#and the landlord is knocking down the house i currently live in* so i do need to find somewhere soonish
kelasparmak · 1 year
everyone please cross your fingers for me, i just put in an offer on the only flat i've viewed in a month that didn't have anything egregiously wrong with it. if i get it you're all invited to my housewarming orgy.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
I'm baaack how about Ari and taking care of the reader when she's sick and grumpy or a migraine she just wants to be comfortable and taken care of but at the same time grumpy and she wants what she wants when she wants it. And is like Ari get with the program its simple to understand I ask you get or no sex for like a week or a month or something
[It's a wee bab drabble, like an honest, true drabble which I never accomplish, yay!]
Loud and Threatening, a Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The screen door of the porch creaks achingly loud as you thunder through it, but that noise is nothing compared to Ari's hammering at a busted board at the edge of the roof.
"I said I have a headache," you scream, shielding your eyes from the painful sun.
Nail between his teeth, he mumbles back, "but if I don't get this done--"
"Ari, stop." You cannot take it anymore. No meds have touched this, and you are beyond caring if you have to take all the tools away from him and chuck them down the creek way back in the property.
"Woman, I am trying to keep a roof over your head."
"You are currently making my head feel like it's going to explode."
He scoffs. That bastard scoffs at your pain. "Lie down with those headphones on or something. Did you take anything?"
"Of course I took--argh! Just come inside and lie down with me. At least that way you can't keep banging on things out here."
"What am I, your slave?"
"You're an old man." You cross your arms over your chest, eyes very squinty. "You should know what a nap looks like."
Reluctantly, Ari climbs down the ladder and gently places the hammer back in the toolbox. He pulls out his pack of cigarettes and starts tapping it on one palm. "Honey, I'm not tired. I'll just leave you to rest."
"Maybe I won't want to touch you for a month if you don't get in bed right now." Your threat is soft and low, but you know he heard.
His eyes narrow in on your pout. The sheer stubbornness of you. He knows you'll do it, too. You'll get yourself off whenever you want, either when he's not home or right in front of him, and you'll enjoy his suffering. He knows you'll do it. Maybe you won't last a month, but is he willing to risk it?
"That's a low blow, woman."
"That's strategy, old man."
Begrudgingly he pockets the smokes again, following you inside, openly enjoying the sway of your ass as you make your way to the bedroom. He takes off his work pants and flannel to lie down, grabbing the small vile of breath freshener he keeps on his nightstand (so you can't smell smoke on him when he comes back inside), dropping some on his tongue and the tip of his middle finger. He automatically lays to slot you into your nook under his arm and carefully rubs the bit of peppermint oil at your temple. He relaxes his neck when he's done and you both sigh.
You're content. He's resigned.
It's not that he isn't comfortable or that he doesn't enjoy time with you in his arms; it's that since he's bothered to pick up more paying hours at work, he has less time to fix up your house.
Though it's technically not his, this is the first place Ari's ever cared about living, and he's very aware that you have no landlord anymore. There's no one but him to help you. He's proud of that and a little nervous. He wants to finish as many repairs as possible as quickly as possible, and he can't do that stuck under you...except at night, ya know. At night is fine. It's encouraged, in fact.
He settles in for what he thinks is going to be a few minutes until you fall asleep and he can sneak away, but the fresh smell of mint, the plush feel of you at his side, and the tender grip of your hand at his t-shirt slowly relaxing as you slip under knock him out like a light. You both wake as dusk is starting, hungry and headache-free.
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Value of Money
"When demand on [currency] goes up, its value goes down." - shameless self quote
I've written at length about the axiom I'm claiming to have invented. Now; I wanna go into the chain of events that lead to this axiom.
Many will decry Bernie Sander's and the Democrats, and socialists, and liberal media for using [minimum wage increase] as a key position. This is because arguably; the price of the things that those living on minimum wage might buy will increase in value.
Like food stuffs; which doesn't increase in purchase rates when consumers have more money to spend. It increases in price when it costs more to produce. However; a lot of food {nearly half in America} goes to waste (it goes bad before use). Which suggests; that farmers overproduce expecting that most of their produce goes to waste.
This ensures that ingredients are really available when you or I go to purchase them. Prices on unprocessed raw ingredients and bulk foodstuffs remain fairly stagnant. Because most prices that Farmers have to pay are to their corporate overlords, like Monsanto, or their local credit Union. (And to a lesser extent property taxes on land zoned for agriculture)
What we are seeing now isn't a price hike on the low end raw ingredients; but on processed foods, sodas, alcohol, fish, meat and dairy.
Why is this?
Well; we must first ask: why are those working minimum wage jobs asking for wage increases at all?
This has to do with the total cost of living. Electric and water prices remain a concern for your average person; and since the entire world is digital now; electricity usage rates are at an all time high.
Then the fact that the housing market is at an all time high, and prices to rent, along with discerning landlords; means that the bottleneck is at these prices (housing) overall, and to a lesser extent; prices of food that pay money to individuals who work in the supply chain after it leaves the farm.
Brand new video games after all are still 15-60$. So it's not entertainment's fault. Tesla might've increased the cost of their newest car; but that's more likely because Tesla's sales overall have dropped.
The value of money drops when demand on it increases.
What causes higher demand on currency? One could say that it's greedy people being greedy. Asking for more money because they can and that's it. They want the latest iPhone and Tesla Truck! Every year! (As opposed to when you need to buy one and can afford new)
It's not that. It's Debt. When the bank comes knocking, then the Lendees (the ones who borrowed money) need to pay it back; and before you go off on college students who are still working minimum wage because jobs can't afford to hire them; remember--This is affecting corporations like Tesla, Apple, Google, and Disney
All of who have cut back spending, and are still having trouble meeting their obligations.
(But record profits!)
Profits include money made over money spent, but not necessarily money borrowed. Because money borrowed is an operating cost. With a monthly payment to repay the loan; record profits could be made, and the company still needs to worry about paying back that loan.
Which means they (the corporations) expect sales to continue decreasing.
The National Debt (the amount of money currently in circulation, including bonds and other obligations) is *not* the same as the cumulative debt in the nation (the total amount of debt held by individuals and company's and any-entity-else the banks have lent to) which is a far more important indicator.
The National Debt goes down as tax money is collected and returned to the federal government. But the cumulative debt only goes down as people make a profit, and pay theirs back. This includes workers at minimum wage (who need to afford homes and a vehicle to get to work on time, or a bus pass if they live near a bus station that also goes to their place of work.)
Web search about the ease (or difficulty) to get a loan right now returns results like this article from CNN that talks about the decrease of loans being given out. Loan rejections are up for people with low indicator of default (failure to make payments.)
The banks aren't giving money as freely because they also have met their limits. And so we have this [inflation] issue. Debts can't be paid, so people raise prices in order to pay their debts on time; rising prices mean less sales, less sales mean more defaults, and the cycle continues.
Which again suggests outright; demand on currency is high. Demand on goods? Very low. Luxury Goods? Even lower.
Will increasing minimum wage help? Will forgiving debts? Will we be able to escape this black hole? Find out on the next episode of; "Somehow the entire world is in debt to itself, and it can't pay itself back."
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verytalented · 1 year
My loud Neighbor
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→ Pairings: Kai x Black reader → Group: SuperM → Warning: handjob enemies to lovers. Thigh riding, male receiving, female receiving, oral sex. → Summary; "Could I request a kai Exo ambw one when he's your neighbor and you develope feelings also are two parts allowed for the last one could it also include smut?" ask for @kai-choco-queen-32 <request>
A/N I don't write EXO, but I do write for SuperM so when you look at my master list it's going to be under there. And also, I put everything in one part and I'm not good at doing part twos. Word Count:
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone who is mentioned in this story. This is just for entertainment, and if any kpop idol wants this story down I will take it down.
After a long day at work, you needed to rest and that's one thing you don't get often. One of the reasons is your loud neighbor who constantly has loud music or someone over. And let's just say that someone wasn't over for 3sxzsmall talk. You had nowhere else to stay. So, things can get very stressful.
You worked long hours and all you need was relaxation. Today was different than usual or so you thought. It started off quiet so you wanted to take a nap.
You took a two-hour nap only to wake up to sex noises. You sigh. “I swear this mother fucker”. You got out of bed with just a pair of shorts and your sports bra. And a bonnet that protects your locs. You walked out of your apartment with nothing on your feet. You're furious you couldn't get at least a good nap in since you moved in 2 months ago.
But one thing you do remember is how your landlord told you people didn't stay in this apartment long, because of the noise of the man next door. You had enough of this man. You felt as if you were going crazy because of this man.
You began to knock hard on this man's door it was currently 3:00 A.M. this had happened before But you didn't want to come off as rude so you let it slide. But now this had been happening for far too long and it needs to stop.
Kai soon opens the door with a smirk on his lips. He has nothing but grey sweats on. His hair was messy but he still manage to look good. You can hear the girl behind him asking who was at the door. He didn't pay attention to her, but instead, he gave you all his attention.
"what are doing up at this hour." you rolled your eyes. You crossed your arms. "Can you not make so much noise it's 3 A.M,” you said with an angry tone. "What I can't have a little fun at night?" he said. You huff "that's not what I'm saying. It seemed that you have a little fun every night," You said. "O’come on let loose a little I'm sure you'll love to join," he bit his bottom lip. His gaze stayed on you. You felt that his gaze was so powerful and lustful at the same time.
"I wouldn't give you the time of day," you said crossing your arms. He chuckled as he lean against the door frame with a sinister smile. He looked you up in down. "Oh really," he said. "What do you mean by 'oh really' can you just keep it in your pants just for one night," you yelled. All he did was smile. He keeps giving you the same stupid smile. You started to get really annoyed by his actions. You let out a sigh and rub you temples of your head. "Just keep it down all right it's 3 A.M. and some of us actually have productive lives"
"Sure thing I'll try my best." and all he did was smile at you. You rolled your eyes and went back inside your apartment locking the door. You walked back into your room. "I need to move" You lay back down in your bed.
The sex noises stop you finally got a chance to go to bed. You soon drift off to sleep. Till you hear him again but this time it's different... it's him?! You let out a surprised gasp.
"I know this man is not jerking off right now."
Time: 3:15 A.M.
