#angst bby
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"You gotta believe me (Y/N), it's not true. I'm certainly not against you - I never was! Never will be. You're family...,"
GIF: justjensenanddean
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ivyprism · 6 months
"How many...? How many deaths have you died to be so strong? How many times have you screamed to be so silent?"
Cider looks at Aspera, who simply smiles at him.
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spicyclematis · 5 months
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love wins all (2024) | spring day (2017)
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en-gelic · 5 days
this is what falling in love feels like
falling in love with him ✸ 이희승 x female reader ( 271 ) genre. fluff, drabble cw. skinship listen! 📒LiA'S NOTE for my bby xuxu >3< ✸ LiBRARY PASS ⋆
The late evening sun warmed the exposed parts of your body. The sun sank into the sky, turning it orange-yellow as it let out the last of its bright light. A shadow blocked the warmth growing on your bare skin and you looked up to see Heeseung, a smile coating your lips.
"Hi." You greeted, eyes following his figure as he sat beside you. His skin glistened under the golden light that covered his body and reflected in his eyes. The streetlights slowly illuminated the streets as the sunlight faded away and the sky settled. "Hi pretty girl." He replied as you fought the urge to bury your face in your hands.
The very thought of the evening before still ignited bubbling feelings as you bit back a smile. "What's wrong baby?" He teased, trying to meet your eyes that were covered by your hands. His fingers ghosted your hand as he pulled it away from your face, uncovering your uncontrollable blush.
"Can you say it again?" You voiced, referring to the three-letter word he said during his confession the evening before.
"Pretty girl? Baby?" He questioned, his smirk coating his words as he relished the satisfaction in teasing you. "I love you." You said, a smile growing on your lips. "I love you, pretty boy." You teased, amused his face turning pink.
"What's wrong baby?" You pressed, watching as he fell prey to the game he began.
The stars illuminated the sky as you leaned over to press a peck on his lips, smiling into the kiss. He pulled away, brushing his hand through your hair.
"I love you more."
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ovaryacted · 2 months
(TW: talk of abuse/domestic violence)
I’ve been thinking about Leon and his daughter. I am 100% sure this man is not above using his ties to the government to wipe anyone who harms his daughter/abusive partner off the face of the earth.
His perfect baby girl comes to her daddy with a bruised eye and crying? She’s an adult, sure. But Oh he’s going scorched earth.
He kisses his precious little girl on the forehead, lets her sleep in in her old bedroom, and once she’s settled, he grabs his gun and goes.
I really REALLY do not think he’d let an abuser live. Someone put their hands on his little girl. His perfect little baby has gotten hurt by someone she trusted/loved?
Yea I don’t think they’d survive.
CW: mentions of abuse and domestic violence; talks of violence as payback; Leon & the reader are together and have a daughter (unspecified age but 21+)
Anon, this message made me hurt inside, and you sent it to me a while ago so I apologize for not responding until now. But wow, we're getting really angsty...damn. This hurts, but I get where this idea coming from. I think seeing something like his daughter being hurt because of someone else will actually break Leon as both a parent and an individual who puts his life on the line for his family.
Ever since his daughter was born into the world, Leon vowed to protect her with his entire being. He worked so hard to keep her safe from the dangers of the reality that he was all too familiar with, keeping his princess in bubble wrap and tucked away in the safety he knew he could provide. It worked for some time, watching her grow up into her own human being, as gentle and as precious as he imagined, practically his spitting image with his eyes down to his smile.
No matter how old she got, she will always be his little girl. Leon wanted to keep her at home for a while longer, nervous about sending her off to college but she reassures him, promising to call once a week and on the weekends to ease his anxieties. He knew she'd have to venture off into the real world eventually, and his daughter stuck to her promise, often coming back home on her breaks and using that time to catch up with her parents.
He thinks he's done well in raising her alongside you, smart and charismatic, doing everything to ensure his child grew up to know what love and acceptance felt like so she'd never have to be without it like he was.
When Leon was introduced to her current boyfriend, he tried hard to accept him, run his own mental background checks, and make sure he was enough to take care of his daughter and treat her the way she deserved. His daughter was happy, so he relented, giving this new guy a chance. So long as he saw his daughter smiling, all was right in the world.
That's why when Leon gets a phone call from his daughter sometime at midnight, he's confused, but the hair at the back of his neck raises as he gets a weird feeling that something is wrong.
"Hi dad", he hears her on the other line, her voice shaky and unstable.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay? What's wrong?", he gets up instantly and walks out of the bedroom so he doesn't wake you up, not wanting to bring a panic just yet.
"Yeah, I'm okay", he hears a sniffle, he knows she's lying, but he doesn't mention it. "I just...can I come home? Please?"
"Of course you can, you can always come home. Do you need me to pick you up?", Leon asks without hesitation. He didn't care if there was a tornado outside, he was going to get his child back home.
"It's okay, I can drive, traffic isn't too bad. I'll see you in a few okay?", she was hiding something from him, and if that were the case it must be bad. And that scared him.
