#anime based on manga
sagoflicka · 1 month
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のんのんびより - [Non Non Biyori]
"Hotaru Ichijou's lifestyle completely changes when she leaves Tokyo and moves with her family to the isolated Asahigaoka village. Her new school has only five students including herself, all sharing a single classroom regardless of grade level. There are no convenience stores in the area, and it can take up to two hours for a bus to arrive.
Nevertheless, Hotaru finds herself captivated by the countryside's charm thanks to her four unique schoolmates with whom she quickly forms a genuine bond. The most colorful of them is Renge Miyauchi, a first-grader who is often perceptive despite her age. However, no less intriguing are the three Koshigaya siblings: the quiet oldest brother Suguru, the petite older sister Komari, and the prankish youngest sister Natsumi.
Having someone from the city join their cheerful little group enlivens the ordinary days in Asahigaoka. Not only does Hotaru bring firsthand knowledge from the alluring outside world, but her fresh outlook on life welcomes a blossom of change to their usual routine."
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mightbebobbie · 9 months
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this is becoming a problem it’s almost 4 am and i spent the last 5 hours drawing this 💥
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zombieboyish · 8 months
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polygon1993 · 1 year
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revenantghost · 2 months
You ever just
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newttxt · 1 year
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so i might be a shinsou enjoyer. maybe.
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fever-dreamer97 · 4 months
Todoroki: Hey guys, the kitchen sink isn’t working.
Izuku: I’ll fix it-
Bakugo: Hell no, we’re calling a plumber.
Izuku: What? Why, I can fix it.
Bakugo: Like you ‘fixed’ our leaky bathtub?
Izuku: Look, stop holding that against me. The burn on my hand healed and we found a dude to fix our ceiling.
Todoroki: Fixed it after someone managed to fall through it.
Izuku:…And yeah okay, call a plumber.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
For scientific purposes I need to know what kind of rizz Deathmask has.
I drew some examples of what I believed would happen:
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Now, it's time for you to
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marivanilla05 · 5 months
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Officially part of the cast for movie 27!
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asteriass · 5 months
Seeing people say Jinshi is not all that and how his relevance doesn’t make sense HURTS ME… 😓
Guys, he’s a complex character, trust me 💔💔  People often seem to forget that he’s not just a silly ‘airhead’ in love. Even Maomao MULTIPLE times acknowledges & mentions how scary and intelligent Jinshi is. Like, he realized Maomao was literate in the matter of a few mins and then he used that against her cuz he realized she must’ve been the one who warned Lady Gyoukyo
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And then there’s just some people who hate him cuz he’s twisted & say that makes him a sh*tty leading character
Which i don’t get?? Of course the leads of a thriller mystery will be manipulative or sly. Or at the very least flawed to some capacity. Even Maomao herself is almost equally twisted and tends to be self serving Them both being flawed is what makes them intriguing characters. They both have their vices that they acknowledge - vices that add another layer of complexity upon their characters. Do you imagine how uninteresting this series would become if Jinshi was seriously JUST a silly lover boy and Maomao was a simple girl ready to help ANYTIME AND ANY DAY instead of being the way she is? This story’s charm comes not only just from the intriguing setting/mysteries but also how these flawed, yet interesting, characters act and think in said settings.
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milaisreading · 4 months
Based Karasu
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Do you know this queer character?
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Saiki is A-spec, Aro-spec, and Transgender, and uses he/him pronouns!
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unrelatedsideblog · 2 months
Niji "We sometimes talked about you" vs Sanji "Niji was red or blue one??" (pretending (?) he forgot just to be little shit)
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polygon1993 · 1 year
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vex-00 · 8 months
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greyskyflowers · 8 months
Bits and Pieces of fics I'll never finish:
Poly crew vibes for the win
ABO dynamics
Zoro doesn't wear a collar. It's one of the first things people notice.
It's usually: swords, hair, and no collar.
They always think it gives them an edge, like Zoro isn't aware of the fact that he's not wearing one.
They holler and cackle, calling out the same jokes over and over.
"Does your pack know you're out all by yourself?"
"Who's your alpha, sweetheart? We'll give them a call to come get you."
"Looks like you're missing something, omega! Did you lose it or did you get it taken away?"
