smokestarrules · 2 years
Low key, I really want Luz to snap at someone. I want her to just snap at her bullies, the principal or just vent her frustrations to her friends/girlfriend/mom. Just want her to finally express how she feels.
Yes, yes, yes. All of this. 
Luz has always tried to focus more on other people whenever she’s upset (see the episode Reaching Out especially) and not only would it be very realistic for her to finally...break for a little bit, it would probably be healing for her, too. Obviously everyone is going to be torn up after the events of King’s Tide, but I’d love it if, at some point, they’re all able to focus on Luz for a little bit, because knowing her, she’s going to let it build and build up until she’s snapping entirely, and when that happens...
She’ll get to be the one comforted, for once. 
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raayllum · 2 years
Say raylum finally get back together and Aaravos is dealt with(for now). I really want Callum and maybe some of the elves to go off on Runaan. Idk, somebody got to held accountable to Runaan/silvergrove. Is it too much?
I mean, Ethari also needs to be held accountable as well. I could see if the Bloodmoon Huntress, Kim’dael, works her way into the show and/or another graphic novel, it could pave the way for Callum and Runaan (and co.) having to work together to defeat her, even while they hash out some of their issues and Callum gives Runaan a piece of his mind regarding Rayla.
Also good news! @thosefiveadoraburrs and i wrote like 150k of Callum and co. holding Runaan and the Silvergrove pretty damn accountable. You can read it here with a highlight down below: 
Runaan wasn’t necessarily a proud individual, but he had little patience for what he deemed illusions of youth or other perceived wastes of time. “Listen, boy—”
“No, you listen,” Callum said, fair more sternly. Sterner than Tiadrin would have thought possible, given the softness he generally carried. “We’re never going to like each other, for obvious reasons. I think I have a far better one, as yours is based in prejudice, and mine is based on the fact you literally murdered my father, but that’s not the point. The point is that while I don’t care what you say about me, as I’ve heard far worse from other elves like you, Rayla does and you are still her father and she deserves to have you in her life and to have a good relationship with you. So when she’s not around, you can say whatever you want, even to my face. I don’t care and I don’t plan on rising to it anyway. But when she is around, you keep that shit to yourself, because it’s only going to upset her, and she’s been through more than enough.”
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rayllurn · 1 year
I know this sounds stupid and maybe I'm paranoid about the mage(the boy himself) wellbeing but do you really think Callum will become the villain?
Not stupid! But no, I absolutely do not think Callum would ever become the villain. It Just doesn't make sense within the context of the story and his own personal character arc.
Though I do think we'll see him struggle with control given Aaravos's ability to possess him, etc.
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animerunner · 2 years
Portal opening scene to Release the World Engine at @arrogant-dreamer-34 suggestion.
If anyone has any other suggestions I’m open.
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these He has kept in eternal chains under darkness, bound for judgment on that great day...
God’s Judgment on the Ungodly
Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James,
To those who are called, loved by God the Father, and kept in Jesus Christ:
Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
Beloved, although I made every effort to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt it necessary to write and urge you to contend earnestly for the faith entrusted once for all to the saints. For certain men have crept in among you unnoticed—ungodly ones who were designated long ago for condemnation. They turn the grace of our God into a license for immorality, and they deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Although you are fully aware of this, I want to remind you that after Jesus had delivered His people out of the land of Egypt, He destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not stay within their own domain but abandoned their proper dwelling—these He has kept in eternal chains under darkness, bound for judgment on that great day. In like manner, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who sustain the punishment of eternal fire.
Yet in the same way these dreamers defile their bodies, reject authority, and slander glorious beings. But even the archangel Michael, when he disputed with the devil over the body of Moses, did not presume to bring a slanderous charge against him, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” These men, however, slander what they do not understand, and like irrational animals, they will be destroyed by the things they do instinctively. Woe to them! They have traveled the path of Cain; they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam; they have perished in Korah’s rebellion.
These men are hidden reefs in your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but shepherding only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted. They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about them:
“Behold, the Lord is coming with myriads of His holy ones to execute judgment on everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act of wickedness and every harsh word spoken against Him by ungodly sinners.”
These men are discontented grumblers, following after their own lusts; their mouths spew arrogance; they flatter others for their own advantage.
But you, beloved, remember what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ when they said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires.” These are the ones who cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit.
But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God as you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life.
And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; and to still others show mercy tempered with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh.
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished in His glorious presence, with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord before all time, and now, and for all eternity.
Amen. — Jude 1 | The Reader’s Bible (BRB) The Reader’s Bible © 2020 by Bible Hub and Berean.Bible. All rights Reserved. Cross References: Genesis 4:3; Genesis 5:18; Genesis 19:24; Exodus 12:51; Numbers 16:11; Deuteronomy 34:6; Psalm 31:18; Proverbs 25:14; Amos 4:11; Matthew 13:55; Luke 1:47; John 5:44; Acts 6:7; Acts 11:23; Acts 20:29; Romans 2:5; Romans 2:14; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Galatians 6:6; Ephesians 6:18; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 2:3; 2 Peter 2:10; 2 Peter 2:17
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Nosy anon asks! 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 19, 25, 34, 35, 36, 41, 43
@karahalloway thank you for asking!! 
Im copy/pasting a few of these that I got on a previous ask 😊
6: Age you get mistaken for
Hmmm.. I have no idea! All I know is people usually think my younger sister is older than me, so I do enjoy teasing her about that! 
7: Have tattoos?
Yes 4! (thigh, ankle, back of neck, and upper arm.) I designed the one on my thigh
8: Want any tattoos?
Definitely want more! I have so many ideas lol
13: Biggest turn ons
Hmm.. a good sense of humor and back of the neck kisses. Also when someone is kind to strangers and just has an overall good attitude.
14: Biggest turn offs
Smells. Like please brush your teeth and shower. lol. Also a healthy amount of confidence is great, but over cockiness is a huge turn off. And arrogance.
19: A fact about your personality
Hmmm.. well if were going to get technical I am an INFJ. I have always been a day dreamer and usually an introvert
25: My idea of a perfect date
Maybe something without too many people around. Like a private dinner at a beach or in a cabin in the mountains. Then a movie and just relaxing together.
34: What I find attractive in women
Hmm the most attractive thing about a woman would probably be her eyes or lips
35: What I find attractive in men
Shoulders. God, I love some broad shoulders. Also, this is weird, but ankles. And also eyes.
36: Where I would like to live
I would like to move somewhere further North that actually has different seasons during the year lol. I live in Louisiana and it's hot and humid 24/7 here
41: Where I want to be right now
If I could be anywhere right now, I would want to go somewhere where I could just chill out and relax. Maybe a cabin in the mountains with snow.
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Is it absolutely ridiculous to say my husband? Haha if he read this, his eyes would probably roll out of his head thinking I’m full of crap but it’s true. I swear he looks like Ben Affleck.  But also, I have to say Xavier Serrano, because Ive been looking up pics of him for Maxwell in my fics and man.. He is 🔥
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 5 years
My Fanfic Library: The Masterlist (As of 03/26/20)
**For the sake of space, only Chapter 1 of long-form fics is linked.**
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The Shadows of Night (Ongoing)
A mysterious army appears in the mountains of Night and soon declares war against the High Lords. The conflict will shed light on Night's darkest secrets and reveal the horrible truth behind every Daemati and Shadowsinger in Prythian.
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AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Cabin By The Lake
Cassian has been keeping a secret- for the past 300 years he has been building cabins around a lake to house the Inner Circle and any family they might have. Five years after the end of ACOWAR, the cabins are finished and the Inner Circle descends for two weeks in paradise.
**Even-number chapters contain smut scenes.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
“Protect Velaris. Protect each other. I love you all.” With Rhys’ final words, the shields around Velaris rise, trapping the Inner Circle inside for fifty years. This series follows Mor, Cassian, Azriel, and Amren as they struggle to adapt and fulfill Rhys’ final request.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Velaris: Fury and Ruin
Following a disastrous attack on Hybern, Cassian’s wings are broken, Azriel is critically wounded, and Feyre is dragged to Spring by Tamlin. Rhysand must now earn the forgiveness of his friends, protect his new sisters-in-law, and find a way to protect Prythian from a looming war- all without his mate and best friend by his side. 
**You do not need to read my previous series "Velaris"
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Feast of Souls
Everyone gathers at the estate in Velaris for the Feast of Souls- and to quietly investigate Feyre’s erratic behavior and strange temperament. Figuring out what is wrong with her is the easy part though- the hard part will be saving her soul before the clock strikes midnight and she is lost forever.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
An Elucien Epilogue
Lucien returns to Velaris after the events of ACOWAR, determined to be a better male than Tamlin and put aside his mating bond if that’s what Elain wants.
