#anyway sorry this is a classic vent post
lovelyisadora · 5 months
rattling the bars of my enclosure over here get these tumors out of me!!!
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
not to keep being like "clearly some of y'all weren't around for the s4 finale of the magicians on syfy" but...
times like these? it's just so palpably obvious which of us HAVE had firsthand experience with what it's actually like witnessing a coordinated campaign consisting of intentional, active, premeditated, and malicious queerbaiting, complete betrayal of fan and audience expectations, and a dangerous, flagrant, thoroughly irresponsible handling of trauma/healing/mental illness storylines unfold before our eyes in real time like a slow motion car crash at the hands of a homophobic, ableist showrunner hellbent on overpowering the writers room in order to further their own agenda and ruin a good thing out of spite and spite alone.
and which of us, uh. haven't! 🤭
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This is Grade A Bullshit
(This is rant about the new sonic superstars game and there will be spoilers so if you don’t wanna see that please leave the post thank you)
As you know the new sonic superstars game is here and with comes the return of classic sonic & the rest of the classic version of many characters. Hell we even get to see fang again for the long time in a while. We also get a brand new character in trip the sungazer.
Now in most classic sonic games getting the chaos emeralds rewards every character with their super forms but sonic is the only one who actually changes in anyway. Now me I’ve always hated that because it stupid in my eyes but since it was one character I could let it slide. Like at least classic version of the characters can use the emeralds.
But the disrespect reached a new level when trip turns super she actually gets a visual change and not a small one. I mean like she has new fucking sprite and can even fly something not even super sonic can do.
I’m going to show what I mean now and hopefully you feel what I feel.
Trip(Regular State)
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Trip(Super State)
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Yeah I wasn’t fucking joking she has a new sprite and gets an ability that not even super sonic has.
In comparison here what Tails,Knuckles,and Amy get.
Amy(Regular State)
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Knuckles(Regular State)
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Tails(Regular State)
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You wanna know why I only put their regular states. It’s because we all already know what they got. That shitty fucking sparkle they do every fucking game!!So realistically you can just these picture with a sparkle and boom they are in their super modes!!
You know what let me calm down. Okay so I needed to get this out of my system because at this point I now know that SEGA dosen’t care about these three’s super forms even though Tails & Knuckles were some of the first characters to have it. Hell there even proving my point with frontiers.
We could have the end controlling Supreme versus the four main character in their super form but no let’s just give Sonic super sonic 2 even though we are trying to not look like a DBZ rip off and basically kill Hyper Sonic.
So at this point I’m just tired of the fact that a one off character that will never be mentioned again got more effort put into her super form than Tails,Amy,and Knuckles ever will receive and that disrespect to these three will continue until we see them on their solo adventures which will probably take years to happen since in IDW we never get to focus on these three.
Sorry if this came off as salty but I needed to vent
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moonjxsung · 2 months
so we're all struggling right now huh ... 😭
just want to let everything out, you don't have to read or post this ml <3
tw for sexual trauma mention ? not sure
im really upset recently because i had to cut off the only guy i found myself comfortable being around, and guess why !! he wanted my body !!! 💯💯💯🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🍻🍻🍻🍻👏🥳🥳🍻🎈🎈 no but seriously im really upset. he was an awful texter and communicator, and he knew i had really big struggles with abandonment PLUS attachment. i had to beg him to text me back and just talk to me, which he still didn't unless i was (reluctantly) flirting with him or if i was venting to him and needed him.
we saw each other in person while he was at my work for a while, and then tried to literally have sex with me there ???????? i told him no and brushed him off since i was uncomfortable with it (it's my fucking job hello why are u trying to fuck). about a week before he came to see me, i opened up to him about my sexual trauma and disassociation issues, and he literally said "i don't even wanna touch you now" after. PLEASE TELL ME IF IM TWEAKING BUT THAT REALLY UPSET ME WTF and then also made fun of me when i was having a disassociation episode ummmmm anyway!
i texted him and again begged him to talk to me and asked him why he acted the way he did, and he apologized so i thought he'd change. HE DIDNT 🔥🔥🔥🔥
he continued to flirt and be sexual with me even though i wasn't really comfortable with it, but i was really attached so i let him get away with it even though i knew i shouldn't. then i told him how i was panicking about that old guy at my job (the one i told you about WHO GOT FIRED WE CHEERED) and he completely left me to deal with it on my own and i was PANICKING. i even texted him twice after my meeting and he still to this day hasn't texted me back (i texted two weeks ago). i haven't reached out since and he hasn't checked on me once 🔥🔥🔥🔥 me when i attach to cold nonchalant men who i think i can fix then end up hurting myself 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ohhhhhh classic case of a man only keeping you around because he wants to use you but he’s a fucking terrible person in every sense of the word!!!! I know this trope very well it sounds like my ex 😍 and then they only reach out when they want nudes or to sext and then they disappear again 😍 mmmm yeah do that thing again where you treat me like fucking garbage and I’m too stupid and naive to walk away 😍 so hot
Also not him trying to have sex at ur place of work….. AND THEN WHAT HE SAID WHEN YOU OPENED UP ABT YOUR TRAUMA???? HELLO?????????????? Hoooooly fucking shit I am so sorry I literally had a visceral reaction to READING THIS I want to k!ll him actually
Cold nonchalant men who ghost u unless they want sexual favors in return my beloved 🔥 exactly my type 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I am so fucking sorry jfc please tell me you’re aware that you deserve SO much better and you dodged a bullet with him 😭😭 sending all my love I guess we really are just going THRUUUU it this week. Who else up ruminating and yearning for the past so they could go back in time and do it differently 😍 feel better bby I’m here if you need anything :( 🫶
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Can i have old caesar hcs? basically he lived until part 3 then joined the stardust crusaders. and how would he bond with the reader?
