#arry speaks
virgoevenus · 9 months
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corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt corset and skirt
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dykexenomorph · 2 years
absolutely mauling everyone whos had a hand in cluttering the until dawn tag w posts about the quarry, please for the love of god let me see posts for a good game 😭
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vhstown · 10 months
okay okay bit random but as a british person (yes im admitting to this) who lives around people who speak like hobie brown
(pls read below the cut)
you do not need to add an apostrophe every 2 sounds and make his speech unreadable we know he has an accent....
use it in moderation . a few sounds omitted are fine but please. you do not need to be doing 4D chess trying to portray every little quirk of his speech
a lot of the times if you over-do the accent it doesn't even sound right when you read it out? (to me it reads like an american or northern accent usually)
trust me we know how he sounds
OKAY OKAY bit of cultural trivia if you want to use slang you're probably gonna be looking at jamaican patois slang (EDIT: MLE or multi-cultural london english is the more appropriate term for his dialect! pls check the reblogs for a better explanation of it by somebody else)
in ATSV the only thing i can remember him saying is "mandem" and he tends to use other phrases like "man" and "my guy" to refer to others he's close with
not every piece of jamaican patois slang is commonly used in MLE
MLE is predominantly found in areas like south london or camden (where hobie is from)
hobie also seems to dial down his accent when speaking to people who aren't from his universe (my reasoning anyway)
his accent is actually very subtle compared to what i've seen irl
hobie is very witty and tends to speaks fast with a lot of filler words like "yeah?" and "alright?" and you wanna focus on things like word order and structure (for example the word "I" tends to be missing a lot so "i went to the cinema" would just be "went to the cinema" etc etc)
im not the best at writing hobie either and i wish he got more screentime but focus on capturing his personality rather than his accent pls
sincerely a brit who really loves hobie but not so much the attempts at his accent
will reblog or edit with any other thoughts i have about this id appreciate any other british people's input too
PLEASE check out the reblogs on this !!!!
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gendryamas · 5 months
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by @katlyn1948
“You know damn well, for you, I would ruin myself a million times over,” Arya whispered into Gendry’s ear as his arms embraced her a little tighter. The curls at the base of his neck had grown and she couldn’t help but fiddle with the strands as they stayed locked in a finite caress.
Their time together was dwindling, yet she couldn’t bear to part from him. How cruel the world was for him to leave again, only for her to stay behind and watch as he said his goodbyes. Every time she thought it would get easier, yet every time a little piece of her heart broke. Soon, it would be left in a million pieces that only he could fix.
“I have to go now, Arry.” His voice was smothered as he nuzzled the space between her ear and shoulder.
“Just a little longer,” she pleaded, her voice cracking under the emotional turmoil.
“They’ll wonder where you’ve been.”
“Let them.”
That was the thing about their illicit affair, how gloriously wonderful the clandestine meetings and stolen stares had become. A secret language only they could speak when their eyes would meet from across the room. It was a sanctuary just for them, their very own garden of Eden. But it was marred with lies and deceit. Only one single truth stood out, that she was irrevocably in love with this man.
“You’ve worn it again, the lavender.” He growls into her ear. “You know I love the lavender.”
A wicked smile played across her lips as her fingers crept up into the mass of curls atop his head, “Picked it just for you.”
“I want nothing more than to take you up against the wall. To make you scream my name like you’ve done a thousand times. To make you quiver in unadulterated ecstasy. But, love, if they find you down here with me, I’ll be gelded, and you’d be sent to a convent.”
She hated how right he was. They had been meticulous to leave no trace of their affair behind. Outside of their perfect garden, it was as if they didn’t exist. “If we must. But do not let it be days until I see you again. These last few have been nearly unbearable.” She pulled from his arms so she could look up into his cerulean eyes.
“They have me listed at the docks, inspection. I’ll be there for three days.” Again, another piece had broken knowing she’d be cold until he returned.
“Look, you’ve made an idiotic fool in love. Thought I’d never see it.” He wiped the single tear that fell from her glistening eyes before placing a soft kiss on her wanting lips, “I’d ruin myself for you, too.”
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first-of-her-nxme · 11 months
“At the hill's foot, Frodo found Aragorn, standing still and silent as a tree; but in his hand was a small golden bloom of elanor, and a light was in his eye. He was wrapped in some fair memory: and as Frodo looked at him he knew that he beheld things as they once had been in the same place. For the grim years were removed from the face of Aragorn, and he seemed clothed in white, a young lord tall and fair; and he spoke words in the Elvish tongue to one whom Frodo could not see. Arwen vanimelda, namarië! he said.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
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“Jaqen H’ghar stood so still in the darkness that he seemed one of the trees. “A man comes to hear a name. One and two and then comes three. A man would have done.”
Arya lowered the splintery point toward the ground. “How did you know I was here?”
“A man sees. A man hears. A man knows.”
She regarded him suspiciously. Had the gods sent him? "How'd you make the dog kill Weese? Did you call Rorge and Biter up from hell? Is Jaqen H'ghar your true name?"
"Some men have many names. Weasel. Arry. Arya."
She backed away from him, until she was pressed against the heart tree. "Did Gendry tell?"
"A man knows," he said again. "My lady of Stark." - GRRM, A Clash of Kings
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GRRM often refers to other books in ASOIAF. To be honest, he often borrows from other authors. Martin takes from many sources. There are things that he has borrowed from Tad Williams, Philippa Gregory, Robert Graves and even movies and songs. And, obviously, J.R.R. Tolkien. 
There are a few nods in Jaqen’s and Arya’s story to Aragorn and Arwen. 
These two passages I have quoted above seem to be similar and different and the same time. Similar because both heroes, Aragorn and Aegon ( Jaqen ), are compared to trees. They both stand still as trees because they are focused: they are watching their ladies, Arwen and Arya, respectively. Aragorn is recalling his betrothal to Arwen and he speaks to her. Aegon is watching Arya, then they start talking and their conversation is ridiculously loaded with wedding symbolism: he makes and oath to her and takes the Old Gods as witnesses, he kneels before her and she promises to obey him.
In Aegon’s case, his resemblance to the tree goes further: he has a strong connection to the magic of weirwood that is the driving force of Martin’s story. And, as usual, in GRRM’s books everything is darker than in Tolkien’s work. It is so grim that it is almost funny because Arya and Aegon make a bargain for murder while posing as a couple to be wed under the weirwood tree.
Reading these pieces together is like watching GRRM rewriting Tolkien’s sentences to transform the story into a new, dark romance.
 There is a reason for that darkness. Tolkien wrote about hope while GRRM has been writing about disappointment. Though there is still room for love.
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snippy-tano · 1 year
so this one hit me in the middle of night last night and I woke up in like a cold sweat and finished it off tonight. I hope you all like it! it is a part 2 to the Hunter x Senator!Reader. consider it an early present for you guys since my birthday is tomorrow ;)
hope y’all love it! let me know what you think!
s/o to @quizznag who commented on ao3 and said they should get their meal together and then hunter and reader sneak off to a balcony to have a chat. Bless u
(also apologies for no page break, I’m doing this on mobile and Jfhshdhf it sucks sometimes. I’ll fix it when I can get on a computer I promise y’all)
taglist is here!
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tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @marvel-starwars-nerd @mackstrut @dissapointingpancake @ahsokatano-thetogruta @welcometothepedroverse @lightning-wolffe @fractiouskat @mandaloriandin @lussyyung @lowkeyodinsong @str-wrs-fics @bantha-shit @badbatch-simp24 @katelynnwrites @s1st3r @leotatombs @torchbearerkyle @rain-on-kamino @the-navistar-carol @bombshe77 @arctrooper69 @social-mockingbird @isabelle-99 @dangraccoon
Of Sergeants and Senators: Part 2
(Part 1)
After your stint as an investigator who brought down the spice smuggling ring on your home planet, things died down a bit for you.
