ka-writes · 3 years
It is almost one AM and I was running on adrenaline for the last chapters, sorry if there are mistakes..
I honestly cannot thank you guys enough.
You guys gave me so much support and I really appreciate it. Especially since this was my first fic.
As for moving forward with these characters' universe, I will say this will be my last main fic with them. Though I can say I may do some oneshots with them for different things down the line.
As for other things, I will be doing a Superhero AU soon. Most likely after Halloween. Currently I have a spooky season special which will be completely updated by Halloween. It’s called Ghost Desires, please go check it out, if you’re not interested don’t worry! I have many storylines I would love to do.
Again thank you so much for reading, I do hope you enjoyed it, and please go take care of yourself and stay safe!! <3
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ka-writes · 3 years
It is almost one AM and I was running on adrenaline for the last chapters, sorry if there are mistakes..
I honestly cannot thank you guys enough.
You guys gave me so much support and I really appreciate it. Especially since this was my first fic.
As for moving forward with these characters' universe, I will say this will be my last main fic with them. Though I can say I may do some oneshots with them for different things down the line.
As for other things, I will be doing a Superhero AU soon. Most likely after Halloween. Currently I have a spooky season special which will be completely updated by Halloween. It’s called Ghost Desires, please go check it out, if you’re not interested don’t worry! I have many storylines I would love to do.
Again thank you so much for reading, I do hope you enjoyed it, and please go take care of yourself and stay safe!! <3
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ka-writes · 3 years
I can’t say words... wait forever the next one... ;-;
Warning: intentional stabbing, guns, death, Philza kills,
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13: It’s the final showdown….
Fundy received a message from Hannah who was clearly frantic. From the stringed together sentences and words that didn’t spell anything.
According to what he could decipher, the starling’s kidnapper was spotted at the meeting place, making things slightly more complicated.
According to yet another frantic message, they were literally trying to get the guy in legal custody or even better dead. God Fundy wasn’t paid enough. He shook off the complaints and sped up the ship ever so slightly, still leaving enough fuel to get there.
Taking a breath he locked the ship on autopilot before stumbling to his coffee machine.
Lazily he made some coffee. The last time he piloted a journey this long was a year ago, and then he had help from a copilot.
Sighing he poured the coffee into a thermos before sitting back into the seat.
He glanced at the horizon, noticing a city like glow in the far distance. He smiled softly, before double checking weapons. Three more hours and they would almost have a huge mission complete.
Purpled unlocked the weaponry. It hadn’t been touched in over a year. He turned on the lights and swatted at the disturbed dust.
Following Hannah’s frantic wishes he grabbed four launchers and extra ammo along with two shields and an extra med kit.
Sighing, he turned on the ship’s launchers and headed down to the aim to turn on the rest of it, preparing the ship for a battle that most likely wouldn’t happen.
After which he reactivated the shields and closed unnecessary exits.
Once he was satisfied, he made his way to the cam room, fortifying the external cameras.
After which he turned back to the common room, hooking his illusion manual with the cameras.
There was an unspoken anxiety between the crew.
After Sam’s strange message the crew fortified the small ship. Techno manning the personalized weaponry while Wilbur decorated the armor in splash chemicals built to kill and harm. Phil sped the ship up and talked with the guards once they made it into the very busy port city.
They landed the craft, Techno stating how he would be the best to stay on the ship along with Ranboo.
Phil and Wilbur made quick time, gaining energy and rage at the monster who stole their family. They finally stepped into Nikki’s.
“We’re closed- oh! You’re here.” Nikki said. Her voice was still sweet but held an amount of dread and tiredness one couldn’t ignore. She stepped out from the back, “They aren’t here yet..” With that the pair visibly deflated.
They were there first. Meaning the rest of the time would be full of anxiety and dread. What if’s filled their heads and they attempted to relax into a sofa. Wilbur abandoned the sofa, prompting to pace around the room instead.
It was a waiting game now.
Indeed a little waiting game.
One that Dream was sure he would pass.
He had the right place and perfect timing. The only thing missing was the fucking human. Tommy.
If only he hadn’t run away in the first place.
Then things would still be perfect, and they wouldn’t abandon him.
No one would after he had Tommy. No one.
No one no one no one noonenooneno-
He laughed.
Sitting on a bench on the side of a nice bookstore. Two doors down from Nikki’s.
It was perfect.
The ship pulled into the port.
Weirdly enough Tubbo felt dread.. why?
The crew ushered them into a hidden room off of the kitchen. With a small window and a couple beanbags.
He saw Fundy pull down his mask and pull on a strange hood with ears on top. Purpled popped in purple contacts and pulled his hood up. Sticking on fake antennas and pulling a black face mask over his neck and nose. They both covered as much skin as possible.
Two guards stepped in. One being none other than the same one as the last one, Jack. The other being a lady merling.
She swept around the ship, clearly bored while Jack asked questions seemingly in code. Was he on our side?
The two guards left and before he knew it he was stepping off the entrance platform.
Home.. he was so much closer to home!
Tommy stepped off the ship.
Chills ran up his spine. Though there was no obvious reason as to why.
It was around noon on the planet and there was no wind. Plus the sun was beating down on them.
He shrugged it off and waited for the rest of the crew.
“I just messaged them. They’ll be here soon.” Hannah said to Fundy who hummed in acknowledgment.
Foolish was staying on the ship, and Purpled excused himself by saying he needed to grab something.
Hannah and Fundy stood on either side of the pair in defensive stances, making Tommy immediately imitate them, Tubbo following suit.
After what felt like an hour, in reality was probably four minutes, Purpled returned, handing the other crew members launchers. He threw Tubbo a grenade of sorts anlong with a paper thin shield. He gave Tommy a pack of throwing knives and a shield. Judging by the unexpected gifts, if either was in close contact with a threat they could defend themselves. Meaning he was here too.
Pulling his fear back he focused on the three silhouettes headed towards them.
A lady with short bubblegum hair came first, followed by Wilbur and Phil. His heart wanted to melt. Looking towards Tubbo he thought the same.
Just as they were about to rush towards them an ear piercing bang flooded through the courtyard. Nikki dodging out of the way in time. It was a warning shot. It was followed by a panicked crowd running away from the source.
“Well hello. You have something of mine.” Dream’s voice echoed through the now deathly silent place. Tommy sucked in a breath.
The dreamon walked in between the groups. He made a mistake, what?
His mind rushed back to the first lesson. Never make your presence known.
The mask was torn and scratched. His clothes were torn and matted in grime. The mouth no longer moved, only ejected an echoey voice like speakers.
He mouth tasted bitter.
“If you hand over Tommy, no one gets hurt.” The dreamon explained calmly.
Tommy surveyed the crowd. For one Dream had no real advantage, two all had concealed weapons and pure rage. There was no way he had power.
Oh but I do Tommy.
Because I have you.
No you don’t.
Yes. Because I’m your friend. And guess what friends do?
Friends help each other.
They do do that, don't they?
I want to help you. So come to me.
It was as if all sense snapped in his head. The only thought running was to obey Dream. Tommy’s rational thought was trapped in a little room. Nothing was getting to the part in control.
Cautiously he stepped forward. No one really noticed all too distracted by what Dream was saying. Phil was sneering at the dreamon. Tommy saw none of that.
Another step.
Something started to crawl back into consciousness. It was promptly pushed back.
That bit tried for a different plan.
Another step.
If only there was a way to break from the trance.
Ten more steps. Fifteen left.
He needed more time.
Five more, ten left. Tubbo was frantically trying to drag him back as the others were too shocked to move.
We shouldn’t do that. But it's the only one we got.
Two more steps.
We have to.
Three steps left.
The conscious part got control of a hand, grabbing a knife and stabbing him in the leg.
Dream scowled, and Tommy pushed his strength to sprint with Tubbo back to the others.
They had won the battle, could they win the war?
He collapsed near Hannah, panting and fading in and out of consciousness.
Her mouth was moving. There were no words.
He distantly heard five bangs and a strangled scream.
His vision was too fuzzy to know anything.
After the sixth time he fell into the blissful void.
They did.
He woke up in the medical wing of the SBI Craft.
Phil was yelling at Dream.. Tommy started moving towards him. Dammit he was in a trance.
He rushed to try and drag him back.
“Come on!” Tubbo screamed.
There was no recognition in his eyes. They were once a bright blue, but were now a murky grey.
He could feel the pure joy from Dream at his suffering.
He turned to Tommy trying his hardest to get something from him.
A flash of blue in the eyes. Tommy quickly stabbed himself.
Tommy dragged Tubbo into as much of a sprint as he could muster before falling in front of Hannah.
She immediately told Tubbo orders. He took the towel handed to him and pressed on the wound.
She continued giving him instructions on how to prep the wound.
As soon as he started five loud bangs could be heard.
Phil stood breathless, pointing a launcher at where the green demon used to be. Phil smiled.
It wasn’t sinister like he had expected. It was full of relief and victory.
After he stopped paying attention Hannah started directing Wilbur on the procedures.
One thing led to another and the three were back home.
Three months later…
He woke up to Tubbo dragging him out of bed.
“Why are we up so early..” The blonde sleepily asked.
“It’s your birthday duh.. plus you need to be up early for it.” The droneling dragged him off the ship. He groaned, shivering at the cool morning air.
After the incident, Phil basically adopted Tommy into the family, claiming that his birds wanted more flock members.. whatever that meant.
After that fiasco, the strange flock moved from planet to planet, or really wherever one wanted to go as a form of bonding. It was nice.. It felt like one of those chaotic family vacations Tommy never experienced, except make it with a bunch of socially awkward and mentally unstable aliens.
Once Tommy mentioned how his birthday would’ve been coming up, which led the entire crew to jump on the occasion and flood him with questions.
One thing led to another and now Tubbo had dragged the crew and were all watching the sunrise at the same jigsaw puzzle range on Dauber.
It was beautiful. Two moons coming up at the same time as the red sun painting the sky a light purple.
After the sunrise, the crew ate pancakes, laughing at jokes of different disasters at hotels and teasing Wilbur for getting attached to a particular merling, named Sally.
It was bubbly warm, and 100% not perfect, but the one thing Tommy never got until now.
He finally had a family.
Chapter 13-End
Words: 1826
It’s the final breakdown.. dunnanana
Pls take care of self, thx!
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ka-writes · 3 years
Guys- I am sorry but also you be getting treats.. three chapters one day.. but like also it’s the end.
Warning: derealization, cussing, little bit of angst little bit of fluff..
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 11:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link:
Chapter 12: Aching Hearts and Starry Eyes
The ship has been hectic for the past week.
Going from little hope to actually knowing where they are does that. And the fact that they were coming back.
It led Wilbur to shutting himself in the lab doing who-knows-what to prepare for their return. Phil had been rechecking up with people and leading the ship back to the port planet. Techno had been calling into restock supplies and even went as far as getting supplies for another room for Tommy, guests.
Ranboo was currently rushing around the ship, cleaning it thoroughly for the first time in months. Making sure things looked decent and the ship's vitals were fine. He grabbed the non-H2O based cleaner and got to work.
After sanitizing the entire kitchen for the eleventh time, he trekked down the hall to the security room where Techno sat contemplating life.
Not knowing what to do, the socially anxious enderian knocked on the open door successfully getting the attention of the other. “Can I clean your office?” Ranboo asked, internally cursing themself for the question.
“Uhh- yeah sure kid.” The piglin said getting up and moving himself to the living room.
They made sure to clean quickly yet thoroughly. After dusting and throwing out the last waste bag, he turned into the hall and made his way to their office.
They dumped the bags into the chute by their office, which was already in the yellow on the meter. They internally cringed, knowing that they would have to empty that soon.
He made his way back down the hall and started picking up waste and dishes around the living room.
Once he finished, he wrote important news and basics of the day in his memory book. After recalling all the information he could, he filled the rest of the page with doodles and notes of random things.
Once he was satisfied with their work, they turned in excitement bubbling in their chest. Hope was blooming and they would no longer be aching with being separated from their best friends.
The ship was indeed big, as Tubbo presumed.
It was built in a saucer shape having the main entrance lead into a huge common room. In the middle was a circular sofa with a spherical illusion and a glass dome window which flooded the room with natural light. To the right were doors to the quarters of the crew followed by some four guest rooms. It had some desk work spaces lining the wall and a coffee station at the back. Directly in front of the entrance were the hall to the important spaces, such as the cabin and engine room. To the left was the entrance to the ship’s garden, kitchen, and medic.
“Woah..” Tommy exclaimed from beside Tubbo. Tommy practically radiated excitement.
“Welcome to the ship boys.” Hannah said from behind them. The rest of the crew joined shortly after the three entered, all headed towards the cabin alongside Hannah, leaving the pair in the common room.
Once they left the two stood awkwardly, not knowing what they could or couldn’t do. Tommy’s leg started bouncing, a habit of humans to signify anxiety. He learned that after taking a peek through a research document in Bad’s office. Sure it got him a painful punishment, but it sure as hell made working with Tommy a lot easier.
He sighed a bit, shaking off the memory. His guard shouldn’t be let down especially since they had know idea what to expect from the crew. Hannah for one, was clearly an elite from the hive, and judging from her marks was probably in the royal court, before she was kicked out. Foolish was a totem, which are notorious for being a jokesters and have a weird ability that lets them come back from otherwise lethal injuries. Purpled, was for one a human and two was sold into a mercenary camp, judging by the tattoo on his neck. And Fundy, was a human, and the pilot meaning he would’ve had to go through hell in order to learn.
He pulled his thoughts back into his head and turned back to Tommy. The other was oddly silent and seemingly trapped in his head.
“Hey. Tommy, can you look at me?” Tubbo started, receiving no response. He pursed his lips looking around for something cold. He found a metal pen. Perfect.
He turned back to the human, careful not to startle him. Tommy’s hands were clenching and unclenching, meaning he was reliving something. Slowly the droneling slid the pen into the other’s grasp.
By some sort of genetic miracle Tommy’s features started relaxing and his eyes became less glossy as he came back to reality. His head snapped towards Tubbo who slightly shuffled, eyes squinting in concentration as he realized Tubbo wasn’t a threat.
“Hey, bossman. You back with me?” Tubbo asked. The other still couldn’t form words but mindlessly nodded. Prime he was glad he read those files.
The rest of the day was uneventful. Hannah showed them where their room was and delivered dinner.
They mostly spent the time in their room, both eager to get to the SBI.
Tommy doodled on some paper he found with the pen Tubbo gave him. He barely recognized anything Tommy drew.
“Is that some sort of launcher?” Tubbo asked, pointing to a strange laser contraption.
“Uhh- no that’s a lightsaber. It’s from Star Wars.” Tommy replied, looking towards Tubbo.
“Wait, you guys had wars over stars?!” Tubbo’s eyes widened in bewilderment. I mean he knew humans were brutal and petty but not that petty.
Tommy burst into laughter, “N-nononono.. there’s this movie, ho I can’t breathe.. It’s like a big movie that a lot of people are into, it actually takes place in space, but like what we thought space was like.” Tommy attempted to explain. When he realized it explained nothing to the bewildered Tubbo he went into the specifics and complications of the fandom.
