#and very sorry this took so long 😔😔
appleblueberry-pie · 2 days
They usually show Gojo as the dominant one in the relationship, someone who is only with you for a while, but what if it were the other way around, if the reader took that role and Satoru couldn't get over what they did to him? ? (I think I need to stop imagining scenarios with this guy 😔)
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Sorry, I Guess. Lol.
Satoru couldn't just ignore this feeling in his chest. It wasn't strong, but he really couldn't control it even if he wanted to. It was like a piece of metal was stuck in his chest and no matter how much he shifted or rubbed at that spot, the feeling wouldn't go away. And he only felt it when he was around you. That annoying feeling.
You always drove him around. Said that it would be a hassle waiting for him, when you knew he had a thing for always being late. And you always found him, even if his location was off on his phone. A mysterious one, you were. That's what he's supposed to do.
You drove with that left hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the stick, a little smirk on your face. Almost half of the time that you two were together, he never had your full attention. There was always those few moments where you had to take(a very loud and exciting looking) phone call or just texting your little friends or whoever was making you smile like that.
You never had minded him. It was like he didn't matter that much.
You paid for his food too. He never liked it. He always had the money to pay for both of your plates, but you never ever settled for letting him pay for everything. You said you hated feeling like you owed someone. He told you a million times you don't owe him a dime but you always persisted. The most he ever got out of you was letting you two split the bill.
He hated you. Your personality. How he couldn't ever just have you. You weren't emotionally available. What was the point of dating you if he wasn't gonna have your damn time? It was a waste of his own, dammit, and he hated every second of it. But the more he tried to detach from you.....the more he realized he couldn't.
He really really liked you. He enjoyed your suave personality and effortless movements and charismatic energy that you poured into the conversations you had with him. He was the one that usually radiates energy in the friend group, but when he's around you, you seem to be able to dim him down and steal the spotlight. He can't ever take it back either. You're just that good.
He can't have you and he realizes that. He also realized that when you ghost him on all apps. When he tries to get back in touch but you block him for blowing up your line. He tries to get back in touch when he realizes you never told him anything about your personal life and it was extremely hard to find out where you worked or anything. And it was really hard to find where you lived when he realized you didn't even live in the city you took him all around.
You're probably a player, but he didn't care. He loves how you ignore him. Honestly, he wants you to do more damage, he wants to keep you around just to repeat what you two had again. He wants to see your face when you realize he's an actual weirdo stalker that's most likely obsessed with you.
You two never fucked and you made it clear with your body language that you never wanted him like that in the first place and he was just your decoration for a few weeks. But he didn't want to be like those temporary tattoos. He didn't wanna be henna either. He wanted to be painfully embedded in your skin for so long, that even though he might fade years later, that pigmentation on that one part in your skin will always stick around to tell the tale.
He just wants to be yours.
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basketcasemp3 · 4 months
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GILMORE GIRLS 4.08 • “Die Jerk"
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sundial-girl · 10 months
Meep meep meep
The Oliver :3
ehehe the little guy of all time...
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My favorite song of theirs
ughgighghkjdg this is so hard wtf he has good songs 😭 i'll give u 3 b/c i can't decide
to be basic: "Amygdala's Rag Doll" -> it was the first ever oliver (and GHOST) song i listened to. still bangs after all these years
to be emo: "Thing" -> also one of the first oliver songs i started listening to, resonates w/ me deeply b/c personal issues. also very lovely and haunting
to be interesting: "Collection" -> OLIVER IN JAPANESE also the pv is so nice and this just soundsss so pretty. also not an og song but if u want more oliver in japanese there's this cover i'm going insane over
Who I ship them with
ok i'll b honest. len.
blonde boys that die in a lot of their songs
I THINK ITS FUNNY OK 😭 its not all that serious but they r cute. they both do have other cute ships too but i like this. or aroace oliver too thats slay
My favorite part about their design
ughhh everything abt his design is perfect its so gooddd but like... ig for one thing the long coat?? i suck at drawing it sometimes but i just love shit like that so i have the chance to draw flowy shit. extra dramatique. realistically ik wind physics whatever don't work like that BUT IT LOOKS COOL esp when other people do it in art too i love to see it. and in general it just ties his whole design together, blueee
also idk if james counts but best decision ever was giving him bird. yes. love to see it
A random headcanon I have of them
you get 2 b/c i couldn't decide which one's better
at this rate b/c of how much inedible stuff he's eaten he's practically immune to food poisoning. you can't kill him in any way that matters
HE AND MOKE ARE BESTIESSSSSS. you will never take this hc away from me even from my cold dead hands I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDSSSS!!! bird enthusiasts. they go birdwatching together and have very long conversations about ornithology stuff. they arrange very sophisticated playdates for both their pet birds. ily them
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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xumoonhao · 2 years
i was tagged by @chanonara and @junmail to put my playlist on shuffle, list 10 songs, then tag 10 people!! thank you for the tag, both of you 💖💖💖 since i was tagged twice, i decided to do 20 hehe ^-^
last sequence by wjsn wannabe by golden child (specifically the one they performed on road to kingdom) fake me fake me out by da-ice wings by pixy warrior by josh, jun, hao, gyu, and vernon psycho by history paradise by siyeon dive by nature bon bon chocolat by everglow flower by svt ven para by weeekly starring role by marina dress down by kaoru akimoto move by taemin very nice by svt i dont like your girlfriend by weki meki i dont want u back by i'll into the new world by snsd abittispy by youha all my love by svt
im going to choose not to tag anyone because i already know a lot of people have done it kgvbmdfr
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sxturdaysun · 9 months
since I'm on an ace attorney kick lately: ✍️📝🏷️❤️💞🛌💘🙈💌 for you and phoenix!!
aaaaa thank you!!! i'm always happy to talk about my lawyer husband <3
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✍️: overall, how does the fandom trait you? are you a beloved character, or hated? are you popular, or a minor side character? anything in between?
my insert is a secondary main character in the trilogy and a major side character in AA4 through AA6, which makes her fairly popular amongst the fanbase! that said, though i think she would be generally liked and thought of positively, i also think she'd experience something of the Phoenix Treatment — where, despite having overwhelming amounts of screentime, she gets overshadowed by other characters and tends to fall by the wayside more often than not. her stans definitely lament this in their own circles — "koda is just as much of a main character as the others! she's more than just shipping fodder for phoenix!"
📝: how would your story in canon go? how would you influence the events of the original story?
my insert has a role (major or otherwise) in every mainline game and even the layton spin-off, so i'll try to condense her story as much as possible:
prior to the events of the games, koda chromata is a college student studying to become a lawyer. during her third year of schooling, she starts interning at grossberg law offices, eventually being taken under the wings of both mia fey and diego armando with the two — especially the former — becoming mentors to her. while shadowing mia, she meets phoenix wright for the first time while he's on trial for murder; and later, once they're both fully fledged lawyers, they start working together as partners.
this partnership lasts throughout the events of the trilogy until phoenix is disbarred and he subsequently — seemingly — disappears off the face of the planet. with nowhere else to go, koda is hired on by kristoph gavin, where she spends seven years reluctantly working for him. he allows her to act as apollo justice's co-counsel during his first trial, in which she re-meets phoenix after trying to find him for so many years. her role in AA4 is mostly kept to the background, but she does take her place by phoenix's side once more, with the two finally officially dating. this stays the same in both AA5 and AA6, though in the former they're engaged, and by the beginning of AA6, they're married.
save for a very small handful of changes (her being kidnapped instead of maya; her replacing kristoph as apollo's co-counsel for 4-1), she doesn't affect the greater plot or events of any of the games.
🏷️: what is you and your f/o’s ship name?
just a mash-up of our names — kodanix is probably the most popular one because it sounds cool lol, with wrightmata being another variant of it for those that prefer using last names instead.
i also like to think there's some small number of people that do that old school "otp:" stuff with us. probably something like otp: it was always you or something else that makes me cry my eyes out.
❤️: how popular is you x your f/o? are you a rarepair?
we're super popular, actually <3
it kind of comes with the territory — my insert has been by phoenix since the beginning. since before the beginning, actually, if you think about it. even removing the romance from it, our characters are ones that are so intrinsically connected that it's difficult to separate us from each other fully. shipping us in some way — whether it be romantic or platonic — just comes naturally.
it also helps that we're canonically married by AA6 <3
💞: aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? why?
there's absolutely a subset of the fandom that took my insert's crush on matt engarde and ran with it as far as they could. it's about the angst of it all. the fighting for his freedom knowing he's a murderer. the way my insert would feel so conflicted throughout the entire trial. disregard the kidnapping bit — that just adds to the flavor.
other than him, though, i don't know if she'd really be shipped with many people outside of phoenix. maybe the rare edgeworth or mia just because of the potential or my insert's preestablished connection with them, or the even rarer kristoph for the people who love angst more than i do, but those ships are few and far between.
🛌: what tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
literally anything that can capitalize on our mutual pining the love is requited they're both just idiots brand of slow burn. fans would love putting us in Situations that play on that — lots of almost-kiss fics and fics where there was only one bed. there's also at least 12 different versions of phoenix and i both having our Oh. moment.
post-trilogy, i imagine more angsty tropes would start popping up — stuff like it's always been you or you're so different but i still love you and stuff similar — but also ones that play on how painfully domestic we are. there's something for everyone with us.
💘: why would people love your ship? why would people dislike your ship? how might it start debates?
i like to think that both the fans of my ship and the phoenix/edgeworth fans would be able to coexist peacefully on the grounds that both myself and edgeworth are important people in phoenix's life and, regardless of if it's romantic or platonic, he loves us both. however. i can fully imagine that there would be debates about which one is more "canon" or which one "should have been canon."
a lot of the dislike would simply be because people prefer the alternative, though some of it would be because my ship is "boring" or because they just find edgeworth to be more compelling than my insert. alternatively, the love for my ship comes from watching mine and phoenix's relationship grow and evolve over time, with us starting as tentative coworkers, to friends, to eventual spouses. it's about the bond that's been tested and strengthened through countless hardships; the unwavering faith; the fact that it's never once broken over the course of a decade.
🙈: why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? why would your ship be considered problematic?
we're considered cute and fluffy because have you seen us. even before we actually started dating, we acted like a married couple to the point that it's baffling neither of us acted on or realized what was going on sooner. beyond us functioning as a well-oiled machine in court, we're also painfully domestic — which only gets worse once we're, y'know, actually married. there's definitely tons of posts of screenshots where one or both of us reference bringing the other food, calling each other to make sure we're awake for trial, my insert picking him up and driving him to the courthouse — stuff like that.
as for being problematic... i guess the main point towards our relationship being "problematic" would be that stretch of time between AA3 and AA4 where phoenix didn't contact my insert for seven years, thus leaving her completely in the dark about what happened. other moments that i can see being brought up are how my insert handles her jealousy in bridge to turnabout (isolating herself and ignoring phoenix, albeit only for a very short while) and the moment in turnabout revolution where, because phoenix decided to not tell my insert what was going on with maya, they got into a back-and-forth that resulted in her deciding to stand with apollo in court as opposed to him.
💌: how would your dynamic be portrayed? what might people focus on most? any misconceptions?
power couple for sure — that's the main way we'd be portrayed, both in fics where we're still pining and fics where we're actively in a relationship. we'd also definitely be portrayed as oblivious idiots who can't tell they're in love with each other because that's... sort of what we were.
the latter, i feel, is one that would get misconstrued, mostly by way of overstating how oblivious phoenix is. conversely, i think my insert's denial of her feelings (whether externally or otherwise) would also get played up to a degree that borders on out of character.