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Bring Her Home
After forty-nine years in hell, Rhysand has returned to Night. A piece of him will always belong to that human who saved Prythian- the fae female now poised to marry his sworn enemy. As the sun sets on that horrible day a plea goes out across the Courts- “please, save me. Get me out. End this,” and Rhysand is only too happy to oblige.
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The Poison in the Wound
Feyre and Tamlin meet to try and finally clear away some of the bad blood between them.
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Strength in Darkness
After she is woken by a particularly horrible nightmare, Elain asks her husband to take her to the only place that might help her make sense of everything that has happened to her: Under the Mountain.
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
What Rises from the Ashes
Tamlin confesses that he and Amarantha were incompatible mates- and the role that played in his downfall.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net || (New) Authorized German Translation
When the Darkness Comes
Lucien recalls the day Amarantha took his eye- and the difficult weeks that followed.
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The World Beyond My Cage
Azriel recalls his childhood, how he ended up in an Illyrian camp far from his cell, and how his world was changed by an arrogant little Lordling with a chamber pot.
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A Peaceful Night (18+)
The holidays are a time for too many parties, too many people, and too much noise. After the festivities are over though, one can take solace in the love of their other half and the light that person brings into their life.
Feysand Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Nessian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Azuala Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Amrian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Morridwen Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Sweet Treat (Feysand 18+)
On Feyre’s first Feast of Souls in Velaris, she finds a new way to give Rhys his holiday chocolates.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Midday Treat (Feysand 18+)
Rhys has been skipping meals again, so Feyre decides to give him an incentive to eat his lunch.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Alone in the Townhouse (Nessian 18+)
When the Court of Nightmares visits Velaris, Nesta and Cassian plot to take advantage of their time alone and finally take things to the next level.
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Nessian: The Mating (Nessian 18+)
At long last, Cassian and Nesta's wedding (and mating) day has arrived... along with most of Prythian.
*This is a sequel to "Alone in the Townhouse"*
Extended Re-Post Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Short Version || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Simply Love (Morridwen 18+)
In a thinly veiled attempt to seduce Cerridwen, Mor takes her lover of three years to day for a date before spending an evening at home. A simple, sweet fic for a simple and sweet love.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Slowly (Nessian 18+)
Cassian returns from a fierce Illyrian civil war weary and on edge. Nesta wants to welcome her lover home after weeks away, but she knows the lust that comes on the heels of bloodshed has been building in Cassian the entire time he’s been gone. Both desperately want to be with one another, but for Nesta’s sake he must shove down the Illyrian and proceed slowly.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Bargain Well Struck (Nessian 18+)
Their deal is simple enough- if Nesta trains hard enough, she can claim a massage as her reward. Cassian’s hands never venture beneath the modesty-towels, so Nesta makes sure all the right places are exposed.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Sharing Heaven (Nessian & Azriel 18+)
Nesta and Cassian invite Azriel to join them in bed, and Nesta finally gets what she’s been dreaming of all year.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Alone in the Garden (Elucien 18+)
As the Inner Circle tricks Nesta and Cassian into spending some alone time together, Elain and Lucien find themselves unchaperoned at the House of Wind. **Contains ACOWAR Spoilers** (This is a quasi-sequel to "An Elucien Epilogue" and runs concurrently to "Alone in the Townhouse")
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Cazriel: The Spongebath (Cazriel 18+)
In this AU of my fic "Velaris: Fury and Ruin", Cassian and Azriel explore previously untouched desires each male feels for their friend (written for Court-0f-Dreamers on tumblr in 15 min after too much alcohol).
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net: NOT AVAILABLE
The Torturer’s Throne (Cazriel 18+)
Cassian helps Azriel push his darkness aside and takes a bit of relief for himself in the process.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Until the Shadows Are Silent (Cazriel 18+)
For eight years the shields around Velaris have kept the Inner Circle trapped. Azriel is drowning under the wrath, rage, and pain of being caged in the city, so he turns to an old lover, one who is very good at bending fae over and not stopping until their minds and bodies are ravaged– Cassian.
*Contains strong BDSM themes, DM if you are concerned about a specific TW*
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanficiton.net
One Year in Heaven (Elucien/Elriel 18+)
Elain and her husband celebrate their first anniversary in style. A romantic dinner, an exchange of gifts, and a new suite of bedroom toys to try out.
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Watching (Elucien 18+)
Elain and Lucien head into the foothills of Velaris to attend the opera, but their true destination is an exclusive club hidden deep beneath the theater. They’ll still get a hell of a show- and have a chance to put on one themselves.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.Net
Sharing (A Watching Sequel) (Elucien 18+)
For years Elain and Lucien have been loyal members of (and performers in) the sensual club hidden beneath Velaris’ opera house. Now- after months of discussion- they have decided to test the waters on expanding their display and changing their masks. No audience, no stage- and no longer just the two of them.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.Net
Incense Burner (Ongoing (Elucien 18+))
After a collapse in the Hewn City reveals a long lost Vault of the High Lords, Lucien and Elain accidentally come to possess one of the Lord’s treasures. What appears to be a simple incense burner turns out to be something far, far more. As Elain and Lucien fall under its spell time and again they will be drawn into a world they could only imagine in their wildest dreams…
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Chapter 2 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
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A Peaceful Night (18+)
The holidays are a time for too many parties, too many people, and too much noise. After the festivities are over though, one can take solace in the love of their other half and the light that person brings into their life.
Manorian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Chaorene Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elorcan Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Rowaelin Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Nesraq Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Lysaedion Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Calm After the Storm (Rowaelin 18+)
Erawan and Maeve have been defeated, the armies of Morath are vanquished, and Aelin rightly sits on the throne of Terrasen with Rowan by her side- and Lord Darrow as a constant pain in her ass. Frustrated and in need of a break, Aelin orders Rowan to do his job and consort with his Queen.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
To Spite the Shadow (Rowaelin 18+)
Nearly a year has passed since Aelin and Rowan destroyed the forces of Maeve and Erawan. Terrasen is rebuilding, Aelin is healing, and the world is finally at peace. Rowan conspires with Lysandra to give his mate a rest from her Queenly duties.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
For You (Lysaedion 18+)
Lysandra and Aedion enjoy a peace and freedom they never knew before Erawan and Maeve’s defeat. Still- something isn’t quite right. Aedion is keeping one of his desires secret, and Lysandra is determined to figure out what it is.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Familiar Stranger (Lysaedion 18+)
Tanned bronze skin, piercing violet eyes, night black hair- after a nightmare week in Orynth, Aedion goes for a drink and catches the eye of a beautiful- and familiar- fae male. When the male leaves, Aedion follows him to a dark, secluded alley where they can both blow off some steam.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Path Ahead (Elorcan 18+)
For Elide, it is the end of her virginity. For Lorcan, it’s the last ‘first time’ he ever wants to have. Both are nervous about the evening to come, but neither would change it for the world.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Cure for Nightmares (Manorian 18+)
Mere weeks after the events of “Empire of Storms”, Manon and the Thirteen conspire to give Dorian the break he so desperately needs.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Curing the Fever (Manorian 18+)
Manon is forced to leave a meeting early due to a suspected illness. Luckily for her and Dorian, none of the Thirteen guessed exactly what was wrong.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
One Year in Heaven (Manorian 18+)
Dorian and Manon celebrate the anniversary of their meeting in style- with ropes, chains, and a bit of domination.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
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Morning in the Jingshi
A new merchant has moved into Caiyi Town, one who deals in sinful wares. Wuxian places an order and decides to model a whole suite of new toys for Wangji. Wei Wuxian has always liked it rough, but he may have been too ambitious this time.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.Net (Not Available)
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Project: Echo (Part 1)
A long-buried Hydra disaster, a monster in the shadows, a missing child. Eight months after the events of “The Winter Soldier”, Bucky turns himself in to the Avengers on one condition: They must help him find a girl snatched off the streets by Hydra seven years ago. In their quest, the Avengers accidentally unleash a horrifying creature of darkness and shadow, intent on making their quarry its prey.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Project: Echo (Part 2)
A new enemy surfaces with a team of the Avengers’ greatest foes, hand-picked for their destruction. Meanwhile, Inessa’s pre-Hydra past begins to surface, casting doubt on where her loyalties truly lie.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Project: Echo (FINALE)
Seven years after the events of “Part 2”, Avengers Tower explodes, fulfilling Bucky’s vision. All evidence points to Avengers Shadow-Ops leader Inessa Ryker, who is forced to seek out Bucky in hiding. Together they must determine who the traitor is in their ranks and if their friends are still alive- all while trying to survive deadly ambushes orchestrated by Sam Wilson and his hand-picked army.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Avengers: Valkyrie Wars (Part 1)
When a young woman stumbles across a Valkyrie artifact the Avengers will fight Asgard, Valkyrie, Loki, Hydra, and the last of a monstrous race known as the Norn. Whoever claims the weapon can unleash Hell, but when it vanishes Loki takes the only person capable of finding it again: Steve Roger's lover.