The pair didn’t sleep a wink that night.
Nikki was pissed. Not only did Eret confuse her with very relevant information that she supposedly couldn’t tell anyone until after the meeting making her panic and have to close the cafe early but also was the last one to find out that the starlings were staying with her until they were picked up.
So yeah closing the cafe for three days was not how she wanted to spend her week.
Still she couldn’t be complaining too much, as some of the gossip would hopefully die down and more customers would come. Plus Phil was coming as soon as possible meaning she would only really be monitoring the transition from one ship to the other of the starlings.
She took a deep breath and closed the cafe before preparing two rooms upstairs just in case.
Phil was practically vibrating. They were only a few hours away from the port city. Smiling as he sped the ship a tad. Ranboo would have his head for a week but it was worth it if he could finally be reunited with the rest of his flock.
His mind didn’t even bother reminding him that Tommy wasn’t technically a part of it yet.
He shivered a bit, giddy with excitement and relief only a parent could have.
The next day was easier.
Tommy was no longer filled with the phantoms of anxiety and him and Tubbo spent another night bonding. His smile couldn’t be brighter.
He woke up to the quiet rumbling of someone in the kitchen.
Tubbo still layed in bed, softly snoring. Tommy stretched from the desk popping the majority of his joints. Worth it.
He walked towards the common room, sitting on the couch next to none other than Purpled.
“Ayup.” Tommy greeted Purpled. The other stared at him, pure confusion on his face. Was that a newer thing on earth? Probably. “What’s up?” He tried again, this time the other smirked.
“The ceiling.” Purpled replied naturally. Tommy groaned.
“You’re a wrongen.” He stated simply before getting up and heading towards the kitchen.
Hannah was making some sort of alien breakfast, which similarly looked like French toast… hold up, it probably was due to the fact that half of the ship was made of humans. It probably tasted different than Earth’s.
He smiled, before noting that another person joined the room. His head swung around to see none other than Tubbo who was still trying to shake off sleep. He slumped onto the couch and Tommy sat near him, telling him about the excellence of the breakfast they were having.
Not too soon after, Hannah served the three the toast before joining them on the couch. Tommy started ranting about the importance of coconuts, Purpled decided he would argue with him about it, saying Monty Python references every so often, which in turn left the dronelings confused yet entertained.
As the ship sailed swiftly through the vastness of space, a singular radar picked up the route and a certain ship flew to the destination much before the others even got close.
A single entity smiled, driven by absolute madness and bloodlust.
He set up his trap. Little did he know someone already spotted him. His plan would crumble before it was even created.
Said someone decided that the former captain would no longer control his life. Three different communicators gained another objective. It wouldn’t be hard to complete since they already had the passion.
The entity would never pain another soul again.
Chapter 12-End
Words: 1599
Everything goes too smoothly..
Dream: hehe surprise motherfucker!
Oooh we getting to le climax peeps.. also I am sorry, the end will explain all.
Go take care of thyself. Now.
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ka-writes · 3 years
Hi- it’s a bittersweet day... I have two more chapters for you guys left... I can’t say too to much but um.. thank you all for reading! This one is a short one topped by two more.. love ya and stay safe!
Warning: habits caused by ptsd, brief medical examinations, cussing.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 1:
Ao3 link:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Chapter 11: You’re going home.
It had been about two hours since the incident in the kitchen, and the pair had busied themselves with a jigsaw puzzle they found in a closet.
It was one of the planet Dauber’s many mountain ranges, which Tubbo had lightly explained how it had gotten that one in particular. Apparently, many thousands of years ago, the people there had this huge battle and caused a lot of damage, and even destroyed the majority of their population with an explosive. Said explosive left a huge crater in the outer layer. Some escaped, Techno actually being one of the few descendants of the species. After they left the environment took over leading the place to have huge crater like mountain ranges.
Soon after explaining they fell into a peaceful silence concentrated on the puzzle.
It was as if the silence let them click or something. Neither said anything while working on the puzzle, letting the fresh morning aura surround them. A new hope settled in Tommy’s stomach.
Maybe when they get to Tubbo’s ship, he could stay too? It was such an idiotic hope that would most likely never happen.
I mean every time Tommy got attached to a place or family, it ended in the worst way possible. Clem dieing for example.
They didn’t mean to get on that stupid bus anyways. It was just faster than walking. But they missed their stop and decided to get off on the next one.
That fucking mugger decided it was the best option to mug two children. Like what kind of motherfucker chooses children to be their victims. Clem died that night. Defending him from the asshole who stabbed her. She was too malnourished to survive the ambulance trip.
Tears pricked his eyes as he recalled losing his last best friend… his sister.
He glanced towards Tubbo.
This time it’ll be different. He was no longer nine and the other had cool powers he could use to protect himself. Plus they spent five fucking months in hell, there was no way Tubbo would let a petty mugger kill him.
It was again peaceful, once he stuffed his thoughts into the back corner of his mind.
The door opened.
Eret was ecstatic to say the least. One of her favorite things to experience was reuniting families. She did that a lot when she was a part of the ISF. Before they cared more about control rather than people.
Grabbing a couple of snacks from the grocery shop she headed back to her apartment. Keeping the pacing light, she smiled at people as they passed by, humming softly to a tune they hadn’t heard in a long time.
The trip was short, and relatively peaceful. A few kids yelling and some soft chatter between parents. For once he didn’t feel the need to be away from their apartment at all hours.
Sighing they made their way up the stairs. Unlocking the door and stepping in.
The two starlings were sitting at the coffee table doing a jigsaw puzzle. In an instant they were up and alert in a defensive stance.
Her smile faltered slightly before being covered with another gentle smile.
“Hello, you two. I have a few things to talk to you about.” They gestured to the couch before pulling a chair to sit in front of them. “For one, I have gathered a crew that is ready to take you to your base ship.”
The droneling gasped, not prepared for the shock of hope. The entire atmosphere held its breath. This time it was one of relief and uncertainty. The wheels turning in their heads were as clear as day. One more confirmation of the only thing either wanted would be all it would take to trust Eret’s word.
“You’ll be leaving tomorrow. I have hand picked a crew that has been trained for returning people home. I promise they’ll be nothing but welcoming. For your information, they have been briefed on your situation.” Eret finished looking at the nearly crying starlings. She smiled and left them to sort themselves out.
Hope was blossoming, almost like when she found out other humans were trapped in the vastness of space. Or when she convinced the higher ups to let her do research on an uncharted planet.
They took out their communicator and sent a quick message to the crew to start loading the ship.
Home? I’m going home?
The thought stuck in his head, filling him to the brim with joy. It felt relieving, almost too good to be true. But it was better to take the chance rather than cave into paranoia.
Tubbo got up, mainly to look for a bag that he would steal, borrow.
Once he found one, he stuffed it with basic supplies. A couple blankets, clothes, rope, a spare first aid kit (he still couldn’t figure out why the host had nine different ones with the same supplies..) water and nectar (again it was like the host had endless supplies of stuff) and some snacks.
He shoved it behind the dresser in their room to make sure it wouldn’t be stolen.
He was giddy with excitement.
The rest of the day went quickly followed by a restless sleep. The pair woke up as soon as the light peeked into the room.
The ship was huge.
I mean, like Millennium Falcon huge.
“HOLY SHIT.” Tommy yelled. Eret, being one of the poggest aliens alive, chuckled and patted his back.
“This my friends, is the UFO. We played off of Purpled’s obsession with space from Earth.” The two looked at Eret before turning back to the ship. She led the two to a small room off of the port, “Allow me to introduce you to our crew.”
They opened a pair of double doors, inside was a droneling with long brunette hairstyles with roses seemingly blooming from it. Wearing a rose blouse with a black shawl thrown over the shoulders. Along with flexible black pants and knee high boots.
A tall golden alien stood next to the droneling, wearing a pirate looking dress shirt tucked into grey pants. They had black boots and a hood thrown over their brown-golden hair. Pointed ears stuck out of the hood, and their eyes glowed an emerald green.
A human, wait what?!, stood to the side. They had brown hair and wore a fox mask, wearing a 90 fashion black leather jacket with a plain white shirt tucked into black ripped jeans.
Another human sat on a worn leather couch. They wore a purple hoodie with black jeans and plum sneakers. He vaguely noticed a weird alien tattoo on his neck.
The conversation between the four stopped as they turned towards the people who just entered.
“Good morning your highness,” Wait what?? “Are these the two starlings who got lost?” The rose droneling addressed the nice host who housed them for two days.
“Ah, yes they are.” The host replied, “please introduce yourselves, since you’ll be staying together for two to three days.” With that they left, Tommy couldn’t help but wonder why.
“Well hello there, my name is Hannah. She/her, I am the medic of the crew.” The droneling introduced herself. Shining a comforting smile.
The gold alien spoke next, “My name's Foolish! He/him, I am the mechanic within the crew. I actually helped build this ship, alongside Sa- a friend…” Foolish corrected himself. He shook off a bad memory before smiling and turning to the man with the fox mask.
“I’m Fundy. He/him. I am the pilot and yet compared to the rest of the crew I barely run the ship.” The man with the fox mask introduced himself, he smiled and Tommy absentmindedly noted that he was probably a trickster. Though he couldn’t see his face, he could definitely tell he was smirking.
“And I’m Purpled, he/him. Head of security and communication.” The purple human introduced himself. He looked too young to know about weapons let alone secure the safety of the crew. He shrugged it off, most people would probably say similar things about him. He kept a straight face, seemingly bored of the interaction, yet his eyes held a shimmer of curiosity.
“I’m Tubbo, he/him. I was the gardener of the SBI Craft.” Tubbo kept the introduction simple and short. If Tommy wasn’t standing next to him he probably would’ve missed him shaking with anxiety.
“Er- I’m Tommy. Most likely the one that started the problems. He/him.” Tubbo lightly shoved him before turning back to the crew. They all wore similar expressions, ranging from concern and understanding, yet not one wore a pitiful expression. That was.. new.
“Welp,” Hannah clapped her hands, “we have a few basic rules and procedures to run through before boarding. It would be greatly appreciated if you would comply with them as they are all done for yours and the crew's safety.” She explained before heading over to a second door and pressing the button to open it. “Now please follow me.”
The procedures were quick, mainly checking vitals and double checking eating habits and allergies. She also gave them two sheets with bubble questions. Instructing them to be totally honest. Most of them being about mental health and things relating to that. For once Tommy was honest with it, he wasn’t sure why, but something told him too.
After the procedures she led them to another room with an illusion monitor. She turned on a cheesy safety video before going back to the previous room. The video brought him back to when he was twelve and he went to a laser tag place with his friends.
Right before the video ended Hannah stepped back into the room. Waiting until it was over before speaking.
“All of your vitals are relatively secure, though I am going to recommend a different diet to Philza for you to follow. It is mainly to get you two away from being malnourished and hopefully help your sleep habits.” She took out two sheets giving them to the boys. “You will also be getting extra vitamins and minerals.” She gave them both cards. “Please follow these for the next three to four months.”
“Now,” She brushed off her hands, “Let’s get you boys loaded!” Excitement filled Tommy’s gut. Maybe he would actually have a chance at going home.. It’s Tubbo’s not yours. His mind reminded him.
He shook it off and followed Hannah to the ship. Every fiber in his body shaking with emotions he couldn’t describe. And a strange aching in his heart settling in his chest.
Chapter 11-End
Words: 1779
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ka-writes · 3 years
I am very sorry it is so late! My birthday was two weeks ago and honestly I have been stressed. Again thank you all so much for the support! All of the comments are lovely, sorry I haven’t been able to respond. Anyways I gift a longish chapter!!
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, crying, cussing, mentions of pirates.
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link:
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: “I have some news..”
Eret woke up to the sounds of unidentified birds.
That was one of the stranger things about space.
Most people theorized about other intelligent species and what not, but from what she heard during her time on Earth, few even touched on alien animal species. And when the few did, they were mainly described as monsters or on a few occasions the pets of other intellectuals.
Still, it was easy to grasp the concept after it was presented to you.
He got up and started the morning routine. Frying eggs and bacon, or something close to it along with a plate of fruit and dried petals being prepared for one of the guests. After starting the tea kettle they made their way to the bathroom to get ready. Once done, they knocked out a few chores before heading towards the stairs.
It was strange. A sense of overwhelming dread came over him. The stairs, which had always been a comfort after a long day, seemed dark and ghostly. Every step added to the anxiety that filled a pit in their stomach. Taking a small breath they climbed the last step and approached the guest bedroom.
One consistent thing was that the room was always laid open for emergencies. Even though the commune itself was closed and relatively unheard of, that room had been filled with people from everywhere. All with a different story, family, connection, job, past, mood, etc. Only few had ever scared Eret to the point where they were relocated, and even fewer had ever escalated. For the most part, the guests that laid behind the door wanted nothing more than to get away from their old lives and start fresh.
Even with past experiences and a relative idea of what the guests had gone through, he found himself struggling to turn the door knob. Leaving a scared shaking hand to hover over the handle. So instead they simply knocked.
It took only two seconds for the two to be out of the room and alert. The droneling looked about ready to scold the human because of their messy golden locks.
The trick itself stunned Eret. It made them think back to the few times she had to stand in the same room as Dream. Shivers from the day still haunted her.
“Good morning.” Eret started, the two looked at the older with a concentrated glance. The droneling seemingly evaluating Eret while the other simply interested in what they had to say. “Please feel free to help yourself to the food down stairs. I left some eggs and bacon on the stove, along with fruits and dried petals on the table. I will be going out to do some chores for about an hour, please eat within that time. We will discuss further plans after I get back.” With that the older left, biting back the sour taste in their mouth.
They hated having to give descriptive orders, but it was one of the things you had to learn in a town full of traumatized starlings. Most wouldn’t eat if there wasn’t a direct enough order, and Eret was not a fan of people starving. Which is why they left room for free choice, in the quantity and such, yet the action itself was descriptive and had a time limit. Which in turn left little room for the brain to panic. Still it felt uncomfortable for them to have to use that against them.
They walked out of their apartment and wandered through the streets. Checking the usual things and making sure the morning routines were in order.
After securing everything and helping, and elderly person carry some boxes, they stepped into the most secure building in the colony.
“Good morning your majesty.” A communicator going by the name of Purpled greeted her.
“Good morning Purpled. Please set up table 23 for communication, along with the latest updates on the SBI and Dream Team crafts.” Eret calmly said while taking a seat.
“Right away, your majesty.” The young starling started on the task. Typing furiously and pulling up a few different search engines before relocating it to the main illusion.
“Alright,” Eret clapped their hands, “Please bring in Foolish, Fundy, and Hannah in please, we are currently holding two well known missing starlings.” With that Purpled contacted the three, but not before swallowing down a gasp.
“Fix your hair.” Tubbo hissed at Tommy as he headed down stairs.
Tubbo was right, his locks were messy and unkempt. They even had a few twigs knotted into them.
It took fifteen minutes to fix the unruly hair. That was bad. If Dream saw the mess he would most likely get that god awful spray he always used.
