if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"CARDINAL WOULD FLOG RICH MEN WHO IGNORE APPEALS OF THE POOR," Toronto Star. December 14, 1931. Page 1. --- Primate of Catholic America Castigates "Safe-Deposit Worshippers" --- SEES SLAVERY AHEAD ---- Says Moneyed Interests Seek to Control Governments of World ---- Boston. Dec. 14. Those who worship the safe deposit box are to blame for the woes of the world to-day, according to William. Cardinal O'Connell, archbishop of Boston and dean of the Catholic hierarchy in America. "Great numbers of rich men should be flogged; it is the only suitable. punishment for them; they are insensible to all appeals," the cardinal told members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society Sunday. At the same time he lauded as "noble. souls" those rich men, Catholics and non- Catholics, who give to every good cause. Continuance of the "throes of material, mechanistic control" even of governments, by certain selfish financial interests, the cardinal declared, means "complete domination of money over life, getting every last penny, exploiting banking for every last dime." A solemn warning was issued by his eminence to the moneyed interests of the world against repetition of the inflation which preceded the stock crash of 1929. He said these interests were out for control of the governments of the world and that if they were successful it would mean "slavery for the masses". He scored the materialistic philosophy which developed the "Get rich quick" idea among children. Tribute was paid by the cardinal to the late. Henry Higginson and James J. Storrow. non-Catholics, who shared their enormous wealth with the less fortunate. Others named for their generosity among wealthy Catholics were Nicholas and James Brady, their sister. Mrs. James C. Farrell of Albany, N.Y., and the late Humphrey O'Sullivan, rubber heel magnate of Lowell.
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ariminiria · 2 years
remember to do your part by giving Amazon's Rings of Power show the Morbius treatment
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personishfive · 3 months
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in which dialogue is exchanged
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mikakuna · 1 month
why do anti-jason fans always have an opinion on his characterization and how we write him in fanfic as if they've read anything beyond comics where his character is completely assassinated and written by individuals who despise him?
"you're not actually a jason fan if you remove everything that he's done in canon"
answer me truthfully: would you accept a comic as canon if it was written by someone who hates your favourite character? i'm not a tim fan so i'd mess up his entire storyline if i wrote a comic for him. would you read that and happily accept it as canon? because i assure you that i'd purposely mess his entire character up just because i dislike him. it would be full of bias because i don't understand his character as well as an actual tim fan does. would you still accept this comic as canon?
literally the majority of jason comics are written by people who don't like him and don't even know his source material. why shouldn't we nitpick what we wanna accept as canon??
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doverstar · 10 months
I want to sit down and talk about how Grant Gustin, on the Flash, in the course of 9 seasons and almost 10 years, displayed the ability to perfectly act out *deep inhale* Barry Allen, an evil version of Barry Allen, a nerdy wimp version of Barry Allen, three of the Big Bads, Harry Wells inside Barry's body, H.R. Wells inside Barry's body, Sherloque Wells inside Barry's body, basically every Wells inside Barry's body, Barry Allen as the lead in a spontaneous superpowered musical, Barry pretending to be a hacker, Barry pretending to be a crime lord, Barry being infected/possessed by a Big Bad, and Barry Allen as a really dorky drunk guy (more than once)-
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
it's wild to see people say stuff like "sansa is a politician, arya is a warrior" while not being able to point out a single political act sansa has achieved, and not being able point out any of arya's "warrior skills" that isn't the handful of fencing lessons with syrio she received for like five months max lol
Politician!Sansa and Warrior!Arya are two fascinating ends of a fanon ouroboros; Neither concept exists outside of the other and neither concepts are based on the books. This fandom is just so attached to the idea of Sansa being this incredible politician, with intelligence above every other character, that her having nothing in her own chapters to support that idea doesn't stop them. That's why Arya's intelligence, skills, and entire character arc get reduced to her being nothing but a walking, talking weapon. Like you said, her "warrior" capabilities are essentially the handful of lessons she had with Syrio where her most important + relevant lesson was how to observe her surroundings. Her only "combat" training with the FM was her defending herself with a staff when she lost her eyesight. There's nothing to suggest that she's going to be a warrior, in fact we get the exact opposite. We get constant reminders of Arya's small stature and lack of strength that prevent her from fighting/defending herself in certain situations. All her kills rely on sneak attacks/stealth and she's never been in an outright swordfight with anyone. George even refrains from calling her a warrior like Robb and Jon. Brienne and Asha are examples of female characters who are actual fighters and if you compare their chapters, you can see the difference.