"You need to get out," kai says to this girl that he just gave head to. "Why?!" she frowns. He rolled his eyes. "Because I said so, and this does happen to be my house." He said in a demanding tone. The girl soon got out of his bed with a huff. The girl then put on her clothes and got out of Kai's apartment.
He let out a sigh. Running his fingers through his soft brown hair. That girl did not satisfy him at all. He looked down at the boner that he had. His mind instantly filled with what you wearing. How your sports bra squeezed your chest making it look plumper. And how high your shorts were. And how your butt would show when you turned around.
He lay down on his bed. He then pulled down his grey sweats. He let out a sigh as his dick leaked precum. His hand finally made contact with his dick. He began to move his hands up and down along his dick. "Fuck" he grunted. Kai then moves his hand even faster. He lets out a gasp as he was so close to finally coming. "Fuck Y/N" He let out a loud moan. he finally came with some of his cum on his tummy.
"Fuck, I was loud."
The next day you felt nervous to see him. Because you heard him jerk off and he moaned your name. When you got ready for work you couldn't help but think of him while you got ready.
You could barely sleep last night because of what happened last night. And what makes things worse is that you have to meet with your boss today. You just got promoted to assistant manager. You’ve been working there since you move into your apartment. You walked outside your apartment only to see kai in a suit and tie getting into a black sedan. His hair was not messy this time it was more formal. You couldn't lie to yourself and say he didn't look hot.
He notices you and gives the same sinister smirk that he always gives you. He close the door of the car then soon after the car drove off. You rolled your eyes and walked to your car.
Kai is the CEO of a small company. His company is slowly growing thanks to his shareholders and his family for helping him get money for his company.
Kai walked into his office with his assistant following after him. "Sir you have to meet with the new assistant manager today, and you have two meetings today." Kai sign and rubbed his head. He was so tired. He thought it would be slow today but he was wrong. "what time do I have to meet the new assistant manager?" His assistant soon told him that he would meet her at 9:30 am. Which is 30 minutes from now.
You soon walked into the office at 9:15. Your best friend Mark lee welcomed you in. He then told you that you have to meet with your boss. "I have to go to the bathroom where is his office?" you said to Mark. "His office is on the fifth floor you better hurry you have to be at his office at 9:30," Mark warned you. You nodded your head and rushed to the bathroom.
When went into the bathroom you heard some girls talking about your boss. "Don't you find it kinda odd that no one really knows what the boss looks like?" One of the girls said. You stayed inside the stall and didn't make any noise. "well it's rumored that he doesn't want anyone to know what he looks like." One of the girls said. "well I think it's because he's really ugly" One of the girls giggled. About 5 minutes passed and you have ten minutes to get to your boss's office. You walked out of the bathroom stall. The girls soon stop talking and bowed to you. "Hello manager," They said with a slight smile.
"I don't think it appropriate to talk about our boss like that. If you excuse me I should go meet him right now." you quickly walked out leaving those girls shocked and embarrassed.
You look at your watch it was now 9:25 you stood outside his office waiting nervously. You kept looking at your watch it was now 9:30. That was the longest five minutes of your life. You let out a sigh. His assistant walked out with a man standing next to him. He bowed to the man he bowed back. "have a good day," he said. The man smiled and walked away. "Are you Y/n?" the assistant asked. "Uh...Yes, I am Y/N" You said standing up and bowing slightly. "He would like to see you now," he said with a smile.
You then walked into his office but there was a person you didn't think you were going to see. It's your next-door Neighbor. "You have to be kidding me," you mumbled under your breath. "Good morning Ms.L/N," Kai said with a smirk. "Good Morning Sir." you smile. You were so caught off guard to see kai here today. One thing you couldn't believe is that he is your boss. Something suddenly dawned on you. You yelled at him last night. And you heard him moan your name. You couldn't believe what was happening right now.
He got out of his seat and walked up to you. "Would you excuse us," Kai said to his assistant. "yes sir" he said and walked out of his office. "Well look who it is. who knew I would see you here," he said to you in a cocky tone. You tried your best not to roll your eyes. You most definitely wanted to keep your job. "Hello Kai sorry about last night." You said with a smile. "Oh don't switch up on me now I like your festy side. Not to mention I don't usually like to mix business with pleasure." He said and grab your tie pulling you closer to him. You gasp as you were so close to him. "You are dismissed Ms.L/N," He said with the same lustful smirk and let go of your tie. This time that smirk he gave you hit differently. This time you're starting to fill lust for him. Maybe you won't regret it. "Yes sir" You whispered. "I don't think I heard you right," kai said. "Yes Sir," you said louder and you saw kai smirk again. You then walked out of his office.
You saw his assistant bow at you and you smiled and bowed back.
You made your way back to your office. Mark then knocks on the door. you allowed him to come. He came in closing the door after him. "So how did it go?" he said excitedly. "It to be honest I guess it kinda well."
Later that night You were called into Kai's office once again. All of your co-workers left and the office was empty. You walked to the elevator and press the button to the fifth floor. You didn't know what to expect from him. "After all, he was the one that didn't want to mix business with pleasure". You made it to his office. You knocked on the door slightly just enough for him to say come in. You closed the door behind you.
You walked and you saw him with his hair was a mess. He loosened the tie around his neck and unbuttoned his shirt. "You wanted to see me." You said walking closer to him. "Yes I did." He got up from his desk and walked to the front of it. Just the sight of him like this makes you go crazy. "Am I making you nervous?" He said he gave you that same smile. He walked closer to you lifting your face to make you make eye contact with him. "No..." you whisper, slightly biting on your bottom lip. His eyes soon darted to your lips before going back to your eyes.
The sexual tension between the two of you was unbearable and you couldn't help but look at his lips. Your face moves ever so slowly to his lips, and soon your lips connect. The kiss began to get heated with your tongues crashing into each other. He slowly moved back into the glass desk before sitting on it slightly. His hands move down to your hips pulling you closer. His leg soon parted yours and being to move your cloth pussy along his thigh. The sensation made you moan in pleasure. Your skirt rises up your butt. As his hands reach down to your butt then he squeezes it. "Kai~" you moaned, He then started to kiss up and down your neck. "you like that?" He asked You nodded. "I need an answer love."
"Yes, I love it" You let out before pleading for more. Kai picked you up laying you back on his glass desk. He then took off your skirt and panties leaving them on the floor. "Look how wet you are, all from just kissing how cute."
"Shut up." you sigh. "You know you love it" he smiles.
He then bent down kissing your inner thighs. He then made it to your pussy kissing your clit, and soon after that, he began to suck on it. "fuck Kai~" you moaned once more. You can feel him smiling against you. He then enters his tongue into you. you let out a gasp as he still fingered your clit. Your breathing started to get heavy as your hands made it to his hair messing it up more than it is. "Fuck I'm close Kai" His tongue moved back to your clit sucking on it faster. "Thats it let go for me" His words sent vibrations to your clit soon sending you over the edge.
You loosened your grip on his hair. "You're so pretty". He said before getting up. You could see the wetness from your pussy smeared on his chin. He then unbutton his shirt and started to undo his belt. "Just go slow with me okay" You whimpered. "Of course." He said before kissing your forehead.
He pulled his pants down along with his boxers. You could see his dick stand tall. He moved his dick between your folds letting your wetness lobe his dick. "Fuck you're so warm." He then made his way to your entrance and slowly his slip his dick inside of you.
“Shit your so tight” he said with his grip on your waist tightened. He went slow at first while kissing your neck. You started to crave more of him. “Can you go faster?”. He raises his eyebrow before spending up the paste. “Fuck you so good for me,” he said going faster while one of his fingers made it to your clit.
He then lifts one of your legs pushing his dick in a certain spot making you gasp. “Oh please just like that” you pled. You can see a slight smirk make its way to his face. “Damn you feel amazing.” he moans.
His thrust started to get sloppy and his breath started to get heavy. “I'm close” he lets out. “Me too” you let out. After a few more thrusts he pulled out coming on your tummy. “Fuck” you whimpered at the loss of his dick. “Let me take you home”
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localvoidcat · 1 year
tmcblr dave storyline horrifically summarized
now that he's officially dead, it's time to post the entire plotline of dave dave-the-tech-guy. i wrote this in two days with nothing but determination, the blog archive, and a can of mountain dew. please do enjoy, this will be posted in multiple parts due to the sheer length of it
note: while i'm sure there's things i've left out, or misspelled or repeated or anything of the sort, i have been working on this far too long to go back and edit. if there's anything wrong that's in god's hands i'm done here
please do enjoy this recollection of eleven months of my descent into madness!
(august - december)
august: tries and fails to help his nephew fight off the gay allegations. grows such an intense hatred towards gougars that he gets it on a shirt.
september: loses his mustache and crocs, only for them to come flying back to his face like a boomerang. he meets dirk for the first time.
october: the beginning of the shitfuck months. he gets turned into a gougar while listening to california girls and burns down mandelatech. he sees ruth for the first time since her death and his mental health immediately tanks. he goes into the spirit world to try and help her. he gets scared and screams and the guardian of the spirit realm gets so upset it throws him out. he comes back as a weird medium. he’s talking in wingdings for some reason. he takes on a false identity as “spirit box” and joins bps with jonah. he gets chased down by the (now-vengeful) ghost ruth and locks himself in a random shed in the woods to get away from everyone. johnson shows up outside. after three days of tearing at the walls, he manages to get out and start running. he is immediately torn apart. after five days of being dead, he is brought back to life by system. there are pop-ups all over his body (we learn later these pop-ups cover the missing parts of his body). he finds entity - the alternate jonah summoned in an attempt to get dave back - and knocks off its head with a shovel. doing this starts turning him into an alternate and he gradually transforms into a static beast. he’s able to stick his head in televisions.
november: he turns into a full beast. he goes with lamb to the lake and tears his mouth apart. after this, his file is corrupted and system resets him completely. he wakes up looking human. he is not human. he has turned into a full alternate capable of changing form. he has some family issues with mark and starts becoming more distant. sometime in november, we’re introduced to randy, a ghost that wears a party hat and that dave considers annoying. he doesn’t hold much relevance outside of a few appearances, but is important enough to mention here. dave decides to move out of thatcher’s house, and finds a landlord. this landlord is johnson, who is planning to kill him. dave is completely oblivious to this kidnapping until johnson straight up tells him. he becomes a weird alternate and eats an entire fucking mountain lion just to spite johnson. johnson manipulates dave into using the system to turn himself human. this fails, and dave dies after entity is ripped from his body. brutus, in an attempt to stop dave from permanently dying, brings him back as a ghost. now horribly lethargic and trapped in the spirit realm, he grows more miserable by the day.
december: dave tries to move on, but is convinced to stick around for the sake of his loved ones. he speaks to system for the first time, and starts becoming more aware of its presence, even talking back to it on occasion. he possesses thatcher and falls into a (completely normal) ghost coma for a few days. entity, still in the living world, communes with the audience. it is revealed to have gone to dashcon (???). dave learns more about the current status of his family and gets sad. he goes with el to explore the spirit world a bit and meets wilbur, who tells him about the possibility of being revived. he goes with him, and ends up in a courtroom of the gods. after pleading for a bit and being thrown out for a couple minutes, he’s brought back in and told he can be brought back to life - with the condition that he come back with several curses (all animals that don’t know him will attack him on sight, he will suffer horrible nightmares every night, people around him will feel tired constantly).
