#anyways hi mutuals beloved i miss u all
luvxiem · 2 years
the stars aligned for us
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word count ! 【idk】idk【idk】 pairing ! luxiem x gn!reader (separately) genre ! fluff, mild angst on luca's part summary ! different soulmate au tropes w our faves bc i'm weak and love self indulgence 🤭 soulmate aus my beloved cw ! non-explicit violence/injuries on luca's part notes ! this was written on my phone so sorry for the uggy formatting and any typos 😭💔 btw tysm for 100 followers 🥺🫶 i appreciate y'all lots for enjoying my shit LMFAOOO it's just me projecting on here but i'm glad u guys enjoy it anyways when u wanna read a fanfic so bad but it doesn't exist yet so u gotta write it urself also kindred plz don't kill me for calling vox an asshole i meant it endearingly (insert "'i hate him' while putting up his picture" meme here)
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.。.:*☆ IKE EVELAND !
ike's world has been black and white for as long as he could remember
his friends have always told him how beautiful everything be came after they made eye contact with their soulmate for the first time
despite them trying their best to describe colors (what does a "warm" color even look like anyway?) it was hard for ike to really care
after all, how can you miss something you never experienced?
but more than seeing colors, the novelist just wanted to meet his soulmate
it wasn't that he was lonely; ike had his fair share of relationships in the past with others like him (those who haven't had the chance to meet their soulmate just yet, but wanted to date anyways)
however being a writer comes with a certain sense of romanticism and a lust for life, and ike was no exception
he's always loved the thought of meeting someone who was perfect for him in every way; a person who he could be his honest self around and love with all his heart
this is why when he suddenly started seeing colors he never could've imagined on a busy sidewalk, he immediately started scanning the crowd for you
he spotted you under the canopy of a nearby cafe. you were looking around with clear awe on your face, mouth slightly agape as you took in the new world around you, not even noticing the grumbles of passerby who narrowly avoided you.
you looked almost ethereal in your (now known as blue) button up, the sunshine leaving your skin in a warm glow. the gentle breeze ruffled your hair just right, and the novelist couldn't tear his gaze away.
as much as ike wanted to admire his new view too, he was more focused on making sure he didn't lose you. he's thought about it countless of times—dreamt of it, even—of somehow meeting his soulmate and losing them right away, never to be seen again. ike's lost enough sleep over it and he was determined to not make his nightmares a reality.
pushing past shoulders with rushed "sorry's" and "excuse me's," ike rushed to get to you as quick as possible; and soon enough, he was now standing face to face with you—the person who would become the love of his life.
your gaze fell onto him and an unspoken realization was met. you could feel it to; the ecstasy blooming in your very core at finally meeting your other half.
"hi," he breathed, a broad smile adorning his face. "i think i'm your soulmate."
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woe is the soulmate of a certain blonde haired mafia boss
injuries came with the job, unfortunately, but the soft-hearted man couldn't help but feel sorry for his soulmate
luca knew some most of his injuries weren't normal. civilians don't get bullet wounds in their arm or knife slashes to the chest
did his soulmate worry for him? or were they wishing they weren't fated at all? as much as it hurt, luca couldn't find it in himself to blame them if they did
the small pricks he felt on his fingertips from presumably paper cuts can't compare to literally getting stabbed in the back
eventually it came to a point where luca tried to stop going outside altogether
he can't obtain any further injuries if he's always at the base, right?
but that fantasy couldn't last forever.
the one day he had to be escorted to a different location, him and his guards got ambushed
luca was the only one who got away, but not without sustaining a bullet wound to his shoulder
it wasn't as bad as it could've been but it still hurt like a bitch
stumbling into an alleyway, the blonde collapsed next to a dumpster, creating a loud thud that echoed into the night
luca was ready to rip off a piece of his shirt to wrap his shoulder when suddenly a bright light momentarily blinded him
standing a little bit away was you, pointing your phone flashlight on him while gripping your shoulder in your other hand
"so you're a med student?" luca asks, gritting his teeth when you dab at his bullet wound with rubbing alcohol. tossing the cotton ball, you reach into your first aid kit for gauze.
"yeah," you say quietly, starting to wrap his shoulder. the blonde frowns noticing how you refuse to meet his eyes. he opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
"i chose this path because of you." at your words luca's eyebrow raises in question. you finished wrapping him up and now rest your hands in your lap, fiddling with your fingers. "you got so many injuries growing up and i didn't know what to do. i was worried you didn't have anyone to help you so i wanted to learn how," you explain quietly. at this the mafia boss's gaze softens.
"how'd you know? that i'm your soulmate, i mean," he asks. reaching up, you gently grazed the large scar on his abdomen with your fingers.
"i recognized your injuries," you said. luca shivered at your touch, raising his non-injured arm to cover your hand with his.
"i'm glad i ran into you then, soulmate."
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.。.:*☆ MYSTA RIAS !
mysta's known since he was five that he had a soulmate, just like every other five-year-old in his class
but there was one teeny little problem
ok actually it was a major problem
his timer seemed to be broken
instead of the few years or days or months like his friends had, his timer was set to decades
because of how long his timer was set for, mysta was teased mercilessly for "having a soulmate who doesn't even want to meet him"
this followed him for most of his youth until eventually he covered up his wrist and tried to forget about it alltogether
if he wasn't going to meet his soulmate until he was old and gray, why should he even care
that was until he fell through that damned portal and landed in 2022
he noticed it after he got out of the shower, spotting his wrist in the mirror while brushing back his hair
mysta's mouth dropped open in shock, dropping his arm to gently run his fingers over the numbers
the timer that was the bane of his younger self's existence was down to the hours
the detective was antsy, understandably.
a lifetime of thinking he wouldn't ever meet his soulmate suddenly turned into meeting his soulmate in twenty minutes. mysta wasn't sure what to do, how he should act. should he go outside? he should, right? how else would he meet you?
filled with a newfound sense of determination, mysta grabbed his keys and darted into the london night.
there was hardly anyone out this late; maybe his timer really was broken? what were you doing out at one in the morning, don't you know that's dangerous? who knows what kind of dangerous people were prowling outside right now.
mysta started walking briskly toward a more crowded area of the city. if he had to meet you, it would be somewhere safe.
settling on standing in front of a pub he's been to a few times with friends, the detective started counting down the minutes till he would meet you. he kept glancing at his wrist, watching the numbers go down one by one until there was only a minute left on the clock.
mysta tapped his foot impatiently as he glanced left and right down the street until suddenly, he felt the lightest tap on his shoulder. he spun on his heel and low and behold, there you were.
grinning, you spoke.
"nice to finally meet you, soulmate."
and mysta couldn't be happier.
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.。.:*☆ SHU YAMINO !
in all honesty, shu couldn't care less about having a soulmate
the idea of the universe choosing who he would fall in love with didn't sit right with him
not to mention how frustrating it would be sometimes when the two of you switched bodies at inconvenient times
like in the middle of one of his experiments
or when he's talking to one of his fellow sorcerers
or how about that time he was meditating in a lovely, perfectly quiet room for the first time in ages as a way to destress only to suddenly wake up in your body in the middle of a bustling city
yeah, shu wasn't all too happy about it, but what can he do?
so while all his friends were out actively searching for ways to meet their soulmate in person, shu was directing his energy toward mastering his powers instead
but the thing about having a soulmate is that you can't exactly reject them altogether
they're your soulmate for a reason, after all
so despite his resistance, the purple sorcerer found himself falling for you all the same
he grew antsy at particularly long periods without switching and eventually started leaving notes behind for you for when you would eventually switch
including a bright purple post-it with an address and a time and date
shu sat inside the cafe anxiously, bouncing his leg under the table while sipping his drink. he hoped that his note was obvious enough that you saw it the last time you guys swapped bodies, but how could he know for sure? you didn't leave a reply on his note, and the swap period was rather short that time too.
minutes passed the written time and the pounding in shu's chest grew louder and louder in his ears. he looked up at every tinkle of the bell above the door, hoping that it was you only to be disappointed when it wasn't. he kept glancing out the window rather obsessively, and soon enough his cup was empty too.
after 40 minutes had gone by, the sorcerer had just about given up. letting out a disappointed sigh, he rose from his chair to leave his tray and finished drink on the counter only to pause when the bell jingled one last time. shu looked up on instinct and his breath got caught in his throat.
in the doorway was you, slightly sweaty and definitely out of breath, looking frantically around the cafe before your eyes landed on him. shu was still holding the tray in his hands when you ran up to him, still in shock at seeing you in the flesh for the first time and not just through a mirror.
