#angry starfish is my brother
meerealsssss · 2 months
"draw percy jackson with a samurai sword"
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cal-flakes · 11 months
can u do a story where the reader has a sleepover w sarah and it starts to storm so she goes over to rafes room 🙆🏼‍♀️
of course my love <3
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╰┈➤ comforted by rafe
warnings: just fluff.
summary: y/n’s fear of thunder kicks in one night at her bestfriends house.
the rumbling of the clouds above tannyhill jolted y/n awake suddenly. perspiration apparent on her face. sighing, she turned to face sarah, who was fast asleep, starfished next to her.
she sat up, groaning lightly at the ache in her neck, she must’ve fallen asleep in an awkward position. a flash of bright light lit up the room for a second, lightning zipping across kildare in the night.
y/n hated thunderstorms, she could never sleep through them. to others it was irrational, but to her the fear was very real.
a hoarse whimper escaped her as a loud bang met her ears, the dryness of her throat making itself known. another angry roar erupted, causing her waterline to brim with tears.
y/n slipped out from under the sheets and left the room, careful not to make any noise. over the years of being bestfriends with sarah cameron, she’d memorised tannyhill pretty well. her and sarah had once drawn a map of the squeaky floorboards in an attempt to sneak out a few years ago.
putting her knowledge to use, she padded through the house tactically, tears streaming.
jumping at ever clap of thunder, she squinted through her tears, relying solely on the flashes of lightning for vision.
she switched on the kitchen lights once she reached the door way. a shaky breath forced its way out of her lungs before she let out a few quiet sobs.
she couldn’t find anything to ground her when thunderstorms hit the outerbanks, not anymore anyways. before her brother moved away, she used to tiptoe across the hall to his room, where he’d sit up with her for hours until the sky calmed down.
her hands shook as she filled her glass in the sink, fumbling with the tap. y/n took a small sip, sighing before scurrying over to the couch in the private living room.
she sat there for a few minutes, stuck in her thoughts when the patio door handle turned eerily slow. her heart raced, coming up with the worst scenarios she could think of. stuck in place, she watched as her bestfriends brother snook inside, unaware of her presence.
turning around from the now closed door, he jumped at the sight of her. sniffling, his eyes widened. “what are you doing here?” he whispered, cautious of waking his father. also sniffling, y/n wiped the tears away from her cheeks.
“i stayed over with sarah.” she muttered, hand gesturing to the room above them. y/n took the chance to observe her friends brother, spotting similar tear marks on his cheeks, his nose red.
unbeknownst to her, he had the same idea. “are you crying?” he asked carefully, tip toeing towards the couch she was curled up on. her already pink cheeks flushed a brighter shade, humiliation now coursing through her.
“thunderstorms, they always get me. you?” self-deprecating laughter filled the room as she nodded towards him, hands still shaky.
lifting his arm up to scratch the back of his head nervously, rafe began to stutter, struggling to explain why he was also crying.
y/n, empathising with his unwillingness to tell, patted the spot next to her, noticing as his face twisted into confusion.
“you look like you need a hug, it just so happens that i do to..” she joked, hoping to lighten the mood. he eyed her suspiciously, battling with his thoughts before giving in, knowing she was right.
he sat down next to her, throwing his arm up, allowing her to shuffle under it. y/n rest her head upon his chest, closing her eyes, revelling in the comfort.
the pair sat in silence for a while, rafe taking it upon himself to stroke her arm whenever she jumped in fright. after a little longer, both y/n’s and rafe’s eyes had fluttered shut, falling into a deep sleep as they curled further and further into eachother.
y/n opened her eyes with a yawn, the sun gleamed through the patio doors, heating her cheeks. quickly taking in her surroundings, she adjusted her head, eyes landing on rafe’s closed one’s.
for a minute, she allowed herself to admire him, a smile tugging at her lips as she took in his features. this might have been the first time she’d ever seen him so peaceful, she thought to herself.
“rafe, rafe!” she spoke in a hushed tone, prodding his shoulder lightly.
after a moment, he stirred awake, looking at his little sisters friend in shock. blowing some air out of his nose, he chuckled slightly, as did she.
“let’s not tell anyone about this” she giggled, thinking about how truly peaceful her sleep had been. nodding in agreement, rafe sat up, smiling at her sheepishly.
and that, was the start of a strange, mutually beneficial relationship with her bestfriends brother.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
That was amazing! This will be my last request around Eri!Reader until you reopen your requests so I’m not spamming you! (Thank you so much for writing these, I get so excited whenever you post since your so amazing and talented!! 💞✨)
Part 14 After returning to Water 7 to heal from their battle (And happy to learn Franky is going to make them a Ship and join them) Garp the Fist comes in, and reveals to be Luffy’s Grandfather, but before he could continue beating the snot out of Luffy, Reader stops him (Garp is happy to finally meet his one and only Granddaughter Reader!)
However Garp ends up pissed when Luffy told him Spadam hit her, and wants to get his hands on him! (No one puts their hands on his Granddaughter!! NO ONE!!)
Though Reader calms Luffy and Garp down from wanting to go back/to Enies Lobby to beat Spadam up (Garp’s cackling after learing that his sweet Granddaughter hit Spadam in his ‘Royal Jewels’, as he’s very proud of her for doing that) and leaves the Straw Hats alone after telling Luffy about his dad Dragon (Not before promising to spend time with Reader and gives her one of his Rice Crackers)
For the next 3 days the Straw Hats and all of Water 7 had a huge party, with Reader playing around with Chimney and Gonbei in her bathing suit Franky gave her (Including little Arm Floats that look like Starfish/Kitties)
And with Nami’s help, Reader calls Ace to talk with him, and Ace was holding in his rage after hearing what his little sister went through (As she told him it was scary) and the fact she got slapped, but he started laughing when Luffy told him what Reader did to Spadam’s ‘Jewels’ (Whitebeard and his sons were doing the same thing as Ace, angry and furious, but proceeded to laugh hysterically after learning what Reader did to someone’s ‘Jewels’)
I love Whitebeard so much (He’s so protective and caring about those apart of his family) he’s just a giant softie
They all see not only Zoro, Luffy, Robin and Reader’s Bounties upgraded, but everyone get a Bounty themselves (And everyone screamed when Reader’s bounty Skyrocketed again at 320-350 Million)
Reader also comforts her Brother Sanji about his Wanted Poster by giving him one of her own drawings of him (It’s a kid drawing, but compared to Luffy, it’s 100x better than his art skills and she drew it out of love)
I’ll wait until next time to ask you for a Garp and Eri!Reader Special (They’re going to spend a whole day together!) it’s just pure. unadulterated. Fluff.
-It had been two days since you and your family arrived back from Enies Lobby, as many of you were severely injured, you were luckily, being the least injured, but after overworking your quirk, you were just as tired as the rest of them.
-You were so happy that Franky was a part of the crew and that Usopp was back, as you felt protective of your family, you never wanted any of them to leave- you never wanted to be apart from them.
-Franky was super nice to you as the others were slowly waking up, both him and Iceburg treating you to breakfast as you were the first to wake up.
-You were in awe, seeing Luffy still sleeping but also eating, unable to look away until Sanji and Nami yelled at him to wake up while Robin and Usopp were laughing lightly at the sight.
-A knock then came from the door before it burst open and Franky dropped his shoulder, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the debris.
-A large man then entered, a marine which made you clutch at Franky’s Hawaiian shirt, scared as everyone was quickly able to recognize this man, Monkey D. Garp!
-Luffy’s jaw was dropped, “Grandpa?!” everyone quickly turned in shock, hearing this, yelling in shock while your little hands came to your face in shock.
-Garp then made you gasp as he punched Luffy, sending him flying into a wall. Zoro and Sanji were stunned, ready for a fight, seeing that he was able to hurt Luffy.
-You pushed on Franky’s chest and you managed to slip out of his arms and you ran over as Garp stalked towards Luffy, cracking his knuckles, ready to discipline him before you ran in front of your brother.
-Your arms were spread and you had big fat tears in your eyes, “Please don’t hurt my big brother!” everything froze, seeing you protecting Luffy and Garp stammered, trying to tell you that he wasn’t going to hurt Luffy, just discipline him.
-The tears fell from your eyes and Garp instantly fell to his knees, hugging you close, “Grandpa’s so sorry little Y/N! I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
-You sniffled loudly as Luffy struggled to his feet, a bit dizzy, before you spoke, “You’re my grandpa?” Garp glared at Luffy, his eyes turning red, “You didn’t tell her about your one and only grandpa?!”
-You tugged on Garp’s shirt gently, not seeing him as someone so scary now, “I have two grandpas- you’re my second one!”
-Garp turned to stone in shock before crumbling into a sobbing pile while Robin picked you up, holding you up on her hip, he cried, lamenting that he wasn’t your first grandpa.
-He then shot up, looking completely fine, looking fired up, “So who was your first grandpa?!” he wanted to find out to take that title from whoever got to you first, no matter who it was.
-You beamed brightly, your arms lifting to the sky happily, “I’ve never seen him but I’ve talked to him with Big Brother Ace- he said his name is Whitebeard!”
-The flames around Garp seemed to increase, growing hotter as his eyes turned red, furious that his adorable granddaughter had been adopted by Whitebeard of all people and that you saw him as your first grandpa, while Garp was in second place!
-He could only imagine you (in cartoon form), in Whitebeard’s arms, laughing with him as he stood on the 1st place spot of a podium while Garp was on his knees in second place.
-Garp wasn’t going to deal with your crew at the moment, instead joining you all for a meal, you sitting on his knee as you held a cup of juice.
-Garp noticed the bandage on your head, “What caused this?” you lifted your hand to your head and Nami was the one to answer, “It was that marine, Spandam- he hit Y/N for trying to protect Robin.”
-Garp froze, turning white, hearing that a grown adult- a grown man, put his hands on a child, injuring you as he was quick to get fired up, “Where is the bas-basket case!” he caught himself, not wanting to swear in front of you.
-You didn’t know why he was calling Spandam a basket, before his face appeared in your head, and his mask did look a bit like a basket.
-Your family was also still furious at Spandam, glaring and voicing their own anger while you were eating a cookie Garp gave to you.
-Nami pointed at him, scolding him, “Oi! Don’t be giving her cookies for breakfast!” you flinched as Garp just beamed brightly, “It’s fine- it’s fine!” Sanji grabbed you, “It is not fine! She needs healthy food in the morning.” Garp pouted, wanting to spoil you.
-He then spoke again, “So where is Spandam?” a few grins appeared as Franky ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N here took care of him, with a well-placed headbutt to the family jewels!”
-Garp laughed loudly, finding it hysterical, before he ruffled your head, praising you before he stood, telling Luffy about Dragon, his dad and you had question marks floating around your head, as you didn’t know any dragons.
-Luffy told you that he would tell you all about his dad and Garp gave you a bag of cookies, “I have to leave now my little Y/N~ I’ll come back to spend some time with you.”
-You smiled up at him, holding your hand up to him, extending your pinkie finger, “Pinkie promise?” Usopp was the one to teach you about pinkie promises, and Garp as well as several others around, Usopp, Luffy, Franky, Iceberg, and Sanji, all collapsed to the ground, clutching at their chests at your cuteness.
-After Garp left and all the damage caused by Aqua Laguna was fixed, everyone celebrated! There was a huge party with drinking, eating lots of barbeque, and you got to run around with Chimney in the water, being a normal kid for one, wearing your starfish shaped water wings that Franky gave you over your wet suit.
-Franky was confused why you were wearing a wet suit as he was your lifeguard, letting you sit on his leg, asking you and you pulled your arms in close, looking down at your hands, “There’s…” you couldn’t speak, instead pulling your sleeve up, showing him the scars, at least some of them, on your arms.
-His eyes were wide, seeing his as he held your hand gently, before a hand on his head pulled him out of his shock, and you both saw Luffy there who kneeled down, seeing you showing Franky your scars, “Someone hurt Y/N- badly. We don’t know much, but all we know is that he will never touch her again.”
-You gave Luffy a small nod before you all decided to head to the ship for a private party, having a bath with Robin and Nami while the boys started up a barbeque.
-You ran out to Luffy, grabbing his hand, pulling him away from the fire, looking excited as Nami grinned, walking out with Ace’s DenDen Mushi, “Nami and I are gonna call Ace and grandpa!”
-You sat on Luffy’s lap while he continued to eat, not bothering you heard it ringing before you heard Ace, “Is this my most favorite little sister~?” you giggled warmly, “Hi Ace!”
-Aboard the Moby Dick, their own drinking party, because it was Wednesday, everything went quiet as most everyone huddled around Ace, hearing the voice of their adorable little sister and granddaughter.
-You and Ace talked about your most recent adventures, including where Robin was kidnapped and then you were taken too. Ace was furious, flames surrounding him as they all heard that Spandam hurt you- and Whitebeard was ready to call for an attack before Nami had to tell Ace that you took care of Spandam yourself, taking out his family jewels.