(note. sometime around the time of the revival, he switches from he/him to any/all. the wording will change to reflect this.)
upon waking up, they realize a few things: 1, he’s stuck in a random landfill in yonder county; 2, she’s been rotting here for quite some time now; 3, their corpse is missing a few limbs following the first death + removal of system assistance. tech leaves the landfill, breaks into an abandoned store, and gets some of the remaining blood cleaned up. dial drives to thatcher’s house and reunites with him, officially moving in shortly after. he sees entity for the first time since the separation, and afterwards, passes out in the snow. the gods begin watching him at this point, sending down different animals and items to do so. thatcher and dave go out into the (mostly empty) mandela city for a day or two. dave tries and fails to make a new arm for themself. johnson breaks into the davis household and dave learns that johnson left dave’s missing arm at the doorstep. after being slapped for this, thatcher agrees to help her find it again. they do, and dave has to be convinced not to attach the horrifically rotted arm back on. dave notices the rot beginning but pays no attention to it. he gets a checkup from a doctor and comes back with a laundry list of ailments, as well as a prosthetic leg that she decides not to use due to it being uncomfortable. dave asks about the wellbeing of his alternates, and dirk mentions his fish bait shop. dave falls asleep and we meet tony rigatoni, who sets dave adrift in a lake on a sofa. he wakes up utterly confused. the cat ray appears again, and mcpdtech is turned into cats for the following month. during this time, dave meets o’brien, gets yelled at by the doctor jo, and hangs out with lamb. system makes itself more present during this time. the year ends with him turning back to normal.
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paladincecil · 1 year
So after a rather busy day I can relax with a video or 2 before bed
This is how the day went!
Me and a friend went to view the house and other than the bath being smaller than a standard size one I think I'd be pretty happy living there. The bathroom thing doesn't bother me too much since I'm more of a shower person that likes the occasional bubble bath xD
It's a 2 bedroom place with 2 front rooms like you'd see in any standard terrace house in my area. The landlord seems decent. He told us he has 6 people coming to view it over the next few days. We saw the next group knocking on the door just as we were walking down the street xD
We had a walk around to try and get me used to where stuff is. It'll take a while before I'll be confident I won't end up lost looking for the local iceland even though it's like a 10 minute walk away xD It's also a short walk to my friend mum so we went to visit her and cuz she's massively into all sorts of crafting so we had a chat about that xD
Once we got back to mine we started sorting my mountain of bills and letters to find the information I'd need to send to the landlord so I could officially send my hat into the ring and hope I get chosen.
I also had to ask my current landlord for a reference and I felt mega awkward cuz I'd not told her I was looking for a place yet since I didn't know how long it would be before I'd find a place that would let me rent xD She messaged back not long after saying she'd be more than happy to give me a good reference since I've been a very good tenant :D
Halfway through scanning the stuff we need we decided we were hungry and since his girlfriend was about to finish work we invited her over to have a meal with us.
After that they went home and I finished scanning the last stuff and the landlord asked me to send him the stuff I had now while waiting on my current landlord to write the reference. So I converted the nearly 50 scanned pages into a couple pdfs to make it easier to read through xD
I should probably make a list of every place I need to inform about a change of address just in case I do get this house
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to the working week although, for those of you in the NHS, welcome to just another day!
Many thanks to everyone that listened to the show on Saturday afternoon, and many thanks to those that will listen to it on Mixcloud. Next week: The Letter J (Part Four), executive producer: Tracey Lewis, who has knocked it out of the park!
Watching Suella Shaverman talk, you sometimes wonder what she’s trying to achieve? Do you think she’s hoping that people will treat her like a white person? Is she hoping that, if she talks like a member of an extreme right-wing group, people will forget she’s a woman of colour? It’s astonishing to see an Indian woman be so racist! She and her friend should form a punk band called Priti Vacant.
Britain is planning for ‘blackouts’ this winter, a government minister admitted last week. Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse … they do! Some people won’t be able to afford food, some people won’t be able to afford heat, some won’t be able to afford both and, if the government decide to cut the power, they will have to sit in the dark, cold, hungry and unable to switch on the telly or the radio, recharge their phone or boil the kettle. And we have the cheek to call other countries ‘third world’!
Britain’s biggest mortgage lender (Halifax) warned of “significant downward pressure” on house prices last week. So what? Maybe a house will come down to a reasonable price? Maybe that significant downward pressure will make a few houses in London ‘affordable’? Not holding my breath. The big issue is mortgages. You have to give away your first-born child to get a mortgage these days! Some kids will NEVER get on the property ladder and merely wait for their parents to die! Do the ’experts’ out there think that’s healthy? All I see are greedy landlords charging an arm, a leg and a testicle for little boxes!
The number of patients in London’s hospitals testing positive for Covid-19 has risen by over a fifth in a week, according to the latest figures from NHS England. Naturally, the medical experts that studied at the YouTube School Of Medicine will scoff at this. According to some of them, Covid-19 was “just another kind of flu”, while some of them think it was a hoax. We won’t waste our time with the deniers. We’ve wasted enough time on them already. Me? I will continue to wear my mask in shops and on public transport. You can do what you want! I’m done talking!
Adidas is reviewing its Yeezy partnership with Kanye West. What a huge surprise! Not! Kanye seems to be trying to make a statement with his ‘White Lives Matter’ T-shirts? If someone can tell me what that statement is, I would be very grateful.
“I do not have time for things that have no soul.” (Charles Bukowski, American poet, 1920-1994) This is me to a tee. I am offended by weak, plastic, inane things. If you’re making music, let me feel and hear your soul. If you’re feeding me food, I need to taste that the cook made it with love. If you’re writing words for me to read, let me into your world and let me hear your heart beat. Do we really need more product?
Have a marvellous and momentous Monday. I love you all.
0 notes
hanoella · 3 years
Affettuoso- With Feeling (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky x Pianist!Reader
Set after the events of TFATWS: In an effort to start over and make a home in Louisiana, Bucky meets a friend of Sam’s who ends up being his landlord. With only a driveway to separate them, he finds that he’s not the only one looking for a fresh start.
Series tags/warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Canon Level Violence
Part 4 Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Thanks again for all your support! Every heart and comment motivates me and is just so wonderful
Taglist!: @vicmc624
Read Part 1; Masterlist
The icon that marked where you were currently typing in your text blinked as you bit your lip. Looking back from where you were sitting at the kitchen table, you took stock of the open pantry once again. You were low on just about everything. With physical therapy exhausting your shoulder, it was hard to find the energy to lift any heavy bags. You had texted Sam for help, but unfortunately he was out of state.
“Bucky’s home, just ask him to go with you. He won’t mind” He had texted back.
You slouched back into the chair and groaned. You had only seen him in passing since he had helped you with the furniture. What was he, your live-in-caretaker? Was he just there to help you up and down the stairs and help you across the street? Sliding onto the floor, you made a small grunt as you felt your back straighten out and adjust to the floor. Resting a moment, you held your phone up and stared at the blinking bar. You hadn’t texted him before. Should you just call him? Or knock on his door? Ugh, why was this so hard. Whatever.
“Hey Bucky, I’m having trouble carrying stuff right now. Would you mind helping me out with grocery shopping sometime today or tomorrow? If not, no worries.”
Without a second thought, you sent it and set your phone down next to you. It was around 1PM, the only thing you having done up until then was getting dressed while sipping on coffee. Opting for a lazy look, you had worn soft leggings with an oversized sweater and fuzzy socks. Two simple braids and a headband kept your hair out of the way for when you eventually practiced. Only a few more weeks until you practiced with the actual orchestra. You should probably figure out something to wear besides lounge clothes.
The buzz on the floor caught your attention and you took a peak at your home screen
1 New Message:
Bucky Barnes: Sure, is now good?
Shoot. You quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. Your hair wasn’t too messy. Why do you look so tired? Opting for some mascara, you texted Bucky back before digging around in your makeup bag.
Yeah, meet at my car in a minute?
Bucky pocketed his phone and took a quick look in the mirror. Should he shave? Scratching his beard, he made a face before deciding against. It would take him more than a minute. Why didn’t he just say thirty minutes from now? Running a hand through his hair, he grabbed a jacket and walked out of the apartment.
As he walked over the freshly fallen leaves in the driveway, he opted for leaning against your car. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned his head to look out over the water. It had been quiet lately, just chilly enough to silence the summer chorus of buzzing and croaks. Now all that was left was the occasional honking of geese flying overhead.
He had only been there for a couple of minutes when you came out onto the porch. You had hastily thrown on some brown leather boots, the left one still untied. The little bit of mascara and lip gloss you put on made you feel better about not looking like death. It was nice to do a little something, even if it was just the grocery store.
“Hey!” you said, slightly breathless as you bounded down the stairs, keys jingling in your hand.
Bucky echoed your greeting back to you with a small smile and wave.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” You said, clicking the key fob to unlock the car.
“Oh it’s no problem. I didn’t really have much to do anyway.” He said, ducking his head to sit in the passenger side seat. He noticed how as soon as you closed the door, you clicked the locks shut. Then you brought your left heel up on the edge of the seat so that you could tie your shoe.
“Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. Usually, I don’t need too much help, but I need cases of waters and stuff like that. I was gonna get someone to help me at the grocery store but I realized I’d still be left in a lurch once I got home. I figured if you needed, we could just get groceries together this time,” you explained while double knotting the laces.
