#and yes he also got nervous and hid behind a tree
eyes4sky · 5 months
Badsansuary drawing challenge day 1 and 2!
Hot drinks and ✨️romance✨️
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sadienita · 5 months
[1:01] “Joong, where- ugh!” You groaned as you spun around to find Hongjoong way behind you yet again. You were meant to be on a cute date, a first date in fact, because after a year of pining Hongjoong had finally mustered up the courage to ask you out. Despite his clear nerves it had been lovely.
Or mostly lovely.
Because despite taking you out to lunch and then to a cute cafe and now for a walk in the park, he had also brought his camera along. And he couldn’t seem to help himself, stopping at every pretty sight to snap a photo, not to mention about fifty photos each from the cafe and restaurant of your food.
It was cute really, but it did mean his attention kept wandering. If you didn’t know him well it might have been rude. But you knew how shy he could be and you could see how nervous he was even if he hid it well. So you simply gave him a smile when he met your gaze with a confused “huh?”
“I’m walking alone.” You chuckled.
“O-Oh, sorry.” He mumbled, scurrying to meet you. He looked even cuter as the blush on his cheeks matched the pink on the tip of his nose from the cold weather. “I got distracted.”
“Was it a good picture?” You hummed.
“Yeah I think so, I think I have at least a few good ones from today. It’s nice that it snowed.” He gazed over the hedge at a few young girls making snow ducks at the side of the walking path. “Everything looks pretty when it snows.”
“Even me?” You teased.
“Y-You always look pretty.” He said quickly. When you glanced at him he was blushing harder. You nudged him with your arm and he looked at you.
“You’re pretty too.”
“You’re just saying that cuz I said it.” He countered.
You put a hand over your heart. “I swear I’m telling the truth.” You reached over to pinch his nose which made him jump. “You’re adorable.”
“I think you just like teasing me.” He muttered.
“I liked teasing you before you asked me out.” You said. “It‘s familiar. It should comfort you.”
“It does the opposite.”
You stepped in front of him, stopping him as you grinned at him. “Do I make you all nervous now, Joongie?”
A blush rushed up his cheeks as he ducked his head. “Why did I think confessing to you was a smart idea?”
“Do I make your heart race?”
“I should have known you would just torture me.”
“Bet you wanna kiss me, don’t you?”
Hongjoong grabbed his camera again, forcing it between the two of you, almost as if creating his own little bubble to withstand your teasing. “Let me take your picture.” He said.
“You didn’t answer any of my questions.” You laughed. He nudged you backwards.
“You already know I like you, do I have to admit to everything?” He mumbled.
“It’s more fun if you do.” You said, wandering down the path as he found you in his viewfinder.
“Don’t I make you feel the same way, anyways?”
Yes, I feel butterflies in my stomach everytime you call my name.
Yes, I feel my heart racing a mile a minute each time you look at me.
Yes, I want you to kiss me.
But you couldn’t just say those things out loud.
“You make me feel…” You thought for a moment as you gazed up at the snow covered branches of the tree. “Make me feel-”
“Wait! Don’t move!” Hongjoong’s sudden exclamation made you jump a little but you held still after that, hearing the snap of his camera shutter. It went off a few more times before you looked at him, ending with him getting one more of you looking right into the camera. You could feel the heat warming you from the inside out as he shyly brought the camera down. He looked so pretty, the shy smile on his face, cheeks and nose tinted pink. The way he looked at you had your heart hammering in your chest, like you were his whole world.
“Sorry, you- it’s a really good picture.” He cleared his throat, tone hopeful when he spoke again. “What were you saying? About how I make you feel?”
A smile tugged at your lips. You didn’t say anything in response, instead waking back down the path towards him. Hongjoong let out a yelp as you dug your fingers into his scarf and pulled him in, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss that made your heart feel like it had an entire fireworks display going off.
When you pulled back Hongjoong looked just as dazed as you felt.
“You make me feel love.” You hummed, before kissing him again.
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robertdowneyjjr · 5 months
omg happy birthday!! for a prompt, how about some secret santa shenanigans for stevetony?
THIS IS SO VERY LATE i’m sorry!! december just completely got away from me. but ask and ye shall receive (albeit belatedly)
“Sooo, who did you get for Secret Santa?” Natasha asks as she plops herself down on the opposite end of the couch.
“I thought the whole point of Secret Santa was that it’s supposed to be a secret,” Tony says. He raises his eyebrow and spares her a short glance before looking back at his phone. He hopes he comes off as casual as he’s trying to sound and Nat doesn’t realize he’s frantically scrolling on his phone for gift ideas.
“It is. But it looks like you’re already panicking and I thought maybe I could help.” She looks pointedly at the way he’s holding his phone, his thumb flicking the screen too fast for him to really absorb anything.
“How do you know I’m not doing some important work for SI here?”
“Please. We all know you’d prefer holograms for that. What you’re doing now you’re trying to keep secret.”
“Ugh, fine.” Tony sits up and tosses his phone at Natasha. “I got Steve.”
“Oh, I know,” Nat says as she looks through the bookmarks Tony already has saved. “I rigged it so you’d get him.”
“What the fuck, Nat!”
She shrugs. “I figured I’d help you guys get over your pining so you can finally just bone. Anyway, none of these will do. Come on, let’s go out.”
She stands up and heads towards the elevator without even looking back to see if Tony is following. He sighs and goes after her. She’s still holding his phone hostage after all.
Tony holds his breath as he watches Steve unwrap his present. The Avengers are all sitting in a circle in front of their tree, and they’d agreed to all open their gifts at the same time after their Christmas dinner. Tony is so nervous about how Steve would react that he hasn’t even looked small package he’d pulled from under the tree into his lap.
His heart bursts when he sees Steve positively light up at the series of framed photographs Tony had customized for him. The pictures range from the bits of Steve’s past that Howard had collected to recent photos of him with their team. At Nat’s urging, Tony had also hid pictures of himself posing pinup-style behind some of the photos. If he ever does get up the courage to ask Steve out, maybe one day he’ll tell Steve about it.
Steve reads the card and beams when he looks back up at Tony, who can do nothing else but smile back. Steve is so handsome when he’s happy. Tony wants to keep making him smile like that.
“Tony?” Bruce asks. “Aren’t you going to open your present?”
“Oh!” He’d entirely forgotten about the little bundle he has in front of him. “Right, I’ll do that now,” he says as he starts to untie the ribbon on the box.
“Wait!” Steve reaches across the circle and puts a hand on top of Tony’s.
Tony pauses and looks questioningly at Steve. “What’s up?”
“Um. Listen, I’m not really sure about what I got for you. How about you give me until tomorrow to get you something new? Please, Tony, after such a thoughtful gift from you I really just want to be sure that what I get you is perfect.”
“Oh, no it’s okay! I’m sure whatever you got me will be wonderful.”
“Don’t worry so much, Steve. I’m sure Tony will love your gift,” Nat chimes in with a shit-eating grin.
Tony narrows his eyes at her. Of course her nosy ass got involved with Steve’s gift-giving too. But to be fair, she did help Tony figure out the perfect present for Steve, so while she can sometimes be the worst, she is also truly the best. And though her methods may not always be conventional, when it comes to the team she always means well. Tony knows he can trust that she helped Steve to the best of her abilities.
Not to mention he’s really curious about what Steve got him that he’s blushing so hard right now.
He hastily unwraps his present and takes the lid off the box. Inside, nestled in delicate tissue paper, is a set of absolutely gorgeous navy blue lingerie. The card on top simply says, “Perhaps this is something we can enjoy together.”
His eyes widen at the brazen assumption in those words, though Steve’s not wrong. He looks back up at the man.
“Steve? Is this…”
“Nat said I needed to be braver and just put myself out there and she said that you feel the same way I do so I thought maybe she’s right, maybe I should take a chance and if she was wrong, if I was wrong, I could just play it off as a joke and we could just forget about it and I could just kick her ass a little harder in training as revenge and it would be fine, because you have to know I would never usually do something like this, I’m just always too nervous to ask you out but I really am crazy about you and —”
“Steve. Steve!” Tony cuts off his adorable rambling. “Steve, she’s right. I do feel the same.” He looks back down at his gift and runs a finger down the soft lace. La Perla. Nice. “I love it.”
Steve grins, eyes crinkling and all too beautiful. “Yeah? You do?” he breathes. “I don’t have to kill Nat now?”
That startles a laugh out of Tony.
“You don’t. Come here.” He pulls Steve close and gently kisses him. Those lips are just as soft as he always imagined they would be. “Thank you. Let’s get dinner tomorrow?”
“Yes. Yeah, let’s do that.”
“Sooooooo, are you going to try it on for us?” Clint asks, breaking the spell over them and reminding Tony that they’re not alone.
Steve shoots him a glare. “No, he won’t be doing that.” He moves to sit next to Tony, wrapping an arm around his waist and tugging him closer.
“It won’t fit him anyway. It’s in Steve’s size,” Nat says casually. “Anyway, time to watch Elf.”
Tony sits frozen as the rest of them start getting ready for the movie, head stuck on the image of Steve decked out in blue lace and satin. He glances at Steve, who’s now laying out snacks on the coffee table for the team. Steve senses Tony’s eyes on him and looks back, winking before setting his attention back on his task.
Tony can’t wait for their date tomorrow.
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opiumkitten · 5 months
A Special Delivery
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It is Christmas Eve, and there's no better way than to bring in Christmas than with the Boss himself. Sett is one of my favorite characters and I'd just been complaining about not having a Santa Settrigh when the Winterblessed line refreshed, this amazing artist created this masterpiece (which i own no rights to, but this man is truly amazing) and he wasn't included. Whether it's due to lore that he remains a Chinese New Year Skin or not, I'd prefer to sit on his lap more than Gragas or Braum...
There isn't much Sett smut, and I aim to change that little by little.
Anyway. Enjoy this Modern Delivery Man AU with our favorite Honey Badger/Wolverine!
The Collection
Word Count: 2760
*Note: My works are written from the eyes of POC. There will be descriptions as such in my works. If that makes you uncomfortable, please replace the words in your head ok?) Also I'm thinking of maybe adding a part 2 where they explore further? I'll let you know.*
Warning: Smut, Oral: Sett Receiving, Ass Eating (Reader Receiving, Yeah. I went there.)(There's more surprises...but you'll just have to read and find out.)
Shuffling down the stairs, I hurriedly tied the robe around me as I tried to focus-
“Hey, packages for Y/FN Y/LN?”
“Y-yes, that me..” Sighing through the-
“Ok, let me just pull up the signature page.” Silence filled the doorway…or…actually there was a…buzz..?
Drumming her fingers on the door seemed to drown it out, her chest leaning against the frame. Her eyes seemed a bit lazy-
“Settrigh, is it?” She was looking at his name tag, biting her lip as she took in just how big he was.
Not that she had any other choice, everyone was tiny in comparison to him.
The smell of hot cocoa wafted through, making him shiver. This was his last delivery of the night. It’d been freezing all day, what’d he do to have some.
“Yeah, um…?”
“Your nose is really red…” Peaking down at her, her robe fell from her shoulder, catching on the swell of her breast…a peak of her areola showing-
“And your face seems windswept…are you ok?”
“Just…really cold out today. This uh…a gift for your boyfriend?”
Chuckling, he handed her the device-
Her hands were shaky, her dominant hand clenching the E-pen to steady her grip.
“No…best friend…we spoil each other.” She stopped signing, closing her eyes as she breathed deep.
“You ok?”
“I’ll take these inside for you.”
“No, its ok I can-“
“-Ma’am, let me help. My ma would give me hell if she’d knew I let a pretty woman lift something like this on her own.”
The compliment had her biting her lip and scissoring her thighs together.
Which far exceeded what's he'd expected.
Though.. she already looked flustered-…?
The buzzing came back. Low and a bit closer as he got his hands around the box-
Pulling open the door she pressed behind it as she pulled the robe down while shivering.
The chocolate smell was much stronger, making him hum as he came in.
“Where do you want me?” Y/n's eyes became hooded, but she hid her reaction as she pointed to the elegantly decorated tree. Sett did as told-
The clatter of the pen hitting the ground brought his head around.
And he finally found out what the buzzing was.
A light…in the center of her ass as she bent over illuminated the robe…and droplets of arousal peaked from under the lapel. So…this is why she was so shaky, hm?
“You a holiday kinda girl?”
“…sort of…” Getting to her knees, the cheeky reply was an understatement as the red and green tinkled proudly, her round ass on display as she reached under the shoe rack.
“It looks great in here. This was my last one for the day, was thinking about getting a hot chocolate on the way home, and you definitely convinced me now.” She chuckled anxiously, collecting the pen as she stood slowly while he walked pass.
Collecting the second box, she bit her lip as he set it down, flicking the ornament-
A sharp breath brought his head around, her nervous smile as she tried slowing down her breathing.
“Thank you, Settrigh.”
“Sett is fine. I’ll be on this route permanently now, so you'll see me more often, Ms. Y/N.”
“You didn't have to bring these in. As thank you and a welcome…can I interest you in a cup of hot chocolate?”
Sett raised an eyebrow, he was sure of what he saw.
Could she really hold her bluff-
Panting, she leaned against the sofa.
“You sure? You don’t seem to be feeling well…”
“I-I’m ok…just need to do something before i-“
Sett didn’t finish the sentence however, watching her claw at the arm.
“-Make it.”
“…Then let me go lock up the truck.”
“You can wait in here. I’ll be back down.”
He didn’t raise suspicion about it, going a bit slower to lock up everything before closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes. As he settled onto the couch, the coziness of the place sunk into his bones, knocking off the chill-
A muffled airy moan peaked through the quiet drone of the house before silence was heard again.
Sett couldn’t help but laugh, taking out his phone as he clocked in his hour break before ending the day.
When she finally came back down, she seemed a bit better, leaning against the threshold to the kitchen as she crossed her arms.
He looked so good, draped across her couch like that.
“Yeah, thank you again for this.”
“Of course, how do you want it?” Sett took a moment, watching her hips sway as she disappeared into the kitchen.
“Creamy. With milk. If you don’t mind.”
Hearing her rummage through, he waited before-
Peaking around the corner she held up vanilla almond milk.
“Do you mind?”
“No, I prefer that one. It’s what I use anyway."
Smiling, she went back in.
“In that case, do you like peppermint?”
“You reading my mind or something?”
“Califia has a peppermint mocha almond creamer. I'll need you to show me how much you want, though.”
He watched her set things up, turning on the stove before his footfalls met her ears, bringing her glance towards him as she reached for the cabinet-
“Can you pick your mug? They’re in there.”
Grabbing a large mug with cat ears, she put in the powder before making a divot.
“I usually do half milk, half creamer…”
Watching her pour in the half cup, she looked to him as she picked up the creamer.
“Show me?”
Grabbing her hands, he got in close. The crisp outdoorsy scent filled her nose, the slight smell of his pheromones a pleasant aroma she welcomed.
Y/n didn’t pull away as he poured in the liquid, and then a bit extra-
Her robe slipped from her shoulder, revealing her caramel skin.
The smell of jasmine danced through the blooming chocolate aroma.
“That should do it.” A faint hum answered him, her weight shifting back as he rested his chin on her head. In the quiet droning, their heartbeats drummed loudly before she picked up a spoon.
The soft scrape and tacking only made him realize just how close he was. His hand had found purchase on her hip, the other on the counter as he thumbed over her belt.
His first day on his new route, and he was getting cozy with one of the residents.
But what could he do?
She was so cute.
And she wanted him too.
He could tell by the fact that she’d pressed into him more, the round of her ass plush against him-
Taking the measuring cup, she put a bit of the warm milk in the powder before stirring, making sure it dissolved without making air pockets before repeating the process-
Her vigorous stirring brought Sett’s attention south, her ass jiggling as the robe slowly shifted.
By the time she finished, the beautiful umber of her nipple was teasing him again.
“There." Sett leaned into her neck, breathing deep as he tried to calm himself. Only, his senses were intoxicated by her lovely scent, making him crank down on her waist.
“Smells good. Thank you.” She didn’t move till he did, turning around as she rested against the counter. Watching as he took a sip, warmth greeted her as he smiled.
“It’s so smooth.”
“When you slowly add the milk and stir it quickly, it ends up like that. It’s the only way I make it.”
“You spoil all your delivery drivers like this?”
“You hug all you residents like this?”
Sett laughed as she made her way to the living room, fixing her rob as she smirked over her shoulder. Following after her, he to res in his previous position as she put down a coaster, placing the cup on top as she tucked her knees under.
“No, actually. You’re the first one I’ve ever taken up on being invited in.”
“Hm? That wasn’t what I asked you though.” Stretching her leg, Sett allowed Y/n into his lap, rubbing her calf as she leaned on her hand.
“I asked if you’d ‘hugged’ anyone else…” Smirking, he took his time sipping from the mug.
“If the answer is no, will you let me hug you?”
“I find it hard a guy like you hasn’t.”
“Why? Think that just cause I’m handsome I take every invitation for a bit of warmth?”
“You telling me I’m the first one you just couldn’t turn down?”
Taking another drink, he hummed as the chocolate settled just right.
“You got a lot of questions for someone who answered the door with a buttplug inside them." Sett caught Y/n’s leg before she could pull away.
“Let alone have a full conversation while it’s going…and even inviting me in while you finish. It’s not as quiet as you think.”
Pressing into her calf, he pulled her a bit closer, getting a good look at the flustered look on her face.
“Plus, with the lightshow it was giving off? I’d say you were planning this-“
“-I wasn’t…but you’d caught me at a bad time…and I didn’t want to wrestle with it and risk missing you.” She didn't meet his gaze as she chewed on her lip, his hand flitting higher as he gripped her knee.
“Getting redelivers around this time of year is a hassle.”
“So, do you spoil all your delivery drivers like this?” Rubbing at her thigh, he felt her jolt-
Her eyes finally met his, glazed over with curiosity and desire.
“No…but it’s the holidays, right? If a gift like you shows up, why wouldn’t I want to unwrap it?”
Thoughts of her climbing into his lap as she undid his shirt flitted through his mind. She’d be so tiny, her hands trying to work him inside as she straddled him.
She’d probably feel like heaven, warm, wet and so fucking tight around him-
“As good as that sounds, I’ve been working all day and-“
“-I know we just met…but you don’t…I like your scent. So let me decide if I want this or not.”
Of course…she did want it.
But he didn’t think she’d want this.
Growling out a sigh, his head fell back as a loud slurp rang through his ears. Her tongue wrapped around him as she suckled harder-
The groan he was holding in was forced up his throat as the plush underside of her tongue slowly massaged his head. Her robe was just didn't want to do it's job today, her full breasts peaking at him as those pretty eyes met his.
The wet chirapsia of her grip slowly eased the stress of his day up his shaft as she moaned over his length. One of her hands disappeared-
The dull drumbeat was heard again before her moans became awry, her hand slowly matching the rhythm of her mouth.
“Y/N…you didn’t…oh fuck…” As she swallowed around him, he sucked in a breath-
Her moaning pitched higher, her thrusts going deeper.
“Shit…I’m gonna cum-!” Gripping her hair hard, he tried pulling her off- her throat was so warm and tight as she drank him down, her tongue still snaked around him.
His husky whimper only egged her on, her eyes pleading as she pushed on his hand in her hair…
Begging him to push harder.
Sett tried to be gentle, but the pressure was not helping as she went faster, he went deeper, rougher till his hips started-
“Y/N-! Fuck!”
Her erratic moans were cut off as he thrusted hard into her throat, every inch of him being devoured by her plush lips.
Y/N milked every drop and moan from him as she swallowed around his length, her hand wringing him dry before lightly squeezing his heavy sac-
Slowly easing off, she suckled hard at his head, her shallow thrusts making his tense body tremble as his broad chest struggled to breathe.
“Y/N-! I already-!” The loud pop of release made him moan loud, kitten licks catching on his sensitive spots before she laid on his thigh, marveling at his manhood as she held it.
“Finished already? For someone so big I expected you to take a bit longer to cum. But you’re so sensitive, Settrigh.”
“Just had a long day at work…is all.” A happy little coo met her-…but Sett wasn’t going soft.
At all.
“Are you satisfied…?” Sett finally caught her gaze as she slowly became flustered again.
“Oh? You scared now?”
“No…” The lie made him smirk as Y/N pried her paws off of him, the thick slap on his abs only making her more anxious.
His phone went off, signaling his 15 minute warning as he silenced it.
“Don’t worry. I don’t have enough time to get you used to it. So do me a favor and get up here.”
He didn’t wait for her to reply as he pulled her up, kissing her before resting her on the arm of the couch as he pushed her ass in the air.
“I’m sorry I have to rush, Doll, but I got about 15 minutes to make you cum. So be good and don’t hold back, ok?”
He was raised to be a gentleman, and he never left a woman unsatisfied.
So undoing the robe quickly,  he lifted the lapel as he kissed her thighs, licking over her spilled arousal as he hummed.
“You taste so good. Fuck…” Kissing her clit, he sucked hard at the nub, making her jolt as she grabbed a fist full of his hair.
“I’d love to eat you out. But I just had that cocoa. And my hands are dirty. So I’ll be eating this instead…”
Pressing the plug in further, he pulled at it slowly, her taught hole unwavering as she bit down to keep it inside.
“Your ass is so fucking needy. Come on pretty girl. Let it go so I can put my tongue inside-“ The pop as she finally released it made her moan hard, Sett marveling at the length and girth-
“Y/N, I’m so fucking happy you answered the door with this in.” Truly, he never enjoyed work as much as he did today. He took a moment to take in the pretty hues of her asshole, the beautiful contrast of the pink and sepia as he massaged her soft ass made him hum with excitement.
Diving in deeper, he hugged her thighs closer as he pulled her up into him, making Y/N pull him in by his hair as she tried to steady herself.
His tongue was thick and long as he dove into her, the wet muscle undulating inside before he pulled out and spread her wider.
This was definitely moving up on the list of best Christmas' too.
Her hips moved on their own, Sett following as he allowed her to use his face anyway she saw fit. Her ass bounced and cut off his air, his hot pants tickling her flower-
Smacking her ass with both hands, he gripped her open before tongue fucking her hard and fast, making her still as she clawed at the couch.
Thanks to the toy, she was already close. And Sett being so good and hungry for her she was-
“Gonna-please-!” Just as quickly as the words left her, she tightened down on his tongue as she came. Keeping his tongue deep, he rode her through till she couldn't take it anymore-
He didn’t stop, rubbing his face in her warm slick. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t waste his reward.
Especially when she tasted so fucking good.
Y/N allowed him to lick up every drop, even as her sensitive spots fluttered for reprieve and the tingle of the mint started tickling her till his kissed over his handprints, the reddening marks still stinging as he worshipped her.
“And you say I come quick?” He watched as her pretty holes winked happily at him.
He wanted to fill them so fucking badly.
“You…had a head start…” Ragged breaths left her as she tried to steady herself.
“Hmmm…how about next time we see who can do it faster?”
The alarm blared loudly, making him tisk as his fun ended. He had to return the truck before ending the day, and that meant he had to get in gear.