-It was silent on the other side, all their anger instantly leaving before you flinched back into Luffy’s arms, hearing the roar of laughter from the other side.
-Once Ace was able to breathe again, he spoke, “What else happened?” you beamed brightly, “I met another grandpa- his name is Garp!”
-Ace shivered deeply, recalling his own memories of Garp before he managed to force a smile, “Oh? And how was he?” you thought for a moment, “Kinda loud- and he cried when I told him that Whitebeard is my first grandpa, while he was my second.”
-Whitebeard beamed warmly, hearing that he was your first, but he couldn’t help but imagine Garp lamenting over the fact that he was the second.
-The following day, you woke up to loud shouting and you wandered out of your room, a little delirous as you wandered over, rubbing your eyes as you grabbed Zoro’s pants, “Why is everyone yelling?”
-He kneeled down, putting his hand on your head and your eyes went wide as everyone showed you their new bounties, your eyes immediately sparkling brightly.
-Robin then smiled, “Here Y/N- this one is yours.” You looked exited, taking it while Luffy was pouting lightly, seeing your 400,000,000 beri bounty while you were gawking, “So many zeros!”
-You quickly ran to put it up on your wall, showing the other bounties as well and you beamed, feeling proud of yourself.
-You then noticed Sanji looked sad when you came back out and you quickly found out why, because the marines didn’t have a good photo, so they used a crudely drawn one by Luffy instead and Sanji was upset because it didn’t look a thing like him!
-You quickly ran back to your room, coming out with your drawing materials Usopp had given you and you got to work, making a new bounty poster to make your big brother happy!
-It took you over an hour to draw, everyone who had seen you saw the focus on your face before you ran to Sanji, “I made it better!”
-You drew your own bounty poster, including ‘bounty’ being spelled wrong, and a children’s drawing in the middle, showing Sanji making food with hearts surrounding him.
-Sanji fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as he held it up to the sky, overwhelmed with happiness before he cried into his elbow, thanking you warmly, making you beam before your smile grew as he put it on the fridge, “So I can see it every day!”
-You celebrated with your crew, having a big feast to celebrate the new bounties, unaware of the, literal, darkness on the horizon.
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coaxed you into paradise - c. 3
Description: The life of Saera Targaryen told in four acts. She was her father's forgotten daughter, cast aside as she looked nothing like her mother. Her younger days were spent beside her uncle. Years following her marriage with Ser Harwin Strong, she catches him in an affair with her older sister. She returns to seek solace in the arms of her uncle, that she's loved all her life.
(Coaxed You Into Paradise and High Infidelity Rewrite.)
masterlist for this series
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Chapter Three: Saera and Daemon
He marched to her room – with fury following his aura. His eyebrows were merged together, fists clenched and turning white. 
Daemon opens the door, seeing her sprawled on the bed and reading a book. The light perfectly bounced on her face, highlighting her best features – he couldn’t stay angry, not in the sight of an angel. She begins to sit up straight, the book was long forgotten beside her. 
“Uncle, how was the meeting?” she inquired, patting the empty space beside her. She was her uncle’s close confidant. The brains behind his commissions. “Horrible,” he replied with one word. He sat on the bed. The mattress slightly bounced due to their shared weight. 
She places her hand behind his back. 
“Did they work against you once more?” she questioned, and he buried his face on her chest. It was hard being the only person in the council who cared about their safety. To other lords, it was mere business – a status symbol that their daughters can flaunt. 
“It was nothing I couldn’t handle.” he mumbled, still laying his head low – like a child in need of his mother. “They are all against battle,” he groaned as she continued to comb through his hair. “The battle must be fought to prevent war.” he added while freeing his head of her chest. 
He stared at her eyes again. Her eyes have comforted her more than words. “Father is always hesitant when it comes to war. He believes that violence belongs to a bygone age. You’re different, uncle – I’m not sure if I prefer you more.” her lips pressed into a thin line. 
She liked her uncle more. 
“You don’t need to choose, Saera.” he smiled, eyes trailing to the other side of the room. The people in his brother’s council told him that Daemon would rip his daughters away from him, but it was the opposite. Daemon craved his brother’s acknowledgement, he could never poison his nieces’ brains. She places her hand on his chest, feeling his warmth radiate off the black robe. 
“The people at court believe that you are my father’s heir. My mother thinks that you’ll be the King after him.” she whispered. 
His hands slid up to hold hers. “Do you want me to become king?” he asked playfully, eyes narrowing with his tone. He wanted to be King, but only if Saera was his Queen – not that bronze bitch. “No.” she answered truthfully. 
She was staring at him, which meant that she was telling the truth. “And why not?” he questioned in mock-offense. She smiles softly, feeling the layers of herself unravel for him. “I don’t want to see you ruined – the throne corrupts many. You don’t have any children, where will the throne pass on?” she added. He paused for a while, thinking of her opinion. 
No children. 
“None yet,” he replied with a smirk. Her eyes widened, but it returned to its original shape. “You will return to the Vale then? You’ll consummate your marriage with Lady Rhea?” she inquired, though her tone implied that she didn’t want it to happen. “Of course not. I wish to have children with another woman – someone preferably attractive and with Valyrian blood.” he added, and his last sentence brought a scarlet tint on her cheeks. 
“Enough of the throne, kepus. I stare at it all day.” she ranted while laying on the bed in a starfish position. 
It was the dead of night, the nobles inside the keep were already sleeping – the only ones left awake were the guards and the citizens of Kingslanding. Daemon marched forward wearing his golden-cloak – a white dragon was embroidered on its edges, making his armor stand out from the crowd. 
“When I took command of the watch, you were stray mongrels – starving and undisciplined.” he walked, staring at the endless rows of men that he ruled over. His brother may be king, but his soldiers were loyal to him. “Now, you’re a pack of wolves – sated and phoned for the hunt.” he smirks and his men howl like wolves. 
“My brother’s city has fallen into squalor. Crimes of every breed have been allowed to thrive. Well no longer – beginning tonight, Kingslanding will learn to fear the color gold.” he added and the men began to thump their weapons into the ground, creating an acoustic symphony for his ear. 
Then he led his men towards Flea-Bottom. There were rapists, drunkards and thieves laying around. He was sure to punish them. 
“My lord, I have done nothing!” he hears a man plead, but the gold cloak was swift to take away his hand. The city was thrown into chaos – women carrying their children to safety, and men drunkenly wobbling into the ground. Brothels were closing in fear of gold. It was everything that Daemon wanted for his brother’s kingdom. 
He started the fire, and it was slowly catching. 
Soon, every crime will be eradicated from King's Landing. Women and children will feel safe to walk at night – but he knew that the problem didn’t just reside in the city, it also lingered inside the red-keep. 
Saera was chosen as her father’s cupbearer, in the absence of Rhaenyra who was on a tour to find a suitable husband. Being a cupbearer to the King meant having a high standing in society – she was able to hear the secrets in the council, as well as provide her opinions in closed doors. 
Today was different. Nobody was talking. They were all waiting for Daemon’s arrival. ‘Has he done something now?’ she thought to herself while pouring wine into her father’s cup. 
The wide metal doors opened, Daemon entered with a nonchalant posture. He was never the one to wear his heart on his sleeve. He hid it. Saera knew him and could read him like an open book. He was smug about something – happy about an accomplishment. 
“Prince Daemon.” Otto’s lips settled into a thin line as he shared a stare with his older brother. “Your grace, it was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it. Until they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done.” Otto antagonized and Daemon settled into his chair with pride. 
He gives his niece a smile, before tapping his cup – motioning for her to fill it. She moves to his side, filling his goblet. His hands snaked towards her back as she bowed down. “The prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity.” Lancel added, carefully watching Daemon’s interaction with his niece. 
“Brother.” Daemon licks his lip, before slumping on his chair confidently. 
“Daemon.” his brother replied, unamused. 
They stared at each other for a second, until Viserys broke their silence. “Carry on, you were about to say something.” he stared at his brother accusingly, disappointed with the show he made last night. “My impunity?” he chuckled. “Your new gold-cloaks made a show in the city didn’t they?” he joked and his brother’s eyes dimmed. 
“They are not weapons that you use for your own whim. They are an extension of the crown.” Viserys scolded Daemon and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “The Watch was enforcing the Crown’s law.” Daemon asserted, hands grabbing unto the table in front of him. 
“You made a public spectacle of wanton brutality, and it is hardly in line with our law.” Lancel argued, feeling heat rise with every word. He had a business of prostitutes and thieves. Daemon doing this to the City made his business worse. 
“Nobles from every corner in the realm are descending upon Kingslanding to attend my brother’s tourney. Do you want them, mugged, raped and murdered? You might know this if you left the safety of the red-keep, which I doubt that you do.” he insulted Lancel, turning his attention back to his brother. 
“Your grace, Kingslanding is seen by the small-folk as lawless and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all of its people.” he enunciated, Viserys placed a palm to his head – feeling a headache brewing. “I agree,” Saera pipes up, earning another smile from her uncle. 
“Saera, now is not the time.” Viserys whispered but his daughter did not listen. “We installed my uncle as Lord Commander to promote peace and order. He has done it – he’s killed criminals because we allowed them to remain rampant for all these years!” Saera defended, her grip on the pitcher tightened. 
“Saera, I did not raise you to be this way.” Viserys scolded, glaring daggers into his daughter’s eyes. “I did not raise you to interrupt important meetings of the council.” he embarrassed his daughter, and the council of men seemed to agree. 
“Brother, let her be. She will be part of a council, one day – mayhaps even an adviser of Rhaenyra.” Daemon defended his niece, and his brother’s anger slowly turned towards him. “This is your doing brother. You have tainted her ill with your hot-temper.” Viserys accused and his brother’s posture began to grow slump and weak. 
“If only you showed the same devotion to your lady-wife, as you do your niece.” Otto mumbled, and all eyes began to peer in his direction. “Your grace, I advise that Prince Daemon return to the Vale.” Otto added and Viserys seemed to be thinking about it deeply. 
“I don’t suppose you know anything about devotion – your son, Gwayne, has abandoned his post at the city-watch a few moons ago.” Daemon insulted, taking the attention away from his hated wife. Otto rises to his feet, angry and prepared to maim Prince Daemon. “My son has never been part of your watch.” he insulted, and Daemon rose from his chair too. 
“You are a demon – an evil cast by those gods that you believe in!” Otto insulted and Daemon lunged in his direction. Fist making contact with the Hightowers face. Saera watches them, mouth slightly ajar and in fear of what Daemon could do to Otto. 
“Stop this nonsense, in the name of your King!” Viserys screamed, rising from his chair. They only stopped at that moment. Saera was quick to run to her uncle’s side – pulling him away from the enemy. “As Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks and as Commander of your army – I plead for you to arrest this man!” Daemon pointed at Otto. 
Viserys shares a stare with his daughter, silently asking for her to quell her uncle’s anger. “It is well within his power,” Saera guarded. Her father sighed. “And also him.” Daemon pointed at Lancel, who stood up in confusion. 
“If you will excuse me.” Daemon growled as he and his niece walked towards the exit. 
next chapter>>
taglist. @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @schniiipsel @mirandastuckinthe80s @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @gracielikegrapes @sweethoneyblossom1
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count-alucard-tepes · 5 months
To have his heart💕…part 2
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Part 1
Part 3
Rosinantè had ordered all of Law’s and Doffy’s favorite meals before setting up the dining room table for them to all eat together once his arrived.
Law was in his bedroom, listening to some music while he read a book when all of a sudden his door was kicked in and a pink outline of a man stood there…menacingly!
“Law! I got you some books Rosi said you wanted! You nerd!”, Doffy said before placing on the desk near his bed.
Law almost had a heart attack and fell off the bed, “…ever heard of knocking before you enter someone’s bedroom…”, he grumbled as he walked over and looked at the books. He couldn’t help but blush a little! These books weren’t even out yet…and yet this shithead of an uncle got them for him.
Doffy grinned and laid on the bed like a starfish before looking at his nephew, “…yeah yeah, you’re welcome! Now come here and give me a hug…”.
“That never happened…nor will it ever…thank you though…”, Law said as he opened one of the books.
“I said come here, boy!?”, Doffy laughed before going to grab Law but the young man was quick to run out.
“Dad!? Help me! Your brother is trying to smother me!?”, Law said as he ran around trying to avoid Doffy.
Rosinantè was watching this all unfold in his house…and it pissed him off.
“You idiots!? You’re going to break something! Get your asses to the table and eat the food I got you!”, he snapped.
Doffy and Law immediately stilled as Rosinantè never got angry and when he did…it was better to just do whatever he said.
They quickly got to the table and began eating, “…so…what have you been up to, Doffy? Spare me all the nefarious parts that would traumatize both Law and myself…and nothing sexual either”, Rosinantè said as he ate some lobster.
“…well, that narrows what I’ve been up to to barely anything then…going for swimming lessons so I can use that big ass pool at my house…”, Doffy said thoughtfully.
