#anyway yay i can start introducing characters now!!
the-emerald-isle-au · 1 month
guardians and secondaries
before for i start talking about individual characters, im gonna talk about the two labels they fall under so things aren’t confusing 👍
within each zone, 2 emeralds protect and preserve the land and various villages scattered throughout. the manifestations of the emeralds are called either a guardian or a secondary.
there are shrines dedicated to each emeralds hidden somewhere in the 3 zones that villagers bring gifts to and say their thanks to the manifestations for keeping them safe
(“but if there’s 7 emeralds, where’s the last one?” i hear you asking and to that i say be patient i’ll explain it in a later post)
if the emerald itself, which is located at the shrine, is removed: the manifestation will grow weaker the longer its out.
if the emerald is destroyed: the manifestation dies
the guardian is the primary protector of the zone, previously holding the power of two emeralds (the dominant emerald being the more powerful while the other is more like a back up)
They’re much stronger than their secondary and if their emerald breaks, they will reform alongside it once the gem is fully restored
a secondary forms when a guardian willingly transfers some of their power into their non-dominant emerald, creating a new manifestation. secondaries are considered to be a guardian’s right hand and once they form, that’s when their shrine is created
while they may be magically weaker than their counterpart, their strengths lie more in how they assist their guardian and villagers (such as wisdom, optimism, courage, etc)
when a secondary’s emerald breaks, there is no way for them to be reformed and the power returns to the guardian
to sum it up in a few words
guardians are protectors
secondaries are helpers
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midnightsslut · 7 days
the whole cardigan/Peter parallels are messing my head can u explain
okay so peter is actually one of my favorite songs on the album for this reason! I think it has parallels to a lot of other songs, not just cardigan. the first thing to get out of the way is the cardigan lyric about peter and wendy: ‘tried to change the ending, peter losing wendy.’ now, that line doesn’t make a ton of sense because peter losing wendy is the ending of peter pan (idk I’ve never seen it and never thought I’d spend this long thinking about them), but I think what she’s saying is that he tried to change the ending of *their* story to peter losing wendy. peter loses her because she outgrows him, while he remains a ‘lost boy’ forever. the cardigan demo has an alternate lyric where peter actually *leaves* wendy. this does not happen in the original story, and to me, it reads like betty (eh, I don’t think those characters existed when she wrote that song, but bear with me) is accusing him of trying to change their fate by leaving her. peter is meant to always come back to wendy. *she* is the one who eventually leaves him. either way, cardigan ends with them together. yay for betty and/or taylor.
now, peter was written 3-4 years later, and it is the conclusion of a story about outgrowing someone despite truly wanting them back. the ending was not, in fact, changed. she did outgrow him. very sad. I actually want to go lyric by lyric, but I’ll put a cut just in case.
Forgive me Peter
My lost fearless leader
In closets like cedar
Preserved from when we were just kids
Is it something I did
the song starts with taylor trying to figure out what went wrong. did she do something wrong to crush these dreams of theirs? she kept him in a closet of cedar (where unmarried women kept their belongings that they would want to take with them after getting married) in her mind, but things didn’t work out anyway. the first line being ‘forgive me, peter’ indicates that she is the one who pulled the plug, and she’s apologizing for it. again, she isn’t entirely sure what went wrong, which, to me, is a clear parallel to how did it end.
The goddess of timing
Once found us beguiling
She said she was trying
Peter was she lying
My ribs get the feeling she did
when they first met, the timing seemed to be perfect for their relationship (‘the goddess of timing *once* found us beguiling’), but that didn’t last. the goddess of timing claimed that she tried, but nothing could save them. taylor even wonders if she lied, which suggests a lack of faith in higher powers like fate or deities. this verse introduces timing as a major conflict in the story. ‘are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these?’
Said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Words from the mouths of babes
Promises, oceans deep
But never to keep
peter went away, but he promised to come down once he was ready for a relationship. yes, this kind of applies to both of the main storylines on the album. you could take this to mean that they actually broke up a decade ago but promised to get back together, or you could assume there was some sort of break to their relationship, which she and joe did have. i kind of took it to mean that he wasn’t fully committed to the relationship, but he promised to be eventually. again, the renegade lyric, but also ‘i’m a fire, and i’ll keep your brittle heart warm if your cascade ocean wave blues come’ and ‘I’d hold you as the water rushes in,’ both of which are grand promises that neither party could keep.
Are you still a mind reader?
A natural scene stealer
I've heard great things Peter
But life was always easier on you
Than it was on me
he is charismatic. his magnetic field is a little too strong. he can read people. but he’s also fragile and inexperienced (‘he was a hothouse flower to my outdoorsman’). he may be able to read people, but things have been way too easy for him to ever understand a truly hurt person fully.
And sometimes it gets me
When crossing your jet stream
We both did the best we could do underneath the same moon
In different galaxies
And I didn't want to hang around
We said it was just goodbye for now
this is the thesis statement of their relationship to me. obviously, there’s the call it what you want parallel, but more importantly, it shows that the two people really wanted this to work. they just came from completely different places in their lives and perhaps the entire universe. this verse seems to reference the epilogue (‘resentment rotting away galaxies we created’ / ‘some stars never align’). they learned the right steps to different dances, if you will. she knew he needed time, so she left temporarily.
And I won't confess that I waited
But I let the lamp burn
As the men masqueraded
I hoped you'd return
With your feet on the ground
Tell me all that you'd learned
Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned
she does get with other men, but she keeps longing for him. she wishes that he would return with a grasp on reality and be the man she needs. if anything, the time away would give him the perspective he needs to ground himself. interesting parallel to ‘I said I don’t mind / it takes time’ in loml.
And you said you'd come and get me but you were 25
And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life
Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried
To hold onto the days when you were mine
But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
this is just devastating to me. well, first of all, both matty and joe were 25 when they first met her, which, lol. the dreams they had together have expired now. it’s been too long. she cannot keep holding onto a love from almost a decade ago. he took too long to return. he lost his lifelong dreams to what was only supposed to be a chapter of his life. she tried to hold onto the days when he was hers, and everything was right, but she had to turn out the light at some point. this is the moment when she gives up on their relationship. she apologizes for abandoning the ship, but she must do it.
overall, I think peter is a story about two people who genuinely did everything they could to be together, but their needs and their growth no longer aligned. there’s a sense of acceptance and lingering fondness here. she did everything she could not to bolt, but the ending was the same.
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theriu · 5 months
River Reads Midnight Sun
Well met, traveler! This is the starting post for my experiment, wherein I, who have never read the Twilight books or seen the movies, read Midnight Sun (basically Twilight from Edward's perspective) and commentate for (hopefully) your entertainment! I decided it would be easiest to do this a chapter at a time, and my commentary will essentially be a summary of each chapter so people equally unfamiliar with the story can follow along. You can follow or block this experiment with the tag #river reads midnight sun.
I think that should do it! Let's get started with:
Chapter 1: First Sight
In which Edward finds high schoolers very Boring and Inane, and also nearly goes bonkers over a potential snack.
First things first: Can we talk about how gross pomegranates look? Is the cover art SUPPOSED to resemble an optical illusion between a halved pomegranate and a bleeding heart? Either way, EW.
Right, on to business!
Edward is bored, you guys. He is SO BORED. High school is so boring. Purgatory is mentioned, as well as “tedium” and “monotonous.” He really wants us to know how bored he is, even though the word “boredom” is not used until the sixth paragraph. But trust me, he’s very bored. One begins to wonder why the immortal 100+-year-old vampire is choosing to hang out daily in such a boring place, but I’m sure it will be explained.
