#anyway reading sharing commenting giving kudos everything would mean the world to me
datheetjoella · 1 year
A Future With You (MakoHaru Week 2023)
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Hello, friends! It’s been a while since the MakoHaru week ended, but I didn’t have the time to put all the fics together in a collection-post before, so here it is now. Here you can find all the fics that I wrote for the occasion along with a little description. You can also find the whole collection under the name “A Future With You (MakoHaru Week 2023)” over on AO3!
Day 1: Hidden in Plain Sight Prompt: Body Worship. Rating: E. Word count: 9,6k Setting: Historical AU. “For the past five years, Makoto has been working as a servant at the earl’s estate, the last four of which as the valet of the earl’s son, Lord Haruka. But no one knows the true nature of his job and, if their secret were to be discovered, it would have catastrophic consequences for both Haruka and himself. When Haruka makes him a life-changing proposition, Makoto has to decide if he dares to risk it all for a shot at happiness.” (AO3)
Day 2: A Piece of Me (is Always With You) Prompt: Love Letters. Rating: T. Word count: 6,4k. Setting: Post-Canon. “While at a training camp in Stockholm, Haruka finds himself feeling lonely without Makoto, who is studying for exams back in Tokyo. When he’s reminded of an unanswered letter Makoto sent him when they were children, Haruka thinks this might be the perfect opportunity to finally respond to it.” (AO3)
Day 3: Hydrangeas, Orange Blossoms, and Everything in Between Prompt: Flowers + Soulmates. Rating: G. Word count: 5,1k Setting: Soulmate AU. “On his late grandmother’s birthday, Haruka goes to a flower shop to buy a bouquet with his grandmother’s favourite flowers. There, Haruka finally meets the person responsible for the ever-changing soulmate mark adorning the inside of his wrist.” (AO3)
Day 4: A Spoonful of Love Prompt: Cooking. Rating: T. Word count: 5,6k. Setting: Post-Canon. “After two weeks apart, Haruka is finally coming home from a training camp and Makoto wants to surprise him with a special dinner. With the moral support and guidance of his mother, Makoto whips up a dish he’s never made before.” (AO3)
The rest of the fics are beneath the cut!
Day 5: Toast to the Future Prompt: Proposal. Rating: T. Word count: 5,5k. Setting: Post-Canon. “After months of working hard for the Olympics, Haruka and Makoto go on a luxurious vacation to relax and unwind. But that’s not all Haruka has in store for Makoto; he surprises him with a romantic date night that sets the course for the rest of their lives.” (AO3)
Day 6: Tell Me Once More Prompt: Cuddles. Rating: T. Word count: 3,2k. Setting: Post-Canon. “When Makoto comes home from work somber and upset, Haruka knows just what to do and say to raise his spirits.” (AO3)
Day 7: Heart-Shaped Chocolates Prompt: Genderbend. Rating: T. Word count: 7k. Setting: High School. “Although Valentine’s Day is Haruka’s least favourite holiday for one specific reason, when Makoto requests her help to make chocolates for their friends and classmates, she can’t refuse. But when Makoto asks her who she’s going to hand out chocolates to, Haruka can’t avoid confronting her true feelings.” (AO3)
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morning-softness · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @crit20lesbian for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
166,316 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Magnus Archives
4. What are your top five fics by kudos
Netflix and Chill- (TMA, JonTim, 3k, Precanon) Tim and Jon watch Netflix and chill. They do not have sex.
Love, Or Whatever You Call It - (TMA, JonMartin, 20.5k, No Age of the Beholding AU) After Jonah's ritual fails, severing Jon's connection to the Beholding, Jon and Martin try to put the pieces of their lives back together. Adjusting to normal life again after everything is hard, and exploring their new relationship is even harder, especially as Martin realizes he might be aro-spec.
Archive Shenanigans - (TMA, Gen fic, 1k, Season 1) All the assistants are the hot assistant, or Tim says Hot Martin Rights and Hot Sasha Rights and even Hot Jon Rights.
Are You Calling Me ‘Darling’? - (TMA, JonMartin, 2.5k, No Age of the Beholding AU) Jon likes it when people call Martin his boyfriend. Martin…doesn’t.
Here Might You Bless Me - (TMA, JonMartin, 4k, Safehouse Era fic) Martin’s changed after Jon pulls him out of The Lonely, and he’s sure that Jon won’t want to stick around once he figures that out. After all, it turns out Jon has a lot of love to give, and who would want to waste their love on someone who can’t return it? Jon convinces him he’s not going anywhere.
Note: Most of these fics are in my top 6 for hits as well as kudos, but I was really surprised to see Archive Shenanigans make the list. It was the first TMA fic I published, 1k of pure unpolished fluff and comedy, but for whatever reason it has a much higher kudos to hits ratio compared to my more-read fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do my best to respond to them, because I want people to know that I read and treasure all of their comments. Sometimes it takes a while though, because I want to give a thoughtful response.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Can’t Have You, Even As An Enemy. It’s a fic where Jon and Tim share a hotel room on the eve of the Unknowing, and talk about (or mostly talk around) their issues. The angst is that it’s written with the intention of being canon compliant, which means that Tim will still die in the explosion, and the best that can be hoped for is that this conversation will give Jon a bit more closure.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write mainly hurt/comfort, so most of my fic has a happy—or at least hopeful—ending. The happiest might be Can’t We Just Wait Together? (Or Five Times Jon and Tim Didn’t Have a First Date, and One Time They Did), since it’s a 5+1 fic where the final chapter is entirely fluff of Jon and Tim going on a date together.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. I have comment moderation on just in case, though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Not yet, anyway. Funnily enough, my fic with the highest number of kudos is about Jon and Tim not having sex.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. The closest might be Listen to the Voice that Told Me where I borrowed the obedience curse mechanics from the book Ella Enchanted, but it’s not really a crossover of the world or characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I do have a few that were podficced, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I tried, but we only got one chapter in before life got in the way. Maybe someday…
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Jon and Martin, followed by Jon and Tim.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Melanie-pov AU where she joins the Archives in Season 2 after she realizes something is wrong with Sasha. I wanted to write it as a choose-your-path style story, because I think it’s easy in hindsight to say decisions characters made were wrong, but a lot harder to decide what the right decision would have been, so I wanted to explore a lot of different ways the characters could have messed up with Melanie added to the mix (and maybe a few ways things could have worked out better). I don’t want to say it will never happen, but it’s a big and complicated project so it definitely won’t happen anytime soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve had several comments from readers attesting that I’m good at conveying emotion—particularly negative emotions—in a way that feels real and relatable. I’ve also been told that I do a good job portraying character dynamics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My biggest problem is that since my writing is really emotions-based, once I’ve hit the emotional high points, it’s no longer interesting to me. Which means with longer fic it’s a struggle for me to actually continue through the falling action to the denouement instead of just stopping right after the climax. (I’ve had two getting-together fics now where I initially wanted to end right after the love-confession scene and had to be convinced by my Beta reader that readers would probably want to see at least a scene or two of the characters actually being together now.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I usually don’t. I definitely think it can add another layer to characterization, so I’d like to where it makes sense for the characters, but I think it needs to be done carefully so that 1. The dialogue sounds natural for native speakers of the language and 2. People who don’t speak the language can grasp the overall meaning of the exchange through context.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Magnus Archives
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Since I’d like to think my writing skill is consistently improving, my favorite fic is always whichever I’ve most recently completed. That said, I have a soft spot for Here Might You Bless Me, which made the Top 5 Kudos list above. It’s a JonMartin safehouse fic I wrote back in December 2020, where Jon reassures Martin that he is loved even if he can’t return the feeling in the same way. (And Jon uses one of my favorite Edna St. Vincent Millay poems to do so, because I wrote this before I got to Episode 165 and found out that Jon apparently disliked poetry in general, and not just Keats.)
Tagging @three-magpies-in-a-trenchcoat, @rookfeatherrambles, @chrisis-averted, @wordsintimeandspace, @suttttton, if you’d like!
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fefipranon · 3 years
List of my works
Saved By Deception
Mikasa is an independent, strong, and self-made successful woman. She is a force to be reckoned with in a field dominated by men.
What happens when she is held hostage by an arrogant, jerk who is the leader of one of the most dangerous and powerful gangs that exist?
Will she follow the orders of this chauvinist pig or will she make his life a living hell?
Comedy, drama, angst, smutty lemon, and a cat. This story is a wild crazy ride.
Author notes: 
You don’t need to read or watch anything prior this book to understand the story. It’s mostly comedy, but there is also action, angst and smut. Topics I addressed here are feminism, the struggles of the LGBTQ community, PTSD, rape, and abuse of power.
Some reader’s reviews:
“I totally loved it from beginning to end!!! It was such an amazing rollercoaster! I was so invested in this story that I ended the hole thing in one day!! If you write and post the sequel, well... count me in!!! I wish I could give more kudos!!” -  Avalon_Titania
“It took me a while for the story to settle down, to figure out what it means to me, and to finally comment here. But here we go. Reading this story was an amazing journey which gave me lots of joy, some tears and unaccountable amount of smiles. Now, thinking about it makes me feel warm and grateful that you shared this work with us. I love how freely you wrote about everything, how you broke various stereotypes, and spoke about the things that matter. All of this, while managing to make us laugh in every chapter! You are a truly amazing writer and I would gladly read the sequel if you decided to share it too.” -  Not_Orange
“I just found out this story. I can’t believe I missed this. This is amazing 💐💐. I haven’t finished the story yet, I felt that I need to leave a comment first of how amazing and funny the story is. I can’t wait to finish this and omg the sequel. Sign me up for the sequel, needs more stories of them. It’s just, we haven’t got enough stories of them 🤧🤧.” -  avaleen
“I LOVE your story! I adore the way you depicted the characters, how you mixed fun and dark themes, and most of all, I really enjoyed the way you included some schooling on the feminist cause, sexual abuse and the psychology behind it. It was very well done! I can’t wait to read the following story! I found a few grammatical mistakes here and there and sometimes, the way you build your sentences could need to be a little lighter but overall, nothing that really disturbs the story. Thank you for writing this, this is probably my favorite Rivamika story. Keep up with the good work!” -  Valkorian
You can find the story in the following links:
Archive of our own:
The power of death
Mikasa is a woman suffering from clinical depression. There is one thing that she is sure of: she wants to die. But when she received some unexpected news that makes her death wish a reality, she starts to wonder if that was really what she wanted. She starts a journey to discover the truth about her biological parents that gave her up for adoption when she was a baby. This journey will guide her to cross paths with someone as broken as her, someone that hates her to death for what her biological family did to him. Will she have the courage to, for once, fight to live? or will she let him drag her to hell with him?
Author notes:
You don’t need to read or watch anything prior this book to understand the story. Topics I discuss here are depression, anxiety, anti-depressants, racism, genocide, LGBTQ, terminal disease, racial trauma, euthanasia, adoption. It has comedy and smut but is mostly angst oriented.
Some reader’s reviews:
“Why am I suddenly crying?!? I will always remember this story... I loved every single character of it, both with their funny and dark sides. Because that's life sometimes... 🎭 Thank you author for this beautifully written story!! I already miss it “ -  Levi_is_a_dilf
“Dude this book was great, not to mention all of your books are! Always so well thought out & planned. The fact that some chapters if not all were hours long really shows how great of a creator & genius you are as well! Anyways can't wait to read this again once my forgetful brain has erased my memory of the whole plot.😅” - lolzleigh
“The most beautiful conclusion to one of my fave stories!!! I'm honestly so moved and proud of the message you wanted to transmit there. The last phrase sums it up , to never give up easily because of a difficulty. A bad day doesn't indicate a bad life. Thank you author for your hard work, I'm looking forward to your next story!! 💪🏻🧡” -  Leyla
“ Loved it!!!! You have such a beautiful smart and unique way of writing, I love the way you express their personalities including their silly moments Please don’t stop writing I love your stories and I’ll be looking forward for your next work!!” -  Fiorylita
You can find the story in the following links:
Archive of our own:
Twisted Fate
Eren and Levi share a secret about Mikasa's past. Mikasa confesses her feelings to Eren, only to be rejected. After watching her almost die, Eren realizes he has feelings for her, but she has already moved on to Levilandia.
"I thought they hated each other"
Before losing hope he thinks that maybe... if he tells Mikasa who the captain really is... he might have a chance, or fuck it up?
Is the Ackerman bond stronger than a lifetime of memories together?
Jealousy, drama, a shared secret, and Titans, what could possibly go wrong?
Author notes:
Everything needed to understand the story from ‘Attack on Titan’ is added in the story already. Optional reading or watching of ‘Attack on Titan’ anime if more information about the general universe is desired. It’s a comedy but also has angst and smut. Topics I addressed here is the difference between a healthy and a toxic relationship.
Some reader’s reviews: 
“Omg this is by far one of the best stories I’ve read!! You’ve done such an amazing job at capturing the characters!! I’d love to see a continuation of this story or just more rivamika” -  mori87
“So I binge-read this fic and devoured it in half a day reading between breaks at work and on the way home till I'm done right now just before midnight -in my time zone anyway- and BOY THAT WAS SOME FIC!!! It had me laughing so hard at times and holding my breath waiting for what's to come at times. I loved the way you portrayed Levi here. This arrogant, annoying, funny, caring fighter and leader and the way you made Mikasa an even more bad-ass warrior. Looking forward to reading more of you.” -  Marwa_Aslaa3
“ Thank you so much for this amazing story! I read the whole story in one sitting and I can't remember when was the last time I was so happy about something. It made me smile and giggle the whole day, it made me feel warm. You are a true hero and have the ability to give magic to the sentences you write”-  Not_Orange
You can find the story in the following links:
Archive of our own:
How to be happy
What would happen if Mikasa was pulled out of her universe into ours after Eren saved her? What would happen when Levi is pulled out of the rumbling straight into Mikasa's apartment in our world?
Author notes:
It is necessary to read or watch ‘Attack on Titan’ prior this book to be able to understand the story. This one can be said that is half canon verse half Alternate Universe since Levi jumps to our universe straight from the rumbling. This is one shot I did for Rivamika week. It’s mostly fluff and a little comedy.
Some reader’s reviews:
“ What can I say? It's perfect as always ((X You really are talented in writing so I hope you'll keep doing that in the future! I think we (rivamika peeps) all agree to say that you're a special someone in this community (as well as our Dildo Queen, this one may be my own thought though^^) (Saved by Deception story reference) I'm glad you participated in this event because this one-shot was wonderful, inventive and fun to read! Keep going Queen, you're nailing it!!!” -  Hayden_dsc
You can find the story in the following links:
Archive of our own:
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bettsfic · 3 years
Hi betts, how do you separate yourself from your fanfiction works? As in having the mindset that ‘you are not your work’? I feel like I’ve fallen into the myth that positive feedback equates to readers liking me for me, when in most cases I imagine they’re solely interested in my content. I guess I’m expecting too much from fandom members? I just don’t feel like I belong to the fandom if it weren’t for my fanfiction. Thanks for your time.
this is a really great and really big question that for me anyway had far deeper roots in my mental health than i initially recognized. 
even before i found fandom, i strongly conflated love with being of use to someone, and then i would get upset that people used me. all of my relationships were either distant or volatile. i knew that i was the only thing all my relationships had in common, but i couldn’t figure out what i was doing wrong. 
what i was doing wrong was that i didn’t know how to love or be loved. i only knew how to need and be needed. i was defined wholly by my relationships with others; without them, i was no one. i changed everything about myself to fit with the people i was surrounded by. i had no ability whatsoever to see or assess myself. my worth was measured in others’ perception of me. if they hated me, i hated me. if they loved me...actually, i still hated me, because i believed that love was temporary, and it was only a matter of time they saw the “real” me and they would take their love away. it was much easier to mold myself into someone they could love. 
i once told a guy i was dating, i just want to be who you want me to be. and he looked at me like i was crazy, and asked, then how can i love you? 
when i found writing, i didn’t know what love really felt like. i only knew obsession and codependency. i didn’t know how to feel emotions in order to process them, so everything that had ever happened to me was still just sitting inside me, waiting. writing offered me a tool to begin working through the pile. it offered me a means to observe and validate myself, and feel my feelings. 
but when i was first developing a relationship with writing, i put so much of myself into it that i couldn’t help but use feedback as a measure of self-worth. 
i think to some degree, every artist needs a witness. almost everything we write exists to be made public to some degree, and it’s a totally normal thing to want to seek reception. but conflating other people liking you, and by extension your work, with your worthiness to exist, creates a lot of self-suffering.
i remember realizing that i had boxed myself into a corner, and i knew i had to reassess my perspective of myself and my work. i had found myself in the same position you describe, feeling bad because readers didn’t love me, they loved my writing (see: being of use and wondering why people always used me). especially with fanfic, which has so much to do with quantity, 90% of readers don’t even look at the fic writer’s name, let alone kudos or comment. reading is a self-fulfilling endeavor the same way eating is. all of us need stories to live. as writers, we’re just the chefs. when you eat a good meal, you don’t fall in love with the chef. most of the time you don’t even know their name. the food isn’t the chef and the story isn’t you. 
but also, i was, and always had been, disgusted and baffled by people who *did* love me, especially if i felt i had nothing useful to offer them. once, a friend of mine drove like 3 hours to come visit me for dinner, and then drove 3 hours back. for some reason i assumed he was on a road trip somewhere and just passing through. when he told me he had come just to hang out with me, my brain short-circuited. i couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to hang out with me like, for fun. 
after a few years of posting fic, a weird thing happened where a few people did seem to like *me* because of my writing, insofar as they would follow my blog and interact with me and eventually we became friends. there may even be people out there who like me and don’t interact with me. but that idea also kind of weirded me out for a long time, because i kept thinking, who am i? no one. i’m nothing. i’m boring. go read my writing, that’s what matters. 
and then i realized, i could not have it both ways. either i wanted to be seen, or i wanted to go unseen. i was schrödinger’s validation. 
so i think the very simple answer is “learn to love yourself,” but i was so far behind when it came to love, i didn’t know what loving yourself even meant. so i think a better adage is “learn love.” learn what love is, what it feels like, what it looks like. and then turn that definition on yourself and your work. 
i love myself, even when i mess up, even when i’m not meeting my expectations. i love my work, even when it’s bad. when other people love me and my work, that makes me happy. when they don’t, that’s fine, because i still have plenty of my own love left. 
in practicality, for a few years i basically had to constantly chant to myself “what other people think of me is not my business.” a reader’s relationship with your writing is not your obligation to know or control. it’s only your obligation to create the stories you want to tell, and maybe you share them so you can share the love you put into them, or maybe you don’t. maybe you eat the meal you cook, or maybe you share it with someone else. whether they like it or not has no bearing on who you are. it’s all just personal taste.
more importantly, you can’t generate self-beliefs externally. someone’s opinion of you or your work cannot define you, because no one has a wider view of you than you. you are the expert of yourself. it took me a long time to change all of my self-beliefs, or what i’ve come to call “life sentences,” into statements of temporality and priority. “i’m brave” turned into “i value courage.” “i’m bad at directions” turned into “sometimes i get turned around.” every time i’m about to make a sweeping judgment of myself, i try to recast it into something more malleable, because every state of the self is temporary, and i always want to give myself the opportunity to grow.
i won’t lie and say i have a totally healthy relationship with my writing. i still get jealous sometimes, although it’s much briefer and more bearable than it used to be. i still get deeply annoyed by tactless or rude feedback, but i rarely get upset. i *do* get upset when someone sends me a link to a forum or thread of people making fun of me; i think it’s hard to unlearn that. sometimes i still feel the need to defend or justify or apologize for my work. and i definitely still compulsively refresh my comment inbox whenever i post something i’m proud of. but for the most part, i’m in a much better place than i used to be.
currently i’m working on making peace with the idea of publication, that my original work treads a morally risky line that is easily misunderstood, and i’m publishing into a world of mob mentality and cancel culture. and moreover, once a work is published, once it’s out there, it can never go back in. i’m trying to figure out whether i’m confident enough now in my work to still stand by it in ten years or fifty. i’m also freaked out about how anything i publish will outlive me. as someone who has always lived with existential dread, it’s terrifying to think i may write something that could be read in a hundred years, that my voice might live longer than my body. there is a very slim chance of it, but as i’ve mentioned before, i think it’s better to plan more for success than failure. 
i’m not sure if any of this is helpful, but it’s the path i took to get where i am. i wish you the best of luck navigating your relationship with your work. 
my carrd | writing advice masterdoc
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
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Chapter Two
Hiiii! Okay, soooo I wanted to get the new chapter out ASAP! I really, really love any of you guys who read/kudoed/commented or anything on AO3 🥰🥰🥰🥰. Means the world to me.