Part 3! Old! Caesar (Oldsar) bonding with gn! Reader
Warnings: part 2 and 3 spoilers, mentions of death
Pronouns: n/a
Notes: it's shorter then my previous posts and I think it's going to stay this way for any future works. And also sorry for writing it for so long, I was really burned out, just starting to get back to writing
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Just to clarify something about old Caesar:
He still actively uses hamon, so he looks younger than Joseph
Sometimes he teases him about it
They're in touch with each other and pretty much best friends
Idk if he has a stand, so srry, no stand headcanons :[
So when the events of SDC took place he was one of the first members of the crusaders
Since he's not that cheeky kid from the past anymore(mostly), he feels responsible for the organization in the team. After all, his haste nearly cost him his life
Therefore, most of the time, he discusses travel plans and battle strategies with other members of the team, including you
The rest of the time, he teaches Jotaro, his godson, manners/hj
But jokes aside, he's kind of like mentor figure for the group
He coaches others, gives good advice, and sometimes even just fools around
He's still a show-off by the way, loves to do tricks with his bubbles
He's even willing to train you or anyone hamon, he thinks that it's still a huge advantage
(I wished Araki played with hamon a little bit more.✨ THE POSSIBILITIES ✨)
Anyway, he tries to remember the characteristics and preferences of other people, and sometimes he makes them feel good
You just come to your hotel room to find your favorite food on the table with a note from Caesar (He overdid it with spices a little, but in general it's delicious^^)
Or if you need someone to be around, he's definitely the guy to go to. Blanket, hot drink, venting - classic
He's quite a good listener
Sometimes he tells you about many psychologically difficult situations with such details that many people would get worried ':|
Also get ready for him rambling to you about his dissatisfaction with the behavior of some members of the group, conditions in the hotels and the whole trip in general, he sees this as a bonding moment between you
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Hello M! 😃 Can I request a fluffy dating headcanon with his shy!fem!human! reader for Hunter (toh)? Please?? ~💚
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Sorry for posting this like 28372747274 years after you asked, I've just been putting off writing bc genshin and sky is consuming me.
Classic enemies to lovers.
(Drabble, Thanks to Them spoilers, a tiny bit of angst if you squint)
You came to the demon realm with Luz because your mother thought it'd be good to go to reality check camp to learn 'what the real world is like' as well as telling you to get out of your comfort zone and talk to people other than Luz. You, being a bit of a doormat at the time agreed, and you watched as Liz sadly throws her book away before hurriedly rummaging through the bin to find it again (ew) one thing led to another and wow 🤩 you’re in the boiling isles running away from fairies that want your skin.
(Hc’s below the cut)
You meet Hunter properly for the first time when he’s trying to steal the palisman.
you have a cute little rabbit palisman, anyways
you two hate each other, youre just less vocal about it
you’ve grown a lot since you’ve first came here but you’re still pretty shy about voicing your thoughts (especially disdainful ones)
it’s almost like a rivalry
you know about all his misdeeds (thanks to luz) and so you’re super cautious around him
that changes when you’re at hexside when the head of the illusion coven, and you find out he’s left the Emperors coven
you feel bad and as you’re talking with him, you guys actually bond and he finds that he likes you a lot
He likes how he doesn’t feel pressure to talk around you
lets himself be vulnerable with you, even if it’s for a couple of minutes
SPOILERS!!!! You’ve been warned
you guys don’t really voice your feelings for each other until you’re in the human realm
even then it takes a bit of help from the others, namely Willow and Luz
emotions are running high and the two of you are locked in a room
says the note your best friend has left you
it takes awhile but he ends up being the one to take initiative and asks you out
it was awkward and kind of stiff, but it was him, and that was enough for you to say yes
*clears throat* ‘it has, uhhh come to my attention, in light of… recent events that I,, uhm, wish to court you!’
hes so cute anyways
you guys go on a coffee date (I feel like he doesn’t like coffee so but him a hot chocolate instead)
he LOVES ranting to you about wolves, he gets such a cute gleam in his eyes, please indulge him
(give him a wolf plush and he will never let you go)
lawd have mercy though, help him with his fashion sense, im begging 🙏
pda is kinda awkward since it’s his first relationship that’s healthy in any sense (other than his friendships ofc)
he doesn’t know what to do and you’re too shy to really do anything
hold his pinky im begging, linked pinkies is a must!!
kisses are always short and sweet
cuddles are a bit stiff but he likes having you close to him, zen (back to back, while holding hands) is his favourite position
everyone ships you
you wonder what Owl mama would say
she’d probably gag and mock your choice while secretly approving
he decides he loves you when he finds you cuddling with Flapjack and Pancake (your palisman) while wearing his yellow sweater thing.
if flapjack loves you, he does too.
holding him close after nightmares around belos is a must, run your fingers through his hair and let him cry, please.
help him cope with flapjacks death, and he helps you with all the trauma you’ve collected too
venting sessions happen often
overall he loves you, loves how small you are and how kind and caring and loving you are.
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writer-in-theory · 1 year
Hi! So uh, this isn't edited at all. I wrote it on the fly and like, I'm half asleep. BUT! I saw you said you're sad and well, I'm that same anon that asked about prompts a while back. I don't expect you to answer this at all. It's wayyyy too big to post to your blog. That's just, cuckoo bananas. I just don't like seeing people sad. So like, random act of kindness type thing. Yah know? Anyway, hope this cheers you up a little? Maybe? Sorry it's so shit! 😂 but it's something!
“I’m miserable,” Eddie’s voice is just a mumble over the phone. His tone matches his words, defeated.
“What? Why?” Steve’s driving home, squinting through his windshield as rain pours down, wipers not doing much.
There’s a long sigh, Steve thinks he can hear an echo. Eddie must be in the bath. That’s how he knows it was bad. Eddie only ever takes baths on really very bad days.
“Well,” Eddie starts, and sure enough, Steve can hear the splash of water as Eddie moves in it. It’s long winded, Eddie’s explanation, takes a lot of detours because Eddie can never just say things straight. He slept past his alarm. 7Eleven didn’t have yellow Red bull, so he had to settle for regular or die drinking sugar-free. When he got outside it was pouring buckets and he slipped in an oil puddle, lost his breakfast sandwich. Ripped the thigh of his jeans in the process. When he got in his van the sunroof was leaking, leaking down into his new pack of cigarettes. When he went to drink his Red bull it exploded on him. Was extremely late to work and was made to do inventory in the back because he, ‘couldn’t be seen on the floor looking like that.’ “Which, like, whatever Jessica, she was wearing crocs with fishnets. Seriously. So, like, what’s the real crime here?”
