#appears out of the Nothingness to throw this out
adventuringblind · 4 months
The Mirror is My Enemy
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff
Summary: Growing up with a narcissistic mother was never easy. Never looking the way she wanted made enemies out of strange things, including her own mind. Oscar mends her slowly in the way he knows how.
Warnings: Narcissistic abuse, eating disorder, vomiting (implied),
Notes: yeah... this one his hard. I know narcissistic mother are different from father, but I did the best with the experience I have. I hope the requester of this likes it, I tried really hard!
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Narcissists are a special breed of people. Concerned about themselves and how they look. Charismatic and welcoming to the outside world. But to their inner circles? Their families? They see the hidden truth.
Having one as a parent is a specific kind of hell. It's underhanded comments and insults masked with laughter like it's a joke. It's always having your privacy invaded to make sure you aren't getting any ideas or talking about them in a negative light.
It's giving up on fighting because it's easier to just do what they say, to give up any semblance of control over your own life. Always being exhausted because you're either arguing or watching any kind of hope for life you had wither away.
The optimal thing to do is try and tell someone, but nobody believes because they can't see the evidence. They don't see the way her mom dresses her up like a doll or the comments whispered in her ear. They don't know that behind the closed bathroom door, her mother pokes and tugs at her skin and forces her to watch in the mirror. They don't know the control it takes to make herself not eat from such a tender age. Always trying to fit into the clothes that are too small for her. Purposely purchased that way.
She learns to love the compliments when her mother gives them. As her body whittles away into nothingness.
She meets Oscar while in a fragile state. Dolled up for some fancy dinner she's attending with her mother. Some kind of business thing with McLaren.
She's always thought the reason they had so much money was because they don't eat. It's how they have extra to invest into whatever they choose. Her father likes money and her mom likes appearances. A lovely combination that she's caught in-between.
She orders a salad for appearances. Nobody can see what's truly going on. They'd asl questions if she acts strange. She takes small bites and pokes around anything on it that might hold a few extra calories.
She makes conversation with herself in her head. Missing the looks the Australian driver is throwing her way.
They attend the race that weekend. Guests to the McLaren garage. She tries to avoid anything that even remotely looks like a camera since it adds five pounds to the image of her.
Saturday after qualifying is when Oscar finally starts a conversation. An encouraging nod from Lando has him making confident strides towards her.
He offers her a tour and she accept. Her mother isn't paying too much attention to her. Not like she ever does unless she looks acceptable in her loose-fitting clothes, so nobody says anything.
Oscar is nice. He makes good conversation with her. It's different to the people her parents approved of. Oscar asks her about her interests and reciprocates with his own.
They agree to a date after the race on Sunday. He takes her to some park he'd discovered over the weekend.
She hides it away. Desperate to keep this one thing for herself. Untouched by her parents.
She texts Oscar far more than necessary. Her co-workers notice how her mood lightens.
He comes to see her at every opportunity he can. she can't seem to get away from her parents. Every time she tries it ends badly. Then they get suspicious and start looking through her things.
Oscar takes her to eat a few times. She keeps up appearances. It's strange that someone is encouraging her to eat. Oscar looks soft every time she indulges in the foods that had been restricted for her entire life.
Her mother notices. Because every calorie shows. Like somehow, she knows every time she puts any kind of food in her mouth.
Oscar spends summer break staying with her. She takes a deep breath introducing him to her parents. They play nice in front of him.
Afterwards is a different story. They catch her alone in the hall and pull her away. They lecture her about not knowing anything about him and how he won't be any good for her.
She sleeps separate from him all summer. She keeps her distance physically. He doesn't notice how far gone she is.
Oscar asks her to come with him. To drop what she's doing and travel the world with him.
She acts on a whim. She leaves everything and follows Oscar around the world.
He figures is out eventually. He knew, always had, but he sees how bad it is. Her resolve breaks, she doesn't know how to combat these thoughts in her head. They are overwhelming, they eat away at her in the form of depriving herself.
But Oscar is a patient soul. He works at her pace.
Oscar comes up behind her when she gets lost staring at her flaws in the mirror. He doesn't drag her away; he points out every beautiful make she has, every perfection like it's a drug to him.
He asks about confronting her mother; about defending her and setting some hard boundaries. She begs him not to. They cut contact and leave it at that.
It's different being with someone who doesn't care what she eats. Who doesn't make a big deal about when she pokes at her food or indulges in a favorite snack.
It's amazing what happened when one has a decent support system. When she is able to look for Oscar when she's stuck staring in the mirror and picking at her skin. When he stays with her despite relapses that make her sick.
Oscar still holds and compliments and makes sure she knows she's loved despite it all. He tells her that seeing her smile is worth every weird joke he tells.
He's doing what her parents should've done. And maybe one day she'll see that she never needed their approval, that she has always been perfect. But for now, Oscar is there to make sure she knows she's enough for him exactly as she is.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Hii, i think a good idea for a one shot could be that there's a canon event where the spiderperson!reader have to do the iconic Spiderman kiss in their universe, like Spiderman 3 (toby's one) with Gwen stacy or whoever you want, but they are in a relationship with Miguel LMAOOO btw im sorry if there's something wrong with the grammar, english is not my first language <3
Rewrite the Stars
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((Miguel O’Hara x Female! Reader))
A/N: A non Sunny x Miggy post? How odd for me lol. I’m so sorry this is super late and to everyone whose requested, I’m working slowly but surely on y’all’s stuff. If you wanna read some stuff in the meantime, here’s the Masterlist and feel free to join my discord.
A/N: I tried doing the you/yours pronoun thing because this isn’t a Sunny fanfic but I really don’t like it lol.
Warnings: Jealous Miguel?, Unrequited/Forbidden? Love, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, Barely use of Y/N, and no Spanish this time ((I’m trying to find a new translator and hopefully an editor))
The universe.
One of life’s greatest mysteries. A mass of stars and galaxies that housed so many lives within its many pockets. The lives of so many people whose lives were already written within its cloudy arms and their ends cemented in its pools of nothingness.
A beautiful cycle of cruelty and destiny.
A cycle that was the reason for your utter misery as you sat at a bar listening to your dimension’s Ben Riley blabber on about some football game you cared nothing about.
His oblivious brown eyes sparkled at the fascination with the game as his dimpled smile accentuates his sharp jawline. The warm lights from above caused a healthy glow to bounce off of his shaggy blonde hair, almost making him look like an angel. You can see why Spiderverse assigned him as your love interest.
In your earth’s canon, you were a typical woman who had gotten bit by a radioactive spider during a high school field trip and you spent your entire high school experience thrashing goons instead of chasing boys. Even helped take down some aliens with the Fantastic Four and the Avengers at times before college finals. Spiderwoman was New York’s beloved hero and the cockiness of being its one and only SpiderWoman quickly got into her head.
That was until six months ago.
Six months ago, you were fighting the Vulture over the Empire State Building when another, more mutated version of the same villain appeared. They both decided in your state of delirium over the doubles that you would be a good plaything.
“Hey, I didn’t ask for a combo with my chicken!” A feminine spider’s voice screeches as she avoids the hooked talons of the erratic variant.
The two villains took turns flying menacingly around the scope of buildings to throw the hero off of their location while the other swooped in and tries to rip her throat out.
As she attempts to escape the feathered monster, its companion would come and slice away the web of salvation, continuing the vicious cycle.
Blood blinded her vision as the loud ringing at the base of her skull grew louder. The causes of that annoying alarm grasp their razor claws into her shoulders before sweeping her exhausted body into the air with a victorious snarl.
‘I guess this is the end…’
As the heavens draw closer to her doom, her life hanging up by the slicing of her muscles and bones, a glimmer of fate happens. The warmth of a flash barely registers as the first ache disappears with a startled squeak and a burly force. The sudden change in feeling takes her breath away as she suddenly begins to plummet below.
Her eyes quickly adjusting to the suffocating drop, she can see that one of the Vultures was now fighting an even more prominent blue figure, his howls of pain and unintelligible cursing heard from the stumbling brawl.
As the flash from her familiar foe reaches around the building, she shoots her web at him and used him as a glider.
“Time to ground you, birdie!” She yells as she throws the villain through a window. Catching her grip on the building, she looks at her new foe in the sky and the wind is knocked out of her from the sight.
The man who saved her was in a futuristic spider suit with his mask now off. His dark hair flutters in the wind as the setting sun makes his tanned skin glow. His red eyes glare at the wiggling mutant as his full lips pull back into a snarl. His jaws open revealing a set of large fans before he plunged them into the mutant.
Who the hell is that?
“(Y/N)?…” Ben frowns as he realizes his date was lost in her thoughts.
You snapped out of your head and fake an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I was remembering something….”
That wasn’t a complete lie. You remembered the day you met Miguel O’Hara. The Spiderman of the year 2099 and the leader of the inter-dimensional Spider Society. The anomaly that had come into your world had brought the two together and you were recruited due to your stubbornness, much to Miguel’s annoyance.
“No.” His annoyance dripped from these words as he glares down at you. You were caught in wonder at the idea of there being other Spidermen and that they worked together to stop the collapse of the entire universe. The thought seemed too good to be true that you just had to ask if you could join until those red eyes shot your dream through the heart.
“What do you mean ‘No’?” You ask in disbelief. Your own eyes glared deep into his soul as your hands balled into fists. “I’m a Spiderman just like you! How could you-!”
“You are not like me.” He coldly snaps at you, your ranting briefly interrupted as the man towers over you. His clawed hand grasps your face as his glare sets a spark of fury down in your chest.
“You will never be like me and you will never-!” “Is that our new recruit?” A smooth British accent appears behind Miguel as a spiked-headed Spiderman peeks around his bulking figure.
“No, she’s-” The tall punk pulls you away from Miguel with a mischievous laugh as he introduces himself. “Ello, love, my name is Hobie. Hobie Brown.” He leans down with a sly smirk as his mischievous attitude infests your being like a plague. “Just play along, mate. Let’s riffle this wanker’s undies.” He whispers as you giggle.
“Nice to meet you, Hobie.” I allow a sly smirk to slide onto my face as I look back at the now very annoyed Miguel. “My name is (Y/N) and I’m happy to join.”
The distant sound of screams filters through the bar as the distinct sound of a car being tossed into another building.
Looking at my gizmo disguised as a watch, you realized that the canon event was starting.
“You did well today,” Miguel admits under his breath. Looking at him in shock, you realize that he wasn’t scowling like he normally was. He had a softer expression, his eyes shining with approval as his lips quirked into a mimic of a smile.
The mission had almost gone rouge with the escape of a prowler and him hiding low in a crowded dimension. Despite the obvious danger, Miguel opted to go alone like usual, but his lack of spider sense caused him to get caught up in a trap. Talons and Fangs don’t really help if you can’t exactly move around to use them, so he ended up taking serious blows.
Luckily, you managed to get there and tumble with the villain long enough for the others to rescue Miguel, and the team managed to recapture the prowler. Of course all of them looked pretty bad injuries wise, but the look Miguel had as you sat there bandaging up his wounds made it worth it for some odd reason.
“Thanks Boss.”
June 27th : SpiderWoman of Earth 648 will rescue love interest, Ben Riley, from an attack against The Rhino….
The roaring of the mechanical beast fills the panicked screams of the patrons as the sinking feeling falls in your chest. Ben is quick to play the hero like any guy would as he grabs your arm and drags you out towards the emergency exit. Just like the timeline said it would.
You use the chaos to your advantage as you pretend to trip and get lost in the crowd of people struggling to escape from the emergency exit.
“What do you mean by that?!” I snapped at an irritated Miguel.
Lyla was surprisingly quiet as she watched the duo argue. Miguel whips around at you as his ruby eyes scorched into yours. His talons point at you accusingly as he reiterates your next canon event.
“On June 27th, you are going to be out on a date with Ben Riley. The Rhino is gonna attack that street and you’re gonna save everyone, and afterwards you’re gonna have to kiss him.” His frustration evident as his permanent frown creases.
You stare into his eyes in defiance as you coldly utter, “No. I’m not gonna kiss Ben Riley.”
“And why not? He’s your love interest!” Miguel exclaims, obviously more furious than before. “You’re the Peter to his MJ. You gotta kiss him because you’re destined to be.”
“I don’t love him! I don’t even like his whiny ass!” You snap as you felt your frustrated tears roll down your face.
It’s true. Before you joined this team, you would have been thrilled that you were destined to be with Campus Hunk Ben Riley. He was everything you could ever want from a guy. He was good looking, sensitive, athletic, and social able. The all around good guy you would be proud to bring home to your folks.
Sharp grasp on your shoulder alerts your attention back to Miguel as he slams you back against the desk. His eyes burning embers as he glares down at you.
Changing into your spidersuit, you began to fight The Rhino with a distracted daze in your movements.
The memory from a week prior burning in your mind as you sloppily avoided cars and harsh blows. After a few well timed flips and back kicks, the brute decides to throw a large street cleaning truck towards the alleyway. Just like Lyla predicted when she handed you the file.
The Rhino is gonna throw a street cleaner towards the alleyway where Ben is. SpiderWoman will stop the truck before impact and sling it back towards The Rhino ending the fight.
“And why is it that you are being so difficult?!” He snaps as his fangs glimmer from his scowl. A cute trait you used to love about him until it was pointed at you. “You are no better than a spoiled child with how you are acting so you better have a good fucking reason!”
You growl back at him with a tear rolling down your enraged face.
He had no right to argue with you about your life, not when he’s the one making it difficult.
Shooting a web out towards the buildings, you catapulted yourself into the air and landed in front of the truck. Quickly reusing the web with some enforcements, the truck was bounced back to the The Rhino. The enormous foe gets trampled by the machinery as the crowd cheers for SpiderWoman’s dreaded victory.
“Way to go SpiderWoman!!” A familiar voice joins the crowd as I see Ben on the ground, obviously he either tripped or fell back to avoid the truck. You offer a hand towards him as you thank him softly.
“Thank you.” I faked the smile in my voice as the crowd disappears, leaving the two of you in the alley way.
Finally snapping at him, you yell out in fury,
With a frustrated slap to Miguel’s face, you run past him and escaped back to your dimension, heartbroken over how the events to come and what just happened that despite everything you couldn’t change fate.
No matter how many times you fell asleep during long nights talking on his observation deck. No matter how many playful sparring matches turn into flirty comments. Not even the little gestures of bringing the grumpy spider his coffee and him bringing you some sweets during meetings could change that the star already written your path.
You fell in love with a man who isn’t meant to be yours.
It’s been a week since that fight and you still haven’t seen or heard from him. It hurt to know that your confession was brushed aside while you had to continue the continuity. You half at least expected him to be here to make sure you at least followed through with the canon event.
“Would you like a swing home?” I offer just like I’m supposed to. The moment that was meant to be a nervous beginning to a love story felt like the beginning of heartache as I watched a blush form on his face.
“Sure,” he answered before a flash of realization that his date was suddenly not with him. Another trait you wouldn’t have noticed if you were as in love with him as you were suppose to be.
“Hey my date isn’t here…I think she got hurt or lost during the panic.” His concern caused a pang of guilt to stab her in the chest.
Recovering quickly, you shoot out some webbing and playfully hang upside down infront of him. “Well I guess that swinging date will have to be postponed.”
“Wait it was gonna be a-!”
Quickly, you pulled down the mask enough to deliver a quick peck to his rambling mouth. You force out a giggle as he stood looking at you flabbergasted.
“See ya, Riley.” You swing off as the man bumbled to even ask how you knew his name.
Lyla just said it was a kiss, not a what kind of kiss.
With a heavy heart, you swing back home as you tried to remember that this was all for the sake of the canon. That Miguel didn’t care for you the way you did for him. You tried your hardest to tell your aching heart that those past few months were you just making too much out of nothing.
You mournfully entered your apartment through the bathroom window you normally kept unlocked . You stripped away the skin tight fabric before wrapping yourself in the familiar comfort of your robe as you exited the room into a dim lit living room.
You heart stick in your chest as you see Miguel standing there in your living room in his bright blue spider suit and a beautiful spring lily in his hand.
“Miguel? What are you doing here?…” You ask as yoy warily approach him, scared he’s gonna do something to you.
He shakes his head, refusing to answer as he hands you the flower. It’s soft white petals shining in the pale moonlight as you smile fondly at it. They were your favorite flower. Something you told Miguel a million times before.
Before you could thank him for the kind gesture, a soft thump above you alrets you to look up. A spindle of glowing webbing cascaded down the ceiling with the large spiderman now suspended upside down from it. His free hand caresses the side of your face as his eyes stared softly into yours.
“I can’t change the canon, mi amor…” he whispers sadly before mischief lights up his molten gaze. “But we certainly can try to rewrite the stars for us.”
An excited nod from you causes his chest to rumble as he pulls you into a slow passionate kiss.
You were glad this is a canon event for spider men despite it not going as planned.
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moondustpugh · 4 months
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sometimes things just doesn't seem to work out and maybe sometimes that's okay.
Author's Note: Here's one of my angsty fics. So, I apologize.
Wordcount: 2.9K
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Six months.
That was exactly how long it has been since you have last seen him. Since that night. You haven’t fully found yourself yet, but you took it day by day. The first two months since he left were the worst parts of your life. You would stare into nothingness, while you sat on your sofa. You would barely eat. You would barely move. You would barely go out with your friends. Busy, that was what you would tell them. You have been busy with work. But weekends were spent on your bed, sleeping all day, or crying at certain times when you would find a piece of him around your flat. An old t-shirt tucked into the corner inside your drawers, his scent still lingering on the fabric. A piece of paper where he would doodle little flowers or hearts for you. It all consumed you in a way where you couldn’t move the moment you found little pieces of him in your place. 
You should start cleaning around.
You told yourself that, but you never got around to it. It was almost like you were too scared to throw away the things he had left because you knew that the moment all of his things were gone, you knew that you had to face the reality that he really wasn’t part of your life anymore. That you would never see him again. It was four years of you two being together and in one blink of an eye, he was just gone. It was like those four years didn’t exist, but in your heart and in your mind, those four years were still crystal clear. 
“Hey,” He would appear behind you after a long day of filming. 
He would come home, and he would find you cooking dinner in the kitchen. There was something about having these domestic moments with him that made you feel warm and cozy on the inside. His lips would linger at the back of your neck, his warm breath creating goosebumps on your skin and you would lean back against him and sigh happily.
“Joe.” You warned. “I’m cooking dinner. Don’t distract me.”
A small giggle would come out of you, and he would make it even worse as he would start kissing down your neck and on your shoulder. 
The kitchen was always a special place for you two. Joe loved to cook and when he was not filming, he would show you his love language and that would be spoiling you with some delicious homemade food and spending the day watching movies in the living room. Sometimes, you two would find yourselves taking a nap on the sofa. It was little moments like these that made you love him even more. It was little moments like these that made your heart ache every time it reappeared in your memories. You couldn’t bring yourself to enter your kitchen in the first two weeks since he left. You would order take out and completely avoid it unless you really needed something. You even bought yourself a mini fridge to store your bottles of water in your room just so you could avoid that one room in the flat.
The kitchen may have good memories, but it was also the last memory you had with him, and it wasn’t a good one. You knew that things between you two had been distant lately. He had been busy booking more roles, and you had been busy with your own job. After you got promoted in the office, you saw less and less of each other. Joe would fly to the States for filming, and you would sit in the flat alone, eating dinner by yourself. It didn’t really occur to you at the beginning because of the fact that you were also busy. Supporting each other’s careers were one of the strongest traits you two had in the relationship but how did it become like this? How did it end like this? 
It took about two months of Joe being away from you that you started to feel the distance between you two. Not just the fact that he was across the pond but how he was starting to be distant to you even if he was home. He would text or call on the first few weeks of his filming in the States but then, he started to go silent on you. The only time you would see him would be paparazzi pictures of him and his co-stars hanging out at a bar or at some concert. 
It bothered you. It bothered you that he couldn’t reply to one text or pick up his phone when you would call after not hearing from him for a week, but he had the time to hang out and go have some drinks with his newly found friends. It bothered you even more when he was seen with one of his co-stars getting too close. The picture you saw on the internet made your stomach drop. They were in a concert with his other co-stars, and she was sitting next to him, whispering something in his ear, while her hand was on his thigh. Joe had a smug smile on his face, and you immediately exited Twitter as soon as you saw it. 
It hurt. It hurt a lot when you saw that.  
After that, you didn’t hear from him. A month of you indulging yourself on the internet and staring at every new picture of him and the girl. You wanted to scream. You wanted to say something to him. You wanted to call and ask him what was going on, but you didn’t bother because he didn’t even bother replying or calling you back. That was until he came back home to London. You just had a long day at work, and you stayed later than usual in the office and when you came home, you saw Joe sitting on the sofa. You couldn’t look at him. You felt disgusted. So, you muttered a hello to him and made your way to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers. 
“How are you?” Joe asked you, following behind you.
He slipped his arms around your waist and gave you a kiss on the cheek, but you pushed him away. You occupied yourself by taking the bowl of leftover chicken from the microwave and pulled out some utensils. 
“What’s wrong?” Joe asked. “Look, I’m sorry I haven’t called. Filming had been really busy and–”
The sudden clang of utensils got Joe’s attention as you let out a sharp breath. Tears were starting to form in your eyes, but you held it in. You couldn’t let him see you like this. Your back was still turned to him as silence took over the both of you. 
“Busy filming, huh?” You finally said, your tone of voice sounded angry. 
“Yes.” Joe’s eyes stared at you as you turned to face him. 
“Tell me, Joe. Is that it?” You raised your brow, holding the spoon tightly in your hand. “Is that the only reason why? It’s not because you were cuddling with some girl in the States?”
“For fuck sake!” Joe shook his head. “Is this what it’s about?”
“No, Joe!” You exclaimed. “This isn’t just about her! It’s about how you don’t reply to my texts or when I call, you never answer! It’s the fact that I haven’t heard from you in a month, and you come back in here like there’s nothing wrong!” 