"Sure thing honey, please be safe", she hung up the phone, the anxiety getting much worse because he didn't know what to expect. You wake up soon after that to ask what's wrong, and decide to wait for your daughter to come back home and make sure she's alright.
Was she safe? Did something happen? Why did it sound like she was crying? Did someone hurt her?
So many different scenarios play in his mind that the sound of a knock at Leon's front door brings him back to the present. Opening the door, he tries to hide the way his heart crack at the sight of his child standing in front of him with a bruised eye. He doesn't say anything as she drops the duffle bag she brought and instantly falls into his chest, crying heavily and shaking in his arms.
Sometime later on the couch, she explains how she got into an argument with her boyfriend, and in a fit of rage, he threw a punch before walking out of the apartment. Just hearing her retelling this and not being able to stop crying is what breaks Leon inside, having his daughter, whom he's tried so hard to protect from this world be a victim of abuse from someone who was supposed to love her hurts him greatly.
He blames himself for letting his daughter get hurt, for letting that bastard get anywhere near his angel and hurt her like this. Whispering apologies into his daughter's blonde hair, he cradled her close as he repeated "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry sweetheart".
Leon lets her stay in her old bedroom, tucking her into bed the way he used to when she was little and running his fingers through her hair as gently as he could. He knows you'll watch over her as she sleeps, and will probably slip into bed alongside her to hold her in your arms the way a mother should.
"I promise you, he's not going to hurt you ever again. I swear", Leon tells her, and his daughter believes him wholeheartedly. He gives you a knowing look as he walks out of the bedroom, and you don't try to stop him.
He takes his gun out from the locked safe in his closet, not sure when he last held it in his hand but the muscle memory quickly comes to him. Throwing on a jacket and grabbing his car keys, he got into his Jeep and headed on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles were white. Maybe being on the road while he was seething and seeing red wasn't a good idea, but he had to handle this or he would never forgive himself.
A part of him thinks that he should get Hunnigan on the phone, should have her knock some sense into him, and tell his ass to turn the fuck around. But he doesn't, hitting the gas and imagining tearing off this man's head for laying a hand on the most precious thing he has in his life.
He doesn't remember the last time he was this pissed, and he certainly didn't know he could want to hurt someone when he had been so focused on saving others for most of his life. But he finds himself caring less and less about the consequences of his actions and doesn't feel guilty for wanting to do what he knows is necessary.
Justice is what Leon calls this, and it brings him back to his time studying for the police academy, how doing the right thing felt so fundamental to him that it was always a part of his character. He's doing this out of love, out of knowing his daughter will be safe from this monster, and that makes it right.
Yeah, that man better start praying, cause it might be the last time he gets to.
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number-onekidqueen · 4 months
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝
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Part Two Part One
Luke Castellan x Apollo!fem!reader
Comforting angst
warnings: character death, depression, lots of crying.
Days passed, days since your ki- hang out with Luke. 
Hang out? Who were you kidding? It was clear it wasn’t him. 
But you’d laid yourself bare to him, been about to confess all your feelings and he had just shut you down and run away. 
Of course you didn’t wanna talk about it in the morning. 
The tragedy was he did. 
And just when you were feeling better, and your conversations weren’t so awkward, fate tossed you to the ground again, as it often did. You still didn’t really believe it. 
Cecilia, your cabin counsellor, your beloved older sister had died on the road to college. It seemed impossible. 
Of course, they’d had a brief ceremony, a burning of a golden yellow shroud weaved with her own fingers. And then they’d appointed you as cabin counsellor, announced a bunch of new kids had arrived and everyone forgot. 
It made you sick to think people would forget Cecilia. That the three Apollo kids your cabin had greeted would grow up without her and never know of her presence.
Obviously, your cabin was upset, but they didn’t make it so as Aphrodite always did. The sun keeps shining, and Apollo kids kept going, laughing, training, even if muffled sobs could be heard the first few nights. They never talked of her, and after the first week, she was a sad little scar that had scabbed. 
It still hurt a little, but the memory was what hurt the most. 
Except for you. She was still a mortal, lethal wound for you. And it was getting harder and harder to keep your composure and pretend everything was okay. 
Shortly, it all cracked and spilled out from you. It hadn’t been anyone’s fault really. Chiron was just trying to be supportive to little Will, but when he praised enthusiastically that he was the best archer he’d scene for 300 years, tears seemed to burst from you. 
Because that had been Cecilia’s title. She had been the best archer, training all the little ones supportively and making people gasp with the precision of her shots. 
It seemed Chiron had already forgotten. Everyone had. 
It was like losing her all over again. 
No one saw the little sun cracking on the archery field. They just noticed you disappearing behind some clouds. 
You didn’t pay attention to the stares and whiplash glances of some, as you ran back to your cabin with tears streaming, and your heart in your throat. 
Didn’t notice as a tall brunette boy on the sword plains spotted you, dropped his sword immediately and with a shouted apology behind him began to sprint after you. 