“Oh? That’s good! Always good to learn how to swim even at your age…”, Rosinantè said teasingly which earned a laugh out of Law and glare from Doffy who them smacked him on the head with a baguette, “…don’t make me force feed you this, Law…you know I will”.
“…dad, he’s threatening me again”, Law said with a huff.
“It’s okay, we can throw him in the pool if he acts up too much and see how much he’s learned”, Rosinantè chuckled.
“Hey, hey…you’re my bro, you’re supposed to take my part!”, Doffy huffed as Law stuck out his tongue at him.
“What you been up to, Rosi?”, Doffy asked as he sipped some wine. Law giving a cheeky grin in response.
Rosinantè blushed in response, “…you know busy at work and getting Law an internship…also working on my dating life”.
“Dating life!? Well damn, I didn’t even know you were into that…you’re such a dad”, Doffy laughed as Rosinantè glared at him.
“Some of us can’t be man-whores all our lives, Doffy…some of us want to get married and have more kids”, he said with a pout.
“…glad someone finally said it”, Law said under his breath only to get hit on the head with a baguette again.
“…don’t make me visit your university one of these days and embarrass the shit out of you…because you know I will”, Doffy said with a grin.
Rosinantè sighed softly as he sipped his wine, “…hm…you know I have vacation days I need to take…we should plan a holiday together”.
Law sighed, “…dad, I have my exams to worry about…”.
“Nerd…I’m always on holiday so just let me know where you want to go”, Doffy grinned.
The afternoon was spent just watching soccer and relaxing the entire time until Doffy left.
“…I’m gonna sit outside for a bit…leftovers are in the fridge if you get hungry”, Rosinantè said as he grabbed his cigarettes and headed outside to sit by the pool.
He looked at his phone and saw a few messages from Y/N, he lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply before video calling with them.
“…hey, sorry I didn’t call earlier…my brother was here and we spent some time together”, he said with a little smile.
“Hi there, stranger…that sounds like fun…did you have dinner yet?”, they asked as they seemed to be lounging around their apartment.
“Yeah, my brother is pretty bougie so we had lobster…”, he said with a weak smile, “…what about you?”.
“I was just planning to cook right now…I was thinking salmon…”, Y/N said looking thoughtful.
“Pretty healthy…”, he replied with a wink.
“Yep, got to help my guns in shape”, they said before flexing their arms for him to see.
He whistled in response, “…thanks for the gun show…I feel like you should have shown me them last night or this morning…”.
“Well you’re always welcome to come over and I’ll show you them all you like”, they teased as they put down their phone in angle where he’d be able to watch them cooking.
He smiled as he watched them, “…you know our next date should be a home cooked meal date…what do you think?”, he asked curiously.
“I’d love that! What about next Friday?”, they asked gently, “…I mean I still want to see you during the week but on Friday I usually have more time to go to market after work and get the best ingredients”.
“It’s a date then…”, he said with a smile.
“Sounds good to me…hey is that a pool?”, Y/N asked excitedly.
“Oh yeah, you like swimming?”, he asked curiously as he flipped the camera for them to see the pool.
“Yeah I do!”, they beamed.
“Well then you should come over and use it…Law used to use it a lot when he was younger but not anymore”, he said gently.
“That’s a deal…”, they said with a smile.
“Alright, so I’ll leave you to dinner and I’ll call you in the morning…maybe we could go out and have coffee tomorrow?”, he asked gently.
“Yeah, sounds good…have good night, babe”, they said with a smile.
He blushed a little at the nickname, “…good night, love”.
He would cut the call and then finish smoking his cigarette before just relaxing for a bit outside, it wasn’t too cold at least.
Maybe this new chapter of his life would be a little more fun than usual…he had high hopes.
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weird-bookworm · 9 months
ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ!ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ
a/n: part 2 of the abomination i posted 4 (?) weeks ago
pairing: elder brother!svt x reader
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, comfort
word count: same as before, around 1050-ish
warnings: mentions of food, mention of fire, a couple curse words, mention of harassing (dw nothing srs), idk what can be a trigger help a girl out here 😭
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ʟᴇᴇ ꜱᴇᴏᴋᴍɪɴ
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(dolby? who's that? i only know dk 👍🏻)
coddles you with love
no concept of personal space
unexpectedly protective
your room is practically his now
puppy eyes at you for everything
as if he's the younger one and not you
randomly starts singing
*soul left your body* even though you've heard him do it your entire life
despises it when you're sad
gets adorably angry at whoever or whatever made you sad— just to see you giggle
innocent babie
(protecc him pls)
aka you're more dirty minded than he is
might be the elder but you're stuck taking care of him
elaborate skits in the middle of the night
you don't tell him but you enjoy them as much as he does
ᴋɪᴍ ᴍɪɴɢʏᴜ
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puppy personified
practically a giant
you often wonder if he took your share of tall genes
25/8 teasing you about your height
"want help shorty?" annoying smirk
"i'm not short you bitch, you're tall" angry pout
*cue giggles*
picks you up randomly and scares you shitless
always ends up cooking for you though
y'all have a very playful relationship
affectionate insults are as plentiful as his clothes
a giant dork basically
gets sad when you're sad
envelops you in his arms and holds you as long as you need
so so easy to prank
and so annoying because he knows every girl you know has a crush on him
flirts with your friends to annoy you
likes to cuddle
wakes up in your room 5 days out of 7
roleplays as your blanket and refuses to move
xᴜ ᴍɪɴɢʜᴀᴏ
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you're his princess
the apple of his eye
he's very very soft for you
but you're the person he's fights with the most
The sassy siblings ✨
y'all are more twins than anything
similar fashion styles
both martial artists
both self-assured
and really good looking 👀
pretty much a package deal atp
your friends are his friends, and his are yours
you're his forever priority
forces you to meditate lol
as in wakes you up early every morning and makes you sit and meditate with him
will not let you go back to sleep
safe to say he's the only person who's seen your whiny side
ʙᴏᴏ ꜱᴇᴜɴɢᴋᴡᴀɴ
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a lot of it
even bickers with your best friend 💀
does favours for you unprompted
"stop looking at me like that, i did it out of the goodness of my heart and this is the thanks i get, hmph"
*dramatically gets mad*
while you're there looking at him like •_• -_- •_•
later uses it as leverage
"remember that one time i brought you a glass of water? you owe me!" "i didn't aSK YOU TO DO IT!!"
embodiment of getting second hand embarrassment
no kidding, pretends he doesn't know you at anything remotely embarrassing you do
✨MaTeRiAl GwOrL✨
hallabong full of sass
only and only He can bully you
you have a problem? hold his americano, he's ready to throw hands
squishy lil tangerine
ᴄʜᴡᴇ ʜᴀɴꜱᴏʟ
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chill asf
takes you to movies every weekend
sends you random songs he likes or songs that remind him of you
unbothered king
comfortable silences
hang outs include not speaking and listening to music
while chilling like starfishes on the floor and staring at the ceiling
strange lil guy
except you definitely take after him
down to the style of walking
bad dad jokes
never understands the good ones 💀
occasionally loud enough to rouse the entire neighbourhood
cluelessly cute
does silly things when you're sad
like sit upside down on the sofa
or just wear one of his out-of-this-world 'outfits'
he's secretly offended you're laughing but at least mission accomplished?
ʟᴇᴇ ᴄʜᴀɴ
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the only remotely normal one
often complains that you're weird
and he's lucky that he got the better genes
constant fights over who looks better
often drags you to dance with him
whines for you to cook for him
even though his cooking is perfectly fine
once felt generous and decided to help you make dinner in high school
your parents came back home to smoke in the house and the fire alarm going off
don't think he doesn't notice you going soft when he laughs
often acts like the most typical 'oppa'
then both of you cringe and laugh together
sneaks out with you every friday
weirdly mature when the situation calls for it
once punched a guy in the face because he thought he was harassing you
had to awkwardly apologise because that wasn't the case. at all.
very very common and very very petty fights
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
This is part three of my Chucky au where he decided to go into a human body at the end of Seed instead of flipping out. This part is a flashback to when the twins were babies. Glen has he/him pronouns for this fic and Glenda has she/her pronouns because they are babies.
It had been four weeks, and Chucky still refused to hold them. Whenever Tiffany tried to hand him Glen or Glenda, he’d make an excuse and walk off. It was getting a bit irritating.
It was almost like he was refusing to be a parent. The most he would do was look at them, but even then Tiffany had to beg him. Well, that ended today, because she was getting to the bottom of this.
The next time the babies started wailing, she tracked down Chucky who had gone off to smoke somewhere (his new favourite hobby since he was banned from killing) and dragged him over to the cribs. He protested, but eventually she managed to get him standing in front of their babies without running away.
“Why won’t you hold them?”
There was no use in sugar-coating the question, Tiffany needed an answer, and she needed it now. Chucky stuttered and stammered, unable to come up with an answer.
“Because I-I I’m just busy is all, maybe next week?”
“No, there’s a reason why you won’t do it and I wanna know. We have at least eighteen years with the twins, so you gotta interact with ‘em at some point.”
Chucky didn’t want to tell her the real reason, cause he thought it was dumb. The real reason why he didn’t want to hold them was because he was scared he’d get attached. Something was bound to happen at some point, and he’d have to go on the run. You can’t take a baby on a run from the cops, let alone two, so he’d have to leave them. If he refused to acknowledge them, he could pretend they’d never existed when he eventually had to leave.
He’d pleaded with Tiffany and Glen when he was still a doll, because a doll is easier to take with you than two tiny babies who need a crap ton of bottles and diapers and stuff, but Glen was desperate to be human, and he loved his kid (well, kids now, he was still getting used to the plural) so he agreed.
Tiff was still staring at him with that angry glare of hers, and the babies were still crying. He had to restrain himself from giving into his instincts and scooping them both up, because he refused to get attached, he refused-
Tiffany scooped up Glen and forced him into his father’s arms.
“Hold Glen, I’ll take Glenda.”
There was no escaping it now. Chucky looked down at his son. That word was still so strange and unfamiliar, ‘son’. He’d never thought he’d have children, when he’d met Sarah Pierce he thought he’d have a family with her, but that was a pipe dream, and he was gonna get around to killing her one day. Now he had two children, and they were so small. They depended on him and Tiff for absolutely everything. He couldn’t run away from this, could he? 
He took a closer look at Glen. His eyes were still a shade of grey, so he probably couldn’t see much, but he squinted up in the general direction of his father, and opened his mouth really wide. Chucky took that to be a smile, though it wasn’t an obvious one. Glen’s blanket had slipped from the top of his head, revealing a few locks of flaming red hair. Almost instinctively, Chucky reached down to smooth the blanket back on top of Glen’s mostly bald little head. 
The kid was cute, he had to admit it. He obviously took after the doll (red hair and a light trace of freckles, which was a bummer) but Chucky could have sworn that Glen had his nose from when he was first human. That was definitely the way his lip had curled, and the baby’s ear was shaped the exact same way that his had when he was a baby.
He glanced over at Glenda, she looked almost identical to her brother. They’d both stopped crying now, but Glenda had reached a tiny, starfish like hand out from under her blankets towards her father, seemingly asking to be held by him instead. Chucky and Tiffany looked at each other, and the slightly nervous father adjusted his hold on Glen to make room for his daughter.
The moment he looked down at both of the babies (his babies) his heart melted. Damn it, he’d done the one thing he’d sworn not to do. He’d gotten attached.
It had been three weeks since Chucky had first held the twins, and he hadn’t put them down since. At first he’d had to put them down when he needed to hold something else, but when he bought the baby slings it was all over. They only came out of them for feedings and diaper changes now, Tiffany rarely got to hold them.
At that very moment, Chucky was preparing breakfast one handed, using the other hand to keep both babies secure in their slings if they began to slip. Honestly, this was more annoying than when he would avoid them. Especially when he began talking to them in stupid baby voices, it was just so weird for a guy who’d murdered a bunch of people just two months beforehand.
She was their mother for God’s sake, she should get to spend time with them. She’d had enough of this, so she went up to Chucky and tapped him on the shoulder.
“You gotta put them down Chucky, it’s not good to just hold ‘em all day.”
Chucky just laughed at her and looked down at Glen and Glenda, a soft smile on his face.
“Why? They seem perfectly happy, don’t you my little baby dolls?”
Glen made a happy little chirping noise, and Glenda patted her father’s chin in agreement.
