#arte médico
thedanbit · 7 days
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"Você é o feijão que eu plantei um dia. Porque eu tô morrendo de vontade de saber como é que você vai crescer"
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Arte 🖼️
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“Una sala del hospital durante la visita del médico en jefe” es una obra del pintor español del realismo Luis Jiménez Aranda realizada en 1889.
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year
Revista Manchete e Curandeiros Potiguares
A Revista Manchete era publicada semanalmente e distribuída quase todo o Brasil. Além disso, trazia reportagens especiais sobre vários acontecimentos nacionais e internacional. No ano de 1982, eles criaram uma reportagem para falar dos curandeiros que aprenderam ler pelo programa Mobral e participaram do encontro da instituição que tinha o objetivo reunir a tradição. O repórter foi o potiguar…
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pardodibujo · 1 year
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CARICATURA INDIVIDUAL Ilustraciones en base a fotos, cotiza por mensaje o wsp +56982008225 Se pueden imprimir hasta 1 metro de largo. #caricature #caricaturas #caricaturasdigitales #customcaricature #caricaturapersonalizada #gift #regalo #médico #doctor #corazón #chile #usa #japan #brasil #argentina #méxico #españa #ilustración #arte #artedigital #art #illustration #drawing #digitalart #love #likeforlike #like #followforfollow #pardodibujo #caricaturaspardo (en Santiago, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHPCCAurCo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noheinfancia · 11 months
Um problema de saúde pública
O câncer é uma das principais causas de morte entre crianças e adolescentes em todo o mundo; aproximadamente 400.000 crianças de 0 a 19 anos são diagnosticadas com câncer a cada ano.
Na região das Américas e do Caribe, estima-se que pelo menos 29.000 crianças e adolescentes menores de 20 anos serão afetados pelo câncer a cada ano e, destes, cerca de 10.000 morrerão devido a esta doença.
O câncer infantil compreende muitos tipos diferentes de tumores que se desenvolvem em crianças e adolescentes de 0 a 19 anos. Os tipos mais comuns são leucemia, câncer cerebral, linfoma e outros tumores sólidos, como neuroblastoma e tumor de Wilms.
Em geral, o câncer infantil não pode ser prevenido ou detectado.
Em países de alta renda, mais de 80% das crianças com câncer são curadas, mas em muitos países de baixa e média renda, a taxa de cura é de cerca de 20%.
As mortes evitáveis por câncer infantil em países de baixa e média renda ocorrem como resultado de subdiagnóstico, diagnósticos tardios ou incorretos, dificuldades de acesso a cuidados de saúde, abandono de tratamento, morte por toxicidade e
maiores taxas de recidiva.
O impacto se traduz em anos de vida perdidos, maiores desigualdades e dificuldades econômicas. Isso pode e deve mudar.
Reduzindo a fome e a desnutrição reduziria milhares de crianças a óbito por câncer.
O câncer infantil é curável quando as crianças têm acesso a cuidados diagnósticos, terapêuticos e de suporte. Isso deveria ser uma realidade para todas as crianças em todos os ambientes, mas para aquelas com câncer em países de baixa e média renda, a sobrevida permanece baixa, muitas vezes
associada ao sofrimento.
Essas desigualdades na atenção ao
câncer infantil são inaceitáveis, constituindo um problema de saúde pública e uma ameaça ao desenvolvimento econômico e à estabilidade social.
Sua Doação será direcionada à famílias que vivem este drama.
Colabore. Sua Solidariedade neste momento será esperança daquela Mãe, do Pai , que chora por medo de perder o filho (a)
DOE: www.nohe.org.br/doar
PIX: Chave: noheinternacional
#cancerinfantil #hospital #médico
#oncologia #psicólogo #análises
#desnutrição #vitamina #doar
#saúde #medicina #pediatra
#quimioterapia #tumores
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diarioelcentinela · 1 year
Médicos concurrentes porteños paran y se movilizan en demanda de una recomposición salarial
Médicos concurrentes porteños paran y se movilizan en demanda de una recomposición salarial
El reclamo es para los profesionales de la salud que trabajan gratuitamente y que no fueron tenidos en cuenta en el último acuerdo con el gobierno porteño. / Foto Lara Sartor. Los médicos residentes y los concurrentes de CABA paran y se movilizan a una sede del Ministerio de Salud porteño este miércoles en reclamo de “salario y cobertura en riesgos del trabajo” para los concurrentes que prestan…
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umbral571 · 2 years
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These are some drawings that I made.
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javibu13-3d · 2 years
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Day 19 - Medic
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groupieaesthetic · 12 days
Aliança na mão, calcinha vai pro chão!
!!! Pra mim nem todo mundo do elenco ia seguir a linha de aliança no dedo pra demonstrar o amor que sente pela amada!!
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Enzo: Uma coisa que só você, ele e um tatuador muito simpático de Montevidéu sabem é a tatuagem que você e Enzo fizeram como maneira de demonstrar o amor entre vocês. COM TODA A CERTEZA, essa tatuagem foi algo na qual vocês pensaram muito antes de fazer, pesquisaram os melhores tatuadores da cidade e somente depois de ter 100% de certeza que queriam aquilo e que o tatuador guardaria sigilo foram em frente com o plano.
Um desenho simples e pequeno. Em Enzo estava presente no tornozelo (um lugar fácil de esconder e que não iria interferir em nada em nenhum futuro projeto dele). Em você estava na parte de trás do pescoço.
add: mesmo querendo total sigilo Enzo posta somente o esboço do desenho ainda no papel em um story no Instagram.
Kuku: Após perceberem que nenhuma aliança agradava vocês, os dois resolveram a questão de uma maneira simples. Em uma viagem pelas praia do Brasil pediram para um moço que vendia sua arte se seria possível eles fazer duas pulseiras para vocês. O rapaz sorriu para o casal e mandou um "claro casal bonito". Em alguns minutos os dois tinham duas pulseiras em seus pulsos. Esteban escolheu como seria a sua, e você ajudou a confeccionar a dele. Nenhum dos dois jamais se arrependeu da escolha tomada.
add: no casamento de vocês sem você saber ele de alguma maneira ENCONTROU O MOÇO DA PRAIA e pediu para que ele fizesse novas pulseiras, mas dessa vez "para o dia mais importante da vida dele".
Matías: Por favor não me matem mas só consigo ver uma coisa para o Matías: piercing microdermal.
Óbvio, vocês pesquisaram e mesmo sabendo dos riscos resolveram fazer. Não preciso nem falar que na hora os dois estavam quase desmaiando com medo das agulhas, furos e tudo mais. Mas ocorreu tudo bem.
Mas o final da história foi: nenhum dos dois cuidou muito bem e o Matías QUASE teve que passar por procedimento médico por conta do piercing.
Por conta disso optaram por uma opção melhor (que deveria ter sido a primeira!). Vocês compraram um par de brincos bem no estilo daqueles pretinhos com uma cruz e ficou um pra cada.
add: um dia o Matías te viu sem e ficou o resto do dia falando "se soubesse que seria assim então nem teria comprado" *emoji bravo*
Simon: Após horas de ensaio para o próximo projeto Simon chegou na sua casa com uma cara que te fez pensar: "esse aí fez merda". Mas antes que você pudesse perguntar ele começou:
Você ficou olhando pra ele por no mínimo 2 minutos enquanto ele te olhava com uma cara de "topa tudo por buceta e por perdão".
Após dois dias desse acontecimento enquanto assistia vídeos no Tiktok uma solução apareceu.
Simon estranhou quando te viu passar do quarto pra cozinha e depois da cozinha pro quarto segurando uma tesoura. Minutos depois você apareceu do lado dele no sofá sorrindo.
"Lembra que você perdeu nossa aliança?"
"Como que eu esqueço mulher, você me lembra a cada 15 minutos"
Revirando os olhos você pega o pulso dele e coloca a "pulseira".
Ele te olha com cara de poucas idéias esperando uma resposta da onde 'ce' tirou isso.
"É a alça do meu sutiã que eu usei a primeira vez que a gente transou. Vê se não perde"
Preciso nem dizer que ele AMOU aquilo e antes mesmo de você chegar no quarto ele ja tava atrás de você te puxando pela cintura dando beijos no seu pescoço.
"Deixa eu retribuir o presente vai..."
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notasfilosoficas · 7 months
“Hasta que lo inconsciente no se haga consciente, el subconsciente seguirá dirigiendo tu vida y tú le llamarás destino”
Carl Jung
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Carl Gustav Jung fue un médico psiquiatra, psicólogo y ensayista suizo, figura clave en la etapa inicial del psicoanálisis. Fue fundador de la psicología analítica. Fue colaborador de Sigmund Freud en sus inicios y pionero de la psicología profunda, terapia e investigación que tenían como enfoque al inconsciente.
Jung incorporó a su metodología, nociones procedentes de la antropología, la alquimia, la interpretación de los sueños, el arte la mitología, la religión y la filosofía.
Nació en Suiza en julio de 1875 en el seno de una familia de ascendencia alemana y su padre era un pastor luterano. Ambos padres pertenecieron a dos importantes familias de la Basilea del siglo XIX.
De niño fue introvertido y muy solitario, aunque cercano a sus padres, y durante su juventud fue un lector entusiasta especialmente cautivado por la obra literaria de Goethe e interesado en filósofos como Von Hartmann y Nietzsche. En su autobiografía describe el acercamiento a la obra de Nietzche “Así habló Zaratustra” que describiría como una experiencia conmocionante, solo comparable a la inspirada por el Fausto de Goethe.
