#as always hopefully my english is good enough to be understandable
nateriverswife · 1 year
I hate it, haaateee it when people would go back and forth about the Manga and the Anime just to scavenged what evidence to support their analysis on Light Yagami's character; saying that he's neccesary evil and that he is like that because his father is a chief police officer and everything.
I hate it when people say that Light Yagami initially does have a morale compass and perceived himself as some sort of martyr in creating his fledging utopia when all they did in L's character analaysis was practically saying that he's an asshole and leave it at that. I hate it when they said that L is a bad person because he's autistic while writing a 10 paragraphs, 25k words essays on Light's character alone about how he's actually a nice person but went about it in the wrong way in the same post.
For clarifications; I don't despise the analysis on itself, but the sheer hypocracy that revolves around it. I hates it when people said that Light Yagami is way smarter than L while ignoring the fact that had Ohba not equipped him with massive plot armor, Light would be in jail 20 chapters in.
I hate it when people said that Misa Amane deserves better while glossing over the fact how she basically initiate the toxic relationship despite being well aware that Light has no interest in her.
I also genuinely loathe how they just leave her in the 'girlboss' category and not analyse her character like Light.
In short, sometimes I just hate people in this community.
Thank you for your time and peace out. Drink water, or something.
Sorry for the late reply, but this got me writing. Putting a read more, because it’s quite long.
Before I start, I love you. And I wonder if there was a missing “not” in the first paragraph, because otherwise the rest of the text wouldn’t make sense lol. I’ll take that it’s missing.
Now, I want to preface everything I’m going to write by saying that, in my opinion, a lot of discourse around the characters is due to Ohba’s poor writing when it comes to them. They are not conjured as “people”, but as roles, and I have proof. Nothing wrong with it, but it’s clear when it comes to secondary characters, while not so much when it comes to Light or L, but it’s still there.
I’ve always wondered about Matsuda’s life outside of the case, but there’s nothing.
Ide and Mogi are just... There, so much so that people forget their existence. Mogi a bit less because he had a more prominent role in the second part.
Ukita, after 5 months in universe, dies, and yet no one in the fandom cares, which is odd, because it becomes a point used by L against Aizawa later. If you don’t care about a character by the third volume, there’s clearly something wrong with the way he was written or presented – or the lack of.
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Misa’s popularity is used only in a few instances, which is weird because I would expect a celebrity to be busier with her job. She doesn’t even have any celebrity friends. She’s also a shallow character overall, but I want to talk about this later.
Light’s past is a big dark hole, to the point that people would write long ass essays trying to explain why he wasn’t evil in the beginning, like... Yeah, he wasn’t evil, because he didn’t find the Death Note yet, but that it’s just two pages. And he found the Death Note in those pages, and simply acted “normal”, while still murdering people. The fandom has barely something on which to infer about Light’s former attitude, which can’t be so different from the one he has throughout the series, because you can’t change overnight. He was just given a weapon that could help fill the gap between how he thought his life should be and how it was.
L is the only character for which makes sense not to know much about him. The problem begins when you must fill that hole, and you start to say stuff just to please the fandom and are most likely contradictory to his attitude, behaviour and personality. The chapter in which L dies is published in July 2005. A year and a half later, HTR13 is published. In it, Ohba says that he looks at L as slightly evil, which I think is the wrong term. I would say he’s more ruthless than evil, and only in some instances, because he generally cares about others.
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In this fandom, I see a constant trend of people trying to paint L as morally corrupt as Light (to add more depth to their dynamic?), without any regard for L’s character. Most of the times, L’s attitude is actually coherent with the situation he is in and his job. He has to lie and deceit to get something out of Light, because otherwise he would get nowhere, yet that is seen as bad as Light’s murdering habit. And he doesn’t even manipulate people in the same way Light does or for the same reasons.
Aizawa’s gateway is the most evident way in which L does it. He sees that he’s the most hesitant among all of them and knows that he would regret it in the future, so he manipulates him to leave the task force for his own sake. However, he doesn’t force upon him a certain behaviour by threatening him, and he’s straightforward about how he feels towards him. He tries to convince him and withholds the fund information so that his tactic could work. He wants him to assume a position and gradually tries to get him there. He leaves his “targets” at least some room of action. I got told by @lost-and-found-jc (sorry for the tag, lmao) that even in the prologue game, he is also quite nice to criminals during the interrogations (and I quote, "he is also incredibly polite even to criminals, always uses polite Japanese and even when one of them was just straight up insulting him L was like 'Okay, that wasn't very nice'"). If you want to take that as canon or not doesn’t matter, because the manga alone proves L’s willingness to comprise and his habit of compensating his “bad” actions.
To be fair, L is the closest character to a real human being.
Another thing which proves my point of Ohba (and Obata) adding details about L that don’t make sense, but just because they want to please the fandom is the big ass washing machine they introduced, like... No. Stop it. That is ridiculous. You would die if you were to use that. He doesn’t conform to some social norms, I get it, most human thing ever... But that thing? It’s not possible. Just say you wanted to add to his quirkiness and move on, because there’s no way anyone would think about that. It’s even more impractical than just washing yourself normally, because you have a higher chance of drowning.
... Ridiculous.
Here what Ohba had to say about the planning of his character:
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td;dr: "idk, i just didn't want an old man"
Don't know where to put them, but here, I think these are in favour of my idea of Ohba's incomplete character writing:
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"A character to talk to" - that is so sad.
Let’s go over Light’s character.
I started to read the supernova’s analysis, but I stopped mid way because I felt it was trying to convince me that my opinion was objectively wrong, which it can’t be, because we have no objective truth. And most of the points read there are things I’ve heard thousands of times (probably that was the starting point?).
I’m now reading about Light and Sayu’s situation, because I am open to change my mind about Light’s attitude towards his family, even though I’ll never forgive him for what he did to them.
People can be evil and care for their family, e.g. mafia, which are very family based yet they do atrocities. And in HTR13, it’s written that Light cares about his family – even though he said that he might need to kill them – and humanity – which is, er, interesting to say the least.
We have to understand that no matter how well written an analysis is, it is still biased. When writing them, people start with an idea: “I want to prove that Light is not evil”, and so they start to look for details that prove their point and often ignore those who refute it.
It’s very hard to write a completely objective analysis of a character.
I am biased too. I’m not going to deny it. It’s up to you to agree with what I say. If you don’t think Light’s evil, okay, go on. If you think L is the absolute worst, okay, whatever. The “problem” lies when you ignore canon details that are contradictory to what you say, because you want your narrative to be intact, and then tell others they are wrong in their interpretation, because it doesn’t match yours. An example is the 22 reasons why L is as bad as Light post. It ignores pretty much anything canon, because they didn’t like the idea that L is deemed as “good”.
I hate Light. I’m not going to lie. He killed my favourite characters (valid reason to hate someone), and I don’t like his ideal of justice, his actions, his idea of himself and the way he thought justice should be administrated. Overall, everything he stands for and just him.
I don’t hate him because he’s a villain (no matter how much people say it, he’s not an anti-hero. I’m sorry, he just isn’t).
I also think he’s very dull without Kira (made a post about it), which goes to show that Ohba didn’t think too much about his past and how he was before the Death Note, other than Mr. Perfect Guy with The Perfect Life. The stereotypical prefect person that hides a very dark secret, you know what I mean.
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His interactions with others, like his friends, are also shallow, so the discourse is here very divided:
he’s popular because of his charm and looks, but no one is a real friend of him (which also goes to support the idea that L and Light were somewhat the closest thing to friends they both had – I disagree; HTR13 states that he had many friends, while L doesn’t have friends because he thinks humans are cunning in nature and hates Light);
Ohba didn’t write them in too much because they are unimportant to the plot, since everything is strongly plot driven, and not character driven, but they were still important to Light (doesn’t seem so because he literally forgets about them lol);
simply used to showcase that everything in his life is perfect, because he’s social and all.
Even the girl he dated disappears after the bus hijack, which I find weird, because the date didn’t go wrong (between them, I mean) and so I expected it there to be a follow-up, but nothing. The girl doesn’t even try to get an explanation as to why Light didn’t ask her out again, even though she’s considered stubborn by Ryuk and she insisted to continue the date after the hijack. Light says to keep it a secret, but you can still ask for a secret date. She simply ceases to exist.
He’s nothing outside of Kira, which is quite sad and infuriating to see.
(lmao, co-star just sent me a notification saying that I should “start by seeing them as a person”)
In the post I made about Light, I highlighted other things I won’t go over, because I don’t want to repeat myself too much.
It’s totally valid to hate when people try to redeem him, when he’s not redeemable. He would’ve been it if he had realized that death note actually killed people, and so he refused to continue. We wouldn’t have Death Note, of course, but that’s how far I can go to excuse him, because he realised that it’s not the way to go about it.
(By the way, I don’t hate Light stans. I hate however how willing people are to support the idea of killing criminals in real life. That’s when my problem with his apologists begins. I won’t sit here and tell you how wrong and useless the death penalty is, because it’s not an essay about it – I still have my arguments from high school, from a debate during religion education lol –, but if you support it, please, inform yourself well about the topic.)
He’s not even responsible for the drops in crime, as the manga tries to portray it. I did a post (not written that well lmao). It’s quite impossible to me that he could do that (maybe another part in which Ohba didn’t care too much about adding credibility? I mean, he himself said that he didn’t do a lot of research about anything outside Japan, so maybe he didn't consider how impactless killing 200k people over the course of 6 years would be).
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He first used the Death Note because he was bored. That was the main thing that he and Ryuk had in common. “The world is rotten” wasn’t used about criminals in that context. He then killed two people, realized what he did and gave himself a moral justification and goal, so he could continue, just so he wouldn’t be bored anymore. He started to even believe that he had that goal since ever, that he was meant to save the world and become the God of a utopia.
I sometimes have the impression people like saying he’s not evil, because they share some of his values and so, hearing that that is not well seen makes them justify what he does. You can share some of his values, even though I don’t know which those would be, but you just don’t have to act in the way he did. I think it’s pretty simple to grasp.
Ohba sees him as “very evil”, by the way. You could make the same argument I did for L, but while I can disprove that claim, it’s very hard to do the same with Light. For everything good Light did (saved that girl from being harassed), he did multiple bad things (first of all, killed him, and then believed he had to save the world and began killing multiple people in a day). For everything bad L did (putting cameras in Light’s house), he tried to compensate it (only Soichiro could see those tapes other than him; he wouldn’t extend the time period in which they would be placed without them knowing).
I won’t go into L’s character, because I talk 24/7 about this bitch, and it’s pretty clear to see that I do see him as better person than Light. I have several posts about him – not analysis though, just random thoughts. And I agree with your two points, since it’s also canon that he’s smarter than Light, and people who keep saying that it’s not true are simply in denial.
Now, about Misa.
You are so right for pointing out the lack of character analysis on her, and I want to add that most of the posts about her that we have try to portray her as an undercover real true genius™. She’s not, and that’s okay. That was not Ohba’s project (a woman that is smart, acts on her own and is able to possibly defeat Light? Impossible).
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Her character is based on two main things: childish, fashionable girl (and) obsessed with Light (Kira, to be honest). That’s all she was to Ohba and that’s how she is shown to us.
Honestly, I don’t mind people saying that she could actually be much smarter than how she was presented. You do you.
And, while her forcing Light into a relationship is bad, the worst thing is that she is quite literally a murderer. She is not innocent. She’s a stalker, she killed innocent people for selfish ends, she threatened to kill any girl that Light went out with, and she was willing to kill a “friend” just to prove her devotion to him, whom she met 5 minutes prior to this.
It makes sense that she would want to serve the person who killed those responsible for her parents’ death, but whatever she did isn’t excusable.
I think I’ve always said she deserved to be written better, not that she deserves better in universe (but if I didn’t, forgive me, that’s all I meant). She just doesn’t, at least not after what she did to get Kira’s attention. She’s awful. Her past shouldn’t be an excuse for killing innocent people – Ukita, among all.
She chooses to be used by Light. And Light is simply being himself, bad as always, and treating her as an inferior, because he looks down on everyone – men included. I want to specify this because people keep pretending he’s gay and Misa did a bad thing by forcing him into a hetero relationship. He had five or six girlfriends before her, and I feel like he dated them to show that he can get what he wants, not to hide the fact he’s gay. Misa forcing Light into a relationship is bad just because… She forced him. Full stop. Even if he were gay, Misa didn’t know that, so you can’t put that against her or as an aggravating factor.
Now, onto the infamous scene that I literally can’t wrap my head around it.
The fandom points out that her imprisonment was torture. By definition, it was not. We aren’t shown Watari inflicting physical pain on her and she doesn’t even show to be afflicted by it mentally. Only exhausted towards the end of the whole thing, just like Light and Soichiro. Was it fucking immoral? Yes (and probably also fan service – Obata even said he went easy on her… like, bitch, what). Her hands and body could’ve been restricted differently, like Light’s for example (his body wasn't tied but whatever).
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However, I would argue that restricting (not in that way, though, hell no) and blindfolding her was the safest way to ensure the survival of Watari, since he was there, or anyone she would come in contact, since L didn’t know how she could kill (she literally murdered Ukita in front of everyone’s eyes).
One thing that I still don’t understand is the water part. Aizawa points out that she hasn’t had water for three days. However, a few panels later – supposedly the day after –, Misa asks to go to the bathroom, and L tells her that’s she had been there a few minutes prior. So, I don’t get it. L wouldn’t let her go to the bathroom if he knew that she hasn’t had any water. If she wanted to move, why would she ask for that specific thing? Did he start to give it to her after Aizawa’s comment? Because: no water - > no need to pee - > obvious refusal by L to let her go to the toilet.
I stand by my belief that Ohba didn’t put much thought into that, only in her case though, which is so fucking annoying. I’ve reread HTR13 and the lack of anything regarding that scene is mind-blowing. It’s always, “Light here, Light there”. That scene gets mentioned a few times as “arrested”, like hello? She’s your other main character, could you give her a bit of consideration too?
Also, she’s an idol... How come no one questioned her disappearance? Okay, let’s say, the public knew she got arrested. And did she just go back to work after that? As nothing? Just got accused of being a mass murderer and they accepted her with open arms? I don’t get it. If they didn’t know, why wouldn’t anybody ask her where she had been? No contact with the outside world for 53 days, and no one cared to check on her? Weird.
“53 days”, but the manga counts only 50 days, because it all focuses on Light, which proves to me that Ohba didn’t care about Misa at all and it was just an excuse for Light to do the whole memory loss thing.
I should read the second part of Death Note, because I don’t remember her role there very well, which alone tells you a lot. I just know Light was constantly frustrated with her.
Did I write enough? Lol.
That was pretty much what I had to say. I’m not usually one to pay a lot of mind to Light or Misa if I have to be completely honest, as they are not my favourite characters. Love the fanarts, the memes and all, but that’s how far I can go. It’s been a lot of time since I’ve known Death Note, I’ve always disliked both of them, so it’s really hard at this point to rewire my brain and have a positive opinion on the two. I also feel like it’s a waste of my time to try to convince myself that I can like them, because I would rather spend it on my favourites.
Misa and Light makes me prone to conservatism here. Props to them. Power couple.
Got to say this, but I think it’s very hard for me to discern what to impute on the characters because that is what they would do and what the authors wanted to put into the story but didn’t know how and chose the most suitable character, just because. I mean, it’s not, “they do this because it’s in their character”, but “damn, I need to make the plot continue and do this, but who can do this for me? Oh, yeah, X! The readers wouldn’t bat an eye if they did this, even if it’s not really in their character.” To me, these are two very different things, but whatever.
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kimmkitsuragi · 7 months
look this will be extremely 2016-core of me to say but. 16 year old me would genuinely cry if she saw dan and phil announcing their gaming channel is back with a video featuring jacksepticeye
#i know their gaming channel was still active in 2016 BUT DO U GET MY POINT????#im ngl i do not keep up with these guys anymore the last time i actually try to keep up was when they came out#and then i started to not enjoy their recent videos :( so i stopped#hopefully i have enough cringe living inside of me so that i can still watch their gaming videos :3#once again im ngl even if i dont keep up w these guys anymore they still mean so much to me tbh like.......#it's s hard to explain#above all else; they literally taught me english!!! 😭😭 not even kidding!!!!!#i remember i started watching their videos while i still couldnt really understand english that much sdhfbdfh especially not spoken english#WITH accents mind u#and im 100% serious the moment i realized 'HOLY SHIT i can actually understand spoken english to a good extent rn????'#i was literally watching a dnp video at that exact moment#so yeah dnp literally taught me english. this is only one of the reasons why i care abt them deeply still#let's not get into the more emotional reasons#anyway another thing is sean was THE reason i got into gaming im not even kidding 😭#i just realized i was so fucking real in middle school. a non-english speaker whose fave youtubers are#3 english-speaking dudes with Hard Accents. hell yeah#i need this exact energy with german rn#anywayyyyy i was also gonna say something else sbhsdbfdbfs im sorry for rambling but#everytime i open up sims 4 my thoughts are always related to dnp gaming channel fr#🗒#sorry to be cringe or whatever btw#dnp
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djuvlipen · 1 year
the thing with language learning is that i feel like i know a good number of languages but i don't feel like i am actually competent yknow??
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amomentsescape · 2 months
hello! Are you ok?, I hope so ❤️ (by the way, your writing is wonderful)
I would like to make a request for Yandere Slashers with an S/O who is a mermaid, who usually kills people who dare to invade her lakes, and she kills these people by drowning.