As I mentioned on here yesterday, my one eye is basically sore and I went to the eye doctor and basically can’t wear my contacts for a few days. So because of my how nearsighted I am and the fact that I haven’t updated my glasses prescription in over a decade .... I edited this chapter on my phone? So yeah. I think it turned out just as well as any of my other writing but ya know. For verification, if there’s some mistakes here or there. Ya girl was tryin, ok. 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😬😬😬😬😬😬.
Okay anyways I’ll stop talking, here’s the next chapter :
“You just have to get to know her,” Peeta claimed. “Bailey’s a good person. Don’t let her outer shell fool you.”
What I really wanted to ask him was how he ever got beyond her—as he so delicately phrased it—outer shell.
Never big on social interactions, on top of being generally awful at making friends, I did my best to get all the information Peeta would willingly offer about his new, mysterious girlfriend, before having to deal with her directly.
Which wasn’t much. Peeta, the boy who gossiped about his father wanting to marry my mother while we were in a televised death match, who seemed to always have some insight on other people, who never hesitated to share his gossip with me before now, suddenly had tight lips when it came to Bailey Robyn.
The biggest emission I got from him was, “she had a childhood a lot like mine.”
I don’t know what that means? Bailey was the child of District Nine’s baker? District Nine had a class divide as well and she was of a merchant equivalent? She was a popular wrestler?
And then it hit me all at once. Like a train storming for the Capitol, it hit me with crushing force. Peeta never confirmed the fact, but the look in his eyes when I made the guess was enough to suggest I was right.
Bailey also grew up with an abusive mother. Just like Peeta.
The idea was a lot for me to process suddenly. I knew people who looked perfect could hide dark secrets. Peeta and Finnick Odair were both evidence of this. But for some reason I was taken aback by the notion that Bailey, who seemed so lively and pristine and collected, could have come from a violent and vicious household like the Mellark’s.
I mentally berated myself for the shock. How many times had strangers misjudged me in the last couple of years? How much had that infuriated me to find out?
When I go over to Haymitch’s house the following week for dinner, I make considerable effort in preparing myself to see Bailey sitting at the table.
And I’m not disappointed.
Bailey Robyn is sitting in the dining room when I walk in, half her hair gracefully combed into a cascading updo, looking as porcelain and perfect as ever. In her hand is a cookie covered in pink frosting, her mouth pulled up in a sparkling white smile as she laughs at something Haymitch has said.
Evidently Bailey puts my old mentor in a good enough mood, because he gives her a real genuine grin in reply.
Before turning to me with a scowl, of course. “Well, sweetheart, look who decided to join us?”
“I’m on time, Haymitch,” I immediately grumble, eyeing him with aggravation.
“If we give or take twenty minutes.”
But Bailey apparently wants to be my buffer. “Like you’ve ever been on time for anything, Haymitch Abernathy,” she retorts, looking at me knowingly. Like she’s trying to let me in on her joke. Like we’re old friends, who gang up on Haymitch together all the time.
A part of me feels displaced, as this interaction, if I didn’t know better, gives me the idea that I’m the odd one out and Bailey is the aquatinted one in this dynamic. But still, I take a deep breath and smile back in her direction.
I promised Peeta I would try. I promised to give Bailey a chance. And I’m not going to break another promise to him.
Not after everything that’s happened to him because of me.
Before I can find a semi-conversational thing to say back though, more voices join us.
“Katniss!” Delly chirps, rounding the corner from Haymitch’s pigsty living room with Peeta by her side.
“Oh, look who finally showed up,” Peeta says, teasing me.
I have an entirely different reaction to him nudging me versus Haymitch. Instead of getting defensive, I feel myself immediately blush, suddenly a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I got held up in the woods.” My words somehow get choked in with a giggle and Peeta smirks in response.
Luckily for me, Bailey seems to not mind our interaction. Instead she laughs once again. “Held up in the woods by what?” She murmurs curiously.
“Knowing her?” Haymitch mutters, eyeing at me wryly. “Squirrels.”
I give the night my best effort. I talk to Bailey, ask her questions—pretend not to notice how elusive her answers are—and plaster a completely fake smile across my face, trying my best to appear as sweet and as pleasant as I am capable of.
However, by the end, I’m so glad Delly is there by my side that, without hesitating to think about it, I invite her to be a permanent member of our weekly dinners. If Peeta can bring Bailey every time—as I suspect he will—I can surely have someone here too. Someone else who is a bit apprehensive about the new addition, someone who doesn’t think I’m just blatantly rude for remaining on my guard.
I expected Haymitch, at least, would be a little unsure about Bailey. I expected he’d be at least slightly cautious of her presence. But instead the opposite seems to be true.
Instead Haymitch almost seems more apprehensive about me being at dinner.
Every time I glance at Peeta too long, every time I cringe—in my mind, internally, but evidently the old, paunchy man notices—when Bailey plants her lips all over Peeta, I feel him kick me in the leg, step on my foot, nudge me roughly as he passes by.
Delly finds the whole thing really funny. She finds Haymitch and my subsequent glares and glances more entertaining than any of the stories Bailey shares about District Nine.
And Delly Cartwright has never been one for subtly. She’s never been one for holding back her emotion either.
What should be her quiet chuckles are loud, snorting giggles and her standard laughs are practically hysterics.
And I find unexpectedly, when mixed with such a tense air, the sound of her boisterous laughter cracks even me up. Even Haymitch smiles a little.
Of course, the fact that this conjures up an image of me and Delly sharing some kind of inside joke is sort of an unexpected gift. I only realize it after the fact, but the idea that it looks like me and Delly are laughing together makes me feel suddenly less alone. Makes me feel suddenly like I belong here again.
Bailey is pleasant enough, I note to myself. She smiles in all the right places when someone else speaks, she manages to softly laugh in all the appropriate spots, she tell us vague details about her home in Nine easily enough.
Apparently she was born and raised on a farm, learned to produce grain from a young age and left her parents’ home at fourteen.
She makes no mention of the abuse Peeta implied but I never expected she would. It takes practically a microscope to uncover it in Peeta’s own tales. And even that’s from my point of view. An outsider who didn’t survive two games and a war with him would be hard-pressed to decipher it at all out of the stories he tells. I anticipated Bailey would be just as allusive.
I did not anticipate however, that Bailey would grow so uncomfortable when asked where she lived after she left her parents’ home. I didn’t expect her to look around the room in an abrupt, stiff silence, that she would stare past the walls of Haymitch’s home with a glassy look in her stone blue eyes, or that she would stand from the table without warning and flee down the hall.
And I’m thankful now that it was Delly who asked the question and not me, as surely my old mentor, who’s nearly smashed by this point, would find a way to cast the blame onto me.
“Did I say something wrong?” Delly asks, genuinely disturbed that she apparently must have hurt Bailey. She may not be her biggest fan, but Delly Cartwright isn’t one to intentionally upset people.
Peeta hesitates for a moment before shaking his head. “No, she’s just... it’s nothing you did, Delly,” he promises but his voice is far away now too, and his gaze flickers towards the hall the blonde disappeared down.
Still, Delly bites her lip in fear she caused an issue and excuses herself from the table in a haste, offering to clean everyone’s dishes.
Neither me nor Peeta—or even Haymitch himself—say not to bother. The house itself is in atrocious condition after the decades of neglect and washing the dishes will only cover the plates in grim and mold instead of food. But it’s not about the actual cleansing of the dishes and we all know it. It’s about avoidance.
Something the three of us know more about than anyone ever should.
I use the given opportunity to catch Peeta’s eye. “What’s going on?” I murmur under my breath, hoping Haymitch wouldn’t insert himself into the conversation for once, that he won’t shut my question down and bark at me for being nosy.
“Bailey just needs a minute,” Peeta states, and I can tell from his tone it’s better not to ask again. Whatever’s going on with his girlfriend has him on edge as well. It seems to me, at least.
The next thirty minutes feel like hours as they pass. No one speaks. Haymitch is almost out cold from his liquor. Peeta refuses to meet my eyes or even so much as tear his gaze from the direction Bailey walked off in. I’m about to tell him to just go after her, when she decides to reappear.
Like magic, she reappears, her face seemingly flawless, her smile as bright and as stunning as before, her poise back again like it never slipped.
“Are you okay?” I ask anyway though, because there’s no use in pretending she didn’t just run off after a harmless comment. Delly obviously wants the answer to the same inquiry or she wouldn’t be currently lingering in the doorframe, afraid to even enter the room.
Still, I receive a pointed glance from Peeta and an outright disgusted look from a barely coherent Haymitch.
I fight my natural instincts that says to justify myself. My natural instincts that tell me they’re being far too defensive over a simple question.
And for what reason? Peeta just met her a few months ago and Haymitch probably wouldn’t be able to tell her apart from half the merchant girls in the district. What is it about Bailey that makes both of them take up their metal armor to protect?
“I’m fine,” she says lightly, and offers a tight, closed-mouth smile that doesn’t come across as real for a second. “Delly, do you need any help in the kitchen?”
“No,” the typically bubbly blonde says almost instantly. There’s a waiver in her voice and I feel a pang of sadness spread across my chest, because Delly is obviously afraid of even being in the same room as Bailey now.
“Okay well, we should be going anyways, Peeta,” she says definitively and tugs on his hand with a bit too much force. If you ask me.
“Me too,” I murmur before mentally kicking myself, realizing that I just boxed myself into a corner, looking like I was playing a game and trying to tag along with them for the walk home.
Well, the entire two minutes it takes to get to each of our respective homes, that is.
Even without the added awkwardness of tagging alongside Peeta and his girlfriend, a part of me—a naive, juvenile part—doesn’t want to watch Bailey enter through Peeta’s front door, doesn’t want to accept the fact that she isn’t just spending the night, that his home is now hers too, as a definitive fact.
Within a matter of days, his home is officially her’s. I already know it must be true. But that doesn’t mean I’m anxious by any stretch of the imagination to have the suspicion confirmed.
Haymitch chuckles darkly though, seemingly at my expense, as he lifts his head from the grimy table. “I see someone’s trying to escape before we can light the candles and start singing.”
I blanch the same moment I feel Peeta’s eyes turn and land on me in shock.
I was hoping everyone had forgotten my birthday somehow.
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fancytrinkets · 3 years
writing tag game
Thank you for tagging me @johaeryslavellan!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 wordcount?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The top 4 are Good Omens fic followed by one Dragon Age 2 fic from years ago: 
The Angel Line (humor) (Aziraphale/Crowley) 
The Naked Truth (humor) (Aziraphale/Crowley) 
Obliviate (romance, bittersweet, happy ending) (Aziraphale/Crowley) 
The Last Battle (humor) (Aziraphale/Crowley) 
In Good Hands (humor) (FHawke/Varric)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I didn’t used to respond to every comment back when I started posting, but now I reply to everything. I just love the whole commenting process. I like talking about the world I’m writing in with other people who love it, too. I am always SO EXCITED to see the (1) notification for my ao3 inbox. And it is unbearably wonderful to see a (2), (3), or more at a time. I’ve noticed I’m usually equally excited if it’s a comment on my fic or a reply to a comment I’ve left on someone else’s fic. (Sometimes I experience a mix of appreciation and disappointment when it’s a new comment for me if I’m expecting a reply back from another writer about their fic. That’s such a strange feeling and I wonder sometimes if other people get that, too.)
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, I don��t really do angst. And probably that’s not what people want from me anyway, judging by how many of my top fics are humorous.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I mean they all have some degree of happy ending, so I’m not sure how to measure them against each other. For some of them, the happy ending is also a ‘happy ending’ if you know what I mean..
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I don’t. Unless you count the silly stories my friends and I wrote for each other in high school? We definitely had some X-Files, Lord of the Rings, vampire universes intersecting with each other, but I can’t really remember a lot of that because I was 15 then and now I am 40.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven’t. I’m very glad about that. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, yes I do. It’s the loving, vanilla kind mostly. I am willing to read more adventurously than I’m interested in writing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I mean I hope! If I have, I haven’t realized it!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A bunch of my Good Omens fic has been translated into German and Russian, which is so cool. I love that people translate fics. I can’t read either of those languages, so I can’t personally vouch for how the translations turned out in terms of mood and tone and pacing with the word choices used, but that’s part of the beauty of being in fandom spaces where everyone is coming in with their own talents to share and develop. Translation is an art that needs to be practiced and no two translators will approach a work the same way. 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, though it was something I was interested in — and seriously considering — with a wonderful, talented Good Omens writing friend before I kind of lost all my steam for Good Omens writing.
What's your all time favourite ship?
Whatever ship I’m into at any give time. So that means right now it’s Dorian/MTrevelyan from Dragon Age, but who knows what it’s going to be in 5 or 10 years...
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oh, I have a Good Omens fic set in 1885 that stalled out because I was doing too much research and not enough writing. I’m not sure if I want to finish it, though. I just put a lot of outlining and drafting time into it. And then I just lost momentum. I doubt I’ll ever come back to that and I’m okay with it. 
What are your writing strengths?
I’m good at dialogue. I also think I’m good at keeping an eye on the pacing at the scene level — speeding things up when I need to, slowing things down when it’s called for. And I am REALLY good at editing. I don’t hang onto stuff that doesn’t fit just because I like it. I have removed thousands and thousands of words of writing I really love just because it’s not quite where things need to go. I find that fun. I always save what I cut and sometimes reuse it later.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I really struggle with character voice. While dialogue is a strength in general, that same thing can be really tough when I’m not hearing the voice of certain characters the way I’d like to. I also think a potential weakness is how I don’t like putting characters through deeply traumatic experiences. I like caretaking and treating the characters I write with gentleness. It’s deeply enjoyable for me, though perhaps it’s not always what makes a story satisfying. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t do it. My native language is English and my two learned languages —Spanish and French — are so long abandoned that it would be difficult to get any of it back. So I tend not to include other languages because I don’t have that expertise. When I’m reading a fic in English — because that’s all I can read well — I always appreciate footnotes with translations for the parts in a different language. I don’t tend to have the sustained focus to go back, copy-paste, and Google translate everything. So anything that isn’t translated in a footnote is just content I miss. That’s totally fine if the writer isn’t writing it for me — if they want to add extra layers of meaning for multilingual people. But if the writer wants everyone to know, then please, yes, put the footnote in!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files with my friends in high school, but while there was an internet back then, none of us had connected computers, so these were just stories we wrote for each other.
What's your favourite fic you've written?
I don’t know if I can pick one! I like most of what I write even years later, but I don’t know how to stack them against each other. Some are serious while others are funny, and even cracky — some stick close to canon, while some are deeply transformative and weird. They all feel so different to me. 
Right now I am really enjoying my Dragon Age Inquisition work-in-progress, Bold Indeed, a Trevelyan/Dorian romance that deals with: love, friendship, loss, gentleness, justice, what we owe each other (yes, I thinking of you, Chidi from The Good Place), what it means to become a ‘good’ murderer as part of your job, how easy it can be to fit within authoritarian structures, how difficult it can be to push against and overturn an established order, the inadequacy of kindness — but also the potentially transformative power of kindness. And all of that is tucked into the story of a mature and gentle romance between two people who are each going through a process of personal growth and change. Anyway, it’s a weird writing project, but I love it despite my occasional anxieties about whether I am a deeply bad person (hah, yes, I know how that sounds, but I also feel it seriously sometimes). 
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ada-mike · 3 years
The Truth Always Comes Out - Digimon (Davis/Yolei)
Hey, guys, long time no see. Hope you’re all doing well, all things considered. I decided to dust off this blog and post a little FanFiction for a change! Fancy that. Why FanFiction for a fairly rare pair in a children’s cartoon from twenty years ago? Good question. I was honestly inspired by the work of a truly amazing writer @tanyatakaishi and their incredible story Innocent Games, whose sequel is currently in progress and definitely worth the read whether you’re into Digimon or not (but you should be into Digimon, i mean seriously?) But yeah, drop by and give Innocent Games a read, drop a comment and a kudo too while you’re at it. This short story I’m posting myself is so inspired by Innocent Games, it’s pretty safe to call it a FanFiction of a FanFiction, doesn’t really fit into any canon, and is just something I had rattling around my head that I needed to bang out. Please give it a read and let me know your thoughts! Stay safe, ya’ll.
- Mike
In hindsight, he really should have known better. Yolei had always possessed an inquisitive streak to put it lightly (whether or not the matter being investigated was her business was rarely a concern) and she was typically about as adept at snooping things out as Davis was poor at hiding them.
And really, on his laptop of all places?