Now we learn about his mindreading powers! This is also very boring because most of the minds he has to read are petty high school minds. By the way, the inane sheeple chatter in the school mindscape today is all about the new girl! I wonder who she could be! Ed sure doesn’t care! He can see every angle of her face via peoples’ thoughts, and he is NOT impressed. Half the “sheep-like males” are crushing on her. Edward’s disdain for them is palpable, almost as if it's not totally normal and fine for human teenagers to find new things like a new student exciting. We may be witnessing a smidge of superiority complex, which is shocking, no doubt.
Mind-reading as a way to introduce other relevant characters is handy, I will grant the author that! Of course, Ed tries not to mindread his fellow vampires out of courtesy, but he KNOWS what they are probably thinking, and boy is he ready to tell us!
Rosalie: Is either actually super hot or super thinks she is, and apparently this debate encompasses her every waking moment. She only compares herself to VAMPIRES, of course, because humans could never be comparably hot. Related to a stagnant pool. Wow, Ed.
Emmett: Hyper competitive guy who has no new thoughts because he says EVERYTHING he thinks. Compared to a glass-clear lake. I suppose that means Ed maybe thinks he has depth? Maybe? We'll err on the side of optimism.
Jasper: Suffering. That’s literally the entire description.
Alice (who can see the future) introduces herself by beaming thoughts at Ed asking how Jasper is doing. Jasper is not doing well. Apparently he is so ready to eat people that he has forgotten how to Human and is sitting in a corpse-like rigor, because it seems when you become a vampire you lose quirks like restless leg syndrome and blinking? This feels full of potential hilarity to me, but I fear such hilarity will not be realized in this Very Serious Book.
Anyway, back to Jasper, who is SUFFERING. Alice asks if there is any danger. Edward signals no. Half a page later, his exposition about Jasper's problem adds, “Jasper was very dangerous right now." Okay, so which is it?! PICK A LANE, ED
(On a genuine note, I already like Alice; she counters Jasper’s fantasies about eating a girl by telling him her name and a few personal facts in a way that shows Alice makes an effort to know her classmates as more than just The Humans. Yay empathy!)
Btw, Ed’s internal monologue indicates they’re hanging out at this school to build their strength and endurance by being around humans and not eating them, and to that I say REALLY??? You chose high school for that?! The one where you’re SUPER BORED?? GO HANG OUT AT A COFFEE SHOP OR SOMETHING
Ope, plot progression! Bella has entered the chat lunchroom. Literally everyone is thinking about Bella, including Jessica, no doubt the requisite catty high school rival who crushed on Edward previously. She has many disgruntled thoughts about Bella, Bella noticing the Cullens, everyone noticing Bella, etc. Ed, who has been doing a great job keeping us up to date on the general thought processes of the student body, takes this moment to assure us once again how much he finds all of this chatter inane AND petty AND trivial, and he’s definitely going to try harder to block them out (again).
Wait, oh my word, was that a line of HUMOROUS BANTER between the Cullens just now?! I have renewed hope for this Very Serious Book!
So Edward is the vampires' mental scout who checks for people suspecting he and his family are inhumanly weird (as opposed to acceptably weird), and naturally he does a brain scan on Bella. Oooo but he’s not hearing anything! And now they have locked eyes! Her eyes are very odd, because of the DEPTH of them! Already, Bella is very Frail and immune to mindreading and somehow has “deeper” eyes than I guess any other human Edward has met in his 100+ years? Ed, I think you need to make eye contact more.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled torrent of inane high schooler thoughts! Amazingly, they are all still focused on Bella and being attracted to or jealous of her, because of course real high schoolers are all Inane and Tedious. (The one exception is Angela, who is busy thinking about homework. I like her, she seems normal.) Jessica is being catty again, and what’s this?! Ed suddenly has this STRANGE URGE to SHIELD Bella from this nasty girl! How very odd and unusual! Especially from a guy who very clearly finds all human teenagers Inane/Petty/Trivial! Bella must be special, except she is also “very unexceptional." Also, Ed is highly frustrated that he can’t read this girl’s mind, despite him constantly reading her like a book and her having “deceptively communicative” eyes.
Rosalie breaks Ed out of his frustration-driven contradictory spiral, and they all go to class, Ed casually mentioning his two medical degrees in an internal dig at his biology teacher (again, why are you hanging out at high school???) Naturally, Bella shows up and the only seat available is the one next to Edward, because Plot everyone is subliminally terrified of him. Ed has a moment of panic wondering if not hearing one girl’s thoughts means he has a vampire disease and is gonna lose all his mindreading, and then he has another moment of empathy for Bella having to sit next to the Scary Vampire.
Then she walks in front of an air duct, and Edward is suddenly overcome with INTENSE BLOODLUST THE LIKES OF WHICH HE HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE!!! He wants to eat her SO BAD, you guys! He spends roughly EIGHT PAGES brooding on how badly he wants to eat her, noticing how delicious she smells, crushing the underside of a desk with his intense self-control grip (but having the presence of mind to “destroy the evidence” by rounding out the finger-shaped hole he just made), analyzing the logistics of eliminating a roomful of witnesses and whether to do so before or after eating her, seeing his monstrous reflection in her eyeballs, angsting over how bad he will feel when he murders a bunch of people, plotting ways of murdering her that WON’T result in collateral damage, questioning Bella’s sanity for daring to SHAKE HER HAIR IN HIS VICINITY, angsting about how disappointed his wonderful adoptive dad Carlisle will be (aww, that’s actually sweet), stubbornly deciding “she can’t make me,” hating Bella with the fury of a thousand suns for daring to smell so delicious, and shutting off his breathing so he has at least some self-control, which does sound uncomfortable but I applaud the effort.
Then class finally ends (for him and for us), and he goes and hides in his car. Which, honestly, relatable.
The car timeout helps restore his sanity, and he determines he does in fact not need to kill her and that hating her guts for smelling like an eight-course dinner probably isn’t fair! He just needs to avoid her as much as possible. Bless your heart for your optimism, Male Lead of a Paranormal Romance Novel.
The solution he comes up with is to charm the poor secretary (who keeps having to remind herself mentally that he’s too young for her, which, augh) into switching him to a different sixth-period course. Bella chooses this opportune moment to walk in, which he doesn’t notice until her DELICIOUS SMELL is blown over him (I question why someone with such advanced senses can only notice powerful smells when he is downwind of them). Edward’s Amazing Vampire Vision kicks in, allowing him to once again see his Monstrous Face in the reflection of her eyes, despite her being over against the wall. He briefly contemplates double homicide, then . . . uh . . . gives up on changing classes so he can walk away. This doesn’t feel like a long-term solution, Ed, but Kudos for the self-control.
The chapter wraps up with him jumping into his car (it’s the end of the day, so the others are waiting for him) and breaking the speed limit out of the parking lot. Alice uses Future Sight (it’s super effective!) to see that Ed is either going to book it out of Forks (the town) or go and murder Bella in her house. I once again have reason to like Alice, who orders him not to do it, adding that it would metaphorically kill Bella’s dad. He drops them off and races away again, not yet sure if he’s going to tell Dad Carlisle that he’s leaving or going to go eat the delicious new girl. And Scene!
Well, that wasn’t as painful as I feared, so huzzah! I kind of appreciate the internal look at his thoughts and how his mindreading lets us see other characters even when they can’t talk. Got a bit long at times, especially with how Inane and Petty and Trivial high schoolers are to Edward! LOTS OF DETAIL about how badly he wanted to eat Bella and possibly murder all bystanders, which I guess does go to show how bad the bloodlust is, because dang! (But why do none of the others have this reaction to her yet? Maybe they just don’t have classes with her. You must be this close to the Bella to ride the maniac vampire train!)