(I'm sorry if there are any writing errors, English is not my first language, and I'm writing this using Google translate)
Slashers with Mermaid! Reader
Yandere! Slashers x Reader
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, & Bo
A/N: I'm doing good, thank you <3 I hope you enjoy! (Also, I decided I'm going to remove Lester from the Slasher requests. I'm still very much open to writing for him when specified, but I feel like he doesn't quite fit in with all the other Slashers).
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Freddy Krueger
Meeting you was quite literally the best thing to ever happen in his undead life
He likes to team up with you, constantly coming up with different ways you both can contribute to someone's death
You pull them under, and they suddenly wake up in Freddy's world
Your dynamic is pretty ideal too
Whenever you sleep, you can visit him
And he has no issues with popping into your waters just to say hi
He does this quite often, in fact
He is very aware you can take care of yourself, but he still gets worried
You're his
He doesn't trust anyone being around you
Even if your only intention is to kill them immediately
He understands that where you are now is your home, but that won't stop him from doing whatever he can to have you live in his world
He can create the perfect environment for you
Miles and miles of nothing but water if your heart desires
Which hopefully it does
Since he isn't willing to wait much longer
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Michael Myers
He never thought creatures like you actually existed
But the moment he saw your strength and darkness, he was immediately drawn in against his better judgment
He visits more often then you think
He's always around, watching
You can feel eyes on you almost 90% of the day, but you never really know where it's coming from
He enjoys watching you swim and just relax
But he especially loves seeing you drag poor souls into the tide with you
There's something so twisted and yet magical about watching you kill
But this fascination is also paired with extreme jealousy
He hates seeing you touch other people
And he almost envies the way they get to be so close to you, even if it means their demise
He hopes to find a way to take you home with him for good one of these times
You told him you loved him, so you'd be happy as long as you're by his side
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Jason Voorhees
Out of all places to meet the love of your life, this one seemed especially unfortunate for Jason
But his feelings for you were strong enough to overrule his fear
He'll sit by the shore with you, hearing you talk and sing old tunes he's never heard before
He loves listening to your stories about the world underneath the current
But this always leaves him with such a deep feeling of sadness
He wants a life where you both can live together and share those memories
But he knows that's nearly impossible
He starts spending more time by the water side than the camp, finding that irresponsible teens like to be by the beach even more than the forest
You lure them in with your beauty and your words, and Jason finishes the job
He'll let you kill too if you really wish to, but he doesn't like the idea of those types of people being so close to you
He barely gets to touch you, so why should they get what he so desperately wants instead?
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Thomas Hewitt
In this desert like area of Texas, Thomas has to travel quite far to see you
But the one time he accidentally stumbled upon you, he was smitten
And you surprisingly didn't turn him into another victim like all the others
He was kind to you
And now, he brings you food and stops by as often as he possibly can
You've made him little necklaces out of bones and shells
He wears every single one of them
Your bond only gets stronger each time he comes to see you
But Thomas can only take so much
Why can't you be closer?
He knows the family would love you
And he could make you so happy
His bathtub is big enough for you, he's sure of it
He knows that you won't want to leave your own home for his, but he loves you and knows what will be best for you
He's just got to be patient
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Bubba Sawyer
His own family had to go on a search for him after he disappeared for a couple days
But he just couldn't help it
You make him so happy, and the more time he spent with you, the more difficult it became to leave your side
He's tried to jump in a few times to be with you, but you always persuade him out of it
He doesn't know how to swim, and you don't want him to end up like everyone else
That's when he decided that the best option would be to create your very own pond in his backyard!
That way, you could be with each other, and he would never have to say goodbye again
He hasn't told you this idea yet, but he's sure you'd be happy with it
This would also keep you from needing to kill anyone else
You're too beautiful to get your hands dirty
And it's unfair that they get to join you in the water when you won't let him do the same
He can make you super happy with his family, he's sure of it
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Brahms Heelshire
He hates this dynamic between you two
He wants you at home with him so you can take care of him, and he can keep you away from everyone else
No one should get to touch you or look at you besides him
He's actually tried to drag you out of the water before, but the prospect of accidentally killing you was enough to make him stop
He never knew he could envy a body of water as much as he does
It gets to hold you, touch you, and be with you at all times
He wants that too, so desperately
Because of you, he's gone from house dweller to nature enthusiast in just a matter of days
Even when you think he's at home, he's stalking around, watching you
He insists it's to keep you safe
In fact, you haven't had to drown anyone in quite a while
And you can thank Brahms for that
The moment he sees a single soul in the area, he drags them off and disposes of them before you even have a chance to see them
He wouldn't dare let you touch another being that isn't him
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Norman Bates
It honestly took him a really long time to believe that you were even real
He didn't think mermaids or sirens actually existed, so seeing you for the first time made him pinch himself to make sure this wasn't some weird dream
He also took a while to trust you since he didn't want to fall victim to your treacherous waters
But once he realized you were genuine, he dove straight in all at once
He visits you whenever he can for however long he can muster
Someone needs to run the motel, but God he wishes he could be with you 24/7
He's "jokingly" brought up the idea of you staying at the motel in a pool he could install for you
He just wants to keep an eye on you at all times
He constantly dreams of finding a way to make you human so you two can truly be together
Until you have two feet like him, it will never be enough
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Billy Loomis
Doesn't tell a single soul about you
Not even Stu
And it's not because he's embarrassed or wants to see other people
He's honestly just scared that others will either think he's insane or try to capture you
Visits you every day and makes sure to pack his swim trunks so he can join you in the water
Constantly admires you and wants to run his hands along your scales
He just thinks you're all around incredible
But he has this hidden level of anger towards the situation
He wants to walk around town with you, show you off
He wants you to join him on his sprees so you can see just how powerful he can be
And he hates the idea of not having eyes on you at all times
He knows you kill anyone who isn't him, but he doesn't want you getting that close to anyone in general
He spends his nights studying ways to get you to live with him
He'll find a way to have you all to himself, even if it ends up being the death of him
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Stu Macher
He actually first met you while you were seducing some poor soul to their death
And Stu was immediately enamored
He comes to see you whenever he can
He sometimes spends the weekend camping out along the shore just so he can spend more time with you
He thinks you're beautiful of course, but he can't help but fantasize what it would be like if you were human like him
You two come from very different worlds, but there's nothing that could keep you away from him
He likes to bring up the idea of mermaids and mythical creatures in casual conversations with people
How they react to it will determine whether they make his hit list
He likes to bring you jewelry and pretty objects from his victims, showing you items that you've never seen before
He talks about how one of these days, he's going to have a house built on the shore so he can be with you
And if you argue against it, he will shut down
The pent up frustration of not getting to sleep next to you every night makes his killings more brutal and his fantasies all the more darker
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Vincent Sinclair
Every time he comes to see you, he brings a new portrait or wax figure of you that he made
You flood his dreams and his mind 24/7
He honestly thinks he's under some sort of spell
He doesn't mind that you aren't human like him
He's always felt very different from everyone else, so it's nice for him to have someone he relates to
But his jealousy constantly gets the better of him
Anytime you tell him of some poor soul you drowned, he can't help but feel his blood boil
Even if it ends in their death, he hates the idea of you flirting or seducing these people
The only one who should be receiving that attention is him
Barely sleeps at night
He has snuck to the shore countless time without your knowledge, just watching you and making sure your stories line up with what he observes
Is overall obsessed even more than you know
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Bo Sinclair
If anyone saw you together, it would be enough to make them blush
The way you two can constantly flirt back and forth without any hesitation is otherworldly
You could have sworn he must have been a creature like you in a past life
He's so touchy when he's with you, not afraid to get his clothes wet in an effort to just be closer to you
He truly makes you feel accepted as you are and with where you live
But little do you know of his darker nature
He stalks the shore and kills off anyone that trespasses before you even have a chance to get to them
He doesn't need you looking at anyone but him
And he's already been renovating an old abandoned pool in Ambrose for you
You're going to finally be living with him like he's always wanted
You don't know this yet, but he's sure you'll be happy with the idea
It will be a great surprise
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maidragoste · 1 year
can you please make a Harwin Strong x reader where the reader and breakbones fall in love and get married but then the rumors about jace’s heritage start and Harwin admits cheating??? Thank you in advance
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Harwin Strong x Velaryon!Reader
note: sorry for taking anon to make your request, and also for not following it completely. I hope you like it 🥰🥰
If you want a part two let me know because I already have ideas 👀
Part 2
reblogs and likes are always appreciated 🥰💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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"He is Prince Jacaerys Velaryon" announced your good sister proudly handing the baby to the king, you excitedly waited your turn to meet your nephew. The next to take the baby was the queen, you couldn't help but worry when you saw how the smile disappeared from her, you understood that your nephew had been healthy and without any deformity so you didn't understand why your friend's face suddenly seemed so concerned. It even seemed to you that Alicent was hesitating before passing the child to you.
And when you held Jacaerys in your arms, you understood why. All the emotion you felt disappeared the second you saw her brown locks on his little head. Your vision blurred and you began to blink to make any possible tears disappear. You weren't going to cry. You wouldn't make a scene. The existence of this child was humiliation enough. The boy was precious but you couldn't bear to see him anymore so you passed him on to your brother.
"Hopefully the next one looks more like Velaryon," you said with a fake smile and the room suddenly seemed cold. You were pleased to see Rhaenyra and Harwin tense up. "I suppose mother's Baratheon blood is stronger than we thought," you added, looking at Laenor. You also felt betrayed by your brother. You were sure that he also knew about your cousin and husband's affair and he was never able to tell you.
"It could also be Aemma's Arryn blood," Viserys said, and you wanted to laugh when he didn't seem to read the room. Or perhaps he preferred to feign ignorance before punishing his daughter for giving birth to a bastard.
“Is it yours?” was the first thing you said as soon as you were alone with your husband in their chambers. You didn't need to clarify what you were talking about. Harwin knew you were talking about Jacaerys.
The city guard commander thought through his answer. He didn't want to endanger the princess or his son, but from the look in your eyes he knew that if he lied to you, your reaction would be much worse. It was useless to lie to you because you already knew the truth. You knew it the first moment you saw the little prince.
"Yes," he replied "I'm sorry" He wasn't sorry about the birth of his child but he was sorry for hurting you.
You already knew the answer to your question, you just wanted to see if your husband was brave enough to admit his infidelity. You felt like such an idiot for not having seen it coming sooner…
Lie. You saw it coming only you were in denial and you turned a blind eye. You convinced yourself to believe Harwin's lies when he told you that he wouldn't come back to your chambers because he was on night watch even though you knew he couldn't have so many shifts in a row. You pretended not to hear the servants talk about the closeness between the commander of the city guard and Princess Rhaenyra. You ignored Larys and Alicent's concerns about those rumors. You ignored every red flag because you refused to believe it was true.
You had fallen in love with Harwin because he was a good man, he was attentive and loving and he made you laugh. In your head Harwin couldn't be hurting you and deceiving you in front of the whole court, your Harwin would never do that. Not the sweet man who had taken it upon himself to learn your family traditions for your wedding, not the man who whispered sweet words to you in the morning, not the man who looks like a happy puppy every time he sees you, not the man who From time to time he would bring you gifts after his patrols because according to him that bracelet or that ring reminded him of you… Not even when the princess got pregnant, he never made all those gestures or went to your bed. If he won't love you then he should have stopped doing all of that, unless he was only doing it to keep looking like a loving husband in your eyes.
"You love her?" You crossed your arms in an attempt to put on armor, you didn't want to show him how much his betrayal affected you.
You knew Harwin well and you knew he wouldn't cheat on you just for a one-night stand or just for passion. He wouldn't spoil his marriage just on the whim of the moment.
Harwin's eyes looked at you with deep sadness. He didn't want to hurt you even more but you deserved to know the truth "I love her" he admitted "I love both"
He wasn't lying. He still loved you, he could never stop loving the lovely girl he met as he helped her climb a tree to avoid a suitor. But her heart now also belonged to the princess, it had not been her intention to fall in love with her. After saving her from the incident of her wedding, he couldn't help but worry about her and he took notice of her as he seemed to have no one at court. He became close to a friend, he began to get to know what Rhaenyra was really like and he was captivated.
"Go to hell" you dug your nails into your arms, holding yourself back from punching him in the face "Now do you want to be like Aegon the Conqueror? Do you want to have two wives?" You sneered "From now on you will spend one night with me and ten with her?" you snorted.
Harwin took one of your hands and held it pressed over her heart so you could feel her heartbeat "I really love you both."
"It doesn't matter, because you already lost me" you let go of her grip and your husband looked at you with pain. At another time you would have felt sorry for him but now all you felt was pure resentment. "Please, go back to your princess and leave me alone"
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visorforavisor · 1 year
as an Irish (we don’t call it “Gaelic”, ever) speaker and a Sunny fan, I thought it would be fun to do a bit of a post about the Irish-language scene in The Gang’s Still in Ireland, because it’s not a scene I see widely discussed but I adore it.
some background. I am not a native Gaeilgeoir (Irish speaker) — my first language is English — but I started learning it age five and have always had very high grades in it and a huge love for it. I was hugely excited about Charlie Kelly being able to read Irish in the previous episode, and even more so when he turned out to be able to speak it.
Colm Meaney, the actor who plays Shelley Kelly, grew up in Ireland and as such would have learned Irish throughout his time in school. (this has been required by law more or less since Irish independence, and it was already quite common before that. nowadays, you can get exemptions for things like dyslexia but otherwise you have to do it.) this is clear in his ease with the language. (I will do a post about where in Ireland Shelley lives at some point, because there aren’t many areas where Irish is the principal language, but that is for another day!) both the actor and the character have easy and good Irish.
Charlie Day, as an Italian-American, obviously does not actually speak the language and presumably learned the lines as a bunch of gibberish sounds. (nonetheless, some of his pronunciations do suggest he had the words written down non-phonetically too.) his delivery of the lines is god damn amazing. Charlie Kelly’s Irish is not remotely American-accented. if I heard someone speaking Irish like that, I’d assume they sounded Irish when speaking English. he doesn’t even sound neutral in Irish; he does actively have an accent (the word choices are more non-regional, not pointing to any of the three distinct dialects, but this makes sense as the same is true of Shelley’s Irish). his pronunciation is so on point and his accent is seriously just a delight to listen to. that’s serious effort to have been put in by an American in a show that routinely makes fun of Irish-Americans! I cannot stress enough how cool it is to see my national language like this and how good a job he does.
as a side note, Charlie Kelly finding Irish much easier to read than English makes total sense! he clearly has dyslexia, as well as intellectual disabilities and autism, so literacy being tricky is totally fair, but is probably being made worse in English by how much of a god damn ridiculous illogical irregular mess the language is. English has around two hundred irregular verbs, and that’s before we even begin to consider the irregularity of its spelling. Irish has eleven irregular verbs, multiple of which are only irregular in one tense. its spelling is entirely consistent and, once the rules are known, any word (pretty much) can be flawlessly pronounced from reading it or flawlessly spelled from hearing it. (I promise Irish names make sense. just not if you try to use English rules on them. the languages are very different!) Irish is one of the most regular languages out there.
so, I thought I’d go through the actual scene. I’m going to put each line, the direct translation, the subtitle provided, and a comment. hopefully this will be interesting to someone other than me!
“is mise do pheannchara, a Charlie.” (Shelley)
direct translation: “I’m your pen pal, Charlie.”
subtitle provided: “I’m your pen pal, Charlie.”
okay, so they translate “pen pal” two different ways in this scene. the first, used here, is “peannchara”. this is a compound word, much like all those long words you get in German. it’s a perfectly good choice given there is no one standard choice for translating that concept.
“tá brón orm, ach ní thuigim cad atá ráite agat. is féidir liom gibberish a léamh, ach ní féidir liom í a labhairt.” (Charlie)
direct translation: “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’ve said. I’m able to read gibberish, but I’m not able to speak it.”
subtitle provided: “I’m sorry. I don’t understand what you just said. I read gibberish, but I don’t speak it.”
I would slightly disagree with the subtitles here. the “just” bit isn’t expressed at all. in fact, there is no Irish equivalent to that word, and we often just use the English one in the middle of an Irish sentence because of this. however, I expect that RCG (Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton) wrote the subtitles and then handed them to an Irish translator, in which case the translator did a perfectly good job. a couple of notes about the use of “gibberish” here. I love it. firstly, we totally do drop English words into sentences like that. secondly, I really like the choice to use the feminine form of “it” here (that is, to make “gibberish” a feminine noun). all languages except English are feminine nouns in Irish as a rule, so it’s just a lovely detail calling back to the fact that Charlie thinks of it as the gibberish language. also, Charlie Day really does absolutely nail that voiceless velar fricative (the consonant sound in “ach”, as in Scottish “loch” or any number of German words), a sound even many natively English-speaking Irish people are lazy about. good on him.
“níl aon ciall le sin. sé á labhairt anois!” (Shelley)
direct translation: “there’s no sense to that. it’s being spoken now!”
subtitle provided: “that doesn’t make any sense. you’re speaking it now!”
I adore the phrasing of the first sentence here. thoroughly authentic. there are much more obvious ways to phrase it, but this is absolutely what a native speaker might go with. same goes for the second, actually. Colm Meaney says the second line in a sort of shortened way (same idea as how we might turn “do not” into “don’t”) so I’ve struggled slightly with how to directly translate it. interestingly, Shelley categorises “gibberish” as a masculine noun here, but this isn’t really wrong since it doesn’t have an official grammatical gender due to not being an actual Irish word. just a little odd. also, to fit better to the subtitle of the second sentence, I personally would’ve gone with “tá sé á labhairt agat anois” rather than “tá sé á labhairt anois” (the full version of what Shelley says), as this includes the information of by whom it is being spoken.