Davis, along with the rest of their friends, had spent his fair share of time around – as well as inside of – computers, but regardless, they were still Yolei's domain through and through, her expertise. And as his father had once told him many years ago, during a family trip to the supermarket where Davis had denied, despite being caught, that he'd tried to shoplift a pack of gum down the front of his shorts: The truth always comes out.
His thoughts were scattered though as they stumbled through the front door and into the blackness of the dorm he shared with Ken. Yolei was strung over his back like a long-legged, lilac-haired knapsack – having mounted him during the elevator ride, laughing, the liquor in her belly turning her playful.
The haze of alcohol still hung heavy in Davis’s mind too, enough so that his legs wobbled dangerously as he carried her through the blackness to where he approximated the futon was.
“Is Ken here?” Her breath was warm in his hair and the heat climbed up his neck to settle in the tips of his ears.
“Nah,” He said. “He’s with his parents this weekend.”
“Perfect.” She purred.
Davis picked up the pace, stumbling over a pair of soccer cleats in the dark. He spun in a circle, pulling a fresh laugh from Yolei, before depositing them both on the sagging futon cushion. Yolei sat pinned behind him, a little squished, but regardless it was the perfect position to plant sloppy kisses on his exposed neck. Davis squirmed, his heart racing.
“It doesn’t smell in here, does it?” He asked.
“Only a little.”
“It’s the trash, I bet. I haven’t taken it out since Monday.” He moved to rise, but she pulled him back into her lap, near growling:
“Leave it.”
“Mmm,” He hummed. “You like the funk, huh? It sets the mood for you?”
“You’re about to ruin the mood if you don’t shut it.”
“Such a way with words, love.”
That word. It was enough to diffuse squabble that had been sparking.
Davis sunk back into her and she wrapped her arms around him, feeling up and down his chest, then down his gut. He seized one of her hands and brought it to his mouth, kissing her sharp knuckles, the pads of her fingers, her wrist. It was surprisingly tender for him.
And it drove her absolutely wild.
Her free hand had just wrapped around the buckle of his belt, when the door to the bedroom creaked open.
They both flinched as tiny feet pounded on the floor, leapt, then thudded lightly on the futon by their side. Yolei reached and flicked on the lamp switch by her head.
“DemiVeemon!” Davis was grinning at the sight of his partner, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I thought you’d still be sleeping, buddy.”
“I had a dream that we were on a boat! I wanted to tell you about it!” The in-training Digimon clambered onto Yolei’s knee. “Yolei, your face is so red you look like a tomato!”
“It’s hot.” She explained. And it was, the compounding moments of passion followed by DemiVeemon’s interruption had them both sweating slightly.
“Where’s Poromon?” The Digimon asked, unperturbed. Fresh from his nap, he was ready to play.
“Um- He’s spending the night in the Digital World.” She dug her nails into Davis’s side, causing him to wince in pain, the soft touches suddenly gone. “I kind of thought you’d be there too.”
“Nope!” Chirped DemiVeemon. “But we could all go now!”
“Tomorrow, buddy.” Davis brushed his hands over DemiVeemon’s ears. Even if a trip to the Digital World could be fit into their agenda, the phantom feeling of Yolei's hands on him was fresh and that very likely meant that standing up anytime would be a bad move. “But hey, you know, I think I still have some Udon in the fridge from yesterday. Ya hungry?”
As DemiVeemon scampered away, Davis sighed and lifted himself out from between Yolei’s legs so he could sit beside her.
“Sorry about that,” He settled his arms on her shoulders, leaning close. “But where were we?”
“Davis, no.” She pushed him back. “I told you that I was taking Poromon to the Digital World so we could be alone tonight. Why didn’t you do the same?”
“I was going to. I just – I dunno, felt bad about dumping him there.” Davis rubbed his nose. The alcohol's buzz was fading from him now, much too fast for his liking. “He’ll be in a food coma in twenty minutes though, I guarantee it. Then we can get back to -”
“Hold on,” Her eyes sharpened into knives behind her glasses “You think I dumped Poromon in the Digital World?”
“No, I-”
“I did not dump him,” She continued, shifting further away on the cushion as she sat up straighter. “He’s helping out in Primary Village. I’ll be there to pick him up again tomorrow.”
“I know!” Davis felt a fresh wave of heat roll up his ears, annoyed that she was picking apart his words tonight of all nights. “I’m not trying to make you feel guilty.”
“I have no reason to feel guilty.” She folded her arms and sank back, eyes settling on the kitchen where DemiVeemon’s ears were casting shadows up the wall from the light of the open refrigerator. “He’s fine, just – dammit, Davis.” A heavy sigh billowed her lips, then: “You and I just got back together, what? Three days ago? And between school and everything, you and I haven’t had time… We needed a night like this.”
It was true. This most recent “break” of theirs had been a rough one and longer than any previous up to now. Almost an entire two months had passed where they barely spoke a single word to each other, only interacting when strictly necessary for Digimon matters, or the occasional late-night message over their D-Terminals.
Davis slumped back too.
“Tonight was a good night.” He said lamely.
She just nodded.
They sat in silence for a minute as DemiVeemon finished rummaging for food. He eventually waddled past them back to Davis’s bedroom, a warm bowl nearly as big as he was balanced on his head. All dreams of boats forgotten for the time being. Whether or not he had heard the beginning of their spat, Davis wasn’t sure. Regardless, he now wished his partner had stayed to break some of the tension that hung heavy in the room.
What he really wanted was another drink.
What he needed to do was apologize.
Instead, he lurched forward, propping himself on one arm as he reached over Yolei. She opened her mouth, ready to rebuke him again, until he reached past her and snatched the clunky laptop that sat on the end table.
It was five pounds heavier and just as many years outdated for anything Yolei would have considered satisfactory, but Davis had got it for a good price in a resale shop and desperately needed a computer for school. He grunted as he settled back in his seat and flipped open the lid, determined to find a way to break the awkward silence.
“Can I – um, play some music?”
He was already scrolling through his rather extensive music library, not waiting for an answer, but Yolei nodded anyways.
“Just no dub-step, please for the love of God.”
He chuckled and something in her chest unwound. He eventually settled on something, and with a double-click the room was filed with smooth guitar and steady drums. They listened, Davis nodding his head in beat and Yolei watching him.
“The speakers on that thing are awful.”
The song transitioned, adding more varied guitar and aggressive vocals.
“I haven’t heard this one before.”
“Ken showed it to me.”
“It’s good.”
As the song started to fade, Davis reached, without looking, and rubbed a line up and down Yolei’s thigh. She unfolded her arms, but before she could move further towards him, he was lifting the laptop from his lap and moving it into her’s. He stood up.
“Gotta take a piss.” He muttered, trudging towards the bathroom, tripping over the same pair of cleats as he went.
Yolei watched him leave, long nails tapping on the plastic laptop chassis. After the bathroom door closed and she heard him emptying his bladder into the toilet through the thin wall, she sighed and began flicking through his music.
She had gotten a little too defensive earlier and she knew it.
The truth was, she did feel a little guilty for parting ways with her Digimon, even if it was only for a night. Despite the lack of crises in the Digital World needing their intervention, it sometimes felt like she was shirking responsibility by turning more attention to other aspects of her life.  
But she was older. She was busy – they all were.
Breaking up with Davis a few months ago had been a mistake, a rash decision after a stupid fight.
Drawing a good night out by coming home with him and arguing tonight had been a mistake. The wounds from the breakup were still fairly fresh. They couldn’t exactly just pickup where they left off.
Hell, maybe getting back together had been the mistake.
She wasn’t even reading the list of songs anymore as she scrolled. Her ring finger tapped a little too quickly on the arrow keys and the music program locked up from overestimation. Grumbling, she tapped more—even though she knew better—and the window was suddenly minimized, and then she was confronted with the egregious mess of folders on Davis’s desktop.
What immediately caught her eye was the folder labeled ‘Sexy Sexy Sexy’, and with that, any thought of innocently returning Davis’s music library vanished up in smoke.
Eyebrow quirked, she clicked and opened the oddly-named folder without hesitation. Of course she knew that most every guy had that particular folder stashed away. Having it on the desktop was definitely bold though.
What she saw though almost made her guffaw, and she struggled to steel herself.
The folder contained pictures upon pictures of different styles of ramen, most likely purloined from some high-end bistro’s online menu, judging by the nearly indecent high quality and their tiny watermarks in the corner of each. Nearly every photo was accompanied with an adjacent text document, containing what Yolei astutely guessed were Davis’s attempts at parsing out the recipe by looks alone.
This ramen folder was probably more organized and cared for than the one he used for homework, and a quick visit back to the desktop and to a directory simply dubbed ‘hw’ confirmed this.
Yolei glanced at the bathroom door. Things inside had gone silent, but if history and the number of sliders he ate at the bar were reliable indicators, Davis would probably be preoccupied for a few more minutes. She had plenty of time.
Yolei cruised through the rest of his desktop in record time, finding nothing of note outside of a few folders containing game roms, a second folder of his own home-brewed ramen recipes, and much to her surprise: an alarming amount of digitized Shoujo manga, definitely pirated. She filed that away for teasing ammunition later.
Now, to find the really good stuff.
Her practiced fingers danced over the keyboard, running a shell command to search for recently accessed items. Buried in several sub-folders was one entry that caught her eye, a single folder with a timestamp indicating it was opened just an hour or so before he’d picked her up for their date earlier that evening.
The folder was named ‘yolei’.
A swirl of emotions flooded her as she opened the file with her namesake, and she found it was a dumping ground of yet more photographs.
Instead of gratuitous snapshots of food however, they all featured her.
Yolei immediately recognized a series of selfies she’d sent him herself – some as early as when they had first started their on-again/off-again relationship years ago. It had never occurred to her that Davis would be the type to save them anywhere but his phone. It was surprisingly sentimental of him.
An image of Davis lying in his bed, clicking through and lovingly studying a slideshow of her, sprung to mind and she felt a warm swell of affection for him. She had done something similar on occasion, when their respective university work had kept them apart for multiple days on end.
There were other styles of pictures too. As she scrolled further, she found photos they had taken together at her high school graduation ceremony, shots of them at a beach trip, and one from her recent birthday where he’d tried to wrestle her face into the cake. She couldn’t help but laugh quietly.
She came to a stop at one photo in particular, the image’s age betrayed by how grainy it’s quality was.
They couldn’t have been older than thirteen. Davis was round-faced and grinning in the middle, one arm slung over Ken to his left and the other over a mildly miffed Kari. T.K. stood on Kari’s other side (Yolei had forgotten about that silly hat he used to wear) and on the opposite edge stood Yolei herself, all spindly limbs and thick, round glasses—stained brilliant white from the flash of the camera.
Their Digimon partners stood huddled around their feet and Yolei felt a fresh pang when her eyes fell on Hawkmon.
She scrolled further, perhaps more quickly than necessary, but then came to a screeching halt.
“Bastard.” She hissed, an angry blush spreading across her cheeks.
“What?” Davis had somehow exited the bathroom and was halfway back to his seat. Yolei had been so engrossed in her recent discovery she hadn’t even heard him flush.
Without missing a beat, she twirled the laptop around and pointed the screen at him accusatory.
“What the hell is this?”
To his credit, Davis had learned since the gum smuggling attempt in his youth that it was best not to lie when he’d be caught.
“Oh,” His mouth formed a perfect O-shape. Now he was blushing too. “I can explain-”
“You better!” She rattled the laptop at him, the hinge wobbling dangerously. “I told you to delete these, Davis!”
It had been her one demand when they had broken up most recently. He had listed several himself, including the unconditional return of the multiple sweater-shirts she’d swiped from his dorm. She considered this a devastating blow, as they made the perfect sleeping shirts in her opinion. But to be fair, he actually needed them more than she did, his winter wardrobe being sparse as it was.
“I did delete them!” He shot back.
“Oh—that is so obviously not true.” She flipped the laptop back around so she could look at them again. The photos were definitely there, present and accounted for, completely not deleted. Her eyes were flashing as she glared back up at him. “Why did you keep these?!”
“Look, you specifically asked me to delete from my phone,” He explained. “And that’s what I did.”
“Oh, so you thought you could keep these on a technicality, huh?”
“We’re back together now so why does it matter?” He threw his hands in the air. “They’re not even that bad of pictures.”
“They’re disgusting.”
Davis chose not to argue with that. Certainly most of the photos could be construed as less-than appealing.
His laptop currently contained the only copies in existence of seventeen candid photos of Yolei, caught in various stages of sleep, sickness, and general foulness.
It had started as kind of sweet. On one of the nights she had slept over he’d woken first, and had snapped a quick picture of her face as she slept rather serenely, messy hair splayed over his pillow. When he’d showed her the picture later, he’d called her beautiful. She made a show of rolling her eyes, but smiled and blushed all the same.
For the second photo, he’d caught her while she was trying to subtly pick her nose.
It had kind of snowballed from there.
“Why were you even going through my laptop anyways?” He demanded in turn.
“I was looking for music.” Yolei turned her nose up matter-of-factly.
“In my pictures? Yeah, Right.”
“You’re missing the point.” She waved her hand as if his words were a fly buzzing by her ears. “This is a major breach of privacy.”
“Now that, you’re right about.” He stepped forward finally and reached for his laptop, but she pulled it to her chest.
“I mean my privacy, you jackass.”
“I took those, so they’re actually mine.”
“But they’re not pictures of you, are they?” She looked down, scrutinizing one of her in an unseemly, homemade guacamole facemask, filename: ‘she-hulk’. She had seen all these pictures before at one point or another, usually accompanied with some gentle ribbing at her expense, but seeing the collage now felt entirely different. “Davis, how could I ever trust you again? You promised me that you’d get rid of these.”
She was right of course, and that caused the words to sting all the more. Davis was near a hundred percent sober now, but his vision still blurred. Hot tears of shame, and a heaping dose of frustration, pricking his eyes. He fought and managed to keep his voice level, mostly:
“Yeah, well... how am I supposed to just go around like it’s nothing when you could be sniffing through my drawers every time I turn my back?”
She didn’t have an answer for that.
A half minute passed where neither said anything. The music from the laptop was still playing passively, shuffling through Davis’s library automatically and currently playing some upbeat video game OST Yolei didn’t recognize. Eventually he moved and sank down onto the futon with her again, a few inches of space between them, and both their eyes settled on the gallery of photos still on display on the glowing screen in Yolei’s arms.
Davis remembered telling his friends oh so recently that he and Yolei were back together. Tai and Izzy had exchanged a quick glance, a silent exchange of barely-contained, mild exasperation. He imaged them placing bets on how long he and Yolei would last this time and pictured money exchanging hands when he broke the news that they were surely once again parting ways-
“That was the most sick I’d ever been in my entire life.” Yolei muttered suddenly, indicating one of the pictures. “I literally thought I was dying.”
He chuckled despite himself.
“Your nose is so red there.”
“Yeah, the tissues from I-Mart were like sandpaper. They still are.”
“Red looks good on you though.” Their eyes met then, and Davis continued quickly, stammering slightly. “I mean, not many people can pull off crimson flight pants, but- um… you did.. for years.”
Her face had an unreadable quality to it, and it seemed as if she might respond with something, but then she turned away and began scrolling through his computer again. He noticed her eyes weren’t focused though and he didn’t have it in him to try and dissuade her from searching still. There was nothing else to find anyway.
“Why do you even have this folder?” She asked, eyes forward.
He debated with himself for a few seconds, then decided on the truth.
“I like… having photos. You know, of you.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “And when we broke up last time, and you told me to delete all those ugly pics of you, I did.” Yolei’s mouth opened to object, but he continued before she could interject. “I really did. I honestly just forgot that they were on my laptop with everything else too, and when I saw them later, I just… couldn’t get rid of them.” He stared at her profile, tracing with his eyes the lines of her cheek, the bump on her nose. “I really thought this last time was the real deal.”
“Me too.”
“Do you think we should break up again?”
“I don’t know.” Even though they weren’t quite touching, Yolei felt him stiffen by her side. She closed her eyes, and said her next words to the blackness of her eyelids. “I don’t want to.”
He breathed out, the air leaving him as if released from a balloon.
“God, me neither.”
She twisted on her seat, opening her eyes to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry for looking through your laptop. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s okay.” He responded quickly.
Yolei continued anyways.
“If I’m being honest too, I was looking to see what kind of porn you had saved on here.”
“What?” Davis balked. “Seriously? Why would you think I had… that stuff… on there? I don’t even…” He shook his head, the image of incredulity. “I don’t even watch that.” Yolei watched him steadily, a single brow raised. “What? I don’t!”
“Sure. We’ll talk about that some other time.” She was only half teasing.
The promise of ‘some other time’ bolstered his spirits quickly. He eyed his laptop in her hands, suddenly loathing the pathetic thing and how he’d used it to hide away the secret vestiges of what he had once thought would be all that remained of his and Yolei’s relationship. She had owned up to her transgressions.
What he needed to do was apologize.
Standing, he pulled the laptop from her slack grip before she could argue, and looking her dead in the eyes, gripped each half of the computer and snapped it in half along the hinge. The music died with a pitiful wheeze and splinters of plastic flew everywhere, a few bouncing off Yolei’s glasses to disappear into the fibers of the rug at her feet.
“I shouldn’t have kept those pictures.” He discarded the broken halves of the computer, speaking passionately. “I want us to start over fresh, okay? I don’t want any dumb secrets or anything like that to cause any problems. I want you to trust me, because I trust you – I really do.” He swallowed hard. “I still love you, Yolei.”
Her eyes shone and laughter bubbled in her throat.
“But you computer-”
“I needed a new one anyways. You can help me pick one out!”
“Yeah, but,” She wiped her eyes clear. “What about all the other pictures? My graduation, the Digimon?”
“I still have those on my phone, no worries.”
“And your homework?”
“My homework?” It took a second for Davis’s brain to catch up. His eyes passed from one broken piece of the laptop to the other, then his hands rose to bury themselves in his hair. “Oh shit, shit. My mid-term paper is saved on there...”
Yolei wanted to laugh, she wanted to cry, but instead she reached out and pulled him to her. She gently unwound his fingers from his hair and twined them with hers. She kissed him and kept pulling until he was climbing onto the battered futon with her, then over her.
In the morning, she would take off the back panel of his broken computer and pull the hard drive. She’d help him recover his homework and maybe, just maybe, a couple of the more agreeable photos that she would allow him to keep.
For now though, he didn’t need any of the digital keepsakes. As far as either of them were concerned, any number of pictures paled in comparison to the real thing.
For now though, she held him close and breathed in his ear.
“I love you too.”