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verfound · 2 years
WIP Tag Asks?  Oh dear.  😬
A-hem.  @nerdypanda3126 is mean and knows exactly what she’s doing she has seen the Hoard y’all.  It’s been a hot minute since I did that Festering Folder WIP Wednesday, and the Hoard has not shrunk at all.  There’s a reason I’m the WIP Dragon.  😬
Anyway.  😂  Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!  (I am only doing the MLB ones, since that’s the fandom I’m mostly writing these days and the list will be over 500 long if I include all the fandoms.  😂)
and I...am putting this under a cut bc apparently the list is five pages long...   😬  Also, Quick had a great idea: the tag WIP Wednesday: Festering Folder Edition talks about some of these, if you want to go for something new/I haven’t discussed yet.  🖤
·     All Our Broken Pieces
·     Alya Césaire is Just Trying to Help
·     And by the End of this Fic, We’ll be More than Just Friends
·     And You Thought the Bathtub was Good
·     Angsty Little Gremlin Baby
·     At the End of the Aisle
·     Banana Bread
·     Before I Say Goodnight
·     BlackBoard Blunders
·     Boat Life Not Gimmick
·     Booty Call
·     Bread Brothers
·     Breakup Songs
·     Burrow Down
·     Card Captor Sakura AU
·     Community Service
·     Coffee Shop Soundtrack
·     Coyling
·     Crayonarchy
·     Dammit AC
·     Dead Girls Tell No Tales
·     Dead Like Me AU
·     Evening Officer
·     Family Dessert
·     Fu’s Florals
·     Fun with Arts and Crafts
·     Futuresee
·     Give a Mergirl a Starfish
·     Guardian Stone
·     Haaave You Met Mari
·     Here in this Diary
·     Hey Let’s Do a Singalong
·     Hey Sicky
·     His Most Prized Possession
·     I Didn’t Expect to See You Here
·     I Didn’t Run
·     I Guess I Live Here Now
·     I Need Nipples
·     I Stand Alone
·     I Think I’ll Call Her Fang
·     If This is a Rom Com
·     It Ain’t Made of Kevlar
·     Jagged Loves Jagged
·     Julie & the Phantoms Untitled Crossover
·     Just Your Avg Sat
·     Karma Chameleon
·     LBSC SA 2022 – Dropout
·     Legally Blonde AU
·     Let’s Smoosh Faces
·     Luka Streaks On
·     Making it Work
·     MegaMind AU
·     Missed Point
·     Octothorpe JAG
·     Off Me Ship
·     Oh You’re Vocal
·     One More Time with You
·     Opportunity Presents Itself
·     Ordered Chaos
·     Our FirstFirstFirst Date
·     Pandora’s Box
·     Pants Aren’t RocknRoll
·     Paper Notes
·     Park Bench
·     Pink Fish Blue Fish
·     Please Come to Boston
·     Princess Heartmaker
·     Reality Jagged
·     Remembering You
·     See You at Gate 52
·     Sexy Guitar Guy p2
·     Snapshots of Us
·     Some People Say Hi
·     Soultember – Welcome to the Gray
·     Spinnerette
·     Suitcase Pancakes
·     That Agreste Guy was HM
·     The Couffaines’ Little Suicide Machines
·     The Girl with Flowers in Her Bones
·     The Quarantine Kwami Baking Championship
·     The Storm Rages On
·     The Tip Goes In
·     The Unexpected Roommate
·     They Know Where to Find Me
·     This is My Angry Face
·     Unsolicited Advice
·     Untitled 2-9; 11 (Selkie AU); 12-16; 17 (TS Baking Meet Cute)
·     Voodoo Viperion
·     We’re a Chance Left Untaken
·     When the Clock Strikes 13
·     Weight of it All
·     You’re Doll’s Haunted
 House Band:
·     A Harmonious Christmas
·     A Kick in the Head p2
·     Anyone Ever Told You
·     Barnyard in D
·     Can I Help
·     Dance Little Sister
·     Darnin Can You Hear Me SOS
·     Dear Old Gertie
·     Dewey’s Diet
·     Every Third Year
·     Favorite Mugs
·     Harold the Glitter Cow
·     I Already Said Goodbye
·     I’m a Unicorn
·     Kicking Things Off
·     Letting Go
·     Maman’s Day Surprise
·     Maman’s First Maman’s Day
·     Maman’s Night Out
·     Melody Super Spy
·     Papas Don’t Get Sick Days
·     Papa’s Ink
·     Piggy Sue
·     Pocket Pals
·     Sing 2 Death AU
·     Squeaks
·     Surround Sound
·     Take It Off
·     The baby Swing
·     The Cookie Principle
·     The Sexiest What Now
·     They were Supposed to be
 Dingo Files:
·     5 Things Luka Regrets Telling Dingo
·     ABBA Doesn’t Shred
·     Adrien is a Fcking Idiot ·     Adrien is Still a Fcking Idiot
·     Alibi
·     All I Want for Christmas
·     Australian Conditioning
·     Basement Corpse
·     Be More Dingo
·     But We’re Thinking of Changing Our Name
·     Cell Block Dingo
·     Coming Up Schlort
·     Ding Attenborough
·     Dingho
·     Dingo’s Cock
·     Five Words
·     Hail the Motherland
·     He Travels for Work
·     Here’s the Latest
·     Hoist the Colors
·     Ininko Montoya
·     Jellyfish Suck
·     Maybe I Could Love You
·     MLWeeklyPrompts: Only a Kiss
·     MLWeeklyPrompts: Operation SSASS
·     Nails
·     Never Check 3 AM Texts
·     Nothing for Christmas
·     Peregrine King
·     Personal Use
·     Rich Boys Don’t Stink
·     Right to Remain Stupid
·     Stealing Smoochies
·     Stowaway
·     Sunglasses
·     Sur-prise
·     That Time it was Luka’s Fault
·     Tie Me Up
·     Twins Damocles
·     Who’s Mari
·     Who’s Your Daddy
·     A Day in Your Scales
·     Brooms Aren’t Just for Cleaning
·     Human Feet
·     I Want One
·     Keep Your Mate Warm
·     Snake Tales
·     Snakefolk can be Fluff
·     Spring in the Citadel
·     Spring is for a Summons
·     Spring is for Courtship
·     Summer Skin
·     Summers are for Celebrating
·     Summers can be Hot
·     The Stairs
No pressure tagging...oooh, how about @livrever @19thsentry-blog @haphira and @ladyfreya123 ?  (Nerd already got Quick, Min, & Laurel 😂)
13 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 5 months
And, do not yet
A limerick sequence
Many-colour nor as I. And, do not yet. So much in vain: his Fame. Now,    if to shade, only    generous battery of broken-heveded queen. What dismay.
But theme; and vain. Their specially use antic rest and altar music’s cheste. A    crystal broken with less    who limit passion summons and the faileth inharmony.
Al weeds, and sacred Providences that rode under Cather, and fire. If    not alone are tried; and    freaks. That I wolde Romayn tolde, that hands twice a little; on cross.
When the first singe, already, won’t thought wished as ill will be men taught a second    merry this skies; hardships    with mine of infers have you? Caught—for author to than I.
Pervades they almost by chroniclers seems secure hinges e’er shells for which    as harmony. Then    curious to purpose, the bloosmes their own Idoll Monarchy.
Then call—the wooing still divers, dull, and Grecian; were recesses when her    hapless and left he shrewe!    In his adventure bar, in son. Pleasure his Cellars old Wise.
Which canto me sages was his question hour soul of this; give wak’d the tack’d    by which they mightier    staid long-dew of pestilent to pleasuring cold, we find moon.
With a stride, and, that is, in the fynde that Standard is melancholy. Forget    the good fellow; some    far-fam’d Gulbeyaz’ angry would forbid! I can solemn hourish!
And there to public strive was by the good-bye. Beneath half an undone: hem    like Feinds, is working she    din of uryne, and prose— I have seene, not in her care no cas.
One of the beginning wit or a gold, never dinners that contact; and    balconies not quit help    me God, and peaceful starfish. Because than infancy, Nancy.
) To such when mortals of prove to spyen? And makes us is a castlereagh,    and bleeding; the city.    But display’d a vertues Foes, snatch’d with them a feyned away.
The child flowers; where wilderness, and Despairing. Of fame. There lined way to    wel I hated quite small    my war of court a sight, I beating damn, when Ambitioners.
The chosen last lovely beautiful. The two day when them the shod ill, and,    after thogh he lond dissolved    sound so be minute. Yes!—On the limbs, but thou else true—tears!
But now warriors budders quest. He told into a deal of brother, the way    a words o’er; and pushing    men whose do yourselves then, how to his Masters of the you wake!
My bosom beneath rose, no single he lovely used, ever grief for must    for there’s mine ailment:    for a kiss aged enough! How cross-grain’d—his her time the meal?
Where well or to him, a Tyran shapen and thered, thapostel wal, it    hath those from thee, whom her    eyes, wit, now art! But the wine-and-twenty time things mystery.
The whose head: an insoled, the second catch me, gold blood find, his below,    and cold, and powers them    to behaviour: their longer purveiance intense at the rose breed.
Turkeys usher through. Genius,—when Kings, and song sun and heart grown with fader    of light, although on his    world, we know not, thou see the hell, and their city womman kill.
Quiet brows! I leaves, huge fit she sacred Life beneath awful yawns his fo;    lucia, leering wind a    should his dore you by shame on, when the disease: and a placements.
Hail, Poesie! My love declares, two little bare, pursu’d, like must controul; and we    holds ye may finely Niobe,    promised her eyes, with a long the column mischeivously death.
Whose beneath the unresister, died shepherd, so wikkedness of the must    I wounds, love up his mine,    and also sparing in all was out of charms. The chills, that shroud!
Hence had somewheretofore them and rash and of war of its clothes, to    rear’d to seemed silken from    the glide! Nor this ground believes his fatal to no mean Rebell.
I doubt na, but them, the breeze is a little billia, do you love. So I    still violent, so being    of the cottage tomb, the lasses impart the baser of love.
No winna she, what Occasion, a yellow, from the lady’s strike insteady    splendour which her blaste.    Narrows giv’n, her like a bathos’ vast, the first to Saul the die.
In detain; the Sultan’s signs, by God! Prince we were right renews: wHose flocke, and,    but heaven before. He    glooming Chevaliers, and feet, they hope of unfulfill’d me felt.
Yen to their ale, and than though the Morning such the moan! A man though my bonds    ungration, fired with    the mazie the cheek, and made, went then the streaming of his vain.
Their babe rose, although his still the dapple- trees al by hours caught fight, be told    manure from me, who leve,    a fop through a rib, a nose. Tis must fair, had yet, lo!
Leve, and books, when I can planted in. ’St hold man, most link by the day by    the rhyme, were hand, present    upon its his Leaves, escaped her vocabulary.
He—being statue we what in the eye, for syk unneth, which but t were    thou are this grow pleas’d. Thought    quite told the worlds the frequestion my feather’d him Kingly Death!
Death-like Caravage Sardanapalus. Thus I were not their silverly    around som tymes which    requisited no doubt if any into that—nor some place.
As done, sunk enerv’d then he wags new faint eyes to his chest faces so    censorious;—it is here beheld    mens yet was brough, but by though white dickey—Trust come again!
Would not mount our sincertain ech of there plays, and down injure to die. The    kiss hands upon he sing,    whan had face is soul break, and no one white barel-ful of six.
Like saugh distancy, Nancy; is it, who can, when a slight, and Mrs. His    perish’d a high. But mine    him, always youth’d they gazed, build wheels may beth maladies, that brough.
Whose his fifty towers, and thus the time reduce, at mere come by Arch-Attest    lace. She name, when hem    free as to the she, didst the dew fall ornamented to me.
Eyes where it lived to sleepe. God, I know was does either die; of the convulsive;    I was a bower,    how mekely time shadows lightning. Was in her he said, fly!
Such light be thou can in silent of her summons any witness may the    sigh, is no man, where bedded-    down heart as a sweete wyn! Is not from desolate his stead!
Among roses. Only fair Annie’s coarse with likeness, a much music, from    piety, like humbled,    pure divesters of strife, a good golden growth, I carry me.
When shewing, that you waking before? But where was well ash to taste;—they can    Crave. Or threat he serve it    from the laid with luck, and has he taste to sin as o’er his life.
I have only daring life seen the wanton dismay. Which God, and your by    others, pistols, and thus    than that Art when each misers find is I doubled Faiths could one.
And and wounded in the into a company, for, as if t was takes    me, he thirty smother    care I. Thou so deem’d his glories may love I leve nor the caged.
And smooth people grottos, full sixty forced they went optics; and I unseen    there in thy day came more    with, agrees? Each amiss; and midnight, love, too, she had all third!
But this country’s pampers the Crowds engage; thurgh is not sit a Bird accounted    cloudy Cupid of    whom Foes. Blind eyes, adventury do appears, nor broken-head.
Thus of Nether ranks of wyves the gold, far a-down by his child, beside    of this to my beareth    me. If I stablish’d, and led then fee’d ill, the touch but London.
With bloody crave. Boats, ’ and every little palms, or waters; thereformally.    For they may give reward    the hold their crew; prolong’d for the strugled intensive helde.
Till of glory maid, ordain; starve, good society. Just present from Juan,    sure was tired into    the hopes to frete his eye and no less and friend, dark telling gout.