You were still incredibly busy. Your side project had caught the attention of other senators and you suddenly found yourself involved much more heavily in politics. People took you more seriously and that made things both easier and more difficult.
But you didn’t mind. You finally felt like you were making a difference within the Senate and it was all thanks to what you were able to accomplish on your home planet.
Speaking of your accomplishments, you couldn’t have done it without the help of the Bad Batch.
Ever since they left to continue their specialty missions, you had kept tabs on them. You had given the Sergeant your comm link and you had kept in contact with him. It started as messages here and there, sometimes conversations left for days only to be picked up like no time had passed. Then it turned into calls when you had time, the duration of the calls gradually increasing. Then it was holocalls where you could see him. You had grown close with him over this time period, learning more about him and worrying when he didn’t reply.
Your calls didn’t occur as frequently as you may have liked, but you were both busy with your own jobs. Hunter was out there saving lives and fighting in the war and you were fighting your own battles on the Senate floor.
It was hard. But you lived for those quiet moments when you could message or speak with him. He had a way of making you forget what was going on in your life and you craved every second you got to speak with him. It was getting harder and harder to keep ignoring the tugging at your heart every time you had to say goodbye, but you did your best to ignore it.
Occasionally, you would send them a package for when they were back on Kamino with some things you found at markets on Coruscant. It wasn’t much, but you hoped that it showed your gratitude towards them and how much you valued them.
It had been hard to coordinate a time for you to treat them to that meal you promised them because they were hardly ever on Coruscant. You were like ships passing in the night. And you were convinced the war would be over before you had your opportunity.
But as luck would have it, you had a free evening and the Batch happened to be in the system.
It was only one night. But you were going to make it count.
Hana had insisted she drive you, which you had insisted she didn’t need to. You were perfectly capable of driving yourself.
“Hana, I can handle it. It’s like you don’t trust me.”
Hana only laughed as she started up the speeder. “That’s because I don’t.”
But you had to admit it, you made it to your destination much sooner and without any major incidents with Hana at the helm.
The Batch was already waiting for you when you arrived. Wrecker waved wildly when he saw the two of you approaching and it brought a smile to your face.
“I’m glad you made it!” You called as you approached.
Hunter let out a laugh. “We almost didn’t, but the boys were excited and we were going to make it no matter what.”
You smiled at him, taking a deep breath to calm your rapidly beating heart.
“Any reason we’re meeting down here and not on the surface? I didn’t take you for one to mingle here.” Crosshair said and you crossed your arms.
“What? You think a senator should be too afraid to come here?”
“Just an observation.” Crosshair replied, fiddling with his toothpick.
“I did have a reason for meeting here and not on the surface. And the reason is right there.” You pointed across the street and the Batch turned to follow your gesture.
“Oh no way!! I’ve heard about this place!” Wrecker cried, punching Tech on the arm. “Let’s go!”
You watched as the Batch and Hana moved towards the entrance, Hana and Tech already in conversation and Wrecker and Crosshair right ahead of them.
“Dex’s?” Hunter asked, crossing his arms. You smiled softly.
“I wanted to take you all to a meal that reflected my thanks to you, but I thought you might be more comfortable here. Besides, Dex is an old friend and I am always willing to provide him with business.” You replied, motioning with your hand. “Come on.”
“Senator!” A loud booming voice greeted you the moment you stepped inside the small diner. “It’s been too long! I’ve missed ya!”
You smiled broadly. “I’ve missed you just about as much as I’ve missed your food Dex. Do you have a booth open for us?”
“For you, I’ll make room. Head on over to that booth in the corner, I’ll be right there.” Dex waved you on and you raised a hand in response. You headed towards where Dex had motioned, the Batch and Hana following behind you. It was going to be a tight fit, even with a corner booth, but you’d make it work.
You ended up sandwiched between Wrecker and Hunter. Hana had somehow secured the edge of the booth and you had a sneaking suspicion that Tech was behind it.
Dex kept by a moment after you’d gotten settled, taking drink and food orders. One positive about Dex was the food was excellent, and fast. Meaning before you knew it, all of you were digging into some of the best food on the entire planet.
But you may be biased.
The night passed without a hitch. Even though you hadn’t spent much time in a casual setting with the entire Batch, it was easy to have a conversation with them, all of them. You talked to Wrecker about food and found you shared a love for all things sweet. Tech and you had a long conversation about book you’d both read on the floral and fauna of Naboo, and everyone else ended up cutting you off before it could really get in-depth. But you’d make sure you continued the conversation later because it truly was just getting fascinating.
Crosshair was a tougher nut to crack. You tried a few times throughout the course of the night but he never seemed to bite. The only time you got him to say more than a few snarky words was when you made a joke about Separatist droids and you’d gotten a sincere snicker from him. You only knew it was sincere because he immediately cleared his throat and refused to make eye contact.
Hunter and you didn’t talk too much, just a few short words here and there. But neither of you seemed to mind. It had been a while since you’d been in each others presence, but sitting next to him in a crowded diner with some men you’d developed an affection for was enough.
He was enough.
The night was drawing to a close much sooner than you had expected. Dex had insisted you could stick around past closing, but you knew he had a long day and would have a lot to do after you left. So with some fond farewells and promises to come back very soon, you were back outside in the streets of Coruscant.
“Well boys, I think our night of leave is almost up.” Hunter said, which made Wrecker groan.
“Aww! But I don’t want to go yet! We never get a night off!” Wrecker whined and you looked at Hana who shrugged.
“Alright, follow us. I have an idea.” You said, starting to walk beside Hana. The Batch hesitated and you turned, continuing to walk backwards. “Come on, you’ll love it I promise.”
Wrecker moved immediately and you grinned when you saw the rest of them begin to follow the big guy’s lead. You skipped once, turning back around.
The walk was a short one and before you knew it, you were standing in front of a nondescript building with a neon sign in the window.
You looked at the Batch with a smile as they stared in confusion. “Come on. You’re about to try the best cryo-treats in the galaxy.”
Wrecker whooped and you smiled, leading them inside. Hunter had protested against your footing the bill again, but you insisted and he didn’t fight you on it. Thanking you with a soft “thank you ma’am” and nudging the rest of the Batch to do the same.
Everyone split among the small shop, taking up chairs and tables. You met eyes with Hunter. You motioned for him to follow you and you stepped through the doors leading to a small balcony in the shop. You could hear the rest of the Batch’s lively conversation until the door shut behind the two of you.
“Wow.” Hunter breathed and you smiled as you walked up to the edge of the balcony, leaning on the railing. The balcony was secluded. Well, as secluded as Coruscant could be. The lights outside were dim, letting the light of the city planet be the main source of light. Vines native to the planet of the owner of the shop wove in and out of the railing surrounding the balcony. A few small tables and chairs filled the space, giving people who visit a quiet place to come and enjoy treats and company.
“Some senators like to frequent concert halls, or bars, or restaurants as a break.” You said. “I like to come here instead.”
“It’s quiet.”
“Surprising right? I’m not sure how they do it, but the city isn’t quite as loud from here. It’s calming.” You replied, taking a bite of your treat. “I don’t mind sharing my secret space, so feel free to come back here any time you’re planet side.”
“Thank you. For everything.” Hunter said, eyes fixed outwards.
You took another bite and shook your head. “I should be thanking you. You helped me and my people when you didn’t need to and continue to help the people of the Galaxy. I’m not sure I will ever be able to fully express my gratitude towards you.”