Your voice shook. Your whole body trembled in anger as you stared at him, tears welling up in your eyes. Joe didn’t say anything because he knew. He knew you were right. Both of you had been distant from each other, and he had denied it. You both had denied it. It didn’t mean that he had stopped caring. Things had just been different lately with all the things he needed to do for his career. 
“Hey.” He walked around the kitchen island and wiped the tears that started rolling down your cheeks, but you pushed his hand away.
“Don’t!” You warned him, taking a step back. “Don’t act like you care because I know you haven’t cared for a while now.”
“That’s not true!” Joe barked. “I care about you!”
“Not like the way you did before!” You argued, your eyes widened.
You felt stupid. You have been denying this for months now, and you knew that things had not been the same lately. That things had changed. You just couldn’t face that reality and maybe, Joe couldn’t either that was why he was still here standing in front of you. 
“We kissed.” Joe admitted, his head hung low. “Once. But that was it. It didn’t mean anything!”
You nodded your head as reality creeped in slowly. You couldn’t move. You felt angry. You felt that knot in your stomach, and you felt like vomiting as you heard those words came out of Joe’s lips. Four years of being together just all washed away by those words. Those words that stabbed you right on your chest as you grabbed the bowl of chicken and threw it at Joe. Fortunately, for him, he had ducked just in time as the bowl shattered on the wall behind him, leaving the chicken a mess on your floor. 
“I’m sorry.” Joe tried to walk towards you, but you kept stepping back as you sobbed in front of him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head as he tried to cup your face and looked into your eyes, but you were pushing him away, hand scratching and grabbing the fabric of his sweater as you slapped his hands away from your face. 
“I’m sorry.” Joe cried, tears rolled down his face too. 
You shook your head as you sobbed in front of him as you started pacing back and forth in front of him, while Joe tried to reach for your hand. So many questions were running in your mind and so many emotions washing over you. 
“Please.” Joe murmured. “I’m so sorry.” He pulled you in his arms as he hugged you from behind and buried his face on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes, feeling his strong arms around you, while tears streamed down your face. Joe continued to murmur his “I’m sorrys,” but the image of him and that girl just kept flickering in your mind, and it made you angry and disgusted. How could he do this? How could he just easily throw away everything you both had? 
“It didn’t mean anything.” Joe turned you around, his hands sliding down your arms and taking a hold of your hands. “I know I have been distant, and I’m sorry. Work had been stressful, and I didn’t want to drag you into it.”
“We’re partners, Joe.” You sniffed, sliding your hands away from him and wiped the tears on your face. “I thought we knew how to communicate with each other. I thought we knew how to be there for each other no matter what the situation was. You were the one person I thought that would never hurt me like this.”
“I know. I just…” Joe sloppily wiped his own tears. “I just couldn’t bring you into this crazy world that I entered, and I… I know. I’m so sorry. I was drunk and it happened so fast.”
Another silence took over before you asked him the one question that had been repeating in your mind for the past month.
“D… Do you still love me?” 
It hit you like a ton of bricks when he couldn’t answer your question. The silence was enough for you to know the real answer from Joe. No, he didn’t love you anymore. It was the silence that you never thought would make you feel that sharp pain in your chest. Joe took a step forward to you, his hand reaching, but you couldn’t look at him any longer. He was a different person to you now. He wasn’t the same Joe that you knew for the last four years. 
“The kiss meant nothing to me.” Joe repeated it again, but you weren’t listening anymore. “I’m sorry.”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sniffed. “I know how you feel about me and the fact is you don’t love me anymore.”
Another silence. 
“I think you should go.” You stated, wiping the last remaining tears on your face. 
“I think you should go.” 
And just like that, it was the last time you saw his face. You walked away from him and went to your room. You never saw him again. You only heard the sound of him packing his things and the door closing behind him as you sobbed in your bed that night. Ever since then, you haven't gotten any sleep at all. That was six months ago though. You have been okay since. At least that was what you thought until you had walked by a coffee shop one day and the sight of Joe had given you that negative feeling in your stomach again. He was with another girl, kissing her softly as they waited in line inside. You stood there outside by the window as you felt yourself breaking down again.
You couldn’t breathe. 
You couldn’t move. 
You shouldn’t be here. 
You thought that the feelings were gone. You thought the hurt that Joe had caused you was enough for you to hate him, but you were wrong. You still loved him. Perhaps, you always will. He was always going to be a part of you no matter what but seeing him with another girl made you face the fact that you needed to also move on with your life. You needed to stop dwelling on him. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 
So, that was what you did. You worked on yourself for weeks and weeks turned into months and months turned into a year. You started going out again with your friends. You started smiling little by little again, and you finally had brought courage to yourself into stepping into that kitchen again. The mark on the wall where the bowl had shattered that night was still there. You ran your fingers through it, but you felt okay now. You didn’t feel anything. You had told yourself to fix that hole on the wall and maybe re-decorate the kitchen and so, you did. It was almost like the more you had fixed that kitchen, the more you were fixing yourself too. 
You saw an ad of Joe on the internet one day, and he looked different. A good different. He looked okay. Just like you. You were okay. You have moved on. You have focused more on your career, friends, and family for a while now. Another year passed and you were more than okay. You were good. 
Two years.
Exactly two years since that night. If only you could go back in time and tell yourself that you were going to be okay, you would. Though, you wouldn’t have had it either way because it taught you lessons. It taught you new things about yourself that you never knew before. Your only hope was that Joe was okay too. Even if the relationship didn’t end well, he was still Joe. Your Joe. The Joe that you knew for four years and loved you then. The Joe that you loved.
You were walking down the streets of London one day just right after office hours when you had heard that familiar voice call your name. You froze in place as you slowly turned around and saw Joe standing there in front of you. He looked different. You couldn’t explain it, but he just looked different. He looked more mature and older.
“Hey.” You gave him a small smile.
“Hi.” He gave you a tight lipped smile as he slid his hands in his coat pockets.
“It’s… It’s been a while.” 
You didn’t know exactly how to react. You didn’t expect to ever see his face again, but you were glad that you did. Somehow, you didn’t feel that pain in your chest anymore as you looked into his brown eyes. You didn’t feel that knot in your stomach. You just felt content and relaxed. 
“Yeah, it has been.”
“How are you?” Joe asked. 
“I’m good. How are you?” Your eyes studied him. “You… You look great.”
“Thank you. I’m good. I just got back from the States. I had a movie premiere that just finished.” 
“Oh? Well, congratulations.” 
For a moment, you two just stood there, looking at each other. Both of you knew that the pain had washed away. That both of you had learned something from it. That both of you had grown from it. That maybe the two years had healed the both of you. That maybe the two years had made you both mature. 
“Listen,” Joe started. “I just want to thank you for always being so understanding and supportive of me. I truly am sorry for giving you the pain that I know you didn’t deserve.” 
It was closure.
Something both of you needed after that night. 
A small smile appeared on your face, your eyes twinkled for a moment. “It’s alright. I didn’t regret being with you.”
Joe’s lips also curved into an understanding smile. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, I’ll see you around.” 
Both of you walked away in opposite directions and for a minute, you stopped in your tracks and looked over your shoulder to see Joe doing the same thing. You gave each other one more smile before completely walking away. 
The End.
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hwanchaesong · 1 year
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Park Seonghwa X Reader
summary: it seems that fate itself is playing a game with you when it turned fiction into reality. what will you do to go back? what if you don't want to go back?
genre & warnings: fluff, angst, historical au with a touch of magic lol, this was inspired by Howl's Moving Castle (pls do watch ghibli movies, they are amazing), mild cursing, war and fighting, mentions of blood and injuries, slowburn
word count: 7.4k
a/n: here ya go againn @marievllr-abg sorry it took a bit for me to post this bc i obviously got carried away but i hope you'll like it 💚
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You sighed dreamily, staring at the sentences of the book that you're reading, "I want a love story like this."
Your roommate, Yunjin, rolled her eyes at you before throwing a pillow in your direction, "Stop fantasizing about fictional stories and characters."
"I can't help it!" you pout, throwing the pillow back to her which she easily caught with a giggle. "Let me have my moment, please."
"Alright, alright." she raised her hands up in defeat, laying down in her bed and looking at you, "What if you get your own boyfriend?"
You scoffed, putting the book down on your table and making yourself comfortable in your own mattress, "That's ridiculous. Besides, boys in our university sucks."
She shrugged, understanding your point of view, "If you say so."
There was a moment of silence before your friend spoke again, "There's this guy in my class, Lee Chan h-"
"Yunjin." you deadpanned, "Drop it, let's sleep, we have early classes tomorrow."
"Geez, yes ma'am. Goodnight ma'am."
You laughed at her reply, "Goodnight Yunjin."
You were in a deep slumber when suddenly you couldn't breathe and cold shivers ran down your spine. It's like you were held down by some unseen force.
You opened your eyes in a haze, you were in your room but everything was distorted. You tilted your neck to check if Yunjin is still there but her side was empty.
What the hell is happening?
A loud rumble made your heart leap out of your chest.
You tried to get up, to yell, anything but to no avail.
Is this some kind of witchcraft? Who would even do this to you? All your life you did your best to be cooperative and nice to people, even strangers. So, what did you do wrong?
Your tears were threatening to spill, your voice coming back for you to shrill when a blackhole appeared and sucked you in.
Then everything went black, your consciousness faded into nothingness.
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"Y/N? Wake up."
You felt light taps on your cheek, a melodic voice pleading for you to get up.
You feel tired, like you worked your ass off since birth and nothing more would please you if you're able to sleep in.
"Y/N! Come on, Miss Hatter needs your assistance. We have a lot of customers for today."
Miss Hatter? Who the fuck?
You jolted out of the comforters, your eyes bleary as it tried to adjust to the sudden brightness.
The room you're in is completely different from your apartment. Wooden floor, wooden walls, and the woman standing in front of you is definitely not Yunjin.
You squinted your eyes, "Who are you?"
She looked taken aback at your question, "It's me, Jieun."
She stared at you, worried at your well being because for her, you're acting really weird.
"Jieun?" you asked once more, the name sounds familiar to you.
"Yes." she answered immediately with a soft smile on her lips, she walked over to your closet, bringing out a vintage dress that you're sure you have never worn in your entire lifetime.
"I guess you're still distraught." she held a hand for you to take, "It's okay, getting attacked by the guards must be really scary."
Huh? You were attacked by what?
You accepted her help, taking advantage of the situation to ask for more information which she gladly filled.
Damn, it's either you're a great actress or Jieun's just too kind to point out how peculiar you are acting.
You were sorting all the newfound knowledge in your brain as you followed Jieun downstairs.
You work as a hatter and got trapped by some shitty guards yesterday. There's a war going on between two nations so you should be more careful when going home at night. And there's something about sorcerers and witches that c-
"Isn't that Jongsuk's castle!?"
The booming voices, which you assumed are the other female hatters, caught your attention.
Then it dawned on you.
The names of the people, the place you're in, the work that you have, and now you hear the words 'Jongsuk's castle.'
It's easy to put two or two together, especially if you are absolutely familiar with it.
The situation at hand, or the plot, is the one that you were reading before you went to sleep.
"Fuck." you cursed under your breath which made Jieun turn around, a questioning look on her face.
"What did you say?"
"Oh um." you racked your mind for any reply, and you ended up asking about the castle.
"Ah," she smiled at you, opening the door to the room where you design the hats for the customers, "Jongsuk's castle."
She sat down and you followed suit, mimicking her actions on how she works with the hats as she explains the tale of the castle to you.
"That moving castle is owned by a wicked wizard who eats the hearts of the girls that he finds pretty." she puts the hat down for a second, "That's why you need to be careful."
You couldn't help but be awed. She's truly kind, a warm person where you can find comfort in. No wonder the 'wicked wizard' fell in love with her.
You cleared your throat, focusing your attention back to the hat you're struggling with, "You should too."
You heard her chuckle, "I don't need to worry about that."
You froze on your spot and a wave of sadness washed over your being.
Right, Jieun never saw her self as a beautiful woman. All that she ever thought is that she's unworthy of love, destined to be alone.
"That's not true," you stood up from your seat, putting your hands on her shoulders, "you're pretty!"
She looks shocked from your outburst, there were a few seconds of pause before she started laughing, "Thank you, Y/N."
Her genuine smile made you happy as well. You sit back down and continue to work in comfortable silence, side by side with Jieun.
Time ticked by without you even noticing it, getting startled when Miss Hatter barged into the room, telling the both of you to go home.
"You can go first," Jieun said after walking out of the shop, "I have to visit my sister."
You nodded your head and bade goodbye to her, walking in a different direction and suddenly you wanted to hit yourself.
Where the heck do you live here?
You woke up this morning in a room, inside the damned shop. Why were you there in the first place? Did you sleep over? If so, then you'll just go back and spend the rest of your night there again. Maybe you can think things through in there and find a way to return to your world.
You turn on your heels, ready to walk towards the shop when a begging voice echoed in the area.
"Is someone there?! I can hear your footsteps, please help me!"
You stood there for a while, contemplating whether to help the guy or just leave. There's nothing wrong about going in there to see what's up, but hey, even in this fictional world, scam is still everywhere.
In the end, your curiosity got the best of you. Deciding to help the poor man (which hasn't stopped talking at all).
You were flabbergasted when you saw the state he's in. Body upside down and.. in a trashcan?
"What the hell?" you said, voice quiet but loud enough for the stranger to hear.
"Oh thank god someone's here." he sighed of relief, then you saw him point his foot to the left, "Can you please pick that sword and give it to me?"
What? That sword is more important than fixing his position?
"Are you sure you don't want me to help you with.. that?" you pointed at him, not that he can see you, but he did get what you were saying.
"No, please, don't come near me. This trashcan might eat you."
Your eyes widened, but then again, what would you expect? You are in a magical world, anything can happen.
You cautiously walked towards the sword, picking it up and throwing it to the guy. The metal miraculously floats, attacking the trashcan and you might be going crazy but you did hear the dumpster whine out of pain. Soon enough, the can started wheezing and spat out a dashing young man.
The can started running away, the clinking sounds fading away in the darkness as the lying figure started laughing, "That's it! Run away you coward!" he yelled, standing up and turning towards you.
"You're a life saver!" he beamed at you, his puppy-like face a contrast to his deep voice.
"No, no. You're welcome I- what are you doing?" you exclaimed, watching him kneel down and bow down to you.
"I'm expressing my gratitude." he replied, nudging at the sword beside him, "Alfredo, c'mon, stop acting like a kid."
You feel like fainting when the sword stood up by itself, bending over like a piece of rubber.
"Stop, okay, please stand." you went closer to them, not exactly knowing what to do but you already deemed them harmless. "Raise your heads, I'm glad I can be of help."
The stranger rose to his feet, offering you a handshake, "The name is Seonghwa, and this sword right here is my partner, Alfredo. Pleasure to meet a gorgeous lady like you."
You blushed a bit, accepting the shake and introducing yourself as well. You were about to excuse yourself but you were glued to the ground. Not one muscle you can move.
The once friendly looking man scowled, "You're not from here."
He clasped his sword, pointing the blade at the base of your neck, "Did the Witch of the Waste send you here?"
"The fuck are you on about?" you glared at him, "I don't even know why I'm in this world!"
He raised an eyebrow, lowering his sword, "This world? You're not from another nation?"
"No." you growled, and maybe you were too out of it. Thinking of many things at the same time that you blurted everything out to some dude that you barely know. Telling him about your country, your mundane life, and that you're supposed to be sleeping right now with your bestfriend on the other side of the apartment.
Seonghwa was baffled, your word vomit almost didn't make sense but as a wizard himself, he knew that making up lies that coherent would be difficult.
You must be telling the truth, but this is one uncanny situation you're in.
"You're here for a reason." he blurted out, making you stop and think for a second.
What reason?
You're an average person born in an average family. A college student with only one trusted friend. You get good grades and don't struggle financially. You live a fine life. Yes, it's given that you are an avid reader of romance books that you sometimes wish you were a part of it.
Aye. That hits the spot perfectly. That must be it, doesn't it? Fucking fate or whatever this is, granting you the most impractical wish to ever exist.
You face palmed. Were you here to be a divine intervention or what? Maybe help Jieun in her adventure.
You did not notice that you are now able to move, immediately running to Jieun's house to avoid the incoming problem.
If you are here to help the protagonists of the story then so be it. If that's the only way for you to go back to your own world, then you'll gladly accept this challenge.
"Man, for a girl, you run fast."
A voice beside you grunts, your eyes falling to a gasping figure.
"Why are you following me?" you yelled, bitter at the guy who was ready to slit your throat just a few moments ago.
"I wanna help!" he replied, smiling at you innocently.
You rolled your eyes, letting him do whatever he wanted because frankly, you could care less about him for now.
It was like second nature to you, bewildered that you knew Jieun's house but you couldn't remember your own home in this world.
"Jieun!" you barged into the building, and you were shocked to see her in the corner of the room.
Her once brown hair turned into gray, her skin got wrinkly and her joints crack at every move that she made.
"Y/N?" she called out to you, walking towards you and you met her halfway, giving her a hug.
"Oh Jieun. I'm sorry I was late."
"No, this isn't your fault."
"The Witch of the Waste cursed you." Seonghwa's voice rang and you suddenly remembered that he's still following you.
"Who's he?" Jieun asked, pulling away from you and eyeing the man
"Seonghwa." you answered, facing the boy and started shooing him away.
"Hey! I said I wanna help!" he fought back, crossing his arms like a child. You were so ready to flip him off but Jieun's soft giggle stopped you in your tracks.
"It's okay, having a male with us would be beneficial." Jieun assured you, placing her hand on your arm to calm you down.
The smug expression on Seonghwa's face, paired with the sudden shining of his sword made you want to punch him but you held yourself back for Jieun's sake.
"We're going somewhere, right?" you inquired, Jieun giving you a wink before answering.
"We're going on an impromptu trip."
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You thought you could handle everything well, especially since you knew what would happen but it is still surprising to find yourself inside the infamous 'Jongsuk's Moving Castle.' (courtesy by a magical scarecrow that Jieun helped on your way to the Folding Valley)
The castle is dusty and dirty, like it was uninhabited for years yet you don't have a choice but to spend the night there, sleeping in a creaky chair and tuning out Calcifer's (he's the demon fire by the furnace that controls the castle) badgering.
The next morning, you woke up when you heard a conversation between Jieun and a child.
"You're awake!" Jieun chirped, "I was about to make breakfast. The kid over there is Huening Kai."
You were confused for a while, your eyes landing on a small figure, "Oh, good morning."
"Good morning." the little kid answers, you were about to open your mouth to talk but wasn't able to when the roulette attached to the door turned and pointed at the black part.
So this is the part where you meet the infamous Jongsuk.
The door opened, revealing a handsome blonde man. His eyes roamed the room, "Seonghwa? Nice to see you here."
You glanced at the floor, seeing Seonghwa laying there leisurely.
"Yup." Seonghwa made sure that the 'p' popped at his lips, "Been a while, Jongsuk."
The two smiled at each other before the former walked towards a gaping Jieun, taking over the stove. "Didn't know you were so obedient, Calcifer."
"She forced me!" the demon argued back.
"Give me six more eggs and four pieces of bacon." Jongsuk ordered, snapping Jieun out of her reverie and immediately moving around.
When everything was set and everyone was sitting around the table, a small talk ensued. You were eating slowly, wary of the tense atmosphere.
"Huening Kai," Jongsuk started, his eyes landing on Jieun, "care to explain the situation?"
The younger boy gulped the food on his mouth, "This is Jieun and Y/N. I don't know what happened last night but Calcifer let them in."
The demon complained in the background, not liking the fact that the blame was shifted on him.
Jongsuk nodded, "I don't mind Seonghwa's presence, since he's a dear friend of mine, but what about you two?"
Jieun blinked, "We'll be your cleaning lady." she exclaimed, looking at you for support.
"Yeah," you stood up, linking your arms with her, "we'll make this place sparkly."
Jongsuk laughed, nodding his head before he went serious, "On the other note, what is it in your pocket?" he pointed at Jieun, confusing her when she discovered a piece of paper in her dress.
"I didn't know this was in here." she said, handing the paper to Jongsuk but the paper suddenly burned, the ashes making a mark on the table.
"That must be her." Seonghwa commented, sipping on his glass of water nonchalantly.
"Yes, the symbol speaks for itself." Jongsuk covered the mark with his hand, wiping it in slow motion.
"It's gone." Kai cried out, amazed at his master's magic.
"The visual is gone," he said, peeking at his palm that bears a slight burn, "but the sorcery is already engraved here."
Jongsuk rose and held his untouched plate, feeding the contents to Calcifer who hummed in delight. "I'll go for now, Kai, please tell our caretakers to not get carried away."
Then he was out of the door, leaving all of you by yourselves.
"Master is usually gone for a while, " Kai speaks, taking out the empty plates and putting them in the sink, "you two can p-"
"We'll start today!" Jieun enthusiastically said, grabbing you and dragging you away.
"Wha-?!" you choked on your own saliva, startled at her unexpected movement. Annoyance bubbling up when you saw Seonghwa waving a hand at you, mouthing a "Goodluck."
It was safe to say that it was pure torture.
Sweeping and dusting and removing the cobwebs (chasing the insects out made you want to cry). You and Jieun were cleaning all day and you were hell bent on not cleaning the bathroom, thus, you let her do it herself.
"We can do the laundry here!" Kai called out fron the veranda, and the two of you went out.
You were astonished, the scenery was nothing like you had ever seen before.
The castle was flying up in the sky, the sun is so bright that it gives you a clear view of the field of flowers. The ocean is shining under the light and the birds are gliding near the fortress.
When the castle landed near the body of water, you all went and washed the clothes and other pieces of fabric that Jieun deemed unusable until clean.
It was tiring at first, but it was actually fun. Hanging the clothes out in the field with the help of your friends (and Mr. Scarecrow who was actually following you all along)
You sit down on the grass after all the chores are done, resting for a little bit and enjoying the fresh air.
"You look like you're about to pass out." you whipped your head to see Seonghwa sitting beside you.