En 1900 ocupó un puesto como ayudante en la clínica psiquiátrica de Burghölzli y tres años mas tarde marchó a Zurich en donde llegaría a ser medico jefe de la clínica psiquiátrica de la Universidad de Zurich durante cuatro años, y en 1905, obtendría su doctorado en psiquiatría.
Desde el inicio de su carrera psiquiátrica, Jung se interesó por los estudios de Eugen Beuler, Pierre Janet, y sobre todo Sigmund Freud.
Si bien la psiquiatría de la que partía Jung para trabajar en la clínica psiquiátrica proponía una vision materialista y reduccionista de la enfermedad mental, nunca renunció a adoptar elementos y formulaciones provenientes del ámbito temático del espiritismo, la antropología e incluso del estudio del arte.
En 1906, Jung y Freud empezaron a mandarse cartas y un año después se conocieron en Viena. Freud se convirtió en una especia de mentor para el joven psiquiatra, sin embargo aunque los escritos sobre el inconsciente y los impulso fascinaban a Jung, no estaba de acuerdo en abordar todos el espectro de los procesos mentales y psicopatología como si todo se fundamentase en funciones biológicas.
Jung creía que la naturaleza del inconsciente de Freud estaba incompleto, y sostenía que la psique de cada individuo habita una especia de inconsciente colectivo o memoria colectiva, algo que no pertenece a un solo individuo, y afirmaba que dentro de esta memoria colectiva habitan símbolos y elementos de significación recurrentes propios de las culturas en las que vivimos, y que se transmiten a lo largo de generaciones.
Derivado de lo anterior, para Jung una parte importante de lo inconsciente está compuesta por los recuerdos heredados, la materia prima de la cultura, y estos recuerdos se expresan a través de lo que Jung denominó Arquetipos.
A través de los arquetipos que en griego original se traduciría como “molde original”, podemos comprender los mecanismos inconscientes mediante los cuales comprendemos y organizamos nuestra realidad hoy en dia. Los arquetipos sirven según Jung para describir la ortografía de naturaleza cultural sobre las que se fundamentan nuestras experiencias individuales.
Fuentes: Wikipedia, psicologiaymente.com 
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humanaaa · 6 months
CARAI então, eu achei um doc do word q me salvou no enem. Como eu sei q tem gente q me segue q vai fazer o Enem vou falar um negócio que eu aprendi quando eu fiz a prova: o Enem não se importa muito com o que vc vai escrever, e sim como você vai escrever
O que eu quero dizer: ele quer que você tenha 1 parágrafo de introdução, 2 de desenvolvimento e 1 de finalização. Meus professores sempre me avisaram que era bom começar a redação com uma citação, e na última frase do último parágrafo fazer referência a essa frase (tmb colocar uma citação em um dos de desenvolvimento vai parecer q vc tem repertório.) Tipo, se eu começar com, “tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho ”, no último parágrafo falar ”medidas devem ser tomadas, pois assim conseguiremos diminuir a quantidade de pedras no caminho da população brasileira).
Eu tô fazendo esse post pq eu achei um doc q eu fiz com um monte de citação aleatória q eu peguei pra usar no Enem, so estou repassando meu conhecimento passado 🫡:
Segundo MARTIN LUTHER KING, ATIVISTA POLÍTICO, aprendemos a voar como os pássaros e a nadar como os peixes, mas não aprendemos a conviver como irmãos.
Segundo JOÃO PAULO II, PAPA, a violência destrói aquilo o que ela pretende defender: a dignidade da vida, a liberdade do ser humano.
Segundo JOHN PIPER, TEOLOGO ESTADUNIDENSE, a marca da cultura de consumo é a redução de ser para ter
Segundo GEORGE ORWELL, ESCRITOR INGLES, alguns de nós são mais iguais do que outros.
Segundo GUIMARÃES ROSA, ESCRITOR E MÉDICO BRASILEIRO, apenas quando a água de boa qualidade acabar ela será valorizada.
Segundo PABLO PICASSO, ARTISTA ESPANHOL, a arte é uma mentira que nos permite conhecer a verdade.
Segundo CONFÚNCIO, FILÓSOFO E PENSADOR CHINÊS, se quiser prever o futuro, se deve estudar o passado.
Segundo NELSON MANDELA, LÍDER NA LUTA CONTRA O APARTHEID, a educação é a arma mais poderosa que pode ser usada para mudar o mundo.
Segundo GIACOMO LEOPARDI, POETA ITALIANO, nenhuma qualidade humana é mais intolerável do que a intolerância.
Segundo MILTON SANTOS, GEOGRAFO BRASILEIRO, existem duas classes socias: a dos que não comem e a dos que não dormem com medo da revolução dos que não comem.
Segundo PAULO FREIRE, EDUCADOR E FILOSOFO BRASILEIRO, ensinar não é transferir conhecimento, mas criar as possibilidades para a sua própria produção ou a sua construção.
Segundo Barack Obama todos somos iguais e temos direito a perseguir nossa própria versão da felicidade
Segundo António Lobo Antunes, escritor e psiquiatra português, A cultura assusta muito. É uma coisa apavorante para os ditadores. Um povo que lê nunca será um povo de escravos.
Segundo um provérbio indígena, Só quando a última árvore for derrubada, o último peixe for morto e o último rio for poluído é que o homem perceberá que não pode comer dinheiro
Segundo a OMS, organização mundial da saúde, “Saúde é o estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social e não somente a ausência de doença.”
Segundo Manuel Castells, sociólogo espanhol, “A internet é muito mais que uma tecnologia. É um meio de comunicação, de interação e de organização social.”
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Most Essential Vocabulary #2
Part 2 of Most Essential Vocab, as always I’ll include notes when I think something needs more explaining and I’ll point out regionalisms when I know them. 
And if anyone has any alternate words/regionalisms they know of for things, please let me know - it helps me and everyone else too!
...I also REALLY overdid it with the food categories, but it’s pretty much the majority of things you can find in a grocery store, market, or supermarket as far as food... except for more specific things like names of fish (which I don’t always know myself, and isn’t THAT essential unless you go to the fishmonger a lot)
Occupations [Los Oficios]
I’ll be including the male and female forms of things - anything with just one form is unisex
Note: Pretty much anything with -ista in it is unisex, even if it ends in A; as an example el artista or la artista. 
trabajador, trabajadora = worker [n] trabajador(a) = hard-working [adj]
abogado, abogada = lawyer abogado/a defensor(a) / la defensa = defense lawyer / defense fiscal / abogado/a de la acusación = prosecutor [generally in a trial it’s the abogado/a “attorney/lawyer” or la defensa as a general term, and then you have el/la fiscal “prosecutor”... who is also technically abogado/a but a different function]
doctor, doctora = doctor
médico, médica = doctor [specifically medicine]
maestro, maestra = teacher [lit. “master”; it is often used with teachers that cover multiple subjects and pre-college/university... usually a maestro/a tends to teach younger children, or they’re a “master” or “teacher” in martial arts or music]
el profesor, la profesora = professor [more common in university and for people who are more experts or who have specialized learning degrees]
hombre de negocios, mujer de negocios = businessman/businesswoman
artista = artist
músico, música = musician [not to be confused with la música “music” by itself which is a noun]
dentista = dentist
sastre = tailor
albañil = builder, construction worker [lit. “bricklayer”; this is sometimes the word for “mason” and general construction work and those working with stone, brick, or cement]
contratista = contractor 
granjero, granjera = farmer
cocinero, cocinera = cook
chef = chef
camarero, camarera = waiter, waitress / server* mesero, mesera = waiter, waitress / server [more Latin America]
panadero, panadera = baker [specifically el pan “bread”]
pastelero, pastelera = baker [specifically cakes or pastry; as la pasta means “dough/pastry” and los pasteles are “cakes”]
carnicero, carnicera = butcher
cazador, cazadora = hunter [la cazadora could also be “huntress” if you’re feeling fancy]
leñador, leñadora = woodcutter / lumberjack, “lumberjill”
mago, maga = magician [or “mage” if you’re playing an RPG; usually mago/a in the real world means someone who does illusions or card tricks etc]
científico, científica = scientist
químico, química = chemist [someone working with chemicals]
farmacéutico, farmacéutica = pharmacist / chemist [UK]
biólogo, bióloga = biologist
pescador, pescadora = fisher
marinero, marinera = sailor
cartero, cartera = postal worker, courier, “mailman” / “mailwoman”
soldado = soldier
atleta = athlete
nadador, nadadora = swimmer
jugador / jugadora (de algo) = player (of something) [in some contexts el juego “game” or jugador, jugadora can be “gambling” and “gambler”]
futbolista = football player / soccer player
beisbolista = baseball player
luchador, luchadora = fighter / wrestler
electricista = electrician
informático, informática = computer tech, IT [internet tech] person [la informática is the general word for “computer sciences” - so anyone who deals with computer things is often called informático/a]
programador, programadora = programmer
plomero, plomera = plumber [Latin America in general] fontanero, fontanera = plumber [Spain and parts of Mexico and Central America] gasiftero, gasfitera = plumber [parts of South America]
técnico, técnica = technician [also sometimes someone who repairs things; it’s not just “tech expert”, it could be very widely applied]
policía = police officer
autor, autora = author
escritor, escritora = writer
dramaturgo, dramaturga = playwright
actor, actriz = actor / actress [sometimes actresses use actor for themselves as a way to distance themselves from the gender of it all; but in general you see actor/actriz and los actores “actors”... saying las actrices specifically refers to “actresses”]
poeta, poetisa = poet [we rarely use “poetess” in English today but it exists]
escultor, escultora = sculpter
pintor, pintora = painter
contable = accountant [I think Spain] contador, contadora = accountant [more Latin America; lit. “counter”]
político, política = politician
juez (sometimes jueza in feminine) = judge
banquero, banquera = banker, bank worker
cajero, cajera = cashier / clerk / teller (at a bank) [cajero/a really means “someone who operates the cash register” but la caja “box” is also applied to la caja fuerte “safe” or “strongbox” so it applies to bank tellers as well; anytime there’s a cash register involved, you’re probably dealing with a cajero/a]
dependiente, dependienta = retail worker, sales clerk
el dueño, la dueña = owner / landlord, landlady
propietario, propietaria = owner, property owner
jefe, jefa = boss
asesor, asesora = consultant
consejero, consejera = advisor, consultant, counselor / councilor (someone serving on a council)
gerente, gerenta = manager manager / mánager = manager
empleado, empleada = employee
*Note: camarero/a by itself is often used as “waiter/waitress” but in some places it means “maid” as in the person who cleans up rooms in a hotel. This is because camarero/a originally meant “chamberlain” related to la cámara “bedroom/chamber” or la cama “bed” - a camarero/a would attend to someone like their personal servant and in older works it meant an adviser or someone who oversaw an important person’s appointments and sometimes coordinated their outfits or oversaw the other staff.