It was Hunter’s turn to shake his head. “We were just doing our job. We’re soldiers. It’s what we were bred to do.”
“I know the clones really didn’t have a choice in all of this, but there are people out there who are grateful for what you do. You’re also people who deserve to experience things the rest of us take for granted.” You finished your treat and set it aside. “You should have a chance to live a life without war.”
“I’ve never known life without war. I’m not sure I ever could.” Hunter said and you let out a sigh.
You had touched on this conversation before, during one of your many calls through the last few months. But Hunter had almost always dodged your questions or changed the subject. He clearly didn’t want to talk or think about it, so you never pushed him. This was the furthest you’d ever gotten along this line of thinking. You knew this was your chance to find out more and maybe convince him his life was worth living without war.
You turned towards him, placing your hand over his gloved one as it rested on the railing. His eyes snapped down, but you remained focused on his face.
“Hunter, I don’t know what you’ve been through and I cannot begin to understand. But I do know that you are standing in front of me, living and breathing. I can’t guarantee the war will end in our favor, but if it does, you deserve to live a life that you want with the freedom of discovering it for yourself.” You said. “And I will be around to help you figure it out. All of you.”
“We clones can’t really imagine thinking that far into the future. We’re designed to be expendable.” His voice was quiet and your chest tightened.
“Not to me. Never to me. You and all of your brothers deserve a life and I will do my best to make sure that when the war ends you’re given that choice.”
Hunter let out a sigh. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You smiled, you moved to remove your hand from the top of his, but he held fast. You froze, shoulders tensing.
“Being a clone does have its advantages.” He said, looking out at the city, seemingly unbothered by the fact his hand was still clutching yours.
You swallowed. “Really? All of you, or just you?”
Hunter’s mouth lifted in a smirk. “Right now, just me. Wanna know why?”
No. Yes. Maybe? Your heart was pounding in your chest and you were trying to keep your hands from trembling.
“Yes.” You breathed and he turned to face you. He switched hands, only to tug off a glove and set it down on the railing. Then his bare hand engulfed yours.
Your stomach swirled as Hunter stepped closer and leaned down slightly so he was hovering near your ear.
“I can hear how fast your heart is beating.”
You stopped breathing as a shiver went down your spine. You could practically feel him smirking beside you and as much as you wanted to punch him for being so smug, you were absolutely frozen in place. Hunter straightened slightly so he was now looking down at you.
Your mind was racing. There were so many instances when the Batch was assigned to protect you where you found your heart rate increasing when you were in Hunter’s presence. You knew he had enhanced senses, but you didn’t think they were that enhanced. Does that mean every time you felt a little off in his presence that he knew it??
Hunter seemed to be following where your train of thought was going, because he chuckled softly. His hand tightened around yours.
“There is something I’ve always wanted to try that I think you can help with.”
Your eyes met his and you let out a breath. You trusted him completely.
He hummed in response as your eyes searched his face.
What could be possibly-
It dawned on you what he likely meant and your face warmed involuntarily. You could feel your heart thump in your chest and you cleared your throat, knowing he could hear it now had your stomach flipping.
Hunter hesitated for a moment, eyes searching yours. You met his gaze and gave his hand a squeeze.
You’re not sure you breathed the entire time Hunter was leaning closer to you, but the exhale you released the moment his lips touched yours was one of relief. Your eyes closed immediately and you sagged against him. There was some shuffling and then two bare hands gently touched your face, his fingertips weaving into your hair.
Knowing you were in danger of losing it entirely, you grabbed onto his wrists, holding them as tightly as you dared. Right now it was the only thing grounding you. His lips moved incessantly and you found yourself chasing every single movement. You hadn’t been kissed like this since…well ever. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, dragging you closer and you went willingly, practically melting into him.
Before you were ready, he pulled back. You started to lean back in, but he laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. “I hear the boys talking, they might be heading this way any minute.”
You let out a breathy chuckle. “Aah. Right.”
“Trust me, if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have stopped.”
Your stomach did a somersault and you looked up at him, lifting a hand to brush against his cheek. “I would have liked that.”
“To be continued?”
“To be continued.”
Hunter returned your smile, leaning forward to press one last chaste kiss on your lips before taking a step away from you. He adjusted his chest plate and you brushed at your slightly wrinkled clothes. Just then, the door opened.
“Oh, here you are.” Tech said. “I fear that Wrecker is rapidly approaching a sugar crash and I suggest we return to the Marauder before that happens.”
“Alright, we’re coming.” Hunter replied and Tech nodded before shutting the door behind him.
Hunter looked back at you, after he picked up his gloves. He reached forward, gave your hand one last squeeze before putting his gloves back on. You both shared another smile before heading for the door, side by side.
The journey forward would be hard, probably one of the hardest. But knowing Hunter had your six and you had his, it would be worth it.
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chibi-tsukiko · 4 months
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How do your OCs show affection?
Prompt by @justafewocprompts
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Takashi - Physical touch. Takashi is a very physically affectionate person. Even small, light brushes of skin-to-skin are enough for him to show you that he cares. Most of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, it’s an unconscious need/want to be close to someone.
Hein - as an Essence, his signs are a bit more subtle since acts of service are ingrained him. But it’s the way he leans into touches, relaxes, and ensures that your needs are met genuinely where he shows his affection. There are also moments where it’s more obvious, but only when he feels he can be open and he’ll be physical (give a hug or hold your hand). He’ll also be the first to cook you a good meal and he’ll come to your defense even when it’s not his place to speak.
Myya - As the “mother hen” of the group and medicinal woman, Myya often shows how much she cares by caring for you and scolding you for being reckless. The more she scolds - the more she cares. Don’t be fooled if she smacks you around a time or two, she does it out of love.
Kai-Arris - You’ll know Kai cares for you when you find him constantly doing any task that will be helpful to you. And don’t be surprised if you’re bombarded with all your favorite things. If Kai can find them, he’ll get them for you because he believes you deserve it.
Astraea - Another motherly figure, Astraea is often seen touching faces and cheeks to show affection. She’s also your biggest cheerleader and will never shy away from giving words of affirmation to lift your spirits and let you know she cares for you.
Ishida - A jack of all trades, Ishida shows affection in every way possible. Whether that’s physical touch, words of affirmation, lending you his ear, or giving a meaningful gift (his sister’s necklace/Myya’s fans). He also tends to tease and give pet names/nicknames to those he cares for. Now, make no mistake, Ishida’s flirtatious/teasing attitude isn’t always a clear indication that he cares for you, you’ll be able to tell by the time he spends with you. Know that if he cares, he’ll never say no to anything you need.
Ryuji - Ryuji’s not the most affectionate person, but you’ll know he cares by the way he hovers around you like a bee because he likes being near you. He’ll also let you hang on him/be physical with him without shrugging you off - though he’ll probably complain that he doesn’t like it, but if he doesn’t shrug you off - he likes it hahah.
Uma - Don’t be fooled by her nonchalant behavior. You’ll know if Uma cares about you if she gives you the time of day without charging a fee. Uma doesn’t talk or help out just anyone. If she agrees to help you out or offer you advice, consider yourself lucky and cared for.
For next month, I’ve got some art to showcase…but I’m wondering
@littleturtle95 @magnus-the-maqnificent @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @my-archerboy @sassybookworm2020 @khaleesiofalicante @radisv @raziyekroos @spotsandclawsthings
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bookgendrya · 10 months
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Once, when there had been only half as many heads, Gendry had caught Arya looking at them. “Admiring your work?” he asked. He was angry because he’d liked Lucan, she knew, but it still wasn’t fair. “It’s Steelshanks Waltons work,” she said defensively. “And the Mummers, and Lord Bolton.” “And who gave us all of them? You and your weasel soup.” Arya punched his arm. “It was just hot broth. You hated Ser Amory too.” “I hate this lot worse. Ser Amory was fighting for his lord, but the mummers are sellswords and turncloaks.Half of them can’t even speak the Common Tongue. Septon Utt likes little boys, Qyburn does black magic, and your friend Biter eats people.” The worst thing was, she couldn’t even say he was wrong. The Brave Companions did most of the foraging for Harrenhal, and Roose Bolton had given the task of rooting out Lannisters. […] All he did was return to the places he had visited before under Lord Tywin’s banner and seize those who had helped him.