"h...hi..." you stutter, gripping the strap of your tote bag tightly in your fists. "i'm sorry i'm late. but i'm so glad i found you." shu broke out of his trance and smiled, setting the tray back down on the table.
"i'm glad you found me too."
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.。.:*☆ VOX AKUMA !
fitting for a voice demon that the first words his soulmate says to him is permanently printed onto his skin
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy" decorated his ribs under his right pectoral
now vox knows he's hot
he's well aware of the power he holds fucking asshole and uses his charm and good looks to his advantage
the demon spent most of his early years dropping one liners and introducing himself with various pickup lines in an attempt to find his elusive soulmate
and many have tried to pretend they were his fated one but they never succeeded
after the death of his clan and being transported to the future, it took vox a long time to feel ready to find his soulmate again
slowly he started visiting pubs and parties in an attempt to socialize
it was at one of these parties that he met you
beer in hand, vox pushed past a group laughing with each other in the hallway to slip out onto the balcony. he was hoping to get a chance to breathe and get away from all the sweaty partygoers, but there was already another person out here with him. figuring it wouldn't hurt to say something, the demon let a familiar smirk slip onto his face as he approached you.
sensing his presence, you turned your head to look at him in curiosity, fiddling with the many rings on your fingers.
"why hello there; what's a gorgeous person like you doing out here all alone?" he drawls, sliding up next to you. a breathy laugh escaped your lips, dropping your head to your chest for a moment before you looked back up and meeting his gaze dead on.
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy."
at your words vox faltered, the smirk falling from his face as his lips parted in surprise. the skin where his soulmate mark was seemed to tingle.
it seems like you figured it out too; your eyes widened and suddenly you were tugging your shirt up to show a matching tattoo on your ribs. you let the fabric fall back down and looked back up at him, a softer smile now gracing your features as vox reached over to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"would you look at that," you laughed happily. "guess you really did impress me, pretty boy."
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WRITTEN ! 080222
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twiceland · 5 months
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oh my gosh okay first of all happyyyy wednesday (it is wednesday in my timezone hehe) to everyone !!! today i hit 1k followers after having this blog since october 2022, and i feel ever so grateful for all of you, mutuals or not, for supporting me throughout this wild ride <//3 i'm currently in exam season (i'm crying inside) so i haven't been very active this year but i am still so happy and excited and ahhhh!!!!!! this means so much to me and honestly i can't even believe that we're here in this moment but wahshjdfhgjshd thank you all soooooo much <3 to celebrate, i decided to write mini email looking notes for some of my mutuals! please don’t be offended if i didn’t write an email for you; if you would like an email and we are mutuals please send me an ask and i will 100% write you one!!!!
to: miru ( @rosiesared ) subject: my fav yunjin stan
MIRUUUUU <3 i still cannot believe we’ve been friends for almost two years. you are genuinely one of the kindest people i know and one of the most genuine ones i know. you’re always there when i just wanna talk and ramble and we ramble together and i adore you for that 🥹 i remember us meeting and me being intimidated as fuck by you but u are the sweetest and have the most amazing personality 💖💖💖💖 i’m so proud of you always I LOVE U TO BITSSSSS
to: isai ( @solojihyo : @yosang ) subject: jihyo’s wife ( real !!! )
MY CLUMSY BLOB <3 hi my love!!! you are someone i love and hold so dearly to my heart <3 you’re someone i can talk to at my happiest and my worst, and you help me become a better version of myself. you’re so sweet and lovely and such a genuinely wonderful person and i appreciate you being in my life these past couple of years. i adore you!! love you sooooooo much my fav horanghae lover (btw i walked into a pole again yesterday. i didnt hurt myself dw) (also thank u for convincing me to download the cracked ps from the link you sent in the server) (i lov u)
to: michaela ( @mandu : @thefeelz ) subject: jennie’s loml
when you followed me i was so sure i was in a fever dream. i’m pretty sure i blinked at my screen like 200 times. ANYWAYS you are literally ,,,,, i think the only way to say this is so fucking cool . although we don’t talk a lot, seeing u on the dash is always a sure way to make me smile <3 i love youuuuu
to: zay ( @jeonwonwoo : @kimsdahyun ) subject: jeonghan’s bff
HI MY MOST BELOVED ZAY !!! over the last couple of months we’ve gotten sm closer and i just love hearing ab u talk about our fav sebongs and ps stuff && everything you’re passionate about. you’re genuinely one of the most fun and funny people i know and i adore you so much <3 love u love u love u jeonghans wife 💖💖💖💖 MY MOST AESTHETIC PRETTIEST QUEEN !!!!!
to: dana ( @lesseraive ) subject: chaewon = loml = the only girl ever
dana!!!! i still cannot believe its only been … a little more than a year? since we became mutuals 😭 you’re the best. i love shittalking w you, talking about our girls (jangchae) and how izone deserved and deserves better (we miss u izone) (u are forever) (never izgone) . you’re like an older sister to me and i feel like i can talk to you about anything. thank you for being here and being my friend, i love youuuu <3 jeonghyeon p01
to: elv ( @seokmins ) subject: seokmin’s pizza girl !
elvvvvv <3 tbh we’ve talked to about this before but i think the most funny part of our friendship is me not remembering how we met HSKFBSJSK i know that we were both mutuals in laws through isai but honestly it feels like we’ve been mutuals for like ….. ever. you are so sweet and lively it feels like we are just two sunshines together in a field of sunflowers whenever we talk 😭 you make me smile whenever you come up on the dash and you deserve all of the love in the entire world <3 sending my squishiest hugs your way! 💗
to: mini ( @venompinks ) subject: #1 blackpink lover
MINI MINI MINI !!!! hi beloved <3 tbh ive always seen u as like an older sibling to me. you have rhsi comforting vibe that just emulates love & support and i adore that. i love seeing ur creations && support towards ur favs (esp the pinks hehe) and ur so so so lovely!!!! sending u all the squishiest hugs in the whole wide WORLD !!!!!
to: theo ( @lovebitxx ) subject: chaer’s #1 <3
THEO THEO THEO THEO !!!!! i remember you following me during your lixblr era and feeling so :OOO bc that was pre gg blog and i was like wowowow bc all of your creations are so pretty 😭😭😭 im so happy we’ve gotten closer and u always make me smile and just seeing u on my dash and talking to u makes me so happyyyyy!! you’re so passionate about your favs and its always so nice to see you get excited about them ): i love youuuu so much 💗
to: daisy ( @svmit ) subject: juhyeon’s bf ( REAL ! )
MY DAISYYYYY i love you!!!! getting to know you have been soso fun and im so glad to know you 🥹🥹🥹 you’re genuinely so sweet and adorable and i want to squeeze u into the tightest hug 🫂 my fav lightsum && ptg stan 4ever!!!!! 💞💞💞
to: shreya ( @fawad-khan : @kiimtaehyung ) subject: tae’s wife & hyunjin’s gf 🎀🎀🎀
my most beloved shreya!!!!! hi akka i love u to the moon and back and beyond 💞💞💞💞 its kinda crazy to think a year ago we barely knew each other and now we’ve both celebrated our birthdays and waaaaaa it feels insane. i feel like. you’re genuinely someone i see as my older sister and i want to hug you so bad and. YEAAAA the momo to my sana i love youu <3 also thanks for teaching me that andrew garfield is a real person 😁 mwah
to: theo ( @toplines ) subject: best jeongyeon stan!!!!