“Eddie,” Steve chides, grins anyway.
“Really though, Steve. Anyway,” He takes another deep breath. Goes on about how when he went to put in his AirPods, so he didn’t have to sit in silent torture all day, they weren’t connecting. Which, wasn’t surprising because he phone had busted under the weight of his, ‘not so fat ass’ falling down on it. So, silent torture it was. Then, when he got off work he had therapy, which he was more than relieved to actually go to. He needed to vent. Only, when he got there he had, “bumped into your ex.”
“Tommy?” Steve asks and Eddie groans.
“He apparently goes to the same therapist as me. He says ‘hi,’ by the way. Wants to ‘catch up’ with you or whatever.” He’s mumbling again, “Does he drive a classic Camaro?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Asshole,” Eddie tried to say it quietly but Steve heard it none the less. Steve could imagine it. Could see Eddie all dirty, torn clothes, hair clumped up from the Red bull, come face to face with, “He looked like a damn Greek god. Smug, too.” Steve can hear the sneer in Eddie’s voice.
“Don’t worry about him. I’m not interested in catching up. Have you eaten?” There’s a long silence, and Steve can actually hear the loud grumble that emits from Eddie’s stomach. The mention of food probably igniting something in him.
“Big Mac large with a Dr. Pepper and six-piece chicken nuggets, honey mustard. Want an apple pie?”
Eddie stays silent and Steve knows what that means, “And an apple pie,” Steve says, “You finish up your bath, put on my big comfy robe, you know the one that you always steal?” Steve always acts so annoyed by it but he secretly loves it, knows Eddie knows that too, “put on The Fellowship of the Ring, get nice and cozy. I’ll do your hair tonight while you eat.”
Through the silence Steve can hear a small sniffle. It breaks his heart.
“I love you, Eddie,” Steve says, puts his car in park.
“I love you, too, baby.”
“Hold tight, I’ll be home soon,” They say their goodbyes.
Steve doesn’t just come home with a big bag full of McDonalds. He comes home with a bouquet of sunflowers and big colorful gerbera daisies and two great big Cinnabon cinnamon buns.
“Uncle Wayne!” Eddie pauses the movie as soon as Steve walks in. He’s leaning forward on the couch, eyes glittering as he looks over the Cinnabon bag. It’s of course not literally Wayne but the next best thing Steve could get him. Eddie had told him once that on rare occasions Wayne would have a night off. Which always meant he could take Eddie to school in the morning, dropping by Cinnabon to grab a quick super indulgent breakfast.
“Fuck, you’re the best,” Eddie says, gets up to help Steve get everything together. Only, Steve gently pushes him back down onto the couch.
“Watch your movie. I’ve got this,” Steve says. With a little hesitation Eddie does as he he’s told and watches as Steve sets the coffee table up for him. He lays out his food and settles the flowers in a vase. From there he makes a cozy little nest of pillows and blankets on the ground between the coffee table and the couch. Eddie shifts down into it easily as he starts to dig into his food.
Steve knows how easily Eddie forgets to feed himself. Always ends up like a wild animal by the end of the day, shoving food in his mouth like he’s never eaten before and doesn’t know when he’ll eat again. Steve settles behind him, wraps his arms around his shoulders, nuzzles his nose through the thick curtain of damp hair and kisses at his neck. Eddie turns his head, looks at Steve. He’s got a mouthful of burger and a fry in his hand and Steve presses a kiss to the corner of his lips, picks up a little bit of Big Mac sauce as he does. He doesn’t care, just licks his lips clean of it.
“That was kind of gross,” Eddie remarks after he swallows, a smile on his face regardless.
“Eh, I suck your dick, so,” Steve shrugs. Eddie nods, gives a look that says, ‘fair enough’ before shoving the fry in his mouth.
“I need a real one,” Eddie says around the fry.
“Real what?” Steve asks and Eddie points at his lips. Steve just smiles and leans down, presses a soft kiss to Eddie’s lips. It’s been years and yet, each time still feels like the first for Steve. Electricity flowing from his lips down to his heart, sparks popping over his skin. He pulls back, opens his eyes before Eddie. Eddie’s just frozen, head pressed back against Steve’s thigh. Eddie takes in a deep breath and slowly his eyes open, focus on Steve. Big brown eyes and they hold so many thoughts. Steve thinks the only one right now being ‘Love’.
“I think I’m going to start prepping breakfasts and lunches for you,” Steve says and watches as Eddie’s eyes glaze over. Thinks they’re now saying, ‘adore’.
“I’d like that,” Eddie says and Steve kisses him again.
They spend the rest of the night watching the movie. Steve settled behind Eddie. He’s working through Eddie’s hair. It’s a long process of different products. Conditioner, curl cream, a special brush that he has to twirl the hair on and over. He’s methodical with it. Takes his time, goes slow and gentle. Halfway through Eddie’s a puddle in his lap, dozing in and out of sleep. When he’s done he’s gently crunching up the newly made ringlets with gel. Takes one of Eddie’s black silk hankies and wraps his hair up in it.
Steve’s careful, so careful, to not wake Eddie. He slips his arms down, picks him up bridal style and moves him to the bed. He’d set it up the way Eddie likes it the best. He’s got every one of their fluffy comforters on it, makes a big nest in the middle of the bed. When he settles Eddie down in the middle of it he grabs their biggest fuzziest faux fur blanket and tosses it over him. When he turns to go and clean up Eddie whines, reaches out a hand and Steve turns to take it.
“Stay,” Is all Eddie says and Steve thinks that clean up can wait until tomorrow. Without hesitation he strips down and settles himself into the nest with Eddie.
There’s only a bit of shifting before they end up in Eddie’s favorite position. The one he likes to call, ‘Steve Bearrington.’ Which is just Eddie being the big spoon but likes to think of it more as Steve being his own personal teddy bear.
Eddie can’t say that he’d ever want another day like this, but if he can spend every night being spoiled by Steve Harrington, he thinks it’s more than worth it.