**All cannon through "Winter Soldier" used, NO "Age of Ultron" or "Civil War"**
Tumblr: Not Available || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
To Save Her Soul (Ongoing)
After the events of "Captain America: Civil War", Alice Pierce (the granddaughter of Alexander Pierce), a drug addict, is pulled off the streets and forced through detox by the Avengers so that she might help infiltrate her grandfather's compound to rescue Clint's wife and children.
**Trigger warnings noted above chapters, overall warning for drug use/withdrawal**
Tumblr: Not Available || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
X-Reader Format (Abandoned) || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
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The Ridiculous Ground-Up World Building Sheet
Shorter: World Building 101
World Building 102: World Building Tips
The Ridiculous Ground-Up Character Building Sheet
General Writing Tips
Master Plot Types
Things to Ask Yourself
How to Write Smut
Tough-Love Tips for Writers
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kn1ghthawk · 4 years
OC Personality Test
Tagged by: None but I saw it most recent by nuke-nuke
Tagging: @sebyflamingo
Rules: Go to this website and take the test as one of your OCs! Then, put their stats as follows!
Name: Victor Nathaniel Winter ARCHITECHT | INTJ-T
33% Extroverted | 67% Introverted 66% Intuitive | 34% Observant 56% Thinking | 44% Feeling 81% Judging | 19% Prospecting 43% Assertive | 57% Turbulent
“Thought constitutes the greatness of man. Man is a reed, the feeblest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed.”
It can be lonely at the top. Being one of the rarest personality types and being among the most capable people, Architects know this all too well. They make up just two percent of the population, and women with this personality type are especially rare, forming only 0.8%. It can be difficult for Architects to find people who can keep up with their non-stop analysis of things. People with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive... ambitious yet like their privacy... curious about everything but remain focused.
Quick, Imaginative, and Strategic Mind – 
High Self-Confidence – 
Independent and Decisive –
Hard-Working and Determined –
Open-Minded – 
Jacks-of-all-Trades –  Weaknesses:
Arrogant – 
Judgmental –
Overly Analytical – 
Loathe Highly Structured Environments –
Clueless in Romance – 
The Right Attitude for Meeting Goals
With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, other kids at school often call Architects “bookworms.” While their peers may intend to insult them, those with this personality type likely identify with the label. Throughout their lives, they’re proud of how much they know, and Architects enjoy sharing the knowledge they gain. They’re confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects. They are serious and prefer to design and carry out effective plans rather than waste their time with foolish distractions like gossip.
“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” HARLAN ELLISON
Architects accept and work with inconsistencies that make perfect sense to them – at least from a purely rational standpoint. For example, Architects can be both the most positive dreamers and the bitterest pessimists at the same time. On the positive side, these personalities believe nothing is impossible with enough effort, intellect, and thought. On the negative side, they might also believe that people are usually too lazy, unimaginative, or selfish to reach hard goals. But this idea won’t put them off chasing their own.
Standing on Logic and Principles
Architects are self-confident in the skills and ideas they focus on. Using their insights and logic, they push innovation through by sheer willpower. It may seem that Architects constantly deconstruct and rebuild every idea and system they encounter. They typically apply a sense of perfectionism and even morality to all their work. Anyone who can’t keep up with Architects’ processes or doesn’t see the point of them is likely to lose their respect. Architects, ever independent, remain free from the expectations of others. This allows them to pursue their own interesting and fresh ideas. Architect personality types dislike rules, restrictions, and traditions. For them, everything should be subject to questions and reviews. When they can, Architects often act alone, and their approaches are usually innovative and unique. They may not wait for others to catch up to them. Because of this, they’re sometimes not as sensitive as they could be to the thoughts, desires, and plans of others.But they aren’t impulsive. Architects strive to remain rational no matter how attractive an easy but ill-considered route might be. Every idea must pass the strict and ever-present “Does this make sense?” and “Is this going to work?” filters. They apply the filters to all things and all people, and this is sometimes where Architect personalities run into trouble. Traveling Alone and Accomplishing Much Architects are confident in the subjects they take the time to understand, but, unfortunately, they are reluctant to bother with topics that involve social skills. White lies and small talk, even when useful, are hard for a personality type that needs truth and depth. Architects may even see many social practices as downright stupid.Ironically, it is often best for Architects to remain where they’re comfortable – out of the spotlight. They have natural confidence there. If they stay within their element and do what they do best, they are likely to draw people to them, professionally, socially, and even romantically. They are fine on their own, and reaching out is often optional. This strategic style isn’t meant to suggest that Architects act coldly and without conscience. But Architects like to win and dislike acting solely on emotions, and this can make it seem that way to other types who don’t understand them well. This may explain why many fictional villains are modeled on this personality type. But Architects are as likely as anyone else to act from integrity – or more, if to do so makes clear sense. Architects move through life as though it were a giant chessboard, advancing and retreating with considered intelligence. This personality type always looks for new tactics, strategies, and contingency plans. They constantly outsmart their peers as they maintain control, all the while making the most of their independent style of thinking. With this, they can achieve any goal they apply themselves to.
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67midnightwriter · 5 years
Ketch and Release Chapter 4
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A/N: Here we go 2019! Lets get K&R finished this year! Holiday parties have wound down, I have more time to devote to writing now, and life is going good.
Warnings: Sassy reader, as usual
W/C: 1,509
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
“Do you two know each other?” Castiel asked as he turned toward Y/N with a raised eyebrow.
“No.” Y/N closed her eyes, willing for this to all be a bad dream that dissipated when she opened them once more.
It did not.
“How is this your idea of backup? You think two people are going to make that much of a difference?”
“They helped us with Lucifer, so I just fig-”
“Lucifer? The Lucifer?” Mick raised an eyebrow and Y/N fought to keep a straight face. She still didn’t trust him.
“Yes.” Castiel’s answer was short, stress causing him to lose what little patience he normally had.
“Wait, so you’re telling me what happened in Indianapolis was you took on the bleedin’ devil himself?” Mick scoffed in disbelief.
“Yes.” Y/N sensed Cas’s restrained eyeroll. Under other circumstances, she would be biting back a grin at his frustration, but she was impatient to move on.
“Did you win?” This time it was his posh accent that filled the air.
“Yes.” Castiel blew a breath through his nose as the two backups exchanged impressed glances. When they returned their attention, not-Mick tilted his head ever so slightly, his gaze ghosting over her body, burning with curiosity.
“Sam and Dean were taken.” Y/N tore her eyes from his face and turned her attention back to Mick. She closed her eyes, swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. She hated needing help, but they were up against a wall. “We can get them back, but we need help.”
“So we’ll help.” Mick smiled at her, his voice soothing.
“What’s the catch?” She asked after a pause. Mick sighed.
“Miss L/N… Y/N.” He took a small step forward, his hands raised in peace. “I came to this country to do one thing-- Make friends. But you American hunters, you’re… you’re a different breed than our sort. You’re surly. Suspicious. You don’t play well with others-”
“That’s accurate.” This time it was Cas’s turn to interrupt, but Mick didn’t so much as blink in his direction. Y/N’s glare could have sent his trench coat up in flames.
“You don’t trust people you don’t know, even when they come bearing gifts. Now I can’t help that, but I can help you. And if word were to get out that we did our part to save Sam and Dean Winchester, well, that’s just good business, innit? And who knows? When all this is over, we might even be friends.” Y/N scoffed, noting how Mick’s partner stayed back, regarding them with a piercing gaze and inquisitive eyes.
He was studying them.
“Who are you?” She asked, pulling a small, proud smile to his face.
“Where are my manners? Arthur Ketch, British Men of Letters, as I’m sure you’ve gathered.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, the wheels in her own mind turning. After their first run in with the group, she didn’t trust any of the Men of Letters, but she also vividly remembered her night with Ketch. She was wary, but they were calm, and she was desperate.