"Since when did you get here?" you asked, not hearing any of his footsteps.
"Magic." he whispered, making you scoff and him laughing at your annoyed face.
"Here, hydrate yourself." he brought out a bottle of water, holding it in front of you which you happily accepted and drank.
"That's some good stuff." you muttered, glancing at his direction, "Thank you Seonghwa."
He felt his breath hitch, the afternoon light making you glow and he thinks that you're pretty. Like, really pretty.
He had his fair share of girls. He's handsome, of course ladies will line up for him and he's not the type to say no. It's just that he never saw any reason to settle down with them.
He doesn't feel a connection with them, but with you it's somehow different.
What could this be?
"Ah, feelings." a high pitched voice interrupted his thoughts and he immediately knew who it belongs to.
"Shut up, Alfredo."
"Oh my god." your jaw might drop on the floor, seeing the sword with a face, talking and walking like a living thing. "The sword spoke, and it's moving on its own."
The sword deadpanned at you, "Of course, I'm the same as Calcifer, duh."
Seonghwa groaned, trying to pick up his sword to no avail, "Alfredo. Don't do this with me right now."
The sword stuck his tongue out, further irritating his owner, "I ain't going anywhere."
"Wait." you frowned, pointing an accusing finger at Seonghwa, "If this thing can move-"
"Please call me by my name."
"Fine." you let out an exasperated sigh, "If Alfredo," you eyed the sword, which in turn made him nod in satisfaction, "can move, then why did you ask me for help that time."
"This," Seonghwa had finally lifted his partner, "brat right here threw a tantrum because I thrusted him right in the mouth of the trash can. He didn't want to move, so someone had to manhandle."
Alfredo muttered under his breath, something along the lines of 'It smells so bad in there, you heartless monster.'
You raised an eyebrow, "Then why were you in the trashcan?"
"I was caught off guard," Seonghwa shrugged, "that rotten dumpster kept on pestering me about food."
Somehow, you imagined Seonghwa and Alfredo's struggle, making you laugh loudly.
"Go on," he clutched his heart dramatically, "laugh at our misery." He prods at his partner, and the only thing that the sword could think of was to play dead.
"It was hilarious, but no." you shifted closer to him, close enough that you're able to whiff his musky scent. "I am kind of glad that I was able to meet you two because of that."
Seonghwa's chest tightened, an overwhelming feeling of endearment filling his veins at your confession.
Who gave you the right to be this adorable?
"Keep breathing." Alfredo mumbled, breaking Seonghwa's trance and he couldn't help but lightly kick his friend.
"Shut up."
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"I don't see the point of doing this." Kai complained for the fourth time, not wanting to go out of his home.
"We need something to eat." Jieun clapped back, holding a basket and adjusting the roulette.
It still amazes you how magic works in this world. You knew of it based on the book, but experiencing it at hand is a whole another level. That circle thingy is an example of it.
You arranged the colors and its destination in your head:
Black = Wales
Blue = Seaside City of Porthaven
Green = Market Chipping
Red = The Royal City of Kingsbury
Right now, all of you are in the Market Chipping, and with one turn, the arrow pointing at the blue part, everyone is now transported in the Seaside City.
Jieun excitedly opened the door, inhaling the fresh scent of the ocean. "Let's go!"
You and Kai have no choice but to follow her around, watching her pick vegetables and fishes.
After a while, there was a ruckus near the harbor. Curious about it, the three of you went to see what it was.
Alas! There is a tattered boat sailing close, it contains several injured men and the others on land kept on cheering for them. Some people even went and drove their respective boats to help their countrymen.
"An aircraft!"
You looked up and saw a large plane, anxiety raising your heartbeat when it began bombing the boats.
"Let's go back!" Kai yelled to which you and Jieun immediately complied.
You all ran until you're under the safe covers of the castle, "That was close." Kai mumbled.
"The war is getting worse day by day." Jieun remarked, lowering her head in sadness.
You gathered all the courage you have in your body to speak, but as soon as you opened it, Jongsuk entered the door, clearly in a sour mood.
"Jongsuk." Jieun muttered his name to which he clearly ignored.
"Calcifer, prepare my bath."
A few moments later, a screaming Jongsuk runs in the living room clad only in a flimsy white towel, enough to cover his private parts.
"Did you mess around the shampoos?! The spell is all wrong! I told you not to get carried away!" he cried out, gripping his hair to prove a point. His former blonde locks are now in a shade of orange.
"Are we getting attacked or something?!" Seonghwa emerged from the stairs, woken up by the chaos downstairs.
"No." Jieun answered, concerned at Jongsuk's behavior, she cautiously walked closer and tried to console him.
"Look, it's now black. It suits you well."
"Pft," Seonghwa's snicker above caught your attention, and you're tempted to smack him after his next sentence, "Your hair sucks, Jongsuk."
"Ahh!" Jongsuk let out a frustrated yell, "What's the point of living if you're not beautiful?!" he slumped to a nearby chair, dejected at his new appearance.
That struck a nerve to Jieun. Her once worried expression morphed into anger, "That's all you could think about?!"
You did not expect this outburst from her.
"You're being unfair, especially because I never felt like I'm beautiful!" Jieun then walked out of the door, crying in the rain which started to pour.
You looked at the mess and cringed when a gooey liquid oozed out of Jongsuk's body, like he's melting.
"Uh-oh, let me get Jieun." Kai said, running outside to report what is happening.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, glaring at the man who's now sitting on the counter and happily eating an apple.
He raised an eyebrow and you shook your head, opting to help Jieun who just came in to put Jongsuk back in his room.
You ignored Seonghwa the whole time. Normally, you would go to him at night to talk about life, but today you didn't. You were pissed at the stunt he pulled earlier.
"Why are you here alone?"
"Oh God, you scared me." you jumped from where you're standing, frowning when you saw Seonghwa behind you.
"I didn't like what you did. You could've hurt Jongsuk's feelings." you mumbled, diverting your attention back to the stars.
"No, I didn't," he whined, trudging to you, shoulders touching and you know you should be mad at him but you don't really mind the close proximity he created, "besides, his hair was back in its original state."
You giggled and agreed, "It looks good on him too." you absentmindedly commented, but no, Seonghwa did not like that one bit.
"Alfredo! Keep Y/N company for a while."
"Huh? Hey. Seonghwa! Where are you going?" you glanced at him and yelled, confused at his sudden behavior but he probably can't hear you anymore as he entered the castle in a hurry.
"Let him be." his partner flew and perched on your shoulder, and for a piece of metal, he's unbelievably light. "Just make sure to compliment him when he's back."
It has been thirty minutes and you were getting tired of waiting, Alfredo had already fallen asleep and you were seriously contemplating going inside.
Seonghwa came sprinting, shaking his head and you raised an eyebrow. Did he dye his hair?
"Look!" he shrieked excitedly, "Does it look good?" he asked with puppy eyes, his noise waking the sword on your shoulder.
"Man, can you keep it down?"
Seonghwa glared at his partner, flicking him off and paying no mind to its protests.
So this is what Alfredo meant.
You lifted your arm and gently touched his darkened locks, "It's gorgeous," you mumbled, "like the night sky." you gestured above.
Seonghwa is now content at your remark, clutching your hand in his and pulling you closer to him, "You like stargazing?"
Your noses are almost touching and you're positive that you can feel his breath on your lips, "Uh, I-I uh, yes?" you winced at your reply, not liking that you sounded so affected by him.
"I have an idea." right after he said that, he circled his arms around your waist and the two of you began to levitate.
"Take care!" Alfredo yawned and waved at you from below, going inside the castle to sleep.
As a normal human being, your instinct tells you to screech and hold on tight to any surface that you could put your hands on. Panic ensuing in your chest and you were so ready to cry when Seonghwa cupped your face, allowing you to gaze in his sincere orbs.
"Calm down and let the wind guide you."
Despite your wobbling knees, you did your best and straightened yourself, "Take slow steps, dance with me, princess." Seonghwa instructed, his hands sliding to intertwine with yours.
Soon you got used to walking in the air, giggling whenever Seonghwa twirls you around.
"See, you're a natural at this." he says, laughing along with you and he thinks that he's on top of the world.
Watching you with a large grin on your face, eyes closed, having the time of your life and letting your worries fly along the breeze.
"We're here." he uttered and you opened your eyes, gasping at the sight.
Are you in outer space? Maybe, but you still could breathe.
Balls of gas littered everywhere, designed to look like fairy lights and the moon itself where you both stand feels like a cloud. m
"This is much better right?" he says, not letting go of you even after you landed.
"Where are we?" you inquired, curious about the place he brought you.
"This is my childhood where I trained magic," Seonghwa explains, "and you missy," he bent down to whisper in your ear, "is my first visitor."
Your eyes widened at his confession and tried to pull away from him, wanting to turn around but he hugged you tightly, rooting you in your spot, "Seonghwa?"
"Let's stay like this." he mumbled, pulling you impossibly close to him to the point that you could feel the heat radiating off him.
This wasn't so bad.
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"What a bummer." you say, watching Jieun tuck the Witch of the Waste, now turned into an old lady who can't use magic anymore, into bed.
"Don't be like that." Jieun nudged you after she was done, "Let's sleep too."
You almost sighed, to be honest you have been doing that for the past few days but you couldn't pinpoint the reason.
The setting has now changed, Jongsuk casting a spell which made the Hatter shop a part of the castle. He did it for their growing 'family' (with the addition of the witch and a dog named Joy, the errand dog Jongsuk's magic teacher) as he likes to call it.
It feels melancholic, knowing that the story is about to come to an end. The worst is about to come, and Jongsuk still hasn't returned.
"You look sad." Seonghwa mumbles when he sees you in the kitchen.
Ah, Seonghwa. You don't know where you stand with him, what your relationship with him is but something shifted between the two of you after that intimate night.
"It's nothing." you forced a smile, attempting to walk past him but failing to do so when he gripped your wrist.
"Tell me." he says with more conviction this time, tugging you to stay close with him.
"I told you it's nothing." you whined, wanting nothing more but to sleep but the man in front of you kept on bugging you.
"I'm just worried for you," his eyes soften, tucking a strand of hair behind your ears, "you don't know how much I want to keep you happy and safe."
Is this really happening right now?
You couldn't move, no magic involved, and you're seriously waiting for your lips to connect when he starts leaning closer to you.
"Oh no!" the witch wailed from the other room, making the both of you jump away from each other.
Soon, sounds of gunshots and bombs are heard. Screams of the civilians, rattling wheels of the carriages and soldiers yelling at the top of their lungs for everyone to evacuate filled the once peaceful area - the war is starting.
Jongsuk was scouted by Wales to assist in the fight, knowing that he is one of the strongest wizards out there. He was brave enough to decline, going as far as to involve Jieun, but Madame Suliman wasn't having any of it.
Now, outside of the house, those black spawns (courtesy of Madame Suliman) are doing whatever they can do to lay waste in order for Jongsuk to agree to the deal.
"You're here!"
All of you went into the living room, seeing Jongsuk, who is in his avian form, explaining things to Jieun.
"Stay inside, Calcifer will take care of you."
"You won't stay here?" Jieun cried, clutching onto him, "We can run away from all of this!"
"I can't," Jongsuk knelt and held Jieun's shoulders, "I already found someone to protect. So please, stay here."
Your heart broke at the sight but you can't do anything about it. You can't stop the fighting, knowing that they can resolve it by themselves. Though, it did nothing to soothe the raging emotions within you.
"I'll come with you." Seonghwa came out, a smile on Jongsuk's face as he accepted his friend's help.
"What?" you muttered, "Seonghwa?"
"I told you," the man's stature turned into one that is similar to Jongsuk's, "I want to keep you happy and safe."
Then they flew, closing the door shut and not letting any of the dark antagonists enter.
Your heart is beating rather erratically. Are you worried? About Seonghwa?
You were so deep into your own thoughts, not noticing Jieun stand up and walk towards you.
"They're both fighting to protect us, let's put an end to this."
She then sauntered to the door, using the roulette and in one click, you were all transported into the Folding Valley.
Upon exiting the castle, the rain is pouring hard in the mountains making it difficult to see but at this point in time, everything is clear.
The orange hue and gray smoke produced by the fire created an illusion of hell, havoc swallowed the city, everything destroyed with the blink of an eye.
"There! Jongsuk!" Jieun pointed at the figures who were gliding around the aircraft and planes, dodging attacks and striking at the same time.
Jieun went inside and scooped Calcifer up regardless of what he was saying as you and Kai helped the witch get outside.
You were all waiting for Jieun to come out with Calcifer, and when she did, the gigantic castle fell apart. Scraps of metal and every single item down to the ground.
"Fast, I might die out here in the rain!" Calcifer exclaimed, shielding himself from the water.
Jieun hurried inside of what's left of the castle, which is the kitchen part, "Can you move it?"
"I need a sacrifice." the demon said, "Jongsuk gave me his heart, so you need to give me something too."
Your eyes moved around and it landed on a pair of scissors, "Alright." you mumbled, picking it up and cutting your hair short on a whim.
"Y/N!" Kai bellowed in surprise, "Your hair!"
"Here. Take it." you held it outwards and glanced at Jieun, prompting her to do the same. Throwing your strands into the fire's mouth as an offering.
Calcifer grew big, easily fixing the ruined kitchen and moving it in the direction of Jongsuk and Seonghwa.
You were still basking in relief that you completely forgot about the witch. It wasn't your fault that you're finally in peace for a bit, thinking that Seonghwa won't be harmed anymore if you and Jieun actually succeeded.
The ride stopped moving when the old lady grabbed Calcifer, "Jongsuk's heart!"
You cursed under your breath, that witch is so obsessed with Jongsuk's heart that she'd literally tear everyone apart for it.
It was well known around town that the damned witch badly needed that heart to cure her rotting magic. Thus, she did everything to get it, going as far as to curse the people who were once involved with Jongsuk.
Too bad, Calcifer is still burning.
The witch yelped yet she held on to flame despite the blaze she's feeling on her skin.
"You'll get burned!" Jieun cried out, coaxing the old woman to drop Calcifer.
"No!" she stubbornly defied, "I got it first, it's mine!"
Jieun had no choice but to hurl a pail of water to the witch, and comes with it is the disintegration of the remains of the once large fortress.
The small space broke apart, the other side of it which contains Jieun and Joy The Dog fell into a cliff.
"Jieun!" you stretched your hand in an attempt to save her but Kai held you back, saying that it's dangerous if you extended too much. You barely heard Jieun say that she'll be fine and that you should take care of yourself up there.
You were lost for a few minutes, staring ahead and thinking what to do before you groaned out of frustration, "Oh no." you turned to the witch, ready to blame her for the catastrophe that had occurred.
"This is your f-!"
"Seonghwa!" Kai called out, his eyes staring from behind you. Heck, you didn't know that you can whip around so fast in your life. Not until today that it actually made you dizzy.
Worry graced over your features when you saw the state he's in. Tattered and tired with gashes all over his body. You opened your arms for him to land on, smoothly embracing him in the process when he returned to his human form.
"Seonghwa," you craddled his face, wiping down the dried blood on his busted lower lip, "you're badly injured, you need to be patched up."
"You cut your hair." he uttered, pressing his palm lightly on the top of your head.
Leave it to Seonghwa to notice the smallest things about you during a crucial time.
"Yeah, it was to o-"
Your explanation ended abruptly when he sat up and pecked your nose out of the blue, "You look gorgeous."
"Ehem." Kai's fake cough snapped the two of you out of your bubble, "I'm sorry to interrupt but.." he trailed off, waiting for any kind of update about Jongsuk's whereabouts.
"He's gone too far," he responds, "his wounds are far worse than mine. I don't know if he'll.." he can't continue his words, not having enough courage in his self to admit reality.
"He will survive." you spoke in a matter of fact tone, tilting your head to the side to give them a clue of what you're talking about, "Look."
Everyone's head craned and was gladly surprised to see Jieun and Jongsuk, with Joy, flying towards the piece of wood that miraculously pulled through after the incident a while ago.
They landed safely and Jieun began to beg the witch to give Calcifer back so that Jongsuk's heart could be returned, allowing him to stay alive.
In the end, the old lady gave in, allowing Jieun to press Calcifer in Jongsuk's chest. And like a show, they began to coalesce and the male's injuries started to heal by itself.
It could have been a happy ending for the couple, the only problem?
Some kind of firework started blowing up as the result of Calcifer's freedom from his pact with Jongsuk, and the impact made the plank slide down the cliff. No worries though! Mr. Scarecrow was there to save the day. He succesfully used all of his strength to halt the movement.
You knew what would happen afterwards, the plot engraved in your brain like it's your favorite song.
Jieun would kiss everyone on the cheek to show her gratitude, (that also turned Mr. Scarecrow into a human, and shocking because he's a really handsome prince.)
Her kiss woke Jongsuk up, energized than ever.
"I'll tell my nation to not engage in this war anymore." Mr. Scarecrow Prince says, giving you all the assurance that no more of this vile event will occur again.
All is well, until Kai spoke up, "Y/N? Your body!"
You were confused but one look at your transparent hands made you realize that you are about to go back to your own world. The story has come to an end, that means that your role here is done.
"I will miss you guys." you mumbled, accepting your end and putting on a smile for a show, "I really appreciate what I learned here."
"Y/N?" Jieun stepped closer to you, "What is happening?"
"Don't worry!" you persuaded them, "I'll be fine."
Tears pricked in the corner of your lids and you willed yourself not to cry, desperately blinking the tears away as you bowed your head.
You don't want to go, but you know that you can't stay here. You don't belong here.
"You," you pointed at Seonghwa, looking at him for the last time before you go, "this may be a little late but.. I love you."
Your body begins to glow, the light swallowing you like it's about to transport you into another dimension.
It's now or never.
Seonghwa grit his teeth, raced to you, pulled you in a passionate kiss and held you in his arms. His last promise to you made your efforts of not crying in vain as you let the tears fall freely on your cheeks.
"I love you too, Y/N. Let's meet again someday."
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"Oh my god, sis!" Yunjin's voice, paired with her vigorous shaking, woke you up from your slumber. You grumbled about her antics in the morning, but her next words made you shoot up from your bed. "Did you sleepwalk last night? Cut your hair short?"
You blinked away the grogginess that you're feeling, making a beeline to the mirror in the bathroom.
Seeing your reflection in the mirror, you slowly gained the memories from the other world, then it dawned on you that what happened wasn't a mere dream.
Then what about Seonghwa?
You shook your head, no way he's real.
Your friend followed you to the bathroom, a concerned expression donning her face when she discerned how perplexed you were , "Will you go to class today?"
"No," you answered truthfully, not really having the energy to attend school, "I have something to do."
Yunjin gave you a hug before she went to university and you spent the rest of your day at the coffee shop that you frequent too.
You must really look wild today, even the barista made your order on house.
You brought the book 'Jongsuk's castle', basically re-read everything but the name 'Seonghwa' did not appear. It's weird, considering that the male lead dubbed him as a 'good friend.'
So why is he not mentioned even once throughout the story?
You rubbed your temples, a headache brewing and you decided that maybe.. it's time to let go.
You closed the book and tucked in your bag, leaving the shop with a heavy heart.
You must have a habit of swimming and drowning in your own thoughts that you failed to notice the figure in front of you, ultimately making you bump into it.
"Oh gosh, sorry I wasn't a-" you began to apologize but a cat seemed to bite your tongue, rendering you speechless when the familiar dark hair and deer eyes that you oh, so loved obscured your vision.
The man smiled at you, telling you that it was okay and offered you a hand. You can only stare at him, gaping like a fish.
"Seonghwa." you mumbled under your breath and the guy reacted to it, a bewildered look flashing his handsome face.
"Yeah, that's me." he smiles, "Do i know you or.." he awkwardly moved his hand, making you realize that you're still sitting on the concrete.
"Yeah, I.. actually, okay. Yeah, thanks." you stuttered and made a fool of yourself, accepting his help and avoiding eye contact.
It's safe to say that you're embarrassed, but this was also a bolt out of the blue.
How come he's here? In the real world?
You closed your eyes, what should you do now?
"Are you going somewhere? Miss?" he spoke up again, looking at you expectantly.
"Y/N, and no, I was about to go home."
"Perfect then, Y/N." he glanced at his watch, making a decision that will probably change both of your destinies, "Would you like to join me for an early dinner?"
Your heart almost leaped out of your chest, happiness blooming in your soul.
"I would love that."
Maybe fate did not want you to help Jieun and Jongsuk, maybe it has other plans for you.
The love that you had been dreaming. The relationship that you had always wished for. Hoping for a man that would make you feel secure and warm.
If you think about it enough, think about it deeper.. maybe all the ruckus was for you to find the arrow that cupid has once shot. It may have missed the first time, but you are sure as hell that you're willing to give it a second chance.
Well, as long as it's with Seonghwa.
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vacant--body · 10 months
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stay with me pt 5
<azriel x ofc>
warnings: angst. lots of it. SH kinda, mentions of suîćîdë
part one, part two, part three, part four
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Azriel couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fucking breathe. The overwhelming tightness was strangling his lungs, crushing his already broken heart. And someone was screaming, he couldn’t hear anything over the screaming.
Where was he, anyway?
He tried to take in his surroundings, to see where and what was going on. But his vision was so fucking blurry he couldn’t make out anything other than the outline of people. They were standing over him, trying to haul him up. Apparently he was laying on the ground, clutching something wet and warm to his chest. But the pain, which radiated over his entire body, wouldn’t let him move, even if he wanted to. It hurt too much.
“Azriel!” Someone screamed.
He felt the sting of a slap land across his face, and suddenly the whole world came back into focus.
It was Azriel that was screaming, voice raw. His vision cleared, of what he realized were tears, and the grief stricken faces of his family appeared. And he also realized he was speaking, repeating the same words over and over again.
“No, no, no!”
“Stay with me!”