It came to be “waiter/waitress” in inns and hotels and the noble houses where someone might be coordinating your sleeping arrangements and also making sure you were fed, possibly serving you themselves
Today, camarero/a is often your “server” in (I think?) Spain, but in other places they’re the people cleaning up after you at a hotel. To the best of my knowledge, the cleaning crew is typically el criado or la criada “servant” - but often la criada means “maid”, both in history and today............. and outside of Batman you rarely are going to see el mayordomo “butler” used, but just in case, there it is
The term mesero/a is directly related to la mesa “table” so they’re specifically the person bringing things to and from the table which no added meanings. To the best of my knowledge this is more common in Latin America; and your camarero/a is probably the cleaning crew
*Note 2: The word músico/a for “musician” is the umbrella term. Most instruments have their own word and frequently end in -ista... such as pianista “pianist”, flautista “flautist” / “flute player”, or baterista “drummer”, as well as guitarrista “guitar player” and bajista “bass player”
You’ll find more specific terms for specific sports, activities, and other skills. Many end in -ista, and some like martial arts have specific works themselves
el oficio = occupation / job, job title
el puesto = position
el hueco = vacancy [lit. “a hollow/empty spot” or “gap”; can refer to jobs or empty spaces in schedules/calendars, or it can mean “a hollow” of a tree or a “gap” in something]
el trabajo = job / work
la labor = labor, work [used both for working hard and childbirth]
trabajar = to work
laborar / laburar = to work [regional; especially common in South America or Río de la Plata]
el tajo = “work”, “workplace” [I think this is regional; lit. el tajo is “a slice” or “slash”]
la oficina = office
el bufete = firm [usually law firm]
la compañía = company
la empresa = enterprise
el despacho = office (someone’s personal office; usually for teachers or bosses; this is not the “office” you typically work in, this is someone’s private workspace)
Also worth pointing out - somewhat related - that a “doctor’s office” is frequently el consultorio. It’s specifically the place you go to for a consulta “examination” or “medical exam”; so it’s more the actual building. In some places you will see “the doctor’s” referred to as la clínica “clinic” or “doctor’s (office)”; and in some places el hospital although this is very regional as sometimes el hospital or la clínica can carry different connotations of being privately owned or not
Buildings and the City [Los Edificios y la Ciudad]
el edificio = building
el rascacielos = skyscraper [lit. “scratches skies”]
el pueblo = town / population (people)
la aldea = village, small town
la ciudad = city
la calle = street / road
el callejón = alley
el coche, el carro, el auto = car [all are regional, all make perfect sense to everyone but they are regionally preferred - Spain tends towards coche, Latin America in general prefers carro, and parts of South America use auto]
la carretera, la autopista = highway
la acera = sidewalk [semi-related la acera is also used in many expressions related to sexually; ser de la otra acera or ser de la acera de enfrente tend to mean “to play for the other team” as in “to be gay”, and literally they mean “to be from the other sidewalk” or “to be from the opposite sidewalk”]
la escuela = school
el instituto = institute / high school [regional]
el colegio = high school [regional]
la universidad = university, college, academy
el banco = bank [el banco can also be “bench” in some places]
el mercado = market, marketplace
el supermercado, el súper = supermarket
la biblioteca = library
la farmacia = pharmacy la droguería = pharmacy [regional]
el hospital = hospital
la clínica = doctor’s office / clinic
la estación = station la estación de tren = train station la estación de policía / la comisaría = police office
el andén = platform
el ayuntamiento = town hall, city hall
la iglesia = church
el catedral = cathedral
la mezquita = mosque
el templo = temple
la sinagoga = synagogue 
el parque = park el parque de diversiones = theme park
el monumento = monument
la galería (de arte) = art gallery
la peluquería = hair salon, hairdresser’s
el bufete = law firm
la oficina = office
la fuente = fountain
la estatua = statue
el aeropuerto = airport
el puerto = port
el barco = ship
el muelle / los muelles = docks, wharf
el autobus, el bus = bus
el taxi = taxi
el restaurante = restaurant
el café = cafe
la granja = farm
la finca, la hacienda = estate / plantation [sometimes “farm” but in the sense of “this is the main house on the farmlands”]
la pastelería = bakery (cakes/sweets)
la panadería = bakery (bread)
el centro comercial = shopping center / mall
la librería = bookstore 
el castillo = castle
el palacio = palace
la fábrica = factory
el taller = workshop / art studio
el estadio = stadium
el correo / los correos / la oficina de correos = post office [kinda regional, but el correo is “mail” so it all makes sense regardless]
la tienda = store [la tienda literally means “tent”, so you will see it as la tienda de camping “tent (for camping)” as well; this is because people’s shops used to be outside and covered in awnings or tents, or they could be mobile and they’d set up tents to sell goods]
el almacén = department store [lit. “warehouse”]
el museo = museum
el teatro = theater
el cine = movie theater, “the movies”
el acuario = aquarium
el planetario = planetarium el observatorio = observatory
la torre = tower
la fortaleza = fortress
el portal = gate [or “portal”]
la puerta = door
la ventana = window
el cristal = window [lit. “crystal”, but el cristal is commonly used for “a pane of glass” and “windows” in general; it may also refer to “glass” in general... the other word for “glass” is el vidrio which is sometimes more formal or the material, but el cristal can be the glass part of clocks, watches, compasses, etc]
la casa = house
el hogar = home
In the Kitchen [En la Cocina]
la sal = salt
la pimienta = pepper
el azúcar = sugar
la miel = honey
el agua = water [technically feminine noun]
la grasa = fat
la harina = flour la harina de maíz / la maicena = cornstarch
el ácido = acid
el aceite = oil el aceite de oliva = olive oil el aceite de girasol = sunflower oil el aceite de cártamo = safflower oil el aceite de sésamo = sesame oil el aceite vegetal = vegetable oil el aceite de cacahuete/maní = peanut oil el aceite de coco = coconut oil el aceite de aguacate = avocado oil
el vinagre = vinegar
el huevo = egg
la yema = yolk
la clara (de huevo) = egg white 
la tortilla = omelet
[when it’s not the tortillas you see in more Latin American food, a tortilla refers to “omelet”; literally a tortilla refers to “turned/twisted” from torcer, so it originally meant something that was flipped halfway through, or partially folded]
la tortilla de papa / patata = potato omelet [EXTREMELY common dish in Spain] la tortilla española = Spanish tortilla / potato omelet
la tortilla de maíz = corn tortilla la tortilla de harina = flour tortilla
Vegetables [Los Vegetales]
los vegetales = vegetables las verduras = vegetables, greens
la lechuga = lettuce
el tomate = tomato
la zanahoria = carrot
la cebolla = onion
el puerro = leek
el apio = celery
el ajo = garlic el diente de ajo = garlic clove [lit. “tooth of garlic”]
la papa = potato = Latin America la patata = potato [Spain]
(las) papas/patatas fritas = (French) fries / chips [UK] [lit. “fried potatoes”]
la batata = sweet potato el camiote = sweet potato [Central America] el boniato = sweet potato [usually more Rio de la Plata]
la alcachofa = artichoke
la col / el repollo = cabbage
el brócoli = broccoli [has some other regional spellings like brécol or bróculi but generally the same sound-ish]
la coliflor = cauliflower
la col rizada, el repollo rizado = kale [lit. “curly cabbage”] la berza = kale
la calabaza = pumpkin
el calabacín = squash / zucchini / gourd
la berenjena = eggplant, aubergine
el pepino = cucumber
el pimiento = bell pepper [regional]
el chile / el ají = chile pepper
el aguacate = avocado
el hinojo = fennel
la aceituna = olive [regional but the most standard] la oliva = olive [regional]
el hongo = mushroom la seta = mushroom el champiñón = mushroom [all regional but all mostly make sense to everyone else; I believe champiñón is more common in Spain]
el guisante, los guisantes = pea, peas
el nabo = turnip
el rábano = radish
la remolacha = beet el betabel = beet [regional] la betarraga = beet [regional]
la espinaca = spinach
Meat and Fish [La Carne y El Pescado]
la carne = meat / flesh
el pollo = chicken / poultry
el pavo = turkey
el puerco / el cerdo = pork [or “pig”]
el jamón = ham
la salchicha = sausage
el res / (la) vaca = beef [la vaca being “cow”]
la hamburguesa = hamburger
la ternera = veal
el bistec = steak
el lomo (de algo) = loin [usually el lomo de res or el lomo de puerco]
el solomillo = sirloin
el filete = fillet
la albóndiga = meatball [depending on region the exact kind differs, but in general las albóndigas are some kind of meatballs]
el conejo / la liebre = rabbit / hare
la rana = frog
el caracol, los caracoles = snails
el pescado = fish
el bacalao = cod
el salmón = salmon
la platija / el lenguado = flounder
el atún = tuna
la trucha = trout
la pez espada = swordfish
la perca = perch
el esturión = sturgeon
la merluza = hake
el abadejo = pollock
la anguila = eel
la anchoa / el boquerón = anchovy
la sardina = sardine
la almeja = clam
el mejillón = mussel
la ostra = oyster
el calamar = squid