When DemiVeemon bounced back into the living area sometime later, he found the pair asleep and huddled under a blanket together on the futon. The small Digimon took in the mess on the floor, the couple’s mussed hair, their slow and steady breaths, chests rising as one. Of course, he had heard every word of their argument from Davis’s bedroom, but he was used to the ruckus by now and too preoccupied with his noodles to care. Anyways, no doubt there would be many such squabbles in the future for him to witness.
He decided to let them sleep for now and bounded to the kitchen in search of a mid-night snack. He would just have tell Davis about his dream some other time.
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the-lincyclopedia · 3 years
Fic writer questions I never get asked
Thanks for the tag, @khashanakalashtar! This is an interesting list! 
What date did you make your AO3 profile? What date did you post your first fic?
I joined AO3 on February 5, 2018. Seriously. I was FFN-only for so long. I posted my first fics on AO3 the day I joined. My first fics ever to hit the internet, however, were published on July 13, 2011, which is when I got my FFN account.
Do you cross-post your work?
Yeah, still. When I first got my AO3 account, I posted a bunch of things that were already on my FFN account, and these days I put basically everything on both. I like that FFN gives a pretty accurate and nearly complete timeline of my fanworks, which is the main reason I’m still posting there. Nothing I’ve posted there in the past three years has gotten much engagement, and I know the site is dying. 
What’s your fic with the most comment threads? The most bookmarks? Are the top 5 of those categories basically the same, and basically the same as the top 5 kudos?
Top 5 by comment threads: 
Face the Future with You (Check Please)
Man Oh Man, You’re My Best Friend (Check Please)
It’s Always You (Check Please)
Love in the Time of Influenza (Carry On)
I Love You, All Right? (Check Please)
Top 5 by bookmarks: 
Love in the Time of Influenza (Carry On)
The Aftermath of Angelic Assumptions (Good Omens)
Man Oh Man, You’re My Best Friend (Check Please)
Nightmares (Carry On)
Christmas Planning (Carry On)
Top 5 by kudos: 
Love in the Time of Influenza (Carry On)
Face the Future with You (Check Please)
Nightmares (Carry On)
The Aftermath of Angelic Assumptions (Good Omens)
Christmas Planning (Carry On)
So basically the Check Please fandom comments more and the Carry On fandom is more into bookmarks and kudos, and there’s more of a correlation between kudos and bookmarks than between either of those and comments. 
What’s the word count of your longest fic or series?
“The Jumper Chronicles,” my longest fic on FFN, is 111,223 words. I abandoned it in 2015 and I really would not recommend it. On AO3, my longest fic is “who could ask to be unbroken (or be brave again)” at 14,772 words. It’s part of my longest series on AO3: “Samwell Men’s Harmonies” at 29,921 words. 
What’s your most underrated fic?
MOST underrated? I have 132 fics on AO3, so there are a lot of potential answers. I guess I’ll pick my work with literally the fewest kudos: it’s a charming little rhyming poem about Harry Potter called “The Willow May Whomp You.” It has two kudos, fewer than 70 hits, no bookmarks, and no comments. I was so proud of it when I finished it, and AO3 really did not care. 
Does your early work contain any writing sins?
I had heard that not breaking up your dialogue was bad (which it’s not? Who told me this? Why did I believe them? Ugh), and I thought that adding adverbs to dialogue tags constituted breaking up your dialogue. So I had lots of unnecessary beats and adverbs and internal monologue mixed up in what otherwise might have been passable dialogue scenes. (I don’t remember whether this came up a ton in my fics and I don’t feel like looking, but I remember it pretty clearly in the original stuff I was working on back then.)
Have you ever had a work podficced?
Yes! I requested it for Fandom Trumps Hate, though, so I don’t know if it counts, exactly. It’s not like someone read my work and approached me about podding it. Anyway, my Yuri on Ice fic “When and If” has a podfic version. 
Have you posted any podfics? Fanvids? Fanart?
I was going to say no, and then I remembered that back in, like, 2009, I tried to make a couple Romione fanvids, one to Taylor Swift’s “You Belong with Me” and one to “I’m Not That Girl” from Wicked. Unfortunately for everyone involved, I didn’t have a clue how to pull bits of video from a movie (still don’t, actually), so they were basically slideshows. I’ve long since taken them down from YouTube and the computer I made them on has long since died, so I can’t prove any of this to you, but . . . uh, yeah. That happened. 
Are there any trends in your favorite ships?
I feel like there have been, like, eras of my shipping. When I first started shipping (i.e. before I realized I’m queer), it was basically “girl I can project on” shipped with “literally whoever her canon love interest is, regardless of anything about him” (Romione, Percabeth). Then it was “asshole guy” shipped with “other guy who interfaces between the asshole guy and the rest of the world” (Johnlock, Otayuri to a lesser extent). I feel like it’s becoming “broken person whose coping mechanism is meanness” shipped with “broken person whose coping mechanism is sunshine” (Zimbits, maybe Snowbaz). This is pretty similar to the asshole x interface-with-world, but the relationship is a little more mutual and balanced, and the mean one has a better excuse for being mean. 
Do you have fandoms you’ve written a lot for? Fandoms you’ve only written a one-off for?
Fandoms I’ve written a lot for: Check Please, Carry On, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and Yuri on Ice. (I’m defining “a lot” as at least five fics, and please note that I’ve got a 30k Lizzie Bennet Diaries fic that’s only on FFN because I really don’t like the ending.)
Fandoms I’ve only written one-offs for: Discworld, Turtles All the Way Down, Maleficent, the Chronicles of Narnia, Paper Towns, Six of Crows, Hoot, the Odyssey, Song of the Lioness, and Downton Abbey. (There are multiple other fandoms with two fics each.)
What fandom got you into fandom?
Harry Potter. I’d been writing next gen fics for like two years when a school acquaintance shared an FFN link to a Marauders fic on Google Buzz and I was hooked. 
Do you have a strategy for summaries?
I try to describe the premise/first part of the plot, and I add notes that might be relevant (i.e., major trigger warnings or other things that might put people off). I don’t use quotes, either from the story or from anywhere else. 
Do you use beta readers? For what? Do you have a go-to beta?
Occasionally for plot/general “is this good?” type feedback, or if they’re mandatory for an event, I guess. (I’m doing my first bang, so that’s a new thing for me.) I don’t feel the need to use a beta for spelling, grammar, or punctuation since I’m a semi-professional copyeditor. These days I do read most things to my QPP over the phone before publishing them. That’s usually more of a cheer-reading situation than a beta situation, though. 
I tag @doggernaut @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @birlcholtz @cricketnationrise and anyone else who wants to play! 
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bakadont · 2 years
I didn't realize you had a tumblr! I don't check the tags here often, but wandered into the bakudeku tag tonight and saw you'd posted your latest fic, and i feel way more comfortable leaving these kinds of rambly-ranty comments and compliments here than ao3, so i just wanna say: i've been loving all your content lately! I've never actively sought out kiritodobakudeku till reading the "I'm Not Pretty" series, and i love the way you've expanded it from the single fic tackling different ways different trans men respond to different terms and acts. As a trans-masc person, it's something I deeply appreciate! I also love the way you write all of the dynamics in the relationship - the recognition that each "pair" for lack of better term, within the relationship will act differently with one another. Also just in general your writing of trans Izuku is probably one of my favorites i've seen, although I may be biased since I heavily identify with Izuku anyways, and the way you write him just sort of adds to that because I feel like I have a lot of the same sort of attitudes as him in relation to gender stuff. Anyways, this is super long and kinda all over the place, but I just wanted to ramble about how awesome your writing is, and let you know how excited i am to see what else you come up with!
Yes, I do! I made it so I could try and connect a little more easily with readers and get feedback from them! I'm so happy you found it!
Honestly, my heart is just so full right now I'm gonna cry. 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Every little comment no matter the platform means the world to me but when people share how a character I've written is relatable or means something to them it just sends me over the moon. For the most part what I write is pretty simple (and tbh just kind of porn) but I try to add in little things to give them a hint of depth sometimes in the hopes that when someone reads they can relate and enjoy what they're reading and to hear that has worked even a tiny bit means everything.
A lot of what I write is kink-focused but I try to also add substance to that? Just a tiny bit? Sure, transmasc might be a turn on and and people might get hot about foursomes but like, polyamory (which is super new for me but I'm finding I quite like writing it!) isn't just an excuse for a foursome, it's a loving romantic partnership between four distinct individuals who put in the effort to make it work every day-- and the fun kinky foursome sex is just a great bonus! ^^'
And being trans is an identity and a lived experience and it isn't a one size fits all deal so if I can capture any of that in the few thousand words of a sex scene I really want to try.
'I'm Not Pretty' was a fic I was almost certain would be a dud but more people have reached out to me about it than anything else. It's not my most kudo-ed fic / series but it is the one people share their feelings about the most, it's the one I have the most prompts for hands down. That blows my mind. I was so afraid it would miss the mark and people would be indifferent, or worse hate it, and to receive so much positive feedback is just...I don't even have the words. Kind of magical, I guess. Genuinely life changing. Because here I am writing more and exploring things I never thought I would!
asdfghjkl please excuse my even more rambly and all over the place response I am just so honored that people like my writing and thankful when you share your thoughts with me!
tl;dr: I love you, pls don't be a stranger. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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astoldbygingersnaps · 3 years
Harper’s 2020 Fic Wrap-Up
my very good friend and incredibly talented felow writer @sagemoderocklee came up with the idea of doing an end of the year fic wrapup in an attempt to polish the turd known as 2020, and since i actually managed to get some writing done this year i figured, why not jump on the bandwagon? 
a lot of super duper fucking shitty things happened in 2020, but i will always be proud that in this incredibly chaotic, stressful, and challenging year i managed to produce almost 180k of content (and that’s not even counting the writing i started in 2020 but haven’t published yet). so, to celebrate what’s been a pretty big achievement for me, i wanted to go through the various projects i’ve spent the last twelve months working on and give a preview of my plans for 2021.
let’s jump in!
projects i worked on/completed in 2020:
first off, let’s start with the beast to end all beasts, my personal baby, and honestly probably the reason most people follow me -- star trek au:
something bigger than the sky (shiita; 44,163 words; completed): 
i’ve said this before, but the whole idea for star trek au was literally just a joke between me and my-then girlfriend, now-fiancee, and eternal shiita enabler alexa aka @durintrash (by the way, if you follow me for my fics and you DON’T follow alexa for her corresponding art WHAT, exactly, are you doing with your life????) where i sat in a space-themed diner and said ‘haha imagine itachi as a vulcan.’ but then i blinked and suddenly somehow i’d written the prologue and the first chapter of SBTTS in the span of a week. it’s like i was possessed by a fanfic demon.
it sounds super cheesy but i honestly can’t say enough how important this fic has been to me and how much it’s pushed me to be a more productive and more dedicated writer. previously i spent a lot of time Thinking about writing and occasionally i’d put a few words on the page and then i’d go... do... something... else. but star trek au was the first idea i loved enough that it actually pushed me to write and keep writing and not give up even when i was confronted with things like writer’s block and worry over the quality of my writing. so thank you, star trek au, for being the light in a very dark year for me. 
by the end of SBTTS, i felt like i accomplished everything i wanted to do with the story’s beginning installment: i introduced all the characters and set the groundwork for their development; i showed what life on the corvus was like and how starfleet, the federation, and the universe functioned; and, more than anything, i was able to sketch out both the main protagonists -- itachi and shisui -- with all their strengths and flaws, show their relationship to one another, and hint at how that relationship would progress. 
all the stars are closer (shiita; 75,195 words; completed)
considering how slow i used to be at writing, i thought it would be, like, twelve years before i managed to get to the second part in the series. BUT then covid happened and i half-lost, half-quit my job, and like a lot of people this year i ended up with a lot of free time on my hands. and so, like a fucking demon, i finished this part in two and a half months. 
when i originally planned this part out, i really thought it would be a lot shorter and a lot lighter atmosphere-wise than it turned out. instead, this second section of the story ended up being pretty meaty in terms of length and in subject.
that said, overall, i’m really happy with how ATSAC turned out. i loved the way the characters progressed, how the relationships deepened, and how we were able to see this universe grow bigger and more complicated. and i’m very satisifed with how it set the stage for part three, which takes us to...
lovers alone wear sunlight (shiita; 41,518 words; in progress)
there’s... a lot about this part that i just can’t talk about yet, a) because it isn’t finished and b) because it contains some of the biggest plot points in the entire series thus far. if you’ve been keeping up with the stardates thus far (which i encourage you to do!) you know what part three is leading up to: itachi leaving the corvus and the dissolution of shisui and itachi’s growing relationship. 
with that in mind, i’m... more than a little terrified about writing part three, which is why the third chapter has been languishing in my google drive for months now. (and also why i started not one, but TWO new fics to cope with my writer’s block. whoops.) chapter three is where all the parts come together and shit hits the fan, and i can only hope that everyone will be as excited to read it as i am to publish it. 
next up, the two other projects i began this year:
salvation comes only in our dreams (shiita; canon divergence; 16,835 words; in progress)
for a long time, i’ve wanted to write something that’s actually set in the naruto universe and works to correct a lot of the flaws that i see in the series. there are a lot of things that bother me about naruto, but i think one of the things that frustrates me the most is the really messy and in some ways offensive resolution to the uchiha coup plot thread, and i wanted to write a story that dealt with the complicated themes of the series--imperialism, oppression, genocide, child soldiers--but, like, didn’t suck and completely drop the ball. thus, the massacre au was born. 
my main goal was to tell a story that showed a lot of these characters in ways we’ve never seen them before, specifically itachi. i didn’t want to write itachi as just an idealist who suffers and Suffers AND SUFFERS for konoha yet still remains loyal to the village for some unfathomable reason like he is in the series. i wanted to write an itachi that was sharper, more jaded, and more suspicious of the world around him, but overall was still a good person with a kind heart. and for shisui, well... obviously there’s a lot going on there, too. 
this is easily the darkest story i’ve ever written, and as the plot thickens it will certainly get darker with relationship dynamics that are complicated and unhealthy At Best. i hope that as the story goes on it’s a ride people continue to enjoy, as i was super pleasantly surprised at how popular this fic became (compared to my usual stats, at least) 
oceans between us (shiita; alternate universe; 15,039 words; in progress)
it’s good to know that i continue to be the most ridiculously niche version of myself as yes, i wrote a fucking shiita atonement au. 
with each fic i write i try to have a very specific voice that suits the particular piece and distinguishes it from other stories that include the same characters. for example, star trek au chapters tend to be more fun and light-hearted (especially shisui POV chapters) and lean more into the action movie and sci-fi adventure feel of the star trek universe, while the massacre au is written in a way that’s much heavier and guided by itachi’s emotions and experiences. my main goal with this story was to give it the same romantic, operatic, almost hazy quality that the movie has, which reflects the period setting and also the nature of this grand tragic love story. 
i knew from the beginning that there were going to be a lot of things that i cut from the film in my retelling, like the lola subplot and obviously the setting of pre-wwii england. i also knew i wanted to explore some of the aspects of the film that were implied more than outright stated, like the themes of classism and upper-class privileges. and more than anything i wanted to structure this piece around this idea of tension building and building until it finally snaps and there’s just a world of mess and hurt and loss that affects these two characters in two very different ways. 
also, the sex scene. i haven’t written a sex scene for anything in, like, a decade, so that was a lot of pressure. but i’m happy with how it came out and i think it ended up being an aspect of the story that felt like both a natural progression and necessary to show the affection these two people have for one another.
originally i was just going to end the story with shisui going to jail, but when i told alexa this i genuinely thought she was going to kill me. so, that didn’t happen lmao. but the more i tried to imagine what a second chapter would look like, the more i realized she was right, and it would have been a terrible idea to end the fic there. as for whether or not the final chapter will keep That Ending... who can say?
goals i have for 2021:
finishing lovers alone wear sunlight and, if i’m very lucky, beginning the fourth and second to last part of star trek au (yes, as it currently stands this 160k+ word series is only halfway finished. sorry not sorry)
publishing the next chapter of salvation comes only in our dreams (i don’t know when it will drop. i don’t know anything about this fic. please do not @ me) 
completing oceans between us (the second and final chapter is currently sitting at about 4k words and will probably end up at about 15k in total)
completing and publishing a new fic i’ve started at the very end of 2020, which is the shiita jurassic world au nobody but me and alexa knew they wanted. it’s essentially a 90s romcom with dinosaurs and i cannot Wait to share it. (it’s at about 9k right now and will probably end up being around 20k to 23k in total... maybe...)
FINALLY starting my dream project: the shiita olympics au i’ve been planning for years, where itachi is a figure skater and shisui is a hockey player (i’d like to keep this under 150k but at this point trying to keep my stories at a managable word count is a losing battle)
anyway, that’s it! if you managed to get this far in this very self-indulgent and shameless bit of self promotion, congrats! also, a very big thank you to everyone who’s read my fics, left me kudos and comments, and spent their time on my work, because it really does mean the world to me. 
here’s hoping 2021 is a much healthier and happier year for us all! 