“Next time?”
“I don’t have work on the weekends. I’ll drop off more than head then. Deal?” Y/N smiled at he kissed her asshole, making her bite her lip as she looked back at him.
“Only if it comes with this special delivery.”
“For you? This is just the basics. I got something that'll keep on giving for naughty girls like you.”
2023 Copywritten and Owned by @opiumkitten
Do not claim or repost anywhere. If you see any works on any other site claimed by anyone else but @opiumkitten please report it to me and report it to the site. Thank you
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strxbrymochi · 6 months
chapter 27. cutting class (office edition)
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masterlist | previous | next
synopsis: when jeno took over his family's empire, yn was the last person he expected to see given their past. now, she's in a relationship with one of his best friends, and he's left wondering about "what could have been". surely working together wouldn't revive any unspoken thoughts. right?
warnings// none rlly
rest of written chapter after the line break;
word count: around 1k maybe (i didnt proofread this so gg HAHA)
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"you're really insane you know that right?" you say, strapping in your seatbelt. "like, during work hours? what are we? uni students cutting class?" you couldn't believe you were here, sitting in jeno's car. in broad daylight. in the middle of a work day. and you weren't drunk or passed out. you were completely sober. sober enough to tell something was off.
"and you forget i'm the ceo, so i can do whatever i want." he says, smiling at you. you swear your heartrace sped up a bit. but maybe it was also just cause he started zooming out that parking lot and you were fearing your life. well, you knew it wasn't the car or his driving but yeah, let's go with that.
"where are you taking me?" you ask.
"a surprise isn't a surprise if i tell you y/n" jeno answers back. eyes never leaving the road other than occasional glances on you to check if you were still okay. you've been driving for 30 minutes now and you were getting antsy.
"just sleep." he says. "i'll tell you when we get there and you'll have energy to finish your report when we get back."
"we're getting back in time for that? what happened to the report can wait til tomorrow huh?" you challenge him.
"just sleep." he says, arm moving to turn on the radio and before you know it, you're drifting off to sleep.
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"you can wake up now." jeno's voice brings you back to reality and you stir in your seat. eyes adjusting to the light, vision trying to process where you were.
"is that..?" you stutter.
"yup, welcome back." he says, getting out the car.
you follow him. "i thought bringing you down a little trip down memory lane would help you cheer up a bit. i didn't know how much of these places you've gotten to see since you got back since i give you a lot of work i don't know if you have time to go around but these always cheered you up back then so i thought i'd give it a try. so, tada, welcome back to snu!"
you smile at him. he's rambling, he's nervous. you weren't sure how pleased you were with the idea of going down memory lane to the places and times that made you fall in love with him all those years ago but he was trying, so you thought you'd give him a chance. after all, he was right. you haven't been back in a while, maybe nostalgia was good.
you both walk inside campus, and watch as the students walk past, just like you guys once did all those years ago before you moved to new york. you guys walk around, reminiscing about your university days.
"remember when jisung first started uni and he had just joined the group?" you start. "i swear he hid behind that tree and i could see him calming his breathing because he was so scared of you guys." you remember laughing. the two of you were sitting on a bench. one of the many places you and your friends used to hang out in between classes.
jeno laughs. "he was not scared."
"yes he was! he looked petrified" you say, recalling the thought of a first year jisung, nervous to meet his hyungs, who now happen to be his best friends.
"well how about that kid in professor choi's class, the stuck up kid. what was his name?"
"uhh dowoon? doyeon? i don't remember." you try thinking.
"yeah, him. remember when professor choi was asking lee seohun a question and he responded and embarrassed himself in front of the whole class," jeno says laughing.
you follow along, "i remember! i think professor choi said something along the lines of how we were all seated separately and he just went "cause i'm different and just that good" and the whole room went silent."
"that was a good time." he says, staring off into the field.
silence falls between you two, it's comfortable silence. not the type you have to be worried about. just the two of you, reminiscing about university, like old friends would.
"hey you wanna go somewhere else?" jeno asks.
"where would we go?" you ask him, curious.
"there's one more memorable place we haven't seen yet."
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the two of you get to the beach right as the sun starts setting.
"it's gorgeous." you say, sighing out to the distance, not noticing the man staring at you when he responds "yeah, it is."
this was a memorable beach. it was where you and your friends had your outings. it was where they went to play beach volleyball or eat ice cream during the weekend. you would go there often to read, get some peace and hear the waves crashing to calm you down. this was your place. it was where you would run to when things get too much and jeno would often find you here, ready to bring you back home. this beach had a lot of memories. memories you cherished, and memories you wanted to erase. this was the same beach where jeno rejected you.
the truth was, he didn't reject you per se. you had gotten that offer to study in new york and you wanted to tell him. you've had all these feelings for him for the longest time and you thought you should tell him before you left, and so you did. you were willing to give it up if he told you too, that's how much you loved him. it's not wasy to confess to your best friend. he was your person, and you were his. it was a stupid idea really. but when he just stood there unable to speak and respond starting his sentence with "i'm sorry", that was all you needed to hear. you had never wanted to fly out and move away so badly. you left the next week.
"you're crying again." you hear him say softly next to you. you break out of your thoughts and quickly wipe the tears off your face. "oh, sand got in my eye." you say as an excuse even if you and him both know, it wasn't sand that got in your eye.
"i think we should head back." he says.
"yea i think we should." you reply back.
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taglist: @n0hyuck @toodleeee @vianna99 @mark-geolli @polarisjisung @dinonuguaegi
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
hello love! can i request erwin x fem reader smut where they're quite the opposite, and after a mission they're tired and just fuck (maybe in the woods or something) because they're so stressed but also because they've been wanting to do it long before? like everyone feels the tension between them except they don't wanted to admit it? thanks! i love your blog. 🥺✨
Hey babes, of course! Thanks for sending this one in, I love writing for Levi but I need to switch it up sometimes lol. 
Warnings: lowkey hatefucking, intercourse obvi,  fucking in da woods, wrap it before u tap it!, unprotected sex. 
Summary: Erwin is selfish, but it’s okay because you are too. 
Word Count: 2.4K 
Your breathing was uneven as you hunched over, chest rising erratically. Your blades were dull and gas was running low, you tapped on the cans ruefully, the dull din signaling how empty the canisters truly were. You were just starting to regain your senses when the sound of hoofbeats startled you. Hange tugged the reins of her horse, the beast turned its head and bared its teeth when she pulled so harshly on the bit. 
“Excellent work! That was a clean cut.” Hange complimented as she smiled wryly down at you. You nodded and lifted your fingers to your lips and whistled for your own mount. 
“Thanks, it was a big one too. I’ll have to find the supply wagons though, gas is almost gone.” You said as you tossed the dulled blades off to the side and slide the handles of the gear back into the scabbards. 
“Ah you’ll have to work on that.” Hange said, her head swiveling to keep watch while you waited for your horse to return. A few moments passed before the sound of your horse trampling through the foliage alerted of its return. You caught it by the reins and threw yourself onto its back.  
“Let’s return to the formation then.” Hange said, once again roughly jerking her horse into the right direction, you close on her heels. The two of you rode through the trees at break neck speed, trying to make up for lost time. You finally managed to make out the sight of Erwin and Levi, their own steeds galloping back in the direction of the wall. 
“What’s going on!? I haven’t caught my titan yet!” Hange wailed when you reunited with the other pair. 
“Too many casualties.” Levi quipped, expression sour and hands bloodied. You rolled your eyes and clutched the reins harder. 
“We just need a few more minutes, let’s not call it off yet.” You insisted and Hange exclaimed excitedly at the shared sentiment. 
“Won’t be possible, we can’t risk loosing more lives. There’s been enough bloodshed for one day.” Erwin’s voice was tense and his blue eyes were icy as he shot you and Hange down. 
“I don’t see why it matters, if we already have lost most of our men...why not push onwards?” You weren’t sure if you really felt that way, or if you were looking for a fight. You were well aware of how Levi felt about losing his men, and how little Erwin truly cared about loosing lives. You knew that was what separated the two of them, Erwin only cared for his own selfish goals, although he hid it well. Levi on the other hand truly cared for the soldiers, and wanted victory for humanity. 
“Shut your filthy fucking mouth.” Levi hissed, gunmetal eyes dark and jaw tense as he bit back his words, waiting for Erwin to tell you off. 
“We simply don’t have the means at this time.” Erwin said simply, eyes trained forward. You glowered at him, you couldn’t deny that you held some malice towards him, for his seeming lack of empathy towards his men. But could you blame him? You had joined the scouts for your own selfish desires as well, he just had the power to ensure that his desires were acted upon. 
“Very well.” You growled, leaning into your horse’s neck as the four of you picked up the pace. Erwin lifted a flare gun and fired the signal into the air for retreat. 
The march into the gates and through Shiganshina was brutal as always. The citizens murmured of their wasted tax dollars and the waste of human life. You silently agreed with them, glaring at the back of Erwin’s perfect blonde head. You wanted nothing more than to scream at him, maybe even slap him, then you’d fuck- wait no. Not that last part, you shook your head in an attempt to rid the vulgar thoughts from your mind. 
The castle was notably vacant when you arrived. Having lost so many men, the grounds were less busy than usual. You wandered around, having already put your horse away and assisted with the unloading of the excess supplies. You were grateful for the summer breeze, the last rays of light poking through the trees. You wandered off towards the thicket of trees that rested between the castle and the mountain range beyond. 
The sounds of the forest seeped into your bones and reminded you of your home, your family, why you had originally agreed to this regiment. You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you almost didn’t hear the twig snapping off to your right. You whipped your head towards the noise, catching the flash of blonde hair and a stark white dress shirt. 
“Following me?” You growled, turning to face him fully, Erwin’s cold blue eyes shone in the dim light. 
“To an extent.” He shrugged nonchalantly and you bristled at the admission. 
“Come to ravage me?” You pushed, wanting a reaction from the usually stoic man. 
“Not exactly.” 
“Then what? You men are simple creatures after all, only so many motives behind your dull eyes.” You bit, unable to keep the frustrations from your tone. Erwin’s thick brows pinched together at your words. 
“I came to tell you that....I want you to be a squad leader.” Erwin’s jaw ticked as he waited for your response. You let out a scoff of disbelief, eyes shining with mirth. 
“Why? Because I showed a fraction of the coldness that you display?” You hissed, marching across the small amount of space between you and attempted to get in his face. Although it was difficult seeing as how tall he stood. 
“Precisely.” Erwin’s voice was a bit airy, eyes now seeming to shine with something besides the cunning that usually resided in them. You narrowed your own eyes and let loose a growl fisting the front of his shirt as you considered your options. 
If you accepted the position, you would be no better than him. But then again were you really any better in the first place? 
“I’ll do it.” You released him and took a step back, determination gleaming in your eyes. 
“I knew that you would.” He smirked, lips curling into an annoying grin, making your stomach flip. 
“Could this not have waited until morning?” You asked, eyes drifting to the last glimmers of sunlight that spotted the forest floor. 
“I suppose it could have...but I wanted to see you before then.” You wrinkled your nose in disgust, earlier suspicions proving true. 
“Oh really?” You huffed with a dramatic roll of your eyes. Erwin’s expression darkened, and he took. a step forward, invading your space. You stood as tall as you possibly could, not wanting to let on how nervous you really felt in his suffocating presence. 
“I wanted to ask you...why you are so bent on challenging my authority.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement, putting you on the ropes. You glowered at him, his chest bumping yours, prompting you to take a few healthy steps back. Which you did, until your back met the rough bark of an oak tree. 
“Why should I listen to someone who holds no regard to human life?” You snarled in response, but it felt more like a yelp, your heartbeat picked up as his hand gripped the tree, trapping you between his towering figure and the large tree. 
“I can’t help but wonder if it could have something to do with the way you stare at me….” His breath tickled your face as he craned his head down, your cheeks lit up as you blushed. 
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You denied, although it was true, you had developed a bad habit of seeking out his form in the dining hall. Watching him too closely during meetings. He was attractive, that was an undeniable fact, but the resentment that you held for him had always prevented you from seeking out anything more than the professional relationship that had been established. 
“I know you do, I’ll only offer this once and never again. I’ve had this on my mind for a while now, if you aren’t interested then we can pretend that this never happened.” He paused, gauging your reaction as you looked up at him in shock. 
“I want to fuck you. Right here.” He pointed his finger towards the ground and his eyes flashed with an animosity you’d never seen before. 
“H-Here?” You stammered, unsure of what to think, but the ache between your thighs was quickly overcoming your senses. 
“Yes.” His other hand slid up your side and rested over the strap of your gear over your breasts. 
“What will it be then squad leader?” He hummed as he toyed with the buckle. You swallowed thickly but managed to nod curtly, not wanting to verbally admit your attraction to your commander. 
“Use your words.” He ordered, tugging harshly on the strap, pulling you flush against his chest. You gasped, head tilting up to meet his cold gaze. 
“I….want you to fuck me commander.” You grew more confident with each word, and you could see the pleased smirk curling over Erwin’s features. 
“Glad we finally agree on something.” He huffed, fingers easily unbuckling the strap and then deftly unbuttoning your blouse. As he did so he walked you back against the tree, he left your shirt on, instead favoring unbuttoning your trousers. You gripped his jacket as he slid his hand down to cup your pussy. He chuckled at how wet you were, his large fingers gathering your slickness before slipping into you. You let out another gasp and pushed his jacket off of his shoulders, he withdrew from you to help you undress him as well. You only got to undo his pants before he pressed his lips to yours, tongue pushing past your lips.  
He leaned down and scooped you up, hands supporting the backs of your thighs as he used the tree to keep you steady. Your head hit the tree roughly as he continued to attack your mouth, you could do nothing but open your mouth to meet his lips. He slid one of his hands up and gripped the waistband of your pants, pulling them just below your knees, it was a bit of a struggle due to the position he had you in. But you got there eventually. The air felt cool against your exposed sex, and you found yourself blushing crimson as he pressed you harder into the tree so that he could free his cock. You bit your lip in anticipation as he finally managed to pull himself free of his pants. 
He pulled away from your lips, eyes lidded and clearly focused on lining himself up to your entrance. You hissed when the head of his cock slid effortlessly along the length of your pussy. Finally he pressed the tip inside of you, pausing as he shifted to grip both of your thighs and gain better leverage. 
“Erwin please.” You whimpered, rocking your hips in an attempt to get him to fully sheath himself. 
“Beg for it.” He hissed, breath hot against the shell of your ear before his tongue darted out and licked a stripe up the side of your neck. 
“I-I need you so bad, please I need you to fuck me.” Your hands clawed at his shoulders as you used your core to keep yourself upright and legs spread for him. 
“Good girl.” He growled, finally snapping his hips and sheathing himself in one thrust. You groaned at the fullness, walls stretching to accommodate his size. His own breathing seemed to grow more erratic as he began to rock his hips back and forth. Your back burned from the friction of rubbing against the tree behind you. There was no doubt about you having some kind of scratch in the morning. 
You threw your head back against the trunk of the tree as he picked up the speed, hands roaming up from your thighs to your ass, you clenched your legs to wrap around his waist. Your muscles burned but the coil that was building in your stomach kept you motivated, wanting nothing more than to cum over his cock. 
He grunted as you twitched around him, his hips somehow seemed to gain more speed, nose burying between the space between your neck and shoulder. You felt him leave a wet kiss there before sucking harshly on the skin. You tilted your head in the opposite direction, giving him more room as he lapped his tongue along the newly exposed skin. 
“E-Erwin I think that-” 
“Wait.” He snarled against your throat, biting it a bit roughly, you moaned wantonly at the action and dug your heels into the small of his back. His cock stroked along the rigid spot inside of you and you nearly screamed, barely containing your orgasm as he had asked you to. He struck that spot relentlessly, hips meeting yours harshly as he pounded into you. 
“Just like that.” He groaned as he pushed you flat against the tree, using all of his strength to keep you there as he drove into you. 
“Please Erwin let me cum.” You sobbed as he bit your collarbone, his dick twitched inside of you at your plea, he pulled back, icy eyes locked on your wrecked face as tears rolled down your cheeks. 
“Only since you’ve been such a good girl.” He growled, and reached down between your legs, you tightened your grip on his shoulders to make up for the lost support as he pressed his calloused finger to your throbbing clit and rubbed tight circles. Your legs twitched as you felt the coil snap and your cunt clamped down around his dick. He hissed at the sudden tightness and groaned as he came as well. You felt the warmth trickle out of you as he pulled away. He held you up as you shook, coming down from the high he had given you. 
“See what we can do when we work together?” He chuckled darkly, hand toying with your bra as you clung to his neck. 
“Keep dreaming eyebrows.” You huffed, pulling away from him and shakily pulling your pants up. He tucked himself back into his pants and picked up his jacket from the forest floor. 
“See me in my office tomorrow and we will discuss your promotion.” He called after you as you marched back towards HQ, cheeks burning from the interaction you’d just had with your commander. You threw your hand up dismissively, trying to ignore the dark chuckle he let out when he saw how flustered you were. 
Maybe he wasn’t all that bad after all….
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hxwks-gf · 4 years
» 𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚜. 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚛𝚞𝚑 𝚛𝚘𝚑, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜...
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚒-𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝖆/𝖓: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗
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The crescent moon that hung in the sky cast the darkened forest in hues of silvery shadow, silently watching over the feeble cluster of tents that were nestled in a small clearing within the trees. Her glow barely illuminated the scattered scouts that were awake and keeping watch, their fingers resting on the hilts of their swords while they listened to the wind. 
There had been no activity for hours. In the morning they would pack up the wagons and return to headquarters, all of their dead in tow. The journey back could’ve been possible during the night if they hadn’t taken such a heavy hit in the field, so they opted for settling in and waiting until the first morning light when they had enough energy to protect themselves. 
The fires were kept low as not to draw any unwanted attention to their makeshift camp, and from your perch up high in a tree, you silently listened to the sound of the sleeping squad snoring away in their tents. A few other scouts were strategically placed along the outskirts of the camp, also keeping watch alongside you. You lifted your face to the moon’s light and inhaled the cool, midnight breeze, smelling nothing threatening on it. 
The whirring sound of ODM gear caught your attention. Mikasa appeared on the thick branch beside you, kneeling in a crouch. 
“Your watch is up,” she said quietly, pushing her scarf down from her chin. “Get some rest.” 
You nodded and stood up, wincing at your sore muscles. She took your place and trained her eyes on the horizon, allowing you to silently launch yourself from the tree and land gracefully on the forest floor, along with the rest of the scouts who were retiring from the first watch. You made your way over to your sleeping horse to dig around in the saddlebags for something to eat. 
As you searched, your eyes briefly glanced up and made contact with your squad leader from across the clearing, the firelight dancing across his sharp features and those grey eyes that were watching you intently. Your hands stilled in your bag as you were scrutinized under his gaze. 
He jerked his head in the direction of the darkened trees behind him, away from prying eyes and nosy scouts. You swallowed nervously and averted your gaze, staring into the meager contents of your saddlebag instead. A strange feeling of giddiness bubbled in your stomach as you closed the flap and gave your sleeping horse an affectionate pat on the rump, keeping your footsteps quiet as you started towards the treeline to follow the silent order. 
“Psst,” a hushed voice came from your left. 
You came to a stop and glanced over, digging your fingernails into your palms. Armin was sticking his head out from his tent, his exhausted blue eyes doing their best to focus on you. 
“What?” you whispered back, knowing a certain someone wouldn’t wait around forever. 
“Are you coming back from watch?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. 
“Yes,” you replied, risking a nervous glance toward the trees. “Why?” 
“Just wondering,” he said through a yawn, and started to slink back into his tent. “Get some sleep, Y/N.” 
“I will,” you lied, and resumed your path towards the edge of the camp and slipped into the darkness. God, where had he disappeared to? You knew he wasn’t much for waiting around, but if he had left already-- 
Strong hands grabbed you by the waist and suddenly you were spinning around and falling against his muscled chest. Before you could say anything, Levi was crushing his lips to yours in desperation, as if he had been starved of you for months. Which was definitely not true. 
You pushed the thought away and kissed him back, your hands sliding up and wrapping around his neck, feeling the soft hair of his undercut beneath your fingers. God, you had missed this. His lips tasted of salt and smoke and midnight air, drowning every tired muscle of yours in warm, delicious shadow. His fingers were still gripping your waist as he pulled you down on top of him, his back leaning up against the thick trunk of the tree he had you hidden behind. 
“What took you so long?” he muttered against your mouth, his hands disappearing from your waist to fiddle with the buckles of your pants. 
“Sorry,” you said, taking his bottom lip in between your teeth and biting firmly. You heard his breath catch in his throat. “Armin saw me walking by.” 
Levi grunted and helped push your pants down and out of the way, the cool night air a tantalizing shock on your bared core. His fingertips trailed along your naked legs until they came to his own belt buckle, and now it was your turn to help him out of his uniform. It was only the pants with the two of you--you were always too impatient to worry about any other pieces of clothing. Just the ones that were in the way. 
As his pants were shimmied down his hips, you heard the sound of his length springing free and slapping against his navel. Your nostrils flared in desire. 
“Come here,” he growled, mindful to keep himself quiet as not to be discovered by the rest of the squad. Although, you were pretty sure they already knew Levi was fucking you on the regular. 
It was hard to see in the dark without the light of the fires, but you could feel him pumping his cock to ready himself for you. He guided your hips up and over to rest just above the glistening tip, a bead of silver precum swiping along your entrance. You hovered over it with a devilish grin, one you knew he couldn’t see, and marveled at the feeling of his dick twitching against you with anticipation. 
“Stop teasing, brat,” he said, breaking you out of your fun. 
“Always so eager,” you simpered, reaching down and grasping his shaft. With ease, you guided it into your already soaking entrance and immediately bit back the sinful moan that wanted to echo through the forest as his entire length slid painfully slow along your walls. “Fuck.” 
“Be quiet,” was all his reply. You could hear the struggle of keeping his own self quiet in the words, earning a satisfied sigh from you. As he bottomed out inside of you, he paused there, letting you adjust to his size, before slowly rocking his hips in tandem with yours. 
This wasn’t unusual, meeting him out in the open after a particularly rough mission. You realized from the start that it was a release both of you needed. It was a way to cope, a way to make sure you got through another day. That’s all it was. 
“Shit,” he quietly groaned, his hands tightening at your hips as you continued to languidly ride his cock. 
“Be quiet,” you mocked, and you could feel his glare burning a hole in your face. He responded by wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you tighter against his torso, increasing the pace of his thrusting hips and hitting that sweet spot deep inside of you. “Oh, fuck, Levi--” 
He said nothing, but clapped a hand over your open mouth to silence your oncoming moans as he fucked you relentlessly on the forest floor. 
That warmth that had blossomed in your core was a raging bonfire now, growing hotter and hotter with every single thrust. He kept his hand against your mouth, even when you made those delicious, muffled moans against his fingers that he loved so much. His breathing turned ragged, his pace was getting sloppy. Neither of you could ever last very long with each other. 
“F-fuck,” he muttered, his hand disappearing from your mouth and returning to your hip. 
