#anyway sorry went on a tangent
l8tof1 · 1 year
Have you also noticed that this neck tattoo Lewis used to have is gone?
yeah it’s been gone for quite a while but idk why he chose to get rid of it!
i’m so fascinated by his tattoos bc i think quite a few of them are faith based, right? he talked about his faith more openly years ago and obv it’s a very personal topic but i feel like he’s someone whose world view and beliefs constantly evolve as he learns more about himself and the world. i’d be sooo curious to talk to him about it today, like what the tattoos mean to him today, his relationship with god today, etc.
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You know I HAVE to ask your onion on Varian, I GOTTA
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Ah, King Varian Wrynn. Such a wonderful character I almost never saw bc he was on the other side of the world and generally wanted my entire family’s mains all dead for a while (most of my life). Neat guy! Dudebro human paladin mains made me not want to learn abt him in the beginnings of my gaming bc they were all talking bout how he was a ruthless warrior but he is so much cooler than whatever the hell they were on about
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This dude is honestly really cool, like just in general I enjoy staring at this guy from a respectable distance. The only character in the Alliance I was interested in. Have I been an orc main for the past 6 years? Yes. Do I respect him and his morals? Also yes. I really like how much he is willing to learn, unlike most alliance characters (I know of) Varian grew from wanting revenge against his foes, to simply wanting justice, he’s willing to put aside his own personal feelings and logically look at things. He could wipe the horde off the face of Azeroth, but how many more of his people need to die? Methinks he is a good leader. Characters with the guts to ask themselves “Why?” At every moment get put in the pear wiggler. He also funny. Also his design is incredible, man out here rocking a 2 foot long ponytail, his scar looks awesome, and that cool glowy sword that splits into 2 more swords is just rad.
11/10 he’s a funky fellow. So glad he’s alive and doing well. 😀 🫠
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sapphicsnzs · 29 days
camping with allergies is so adorable especially with a significant other. being outside all day kicking off their allergies. then holding them close by the campfire and having the smoke tickle their nose more. and then finally exhausted after a day of sneezing cuddling into their partner in the tent only to realize there’s so much dust in there. also the idea of not having tissues because you can’t throw them out so having to use a bandana, a shirt, or your partner…
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thefanciestborrower · 5 months
do you have prey link hc's i am BEGGING spare vore
YEAH here you go! These are mostly gonna be B0TW and T0TK Link since that's who I talk about most on here, but if you want any other version I'd be happy to do that too. Okay so it might actually take Link a second to warm up to being eaten in a friendly manner if I'm being honest because there are. SO many monsters that would love to make him into a proper meal so in his mind it's a bad thing. At least...until it's very firmly established as something affectionate and kind of silly a few of his friends can do. Then once he warms up to it he's an absolute menace. Cannot ever sit still in someone's insides and I mean he absolutely CAN'T. It's impossible he's just too fidgety and can't keep his hands to himself to save his life. That I feel like is true of every Link, but especially our lovely B0TW/T0TK gremlin boy because look at him. Even his idle animations show him constantly stretching, bouncing, and shaking his little hands, so staying still in a stomach really isn't an option. Unless he falls asleep of course which is, a very big probability. Especially if he's bored. Something I think might be a little funny is how easy it would be to startle him by just, grabbing him up. For a normally rather stoic hero it seems very easy to catch him off guard in the games, and I feel like that would very much apply to any time a friend decided to grab him for a snack, even if they hadn't meant to scare him. He'll make the silliest shocked little face before he realizes what happened and chills out. The biggest culprits of just snatching him would probably be Si.don and Dar.uk because, well look at them they're huge.