HI MY LOVELIEST THEO!!!!! I ADORE U HEHE thank u for being one of the silliest most funny most genuine people in my life u are quite literally the kuromi to my melody, the jeongyeon to my sana and i lov u lots!!!!! u are the best ever and u deserve all the love and moreeee 💞💞💞💞 hehe ALSO U ARE THEEEE GFX ICON OF ALL TIME
to: lau ( @saerom : @127s ) subject: saerom’s biggest fan (real)
HI LAUUUUU hehe i know we havent been close for that long (i think we met in userps i dont even remember if im being honest) but you’ve always been someone i look up to. you have this ability to like. stay calm and handle difficult situations with ease and are so funny and fun to talk to!!!! ilu a lot and u are genuinely the sweetest ever <3333 also u are THEEEE URL QUEEN !!!!! never forget !!!!! hugs !!!! 💞💞💞💞💞
to: hales ( @3rachaas ) subject: changbins wife confirmed!!!
HALES HALES HALES HI !!! u are the funniest person ever actually genuinely seriously 100%ly (how many more adverbs can shri use,, more at ten) u are my east coast bestie and i love playimg games with u even if u win every single time 😓😓😓 ILY SOOO MUCH i wish i could hug u sososoososososo bad <////3 mwah!!!! also u are my fav 3racha stan 4ever (edit i hate tumblr ANYWAYS i miss our uno game nights can we have one again) (also hales edit era we miss u) (ilyilyilyilyily)
to: lee ( @komca ) subject: komcanation ‼️ mark’s wife
hi mother 😁😁 u are my favorite mark stan 😁😁 i lov u 😁😁 no in actuality i love u sm lee u are one of the most understanding kindest most funniest most amazing person ever u just. deserve all the love in the world!!!!! i love ur markisms and ur love for rnb and just how passionate u are about ur hobbies and interests!!!! adore u to the moon and back I LOVE U SMMMM HEHE MY ILICHIL LOVER IN CRIMEEEE 💜💜💜
to: naina ( @tutontawan ) subject: sakura’s wife 💞
sunshine wifey! HI MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER the hello kitty to my melo, kkura to my eunchae, gaeul to my wonyo, i adore u sooooo much u are quite literally my twin in every aspect and i love uuuuuu!!!!!! u are just the most sunshiney person to ever sunshine and never fail to make me smile and happyyyy I LOVE UUUUU MY FAV i cant wait to meet u one day <3
to: ace ( @ajusnice ) subject: my maknaez in crime <3
ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE HELLO HI my fav gose watching partner hehe <3 no but actually its kinda bizarre how we havent been friends for a year but it feels so much. longer idk 😓😓 thank u for being sososoaoao supportive u always make me laugh and whether its u berating me over using light mode or screaming over junshua its never a boring day when we talk 🥹 im glad to have u as my friend and ILYSM!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞
i hope all of you had the happiest new years and hope that 2024 is our best years yet!!! love all of you sooooo much and thank you once again ♡♡♡♡♡
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videcoeur · 6 months
For every ☼ in my askbox I'll mention someone I want to roleplay with or roleplay with more! - X
I'm not gonna copy paste what I wrote from the other asks but TLDR I'm sick and it sucks and I wish I had more energy to roleplay with ALL my mutuals. If I follow you? You bet your ass I want to interact with you. I just have the energy of a dying snail on hot asphalt most days. :(
With that said, you've asked for 5 URLs! So here they come!
@bcund Hi, my beloved. I love your art, I love your muses, I love your writings and I wish I could interact with them. I am still admiring you from the sideline and liking everything I see!!
@ikurosakii I've seen blurbs of your Ichigo all over my dash and I just want to say that I really like your writing! I'd love to throw someone at you at some point :)
@fallesto I've also been reading a few of your threads and I love how winded they get at times. You're a stellar writer and I swear some day I'm gonna do more than stand on the sideline. I'll meme at you and we'll get something started :)
@crownlcsking I've also been following you forever and I love how you portray Yuya. I enjoy the asks you answer and some of the threads I caught here and there. I want to interact and I will at some point :) This is a threat
@auburniivenus It's a new mutual here but I'm one of those that absolutely love Orihime and can't stand any hate she ever received. Back off my girl!! Anyway, you're doing a fantastic job with her and I'd love to put her against any of my Bleach muses when I have more time and if you're interested :)
Also, special mention and shoutout to everyone that's waiting on a reply from me since october+ (I think my oldest owed is in October 16th) @melancholy-menagerie, @goddslayerr ,@mageofspacemultiverse, @sillygum, @conquiistador (and all your blogs toby I s2g, @abysmal-black (yeah mentioning u twice, sue me), @sunfirekid , @particlecreator , @goresugars , @cmdrace , @summerxmelodies, @apocalypta-secundus, @sleeplesswork @chillin-at-partys-bar
PS: (And I think that's all I owe! If I owe you and your name was not mentioned, I probably missed it and please let me know. I never drop threads willingly. )
PPS: If I did not mention you but we're mutuals, please I beg of you to include yourself in this list because I wouldn't follow someone whose writing or portrayal I didn't enjoy. I'm ill, slow and so grateful for everyone willing to wait to write with me and if we're mutuals, I promise someday I will reach out!!
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yenqa · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
Mutual that gives the best advice?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
Mutual you want to get to know better?
hi anon! i was actually waiting for someone to send me this so thank u!! anyways
Mutual you can always rely on?
i havent really asked for any advice much (i think..) but i think @redm4ri and @hanniluvi are soo sweet (sometimes) ☹️☹️
Mutual who never misses a post?
ok i think we all know its @haknom like have u seen them… very scary sometimes
Mutual you share the most interests with?
idk??? maybe @gfksn bc we both like beabadoobee and cats 🤞🤞
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
i have like a whole ass list but @soobnny @amakumos @kynrki and @delcakoo bc they r scary tbh…
Mutual that gives the best advice?
again i bet @redm4ri or @ddenoudepression give good advice :)
Mutual you have the most in common with?
ok based off personality i think me a @urszn are pretty alike (idk tho 😭😭) also idk but i feel like me and @jwonsociety have a lot in common just a hunch 😜
Mutual who has the best jokes?
@soov bc i said so! and @taejays bc they always have the best timing with things!!
Mutual you look up to or admire?
all the ppl in the “surprised to become moots with” and @son4taa @wonieleles
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
all of walmart enhypen !! but also i think @hannikz would be nice to live with !!
Spouse material mutual?
@badmuni have u seen them?? they r so sweet and are so good with words :)
Mutual with the best personality?
me #selflove is the best love
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@trsrina sadly… (🤮🤮) and @soov and @haknom bc they r funny!!