They laugh.
He doesn't.
They lose their heads.
He gets paid.
He knows what he looks like, bound and collarless. Morgan knew exactly what he was doing when he had Zoro tied like this.
Anyone could bite him when he's this restrained and exposed. He's been severed on a golden platter to anyone with enough balls to try their hand at claiming him. He's ripped out throats for less and he's ready to bloody his mouth again if needed.
The strange alpha that comes out of the grate doesn't comment on the lack of collar, his gaze barely running over his throat before continuing to talk. He smiles and shows sharp teeth.
The alpha unties him and just disappears. It's... anticlimactic. He's so used to people wanting something, hinting at something more, that this is strange.
The beta girl is untrusting. He feels her look at his neck and carefully catalogue it in her head as a weak spot if needed. He can't blame her. After all, he's doing the same thing
The little ship smells heavily of tangerines and ink, citrus scents are always a little overwhelming. There are unknown scents under her scent that are already fading away and he doesn't care to ask who they were.
Luffy's scent of cedar smoke and salt is powerful, and he scent marks everything almost absentmindedly. Dragging his hands over surfaces, rubbing his wrists on anything within reach, even pressing his cheeks against them quickly.
They don't crowd Zoro, even though he knows they want to.
Omegas are comforting, they usually mean pack and safety. He doesn't know what they think when they look at him but no one has ever looked at him and thought safe.
A lot of people are uneducated. They assume omegas aren't often at sea because they're too soft, too delicate.
Pirates though, especially the good ones, know what omegas really are. Vicious, protective, and a nasty opponent in a fight.
The older generations know it, and when he eventually interacts with Garp, he'll be pleased that the old man seems begrudgingly impressed that Luffy had roped Zoro into his crew.
Pirates in the grandline and beyond will know. Omegas aren't often at sea because they're protecting what's theirs, usually a home or a pack.
If you can get a omega to call your ship home, you'll have some of the fiercest protection available.
First mates are ideally omegas. They're well loved by the crew/pack and amazing fighters. They're usually content to follow those they trust but like to do their own thing enough that being firstmate allows them the freedom they need.
The clown separates them and hands Nami and Zoro off to be kept in their restraints. They're left with a alpha who keeps talking about revenge or something else annoying, getting close like he wants Zoro to think he'll bite before pulling back. He doesn't react and the alpha's scent burns with anger before he spins the wheel Zoro's on and starts trying to scare him.
The smell of his anger mixes with annoyance quickly. Every thud of the blade into the wood is meet without a flinch and the alpha gets more and more riled up. Zoro doesn't really care. Even if some of the blades hit they wouldn't cause irreparable damage. A inconvenience at best, especially if Luffy needs them to fight.
They pick up another beta, twitchy and ballsy with how he goes to mention Zoro's lack of collar a few times, each time getting hard looks from Nami and Luffy to stop.
The butler turns his nose up at them and he feels painfully out of place. Everything around him is nice and expensive, he's like a street cat let in on accident.
It smells sterile in the whole manor, he keeps rubbing at his nose and sneezing. There's something in the air that he can't name exactly but it has him on edge.
Usopp is talking about the girl, Kayla or Kay or something like that. He looks at Zoro like he can help with whatever relationship he has with her but he can't. He doesn't even know what the girl is, the smell of sickness and that ever clinging sterile smell surrounding her. He assumed she must be an omega since Usopp was asking him but he's not the person to ask about this stuff.
When he wakes up in the well he knows they pawed at him. There are many people who would take advantage of a unconscious and unmated onega. A chance to see him up close like he's something exotic.
His neck feels wrong, like thin threads or spiderwebs are very lightly touching the skin. The disgusting scent of the maid and chef stick to him and he even rubs his neck against some of the rocks to get it off.
The waiter looks appalled when he looks at Zoro, eyes clearly aimed at his bare throat. He moves like he's going to say something about it before his eyes catch on Nami and he's completely focused on her. She catches his eye and he knows she's putting up with the waiter so Zoro won't have to.
Mihawk cuts him open and calls him magnificent. It has his instincts demanding he roll belly up and purr.