Sorry I posted this so late, I ended up wanting to hold onto it for awhile and re-read it about a dozen times. It's so so sweet and definitely helped me through some rough days, so thank you very much for sharing this with me 💜
Also your choice of Eddie's comfort meal is literally perfect and I love it.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
just looked at my last post and grimaced,, sorry guys. (who is guys. there is like one person who cares 😭🙏🏼) I’ll be splitting them up into a couple more separate drafts now and scheduling them to post so I look slightly less insane!
anyway remember how I mentioned the brothers’ complicated relationships with food while homeless and how it damages me viscerally in my soul. I’m gonna talk about that again.
eldest daughter here. if you didn’t see my last post,, go take a peek at me going absolutely insane over mako. or don’t. but I might reference some of my comments on his severe case of eldest daughter syndrome in this post.
CW: mild disordered eating/ intentional starvation and poverty
if any of that is triggering please don’t continue reading :]
so. we all know the classic trope, “mako gives up a meal for bolin to get full portions and lies that he’s already eaten/not hungry”
bolin is kind of chubbed up by canon—he’s not short on muscle mass the way your typical recovering poor kid would be. so. I thought of my own brother and I. he’s pretty strong, broad shoulders and could body most average dudes.
we grew up (still are growing up) poor. not homeless, but we struggle through paychecks and bad luck after bad luck. infestations, medical bills (so many medical bills), school events, school tuition (because my dad has always insisted we can be better than they ever were with the right education. he barely went to school at my age), extracurricular costs, supplies for what few hobbies they could fund, car repairs and gas and food and the rare birthday gifts and trips we really can’t afford.
there’s not always dinner after school. there’s rarely breakfast in the mornings. my brother is a big dude and he’s still growing. he’s hungry.
something tells me bolin was the same. I’ve turned down some of the best smelling dinners my dad has ever made (he’s quite a chef) because it’s a small portion and he’s hungry.
mako only has one fish, cooking it above a small, self-conjured fire. bolin has been complaining about how hungry he is since mako got back, and y’know, on second though bo, I had a snack before I got here. I’m not really all that hungry anymore.
and it becomes routine. on a good day, there is food for them both. there are not many good days without money. so mako’s never really hungry anymore. he at one point stopped eating and sleeping for far too long periods and he’d been passing out.
that was quickly remedied. he was eating three meals bo, yes there’s plenty of salt, no he’s not feeling dizzy, yes he already ate, he’s not lying, there is no more hunger.
and soon it starts feeling true. his appetite only exists when the dizziness that’s become a companion manifests as black spots in his eyes. it feels like choking, forcing anything more than a few crackers and a drink down his throat. it aches more than the hunger does.
does this count as a vent lol?? wasn’t intended that way but ig I just literally me-ified mako. oops.
much love, keep yourselves safe and happy to whatever extent you’re able. you deserve to heal ♡
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smolchildlevy · 2 years
I'm here to request because I'm having a hard time: Mikasa and reader have always considered themselves as sisters, but when Mikasa and Eren start planning their marriage, reader starts fearing she could be left behind and the day of their wedding, she isn't invited, but she goes to the ceremony the same, but ends hiding in the labyrinth in the garden of the place everybody's attempting the wedding.
Not sure if you want to make it with a happy ending or a sad ending, gonna leave it up to you, but this may be a true story if my friend will get married for real. Thank you in advance and sorry for venting, but as you know I already lost a lot of my beloved ones and I don't wanna lose her and her bf's friendship.
I’ll try my best! Sorry this took so long- school has been so exhausting lmao
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Best Friends, Right?
Mikasa x Eren (ft. Reader)
Warnings: angst?, fluff, cursing, modern AU :)
Word count: 923
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You and Mikasa were always together, best friends stuck at the hip. You were basically considered sisters.
Mikasa’s parents treat you like part of the family.
Even now, you’re always visiting each other.
You knew she started dating Eren, he treated you like you and Mikasa were sisters, as everyone did. You and him got along pretty well.
He wasn’t a bad guy to be fair, but this was the beginning of something you weren’t too happy about.
Then, one afternoon you get a text from Eren.
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You had thought it was strange, but you still invited him over anyways.
Not long after you texted him, he knocks on your door. He looked a little nervous.
“Cmon in” You say, smiling.
He sits on the couch and you get both of you a can of soda (your choice, if u don’t like soda just think of any drink)
“So what’s up?” You ask, talking about the sudden text.
“Well..” He sighs, “I’ve been wanting to do something for a long time, but I don’t know how to do it.”
“And what would that be?”
“I.. I want to propose to Mikasa. And well I thought I should ask for your blessing and advice before I talk to her parents-“ he chuckled nervously.
Your heart dropped a little, but you kept on a soft smile.
“That’s wonderful! I just know she will say yes.”
“I hope.. but anyways, I wanted to see if you could help with the way I would go about it?”
“Of course, I’d be happy to.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate this.”
You and him plan what he’s going to do— a classic picnic date, then watch the sunset. That’s when he’ll ask.
“I think I can do that. I’m happy you could help me and accept this even if it’s sudden.” He smiled at you, getting up.
“It’s no problem, I want you guys to happy!”
“I’ve got to head out, I’ll text you later!”
“See ya.”
And with that, he leaves.
You feel bad for getting a little upset. I mean Mikasa is your best friend, and you want the best for her.. but you can’t help but feel like you will be cast aside once they get married.
Time flew by since you had that talk with Eren.
He recently proposed to Mikasa and she, of course, said yes.
You were beyond happy for her.. but something in your heart still felt wrong. The thought of being left behind.
And then, the week before the marriage between them came just as fast as the proposal.
But, you seemed to have not gotten invited. You saw others posting and talking about their excitement for their engagement.
You thought you two were as close as sisters, treating each other as such in the past.
But.. for some reason, they didn’t invite you to their wedding. The very thing you helped make happen.
Even knowing that, you thought of just going anyways.
And you stuck with it.
It was the day of the wedding now and still no invitation, of course.
So you are putting your plan into action.
You were kinda nervous about getting caught, but you’re there now so there’s no going back.
Don’t get me wrong, you were happy she found the one, but it seems like there’s wall dividing you.
When you arrived, you went to hide in the beautiful garden of the place.
You decided to play it cool and call her on her phone, while also heading away from the scene, out of peoples earshot.
“Hey, Mika?”
“Hi Y/N!”