For Sid.on it's more of an affectionate Z0ra thing I think. It feels like something they would use to transport very young Z0ra still in their tadpole stage if they had to and a lot of fish use mouth brooding anyways to care for their eggs, so it stands to reason that eating someone might be a fairly understood and acceptable thing. Especially looking at all the stuff that happened with Jabu Ja.bu in previous games. Sooo Sid.on has a tendency to eat Link as a way of catching up with his friend after going a while without seeing him, and honestly Link never really minds it. His insides are soft and make a great bed, and they're warm too, so Link honestly just wishes he was given more of a warning sometimes before getting gulped lmao. Dar.uk tho...he was awful about snatching Link up because he thought it was a bit funny. Gor.on eat pretty much exclusively rocks and minerals, so it's possible they might be completely incapable of processing something like a Hyli.an, especially one that's still alive and kicking. Combine that with how much bigger Dar.uk was than Link and....yeah there was really no reason for him not to eat his tiny friend every once in a while lol. Link was pretty fussy about it because he was NEVER given a warning and always grabbed at an inconvenient time, but he never was genuinely mad about it either. Just playfully annoyed and incredibly wiggly. I feel like Link also gets eaten by various monsters he fights like Hinox, Molduga, and other things like that, but it's waaayyyyyy less friendly or fun for either party
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fortheturnstiles · 6 months
had an absolute whirlwind of an afternoon in class today finding out my film professor is not only a neil young fan but a monkees fan. and like a real die hard michael nesmith guy . isn’t that wild. and i never would have known if i hadn’t brought up the monkees in a conversation that was not about them because i’m a crazy person. he also brought up chrome dreams which completely sent me into the stratosphere i just love music and i love people who love music and that we can share that together as people . isn’t it wonderful. that’s why we’re all here isn’t it
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popagan · 17 days
how do you plan your comics? They’re so well executed and I love the composition
Also what brushes do you use!? I need to eat them
Love you art!!
Thank you! The comic strips are inspired by various sources, but there is usually a certain theme (which is as of now only flowers lol) and I just ran with it (with Greek mythologies).
Truthfully, there is no planning. I had a drawing idea I wanted drawn, and I just craft a narrative that builds up to that drawing.
This is my first time making these comic strips, so my experience is close to none; I’m mostly just messing around haha.
Ramble ahead:
I’ve always enjoyed making illustrations with dialogues/writings. I’ve had past experiences making drawings based on book quotes/writings/tumblr quotes even; so I supposed it helped in some way. Though, I think having a clear idea of what you want (e.g drawing the last page first) would help with creating an outline/structure for them.
For the compositions, I don’t know how to explain it other than “small frames for closeups, big frames for big backgrounds; and also use the space outside the frames” 😅. It wasn’t a conscious decision putting things where it is for me. (My teacher would be very disappointed)
There are definitely room for improvements - personally I find the comic strips writing/pacing messy and incomprehensible. I’ve always had a habit of filling in more details than necessary and going around the idea rather than being direct with it (over-explaining but it doesn’t get to the point).
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I use Procreate to draw, and I’m not good with technologies so I just use brushpacks and the defaults ^^’
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Here’s the link to Jingsketch Basics Brushpack, it’s on Gumroad.
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killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
> 💕 Once again, more because y'all have that other post at almost 80 notes which is crazy,
Thank you ♥️!
Just a short and sweet little thing / harringroveson / T / ficlet
Billy still keeps up the rough exterior at school, still annoys Eddie whenever he wants attention from him, today had been slamming his locker shut and then leaning against it with a smirk,
And Eddie sighs, shoving at his shoulder to start on the code again,
Subtle ways to catch his boyfriend's attention.
"Miss me?" Eddie raises a brow at him as the lock clicks open.
Or, maybe not so subtle...
Whatever it is, it just works for them.
Billy has a rule about no touching at school, talking is fine, but he still feels he distances himself... End of the day, whatever keeps them safe.
It doesn't stop Eddie from trying, pushing at the seams of safe and Billy's letting him, blaming it on being a horny teenager and let's it settle there.
He'd be lying if he said it wasn't impressive.
He'd lamely bumped into him in the hall one day, definitely as an accident and been grinning once he looked up, winked to really dig the dagger in.
Though not like anyone's lining up to ask why he's been friendly with Munson, they still stare, but with the reputation he'd racked up? They stay that way.
Just staring.
It's fucking annoying.