Starting the car and putting on your seatbelt, you looked behind you out of habit to make sure you weren’t going to hit anything as you backed out of the driveway.
“Huh. It looks like it’s going to rain.” You said, observing the darker clouds and the wind picking up. Putting the car in drive, you started down the driveway.
“Music?” You offered, gesturing towards the radio.
“I don’t really know what’s been playing these days… or for the last sixty years if I’m being honest.” At least it’s nice not to have to lie about it, Bucky thought.
“Well, we have a lot to catch you up on then.” You said, stopping at the end of the driveway and grabbing your phone. Scrolling through your music, you hit the bluetooth button on the console.
“This playlist has all my favorite classics on it. Feel free to skip anything you don’t like.” You said, handing him the phone and turning onto the road. The music started, prompting Bucky looked down at the phone. September- Earth, Wind & Fire.
Four songs later you were at the supermarket, grabbing a cart and discussing favorites.
“That last one was good too. Which one was that?” Bucky asked.
“That’s Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd. Dave Matthews Band. Now mind you, some of those are way older than others. The only thing they all have in common is that they’re all at least ten years old.”
“Huh.” He’s really missed out on a lot.
The two of you continued chatting as you went through the various sections. A couple cases of water. A bag of salad. Deli meats and cheeses. Bread. Ground beef. Pasta and pasta sauce. The topic turned to older music from Bucky’s time.
“I’m surprised you have heard of her.” He said, raising his eyebrows in surprise.
“Well, I’m going to be honest, the only reason I have any knowledge of it at all is because I had to take a lot of Music History classes in college. For whatever reason, they thought that to play music, you needed to know every which way that it’s evolved throughout the years. Though, I have to say,” you paused, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Now, I’m kind of glad I did.” You looked up at him slightly, face just a tad warm as he met your eyes. You both looked away and he coughed awkwardly. Feeling embarrassed, you scan the shelves of snacks before hearing him quietly say behind you-
“… I’m glad you did too. It’s different. And kind of nice to talk to someone about it. Who actually knows what I’m talking about.”
Trying to keep your smile small, you continued to look at the array of cookies on the shelf. A hand passed over your shoulder to take a pack of shortbread cookies.
“Hmm. Shortbreads.” You say, holding your arms behind your back. “Verrry interesting.”
“What?” He replied defensively.
“You can tell a lottttt about a man by his snack preferences.”
“Well, what do shortbreads say?” Bucky asked, leaning his forearms on the handle of the cart so that he was now eye level with you. It was too late this time to hide your smile. You turned back around to grab a pack of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
“If I tell you what they mean, you’ll just pick the kind that you think has the best traits. You’re not fooling me anytime soon.” You said with a laugh before you whisked yourself around the corner.
“Hey, that’s not fair, come back!” He pushed the cart around the corner where he ran into you hugging Sarah. The boys were with her and they went absolutely ballistic.
“Uncle Buck! Uncle Buck!” They shouted as they bombarded him.
“AJ! Cass! Stop acting crazy in the grocery store!” Sarah said, reprimanding them. You chuckled at the sight of Bucky being slowly overwhelmed by the two boys. He pried them off his legs and crouched so that he was eye level with them.
“Hey, I missed you guys. I haven’t seen you guys since the last time Uncle Sam and I came back-”
“-from fighting bad guys, right!” AJ said, getting a little too excited and causing Sarah to give him the look. Bucky tried not to laugh and held a finger up to his mouth to signal that they needed to be quiet.
“Yes, from fighting bad guys.”
You turned towards Sarah with a grin and put your hand on her arm.
“We’ll have to have all of you over, come see the new house. Will you text me a day next week when you, Sam, and the kids are free?”
“That sounds great. I’m so glad you got to move down here. I’ll let you know about next week!” Sarah said. She also walked around the cart and gave Bucky a hug. He returned it but glanced towards you nervously; You were already looking away. When they pulled away from each other, Sarah glanced in your direction and then at Bucky, a knowing smile on her face and eyebrows wiggling. Bucky made a face with wide eyes, letting her know to cut it out. Sarah laughed slightly while saying goodbye:
“It was good to see you, Buck.” Sarah said, laughing as she rolled the cart away, AJ and Cass in tow, who were both shouting goodbyes at Uncle Buck.
“Good to see you too…” He trailed off in her direction.
“Man, those boys really love Uncle Buck.” You said teasingly, making him jump slightly and turn around. You laughed and walked towards the next aisle, leaving Bucky red in the ears.
It was just starting to rain when you parked the car in the driveway. You grabbed some of the lighter bags and ran up the steps, hurrying to unlock the door. Bucky was piling on the grocery bags as the rain got heavier. He hauled everything inside as you held the door open for him. He lifted the groceries up onto the kitchen counter and made his way down the stairs again.
“Still have to get the cases of water.” He explained in response to your confused face. The rain was still getting heavier. Hauling the two jumbo cases onto his shoulder and carrying the last one by the plastic in his hand, he made his way up the porch, slower this time. You held the door open, looking incredulously again at how easy it was for him as he passed.
By the time he had set the waters down, you had grabbed a towel for him, extending it to him while looking away at from his drenched shirt.
“Thanks,” he said, toeing off his shoes and drying his hair with the towel before draping it over his shoulders.
“Please, let me make you some tea. You must be freezing.” You said, already digging through the pantry for some.
“Well, if you’re offering, I won’t say no.” He said, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
“Yeah, hold on, it’s kind of dark. Let me turn on the lights…” You trailed off as the light switch did nothing. Flicking it a few times back and forth, you sighed.
“I’m so sorry, the real estate agent told me it’s pretty easy to lose power in this area since there’s so many trees. They usually have it back on pretty quick though I’m told.” You said, now digging through another cabinet.
“It’s completely fine, you can’t control that. I’ll just take a raincheck-”
“Found it!” You said, cutting him off and proudly presenting the gas-powered single burner. You set it down in front of Bucky who watched as you also grabbed a tea light and a lighter from in the drawer.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?” You asked while lighting it.
Three more tea lights and a kettle of hot water later, Bucky was sitting with the towel draped over his shoulders, sipping on the warm cup of green tea. The flames created flickering shadows as you added the pasta to the pot of boiling water.
“I knew this was going to come in handy. I’m glad I saved it.” You said, setting a timer on your phone as you leaned on the counter across from Bucky.
“Why do you have it in the first place?” He asked curiously.
“I kind of had to hop around for a little bit before I got down here. I would stay in hotels but I didn’t want to eat out every night so this came in handy. Ole reliable.” You said, looking down at one of the tea lights.
There was a moment of silence before you pursed your lips.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asked, setting the cup down.
“Has Sam told you… how I ended up here?” You asked, now looking straight at him. The look on his face told you the answer before he could respond.
“I see…”
“Hey, I’m sorry, I-”
You held up a hand to cut him off, soft smile on your face.
“No, it’s okay. I told him that if it ever came up, he could talk about it. I’m pretty open about it. How much did he tell you?” you asked, wrapping your hands around the cup to absorb some of the warmth.
“Just the basics. You two were together, then he got… violent. And you trying to leave.” He said, looking down into his cup.
“Yeah, that just about covers it… He kept following me after I got out of the hospital so I had to get a rental car and hotel hop for a while… When I got the house down here, I finally got my actual car and just booked it here. He’s never been to Louisiana before and he doesn’t know that Sam lives here now, instead of DC. I’m hoping he’s frolicking in city traffic, getting run over as he looks for me. Bucky snorted and tried not to laugh, which made you laugh.
“Sorry, it’s not funny.” He said, covering his mouth.
“Oh, it totally is.” You said, talking in a way where he could tell that you were smiling.
You both laughed as you grabbed a strainer out of the pantry. Draining the pasta, you both settled into a comfortable silence.
“Well, I’m glad you can joke about it.” Bucky said, watching as you poured pasta sauce into the pot to warm it up before chucking the rest of the pasta in.
“Some days are better than others. I’m just happy that I can stop running. Still, I do get a bit paranoid sometimes. I feel like I’m going to turn a corner and he’ll be right there.” You said, rubbing your arms as if you were comforting yourself. At that moment, Bucky looked at you and noticed for the first time how truly tired you looked. Dark circles underneath a sleep deprived gaze. Eyes clouded by worry and paranoia. Bucky’s seen that look on himself before. Before Steve found him in Bucharest, before he could trust his own mind. When he had to avoid being recognized, avoid being found, avoid falling back into Hydra’s grasp.
You exhaled as you uncrossed your arms, mixing the pot before sprinkling cheese on top. “Dinner’s all done.” Bucky sat peacefully, enjoying the aroma of the tomato and basil. Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled before speaking up again.
“Well. I’m here now.”
“Hmm?” You called back, not quite hearing him over the clanking of the bowls you took out.
“I’m here now,” he repeated, this time with more confidence. “So… you don’t have to worry about it. If you ever get worried about it, just call me. Or text me… Or knock on the door… and I’ll talk to you or I’ll check it out, keep an eye on the house from the apartment, or just be in the house with you. It’s not a bother, if it’ll give you peace of mind. I’ve been through something… similar. With, uh, the whole Hydra… thing…” Bucky trailed off as you stared at him with a neutral face. He was getting ready to backpedal, hand reaching for the back of his neck out of nervous habit, until you spoke.
“You’d do that?” You said, face unchanged, eyes searching his.
“Yeah… Yeah, I would.”
You blinked a few times before looking aside and trying to clear the frog from your throat.
“I don’t even know what to say but thank you. That is such a big relief.” You said, voice wavering slightly, one hand coming up to touch your forehead out of relief. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Nobody should have to go through that alone.” Bucky said softly.
You touched his hand softly, giving it a gentle squeeze before stealing your own back. You turned around to grab a drink when you paused, looking out the window.
“It stopped raining.” You stated, watching as the little bit of sunlight brightened the colors of the changing leaves. Bucky, on the other hand, was watching how the little bit of sunlight brightened you. He rubbed his thumb against where your hand had just been, trying to recreate the feeling of your hand on his.
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snapefiction · 3 years
#10. Slippery Slope - Snapemas Challenge
A/N: Day 10 of Snapemas! I know this one is delayed but also much longer than my usual ones and completely different and it feels weird to publish smut
This one got longer than I wanted it to and more sexual than I wanted it too as well. I had no time to proof read it again. So please only read this if you're 18+. Enjoy! 