You did your best to keep yourself under control, but at the growing orgasm in your core, it was getting increasingly difficult not to let the whole forest know how good his cock felt inside of you. You tipped your head back in ecstasy, eyes fluttering open to look up at the moonlit canopy of leaves above you, the stars that littered the night sky peeking through. 
It was almost romantic. You looked down at Levi beneath you, your eyes having been adjusted to the dark, and seeing his equally pleasured expression as he fucked you. He was so beautiful. Those grey eyes, that dark hair, the stoic and firm authority that had originally piqued your interest in him. You always wanted to look into those eyes. You wanted to swim in the expanse of his mind, learn every little detail that hid in the crevices of his brain, protect him from this cruel and fucked up world because you knew it had done enough to permanently screw him up. You hated anything and everything that had ever wronged him. 
Jesus, did you love him? 
Your hips faltered at the invasive thought and you stopped matching his pace altogether. 
“Why did you stop?” he said, voice low. “What’s wrong?” 
“N-nothing,” you whispered, your hands still splayed out across his chest and stomach. His cock twitched inside of you, silently begging for you to start moving again, but he kept his focus trained on your face. 
“Stop lying.” Levi reached up and brushed the pad of his thumb over your trembling bottom lip. “We can stop, if that’s what you’d like.” 
“No,” you sighed, closing your eyes. “It’s not that, I just...I just realized something. Something that could potentially screw our little arrangement up.” 
He simply watched you with those grey eyes, saying nothing. Damn him. 
“I know we said this was just a means of catharsis,” you started, still keeping your voice at a whisper. “A way to escape from this fucked up life, but...I want more. More from you.” 
You nodded and swallowed nervously. “I care about you, Levi.” 
He was silent for a long, painful moment, until a low chuckle reverberated from his chest. His hands settled against your hips again, thumbs drawing idle circles against them. “So what does that mean?” 
“It means I don’t want you to fuck me in the dirt as much anymore,” you snapped, unable to keep your voice down. “I want to spend nights with you in your tent, or your bed. I want to have morning tea with you, for fuck’s sake. I’ve spent all these nights chasing after something I didn’t know I wanted until I realized there will come a time where I won’t be able to have it anymore, and then I knew.” 
“Knew what?” 
“It’s you,” you whispered shakily, looking down at him. “It’s always been you.” 
Levi reached up again and gently pulled your face down to his, to where he kissed you deeply, still tasting of salt and midnight. This kiss was different...different from the ones you had previously shared in secret, all tongue and teeth and urgency. This was sweeter. Slower. He held your chin in place as he kissed you, while his other hand cupped the back of your head. When he finally let you come up for air, he leaned back against the tree trunk with a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“What does that mean?” you asked, a hand going to touch your swollen lips. 
“For someone so smart, you sure are dense,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You know what it means, brat.” 
It was enough. A small, shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Before you could say anything else, his hands squeezed your hips. 
“Now,” he growled, tilting his chin up. “Are you going to let me fuck you, or not?” 
There was nothing else to say. 
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Mystical Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
🌙  Also from this date: Moment - 1st Call - 2nd Call
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This date is from The Heat and Sounds of the Grand Banquet Collection.
Story under the cut--
Legend has it that in a remote and dense jungle, there was a mysterious young man.
Wherever he goes,
Stone can flow out gold,
The flame can ignite out of thin air,
The spring water can drip colorful colors.
The story starts from that hot season...
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It hasn't had a single drop of rain for two full months, and the air is full of unbearable heat.
Now is the time for the cavalry to change guards, and logically speaking, it is also the time when the tribal defense is the weakest.
I hid behind the wall and glanced from a distance. As expected, there was only one person on duty at the tribe’s outpost.
I crawled into the stable, jumped and patted the horse, then ran off on top of it.
The dry and hot wind whizzed past my ears, and there was only one firm belief in my heart--
I must escape successfully!
Just as I was approaching the guard post, the cavalry on duty probably heard the sound of horse hooves and reacted vigilantly.
Guard: Who are you?!
MC: ...This is bad.
Before I could think about it, I picked up the rein and pulled the horse hard to speed up the escape.
As long as I cross the river outside the post and into the woods, I will be able to completely leave the border of the tribe.
Guard: Someone is running away, come on!
I galloped through the river, and got into the woods as soon as I jumped.
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I don't know how long I ran, but my ears were left with the rustle of wind blowing over the leaves and the faint sound of water.
It's safe for now.
I breathed a sigh of relief, but did not slow down the speed, and my heart still restless.
A few hours ago, I overheard the conversation between the wizard and the chief, and was shocked to learn that the wizard wanted to sacrifice me in three days!
Wizard: Chief, if you want to save the entire tribe, you must sacrifice her!
Chief: This...no, I can't agree with this matter!
Wizard: You have figured it out clearly, this is a problem for the entire tribe.
Wizard: She was originally an ominous orphan, and as she grew up, her thought became more and more curious.
Wizard: She was just looking through some useless books. When I was ordered by the gods to carry out my will, she dared to question it.
Wizard: Now, the god has been angered by her behavior, and the two-month drought is the punishment.
Wizard: Sacrificing her to pray for rain, that was the only way to calm the anger of the gods!
Chief: In any case, she is a member of the tribe, my people...I don't agree to sacrifice her!
Originally, I was only quietly borrowing the street lamp outside the chief's palace to read the collection of theological poems, but I was shocked to hear it.
It is obvious that staying in the tribe is no longer safe. In a hurry, I only thought of a way to protect myself-escape!
-Flashback end-
In order to escape as far as possible, I drove all night in the woods.
The sky was already bright, and I looked at the forks in front of me and couldn't make up my mind. I planned to dismount and check it out first.
I turned into a path and didn't know how long I walked. The dense woods in front of me seemed almost the same as before, and I still couldn't tell the direction.
Thinking that I was lost, I was so nervous that I walked a few steps faster, but I missed my steps and I rolled down a steep slope.
MC: !
The feeling of turning around the world gradually faded. I struggled to get up, and was surprised to find that there was a valley in front of me, and there seemed to be a large lush garden not far away.
Ignoring the pain on my body, I walked in carefully, hoping that there would be a place for me to rest for a while.
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But the more I walked in, I found that so many colorful flowers and trees, there are still many buildings and a clear breath of life in the garden.
I was wondering if there were people living here, a calm and cozy figure suddenly broke into my sight behind the flowers.
It was a strange young man.
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He was wearing a luxurious light-colored satin gown, and his exposed arm rings had complicated and beautiful patterns.
At this moment, he picked up a chess piece and rubbed it lightly.
Hearing my footsteps, the man raised his head. At first glance, I hesitated for a moment.
??: Who are you and how did you come here?
MC: I was lost in the woods and passing by accidentally.
??: Oh?
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The man curled his mouth slightly, and an imperceptible meaning passed through the end of his narrow eyes.
??: Not many people can find this place.
The man didn't seem to believe it, so I explained.
MC: After I rolled down the steep slope over there, I walked straight ahead... and I got here.
The man looked at me up and down, and whispered as if talking to himself.
??: It turned out to be like this...
Although there was a slight smile on the corner of the man's mouth, his tone was always indifferent.
I thought for a while, but I swallowed the idea that I wanted to rest here for a while, and saluted him.
MC: Sorry to disturb you, I will leave now.
??: You're hurt
The man spoke slowly and pointed at my arm.
??: If necessary, I can provide simple medical care.
I lowered my head, and saw many scars on my arm by branches and gravel, and the dull pain came up with it.
The man quickly fetched the medicine kit. After all, in a completely unfamiliar environment, I was a little uncomfortable, holding the potion and use it to heal my wounds.
After treating the wound, I saw the chessboard on the ground on my side, and my eyes lit up suddenly.
The familiar glass pawns and small twelve grids are exactly what I am best at playing chess.
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The man is holding the glass chess piece in one hand, seeming to observe the chess surface.
MC: Are you playing chess?
??: Not long after I started learning, I was still studying according to the chess book.
I nodded thoughtfully and couldn't help but speak proudly.
MC: I like playing chess very much, and I used to learn from the wisest old man in the tribe for a long time.
MC: In our tribe, almost no one can beat me.
Hearing what I said, the man paused with his finger holding the chess piece.
He leaned over and raised his eyebrows slightly unexpectedly.
After pondering for a moment, he put the chessboard in front of me with a casual smile on his face.
??: So now this game...
??: In your opinion, what is the correct next step?
Following the man's gestures, I subconsciously observed it carefully and began to analyze the situation in front of me.
MC: Is the next step to take the pawn at my hand?
??: Hmm.
I quickly counted the pawns in the current chess hole, and my eyes brightened quickly.
I took out the first chess piece on the left hand side and "planted" one by one into the row of holes on the right.
MC: One, two, three, four, five, just right!
The man looked at the chess hole I was pointing, and turned slightly.
MC: Although this chess hole is very suitable for abandonment, the number of chess pieces at the moment is very good.
MC: The place where the last chess piece falls will happen to be the big hole on the right, then according to the rulesㅡ
??: According to the rules, the pawns in the hole of the other side should also belong to this side.
The man took my word almost at the same time.
MC: That's right!
??: This game really became more interesting.
The corners of the man's lips curled up slightly, an arc flashing in his eyes.
Lucien: If you are not in a hurry, are you willing to play a game with me?
I subconsciously wanted to agree, but when I thought about my current situation, I hesitated again.
MC: I....
I opened my mouth and didn't know how to explain it for a while. The man saw my hesitation, did not persuade me too much, just smiled faintly.
Lucien: I think it should be far better than reading a chess book by myself.
His tone was sincere, and my wagging mood tilted towards a certain choice.
I accidentally fell to the sides of the empty garden. An idea suddenly popped up in my head. I took a deep breath and saidㅡ
MC: I promised to play against you, but...
MC: I want to add some "weight" to this competition.
The man leaned forward slightly.
??: Tell me the detail?
MC: If you win, you can make a request to me, as long as I can do it. But if I win..
After a second pause, I said in a hurry.
MC: Can you let me stay for a few days?
Thinking that the wizard might still be arresting me, it is better to find a "backer" to hide first, instead of running around alone.
This hidden garden and this mysterious man may be a viable choice.
The sudden request really made him wide open his eyes in surprise.
I pursed my lips and said after a few seconds.
MC: Our tribe is suffering from a drought, and I really have nowhere to go, so I ran out to save my life.
Although the most real reason is hidden, what I said is not entirely a lie.
MC: So, do you agree to add this "weight"?
I watched him nervously.
The man looked at me deeply, and after a moment of indulgence, he chuckled softly.
??: It is indeed a heavy weight.
??: Okay, I promise.
??: However, let me test your chess skills first.
The man put the chess pieces back, I took a deep breath and smiled politely.
MC: Since it is a competition, how can one not know the name of the opponent.
MC: My name is MC, how about you?
The midday sun fell on him, and the man smiled slightly and looked at me sideways.
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??: Lucien.
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In a blink of an eye, I have been staying at Lucien's house for several days.
I borrowed a few chess books from Lucien. I haven't been anywhere these days. I stayed in the guest room and looked through.
In the match a few days ago, I only narrowly won by the difference two points.
Lucien learned so well not long after his self-study. His chess books must be very useful.
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MC: Lucien, I have read these books, is there anything else?
Lucien: Yes, in the library.
MC: Library? Can I come with you to have a look?
Just when I thought I was going to be rejected, Lucien nodded lightly, a vague stream of light flashed across his eyes.
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Unexpectedly, there are several library rooms in this garden palace, but the books in itㅡ
MC: "Elemental Crystal", "The Secret of Metal", "How to Make a Panacea".
MC: What are these all about, why have I never heard of it?
I looked at Lucien, who was standing quietly by the side, with some suspicions in my heart.
MC: Lucien, What the hell do you do?
MC: Wizard? Magician? Or...
Lucien looked at me without evasiveness, and spoke slowly after a while.
Lucien: To be precise, I am a hermit who knows a little about alchemy.
I was about to ask more clearly, but he suddenly raised his arm, his expression still faint.
Lucien: If you are interested, you can read these books at your will.
Lucien left after leaving saying that. I thought he was in trouble, I didn't care too much, and curiously took out two books.
After flipping through a few pages quickly, I found that the content in it was in a category that I had never heard of.
MC: After adding these powders, the flame can change various colors?
MC: It can be done with salt...?!
Holding these books that I have never heard before, the door to a new world seems to be slowly opening before my eyes.
I was fascinated by it, and I didn't feel the passage of time at all, until there was a slight sound of footsteps by the door.
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Lucien: You... still here?
I looked up in a daze, only to realize that it was pitch black outside the window.
Thinking he was asking me why I stayed in the library, I smiled at him awkwardly.
MC: It seems that I have been staying for a long time...
Lucien approached calmly, his eyes swept over the pile of books beside me.
Lucien: It seems that you have already read a lot.
Lucien: Are there any gains?
MC: There are many gains, but there are more doubts.
I raised the horoscope book in my hand.
MC: I once saw a book that said that the destiny of human beings and the prosperity and decline of the country's luck are all determined by astrology.
MC: The wizard of our tribe always said that he can predict misfortune and happiness through the position of the stars.
MC: But I always feel that if fate is destined, does that individual's efforts have any meaning?
MC: Everyone’s destiny should only belong to them.
MC: As for the other messy claims, they may be just excuses made by people.
After saying all these things, I realized that Lucien had walked to me at some point.
He glanced at me deeply, and a strange emotion flowed through his deep eyes.
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Lucien: I think most people cannot accept this statement.
Just when I thought Lucien was going to refute me, his voice was warmer and softer than before.
Lucien: However, I agree.
MC: ....Realy?
All the time, wizards have always said that my ideas are "outlandish and outrageous."
Unexpectedly, I would meet someone who has such a similar thought to me, so I blurted out subconsciously.
MC: If it weren't for my thinking is not the same as most people, it wouldn't beー
Finding my carelessness, I hurriedly bit my tongue. But Lucien had obviously heard it, and he asked with interest.
Lucien: different ideas mean?
I hesitated for a moment.
MC: Actually, is nothing.
MC: I just feel that some things may have nothing to do with the gods at all, but they should be.
The soft light shone on Lucien's side face, watching him listen intently. I don't know why, I suddenly have a desire to talk.
MC: It's just... If it doesn't rain for a month, maybe it's just the natural phenomenon described in that book, not the anger of the gods.
Lucien: Anger of Gods?
MC: ...I once heard that a tribe did not rain for several months. The wizard said that it was because a young girl angered the gods.
MC: He even proposed the vicious idea of sacrificing the young girls to pray for rain...maybe it's selfishness at all!
I finished speaking in a low voice.
Lucien was stunned for two seconds, looking thoughtful.
But soon, he smiled slightly, with a little light and shadow in his eyes.
Lucien: In this world, there may really be gods.
Lucien: But in my opinion, it is better to put hope in your own hands than to believe in the ethereal gods.
Lucien: It's just that I'm surprised that you can think so too.
Lucien looked at me, his lips curled in a nice arc.
Lucien: Before I brought you to the library, I was worried that you would think these books offended the gods.
Lucien: Now it seems that my worries are nothings.
Through Lucien's dark pupils, I can clearly see my figure. There seemed to be ripples in his eyes, and a warm smile appeared.
My cheeks were slightly hot, and I subconsciously looked away from his eyes.
My eyes fell on the closed "Elemental Crystal", and I suddenly remembered something.
MC: Lucien, just said in the book that there are many beautiful crystals.
I tilted my head and asked curiously.
MC: What is crystal, and what does it look like?
Lucien thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to me.
If you want to know, you might as well take a look at the real "little trick".
Lucien took me to the deepest part of the garden palace. This wide room was filled with various utensils that I didn't understand well, and I looked around curiously.
Lucien held out an iron box in the corner, and saw a row of small cardboard trees staggered in it.
Lucien: Coincidentally, I just finished some preparations.
Lucien: Now, the most critical step will need your help.
MC: What is this?
Lucien: To reveal the answer too quickly, you will lose a lot of fun, you might as well look forward to it.
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Lucien deliberately said it, revealing a mysterious expression.
He adjusted it in the glass for a while, and soon a cup of slightly turbid water appeared in front of me.
Lucien: Are you interested in trying it yourself?
Although I still don't quite understand what this is, it doesn't affect my eagerness to try.
MC: Ok, what should I do?
MC: Pour this cup of "water" on the paper tree.
Lucien: When you wake up tomorrow, you will have a pleasant surprise.
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The next day, as soon as the sun was up, I got up and couldn’t wait to push the door open.
On the bare paper tree last night, every branch is now full of crystal-clear "flowers", which are becoming more white and clear under the shining of the sun.
I sing happily to the garden holding the iron box, Lucien was reading at the stone table in the open air.
Put the blooming paper tree among the flowers, I tugged his sleeve gently.
MC: Lucien, let the paper tree blossom, is this the surprise you said?
MC: But how exactly is this done?
He smiled slightly.
Lucien: The answer lies in the glass of "water" you poured down yesterday.
Lucien: Because the matter in the "water" reacted with the substances on the paper tree, these flower-like crystals were precipitated.
Lucien: It's just such a simple "trick".
He explained concisely. I don't know if it's because this is what he likes. Lucien's expression in front of me is a bit vivid.
The bright sunshine fell on his hair, which looked exceptionally soft, and a circle of dark shadows fell in his eyes.
Looking at Lucien, whose smile in the sun was even better than the flowers in the garden, my breath suddenly suffocated inexplicably.
There seemed to be a feather that suddenly flicked from the tip of my heart.
Lucien noticed my pause.
Lucien: What's wrong?
I hurriedly looked away, but the sensation in my heart did not calm down for a long time.
MC: ....Nothing, I just think you know a lot.
MC: You can learn to play chess by reading a book by yourself, knowing a lot of knowledge that other people don't know, and this kind of magic trick.
Hearing my analogy, the arc of his smile became even wider.
Lucien: In your eyes, I must be really great.
In the fragrant garden, Lucien smiled gently, and his narrow eyes were filled with diamonds from the sunlight.
MC: Lucien, I really like the "gate to the new world" you opened for me. It feels novel and mysterious.
MC: Why don't you teach me too?
MC: Like you said, the masters are more intentional when they moving forward.
MC: Maybe I can catch up with you soon, and then we can learn and explore more things together.
Unconsciously, more than half a month passed so happily and comfortably.
In these days, I have hardly seen other people, and the cavalry of the tribe has never appeared. I gradually feel relieved.
Early this morning, I came to the river to fetch water briskly.
Suddenly, a chaotic sound of horseshoes came from behind unexpectedly!
I was caught off guard and quickly kicked to the ground by a horse's hoof: it was the cavalry sent by the wizard.
I was trying to run out of the enclosure when I was struggling, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in the back of my head.
It went dark, and I fainted.
What I didn't know was that when the cavalry took me away, behind the dense woods, a long robe was blown away by the wind.
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When I woke up, I found that I had been taken to a crowded street.
I looked around but did not see the guards, only the dark and gloomy voice of the wizard.
Wizard: It is because of her, this young girl who angered the gods, that caused the drought in the last two months!
Wizard: I will hold a rain prayer ceremony soon and sacrifice her to the gods.
There was a noise in the crowd, and I stared at the wizard unwillingly and resentfully.
Just when I was about to refute him loudly, an old but powerful "stop" sounded first: It was the chief who came.
My eyes slid past the chief, and widened in disbelief - it was Lucien who came with the chief!
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MC: ....!
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How could it be Lucien?
After the huge shock passed, the faint expectation could not be restrained rising from my chest, and I stared at Lucien intently.
Aware of my surprise and expectation, Lucien slowly blinked his eyes twice.
Chief: You are so courageous that you plan to perform a sacrifice in private!
The wizard was about to argue, the chief had already spoken to the people involuntarily.
Chief: The hermit next to me has a lot of fate with our tribe.
Chief: I was fortunate enough to get acquainted with him many years ago. He gave us the "God Water" that made the crops grow more prosperous.
Chief: In addition, he has the ability to turn stones into gold, and he is an expert who rarely shows up.
Chief: Now, he rushed over overnight after hearing the drought, and he will definitely find a solution.
Looking at the unhurried figure in front of me, my heart was pounding violently.
Lucien: To pray for rain, there is no need for a girl's sacrifice.
Lucien: I have other ways.
Lucien's words caused an uproar in the surroundings.
The wizard asked sharply.
Wizard: What if your method doesn't work? Wouldn't it be useless?
Lucien took a step forward, staring straight at the wizard with a cold look in his eyes.
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Lucien: Did Mr. Wizard has the guts to gamble with me?
Lucien: See whether my method is feasible or your hypothesis is valid.
Lucien: Before that, I ask you to wait for a while.
Lucien's voice was not loud, but with firmness that could not be rejected and rebutted.
The wizard was obviously stunned, his eyes widened in a daze and no longer spoke.
Chief: When do you plan to start the ceremony?
Lucien: I need one night to prepare. In addition, I need a helper.
In the next second, Lucien raised his arm and pointed at me lightly.
Lucien: She is the most suitable.
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On the dry and sultry night, Lucien sat on the ground under an empty starry sky.
He was holding a few precision instruments in his hand, as well as something that looked like a slender stick.
With the help of these instruments, he carefully observed the astrology and recorded what he was calculating.
I also sat down on the ground next to him, quietly not disturbing him.
It didn't take long for Lucien to stack up the calculation paper in his hand with confidence, smiled and opened his mouth first.
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Lucien: Suddenly so quiet, what are you thinking about?
MC: Thinking about what you just wrote.
I pointed to the calculation paper in his hand.
MC: It feels like you have been observing the stars. Could it be that there is a connection between astrology and rain?
Lucien looked up at the dark sky and smiled approvingly.
Lucien: You guessed it right.
Lucien: Remember the astrology we talked about before?
Lucien: The astronomical phenomenon has its own laws. Perhaps it cannot determine the fate of people, but at least it can survey the sunny and cloudy weather.
Lucien: As long as you follow and make good use of these natural laws, it is not a different kind of "pray for rain."
MC: So, have you surveyed the rainy day?
Lucien: If the calculation is not wrong, it will rain tomorrow.
MC: Really?
MC: Do you need my help, such as letting you calculate more carefully?
Seeing me with a slight excitement, Lucien gave a low smile, his eyes seemed to be brighter than the moonlight under the vast starry sky.
Lucien: Stop thinking about it.
Lucien: The reason why I need you to be a helper is just a stopgap measure.
Lucien: The matter of surveying astrology, just leave it to me with confidence.
He stared at me steadily, and the trace of worry and anxiety that I had left was finally completely healed under such a gentle gaze.
Suddenly thinking of something, I stared awkwardly at my toes.
MC: Speaking of which, I actually owe you an apology.
MC: In fact, I would stray into your home, not to come out to ask for a living, but to avoid being arrested by the wizard.
MC: I didn't tell you the truth back then, sorry.
The air was silent for a few seconds, and a faint chuckle fell into my ears.
I raised my head to meet Lucien's deep eyes. From the corner of his mouth that was smiling, I realized something in hindsight.
MC: ...You know it long ago, don't you?