Once again, it doesn't stop Eddie from just always managing to sneak glances at him, always manages to make him blush by doing some stupid shit, he gets it though.
Some days Eddie manages to pull him into a storage closet, under the bleachers to make out,
Today, the empty Hellfire club room.
Sometimes Steve is there too, just hanging out, stating
"didn't have anywhere else to go."
and Billy is so bad at hiding his crush on him, in Eddie's professional opinion, it :
"hurts to watch."
and Eddie knows it makes Billy jealous when he's always so touchy feely with Steve, telling him to stay, who never ceases to be oblivious to the advances. It just makes him go redder and feel even more jealous when he drags a hand up Steve's arm and calls him
"Have a seat, Big boy."
and Billy has to bite the inside of his mouth and try to hold himself back from his idiot boyfriend, and his soon to be accidental second once him and Eddie decide it's definitely a good idea to test the waters with Steve and definitely won't be anything besides a meaningless fuck -
it's been a couple weeks now, and maybe it's getting just a bit more serious with the three of them outside of hooking up now and then- and maybe Harrington does make him feel something more like he wants him around longer than he'd originally said,
He can almost hear Eddie grin.
Because he's hopeless for Steve too.
Now, Billy's around school being dragged back and forth between them both and wondering how the fuck it ended up this way.
Not like he minds, he really doesn't.
It's a night on the lake sometime after, and they're, like... a thing now.
Billy isn't used to it, people being nice or calling him pet names even less so, being serious about it. Steve and Eddie are opening him up to it, they do it with eachother. Billy's pretty boy nickname is sticking now that Steve knows it's meant in every sense and he's lost count of the times he's slipped up and called them both baby.
So Steve is staring up, looking at the stars, laying beside Eddie who's doing the same. Billy is sitting up, looking out into the lake from where he's sitting, hand carding in the sand.
It's relaxing, the sounds of the water, how quiet it is, like a blanket around only them. The world is comfortable, nothing else matters.
Steve moves a bit closer and leans his head against Billy's shoulder with a soft smile,
"You look beautiful." Looking up at him through his lashes,
And Steve sighs like he's a lovesick teen with a crush.
Billy feels something strange in his gut, like he's been punched. But it's nothing like being punched,
Just pure unfiltered adoration in his chest, burning.
He can hear Eddie laugh, it's becoming something of a theme everytime he knows Billy's fallen even further into the deep end over Steve.
He looks away,
"fuck Harrington..." He rubs a hand over his eyes and looks anywhere else for a moment.
It just doesn't feel real, like maybe he's caught in a dream.
Steve's noticed, he just gives him a pat and doesn't go to move; comfortable. Billy doesn't want him to move either, feeling tears forming he wipes at them before they fall.
He wants to kiss him,
"Yeah... you're not too bad yourself."
and he leans down to drag his lips over Steves,
Eddie immediately opens his lidded eyes,
a "huh-?"
when Billy pushes Steve unceremoniously onto Eddie's legs, and Eddie grins like a dog being handed a bone. leaning over and pressing a kiss to Billy's curls, while Billy kisses Steve.
they're a mess,
and Billy's pretty sure he's still stuck in a dream, but the taste of tobacco on Eddie's tongue feels a bit too real for him to be sure.
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heartpascal · 11 months
Hello! I absolutely adored if the door wasn't shut series- I think I've read it the entire thing four times since I first came across it (which was just yesterday). Your writing is so beautiful, and honestly the FEELS!! I can relate to the reader character so well, and they are so well written. Some of my fave parts are the angstier parts (especially after the Jesse incident and they were hiding in their shop). I know too well the feeling of not being good enough, and the fear of being left behind by everyone I love.