el pulpo = octopus
la vieira = scallop [many regional names here, just saying]
el camarón = shrimp la gamba = prawn, shrimp [both generally mean the same thing, but they are more regional; a gamba is typically bigger in my experience but because they look the same they get used as the same general thing]
el marisco, los mariscos = shellfish, seafood [general term; if you’re being specific, los mariscos mean “anything from the sea”, but if you’re differentiating fish and shellfish you use el pescado for “fish” and los mariscos for “shellfish”]
Dairy [Los Lácteos]
el lácteo, los lácteos = dairy products
la leche = milk
la nata = cream  la crema = cream [more or less the same, but some places use one more than the other; everyone understands it though]
el queso = cheese
el yogur = yogurt
la mantequilla = butter la manteca = lard
Starches and Legumes [Los Almidones y Las Legumbres]
el almidón = starch
el maíz = corn
la empanada = empanada / fried dumpling [lit. “covered in bread”, so it can be many things that are covered in dough; I’ve even seen “pot pie” called empanada]
el pan = bread la hogaza = loaf (of bread)
la miga / la migaja = breadcrumb
el trigo = wheat
la avena = oat
los cereales = cereal / grains
el arroz = rice
la pasta = pasta [sometimes “dough”]
el espagueti, los espaguetis = spaghetti
el ñoqui = gnocci
la lasaña = lasagna
los fideos = noodles
la legumbre, las legumbres = legumes
la lenteja, las lentejas = lentils
el frijol, los frijoles = beans la habichuela, las habichuelas = beans la alubia, las alubias = beans la judía, las judías = beans [they all kind of mean “beans”, it’s all regional but frijoles makes me think of Mexico or some parts of Latin America; typically they add a color to specify... so you might see las judías OR las habichuelas verdes for “green beans”, or you might see las habichuelas rojas or los frijoles rojos for “red beans” or “kidney beans”; everyone mostly knows what you’re talking about, don’t worry]
Fruits [Las Frutas]
la fruta = fruit
la manzana = apple
la naranja = orange la mandarina = Mandarin oranges / oranges
el melocotón = peach [Spain] el durazno = peach [Latin America]
la cereza = cherry
el coco = coconut
la piña = pineapple
el albaricoque = apricot [Spain] el damasco = apricot [Latin America] el chabacano = apricot [Mexico]
la uva = grape
la toronja = grapefruit
la fresa = strawberry [in general] la frutilla = strawberry [in some countries; fresa in some countries can be “posh” or “rich”]
la frambuesa = raspberry
la mora = mulberry / blueberry [sometimes la mora azul]
el arándano (azul) = blueberry
el arándano rojo = cranberry
la baya = berry
el higo = fig
el dátil = date
el melón = melon
la sandía = watermelon
la ciruela = plum la ciruela pasa = prune 
la pasa, las pasas = raisins [la pasa can refer to any kind of dried fruit, usually it’s “raisins” meaning la uva pasa “raisins” from grapes, or la ciruela pasa “prune” from plums]
el limón = lemon
la lima = lime [sometimes it’s limón for “lime”; it’s very confusing and regional]
la banana = banana el banano = banana [regional; sometimes “banana tree”]
el plátano = plantain / banana [regional]
Nuts [Los Frutos Secos]
los frutos secos = nuts [lit. “dry yieldings”; where fruto as “fruit” refers to anything that a plant produces or “bears”]
el maní / el cacahuete = peanut
la castaña = chestnut
la nuez = walnut
el pistacho = pistachio
el anarcado / la castaña de cajú = cashew
la almendra = almond
la avellana = hazelnut
la semilla = seed
la semilla de girasol = sunflower seed
la semilla de calabaza = pumpkin seed la pipa = pumpkin seed [Spain; la pipa is just “pip” or “seed”] la pepita = pumpkin seed [Mexico; it’s a specific type, but in general la pepita can be a pumpkin seed or a small seed]
la mantequilla/crema de (algo) = butter (of some kind) la mantequilla/crema de cacahuete/maní = peanut butter la mantequilla/crema de almendra = almond butter
Herbs and Spices [Las Hierbas y Las Especias]
la hierba = herb [or “grass”]
la hoja = leaf
el tallo = stem, stalk
la albahaca = basil
el laurel, la hoja de laurel = bay leaf, laurel
el perejil = parsley
el orégano = oregano
la salvia = sage
el romero = rosemary
el tomillo = thyme
el eneldo = dill
el cilantro = cilantro / coriander 
la especia = spice
la corteza = bark (of a tree) / crust (of bread/cake)
la raíz = root
la canela = cinnamon
el jengibre = ginger
el clavo = clove [or “nail” or “hoof” in general]
la pimienta = pepper (spice)
la pimienta de Jamaica = allspice [lit. “Jamaica pepper”]
el cardamomo = cardamom
la cúrcuma = turmeric
la nuez moscada = nutmeg
el cilantro = coriander / cilantro
la (semilla de) mostaza = mustard (seed)
molido/a = ground en polvo = ground [lit. “in dust (form)”]
el polvo de ajo = garlic powder el polvo de cebolla = onion powder el polvo de chile/ají = chili powder el polvo de curry = curry powder
la paprika = paprika [often the Hungarian sweet kind] el pimentón = paprika [often the spicy Spanish kind, commonly the spice for chorizo, but pimentón can also be used for “bell pepper” in some places]
la sal = salt la sal marina = seasalt la sal en escamas = flakey salt [lit. “salt in scales”; the escamas are “scales” for fish or reptiles, but en escamas is often the term for “flaked” or “flakey”]
Other Things [Otras Cosas]
el condimento = condiment 
la mayonesa = mayonnaise
el ketchup, el catsup = ketchup
la mostaza = mustard
la salsa = sauce / salsa la salsa de tomate = tomato sauce la salsa béchamel / el béchamel = bechamel sauce, cream sauce la salsa de soja = soy sauce
la soja = soy 
el vino = wine el vino tinto = red wine el vino blanco = white wine
el jerez = sherry
la cerveza = beer / ale
la mezcla = mix, mixture
la vinagreta = vinaigrette / salad dressing el aderezo (de ensalada) / el arreglo (de ensalada) = salad dressing [el aderezo may also mean “condiments” or “fixings” for other foods, but specifically for salads it’s “dressing”]
el puré = puree / mash, “mashed” / blended (el) puré de papa/patata = mashed potatoes (el) puré de manzana = applesauce [also la compota de manzana which is “apple compote”] (el) puré de calabaza = pumpkin puree, mashed pumpkin
endulzado/a = sweetened
enchilado/a = covered in chiles, covered in a spicy sauce
batido/a = whipped / creamed / scrambled [batir means “to strike” like “to slap”, or “to hit”; it could also be “stirred” and you may see it used along with agitado/a “stirred” or “shaken”]
relleno/a = stuffed el relleno = stuffing / filling
en escabeche = marinated / brined, in brine en salmuera = brined, in brine [el escabeche is “marinade” or “pickling juice”, la salmuera is literally “brine” as in related to salt water] 
hervido/a = boiled
adobado/a = marinaded (meat usually), covered in spices / spice rubbed [el adobo can mean a few things but it’s often a spice mix of some kind, sometimes a brine or marinade]
frito/a = fried
horneado/a = baked (in the oven) [from el horno “oven”, but hornear is “to bake” or generally “to use the oven”]
al vapor = steamed [lit. “(cooked) in steam”]
asado/a = roasted / baked
tostado/a = toasted
dorado/a = browned [lit. “made golden” from dorar “to gild” or “to coat in gold”, but in cooking it means “to brown”]
estofado/a = stewed, simmered
al horno = oven-baked [or al forno for Italian things]
encurtido/a = pickled los pepinos encurtidos = pickles [lit. “pickled cucumbers”]
el curtido = ceviche / slaw [generally it depends, but a curtido is some kind of sour marinated dish, and it can be vegetables like “coleslaw” OR it could be some kind of ceviche; if you see a curtido just know it is generally acidic or pickled]
la milanesa = breaded cutlet [anything milanesa refers to something breaded and fried; la milanesa de pollo is “breaded chicken cutlet”, la milanesa de res is “breaded beef cutlet” etc]
el sándwich = sandwich [standard I think (?); sometimes it has alternate spellings/pronunciations]
el bocadillo = sandwich [Spain usually, specifically on a long piece of bread like a baguette; for everyone else this is “mouthful” usually] la torta = sandwich [Mexico, specifically on a round roll] el emparedado = sandwich [I think mostly Spain; it literally means “between walls”]
la masa = dough
el pastel = cake [regional] la torta = cake [in Mexico a torta is a type of sandwich]
la tarta = tart, pie / cake [regional]
la galleta = cookie la galleta salada = cracker [lit. “salted gallete”]
la tostada = toast (a piece of toast)
glaseado/a = frosted/iced
el glaseado = frosting/icing la escarcha = frosting/icing [lit. “frost”] [you may also see la cobertura “topping” OR el baño “bath” as frosting or icing, it all depends]
la confitura = jam, jelly, compote, preserves la confitura de (algo) = (something) confit/compote/preserves
la jalea = jelly
la mermelada = jam, jelly, preserves, marmalade
la crema batida = whipped cream
el dulce, los dulces = sweet thing, sweets / possibly candy
la gomita = gummy candy
la golosina = candy [in general; kind of like the category like “confection”; all candies are golosinas really]
el chocolate = chocolate
la vainilla = vanilla
el helado = ice cream
dulce = sweet
agrio/a = sour, bitter ácido/a = sour, tart
amargo = bitter, sour
agridulce = bittersweet, sweet and sour
salado/a = salty, salted
picante = spicy [sometimes picoso/a or enchiloso/a though enchiloso/a to me implies a chile]
duro/a = hard
blando/a = soft
suave = smooth
espeso/a = thick [mixtures]
crujiente = crunchy
grasoso/a = greasy
aceitoso/a = oily
empalagoso/a, empalagante = cloyingly sweet, sickly sweet
seco/a = dry
mojado/a = wet empapado/a = soaked, wet
el sabor = taste
crudo/a = raw