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Hi, i hope you are feeling good! Im better than yesterday so i can finally answer you. First of all: i am so happy that you shared your fanfiction! i had a great time reading it! Im always open for more recs. Maybe your all time favorites? Or if you know some good h/c these are always welcome :) And YESSS please send me a link to your fanvids. -- yeah 13rw was super cursed. haha i also watched season 1 but thankfully i was able to sto watching becaue i could feel it making me feel bad (1)
I agree the suicide scene was just cringe (but i think i remember reading somewhere that they cut it out? idk) and overall this show just gave me the feeling that there was no hope and things are always getting worse instead of better and i hated that. but enough of that cursed show. can i just say i really admire how open you are about your feelings (like being suicidal and that) i realy, really admire this about you. i have so much respect for you that you can just share your feelings here (2)
I have never heard of ace attorney but that story you described sounds really good. and i get reading sth that isnt good for you and still doing it (because im a dumb bitch too :D) -- okay i might accept that Root will never grow on you (but i thought so too and look at me now :D) but i havent fully given up yet :)-- yes thats the girl. i think it was really sweet when she said that to Shaw. and i think Shaw appreciated it that someone tried to figure her out instead of just writting her off (3)
Shaw is really cool and definately also a badass and in combination with John its just great! but you will have to suffer trough some Shoot.  but maybe, maybe you will end up not hating Root. hope dies last (idk how the saying goes in english, sorry). -- Did you ever ship Caresse (in a romantic way)? cause sometimes i do and sometimes i dont and i get so confused about it :) but i think most of the time i like them more as friends. anyway her death really sucked and you are right with (4)
her death and them losing the library it felt like a different show (i mean i guess it was a different show then). i kinda get your feelings about the destroyed library because i also really loved it (and im really bad with change) but i dont think it affected me as much as you. but yeah i still missed the library very much. and while the subway is a really cool new place its not the same. (also the subway is super dark cause its underground and idk it just makes the whole thing less homey) (5)
Yes he is everything! such a great, interesting character and i wish there were more John-centric episodes! (like ones that explored his character more). that was one of my biggest dislikes of the later seasons that John wasnt featured as much anymore. i think he chuckled a few times in the show but a real laugh? i cant remember one :(  -- He did promise Joss to talk to Tyler so @show were is that talk? -- if seen the vid its awesome! thehiddenmemory has some great poi vids! (6)
yes i think so too. Like Grace would probably be relived and thankful that Harold is still alive and maybe they would even try again but eventually she would figure out that she cant trust him after lying to him for so long or sth like that and Harold would ofc realize that he is in love with someone else now. And then he finds out that John is still alive but stayed away cause he didnt want to get in the way of Harold/Grace. But then Harold comes back. And when they meet again John is like (7)
you came back for the machine? what about Grace. But Harold tells him he came back for John not the machine and then they kiss and have a happy live with Bear (sorry i got a little carried away here :D). -- Yeah Zoe is really hot and she needed more screen time! -- i hope you have a good day and i hope i havent messed up the numbers on the asks! :)
Hi ! I'm finally free from the resits, I hope you're doing okay with your thesis 💛
Sorry for replying late, there was the exam resits, and I read a bunch of fics, then I fell into pokémon and started bingewatching it. (Also I had a breakdown during therapy today so I'm gonna finish writing my answer to distract myself - it's been sitting in my drafts for so long rip)
Thank you !! It was a very personal thing, I'm really happy you liked it !! Your support and your comment made me thrive 💛💛
Tbh I was surprised to see it get kudos given that the only intended audience was my self projecting ass 🤣
So, my fav fics (my fav fic ever is in French, rip to y'all bc it's so good):
I am, I am, I am by RavenWhitecastle
Actually check the entire series this work belongs to: The Sinner and the Saint. I haven't finished it yet but I love it (I just skipped the explicit fics bc I don't like smut or sub!John)
Breaking All The Rules by talkingtothesky
Outsider Perspective by Neery
A Really Private Person by astolat
Hamartia (the hero's fatal flaw) by astolat
If Only for Tonight by spacemutineer
From Here, Where? by AKMars
Stroll by TheaNishimori
and the world was gone by lunarcorvid
a light that never goes out by vindicatedtruth
Limitations. by Michaelssw0rd
Reel you in and spit you out by Michaelssw0rd
All I Want For Christmas Is You by richmahogany
By What Power I Am Made Bold by brinnanza
Aftershocks by darringtons
At Certain Hours It All Breaks Down by nogoaway
construction of a kingdom by the_ragnarok
You Take Me Higher Than I've Gone by talkingtothesky
All Together Now by beadedslipper
I'll Let the Waters Still by brinnanza
Birthday Tradition by talkingtothesky
Things My Father Taught Me by KRyn
Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder by infiniteeight
Better Luck This Time by Lisztful
Motivations by JenNova
What's On the Table by cortue
In Another Life by Della19
I Thought We Already Were by talkingtothesky
Misunderstandings by thisstarvingartist
This is already fucking long omg so for the h/c: my bookmarks filtered with Rinch and h/c
Here's my playlist, it's mostly Rinch, but there are a few not Rinch vids, plus some scenes I like
This is long enough already, so it's time for a read more. Also, warning, we be talking about suicide
The portrayal of suicide is cringe most of the time anyway. If my suicidal ass can find a list of suicide methods and their lethality in 2 mins on Google you'd think writers who are supposed to do some research would be able to find them too but no they're like "ah yes slicing wrists" even though it's literally the shittiest method 🙄 (I just don't understand why slicing wrists seems to be such a popular method in the collective imagination ? It's weird.) At least in 13rw she took aspirin and cut herself vertically instead of horizontally but still, no hesitation wounds, and she dies even though she only got 4 wounds iirc ? I know more about jumping off bridges than slicing wrists, but it kinda sounds like bullshit to me. Also Netflix once suggested "beyond the reasons" to me, it's a sort of discussion with the cast and crew of 13rw and the only thing I remember is a moment of intellectual masturbation abt how they "opened a discussion abt suicide" 😬😬😬
They may have cut it out it's not impossible, idk I didn't hear about it, but it's not like I look for info about this dumpster fire lol. Maybe they faced backlash ? Wouldn't be surprised given how shit the show was. And yeah it has a hopeless vibe, I mean that's how it be when you're suicidal, but I didn't like it either.
You're sweet 💜💜 it's interesting that you find it respectable or admirable, I don't have an external point of view, so I'm just like 🤷 it is what it is. I understand where you're coming from though, I guess it's still quite a taboo subject, and suicidal people don't always feel comfortable talking about it, so me throwing around that I jumped off a bridge must be surprising. I'm detached enough from my suicide attempt that I'm able to talk about it without much of a problem, and I'm not really suicidal anymore.
Dumb bitches unite 👏👏👏 we be out there reading shit we shouldn't read
Yeah I think it's nice how the show didn't portray Shaw as a bad person for not having "normal feelings". Well, hope makes one live as we say in French (idk the English saying either lol) but don't hold much hope about me liking Root lmao
I used to ship careese bc they kissed in the crossing, but then I read some Rinch fics and I just ended up falling into it to the point where I stopped caring about careese. Now I think their relationship works better as a friendship.
Yeah all that change really puts me off... It just gives me "bad spin-off" vibes. Especially since there is less John :( and less Rinch :((((
Lmao yeah I just have a lot of feelings about early poi hgkfglrk. Also :/ I'm sad about the subway being less homey pls I just want happiness ?? I swear this show destroys my heart on top of owning my last braincell (brb changing my blog title to this lmao)
Mood I need all the John-centric eps, give me m o r e characterization and development and backstory and feelings hhhhhhh. I love him so much I just wanna spend more time with him. And that's what fics are for ! Yeah thehiddenmemory is so talented ! Astolat made some good ones too, on top of writing really good fics ! (Our fandom has been blessed with the presence of one of the ao3 founders hell yeah)
Also, remember how we talked abt the poi subreddit ? The other day I left a comment on there, wild I know. It wasn't a discussion about the last seasons though, I'm not crazy, it was about the impact poi had in our lives so I said it literally taught me English. Who knows maybe sometimes I'll comment again lol. I just don't wanna meet one of those people who prefer late poi over early poi.
Allow me to uuuuh write something based on what you said. Don't ask me how John survived with no major injuries, my man got that Thick Plot Armor alright. Hope you appreciate me getting carried away sjdkdksk it's kinda rushed and the first part isn't that good bc idk how to write Grace I'm just here for that sweet sweet Rinch stuff
Harold is eating breakfast with Grace in her kitchen – he can't think of her home as his home – when his phone vibrates. It's a text from the machine. It's a surprise, she barely contacted him since... He blocks the thoughts and the images coming to his mind. The machine sent him a picture. When he opens it, his heart misses a beat. Right here on his screen is a silhouette he thought he would never see again. His phone vibrates again. Another picture, this time it's unmistakably John, wearing his signature suit, Bear next to him. Transfixed, he stares at his phone until he feels Grace gently touching his arm. She goes straight to the point.
"Is it John ?" He looks up in confusion, but before he can say anything, she adds, "I hear you call him in your sleep every night."
"It's him, yes." He doesn't want to explain. He only wants to see John, to touch him, to tell him how much he loves him.
"You should go back to him. I like you, Harold. I am deeply relieved to see you alive. But I've been thinking, and... It's not working. This, us... You aren't really the man I fell in love with, the man I grieved... I can't trust you anymore." She doesn't say 'You lied to me' but Harold hears it all the same.
Harold sits on their bench. The machine indicated John often comes here. Soon enough, his arms are full of Bear, and John is standing in front of him.
"John. How are you ?" he asks when Bear finally calms down.
"Busy. And you ?"
Harold eyes him suspiciously – John once said he was busy when he was bleeding and way too close to death – but he seems to be well.
"I'm fine." He doesn't have time for awkward small talk." I thought you were dead. Why didn't you contact me ?"
"The machine told me you were with Grace. I thought you wanted to come back to your previous life. I didn't want to crash into it and ruin what you had."
Harold wants to be angry at him, but he understands. He did the same with Grace.
"You would never ruin anything. Besides, my relationship with Grace... didn't survive my lies. She's very dear to my heart, but she's a part of my previous life, as you said."
"So you came back for the machine, and the numbers, like the good old times ?"
Harold gets up from the bench.
"I came back for you. You are an important part of my life. The most important part."
John smiles, finally. He takes a step towards Harold, they're so close they could kiss. Harold reaches out, grips his shirt and slowly inches closer. He's still afraid of being rejected but John wraps his arm around him and kisses him. The kiss is over too soon. John's smile is even wider when they part.
"You're the most important part of my life too," he says before kissing Harold again. "You will stay ?"
Damn I live for sappy Rinch stuff.
Bitches decided that Harold saying "always" is peak Rinch. It's me I'm bitches.
Also ofc I had to make a reference to number crunch, who do you think I am
Anyway. I hope you have a good day ! 💛
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A Soft Place To Land
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Masterlist here
Read on Ao3 here
Word count: 3118
What if Black Friday restarts with memories erased and no Wiggly to cause World War III? What if tomorrow does come?
In which Tom adopts Lex, Ethan and Hannah and learns the definition of family.
I am aware that there are fics like these out there but I wanted to write my own and I'm a sucker for Christmas fluff even though we are nowhere near Christmas at the moment. I needed my happy ending where things are hopeful. Kinship care does exist and I wish more fics used it because none of us know shit about the legal system most of the time and it's easier to write, I feel like. If you like this please comment and kudos, and let me know if you want to see more Black Friday stories!
 Tomorrow does come, after all.
 Today resets and Wiggly doesn’t exist, though Lex is sure that with the sales from today, they’ll have enough money to go to California. She’ll escape with Hannah and Ethan and leave their shitty past behind.
 She still runs into Mr. Houston. He’s a nice guy, but Lex knows better. She knows he only pities her, barely knew about her situation at home, about Hannah. He thinks he can help. Lex knows he can’t.
 It’s not even seven in the morning, and she already needs a cigarette.
 She’d tried to quit, for Hannah’s sake. She knows that her little sister deserves better influences than her and Ethan. But the teachers at Hatchetfield Elementary don’t understand that Hannah is a special kid. Maybe she’s clung to Webby for too long, but if that’s what Hannah needs to cope, Lex will let this Webby stick around. Even though Webby is a spirit in the form of the stuffed animal spider Lex got Hannah for her fifth birthday.
 (In Lex’s defense, Hannah picked it out.)
 Mr. Houston says he hasn’t seen her around school. Lex tells him she quit after he left. She doesn’t want him to feel guilty, but she’s angry. Angry at the fact that the only person who did give a damn about her and Ethan broke his promise and left.
 Regardless of her snappy behavior, it seems to strike a chord in Tom. So he waits for her shift to be over, for Ethan and Hannah to return to Toy Zone.
 “I thought you’d be out of here before I could ask if you wanted your receipt.” Lex says with a smirk. “Aren’t you supposed to be spending your week off with your family?”
 “I was waiting for them.” Tom shifts his weight from side to side. “Was kinda hoping they’d let me take ‘em to lunch.”
 Ethan shoves one hand in his pocket, the other pulling Hannah closer to him instinctively. “We’re not going anywhere with you.”
 “The food court?” Tom tries. He failed these kids once, and he doesn’t want to let them walk away without knowing that someone out there cares.
 “Pizza.” Hannah looks at the man with a cautious stare.
 “Sure.” Tom leads them to the food court, letting the kids go ahead of him while he shoots a text to Emma. He promises to be home soon, and they can get take out for dinner tonight. She doesn’t respond, but he hopes she knows he’s trying. Trying to be a good father, a good brother in law, after everything that’s happened.
 Lex and Ethan both go for the cheapest things they can find on the menu, amidst Tom’s protests that he doesn’t care what they get, as long as it feeds them. Hannah clings to Lex as they wait in line.
 Tom has his wallet out before Ethan and Lex can refuse, handing his card to a tired manager. Lex and Hannah look for a table, and the four eat in silence.
 When Tom offers them a ride home, Lex doesn’t refuse. She gives him directions halfheartedly. The check Frank gave her isn’t enough. Maybe in a few weeks they’ll be able to go. Spend their Christmas on the beach, drinking soda from glass bottles and watching the waves crash onto the shore. Ethan said he has a distant relative they can stay with, and even though it sounds sketchy, Lex believes him. In the five years they’ve been friends, Ethan’s never broken one of his promises.
 Tom takes one glance at the trailer on the empty lot. He notes the bottles scattered haphazardly around the mobile home and frowns when Lex tells him to stop here.
 “Tell me something. Do you really want to go inside?” He asks Lex, the engine still rumbling. Any moment now Lex’s mother is going to come out, and Lex doesn’t want Tom to witness that.
 It only takes one slight shake of the head from Lex for Tom to drive away. Hannah has Webby in her bag, anyways. That’s all they really need, in the end.
 “Ethan? Do you want to give me directions home-”
 “I don’t want to go home.” Ethan surprises himself, but his voice is clear enough for Tom to understand.
 After they’ve driven for a few minutes, Lex asks, “Where are we going?”
 “I’m not going to leave you out in the street. You’re coming home with me.”
 Realistically, Tom knows this isn’t a good idea. He can barely manage Tim on his own, and his salary definitely doesn’t cover four kids. But the house has spare rooms, and he can’t leave the three of them without knowing they’re safe in another adult’s care. He doesn’t even know if any other adult would take them. He doubts he could ask that much of Emma, and her new… boyfriend?
 He’d ask her later, after he made the effort to get to know her. It didn’t seem like a question strangers like them asked each other.
 Lex and Ethan don’t argue, but they look at each other carefully. They’ll get out of Hatchetfield soon enough, but for now, they have a safe place to stay. No use in fighting against that.
 Lex has her doubts, but she bites her tongue. Mr. Houston seems sure about this, but he’s not out of the woods yet. How the hell are they going to      live     with each other?
 Paul, Emma, and Tim are in the living room when the four arrive. Emma’s the first to greet them.
 “Hey. You really beat the crowds.” Emma says, trying not to raise an eyebrow at the three children Tom appears to have brought home. She rises from the couch, pulling Tom into the kitchen.
 “What’s going on?” She asks in an angry whisper.
 “Look, these kids had nowhere else to go.” He defends. “And I couldn’t just stand there and not help them. They deserve so much better than that.”
 “They’re about to go to college, Tom, you don’t have that kind of money!” Emma hisses. Tom shakes his head.
 “I don’t think they want to go to college. Ethan will go to community at most, and Hannah isn’t… she’s younger than Tim.” Tom sighs. “These kids deserve someone, a second chance. I’m not equipped to deal with it, sure. But someone needs to take care of them.”
 “And the legalities of this? I mean, fuck, this even legal?”
 Tom blinks before remembering what Jane had taught him when he started training to be a teacher. She’d taught him that if any of his students showed signs of abuse, he needed to report it. But she had also said something about the teachers taking care of them, as an alternative…
 “It’s called kinship care.” Tom says, his mouth moving before his head can properly process the memory. “It’s a law that allows relatives and family friends to take care of foster kids. If I could push the case as a family friend, they could stay with me. Besides, I think they could help Tim.”
 Emma gives him a tired look, one that says she’ll give it up for now. “Paul has a friend who’s married to a cop at HFPD.” She says, not looking at him. “I’ll ask about it discreetly.”
 “Thank you.”
 “And if you need anything… Money, someone to babysit or talk to the kids, I’m,” Emma takes a deep breath, the words nearly dying at her lips. “I’m here now.”
 Tom nods. “Again, thanks.”
 Emma gives him an awkward smile and finger guns before walking back into the living room.
 She does do good on her promise. She has Paul run out and grab some clothes from their shared apartment to make Hannah and Lex comfortable. Ethan only asks for a t-shirt and pajama pants, saying he’d go get more clothes when the weekend is over.
 And when they’re all around the living room coffee table, eating Chinese food right out of the boxes, Tom knows he isn’t alone.
 If anything, he’s sure that Jane and God or whoever’s up there has given him a new family.
 They’re back at the mall when Tom runs into Becky. Emma’s babysitting Tim again, with her… Paul, and they’re going to Pizza Pete’s for dinner. The girls and Ethan are with Tom, though he’s walking ahead and they’re walking behind.
 He’d come up with a compromise for Lex: She’d finish high school online, get her GED at the very least. She could continue working at the Toy Zone full-time, but the trio wasn’t going anywhere until both teenagers had their high school diplomas.
 Surprisingly, she’d agreed. She couldn’t remember the last time an adult, much less a teacher, hadn’t encouraged her despite her attitude. But Tom had been through a lot, and she didn’t want to test his patience. Even if he didn’t kick her and Hannah out to the street, he’d still be disappointed.
 And for some reason, Lex couldn’t imagine disappointing him.
 They’re in Forever 21, despite Lex’s specific hatred towards the bright colors and preppy sales attendants. She lets Hannah take her around, glancing at the list Tom had given them in the morning.
 Lex knows Emma gave Tom the money for today, and she knows it isn’t a lot. She insisted in the morning that she should pay for Hannah. Ethan argued he can pay for himself. Regardless of their arguments, Tom isn’t letting them leave the mall until they have everything on the list checked off, even if he has to follow them around to do so.
 He could have taken them to Target or Walmart, or even a thrift store, if he wanted to be really cheap. But they’re here, instead.
“Tom?” Lex turns her head to see a ginger haired woman approach her new guardian.
 “Uh, Mr. Houston, we’re gonna go explore.” Lex speaks up.
 “Be safe!” He calls after them before returning his attention to Becky.
 Becky Barnes’ smile hasn’t changed since Tom’s football days, but he knows there are parts of her that have changed. Her eyes don’t have the innocent glimmer they used to have, and she’s wearing turquoise scrubs under her puffy jacket. But she’s beautiful in Tom’s eyes. She always has been.
 “It’s been a long time.” Becky says, and Tom nods, not trusting himself to say anything. “What exactly are you doing at Forever 21?” Her eyes tease him. He hopes his face isn’t that red yet.
 “I, um, my kids…” His shoulders sink when he realizes there isn’t enough time to properly explain. “It’s a long story.”
 She laughs, and god, he’s missed that laugh. It’s not until then that he remembers just how much he’s missed her, from the high ponytail to her bright red lipstick. She pulls a pen from her pocket.