I'm just wondering (and this might be me projecting too), but does Joel know the extent of what he did to the reader? Like I totally get he did it to keep them safe, but he left them after they showed a bit of vulnerability (telling them they want to go home/being scared). I know he's apologized, and I know he knows it was wrong to take away their choice, but does he know that it's really messed up for him to have done that after the reader was so vulnerable with them? It sounds like they weren't super touchy-feely from the beginning, so the fact that they told them were scared. It was exactly like how they said to Tommy, about how they look in the mirror and see all the parts of themselves that was not good enough (or not enough to be loved and kept in people's lives). By abandoning the reader, Joel basically said the reader was too 'much' for them, and that their fear was a burden. My heart literally aches when I read the conversation with Tommy bc that feeling of rejection- especially after such a vulnerable moment would kill me.
Anyways sorry for the ramble! I just love this series so much, and I wanted to hear your perspective on it. And I love that the ending wasn't super wrapped in a neat bow- there was still animosity and how it doesn't feel like complete forgiveness but just a moving forward. I think it'd be interesting to see Joel's POV in all of this, especially at the end when he probs has to come to terms that he'll never 'get back to before' per se, and Tommy/Maria has most likely replaced him in being their safe space. Apologies if that was presumptive, and not what you had in mind with the ending, but I really don't see the reader going back to having that level of trust with him- not like they have with Tommy/Maria now.
okay i think this is like one of my favourite asks concerning this series ever. first of all, THANK YOU!!! omg. you’re so kind :’)
now let’s get into it >:)
i’m going to have to say no, joel doesn’t know the extent to how badly his actions effected reader! or at least he doesn’t quite understand the full extent of it. i mean we’ve gotta think like … this man was a fully grown adult when the world fell apart, you know? he became guarded, sure, but that wasn’t the way he grew up!!! whereas that would’ve been the way reader grew up, never knowing who to trust, never knowing where danger was gonna come from, never having a safe place to admit how r felt.
i’d say that when joel sorta saw that vulnerability it scared him because he was so used to reader being closed off, yk? which kinda only proves reader’s fears to be right, which is just so :( but we do know that joel consistently doesn’t think he’s good enough to protect ellie (and therefore reader too) so that definitely feeds into his reaction too. joel had his reasons for doing what he did, but at the time of them leaving reader behind he didn’t even think about how it could effect them!! he was concerned for their physical safety rather than any emotional or personal things.
i do love a bit of angst but even i’m a bit like :( when i remember what i put reader through in that series LMAOOO. they’re gonna have to go on a long journey to ever get even remotely close to joel like they had been before. but you’re absolutely right, it’s never gonna be like it was before, and that’s something that both joel AND r will have to come to terms with :(
and also NO PLEASE I LOVE HEARING YOUR THOUGHTS!!! never apologise this is my favourite thing. i love talking about this with you guys!!!
i think on some levels reader will never have that same level of trust or safety with anybody after joel. like i think it’ll have left a permanent mark, and they won’t be able to fully have faith or trust in someone again.
r’s relationship with tommy and maria is probably the closest it’ll ever get to what they had with joel, but it’ll never be quite the same. or maybe it will, but i imagine it’d take a very long time to get there. tommy and maria already know that all they can ever do is just be there for reader as much as they can, even when r thinks they won’t be. i’m sure they’ll have spoken to each other about how they’re gonna be all up in r’s life for as long as they possibly can, until their dying breath, honestly.
thinking about joel in this series is so sad, because when we think about what happens with ellie a bit later on as well it’s just so … sad. bc *tlou 2 spoilers kinda* when he and ellie fall out, that’s gonna effect his relationship with reader, too. it’s gonna feel like another betrayal, another reason that it feels impossible to trust him, even though r would be glad he did what he did. but yeah, joel would be lonely for sure, but he’s just glad that they’re both alive and safe, even if it’s not with him anymore.
i was originally going to do a part 6 to that series, but the ending of part 5 was just so … satisfying to me? like it’s realistic in my eyes!!! they’re never gonna be the same, that’s true, but there’s something. and joel would take whatever something r would give him.
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stinkrascal · 7 months
i forgot to show u guys but look what i found at walmart lol
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hes my desk accessory now 🧘
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
Thinking about Seo Dongjae’s arc and how Lee Changjoon factors into it.
Spoilers for both seasons of Stranger under the cut.