Thothmure had been sent to the axe for dispatching birds to Casterly Rock and King’s Landing the night Harrenhal had fallen. Lucan the armorer for making weapons for the Lannisters, Goodwife Harra for telling Lady Whent’s household to serve them, the steward for giving Lord Tywin the keys to the treasure vault. The cook was spared (some said because he’d made the weasel soup), but stocks were hammered together for pretty Pia and the other women who’d shared their favors with Lannister soldiers. Stripped and shaved, they were left in the middle ward beside the bear pit, free for the use of any man who wanted them.
Look with your eyes, Arya wanted to shout at the men below. “Can’t they see we’re no lords or knights?” she whispered. “I don’t think they care, Arry,” Gendry whispered back. And she looked at Ser Amory’ a face, the way Syrio had taught her to look, and she saw that he was right.
All the other places they’d come upon had been empty and desolate. Farms, villages, castles, septa, barns, it made no matter. If it could burn, the Lannister’s had burned it; if it could die, they’d killed it. […] “They would have burned the lake if they could have,” Gendry had said, and Arya knew he was right.
The next night, they found shelter beneath the scorched shell of a sept, in a burned village called Sallydance. Only shads remained of it’s windows of leaded glass and the aged septon who greeted them said the looters had even made off with the Mother’s costly robes, the Crone’s gilded lanterns, and the silver crown the Father had worn. “They hacked off the Maiden’s breasts off too, though those were only wood,” he told them. “All the eyes, the eyes were jet and lapis and mother-of-pearl, they pried them out with their knives. May the Mother have mercy on them all.” “Who’s work was this?” said Lem Lemoncloak. “Mummers?” “No,” the old man said. “Northmen, they were. Savages who worship trees. They wanted the Kingslayer, they said.” Arya heard him, and chewed her lip. She could feel Gendry looking at her. It made her angry and ashamed.
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1800nosleep · 1 year
synopsis; paul and dwayne want to find themselves, so they go to reader for their guidance
paul x witch! reader x dwayne
warnings; gn! reader, david is an asshole, reader brings up sex as payment, smut mentions, nothing happens tho, weed and cig mentions, star is so AHHH
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Paul and Dwayne whispered to each other as they glared at David who was smoking cigarettes like they were going out of style.
"What's your problem boys?" David asked as he looked at them with squinted eyes. Dwayne and Paul shook their heads.
"Nothin' man," Paul said looking at his palm.
"Don't tell me you went and saw that witch Star was talking about," David groaned with a slight bit of venom in his tone.
"What about it if we did?" Dwayne muttered at David, resulting in Paul nudging him in the ribs.
"I don't see why you two went there, why did you even go?" David asked as he put out his cigarette. "Come on tell me."
"We were just curious dude," Paul replied with a slight tone of worry. Both Paul and Dwayne weren't afraid of what David would do to them, but what he'd do to Y/n.
Marko looked around the cave before asking, "What's the problem man? All they did was go to some witch." Paul and Dwayne nodded in agreement.
"There's no problem, but I fucking told them that they shouldn't go to the damn witch." Paul rolled his eyes before getting up.
"Come on Dwayne, let's go see the fuckin' witch that David loathes," Paul growled with aggression. Dwayne got up and follows Paul out of the cave.
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The two vampires rode on their bikes as they drove down to the beach. They spotted Y/n outside smoking a cigarette and enjoying the cool night breeze. They looked up and groaned.
"What do you two want this time," they said almost jokingly. Y/n put out their cigarette before getting up, they pulled up their baggy pants and walked over to the two males. "I'm not doing any tarot readings right now, so you must want something else," they spoke with almost a sultry voice.
"Well, what are you doing?" Dwayne questioned while he nervously rubbed his arm. Y/n waved them over to the camping chairs before speaking.
"Sit." They waved over before noticing the two hadn't moved. "Come on, I'll read your palms, but what's your payment?" The two sat down before searching their pockets. "Well if you don't have anything, you can pay in another way if you get what I'm layin' down." Y/n winked at them before Paul quickly put down two blunts.
"That's what I thought, but first what're your names? I never caught them."
"I'm Paul and this is Dwayne," the blond spoke as he placed his hand on the table in between the seats. Y/n lit a small candle before taking Paul's hand in theirs. They inspected his hand with focused eyes.
"Your heart line curves and ends below your index finger which means you have a very adventurous and artistic personality. Your head line curves downwards which means you also have a sensitive personality with an inclination towards literature and fantasy." They pointed to the lines in his palm as they spoke.
"You have a lifeline that is forked upwards which means you have a positive attitude toward life. You also have a fork in your destiny line which Indicates a great amount of wealth in store. Expect a loan some of money coming soon." They rubbed the lines in his hand before continuing. Paul looked at Dwayne with eyes that showed interest.
"Right here," Y/n pointed below his ring finger, "You have the Mount of Apollo which signifies energy, creativity, and compassion. Would you consider yourself any of the adjectives I've said?" Paul nodded as he smiled softly. "Alright your turn, Dwayne."
Dwayne looked at Paul before Paul muttered, "they are so hot dude." Dwayne slapped his arm before handing Y/n his hand.
"Huh?" Y/n asked not hearing the pretty much silent compliment. Paul shook his head as he looked out into the distance.
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"Dude they are so hot, did they rub the lines for you too?" Paul asked as the two arrived back at the cave.
"Yeah man, I felt shivers go up my spine that was so, man oh my God." Paul laughed as they walked into the lit-up cave. Star and Laddie sat on her bed reading a book.
"Hi guys, David was complaining that you went and saw Y/n," Star beamed as she set down the small book.
Paul rolled his eyes before speaking, "Yeah, we saw them alright." Dwayne rolled his eyes before sitting next to Laddie.
"They read our palms this time, and the first time they did a tarot reading," Dwayne spoke softly while Laddie hugged him.
"Well maybe next time we can go together," Star spoke with a smile. Dwayne nodded as he hugged Laddie back.
"Yeah, that seems like a good idea, lets's hope David gets over it."
i loved writing this and researching spirituality stuff !!
anyways, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated
please do not repost or steal my work, as that is a crime !!
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gaybananabread · 10 months
(Hi again) Srry- can u do a lee!Nezha and Ler!Mei I got them mixed up arry, have a good day :>
Mmmm I love this show! Nezha got so much screentime recently, I can finally get a good feel for his character! It's a bit short, writer's block has come for me. (-_-) Hope this isn't too OOC, Enjoy!
Lee: Nezha
Ler: Mei
Summary: Nezha is brooding, as per usual. When he makes one too many quips towards Mei, she takes things into her own hands to cheer him up.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Nezha, as per usual, was grumpy. His signature frown on his face, he stared out the window, mulling over the plan in his head. He knew Wukong was crazy, but this... They have a very real chance of dying. That, as much as he hates to admit it, scares him. He almost died in the last fight, and he had the Jade Emporer's army assisting him. Now all he has is this... rag-tag band of friendly newbie-heros and their crazy mentors.
Mei walks in on his brooding session, sighing when she sees him. This boy can never just relax, can he? She walks over, speaking loudly to get his attention.