“..Why didn’t you invite me?”
She went quiet for a second.
“What do you mean..?”
“You’re getting married.. but you never invited the one person who was always with you?” You tear up.
“Y/N.. I did invite you.”
Your eyes widen. “No.. you didn’t?”
“I sent you an invitation through the mail, did you not get it?”
“I didn’t..”
“Oh, Y/N.. I’m so sorry— maybe I sent it to the wrong address, or maybe something got mixed up.” She sighs, sounding upset.
“I would never do that on purpose. You’re my best friend, my sister not by blood but by fate. I’m so sorry I made you think I didn’t like you anymore..”
Her voice shakes.
“No, no, don’t apologize. It isn’t your fault. I jumped to conclusions too quick.. I should have told you I didn’t get it.” You wipe your tears.
“I need my best friend.. would you please come? I want you to be here for this.. and be by my side.”
“Of course.” You freak out a bit considering you’re already at the place.
But you run back home and put on more formal attire before going back.
When you get there, you head to her dressing room. You knock first and hear a “Come in!”
You open the door and see Mikasa, and the others preparing for the wedding.
“Y/N!” She runs to hug you.
“Mikasa.. you look so beautiful! I’m sorry for the whole mix up, I just thought you were going to leave me for good.”
“I could never!”
You smiled, hugging her tighter.
After the ceremony, Eren apologized as well, not knowing you didn’t get the invite.
You made up with him as well, and that broke the (metaphorical) wall between you and them.
You were happy to get to see your best friend and friend walk the aisle together and get married officially.
And the friendship between you guys is priceless.
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ltleflrt · 1 year
AO3 tos anon here, thank you for all the explanation.
I actually sometimes wonder myself what’s my stakes in following a lot of spntwitter drama 🙈 I think in this particular case, I just wanted to know the truth. I understand you don’t have concrete proof but as I said I take your word because I know you from outside of the twitter echo chamber and trust you. I also wanted to figure out if AO3 is basically deleting fics just like that but your explanation makes sense as to why they’re doing it.
The fact that reporting trolls should chill, though, I fully agree with.
GAH, THE TUMBEASTS ATE MY FIRST ANSWER. I'm still gonna end up being long winded about this though cuz it gets me pretty heated. I try not to talk about it, but then someone asks me about it and oh lord here I go lol
I honestly don't care if there's a ringleader or just a well organized group. I just wish that the Reporting Trolls would consider printed fics the same as classic 'zines and get the fuck over it. Reporting printed fics can bring down the attention of the IP holders too, so they're not the Fandom Heroes they think they're being.
And when it comes down to it, I don't think they're really trying to protect fandom. If that was the case, there wouldn't be fanfics publicly posted on Lulu that have been sitting their for several years. They're targeting specific creators who have gone out of their way to keep the links hidden or private. So I think there's a kernel of truth to the idea that they're doing this out of jealousy. If it's That One Author that seems to be the ringleader, she may be upset that other people are getting more attention than she does. If it's her fans, they may be upset that their favorite author isn't getting as much attention as they think she deserves. It's even possible that they're not aware of what they're really doing, so they fall back on "BUt pRoFIT".
This whole thing about "but Lulu makes money!" will forever drive me nuts. Lulu would make the same amount of money selling paper and ink on a book that's just 700 pages of the word "Orange" typed on repeat as they would selling paper and ink on a book that's 700 pages of my story. The paper and ink is only worth paying for because of me, and I'm not making any money from the work I'm doing.
Look I can prove that, at least :D
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Hell, I'm losing money on it. I pay fanartists to create covers for me. I'm bad at formatting the PDF, so I pay people to format it properly for me. I've spent hundreds of dollars to make these prints look nice and semi-professional. I give away copies for free to the artists and the people who help me with the formatting, and some of these are over $20 because of how thick they are.
Everyone is getting something out of this EXCEPT for me!
*huffs and puffs in irritation*
The AO3 stuff is, unfortunately, squidgy. Over the years I've heard of other things getting reported on AO3 where authors have complained that they weren't given enough opportunity to clean up whatever the violation was, or the AO3 staff wouldn't/couldn't tell them where the violation was hiding. If something is reported, it's going to come down to a judgement call from an AO3 employee. As someone who has had to make judgement calls on things that are grey areas, I can tell you it's tough. And sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution, which is usually not in the customer's favor. Without knowing exactly what was behind the AO3 staff's decision to delete, I can't say whether their decision is fair or not. It is scary though, because it's hard to tell whether an offhand comment will get you in trouble or not, and it puts us all on edge when we hear about something getting deleted.
Anyway, sorry I went on a vent session again. I'm glad you got some answers that at least made you feel better ;D
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hecateisalesbian · 11 months
I’m still alive :/
yeah so uh @bloodied-dagger has a few things wrong about this story (my fault) so I’m gonna clear some stuff up.
After Dagger’s trip to Cali I noticed he was kinda online a little/lot less and I was wondering what was up, but I didn’t wanna so directly upfront say it, so I did send an anon ask saying “why are you so busy?” I should’ve worded it better because it does sound rude but I didn’t mean it like that. So anyway I sent him that and he responded and he was upset and I felt HELLA guilty for that for one, and I kinda forgot he had a 4th of July party that night because I have really crappy memory.
So I saw I was in the tags and I felt really bad but I didn’t want him to be mad at me because im really freaking bad with emotions and people being mad and whatever I have trauma and stuff not the point. I ended up sending another ask saying smth like “why’d u drag me into the tags” (as to sorta lighten the mood) “also I’m sure anon was just asking about cali.” So anyways he responded privately except by that time I was already asleep cuz I was tired from fireworks and night swimming.
So anyways I wake up at like 5 in the morning and read the response and I’m still really groggy so this sends a panic through me when I see he’s really mad and 100% called me out on my bullcrap (deserved) and in classic me fashion I get super freaked and have a panic attack and I deleted the reply cuz If I didn’t I would’ve read it over and over again and yeah. And I tend to do this bad overthinking thing where I assume one bad thing happens between me a friend and they hate me forever and never wanna talk to me again. So I go to my followers/mutuals list and I’m scrolling and I don’t see dagger on there so I’m like “oh crap he hates me he doesn’t even wanna be mutuals anymore”. Yeah. So I unfollowed him cuz I cut myself off from people, especially when they don’t wanna be friends anymore.