He stepped out of the room, checking down the halls to check for any danger or angry crew mates.
That was strange.. the halls were completely different. Not to mention there were no overhead lights, only lamps embedded onto the small cozy halls. And the walls were made of wood, the floor was a nice warm grey carpet.
As if a brick hit him in the head, the events of the night before flooded in.
He stepped down the stairs, to the smell of bacon, when was the last time he smelled that sweet homely smell?
He filled his plate with some eggs and a piece of bacon. There was really no set rule of how much he could eat, so he grabbed the portion Dream gave him if he did a good thing.
But you weren’t good. You ran away. Now Dream will have to reteach the poison out of you again.
He didn’t want that! He quickly put most of the eggs back into the pan and broke off a smaller portion of bacon.
He quickly ate the portions and ignored the stiffness that surrounded the pair.
Incoming call… The_Eret
That was an unusual start to the morning. Nikki waved to an employee to man the storefront as she headed back into the staff room.
“Nikki! You’re in contact with the captain of the SBI Craft pilot right?” Sure enough Eret’s voice reached through the com speaker.
“Oh my primes Eret! I honestly didn’t think it was you at first, but yes I am in contact with their pilot, why are you asking?” Her tone changed from sweet to serious in seconds, and she knew Eret could feel the sudden tension.
“I have some news.. don’t worry it’s nothing bad, but I just need to check something first,” Eret paused to recollect thoughts “from your interactions are they a good crew?”
Nikki was a little caught off guard by the question. The crew themselves were an interesting bunch. Everyone knew they were a craft that used to be designed for pirating. While that may have sounded bad to anyone who came from another part of the galaxy, anyone knew they were good people only really fighting a corrupt system. That was also portrayed through the brief interactions they had while they discussed developments on the starlings' whereabouts.
“I.. I would say they’re good people. All of them are stubbornly loyal. They haven’t done anything awful without a plausible cause and haven’t betrayed anyone’s trust yet. They are simply seen in different light by the ISF.”
Eret seemed to be satisfied with the genuine answer, “Good, that’s good. Send a message that I have news on the whereabouts of the missing starlings and would like to have a formal meeting in an hour, thank you Nikki.” They ended the call, leaving a chat room address and a shocked Nikki behind.
Tubbo was planning something again.
He always had this stupid face whenever he was forming the next plan of attack or was trying to get him and Tommy more food. His ears always fell flat on his head, and his antennas twitched while he scrunched his face in concentration.
Oh well.
It couldn’t be anything too bad, especially since the other promised not to kill Tommy if he didn’t get in the way.. hold on there’s a flaw there, he never said he wasn’t gonna hurt Tommy..
As soon as the younger caught on, the older tackled him to the ground and restrained him.
“Oi! WHAT THE FUCK!” Tommy yelled, the older started shaking. Without warning Tubbo collapsed on Tommy causing him to be further trapped on the hardwood floor.
Tears from the droneling soaked Tommy’s shirt and he was overall confused. Never once had the other cried from emotional pain, only ever physical. The human was at a loss for words.
“I… I am so-sorry...” the droneling sobbed. “I was the o-one to take us t-to that stupid s-shop, and now w-we’re here.. The w-worst part is that we’re l-lost..”
His mind ran blank. He had never really been in a situation like this. He never really blamed Tubbo, only ever himself. He was supposed to do everything exactly how Dream asked, therefore it was his fault he got hurt.
“You really shouldn’t apologize…” The human started, “Neither of us knew what was about to happen. The shit we went through can only really be blamed on me. Plus the past is past, best not to think ‘bout it bee boy!” A small giggle came from the alien, “Really the only thing we can do now is take it one step at a time and get you home.”
“Thanks bossman..” with that the two had finally fallen into a comfortable silence.
The birds chirped and the morning glow was still in the air. Mother moved, in fear that if they did the other would disappear forever. A new hope blossomed in Tommy’s heart. Maybe he would finally have a real friend in this hell of a universe. And for once Tommy felt a genuine peace, even if he was laying on the cold floor of an alien’s apartment, but then again when did those details matter?
“Hello.” Eret started, “As you may or may not know, I have information on the whereabouts of the missing starlings.” They looked up from their notes to briefly study the aliens.
One of them was shocked, they had curly brunette locks and looked to be on the verge of tears. They were positioned to the left of the captain. The one to the right was calm and collected yet couldn’t help the shocked glance they shared with the others. The captain was also on the verge of breaking down yet hid it behind a calm expression. So far these were good reactions, which definitely meant she made the right choice.
“The two starlings are both unharmed and are residents in my colony.”
“Oh thank the primes!!” The brunette breathed.
“For your information, I have no idea how they got to my colony or what happened to them.” The three shared glances, “As for transporting I cannot allow you on my planet directly simply for my colony’s sake, but I can transport them to Amari alongside a trusted crew who have already sworn never to harm any passengers. They will then be taken to Nikki who will house them until you arrive. I hope you understand the course of action.”
After a suffocating moment of waiting for the captain to respond the others came to a silent agreement. “We do understand, thank you for taking care of them. We appreciate your help.”
“It is no problem! I just hope I won’t have to do this again.” They sent a glare to the crew before ending the call.
The crew was already preparing the ship and supplies were being delivered to the dock. The only thing left to do was tell the strange starlings they had only met the night before.
Chapter 10-End
Words: 1969
Literally everyone except Dream: Ima protect the children
Dream: I need minions
Thank you again!! Remember likes are appreciated but reblogs are better!!
Go take care of yourself.
30 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: I am posting every week now.. :/ <3 also sorry it’s shorter than usual, I did it within a day instead of a full week.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 8:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link:
Other fic:
Warning: cussing, lots of pain, panic attack, mentions of blood.
Chapter 9: Lost.
What the fuck just happened?!
That was the only question racing through Tommy’s mind.
One moment he was finally drifting into a peaceful sleep, the next one of the crew members was getting him and Tubbo up and ushered them out of the ship. Now they were on an unknown planet attempting to gain any energy possible.
Once he finally blinked his tired eyes open, he looked at the surrounding terrain. They were in the middle of a field at night. Stars were the only thing lighting their patch of land. Soft flowers and grass flowed easily with the small chilly breeze. A forest was to their left, an ocean to their right. Both leaving conflicting peaceful aromas mixed with flowers and a crisp breeze. Behind them were huge cliffs blocking and hope of going that way. Leaving the only option to head to a town that lay ahead of them.
After he surveyed the environment he turned to his partner, who was currently sitting on the ground, presumably to read the land through the plants.
That was an interesting ability to find out. One night he found the droneling sitting next to a small plant, Dream had left, talking about what the others were doing. If Tubbo was connected to a plant his senses were tripled and he was even able to echolocate if other plants were connected to the one he was using. His eyesight was very poor in the dark leaving the crew to have to make night vision goggles, making him look even more like a bee. Sadly that was left on the ship along with the rest of their gear. All of which was Dream’s and only his.
“From what I am seeing there is a village ahead.” Tubbo gestured towards the plain in front of them.
“We head there then. I will either have to crawl or hold on to you.”
“It would be better if I led you. You wouldn’t look as stupid then.” Tommy playfully responded, receiving a small sting from his counterpart’s nail. “I am just joking! You look stupid either way.” A hoofed foot kicked Tommy’s shin, and with that they headed towards the warm glow.
“Dammit George!” Sapnap yelled into the pitiful night, which still felt like day in the busy port city.
“Language! And yes I am very mad at his actions too.” Bad added, which was unnecessary but only furthered the other’s rage.
The blazeling started fuming. His eyes turned into orange embers and smoke escaped out of his mouth, which only furthered as his fangs doubled in size revealing a glowing orange at the back of his throat.
The other shook his head and pulled the other into a tight hug. It was as if all pent up rage vanished, leaving only hurt and betrayal in his mind.
After a few hours of sitting at the end of the dock looking into the vastness of space, the pair got up and looked for new job opportunities, hoping to find at least one.
They wandered from place to place, before finally landing in a small bakery.
Even after four months of living a relatively normal life they felt lost within its seams.
Eventually Bad found a partner and became head manager of the small bakery, finally weaving himself into the domestic lifestyle.
As for Sapnap?
He was lost. Guilty, hurt, and cold to the world. He pondered on the thought of what he could’ve done differently so he wasn’t just discarded when his ex-best friend claimed to not need him.
His endless drifting led him to a casino. He met his fiancés who turned from fury to concern quickly after they noticed his disheveled appearance.
Only after the trio was reunited for three months did he let down his wall. It took two more months to confess to everything.
Surprisingly, they didn’t leave him to be lost again. They helped weave his story back into society, and he was found.
“George…. Not Found.” A computer voice rang through the cabin for the twentieth time.
The captain pressed the code again, switching it mindlessly to another planet. His patience no longer there.
“George…. Not Found.” The captain’s hand punched the monitor, “ERROR” static filled the cabin and blood tainted the deathly clean smell.
He mindlessly walked through the halls and switched on a small illusion box and watched the ISF news for the hundredth time. Hoping that there was an update on the human’s whereabouts. And for the hundredth time no news was reported.
They finally made it to the edge of the town. Slipping down a small alley they scanned the area.
Odd.. why weren’t the signs written in common? That was a law everywhere, it made it so much easier for people to understand the purpose of shops.
The lamps also seemed dated, and the buildings were a different kind of structure than what most towns used.
There were also strange illusions, they only moved within the confinement of the screen.
Tubbo turned to the human who stood shell shocked.
He turned his head to what his partner was staring at.
It was a human.
What the hell??
Tubbo started falling in on himself. His brain became a static escape. Tommy turned to the now panicking droneling.
The other human noticed the commotion.
They started walking towards the pair, which only led Tubbo into a more panicked mindset.
After a minute the world spun to a stop and he woke up in an unknown room, a human sitting beside him anxious beyond belief.
They certainly weren’t expecting to find two teenage starlings panicking in an alleyway, on their nightly walk.
It started off wonderfully. The night was crisp and the colony was flourishing.
No one knew of the colony’s whereabouts and even few knew it existed.
Eret the monarch of the first non Earthian colony. It was full of refugees, most of which being humans, few having other heritage.
He usually took a patrol every night. Checking in on new colonists and shops. Reviewing stock supplies, and any suggestions from the colonists.
Most of the time nothing happened. But this time two starlings that have been circling the news for sometime wandered into an alley, luckily they were found by none other than the monarch of this land.
He was stressed to say the least. They were supposed to be under the care of two of the most well known ships on this side of the galaxy. Both of which had declared war on eachother.
On one end if he took them to the Dream Team ship, he would most likely be unscathed when it came to confrontation from the ISF. Yet they would know of the location of the colony and probably would attack him sooner or later.
On the other end, he would be handing off two starlings to the biggest pirates in the galaxy. Meaning they would have no obligation to keep the colony a secret if it benefited them.
She made the decision to talk to the two in the morning, when all of them are less lost when it comes to plans.
The news struck all of the crew in the heart.
Two starlings were reported missing. Both said to be returned to the Dream Team ship.
None of them knew whether to be ecstatic or terrified.
Either one. The pair had figured out a way to escape, or two they were dead. Both are plausible when it comes to what Dream could’ve done.
Either way, tears streamed down all of their faces for the first time in months.
There was one thing Tommy was sure of.
They were lost, within the vastness of space and had barely any hope to return Tubbo home.
Instead of taking the time to sleep, he voted to sit by the window and watch the town end nightly activities and start on morning routines.
He was tired, sure. But for the past six months he couldn’t find it in him to sleep. When he did it was dreamless and empty. Furious voices yelling at him for things he had done in both present and past. It was unbearably lonely and more often than not he got lost within the confines of his mind.
So instead he sat by a window, resting his head in his arms and staring at the people moving past shops and such. He matched stories with faces and entertained the idea that many of them had much worse lives than him. Or that they had better lives than he had ever known.
There was a pang in his chest, as he watched siblings walk through the streets carefree and happy.
His tears fell silently as he stared at the scenes.
He told many stories to himself that night.
He got no sleep.
And the galaxy’s pain crashed down on him.
Chapter 9-End
Words: 1497
Everyone be lost.
Remember to go take care of yourself! Also likes are appreciated but reblogs are better!!
Chapter 10:
11 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Welp sorry it be late, schools a bitch..
Warning: murder, crime, cussing, depression, mentions of abuse, insanity.
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link:
Other fic:
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8: Some sort of remedy..
Days turned into months which all ended in an ever growing pit of hopelessness.
Six months had passed since they lost the starlings. SIX fucking months, and not a damn sign that the Dream Team were even out there.
His eyes burned as he stared into the void for hours on end. The only thing keeping him from going out of the emergency hatch being the warm cup of coffee that somehow kept it’s warmth on the freezing ship.
His skin was flaky and sticky, yet he couldn’t be bothered to wash it. His stomach turned in pain, when was the last time he had eaten? His throat was sore from the coffee and his entire body complained about the stress.
The physical pain was nothing compared to the ache that seemed to seep from his core and into his bones and blood, making him more weak than physical health could ever compare too.
At this point tears were long forgotten, only leaving stains where they should be. It did nothing but cause more damage than good. His brain turned with thoughts that swore there would be vengeance for whoever stole his family.
The time had given him plans of what he would do. Most of them ending up with the starlings safe and the ship and inhabitants blown up in a painful death made by his favorite chemicals. There would be no time for them to escape and nothing would remain if he could help it.
Even then his mind was brought back to the sheer feeling of the empty void that was so easily accessible. No one could stop him if he tried, yet everything held him back.
He took a sip staring into the void, his mind buzzing with thoughts bouncing from topic to topic.
He remembered Tubbo’s eyes. The way they shone with a crave for knowledge, causing the kid to go into a fit every time Wilbur told him to go to bed.
He also remembered the distrust that gleamed in his eyes when he brought him back from that awful ship. The one that enviably broke the kid. The one that made his nature ever so careful not allowing the kid to trust anyone.
He couldn’t blame him. What Schlatt did caused his mind to forever be closed off.
He was worried for who Tubbo would blame. If it was Tommy, there would be too many issues that could cause them to fall in a different rabbit hole.
His mind wandered to the human. The bright and explosive human, that made the charred heart of Wilbur Soot turn. He had already grown attached to the kid. It had only been three days before they were ripped apart. It hurt much more than he thought it would.
His mind buzzed to the what if’s both good and bad. He took another sip. This time he stared into the void with admiration. His mind focused on plans and back ups. The details and potential failed choices. Trials and errors that only existed within the limits of his mind.
He didn’t move until Phil told him it was lunch. He pushed down the urge to hold back for another meal and ate the food offered.
He dragged a bean bag and coffee table to the spot and stared into the endless void. Continuing his train of thought, only pausing to answer questions from his family.
“C’mon!” Tubbo whispered to the lacking Tommy who still couldn’t quite compete with the other’s agility. “The tracker says he’s in this room.”
They stalked silently to the door, having already memorized the creaks in the hallway. Tubbo pushed the door open and they dived into the room, barrel rolling so they wouldn’t be above the bed.