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mclqren · 29 days
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!younger sister!reader ; f1 grid x fem!leclerc!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you're the younger sister of charles leclerc, and your relationship with the rest of the f1 grid has the internet going crazy [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing, use of the word 'slut'
NOTES ✦ let's pretend the dog i used looks relatively like leo!! reader is 22 years old, and the youngest leclerc sibling. the fc i've used is lexi jayde, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are closed. i acc love writing for this series no joke.
SERIES ✦ the leclerc chronicles masterlist ; previous part ; next part
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 745,109 others
tagged alexandrasaintmleux
yourusername to summarise: these sunglasses were the best investment, i am THE GOAT at bowling, and im planning on stealing alex from my brother. 😘
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user3 how are you not jet lagged rn
yourusername believe me i am (can't wait for japan though!)
user4 so like does she work orrrr
user5 she's an influencer babe?
charles_leclerc that's my girlfriend??
yourusername not anymoreee!!
alexandrasaintmleux im sorry baby, i didnt want you to find out this way 😔
charles_leclerc this isn't fair ☹️☹️
yourusername boo hoo life's not fair mate get over it
landonorris pretty sure i beat you at bowling though???
oscarpiastri so did i??
yourusername listen yeah the australian bowling lanes are a bit wonky so that's why i lost. otherwise i would've owned BOTH OF YOU
lilyzneimer i beat y/n too but i love her too much to be rude to her 🩷
yourusername this is why ur my favorite lily, instead of ur rat of a boyfriend & his teammate
landonorris im sorry?
yourusername BOO MCLAREN 👎👎 FORZA FERRARI ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc you are awful at bowling y/n but FORZA FERRARI ❤️
maxverstappen1 the one thing you could probably beat me at ☹️
yourusername get used to it verstappen 😘 LECLERC 🔛🔝
maxverstappen1 yeah but who's won 3 f1 championships 🤔
yourusername watch yeah put me in a racecar and you're officially done mr verstappen ‼️
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 801,333 others
yourusername ticked another city off the bucket list today! 愛してるよ東京 🩷 ( i love you tokyo )
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user7 seeing y/n in japan makes me so happy idk
user8 she's living her best life fr!!
charles_leclerc the second photo was taken moments before disaster 😘
georgerussell63 WHAT HAPPENED
yourusername charles marc hervé perceval leclerc don't you dare.
charles_leclerc she dropped her sandwich in the koi pond and they all ate it 🤷‍♂️
georgerussell63 that's not THAT bad y/n but also your name is so long charles??
charles_leclerc tell me about it ☹️
yukitsunoda loved getting sushi with you y/n!!
yourusername YUKIII WE NEED TO DO IT AGAIN i swear you know all the best spots
landonorris sushi 🤮
yourusername mr norris you have the palate of a five year old boy now shut up before i remove your ipad privileges ❤️
logansargeant third pic goes harddd wonder who took it 😍
yourusername thanks logie much appreciated babes 💋💋
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 856,210 others
tagged charles_leclerc, pierregasly
yourusername last slide is very much true, coming from a very credible source (me). loved being in japan this week, すぐに戻ってきます ❤️ ( i'll be back soon )
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user9 sometimes i forget that y/n is monegasque as well
user10 NO REAL
user12 the last slide HELPPP
user13 everyone say THANK YOU Y/N for the charles crumbs
charles_leclerc the last slide y/n 🤣
yourusername @/pierregasly my favorite bromance 👊
pierregasly thanks for the love y/n 🤣❤️
landonorris photo credits? 📷☹️
yourusername not needed after the little stint you pulled today ☝️
oscarpiastri lets normalise giving context 😊😊😊
yourusername someone (naming no names) CHEATED at uno.
oscarpiastri yeah...the no photo creds was deserved
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( caption one: ferrari girls on film 🏎️ + tags | caption two: to all the haters saying i can't bowl, guess who just fucking won!! @/charles_leclerc you are a WEAK opponent 👎 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 799,012 others
tagged charles_leclerc, lec
yourusername i hereby declare that this ice cream brand is officially y/n certified (coming from ice cream's no.1 fan). now go support my brother or wtv 🍦😜
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user16 my fav siblings ever 🫶🫶
charles_leclerc thanks for the free advertisement y/n 😊😊
yourusername you're welcome cha!! (i'll act like you didn't ask me to do this 😊)
charles_leclerc shhh y/n that's meant to be a secret!
yourusername whoops?? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
landonorris if you advertise my quadrant merch in the future i'll give you a papaya paddock pass? 👐👐
yourusername unfortunately y/n leclerc's services extend to that of her immediate family only. if you have any issues with the above, don't message me about them!
landonorris why are you speaking like someone else y/n
yourusername so i sound more fancy
alexandrasaintmleux something delicious is in this post and it's not the ice cream 🤤
yourusername MY WIFE 😘😘
charles_leclerc not the public flirting AND being rude about my ice cream ☹️☹️
yourusername hahahaha sucks to be you rn 🫵
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and 901,221 others
yourusername "i've only had leo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself"
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user21 auntie y/n babysitting omg 🥺🥺
yourusername stop it rn auntie makes me sound so old 😔😔
charles_leclerc my baby 🥺
yourusername im planning on stealing him from you at some point 😘
charles_leclerc im sorry?? first my girlfriend now my dog??
yourusername stay on high alert charles nothing is safe around me 🚨🚨
lilymhe cutie 😉😉
yourusername YOUUUU!!
alex_albon the dog's cuter
yourusername 'the dog' has a NAME albon, and you're just jealous your girlfriend prefers me to you!
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 822,122 others
yourusername 上海之夜 🌃 ( shanghai nights )
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user24 does she go to every race?
user25 she said on an interview once that she tries to attend every race & flies with her brother (& sometimes his girlfriend alex) whenever she does go to them! she couldn't make jeddah this year because she had other commitments at the time, but she tries to go to most of them!
charles_leclerc y/n i don't recognise that second pic? 🤔🤔
yourusername charles calm down it's literally a friend
charles_leclerc why not tag him then??
yourusername as a nice FRIEND, i actually value his life so im trying to save him from you, arthur and lorenzo ❤️
lance_stroll I MISS YOU
lance_stroll this is marilou by the way ive lost my own phone 😔
yourusername MARILOUUU MY ANGELLL I LOVE YOU!! leave ur boyfriend for me
lance_stroll y/n im back what is this.
yourusername idc about you tell marilou to come over
iamrebeccad in awe of you forever 🤩
yourusername love you becca ❤️
imessages ( y/n )
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( caption: pov - mr world champion x3 gets his phone robbed by a 22 year old girl who enjoys harassing people on the daily 😘 [...] @/yourusername FOLLOW ME NOWWWW (please) )
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( caption: me when max asks me why i stole his phone, promoted my instagram account and then left [...] @/maxverstappen1 sorry about that 😬💗 )
imessages ( y/n )
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 800,100 others
yourusername cali this week, miami next ✈️
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user28 i swear i'd sell my soul to live your life y/n
user29 she's actually stunninggg
user31 hottest leclerc (real)
georgerussell63 you after stalking me and carmen to california??
landonorris SORRY?
yourusername okay guys lets clear up the rumours!! 😁😁 i actually got invited to an EVENT in california, and george and carmen happened to be there, so like yes, i have been with them but i did NOTTT stalk them guys im not about that lifestyle
georgerussell63 yeah but like how do i know you're not watching me while i sleep 🤔
yourusername that's the whole beauty of it, you'll never EVER know 😁
carmenmmundt come over please george is annoying me
yourusername omw bbg 😘😘
georgerussell63 betrayal 101
alexandrasaintmleux missing you rn 😔😔
charles_leclerc you're literally with me right now??
alexandrasaintmleux yeah and im missing your sister??
yourusername I LOVE YOU ALEX im seeing you soon trust
logansargeant come to miami quicker you promised i could show you all the best spots :(
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( caption: i let y/n in my house and the first thing she does is pull out her diary to document our day [...] @/yourusername least you could do is say "thanks for letting me in" ☹️ )
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 835,100 others
tagged logansargeant
yourusername bro said "i know a spot" and took me to a lake.
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user33 that's so logan i actually cant HELP
user34 the second pic 🤣
user35 y/n after third wheeling:
charles_leclerc so this is why you wouldn't go on a walk with me
yourusername maybe i shouldve gone on that walk idk, logan is a bit of a reckless boat driver
logansargeant IM NOT??
yourusername logan babe, we were coming up to a rock and you shouted 'land ahoy', i have reason to be scared ❤️
yourusername 'pardon me' aren't we getting posh!
logansargeant dont lie you had a great time
yourusername define "great time"...because i sat there and sunbathed for like three hours while you caught a couple of 'beauties'
logansargeant and then you ate one of those beauties for dinner??
yourusername best part of the entire thing your mom makes a mean fish yum yum 😋😋
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 900,221 others
tagged landonorris, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1
yourusername LANDO NOWINS BRCOMES LANDO WIQH WINSSSS 😁😁🏆🏆 so hqppy for you rihht now, and for max & charles and their podium!! ❤️
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user37 reason no.1209212 as to why y/n is the best:
user39 the way she's so proud of him and her brother 🥺🥺
user40 and max!!
landonorris couldn't have a post without charles and max featuring huh 😔
yourusername unfortunately charles IS my brother, and max IS my friend as well, so im legally obliged to celebrate with both of them too
landonorris yeah but...my first win ☹️
yourusername next win trust i'll dedicate an entire post to you babes ❤️
charles_leclerc the spelling y/n 🤣🤣
maxverstappen1 BLAME ME HUH
yourusername YOU GOT ME DRUNK MATE
charles_leclerc absolutely shocking behaviour from a world champion
yourusername RIGHT??
maxverstappen1 how come i never get these sort of posts when i win
yourusername would you like one next time maxie?? 😁
maxverstappen1 please 😔
yourusername watch its coming 🔥🔥🔥
TAGS ✦ @willowpains ; @landossainz ; @charlesgirl16 ; @mellowarcadefun ; @bearryyyy ; [ respond under this post OR the main page for this series to be added to the taglist for 'the leclerc chronicles'! ]
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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book asks 1 and 17 📖
1. How many books did you read this year?
24 (i think) fiction books, idk about nonfiction books...
but probably around 30 books in total? plus a bunch of short stories & one-act plays
17. Top five books of the year
i am including short stories here btw👍 these aren't really in a particular order:
vivian grey by benjamin disraeli
“the cone” by hg wells
chicago by maurine dallas watkins
the cherry orchard by anton chekhov
“the vane sisters” by vladimir nabokov
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bedsyandco · 3 months
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✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 … fem!reader x lando norris
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 … just everyone thinking lando and his bsf (you!!) should date. there’s no real time frame for this. it’s all over the place. just little snippets. I don’t really know what I wanted to do with this tbh😭
✰ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 … no warnings!!
✰ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 … my first time making content for lando!! I think the friends to lovers trope fits him so well!! I hope you like it!! this is beyond silly so obviously don’t take it too seriously!!
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liked by danielricciardo, georgerussel and others.
lando.jpg: she’s already on here all the time🙄 but this is a very special lando.jpg post because it’s someone’s birthday! not gonna get all sappy on you but @.yourusername is the most beautiful, genuine, kindest, funniest, emphatic, caring, loving, rizziest (she forced me to add that last part) person that you’ll ever meet and I’m beyond lucky that I get to call her my bestfriend. Love you forever and a day sunshine. happy birthday!❤️
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landoluvr4: actually gonna go jump off a bridge. this is too much for me
yourusername: the best bestfriend a girl could ask for. love you to bits my lan. 🩷
lilymhe: y/n can rizz me up any day😏🥰
⤷ user44: lily you are so real for this😭
⤷ yourusername: already rizzed you up. you’re my wife 💍💋
⤷ landonorris: @.alexalbon come collect your menace
⤷ yourusername: hey now! don’t talk about my girl like that!