Both came from similar backgrounds in that they were ‘disadvantaged’ compared to their peers. Lee Changjoon didn’t come from a family as wealthy as the chaebols and Lee Yeonjae is explicitly said to have married ‘down’ when she married him instead of Kim Byunghyun. Seo Dongjae meanwhile wasn’t an alumni of a prestigious university and so doesn’t have the same connections as many of his colleagues. This pushes them both in different ways. Dongjae towards latching onto the nearest person he thinks he can use to give him a leg up. Changjoon towards the murky business of Hanjo and his father-in-law.
As season 1 progresses, Dongjae and Changjoon become more distant. We’re told that they used to be closer and have been growing apart over the course of the early episodes as Dongjae’s suspicion of his boss grows. Dongjae is still an opportunist though and so he returns back under Changjoon when given the chance. Ultimately, survival is what matters most for him and if it’s playing all sides that keeps him from being arrested that’s just what he’ll do.
Changjoon took Dongjae on to be his employee on the condition he stay away from Hanjo and his father-in-law. In retrospect, I’m inclined to believe this was his way of protecting Dongjae from their influence rather than because of worries Dongjae could ‘expose’ him. After all, Changjoon intended to expose Hanjo himself and so keeping Dongjae away from them doesn’t particularly help with this. If anything, he’s limiting potential information Dongjae can obtain to only the pieces more relevant to himself.
And, of course, Changjoon told Dongjae to not follow his path with his dying breaths. He could see the direction Dongjae was heading (and was already far enough down to have an arrest warrant out in his name) and knew where it had ended for him. Changjoon knew how how hard it is to extricate yourself once you’ve started down the corrupt route. But he also knew it wasn’t too late for Dongjae. Eunsoo proved that Dongjae couldn’t stomach being a killer.
Season two Dongjae, for all he’s still trying to make inroads and build connections in dubious ways, does show signs of growth. The fact he looked further into the Choi Bit and Park Gwangsu when Woo Taeha tried to draw him away from them is evidence of that. Looking further in this case would not endear him to the very person he wants to gain a promotion from. Also, it does seem like he was genuinely invested in his role in juvenile crimes, in even ‘simple’ bullying cases. And that in of itself helped him unlock the beach case. There was also how didn’t particularly socialise with others at his current office and mainly kept to himself which is a far cry from his early season 1 behaviour. Of course, the last point is somewhat weakened by the way he was most definitely networking outside of his station, but it adds to the sense of isolation and desperation present in everyone this season. His motivation skews increasingly towards his family and dissatisfaction with the whole system (though as a prosecutor he aims most of his ire at the police force).
There’s a part in the second season where Dongjae says something about how looking too deeply into places regardless of what everyone else wants can get you in trouble. And at the time the most obvious person it applies to is Simok (and also Eunsoo, but that stays silent) but in a number of ways it applies to Dongjae himself in this season. He’s probably lucky he was taken out by the culprit he was when you look at the other potential suspects. He has a lot of new powerful enemies. And those enemies are still future threats to him (as Lee Yeonjae demonstrates aptly). For a character so focused on survival historically, his choice should be clear when it comes to whether he speaks up or whether he chooses to stay silent. And yet, he’s shown enough growth that it isn’t clear anymore.
In the dream sequence in season 2, the subtext is pretty clear as to why each person appears. They’re all people who quite literally ‘lost their way or lost their life’. Changjoon (life/way - self-explanatory), Kang (strayed his way but chose to leave), Eunsoo (life, and also her way - though not in the corrupt sense, more how her revenge consumed her and she made self-destructive choices), Yoon (way, though importantly *not* his life). And Dongjae being there is partly to raise the potential he won’t make it, but most of all, it’s there to say that Dongjae hasn’t yet chosen his own path.
As of the season two finale, we don’t know which direction he’ll choose to go.
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
Hello,do you have any headcannons for the lettuce incident with Horus and Set?