All consuming anguish slammed into him. Ophelia was dead. Ophelia, his mate. His fucking mate, was dead. Azriel couldn’t feel her on the other side of the bond anymore. Couldn’t feel her chest rise with life-saving air, he just couldn’t feel her. Her beautiful eyes would never open, her mouth would never tip to the side with a cheeky smile, and he wouldn’t ever get to hear his name on his lips again.
He held onto her tighter, how he should have all those nights ago. He should have told her everything when he had the chance, should have beared his fucking soul to her. Even if she had rejected him, he still should have told her.
“Madja is on her way.” Azriel heard someone say. He was so lost in his agony he had no idea who was speaking. “Azriel, we need you to let her go”
A primal snarl tore from his lips, and they backed away, hands up in a placating gesture.
“You’re going to have to knock him out.” Another said.
“I know. I’m just afraid of what he’ll do when he wakes.”
Cool hands grabbed onto his temple and Azriel thrashed, trying to throw whoever that was off of him. He was like a raging wild animal, like something out of the Middle. He was no longer the calm and collected male like everyone knew. It was pure carnal rage.
Long, razor sharp claws tore their way through his minds shield, destroying them to get inside. Azriel screamed louder, blood trickling from his nose. The sounds of his family faded away, so all that was left was the sound of soft spoken voices, cooing and hushing him. Lulling him to sleep. He fought, pushing back against those claws. But they only held on tighter.
Slowly, he slumped to the ground, arms falling away from Ophelia’s bleeding body.
And sleep consumed him.
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Azriel woke with a start, like something had scared him out of his deep slumber. That hadn’t been a normal sleep, it was only darkness with him floating forever in the nothingness. But he still felt pain raging all over his body. The pain of the mating bond breaking, slowly fading away into nothing.
Would that be all that’s left? Nothing?
He sat up sluggishly, the joints in his body popping and cracking. He was no longer out in that cursed field, but tucked into his room in the House of Wind. His bloody leathers had been stripped from his body, replaced with leisure clothes. Someone had changed and bathed him, as he saw no signs of her blood anywhere on his body. How long had he been out?
Getting to his feet, he walked towards the door. But he stopped as he passed the mirror, seeing his ghastly reflection. Azriel studied himself, hating what stared back. His wings now dragged behind him, the talons scraping the floor. There were deep purple marks under his bloodshot eyes, like he had been crying while he slept. And he looked incredibly pale, skin taking on a sickly pallor.
The look of someone with an utterly shattered heart. That’s what he looked like now.
A messy knot of emotions rose up his throat and Azriel stumbled, grasping the wood of the dressing table. His shoulders shook with each deep inhale he took, but it just seemed like he couldn’t catch his breath. His fingers gripped the wood so tightly that they turned white. He just couldn’t get his head clear, couldn’t stop hearing her broken cries.
Whimpering with frustration, he lashed out, his closed fist connecting with the mirror. It exploded into a thousand tiny pieces, small shards embedding themselves in his knuckles. Thick red blood seeped out of his wounds, but already his Illyrian healing was trying to take control. He watched numbly as his cuts turned pink with new skin, but was instantly shredded back open by the glass.
Suddenly, the door flew open and Cassian rushed in. He halted in his tracks, taking in the scene of his brother standing there with a shattered mirror and blood running down his hand.
“You’re awake.” He croaked, eyes misty with unshed tears.
Azriel didn’t respond. Instead, he picked up a scrap of linen and wrapped it around his knuckles to staunch the bleeding.
“You’ll need that cleaned out, there’s glass-”
“No.” Azriel snarled.
“Az…” Cassian tried, taking small steps in his direction.
“I said no!” His teeth flashed. “Fuck the glass, fuck everything! There is nothing left for me here, my mate is fucking dead. DEAD. And I might as well join her!”
They both stood there in deafening silence, just staring at each other. The realization of what Azriel had just admitted struck Cassian like a slap. His breath hitched in his chest, and Cassians mouth opened and closed, as if he were a fish out of water, trying to think of something to say. But there was nothing he could say that would take away this hurt.
“But she lives.”
Except that.
Azriels head snapped towards his brother, eyes going so wide that they almost popped straight out of his head.
“What?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Madja brought her back. She’ still unconscious but-”
Azriel didn’t stick around to hear the rest of what he said, because he burst past Cassian, sprinting towards her room. Alive? She was alive? He couldn’t wrap his destroyed thoughts around it. He had felt the bond break, and watched her take her last breath, how could she be alive? This had to be some type of cruel joke his brothers were playing on him, there was no way-
He opened Ophelia’s bedroom door so hard that it bounced off the wall, hinges rattling with the force. He took a step, and then another, before his knees gave out. But Rhys was there, catching him under his arm, and kept him upright.
“Easy, brother.” His voice was soft, softer than he had ever heard it.
What Azriel saw confused him. Ophelia was there, laying on her bed as if she was sleeping. She had been washed and changed just as Azriel had, no traces of blood remaining on her. Feyre and Madja stood on the other side of the bed, and the two stared at him, unsure of what his next move would be.
“How?” Azriel’s voice broke, and for the millionth time that day, tears rushed to his eyes.
“We got to her just in time.” Madja was there, putting various medical supplies back into a bag. The old female turned to Feyre and said something under her breath. But his shadows heard her.
Watch him. The bond hasn’t returned, and I’m afraid he’ll do something…something I can’t heal.
Feyre nodded and thanked the healer before dismissing her.
“How are you feeling, Az?” Feyre asked, and just then Rhys released the grip he had on Azriels arm.
But he didn’t hear her. Instead, he slowly crept towards the edge of Ophelia’s bed. She looked so incredibly peaceful, like the events of the past week hadn't happened at all.
He took her slender hand in his, and it was so cold. He supposed that was normal considering how much blood she had lost. They had been laying in a puddle of it. And still, it just didn’t seem possible that she was alive.
“Why hasn’t the bond returned?” Azriel whispered, scared that if spoke too loud it would wake her.
“Madja said it would take time.” Rhys said, coming to his side.
Time. If there was anything Azriel knew how to do was wait. He had waited his entire life for Ophelia, he could wait just a little bit longer. So, he grabbed a reclining chair and dragged it to the side of her bed, and plopped down in it.
“What are you doing?” Feyre asked softly.
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Three things were clear to Ophelia as she laid in the eternal darkness.
One, her mother was Lady of the Autumn Court and her father was Lord of the Day Court, and Lucien was her brother.
Two, her entire body was screaming in pain. It was a never ending barrage, it felt she was being set on fire over and over again. It felt like she was being stripped of her flesh, and someone was sticking needles in the exposed skin.
Three, Azriel was her mate.
The cauldron had blessed and cursed her with a mate. And out of everyone, in the entirety of Prythian, it was him. Azriel.
His name on her tongue felt like taking a cold, refreshing gulp of water. It felt like life, death, and everything in between. Something as big as ruling the world seemed possible with him by her side, or even just getting out of bed for the day. Knowing that he was there, waiting for her. She could do it all.
But where was he?
He wasn’t here with her, in this endless pit of dark nothingness. But she could sense him, his scent lingering on the tip of her nose. It was smokey and sweet, the boldness of each taste coming together each time, it was intoxicating. Like she could drown in him, but he would be there to keep her afloat.
Ophelia could feel him now. He was so close but yet so far away. It felt like she could reach out and touch him, but when she tried, her body screamed in protest. Everything hurt. Every miniscule movement that was made had her already exhausted mind slip farther and farther into the darkness.
So she laid there, feeling nothing and everything. Waiting for her mate.
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swimming-in-secrets · 10 days
first time sharing a fic here! i hope it's enjoyable for you all. i'm still looking for my "voice" when it comes to writing kink fics, but i hope it's alright 🐢
fic contains: emetophilia, descriptions of nausea and vomit, assisted vomiting.
while this fic doesn't contain any spicy content, i am still an 18+ blog so please respect me and don't interact with this post if you are under 18, thank you!
Quite the way to meet a Mermaid
The waves swung the boat from side to side. Marilise leaned herself against the boat’s side, mouth hanging open as she stared into the sparkling water.
Side to side. Left to right and left again.
She took a deep breath. The nausea grew stronger. Marilise brushed her hair back, leaned more over the edge and waited for the vomit to rush out of her throat. She waited and waited, stomach churning and cramping, but the only thing that came up was a string of saliva. Eyes watering she leaned back away from the boat’s edge and laid down on the boat’s floor, hand resting on her stomach.
“Oh, how I hate this”, she complained to the nothingness around her, “I’ll never get out of here.”
Underneath the boat, a mermaid listened to her words carefully. She had been watching the woman for a long time; she had appeared on her territory three hours ago, lost the oars an hour ago and now struggled with what the mermaid had understood to be some sort of sickness. The way she kept coughing in the waters desperately waiting for something was both mesmerizing and concerning. How was the human going to find any land if she couldn't even get rid of the sickness bothering her so badly? She had to help her. Usually she wouldn't have minded waiting for the human to starve to death, it was an easy meal after all, but something about the woman’s beauty kept her away from wanting to wish any deadly harm. She looked like the sea itself: her eyes were large, bright blue as the sea, hair red as coral and skin pale as a seashell.
Slowly, she swam to the surface, peeking out of the water quietly into the boat. Marilise groaned on the boat’s floor, her stomach bubbling underneath her hand. She really needed to vomit, this time for sure. Slowly, she sat back up and leaned towards the waters, mouth hanging open, hoping for the nausea to finally be over.
Instead of the sea, the first thing she saw was a pair of dark green eyes staring right back at her. She blinked. The eyes blinked back.
Marilise jolted back with a loud yell. The boat swung violently from the force of her fall, and almost tipped over. Gray hands grabbed the boat’s edge just in time to prevent that, lifting the mermaid up from the water to force the boat to balance. Marilise yelled out again, her stomach twisting and turning with the movement. Once the boat stopped moving, she finally looked at her visitor again. Her visitor stared back at her, sharp teeth showing through the wide smile.
“Hello”, she said with a thick accent, leaning closer towards Marilise. Marilise gulped loudly, eyes glued on the new person. She flopped inside the boat, scaly tail sparkling in hues of green and blue. Marilise’s eyes widened: her visitor was a mermaid.
“I said hello”, the mermaid spoke again, “do you understand me?”
Before Marilise could give an answer, she suddenly lurched to the side, gagging loudly. She gathered all of her hair in her hands and heaved. She heaved again. Nothing came up.
“Oh, you can't be serious!” she yelled. The mermaid moved closer.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I have felt sick for hours and just can't throw up. I need to throw up. I can't focus on getting out of here like this”, Marilise answered, frustration filling her voice.
“I’d do anything to just puke!”
The mermaid tilted her head. The human really was desperate. She looked angry and sickly and didn't even care that she was in the boat anymore. Last time she had visited a human like this she had been almost shot to death. What a kind human this one must be, already accepted her as a friend.
“Is there anything I could do to help?” she asked, eager to help her new friend with the clearly difficult problem. Marilise gagged over the water again.
“Actually, yes”, she said, “stick a finger in my throat.”
It was a weird request. The mermaid blinked in surprise.
“I said, stick a finger in my throat. Or better, two. Wiggle them around. In fact, do anything in your power to make me puke, right now I couldn't care less what you do!”
She moved closer to Marilise, watching as she stared at the water with saliva dripping down her tongue. She heaved again. How beautiful she was like that, so vulnerable and weak - it would take one little push to force her in the water, pull her down and drown her. Yet, she wrapped her arm around Marilise’s chest and moved her other hand close to her mouth. The cold, slimy skin made Marilise shiver. It was disgusting - but she said she would do anything to throw up, and if that something required her to be this close to something so wet, she would take it.
“I’m going in”, the mermaid whispered in her ear. She slid two fingers inside her throat. Her mouth was warm, soft and compared to her own, fairly small. She wiggled the fingers around and Marilise gagged loudly, almost forcing the fingers out. But the mermaid stayed stubborn and kept the fingers in.
Marilise gagged for the second time, then the third time. Then she finally vomited.
A mixture of rich drinks, fresh fruit and expensive seafood coated the mermaid’s fingers as the puke rushed out of her throat. She pulled her fingers back and moved her other hand on Marilise’s stomach, feeling it contract under her touch. She moaned in pain, another wave of puke pushing out of her, splashing in the waters below. She gasped for air, gagged twice and vomited again, now even more violently. The mermaid had to press on her stomach to hold her still, forcing out more vomit.
“Oh, oh gods”, Marilise gasped in between waves of vomit, acid burning her throat. The mermaid had started to whisper words to her, gathering her hair to allow Marilise to take support from the boat’s side. She took a hold of the painted wood and leaned more closer to the water, food and drinks pouring out of her.
The session lasted only for a few minutes despite feeling like hours. Marilise coughed. She had finally gotten herself empty and the nausea was slowly fading away.
“Oh, that was terrible”, she groaned, spitting in the water.
“But I needed that. I needed that so much.”
“Are you feeling better, my friend?”
Marilise turned her head to look at the mermaid smiling next to her. She even looked proud of herself for having helped her out.
“Yes, I am”, she ended up answering, “who are you? Why are you on my boat?”
She slapped her tail against the boat's floor, smile brightening up.
“Call me Aquene! I’ve been watching you for a long time.”
“That’s a little creepy”, Marilise answered. Aquene giggled.
“Not at all! I came here to help you. I can help you more, too.”
Marilise eyed Aquene up and down. She had long, dark green hair and slightly muscular arms.
“Unless you know any good land close by, I don’t think you’ll be much help”, Marilise answered, now straightening her back. It was an extremely embarrassing situation to be in, and honestly, she would've rather been alone with her pain.
“I do know land!” Aquene said cheerfully. Marilise took her earlier thoughs back: she was now very, very happy that Aquene had happened to creepily stalk her and jump on her boat.
“Any chance you could bring me there?” she asked. Aquene’s eyes brightened up.
She jumped back in the water and swam behind the boat.
“Hold on, this will be a long journey.”
“Wait, how long? It won't take hours, right? I’d rather not get seasick again.”
“Just sit back and enjoy the scenery.”
Without waiting for an answer, Aquene pushed the boat forwards. Marilise sat down, taking in a deep breath. What a situation the had gotten herself into, no-one would ever believe her if she told it to anyone.
Honestly, it was much better than what she had before getting lost at the sea. And a little longer boat ride couldn't be that bad, right?
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Decaying Godhood (Persona AU)
I've been rambling and throwing ideas for this AU for a good bit now, here's a much more cohesive post about it!
Shoutout to @the-squeege and @artekai for discussing ideas with me, it was super helpful o(*°▽°*)o
Spoiler warning for P3, P4, P5/P5R, P5S, and P5T!
So let’s meet the main characters and their arcana!
Nyx (Tower)
Ryoji (Death)
Izanami (Empress)
Izanagi (Emperor)
Yaldabaoth (Devil)
Satanael (Justice)
Emma (High Priestess)
Salmael (Lovers)
Azathoth (Hermit)
Adam (Strength)
I’m omitting Pandora, Nyarlathotep, Clockwork God, and Enlil since I haven’t played the games they’re from… I don’t know enough about them to include them properly.
I’m scrapping the usual typings and giving (almost) everyone new typings… mostly because I have no idea who I’d apply fire, wind, etc to, none of these guys scream any particular element. I’m still working out the typings but what I know for sure so far are the “typeless” ones:
Adam: Strictly physical attacks
Azathoth: He is strictly a healer in this, and has no offensive attacks
EMMA: Navigator, can occasionally use almighty attacks
I’m leaning toward making their typings relating to humans, somehow.
As for the plot, at least a quick summary of what I’m thinking so far… all of humanity has come to a standstill. As in, time has stopped progressing for them. However, effects of leaving a living thing out to the elements are still occurring. In other words, humans are kind of just rotting away. It’s a very slow, magic mixed with organic decay kind of process that’s going on here. The appearance of this rot becomes more and more obvious as our group of unlikely heroes progress.
The gods, with the exceptions of Nyx, Thanatos, and Izanagi are dead, so how does this work? For this AU, none of the final bosses really die… their physical forms are abolished and their concepts are left to wander a nothingness, endlessly reflecting on what they’ve done. For Adam’s case, he stuck with Maruki until he died, then he took on a human form and lived among people for many years. Now would be a good time to mention that this takes place years after the events of P5S, so any human characters are long gone.
Let’s start from the beginning of the AU. It focuses on Nyx, Ryoji, and both P3 protagonists. These four are kind of just in a white void. Ryoji is able to move freely, he can see, he could leave too, but doesn’t want to leave Minato and Minako. They’re depicted as statue-ish figures, with a few features a deity would have. Their positions after the events of P3 caused them to go from humans to some sort of gods themselves. They are still mostly human though, this is important for the start of the plot.
Nyx’s sealing is visualized here as having been chained to these two. Until now, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed along with having actual restraints. Therefore she couldn’t see, her eyes were forced shut. She couldn’t speak either. She could hear though, and the only thing she could do was listen to Ryoji speak to Minato and Minako. Some days, he’d talk to them as if they were still around. Other times, she could hear him mourn. Initially, she didn’t understand it at all. Sure, that’s her kid, and she cared about him somewhat, but she didn’t understand why he’d cry about them so much. There’d be times too, where Ryoji would talk to her, usually it would be him saying he wishes she could understand humans like he did, or sometimes he’d yell at her. Over the course of years and years, Nyx comes to understand Ryoji’s feelings… somewhat, anyway.
This brings me back to the chains she has. Now, all of the sudden, she can see and move again. And these chains, which were once really short, are now much longer, allowing Nyx to walk pretty far from them. This happening is meant to show Minato and Minako’s humanity being affected by the Rot, which is causing them to lose their grip on Nyx.
Upon hearing some movement, Ryoji is quick to become aggressive, but Nyx is still disoriented from suddenly being able to see and speak again, so she doesn’t return any hostility. You can imagine the arguing taking place as they try to figure out what’s happening. After a while, they realize they are able to see into the human realm. That’s when they notice the state of humanity.
Of course, they don’t notice the Rot yet. These two are the first to venture into the human realm to investigate what is going on. It’s mostly Ryoji that wants to figure things out, he takes Nyx with him to keep an eye on her.
This brings me to the motivations of each of the characters… Ryoji going out of his way to help humans makes sense. He did live as one, and made a lot of friends who he cared a lot for. For others, they hate humanity (cough Yaldabaoth), so why’re they here? Simply put, after humans rot away, the realm of gods is next. Also worth mentioning, everyone now has a humanoid form (if they didn’t have one already), so this is something of a second chance for these guys too.
I’ll go through each character:
Nyx: After spending years only listening to Ryoji talk to the twins and voice his affections for humanity, she gains a better understanding of them and obtains a sense of self (much like how Thanatos/Death became Ryoji during P3). She feels like she owes it to Ryoji to help him now.
Izanami and Izanagi: After the events of P4, these two really didn’t feel like doing anything else… Izanami was unable to do much anyway. They are later dragged out of the realm of nothingness they were hanging out in. Izanagi’s time with Yu makes him far more inclined to help out, Izanami is a little heartbroken that after the Investigation Team proved humanity’s worth, they fell into this state.
Satanael: He ditches the Phantom Thieves after Yaldabaoth is taken care of, and left to go cause minor bouts of chaos, nothing too drastic. He doesn’t outright try to end humanity, he just likes “poking fun”, so when everything comes to a standstill, he’s alarmed. Satanael is more neutral compared to everyone else, he does care about mankind, not to the extent that Ryoji and Azathoth do, though. He doesn’t hate them either, so he (probably) helps them for a selfless reason.
Yaldabaoth: For sure is only saving humanity so he also doesn’t rot away. Perhaps by the end, he’s changed a bit, but now that he’s given a physical form again, who knows what he’ll get up to.
EMMA: Upon being defeated, she spent her time watching over Sophia and Ichinose. She chooses to help humanity because of how well the PTs treated Sophia.
Salmael: Toshiro’s anxiousness rubbed off on him a bit… As the god of stagnation, this halt in humanity seems like it’s his doing, but it isn’t. He ventures out thinking that he somehow accidentally did it, and is horrified by the Rot..
Azathoth and Adam: These two genuinely care for humanity, their motivations are completely selfless. While Azathoth can suspend his emotions, Adam spent more time with Maruki, living as a human for years, so he’s much more emotional over the whole situation.
None of these guys are able to have Personas, but are able to “summon” their deity forms as an extension of themselves (so there’s a split-consciousness situation happening). Awakenings are still required for them to be able to do this, though, similar to Persona awakenings.
This ability requires one to first of all realize that their status and power as a god is due to humanity’s perception of them, but then they also must accept that. Only then they can “break free” of their restricted humanoid forms to use their more powerful forms. These forms look similar to their in-game designs, but there’ll be some differences, as I want to give them fun new(ish) designs…
Acquiring this ability is much easier for some than others… Ryoji and Adam as an example, are really quick to accept this once they understand the idea initially, but then a few others refuse to accept that humans are responsible for their power.
As for enemies, Shadows are present due to humans being unable to pass properly. For major bosses, the Rot left some human bodies as empty husks that became aggressive. These husks are attracted to the power the gods have.
Some side characters I also want to include… Jose and Sophia run the shop that provides weapons and other equipment! There’s also the Velvet Room that has specifics I’m trying to figure out… I might make Yu and Ren the attendants.