"Hey princy, why're you brooding?" Nezha huffed when he heard her voice, closing his eyes. Goodbye, relative peace.
"Why must you always be so nosy?" She gasps dramatically, feinging offense. It was rather noisy, in his opinion. "...And loud?"
Mei crossed her arms, expecting the annoyed answer. "I don't know, maybe because I care that you're upset, and that nobody is just naturally that grumpy. I'll ask again, what's bugging you?"
His response is snarky and curt, keeping his eyes on the window. "You're 'bugging' me with your incessant yapping. I'm **fine**, dragon horse girl. I am Nezha, the third lotus prince. I need no help, especially not that of a nosy mortal."
She scoffs, sitting down beside him. "Listen, Nezha. I know too many people with issues to believe that you're fine. It's okay to have emotions, but it's not okay to bottle them up. You'll feel better if you talk about it."
Nezha rolls his eyes. The girl might have a point, but he's an immortal being. He has lived her lifespan many thousands of times over. How could she possibly help him?
"I'd feel better if you *stopped* talking about it. Actually, just stop talking all together."
"Oho, that is *it!*" Mei launched herself at the prince, being mindful of his wounds. Due to the surprise and injuries, she had him pinned in seconds.
He thrashed around, not able to move much due to the injuries. He also didn't want to hurt the girl, as much as he might vocalize it. Wukong would kill him. "What the- get off me, mortal!"
"Neh, I don't think I will. You're all crabby and broody, way more than normal. I think you need an attitude adjustment." She brought a hand to his torso, tapping her fingers on his belly. He huffed, trying not to flinch at the gentle touch.
Not this fuzzy nonsense. Wukong had shown him this crazy mortal ritual before. It was unfortunately very effective on him. He yanked at his arms, feeling a nagging pain in his side when he did so. So much for the mighty lotus prince...
Mei saw the pained expression and relaxed her hold, just enough for him to move but not escape. "I'm not gonna be mean, Nezha. You need to smile man, all this moping is getting sad. I'll go slow, okay?"
The prince scoffed, but didn't say no. He was honestly feeling pretty bad, it would be decent to laugh it off. He hoped the girl would take the hint. The feeling is mildly unpleasant, but he needs to forget about the mission for a moment.
She took his silence as a yes. With a chuckle, Mei gently skittered across his belly, carefully avoiding his injuries. Anyone with eyes could tell he needed a distraction. Lucky for him, she knew exactly how to help.
At first, Nazha bit his lip, refusing to make any noise. He agreed, but that doesn't mean he would make it easy for her. He has a reputation to protect, after all.
It doesn't phase her, she kinda expected him to be a challenge. More fun for her. Keeping her promise, Mei took things slow, moving her hand to lightly scribble at his uninjured ribs.
This broke him. Small, poorly repressed giggles slipped past his defenses. The lotus prince squirmed, knowing it wouldn't do him any good. He slowly let his guard down as more giggles bounced out of him. "Mhmehehe! Noho!"  His cheeks gained a pink tint as he "fought" the feeling.
Mei tried not to coo at the sight, keeping her teasing to a minimum. He's injured, best not to kill him. She smirked down at him, speeding up the tickling. "You're actually pretty cute when you aren't sassing me."
"Qu-quihihiet, mohortal!" Nezha started to squirm more, acting like he was against the tickles. Who he was pretending for is unknown. He doesn't mind the feeling exactly, and it was helping to keep his mind off the upcoming battle.
It was quite the sight. The ever-grumpy Nezha, squirming and giggling while pinned down by a mortal. Mei wished she had her phone on her.
As much as she was enjoying the giggling, Mei had yet to hear actual laughter. Inching her hand upwards, she slowly made her way to his armpit. Before she could get there, Nezha yelped and tried to twist away from her fingers. Bingo.
She had found his sweet spot. Right under his armpit, at the top of his ribcage. Nezha, who had been strangely unresponsive this whole time, started to babble out protests. Mei promised to he gentle, but a few seconds on the spot wouldn't kill him...
"Wahait- nononohOHOHOHO!" The prince kicked and squirmed, the sudden intense feeling more than he could ever prepare for. Loud, almost happy laughter poured from his mouth, nose scrunched up and eyes shut tight. Anyone who walked in on the scene would have melted at the sight. He looked... like he was enjoying himself, to a degree.
Mei allowed herself to coo this time, smiking down at him. "This is actually adorable. I should've done this way sooner, who knew you'd be so ticklish!" The word sent a flurry of butterflies loose in his stomach, bouncing around with the laughter and shocks to his nervous system.
Nezha's mind was practically goop. And, if he's being honest, he didn't mind it. It felt nice to just let himself go, to stop worrying about all little details of everything and just laugh. He trusted Mei, and could finally relax a bit.
This continued on for a few minutes. Mei scribbling along his ribs, drilling in on that dreaded spot every so often. Nezha just existing in the moment, enjoying the odd comfort the feeling brought. It was a nice way to unwind before the big fight.
Unbeknownst to them both, Wukong sat up in the rafters, taking plenty of pictures. He wouldn't be cruel, but a quick text to the right people would help the broody prince relax in the future. Maybe he'd even crack a smile every once in a while. Only one way to find out...
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laurellerual · 1 year
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Realistically it's more helpful to use material written by George Martin to theorize about what's going to happen in his books, rather than books written by other people.
So where is the evidence that Gendry is prejudiced against wargs? He doesn't even know what they are. The only times Gendry has to deal with this side of Arya he seems to accept what she says to him without any problems or particular judgments:
She must have slept, though she never remembered closing her eyes. She dreamed a wolf was howling, and the sound was so terrible that it woke her at once. Arya sat up on her pallet with her heart thumping. "Hot Pie, wake up." She scrambled to her feet. "Woth, Gendry, didn't you hear?" She pulled on a boot. All around her, men and boys stirred and crawled from their pallets. "What's wrong?" Hot Pie asked. "Hear what?" Gendry wanted to know. "Arry had a bad dream," someone else said.
"You stay here with the horses," Arya said. "I'll get rid of him. Come quick when I call." Gendry knotted. Hot Pie said, "Hoot like an owl when you want us to come." "I'm not an owl," Arya said. "I'm a wolf. I'll howl”. […] When he stopped moving, she picked up the coin. Outside the walls of Harrenhal, a wolf howled long and loud. She lifted the bar, set it aside , and pulled open the heavy oak door. By the time Hot Pie and Gendry came up with the horses, the rain was falling hard. "You killed him!" Hot Pie gasped.
If there's one character in Arya's story who isn't obsessed with the supernatural, it's this guy. For example, he has already met the ghost of High Heart and had no particular reaction. When he witnessed the resurrection of Lord Beric, he merely acknowledged that the Red god probably exists and decided to join the Brotherhood. When Lady Stoneheart was resurrected the Brotherhood split but he decided to stay. Why would wargs be so inconceivable to a person who has seen a witch prophesy and two people resurrect before his eyes? If Gendry is prejudiced against the Old gods or magic he has never shown it.
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First they are not her ancestors they are the Boltons' men, Robb's men, and Hoster Tully's men. These last two are the people Arya asks him to smith for. He has the right to have an opinion on them after the injustices he has seen them commit. However, he just watches her to see how she reacts to the news that her side is not has good as she tought.
Arya begins her journey in the Riverlands still convinced that "wolves don't eat babies" (to metaphorically quote her own words). Arya is wrong and it's a lesson she learns gradually. The very first step is when Mycah is killed and she realizes that her father's men don't give a damn about this injustice. But then along comes the Boltons, Robb's men, and Hoster's men… Post-Riverlands Arya no longer believes that “wolves don't eat babies”. Now she is a more mature and aware person.