Y/N exchanged a glance with Castiel, trusting the angel and his ability to read feelings better than she could. He gave her a small dip of his head and a slight shrug his shoulders. What else have we got? She looked away, off into the trees to her left. Nothing. She turned back to the Men of Letters, her shoulders drooping slightly in defeat.
“At last contact they were in the Rocky Mountain National Forest-” She began.
“Site 94? It’s a government facility, off books. Shadow ops. One of those places that officially doesn’t exist.” Ketch nodded as though they were discussing the weather. She ground her teeth at his arrogance, less annoyed at him and more frustrated that after all her searching she hadn’t been able to find that information by herself.
“Then how the fuck do you know about it?” Y/N saw the slight clench in his jaw, and he narrowed his eyes in her direction.
“We gather information. It’s our job.” Mick answered, directing her attention back to him.
“I searched and scoured and hacked into every government website that I could think of and I didn’t even stumble across a whisper of a ‘Site 94’. How do you know about it?”
“That’s the benefit of friendship Y/N.” Y/N opened her mouth to retort back, but thought better of it and shut it once more. She tilted her head slightly, intrigued by the new layer of Mick peaking through.
“They told us to meet them off State Route 34.” Castiel rejoined the conversation, getting them back on track.
“Well, that’s a long stretch of road. Where, exactly?” Ketch’s response was smug.
“That’s where the term ‘help’ comes in.” Y/N took a half step forward, and a smile crawled across Mick’s face and he felt her relax slightly.
“I’ll get our techs to put a satellite over the area.”
“Wait you can do that?” Y/N asked as Mick turned to get to work. He looked back at her over his shoulder, sending her a wink.
“And so much more.”
Castiel followed Mick as he walked away, leaving Y/N and Ketch alone together.
“I should get ready.” Y/N turned away from Ketch, heading to the back of her truck and pulling out the gear she had haphazardly put away when she received Cas’s call.
She heard Ketch follow her, and she felt him behind her as she began pulling out her weapons. She lined up various arrow tips, bullets, guns and knives, pulling them out of the false bottom of the bed of her truck and laying them on the tailgate.
“Can I ask you something?” Y/N turned to see Ketch observing her work.
“If I say no is it really going to stop you from asking?”
Ketch took a step forward, closing the distance between them. “I don’t understand your hostility. I’ve been nothing but kind to you, even after you stole from me.”
Y/N bit her bottom lip and took a deep breath. “You’re right. What’s your question.”
“Why Annie?”
“It’s a nickname.”
“How does one go from Y/N to Annie?”
“Not that kind of a nickname.” Ketch was silent for a moment, his eyes drifting over the things laid out in front of her as she worked.
“I’ve never seen anything like this.” He indicated to the arrow tips she had designed, carefully picking one up to examine it.
“I engineered them myself. They’re made mostly of silver, a high enough percentage to take down a werewolf. Silver on its own is too weak to be used as an arrow tip, so it’s carefully infused with titanium to help strength the metal and keep its point.”
“How did you formulate the correct metal balance?”
“I pissed off a bunch of werewolves.” She took the tip back from him and placed it with the others. She picked up another prototype, handing it to him as she tried not to seem overly enthusiastic. “These are what I’m working on now, for vampires. That space in the middle holds a capsule of dead man’s blood that will theoretically break on impact, immobilizing them from a distance.” Ketch nodded before replacing the tip in its box.
“Follow me.”
He turned and walked away without looking to see if she was behind him. Disheartened and annoyed, she followed him to the back of his Bentley. As she walked past she noticed how Cas was looking over Mick’s shoulder as he appeared to be looking at a satellite image of the forest, talking on the phone about switching image modes to look through the trees. Y/N peered into the trunk of the Bentley while Ketch pulled out a gun case.
“Is that a grenade launcher?”
“What is with you Americans? Are you all obsessed with explosions?” He placed what could have been a B-rated sci-fi movie prop in her hand. “Here. This will work better than your arrows. It’s an extra, you can keep it.”
“What exactly is it?”
“It’s a gun. It irradiates vampires, turning their own blood against them. Ghastly to watch but very efficient.” Y/N flipped the weapon, inspecting it briefly before raising her eyebrows and looking up at Ketch.
“And what do you do if you have to interrogate the vampire for information? How do you overtake it without killing it? What if the vampire is one of your comrades that’s been freshly turned and you need to subdue him in order to administer the cure?”
“The what? There’s a cure?”
“Oh, so you don’t know everything?” She handed Ketch the weapon and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not a damsel in distress, I’m a damsel doing damage.” She let him watch her walk away as she made her way to Mick and Cas, eager to find out if they made any progress on finding the boys.
The Whole Enchilada: @impala-dreamer @sculptorofbeginnings @curly-haired-disaster @rideandwritethings @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural-idjit-95 @team-free-will-you-idjits-67
K&R: @cinnamonrollsforlife @time-travel-bouqet @cutelittlepurplesouls @armieggedon @marianita195 @cloverhighfive @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @liv-the-artist @chloesamxoxo @probably-writing-something @ambx2 @klinenovakwinchester @beautifulbowleggedangel
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sothe · 6 years
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I finished Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would..so I tried to make the main cast into FEH units...explanations under the cut.
Itsuki Aoi - Everyman
Type - Sword Infantry 
BST - 163
Stats - HP (43) Attack (34) Speed (36) Defense (25) Resistance (25)
Weapon - Idol Falchion (Effective against dragon units, Inflicts -7 Attack to unit on enemy team with the highest Attack until their next action, Grants Def/Res +3 to adjacent allied units)
Assist - Rally Up Atk/Spd+ (Grants Attack/Speed +4 to target ally and all allies within two spaces of target, excluding unit, for one turn)
Special - Aether
A Skill - Fury 3
B Skill - Chill Speed 
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: Itsuki is an all-arounder type of unit. His stats look impressive, but that’s due to Fury’s +3 to all stats. Chill Attack in his weapon and Chill Speed as his skill give him a supportive niche...that I just realized Soren has with his tome. But whatever, Soren is a green mage and Lon’qu and Raven have the same refine so just let me have this. Rally Up Atk/Spd is something that i see coming since Ophelia brought the first Rally Up skill and it took a little bit for dual rallies to come out. Most of the Falchion users have some support based bonus granted by their sword so I made Itsuki’s help out allies instead of himself since in TMS he is usually helping instead being on the forefront. (Story-wise, gameplay wise he is force deployed whether you want him or not lmaoo) He doesn’t have his own show or song, but he’s always helping his friends with their show business jobs. 
Tsubasa Oribe - Dreamer
Type - Flying Lance Singer
BST - 150
Stats - HP (32) Attack (31) Speed (37) Defense (24) Resistance (26)
Weapon - Ethereal Feather (If Sing is used on an allied unit grants unit another action and heals unit 10 HP)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - HP/Atk 2
B Skill - Aerobatics 3
C Skill - Distant Guard 3
Explanation: So she could have just been a regular Peg Knight but since in TMS her main focus is becoming an idol I made her a singer/refresher. Her Weapon is supportive and not offensive because tbh...she doesn’t have the best offensive capabilities compared to Touma, the other lance user in TMS. He beats her in raw physical dmg, but she destroys him in the magic department, BUT Kiria takes the cake for best magic user so Tsubasa is best used as a support healer with some offensive moves thrown in. Distant Guard helps give her teammates some extra def/res and Aerobatics help her get to her teammates, but Wings of Mercy is easily another skill that could be there. IS hasn’t actually given a dancer/singer WoM so I figured it was just taboo for them and I was ‘trying’ to go for realism.
Touma Akagi - Just an Extra
Type - Lance Cavalier 
BST - 157
Stats - HP (42) Attack (35) Speed (28) Defense (31) Resistance (21)
Weapon - Brionac (Grants Atk+3, If units attack is greater than enemies attack then special cooldown -1 for each attack)
Assist - Shove
Special - Growing Flame
A Skill - Atk/Def Solo 3
B Skill - Quick Riposte 3
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: Touma is best boy. Ok, but he is my favorite of the cast and his whole journey as a character is him trying to become a hero people look up to. So I wanted his kit to represent that. His weapon has Heavy Blade built into it since he is pretty slow and he needs the extra cooldown reductions. He has Atk/Def solo to represent his want of being a hero on his own and he has Shove to get a nearby ally away from him so he can take advantage of his skill. Quick Riposte would have been his go-to B skill so I just gave it to him and it makes sense for the kit. TBH no one in this game is slow...besides Mamori so I put him in the high attack/def, low speed category since I didn’t want all the builds to look the same?