I think that’s all I have for now! I’d still like to figure out the order in which each god joins the team… It starts with Ryoji and Nyx, Salmael probably second since he’s already out investigating (he can be the navigator before Emma joins), then it’s either Adam since he’s also around, or Emma. This is still a wip! So if anyone has any comments or anything, feel free to send an ask! I'm already doing some doodles for this so hopefully I'll have some art for it soon (❁´◡`❁)
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 �� 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔨𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔞 𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫
atlty’s tarot readings - dm for paid readings and prices!
for the easily butthurt people i’m not specifying or demonising any mental health disorder here. FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT ONLY.
choose a picture below:
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pile 1: dancing girls around a bonfire
the main message i got was that ‘if they are working hard towards something, it will backfire or fail’. definitely their goals, even if they achieve them, will bring some sort of backlash to them. perhaps a hotheaded fight (could be verbal, physical...) too. and something about erect*ons possibly not working too (censorship bc of tumblr). their outspoken or blunt nature can cause them to amplify the negative effects of the karma on them. it feels very workplace, so they will get karma at work or in school if so. their passions and endeavours will not come to fruition the way that they may think it will. they will grow stubbornness and pessimism, and possibly overwork themselves in a bad way with no achievement at the end. expect something coming or going rapidly. either they will get out of a situation that they were barely in to begin with or they throw yourself into a situation head first without thinking things through. they rapidly advance making snap decisions which puts them at a disadvantage. 
pile 2: candelabra girl dancing
yalls main message is ‘justice will be served’. something in their balance (could be work life, emotional balance) will turn off and cause an imbalance which will affect them. they will be attached to material physical things like appearance, s*x, etc that makes them forget and dismiss about the real things that make up a person, which is their relationships and opportunities that appear. they will start to have some silent self-image issues but not tell that to the world. they could face weight or health problems. they could start to be financially dependent on something / someone else. if they have wronged someone, they will definitely pay the consequences. the truth will come out. their main challenges are just materialism and financial difficulties ahead. if there is a legal battle, i’m feeling that they will lose it. 
pile 3: lantern girls searching in water
your message is ‘they will lose everything’. (i’m not sure if this is everything everything, or just everything in the sense of what they find most precious in the world). their emotional maturity will decline, they won’t be able to open themselves to be friendly and to let people to get to know them. they will get triggered by the little things (in a bad way, unempathetic way). perhaps a creative block too if they are an artist in any way. they will be very deceptive, but people will realize their schemes. if they have cheated, this will come to light and bite them in the butt. if they were once this higher up who bird-fed those below them, the roles will be reversed. it feels to me like they will drop from the peak of what they thought they had to absolute nothingness, or a position that they feel is degrading. they may also start to cope with alcohol or some sort of binge. they’ll lose their cool, and get demoted. 
thank you for coming to my blog! please consider a paid reading or custom sigil. check out my masterlist for all my works. reblogs help!  
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plush-rabbit · 11 months
Phantoms and Memories
Continuation to Spots and Stops
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: If i let if go any further, it would have been well over 5K so I had to cut up the chapter ( ◕ᴗ◕)っ✂ (its also in his pov this time!! and so will next chapter)
As Johnathan runs, he’s thankful that the effects of the Super-Collider had given him longer legs. He doesn’t think he’d be able to run as long if not for the long strides that he takes as police chase after him. This most certainly isn’t fair- he hadn’t even stolen anything! When the cops had stopped and shined their light at him, he panicked and immediately set off. 
The lights of the vehicle flash behind him, red and blue filling the night and people move out their way as a cop shouts at him to stop. One in the cruiser and the other pursuing him on foot. 
Turning a corner, he grabs at a spot near his wrist- the jacket he wears pushed to his elbows- and holds onto it. He doesn’t trust himself to throw it and jump into it- knowing his luck, the hole would be much too small, and he’d just get stuck in it. No. Not again. 
Instead, he jumps up, and the creaky ladder of a fire escape bangs down. Once more, he’s thankful for the long legs that allow him to climb easily and take two stairs at a time compared to the cop who is trailing behind. Reaching the roof of the building, he puts the spot in front of him, and taking in a shuddering breath, he stops. He hasn’t done a long jump with one of his holes before. It’s been something quick and nearby- nothing faraway. But hearing the cop behind him, there isn’t much time to ponder about where he’ll end up, he just hopes that wherever the spot leads him to, is home. 
Like blinking, it’s a moment of darkness, falling into nothingness, until he realizes he is falling. His legs kick out until just a second later, he falls onto a soft surface- bumpy, but soft. He lifts himself up on his forearms, scanning around what appears to be a dark room. Maybe he did manage to control where he went this time.
His hand pulls at whatever it is that squishes under him. In the dark room where the only light comes from a streetlamp behind closed blinds, he sees that it’s a pillow shaped like a flower. The fabric stretches down where his hand has fisted over one of the stuffed petals. He turns, and he freezes. He holds tightly onto the pillow and he can barely make it out, he can barely make you out, but it’s you. Asleep on your bed and asleep in your room.
How you didn’t hear or feel him fall onto your bed is beside the point- even with being a heavy sleeper, that must be a stroke of luck for him. Why are you here? A better and appropriate question is why is he here? He doesn’t want to be here. He can’t be here. Sure, you had invited him to come if he needed something but he doubts that you actually meant it- more as a nicety than anything- and even if you had meant it, he doubts that you meant it like this. 
The flower goes behind him, and he waits- quiet and still, he hopes that you don’t wake up. Please, don’t wake up. To whatever deity that listens to him, he promises that if you don’t wake up, he’ll never see you again. He can’t handle seeing your reaction if he stopped by unannounced. Crawling slowly, he moves to get off of your bed. Even with you being such a heavy sleeper, every time the bed creaks under his weight, he pauses, the bed creaks under his weight and every creak has him go rigid. 
His feet are flat against the floor and he turns, your phone lighting up as a message enters. His curiosity gets the best of him and he takes soft footsteps to peek. It’s from an unsolved number that simply asks if you’re awake. Hurt grips at him in unforgiving claws. 
The time is ten past two. Your phone is fully charged, and he takes another look at you. You still sleep soundly and undisturbed. He unplugs your phone, and lets the cable hang over the drawer knobs. No matter how many times he told you that charging your phone overnight is harmful for the battery, you never seemed to listen. You continued to charge it.
Turning to you, he sees that the blanket is askew, draping over the side of the bed. Adjusting it, so that it now covers your body, he tucks you in, pulling it up to your shoulders. He lifts his hand up and hovers your head, and as his fingertips brush against your skin, he pulls back. The memory of you reacted when he last touched you is fresh in his mind. You recoiled away. He wonders if you washed yourself of his touch right after he was kicked out. Instead, he watches you, asleep and unaware of him. Your phone lights up again, and he frowns. Taking another peek, it’s the same unsaved number. Looking back to you, he fists his hand at his side. He wishes that he could touch you one more time- just a final touch, a final kiss to allow him to let go of you. But he can’t do that- he’d feel awful knowing that he did something to you. You’d probably be disgusted with him if you knew what he was doing. 
He should leave.
You didn’t wake up. He did promise that if you didn’t wake up, he wouldn’t return- he wouldn’t see you again. You’ve moved on, and he should too. 
Still, he can’t pull himself away. He wants to look at you like he would before. He wants you to look at him like you would before. He wants to slip into the bed beside you and pull you to his chest and feel you rest your hand over his stomach. You sleep, and he stares and it’s creepy and gross and an invasion of your privacy, but he can’t help it. He needs to look at you, needs to engrave you into his memory until he can picture you without even trying.
His hand lifts again, shaky and unsure as it reaches over, and just as he’s about to trace over your features, your phone rings. Scurrying, he hides himself behind the bottom edge of your mattress. He pulse himself down, making sure that not an inch of him is seen over where you sit. 
The ringing stops, and he hears your voice.” Hello?” It’s raspy and heavy with sleep. He can’t hear the other side of the conversation no matter how much he tries to strain his hearing. “Yeah, well I was asleep.” You mutter something under your breath too light for him to hear. “I’m listening, I’m listening.” You pause. “Yeah, no I’m not really in the greatest mood considering that I was woken up in the middle of the night.” You never liked being woken up- he’s made that mistake a few times. “Look-” you exhale- “I’m sorry that I led you on-” it doesn’t sound sincere but rather annoyed- “but it’s over, okay? Like for good.” Another pause. “No, no. It’s over. I’m done. Good luck or whatever. Bye.”
Your phone lights up the room in a bright glow and as quick and blinding as it came, it’s snuffed out. He hears you fall back into bed. You groan and the bed shakes as you turn. 
Silence fills the room and Johnathan’s heart beats in fear. He just has to wait a few minutes until you’re back to sleep. It won’t take long. You’ve always been quick to fall back to sleep and after being rudely woken up, you’ll slip off into slumber in no time.
He waits and waits, and after what feels like eternity, he hears soft thumping- you’re kicking into the bed. “Fuck,” you whine. “Fuck.” You toss and turn, and he can hear the assault on the pillow as you try to make yourself comfortable. 
Oh no. You can’t fall back to sleep. 
He should have left when he had the chance. This is his punishment. 
Carefully, he peels off a hole, and places it beside himself, maybe he can slip away like this, he enters his hand into the hole. Keeping his gaze fixed looking above, he pushes his hand into the hole, fingers outstretched, fluttering about looking for a flat surface. He’s elbow deep, the hole on his face contorting into what would be frustration if he still had his face. He can’t find it, and you’ve already begun to kick at the blankets and grumble at yourself. 
You’ve already lost your sleep- taken away by a phone call from someone who you used to date. 
Johnathan tries not to dwell on that. It’s too fresh of a wound. You’re too fresh of a wound. 
As he reaches further down, his body presses against the floor. All he needs is to know that something is on the other side, something that might break his fall or would at least get him out of your room. Too focused on looking up to see if you’d peep your head over, he feels something ghosts over the side of head, fleeting and spindly, and he yelps. 
Oh fuck. He turns, hoping to find a spider, but it’s just his hand, the portal made to just be a few feet away from where he made it
“Hello?” Your voice is alert. Even if he were to be quiet, you’d never buy it.
The light clicks on, and he can hear you rummage through your nightstand. “Hello? No, fuck. I- I have a weapon.” Your voice is shaky. He stays silent, pulling away the spot and making another one that ends up on your wall on the opposite side. “I'll call the police.”
He lowers his head and lifts an arm. “It’s me. It’s just me.” He hopes that he’s the only one with white skin that you know.
His head knocks against the wooden frame of the mattress, and he lowers his hand. “Yeah. Sorry. I didn’t mean to pop in unexpectedly. I just- I got myself into a pickle and I just threw a spot and now I’m here.” He pauses. “I’m sorry.”
He had wanted to go home. Or at least pop in anywhere but here. He can’t believe that his holes would betray him like this.
The bed creaks, and he pulls his arm back from the spot, watching above him, seeing if you’d peek over to see him. You don’t. “A pickle? Are you okay?” He can hear the soft rustle of the blankets. “Are you hurt?”
He shrugs, but you can’t see him. “Oh, um. Yeah, yeah.” His knees feel as if they’re on fire and he’s ready to put this day behind him. “I’m okay.”
You stay silent. 
“I’ll get out of your hair, I just- It’s hard to control my holes and where they take me.” He fumbles with another spot. That one pools on your ceiling. 
He pulls the spot back. “Yeah?”
“You can say no, but um, can I see you?”
The spot of his face stretches, and he feels his body tense. He remembers how you reacted to him the first time. And the second time- granted he did catch you in a vulnerable moment, but it was because of him that you were so- so vulnerable. He should tell you no. He should leave and never look back, and never think of you. But then you call his name, and his resolve crumbles. When the two of you were together and happy, he could never tell you no; he could never deny you anything that you had wanted.
His hands brace themselves against the edge of the bed frame, and he stands, looking down at the ground, unable to see you. Never has he felt so bare and exposed. 
The bed creaks, and he sees a shadow approach and a familiar shirt peeks in the corner of his vision. He can feel your eyes on him, and your hands flex and unflex in want. He should look at you. He should give himself that grace, he should take one look at you while you look at him. When he looks up, he’s tilting his head down, head cocked to the side, as you look at him with doe eyes shining in unshed tears. Your hands fist into his old shirt, and you look at him.
“It’s rude to stare,” he mumbles.
You still continue to stare. You suck in your bottom lip, your teeth teasing at it, and he hates that he can’t kiss you, that he can’t touch you without one of you resulting in tears. You swallow, and part your lips once more. Would you still taste like mint? Or would you taste like sleep? Would you close your eyes and pretend that he was someone else if he leaned towards you? Are you pretending that he’s someone else right now? Are you only able to stomach him and his appearance because you think of someone else?
“Can you eat?” You ask, and it’s almost laughable that all that you could tell him, and it’s that. A simple, curious question. It’s entirely you. 
“Yes,” he answers. What would you say next? Would ask if he could chew? If he still has teeth that would tear apart meat and grain? Would you ask if he still has lips? Would you continue to ask him questions so that he could stay a little while longer in the comfort of your bedroom? “Why do you ask?”
“Are you hungry?”  Your hands fist over the stomach of his old shirt. “We- I can make you something if you’d like.”
He’d eat glass if it meant that he could stare at you some more. “I can eat.” You give him a ghost of a smile, and he takes it eagerly. “What do you have around?” Is he allowed to be greedy? Can he ask and ask until you can no longer give him what he wants?
You climb off the bed, adjusting at the shirt and pulling down the legs of your shorts. He follows you out of your room, and now as a stranger in your home, he feels like a ghost invading your space- walking past memories that he no longer has access to. He walks past the living room, the weight and tension a swirling mess, threatening to pull the both of you in and keep you stuck forever in a loop of grief. He holds his breath until he enters the kitchen. Motioning for him to sit at the table, you open the fridge, a cool blast makes goosebumps prick your skin. 
Turning your head, you look just like how he remembers you. “Are you okay with sandwiches?”
“Do you have chips?” He’ll be greedy and gluttonous- stuffing himself full of food in order to sit with you longer.
Nodding, you begin to pull out the ingredients to make sandwiches and he watches from the chair, stiff and cold, wanting to believe that he won’t be back after tonight. But as you bring out the plates and pull out the drinks- his favorite is still in your fridge even after all this time remains unopened and cold. You place the ingredients in front of him and alongside you, he prepares his sandwich.
You’re done with yours fairly quickly, and you turn on the television, and a late night show fills the room. Fake laughter, and fake applause is all that rings in him, and in his hand is a sandwich made with a gluttonous desire to take all that he can.
When he takes a bite, it’s sour. 
“We probably should have toasted the bread,” you tell him, peeling off the crust. “Untoasted is fine and all it if we were going to make sandwiches-”
“-We should have done it properly,” he finishes. Looking up at you, he can’t finish the sandwich- not when it tastes like it’ll give him heartburn. “Chips?” The drink remains unopened, collecting condensation on the side and dripping onto the placemats on the table. Hissing comes from the soda, and he looks at the opening. 
“In the pantry.” You take a bite of your sandwich and glance at him through the corner of your eyes. “You’re free to check.” You close your eyes, humming at the mouthful of food in your mouth. 
He stands, and searches through the cabinets, a brand new bag of chips sits, and he grabs at it, the colors popping against his skin. Reaching down into a drawer, he pulls out a reusable straw. A metallic one, the silver distorting his image in the reflection. It sits beside yours- iridescent and solid colors. 
The chips sit at the table and the straw- his straw- sits in his drink. He turns his head every time he takes a sip. You don’t look at him. This entire time, you haven’t casted a glance towards him except in the beginning. You make small conversation as you eat your sandwich and place a few chips onto your plate. Your drink is opened, and you never take your eyes off of it. The television still plays. He’s only taken small bites of his own, the taste not returning, and the bitterness staining him.
“Why did you ask me to stay?” His holes are shifting, swirling and constricting as he waits for your answer.
You cast him a glance. Finally, you look at him. “I just-” you let out a long exhale- “You want the truth or a lie?”
“The truth.”
Shrugging, you take another sip and look at him, turning your body in the chair to fully face him. “I-” the words get stuck in your throat and you look away- “I have no right to say it, but I missed you.” He stills. “I know what I did was awful, but-” you hold the can and the aluminum bends under your touch- “you were right. It’s still you.” You look at him again, and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen you look so saturnine. Even your tone is sorrowful and empty, and the words hang in the air, unanswered to.
He stays silent. And you continue, keeping your gaze on him. It must be taking all of your willpower to even do so.
“Do you think you could stay a while?” He’s silent. “You can say no.” You turn away from him, and push yourself away from the table. “I know that I shouldn't be asking you anything of the sort, but I hope you’ll say yes. If not, then you know, just lock up when you leave.”
You have the gall to ask that of him. You open your home to him, and offer him food, and he takes it with acid poisoned in him, with hands stained with muck and gunk, and his pale white skin is stained with holes and spots. And still, as if it were the first night that he spent with you, anxiety chills him to his core and roots him in place. 
He’ll get up and lock the door behind him. Johnathan will rid himself of you, and let all of this be some dream that felt too real. He’ll do it. His chest fills with air, and the chair scrapes against the floor. He’ll leave a mess behind, and when you clean it in the morning with the bird chirping outside and the soft rays of light shining against your table, you’ll miss him. Every step that he takes is heavy, and slow, weights placed on his ankles to pull him back so as to not make a dumb mistake. You can hope that he’ll say yes, and he can hope that when morning comes, you’ll still miss him. And he stands in the living room, back where he stood before you all those nights ago. 
The room looks so different. Emptier.
Every step has him hoping that he’s making the right decision. What more could you ever say to him? What words could ever mend him back together? What tenderness could ever replace the cold and callous nature that you bared at him in his weakest moments? He holds the doorknob in his hands, and he hopes that he’ll never get to find out. He hopes that when he closes the door behind him, he’ll have it all figured out.
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lexluvswriting · 2 months
✎ God of Stories!Loki Laufeyson & Gen-Z reader!
☆ SFW drabbles- first meeting! ☆
-> Content Warning + Notes: loki is god of stories in this!! gender neutral, non-specified identity reader, fluff, slight flirting? kinda. i love him sm (T-T)
-> TW: none.
W/C: 1.4k
╰┈➤ Lex's note: AHH, here's the post, oh god. based off of THIS ASK !!! i'd like to preface by saying yes, this will be a bit ooc for him. This is MCU, Loki Series!Loki, who is the God of Stories! I'd like to hope that he still stays mischevious still, so I tried to keep a bit of both personalities!! Also added some backstory for context !!
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Uni was hard. Your lectures were hitting that stage where content was 'less fun' and more soul-suckingly 'boring'. Your latest assignment had thrown a spanner in the works of your mental sanity, and you were a few more minor inconveniences away from committing some sort of crime.
Kidding. Kinda.
What you hadn't expected was to be blitzed into some sort of gap in space and time after your friend begged you to come assist them with some help on their Physics experiment. "Science is fun", they said. "Helping your friends is the kind thing to do", they said.
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Not when their janky little machine blasts you into a pocket that seemed to avoid space and time completely.
The Avengers had solved everything. Thanos was dead, the snap was unsnapped, this shouldn't be happening anymore... right? You were terrified, clutching your bag like a safety blanket as you stood on some invisible force, watching the space around you seem to shift between an endless loop of different colours and morph- the glittery mass swirling like liquid stars- or like a bad trip.
"What the fuck..." You whisper, prepared to scream, cry, throw up or lie down and die. Probably all in some order.
"You, there. How did you find this place?"
A voice that seemed to come from all corners of wherever you were, and also nowhere at once, sounded out. You flinched, whipping around again to find a strange handsome man sitting on some strange tree-like throne, wielding greenish vines that seemed to appear around you, branching out everywhere and whatnot.
"Are you speaking to... me?" You point feebly at yourself, amazed you're still conscious at this point.
"No, I'm referring to the nothingness of space and time. Yes, I mean you, mortal. Who are you, and how did you enter this place?"
His green eyes bore into yours, and bile rose in your throat. His tone made you falter, like a deer in headlights as your brain conveniently decided to shut down and restart. He couldn't be real. Why was he here?
"Oh my God... you're-" Your revelation seemed to amuse him as his eyes crinkled knowingly, the corners of his lips twitching up.
"Yes, little one. Loki, formerly the God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard. Now, I appear before you as the God of Stories."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
꩜ Telling him about your world! :
After you both get over the fact that you both are coexisting somehow- Loki is still partially convinced you're part of something called the T.V.A or whatever- you end up sitting down on one of the roots of the tree, blinking up at him like he was some immaculate, divine figure. He so totally is. You figure the best thing to do is wait for your friend to undo what they did, so you end up telling him about your world. He's familiar with Thanos, and the timeline of his so called 'death'. He asks about his brother, and you watch him with a deep sympathy that feels almost useless. It's quiet for a long time, before you offer to show him a picture.
"Would wi-fi even work here?"
"Doesn't your device contain it already?"
You blink up at him, supressing a pained sigh.
"... Are you kidding, or... ?"
He, with a dry hum of amusement, nods for you to unlock your phone, and strangely enough it works. You want to ask how? but his look tells you that it would probably hurt your brain. So you relent, and show him pictures of his brother most recently from social media news pages.
"Everyone is kinda... gone now. I mean- ever since Ironman..." You trailed off, and he nodded, his gaze softening slightly as he beheld his brother. You felt almost awkward, wanting to give him a moment to process this before-
"He looks fat."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
♫ Telling Loki about music, and educating him on artists:
You take it upon yourself to show this man music, after you had shown him the internet of your world, catching him up to date with all the important news and such. You made it a very good point not to scroll too far down in case he noticed something titled 'HEADCANNONS, DRABBLES AND WET DREAMS I HAVE ABOUT THE SEXY, MISCHEVIOUS LOKI LAUFEYSON-', instead questioning him on his music and artist knowledge. Sylvie had introduced him to what you both recognised as 70's and 80's hits, and you sent a silent thanks to whoever 'Sylvie' was. But you decided to catch him up on some of your personal faves- Mitski- neither of you spoke for a bit after he accidentally pressed 'Class of 2013', Mac De Marco, Lana and most importantly:
"Laufey. She's Icelandic and Chinese- and it's pronounced LAY-VAY. Like, Laufey. I just thought it was funny, cause... Loki Laufeyson, and Lau-"
He's already ogling you like a three eyed, two head sprouting, bat-winged monstrosity, but as soon as he hears the name, he shakes his head with an irritated grunt,
"There is no relation, nor will there ever be a relation. I am the God of Stories. I hold multiversal timelines between my fingers- I am seated at the throne of destiny. And you're asking me about some mortal like I'm supposed to... care?"
"Um. Okay." You smacked your lips together, cocking your head to the side with a hand on your chest as you search internally to find the words for a response without losing your life to a multiversal deity.