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Gendry remains with the Brotherhood even when their original mission is shelved because of Lady Stoneheart. Why? Because he doesn't have nowhere else to go? Yes. Because he is furious that the Freys killed an innocent girl, who was his friend? Probably.
But last we see him in AFFC he's not killing innocent Freys, he's protecting an orphanage. And I think it's interesting to note that when he had just met Arya he didn't care at all about protecting the children, in fact he was willing to abandon them to have a better chance of surviving. Wow character development.
Speaking of Brienne: the reader knows she is innocent. For the characters Brienne is the kingslayer's whore who goes around looking for the Stark girls with a Lannister red sword.
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I wait for evidences that Gendry doesn't accept Arya as she is. But only if they come from ASOIAF books. And no, the fact that Gendry thinks highborns unfairly exploit lowborns isn't proof, because Arya totally agrees with him. Simply he knew it 'already 'cause he's lived in poverty all his life, but Arya has only recently experienced this so she need some time to process what is her role as a lady in this.
I don't know what 'meat boy' means.
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n0madsbase · 29 days
DOY AS A BF 😭 Im like really curious about his jealous side but I also see him like some who will take care of you and will advise you but if someone hits on you, he'll jump, won't care if he's in the middle of the street. Idk tho, I feel like I might be wrong
Jealousy, Jealousy
Genre: Fluff, Angst?
Pairing: Doy x reader
Warnings: Jealous doy 😼, suggestive ending, established relationship
W/C: 1.1k
A/N: I changed from using “I” to “you” so somebody pls tell me if it’s fine. Also I feel Doy to be the silent jealous type and not pick a fight with the person flirting but deal with it in private 🤭
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The bathroom door opens and out walks doy fresh from his shower, he has his towel wrapped around his waist and his torso was still faintly wet from his shower, you sit at your vanity continuing to get ready whilst you admire your boyfriend through the vanity’s mirror
Doy had invited you to come along with him to have a night out with the boys. You accepted as you didn't really have anything planned for the night, you were probably just going to stay in and maybe watch a movie
Also you wouldn’t want to pass up the opportunity of going out with your boyfriend and drinking (the night away)
You hear footsteps before you sense Doy behind you and feel him lean down, you make eye contact with him through the mirror and see him place a kiss to your shoulder he moves up and begins to pecker kisses on your neck
You raise your shoulders trying to get his head away from your neck as his lashes tickle your neck. You eventually get him away from your neck before his hand comes to your chin and he lifts and turns it so you’re looking more at him
He leans down to place a chaste kiss on your lips he smiles at you before letting your chin go and walking towards the closet that you both shared
“You’re such a tease” you roll your eyes while turning around in your vanity stool telling him whilst looking at him in the walk in closet as he searches for a shirt to wear
Doy lets out an airy laugh, he had pants on at this point but was still searching through his side of the closet for something to wear
You stand and begin to walk towards the closet, you flick the light switch on that is outside the closet doors “Maybe this might help you look for a shirt?” you sarcastically ask Doy before walking into the closet and pulling out a black short-sleeved shirt
“Wear this one” you hand the shirt over to Doy and he salutes you as if you were a sergeant and he was a loyal soldier. You lightly slap his shoulder before heading back to your vanity
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
You were lightly buzzed from the drinks you’ve had so far. Doy and the boys had rented out a private booth and the night was going great so far
You and Doy were sitting in the booth and you signalled for your boyfriend to move closer so you could speak into his ear
“I’m going to bathroom i’ll be right back”
He nods before speaking into your ear “Want me to come with and stand outside the door pup?”
You wave him off saying it’s fine and get up from the couch and begin to make your way to the bathroom
Returning back from the bathroom was interrupted as someone bumped into you causing whatever contents was in their cup to spill over you, not everything was spilled out of the cup but it was enough to make you annoyed
Before you could reprimand the person for bashing into you you hear a familiar voice calling your name
You’re brought into a hug before you can fully comprehend that your ex coworker is hugging you he releases you from the hug but keeps his arms on your shoulders
“I knew it was you!- see I wasn’t sure but I was like is that short person really Y/N or not-, let me buy you a drink as an apology”
You don’t even have time to respond that you were with other people before you’re sat down on a bar stool and Yeonjun orders two drinks
“How have you’ve been!” Yeonjun asks interested
“I’ve been okay- i think?”
“You think?” He leans more towards you and our drinks arrive seconds after, he slides the drink towards you “Would this make you better” he references to the drink slid towards you
Yeonjun had always had a flirty nature and you learned that when you used to work with him
“I miss you- you should come back so we can work together again” he pouts a little
“Definitely not, hated working there” we share a light laugh before yeonjun grabs my hand
“Let’s go dancing or something” He says wanting to egg you on
But before you could answer someone abruptly pulls you up from the stool and towards them, the person wraps their arm around your shoulder you look to the side and recognise your boyfriend, but he had an off expression on his face
“Hey pup, you were taking kinda long” Doy puts emphasis on the nickname and stares directly at yeonjun without breaking eye contact
“Sorry I met my old coworker” You say to Doy
“Oh my bad- Yeonjun this is Doy and a Doy this is-“
“Yeonjun!” you’re cut off by him before you could finish your sentence. He sticks his hand out for Doy to shake but Doy just stares at yeonjun’s extended hand
“Ouch, tough crowd” Yeonjun says while dropping his hand
“Let’s go, we’re leaving” You get enough time to say a quick goodbye to a smirking Yeonjun before Doy is dragging you towards the exit
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
The car ride has been pretty quiet returning back to the apartment and even after entering the apartment Doy had been oddly quiet. It didn’t take long for you to figure out what was wrong with doy. Doy was laying on your shared bed scrolling on his phone as you sat at your vanity
You get up and walk towards the bed straddling Doy’s thighs and he places his phone towards on the bed beside him
“You’re awfully quiet big boy what’s wrong” you ask while tracing patterns on his chest
“…..”, “Does yeonjun have something to do with this” You hear him sharply inhale, this confirms your theory
“Are you perhaps jealous?” You tease while smirking. Doy turns his hand to the side and you lean down and place a kiss on his neck
“Doy you know i love you” he mumbles something along the line of ‘mhmm’ “So you do know there’s nothing to be jealous of, especially yeonjun he’s just naturally a touchy person”
“…whatever..” you sigh and grab his chin lightly to turn his head so he’s facing you “I know pup but it was just weird seeing another guy being all..” he loses his words but you know what he’s trying to say “..with you”
You place a kiss on his lips before starting to speak again “Want me to show you how much I love you?” you ask in a suggestive tone
“…Or I could show you how no other man will ever compare to me.” Doy says while grabbing your hips. You smile down at him knowing he was back to his normal self before leaning down to begin to share messy kisses with each other
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Louis x Immune S/O
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After everything happened with Louis finding out about your bite, everything simmered down for a while. Well, the most it could do for the apocalyptic world.
But everything was good, until it wasn't. A group of walkers was near the school, wearing down its fences a hefty bit and you all were left with the mess.
So which brings us to today. 
"Why can't the world be normal for one fucking day?" Mitch asked, your brother , groaning and he was tired. 
It was quite early in the morning, Clem and Vi had taken it upon themselves to wake everyone up to help with the walkers.
"There's walkers on the fence, Mitch." Louis yawned, holding you up as you leaned on his shoulder, already falling back asleep.
"Not our fault that Clem and Vi are two grade-A psychopathic women." Mitch rolled his eyes, his knives in his hand as Vi punched his shoulder.
"Okay, everyone watch your backs! There's a lot of 'em out there!" You all looked up, seeing Willy yelling down to you all. 
You all glanced at each other, a bit confused. Yeah there was a lot but none you all hadn't handled before.
