#and they are closed most of this week because of thanksgiving
make-me-imagine · 2 years
There might not be much content posted until after Thanksgiving because I am
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cuntwrap--supreme · 5 months
I love the "let's blow stuff up" holidays so much. Like, no. I don't have to get up at 7am, actually. I'd love for you to continue literally lighting money on fire into the wee hours of the morn. You have enough explosives to last you until 3:48am? By all means, friends, party away! It's not as if I have to work a 13 hour shift bright and early in the morning. It's not as if some of you are guaranteed to show up to my place of work after waking up at 2 in the afternoon asking why it's taking longer than normal to cook your food. It's actually my fault for having a job that operates during normal business hours. So sorry I'm an inconvenience to you.
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I can't love you how you want me to
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
It starts in Eddie's second senior year, close to the beginning of the semester. Eddie's in trig (again). He's good at math, but Mundy fucking sucks, always giving Eddie shit for breathing, or his shoes squeaking on the linoleum, or whatever, and he ends up with detention most days. So, he hardly ever shows and can't be bothered to do the homework, even though he knows the answers more often than not.
On this particular day, Mundy is in a bad mood, on Eddie's case way more than normal. In the heat of frustration, Eddie scrawls, "I fucking hate this class" on a scrap of notebook paper, and for reasons he can't begin to explain, leaves it folded on the window ledge. He doesn't think anyone will answer; fully expects the paper to be gone come morning with maybe another detention slip under his belt to show for it. He's a little flabbergasted, the next day, when the note is still there, and loses his mind a little when he sees the words "tell me about it" underneath his first message. He doesn't recognize the handwriting, sloping and a little looped, and for most of the class period, he's too bemused to respond. Right before the final bell rings he scrawls, "trig. You?" He leaves the paper on the ledge again. "Algebra 2 :(" is the response.
They keep it up, just a few words at first, before Eddie accidentally doodles on the page, and the other guy scribbles a hasty formula, the math spectacularly wrong. There's a little arrow leading to the words, "this shit sucks." Eddie re-writes the formula with the correct math, leaving careful notations of how and why. The next day he sees, "Shit, dude, I totally get this now. Mundy should retire and let you take over." Which pleases Eddie down to his core.
The messages get longer, nothing super personal, but complaints about life, math help, Eddie's silly little doodles, bad jokes, the slightly lewd drawings typical of teen boys. Eddie's never had a better attendance record in his life, but there are some days where his notes are left unopened. Most remarkably a couple week period before Thanksgiving, where he goes unanswered for so long he figures whatever thing they had going is done. But after the holiday, the notes start up again, with no acknowledgement they ever stopped. Eddie doesn't bother questioning it.
They keep it up almost all year, and they're definitely friends, even though they're totally anonymous. And that wouldn't have changed, except it's the day before spring break and Eddie's vibrating out of his skin with anticipation of the time off, so he forgets his dnd notebook in Mundy's class. He makes it all the way to Click's before he realizes, then sprints back across the school. He crashes through Mundy's door, tripping a little over his own feet.
"Sorry," he pants. "I just left--" he looks over to his desk, far corner right by the window, and then forgets every word he's ever known because Steve Harrington Steve Harrington King Steve, stares right back at him. And he just. He stops and fucking laughs, because all this time--this whole goddamn year--it's been Harrington he exchanged notes with. And sure, the jock's star has fallen in the last few months, with the breakup with Nancy and all that shit with Hargrove, but it's still Steve Harrington. With his big house and his fancy car and his girls. It's pretty Steve Harrington, the focus of Eddie's most hopeless daydreams.
He has a few seconds to see Harrington's hazel eyes go wide, before Eddie spins on his heel and makes a hasty exit. He absolutely doesn't spend the break thinking about the notes, matching what Harrington wrote with the gossip Eddie heard on him from the past few months.
Once break ends, he doesn't bother going to Mundy's class at all.
The Friday of the first week back, Eddie walks out to his van, only to find King Steve leaning up against it. He's doing that obnoxious thing where he has one leg bent, foot resting against the side panel, arms crossed over his chest, stupid hair falling in glorious cascades around his face. It's ridiculously, unfairly attractive.
"What do you want?" Eddie asks. He opens his front door without fully looking at Steve.
"Can we talk?"
Eddie snorts, "what could you and I possibly have to talk about."
Steve narrows his eyes. It's so bitchy and so fucking cute it makes Eddie queasy. "You know what."
"Enlighten me, Harrington."
"C'mon, man, the notes!"
"What about them?
"Don't be stupid, Munson, you know what. Why'd you stop?"
Eddie pulls a pack of camels and his lighter out of his jacket pocket. "Lost its appeal once I knew who was on the other side. Surprised you even want to keep it up now that you know you've been writing to the freak."
He pointedly ignores the little jolt Harrington gives at that, like the words hurt. Which is pretty rich from Steve Harrington, former #1 bully of Hawkins High.
"I've always known it was you," he says.
"You don't--wait what?"
I've known since, like, the first week, Munson."
"What do you mean 'how,' dude, you're always drawing little pentagrams and d20's. Writing the word "Slayer" over and over. Who else would it be?"
And he can't even deal with the fact that Harrington knows what a d20 is (what the fuck) with everything else the other boy just said.
"I gotta go," is his only response. He ducks into his van, slamming the door basically in Harrington's face, before peeling out of the parking lot.
It's the last day of school. Eddie's failed again. His grades, which weren't great to begin with, took a sharp nosedive after spring break, and he just can't wait to be done with this place for a few months. Harrington hasn't spoken to him again, and Eddie tries his hardest to ignore the other boy (aside from seeing him hanging out with Robin Buckley, a junior and a band geek, besides, and he forcibly has to remind himself that he doesn't care what Harrington does).
He slouches into his last math class of the year, slumping over in his seat. He rests his head on his desk, eyes blankly staring out the window as Mundy talks about what a joy most of them were to have in class. His eyes are unfocused, he contemplates a nap, and then he sees it. The tightly folded piece of paper resting on the window ledge.
Eddie almost doesn't take it. He almost ignores it, but he physically can't stop himself for reaching for it, unfolding it, staring at Harrington's now familiar handwriting.
Hey man, I'm pretty sure I fucked things up with us, and I owe you an apology. I've always known who you were, but you had no idea I was me. Buckley helped me see how that maybe freaked you out a little. I know I used to be a piece of shit. But I'm better--or I'm trying to be. And I'm so fucking sorry for the shit I did to you before and the things I didn't bother to stop. You don't owe me forgiveness, but you should know that I regret all of it. I liked passing notes with you. You made me laugh, and I don't know. It was nice to think someone liked me for reasons other than that I'm Steve Harrington, or whatever. I'd really like it if we could be friends. I get if you can't do that or don't want to.
Whatever the note actually ended with is scribbled out in pen so thick Eddie can't make it out.
All day he thinks about the note, the apology, all of it. Eddie thinks, if he's smart, he won't forgive Harrington. That he knows better than to trust him. But Eddie's never actually been that smart in this way, so he's not totally surprised to find himself walking to Steve's car after the last bell rings.
This time, Eddie's the one with his foot resting on the side panel of Steve's BMW, arms crossed over his chest. He doesn't have to wait long before Harrington makes his way to the car, chestnut hair dancing in the breeze, biceps on display in a short-sleeve polo. A little smile dances across his lips when he spots Eddie.
"So, you gonna tell me how you know what a d20 is, Harrington, or do I have to guess?" Eddie offers the other boy a cigarette.
"Babys--Are you serious??" Eddie splutters. Steve Harrington babysits. Steve Harrington babysits little dnd playing nerds. Steve Harrington wants to be his friend.
A full grin spreads across Steve's perfect face and Eddie is absolutely, 100%, fucked.
(Part 2)
(Steddie Notes is now posted in full on ao3!)
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h8ani · 7 months
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In which a silly thought of teasing Rindou for a month would be fun, but after a simple week he would surely snap and make you remember why you should never play games with him
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: fem!reader, dacryphilia, edging/orgasm control, rough sex, reader is alluded to squirting, mean!rindou, potential dubcon, choking, established relationship, masturbation (male)
Here is my submission for @wakashawty NNN collab! This is my first collab ever and was so so so fun to do!
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Something about Rindou is, don’t test him. He isn’t one for jokes and there will be consequences even if it’s meant as a joke.
You thought it would be funny, a comical lil thing to do. If you were smart and had even an ounce of self-preservation, this thought wouldn’t have crossed your mind, the thought being discarded as you went on with your day. But yet here you were. Wanting to participate in No Nut November was supposed to be a little joke, you must’ve taken it too far because now you found yourself bent over the back of the couch, hands pinned behind your back, and being edged for what seems to have been hours. You never meant for it to go this far yet here you are.
Rindou’s thrusts are rough and unrelenting as he fucks up into you, his grip on both of your wrists keeping you in place draped over the couch. The sound of skin slapping skin is all you can hear, constantly ringing in your ears as your pussy continues to take the abuse. You felt the wetness drip down your thighs followed by the sickly squelching sound your pussy started to make, you wince once you felt Rindou’s cock still from within you. Embarrassment wasn’t the word you felt while you were powerless over the couch, you were mortified. Rindou pulls his cock out of you and you feel a quick ‘slap’ against your pussy. His fingers gather up your slick before pushing two of his digits in knuckle deep eliciting a choked out moan from you. Rindou kneels down so he’s eye level with your dripping core now, a proud smirk appearing on his face. “Oh? What’s this? Are you enjoying yourself?” He curls his fingers hitting your gspot perfectly, your legs tremble as he starts finger fucking you. “You’re not meant to enjoy this.” He tsk’s from behind you, fingers slamming against your pussy allowing the wetness to drip down your legs.
You try to twist your wrists free, the feeling of being defenseless was something you weren’t particularly fond of, you hated it really, preferring to hold him close to you and have your hands roam across his body— he knew that of course. He knew everything about you, from the way you loved having your hair played with when you had a long day and were sleepy down to what you loathe, but you weren’t meant to like this; this was a punishment for a stupid idea that was brought to fruition.
You hear him groan suddenly, thrusts slowing down and a sigh slips past your lips as you think it’s all over now.
Oh, you stupid, stupid girl.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He says, voice ever so present in your ears.
Rindou sees you tense up, your body stiffening once you hear him. He has to fight back another groan once you involuntarily clench around him.
Rindou doesn’t particularly care to be like this with you, never a fan of “punishing” you if that’s what this even is. He fucking hates being teased, but you knew this, so why did you even try?
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“Babe!” Rindou hears you call, your footsteps heard climbing up the stairs. “Babe! Babe! Babe!” You rush into his room with a smile coming across your face. He raises an eyebrow, curious as to what you were so excited about.
“Guess what we’re going to do together this month?” Your smile only gets bigger as you speak to him.
“Wha? No! Well yes, but not the answer!” Tired of guessing already, he gives you a bored look and waits for you to continue, hands motioning you to finish what you wanted to tell him. “We’re gonna do No Nut November!”
“Absolutely not,” Rindou says quickly which only leads to the most devious smile you could muster.
“Too bad! If I’m playing then you have to play!” You exclaimed before slipping out of his bedroom before he could interject again. You were serious about playing the game too, he knew you were. What he didn’t know was just how dirty you would play it. He could deal with you purposefully grinding your ass into him at night, that was nothing new to him. What he didn’t expect was the tease of a century of you sending lewd photos of yourself while he was at work.
Once his phone vibrates against his desk he thinks nothing of it when he sees your name pop up with a notification of a text, you always send texts while he’s at work. Clicking in his password he clicks the notification only to slam his phone hard against his desk. The photos sent were of you, in a short mini skirt bent over with no panties on, he could see only from the waist down but he noticed your fingers gathering your own slick, slim fingers prodding your entrance like you were teasing yourself. Rindou picks his phone back up to see multiple photos sent that he couldn’t look away from, another text comes in from you ‘ Wish you were the one touching me:( ’ His face now the shade of a tomato and cock pressing hard against his slacks he stands up abruptly and marches down to the single stall men’s restroom. Fingers lock the door quickly and tug his pants down even faster until he finally fists his cock. A low guttural groan leaving him while he thinks of fucking you in that mini skirt, how he wouldn’t even let you touch yourself one bit and allow him and only him to touch you. He strokes himself faster while his thoughts run rampant, precum leaking past his tip until he spills the rest of his seed all over his hand. Rindou curses internally once he looks down to see the mess, head falling back against the stalls door. Once he got home, your little game was going to be over.
To his surprise, he had more restraint than that. In your eyes that was a green light to keep going, you continued, and continued, and continued to tease him. Until one day, you wore that dress, that one fucking dress. The one that you wore on your birthday that brought back so many memories to his mind, specifically memories of him stripping the dress off of you. The dress you were wearing drove him up the wall. You couldn’t plan to wear that and expect him to keep his composure like he did the past week, you just couldn’t.
He knew that you knew what that dress did to him, how the satin snug around your curves in the most perfect way that he went crazy for. So you coming downstairs acting as if you were going out, that didn’t fly with him.
“Y/n” the tone in his voice was enough to send shivers down your spine, you dared to glance over your shoulder to see him standing up. “Come here.” He says simply. You may like to tease and play games but you knew better than to argue, especially with the way Rindou was looking at you.
You made your way over to him, the only sound that could be heard was of your heels against the floor. Once you made it in front of him, his presence seemed more threatening than it was when you were a few feet away. Slowly looking up at him you’re met with his cool lavender eyes, staring so emotionless back down at you.
“I’m only going to say this once. Bend over, before I bend you over myself.”
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You were tired yet you needed more, you needed to cum. Constantly being brought to the edge only to be pulled back was a pain you never knew before.
A gasp escapes from your lips once you feel his arm slip in front of you and press two cold silver ringed fingers to your clit. The pressure is enough to bring you back to a high so quickly and make your legs shake. “Please…” you whimper while pushing your plush hips back into his own. Instantly his fingers still against you, hot wet tears beginning to well up in your eyes. The frustration and growing pain in between your legs reaching a new all time high.
“Please what?” His head tilts to the side although you couldn’t see it.
“Wanna cum, ‘m sorry.” You try to grind down into his fingers to alleviate yourself, you expected this not to work in your favor, what you didn’t expect was for Rindou to let your wrists go that he held, the dead weight of your arms falling forward ached from how long they were pinned behind your back, you rubbed your wrists, moving them around in the process.
You’re pulled up by his strong and steady hands, spun around to face him, suddenly making eye contact with him brought a suffocating tension in the air you didn’t feel when your back was the only thing that faced him. The air around you is so weak and brittle, feeling as if it would snap at any moment if given the chance. Your eyes met his with an alertness as he stared through you, the stress from the situation you put yourself in was evident even to him. His stare was uncomfortable, it was meant to be, making you squirm just from a single look from him. Your breath felt constricted as you finally spoke. “Baby…” you say, eyes stinging and rimmed red. You blink and let the stray tears fall, hand quickly wiping them away as you utter, “Please.”
His face softens, arms dipping and hooking around your legs so you can sit on top of the couch, instinctively you wrap your legs around him. “Tell me, love,” he positions himself at your entrance while he speaks. “What month is it again?”
“November?” You say confused, legs spreading to allow him in further. “Why are you asking? What are you getting at?”
“What was that little thing you wanted to do called again? No Nut what?”
“November…” you glare at him, irritation running high now. You begin to close your legs but his hand that was holding onto your waist stops you, causing you to hold yourself up on the couch now. His grip on your thigh is rough as he pushes your legs open further.
“You wanted this, didn’t you? It’s the name of the game sweetheart.” He smiles, a deep chuckle erupting from him. “You’re not cumming, end of story.” With that he pushes in, burying himself to the hilt. A sob rips out of you once he starts fucking you at a brutal pace, the way he still has any energy to continue, his pace unwavering was unbeknownst to you because you were tired, drained even. He was so deep and it was sending your mind into a frenzy making you dizzy with each thrust, your own body wanting to give out and let Rin take you as he pleases.
Tears rolled down your cheeks with every slam of his hips against yours, Rindou just laughs, grabbing your cheeks with one hand simultaneously squishing them, you muster enough strength to glare with the tears blurring your vision. “Don’t you look cute crying, you mad at me now? ‘s that it?” He angles his hips in a way that has you crying his name out, thrusting upward he hits the spongey spot within you that sends your legs into a spasm. You feel your stomach tightening up for the nth time tonight. Your hands reach up to grip his shoulder as you feel yourself so, so close to your orgasm.
Please, please, please.
You were ruined. Silent sobs were let out as you hooked your ankles together, a desperate move for him to stay inside of you. Rindou watches the way you blink more tears away, the hopeless look you had as you stare up at him, silently begging him to allow you to cum. “You gonna quit it with these games?” He brings his hand to your cheek, thumb wiping away whatever tears that continue to fall. You nod almost before he can finish, a slight peek of hope appearing on your face. “You pro-”
“I promise! P-Please, please I wanna cum, I need to cum Rin.” You shakily blurt, pulling him in even closer, feeling him even deeper than before.
“You pull this shit on me again and I won’t be so nice next time.” He says before slipping a hand in between you two, you feel his fingers press against your clit, moving in quick circular motions.
It should embarrass you how quickly the knot in your stomach tightened up, you should be even more embarrassed with the sounds you were making, how pathetic you sounded, but you didn’t care, all you cared about was your impending orgasm and how it will be the best damn orgasm of your life.