The stench of infection, sickness and fish are overwhelming when he wakes up. Everything hurts and his head has the cotton feeling of too much sleep. Luffy is on him and around him, talking too fast for Zoro to catch most of it but he gets the tone.
He wakes up with the feeling of someone touching him again but it's different than the well. It's not as bad when it's Luffy.
Arlong's crew says omega like it's his name. They chatter at him and wait patiently for a opening to sink teeth or claw into his unprotected neck.
The clown howls with laughter from the bag at the waiters hip.
"Better teach them what omegas are really like, kiddo!"
He despises that the fucking clown has more respect for omegas than most people.
The waiter, Sanji, isn't too bad once he settles in. He still seems stuck on Zoro's lack of collar but he never says anything. One of the others must have spoken to him about it.
They bicker and fight but it's never because of a comment towards Zoro being a omega. He hides a grins everytime they fight, pleased that his crew respects him enough to honor his desire to not talk about it.
He tells them he thought Kuina may have claim him if they had more time together, if they'd got the chance to grow up together.
He talks about the way they were always paying attention to each other, trading harsh blows and barely there touches. She called him pretty and constantly knocked him on his knees, he was furious that it made him blush at the time.
Then she died. And it felt like the only claim he could ever get from her was Wado Ichimonji.
In a strange way, the sword is like a collar. She's still with him, telling him to draw his sword to defend himself and sitting blinding white at his side like a claim. The sword deters unwanted attention the same as a collar would.
They remember the name of the sword now, make a point to say it's name and be respectful of it. He refuses to acknowledge that Kuina would be charmed by it, that she'd probably really like them all.
He also ignores the voice in his head that quietly asks if this could be the start of a pack and a home.
It takes a while to notice but he's been scenting the ship. The delicate skin of his wrists red and raw before fading into a thicker layer of skin.
His scent is saturated into the ship and the crew. The start of a claim is clear.
They haven't said anything and he isn't going to be the one to bring it up.
His heat is... mildly concerning. He knows Luffy doesn't expect anything from him and the rest of the crew is on the same page, but he can't help the little curl of worry in his belly.
What if something happens? What if they haven't been around a omega in heat before and get grossed out? What if they never think of him the same?
Sanji is a anxious and furious presence that lingers. He does everything he can to get Zoro to eat. Healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables, a extra serving of meat, protein drinks, etc.
He looks pleased everytime Zoro eats something and his scent goes happy. Luffy huffs a bit at the extra meat Zoro gets but someone must have explained it to him because while he still pouts, he doesn't try to steal it from Zoro anymore.
He gets lathargic, finding more and more creative places to sleep.
The third time Usopp almost has a heart attack from unexpectedly coming across him, they decide to encourage him to nest in his room.
He doesn't know what to do with all the stuff given to him. It's soft in his hands, his rough skin catching on all the fine fabrics. His nests are usually small and made of whatever was available, often just a spare shirt and a few towels. These are actual nest supplies though. Pillows, blankets, cushions, etc.
Of course the ship was fancy enough to have these hidden away.
He just stares at them for awhile before he gets restlessness. Starting to arrange and sort them. He's got a nest by the end of it, the best one he's ever had. He strips and sprawls belly down in it, a few of the blankets tugged over him.
He purrs and shoves his face into the pillow under him, it smells like dust with faint hints of the crew.
They haven't discussed anything, there's no bonds or claims that hold them responsible for helping him during his heat. There's no bond or claim that says he owes them anything.
It's hard for people to be around a omega in heat and not want to be close though. His scent is warm like a candle, meant to coax pack close for comfort and protection while he's unable to defend himself.
His heats aren't like normal heats. There's usually no sexual component to it. He's had too much damage and scarring to his body, injuries to critical points like his scent glands and lower belly.
His heat is usually miserable. The increased hormones and stress on his body makes everything ache. All the old injuries and broken bones that healed wrong flaring to life. He usually spends the days curled up and forcing all the whines that want to slip out down into his chest. Waking up at the end of the cycles dehydrated, starving and exhausted.
He can hear them hovering outside the door. Hushed whispers and and footsteps that are meant to be quiet enough he can't hear them. It grates on his nerves and he tells himself that's why he forces himself up, wraps one of the stupidly soft blankets around him and goes to the door.