Kiria Kurono - Poker Face
Type - Green Infantry Mage
BST - 140
Stats - HP (32) Attack (34) Speed (30) Defense (15) Resistance (29)
Weapon - Sharur (Grants Res +3, if unit is adjacent to an ally at the start of the turn then ally and unit granted Atk/Spd +3)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Chill Res 3
C Skill - Spd Ploy 3
Explanation: Kiria is another one of my favorite characters, her cool demeanor and hidden love for cute things is fun. (Plus her aesthetic is on point) She is the resident magic nuke of the bunch, and even though I gave her lower BST than regular mages I tried to represent that as well. Kind of anyways, she is already an established idol by the begining of the game so I made her a refresher. I wanted her to be supportive since a refresher’s job is to help teammates and give extra turns, but I also tried to make her a threat. Her weapon Sharur grants an adjacent ally, and Kiria herself, +3 Atk/Spd. The buff coupled with Spd Ploy gives her a decent offensive presence if needed. Chill Res is to help her and any other mages on her team, and Spd Ploy is just helpful all around. 
Eleonora Yumizuru - Rising Star
Type - Blue Infantry Archer
BST - 150
Stats - HP (35) Attack (32) Speed (38) Defense (23) Resistance (22)
Weapon - Pinaka (Grants Def +3, After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target preventing counterattacks through their next actions)
Assist - N/A
Special - Blazing Thunder
A Skill - Mirror Strike 2
B Skill - Windsweep 3
C Skill - N/A
Explanation: So Eleonora grew on me since at first she seemed supper arrogant, but through her side missions and with her appearances in other side stories she shows a lot of character that would be missed otherwise. She’s like the groups big sister, and ironically she’s younger than most of the cast, but like Yashiro and Kiria she’s been in the entertainment industry longer than Itsuki, Tsubasa, Touma, and Mamori so she has the knowledge. So in TMS she has quite a few moves that inflict status effects like Charm, Poison, etc. I tried representing that in her weapon which acts like the healer stave Candlelight+. Blazing Thunder is because her affinity is electric imo since she learns more electric attacks than any other magic element. That’s also my reasoning for making her a blue archer since thunder mages are usually represented in FEH as blue. Windsweep is to apply the Candlelight debuff safely on physical units with DC, and Mirror Strike is to even out her defenses if she were to initiate on a Dragon unit or mage.
Mamori Minamoto - Microwave Idol
Type - Green Axe Armor
BST - 175
Stats - HP (46) Attack (35) Speed (27) Defense (36) Resistance (31)
Weapon - Holy Axe (Grants Res +3, Allies within two spaces of unit are granted Def/Res +3 during combat)
Assist - N/A
Special - Pavise
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Vengeful Fighter 3
C Skill - Close Guard 3
Explanation: So Mamori is the newest mirage master and she’s the most supportive of all of them. She literally protects her friends from attacks and takes them herself. So I tried to make her supportive in a defensive way. Her weapon Holy Axe gives her more Res and is basically Drive Def/Res for any allies within two spaces. Pavise hearkens to her Radiant Skill that reduces dmg taken when she protects an ally. Vengeful Fighter is just disgustingly good and she’s an armor who isn’t fast enough for Special Fighter and since she has the stats for defense instead of offense I chose VF. Close Guard is also supposed to be a callback to her protecting skills. 
Something to note is that the cast is sort of split into singers and actors. All the characters cross into the other form of entertainment at some point in the game, and Mamori is more focused on becoming a singer over becoming an actor or something. BUT an armored singer would be weird so I just didn’t make her one...
Yashiro Tsurugi - Cold Hearted
Type - Red Sword Infantry
BST - 149
Stats - HP (37) Attack (34) Speed (37) Defense (22) Resistance (22)
Weapon - Futsuno Mitama (At the start of the turn enemies within two spaces of unit receive -5 Atk/Spd)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - Spd/Def Bond 3
B Skill - N/A
C Skill - Spur Atk/Def 2
Explanation: Yashiro is a good representation for the ‘enemy becomes an ally’ trope. I feel like that’s a spoiler but it’s not like he does anything super important as an ‘enemy’ he’s just the typical angsty “I’m just measuring your abilities” guy for a while until he decides Itsuki and co are cool enough to hang with. MOST of the time I dislike those characters since if I was Itsuki I would have called bullshit and told him to screw off, but Yashiro has the best character growth throughout the game imo. He’s a myrmidon so high atk/spd and low defenses, but since I made him a Singer due to his established Idol status his defenses are...bad. His skills are offensive and defensive since I wanted him to be potent as a killer and decent as a support. His weapon is both supportive and offensive as well since it debuffs for either him or an ally to take out the enemy.
Tiki - Mirage Uta-loid
Type - Green Infantry Dragon
BST - 150
Stats - HP (33) Attack (32) Speed (36) Defense (22) Resistance (27)
Weapon - Divine Songstone (Grants ally atk/spd/def/res +3 when refreshed, also if foe is ranged targets lower of the foes defense or resistance)
Assist - Sing
Special - N/A
A Skill - N/A
B Skill - Wings of Mercy 3
C Skill - Guidance 3
Explanation: So Tiki isn’t playable, but she does play a big part of the story and she’s well known in the FEH community so I made her into a unit as well. I keep saying the word supportive in these explanations but Tiki literally can’t help with anything offensive besides forging weapons for the main cast to use. So her Songstone grants the Uror/Skuld buffs, Wings of Mercy is taboo for a refresher to have by default but I don’t care, and then Guidance is to help ferry her team. In TMS Tiki exists as an Vocaloid like Hatsune Miku, but they call them Uta-loids(?) so she is also a refresher. This build was mostly for fun and had the least amount of thought put into it. :)
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smokestarrules · 2 years
Do you think Luz is gonna act cold with everyone, even amity? In light of the poster and release in the horizon, Is her light will forever be snuffed out?
I think one of two things are going to happen with Luz.
no.1 Is that, yes, she's going to be cut off and cold for a while; desperately focusing on finding a way back and neglecting herself and the people with her while doing it.
Then, option no.2 has Luz acting perfectly fine the next day. She acts just like herself when she talks to them all, except it's just that - an act - and she grows more and more fragile as the day goes on.
I think either way, she'll end up snapping at some point, but that's when she's finally going to start to heal, when she allows herself to crack and everyone else is able to really start supporting her. She'll be okay, but it's going to take some time.
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raayllum · 2 years
Why did Rayla leave(haven't watched dragon prince since Season 3 and covid happened) and do you think this is the result of trauma?
Yes, Rayla absolutely left as a result of trauma! The graphic novel Through The Moon explores this in more detail, but she was showing clear signs of PTSD (hyper-vigilance, nightmares, bursts of irritability, an inability to believe she and others were safe) and a hyperfocus on fearing for Callum's safety, specifically, that she couldn't shake, alongside a lack of closure surrounding her family situation and grief / survivor's guilt. Kid was - is going through a lot.
She was anxious about the fact they hadn't found Viren's body and upon doing an old Moon magic ritual, saw something in the cocoon Aaravos is in. For her, this confirmed her beliefs as well as her resolve to keep the world and Callum safe.
If you want the loose spark notes version of this page wise, check out this post that has the most important TTM pages compiled for free! More thoughts about how this fits in with Rayla's arc and emotional continuity here.
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lavellan-evelyn · 6 years
OC interview meme
Tagged by: @dirthara-mama thank you <3
And of course for my bb
After Trespasser
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1. What is your name?
Evelyn Lavellan.
2. What is your real name?
It’s cause it’s a shem name isn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s Evelyn Lavellan still.
3. Do you know why you were called that?
Mother was a city elf and a human named Evelyn helped her escape and my ma was inspired so here I am.
4. Are you single or taken?
Very much taken. See this necklace? Half of a dragon’s tooth, The Iron Bull has the other half.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I mean...I have the genetics to harness magic and I’m good at that so... Well, I’m a Dreamer as well, and can-used to close demon rifts. Also studied rift magic and that’s why the missing part of my arm looks like a translucent green hand.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Pal, I have a shit load of issues I have to deal with on the daily. Mental shit, physical shit, social shit. Do not even start with me.
7. What’s your eye color?
Pale forest green. Mother had green eyes, Father had heterochromia with one brown and one green.
8. How about your hair color?
Red with brown undertones. Sometimes it looks red red other times it looks brown, depends on the lighting.
9. Have you any family members?
Only child, Mother and Father got divorced cause my mom was emotionally abusive to me. She changed, though I’m still weary around her and happy she doesn’t push anything. I have chosen family from the Inquisition and my old Keeper. My father and I are really the only remaining Lavellans. We are a direct bloodline from Lavellan themself as well. Other than that, not much, but we’re close.