Rindou thrusted up into you roughly, now pulling away his hand which elicited a desperate whine from you which he quickly shut down. He wraps his hand around your throat squeezing ever so slightly, your attention now centered on him. “You cum from my cock, understood?” Nodding as well as you could, his grip tightens around your throat, fingers pressing in just the right spot that makes your head tingle. His pace quickens, thrusts still rough and hitting you just right. You were breathless, eyes glazed over and head spinning from the lack of oxygen, but who needed to breathe when all you wanted to do was cum.
Unperceived to you, you clenched tighter the longer you were without any air in your lungs. Rindou groans while watching you with lidded eyes as he feels himself nearing his nth orgasm of the night, thrusts becoming rougher, more erratic. A strangled gasp leaves you as you suddenly feel the coil inside snap, your body overcome by the pleasure consuming you and the mess you were making. Your body shook against his and Rindou releases his grip on your throat. His hands now hold your waist as he finishes inside of you with a grunt, his hot cum pumping inside you, painting your insides white as he rides out his high.
Your mind was spinning, unsure if it was from the sudden oxygen rushing to your head or from the intense orgasm. You slump against him with an exhausted huff, Rindou runs his hand through your hair as you both calm down, the heavy breaths from you both are the only sound that can be heard.
“Learn anything today?” His voice suddenly heard, barely having any energy you lazily nod, head tilting up from against his chest.
“Yeah, November is for Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving alone.”
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@bitchcraftinc @enchantedforest-network
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reysdriver · 6 months
Phone Sex | E.M.
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Day 7 of Kinktober: Phone Sex/Mutual Masturbation — eddie x fem!college!reader smut/a bit of fluff
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI - smut, phone sex, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, pet names (baby, sweetheart), mentions of oral and piv sex
Words: 1.9k
a/n: I know it is absolutely not october anymore but I'm not quitting! I already made a post ab it but I'm gonna keep going until I hit at least 10 kinktober fics!
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It’s been tough since you left for university. The feeling of withdrawal from Eddie was already setting in, even though you had only been away from your boyfriend for just about two weeks. The chaos of starting school had just been so much—from the hustle and bustle of orientation week to pages and pages of syllabi you had to read through and prepare for—you had barely spoken to Eddie for more than a few small, rushed phone conversations. 
You and Eddie had even made a big deal of buying a landline phone for your dorm room before you left along with one for his bedroom, and you two hadn’t even got to use them for more than half an hour total. 
But tonight was going to be the night. You had no assignments, and nothing else to do than call your boyfriend for as long as you both could stay awake. 
Taking the handset in your left hand and already holding it up to the side of your head, you dialled your favourite phone number in the entire world. 
You lied on your stomach against the mattress of your twin bed, listening closely to the dial tone. After a few seconds, Eddie answered and a smile tore across your face almost immediately. 
“You’ve reached the gates of hell; what can I do for you today?”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing at his stupid way of picking up the phone. “You know it’s me, Eddie. Don’t try to scare me off.”
“I just had to make sure, sweetheart.”
You decided you would tease him for that. “Oh, you got a lot of people calling you at nine in the evening?”
“Nope. Just one special little lady calling from her smart people asylum.”
Another joke you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of laughing at. “Good. I don’t want to have to beat any other girls away from you when I come back for Thanksgiving.” 
As soon as the words escaped your lips, you started to think about how far away that really was. It had been hard enough being away from each other for two months, you didn’t even want to think about being separate for two more months. 
Eddie was clearly thinking about this too, because he quickly changed the subject. “What about you, baby? Anyone you’re talking to late at night when you aren’t on the phone with me?”
“Nope. Just you, Eds.” You responded honestly. 
His tone changed from flirtatious to more sincere. “But you are making friends though, right? I don’t want you to have too good of a time, but I definitely don’t want you to be lonely.”
“I’m not lonely here, Eddie. Remember I told you about that group I eat dinner with? And I just joined a book club!”
“A book club, eh?” He tutted. “A shame. Bet they’re just gonna fill you up with the most basic of literature and turn you into a puppet for The Man.” 
This one, you did laugh at. You twirled the phone’s cord around your index finger as you crafted your response. “Don’t worry, Eds. There’s only one man I would be a toy for.”
You could practically hear your boyfriend’s jaw drop through the phone. 
“So it’s gonna be one of those phone calls, huh?” 
You suddenly lost a whole lot of your confidence. Did he just want to chat and catch up tonight? Was he thinking the sexual aspect of your relationship would be gone once you left for college?
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay.” You rushed to say. “I was just thinking we could have a little fun and then talk about everything else until we fall asleep—”
“Sweetheart, of course I want to. I just wanted to tease you a bit because I can’t do it every day in person like we’re used to.” He told you with a slight laugh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I would never pass up an opportunity like this with you.” 
That boosted your confidence back again. You shifted around to get as comfortable as you could on your tiny bed. “Oh, really? I’m that irresistible?”
“Of course.” He said honestly. “That’s why it was so hard to let you move away. Remember our last night together before you left?”
You absolutely remembered it. How could you forget? Although you had originally planned to go to bed early so you could get to school, Eddie had made you a romantic dinner at his trailer and he had ravished you all night as one of his goodbye presents to you. 
Although you stand by every one of your dates with Eddie being one of the best nights of your life, that one had to take the cake so far. 
“Yeah, I think it rings a bell.” You told him. “You want to try to recreate it like this?” 
“Like, by ourselves? Over the phone?” He paused for a moment while he pretended to think about your offer. “Well, I’m not sure you would be able to match the euphoria brought on by my special moves, but we can try it.” 
“Oh no.” You said with a giggle. “I don’t know how I’ll survive.”
“Well, you could start by taking off your pants. Wait, maybe I should ask what you’re wearing. What are you wearing, baby?” 
Eddie was just so incredibly funny without even trying sometimes. You thought it was so incredibly him to get caught up on something like that, but still be able to turn it around and try to make it sexy.
You looked down at your body when you realised you actually couldn’t remember what you had even put on that morning. “Um, your Judas Priest tee shirt, some jean shorts, and the black matching set you like underneath.”
Instead of being upset that you stole his shirt like you were slightly worried he would be, Eddie seemed to like your outfit. 
“That’s a good shirt; leave it on. But the bottoms can go.”
And you as he asked. You weren’t exactly sure how this was all going to go down, but you were excited nonetheless. Still lying down, you lifted your hips and shimmied out of your shorts. 
“And what about you? You’re not wearing one of my shirts, are you?”
He chuckled into the phone. “No, sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart, but I’m wearing a nasty old pair of jeans and my Ozzy shirt.”
“Well, that’s no problem. The nasty old pants can come off. Then we can match.”
“I love the way you think.”
You could hear the clinking sounds made by Eddie undoing his belt through the phone and it shot a wave of anticipation down your torso and right between your legs. You pictured your boyfriend with his phone held between his jaw and his shoulder, so excited for what you were engaging in that he just had to get his jeans off as soon as possible. 
“So,” Eddie started awkwardly, “Do you want to get all teasing with things or should we just get into it?”
You thought about it for a moment, then answered him. “I think we’ve been apart for too long. We shouldn’t deprive ourselves of each other for a second longer than necessary.”
“Amazing point, baby, as always.” There’s more shuffling on the other line, and you’re tempted to ask about it, but Eddie answers before you can even say anything. “Don’t mind me, just getting some lotion from the dresser. Not everyone here is as lubricationally gifted as you are, my dear.”
He was right; you were already getting wet. All you had done was think about the idea of you and Eddie getting off together, then you had taken off your jean shorts, and you had already made a mark on your underwear. 
You didn’t want to start anything without Eddie, so you just opened your legs and let anticipation pool between them. 
You could hear Eddie groan, then the springs of his old mattress creaked loudly. 
“Alright, babe, let’s get into it.” He said. “I mean, I can do my thing here. How about you bring a hand down there and start playing with your pussy?”
It was clear through Eddie’s over-the-phone dirty talk that he was new to this, but who were you to judge? You did just as he told you, taking two fingers and starting to tease your clit. 
The sounds of Eddie moving his hands up and down along his cock, muffled through the landline, just turned you on so much. Every few pumps, Eddie let out little grunts and moans, your favourite sounds. 
“I’ve missed you so much, baby.” He told you, still getting himself off. 
“I’ve been missing you too.” You replied sincerely. “I think about you every single day.”
You dipped two fingers into yourself and pumped them in and out, an attempt to replicate how your boyfriend can bring you to climax with just his fingers when he wants to. It worked somewhat; it was pleasing enough, especially when you used your thumb to rub your clit at the same time, but it just wasn’t Eddie’s fingers. 
“There’s been times where I’ve been in class, not paying attention to a single thing the professor was saying, just thinking about us in the back of your van or out by Lover’s Lake…” You admitted. 
Eddie seemed intrigued by this new idea. He absolutely knew what you were talking about, but he wanted to press more. “Yeah, tell me about that, sweetheart. What were we getting up to in the back of my van?” 
“Remember that picnic we had after graduation? I was running through that whole day in my head, like it was on loop. I loved that day so much. I love you so much, Eds.” 
He let out one loud moan that seemed to echo off the walls of his trailer. You knew exactly what that sound meant, but he confirmed it for you between heavy breaths anyways. 
“Shit, I just made a big ass mess on my shirt.” 
“Well, maybe when I’m done, I can make a mess on your shirt too.”
“Yeah, you just gotta keep going, playing with yourself. Are you thinking about my fingers, my mouth, or my dick?”
“Your fingers. I wish you were really here.” You sighed. “I’m close.”
Eddie told you to keep rubbing yourself and playing with your pussy, and you did so until you felt the knot in your stomach burst. 
You found yourself breathing heavily, just as Eddie was a moment ago, and now neither of you were saying anything. You held the handset of the phone against your chest and watched as it rose and fell with each deep inhale and exhale you took. 
Finally, you heard Eddie’s muffled voice and brought the phone back up to your head. 
“I was thinking I should make the drive up to see you next weekend, what do you think?” He offered. “Maybe we could recreate tonight in person, amongst other things.”You held back an ecstatic squeal from leaving you. Maybe university wasn’t going to be bad at all, you thought.
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buckets-and-trees · 5 months
As one of the Christmas presents, your Alpha promises to fulfill one of your fantasies, or introduce you to a kink you secretly wanted to try. What is it and how he's going about it? Does he surprise you with it? Or did you plan to make a special night of it?
Okay, not an alpha, but...
I couldn't get this idea out of my head...
Fandom: Chris Evans Characters Title: Make Her Glow Characters/Pairings: soft dark!Mafia!Andy Barber x female!reader Word Count: 986
Content Warnings: bondage, established coerced marriage, breeding kink
Logistical Notes: I think technically this is ... going to be a collection now. Sequel to I'm Your Man and a moment from their honeymoon. I just can't resist this Andy (and neither can you, dear reader).
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The domestic elements were incredibly important to Andy. He knew they were vital to building a happy, long-lasting relationship between husband and wife, and he wanted nothing less than that for both of you. Putting up the Christmas tree had been something he’d insisted on doing together, just the two of you, the day after Thanksgiving.
He’d driven the pair of you to the nicest tree lot, walked around holding your hand until he knew the two of you had found a tree you truly liked, then paid to have it delivered to your home after lunch. He had you direct the delivery men to put it exactly where you wanted it. He had helped you string it with lights, then decorate with garland and ornaments. You were still guarded – he had broken down many, but not all, of your walls, but it had been a good day.
But by far the most valuable thing from putting up the tree together had been the lights. He saw sheer, unadulterated delight shine through your eyes the first time they lit up. It was the passion he’d seen on your face so frequently during the first weeks he knew you – it’s what made him know he had to have you, and he loved seeing it again.
Each night, you had very easily let him hold you on the couch, all the other lights off, and sit together in the glow from the white lights of the tree. He had pulled so much more out of you each of those nights – memories, wants, dreams, worries.
He always knew you would work.
He knew you knew the two of your would work.
The soft glow of those lights had made you impossibly softer and warmer to him, and he fucking loved it.
But he hadn’t exploited that knowledge until tonight.
Having finally sent all the house guests home, you were turning off all the lights, and about to collapse onto the couch, but he intercepted you a step away from your destination, and tugged you gently upstairs. You knew not to fight him.
He knows you don’t want to fight him; you’re only holding onto small pieces of resisting him because he’s slowly been disarming every last piece of you, making you more and more vulnerable to becoming completely swept away by him.
He closes the bedroom door and then leads you to the bed. He slowly unzips your simple but beautiful party dress from behind, and you shrug it down your shoulders. He presses a kiss between your shoulder blades, and you can’t suppress a shiver. Then he unclasps your bra, and you let that fall to the floor, too. He slides a finger into the waistband of your lacey underwear on either side of your hips and pulls them gently down. You step out of them without direction.
He spanks you, just once, but it elicits the short, gasping moan he loves to draw from you.
“Up on the bed now,” he instructs.
“Yes, Andy,” your voice is soft, and you crawl up obediently.
“On your back in the middle of the mattress.”
As you move into place, you watch him, and he reaches for a box he left under the bed a few hours earlier.
Andy places the box on the bedside table, and first pulls out a thick, forest green satin ribbon.
He climbs up on the bed next to you. “Hold up your hands, wrists together for me.”
Despite everything else up to this point, he’s never physically bound you before.
Although he can see the evidence of your breathing speed up with the rise and fall of your chest, he’s incredibly pleased that you do exactly as he says, surrendering without a fuss. He wraps the ribbon around your wrists and forearms, then strokes your cheek. “Such a good girl for me.”
He moves back to the box, pulls out one end of the string, plugs it into the socket, and you gasp as a full string of white lights comes to life. Andy smiles and turns off the rest of the lights in the room.
Ten minutes later when he’s wrapped the lights around your arms – right over where the ribbons were first placed because he did want to protect your precious skin from being uncomfortable – and then bound you up to the headboard, where he strung the rest of the lights back and forth between the bedposts, and emerges naked from the large master closet, he fully appreciates the warm glow of the lights just as you have the lights from the tree. He more than gets it now.
Joining you once more on the bed, he runs his hands up your thighs, then guides them open and kneels between them.
“You’re so pretty like this, wife.”
You’re wet for him. Waiting for him.
“You want one more Christmas gift?” he asks, his eyes moving up your body to meet your eyes.
You let out a small, whimpered, “Yes,” and he smiles again. “Please,” you add.
“And I think it’s time we start really working on one more gift for me,” he says. He moves one hand to your hip and places the other solidly over your womb. “I’m done waiting to see you growing with my child, and it’s too perfect that you’re ovulating.”
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens just a little.
He smirks. “You think I really wouldn’t know something like that? Well, if you’re going to act dumb, I’ll just oblige and fuck you dumb. But, goddamn, you should know how perfect and beautiful you look for me just like this. Glowing under these lights? Perfection."
He leans down to kiss you. His lips move against yours, easily, he licks into your mouth, and you moan. He doesn't relent until you're breathless, and arching up beneath him.
"Now let’s make it so you glow for another reason.”
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I make no apologies for this.
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bbjobo · 27 days
Hello hi it’s me, your resident entertainment PR enthusiast. I simply need to talk about the sequel announcement. This is all speculation, but I work in entertainment-adjacent communications and once convinced a household name celebrity to stay at my event to do select press interviews when his wife was going to go into labor at literally any minute, so I like to think I've got a pretty good sense of all of this.
So buckle in, because I'm about how actually fantastic this rollout was, because I’d wager they’ve been planning this since the premiere. 
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RWRB came out truly smack-dab in the middle of the actors' strike. We all know just how much press we must have missed out on, because the strike started before promo would have kicked off in earnest. And when it was finally over in November, the actors are potentially out of contract for promotion, and that’s not even taking into consideration that the holidays are coming up and the six weeks from American Thanksgiving to New Year’s is truly a black hole of press. So this little movie has to rely almost entirely on fan reaction and word of mouth to hit because they’re so limited in what they can do for promo. And it IS a hit! Records are broken! Comments for an extended version (which, ok Matthew we get it, does not exist) and a sequel start almost immediately.
The marketing team makes the most of what they’ve got: they’re keeping up the official character accounts, they’re dropping deleted scenes and BTS. We get cornettos! The fireside scene! Bloopers! Notably absent? Brownstone Thanksgiving. We’ve seen BTS photos of it, we know it exists. Thanksgiving 2023 would have been a great time to drop it, but they don’t. This is the approximate point at which my own personal sequel speculation began. After the strike ends, the posting pace slows considerably but it’s still consistent. It’s just enough to keep it in your mind but not enough to be like “why are you still posting this much about it?” And this continues into 2024.
On the contracting side, conversations were likely actively happening at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if negotiations picked up literally as soon as the strike ended. The producers would have had that time to get Matthew and Casey back on board and be fully prepped and ready to move on to contracting actors the minute they could. It’d be a shot in the dark to try to guess when these were finalized, but at some point between November 9 and May 9, yeah, they’re in.
But whew, Nicholas is booked and BUSY. Mary & George drops internationally March 5, The Idea of You closes SXSW on March 17, two weeks later M&G starts airing in the US and Canada, and a month after that, TIOY is available for streaming (and limited theatrical release, which is another whole post), and in between all those premieres, he’s everywhere. He’s criss-crossing the country (and tbh the Atlantic Ocean) for all of these appearances, truly going non-stop. The pacing of the premieres makes it nearly impossible to squeeze in another project announcement, and if they had, it would have been a bigger part of every interview he did after, which is something his own team would be working to balance. Plus between TIOY and RWRB, Prime would have been pitching stories against themselves. Better to let him finish out his other promotional appearances and then switch over.