cocido/a = cooked bien cocido/a = “well done” [for steaks]
Beverages [Las Bebidas]
la bebida = beverage, drink
el café = coffee
el tueste = roast [for coffee] el tueste claro = light roast coffee el tueste oscuro = dark roast tostado/a = roasted/toasted
el té = tea el té negro = black tea el té verde = green tea el té helado = iced tea
el té (de algo) = (some kind of) tea el té de manzanilla = chamomile tea el té de hierbas / el té herbal = herbal tea
el alcohol = alcohol
el trago = a shot (of alcohol)
(andar/salir) de copas = to go out drinking [la copa is “wine glass”, related to the word “goblet”, so de copas is “out drinking” in a way]
el vaso (de agua) = glass (of water)
la taza (de té/café) = cup/mug (of tea/coffee) / teacup or coffee cup/mug
la copa = glass (of wine)
el refresco = soda [regional] la gaseosa = soda [regional] la bebida gaseosa = soft drink
la soda = soda [can also be “seltzer water” or “club soda”]
con gas = carbonated, “sparkling” [lit. “with gas” sin gas = uncarbonated, “flat”
la cidra = cider
el vino = wine el vino tinto = red wine el vino blanco = white wine
el champán = champagne
la cerveza = beer la caña = draft beer [at least in Spain; idk about everywhere else; lit. caña is “reed” or “tube” so it means it comes from a keg or spigot or something is “on tap”]
el ron = rum
la ginebra = gin
el vodka = vodka
el whiskey, el whisky = whiskey el (whiskey) escocés = scotch [lit. “Scottish (whiskey)”]
la limonada = lemonade
el zumo = juice [Spain] el jugo = juice [Latin America, usually]*
la pulpa = pulp sin pulpa = no pulp
el hielo = ice con hielo = with ice sin hielo = without ice sobre hielo = on ice / over ice / “on the rocks”
mezclado/a = mixed
*el jugo is used sometimes in Spain, often with “meat juices” and jugoso/a is still “juicy” in many countries, but it’s more common in Spain for fruit juices to be zumo... whether it’s zumo de naranja “orange juice” or zumo de manzana “apple juice” etc
Some common drinks to know: la sangría is “sangria” [lit. “bloodletting” related to la sangre “blood”] which is wine with fruit. Since sangria can be kind of touristy, some places tend to have tinto de verano “summer red wine” which is often cheap red wine and some kind of fruit soda like sparkling lemonade or orange soda. Another common one is la clara which is beer and sparkling lemonade [I think close to a “shandy” in English though lord knows I rarely call it that]
Meals [Las Comidas]
el aperitivo = appetizer
las tapas = tapas, appetizers [typically more of a Spain thing]
el plato fuerte = main dish, entree [lit. “strong dish”] el plato principal = main dish, entree
la ensalada = salad
la sopa = soup
el caldo = broth
el estofado = stew
el desayuno = breakfast [standard, but also sometimes regional where desayuno might be very early or more sweet]
la comida = lunch / meal [in general] el almuerzo = lunch [US/UK; for most other places it’s a midmorning meal]
la merienda = snack / teatime, high tea
la cena = dinner
el postre = dessert
la comida ligera = light meal
la comida basura = junk food
There’s so much to say about eating schedules in Spanish vs English but really your experience will be different depending on if the country has a siesta culture. Just know many of the words can be HIGHLY regional
In most Spanish-speaking countries la comida is “lunch” [lit. “food”]; but in the US we typically say el almuerzo as a meal that happens at noon. Depending on where you are your entire eating schedule is different but in the US we have three meals - el desayuno, el almuerzo, la cena. Your exact meal schedule will depend on the country you’re in
¡Buen provecho! = Bon Appetit, “Dig In” [said before eating]
¡Salud! = Cheers! [lit. “health”, said before drinking during a toast] ¡Chin-chin! = Cheers! [a less formal toast, it’s literally the sound of glasses clinking together so it implies everyone sort of touches their glasses before drinking; chin-chin is often said with salud at these times so you’ll probably hear them both at the same time at an informal party/occasion]
la sobremesa = “dinner conversation” [a culture concept; la sobremesa literally is “above table” but it’s the word for talking and hanging out with friends and family over a meal, sort of like chitchat or conversation... it’s the act of growing closer “at the table”]
School Subjects [Las Materias]
la escuela = school
la tarea = homework / task
la materia = school subject
las matemáticas (mate / las mates) = mathematics, math
el álgebra = algebra [technically feminine]
la geometría = geometry
el cálculo = calculus [or “calculations”, it can be used like “I did the math” or “I ran the numbers”... that’s cálculo too]
la ciencia = science
la biología = biology
la química = chemistry
la física = physics
la informática = computer sciences, IT
la historia = history
la geografía = geography
los estudios sociales = social studies
las bellas artes = fine arts [arte is typically masculine, but in certain contexts it’s feminine - usually for las bellas artes or las artes marciales “martial arts”]
la literatura = literature
la escritura = writing / creative writing la narrativa = writing / creative writing [la narrativa means “narrative” but also could mean “storycraft”, as in one’s ability to write/tell a story]
el arte = art
la música = music
el drama = drama, theater [masculine] el teatro = theater (place and a subject)
el idioma = language [masculine] la lengua = language [lit. “tongue”]
la lengua y literatura = language arts [lit. “language and literature”] las artes del lenguaje = language arts
la poesía = poetry
la comunicación = communication
la traducción = translation
la psicología = psychology [sometimes it’s written as sicología without the P; they’re both correct, but psicología is more common]
la sociología = sociology
la medicina = medicine
el Derecho = Law [often capitalized; by itself el derecho means “a right”]
la contabilidad = accounting
la enseñanza = teaching
la educación físicia = physical education, PE / gym
la gimnasia = gym [it also is “gymnastics”, or basic “physical exercise”]
el deporte / los deportes = sport / sports
el atletismo = track and field / athletics [sometimes “track and field” is (la) pista y (el) campo but pista y campo might also be el atletismo]
(el) tiro al blanco = archery / darts [lit. “the act of shooting at the target”, but el tiro “shooting” can also refer to guns as well]
la esgrima = fencing
la natación = swimming [the noun, not the verb]
Many sports-related things are influenced by Greek traditions - la gimnasia as “gym” or “physical exercise” or “gymnastics” literally means “things pertaining to the gymnasium” which is where people would work out or play certain sports or exercise. And similarly el atletismo means “track and field” because it referred to the kind of sports professional athletes practiced in Greece or practiced for the Olympics... specifically the ones that used to be done outside, such as el maratón “marathon”, running, etc. Obviously we don’t have the discus or horseracing in most schools, but the Greek influence is there. And because el atleta means “athlete”, el atlestismo also refers to “athletics” in general
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caballero-de-libra · 8 months
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La cuerda floja
Allí, en aquel teatro con hedor a muerte, su voz comenzó a perderse y el eco dejó de alcanzar su nombre, de pronto, cayó el telón antes de tiempo, eran las dos de la mañana y el invierno agonizaba como el silencio de las calles. Tom Penny se desplomó como una bala disparada hacia la luna. La caída fue fatal. Aquí, cerca de la última mesa, el olor del tabaco y del alcohol nubló la preocupación del público. Lo tomaban como parte de su desatinado performance. Una tos incontenible se escuchó, era la de Tom, estaba tiñendo de sangre la palestra. Súbitamente, una voz desconocida gritó: “¡Tom! ¡La vida te pegó un tiro!”. Se escucharon las sirenas de la ambulancia, los paramédicos tímidamente se acercaron a Tom, lo cargaron como un costal de basura y se lo llevaron raudamente hacia un hospital de mala muerte cerca del teatro. Cuando Tom abrió los ojos, desconcertado, no recordaba qué ocurrió. Un médico con voz torva, se acercó y le ordenó que se despida de la música, de su lacerante voz que evocaba espíritus del averno. Una extraña enfermedad degenerativa lo dejaría sin el habla para siempre y el desarrollo de una tos incontenible acechándolo lentamente, como la sombra de su inconsciente. Tom, quien había empezado su carrera desde su desolada infancia, entre el abandono de un padre y la locura de una madre, yacía solo en la desgracia. Su carrera había despegado, y las disqueras estaban considerándolo para una gira nacional en los lugares de las clases medias y altas que siempre despreció. Una marea oscura perturbó su mente, a raíz de la fría e inesperada noticia. Intentó cantar algunas estrofas conocidas, pero comenzaba a toser inconteniblemente, como si se hubiera tomado 13 botellas heladas de vodka, un baño con agua fría a la intemperie, una fibrosis de cantina y una tuberculosis bohemia. Nunca sintió la pérdida, nació desubicado, al perder su voz se esfumó su sonrisa altanera y se quebró en sus propios pensamientos. No había peor muerte para un artista en vida, que verse incapacitado de ejercer su arte. Los miembros de su banda, al enterarse de la noticia, encontraron un sustituto para Tom. Su único medio de sustento le fue arrebatado por una enfermedad que no sabe si él la buscó, pero su vida era un desorden, no era de extrañar que el caos fuera engendrado en su organismo.