And with that, I have earned a much-deserved break before delving into CHAPTER TWO: OPEN BOOK! I’m sure Edward will totally succeed in his plan to skedaddle out of Forks and never see Bella again! Stay positive, Ed! =Dd
Chapter 2->
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selineram3421 · 11 months
Pew pew.
Part 2: The Traveling Medic
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Part 1
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ more cussing, mentions of blood, more weird dreams yay ⚠
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You stared at yourself in the mirror, not fully believing that you were actually animated.
Squishing your cheeks, messing with your hair, making weird faces. The reflection copied your every movement.
"This is really happening..", you mumble and look down at the sink, remembering what happened earlier.
After almost giving the doctor a heart attack with your sudden screeching, he introduced himself as Doctor Thomas. Then he provided you with some better clothes to help with the heat.
There wasn't anything he could do about your shoes though.
"You could stay here at the clinic for a while. Until you get your memory back.", Dr. Thomas offered.
"I can?", you asked, holding onto your new clothes and feeling thankful.
He nods.
I can't stay here for free though.. You thought and came up with a quick idea.
"Hey Doc, if its alright. Can I work at the clinic as well?", you ask.
"Now, you don't have to do that-", he says but you continue.
"Its fine! I'll work here until I regain my memory or until I can go out on my own.", you push. "I'll do my best as a medic or even just as a cleaning person!"
The old man pauses.
Please please please please please-! You repeat in your head, hoping he'll agree.
"Very well.", he says.
You almost jump up to cheer.
You stop yourself quickly.
"-you'll be doing both.", the doctor finishes.
"That's ok with me!", you say with a grin. "I'll keep this place spotless! And don't worry about blood, I can handle that stuff!"
Later, the doctor led you upstairs to an apartment above the clinic. Giving you the one at the end of the hallway.
"Some of these were made into rooms for the patients, so don't be too loud.", he says. "I'll let you know what rooms to clean tomorrow.", he then gives you a key before bidding you a good night.
"Geez.", you sigh as you make your way out of the bathroom. "I can't believe I met one of the characters already."
The bathroom was a small, with a toilet, sink, and bathtub.
Same with the apartment, it was a small space. With the living room, bedroom, and kitchen all in one room. It was better than sleeping in the desert though.
You shiver in disgust when thinking about the heat. "Ugh."
Having showered earlier, you get ready for bed, fluffing up the pillow before lying down and pulling the sheets over your form.
I wonder if this is all just a dream and I'll wake up in my actual apartment on Earth. You think before closing your eyes, letting sleep take hold.
That's the first color you see when opening your eyes.
You realize its the flower that Vash always thinks of whenever he remembers Rem.
They are pretty, swaying slightly as a breeze passes by. The blades of grass also moving with the wind.
What was it called again? Gerainium? Geranuim? You try to remember the name.
A voice says.
"That's right! They're called geranium!", you say with a smile.
Wait a second.
You sit up quickly and look to where you heard the voice, seeing the woman from last time.
"Rem.", you mumble.
She gives you a closed eyed smile, standing in the meadow of flowers with her hands behind her back.
Rushing to stand up, you begin firing off questions as you make your way over to the woman in white. "Why am I here? How did I get here? Can I go back home? Is there even a way back? And why do you keep showing up in my dreams?"
Now standing a few feet away, you start to feel tingles throughout your body.
"Why did this happen?", you ask, the tingles getting stronger.
Rem opens her eyes, still smiling at you.
"Take care of Vash for me."
Then her body starts slowly turning into red petals.
"Wait! You didn't answer me!", you shout and try to move but feel yourself sinking into the ground. "Please!", you reach out to her.
The ground is to your waist, and it continues to pull you down.
She just continues smiling before completely turning into petals.
You sit up with a gasp, breathing rapidly.
Looking around, you see that you're still in the small apartment and everything still looks animated.
"Shit.", you groan and flop back, the bed slightly shakes as you do so.
The sun is barely rising and you can hear movement outside your room. Looking over at the clothes you got yesterday, you decide its time to get up.
Let's get this show on the fucking road. You huff and get up, taking the clothes with you into the bathroom.
For most of the day, you cleaned the clinic. Sweeping the hallway, washing the surgical tools, and putting away medicine in the cabinets.
You're used to most of this work, as you helped your Mom with similar stuff back on Earth at her crummy job. She worked for two medical companies but only got paid for one, barely getting a raise when she deserved more.
Stop thinking about it. You shake the thoughts out of your head. Mom is fine.
Then later in the day, the doctor would teach you the basics. Luckily, you remembered most of the things from having taking a class on human anatomy.
Eventually, you started to help the doctor with treating patients.
It was mostly taking out bullets from wounds, or stitching someone up, but there was the occasional sick person. Then you got to learn about medicine. You knew some, but now you got to know in depth.
While doing all this, you earned some money and got to buy some proper clothes. Boots were the first thing you bought.
No more sand in my shoes!
After learning everything you needed to, you told the doctor that you remembered something.
"I remember coming from Jeneora Rock! Maybe someone will recognize me!"
You felt a little bad, but you had to leave.
"Alright.", Dr. Thomas said with a smile. "Let's get you prepared for the journey."
He helped you get everything you needed, like a map. Packing all of it in a medic backpack. Also putting a sleeping cot and tent.
The morning you had to leave, he gave you one last thing.
"Here, in honor of your completion of medical training.", he said and handed you a white pin with a red cross.
"Thanks Doc.", you said with a sad smile. "I'll write to you, ok?"
"Good luck.", he says and waves as you head out.
While walking towards the gate of the town, something catches your eye. Looking over, you see a clothing shop with a really cool red and white coat on display.
Might as well look like a badass. You smile and head over to buy it.
While getting the coat, you snag a pair of red shades. As you finally leave Lowland city, you put the pin on the breast pocket of your coat. It shines a bit when the sunlight hits it.
"Alright Noman's Land! Get ready for this traveling medic!", you say, raising a fist into the air.
Then a gust of hot wind slaps a paper onto your face.
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I wonder how you'll imagine the outfit.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 3
@summerdazed @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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yumedoca · 3 days
Heres a ransdom thought experiment
Yoy are now rumiko takashi writing UY , what is a story beat youd chamge or just a story youd like to read as you have control of the characters
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Yay, I love questions like these!! Thank you for the ask anon and here we go ;)
Ryunosuke. Just mostly Ryunosuke, haha. I've never actually found her dad's joke of preventing Ryu from getting what she wants funny and it was more irksome than anything, and it sucked cuz Ryunosuke's great! But what's worse is that she never gets a proper resolution about her feminine wants (even though that was the main point of her character in the first place) and it was just dropped and ignored in the end, so it never felt like her character got a true resolution. I feel like a good way to write Ryu would be to keep the relationship with her dad the same for the most of her story. And then in her last few chapters have them talk out and be in proper understanding for once. Shigeru Chiba, Mr. Fujinami's remake voice actor (and Megane in the old anime), states his view on his character in his character comments:
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(Also Shout-out to Shigeru Chiba, he's awesome. He's just so great lol, literally the guy ever.)
And the idea of Ryu's dad raising Ryunosuke to be male because he doesn't want her to leave him is a great idea!! I'd make it like that's the true reason why he does it and somehow they're pushed into a corner where he's forced to admit it to Ryu. He has shown to genuinely care at least a little about her (I'm pretty sure he protected her from the boys of class 2-4 that time she lost her chest wrap) despite how he usually acts. So have them reconcile, have Ryunosuke say she'll stay with her dad if he accepts her for who she is and have him accept her feminity as a result and allow her to act and dress the way she wants. Boom! Problem solved, both sides win and Ryu's dad is made more likeable while Ryunosuke's story has a proper conclusion.