⤷ alexalbon: what she said
maxfewtrell: so am I getting a birthday post dedicated to me or what?
⤷ landonorris: sorry mate there’s only place for one best friend on the .jpg
⤷ maxfewtrell: oh? I see how it is 😔
⤷ landonorris: relax mate. I said on the jpg. you know I have to post my main babes on the main account😘
⤷ yourusername: oh? I see how it is 😔
⤷ landonorris: you can never win in this economy 🧍🏻
user64: when are these two gonna get together
⤷ love4lando: no fr. they have so much chemistry, there’s no way there’s not tension between them
⤷ user70: a guy and a girl can be just friends you guys do know that right?
⤷ love4lando: a guy and a girl? sure. not these two though
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liked by maxverstappen, oscarpiastri, and others.
yourusername: race weekend recap. my boy did good🧡
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landonorris: you look good in everything, but especially orange😩
⤷ user34: he’s so down bad it’s insane
⤷ landoluvrr: lando thirsting for y/n on main. what’s new
landonorris: my biggest fan😌
⤷ yourusername: always🥰
user99: you know lando was giggling, blushing and kicking his feet over the “my boy” part
⤷ carlossainz: he was
⤷ oscarpiastri: he screenshotted it, printed it and glued it on his wall
⤷ landonorris: this is why max is my favourite
landofan4: my boyFRIEND. think you missed the rest of the word there
user14: y/n in the paddock again🥺. you love to see it. wish she could come to every race :(
⤷ landonorris: ditto 😔
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liked by lewishamilton, charlesleclerc, and others.
landonorris: ❤️
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user46: please tell me this means what I think it means
user29: I could die of cuteness. they’re so adorable
user64: literally 99% of my problems would be solved if this is them hard launching.
carlossainz: cuuute😍
yourusername: ❤️
⤷ landoluvrr: y/n please confirm it for us 😩
yourusername: I love my BF so much🥰
⤷ landonorris: you should. I’m pretty great😌
⤷ oscarpiastri: humble too😉
maxverstappen: fucking finally. took you two long enough
⤷ user21: haha max is all of us rn😭
867 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. fluff. tiny bit of angst. mafia au. warnings. descriptions of a stab wound. blood. knives and guns. some profanity. kissing. they kinda argue but very mildly. i researched a little on how to treat wounds but pls don't expect it to be too accurate 😭. pairing. fiancé!jeno x reader. wc. 1.5k. request. no. a/n. so ever since the concept trailers this jeno has been the only thing on my mind I swear 😔 and nursing trope is one of my fav tropes ever so I joined the two together and was very delulu 👍
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“Again?” You asked, less than happy at the sight of the tall man who stood against the doorframe, one hand clutching his side painfully. Lee Jeno always disappeared without warning on another mission only to return, usually injured, for you to patch him up. You had urged him to hire an actual medic for the job, but he refused, saying he didn’t trust anyone but you to get that close to him. That was a few years back when the occasions for it were still rare. You were alarmed at how often he seemed to be going out, and returning with increasingly worse injuries.
Your knowledge and skill with patching up wounds— dagger wounds, bruises and scrapes from physical altercations, hell, even gunshot wounds— was a lot better than years ago. You were confident in your ability to get your fiancé back to health, but you weren’t pleased with how often you had to. No matter how much you pleaded with him to let his body rest, he would more often than not, be out again just hours after you had tended to his bleeding body.
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled out. You would have been shocked by how hoarse his voice had become if this was the first time, but you were all too used to it. Your heart still clenched painfully seeing him in that state.
He could barely walk, blood dripping a little from where his hand pressed tightly to his left side, his face scrunched in pain as laboured irregular breaths left his mouth. 
“Come here. Sit down. Tell me what happened.” You said quietly, already having gotten out the box of medical supplies. You were ready with the bottle of saline already, but it wasn’t anywhere near the top of Jeno’s worries. From the tone of your voice, he could tell you were mad at him. Or maybe it was mostly disappointment? A touch of worry, perhaps.
He made his way towards you, carefully limping towards the bed until he could gently lower himself onto it with his weight supported by the bedframe. He sat still as you gently took off his shirt, eyes assessing the dark red spot that stained the side of his stomach and up his ribcage. You glanced up to his face, and he met your eyes for half a second with a slow breath out.
“Knife. It’s not that deep, I stopped their hand before they could push it in very far.” He whispered, and then shut his eyes tightly when you dabbed a little at the wound with a soft wet cloth soaked in saline.
“Are you staying for long?” You asked, guarding your heart for what his answer would be. You loved Jeno— you loved him more than anything, and you tried to be as selfless as you could regarding him and his job. You never put up a fuss about having to patch him up, and you only ever gently tried to persuade him to be more careful. But it was hard, really hard. You couldn’t help but be hopeful that he might be able to stay for a bit longer with you. You hated how you only seemed to be seeing him to treat his wounds for the past month.
But it only reminded you of how he was by far the most selfless person you knew. 
Countless threats had always been looking for Jeno’s weakness. And you happened to be the most vital one. You were unspeakably precious to him, and unfortunately, his rivals knew that. Of course, he did everything he could to protect you. You trusted him with your life. There was no one else who you would ever trust as much as him. And he had never lost your trust. You had never even had a scratch delivered to you. But the tradeoff of the protection that Jeno made sure you had was his own life being put at risk almost every day.
Every cut, stab, or bruise that littered his fair skin were marks of how determined he was to keep you safe. The least you could do was treat his body in return with your gentle hands, wiping away the blood, wrapping the wounds carefully, and stitching them up when needed.
Jeno answered your question with only a silent nod yes. Although relief filled your body that he wouldn’t be out again immediately, you still focused on the more important task at hand. You could enjoy his company once he wasn’t bleeding.
“Are they still after you?” You rummaged around in the box for the antibiotic ointment, dabbing a bit on your finger before leaning closer to apply it. “This’ll sting.” You muttered as a warning before dabbing the wound as carefully as you could. Jeno tensed up, his fingers bunching up the sheet of the bed as he did his best to stay still.
“Talk to me. It’ll help distract you.” You told him, pausing your application of the antibiotics to rest a hand on his shoulder, providing a small bit of comfort.
“They’re… They’re after you, not me. You know that.” He whispered out as you continued to treat the wound. “They can’t take me by themselves— they’d be fucking stupid to try. I made sure that they won’t bother us for at least a month. I’ll have to talk to Renjun and Donghyuck about our next course of action.” You hummed in understanding, grabbing the roll of gauze next. 
“You need to rest your body, Jeno.” You said quietly. You could tell he was about to protest, so you interrupted quickly, “Doctor’s orders. Don’t pull anymore dumb shit.”
“It’s not dumb shit. It’s to protect you.” He argued back, clenching his jaw.
You sighed, starting to wrap the white cloth around his waist, “I know. But you said yourself that you have a month. At least for a week of that month, you need to rest and recover.” 
Your fiancé seemed unsettled at the thought of a whole week of rest; a week of letting his guard down. It was almost unheard of for him. He knew from experience that as soon as he let himself relax, something unexpected would happen. But maybe you were right. Maybe a week of rest is what he needed.
You secured the wrap tightly, and mumbled out how you were all done. Jeno just stared at you while you cleaned up, soaking up the face he hadn’t gotten a chance to study for the past month. He felt incredibly guilty for how often he had been gone, and even more so for how often he had let you see him like this. He knew you hated it, but you never complained. He didn’t deserve you.
“I love you.” He spoke suddenly, interrupting the cold silence of the room. You shut the metal drawer slowly, back still turned to him as you let a small smile grow on your face. You hadn’t heard those words from him in a while. You turned back to sit down next to him again, your eyes staring into his.
“Won’t you say it back?” He whispered, reaching for your hand; your left hand, the one that adorned that diamond ring he had given you months prior. You let him pull you closer as his right hand enclosed over your left. His fingers felt a bit rough, but they were warm and comfortable. With his left hand on the back of your neck, he gently guided you forward until his lips closed over yours.
You could just barely taste the metallicness of blood from the slight cut to his bottom lip. But you didn’t focus on it, too absorbed in the gentleness of his kiss and how perfectly his lips felt against yours even after years had passed. He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed as he caught his breath. 
You pecked his lips again, “I love you too. Always.”
He visibly relaxed at your words and dropped his head to your shoulder. You sighed, threading your fingers through the hair at the bottom of his neck, holding him closely. He shuddered quietly, and you frowned.
“Cold?” Your hand ran up and down his back slowly, feeling goosebumps rise from the chill. You traced one of the many scars that marked him, stopping at the dip of his scapula and muscle. You reached behind your back, feeling around along the mattress for a blanket. You caught hold of it and gently draped it around Jeno. 
You smiled fondly at the way he nestled his head a little closer to the crook of your neck. From his breath, you figured he was already almost asleep. You didn’t want to disturb his sleep, but you knew the position would quickly get uncomfortable, so you shifted his head down to your chest and laid back until you hit the mattress. He didn’t protest at all, but shifted into a comfortable spot in his half-asleep state. With his head on your chest, his arm around your waist, and his legs tangled with yours, you found the new position to be much more promising for getting good sleep.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and made sure the blanket covered his body before you closed your eyes as well.
↳ nct dream taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,,
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evanpeterswhoresblog · 2 months
i'm soooo glad you're back!!! love your writting so much, was thinking about some ghostface¡ tate or shit yk...like everyone who flirts with reader end murdered
i’m sorry this took me so long to do 😔 but i sorta did my own twist on this request, hope you don’t mind… i love it… anyway… :)
Tate Langdon x f!reader
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warnings: murder, smut, stalking, obsession, very toxic, manipulation, very minor talk of drug use… virgins, yeah idk what else it’s just stalker tate being crazy for you
summary: tate’s loved you since the first moment you met, and he would do anything to be with you… anything…
word count: 4.4
You stare at the boy in front of you, a mix of emotions stirring inside you. He’s your age still, you aren’t too surprised at that. You’re more surprised at the fact that he’s in front of you. It’s been so long since the last time you saw him. You remember the pain, the pure fear that paralyzed your body the last time the two of you had an encounter. It still makes you uneasy.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, your voice weak.
He shrugs. “It’s Halloween.”
“There’s been plenty of Halloweens Tate and this is the first time I’ve seen you here. What do you want?” You reply in a harsher tone than.
Tate shrugs again and starts to play with the sleeves of his sweater. You can’t believe this is real. You want to close your eyes and pretend this is all a sick dream, though you haven’t slept in years. After a few seconds, you cross your arms over your chest and take a deep breath. This isn’t going to be easy.
“Tate the fact you even have the balls to try to find me is crazy, what happened? Did you suddenly feel some sense of guilt? Are you finally sorry for what you did to me? I don’t even care if you are sorry, I don’t care about anything except the one question I’ve wondered since the night it happened,” you say.
“What question?” He responds.
“Why?” Your eyes start to burn. “Why did you kill me?”
Tate had never seen any girl as beautiful as you. Never. Not in a movie, not in a magazine, nothing. From the first time he saw you in kindergarten, he knew there was something special about you. Of course, he didn’t know it would grow into what it did until middle school when his hormones took over. His feelings for you quickly transitioned from a pure crush to a sick obsession. And the best and worst part of it all was that you had no idea.
You never really spoke to him. He was out of your league. You were popular, but not braindead popular like the people you surrounded yourself with. Tate had seen you in some of your classes. You were smart, you got the best grades in those classes. You had plans for yourself after high school, unlike your friends. That knowledge only made him admire you more.