 “Give me your arm.” She says, and he complies, watching as she rolls the sleeve of his flannel up and uncaps the pen. “We may not have time now, but maybe over coffee?” She glances up at him questioningly.
 “Yeah. Could I get your number?”
 She smiles. “It’s on your arm.”
 “Oh.” He laughs nervously, relishing the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. “So I’ll call you.”
 “Okay.” She waves, backing away. “See you, Tom.”
 “Bye.” He feels like he’s fifteen again, scoring a date with the cheer captain.
 The kids appear out of nowhere. “We’re going to Target.” Lex says, leaving Tom no room to argue. “We need clothes and Christmas presents.”
 When he sees Emma, he tells her about Becky. Her face betrays her before her words do. “Not that I don’t want to hear about you getting a girlfriend a year after my sister died, but-”
 He cuts her off before she can point out anything. “I don’t want a girlfriend right now. I still want to give Tim time, and it wouldn’t be fair to Becky if I was still dealing with…” He doesn’t want to choke up. Emma nods, looking away.
 “Yeah, okay.” She says, and the conversation’s over. Paul walks in, obviously looking for Emma.
 “We’re going to head out, but, uh…” Paul wraps an arm around Emma’s shoulders. “We’re hosting Christmas Eve at our place, and we were hoping to have you and the kids with us.”
 “Sure.” Paul nods, looking down.
 “We’ll text you the information.” He says, and they make their way out. Tom doesn’t walk them to the door, even though he knows he should. Today’s been tiring, and he needs to check on the kids before they go to bed. Even though Ethan and Lex don’t really have a bedtime, he does it anyways.
 He wonders if Becky does the same with her kids, if she has any. Tom had heard whispers about Stanley, Becky’s ex-husband. He had run off to Clivesdale with his new girlfriend. Tom isn’t sure how anyone could leave someone like Becky. She was too good for anyone, even him.
 They set up a date for Saturday morning coffee. Lex promises to make sure the house doesn’t burn down, although it’s said with a roll of her eyes. Tom chooses to ignore that and heads out.
 Starbucks isn’t a coffee-date kind of place, but the only other option that’s close enough is Beanie’s, where Tom’s sister-in-law works. And even though Emma understands the situation, Tom doesn’t want to freak her out by popping into her work on a date with someone who isn’t Jane.
 Tom spends all morning with Becky, and he tells her about the kids. About Tim, who’s now excited to have siblings, Tom’s budding relationship with Lex and Ethan, why they were at the mall the other day. Becky only smiles and jokes, avoiding talking about herself.
 “I’m sorry. This probably wasn’t what you were thinking, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea to date right now. Tim’s had enough change in his life in the past year and I…” Tom pauses. I don’t think I’m worth dating. He thinks to himself. Becky waits for him to finish his sentence, reaching out to squeeze his hand gently.
 “I don’t know what I’m doing yet, Becky.” His voice is quieter now. The noise of the coffee shop starts to get louder around him, and Becky recognizes that his senses are overwhelming him. She always knew what he needed, even when he didn’t know himself.
 “Let’s take a walk.” She suggests, pulling him out of the store and into the cold air. It’s close to thirty degrees out, but she’s still holding his hand as they walk down the streets of downtown Hatchetfield.
 They end up strolling through the park. He tells her about Jane, about the car accident. How it was his fault that Jane was gone. How he was so sure he killed his family, and how terrified he was about fucking up as a father to Lex, Ethan and Hannah.
She grounds him again, guiding him to a bench. She listens and nods and makes sure he feels he’s heard. She doesn’t try to cheer him up or distract him.
 And when he’s done, Becky starts talking.
 She tells him about what happened after they graduated. Going to nursing school, becoming a nurse for the pediatric ward.
 He doesn’t ask her questions, even though he wants answers. He waits for her to tell him what’s wrong.
 She starts talking about Stanley. What was once a beautiful dream turned into a nightmare with him, she says. Becky doesn’t look at him once while she speaks. “I’m sorry I couldn’t go to the funeral. I wanted to, but…”
 She tells Tom about that night, the one that still haunts her mind and makes her feel so stupid for not recognizing the signs. And she begs him to forgive himself, forgive her. They cry into each other’s arms for what seems like an eternity.
 And when it’s over, when their souls are bared and tears have been cried, Becky smiles a little.
 “We’ll heal together before anything else.” She promises, and he believes her.
 Before Tom really notices, Christmas Eve has arrived. He’s given up on trying to get Lex to wear a dress, letting her stay in a suit jacket that she may have stolen from his closet and her best pair of jeans. She’s wearing her new boots, and she looks happy with herself.
 Ethan sticks to his guns with his leather jacket, but he has a button up underneath. His hair is slicked back just enough to look effortless.
 Tim and Hannah are the only ones that look like they’re going to a family dinner. Somehow, Lex convinces Hannah to wear a dress, and Tim’s hair finally looks like it’s under control.
 Becky’s working tonight, but she demands photos. Lex sneaks a few on Tom’s phone and sends them to Becky before the five of them pile into the car.
 Tim’s nervous about being in the car during this time of the year, but Hannah seems to pick up on his nervousness. She hands him Webby. “Protect you.” She says, inching closer to Tim.
 Apparently, Paul and Emma made it a Christmas party. They introduce Tom to their friends, and let the kids run off to play video games on the bedroom TV. Ethan and Lex sit in a corner with Alice and Deb, talking about school and where they want to go after they graduate.
 Charlotte, one of Paul’s coworkers, sits with Tom for a good amount of time. Apparently she and her husband, Sam (who is, conveniently, nowhere to be found), were working with foster care a while back, and she’s happy to share the information with Tom. He’s not an idiot when it comes to parenting, but he settles into the conversation when Bill comes over to put in his two cents.
 It takes a while, but the food is finally ready. Emma jokes that she was just going to order pizza, but Paul had strongly disagreed. Charlotte’s made the turkey, and the other sides and desserts were brought by the others. Tom shoots Emma a questioning glance, asking why he didn’t have to bring anything. She only shrugs in response. Four kids was a lot to handle as a single parent, even if two of those kids were practically adults.
 When he’s due to answer what he’s grateful for after dinner, Tom raises his glass. “I’m thankful to be spending Christmas with my new family. To many more memories.” Everyone exclaims their agreement.
 Tom catches Lex’s eye and winks with a smile on his face.
 In less than a month, these kids had taught him what it meant to be a family.
 And he couldn’t have been more grateful.
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2019 Top Five
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
thank you for tagging me @ninemagicks @sourcherrymagiks @f-ing-ruthless-baz @sharkmartini 💜
2019 was the year I found Carry On & this lovely fandom. It was the year I started writing & drawing again after many years of being creatively stagnant (& I wrote a LOT; over 310k published on AO3 & who knows how much is currently sitting unpublished in my Google Drive). It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride—lots of self-doubt & uncomfortable feelings about my own work—but this book ultimately gave me my creativity back, & some wonderful friends, & self-growth, day by day. I’ve been in a bit of a funk since the end of the countdown, & especially these last few weeks, so I think this will be a good opportunity for me to reflect on the things I’m proud of & try to say some nice things about my own work. Let’s get the party started.
1. Between the Lines
Y’all probably aren’t surprised, right? I feel like BTL has really helped me grow as a writer while telling a story that’s very personal & important to me. When I first started this fic, it was meant to be just a little bookshop AU. I’m very proud of what it’s become, & the reception it’s had has blown me away. I appreciate everyone who’s read it/reading it/yet to read it so very, very much. I never would’ve guessed that I’d still be working on this fic, let alone how long it would be. I think it’s probably my best work stylistically & in terms of the story, even if sometimes I cringe when I reread the beginning. (I either cringe or really like my work when I reread it, there’s no in-between.) (I mostly really like this one when I need to go back & study it.)
IDK, I’ve talked about BTL a LOT the last eight months. I’m not sure what else I can say about it right this moment, but I’m sure I’ll think of something eventually, & hopefully y’all aren’t sick of hearing about it because I don’t think I can help it.
2. A Pair of Splendid Morons
This fic is still near & dear to my heart. I like to say it was the first fic I finished in the fandom, but it was actually my second (I don’t...like to talk about Merry Gentlemen. At all. I think I’ve been scarred since I got a scathing anon review in the comments [which is why I no longer allow anon comments on AO3, RIP].) (I made some...choices with that fic. ANYWAY.)
So Splendid Morons was the second fic I finished in the fandom (it’ll be a year old on Valentine’s Day; can you believe?!). It’s my second-longest (after BTL, of course, lmao) & I wrote it in just six weeks, which is lightning-fast by my standards. (This set me up to think I was a fast writer. I was sorely disappointed when I discovered that’s not the case.) It’s also my most-read fic, though BTL is super close to taking the crown.
My writing’s improved a lot since I first posted APOSM, I think, but I also think it holds up pretty well! (I do worry sometimes that I wrote Simon too soft, & there are a few mistakes I made by not properly researching [ahem, looking at you, Suitgate].) (One thing I found slightly amusing was the influx of readers this one got after Wayward Son, lmao. This fic is not in the vein of WS at ALL.) (Okay, that might be sort of false? I do mention trauma etc. in the fic, but I guess the main difference is that Simon & Baz really try to face these things together instead of apart. And also they communicate, albeit somewhat awkwardly. It’s a dream come true.)
For anyone who hasn’t read it, it’s a Carry On-era canon first time fic, & it spawned my post-Carry On series that is now an AU. I still have stories to tell on that timeline, but it’s sort of hard to forget Wayward Son completely, you know? When I first started writing this, it was technically still possible. Now it’s only possible as an AU, which is fine. (I’m not really sure where I’m going with this...I just have weird feelings, lol.) OH, also this was the first time I ever wrote a sex scene. I think it’s actually pretty good for a first time (mine & theirs, lmao).
3. Housewarming
Sort of cannot believe I’m picking the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written as one of my top fics of the year, but also??? I’m proud of this fic. It’s super hard to write smut—no euphemism—& I reread this one recently & thought I did a pretty good job. (I was actually slightly ashamed after I posted it, but I got over that once I got some nice comments. Nice comments are always very helpful.) I’ll share one here, which I think is fine since AO3 comments are public anyway:
Your writing just has so much LOVE in it and you write their companionship and connection so beautifully. You know, I wasn't going to read First Bite because that's not my kind of thing and usually grosses me out, but I've loved your other stuff so I gave it a shot. Turns out, it's just that stories like that tend to focus on the kink and grit, but you focus on everything that's good between them instead. And then you show how those good things lead to the perhaps more-than-vanilla coupling.
This fic, too, is grimy and steamy, but it's also sweet because you include the right details... This is not a smut fic of the rough kinky variety. It's a smut fic about two people reveling in a sacred space/act they've created together. Props to you because the difference is palpable. (I have never in my life written so much about sex on a fic review so sorry about this ramble lmao)
Y’all...this comment meant so much to me. This is what it’s really about, you know? I’m trying to show them expressing love, & this just made me so happy. Numbers-wise, stories with a focus on sex seem to get fewer kudos/comments, & I think part of that is the anonymity factor (which I totally understand), but I just want to say that something like this means A TON to those of us who write stuff like this. Many thanks to @sappho-said-i-could ; this comment single-handedly made me much less self-conscious about this particular work. 💜
4. Crashing Through
This is one of my favorite ficlets from the countdown, & also my most popular countdown fic on Tumblr in terms of notes (not that that’s a deciding factor, but it DOES make me happy). It’s a little alternate ending to WS (just a what if? for the beach scene at the end of the book.)
Like many, Wayward Son hit me really hard. I love Wayward Son a lot, but I spent days feeling so emotionally drained, & then weeks just unable to write. This was one of the first things I wrote that even had anything to do with Wayward Son, & fun fact! I wrote it all by hand in the car on a day trip. While it’s obviously not a canon-possible scene at this point, I still really like it. (I reblogged it yesterday as part of my Fandom Anniversary Reblog Thingy that I’m doing, & I read it & thought, Huh. Sometimes I’m decent at this whole writing thing.)
I actually felt stuck when I went to write Be With Me after this, because I didn’t think I could top the way they said I love you in this one (I still...sort of prefer this to the scene in Be With Me but oh well, what’re you gonna do).
5. “Love”
Can y’all tell I don’t normally name my art pieces? I don’t normally name them. I’m super proud of this one; it was the last piece of art I made in 2019, & I think it’s one of my best. It’s one of my least “popular” pieces in terms of notes, but I still really like it a lot & I did a side-by-side comparison of this next to my first fanart last year & it was super encouraging to see my progress. Sharing art has been scarier for me than sharing writing, but seeing how far I’ve come since June was very helpful.
ANYWAY! BTL is super close to my heart, as y’all know, & I had a moment where I just really wanted to draw them in this moment where they’re finally getting some time to just be together & enjoy the newness of their relationship. This was done in copic marker for the most part, though I also used colored pencil for their blushes (my brand 😏) & Baz’s sweater. (At one point I thought I’d completely ruined the whole piece because of how Baz’s sweater was looking, but then @knitbelove gave me some sweater advice & I went back to work & held my breath & everything turned out okay in the end.) This is also the last traditional piece of art I’ve done, & I should probably change that soon. (Please give the original post some love if you’re so compelled. 💜💜💜)
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I think I’m a few days late in terms of doing this, so I’m not sure who all has gone yet! I’ll tag @warriorbeeofthesea @krisrix @pipsqueakparker @icarus-n-flames @vkelleyart @singerofsimplesongs @fight-surrender @knitbelove @annabellelux @pitchpatronus @subpar-selkie @neck-mole @cynopoe @gibbarts & anyone else who sees this & wants to do it! Seriously, that means you! 😉
30 notes · View notes
tony-starkrogers · 5 years
The Massive SteveTony Rec List
Welcome to my Fairly Comprehensive, Ridiculously Long SteveTony Fic Recs, aka my collection of pretty much nearly everything I’ve read and loved so far over the years. This fandom is lucky enough to have some truly brilliant and dedicated authors, and I’m always discovering new fics to love, so I thought I’d share some of them with you! Fics will be sorted alphabetically tbh just because I suck at sorting stuff? Some of my personal forever-faves will be marked with ♡. This is by no means all of the fics this fandom has to offer, but if you’re new to the fandom, this should give you a good place to start, and if you’ve been a SteveTony shipper for a while, hopefully you’ll find something new! And if you do have a favorite fic that’s not on the list, please add it to the comments or rec it to me (because who doesn’t need more fics)!
Here’s just a few GREAT resources to check out if you’re looking for Even More fic recs:
@sabrecmcstonyficrecs - I mean, sabre is basically THE fandom resource? Any and all fic you’re looking for you’ll likely find here. ||| @findingstony - if you’re looking for a particular fic and don’t remember where you found it, look here first! ||| @cap-ironman - the place to go, especially for brand new fics! the fandom lives here ||| @nasaficsrecs - many good fic recs ||| @ishipallthings many wonderful rec lists ||| @sineala - the place to go if you are at all interested in 616 SteveTony or really anything in the 616 comics universe
I have lots of fics bookmarked on ao3: my bookmarks! You can also check out my other fic rec lists, and my general fic rec tag. Also while you’re at it maybe check out some of my fics?
And here are the recs! (under the cut.) Have fun reading and be sure to show your authors some love with kudos and comments!!!
♡ 1796 Broadway by rainproof, teaberryblue - M | 460,220 words
Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
absence makes the heart by fantalaimon - G | 4,835 words
“One night,” Tony says, and just flies himself bodily into one of the canary yellow beekeepers like a red and gold battering ram. “I ask for one measly night. One single goddamn night with my boyfriend—”
“Oh, is the boyfriend label on now?” Clint asks over the comms.
A Higher Form of War by sabrecmc - M | 292,114 words
Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
A New Way For Us by ann2who - M | 24,435 words
They fight Thanos—and they’re losing. And before Tony knows what’s happening, he’s standing with Doctor Strange in front of the Eye of Agamotto and gets send back in time. Can he find a way to fix things this time around, or are they doomed to fall apart all over again?
♡ A Partial Dictionary Of The 21st Century By Captain Steve Rogers, US Army by copperbadge - E | 13,888 words
Steve is adapting well to the new millennium, and he has the dictionary to prove it.
age is an irrational number by valtyr - E | 8,749 words
Steve and Tony grow old together.
♡ All Roads Lead To by theappleppielifestyle - G | 13,155 words
After Obadiah's betrayal, Tony hides in the depths of the Midwest to become a mechanic.
The Avengers come into his life anyway.
All These Things I've Said by Amuly - M | 5,840 words
When Tony starts talking in a language Steve can't understand--the language of science--Steve figures he'll retaliate with a little foreign language knowledge of his own. Only once he starts speaking French around Tony, Steve finds that sometimes it's easier to say what he really wants to say to Tony in a language he can't understand.
Good thing Tony doesn't know French.
And The Void Would Be Calling. by jadedoll - E | 17,721 words
Tony could be suffering from amnesia, a hitch-hiker from a parallel dimension, a ghost or maybe a time-traveller. He's sure he could work out the answer if Steve would just stop pretending he was Tony's boyfriend.
♡ As Sharp As Any Thorn by RurouniHime - E | 47,027 words
It’s four days to Christmas, there’s a city in shambles, and the nation is in mourning because of the actions of a single man.
♡ Be No Stranger (All Your Saints and Soldiers Remix) by jibrailis - T | 5,973 words
That's the twenty-first century love song, baby. Glitz and glamour and every one of us is a liar.
Bizarre Love Triangle by panickyintheuk - T | 1,929 words
Once the idea was in his head, he’d started picking up on all kinds of things, like the way Stark talked about Iron Man with such affection, and seemed to share so many of his mannerisms, and was constantly working on ways of improving the suit. It was obvious.
Blank Slate - A Tony Stark Mystery by navaan - T | 25,381 words
He doesn’t remember who he is or who his friends are, but he knows he’s in a Nazi prison and needs to get away. He doesn’t remember anything about Captain America either, but the man seems to be the kind of guy you trust.And apparently they share more history than meets the eye at first glance.
♡ But Loving Him Is Red by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 25,524 words
"It is- it is not just destined, Steve Rogers. It will reach through the decades, through entire universes if it has to. It will scour the galaxies without rest until the two of you are standing next to each other. Migardians- Migardians call them soulmates, I believe."
♡ Captain America, Undone by laireshi - M | 2,818 words
Steve thinks he can seduce Tony before Tony seduces him. He's very, very wrong.
♡ Captain !@#$*%& America by Wordsplat - T | 8,093 words
The first time Tony hears Steve swear, he's pretty sure it's a dream. The second time is a lot harder to dismiss, considering it's the middle of the afternoon and they're both clearly awake. After that, what else can Tony do but use science to get to the bottom of it?