RyuNagi. It's still about Ryunosuke, I know lmao. Anyway, I've discussed how I feel about the ship and other stuff about it here (read it if you haven't so what I say about them would make more sense). It's a bit all over the place discussing various stuff about them but I'll just copy-paste the bit where I talk about how it could be done better..
It had so much potential. Nagisa had to be introduced much earlier and they should've had more chapters together. Maybe, they could've made Nagisa and Ryunosuke discuss and bond over their stupid upbringing, maybe Nagisa could feel bad for Ryu, after hearing how much she wants to be a proper woman and how much her dad stopped her from enjoying herself and maybe help her enjoy things that her dad didn't allow her to (Christmas, Chocolates, etc.) and Ryunosuke properly falls for him because of his kindness... Then their romance would've felt more natural.
I think the RyuNagi growth would take place before Ryunosuke's reconciling with her dad in case you want a timeline and by that time Ryu would properly be into Nagisa so the romance between them still stays, even after her being effeminate.
Introduce Inaba a bit earlier and give him another storyline with Shinobu. I feel like we still don't know much about Inaba and his dynamic with Shinobu entirely and that's like my only issue about Inaba and InaShino really, so have a storyline after they started dating where we can see how they bounce off each other and truly show that they're perfect couple, idk I just want more cute stuff for them, maybe Shinobu stands up for Inaba when the other bunnies bully him, maybe we get to know more about Inaba's interests and hobbies and maybe we can have the gag stuff be silly interactions between them and maybe Ataru (and Lum) spying on them or something idk.
Give great characters who don't have much spotlight what they need. Oyuki is a good example of this since she appears the least among Lum's alien friends. I saw someone online state that Kurama should've been brought back later on, instead of just disappearing, and could've attempted to mate with Tobimaro or Shingo; and I totally agree with it.. For the former, it could worked as an Asuka plotline and could've been a great arc and for the latter, it could be chaotic since Shingo doesn't know how to respect women. These two are the main examples but there may be others..
And that's all that comes to mind now. These are like the major, main ones and there might be others but they're probably incredibly minor or I just forgor about them..
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beevean · 3 months
I find it almost saddening how much I've soured on Whisper since she was introduced. She started as such an intriguing character with, imo, a cool design and an intriguing backstory, and in the T&W miniseries we got a very touching story of the two of them growing closer together, with both (especially Tangle) showing off their smarts and why they could make a good match. And then the misery porn train got a hold of her and like 90% of the stories she's in have her get injured, hurt emotionally, forced to recall her trauma in painful ways, constantly dragging her into new traumatic experiences and not allowing her any moving on, while the 'hero' characters are not even shown in the wrong for causing her those (Tangle's crocodile tears about accidentally triggering Whisper: their team is called the Diamond Cutters now. Sonic waltzing right over her rightful apprehension of having Surge around: Surge is allowed to stay.) Not helped by the fact they wrote Silver as an "OhmahGAW GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!!! So cool! So epic! Let me worship the ground you walk on and keep this up for all issues we're gonna work together!!!!" in order to help shill her some more. Except that made that Whisper now is the coolest person in the world ever, unless when the plot needs her to be weak as fuck, crying constantly, and getting overrun by her alleged allies to make readers either feel sad or squeal at Muh Dramatic Irony. Which currently is all the time.
It's strange. So many things with IDW that people now dislike were there from the first handful of issues onwards, but only as things began to go more and more south we began to see it, I feel like.
So many things with IDW that people now dislike were there from the first handful of issues onwards, but only as things began to go more and more south we began to see it, I feel like.
I'd say it's because of multiple factors:
the post-Forces backlash that lead the fandom to have rose-tinted glasses towards IDW (I'm sadly forced to admit that I was one of those people :<)
the general love for the then recently-cancelled Archie that made fans latch onto IDW and Flynn (I wasn't one of those people lol. Never read Archie <3)
the patience towards a new series still finding its footing, with the assumption that it would get better with time. Spoiler: it got worse :)
Anyway, yes. Whisper started out with a cool concept: an introverted, shy girl who preferred to use weapons and not necessarily stick with a team. She feels different enough from the other girls in the cast, but like she could belong, especially in the earlier volumes that were meant to be a continuation from Forces.
But it's clear that the writers don't really know what to do with her, but they can't just shelf her like they could with Belle, because she's popular. And shippable, which is the very fuel that keeps IDW alive nowadays. So, well, they do to her what fans love to do with Shadow: squeeze the trauma out of her like a lemon, so that she can cry (yay angst!) and bond over and over again with Tangle (yay ship!).
Same goes for Tangle, even though she was by Flynn's own admission created as a replacement for Blaze and to basically be a "not like the other Sonic girls" flex lol. She used to be cute and a genuine friend. Now she's a grating womanchild with the sensitivity of a rotten pepper, but hey, as long as she keeps hugging Whisper, no one will complain! They both deserved better.
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cora-writes-things · 1 year
WLW media plans <3 early 2023 edition
You may have seen my first edition of this post; now that 2023 has begun in earnest, let’s see where I’m at!
Media I’m currently in the middle of consuming:
The 100 (I know that I said that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch this show cuz I’m tired of tragic wlw, but a friend suggested we watch it together, so here I am)
Clear and Muddy Loss of Love (an AMAZING web-novel!!! I can’t stop reading it! Clear and Muddy Loss of Love, original title 泾渭情殇 (Jīng wèi qíng shāng or JWQS), is a Chinese GL web-novel by Please Don’t Laugh (请君莫笑). Read and buy the original here (here’s a guide on how to use JJWXC so you can support the author), and the English translation by melts (@meltesh28 on Tumblr / @meltsmelts on Twitter) can be found here (thank you so much for your hard work, melts!))
Nevertheless (solely for the crumbs of Sol/Ji-wan content, and you know what? It’s been worth it, even if the main male lead, Park Jae-eon, makes me want to throw my laptop across the room. Seriously, JAE-EON SUCKS SO BAD. NA-BI, WHAT ARE YOU DOIIIING. DO-HYEOK IS RIGHT. THERE!!!)
Warrior Nun (I started watching this show both because it has wlw AND because Alba Baptista is so gorgeous that I can’t stop looking at her. So disappointing that it was canceled recently :()
Media I plan to start (or continue) consuming:
A League of Their Own (for the canon wlw AND all the wlw vibes)
Arcane: League of Legends (I’ve seen enough gifs and fanart for Caitlyn/Vi that I ship it and haven’t even watched the show yet)
Batwoman (for the canon wlw AND all the wlw vibes)
Black Lightning (ditto)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS was available on Amazon Prime for a while but is now on Hulu, so I don’t have access to it at the moment)
The Expanse (I’m taking a break from watching the show to read the books, but I’m also consuming a lot of other media at the moment, so I don’t know when I’ll get back to it)
The Half of It (the premise sounds so freaking relatable I can’t wait to feel some type of way about the constant sapphic pining I experienced in high school & didn’t even know about at the time because of comphet yay)
The Handmaiden (I’ve been trying to get into more international media lately, as you can see by some of the other pieces of media in this post, and this movie looks too good to pass up)
Killing Eve (up to the finale but stopping before the end cuz my queer little heart can’t take YET MORE bury your gays in the year of our lord 2023. also the book series. maybe)
The Legend of Korra (once I finish ATLA)
The Owl House (currently waiting for the next episode. Also, I’m still so mad this show was canceled by Disney >:()
Paper Girls (science fiction combined with middle-grade fiction and queer characters? Sign me up!)