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
ok @tzyuki bc i just love it idk… @soov bc its just so organized and nice!! and @imhuh/ @vuiom bc have u seen their posts and stuff???? idk how i wouldnt put them
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@badmuni ….. and @sunoksunny bc they have such likeable personalitys and sunny is super pretty!! im sure muni is too but ive seen sunny’s face :))
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@byhees ok i cant live without their writing but also @redm4ri (again 🤮🤮) bc they talk to me a lot and we’re like this 🤞🤞
Mutual you want to get to know better?
def @keikeu @fragileanti @scyllawon @byuqi (thats a lot and im sorry 😭😭)
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this is your second mate giselle speaking,
HII COVEY!!! how was prom??? and how are you doing??? anyways, omg i have a little love life update (the legacy of aphrodite is coming out) and it’s pretty crazy!!! okay so first of all, i met this amazing guy, let’s call him joe. so i’ve seen joe around in the halls since like september and i’ve always been like woah i love his style he’s so cute and he was so silly like so adorable. and he’s waved to me in the hallway before even though we didn’t even know each others names, and he’s smiled at me, OMG AND ONCE HE TRIED TO THROW SOMETHING INTO THE TRASH CAN AT LUNCH AND HE MISSED AND THIS DUDE FR PUT BOTH HANDS ON TOPD OF HIS HEAD AND GOES “OH NO 😨” IN THE MOST DRAMATIC WAY AND I BURST OUT LAUGHING- anyways, so we made eye contact and i felt really bad and embarrassed because i was laughing with him but he didn’t know that, but we make eye contact and he just smiles at me like- i ascended into heaven. anyways, turns out my friend is besties with him so she was like imma put u on fr fr. so she like talked to some of his friends as well and they were like oh yeah i know giselle blah blah she’s really pretty and i think she’d go great with joe! and like trust me, we would’ve been AMAZING TOGETHER. like, basically he’s a skater boy and i’m like coquette, rory gilmore, academic weapon yk? like he was fr a punk (skater) and i did ballet (figure skating) so it was like perfect because i’m also really academically driven and he def isn’t failing but yk he isn’t like me? like imagine a short (i’m 5’2) girl in a black turtle neck carrying her books that takes things way too seriously and is super uptight with her brunette hair in a bun, and then a guy with super messy curls that’s super tall and really lanky with baggy jeans and sweaters and headphones that is super chill all of the time just balancing her out! literally the lyric “you know how to ball i know aristotle” by taylor swift! and our mutual friends said he would get me to loosen up and he’s super sweet and i’d get him to lock in for once and i’ll being calmness and stuff into his life. it would’ve been opposites attract! so we meet, we hit it off, he says he liked my outfit, (he even stood up to talk to me instead of just sitting down at his lunch table!), asked for my number, and he laughed at all of my jokes, i made him nervous (in the good way), and it was just so amazing. and afterwards i heard him saying like “woah she was so pretty thank you for introducing me to her sm” to my friend. and now we’re texting nonstop and he’s trying to meet me after class and walk me from club meetings (i asked him to pick me up from class and he went “time and place” LIKE OMG!!!) and we have the same music taste and and and one day he leaves me on opened… just completely ghosts. and i ask him if he wants to walk around and he goes “nah i have to lock in for this class” which like yea i get! but combined with the ghosting and becoming dry and bored with me… and he hasn’t responded for six days… and all of our friends are so confused because even his closest friends were like dude he likes you i know him trust me (body language, the way he acted with me, the fact that he gave me his number, and the fact that they know him super closely). i’m just like torn because idk what happened! anyways this is the longest thing i’ve ever written and i hope i wasn’t boring you 😭 but yea my love life will definitely make aphrodite proud!!! at least it’s entertaining… oh and you don’t have to like give me advice or anything if you don’t want to i thought it’d just be fun to update you on my crazy love life! spilling the tea is one of my many passions frfr
this is your second mate giselle signing off,
with love,
dior giselle
my beloved heart, dior, giselle
the switch up is kinda insane...i wonder if like maybe hes feeling insecure or something??? like maybe he likes you too much and feels like hes not good enough or something??? i dont know boys are so confusing sometimes i wish i didn't like them lmao-
anyways, i hope you reached out to you eventually!! you guys do seem like you'd make a cute couple!!
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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yyunari · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
Mutual that gives the best advice?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual with the prettiest theme?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
Mutual you want to get to know better?
Mutual you can always rely on?
@muhwaa MY 4LIFER!!!! icb it’s almost our 2 year anniversary 😵 the way im closer to u than i am to my irl friends is crazy like ur the only bitch i consistently facetime every day bc yk U da Bomb anyways imy bro can u answer my ft
Mutual you share the most interests with?
@muhwaa the way we became friends bc of wattpad and genshin ✊
Mutual you were most surprised to become moots with?
@lunaflvms LUNAAAAA i swear when we became mutuals i was like😱😱
@sungbeam idt we’ve ever talked (idk i have bad memory) but i love ur works and i read them a lot and when u followed me back i was like WOAH!! that’s crazy
@iichaeyj i was actually surprised when u followed me back and we talked for a bit <33
Mutual that gives the best advice?
@muhwaa ofc ur the one i talk to when literally anything happens most of our daily fts r just me talking abt what happens in school
Mutual you have the most in common with?
@yeongwonie HI YEONA IMY the more i think abt it the more we have in common which is rly cool anw text me soon🤗
Mutual who has the best jokes?
Mutual you look up to or admire?
@muhwaa ur sm better than i was at ur age and i gen think u have sm potential in the future which is why i wanna help u get there😊😊😊
@cutieseo HI FAE i rly admire how kind and outgoing u come off on this app, and how easy it is to talk to u 🤗🤗
@amakumos even b4 we became mutuals i admired u and ur works and then when we started talking i was like WOAH ur rly funny😱
@hoori ELLYYYYY we’ve been friends for like 3 years???? THATS CRAZY anw ever since u reached out to me on wp to be friends i’ve always admired u and ur writing and imysm call soon pls🤗
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
@muhwaa except we both don’t like the forest so instead of a cottage we’re moving to a big city like nyc or smt
Mutual you most want to be classmates/friends irl with?
@muhwaa WE WOULD BE CRAYYY like when we went to the weeknd + txt concerts tgth it was wilddddd we did sm and like it was sm fun
@yeongwonie i’ll move to u bc i like the area u live 😜
Spouse material mutual?
@justanne CALL SOKN PLS
Mutual with the best personality?
@muhwaa UR THE BEST PERSON EVER URBLIEK THE BEST AND U PUT UP WITH ALL MY SHIT like we’ve fought a lot but like it worked bc we work😜
@cutieseo @wonieleles @mellow-midzy @shoyotime u guys r so genuinely kind and even tho we don’t talk a lot i like the occasional asks/replies u guys send !!
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@muhwaa our texts r so funny this goes without saying.
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Mutual with the prettiest theme?
@muhwaa 🤗🤗🤗 I LOVE HAERIN r u going to change it bc i rly like what it is rn
@seungstarss lwk idk if u know we’re mutuals but UR THEME IS SO PRETTY i luv it sm🫶🫶🫶
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@justanne i already have a crush on u😍😍😍😍😍 i miss the ooga boogas🙁
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@muhwaa my lifeline. the jungwon to my jay. the soobin to my yeonjun. Da L Bomb.
Mutual you want to get to know better?
@haknom @urszn @trsrina @vuiom @eundiarys @mokiverse @hanniluvi @aerisfy @tzyuki @seungiepup hiiiiii 🤗🤗🤗
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chasingfictions · 2 years
Ok i haven’t watched btvs in years but i miss spuffy do you have an episode list for all spuffy interactions
dilfjdjfdslkjfdskljfljkdsflkjls .kjfjkdsjklflkjdsflj insane question hi anon . i mean they interact for most of the show but im prepared to go insane here hi .
also if u want simply a compilation of every single spuffy moment ever , youtube user claireice has you covered . would also recommend @smellingwormholes my beloved's spuffy videos . gold standard of content
anyway here are all their episodes n a top moment of mine from each hi . you enabled me for this. we're in a fight. pls know what u've done to me.
2x03 "school hard" 'do we really need weapons for this' INTRICATE RITUALS
2x06 "halloween" -- it's spike being really normal about her 'baby likes to play' . like okay slut <3
2x07 "lie to me" -- my personal calculations show that based on the 1998 flashback in fool for love this is actually when he starts to fall in love with her . my brainworms are very powerful
2x10 "what's my line part 2" -- MUTUAL
2x13 "surprise" - the act of them standing with their respective lovers which will later be turned on its head in the finale . UMM. the REVERSALS.
2x14 "innocence" /made me sick to my stomach seeing you be the slayers lapdog/ lmao that did not age well
2x17 "passion" um. technically in the same room.