Lucien: It's not very early either.
Lucien exchanged his cross-legged posture, and faded away.
Lucien: In fact, at the beginning, I just guessed that things were not as simple as you said.
Lucien: But after seeing the cavalry yesterday, I realized that it turned out to be a little more complicated than I thought.
Lucien: So, I followed here.
MC: That’s... you came to help me specifically?
Lucien smiled and said nothing.
There was a sudden flow of heat in my chest. I quietly kept my eyes closed, not wanting him to see my hot cheeks.
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The next evening. 
In order to reassure the chief and all the villagers, Lucien sat with his eyes closed in the middle of the crowd, still doing a "ritual" appearance.
As expected by Lucien, it didn't take long for the dark sky to suddenly roll up a lot of dark clouds.
Dense dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, and with the black gloom, the big raindrops suddenly fell.
The long-lost rain has moistened every corner of the dry land.
Crowd: It's raining! It's really raining!
Crowd: Thanks to the gods, this year's crops are finally saved!
A burst of excitement and ecstasy erupted from the crowd, and heartfelt joy also poured into my heart: Lucien completed the promise he made before, and I was finally safe.
The chief entertained Lucien with the highest standard dinner party of the tribe.
Not only that, the chief told me that the wizard had left the tribe in a desperate manner, and he promised that nothing similar would happen in the future.
After the dinner was over, the night was getting thicker, and the rain was still ticking.
Lucien walked beside me, his pace was not hurried, which made me feel more at ease.
I took a deep breath and looked at him with bright eyes.
MC: Lucien, I want to solemnly thank you.
MC: Thank you for taking me in at the time, and now you have saved my life from the wizard.
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In the crowd, Lucien stared at me carefully, his narrow eyes filled with a gentle smile like a moon.
In the damp air, the faint sandalwood on his body lingered in my nose.
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Suddenly, he leaned closer to me.
Lucien: If you really want to express gratitude, then come back with me.
MC: ...!
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In this distance, his smile came into my eyes very clearly.
The feathers that once brushed my heart seemed to be blown back, making my heart pounding involuntarily.
An inexplicable emotion slowly filled my heart, and I couldn't help but raise my face to confirm to him.
MC: Why?
Lucien tilted his head, as if teasing me deliberately, with a hint of teasing in his soft tone.
Lucien: I thought we were already friends.
Lucien: Is there any problem in inviting a friend to be a guest at home?
MC: ....To show you gratitude, I went to your house as a guest? What a strange idea.
I couldn't help but muttered.
Notice Lucien's intent gaze and gentle smile, I suddenly thought of something and blinked slyly.
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MC: Lucien, in fact, you can't let me go, right?
Lucien: Maybe it is.
Unexpectedly, he didn't evade at all, and nodded to me calmly.
Lucien: I used to think that living alone without being disturbed is the most comfortable way of life.
Lucien: Until I met you.
Lucien: It turns out that the world you explore with me is the most interesting.
Lucien: So now...
In the silent night, he leaned slightly, his eyes lingering on my face intently.
Lucien: Would you like to go back with me?
In the damp night breeze, I nodded gently.
111 notes · View notes
felswritingfire · 3 years
AND SECONDLY: Y'all- this has been fucking sitting as a WIP in my google docs for so fucking long- I have so many others too. Like, Claude, Zab, Jacob- ALL THE TEACHERS ARE IN THERE- Hakuman, Durga, Babylon- uuuuuuhhh, fuuuuckiiiiin' TANGAROA. HOMBRE'S IN THERE AND TETSU AND NOMAD-
FUck- I just, there's a lot fjsdlkjlskdjs
ANYWAY! Under the cut for length because this- ah,,,, this is a big boy-
You two planned this out- like, in depth have planned this out because first of all, the dude made it very clear, in the beginning of your relationship, that he was in it for the long haul and he wanted a family with you, like, a horde of children. But after he made your guys’ house and you two established yourselves first
Which, spoiler, you both did all that, so now it’s either baby making time or adoption time
You guys probably end up with a huge ass family, and I’m not joking when I say that, because five children is big. But you know what, that’s better than the 15 (especially if you have to birth that many- like, oof) he was trying to sell you on tbh
Like, shit- this man wore a suit and made a powerpoint to try and convince you why 15 was the golden number, to which you responded that you’d like to have a retirement one day. He couldn’t really fight you there
But your kiddos end up being an oldest girl and the rest boys- which he loves his girl so much, she tries her hardest to keep the boys in line
She’s so soft spoken and shy and they’re all… rough and tumble little gremlins
Speaking of the babies, she’s probably older than the youngest by five years; the oldest boy is a year younger than her; the second oldest boy is two years younger than him; and from there, you had the third boy a year from the second and finally the fourth boy a year from the third- (I had to literally do math to make sure I was right on that jsl;kfdjdfslk)
You’re guys’ baby girl??? Absolute angel, but she had a lot of anxiety as a baby so she had to be held by one of you guys or she would whimper and cry- not even a loud cry, but a heart broken one??? It just- UGH-
The first time Takemaru heard her whimper, he just about sobbed with her- it really didn’t help that she was trying to get out of the blanket she was swaddled in, so she was rocking back and forth on her back, so he could see her little fingers push and pull at the fabric- he forgot all about the bottle he was trying to make for her and picked her up and held her so close in his hands-
He was wide-eyed and terrified he was going to break her as he just held her, but he didn’t and her sniffles died down and she sighed against his neck (he really cried there- but you never heard that shhh)
Kurogane became the favorite uncle when he gave you guys a personalized baby carrier for a little get together to celebrate her birth (they have one for all of the babies too!)
You and Kuro just about jumped when Take wrapped his arms around the man in near tears
But then the title was revoked and presented to Heph instead because the man hand sewed this little stuffed pegasus, his fingers all bandaged and he had this nervous smile on his face as he handed it to your little girl, who LAUGHED AND MADE GRABBY HANDS FOR IT???? When I say that you’ve never seen Takemaru shove a man away and bring another one into a hug so fast (Heph looked fucking constipated as soon as the impact happened- you almost cackled at the pure offence on his face)- you mean it
Kurogane was sprawled on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling until you went up and asked him if he was alright; his reply was raising his fist and declaring “This is war!”
And thus, the story of how your baby girl ended up with a horde of plushies, that she refuses to get rid of to this day began
You have yet to tell them that her favorite uncle is actually Amatsumara- you guys can rest assured that he is the go to babysitter for her because she clings just as hard to him as she does to you guys (no, you two aren’t a little jealous, what makes you think that-)
When you’re first boy is born- you two are not prepared for the mass chaos that is held in his little body- he is an absolute gremlin
You don’t even know how- Takemaru blames you; you are offended
He’s such a needy baby and he cries constantly- and then he laughs when he knocks something out of one of your guys’ hands
You two love him to death- you swear
His sissy tries to help since you two keep her right next to you when your tending to your little boy- always giving her head pats or nodding along when she softly coo about something- but, there’s only so much a one year old can do to help
But she really tries her hardest
It’s easier for all three of you when the next boy comes along because he’s exactly like your oldest boy was and your girl has aged a little bit so she can do a tad bit more than when she was younger- not much, but still
Though your oldest boy brings his own bouts of problems to the table too because boy does he want to see how bouncy his brother is
You and Takemaru both dived to keep your oldest boy from using his little brother as a literal baby trampoline. Suffice to say, he got in trouble
By the time the last two are born/come in, you guys are basically baby experts- like, hot damn, you guys got everything lined up with zero hesitation and can read the boys like a damn book
You guys immediately know what they need/want without them even uttering a cry; your daughter has also picked up this skill and she takes care of the other two toddlers too, which helps you guys a whole bunch
Oh! Oh! You’re little girl really likes holding her baby brother- like, really likes to hold him and can hold him for hours on end
She’s very attached to him and Takemaru lives for it tbh
Though she loves all her brothers and her brothers all really love her too
When the boys are all toddler aged, they will literally work together to keep Takemaru from going to work by ganging up on him and clinging to his legs; little do they know is that their papa doesn’t have tree trunk legs for nothing- so he just walks, albeit with the funniest gait because of the four children clinging to both of his legs, and just goes about his morning until he gets to the door where he begins to pull them off with one hand and lift them up so he could plant a big ol’ kiss on their forehead and tell them that he loves them and he’ll see them when he gets home; the boys are all squealing in delight when this happens. You’re daughter will trail behind the fiasco while holding your hand and he’ll always hold open his arms for you and her to rush into his arms and hug him- and so he can also give you two forehead smooches uwu
When you guys need babysitters literally the Crafters are all for it, though Heph is a little nervous about it, but Talos is literally raring to go! He fucking loves kids!
Your girl loves Amatsu, as mentioned before; your oldest boy LOVES Musashi, they get into so much trouble together, though they both calmed down a bit after your little girl almost got hit in the head with a rock and Amatsu about hung them from their toes; your second and third oldest love watching Kurogane work, like, they will actively be asking him questions at rapid fire speed. It’s honestly amazing how he keeps up with their questions while he’s tinkering with whatever he project he’s working on this week; your youngest one is fascinated with Heph himself, he’ll always seek him out, usually hobbling to Talos and asking him if he could hang out with them and Talos is always quick to say yes. At first, Heph was really nervous about having him there but over time he started to get used to his presence (and this is technically his little brother right? He has to be nice to him!) and now he sits him on his lap so he can see what Heph is doing and he’ll even let him help with the smaller stuff in the project. It’s most likely gonna be with something harmless, like a little toy robot lion tbh
Sometimes they don’t want to give them back tbh
Takemaru almost threw hands with Musashi because he hid your oldest and refused to tell you guys where he was because “you aren’t taking away our little buddy, old chap!” Turns out you kiddo was just taking a nap inside of one of Musashi’s napping nooks-
By the time their tween years role around, the boys are bouncing off the walls and your little girl is trying so fucking hard to keep them under control
You swear you guys have white hairs from the boys specifically because your third oldest came
running in with his whole hand stuck in the pickle jar- you don’t even know how?????? Takemaru literally had to break it open because he couldn’t pull your kid’s damn hand out of the jar
Oml, puberty is a trip, especially when it happened to your oldest boy: you come into the living just to see your him sitting and staring at the fire in the fireplace, looking like he saw something horrific and so, like the good mama/papa/nano you are, you come and put a comforting hand on his shoulder and ask: “honey, what’s wrong?”
To which this little shit replies in the most distraught voice: “My balls look like moss balls.”
You sit, blinked, and had to let it sink in with what he meant, when you heard a horrified gasp from behind you and you turned to see your husband covering your daughter's ears. “WE DON’T TALK ABOUT THOSE THINGS IN FRONT OF THE LADY/LADIES, YOUNG MAN.”
You had drowned out the conversation by that point and from the look on your daughters face- she has too
Your other three are much more… calm? About the whole ordeal; at the very least they’re not loud like their older brother is about it
Your daughter is the chillest with it, she reads a lot of books so she kinda pieced together what was happening of her own accord
The boys all cackle together when their voices crack and have made a whole game about who’s voice could crack the most
They all like to tinker with things thanks to Takemaru and the other Crafters influences! Your daughter is into intricate things, like limbs and the likes; your oldest son is into metal work, especially with swords; your second and third are both really interested in making little rockets; and your youngest is fascinated with robots because Talos and Orihime are so cool?????? Oml???
So you two got a horde of brainiacs and you’re so proud of them
By the time they’re in high school, your daughter is already wracking up scholarships for her little inventions and essays on her observations. Your boys are taking it a bit more slowly than their sister is, but that doesn’t meant that your oldest boy isn’t selling his metal works for a good price, and your two middle sons are already piecing together a little shop of their own (with dad’s help- Take’s pretty good with money and budgeting), and you’re youngest has really been brushing up on robotics! He studies under Uncle Heph and Uncle Talos and it’s super fucking cute??????
Heph is suprisingly good at teaching (despite him swearing that he’s not) and your little boy just soaks up the information like a fucking sponge.
One thing that they all do together is ask Takemaru how to build things and work with wood and carpentry- you can bet your ass he shows them all the ropes of how to make a home. He even goes over electrical and plumbing work with them. You have so many videos and pictures of them working together and just learning by Takemaru’s example- it makes your heart swell with happiness and love.
God forbid your daughter ever gets a significant other because they have Takemaru, her three brothers, and the entirety of the Crafters (and you if you're an overprotective parent) to watch out for.
They get five different shovel talks in a span of three minutes. But, ultimately, she’s not dumb with her choices in partners, so they’re most likely good people. And you can rest easy with that knowledge.
When they graduate, there’s tears for each of their graduations. Takemaru pulls them into bone crushing hugs and blubbers about how broad he is of them and how they’ll still always be his little Onis (regardless of if they’re actually Onis or not). Your girl straight up sobs and hugs her dad back, her brothers piling in the group hug, crying just as hard. Your oldest boy is in hysterics when he graduates, and your last two boys tackle their papa in a hug and they go tumbling to the ground laughing and crying.
They don’t leave right away after high school and instead, all of them find a college/trade school close enough for them to go to and fro without having to leave the nest yet- which Takemaru has no issue with, he’s very much a tight-knit family type of man.
Having a family with Takemaru is the most domestic and tooth rotting sweetness you can ever ask for. And, at the end of the day, he’s just so grateful that you were willing to go on this journey with him.
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to support me consider donating to my Ko-fi!
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
New Possibilities
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Category: Romance, Friendship
Fandom: Noragami
Characters: Hiyori Iki, Yato, Yukiné
Hiyori’s eyebrows were scrunched tightly together, forming a deep furrow in the middle of her brow. Her rose-colored eyes stared intently at the letter she held in her hands, addressed to her in neat, printed letters. The addressee was a sticker with “University of Tokyo College of Clinical Medicine” printed in bold, black letters over the circular orange-and-blue logo. Here in her hands, she held her destiny—the decision on her admittance or rejection from the top medical school in Japan. 
As her fingers began to shake, she squeezed her eyes shut so she could force herself to breathe deeply in and out. There was no time to be nervous! If she got to in her head, she wouldn’t be able to open the letter! She squashed the feeling of nausea rising in her stomach before snapping her eyes open, rose irises burning with determination. 
Before she could talk herself out of it, she flipped the envelope around so she could tear open the top, careful not to accidentally rip the letter in the process. She let the envelope flutter to the floor after removing the folded piece of paper inside. She gulped while she stared at the blank white backside, nervousness rising once more inside her. With trembling fingers, she slowly straightened out the paper and skipped down to the first line of words printed on the fancy letterhead. 
“Dear Miss Iki, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted…”  
Hiyori didn’t even finish the sentence, for a squeal burst out of her mouth, unable to be contained. She threw her arms in the air and began to jump around her room, delighted cries of “Yes, yes, yes!” gushing from her overjoyed body. She was going to medical school, the best medical school! She was going to be a doctor! 
She stopped hopping around to snap her face back to the letter, reading it once, twice, three times to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. No, there it was in black and white—Hiyori was accepted. Tears blossomed in the corners of her eyes, and she didn’t even bother to wipe them away, just let them roll down her cheeks. This was one of the happiest days of her life, so a few happy tears were definitely in order. 
She hugged the letter to her chest, and the sound of the paper crinkling was music to her ears. 
I can’t wait to tell Yato!
 Of course, societal norms dictated that Hiyori phone her parents first, which she did. Both of them were working, but they both screamed in triumph when Hiyori delivered the good news. They laughed, they cried, they gushed about Hiyori’s new possibilities, and Hiyori basked in the warm glow of their pride. However, the world did not stop turning even for such a celebratory cause, and so Hiyori eventually had to bid them adieu. That was all right, though; they would have a proper party once they returned home from work, and this gave Hiyori plenty of time to spread the news to the other important people in her life. 
Kofuku was sitting on the porch of her little shop when Hiyori came running up, cheeks pink from breathlessness. The goddess cocked her head to the side as the girl approached in such a tizzy, and then her gaze dropped to the opened letter flapping around in her hand. 
“Ahh! Hiyori, is it today?” the girl cried and jumped up while putting her hands together in delight. “Oh, oh, you probably want to tell Yato first—he’s in the back! Yukiné went down the street to get some bubble teas, so I’ll let him know as soon as he’s back to come see you! Now hurry, hurry! Daikoku and I want to hear, too!” 
“Thanks, Kofuku!” Hiyori grinned as she skirted around the porch, leaving the goddess to impatiently squirm while she trotted around the back of the small convenience store. She rounded the back of the building to the small yard behind, and she found Yato lazing about among the roots of a tree, eyes closed and hands resting behind his head. 
“Yato, Yato!” she cried, and he cracked a cyan eye open at the sound of her voice. She came bounding up to him, eyes sparkling. However, her legs finally gave out from all the frantic running, and so she collapsed on her knees at his side. “Oof…” 
‘“Did you run all the way here?” he chuckled as he sat up. Hiyori nodded with a mournful croon and rubbed her burning calves, prompting Yato to laugh. “Silly Hiyori, I know you love to see me, but—” he stopped his flirty joke when he caught sight of the letter in her lap. “... Is that what I think it is?” 
“Yes!” Hiyori squeezed out between gulps of air. She tossed her head up, flipping her disarrayed hair out of her face, and held up the letter proudly. “I was accepted to Tokyo University! I’m going to be a doctor, Yato!” 
It seemed to take him a moment to register the news. He blinked slowly, staring at the letter with a blank expression. Hiyori tilted her head to the side in confusion; wasn’t he happy for her? Just as she was about to inquire, his expression softened and he reached up to pat Hiyori’s head affectionately. 
“I knew you could do it, Hiyori. Congratulations,” he said with a sweet smile. Hiyori giggled as he ruffled her already wind-swept hair; his hand felt good, tousling the strands and running across her scalp. She enjoyed it for a second, then opened her eyes. Yato couldn’t wipe the sadness from his expression before Hiyori noticed it. He knew she saw, too, as he blushed and dropped his gaze to the grassy ground. His hand stayed atop her head, and Hiyori reached up to grab it while staring at him in confusion. 
“Yato… What is it?” 
He chewed on his lip while he debated answering. Hiyori lowered his hand to hold it in front of her chest, squeezing it with both of hers. Finally, his eyes flickered up to meet hers, and she was taken aback by how guilty and miserable he looked. 
“I shouldn’t… It’s selfish of me.” 
“Well, you can be a little selfish, Yato. I don’t mind.” 
A smile tugged at his lips, and he looked at her with amused hopelessness. I can’t resist when you say it like that, his expression said, and it made Hiyori’s heart thump in her chest. 
“I guess… It’s just finally hitting me that you’ll be leaving me, Hiyori.” 
“Huh? Who said I was leaving?” Hiyori blinked. Yato made a choking sound and reared back a little, obviously surprised by her blatant rebuttal. Hiyori smiled, pulling his hand to rest over her heart. “Yato, you’re the most important person in the world to me. Even if I’m going off to college, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be together anymore!” 
“You mean… You see me in your future, Hiyori?” 
Hiyori opened her eyes at that, a blush painting her cheeks. Yato was leaning forward now, his expression intense. Those cyan eyes burned with something unlike she’d ever seen, and it sent electricity buzzing through her nerves. Though she had the urge to run and hide, embarrassed by what was happening, she also wanted nothing more than to see where this would go. Squirming, she managed a little nod. 
“O-of course, Yato…” 
Of course, Yato was never surprised for long. That cocksure smirk spread over his lips, and as he leaned in a little further, a mischievous twinkle began to gleam in his bright blueish eyes. 
“Oh? What do you think about?” 
“I-I think about… You being there when I graduate…” she admitted. Oh, but that wasn’t all, and Yato knew it, too. It was like that roguish stare of his was magic, and it was pulling out all her deepest, darkest secrets with effortless ease. “I, um… I think about… U-us dating, and um… Getting married… And… Maybe… Having children…” 
Her voice grew smaller and smaller with each damning admission until she was shrinking into herself and whispering meekly. She hid her face behind his hand, which she was still holding like a treasure, while she looked at him with uncertain eyes. Yato just kept that same stupid smirk on his face the entire time, given no indication of how he felt about it. Anxiety began to roil in her belly. What if he would laugh at her? What if he didn’t feel the same? Yato was a trickster, but he wouldn’t be this mean, would he? 
No. Not my Yato.
“I’m relieved,” Yato said, and suddenly his expression was melting. He scooted a little closer to her, and his free hand pushed into the grass by her waist as he angled his body over hers until she was looking up into his face. He freed his other hand from her grip so he could caress her face—tracing a path down her cheek to her chin until his thumb traced the border of her lips. “I think about those things, too, Hiyori. I didn’t want them to be just thoughts.” 
“Yato… Are you saying…?” she asked quietly, but her voice failed her. She just looked at him pleadingly, and Yato’s smile somehow got impossibly softer even though it already felt like Hiyori was beginning to float in the clouds. 
“I’m saying that I love you, Hiyori, and I want to be a part of your future if you’ll let me,” Yato said. 
Hiyori sucked in a breath, and suddenly the tears came flooding back. She couldn’t stop them; she was so overwhelmed with happiness and relief and all the emotions in between. All she could do was nod emphatically. Yato chuckled gently, using his hand to thumb her tears away until she managed to quiet down into little sniffles. As she blinked repeatedly, trying to dislodge the little salty droplets still clinging to her lashes, she didn’t notice Yato’s face closing in. 
His lips met hers, and the first thing that struck her was how soft his lips were. They were like silk, perfect against her own. Hiyori melted into him, eyes fluttering as she savored the meeting of their mouths and everything that meant. 
They pulled apart, but only by a few centimeters. They stared into each other’s eyes, and Yato began to caress her cheek again. I could get used to this…
“Hiyoriiiiiiii!” came a sudden wail, and the two of them sprang apart like they’d been struck. They hurried to find a position that made it look like they weren’t just kissing. Yato lounged back against the tree, while Hiyori sat on her knees an acceptable distance away while she played with one of her pigtails. Yukiné came bounded around the side of the building, looking panicked. 
“Hiyori! Don’t go!” the boy wailed and flung himself across the yard. Hiyori exclaimed as he belly-flopped onto the ground next to her and planted his face write into her lap. He wrapped his arms tight around her waist as if he could keep her there through force alone. Hiyori chuckled and rested a hand on his back, and he looked up at her petulantly. 
“Yukiné, I’m not going anywhere,” Hiyori chuckled. “I’ll still be around!” 
“Promise!” Hiyori reassured. Yukiné smiled and sagged into her, thoroughly relieved. 
“Oi! Who do you think you are, hogging Hiyori?” Yato whined. Hiyori exclaimed as Yato draped himself over her shoulders, arms dangling down by her sides and chin propped in the crook of her neck. 
“Ah! Are we doing group hugs?” they heard Kofuku yell, and they looked up just in time to see her sailing through the air. They all screamed when Kofuku crashed into them, sending Yato and Hiyori onto their backs. As they dog-piled at the base of the tree, they couldn’t help but burst into giggles. Hiyori wiggled her arm until she could pull out the acceptance letter, and her expression brightened. 
I’ve got a great future ahead of me… And I’m glad everyone is going to be in it!