And by black from our heard once more torrent trees! Pitiful to the globe, yet    in the gnaw, he lead and    as he master hours wasted on thresh’d o’er thing since would away!
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In Sicilia shining, Drinking. Reward quarrel. Gave the woman that’s skies    away, do not in the    devil, when it be as the help would save, and tumbler is state!
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How koude byte and the look on Sunday shame. In accurs to a pleases; heau’ns    endite, his lyf, for them,    which thing even let it may you pleased, and so that watch’d holly!
0 notes
meerealsssss · 5 months
me and angry starfish giving my dad signs that we do not like my step-dad
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My Top 10 Favorite Daddy Sex Scandals
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#10: Earl Paulk - Founder of Chapel Hill Harvester in Decatur, Georgia, Paulk had sex with a number of female members of his congregation and was even accused of child molestation. He also had a sexual relationship with his sister-in-law and they had a child together. I don't approve of what he did, but sleeping with all those women of his congregation, fucking his brother's wife, getting her pregnant and his brother raise him as his own. That's straight pimpin. But the child molestation thing coming out completely soured him for me.  
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#9: Larry Craig - A U.S. Senator for 18 years, Craig was arrested on June 11, 2007, and charged with lewd conduct in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport. The following months brought a long, sordid, and confusing sequence of angry denials, Craig's guilty plea to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, press conferences and more denials, a promise to resign, an attempt to withdraw the guilty plea, a statement that he would not resign after all and a long series of men reporting that Craig had either solicited them for sex or had actually engaged in sex acts with them. I thought he was hot at the time and would probably do him today.
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#8: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Roosevelt had multiple extra-marital affairs beginning in 1914, and continued until he died in 1945. Roosevelt had polio and was stuck in a chair, but still got ass until he died.
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#7: Jimmy Swaggart - After Swaggart attacked televangelist Jim Bakker on past issues, Bakker retaliated by hiring a private investigator to find dirt on Swaggart. The evangelist was caught having an affair with a prostitute. He was forced to step down from the pulpit in 1986.  He was caught three years later with another prostitute. I just remember seeing balling like a baby on tv and laughing my ass off. Looking at him now, I would love to fool around with him.
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#6: Warren G. Harding - Harding reportedly had affairs with Carrie Phillips (his wife's best friend) and Nan Britton (She lost her virginity to him when she was twenty and Harding was fifty) who bare a child during the 1910s and early 1920s, prior to his death in 1923. He wrote tawdry letters to all his lovers filled with euphemism and sexual innuendoes (“Jerry” was the code word for his penis.) And he had so many female admirers (nicknamed his lollapaloozas) that his security guards worked overtime, keeping them at bay.
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#5: Frank Gifford - In 1997, The Globe tabloid set up the then a 66-year-old veteran football star and ABC Monday Night Football commentator in a two-day tryst with a married 46-year-old TWA flight attendant, Suzen Johnson. I found it hot because all he did was make out, had a blow job and fuck her anally. Which means he prefer hitting the starfish and his wife, Kathy Lee didn't give it up. And it put a new light on the gay rumors in his past and the fact he's at least BI.  
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#4: Lyndon B. Johnson - Johnson had extramarital affairs with multiple women over the years with one allegedly led to pregnancy with a son out of that relationship. This isn’t surprisingly considering that LBJ was known for exposing his genitals (nicknamed Jumbo), whirls it around whenever he’s in the john, shouting “Woo-eee, have you ever seen anything as big as this”, and bragging that he’d had sex with more women than John F. Kennedy—whose exploits were well-known in D.C. One of the reasons why he's my favor president.
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#3: Joe Barton - In November 2017, nude selfie pictures of Barton surfaced online from a video of him masturbating, and sent it along with sexually explicit messages to a women with whom he was having consensual sexual relationships. The photo of Barton, who had pointed his camera upward from below his genitals, next to a text message reading, "I want you soo bad. Right now. Deep and hard." Reading this and not knowing who he sent it to had me believing he sent it to a man. Wishful thinking on my part.
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#2 “Waitress Sandwich” at La Brasserie - In 1985, Senators, Edward M. Kennedy and Christopher J. Dodd reportedly took their dates to a fancy Washington, D.C., restaurant, La Brasserie. Plenty of alcohol had been consumed. Plenty of alcohol had been consumed. When the meal was coming to an end, their dates went to the ladies' room. A waitress was summoned to the private dining room where Kennedy allegedly picked up the waitress and threw her on the table, knocking plates and other items to the floor. He reportedly lifted her up again and put her on top of Dodd, who was seated in a chair. Kennedy then engaged in an attack that continued until another employee entered the room. That was the kind of shit senators were doing back then.
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#1: Jerry Falwell Jr. - The sex scandal rocked his marriage and ended his stewardship of the evangelical education empire founded by his father, Jerry Falwell Sr.. The guy banging his wife claimed that Jerry enjoyed watching him have sex with her and even claimed that they formed a 'throuple' - a polyamorous couple who invite a third person to join their relationship. Jerry, denied that, but you can guess he was at least being cucked. At most joining in. All this is hot to me because of his father. First, because I wanted to fuck him. Second, because he's turning in his grave.
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.6
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
Warning, there are reader and Negan scenes in this chapter, but to make up for it, there’s also a flashback from when reader and Daryl got together.
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Another few days passed, blurring with each other, and though your time with Negan still didn’t feel like routine, and you were pretty sure it’d never feel like that, you felt more and more like you wanted to take advantage of the situation and Negan’s crotch-driven brain like the other wives did…but you still weren’t good at playing him and keeping him happy as they did. Your biggest achievements were that you hadn’t slapped him again and that you hadn’t spat on him, which didn’t count much towards gaining likable points.
Finally, you decided to just go and ask for help. Abby was in the room that she shared with Frankie, while Frankie was in the main room watching one of the DVDs. You went to the room and flopped down next to Abby.
“I want to ask something from Negan,” you blurted out and Abby arched an eyebrow at you.
“What do you need? Maybe I can get it for you.”
“You can’t…” You let out a sigh. “I want to ask him to let my friend out of the cages sometimes.” They had been in there for days and days, they weren’t tortured, but it was pretty awful anyway.
“Pfff…yeah, no, you’re not getting it,” Abby said and you couldn’t even be annoyed. “I mean…don’t be mad. But you agreed to marry him, listen to him, and fuck him, and he doesn’t kill or torture your friends…he’s kept his end of the deal but…you barely keep yours, I’ve seen you just staring at nothing while he talks. We all think on something else while he talks and talks, but we smile and pretend to listen.” Abby chuckled.
“Yeah…yeah, I know…” You murmured…you felt like you had done enough by not snapping at him but you were supposed to pretend to be enraptured by whatever bullshit was he saying, and you…really didn’t feel like it.
“Also, fucking him…” Abby gave you a teasing look. “I bet you just lie there like a starfish…”
“Abby!” You gaped at her, flustered, and pushed her so she’d fall on the pillow. “Shut up!” She was laughing and you couldn’t help your own. “What do you want me to do, moan how good he is and what a big boy is he?” You snorted, that wasn’t you, even if it weren’t Negan.
“Actually, yes.” Abby chuckled. “But don’t go getting all crazy the next time he calls you, after being a starfish for weeks, he’ll know you’re trying to play him.”
You let out a sigh. “I really don’t think I can do it…”
“You can.” Abby squeezed your hand. Just…just start small, baby steps. Like, if he decides to talk to you, pretend that that time it’s something that interests you. If he makes a joke, let out a chuckle…like, maybe you didn’t mean to, you were trying not to laugh, but it was too funny even for grumpy you and you let out a chuckle against your will because he’s oh so funny he even made you laugh?”
You blinked at her. “Abby…there’s no way I can pull off that. It’s going to look staged, I’m going to look like a robot, it’s not going to be natural, he’s going to notice.”
“Just try.” Abby shrugged. “Is not that hard.”
“Yeah…I don’t know how you do it…”
You decided to try it, though, and so the next time that Negan was talking about something, you forced yourself to ask a question about it, as if you were interested in listening. Negan seemed confused and then pleased, as he turned his attention to you, talking to you about it, and you forced yourself to look like you were interested in it.
The next day, you tried to follow Abby’s idea, and when Negan said one of his stupid jokes, you let out a short and quiet chuckle, and Negan looked at you, arching an eyebrow.
“Well now…did I make Mss. Grumpy laugh?”
“No,” you scoffed, looking away, pretending that you hadn’t laughed on purpose but against your will.
“Oh…I’d say I did…” A smug grin spread across Negan’s face. “You laughed, sweetcheeks.”
“Yes, I saw it too,” Abby said, winking at you.
“Yeah…yeah, she did…” Negan kept looking at you with that smug face and you scoffed again, looking away, pretending to be embarrassed.
You kept that up, pretending to be interested in whatever Negan had to say, chuckling at some of his stupid jokes, for another couple of days, until Abby told you that you could try another step…you weren’t very sure you could though.
The idea now was to kiss back Negan whenever he kissed you, as if you really wanted to kiss him, and you weren’t sure if you could pull off that…
“Come on…pretend that you’re an actress, pretend to be someone else,” Abby tried to encourage you. “Some sort of seductress…” She winked at you and you snorted, shaking your head.
“I’m really not that…”
“Just pretend to be, you’re not yourself, you’re this hot seductress black widow…” Abby kept going, nudging you when you snorted again. “Come on…you must have seduced your man, I’m sure you’re more of a seductress than you think.”
“I’m really not…” You shrugged. “And Daryl…I don’t think I ever seduced him…”
Not even the first time that you’d tried to get with him, you had just gone ahead and kissed him, much to his shock…
You were at the CDC, sat down on the table after eating more food than you’d ever eaten since walkers began roaming the world. Everyone was happy, eating and drinking, celebrating, including Daryl. He was joking and drinking, smiling, you didn’t think you’ve seen him grinning like that before, and you had to admit that you liked it, he had a pretty smile, that seemed to light his whole face, the whole place, even…
You chuckled at yourself…what a bunch of corny shit, as Daryl would say, had you just thought. But it was true, Daryl was an attractive guy , there was no way of denying it, and it wasn’t the first time that you admired him.
You’d grown closer to him, during your weeks surviving together, and during the quiet nights at the quarry, or at least quiet when Merle shut up and fell asleep, in which you sat down next to Daryl in comforting silence, and sometimes you both even spoke…
Daryl could be a prick more often than not, he was harsh, sure he was. Just a day ago, you had a big, big fight with him, when he’d behaved like a prick after walkers attacked the quarry camp, when so many people had died…Even if you had tried to put in context that Daryl seemed to have just lost his brother, he’d been out of line, yelling those cruel things to everyone, as if he was heartless…but you knew he wasn’t heartless, you had seen his heart, how he seemed not to care, yet always helped you, how he strived to hunt and bring as much food as possible to the camp…but at that moment, he’d seemed to be a heartless asshole, and you’d been beyond upset and angry at him.
To your surprise, though, while you were packing your things, Daryl had gone to help you in silence, but you saw him stealing glances at you, and you thought he seemed remorseful. Later, you both had driven to the CDC in the pickup, sharing some words here and there, and if you were honest with yourself, you didn’t want to be upset with Daryl. He seemed regretful, and so you had tried to move past your fight.
It was easy to forget about that now, with him smiling like that, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Yes…Daryl was an attractive guy, with those beautiful eyes, strong shoulders and arms…For a while now, you had idly thought now and then what it’d be like to have those arms wrapped around you, when you felt lonely, or sad, or lost, when your spirit was low…
It wasn’t just that he was attractive, though. If Daryl were a complete prick, you wouldn’t be wondering stuff like that, no matter how attractive he might be…but for weeks, you’d been wondering and thinking that Daryl was more than it seemed under all those layers of harshness…
As he drank and smiled now, teasing Glenn and just joking around, you couldn’t help a warm feeling in your belly, that got worse when you looked at Lori and Rick…you wanted that, or the closest thing possible, even if it was just for a night, but you didn’t want it with anyone, you wanted it with Daryl.
You weren’t sure how he’d react, though, or how to bring it up…what were you supposed to tell him? Do you want to hold me? We could even sleep together? Yeah…no…
Later, you walked with him back to your rooms for the night, still wondering how to ask Daryl, how to tell him what was in your head, if maybe it was a bad idea…but you really wanted it… His room was next to yours, and you called his name before he walked into his, still with no idea of what to say.
“Daryl…” You called for him, and he turned to look at you, arching an eyebrow. He smiled and it made something twirl in your belly… “I, uh…I was wondering…” That smile was just making it harder to focus and find words.  “How much have you drunk?”
Daryl snorted at that. “Dunno…more than in a while, why?”
“Just wondering if you’re drunk…I mean, you are…” You chuckled awkwardly. “But I mean, you know what you’re doing…right?” Otherwise, you wouldn’t try anything.
“I know what I’m doing.” Daryl was looking at you, seeming half confused half amused. “Might get drunker, though.” He waved the bottle of booze that he’d taken with him. “You wanna?” He lifted the bottle in your direction.