At the same time, we’ve got awards and red carpet season starting. At nearly every red carpet appearance not for their own projects, both Taylor and Nick are asked about a sequel. If an interviewer is given enough time, they ask about a sequel. Sure, fans comment about a sequel on every vaguely rwrb social post from an official account, but the press asking about a sequel felt like a lot to me. Everyone always gave the same vague answer, that they’d be up for it if the story is right, that they don’t know but would be happy to. (Except one time, Nick does slip up and give an answer that feels a little more definitive here where he says “conversations are being had” all the way back in late February/early March). Press are asking the question so consistently that it felt like if it wasn’t happening, PR teams would have put the sequel on the do not ask list.
Then Prime starts actually ramping up on a FYC campaign for the movie. I'm gonna be honest, I was so surprised. It's a rom com, the odds of a rom com getting any sort of awards recognition is so slim, but I thought, "ok, sure, use FYC as a way to get the promo boost they need for an announcement of whatever's coming next." And then I looked up and Variety has picked it as the winner in the best television movie category, which is blowing my mind. The other categories they're submitting in are stacked and I think a nomination beyond television movie will be a long shot, but again, it's big for it to even be considered. And if they're being talked about, that means Prime's gotta put out a great showing for their FYC campaign.
Which brings us to this week. We start off on Monday with Nick at the Met Gala referring to Uma as his mother-in-law. Incredible. Love it. Wednesday and Thursday are a one-two punch of a FYC event and fan event, and the gang’s all here. At the FYC, we get the industry side of things: new portraits and interviews with Deadline, process talk, etc. Because this little rom com is actually doing pretty well and beating the odds? Knowing what we know now, the PR teams spent this week pre-briefing the press on the sequel announcement. Notable (at least to my knowledge) the sequel question doesn't get asked at the FYC event. Because the press already knows it's coming.
Now, on to yesterday. They do a fan screening and Q&A, and they literally roll out the red carpet. Nine months after the premiere and exactly six months after the strike ended, they get the gang back together with fans of the movie, who they relied on so heavily during the strike to help make the movie a success. The tagline on the screen’s giant promo image has been updated to specifically thank fans for “making history with us.” The moderator for the Q&A is the same person who interviewed Taylor and Nick at the beginning of FYC campaign season, their first joint interview since GQ (right? pretty sure. it's all a blur tbh). And at the end of the Q&A, minutes before 12 AM ET, when the embargo on the press release would have lifted, they make the announcement not to press, but to the fans. The fans who loved the book, who watched it over and over, who spread the word about the movie to help make it one of Prime’s top three rom coms OF ALL TIME.
It’s just… an absolute masterclass in how to execute a major announcement that embraces the fans in a time where fandom and interaction between creators and fans can be an absolute minefield. Prime saw the opportunity to lean into the fannishness of it all and they took it and it was a slam dunk.
So where do we go from here? IDK but here’s some unconnected thoughts in list form like Alex would want.
The book’s 5th anniversary is next Wednesday, the 14th.
Casey’s been posting about working on [redacted] for months at this point, which is almost certainly the screenplay
Nick mentioned needing to be back in the UK for filming soon
They would probably like to release this in US election off-cycle years, so that means 2025 or 2027 (and 2027 is too far away). 2026 would be less bad since it’s a midterm election, but still.
Filming could reasonably start sooner rather than later, and even without an unfinished script
I guess we’re back on content watch for blond hair and BTS pictures
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supernovafics · 5 months
Hey love your “I’ll be there for you” series, recently read the one where Steve walked in on her and was wondering if you could write her walking in on him please 💖
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3k words
warnings: explicit language, brief-ish mention of reader’s shitty parents
summary: in which you and steve end up at your childhood home after a shitty party at the house of one of your old high school friends. a frozen pizza and some spilled wine lead to another awkward moment between you two, but the roles are reversed this time around
author's note: thanks for the request! this became a lot longer than i expected but it was a really fun one to write lol
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
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Fall 1985
“Are we living in a nightmare right now?”
You didn’t need to hear Steve’s response to know exactly how true your words were. 
Deciding to come to this party, and forcing Steve to come with you, was probably one of the worst ideas you’ve had in a while and you now fully regretted it. Even before going, you had a feeling it would suck— that it would be full of way too many people you knew from high school, most of whom you never really wanted to see again. But, when you were invited by an old friend after running into her at the diner you and Steve would frequent, it felt too hard to say no on the spot, and then just for one stupid second you managed to convince yourself that this could be a good idea; fun, even. 
And making Steve come with you would also make it a thousand times more bearable. Even though he was working a late shift at Family Video, you were still able to convince him to come to the party with you after his shift— mainly because you promised him that you would clean out Harold’s cage for the next two weeks. 
Barely twenty minutes in, you two had gotten split up somehow and you had minor conversations, none of which were started by you, with at least ten people from high school. What made it worse was that since it was Thanksgiving break most people were home for the week from whatever college they went off to, and all you heard about were stories of people’s college experiences so far, which quickly became way too repetitive. 
After hearing one too many stories about “having so much freedom” and “super crazy frat parties,” you desperately started searching for Steve so that you two could leave. You had spotted him in the kitchen in a matter of seconds having a conversation with a random guy, and as if sensing your gaze on him, his eyes immediately met yours. You gave each other a look that said everything that needed to be said and you met him outside moments later. 
Now your eyes were fixed on his car, which was completely sandwiched in by two cars that parked way too close, so there was no way that you two could leave right then. 
When Steve laughed at the current situation and at you saying that this entire night was a nightmare, you gave him a confused look. 
“Why are you laughing?”
He lightly shrugged, eyes meeting yours. “Come on, this is at least a little bit funny. When was the last time you’ve seen shit like this happen before?”
You let out a sigh that morphed into somewhat of a laugh. “Okay, so instead of a nightmare this is just some kind of fucked up comedy movie?”
“Yes, exactly,” He said with a nod. “So, now what? Should we go back inside?” 
“No way,” You told him as you leaned against the side of his car instead of going back toward the house. Steve didn’t say anything in response to that and simply joined you, standing close enough so that it was easy for you to lean your head against his shoulder. 
It was quiet for a few moments, probably because you both were trying to figure out how to salvage the rest of the night. On the drive back home, you were going to suggest that you two pick up something from the pizza place close by the apartment and then settle on the couch and watch a movie since it was barely ten o’clock, but now that idea felt pretty impossible.
You were about to say that maybe you two should go back inside the house and just find a room to camp out in for the time being— it felt like the only plausible idea that wouldn’t have you two standing out in the cold for the next few hours. But then you remembered the address of the house you two were currently standing outside of, and it finally hit you why the street name had felt so familiar when it was scrawled out and given to you on a random napkin at the diner. 
“Oh, my God. Samantha’s seventh birthday!” 
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed at your abrupt words. “What?” 
You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked at him. “Okay, long story short, this girl in my second grade class lived on this street and she was having a birthday party, and my mom dropped me off for it. I think that there was some confusion between her and my dad about who would pick me up from it, so neither of them ended up coming because they both thought that the other one was; or maybe they just forgot. Before Samantha’s parents could notice that I was the last kid left— and that I was the kid whose parents forgot to pick them up from a birthday party, which felt so embarrassing— I decided to walk home. It felt like an hour, but I think it was actually just like ten minutes. And that sad story was the long winded way of me saying that we should just walk to my house right now because it’s really close and who knows how long it’ll take for either of these cars to move.”  
Steve bypassed your final statement for a moment. “You walked home when you were seven, and this is a story that is just now coming up?” 
“Some traumatic childhood memories I like to keep to myself and completely repress unless it’s absolutely necessary to bring them up, and this moment needed that story.” You were only slightly joking with your words. “Anyway, my parents are still on that Thanksgiving ski trip with yours until Sunday, so the house is empty. Let’s go, Harrington.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Overall, you loved your childhood home, it was just your parents that had made it unbearable most of the time— which was what made you want to move out sooner rather than later. However, since your parents weren’t home, it wasn’t surprising that you were enjoying being in the kitchen with Steve right then. 
You had pulled a bottle of wine off the rack that was in the living room, and you and Steve decided to drink it out of mugs instead of glasses because it felt much less “adult” that way. You were sitting on top of the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen and Steve stood next to you after he put the frozen pizza that he found in the freezer into the oven— you were certain that you had bought it during the summer before you moved out because you truly couldn’t imagine your parents buying it themselves.   
The bottle of wine was already done, with the last of it going into your mug, and Steve took a quick sip of what was left in his before speaking. “Y’know whenever we tell each other shitty childhood stories, like that birthday party one, it makes me really glad that we have each other.”
You knew for a fact that it wasn’t the wine and your slight inebriation that made his words hit you so damn hard. Instead, they hit you hard because of how completely true they were and how you felt the exact same way. Nearly ten years of Steve being in your life and it was difficult, and equally painful, to imagine anything different. It was hard to picture what your life would be like if you hadn’t met him on that stupid cruise when you were ten. 
You were sure that you still would’ve had friends in this sucky alternate universe where you never met Steve, and you maybe even called someone else your best friend. But you were also sure that none of those friendships would be like what you had with Steve. What you two had was unprecedented, and as dramatic as it probably would’ve sounded if you said this to anyone that wasn’t Steve, it felt like something that was once in a lifetime. 
How deeply you’d been affected by his words right then may not have been due to the wine, but you knew that your sudden urge to cry at that moment was due to your slight inebriation. You brought your mug to your lips and took a long drink from it to settle the lump growing in your throat. 
“That feeling’s very mutual,” You ultimately said as you playfully bumped your knee against him. “Also, you’re being way too sentimental right now, which feels very out of character for you.” 
He smiled at that. “Oh, yes, I forgot. You’re the sentimental one when we’re drunk. I shouldn’t be taking over that role.” 
“Exactly,” You said sarcastically to match his tone and moved your hand to point at him, which you did way too fast and made most of the red wine in your mug spill all over his shirt and onto the floor. You immediately slapped your free hand over your mouth out of shock and so you wouldn’t laugh at what just happened. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.”
Steve laughed, which made it a thousand times harder to hold back your own laughter. “I had a feeling you hated this shirt, but now I know for sure that you do.”
You actually had nothing against the simple yellow crewneck he was wearing with the sleeves bunched up at his elbows, but before you two had left the apartment that night, you made a playful joke about his outfit; it was just fun to push his buttons sometimes. 
“I actually really like it. This was purely accidental,” You said as you sat your now empty mug down next to you. 
“Where’s the mop again?”
You shook your head at his question and pushed yourself off the counter, avoiding the mess on the floor. “No, I’ll clean this up, you should go change. There’s probably something of yours left in my room because I didn’t completely empty out all of the drawers when I packed.” You walked around Steve and toward the sink so that you could grab the sponge and clean the counter first. “And actually, you should maybe shower too unless you wanna smell like a vineyard for the rest of the night. And I personally don’t know if I’ll be able to stomach that.” 
“I feel like if I leave, you’ll somehow just end up making a bigger mess,” He said and you immediately rolled your eyes at that. 
“I’m sober enough to do this,” You told him. “You wanna see me walk in a straight line?”
Before he could answer, you quickly went over to the fridge and then turned around and started walking toward him, one foot in front of the other in a line that was somewhat straight. When you were standing right in front of him, you booped the tip of his nose with your finger. 
He couldn’t help but laugh at your current antics. “I don’t know if that helped me believe that you’re not drunk right now.” 
“Just go,” You said as you went back over to the sink. “If I somehow end up starting a fire, I’ll make sure to go get you before leaving the house or even calling 911.”
“That’s very comforting to know,” Steve told you sarcastically before he finally started heading down the hall. “But, you should definitely call 911 before getting me.”
“Yeah, yeah. It will all depend on how I feel in the moment,” You responded loud enough for him to hear, and you only heard him overdramatically sigh in response, which made you laugh. 
You cleaned up the wine that dripped onto the countertop and what spilled on the floor, and then you put both mugs in the sink and washed them. The mundane act managed to sober you up for the most part, and it also somehow made you need to pee.  
You were certain that Steve was already in the guest bathroom because that was the one he always used when he would come over. Therefore, you decided to go to yours, which was connected to your bedroom right down the hall.
At first, when you were younger, you hated having your bedroom on the first floor because it felt so far away from your parents, whose room was upstairs, and it was also harder to get away from the noise whenever they decided to have work parties at the house. But that hatred quickly changed as you got older because the fact that you were on the first floor made it so much easier for you to sneak out, mainly to Steve’s house twenty minutes away, or to sneak Steve in. 
The bedroom was now mostly empty and bare, but some things still lingered— your old bedding was still on the bed and some posters were still on the wall; ones that you didn’t want to bring to the apartment because they felt as if they just had to stay here. Even a smiling picture of you and Steve in his pool that was taken by his mom one Summer felt weirdly right to leave pinned up on the wall next to your closet like it had been for the past seven years. You bypassed the weirdness and slight nostalgia you were feeling at that moment and instead went to your bathroom. 
You did not expect to see Steve when you opened the door and you especially didn’t expect him to see him naked. He must’ve just gotten out of the shower because the towel that should’ve been wrapped around his waist was in his damp hair instead. 
The first thought you had when your eyes inadvertently traveled downward was that when the tables had been turned and you joked about seeing his “little Harrington” to make things even between you two, he was right by saying that it wasn’t little. It was actually nowhere near being little. You were unsure if that was a sober thought or a drunk one; it somehow felt like both. 
“Oh, shit, fuck,” You immediately turned around and then quickly realized that you didn’t close the door back, but you refused to turn around again, so you backed up a bit until you felt the doorknob and then harshly pulled it shut. “Fuck.”
“Did you actually start a fire?” You heard Steve’s voice through the door. 
“No,” You answered, eyes now firmly shut even though they didn’t have to be. “I thought you were in the other bathroom. You always use the other one. Why are you using mine?” 
“I only use the other one when you’re using yours. The water pressure in here is so much better.” 
“Oh,” You said, hating how much sense the short explanation made. “Well, still, fuck. And also, I’m sorry.” 
Steve let out a laugh, which surprised you because nothing about this moment felt like it should’ve been laughed about, at least not yet. “Y’know this moment feels like the worst kind of deja vu.”
You groaned. “Ugh, stop, we said we’d never bring up that moment.” 
“I know, but it feels like a very fitting time to bring it up,” He said. “And, at least, now we’re even.” 
“I guess that’s sadly true, but I was completely okay with us never being even on this thing,” You told him. “And now we have another moment that we’ll take to our graves and never speak of.”
“The list just keeps growing and growing.” 
“We should commit a crime so that we have less embarrassing things on the list.” 
“I agree.” You heard the door open and you kept your eyes shut even though you were still turned around. “It’s okay. I have clothes on now.” 
You let out a sigh in relief and turned around to face him. He was wearing your white t-shirt that had your high school name and “Class of ‘85” written across the front of it in dark green lettering— it was fairly oversized on you, but it fit him fine— and he had on a pair of black sweatpants that you knew were his because of the bleach spots on one of the legs. You remembered that they had been living in the bottom of your drawer since Junior year of high school. 
For some reason, it felt so damn awkward looking at him right then, even though he was now fully clothed. Now you completely understood why he had been so embarrassed when he walked in on you. You tried to think back to what you had said to him in that moment to ease the awkwardness, maybe those words could’ve been helpful in this moment, but your mind was drawing a blank. All you could think about and picture right then were things that you definitely should not have been thinking about or picturing. 
You then remembered the reason why you’d been heading to your bathroom in the first place. “I think seeing your little Harrington scared my pee away.” 
You refused to mention that you now knew that it actually wasn’t “little” because he did not need an ego boost right then when you were the one who felt way too awkward about this entire situation.
Steve let out a laugh and shook his head. “I don’t really know what to say to that.” 
You covered your face with your hands. “Don’t say anything, actually. I don’t even know why I just said that. This whole moment just feels so weird.”
“I think what you said to me that day when I did this to you was something like, Stop being weird and awkward about this. Let’s just forget this ever happened,” Steve said and you playfully punched his arm when he attempted to mimic your voice. 
“Fuck you. My voice is not that high-pitched.” 
Steve simply shrugged. “Close enough.”
“I did have very wise words, though,” You told him. “And we should listen to them and completely forget this moment ever happened.” 
“Taking it to the grave.”
You nodded. “To the grave.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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mock-arts · 7 months
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part 2/2 of my 2023 cover collection! This one only 75% star wars and 25% sandman. Check out my cover collection tag for big chunks of covers like this, or check out my big bang tag for a bunch of collab'd stuff! idk or do whatever you want!
oh, and happy thanksgiving for my american buds I'm thankful for getting to work with so many cool people
Links and summaries beneath the cut!
2023 cover collection
We'll Meet Again by @littledumplingwrites (art) (with more art by @punkascas)
When Initiate Obi-Wan Kenobi is assigned to AgriCorps, he goes to his Creche Master to ask why he hasn’t been assigned to a Service Corps better suited. As a result he’s sent to MediCorps to become a healer. Cue Obi-Wan becoming Ben Kenobi: a master healer and specialized surgeon who does philanthropic MediCorps work on the Outer Rim. It’s hard work, but good work and he enjoys what he does. But when the Clone Wars start, Ben is called away from his humanitarian work to patch up Clone Troopers and Jedi on the battlefield. And once he’s there, he meets a rising star in the Clone Army: one Captain Cody.