Your bed was warm and comforting, the covers swaddled around your shoulders in a safe cocoon as you sobbed your heart and soul onto your pillow. 
Cecelia was dead. Dead. This is what you would deal with every day for the rest of your life, she was dead and she would be replaced and forgotten and no one would even know her and-
The door creaked open and immediately you stilled, pretending to be asleep. 
“Y/N?” It was Luke. 
Not the timing, you thought to yourself miserably. 
“Y-yeah,” you tried for a sleepy yawn, but it came out cracked and pained. Ugh. 
“You ok?” He asked quietly, and you heard his footsteps approach. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just woke up.” But your voice was hollow and very much awake. 
He sat softly at the edge of your bed, and for a while you were both still. Only your breath was audible. Then, tentatively and slowly, you began to feel his warm fingers slide through your hair. It was so comforting and lovely that you had to swallow down the wave of tears that surfaced. 
“It’s okay, you know,” he murmured, your hair in glorious tangles around his knuckles, “to cry. You don’t have to pretend. Especially for me.”
“Yeah, I know,” you whispered back, “it’s just-“ you hesitated. 
I love you. 
I don’t want to burden you with all my stupid problems. 
“You probably don’t want to talk about this to anyone, right? Me included.” He guessed, and he began to retract his fingers and you felt like screaming at how utterly wrong he was. “I’m sorry, I should give you space.”
“No, you don’t have to. You can stay here.” You tried not to beg, but you were inches from clinging onto him to stop his departure. He understood. 
“Would you like me to stay?”
“Yes. Please.”
“Then here I’m staying. In your bed.” He reassured comfortingly, “I mean, on.” 
His flustered stuttering made you smile weakly and turn to face him. 
His whole face softened, lost all his fluster and stress when your eyes met, but you were too busy setting your head into his lap so you faced up at him to notice. 
He traced your tear tracks, brushing any remaining ones away with his thumbs. 
“I know the pain feels awful,” he said suddenly, “but if you ever feel bad, like you can’t breathe or you’re about to burst, don’t keep it in y/n, come find me. I’m always here for you, always.”
“Thank you.” You said near inaudibly. 
“I hate seeing you cry,” he confessed, his forehead crinkling, “or being sad. It just hurts me. But I love making you feel better, I’d do anything in the world to make you happy, I promise.”
“Thank you.” You said louder this time, your cheeks beginning to heat up. 
It was a peaceful few seconds you gazed at each other, smiling. Then you closed your eyes, comforted. 
You felt warm hands lift your body, and your eyes fluttered open. But it was just Luke lying down beside you and repositioning yourself on his chest. 
“Sorry,” he murmured, “just figured we might be here for a while.”
His arms encircled you, and even in your drunken state of misery, your heart rate sped up. You turned your head slightly, so you could hide your bashful grin in the orange folds of his shirt. His chest was warm, comforting, and you could feel every deep breath he took. 
“Sorry,” you murmured, facing up once more, “your shirt’s probably going to be all soggy after this.”
“I don’t mind a soggy shirt if it makes you happy.” He breathed, and your heart was bursting from the love that statement invoked when you saw his eyes flicker. Your eyes. Your mouth. 
Could he really-
Surely not-
Eyes. Mouth. 
The air was electric, as if Zeus himself was in the cabin. The space was getting tighter and smaller and everything was so close and dizzy and what in the gods before you knew it you were nose to nose and you could feel his warm breath and he was leaning down to kiss you against the pillow. 
It might’ve been the best kiss you ever had. With salt on your tongue, and sweetness from his lips, the tastes of all your emotions were combined, giving way to the most passionate and fantastic kiss you’d ever had. Your head was pressed to the pillow, and he was moving above you, warm, soft and pouring his heart out to you, the gateway his lips. It seemed every single ‘I love you’ either of you had ever been too afraid to say was expressed strongly now, each drop of attraction and love and feeling was encapsulated between the movement of your lips. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t stay,” he breathed, against your lips, when you finally pulled apart, both of you panting, “I didn’t want to do anything while you were drunk. But of course I wanted to. I wanted you. I have for so long.”
“It’s okay. I have too,” and you laughed, all those emotions and secrets finally free. You were so giddy with joy! But Luke remained tense, nervous for a reason you couldn’t determine. You calmed down, scared it was all about to come crashing down. 
“It’s- it’s not just that, y/n,” he paused, sitting up further away, eyes still looking profoundly into yours, “I love you. I love you, all of you, and you should know that to me you’ve never been a burden, only a miracle to have been with.” 
Your breath was caught in your throat, blown away by his confession. You were expecting he might’ve been crushing on you? But loving you? You’d never dared to consider that as an option. And you were beyond thrilled. 
“Now would be a great time to say anything,” he laughed nervously, fingers brushing over your shoulders restlessly. You immediately felt awful for keeping him waiting. 