The problems began when you started going out with one of the popular boys in your group, David. He was awful for you; Tate didn’t understand why you chose to have such a relationship with someone like that. He’d watch how David would wrap his arms around you in the hallways, leave small kisses on your cheeks, and whisper words in your ears that made your face turn bright red. It made him furious.
What did David have that he didn’t? Why was he so special? Tate knew he could give you more than David ever could. So, why were you with him?
Tate quickly became blinded by rage and jealousy.
At night he’d lie awake, the knowledge that you might’ve been out there opening your legs for another boy making him sick. That’s when the fantasies began. He imagined killing David. How would he do it? Where? In what way would leave the least amount of blood on his clothes? The image of his mutilated body consumed Tate’s thoughts. He liked it.
It was around that time that he had found the mask.
It was a strange mask he found in the basement. It had a long white face with black holes for the eyes and a long mouth. He wondered which resident of his house had left it there for him. He didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t care. All he knew from the second his eyes fell upon that mask was that bad things were going to happen.
He started going out at night and driving by David’s house. The mask he wore gave him a sense of power he never knew he could feel. At first, it was innocent. He’d simply drive down the other boy's road and look through his window for a few minutes before leaving. But all it took was one second of seeing you inside to blow the whole thing up. He was livid, seeing red. He decided he needed to bring his fantasies to life and get rid of David for good.
Halloween was when the opportunity to kill David became undeniable. By that point, Tate had been stalking the two of you for a month so he knew the basics. Which room was Davids, how to get into his house, and where his parents were most likely going to be. He had it all planned out. So, on Halloween night he put on the mask along with black robes that covered his entire body and ventured to the other boy's house, ready to kill.
He brought a knife, and when the time was just right, he snuck in through one of David’s open windows and started his game. He crept through the empty house, not making a sound. Getting to David’s room only took him a few minutes and what he heard from outside the door made him not regret his choice at all.
“Yeah, I know, listen she’s so close to finally giving it up to me and that’s what I’ve been working for this whole time. Once it happens, I’ll dump her, easy,” David spoke into his phone. His voice was cocky. It made Tate clench his jaw in frustration.
“Because dude, do you know how many girls from school I’ve already got under my belt? Y/N is just gonna be a name on my list. Yeah, whatever, I gotta go anyway I need to shower for the party, maybe I’ll get lucky, and she’ll drink too much. Okay bye.”
Before David could even get up from his chair, Tate kicked the door down and stormed in, too overpowered by his rage to think about anything but slitting the other boy's throat. He pounced on him, stabbing the knife into any part of his body he could reach. David screamed, but Tate quickly silenced him by shoving the knife down his throat. He felt empowered, he felt thrilled at the sight of his dead peer. It was amazing.
Tate didn’t waste much time gawking over his achievement, however. Once he was sure David was dead, he quickly pulled the knife out of the boy and fled out the window and back to his car. As he drove through the small neighborhoods of your guys' town, he wondered how big the news would be. Would you cry? He hoped you wouldn’t. Not over that asshole. You would move on, and Tate would wait however long it took.
The news of David’s death spread faster than wildfire and consumed Westfield High’s drama for weeks. Out of all the kids in the school, you took his death hardest. Seeing you so depressed almost made Tate regret his actions. He couldn’t bear seeing you tear up in class or show up to school two periods late. You weren’t like that.
However, as the days turned into weeks, you started to appear healthier and happier, and soon enough you were back to your normal self. Tate was glad, you were always so much prettier when you paid attention in class. He decided it was time for the second part of his plan to finally act. Though he was incredibly nervous, he knew it was then or never. He couldn’t risk you getting a new boyfriend that he’d have to kill again.
So, one day, he followed you into the library when the two of you coincidently had a study hall during the same period. His heart was beating so loud he could hear it in his ears. There you were. sitting at one of the tables alone studying, and he was going to speak to you. He’d thought up conversation starters all morning along with taking a few extra hits off his bong to help with the anxiety.
He shook the nervous thoughts from his head and grabbed his notebook from his backpack before walking in your direction. Your head was down, your hand moved aggressively across the paper as you wrote your notes. Tate stood at the other side of the table for a few seconds simply admiring you. His hands were shaky, his breathing uneasy. God, you made him lose his composure by existing. It was excruciating.
After he was done staring, he spoke, his voice quiet. “Hey y/n, do you mind maybe helping me with some of that psych homework?”
Your head shot up, your eyes instantly meeting his. He swore he couldn’t breathe. You, y/n, were looking at him on purpose. At that moment he didn’t care about what you were going to say, he didn’t care if you completely rejected him. All he cared about was how good it felt to have your eyes on him. Such innocent, loving eyes.
“Oh, yeah of course Tate that’s actually what I’m working on right now. Just sit, we can do it together. Unless you’re like super behind,” you answered.
“Are- Are you sure?” He couldn’t help the uncertainty. Did you really say yes to him?
“Yeah... should I not be?” You replied with a smile.
“No- sorry.” He sat down across from you. He could smell your perfume; he’d never been this close to you. “I just wasn’t sure if you even knew who I was.”
You chuckled. “How could I not know who you are? We’ve literally been in the same school system together since kindergarten.”
“I don’t know. You’re you know popular and stuff,” he said as he opened his notebook.
“Not really, besides even if I was that wouldn’t automatically make me forget anyone. But anyway, you can use my notes in a second, I’m almost done with the page,” you responded. You looked back down at your work and started writing again.
Tate nodded despite you not paying attention and watched as you wrote. He felt like that whole conversation was another one of his daydreams about you. Was he really sitting across from you? Or was it another mid-class nap? He cracked his knuckles to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and thankfully, he wasn’t. It was all real life.
“Sorry if this comes out as creepy, but I feel like I haven’t seen you around in a while. I mean, when was the last time we even spoke?” You suddenly spoke, your eyes back on his.
“I guess you weren’t looking hard enough to see me,” he said with a shrug. All his confidence was a facade because on the inside he was losing his mind.
He noticed the way your cheeks slightly turned pink before you replied. “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t. But I should have been.”
He knew deep down you were going to be his for so long, but at that point, he knew he had already achieved his goal. You were his.
“What is this place?” You asked as you clutched your cardigan around your body.
Tate smiled and grabbed both of your hands in his. “I told you it’s a surprise. Patience is a virtue.”
“I have patience, but I also have a lower body temperature than usual and it’s bothering me so I would really appreciate it if you’d just take me to the surprise already,” you said, a small smile forming on your lips.
“It’s seventy degrees.”
“Yeah, but it’s also windy at the beach and it’s probably colder than seventy because of the ocean’s temperature.”
Tate sighed and leaned his head down to press a small kiss on your lips, a feeling he still hadn’t gotten over. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Terrible, naughty things I hope,” you replied, kissing him again. “But please lead me to your special surprise beach spot.”
Though he wanted to stand there and kiss you all night, Tate obeyed your request and began to lead you further down the beach. It had been a few months since the two of you started talking, and to say it progressed would be an understatement. Tate had truly underestimated how easy it would be to capture your attention. All you wanted was a sweet, caring, genuine boy and he could be all those things easily.
So, after a month of being friends, he asked you out and you said yes. The relationship grew deeper with each day, and it didn’t disappoint him one bit. He loved everything about you. The way you’d lie on your bed with him and talk for hours, the way you’d make your relationship with him public by holding his hand in the halls, and most importantly the way you never expected or wanted him to change to fit in with your friends. You liked him for who he was, and it melted his heart.
It was your three-month anniversary, and Tate wanted to make it special. Even though he knew before the two of you got together that you were a virgin, he didn’t know to what extent you were. He quickly became aware you had done most things already, just not full sex. At first, he was annoyed at the fact that you weren’t completely his because he had never done anything with a girl before you. But after the first night, you went down on him, he wasn’t that upset anymore.
On this night he planned to take the next step with you. He had it all set up. The blankets, the lights, all of it. As the sight of his setup came into view, he watched your face light up. You squeezed his hand and grinned up at him.
“Is this really for me?” You asked.
“Yeah, do you like it?” He replied.
You nodded and sped up to reach it, dragging him with you. Once you made it you dropped down to sit on the blanket, urging Tate to do the same. “This is so cool. You’re the first boy to ever do something like this for me. I love it.”
“I’m glad, I know how you like sentimental things,” he said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “And I’ve been wanting to show you this spot for a while. I used to come here a lot as a kid and watch the waves with my dad... before he left. I wanted to make it special with you because you’re not like my dad. Right?”
“No, I’m not. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you like that. I lo- I like you Tate, a lot.”
Tate only stared into your eyes, his heart beating faster than it ever had in his life. You almost said you loved him. He knew then that night was going to be the night you finally gave yourself to him. Something in your eyes made him certain. Your eyes were dark. You stared up at him as if he were the only boy in the world. There was a feeling in the air, one of lust and fear.
“I’ll never want to hurt you either,” he mumbled after a few seconds. “I doubt I ever could.”
You gave him a small smile and placed one of your hands on his cheek. You caressed the skin with your thumb as you slowly started to lean your face toward his. He accepted your lips on him, kissing back instantly. It was the moment he’d been working up to for years. He was finally going to lose his virginity to you, and you to him. Nothing would ever compare.
The sound of Nirvana mixed with skin slapping filled Tate’s room. He couldn’t help the moan that left his lips when he looked down at you. Your back was arched so perfectly, your waist looked impossibly small, and your ass looked incredibly big. The side of your face was smushed against one of Tate’s pillows. You were so red, so loud you had to bite your hand to spare the whole house from hearing. Tate took in a deep breath and slapped your ass, his thrusts not faltering for even a second.
“Fuck baby, you look so pretty right now. You take me so well,” he whispered. He wrapped some of your hair around his hand and yanked you up, making you practically scream. “Yeah, you like that. You like being manhandled y/n?”
You let out another moan but didn’t reply. Tate slapped your ass again and threw you back down to the mattress. He leaned over you, your sweaty body feeling perfect against his. He was close to finishing. He’d already made you cum a few times that day, so he wasn’t too concerned about where you were. All he was concerned about was getting closer to you before he came.
“I love controlling you, you’re so helpless. Fuck I’m so close,” he mumbled in your ear. “You’re mine, all fucking mine forever. I’ll kill anyone who even tries to take you away from me.”
You made a noise and Tate couldn’t hold back any longer. He came inside you, his cock pulsing heavily. You groaned; his cock was hitting your cervix too hard it hurt. He waited a minute or so before finally pulling out and moving to the spot next to you on the bed. He’d never felt anything as amazing as having sex with you. He was breathless.
He was so caught up in his thoughts about what just happened that he didn’t notice your sad expression. When he eventually looked at you, he saw your frown. Immediately he turned to his side and faced you, reaching out one of his hands to brush a few of your hairs behind your ear.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you replied.
“It doesn’t look like nothing you look sad; you can tell me whatever it is.”
You sighed and turned your head to meet his gaze. “Why do you like hurting me? Like during sex and stuff. You’re always so rough and I don’t know you’re really mean and sometimes the stuff you say is… scary.”
“How is it scary?” He laughed.
“You said you’d kill anyone who would try to take me away from you,” you said.
“Yeah, I would. I swear I’ve said this shit to you before. I would do anything for you, or to keep you,” he responded.
“Don’t joke about that Tate, you know I’m scared of killers because of what happened.”
“Oh, so this is about David? Why are you even thinking about him y/n he’s been dead for months. Do you miss him, or something is that it?” He questioned; his tone harsher than before.
You scoffed and sat up. “You’re seriously making this about me missing David?”
“Well, is that what this is about?”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered before you stood up and started to get dressed.
“Oh, my fucking God y/n I’m sorry for whatever I said wrong while we were fucking. Can we just move on already? I don’t see what the big deal is,” he snapped.
