#anxiety disoreders
tonysparkk · 1 month
Know Why Sleep Quality Matters a Lot for Healthy Lifestyle, Buy UK sleeping pills
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Getting an adequate amount of sleep is equally important as your diet plan and exercise for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. A single good night’s sleep works as a wonder for your performance and productivity throughout the day. However, sleep loss symptoms in adults increase the risk of developing physical, mental, and neurological health problems. Sleep experts prescribe strong UK sleeping pills to suppress persistent symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders.
Why Should People Buy UK sleep pills for Severe and Chronic Insomnia?
Adults are unable to get enough restorative sleep at night due to different factors. This includes work-life balance, genetic problems, physical or mental health problems, environmental reasons and poor sleep-wake cycle.
Every person has different factors that contribute to sleep loss symptoms at night. But every factor triggers the normal functioning of an internal biological clock or circadian rhythm. Unbalanced circadian rhythm causes sleep loss in adults. Our circadian rhythm controls the levels of melatonin hormone in the body.
Decreased production of melatonin hormones in the evening cause delay in your sleep-wake cycle. Our circadian rhythm or internal biological clock increases the levels of melatonin in the evening. Generally, to make you sleepy and decrease in the morning to keep you awake throughout the day.
Sleep-deprived adults have a higher risk of developing physical, mental and neurological health problems. Insomnia and other sleep disorders are associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, type-2 diabetes, memory loss, liver and kidney problems, lung and breathing disorders, gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite, immune system problems, and physical fatigue.
Sleep-deprived adults should talk to sleep experts to diagnose and treat sleep disorders in the initial stages. Otherwise, sleep loss symptoms in midlife can cause serious neurological health problems.  This includes Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and even different types of cancer and nervous system issues.
Here’s How Quality Sleep Benefits Overall Your Health and Fitness:
Poor Sleep Linked to Obesity Symptoms – Lack of sleep is linked to severe symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite, and feelings of hunger at night that cause abnormal diet plans, and unnecessary weight gain in adults. More so, sleep-deprived adults tend to consume more calories, fat and junk foods that cause symptoms of obesity in adults.
Cardiovascular Diseases – Adults with severe and chronic symptoms of insomnia have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and other health problems. Generally, sleep loss in adults causes stroke risk, high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol levels, weakened heart muscles, cardiac arrest, and heart attack.
Mental Health & Performance – People who don’t get enough restorative sleep at night experience significant physical and mental health problems, like poor concentration, coordination issues, memory loss, cognitive deficits, behavioral disorders, performance issues, and other mental health problems. Moreover, sleep loss can cause serious athletic performance issues and endurance problems in adults. It affects their overall lifestyle and fitness.
In a nutshell, adults with severe and chronic symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders should talk to a sleep expert and buy effective sleeping pills online UK, and other worldwide countries at cheap prices.
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angeldiaries777 · 8 months
VENT !!!trigger warning: abuse, mental illness, lonliness, injury, disoredered eating habits etc. YOU GET IT if you're following me you already know most of my posts can be triggering !!!
my dad broke my bedroom door off of its hinges today then shoved me out of my room and then him and my mom yelled at me and lectured me gave me the "get your life together talk" which happens like once a week in my household cried non stop i've been so messed up for years i wish i could take away everything ive been through alone and mentally. they said "sorry" but that word means nothing to me anymore so.
not slay. i have a scar on my hand from trying to barricade the door and 2/3 hours later im still trembling woooo and i relapsed with my eating disorder. pinterest and rewatching winx club on repeat is the only thing keeping me alive
and you want to know what the worst part is. before all of this i was finally sitting alone with my thoughts without my phone or laptop (cuz they took them away) and it felt like my adhd wasn't in the driving seat anymore i could actually breathe and i talked myself down from a ledge which i do everyday but this time it was different because i was finally at peace with everything and actually wanted to continue to recover for good. which i have wanted literally FOREVER its just been so difficult i feel like when one thing in my life gets better or when i break one cycle i develop another one and my improvements aren't being recognized again because i don't leave my room so idk if they even are normal or if i am a robot trying to fit in socially because ive always felt like an outcast (i know i know nobody is foccusing on me and its all in my head) which i know and have fully internalized those healthy thought patterns now however i am quite literally clinically depressed and have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and adhd and in order to treat my depression id have to go against my anxiety which is impossible and my adhd won't even let me do anything anymore its such a vicious cycle i know i cant keep hiding from the world but i feel so trapped at such a young age.