10. Oh? What about pets?
When I was little I had a pet rabbit and was best friends with a Halla. Now I have a pet dragon-well, she’s imprinted on me, I’m her mom. And I have a dracolisk that chose me as well.
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me something you don’t like.
The way you phrased that statement at the beginning is a good start. I have a long list, you have to be more specific. People who are ignorant and arrogant piss me off, so there.
12. Do you have any hobbies/actives you like doing?
Well they wouldn’t be a hobby if I hated it now would it? Yes, reading, writing, hanging off of things, instrument playing, singing, art as well.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
Oh plenty. And I hate myself everyday for it. Each time I’m forced to kill someone I know that that person had a family and friends, maybe completely innocent to the situation. And they’re going to receive a letter that says their loved one died, and it’s hard. I feel like I’ve let people down multiple times due to being ignorant and naive. Yeah sure, saved the world the weight should be off my shoulders right? Nope. It lingers like fade pain. Haunted by so much. The fact that Thedas could still be destroyed because the Veil falls, doesn’t help matters much because now I feel like I did everything for nothing so...
14. Ever...killed anyone before?
Many. I always try to do it in self defense and only if the killing is necessary.
15. What kind of animal are you?
Watch it. And if you don’t know any better don’t ever ask that question to anyone, especially elves. Though, I feel like my familiar would be a fox or cat or OH, gargoyle cat if they only existed past sculptures.
16. Name your worst habits.
I’m oblivious. I cry a shit load, so I always seem over sensitive or over emotional when most of the time I’m not. Guess who’s never taken seriously? Um, I put others needs before my own, which might not sound too bad until you realize I cannot truly help another person until I know I’m fully able to by prioritizing myself first.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
My father. And a few of my friends.
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
19. Do you go to school?
Taught by my clan, first hand by the Keeper. Yes and no.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Marriage is important to help put who I am in stone. Like, another document that says I was an elf mage. And of course for legal reasons if Bull and I wanna do things economically speaking. But, I am infertile and have zero motherly type instincts. And no, caring for safety of others doesn’t guarantee that I have said instincts, just means I care.
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
22. What are you most afraid of?
Abuse. And any of it’s synonyms and connotations. Being like my mother was.
23. What do you usually wear?
Clothes. Um, easy things to put on or take off. I stray from pants when I can. Hate those bastards.
24. Do you love someone?
I killed dragons in his name, yes I love someone. And platonically or family wise I also love others.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
Diaper years.
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
High class now. I hate it. I try to give away all the money I can to charities and people who need it but for some reason I keep getting fucking paid and I want them to stop because I’m fine, it’s everyone else that needs the money.
28. How many friends do you have?
Around 15ish. But like, my closest best friend group is around three. Yes, I count Bull amongst them.
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
Fucking love it. Blueberry pie is my favorite and I can make it and ugh, i need one now.
30. Favorite drink?
Alcoholic wise, I prefer rum, but I actually don’t drink much and don’t really enjoy it all that much but I can tolerate a few rounds for fun. Bull is respectful of that. Otherwise, it’s a tie between apple juice and hot chocolate.
31. What’s your favorite place?
I have pillows in the corner of my room I snuggle in a lot and it’s my safe space kinda. But, I really enjoy Crestwood, I think the scenery can be beautiful.
32. Are you interested in someone?
...yes. The Iron Fucking Bull.
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
Um...small? Bull describes it as the size of medium oranges. Don’t ask how we got into that discussion because it was really a random topic that just came up.
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Well, I really like how calm lakes can be. But I do feel a sort of calling towards the ocean. I think that’s because every few years or so, my clan would go to a coastal/island clan and exchange stuff and have fun. My father actually is half coastal and half Lavellan blood, so I have a bit in that in me. Though I’m like 200% sure because he has vitiligo and my ma had really sun sensitive skin, I can’t tan or be out in the sun very long even with protection.
35. Whats your type?
Intelligent, that does not equate to book smart by the way. Open mindedness, humorous, playful but can be serious in serious situations, kind, someone who can match my morals. Good chemistry.
36. Any fetishes?
Not by the true definition of one, no, but I have a shit load of kinks. That’s for another discussion if you wish. I’m not ashamed.
37. Seem or uke? Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive?
I’m a submissive brat about 90% of the time, sometimes I have a craving to be dominant, though, but I know Bull is extremely uncomfortable in truly submissive positions so we try and work things out, compromise.
38. Camping or indoors?
39. Are you waiting for the interview to end?
40. Now it’s over!
Thank you.
Tagging: I’ve seen a lot of people do this recently so idk! If you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged!
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animerunner · 2 years
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I mean she’s already made it quiet clear several times in the dialogue. Multiple times. That her going back to Gravesfield is to see her mother. And she doesn’t seem to view Gravesfield as home.
So the later half of this isn’t new.
She literally says in Clouds her decision to be a witch.
As for the former… I’ve not really sure we’ve seen any indicator that she’s the type to do that.
Some of this fandom seems to be conflating frustration and being upset with over aggressiveness.
And I’m not entirely sure she’s processed the bullying.
Also just speaking as someone whose been in her shoes. The idea of going off on them feels very much again
Luz can be a bit aggressive when she gets angry. But we have yet to see her angry about her bullies.
And the idea of her lashing out at her bullies for a situation that they’re not involved in….
I don’t think this is a good idea.
Especially since she’s not an overly aggressive person. And suddenly making her that all the time feels questionable.
I already mentioned the issue with the idea some people have with making her a villain. This kinda falls again in the same territory.
Maybe check out those posts
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quinnyandco · 6 years
Character ask thingy: Berlin - 6, 22, 34 Lark - 16, 23, 29 Nick - 17, 29, 33
(I highly appreciate that you snuck Nick in there even though I forgot about him again.) 
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
He is a vivid dreamer and his dreams have varying themes, but there are a few that repeat. He frequently has dreams where he has to do the same task over and over but it’s never complete or correct. This takes many forms–doing a training exercise, trying to put out a fire, etc. Searching for something (or someone) is also a common one. 
22. What does your character like in other people?
He likes when people are genuine, honest, and kind to others. He values loyalty and acts of service, and respects people who try, even if they don’t succeed. 
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
He’ll try the faulty method a couple more times, just to make absolutely sure it doesn’t have the capacity to work–also, he’s a bit stubborn, so he often rehashes the same thing because he wants it to work. Eventually he will give up and find a different solution. 
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Definitely happiness. She enjoys her career at the newspaper office and wants to be successful in it, but she’s really not picky what she does as long as it makes her happy in the end. When she’s not at her healthiest, her desire to be happy at any cost can cause her to act without thinking and gets her into trouble.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
She dislikes rudeness, pettiness, and arrogance, especially if the people who have these traits are “rewarded” for their behavior (with friends, success, etc.) 
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
She actually thought she would be a scientist when she was a child, because she was raised by two scientists and a science-minded brother. But when she got to school, she realized her actual loves were writing and theater and she did not follow in her family’s footsteps. 
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
He wasn’t really treated like a normal child and he didn’t have many toys. He learned how to read very young and knew how to handle small glass beakers without breaking them. He did have a few stuffed animals that he liked, but he tended to play with them as if they were experiments in a lab, because that’s what his parents always showed him. 
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
All he ever wanted to do was be a scientist, which did come true. However, he struggled with figuring out which branch of science he wanted to study the most. He dabbles in as many as he can, but his main work is in microbiology and zoology. 
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
He’s not good at taking criticism. He becomes defensive at first, then frustrated, then works doubly hard to correct his errors. Mistakes mean failure, and failures set back years of research or even get people killed. He’s a perfectionist to a fault and meticulously correct in his work. 
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madewithonerib · 4 years
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Jude 1:12 | These men are the hidden reefs in your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but shepherding only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted.
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           Matthew 15:13 | But JESUS replied,            “Every plant that MY Heavenly FATHER            has not planted will be pulled up by its roots.
           Ezekiel 34:8 | ‘As surely as I live, declares the            LORD GOD, because MY flock lacks a shepherd &            has become prey & food for every wild beast, &            because MY shepherds did not search for            MY flock but fed themselves instead,
           Proverbs 25:14 | Like clouds & wind without rain            is the man who boasts of gifts never given.