“No, we can’t just move on. You scare me sometimes Tate like genuinely. I know you mean it all in a sweet way but it’s weird. I love you but you don’t hear me saying I’d kill people if they talked to you or looked at you a certain way. That’s not normal.”
Tate sat up. “I wish you would say those things. I wish you loved me as much as I love you. I’d do anything you ask; I would shoot up the fucking school if you wanted me to.”
You looked at him, he could see the terror and fear in your eyes. “Are you serious?”
“Of course, I am. I don’t get why you’re acting so scared. I’d never hurt you I don’t even think I could if I wanted to, you mean more to me than any person alive or dead,” he answered.
“You’re sick,” you mumbled. You grabbed your bag and walked to the door. “I think we need some time apart; you aren’t sane.”
His heart practically stopped. “What?”
“We need to stop seeing each other for a little while, I can’t take this insane shit Tate. I’m sorry. You know I love you, but I need you to get some help before I can be with you.”
Before Tate could reply, you left. All he could do was stare at the door, a million thoughts roaming his head. Did you really just break up with him? Was that it? Did you just throw away everything the two of you had because you felt his love was too strong? It didn’t feel real.
As the night progressed, he tried to call you, dozens of times. But each call was either declined or rang out. His anxiety grew with each ring of the phone. Why weren’t you replying? Who were you seeing? Did he really mean so little to you that you could leave so easily? His mind spun with scenarios, each one worse than the last. By the end of the night, he had convinced himself you were cheating on him, and the following days only worsened his state of madness.
You ignored him completely in school. Every time he tried to talk to you, you either turned away or walked away completely. It hurt him terribly. He couldn’t understand what had changed so fast. He chased you around the halls for days, trying his hardest to get your attention. But it never worked. And so, his love for you began to fade into an awful rage.
He couldn’t let you just walk away from everything the two of you shared. You were his. Only his. He couldn’t let you leave him, not like his dad. He hadn’t spent his entire life chasing you just to end up losing you. No. So, he began to formulate a plan. He’d leave you alone for a few days then calmly ask you to meet him at the beach, in the special spot he once made for you.
He wasn’t surprised that his plan worked. You were predictable.
When the night came, he made sure he was prepared. He snorted a line, packed his bag full of your favorite things, and set off. As he walked down the beach, he made sure the knife he hid was secure in his pocket. It was smaller than the one he’d used on David, but it would do the job just as efficiently.
You arrived a few minutes after him, a sad expression on your pretty face. He fought the urge to run to you with open arms.
“Thank you for coming,” he said. Only a few feet separated your bodies, he wished he could close it. But he needed to be patient.
You took a deep breath, you looked nervous. “Yeah, look Tate I... I’ve thought about it and I... I really think we should stop seeing each other for some time.”
“Why Y/N? I love you, so fucking much. I’m sorry for what I said, I can change, I won’t say shit like that ever again. I’ll be gentle, I swear. Just give me the chance I can be whatever you need me to be,” he replied desperately. He opened his bag and pulled out your favorite candy. “I love you; I really do. Please give me another chance.”
He watched your eyes fill with tears. You wanted to give in, he could see it in your eyes. But you only shook your head and wiped a fallen tear from your cheek.
“No. I’m sorry. Tate, you aren’t gentle, that’s not who you are. And I don’t want you to pretend to be someone you aren’t.”
Tate swallowed hard. “You promised me you’d never leave me; you said you were nothing like my dad. Was it all a lie?”
“Of course not!” You exclaimed and took a step closer to him. “I love you; I really do. That’s why this is so hard.”
“If you love me, why can’t we work this out? Don’t lie to me Y/N.”
He couldn’t stop his eyes from watering, nor could he stop his lips from quivering. He dug the bouquet of your favorite flowers out from his bag and held them out to you.
“Please,” he mumbled. “I need you.”
You caved. You wrapped your arms around his waist and held him tight. He could feel your muffled cries on his chest, it pained him. You were a sensitive sweet girl; it was both your blessing and curse.
“Maybe in a few months, we can try again, I don’t know.” You looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. “We just can’t be together right now. And I mean we’re going to graduate soon, and I might go to a college far away, how would that even work? But I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s too late for that Y/N, you’ve already hurt me.” He dropped what he was holding and dug one of his hands into his pocket. He touched your face with his other hand, your tears covering his palm. “You’ve planned on leaving me this whole time. I wanted to give it another try you’ve made up your mind. I guess it just comes down to one thing.”
“What?” You asked.
“If I can’t have you, no one can,” he whispered before he pulled out the knife and plunged it into the side of your neck.
“I killed you because I loved you,” he answers. “Because you were going to leave me and find someone else.”
All you can do is stare at him in silence. You think back to everything that happened. How could you have been so blind? It couldn’t have been your fault though. He would’ve killed you anyway. You think back to all the times Tate made you uneasy, all the times he would say things that creeped you out. Deep down you must’ve known that’s who he is. Maybe you knew all along.
Maybe you loved him because of his darkness.
You exhale a long breath. “We don’t have that long till midnight.”
You shrug. “Wanna hook up?”
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
Always that good?
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-°•°•°•°•--•°•°•°•°--°•°•°•°•--•°•°•°•°-Pairings: Charles Leclerc x gn! (I think) reader, Arthur Leclerc x reader (platonic)
Warnings: Swearing some French but I didn't use translate so it's probably all wrong. One mention of 'the deed' but it's brief. Brief mentions of drinking/being tipsy. I'm sorry if you have a pizza/garlic bread allergy😔
Notes: Its white fast paced and I'm not as happy with this peice as I have been wit others but here we go... 1/4 SMAU 3/4 writing so sorry if that's not your thing. Also I don't think I wrote this with anything gender specific but pls tell me if it isn't gender neutral!
Summary: You've been best friends with Arthur for over a year now... so why does his brother look so good?
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For a man who supposedly strictly sticks to his diet, Charles was all to eager to get his hands on the greasy concoctions you brought with you. He also didn't seem to dislike spending the evening as just the two of you. Neither did you but part of that was because the garlic bread was to die for.
As the night progressed, the Monagasque brought some beers from the Arthur's fridge. Despite you chastising him for stealing from his brother, Charles said that his brother wouldn't care and the beers could always be replaced. So, the two of you began to drink some beer along with your dinner. At some point along the way, the television was turned on but you weren't paying attention to it at all. All you could focus on was Charles. The way his eyelashes fluttered to a close as he took another sip; the way his addams apple bobbed slightly at the same time.
If you could get away with it, you would would stare into his eyes forever. They were captivating. The same man you were admiring then begins to break the silence by starting up conversation.
"This is very nice pizza. Where is it from?" "The pizza parlour just down the road, they've only just stared allowing people to take meals to go though." You see him nod in understanding at your words.
Before you can find yourself staring at him any longer and risking making it wierd, you turn your attention towards the television. As the programme changes, you find yourself gasping. You can almost feel the man next to you giving you a curious look but as the title to your favourite television show comes on screen, he laughs in understanding.
This pulls your attention back to him and you ask "What?" He doesn't even miss a beat before he replies "Nothing. You're just endearing" he finishes the remark with a smile. You can feel your cheeks heat as you respond "Sorry. It's my favourite show" this pulls a laugh out of him. "No need to apologise chérie and like I said, it's sweet."
This causes you to look down. You turn and face the television but continue to speak to the man next to you. You occasionally turn to him whilst speaking. "It's been a very long time since I've seen this. Arthur pays for different channels to me and with everything these days, the rights shows are always swapping between people and channels."
You didn't catch Charles' smile drop but you did notice his slightly deflated sounding tone "I'm surprised you dont live with him then." This causes you to pause. I mean yeah Arthur's your best friend but that doesn't mean you should live together- especially not with your difference in music tastes. You'd probably strangle him for listening to the same, boring, simple songs for hours on end before you could even finish the first week of living together.
"Hm? Why would I do that" Your enquiry causes his brows to furrow and he asks "Oh. Are you not at that stage in your relationship yet." Relationship? What does he-? Oh no...Oh no... Oh no.
You simultaneously visibly deflate and start laughing after his words sink in. Charles, who clearly finds it nowhere near as funny asks "What. Why are you laughing?"
"You- you" Unable to finish your sentence without it ending in a fit of cackles, you laughing some more, take some deep breaths and clarify the source of your amusement. "Charles, Arthur and I aren't dating. You know that right?" His lips form an 'O' and he looks down almost embarrassed as he shakes his head.
"But I've heard you saying that you ahd a thing for a Lecle-" He stops and grins as you both come to the realisation of what he's saying. Now it's your turn to look down in embarrassment and his to start laughing.
"Shut up." Your words clearly hold no weight and when you find him looking at you, eyes gleaming. You find yourself falling for him even more.
"So Chérie...you have a thing for Leclercs?" His eyebrows wiggle and when you both split into bursts of laughter, you could tell have dreamed of a better way to spend your evening.
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Thank you for reading! As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Also my inbox is open if you ever have a request!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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"If so can I do a gn s/o who's very protective of them hcs n a scenario plsss"- requester
Hua Cheng x gn!reader x Xie Lian
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So I don't if you want like a normal protective reader or like a crazy one sooo I went with the normal one, thank you for waiting so long and I hope you like it
Ignore grammar mistakes
Might be short
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are very happy. Of course they are and they're even more happy when they gain a third lover in the relationship.
Xie Lian is selfless and Hua Cheng is a devotee.
You are also very devoted to your lovers.
You and Hua Cheng are similar, both of you are protective.
Over each other and definitely over Xie Lian
Even though Xie Lian is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
Xie Lian spends a lot of his time trying to calm you two down or telling you guys it isn't a big deal.
Hua Cheng is obedient. He listens and he'll settle down if that's what his gege wants
Not you though, nah if someone has a personal problem against Xie Lian or Hua Cheng they have a problem with you.
You usually have a good temper, and are very patient.
You're completely different when it comes to other people though.
Xie Lian is very kind and people try to take advantage of that, Hua Cheng is so focused on you two that he doesn't know when someone is clearly picking on him. That's alright you'll take care of it.
Loose temper and quick to fight
You definitely get in a lot of fights in the heavens more than anywhere else
It's not like there's any consequences!
Except Xie lian makes some 😔
Had to get you on a leash before the heavens got upset.
You just throw hands with anyone
Soooo now you can't anymore. Now you just resort to arguing with people and hurting them with your silver tongue
You love them very much and it's not your fault you want to protect them
At the end of the day they love you very much and they know someone will always be there to protect them.
It was supposed to be a good day, strolling around ghost city. Nothing bad can happen there since Hua Cheng literally owns it. So the three of you are very comfortable in taking strolls. In ghost city it's also rare for you to get into a fight so Xie Lian and Hua Cheng prefer to hang out here.
So a pretty normal, good day. Or not! The three of you were strolling and the city is crowded with people and stalls so sometimes you bump into other people by accident. Only sometimes though! Someone passed by and purposefully shoved against Hua Cheng, and even sent your lover a nasty look! but he's more focused on Xie Lian. The person has walked between them both so he isn't even concerned about himself.
It's not hard to tell it's a heavenly official who took the opportunity they could to try and pick on an all powerful calamity. They aren't getting by you though. No way! "Hey you! Yeah you! the official in the mask which is doing an awful job at hiding your nasty face, come here!"
The official has never meant to get caught, it's not good to be revealed in the middle of ghost city but you grab him by the hair and drag him back over to the three of you. "Say you're sorry. How dare you try to pick on Crimson Rain"
Honestly it wasn't that big of a deal but heavenly officials are always looking down on your lovers it isn't fair! The man quickly mutters out pleas and apologies so you let him go
When you turn back to your lovers, Xie Liam has his hands on his hips though and you flush, looking at the floor. You hadn't meant to lose your temper so fast. "Sorry" you rub the back of your neck but your embarrassment is quickly shaken away when you look at Hua Cheng.