“’s é mo dheartháir mo chara pinn.” (Charlie)
direct translation: “it’s my brother that’s my pen pal.”
subtitle provided: “but my pen pal is my brother.”
firstly, to be clear, the nuance of the sentence structure here is not captured in either of the above translations because there simply is not an English equivalent to it. secondly, Charlie uses a contraction here by shortening “is é mo dheartháir mo chara pinn”. super cool. also, there’s that other translation of “pen pal”! this one is “cara pinn”, which uses the Irish genitive case (the word mutates instead of using an equivalent of the English word “of”; this case also exists in other languages including Swedish, German, Latin, and Greek). I like this translation very much too. both work! Charlie Day again delivers this line really nicely, even stressing the word for “brother” (and pronouncing its initial consonant mutation absolutely gorgeously)! I am truly very impressed.
“níl aon fhírinne le sin, a mhic. ’s é do chara pinn… d’athair.” (Shelley)
direct translation: “there’s no truth to that, son. it’s your pen pal who is… your father.”
subtitle given: “no son. your pen pal is your… father.”
so, I really disagree with the first sentence of the subtitles here. it works, but also misses a lot of the beautiful nuance that could have been got. I would have gone with “that’s not true, son” or, more likely, “that’s not right, son”. I also disagree with the placement of the ellipsis in the second sentence, as you see (and my frustrations in translating this sentence structure to English continue, as well). however I like the use of “a mhic” (“son”) here, very much. this is a mutated form of “mac”, meaning “son” (yes, as in all of those Irish surnames; they all just basically say who the person is the son of). it carries both meanings that exist in English: an actual son, but also the use of the word as an affectionate way to refer to any man younger than the (usually male) speaker. this is a really nice choice.
so, yeah! those are my thoughts. feel free to ask any questions you like. I love this scene so much. as well as the reasons above about how good the translation and delivery is, I also love two other main things about this.
firstly, the level of dignity given to the language. Sunny makes fun of Irish-Americans all the time, but doesn’t really do the same to Irish people from Ireland, which I like (I do also wanna talk about Mac and Charlie as members of the Irish diaspora because it is so so interesting, but that is for another day). Irish as a language is not often given dignity, especially in American or English media, so I really love that it isn’t the butt of the joke here.
secondly, that such a significant scene is delivered through this language. just wonderful. after fourteen and a half series, we finally discover the biological father, and the scene cannot be separated from this beautiful language. it just is so perfect.
RCG, and of course Charlie Day in particular, we Gaeilgeoirí (Irish speakers) thank you! our little language made it to the screens of so many people around the world.
I hope this was interesting haha.
edits: fixed some things I mistyped.
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Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Request HERE
Warnings: small acts of violence and bullying
Pairing: Wednesday x Fem!Reader
First request! Hopefully y’all like it and I hope I made the anon that asked this happy! Feel free to send in more requests🖤✨
That day you had been going through your English notes for the upcoming class, as the teacher would be making a test. It wasn’t one of your favorite subjects and that’s why you had really bad grades in English. You had tried asking your teacher for help or just what you could do better, but he wasn’t very helpful, he just scolded you saying to study harder.
You did study harder, however that wasn’t working because you had no method. By now you had been at Nevermore for almost the whole semester, yet you didn’t seem to have made good friends with anyone. You only spoke a couple of times with Wednesday and Enid, those were the only two people that didn’t judge you and that you trusted.
“Studying again, (Y/N)?” One of the students asked you. You immediately recognized him. He was a gorgon, friends with Ajax. Though Ajax never tried bothering you, knowing that it was dangerous if he messed with you and also because well, he was a good guy. Though this other kid apparently didn’t care about how dangerous you could get and loved messing with you.
“What do you want Nicholas?” You replied annoyed but at the same time scared. You hated when he would come bother you. “Oh nothing, I’ve just come to remind you that there’s no use in studying English, you’re still gonna suck!” He laughed at you. He wasn’t wrong, but why would he come bother you about that? It wasn’t any of his business.
“Well why do you care if I study or not? It shouldn’t concern you.” You stood up from your sitting position and decided to face him, finally standing up for yourself “that’s the point (Y/N), no one cares for you!” Rage was starting to build up, the feelings knotting up in your stomach “don’t you see that? We’re trying to make you understand that you’re useless here!” He laughed again.
Everyone’s eyes turned to you and him, all of them circling around you or looking from their tables. You were getting visibly upset “you will take back your words” you said in a low voice tone, trying to remain calm. You clenched your jaw and fists, knuckles going white as you so badly tried to remain calm. It was a sunny day, but now in consequence to your anger the weather suddenly changed. Dark clouds floating over the school and wind rising up.
“Or what, your friends will come to the rescue? Wait, you don’t have any, my bad!” He laughed again, your breath getting faster and the nails were now cutting in your palm from how tight you were clenching it, blood coming out from it. “Stop it now.” You warned again. The anger was getting so much. Eventually you started floating, slowly going higher as Nicholas in front of you kept on laughing at you.
“Nico, maybe you should stop. We don’t know what she’s capable of-“ Ajax said trying to make him stop, but to no avail as Nico pushed him away. “Well she can’t kill me. And what she gonna do if I don’t stop, will she go to mama?” He said insisting with his bullying, then turning to look at you, slowly rising higher “oh right, you don’t have one!”
This was the ice on the cake, you couldn’t bare it anymore “THAT’S ENOUGH!” You snapped at him. A wave of strength washing over the whole courtyard but especially on Nico, making him fly back and hit the close by wall badly. At that people started running away scared, as your madness had taken control over your body. You started taking people with your telekinesis and throwing them against walls or even on the ground, even innocent people, teachers too. Chaos reigned over the school and it was all because of you. You were crying and screaming, all this bullying wasn’t fair. Why you, you always thought
Principal Weems had seen from her office to see what was going on and it was truly an utter disaster. She came down to see and as everyone was running away and someone else was being smashed around, she went to Enid and Wednesday who were hiding behind a wall. “We need to stop her or she’ll end up hurting everyone” Wednesday started once she saw Weems. “Miss Addams, she’ll hurt you too if you get any closer-“ the younger girl was quick to interrupt her. “She knows us. Not very good, but she can trust us and she knows that. We need to go” she said and took Enid’s by her wrist, getting closer to you.
“(Y/N), you need to calm down” Enid started, taking more steps closer to you “GET AWAY FROM HERE!” You yelled back and sent a “wind wave” their way. Not too strong, but it was enough to make them stop their tracks, though not wanting hurt them. “(Y/N) please. You’re not in your right mind space right now. You’re hurting people” this time it was Weems talking. She still stood behind the wall, not wanting to get hurt as well.
“Get away, let me try. She can sense you’re scared and she’s taking advantage of your fears. Let me try, she won’t hurt me.” Wednesday started with determination. Enid Nodded with hesitance and stepped back, going to where the principal was. “(Y/N), it’s me, Wednesday” she started, staring at your floating frame in the eyes. Your (e/c) eyes had turned completely black and your expression was infuriated.
“Please calm down. You’re not alone okay? He’s a jerk. You have me, you have Enid and even if we do not know each other much you know you can still count on us” she was slowly getting closer to you and you were letting her. The wether was still the same, it felt as if a storm was coming your way “try matching your breathing mine. Okay? Come on” she said in a surprising soft voice tone as she took deep breaths and invited you to do so as a well.
You started breathing with her and slowly, the weather went back to normal and you returned to the ground looking disoriented. You knew what had happened, but couldn’t brace yourself to accept it. You were weak, this tantrum had drained all of your strength and you fell in Wednesday arms as soon as you touched the ground. She took you and sat down on the floor, you in her lap as she held you, arms wrapped tightly around you as she gently caressed the back of your head“there there… you’re okay” she was whispering into your ear as she motioned for Enid and Weems to come over and help her take you to your room.
As soon as you were there, the principal said it would have been better to leave you alone, but Wednesday insisted on staying. She sat on a chair by your bed as she watched you sleep, while holding your hand in complete silence. Eventually though you woke up abruptly, sitting up and panting, eyes searching around the room until you met Wednesday’s eyes. “Shh… you’re okay dear, you’re okay” she said, moving to sit on the bed by your side as she grabbed your shoulders and gently brushed her hands on them, waiting for you to calm down.
“I’m sorry for what I did… I lost control..” you looked down, tears in your eyes that you let go of. “It’s okay, he deserved it and knew best not to bother you… even though I would have ended him” she said which made a small laugh escape your lips. “Though he was right. I have no friends, I’m all alone and I’m useless… my dad would say the same things to me… it felt almost as if I was a child again. It felt horrible…” you started and covered your face as you began crying. Wednesday sighed sadly and gently took your hands, holding them and inviting you to look at her, while her other hand was moving strands away from your face delicately.
“That’s not true and you know it. You have Enid, you have Me. We care about you. We love you, I love you and we don’t show it enough but we do. So never say you’re alone because we’re here for you okay?” She said, slightly hinting a smile as she ended up caressing your cheek with her thumb. You nodded and smiled back as you laid back in bed. Did she just say she loved you? Yes she did, but you thought that maybe it was just in a friendly way, even though you admitted you had a crush on her multiple times. You didn’t expect her to, but she slid under the blankets and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer as the big spoon.
“Turn around” Wednesday whispered in your ear and you turned around to face her. Both of you didn’t speak, sharing looks was enough as you noticed how much she softened around you. She pulled you even closer and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead “I promise I’ll protect you from now on. No one will ever bother you again unless they want to lose their lives” she said and that made you smile as you hid your face in the crook of her neck. God that smell of hers, it made you feel at ease.
She slightly moved you away from her to look at you, and you thought that maybe you had gone too far. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-“ she was quick to shut you up moving closer to make both of your lips meet. She was caressing your cheek and pulling you closer with her other hand. Her soft lips didn’t want to rush anything, she didn’t want anything except to feel you close to her like she has always wanted. When both of you pulled back, there was no need to talk as she looked at you with the biggest smile she ever gave you and planted another kiss on your forehead. You were both asleep soon after.
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satansamwriting · 6 months
I was wondering if I could ask for Mileena (MK11) with a reader who's from earth but inst scared by her and thinks her teeth are really cool?
It's okay if not, have a good day! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
MK11 Mileena with GN!reader
Hi there! I hope you are also having a good day!
Since Mileena isn't really part of MK11 storyline, I made up something. Hopefully, it does your prompt justice.
Disclaimer : English ain't my native language so there might be mistakes ahead. I apologises for them and will try my best to correct them if I see them.
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No matter where their eyes lingered, darkness filled their sight.The disorienting place was to be their prison, where they would be trapped forever. Or so the Titan of time said. Back pressed on the solid ground, they stared at what they could only assume was the sky. If you could define black nothingless as such.
Nearby, voices changed from small  whispers to unnecessarily loud shouts. Turning their head toward the sound, (Y/n) observed the scene. Two duos faced each other, both sides had their weapon drawn as more shouting spilled from their lips. A sorcerer and a princess of Outworld stood on one side while the god of wind and a matoka’s warrior stood on the other. 
Even since arriving in this endless prison, the four of them have been on eachother throat. Much to (Y/n) annoyance. However, the constant fight proved to be the only source of entertainment they could find. 
Green magic shattered into tiny sparks upon impact with the ground. Some went as far as to reach the observer. Strong winds gathered around the god and even from their spot away from the fight, (Y/n) had to shield their eyes from the gust. No matter the distance they seemed to take from the ongoing battle, they would fall victim to some of the attacks. Even if they themselves weren't the desired target. 
An arrow meant for the sorcerer ending its course inside (Y/n) thighs. Burst of green flames thrown toward the matoka’s warriors only to hit them in the back. What made the situation more infuriating was the lack of awareness from the kombatant. Not once did they notice the repercussion of their actions. 
Screams followed by metal screeching against each other echoed into the void, forcing (Y/n) out of their thoughts.Mere seconds later, a body flew through the air and ended its course near them, in what must have been a painful landing. Blinking away the surprise, (Y/n) peeked to their left, their eyes meeting reptilian ones. The princess laid on the ground, a gushing wound on her chest. 
Reluctantly, (Y/n) stood up.They were used to this by now. A fight would break up between the four and one or more would end up injured, that included themselves as well. Being a simple earthrealmer without any fighting abilities, (Y/n) always preferred to stay out of fights. Don’t get them wrong, (Y/n) knew how to fight well enough but their ability was more defensive than offensive.Thus making them not particularly fond of kombat.
Feeling the pain of their sore muscles as they approached the princess, (Y/n) wished they could escape this endless place. 
The princess sneered at them, showing her pointy teeth. She tried to hurt them as they crouched beside her but the amount of blood she had lost made her weak. Without paying much attention to what was happening behind, (Y/n) took hold of the Sai in her bloodied hand.Threats spilled out of her mouth but they paid it no mind. With how injured the princess was, there was nothing she could do to prevent them from whatever they were doing. Slashing the palm of their hand, (Y/n) let their blood drip over the wound. Mileena’s eyes were glued to her wound as it mended back together.
No words of gratitude were given afterwards. Not that they expected some. The slash on their hand had closed, leaving only a smear of red behind. Mileena stared at them cautiously, perhaps she did not understand the kindness of the earthrealmer or the reason why someone like them would help someone like her. 
Amidst the vast openness of their prison, (Y/n) indulged themselves in their favourite pastime. Meaning, they laid on the cold hard ground, wondering how much time had passed since their arrival. Had it been days? Or weeks? Maybe months? There was no way to know, no way to tell if it was night or day or how many hours had gone by. (Y/n) hated how quiet it would become whenever the others stopped fighting. Shang Tsung would go back to pacing around, lost in his own thoughts. Fujin and Nightwolf would sit together, oftentimes conversing in low volume. As for Mileena, she preferred to keep to herself. 
This time around was no different. Except for the princess who now stood on their left side. She seemed uncomfortable standing there.Straightening up, (Y/n) waited for the princess. 
Despite her intimidating mouth filled with sharp teeth and her imposing piercing eyes, (Y/n) couldn’t help but find her beautiful. 
“You need to be more precise, your highness.”
She sneered at them, her Sai in hands. 
“Why did you help me?”
A question not unfamiliar to their ears. As saddening as those words were, (Y/n) tried their best to remain stoic. They wonder if the princess truly thought of herself as unworthy of help. Perhaps she was simply not used to someone else offering help. Mileena grew impatient as the silence stretched between the two. Shrugging, (Y/n) offered her a courtesy smile.
“ Because I couldn't stand to watch you bleed out, especially  when I could do something to help.” 
Whether the answer pleased or displeased her, Mileena didn’t show it. Her eyes were glued to them, analysing each and every move they did. The weight of her gaze would make anyone falter underneath it but for (Y/n) the attention was welcomed. They could tell the princess wasn’t used to such kindness. Under dumbfounded eyes, the princess sat beside them. No conversation followed, both opting to appreciate the comforting silence over making awkward small talk. 
Woken by the sound of an explosion, (Y/n) didn’t need to see to know what was happening. Stretching their sore muscles, they scanned the emptiness until their eyes landed on the battlefield. Shaking their head, (Y/n) observed from the sideline as usual. This time, their eyes tracked the movement of the princess, not once paying attention to the others. Even with her intimidating physique and aggressivity, Mileena fought with grace unparalleled by others. Every move seemed effortless, almost like memorised choreography. She was gorgeous. 
With their attention solely on Mileena, (Y/n) failed to notice the sorcerer missed spell. Green skulls pierced through the air, going straight toward them.Pain flared across their chest as the impact propelled them backward onto the solid ground. If only for a small fraction of time, the world plunged into quiet darkness. Something warm pressed against their chest, forcing them back into the moment. Laying on top of them was Mileena, her reptilian eyes fixed on their visage. Blood dripped from her back where (Y/n) presumed the spell must have hit. She had protected them using her own body as a shield. 
(Y/n) felt guilty. Because of their own carelessness, Mileena ended up badly injured. One arm on her shoulder, the earthrealmer silently asked for her to keep still. Moving would only aggravate the wound. Using their free hand, they reached for her discarded weapon until they could feel the sharp edge slice into their palm.
Mileena winced at the slight burning sensation of her healing wound.Unable to explain her own action in her head, the princess, once (Y/n) relished the hand on her shoulder, quickly moved away from the other. Despite her disgust toward Earthrealm, she couldn’t deny the growing curiosity and fondness toward (Y/n). Perhaps it was due to their unique ability. Or maybe it was the kindness they showed her seemingly unafraid of her deformation. No matter the reason, Mileena stayed by their side until they were able to move. Behind them, the fight continued as if nothing happened. 
“Thank you, your highness.”
Startled by their words, Mileena scoffed. 
“Don’t thank me, I’m just repaying you for what you did before.”
The smile they offered after her words brought an unknown feeling inside her chest. Something she would have to analyse later but for now, she allowed the strangeness to stay. If (Y/n) noticed the tiny smile she was wearing, they did not comment on it. Perhaps spending the rest of their life inside a void like prison with her by their side wasn’t bad afterall. 
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
Hello! I was thinking about pride and Prejudice and wondering if the Bennets' situation would have been so different with a son. I mean, ok, no Mr Collins inheriting Longbourn, a potential husband wouldn't have to look after Mrs Bennet and her unmarried daughters as there was a son to do so. But the girls still had no dowary and no real education so they still wouldn't be seen as good matches. And having a widow mother and several unmarried sisters wouldn't help Mr Bennet junior himself to afford to marry and start a family. What do you think? (English isn't my native language so I apologise if my question is difficult to understand 😅)
Your question is not difficult to understand, and it shows that Mr. Bennet has had a bad plan all along.
I doubt the overall parenting quality of the Bennets changes at all with a son. Hopefully Little Bennet Boy (LBB) is at least sent to school/university so he can have a decent education, but I am betting the same laissez-faire method is used for the girls. So now you have a family of four/five girls and one boy who is expected to be their sole provider... great.