But then Arya's entire existence is antithetical to fanon!Sansa's. Her Harrenhal arc is what people pretend Sansa was doing in KL, her relevance to the North gets transferred to Sansa, and her intelligence and political activeness are erased so that Sansa can shine. They'll write essays on how Sansa is the most intelligent, politically savvy character and how Dany/Jon/Tyrion's arcs only exist to highlight her own ruling arc but the second someone asks them for evidence from the books, it's crickets. I don't understand why their enjoyment of her character hinges on her being the most important/intelligent one. No Arya stan is under the illusion that she's going to be the political character or outclass Dany, Jon, or Tyrion. It's just part of her story so we acknowledge it. Arya is going to have her political arc in Braavos and Sansa is going to have her political arc in the Vale, they aren't mutually exclusive. The only issue is that some people want Sansa to be the only one with a political arc and that's not the story that George is telling.
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cuddlytogas · 3 months
maybe it's just the Radical Rediker talking, but there's something pointed in the way that, say, popular pirate media like Pirates of the Caribbean dilutes the pirate's freedom to "bring me that horizon" as opposed to, say, "plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power" (Bartholomew Roberts).
broadly speaking, most pirates chose the life in order to escape and revenge the hard labour, corporal punishment, overworking, and unequal pay of merchant/navy/privateer ships; or the privations of their sudden unemployment once a war was over, ignored as soon as their ability to die for the state was unneeded. yes, many were thugs, but, consciously political or not, they were responding to a particular, material reality.
the pirate's desired freedom was from the effects of exploitative modes of statehood and capital production. but popular media usually shifts this into a general desire for freedom: freedom to roam, freedom to love (usually merely a cross-class white, heterosexual union), or freedom from the personal pressures of social norms. it's a vague, ahistorical, post-Enlightenment, libertarian ideal rather than a response to a real social and economic situation.
to be clear, this only really applies to specifically the late golden age of piracy, in the first quarter of the 18th century. earlier generations of pirates/buccaneers often displayed nationalist/religious motives, and were lauded, tolerated, or even encouraged by the French and English states for aiding their fights against the Spanish and Portuguese. only the last gasp of age of sail pirates had a truly anti-national energy, and both figured themselves, and were figured by the imperial powers, as the enemies of all nations.
but if we are to valourise the late golden age pirate, at his best, his ideals were for true democracy, and the abolition of nation, hierarchy, and labour exploitation; not "the horizon". he was striking out in response to specific political, social, and economic oppressions, rather than a general individual restlessness, and that reality - and its similarities to our own - are important.
I dunno, I just... have a lot of thoughts about the defanging of piracy in modern media. obviously there were a lot of things bad about them, too, and the level of egalitarianism varied between individual people and ships. but again, if we're going to be valourising them anyway... there were idealists. and they weren't subtle about they wanted.
"I shan't own myself guilty of any murder", said William Fly in 1726. "Our captain and his mate used us barbarously. We poor men can't have justice done us. There is nothing said to our commanders, let them never so much abuse us, and use us like dogs. But the poor sailors --"
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Can you imagine fighting in the trenches to claim a second hand necklace and a second hand phrase for your fav character? A necklace that was hand picked and given to someone else first and then (indirectly) given to your fav as an after thought only because the first woman was hurt and gave it back? A phrase that was first used to describe that necklace (matching the woman it was meant for) during a romantic scene of another ship? That’s what you want to claim as “belonging” to your ship?
Couldn’t be me.