Hua Cheng is blushing, his eye wide and blinking at you. Hua Cheng is only enabling you really, how dare he look so cute. He can't help it though. No one has ever chosen to protect him and especially over such little things. It feels nice. He's too cute so you grab him by the face and give him a kiss.
Xie Lian shakes his head and sighs. All of you go back to paradise manor and you're definitely getting in trouble.
It was hella short but 🙏 I hope it's good anyway.
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unreleasedwrites · 1 month
I LOVED the gitae fic it was so good😔🙏 We need part two where Maybe he feels pity for us and takes us out to eat or smth, you do the magic im bad at writing lmao 🤧
Thank uuu♡♡♡♡
A Planned Coincidence (pt. 1) (pt. 2)
“Where’s the fun in spoiling it? How about I show you instead?”
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summary: You’ve been stuck in the same warehouse you woke up in about three weeks ago, and no matter what plan you would make to escape— it’s no use and you’d only get in trouble. One of the times you did try with Gitae around, he had to clean up after you and the topic of your friends came up and so you begged to meet them. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned and you ended up ignoring Gitae for days. Eventually, he decided he’d take you out in hopes you’d finally speak to him.
character(s) included: Gitae Kim x fem!reader
cw: swearing, implied kidnapping, very toxic, same warnings as my first gitae fic (part 1) , yandere gitae, mentions of blood, death, kissing, suggestive, nicknames, cartel mentions, this is FICTIONAL, abuse, mentions of drugs, guns, his axe, implied cannibalism, a bunch of crimes so beware dark and possibly disturbing content
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unwrapped on: Tuesday Morning, April 30 2024
wrapped up on: Friday Evening, May 03 2024
published on: Friday Evening, May 03 2024
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“You tired of playin’ these stupid fucking games yet, doll?” Gitae said in an agitated tone, as he held your bruised hand and covered it in bandages. Afterwards, he planted a light kiss on top.
You remained dead silent and only looked towards the ground of the warehouse you were trapped in. You accidentally injured yourself in another one of your escape attempts, so here Gitae was, taking "care" of you once again with some condescending mockery.
“Well? Now you’re gonna go and play the quite game with me, huh?” He said with a slightly more irritated expression on his face.
“Look at me when i’m speaking to you.” He said and he grabbed your chin to meet eye to eye with him, and you could tell he looked angry. He tightened his grip on your already bruised hand, causing you to yelp in pain from how much pressure was applied.
“Gitae.. I-I—, I was wondering if yo—” You were trying to speak when a few rounds of open fire suddenly interrupted you. You flinched and a visibly frightened expression was evident on your face. Gitae saw this and took you into his arms to face him, while on his lap so that he could straddle you and stroke your hair.
“Sorry about the noise, little girl. Just part of my men’s duties, I’ll let them know to keep it down though,” he said in a less irritated tone.
“Back to where we left at earlier.. Why do you keep tryna fucking escape?” He said in a slightly more raised tone.
“To leave..? Isn’t the answer to that question already kind of already a given?” You replied.
“Leave?” He scoffed, “and just where exactly would a little girl like you go? If I can recall, the friends you came to Mexico have gone missing.. And technically, you’re now known as a missing person, just like your four other friends.”
“Gitae, I hate to have to ask but— Did you have anything to do with those disappearances by chance? You’re speaking as though you know all about it and from what I’ve seen in the past few days..”
He cut you off and laughed, “did I? I thought that was already a given from when I took you here, was it not?”
“I think I get it now, I’m next.. Aren’t I?” You replied.
“What? When the hell did I ever hint something even close to that? I was talking about your little friends, they’re alive, but let me just tell you now that they won’t be for very long if you keep continuing this bullshit of trying to leave me.”
“They’re alive—? Where are they?! Can I please, pleaseee see them, pretty pleaseee??” You begged with your usual pouty face.
“It’s hard to say no when you say it like that,” he said as he held your cheeks together with his hand, “if you’re good for the rest of the day, I might consider it. How’s that for a deal, doll?”
“Deal!” You exclaimed and he tapped his cheek with his finger a few times while saying, “but first~?”
You then tried to give him a kiss on the cheek but he swiftly turned his head so that your lips would land on his instead, and it worked. Despite your situation, you turned into a blushing hot mess and Gitae simply laughed at your reaction, thinking “how cute.”
A little fast forward into that same day, the sun was finally setting, so you may finally get to see your friends again. You waited patiently in the warehouse, sat on top of some boxes, reading the books Gitae gave you to pass time while he was out doing who knows what.
Some kind of bell or alarm started to ring and from what you’ve been observing in the past three weeks, that alarm means that it’s around 8 or 9 in the evening, where most of Gitae’s “men” go out to do unspeakable acts that you’ve witnessed at some point.
Usually, This was around the time you’d try escaping the warehouse because everyone was way too busy to watch over you and most of the men there have left the warehouse, getting on some sketchy vehicles with all sorts of equipment, weaponry, and drugs. The remaining people were either asleep or high in the clouds.
But when you start to see the men leave, you’d usually start to see the second batch of men arrive with Gitae. You’ve noticed a pattern where half of the men go out with Gitae during the day and the rest of the men go out during the night and what similarity both batches shared was that they all came back bloody, smelling really odd, and sometimes Gitae would bring you what he calls a souvenir,— human flesh from one of his victims. Anytime Gitae would do that, you just ignored him for the next hour or two, depending on just how much his patience is willing to endure from you being a so called “brat.”
But, it was around 8 in the evening when the bell had rang, and now it’s past midnight. Yet you haven’t seen or heard from Gitae at all.
Reluctantly, you finally resorted to asking the men around to which they only replied with stuff like, “just give him another half hour and he’ll be here. He’s probably just ran into some trouble with a gang fight or somethin like that.”
One of the men was nice enough to give you some paper that you used to make little bookmarks for the various books you had.
Gitae usually takes you to sleep with him in one of the compartments of the warehouse that led to a bedroom, but since he wasn’t here and you had no idea on how to get in there, you fell asleep on the floor beside some boxes.
You woke up the next morning when you overheard a bunch of men who sounded like they were arguing. And weirdly enough, you were on the bed in the hidden compartment of the warehouse, with Gitae fast asleep beside you. His breathing was steady and he looked tired so you decided to just look around and take mental notes of what the room looked like. It was very different from the rest of the warehouse and was pretty cozy. Gitae’s usual leather jacket was hung on a chair nearby and you noticed some of his belongings on the table. One of which, was a gun. It had you thinking if you wanted to risk your entire life, jumping off the bed to get the gun which was on his side of the room, and shoot him blank.
But that was stupid, what about all the men outside? Gitae told you he isn’t a fan of silencers on his personal guns. They’ll definitely rush over thinking that you in fact, did something— because they all know that Gitae wouldn’t dare hurt you to such a foul extent.
So, you scratched that thought and looked at the door, where does that lead? You thought to yourself. Before you could even continue thinking as you were sat up on the bed, you heard Gitae suddenly start speaking in a raspy morning voice, “what are you up to, little girl? Shouldn’t you still be asleep in my arms?” You turned over to see Gitae, with messy morning hair, not in his usual state of a few loose strands with his hair slicked back.
“Nothing, I was jus-” You stopped for a moment when you saw Gitae sit up and reach for his gun, “doll, could you riddle me this,” he said.
You nodded in response and he spoke as he loaded his gun, “did you try to escape in any form and at any time yesterday?”
He looked you dead in the eye while readjusting compartments of his gun, you lost focus and started to stare at his hands fiddling around with the gun to which he suddenly snapped his fingers, “my eyes are up here, what did I tell you yesterday?” His eyes narrowed and you responded with, “to always look you in the eye when you speak..?”
“Correct. Now, answer.” He slowly finished prepping his gun.
“I didn’t, you could ask the men out there for proof of that.” You said.
“I already did, they told me you were finding me last night? Is that true, my pretty doll?” He said as he caressed your face.
“Well, you were taking much longer than expected to arrive.. A-and you did tell me that if I was good for the rest of the day, I’d get to meet my friends..” You said hesitantly.
“Right.. About those little friends of yours,” he spoke as he placed the gun on the table and your eyes widened, “what about them..?”
“Hoho, do you wanna find out for yourself?” He said with a smirk on his face.
“Gitae.. What do you mean..?”
“Where’s the fun in spoiling it? How about I show you instead?”
“Fine then,” you replied.
Gitae stood up from the bed and so did you, it was still about 4 in the morning so it was cold outside of the bedroom, which is why Gitae put his leather jacket on you since you weren’t wearing much.
He unlocked the door with some sort of key that he took from a high shelf you couldn’t reach for yourself. Before he even swung the door open after unlocking it, he took a blindfold and placed it on you first, something that typically happens whenever you guys were going to leave the bedroom. From there he just carries you to the main open area of the warehouse to which he then takes the blindfold off once you’ve arrived around the usual boxes you stay at.
“So.. Where are they??” You asked visibly confused, tilting your head to the side as you looked up at Gitae.
“Silly girl, they aren’t here.. They’re at some other location we’ll be driving to,” he replied as he looked at one of the men who usually drove you and Gitae around. To which that man immediately left, starting up one of the cars that were outside.
“Awh, but it’s so early.. It doesn’t even look like it’s 5 in the morning, why would you suggest we go now..?” You pouted as you looked at Gitae, because of how sleepy you were he had to hold you with one of his hands to keep you from falling.
“Don’t worry, sleeping beauty— It’s a few hours to get to where they’re at, so you could just sleep on me in the meantime.” He replied as he carrier you once again and took you to the car.
He positioned you on his lap to face him and you settled your head in the crook of his neck, slowly drifting away. He gave you kisses on the top of your head and stroked your hair while you gently caressed his shoulders. You fell asleep easily and stayed in the same position.
Eventually, the car parked at some hidden area which appeared to be in a secluded part of a forest. You were still asleep when you guys arrived so Gitae started pressing kisses all over you. You started feeling ticklish from all of it and woke up.
Not even sure how you guys got here because you didn’t see a road to drive on but you didn’t question it.
“Good morning doll~ We’ve arrived, would you like to finally meet your little friends?” Gitae asked you, who was still sleepy and had woken up from a good dream, still not processing anything.
You simply nodded and clung onto Gitae’s shirtless body because you were too tired to even try getting up and walking.
Gitae carried you with ease and walked towards what appeared to be a pretty run down building, but what it specifically looked like was a blur to you because of how out of it you still were at the time.
An awful stench was evident from the exact moment you were in the building. A loud screech coming from a girl was heard all throughout the large building, echoing amongst the floors. The voice sounded a little too familiar, almost as if it were one of your friends producing a vile screech, a desperate scream for urgent help. The echo suddenly came to a stop without repeating the rest of the noise. Gitae tried to assure you that was someone else but it was no use, you were in an environment you’ve never been in before, hearing all sorts of things. You were terrified and started to both panic and cry, while you were still in Gitae’s arms. He started to get irritated with how your current state was, he even threatened to hit you if you didn’t stop screaming and crying, trying to get away from him. You ran off into some other part of the large building, hiding from him. At first, he was annoyed but decided to play your little game of hide and seek. But, couldn’t find you and so he started to punch different walls, some of which collapsed in an attempt to find you easier and to get you out.
He couldn’t take it anymore and pulled out his axe, he said that you had exactly 5 seconds to reveal yourself or this wouldn’t end well.
“This is a stupid fucking game, Y/N. 5,” he started his countdown, “4,” and you knew better than to disobey, so hesitantly “3,” you started to leave your hiding spot to reveal yourself, “2,” before he could even reach 1, you were on your knees behind him, sobbing.