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in-paradox-space · 2 years
It’s crazy that my anxiety is this crippling but I don’t like try to get diagnosed or something so that I can actually fix things because I let it get this way
Edit: yeah i was trying to say something else when I wrote this but when I tried to put it into words it ended up meaning something else.
It was more like, I don’t consciously want to acknowledge how crippling my anxiety is. Crippling to the point its caused all of these problems in my life. I didn’t want to acknowledge and still dont how much of a persistent issue it is to me. So I just continue, disfunctioning.
I believe sometimes that the only treatment to anxiety is an illusion. A constant illusion which pushes some people to get past it and feel the overwhelming comfort of the respite they feel in occasional moments where its gone. haha.
maybe it gets better and we look back on those suffering, yearning for the day they feel the light
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morethanpicky · 4 years
Does anyone ever struggle with the “I’m not sick enough” spiral, especially when it comes to ARFID? It’s like you’ve had this eating disorder for your whole life but it’s only recently been a true diagnosis and not a lot of people take it seriously so how are you even supposed to acknowledge it?
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godiateachocolate · 5 years
me: *see an anorexic girl in the public*
me: oh no she's so skinny uhh it doesn't look good, look at her knees, I can see her bones, she needs recovery, I don't know her but I'm so worried
also me but later: hey I haven't been eating since yesterday yEwAAhhhH I will lose half of a kilogram if I starve until tomorrow LeT’s StArT aNd SeE iF i’LL bE pReTtY
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I deserve better than what I’m being given
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cureofanxiety · 3 years
Here are some of the tips, techniques and remedies to manage your Anxiety Disorders. These are some of the self treatments of Anxiety Disorder.
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snesne24 · 5 years
The Truth is I dont want to be here, but what a week it has been and I dont think it would be fair if I didnt give this jounraling thing a shot. I keep thinking back to my old life with envy - isnt there a saying for that? looking at the past with rose tinted glasses? but I really cannot stop - I cannot NOT feel like the past was better, and I guess now I feel like what do I have left to look forward to? But back to the past - why did it seem so damn perfect? I dont think fab or fun or amazing is the right word. No, the right word is honestly wholesome; i felt happy. I felt in control. And, I guess it doesnt make sense now why I feel in control, i feel like I lost my voice or like I dont know who I am anymore, and I hate that. In certain ways, it feels kind of like when I was at Udel but not as unmanageable or all time low, it feels better than that. It feels like I lost my voice somwehre down the line of life, i lost my vision. in the past year, i feel like this more than ever before. I think it would take too long for me to invest in this story of what may have happened, but I am going to try. 
The Wedding - the decision to get married was a no brainer but there were doubts, some of them internal. Will he integrate with my life? will the smoking ever stop? am i settling... we havent planned anything about life after marriage - is that Ok? there were doubts about how our fams would get along as well, those ones I ignored and didnt care. What I didnt doubt? I didnt douubt how I felt - i am not going to use the word love because I think that word means a lot more than i could have eve imagined back then but I know I felt happy, i felt safe, i felt that I would never get sick of being around him. I was in love. Rohan said if he had a chance (today out of anger I preface) that if he could go back three years, he wouldnt do it again. If I had to go back, I may not either. but here we are, and we are trying to make the best of it. Our marriage is not perfect but neither are we, so yes, I am making the best of it and I would say 99% of the time i would do it all over again in a heartbeat of how he makes me feel when we are happy. 
The career - this took on manny different directions, and where I have ended up now I dont hate but I also dont know where tis would lead to. I think if my 22 yr old self could see me now, with this job, this salary, these responbilties, she would be really happy. I made it. 
the freinds, the life, and everything else - 
everything is going fine. I feel anxious and I wonder if it due to my eating disorder (this I am actually, starting to doubt. in a way I am happy that the Ed doesnt play into anxiety - it honestly does not b/c at the EOD, i woul just eat if I was hungry. 