Ahí se encontraba su lúgubre presencia, Tom Penny, el maldito del suburbio, dec��an que su voz desgarradora pelaba las sucias capas de pintura enmohecidas de los bares y teatros de la olvidada estirpe de Jersey. Estirpe de la clase más baja: ladrones tísicos, prostitutas de caucho, yonkis de alcantarillados, indigentes sin Dios, desahuciados sin escrúpulos, mafiosos con cerebro de reptil y relojes arrancados de sus agujas. Tom recordaba sus vagos días de la niñez cuando jugaba a los pequeños gánsters del cine negro. Nunca conoció el amor de madre o de padre, ni este tuvo la oportunidad de robarle suspiros como para volverse un adicto. Todo lo que recibió como aprendizaje, era sobre la maldad humana: la realidad que alguna vez leyó en los cuentos de Poe. El arte entró a su vida por un interés mundano, que luego se transformó en amor por placeres como el dinero, el sexo, las drogas y el alcohol. Nada parecía detenerlo, su hambre voraz y el esfuerzo inusitado por cantar los resentimientos de su origen, conectó indirectamente con el corazón estrujado de muchos infelices ajenos a ese sueño americano que los periódicos enorgullecían cada fin de semana. Tom siempre decía que las balas lo esquivaban a él, porque ningún peligro lo consumía, vivía sin la necesidad de Dios, sin pedirle un centavo o un día más de vida. Para él, la nada era absoluta, él y ese micrófono, él y ese escenario, él y esa banda de postpunk. De bar en bar, de teatro en teatro, de plaza en plaza, iba cosechando fama, hasta que el destino lo empujó hacia un estudio de grabación que masificó sus canciones y alentó sus demonios narcisistas. Por la calle principal de Jersey corría de boca en boca un viejo refrán que decía: “El ego de un gánster era una bala perdida hacia su reflejo”. Un vagabundo se lo dijo, pero Tom se reía, creía que jamás llegaría a ocurrirle algo que afectara su ciego sentido de invulnerabilidad.
Tom había perdido el habla. Su vida se paralizó, su mirada apuntaba hacia dentro, y el golpe de aquel evento fue la primera pieza de dominó en caer y desbaratar su cordura, su construcción plástica de chico malo. Grito en silencio: “¡No!”. Las heridas del alma, la ausencia, la vida y las ráfagas de análisis impulsivos que los despersonalizaban hasta vomitar su propia existencia. Pasaron las semanas, mientras él se aislaba, hasta que vio la luz una tarde cualquiera acompañado de su tos incontenible que no enmudecía nunca, y aceptó el cese de una vida sin brújula. Recordó que en el hospital había afiches despintados sobre citas bíblicas, alguna especie de puente hacia una vida frugal y muerta para el artista sin muchos estímulos para concebir el arte, salvo repetir las decimonónicas plegarias y cánticos de iglesias hieráticas. Tom decidió saltar al otro lado del abismo, a otra cuerda floja con un círculo vicioso de seguridad y bienaventuranza. El gentío rumoreaba por las calles: “Se suicidó”, “Lo vi robarse mi cajetilla de cigarros”, “Me saludó a lo lejos”, “Se ha redimido”. Nadie tenía la razón. Murió simbólicamente o en vida, pero algo era seguro, la luz se lo llevó. Tom era un sueño de Jersey.
Sexto escrito de la serie "Micro-relatos".
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imaginedreamwrite · 9 months
Happier Than Ever
Part 4: Fate Thou Art Twisted
“My base is your base.” The words were reminiscent of what Colonel Vargas had said before, when Ghost mentioned Commander Graves of the Shadows assisting in finding Hassan.
The join task force would hunt Hassan down in the hills he was hiding in, leaving no single crevice in that hideout uncovered. There was no probability of failing, this mission had to be a success, and whatever missiles Hassan had, needed to be found.
With the weight of more than just American lives on the line, the task given by General Shepherd and Laswell couldn’t afford any small measure of force. There would have to be an unseemly pressure put on Hassan and the hills he was hiding in.
“You good for this?” Soap had questioned you again, as if you had the opportunity to back down, as if you could change your mind and head back to the US. “You’re heading into gunfire.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time.” Your heart was racing, and dread had settled in your stomach. It was your 4th mission with Ghost & Soap, and you’d yet to gather or steel your nerves. Not like they had, and not how you particularly should have.
You followed Soap & Ghost into the armoury, standing nearby as they grabbed ammunition and assault rifles, checking the weapons over. There was no shortage of artillery here, heavy and handheld weapons to kill or disarm, another necessary adage to the mission.
While you were a medic, and you had completed your nursing degree, you weren’t necessarily a soldier. You had gone through your 6 weeks basic training, you had learned to survive in a war zone, as best as Alex Keller could teach you.
You had gone through your crash courses, you had gone through as much training to solidify your skills as a combat medic. Pushing yourself through every necessary test to get your rank as private, you hadn’t faltered.
You completed your training, but you were not like Soap & Ghost. You wanted to put your focus on keeping them alive, on keeping them breathing.
“Take the damn gun.” A smaller rifle was handed to you, an order from Ghost.
As your CO, he had been responsible for yourself and Soap, and any fatalities were purely his responsibility. “And keep your head on straight.”
“An XM7,” Soap had spoken over Ghost, tapping the barrel of the gun with his fingers, twice, and then looked over his shoulder, “sergeant Parra is taking you to the med-bay. Get whatever supplies you need, we leave in 10.”
He already had his gear on, with the Kevlar bulletproof vest that bared the flag of his country, his rank, and the emblem belonging to Los Vaqueros. His vest was similar to Ghost & Soap’s, the indicators that would lead anyone to know that they were soldiers.
Unlike the soldiers' bulletproof vests, your tactical vest was emboldened with MEDIC, in English, in bright white letters at the front, with MÉDICO, in Spanish, below.
As on the front, there were the same distinguishing patches on the back of your vest, accompanied by a caduceus, a snake, and a pair of wings to symbolize your status as a healer rather than a fighter. A commonality among the three of you was the flag from your countries, a patch that identified just how international this mission was.
“Leave in ten.” You nodded your head, acknowledging the order Ghost had given you, and then you stepped toward Sergeant Major Parra.
He was waiting for you, and had reviewed you once, before he directed his attention behind him with a nod of his head.
When you first approached, you noticed his hands were held behind his back, though when he began walking with you, they dropped to his sides. As you walked with relative silence between you, you glanced over at him, rather of the identifying soulmate mark on his wrists.
One, you noted, was already emboldened and lined with black. One of the phrases was securely etched into his skin, as usual with marks like that, meaning he had found one; however, there was another out there.
You diverted your attention once you had reached the doors of the med-bay. The small clinic was dark upon your approach, something that had been rectified when you’d stepped inside. The automatic lights turned on, and you were greeted with shelves upon shelves of medical equipment.
“Take what you need.” Rudy Parra had leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you, waiting for you to gather some things.
“Yes sir.” You stepped toward one shelf, looking over the different kinds of bandages and gauze there was, and then further to the threads for stitching.
You grabbed what supplies you hadn’t already had, mostly newer gauze and bandages, some cold compresses and extra thread, before you took a side-eye toward the narcan. You reached for the glass vial, looking over the label before you closed your fingers around the bottle and shoved it into your bag.
“You don’t seem like the type to be in a fight like this,” Rudy’s voice had caught you off guard, and you’d looked over your shoulder toward him.
“I’ve got more interest in being a medic, or combat nurse, than I do physically being caught in gunfire. But… I’ve always wanted to be in medicine, I’ve always wanted to be a nurse.” You moved down the shelves and then hummed under your breath.
“Looking for something?” His accent was light, his voice was relatively calm as he stepped further into the med-bay, closer to you.
“Necesito un frasco de morfina.” It was just natural for you to ask in Spanish, given that he was a native-born Spanish speaker, and you’d never questioned yourself until Rudy looked at it with furrowed brows.
“Hablas español?” He reached above you, grabbing a few glass vials of the drug you were looking for, handing them down to you.
“Yeah, I’m… I wouldn’t say I’d be as fluent as someone who was born in Mexico, but I learned Spanish from the time I was 7 to 18.” You thanked him and placed the vials into your bag, feeling at odds with yourself for letting your second language slip.
“Es necesario en los Estados Unidos, no?” He didn’t question why you weren’t forthright with your ability to speak Spanish, rather, he’d questioned you about something related.