"So... I don't like that tone, first of all. Second of all, I just want you to listen- Just listen to her-"
Don't you notice how
I get quiet when there's no one else around?
Me and you, an awkward silence.
Don't you dare look at me that way-
You fed him her melodic song, your eyebrows raised in disbelief that he would be so dismissive after you brought out the big guns, and he listened to it, feeling oddly stimulated from this entire encounter. He was handsome, of course. But more handsome when he was quiet, when you could see his brain shifting and while you could see the way his eyes flit around in microscopic shifts, processing the sounds as they progressed.
Soon it finished, and he watched you, glancing down at the small phone, before glancing at you again, trying to find a response that didn't make him seem like some desperate lonely hermit.
"She isn't bad, for a Laufey anyway."
"How would I obtain this to have? Just... playing idly."
The smile that split your face was almost creepy with how wide it was, and he had to squint, looking away from the radiance and delight you emit.
"She's got more if you wanna listen."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
✮ Showing Loki diverse ways to compliment each other! aka. sending him into cardiac arrest: (one suggestive line!)
People die, and habits die harder. But nothing could remove the pride and preening personality this God has. He wasn't an idiot. He had noticed some of the 'links' and images and strange looking messages regarding his name and face that were almost cleverly hidden on the page you showed him, and he relaxed knowing that people still worshipped him in other timelines. As they should. But nothing could prepare him for his first edit.
"What does that say- No, no don't show me, I just want to make sure you understand what that means."
Have you ever wanted to make a God go absolutely insane because of you? Well you'd be in luck. The wrinkle that creased his smooth forehead was not small by any means, neither is something else he carries, and he had to take a moment to process what he had just heard you say.
"It's a term of- it's a phrase of... endearment!"
"'We're going at it until Ragnarok happens?'" He echoed, voice almost hitching as he tried to maintain control of his facial expressions. How much time had passed? A few seconds? A few days? He was starting to wonder how much more of you he could take. We'll get into that again, later.
"'Till I remember the veins and twitch patterns?!'"
"Okay well, you didn't need to read that one-"
He scanned the comments again, the screen hurting his eyes- and his heart, but he did it anyway. Deep, deep down- in a small, lonely part that wished he wasn't stuck on a throne of Yggdrasil, he felt something of amusement. A peacock showing off his feathers.
A small, impish smiled curled on his lips as he sat back in his throne, exhaling slowly, thinking. Calculating. Watching the way your eyes greedily absorbed the sparse clips of him in New York and Germany.
"So... one billion people enjoy me saying 'kneel'?"
"Oh, don't start-"
"I'm simply thinking, mortal. Don't fret your pretty little head over it."
"You think it's pretty?"
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: @jaguarthecat i finally published. i kept coming back to your ask, and i realised i might as well put something out there cause like, might randomly die tomorrow so why shy from it.
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The alcohol slid down Wei Wuxian’s throat, both hot and cold, a satisfying interplay of conflicting sensations. He swallowed a mouthful of it, breathless and greedy, and he put the jar down only when he couldn’t throw his head back further to drink more. 
He had always loved this - the sharp taste of the drink, the warmth it made bloom under his skin and the way it relaxed his body like it was melting away all the stress, the tension, the ache. He heaved out a satisfied sigh, wiping his glistening lips with his sleeve as he leaned back onto his hands, staring out at the night sky. 
There seemed to be more stars in Gusu than Wei Wuxian had ever seen in Yunmeng. Perhaps the air was clearer, or the heavens favored these restrained, monk-like people more. 
Whatever it was, Wei Wuxian found himself being grateful for it - because although this was a place of meditation, studying and endless rules and regulations on how to live, it was somehow less stifling than the place he had grown to call home. Though he was grateful for everything he had ever been given, there was something that Lotus Pier could not allow him, the one thing he craved above all else.
Wei Wuxian took another long sip of alcohol before he stood up, a relaxed smile on his face as he looked up at the moon. The breeze combed through his hair with the gentleness of a loving mother, and the faint moonlight cast silver on his face like a halo. 
He didn’t have to hide anymore, not here, not in this place that was far enough for nobody to see, or to care about who he was and what he was doing. The tall cliff overlooked a seemingly endless abyss filled with slow moving, dark clouds, so thick they appeared to be made of the finest woolen fabric, and it was nothing but the trees and the thicket that bore witness to what he was about to do. 
A smile broke out on his features, and it bloomed into a grin as he took one step, two, three - towards the edge of the cliff, far enough for him to feel like he was going to fly. 
Or to fall. 
Below,  only the thicket of clouds awaited. 
Wei Wuxian took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, balancing on the tips of his toes, tempting fate. If he balanced far enough, if the rock gave out - 
He turned around, as if he had changed his mind.
But the grin on his face grew wider, until it broke into a laugh, loud, unrestrained, hysterical - and he let go, falling into nothingness in a fit of excited, relieved laughter, breaking through the silence and the clouds. 
Lan Wangji heard them before he saw them - they laughed like they had received a great gift or wonderful news, boisterous and exalted. It was past curfew, and such noise echoed easily through the Cloud Recesses, but before Lan Wangji could chastise its source, his eyes caught onto a falling figure right atop one of the sharp cliffs of the back mountains. 
Had they accidentally lost balance? Had they dived on purpose? Lan Wangji did not know and he did not have time to ponder, readying himself to catch them flying on his sword. Life was, after all, a precious thing - and it was his duty to make sure those visiting his home would not break the most important rule of all. 
But before Lan Wangji could even attempt it, something unbelievable had taken place right before his eyes - a pair of large, black wings unfurled from the figure’s back, batting powerfully against gravity and rescuing them from the imminent, fatal fall.  
Then, the person shot up into the sky, wings folded near their body as they gained speed, soaring high enough for the span of their wings to look like it was swallowing the moon whole the moment they stopped in front of it. 
They shot back down towards the ground, just as quickly, seconds later, carelessly breaking through the mist and the clouds, laughing with joy as both their wings and their hair batted into the night breeze. 
Lan Wangji watched them for a while, mesmerized - the way they moved through the air, fast, precise but playful, flying in circles, diving towards the ground only to save themselves at the last moment, batting the clouds away with the force of their wings… they had never been in danger! In fact… they were having fun!
But what could they even be? Winged humans were a rarity to the point of being a myth. 
However, there were no spirits haunting the Cloud Recesses, no deities having taken home there or any other such apparitions. 
Could Lan Wangji be hallucinating then? He had been doing a rather deep meditation, perhaps his mind had not fully come out of it before night patrol - but that had never happened before either…
The winged figure seemed to be getting closer now, their aimless playing having calmed down into a slow, deliberate flight. Lan Wangji had just about drawn his sword when the figure got too close for his comfort - but they stopped just slightly a-ways, sighing contently as they ran a hand through their hair. “Can’t believe I lost my hair ribbon…It was my last one too…” they mumbled, looking around as if to search for it, their wings shaking off the dust they kicked up landing. 
They didn’t seem to have noticed Lan Wangji, and he decided not to make himself known unless necessary. After all, he had no idea what this figure even was or what they wanted - it was more advisable not to take unnecessary risks. He would be telling uncle about what he had seen next morning, and they would set up a proper plan on how to deal with it. 
Lan Wangji only got a glimpse of the figure’s face, pulled into a small frown as they searched for their lost item… and they were beautiful. He did not know whether it was appropriate of him to think of this… being in such a way, and his ears burned with shame at the thought. But it was undeniable that they were attractive, young, with glistening, stormy eyes and handsome, boyish features… Lan Wangji’s ears burned brighter, and he averted his eyes like the figure could hear his thoughts. 
They didn’t seem to have noticed him, though, and sighed upon not finding their hair ribbon, shooting back into the sky seconds later.
Lan Wangji watched them disappear into the dark, almost disappointed, when his eyes caught onto a slash of red hanging onto a nearby tree branch, dancing into the breeze - a hair ribbon. 
He picked it up without thinking about it. 
Next morning, Lan Wangji walked into the first class of that year’s guest disciple lectures, not expecting much from the day ahead. He hadn’t had the chance to meet uncle in the morning, but they would be speaking after class for sure, and Lan Wangji would tell him what happened the past night.
But fate had decided not to be as predictable to the Second Jade of Lan as he had grown used to.
Because one of the disciples walked into class with their hair unbound, the look on their face all too familiar as they pouted about hair getting in their eyes. 
Lan Wangji tucked the red ribbon further into his sleeve and pretended he did not notice. But when he met eyes with Weii Wuxian, accidental and brief, there was recognition in both of each other’s eyes. 
The lecture proceeded. Neither paid attention. 
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The Sun Says Hello - Omori fanfic - Part 2
(Essentially an Omori fanfic where the events are told from Kel’s POV. Some changes to the story for the sake of me wanting to make this a Suntan fanfic 🧡🖤)
Part 1
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Kel took in a deep breath. He’s tried knocking on Sunny’s door many times before. He was always ignored. And he was emotionally preparing himself to handle the rejection again. 
He knocked on the door a couple of times before resting his closed fist on the door, taking a deep gulp and praying that Sunny will answer. 
But he was used to the rejection. 
He was used to being ignored. 
He was used to getting his hopes up…
But, what he wasn’t used to.. was a response. 
The door slowly creaked open and the moon finally became a crescent. 
Upon seeing Sunny, Kel was in shock. He was here. In front of him. This was really happening! Kel felt like he was dreaming. 
He took a second to look at Sunny. He was wearing very simple clothes, but surprisingly.. formal? More formal than what you would wear if you were lounging around the house all the time. 
Actually, now that he thought about it, the outfit looked a lot like the clothes Sunny had laid out for him to wear to the recital…
Kel quickly shook those thoughts out of his brain. 
He looked at Sunny’s face. Had he.. always been that pale? And were his cheeks always so sunken in? And the hollows in his eyes… and he was so skinny and frail.. and.. and the bandages on his arms…
“Sunny!” Kel quickly said, doing everything he can to not scare him off. Don’t ask about his appearance.. it’ll scare him off. I just got him back.. “You actually came out!” he exclaimed and wanted to slap himself for how rude that sounded. “Er, I mean.. uh.. ok, I’m, uh.. going to be honest with you, Sunny. I.. really didn’t expect you to come out.. so I don’t really have a game plan here.” It was embarrassing. But after having all of his prayers ignored, Sunny actually coming out sounded something straight out of a dream. 
Sunny was already beginning to retreat behind the door, so in a desperate attempt to keep him from leaving again, Kel says, “Hey, I know! Let’s go to Hobeez!” Seriously, Kel?! He hasn’t been outside in 4 years and your idea of a fun hangout is Hobeez?!
“Um, uh.. you remember the way there, right?” he said, attempting to remain smiley and cheerful. 
Sunny hesitated, gripping the doorknob and glanced back into his house. 
Please don’t go back inside.. I haven’t seen you in so long.. I can’t let you leave without spending at least one day with me.. please… please… 
Obviously, he said none of that outloud. He couldn’t.. that would make him sound embarrassingly desperate. 
So when Sunny stepped out of his doorway, Kel felt his heart skip a beat and he felt like he was on cloud nine. 
“All right! Let’s head on over there!”
He let Sunny lead the way. They walked past the park and Sunny stopped for a moment to observe his surroundings, squinting constantly as his eyes tried to readjust to the sunlight. 
He is so pale. I need to help him get some vitamin c. 
Sunny kept pausing on the sidewalk, staring into nothingness, as if he saw a ghost, before taking a deep breath and continuing to walk. 
But what really caught Kel off guard was when Sunny scooped up a pile of trash. At first, Kel though Sunny was just being a good citizen and throwing away litter, but before he even had a chance to pat him on the back for his good deed, Sunny held it up like he just won a prize and stuffed the garbage into his pockets. 
Kel really felt like he should’ve said something then. Maybe ask him what was going through that head of his. But, of course, he didn’t. 
I don’t want to scare him off.. I can’t scare him off. I just got him back.. but.. WHAT THE HECK IS HE THINKING?!
It frustrated him to no end to have no idea. To only be left guessing. Sunny is.. was his best friend. He used to be able to read him like a book. What’s changed?!
…Oh ya..
Kel always blocked that memory from his brain. Repressed it with lock and key. 
He glanced at Sunny and felt like a flash of light shine through his eyes and his brain as he remembered that day. 
“S-Sunny..” Kel choked out as he crawled to his friend, wet, dew covered grass staining his skin and clothes. “Don’t.. don’t cry. This is all just a bad dream…”
Aubrey was sobbing after having just throwing up, Hero was standing in place with a blank, stiff expression, and Basil was shaking like a leaf. 
Kel’s main concern right now was to comfort Sunny. 
“That’s not Mari…” Kel whispered, trying to remain hopeful. “That’s no one.. it’s just a prank.. a really, really… bad.. prank..” Kel did everything he could to not break into tears. Hero was usually the strong one, but he’s shut down. So Kel will step into that position. “You’re going to b-be ok, Sunny…”
Sunny looked up slowly. He didn’t even look sad. Just.. guilty. 
“There’s Something behind you..” he whispered. 
And Kel turned to see what he meant. 
And then he really saw her. He really absorbed in the view of her hanging like a tire swing, the wind in her Raven black hair as it hung over her dull eyes. 
He tightly clutched Sunny’s shoulder and choked. And he screamed. 
The sun did not shine that day. 
Kel shook the memory from his head. 
Just don’t think about it, Kel! he thought. Focus on the now! Sunny is here, with you, in Hobeez! And after so many years!
“Maybe we can go to the park after this!” Kel offered. “Sound fun? We can even maybe go to our old hangout spot and see if it’s still there!”
Sunny looked down, as if he really wasn’t sure. Kel crossed his fingers and, to his luck, Sunny nodded ‘yes’. 
“Yay!” Kel exclaimed joyfully. “I-I mean.. great! Let’s go!”
He let Sunny lead the way again. He wanted to let him have some form of control. After.. everything, he could imagine that Sunny probably needed that type of feeling, even if it was something as simple as leading the way. Kel didn’t know.. he just wanted to make Sunny comfortable and happy..
They stopped at the park and Kel breathed in the smell of the grass and trees. “Love this place!” he exclaimed before turning to Sunny. “You missed this place?” he asked. 
Sunny shrugged slightly and Kel smiled sympathetically. “Ya, well.. I missed hanging out with you here!” Kel said, slinging an arm around Sunny’s shoulders. 
“Now, let’s see..” he spotted a couple of people he recognized, including one of his classmates. 
“You wanna play basketball with me?” he asked. 
Kel laughed and shook his head. “Sorry, man. I’m hanging out with my childhood friend, Sunny!”
He noticed from the corner of his eyes that Sunny seemed ever so slightly embarrassed. Almost guilty. Kel clenched his fists and made a mental note to make sure that Sunny always feels included to avoid having Sunny feeling guilty that Kel is spending time with him. 
Kel’s thoughts were put to a halt, however, when he heard a loud scream of someone yelling, “Please stop!”
Kel, someone who believes in Justice, immediately ran toward the noise and saw her. 
Of all people.. he was really hoping Sunny wouldn’t have to see what she has become. 
“Aubrey..” whimpered a boy that Aubrey and her gang was surrounding. “Please go away..”
Kel’s heart dropped when he realized who it was. 
“Basil!” he exclaimed. He turned to Aubrey with a sharp glare. “Leave him alone, Aubrey!”
She turned to him, her bright blue contacts glowing like cat eyes. “Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.”
She glanced over at the figure looming behind Kel and her eyebrows shot up. 
“Sunny?!” Aubrey yelled. Her friends looked at her, confused, and she quickly composed herself. “I mean.. look who actually decided to come outside..” she said, crossing her arms. “Never thought I’d see you again.” She tilted her head to the side and smirked. “Thought you may have died or something..”
Kel took a protective step forward. “Knock it off, Aubrey.”
She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hip as she threw her nailed baseball bat over her shoulder. “Shut up, Kel.”
“Why are you like this? We used to be friends!”
Kel has been asking her this question for years. And she answered with the usual response. 
“People change, Kel. And note the words ‘used to be’.”
He growled and tried to step in between her and her friends. “Just let Basil go.”
“Ha! I don’t think so.”
She glowered at him and lunged forward to attack. 
A fight has started. 
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windsweptinred · 1 year
Metamorphosis Part 6
(J'ai fini!!! The last chapter is completed! 🎉But as its turned into such a lengthy beast it has been split into a two parts. So, you have part 6 here and keep an eye out for part 7 hot on its tail tomorrow!)
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Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Night swept to a halt as he stepped through the doorway, taking in the scene before him. The dim light from the hearth gave the room a soft, homely feel. Casting everything within with a welcoming golden tint, stealing away all the sharp edges. A grand table had been set for eight, though no one had taken a seat. Instead, the occupants of the room stood about the fireside. To the right of it, the imposing figure of his eldest brother Destiny stood, his intense focus fixed upon his little brother.  Night felt an instant urge to bow his head in contrition, for some misdemeanour he was sure he had committed unknowingly. Swinging from his brother's long sleeves, Delirium cavorted giddily. She threw her head back as she noticed his arrival, gracing him with an upside down beam that he returned with a faint, grateful smile. To the left, Desire and Despair stood in their usual conspiratorial huddle, their faces giving nothing away as they took in Night's appearance. 
Night cast his eyes about the room searchingly, willing one more to emerge from the shadows. He had hoped … He closed his eyes and reached, into himself, into the vast, dark emptiness that fed destruction. Felt himself coiled around the bountiful potential of creation that was Time. Forever twining together in the essence of….There. He held out a hand in invitation, and felt it pushed back towards himself, with an answer, equal parts love and reluctance. Not yet, not yet. 
Death brushed past him, entering with no indecision, all wide smiles and warm greetings. Turning to him expectantly to follow. He took them all in, his siblings, his family. 
As Dream, they were like paints on a great canvas to him. All of them distinct with their own purpose, yet blending together to form the greater picture. Now, he was the canvas. A part of all of them, and they, a part of him.  He was the ink that formed each word of Destiny. The darkness behind the eyes at Death. The unlife waiting in each act of Destruction. The black nothingness into which Delirium espaced. And oh, the unending vastness of Desire, the unknowable depths of Despair. 
He looked to Dream, who stood behind him, peering over his shoulder curiously, still somewhat hesitant to leave the security of the hallway. Dream. He saw it now so clearly. Did all not look to the Night with awe and wonder? Dred and madness. Was he not the incomprehensible thing they prized and marvelled at. And what were dreams, what were nightmares but a petite, lovingly crafted copy of that? He would always follow in his footsteps, a few steps behind. 
Night prayed one day his Time would find him… And that they will be kind and good and patient. But not for a good while… He was but a New Moon. And had many phases ahead of him. 
He felt a hand at the small of his back push him lightly, sending him stumbling forward. Recovering his step with speed, he swept into the room in what he hoped was a dignified entrance. Turning with a ready rebuke on his lips, only to have his annoyance melt away at the sight of Time, his hand holding Dream's, leading the young man into the room, whispering clandestinely. "OK, here's the plan. You hold my hand, I'll hold yours. And if it all goes tits up…We run at them screaming. Show them were not the least bit scared out of our wits. We've got this!" 
The overwhelming urge to take both into his arms, propriety be damned, was dampened only by that space being filled by an explosive mass of colour. Delirium bound up to him, throwing her arms about his neck and hoisting herself up. Leaving Night to frantically grasp her hips in steady hold as she wrapped both legs tightly around his waist. She beamed ecstatically at him, her neon fish, swimming about his billowing locks with intrigue. 
Taking his head in her hands, she kissed him with a dramatic smack upon the brow
Before laughing riotously. "Hullo brother mother!" 
Night shifted his weight to set her more securely upon his hips. "Delirium." He acknowledged. Giving a slight smile as she latched onto his hair, gazing intently at the stars that glistened about it. "And I am still just your brother Del. That has not changed." 
Delirium swung back in his grip, giggling hysterically as if he had said something incredibly funny or foolish. Perhaps both.
It was then her gaze landed on Time. With a squeal, she leapt free of Night's embrace, skipping up to lean into Time's face on tiptoes. 
"Hello new Father!"
Time laughed good naturedly, seemingly unperturbed but her complete disregard for his personal space. "You can just call me Time, Delirium. Or Hob if you wish."
Delirium bounced on her toes, "OK Father Hob," she replied, before grasping at his shirt and tugging urgently. "I would like a crown of anemones." 
To his credit, any perplexion Time may have felt at that statement did not show on his face. He merely gave her an affable smile, leaning in closer to her, as if the confusion over her request was purely down to his mishearing." Sorry, beg pardon?"
Delirium cocked her head to the side, mismatched eyes fixed on his intently. For a brief moment, stark lucidity flooded her gaze and she clutched at his wrist possessively. Before it was gone, and she twirled on her feet. 
"Fathers are meant to spoil their little girls. The caterpillars tell me so. Old Father did not..But you do not shoo me away like he did. And I am the littlest of the girls. So I would like a crown of anemones." She flapped her arms towards her fish, still cavorting around Night's head." For my fishes."
Time's eyes softened and he placed a hand atop of her head, his hair flaring the exact shade of brilliant scarlet as hers. "I'll see what I can do." He promised sincerely and  she clapped her hands together eagerly. 
Finally, with a mischievous grin, she peaked abruptly around Time. And, with a sound of delighted triumph pointed at Dream, as if she had happened upon him in a game of hide and seek. Grabbing his hand, she hauled him forward with excitement, looking towards the others with glee. 
"Look, look! … A new baby brother! All soft like happy clouds." 
Dream looked back longingly to the safety of his hiding spot behind Night and Time, before looking shyly to the crowd of eyes before him. Mustering a small wobbly smile, he bowed his head in greeting. 
"Hello my siblings." 
Desire gave a tut, before sauntering forward with an entertained smirk. Night felt himself instinctively tense as they prowled towards Dream, only to watch as they idly tickled the young man on the nose, as one might a kitten. "Well, aren't you just a little bowl of peaches and cream?" 
Despair paid no heed to their new brother, instead scowling at Delirium. "That's not how it works Delirium, you know that it! Dream stands third of seven always." 