Sense8 (for the queer vibes in general)
The Wilds (for the canon wlw AND all the wlw vibes)
Yellowjackets (ditto)
Media I might consume but haven’t decided yet:
Huge shout-out to @femslashrevolution (abbreviated as F.R. in this post from now on) for introducing me to a lot of these pieces of media with active-ish wlw fandoms through their reblogs!
Astrid & Lilly Save the World (I don’t know much about it, but the gifs reblogged by F.R. look promising)
Harlem (I’ve heard mixed reviews about the wlw representation in this show, but there’s also a distinct lack of black queer shows out there, so I’m considering trying it out anyway)
House of the Dragon (partially because I haven’t finished GOT yet, but also because I don’t want my heart to be broken by the tragedy)
I Know What You Did Last Summer (this show doesn’t have the best reviews, but the actresses in it are so pretty that I might watch it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Kevin Can F*** Himself (seems like an interesting premise, I just don’t know if I’ll personally enjoy the show itself or not)
Legends of Tomorrow (Idk what it’s even about tbh, I’ve just seen a lot of wlw-centric and wlw-adjacent gifs reblogged by F.R.)
Lost Girl (it's included on a lot of rec lists of wlw shows, I just don’t know if I’ll actually find it interesting)
Once Upon A Time (a classic wlw fandom, but Idk if I’ll find it interesting enough to actually watch it)
Orange is the New Black (ditto)
Orphan Black (ditto)
Runaways (ditto)
Supergirl (ditto)
Willow (Idk what it’s even about tbh, I’ve just seen some cute wlw gifs reblogged by F.R. recently, so why not?)
Media I've already finished consuming:
Couple of Mirrors (SO GOOD!!! A (sadly heavily censored, but still very well-done) GL-based Chinese drama that is slated to get a second season depending on the support, so please go watch and support it! It also has a manhua (read the original here and the English summaries here))
First Kill (campy with pretty horrid music choices, but I still enjoyed the watching experience even though the show was kinda bad. Who doesn’t like a little bit of camp every now and again?)
Girlfriend Project Day 1 (cute, short little fake dating GL K-drama that is slated to get a second season if they can raise the funds for it! Watch it here)
More than or Equal to 75 Celsius (≥75°C) (short GL K-drama, very aesthetic, and the actresses are beautiful! Watch it here)
Zero Photography (short spin-off GL Thai drama that features Ink & Pa from the bigger BL series Bad Buddy. Definitely worth the watch!)
Have I missed any must-watch/must-read/must-consume pieces of wlw or wlw-adjacent media that y’all love? Please let me know in the reblogs and give me your recommendations!
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oh-snapperss · 5 months
same anon, I actually read cysm a few weeks ago and it destroyed me I have not stopped thinking about it since. I cried so much. you say in the notes to scream at you on tumblr SO THIS IS ME SCREAMING because holy fucking shit. shattered my heart. I think that might have been the first fic I read by you - and then I recognized your name from tumblr. it immediately became an all time favorite. it introduced me to the song suffocate (which I really like now, and also ouch) so thank you for that too!
I also loved ripped at every edge! it explored etho's character in a really interesting way. so good. I remember in limited life when the lightning from killing skizz hit him I thought it was a perfect angst opportunity and you did it PERFECT.
okay. the ren/etho fic. is. AMAZING. I've been reading it since it started & I'm really looking forward to the next chapters. I'm a sucker for the king/knight dynamic. this is maybe the gayest thing I've ever read, dear god
and finally. I read all of the resistance au yesterday. I don't know how to even start to describe how I feel about it (in a very positive way but also so many emotions!! I'm gonna explode) so just imagine me screaming.
anyways, can't wait for anything you write next you're insane <3
WAUGH ANON ;-; these asks are gonna make ME cry wth!!!
can you see me,,, god i'm not surprised that was the first one you read considering everything but !!! thank you thank you thank you i greatly enjoyed posting that fic<3
AND YAY THANK YOU AGAIN!! so many people missed the fact the lightning hit etho and that is genuinely what made me write that fic because honestly it was just not getting talked about and i needed people to notice LMAOOO
THE RENTHO FIC,,,, yea yea yea that's without a doubt my favorite work i've done so far, which is wild to say. my cowriter @hitheeprithee is fucking incredible and if you've not read his other works i HIGHLY recommend checking xem out!! we bounce off each other very well and i'm really fucking excited to post the next chapter which,,, hopefully should be soon >:) (thanksgiving kicked my ass this week so the writing slowed down a bit but we're so back LMAO)
and thank you (again)!!! i'm not sure when resistance au will make a comeback since my cowriter for that au is extremely busy irl and we're both in college currently, but it will always have a special place in my heart and i hope to see it completed one day<3
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
Writing/Art Update 7/11/2023
Last week I mentioned that I felt like I wasn't getting anything done and felt very swamped. This week, I did a lot of things, but then more things piled up on top of them. Also, and I will admit this, I simply have not been very productive.
The big thing I did last week was to help set up a frog tank for my daughter. She really wanted some African dwarf frogs. At the time it came up, she wasn't good at keeping her room clean, and we told her that if she could prove that she could be responsible by cleaning her room, and she did it?? I mean, we helped her develop some good habits around this, but the motivation was all her (and the frogs). Anyway, we spent a lot of time researching and procuring stuff and rinsing substrate, and now the tank is all set up, and we are trying to coax it to start cycling before we can get the frogs. I have never had a fish tank so far, so this was all...an adventure for me. We did get a snail, and I just found out that we probably should have waited for the tank to cycle before getting the snail and we're unfortunately all very attached to it so, uh....pray for my snail, okay, guys?
This is not supposed to be a frog update, this is supposed to be a writing and art update. I posted one of each last week, both for the Bleach Returns Celebration. My art project, on the topic of Shinigami and their Hobbies, went over surprisingly well, so a big thank you to everyone who threw me a like. The fanfic was a Renruki Friends-to-Strangers-to-Not Exactly Enemies, but Not Too Far From It short piece. AO3 is back up, just in case you wanted to go leave me a comment. (I am so behind in my AO3 correspondences, it's on the To-Do list, I'm sorrrrrrryyyyy 😭😭😭)
Anyway, the To Do list goes on, but it had been two weeks since I wrote anything and my brain was threatening to eat itself, so I let myself get even more behind today in favor of writing 1,673 words about Rikichi. (I didn't really want to put Rikichi in this fic, but then I felt horrible about it and that it was Rikichi erasure, so I had to introduce this entire thing to explain why Rikichi is not in this fic, but it has some character growth for him, and marginally feeds into my long term goal to explain how a twink with USB cables in his hair managed to make Third Seat of Squad Six. Look. I am having a lot of anxiety right now, this is the most harmless possible form of it). It feels good to be back making progress on Ductwork again (we are up to 17,199 words), mostly because I want to read it, and for some stupid reason, this requires me to write it, first.
New Bleach happened, yay, new Bleach!
I am very, very close to an important follower milestone and it is my birthday this weekend, so I'm thinking of doing a very self-indulgent, but low-effort celebration. Stay tuned!!
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yugureview · 2 months
Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii
I just finished reading Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii, and holy shit, I need to talk about it.
(Did I create this blog specifically to talk about this manga? Yes. But I know I'll have a lot more to say about a lot of other manga and anime in the future, so I know I'll make use of this.)