The pair clipped on gas masks and released the sleeping fumes. Tubbo signaled Tommy allowing him to sneak to the side of the bed. Carefully he laid down a bucket and took a knife out.
The man fell silent. His breathing stopped and there was no motion in his body.
After the blood stopped dripping they staged a suicide and left the room. Closing the distance between them and their ship easily.
Once they got to the ship, their hero congratulated them and they headed back to their room.
Strangely enough Tommy didn’t feel any type of excitement or joy at the mission going well. It felt wrong and burned his gut making him want to crawl into a ball and never wake up.
If he told Dream he would say he wasn’t going with his instincts and that he should forget the poison he was taught.
Dream was right.
So he laid in bed and silently congratulated himself, even though he wasn’t proud.
The mission went well, in Dream’s eyes.
In Tubbo’s opinion it could’ve gone better. The human was sloppy and lacked quite a bit and was sloppy when it actually came to the job.
He was also being sloppy since he communicated more than once during the entire thing.
Hopefully he won’t have to do that when he finishes the escape route.
The only good thing that came out of the ship was he stayed fairly fit and was more attentive then he ever had been. Why did he start slacking in that sense?
His mind wandered to the many nights he stayed up late working with Wilbur on his latest fascination. Or when Techno would read his many different novels to him, since he wasn’t able to read as well as the rest of the crew. Or the times Phil would show him the cabin and teach him small tricks on how to steer the ship. Or when Ranboo and him stayed up for hours on end, exchanging small conversations and staring into the vast void of space.
Tears threatened to fall.
His mind wandered to the conversation Ranboo and Tommy had. How useless and pitiful that jealousy was. Now the one he could blame his recent pain on was laying in the same room as him, just as restless as he.
The human was strong and passionate, he could give him that. But he was also stubborn and impulsive, along with being impossibly loyal.
If Tubbo could get him on his side, they would most likely be able to get off the ship and hopefully kill their captures, if they weren’t able to get that far Wilbur and Phil definitely would.
He settled for letting himself fall asleep to the soft breaths of the human. He knew the other was still awake. He hadn’t really slept the entirety of their imprisonment most likely due to paranoia.
He wondered if he tried, maybe they would be friends or if that only existed in another world.
His thoughts roared with possibilities and thoughts of other lifes. Slowly he drifted into a slumber.
His captain had turned into someone he no longer recognized.
Full of a sickly passion making him crave power.
Anyone and anything that got in the way was destroyed, which is how George found himself packing his case and booking a flight ticket off of the next planet.
He suggested they change the training for the starlings. Dream absolutely hated that and saw it as a direct violation of his loyalty.
George could feel the tears prickling his skin as he remembered how human the Dreamon looked when he finished his screaming. There were no words for the blood lust and betrayal in the dreamon’s eyes.
He bit back the pain that seemed to be swallowing him whole.
An idea blossomed.
He could use this moment as a last act of defiance.
A way to show how much pain the crew brought him.
A smile perked on his face.
An insane laugh bubbled.
Without another thought he tampered with the crew’s dreams. Letting them have the most peaceful sleep of their lives.
Dream had made a mistake. The co pilot landed the ship smoothly on the next planet.
He walked to the one room he refused to visit and opened the door.
The droneling was the first out, quickly followed by the human.
The two were off on an unknown planet and the ship was back in motion. Stopping at the planet they would use to resupply the ship and drop the ex-crewmember at.
The ship lost three inhabitants that day. Two of which got out undetected and one that would definitely have a target on his back for the rest of his life.
The other crewmen were kicked off at the next planet leaving a furious dreamon to wilt in his own madness in the void of space.
Chapter 8-End
Words: 1455
George- gets kicked out..
George- Ima make Dream mad
Proceeds to make everyone leave..
Remember likes are appreciated but reblogs are better!! Stay safe and take care of yourself!! <3
Chapter 9:
31 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Please I really want you to be safe.. anyways, this is mainly a set up for the next chapter.. it has a shit ton of angst prepare yourself.
Also am very sorry it is late!! ‘‘Twas very hard for me to start writing it, btw I started another AU please go check it out, thank you <3
Warning: Torture I go into detail, gore, cussing manipulation, characters lose sense of reality.
In case you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 6:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link for this work:
And my other AU:
Change 7: This is a dream… right?
He was back where he started this whole thing.
In a cage.
One cage over from the door and now in the middle of the room. It felt empty and bare, yet full of an uncomfortable sense of dread and fear, though he would never admit that aloud.
This time there was only one other cage in sight. The room had changed as well. It was no longer covered in grime, or smelled of blood. Instead it was a sickly white and smelled of rubbing alcohol. Which caused his nose to burn with the overwhelming scent of the cleaning supplies, making the entirety of the room feel more and more like one of those horror stories in hospitals, the only difference being that this one was real.
The thing that replaced the other cages and humans was an operating table with vials and tools that Tommy couldn’t identify.
There were no lights currently, except for the same small door window, which was the only thing that really stayed the same.
It was cold, it felt empty. There was no description fit for the amount of dread Tommy felt. It was built up after laying in the dark for so long. It burned his gut and made his head swirl with thoughts of what would happen next.
He wouldn’t ever admit he was scared, but the situation kinda explained itself.
Without warning the door swung open. No squeaks like last time, just a smooth motion allowing the room to be basked in yellow light from the hall.
Then the lights turned on, immediately causing Tommy to shut his eyes. His head started throbbing and every fiber in his body screamed at him to run. The lights turned into blurry blinding blobs that lit everything in a white fire, making it apparent that the room was indeed scrubbed of any stains or blood. Once his eyes finally adjusted, his migraine caught up to him, making the entire thing unbearable.
“Hello there!” An alien stepped in the room. Their features were outlined in white and their skin wasn’t even recognized, simply because it looked like a shadow. They had claw-like hands and wore glasses over their white to red eyes. They had a black doctor’s coat and wore black pants with white knee high boots. They had a devilish tail along with devil horns and a floating white halo. Their fangs poked out from a blinding white mouth, which was curved into a practiced smile.
“My name is BadBoyHalo, but you will refer to me as Dr. Halo.” They finished with a sickly sweet tone and a side smile, “My pronouns are he/him, and I will be taking care of what happens while you’re here.. not that you will ever leave of course.”
His mind was racing. Everything told him this was real, but he couldn’t help but pray that it was all a sick dream.
“Now we will start off easy and move onto the harder stuff later! Please refrain from trying to run, we have a shock function attached to your translators.” This caught him off guard. Why was he using plural tenses?
He looked towards the other cage, that’s when he noticed the strange bee alien also wearing a petrified expression. His eyes didn’t wander to the other cage, only watching Dr. Halo.
“Now who do we start with?” The doctor asked, even though he clearly already knew. A twisted smile shone on his face letting the light catch the awfully amused glint in his eyes, “Let’s start with the droneling!”
There was no explanation for where the two went.
They simply vanished. No traces to follow or reasons to run.
The only logical explanation was Dream catching them. Which meant Techno would have to ask around for where the ship was harboring. The only problem being, he was awful at talking to people.
“So what do you wanna know?” A tall Wollylock person asked, she was the only known person to know anything about Dream, being his mother and all.
“Er- information on the Dream Team Ship.” Techno stated rather awkwardly.
“Why?” The captain asked, impatience clearly visible with her expression.
“They took two starlings from my crew.” At that the captain practically fumed with furry.
“I will help. After all, that boy needs to learn some manners.” The captain stated, her determination was infectious. “What is your craft’s name?”
“The SBI Craft, piloted by captain Philza.” He said robotically.
“Course it has to be Phil. That man has what, four kids he claimed to his crew..”
“Technically, I am not a kid, neither is Wil- Er our scientist, so really he’s only harboring three kids, now one since two were taken..” Techno decided that was the best explanation he could come up with, though there was really no point.
The captain chuckled and brushed off the other’s attempts at defending the crew. “Just send me the ship’s cords and your captain’s contact and I will be in touch.” With that the captain slid a communicator over the table and walked out of the sketchy bar.
Techno made his way back to the ship and delivered his captain the news. He tried to ignore the gut feeling that everything was wrong…
(The next section has graphics depictions of torture and gore, please skip this section if it could or will trigger you in any way, there is a summary at the end. Thank you <3)
The world moved unbearably slow. The cage opened ever so smoothly, making him want to throw up. It was the sign that everything was going to go to hell.
That’s what this has to be right? A hellish nightmare that wasn’t real..
No that wasn’t right..
Did it matter?
A hand yanked his wrist out of the cage and into the blinding white room, that felt like fire surrounding him as he stepped to the operating table.
Needles and scalpels were set neatly on a silver tray. The restraints were heavy and felt like they burned his wrists and ankles. He was pushed onto the table as the ‘doctor’ slapped on gloves. More restraints were clipped over his waist and thighs.
Then something pinched his leg. He felt the blood rushing it’s way down to the cut, as a scalpel carved out a rectangle. He could hear scissors cutting something, and distant screams… were they from him?
He didn’t know at this point. More agonizing cuts on his legs along with a couple of needle pin marks.. a couple snaps of an illusion disk and a bit of writing, on both his skin and paper..
He couldn’t really feel anything after the first one, only simply knowing that his body was reacting to the pain yet his brain hadn’t quite caught up with reality.
It was like he wasn’t exactly controlling his body, just simply existing in the dream-like state. Time didn’t exist there, neither did recognition of the pain. Emotions ran wild. Turning all of his thoughts sour as he attempted to remember what happened.
It wasn’t until the doctor un-clipped him and put him back into the cage that he noticed the other.
That’s who did this to him. That’s the person that pushed him through pain.
The human wore a terrified expression as the doctor took him out for his turn.
He couldn’t help but smile at the other’s pain. The other deserved it..
(If you skipped this, Tubbo got tortured and blamed Tommy for the situation.)
“IT’S BEEN A FUCKING MONTH! And you still haven’t found your son’s damn ship?!” The man on the other line was furious, and rightfully so.
Puffy undoubtedly understood the anger the man had. I mean she had been in the situation before when her youngest was kidnapped by another crew of pirates. The only difference in this situation was she was fighting against her son, her duckling… when did her duckling turn sour?
“You’re right about that, Phil. I can assure you Niki is doing everything in her power to track them down, along with Jack.” Jack joined the team after Puffy met Niki.
She must admit that having someone working in the ISF had its perks. Though no one could fully trust him. For good reason of course.
“Ponk is ‘talking’ to Sam, he sure as hell ain’t cracking yet.” She finished bitterly, “Like I said Quakity is waiting for his monthly letter from his fiancé, which would hopefully give us a clue at where to look.”
“I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it’s been a month.. Wilbur said the humans barely last a full week if they aren’t treated..” The worry was lining his face and causing the bags under his eyes to look more like nasty black eyes. His face was sullen making it apparent the man hadn’t been eating properly. His wings ruffled at every noise and he seemed to be running purely on coffee. Puffy wanted nothing more than to return the man’s unofficial sons back to him.
Everything was great!
The plan worked perfectly, and Sam hadn’t cracked yet.
Meaning he could easily start on the next faze. The only issue would be he’d have to gain both of the starling’s trust.
Even if the present was a bitter reality lined with things that would annoy him, the end result would be worth it.
Having a human and a nuke expert by his side would allow him to have everything he ever wanted.
Not just power, but all the things that came with it. He wouldn’t be questioned again, and everything and anything he said would be the final word.
It would be hell for those who crossed him, and even worse for those who abandoned him.
Wilbur, Sam, Ant, Quackity, Foolish, and even mother dearest, Puffy. They would all pay for their disloyalty. Once this is all over, they would never cross him again.
I mean he did give up everything to gain this life.
There was nothing to lose and everything to win, and he’d be damned if he didn’t win.
I mean he sold his soul for this!
It was all worth it.. right?
Of course it is. Stop doubting me child.
28 days of torture, and now they were sitting with their captors playing house.
It was wrong. So utterly wrong.
“Eat your food Tommy.” The captain commanded.
Tommy complied not wanting to go back in the cage. Every day he woke up there, more things were shoved into him and more pain was given.
“You too Tubbo.” The command was given and the other complied, the same fear visibly shown.
“Reports.” Dream stated sternly, the rest of the crew compiled without hesitation.
It was a bunch of regular reports of how no one knew where they were, what supplies needed to be restocked, the current condition of the ship, and any developments with the news. A bunch of boring bullshit. He bit back any sarcastic remarks that threatened to spill, but refrained in fear of what they would do to him.
The crew was dismissed leaving Tubbo, Tommy, and Dream alone.
“I want both of you to listen.” Dream started his tone raising all hairs on the back of Tommy’s neck, “Phil and his crew led you to us. They didn’t comply the first time and poisoned your minds. We did the right thing, and fixed you. Now, there are some rules you have to follow. You may not wander the ship, only go anywhere with one of the crew members. You will both share a room and follow the same schedule. Anything you do that is not an order deserves a punishment, for it is proof of what the other crew poisoned you with. Now! Go to your room, it has a black door.” With that the man finished and the pair headed towards their room.
The speech sounded right, yet felt wrong. But everything was justified, therefore it was fine. Plus the worrying was just a problem for future Tommy, maybe that’s what Dream meant by the other crew poisoning him.
The other said nothing as they entered the room, only fixing Tommy with a bitter gaze which turned into something of confusion. Neither one slept, they couldn’t bring it in themselves to sleep, especially since Dream hadn’t told them to.
Instead both of them settled into a silence as they lay on their bed, only getting up when the man told them too. This was all they could really do as they faced their new reality. Slowly but surely their brains began to believe every word of the speech. Finally when the man asked to join him, a bubbly sickly joy gave them the grace to finally help their rescuer.
Six months after the initial capture, one month of torture and five months of vigorous training, consisting of fighting, weapon design, and hours of studying blueprints, they were finally able to go on their first mission with their rescuer, not questioning anything any of the crew said at this point. Sick months of training and they became living weapons ready for whatever the cruel world threw at them…
This is a dream.. right?
Chapter 7- End
Words: 2221
Hahahaha I am in pain from writing this... please bare with me.. ;-;
Dream is being a manipulative bastard... I mean the character. More specifically my take on Dream’s character in this situation... ahhhhh
I hope you’re staying safe, don’t forget to take care of yourself!! <3 also likes are appreciated but reblogs are always better! <3
23 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: First of all... thank you so much for the support!!
Second, space vocab: starling: young unidentified species ISF: intergalactic safety force
Anyways, take care of yourself <3!
Warning: flashbacks to abuse, if needed skip past any italicized words, mentions of child labor exploitation (Someone forces Tommy to steal), attempting to drug character, cussing, kidnapping, fear.
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 5:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33147661/chapters/82290709
Chapter 6: Causing Chaos
Planet Amari was their next stop. It would take only four hours to get there and usually this would be no problem if they weren’t harboring a human. Let alone the human that had just escaped the Dream Team Ship.
Phil shook his head and focused on the increased security around the boarding docks.
Amair is a planet whose only purpose is to entertain, meaning they already have some of the best security in this part of the galaxy. The added security came directly from the ISF and were now searching suspicious ships.