Witht he ED stuff - if someone shook me and said YOU NEED TO CHANGE OR YOU WILL LITERALLY HARM URSELF, i would do it. in a heartbeat, and I guess where I am not is a place where no, its not affecting my phycial health in a major way - but the anxiety, te decisions I make, those things are beign affected by my issues with my eating disoreder. So maybe tomorrow is the day I make that decision to change, I dont need to weigh myself to know I didnt fain fifteen lbs overnight - this is literally whhat I look like, so no matter what I eat in a day or two, I am nit going to look that different. If I gain ten lbs, i will not look any different, me literally at my heaviest, was not that different than I am now. I was ctually kind of cute, so its not a body image thing - i like m body. Its bigger than that, it’s a control thing, its the feeling of knowing, that I canbe sure things will be Ok. it makes me happy, its like turing in a test and being able to know immediately i got an A (when there is a chnace you may get a B) or like opening a college admission letter and saying you got in. with the weight thing, I ambasically takking a long term goal (losing weight, achieving a goal weight) and making it a short term thing, when the fluctuations happen (even up and down a lb or 2, i lose my shit), so i thik i would be in a better place if I kept this weight thing, a long term goal and in the short term, found a ew goal i can meet that may give me the same high?
Anyway this has been a lot of writing for one evening, and very insghtful I must say but I may have ti sign off at this point, I can say one of my gials was met which was too be less anxious, i feel undoubesdly better, I now know my life is nit as much in shambles as I thought, Its actually going pretty well? I have never been Ok with change and that is undoubetedly something I have always been OK with in the past. CHange can be good, it means new beginnings, it means new adventures, new freisnships, new opportunties. Moving out my house, gettijng married,findig a new job - CHANGE a lot if at one time. I never fully adjusted to everything,i just floated with it and now I am comingto realize how much has actually changed, I know I am trying to cling to my old life dearly, but I cant - that chapter is done babe, the people are the same, you are still you, but you also gotta change with the times. we all do. looking back will only do so much for you after a certain point. So dont be sad that its over, be happy that it happened, be that the people you care about are still here and now you have to show up for them and make them proud, make urself proud. Nothing is over, its really just getting started. 
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morethanpicky · 4 years
ARFID makes things that are so commonplace for most people, so uncomfortable for those who suffer from it. I hold my breath when opening the fridge so I’m not put off by the smell. I can’t look too close at the microwave to see what has been cooked by others or I won’t use it. I can’t even think about participating in buffets or cookouts. What people don’t understand about this disorder is that it’s not just food that brings us extreme discomfort and anxiety, it’s everything related to food: kitchens, grocery stores, restaurants... the list could go on and on.
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morethanpicky · 4 years
People tell me to stop comparing myself to others and ask why I lack so much confidence? Maybe it’s because for years I sat there being told to “just eat” like everyone else, and I was meant to feel guilty for not wanting to try foods that everyone liked or that wouldnt kill me. I grew up being constantly compared to every person without ARFID *by* every person without ARFID, and now they are confused as to why I do it too?
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godiateachocolate · 5 years
i feel so exhausted because i eat about 70-250 calories a day and burn a lot by walking so in the evenings i feel so tired that I can't even move
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godiateachocolate · 5 years
If life were like only the strongest survive, I would be dead by now. I am weak in every meaning of this word. I’m weak emotionally, it’s like I’m crying because I have no friend that could be there with me every time I feel down. physically, I’m tired after a minute of running, I can barely swim, I can’t do things that are easy to the others. Also, everyone thinks I’m a princess because I break down often when some normal things begin to happen and they think that the only things I want are the expensive and luxury ones. I am really weak, I’m a pessimist, I can’t be positive and everything is black for me since I remember, I’m my parents’ failure, I know they prefer my sister because she’s a happy child, and I’m just a pessimistic soul with mental problems that always complain.
I’m a failure
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