“I love you too.” You blurted, letting silence ensue. “You make me so happy every time you make a joke or take care of the new unclaimed kids. I’m just in shock.”
And then the pair of you were laughing together, foreheads pressed together before you were tangled in an embrace, that led to another heated kiss on your bed.
You knew soon other campers would arrive to see two head counselors kissing, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. In fact, while Luke’s like we’re on yours, you couldn’t seem to form any coherent thoughts at all. 
In the back of your mind, you were still sobbing over Cecilia. Deeply, you knew you always would. Your heart would always be chipped in that way, the missing fragment forever in her fist as she wandered Elysium. 
But you also knew how happy she would be to see you thriving, dating and loving Luke, a boy she had always suggested and approved of. She imagined her now, giggling in delight and grinning at what had transpired. And slowly, the pain began to lift. 
Maybe a scar would be okay, as long as you loved and remembered it. 
Most of all, you knew that for as long as you required a shoulder to make soggy, Luke would always be there to be your comfort person. 
I think this was all, if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just comment or message me :)
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rockhousejai · 3 months
A dreaming feeling
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Shout out to this person on Twitter who gave me the inspiration to make this.
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relxion-kunp · 2 years
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“My sons.” - Crepus Ragnvindr
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myntrose · 1 year
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ft: Zhongli x gender neutral! Reader
cn: hurt no comfort :D, sagau/imposter au! , golden blood au! , mentions of blood and attack, attempted execution, use of Zhongli's archon name, slighty cultish theme, grammar
a/n: y'all the absolute CHOKEHOLD that sagau! has on me is insane (;´���ຶД༎ຶ`) i wrote this with spite due to zhongli never coming home to me. y'all i've lost 50/50 to his all banners t-t
word count: 731
song on replay: Shinunoga E-Wa by Fujii Kaze
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"...goodbye~ Oh don't you ever say bye bye, yeah"
He knows he doesn't have the right to be jealous. He knows that the the heaviness is heart is something he deserves, a sliver of punishment he must feel for causing you all the pain and suffering you endured.
To this day, months after the incident, he can still feel the blood, your golden blood, on his hands. It's ironic, really. Zhongli, or Morax, the God of Contracts, the God of War. Everything he did was in your name. As the oldest amongst gods and mortals, he always prided himself as your most loyal follower. He strived to protect your name against blasphemy.
In his nightmares he can still hear your voice. The tremble of your pleads. The shaking "please, spare me" and "mercy".
more utc!
This is just a dream, you told yourself. You were sending your day like you do most others. Following the same routine, passing by the same buildings and houses like every other day. Nothing seemed off, until you awoke from your sleep to realize that you were no longer in your world.
Maybe you would have felt excited. In Teyvat, you could have had a chance to meet all your favorites, all your comfort characters. After all, everyone treated the Traveler, an outsider from another world, well. What difference would it be as another outsider as yourself?
Your breath grew heavy, and your feet started to drag along the earth below you. How did you even get to this position? All you wanted was to find a friendly face, perhaps Amber or another one to the Knights of Favonius.
Running from Mondstadt to Liyue was no easy journey. While it was the people who were after your head, you could only thank whatever force allowed for the other creatures to stay away from your path. The hilicurls never seemed to notice you; the slimes would sometimes lead you towards places to hide.
You hoped the people of Liyue would give you a different welcome than those of Mondstadt. In a way, they did. In Monstadt, they gave you a chance to escape. Here, they didn't.
The ever so busy streets of Liyue were crowded once again, but now for a different reason. Zhongli happened to be amongst the crowed, when the Tianquan herself announced the situation before them.
"We have the traitor here, the one who dares impersonate the Divine Creator"
With that alone, Zhongli came out of hiding and announced himself once again as the Archon of Geo. How else was he, the creators most devoted acolyte, suppose to bring this traitor to justice?
His spear, the Vortex Vanquisher, the weapon you spent months saving up for, was pointed directly at your head. You've survived this long, all to die at the hands of the character you've cared for the most. Morax granted you the luxury of saying your final words. He expected you to cry out for mercy, but was met with something that left him frozen.
At this point there were no more tears for you left to cry. Tired and exhausted, you look up at him. Moving carefully, you lift your hands towards the weapon inches to your face. Even with such a weak grip, the spear cuts into your hand.
"I would rather die at your hands than that of a stranger"
Morax backs away from you, his polearm falling to his side. It was easy to mistake the gold color on the tip of his spear to be the shine of the sun illuminating the ore that made it. But Morax knew what the golden glint was.
Time may heal all wounds, but it doesn't erase the scars left behind. Zhongli has tried his best to redeem himself. He knows he is the least deserving to be at your every call. Even so, he feels that he's more fit to serve you than those fools from Sumeru.
He can't help but feel his heart drop whenever you dismiss him, when you tell him his services aren't needed. But what hurts him more is the visible fear in your eyes whenever he gets a bit to close.