Idea from @deepperplexity ´s Writing Challenge ! Check her Writings and the other Snapemas posts out! :)
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Pairing: Severus Snape x Adult!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Mention of Violence/Pain, NSFW, Smut 18+!
Word count: 5170
Y/N - Your Name, Y/L/N - Your last name
#10. Slipperly Slope Smut - Snapemas Challenge
,When I’m back at home i´ll drink a cup of tea and just relax until New Years Eve.´ Thats what kept you moving through the small alley, hidden behind the shining Shops, the crowd of people and away from the small Cafe you work at. The cold made it’s way through your clothes and you felt naked. Like the freezing air left lovebites at your legs, crawling up to your chest, over your breasts, around the shoulders down your arms- you began to freeze. 
This Winter was the worst one you ever witnessed. Actually you and the cold were friends you never got used to snow and the ice. The Sun was already setting down as you crossed the corner of the alley before walking over to the small way leading to the last few houses of this dammed edge of England. You knew no one here. You came here alone a few years ago when there was no going back to your family, to the house you grew up in or anyone else. You were left completely alone and this hole- this last spot in this Town that no one - not even the ones who were born here knew- this is where you had to make yourself a home.
Taking one last deep breath only to release a small cloud of oxygen leaving your lungs seconds after you took the steps up to the entrance of your so what called home. But when you could already imagine the warmth of the safety hitting your skin your feet slipped on one of the steps and your chest, hands, knees and almost your nose hitted against the bricks from under your feet. Out of shock your fingers let go of your keys which flew right into the drain next to your House entrance. The Ice was even more merciless than the wind who crawled into your skin earlier. Mixed with little stones and dust from the street it pressed itself into your body and left little cuts. Closing your eyes for a second you knew that you wouldn’t be able to get those keys back as they would now already swimming deep down under the surface of the street. Trying to get up you checked your Hands. One Cut at the side of your hand that tried to hold you when you slipped. Your arm hurt, but it was alright. The worst thing were your rips. It felt like someone was punching you deeply and as you slid one of your fingers over them through your thick Jacket you already had to flinch. It was bad and all you wanted was this day to end. For a short moment you thought about letting all your emotions out. Crying out of Pain, Screaming out of anger, Pleading for something that felt like love, hoping for an way out of your daily dark thoughts and a way out of this place. Or maybe just a savior to call your own. But your rational thought overtook again.
You couldn’t stay out for any longer or else you’d become sick or probably could freeze to death. Biting your Nails you thought of a solution. The windows were all locked and you couldn’t climb on the wall as your ribs hurted too bad plus it was way to slippery, your spare key got stolen weeks ago, you didn’t knew how to unlock locked doors with a hair clip or anything else that would get you into your house but calling your landlord hoping he could help you. With a checking Glance over to the house a few meters away you hoped that your neighbours where home and no serial killers. Even if they were Serial Killers, it couldn’t get any worse than how you currently live and it would be more interesting than anything that had happened to you in the last few years in general. Also you knew how to do karate- or at least you thought you knew how to do it.
Slowly getting down on your icy steps and walking over to your neighbours house you gave it a closer look. It wasn’t special, it was one of there houses that you knew that they were there but probably never truly recognised. It was dark- no, it was dirty and old. Not very trustworthy but currently your only chance. As earlier you took a deep breath again and knocked, hoping for some warmth to release your tension that had build up from the long time in the cold. At first there was no answer. A desperation build up in you. Looking on the doorbell you saw the name written on it. ,S. Snape´. You never heard this name before.
,,Mr. Snape? Mr. Snape? Could you- I need help.“ Cringing at your own words, at the fact of how vulnerable you made yourself you knocked again.
,,If I could just use your cellphone for a minute- I’m your neighbour.“ The door opened only to reveal a tall man, with dark clothes and a strict look on his face. Not to mention his shoulder length, black hair and his perfume of tea, pine and old books. Taken by his presence you only realised that he was waiting for an introduction or explanation as he raised his dark eyebrow.
,,I- I slipped on my steps and my keys erm- flew into the drain. If I could call my Landlord really quick that’d be really nice.“ Closing his eyes for a second you noticed how deep brown- almost black- is that even possible- are. ,,I won’t bother you for long.“ Promising, pleading you looked up to him. With a small Move he went to the side so you could slide in.
,,Come in.“ He added to his obvious invite. His deep voice slightly echoed through the house. Following him you tried to brush some dirt off your Jacket without crossing the area where your skin still pulsates before entering the Kitchen where he simply put a Telephone in your hands. Thanking him with a small embarrassed smile and a short nod you dialled the number. You knew the number too well by now. There was always a problem at or with the house. Something was always broken and you had to call him every two weeks by now. The beeping wouldn’t stop and your mind already knew he wouldn’t pick up today. It was too late in the evening. Biting your Lip you hung up only to feel another heavy weight laying down on your chest. ,,Thank you, Mr. Snape.“ Mumbling you looked down to the ground only to remember that this was going to be an cold night. Wiping your running nose with the side of your arm and trying to keep the upcoming tears I your eyes you made your way back to the entrance from where your neighbour had led you. ,,Merry Christmas.“ You added before offering a last devastated smile and walking over back to the Entrance of your House. Mr. Snape hasn’t said anything but replied to you Merry Christmas with an ,,You too.“ Before he quickly closed the door.
So you sat in front of your door, the Back carefully leaned against the cold wood, trying not to touch your rip and letting the tears fall. Pulling your knees as close as possible you never felt this lonely before. The Tears rolled over your puffy cheeks which were also the last warm thing on you. What were you supposed to do but drown yourself in sorrow already? Never before has a Christmas be as bad as this one. Minutes passed and the last thing that came into your mind was sneaking back to work after everyone left. Until the cafe closed you still had a couple of hours to wait so you could sneak in from one of the windows that wasn’t working properly anymore. Sighing you now wiped your eyes. The cold was unbearable and just painful by now. Laying your head on your knees you hoped to hide from the falling snow that became heavier and heavier by now. But instead it made you almost fall asleep. You were just tired, your eyes so heavy and your mind so lost. A slumber almost reached you until you heard snow crunch in front of you. Weakly looking up you saw Mr. Snape. In his tall hands he held a patterned Blanket. ,,Would you like to come in? You’ll freeze to death out here.“ He was right. Your fingers were about to turn blue and until the cafe closed you were probably taken by the cold. With much caution he opened the Blanket to pull it over your shoulders and helped you up. Your feet hurt by now too, everything did. As Mr. Snape noticed your trembling he held his arm around you.
,,Let me help you.“ Drained you let him lead you, back into his house, through his kitchen in front of his cabin. Across of the Sofa he sat you on you saw a small reflection of yourself. Your lips were blue and not rosy anymore. This is where life has brought you. Taking a deep breath you leaned your head against the sofa. Taking in the sudden warm you are more and more tired. As the warmth hit your freezing skin you could feel little thunders hitting your skin and the storm inside of your growling. Too exhausted to care you drifted asleep.
As he sat the nameless woman down on his couch he instantly knew he had to warm her up. Make some tea, get more blankets, maybe something to eat too? But as he brought her a tea he noticed that she had fallen asleep by now. Silently he spoke a few Spells to make her feel better soon before getting back to the kitchen. Severus looked at the painting hanging above his fridge.
,,Lily, what the hell am I supposed to do?“ He whispered overwhelmed at the red haired woman. She just rolled his eyes.
,,She was almost freezing , maybe help her warm up? Ugh, you fought the dark lord and have no idea of how to treat humans. Kind of funny.“ Angrily he shot at her with an angry Glare. She was his best friend and knew perfectly fine how to pick up on him.
,,Genius.“ He mumbled sarcastically as he took out one of his pots out of his cupboards to warm up a chicken soup. Turning on the stove he scratched his collar only to reach the spot where Nagini left this deep scar. Whenever he heard someone mention the dark lord he had this feeling to itch his scar. It became an uncomfortable habitat.
,,You really need to work on your social anxiety. It’s been a few years by now.“ Lily now spoke softer and followed his steps with her eyes in worry.
,,Yes, seven to be exact but as you may have seen I opened the door to someone and let her in.“ Taking out his wand to do the rest of the cooking he pressed his lips together. Merlin, he loved his best friend but she could grow quite annoying sometimes.
,,Fine. Just be nice, okay? It was hard enough to get you open that door so you can at least be polite. She’s really not doing well.“ Again she was worried but now over that girl laying on the couch still wrapped in blankets and her winter jacket.
,,I am as always ,nice´.“ Severus now spoke, filled some soup in a small bowl, signed her to be quite and walked into his living room again.
Setting down the bowl he stood there awkwardly. Should he speak to her? Tap her shoulder? Let her sleep? He decided to clear his throat and watch her slowly wake up. Looking at her red puffy eyes made him feel sorry for his incompetence to let her stay from the moment she knocked on his door.   Collecting his words and building an sentence with everything he wanted to say he sat down on the small armchair to her right.
,,I made you soup.“ A poet. You’re a literal Poet, Severus. Dumbass he thought to himself before pointing at the Bowl in front of her. Again she just smiled shyly and kept her glance low from him. He’d really like to see her eyes. What colour were they exactly?
,,Thank you.“ Her hoarse voice made him remember the Tea he made for her. He brewed a new Kettle for her. Peppermint Tea. He always drinks black tea but for her he almost crawled into his cupboard only to find the last bag of peppermint tea. He again moved in his chair only to push the cup closer to her.
,,It’s Peppermint.“ Every inch of creativity has obviously left his Body, he thought to himself. Maybe ask about her day, he could almost hear Lilys Voice in the back of his Head. Well it must have been a bad one if she sat crying in front of her door and almost froze to death. Ask her something. Something creative. Thousands of Thoughts ran though his mind but non made him comfortable so he chosed the first one he could catch.
,,D- Do you like dogs?“ His voice trembled. The prettiest Girl he had met in a eternity was sitting in front of him and he asked her about-.. dogs?
You had to keep yourself together not to burst out laughing. Your Mouth almost couldn’t keep the warm tea in your mouth as you though about this terribly random question and your lips arched into a smile. Swallowing the sip you still ha din your mouth you nodded before placing the cup back down.
,,Actually, yes, I do. And what about you?“ Nodding he clasped his hands together visibly nervous.