Catching Lightning in a Bottle by sabrecmc - M | 120,650 words
College student Tony meets janitor Steve at MIT and they fall blissfully in love, until Howard happens and things fall apart. One divorce paperwork snafu courtesy of the ever-helpful Jarvis, and ten years later, Tony has to get re-divorced from Steve.
This does not go as he imagines.
♡ Cherry Ride by copperbadge - E | 12,318 words
A SHIELD agent named Roger Stevens told Tony that his nickname was "Cap". Tony didn't connect the dots until it was much, much too late.
♡ Counterpart by sara_holmes - M | 217,400 words
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
Dangerous Kitchen Tools by ladyshadowdrake - E | 18,330 words
Engineering prodigy, billionaire, and heir to the Stark Industries empire, Tony Stark turned the business world on its head by opening a restuarant and burying himself in the kitchen. Years later, he covers an informal evening cooking class for his friend and fellow molecular gastronomist, Bruce Banner, where he meets famously camera-shy comic artist Steve Rogers.
♡ Dazed and Confused by tsukinofaerii - M | 4,160 words
Captain America has a great many duties that need careful attention. He has to... uh... That thing where... Wow, Tony's pants are awfully tight, aren't they?
Dear Tony, by sirona - T | 5,925 words
Once the dust after what no one is referring to as "The Break-up" has settled, Steve starts writing and doesn't seem to know how to stop.
"death by coffee" and other search queries by goodmorningbeloved - T | 2,841 words
In which Steve's feelings are hopelessly obvious through his Google searches. JARVIS decides to step in.
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar) - E | 255,926 words
There were days when the realization that he was someone’s father made Steve's head hurt, but mostly he was grateful that he could trust his instincts, because apparently Peter was what had been missing from his life. Yes, he still had lingering, unresolved issues from his time in the Army, and sure, he had what Bucky annoyingly referred to as a criminally untapped ass, and no life outside of work and Peter, but Steve was okay with how his life had turned out because of trusting his instincts.
Unfortunately, those same instincts had straight up betrayed him by going absolutely haywire upon being exposed to Tony Stark.
Do It Over by Sineala - T | 1,999 words
The last words your soulmate says to you are written on your skin, and you won't know who they are until they die. The thing is, Steve and Tony die a lot.
♡ don't know why it took me so long to see by goodmorningbeloved - M | 11,209 words
“Oh, watch this,” Natasha says, propping her chin against her knuckles and turning a sweet gaze on him. “Tony, what’s it like dating a superhero?”Tony bristles in irritation. “We’re not dating,” he snaps. “Captain America probably thinks he can get into anyone’s pants just ‘cause he’s got a mask, costume, and reputation, but not me, buddy. That shield? Gotta be overcompensating for something.” He adds, a bit petulantly, “Oh, and all that blue? Definitely more Steve’s color than his.”-
In which Tony is a genius in all matters except recognizing his boyfriend past a mask.
♡ Emanata (The Comics Will Break Your Heart Remix) by teaberryblue - T | 29,720 words
Steve Rogers has the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dreams of becoming a comic artist when eccentric billionaire, superhero patron, and obsessive comic enthusiast Tony Stark offers him a job drawing Iron Man.
But Tony Stark has no idea that Steve Rogers is really Captain America, the newest member of the Avengers.
And Iron Man has no idea that Captain America is really Steve Rogers, up-and-coming comic book artist.
And Steve doesn't know what to do about the fact that he's falling head over heels for them both.
♡ Engaging the Enemy by tsukinofaerii - T | 22,823 words
Iron Man is one of the more persistent villains that the Ultimates face, with a special fondness for one Captain America. As Steve starts to findout more and more about him, the lines between hero and villain begin to blur. Sometimes, you don't have to be on the right side of the law to be in the right.
even if the brain has forgotten, perhaps the teeth remember (or the fingers) by theappleppielifestyle - G | 8,906 words
Tony gets temporary amnesia.
Some things are clearer without his preconceptions dragging him down.
♡ Even My Phone Misses Your Call by rainbowninja167 - E | 10,869 words
Steve makes it all the way to Ohio before conceding that the post-Chitauri road trip might’ve been a mistake.
Or, ten times Steve has to call Tony to come pick him up.
Even Tony Can't Resist Puppy Love by Wordsplat - T | 7,766 words
In which there is a dinner bet, a com line confession, and, as usual, Loki's magical hijinks make Tony's life unnecessarily difficult.
Fairy Godmother by Amuly - T | 5,186 words
Auntie Peggy has been telling Tony stories about Captain America his whole life. Only problem is, the real thing just about measures up to the stories. Which means, of course, that Aunt Peg has to go to work, because an Aunt's work is never done.
Favorable Winds by RurouniHime - T | 2,056 words
Steve’s voice comes from behind, a sigh and a thump as his own pack hits the floor. “Sam. Meet Tony Stark.”
Follow in Your Footsteps by Sineala - T | 6,788 words
When Tony is twelve, his soulmate's name appears on his wrist. Unfortunately, it's hard to find out anything at all about Steve Rogers.
It turns out there's a reason for that.
Formerly by laireshi - T | 13,620 words
A week ago, he touched Steve at night. A week ago, he kissed him. A week ago, Steve kissed him back.
(A week ago Steve was dead, and Tony deleted his brain.)
The Foodieverse (series) by copperbadge, scifigrl47 - works G-T | 130,326 words in series
It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
♡ Get Some Now by Sineala - T | 10,376 words
Avengers Mansion has a mysterious feline infestation. Meanwhile, Steve just can't figure out how to ask Tony out on a date. And the thirteen teleporting cats sure aren't helping matters any.
♡ Going on a Ride (series) by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 14,306 words in series
"You want to take me for a ride on your motorcycle," Tony repeats, slow so he can process it as he’s saying it, "because you think my glasses are cute."
Hashtag Finally by Wordsplat - T | 15,208 words
Tony doesn't ever actually ask the Avengers to move into his house, steal his wifi, eat all his food, and become the best family he's ever known. They do it anyway.
How To Be a Truly Terrible Wingman by Wordsplat - M | 11,721 words
Prompt: "We were both playing wingman for our friends who have now decided to go home together, and after five minutes of conversation we fucking hate each other. Let’s bang it out."
♡ How To Excel At Supervillainy (and lose your heart to America) by Zekkass - E | 13,531 words
And that's how Tony's supervillainy hobby got way way way complicated.
♡ How to Lose a Super Soldier in One Easy Step by and_backagain, jibrailis - E | 18,248 words
Rogers jerks backwards, shock registering on his face, and Tony thinks, welcome back to the land of the living, Cap, looks like you're sticking around.
Or, a Pushing Daisies AU.
♡ I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you by Mizzy - T | 62,917 words
Six years ago, without the Avengers Initiative there to save the day, scientist Dr. Eric Selvig sacrificed himself to save the world, the almighty demi-god Thor was lost to a terrible storm, and vigilante Iron Man – spotted with a nuclear weapon trying to take advantage of the situation – was forever labelled an enemy of SHIELD.
This is a comic book office AU, where Steve is defrosted a year too late, Thor has forgotten who he is, and no one knows Tony is Iron Man. Also includes: office pranks, inappropriate post-it notes, and superheroes who like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain
Indecent Proposal by gyzym, Siria - T | 2,592 words
On the plus side, marriage is bound to be easier than proposing.
i stole the keys to this guy by kellifer_fic - M | 6,007 words
Where it was Nick Fury's idea, but he didn't mean it like that
♡ In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury) (series) by scifigrl47 - works rated T-M | 343,010 words
Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick.
And some things shouldn't be a chore.
♡ i will never stop losing my breath (every time i see you looking back at me) by theappleppielifestyle - G | 3,222 words
In all fairness, Tony is on autopilot when this happens. He’s had a long, hard day, and it’s possible he hasn’t slept in several long, hard days. He’s already half-asleep on the couch and he’s relaxed and happy, which is a rarity on its’ own, and he’s comfortable enough to let his guard down and get his body to do all the work without switching his brain on.
That should’ve been enough of a warning sign, but apparently not: Tony stretches, says goodnight to his teammates and gets varied responses back, and then he kisses Steve.
He only realizes what he’s done after he’s started to lean back, opening his eyes to see Steve’s blown wide, staring at Tony with his lips gone slack and a tiny furrow between his eyebrows.
if they be worthy by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 824 words
Everyone's staring, and Tony isn't awake enough to do anything but gape dumbly at the hammer in his hand."Huh," he says."Seconded," Steve says through his toast. "Tasha, go tell Coulson another one of us can pick it up."
♡ Last Train Home by erde - T | 10,983 words
Steve writes letters to Tony that he never sends. By the time he hands them to their rightful owner, Tony has had a brush with death, has retired as a superhero, and now has a small town workshop of his very own. But it's okay, Steve has gone into retirement too.
Like Gene Kelly in the Movies by lyra_wing - M | 11,449 words
Everything Tony Stark does is a dance. And it's super confusing for Steve.
Like Sunlight by sara_holmes - M | 8,309 words
Steve is used to the way it feels by now; a strange but gentle tugging connection under his sternum, warm tingles in his skin whenever they touch. That is, until Tony gets himself kidnapped. Then it kinda feels more like someone is trying to wrench his heart out through his ribcage.
Looking for Heaven by foxxcub - E | 31,950 words
When young Lord Anthony Stark learns Steven Rogers has enlisted in the army, he thinks he's seen the last of his tiny, headstrong, haughty stable boy. But four years later, Lord Stark gets an unexpected visit from Steve, whose mother has fallen gravely ill and into financial ruin. Even more unexpected, Steve agrees to a shocking proposal: they will marry, giving Steve the necessary funds to save his mother, and Tony the much-needed reprieve from harassing would-be suitors. It is a business arrangement, nothing more. But as time goes on and circumstances arise, Tony begins to learn that keeping his heart away from his husband is easier said than done.
♡ Love in a Time of Amnesia by Amuly - T | 6,241 words
Carol might have lost all her memories of her friends, but there's at least one thing she can know with absolute certainty: Steve and Tony are a couple. And if the rest of the Avengers insist on saying they're not, well: Carol will just have to put her amnesia to use, for the greater good.
♡ L☆VE by copperbadge - M | 3,773 words
Steve's favorite shirt is at the center of a debate about masculinity, sexuality, and whether or not he did in fact steal it like a thief in the night from Tony.
♡ Meet Your Heroes by Wordsplat - M | 4,130 words
Tony gets rescued by a highly concerned, very handsy Captain America. This is confusing for a number of reasons.
Momentary Paws (or, DO NOT WANT) by velithya - T | 16,834 words
♡ Mr. July by jibrailis - E | 10,065 words
Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.
♡ Neanderthals In Tights (Also Known As a Football Game) by Wordsplat - T | 3,228 words
In which Tony supports Steve at his first big football game, with guest appearances by an exasperated Pepper and an embarrassed Bruce, because yeah, okay, maybe Tony's not really one hundred percent clear on the rules of this game. Why, exactly, are a bunch of neanderthals tackling his boyfriend again?
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck by kellifer_fic - T | 7,418 words
Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings
Orbiter Dictum by schmevil - T | 7,357 words
Steve is at the sink, washing the few dishes that pizza for two generates, when he realizes that Tony is in love with him.
Our Weight In Gold by ann2who - E | 33,607 words
It was every cliché he’d ever heard about. Every sappy thing they wrote down in the magazines, every single thing he had always hated about the myth. It was as though he had experienced life without sight, and was suddenly bombarded by a storm of color. It was all-consuming, and rushing through his veins like molten lava, like his whole existence was suddenly filled with sunlight. A door opened, and a myriad of emotions stormed through his body: confusion, disbelief, loneliness, and so much fierce determination that it almost knocked Tony off his feet. And he understood then, understood that these emotions weren’t his. They were Rogers’.
This is a story about fate, self-doubt, choice and eventually—love.
Over Sea, Under Stars by vorkosigan - T | 36,651 words
Tony gets the phone, but he never uses it and he never intends to. Or, he doesn’t until Steve starts texting him, asking strange questions about medication and mental health, which is when Tony gets worried.
♡ Phil Coulson's Case Files of the Toasterverse - works rated mostly G-T, | 287,890 words in series
Short stories from the Toasterverse
Place Your Bets by RurouniHime - M | 35,999 words
Steve Rogers may or may not have just picked up a prostitute. This may or may not be Tony Stark’s fault.
♡ Pulse, Beat, and Measure (series) by Sineala - E | 134,095 words in series
Two men. Two worlds. Life during wartime.
Ready, Fire, Aim (series) by gyzym - M | 63,019 words in series
There's no "I" in "Avenger."
♡ Relativistic Heat Conduction (series) by BlossomsintheMist - E | 70,484 words in series
Age of Ultron-based, but not entirely canon compliant. Written for the 2013 Cap-Iron Man Reverse Big Bang. Ultron has attacked, obliterating most of the world's superheroes and resistance in a matter of hours. The remaining heroes band together and share what strength they have to get through it, to survive, and defeat Ultron once and for all. Steve Rogers grieves in the wake of the disaster and the heroes' defeat, and no one knows if he will be able to provide the leadership they need--but Tony Stark isn't about to let him slip away that easily.
♡ Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS) by leashy_bebes - E | 14,387 words
The best thing about being an Artificial Intelligence is the ability to parse, filter and modify the things people say until you've got the cause to do exactly what you wanted in the first place. Or, in which JARVIS cock blocks Tony into having an actual relationship.
♡ Run Program: {x} by Amuly - M | 19,728 words
Taking care of Tony is a lot of work. Especially when you’ve only got one arm. And your code dates back to the 1980s.
♡ Secrets of a Successful Marriage by valtyr - E | 24,118 words
Tony Stark lives a double life; he's secretly the supervillain known as Iron Man. But his loving husband Steve has a few secrets of his own, as Tony is about to discover.
♡ SexyMechanic70 by Potrix - T | 2,449 words
“SexyMechanic70,” Natasha reads aloud, nodding approvingly.“Sounds promising,” Clint offers.“And look,” Bucky adds, “he didn’t even send a dick pic! And he praised your sketch which, by the way, is a totally lame icon choice.”Steve snatches his phone back, batting Bucky’s hands away when he struggles to reach for it again. “Cut it out,” he grouses. “Also, excuse me for not posting a picture of my abs.”“A true tragedy,” Sam sighs, earning himself an indignant squawk from Bucky and a betrayed look from Steve. “What? I’m just saying. They’re great abs.”“True,” Nat hums and bumps the fist Clint is holding out to her.
♡ Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47 - M | 103,682 words
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
♡ Soul Bomb by copperbadge - T | 1,944 words
Suddenly everyone in Manhattan has someone else's voice in their head. Tony got Steve's, for his sins.
♡ Stand Back, I'm Going To Try Science by Good_News_Everyone - T | 2,123 words
Soulmates are a rare and cherished thing, a simple touch of hands bringing love that lasts forever. By all the rules of romance, they're meant to wait for each other and to trust in the vagaries of fate to bring them together. Tony's never been good at waiting, and when he has science on his side, who needs fate?
♡ Start as You Mean to Go On by BlackEyedGirl - E | 2,612 words
Tony gets that the others think this is an ego thing - the way he can’t resist pushing Steve’s buttons. Honest-to-God, the guy just bugs him. Mostly because Steve is distractingly perfect, but a little bit because of the family history.
♡ Steve Rogers Is (Not) A Morning Person by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 1,161 words
Dream, Steve decides. With that comforting knowledge, Steve takes Tony's face in his hands and kisses him.
(Spoilers: it isn't a dream.)
Steve Rogers Takes Offense and the World Gets Schooled by RurouniHime - T | 2,463 words
In which Steve has no idea how that got up on BuzzFeed (aka, because some people don't respond to anything but the direct approach.)
♡ Syzygy (a Kludged Together remix) by Mizzy - T | 20,198 words
When Tony Stark cut Steve Rogers' morning jog short to join him on a reconnaissance mission off the East Coast, Tony sure wasn’t expecting to end up stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, Steve's hand knuckle-deep in his chest.
♡ Tales of the Bots by scifigrl47 (series) - most works rated M | 523,654 words
When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways.
The Best Policy by cylobaby27 - M | 22,724 words
Tony Stark breezes through life on bluster and bullshit. When he gets hit by a truth spell, he locks himself away in his workshop so he can find a way to reverse it without anyone finding out. So why can't he say no when Steve keeps asking to spend time with him?
♡ the family you choose by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 7,385 words
“Just who exactly was my son making out with in a closet?”
“Tony Stark.”Huh.“You might know him,” Fury continues, and Sarah nods, furiously biting at her cheek so she doesn’t do something awful, like giggle.
♡ The Forever-Nighter by Wordsplat - T | 10,172 words
When Rhodey decides that Tony's been slacking lately and drags him along to the gym, Tony's fully prepared to duck right back out the door the first time Rhodey turns around. Then he sees Hot Blond Guy.
♡ The Last Love Song of Anthony E. Stark by jibrailis - M | 42,327 words
After contracting an Asgardian virus, Tony starts forgetting things. And people. And Steve.
♡ The Opposite of a Problem by Sineala - T | 2,490 words
"I promise to love, honor, and probably not obey you, and, uh, take you as my totally-unlawfully-wedded husband, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part, or for at least the next seventy-two hours."
(Or: Tony and Steve get fake-married for the sake of the mission.)
♡ The Tchotchke Cha Cha by Arukou - T | 7,269 words
What started off as one impulse buy souvenir snowballs into a constant flow of knickknacks from all over the world, and Steve is starting to wonder if it's more than just Tony being nice.
♡ The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia - E | 15,789 words
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
Think of This as Solving Problems (That Should Never Have Occurred) by Sineala - T | 35,216 words
No one knows Tony is Iron Man. Then Tony gets amnesia, and literally no one knows Tony is Iron Man.
♡ Toasted Buns by copperbadge, scifigrl47 - E | 47,044 words
After seeing Tony naked and tanned -- all over -- in a decontamination shower, Steve realizes he may be in trouble. Tony, meanwhile, is definitely in trouble over those tabloid pictures of him sunbathing nude. The solution is clearly a tropical island getaway.
♡ Tony Stark Falls In Love With A Cat by shellhead - M | 6,887 words
When Steve goes missing, Tony ends up finding him at an animal shelter. Volunteering.
♡ Tony Stark and the Super Sleeper, or actually, Soldier by RurouniHime - T | 8,571 words
The one where Steve keeps falling asleep on Tony.
♡ Tony Stark Takes a Liberty and the Universe Thanks Him by RurouniHime - T | 1,512 words
In which people think they are entitled to Steve Roger's face (aka, because tomorrow is coming, and I hold out hope, Supreme Court.)