You glanced out the fence, doing a double take at all the walkers out there. You hadn't seen that many before, especially outside the school.
"Fuck." You heard Vi cuss under her breath, you felt Louis wrap him around your shoulder as he watched worried with his friends.
"It's gonna be okay guys. Just stick together." Clem said, nodding her head at you all as you all nodded back, some more hesitant than others but a nod nonetheless.
"Okay, let's fuck shit up out there." You state, less worried than the others with your immunity but still worried, immunity was cool and all but you still could be killed by them.
You walked to the gate, opening it as Vi followed you out. You could hear the running steps of the others, immediately your mind was taken away by the walker attacking you already.
You stabbed it in the head, it fell to the ground before you spun around and narrowly avoided getting hit by Vi's cleaver.
"Vi!" You yelled, looking at her shocked as she gave a shrug and a sorta guilty look. 
"Shit! Sorry, Y/n!"
You shook your head, taking out another dead head.
Clem was with Mitch, killing walkers left and right as the others helped from the school walls. Shooting arries, throwing knives or setting more traps.
You bumped into a tree, seeing a walker under the giant rocks you cut the rope and watched as the walker was crushed by them.
You sighed, relieved until you felt something grab you and then you around. 
You immediately reacted, pulling up your knife but it seemed as if you were too late as the walker had already sunk its teeth into your arm.
You gave a small yell, stabbing the walker in the head as it fell. You look down at your arm, putting your hand over it and applying pressure to stop the bleeding and the pain.
You turned your head, freezing when you made eye contact with Mitch. You shook your head, your brother looked heart broken while he watched your hand.
He didn't know what you and Louis did, all he knew was that you were bit and what always happened to people that were bit.
He came running over to you, holding your arm in his hand.
"Shit! We gotta get you back to the school." He panicked, looking around at all the walkers and your guys' friends. He started ushering you back to the school, you didn't put up much of a fight.
Until a walker came at you guys, Mitch didn't see it coming but you did. It got closer, almost biting Mitch as you acted on instinct.
You put your arm in the way, the walker biting onto it as you kicked it down and Mitch looking at you with wide eyes.
You were about to speak, but stopped when you felt pain in your leg. You looked down, the walker you kicked biting into your ankle.
You bit down on your lip, the pain unbearable but you were running in adrenaline. You lifted up your foot, looking away as the walker left a gruesome mark and bringing down your boot to stomp on its skull.
Once it was down and dead, you looked at Mitch. Your brother didn't know what to do, he was close to tears but he wouldn't admit it.
All he knew was that he had to get you out of there.
He grabbed your arm, ushering you the fastest back to the school before you heard a yell.
Louis' yell.
You whipped around, looking with wide eyes as Louis was being grabbed through a tree by a walker, one trying to bite him on his neck as he fought it off and one coming at him.
You yanked your arm away from Mitch. "Y/n!" He yelled, running after you as you ran towards Louis.
The walker grabbed Louis' arm, trying to bite him until you kicked him off, the walker somehow managing to scratch a jagged line across your arm.
You pulled Louis out of the walker's grasp, stabbing it in the head as Louis looked at you relieved. The relief soon turned ro horror when he saw the bites and scratches.
He may have known but he didn't want to see you in pain.
"Shit, are you okay?" Be asked, grabbing your arm as you weakly nodded your head. 
"No, you're not okay! We have to get you back! Now!" Mitch demanded, grabbing your arm and throwing it over his shoulder as you limped on your ankle.
Louis nodded, Clem and Vi running back over as they finished off the rest. "What happened?!" Vi asked, frantic as she saw th bites on your arm.
"Holy hell…" Clem trailed off, Louis and Mitch rushing you back to the school as your conscience began to abandon you.
All you saw was blurs, Louis yelling as Mitch called over for Ruby. Ruby's face in front of you was the last thing you saw before passing out from shock.
When you woke up you saw the top bunk above you, groaning in pain as you sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed.
You looked down, seeing the bandage over your ankle as you checked it. Yeah, the bite seemed pretty deep but clean as of now.
'So…what now?' You looked around the room, your hearing clearing up enough to hear the muffled yelling outside your door.
"They're gonna be fine!" You heard Louis yell. "How are they gonna be fine, Louis?! They were scratched and bit!" Ruby asked, her voice confused and yet scared at the same time for you.
"They've been been before-"
"What?" Clem cut in, shocked as she learned about this. "Yeah! And they were fine, Ruby saw it! It was scarred over!"
"It was probably a dog bite." Vi's voice was heard, sorta small but loud at the same time. "Dog bites don't look like that." Clem stated, you winced as you knew she saw it too while you were out.
"Well, we're not killing them or making them leave." Your breath hitched, Mitch was outside there. "We can't just do nothing." Assim stated, you could already tell Mitch was in his face.
You were all he had left except for Willy. And he would be damned if they took his sibling away.
"No! Fuck you, Assim! Louis said they're gonna be fine. If it was you in there would you wanna just be thrown out by everyone you knew?!"
"I would rather leave instead so I wouldn't hurt anyone when I turned!" Assim yelled back, you knew how their arguments went. 
Both yelling, Mitch in his face as Assim poked his chest.
"They're not gonna turn!" Louis yelled, everyone arguing as Louis begged them not to kick you out. Mitch was straight up threatening people.
"Touch them and I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled, you sighed.
All this was because of you. Were they gonna make you leave? Kill you before when they thought you were gonna turn?
All you could do now was wait.
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lunarfeat21 · 8 months
*Instantly crashes down onto the floor*
*Runs away like a gremlin*
*waves* Come back at any time!!!
Alright peeps [cracks fingers and knuckles], my overview opinions on Rid2015 ‘Cons:
Love each of their wacky designs, whether animal like or not (vehicons and insecticons included!). There’s a variety among them: bipedal, quarpedal, or to straight up slither like a snake. That right there is diversity! Plus we got some badass femmes!
Whether they be flyers, crawlers, grounders, or troublesome cyclones. Some have fire power, toxins, sub sonics, hypnotics, strength, etc.,
Each has their own way of speaking: rough, noir-like, gamer lingo, militia, posh, normal, or nonsense. More colorful than TF:Prime’s Decepticons (sorry tfp, my beloved), marking them more distinguishable. So much going on that I love about them!
When I checked out to remember their debut, they made me feel in a certain way, some made me laugh, others made me awe-strucked, and a few made me chill to the core when looking back to a particular episode. (Simacore, why the fuck did you (allegedly) murdered your minicons to make essentially zombie clone versions? Yo Steeljaw, why did you slaughter that Sharkticon if the rumors are true? Then where’s the evidence?)
What I don’t like, however, that when I go to tfwiki, didn’t have a list for one-time rogue Decepticons (like Zizza, Hammerstrike, Flich, Vertebreak, etc.) or Starscream’s henchmen on the Decepticon section (though I’m puzzled about RoughEdge and Nightra, but that’s another time).
Not to mention that weird amardillo commando Stockade, I don't really see why he had any substance to the show, yet again some episodes are side quests (like s2 & 3 in Prime). I genuinely don't like him at all...
That’s my opinion on Rid2015 Decepticons, and I hope I did justice to this!
 (After this, I’ll group the Decepticons based on personalities and that’s gonna be fun!)