The rest of the day I stay away from tumblr and don’t check it until a few hours ago when I decided I’d kinda update my blog on how I wouldn’t be posting and vented a little by going “crap crap crap” etc.
Little context behind this, I actually was planning to update my blog because next week I have this super big thing which will most likely take up most of my day during the week for the next three weeks. But since I thought everyone would hate me I had to be dramatic and make it seem like I was leaving forever. Anyways I come back and I see dagger tagged me and whatever. And hes feeling bad too Ig and so that made me feel even more guilty (and he even remembered I love atsv) so I was like “alright I need to make a post about this.”
And now here we are. So. Yeah. I’m sorry if you hate me now Dagger. I followed you again but if you don’t want me to I understand. I just thought I’d put my input too. I feel really bad and I didn’t know how upset those asks would make you. And I’m sorry to all my mutuals for worrying them. I really hope you don’t see me as a bad person but I understand if you do. Yeah. I’m sorry.
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gurugirl · 2 years
My father is the absolute least mature person on earth. He literally stormed out of the house the day before thanksgiving because I had the audacity to try to make something for him to eat while I thought he was gone and so it would be ready when he got home and he came home early and I wasn’t done yet. He stormed out and sat in his car for three hours because he couldn’t make something for the next day ahead of time. 🙄. My sibling and I have always struggled with his depression and his emotional instability, but they recently read a book called “adult children of emotionally immature parents ; how to heal from distant,rejecting, or self- involved parents” and they’ve really gotten a lot out of it. They’re going to pass it to me when they’re done, but I don’t know if you were looking for an answer to that post so you don’t have to post or reply if you don’t want to, but yeah. My dad is hard to deal with too. I’m sorry you have to deal with whatever is making it hard for you.
Thank you for sharing anon. It’s important to be able to vent sometimes. You know what’s it’s like then to have a parent you continually try for to only have it backfire because it (whatever ‘it’ is) wasn’t to their expectations. He probably has been raised similarly if he still acts this way. It’s deeply ingrained and hard to escape from (here I am still finding excuses for adults who should know better). I’m sorry you dealt with that, though. I haven’t seen my dad since August and that was awful and suffocating.
My dad is emotionally immature, expects perfection at all times but would never want to be held to that standard himself (will become defensive if called out) gets bent out of shape when things don’t go his way and deflects/redirects blame from himself (classic narcissist but undiagnosed therefore I cannot state if that’s true). He’s always been a bit overbearing with me but acts as if he’s easy going and fun to everyone who meets him so it’s a process to reveal his true intentions to those who don’t know him that well, in effect making me look like I’m crazy or careless or the one with the problem.
I’ve moved far away from him and have little contact with him at this point. It’s just that the holidays always bring up some kind of deep guilt I learned as a child (we should always love and respect our parents 🙄). Anyway, I’m fine. Actually happy and thriving but still waiting for an apology from him for all the things he’s put me through and still tries to slip in from time to time (despite the physical and emotional distance I’ve put between us).
Here’s to us, anon. We can be okay without a toxic dad (or mom) and find our own way in life.
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wereyouthere · 1 month
paranoia inducing jokes will make you get blocked.
looking for art mutuals !!
dni if you only will like my stuff so i like yours. if we interact we will be ultra-mega-friends or nothing /hj ; if you are ableist (demonize personality disorders or psychotic disorders, make fun of people for their interests, etc) ; twitter user /hj
#monsieur.png for my stuff. I mainly draw vocal synths (vocaloid, utau, fanloid), my own solarballs, my original characters and furries and ponies.
tw: crosses under cut !
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@chateau-de-gamin is my mainblog btw i just post vent stuff there no need to follow it ! (i prefer you dont if you dont want to know me!!)
i also have a sideblog where i post historical paintings and shitpost. not important)
★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
im interesed in history (baroque and rococo period mainly), arthuriana, classic literature (I LOVE the once and future king !! i hate harry potter), philosophy, castlevania, mlp, furry fandom, medieval literature (my favorite writer is chretien de troyes!), angelology, demonology, art, pokemon, greek mythology, rpg games (yume nikki, witch house, ib, yume nikki fangames, for example), metal gear, puyo puyo, pop n music, vocaloid, original characters. ⁺˖
!! /serious I do not condone any actions made by historical figures if you see me drawing them !! I use them to cope, and those representations of them are personal. I am not glorifying that people nor their actions nor whatever they mean for everybody else (politically or ideologically, or whatever). I am using them for what they mean for me.
i am deeply mentally ill i am sorry if i get offended easily. i am usually under distress (not the best environment lol) so dont worry if i seem upset! i will apologize right away. like it sometimes happens. dont worry about triggering me i will be fine.
also i. may take time to answer. i get very anxious but i love talking.
ask me if you need a personal tw ! (i tag many stuff anyway - mainly wouldnt tag crosses but i will definitely tag other religious stuff) ⁺˖
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𝄞 You can call me Lanz or Philippe or sir or monsieur (as titles - I am unironically a vampire prince). Bodily 18 years old, I don't mind people from any age interacting with me (unless you are like, thirteen or below) - all my posts are tagged accordingly. I use he/him and it/its pronouns. I speak english, spanish and welsh, I can understand french and I can talk it a bit. INTP 5w6. Plural. If you have more questions, talk to me directly.