Delirium gave a sulky pout in reply, swinging  around to Night and Time once more with a dramatic stomp of foot. "Then can I have a new, littler boy sibling?" She asked with a beseeching expression. "So I can still be new father's apple eyes. I am tired of being the youngest!"
A rosey nebula flared across Night's face as he blinked owlishly at her request. Beside him, he heard Time give a choked cough. Hair and skin morphing rapidly as he anxiously sought a response. The fire in the hearth gave a spluttered crackle, seemingly in sympathy with their plight. 
"Delirium, enough." Destiny commanded, and the room fell into obedient silence. Walking towards Dream, he placed a hand atop of his white curls, declaring in a solem, yet soft tone, "Dream of the Endless, you are most welcome."
He gestured with his free hand towards the table, ladened with food and drink. "Come my siblings, let us be seated, " he directed. Making his way to his usual chair at the head of the table, pulling it out ceremoniously and looking at Time expectantly. 
Time lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender, shaking his head decisively. "Ah, no mate." Making his way instead to the foot of the table. Pulling out the chair and flopping down into it with determination. "You took the helm of this family long ago and have steered them true. I'm good here." He patted the table in front of him as if to reinforce his words. 
Delirium skipped gaily to sit at his right. Legs swinging merrily. Mismatched gaze staring adoringly at her obvious new favourite. 
Destiny turned to Night, a slight flicker of doubt creasing his brow. He motioned to the chair once more, inviting him to sit. 
Night shook his head assuredly. "My husband speaks truly, that chair is yours, my brother." He walked to Destiny, placing a hand lightly upon his brother's wrist, careful to avoid the cold manacle that hung there mercilessly. Frowning at it with distaste, he looked into Destiny's all seeing, blind eyes. "I have no wish to be set above you. Nor be denied your unwavering guardianship of me, big brother. Please, sit."
With one last hesitant pause, Destiny did as he was bid. Night followed suit, slinking elegantly into the seat to his brother's left. As he settled his hands upon the table, he felt his Destiny lay one of his own subtlety atop of it, squeeze gently, then remove it. Neither acknowledged the other, but out of sight of their siblings' gaze, Night moved his foot. Settling it against the side of his brother's in a reserved yet intimate act of affection. 
Death sat to Destiny's right, smiling proudly at her brothers. Placing one hand upon Destiny's forearm, and reaching one out to Night, she squeezed both fondly, a slight, wet sheen present in her eyes. 
Time thumped the spot to his left, looking to Dream expectantly. "Dream lad, come keep me company!" The young man practically fled to his side with obvious relief.
Two empty chairs remained, one between Dream and Death. The other, between Delirium and Night. A thick silence settled over the room as all tried valiantly not to stare between Night and Desire with foreboding expectation. 
Despair stayed loyally at her twin's side. One hand fiddling nervously with the hem of her jumper. The other latched supportively to Desire's sleeve. Desire moved not a muscle, eyes fixed upon the floor, silent as the grave, expression blank. 
Night closed his eyes apprehensively. A great weariness coursed through him, as he let out a great sigh that drew all eyes his way. He twisted in his seat and looked to the twins with a strained but warm smile painted across his face. 
"Despair." He said in a encouraging tone. "If you please, be seated by your brother, Dream." Despair sent her twin one last consoling glance, before moving obediently to sit between Dream and Death. 
Looking now to Desire, Night mustered more conviction into his smile and voice. Patting the chair next to him as if tempting a distrustful stray to his side. "Desire. Would you come sit beside me?"
Desire did not move, nor acknowledge he had spoken at all. Night pulled the empty chair out further, encouragingly. "Desire… please!" 
Desire's shoulder gave a slight shift, nose and mouth twitching a fraction in irritation. Then relented, moving haltingly towards Night, sliding with obvious reluctance down next to him. In a final show of childish contempt, they shifted the chair away, settling it closer to Delirium. 
Further down the table, Night saw Dream gazing skittishly between them, open concern on his face. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before offering quietly, "I will sit with Night sibling, if you would be more comfortable in my place."
Desire looked, consideringly at Dream
Glancing to his left at their twin, then to his right, where Time sat, a look of clear disapproval maring his otherwise pleasant features. They looked briefly to their lap, before settling determinedly into their chair, adopting a laissez-faire demeanour, running their gaze idly across their perfectly manicured nails. "I am most... Satisfied here, sweet little Dream." They said languidly, before quirking their lip slightly, adding a quiet, yet sincere "Thank you." 
Night looked expectantly at Desire, who resolutely refused to meet his gaze and felt overwhelmingly tired. Tired of their antics, tired of their bickering. Tired of their conflict. He had not thought all magically healed between them. But had hoped, with their words and actions in his moment of peril, that they had  reached some kind of peaceful accord. 
Furrowing his brows in vexation, he let out a drawn, exhausted exhale. "Desire, I admit to being somewhat confused. Your actions led me to believe you did not wish to see my demise." His eyelids drooped. "Or… was I mistaken?" 
Desire fixed their eyes squarely at the empty plate in front of them, giving a non committed shrug. Beneath the table however, Night felt their legs jig in an uneasy jitter. Finally, after a loaded pause, they incinded their head towards him slightly, eyes downcast. 
"I never wished you dead big brother. Not truly. I meant what I said."
Night looked at them, perplexed. "Then what is it that troubles you so? You have never been lost for words with me before. Even if only to goad and mock me. " He caught Desire's golden eyes lingering on a flowing flare of galaxies at his wrist. Before they set their gaze back upon the table. 
"Is it who I am now? What I am?" He questioned awkwardly. 
He watched Desire's throat bob, a look of deep unease forming on their face. Across the table, Despair reached for them, petting their fingertips lightly as Desire gnawed at their painted lip. Night reached out also, placing a tentative hand upon their siblings' chair as near to them as he thought would be permitted. Deeply uneasy at their obvious distress. 
Desire flicked their eyes to him, once, twice. Before squaring their shoulders and letting out with a great breath. "You can draw my blood now without consequence." 
Night reared back, aghast. Across the table he heard Death let out an alarmed gasp. Immediately reaching her hand out to grasp at Desire's wrist in an immediate gesture of reassurance. "Desire, no, no! How could you think that?"
Night starred in abject horror at his little sibling. Finally finding his voice he asked in a despondent tone "You really think…?" 
Desire shrugged once more, pulling from their sisters' touch, curling in on themselves. "I have seen you dole out retribution with ease, many times. When you believed it was deserved" . 
Night ran a hand frantically through his hair. Unable to outright deny their words. He heard the harsh scrape of a chair legs against the floor and looked to see Time making to rise, concern radiating from him. He lifted his hand to halt him, though much of him wished for his husband's comfort. Let them have this out here and now. It had been a long time coming. 
"And you believe yourself deserving?" He enquired flatly. 
Desire shrugged again, answering equally flatly. "I'm not sorry." 
Night smirked ruefully at that, looking to Desire, though they still refused to meet his gaze. "No matter their cruelty, your actions have brought me here. I would suffer the heartbreak, the degradation over tenfold, for the joy they ensured. You must never regret their occurrence, I forbid it!"  Night felt the familiar sting of tears at his eyes and blinked in a futile attempt to ward them off." But perhaps someday, I hope you may feel remorse at the pain they caused me. As I do for all I have hurt with my tempestuous nature. As I do for any pain I may have inflicted, knowingly or not on you, little sibling."
Desire turned fully to him in shock. Their eyes met, and Night remembered the joy and love he had once felt at the sight of those eyes. Youthful eyes that looked upon him, as though he was the most important being in the creation to them. Eyes that thought him their omniverse. Where had it all gone so wrong? He thought of Killala, and of sweet, naive, first loves. Had that truly been enough to destroy their bond? 
"Oh Desire, how did we come to this?" 
Desire gave no response, could give no response. And Night pondered on the futility of it all. Mind wandering to once great and shining Lucifer. And how pride truly was the ruin of all. He chided himself on his foolishness, on their shared fragile ego. Mother had been right all along, he supposed. He and Desire were too alike. 
He huffed at that, leaning against his sibling, staying when he felt no resistance. 
"I had all but given up that day. But I suppose you know that. Yet you spurred me to fight, begged me to fight. To desire life. You were there, when I was at my lowest." He looked to Desire, and gave a small, sad smile.. "You always have been, in your own manner, have you not?" 
Desire turned to him, somewhat cautious, somewhat hopeful. He reached and took their hand in his. Feeling them tremble in his touch.
"You told me to desire life, to desire to be loved as I loved. And here I am, heart brimming with it. Can you not feel it?" Night put their palm to his breast, holding it steady, rejoicing in the accepting touch. Without, he saw Desire's eyes glow with ravenous fascination, as they leaned to him, basking in the feel of themselves permeating his core. Within, he felt himself, the great seductive darkness that coursed through Desire and Despair. Oh, the twins had much of Night within them, dark and cold yet so alluring, so easy to lose oneself to. His ruinous darlings. 
"It is true I have been fortunate. But I offer thanks for that, not to the Fates" He whispered reverently. "But to you, to Despair. Who offered a brother facing the gallows comfort and will to defy."
Desire rested their forehead gently against his. And for a time, both sat and savoured the closeness. Gazing at each other with slight smiles and bright eyes. Before Desire gave a wet laugh," I am not calling you mother!"
Night let out an incredulous chucke, pulling away with a look of mortification. "I should sincerely hope not!" 
Desire, seeming to regain awareness of their audience, gave an aggrieved huff. Dabbing demurely at their eyes in an obvious effort to cover their embarrassment. "Dammit you're ruining my eyeliner. You idiot!"
Night heard Death give a soft chuckle, while Delirium let out a manic giggle. A quiet snicker from across the table brought his attention to Despair, hook dangling loosely from her fingers, looking at her twin with visible relief. He smiled slightly to himself at the rare sight of her, unperturbed and serene. "Despair."
She snapped her attention to him, apprehension flooding back to her face, her posture tightening. He graced her with a kind look, saddened to have spoiled her peace. "You have a brother now, who walks a path only you have previously travelled. I know I can rely on you to guide his way with wisdom." 
Despair turned from him to Dream, who had sat watching them in quiet contemplation. But perked immediately at the mention of his name and gave Despair a sweet, hopeful look, fiddling self consciously with his sleeves." I would greatly appreciate any guidance you may give me, my sister." He said softly. 
Despair gazed consideringly at Dream, before nodding sagely. Turning to Night, she looked at him with an intense, unwavering stare. "I promise big brother."
Dream smiled delightedly, before leaning into his sister's side with affection. Despair started, looking at him with complete mystification. Yet slowly, her posture relaxed and she reached out, lightly running her hook through Dream's white curls. Beside them, Time sat, watching them adoringly, sending Night a look of such utter pride and devotion, Night felt himself fluster, looking away with what he knew was a completely ridiculous smile on his face. 
At the head of the table Destiny rose and all eyes turned to him attentively. 
"My family." He said with gravity. "We meet here in kinship to share wine and break bread together. To mourn those we have lost, to acknowledge those who are absent and to welcome those we have gained. We welcome Father Time, long missing from this table. We welcome Mother Night, who's chair has ever sat empty. And we welcome brother Dream, who meets us anew. Endless, take pride in each other this night, for this eve we start a new page together."
Eight glasses raised unified, to toast his words.
Sunet drew across the skies of the Dreaming that evening with magnificent grandeur. As the denizens of Night, unfurled his colours and heralded the arrival of their new monarch's first twilight. 
From the balcony of his once private chambers, Night watched as Dream bid farewell to his siblings below, parting from each with a sweet smile and affectionate touch. Time stood stalwart by his side, genial and warm as he wished each goodbye in turn with a fond embrace. Leaving the likes of Destiny and Despair bewildered in his wake. As each departed, they raised their hands in silent adieu to Night. He returned the gesture in kind, whispering a quiet vow to each as they blinked from view. 
"I will make existence kinder for you. I swear it!"
As Death, last to leave, blew him a tender kiss in parting, a breeze of dying heat and cool night air brushed against his skin.  A wave of nostalgia fell over him at its touch. Memories of all being new and full of wonder. Of playfully capering around his older brother and sister. Of Mother and Father, more engrossed in each other then their small brood. Of being ever under the ever watchful eyes of… 
 "Dusk, I have been expecting you." 
Beside him, from a rich plume of vivid, sunfire reds and deep midnight blues, a woman manifested. Dark and enchanting with an elegant bearing. He nodded regally in greeting.
Dusk bowed her head courteously. "Greetings little Master. The celestial bodies rejoice at your ascension and eagerly wish to pay homage to their new Lord. We await your command on this, your first eve." 
Night sighed deeply, leaning against the rails before him in an evident show of fatigue." Tonight bid them fulfil their duties
 I am weary and have no strength to play court." 
Dusk bowed her head once again in acknowledgement." We shall fulfil your request with pleasure, little Master. Is there any other way I may be of service to you?"
Night looked to Time below, feeling the magnitude of all that had occurred the preceding days, finally pressing down upon him. Oh how he wished to shut himself away with his husband and rest. Before they must face the next sunrise and everything it brought with it. He shook his head and gave a dismissive wave of his fingers. "That is all Dusk, you may leave and to return.." 
"With respect, little Master, I am the handmaiden and herald of Night." Dusk interrupted, with a polite yet assertive tone. Night was reminded, despite his aeons, just how young he must look to her. He glanced at Dream. We little boy kings indeed. "Where you go, I must precede." She continued. "Just as my twin sister must obediently follow in your wake." 
Night thought of himself, under constant supervision once more, even that of considerate Dusk and compassionate Dawn, and felt something within him twist nauseatingly. No, that would not do. 
"Your consistent presence at my mother's side was a comfort to her Dusk." He stated firmly. "But I have no such need to be chaperoned and coddled."
Dusk barely hid her disagreement at his words. Her look, one that an adult might grant an argumentative, impetuous child. Night was sure, that was exactly how she viewed him. Oh, somewhere the Fates were laughing at him. 
"Be that as it may little Master," She relented, with a placating indulgence that made Night's irritation flare. " My place is by your side. Perhaps, until you are settled, I may attend you in a form more to your…Personal preferences?" She sniffed, "But I am no fanciful raven." 
With that, her feminine form dispersed and in a waft of evening mists, a great owl emerged. Feathers a mass of dark, rich browns, deep, aged golds and warm blacks, which held within them the iridescent glow of the dusk skies. When she spread her vast wings, the beauty of twilight illuminated from them. Her eyes, the burning copper glow of the setting sun. She landed with easy grace upon his shoulder, mighty talons gripping gently either side of his slim shoulder. Her height significantly surpassed his head. She began at once fussing at his hair. Not in an act of comfort, he knew. But to tame it to some exacting standard known only to herself. 
Night nodded his consent. He would never admit it, but the familiar weight upon his shoulder instantly eased a tenseness he had bore, ever since he had handed Matthew into Dream's care. 
Looking towards the skies, he brushed  absentmindedly at her feathers, relishing the warmth they left upon his fingers.
"Dusk, how was mother…" He trailed off, unsure if he truly wished for the knowledge he sought. 
A period of silence followed as Dusk looked to her talons in contemplation, before she spoke carefully. "She was with your Lord father at the end. I believe that brought her some comfort." Night appreciated her diplomatic turn of phrase, even if he could easily read around it.  He drooped further onto the ornate railing, exhaustion creeping its way slowly through his body, leaving his limbs heavy and numb. "You will miss her." He stated. 
Dusk cocked her head, "One must not mourn the dying star. They have had their time to burn brightly." She moved closer to his head, carefully aware of the sharp clutch of her claws. Gently she rested her beak against his cheek, nibbling supportively at his skin. "You are my priority now little Master, do not concern yourself with such thoughts."
Giving him one last nip to his ear, Dusk studied him. "You look most weary little Master. The role you inherited is an immeasurable one. Does the burden weigh heavily upon you?" 
Night studied the skies, his new subjects, his new kingdom, and pondered. A great burden? To be Dew Masker, Night Bringer, Sleeps Joy, Fair Lightless, Accursed Unlight. 
"I do not find it a burden Dusk, it is merely different. Like looking at the same view from a new perspective. So all is just as it was before, but the image you see is entirely new."
He watched as below them, Time and Dream made their way back towards the castle, disappearing from view.
"Before I saw the wonder of it all. I could look upon a star, a human, a flower.. And see such beauty in it. Not for itself, but in how it aspired, how it feared, how it dreamt. I wove about their hearts and minds, was there in each thought, was every imagining, every fantasy. They reached upwards begging for escape and I was the hand they sought. I was being of legendary fortune or epic tragedy, and that was all I could see in them, in myself."
He closed his eyes, pleasure awash about his face." But now, I feel them, held within my embrace, within my very essence. Every writhing atom of them. Each one a tiny tapestry of myself and Time, woven by great hands. And oh, we ebb and flow within them, always dancing. An eternal dance. And it is beautiful."
Dusk puffed her breast out with pride at his words." Very good little Master, you shall be a fine Night indeed." She said with absolute conviction. 
Night felt a swell of elation at her words and ran a thumb over her head in silent thanks, before straightening. "Come, let us say our farewells to Dream." 
He walked one last time, through the place that had served as his innermost sanctuary. Stroking his fingers tenderly across the ebony furnishings. From the many wondrous trinkets amassed and placed about it with care, he selected but one item. A small, intricate blanket of raven feathers, which he clutched reverently to his chest. 
He reached the doorway, stopping and  resting his head against the frame. Bidding goodbye to the walls, the halls. Every book of the vast library. Everything from foundation to turret, before pulling away with reluctance and making his way down the fluctuating galleries of the castle. Unbeknownst to him, a tear dropped delicately from his eye, trailing down his face, swept away with a subtle shift of Dusk's wing. 
"Everything has been made ready for your arrival." Dusk assured. "Ofcourse you must make as many changes as you wish to make it your own."
"We do not retire to my parents' realms Dusk. My husband wishes to return to the place of his birth to rest. And I wish to be by his side."
Dusk's plumage bristled in agitation. "We journey to Terra, little Master?" 
Night raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Is that a hint of disapproval I hear Dusk?" 
"Of course not, little Master." She replied with civility. Adjusting her grip on his shoulder. "I simply find Lady Gaia's manner rough-hewn. She has a plain speaking tongue, a crude humour and is too wild in her ways. She also shows little to no respect for her betters." 
Night tittered, stroking her wings in appeasement. "Oh Dusk, you shall adore the new Lord Time." 
82 notes · View notes
seravphs · 11 months
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — DABI x FEM READER
When your boss orders you to commit a heist, you do it. Success is non negotiable, even if your partner is Dabi, you’re breaking into the psychiatric ward his mother is staying in after a mental breakdown, and the man in question is actively trying to dissociate from your task. 
wc — 1.8k
tags — angst but lighthearted moments, reader is way too easy going to be breaking into a psych ward with Dabi, she is stressing that man out, reader has a sleep quirk but it’s not that important, this started as Dabi being jealous of himself as a baby and became something else entirely, title from Sending Postcards From A Plane Crash (Wish You Were Here) by Fall Out Boy 
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“Hi, mom,” Dabi says. 
Rei doesn’t say anything in response. She’s asleep. In an effort to respect that, you land light on your feet, shimmying your hips through the window. 
It’s still not good enough for Dabi, who whirls around and hisses, “Quiet!” 
“Jeez, sorry,” you mock whisper back. “It’s not like she’s going to wake up. That’s kind of the whole point of me being here.” 
“Shut up anyway,” he snaps. “Maybe it’s not that you’re loud enough to wake her up. Maybe you’re just annoying. Did you think of that, genius?” 
“Easy, tiger. You’re so easy to rile up.” 
He closes his jaw right as he opens it. You stifle a giggle, knowing that he knows that you know you’ve got him. If he retorts, it’s because you’ve gotten a rise out of him. If he doesn’t say anything, you win. 
An involuntary smile twitches at the corner of his lips, quickly and ruthlessly smothered. 
There’s the prize you were working so hard for. You’re going to pull more of those out of him tonight, by hook or crook. It doesn’t matter how annoying or charming you have to be. 
Shigaraki might have sent you on this mission for your quirk, but you have ulterior motives. Dabi needs a distraction, and you’re happy to be that. 
He doesn’t have to apologize for being irritable, not that he was going to. It’s fine. You’re not going to hold it against him. Mothers are difficult. You get that. 
Dabi huffs in adorable annoyance, the little puff of air blowing his bangs away from his face. He’d be so mad if he knew you thought it was cute, but you know you’ve reached your limit of his patience for the night, so you don’t tell him. It’s hard enough for him to be here. You’re trying to help him, not hurt him. 
“C’mon,” you say soothingly. Part of dealing with Shigaraki for so long is knowing how far you can push someone before an irreparable accident happens. You know exactly how to toe that line, which is invaluable information when it comes to Dabi. “Go get your evidence or whatever. I’ll keep watch.” 
Out of the goodness of your heart, you decide not to bring up the soft rustle of his jacket hitting the air every time he moves. It appeared that the need for subtlety only applied to you, because he had no problem striding around the room in large steps. 
You follow a short distance behind as he ducks into the adjacent bathroom. There’s rustling inside as he rummages through the nothingness, fingers pressing for hidden switches or levers. 
He can’t leave a single stone unturned. It’s that important. Shigaraki said the results of this mission could help take down Endeavor. In other words - don’t fuck it up. 
“Can you breathe more quietly? You’re throwing me off.”
He’s back in the doorway of the bathroom now, breezing past you to return to his search in Rei’s bedroom. Still she dozes, as peaceful as sleeping beauty. 
“Sure, I’ll just die so you can stop being annoyed by the sound of my breaths. Obviously not, Dabi. I kind of need air.” 
He grits his teeth. To anyone else, he’d look like he was enraged. You know he’s trying not to laugh.  
“Stop doing that,” he says, his voice low and strained. 
“What?” You ask innocently. 
“You know what.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you offer his turned back a smile he can’t see. 
“You’re distracting me.” 