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Fera Ingris
Chapter 1 - Dealing with Dixons
It's finally here people! Eekkk! It'll be up on A03 later when I turned my laptop on. Been teasing this for soooo long.
My wonderful tag list:
@lilythemadqueen @boondoctorwho @darylsgirl @autocon23 @browneyes528 @fandomsaremykryponite @writingdeadangel
"Yer take care of yourself lass, don't worry about us."
Phoenix sighed at the man on the other end of the phone, twisting the silver rosary he had given her for her birthday many years ago. The world had changed dramatically for them all since that day. Their history bloody and violent and God sent. 
"Are ye listening lass?" 
"Of course, I'm listening! It's you who isn't! I'm on the way to Atlanta now!  As in I'm already in Georgia! I can't let you three rot in there when we've got things to do!" 
"Lass, we can take care of ourselves. Connor wants to know if ye got our package?" He asked, she stifled a laugh at the noise of the pair fighting over the phone she could hear. 
"Yea I got it. Haven't opened it yet though" she replied, the bike's engine growing colder under her. "What's in it? You guys shouldn't be sending anything. You're lucky Duffy and Dolly got it t' me before I left Boston."
"I know lass but ye need t' keep those safe fer us." She smiled hearing her other friend's voice, clearly having won the battle for the phone. "Look things are getting bad here. You're safe now but things are gettin' weird, we'd never forgive ourselves if anything happened to ye. I love ye too much" 
"I love ya too, you idiot! I'm gonna get you all out. We have a mission! I've got a bag full of your stuff right here on my bike, your clothes, coats, guns." 
"Aye. What?! No? Yea. Let me say goodbye a' least?" Phoenix knitted her eyebrows, hearing the man talking to someone else. A prison guard maybe. "Lass we have t' go. I'll call ye back when things settle aye?" 
"Yea. Just tell me where you are at least?" 
"Sorry lass I got to -" 
The line suddenly died on her and she frowned, shaking the phone and seeing no signal. She ran her hand through her short dark red hair and started the bike up, speeding quickly towards Atlanta and her boys. 
The sun shined through the thin, flimsy material of the tent, shining directly down into the sleeping pairs eyes. The short, spiky, dyed haired young woman groaned and threw her arm over her face. She sat slowly and yawned. She'd had that dream for weeks, wondering what had happened to her friends. 
Had the prison been overrun by the monsters that lurked in every corner? Were they dead? Or worse... Had they become one of those things? 
She'd slept after her watch shift, which surprised the girl as she had been having a bad bout of insomnia for the last two weeks. Ever since... 
No, she thought don't think about it. 
She glanced at the young boy laid next to her and smiled. When Carl asked if he could sleep in her tent with her the night before she had been hesitant (mainly because Lori rarely let him out her sight) but Lori had said it was okay and she was not going to fight against the long-haired beauty. 
Lori had also said it would be good for her, get her to trust others again. And honestly the boy reminded her so much of her old friend with his boundless energy and smiles. 
A gentle tap to the roof of her tent set her senses on guard. She grabbed her long calf length boots and her Bowie knife and slowly pulled the zipper up. A sigh released from her throat as she squinted up at the crossbow welding man in front of her. 
"We goin' hunting or what?" He snarled at her, obviously still mad at the woman from their disagreement yesterday. It wasn't her fault. He had spooked her... 
Merle approached the dark red haired girl sat by the quarry lake silently. Something was up with her and he was determined to find out what. The sight in front of him worried him slightly, she was nervous and kept flicking her head around. Had she been bit? He was thankful the darkness of the twilight hid him somewhat as he watched. She hissed as she pulled the bloody bandage off her left hand, flexing it and hissing through her teeth. The soft sound of something hitting the surface of the water, made his heart thump. It wasn't raining so why did it sound like it was? 
He came right behind her and watched as she rubbed at the wound, it oozed blood and yellowish white pus as she gritted her teeth. Infection was setting in. Daryl called out his name from camp and the girl spun and noticed him there. 
"Ya shouldn't be down 'ere by herself girlie." He whispered, kneeling and gently taking her hand, examining the injury intently. "Now wha' we gonna do abou' yer hand? Yer can't take what I offered yer."
"Burn it again. Only thing we can do. Not like we can wander to nearest pharmacy, throw my hand on the counter and say fix it, is it?" She hissed as he prodded a sensitive spot, Merle chuckled slightly and helped her to her feet. 
"Nah but China is headed t' the city tomorrow. I'ma go too. I know my meds and I'll get yer what yer need t' be right as rain again, Lil sis." He said with a smirk as they climbed back up the slope to the camp. Daryl and Shane spun round at their footsteps and Merle smirked. Officer ass-hat was on one about something. 
"Phoenix! Where have you been?! We told you to stay in camp until you could fight!" Shane whisper-yelled in her face. 
"Easy there officer. Girl just needed a second by 'erself... Gets a bit loud round here." Merle defended her, placing himself between the well musculared man and the girl who seemed to shrink into herself. "She's fine. I was a watchin' her." 
"I bet you were Dixon." Lori said under her breath. Phoenix glanced at the woman with eyes narrowed. The majority of the camp thought the Dixons were rude, brash and shouldn't be there. Only Phoenix, Glenn, Andrea and Shane knew of the incident that had cemented the brothers in the camp's good graces, well in their good graces. 
Phoenix sat down at the small fire infront of her tent and sighed, her ears picking up on raised voices coming from the Dixon tent. It sounded like Daryl was majorly pissed about something and Merle was defending himself.
Isn't any of your business she thought ignore them.
She gazed deep into the fire, the heat warming her frozen limbs nicely. She hated the cold, not that it was cold but she felt like she was sat on a box of ice in just her underwear. She had experienced working in much colder situations, hell the Irish rain was colder than this. The sweat on her brow made her eyes ache and she closed them, leaning her head back.
"Ahh!" She shrieked, jumping up and thrusting her knife backwards towards whatever had grabbed her shoulder. A deep grunt sounded and her hand was twisted, causing her to release her grip of the blade's handle. 
"Ain't no need t' try t' gut me girl." Daryl growled, his gruff voice instantly calming the nervous woman. She sighed and held her hand out, Daryl raised his chin and regarded whether to return her knife or not for a moment. He relented at her raised eyebrow and dropped it into her left hand. She hissed in pain and clutched at her wrist. Quicker than she could pull away, he'd wrapped his hand around her wrist yanking her closer and pulling the bandage off her injury. He could see how raised and angry it look, grimacing slightly as it oozed at his poking. Tears of pain welled in her eyes as she grit her teeth, he grumbled under his breath and glanced over his shoulder at his older brother. Merle nodded and raised the half empty bottle of whiskey in a salute. "This why Merle is leavin' right?"
"Yea, told him he didn't have to." She whispered as he released her arm, her skin tingled at the lose of contact. Daryl ran his hand over his neck and bit his lip. 
"Ye need meds. Ain't happy a' him, riskin' his neck fer someone like ya." He groaned under his breath. Her mood soured and she shoved him away. He stumbled for a second and threw her a glare. "What the hell is ya problem girl?"
"Someone like me Dixon? Huh? What exactly do you mean by that?!" She folded her arms across her chest. Daryl's eyes flickered downwards for a second to how her arms pushed her breasts higher and more together. 
God she's gorgeous when she's mad he thought, his cock twitching in his jeans. He ducked his head and scoffed.
"Ya know what I mean, can't even hunt without hurtin' yaself." 
"Go away Dixon." She turned on her heel and stormed off up the bank, and climbing up the RV ladder to take watch. Daryl sighed and slopped off back to his brother, who was laughing, finding the whole scene hilarious.
Phoenix nodded up at the hunter and pulled on her boots and grabbed her bow. She followed Daryl over to his tent where his brother was preparing to go into the city. Merle gave her a once over as she approached, his eyes narrowed at the bow across her back and the stains on the bandage around her left hand.
"Mornin' Firebug." He drawled as the pair stopped. She nodded and heaved her backpack tighter to her shoulder beside her quiver of arrows. "Y'all gonna be alright t' hunt wit' tha' hand?" He questioned, giving his brother a glance. Daryl gave Merle a hooded lidded look and nodded his head up. "Don't wanna waste my time if ya gonna drop down dead on poor Darlena 'ere."
The girl smirked and shoved the older man's shoulder playfully before flipping him off, striding towards the treeline.
"You watch 'er baby brother. She's one of us now."
"Hmm" Daryl said, glancing at the girl as she waited just under the cover of the trees for him. Merle gave a low chuckle and Daryl glared at him. "Stop."
"Come on baby brother, don't be like that." Merle stood and patted him on the shoulder. "Ya been pining after 'er for weeks now. Just give her some of the ol' Dixon charm. If ya even have any!" He barked out a laugh as his brother scoffed and walked away, joining the girl and disappearing into the woods.
A low whistle drew her attention and she glanced in the direction of it. Daryl raised his hand and pointed off towards the copse of trees in front of him. Keeping her body low to the ground and her steps feather light she approached him. Her eyes darting out at the small herd of deer in front of them, they'd finally found them after two days in the woods. She raised her hand and pointed to the smaller of the two bucks. Daryl nodded and gestured he was going to try and get around them so if they darted he could take a shot. She nodded and crouched lower, using the shrubs to hide her. Daryl wandered away silently as she waited for his signal. 
A loud shriek pierced the air and the deer scattered. Daryl swore and took off after the smaller buck, Phoenix following him at a distance. 
They stopped by a small creak, Phoenix dipping her hand into it and running it over the back of her neck. She felt like she was on fire, yet icy cold at the same time. The infection in her hand had well and truly set in, she needed to be careful or she'd drop and not get back up.
"We go a littl' further then stop fer the night." Daryl mummered beside her, wiping his soaked red rag over the back of his neck and down his face. She nodded, eyes staring off into the stream. He watched her carefully, the way her hair at the back of her neck was slightly curly, the way her ears twitched as if she was a rabbit or a deer hearing a predator. He found her beautiful and mysterious. A riddle he wanted to solve. He couldn't help his attraction to her physique either, the woman was beautiful. Not perhaps every man's wet dream but he found her incredibly sexy. 
He admired how she wore gothic, all black, metal studded and chained clothes despite the heat, her short dyed dark red hair, the regrowth hinting at sandy blond, spiked with sweat these days that cried out to be tugged as she was kissed, the slight thicker set of her thighs, buttocks and stomach, he much preferred a girl with a bit of weight than the skinny, almost starved look some of the women up at camp had; the ink he could spy under her clothes was calling out for him to discover exactly how many tattoos she had and why she'd chosen them. He had seen a glimpse of the tattoos on her by accident when he'd stumbled upon her at the lake having a quick swim and also when he'd found her in the woods. She kept herself well covered normally, she said she got sunburn easily. He could spy an interesting shaped scar across her collar bone when she wore lower cut shirts, not that she did very much now. 
Not since he'd saved her in the woods a week or so ago. 
He loved how well they worked as hunters together. She knew enough to track decently and was surprisingly quiet on her feet, despite the heavy metal covered, thick platform soled boots she chose to wear. They're only issue seemed to be that they butted heads constantly when not hunting, both taking verbal swipes at each other whenever they tried to have a conversation, sometimes she'd slap him on the arm; Merle finding it hilarious and entertaining to join in. Damn Merle, was his fault she got hurt in the first place. If he hadn't egged her on about her lack of hunting abilities, she wouldn't have been out in the woods by herself in the first place. 
He sighed quietly as she raised to her feet and moved away, eyes scanning the forest floor for the deer's tracks, finding them and leading the way.
Daryl grunted as he lowered himself down beside the girl, who was turning a stick through the weak fire in front of her. The night was silent except for the light wind. He silently settled down against the log and took out of one of the squirrel for the pair to eat. Daryl made quick work of gutting and skinning the small rodent and shoved it on a stick to slowly roast over the flames. The girl's eyes drifting upwards towards the stars. She looked so peaceful that he didn't want to disturb her. 
"We gotta head back in the morning if we don't find the deer." She nodded and pulled her arms around her own shoulders, shivering slightly. "Come 'ere." He said, holding his arms open for her to settle beside him. Daryl usually hated touching others and being touched was a rarity for him but he'd made the exception for her while they hunted. It was simply for survival he told himself. If she got too cold she'd get sick and then the group wouldn't have a hunter when he and Merle left. And he'd feel that guilt all his life, the kids needed fresh meat so he was doing something for the group. Nothing to do with his stupid little crush. Nope, he was doing it for the group. She shuffled closer and wrapped an arm around his waist. Her head found his chest and she sighed, feeling the heat from Daryl seep into her cold bones. Daryl frowned, she felt hot yet she was shivering like crazy. 
That damn hand. 
He pulled her closer and ran his hand cautiously up and down her arm. She flinched at first then relaxed into his embrace. 
"Ya alright?" 
"Yea. Just cold." She whispered, her warm breath causing goose bumps across Daryl's chest. She blinked slowly, feeling sleep call her. The smell of Daryl's warm body lulling her, she had missed falling asleep in a man's arms. It was familiar and comforting. She felt safe, warm and protected despite the dead walking. 
The sharp whistle drew her attention to the left. She nocked her arrow and let it fly, hitting the deer in the hind leg causing it to run. The two hunters had caught up to the deer earlier and were driving it towards camp. Daryl was in the rear urging it forward, while she made it turn in the right direction when it veered too far to the left. 
She spotted the steep banks that marked the outer edges of the quarry and smiled. 
Almost home.
Taking another shot to steer the deer towards the lower bank she smiled. The group would eat well tonight. She stumbled and shot at the hind leg again. The deer in one last desperate burst of energy slipped out of her sight but it was very close to camp. Wouldn't take long for them to catch up.
Phoenix paused and braced her arms on her knees, Daryl whistled in question, asking if she was alright as he walked by her. She held up a hand in reply. He grumbled and walked away. She could hear yells and the sounds of stomping as she neared the rocks that hid camp. 
Daryl was knelt on the ground and looking over the deer. 
"Think we could cut around the chewed up part?" He said looking up at Dale and the others. Phoenix's eyes narrowed as she spotted a new face amongst the men. The group of men didn't seem to notice her as she joined Daryl at his side, subconsciously seeking his protection from the stranger. Fear made her heart pound loudly in her ears as Daryl stood. 
"I wouldn't risk that" Shane said quietly, Daryl sighed dejectedly frustrated he hadn't been able to feed the group more. 
"That's a damn shame. We got us some squirrels... About a dozen or so. That'll have to do."
"Oh my god!" Amy gasped as the head of the walker suddenly began to gnash its teeth. 
"Come on people! What the hell?!" Daryl exclaims as he releases a bolt through its undead head. "It's gotta be the brain! Don't y'all know nothin'?!" 
Phoenix smirked, shouldering her bow as she followed Daryl back into camp. She gave a glance over her shoulder at the group behind her, noticing the exchange of looks between them. 
"MERLE! MERLE! Get ya ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up!" Daryl calls out, Phoenix swivelling her head to see where the elder Dixon was.
"Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane called, his hands on his hips as the group avoids Daryl and Phoenix's eyes. 
"About what?" Daryl queries, pausing his march around the camp. Phoenix, instinctively, taking Daryl's back with a bad feeling in her gut. 
"DD... Hear him out." She whispers as Daryl narrows his eyes in suspicion. Daryl glances at her briefly before turning back to Shane. 
"About Merle... There was a... There was a problem in Atlanta." The former officer sighs, his hand reaching out as if to pacify the man. Phoenix grits her teeth and reaches for the gun hidden behind her shirt slowly, sensing this was not going to end well. 
"He dead? "
"We're not sure..."
OH shitttt Phoenix thought, slipping the brace of squirrels and her bow off her shoulder. 
"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl stated, his voice raising in anger as his face grew more dark. 
"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it." The newcomer said quietly, stepping into the discussion. 
"Who are you?!" Daryl asked, confused slightly as to what this stranger had to do with his brother's disappearance. 
"Rick Grimes." 
"Rick Grimes?!" Daryl spat aggressively, his face a mask to the hurt and anger underneath. "You got summit ya want t' tell me?" 
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I... I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal... He's still there." 
"What the fuck!?" Phoenix snarled as her eyes narrowed at the newcomer. Her stance widening, readying herself for a fight. Daryl began pacing, his eyes meeting hers, she gave a barely there nod in agreement with him. 
"Hold on... Let me process this. You're sayin' you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there!?" Daryl growled as he paced, the woman edging towards Shane, out of Daryl's path to Rick. 
Daryl growls loudly as he throws his rope of squirrels at Rick, who dodges them easily. 
"Hey! Watch the knife!" T-Dog yells as Daryl pulls his knife. Shane dodges Phoenix and gets behind Daryl, quickly putting him into a chokehold. Phoenix steps up behind Shane, her own knife slipping into her grip, her gun giving a low click as she removed the safety and pointed it at the curls of Shane's hair. 
"Okay... Okay..." Shane whispers, lowering Daryl and himself to the ground. 
"You'd best let me go!" Daryl gasped, struggling to free himself. 
"Do as he says!" Phoenix snarls, her Beretta a mere breath away from Shane's skull. 
"Chokehold's illegal!" Daryl grunts, thrashing his legs. Phoenix lowers her gun to Shane's shoulder, ready to pull the trigger if needed. 
"You can file a complaint!" Shane laughs weakly. "Come on man. We'll keep this up all day."
"Like shite we will. I'll shoot ya first mate!" The red head growled as Rick kneels in front of Daryl and Shane, his head tilting to the side. 
"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that? Do you think we can manage that?" 
Daryl grunts, ceasing to struggle, slapping his hand out to the side of him; silently signalling to the woman to stand down as Shane hums in question. 
"Mmm...Yeah." Daryl replies. 
Shane releases him quickly and steps away as the younger man raises himself to his feet. Shane's eyebrows raised as Phoenix pulls herself to her full height, him and Rick giving her a worried glance. She smirks and makes a show of putting her knife and gun back into their places. Rick turns to Daryl and rubs the back of his neck slowly. 
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work or play well with others."
"It’s not Rick's fault!" T-Dog interrupted, the large man stepping closer. "I had the key... I dropped it!"
Phoenix scoffed, glaring at the man. 
"Ya couldn't pick it up?!" Daryl questioned, his anger disappearing and being replaced by worry and anxiety. 
"Well, I dropped it in a drain."
"If that’s supposed to make me feel better, it don't." Daryl snapped as he shook his head, pacing in a small circle. Phoenix joining him at his side and glaring daggers at T-Dog. 
"Maybe this will... Look, I chained the door to the roof... So geeks couldn't get at him... With a big ass chain and padlock. Its got to count for something!"
"Hell with all y'all! Just tell me where he is... So that I can go get him." Daryl choked out, his voice cracking with tears as Phoenix gently placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"So we can go get him." She declared, daring anyone to argue with her. Daryl gave her a tiny up nod at her and squeezed her hand on his shoulder lightly. 
"He'll show you. Isn't that right?" Lori spoke up from the door of the RV, she looked to Rick quietly awaiting his reply. 
"I'm going back." He stated quietly. Lori sighed and walked into the RV. 
Phoenix pulled on her long studded leather jacket and secured her axe into the specialised holster on her back. Daryl stood beside her silently, chewing his lip. The Brit have a slight wobble as she got lighter headed and Daryl's mind came to only one solution to a major issue between the pair.  
"Hey DD. You ready to go get Merle?" She asked, bending to tie her boot laces.  "Yea... Ya not comin' though."  
"What!? You can't be serious DD! You need me with you so those picks don't leave you there as well!" She snapped back as he turned to walk away. 
"Nah. Ya hurt. Too many geeks in the city fer ya axe. Stay here. Keep safe." He argued back, she growled in her throat and pushed by him. His hand wrapped around her arm in a bruising grip.  
"Listen... Stay here. I don't... Just... Fuck." He hissed. "Merle will be pissed. Real pissed." 
"He'll of been baked in the sun ya mean! He is gonna be stir fried from the heat! He's gonna need someone to calm him down. He ain't gonna hurt me DD... He wouldn't hurt me." She sighed, her head beginning to throb. "I have to Daryl. I owe him one!"  
"Nah ya don't!" 
"Yes I fucking do!"  
"No. Ya stayin' here!" 
 "I'm going!" She yelled, hands on her hips.  
"NO! And that's final!"  
The pair continued to argue for several more minutes until Shane interrupted them, the pair literally chest to chest and needing to be pulled apart before fists began to fly. Phoenix huffed and stormed away into the woods as the man agreed with Daryl. Daryl glared after the fiery woman before stomping off to the truck, missing her turning back towards the camp and leaning against a tree with her arm crossed against her chest.    
Phoenix glanced at the truck Daryl stood in. She wanted to wish them luck but knew Daryl was still angry with her. He looked in her direction and nodded his head, a small smile gracing the corner of his mouth. She sighed and walked towards him, he knelt down at the open shutter and tilted his head towards her.  "Keep safe in the city DD." She whispered, gazing upwards into the man's sky blue eyes. He nodded and chewed his thumb. "Bring Merle back. Wouldn't be the same round here without that dickhead." 
"Yea. Be quieter fer sure." He chuckled, smiling fondly at the girl. Phoenix reached up and pulled at Daryl, forcing him to brace himself against the ledge as she hugged him with one arm against her chest. Daryl slowly relaxed enough to enjoy her closeness and leaned his head on top of hers.  
"Please come back." She whispered into his ear as he pulled back slightly, his eyes flitting around camp to make sure no one was witnessing the exchange.  He nodded lightly into her neck, his arm coming to loosely hold her waist. He breathed in her soothing subtle scent and closed his eyes to help him memorise thee moment, just in case. He cleared his throat and pulled away, feeling a certain part of his anatomy starting to stir. She smiled weakly at him with teary eyes and walked away.  
Phoenix turned slightly, the breeze making her hair wave over her face softly. Thee sun shining behind her making her hair look like flames licking across the crown of her head. The bruises and cuts across her face hidden in the shadows of her face and hair.  So beautiful Daryl thought, smiling slightly. His mind locking the sight into his memory as he stood and waved to her.  
"Stay safe!" He called to her, she nodded and waved back. Her cheeks tinting pink at his loud show of concern as she smiled softly.   
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darkmindsotome · 3 years
On the Riverbank
Title: On the Riverbank
Fandom: Love365 Masquerade Kiss
Pairing:  Kei Soejima x MC
Tumblr media
 Word count:3,963
Warning: NSFW Smut
Written by: darkmindsotome
Summary: After suffering from cabin fever a date is in order. Only this simple date plan is going to get spicy.
Tagging @voltage-vixen as requested. Prompt #15: Free Prompt (Picnic on the River)
 I was willing to blame uncontrollable events on the fact that we hadn’t managed to go on a date in a while. Between work and recovering from work, it had been impossible to plan anything. However, it had become the new norm for us to remain living together at Kei’s rooms in Raven.
At some point, I began to feel like I had cabin fever. I was happy to be with Kei and a secret part of me loved being at home with him 24/7. To think there was a time when I thought this was a prison sentence. I couldn’t deny the fact I wanted to go out and do something now things had settled down though.