He yanks it open and they all freeze. The smell smacks him in the face and his instincts purr pack. He doesn't say anything, just turns and goes back to his nest. Burrowing back under everything and taking the opportunity to enjoy the fact that he didn't feel absolutely miserable yet.
He sleeps here and there, listening to the other slowly drift closer and get more comfortable. He actually feels good.
He's more comfortable than he thinks he's ever been. Body practically boneless and a purr in his chest that he's just managing to hold back.
His scent glands don't burn, his body doesn't ache, his head isn't spinning.
It's because he has people with him. He knows, okay?
Not only do they insist on making sure that he's drinking and eating enough, the scents and comfort go a long way.
There's a reason omega seek out packs.
They stay outside the nest, respectful in a way that annoys him at the moment because he wouldn't mind them being closer and asking seems... very intimate.
Luffy watches him like a hawk the whole time, eyeing him carefully whenever he moves and new skin shows, like he's trying to make sure there's nothing physically wrong. He's restless, not sure what to do and how to make it better.
He ends up dragging Luffy in first. Snagging a wrist and huffing angrily when the arm stretches instead of dragging Luffy closer.
Eventually he gets the alpha in. He can't help the purr he lets out when Luffy is under all the blankets with him. He's warm and Zoro isn't even embarrassed that he's completely bare when he presses closer.
It's dark and almost stifling with how much body heat Zoro's giving off. The air smells like them and he thought he was already relaxed but he's boneless now.
Luffy doesn't seem to know what to do. His hand hover over his hips and his waist before he seems to decide he can touch.
He's instinctively positions himself between Zoro and the door. The others are also between the nest and the door.
Luffy smells like fresh cut cedar burning and salt. It's sinking onto Zoro's skin and his lower belly is warm. He can't get close enough.
Nami's citrus and ink, Usopp's fresh earth and herbs, Sanji's palo santo and spices all cling to him and the nest.
His own scent, of cold steel, summer rain and tart blackberries isn't very typical of a omega but it doesn't seem to bother them. They're all taking it in like they can taste it if they try hard enough.
The others end up joining him and Luffy, dragged in one after the other. The nest is big enough for all of them, which means he was planning on them joining him even if he wasn't fully aware he was.
He feels good.
He's given up trying to stop the purr and it rumbles from his chest. He's never had a heat like this and he understands the appeal if this is what it's like with pack. It's like a pleasant high, he's sleepy and very happy.
Luffy doesn't want to leave so they shuffle between Nami, Sanji and Usopp on watch. It's hard with only 3 of them but they can leave easier than Luffy, who seems to permanently be attached to Zoro.
He's touching Zoro constantly. Petting at bare skin or face buried is the omega's neck. He nips a nasty bruise on his throat but Zoro doesn't stop him. He'll worry about it later.
He ends up in Luffy's lap towards the end, chests against each other, Zoro's legs around Luffy's waist and his chin on the alpha's shoulder.
Luffy has possessive arms around around him, face tucked into the side of Zoro's neck and legs crossed to support the omega.
He should have know, there's a reason captains have a reputation for being notoriously protective and territorial.
He blinks at the others sleepily when they come in, making a little noise from the back of his throat that has Luffy's shoulders dropping from where they'd slowly been raising.
Nami steals the tray Sanji had been holding, who looks like he may take it back before he seems to realize it was Nami.
Luffy back is to her and Zoro's watching her, chin still digging into Luffy's shoulder.
The kiwi is sticky in her fingers and it runs juice down her hand and wrists but Zoro perks up a bit when he sees it, the hunger and thirst of a ending heat taking over.
He doesn't hesitate taking it from her fingers, swiping his tongue to grab the juice left on her fingers before pulling away and chewing. His lips are shiney and his scent is warming at being surrounded by pack and alpha.
Usopp steals the next piece of fruit to give, and then Sanji. They keep that rotation until Zoro's falling asleep again and turning his head away from them.
The room smells like pleased omega.
The nest stays, even after the heat is over. They don't talk about it because it's still a little raw. There's a lot of unknown.
The start of a pack bond has been strongly established though, centered around Zoro and waiting quietly for the next step.
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