SO MANY. idk where to start from because i've already spoken bits and pieces about it-- check my hc masterlist in my bio!
ok, so, like I said here, i think Set's betrayal all begins with his perception that Osiris is too kind-hearted and therefore, too weak to rule properly.
and so he decides to kill Osiris and take over. and this is all super clean because Osiris doesn't have any heirs that could possibly contest for the throne.
UNTIL, Isis, with the power of love, resurrects Osiris and has Horus. NO ONE was expecting that, least of all Set... i hc that Set banishes Isis and doesn't kill her because she's still his sister and she's sort of a bit timid and doesn't pose any real threat to him (or so he thinks).
now, the thing about Horus is that he lives most of his life away from the capital of Egypt-- which is where Set stays. so Horus hears a lot of stories about Set, but doesn't really know who he is. but, now that Horus has grown up a bit, and Set is a bit older than he was back when he killed Osiris, Horus thinks that since he's younger, he should be stronger, and it'll be really easy to defeat Set.
but when Horus arrives at Set's palace, i like the idea that he's very flashy and loud and just openly reveals who he is and challenges Set then and there. and Set is like "wtf how are you even alive!" and Set, equally as arrogant as Horus, thinks it'll be an easy task to kill Horus right there on the spot.
so they have, right from the get-go, this rivalry where they both think they're sooo much better than the other. but, the truth about who's better isn't actually all that clear. they fight, but get interrupted by the arrival of Atum (Egyptian creation myth varies, but i like the idea that Atum is the supreme creator,, THE first guy ever, and progenitor of all gods) who "hosts" the Ennead.
and Atum, wise beyond measure, decides that picking who should be Pharaoh isn't as simple as winning a fight, so he designs numerous challenges to test all manner of skills and reveal the one who is truly worthy of the throne.
unfortunately, Set and Horus are both very cunning and talented, and there is no distinct victor. ultimately, the challenges are no longer about being good at the game, but outsmarting/foiling each other.
now, Set hates Horus for numerous reasons; chiefly because he threatens to take away Set's throne which he has "sacrificed much for", but also because Horus and his family (i.e., Osiris and Isis) have taken away all that Set wishes for... from Set's perspective.
Osiris, ruler of Egypt, took the throne that Set thought he was more worthy of. everyone fawns over Isis for her beauty and kindness, but Set perceives that Nephthys is wayyy prettier and talented and has more heart/soul than Isis ever could have, and lastly, the final nail in the coffin, Isis is responsible for raising Anubis after Nephthys, in fear of Set, gives Anubis away to Isis so she doesn't have to raise him herself in Set's presence where Anubis might grow to be as tyrannical as Set.
obviously, Set doesn't see himself as the reason for why Anubis had to be sent away.. in my version of events, Set doesn't even know Anubis exists until Horus goes with Anubis to the capital to challenge Set... this is because Nephthys conceals her pregnancy from Set, so he's completely oblivious.
but the thing is-- i like the idea that Set actually does want a family. he does love Nephthys. he would have been over the moon to have a son, to raise Anubis himself, and he HATES Isis for taking his son away from him... i do not think he blames Nephthys,, but is convinced that she was "brainwashed" into giving Anubis away.
so when Set sees Horus and Anubis acting like brothers, it pisses Set off a lot, and it makes Set hate Horus even more.
now... with the actual lettuce incident.. the original is too weird for my liking- i think Set and Horus should have a strictly professional relationship (and also idk how anyone could stick to the original myth without sounding batshit insane).
backstory for a moment: i have a hc that, at the place where Ra first emerged is a tree. and that tree bears seed that is considered to be the substance of life (you can probably see where im going with this)... certain creator gods like Ra, Ptah, and Atum, have the power and skill to use that seed to create lifeforms, but for most other gods, it's toxic and akin to poison. so Set steals some of the seeds off this tree and uses it to hopefully poison Horus.
in the original myth, Ra, Horus, Set and a few others i think, go to this secret island where they're supposed to play nice and not fight. so, under the pretense that he's "playing nice" and following the truce, Set gifts Horus some of this poison that he's disguised as wine.