2x22 "becoming part 2" TEEHEEEEEE
3x08 "lovers walk" OR SPIKE FOR SOME REASON . pin HIM by the throat onto the kitchen counter
4x03 "harsh light of day" SORT OF A DOUBLE DATE. spuffy is a romcom this episode proves it. theyre serving when harry met sally
4x07 "the initiative" I KNOW A LOT OF GUYS WHO'D LIKE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON HER. @yoursummerfrost voice dru ducks what if the slayer got a giant taser. wouldnt that be fucked up
4x08 "pangs" YOU MADE A BEAR. theyre best friends
4x09 "something blue" . THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT .
4x11 "doomed" spike sitting on the armchair behind buffy this counts . spike standing too close to her in the high school . he said proximity he said 14 year old with a crush who doesnt know how to make a move so they r just . Staring n Hovering.
4x13 "the i in team" he stands up and stares when she enters the room. victorianism jumping out
4x14 "goodbye iowa" no really buffy . why Is he here.
4x16 "who are you?" spike said hahahaha UNLESS . spike said i hate you that said if u wanted to fuck i am There in One Second No Jokes Please . Please..
4x17 "superstar" . hair touch. ummmm.
4x18 "where the wild things are" . he gets so close 2 saving her life . also spuffy fanfic trope where spuffy are the ones who get the sex ghosts makes this a spuffy episode by proxy .
4x19 "new moon rising" spike said all season HEY NOBODY SEND ME BACK TO THE INITIATIVE CAVES I SWEAR 2 GOD. adam said hey can u go back in with buffy. spike said TEHEEEE . spike said ok i will stand so close to her i will make sure of it. see 14 year old with a crush energy from above.
4x10: "the yoko factor" he spends the whole episode talking about her. inch resting.
4x21 "primeval" tiny interaction but it counts . they Look At Each Other Regard Each Other In The Little Initiative Control Room.
4x22 "restless" xander's dream counts .
5x03: "the replacement" . what does he think he's doing with that mannequin before the love reveal. WHAT.
5x05 "no place like home" . William.
5x06 "family" . james marsters face in training room teehee.
5x07 "fool for love" spicy Buffalo Wings I'm Feeling Peckish. <3333 ;)))) ;0000
5x09 "listening to fear" @summers-pratt voice . close up of hands confirms movie will turn gay.
5x10 "into the woods" they walk together i cant stress it enough. team power.
5x11 "triangle" HELLO BUFFY
5x12 "checkpoint" BE FUNNY IF THEY DID
5x13 "blood ties" buffy said ummmmm would you mind if i just..... confided in you and treated you as a coparent and confidant would you just
5x14 "crush" what else does buffy say about me you sleep during the day is this a date all that's left is you and a dead shell . moment where they look @ drusilla together in the cave. i think Thoughts About It
5x15 "i was made to love you" . hot tight little body pink lighting tongue out
5x17 "forever" . this counts. SHE WAS DECENT. spike loves his mother in law
5x18 "intervention". ON THE MOUTH
5x19 "tough love" me a few months ago voice . so wyd. scenario.
5x20 "spiral" SWORD CATCH. romance high romance.
5x21 "the weight of the world" little shake shake .
5x22 "the gift" oh. ohhhhh, i tried to pick a moment and then i had to lie down
6x01 "bargaining, part i" SHE'LL NEVER BE EXACTLY
6x02 "bargaining, part ii" this also counts.
6x03 "after life" MARRIAGE. they get married here. spuffy marriage plot.
6x05 "life serial" . date :)
6x06 "all the way" buffy shows up to ask him on a date :)
6x07 "once more with feeling" UMMMMMM
6x08 "tabula rasa" aYOU WERE THE ONE I LOOOVED . stay away from randy
6x09 "smashed" oh idk i dont think they interact in this one :)
6x10 "wrecked" stay im stuck here sun's out
6x11 "gone" . buffy's a great mum :)
6x12 "doublemeat palace" . i can get money
6x13 "dead things" IF YOU WANT I COULD--
6x14 "older and far away" when she escorts him out of the room :)) he's her date :)
6x15 "as you were" tell me you LOVE ME TELL ME YOU WANT ME. you know what i am youve always known
6x16 "hells bells". this dress is radioactive.
6x18 "entropy" . didnt take long did it.
6x19 "seeing red" . in all seriousness we've said everything that needs to be said here elsewhere and i think this episode should never have been made as it was. that said looking at its place in the season n its function in the larger soul arc , i think the conversation leading up to That Scene and also the 'things change if you make em' bit have a lot of Content that is worth chewing over
6x20 "villains" clem crypt moment
7x01 "lessons" . face touch.
7x03 "same time same place". .... you went away youve been gone since....
7x05 "selfless" basement scene i will weep
7x07 "conversations with dead people" 'he did love me. i didnt wanna be loved.' UM
7x08 "sleeper" 'i know' UM.
7x09 "never leave me" . I BELIEVE IN YOU SPIKE
7x10 "bring on the night" ummm i just think it's not a COINCIDENCE that when buffy is at her lowest and most ragged and desperate it's when her shadowself confidante boytoy is kidnapped n underground .
7x11 "showtime" . the eye contact . dont talk to me.
7x13 "the killer in me" I KNEW IT. GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY.
7x14 "first date" hallway.
7x15 "get it done" . i want the spike that's dangerou.s the spike that tried to kill me when we met.
7x16 "storyteller". when they come into the room together :) "someone has to agree with me. Spike????"
7x17 "lies my parents told me" that's her SPOUSE.
7x18 "dirty girls" . jealous buffy said this is My Vampire.
7x19 "empty places" they said ummmm if u separate me from my lover i will riot.
7x21 "end of days" . I JUST TOLD YOU IT DID.
7x22 "chosen" hey fellas what if you spent what you assumed to be your last three nights on earth with your soulmate . wht if 'i love you'. what if total shadow self reconcilation. what if fire hands. ummm. FELLAS.
anon i hope youre happy now that youve killed me <3
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hawkeyeslaughter · 3 months
A / T / U
thank you for the ask beloved mutual majorbaby !!! 🫶🫶🫶
— A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
— ugh , y’all know me i’m such a sucker for hawktrap but honestly i’m also down for the hawkeye/trapper/oliver agenda because i LOVE oliver and i miss him every single day of my life . and i always love a good klinger / henry moment ,, as far as friendships go as MUCH as i give bj a hard time i always love a sweet moment between him and margaret and i can’t wait to see that during my rewatch teehee !!
ships from other fandoms !! —
— mcspirk , broppy ( YES i watch trolls and it’s a better franchise than most of them out there do NOT come for me ) , hilson ( although i do think it’s 🤏 overhyped ) , chase/foreman ( bc why do they lowkey have more chemistry than chase/cameron )
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
— you know i do , but i’ll try to give y’all the just a few
— YES henry has dirty mags he keeps in his office for protection but he’s far more worried about keeping his fishing books and gear protected
— radar was one of those double jointed kids in elementary school who was always doing weird stuff with his joints to gross people out
— trapper worked a stint as a mechanic and is a car guy
— bj swears he loses a year off his life everytime someone asks him “ so how’s the weather up there ? “
— closest charles came to swinging at hawkeye was when hawk asked if he wanted his head polished
— hawkeye ate crayons as a kid
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
anyone who has seen any of my posts can infer henry is my favorite so we’re going with three DIFFERENT fandoms buckle up guys
— bones mccoy , star trek
i think bones was my first ever comfort character and it’s because he’s so real . like , he’s just not afraid to call people stupid and i respect him for that . i also like that he’s inherently someone who loves very deeply and wants to help people in every single way he can but it’s also very subtle … like he cares SO MUCH but it’s not in an over - the - top dramatic “ i would die for you “ way ( which he would , undoubtedly ) but more of a “ i love you and cherish you but you’re fucking stupid “ and that’s always been like ,, funny and sweet to me and shows that caring for someone isn’t always being nice to them sometimes you have to be a little cunty .
