucifer turned, giving Alastor a narrowed and suspicious look.
Alastor laughed.
“You’re free to offer up any theories you may have; I’d quite like to know what you come up with. What I will tell you is: I doubt it’s nearly as nefarious as you might expect.” He paused. “Then again, that may be partially untrue. I could just be biased.”
“That makes…no sense.”
“Yes, well, I do love to be shrouded in mystery.” Alastor chuckled. “But, do get to know me better, Luci, and I’m sure you could venture a guess.”
“Isn’t that what we are already doing?” Lucifer asked him.
“Why, yes. Yes, it is.” Alastor replied, obviously unwilling to say much more on the subject Lucifer was prying him for.
“You’re such a dick sometimes.”
Alastor snickered at this.
Moving; he pulled Lucifer into him – holding the angel firmly against his naked torso.
“Quite, right too.” He said, lowly.
Done with the ducks; his tentacle dipped below the water and bubbles in the bath; snaking itself in-between Lucifer’s legs.
Lucifer tensed as it briefly touched him; sliding itself against his hidden but erect length.
Alastor sighed; his breath wafting against Lucifer’s wet skin as Alastor leant his head down.
“Have you been this hard for me this entire time, your grace?” He clucked his tongue. His grip tightening; holding Lucifer firmly to him as the tentacle slowly and purposefully wrapped itself around the devil’s shaft.
“Let me take care of that for you….”
Lucifer gulped.
“No zapping.” He quipped.
Alastor chuckled darkly against him.
“No zapping.” He promised, moving the tendril – pushing and pulling, sliding and slipping…
The next morning found them in Alastor's room at the Hazbin Hotel; both beside the small dining table that Alastor kept placed within his personal bayou.
Alastor stood with Lucifer – without his jacket and wearing shirt sleeves rolled to the elbows; drinking his coffee while Lucifer tried to make heads-or-tails of the doodling Alastor had done. The messily made sketches were for the plans involving the first few waves of cannibals who would be defending the hotel.
His steaming teacup forgotten, Lucifer leaned closer - trying to mentally separate the strategic notes scribbled into the drawings from the chaotic mess of doodles depicting: torn off wings, decapitated heads and a very concerning amount of bright yellow blood that was supposed to be coming from the angels that were being ripped apart by a hoard of cannibalistic demons.
"There is something wrong with you." Lucifer sighed, giving up all show for efforts when he noted the detailed doodle in the corner that he could only assume was: caricatures of Alastor and the Overlord Rosie, both enjoying the spilled intestines and organs of an eviscerated Adam; dining together as if he were a main course pasta they were sharing while at some high ended restaurant.  
Alastor flashed him a wide and insane grin before there was a knock at the door. 
They both froze, looking at each other with the exact same expression and nodding to each other. Lucifer waved his hand and the tea and cup he had had on the table vanished. With a soft poof, he turned into a small white snake and quickly slithered himself into a large bunch of reeds growing nearby. Alastor's shadow went with him, offering further concealment. 
Alastor crossed from the bayou, into the main room and opened the door to his room. 
"Why, Charlie!" He greeted happily. "To what do I owe the pleasure!?" 
"Hey, Al!" Charlie smiled back at him, seeming a bit nervous. 
"I know it's been a very busy week already and there's still lots more to be done,” Charlie acknowledged. “But, Vaggie and I were thinking that it might be good to keep up with some of the bonding and trust-building activities we had going, to...you know, build up some camaraderie among the ‘troops’!" She cheerily word-vomited at him, throwing a mock swinging punch there at the end for unnecessary emphasis.  
"I think it is a grand idea, my dear." 
"You do?" Charlie asked him, waiting for the backslide. 
"Of course! Nothing like a good rallying before a battle!" 
"Oh, well...yeah, that's the idea." Charlie smiled as she pulled a loose strand of her hair back, feeling pleased by his support. 
Lucifer's snake form lifted its head, tilting it back and forth in a mocking gesture and rolling its eyes. Alastor wasn't sure if Lucifer realized it were possible, but Alastor could clearly see the sassy display through the proximity of his shadow.  