,,I never had one but someone at my Work, Hagrid, had this huge dog. He was kind of precious. Scary but precious.“ Blinking a few times you tried to follow his intentions. Probably he was just trying to start some smalltalk. The mysterious scary man I just met a few hours ago invites me in to offer me soup and talk about dogs? Well, you loved dogs so that wasn’t the issue. It was just that his random kindness surprised you and totally caught you off guard.
,,Thank you again, Mr. Snape. That’s too kind of you.“ His tension eased and he took a deep breath.
,,My name is YN, by the way. YN YLN.“ You added before taking another sip. This Tea was terribly sweet. You preferred black tea to be honest but at this moment everything was perfect.
,,Severus. My Name is Severus.“ Smiling you ate the last spoonful of Soup before sitting back again.
,,Would you mind if I use your Bathroom before I leave?“
,,Leave? I thought you lost your keys?“ His Surprise was clearly to see.
,,Well, yes. I still need to find a place for tonight. I thought about staying at my working place that should be fine.. I guess.“ Your insecurity was clearly visible.
,,You can stay here.“ Scratching his throat he looked at you. ,,If you want to, of course.“ There was something in the way he looked at you, you knew he cared. And you’re not gonna lie, you weren’t hyped up about walking back all the way into the city just to maybe get into the crappy Cafe. Severus seemed trustworthy enough to stay the night, you told yourself and instantly hoped so.
,,Thank you again.“ Breathing out you felt release on your chest. The Ribs still hurt but the psychic stress eased a bit up. Thankfully for his offer you took off your jacket. Your skin wasn’t as cold as early anymore. Severus guided you to the Bathroom down the floor and could finally inspect your wounds on your ribs. Closing the door you quickly pulled up the shirt from the side only to reveal dark purple skin. ,,Shit.“ It was worse than you anticipated. Pulling your shirt back down again you now inspected your arms. You were okay. After the Holidays you should seek a Doctor but for now you couldn’t do anything but try to ignore this huge bruise. After using the Toilet you tried to wash your face. There was still some dirt above your eyebrow but you couldn’t move down. The Pain took your breath away.
,,Is everything okay?“ You heard Severus asking from the outside of the door. Opening the door you smiled at him awkwardly. ,
,Yes, sorry for taking do long I was just trying to wash my face.“ Confused he nodded and walked into the Bathroom only to give you a washcloth and a towel. ,,Take your time.“ Deciding whether her whether not to tell him you gave in.
,,It’s not about that. I tried to do it in the sink but..“ You moved your shirt up so he could see the bruise which even led over to your Back. He scrunched his face in empathy. ,,From slipping on the Steps?“ He asked more silently. ,,Uh huh.“ He signed you to sit on the rim of the Bathtub. ,,Let me get something really quick.“ He mumbled as his tall legs carried him away fastly. Waiting for him you firstly noticed how simple his house was. He had almost no personal items standing around. - Is this a sign for someone to be a serial Killer or was he just a minimalist or something? Wondering about his Edgy Style you almost didn’t hear him coming back. Holding two vials in his hands he gave you the green one. ,,If you let a few drops run over the Bruise it’ll be gone almost instantly.“
Instantly? He must be very convinced of his little medicine slime. Not really convinced you just agreed and pulled your shirt up again. He watched you opening the vial. ,, A few drops would do it.“
,,Could you help me? I can’t raise my arm that high I guess.“ Shyly he firstly hesitated but then took the vial back in his big hand. You liked his hands. They matched him well. Tall, Slender but pretty- for hands.
,,Ready?“ He asked and you nodded to signal him to start. Seconds later you felt something dripping over your Bruise. Even this small contact hurt. A slight Burn was felt and then it vanished. Confused you looked down. The Bruise was gone. ,,How does this work? I don’t understand?“ Turning back to Severus you noticed how he just smiled simply.
,,I told you it works wonders.“ Getting up to look in the Mirror you inspected it closely. Even the Lotion vanished.
,,What is this?“ As you attempted to walk back to him you almost bumped into him but could stop a few centimetres away from him.
,,It’s Bruisewort Balm.“ His deep voice left goosebumps on your skin. Severus was confusing you but also in a good way. Where were your Thoughts again? Today was the worst day you had in years and now all you could think about this tall black haired man in front of you. You thought he was pretty when you saw him earlier but now he was way more attractive. ,,I can help you with your cut hand as well.“ You felt the vibrations of his chest against yours. Did you got closer? Were you imagining it? As you didn’t answer he gently took your Hand in his. Again he opened the small vial and let a few drops fall on the wound. Your eyes were locked with the sight of his eyes as you didn’t even cared what he did. ,
,Staring is not very polite.“ He said low looking back to you as he finished healing your hand. Blushing you tried to look at something else but him but couldn’t find anything but his chest. ,,I’m Sorry.“ His fingers now took your chin in his Hand. Making you look up at him again.
,,What’s on your mind?“ Was he serious? His eyes wanders over your face scanning for any bruises. Breathing heavier you tried to think of something to say. Saying ,You, Mr.´ would be inappropriate, would it? Raising his Eyebrow you wondered if you said that loud. Your chin still between his fingers he got a little bit closer to you.
,,Use your words.“  He said demanding in an almost growling tone. This whole Situation made your knees weak. How could this shy man turn into such a  demanding one so quickly? Your thoughts were now racing in an incredible speed. He demanded the Truth? He’ll get the Truth.
,,About you, Mr. Snape.“ Not knowing why you didn’t call him by his Forename you bit your lip. His eyes wandered down your face, following the movements of your lips only to look back into your eyes. His Hand wandered down your side only to remain above your hip. You knew too well how this would end or at least you hoped it would end the way you thought it would. Feeling him so close you wished for nothing more but to feel his lips on yours. Feel him touching the places that were longing for him so badly.
,,Tell me what you want to do, Y/N.“ He whispered in your ear now. ,,What you want me to do.“ He added as he placed a small kiss on your neck right under your ear. Your chest was rising even faster now. Did he knew which effects these words had on you? Impatiently you waited for him to kiss you again. It didn’t matter where. If it was your cheek, chest, neck or your lips. But you needed it now.
,,Kiss me.“ His eyes looked into yours again. He raised his other hand only to let his thumb brush over your lower lip. His eyes always stayed on you. Licking his lip he slightly shook his head.
,,You have to ask nicely.“ He teased and his hand which touched your lip made its way to your neck. He held you close and there was no where else you’d want to be right now.
,,Please. Kiss me, Please.“ Smirking he got so close you could feel his nose slightly touching your cheek.
,,How polite.“  Was the last mumble he let out before his rosy Lips carefully touched yours only to deepen the kiss a few seconds after. A small Moan left your mouth. Feeling his lips curling into another smile again you had to smile too. Your chest was tingling and your body felt burning. Burning for more but he only let go. Desperate for his touch you only watched him letting go of you. Did you do something wrong? His long statue left the Bathroom. You stood there frozen, this time it was a different type of frozen as earlier. Turning to the mirror you quickly checked your look. Your Pupils were widened, your lips plump and you felt like everyone could see what type of thoughts you have about this man right now. Not thinking twice you followed him. ,,Severus-“ but he sat on the Armchair again. With a Book in his hands he looked like this wasn’t just happening while you stood in the doorframe and your panties were soaked only because of him.  He didn’t even respond to you calling his name. Getting back on the couch you just looked at him.  How he turned the page of the green, golden book. How his eyes scanned the sentences. How his shoulders leaned against the soft cushion of the armchair.
,,Severus?“ You repeated hoping for any type of attention. He lowered the book and his eyes darted yours waiting for your Question.  ,,Why did you leave?“ He raised the book again and began to spoke. ,
,I don’t want you to regret this.“ Regret? You shook your head.
,,I won’t.“ As if he didn’t hear it he continued reading. ,,Also, I’m probably not your type.“ He talked about everything you had in mind like it was the weather.
,,I think you’re my type.“ Trembling you were just whispering. He lowered the Book again only to lay it in his lap. ,
,Do you even know what type I am talking about?“ ,,You mean .. demanding?“ Trying not to laugh he nodded. ,,Demanding.“ He agreed using the words you used.
,,Please.“ You pleaded. Severus did something to you you couldn’t explain.
,,If you really want this you have to follow orders.“ Blindly you’d agree to anything he’d say.
,,I will.“ The excitement inside of you grew. What was he going to do to you?
,,On your Knees then.“ He just said and watched you slide from the couch on your knees. Smirking he got up and got closer to you. ,,Look up.“ He wasn’t speaking nicely anymore. It was just demands. His Hand took your chin in his hand again. This time it was more harsh but it made you only wanting more. ,,If you want me to stop, you’ll ask me to stop by my forename. Only then it’s Severus to you. Until we’re done its Mr. Snape. Understand?“ Your Heart was almost jumping out of your chest. You could feel the impatience between your legs only grow.
,,Understood, Mr. Snape.“ His eyes looked up and down and you again.
,,Now get up again and tell me what you want me to do to you?“ Getting up you noticed his Bulge growing.
,,I- I“ you stuttered. His Eyebrow arched up. He waited for you patiently. ,,I want to please you, Mr. Snape.“
His strict expression always faded whenever you worded your wishes. Even if he knew what was on your mind he loved how shy you were about it. Sitting down on the couch he looked up and down on you again. He had to hold him together not to take out his dick and just fuck you mindlessly. But he just tapped on his lap. Y/N sat down on him instantly.
,,Good Girl.“ Mumbling he placed kissed down her neck again. Sloppy ones, the type that would leave marks. Again she began to moan. It was like music to his ears. Her beautiful voice longing for him to touch her more, give her more of him. His mouth wandered down towards her chest only to be stopped by the edge of her Pullover. ,,Arms up, Kitten.“  He pulled up her Pullover only to reveal a lace bra. A deep Moan he has been holding for a few moments now finally left his Throat. His Dick throbbed against the fabric of his trousers. She must’ve felt it as she began to slightly rub her hip against him. His Mouth connected itself with her chest again. Biting carefully, kissing softly. Taking her breasts in his hands, cupping them completely only to make her moan louder as he pinched her nipples through the thin white lace.