After looking out of the large windows in the suite over the streets of London, sighing for what must have been the sixth or seventh time, into my nighttime cup of tea. Kei put down his book and announced we would be going on a date. Later that night I curled up happily in bed wrapped in his arms and fell fast asleep.
The next day I woke up alone. My mysterious man had vanished before I could say so much as a good morning or ask about our date plans. Patting down the sheet on his side of the bed resulted in me finding them stone cold. He was always an early riser but this was ridiculous. I then noticed a note left on his pillow.
“Good morning, forgive me I had some things to tend to. I have arranged a car to bring you to our date. K”
I rubbed my fingers over his beautiful cursive writing just as a courier arrived at the door and delivered a beautifully wrapped box. The duck egg blue container was almost pearlescent with a thick cream coloured satin ribbon all perfectly tied around it.
The timing was so perfect I really had to marvel at the man organising this and wonder if I was always this predictable or if I would discover a hidden camera somewhere in the room. Opening the box up revealed a single white rose with a card resting on top of a black dress that fitted Kei’s tastes perfectly.
“I can’t wait to see you. K”
The message had me smiling long before I took the dress out of the box. It was a vintage style tea dress with little cap sleeves made from some of the most delicate lace I’d ever seen. It looked almost like patterned smoke.  
There was something different about getting ready for a mission and getting ready for a date. The feeling I got from both was similar but I found I was much more nervous about a date than a life-threatening mission. I rushed through my prep stage of shower, hair and make-up.  
Slipping into the dress I instantly fell in love with it. Kei knew my measurements off by heart and I was pretty sure he had them on file with his usual tailor so he could get the outfits he gifted me perfect right down to the last stitch.
Walking into the closet to find a pair of suitable shoes I discovered some already sitting out. They were naturally also black with the addition of ribbons that wrapped around my ankles. Securing the bows, I couldn’t help but make the comparison between them and cuffs. I felt heat climbing up from them at the thought. I imagined Kei and what was probably going through his head as he picked them out for me. How his fingers would have traced the shoes and the ribbon. The idea of tying me up was never far from his mind and with these shoes, it felt like he had already started.
Shaking my head, I looked at my watch and doubled checked my reflection in the mirror before leaving to go get in the car. I watched from the back seat absentmindedly playing with my choker as the car took me away from the centre of the metropolis. 
The modern landscape changed slowly into something that felt more historic. The buildings looked older; the concrete jungle had passed into something more like a tv drama set. In fact, if I hadn’t known how far I had travelled I might have thought I was somewhere else entirely.
My eyes caught a familiar figure standing near the roadside. He was dressed in more casual clothes. The white trousers, cream coloured cricket jumper with a blue stripe around the collar and the light blue shirt under it all made him look like a student. The car slowed until the backdoors aligned perfectly with him. I had seconds to smooth down my dress and mentally brush off some of the nervous excitement before the door was opened.
“M’lady.” I smiled at the Princely Kei as he offered me his hand. It was all too easy to forget what he truly was like even for me. Yes, I loved his sweet and angelic side, but I also loved that tricky Devil he hid behind his mask too.
“Thank you.”
Kei guided me to his side, away from the car, and sent it on its way. Now completely alone he used our still joined hands to make me twirl for him as he looking me over from head to toe.
“You look even better than I imagined.” Kei smiled and brought me closer to him. Sweeping some of my hair away from my neck so he could brush his fingers along the neckline of the dress and the choker around my neck.
I once more felt the difference in attire. I was all dressed up and felt far more formal than he did. The idea of him being a student once more flitted through my mind conjuring up kinky scenarios of a socialite sneaking off for a romantic rendezvous with a hidden student lover. It was silly, Kei was older than me even if there were times it was hard to tell that from appearance alone.  
“Careful now or you might start sounding like Kazuomi.” I joked attempting to forget the thoughts going through my mind.
My eyes naturally fluttered shut. His cold elegant fingers ghosting over my skin was enough to remind me of the many nights we spent together. Where he had dyed me in his own colours and shown me the abyss behind the door to depravity. Joining me as we fell through purgatory to our own private Eden.
“Perish the thought.” He let go of me. A sensation that left me feeling the need to chase him.
Opening my eyes, I saw that impish look on his face. He was slowly becoming more and more adjusted to life outside of his own nightmares and past. It was still obvious he was a little lost and confused at times but when he was like this, I could almost imagine him as a little boy. It made my heart sing to think we could stand here now together and I could enjoy such a candid fragment of my elusive boyfriend.
“Come now we should get this date started.” Kei laced our fingers and matched his pace to mine.
We walked through some trees and right up to the side of a riverbank. There in front of us was a beautiful craft floating on the water. Inside were some large cushions a few blankets and a basket.
“I thought I would show you a little hospitality and tradition.” Kei let go of my hand briefly to climb onto the small craft and then held out his hand again to help me get on board as well.
“We are going boating?” I giggled as the whole thing rocked under my feet. The idea of mixing something traditional from his own country and a date was so him it made me happy.  
“Punting. It is quite different but I trust you will enjoy yourself.” Kei’s correction came with all the patience I had come to expect from someone who knew so much and was used to sharing it in the course of his work.
“I think I’ve seen it before. It looked like the river had turned into Venice or something.” I sat down carefully feeling rather small when I looked back up at Kei.
“I can understand your comparison and whilst you can use a pole on both vessels a Punt is different to a Gondola.” He smiled and retrieved the long pole from the riverbank using it to cast off.
I watched him standing near my feet moving the pole through his hands with little effort. If you were really quiet you could hear the smooth wood, polished with years of use, slipping through the water and his palms.
“It doesn’t feel as safe as I thought it would.” I commented as the pole in his hand seemed to get stuck on something under the water and give a little tug that made the punt slightly rock.
“I assure you that I am an excellent Punter.” Kei’s expression was so deadpan and relaxed as he declared this I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“I get the feeling your friends would be doubling over in laughter right about now hearing you say that.”
“Yes, they probably would. Thankfully they aren’t or I would have tipped them both into the Thames and made them swim.” He looked down at me. The shadows from the trees we were moving through were casting shadows on his pale skin. I didn’t miss how his playful eyes shone through the shade.
“You wouldn’t…”
“Just sit back and enjoy the ride. I did consider placing the seat facing forward but selfishness prevented me from doing so. I wanted to see your face, forgive me.” The Devil faded in the light once more replaced by the charming Prince.
“You know I never once pictured you doing this?” I sunk back into the cushions, finding them much more comfortable than I thought they would be. The blankets as well were a mixture of textures but each one was thick and luxurious.
“Oh? Punting has been a traditional pastime in England since the 1860’s it really caught on by the 1880s and 1900s though. Before they became used for recreation these little crafts were used as part of the transporting of traders.” He spoke as he manoeuvred the pole and pushed us forward in the water. “Are you familiar with Alice in Wonderland?”
“Yes of course it’s a children’s classic.” I happily nodded. I know it is kind of a strange thing to enjoy but I did genuinely love how knowledgeable he was and how he explained things. It was like having my own personal tour guide and professor.
“Quite so. Well, the author Lewis Carroll used to punt along the Thames and during one of his outings where he was with a friend’s children he started to tell the story of a curious little girl who followed a rabbit. He later put pen to paper and created the beloved tale as a gift.” He lowered his voice as if he had just shared a piece of information vital to national security.
“I didn’t know that.” I don’t know what face I was showing him when he looked down at me. His face seemed to soften, although it could also have been my imagination.
“Literature aside I thought I would show you some more of England than the inside of Raven or shopping in the capital.” I looked around at the countryside slowly passing. I knew there was more to London than concrete and cars but I didn’t think there was this much greenery.
“I thought the Thames was larger than this.” I mused and put my hand over the side dipping it in the cool water playing with the ripples made by the punt as it moved.
“It is. We are currently on one of its many streams. Still part of the river but not as heavy with the tourist trade. You will also know of the boating traditions between Oxford and Cambridge, yes?” Kei always seemed to become a little more animated when talking like this. It was like he suddenly had an outlet for all the bottled-up information and facts he had in that well-read brain of his.
“The boat race?” I titled my head against the sun and saw him nodding happily.
“Yes, it is covered by the media extensively at the time. Well, the competition between the two on these waters doesn’t stop with rowing. There is a traditional Oxford way to Punt and then there is the traditional Cambridge version.” Kei grimaced theatrically as he explained.
“Haha, you don’t sound like you approve of the Cambridge way.”
“I am an Oxford man.” He almost seemed to stand up straighter as he said that. “The flat raised planking behind you is called the Till. A Cambridge man would stand on the Till and punt like so.” He stepped over me and demonstrated what he meant. It caused the punt to lurch which had me clinging to the sides of it thinking it might tip us both in the water. “Whereas an Oxford man, He will stand in the punt and work from here.” Kei stepped back into the punt and resumed moving us from inside. The vessel settled back down and I ended up breathing a sigh of relief. “Also a notable difference is the till. Following Oxford tradition, it is always facing front in the direction one is moving."
"I had no idea there were so many traditions.”
“There are more but I fear any more information will bore you under this hot sun. Here should be suitable.” He pushed the punt so it brushed up against the bank again this time next to what looked like a very secluded spot. The grass was short and looked to be recently cut. Surrounding it were high hedges and some trees.
“What is this place?” I asked as we left the punt for more stable ground.
“You will find them all around. They are locations people usually used for picnics.” Kei spoke as he stuck the pole into the bank and tied the punt to it.
“Are they all this well maintained?” I was still looking around. I don’t think I have ever been to a part of London that has ever made me feel so totally alone. It was pleasantly unusual.
“The ones that are owned are yes. This is one of my family’s spots.” He leant over and scooped up the basket and grabbed a blanket. With them in hand, he then walked into the centre of the grass and quickly set up.
“What do you have hidden away in your basket of tricks?” I sat down on the blanket and waited for him to reveal his secrets.
“We have tea, the very seasonal and traditional strawberries and cream.” He placed a flask down next to the punnet of fresh fruit and a pot of thick white cream. “We also have peanut butter sandwiches…”
“You made this picnic, didn’t you?” I couldn’t help but giggle. When he said he had things to do in his note I thought it would have been work-related. Now I had visions of him shopping and preparing this picnic instead.
“What is wrong with it?” He asked. His golden hair shining like a halo under the sun.
“Nothing just it's very you. If you had brought the basket from somewhere or had someone else make it, I doubt peanut butter would have made it on the menu.” It was true he could have ordered it from room service or had it made up somewhere in town and just brought it along. The fact that he actually made anything himself was endearing.
“Did you want something different?” His expression shifted and he looked like a child that was waiting to be scolded.
“No this is perfect.” I reached over and took one of the sandwiches from the plate in his hands.
“I did think of bringing some Pimms but I reconsidered.” Kei recovered fast, the cracks in his mask reformed.
“The time of day for one thing. I mean as Kazuomi would argue it's five o’clock somewhere but I would hate for you to be so drunk you fell overboard.”  He poured some tea from the flask and handed it to me. Our fingers touching for a second, more than long enough for me to realise his body temperature was still as cold as normal.
“We both know I have a better tolerance to alcohol than that.” How can he do that? It was so hot the world could be melting and Kei would still be sitting there in a pullover surrounded by his own internal climate control. “You said this was one of the quieter parts of the River. Why come here? Oops!”
I had been so concerned with not spilling the tea he had given me I had completely misjudged the integrity of the sandwich in my hand. Part of it failed to make it to my mouth and vanish down the neckline of the dress. Embarrassment threatened to bloom inside me and I really hoped Kei had missed what I had just done.
“Is it a crime to want to spend some time alone with my girlfriend?” His voice was so close and I hadn’t felt the blanket move or even seen him shift. Yet he was right next to me his face so close to mine I could feel his breath in my ear. “Honestly I did think of following one of the other paths of the river. There are more pubs and places to go along them but I wanted to enjoy something more scenic with you.” He trailed his fingers along my choker and then slipped them down the front of my dress. “Now I’m glad I made this choice.”
“Something about how you just said that makes me think you weren’t referring to a quiet picnic together.” I acted cooler than I felt. I knew he could feel my heart beating and see the pulse running wild in my neck. All the time I faked being calm as his fingers extradited the rogue peanut butter sandwich from my body.
“You always were very observant.” I followed his hand as it carried the salvaged food to his own mouth. Those eyes of his locked on me looking like pools of golden lust.
They drew me to him like a spell and held me there as he locked me up in his arms, his hands roamed freely over me. Tumbling back together onto the blanket the picnic was threatening to be forgotten.
“Mmm Kei.” My breathy cry came out as he nibbled on my collarbone and began moving a hand up my leg under the fabric of the dress.
“Careful now. It might be a secluded spot but there is no telling who you might summon with a voice like that.” He teased as his fingers did some teasing of their own. Rubbing the outline of my sex through the sheer fabric of his favourite lace panties.
“As long as one of the people I summon is you I don’t care.” I was done with coy. Coy and demure didn’t get you anywhere fast with this man. There was a time and place for all that and when we were alone and things were heating up was not one of those times.
“Mmm, have I ever told you how stunning you are when you are honest with your desires?” He slipped his fingers past the lace pressing his thumb onto my clit before pumping a couple of digits inside me. I wanted to moan louder but his warning from before made me stop.
I looked up and found him smirking. He knew I was holding back. He knew I was trying to be a good girl but damn him if he wasn’t trying to break me.
“I don’t think I can remember.” Two could play that game and I tried to make it look like I was still in control. With every stroke from his hand, I was losing my sanity, but I kept up a strong front and played the game.
“Then I’ll have to take my time and remind you.” He moved on top of me his hand still driving a fever through my core as he spread my legs wide with his own.
“What about the picnic?”
“There is time enough for both. I don’t intend to let anything here on this blanket go to waste.”
His voice purred erotically as he slid the zip on the dress down my back and dragged the bodice low enough to expose my breasts. The cap sleeves I had thought were a nice addition were now part of the binding of fabric that was preventing my arms from freely moving.
Kei brushed his fingers over the lace of the bra and once more slid his hand inside. Treating each nipple to a firm pinch as he ravished my mouth with his tongue. I squirmed under him trying to wrap my legs around his and return the restraint in kind.
“Hehe, you really are the only one that has ever tried to dominate me.” His laugh was like a clear bell whilst the things he was doing to me had my head crashing like a drum.
“Kei… please stop teasing me already.” I moved some more only to find his weight was gone. He had stopped touching me completely and was sitting back on his heels looking at me.
“As My Lady commands.”
I watched as he licked his hand clean and used the other to undo his belt and trousers. It wasn’t unusual for him to remain clothed but it rarely happened where it was so bright.  I bit my lip as he rolled my dress higher exposing all of me. He said nothing as he undid the strings on the panties and placed them into his pocket. The silence was deafening given how aroused I was. He leaned over and dipped a strawberry into the thick cream holding it just out of reach of my mouth.
“Eat it.” His command seemed absolute even if it was given in a sugary-sweet tone.  I tried to stretch for it but couldn’t. His eyes twinkled and his smile became more wicked. “I guess if you can’t be a good girl then I’ll just have to treat you like a bad one instead.”
I felt my core tighten as he brought his palm down with a crack against my bare thigh. He pressed down on me again. His mouth connecting with mine. Fruit and cream filled my senses as he used his own mouth to feed me. The escaped juices were lapped up by his tongue as he arranged himself to take this to the next level.
“Ah!” A slight sharpness ripped through my body and was quickly numbed as the pleasure of us finally connecting took over. With each rock of his body, it moved my body against the ground far more than the swaying of any boat.
Our mouths connected again and again at different angles to the point where I was sure I had forgotten to breathe. His fingers ran through my hair sometimes pulling grabbing at it but each time it only emphasised his desire for me and made my whole body tingle.
I never did find out if anyone else was around as Kei had said or if it was all just another layer to his devilish lies to set the mood. I did discover that I would never be able to eat a picnic again without the addition of a peanut sandwich.
32 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: First of all... thank you so much for the support!!
Second, space vocab: starling: young unidentified species ISF: intergalactic safety force
Anyways, take care of yourself <3!
Warning: flashbacks to abuse, if needed skip past any italicized words, mentions of child labor exploitation (Someone forces Tommy to steal), attempting to drug character, cussing, kidnapping, fear.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 5:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33147661/chapters/82290709
Chapter 6: Causing Chaos
Planet Amari was their next stop. It would take only four hours to get there and usually this would be no problem if they weren’t harboring a human. Let alone the human that had just escaped the Dream Team Ship.
Phil shook his head and focused on the increased security around the boarding docks.
Amair is a planet whose only purpose is to entertain, meaning they already have some of the best security in this part of the galaxy. The added security came directly from the ISF and were now searching suspicious ships.
“Check check, one two.” The microphone turned green, “As your captain it is my duty to warn you about extra security measures. The ISF is boarding ships and checking for abnormalities. Please complete protocol 35.0.” Phil spoke into the mic and waited for everyone’s confirmation.
He got up and started the process of taking maps and blueprints that were not available to the public along with future plans and hid them in a document compartment behind one of his shelves. He then changed his normal illusion monitor and changed it to the default screen.
He stepped out of the cabin and cleaned the surrounding area, while also checking for anything that could be confiscated.
“Tommy. In order to go onto the planet I need you to wear this.”Wilbur confronted.
“No! It looks like one of those serial killer masks!! My face is too beautiful to be hidden.” Tommy scoffed.
“Tommy if you don’t wear it willingly, I will tell Ranboo about-“ Wilbur was cut off by a series of curses and Tommy fiddling the mask around his face. “Good. Put this on too.” Wilbur handed the blonde a bundle of clothes and made his way to the lab. Phil chuckled at the brotherly bond that was already forming.
He made his way down to the lab checking for abnormalities before seeping back to the holding cell. The human was pulling at his clothes while packing things back into the shelf.
“Hello mate! Whatcha doing there?” Phil asked, casually. What he didn’t expect was the human to practically jump out of his clothes in the captain’s presence.
“W-who are you?” Tommy stammered, Phil had completely forgotten he had never introduced himself before.
“Oh! I forgot we haven’t formally met. My name is Captain Philza Mine Craft, but you can call me Phil or Philza, whichever you prefer. I use he/him pronouns and am the legal captain of the SBI Craft.” Phil finished his introduction with an easy confidence, even with the face mask you could easily see the kid’s wonder, “We are currently waiting for a formal check from the ISF.” The human tensed at that, “So if you would please follow me to the common room, so I may hide the holding cell.” The human nodded vigorously.
Once Phil had dropped Tommy off in the common room he made his way to the holding cell. With a few clicks and checks the holding cell made a perfect illusion wall, which molded it into the wall not to be seen by any inspectors or gadgets they may have.
Once he had gotten confirmations from all crew members, he made his way back to the pilot’s cabin. If they were even a minute slower with preparations, security would have deemed the ship suspicious.
They settled the ship at the checkpoint and waited for a security officer to signal them.
Wilbur’s leg bounced anxiously as he wore his disguise. He had finished briefing Tommy about the plan. They would lie about their origins, Wilbur doing the talking, and would get what they needed and get out.
The only thing anyone was waiting on was the guard.
Almost on queue the door began to open and a young starling stood at the door. He seemed to be genetically engineered and had wires attached to his head and 3D glasses.
“Hello everyone! My name is Jack Manifold, and I will be checking your ship!” The starling chirped, “I hope you have both we have to confiscate, because everyone here seems like lovely people. I have to ask where is your captain?”
“Right here mate.” Philza said, stepping out of the pilot cabin. “I am Captain Philza Mine Craft, of the SBI Craft. Feel free to look around.” Phil said with a hint of impatience. Jack didn’t seem to notice and made his way around the Craft.
Everyone sitting in the common room shared a few nervous glances. The only one who seemed oddly comfortable was Tubbo.. Wilbur took note of the behavior and tried to busy himself with the magazine he was holding...
When did he get a magazine?
He was immersed in an article about room design when Jack returned.
“Everything seems to be in order! The only thing I ask is that everyone introduces themselves.” His tone turned serious as he looked at the crew.
“My name is Technoblade. I am the security officer on this ship and second in command.” Techno said without faltering in tone.
“I am Ranboo. I am Technoblade’s hired assistant and do most chores around the ship.” Ranboo said clearly anxious with the attention on them.
“Tubbo, I am a hired gardener and take care of food supplies and medical ingredients.” There was a coldness to Tubbo’s voice as he finished his introduction.
“Dr. Craft, I am a toxicologist. This is my medical student, Tommy, he doesn’t talk much.” There was a suspicious glint in Jack’s eye as Wilbur continued, “We have been working for this crew for two months, before that we were traveling on our own licensed craft.” Jack accepted the answer and finished checking his notepad off.
“Alright, that will be all then! Welcome to Amari! Once I give this report to my manager, you should be able to enter the atmosphere!” With that the cheery starling left the ship and Phil closed the door before disappearing into the pilots cabin.
To say Wilbur was relieved was an understatement.
Things were falling into place.
Once they were on the planet all Tubbo would have to do is add the substance to one of Tommy’s drinks and he would be acting out in no time!
But is it worth it?
He pushed the thought out of his head and finished packing the small packet in his bag before getting off the ship with the rest of the crew.
“Before we head to the shopping center, why don’t we stop by Las Nevada’s? I mean it’s Tommy’s first time on Amari after all.” Tubbo said. Las Nevada’s is the most well known restaurant and casino in Amari. It was the perfect place for Tubbo to start his plan.
“I don’t see why not. Just stay in the restaurant bit, we don’t want to draw any more attention to ourselves.” Phil answered.
With that the group walked into one of the best and worst places in the city, though no one knew of the worst bit yet…
They sat around a booth compartment. It had soft red padding and purple looking palm trees, without the coconuts.
It reminded Tommy of a stereotypical mafia restaurant. Something Tommy never got the privilege of seeing.
It made him very uncomfortable, especially when the waitress gave them drinks in glass cups. He felt like whatever he touched would instantly shatter into a billion pieces.
Techno was taking Ranboo to the bathroom and Phil and Will were talking to a waitress leaving only Tommy and the scary bee boy . alone.
“I told you I was done Miranda!!” A man shouted from a nearby table causing Tommy’s attention to be focused on the couple fighting.
“You had one job. And you failed it boy.” A man slapped his face.
He was in his third foster home again. They had asked him to get at least $50 from people on the subway, he had only managed to score $20, and the man was furious.
“You’re lucky I see potential, otherwise you’d be back in that goddamn group home.” Tommy’s eyes dropped yo the floor, another slap and a hand grabbing his chin to look at the man, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME BOY. I saved you from that hell hole and I can take you back.” The man sneered. Honestly Tommy would rather be there than here.
“Hey!” Wilbur snapped in front of his face, “You with us?” Tommy nodded. The couple was gone and everyone returned. Now Ranboo and Wilbur were sitting next to him and Tubbo was sitting next to Ranboo. Did bee-boy always look so guilty?
After a minute of awkward silence, Phil and Techno started talking, their voices drowned out by the surrounding noise. Wilbur had turned his attention to his menu and Ranboo was writing in his book again.