Or, Healer-Surgeon Ben Kenobi was called to the war front. And he wasn't too keen on going. What were the Jedi even thinking when they started a war?
That M*A*S*H Star Wars AU that I just couldn't get out of my head, so I wrote it. (However, you do not have to know or have seen MASH to understand this.)
Healer Ben Kenobi, Reporting for Duty by @littledumplingwrites (art) (with podfic by mengde)
Healer Ben Kenobi finishes his surgical work on one battlefield and finds out he has a new assignment: rendezvous with the 212th and work with the clone healers there. This makes Ben a little nervous, because his new boyfriend Major Cody is a part of the 212th and Ben hasn’t heard from him in weeks.
Can the two of them work through their relationship issues, even as the Separatist Droid Army closes in on their position? Can Cody learn to trust someone who isn’t a brother? And can Ben learn to put his partner’s care above his past hurts?
Can be read as a standalone. Also, you do NOT need to know anything about M.A.S.H. to read or enjoy this story.
Bonds of Beskar by @popjeckdoom (art) (with more art by Aliennotperson)
In a universe where the Mandalorian Empire never fell, but changed, Ad’be’alor Kote Vhett faces threats from all sides. His father, Mand’alor Jango Vhett has been cursed into a Majick sleep, and as Tor Vizsla and his supporters tear the Council of Clans apart, Kote is desperate to wake his father and reunite the Empire. In an effort to save his father, and his people, Kote Vhett offers “anything” to the person who can cure his Father’s curse.
Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi may be the person for the job; only one issue--the Jedi have been in hiding for a thousand years, still hunted by Sith and Mandalorians alike. Can he keep his true identity secret long enough to help the Mand'alor... or will events conspire to reveal him before his mission is complete?
Forever; Without Stagnation by @noir-renard (art)
Din and Luke meet on Tatooine. Din and Luke fall in love. Din and Luke get married—
And then the plot catches up.
The Galaxy needs you, says The Force, and Luke believes it.
Din will understand, Luke thinks. It won’t take that long. What is a few years compared to the vow of 'forever'?
Only Blindly Could I Read You by @lillytalons (art) (with more art by @vanisketches
Rex's goal was to get into the organization, get the information, and take it down. Of course, no one had ever successfully infiltrated this empire, and most people had died attempting it, so it was easier said than done. But, the fact that a government agency had also sent in an agent, their best agent, was either a very good or very bad thing. Rex just happened to recognize them, and for some reason, Ben had decided that working together was the best option. What could go wrong?
It's a Sad Song (But We Sing it Anyway) by @ouzoa11-writes (art) (with more art by @impalafortrenchcoats)
Obi-Wan and Cody Kenobi have raised Luke for years and are at the center of the Rebellion when a new threat looms the horizon in the form of a new weapon. The tides seem to turn in their favor, even as they face new challenges along the way.
Or: Obi-Wan and Cody are soulmates who just want to see everyone survive. Their lives from Luke and Leia's nineteenth birthday to a confrontation with Vader alone.
Standalone though it is part of the "We Raise Our Cups To Them" universe
An Epiphany of Poppies Upon the Battlefield by @questing-wulfstan (art)
April 1940, On a French battlefield, Hob Gadling doubts his will to persevere in being alive for the second time of his existence. He swallows morphine in the hope to soothe his horror-scarified mind, and summons a mirage of the stranger who occupied his thoughts as the patron of his immortality. In a Japanese psychiatric ward, Delirium of the Endless is alerted by Dream's irruption in her realm, who she found missing when she sought his company on her quest for the Prodigal. Disappointment overcomes her as she finds it was but an image of her brother conjured by a mortal, and so it does Hob when her eruption dismisses the vision. Delirium will not resign herself to her exponential loss of brothers however, neither will Hob Gadling withhold his aid from any entity in distress, whether the stranger or his younger sister ; they just might hold the might to liberate Morpheus between their four hands ...
The Other Kingdom by @banhus (art)
In 1916, Roderick Burgess successfully summons Death, and Hob Gadling wakes up in the trenches alongside three dead soldiers.
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
Part Two the Pretend Boyfriend!Gaz, because I can't just leave it off there. My next post will most likely be a countenance of Grumpy!Reader (looking forward to that).
It was the week of Thanksgiving, so you and Gaz headed in his car to your grandmother's place. You spent the entire time leading up to this week by getting comfortable with pretending Gaz was your boyfriend. You both got your stories straight, learning to be touchy with each other but not too touchy (which was how you two already were, not that either of you noticed), so no one would be able to tell that you two were just best friends.
Gaz pulled his car into the driveway of your grandmother's house, you two early. While you got out of the car and took the dessert you had made, Gaz wrapped his arm around your waist while you two walked to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited for your grandmother to open the door.
"Grandma, it's so good to see you!" You said when she opened the door, a bright smile on both of your faces. You gave Gaz the dessert before hugging your grandma and gesturing to Gaz beside you. "Grandma, this is Kyle, my boyfriend."
Gaz's smile was charming as always, so polite. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. {Last Name}. I'm honored you and your family invited me, I've been excited to you meet you all," he said while shaking her hand.
He wasn't joking, he had been excited to meet your family. From your stories you've told him and the rest of the 141, your family was close-knit, warm with each other. You had four siblings, you the youngest of five, and three of your siblings had children of their own. So it was a large family when adding in your aunts, uncles and cousins. And he was eager to meet all of them.
"Aw, you're such a sweet man, just my granddaughter/grandson said you were. Please, call me Grandma and come, come." Your grandmother ushered you both inside the house, the smell of delicious food wafting towards you both. She took the dessert from you, letting you get settled with your siblings while she and your parents cooked the food.
Gaz had tried to ask if they wanted help, but your parents shooed him away from the kitchen. So you both sat on the couch with your siblings. You pointed to each, saying their names.
"So, Kyle," your oldest brother started saying, his skeptical eyes taking in every detail of Gaz. "When did you and my sibling meet?"
That was an easy question, one that hadn't had needed to be changed and memorized since it was just when you two met. So Gaz told them it was two years ago, which was when you had been transferred to the 141. Your other siblings chimed in with other questions, questions geared towards your pretend relationship. Gaz didn't skip a beat, easily slipping into the role of your boyfriend.
By the time dinner was ready, your entire family was in the house, making it a bit crowded. You all sat at the large dining table, you and Gaz sitting beside each other. You were just eating when your father peered at Gaz. "So, Kyle, what are your intentions with my child?" he asked, watching Gaz's reaction closely.
"Dad," you hissed, frowning at his question. To which your father waved your annoyance off.
"I just want to know he's not stringing you along," your father said defensively. "You're an adult, yes, but you're still my child. I want to know you're being taken care of by a man who sees a future with you."
You were about to grumble, but Gaz gently took your hand in his, letting your entwined hands rest on the dining table.
"I understand, sir. I take no offense," he replied, rubbing the back of your hand soothingly with his thumb. "I see a future with them, sir. Our relationship has been going on for six months now, but I can already see the two of us settling down together. {Name} is amazing and I'm happy with them." He turned towards you, a loving smile on his face which only echoed in his beautiful brown eyes. "Forgive me for saying it so abrasively, but I love them."
Your father seemed pleased and that and his questions to Gaz shifted to just general questions about Gaz. His family, what his plans were in the future in terms of his job.
Gaz was fitting in with your family so well, laughing and joking with them like he had known them since forever. Your hands were still entwined, and it felt right. It felt right to be pretending to be dating Gaz.
After dinner was over, you, your siblings, and your cousins all moved outside in the backyard, your siblings' kids coming outside too. While you sat and chatted with your family, Gaz was pulled into playing with the kids. You watched with fond eyes, eyes that couldn't be faked, smiling as he laughed and played with the kids.
Just as you all were watching Gaz giving each kid a piggyback ride on his back, your oldest sister (who was the second oldest of your siblings) looked at you and chuckled. "Oh, you're so in love," she said, causing your other siblings to laugh.
Your first instinct was to deny it, but the ruse had to be maintained, so you turned to look back at Gaz and the smile on your face was so genuine. "Yeah, I am."
It surprised you how much of the truth that was, it not entirely being a lie. You had never thought you had fallen for Gaz, seeing as you two were always just close to each other. But when you thought about it, you really were in love with Gaz. It was why your first and only thought when needing someone to pretend to be your boyfriend, was to think of asking Gaz. He was a good man, and if tonight was any indication, he was also a good boyfriend.
The rest of the night was a whirlwind, but it ended so late, so you and Gaz had to sleep in the living room. Gaz helped your father move the couch and bring in the air mattress from the garage, you and your mother getting the blankets from the linen closet.
You and Gaz said goodnight to your family and when it was just the two of you in the living room, you started making the couch, while Gaz was making the spare mattress.
"What are you doing?" Gaz asked, having realized what you were doing. He finished putting the sheets and pillows on the air mattress before going over to stop you.
"I'm going to be sleeping on the couch," you said, not willing to budge on your decision, even when he tried to stop you from putting the sheet on the couch.
Gaz shook his head. "First of all, I'd be the one sleeping on the couch. There's just no way I'd let you take it when you should have the bed. And second of all, what happens when your family wakes up in the middle of the night or wakes up before us in the morning and sees us sleeping separately?" He saw you about to argue and he shushed you gently. "Come on, mate. It's not the first we've shared a bed. Let's just share it. Unless you're really that uncomfortable, in that case, I'm taking the couch. Not you."
You were hesitant on sharing a bed with him, especially after you realized your feelings for him, but you couldn't deny his logic of your family getting suspicious of the ruse if they found you two sleeping separately. So you took the extra sheets and pillow back to the linen closet before coming back to the living room. You both looked away from each other when dressing into sleepwear and then you two got underneath the covers.
You had gone to sleep with a few inches of space between you two, wanting not to make him uncomfortable by cuddling. But in the morning, you woke up to laying on top of Gaz while he slept on his back, his strong arms wrapped around your waist protectively.
Your mother, who had woken you up by cooing at the sight of you and Gaz intertwined, snapped a picture of you. But you couldn't focus on that, your heart was beating so fast at the close proximity with Gaz.
And you knew you were fucked when he woke up and gave you a lazy smile while saying "Good morning" in that husky voice of his. You were too deep in love now.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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kirameliaoustern · 4 months
Boston Chris - part two
Summary: After Chris and Y/n broke up she is miserable, she didn’t wanted to face reality, a reality without Chris. When she finally gets better is when Chris slowly starts to realise his mistake… will they make up or leave their romance in the past?
Read to find out
Angst & fluff
Not prof read!
[Part one below]
The day after Thanksgiving
Walking down the stairs after seeing their car gone y/n wanted to break down and cry but weirdly she couldn’t.
She just felt empty.
Chris was so long a part of her life. Going to high school - Chris was there, her parents divorce - Chris was there, finishing school - Chris was there, starting her career - Chris was there, losing friends - Chris was there.
He was the only constant in her life. To what should she hold in to now?
Sitting down with her fluffy blanket around her and the bowl of cereals, she pulls her phone out and goes straight to tiktok.
That was a mistake. Chris edits were everywhere.
There was and edit that said ‚I miss Boston Chris‘ a slideshow with photos of Chris from 2020 to 2022 and photos from 2022 to 2024.
Yeah she missed Boston Chris to.
Her Boston Chris.
Even his fans noticed how he changed, it wasn’t a negative change but a change nonetheless.
That’s just life right? People grow up and change. She just never thought her and Chris would become one of those people, who grow up and grow apart.
Closing tiktok she unfollowed Chris on every platform. If she wanted to move on, she couldn’t stand seeing his face everywhere and how easy it is for him to just go on with life without her while she is barely holding on without him.
She noticed that he hadn’t deleted their pictures yet, she deleted theirs of them on her account.
Chris was her first love she can’t imagine ever loving someone that way again.
She got up back in her bed and stayed there for the next few days, her phone shut off.
4 days after the break up
She turned her phone on for the first time since the day after thanksgiving.
A few of her friends messaged her asking what happened but one message stuck out the most.
Vinnie Hacker: hey are u alright with all those things going on?
Delivered 3 days ago
Vinnie Hacker: hey snoopy let me know that you’re alive, getting worried
Delivered: 1 hours ago
Y/n smiled at that. Her and Vinnie texted a few times after they met at the party in April, not a lot maybe a handful of times.
They met once so she could give him his jacket back and he invited her to eat ice cream because he insisted that this Ice cream shop in LA was the best one in the world.
Y/n couldn’t say no to free ice cream, obviously.
As they were there y/n took 5 scrapes of the so called “snoopy spoon” sort. Y/n said it was the best one and Vinnie laughed at how excited she was for the ice cream so he began to call er snoopy.
It helped y/n to take her mind off things. It was 2 days after Chris and her had this big fight after the party, her last day in LA.
Chris said he didn’t had time to drive her to the airport so she had to ask Vinnie even tho she barely knew him at the time. He was the only other person she knew in LA.
Vinnie saw the faded hand print on y/n’s wrist. He didn’t comment on it and for that she was thankful. After that day Vinnie checked in on her every now and then.
He didn’t had any Intentions behind this. She was his friend and he was simply just worried.
That’s it right?
Y/n: I’m feeling weird but I’ll survive I guess.
Y/n: thanks for asking tho :)
Delivered: now
His messages were different from the others, they all wanted to know WHAT had happened and HOW.
Vinnie just wanted to know HOW she is doing. He didn’t care what everyone else said.
Vinnie Hacker: I’m in Boston next week. Wanna go for a little ice cream snoops?
Vinnie Hacker: it’s one me ;)
Y/n: yeah sure, ring me up when you’re here
The triplets were back in LA since a few days.
Chris felt weird seeing all the media having an opinions on HIS relationship, well his ex relationship.
It left a bitter taste on his tongue, he didn’t know why.
He felt sad seeing that she deleted all their photos together and unfollowed him as if she was wanted to erase him from her life like he was nothing more than a stranger to her all this time. Like they didn’t had existed.
Chris didn’t wanted to delete their pictures on his account. It was proof that they DID happened. There was a time were they were real.
The boy was happy in these pictures, in those times. He wanted to keep them and reminisce them, appreciate them.
So he didn’t delete them. He didn’t unfollow her. He wanted to keep track on her. Seeing if she would be okay.
She was still important to him.
A week later
It was around 6 pm and Y/n and Vinnie were walking along the beach with their ice cream in hand, the sun is slowly setting, casting an comfortable orange around them.
“You would be fine living like that?” Y/n asked him curiously.
Vinnie just told her that he would like to live in a small house in the mountains and his beloved ones.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” He asked in return looking down at her with a smile on his lips.
“It’s just I would never expect a guy like you to have this as his dream life”
“A guy like me?” He lets out a chuckle “okay what do you thought would it be according to ‘a guy like me’ ?
“Probably living in a big fancy house, partying everyday and living his best life with his friends and hundred of girls” Y/n finishes as she puts a spoon of ice cream into her mouth a smile also gracing her lips.
At that the boy let’s out a loud laugh almost dubling over.
“What” he spits out still trying to calm down
“If you think like that then you have the wrong image of me snoops” he said smiling.
“Okay you know I just thought-“ the girl was cut off as a group of girls around their age startet to surround them and asking Vinod for pictures.
Her smile fell. She knew what was coming. Had all this with Chris.
Chris and Y/n were holding hands walking around the mall as girls came up to them and wanted Chris attention.
Chris let go off Y/n’s hands and began to fully concentrate on the beautiful girls.
She didn’t had any issues with Chris interacting with his friends, not at all she just didn’t liked how Chris just put her aside and ignored her as soon as he got attention from someone else.
As if she wasn’t important
It never was like that
It didn’t help that girls looked her up and down as if she wasn’t worth his time
Chris noticed this but acted like he didn’t
“Sorry Baby I just talk with them for a few minutes you can’t wait over there” he apologizes, pushing her away as if he was embarrassed of her
“It’s okay”
She sat down on a bench aside as Chris was swarmed with girls
It also didn’t help that the girls were super skinny and super beautiful.
Y/n wasn’t over weight but it still made her a little insecure.
She sat there for 30 minutes, alone.
This wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last time this would have happened
End of flashback
“Hey can we take a picture?” One of the girls says.
He turns to y/n “is it okay for you?” He asks
“Yeah of course.” She was dreading the wait ahead of her.
“Sure we can” Vinnie said to the girls.
What Y/n didn’t expected was that he included her in the picture and the conversations.
He didn’t wanted her to feel left out.
The interaction only lasted for about five minutes because Vinny cut them off.
“Hey guys so I would really love talking more with you but we kinda have plans so..” he trails off pointing between him and Y/n.
She felt important, she liked that.
A smile began to form on her lips.
After that day Y/n and Vinnie began to spend more time together.
Vinnie started become some what of a best friend to her.
February 2024
“What’s got you in a sour mood?” Nick asked Chris as he had an attitude the whole day and well the last few days.
“Nothing” his brother answered with an annoying voice.
“No nicks right, you’ve been in a mood since days now Chris, what’s up?” Matt chimes in.
“Oh my god it’s nothing guys, get off my back.” Now he really was annoyed at them.
He opens his phone and his brothers saw Y/n instagram story was opened. Chris must have gone through it before they came to him.
He quickly closes instagram and opens tiktok.
But it’s too late now Nick and Matt saw it. In y/n story was a photo posted if Vinnie as they were in Boston in the Ice cream shop.
In the picture Vinnie said in front of y/n with a big smile on his lips as he scraped all the ice cream from the bowl.