No, he refuses to be the reason why you don't feel safe. He refuses to be the one you fear. He'll redeem himself, he swears. In one way or another, he'll show you that he deserves to be at your side.
zhongli bby pls come home
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home-of-renn · 10 months
Tucker can't stand the sight of blood.
He'd always been squeamish but now he faints on the spot. He can't help his mom in the kitchen anymore. Not after he bent too low while slicing some chuck roast and the smell of blood and fresh meat made him gag so violently his mother had rushed after him as he toppled over the nearest toilet bowl to empty his stomach. The chemical smell of bleach and strong cleaning supplies cloud his lungs and burn his eyes. He can't step foot into a hospital, the smell of disinfectant and hand sanitiser leaves his hands shaking and head spinning as tears start to overflow. His mum thinks he's got anxiety.
Sam can't bear the sound of silence
She's never been fond of crowded rooms and noisy conversations. But now she can't stand when things get too quiet - not when it feels like she's being haunted. Even when she knows she's alone in her bed, safe and tucked in while the watchmen her parents hired guard the boundaries of the residence. Her heart starts to thump and her mouth goes dry and sticky and she can hardly swallow back the bitterness in her throat. She's left with fumbling, angry hands yanking tangled earphones from her bedside drawer. Ink-stained fingers shove plastic earpieces as deeply into her ears as she can whilst the music ramps up to ear-splitting volumes. Her mother won't stop screaming that she's going to go deaf and her father won't stop worrying, but at least she can no longer hear the echo of footsteps over the ringing in her ears. At least she doesn't have to relive the silence that followed them.
Jazz can't sleep at night.
She slips into her brother's room and stands over his bed. She counts the rise and fall of his chest like she should be counting sheep. Each morning the sun rises and she swears it'll be the last time. But when she settles herself under the cover she can't stop her pulse from racing nor the weight that settles on her chest and grows heavier with each passing hour. No matter how many times she locks his door with the key that hangs around her neck, she can barely stop herself from jerking out of bed with every shuffle and creak that echoes throughout the night. She hasn't slept since the first night she'd found him curled up and asleep in front of the portal in her parent's basement. How can she when she knows his footsteps don't make a sound?
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bbonbonss · 8 months
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My lil hybrid bby, fig! Raised in Wrath in a foster home even tho he was suppose to be cracked as an egg.
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bby-bo · 1 year
When the Boss Comes Knocking pt. 2
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the love on part one has been so wild ❤️ thank you guys sm for reading, I hope this drags you on an even wilder emotional rollercoaster than last time 🤠🤠
I sure as fuck have no proper explanation for my actions here, brace yourselves.
Summary: Sakusa knows he screwed up, but he’s quick to get on his knees to work for your forgiveness.
Warnings: solid combo of angst, fluff, and smut, reader is all over the place, Sakusa eating p*ssy 🫶🏼
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“Always Yours, Kiyoomi”
The note had sat on your desk for 3 days, staring you down with the heat of hell tucked into the ink scratched on the paper.  It was Friday, the day the Sakusa Group was to officially purchase the small publishing house you wrote for, but the man himself had yet to show up since your last encounter.  
3 painfully slow days of no contact or sign of Sakusa had felt like 3 years, and you couldn’t help but feel angry. Angry that he thought he could come back into your life at his own convenience, with no explanation of his leaving for so long. Upset that you wanted him to come back. Pissed at yourself for letting him treat you like this. 
The back and forth in your own brain was clouded by the memories of him, one hand on your throat and one in your hair, pulling you in. The look of satisfaction on his face when you finally called him by his first name again. The sweet bliss of his deep voice directed at you. It was inescapable even on your morning commute to work. 
Opening the door to the lobby, you greeted Josie as always. 
“Morning Josie”
“Oh good morning! There was a message left for you, actually. Mr. Sakusa’s secretary called and mentioned setting up a lunch meeting today around 1 pm.” 
Surprise and irritation shot through the fog in your brain. He couldn’t even call you himself?? His behavior was getting ridiculous, and at this point you were going to completely miss the next 4 deadlines for the book you were working on if this distraction kept up.
“What?! Don’t respond please, I’ll just eat lunch here like usual” A guilty blush immediately spread across her face and you just dreaded whatever she was about to say.
“Um… I already scheduled it. Sorry! It felt like maybe you guys got along last time since you spoke for so long in your office and I thought maybe it would be a good idea to-”
“What??? Josie NO!” Complete horror washed across you like an ice bath, and you immediately realized that you were not dressed for a CEO level lunch date. 
“I’m sorry to spring it on you like this. But hey, at least he’s sending a car to bring you, right?” She finished her sentence with a bright smile, totally not understanding why this was the absolute worst thing in the world. 
You gave her a fake laugh and a smile, trying not to be too mean to her in your mind before heading straight into your office and slumping into the seat. 
“Always Yours, Kiyoomi”
The note stared back at you, and you narrowed your eyes at his name. Fuck. Off. Sakusa. If he wanted to play this game, you certainly weren’t going to make it easy on him. 