“Gi-Gitae, please..” You sniffled, “I already have gotten a good idea of what you did with them, so please.. I don’t need to see it for myself.”
He scoffed, “after you just ran and hid from me? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so.” He grabbed you by your hair harshly and dragged you to the basement floor. And that’s where you saw another nightmare right in front of you, from the scene of the group of men who attacked you, to your own closest friends, all dead.
Except one of them, she was your closest friend in the entire group and she was completely unharmed. But had to closely witness all that was done to the other girls. She was tied up with chains and from what you know, her voice was the noise you heard earlier.
Which had you wondering, why did her screaming suddenly stop? But instead of focusing on that, you looked over to Gitae who has never looked so angry before. His grip on your hair was only becoming tighter as you tried pleading with him.
You were terrified to know that in any second, Gitae could literally crush your skull with his bare hands if he wanted to, but he didn’t. Gitae suddenly let go of the grasp he had on your hair and looked down on you, “I’m letting you know in advance that what happens next is thanks to you being such a brat.” He then struck his axe at your friend, multiple agonizing times while the one man that was there forced you to watch, holding you at gunpoint and purposely turning your head in the direction of both Gitae and your friend.
Gitae looked back at you after he struck your friend with his axe so many times that she’s no longer recognizable, you were a sobbing, pitiful, and distressed mess. You were screaming at him, begging him to stop, all the while trying to break free from the man’s harsh grip on you but it was no use and you couldn’t do anything at all.
I won’t go into too many details but it was extremely gruesome and gut wrenching. By the time Gitae finally decided he was finished, he threw the axe at your direction, purposely missing by just an inch to slightly scar your neck (since you were moving around a lot, it just barely scraped the side of your neck).
You yelped, Gitae then took a part of her flesh, and bit it— but unlike the last time, he ate this entirely and licked his fingers clean. He then spoke out “clean this place up, (insert name of man who was holding you).” To which the guy nodded and finally let go of you, you fell immediately to the ground and continued sobbing, you were twitching at this point from how terrified you were.
Gitae then looked over to you, he’s seen you upset but he’s never seen you this upset before. He looked back at the girl he had just mauled and at the other girls that were laying dead on the floor. That’s weird, he was starting to feel— bad for you?
Gitae spoke with someone on the phone and after, he carried you to the car. You never stopped sobbing and you were trembling as Gitae had you on his lap, facing his blood scattered face and body. He was trying his best to comfort you but you were ignoring him. Eventually, the car started to move and you knew this was gonna be a long ride, but you just kept on sniffing while your head was nestled in between the crook of his neck. He took the hint that you really weren’t gonna talk to him at all, so he stroked your hair with his unstained hand while you silently sobbed, clinging onto him so tightly that it left marks on his body. He also bandaged up the tiny scar you got coming from his axe.
A few days had passed and you still hadn’t spoken to Gitae no matter how many times he tried or how much he threatened you.
He was fed up, but he had an idea that might just work. He decided he’d take you out for dinner at one of the places that had gambling addicts so no staff would care. He hadn’t told you all about his plan yet but he had some guy book a reservation and he went out to buy you a little gift. You didn’t know of any of this because you couldn’t understand Spanish so you were just reading books in the corner.
He went out to buy you some clothes that he was badly hoping you’d like. He bought you more sleepwear and a cute outfit that you could wear on your little date with him. He bought some more things you mentioned you like, like some more books he knows nothing about.
He arrived back at the warehouse at around 5:30 in the evening and asked you to come with him, he blindfolded you and brought you to a bathroom. It was much nicer than the usual bathroom and you were assuming that this was another compartment of the warehouse.
He told you to shower, and you nodded in response. But, he was just standing at the doorway, staring at you. So you just stood there.
“Well?” He rose a brow, “I thought you wanted a shower, what are you doing just standing there?”
You gulped and finally spoke for the first time in days, “d-do you really.. have to watch..?”
He looked you up and down, “either I watch or join you, take your pick.” You remained silent, you didn’t want either of that.
He scoffed and put the blindfold on you once again, you could hear him fiddling with his belt and clothes rustling. After, he started to undress you as well, disposing of your clothes in the trash.
He turned on the running water in the bathtub and while it filled, he was doing some things but you couldn’t see so you had no idea. He took you into his arms and the next thing you felt was pure water, you haven’t showered in a while so this was a bliss. He took your blindfold off and to your surprise, you were on top of him in the bathtub. He gently sunk you into the water, and laid you on his figure, showering your hair with water.
He then applied different products on your hair and massaged your scalp. after he finished washing your hair and body, he started fondling around with your body.
“Your skin is so soft, doll,” he said as he played with your boobs. You lightly moaned from what he was doing and he smirked, “you like that, don’t you?” You subconsciously bucked your hips in response which caused him to twitch down there. You could feel his dick on you and he started aggressively kissing you. Things escalated and you ended up having to take a second bath.
“Doll~, I forgot to mention it because you riled me up so much earlier that I lost the chance to— butt, we’re going out tonight and I bought you some clothes.” Gitae said as he took out some unfamiliar clothes from the shelf and started to dress you while he was still in a towel.
After you were fully dressed, he smiled at you and commented, “you look adorable, just like a doll.”
Afterwards, he got dressed and was finally wearing something other than just jeans. He was wearing black pants and a formal shirt. You thought he looked handsome in his outfit so you commented, “you look handsome, Gitae,” you giggled. He chuckled and planted light kisses on the top of your head.
You guys then went out and arrived at some nice and flashy building. It was weird at first, you couldn’t possibly fathom why he would do this. Either way, you just went it.
“Well?” Gitae suddenly spoke as you were sat across from him, in a nice restaurant.
“Thank you,” you replied as you looked around the secluded spot you guys were sat at.
Gitae sighed, “still not happy?” He frowned.
You simply looked at him, pouting. To which he pouted back at you mockingly.
The food eventually arrived and Gitae wanted you to try some of his rare practically live ass steak, so he fed you some of it with his fork. You made a dissatisfied face and he laughed at your reaction. He loves the way you react to absolutely anything, he finds it adorably irresistible.
“Thank you,” you said as you were about halfway done with your meal.
“I don’t care for words, you silly little girl. How about you just show me your appreciation after dinner?” He said with a smirk.
You didn’t take the hint and so you asked, “how?”
He laughed at your response, “I’ll give you a better idea once we’re in the car, and once were back in bed, you continue wherever we left off in the car.” Your eyes narrowed until you finally understood what he meant to which you looked at him with a pout while you were chewing your food.
“What kinds of food do you like?” Gitae suddenly asked as he looked at your food then at you.
You shrugged, “I’m not really picky, but I do have my preferences and dislikes.. For instance, that steak you’re eating or any sort of steak.”
He looked at his food, “it’s delicious, how could you not like it?”
“We have wayyyy different diets, I’ve seen you eat raw meats of all sorts you bastard.”
“Awh, how am I bastard?” He pouted, but deep inside he was amused and enjoying this.
“Because of your question about food! I suddenly had a flashback about my friend, whom you took a bite of!” You said, somewhat sarcastically because you know how moody Gitae is and you didn’t want him to get angry at you again.
He just laughed, “I remember that, she tasted alright too, I should’ve had seconds.” You rolled your eyes and he was only more amused and said, “but because of your whining and puffy eyes, I had no choice but to leave as soon as I finished the job. Such a pity.”
“Hey, would it kill you to have some remorse?” You said as you picked up some meat with your fork and lifted it up to his mouth.
“I don’t really like this, but it seems like something you’d like.” You said as he was chewing what you just gave him. He would never admit it, but you feeding him made him feel something.
“It tastes good, I thought you said you weren’t a picky eater?”
“I’m not,” you said as you grabbed more of that meat on your fork and fed a bunch of it to him. He was genuinely so happy inside and his amusement turned into butterflies because for once, you weren’t scared of him and he for some reason, cared about that pretty badly.
Your guys’ dinner date went on like normal, exchanging words and actually getting to know each other.
Eventually you felt the need to use the restroom so you mustered up the courage to ask permission to go.
“Gitae,” he turned his gaze over to you and mumbled in response.
“Could I use the women’s room, please?”
Gitae looked around, “I’m trusting you don’t need me to make sure that no stupid attempts of leaving will happen?” He asked sternly.
“Yes, I promise.”
“Fine then, go ahead but don’t take too long.” You nodded in response and excused yourself from the table.
And just as you said, you did go to the women’s room. And just as you promised, you came back right after. While you were making your way back to the table, you saw that Gitae was approached by two guys who he seemed to have known from somewhere.
You got back to the table and the two men that Gitae was talking to looked over to you. They looked to have been working in the casino area of the building.
One of them turned back to Gitae and said, “I see now why a guy like you is brought to a place like this. I’m guessing she’s your girlfriend, right?” You all looked at Gitae who replied with a smile, “yes, she is.”
“Damn, you’re one lucky guy. She’s gorgeous from top to bottom!” One of the guys exclaimed as he placed his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it intensely. Gitae stared at his hand then at him.
How dare he lay his hand on something I own? He’ll pay for even daring to look at what clearly isn’t his. Gitae thought to himself.
“Well, we’ve gotta get going now.. But you two enjoy your night, especially the pretty lady over here,” one of the guys said as he stroked your hair and then proceeded to walk away.
You turned over to Gitae who looked like his veins were popping out of his skull and his aura seemed to have changed. He then looked back at you and smiled, “don’t mind them, I’ll make sure to deal with them some other time. But not tonight, tonight’s supposed to be our night.” He tried to keep his composure.
“Right.. Who were they anyway? And must they be so touchy..?”
“They’re friends with some of the people I know, but they won’t be for long.” He said as he took the final bite of his food and placed his fork down.
It’s safe to say that those two were never seen again, and the police didn’t even open an investigation about the disappearances when it happened. Soon, the news about those two guys went cold and if anything, any trace or information of them was wiped out entirely.
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notes: I did more than the request and added way more before the actual dinner date because im gonna be busy in the next few weeks so idk when I can post again, and because i have a bunch of Gitae requests, I thought I might as well and this is long asf, also i’ve got another gitae fic in progress 😭😭
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and l'Il be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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lillylvjy · 1 year
Wilbur getting upset because he doesn't see you at his concert when you'd promised you'd be there, only for you to have been backstage the entire time????
So sorry this took so long….. burned out things 🤭
But this is so good gapple!! And I enjoyed writing it
Warnings// kissing, making out, swearing, a little hint of angst, sexual innuendos, but nothing big! Tell me if I missed anything:)
Not edited and I tried adding the rest of the band but I don’t like that part at all😔
True love (and understanding)
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“Wilbur! I swear I’ll be there! I just won’t be there for sound check. I’ll be there before you go onstage. I promise.” You promised to Wil as he put his guitar on his back and looked at you.
“Ok. I just really want you to be there. It’s a big gig.” He said while grabbing his bag and coming back over to you.
“I know! And I’ll be there. I promise. This won’t take long.” You said pointed at your work you have to finish by tonight. Of course your boss gives you loads of work to do on the day of one of the biggest gigs their doing this year. James was opening for them today and there were going to be news reporters there today too. Wilbur was stressed and he needed you there with him. It’s like when he looks at you, he knows everything will be ok no matter what.
“You better be. I need my before-gig kiss. It’s my good luck charm.” He said, with a smile on his face.
You took his hands in yours. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ll be there cheering you on.” You kissed his knuckles. He smiled at you as he took his hand and placed it on your cheek.
“I love you.” He said while leaning down and gently putting your lips together. The kiss was shorter than he would’ve liked it to be but you were shooing him out the door.