The caption was:
he ate all my snoopy ice cream guess he has to buy me twice as much the next time 🤧
Next time
They will met again. This bothered Chris even tho he would never admit it.
Not to mention it was the ice cream shop y/n and Chris used to walk to on late summer evenings back when they were together.
The shop was only a twenty minute walk away from their street and both of them always appreciated the time together. It was one of the few times they were alone.
He noticed they spend a lot of time together after he and Y/n broke things off.
He saw her on his and him on hers story at least three times a week.
He hated it.
His brothers ,of course, saw the story’s too because they also followed them on instagram and instantly knew Chris was in a bad mood because of this.
“It this because of Y/n and Vinnie?” Nick asks slowly with hesitation in his voice.
The brothers knew that Y/n was still as sensitive subject for the boy.
Chris didn’t say anything but shut his of and ran his hands over his face.
“Bro if you want to get over her you have to stop stalking her alright.”
“I still keep track on her because I wanted to make sure that she would be okay not to watch her fall in love with another dude.” Chris says.
“What did you expect? That she would come running after you after you treated her like that?” Nick said.
“I just never imagined her with another guy.” Chris admits in a sad voice.
“After all the shit you pulled I’m surprised she didn’t dumbed your earlier.” Nick scoffs
“Hey it wasn’t that bad alright” Chris said defensively.
“We heard all those screaming Chris.” Matt adds to the conversation.
“I broke things off with her because I saw what it did to her and I couldn’t stand her getting hurt because of me.” Said the boy
“Why did you waited so long if you knew what it did to her?”
“Because I didn’t wanted to lose her. She’s was always there for me I thought I couldn’t live without her. It was selfish but knowing that she was in was still mine gave me security even tho our relationship wasn’t good at those times.” Chris admits.
“And you couldn’t just I don’t know talk to her?” Nick explains sarcastic.
“It wasn’t that easy. There were so many times I wanted to but there was already this… wall between us that I hoped it would just solve themselves.” Chris began.
“These months we barely talked I was scared that when we finally talked, she would tell me she wants to break up with me. I ignored her because I didn’t wanted to face the truth that I was losing her.” He finishes.
“Were you still in with her when you broke up with her?” Matt again.
“It doesn’t matter she’s clearly doing fine with Vinnie.” Chris said Vinnies name with disgust in his voice.
“Chris do you regret breaking up with Y/n?” Matt asked again.
Chris stood up from the couch and made his way outside.
“Where are you going?” Nick yells after him.
“Need to clear my head.” Chris response going for a walk.
March 2024
5 months after the break up.
“Wow you finally took down the pictures.” Vinnie commented as he came into Y/n room and saw all her photos with Chris were taken down.
“Yeah it feels like it was time.” She responds.
“I’m glad you did.” He smiled as he flopped down beside her in her bed. “Proud of ya snoops” he finished ruffling her hair.
She lets out a giggle at his actions.
“Sooo what are we doing now?” He asks.
Y/n gives him the look.
Thirty minutes later Vinnie and Y/n both had a cup full of ice cream and were walking back to her house.
“We really need to find something else to snack, I’m gonna gain a lot of weight when we eat Ice cream every time I see you.” Y/n said with a Chuckle leaving her lips.
“You’re gonna be beautiful either way.” Vinnie let out.
Y/n blushed slightly. It has been so long since someone had called her beautiful. It didn’t just came from anyone, it came from Vinnie Hacker.
“Ice cream is our thing y/n. We can’t change that.” Vinnie jokes as he bumbs his shoulder with hers.
“When you say so I guess I can’t do anything about it.” The girl plays along while rolling her eyes.
Vinnie chuckles as that.
They chatted for a while til they got to her house.
“You know I’ll always enjoy our ice cream stops.” Y/n said friendly.
“I’ll enjoy spending my time with you no matter what we’re doing. But I’ll admit it’s cute how you always got ice cream on your nose while you lick your cup clean.” The boys responds.
Y/n gets a warm feeling inside her at his words.
“I have Ice cream in my nose?!” She exclaims.
“Yeah.” He whispers as he watches her trying to rub the ice cream off of her nose with a smile on his lips.
She doesn’t notice the way he looks at her.
“Is it gone?” She asks looking up at him. She notices now how tall he is in comparison to her.
“Almost.” He says quietly while walking closer to her.
She notices how close he is as he’s lifting his hand to hold her cheek while taking his pointer finger to wipe the ice cream away.
He’s still holding her cheek as takes his finger in his mouth to lick the ice cream away.
“No it’s gone.” He whispers looking deep into her eyes.
His smile slowly falls as he begins to lean closer to her.
She also leans in and closes her eyes.
She feels her lips touch his and it feels different.
As he begins to move his lips against hers she starts to move hers to.
It feels so good to know someone wants to kiss her so much she feels it in his body language.
She steps closer, her hands move from his waist ob his stomach, over his chest and cups his cheeks. All while never parting her lips from his.
His arms move to grip her hips and pull her closer to him.
His lips are soft, softer than Chris’s. Chris lips were soft but always a little chapped not like - wait
Why is she thinking about Chris now?
She hasn’t thought about Chris in so long. Of his lips in so long.
It’s the first time she is kissing someone other than Chris.
Chris was her first kiss. Her first everything.
Now he isn’t the only boy she has kissed.
She realizes her lips have stopped moving a few second ago.
Probably as she realizes she was thinking of Chris.
Vinnie begans to pull away as he notices her lips won’t start moving again.
So they just stand there now looking at each other.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Vinnie apologizes quickly as panic begins to set in thinking he has done something wrong and ruined his chances with her.
“No no please you didn’t.” She pull his arms back around her. “I was just in my head for a moment.” She admits.
“If you’re not ready and still need time to -“ he starts but she cut him off. “No Vinnie, I enjoyed this really. It’s just you’re the first boy since.. you know. But I want to do this with you. I think I’m ready now.”
“Yeah?” He asks shyly.
“Yeah.” She reassures.
“Good cause I really like you.” He admits letting out a little breathless laugh.
She smiles up at him and pecks his lips.
“Good night Vinnie.”
“Night snoops”
April 2024
6 months after the break up.
The triplets arrived at their hotel an hour ago.
They were guests at the Ellen show today but Chris seems down.
Nick and Madi were out to get Starbucks across the street so Matt took the opportunity to talk with Chris.
“Hey man what’s up?” The boy begins as he sat down beside his brother.
Chris just looks at him and shakes his head. He knew what he was going to say.
“Save it matt”
“Talk to me”
“Why not, I could help you.”
“Chris come on.”
“…. I just uhm… lately I’ve been thinking about y/n… a lot”
“Okay and what about it?”
“I just wish.. really wish that I could call her right now and tell her all of this to hear her reaction.” He lets out a chuckle as he remembers all the time she was more excited than him about his news.
“She was the type of person who was more happy about your accomplishments than you. That was one of the many reasons I loved her.” He smiles at their memory of her as he tells Matt all of this.
“She was the first person I wanted to tell or see when I had good news. Wether it was a win at lacrosse practise, a good grade a new song I learned at the guitar as I was still playing.” He stops and his smile falls. “ I don’t have that anymore. I can’t just call her and tell her this but I want to so… ugh… so god damn bad.”
“I miss talking to her.” Chris continues. “She understood me. It becomes clear now how much I need this, her, y/n”
“There are so many things I want to tell her, tell her that we made it that the things we dreamed of became true. Did you know there was this one time in summer we were walking home this ice cream shop and jokes about us being on the Ellen show? And today we just were and I can’t share that with her.” He finishes.
Matt stays silent for a bit. He knew how much his brother has loved that girl.
“Chris.. uhm I don’t know how to tell you this but when you broke things off with y/n I knew you would regret that. I mean yeah we were suddenly known that you probably thought you wanted more but in the end you only ever wanted her u just lost focus on it for a while.” Matt said.
“And what do I do now?” He asks his brother, looking up at him with tears in his eyes.
“I don’t know.”
“Fantastic” Chris lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“Look were back home in Boston next month how about you just try to apologize?” Matt tries.
“After half a year?”
“Better late than never.” Matt puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a smile that Chris returns.
He will try.
May 2024
“Vinnie stop” y/n is laughing really hard as he tickles her.
“No, say it.” He smiles down at her.
“Never” she says between laughs.
“You wanted it this way.”
He starts tickling her side now.
“Alright alright I’ll eat it. You’re better at valorant than me.”
Vinnie stops tickling her, turns her around in the bed and hovers above her.
“See it wasn’t that hard.” He says with as teasing smile as he looks down at her.
“Mhm” y/n lets out, pulling at his necklace that dingles in front of her face.
Vinnie gets the hint and leans his head down to capture her lips with his.
Their tongues melt and y/n starts to smile as she feels his hand at her sides again m.
As Vinnie feels her smile against his lips he can’t help it but smile to.
He pull away and start to nuzzle his nose against hers.
“You’re smell so good” he sighs against her.
Vinnie knew he was deeply in love with her. Hell he probably fell in love with her after their talk that night at the party.
He just hopes she feels the same. Sometimes he worries she might just is with him as a distraction from Chris.
Last week he asked to be her boyfriend and she agrees. He really hopes she means this serious as it’s serious to him.
A little while later they are ready to go out on a date. He will took her to this new fancy restaurant at the end of the city.
As y/n put her jacket on Vinnie came down the stairs.
“Are you ready beautiful” he says leaning down to kiss her neck as he opens the door.
“I’m am my handsome boyfriend.” He chuckles at that, leaning down to kiss her as he walks backwards out the door, lips still locked with hers, pulling her with him by her jacket.
As they were outside he finally pulls away. She smiles up at him as he lets go of her and opens his car door for her.
Right as she was about to go in she meets a pair of blue eyes. The blue eyes that she would recognize anywhere.
Even tho everything about him has changed, he got a new a hair cut a new style his eyes a still the same ones she fell in love with so long ago.
Chris stand there with an devastating look on his face. He looks like he’s about to cry.
The triplets just got out of the car. They come probably from the airport to visit their family.
Great timing y/n thought.
“Y/n” Vinnie says pulling her out of her staring/ trance contest with Chris.
She turns around and looks at him.
She gets in the car and Vinnie closes her door.
She didn’t see the lion Vinnie and Chris gave each other as Vinnie gets in the driver side and drives off towards the restaurant.
Y/n tries not to think about Chris and enjoys her time with Vinnie but Chris is still in the back of her mind.
3 hours later
Vinnie stops his car in front of y/n house and turns his head towards her.
“I had fun today” he says.
“Me too.” She responds and she means it.
He leans in and kisses her passionately.
As he pulls away they look deep in each other eyes.
“I love you” Vinnie says suddenly.
This is the first time either of them has said the L word.
Y/n’s eyes widen.
“You don’t have to say it back I just wanted you to know it.” Vinnie says quickly in a soft voice.
Y/n kisses him again, gives him a smile and gets out of the car.
“Good night Vinnie” she says
“Dream of me snoopy.” He says with a smile.
“Always.” Her smile is so big.
She watches his car drive off and as she can’t see it anymore she turns around and starts walking towards her front door.
“You’re moved on.” Her smiles drops as she hears his voice.
The voice she hadn’t heard in six months.
The girls stand still. She doesn’t want to turn around and face him.
“I knew you would be okay.” He continues as he steps closer now crossing the road.
“Did you?” Y/n asks still not turning around.
“Of course I did. I always knew you deserved better than what I gave you. That’s why I let you go.”
“Stop it.” Her was is calm and soft. No anger. She was never the type to hold grudges against people. She turns around. “I never wanted you let me go.”
“I had too. I saw what I did to you.”
“When you knew what you did to me all those months why didn’t you stop? Why didn’t you talked to me?” She isn’t mad just curious.
“I don’t know.” She closes her eyes at his answer. “But I know that I regret everyday how I treated you. And I know that I’m so incredibly sorry.” She turns around and starts making her way to her door. She knows this isn’t nice but she couldn’t hear him talking anymore.
But he wasn’t finished. “And most importantly I know that I miss you more than anything.” She stops again and turns around to face him as she hears how desperate his voice has gotten.
“I miss taking to you, I muss telling you what’s going on in my life and I miss hearing what’s going on in yours. I muss hearing your laugh and kissing you, holding and.. and,” he stops for a short moment to take in a deep breath and calm his nerves. “ I miss being with you y/n.” He finishes his speech.
Y/n stays silent as they both just look at each other in the dark night.
The only lights are the moon and the street lamps a little away.
They never thought they would find themselves in this situation.
“Do you miss me?” He asks stepping closer to her.
“Chris..” she turns her head away
“Answer me please.” He sounds so desperate as he grabs her hand.
“Don’t you remember us? How good we were? Why are you wasting you’re time with him?”
She pulls away suddenly as she hears his words.
What they were.
The were he was talking about didn’t exist anymore and it never could. They were different people now.
She remembers all the times she felt not important to him. She never felt that way with Vinnie. And hearing how he talked about him made her angry for the first time that night.
Vinnie was the person who was there for her after he left.
He helped her repairing the things he broke.
If anything she was wasting her time waiting for him to show her love again.
“The us youre talking about does not exist anymore.” She said calmy looking into his eyes. “And my time with Vinnie is anything but a waste.” She turns around, for the last time she hopes.
“Are you happy with him?” Chris got mad. He was and at himself that he had let her go and he couldn’t unmake that mistake now.
“Yes.” She says.
“Do you love him?”
That broke him. She loved someone.. that wasn’t him.
He wanted to break down and cry, beg on his knees for her forgiveness.
“Wonder how longer that lasts.” Instead he only made it worse.
“What.” She turns around.
“I mean you see how it was with us. What made you think it will be any different with him? He’s also an influencer”
“He isn’t you.”
That shut him up
“He makes time for me, he doesn’t makes me feel useless, he won’t leave me.”
“Yeah alright” he lets out a sarcastic laugh. “ I see you when you’re come clawing back to me after he leaves you.”
“Fuck you Chris.” She finally tunes around and gets inside her.
As she slams the door shut she leans against it and slides down.
She starts so cry again. Again because of Chris.
The next morning
Y/n woke up to a headache.
She felt like shit, she honestly just wanted Vinnie.
Ding dong
Could Vinnie read her mind?
She made her way downstairs to open the door.
On the other side of the door was the last person she wanted to see.
She bag an to close the door again.
“Wait” he calls out. “ I wanted to say sorry.”
“I have this feeling we were at this point before.” She responds.
“I wanted to say sorry for last night.”
She opens her door again.
“Come in”
“I over stepped. I should have never commented on your relationship with Vinnie.” It was hard for him to say what he’s about to say but it’s for y/n so he would do it. Because he would do anything for her.
“I’m happy if you’re happy. I really wanted to apologize last night but as I saw you with him.. y/n I just lost it. I never thought I would see you with another man.”
“It’s okay Chris” she tries.
“No it’s not. I admit I regret breaking up with you. But that was my mistake. I can’t blame you or him for that only myself. I mean I understand why he likes you.” Chris chuckles.
“You’re an amazing girl y/n i’m sorry if I ever made you feel like your weren’t.” She could see the honesty in his eyes.”if I’m completely honest I had hope that after our visit, we both Cousy start over -“
“Chris-“ she tries to cut him off.
“No let me finish. As I saw how he looks at you and how you look at him I knew that was it. I really wished we had a different ending. I mean for a very long time I thought I was going to marry you.” Letting out a soft laugh.
It was silent for a few seconds.
“I want to remember us as something I was happy about. I don’t want this us, the memory of us to be ruined. I want to remember the innocent us, the one who dreamed of the future and our biggest worriers were if we’re gonna have a ride to the arcade.” She said
They bitch chuckled at that.
“Chris I want to remember you as the boy I fell in love with in Highschool who would do everything to make sure I was happy. Not as someone who couldn’t care less if he saw me or no” the girl finishes.
“I know you didn’t mean too and I’m proud of everything you guys accomplished.”
“We were each others first loves. Let’s leave it at that.” She sends him a smile which he returns.
By now they were standing outside again.
“You will always mean something to me and you will always have a special place in my heart” he said to her
“You will always have a special place in my heart too.” She wispers in his ear as they hug each other.
As they pull sways she finishes with.”and you will always mean something to me too.”
After that Chris turns around and heads to his home.
“Say hi to Matt and Nick for me.” She yelled after him.
“Will do!”
As she turns back she sees Vinnie standing by her door. With flowers in his hands.
“You will always mean something to me?” Vinnie repeats her words as jealousy is written over his face.
“Vinnie let me-“ she starts
“Is this the reason you didn’t said that you love me back? Because of him?” He upset but more so sad.
“No Vinnie listen to me.”
He scoffs and gets in his car
She follows him and gets in the driver side.
“No stop, you listen to me now.” She said snatching the keys from his hands. “Me and Chris, we were together for over four years of course he still means something to me, he’ll probably always will have speical place in my heart but he is not the person I want to be with for the rest of my life anymore, thats you Vinnie. Because I love you.” The girl told him.
He leans over, cups her cheek and kisses her deep.
They both smile as he repeats “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Over and over again as he kisses over her cheek, nose, eyes, chin, neck. Everywhere he can reach.
“Say it again.” He says
“I love you”
“I love you Vinnie”
Thanksgiving 2024
This year Vinnie celebrated thanksgiving with the y/l/n and the Sturniolo’s. It was great that they were all together again.
The triplets told them about their upcoming tour and new 8 million merch they’re about to drop.
Y/n and Vinnie told about how they going to move in together in London.
Who would have thought that a year ago?
