#and tired of it ;-;
thetimetravellercat · 7 months
I'm just mourning everything that Izzy could have been and that he won't become because they killed him.
His character gave me so much hope. An older queer man, finding meaning, redemption, acceptance, even love in many ways, having his chance at happiness and all of that was taken away from him and from us and that's what's making me the f*cking saddest.
I'm just so tired of all this hurt and this emphasis on big dramatic plots that's going to rip your heart out in media these days. I had a lot of hope for Our Flag Means Death because it was supposed to be kind, comedic even, despite the violent pirate universe, and I once again allowed myself to feel for a character, to get invested, trusting that it was gonna be ok, but it wasn't and I do feel betrayed.
I kinda wish I hadn't watched the show, because I'm just that tired of being shoved drama and heart wrenching storylines in absolutely everything when I already have real life for that. I don't need more hurt.
I need more kindness, more acceptance, more it's going to be ok, more happiness.
And I don't care if it's making me sound like a child. My child self was never taught how to feel safe and I'm paying the price of it today. So yeah, I'm gonna look for feelings of safety when I consume media. For shows and movies that are going to hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be ok in the end.
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shiyorin · 3 months
Two moods
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eunnieboo · 4 months
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every single time
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freakoutgirl · 5 months
I'm like if a girl who didn't do much was still experiencing burnout
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bookpdf · 4 months
there should be more hours between 6 and 10pm. like even just two more hours. for my assorted hobbies & activities
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whaledocboi · 5 months
ai generated images make me increasingly sad and tired the more i see them in more and more casual contexts. i dont know how to explain, but it just fills the world with a bunch of nothing. no matter how visually stunning the pictures might be, there's nothing behind it for me. no dedication, no emotions, no feelings, no hard work or creativity, nothing i can truly think about, admire or enjoy. i dont think thats how art is supposed to be
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ryan-sometimes · 10 months
My favourite Da Vinky twins trans ally moments:
When they said their pronouns are they/them because there’s 2 of them
“It doesn’t matter what your pronouns are, because at the end of the day, it’s night”
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Please stop seeing politics as an identity and start seeing it as a collective means for change
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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jasontoddiefor · 6 months
I need minors to learn how to lie online again. Your name is Derek, you’re 25 and work in accounting now. Please for your own safety learn how to fucking lie. And if you don’t want to lie, then don’t put your age anywhere. Don’t even say whether you’re a minor or not. It is perfectly easy to avoid adult spaces without signposting that you are doing so because you’re a child.
Stating your age doesn’t protect you this only makes you a target.
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vivi266 · 8 months
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tyanis · 10 months
Kinda feel like there's some untapped meme/reaction image potential from old horror movie trailers...
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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marcilled · 1 year
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 3 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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redsray · 3 months
the funniest part of any Robin meeting the JL is that every Robin is so distinctly different from the previous one in terms of personality and vibes that the league literally gets backlash. and like, I don't blame them. not to mention that they are non-meta children that dress as a traffic light and fight crime alongside batman in gotham on a nightly basis. i'd also be a bit concerned. Batman, literally The Night of Gotham personified in the League's eyes, coming into a JL meeting: This is Robin, my crime-fighting partner. 11-year-old Dick Grayson, dressed in the brightest primary colours possible, vaguely hidden murder behind those eyes, never stops moving even for a moment: Hi! Superman: That's a child. That's-- Bats that is a child. You let a child--? Batman, deadpan: You try to stop him. Would you rather he try and murder a grown man with a wire?
Batman: This is Robin. 12-year-old Jason Todd, with the biggest grin on his face, about 3 books in his hand, stars in his eyes and a distinct street-kid drawl: Hey!!! Green Lantern: That's ... that's a different child. What?? Jason: I stole his tires :) Batman: Tried to. Jason, stage whispering to the League: basically did. Green Lantern: that is a different kid, right?? I'm not seeing shit??
Batman: This is Robin. 14-year-old Tim Drake, bo staff clutched in his hand, a wary and tired expression on his face, more on the quiet side, the literal walking definition of don't judge a book by it's cover: hello Flash: Where do you even find these-- Tim: I found myself.
Batman: This is Robin. 17-year-old Stephanie Brown, literally blonde, with a shit-eating grin, eyes full of nothing but mischief and the most explosive personality you've ever seen: hiya!! Superman: I give up. Stephanie: I know, I have that amazing effect on people.
Batman: This is Robin. 13-year-old Damian Wayne, a literal wet cat that will hiss at you, has a sword, the most judgemental stare you'll get from a teenager, ready to jump anyone there: Green Lantern: WHY DOES HE HAVE A SWORD?! Batman: ... he came with the sword.
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