— elaine benes , seinfeld
— listen it was between her and lorelai gilmore and as much as i love and defend lorelai i love elaine more . y’all the amount of people who have said i’m literally elaine … and it’s a COMPLIMENT because i LOVE HER and you KNOW WHAT ??? i should’ve put her and george on the friends ship list because her and geroge are BESTIES . anyway i love elaine she’s so fucking funny ,, like be mean to jerry yes girl !!!! also she’s so cute i love that she’s so excited and over the top over everything all of the time i love her she’s my baby . is seinfeld even a fandom ? idk but you’re hearing ab it since we’re keeping the older show theme
— james wilson , house md
first of all the FUNNIEST MOTHERFUCKER TO EVER EXIST . second of all he’s MEEEE he’s literally me because i TOO just need people to stay and i also am on the nd meter and no one ever knows what the fuck i’m talking about so !!!!!! he also has the most beautiful big brown puppy eyes i’ve ever seen like okay gorgeous
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MACCC!! for the fanfic ask game thing. ummm i don't know a specific word 2 send but i am intrigued. eyes emoji. (<<on computer and do not want 2 look up emojis just to copy/paste one) what r u writing!!! what's ur fav passage in it so far!!!! i wanna hear abt ur writing!!!!
omg whiskey i forgot we were not mutuals while i was in my fanfic writing arc. omg. i have not written a fic since we became mutuals holy shit !!!!!! absolutelyly insane . ANYWAY i write about my ocs all the time and also silly little self indulgent stories that i dont share bc theyre just for me. BUT. CURRENLTY. i missed writing fics so i am in a months long hiatus of a fic for mission to zyxx which is a silly improv comedy podcast that i was super into right before i got into trigun !!!!!!!! its my beloved ever. however the trigun brain worms overtook me before i finished my fic and i have not gone back to work on it much :( i WANT to finish it tho bc the fandom is very small annnd i literally read every single fic in the ao3 tag in the span of like a week. i need 2 add to it.
ANYWAY basics of the fic (spoilers for mission to zyxx incoming !!) :
the main character has a bug egg laid in his eye and throughout all of season 2 it just grows in his eye and makes it look all fucked up until the s2 finale where the egg hatches and another character pulls his eye out before the bug makes his head explode. << its not as fucked up as it sounds bc this is a full comedy podcast so everything is played for goofs and this moment only lasts a total of like 6 seconds but i am a sucker for body horror especially when it involves gross bugs so !!! i am judt rewriting that scene with my own headcanons ans making it scary and emotional 😌 hi my names mac ghostiezone and i love horror and gay people.
I HAVE TO REREAD MY ENTIRE WIP TO FIND A PART TO POST i cant believe ur making me do this (<< THANK U I HAVE NOT LOOKED AT IT IN WEEKS) apologies in advance for my setup i like 2 write on my phone in the middle of the night so my google docs is in perma-darkmode:
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<< we love an alien mind contrrol parasite that makes a usually cowardly docile character behave like a monster 😌😌😌😌
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heeracha · 2 years
alphabet game (copy paste to first account u see)
tag ur mutuals alphabetically and leave a short message for them :)
omg wait i suck but i'll try HSBFJHSBD
@atrirose — hi babes imy :( i hope ur doing well !! and if u arent yk where to find me so u can rant mwa ily
@bambisgirl — hi maria imy and ur works aaaaa <3 i hope ur doing good <3
@chiyuv — hi caelin i miss ur remarks hELP SJFDBHSD i hope ur doing good mwa ily
@deeznutsriki — hi kid imy ily lol hope ur doing good
@ethereal-engene — ASHIE DFJBFDSHK I LOVE YOU,,, thanks for the contents u send lmAOOO and i hope u dont get tired of the cat contents i send lmaooo ily
,,,,, i suck i dont have a f moot T_T
@goldenhypen — hi simp okay thats all,, jkjk no i rlly dont have anything to say we talk everyday T_T ig,, thanks for waiting for me whenever i ghost lmAO SIDBSHD
@honeyhuii — i love your works kai omg BSFHJSD i love your mind, i love you in general. thank u for not judging me and my weird ass
@iwonzzi — hi lily i miss u sm AAAAA i hope ur doing good <3
@jjunis — hi dani phantom hi beloved AAAAA been awhile since we talked but i hope im still the hee simp u remember lmAOO anyway i hope ur doing good ilysm
@kooksbliss — hi honey,, i hope ur doing well <3 aaaa imy :(
@lunaflvms — hi luna,,, higkey love ur wokrs esp the one where the reader is turned into a rock T_T luv ur crackhead <3 anyway hope ur doing good
@minluvly — hi bhie,,, shet AHAHA sigawan mo nalang si lino na mahal ko siya so much pag nasa con ka na HAHAHAHAHA LUV YOU
n — ,,,, i suck
@orpheyeux — hi cmas, imy <3 i hope ur doing great AAAAA i havent had any update bcs i havent been in the server im so soRRY OH MY GOD but anyway, ily <3
@precioussoulofmine — ,,,you. /j we talk to each other everyday too so,,,, i hope sunghoon posts and you dont miss it. thats all i can say lmAO ily
q — ,,,, i rlly suck at this
@rising-ashes — hello my love,,, im glad we havent scolded each other about the sleeping schedules in awhile now <3 i hope ur doing great and thank u for helping me in the dumb anaphy subj <3
@sungbeam — beam !! hi honey,, i hope ur doing great !1 and i will spam u soon with more cat stuff lmaOOO ily <3
@twilightau — maks, my love. oh my god, we havent talked in awhile, im sorry for ghosting the server AAJBSDHKDBS highkey shy now,, but i will return someday,,, hopefully vv soon bcs i miss talking to all of you but ofc especially you !! i love you mwa
u — ,,,, T_T
v — T_T
@wooyukh — ily and i hope ur doing great. i hope u stop bullying me soon. bye ilysm. im sorry for being a shit replier yk i love you mwa
x — T_T
@yeongwonie — I MISSED YOU OMG,, anyway i saw u were busy lately AAAAA i hope ur doing okay ilysm !! <3
z — T_T
okay thats all bye ilysm all of u. even though i havent mentioned a lot im sorry i love you all mwa
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
kisses tysm forever dear casey <333
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
that so truly depends on what is Inside my brain at the moment lmao but leah dna is forever a dear and special comfort character i fall back into writing for when im working against a block !! also fig and gorgug but that's just bc ive written So Much of them the last year and a half ksjfvnksfj
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
anything for u dear casey ill try and grab smth you havent already read skfjvnksjfb sorry
 Riz suddenly felt incredibly alone. For the first time in years, he didn’t have a clear plan. He didn’t have any next steps in front of him. He didn’t know where to go, what to do. He didn’t know who he was without the determination to find his father driving him forward. He was cut loose and unmoored, caught in a current he didn’t know the route of.
And still, he missed his father. 
Grief wasn’t something that went away easily or quietly; even if the subject of your grief was stood in front of you, alive and whole. It was a habit, it was something that grew into your bones and marrow; not a coat you could shuck off easily with the coming warmth of spring. Riz had been quietly, unwantingly, mourning his father for years. He refused to believe he could be dead, even after so long, but the people around him grieved for Pok, and it was contagious. Riz clung onto hope with brittle fingers, but no matter how tightly he held on, there was always some part of him that doubted he’d ever see his father again. Some angry, jaded part of himself that was sure that all he’d find of Pok Gukgak in the kingdom of Highcrest was a set of rotting bones. He was determined to go anyway, of finding whatever remained of his father; if only for the answers he’d finally be able to tuck away in his mind and bandage the rough wound that his father’s unknown fate had made inside him.
[hehehe riz ch17 of noble pining <3]
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
my friends comment on it saying smth along the lines of "OUGHOGUGHGH BESTIE YOURE DERANGED FOR THIS IM GONNA KILL YOU IM DYING" about it honestly. the more of that response i get from my dearly beloved friends and mutuals, the better the fic does imo sfkvjnfsb
send me fic writer asks from this emoji list !!