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genericpuff · 7 months
hot take, but if you can't enjoy even casual H x P inspired romance stories made for fun without justifying or defending your enjoyment of it with "well ACTUALLY these stories are MORE accurate because Persephone WANTED to go down there, she LIKED it in the Underworld!" then you sound like an out-of-touch adult intentionally omitting/changing facts to scrub the story down for a 5 year old who you know won't question you
and that's not okay ~
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expensivemistake · 2 days
The thing about Chip Zdarsky's daredevil run is that it takes inspiration from the Netflix show and forces that into the comic continuity, but it doesn't even lean into the elements I personally love about Netflix Matt?
He's not perfect, but NMCU Matt at his best is shown to be deeply compassionate and has such a rather warm demeanour to him. When he's happy (especially in college-aged flashbacks) he's really expressive. Women like him because he comes across as thoughtful, rather than being a womaniser. And there's no question as to whether he loves Elektra or not, considering he spends most of the Defenders trying to get through to her.
Not to mention that his Catholicism is deeply personal and certainly not devout. He's a person who grew up around religion and is uniquely attuned to the suffering around him, trying to work out his place in being a man of the people.
None of these traits are inherently better than 616 comic Matt, or even drastically different (although I do think they're fundamentally different characters who I like for different reasons).
But I guess my point is that... it feels like Zdarsky's Matt is based mostly off the "he's an emo Catholic who dresses like a devil to let out his anger and also sleeps with loads of women" jokes based on people's perceptions of Netflix Matt, without adapting a lot of the likeability and nuance that made me like him in the first place.
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The thing that Targaryen antis either don’t or can’t understand is that in spite of all the discussions, discourse and arguments (& moral conjecture): I simply love dragons and mentally ill women with great hair sorry if you can’t relate
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greyelfsworld · 11 months
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
In response to the Nettles-obsessed fans who somehow found their way in my inbox with a very colorful language:
“A skinny brown girl on a skinny brown dragon.”
“[…] her teeth were crooked, her nose scarred where it had once been slit for thieving. Hardly a likely paramour for a prince, one would think.”
- Fire & Blood
I definitely agree with that last sentence.
As if the Valyrian beauty-obsessed Daemon Targaryen would ever consider this girl someone fit to share his bed. Those who actually believe that need to take some personal time to read the book and understand the Rogue Prince and his preferences.
The only fit woman for this Dragon Prince is a Dragon Queen named Rhaenyra Targaryen.
I am super done with this constant obsession over a common girl named Nettles for the sole reason that she is the only canon black character of the story. These people are acting as if her being black somehow entitles her to the charming, handsome, roguish white prince who should totally leave his wife for her (even though it goes against his character). The filth called “White women are evil and their white husbands should cheat on them with black women because they are clearly better” is one of the things very wrong with society these days.
Take a spoonful of common sense and leave the political agendas out of my inbox!
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
No offense but why do you “hate” a fictional CHILD lmao?
Because he's a poorly written, aggravating Gary Stu, and my favorite character was nerfed so he could get his happy ending without actually working for it. Also, his stans are the most annoying people in my ask box. Them showing up less wouldn't make me hate him less, but I still wanted to let that be known.
Also, the wrong word is emphasized. He's a FICTIONAL child.
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buddydolly · 13 days
I am dead fucking serious when I say I wish I saw more fat women in public. I want to see fat models. I want to see fat women in department stores getting absolutely HYPE when they find racks and racks of clothing in their size and sizes up, so they too can get the "oversized, baggy fit" like women who fit into smalls and mediums. I want to see fat women wearing crop tops proudly and rocking mad midriff. I want to see fat women trying on clothing for their friends and family and saying "look! it compliments my body shape! it's like it was made for me!" I want to see fat women with "cankles" wearing pretty jingling anklets skipping and jumping just to show them off. I want to see fat women on TV, in magazines, on billboards, in all manner of ads, and in online shop images because I want to see my fucking self and all the women I know who don't see enough of themselves. I want to see fat women living, loving, and being visibly proud of who they are because they are beautiful, WE are beautiful. I want to see fat women because fat women need to see other fat women.
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puellamagifashion · 8 months
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Gamer Homura from Mitakihara Anti Materials
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