“Check check, one two.” The microphone turned green, “As your captain it is my duty to warn you about extra security measures. The ISF is boarding ships and checking for abnormalities. Please complete protocol 35.0.” Phil spoke into the mic and waited for everyone’s confirmation.
He got up and started the process of taking maps and blueprints that were not available to the public along with future plans and hid them in a document compartment behind one of his shelves. He then changed his normal illusion monitor and changed it to the default screen.
He stepped out of the cabin and cleaned the surrounding area, while also checking for anything that could be confiscated.
“Tommy. In order to go onto the planet I need you to wear this.”Wilbur confronted.
“No! It looks like one of those serial killer masks!! My face is too beautiful to be hidden.” Tommy scoffed.
“Tommy if you don’t wear it willingly, I will tell Ranboo about-“ Wilbur was cut off by a series of curses and Tommy fiddling the mask around his face. “Good. Put this on too.” Wilbur handed the blonde a bundle of clothes and made his way to the lab. Phil chuckled at the brotherly bond that was already forming.
He made his way down to the lab checking for abnormalities before seeping back to the holding cell. The human was pulling at his clothes while packing things back into the shelf.
“Hello mate! Whatcha doing there?” Phil asked, casually. What he didn’t expect was the human to practically jump out of his clothes in the captain’s presence.
“W-who are you?” Tommy stammered, Phil had completely forgotten he had never introduced himself before.
“Oh! I forgot we haven’t formally met. My name is Captain Philza Mine Craft, but you can call me Phil or Philza, whichever you prefer. I use he/him pronouns and am the legal captain of the SBI Craft.” Phil finished his introduction with an easy confidence, even with the face mask you could easily see the kid’s wonder, “We are currently waiting for a formal check from the ISF.” The human tensed at that, “So if you would please follow me to the common room, so I may hide the holding cell.” The human nodded vigorously.
Once Phil had dropped Tommy off in the common room he made his way to the holding cell. With a few clicks and checks the holding cell made a perfect illusion wall, which molded it into the wall not to be seen by any inspectors or gadgets they may have.
Once he had gotten confirmations from all crew members, he made his way back to the pilot’s cabin. If they were even a minute slower with preparations, security would have deemed the ship suspicious.
They settled the ship at the checkpoint and waited for a security officer to signal them.
Wilbur’s leg bounced anxiously as he wore his disguise. He had finished briefing Tommy about the plan. They would lie about their origins, Wilbur doing the talking, and would get what they needed and get out.
The only thing anyone was waiting on was the guard.
Almost on queue the door began to open and a young starling stood at the door. He seemed to be genetically engineered and had wires attached to his head and 3D glasses.
“Hello everyone! My name is Jack Manifold, and I will be checking your ship!” The starling chirped, “I hope you have both we have to confiscate, because everyone here seems like lovely people. I have to ask where is your captain?”
“Right here mate.” Philza said, stepping out of the pilot cabin. “I am Captain Philza Mine Craft, of the SBI Craft. Feel free to look around.” Phil said with a hint of impatience. Jack didn’t seem to notice and made his way around the Craft.
Everyone sitting in the common room shared a few nervous glances. The only one who seemed oddly comfortable was Tubbo.. Wilbur took note of the behavior and tried to busy himself with the magazine he was holding...
When did he get a magazine?
He was immersed in an article about room design when Jack returned.
“Everything seems to be in order! The only thing I ask is that everyone introduces themselves.” His tone turned serious as he looked at the crew.
“My name is Technoblade. I am the security officer on this ship and second in command.” Techno said without faltering in tone.
“I am Ranboo. I am Technoblade’s hired assistant and do most chores around the ship.” Ranboo said clearly anxious with the attention on them.
“Tubbo, I am a hired gardener and take care of food supplies and medical ingredients.” There was a coldness to Tubbo’s voice as he finished his introduction.
“Dr. Craft, I am a toxicologist. This is my medical student, Tommy, he doesn’t talk much.” There was a suspicious glint in Jack’s eye as Wilbur continued, “We have been working for this crew for two months, before that we were traveling on our own licensed craft.” Jack accepted the answer and finished checking his notepad off.
“Alright, that will be all then! Welcome to Amari! Once I give this report to my manager, you should be able to enter the atmosphere!” With that the cheery starling left the ship and Phil closed the door before disappearing into the pilots cabin.
To say Wilbur was relieved was an understatement.
Things were falling into place.
Once they were on the planet all Tubbo would have to do is add the substance to one of Tommy’s drinks and he would be acting out in no time!
But is it worth it?
He pushed the thought out of his head and finished packing the small packet in his bag before getting off the ship with the rest of the crew.
“Before we head to the shopping center, why don’t we stop by Las Nevada’s? I mean it’s Tommy’s first time on Amari after all.” Tubbo said. Las Nevada’s is the most well known restaurant and casino in Amari. It was the perfect place for Tubbo to start his plan.
“I don’t see why not. Just stay in the restaurant bit, we don’t want to draw any more attention to ourselves.” Phil answered.
With that the group walked into one of the best and worst places in the city, though no one knew of the worst bit yet…
They sat around a booth compartment. It had soft red padding and purple looking palm trees, without the coconuts.
It reminded Tommy of a stereotypical mafia restaurant. Something Tommy never got the privilege of seeing.
It made him very uncomfortable, especially when the waitress gave them drinks in glass cups. He felt like whatever he touched would instantly shatter into a billion pieces.
Techno was taking Ranboo to the bathroom and Phil and Will were talking to a waitress leaving only Tommy and the scary bee boy . alone.
“I told you I was done Miranda!!” A man shouted from a nearby table causing Tommy’s attention to be focused on the couple fighting.
“You had one job. And you failed it boy.” A man slapped his face.
He was in his third foster home again. They had asked him to get at least $50 from people on the subway, he had only managed to score $20, and the man was furious.
“You’re lucky I see potential, otherwise you’d be back in that goddamn group home.” Tommy’s eyes dropped yo the floor, another slap and a hand grabbing his chin to look at the man, “PAY ATTENTION TO ME BOY. I saved you from that hell hole and I can take you back.” The man sneered. Honestly Tommy would rather be there than here.
“Hey!” Wilbur snapped in front of his face, “You with us?” Tommy nodded. The couple was gone and everyone returned. Now Ranboo and Wilbur were sitting next to him and Tubbo was sitting next to Ranboo. Did bee-boy always look so guilty?
After a minute of awkward silence, Phil and Techno started talking, their voices drowned out by the surrounding noise. Wilbur had turned his attention to his menu and Ranboo was writing in his book again.
Tommy reached for his water and Tubbo turned his attention to the human. The mask he was wearing had a flap so he could easily breathe, eat, and drink. He took a sip of water….. was water supposed to be this sweet?
“Why the fuck would someone put sugar in water as a prank?” Tommy mumbled, everyone’s attention was on the human again, “What?” He asked defensively.
“Did you say sugar?” Wilbur asked as if it was the craziest thing he had ever heard.
“Umm… yea?” Tommy said. We’re these people pulling a prank on him? Why was everyone looking at him like that?
“Tommy, can you give me your water?” Wilbur asked, he was genuinely confused by the reactions. After a few seconds he gave his water to Wilbur who immediately took a sip and spit it out.
“What the fuck?!” Tommy asked as Wilbur gave him the water back.
“That is definitely sugar.. Tommy do you feel weird at all?” He asked.
“Erm no?” This was getting stranger and stranger.
“So humans are immune to sugar…” Will said as if it was a scientific breakthrough.
“Yea? Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Well for one, most species go absolutely crazy after eating sugar, for some it could lead to death.” Tubbo informed. He looked even more confused than Tommy felt.
“So like, aliens go psycho when they eat sugar? That’s lame.” Tommy laughed out the last line. Everyone looked at him with concerned glances, “I don’t think I am gonna go psycho after drinking a small bit of sugar water, I mean most people have been eating sugar their entire lives, me being one of ‘em.” Tommy finished and the underlying tension died down. Well except Tubbo’s which felt more like an angry glare meant to affect him in some way.
When the waitress came everyone gave their orders, Wilbur supplying Tommy’s. The rest of the meal was comfortable, with Phil telling stories and the rest supplying jokes and chatter, along with the occasional glare from Tubbo.
To be honest Tommy had never felt so comfortable around anyone before, he wanted so badly to let down his wall around these people. Still there was that annoying voice that told him not to trust them. For once he didn’t listen to it.
I mean what could go wrong?
The plan failed. Shit.
Tubbo was mad. Not just mad, furious.
The others were having fun with the human, yet again. Tubbo had wandered off, he wanted to destroy everything, and yet he simply walked off without a second glance. He could feel the tears streaming down his face.
“Hello bee-boy!” The human scared the droneling, his ears falling flat against his head.
“I am not in the mood to talk.” Tubbo sniffed.
“Oh..” The human’s tone dropped, it was almost as if it was hurt by Tubbo’s words. “That’s alright big-man! We don’t have to talk.” The human settled with that response, with that the pair walked through the busy street in silence. Tubbo tried to throw the human off his trail but gave up after a few minutes.
After fifteen minutes of them wandering around Tubbo spotted a shop and made his way over to the electronic shop. The human followed him into the small store.
It was a small shop with tight isles and jazz music filling the silence. At the register a tall creeper hybrid fiddled with a redstone contraption. Tubbo paid no mind to him and turned his attention to some of the smaller devices scattered throughout the shop. The human shifted nervously behind him.
Once Tubbo found what he was looking for he took it over to the register. Another man stood behind it along with the original one. His eyes shifted to Tommy.
“Are you sure that’s him?” The original man asked, his name tag reading Sam.
“Yes, positive. Dream will be happy with this.” The other man replied, he stretched one of his fingerless black gloves and turned towards the pair. “Hi. I am assuming you have my boss’s patient?” The black hair man asked. He was a blazeling and had a cruel glint to his eye.
Without warning another man came up behind them and slapped a cloth over both of their faces. Within seconds the pair was out and everything went black.
He woke up in a cage.
Chapter 6- End
Words: 2206
Notes: The next bit will be hard to write ;-; but then we get to the fluffy-angst :D
Also this was harder to write... motivation went poof, but I won’t quit on you!!
Tubbo: *tries to cause chaos—fails
Tubbo: *wanders into a random shop—causes chaos
Tubbo: .-. Wtf
Chapter 7:
27 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: I felt evil..
Also cross country sucks, now I feel sick.
But I gift longish chapter!
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 4:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Warning: trauma flash backs, cussing, mentions of character death, fear.
Chapter 5: Rocky Road
Techno certainly didn’t expect Tubbo’s sudden outburst. Still Techno sort of expected bitterness towards the human.
The droneling marched off presumably to go to the garden. He shoved Wilbur out of the way and continued speaking gibberish.
“What’s with Tubbo?” The phantom asked, casting worried glances towards the door.
“He just threatened the human.” Techno said as if it wasn’t the most stupid move on Tubbo’s part. Wilbur’s eyes grew wide and he attempted to run to the holding cell, only to be stopped by Techno’s hand on his shoulder. The phantom sighed before turning towards the guard.
Silently the pair made their way to the common room. Flicking on the illusion projector, and turning the channel with the ISF news. Techno opened a novel not paying any mind to the news reporter who was going over the case that Techno had just escaped.
There weren't any further advances on the story other than what they knew. The ship had crashed on Omar, a nature preserve, which led the ISF to find eight human bodies and twelve recognized crew members. Though there were fourteen to begin with, not that the news knew that of course. The ship was also deemed as a poacher ship and not much else was discovered.
After the story was covered a different news reporter came on screen. He was shifting his papers nervously and glanced down every so often. This caused Techno to close his novel and pay attention to the illusion.
“Just one day ago, one of the Dream Team crew members quit.” The news reporter took a shaky breath before continuing, “Today the crew has reported that the ex-crew member had taken one of the humans they were using for testing.” A picture of Tommy appeared on screen, “This is what the human looks like. We advise citizens to be on the lookout for this man,” a picture of Wilbur popped onto the screen, “and the human. If you see either one in public do not engage and immediately report it to one of your stationed guards.” The man finished and Wilbur immediately flicked off the TV.
Him and Techno shared a glance of pure shock. Wilbur shed a couple blue tears and immediately started panicking. The guard wrapped his brother until a tight hug and fought off the voices chants of “NOT SAFE”. Silence drew the pair into an unsteady atmosphere.
“Honestly that kid is a burden. I don’t know why you think we can take care of him.” A lady said, fury wasn’t hidden behind a fake smile at this point. The man standing next to her nodded silently.
“Ma’am, I don't understand what you’re saying.” Another lady responded, patience running thin.
Tommy held back the tears that were threatening to fall. His lip was already bleeding and his fingers felt raw. His bruises were itching uncomfortably under his tight shirt. He was starting to overheat, yet kept his jacket wrapped around him protectively.
“What I am saying is, we don’t want him, and I doubt anyone else will.” The lady started, “That kid is a nuisance. He makes our children look problematic, when in reality he is the problem child. I don’t understand how his parents put up with him for so long.” The lady finished.
“Only my mother put up with me,” Tommy thought, “my father couldn’t spare me a glance without yelling at me..”
He sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours before making the decision. The one that caused him to live on the streets.
He took his bag and sprinted out of the facility. He just kept running, nowhere to go and no money to use.
Suddenly it was a different night. He was sitting on a park bench looking at the stars. He was somewhere in Colorado, not sure how he made it here, but here he was. He breathed in the fresher air and pushed himself up.
He turned left then right then another left. At this point he was on one of those nature paths that seemed to be everywhere.
He sat in a field. Wasn’t it night?
A light and a huge gust of wind was the only response he got.
Then footsteps. A distant scream. Then cold sharp pain accompanied by a void of darkness.
He woke up in a cage..
He shot up in bed.. His head throbbed, but there was no point in sleeping it off.
So he got up. He hobbled over to the bookshelf and looked at the weird games and toys. His eyes fell on what he presumed to be a stack of cards and a pen of sorts.
It took an hour to label all the cards, but when he finally did he played a game of solitaire. Then another and another. By the time he finished the sixth one he was bored.
He went back to inspecting the bookshelf. The middle shelf had jigsaw puzzles.. didn’t Clem like puzzles?
He picked out what he presumed to be a flower field. There were a bunch of blue sunflowers.. wasn’t that her favorite flower?
Tommy sat on the floor creating a puzzle his sister would’ve absolutely adored. Silent tears slipped down his cheeks every once and a while. Only to be hastily wiped away.
His eyes felt like they were glued shut. They attempted to sit up only to find creaks in their back and neck.
After a minute he sat up. His mind was still foggy from sleep, but he made his way to the security office, ready to work through his sleep deprived state.
Before they even left the room Phil told them to go back to rest. Ranboo obliged, and closed his door.
Having no work left he decided to write down as much information as he could about both Earth and Tommy.
Surprisingly they were able to recall a lot of information from the night before. That usually didn’t happen..
Once they wrote an entire dictionary on both topics, they tried the door again.
Phil, once again stepped in front of them, “Mate, I really think you should rest.”