When I read a brief summary of Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii (also known as "I Love Your Cruddy" in English) while researching yuri manga to read, it seemed right up my alley. Psychological horror? Check. Toxic yuri? Super check. Gay BDSM? Say no more, I'm in.
Ironically, this manga, which is pretty fucking devastating, was meant to be a little break from a devastating and extremely mentally draining anime I've been watching.
(I'm not going to say which anime that is; you'll have to wait for the review 😘)
But for now, let's continue this review. Spoilers ahead!
At the beginning of the manga, we're introduced to the two main characters, Airi and Hinako. They have a secret BDSM relationship, with their kinky, sadomasochistic acts taking place in a classroom after school. Hot, right? As a kinky dyke myself, this was definitely my favorite part of the manga. Being Hinako in these sitauations is a need.
But then, just as you think you're enjoying this manga, it gets... less hot. The drama starts to unfold. Airi and Hinako's relationship is exposed at school and rumors start spreading. Because of this, Airi stops talking to Hinako. As someone with a severe fear of abandonment (thanks BPD), this really struck a nerve with me. I felt so bad for poor Hinako.
When Airi stops showing up to school, Hinako starts visiting her. At first, Airi is adamant about not wanting to see Hinako (again, triggering my crippling fear of abandonment), but she eventually gives in. And we get some more sexy stuff (yay!), this time with Hinako on top 😏
In the end, due to the drama surrounding their lives, the girls end up running away. This final stretch of the manga was sad as fuck. Airi is suicidal, and Hinako is trying so hard to make things work. But Airi ends up convincing her partner to join her in suicide. Hinako strangles Airi to death, and then lies with her in the snow until she freezes to death herself.
So, yeah. This manga was a rollercoaster of emotions -- the type of rollercoaster that starts out smooth, then has a 100-foot drop and an abrupt stop that makes you fly straight out of the safety constraints. Did I enjoy it? I have no fucking idea. I just got a concussion from flying off a rollercoaster; there's no way in hell I'm gonna be processing any of this shit for a while.
I wish Airi and Hinako got to live out the BDSM life of their dreams. I wish there was less drama and less abandonment and less suicide. But the sad, psychological shit is part of why I came here, right? So I can't complain too much.
Anyways, this review ended up not being much of a review and more of a rant. I just had to talk about this manga. How can you read something like that and just keep it bottled up inside?
Would I recommend this manga? If you're in it for the yuri or the kink, no. If you're in it to cry sad tears (with some yuri on the side), absolutely.
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sashkapi · 3 months
What are your OTPs from other shows besides kindall? (especially love/hate ones)
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(Forgive me im so slow)
Oh my here u go >:D
Love/hate ones:
Jimmy and Cindy (The adventures of Jimmy Neutron: boy genius)
This one kinda started it all. Their rivalry was funny and I kinda felt bad for Cindy because she is genuinely smart but what is it if your opponent is a genius  Also hey, blonde and bitchy, my type :) Won't say a lot about this one tho because with all my love for them - there's nothing much I can tell you if you watched the show
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Manny and Zoe (El tigre: the adventures of Manny Rivera)
Ok, this one is weird because as a kid I just loved Zoe so much (Her Black Cuervo design, like c'mON LOOK SHES PURPLE) but also liked Manny and Frida together Idk, fandom skewed me later to Manny and Frida but hey, hero-boy/villain-girl dynamic is fun too and I still remember fondly how Manny was immediately smitten by her in "Enter the Cuervo" (Apparently Zoe would end up with Django and honestly? That pair is pure aesthetic, good for them good for them) (Also I'm so mad that I watched this show dubbed because I didn't know english at the time like THEY TOOK ALL CHARM. NO ACCENT, NO SPANISH WORDS IN CHARACTERS SPEECH AND SOME NAMES WERE TRANSLATED IN THE LAMEST WAY POSSIBLE)
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Helga and Arnold (Hey Arnold) (can you tell I am a nickelodeon kid yet?)
Ok, this one is more of the one sided love/hate on Helga's side but if you watched the show then you know that she went all in with both love and hate.  Seriously, Helga is such an interesting character. She is amazing and I love her (another bitchy blonde to love yay) Can't say much from Arnold's side. He was oblivious to her crush for the most of the show. He is a kind and understanding boy so jgkkdjgkh I just really wanted Helga to be happy 🥺
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Anya and Damian (Spy x Family)
New one and also kinda one sided on Damian's side  Listen These two?
Just plain funny
Anya punching him in the face and Damian falling for her for that? Hilarious Anya being oblivious to his crush despite being an esper because Damian is in denial? Amazing. Good stuff.  They are just so cute and funny, look at them!!!
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Catra and Adora (She-ra and the princesses of power)
Ok, I wouldn't consider myself a catradora shipper anymore but God, their dynamic in the first seasons is everything. Like darn, they had drama. Actual enemies to lovers and THE TENSION
Aaaaand season 5 destroyed it all. (Spoilers for she ra ahead)
Some people dropped the ship after season 4 finale because Catra would rather destroy the world than let Adora win, but for me it was THE THING I LOVED LIKE YES, MORE DRAMA, MORE CONFLICT, NOW CATRA MUST TRY REAL HARD TO GET ON ADORAS GOOD SIDE AND THAT MEANS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, I WONDER HOW IT WILL GO and they just??? Kinda forgive her??? I'm sorry, yes, Catra purring on Adora's lap? Sweet. The kiss was also dramatic. But it all felt so undeserved I guess it's because of the limited time the writers had. But damn, introducing a bigger threat in Hordak Prime and kinda handwaving her crimes isn't a redemption for Catra.  But again. First seasons? Good ass dynamic. 10/10
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Knuckles and Rouge (Sonic the hedgehog franchise)
THIS ONE IS  AH NICE If you followed my kbsd art then you probably know that I also love Sonic (lil guy doing cool stuff - my weakness) Wouldn't call knuxouge love/hate ship at this point that much tho. They started as this but now they are more of a flirts-a-lot/flusters-a-lot type of pair. Also, we don't talk about "dumb" arc SEGA was putting Knux in 2010's Anyway funni echidna and funni bat my beloveds
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Non love/hate
Sanford and Deimos (Madness Combat)
Ok, so the series is about violence, fighting, and bloodshed, right? And then I saw these two in 0.5 episodes and my brain went "OK, but what if they kiss?" And I spend 2021 rotating these two in my head. Violently. (The way Deimos doesn't attack Sanford in "dedmos adventure" still makes me sad from time to time)
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Dr. Fox and Hawkodile (Unikitty!)
I was in a weird place of mind when I was obsessed with this show. Looking back at it - its really silly.  I'm gonna be honest, the biggest reason I loved this ship is because it's a big warrior type of guy having a huge crush on a nerd girl and being really silly about it. After a few episodes with this topic I got kinda tired of it tho. 
Still, they are cute.
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I might be forgetting some but honestly, if I was to list every ship I enjoy - we'll be here forever This also kinda made me realize that I haven't seen any proper love\hate pairs in recent media. Might be just me tho.
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the-nysh · 1 year
nysh is a fan of trigun?? 👀👀 ohoho i knew you've got excellent taste~ who are your favorite characters and arcs? :D personally, i'm a big fan of millie for being an incredibly rare type of anime woman!
*me in the middle of a 200k fic* oh wai-OOOH omg, ahaha you saw that! Geezus, it's been like 20 years - truthfully I saw a new fanart reblogged by someone and I was like '...huh, this feels like it might reawaken something, lemme go revisit something to check...[several days of binge watching + reading later] oh good goddd my tween self was RIGHT; I REMEMBER now!'