As y/n and Chris sat opposite each other and smiled at one another they knew, they were always going to be alright and they would be beside each other when they would need the other.
I guess who ever said ‘it all works out in the end’ was right.
But he could have warned us about the hard way there…
A/n: heyyy loves I hope you guys enjoyed part two and are okay with who became endgame. I was thinking about making Chris and y/n endgame but I really liked the relationship with Vinnie.
Okay and maybe I have a slight crush on Vinnie at the moment.
Anyways let me know if you liked this part and want me to write more fics about different celebrities.
Also sorry again for spelling mistakes like I said English isn’t my first language.
Til next time, xoxo
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boldlyvoid · 6 months
Waiting Rooms
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Summary: JJ goes into labour with her second baby, on Christmas Eve. Aaron and Emily are the only two still in town, they rush to the hospital to support her where Aaron meets a lovely woman who's friend is also giving birth that same night.
Warnings: Pregnant JJ, mentions of throwing up, Meet Cutes, Love at First Sight | Canon rewrite: Haley doesn't die, JJ doesn't lose her baby in season 6, Emily is Alive and living with Aaron for the time being
Word Count: 2.7k
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After losing Emily, JJ was able to rejoin the team. And thank god because Hotch was struggling to keep things afloat without both of them. Spencer was a mess, Penelope was needier than ever and Derek... Derek had this look of vengeance in his eyes that made Aaron worried what he did to Foyet look like a walk in the park.
It was scary. 
The only one who was semi okay was Dave and that’s only because he’s better at hiding his feelings than anyone else on the team. 
JJ was doing really good pretending to be distraught while knowing the truth that their good friend was safely tucked away in Paris for the time being. But something was off about her in the first few weeks that she was back… something he couldn’t quite place until she threw up on the jet. 
He went back to pour himself a drink on their way home when he heard her in the jet washroom. He was instantly worried, he knocked on the door and asked if she was okay. She groaned, but let him in. He helped her up to her feet again, got her some tissues to wipe her mouth and stared at her with the most concern in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing's wrong,” she can’t help but smile. “I’m pregnant…” 
He’s been so, so happy for her ever since. He keeps close to her side on cases, he keeps snacks in his bag for her and they double up in hotel rooms later on in her pregnancy just in case she needs anything in the middle of the night. She’s not one to go on early maternity leave, so starting at 27 weeks, he steps up his protectiveness and steps in when he knows she needs to go easy on herself. Wills grateful, he knows she’s in good hands with all the boys on the team and even Sever was really good at taking care of her before she transferred over to Andy Swan’s unit. 
And much to everyone's surprise, Emily is back in their life when JJ hits 7 months pregnant and she’s so pissed that she can’t be involved in the takedown due to her baby bump. She wanted revenge, she wanted to make Ian Doyle pay… but getting to sit back at the BAU with Emily made up for it. Everything goes smoothly, they get Ian in custody, and they find his son-- sure the criminals all died at the trade-off, but at least Emily was safe from here on out. 
The team is overjoyed that they get another Halloween with Emily. Another Thanksgiving, another Christmas and right as New Year's rolls around, JJ is due to bring in another member to their little family… they get two weeks off baring any emergency cases and so everyone goes their separate ways with the plan to come back right before new years to be there when JJ has her baby.  
Spencer’s gone back to Vegas with his mom, Derek goes to Chicago with his mom and sisters, and Dave ends up in Long Island with his cousins and the few aunts he has left… Haley has Jack for Christmas this year, Penelope was volunteering at the local homeless shelter to give out Turkey dinner and so that left Emily and Aaron at his house— where she’s been living since coming back, with nothing to do.
And then the phone rings right before midnight. Moments before Christmas Day click's over.  
“Hotchner?” He answers, expecting it to be a work call. 
“Hey, JJ’s water broke and we’re at the hospital. Her mom has Henry, she’s like 5 centimetres now and she really wants you and Emily here,” Will rushes out. 
“I need them!” She calls from the background. 
“We’ll be there in a few minutes,” he assures before hanging up. He quickly gets up from bed to put his pants back on and rushes out the door, down the hall, he knocks on Emily’s door. 
“What?” She answers and so he pushes the door open. She has a book in one hand and wine in the other. “Sure, come in.” 
“JJ’s water broke, she wants us there,” he says. “Come on, I’ll see you downstairs.” 
He grabs the rest of his things while she hurries to get back into something appropriate for waiting in a hospital for god knows how long. But they were going to be there the whole time. They were last time, they would be this time and then again if she ever has a 3rd. Or 4th… but he doesn’t see that happening. 
The drive over is nice, the roads are clear and it doesn’t look like it’ll snow again anytime soon. Emily’s quiet, bouncing her knee and picking at her fingers. She’s not good with other people being in pain, especially not the people she loves… she’s the first one in the room when they get there. She kisses JJ on the head and asks if she needs anything and JJ just smiles up at her. 
“They gave me the good shit,” she holds up her hand with an IV in it. “I’m great.” 
“You look good,” Aaron gives her a smile. He loves her like a daughter, he’s so proud of her and she does look amazing for a woman going through the worst pain imaginable. 
Just before she can reply, a nurse shows up in the doorway, “I’m so sorry, but it’s after visiting hours which means we can only allow 2 family members in the room at a time…” 
“I’ll go,” Aaron offers, knowing how much time with Emily would mean to JJ. “I’ll be in the waiting room.” 
“Okay,” JJ gives him a smile. “Thank you for coming, Aaron.” 
“Anytime,” he smiles right back before heading out with a wave. 
The waiting room is pretty empty, seeing as it is just after midnight on Christmas Day. Most people plan to have a baby around Christmas, avoiding it like the plague. JJ wasn’t due till New Year's, but, she has a habit of going into labour early. He sits alone in one of the pink pleather seats, there’s magazines on a rack in the corner and the news quietly on the TV screwed into the wall in the top right corner of the room. The chair he picked is perfect for watching the TV, however depressing the reports are, it keeps him company for the time being. 
Another woman walks out into the waiting room 10 minutes later with a similar disappointed look on her face. “You get kicked out for not being family, too?” She asks him. 
He nods, “I did. But it’s okay.” 
“Can I sit beside you?” She asks and actually starts to sit well before he can nod. “Do you know what your friends are having?” 
“Uh, no,” he lies. Keeping their privacy. “We just hope it’s healthy.” 
“Same… but Cassy— my co-worker, she’s having a girl,” she explains. “Sorry, uh, I’m Y/N,” she sticks her hand out to shake his and make his acquaintance. 
“Aaron,” he smiles back. “Was your friend due today?” 
She nods, “Yeah, actually she was. We didn’t expect her to go in today because this is her first, sometimes they take a little longer but then her contractions started getting really bad a few hours ago.” 
“This is my friend's second,” he shares. Finding it easy to open up to her. She’s nice, she doesn’t have a threatening bone in her body. And her smile is beautiful. “She actually went early both times.” 
“Wow, lucky,” she laughs. “I really hope if I have a baby one day that it’s easy and quick…” 
“You don’t have any kids?” 
She shakes her head. “No, I don't even have a boyfriend… sorry, you didn’t need to know that.” 
“It’s okay,” he smiles. “I uh, I have a son. He just turned 6, and he’s with his mom this Christmas.” 
“Do you guys go back and forth?” 
He nods, “It’s easier on him this way.” 
“I bet,” she nods along, staring off at the floor, awkwardly losing the conversation there. 
They’re silent for a few minutes and then he looks around to see where the vending machines are. “Are you hungry?” 
“A little… but I used my cash on the parking pass,” she shares, lips pressed together, she’s not going to ask for food and she looks like she doesn’t want him to offer either. 
“I’ll be right back, save my seat for me?” 
“Okay,” she gives him another smile and he feels like blushing. She’s so pretty… 
He gets a coffee from one machine and a bunch of snacks from the other, including a bottle of water and if she wants his coffee, he’ll just go back and get a second. He brings back his haul and places them on the little coffee table in front of their chairs, “Merry Christmas.” 
She laughs again, “You didn’t have to do this?” 
“We’re going to be here for a while, might as well eat up,” he shrugs, he really doesn’t mind. “Did you want coffee?” 
She shakes her head, “No, I’m okay but thank you.” 
“Take whatever you want,” he points to his collection of things. “There’s chips, candy, chocolate… they also had some egg salad sandwiches in there, if you prefer one of them?” 
“No, no, it’s okay,” she assures him. “Thank you, I’ll take some chips… but first, I’m going to see if a nurse has a remote for the TV, the news is so sad and boring lately.” 
“Oh, thank you. I get enough of this stuff at work,” he sighs with a shake of his head. 
She disappears then, over to the nurses station and comes back with a remote inside a plastic bag. “What do you want to watch?” 
“Anything is fine with me,” he assures. 
“Okay,” she starts to flip through the channels. “What do you do at work?” 
“I’m… I’m an FBI agent,” he tells her the truth. Feeling safe enough with her to be honest. 
“Oh wow,” she’s impressed. “So is that why you didn’t tell me about what your friend is having?” 
“I teach kids, I can tell when someone is lying to me,” she explains with a smile. “Your voice went up a bit, you looked away from me… you know what she’s having.” 
“I do. We’ve seen a few cases of people trying to hurt us specifically, I’m always weary to talk about my kid, her kids, any kids really because it shows people we have weak spots.” 
“I feel you… I have to watch 23 kids for 8 hours a day and keep them all safe while school shootings are on the rise,” she explains. 
“We don’t deal with a lot of those… but I see kidnappings often. At least 1 a month. It’s terrifying not being able to be with my son all day every day, but knowing there are teachers like you out there means a lot,” he gives her a smile. 
“I would do anything for my kids,” she nods, the most genuine smile on her face as she stares into his eyes. “And I’m glad there are people like you out there who would be able to get the guy who puts me in a position to do anything for them.” 
“And I get them all,” he assures her. 
“I’m sure you do,” she smirks. Liking how cocky he is. “Do you wear a uniform like cops do or?” 
“I typically wear a suit… and when I’m in the field a bulletproof vest— no suit jacket though.” 
“Ah,” she likes the sound of that, looking him up and down. “And does your son have a mother?” 
“He does… she’s with someone else, they’re all together at their new house right now,” he explains. “Scott is actually asking her to marry him tomorrow— well, today technically.” 
“How weird is that for you?” 
“Not really weird, I like him. He’s nice,” Aaron shrugs. “And he’s good with my son so I’m glad he has another father figure who’s home more than I am.” 
“Your son sounds very lucky,” she smiles. “You clearly love him so much.” 
“I really do,” he smiles right back. Something about her makes him so happy, the way she compliments him how she looks at him and how easy it is to just talk to her. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?” 
She shakes her head, “Nope… don’t know when I’ll be leaving here though and I do need some sleep.” 
“Yeah, same,” he forgot how long labour takes. “What about on New Year's?” 
“I’m free,” she assures, leaning more into his space. “Are you asking me out, agent?” 
“I am,” he nods, staring down at her lips and then back to her eyes. “You’re so nice and pretty… I’d like to get to know you more.” 
“I’d like to—
“Aaron,” a voice calls out. Emily’s voice. “We have another niece.” 
He’s quick to pull away and stand up, “already?” 
She nods, “JJ is good at what she does… who’s this?” 
“Oh, hi,” she stands up and puts her hand out to his friend. “I’m Y/N.” 
“Emily,” she smiles. “Nice to meet you…” 
“my friend is also having a baby tonight,” she awkwardly smiles. “But go, go meet this little girl. I’ll talk to you later?” 
“Yeah,” he nods, “I’ll come back out and see you before I leave?” 
“sounds good.” 
Emily walks him down the hall and stops at the door, “only 2 people are allowed in there at a time… I can go keep your friend company?” 
“Don’t… don’t be weird. I like her, she’s sweet,” he whispers. “I don’t get to meet nice, normal women often, let me have this.” 
“You can have her, I’ll go to Penelope’s,” she teases and he swats her arm. “Hey, okay, go in. I’ll wait out here.” 
Penelope is the next one to show up, Will and Aaron go out for some bad coffee, giving the girls some time to talk and Y/N’s nowhere to be seen out in the waiting room. Her friend must’ve had her baby… and he never had the chance to get her number. 
Visiting hours start again in a little while, meaning that they’ll all be allowed in her room soon and maybe, just maybe, he can have a peak into the other rooms to see her? 
Before he knows it, JJ goes for a nap, Penelope and Emily head out to get some food and Will sits beside his wife with his hand over hers. A nurse is coming in to take the baby for tests and monitoring and Will lets Aaron accompany her wherever she goes. She doesn’t have a name yet, she’s just baby girl LaMontagne and she’s the cutest. 
He waits outside the glass windows, watching all the nurses attend to all the babies wrapped up in their blue and pink blankets. He’s staring at them with so much awe and happiness, he doesn’t notice someone coming up beside him until she’s bumping shoulders with him. 
“hey there…” 
“Hi,” he beams a smile at her. “Did she have the baby?” 
She nods, “Yeah, she’s right there,” she points at the cot beside JJ’s daughter. 
“My friend's is to the right of her,” he coos. “Isn’t she beautiful?” 
“She is,” Y/N swoons. “God, now I want one even more.” 
“You’d be a good mom,” he whispers. “I can tell.” 
“Cause you’re a good dad or a good agent?” She teases. 
“A bit of both… Do you still want to go out sometime?” 
“I would,” she can’t believe it. She looks up at him in awe, “do you want my number?” 
“I would love your number,” he says as he pulls out his phone and hands it to her. “I don’t go back to work until the 3rd, intense cases permitting… so I was thinking maybe we could go to dinner? Maybe take a walk around and see the lights and fireworks at midnight?” 
“I’d really like that,” she swoons as she hands his phone back to him. “Even if we just ordered in and watched TV, I’d have fun with you.” 
“You know, out of all my times in waiting rooms, this has to be my favourite,” he teases. “I’m so glad I met you.” 
“Me too… and if it all works out, we have two little girls to thank for this,” she points at the two babies side by side, peaceful as ever. 
“That we do.” 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch
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You will become it
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!Reader
summary: When Frank lets the stress of the holidays get to him, he accidentally pushes you away.
Based on the prompt that @hellskitchenswhore posted about: Thanksgiving or Christmas Day with either Matt or Frank, inspired by the quote "If you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. You will find him even when he is not there"
warnings: swearing, descriptions of anxiety, allusions to past trauma
a/n: Ugh I could write a MILLION of these because it's so relatable. I hope that this brings you all some comfort this holiday season.
w/c: 3.1k
To no one’s surprise, Frank fucking hated the holidays. After losing Maria and the kids, it was just a horrible time of year filled with bitterness over the gap in his life and the fact he’d never have a normal winter again. 
He tended to throw himself into his vigilante work, bringing the most permanent form of justice to assholes all over the city. Thanksgiving and Christmas were spent alone, unless you considered his guns valuable company, eating bland food and steeling himself against the shitty weather because he was too stubborn to buy a thicker coat. 
But then he’d met you. 
Karen had introduced you over the past summer, sort of. He’d stumbled onto the blonde’s fire escape in the middle of the night—startling the two of you who were having some kind of girls’ night after a tough week. And once Frank had collapsed, unconscious, onto the metal grates he stood on, Karen was forced into an explanation to prevent you from calling the cops. 
You’d adjusted to the knowledge that your best friend was willingly helping a fugitive faster than anyone expected—immediately jumping in with wide eyes and assisting Karen as she cleaned and dressed Frank’s numerous wounds. 
When he came to, he was settled on Karen’s couch, blankets draped over his lap. Across the room, you sipped from a wine glass as you flipped through the pages of a book. He’d hoarsely asked what you were reading and, after the initial shock from him speaking to you had worn off, you’d smiled and asked if he wanted to read with you. 
Frank was eternally smitten by your thoughtful nature. You were an angel on earth and, for some fucking reason, you were determined to brighten Frank’s life with your company, though he repeatedly reminded you that he didn’t deserve you. Despite his bumbling compliments and gruff personality, you’d eagerly agreed when he’d asked you out to dinner a week after meeting you—and you’d been together ever since. 
You hadn’t been dating long, your relationship still fresh enough to count the months spent together on one of his rough hands, but his perpetual grouchiness was slowly being chipped away by your adorable smile and apparent need to spend the majority of your time tucked against his side. 
Frank had fallen head over heels for you at the speed of light, so saying “no” to your sparkling doe eyes when you batted your lashes at him was damn near impossible. Which was how he found himself in his current predicament. 
While out at a bar with you and your colleagues at Nelson, Murdock, and Page, Red—always the antagonist—had smugly asked him if he intended to spend the holidays with you. It wasn’t a secret amongst your circle that you weren’t overly close with your family. One too many bad memories had resulted in a quieter holiday season without said family, a preferred alternative to the hours of manipulation and abuse you’d previously endured during the winter months. 
Frank was aware that you didn’t have family plans for Christmas, perfectly comfortable welcoming you into his house for an intimate few days complete with fantastic food (that the two of you would cook together) and cuddling in front of the fireplace as you nodded off. You agreed that it had been the perfect way to spend Thanksgiving, so Frank had assumed you’d be alright having a similar Christmas celebration. 
And maybe you would have, had Karen not suggested that Frank host a Christmas celebration at his place for a larger group. 
“Frank, you’ve been bragging about the turkey you cooked for a week. It’s honestly rude of you to withhold that from us.” She remarked, smirking at his resulting scowl. 