When LBB comes of age (21), Mr. Bennet and his son could break the entail if they both agreed to do so. Now LBB might be opposed to such a plan, after all, if the entail isn't broken he gets the entire pie, but Mr. Bennet could threaten to cut off his allowance or something to persuade him. Selling some land could raise money for the girls' dowries, making them more able to marry. LBB is hopefully left with enough land to still be a distinguished landowner.
If Mr. Bennet dies before LBB is 21, he inherits everything. And then we need to know if LBB is a John Dashwood or a Mr. Darcy, because I'm pretty sure once he reaches his majority he could kick everyone out. I think it would be normal to live with his mother and sisters until he got married, but then their position in the household would become precarious.
We know that the Lucases were worried about supporting Charlotte in her spinsterhood, so I doubt LBB would be thrilled to have five sisters to support. All of this said, the whole plan was always stupid and more importantly, selfish. Mr. Bennet would rather rob the future to support his own children than save money himself.
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jwirecs · 6 months
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of october! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Late night Company || @daegall💕💔✅
↳ in which the Gods give you a shit day, and Aphrodite makes up for it.
Safety Net || @fadedncity🔞💕✅
↳ (theres no summary but short description from me - friends to lovers + clowns)
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Between Us || @neowinestainedress🔞💕✅
↳ you find yourself tangled in the life of the Suhs after Mr. Suh starts working as an English professor at your father’s university. You don’t understand why they float around you so much, but soon enough, you can’t get enough of that secret, dirty game anymore.
Birthday Boy || @writemekpop💕✅
↳ It's Renjun's birthday and all you want is a moment alone, but other people keep getting in the way...
Homebody || @daydreamingyuta💕✅
↳ bf!Jeno spending a relaxing day at home with you instead of going out.
Mine || @milliewrtes💕✅
↳ in which your boyfriend saves you from unwanted, horrible flirting
My Exception || @armysantiny💕✅
↳ Renjun’s reading time is sacred; a dedicated few hours every weekend spent with him, his wax melts, a book, and a hot drink. Though he can make an exception for y/n. He can always make an  exception for them.
Spidey Boy || @martiniblues💕💔✅💯💯
↳ mark has tried to hide his secret identity from you for as long as possible, to keep you safe, of course. little does he know that you’ve untangled his web of lies long ago and will do anything in your power to get him to admit it. just when you've had enough of him lying to you, he ends up getting caught in the act trying to save your life.
Sweet Like Pumpkin Pie || @potatocitytechnology🔞✅
↳ One fall day, you decide it's time to let go of your worries. Turns out you're a natural freak in the sheets and Johnny loves it.
Target Run || @kyufessions💕💔✅💯
↳ shopping with chenle can be exhausting, especially for your first apartment together
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Don't Test Me || @peanutpinet💕💔✅💯
↳ Haechan was always known as the funny, sunshine one of the whole of NCT. But that doesn’t mean that can’t go serious. Especially when it comes to his lover who is actually the opposite of him. Quiet, reserved but anxious.
Protection || @peanutpinet💕💔✅💯
↳ NCT was developing a new technology to help them expand more and help them to always be one step ahead of their enemy
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12-7 Room || @zh-lele💕🔄
↳ Surviving a week to Donghyuck's charms and jokes can't be so hard... Worst case scenario, you end up completely falling for your brother's best friend.
Ghostie || @smileysuh🔞✅💯💯
↳ As one am rolls around, you start to realize that maybe tonight you won’t get a call. He is a frat boy, and this is Halloween weekend.  You’re disappointed as you get into bed, frowning as you scroll on your phone, hoping that if you wait another five minutes, maybe he’ll catch you. Five minutes turns into ten, turns into fifteen, and you find your eyes beginning to shut. You’re starting to understand how much you truly have come to depend on Ghostie as part of your nightly ritual. It hurts not to get a call from your favourite voice-modulated anonymous frat boy.
I Saw Her First || @astayinwonderland🔞✅
↳ you are tired after a long day of meetings but you step into an elevator with jaehyun-- however, you don't know mark has his eyes on you too
Send In The Clowns || @smileysuh🔞✅💯
↳ “She’s not the reason we’re dressed as clowns,” Hyuck is quick to insist. He’s such a good liar. Jungwoo would almost believe it, if you hadn’t told him your Halloween clown plan. It’s no secret to you that your three frat friends all have crushes on you, so you’d decided to tell Jaehyun about wanting to fuck a clown, just to see who would actually follow through with the costume. You’d expected one, maybe two- but here are all three men, dressed as exactly what they are: clowns. And it’s obvious to Jungwoo that they think this is their own idea. As if you’re not the puppeteer behind this all. God, Jungwoo loves having you as a best friend, even if your bucket list includes a frat clown Halloween orgy with three of his best friends.
Somebody's Watching Me || @neocentral🔞✅💯
↳ (no summary, but somnophilia)
The Only Exception || @jaylaxies🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ mark was overprotective and he didn’t fail to show it, warning all the guys to stay away from you, his best friends were no exception. so, how will you make it work when you return back after graduating school, only to find that your crush is paying more attention to you than ever? it most certainly doesn’t help that it’s lee donghyuck, to whom, you are strictly off limits.
Treat You Better || @luvyeni🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ renjun hates your boyfriend, he certain he can treat you better
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ASAP || @yeonjunszn💕✅💯💯
↳ you’re not exactly the best barista at zhong coffee, but for some unknown reason (his massive crush on you), mark thinks you can do no wrong. sick and tired of his favoritism and your lack thereof due to absolute obliviousness, your coworkers are determined to fix this problem. asap.
Enchanted To Meet You || @liliansun💕💔✅💯
↳ college was enough to deal with, barely passing classes and struggling to keep up with what was going on in each was a daily struggle. not having time to catch someone’s eye was fine with you, that was until you met him. there was something about him that was enchanting, so you went out to find him, hoping you kept him up the same way he did you.
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The Deal || @xrenjunniesx💕✅💯
↳ when a boy you didn’t know all too well asks for your number, you decide to make him work for it. when he asks for the second time, you make a deal with him.
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NCT 127 Texts || @kumoseiza💕✅💯
↳ Couple Costumes
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10:04AM || @gyeomsweetgyeom💕✅
↳ (soft renjun is superior)
16:47 || @lovesuhng💕✅
↳ "Don't be afraid to cry in front of me, I've got you."
9:35PM || @gyeomsweetgyeom💕✅
↳ (hyuck is a menace but hes their child)
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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cositapreciosa · 11 months
Can I please request an Amado x reader fic where he slowly starts to fall in love with her? and, if it's possible, can she be a non-fluent Spanish speaker? Somewhat like Mimi. Thank you so much!
By proxy
Amado Carillo Fuentes x female!reader, (mention of you wearing heels/skirt/painted nails/lipstick, no warnings, the usual for the show) 1545 words
a/n : hopefully this is what you had in mind ! let me know how you like it
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
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When he arrived, you were already seated in the chair next to his assigned one. Sunglasses perched on your nose, colored lips matching your nails, and satellite phone opened to your ear, ushering things in the receiver he couldn’t understand. Amado wouldn’t usually pay attention to all those details, but the space between the seats is narrow and you don’t seem to realize he needs you to get up so that he can finally sit down.
The heat is unbearable today. Of course he knew Belize was going to be hot, but the humidity mixed with little wind is making sweat run down his back. A temperature you don’t seem to mind, deeply invested in whatever conversation you are having, with your freshly pressed shirt, not a bead of sweat on your forehead. He has to cough to get your attention, and the look you give him makes him feel like he is intruding, your palm cupping the receiver so as to not disturb whoever is on the other side.
‘’ Puedo ayudarle? ‘’
That is when he notices your accent, the way the r comes out round and unrolled. You speak English, he thinks, but he can’t figure out more. He’s never really been one to notice the subtleties between accents.
‘’ That’s my seat, ‘’ he begins in English, ‘’ Do you mind if..? ‘’
‘’ Oh. ‘’
You are quickly on your feet, pressing the back of your knees to the chair to make more space for him to pass through. He can smell your perfume, feel the softness of your silk shirt as his hand brushes your elbow as he moves forward. You sit back down at the same time as him, one of your legs moving on top of the other. Before he can even say thank you, you are back on the phone, throwing phrases and fancy words he can’t understand. Is English is good, but it clearly wasn’t fluent enough for whatever business conversation you were having. You close the antenna with a snap.
‘’ I’m sorry about that, not very lady-like of me. ‘’
There is no point for you to try talking to him in Spanish anymore, and as much as he can’t shake away his own accent, he knows his English is probably better than your Spanish. You don’t really mean it, half an apology, half small-talk, too focused on what is happening up front, the first plane being manoeuvered on the tarmac. He offers you a polite smile nonetheless.
‘’ It’s all good. ‘’
The plane isn’t even stopped behind the podium that the auction starts, loud voice coming from the speaker, bragging about the size of the crew cabin, the space in between the seats. Nothing he needs to know, nothing that would make a difference in the type of business he plans on making with those buys. Rip it all out, he would say, start loading it up. It goes pretty fast after that, when the auctioneer finally stops talking about the whys and the hows and starts selling the plane.
He can feel you watching, chin turning his way every time he buys a plane. Probably because, compared to him, you haven’t bought much so far, no one did really.
‘’ May I ask you what all those planes are for? ‘’
You are bold, he can give you that, biting your questions, answers rolling off your tongue just as quickly. He doesn’t even realize when he started smiling, cheeks touching the underside of his sunglasses.
‘’ I could ask you the same question. ‘’
Your bite the inside of your cheek, as if you are thinking it through, if you should actually give him an answer or just another question in response.
‘’ Fair enough. Maybe our bosses’ business isn’t for us commoners to talk about. ‘’
‘’ Oh, no, you’re mistaken. I’m the boss. ‘’
That catches your eyes, knees turning to his side, body following shortly as your own sunglasses slide down your nose with the movement. He knew it would, maybe that is why he said it. There is something fun about you, carefree, that feels like it could turn this chore into something enjoyable for once. He never liked making small talk, but he does appreciate this back-and-forth that is happening. Amado watches as your elbow drapes over the back of your chair before you speak.
‘’ What’s your name again? ‘’
You do be asking many questions, he realizes, but he gives you his name nonetheless, finding himself to enjoy it when you give yours back.
‘’ Then, Amado, ‘’ You continue, ‘’ Why do the dirty work? It’s hot as hell on this tarmac. No budget for shades, the paddles are plastic, no wine bar, what’s in it for you? ‘’
‘’ Good company, clearly. You seem to be doing those a lot. ‘’
He loves the way his name sounds coming out of your mouth. You barely acknowledge his statement, raising your own paddle for a small luxury plane as your attention turns back to the front. A few second passes, before the gavel smashes the podium. As the applause dies down, the auctioneer talks into his microphone, voice booming and with more spectacle than he usually enjoys.
‘’ Told my boss I could speak Spanish, but I’m more at a 4-year-old level than anything else. You mind translating that for me? ‘’
He can tell you are flirting, trying to keep the conversation going. Your eyes are playful, meeting his and twisting his insides, sparkling warmth to his chest. This feels different, and he wonders if he has gotten too old for this. Still, he plays into it.
‘’ He said the plane’s all yours, mija, but that you have to pilot it back to the US if you want to keep it. ‘’
Your laugh makes the people in front of you turn, you don’t mind them though, continuing to look at the vendors as they parade the planes around.
‘’ I would crash the damn thing. You don’t happen to know a good pilot, do you? ‘’
He leans his head to your side, close enough to smell your perfume again, almost tasting the salt from your skin.
‘’ Hmm. I got someone in mind. ‘’
‘’ Well I hope he’s any good, I plan on coming back in one piece. ‘’
You are raising your paddle again, two, three times until the sale is yours. He is sure you get more Spanish than you let him on, or maybe you just go for looks and hope the plane fits your budget, if you have any. You haven’t talked much about why you are here either, and he can’t help but wonder who would buy almost as many planes as him. It is not as much, clearly, he is here to buy the biggest ones, all of them, but you have been weirdly focusing on the smaller ones, the cleaner ones, rivalling all the white heads on the tarmac.
‘’ Don’t worry, ‘’ He says as he adjusts himself on the chair, ‘’ I’ll land us safe and sound. ‘’
You find this funny, beaming at him, smile wide and refreshing in the heat. He can tell your eyes are curious, squinting from the sun as you look at him over your sunglasses.
‘’ How romantic. ‘’
There is no real implication behind your words, mostly mocking him, brushing off your actual surprise that he is in fact a pilot. Amado buys the last three planes, it is a quick process, raising his paddle, gavel knocking, and before he knows it you are on your feet, heels clacking on the asphalt the moment they end the auction.
He watches as you pull down your skirt, gathering your things in one hand while the other moves towards him, wide open for a handshake.
‘’ Well, Amado, the pleasure was all mine. I guess I’ll see you at the next one? ‘’
Probably not, he thinks, but he gets the sentiment, appreciates it even. He shakes your hand, your warm palm against his, a fingernail grazing the inside of his wrist.
‘’ I thought I was supposed to fly you back home? ‘’
‘’ Are you asking me out on a date? ‘’
‘’ Maybe. Are you saying yes? ‘’
You don’t answer him straight away, sizing him up and down. He can’t tell what you are looking for, but the small smile on your lips makes him think whatever he is doing is working. You take your hand back, pushing hair behind your ear.
‘’ I’m staying in San Ignacio tonight. The hotel’s bar is pretty good if you’d like to drop by for a drink. ‘’
You don’t wait for him to answer, turning on your heels and walking down the aisle, waving to a man in a suit that is quick to walk you to a black suv. He can do nothing but mirror your smile, pushing his sunglasses up his head. He wouldn’t mind doing the drive, especially if it means he could see you again.
He doesn’t have to think more about it, you had him at ‘bar’, ‘drink’, the notes of vanilla in your perfume. A cold Whiskey actually sounds like a good idea.
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 9 months
Thank you all so much!
Your wonderful comments about the comic are very appreciated and dear to my heart! I'm so glad you all enjoy this little labor of Valenfield love. We all know they have such juicy angst to draw from, so it made my job easier (and references, sooo much reference used) :P
As a bonus, this post includes some of the ideas/pieces for the comic (including some that were cut) and other tasty tidbits.
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While I like some of the pages below, it just wasn't coming together the way I wanted. So I took a look at the dream sequence again and determined to elaborate more on the initial embrace.
So below is the work in progress that had me stumped for MONTHS. I kept trying to think about how I wanted to draw it, but ultimately, an inspiration struck for the first hug and I decided to scrap this idea. Though I really like some of the pictures that came out of it.
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Also, a page that was cut from the final. We (my sister and I) felt like the ending was better without it. We wanted to leave some ambiguity, whereas with these pages they are definitely leaning in for a kiss.
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Reference. Reference. Reference. There was so much reference used for this comic. It made it turn out so much better, too! And finally, the script is included below. (Hopefully this can be helpful to any of the non-English speakers!)
[Chris visits Jill at the lab facility while she is under testing] Chris: ...I still hate seeing you hooked up to that thing. When will they take you off it? Jill: Dr. Garrison said it should only be another week or so. Chris: [slightly irked] Really, another week? Haven’t they put you through enough? Jill: Oh, it’s not so bad... You get used to it. Chris: Well, I certainly haven’t... Jill: Always such a worry-wart, you know that? Chris: Hey, can you blame me? Jill: [playfully shrugs] Nah. Chris and Jill share a chuckle. [Beat] Chris: ... You know, I ... I never had the guts to really say it. To tell you... ... how I really feel... about... everything. Jill: Ha. You tell me everyday, Chris. I know - you hate this hunk of junk I’m hooked up to! I’m surprised you haven’t given it the boulder treatment yet. Chris: [shakes head and smirks] Tch... [quiet pause] ... How about the blood work? Have they found anything new? Jill: No, not since last week, but they’re still drawing blood here and there to be sure. Chris: [sighs, shaking head] Jill: They’re just trying to be thorough, Chris. Chris: ... I know, I know... I just... I don’t like seeing you treated like their test-subject. Jill: Chris, I consented to this. It’s for the greater-good. You of all people should understand that. Chris: [sigh] I know... But... It’s just that... Ah, forget it. Jill: I’m alright, really. Chris: [shakes his head, but smiles at Jill] Somehow I knew you’d say that. The whole world could be falling apart around you with the worst stroke of luck, yet you’d still insist that you’re ‘alright’. Jill: Well, I have been alright... I’m still kicking, aren’t I? Besides, it could always be worse. Chris: Worse? Considering all that you’ve been through, I’m not sure “worse” is possible for you. I don’t even want to think of that... Jill: Oh, it is possible... Chris: Tsh, is that so? Jill: Yeah... for instance, I... [gazing into Chris’ eyes] I could have lost you... Chris: [gazes back] [husky whisper] I’m not going anywhere... Jill: [smiles, whispers back] I know. [quiet as they continue to smile at one another] [Chris glances down, appearing to convince himself to say something] Chris: Jill, I... I don’t -- I hate what’s happened to you... And I hate that I wasn’t able to stop it sooner. Jill: Don’t beat yourself up, Chris. None of this is your fault. Chris: I can’t help but feel responsible though... I wasn’t strong enough to take him down that night... to protect you. Losing you... it was like... living a nightmare I could never wake up from. Jill: Chris... Chris: I miss you... I miss you by my side. I hate what Wesker has taken from you, from me - from us. I don’t ever want to lose you again. I don’t mean to be a downer, I just -- I hate seeing you like this - the reminder of what’s happened, of what he’s done... ... Because... well... [sigh] I... I don’t want to lose anymore than we already have, but I -- how do I put this... I need to tell you... that I... Jill: [holds Chris’ hand] Chris. Chris: ? Jill: [gazes/smiles] I love you, too. Chris: [gazes/smiles back]
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drewexe · 2 years
Like The Stars Pt. 2
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pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Pairing: jaemin x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff, sex lessons au, friends to lovers
Word Count: ~8,8k
Includes: high school seniors (everyone is legal of age); canon bisexual mc; side characters donghyuck, renjun, and karina; profanities; obviously, sex lessons; kind of a slow burn?; mc being oblivious and kind of innocent but hopefully not in an annoying way; a blowjob + fingering (going slow and steady, yes)
Summary: you'd had a crush on renjun for as long as you could remember, but your lack of experience always stopped you from taking the first step; it's a good thing you have your trusted friend jaemin to help you out
Author's note: okay so here is the part 2 of this little story ! once again, thank you all so much for all the love you've given to pt1, i appreciate all of you so much ! i hope you'll enjoy this part just as much ^^ disclaimer, time moves weirdly in this, please close your eyes and pretend it makes sense ehe-
Despite your genuine intention, it took more than a couple of weeks before your lessons went further. It’d been in fact almost two months now. Not that you didn't have… sessions, during that period. No, it was just that every time you tried to go on, you got anxious again and instead, just repeated what you already had tried. At least you could say you were getting better at handjobs by now, as Jaemin had given you more tips and advice, as well as simply letting you get more practice.