but Horus isn't as dumb as he looks, and although he doesn't know what it is that Set has given to him, he recognises the danger in accepting something from Set. so of course, he goes to his mother (like he always does).
and i think from there, Isis and Hathor realise Set's plan and turn the tables on him, transferring that poison to Set's favourite lettuce.
you might ask, why does Set accept the lettuce from Horus when he knows they're enemies??? well, i think, the simplest answer is that Set underestimates Horus. constantly.
he doesn't see Horus as a threat that he can't defeat. so, when Horus gives Set the lettuce, he's reasonably sure that it's not poisoned. as a precaution, i hc that the poison is only in the core of the lettuce, so to prove it's not poisoned, Horus can eat a leaf from the outmost layer and be fine, but when Set eats into the centre of the lettuce, that's when the poison strikes.
anyways. the rest is the same as the classic myth. Set eats the lettuce and gets pregnant -_- and gives birth to a disk which is very humiliating and embarrassing for him.
now, the act of getting impregnated by your rival is supposed to be like... the most shameful thing ever. it's not something to be proud of. BUT, this kinda doesn't make sense to me because a lot of gods in myth have given birth on their own and no one really faced any embarrassing social consequences because of this. ALSO, the Contendings doesn't end when Set gives birth, BUT ends when Set unwittingly admits that he did the wrong thing and Horus should be King, and that doesn't happen for a bit.
SO, i like the idea that Set, crafty as ever, decides to spin things around and claim that the fact that he could create life is not a shameful thing, after all- Ra himself created Hathor and many other gods by himself, as did Atum, and also Ptah. so, really, there's nothing wrong with it.
and,, because Set is so skilled in persuasion, many on the Ennead are inclined to agree with him, and so, the Contendings continues on with MORE challenges, much to Horus' chagrin.
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mazojo · 1 year
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tenisperfection · 1 month
the anons i get are hilarious honestly. yes anon you're so right this doesn't mean buddie is happening, yeah so that story they've been fighting YEARS to tell they changed networks so now they'r'e just gonna stop fighting for it. OR they no longer have to fight for it and now they can tell the story they've wanted to all along.
Seriously how anyone can think Buddie is not endgame after these insane interviews is beyond me. Now it's all about being patient.
Yeah!The thing is, the interviews are just cherry on the cake, they’re confirming things the story has been telling us for years. Oliver was so right when he says he gets it because he watches the same story that we all do, and the story has been very clear from the beginning. I’ve seen and been in fandoms where people grasp at the thinnest of straws and ship people who’ve never met in canon. Ship and let ship, but my point is that 911 has never been that. We’ve been watching a carefully and beautifully constructed story that has and will take years to tell because there’s so much that makes these people and their journeys, and this show, at its finest, has never been for taking the easy way out. This is why there is so much justified anger and rage since the interview because none of these creators deserved to have been told that the stories they’re telling are too much and they need to go in another direction. It’s infuriating.
I digress, but my point is that even if we didn’t have any of the interviews we’ve had the last few days/weeks, it wouldn’t have wavered my conviction that the creators will continue to tell Buck and Eddie’s story no matter what detours they’ve had to take and no matter the cowardly network that tried to tell them their stories aren’t valid.
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donniesgoggles · 1 year
i also really love how the show like. demonstrates the way donnie does express his affection? like there's him being protective, which is a MAJOR part of it, but my favorite example is. the really subtle detail of. many times, when a brother expresses a desire for something they don't have, donnie is shown to have made it in a later episode. without fanfare it's just. they have it now. i know there's multiple examples of it, but the one that comes to mind is. in the mutant menace, leo asks if they have force shields on the tank (after what. i'm fairly sure was a joke from donnie referencing force shields) and donnie replies that they don't have them. and then in the next episode we see the tank in, turtle dega nights, the tank now has force shields. no acknowledgement just. he did it.
it's a combination of his protectiveness and his tendency towards gift giving that i really love. his affection is unspoken and he has a hard time putting said emotions into words and gestures that may be more visible or obvious or grand, but he loves and feels and feels deeply at that.