“And on the holiest day of the year too.” Murdock shook his head, shit-eating grin spreading across his face as Frank scoffed. 
“Fuck you, Red. We don’t wanna host your sleazy ass for Christmas. Right, sweetheart?” Frank’s confidence had vanished when he saw your bashful shrug. 
Avoiding his gaze, you picked at the label on your beer bottle. “I dunno, Frankie. I don’t think I’d mind a few more people…” Your voice was quiet, hesitant, but there was a hopeful edge to it that he couldn’t ignore. 
It took him all of 3 seconds to cave to your apprehensively optimistic gaze, his heart melting as you bit your lip nervously. “Sure, darlin’. What the hell?” 
He was regretting his hasty agreement now, though. 
Standing in his kitchen, surrounded by Karen, Matt, Curtis, and—thankfully—you on December 23rd, trying desperately to get the cheese sauce for his mac and cheese to combine properly as the four of you drank beer and laughed boisterously around him. As always, you were more helpful than anyone else, offering soft praises and sweet smiles as you cooked side by side, but Frank’s irritation was steadily building and even you couldn’t stop it. 
It didn’t help that he hadn’t slept well all week, familiar nightmares viciously overtaking his subconscious as soon as he closed his eyes. And the lack of sleep, combined with the way his head was pounding as he worried over the pot on the stove, meant his patience was thinner than a fishing line. 
“For fucks sake, thought y’all were here for a goddamn reason. Is this a social event now?” Frank groused, whirling around to face the four people in his kitchen as yet ANOTHER cheese sauce failed to form smoothly. 
You all fell silent, though everyone but you rolled their eyes at his grumpy tone. Not used to this side of Frank, your face fell—eyes widening as your partner barked orders, creating a much different atmosphere than the peaceful one that had surrounded your perfect Thanksgiving. Shuffling backwards a step, you stood rigid as a statue as Frank scowled. 
“Karen, wash the China I took out. Curt, chop those veggies. Murdock, peel those potatoes.” He pointed to each of them in turn before turning to you. “And clearly I can’t make this shit to save my life so you figure it out while I iron the table cloth.” 
Nodding dutifully, you removed the pot behind his hips from the heat, scraping the lumpy bechamel into the trash before making another roux. You knew Frank didn’t mean to snap at you, he was just on edge about hosting the gathering. No one else was concerned about his demeanor, so why should you be? Trying to quell the churning anxiety in your chest, you diligently completed every task you were given, silently whipping up a number of sides as the sun began to set. 
Eventually, the five of you had prepped everything but the turkey, including the decorations and table set up. Waving farewell to the other three sous chefs, you lingered by the door as you closed it behind them. 
You and Frank had previously agreed that you’d stay over for a few nights to watch Christmas movies and bake cookies, your two favorite traditions that you hadn’t shared with anyone for a few years. However, after witnessing his clear frustration, you were apprehensive. Did he still want you to stay? 
Because of your history with men taking their anger out on you, Frank’s discontent had brought out a side of you that you never wished to experience again. You were still pretty sure he hadn’t meant it, but your certainty was fading by the minute. 
Stepping back into the kitchen, you began scrubbing at the pots in the sink as quietly as possible, hoping that if you handled the rest of the work in silence, Frank wouldn’t have any reason to be upset with you anymore. Unfortunately for your nervous heart, Frank’s mood wasn’t quite over. 
“The fuck are you doin’,” Came a harsh voice from behind you. 
Willing yourself not to startle, you stayed facing the sink, your back to your raging boyfriend. “Just cleaning up, love.” Your voice was meek, but it luckily didn’t waver. 
“And I ain’t capable of doin’ that myself?” His stern response hit you like a brick. Shutting off the faucet, you wiped your hands on a towel and turned to face him, brow furrowing in confusion. 
“Of course I think you’re capable. I wanted to help you, I—“
“It’s funny, really. Y’all wanted me to host this goddamn thing and you don’t think I can do my own fuckin’ dishes?” Frank looked at you, incredulously. He never asked for your pity. 
“I don’t need your help. Get out.” He said, jerking his head to shoo you out of the room. 
Choking on an inhale, your eyes stung with unshed tears. “O-ok, Frankie.”
As he restarted the stream of scalding water, you gathered your things and headed out into the night. 
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Turning off the tap, Frank dried his hands before surveying his kitchen with a satisfied nod. Banishing you from the kitchen was rude—he knew that—but, ultimately, it had allowed him to unwind while efficiently tidying up the sprawling mess that had manifested during a day of cooking. Exhaling forcefully, Frank felt a pang of guilt in his gut as he remembered how abrasively he'd treated you today. Ready to beg for your forgiveness, and offer a few ways he might be able to make it up to you, he strode over to the couch where he figured you were laying. 
“Sorry for kickin’ ya out of the room, sweetheart. Guess I needed a minute to calm down. Did ya still wanna watch a movie?” Rounding the arm of the couch to kneel before you, Frank was hit with a wave of dread as he was met with the sight of empty cushions. Treading into the bedroom, his bed was similarly bare, and his bathroom was dark and vacant. 
Heart rate spiking, he spun around in the main room of his apartment, looking for any sign of your whereabouts. Your purse and coat were gone. You’d left, but why?
Suddenly, a chilling thought occurred to him as he replayed your previous conversation. 
“I don’t need your help. Get out.”
He hadn’t clarified that he still wanted you here. You thought he had demanded that you leave the apartment altogether, not the kitchen while he worked. 
Shit, shit, shit. 
Scrambling for his phone, he snatched his keys and flew down the stairs as he dialed your number. The phone rang endlessly as he sprinted to his truck down the block. Eventually, he received your voicemail. FUCK. 
Turning his keys in the ignition, he called again. “C’mon, darlin’. Please pick up.” 
Getting your voicemail again, Frank growled in frustration, before his screen lit up with a text. 
You: Hey, bubba. I can’t talk at the moment. Is something wrong? Are you alright?
Closing his eyes in relief, and gritting his teeth as he was smacked with another wave of guilt, he cursed himself. “Of course I’m not alright,” He thought to himself, “I sent you away, sweetheart.” 
Flicking open his phone, he hastily typed out a question. 
Frank: Are you at your place?
You: Yes, love. 
Frank: I’ll be there soon. 
Speeding down the city streets, Frank couldn’t help but wish he’d realized his mistake earlier. Maybe a flower shop would've been open then. 
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Chewing absently at your thumbnail, a new rush of tears rolled down your cheeks. God, you were such a coward. You’d avoided Frank’s call because you simply couldn’t handle him yelling at you for whatever you’d done to upset him. Instead, you’d texted him, hoping to hide behind a wall of messages as he explained your mistake. But it hadn’t worked that way, he was coming here. To scold you. Maybe even break up with you. 
The thought of Frank leaving you because of something you’d unknowingly done to offend him forced the air from your lungs with a sob. Desperately trying to get your emotions under control, you threw back the wine in your glass as you stared blankly towards the door. 
The footsteps in the hall were deafening, each one sending a chill down your spine as you willed your aching legs to hold you upright. A key scratched in your lock and the door slid open, the large shadow of your boyfriend extending into your apartment. Huffing out a breath as he addressed you, Frank frowned at your tear-streaked face. 
“You cannot just leave like that,” He explained, shutting the door with a loud bang that made you jump. “Did you walk home? It’s dark out!” 
Frank stepped forward, reaching his arms toward you and ice flooded your veins as you responded to the familiar motion. 
Stumbling backwards, you curled in on yourself. “I’m sorry, Frank. I’m so sorry. So sorry.” Tears splattered on the floor beneath your downcast face. You were trembling, terrified of being screamed at, or worse. 
That was when it all clicked for Frank. Your wide eyes as he bossed you around. The way your jaw remained clenched for hours as you cooked. The lack of your giggles and quips and smiles for the majority of the day. You were afraid. He’d made you afraid. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” His voice broke as you sobbed, just out of his reach. Each of your choked inhales broke off another piece of his shattered heart. “Oh, honey, no. Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry.” 
Crouching in front of you, keeping enough distance to hopefully not spook you further, Frank brought his hands into a placating gesture. As he exposed his palms to you, you looked at him with glassy eyes. “Darlin’ I’m not upset with you. I ain’t ever been upset with ya, not once. I was grouchier than normal today and I didn’t realize I was being too cruel. I ain’t mad, sweet girl. Could never be mad at my sweetheart.” 
You nodded, but didn’t seem to be registering his words. Crumbling to the floor in front of him, you were practically hyperventilating at this point, stuttering through apologies between shallow breaths. 
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna choke. Let’s sit on the couch for a minute.” Supporting your weight as you collapsed into his chest, Frank scooped you up and carried you over to the couch. He settled down, sitting your shaking body in his lap. Shushing you gently, he tucked your head under his chin, running a broad hand along your spine. “Breathe, sweet girl. Can’t have my baby suffocatin’ because of my dumb ass.” 
Breathing deeply to demonstrate the action for you, Frank eventually felt your body still, your inhales evening out. 
“‘M so sorry, Frankie.” You whispered hoarsely against his neck. 
“Nothin’ to be sorry for, my beautiful girl. You were just tryin’ to help. I’m sorry for bein’ such an ass.” Pulling back from you to study your face, Frank brought a hand up to cradle your jaw as he swiped away the remaining tears from your damp cheeks. “I didn’t mean to send ya home, darlin’. I just wanted you to sit on the couch while I cleaned up.” Continuing quickly as he watched your lips part with another apology, he added, “That ain’t your fault either. It definitely seemed like I was kickin’ ya out. That’s also on me.”
Nodding hesitantly, you leaned into him with a tired sigh. “Ok.”
“Did ya want me to leave, sweetheart? I know I scared you,” 
“No!” Your hand came up to grasp his jacket, clinging to him fearfully. “Don’t leave me, Frankie, please.” 
“Hey, hey, I ain’t leavin’ unless you want me to, darlin’.” Frank promised, pressing his lips to your forehead. “I’m here as long as you’ll put up with me.” 
“I don’t want you to leave.” You murmured, tracing a finger over the folds in his lapel. 
“Then I’ll be here.” He assured you, stroking a hand over your back once again as he reclined, tugging you on top of him and covering you both with a blanket from the back of your couch. “Right here. Always.”
 The pair of you sat in silence for a spell, focusing on getting your breathing back under control. Eventually, Frank pressed another kiss to your head before offering an explanation. “I shouldn’t have snapped atcha, sweet girl. I was tired, and irritated, and I let it out on all of you. That ain’t fair and I’ll try to keep my cool next time.” 
Nodding gratefully against him, you mumbled a quivering “Thank you.” 
“Of course, doll. I scared ya when I kicked ya out?” He asked, hoping you’d clarify so he could prevent this panic in the future. 
“Mmhmm.” You confirmed. “I, um, I don’t do well when people raise their voices. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be sensitive.” 
“Hey now,” Frank admonished as gently as he could. “I like my sensitive girl. I’ll try not to yell. I didn’t know it would bother you so much, darlin’.” 
You shrugged. “People got angry with me a lot when I was a kid. Especially the men in my family. Maybe I was an easy target, I don’t know. But I jump to conclusions now because of it.” 
“That makes sense, honey. That’s your brain tryin’ to protect you from big scary guys like me.” Frank joked, but you poked his chest. 
“You’re not scary,” You chided. “Just big.” 
He chuckled at that. “Well, I’ll try to keep bein’ ‘not scary’ and promise to listen whenever you choose to warn me about this stuff, ok?” 
“Ok.” You agreed, lips twitching into a faint smile as he brushed his nose into your hair. Turning your face to his, your lips met in a sweet kiss. 
“Have I done anythin’ else that bothers ya?” Frank asked, fear sparking in his chest. 
Shaking your head vehemently, you snuggled into him. “No. You’re wonderful.” 
“Ok. Just tell me, darlin’. I never want ya to be afraid of me.”  
“‘M not afraid of you, Frankie. Promise.” 
“Ok, sweetheart. Did ya wanna go to bed, or stay here for a bit?” 
“Could we go to your place?” You asked timidly. 
“Of course, love. But only if you let me carry you out to the car. My poor girl has had a rough day and it’s my job to make that up to her.” 
You giggled. “Mmm kay.” 
Frank spoke quietly to you as you traveled back to his apartment, talking about the book he was reading and what he was excited about for the holiday. You remained quiet, the exhaustion of your panic attack weighing on you, but you were filled with a pleasant warmth as Frank shared more of himself with you. 
Once he’d carried you into his home and tucked you into bed, you were barely awake. 
“Sleep well, sweetheart. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” Comforted by Frank’s rumbling promise, you drifted off, dreaming only of his smiling face. 
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piratefalls · 6 months
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i'm incapable of keeping these short. it's my burden to bear. also, extra long and also early this week because next week is kind of up in the air.
list one. list two. list three. list four. list five. list six. list seven.
a hundred thrown-out speeches i almost said to you by ivysunna
Henry sinks down into his desk chair, groaning. “How could this happen to me? I meet the most beautiful, charming man to ever grace the earth, and he just happens to work for the store my company is planning to run out of business? In what universe is that fair?” “In none of them, darling,” Pez murmurs. “Did you tell him, by any chance?” “Of course not! What was I supposed to say: ‘Hi, I’d really like to take you out to dinner, and by the way, my family owns Mountchristen Books, the company currently running all small family-owned bookstores out of business? I hope that’s ok?’” “Maybe not in those exact terms…” “It’s doomed,” Henry moans, burying his face in his hands. “My relationship with Alex is ruined before it could even begin.”
Weighted by stripyjumpers
Alex gets Henry a very thoughtful birthday gift.
Minty Fresh by inexplicablymine
How do you ask someone you so ardently adore, to spend the rest of their life with you? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. To ask a question. To ask the question. It’s the singular most defining moment of a relationship until the (hopefully inevitable) wedding bells. It’s defining, it’s definite, it’s dreadful.
What Forever Looks Like by politics_and_prose
The last thing he’s expecting once they’re home and settled in is Alex to say, “I think I’d want our kids to come by the shelter whenever they could.” Henry, completely caught off guard with a mouth full of pizza, asks, “Huh?”
just give me a minute by smc_27
Alex isn’t obsessed. He just thinks Henry is fucking beautiful and perfect and smart and so, so talented. He just thinks Henry’s fingers look gorgeous on his piano. He just thinks they like the same things and have similar opinions. And he just thinks if they could be in the same place at the same time, they might like, have something. Okay, he’s a little obsessed. Or: Alex is trying to be a GROUPIE here, but his kindness keeps getting in the way.
Ignite My Heart by absoluteaudacity
“So, I’m making you an account and we’re going to swipe right on some men and you can thank me later,” Pez says. -- The 'We met on Tinder' AU
i hit my peak at seven feet by HypnosTherapy
He told Phillip first. It was a tremendously stupid idea he can only excuse by the fact that he was thirteen at the time. He thought his brother might help him talk to their parents. He didn’t know how to articulate it feels like there are hands closing around my spine and twisting or sometimes my legs hurt so bad that walking feels like I’ve got glass buried in my feet. He trusted his brother, and even more than that he wanted the desultory and relentless agony to go away. Phillip didn’t tell their parents. He told their grandfather. --- Now that he’s taken a step back from public life, Henry can relax. Without constant pressure to stand up straight and smile through the pain, some cracks start appearing in his facade. Alex starts to notice. (AKA 3 times Henry dealt with chronic pain symptoms by himself + 1 time Alex was there to help.)
A Multitude of Instances by orphan_account
Henry’s taken notice of one of Alex’s verbal patterns.
A Stork Beneath London Bridge by MarvelMerlin
Henry was supposed to be enjoying his first fully American Thanksgiving, filled with first hand witnessing of the Turkey Horrors and strangely sweet vegetable dishes. But in a single whispered phrase the world turns immaterial, Alex is his only anchoring point, and the black suit carefully packed over every single trip is being laid out on the pretty pink bedspread.
Back, Bring it Back by @sparklepocalypse
Scowling, Alex closes the laptop and sits back in his chair in his guest suite at Buckingham Palace to rub his eyes beneath his glasses, then runs a hand through his gray-streaked curls. He’s the youngest American President since Obama, has helped usher in groundbreaking legislation protecting workers’ rights and shoring up long-outdated social justice policies, and has actually made headway on tax equity, and the instant he’s in London the entire focus is back on the worst day of his goddamn life. (A soulmate AU futurefic that pivots away from canon after Alex storms the castle, but aside from two tiny movie-specific details would work in both bookverse and movieverse.)
kiss it better by lem0nademouth
Alex had a long day. Henry is fine with making it a long night.
First Pillow Princess by lovelythething
While they had talked about spicing it up in the bedroom, it seemed despite being two guys who wanted to change the world, they easily slid into normalcy with each other. But they weren't in the bedroom. They were on a well-worn sofa, high on exhaustion, and blessedly all alone.
please don't ever become a stranger (whose laugh i could recognize anywhere) by coffeecatsme
Alex’s love language is physical touch. Henry knows this—has known it from the first moment he’s met Alex, all wild curls and bright eyes and a smile that could breathe life into Henry’s little, fragile life. He’d stuck out a hand at that first meeting, dejected when Henry didn’t even take it. Found a way to poke and prod Henry every single time they’d met after, sharp jabs hitting his shoulder and rough hits shoving him around. Now, Alex’s fingers are gentle as they lace around his. His arms hold him tight to his chest. His hair tickles the nape of Henry’s neck, and the couch is entirely too small for the two of them but Henry doesn’t have the heart to kick him out. Or, 5 times Alex clings tight to Henry and 1 time Henry finds out why.