Yet you were getting frustrated with yourself - why were you so scared by the idea of a blowjob? It was dumb. Especially since the whole point was that you could have a safe environment and someone you trust who would guide you and not mock you if you messed up. So you figured that it was about damn time.
Jaemin had invited you over to his place as he needed help with English and you had happily agreed - as someone who traveled a lot, it was safe to say that you were more than able to help. Currently, the two of you were sitting on the floor in his room, notebooks spread between you two as you did your best to explain to him the different forms of past tense and their proper uses. 
You were in the middle of explaining how past perfect tense worked when he suddenly let out a loud huff and plopped down to lay on his back.
“This is so annoying!” he whined, kicking up one of his legs slightly. “I don't wanna study anymore, who cares if I fail the class!”
You raised your eyebrows at him and reached over, slapping his knee. 
“Stop acting like a spoiled child, Nana” you scolded, yet a small smile curved your lips in endearment. 
“Y/N, I am a spoiled child,” he said, raising his head to look at you. Upon noticing your smile, he grinned back immediately and stood up. “Come on, don't tell me you actually wanna just keep your nose buried in these notebooks the whole afternoon,” he raised his eyebrows. Your only response was shaking your head slightly in disappointment. 
He huffed again and pouted, picking up his pen again as you once again started explaining. Unfortunately, it wasn't even 5 minutes later when he interrupted you again: “Okay, I can't focus for real, I'm sorry.”
“Alright, enough for today,” you hummed. Truth be told, you too weren't in the mood to go on, especially if it wouldn't help at all. The two of you quickly discarded the now unneeded books and you looked at him. “So what should we do then?”
Jaemin shrugged, leaning his back on the bed behind him.
“Anything you wanna do specifically?” he turned the question to you, a soft smile on his lips. 
Your mind spiraled away through what options you had, until the lesson you had just finished reminded you of the lessons you had yet to go through. Biting your lips, you looked at him. 
“I think I'm ready to go further,” you said quietly, hoping he would understand. When he looked at you with confusion, you clarified: “With my own lessons. If you're okay with that, of course.”
He looked at you for a long moment and you were almost getting anxious when he chuckled.
“I never would have expected that you'd be so excited to learn about sex, princess.” His tone held no objection or mockery though, simply amusement, so you rolled your eyes in response.
“I don't remember you disagreeing even once,” you pointed out and he scoffed slightly, leaning closer to you.
“Would you talk back like that if I was Renjun?” he asked quietly and for a second, you felt like there was something more behind those words. Yet his usual grin was back again in a blink as he got up off his spot and made his way to sit on the bed again.
Seeing him get comfortable, you lifted yourself slightly and crawled over to him, plopping down on your knees. When you looked up at him, you found him staring at you, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Way to set the mood,” he chuckled a bit awkwardly, reaching over to cup your chin gently. “Don't push yourself too hard, okay?” 
You nodded slightly in confirmation, gently pressing your palm over his crotch. You started rubbing slow circles over his length and he let go of your face in favor of resting his arms on his sides for balance. It didn't take long before you felt him get hard under your touch so you pulled your hand away and reached up to undo his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear. By now you had grown used to seeing his dick, yet now that you were planning on putting it in your mouth, the anxiousness from the first time was back. To distract yourself, you looked up at him again.
“Say, would you mind taking your t-shirt off for me this time?” you asked, fluttering your eyelashes at him fakely. 
“You're gonna be the death of me,” he laughed, yet obliged quickly, the fabric thrown somewhere to the side and quickly forgotten about. 
You took a moment just to admire his upper body. He wasn't really buff, yet his muscles were well defined. You couldn't help but reach up and gently trace the outline of his abs, feeling the muscles tense slightly under your touch.
“Sorry, I-” you pulled your hand away quickly.
“No, it's okay,” he reassured you quickly with a short exhale. “That's nice”. You smiled at him in appreciation and your hand was back at its spot, gently touching his stomach. 
Slowly, you dragged it down his skin until it reached his half-hard length and you wrapped your hand around him as your other one came to rest on his thigh. You started stroking him slowly, your main goal right now was to work him up enough. You had come to learn that teasing slow touches and occasionally tightening your grip around him worked great for this so it didn't take you long to have him fully hard. 
“Remember, take it slow, okay?” he made sure to say, though his voice was already a bit strained. “Don't go all in at once and you don't have to right away take it in your mouth. You can just use your tongue at first.” 
You hummed and leaned down, dragging your tongue up the underside of his length, drawing a curse out of him. You couldn't help but smile as you repeated the action and he squirmed slightly. You pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the side, squeezing your hand around him gently, then moved your lips up to the tip. That was it, you were finally doing it. Inhaling through your nose, you wrapped your lips around the head and your tongue licked at the slit. 
You looked up to see how he would react and found him staring at you intensely, body tensed up as if he was trying to hold back from reacting. When his eyes met yours, he cursed quietly under his breath and one of his hands moved to curl into your hair. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he rubbed your scalp reassuringly.
“You're doing great so far, princess,” he praised quietly. 
Suppressing your smile, you twirled your tongue around his tip and at the same time started stroking him with your hand again. Okay, truth be told, you had done a little bit of research on your own - not that you didn't trust that Jaemin would be a good enough teacher, you just wanted to make him proud and you couldn't do that without any real idea of how blowjobs worked. Judging by the way his hips twitched, it was worth it. You did want to make him feel as good as possible though, so finally mustering up the courage, you opened your lips wider and started moving down, trying to take as much as you could of him.
Obviously, though, you had overestimated yourself as not even halfway down, you started feeling uncomfortable and you had to slow down. You felt a tug at your hair, which you took as a sign to go on so you forced yourself to go further, yet a new one, a bit harder came.
“Stop- fuck, Y/N, stop,” Jaemin groaned out and you immediately pulled away, scared you'd fucked up everything.
“What did I do wrong?” you asked immediately after you took a proper breath, looking up at him with a sense of panic filling you up. 
“You didn't-” he started, pausing as if to rearrange his thoughts or to find the proper words. “You haven't done anything wrong, princess,” Jaemin said finally, looking at you with gentle eyes. “Trust me, you are doing really well.”
“Then why did you want me to stop?” your voice was quiet and you bit your lips. 
“You're focusing too much on what you think you should do next,” he responded, gently stroking your hair, which soothed the slight sting from the pull earlier. “Relax, okay? If these things are done the way they should be, both you and your partner should be enjoying it. You have the upper hand, you're the one in control right now, don't rush through it just to cover everything.” You blinked up at him, confused at what he meant exactly. “You tried to go all the way down, didn't you?” he asked and you nodded slightly. “Don't. I mean, do it if you want to, obviously, but do it when you feel ready, not just because you think that's what's supposed to happen next. You're doing so well, just go with what feels comfortable for you.”
“Okay,” you hummed quietly and the smile that curved his lips was so endearing that you felt fluttering in your chest. You leaned down again, yet he spoke up again, pulling your attention.
“Go slow and have fun. And if you're not having fun, stop, okay?” He was staring at you intensely so you nodded in confirmation, a silent reassurance that you wanted to do this.
Back on track, you took the tip back between your lips, sucking gently as your hand was once again moving along his shaft at a moderate pace. Then you thought about his words - have fun. You slowed down your hand, having just the tips of your fingers press against his skin. You started pressing open-mouthed kisses against his length, occasionally licking gently. Jaemin's hand moved back into your hair.
“Do you really have to be a fucking tease?” he whined out, though you thought whining wasn't what he was going for. “I've been waiting for this for so long and you…”
“I'm having fun,” you said innocently, licking your lips as you pulled away and looked up at him, brushing your thumb down the underside of his dick. The slight twitch of his body made you smile slightly and you tightened your grip around him again, this time a little harder.
“Shouldn't have said that,” he groaned out, leaning his head back and exposing his neck to you. You laughed in amusement, yet you couldn't help but think about marking him up again. He was right, it was best not to do it to avoid someone catching up. Yet maybe if they weren't visible… 
Still having your hand stroke him at a slow pace, you moved your lips on his inner thigh. You kissed the skin gently, and you could see in the corner of your eye his head shooting up to look at you. You decided to give it a try and started sucking lightly. When he didn't try to stop you, you took on the job more seriously, nibbling on his skin and sucking harder. His thigh shivered slightly under your lips. You pulled away only when you were sure a mark would be left and you were not disappointed. 
You looked up again at him and found him biting his lips. He seemed so tense and you realized that you'd forgotten about your initial task, your hand only loosely wrapped around the base of his dick. You mumbled an apology and brought your lips back to his tip. This time you felt a little better, you were pretty sure you could do this. Wrapping your lips around him, you slowly started taking him in again. You felt the same pressure from before, yet this time you were better prepared for it. Relaxing your jaw, you pulled out to the tip and then went back down as much as you could. 
Your mouth was working slowly, your tongue helping here and there. You looked up for a reaction but you were not prepared for the groan that left Jaemin's lips as your eyes met his.
“You look so sinfully beautiful like this, fuck-” he gasped out, his hips twitching up slightly.
You felt pride fill you up again and that alone was enough to motivate you to go lower. The pressure increased and you couldn't help but choke slightly. What you didn't expect was to hear Jaemin moan out your name at that. Your eyes widened slightly and you felt a shiver run down your spine. Up until now, he had been giving positive reactions to whatever you did to him, but this was the first time you had heard something as vocal as that. In all honesty, you loved it. So you wanted to try it again. Yet as you once again started taking more of him in your mouth, you felt Jaemin's grip on your hair tighten. His self-control seemed to not be enough for this as he bucked his hips up. The movement wasn't big, but it was sharp and you couldn't help but choke again.
Jaemin groaned lowly, eyes closed as if he was trying to focus on you and your mouth only. His fingers loosened their hold on your hair gently again and you were relieved to be able to pull away a bit. Maybe with a little more practice, you'd be able to do this for longer. Now was not that moment so instead, you focused on the amount of him that you were comfortable with in your mouth. You kept your hand on the part that you couldn't cover. 
You were starting to feel a little overwhelmed already. It felt like you'd been doing this for quite some time and you considered pulling away for a breath and asking if you were not doing something right. But with one harder squeeze of your fingers around his length, you felt him tense up in that way that you knew indicated he would cum soon. 
“I'm close, princess,” he breathed out heavily, opening his eyes to look at you. You noticed how dilated his pupils were. “You don't have to- you can pull away and finish up with just your hands, otherwise it might be a bit too much for a first time,” he advised. The effort he put into making sure to be considerate and helpful was touching. So you decided to give it a shot.
Instead of pulling away, you focused on sucking harder and speeding up your movements as much as you could, bringing him over to the edge quicker than you'd expected. Suddenly, you felt a warm liquid fill your mouth and you pulled away a little so you could swallow comfortably. At first, it was okay, his cum felt a little too thick but you could manage. But quickly it did indeed get too much and you felt some of it escape the corners of your mouth. You swallowed as much as you could before finally pulling away. 
You looked up at him once again. He was breathing heavily, sweat glistening on his skin and his eyes were frozen on your mouth. You quickly wiped away the cum that was still on your chin, imagining you probably looked kinda disgusting, looking away embarrassed. He had specifically told you not to try that yet, but you had overestimated yourself and ended up making a mess of yourself. 
“So fucking gorgeous,” you heard him mumble and your eyes widened slightly, looking back at him in surprise. He chuckled quietly, leaning down to brush your hair away from your face and carefully wiping the corners of your lips. “I wanna scold you for not listening to me, yet I also wanna kiss you so much right now because you look so damn hot.”
You blinked in confusion, your brain not fully understanding how you could have possibly looked hot with cum dribbling down your chin.
“Did you really… find that attractive?” you asked doubtfully and he laughed. 
“Come here,” he said, tapping his thighs and you carefully stood up, sitting in his lap. Well almost stumbling in it as your knees nearly gave out when you stood up. “Can I kiss you?” 
“But I just-” you started, but he shushed you and cupped your cheek. He leaned closer but didn't press his lips against yours just yet. You realized he was waiting for confirmation. “Well, if it doesn't disturb you at all, yes,” you said quietly. 
He was kissing you before you even had time to process it. His lips were moving against yours, a hint of almost desperation in the way he pushed his tongue in your mouth. You had a second to question how he didn't feel gross about kissing you while the taste of him was still in your mouth before thoughts left your mind completely and you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing closer to him. When you pulled away, he licked his lips and pressed them against your neck gently in a soft peck, making you shiver. 
“You did so well, princess,” he mumbled against your skin and you felt yourself heating up. His arms wrapped around your waist as if to pull you closer, yet he didn't do that. “You're always doing your best, I am so proud of you.”
“Nana?” It's not that you didn't appreciate the praise, on the contrary, you loved hearing it. But his voice was so soft and full of appreciation, that you were a little confused. 
As if the sound of his name pulled him from a trance, he pulled away from your skin and unwrapped his arms from you.
“Anyways, I'm sorry to ask you to move again but I should get dressed again, so…” he chuckled and you got up from him. He pulled his pants back on, dug out a new t-shirt, and returned to the bed, getting in it as he offered his arm to you. “Cuddles?”
You weren't one to say no so with a smile you quickly got on the bed as well, laying down next to him. You curled up on his side, one of his arms wrapping around your waist gently.  Sighing quietly, you got comfortable and closed your eyes. Not that you wanted to sleep at the moment, but it was just peaceful enough that you felt like you could. Yet your mind was still a little bit stuck on what you had been doing just a few minutes ago. 
“Nana… were you- holding back earlier?” you asked, eyes focused on the ceiling above your heads instead of the boy.
“I'm always holding back when I'm with you, princess,” he chuckled and you felt like there was something more in that confession that you should have caught onto, yet you weren't sure what it was exactly. “By the way, I was thinking…” You hummed, looking at him in expectation. “I know this is technically to help you and all, but… well, obviously I get quite a lot from it so…”
“Come on, what is it?” you pushed, the pauses in his sentences making it obvious to you that he was stalling. You weren't even sure what to expect from him in this situation.
“Well, as I said, I won't do anything to you that you haven't asked me for, but…” he sighed, looking at you finally. “I was thinking that it's not fair that only you do all the work so… if you ever, like, need me to return the favor or something, I'd be happy to help.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, and suddenly the image of him going down on you came back to your mind. 
“So if I asked you to get me off right now, you'd agree?” you asked to confirm if you'd really understood him. Yet he seemed to take it as an invitation, or maybe it was just blatantly obvious that you were in fact quite needy as a small smirk curved his lips and the hand that was wrapped around your waist subtly moved lower down your stomach.
“I like to think that I'm quite skilled in this so I promise you won't be disappointed, princess,” he said and you almost wanted to smack him just to wipe the confidence off his face. Almost. Except that it sent a tingle down your spine and your breath caught in your throat when you felt his fingers press gently against the wetness between your legs. He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Shit, you do seem like you need it quite a lot right now.”
You opened your mouth to say something - defend yourself or remind him about how easily he got worked up every time you touched him. But you didn't get a chance to voice out anything as at that moment someone rang the doorbell. Jaemin froze, a curse escaping him a second later and he pulled away. 
“I completely forgot I promised Renjun we'd play today,” he sighed as he got up off the bed. It took you a moment to realize then your eyes widened. 
“Wait, that's Renjun at the door?!” you asked, your voice rising slightly as you sat up immediately. Jaemin nodded and you felt like this had to be some cruel joke. 
You got off the bed and rushed over to the mirror in his room. As you suspected, your hair was a mess and your lips were still puffy from earlier. You cursed under your nose, reaching for Jaemin's hairbrush to at least get your hair to look normal. Once you deemed yourself presentable enough, the two of you made your way downstairs and Jaemin went to open. 
“Hey, man, come in,” he greeted, grinning at the slightly older boy and stepping to the side so he could enter. “Sorry I took a while, Y/N is here, she was helping me with English,” he explained and you were glad that there was a normal reason for you to be at his place initially.
“Oh, hey, Y/N!” Renjun beamed at you when his eyes met yours and you smiled back, waving at him. “Sorry to interrupt your study session,” he said and the irony of it almost made you laugh.
“It's okay,” you reassured, fingers playing with the bracelet on your wrist nervously. “Do you two want me to leave you or something?”