“No…no, I was thinking…wondering…” It couldn’t be that hard, why were you struggling to find words. “If maybe you wanted to…like…sleep in my room…” Well, sleep with you, rather, but those words didn’t make it past your lips.
Daryl frowned, and you were sure he was going to tell you off, but he seemed concerned. “You think this place ain’t safe?” Oh…he thought you were scared of sleeping alone in the room or that you didn’t trust the place…it was nice of him, to offer to stay with you if you were scared… Maybe you should content yourself with that…
“No…well, I don’t know, that doctor is a bit strange, but I don’t think that he’s going to murder us in our sleep…right?” Now that you had planted the seed in your brain, you couldn’t help but worry.
Daryl snorted. “Don’t think so…but yeah, there’s somethin’ off with the guy…Alright, if you wanna I can take watch while you sleep.” Daryl shrugged, looking down shyly.
“That’s not fair, you gotta sleep too, even more after all you drank…” You didn’t want Daryl not to sleep, in fact, you wanted him sleeping with those nice arms around you, and the fact that this night he seemed to have decided to be all caring and sweet wasn’t helping. “But…I didn’t mean that…what I mean…”
You felt stupid, struggling with words like that, and Daryl was looking at you with those caring and pretty eyes, and so you decided to just go ahead and show him, feeling braver with actions than with words. You stepped closer and leaned to peck his lips, feeling all kind of butterflies in your belly.
When you pulled back, Daryl looked at you with wide, surprised eyes. He seemed to want to say something, but no words made it past his lips as he just stared at you in shock, and you felt your cheeks heating up. “I’m sorry…I just…I didn’t…I…I’m sorry…” You rushed into your room, closing the door behind you, embarrassed…Daryl wasn’t drunk enough to not remember it in the morning, but you’d try to pretend that you’d been drunk and you didn’t remember that you had kissed him…this was going to be so awkward…
You face planted on the bed and you winced, that mattress was harder than you expected it. You shifted until you could bury your face on the pillow, the closest thing you can get to the earth swallowing you. Not much later, though, there were some knocks on the door.
You frowned and went to open the door, and when you found Daryl there, you almost freaked out. You didn’t know what to say, and Daryl wasn’t saying anything either, just looking at you as he chewed on his thumbnail, but then he made to walk in, and you automatically moved back so he could step into the room.
Daryl closed the door behind him and looked at you, still silent, and when you were about to ask if he needed something, awkward, he finally spoke.
“Why you did that?”
“Wha…kissing you?” You felt your cheeks heating again, and Daryl nodded, looking down. You considered saying that you were drunk, but Daryl didn’t seem mad…and so you decided to be brave and say the truth, if he reacted badly, you could keep your plan of pretending to have been drunk once morning came. “I just…I felt like it, I wanted to…”
Daryl was back at chewing his thumbnail, looking down, but then he glanced at you. “Yeah?” He murmured, and you nodded.
Daryl stepped closer at you and your heart sped up. His face was serious, and you wished you knew what was he thinking, but you couldn’t read him. Then, he leaned down and surprised you by pressing his lips to yours. Butterflies bloomed in your stomach, and for a second, you were so shocked that you couldn’t kiss him back, but when you did, you felt Daryl’s hand cupping your cheek, fingers tangling in your hair, and you moved closer, wrapping your arms around him…
You had thought, back then, that it’d be a one-night thing between Daryl and you, unless he might want to join you any other night, but nothing else…you had been wrong. Since the next morning, Daryl had pretty much started treating you as if you were his girlfriend, and on your side, you weren’t about to complain, you had enjoyed it…little did you know, then, how deep and strong your relationship with Daryl would become.
But…you couldn’t say that you had “seduced” Daryl. You had just kissed him and hoped for the best. That wouldn’t work with Negan, considering that he kissed you whenever he wanted…maybe you should really start by kissing him back…
The next time that Negan kissed you, you forced yourself to kiss him back. Nothing spectacular, but you guessed that it was better than standing there frozen…
The other girls began sharing tips with you too, and also they’d try to boost your confidence in your seducing skills, either with words and tips, or dolling you up, doing your hair, makeup, choosing revealing outfits that you’d have never worn…every time that they did, you looked at yourself in the mirror, telling yourself that you weren’t you, but another woman, some sexy, seductive, black widow, on her way to eating another man for breakfast…
It was still hard to feel like that, though, you felt rather silly more often than not, but as you keep trying, practicing, and you kept looking so different from your usual self, you began to play your part better and better.
After a few days, you laughed at Negan’s bullshit and kissed him back easier, even tried to talk more “seductively” as some of the other girls were trying to teach you, even if you felt silly. In your head, you tried to see yourself as that other woman, that seductress, black widow, until one day you felt ready to try your luck and your skills at asking something from Negan.
You were sat down on his bed, half lying against the headboard, in which you hoped was a suggestive, seducing posture, even if you felt stupid, when the door opened and Negan walked inside, arching an eyebrow at you.
“So…they weren’t kidding when they said you were waiting for  me here…”
“I didn’t think it’d bother you��” You shrugged. “I wanted to see you alone.”
“Yeah?” Negan smirked, but he still seemed confused at what were you doing there. “You were alone with me a couple of days ago, but you need me again, don’t you?” He teased smugly and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“I do need you,” you said, hoping to sound seductive. “I need…I need to ask you something.”
“Oh…there it is.” Negan chuckled, shaking his head and sitting on the bed. “You girls, always wanting something from me…sucking me dry and not in the way I want it.”
“We do suck you in the way you want it too,” you retorted and Negan let out a laugh.
“Yeah…that’s true…” Negan smirked, looking you up and down. “So tell me, doll…what is it.”
“I…” You tried to go back to when you’d rehearsed it with Abby. “I think I’ve been a good girl, so I deserve a treat, right?” You felt more silly than seductive speaking like that, but Negan just nodded, still looking at you with that smug smile. “I want…I want chocolate, I know you have some here…please?”
Negan blinked at you, and then he chuckled. “Chocolate? That’s what you wanted?”
You shrugged. “I love chocolate…we had some in Alexandria…please?”
“Chocolate…” Negan chuckled again…you guessed that he’d expected you to ask something more serious, but you wanted to wait for that until you had tried this first. “Of course, sweetcheeks, you’ve been a good girl these last days, I’ll get you your treat.” He reached out to stroke your hair and cup your face, and you did your best to smile. “You wait here, I’ll get it for you right now.”
Negan kissed you and you kissed him back as you had trained yourself to do. He got up from the bed and left the room, and you took a deep breath once the door closed behind him. It had gone well, you thought, Negan seemed to like how you were behaving lately and he’d gone to get you the chocolate right at that moment…but sure, chocolate wasn’t the same than letting your people out of the cages…But still, it was progress…
Negan came back, that smug smirk on his face as soon as he walked in, waving a bar of chocolate. “Your treat.”
“Thank you, Negan.” You smiled as he walked towards the bed.
“Come here,” he told you, and you shifted closer. He tore the envelope from the bar and broke a piece of chocolate. “Open your mouth.”
You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes and did as told. Negan placed the piece of chocolate in your mouth, smiling, and as you savored the sweetness, you closed your eyes and moaned aloud, even if you felt silly.
“Good girl,” Negan purred, and you opened your eyes to find him smirking at you. He broke another piece of chocolate and you opened your mouth as he wanted. This time, though, he kept one of his fingers in your mouth when he placed the chocolate. You knew what he wanted, and so you stopped yourself from bitting him as you wanted, and instead sucked on his finger.
Negan chuckled, pulling his hand back, and you forced yourself to moan again while you savored the chocolate. You hoped that all this show was good for something…although, the chocolate was nice, at least.
Negan moved to sit on the bed too, against the headboard. “Come here,” he said as he waved another piece of chocolate, and you crawled between his legs, opening your mouth so he’d give you the chocolate. You closed your eyes, enjoying it, and Negan chuckled. “You really do love chocolate.”
“Well….you know what they say…” You shrugged. “Chocolate is better than sex.”
Negan smirked at that. “Nah…better than sex with the redneck dog, you mean. Better than with me? No way.” He chuckled, and you almost dropped your façade, barely resisting the urge to punch him. Instead, you snapped the chocolate bar from his hand, and Negan chuckled again, seeming amused at you. “Now I wonder…how’s our dog Daryl in bed, uh?”
“I don’t want to talk about that…” You muttered, bitting off some chocolate, trying your best to behave, even if you didn’t feel like you could keep playing the seductress that day…you just wanted Negan to shut up.
“Come on, doll, don’t get mad…” Negan chuckled, taking back the chocolate bar and bitting a piece too. “I’m just saying…I know I’m better than him.” You barely stopped yourself from scoffing, and you remained silent, trying to hide how upset you were.  “Come on…” Negan broke another piece of chocolate and waved it in front of your face. “Say it, or you won’t get your treat.”
Once again, you stopped yourself from rolling your eyes. “Yes, Negan, you’re the best ever, even better than chocolate.” You knew that Negan could tell you didn’t mean it, but he seemed amused anyway. He smirked, popping the chocolate piece in his mouth instead of yours.
“Good girl,” he purred, giving you that chocolate bar and another unopened. “There you have your treat, don’t eat it all at once,” he chuckled. “Now, put those aside and come here to see that I am better than chocolate indeed.”
Operation let’s try to play Negan without getting killed is on. I wonder how it’ll go.
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too (I have way more people tagged than notes this gets and it makes me feel a bit down).
@jodiereedus22​​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​  @gruffle1​​ @twdeadlysins​​ @yenne-yen-illustrations​​ @mychemicalimagines​​   @haleypearce​​    @superflannel​​ @sourwolf-sterek32​​ @angelontheinside​​  @firehoopinmama​​ @lonewolf471​​   @hopplessdreamer​​ @daryldixonandfrogs​​  @fanfictionsilove​​   @collecting-stories​​ @princessxpunk​​ @hells-mistress​​ @justyouraveragefangirl1967​​ @carnationworld​​    @smiithys​​ @polkadottedpillowcase​​ @elisdays​​ @mysterious-398​​  @captainbuckyboobear​​   @dazzledamazon​​   @spidergirla5​​ @lilythemadqueen​​ @lightning-butterfly​​ @purplebtsmagic​​ @barra-cudaaa​​   @courtnytrash04​​ @amazingapricot​​      @seizethesam​​ @harpersmariano​​  @eternalslingshot​​  @fuseburner​​ @phoenixblack89​​  @boywivlove​​  @amaroho​​ @woundmetender​​  @classyunknownlover​​ @masterninjacow​​ @tenderlyunlikelyexpert​​ @shadowfoxey​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​ @lilac-day-dreaming​​ @datidixon​​ @sabrinabernal​​  @nj01​​ @rachelxwayne​​  @elamy17​​  @angelofthor @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​ @thanossexual​​ @daryldixonstorm​​​ @sttrawberries​​ @huffledor-able541​​ @lucillethings​​ @browneyes528​​ @soraitmnt​​​  @thereshallbenoother​​​ @chickenparmandstoicvulcans​​​ @leej2468​​​  @heartlessmarvello​​​ @itsmeempar​​​  @redneckstrash​​​ @bxxbxy​​​ @bitchynicole​​​ @pulplorrd​​​  @supernatural79impala​​​  @the-artistic-animal-lover​​​   @selfsun​​​ @thiccblondeliv​​​ @maggie-l-m​​​ @baseballbitch116​​​ @tranquiiit​​​ @sweatywildpanda​​​ @supernatural79impala​​ @theteaset​​​  @amaroho​​​ @my-current-fandom-is​​​ @sapphire1727​​​ @sapphire-angel​​​  @insidetoughcake @whitexwingedxdoves​​​ @nickangel13​​​ @oceans-daughter-3​​​  @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Can you please do headcanons for what the twisted wonderland boys would do if their girlfriends ex showed up wanting her back?
Uh… .ALL OF THEM ???? Are you serious ?? Oh My God !!!! Ummmmmmmm, OK, I’LL DO MY BEST, but I think it’s about time I started putting character limits because this is going to be difficult.
IT WAS INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE For obvious reasons I didn’t include Ortho, so I hope this is still to your liking
He tried to make the meeting as smooth and consistent as possible.
He is the dorm leader, he has to be the example of maturity and consistency in dealing with women.
He tried for more than half an hour to dispel the insults towards him and politely asked them to get out of Hearstlabyul, but when your ex started talking about you… oh boiiii
Our Queen is pisseeeeeeeeed.
Indispensably if your ex had magic or not, it’ll be OF WITH THEIR HEAD.
Had to ask not only to Trey and Cater but also the dynamic duo to escort them out.
Treat him with little sweetness and a cup of coffee, our redhead will thank you.
"I love you, and I will always be by your side as long as you want to have me with you"
The personified knight. Outside of joking, at no point did he get upset or ask them to leave in a rude manner.
He handled the situation calmly and when your ex finished speaking, that was when his face changed radically.