“The United States has a lot of Spanish speakers in the country. I don’t know if it's mandatory to learn it in school in every district, county or state, but in my school it was.” You took another look around the med-bay, double-checking your supplies and what you’d taken, before you zipped the top.
“Tu español es muy bueno.” Rudy held the door open for you when you finished.
“Gracias.” You stepped by him as he allowed you to step out first. It was while you were stepping by him that you tilted your head, eyeing the edges of his second soulmate mark.
The words were lined with an edge faint black, as if he had come in proximity to his soulmate, but the words themselves weren’t spoken. They were in Spanish, and while you had said the words in your head, you whispered them under your breath.
“Todo puede ser lanzado al aire al menos una vez?” You whispered faintly under your breath, almost entirely incomprehensible.
You glanced toward the mark again and then looked away, your eyes drawn toward Soap & Ghost as they stood by the fleet of humvee’s. They were geared up, as usual, bearing weapons that were far more formidable than your own, even though yours had the same potential to maim and kill.
“PT!” Soap called your rank from across the open space, directing you toward a series of vehicles parked and waiting. “Move your ass!”
“Yes sir!” You walked directly to your CO’s, your gun by your side and ammo stashed in the pockets of your tactical vest.
There was a certain amount of tension in the base that was directly tied to the mission to find Hassan. It was a tension that overshadowed any previous anxiety you had, with the knowledge that this could be someone’s last day breathing.
This could be your last day breathing.
“Get your head screwed on right, lass. This could get ugly.” Upon approaching Soap, he motioned with a single nod to get into the vehicle beside Ghost, the position open for you.
You’d tossed your bag to the floor of the humvee and climbed inside, taking your place beside Ghost, while another soldier had taken his place to the right of you.
Ten minutes had been enough time for you to grab what you needed, to secure necessary and life-saving tools to keep them safe. It was also enough time for you to reveal yourself as someone who could not only understand Spanish but speak it fluently enough to carry a conversation.
You hadn’t been aware of Soap or Ghost wanting you to keep your ability to speak Spanish a secret forever. Nevertheless, there was a certain expectation that you’d act as their translator, and it was impossible to do so without someone, at some point, knowing you were bilingual.
“You good, kid?” Soap turned in the front passenger seat, looking back at you as Colonel Vargas drove. “You ready for this?”
“You’re three years older than me, if you call me kid, can I call you senile?” Your back and forth with Soap was ordinary for the two of you.
It was partially due to his boyish charm that never faded, and your relationship that was like brother and sister. You were friends, but it also felt like you were family.
Your comment drew a cold response from Ghost, a side-eye that you had grown used to when in his company. At this point, you hadn’t even known if he was aware of what he was doing, or if it was some natural reaction to the people around him.
However, if Ghost had given you a dirty look, then Soap was almost gleeful about the comment.
He had laughed, as he usually did, and shook his head, flipping you off over his shoulder. He was eased, far more than you were, yet not as calculated as Ghost was at the moment. He was the neutral point between the two of you, the balance between your anxiety laced anticipation and Ghost’s cold composure.
The drive away from the compound and base was quick. The trip toward the hills outside the city, that had been overrun by the Cartel and had been the hiding place of Hassan, had taken less than twenty minutes. The overhanging cliff side and rolling hills had come upon you, with a single road in and out of the encompassing stronghold.
As the vehicles had come to a stop, Colonel Vargas voice came through the earpiece in your right ear, the order firm. “Team leaders circle up on me. Weapons hot Vaqueros. Let’s move.”
You had followed Ghost out of the humvee, your medical bag and supplied thrown across your shoulder to drape on your hip. The XM7 rifle was heavier than you anticipated now that you were on the cusp of the first assault to find Hassan.
“You’re with me, private.” Ghost addressed with his usual calculated and neutral tone, an order that you couldn’t disregard.
You regarded his order with a nod of your head, and adjusted your grip on your rifle. You’d been placed here as a medic and your job was to keep them alive, you had the tools and the training to save their lives to the best of your ability in the field.
You had 6 weeks of basic training, you had been taught how to handle weapons. Alex Keller had taught you everything he could in six weeks to prepare yourself for missions like this. It was always a possibility that you would have to lean more into the military training rather than medical, and this was one of the moments you had been trained for.
Regardless of whether you wanted to classify yourself as a soldier or not, you were going to have to defend yourself if someone had come upon you without being stopped by the soldiers that had come before you.
“Where are they holding Hassan?” Soap approached Alejandro and Rudy, and almost immediately got an answer.
“White two-story building. Back of town.” Alejandro raised his hand, directing Soap’s attention to the village tucked behind 7 foot white sun-stained walls.
With the direction given, the soldiers had begun to move, their weapons raised and their guards up. They approached the first gate that kept the village contained, a thick wooden double set of doors that had remained barricaded.
“Todos los vencedores en espera.” Alejandro had spoken into the comm system, his voice echoing in your head as you approached the last soldier, hanging behind like you had usually done.
“Tres, dos, uno...ejecutar.... ejecutar!” The order was given, and the doors had been kicked open, the soldiers pouring into the compound.
A sense of resolve had taken over every sense you had, and your instincts lead you. You tuned out the world, centred your mind, and followed Ghost and Soap as they stormed the abandoned town like planned.
The houses were empty and used as storehouses or labs for whatever the cartel wanted. The civilians had fled the town, no safety within the walls of the village that was now taken over by the Las Almas Cartel.
“Down! Get down!” The first rounds of gunfire erupted, and you ducked behind cover as commanded, the tang of smoke from the ammunition spent stinging your nose.
This, all this around you, was the shadowy underbelly of the beautiful city.
You kept yourself quiet, studious as you dug through your bag and compartmentalized the hours between hitting the ground in Las Almas, and the moment you were in now. The gunfire in the abandoned village had resulted in finding out that Hassan had been there in the hideout, until he was moved.
Further up the river and in a secondary hideout is where they had found him hiding, with the assistance of Commander Graves and the Shadow Company. The joint Taskforce had succeeded in securing the terrorist to be questioned; however, there was little to be said about the methods of interrogation he may be hit with.
You had done the task given to you, you had succeeded being a combat nurse after another gunfight. Bullets were removed, gashes and wounds were secured and cleaned, and no one had lost their lives. It was a “success” by the standard; however, there was more to this task than anyone had even known.
You, as you sat on the sidelines and dug through your bag, had rattled nerves. It wasn’t just due to the gunfight you’d survived, it wasn’t just a circumstantial effect of patching up soldiers in the field.
No, this was something entirely different. And when all eyes were off you, you looked at your arms and felt your chest constrict.
“Maldito cabrón,” had been harshly yelled through the gunfire by the leader of Los Vaqueros, a fact that hadn’t hit you until you had a moment to think.
“Maldito hijo de puta,” had come through the communication system, something spoken by a voice you thought was Rudy Parra’s.
Both men, both Mexican special forces officers, had spoken the keywords to solidify themselves as your soulmates. And those key identifying words were ensconced in thick black lines, emboldened and complete. It was a moment that was life altering, coming at the worst possible time for you, and for them.
Still, you remained quiet about this revelation, and you distracted yourself by paying attention to the brief interrogation of Hassan, and the sound of his feet being dragged across the gravel. The only light had come from the yellow hued headlights of the truck and humvee that were driven here, one of which was Hassan’s escort.
“On your knees.” Soap had grabbed Hassan’s right arm, escorting him to the focal point before a camera as Alejandro removed his hood.
“Y’all got a clear picture?” Graves crouched under in front of a truck, adjusting the angle to get Hassan completely unveiled by the camera.
“Crystal.” General Shepherds voice echoed through the comm, and you leaned forward with your elbows on your knees, hands tucked under your chin.
“All set.” Laswell was the next to speak, the next to address in this interrogation effort, while Hassan was kept hostage.
“Alright. We are live, folks.” Commander Graves stood straight and walked toward Hassan, almost arrogantly, before stopping in front of him.
You were aware of Ghost’s position near the back of the truck, a position he took as a guard in case Hassan decided to bolt. Soap and Alejandro were standing behind Hassan, far enough away not to distort any recognition tactics.
“You speak Arabic?” Hassan’s hands were held behind his back, a set of stiff cuffs keeping him bound.
“No.” Graves stopped in front of Hassan, hands on his hips and a look of compressed disapproval on his face.
“Farsi?” Hassan’s lips began to form a smirk, another arrogant expression that was almost fitting for the mad bastard.
“No.” Graves replied with annoyance, and as he did, you could hear howling coyotes and the noises of nature at night in the background.
It was another reminder that although beautiful, there was more wilderness to this place than you realized.
“Of course not. Then I’ll speak your bastardized Medieval English because you are all uneducated street dogs.” He looked around at you all, that same cocky half-smirk on his face, even as Graves stepped closer.
“Ahh, see...we’re getting off to a bad start, Hassan.” Graves, ever disappointed, kicked some gravel toward Hassan and shook his head.
“You’re talking to a Quds Force officer.”
“You're the commander of a foreign terror organization.” Graves continued the interrogation, a sight that you had briefly tuned out when you looked back at your wrists, and the soulmate identifying words that had now become a reality.
Fate had decided that it was time for you all to be intertwined. Fate, the fickle bitch, was not going to wait any longer and this was the time for you three to come together.
Regardless of circumstances or opportune timing.
Wildlife and coyotes yipped again, signalling more scurrying from the distance as the night carried on. You had lifted your head, directing your attention from the soulmate marks to the man being questioned. The terrorist still on his knees while Soap and Alejandro were nearby.