“I love you too. But you need to go before the guys get mad at you again for being late.” You opened the door for him as he rolled his eyes and huffed.
“They can’t blame for wanting to love on you!” He whined as he turned around to look at you. You smiled and raised your eyebrows. “Ok fine, I’m leaving. I’ll see you later darling.” Wilbur leaned down and gave you one last peck on the lips before walking off.
You sighed and went back over to the dining table. Let’s do this thing.
A couple hours later and Wilbur texted you that sound check went well and they have an hour until the band went on.
Shit. You still have around 2 dozen more pages to do.
You quickly do the pages as fast, yet efficiently, as you can.
30 minutes.
You submit the work and close your laptop as you sprint to grab your coat and purse as fast as you can, lock the apartment up and drive to the place.
10 minutes.
You check your phone as you curse yourself for not finishing faster. You rush to the side of the building and open the door into the back rooms.
You rushed around trying to find then band until you ran into Jack.
“Jack! Where’s Wilbur?!” You said, out of breath and rushed.
“Oh uh! They’re already on stage I think. Why?” He asked looking at you concerned.
“No! No,no,no! He’s going to hate me.” You said looking at your watch.
1 minute.
“Ok, thank you I’ll see you in a bit! I promise!” You yelled as you ran to the stage.
You say James and ran up to me as you heard “Concrete” start to play.
“Shit.” You said as you frowned.
“Y/n? Where have you been?” James asked you, knowing about the before show ritual. “Wilbur had a nervous break down and almost cancelled the show!” James explains to you.
“I know! I’m sorry! I’m not very happy either! I got caught up with work.” You explained as you looked at Wilbur.
He didn’t look as pumped up as usual. Don’t get me wrong, he still looked excited and thrilled! But there was something missing. He looked upset. To say the least. Disappointed. You couldn’t blame him. You promised. You never broke promises. And he doesn’t even know you’re here.
“Just surprise him afterwards. It’ll make him feel 10 time better. He’ll have his “after show” adrenaline.” You laughed. One thing you loved about Wilbur preforming was his after show adrenaline. He was like a bee. Buzzing all about the show. How much he loved it, how they all played good, what they could’ve done better and what he could’ve done better. He just always had something to add. And you loved it. You loved how he payed attention to the little things . To the minor details barely anyone would catch. That’s one of your favorite things about him.
After the show, you waited for the band to come off stage with James. As Mark came off first, he stopped in his tracks when he saw you, but quickly jogged up to you and hugged you with a smile. You didn’t really mind how sweaty they’d all be. You were used to it.
“Ah! You were here the whole time, weren’t ya?!” He asked you.
“Yeah! Well I came a little bit late but I was here! You guys did amazing like always!” You smiles at Mark as he got pushed to the side.
“You almost made him cancel the show…..” he said while smiling. “But I swear we could all tell you were here. Damn you y/n! You have a radiating energy!” Joe said while hugging you. You laughed at him as he went back to the back with the others.
Ash hugged you and looked at you like he needed to talk to you later so you nodded and saluted to him as he laughed. He saluted back and walked off, doing the lovejoy handshake with you.
You looked up and saw Wilbur talking to some fans still. James patted you on the back and told you to follow him. “We’re going to act like we’re having a conversation and see if he notices you. I don’t know how this will play out.” James said as you followed him to the back room where everyone else was and took you into a corner and just started talking to you. About cats. Why cats?
“James are we really talking about cats right now?” You asked him as he looked behind you with a smile.
“Well. Your cat is coming up to you right now.”
“Wait, what do you MEAN!” You squealed the last word as someone picked you up and spun you around. Once you were on the ground you turned around and smiled up at the person. “Hi Wilbur.”
“Hi love. When in the hell did you get here?! I almost-“
“Cancelled the show, I know! And I’m sorry for not being here. I lost track of time and I’m so sorry because I’m always here and I always give you kiss before hand and it helps, at least I think it does, and I didn’t get to and you were probably so nervous and I suck-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. You do not suck at being my partner! You were busy, I get that. If anything I should be mad at myself. I let you and everyone else think you had to be here. As much as it is very nice!” You both laughed. “I don’t need it. All I need, is to know that you’re cheering me, us, on. Don’t blame yourself please. I love you. So so much.” Wilbur finished as he leaned down and kissed you. He holds your waist as you lean up to meet his lips and deepen the kiss. As you ran your hands through his hair, his grip on you tightened as you both continued.
“Ok. Maybe not in the middle of the room where everyone can see you.” James said in a monotoned voice.
You both break part quickly and look at James. He had a smirk on his face as he winked at you both. “There’s a storage closet back there. I’m just saying.” He says as he walks off. You laugh as you look back over at Wilbur. He had a glint in his eye. It bordered on playful and deviant. Your face fell as you shook your head.
“Wilbur no!” You pleaded, but he was already pulling you towards the closet.
“Have fun love birds!” James yelled.
“Screw you!” You yelled back.
Wilbur opened the closet and pulled you inside. You looked at him with raised eyebrows. “So…. What are we doing in here?” You asked.
“One to get away from them. And 2, so I can do this without interruptions.” He smirked as he leaned down and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss as you pulled him down to meet his lips more.
Before anything could happen, there was banging on the door. “Never mind! It’s going to have to wait! We’re going out to eat!” James yelled.
Wilbur groaned as you laughed. As you both walked out you pulled Wilbur down by his collar and whispered in his ear. “Later love. I promise.” You said to him as you smirked at him and walked over to Aria.
Wilbur was just standing there with a smirk on his face.
“What happened?” James asked. “I need to know.”
Taglist: @deadphantomsociety @aimi-chann @jadeissues
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youngies-bae · 2 months
The Lorax
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Characters/Pairing: Wooyoung x Gn!Reader
AU/Trope Info & Warnings: Idol AU, Body Contact(?), Use of Baby, Teasing, Massage(?).
Genre & Rating: PG, Fluff.
Taglist: @minkilicious
W/C: 1.1K
Summary: You take care of Wooyoung after his great performance at Coachella.
A/n: This story is completely FICTION and does not represent Wooyoung in any way. I FINALLY DID IT. Idk why it took me so long to come out with something... but either way Ima thank my PAPA (@yessa-vie) for her very INSPIRING words. 😔
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You walk in the door to see your boyfriend and his members sitting on the couch in a row, with Hongjoong bending down in front of a tripod.  
He takes his phone off it and slides it into his pocket.  
“Hey, Baby.” Wooyoung pops up quickly, his hands are in his pocket, and you can see that his cheeks are slightly flushed. 
“Hey! You did so amazing! I- I can’t get the way you smiled out of my head. I’m replaying your part of Crazy Form repeatedly.” You can’t believe how awesome your boyfriend and his friends are. 
When you found out that they were goi no to Coachella you were so excited. Couldn’t believe it. You were so happy for them.  
They were so happy. They couldn’t stop talking about it.  
“Really?” Wooyoung flashes his beautiful smile. The smile that you love so much.  
“Yes! I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. And when have I ever lied to you?”  
“Okay. Got me there.”  
“And I SO glad that you kept your clothes on unlike somebody…” you drag out the last word making sure the certain “somebody” you're talking about heard you. 
“Hey! I look good! And I’m sure Atinys loved it!” San defends himself. 
“Oh, I’m sure they did. I’m glad you were half naked. It’ll distract them from looking at what’s mine.” You put your arms over Wooyoung shoulders.  
“Hmm, how are you, baby? We haven’t had time to talk all day.” Wooyoung asked you. 
“I am fine, you are the one I wanna focus on right now.” You counter. 
“Wait…,” you lean into Wooyoung and smell his neck. Next you look at his clothing, “ohh baby. You were sweating so much. And it was cold out. You better not get sick.”  
“I’m fine I promise. Plus, I have you to take care of me.” His hands are placed on your hips, and he leans in to give you a soft tender kiss.  
“Gross… you know we’re still here, right?” You hear Mingi complain.  
Wooyoung softly pulls away from you and turns his head to his members, “yeah. That reminds me,” he turns back to you, “I reserved us a different apartment.”  
Your eyes widen, “oh thank God! I didn’t wanna be sharing a apartment with 8 smelly men.” 
“Hey!” Wooyoung wines.  
“Sorry… 7 smelly men.”  
He smiles and glances at your lips, his hands still placed on your hips. He pulls you closer to him and lays his lips on yours.  
“Let’s bounce.”  
“You sure they’ll be, okay?” You ask him. 
“Y/n. There 8 grown men. I’m sure they can handle themselves.” Wooyoung states. 
You nod your head agreeing.  
On your way over to the different apartment you and Wooyoung decided to pick up some take-out. 
KQ decided to go with apartments instead of regular hotel rooms since their stay would be longer than usual.  
Wooyoung stripped himself of his clothes then hopped in the shower as you to him. Because he was stankin… 
He lays back on the couch with his feet up as you make plates.  
“Hmm, it smells so good~” he says.  
You just smile.  
You know how tired he is by listening to his voice, plus you know good and well that if he wasn’t he’d be trying to pick some of the food out with his hands.  
He’d also fight for the bigger plate.  
“Here you go, Sir.” You hand your sleepy boyfriend his large plate of food. He already had his drink placed on the coffee table beside him.  
You run your hand across his bare chest and turn it softly rubbing his shoulder and following with the other hand. 
“Hmm, baby. What are you doing?” Wooyoung tilts his head back, softly tapping your stomach.  
His features are so breathtaking. His lips, eyes, jaw, neck. Makes you just want to kiss every part of him.  
You take the way his head is leaned back as an opportunity to. 
Your hands work on his tense shoulders as you explain what and why you are doing this, “Well, since you worked so hard I figured that you’d be tense, or at least sore.” 
“Huh. Thank you, Y/n.”  
Everything changed since he met you. He’s been having great meals, spending less time on his phone, standing up for himself. Many things that improved him. 
“It feels nice~” he says softly with his eyes shut. He takes his fork and fills his face with rice.  
After about 15 minutes he’s done with his food, and so are you with his shoulders.  
“Hey, why don’t we watch a movie? There’s a tv in the bedroom if you prefer it in there.”  
“Nah, let’s stay in here. Actually, I think I’m gonna stay in here for the rest of the night this coach is really comfortable.” You tilt your head to the side and stopped rubbing his shoulders. 
“You sure? Last time you said you were going to sleep on the coach you didn’t get any sleep and could barely keep your eyes open. And we still have two more nights here. We're going to the second day of Coachella tomorrow. You need energy.” You state.  
“Yea, I’m sure. I just...” You come around and sit on the couch next to him. “I didn't have you sleeping next to me last time.”  
He draped his arm behind you and pulled you closer, laying a soft his to your temple. He pulls away and you look at him and smile. 
“What are we watching?” You ask him.  
“Terrifier.” He responds. 
“Oh hell no. You're gonna be shittin’ bricks watching that. I’m going to have claw marks from you holding onto me so tightly. I don’t need these Americans thinking that you are cutting me.” Your tone is a little stronger and your eyebrows are furrowed. “Remember when we watched “IT”? You literally screamed like you just saw someone get killed in front of you.”  
“Maybe because someone did?!” Wooyoung throws his hands up, with his eyebrows raised as a way to defend himself.  
“Mhm.” You shake your head, disagreeing.  
“Fine then,” he rolls his eyes, “we’ll watch “The Lorax”.”  
Your eyes light up, “YAHH!!”. Your favorite movie is “The Lorax”.  
You turn around so you're facing the TV, and your body is pressed against his. He also moves to position you both comfortably. He set his left arm under the pillow that your head was resting on and wrapped his other arm around you after he put the movie on. 
He pulled you close to him before laying one final kiss to your head.  
“I love you.” 
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