Ahaha oh man, anyway re-looking at it with older eyes, yeah there were some outdated 90s filler gags that prob wouldn't fly now, that I'm glad the actual manga (barring the pilot ch) and new anime don't have those, as they didn't serve any purpose for the mc, who's practically an undying saint walking that lone, suffering road of redemption under the biggest stepford smile of pain & loss I've seen. I was also pleased the manga went pretty hard (seinen levels) expanding and committing to things that the old anime just didn't have enough info to do (both character + deep lore wise, esp for Wolfwood and the villain Knives, which the old anime kinda shafted), so I enjoyed that a lot - I was INVESTED to learn about all those traumatic scars and lost history! (Which imo surprisingly felt more like Xenogears/saga with the crash-landing mysterious 'alien' origins, psychotic evil twin, religious imagery, and deep space/sci-fi tone, rather than as a gunslinging spaghetti western.) Also noteworthy how each iteration of the story is completely doing its own separate thing now (the arcs and progression's all different, so beyond the lost July city and Fifth Moon incidents releasing his planet buster against his will, it's hard to choose a 'fav arc')...so yay 3 cakes!
I'd say that whenever shit got real though, the moment my mind started to wonder like '...wait, where are the girls? are they okay, what happ-' BOOM, they'd bust out saving the day or turning the tide in the most awesome way, full rejoicing and *whew* relief on my part!! (Ex, a fav manga moment: [spoiler] when Meryl burst out of his biblically accurate angel wings, understandably scared but with guns blazing, breaking the villains' locked stalemate, that was soooo fucking cool. ;o;) So yes, that was a lot of fun - and oh yes Milly!! She's like...if a classic himbo were female: large, sweet and strong and dopey, but also sharp, dependable, competent and so wholesome. :'3 Extremely good vibes to have her around~ (That I guess, the current speculation's how the anime's new guy might get fridged for Meryl's development, to take up his guns and meet her partner Milly later...but we'll see!) Other than that, I'm interested to see where the new anime takes things, as I can already recognize they're spinning in manga elements that were only introduced Very Late in the game - flipping the order around for what purpose, unknown yet, so hopefully they get enough real estate to properly cook things!
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darklordsauron · 2 years
As always a list of bad things and good things (which expanded a bit).
Nori (the Harfoot we follow) seems to suffer from chosen one syndrome because she uses the typical line 'he fell here for a reason.' She thinks she is important but she is just annoying.
Her friend Poppy is just the plain comic relief and is also annoying. Like they just saw the 'stranger' (who probably is one of the Isitari) plummet to the ground and when Nori nears him, they start cracking up jokes. (Hobbits are jokey creatures but when things are serious they adjust themselves to the situation).
The stranger must be an Isitari because he sends fireflies into the air the same way Gandalf does with moths. If he is, it furthers Amazon's disrespect towards the source material because the Isitari made their appearance later in the second age in a different manner.
Once again I am forced to peck on Galadriel. This elleth (whom is shorter than the humans because Amazon has no respect for the source material) almost swam the whole stretch of the ocean between Valinor and 'Middle Earth' until she hitchhikes with knock-off Aragorn (Whom I think is Sauron).
There was a group of humans who rescued her, they're not important but yeah, their dialog is written with tragic stupidity. They call Galadriel a liar even though she said nothing that could be considered a truth or a lie. (Shows the limited capacity of the writers' brains).
Arondir (I rembered his name, yay!) is like the Amazon Spock/Legolas. Still a very 2D character along with his cliché girlfriend, Bronwyn.
On the subject of Bronwyn, she needs to get a babysitter or something for her son, Theo (something along those lines), cause boy gets himself in tons of trouble and he has some anger issues (plus he is a thief). I call it here first, Sauron is going to make him his disciple or something because he has the dark sword.
More non-Tolkien beasts are introduced. Most prominent of which is a dinosaur looking thing in the ocean.
The prop hammers the dwarf prince Durin uses when challenging Elrond is so obviously plastic and light. Even the actors can't make them look heavy or made of metal.
And why do the humans hate the elves? I know in the books they don't really trust or like each other but they were not outright enemies.
Still no respect for the source material or the legend, J.R.R Tolkien.
Kazad-dum looks absolutely gorgeous. The CGI is better in the second episode compared to the first. Well done on this.
Elrond, despite his awful haircut and his costumes for this episode sucking, develops personality in this episode and actually makes it into being a likeable character. Canonically, according to the books, he should be more modest (and definitely not politically ambitious).
Durin and Disa, despite her lack of beard, is the best and I will die for them. They truly capture the Dwarven spirit we are used to from Gimli and the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Disa is by far my favourite character as she has spunk and personality, which I believe all Dwarven women have.
Celebrimbor, despite looking older than his ancient, great-aunt Galadriel, plays his character rather coolly. He has this pompous but still lordly air around him that I can respect.
The orcs design is phenomenal. I can see where most of the budget went.
Now comes something I never hoped to address, fandom issues. Guys wether you hate ROP or like it. That's your opinion. Don't bully or judge someone based on this trivial matter. (I have noticed that some of the people who are more loyal towards the books dislike the show, and some of the people who fancy the movies more like the show.) If you like it, like it. If you don't like, then don't like it. Either way, no hate intended. This is just my opinion.
I have to admit my criticism over the first episode was harsh but as a die hard fan, they kind of deserved it (it's not like they're going to see my post anyway.)
Okay. That's all I have to say. See you again for episode 3.
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luna-alatus · 1 year
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Character/s: Levi Ackerman
Prompt: "Haha.. yeah that's my childhood best friend-.."
Headcanon: Modern AU + School AU + pandemic covid... yay.. + location: the Philippines~ || Female Y/n
Small note: Got this idea from school~ speakin of which hope you folks doing alright! ^^
(Y/n) was just mindlessly gazing out the window, being in the back of the class and all- not that it was a problem much seeing as she was lucky enough to still be next to the window since she had quite the habit of looking out of it.
Totally not because she felt like a main character pft-.. totally not... ok fine maybe just a bit- but come on! Let a girl dream.
It was the first day of school again- Monday, yeah everyone loves Monday alright aha.. hah.. yay..
Anyways, it was going to be a tiring day once again for her and her classmates. And from the looks of it, it seemed everyone was still tired like very tired. Seeing the fact as they did have quite the busy few weeks.
It was face to face again, and yes.. the pandemic was still there which sucked but honestly- (Y/n) definitely prefers online class cause come on man. There was no need to wake up super early or have the need to actually be up on time so that the bus won't leave you and yada-yada.
The only good part about f2f is probably cause she sees her friends.. either way it still sucks and she's still tired as heck.
After the usual morning routine her class usually does, every morning, hence the name. Before they could start getting ready or for others sit back down to listen to the reminders their advisor had to tell them.
The door to the class suddenly opened, revealing a male, one with black-hair, which seemed to be in an undercut style.. with bangs in front..? Steal-grey, bluish eyes and their usual uniform for males.
Which consists of the simple, white button up, blue plants and ID oh yeah wait plus mask cause again. Pandemic haha.
Everyone's attention seemed to have moved onto the newly arrived male, and as he walked in it seemed there were only a few who didn't care for whoever entered and just minded their business. (Y/n) being one of the few of course. As their advisor, Miss Alex, went over to the new male, everyone watched curious as they started to introduce the new kid.
"Everyone, this is your new classmate. Yes, they may have gotten here a little late but that doesn't mean you guys should be mean to him alright? Now, mister Ackerman go on ahead and introduce yourself please."
A sigh came from the male, but with a reluctant nod. They started to introduce themselves, first with a bow though before they start talking.