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ketavinsky · 4 months
happy lunar new year everyone. vent post here. i just need to get it out somewhere and at least here there's some space for it.
growing up i always had this suspicion that my mother wanted me dead. i always had this suspicion that she for reasons i was not privy to associated my existence with the death of her parents and resented me for it. it was hard to vocalise when i was younger -what a monumental accusation, that your mother wants you dead- and when i did i was rarely ever believed and i suppose over the years i cultivated this sense that i just did not belong. i used to always think, what's worse? what's this chewing hollow at the centre of my life? why do i feel like im being dragged to some inevitable monolithic Thing every day of my life? i was planning how to kill myself before i ever conceptualised growing up and getting big and having a life of my own. i thought- was i born wrong or was i made wrong? which one is it worse? the hopelessness of never having a choice in how i turned out, or the grief of having that choice taken away from me? and every year it got worse and there were flashes of it getting better and i became a hundred different people trying to rationalise the world and my lack of place in it and i wrote.
it's no secret my project is rife with tragedy and circularity and parents and children eating each other and failing each other, and this question, was i born wrong, was i made wrong, was there ever a choice for me, does that make it better or worse, and as naive as it is i was hoping that one day my father would be able to read it and he would understand. first there was the fantasy that one day he would come by my house and see me peering out the bay window and take me to live with him and i would finally be free from home- but as i grew older i just wanted him to understand. i thought if he could read my books and look me in the eye and say i'm sorry i left you to this i could say it's fine, i never resented you, i love you, and i could say to my mother i love you and i don't know how to live with how it's been for us that would salve some kind of wound. this used to drive me up the wall. my dad is old. he likely won't be around for when i finally finish my tragedy series, because i want it to be good, something that could outlive me, and i have so many more things to plan and so much to write, and he likely won't ever read any of it, and i wonder often if it's worth writing at all.
anyways. earlier this year i finally gleaned the answer to the question: was i born wrong or made wrong. i'll never know which one is worse, because it turns out the answer is both. i was born and made wrong. in the midst of an argument about the nature of my upbringing (classic WHY DID YOU TURN OUT LIKE THIS and emotionally ripping strips out of me until i unfortunately broke and responded in turn with the ol WHY DID YOU DO ALL OF THAT TO ME) my mother revealed to me as an argument failsafe, as a trick lever, as a GOTCHA! to turn the argument in her favour that i was a child of rape or at the very least sexual coercion. my father raped or coerced or assaulted my mother, and when they separated the ensuing custody battle meant that she wasnt able to return to her home country as her father died, and her mother never recovered from the grief, and died soon after. i am the remnant of the Bad Thing. i am the face of the Bad Thing. i am the mocking face of the Good Life she could have had if not for the Bad Thing.
before i knew this i told my mother i understand. i understand why you do the things you do. mum, i understand. when she told me shouting that sure she may have done a few unsavoury things over the course of my life, but surely her financial support of me outweighs it all, i told her i understand, mum. i forgive you. i already forgave you. i said i don't know how to live with how much i understand. i don't know what to do with all of this. she pointed at the open window of the apartment she was staying in and told me to jump if i could not live with it. she would take the window in the other room, and we'd be free from each other.
knowing what i know now i just don't know how to live with all of it. born wrong and made wrong. my mother's life rests on me my father's life rests on me my stepfather's life rests on me and i can't make it better for any of them. in the last correspondence with my father, itself the first time i was able to contact him for years, he told me how proud he was of my work and how far i'd come and how much he and my czech uncles missed me. apparently we're not even czech, we're russo-ukrainian. apparently my father and his brothers fled czecha to new zealand when they were young men. apparently my father was the runt of three. at the end of his email to me he wrote please forgive me. please forgive me. i love you, shaarka. the name my babicka gave me when i was young, the only name that's felt like mine. apparently he has three or four children now, all afterimages of me, all spawned after the nightmare of his relationship with my mother. everyone in my family lies. i don't know what's true. no one in my day to day life can understand the magnitude of the disconnect i feel from my life, or the grief i experience, or how hard it is to live with.
i am grateful for the life i have and the people that i love though i have to fight to live in it and i have to fight for the chance to be someone they could love too. it's hard for me to be loved. it's hard for me to be happy. born wrong and made wrong. convinced by my mother i was destined to suffer and fail and die and i know in my heart she never expected the things she did to damage me in any way, because now when i see her there's true horror in her eyes when i speak. born and shaped perfect by my mother's careful hand and harrowing experience, only to turn out like this. me, the self-fulfilling prophecy, writing books about tragedies and faith and my parents and God and the inability to differentiate between them. what do i do with that. what do i do with it all. i was right all along. she would have aborted me if not for the cultural stigma. neither she nor my dad wanted me when i was born and there i was anyways.
i have a dead sounding voice. i struggle with ordinary eye contact. sometimes my friends can't look me in the eye and they tell me it's because it feels like someone else is staring out at them instead. my partner says my stare unsettles people. it unsettled him for a good while. i don't know how to live in this life. i don't know how to life. i was planning to kill myself when i moved out of the house with the best friends i'd ever had and here i am. here i am with what i know and some chasm between me and every other person i've ever met fighting and failing to chart the distance.
i don't know. i don't know what i'm doing. when i started putting writing online and i first received messages that said this helped me put my hand on a nameless thing, this made me feel seen, this made me feel held, this touched me and allowed me to touch it, i thought, i really thought Oh My God. if i can make one person feel like someone else in the world understands The Insurmountable Thing, the knowledge that cannot be lived with, then it's all worth it. i never really felt like i was meant for the world. if i could reach out and tap the shoulder of someone else and let them know it's not just you it would have been all worth it. here i am with my miserable story about mind-destroying epiphanies and irreversible clarity and horrible transformations and family as the mouth that swallows you and the belly that digests you and the people that i've shared my work with irl laugh a little about how i so desperately need to get it out, and about how lightless and bleak and gnawing it is, and well, that's how it is. that's how it is sometimes. that's just how things are sometimes.
i don't know what i'm doing, man. all i can do is fight to keep going. i've outlasted each one of my deadlines for suicide and now i have to live. when i pick up the phone and listen to my mother gush about what she got from the farmer's market i wish i was dead. she's so happy, you know? she's so happy when i'm not there. when she can just interact with the faceless concept of me. when she doesn't have to look me in the eye. i love her so much. i love my dad. i miss wanting to be like him when i grew up. i love my stepdad. i know that he loves me because he came from an abusive home and he doesn't want me to resign myself to the life he resigned himself to. i miss the time before what i know now. i miss being younger when i believed there was a chance things could be different and i miss being a teenager and at least armoured by the certainty of how wrong how it was all going to go.
oh my god, it's so much. i thank god for the life i have but it's so much. it's so much and every year the space between me and everything else widens. every year i get more tired.