“I know, but I am hungry. Can I at least have lunch?” Ranboo felt like a child once again, but knew it always worked with the captain.
After Phil rolled his eyes, Ranboo practically skipped to the kitchen. He grabbed some of the leftovers from last night and popped it into the insta-heater. Making two plates of food.
After the food was ready he looked down either hallway. Phil was preoccupied with Wilbur in the common room. Deciding it was the best time to sneak to his friend, he made his way to the holding cell. Only to be stopped by none other than Techno himself.
“Oh! H-hi Techno..” Ranboo said awkwardly.
“What are you doing?”
“I-I was just getting Tubbo some lunch!” Ranboo cringed at their own lie. Only to be met with a raised eyebrow.
“Ok I was gonna visit Tommy.” Ranboo caved. That was the right answer as Techno nodded and let Ranboo pass.
“You’re only giving him lunch right?” Techno inquired.
“Er- that and talk a bit.. I mean that was my original plan.”
“Then I will stay with you.” Techno left no room for debate.
Ranboo nodded and approached the cell, setting the plate on the automatic tray. Techno stood in a small hallway allowing his presence only to be known to Ranboo.
Tommy was sitting on the floor putting together a landscape puzzle.
With what they saw, their curiosity intrigued them.
“Can I go in?” He asked first to Techno who shifted off of the wall.
“Only if I am in there.” Ranboo nodded and turned to Tommy who was busy with the puzzle.
Ranboo knocked on the window once. Tommy’s head shot up before the human stood up and approached the window.
“Hello!” Ranboo chirped, “I can see you’re working on a puzzle! I would love to help if you want? Me and my friend won’t go in if you don’t want me in there. But just so you know I brought lunch!”
Tommy stared at the enderian before answering. He was clearly debating the options.
“Only if Techno doesn’t talk.” Was the only response either got.
With that they grabbed the food and let the door open. Techno entered first, immediately going to the back chair and pulling out a novel. Ranboo handed Tommy a plate and sat next to the strange human.
It didn’t take them long for them to start rambling. Both about everything and nothing.
Surprisingly Ranboo lost all fear that should’ve been gripping them, and felt comfortable sitting with one of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy.
“So people are looking for you?” The captain asked, impatiently tapping his foot against the metal floor.
“To put it simply, yea..” Wilbur said pretty much losing all confidence within the span of an hour.
The caption responded with a sympathetic look and wrapped his son in another tight hug. Wilbur didn’t pull away this time. He melted into comfort.
After a minute the elder pulled away, “How about you watch one of those documentaries you like. I will make some iced fluff and join you in a bit.” The phantom nodded and trugged himself over to the common room sofa. Turning on the illusion and flicking to one of the only things the ISF was allowing people to view from Earth, Netflix.
He skimmed the documentary section and came upon one that was about the Ocean. Three minutes later he was completely into it.
Phil returned with two bowls of iced fluff. Wilbur dug into the sweet treat. Phil sat next Will and wrapped a wing around him, to which Will leaned into the embrace.
“So what’s your favorite treat?” Ranboo asked, after he got another piece Tommy wasn’t able to get.
Tommy scoffed, mumbling about how he was just about to try that spot before answering the question, “I love Rocky Road Ice Cream. My mom made it without nuts so it is far superior to anything anyone would get from a store.” Tommy was satisfied with his answer and tried another piece.
“Hmm.. What is ice cream?”
“It’s a sweet frozen cream of sorts.”
“Oh so like iced fluff?”
“No idea, I would have to try it first..”
Both continued the conversation mumbling about other different foods and what not, before falling into a comfortable silence.
Tubbo was absolutely furious at the scene. He sprinted off to the garden where he slammed the door and melted to the floor.
When was the last time anyone had a conversation that was about everything and nothing with him?
He hated the fact he was jealous over a fucking human.
Tomorrow was the day he would prove the human wasn’t all he seemed to be. That the human was nothing more than a monster.
Chapter 5-End
Words: 1826
Notes: I still have a few filler chapters, but am getting there!!
Go take care of yourself, love ya!! <3
Reminder likes are appreciated but reblogs are even better! (Suggestion make a side blog where you just spam creators works... just saying, I have one..)
Also my layout for chapters has changed a bit. I have the last chapter at the top and the next one at the bottom.. and no I am not doing the inspired by on Ao3, simply cause it’s easier for people to see it in the first few, I am keeping it here tho, cause I know people aren’t really gonna see my first chapter right away. I will be keeping the link to the first chapter at the top as well just not the middle ones.
Tubbo has evolved in to
Chapter 6:
25 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
I finally got an Ao3 account which is this Kat_da_ghost .....
Which means I will be updating my fic there which is this link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33147661/chapters/82290709
That does not mean that I won’t be updating here. I will be updating both here and there, but if you look at my Ao3 account I may have other random stores along with my main ones.... just thought you should know!
Thank you for supporting me! And go get food, drink water, take a shower if you haven’t, go sleep if it’s late, and stay safe!! Love ya!! <3
0 notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: haha I did a semi short chapter... sorry... also this is chapter 4 of my space AU..
Incase you missed:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Warning: Mentions of abuse (physical verbal and sexual) there aren’t any graphic recalls it is simply mentions. Mentions of being beaten up. Mentions of knives and blood. Threatening characters, and character pain. Again characters being trapped and not going home. Cussing. Characters passing out. Characters being distressed characters being malnourished. Yea I kinda was in an angsty mode sooo.... here you go..
Ao3 link:
“Humans are [Add text here]”
Chapter 4: I guess it qualifies as an introduction?
Phil wasn’t expecting to wake up at 4 in the morning to the sound of laughter.
It wouldn’t be the first time, definitely not the last.
Curiously the avian poked his head into his kids’ room. The laughter wasn’t coming from the gardener, guard, or scientist. The laughter was coming from the assistant who wasn’t in their room. Phil turned his attention down the hall. Sure enough the laughter was louder. Quietly he made his way to the holding cell. Phil sat in a smaller hallway and decided to listen into the conversation… What can he say? He always eavesdropped..
“What even is a you-tube?” The assistant asked through small giggles. To that the human gasped as if he was hurt by the statement.
“You don’t have YouTube?! Or like an alien version of it?!” The human replied, not even trying to hide his shock.
“Erm no?”
“Well it’s like this thing that humans use to make really cool videos and stuff.”
“What’s a video?” Ranboo interrupted.
“They’re kinda like moving photos that usually work as a sort of entertainment or info dump. I could probably tell you thousands of the times my stupid teacher made me watch ‘educational’ videos..”
“So they’re kinda like illusions?”
“Yea but you don’t see 'em in 3D. As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted..” The enderian let out a small squeak of embarrassment at that, “YouTube is like a thing people use to post videos on. I am totally making an alien version of YouTube when I get out.” The air stiffened at that.
“Tommy.. you probably won’t get out for a while…” Ranboo said, Phil heard one of them shift and the entire atmosphere lost it’s warmth, “It’s not like you won’t get out! It’s just hard… especially when no one really trusts you yet.” Ranboo swallowed, as he usually does when he is uncomfortable, “Even when we let you out of the holding cell.. you probably won’t be allowed off the ship. It’s too dangerous for all of us..” the two fell into a deafening silence. Phil shivered at the tension, making sure to be silent while doing so.
“I assumed as much…” the human started, being the first to break the silence, “I-I… I guess I won’t be going home either… since the ISF absolutely hates us.. plus like you said, only already crazy humans are sent back..” the human sighed sadly.. For the first time Phil felt sympathetic towards a human. With that he decided it was time to start on breakfast.
Three things happened after Tubbo woke up.
One, Ranboo passed out at the table. Phil simply shook his head and picked up the enderian with some unknown strength to the rest of the crew.
Two, a scream was heard from the other side of the ship, causing Wilbur to frantically run to the holding cell.
Three, Techno put his milk in before he poured his tea… I mean who does that?
Ignoring the last strange thing, Tubbo went to check on Ranboo. He was fine, so Phil said. “He only needs rest. Leave them be.” Was what Tubbo got as he peered into the enderian’s room. Shrugging off the weird behavior Tubbo made his way to the garden.
Before he made his way to the garden he noticed the human wasn’t in the holding cell. That meant he was probably in the lab… Which meant Tubbo would have to meet him.. Oh prime no. That’s not gonna happen.
He started sprinting to the garden. It was just passed the lab if only he took another step-
“Tubbo, I need your help.” Wilbur said from behind him. The droneling turned around reluctantly. Holding his breath he made his way into the medical part of the lab.
[gore and distressed characters, skim if you need to]
There, laying on the bed, was a human. He held back a scream which came out as a labored gasp. Sweat was bubbling on his forehead. With that he turned to Wilbur who examined the human from a distance.
“Go get some bandages and the stitching kit.” Wilbur commanded. Without hesitation Tubbo ran to grab the items. Wilbur took both objects and disinfected a bad cut on the human’s arm. He hadn’t even realized there was a cut until Wilbur cleared off the strange red blood. Wilbur then proceeds to stitch the wound and bandage the irritated wound.
That’s when Tubbo noticed the amount of blood the human lost. Most species wouldn’t be able to handle that much blood loss, but here was the beast of the galaxy, completely fine in a matter of minutes after losing quite a bit of blood.
When Wilbur was satisfied, he picked the human up and carried him back to the holding cell. Tubbo was unable to stop himself from following. Before thinking the droneling sat at the table and watched as Wilbur finished cleaning the human.
“Er.. do you want me to grab Techno so you can stay in here?” Wilbur asked, noticing Tubbo sitting in the corner.
Without saying a word Tubbo gave a small nod. Wil didn’t push like he usually did and left to get Techno.
Tubbo got up and approached the sleeping human. He was skinnier than what Tubbo thought humans should be. There were odd dark circles under his eyes and his hair clearly hadn’t had a good wash for what looked like months. He had injuries over his body and was practically shaking in his sleep.
Since Tubbo was preoccupied, he barely noticed Techno enter, or the door closing. Let alone the clangs and thuds from other crew mates.
He was preoccupied by the strange human who was sleeping in front of him.
The human stirred and the droneling stumbled away.
After a few seconds the human sat up and looked at the now fallen droneling.
“What the fuck?”
Tommy didn’t expect another alien to push their luck in his space. But here he was.
The alien was smaller than Tommy by a lot. Further proving Tommy was the biggest man. Unlike the other aliens this one wasn’t threatening upon first glance.
The one from last night had been way more intimidating at first. Being way taller than Tommy and having weird lanky limbs and magical purple glowing orbs surrounding them. They had horns and a half and half complexion. One half of the alien being white with grey and purple freckles along with a red eye. The other half being a purplish black with grey and green freckles along with a green eye. They wore a suit with a red tie and dress shoes. He also had two tails of the same colors as his complexion. All of this being forgotten after they stammered through their introduction. It was honestly hilarious.
This alien was very different from the others. They had brown messy hair, encasing black antennas and small black bumps that resembled horns. Their skin was a honey peach color and practically glistened. There were strange hexagon patterns over their face along with three black stripes on either side of their face. They had bee wings, which was the only thing Tommy could relate to the alien too. There was also a black fuzzy tail, similar to a stinger, poking out of their pants. Their hands were lanky and pointed, completely black. There was also soft yellow fuzz poking out of their sleeves and holes in their pants. They wore ripped jeans along with a long sleeved green button down shirt. Their eyes were another thing entirely, being a honey brown in certain light but could also shift to a greenish blue in other light. They had fly-like pupils.
After a minute of them sitting in an awkward stance the alien got up. Using their wings to properly position them in a standing position. They brushed themselves off and approached Tommy.
“You lay a finger on anyone here and I will kill you. Understand?” The alien said, any intimidation that was lost from the alien falling was regained in an instant. The alien poked him in the chest with one of the lanky fingers, which started burning like acid after a minute.
Since Tommy was too, sacred, poggers to move he simply nodded, which is absolutely the best response to the situation. Sadly the alien didn’t get the gesture and dug their nail into his chest even more. Seriously, it was starting to really burn.
“Y-yes.” Was all Tommy could muster. The alien was satisfied with the answer and let go of Tommy. They walked out of the now open door. Shortly after Techno followed the door closing behind him. Tommy never realized the other alien was in the room.
[Mentions of abuse]
For a split second the interaction reminded him of his dad.
The way his dad did the same thing to his mom when she didn’t listen.
Or when his sister didn’t follow his dad’s friend.
Or when Tommy made a mistake.
Except instead of a nail, it was glass, or a punch, or sometimes a knife…
He shook off the thoughts and reminded himself that the aliens weren’t his father, nor were they going to do that to him.
They wouldn’t do that right?.. Right?
Tommy slapped his face, only to find there were silent tears flowing down his cheeks. He quickly wiped his cheeks and continued his train of thought.
Tommy trusted too easily. That in the end is how at nine he ended up getting beat up in his first foster home. He condemned himself for trusting the aliens. They were strangers. He knew nothing of them and they knew more about him. This was the moment in which Tommy shut himself off. Where he regained the ability to leave his blind trusting instincts.
Chapter 4- End
Words: 1633
Notes: I didn’t know what to add next so I decided to leave you here. Your welcome! <3
Again hope you enjoyed! Now go eat food, drink water, take a shower if you haven’t, and go to sleep. Stay safe, love ya! <3
Tubbo: *falls out of fear
Tommy: ._. This dude ain’t intimidating
Tubbo: *threatens Tommy
Tommy: ,:^ never mind then...
Reminder likes are appreciated but reblogs are better!!
13 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: I was at camp. Sorry for posting late... in return I gift a long chapter!
In Case you missed it:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Warning: Characters being trapped, mentions of IVs, Cussing, yelling, characters being restrained, nightmares, mentions of murder, a guy being arrested.
“Humans are [add text here]”
Chapter 3: A Wild Crow Father has Appeared
Phil wasn’t expecting to be returning to Planet A112 so soon but Wilbur had sent a distress signal and that was the Dream Team Craft’s next stop.
The planet itself stood as a port market place. There were many of these planets around the galaxy, but it was probably the more popular ones for criminal ships and such. Poachers and Scientists alike came here to get supplies to take the biggest beasts in the galaxy, Humans.
Phil never understood the appeal, but both of his sons had gained that sort of adventurous aspect that he had lost so many celestial years ago. He assumed the only reason people ever chased the creatures was to fill their pride.
That was the exact reason Techno had joined the poacher ship three years ago. He only returned when it had crashed three months ago. To this day he has yet to reveal what horrors had gone on the ship.
Wilbur had another reason to go after the infamous creatures. His crave for knowledge was eating him up as was for most scientists. He joined the Dream Team Craft only six months ago and was already heading back to the SBI Craft.
Techno was pacing around the marketplace studying different weapons and supplies. Phil had been standing off to the side, leaning on one of the building walls. Every once and a while he would check his communicator to see where Wilbur was. Thankfully he had turned on his location so Phil could easily watch as he made his way through the maze-like market.
“Is he getting close?” Techno asked running low on patience.
“He’ll be here in two minutes or so.” Phil bit his lip, “You can head back to the ship, I don’t mind waiting for him.”