,,Take it off.“ Quickly she followed his orders.  He loved it whenever she’d do as he told her. Watching her revealing herself to him, grinding on his lap, slowly kneading her own breasts only for him to see he couldn’t help himself but thinking this must’ve been a dream. ,,YN, get up again.“ Her cheeks were so reed from all the stimulation she got from him, her eyes now wide open fearing she did something wrong. But as her shaking legs made her stand in front of Severus she knew she was more than just alright. His Hands wandered over her Breasts again. Pinching them, kissing them and letting his tongue slowly run over them. As his Mouth laid on one nipple his hand touched the other one. Whenever she moaned he would go harder, it would motivate him. Making him eager to bite lightly into them and then suddenly let go of her only to pull down her Jeans and make her undress completely for him. For his hungry eyes and dark thoughts. As her Panties hit the ground he could see how soaked they were. Quickly Severus pointed to the ground where she kneeled down again. He slowly opened the Button of his Pants. Pushing the clothes to his ankles he hissed as she without waiting or thinking about it begun to suck him off. Shyly she only took the Tip in at first. He gave her some Time but then carefully pressed her Head down further. He was already hard and had to take care that he wouldn’t cum right away. Her pretty eyes and the way she talked to him drove him crazy. Softly her tongue swirled around his member and it was too much for him. ,,Get on my lap again.“ Quickly she did as she was told only to slide down on his dick. ,,Ride it.“ Her innocent eyes could make him cum without she would have to touch him. Slowly she got up and down. YN´s Moaning was filling the room. Severus pinched her nipples again, her plump lips were almost begging to be kissed. She was a goddess. Without thinking about it he did it. Kissing her lips he felt like she was demanding now. He’d do anything for her at this point. Just the elegant way she rode his dick so well made him moan again.
,,Mr. Snape, I- I´m close.“ Huffing he looked her in the eyes again. ,,Close to what, baby? You need to use full sentences.“ She moaned even louder now. His Mouth again teasing her nipples. ,,I´m close- close to cum-m.“ He held her sides to guide her up and down by now. She was getting more and more exhausted. Her thrusts became more and more sloppy. ,,Then cum with me, will you?“ Y/N nodded.  ,,Yes, Mr. Snape.“ Her head hung on his shoulder as she was humming, making him hear her moans even closer and even more louder.  That was the last thing it took him to cum. Filling her up, closing his eyes enjoying the intimacy.  When they were done she didn’t got up instantly but waited a few seconds.
You felt his Arms holding you as his breathes hit your shoulder. Smiling you looked up at him again and pushed a few strains of hair out of his face. Daring to kiss him you felt so close to him, you never felt this intimacy before. It was a small but beautiful kiss before you slowly got up again and hurried to the bathroom to clean yourself. Severus instead just put on his Pants again and took off his long Pullover. There was no Time for that earlier. Smirking he walked into the kitchen so he could at least offer you a cup of tea.
,,You’re disgusting. Couldn’t you do that in your Bedroom?“ Lily grunted and made herself and Severus just laugh.
,,Oh shut it, Lily. You just could’ve changed the Painting. Now shh, Y/N´s coming back.“  She rolled her eyes and went back to her pose. Only to watch her best friend getting known to his future girlfriend.
Taglist: @deepperplexity , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4 @my taglist: Please only read if you're 18+! This chapter contains Smut!
Let me know if you want to be added in my Taglist. :)
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
UC Sunnyhell: Part Two
Hell is a place on Earth
Previous Part // Next Part
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: College AU where Spike is the campus bad boy who secretly is a softie that writes poems and reader is the new transfer who just moved into Spike's apartment since it was the only available room on campus (no one wants to willingly live with Spike). Spike constantly having one night stands over, reader always trying to study. Things appear to go from bad to worse.
Originally requested by: @sunflower-stan​ 
Other tag: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere
Warning: Sex references. Swearing.
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The first semester had been and gone by this point. You were settling into life at UC Sunnydale, found your friendship group in Buffy and the others. But one thing you still weren’t accustomed to, was living with Spike. He was hard to get along with at the best of times but living with him was a whole different thing.
He appeared to stay up most of the night and sleep well into the afternoon. He played loud punk music almost every waking hour and he smoked like a chimney. He never appeared to listen to a word you said and he pretty much did the opposite from whatever you said or thought anyway.
It was becoming really hard to live with him. Especially when he seemed to do everything he could to make you want to move out. He found it easier to live alone. To hide in the depths of what he knew than
Because of your current living situation you had started to branch out and pursue some of your interests. It beat staying in all the time and you really wanted to find someone that you could relate to.
You were a fan of musicals and the theatre. Poetry and literature. You liked reading and the way a writer could weave such intricate feelings. Scenes and spoken word able to explain your own feelings better than you ever could.
Your new friends didn’t really share your enthusiasm – even Willow was more into science and computers. Although your friend group were kind enough to listen to the way you spoke about your interests. They certainly didn’t make you feel bad about expressing your passions. But they just didn’t share your love and so you began to try to search out people that you could connect with. On some kind of deeper level.
You had been frequenting different bars that held open mic nights. Watching plays and listening to monologues. Letting the intricate wordplay wash over you. It could make you feel so many emotions. So many feelings were conjured.
Your favourite were the open mic nights. You pretty much never got up yourself, you usually would just listen. You were working yourself up to performing something of your own. You wrote things too it was just a matter of working on your performing skills. You were thinking of joining the clubs, maybe to improve your confidence in your writing. In your performing.
You walked back home from a play you had watched (and cried at) to find Spike sat there scribbling something. It was the first time you had ever seen him actually writing or appearing to do any work.
You were about to make a snide comment about it and then he noticed your presence. He almost jumped five feet in the air in surprise. He then hid the notebook behind his back and immediately got up to leave now you had returned. He left muttering something about you being a nosy bitch.
Spike had taken the opportunity, while he finally had time where he felt comfortable since you had actually left the house for once to write. This was something he didn’t like people knowing about. He wiped his eye as he stormed away. Hoping to God you hadn’t seen that. He couldn’t bear you knowing him that way. Laughing.
It was Friday evening and you had some friends over. There was a sudden knock at the front door. Spike had taken a baseball bat from his room and held it up as if he was ready to swing it.
Willow and Buffy’s eyes bulged at the object in his hand as they peaked from your bedroom doorway. Buffy was pleased they had convinced you to come to self-defence class now.
He walked slowly to the door, meeting you in the hallway skipping happily past him. He grabbed you back looking at you as if you were mad. He was expecting debt collectors. Again.
“Spike, it’s the pizza guy” You moved your shoulder from him before carrying on back to the door with the dollars in your hand, “What is wrong with you?” you muttered.
He scowled, jaw tensing as Buffy and Willow giggled at the way he had been so tense and he stormed away smacking the edge of the bat against the wall in his frustration. Leaving a small hole there.
You brought the pizzas back into your room (so you didn’t have to face spike again) and shared them out with your friends.
After you finished your meal and managed to calm yourselves down from whatever had just happened, talk of course turned back to Spike.
“So how is it… y’know…” Willow asked before mouthing “with Spike”. You hadn’t realised how much built up rage you had inside until you launched into your conversation.
“Well, I can tell you that Hell really is a place on Earth”
“That bad?”
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with him – if I even breath in his direction he has a problem with it!”
“Yeah, he’s always been a complete pig. Some people are just born evil” Buffy shrugged.
“Buffy! He’s not evil! He’s just… mean spirited”
“In the most evil way” Buffy added. She had never liked Spike. He was cruel and treated her as if she was dumb just because she was in a sorority and enjoyed cheerleading.
What you and the two girls didn’t realise, was that Spike was eavesdropping. You had all been laughing really loud and he was about to take his chance to kick Buffy and her little loser friend out. Until he found he was interested to hear what you all had to say about him.
You groaned, thinking about the way things had been. You needed to vent. So, you took the chance while you were in the company of your now closest friends.
“He’s inconsiderate and rude and also I’m pretty sure he never washes his clothes... but he always smells good. Weird”
“Totally weird”
“Well, we did like, warn you”
“And oh my God! He walks around naked all the time! There’s always some stranger he’s brought home and they are always so loud! He never studies and the plates are always piled high in the kitchen! It’s disgusting – he’s disgusting!”
“He’s always been so arrogant and gross”
“Hey, don’t wig, next year we can find a place. The four of us – right Buffy?” Willow offered, including her girlfriend. She comforted you as you caught your breath from your outburst. Willow rested her hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
“Really?” You asked with a smile as Buffy nodded. She was going to move out from her sorority so she wasn’t distracted for her last year she had already decided.
“Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll keep you sane” Buffy insisted.
Spike scoffed. The way Buffy acted as if she was saving you from him. As if he was a fate worse than death. You angered him. The way you had determined his character over a few fleeting conversations. The gossip your silly little friends told you.
You became enemy number one. Even more so than you had been before. He hated gossip and the way people would laugh behind his back. You reminded him of this every time he looked at you now, not that you knew this.
The annoyance for the other just kept growing. Yours had originally been fuelled by your friends rumours, but his actions were now getting worse. Spike was seething at your dismissive tone against your character. He didn’t even want a roommate, he only agreed the landlord to put the room up so he didn’t put up the rent again.
So he decided to try and make you leave. Properly this time. He didn’t care anymore, you reminded him of everyone out there. Everyone that he hid himself away from. Distanced himself from.
The tension rose uncomfortably. He was more rude. More gross. And he made sure to do everything he knew that he could to annoy you. It was petty, he knew it, but he knew it would get a rise out of you.
One afternoon, you had been scraping off some congealed red liquid that you had been concerned was blood. He hung out with a weird crowd, you only hoped some poor thing hadn’t been exploded in there. Although, upon further inspection it appeared to be tomato soup. But you would probably embellish the story a little to your friends.
You washed your hands and scowled at him. He had moved to lean against the doorway and just watch you clean.
“God, Spike, you’re so lazy”
“’Scuse me?”
“You don’t clean, you don’t study – what exactly do you do with your life?”
He was affronted by this. By the way you spoke to him. How he felt like you acted like you were better than him. In your frustration you didn’t care what he thought. He just didn’t care. You were trying to live your life.
He could hear Buffy or even Angel’s voice through your own. The way they had always berated him.
“And what? I should be like you? You’re not exactly making a proper go of it are you? Haven’t seen you do much of anything ‘cept follow them brainless bints around the shop. When you’re not doing that you sit in your room as life passes you by, livin’ through your little Musical shows rather than living in the real world - You’re boring. You’ll live your pathetic little life, stuck in your lame little ways until you die”
“You’re all the same! You and your preppy little band of misfits looking down your noses at everyone and yet you can’t see the obvious, can you? You’re so bored with your pathetic, frigid little lives that you have to make it my bloody problem!”