“I’m good enough to distract you, Mr. Dabi? What an honor.” 
He doesn’t respond. 
He’s not just silent. His entire body is still. 
“Dabi, you’re scaring me.”
“I got it,” he says, and if nothing else his voice is mercifully steady. There’s a slim rectangle in his hands. As you drift closer, it starts to take to shape. 
You peer over his shoulder, looking down on the item he’s holding. It’s a photobook, neat handwriting printed in blocks along the sides. Each picture is painstakingly documented. It’s clearly a labor of love. 
Dabi’s hands smooth over the pages. He’s not wearing gloves. It doesn’t matter if he’s discovered after the fact, because he’ll be long gone. You hold your tongue as he leaves smears on the glossy pictures of bright eyed little boys and their cheerfully smiling sisters. 
He flips through the pages reverently, tracing a path through a family’s history. You spot the infamous Shouto before he had the scar. A toothy grin splits his face in two as he holds up a peony to the camera. A hand only slightly larger cups his face, an older brother, not a father. He’s cute, but you’re looking for someone else. 
Dabi lets you when you reach out and turn a page. Something draws you to the next one, though you can’t explain why. You read the caption. 
“Tou-ya,” you sound out. “Todoroki Touya.” 
Touya startles for just a moment. 
“What a cute kid,” you laugh. “But I’ve had enough of your brothers. Where’s your pictures?”
“That’s not funny,” Dabi says, just enough of an edge in his voice for you to realize how not funny it really is. 
The sick realization hits you like a heart attack. 
Todoroki Touya is Dabi. He used to look like…that. Happy. Sweet. Unscarred. 
Your heart burns and burns. 
Who could’ve hurt a child badly enough for Dabi to wear the skin he does now? How could they have stomached something like that? 
That split second of vulnerability is all you need to see him torn asunder, the gaping wound of his past bared for you to see. Instantly, it feels too intimate, too soon. 
You don’t really know him well enough for that, and yet, something in you longs to comfort that child. To draw him closer and kiss his sweet-smelling hair, wash the smoke off him. 
You’ve waited too long. Even a second was too much time. That door has closed. Dabi’s face shutters once more, but he’s not angry, just guarded. 
“Just- nothing,” you say, lamely. “That’s a, um, a cool book.” 
It’s a stupid diversion, but it doesn’t matter. Neither of you are going to acknowledge this moment again until the far, far future. 
“How cool can it be?” He scoffs, tossing it over his shoulder carelessly. “It’s just a bunch of sentimental old pictures.” 
You don’t miss the way it lands gently back on the table, completely unharmed and so softly it hardly makes a sound. 
“Dabi…” You hesitate, not knowing what to say. 
“Don’t,” he says harshly. It doesn’t scare you. He’s lashing out like a wounded animal backed into a corner - it’s a reaction to the fact that you have the upper hand. 
You don’t want it. Whatever leverage you have over him is useless to you. You’d throw away the ability to hurt him in a heartbeat. You’re not a culture, prowling for easy prey. You’ve never wanted this kind of power over someone. 
The clock ticks, reminding you that this mission has a time limit. Your quirk thrashes in your grip as Rei stirs behind you, but still you hesitate. This is dangerous. You could jeopardize everything if you don’t act, and yet how can you? 
Does anything matter more than the boy you saw then? And what of the boy standing in front of you now? 
In the end, it’s Dabi who’s strong enough to pull himself away. He’s always been capable of the hard tasks no one else was willing to accept. It’s the one thing he learned from Endeavor. 
The moonlight shines through Rei’s window onto his hair as Dabi moves through her room like a ghost. You wrangle your quirk into submission, putting Rei under again. If she woke now, this apparition of her past might scare her. 
Pale light shines over Dabi’s hair and face, making his eyes appear nearly translucent. All color has been washed out of him in the silver glow. He doesn’t hesitate as he pushes himself over the ledge. 
You know you shouldn’t either. Rei isn’t your mother, after all. You don’t know anything about her. 
Still, the handwriting attached to those photos have adhered to your mind. You spare a passing glance for her. When you realize her eyelids are fluttering, you nearly throw yourself out of the window in your terror not to be caught. 
“I got you,” Dabi’s voice cuts through the darkness. He’s caught you by the waist, his other hand wrapped around the tree branch above the one he’s balancing on. 
With his help, you find your own branch to stand on. He lets go of your hand as you stabilize, ducking further into the leaves to camouflage himself. 
Just in time. A light flickers on in Rei’s room.
“Hello, Mrs. Todoroki. How are you feeling tonight?”
“I think I saw my baby,” Rei says softly. “He was here, my little boy.” 
“Uh-huh,” the nurse says, disbelieving but not unkindly. “Time to sit up, dear. You have medicine to take.” 
You see Dabi’s jaw clench nevertheless. His hands tighten into fists. You touch his shoulder lightly, trying not to spook him. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “It’s time to go.” 
He doesn’t spare his mother a glance back as he leaves, stalking away with his hands in his coat pockets. If you had a vision quirk, you might’ve been able to see the way his fingers curled and uncurled, longing hidden behind fabric. Instead, he wipes all traces of lost desire from his face. 
You hesitate by the window for just one more second. Rei looks so kind - it’s hard to believe the rumors about what she did to her youngest son, even if she’s a little crazy. 
To your horror, you see her start to weep, little crystal tears forming from her eyes. She’s more lucid than you thought she was. When she looks out at the window, she looks directly at you. In that eye contact, you come to understand more sane than anyone realizes. 
“My baby boy,” she whispers. “My baby.” 
Behind you, Dabi calls. “Time’s up. Let’s move.”
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dulltoned · 6 months
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
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It's dark. Not in the way that's familiar like the dreary shadows of the bunker. He knows that darkness, those shadows that he wraps himself up in like a blanket. No, rather, it's dark like he's lost. Dark like when he'd wandered into the forest when he was a trolling and he had no one to come look for him so he'd stumbled hopelessly through the pitch black praying that he'd find his way home. It's dark and he can't remember why.
He doesn't call out or feel around for someone else. He's not an idiot. He knows that more likely than not he was alone. He wouldn’t dare alert anything that could be out here. Instead he carefully moves forward, arm extended in front of him in hopes to keep himself from stumbling into anything while his feet silently drag across the floor to prevent himself from tripping. It's slow progress but no matter how far he goes nothing changes. The floor is rough but even beneath him and he doesn't run into anything. Not a wall or a tree or even a table. It's like the world itself has disappeared and left him behind in its shadow.
Despite that he feels strangely calm. There's no panic rushing through his veins or anxiety clogging his mind. He just moves slowly and silently through the darkness like something will change. It doesn't. Not until it does.
A long stretch away a ball of light is birthed into existence. It doesn't come into view or appear from around some invisible corner. It simply just is in the same way that before it simply wasn't. He startles at the small ball of orange and yellow flickering a forever away. At this pace he'll never reach the pinprick of fire dancing slowly closer but he was far too cautious to just make a run for it. The burst of flame was all there was. It didn't illuminate a world he couldn't see. It just sat in the center of the black, its glow absorbed into the vacuum of nothingness that consumed everything.
"Branch?" Poppy? "Branch where are you?" She sounds worried. Scared. There's a tremor in her voice that shouldn't ever be there and it sends a spike of ice through his chest.
"Here!" He calls, looking around frantically like suddenly he'd finally be able to see. Poppy broke his calm. The false sense of ease he'd felt was ripped away from him in a moment and suddenly he could feel his heart pounding a desperate rhythm in his chest and anxiety curled around his ribs and squeezed the air from his lungs. "Poppy, where are you?" He screams into the void but there's nothing there. Nothing but the fire. He throws caution to the wind and runs for it.
"Branch?" She sounds so small, so meek. She sounds so close but she's nowhere to be found. The fire, the light, it's his only hope. "Branch!"
"I'm coming!" He's trying, please, he's trying. "Just stay where you are!" She doesn't respond, just sobs, and he can't breathe. She's crying, she's scared, he can't find her. He's supposed to protect her. He's getting closer. The small speck of light is growing alarmingly fast. The fire has to be gigantic, a large ball of flame at least four times the size of him. "Poppy, please." He begs. He's still not close enough. He's still too far.
"Branch?" His heart stutters and stops and lurches into his throat. That's not fair, this isn't fair-- "I don't know where I am." Floyd. Floyd's here. Why are they here? Where are they? What is this?
"I'm coming," He swears. He's getting closer, the fire is almost as bright as the sun and somehow there's still nothing but darkness. There's no warmth, no heat, only all-consuming shadow. He feels the weight of it now. It presses in on him and slows him down. "Just wait for me."
"You're taking too long," John Dory. No. No no. He's coming. He's moving as fast as he can. "We can't wait forever." His voice is unsteady, eager to escape the unknown that makes him uncomfortable. The knee-jerk reaction to get away before something terrible could catch up to him.
"I'm almost there," He promises. He lies. He doesn't know where they are. He doesn’t know where he is, either. He can't lose them. He can't lose her. "Just wait for me."
"We're waiting," Bruce's soothing voice cuts in. He sounds sad. Patient and bittersweet and it feels dismissive.
They're lost. They're scared. They're asking for him, searching for him, and he can't find them. The fire is there. It's right there. It's the only beacon in this terrible, vacant nothingness. He's getting close enough that he can see it's raised high in the air. He has to look up now to keep it in his sight.
"Come on, Branch, you can do this," Clay urges, using his anxiety to fuel his support. He can imagine the green-haired troll wringing his hands together and he wishes that he could see it. He wants to see them. Please. He can find them, he can do this, please--
The ball of light is directly above him now and he cranes his neck to look up at it. "I'm here," he breathes, panting less from exertion and more from the weight of emotion crushing his chest.
"Branch?" Poppy whimpers. The light goes out and he's plunged into the suffocating nothing--
Branch jerks awake, eyes snapping open as he scrambles up against his headboard. His chest is heaving with each breath and panic courses cold through his veins. A dream. Of course it was just a dream, it was unrealistic and ridiculous and… haunting. It couldn't have been anything other than a nightmare but he can still hear the tremor in Poppy's voice and JD's false bravado and when he looks down at his paws cupped in his lap he can see them shaking even in the low light. Damn it. He really figured he'd be better by now. At least about this. He'd been riddled with nightmares most of his life, ever since Grandma Rosiepuff died, but he'd gotten better after he got his colors back. Until his brothers started staying with him at least.
The dreams had started back up with a vengeance after that. Some of them were completely unrelated, the Bergens betraying them or Poppy's bubbly friends ridiculing him again, but some of them hammered home just how deep his issues ran. Sometimes it was his brothers sitting him down and explaining in painful detail how the band breaking up had been his fault. Other times it was waking up to the bunker empty and all of his brothers nowhere to be found. Every once in a while the dreams would twist and morph into something unreal but no less painful, like it had tonight. Usually those ones are easier to brush off. They should be easy to pick apart and see for what they were: fake. He couldn't make rhyme or reason of the nightmare that's left him drenched in sweat and trembling like a leaf in his bed. It's infuriating that something so fantastical could shake him to his core. Sitting here alone in his room he can admit to himself that he was still scared. The terror lingered heavy over his head and he pressed his back harder against the headboard like it could protect him from some unknown evil trying to sneak up on him. He felt pitifully unsafe in his own home and the shadows he usually found soothing were quickly becoming oppressive.
Branch leaped from his bed and turned on his bedside lamp, taking a few grounding breaths when the warm glow gently spread across the room. He needed to calm down. He was fine. The others were fine. With the darkness pushed away he feels a little more at ease but his chest still feels tight and there's still a chill between his shoulder blades. He's still pitifully, achingly afraid.
Running a hand down his face and counting slowly to ten in his head he makes for the door. Always, without fail, he was the last up and the first awake. He hated the idea of being caught off guard, especially in his own home, and the constant hypervigilance kept him up and focused until he just couldn't be anymore. Ever since his brothers came back into his life he'd gotten maybe five hours of sleep every night, rarely uninterrupted. He didn't mind the routine but there was an exhaustion in his day-to-day that hadn't been there before. It was starting to catch up to him, his energy and focus were waning more often than not, but at least he knew with a fair amount of certainty that no one else was awake at this hour.
He steps silently out into the open space of the bunker and moves swiftly towards the stairs. He doesn't want to make any noise and wake anyone up so he avoids both the elevator and the lights despite how his anxious mind insists that the darkness is nipping at his heels, eagerly reaching out to drag him away from the light--
He makes it to the kitchen faster than he should have.
He speed walks down the hallway and flips on the light the second he crosses the threshold, bracing his hands on the table the moment he's close enough and just taking a few minutes to breathe. His whole body is wracked with fine tremors and his knees feel weak. You're fine, He seethes to himself, Get it together. His heart is racing beneath his ribs and he feels like it's only moments away from bursting. He pries his fingers off the edge of the table and forces himself to take measured steps over to his fridge. You're fine, he insists as he sifts through the bottles and jars tucked into the fridge door, You're fine, he chants as he selects a bottle of homemade strawberry milk Poppy had gifted him.
He lets the fridge door swing shut behind him and turns on his heel to grab a mug from the cupboard. He pointedly ignores how the bottle visibly shakes in his grip and grits his teeth when his fingers clumsily miss the handle of the mug the first few times he tries to grab it. His heart stutters and stops and aches sharply and he's fine. He snatches the cup with a violent anger that's stirring to life deep in his stomach and slams it onto the counter. Immediately he winces, cringing at the loud sound that echoes ruthlessly through the space, and when he places the bottle down beside the mug it's with a much lighter hand. He goes through the motions subconsciously, grabbing a small pot from a cabinet and pouring a generous amount of milk into it before placing it on the stove. He barely even registers that he's turned the stove on, staring blankly into his empty cup and wondering if it would be overstepping some unspoken boundary if he were to show up at Poppy's pod right now. Maybe, if he was quiet enough, he could slip unnoticed into his brothers' rooms and make sure that they were okay. Assure himself that, against all odds, they were still here. He knows it's a ridiculous fear, they were adults and they all seemed fairly happy with the arrangement, but a small part of him pleads with him to check anyway. A terrifying what-if that persists despite his best efforts to squash it with logical thinking.
He startles from his stupor when the milk boils over, hissing and spitting when the liquid dribbles into the flame. He scrambles to turn off the stove and pull the pot away from the heat, sucking in a sharp breath when the milk almost sloshes over the side in his rush to avoid making a bigger mess. Like he hadn't already been on edge before. He quickly goes about pouring his drink into his cup and setting the pot into the empty sink to cool. Haphazard clean-up complete he gently cradles his warm drink in his hands. Immediately the warmth seeping from the mug begins to soothe his nerves and a trembling sigh falls from his lips. It's a small comfort, one that does very little to calm his heart or stop the tremors wracking his body, but he's never been one to take the small things for granted. He hadn't been for a long, long time.
You're fine, he closes his eyes, focusing on the weight of the mug in his paws. You're fine, you're fine, you're fine, he chants it like a mantra inside his head. The shaking doesn't lessen. His chest still aches. He still feels like he can barely breathe and his heart is desperate to escape. You're fine, he tries in vain to convince himself, messily leaning back against the counter and sliding down until he's curled up on the floor. You're fine. They're fine, it was just a stupid dream. Nothing happened, no one left, they're all still here, His thoughts sound desperate even to himself, he knows that he's working himself up but he's helpless to stop himself from spiraling.
He sets the mug aside before he spills the scalding drink and instead wraps his arms tight around himself, drawing his legs up to his chest and burying his face into his knees. "You're okay," He chokes out just to fill the silence. His voice is strained and choked and his breath is warm against his face, "You're okay." It sounds like an empty promise, one he's tried to keep for decades. He thought he'd gotten better. Maybe he had just gotten better at fooling himself. He sobs, clenching his jaw in a futile attempt to keep his cries at bay. His eyes burn and he squeezes them shut like that would make the tears go away. "You're okay," He pleads, arms tightening around himself in a poor imitation of a hug. What's wrong with him? Why is he like this? It was just a dream, he knows that!
Another cry bursts from his lips and he gives in. He shakes apart on the kitchen floor, muffles whimpers into his arms and jerks with silent, full-body sobs that leave him gasping for air. He tugs at his hair and bites his lips to keep quiet and he falls apart because he can't possibly keep himself together anymore. Instead of some sort of catharsis, he only feels worse. He feels tired and broken and still so agonizingly frightened. He feels like he's lost himself to these empty rooms, like they've gutted him and left him hollow and alone. He cries and cries and cries and all he feels is empty and haunted. Alone, the way he's always been. Branch doesn't move for a long, long time. When he finally uncurls and peels himself off the floor he picks up his mug long gone cold and dumps the milk down the drain.  
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hausofanya · 6 months
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┈─ 𖧷 THE GOLDEN GIRL’S SLOW DECENT INTO MADNESS ﹕ A PRE - DEBUT EXCERPT. set during the STRAY KIDS survival show. genre, angst, mild sadness & indications of low self esteem. ( if i close my eyes long enough, the pain is only momentary for as long as i can bear it. )
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THE STAGE LIGHTS ARE BLINDING AGAINST HER EYES, but cléo can barely register the faint searing against her retinas. spotting will probably appear in her vision later on, but that’s the least of her concerns now. static fills her ears to the brim with noise, her heartbeat thrumming against her skin after a hectic performance. the clothes on her body feel heavy with each breath she takes. in, out. in, out.
disappointment radiates off the panel like the sweltering heat of a sun. in, out. she stands rooted to her spot like a stray planet caught in the way of a gas giant, unable to withstand the blistering heat. in, out. her resolve crumbles with each passing second. if she focused hard enough, she can hear the others catching their breaths, too. the music fades into nothingness, and she briefly closes her eyes to will her heart into calmness. in, out. the microphone clenched in her shaking hand is the only thing anchoring her to earth.
the faintest hitch in her breath escapes her lips when she tries her best to exhale around her nerves. she pretends not to notice the brief look of concern chan throws her way as their unit lines back up for feedback. the faint brushing of his hand against her back only makes her skin crawl.
she blinks once, twice. dry eyes burn against bright lights.
“— and your vocal support is lacking,” a voice pushes through the haze, making her jolt back into reality. “how am i supposed to believe a singer has a dream to sing when she gets too nervous to perform to her full potential? nerves aren’t an excuse for a lackluster performance.”
breathe. in,
she couldn’t count on her own two hands how many mistakes she’d made. a missed cue here, a vocal strain there, and the constant tremble that just couldn’t seem to disappear when she needed it to. it was almost laughable how easy he’d been able to see it — meaning she was sloppy. sloppiness couldn’t fly in an industry like this, too cutthroat for mistakes of any kind.
“—afford to make any mistakes. you lack in confidence and skill. how can you be an idol without either?”
she sees a hand twitch in her peripheral. her throat runs dry.
“due to your many mistakes, i’m going to have to eliminate you from this round. please step off the stage.”
breathe. out.
cléo feels the moment the world draws to a deafening halt. the loud screech of brass door draw shut, unmoving at the sight of her outstretched arms. the stage is quiet at the sound of the man’s finality in his words. hyunjin stiffens beside her in barely concealed shock.
they bow, or thank him for his time, or something like that. the static returns tenfold, cold water dumped unforgivingly on her body, and she doesn’t realize she’s trembling once against until she’s pulled into a corner away from the camera’s prying eyes. someone tells her to breathe, in and out and in and out again, but she can’t stop shaking.
“i couldn’t do it.” a shuddering breath claws its way out of her chest, morphing into a pained exhale. tears sting at her eyes. “i couldn’t do it.”
“hey.” his voice cuts through her ocean of pity with surprising clarity, causing her to sniffle and look up. fear, concern, and desperation mix a cocktail too unnerving to be plastered on his face. because of her, her mistakes, her nerves, her lackluster performance—
“cléo.” the girl utters a broken sound in response and arms pull her in for a hug, her fingers digging into fabric as she cries. “where you go, i go. i meant it when i said we’re doing this together.”
“don’t be ridiculous,” cléo shakes her head, her voice hoarse. “those were just jokes. this is real. he eliminated me because i wasn’t good enough—”
“i don’t care.”
she laughs something warbled and rests her head on his shoulder, her quiet sniffling filling the air for a moment. “you’re so stubborn. i hate it.”
hyunjin makes an short sound of indifference, which makes her laugh again. “too bad. you’re the one who decided you wanted to be my friend. deal with it.” his voice then softens, making her heart tighten painfully. “i don’t want to get on that stage without you. this is your dream as much as it is mine.”
“stop saying heartfelt things like i’m going to die,” cléo huffs, though she wipes her tears. “should have gone into acting. they’d have loved you there.”
“but it wouldn’t be with you.” stubbornness masked as something else. determination, maybe. but she lets herself briefly imagine a world where she’s given a second chance, where the two of them debut together like they’ve been talking about for years. her bones ache. “we just have to try harder.”
“if i don’t debut—let me finish,” cléo grouches haltingly, her own fear masked with her own flavor of stubbornness. hyunjin cracks an attempt at a grin anyway. “if i don’t debut with you.. with chan, with the rest. promise you’ll find me anyway.”
she sniffles once, fingers wrapped around his tightly. “don’t be a stranger when you get famous. though i guess i’ll finally have peace without you blowing up my phone every ten minutes.”
hyunjin’s smile morphs into something a little more genuine, squeezing her hands just as tight. “i’m not making any promises we both know i won’t keep.”
“can you just—”
“no.” said with as much finality as the panelists, and it makes her jolt once again. “you’re here as a product of your own hard work. remember what you told me when i was too nervous to perform during the talent show? you said i deserved to have a spot on that stage as much as anyone else did.” hyunjin’s gaze is sharp, definite. “that goes for you, too.”
pin drop silence. cléo stares at him for a moment, in shock, then a clipped laugh slips from her lips, exhausted.
“hearing my own words from your face makes you sound so much wiser than you really are, you know.” his expression morphs into exasperation, shoving at her gently until she laughs, and together they rise to join the others in the practice room. her thanks goes unspoken in the gentle squeeze her gives to their still connected hands, and her hand receives one in return.
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