YES. YES PRECISELY THAT. Donnie is so beautifully crafted as a character, like they clearly put so much thought into him, every time something happens they're thinking, so how would Donnie deal with this.
I adore this show for many reasons but a big one his how they show his differences as being accepted within the family and not mocked or antagonised (like neurodivergent traits often are).
His brothers don't get mad at him when he lacks empathy - a specific point to note would be in Pizza Pit when his favourite pizza place is destroyed, instead of mocking him because he disregarded it when it was Mikey's favourite, Mikey just hugs him as they've BOTH lost (you could argue that's just Mikey's character, but may I direct you to whatever the Leo and Mikey episode is called where they're waiters for Hueso).
His brothers don't get mad at him for showing his love differently, just like you said. Gift giving IS his love language (and words of validation is what he likes to receive in return), I mean hell we got a whole episode about it (Donnie's gifts) (which he totally built those gadgets to keep his brothers safe, albeit in an insensitive manner), and he constantly upgrades their gear to help them in battles (Donnie-pods, wrist comms, turtle tank) but also just around the lair (flying microwave?. defence bed short, sheldon, etc.) Yeah he doesn't say 'I love you' but in these gifts he's saying 'I spent hours planning designing building testing these things so you can enjoy them (because i love you)', you know?
The thing that hurts my heart the most about these traits is within his relationship with Splinter, especially in season 1. Splinter loves his sons, but that doesn't stop the fact that he was emotionally neglectful. We've seen Donnie go out of his way to receive praise (from parent-aged adults) (wonder why), but the praise from his father means the most to him - a father who seemingly never really bothered emotionally as he was battling his own depression (see Turtledega nights: ballad of rat man (my favourite episode for this reason))
I went a little off topic; your point on the battle shields reminded me of the above point, but you're absolutely right.
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hecatesbroom · 2 months
I hope you don't mind the influx of GG/Dorothy asks you've gotten because I really love your takes and your fics really touch upon a more vulnerable part of Dorothy that I feel was rarely fully explored but was very much present. I was watching recently an ep where Dorothy says she thought her father didn't like her or love her and Sophia cracked that he always talked her up ... to try and sell her to gypsies. Dorothy says "do you know how much that hurts me when you say things like that?". It's one of those lines that's never really followed up on or given a big moment but it stays with me.
Not at all!! I love hearing from you! <3 (and if you ever feel up to it, feel free to send me a dm as well! I'd love to hear more of your thoughts!)
Thank you so much :') I started writing Golden Girls fics precisely for that reason: Dorothy's vulnerability is left so underexplored in the show, even in the moments that (in my opinion, anyway!) presented the perfect opportunity to delve a little deeper into her feelings. I had to give her a moment to shine haha.
That line is the perfect example of what I'm talking about, actually! They throw in those really poignant lines or moments (or even just looks, at times) that hint at so much going on beneath the surface, but it's never expanded on. The only emotional moments she does get, that are fully followed up on, are those relating to Stan -- and even there I feel like a lot is glossed over (often by Dorothy herself, first and foremost).
I could probably write an essay on this but I'll spare you, but I think Sophia's often treated much the same -- if slightly differently -- in the show! And I mean, considering she raised Dorothy, I'm pretty sure she inadvertently ended up teaching Dorothy that covering up your vulnerability is the only way to deal with it. Sophia covers her feelings with quips and jokes, Dorothy does it through dismissal.
And because both of their methods for covering up are very convenient for a sitcom (I can drag Blanche into this as well, by the way. But I promised not to write an essay) it's *so easy* for the narrative to just. go along with their own dismissal of their feelings. Have Sophia distract from her feelings with a funny joke, and the audience is on the floor. Have Dorothy dismiss her feelings with a Look, and there's another opening for someone else to keep up the pace and move the scene along into lighter territory.
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quatregats · 3 months
Having a real "*freeze frame**record scratch* oh hey it's me you might be wondering how I ended up here" kind of moment rn
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