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theyovngveins · 2 years
saw the worst take on ryan of my LIFE the other day and held back so hard from telling someone to kill themself. like number one it all began bc they outed themselves as a brendon urie defender and said pray for the wicked is like one of their fav albums of all time which. LOL. anyways i already had enough ick but they specifically were like “yeah idk what exactly brendon did” so then people were like hey bestie! i mean it’s kinda understandable why people dislike him, here’s just a small example why [insert one of countless reasons u could think of]. and they were like “yeah im gonna be honest i just don’t have the energy to care” OK THEN DONT TALK ABOUT IT?? anyways on to the worst ryan take ever. of course amidst this someone was like yeah ryan carried or whatever and they were like “i’ve talked about this with people before, but people only put ryan on such a high pedestal because he’s been out of the public eye for so long and hasn’t had the chance to publicly fuck up” LIKEEE KILL YOURSELF?? KILLLLL YOURSELFFFF?????? to begin it is pretty difficult to fuck up as badly and ruin your image as much as brendon has like the reasons just keep fucking accumulating the list keeps getting longer and longer so no, i wouldn’t say ryan would manage to do it even if he had been in the public eye that long. and secondly, that’s my parasocial girlfriend my pathetic wet rat meow meow who has been through SO MUCH and I miss him KEEP HIS NAME OUR OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH such incomparable situations and there’s no way he really COULD possibly fuck up as badly as brendon has. ohhh i was livid. and this was a formerly beloved mutual from like a panic adjacent fandom that until that day i didn’t even know liked panic. anyways that’s my niche drama of the week hope u enjoyed and can seethe with me. u missing ryan reminded me bc i also miss ryan and that’s my baby girl and i was so pissed off
anybody who says their favorite Panic! At the Disco album is pray for the wicked automatically is going to have the worst takes of all time and they should kts for all of that to be clear
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consulaaris · 2 years
i have been…… so bad at tumblr lately……. hello to my mutuals i love u
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archaneanscribe · 3 years
Finally Taking the Trip to Jupiter
Vague spoilers for MGS4. Also xtremely fucking sad fair warning lol
“Snake... Dave?” Hal immediately corrected himself upon entering the room. The veteran’s (finally they could use that term, with there truly being no fights left to fight) request to drop the codenames they had maintained for nearly a decade had been a little sudden, but entirely understandable, “We think we’ve found a place to stay, for the moment. A nice house, close enough to a town that Sunny can go to school in, but far enough ouy most folks will leave us alone.”
David simply nodded- taking a deep breath that would normally be an intake of smoke into his lungs, but he was sincere in his declaration of quitting. Even if it wasn’t for very long, he could do that much for Sunny and Hal, after all this time. The tech wiz stood awkwardly in the doorframe, posture so closed in on himself David would see the gangly nerd he once was before he had started spending more time eating and moving around than seated in front of a computer.
He still did plenty of that, but years on the run had shifted the ratio considerably until just recently.
“Out with it, Hal,” he croaked out in a voice that was becoming increasingly unfamiliar to both of them. This seemed to shock his companion out of his own thoughts, and he finally moved closer.
“Ah, well, you see- what do you want for your last name, Dave? You know I’ll be formalizing Sunny’s adoption, which means we’ll finally be obtaining,” emphasis was put on the word, because in reality it meant forging, “papers for her, and I thought you’d probably be in need of some too. We can use whatever is on your birth certificate, but if you want to pick something out yourself...”
A smile formed under Dave’s mustache.
“I already know what I’m using.”
Hal perked up, “You do? What is it?”
With the same simple, to the point gruffness he would never quite be rid of, the one legendary soldier answered in a single word.
All sounds except the Nomad’s machinery working overtime on her last voyage and David’s unfortunately heavy breathing ceased for an eternally long moment, Hal’s face journeying between every emotion he possessed. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes, and his attempt to stifle his sniffles failed.
He probably wouldn’t have admitted it at the beginning, but something David had always loved about Hal was his ability to keep crying. No matter the hardships he faced, the traumas, the evils and cruelties he bore witness too, he didn’t run out of tears. His compassion was a well that ran deep, and those tears were just a result of it overflowing.
“Dave...of, of course,” his expression betrayed some amusement past the waterworks, “Do you want me to list you as my brother, or-”
“You know exactly what it’s going to say, Hal.”
They both laughed now, such different sounds than it was just a year ago even. David had been sitting on the edge of the bed, and Hal had been across the room, but that distance closed as Hal kneeled on the floor, placing his hands on David’s knees. It was a gesture that David had previously classified as pitying, but he knew better, now. 
It wasn’t for his comfort at all.
“Thank you, David.”
David had half a mind to ask what it was like to kiss an old man with a mustache, but they didn’t have the time for jokes like that anymore, so he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
The eyeroll David had given when Hal told him the name of the town they’d be living in was named Jupiter was so legendary it surpassed his previous exploits with ease. But, despite how silly it was, he couldn’t deny the warmth in his chest. 
They’d gotten their trip to Jupiter, just a little late.
Jupiter, Washington, was as small as a small mountain town got. It didn’t even have an elementary school for Sunny to attend (she was bussed to the neighboring, larger town). Most residents were the descendants of the people who had first lived there, so their new faces stuck out for awhile, but they eventually concluded what was essentially the truth, albeit missing some key details, and moved on- they were just two retirees, hoping to live out what was left of the older one’s life in peace with their orphaned granddaughter, nothing exciting.
Hal laughed at how huffy David had gotten at the granddaughter comments.
For the first month, their time there was peaceful. Content. Happy.
The second month, David starting being able to spend less and less time out of bed.
In the third month, he took Hal aside.
“You should stop sleeping in the same bed as me.”
His husband was a genius, he knew exactly why, but he still asked anyway.
“Don’t make me say it.” 
That he didn’t want Hal to wake up one sunny spring morning cuddling a corpse.
Tears were shed, as they always were, but he complied nonetheless. All of David’s belongings were transferred to the guest bedroom (Hal had tried to convince him to stay in the master bedroom, it was more comfortable, but David was adamant- that was where Hal would be staying in the future, and he didn’t want his ghost lingering in the air whenever he slept).
On the first day of the fourth month, right after sending Sunny off to school, Hal told him they were getting a dog for her.
“She loves those chickens, and I thought she might like another pet.”
“Or is it to replace me?” he asked, morbid mirth nearly buried under the pure gravel that had become his voice, “Seems to fit perfectly.”
Hal’s eyes, sad and weary, seemed to want nothing to do with this conversation, but he participated for his partner’s sake, “How so?”
“It’ll bark at strangers, bite the hand that feeds, and just generally be a pain in your ass.”
Despite himself Hal did laugh, not entirely bitter, “We’ll train it better than that.”
“Don’t train it too well. Won’t remind you enough of me.”
Fifth month, they had a dog. Rex, a joke on two layers- a name so common it was funny, and a reminder of one man’s shame that he’d never quite shake off. Not a husky, because while that would please David, they’d be keeping it long term and that level of energy just wouldn’t suit their needs. Rex was an adolescent Golden Retriever. 
The dog of the American dream.
Almost like he could tell David wouldn’t be around long enough to justify getting attached, Rex mostly ignored him. The feeling was mutual. 
Sunny loved them both dearly, and that was enough.
They had been there half a year, and Sunny made them breakfast. Her specialty, eggs fried to methodical perfection, toast just a little browner than anyone would like, maple sausage microwaved for ten seconds more than the instructions said just to make sure they were thoroughly cooked, and a glass of pulpless orange juice tucked precariously into the crook of her arm as she carried the meal to Uncle Dave’s bedroom.
It was two minutes after Hal watched Sunny depart from the kitchen that he heard a loud crash, glass and ceramic shattering, followed by Rex’s insistent barking and whining. He was on his feet and rushed to the scene, fearing the worst and finding exactly that.