“Oh, no, we'd love you to stay,” Jaemin was the first one to reply, grinning. “If you don't mind watching us play, of course.”
You shook your head to confirm you didn't in fact mind just watching and so the three of you moved to the living room where Jaemin's gaming console was situated. 
Jaemin wasn't known for having a strong competitive spirit, yet for some reason, at the moment he seemed determined to not allow Renjun to win. Renjun, on the other side, was always competitive. Legs thrown over Jaemin's lap on the couch, you watched the most intense gameplay you'd ever seen. Your eyes moved to Renjun who had chosen to take a spot cross-legged on the floor next to the couch, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he pressed buttons on his joystick furiously. You chuckled quietly, looking up at Jaemin instead. There was determination in his eyes that you were not used to seeing. His jaw was clenched tightly and you couldn't help but admire his side profile for a second. He was an extremely good-looking boy, no wonder girls in school were so whipped for him. Well, obviously you had always known that but in the light of the most recent events between you two, you felt like you were seeing him in a new light.
Then you looked back at Renjun again. You had been in love with him almost as long as you could remember knowing him. Obviously, he was attractive, although it was in a different way from Jaemin. Renjun was somehow softer to look at, largely due to the fact that he was shorter and more petite. You knew that below the softness he was fiery and not to be messed with, but you had always been, well, soft for him. Thinking about it, you weren't sure if you had ever thought about him in a sexual way. You didn't think that was a bad thing. But you couldn't really bring yourself to imagine being intimate with him even right now, nervousness filling you as you attempted that, unlike how comfortable you felt with Jaemin. 
Caught up in your head, you had forgotten about the game the two boys were playing and you were pretty startled when Jaemin suddenly jumped up with a victorious shout, making your legs fall to the side and causing you to lose your balance as you nearly fell off the couch. 
“You don't usually care this much about winning, Jaemin,” Renjun laughed, shaking his head slightly, although you could see on his face the disappointment and frustration of losing. 
“We don't usually have an audience,” Jaemin pointed out, turning his shining eyes to you as a grin spread his lips. “I dedicate this win to you, princess. And I also believe I deserve a congratulatory kiss for it.”
He was joking, obviously, he had to be. He couldn't have just asked you to kiss him in front of Renjun. You stared at him wide-eyed, your legs still dangling awkwardly from the couch. Yet no laugh came and no ‘just kidding’ so you had to assume he really meant it. Glancing shortly at Renjun, you stood up and told yourself to relax, smiling at him. 
"Oh, my brave knight in shining armor, you have made me the happiest person in this room by winning for me a game that I don’t even know the name of," you said dramatically as you leaned over and pressed a peck against his cheek, his smile widening even more. 
Renjun's eyes moved between you two, his eyebrows raised as if he was trying to piece everything together and make sense of it.
“You two have gotten closer recently,” he remarked and for a second you were scared he'd assume something which would not be true at all. You were ready to say something to distract him, yet he spoke up first. "I'm happy to see it, though. I always thought you’re a bit too distant." 
You felt relief wash over you - he thought you were simply better friends. Well, you guessed he was right about that. But at least he hadn't caught up that there could be more behind that.
“This boy is tragic in English, I have to come to help him quite often,” you chuckled. 
Jaemin shot you a quick upset look that appeared as if feeling betrayed that you'd called him out on his English skills (which weren't even that bad, to begin with), yet you felt bad for lying like that, even though you knew that you couldn't possibly tell Renjun the truth.
The school cafeteria was emptier than usual as one of the teachers had called in sick today and everyone who had classes with her had had a free period. As a result, some of the students who had classes with her before or after lunch break had decided to go for a meal somewhere outside. Well, your friend group wasn't among those people so you were, as usual, sitting on one of the tables in the back of the room, each munching on something. 
“Oh, Jaemin, how did your English test go?” you asked suddenly, remembering that his English class had been one of his first. 
“I think I've got it,” he grinned proudly, winking at you and you rolled your eyes, yet smiled at him. 
“Well, no wonder, if Y/N has been helping you out and you still manage to fail, you must be a complete idiot,” Renjun noted, taking a bite of his sandwich. At the questioning look on the other two of your friends' faces, he blinked. “You guys didn't know as well? Turns out these two have been having English lessons together for a while now.”
“Oh, makes sense why you suddenly got so much closer with him then," Karina commented, a piece of chicken forgotten on her fork as she looked between you two. “I was starting to wonder since you never really said anything,” she grinned almost knowingly, setting her fork down and taking a sip of her drink instead. 
“I know, right?” Renjun laughed. “Yesterday when I was over, they seemed so comfortable together, she even played along with his dumb flirting.”
“Yep, I just didn't think that's really something worth mentioning,” you nodded quickly. 
Were you really going to get away so easily? Karina and Renjun didn't seem to really suspect anything, it seemed. But then your eyes moved to Hyuck and you found him looking at you with a calculating look on his face. You looked away, pretending you hadn't noticed. Hopefully, he wouldn't figure it out in the end. Hopefully, he wouldn't mention it. 
Yet hope was a dangerous thing, you realized when you walked out of your next class and found Donghyuck waiting for you, arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“You're having sex, aren't you?” he asked bluntly and you looked around frantically. No one seemed to pay you two attention. 
“No!” you tried to deny quickly, but the look on his face told you he wasn't buying it. “Okay, yeah, I ended up asking him for real,” you admitted, fidgeting with your bracelet. 
“Are you sure it's a good idea?” the boy asked and you felt a little bit better when you realized there was no judgment in his question, it was more like he was concerned. So you nodded, smiling. 
“He's a great teacher and he's careful with me, plus I really do enjoy spending time with him even without that so it's pretty much a win-win situation,” you reassured, yet Hyuck seemed like he had something else in mind. 
“Well, I hope you're right,” he said simply. “Such arrangements don't usually end well.” 
But before you could ask for clarification, you saw Jaemin appear from the corner of the corridor as if he had heard you talking. In a blink, the serious expression on Hyuck's face was gone, replaced with a grin. 
“Hey, lover boy,” he greeted the slightly younger boy and Jaemin slowed down in his steps, glancing at you. 
“You told him...?” he asked in confusion.
“Tell me what?” Hyuck faked surprise, raising his eyebrows. “Something going on between you two aside from those English lessons?”
“He figured it out,” you sighed, smacking Donghyuck on the arm lightly. “I told you, I was on the phone with him when I was trying to remember things from the party. Unfortunately.”
“You truly amaze me,” Donghyuck laughed, patting Jaemin on the back. “I don't know what's funnier, the fact that your excuse for the others was English lessons or the fact that they bought it.”
“Don't jinx it,” you rolled your eyes. “And please don't tell them. I'd prefer Renjun not to know about this. And Karina… well, she’s my best friend, I'll tell her myself at some point.”
You were relieved when he nodded in agreement. You were startled by his arm suddenly wrapping around your shoulders and you looked to the side to find him grinning at you. 
“You know, Y/N, I’ve heard rumors that Jaemin never sleeps with the same girl twice,” Hyuck whispered way too loudly. “Can you imagine? High school heartthrob, the most wanted boy that no one can truly have, is breaking his principles for you, Y/N,” he said dramatically and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up, Hyuck, the two are completely different,” Jaemin scoffed and you could hear the cutting annoyance in his tone. 
“I also heard,” Hyuck ignored him, widening his eyes for the sake of being dramatic. “That he’s not had a hook-up in a while now. Hmmm, maybe since around the beginning of the new school year. Why could that be?”
“Stop rambling nonsense,” Jaemin snapped, hitting him on the back of the head and Donghyuck laughed cheerfully, running away before Jaemin had the chance to use any more violence. 
He didn’t miss the chance to send you a dramatic wink though before he was out of sight. As Jaemin walked you to your next class in comfortable silence, you couldn’t help but wonder why Donghyuck had mentioned both of those ‘rumors’. And the thought haunted you for a while after as well.
It wasn’t one of your best days, you could admit that. You had overslept and arrived late for school, mid-class realized you had forgotten both your history books (which meant that the teacher wouldn’t let you stay in class unless you could find someone to borrow from and, unlucky you, you couldn’t) and your lunch (which wasn’t as bad but still upsetting). On top of that, your mom had texted you that both she and your dad wouldn’t make it home today due to work. You were upset and slightly stressed out and your mind couldn’t focus on anything. So instead of going home once classes ended, you hid in the library. 
“Oh, thank you, I wouldn’t have thought to check here,” a familiar voice said and you lifted your head from the table to see a familiar head. The librarian walked away as Jaemin took a book from one of the shelves and turned around. His eyes stopped on you and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, you know, soaking up some of the smart vibes,” you tried to joke, but you failed to make it sound humorous. 
Jaemin seemed to catch on quickly that you weren’t your usual self and he made his way over to you, taking the seat across from yours. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing with concern. 
“Oh, nothing really, just having an off day,” you reassured, managing a smile. 
To be honest, seeing him lifted your mood. How hadn’t you thought about reaching out to him before for company? With your different class schedules, you often had a hard time seeing your friends at school, sometimes even during the lunch break you couldn’t all be together and it had slipped your mind that the other four of your friend group were actually in the same building as you.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked carefully and didn't push when you shook your head no. “Alright then, is there anything I can do to make it better?” 
“Already did, Jaem,” you smiled, reaching over to ruffle his hair and he chuckled. “I don't know why I didn't think of texting you for company or something.”
“Oh, that could happen,” he waved his hand. “I'm here now. Although I must admit, the school library is not my location of choice.”
“Well, if you want you can come over,” you offered. “My parents won't be home today so I would appreciate some company.” You couldn't help the bitterness in your tone.
The look on his face showed you that he understood what you weren't telling him - how much their absence affected you, how much you hated being alone in your home. Yet he didn't say anything about it, instead just smiled and agreed. 
About 20 minutes and a bus ride later, the two of you walked into your house. The big empty space and the thought that there wouldn't be anyone else in here tonight overwhelmed you and you didn't feel like using the common rooms so you led the way to your bedroom. 
“You know, I've been thinking about redecorating here,” you said, humming to yourself as you looked around. “Wanna help me?” you turned to him, smiling with sudden excitement. 
“Sure,” he grinned. “What’cha thinking of doing?”
“Hmmm, I think it's time I take off some of those posters over there,” you pointed, “and I have a box of photos that I wanna put up but was always too lazy to do that.”
As you spoke, you walked over to your desk and pulled out the box in question. You shuffled through the things inside it - photos of you and your friends at random places and times plus a few with your parents - and were surprised to find an unopened pack of glow-in-the-dark stars. You had also wanted to put some of those on your walls but the thought had slipped your mind and now, looking at them, a smile curved your lips. Jaemin leaned over your shoulder, surprising you as you had not realized he was behind you, and chuckled. 
“Sounds great, let's do it.”
Taking off the old things was easy, although a bit annoying. The real challenge came when it was time to put up the new stuff. The photos had a designated space on a corkboard that the two of you put up easily, but the arrangement seemed to be a living hell. No matter what you tried, you weren't satisfied. 
“Maybe if you put Karina and Hyuck over here and below them the photo with me?” Jaemin was doing his best to help you, holding up the pins whenever you tried some new configuration. You hummed and tried what he had offered. “I think it looks nice.”
“Yes, but what about this one? It's from the same day as Karina and Hyuck but it doesn't work well in the space that's left,” you huffed, pouting. If only you weren't such a perfectionist at the most random of times…
“Well you could put it across and use them as some sort of frame?” he offered and you followed through, observing the way it looked like that. 
“Yeah, that can work,” you thought about it for a moment, taking a few other photos and filling up the space. Then rearranged some of them. Then once again rearranged them. Finally, things were starting to look satisfying enough. 
Little by little, with small suggestions from Jaemin and a lot of rearranging, you were pleased with what you had accomplished. The faces of your favorite people were looking back at you, smiling as if congratulating you for a job well done. A smile grew on your face as well. 
The next step was putting up the stars. And yes, it was just as hard. You wanted them to make up actual constellations which meant that you had like ten tabs open on your phone as you guided Jaemin on where to put each star. Putting up your star sign's constellation had been the first step, followed by the dragon, which took way too much time, and by the end, you were feeling bad about making Jaemin do all this with you, but he reassured you with a bright smile that he didn't mind. 
“Put that big one as Sirius,” you pointed, currently making the big dog. You had just finished up with Orion. 
“You'll have to be a little more precise, what the fuck is Sirius?” Jaemin laughed awkwardly, looking at you in confusion.
“The brightest star visible in our sky,” you rolled your eyes, chuckling. “And also part of the dog. Take, like, eight times Orion's belt following its line.”
“I know you live in a mansion but I don't think your wall is big enough for that, love,” he rolled his eyes and you huffed.
“Then just follow the line and put it somewhere,” you said, tone slightly bratty, but he obliged without protesting. “Now, put another one above it and to the left kinda, and then kinda make a triangle.”
“God, just show me what it should look like,” Jaemin sighed, turning to you. “This is so far the worst explanation you've given me.”
You exaggerated an exasperated groan and turned your screen towards him, letting him take in the image. Nodding to himself, he got back to work, sticking little glowing stars on your wall and the constellation slowly came to life.
“Alright, there are not enough stars for anything else so that should be all,” you checked the box while Jaemin got off the chair the two of you had set up instead of a ladder. 
“Thank all gods!” he sighed dramatically and you chuckled, walking over to him.
You weren't sure what took over you, yet the next thing you knew was that you were tiptoeing to press your lips, still curved in a small smile, on his in a gentle peck. When you pulled away, his eyebrows were raised in surprise.
“I just-” you started, biting your lips. “Thank you. For helping me and for keeping me company.”
“Of course, princess,” he smiled gently. “Anything you need, I am here to help.”
You bit your lips, thinking for a moment. You were so used to doing something sexual whenever the two of you got together and your mind was already drifting away in that direction. But you didn't want to ruin the pure and soft energy that the two of you had established for now. 
“Nana, can we cuddle?” you asked instead and he chuckled.
“I didn't know you still need to ask about that,” he teased, “given what else that we have done.”
“Yeah, but… it’s always nice to ask, y’know. Plus, I wanna sit in your lap or something like that,” you pouted.
Shaking his head slightly, Jaemin took your hand and pulled you to the bed, getting up on it and pulling you sideways in his lap. He looked at you as if for confirmation that that's what you had meant and you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arm around his waist. One of his arms wrapped around you to hold you closer and his fingers started drawing small figures on your side as his other hand rested on your knee. A small smile curved your lips. It was at times like this when you appreciated how clingy this boy was. It felt perfect, it felt safe. And it felt like home more than the empty house you were in.
For a while it was quiet. Your mind started drifting away and suddenly you remembered the things Donghyuck had said the other day. It wasn’t as much about why he hadn’t made this a one-time thing, instead what kept you thinking was the idea that he had stopped seeing other people. And even more so the fact that you were unexplainably pleased by that.
“Nana?” you said quietly and he hummed. "Have you really not been with anyone else since we started this lessons thing?” 
You felt his fingers stop moving and you looked up at him. He was looking at you, lips pressed together and an unreadable expression on his face. 
“Yeah,” he nodded in the end. “I thought that it would be unfair to you. Plus, I don’t really need to see anyone else.”
“But what we do here is not something official,” you pointed out, your chest clenching as the words left your lips. You weren't sure why. “You’ve never really been one to settle down. I never intended to stop you from hooking up with other people. Or even dating someone, if you have found someone.”
“You're not stopping me, princess,” he said, sighing as he rubbed your back gently. “I am not interested in anyone else at the moment, that's the reason. And you're doing quite well in satisfying my needs, so why would I be?”
He chuckled slightly at the end and smiled at you as if trying to reassure you that you had nothing to worry about. Yet his smile didn't reach his eyes and you couldn't help but worry that he was hiding something from you.
“Do you… ever feel like I'm just using you?” you asked, biting your lips. This had been something you worried about for a while actually - sure, he only seemed uncomfortable the first time, but what if he just didn't want to hurt you by backing out after he had already agreed? 
“Love, what's with these questions all of a sudden?” he raised his eyebrows, taking your chin between his fingers and lifting your head slightly to make sure you were looking at him. “Of course you're not ‘just using’ me. I agreed to it and, trust me, I enjoy every moment of it. If you're anxious because I wait for you to initiate things, we agreed on that at the beginning and it’s for you to feel comfortable, right?” 
You nodded slightly, a small pout curving your lips. It seemed like he wasn't sure whether you believed him or not, so he hummed and leaned closer, pecking your lips softly. You blinked in surprise. 
“Is this enough to convince you that I am happy with the way things are or would you need me to fuck you to prove it?” he grinned and you rolled your eyes. You were well aware it was just a joke yet your body seemed to react to the suggestion as you felt yourself heating up. 
“I don't-” you started, but you weren't sure what you wanted to say. As much as the idea of having sex with Jaemin seemed appealing, you didn't feel that the time was right. But then again, it did seem appealing… and he had offered…
“What are you thinking about, princess?” he asked, his voice so close to your ear that it startled you. “You can be honest with me.” 
“I'm not… ready to go all the way,” you admitted. “But now thanks to you I'm also needy.” You childishly whined out that one, rolling your eyes. 
“My offer still stands,” he said with a small smirk on his lips as his fingers on your knee started gently moving up and down your skin. “All you have to do is ask if you want me to take care of that for you.”
“Since when are you into teasing?” you scoffed, looking away as you couldn't stand looking at the knowing curve of his lips and his eyes looking at you intensely. 
“I've always been like this, you know,” he responded, tilting his head to the side. “And just because I haven't commented on it, doesn't mean I don't notice the way you move uncomfortably when you try to hide how turned on you are. You look adorable, by the way, the way you squirm around and get all shy without even realizing it. Makes me want to ravish you every time.”