♡ Toy Soldiers by copperbadge - E | 44,241
When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
♡ Truth by valtyr - E | 2,677 words
Captain America takes truth serum. Tony is all over that.
♡ Two Out of Three (Ain't Bad) by plingo_kat - T | 9,449 words
It blindsides him one morning in the middle of his customary third cup of coffee; Steve walks through the door in loose cotton pants, shirt pulled up to wipe the sweat off his face from his usual morning workout, and Tony thinks: adorable.
♡ Unveil My Unsightly Heart by Mizzy - M | 43,019 words
Looking over an old prototype helicarrier for its future viability as a base for the Avengers should have just been a routine day full of bickering and non-adventure for Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
But when they're catapulted into an alternate universe – where their alternate selves are married and battling with a mysterious threat – the two are forced to get over their differences in order to figure out what's going on, before it's too late.
Because there's more going on than meets the eye, and Steve and Tony falling in love might just be the most dangerous thing that can happen. Not just for one universe, but for all of them…
Wait & Sea by Lenalena - E | 53,244 words
In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
Wash It All Away by ann2who - E | 8,634 words
Steve hummed, looking up at him. “All right. Strip.” Tony blinked at him. “Excuse me?” “Can’t very well wash your clothes while you wear ‘em,” he said and held out a hand expectantly.
What You Don't Know by Sineala - E | 9,808 words
In 1941, two strangers meet in a bar. And then Captain America meets Iron Man. And then Steve Rogers meets Tony Stark. They get it right. Eventually. And also they fall out of an airplane.
♡ when i run out of road, you bring me home by quidhitch - M | 18,466 words
“Oh, I won’t bother you.” The tone of Steve’s voice implies that he definitely will be bothering Tony, aggressively and frequently. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll keep to my farm, you keep to yours. Solitude together.”
Tony opens his mouth to argue that that’s not how this works, but he snaps it shut at the realization that Steven Grant Rogers is fucking with him. That twinkle in his eye has accelerated into a full-on glimmer, and the ends of his lips are twitching. Jesus, he hates this man. Or maybe he wishes he did. Tony can’t really tell the difference anymore.
♡ When I think about you by sirona - E | 11,955
Five times someone saw Steve sass the hell out of Tony and one time Tony finally bought a clue. Also known as the story of Captain Sasspants more than handling his own with Tony Stark at his most devious.
♡ When I Think (Oh, it Terrifies Me) by celli - E | 8,641 words
Look, some mornings you wake up and little green men are invading New York City; some mornings you wake up and you can hear Captain America's voice in your head. Tony has been an Avenger long enough that he saves his freakout for important things.
♡ will we ever say the words we're feeling by theappleppielifestyle - Not Rated | 1,673 words
He breaks off then, the realization of what he’s just revealed finally hitting him, and he stops, and Tony’s still staring.
(Or, Steve and Tony argue and Steve lets something slip.)
♡ With Words Other Than These by RurouniHime - E | 14,690 words
The way Steve’s beating that bag, though—Tony traces the cadence as well as the lines of Steve’s body, and wonders if he might not need to know about the mission after all. There’s a lot of tension knotted in Steve’s shoulders, a frenzy to each punch. The precision lacks. Maybe Steve’s just getting started, and if that’s the case, Tony could be here a long, long while.
with you by laireshi - M | 3,108 words
Sometimes Steve gets overwhelmed by how much he loves Tony.
Your Name on Every Wall by Sineala - T | 17,863 words
The Time Gem throws Steve into the past rather than the future, and in doing so, it gives him the opportunity to undo his past mistakes. But when it turns out that all of his mistakes involve Tony Stark, Steve begins to wonder if he's ever going to be able to mend things between them.
Hey, the list did have to end at some point! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed these recs!
Tagging some people who might be interested:
@divine529, @sabrecmcstonyficrecs, @sineala, @ishipallthings, @itsallavengers, @nasafic, @estebanrxgers, @starksnstripes, @goodmorningbeloved, @goose-danvers
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foxwatchesanime · 4 years
How I stopped caring about comments: A rambly post by me
This is rambly so hold onto your seats, I apologies. 
I’ve been thinking a lot about comment/review culture in the last few months, particularly after returning to a brand new fandom as a writer and regular content creator. Maybe this is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, maybe not, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the way I perceive comments, how it’s changed for me since I’ve been in fandom and I’d love to hear from other people what their opinion is and how they relate to comments on their work.
I’ve been creating content in fandom spaces for about eleven years now. I started out on YouTube when I joined my first fandom, Merlin, and I made my first fanvideos in 2009. In December of 2009, I published my first fanfiction, plus one sequel which remains unfinished as well as a few other smaller projects. In October of 2010, I published my first podfic and would go on to publish two more. My focus in fandom had always been YouTube, where I regularly created fanvideos. My schedule was never consistent, as with most vidders back in the day, but I’d be comfortable in saying I posted regularly discounting three unintentional hiatuses, one in 2013 following the Merlin finale, one in 2015 probably due to a lack of inspiration and one in 2017 after what I was sure was going to be my permanent comeback to YouTube, only for my hard drive to break and delete all my footage yeeeeeey. 
I’ve now made an actual, official return to my original platform, this time creating videos for my new passion and fandom: anime. Since February of 2020 I’ve also been regularly publishing fic and have no desire to stop doing so. I’m thoroughly invested in new fandom spaces again and am engaging with its fans and the content. 
But the one thing I have seen change drastically in my approach to things is commenting, following and general engagement. 
Let’s take a step back. 
When I first started posting content, comments were not something I even had in my consciousness. I think I knew YouTube comments existed, but I didn’t really pay attention to it. I didn’t even know what subscribers were until I started hearing other people talk about them and then I suddenly felt like it’s something I should be keeping an eye on myself. 
In a centuries old vlog of mine that is now private on my channel, I noticed that when I hit 100 subscribers, I made a video thanking everyone because I was so excited that with more subscribers, I was going to “make more friends.” Oh dear xD 
But the truth is, I have been consistently and chronically bad at keeping up with or caring about the analytics of my various platforms. It wasn’t till writing this post today that I went to check my FF.net account to see how many comments my first two Merlin fics ever got. I still couldn’t tell you my exact number of YouTube or Ao3 subscribers, how many hits or kudos my fic have and I don’t think I’ve ever checked my bookmarks for notes, or whatever you’re able to leave on there. 
Commenting culture on YouTube, for all my joking earlier, was primarily about connection, at least back then. Most of the old guard have moved on and those who have remained are now vidding in other fandoms. The social aspect of YouTube in my opinion has changed dramatically since I was at my peak output on there, but I remember how interactive the comments sections used to be. They literally were, where you made friends.  
A couple of years ago, me and a friend of mine started a Merlin podcast called Merlisten. We created it for fun and without many expectations of what might come out of it. And it was this that changed my relationship with commenting for good. 
Doing Merlisten felt, for the first time in a long time, like pure creativity and passion without anyone’s permission. We always encouraged people to leave feedback as one does, but I don’t think either of us expected to get much, if any. Even considering the incredible support we’ve received with feedback coming in almost every single episode now, there is still a clear and overwhelming gap between the amount of comments given to an episode of Merlisten, to one of my old fanvids or fics. It’s even more interesting when one considers how much more effort and time went into creating Merlisten compared to say, editing or writing, at least for me personally. The amount of man hours spent on creating one 2.5 hour episode from pre-production to final posting often outweighs any other video or chapter I’ve created. Not always, but often. 
What struck me as interesting, however, was that even though comments weren’t always consistent and I always love and continue to love reading them, it’s not what was fuelling me to work hard on this project. I was doing it because I adored it and I knew it was something I was proud to put into the world. 
And that literally changed everything.
I think for a long time, I was always trying to cater my art to what might get the most attention or please the widest demographic of people. It’s how you think when you’re young and you don’t know any better. But for the first time, I was creating something on my own terms that I had no idea if anyone would even listen to and the actual creative process of making said art was ten times more rewarding than any single comment I could ever read. Which really, what I realised, is what art is supposed to be. I can safely say that if Merlisten didn’t get a single comment from here on in, I would still want to see it to its conclusion for one very simple reason: Because I had something to share. 
This brings me to my recent return to writing fic in fandom and it’s not a decision I’ve regretted for a second. More than anything, I’ve realised how personal art can really be, especially when it’s in writing. I’ve found it revealing and cathartic and fascinating in a way that I didn’t ever imagine.
But more importantly, I’ve realised that the real beauty for me in engaging in art is the ability to get an emotional response from it or to relate to it. And that goes for both other people’s work and my own. I can feel just as invested in my own work as someone else’s and that’s not because I think my work is amazing, it’s because I know it’s come from something that was living in me. When I put something out there that I made with my own two hands, that feeling now trumps any sort of feedback I could possibly get and that’s the endorphin I live off. 
Don’t mistake this for me not liking comments, that’s obviously not true. My brain gets the same dopamine hit as anyone’s when I get a notification for something or other, but I’ve realised that I have a very specific relationship with comments that I definitely didn’t have before, if my requests for review on FF.net is anything to go by.
Now, what I find exciting and thrilling is the thought that, if writing this fic got this sort of emotional response out of me, the writer, I wonder if there are other people out there who think the same way I do? Who have a similar way of experiencing joy or suffering or humour or who like the same things as me? That, is an insanely invigorating feeling. And then when someone chooses to take time out of their day to tell you that what came from your head is the same sort of way they feel about life? That’s not a comment, that’s not feedback, that’s a connection you have with another person. And that’s where I start to get excited. And it’s taken me this fucking long to realise it. 
Honestly, I was really worried upon returning to writing and vidding this year that my experience working in digital marketing, where everything is about numbers and social media is all about engagement and nothing else, that I would be overwhelmed and not be able to switch off the part of my brain that’s been trained to think like that. I’m so relieved that that’s not the case. 
As previously mentioned, I suck at giving a shit about analytics and looking at my own stats. I couldn’t give a flying fuck. But I did just go and check my YouTube videos since returning back to vidding. Not a single one of them has views over 200 at this point. Most have less than 100. My most viewed video on YouTube has 57,000 views. And the thing is, there might have been a time when I looked at that and thought, well, this means I suck. This means I can’t make art. This means there’s no point to it.
But no, that's not true.
The point is not how many people see it, how many people like it, how many people comment on it. The point is that I made it. I’m going to continue making YouTube videos despite the fact that the algorithm will destroy any chances they have at getting engagement or views. Even if not one single person comments on them. Because when I’ve finally rendered a new video, or finished proof reading a new chapter, I feel so fucking happy that everything else is just window dressing to me now. 
Because not only is online engagement and following such a stab in the dark these days anyway with algorithms changing and trends moving constantly, but this is the real truth about comments, following and feedback:
The truth is, I don’t need a stranger on the internet to praise me so that I can feel good about my art. The day that I start doing that, I’ve already lost. I used to think that way on a regular basis. Guess what, it didn’t make me produce better art. It didn’t make my life better. Because being validated by others never does. It doesn’t matter how many keysmashes I might get or how many sonnets or kind words, because If I don’t like what I create, there isn’t a single human being on the planet who will make me like it, no matter what they say or how they say it. For others, this might not be the case. But this is my reality. 
I know this, because I recently speed-wrote and published a fic for a fanweek. I wrote 13k in about 8hrs. So far, it’s received nothing but positive words. But it doesn’t matter. After I published it, I had a crisis about how it wasn’t good enough, that there should have been an extra arc, that it ended too quickly, that there wasn’t a climax. Even as the comments came in, it didn’t change my mind. Because other people’s comments will never really lead to fulfilment. 
I want you all to know that I get emotional over every single comment that is sent to me. Every personal story, ever keysmash and heartfelt thoughtful message that took the time to analyse my work. Connecting with you guys has been one of the biggest joys of entering this fandom. But it’s not going to be what fuels me to create and to carry on doing the best work I can. All I can do is treat it as the wonderful privilege that it is, and not any part of the reason I do it.  
In conclusion:
Finally, at age 27 and in the midst of enjoying fandom after a very long period of being either meh about it or lurking, I finally feel content with the fact that I want to create in order to put things out into the world that I worked hard on, that I’m passionate about and that hopefully, in whatever way it might be, it might have touched someone who feels the same things too. It makes me feel accomplished, it makes me feel like I might be contributing something small to the world and it makes me feel like maybe one other person was made happy by it. And even if they never tell me that and if no one else ever comments on what I create, or even if they comment on it in spaces that I never see; private servers, chats between friends or blogs that I don’t follow, that’s also fine. Because there’s always at least one person who is going to feel happy that she made something. And that’s me. 
The short version: I never used to care about comments, then I did, and now I no longer do. 
Sorry for the ramble, but I wanted this here for myself to look back upon in case my opinion ever changes on this or I ever start to lose my way again and feel overwhelmed. I’d love to hear your guys’ experiences with this sort of thing and whether you’ve ever felt bogged down by the need for feedback.
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potato-an0n · 5 years
What we all need to realize and learn about BTS
I’m not a blogger, or anything like that, but i feel like i want to share some thoughts about BTS’ speech for MAMA 2018. It might be long and disorganized, so bare with me here ok?
For those who aren’t caught up, BTS won almost every category they’re in (congratulations, again), but wen receiving the artist of the year award, they broke down and told us something.....kind of personal and shocking. Jin said in speech (while having an emotional breakdown) that they were thinking about disbanding earlier this year bc of personal reasons we may not know about. now......
Disclaimer: I obviously don’t know anything about them personally, and this isn’t a theory either, think of it as a speculation/ rant of what I think is what bts is going through. I’m using some stuff that we know about bts and what they’ve shared with us and combining it with common knowledge on celebrity life in general and fan culture, international and in Korea. So no hate in the comments, have a problem, talk to me reasonably and we’ll sort things out calmly. Ok, let the chaos begin!!!!!! 
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We saw bts have a meltdown right in front of us and though they didn’t go into full detail on why they wanted to disband, despite having a successful 2017, I feel that it gave me a glimpse of how they felt about having all this success. It’s pressuring and overwhelming. Imagine being on top of the world, winning awards left to right, selling out stadiums, breaking records for most views in 24 hrs (Youtube stop deleting views plz), made it on top charts in every music streaming platform, rich af, and having the whole planet wrapped around your fingers. Bts got everything they dreamed of and accomplished so many goals, but do you ever consider the price for their success? I’ve watched this anime called My (boku no for the weebs) hero academia (watch it, highly recommend it) one of the characters mentioned a very interesting line:
“Once you’re at the top, others will try to bring you down.” as accurate as I can get.
Just, let that sink in a little. I mean, they’ve made a lot of distracks to the haters and that includes mic drop and burned them, but that won’t stop them from tearing bts into shreds. For example, raise your hand if you’ve heard somebody say this once in your life
“You listen to kpop? They look like girls? Do they wear make up? Why do you listen to this crap? They’re so overrated. You can’t even understand what they’re saying.” Kpop this, kpop that.
First of all, there’s this thing called English sub titles, use it. and you seem to enjoy despacito, even tho you probably don’t speak español. If you do, then kudos to you, use the fuckin subs! And those boys are more beautiful (in and out) than you’ll ever be, so don’t even try dissing on their looks wen you can’t manage to make yourself look nice for once. (Sorry off topic lmao.)
Anyways, next topic
Keep in mind, this is going to address the fan base, and know that not everyone is a bad fan, some of you guys are chill and total crackheads. just know, if you’re not a crazy fan, you’re not a crazy fan, so don’t feel the need to defend yourself when someone is actually telling the truth about the fan base bc you guys know damn well that the fan base is very aggressive.
I read a post that a research student made on the army, and some people were offended and this person made some good points and means no harm. What stood out the most was when they said, “We’ll be each others downfall.” It sounds over dramatic, but it’s actually very accurate. I mean, you guys seen the fan base, though I hang around the chill and funny armys, I don’t really see or  hear the toxicity of the fan base, however, I still see people post about the toxicity and it’s insane.
 Maybe that’s why bts almost disbanded, bc they couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure of remaining on top of the world, toxic fans stalking them, shoving cameras in their faces, crowding them in airports, not being able to anything without a fan spotting them (side note: some fans were respectful and gave them space, but some also stalked them and even caused an accident (look it up, it happened twice this year), cameras filming them every second of the day, and can’t really be friends with a girl bc dating scandals, let alone fall in love with someone, whether it’s a girl or a boy. This is mostly Korean fans, but this also implies international fans, but Korean fans are the ones who mostly get affected when an idol is dating someone and jealous af. Like seriously, THEY ARE NOT YOURS! Yes, you buy their albums, and merch, but that doesn’t mean you own them!!!!!! Get out of your weird, shitty fantasy mind palace and wake the fuck up!!! Same goes for shippers (mostly taekookers). You can still support them, but frikin, let them be people!!!! GOSH!!!!
Sadly, it’s the cost of being worldwide celebrities. We’ve seen their vlives, bomb/ run episodes, interviews, and burn the stage. All those combined barely scratched the surface on what they’re going through as celebrities. The hardships they dealt with getting here and now the hardships of being on top and maintaining that position, it’s exhausting, mentally and physically. And on top of that, their freedom is technically stripped away. Honestly, even if you say “I support them no matter what,” that’s good for you, but what about the rest of the fan base? If bts decides to come out and lay everything out there for us to see, what now? If they have a girlfriend or a boyfriend would these people still support them? Would you stay by their side? Bc that’s I think they fear the most, us leaving them if they show who they are. There are so many things we don’t about bts and we’ll probably never know, and that’s totally fine. We may be each other’s comfort, but we’re also the downfall of each other. We can’t have a perfect fan base, and there’s always toxic people out there, and are going to probably read this. If you are, look yourself in the mirror, is this who you want to be? If you’ve done some crazy shit and are in denial, then gtfo and get help. PLEASE!!!!! 
And that’s all folks. Sorry if it’s messy, my writing is trash. But please, give the boys love, they really need it, and please respect them and each other. And to bts, please, think of yourselves. We appreciate the hard work you’ve done, we stan hardworking men, but you guys already have a lot on your shoulders and it sucks to put on a smile for us when you’re having a bad day. Just know, you guys are human and you’re allowed to feel things. I’m happy you guys are able to pull through, and I’m glad you guys even talked it out. If things get too hard, or pressuring, talk it out with one another or if you want, maybe talk to us about, it probably won’t really help, but we can try, if you’re comfortable with it.
OK I’M DONE AND EXHAUSTED and I’m fixing some spelling and grammar errors
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 Also read some of the comments bc i missed some stuff and I’m too lazy to add in more and they point out really good stuff (for now at least).
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