“I’m a hostage here, this is illegal.”
“You’re a prisoner of war.” Alejandro’s accent and husky voice had drawn your attention to the fearless leader, and dull heat boiled in your stomach as the recognition re-centred itself.
“Iran is not at war with Mexico. I’ve broken no laws. These men and their commanders are the lawbreakers.” He pulled against Alejandro’s hand, tugging twice before he was settled back into a place of submission at the colonels hands.
“You and your beloved general Ghorbani broke every—“ Soap had spoken, and a physical and verbal reaction from Hassan had made both men nearly lose their hold on him.
Hassan had stood with rage, he spoke with fury as he cut Soap off. “DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME!”
“You executed him, and you will pay for your crimes—“ Hassan had looked at Soap, at all of you, like you were the scum of the earth.
You averted your eyes and shifted positions where you sat, just as heat blistered your stomach from the inside out. It was a visceral reaction to the settling bond that had been melded. Nothing more complicated than breathing, it was almost as natural.
The curse words in Spanish, inked on your skin as a gift from Fate, had now been completely visible and strengthened after being spoken. You wondered if you had managed to say the trigger words for them. If you’d managed to give them what they needed to feel this same heat.
“—without proof, we need to turn him loose, see where he leads.” Shepherd spoke again, a kind of finality in his tone.
“He’s right here, you can’t be serious.” Soap had taken an approach you knew was palatable, one that even you had felt.
If they let him go, would they find him again?
“Did we get anything from his phone?” Ghost spoke after looking down at the phone in his hands and then glancing toward the camera.
Laswell had remained silent for a single moment before she replied with something good, something minutely hopeful. “Affirmative. We got a hit.”
“Good, now take him back and let him go.” Shepherds order was forcibly accepted, and with a nod of his head, Ghost had signalled to Alejandro.
The bag was pulled, with force, over Hassan’s head and the terrorist was yanked to his feet. “Hasta el culo. vamos.”
He was being led away by Alejandro, the interrogation over. With this whole incident wrapped up open-ended, you had also risen to your feet. You yanked your medic bag up from the gravel road and slung the strap over your shoulder, feeling the thud against your hip.
“You really have to let him go?” You questioned Ghost, glancing slowly from Soap to himself, stepping toward the vehicle. “That’s bullshit.”
“That’s an order.” Ghost spoke plainly, matter-of-factly, tugging on the door handle to the truck. “Get your ass inside.”
“Todo puede ser lanzado al aire al menos una vez.” You muttered under your breath as you got into the truck, sliding to the rear driver's side.
“English, L/N.” Ghost took the rear passenger seat and slammed the door behind him.
“Everything can be airdropped at least once.”
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quetzalnoah · 1 year
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Hace poco leí un libro titulado ”Sin Esfuerzo” que habla sobre cómo nos abrumamos al ser tan perfeccionistas. Si algo he aprendido en estos años que llevo escribiendo y siendo uno de los autores independientes más conocidos de México es que, la suerte y el éxito no son una serie de factores con los que uno nace predispuesto, sino que se manifiestan cuando logras tener una disciplina y cuando aprendes a liberarte de tus miedos y tus límites. Ejemplo: tú puedes haber nacido en una familia que te da todo y tienes condiciones favorables para sobresalir, pero sin duda puedes ser un pendejo toda tu vida y aun así tener tener talento y sobresalir, tu talento no siempre va de la mano de tus circunstancias y tampoco es que necesites sufrir para que llegues a ser notado como antes se creía. El sufrimiento en el arte no tiene ningún valor, el verdadero valor es el mensaje que logras transmitir. El sufrimiento es una circunstancia no una limitante.
Yo en realidad siempre lo he dicho: el secreto de mi éxito es que me vale madre todo, la opinión, el hate, las reglas, las estructuras y que en mis inicios nunca me enfoqué en ser una persona perfeccionista sino en crear cosas chidas. Y bueno. Mis libros me han dado para conocer dos continentes, una gran biblioteca, fundar una editorial , recorrer todas las ciudades de México en coche y otros placeres que el maravilloso mundo de la literatura me ha otorgado.
Curiosamente, cuando quise perfeccionar más cosas de mi trabajo, comenzaron a frustrarse otras. Es casi como ir en contra de mi esencia. Debo decir que algo que se les hace muy complejo a la gente que es escribir y publicar un libro para mí se me hizo casi como salir a correr o comerme unos tacos; es decir, que no representa un gran esfuerzo para mí. No me malinterpretes. No tengo imprentas y tampoco tengo contratos con librerías. Solamente sé cómo se hace. Es como el médico que te puede diagnosticar preguntando tus hábitos de consumo o el mecánico que sabe lo que le falla a un coche cuando lo escucha. Yo, sé hacer libros, plasmar sueños, materializar las vivencias.
Por ello en 5 años he publicado más de 17 libros. Serán buenos o malos, no lo sé, pero lo que sí sé es que ningún libro ha vendido menos de dos mil ejemplares y que he escrito poesia, novela, cuento, narrativa, motivación y hasta guías de viajes y cada libro ha encontrado a su lector ideal. A veces me dicen “poeta” y yo digo ahh sí, escribo de lo que sea y de lo que quiera, y cuando quiero publico un libro.
Algo que me pasó hace poco es que estaba preparando el lanzamiento de mi novela “¿Cómo volverse mochilero?” La escribí en Agosto del 2021 y la terminé en Diciembre de ese mismo año. La leí y la leí y dije: la puedo hacer mejor. Me obsesioné porque era una historia muy personal y quería darle algo excepcional al público lector. Así que la reescribí. Y justo cuando ya tenía la idea que me gustaba el archivo se me borró 😪.
Pero bueno, me consolé recordando que Jack Kerouac escribió “On the road” en un rollo de papel higiénico y que Hemingway perdió su borrador de ¿Cómo doblan las campanas? Y su consuelo fue que lo haría mejor. En fin, me obsesioné con mi novela y la lancé el día de mi cumpleaños 33. Unas semanas después mi página con medio millón de lectores desapareció. Y bueno, tuve que volver a empezar. Más de la mitad del público que estaba en esa página aún no sabe mi vieja página dejó de existir.
¿Te das cuenta? Me obsesioné con algo a lo que le aposté mis más nobles esperanzas. Y en ese lapso que estaba tan y tan bajoneado por todo: ventas bajas de los libros, pérdida de público lector, amistades traicioneras, gente con la que colaboré que le abrí espacios y me dio la espalda. Realmente dije: es momento de dejar esto.
Pero me encontré con una nota que había escrito en mi teléfono: “La mente es muy poderosa, si te repites a ti mismo que eres un pendejo se la va creer. Si le dices que eres un chingón, se la va a creer aunque seas un pendejo”
Así que dije, bueno, he sido un pendejo con la suerte de no compararme y eso me ha llevado muy lejos y me ha enfocado en lo que tengo que hacer.
Y como por arte de magia me fui encontrando varias notas que fui escribiendo en momentos difíciles. Nunca pensé en publicarlas porque la neta me daban risa y dije: ahh esto es para mí nomas. Y bueno las junté, escribí algunas otras y les puse de titulo: Manual para levantarse.
Y bueno, oh sorpresa, en dos meses se volvió de los libros más vendidos en Amazon.
Y eso es lo que te quería decir: regresa a los simple, no te compliques y sobre todo: deja de esperar que sea el momento perfecto porque nunca va a llegar. Aviéntate, sobre la marcha vas a aprender de tus errores. Y si no aprendes al menos reconocerás que sigues siendo un pendejo. Pero si aprendes algo bueno y tu vida cambia, entonces entenderás que vale la pena romperte la madre en cada cosa nueva que intentas hacer y de eso nunca te vas a arrepentir.
Quetzal Noah
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brutaloutthere · 2 months
starter call @aspenstart
EX: Annabeth + Cebolinha + Hospital + Sim. // Se conhecem por terem memórias de quando eram crianças e tinham uma amizade. (explicação não obrigatória)
Alex Claremont Diaz. // de vermelho, branco e sangue azul. 30 anos. não tem suas memórias. estudante de filosofia, filho de políticos importantes, grande festeiro com muitos followers no instagram.
Annabeth Chase. // de percy jackson e os olimpianos. 27 anos. tem suas memórias. arquiteta, leitora voraz, grande investigadora.
Ballister Boldheart. // de nimona. 37 anos. não tem suas memórias. policial, cabeça dura, velho demais para lidar com loucuras da cidade.
Dipper Pines. // de gravity falls. 26 anos. tem parte das memórias. jornalista, sonha em fazer uma série de tv paranormal de caça fantasmas.
John Constantine. // de dc comics. 35 anos. tem suas memórias. detetive particular, mago do oculto, arrogante, inglês, fala com fantasmas e demônios, faz exorcismos nas horas vagas.
Natalie Cook. // de charlie's angels. 28 anos. não tem suas memórias. professora de química do ensino médio, grande romântica, um pouco avoada, participa de corridas à noite.
Peter Pan. // de peter pan da disney. 25 anos. tem suas memórias. guia no museu da cidade, um rapaz agitado que gosta de jogos, apostas, acampamentos ao ar livre, é um ótimo contador de histórias.
Rachel Green. // de f.r.i.e.n.d.s. 26 anos. não tem suas memórias. atendente na sorveteria local, conhecida como a que deixou seu noivo no altar, apaixonada por moda.
Victor Frankenstein. // de frankenstein. 32 anos. tem suas memórias. médico cirurgião, amante das artes, grande introvertido.
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