You had no time to let the regrets from your last encounter stew when time was not on your side today.  Stealing your nerves, you got to thinking of all the things you’ve been wanting to say to him, all the things you’ve been dying to ask.  But time raced against you, and when Josie knocked on your office door it felt as though no time had passed at all. You were still just as nervous as before, but an unfamiliar man in a suit followed behind Josie, ready to take you to your demise- a.k.a the Sakusa Group headquarters. 
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It was 45 steps from your office to the car, 30 minutes in the car between offices, and now only 10 steps from the car into the massive lobby of the tower where the beast resided.  Someone greeted you straight away, and escorted you all the way to Sakusa’s door.
Shit. Shitshitshitshit. Your mind and heart were racing, but you took in a deep breath and reminded yourself to resist his efforts to win you over. Yea right, resist the irresistible. Great plan.
The door opened, and there he was. Goddamn this was going to be more difficult than you thought. 
Sakusa’s deep voice rang out, smooth and rich like dark chocolate. His usual black button down and slacks made him the picture of all your work romance fantasies- not that you were thinking of anything like that. Certainly not.
“Thank you George, you may go.” Your escort bowed in respect, and closed the door on his way out. Sakusa said nothing, just smirked as he stood and walked toward the door, and locked it. 
You stood frozen, feeling the heat of his chest warming your back. A large hand brushed your hair away from your face on one side, exposing your neck as Sakusa planted a soft kiss beneath the corner of your jaw, letting his breath tickle over your skin. You could just feel the smirk widening across his face. But as much as your knees were already growing weak, your anger refused to be forgotten this time. 
Your figure’s sharp turn cut his growing smile off into a small frown, those dark brows furrowing slightly.
“Stop that. You owe me an explanation and I won’t let you near me until I get it.” Your voice was shaky, but you got your words out clearly. 
Sakusa just closed the space between you again, towering over you with slight irritation on his face. This was obviously not how he expected this meeting to go. 
“What is with these horrible greetings each time we meet? I’ll teach you this lesson as many times as I need to-”
“YOU were the one who told me not to call you Kiyoomi all those years ago, so don’t gimme that bullshit!! You don’t get to break up with me, be a total dick during our last conversation, disappear with no contact then return into my life like nothing happened years later! There is absolutely no way I can accept anything you offer me when you have completely shattered the very foundation of our relationship, Sakusa!”
The pent up energy, anxiety and ire that had slowly been collecting in your heart and mind this week was at its boiling point, finally spilling over as angry tears gathered in your eyes, your finger jabbing into his chest. 
His demeanor changed entirely as he listened to your rant, and a serious look crept over his face, but he made no move to interrupt you. Even now, when you were so worked up that you couldn’t see straight, you couldn’t decide if you wanted to push him away or wanted to cry into his arms. He let you finish before speaking. 
“So this is how you’ve been feeling. Come here, sweetheart.” 
Simple acknowledgement was all it took for your tears to fall, and strong arms gave you comfort as he tucked your head beneath his chin. His fingers stroked your hair, and that damn cologne filled your senses as you tried to contain your emotions.
He brought his palms to your cheeks, thumbs brushing away the salty tears beneath your eyes as his gaze softened into something you’ve missed so desperately since high school. His tone was serious but gentle as he spoke his next words.
“I know you’re angry, yes?” You nodded aggressively, refusing to meet his eyes.
“I hear you. I want you to look at me sweetheart, tell me how I can make it up to you. What can I do to fix this?” 
“I don’t know if this can be fixed Sakusa, I thought you just walked off and forgot about me after high school and I-”
“You couldn’t be more wrong.”
“If I’m wrong then prove it! Some explanation, anything is better than the nothing you left me with!”
Sakusa let out a heavy sign before pushing his hands into the roots of your hair, and kissing your forehead. He took your hand, fingers intertwined with yours as you swiped at the last of your tears. 
“It doesn’t excuse the way that I’ve treated you, and I sure as fuck am not proud of it but I can give you an explanation. Let’s sit while we talk, yeah?”
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You followed him into a connecting room, a dining room of sorts, complete with cushioned seats and a glass coffee table. Sakusa settled in a seat next to yours and turned to set his serious gaze on you, so you might understand his sincerity.
His chest expanded as he took a deep breath, and released it slow.
“My family has always been demanding, and I knew their wish for me was to take over the Sakusa Group as early as possible. But I was young and dumb, and I didn’t have the confidence that I could actually do it. I know it’s no excuse for leaving you like that, but I was scared to fail. Disappointing you was something I couldn’t handle, and I wanted to prove to myself that I could become someone worthy of taking care of you one day. So I made sure to cut ties and cut them sharp so that if I did fail, you would hopefully never find out.”
This… this was not what you expected. Had he always been so concerned with your judgment of him? Why did he not let you support him? You had every confidence in your Kiyoomi back then, and you had always tried your best to show that, so why..? Did you not tell him enough? How could you ever possibly be disappointed in him?