“Oh my god, Jaemin, shut up!” you whined out. You'd be lying though if you said his words didn't affect you. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed that he had seen through you that easily. Yet the fact that he claimed to get turned on by that made the heat between your legs spread. So you took his hand on your knee, moved it up to your thigh, and after a deep breath said: “If you really mean that, now's your time to shine.” 
A soft laugh left his lips but he didn't wait for a second invitation to let his hand slip under your uniform skirt along your sensitive skin. 
“Should I take revenge for all the teasing you put me through and edge you on until you're begging me to finally make you come?” he asked, voice low as his thumb brushed against your clothed clit, making your thighs twitch. 
“I never meant to tease you!” you defended yourself, although if you had to be honest, you did enjoy it a lot of the time. 
“I know, princess,” he assured you, despite the knowing smirk on his lips. “And since you've been such a diligent student… you deserve a little reward.”
And true to his word, he carefully pushed your panties to the side and one of his fingers moved up your slit, drawing a whimper out of you. His thumb pressed against your clit and rubbed carefully and you let your head fall back on his shoulder. 
There was something different about Jaemin at the moment. Yes, he'd always been confident and even though you were usually the one in control, that didn't change. But this time his energy was different - he was dominating the situation with nothing more than a couple of soft touches. 
One of his fingers started pushing inside you slowly and you bit your lips to hold back a whimper. His free hand moved to your head and gently stroked your hair as he started pumping his finger in and out carefully. Occasionally, his thumb would rub over your clit. And as good as it felt… it was nowhere near enough.
“Jaemin, please,” you pleaded quietly. “You said you wouldn’t tease.”
“I’m just making the most of my time,” he chuckled. “You’re just too soft and wet, princess, I’m sorry.” You wined out and he smiled a little wider. “Give me a kiss and I’ll think about it.”
“I’m starting to think you really meant that part about the begging,” you muttered as you hooked your fingers in his shirt and tugged him closer to press your lips against his.
“Don’t mind if you do,” he whispered against your lips when you pulled away, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards.
Yet he didn’t wait for you to say anything else. His movements sped up almost immediately after a second finger made its way inside you. This time you couldn’t fight your moan as a shiver ran down your spine. Jaemin’s fingers worked quickly inside you, spreading you out and curling, pressing against your walls until he found that spot that made you shake with pleasure. And then it was like a whole new world opened its doors for you.
Jaemin pressed his lips gently against your neck, kissing along your skin. You could feel how careful he was to not spend too much time on any one spot in case your skin bruised and it saddened you a bit, but fuck, it still felt so good. Then he moved up your throat to a spot below your ear. That’s where he started sucking on your skin harder. All the while, his fingers kept up their sweet torture, making your body twist in his hold as moans fell from your lips one after another.
“That’s my good girl,” Jaemin whispered against your ear and you whimpered. “I’ve imagined this so many times, you know? How receptive you’d be, how loud you’d get when I’m touching you. I’d also love to know how you taste, to see what you look like when you cum. Will you show me, princess?”
“Nana, please,” you whimpered again and the sharp exhale that you felt against your skin reminded you that he seemed to have a thing for begging. “I’m close, please, don’t stop.”
“As long as you promise to moan as loud as you can for me, princess,” he said with a low tone, his hot breath hitting your sensitive skin. “Tell me how good I’m making you feel, let me hear you.”
And who were you to say no, really? Not with the way his fingers were moving, not with the way his thumb was pressing against your clit, and definitely not with the way he was making you see stars. Every moan you let out seemed to make him even more determined until finally you couldn’t take it anymore and came with a whine of his name.
When you opened your eyes again, Jaemin was looking at you with the softest star-struck expression you’d ever seen. Your heart skipped a beat at the warmth in his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said softly and you felt bubbling in your chest. If you weren’t in a daze from your orgasm, you’d probably think about that. But you didn’t. 
“And you’re hard,” you chuckled instead and earned yourself an eye-roll in response. 
“I believe I have a pretty valid reason for that, while you didn’t have one for completely ignoring my compliment.”
“No, listen,” you hummed and pecked his cheek. “Thank you. But I just thought that it would be unfair to just leave you like this. I should return the favor, no?”
“Not this time, love,” he shook his head. “I’ll be okay. I’d prefer to just stay like this for a little longer.”
taglist: @multihoe-net @jaeymark @bythe8 @jaemboi64 @okokoksblog @paintandwine @fairypothos @sweetjaemss @magnificentjudgemoneyhands @jsjcue @sunshinedhyuck @luvdroids @wanlore @marklexleaf @back2jisung @taehyungmami @the-midnight-arthouse @multifandombtvh @chichhihaa @nctevia @thiccfullsun @hwanunjin @dinochocochip @keemburley @jaemints
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tomriddles-wh0re · 1 year
‘Running from love’ // t.r part 4
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Pairing: female!potter(james’ sister) x Tom Riddle
wc: 1.6 k
Summary: In the past, the reader hadn't hope to fall in love with him, their goal was to prevent the rise of the Dark Lord but nothing seemed to go as planned when they are sent back into the future. In the months following the return, Tom Riddle continues to haunt their nightmares and their new reality as he closes in on them. How can an old love cause so much harm? 
Trigger warnings: none
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | tbc
How does one set up a meeting with the Dark Lord? I suppose you can’t just owl his assistant for available time slots. She had no clue about his whereabouts so she decided it was time to owl one of their closest friends, Abraxas Malfoy. After a long drawn out night, she attempted to compose a letter by rewriting it time and time again until she knew it was sculpted to perfection. She sent the letter off in a black envelope to the owl post office to be set out. The letter read:
Dear Abraxas,
It comes in time where I reach back out to you, to my dismay it is under these circumstances. I understand it has been many years, decades since you have last heard from me but hopefully you haven't forgotten me. My letter regards my Tom, the attached letter is to reach him, I haven’t a clue where he is so if you could pass it to him I would be thankful. My friend, hopefully you are well, I am doing quite fine, I can’t address what happened to me or why I disappeared, that is for another letter. How are things? Must be a lot of things we can address in the future, perhaps over a cup of tea, you always told me those were for serious talks. Until then and when I am ready, this will be all until I send a letter back. You mustn’t send a letter in response or attempt to charm one my may, I prefer my location a secret. So be kind enough to not try for all attempts will fail. Best regards, Malfoy.
P.s please make sure Tom personally gets it and only he reads it. 
Tom’s letter read:
Dear Tom,
My dearest, I never intended to leave all those years ago. I intended to stay with you, to love you to my best capability, to perhaps have you round’ my folks home, meet my family, get married, have kids, and grow old together. Our time together was cut short, for reasons I must’n disclose in a letter but in person. I will explain it all if you will let me. I know what you have done yet I still love you as much as the last day I had in your presence, I ask that you give me a chance to explain. You don’t have to but I wish to at least explain, in case I get my Tom back to me or atleast get closure for the both of us. If you are willing to meet me, I ask you don’t be angry with me and you come alone as I will. The location hasn’t been chosen yet, as I haven’t thought of a place but I will send an owl to Abraxas to give to you as I don’t know your location, I trust you will abide by my wishes and wait for my owl. Meet me at 12 pm on June 16, location will be owled at a later date. I love you Tom, please don’t ever forget it. 
Sincerely yours,
Sending the letter was half the trouble, the real issue was following through with the meeting. I hoped it would only be me and him but even just the two of us alone had uneased myself. Besides Regulus, no one knew I had gone to meet him and even then he had no idea the date or location of where it was agreed.
On the brisk morning, I apparated to a small secluded area in the English countryside. Walking along the cobblestone steps, slowing up to the dark mahogany doors of the long gone manor I pulled the cloak closer over my head. The grand house succumbed to the vines that began to grow up the sides of the once incredulous architecture. The family home of the Riddles had long gone, becoming an estate, only being in good enough condition to still stand. When preventing Tom from killing his father, his dad started a new family that continued the line. Here I was shivering with the knowledge he would be inside waiting for me, possibly awaiting to kill me but he hadn’t yet so I continued. Pushing the door open, a small squeak of the rusty hinges let out through the air before returning to silence as I closed it behind me. The layout of the house reminded me of the Malfoy Manor, tall doors lining the walls ushering out to separate wings or presumed ballrooms and the giant sturdy staircase lined with oil portraits. I wondered how different he would have turned out if Tom Riddle SR. accepted to raise him, instead of being stuck with the croon Mrs. Cole. 
The farthest door on the left was ajar, the faint light of a fire along with candles were the only indications of another person being here with me. Making sure to pull my hood over my eyes whilst tucking my wand in my pocket I sturdied myself before opting to continue down the hall. Silence hung through the air besides the content click of my boots on the wooden floor, passing a few door frames I made it to the open one. Peering into the room, it appeared to be a study lined with bookshelves filled to the brim with a variety of books. In the center of the room was a lit fireplace in front of a set of couches. The center couch was a dark figure of a man, she knew it was him from the moment she set eyes on his side profile. 
The posture was a give away, along with the book he held in his palms, his diary. His hair was in a tight set of dark brown curls, his skin gleamed with warmth allowing it to dance along his face, his posture was perfect but loose, in his hand opposite to his diary was a cup of firewhiskey, his face was hardly a day older then when you last saw him. Your presence was known but he didn’t glance your way, hiding behind your cloak and the shadows just basking in the way his presence calmed you. Finally closing his book before setting his cup down he spoke “i supposed you would use her as a rouise eventually Albus, such a pity you had to be the first to die in this disgraced house” he twirled his hand before his wand appeared out of thin air.
Glancing up at the doorway, his eyes burned with full fury as he assumed Dumbledore was here. But fearing the worse you spoke softly “Tommy” he instantly froze. 
 “y/n?” his voice shook as you nodded behind shadows of the low pulled hood. “Come on, I know this is a  trick, Dumbledore give up and show yourself” he pointed his wand at you, shaking his anger as he stood up abruptly. Seeing him in person was surreal, you were sure tears were streaming down your face, still hiding in the shadows. “It's me Tom” you spoke, approaching him, faced down as your voice broke. “It can’t be” he said, almost trying to convince himself but in an instant he surged toward you, pinning you to the wall. 
He dug his wand up your jugular where it lay just on top of your pulse point, just as he had so many times in those awful nightmares. His rough palms grabbed your chin, finally lifting it to meet his eager gaze. Tilting it up so far that your hood sunk down, revealing her face to his eager eyes. Standing inches away from his face as he let the shock set it. His breath hitches in his throat, his shoulders tensed before he dropped his wand and pulling you into a tight hug. Nuzzling up into your hair, he caressed your cheek and drank in your appearance as if it was the last thing he got to see. “It's been years, why have you just found me my love” he spoke finally letting his own sobs echo through the air. “why don't you look a day older than when I last saw you?” he mumbled into her hair as he pulled you closer down to his shoulder. You finally broke, “Oh Tom, I missed you so much. I can explain everything I promise just let me hug you”. The experience was surreal, he picked you up to bring you both to the couch. Lying cuddled up, his deep breaths tethered you to reality. He had aged in the past decades, the young boy now grew into an older man. The dark brown hair of his was now parted in the middle with loose curls now framing an older more angular face. His eyes sparkled in a new sheen, the past version you knew was so far away. 
“Can you explain now?” he asked, lifting a hand to rub the hot tears off your cheeks. 
“I will” she said, but now nothing was certain. He had wanted to kill her, but now he hadn’t. He had only wished to when he thought she was Albus, only then was she truly in danger. Now, his aged self comforted the girl in such a scenario no one would have expected. How could she admit the truth, how she existed then only to prevent his own casualties? Could anyone reason to the implication that she loved him to save him, how could he react?
She wanted to greedily enjoy the silence between the both, pretending they had fallen asleep on the Slytherin homeroom’s couch again when they were young. But they weren’t kids anyone, she had lived this year of her life two times already and for Riddle he soaked up the decades away from her, building his power. They had both changed, now they only held ideas of one another but they wanted so badly to fall back in time to before the night their whole worlds paused. 
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dcfanficsgallore · 6 months
Didn't plan for this
Wonder Woman x Demigod!Fem!Reader
2859 words
TW: Broken Leg, Hospitals, Reader overthinks everything
Summary: You have only seen a handful of times and have been trying to get her attention ever since, when a disaster occurs, it finally makes her look at you and talk.
A/N: This fanfic doesn't use the usual quotes to show character speaking. Instead they'll use a - to show that they are speaking and every new line of dialogue is a new paragraph. Also English isn't my first language. Enjoy! X3 <33
Being a demigod in a world that gets invaded by aliens every other week and seems to have a new super-whatever everyday is pretty normal. Especially if you’re a child of Athena, like me… 
We don’t get powers like the children of Zeus or the innate charisma of the Apollo kids, but we’re not as insufferable as the Aphrodite Spawn (Long story), we’re just… Pretty smart and can understand stuff that most can’t. When I was a kid my teachers always told my mortal mom that I was ‘gifted’, my mom knew it was always truer than what they intended, but she never told me about it. Nor about my Godly mom…
Usually when an alien attack happens or a supervillain breaks from prison I tend to help the people around me get to safety and prepare all my contingencies for if the threat gets too close, I only had to use a couple of my plans once, that was a mess! But it made me learn that Plan C and Plan T should not be anywhere near each other. Other than that I just wait until the danger is over and maybe, kinda, try to see if she is taking care of the mess.
Of all the children of Zeus, she is the best. Most caring, most humble, the prettiest, and just all around good person. I only met THE Wonder Woman once, and since then I’ve been trying to get her attention the only way a daughter of Athena like me can… I’ve been sending contingency plans to the Justice Hall in hopes one of them will make them want to talk to me and talk about it. You might say it’s pointless, Batman is the best planner in the world, and to that I say: Maybe he would like someone to delegate a few of his responsibilities to… You never know.
It was during one of my walks to my job that I felt it.
No worries, those happen all the time in New York. I have nothing to fear, just a mild-
Another one, Bigger
Again, not enough to trigger my alarms, but enough to make me start walking slower… And check my bag to see if everything is with m-
A third one, and this time I fall over
Alright. That’s cause for concern, I start sprinting towards my job while grabbing all the stuff I need to start Plan E.
As I turn a corner expecting to see the street to the building I work at, I am startled back by a falling lamp post.
This is bad
As I enter the building I see Ana, the secretary, ushering people out the building.
- How is it looking? - I ask her as another earthquake begins and doesn’t seem to stop.
- There’s still people inside - She looks at me with a worried expression - You might have to bring out Plan H - She says.
Ana is my best friend and that gives her the privilege of a binder with all my plans so she can help me choose one in big stress situations. That’s still not enough because she just suggested the Bird People Protocol, but I get the gist of what she wants.
- I think you might be right - I say not wanting to get into an argument of my plans with her right now
Being a prepared Child of Athena is very helpful when you're the Chief of Security of the company. I take a deep breath, say a little prayer to my mom hoping for a little luck to get inside and not die. And go in…
The first thing I see as I go through the doors is the bottom floor is collapsing. I rush a couple people out while I make my way to my office, in there I’ll find everything to hopefully save everyone. I just have to go up two floors, the elevators are a bust and a death trap. So the stairs are gonna be my friends.
As I start going up I hit a couple buttons on the wall to trigger the slides that help people go down the stairs faster, (hey, it works for airplanes and they were cheap to install. Just a button and they self inflate).
When I open the door to the second floor I am met by so many people that are injured. I go to usher them to the slides, after finding a couple interns that are so scared but not that bad physically and instruct them on what to do once they get down and keep moving towards my office.
I begin to see my office, it's right there, just a few more moments and everything will be fi-
feel a lot of pain and a crack coming from behind me
Something fell on me. I look back and see that my leg is stuck between a stone pillar and the floor. I feel a lot of pain, but I can't stop. I've already sent everyone on this floor down and there are more above me. If I give up now I’ll die along with everyone else, that’ll not be something that a Demigod will be doing today, I tell myself.
I start to try to lift the pillar with all my strength, it’s hard, it might be impossible, I start thinking of ways to maybe leverage a piece of debris as maybe a lever when the pillar starts to float? It’s not floating, someone picked it up. But who..?
It’s her, in all her glory. She looks exactly like I remember, the black locks of hair flowing, the tiara reflecting the little light inside this crumbling building, her golden lasso on her hand and the pillar on the other, she lifting it like it doesn’t weigh anything. Her ocean blue eyes that are looking directly into my soul, her furrowed brows like she’s mad? Wait, no, she IS mad!
- What are you doing! - She says with an alarm in her tone - I was helping the people off the building when I saw you running INTO it? What are you trying to do?
The reality of the situation finally hits me and I say
- Help me. My office. I can help… - I say with difficulty as my leg starts to hurt a lot more now that the big rock was removed.
She looks at me like I just grew frog legs beneath the pillar, not understanding why I’m trying so hard to go even deeper into the crumbling building.
I say it one more time and she seems to snap out of it.
- What are we looking for? - She says as she picks me up bridal style and starts sprinting into the room. Even with a broken leg I manage to get flustered, but quickly dismiss it as I get my head back in the game
I push myself down and limp to my desk, opening a drawer and pushing a button labeled ‘U’.
Immediately the result can be felt as dozens of inflatable slides appear going from every single window sill, out of seemingly thin air, and gives everyone on the above floors a chance to take a faster way down. But not everything can go according to plan as life constantly likes to remind me. The slide on my window did not trigger so I think I’m stuck until I feel myself being picked up again and my heroine jumps out of the window landing safely with me in her arms.
After that she puts me down on a sidewalk and says
- That was incredibly smart, aren’t you the woman that always has a plan? - She says, and I’m a little upset that that’s how she remembers me.