           1 Corinthians 11:21 | For as you eat, many of you            proceed with your own meal to the exclusion of others.            While one remains hungry, another gets drunk.
hidden reefs, σπιλάδες (spilades) Strong's Greek 4694: A hidden rock; fig: a flaw, stigma. Of uncertain derivation; a ledge or reef of rock in the sea.
love feasts, ἀγάπαις (agapais) Strong's Greek 26: From agapao; love, i.e. Affection or benevolence; specially a love-feast.
fruitless, ἄκαρπα (akarpa) Strong's Greek 175: Unfruitful, barren, profitless. Barren.
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Charles John Ellicott, Theologian [1819–1905] | Jude 1:12-19
     Three-fold description of the ungodly, corresponding to      the 3 examples just given. The divisions are clearly      marked, each section beginning with "These are"      [Jude 1:12; Jude 1:16; Jude 1:19].
           Jude 1:12 | These men are the hidden reefs in your            love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but            shepherding only themselves.            They are clouds without water, carried along            by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn,            twice dead after being uprooted.
           Jude 1:16 | These men are discontented            grumblers, following after their own lusts; their            mouths spew arrogance;            they flatter others for their own advantage.
           Jude 1:19 | These are the ones who cause divisions,            who are worldly & devoid of the SPIRIT.
     [Jude 1:12-15] Description corresponding to Cain.
           Jude 1:12-15 | These men are the hidden reefs in            your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you            but shepherding only themselves.            They are clouds without water, carried along by            the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead            after being uprooted. They are wild waves of the            sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars,            for whom blackest darkness has been reserved            forever. Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also            prophesied about them:
           “Behold, the LORD is coming with myriads of            HIS holy ones to execute judgment on everyone,            & to convict all the ungodly of every ungodly act            of wickedness & every harsh WORD spoken            against HIM by ungodly sinners.”
     These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast      with you—Rather, these are the rocks in your feasts      of charity, banqueting with you fearlessly [see next note];      or, these are they who banquet together fearlessly,      rocks in your feasts of charity.
     The former is preferable.
     But in any case we must probably read rocks—i.e.,      that on which those who meet them at your love-feasts      will be wrecked [see notes on 1 Corinthians 11:20-22]      —not "spots," which is borrowed from 2 Peter 2:13.
           1 Corinthians 11:20-22 | Now then, when you come            together, it is not the LORD’s Supper you eat.            For as you eat, many of you proceed with your own            meal to the exclusion of others.            While one remains hungry, another gets drunk.            Don’t you have your own homes in which to eat & drink?            Or do you despise the Church of GOD & humiliate            those who have nothing? What can I say to you?            Shall I praise you for this? No I will not!
           The whole meal, or "charity-feast" [Jude 1:12], was            distinguished from other meals by being united with            the LORD's Supper.
           To these charity-feasts the Christians brought            contributions of food—the rich of their abundance,            the poor whatever they could afford—& the food            thus provided was partaken of in common by all.
           The Greek words in this verse for "LORD's Supper"            are more general [kuriakon deipnon] than those            used in 1 Corinthians 11:27 & in 1 Corinthians 10:16;            1 Corinthians 10:21 [kuriou].
           The whole meal was dedicated to the LORD by            virtue of its union with the sacramental            Supper of the LORD.
     But it is just possible that as spiloi, Peter's word, may      mean either "spots" or "rocks" [most commonly the former]
     So Jude's word [spilades] may mean either "spots" or      "rocks" [though almost invariably the latter].
     Here "rocks" is the safer translation.
     Peter is dwelling on the sensuality of these sinners,      & for him "spots" is the more obvious metaphor.
           2 Peter 2:13 | The harm they will suffer is the wages            of their wickedness. They consider it a pleasure to            carouse in broad daylight. They are blots & blemishes,            reveling in their deception as they feast with you.
     Jude in tracing an analogy between them & Cain,      would be more likely to select "rocks."
           These libertines, like Cain,            turned the ordinances of religion            into selfishness & sin: both,            like sunken rocks,            destroyed those who            unsuspectingly approached them.
     On the difference of reading respecting the word for      "feasts of charity," or "love-feasts," [note on 2 Peter 2:13]
           Romans 13:13 | Let us behave decently,            as in the daytime,            not in carousing & drunkenness,            not in sexual immorality & debauchery,            not in dissension & jealousy.
           James 5:5 | You have lived on earth in luxury &            self-indulgence. You have fattened your hearts            in the day of slaughter.
           Philippians 3:19 | Their end is destruction,            their god is their belly,            & their glory is in their shame.            Their minds are set on earthly things.
As they that count [KJV]—"To riot" is too strong; the word means "delicate fare, dainty living, luxury," & if the exact meaning be retained, this will necessitate a change of "in the day time."
For though "rioting in the day time" makes good sense— revelry even among professed pleasure seekers being usually confined to the night [1 Thessalonians 5:7]—
"dainty fare in the day time" does not seem to have much point. The meaning is, perhaps, "for the day," without thought for the morrow, counting luxury for the moment a pleasure—the doctrine of the Cyrenaics & the instinct of "brute beasts."
In the Shepherd of Hermas [Sim. VI. iv. 4] there is a passage which may possibly be an echo of this:
"The time of luxury & deceit is one hour, but the hours of torment have the power of 30 days; if, then, a man luxuriates for one day,"
[See below on 2 Peter 2:15; 2 Peter 2:20; 2 Peter 3:5.]
     Possibly the name Agapae for such feasts comes from      this passage.
     Had it been common when Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 11,      he would probably have made a point of it;      love-feasts in which there was no love.      [Compare 1 Peter 5:14]
           1 Peter 5:14 | Greet one another with a kiss of love.            Peace to all of you who are in CHRIST.
2.] Feeding themselves without fear.
     "Without fear" goes better with "feasting with you";      but the Greek admits of either construction.
     Feeding themselves instead of poorer members of the flock;      whereas feeding poor was object of love-feasts.
     Others explain, "feeding themselves" as      instead of waiting to be tended by shepherds.
     The former is better, the scandal being similar to that      described in 1 Corinthians 11:21 & Ezekiel 34:8.
     [Compare Isaiah 56:11, which Jude may possibly have      had in his mind; & see above, second note on Jude 1:8]
           Isaiah 56:11 | Like ravenous dogs,            they are never satisfied.            They are shepherds with no discernment;            they all turn to their own way,            each one seeking his own gain:
           Jude 1:8 | Yet in the same way,            these dreamers defile their bodies,            reject authority, & slander glorious beings.
3.] Clouds without water—Compare Proverbs 25:14
           Proverbs 25:14 | Like clouds & wind without rain            is the man who boasts of gifts never given.
     The meaning is not that these men bring much food      to the love-feasts & give nothing away: there is no      longer any allusion to the love-feasts.
     Rather, these men are ostentatious generally,      & yet do no good inflated & empty.      [See on 2 Peter 2:17]
           2 Peter 2:17 | These men are springs            without water & mists driven by a storm.            Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
4.] Carried about of winds—More literally, borne past      [without giving any rain] by winds; or, perhaps, driven      out of their course [& so showing their flimsiness] by winds.
5.] Trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit—There is no      such strange contradiction in the Greek, nor in any      of the earlier English versions.
     The meaning rather is, autumn trees [which ought      to be full of fruit, & yet are] without fruit; in allusion,      probably, to the barren fig-tree.
     Others, less simply, explain "trees in late autumn"      —i.e., stripped & bare.
     But for this we should expect "winter trees"      rather than "autumn trees."
6.] Twice dead—Utterly dead, & hence "plucked up by      the roots." Spiritually these men were "twice dead" in      having returned, after baptism, to the death of sin.
     The writer piles up metaphor on metaphor & epithet      on epithet in the effort to express his indignation &      abhorrence.
     The epithets here are in logical order:      in autumn, fruitless, dead, rooted up.
7.] Foaming out their own shame [v.13]— literally,      their shameful acts.
     Isaiah 57:20 is probably in Jude's mind:      "The wicked are like the troubled sea,       whose waters cast up mire & dirt."
8.] Wandering stars—Nothing is gained by understanding      comets, which have their orbits, & do not wander, in      Jude's sense, any more than planets do.
     The image is that of stars leaving their place in the      heavens, where they are beautiful & useful, & wandering      away [to the utter confusion of every one who directs his      course by them] into sunless gloom, where their light is      extinguished, & whence they cannot return.
     This simile suits the "false teachers of 2 Peter better      than the "ungodly" of Jude.
     Would the writer of 2 Peter have neglected to      avail himself of it?
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Notes on Jude 1:8, per note #2 on Jude 1:12
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[v.8-10] Application of these three instances to the libertines who are now provoking GOD.
           Jude 1:8-10 | Yet in the same way, these dreamers            defile their bodies, reject authority, & slander            glorious beings.