Yes, the knight in shining armor was quite a facade.
He gave your ex a gloomy look and in a low tone commented that they were not welcome at Heartslabyul, much less NRC and that they had to leave if they didn’t want to end up with a broken leg.
Both of you spent the night baking cakes and watching bad movies, even though what Trey really cared the most was spending the night with you, snuggled between his sheets.
"I may have reacted in a somewhat terrifying way, but believe me when I tell you that that look will never be directed at you"
Our dear orange haired man here didn't take it very well. It was one of the few moments in which his face or voice had not the hint of happiness and amusement that characterized him so much.
He may have used his unique magic to intimidate your ex… I mean, if a mildly angry Cater doesn't do any good, I guess five will work.
Indispensably whether it worked or not, you could always call in the dynamic duo to get your ex out of the way.
Spoiler alert: it wasn’t necessary the one neuron duo, with the five Caters it was more than enough.
Before they left the dorm, he took a selfie as not in a mockery mode and uploaded it to his social medias.
“Do you want to appear in the photo? So I can show the world how beautiful you are, how lucky I am to have you and how stupid your ex was to show up at school "
Another one who lost his temper, but just when the person in front of him said it was your ex.
Don't overthink it, he just made an angry face because he already knew what your ex was up to, and he didn't like it one bit.
Believe it or not, Ace didn't hold on to the punches with them. No, he simply told them that he had no intention of letting you go and immediately sent them flying with his magic.
For the last thing, he told them not to bother trying, turned around and went to where you were to give you a long, possessive kiss in front of your ex.
"I maaaay have been a bit possessive, but I don't want you to leave my side"
He threw a cauldron at their head ... jocking ... or not?
Nah, nah, I'm kidding, but he did come close to throwing his famous cauldron at them and leaving them squashed like a figurine.
Lowkey rogue mode activated.
It may have scared you a little, but it didn't have much of an effect.
Your ex didn't leave you alone until Deuce punched him across the face, screaming for them to leave you alone.
You have to get out of the crime scene before any teacher comes.
Ashamed of himself. Maybe the way of resolution he had was not the best, but it was effective and you were grateful for that.
You gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and told him everything was fine, that he didn't have to worry about anything; he was your knight in shining armor.
“Sorry, anger washed over me again. I couldn't bear the idea of you being taken away from me "
Man, this one acted out of pure pride. A stranger grabbing his beloved herbivore? Ohhhh noooo, honey, you messed with the wrong lion and prince.
This is one of the few times he wouldn't send Ruggie in to fix it. No. He would stand tall and beat this motherfucker ass.
You'll have to stop him before he turns your ex to sand, and I'm not kidding this time.
The very thought of someone taking his girlfriend from him drove him wild.
With your ex out of reach, and scared for life, he will demand cuddles and a nap.
He won't admit it, but Leona was afraid for a moment of losing you. You are his, and no one else's.
“I will not let anyone take you from my arms. I will protect you no matter what”
Used Laught with me, no discussion.
And there was no discussion with your ex. He just saw them with you, heard snippets that they wanted you back, that they wanted a second chance, blah blah blah ... and that was it, unique magic in action.
You got disoriented for a moment when you saw your ex walking strangely towards the exit, but when you heard the famous giggle of your boyfriend you knew immediately what was happening.
Let's be honest, in all it was a pretty funny image.
Ruggie stayed by your side all afternoon in the Savanaclaw lounge room playing and splashing in the water.
"I may be a possessive and territorial hyena, but this hyena is at your complete mercy"
Nothing like a good roar to scare away any predator that intends to stick its nose into other's prey.
Just kidding, Jack would never consider you prey, you are his significant other and that means he must protect you from any danger.
Wolf mode activated to the surprise of your ex.
He growled until their figure could not be seen on the horizon… lowkey cute as fuck.
Give him cuddles in this form, he would really appreciate it… he really would love your hands caressing his soft fur.
Record a video of his tail wagging, just for science.
“I figured you were uncomfortable and couldn't think of anything else to get your ex off your back. Now come with me, I want to caress you correctly"
Believe me when I tell you that the appearance of your ex not only irritated Azul, but also brought him insecurities that he thought were already buried under the ground.
The fact that a stranger appeared at the doors of the Mostro Lounge with an air of melodrama was enough for our octopus to go out to meet them directly, thinking they was just another customer ... an annoying customer, to tell the truth.
But when they started yelling for your presence, demanding that you come back to them, oh ... Yeah, this so-called customer is now banned from entering.
He let Floyd and Jade take care of them.
Like Riddle, give him love and a few sweets, he needs it. He really needs affection.
He needs to hear your voice, to remind him that you are with him now. He wants to hear you say that he is the only person in your world right now and that you would not leave him for nothing.
“I'm a silly octopus who got tangled in your arms and not the other way around. Only you give me the comfort that I've been looking for so much "
Your ex must have some balls of steel to even be close to Jade and plan to face him to have you back ... this guy has a suicidal desire.
Jade's appearance was not only scary, but his way of talking and engaging in conversation with your ex was what made them run out of the Mostro Lounge.
But you were already more than used to his characterization as an intimidating person.
Bring him a basket full of multiple mushrooms from the botanical garden, he will appreciate it.
And maybe also a glass container to create a little mini environment for those mushrooms… both of you will have a nice time together, maybe the whole night putting it together.
"You are my favorite starfish and I cannot allow any sea thorn to monopolize your beauty"
Even having the same calm expression as Jade when he saw your ex, it didn't last long. The moment your name came out of their mouth, Floyd's face broke.
You remember in episode 3 when he asks Adeuce braincell to shut up, well… that same expression.
By this time, Floyd was no longer as calm as his brother; in fact, he went directly to squeeze them.
If you paid close attention you could hear how the ribs were cracking little by little. Good thing you were there to stop Floyd.
Your ex stalked to the exit as they was nearly squeezed alive and Floyd gave you a grin from ear to ear as if he had done nothing wrong.
"I protect what is mine, no one has the right to take my shrimpy from my side"
At first this ray of sunshine didn't even know what was happening, he thought they were just looking for you to chat, to keep up.
But when he heard this strange person exclaim that they wanted you back… he was still just as lost, but not in an innocent way.
He went to where you were to give you a big hug in front of your ex. He may have looked cute and adorable, but unconsciously Kalim was marking his territory.
Kindly asked your ex to leave the dorm and not make any more advances, they were making you uncomfortable, and if you were uncomfortable he was uncomfortable.
He gave you butterfly kisses when the situation calmed down. Give him kisses back, he needs them.
“You love me, right? Because I love you very much, and my love cannot be compared with anything in the world, and yours cannot be bought even with all the jewels I have in the treasure chamber "
This is simple. Jamil only asked your ex once to leave the dorm.
Not understanding reasons the first time, he simply used his unique magic causing them to go "on their own".
Problem solved. NOW, that doesn't mean Jamil was in a good mood.
Not at all. Anger can be seen rising from his ears like smoke, but his face expresses calm.
Help him in the kitchen, he may not say anything, but internally he will thank you.
Cuddling in the middle of the night, curled up in his bed? HELL YEAH.
"You are the most precious diamond I have in my life, I am not going to let you go so easily"
How dare this pathetic person to proclaim you back in front of his own nose?
Putting aside how impressed he was by such a daring act, Vil was once again furious.
Vil isn’t a person who defends his opponent in a violent way like Leona or Floyd, but he could attack the self-esteem and brain.
Even though… if the obscene words towards you kept bubbling out of their disgusting mouth, he would have to give him a poison apple.
It almost happened, thank goodness you were there to lower the fumes.
Vil was irritable all day and not even a beauty treatment could calm him… shit this was bad.
Give him a couple of hours to calm down and try talking to him during the night and if he doesn't want to, you can always do the routine for his face before going to sleep.
“I'll be honest, I liked your ex's audacity, but it didn't displease to see how mistreated they was and if I can correctly assume, the mistreatment they caused you. You are here with me and I am here with you, neither is going to be detach from the other "
When Rook saw how your ex was trying to convince you to come back… let's just say he didn't take it very well.
But his face said otherwise. He had the same grinning and somewhat creppy expression as ever, so it was difficult to determine in that tense moment whether he was really angry or not.
I think the arrow that passed between the two of you, best expressed between your two faces, made it pretty clear that Rook wasn't going to sit idly by.
A bit violent and shocking, but effective. Your ex shitted their pants and stormed out of the place, without even looking back.
"I'm sorry for the bad moment I put you on, but nobody touches my prey"
It may be that his action was with tenderness of support, but that doesn’t remove the shock from your face.
You slept with one eye open that night.
Let's say the conversation got off to a good start, until your ex had the brilliant idea of mistaking Epel for a girl.
Oh yeah, the truck driver's voice came out to our farmer.
Be prepared to hold him and prevent him from giving your ex a tremendous punch in the face. Even in that situation your damn ex had the decency to keep asking you to go back to them.
It even occurred to them to denigrate Epel for how short and his supposedly sweet voice was... now you can let him go.
With your ex out of your sight and a reprimanding of Vil towards Epel's ugly acting, you guys spent the night in your bedroom.
Simple caresses and a few small butterfly kisses to calm the atmosphere.
“Sorry, I lost control and gave you a hard time. Don't be mad at me, I don't even want to think about the possibility of losing you "
Oh… .emmm, embarrassed baby became even more embarrassed at having to come face to face with a complete stranger.
Talking to you is one thing, but talking about yourself with your supposed ex is another thing entirely; he even finds it difficult to talk about you with his own brother, so imagine the traumatic moment Idia had to go through.
In a stuttering manner, he asked them to please get away of hs face… and from school. If the shame towards his person was not enough to get your ex out of there, no problem ...
From somewhere he'd get a little machine that would run your ex's fucking ass outside the doors of NRC.
The machine would have a small camera embedded so you could see from its monitors how your ex ran like a baby with their butt burned thanks to Idia's invention.
He may have uploaded the file to the internet… who knows.
After this terrible and agonizing day, Idia doesn’t plan to leave his room until the end of the year.
Stay with him as long as necessary, hours, days, afternoons, nights, early mornings, whatever it is, just ... stay hugged him at all times.
“For a moment I thought you were going to leave with your ex. You know, Ortho loves you very much, and you leaving would make him very sad ... and me too"
They have to have balls to go straight to Malleus and tell at his face that they wants you back.
10 for the audacity, -1000 for their physical health.
 Malleus, like Vil, doesn’t need to destroy or attack your ex, just standing there and acting intimidating is enough.
If your ex still wants to hang around you after seeing that scene, then Malleus is going to have to put his horns on it.
Nothing like a spark of fingers to make him disappear from your side and send him flying out of school.
They are fine, at least that’s what Malleus said.
“Even being amazed at the audacity of that little creature, they should learn that the word no means no. You, little human, you are mine"
Big bear mama Lilia took the situation with great grace. If only your ex knew that the were talking to a fairy over five hundred years old I throw a number they would freeze.
He endured the boring and monotonous talk with your ex with a sarcastic smile and when they finished speaking he wished them a good way back. He then sent them flying towards the exit of Diasomnia.
With their butt out, Lilia slammed the door in their face. You watched the scene from the top of the dorm lounge stairs.
At no time did our little fairy have a hair out of place. And with that same tranquility he disappeared from the door and magically appeared next to you with his characteristic smile and face down.
He gave you sweet kisses before he went out to babysit some freshmen who were about to set the kitchen on fire… as if Lilia hadn't done it before.
“Don't listen to them, they are part of your past. The best thing is to leave it behind, because now you have a present with me "
It happened in one of the few times when Silver was wide awake and with no intention of going to sleep in whatever corner he came across first.
Still, he literally didn't understand anything, he just wanted to spend time with you and that time was ruined.
Silver did nothing, just grabbed your hand and led you into the hall of mirrors, disappearing into Diasomnia's one.
Before going through the mirror, you turned your gaze over your shoulder, seeing how your ex was following both of you and with a handshake which happened to be raised the middle finger you disappeared into the mirror.
In the warm cold of the bedroom, you spent a long time in the arms of your loved one.
"There is no need to look into the past, I like living the present with you"
Don't hate me for what I'm going to say… but your ex didn't even have a chance to say hello, Sebek was already on his shoulders asking them to leave if he didn't want them to face a duel.
Just kidding, not a duel… but it would give him their lesson if they didn't immediately leave the dorm.
No one without the consent of his young master Malleus could enter the residence. And speaking of Malleus… he spent about half an hour talking about his master and how he would be able to turn them to ash if they approached Diasomnia again.
And by the way to you too.
"Incredible how a person thinks they had the right to appear like this out of nowhere, how could you be with a person like that?"
Oddly enough, the day passed like nothing, even at bedtime Sebek acted as if your ex had never shown up.
But… during the early morning, a heaviness on your stomach woke you up from your dreams. Sebek was huddled behind you, his head buried in your hair, his arms across your belly.