"Good morning classmates, good morning Miss Alex. My name is Levi Elijah Ackerman. 15 years old. I am from Tokyo, Japan and moved here to the Philippines when I was 7 to study here. As well as because my Mother decided to live here, because most of her relatives migrated here from Japan."
A surprisingly deep voice had started to talk, and well.. for a guy who's 15 and is in grade what.. 9. That was pretty deep, but it was strange since our dear (Y/n) seems to recognize that voice.. and well it was only when they finally decided to look at who was talking.
Did they catch the male's eyes and figured out who this new kid is.
"It's nice to meet you all."
Hah.. Levi freaking Ackerman, her best friend since she was 6 was here... no wonder her mom seemed so excited before she left for school. Levi was- or well apparently seemed to have moved from his old school to hers.
Greetings from her other classmates was heard, to answer to Levi's and well.. all (Y/n) could focus on now was the eyes of her male childhood best friend.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you Levi. But before I assign you to your seat, I must ask since you said you've been here in the Philippines since you were 7 correct? Just a curious question, do you perhaps know anybody here so I can assign them to help you around?"
And this guy decided to point at (Y/n).. throwing her off the bus immediately.
"I know her miss, have known her since I was 7 actually so.. can I get her to be my guide?"
This guy...
"Of course! Do you mind miss (L/n)?"
Smiling despite it not being seen through the mask she just nodded.
"Yeah.. I don't mind, I'll just show you around later L..."
She could see and feel them smirking.. this little-
"Alright then, show me around later (N/n)"
And here comes the questions.. of course.... great
"YOU KNOW HIM (Y/N)?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"Haha.. yeah that's my childhood best friend-.."
Levi Ackerman, (Y/n) loves this guy -platonically of course.. pft... yeah..- but they were dead meat later.
Note: Ima rewrite this when I can- but for now enjoy this somewhat crack hc fic of Levi being your childhood bff and letting your entire class know~
Again a bit self-indulgent for me but hope you lil birds still enjoy~
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
so i saw ur post asking bigender / boygirl ppl to explain what its like btw if this is to late or annying u can totally ignore it or delete it srry if this is annoying anyway
for me personally i will feel like im both a boy and a girl separately but like sometimes one will be more prominent . like yes i am one of the boys a he / him a femine girly who also happens to be a boy who is a girl . its hard to explain but gender dysphoria and euphoria r very silly like i will be euphoric abt looking masculine and wow ppl think im a man !! my voice is so deep !! they r using he / him for me !! yippee !! but then simultaneously ppl think im a man :(( my voice is to deep :(( i look bad and basically the same thing again but yay ppl think imma woman !! my voice and body language is so feminine !! ppl use she / her for me !! yippee !! and then its like ppl think im a woman :(( everybody looks at you and thinks " girl :((
so basically to combat this i dress and act in a very confusing way and ppl normally stumble pther prns or ask me what gender i am which makes me happy :D also introducing myself w different prns / gender expression and act differently so some ppl see me as a cis ( very gay ) boy , some see me as a girl , some think im a transboy , some think im a transgirl , some see me as nonbinary, some gave up trying to figure out . so interacting w different groups of ppl i know throughout the day will normally end in ppl suing a varied sets of prns for me = ultimate gender euphoria like lets switch it up a bit
the only problem is when two ppl i know meet and they both have a different perception of me bcs around them i acted very masc / fem presenting so one will be talking abt smth and refer to me w a set of prns and the other person will be like " no [ ] use/s [] / [] prns and then they will actually start fighting abt my assigned gender at birth it's actually very funny like they will then be confused and i will normally have to randomly joke or make smth up for them to forget the situation . only downside i have had to move schools and classes multiple times bcs i got outed that way .
anyway i personally think for f ! leo ( in ur au ) he would be like " noooo i cant be trans or smth like i still feel like a man ... partly " and then have a complete gender crisis bcs he is a man but hes also a woman and holy shit what would a girl mutant ninja turtle look like ??!! like i also feel like he would use the excuse that other ppl have it worse and that shes not " fully " trans or smth ( which isnt true gender is a spectrum no trans person is " more " trans then another trans person ) i personally headcanon leo as transmasc ftm and ive never heard of boygirl rise leo but it sounds rlly interesting and a cool au !! also i rlly like ur art srry again if this was annoying or i started rambling
not annoying at all, very helpful in fact! you seem to be living your best life and I'm happy it's (mostly) working out for you hah, this DOES give me some good ideas too. especially with the kinda shit where Leo's like "well i'm a man SOMETIMES so I'm probably not trans" hah.
ALSO TO BE HONEST I usually headcanon leo as a trans man too but,, for some reason Future Leo being a girlboy is sooo appealing to me. I think its cuz my nonbinary characters are usually agender or having a culturally important gender or Third Gender (like me) so I've recently started playing more with characters who feel both Guy and Girl or switch between them and I'm really on a Future Leo roll right now so i might as well sweep him up into it too.
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eolewyn1010 · 11 months
Dragging Frankenstein - Chapter 14
More exposition about people that are not of interest! Yay!
The Turkish merchant was the cause of everyone’s ruin, of course. I should have started a racism counter back in the prologue, oh well.
How are you “accidentally present at a trial”? Just stumbled into the courtroom, Your Honor, didn’t mean to!
“that the captive possessed a treasure which would fully reward his toil and hazard”??? So, not only does Felix view his fiancée as possession, he only helped her father in the first place because he reckoned he’d be given her as a present. For fuck’s sake.
Also, did Safie actually fall for “some guy who randomly wants to help my father” or did she feed his interest in her with love letters to ensure her family’s survival? Bc that might actually make for some interesting characterization of a woman in this book. We can’t have that!
Wait a minute, if Safie is a Turkish merchant’s daughter, why does Felix keep calling her “Arabian”?
Safie was taught “an independence of spirit, forbidden to the female followers of Mohammed”. Considering how the women in this book are all basically sheep at the beck and call of Their Men, this is either very funny or infuriating.
“allowed to only occupy herself with infantile amusements” …see above. Didn’t Elizabeth call her own occupations “trifling”?
“the prospect of marrying a Christian” – yeah, sure, that’s the peak of striving for virtue and grand ideas for a woman.
“sang to him the divine airs of her native country” – this reminds me of the tourism advertisement for every Muslim country ever, when they introduce the exoticism of the country with shots of the desert, with a veiled woman staring at the camera soulfully while some Arabian-ish song gets wailed in the background. Orientalism whomst?
“The Turk allowed this intimacy to take place” o.O Did… did Felix and Safie already get to consummate their bond?
“the treacherous Turk” – here we go again, with a nice lil’ alliteration so the stereotype sticks.
“Such were the events that preyed on the heart of Felix, and rendered him the most miserable of his family” -.- Felix gets IT’S ALL ABOUT ME: 14
I don’t care that this story isn’t about him; this is the EXACT same bullshit Victor pulls – everyone else suffers bc of his stupidities, but HE is the one who suffers the most because, alas, the weight of a conscience! Twat.
Random girl dies to add to the tragedy of Safie’s situation – but who cares, was only a servant anyway!
And now she can live in poverty and disgrace with the bunch of them. Cool.
The Creature is only half-done talking about them, and I wanna trash-talk Victor some more…
For my complaints about how the female characters are all the same, there's not too much variety among the male characters either. There's either Victor and his copies (his similarity to the Creature is one of the main points of the book, and Walton and Felix are, while less focused-on by the narrative, the same type of self-important, whiny, extolled-by-themselves-and-others, snooty egotists), or Victor's sycophants (his father, his brother, the magistrates, his professor and, yes, even sweet Henry).
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