“Oh, Sunny... Sunny...”
“U-Uncle H-Hal,” she barely managed through her cries. Rex, to his credit, ignored the food on the ground and nuzzled at her face, whining, confused and upset by the noises of unparalleled distress his beloved human was emitting. Stifling his own grief, Hal went over to the young girl and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.
He didn’t do a great job at holding that grief in after all.
“Sunny, Sunny, Sunny... I’m so sorry... I should have checked up on him when I woke up... It’s okay, Sunny...”
“H-He’s d-d-dead. J-Just,” her stutter was exacerbated by her choking sobs, “J-Just l-like my m-mother.”
The downside of having such a bright child was that you couldn’t shield them from life’s harsh realities that easily. There was no convincing Sunny that Uncle Dave was with the birds in the clouds, or any other such comforting tale. 
He was dead and gone, and she knew that.
The gravestone read:
               David Emmerich
       Beloved father and husband.
All three of those titles were ones he had only worn for six months, but he had worn them with honor.•
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pepprs · 2 years
ok so…. i know all i have been doing is posting about moving for the last few days but i have another moving post. i don’t think im moving tomorrow or Thursday or friday or Saturday or even Sunday. i think I am moving Monday and i would like to formally request advice from my beloved mutuals on tumblr dot com (no pressure though) about whether or not i should set that into stone because the situation is complicated and still up in the air. it is literally FIVE DAYS it doesn’t even matter but it feels so big to me. lots of stuff under the cut
so basially the reason i would be moving on monday instead of just waiting another day is bc on thursday my dad is driving 8 hours to clean out his childhood home w his siblings bc my grandma died in sept and they’re selling the house 🤪✌️ and he will be gone until sunday (though im worried something will h*ppen either like. S*mething B*d or just that it’ll take them too long for him to make it home by Sunday). so my mom and sister are freaking out abt him being exposed to covid and being away from home where they can’t take care of him and stuff and if i go before he goes they will be even more worried bc they’ll have to worry abt me on top of him. plus my mom is very skittish abt covid so if i were to move back on like friday or something she wouldn’t be able to help me bring all my bags and stuff from the car to the door of the building. so yeah it’s kinda dumb but even still i personally am hesitating bc when my dad went to the memorial service in oct we were all basket cases and it’s gonna be worse this time bc he’ll be there for longer and rates are higher and stuff. and i remmeber how scared we all were and how much we cried and i don’t wanna put my family thru that and honestly? if something were to h*ppen to him god forbid? i wouldn’t be able to come home to be with my family bc my mom would freak out abt covid stuff. so there’s all that.
now for moving to campus… i am scared of covid and im scared of my roommates. those two things are always gonna be things im up against regardless of when i go back so beating myself up over delaying encountering them an extra 5 days is kinda ridiculous but i am scared to go back and im worried that deciding to stay is just feeding into my fears. also those of u who were here before august 2021 May Remember that i wanted to get out of this house with a vengeance and well… i think this time during the month and a half almost ive been here.. things have been better. my mom actually told me yesterday she has been making an effort to be better and ive noticed it and while things are still… pretty not great in some areas i do think things between us are better than they were last year. so things have not been that bad and honestly.. it’s not gonna sound like me but. i actually am not really in a hurry to go back to my life there. like all of a sudden i am perfectly content with being in a bubble where im safe and can be loud and wild and cozy and all of that. idk. but am i just saying that bc im scared of going back to growing my wings??????
anyways epic and sexy pros and cons list time
PROS: not missing anything at work, getting extra time with my colleague-besties who i adore very much especially on friday when everyone is in the office, having a decent and consistent space to do class and work from sooner, having more freedom with my habits sooner
CONS: being away from my family during a hard time, being in pain and causing them pain on top of pain that we know is going to happen this week, making them feel like my chosen family > my blood family for the 8364397448th time (it actually kinda is > though lawl), getting up early to finish packing bc today has been insane and im like 30% done but i still have to write 2 discussion posts by noon and im supposed to be moved in by 11 💔
PROS: being with my family during a hard time, not adding extra pain onto pain that will already be happening this week, proving that i do actually love / care abt them when i feel like they don’t think so, having more time to pack. also important to note is that i have a 10am on Friday that is in person and while it ends at 12 my brother is in class until 2:30. so i would get to go to my room and/or hang out in the office or do whatever.. i just can’t take off my mask to eat when im inside buildings / around other ppl. (if i was not coming home i would go back to doing what i was doing in the fall even though i will be more scared now bc of omicron: eating in private rooms (e.g. my bedroom, the 1-person private satellite office) and occasionally in the office with no more than 2 other ppl there at a time who are masked while im doing it. and eating in the office = pulling down my mask just long enough to get the food in my mouth not taking it off entirely the entire time i eat btw). also.. not to say this but not having to be quiet on my calls / meetings in order to respect my roommates who don’t like loud noises LOL
CONS: missing out on independent time i want and am paying for, bothering my roommates / RA by giving them a heads up that i am moving in later than expected for a THIRD time in the last 48 hours, missing banter / interesting moments in the office with my colleague-besties, having to go outside in the freezing cold to eat if im hungry, having to leave in the middle of a conversation when i really don’t want to go, feeding into my anxiety about going back to living independently, possibly disappointing friends who know im giving in to my family’s needs over my own when that is dangerous for me lawl 🤪
so yeah idk. pros and cons lists are hard bc there’s not an easy way to assign a weight to stuff but…… avoiding causing my family pain is a heavy one. so i am leaning towards that which means it’s basically a guarantee that that is what im doing bc if i wasn’t doing that i would be packing instead of writing this post since i was supposed to be there by 11 tmrrw! but idk i need advice i am overthinking this 🤕
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
HI !!!!!! 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌u have to be nice to me
UGH 🙄 okay FINE if i have to...
dear miss lily deleealli,
you are a most beloved mutual of mine and have been for 3 years (I literally scrolled to the top of our chat to check so that's love to rival jane austen or whatever AND then read every convo we've had since 2019). i have called you the "greatest person in the world no one else could possibly be on your level" and "a demon but like you're MY favourite demon blog" and both are true to this day.
i will deny it if ever asked again but i genuinely and truly love you and your friendship. you're funny as fuck but also incredibly sweet and lovely. you were cheerleading me through my uni essays in 2019, had a little breakdown with me over elite AND oh my god when you asked me about my star wars opinions and i sent you a literal dissertation length essay on the last jedi and you just accepted that was who i was as a person and moved on and were like thank you for that not reading it tho my love but glad you got that off your chest (I GOT TO 10 POINTS HELLO???). also that time i got called out by 2 people for gun violence and you got called out right alongside me and we got reported together that was a moment in time that i believe solidified our bond in a way some would say is even stronger than marriage or something idk it's just what I've heard people say.
your 13rw breakdown was so special to me and i hope you know i loved every message and you should feel free to rant about shows I've never seen whenever you want i would like information from no other source. ALSO HANG ON YOU HADNT WATCHED ANY RIVERDALE PAST THE FIRST FEW EPISODES AS AT JUNE 2020 THAT'S SO HILARIOUS TO MEEEEEEE AND NOW HERE WE ARE!!!!!
anyway all this is to say that you are one of my favourite blogs on here. i look forward to you posting and whenever you're not here i think this stupid site is worse off for it. i know things have been rough for you at times and i think the universe is a bitch for doing that to you and i know just how sorely missed you were by everyone on here esp if people missed you half as much as i did and i think that speaks to just how entertaining your posts are but also how lovely you are as a person too.
so like yeah you have some questionable opinions...a lot of the time. and YES you have brought deccy into my life BUT i wouldn't unread any of the nonsense you've made be read (there's a whole chat in jan 2020 where you were joking about phil mitchell being attractive and I'm convinced that singlehandedly brought covid into the world) for anything in the world.
lots of love,
miss eleanor kylewalker-peters
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