Just come along, baby, take my hand by kiwiana
“Uh, yeah, because you put on a sex dungeon show.” “It’s not a sex dungeon show. She’s helping people prioritise their sex lives and make space for it, in whatever form they may want it. It’s reinforcing emotional connections.”
Lay All Your Love On Me by lucy_in_the_sky
A lot has changed for his and Henry’s public persona since the emails leaked. Gone are the days they could shamelessly flirt with teasing touches and love-sick stares across crowded ballrooms, back when the whole world wrote off their relationship as a “bromance for the ages” since obviously they’re both incredibly heterosexual and are simply the best of friends. Now, wary of all the eyes suddenly scrutinising their relationship, they’ve taken to spicing up their sex life in different ways to still feel the thrill of clandestine hookups in the middle of important events and public appearances. Hence the whole ‘Alex wearing a vibrating plug that Henry controls while at a public function’ thing. And Jesus fucking Christ, it’s the hottest thing that’s ever happened to him.
Closer To You by bibliosoph
Some sexy times! Thanks to Len for the prompt! Happy belated birthday, Beth! This terrible smut is for you!
Just Business by bleedingballroomfloor
“I just need you to know that this is strictly a business relationship.” Henry blinks. His brain is taking a minute to process everything — meeting Alex. Dozens of pictures lining his office walls, each featuring a different persona of his. Brochures upon brochures, prices upon prices. It’s a bit overwhelming. “You’re asking for a lot here,” Alex continues, “and that means we’ll be spending a lot of time together. A Golden Tux. You’re asking me to pull off a Golden Tux, Henry. But I need you to know that this is just business.” Henry knows he’s asking for a lot. A best man. A wedding party. Time with his family. He knows that this should only be about business. He knows. (He also knows that Alex is very, very attractive, and he knows that this will be a long four weeks with Alex.)
choke me like you hate me (but you love me) by anonymous
What’s left for them to do? Something slaps against the skin of his chest. Ah. A classic. 
Really Fucking French by everwitch
Henry likes his men direct. It is, in part, why he so often indulges in setting his location on the apps to Paris — although the gratifying results he yields from that exercise are definitely partly down to a significant selection bias as well. But if Henry had never swiped on Parisian men, he'd never have connected with Antoine; dark curls and dimples and an absolutely lethal smile. Antoine is absolutely perfect. Too perfect. It's a pity that he must be a catfish. The man in Antoine's photos, however? He is very, very real. Or: the self-indulgent Paris romp we all need after this trying time.
from the mouths of babes by cricketnationrise
3 times Lina Claremont-Diaz-Fox didn't know what Henry does for a living and 1 time she absolutely does.
nobody panic, but i've broken my leg by annesbonny
He collects his phone from Cash who's been holding onto his possessions, and shoots off a text to the group chat between pained breaths. nobody panic, but i’ve broken my leg. Then he slips it away again before he can read June's outraged response. In which Alex Claremont Diaz breaks his leg at a charity Lacrosse game.
Subtle promises by viciouslyqueer
Alex breaks the kiss. His hand falls away. Henry blinks his eyes open, unsurprised. He’s panting, they both are, breathing heavily after kissing like they don’t need oxygen to live. Alex is watching him with flushed cheeks and red kissed lips, an unreadable look in his eyes. “Hey,” he says quietly. “Can we… Can we stop?” “Yeah,” Henry says immediately, anticipating the question. “Of course, love.”  — In which Henry starts a conversation and Alex realizes he's loved no matter what.
Most People Exist by SprigsofViolets
Henry Fox is a nurse at the New York Cancer Center. He’s happy with his job, content enough with his life, but it all gets turned on its head when he connects with a patient with a brain tumor—Alex Claremont-Diaz. ——— Henry is a nurse, Alex is a patient, I suck at summaries.
Never a Guarantee by clottedcreamfudge
Henry – Prince Henry, third in line for the throne of Windsor and Alex's goddamn betrothed – has very soft hands. Alex knows this because he is literally holding them in his, both of them standing in front of just about everyone with a title in either of their two kingdoms, while a man in an extremely large hat has them repeat oaths and other things Alex has been learning by heart since he got engaged. * Looking back on their time at the altar, Alex should maybe have read a little more into the way Henry kissed him like it was the last time.
Boy, I Fancy You by allmylovesatonce
When Alex has a break off of work, he decides to get away and spend that time in London. On his first day there, he meets Henry and sparks immediately fly between them. As they spend the summer together, touring the city and enjoying each other, Alex continues to keep a very big secret about himself: who he really is.
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy by cmere
"Would now be the moment," Henry says, breath catching, "to tell you about a little fantasy I've had concerning you and horses?" Alex snickers. "Uh, I don't know, babe. If this is going the way it sounds, I'm not sure you should say anything you won't be able to take back." "Oh, Christ, shut it," Henry says, laughing, still not stopping the motions of his hand. "The horse aspect is nonsexual." "Okay, well in that case. Yes. Obviously." Alex grips his own thigh, refusing to give in and touch Henry, or himself. For now. As long as he can stand it. As it turns out, Alex isn't the only one who has a thing for his beloved on a horse. Henry's birthday seems like a good time to make use of that new information.
Tattoo Guns & Roses by schmulte
Henry comes to Austin to escape. When he opens a tattoo parlor across the way from a flower shop run by Alex, they learn to work together to protect their neighborhood and their hearts.
under the tuscan sun by stutteringpeach
The villa is, in a word, perfect. Set into the hillside and built in the classic Tuscan style, all brick and white-washed walls, with just one small bedroom and an en-suite upstairs, a cosy sitting room and a tiny kitchen downstairs. There’s a large table on the patio where Henry can already see himself drinking tea in the morning and writing late into the night. There’s even a pool. There is, however, one slight problem. There’s someone else here.
love me forever (fix me right) by sherryvalli
Alex has the perfect life. The perfect job, the perfect apartment, the perfect boyfriend. Everything’s perfect. He’s never been happier. Except for the fact that his boyfriend’s dad fucking hates him.
my eclipsed sun by weather_stained
“Alex, is there any way you can come? We’ve sent our security over, but if…if I’m right about what’s upset him, I have a feeling Henry’s not going to want to see anyone but you.” “I’m already booked on the next flight out.” Alex zips up his pack and slings it over one shoulder, keeping Bea held to his ear as he bounds down the stairs. Cash is waiting for him in the car, ready to chase Henry across the Atlantic for the second time in four years. It’s almost nostalgic—or it would be if he could stop shaking. After an important meeting with Mary, Henry is nowhere to be found. Alex drops everything to make sure he's safe.
tread softly (because you tread on my dreams) by helenblqckthorn
His stomach drops though when he realises he’s still hard. Shit. Think of Gran, think of very unattractive old lady wrinkles, think of England— Henry's point of view of the Red Room scene (or: the Hamilton portrait scene)
in time of daffodils by iphigenias
“Alright, alright, I get it. The solemn duty of academia calls.” Alex laughs as Henry play-shoves him, curling a hand protectively over the rim of his mug to stop it spilling. “So are you mine now?” “I’m always yours,” Henry answers, devastating and matter-of-fact, like he so often is. Alex hears himself make a groaning sort of sound before he’s putting his coffee down on the windowsill and climbing over the back of the sofa to get right on top of Henry, who laughs, muffled into Alex’s shoulder. “Careful with the—” Henry starts to say, but Alex’s knee has already nudged the laptop from the cushion to the carpet, where it lands with a dull thump. “Never mind,” Henry sighs, and the tail of the word catches into Alex’s mouth as he turns their bodies just so, so they’re kissing.
What to Wear by @whimsymanaged
Henry is going to a dress-up party but has nothing to wear.
How wonderful life is (while you're in the world) by mlvdybug
The corner of Henry’s mouth. It’s disappeared now, covered by the oxygen mask fixed securely around his head, but if Alex concentrates hard enough, he can see it sprawled out in front of him. Every ridge, every bend and edge and turn of it.  He knows Henry’s heart. And that’ll be enough.  (or: the one where henry gets shot and alex is a goddamn mess.)
Baby, it's Halloween and we can be anything by sheisraging
Alex is furious. More furious than he should be about the whole thing, but still. Plans were made. Money was spent. Costumes were purchased—not even rented—purchased!
you make it look so easy, i know it's not by anincompletelist
Bea’s to his left, speaking frantically on the phone with who Henry hopes is the fire brigade or someone else trained to deal with these— situations. In front of him, Pez is fumbling frustratedly with the water hose, showcasing his colorful vocabulary with a flourish of jerky hand movements and chaotic pacing. On either side of the fence, his neighbors are peaking over the sides to ask if everything’s okay, and Henry feels the resolution to make a good first impression crumbling and slipping rapidly out of his grasp. Even David watches on from inside the house, his sage eyes and patriotic bowtie appraising the scene and looking back to Henry as if to say I told you so. And the fryer — the fryer itself is up in flames, thick gray smoke swirling up into the air and soaring high above the tree line now. In the distance, the echo of sirens. Henry may faint right here, in the middle of his backyard at his new home before he's even unpacked, with all the neighbors and his family and friends watching on, on his first official American Thanksgiving. It is, by all means, not what he’d envisioned for the day. 
'til the walls did crumble and by ninzied
So much for using the wrong fork at dinner. He’s pretty sure this is a thousand times worse. Hundred-thousand? Nora could give him the exact number. Also, he’s pretty sure there’s still buttercream on his ass. . Or, Alex has his bisexual awakening in a bathroom at Buckingham Palace, and also finds leftover cake in Henry’s hair. The two things are not not related.
Bisexual Disaster Alex Claremont-Diaz by TuppingLiberty
Five times Alex wears an amusing bi pride shirt to Brooklyn Pride, and one time both he and Henry do it.
Moon Bride (To Have and To Hold) by SatinBirds
When the man is brought before him, it’s as if the whole world stops. Clad in delicate gossamer, his apparent frailty is accentuated by the sheer fabric. It is likely a cheap attempt to entice him, yet it only elicits displeasure from the king. He already wishes to dress this fragile figure in the veil of his people, cover him from invidious and lustful eyes.
once, successfully by vibrantsaturn
ACD okay, so. full disclosure and just so you know, i'm not into men or anything HYou're literally on Grindr right now? ACD ok??? and i guess people who are lactose intolerant can't walk down the fucking dairy aisle, huh???? i'm just looking, man or, Grindr, once (un)successfully, etc., etc.
kiss me through the phone by violetbaudelairequagmire
[Unknown Number] *Attached image: a shirtless, tanned torso, cropped at the top of shoulders, holding up two brightly patterned ties* which 1? Excuse me? or, Alex accidentally texts the wrong number and then just never stops.
Risotto + Melanze + Dolce (a love story) by villiageidiot
Alex doesn’t necessarily need a job—a full course load (plus some) is more than enough to fill his time—but he hasn’t had much of a social life since starting law school, and his coffee habit could use a few extra dollars. When June tells him the restaurant is looking for help, particularly on their Thursday Spaghetti Special night, he halfheartedly agrees. Everything that happens thereafter is technically her fault, a fact he likes pointing out any time she tries to yell at him for something, like serving uncooked garlic bread, or accidentally making a grown man cry, or breaking public indecency laws. Or: Alex works at an Italian restaurant and is very bad at it. Henry is a customer and doesn’t seem to mind.
until next time! if you'd like to be tagged in future lists for whatever reason, let me know!
tagging: @starkfridays, @stilesgivesmefeels
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yandere platonic supes I am BEGGIBG, there’s not enough yandere platonic Superman I am starved for content, blease
Yes absolutely!!! I am also starved for Yan platonic Superman, so we would get along well!!
Shout out to @blughxreader and @anxiousnerdwritings for so much of my inspiration, and if you like yandere dc works, you should check them out!!
Yandere Platonic Superman x GN! Reader
Warning: This is a yandere work, and as such, has themes of obsession and captivity! Because this is Superman, it’s a much milder work than usual!
“Hey! How was your day?” Warm, almost inhumanly hot, arms, wrap you up into a tight hug, and you blink in shock. You hadn’t even heard him get home, much less approach, and although it makes your heart race, you feel your nerves begin to settle.
“Good! I got to work on the garden I’ve been wanting to start.” You motion to the freshly filled earth, the hard dirt clods having been broken up. “Still have to mix the gardening soil in, and the fertilizer.”
“You did really good! I think we should head inside though, you’re starting to look a little parched.” You sigh, but nod, brushing the sweaty hair out of your face. Mr. Kent beams, stepping back from the hug, ruffling your hair gently. You try to ignore the way your heart leaps into your throat, or his concerned glance.
“So what about you? How’d your day go?” You mumble, trekking up to the tiny farm house in the distance. Mr.Kent keeps pace easily, the wind tugging gently on his red cape.
“It was good! There wasn’t much for me to do today, although one of the supports on the Golden Gate Bridge gave out. Me and few other heroes got that sorted fairly quickly, and no one got hurt.” You knew, logically, that he accomplished more in one day than teams upon teams of first responders could ever manage in a week, but being confronted with the knowledge caused a strange sort of dissonance. He had always just been Mr. Kent. Nice, a bit clumsy, willing to help you and your folks when you needed it. Always wearing a button up or sometimes a flannel when he visited, with the strange sort of softness to his accent that you knew happened when someone moved to the city. You hadn’t known him well, but had been close enough to invite him for Thanksgiving when you had heard he wasn’t spending it with his family.
Maybe that was your mistake. Maybe you wouldn’t be here, on a plot of land in the middle of nowhere, if you had just let him stay lonely.
You blink when you realize the farmhouse is much closer.
“I’ll get changed and make us some dinner, okay?” A hand smooths over your hair, and you smile. If he was cooking dinner, that meant you had time to shower, and get the dirt and grime off you.
“Okay.” You murmur, and he beams, the screen door closing behind the both of you. “I’m not allowed to use the stove anyways.” You mutter after him. You know he hears you, but he doesn’t respond, the door to his room closing behind him.
You take your time showering, and changing into the soft, clean pajamas that he had bought you so long ago they were beginning to wear, and gray at the cuffs. He would wait for you to eat, you knew, and he never pestered you unless he was worried about your safety. Which was pretty often, admittedly, but he had been getting better about not constantly fretting.
“Hey, kiddo! I made your favorite.” He grins, and the smell of warm food drifts up, making your stomach growl hungrily. He presses the plate into your hands. “Figured we could do something special, since today’s such a special day.”
You frown, tilting your head, even as you tried to remember. There weren’t any calendars in the house, and the only passing of time you were aware of most times was the rising of the sun.
“It is?” You question, taking a bite of your food. It melts on your tongue, and you glance at the rest of the house, frowning.
Your stomach drops when you realize. There’s four perfectly wrapped presents on the small coffee table in front of the couch, and a cake from your favorite bakery. There’s also a pie, which you know was made by Ma Kent.
You look back. Mr. Kent looks almost sad, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle, sympathetic.
“It’s your birthday, kiddo. I was thinking, since you’ve been so good lately, we could do something special.”
“Like what?” Your voice cracks, but he doesn’t say anything. You don’t know if your grateful or not.
“Well, I know you’ve been working really hard in that garden of yours. And since you’ve been so good lately, I was thinking we could go to visit a greenhouse! Spend a couple days out and about, so you can get out of the farmhouse every once and while.”
You stare. You hadn’t been allowed off the property in.. months. Five, nearly six. The prospect was exhilarating. And terrifying.
“Really?! When are we going?” You try not to sound to excited, but you must fail, because he chuckles.
“Easy there, slow your roll. We’ll be going at the end of the week. Now, finish your food so we can open presents, yeah?”
The food is tasteless after that. It’s good, sure, but that pales in comparison to how your heart hammers with adrenaline and excitement. You were finally, finally getting off the property! And if you couldn’t escape then, you could escape later, and maybe even go home.
Soon, you’re both finished eating, and he herds you to the couch, pulling out a camera from its case. It’s an expensive digital one, the one you know he used for work.
“You know you can just use your phone camera, right?” You point out, and he chuckles.
“Call me old fashioned. Let me get it set up, and then cake and presents.” It takes him less than a minute to set it up, the motions experienced and practiced. “You ready?”
You nod. He lights the candles on the small bakery cake.
It’s the strangest birthday you’ve ever had. Mr. Kent is the only one singing the birthday song, and you’ve always had a large family with a lot of siblings. When you blow out the candles, he doesn’t let you eat the frosting off them, instead plucking them off and setting them on a ceramic plate.
Your presents are odd, too. You were used to useless, impartial presents. This wasn’t that. He had gotten you the dvd copy of your favorite TV series, a set of hardback books, a new outfit, and a telescope, all neatly wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
“The outfit is for when we go out.” He explains, watching as you unfold the blue button up. “We’re going to be visiting Lois, so I figured you would want to look nice.”
Your heart skitters in your chest, unsure. You hadn’t met Ms. Lane yet, he had always insisted you weren’t ready, but now not only were you leaving the property but you would also be meeting his wife.
“I do. Thank you.” You finally murmur, and he wraps you up into another hug, holding you a moment longer than he usually did.
“Of course. Why don’t you try some of your cake and I’ll clean this up, yeah?”
You watch as he cleans up, nibbling on the sweet treat, and when he is finally done, he sets aside all of your presents, putting in the dvd. You shift on the couch, used to this old routine, and when he sits on the couch, curl up next to him, letting him wrap his arms around you and bury his nose in your hair with a smile.
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