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imgoingtocrash · 1 year
weird vibes for the dash tonight but I'm rewatching the Hunger Games movies because I read a really good Hunger Games AU (yes it's from my continued post-Andor trek back down the rebelcaptain tag on ao3)/because they put them all on Netflix and I just had this moment of intensely missing my grandmother and I need to write it out i guess???
I have this vivid memory of getting into my grandmother's car after high school bc she drove me until I started driving, and I had The Hunger Games in hand and she asked what it was about and I said something to the gist of "it's about a bunch of kids killing each other"
now I THINK i was just trying being funny, but i was also anxious/depressed and a smartass, so i also definitely could have purposefully put it plainly like that because I knew it would make her React and all teenagers live for that crap.
but she was SO upset by the idea, like, it stuck with me because I remember how genuinely disgusted she was! "that's HORRIBLE why are you reading something like that why would someone write something like that" etc. and she wasn't a super conservative person either? Just like a Pure Soul who wasn't the type to read those kind of stories.
(Now smutty romance novels? I found the box of those when we sold her house and was absolutely DELIGHTED to find out that the women in my family were reading romance trash alllll the way back. We have taste!)
Now this was 2012-2013, the height of the movie's popularity and as a result the time adults started shoving it into school curriculums. Or maybe just my school?? Being an honors english kid, I actually was assigned to read it TWICE--once for summer homework and once for regular classwork--and this was on my second readthrough, hence why I'd brought it to school. And then after reading the first one I obviously devoured the rest.
ANYWAY, the point of the story is a Classic Grief Moment...I really, really wish I could talk to her about it now, as an adult.
Because the movies hold up! The books were a good read! They had so much to say behind the YA genre labelling and the media press that got obsessed with the love triangle of it all! (Feels like SUCH a 2016 Tumblr-era post to say that, but like...yeah! That did happen!)
Like she would NEVER have watched them with me, ever, but it's a conversation we can never have, and it sucks. I miss talking to her a lot in general, but one of my biggest regrets is how much time I spent with her after school, in the car on the way home or doing errands or whatever and I was a teenager, so of course I didn't value it at all! I thought she'd always be there. Now I'd give anything to tell her all about my day and what's upsetting me and have her fuss at me for cursing so much, you know?
She's been gone for like 3 years now but since she got Alzheimers/Dementia it's FELT more like 6 and I just miss having her around for even the small stuff as much as the big stuff.
Vent over, back to screaming about TLOU all the time because apparently I'm just REALLY in an angst-heavy genre mood or something...sorry not sorry lol.
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leiriswhore · 3 years
content warning: curses, slight sexual, one jujutsu spoiler, probably some wrong spellings 'cause i type fast.
pairings: fushiguro megumi x gender neutral!reader (there's no pronouns mentioned)
note: ehhh, ive been really busy lately and i havent posted for a month? or two. months, anyways heres a megumi ones because i lack jujutsu content on my blog. fingers are numb right now, ive been writing and doing my project for the past three days. i dont even know what the fuck am i talking about while posting this.
such a soft boyfie <3 we all know that he's an introvert and if you're an introvert too? two of you will be spending time in his room or yours. probably just cuddling and rant to each other.
if you're having social anxiety or your social battery runs out, he'll notice it once you get quiet or you'll tug his arm. he will not hesitate to get out of that place or the people that made you uncomfortable.
if he's on a mission and you'll be spending time inside his room or going out with nobara (if he's not with them) he'll make you a cute letter, his handwriting is clean as fuck. “i'm sorry i can't be with you today, the white haired man said that i should find sukuna's fingers, im gonna punch him later, love you. don't forget to eat the breakfast i made.”
doesn't get jealous a lot because he knew that you wouldn't be cheating or doing something awful behind his back. if he does get jealous, you'll notice that he's trying to ignore you because his mood isn't quite great and he gets irritated easily when he's not in the mood.
megumi's plans on dates is not that extravagant. he plans on picnic dates, something that is really special or is a special place for him or yours. he will wear his favourite t-shirt or the ones that gojo gifted him on his birthdays.
when you're on your period, he usually just let you do your own 'cause you know, he thinks that girls gets on everybody's nerves when they get their time of the month. he'll call nobara to help you out and if your period is really bad? he'll spend the whole day cuddling with you or massaging your tummy.
he'a such a caring boyfriend, totally such a sweetheart  there are moments when he misses his mom so much that you'll be comforting him while he vents or bursting his emotions out on how life sucks for him. he knows that someone have it worse but you convince him that everyone has a different experiences and that doesn't mean that his problems are invalid.
sees you wearing his hoodie after sexy time? there's probably a round two. in his mind, wearing his t-shirts or just owning his stuff is just making him assure that you won't leave him and makes him more hornier.
despite him being thay soft boy he is, he doesn't hold hands with you a lot on public. 'cause you know what he is. so if you're hurt or just sad that he didn't want you to hold his hand? or very affectionate that he usually is? he regrets it and asks for advice on gojo even though he knows that the albino man will make fun of him.
seeing you in the bathroom doing skin care? he'll have you in an embrace on your back and asks you to do the 'thing' to him. lol, he'll get flustered when you position yourself on his lap but you say that it's just for you to get comfortable and can't get your arms (forgot the mf word).
lets you lay your head on his lap whilst he watches his favourite tv shows or he watches it with you while you place your head on his lap. or just scrolling through your phone whilst he's playing with your hair.
sweetboy! he opens the door to let you in first or just do classic gentleman things. kinda makes you all fluster even if he does it pretty often.
this man doesn't care about your physical self or anything that you're insecure with. the fact that i have a scar, i think that he won't give a shit about it and he sees people having scars like; utahime and jujutsu kaisen spoilers!!!! or with maki's scar. it just normal to him to see someone having it.
if he's aware that your family doesn't treat you right? he'll be avoiding them to family dinners 'cause you won't go to celebrate or go on a vacation with them too.
and the last thing is that he loves seeing you smile, your smile is perfect, literally everything. he loves your little giggles or laughs. one of his memories is when you fall on the floor after having a pillow fight with him and the two of broke in a idiotic laughter. this man adores you so much that he imagines himself getting old with you because he thinks that you're the only person he will love his whole life. those best and sad memories makes the relationship grow stronger. he loves spending time with you. ♡
reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated.
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