- Yeah, that 's me. A daughter of Athena trying her best - I say before my leg starts to demand more of my attention and I whimper a little
- Oh your leg! Right! - She says before picking me up again and without all the smoke and panic I can actually feel her muscles and smell a little perfume, strawberry? Maybe Daisy? Maybe alcohol? Wait… That’s the ambulance, I’m in the ambulance getting alcohol rubbed on my leg by a paramedic, staring into her sapphire eyes and she’s saying something... Oh shit she said something!
- Sorry what? - I say trying to cool my nerves from seeing her again
- I said I’ll be right back to check on you, these quakes are not natural. The League is currently stopping the cause of it but there are still civilians trapped in building that don’t have slides that help them get down - She smiles a little and it’s the prettiest smile I have ever seen
- Yeah, it’s cool, you’re a hero and all that - Say in an effort to look casual in the face of all this
A few hours later I had to be taken to the hospital to get my leg on a cast and suspended above me on the bed that I’m laying down on. Ana made it out without any serious injuries and is keeping me company, and by company I mean she’s currently hearing me be anxious about my meeting with The Wonder Woman. 
- She said she would check on me later - I say for what’s probably the thousandth time
- Yup, but when she said you were on the street getting tended to by an EMT. Now she probably has no idea where you - She keeps trying to manage my expectations.
- But look at the TV Ana, a lot of people need help, she’s probably helping them. and this is one of the only hospitals that didn’t seem to be that affected by the quake! - I reason with her.
- Why do I keep getting into arguments with you? - she says with a long sigh - Damn Owl Spawn - she says with a smirk that gets wiped by the pillow I throw on her face
- Because you live in hope that you can win! - I tease back and am promptly met by the same pillow hitting my face.
-But seriously Y/N - She says looking at me - I wouldn’t get my hopes up, she’s a superhero. She’ll probably be busy until the next morning and then she’ll probably go back to her place and sleep for a long time, maybe she’ll forget.
- I can still hope, right? - I say a little sadly to Ana who nods and pulls me into a hug
- You should get some rest Bird Brain, I’ll be here if you need anything - Ana says, going to turn off the light and heading to her chair next to my bed.
- Fine - I say as the day finally catches up to me and I fall asleep almost immediately
It’s probably not until around 4 A.M when I hear a little tapping on my hospital window, at first I think I’m dreaming because I’m quite a way high up on this hospital, I would say about 30,5 meters away from ground level. But then I hear it again
tap tap tap
Okay, that’s not a dream. I take my leg off the suspension gently so as to not hurt myself and open the curtain to see… HER! She’s flying and staring at me through the window looking a bit shy, if I were to guess.
- You’re here!? - I open the window and question a little too happy about this meeting
- I told I would be - she smiles - How are you doing? - she questions looking at my cast.
- I’m doing fine - I shrug - The drugs help with the pain and I heal quite fast.
- Right, you’re also a demigoddess - she says with a smile - So am I.
- You are? You mean you’re not a goddess? - I ask and immediately regret it. You don’t ask a pretty woman that? Are you nuts? I say to myself thinking she’ll be put off by my comment and fly away. But to my surprise, she laughs and it’s the most beautiful laugh I’ve ever heard.
- No no, I’m the daughter of Zeus with the queen of the amazons, Hippolyta - She says in a casual way like that wasn’t a huge bombshell for me to discover
- That’s so cool - I say after making myself pick my jaw from the floor - Would you… ummm… Would you like to come in? - I ask her and to my surprise she accepts
The first thing I notice when she comes in is how tall she is, I think I would’ve figured out she was an Amazon with enough time, I quickly notice that she’s probably 6,2 inches, which makes me feel fuzzy inside. The next thing I notice is how strong she is. When she went inside, she picked me up by my side and sat me down on the bed before finally touching the floor. 
I realize I’m staring again and that I missed what she was saying, again! This never happens to me.
- I’m so sorry, I was distracted, what did you say? - I say hoping she doesn’t think I’m always like this.
- I just asked if she’ll wake up anytime soon. - She repeats without a hint of annoyance. Gesturing to Ana sleeping on the chair in a position that doesn’t seem that comfortable but I’m not one to judge.
- Oh Ana? No, she only wakes with her alarm or when stuff is thrown at her - I say chuckling.
There’s an awkward silence before she clears her throat and says
- I’m Diana, by the way, Diana Prince - she says putting her hand out - I just wanted to say that the fact that you went inside the collapsing building when you could’ve turned the other way and ran, really impressed me.
I blush very hard when she says that, then I shake her hand and say
- I’m Y/N Y/L/N, it really means a lot to me that you found that impressive. And just so you know, running was not an option, that building had so many contingencies inside it I needed to know that one of them worked. If I didn’t try my own plans what kind of child of wisdom would I be? - I say while shaking her hand
- Hm, does your mother require that of all her children? - She asks almost concerned
- No, not at all. She doesn’t even talk to us! - I say without thinking, this woman makes me so flustered my brain stops working I swear! - It’s more, like an itch. An itch in the back of your mind that doesn’t go away if you don’t test your contraptions
- She doesn’t talk to you? I’m sorry… - She says with sympathy on her voice
-Don’t be - I wave it off -  She’s a goddess, she probably has more important things to do. Besides, I got my smarts and that’s all I need. - I say shuffling on the bed and putting my foot back in it’s place.
She sits next to me and says
- It’s still sad that our parents don’t talk to us
I shrug before gathering my courage and finally asking
- Why’d you come to see me? I’m sure you meet people that are more interesting than me everyday and it’s not like you owe me or anything, you saved life twice today and now you’re here checking on me. Why? - I ask and she thinks for a moment before smiling and… Wait, is she blushing?
- Well it’s simple really, I was very impressed by the fact that you had a protocol in place for such an event and had the guts to go in and make sure it went accordingly that I wanted to maybe see if you were interested in… Showing me some of your plans - That last part seemed to catch her off guard, but I’ll never say no to someone willing to listen to my plans so I get very excited.
- Yeah, sure, of course! I’ll probably be out of the hospital in a couple of days, maybe less if I can convince the docs I’ll take it easy. - I agree a little too fast, but I don’t care. Diana wants to see my plans! - Here’s my number - I give her my number scribbled on a piece of paper I got in my bag - Give me a call please, and we’ll set it up. - I say a little too eager and failing miserably to be cool
- Yeah, sure - she says, accepting the paper and… She is definitely blushing! - I’ll give you a call, and we’ll set up our date… - She stops herself after she says that - I mean, like a friend date. 
- I can accept a date - I blush and nod and look away, trying everything I can to not look her in those sapphire eyes
She gets up and goes to the window but before she looks at me and says.
- I hope I get to see you soon - she says before flying off into the distance
a- Same - I say before snuggling in my bed ready to dream about her but not before hearing
- I heard the whole thing! - Ana says before receiving a face full of pillow.
- We’ll talk in the morning - I say ending the conversation.
Chapter 2
A/N: Some might call Y/N Paranoid, she would say prepared ;)
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chromietriestowrite · 2 months
I don't know how to be me anymore
Pairing : platonic!Buckyxgn!reader
Summary : Bucky's always felt different. When he finally starts being ready to figure out what it means, he turns to you to try and find out where to go from here.
Warnings : Nb!Buckyxnb!reader, tiny bit of angst, comfort, fluff, dragcreature!reader, Buck trying to figure out who he is
Word count : 2,494
A/N : Hi guys, I finally decided to post my second fic! I tried to write something as wholesome as possible. Hopefully some of you will find some comfort reading this.
English is not my first language. Don't hesitate to tell me if something is incorrect.
Bucky opened the door abruptly. His hair was a mess, as if he had been running his hands through them for a while. You could see he was nervous.
He had been cryptic in his text asking you to come over. You weren't sure what it was about but seeing his trembling hands, you knew it had to be important. You looked at him with a smile, trying to ease his nerves.
'Can I come in?'
He then registered the fact that you had been standing in his doorway waiting for him to move his body out of the way. He look at you sheepishly.
'Sorry. Please do come in. I'll get you some water. Are you hungry? I should have made us something to eat. I can heat up some leftov-'
'A glass of water is perfect. And I just ate before coming, thank you though'. You stopped his rambling, a reassuring look on your face. 
He went to the kitchen to fill up two glasses with water.
'So, what did you want to talk to me about?'
He looked at you surprised. 'How do you know I wanted to talk to you about something?'
You smiled. 'Well I guess I know you that well. Or maybe I'm clairvoyant. Also, you might have sent me a text saying are you free, I need to talk to you about something.
'Oh, right' He chuckled a bit, his hand finding its way behing his neck, a slight blush colouring his cheeks.
You could see how hard this was for him, his hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he eyes looking everywhere and nowhere all at once. 
'Hey, whatever it is, it's me you're talking to. I understand you're nervous but I’m here to listen. I'm not here to judge or give you unsollicited advice. I'm your friend, and I here, always. You can count on me.'
A small smile found its way on his face. He figured he might as well dive into it, no point in delaying it.
He had known he needed someone to talk to about this. Not just someone, you. And he felt ready. No matter how hard it was to actually say the words out loud, he wanted to. 
He sat down on the sofa gesturing for you to do the same. He took a big breath, and started talking.
'Do you remember when you dressed me up and did my makeup for your show?'
A few weeks back, during one of your shows as a dragcreature, the public had to come wearing at least one item a drag queen/king/person/creature. Bucky had wanted to go all out. He always loved coming to your shows and was hell bent on being the fiercest in the audience. 
You nodded. He had been praised by all your fellow drag performers, having shown up looking like a dark priestess, slaying makeup, hair, outfit and demeanor.
'I felt something as you were doing my makeup. I felt powerful and amazing when I looked at myelf in the mirror'
'I know. I saw how you face lit up. And I noticed how you kept staring at your makeup in the rear view mirror.'
Bucky blushed looking down. 
'Don't be embarassed, I do it too.'
Bucky took a breath, you could see he had started to relax a bit. What he said next showed you he felt safe enough to open up. 
'Back in the army, with the howling commandos, we went out for a drink one night.
We were exhausted, both physically and emotionally and it felt good to take a break. To not be soldiers but a group of people, having a drink, not thinking about the war raging around us. 
Steve was having a hard time relaxing. He didn't know how to put the shield down, not even for one night. So the guys and I, we decided to go do a little private show for him.
We went to the dancers' tent and tried their USO costumes on. The amosphere was light, we were having fun being silly together.'
He took a pause. Looked down, his hands trembling harder. 
'When I put on the costume, I felt that thing. The same thing I felt when you dressed me up. I felt b... I felt beautiful. It felt right. 
And I had the biggest smile on my face. I twirled, I danced, I laughed. I felt like there was nothing that could take that feeling away. 
Steve noticed. Of course he did. He knew me better than anyone. He didn't say anything though. Well, not with words anyway.'
A small, nostalgic smile crept up on his face. 
'He stole one of the USO uniforms, the one I had on that night and gifted it to me. He said it was to remember that night by, but we both knew there was actually a way deeper meaning to it.'
Bucky looked at you, for the first time since he started talking.
'Did you know they kept it? It was in the museum along with the howling commandos' stuff from the war.'
You knew his question was rhetorical so you just nodded, urging him to keep going. 
'While I was recovering in Wakanda, Steve visited me often. Well, he said he came for me but we all knew it was the goats really.' he joked.
The atmosphere felt lighter. Like the more he talked about this, the less scary it became. 
You knew the weight of what he was telling you and it moved you to know you were the one he felt safe to talk about that with. 
He kept going.
'After Okoye helped get rid of he trigger words, he came to celebrate. We spent the night drinking, laughing, remeniscing about our childhood. 
He told me of his life since he'd been in this time. What he had learned, how he tried to build a life for himself here without really ever succeding. How he missed our world. 
He felt that Captain America was all he was anymore. Steve Rogers had died that night on the plane and he never managed to get past that. He never really tried to give himself a new life here. 
He was stuck in this time. I'm so happy that he got his chance to go back. To live the life he was always supposed to live.'
You could see how much he missed his best friend. He had talked to you about that before. The first time the two of you had talked was actually after Steve had gone. You were both overtook with emotion, sad to see a friend go and happy that he finally had a chance at happiness. 
'We both knew I wouldn't want to but he did ask me if I wanted to go back with him. But I knew I didn't belong there anymore. 
I don’t belong anywhere anymore... But I could and I want to. 
'The night before he left, he came to me with a gift. It was that very same costume from all those decades ago. He had stolen it from the museum a few years back. 
He told me that night when we dressed up was one of his fondest memories. One he held close to his heart. Because he understood that I had found a part of myself that night.' 
A tear made its way down his cheek. His voice starting to get uneven. 
'We never really talked about what I felt, what it meant, what I wanted. I think we didn't know how to. But he did tell me something that stuck with me.'
'He said that now, it was my responsibility to bring back the Bucky I was. Or to discover the Bucky I am. Maybe a bit of both. 
This time suited me better than it ever did him. And here, I could actually have a chance to figure out who I wanted to be. Who I had been all this time without knowing, without having the luxury to be. 
'I'm so grateful for that night. And I'm so grateful I got to meet the Steve you knew, even for a little bit.'
You looked at each other and smiled. Steve was the reason you two had met. Even gone, he had found a way to make both your lives less lonely. 
More confidently now, he kept going. 
'I made him a promise that night. To learn to never let anybody define or decide who I am. To learn that only I had the power to do that.'
A tear escaped you. 
'That's beautiful Bucky. And really brave too. 
I'm glad you had those moments. Even if they were few and far between.'
Bucky smiled. He took a moment to think back. He was grateful to have been able to experience those tiny little moments where he felt whole. But he wanted more. 
He looked at you expectedly.
'I asked you here because I need your help. I'm trying to figure out who I am. How to be the person I want to be now. How to be a person now. I know what I want to learn but I don't know where to start or what to ask.
Or who to talk to, exept you. I trust you, I have since the moment I met you. And you have taught me so much already. I'm asking you to teach me more. To support me and guide me through this journey.’
You smiled and took his hands in yours. 
'You are so brave. And you should be so so proud of yourself. I know I am. 
This is a potentially difficult and terrifying journey but oh how beautiful a journey it is. It won't always be easy, but no matter what you find out about yourself, it is worth it. Believe me. 
We've talked about what the gender spectrum is and how it can express itself. How it's vast and both very simple and quite overwhelming. And how you don't have to know where you find yourself in it. 
And the way you're feeling today, how you would define yourself today doesn't have to be the same as the way you feel tomorrow. 
That's part of the beauty of gender.'
'Was it hard for you? Did you always know?'
'It was hard. Very hard at times. But it was also so easy. I didn't know, not for the longest time. 
It came slowly at first.  When I would read about transgender people, non-binary or otherwise, sharing their story, I would understand. I would relate even. 
After a while, I allowed myself to realise that if I felt like I understood, like I knew where they came from then maybe it was where I belonged. 
The more I thought about freeing myself from the binary, the lighter I felt. The closer to myself I felt. 
I was lucky enough to have very supportive friends who were by my side as I naviguated all the questions and changes that came.
They never rushed me or asked me to know exactly who I was or to have any sort of answer. They understood that I was trying to figure out my identity. That I felt as lost as much as I felt found. 
I can't tell you it will go well with everyone because unfortunately it won't. But I hope you know you can find that kind of support with me. I think you can find it with Sam too, if you want.’ 
He nodded. He might not be ready to talk about that with Sam yet, but he did know he could. 
'The world has evolved, but there are still some people who don't want to accept it or who don't want to see it. And they can be so violent in their need for us not to exist. 
And then there are people who will love you and accept without ever really understanding. Not because they don't want to. They just can't seem to, i guess? 
My family is that way. When I came out to them, they asked questions. Tried to understand what it meant, how it felt like. And no matter how much they tried, they never really did understand. 
You looked down.
'They are the only people who still use my deadname you know.
Some of them because they are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea that I'm not the person they saw me as. Some of them refusing to accept that I'm not actually the person they saw me as.'
'I'm sorry y/n. I know how much it hurts you.'
'Yes, it does hurt. When they use my deadname, when they don't use the right pronouns. When they invalidate me feeling bad when they do that. 
But they still love me. Me being me has never changed the way they love me. 
Of course I wish they would respect who I am. And I know my situation would not be acceptable for some people. And I get that I really do.
Having your parents still love you after you come out shouldn't be something to be grateful about. But for now, I guess having their love has to be enough for me.'
You took time to reflect. Thinking about how your family is handling your transition hurts, and it's hard to navigate not wanting to lose them while asking for them to respect who you are.
You tried to find the right words. 
'My family is the one I made. The one I'm making, the one I'm choosing everyday. Composed of both relatives and the amazing people whom I love and want to share my life with. 
And you are one of them you know. One of the people who sees me for who I am and loves me unconditionally. 
And I love you and I see you.'
You were both crying. Not sad tears, maybe not happy tears either. But the tears you get from beeing seen. Truly seen. The tears you get from feeling the love someone has for you. The tears that make you feel like maybe you can learn to love yourself that way too. 
He smiled. 
'I love you and I see you.'
'I'll by your side, Buck. Through this journey and any other, always. I'll support you, I'll be there when you need a hug, a book, a sickening makeup, a person to cry with, a person to laugh with. When you need my wonderful vegan banana bread.'
He laughed. You loved hearing him laugh.
'I mean it. I'm here, for it all. I love you.'
He came closer and took you in his arms. Held you so tight. You stayed like that for a while, neither one of you ready to let go. He was crying. You could feel a wet spot growing on your shoulder. You didn't mind. He put his head in the crook of your neck and whispered
'I love you.'
Thank you for reading and remember you are loved ❤️
You can always come to me if you need someone to talk to. We have to be there for each other 🥰
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