“I didn’t forget what I said to you back then. I’m sorry I was so selfish, sweetheart.”
Tears threatened to spill over again, and you pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes. There was a soft shuffling sound and the scraping of a chair across the hardwood, and when Sakusa tugged your wrists from your face he was kneeling before you. Still tall enough on his knees to be nearly eye level with you. 
“Don’t cry baby, look at me.” His fingers tucked beneath your chin, raising your head slightly. 
“Tell me what I wanna hear. Come on love” You knew what he wanted immediately. 
“Kiyoomi” Your voice was just above a whisper, but enough understanding was translated in that one word. Not quite forgiveness, but understanding. 
This had always been a thing between you two, even in high school. When first names were used after an argument, you could both recognize that things were back on the right path. So it wasn’t quite forgiveness, but it was a step. 
“Again.” But he was still just as greedy as ever. Gripping your chin a bit tighter, he brought his face right up to your neck and softly nipped at the skin on your jaw, tongue laving over the skin to sooth it.
“That’s my girl. Now, how should I make it up to you, hm?” His hands gripped your thighs just above your knees, squeezing into the flesh.
The tone of his voice switched, dripping with honey and saturating your mind with memories of twisted sheets and bated breaths. 
“I think I know just where to start” Shit, that voice. You were sure it would be the death of you one day, but right now, it was your lifeline. 
One of his thumbs hooked under the hem of your dress, baring one thigh ever so slowly, as his other hand guided your fingers into his hair. His gaze held yours as he began to kiss and bite a trail upwards following the exposed skin. 
If there was one thing your romance readers raved about, it was the smut that some of your books contained. But you could hardly claim any credit when your inspiration for those scenes came from Kiyoomi. The Kiyoomi who loved seeing you flustered and blushing beneath him, hand around your throat and embarrassment crawling up your cheeks. Loved seeing tears of overstimulation roll down so he could lick them away. That was this Kiyoomi, the one that knelt before you now.  
A hard bite on the inside of your thigh brought you back down to earth, a yelp of surprise escaping as your eyes snapped open.
“Be a good girl and keep your eyes on me.” You nodded as you tried to catch your breath, small bits of air coming out in light pants. 
Pushing your dress all the way around your waist, Kiyoomi gripped your ass roughly with both hands and tugged your body to the edge of your seat, legs thrown over his broad shoulders. His eyes closed as he turned to bury his face into the thickness of one of your thighs, fingers dipping into the waistline of your panties. He watched completely enamored as he pulled them off your body, the evident wet spot sticking to the source of your arousal. 
In one quick movement, he sat back on his heels and rid you of your panties entirely before settling back in on his knees. Two thick fingers swiped at your slit, gathering the stickiness there and bringing it to your mouth. 
“Open.” You did as he asked without hesitation, and you could taste the saltiness on the pads of his fingers as he pressed down on your tongue. But you knew better than to wrap your lips around his fingers- knew to wait for instruction. His smirk returned in full as he realized you hadn’t forgotten his rules.
His grip around your thigh tightened as you obeyed. Taking his fingers from your mouth, he pressed them back at your entrance, teasing you up and down as he finally, finally, brought his mouth to your clit. His tongue circled the nerves as he watched your eyes roll back, your mouth open just slightly. 
Now Kiyoomi was never a religious man, but he would’ve prayed to any god to never forget this sight. Legs open for him, pretty face silently begging him to touch you. He wanted it permanently imprinted in his memory, wanted it to be the only thing he saw every time he closed his eyes. His control snapped.
Fingers plunged forward into you and Kiyoomi was lost in your tight heat as he set a quick pace, teeth tugging lightly on your clit before circling it with his tongue over and over again. He still knew your body so well even after so much time had passed, and he knew exactly how to drive you over the edge. 
“Hm?” He refused to pull his face away from your sweet pussy, humming against you in response, sending light vibrations that tickled up your spine.
“G-gonna cum Omi” His fingers curled upward and hit that spongy spot, as he pulled his mouth away for just a moment to respond. He pressed a thick forearm down across your hips, not letting you escape.
“Go on baby, cum in my mouth. Wanna taste you” 
Kiyoomi shoved his tongue inside you, nose buried right up against that sensitive bundle of nerves as he reached up to fill your mouth with the fingers that had previously been fucking in and out of you. His other fingers gripped your jaw roughly as he pressed down on your tongue, sliding them further and further back into your wet mouth. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, doing your best to take what he gave you without gagging.
The release that spread over you had you crying out around his fingers, legs shuddering on his shoulders as his forearm held you in place, never pulling his tongue from you until he was satisfied he had tasted every drop. 
But he only allowed you a moment to catch your breath.
Kiyoomi tugged your whole body straight off the chair, pulling your thighs to sit over his where he knelt.  He secured his arms around you and slotted his mouth against your lips, tongue slipping against yours to let you taste yourself on him. Crushing you against his chest, he let out a low groan and let a large palm tangle into your hair, tugging it slightly. 