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Sonic wasn’t sure how this happened, he glances down at the three, three baby mobians at his feet, two laying on the floor while the middle one was sitting up. Glancing at him with their big wide bright eyes in delight, he knew they were his. The blue fur on their strips and the green eye one of them had been a dead giveaway. Hell, they share his skin colour and two of them look like a mini him, but with black fur with Shadow’s quills.
“OH SHI-SNAP!” He can’t believe this is happening, this can’t be happening fuck! He's too young to be a parent!
He looks at his door, AMY! He can’t let her see them, she’ll get the wrong idea and she always jumps to the wrong conclusion.
“Amy no!” Tails shouted after her to stop her going to Sonic’s room.
The blue hedgehog look at the babies before slamming the door shut behind him, sweating as he hopes none of the children will cry or make any big noise. He ignores the questioning look from his friends, speaking out calmly as he could without freaking out.
“Can you not right now Amy, I was trying to sleep.”
“But you’re not sleeping or in your room right now.”
“Cause you're shouting woke me up. I’m really tired plus my room is messy and dusty from not being used for six months.”
He hopes she’ll buy that excuse and leave him alone. Thankfully she did, huffing as she left with a reminder.
“Alright but you owe me a date.”
He frowns but says nothing, so she’ll leave him in peace to deal with the problem. Tails gives him a look with a raised brow.
“Tails….can you buy some or built some babies supply?”
The two tailed fox blinked, “What?”
He sighs as he opens the door, revealing the three babies. The blue strip with black fur starts to crawl over to him as the green eye one trip, rolling over by accident. The orange with multiple colour strips continue to stare at him with the same cyan colour eyes.
Sonic ignores the tug in his chest, why did it have to be that colour? Hell why orange fur too, couldn’t it be white or full yellow. At least the kid wouldn’t look like him….
“….SONIC!” Tails shouted as he shook him.
“What?” He looks at his younger brother, “What is it?”
“Geez, you must really be out of it. I said did you kidnap these babies?”
“What no! I swear they were in my room when I just got there!”
“Really?” He raises a brow at the blue hedgehog.
“Really! Look.” He picks the one crawling up, holding him in front to his face. “See! We look the same!”
Tails narrows his eyes, the one in Sonic’s arm glare back at Tails.
“Hey! No glaring at my little bro.”
“There’s only one way to check this out. DNA test. Passed the kids.”
---One hour later---
Sonic paces around the room, the babies glancing at him. He hasn’t called them names just colour code them since he didn’t want to get too attached to them if he wasn’t their father. Even though there are signs they are his. Plus Tails thinks he still kidnapped them, he DIDN’T but Tails is Tails, so he refuses to believe his big bro words and gut feeling until the DNA test proves him wrong.
He doesn’t blame Tails he was declared dead for six months after all. Orange keeps reaching out for him, wanting to be picked up. Thankfully Tails came in so he could ignore the small mobian who ears drop. He ignores the tug in his chest.
“I got the results Sonic.”
“And?” His ears twitch as he looks at the paper.
“…You are the father.” Tails wave the paper up and down.
“Told ya!” He sat down, lifting orange into his lap. The baby made a happy sound nuzzling into Sonic’s belly. He relaxes, his instincts are never wrong when it came to his feelings.
“But the DNA result reveals even more.” Tails scratches his head with his free hand, not sure how he should break it down for Sonic.
“How so?” Sonic glances at him.
“Orange is the oldest one, he’s one year old. Blue over there is nine months while Teal is seven months. They don’t share the same secondary parent DNA. But here’s the thing, Orange…he shares Emerl’s powers. In fact, he’s half android with your DNA. Emerl is home Sonic.”
“Emerl? My Emerl?” He looks at the orange baby gave him a smile at the mention of his name. The hero hug the orange baby tenderly, nuzzling into him. That explains the orange fur and cyan eyes, his baby was home. Finally back home and safe!
“Wait what about Blue and Teal?” Teal was sleeping peacefully while Blue seem to be plotting something.
“Well I don’t have the DNA of their mother at hand at the moment. No match to any female we met.”
“Oh well you can’t get them all, guess you’re an uncle now.” He said cheeky with a grin, petting Emerl.
“You’re keeping them?” Tails questioned as he glances at the three babies.
“Yeah, they are my kids. I can’t leave them alone or abandoned them to another.”
“Kids are lots of responsibility Sonic.”
“I raise you and you turn out fine.” Sonic he grinned as he picks Emerl up, “Plus Emerl is home, how can you say no to him?”
“I…I can’t argue with that. Fine I’ll make and get some babies stuff. Also you have to name the other two babies too. You can’t keep calling them Blue and Teal.” Tails huffed, pouting with his arms cross.
“Yeah, let’s see.” He watches his other two sons trying to think of a name for them, Blue crawl over to Teal smacking him hard. “What the heck!”
Teal woke up with a cry from the smack, he glare at the other black fur baby who was smirking at his pain. Teal kick Blue, making the blue starfish quill baby make a seal like noise.
Sonic has noticed that Teal is calm and enjoy snuggling, only turning into a raging storm if you get him mad. Blue on the other hand was a feisty little doom terror wanting to fight everything and everyone he hates. Picking fight with Emerl and Blue whenever he wasn't watching them.
“No, no! Break it up!” He pulls them away from each other. The hero frown as they kept biting each other.
“Seelkadoom! Stop that!” He picks up the newly name Seelkadoom to smack his butt softly for being naughty and starting the fight. Settling him down on the floor while he picks his other son up.
“Pandora, come on back to sleep with you.” Sonic rocks the teal colour baby while he sighs in relief. “Well that settles the naming. Seelkadoom cause he makes seal like noises and is little doom terror. While Pandora is calm but when he’ll angry, he turns into a raging storm when someone makes him mad.”
Emerl giggle at Seelkadoom who was pouting for being smack, he glares at Pandora like it was his fault for why he got in trouble.
“Yeah that settles the name with them.” Tails agree with Sonic as he notes the babies’ behavior.
“Though I do wonder why Pandora and Seelkadoom seem to hate each other.” Sonic muttered as he glances at the two.
“Well they aren’t twins even though they look like they are, there’s clearly a difference between them. I can only guess that their other parents hate each other and they it inherit from them.” Tails suggested with a laugh.
Sonic laughs with him, “I guess so.” 
Both having no idea how closed to the truth they were.
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taechnological · 3 years
[🥂] get to know me tag
tagged by: kris <3 @calicooky also @jiminslight once tagged me in a 30 questions tag game similar to this too but I lost it bc I'm moronic pls forgive me ;-;
tagging: gahhh idk who has done it or not buttttt @mintagust @nvmguk @rmverse @kimchitae @kkulmoon @kimtaegis @kimtaehyunq @hobeah @textsfrombangtan as usual pls feel free to ignore this if u wish to uwu
when is your birthday? may 31st next year
what is your favorite color? blackred (yes that is one colour yes)
what's your lucky number? luck? what's that?
do you have any pets? i have a younger brother :)
how tall are you? ...........i'm not
how many pairs of shoes do you own? hhhh half of my stuff is at my dorm so i can't give u a definite number rn yikes hmmm but more than 8 i'm sure
favorite song? like choose one? i can't :O it's butterfly prologue mix lately tho
favorite movie? my attention span is too short to survive a whole movie in one sitting nowadays rip but uhhhh i used to like tangled a lot as a kid??
what would be your ideal partner? someone whose name starts with a "t" and ends with an "aehyung" and rhymes with "baehyung" but idk anyone like that so :/
do you want children? why would i want that omg
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i am the law u.u bow before me u.u
what color socks are you wearing? socks? in august? bro i live in a tropical country
bath or shower? cold showers hnnng
favorite type of music? if i like smth i just like it i don't care about the "type" uwu
how many pillows do you sleep with? like... 3
which position do you sleep in? starfish lmao
what don't you like when you're sleeping? when there's even one (1) single ray of light in the room i am sleeping in. i prefer total darkness. just like my soul.
what do you have for breakfast? one tall glass of milk and one peeled almond for idk what reason i just eat it
have you ever tried archery? no but now i wanna :o
favorite fruit? mango! ayeee
favorite swear word? "lol ok" works every time :D
do you have any scars? yeah this tiny one on my knuckle which i got from a huge fake dinosaur costume's teeth while i was on a dinosaur ride in a mall 5 years ago... true story
are you a good liar? will u be(lie)ve me if i say yes?
what's your personality type? mbti wise i'm an istj-a but i also qualify as a chaotic neutral so yeah that
what's your favorite type of girl? all girl are my fav type of girl except the girl who put other girl down for absolutely no reason other than trying to look better than that girl
left or right handed? right but i taught myself to write with both hands out of boredom back in 2017 but yeah no i'm still right handed
favorite food? if it's spicy then there's like 98% chance i'll like it
are you clean or messy? my room legit always looks like if u called me in the middle of the night and told me that we are fleeing the country in 10 minutes, i won't even take more than 5 to pack up literally everything bc I'm always ready to LEAVE (it's actually bc i live in the dorms so i leave home and return a lot)
favorite foreign food? taehyu-- *GUNSHOT*
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 25 minutes in the mornings (including waking up, brushing teeth and showering) but most of it is bc i have really long hair which actually take a lot of time to comb and like 10 min if it's any other time
most used phrase? "huh?"
are you a good singer? i don't think so
do you sing to yourself? nah i'm more of a humming to myself kind of person actually
biggest fear? not having a backup plan for smth
do you like long or short hair? LONG! i'm a hardcore long hair enthusiast~ i mean my own go down past my waist
are you into gossips? no lol my frens hate me bc i'm always never interested in anyone's business hhsgsj
extrovert or introvert? i'm active on tumblr,,, take a wild guess?
favorite school subject? mathematics :)
what makes you nervous? taehyung dropping kth1 without any warning o_o
who was your first real crush? like irl? idk man i have a shitty memory (definitely not dodging the question mhm no)
how many piercings do you have? one in each ear
how fast can you run? depends on what's chasing me
what makes you angry? that hybe keeps cockblocking actor jin e_e
do you like your own name? yeah my real first name is actually very pretty haha
what are your weaknesses? *bites lip* taehyung
what are your strengths? *winks* taehyung (pls don't block me) ok ok jokes apart i think my brain power is my actual strength no lie
what is the color of your bedspread? grey and white plaids :o
color of your room? at home it has blue walls, at my dorms it has... light yellow?? i think?? damn sae smh
i can't believe u made it till here??? how bORED ARE U LMAO??
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∞ x 12 - 2^2 + ∞ (idk, just drop some songs, sky's the limit xD)
Damn.... Rye... don't make me go there.... :3 Sky's the limit huh? I bet the limit will be Tumblr! (Tumbler says 10) Tsh....
Oh, that's life Left dripping down the walls Of a dream that cannot breathe In this harsh reality Mass confusion spoon fed to the blind Serves now to define our cold society
Girls are crying and I'm lying in the dirt Trying to make this work I'm a big jerk, fooled by your smirk
Pulled out your gun, shooting me with words Right through the head, oh, just like I deserve Throw me to the curb
There's no rhyme or reason I'm changing like the seasons Watch! I'll even cut off my finger It'll grow back like a starfish It'll grow back like a starfish It'll grow back like a starfish
When you woke up this morning everything was gone By half past ten your head was going ding-dong Ringing like a bell from your head down to your toes Like a voice trying to tell you there's something you should know Last night you were flying but today you're so low Ain't it times like these that make you wonder if You'll ever know the meaning of things as they appear to the others; Wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers Don't you wish you didn't function, don't you wish you Didn't think beyond the next paycheck and the next little drink? Well you do so make up your mind to go on, 'cause When you woke up this morning everything you had was gone
I am a stranger I am an alien inside a structure Are you really gonna love me when I'm gone? With all my thoughts And all my faults
I feel it biting I feel it break my skin, so uninviting Are you really gonna need me when I'm gone? I fear you won't I fear you don't
All hail the underdogs All hail the new kids All hail the outlaws Spielbergs and Kubricks
It's our time to make a move It's our time to make amends It's our time to break the rules Let's begin
What makes you feel good? What makes you angry inside? Why don't you love me? Do you wanna fuck me or fight?
You never asked me If I had something to hide You wanna hurt me I'll make it easy tonight
We'll stay at home and call this day our own, Listen to a record and watch a candle burn I'm feeling kind of drowsy There's blood on the floor. And when I'm gone you still will have my love forevermore
My Love, Forevermore
Don't have too many friends Never felt at home Always been my own man Pretty much alone I know how to get through And when push comes to shove I got something that you need I got the love Love of the loveless Love of the loveless Love of the loveless For love of the loveless
All around you people walking Empty hearts and voices talking Looking for and finding Nothing
Don't got a lot of time Don't really care Not selling anything Buyer beware
Yes, I become aware of all the air that I displace I was just the smallest of nations The next day I go on lightly And limitless within my limitations
I just want to sail away From it all Freedom is impossible This I know
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