"I actually hoped that...well, I'd very much like it if you came. We've missed you at the last several ones - I know you've been busy, of course! I didn't mean-" 
"But, of course, I'll come! Why, I'd be delighted to!" He told her, enthusiastically. "Anything to get me out of another godforsaken strategic meeting with your father. You know how I just abhor the man..." 
"You were meeting with my dad today?" 
"That was the plan, but I'd much rather kiss a basilisk if I’m being honest." 
Lucifer tilted his head, trying to decide if that was an insult or a compliment. 
"When is this activity you have planned?" 
"We're hoping to have everyone gathered in the lobby in one hour." 
"Splendid! I will most unfortunately have to reschedule something with your father.” Alastor actually giggled. “Oh, don’t look so disappointed for the man. There will be plenty of time for such unpleasantries." 
"Was my dad coming here? " 
"Mmm, yes. Yes he was. " 
"What if you asked him to join us?" Charlie asked him, tentatively. "I know you both don't always get along but he's helping with all of the preparations too...it might be good for everyone to get to know him better and he can see more of what I'm aiming to do..." She continued. "Then, after we're done, you both should still have plenty of time to discuss those plans you were wanting to. Sir Pentious is heading fortifications today and Angel's going to be teaching the cannibals some basic brawling stuff with Husk so we should be covered." 
Alastor gave her his widest, pointiest and false-ist smile – clenching his teeth - knowing it made him look insanely unhappy about the idea, but still having to smile through it all anyway...: "Lovely..." His radio voice crackled sharply.
Lucifer's snake form flicked his tongue, agitated as he watched Alastor manipulate his daughter with such smoothness. 
"Hehe." She laughed nervously. "Cool beans, I'll see you at the meeting." 
Charlie stepped away and Alastor closed the door.
He walked back to the table within the bayou. Lucifer slithered out from the reeds, pausing beside the table. Alastor's shadow darted past and dipped to another dark corner of the room. 
Lucifer's snake form lifted itself, hissing at Alastor. "You really ssssssssssuck ssssssssssssometimessssss, you know that?" 
"Do you really have to exaggerate your S's like that while in that form?" 
"Then, ssssssssstop it." Alastor spat his own tongue out at the snake, wiggling the end of it in a suggestive manner.
"Hey!" Lucifer's snake head turned, as if feeling flustered by the gesture. 
"I didn't know snakes could blush like that." Alastor teased him. "It's rather cute." 
"I will crawl up your leg and bite your balls if you-" 
"What's got your tail all in a knot? I thought you wanted to spend time with Charlie." 
"I do, and I have been since she first invited me here! But...." Lucifer shifted form and Alastor could see that he was visibly stressed.
"It's a....social event....gathering.....thing. I'm not good at those." 
"Really, I never could have guessed." Alastor deadpanned. 
"It's not funny, Al!" Lucifer barked at him. "I get all...anxious and sweating and I –“ He gripped the lapels of his jacket. “And, I'm really trying with Charlie but, I still can't talk about the hotel and the other residents already have this warped perception of who I am or who I should be and-" 
Alastor leaned over, reached for Lucifer and pulled him to him; kissing him hard on the mouth. Lucifer froze; having to take deep breaths in through the nose when Alastor didn’t let him go right away. When Alastor did release him, Lucifer was left dazed and blinking but…quiet.
“Better?” Alastor asked him, a small smirk on his face.
“Yes…thank you.”
“Don’t get so hung up on all that small stuff. Charlie knows that you’re trying and who gives a fuck what the others think. Besides,” Alastor tilted his head; smiling wickedly. “I plan on being such a total and complete ass to you, down there; you’ll have your hands full as it is.”
Lucifer gave him a small smile.
“You know…”Lucifer started and Alastor rolled his eyes, already knowing where this was headed. “We’ve got lots of time before-“
“No.” Alastor told him, firmly. “But, what we could do is: go over the actual strategical plots and plans I have made instead of me just fucking around with you all morning.” He grinned.