“I am not leaving you. Prime knows what Wilbur brought back this time.” Techno replied. Wilbur always had a knack for bringing back things he found interesting. This wasn’t the first time he had left the SBI Craft. This would be the 37th since he turned 14. Now he was 24 and the Craft had been designed to handle whatever he brought back. There was a holding room fit for literally any species, a mechanics room full of technology he gained an interest in. A garden and a gardener which was also retrieved by Wilbur. And of course Wilbur’s pride and joy, the laboratory.
“If you want mate..” Phil said, shaking his head.
Not even two minutes later he saw Wilbur coming from the middle of the crowd. He was carrying what looked like a hurt child.
“Well this should be interesting.” Techno mumbled as he spotted Wilbur.
Once the phantom saw them he strode over and they made their way over to him.
“What do you have this time mate?” Phil asked, curiosity filling him to the brim with questions.
“Someone I can’t explain till we get to the ship.” Wilbur states with a tone he had never heard from his son.
After a second of standing awkwardly they had come to a silent agreement to head to the ship.
It took less than five minutes. Wilbur was half sprinting to the lab before Techno’s assistant had even registered that Wilbur was back. Phil gave a quick greeting to the gardener and assistant before following Wilbur to the medical part of the lab. He almost fainted when he saw what was laying on the medical bed.
“I know it looks bad, but I couldn’t help myself.” Wilbur said apologetically, “I know you’re gonna want answers but I really don’t have a lot of time before serious damage is done to him. I’ll explain after I fix him up.” He glanced up with a face full of sincerity.
Phil sighed pushing aside any fatigue and collecting his thoughts. “How can I help?” He states without an ounce of shown-fear in his voice.
Wilbur took a moment before answering. Prime the silence was loud. “Keep everyone out of the lab, and set up another room.. that would be great.” Wilbur said. The worry in his voice was apparent, but Phil said nothing of it. Instead he started on the tasks that came with being the captain of the craft.
He woke up to LED lights blinding him. Tommy blinked a bit before sitting up.
He was sitting on what appeared to be a hospital bed. An IV was attached to his wrist and there were strange alien restraints attached to his legs but not to his wrists. That would be a mistake if he knew how to take the sticky black cuffs off. Which he didn’t. Plus he was too weak to attempt.
He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and looked around. The bed was pushed into the back corner directly across from a window. There was no glass or plastic covering the window, only a shiny force-field looking thing. The window also was the length of the wall. To the right of the window was a little slot and shelf, clearly used to deliver food. To the left of the window was a place for a door. The only thing was there was no visible door, just more of the light blue painted wall. To the left of the space was a bunch of shelves with a bunch of weird toys, games, books, and puzzles. Across from that was a card table and two comfortable chairs. At the end of the bed was a bench looking thing in which the lid lifted up.
All in all the room was clearly used to keep people occupied while keeping a close eye on them. The inhabitants of the ship had prepared it so it could withstand most things. The furniture in the room had been nailed to the floor. The chairs could move either closer or farther from the table with whoever was sitting down using a strange contraption. None of the toys on the lower shelf could be eaten and all games and puzzles were on higher shelves. The books were also all hard covered. There were even plastic bookmarks in a small container next to the shelves. The window was clearly impossible to get through and looked like it would absorb whatever you threw at it. The food shelf had three mechanisms that wouldn’t be easy to get through. There were no vents or places to hide. It was very apparent they had done this sort of thing before.
The last thing Tommy looked for was a light switch. By some sort of luck he spotted it. It was a weird sort of dial thing that was right by the IV stand. It was currently at 100 and he then dialed it down to 35. It was dim enough to sleep but bright enough to see everything clearly. Not even five minutes later he fell into a deep sleep.
“YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN?!” Tubbo yelled, fluttering his wings furiously, making him hover ever so slightly.
Ranboo swiftly put his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder pushing him back onto the ground. The enderian shifted anxiously making Techno ponder if he was also gripping Tubbo to keep himself grounded. Phil stood near Will expectantly. Wilbur shifted from foot to foot and rubbed his arm, yet kept his head up to look at everyone. Techno was leaning against his security desk, side eyeing the now asleep human.
“I knew you were stupid, I just didn’t know you were this stupid.” Techno stated without a hint of remorse. Wilbur scoffed before attempting to collect himself.
“I couldn’t just leave him there! It was a mission built for researching humans. Meaning they would be doing nasty experiments for prime knows how long!” Wilbur snapped, with a seriousness Techno hadn’t seen since Wilbur brought back the other children on the ship, “He is a kid. Not an adult that had nowhere to go and was doing prime awful things. He is a kid with no family, no home, and barely making it through the day. I read through his file and he has gone through awful shit. I wasn’t gonna let him die in misery too. If you don’t want him on the ship, then I will get myself my own ship.” Wilbur threatened with a tone not to be questioned. Techno took a moment to think through Will’s response before coming up with an answer.
“He can stay. As long as you keep him in line and take care of his rations. He is not to leave his room until we make sure he can do no damage. If anyone wants to visit him, you are either outside the window or I am present. No excuses.” Techno finished satisfied with his answer. Phil may have been the legal captain of the ship, but when it came to rules Techno was always the one to make them.
Phil nodded in agreement. The two children nodded aggressively, both of which clearly had no intention of going near the human’s holding cell. After a minute Wilbur nodded.
“Fine. If those are the rules I will comply.” Wilbur said, “I need to adjust some things, I will assume Techno will be coming with me?” He asked reluctantly.
“Yes.” Techno bluntly said.
“So be it.” Wilbur snapped. Techno just brushed it off as they headed towards the lab cells.
Tommy was running through the forest on the edge of town.
It was his favorite trail and the only one his parents let him go on alone. Which cost a long series of promises and supplies he had to go with.
Usually he would be running on the trail for fun but this time it was a sprint home. He didn’t know what was wrong but he knew something was wrong. Especially when he saw the blue and red lights light up the evening sky.
“I didn’t do anything you bastards!!” His dad yelled over the sirens. They had him in cuffs repeating the Miranda rights to him as they pushed him into the back seat.
“What’s going on?” All Tommy could manage his throat was tight and he was struggling to hold back angry tears. He caught one of the officers' attention. She smiled softly.
“He got caught doing something bad to his wife.” She said sadly.
“What did he do?!” Tommy cried even louder this time tears slipped down his face. At this point the officer got more serious.
“I am not obligated to say.” She bit her lip before continuing, “Why don’t you go back to your parents?” She replied softly. This was the first time Tommy got angry, not annoyed or that childish angry. The kind of anger that makes you wanna burn the world down. It was a quick flash but enough to make him snap.
“You took my dad…. What did he do to my mom?” Tommy answered coldly. His answer clearly shook the officer.
“Aw kid, I- .. I am sorry.. he killed her.” Tommy already knew the answer. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. He heard someone scream from far away. Maybe it was him, maybe someone else. They pushed him through a series of questions all of which he could barely answer. His mind was somewhere else. He couldn’t calm down. Everything was too much.
He woke up in a cold sweat. Tears were running down his face. His breath was rapid and uneven. He hadn’t had a dream like that for a couple of months, granted he barely slept. After a few shaky breaths he calmed himself enough to grasp where he was. He wiped the tears just in time for the spot where the door was to open.
In stepped Wilbur along with a really tall alien. The tall alien stood in front of the door as Wilbur rushed to Tommy’s bed. Tommy lost control of his breathing, barely calming down.
Wilbur grabbed his hands to which Tommy snapped his head towards the alien. “I want you to breathe with me okay?” Wilbur said softly. He moved Tommy’s hand to his chest and started taking deep breaths. After a minute Tommy managed to even his breath to Wilbur’s pattern. “Good, good. I am gonna take off your IV since you don’t need it anymore. After that I can get you some food and water, then we can talk alright?” Wilbur said, keeping his tone soft and slow. Tommy rubbed his eyes and nodded.
Wilbur took his arm, there was a small pinch then the IV was off. Wilbur quickly left and came back after about two minutes. Within those two minutes Tommy got a better look at the other alien.
The alien had light pink ruff skin with neat pink hair tightly braided. They were wearing a puffy cream shirt that was tucked into dark brown pants, which were tucked into black boots that went up to their knees. Their knees bent backwards and the boots were shaped weirdly, like they were built for hooves. They had hooves where their hands would be, that somehow had thumbs. They also had tusks poking out of their mouth. Along with blood red eyes that had white pupils. Their ears poked out of their hair and were both torn and pierced with gold earrings. They also had a gold chain necklace with a stone that resembled an Emerald. They also wore a black belt with a gold clip. Attached to the belt was an alien sword leaning against their right hip, on the other side was what resembled a gun.
Tommy swallowed down food that was threatening to come up. He waited patiently for Wilbur to come back, trying his hardest not to stare at the other alien.
“My name is Techno. He/him. Same with Wilbur and most of the crew. The only one who has other pronouns is Ranboo who goes by he/they.” Techno, stated bluntly. Tommy collected himself before responding.
“I am Tommy Innit, er- he/him.” Tommy finished with a shaky voice.
Luckily the awkward tension didn’t last long as Wilbur practically sprinted through the door, shoving Techno out of the way. He pulled a tray that was neatly folded out of the wall and put a glass of water and some food on a plate.
“Some parskey with hatatoes. It tastes good I promise.” Wilbur explained. He then went to grab something he left outside and sat at the card table. He put two plates down and Techno joined him. The door closed after that. There was no button or anything, it just closed. Tommy was a little baffled by it but looked towards the food put in front of him.
It was a white meat, similar to chicken, with a brown version of mashed potatoes. He looked over to the other two who were talking in a different language while eating the same food. With that Tommy decided it was okay to eat. Just like what it reminded him of, it tasted like chicken and mash potatoes with small differences. Like the meat was dryer and more salty and the potatoes were a little sour. Either way it was still good. He then drank the water. There was no odd taste this time so he assumed it wasn’t drugged.
Once he finished he attempted to listen in but was only met with a series of strange sounds. He gave up and pushed the tray away. Almost too quickly he fell into a deep sleep. He didn’t even notice when the visitors took their stuff and left.
Ranboo poked at his food glancing up every once and awhile. The two crew members had returned from the human’s room and decided to finish their food with the rest of the crew. Everyone sat in a tense silence.
“So,” Phil clapped his feathered hands and turned towards Wilbur. “What do we know about the kid?” He asked.
“His name is Tommy Innit, pronouns he/him. He is 14 and was living on the run for six months. No family according to him and he’s allergic to nuts.” Wilbur answered.
“From what I can tell he isn’t super dangerous, just fearful. He already trusts Wilbur, somehow. Though I think it is due to Wilbur saving his life. It will be harder for the rest of us to gain his trust.” Techno added. Ranboo swiftly wrote the responses down, making sure to keep major notes.
The rest of dinner was uneventful and everyone awkwardly washed dishes and went to bed. Assumingly to sleep. Everyone except Ranboo that is. He couldn’t wash dishes due to his biology and he didn’t really sleep. Every time he tried the void would wake him up or he would go into a half-conscious state that the crew deemed as enderwalking.
So for what felt like the hundredth time they stayed awake laying in bed. This time however their mind was racing with thoughts. Traveling through situations that used to seem impossible before the human boarded the ship. Still curiosity was eating their insides.
With a half made up mind Ranboo shot up in bed. They stalked over to where the human was being held and peered into the window.
Almost instantly the human sat up. After yawning and getting into a position he was comfortable in he just stared at Ranboo making them incredibly uncomfortable.
“Who are you?” The human asked, Ranboo couldn’t remember his name.
“Oh! Uh, I am Ranboo.. I am kinda like an assistant, I-I guess.” Ranboo said, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Ah cool. I am the biggest man! Tommy Innit. You should be grateful to be in my presence.” The human practically flowed with confidence making Ranboo question if all humans were like this. He shook off the questions and turned back to the human who was now playing with the light monitor.
“So… what was your planet like?” Tommy asked, startling Ranboo a bit. “I-I mean you don’t have to answer of course.. just wondering..” the human stuttered. They took a moment to go through their thoughts, narrowing down what they could.
“I guess it was peaceful.. in a way.. no one really fell out of line. It was unified, creating a peaceful haven. It wasn’t like people couldn’t fall out of line it’s just they didn’t want to. M-most of them were content with the way they were… but if there was something wrong they would absolutely take any measure to destroy it.” Ranboo finished bitterly, trying to shake off his old hurt of how they treated him. “W-what about your planet?” Ranboo asked.
“Ah.. Earth is interesting to say the least… We don’t all follow the same rules. And there is a lot of falling out of line… But I guess that’s what gave it a certain charm and a certain aspect that made it brutal.” Tommy finished his serious tone melting in an instant, “But that’s there not here! I wanna know what everything is like.” He said looking at Ranboo with curiosity.
That’s how Ranboo created a bond with the strange blond creature. They bounced from topic to topic mainly ending with one of them going into a deep explanation of one thing or another. They talked until both of them ended up passing out sitting next to the window.
Chapter 3- End
Words- 3,212
Techno- “Don’t go near the human without my presence.”
Ranboo- ._.
Ranboo- Ima do it... >:p
(That was a bad one but oh well..)
End Notes: I got carried away a bit... I have a few more filler chapters before we start actually getting into the plot.. also after this should I start a super hero AU?
Ignore minor mistakes... I did reread through it this time so there shouldn’t be too many...
As always likes are nice but reblogs are better! Please share this with people of you enjoyed, I hope you did!
Go get some water, sleep, eat food, and stay safe!! Love y’all <3
Chapter 4:
22 notes · View notes
ka-writes · 3 years
Notes: I had already started on the second chapter before I posted the first one, so don’t expect updates every day... I also had to do a lot of googling for this chapter.
Chapter 1 in case you missed it:
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Warnings: Cussing, needles, character conflicts, intentional poisoning, poisoning, Jaws reference
“Humans are [and text here]”
Chapter 2: What is this, an interview?
Tommy was now restrained to a chair six feet away from the weird scientist alien. He had a dark brown lab coat with a fuzzy yellow sweater underneath, matched with black pants and black leather boots. His gold rimmed Harry Potter glasses slipped down his nose bridge a bit before he pushed it up and shuffled through papers. He wore a red beanie with a big whiff of his curly chocolate hair. His skin was a weird translucent grayish color with blue speckles decorating it. He had deep brown eyes with an odd electric blue circle outlining the pupil.
His tongue licked his finger as he turned the page. This was a habit that most of the weird teachers and counselors did. It always annoyed Tommy. This time fear was also mixed into that annoyance. His saliva was tinted blue and he had sharp teeth which immediately reminded him of a shark.
“You have shark teeth.” Tommy stated absentmindedly. Clearly, this caught the scientist alien off guard.
“I have what?” The alien asked, confused.
“Shark teeth.. ya know like the weird fish creatures that eat people.” Tommy started rambling causing the shark-alien to become even more confused and slightly alarmed. “I mean I think they eat people. That’s what the shark movie showed… what was its name, Jaws I think? I dunno, my foster mom freaked out in the middle of it and we went home. That lady was weird.. She made us wear itchy clothes and take weird photos before she sent me back to the group home.”