“Always been Omi’s favorite girl, you know that? Missed you so much sweetheart. Promise I won’t leave you again. Ever. And I’m so sorry I upset you my love” 
And as he pressed his forehead against yours, you realized the signature on his note had always been true, more so than you realized. 
“Always Yours, Kiyoomi”
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nanakorobiyaokii · 1 year
he has grown attached too much he failed to imagine playing sports alone (when in fact he’s done that before football)
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you just know he really wants genuine connection with people beyond his social status.  (πーπ)
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nounaarts · 1 year
What's been broken so much, can still be fixed...right??
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takiberry · 5 months
𐙚ᝰ.ᐟ Coffee Breath : WY
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•☕️ oh he wants you so bad.
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☕️ written down below! ⋆𐙚 ₊ ° ⊹ ♡
nicholas came out from the break room after fuma, putting his waist apron back on and making sure his hair looked good, he didn’t understand why he wanted to look at least decent when you got here, but it’s something about you that sparked to him, you seem like a genuine and sweet girl, unlike his ex. oh how he hated his ex, how blind he was to see how horrible she truly was, and how awful she was to other people. never again. he heard the little bell as it had snapped him out of his thoughts, seeing you and rené walk in together, talking and smiling, he didn’t understand what it was but your smile made him smile.
he was snapped out of it by taki’s obnoxiously loud voice greeting you from behind the treats counter, causing him to shoot the boy a glare before turning his head back over , seeing that you and rené had waved back at the oreo haired boy. “oh hello welcome back.. y/n..?” nicholas said as to make sure he was remembering your name correctly, you laughed and nodded , ‘she’s so cute when she laughs..’ he had thought to himself again before speaking. “alright, what can i get you girls today?” he asked as he turned the little ipad back on, making sure everything was working properly. “mm can i get a strawberries’ n crème milkshake?” rené said with a big smile on her face before going back to conversating with taki and harua, you giggled at the scene before ordering your own drink. “alright, will that be all for today?” he said as he double checked the order.
“mhm! thank you nicholas!” you said happily as you paid for the drinks, nicholas smiled and nodded before going over to yuma, helping him make the drinks ( specifically making yours only ) he doesn’t know how or why but he had written his phone number on your cup, before going over to the pick-up counter. “here’s your drinks, ladies.” he said as he smiled at you whilst you and rené had taken your drinks, nicholas felt his face heat up a bit as his and your hand brushed against each other’s. “thank you random man!” rené had said, making you giggle once again before smiling at the cute barista. “thanks nicholas! you’re the best!” you said before walking out with your bestfriend. you had looked at the cup and gasped, seeing the digits on your cup, you had to pinch yourself to see if you had been dreaming.
“woah there, what’s gotten you pinching yourself?” your bestfriend asked before seeing that you were staring at the number written on the cup. “ohhh he wants you so bad, y/n, you GOTTAAAA text him !!” she said as she happiky bounced for you, drinking her milkshake. “i must be dreaming, did he really just give me his number?” you said as you pulled out your phone, shooting him a message to make sure it was really nicholas.
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📝 ╰┈➤ tini notiez : haiii , woohoo another update! sorry that this is so scattered and messy :/ , sometimes i lack in ideas for new chaps, but i promise it should be getting better!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 🐾 taglist ; @aceheexx @hyvelxve @soobiverse @luvnicho @i4kt @luvitria @jjungwonss @lovewonkiki i@yuma-is-mine
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jazeswhbhaven · 20 days
Hello, I've been crying about this the past few minutes and I gotta share my pain here:
Looking at how attached the kings (especially Satan and Mammon*) have become towards MC, it's gonna be utterly devastating for the devils once the MC dies. And I've got a feeling it may be just as bad, if not worse than with Solomon. Can you imagine how many tears will be shed? Wouldn't even put it above some to try and join MC in the afterlife.
*to clarify, I mentioned this two specifically for the emotional aspect. I know that Beel and Levi are attached too, but in a more complicated sense. Don't wanna undermine their relationships and I'm leaving Luci out for now, since with only got one story with him, so not much interactions yet. With Satan and Mammon, it's been implied or even said that they're in love with the MC.
They will probably take it much harder than Solomon's death :( Leviathan would just stop getting close to humans in general because he'd be tired of them dying "all the time". Beelzebub would forget but then when he does remember he'd force himself to forget because he doesn't want to deal with the pain of knowing they're gone. I think Lucifer would be sad but he knows humans don't live long so he's prepared for it. Satan and Mammon would be the most affected based on Satan having depression and Mammon had MC be his FIRST for attachment. I'm actually now really sad because Mammon was so emotional when he thought he didn't please MC well in his selfie card, so when they eventually die he'd be devastated. Probably not come out of his room for weeks, even months. He'll keep a straight face but instead he'd be crushed. Don't even get me started on Sitri he already has that thing where he keeps calling MC Solomon, just imagine...T^T
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