Tommy reached for his water and Tubbo turned his attention to the human. The mask he was wearing had a flap so he could easily breathe, eat, and drink. He took a sip of water….. was water supposed to be this sweet?
“Why the fuck would someone put sugar in water as a prank?” Tommy mumbled, everyone’s attention was on the human again, “What?” He asked defensively.
“Did you say sugar?” Wilbur asked as if it was the craziest thing he had ever heard.
“Umm… yea?” Tommy said. We’re these people pulling a prank on him? Why was everyone looking at him like that?
“Tommy, can you give me your water?” Wilbur asked, he was genuinely confused by the reactions. After a few seconds he gave his water to Wilbur who immediately took a sip and spit it out.
“What the fuck?!” Tommy asked as Wilbur gave him the water back.
“That is definitely sugar.. Tommy do you feel weird at all?” He asked.
“Erm no?” This was getting stranger and stranger.
“So humans are immune to sugar…” Will said as if it was a scientific breakthrough.
“Yea? Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Well for one, most species go absolutely crazy after eating sugar, for some it could lead to death.” Tubbo informed. He looked even more confused than Tommy felt.
“So like, aliens go psycho when they eat sugar? That’s lame.” Tommy laughed out the last line. Everyone looked at him with concerned glances, “I don’t think I am gonna go psycho after drinking a small bit of sugar water, I mean most people have been eating sugar their entire lives, me being one of ‘em.” Tommy finished and the underlying tension died down. Well except Tubbo’s which felt more like an angry glare meant to affect him in some way.
When the waitress came everyone gave their orders, Wilbur supplying Tommy’s. The rest of the meal was comfortable, with Phil telling stories and the rest supplying jokes and chatter, along with the occasional glare from Tubbo.
To be honest Tommy had never felt so comfortable around anyone before, he wanted so badly to let down his wall around these people. Still there was that annoying voice that told him not to trust them. For once he didn’t listen to it.
I mean what could go wrong?
The plan failed. Shit.
Tubbo was mad. Not just mad, furious.
The others were having fun with the human, yet again. Tubbo had wandered off, he wanted to destroy everything, and yet he simply walked off without a second glance. He could feel the tears streaming down his face.
“Hello bee-boy!” The human scared the droneling, his ears falling flat against his head.
“I am not in the mood to talk.” Tubbo sniffed.
“Oh..” The human’s tone dropped, it was almost as if it was hurt by Tubbo’s words. “That’s alright big-man! We don’t have to talk.” The human settled with that response, with that the pair walked through the busy street in silence. Tubbo tried to throw the human off his trail but gave up after a few minutes.
After fifteen minutes of them wandering around Tubbo spotted a shop and made his way over to the electronic shop. The human followed him into the small store.
It was a small shop with tight isles and jazz music filling the silence. At the register a tall creeper hybrid fiddled with a redstone contraption. Tubbo paid no mind to him and turned his attention to some of the smaller devices scattered throughout the shop. The human shifted nervously behind him.
Once Tubbo found what he was looking for he took it over to the register. Another man stood behind it along with the original one. His eyes shifted to Tommy.
“Are you sure that’s him?” The original man asked, his name tag reading Sam.
“Yes, positive. Dream will be happy with this.” The other man replied, he stretched one of his fingerless black gloves and turned towards the pair. “Hi. I am assuming you have my boss’s patient?” The black hair man asked. He was a blazeling and had a cruel glint to his eye.
Without warning another man came up behind them and slapped a cloth over both of their faces. Within seconds the pair was out and everything went black.
He woke up in a cage.
Chapter 6- End
Words: 2206
Notes: The next bit will be hard to write ;-; but then we get to the fluffy-angst :D
Also this was harder to write... motivation went poof, but I won’t quit on you!!
Tubbo: *tries to cause chaos—fails
Tubbo: *wanders into a random shop—causes chaos
Tubbo: .-. Wtf
Chapter 7:
27 notes · View notes
yuta-nakamots · 3 years
we go up - l.mk
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Pairing - Mark x Reader
Genre - Fluff, College!AU
Warnings - one single mention of sex but no descriptions of it
Summary - Growing up was a part of life. Though you were scared of all that the future holds, you looked forward to going through it all with Mark right by your side.
Word Count - 4.2k
A/N - this was supposed to be released 4 days ago ahaha I passed all my classes so that’s really what matters. anyways, here’s this fic to celebrate Milly’s 3 years on Tumblr and 5 years for me and my blog
Written for the Moodboard Collab hosted by @bumblebeenct​​. Also part of the Neowinter Festival hosted by @czennienet.
Song: We Go Up. Color Set: #1.
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Never would you have thought that you’d be on the path to living in the real world so soon. Summers were for relaxing and having fun but you’ll never regret jumping at the opportunity to travel the world with Mark Lee instead.
Mark’s parents were executives for a travelling company that offered a variety of trips all over the world. You knew it was part of their job to visit those countries and survey the different options available and put together plans based on them but with Mark having just graduated from college and you going into your final year, it was soon to be a job shared by both of you as well.
It hasn’t been long since you first began dating him, in fact, it hadn’t been long since you first met him on your first day on campus. Both of you were moving in on the same day and crossed paths as you were lugging your two loaded suitcases in through the main entrance of the dormitory. Your family hadn’t come with you, putting their faith in you to make it to your school on your own, so you could only guess how pitiful you must’ve looked to others.
“Hey those look pretty heavy, I can help you with that if you’d like,” you looked up to find the owner of the voice and were met by a handsome boy with a smile you’d never forget, “my name is Mark, by the way.”
“Uh, y/n, nice to meet you and yeah, actually, if you could take this one it would help me so much.” You told him as you pulled up the smaller of the two suitcases.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take the larger one? I can handle it.” He looked at you with eyes full of interest, his pupils almost resembling boba thanks to the odd lighting in the hall.
You shook your head before turning to head to the elevator, “I only just met you, I wouldn’t make you do this. Besides, it’s not even that much heavier than the other one.”
“Alright, whatever you say. What floor are you on though? I can help you move in if you don’t have anyone else.” He offered kindly.
“I’m on the third floor,” you informed him, “but don’t you have somewhere to be? You couldn’t have just been sitting around in the lobby.”
You say his expression morph into one of panic before quickly relaxing, “oh, I was just on my way to the university center to pick up my keys and get my mail. Gosh, you made me think I was late to something important.” The laugh he let out was so full and loud, it felt as if it were reaching out to you.
“Are you sure you don’t have anything else you should be doing?” You question as you pressed the button for the elevator. “I’d hate to be the reason why you missed a meeting or something.”
Mark pulled out his phone as both of you waited for the elevator. “No, I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything else planned for today. I just had to move in earlier and that’s it, I don’t have any solid plans.” The doors opened and let out a few other people, who you guessed were also students, before you and Mark stepped in.
“I just met you though,” you pointed out, “how do I know that you’re not some weirdo that’s gonna try steal my stuff?”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Really? I mean, not like in a bad way ‘really’ but I can promise you that I’m not trying to do anything bad.”
You hummed in mock sarcasm, “mmhmm, that’s what they all say.”
“If you don’t believe me I’ll give you my number if you want or like my room number, even-”
“Mark I was just joking dude.” You laughed, amused by how gullible the boy was.
“Oh…” he breathed, relief settling over him as the doors opened up to the third floor, “but can I still get your number though?”
“Beat me to my room and I’ll think about it.” You took off running in a random direction, unsure which way you were even supposed to go in.
Mark followed close behind, “wait but I don’t even know which room number to look for!”
“Maybe that’s the point!” You shout back.
continue as always, wild and free
Though he did not make it to your room before you, you still gave him your phone number to thank him for helping you with your luggage. Mark was kind enough to stay and help you unpack your things and get your room set up. He even accompanied you to get dinner from the cafeteria since it was already getting late by the time the two of you finished unloading everything.
Over the next few days before classes, you hung out with Mark and any other freshmen that you happened to run into. You found out that Mark was a business major and planned to minor in tourism industry management. As for you, your major was biology with a focus in ecology.
Mark seemed to love sharing about himself as seen from the way he eagerly told you about the company his parents worked for and how he was interested in someday becoming a part of it which was why he chose his intended path of study. You had come in the college with the intent of wanting to make a difference in the world and help tackle one of the biggest global issues, which is climate change, leading you to your chosen track.
Mark was a great listener and seemed genuinely interested in everything you had to say. If he thought anything was lame or dumb, he hid it very well because he seemed to be picking up all the information you put down. You had come in knowing that most people in large corporations didn’t think much about the environment. Either Mark was faking it to keep his new friendship with you or he genuinely held the same beliefs as you. You chose to believe it was the latter.
All throughout your first year in college together you and Mark stuck together, always preferring each others company, even within the large group of friends you managed to accumulate with him. Luckily he was only one floor above you so he wasn’t far away at all. If you ever needed anything, he really was ‘one call away’ and would come running even if it was just to catch a bug in your room.
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Freshmen year came and went, both you and Mark went back home for summer vacation and came back to campus as sophomores. You both kept in touch and regularly updated each other on things like Mark’s trip to Britain with his parents. That was the first real glimpse you had into his dreams and goals for his future. Meanwhile you just ranted to him about all the terrible customers that came in at your part-time job, though he didn’t seem to mind at all and always offered you his company.
Sophomore year was when he asked you to be his girlfriend. After the two of you had eaten dinner together as usual and were walking back to the dorms, that was when he had finally made a move. “So, uh, I know this may be kind of sudden but I actually really like you.” He told you.
You looked up at him as you continued walking next to him. “And in what way, exactly?”
“In a ‘I like you as more than just a friend’ kind of way.” He replied, looking down at the leaf-covered sidewalk.
“Well lucky for you, I might just like you in the same way.” Mark’s head shot up and his eyes met yours.
He blinked rapidly and his gaze never left yours, as if searching for the truth. “Wait, like really?”
“Yes, really.” You pulled him closer to you so he wouldn’t walk right into the tree that was coming up.
“Does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asked after mumbling a quick ‘thank you’.
You stopped walking and turned to face him. “If you ask properly then I don’t see why not.”
“Oh, uh,” his eyes flitted left to right before finally settling on yours, “will you be my girlfriend?”
“No.” You tried to hold your laughter in the way his eyes widened but you just couldn’t. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend you stupid! I didn’t say all of that for nothing, oh my gosh you really are so gullible.”
Mark’s mouth opened slightly before he closed it again and then burst out going “don’t do that to me for crying out loud! You don’t even know how I was actually about to cry if you said no just now.”
You grabbed his hand and quickly interlaced your fingers with his. “There, I’m sorry. Do you feel better now? Do you want me to kiss you to make you feel better?”
“Uh, yes? To both?” He spoke, still shaken from earlier.
You raised his hand to your lips, kissing that back of his hand with a smile. “Thank you for choosing me.”
i’m gonna try flying a little further
Things continued on in this way in your relationship, always keeping things lighthearted and never too serious. Thankfully both of you had past dating experience and weren’t completely clueless on how to act toward each other. One thing led to the next and you had your first kiss with him the day he was leaving to go home for winter break. “I love you, stay safe, don’t die.” You called out to him as he got into his uber.
“Got it babes, love you too.” He sent you a kiss before shutting the door which you happily caught and held to your heart.
It was during that break that the two of you told your parents about each other and things went surprisingly smooth of both ends. Mark had even informed you that his parents were interested in meeting you after he told them about your field of study. “Yeah they were so intrigued by it! They’ve been looking into more sustainable and eco-friendly options for a while now so I think this must’ve struck a chord with them.” He chattered excitedly over the phone.
“Dude, don’t make me even more nervous about meeting them-”
“Hold up, did you just call me dude?” He questioned.
“It’s not like you don’t call me dude as well.” You commented.
Mark let out a laugh on his end. “Alright, fair enough. But not to alarm you or anything, but they said that I could bring you along for one of our trips during summer if you’re down.”
“Oh my gosh, seriously?” You exclaimed.
“Yes, seriously,” he confirmed, amused at your enthusiasm, “should I tell them that you’re interested?”
“Mark is that even a question? Of course I’m interested.” Your excitement was almost bubbling over from the way everything seemed to be working in favor of you and Mark.
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The next summer, you did indeed tag along with Mark and his parents to who were more than happy to meet you and share information on their company while visiting Nevada. Mark wasn’t lying when he said that you interests ‘struck a chord’ with them. Sometimes it seemed like you were more like their child than he was with how much his parents talked with you about possible green options to inquire for. It was thanks to them that you decided to minor in tourism industry management like Mark, even though it would set you behind one year in graduation.
Going into your junior year, you were able to put together a small scrapbook of sorts with all the pictures from the trip to Nevada and gave it to Mark to celebrate your one year anniversary. “Wait, when did you even take that picture of me though?” He asked while looking at the picture of him spread out on a hotel bed like a starfish.
“You smacked me with your arm so I woke up and it was like, seven in the morning so I decided to just fool around and take pictures of you,” you explained with a smile on your face, “if you look in that bottom corner, you can see my foot because I had to stand over you but not too closely so my legs were like a triangle over you.”
Mark shook his head as he laughed at your antics before gently closing the book. “I love you, you know that right?” He placed a kiss on your cheek and sat back to adore you with his eyes practically sparkling.
“How could I not? I’d be worried that you may not know that I love you.” You told him playfully, setting the scrapbook aside and straddling his lap.
“Baby, that’s the last thing you need to worry about.” His voice fell into its lower ranges as he began kissing you in a way he never has before. It was on that night, the night of your first anniversary that the two of you made love for the first time in your shared campus apartment.
make me beautiful in the memories
When you brought Mark home for the holidays, your family was more than thrilled to meet him and you thanked whatever supreme being existed out there for blessing you with him. He got along well with your parents and even became a favorite of all the younger kids, especially when he joined them in making a snowman out in front of your house.
“Look y/n! Marky helped us start building a snowman!” Your younger sister exclaimed before running off once again to join some of your cousins.
You watched as Mark helped them roll the largest ball of snow around the yard until it was at least a third of his height. “Come join us y/n!” He called out. “You can get the rocks and sticks to make his arms and face.”
One of your younger cousins came by to join you as you sifted through the snow to find nice rocks to use. “When are you and Marky getting married?” He asked.
“Married? We’ve only been together for a year.” You told the little boy.
“Oh, hmm, well it’s never too early to start thinking.” He decided before finding a cute little stick that he deemed fit to function as a nose for the snowman.
You joined Mark in rolling the second ball of snow while the kids made the last one. “So what was that I heard about getting married?” He questioned.
Suddenly your cheeks felt warm and your eyes darted away from him and back to the mound of snow in front of you. “Uh, nothing, one of the kids just was asking if we plan on getting married.”
“He’s right, you know,” Mark spoke quietly, “it’s never too early to start thinking about it.”
“I mean, we’re still so young though.” You told him.
“That doens’t mean I don’t see myself having a future with you.” Mark commented as he picked up the ball of compacted snow.
“Gosh, you’re so chessy. What next? Names for our kids?” You joke as you watch him place the ball on top of the largest one at his knees.
He winked at you once the snowman had his torso complete. “Already on it.”
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Spring semester was spent planning for Mark’s graduation in the following year and getting the classes for your minor arranged. His parents invited you to go with them to Hawai’i which you politely declined, as you did not know much about the people and culture and did not have time to accurately research before going thanks to all the summer classes you were taking to ensure that you’d graduate on time.
You and Mark decided to live off campus for his last year in college and though it was inconvenient to have to cook your own meals and walk a little bit further to get to school, it was all worth it when you got to make the memories you did with him.
“So you just crack the egg and drop it in the pan?” He hesitated, the said egg hovering over the edge of the frying pan.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Mark, how many times do I have to tell you? You just crack it and let it fall into the pan. It’s not that hard.”
He mocked your expression after you said ‘it’s not that hard’ as he cracked the egg into the pan, yelping at the way the oil splashed up at him. You left to freshen up a bit, having been woken up by the ruckus Mark had made in the kitchen only to come back five minutes later to another bout of him yelling for help. “What now?”
“I, uhh, I think I burned the egg.” His face was tinged with shame as you came over to the stove, sliding the egg in question onto a plate before lifting its side to see that it was indeed burnt.
“I don’t know how you manage to burn an egg after I leave you for such a short amount of time.” You tell him as you pull another one out from the refrigerator. “Here, try again. You’re lucky it’s the weekend.”
“You’re not gonna let me stop until I’ve successfully cooked an egg, huh?” You shook your head to answer his question, causing Mark to let out a sigh before going to add a little more oil to the pan.
look time fly, we fly, changes come with time
Days like that were normal for the two of you, though more often than not, you chose to order food since Mark was clearly not very trustworthy in the kitchen and you weren’t all that better yourself.
Living with Mark was not always happy and fun, though. Sometimes the two of you fought and sometimes it was over the smallest things like how he didn’t put his clothes into his hamper after changing out of them or how you’d leave your belongings strewn about the apartment.
Being with him taught you that a relationship is a two-way thing. Everyone has their flaws and if you truly love someone, you’ll learn to work with them to get solve problems that arise or get around them.
Getting to live with Mark and see him everyday was certainly a lot more convenient, especially when both of you were swamped with finals and had little to no time to go out on an actual date. Falling asleep in each others arms and waking up to the sight of the other was enough for those times. In those mornings where you woke up before Mark and didn’t want to get out of bed just yet, you took the time to be thankful for the path of life you were on and how thankful you were to have met the boy in front of you.
It was moments like those that made it all worth it.
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When Mark graduated in the following spring, you sat in the crowd alongside his parents, watching him and your past classmates walk across the stage and receive their diplomas.
“Ah, he looks just the same as when he graduated from high school.” His mother commented. She even pulled up his old pictures and showed them to you, making you laugh at how cute he was back then. You could hear his voice in your head, whining about how he’s not cute but you paid it no mind.
The rush of emotion you felt when the name ‘Mark Lee’ was called and he stepped out in his cap and gown was truly something else. You stood up and cheered alongside the rest of his friends who were seated around you, the bunch of you only getting louder when his head jerked in your direction and he smiled and waved to you all.
the reason why i can be fearless is because you’re looking at me with your two eyes
“That’s going to be you next year, you know.” Mark’s father stated nodding over to where Mark was playfully chest-bumping his fellow graduates. “Okay, well not like that, but you know what I mean.”
You let out a laugh as you watched Mark stumble and nearly fall. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
“Do you have any plans for summer, dear?” His mother inquired.
“I have a few classes from June through July but I believe I do not have anything for the latter half of June until school starts again in August.” You informed her.
“Would you like to come along with us to Paris then? We missed you greatly last year and felt you would have enjoyed the experience more than Mark did.” She explained as she pulled up more pictures of Mark though this time it was him in a botanically garden getting scared from all the bugs. “I’ll send this one to you.”
You thanked her with a smile on your face and graciously accepted her offer to travel with them to Paris. Mark was over the moon when he heard that you’d be going with them, especially since this was going to be the first time he’d be allowed to lead the meetings and events.
It felt like school hadn’t even finished from the way you went right back to work for your summer courses and Mark got to putting together his first few projects for the company. He was intent on showing the executives that he was a fully capable individual and was not trying to simple ride off of his parents achievements. You were proud of him for that.
By the time you all got to Paris, it felt like a much needed breath of fresh air from the constant hustle of school and work. One of the first places Mark took you to was one of the local night markets near the hotel you were staying at. You pulled out your light blue polaroid camera which Mark had gotten awfully used to within these past few years and took multiple pictures of him eating street food and walking around under the stringed lights.
i need you right here
“Oh, that fountain looks kinda cool.” He exclaimed, walking out of frame.
“Mark you can’t just do that when I’m about to take your pict-”
“Yeah yeah, you can take pictures here instead. It looks prettier.” You both paused to admire the sculpting of the stone and the way the water and the coins at the bottom of the fountain glittered under the night lights. Mark sat down at the edge of the fountain after a bit. “Here, you can take them now.”
You took a few before handing of the camera to him so he could take a few of you. “Have you ever thought that this is where we’d be after all this time?” He asked after giving the camera back to you and joining you next to the fountain. “Like, back when we were freshmen, we didn’t know where we’d be within the next few years and here we are, together, three years later.”
“I think you’re jet-lagged, babe, but yeah I see what you mean.” You agreed, falling into the rhythm of the way the water spilled over from the top tier into the lower ones and out from there into the base at the bottom. “We went from clueless freshmen to young adults breaking out into the real world.”
You watched as Mark dug around in his pocket, pulling out a single coin and enclosing it in a fist. “I wish for things to stay the same- no, for us to- wait, no, I wish for us to remain happy together while facing all the challenges that our lives have to offer us.” With that, he tossed the coin into the fountain and you both followed it as it sunk to the floor.
He pulled another coin out and offered it to you. “I wish…” you began, trailing off as you thought of what more you could possibly say, “I wish for us to stay together for as long as time allows and that we will get to watch each other grow and fulfill whatever plans that life has for us.”
As your coin hit the bottom, Mark pulled you in for a hug. “I really do love you, you know.”
“Yeah I know.” You hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you.
“Look at me, babe.” He whispered, causing you to glance up at him. Whatever you were about to say was cut off by Mark’s lips against yours.
It felt like nothing else mattered at that moment. Nothing except your lips against his, his arms around you, your hearts and souls connecting as one.
we go up
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alirhi · 3 years
random story snippet
@goblin-tea this is part of that story I was talking about/sending you bits of. I'll get into the better stuff (imo) in a bit, but this is a much better example of what the main characters are like than what I sent earlier lol
“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto,” she mumbled, still clinging to Audrey’s hand as she nervously followed Fiona’s example and took a moment to study the immediate area.
“No shit, Sherlock,” the blonde growled, yanking her hand away. Rebecca could stand there like an idiot if she chose, but damn it! She was going to explore and find a way home, right now. Clearly, her friend’s oh-so-brilliant spell had backfired quite horribly, and now they were lost, with no idea of where they were, when they were, or what was going…
Her thoughts were jarringly interrupted when Rebecca suddenly let out a short, high-pitched scream, causing both of her friends to jump.
“WHAT?!” Spinning to face the taller woman, she took a deep breath in preparation to chew her out, and then promptly hid behind her. “…Is that a dinosaur?”
“Deinonychus,” Rebecca confirmed in a reverent whisper. Her screech had been from excitement, rather than fear; the giant grin on her freckled face was evidence enough of that. Though she knew she was the only one who cared about the details, she still explained in a rush, “Fast, smart, and very deadly carnivore from the late Cretaceous period, probably the basis for the oversized velociraptors in Jurassic Park… A raptor’s colorful feathers make it look like a ridiculous, disproportionate toucan, which is probably why the producers chose to make it look more like our friend here. Fossils of the deinonychus have never been found with any indication of feathers.”
“It does have feathers, you walking Wiki!” Audrey hissed, stepping back. No way in hell was she going to stand there like an idiot and get eaten by some parrot on crack.
Fiona remained rooted in place beside the other redhead, though she did stoop to pick up Rebecca's forgotten staff, just in case the curious animal decided to attack. A tiny smile played at the edges of her lips at the toucan comparison. It did sort of look like one, in a weird way…
Swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat, their nerdy friend nodded. “Yeah… Most of this type of dinosaur did, so paleontologists kinda figured the deinonychus would, too.”