“Oh, you…little prick.”
Alastor chuckled and snapped his fingers. The doodles on the table were sent away; replaced by various documents for them to study and peruse over until Charlie’s planned activity. 
An hour later, everyone was gathered into the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie and Vaggie had set out two large, long tables with some chairs for the residents to use; stacks of paper and cups filled with crayons, pencils and pens all placed throughout. Lucifer was already happily chatting with the two women when Alastor strolled through the door and into the room; a giggling Niffty perched atop his head.
“First off, I want thank each and every one of you for all of the hard work you’ve been doing to get things ready for…well, for the upcoming extermination day.” Charlie flinched once she said it but then pressed forward. “There’s a lot more to do of course but I thought it might also be really important to work on some solid team building! You all know each other a little, of course. What I want you to do today is: draw or write something about another person that you find most significant or valuable in them as an individual; what about that person is special to you? I also think it best if we split up into assigned pairs: Vaggie and Cherri can be one…Angel and Husk, Sir Pentious and Niffty; and then Alastor and my dad!”
The groups started forming; Vaggie and Cherri bumped fists while Angel and Husk exchanged smiles. Niffty’s grin widened; showing a row of razor sharp teeth before she excitedly leapt to Alastor’s shoulder, darting down and joining Sir Pentious.  
Of course… Lucifer thought to himself, dryly.
Lucifer sighed; moodily going to sit down in a seat at one of the tables. Setting his hat and jacket down, he slipped a piece of paper from one of the stacks, staring at the blank surface.
Vaggie watched him go; then saying something to Cherri, she moved over to Charlie.
“Hey, hun. Can I talk to you for a second?” After pulling Charlie to the side she asked, “Are you sure this is such a good idea?” She pointedly looked to the table where Lucifer was seated.
As they were talking, Alastor smoothly drifted into shadow; slipping down into the floor and lifting up again to rise and materialize at the other side of the table; across from Lucifer. Using one claw; Alastor dragged the blank piece of paper over to him; reaching for a crayon with his free hand. He toppled the cup; ignoring the mess of scattered pens and pencils – he concentrated on his scribbling.
“I mean, we talked about this, Vaggie, and you agreed with me that we should try make sure everyone was involved in the activity.”
“Yes, but I didn’t realize your dad would be coming…” Vaggie told her with concern “Alastor and your dad? They barely stand each other as it is… There’s other pairings we could make.”
Lucifer leaned on one elbow, staring boredly off into space. Curious, he glanced down at what Al was working on but Alastor slid his hand over the doodle; preventing Lucifer from seeing it. Rolling his eyes; he turned away.
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Fanart by @honestlynotgonnalie
“I know that Vaggie but…in a few weeks they are going to be fighting with each other…it’s kind of important that they learn to get along. Besides, they’ve been strategizing formational plans together...how much could they really dislike each other?”
Finished with his doodling; Alastor set his crayon down and flipped the page up. Smiling widely with eyes pressed closed; he proudly presented his piece to Lucifer:
Alastor had doodled a goofy looking caricature of Lucifer: depicting Lucifer with a rather large head and a much smaller body. Drawn beside the doodle made was a small arrow – pointing to the messy sketch of Lucifer from the words, scrawled beneath, that read: “WIFELESS”.
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Fanart by @honestlynotgonnalie
“I don’t know…maybe strategizing is all the bonding they need.” Vaggie suggested.
Turning his head; Lucifer saw the drawing; taking in its meaning. Without hesitating he glared at Alastor and flipped him the bird. Alastor’s smiled widened; peeking a look at the King’s response narrowly from his left eye.
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Fanart by @honestlynotgonnalie
“It’s…important to me that they learn to work it out.” Charlie confessed to Vaggie. “I honestly think they could really get along if they gave each other a chance.”