           But even the archangel Michael, when he disputed            with the devil over the body of Moses, did not            presume to bring a slanderous charge against him,            but said,
           “The LORD rebuke you!” These men, however,            slander what they do not understand, & like            irrational animals, they will be destroyed by            the things they do instinctively.
1.] Likewise also—Rather, yet in like manner: i.e., in spite      of these warnings. These ungodly men were like the      unbelievers in the wilderness in denying CHRIST &      scoffing at HIS promises; they were like the impure      angels in leaving the "constitution which is in heaven"      [Philippians 3:20] for the base pleasures of earth;      they were like the people of Sodom in seeking even      these base pleasures by unnatural courses.
2.] These filthy dreamers—We must add also. "Filthy" is      not in the original Greek, nor in any previous English      version, but is supplied from the next clause; not rightly,      for "dreamers" goes with all 3 clauses, not with      "defile the flesh" only.
     This being admitted, a number of painful       interpretations are at once excluded.
     "These dreamers also" means these ungodly men,      who are deep in the slumber of sin [see note on      Romans 13:11], as well as the 3 classes of      sinners just mentioned.
     Excepting in Acts 2:17, which is a quotation from      Joel 2:28, the word for "dreamer" occurs nowhere      else in the NT, but is found in the LXX version of
     Isaiah 56:10, of dogs that dream & make a noise      in their sleep.
           Acts 2:17 | ‘In the last days, GOD says,            I will pour out MY SPIRIT on all people.            Your sons & daughters will prophesy,            your young men will see visions,            your old men will dream dreams.
           Joel 2:28 | And afterward, I will pour out            MY SPIRIT on all people. Your sons &            daughters will prophesy,            your old men will dream dreams,            your young men will see visions.
           Isaiah 56:10 | Israel’s watchmen are blind,            they are all oblivious; they are all mute dogs,            they cannot bark; they are dreamers            lying around, loving to slumber.
     Jude perhaps has this passage in his mind.      [See below, second note on Jude 1:12.]
     "Dreamers" may perhaps refer to the       empty speculations of these men.
3.] Defile the flesh—Like inhabitants of the cities of the plain.      Some of the earliest forms of Gnosticism, on its antinomian      as distinct from its ascetic side, exhibit the licentiousness      inveighed against here; e.g., the Simonians,      Nicolaitanes, Cainites, Carpocratians.
4.] Despise dominion—Like the impure angels. Insert "and"      before "despise." The "dominion," or lordship, is that      of Almighty GOD. Set aside, or reject      [Mark 7:9; Luke 7:30; John 12:48],
Mark 7:9 | HE went on to say, “You neatly set aside the commandment of GOD to maintain your own tradition.
Luke 7:30 | But the Pharisees & experts in the law rejected GOD’s purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John.
John 12:48 | There is a judge for the one who rejects ME & does not receive MY WORDs: The WORD that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.****
     would be better than "despise," to mark the      difference between this & 2 Peter 2:10.
           2 Peter 2:10 | Such punishment is specially reserved            for those who indulge the corrupt desires of the flesh            & despise authority. Bold & self-willed, these men            are unafraid to slander angelic majesties. ****
5.] Speak evil of dignities—Like murmurers in the wilderness.      By "dignities," or glories, are meant unseen powers      worthy of reverence.
     The Greek WORD is rare in the NT; only here,      2 Peter 2:10, & 1 Peter 1:11.
           1 Peter 1:11 | trying to determine the time & setting            to which the SPIRIT of CHRIST in them was            pointing when HE predicted the sufferings of            CHRIST & the glories to follow.
     Earthly dignities, whether ecclesiastical or civil,      are not included. [Compare the doctrine of      Menander, Irenaeus, I. xxiii. 5.]
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Notes on Jude 1:9
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6.] Yet Michael the archangel [v.9]—These libertines allow      themselves to use language against celestial beings      which even an archangel did not venture to use      against Satan.
     In the OT Michael appears as the guardian angel      of the people of Israel, Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1;
Daniel 10:21 | But first I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth. Yet no one has the courage to support me against these, except Michael, your prince.”
Daniel 12:1 | “At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
     in the NT he is mentioned only here & in      Revelation 12:7.
     In the Book of Enoch his meekness is spoken of;      he is "the merciful, the patient, the holy Michael,"      Enoch 40:8.
7.] He disputed about the body of Moses [v.9]—To be      understood quite literally: to make "the body of Moses"      into a metaphor for the people of Israel, or the      Mosaic law, is most unnatural.
     This passage is the only evidence extant of any such      incident or tradition.
     The nearest approach to it is the Targum of Jonathan      on Deuteronomy 34:6, which says that Michael was      the appointed guardian of Moses' grave.
           Deuteronomy 34:6 | And HE buried him in a valley            in the land of Moab facing Beth-peor, & no one to            this day knows the location of his grave.
     According to Origen [De Princip. III.ii.1] the      source of it is a book called the Ascension,      or Assumption of Moses.
     Evidently it is something supposed to be well      known to those whom Jude is addressing, & it      appears to be given as a fact which he believes,      though we cannot be sure of this.
     In any case it does not follow that we are to      believe in it as an historical fact.
     Reverent, & therefore cautious, theories of      inspiration need not exclude the possibility of      an unhistorical incident being cited as an      illustration or a warning.
           1 Corinthians 10:4 | & drank the same spiritual            drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock            that accompanied them, &             that rock was CHRIST.
     The strange question, "What did the devil want      with the body of Moses?" has been asked, &      answered in more ways than one:—
     [1] to make it an object of idolatry, as the Israelites      would be very likely to worship it;
     [2] to keep it as his own, as that of a murderer,      because Moses killed the Egyptian [Exodus 2:12].
           Exodus 2:12 | After looking this way & that &            seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian            & hid his body in the sand.
8.] Durst not...—Out of respect to Satan's original      angelic nature. [Compare 1 Corinthians 6:1]
           1 Corinthians 6:1 | If any of you has a grievance            against another, how dare he go to law before            the unrighteous instead of before the saints!
9.] A railing accusation—More literally, a sentence      savouring of evil-speaking.
     Wiclif, "doom"; Tyndale & Cranmer, "sentence";      Rheims, "judgment." Michael brought no sentence      against the devil, but left all judgment to GOD.
10.] The LORD rebuke thee—The same rebuke is      administered to Satan by the angel of Jehovah,      when Satan appears as the adversary of      Joshua the high priest, the restorer of the temple      & of the daily sacrifice, & one of the OT types      of CHRIST [Zechariah 3:2].
           Zechariah 3:2 | And the LORD said to Satan:
           “The LORD rebukes you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD,            who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you!            Is not this man a firebrand snatched from the fire?”
     It is probable that the tradition here given by      Jude is derived from this passage in Zechariah,      or from a source common to both.
     We have another reminiscence of      Zechariah 3:2 in Jude 1:23.
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Notes on Jude 1:10
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11.] But these..[v.10]—In strong contrast to the scrupulous      reverence of the archangel.
     "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
12.] Those things which they know not [v.10]—The "dignities"      of Jude 1:8.
     This shows that unseen spiritual powers are there meant:      these men would know earthly rulers.
     It is on the unseen that they show their irreverence.
13.] What they know naturally [v.10]—The means of      gratifying their desires. ***
     The two halves of the verse are in emphatic contrast.
     What they do not know, & cannot know, they abuse      by gross irreverence: what they know, & cannot      help knowing, they abuse by gross licentiousness.
     If this Epistle is prior to 2 Peter it is strange that the      author of the latter should have neglected so      telling an antithesis,  & should [from a literary      point of view] have so spoiled the passage by      his mode of adaptation [2 Peter 2:12].
     If 2 Peter is prior there is nothing strange in      Jude improving upon the mode of expression.
     The word for "know" is not the same in both clauses.
     The word used in "which they know not" is the      most general & common word of the kind in Greek,      expressing mere perception, & occurring about      300 times in the NT;
     that used in "what they know naturally" is more definite,      & expresses practical experience productive      of skill & science; it occurs 14 times in the NT,      mostly in the Acts.
     [Compare "Paul I know," Acts 19:15.]
14.] They corrupt themselves [v.10]—Or, perhaps,      they work their own ruin.
     Note the tense; not future, but present.      The corruption, or ruin, is not a judgment hanging      over them; it is already going on.
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Notes on Romans 13:11, per note #2 of Jude 1:8
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           Romans 13:11 | And do this, understanding the            occasion. The hour has come for you to wake up            from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer            now than when we first believed.
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Photo: clairelou_weekendwander | via llovinghome
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