The prehistoric bird of prey studied them, almost seeming to ponder something. Just as Rebecca was about to make a Philosoraptor joke, the fascinating – if deadly – beast twitched, letting out a series of loud clicking noises.
“…Huh. Whaddaya know. That dude on youtube was right…” An answering call echoed from somewhere to the left of the three shivering girls, and startled the amateur paleontologist out of her daze. “Oh shit.”
“What?” Both of her friends shot her nervous glances, reluctant to take their eyes off of the giant predator. Why wasn’t it moving?
“Run.” When Fiona shot her an incredulous look, Rebecca shook her head. Normally, yes, she would caution against any sudden moves around a wild animal, but this was different. More clicks from their right, answered by the one animal they could see, illustrated why. “He’s calling in reinforcements – run!”
That was all the motivation the shivering blonde needed. With a terrified shriek, Audrey turned and bolted into the forest, Rebecca and Fiona hot on her heels.
“I think it’s safe to assume,” the oldest woman gasped out, jumping over a fallen tree limb, “that we’ve somehow been sent back too far.”
“Ya THINK?!”
"Now's not the time to get snippy!” Her lungs were burning, her legs cramping, and though she could hear the creature gaining on them, she had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t putting forth much effort. She and her surrogate sister were both overweight to the point of obesity, and as such, speed wasn’t exactly on their side. In fact, it had been one of the things they’d hoped to go back and change; if they never got fat, they wouldn’t have to deal with the health problems associated with it or the hassle of constantly trying and failing to lose it.
Risking a glance to the side, she noticed Fiona keeping pace with them, and winced. She was hanging back to help them, she knew. By far the skinniest and healthiest of the three of them, she was lightning fast compared to the other two. While both her companions were morbidly obese, Fiona was lithe and fit, with legs like a gazelle. She was going slowly so she could defend them with that big stick if she had to. That was the only logical explanation Rebecca could come up with. The fact that the 'big stick' was her own walking stick was momentarily lost on the eldest of the three.
Mother above, she prayed desperately, if there’s even a trace of magic left in my blood, please, please unleash it now to give us speed.
Too angry and frightened to bother with logic, Audrey just rolled her eyes, yelping when it caused her to trip over a rock and nearly sent her sprawling. Fiona caught her by the arm and helped her steady herself, and she managed a tiny grateful smile, even as she snapped at the redhead, “Shut up! It’s your fault that we’re in our own personal Jurassic Hell, being chased by a fucking raptor!”
“Cretaceous!” Rebecca snarled, dodging around a rather intimidating thorny bush. “And it’s not a raptor, it’s-”
“It’s actually quite fascinating,” Rebecca asserted through wheezing gasps for breath, “if you think about it. We finally… get to see… proof… that dino…saurs… were more like…flightless…birds…than…”
“I don’t give a shit if we’re being chased by an ostrich or a crocodile!” Audrey screeched before her friend could finish. “If I end up something’s lunch, it’s your fault! And you know what? Fuck you! Fuck your stupid spell. Fuck your obsessions. Fuck your fucking imaginary friend and the horse you both rode in on for good measure!” Even in a life-or-death situation, somehow an old inside joke popped into her head, and she managed to suck in a deep enough breath to scream, "AND YES, HE'S NAMED 'SIDEWAYS'!"
“Guys, this really isn’t the time to be arguing,” Fiona pointed out as calmly as she could, glancing over her shoulder to see how they were faring. It wasn't good. She could deal with Audrey and her rather offensive temper tantrum later, she decided; escaping the turkey-sized ball of feathers and teeth chasing them took precedence.
“Sorry…” Pouting a little, the blonde risked a glance back, and nearly wet herself when she saw that their prehistoric pursuer was getting closer and closer. “Oh, fuck me…” Something brushed the side of her head, and she jumped, but it was only a leaf hanging down from another large tree.
Wait. Leaf…tree… She glanced up, relieved to see that the branch was low enough for her to grab hold. Circling around so that she wouldn’t get caught by their feathered menace, she pushed herself just a little bit more and managed to haul herself up onto the branch. “Guys!”
“What are you doing?!” Rebecca cried, having been too focused on running to notice where Audrey had gone. Fiona had been taking up the rear, focus switching between the others and the predator, but had been looking primarily in the latter’s direction for a few minutes. When she turned and saw only Rebecca standing there, she froze and glanced around. As they spotted Audrey in the tree, they also became aware of the fact that their enemy seemed a lot closer than before.
“Can raptors climb?” Audrey called out, wincing as she watched the scene unfold. Though she had long legs and strong, muscular calves, Rebecca outweighed her by a good fifty pounds, and it was visibly taking its toll. She was tiring, and the blonde just prayed she could pull herself up to safety before that thing or its as-yet unseen companions ripped her apart. She had plenty of reasons not to worry too much about Fiona.
“Come on.” Urging her tiring friend on, the skinnier redhead decided to take at least this one cue from Audrey and circled around the trunk of a massive tree, making sure Rebecca followed. It confused their attacker, bought them a little time, and kept them from getting out of earshot of Audrey.
At her friend’s soft, gentle reminder of what she’d been asked, Rebecca frowned. She wanted to remind the treed woman that they weren’t being chased by a velociraptor, but dismissed it as a waste of time. Instead, she considered her question as she doubled back.
Could this breed of dinosaurs climb? “I…I’m not sure,” she panted, one hand coming up to press against her chest. “I don’t think so. Their arms are probably too small to pull them up.”
“Then get your ass up here!”
They reached the tree, and Fiona quickly jumped up like it was nothing, setting the staff aside and braced across two nearby branches to keep it from falling. She and Audrey then each stretched out an arm, hands extended to grab Rebecca’s and pull her up as the youngest of the three continued, “And pray Jurassic Park was wrong about more than just the raptor’s appearance, cuz here he comes, and if he brought friends, you’re toast!”
“It’s not a raptor!” Rebecca reached for their hands, though she harbored little hope that she could actually get her fat ass up there. With or without their help, in her mind, she was dead.
“Please note, you’re the only one who cares,” the other young woman grumbled, grasping her friend’s wrist and exerting every bit of strength she had left to pull her to safety. Rebecca had virtually no upper body strength, and without Audrey and Fiona, would never be able to make it up onto the branch, despite being taller than both of them.
She almost dropped the larger girl when she suddenly yelped. Fiona glared at her, trying to compensate by taking more of their friend’s weight until she got a better grip on her arm.
Still a bit startled, she searched Rebecca’s eyes for some sign of what the hell that had been about, and found only fear. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Pull me up! Pull me up!” Refusing to say anything else, she gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might, kicking all the while. What she knew the blonde couldn’t see from her perch was that the dinosaur had caught up to her while they both struggled, and had grabbed hold of her calf with its sharp claws. Suddenly, she was glad for the long leather boots that, only moments before, she’d been cursing.
As the creature went for Rebecca again, Fiona grabbed the staff and whacked it as hard as she could over the head. It turned on her for a moment, but before it could do anything, Rebecca kicked it in the face. Taking advantage of the opportunity she’d just created, she stood on the hungry animal’s head and pushed off. At last, she was seated on the rough limb, with the deinonychus just barely out of reach. Gasping desperately for air as she turned and clung to Audrey, she glanced down at the bewildered creature and managed a breathless “thanks!” The moment Rebecca was safely out of reach, Fiona crept along the branch and headed for a different one. The tree was old and strong, but the three of them in the same spot could easily snap the branch and send them right to the dinosaur’s clutches.
Once she settled on another perch, they sat there for a moment, contemplating their luck, both good and bad, and watching the hungry animal watch them. All three knew that with a little effort, the thing could probably reach the two on the lower branch with those lethal, powerful jaws. Since it had clearly not yet figured this out, none of them really cared. Audrey was exhausted and sore, the entirety of her plump body throbbing unbearably now that adrenaline had begun to flee her as she had fled the dinosaur. Fiona was desperately trying to get her breath back, and though she felt fine otherwise, she knew she’d feel like she’d been hit by a bus in the morning. Rebecca, too, was exhausted and sore, though the pain in her muscles and joints hadn’t yet registered. Her gaze shifted from the restless animal to the long jagged tears in the back of her skirt, which she studied with a sort of numb, detached fascination.
“Well,” she said finally, still scarcely able to breathe. “That was exhilarating.”
Fiona laughed.
“Exhilarating?” Audrey gaped at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? We just almost became something’s soon-to-be-fossilized lunch!”
Shrugging, Rebecca glanced down at the prehistoric lizard…bird…thing. And suddenly she felt pity for it, and all the living things around them. After a long silence, during which the deinonychus finally lost interest and stormed off in search of easier prey, she finally murmured, “We survived, didn’t we? That’s more than anything else in this time period can say.” Where were its companions? The question bubbled up out of nowhere, and once formed, refused to be dismissed. She'd heard it call to someone, and heard an answer... Or had she? Had she imagined it all?
“We don’t belong in this time period!” Audrey's reply startled her out of her confused reverie. Her voice was shrill, expression aghast as she stared at the other woman as if she’d lost her mind. Perhaps that was obvious. For a second, she considered that maybe shehad gone mad, and this whole nightmarish situation was just a scene playing out in her ever-overactive imagination.
Then she shifted, and the ankle she’d twisted when she tripped on a rock sent a twinge of pain up her leg. The idea of any of this being anything less than horribly, undeniably real was scrapped, and she glanced around. She would merely search for makeshift supplies, she decided. She would rewrite Rebecca’s stupid spell, and get them back to the present. If this experience was meant to teach them anything, she was sure it was that the past can’t be changed, which she was suddenly ready to accept as Gospel truth. Life sucked, but they could make it better if they just focused less on whining about it, and more on actually doing something about it.
A strange weight on her mind drew her from her thoughts and she turned to look. Rebecca was staring at her.
Huffing a bit, she gestured to her shredded clothing. “That’s going to get infected. You’ll probably die before the week is out.”
“Thanks, Captain Optimism,” the other woman growled, rolling her eyes.
“We don’t have anything to wrap it with!” she snapped, interrupting her friend’s attempt to assure her that she was fine.
“I can rip something if you want,” Fiona offered, gesturing to her clothes.
“We have no idea what’s poisonous and what’s not,” Audrey continued to rant as if the other young woman hadn’t spoken, “We’re about sixty-five million years away from peroxide, never mind penicillin. And all of this is assuming you just get some kind of nasty infection. Every carnivore with at least one nostril can probably smell all that blood for miles. If we don’t get the hell back to modern times, you are going to die!”
To shut her up, Rebecca sighed and reached down, shoving her torn skirt out of the way to show the long scratches across her boot. She could see them alright through the slashes in her skirt, but clearly Audrey was less observant. “I’m not bleeding, genius. He was aiming to grab, not gut; he didn’t get through the leather.” She gestured, but wasn’t the least bit surprised when Audrey only shook her head and looked away.
“I’m just worried about you,” she whispered, much more subdued as the fight slowly drained from her. “You got lucky this time, but as long as we stay here, we’re in danger every second, from everything.”
As if only just then remembering that Fiona was there, she whipped around and stared up over her shoulder at her. "And how the hell are you still corporeal? How were you ever in the first place? I mean, nice to meet you, I guess? But what the actual fuck is going on?!"
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ahatintimepieces · 4 years
He’s Going to be Okay
I wrote a little fic for @doodledrawsthings ahit “Coffee shop AU” about one of Luka’s early days working at The Horizon! Nothing fancy but I got the idea and just went with it. Please enjoy!
              Luka flexed his four fingers against his coiled torso, staring at the thick purple prongs with tempered despair. Yes, he had been getting used to his new fluid body after traveling around for a few years, but now that he had recently started working at The Horizon, he found himself aching for his human body even more.
              Whenever he shapeshifted, he became acutely aware of just how much he had changed. While making coffee or wiping down tables, he could feel how flexible his arms and fingers were, like they were those cylindrical jelly toys meant to slip out of children’s hands the second they were squeezed too hard. He always feared if he grabbed a carafe or a customer’s change too firmly, his hands would melt back into purple goop.
              Blinking, he ran his hand through the fur on his head. He had to get up. Hattie was at school, which he was so grateful that a chance for her to have a normal life as a kid again, and he had work, which was another wonderful blessing. But he was so tired.
              Shaking himself as he uncoiled and floated over to the bathroom, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His pair of golden, glowing eyes and jack-o-lantern smile stared back at him. He longed for nothing more than to see his familiar, human features, but just the idea of shapeshifting just then drained him of non-existent energy.
              Come on! He could do this! He had been working full time and taking grad classes on top of being a single father before all of this! He didn’t know the meaning of fatigue! Surely, he could keep his liquid body in the right shape for one measly shift!
              Determined, he shrunk himself enough to curl his tail at the base of the sink as he gripped the edges. He stared into the mirror. It was only his forth day on the job and he wasn’t going to be late! He stared at his golden eyes, using the promise of coffee to summon enough strength to—
              He groaned and hunched over the sink, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
              Okay. New plan! He would grab some clothes and commute as a noodle. Maybe a short flight through the forest would wake his body up enough to change.
              Once he collected his things, he shrunk himself and snuck outside through his bedroom window. Luckily, most everyone in the complex had either left for work or school, so he only needed to slip past an older couple sitting on a bench at the boarder of the forest. He flew behind him, using their own shadows for cover, and darted into the woods.
              Use the shadows to hide. Think about the coffee waiting at work. Remember he’s doing this for Hattie. Hattie. He has to be able to support her. His daughter is all he had left, and he knew he could be okay as long as he had her.
              Feeling a touch more rejuvenated from both his mental pep talk and the fresh forest air, Luka landed behind the usual tree he used as cover when he started to slip in work. From his tree, he could smell the roasted coffee and his mouth watered. While Hattie did make him breakfast that morning—complete with lots of bacon, as if his sweetheart knew he needed an extra boost—he found himself still hungry. He vaguely wondered if all the shapeshifting lately required more fuel as well as sleep, but he shoved those thoughts down swiftly.
              He didn’t really have time to dwell on these things.
              With concentration, he first focused on shifting into a humanoid shape. The fluff around his neck easily molded into tufts of soft hair and shrinking his length to his human height was also a breeze. The hard part was splitting his tail into legs and his mittens into hands. But soon, he found himself standing—oh standing! How he missed feeling firmly planted on the ground on two feet!—and he could flex his humanoid fingers and thumbs. Next came his features, which he manifested while he shimmied into his pants.
              Nose. Teeth that weren’t fangs. Human eyes—with pupils and everything!—and brows. He skipped the ears because he figured his hair would cover them anyway and he was still so tired. Cutting corners on his appearance might help. Soon enough, he felt himself in proper human-shape, even if he still felt like a water balloon with his innards shifting around in a magic shell.
              As he buttoned his shirt—something so normal felt so good—he focused on changing his color to match how he was before. Brown hair, chestnut eyes, and not a drop of purple anywhere on his skin. He inhaled a steadying breath and walked around the shop and towards the entrance.
              “Hey there, Luka,” MJ called from the cash register as Luka briskly walked towards the back. “How was drop-off?”
              Drop-off? It took Luka a second as he put on his apron before he registered that MJ was asking about dropping Hattie off at school—the reason Luka had said he couldn’t take an early shift.
              “Oh, yeah,” Luka offered a nervous smile. He felt bad not only that he had to lie about the real reason but also because he wished he could have walked Hattie to school instead of being confined to the apartment as a weird purple snake monster. “It was fine. She seems to be making friends already.”
              That, he realized gratefully, was true and he couldn’t be happier for his daughter.
              But it also meant he really needed to make sure he didn’t screw up this job.
              “That’s great!” MJ offered a warm smile before turning back to the customers, his blue hair bouncing on top his head with his movement.
              Luka glanced down as he tied his apron, smiling softly.
              “Enough chatting!” Clover appeared from the back with a tray of plastic-wrapped pastries in hand. “Luka, can you get started on making drinks?”
              “Oui, Chef!” Luka saluted, which earned an eyeroll from Clover.
              “We outsource the pastries, you goof!” She gave him a gentle nudge before restocking the reserves beneath the display case.
              Instead of quipping back, Luka just laughed as he crossed over to the espresso machine, where cups with orders were already lined up.
              It felt good, he marveled, laughing with coworkers. How long had it been since he just spent time with friends? His gaze lingered on his human hand as he grabbed a cup.
              Too long, he decided.
              The first half of the shift went by in a blur. The mornings were always busiest, leaving Luka pushing out cup after cup. It wasn’t until MJ handed him the last order that Luka let himself relax long enough to breathe. Even then, when he read MJ’s instructions on what coffee to make, it just read, “Luka’s Favorite.”
              “What?” Luka glanced over at MJ, taking a moment to briefly scan the room for anyone waiting for coffee.
              “You’ve earned it,” MJ answered as his gaze narrowed on something in front of him and furrowed his brows. MJ removed his red-rimmed glasses and frowned at an apparent smudge before using the edge of his apron to clean up the lens. “I don’t know your favorite though,” MJ looked back up, squinting slightly at Luka without his glasses. “You’ll have to tell me a few times before I remember, as a heads up.”
              “Chestnut-infused Columbian Bean with cream and sugar,” Luka replied softly, smiling as he started to make himself a cup. “What about you?”
              MJ pushed his glasses back onto his nose and was about to respond before he titled his head with concern.
              “Dude, you alright? You’ve got some pretty gnarly bags under your eyes.”
              Luka’s heart dropped into his stomach as he instinctively lifted a hand to his face.
              “Um, mind if I—” Luka gestured towards the bathroom and MJ nodded. Luka practically threw himself into the cramped employee bathroom and glanced up.
              Oh no.
              Sure enough, purple was starting to spread, starting at the base of his eyes. In addition, his chestnut irises were starting to reflect gold in the dim bathroom light. He glanced down at his hands, his usual indicator that he was out of time in his human-shape. They remained untouched by purple and he still had his thumbs.
              Okay. Maybe this wasn’t so bad. He had made it through most of the shift and might be able to stick it out the rest of the day. Looking exhausted was fine, so long as he still looked human.
              He inhaled a deep, calming breath. He would be fine. He just needed a cup of coffee and that should tide him over. He could stick it out! He could do this!
              He returned to the counter with an anxious smile plastered on his face. MJ was wiping down the top of the display case when Luka went to finished making his coffee. While he poured the cream, he noted his hands were shaking but he ignored them.
              “Luka,” MJ asked as Luka lifted the steaming cup to his lips, “is everything okay?”
              “Oh yeah!” Luka smiled but he soon felt two sharp somethings—his fangs, he realized with dread—dig into his bottom lip. Panic gripped his chest and he glanced down at his hand holding the coffee cup.
              The tips of his fingers were turning purple.
              “Actually,” Luka’s shoulders slumped with resignation. He shifted the coffee cup into his other hand—which was still free of purple—and hid his changing hand behind his back. “I’m not—I think I need to—”
              MJ zeroed in on his hand and for a second, Luka feared the purple was spreading and the cat was out of the bag, but his fears were soon assuaged when MJ spoke.
              “Your hand is shaking more than my old dryer!” MJ explained in disbelief and worry. “Listen, do you need to go home? I can cover for the rest of the day.”
              “I hate to leave you mid-shift again and with Clover off getting more cup sleeves—” Luka winced from the way his growing fangs scratched against his mouth as he stepped back towards the door.
              “It’s all good,” MJ promised, his brows tight with concern. “Just get some rest before you need to pick up your daughter.”
              “Thank you!” Luka just about dashed out the back door, “It won’t happen again!”
              He barely made it outside before the purple creeped up his arm and his fingers on his one hand clenched back into cumbersome mittens. He ducked behind the tree and let out a frustrated groan as his thin control over his body dissolved.
              Not wanting to ruin another pair of clothes, he placed his coffee down and swiftly undressed. He tried to maintain fingers on the hand that was just turning purple as he struggled with the buttons on his shirt. It took a few tries but he finally managed. The second he shed his shirt and pants, his purple form ballooned into the now familiar form of a large snake with fur and noodle arms.
              Luka sighed, leaning against the bark as fatigue and sorrow ate at his spirit. Wet, golden tears slipped down familiar paths etched into his cheeks. He momentarily entertained the idea of remaining there, in the shadow of the tree and stewing in his sorry state, but on the other side of The Horizon, he could hear the hustle and bustle of the people of Subcon. The longer he remained in the open, the more he risked being seen.
              Willing himself through the motions, he collected his clothes and draped them over his arm before scooping up his coffee cup between two thick fingers. Careful not to let the cup slip through his fingers because he knew that a little spilled coffee in that moment was all it would take to send him into a spiral of despair he might not be able to recover from, he headed home.
              He hovered through the deeper part of the woods since he had nowhere to be anytime soon. Of course, he wanted to be home before Hattie, but that wasn’t for another hour or two. So, he took his time, letting his tail wiggle lackadaisically as he flitted from shadow to shadow. The warm coffee in his hand was a small comfort and the toasted flavor of the beans soothed him to the core.
              He was mid-sip—eyes half-closed—when a small gasp came from below.
              Luka’s eyes snapped fully open as he glanced down over his coffee cup. A young child in a dark purple hood with fluffy brown bangs that concealed most of their features was craning their neck to look up at him.
              The two remained frozen as they stared at each other for a second. Luka clutched his clothes draped around his one arm and still held the coffee cup to his mouth while the child’s jaw hung open.
              “Wowie! What are—” The child’s awe-filled voice snapped Luka out of his petrification and before the child could finish their sentence, Luka flew away.
              Peck! He was seen! Sure, he had been seen before but usually not mid-day and never that up close! He glanced back at the kid, who thankfully wasn’t following him, just watching in shock.
              That might come back to haunt him…
              Oh well, Luka tried to console himself as he zipped back home. At least the kid didn’t see him shapeshifting, which was more likely to give away his identity. The thought of Luka being found out and having to tear Hattie from another home gripped his chest like ice, but he immediately forced himself to take deep breaths.
              It was okay. The kid saw a purple noodle in the forest with coffee. It was fine. There was no reason to think he was at risk of being found out.
              It was going to be okay. He would be okay. Hattie was safe and happy. Everything was okay.
              The area behind the apartment was void of life and Luka had no trouble shrinking and flying up to his bedroom window, which he had left open for easy access. He flew in and soon expanded to fill the empty room. Sighing, he gingerly set down his cup before folding his clothes and stacking them by the closet. Exhaustion overwhelmed him and he curled around himself, resting his head on his hands on the topmost coil.
              His eyelids drooped as he flicked the tip of his tail back and forth. He wished he could have finished his shift. He wished he could have kept laughing with MJ and that he could have been there when Clover came back.
              He squeezed his eyes shut, as if it would keep a few more tears from slipping out. No such luck. He heaved out a worn sign before shifting his focus on getting some sleep. Maybe if he rested enough, he would have enough energy to maintain a humanoid shape so he could cook a good dinner for Hattie. That would be nice.
              He fell asleep repeating his new mantra.
              It would be okay. He was going to be okay.
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