“What?..” The shark-alien asked. Tommy jumped a bit. He forgot he was rambling to a stranger. Alien stranger at that.
“Doesn’t matter.. What's the first question bitch-boy?” Tommy liked the way the alien jumped at the randomly timed insults.
“Er- right.. First off, what’s your name?” The shark-alien asked after collecting himself.
“Tommy Innit. Yours bitch-boy?” Tommy replied.
“Wilbur Soot. Stop calling me bitch-boy!” Wilbur huffed.
“Next question, bitch-boy!” Tommy emphasized the name, getting an even angrier expression in return. Wilbur’s weird blue circle flashed red for a second which caught Tommy off guard.
Wilbur took a shaky breath before asking the next question. “How old are you?”
“Old enough! I am a big man!” Tommy stated. Yet another thing that pissed him off.
“Age?” Wilbur asked, clearly irritated.
“18.” Wilbur raised a brow, “14.” Tommy huffed. His age should only be his business not some alien-bitch who didn’t even have his file.
“If you keep lying, I may have to get the truth serum from the back.” Wilbur half-heartedly threatened. Tommy, the big man that he is, did not get scared at that statement, only slightly unsettled which clearly showed on his face.
“Now, do you have a family?” Tommy tensed at the question. It was a touchy question and was not one that was asked often especially with his reputation.
“I am a big man. I don’t need a family to be great.” Tommy stated, happy with the answer. The alien-bitch shifted awkwardly.
“Right… What is your diet?”
“Umm.. I dunno, whatever I can find. I am allergic to nuts though..” Wilbur nodded in understanding and wrote things down in his notepad.
“What plants are poisonous to you?” Wilbur asked without looking up from his notes.
“Ermm, poison Ivy, poison oak… uh I think parts of rhubarb, and most wild berries. I am not sure other than that.” Wilbur nodded while adding bits to his notes.
“What was the place you lived like?” This time Wilbur glanced up to look at Tommy. This was again another touchy subject… How many times would this alien bitch get into the sad background?
“Shitty.” Tommy snapped. That was the only response the bitch was gonna get.
“Right.. Do you have music on Earth?”
Tommy scoffed, “Of course we have music, dumbass!”
“Can you tell me about the animals there?” Wilbur asked, almost hopeful.. which was weird. What was he hoping for?
“Erm I guess..” Tommy mumbled, trying to figure out where to start, “There’s a bunch of animals. Mainly on land. My favorite would be the cow.”
“What’s that?” Curiosity stained Wilbur’s face. This got Tommy excited; he was practically beaming as he started talking.
“Well they are these big ruminants that make milk and have horns. There are a bunch of types too like the highland cow, which obviously is the most poggers one. They are a Scottish breed with really long hair. I met one once, on a field trip his name was Henry.” Tommy rambled on for the next two and a half hours, jumping from topic to topic and explaining anything that wasn’t personal. He usually ended those paths with short insults.
Wilbur hated to stop the kids' detailed story, but two and a half celestial hours had already passed, and Dream would be coming to check soon. Luckily, he had a couple new poisons that could pass off as a research development. He had even managed to send the distressed signal and no doubt Phil would already be there with the SBI craft ready to fly at any given moment.
“Alright Tommy.” His voice dropped to a serious tone causing the kid to stop his story of how he got poisoned by mushrooms on a camping trip. “You’re gonna have to trust me just for a bit. I am going to get you off the ship at the next stop but in the meantime I need you to tell me how allergic you’re to nuts.” The kid immediately tensed at the question.
“I am mainly allergic to tree nuts.. almonds being the worst. After a few minutes I can’t breathe properly and I usually pass out. The doctor said if I don’t get it treated within 15 minutes, death is most likely.” He took a moment to go through the information. The kid most likely has an anaphylaxis reaction to tree nuts. Meaning either he would have to know the exact time of landing and exactly where Phil was or he needed another poison that was less severe.
“Alright, here is what we’re gonna do. I have a chemical mixture that is similar to that of rattlesnake venom. I also have a chemical substance that numbs any pain you may feel. Side effects would include being very very tired and delirious over the next few days. Along with being knocked out for a good ten hours. To put it simply I am gonna fake poison you, in order to get you off the ship. It’s your choice if you’re willing to do it.” Wilbur paused to study the kid still restrained in front of him. It was odd how relaxed the kid seemed to be in a situation like this. He had no urge as far as Wilbur was aware, to fight against anything that happened. His complaints only being those that touched on personal matters. It was unsettling to say the least, and intrigued Wilbur. He really wanted to unravel the life the kid had lived before this and how he was actually dealing with the situation.
There was a long pause before the kid spoke, “I wouldn’t mind getting away from the weird smiley bitch.. plus you seem nice and to know what you’re doing so sure. Poison me bitch.” He said the last sentence with an enthusiasm Wilbur wasn’t expecting. He took a moment to rethink his plan, which was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Dream says you better have advanced in your stupid testing. Otherwise he’s gonna kick you off the ship at the next stop.” Stated the rather rude blazeling, Sapnap. The blazeling never liked Wilbur and made a point to argue against any advancements at meals. That led to Dream installing a new system of emails and Wilbur eating meals alone.
“Yea yea, it’s going!” He yelled through the metal door.
“Better be.” The blazeling snapped before making a non quiet track back to his quarters.
“Stupid blazeling.” Wilbur grumbled as he sorted through vials and picked up new needles and measured out the substances. “We are going to start with the anesthetic then move onto the poison.” He softly addressed Tommy.
Wilbur swiftly disinfected Tommy’s shoulder and gave the needle. He then gave the second needle. Immediately Tommy slumped over. Wilbur swiftly took off Tommy’s restraints and moved him on to the patient bed in the back corner of the room. After the transfer was done he clipped the body restraints around Tommy and waited for the alert signaling landing.
After about five minutes the light next to the door turned blue. He moved over to his seat and clipped on the safety belts. The light turned green and the ship shook momentarily before a thud could be felt. Quickly as Wilbur could, he emptied the needles into the waste bin and waited for his soon-to-be-ex-boss to arrive.
Dream stepped through the door and glanced around the room before heading to Wilbur for his report.
“Report.” The dreamon commanded.
“The subject's body would have gone through a painfully slow death and have multiple organ failures if I did not intervene. The chemical mixes used created a conflict in the patient’s body which resulted in the patient falling into exhaustion as they recovered.” He responded in a monotone tone. Dream looked over Tommy. He flinched back in disgust as Tommy grunted in his sleep.
“Is that all?” The dreamon questioned.
“No.” Wilbur swallowed down his panic, “This is the last testing I will be doing with this crew.” The dreamon scoffed.
“I am assuming you’re getting off at this planet?” Dream spit. Wilbur knew he absolutely hated when people left his crew as he saw it as a direct violation of his loyalty.
“Yes.” The phantom stated, keeping his even tone apparent. With that Dream stormed out cursing in Siestian. Somewhere in the mess of words he told Wilbur to get his things.
Without hesitation he grabbed his bag from his quarters, which was held in a small room that branches off the lab. He half sprinted down the short hallway and straight to the bed Tommy was on. He swiftly unrestrained the human and sat him up. He slipped on boots and gloves then tied a cloak around the kid. He pulled the hood up and carried him off of the closest exit. There were faint yells from Dream down the hallway and reassurances from the only two beings that put up with him. And with that Wilbur was off to find the only craft he had ever called home. The SBI ship.
Chapter 2- End
Words~ 1774
End Notes: ‘‘twas to lazy to reread... sorry for minor mistakes. Also suggestions are always appreciated!! Please reblog...
Chapter 3:
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ka-writes · 3 years
Notes- Did I decide I was gonna write a fic at 2:00 AM? Yes yes I did... anyways I don’t have an archive account yet but I wanted to get it out there.... um here is chapter one of my space AU, because I absolutely fell in love with the AU.
Inspired by:
Humans are Space Velociraptors
Some kids come from storks, others come from crashed spaceships
By: mmmajora
Home Again, Home Again
By: teeth_eater
All works can be found on Ao3
Ohh also challenge if you wanna do it, fill in the Title! And another one... if you were an alien what question would you ask a human other than basic questions, like name and age.
Also suggestions are always appreciated! And if you wanna support my main blog it is kadoodle.. also I have no updating schedule so I will when I want to.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of tight spaces and characters being trapped, mentions of corpses, and needles.
“Humans are [Insert text here]”
Chapter 1: Idiots kidnap the wrong kid..
Honestly, life hasn't been bad. His needs were met, most of the time, and he had a.. place to sleep…
Yeah no life wasn’t great.
Tommy was easily, barely, avoiding Social Services. Sleeping on benches and occasionally grass. He got whatever wasn’t wanted and had an official bag for the first time. He had some spare clothes, and no money. The authorities stopped looking for him after a while and the only main challenge was getting essentials.
No one would miss him. No one would look for him. Therefore he was the perfect target among many others. The only thing setting him apart was his sheer ability to survive, not a want, like many of the others, it was a fact he would survive. Not that his captors knew that of course.
Alternative: Tommy gets kidnapped by aliens and sbi rescues him.
He woke up in a cage.
Not a cell or a room, a fucking cage.
There were a few others in various cages around the room. All of which were either dead or close to it. Most of the ones still alive had been there for months, possibly years. No one knew of course.
The smell of rotting bodies stenched the place with a coppery coating. The room wasn’t large but not quite small. It was dull grey with layers of grime settling on the floor and cages. The room was long and skinny, lined with cages against either wall in a zig zag format. The only light was coming from the small door window, which happened to be positioned right in front of Tommy. It glowed a faint yellow and was blurry, not allowing Tommy to see into the hall.
Shadows would occasionally pass by the window. None ever stopped at it. Causing the ever growing hunger to grow more. Once one had stopped at the door, not for more than a second, before it screeched. It was inhuman and sounded like a hurt hawk from one of those nature documentaries. Tommy shoved his hands onto his ears and waited for it to stop. The thing chuckled, not like a human, but something close to it.
Tommy waited for what seemed like hours before something happened. The door opened, sliding into the ceiling. A weird looking creature stepped in. It looked like it had a porcelain mask over its face with a painted smiley face. There were no ears or hair, instead just more porcelain, which formed a spear which sat on shadows. The thing was wearing a lime green hoodie and black leather pants that seemingly faded into the creature's legs. The knees bent inwards causing it to look awfully awkward as it crouched near Tommy’s cage. The hands were long and lanky with no real palm. The creature also had a tail that looked close to how Tommy pictured a devil's tail to look. This was the first time in ages Tommy was glad to be behind bars.
The thing pointed at itself and said,
In the most heavily accented English Tommy had ever heard. That didn’t matter as much of the fact that the seemingly painted smile moved with the words.
The creature unlocked the cage and half dragged Tommy out of the cage into what Tommy presumed to be the lab. He noticed a window. The only thing for miles was stars. He was in space. He had been kidnapped by Aliens. Fuck.
Humans were a heavily avoided species. The things were what kids would expect to come out of their closet. They were feared, and for good reason.
The first ship to find Earth was ecstatic. Finding another intelligent species in what would’ve been deemed as a planetary desert was a scientific breakthrough. Causing the entirety of the media to go insane for a couple of years.. That was until the first ship ventured onto the planet. It was immediately shot down. The entire crew was killed and the entirety of the ship was destroyed in a matter of minutes. The ISF (Intergalactic Safety Force) deemed it as a no flight zone and claimed to punish anyone in the desert. Even so poachers smuggled humans and within days had their ship crashed.
The only ones allowed to take humans were scientists, who were specialized in taking care of difficult species. They were allowed to test on said species and do whatever they wanted, in the name of science of course. Most people didn’t care how they treated them and were really only interested in what could kill them.
Which is where Wilbur came in. He was a toxicologist, a scientist studying poisons, he also dealt with various potions and other chemical mixes. This knowledge is what gained his entry to the Dream Team Ship.
He had been testing on around nine different humans for the past six months on the celestial calendar. This time Dream, his boss and the captain, brought in a juvenile human. He was skinny and lanky. Clearly had been starving before being taken. He felt bad before shaking off his pity.
“V74 and V83. Make sure he can communicate beforehand.” Dream promptly stated before leaving the kid in the room.
Wilbur tried not to think about his terrified face, before he clipped on the translator. Usually it is worn on the back of the head, since humans brains are vastly different than most species, it is clipped to the left side of the head.
The translator looks like a simple device when in reality it took dozens of celestial years to perfect it. It’s a small silver disk that ingrains into the part of the brain that controls communicating. After the body gets used to the device it can translate any language into one you understand instantly.
It took a couple more years for the translator to incorporate the estimated 7,000 languages spoken on Earth. For a planet that has been isolated it has a more complex and diverse set of cultures and languages, than Pellucidian has had in centuries. To say Wilbur was jealous, wouldn’t be far from the truth. Not that he studied cultures for a living. It was something that always interested him.
He put the device on the kid’s head and grimaced at the pain that was on the kid’s face. He quickly dried up the blood and mixed a solution that would ease the pain. It was clear and tasted like water, which is the only way they got humans to take the pain reduction.
The kid relaxed for a spilt second before tending at the unfamiliar setting.
“Where am I?” He snapped, causing Wilbur to jump back a bit, before collecting himself and standing up.
“The Dream Team craft’s labatory.” The kid’s face flashed with panic for a split second, “You have two testings scheduled for today. It will go quickly.”
“Will it be painful?” The kid asked. As standard for testing, Wilbur ignored the question and measured the substances. He quickly cleaned the puncture spot before giving him the needle.
The kid winced in pain. Wilbur swiftly led him to the testing chair. It had restraints that moved with the patient's body, which prevented bruising while keeping them in place. Wilbur clicked them on and sat at the desk located to the left of the kid.
“What did you inject into me?” The kid asked clearly trying to fight off the anesthetic.
“A dosage of Lidocaine, which is an anesthetic for your species. It’s only to numb pain that may come with the solutions we will be using today.” The kid’s face flashed with a deeper panic than before, causing Wilbur to tense. “We won’t start yet, since we have a list of questions to go through before we begin.” Wilbur lied. He hated testing people, especially kids. Dream of course didn’t care, like the rest of the Dreamon species. It made him sick. That was when he made a split second decision. Hoping he could get a distress signal out, without alerting the other crew members. He was gonna get the kid off the ship, at the next stop of course. Which was in three celestial hours.
The kid scoffed, clearly not believing the lie. He paused a moment thinking over his options before he smirked,“Fine. Ask me what you want bitch-boy!” Wilbur gasped, clearly not anticipating the insult.
Chapter 1 End
1406 words
End notes: Why the hell does google docs make it so hard to copy and paste??
Also I had to do some intense googling for this... I hope you enjoyed!
(Also also this is my first ever fanfic... please give feedback and reblog!!)
Minor mistakes are forgiven... don’t expect me to be perfect... I am dyslexic.
Tommy: ....
Wilbur: ....
*intense starring*
Wilbur POV: I am kidnapping it.
Chapter 2:
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