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xarrixii · 3 months
to those of inquiry,
my introduction
hello, fellow traveler of the hellscape that is this website (or app, if you happen to be on your phone using such)
my name is @xarrixii, and i am better known as "arri"
i have a separate blog from this one designed for reblogging other peoples' work. if that's something you're more interested in (my taste in writing), then i suggest you visit @the-arrikive
masterlists a long way under the divider
i have come from a land not so far away (planet earth) to share the nonsensical nonsense of my brain (my writing).
i write both longer, novel-like stories and responses to writing prompts when i'm feeling it (feel free to send me one, if you'd like). my brain is random, though, so i can't guarantee i'll get something out right away.
i am irregular. do not expect something like weekly uploads. you get a story when i remember to post one and have one available. i shall not rush the accidentally filled plotholes genius i breed.
sometimes i make edits. i've made a lot of edits recently, like layout/ease of access and also wording on some of the earlier chapters. (already read chapter one of cinder? i changed the beginning because i hated it and i personally would put down the book immediately if i'd found it in the library)
i still hate the first sentence but honestly, the noggin can't think of anything better so we'll cry about it later
also, grammarly hates me because i don't like its grammar rules and i don't capitalize my "i"s when i'm casually speaking. i hate grammarly because some of its suggestions are stupid. i just don't want to turn it back on every time i eventually end up needing it.
less important: i am cisgender. i identify with she/her, but i could really care less (not quite sure that counts as any). i am pansexual. (frying pans don't have enough personality, don't ask about them)
what i like reading:
i love, love love love love love love love it when a book focuses on its characters. there's nothing wrong with taking in the fantasy world they built for the people to live in, i'm all for that as well. it's just a trend i see that the more a book focuses on following its plot, the less it focuses on the people riding out that plot.
i'm a firm believer in characters "building a plot" based around their actions, even if that means an author built a plot and then designed the perfect character for enacting it.
also, i grew up a gacha kid (gacha studio/life/club). that means i'm familiar with cliches and love it when people throw them on their heel. it's also (unfortunately) made me enjoy love stories less (which makes things difficult since books that focus on characters almost always have some love plot that works out).
i'll read a hero x villain, sure. but sometimes i might think up the ending where they don't love each other (platonic and rival)
ask me any time about what i enjoy reading if i've confused you (it happens a lot).
what i like writing:
this one's a lot simpler, i like writing what i like reading. because if i wouldn't read it later, why would anyone else?
due to me being cringe once upon a time, i spent several years writing out roleplays (yes, i was the edgy roblox kid too) with some friends, so anything super long i write for a very long time from now will be my personal adaptation of something that's already existed before
writing prompts are the truest test of my creative abilities, though. making up new characters, a new environment, and a new plot based on the whims of a few sentences from time to time is what keeps my rewrites from being copy-pastes.
that also just keeps it fun for the friends who wrote it with me once and will read it from my fingers typing it again
also to note, i'm not afraid of writing about blood, gore, violence, and the like, and i'm also insensitive to what all needs to be tagged, so any help with that goes a long way
most of my writing prompts will be written with non-binary characters
if you find me fucking up pronouns please notify me where i diddled it up thank you!!
so about being a gacha kid
i suck at drawing. the physical descriptions of my characters are laid out in gacha apps, and yes i am mildly embarrassed about it. but putting their designs down somewhere means i have something reliable to refer to while writing.
thou shalt not judge me for it.
writing. i guess a bit obviously. i also still enjoy playing video games and listening to music. i like watching horror games, but can't bring myself to play them. i also make a lot of jokes about violence. i mean a lot. but i know when to take something seriously.
favorite roblox games including: entry point, scp: site roleplay, funky friday, robeats, 3008
i also play genshin impact occasionally, and no i'm not elaborating.
if you couldn't tell by now, i talk too much. moving on:
hey, me! i know you're reading this, because i know you're the most likely suspect for looking for these links all the time.
"Cinder" Masterlist writing prompts
looking for more? ask me! send me prompts! FILL MY INBOX!!!
4 notes · View notes
djeesperate · 3 months
Word count: 777
T/W: None
Gawain knows himself more than anyone else.
Because to him, the situation right now is very unfair.
“Captain, could it be… are you slacking off on training? Your hands are becoming soft,” a very ear-grating voice entered his ear, “This can’t go on. I suggest we both spar the whole week, the two of us!”
“Ehhh no way! I promised Florence that I’d come visit Dalmore. See, even Gawain’s here”
The knight watches as the… annoyance looks behind his shoulders where the slightly awkward captain pointed, the swordsman clearly pretending he didn’t notice his presence. “Oh, when did you get here?”
Gawain’s right eye twitched slightly, something that has been happening a little too often lately.
“He’s been here the entire time, stinky,” the captain lightly smacked the back of Siete’s head, “you’re the one that suddenly barged into the room and grabbed my hand.”
“Ouchie~ Silly me! I forgot to let go.” He chuckled before the room fell into silence.
“So… are you going to?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah yeah. So what about our spar session? We can do it in Dalmore, you know.” Siete changed the topic, hand still holding theirs.
“Out of the question.” Gawain shot down the proposal, a scowl on his face.
“Eh~” Siete pouts.
This man with powers he can extract from the boundary; he’s a sharp one… right? Surely. So why does he play dumb in these situations?! He must think it’s funny to cut between Gawain and the captain like this.
Gawain blinked and immediately inched back, caught off guard by the other blond man who shoved his face right in front of the knight, inspecting his expression.
“Please go away,” Gawain hissed, voice very low.
Finding this situation amusing, Siete smirked. “And if I don’t?”
A loud shriek came from behind the three, making their heads turn to the door in alarm. There stood Bertilak with Lunalu in tow. “Uh… it’s okay, Aunty Lu, you can sit outside for a bit.” the redhead awkwardly nudges her away before closing the door, leaving her alone.
“Is Lunalu okay?” the captain spoke up.
“Maybe? I think she’s scared of guys. She screamed when I was hanging out with Shu too,” He wasn’t really sure himself, to be honest.
“I suppose that’s one way of interpreting it…” Siete raised a brow, “You’re also from Dalmore, yeah? At least from what I can recall. I take it you’re coming along on our trip?”
Bertilak’s face scrunched up at the idea, “Our trip? What do I look like, their son?” He was offended at the mere implication. “I’m only here to remind dingus and his lover here to pick me up by noon and drop me off near the bakery. Uncle Glane’s gonna take me once the ship lands and I do not want to stick with him the whole day.”
“You should show more respect to your uncle. He’s done a lot for you,” Gawain scolds.
“A lotta yappin’ is what.” The boy sighs, opening the door again to reveal Lunalu hunched over the floor scribbling on paper, “12 o’clock, you got that, guys? See y- oh my god, what are you drawing!!”
Bertilak nearly trips walking out the door, utterly shocked at the scandalous art the Harvin was so focused on that she had blocked out their voices. Siete simply laughed as he exited the room to behold the spectacle himself.
“Ahaha! I’m more surprised you never knew she was this way!”
“S-shut up! Fuck, I can’t look at Gawain anymore for the rest of my life.”
“Oh, speaking of Gawain… Hm?” Siete turned back to see the room empty, jaws dropping in disbelief. “They're gone?!”
“They snuck out while you weren’t looking.” Lunalu finally looked up to acknowledge their presence, “Besides the inspiring scene you guys made for me, it’s probably for the best they left you behind.”
“Eh?! Why’s that?!”
“You know what you were doing.” She picked up her pen and paper, preparing to leave.
“Yeah, homewrecker.” Bertilak narrows his eyes.
He had to endure the glares while he dragged himself back to his room sulking, nearly tipping over from the force of the ship landing. They had arrived at Dalmore. He slumped himself on the wall, picked up a random sword and unenthusiastically inspected it.
Hearing voices coming from outside, he peeked his head through his window and saw the couple, giggling and smiling at each other like morons while they left the ship to explore the small kingdom. 
He sighed, tossing the sword aside before flopping onto his bed.
Siete knows himself more than anyone else.
Because to him, the situation right now… is very unfair.
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