Vaggie sighed. “You know your dad better than anyone. As for Alastor…” Vaggie leaned past Charlie; watching as Alastor quickly set his drawing down; adding to it with the crayon and flipping it back up for Lucifer to see. He displayed the exact same doodle; only now it had a middle finger added to one of the stick-ish hands. “Well, nobody knows Alastor. Let’s try it your way. See what happens.” Vaggie gave in. 
Vaggie went back to where Cherri was and the group activity proceeded.
Later, when it came to present their projects:
“Uh, what am I loo-, oh fuck.” Vaggie.
“Ah, fucking shit!” Cherri – happily laughing.
“Oh, dear…” Sir Pentious, lifting Niffty and covering her eye.
“Whoa…”  Angel – eyes wide and a large smile stretching across his face.
Husk stepped away; carefully restraining any response he had to the intricate sketch that Lucifer had made.
Charlie squeezed in beside everyone, wondering what all the fuss was about.
“Wha-“ Charlie gasped and then hissed; “DAD!!!”
Lucifer and Alastor were standing apart from the group. Lucifer was standing with his back straight – chest out, and a wide toothy smile across his beaming face, clearly proud of himself. Alastor stood bent, leering very closely to his face…a dangerously dark look to his insane and smiling face, one eyelid very visibly twitching.
Lucifer had sketched a remarkable rendition to Swiss artist Henry Fuseli’s oil painting: The Nightmare. Only it wasAlastor who was depicted lying across the bed in a suggestive manner rather than a woman; his tentacles curled and rising around him in place of the typically symbolic incubus and horse. One tentacle held what looked to be his staff – the end of it aimed and placed directly into a rather obscene bodily location.
Lucifer had titled the intricate sketch: The Dildo
The Nightmare:
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Chapter 14
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ganondoodle · 6 months
since seeing a post from a mutual yesterday i was thinking about how grateful i am that i can now, confidently say something like -im taking demise away from nintendo- or -hes MY character now- while knowing that the people following me will understand that thats not actually possible and also i dont mean that literally literally (duh)
bc (while i have mentioned it in the past and im not trying to fish for sympathy with this, the memories ... and trauma really does come back every now and then) there were people once that imagined i said that about a popular character in the fandom i was in when i was a teen and proceeded to try (and nearly succeeding bc i was already struggeling alot with depression, anxiety and undiagnosed autism) to bully me into killing myself; perhaps it wasnt their actual goal, but the shit they did (alot of them were adults too), was absolutely insane, but i've only been able to see that wayyyy after the fact
like even if im remembering wrong and i did word it wrong or weird or in a way that was easily misunderstood, i was a teen, with english not as my first language and it still was some fandom shit that ultimately did not matter and never in any scenario warrented that level of harrassment, i dont even think i ever told my parents bc i thought i had to deal with it alone since i 'caused' it too and since then just ... wanting to forget it ever happened
while i am much, much better now, and slowly learning to manage my mental health struggles too, i do wonder just .. how much of how i am today was shaped by that horrible experience, like the way i overly try to pre-apologize and put doubts on every thought i write out, or the panic i feel when something does go outside my usual range (mostly twitter really ..) was immensely worsened by that .. among stuff i probably dont even realize
funnily enough, i made my account on tumblr to try and flee from all that was happening to me (even if they did stalk me at first .. even here) and hey, im still here :D
i guess what im trying to say is, i am very happy to still be here, i am grateful to be able to be myself, even with its downsides, even with my problems, even if the things i do are passable at best, even if i will never "make it big", even if i am annoying at times, even if i do mistakes still, even if i am .... horribly bad at replying to the awesome people that message me-
there are, at least a few people, who enjoy, or even care, or heck, even think about what i draw and write, which is .. still mind boggling to me and i might never be able to truly believe its all real, there are people who are able to see beyond my flaws, forgive me if i do missstep or overreact, and just be aware that even with everything i share about me, there is lots you dont know that may inform why i feel a certain way about something, but thats okay, i am human, i am here, there are people who enjoy my brainworms, and perhaps even think i, as a person, am nice
i am so grateful for that
some things are good
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