You decided, seeing as that’s how he viewed you that you would treat him exactly like that. Like he treated you. Things got worse.
He started to invite people over all the time. You would call it a party but there was nothing celebratory about it. You were confined to your room most of the time as they all laughed and screamed along to their music. They were always drinking and playing music no matter what time of the day you saw them.
You usually avoided them, locking your door, but you had needed to slip out of your room for a moment.
“Who’s this?” One of the guests pointed you out as you tried to make it to the bathroom without anybody noticing you. Now everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Oh don’t mind them, they’re just for show hasn’t had an original thought their entire life” Spike shrugged.
“Aw, no, Spike. Another mindless automaton” One of his friends spoke up and he laughed. It was a cold laugh, there was no humour in it.
“Do you, like, want to-”
“Don’t, love. They’re nobody” Spike stopped the blonde girl from speaking to you more kindly than the rest. They all laughed at this and began to tease you.
You left, slamming the door and you heard them laughing, jeering at you for your reaction. It made tears sting the back of your eyes. You collected yourself, shrugging on your jacket. You walked to a place you knew you would be welcome.
You knew that you weren’t going to get on. But this was getting out of hand. You hated him. Hated the way he treated you. The way he judged you, despite him knowing exactly how that feels.
As you thought this, he appeared to be thinking the same thing. Which made Spike scoff and frown. Was he really better than any of the people he hated? He shook that thought away. Downing his beer and looking for another rather than reflect.
You had called Buffy on your way over and she had been quick to contact the entire group to tell them there had been a major incident. Everyone piled around to her dorm room so that they could support you. You had sounded upset on the phone.
You explained everything that had happened and they all comforted you the best that they could. Xander then showed you the stack of films he had brought to try to cheer you up. He had even found some Musicals just for you.
Buffy explained that she had called Angel but he says he’s sorry but he’s busy right now. Buffy appeared disappointed and when you asked her about it she explained. They used to date when they were seniors in college but they had broken up despite still both having feelings for each other.
She explained it had seemed the right thing to do at the time, but now she wished they were back together. You insisted that you would make it your mission to help them get back together which made Buffy grin at you. She really did value your friendship.
As the night wore on your friends began to discuss the idea of you taking your revenge on Spike. It had made you laugh as they suggested ridiculous pranks and ideas that wouldn’t bother him at all. But then they began to take it more seriously. Insisting that you should get even.
You said you weren’t sure. And left it at that. But they thought you had better do something or he wouldn’t stop.
You eventually went back to a trashed house after staying for the weekend with Buffy. You stared at the mess. Maybe you would have to do something.
It had been unusually quiet the few days prior and you should have known better than to hope he had stopped. You had heard a girl, one of Spike’s partners that came around more than most (Harmony but her sex noises were nothing close to harmonious). She explained that if they were to have a threesome it would have to be boy-boy-girl. Apparently, neither of them had been able to swing Charlize Theron.
You had overheard this conversation over breakfast one morning on. A rare occasion they were both awake (they hadn’t gone to sleep yet). You had immediately spat out your food in disgust of their blunt discussion.
It had been perhaps in slight exaggeration but you felt like you were allowed. You were fine with people having sex and having fun but you really didn’t want to have to hear about it over your breakfast. They could have at least let you rub the sleep from your eyes first.
He had scoffed at you at the time and now he had set this up seemingly just to rub you up the wrong way. As opposed to the right ways he was rubbing his partners.
He tried to push the thought down that this had been solely planned because of you. With you in mind. To get a reaction from you. Because that would start him questioning his intentions. His actions. How you made him so angry it was now near obsessive.
So, it appeared they had finally agreed on the logistics of it. And were now giving you a live audio performance. On some random Thursday afternoon just as you had settled down to study.
You swore they were doing it on purpose. Being as loud as possible just to get a rise out of you.
You pounded on the door. You could smell sex from where you were stood out on the landing. He opened the door and stale cigarette smoke appeared to pour out of the room with him. He had opened the door almost immediately. As if he had been waiting.
“Problem, pet?”
“I don’t care that you’re having sex, the walls are just so thin – I have an exam coming up can you just be quiet? Or go to one of your, uh, friends’ houses…”
“Mm, someone’s jealous”
“I’m not-”
“Just ‘cause you’re not bloody gettin’ any” He prodded before he thought about it a moment, changing tac, “Oh no. I know what this is… You want me, you need me…” He teased, knowing it would make you flustered.
“I just- I just want to-”
“If you wanted a taste all you had to do was ask” He smirked, moving his hips slightly and moving his head smugly along with his words. Drawing your attention to his naked form. The people in his bed were calling him back and you were just staring at each other. All he was wearing was a single silver chain around his neck. He was attractive, you couldn’t deny this and he knew it too. 
You were both furious at each other. Silently trying to gain the upper hand.
“You’re a pig, Spike!” You suddenly screamed, stepping towards him angrily. Which made him smile and just close the door in your face. That was what he had wanted. To get such a big emotional response from you.
You were so angry you threw one of your precious book at his now slammed shut door. He winced at the name you had used, one often used against him by people like Buffy. She even managed to get to him in his own home. You angered him. You angered him.
But he turned back and the noises started up again and you knew for sure that they were doing it on purpose now. It was getting louder and louder. He couldn’t be that fucking good, you were sure of it.
You ran into your room and rummaged through the stack of CDs you had brought with you, selecting the perfect accompaniment. The soundtrack from your favourite musical. You turned the volume up fully and let the entire score play out.
You never wanted to see his stupid smug face again.
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prorevenge · 4 years
Mock my mother’s death? I bankrupt you.
So this could be a very, very long story. I’ll try to summarize where and when I can.
My now ex-wife Kate and I moved to an apartment in 2010. The house as a whole a renovated town house split between two sides with two apartments on the bottom and two apartments upstairs. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the apartment as it was a much older building that I had ever lived in but I quickly adjusted to the wood creaking throughout the night. On the initial walkthrough we noticed that the only problem was that there was a dip in the bathroom ceiling. The landlord, Jay, promised he would get fixed ASAP.
One year to the day when we moved in there was a loud crash at 4AM. The bathroom ceiling had collapsed and there was tiling and wood all over over the floor and in the bathtub. Now Kate was typically the aggressive one, while I was more passive and laid back, and she kept calling Jay throughout the day. When she got in touch with him at around 9PM she explained what happened and insisted that it be fixed immediately. He rebuffed with him yelling that his girlfriend was a lawyer and he didn’t need to do anything. Now this is where I got mad. I went outside and called him myself. I feigned a relaxed demeanor and at first he began trying to talk to me as a “bro” and kept saying “Dude, I’m gonna get someone out there but it’s gonna take a few weeks..” When he couldn’t sway me that way he began yelling about his girlfriend and her knowing the law. What he was unaware of was that I had read the tenant laws in my state and so as he tried to lie I waited until he was finished and I recited the law stating that, if an apartment was considered uninhabitable then the landlord needed to pay for the tenant to stay in a place until it was resolved. He tried to say that our upstairs neighbor Phil was the super but he wasn’t sure if he could get down there that night. He put me on hold, then came back a few minutes later and said that Phil and his girlfriend were out of state. I rang Phils doorbell and asked, with the Jay on speakerphone, if he was assigned as the super. He laughed and said “No.” Dejected, he said he would have people out there the next day (previously he said they were busy for at least three weeks). There’s more to this incident but it lead to two conclusions:
If you’re going to lie then there has to be a consistency in your lie AND make sure that the people you lie to DON’T communicate with each other.
This is where a feud started between me and my Kate versus him and his mother (she was the original landlord and gave the house to him so he could begin to profit.)
So forward to a year later. Jay stopped coming to the house and his mom began doing the pick-ups. Around this time my ex- and I had been laid off and we were working with social security for food, health, and housing insurance. We were approved for all three in April but we would not get the check until May. When our typical check wasn’t in the landlord’s mailbox he immediately gave a summons saying that he was taking us to court for eviction. The day we went to court he had no lawyer and, going before the judge, here’s the summation:
Judge: Does the defense have a means to pay within 90 days of non-payment? Us: Yes judge (hands over paperwork showing that he will be paid for April and May) Judge: I see no problem. They are breaking no laws. Why are we here? Jay: Well your honor, they have been bullying- Judge: I don’t care, unless they are breaking a law then this case is dismissed.
Suffice it to say Jay and his mother’s were NOT happy. Around this time in my life things were tumultuous. My mother, who had been battling lung cancer succumbed to it in June . This happened at roughly the same time his mom came knocking looking for payment. I explained that I would leave it in the mailbox when we got back from the funeral home and to please just respect my right to mourn. She took her fingers and began rubbing them together, pretending to play the smallest violin.
I will never forget what she said next “Oooh, my mommy just died. Woe is me. She probably had it coming. I don’t care if your entire family is dead. I want my money.” She smiled smugly, proud with what she had just said. I saw red and my heart jumped into my throat. I went, grabbed the check, and handed it to her in absolute shock that anyone would say something so...fucked up? She had finally managed to push a button that very few people I’ve known throughout my life have seen. I went into rage mode but not in the way you would expect.
THE REVENGE: We were always told that if a health inspector came by to not open the door. I waited until Aug. since that was when the lease was going to run out and we knew they would not extend a renewal. I walked up the block to town hall to ask for a health inspection of our property. It was scheduled for several days later. Now it’s important to know several things:
I was friends with all of the tenants. Phil had moved out with his fiancé but the new tenant was Dani upstairs in our side. Tom and Hana on the other side of the downstairs floor had moved out and Jay was still looking for new tenants. The only one who wanted to stay out of this was Rose on the upper right apartment.
I had gotten a key so I could let the inspector in Dani’s apartment and I knew that I could use the back staircase on the right side to let him in on Tom’s, now vacant apartment.
I also knew that Dani was moving out in September along with Kate and myself.
The inspector came and it was glorious. He checked the exterior of the house first noting that wires were exposed, there was an old empty dryer along with other odd clutter in the backyard. I bought him inside the shared entrance and, as I was counting on, he noticed that the last inspected dated back to 1994; 18 years. This meant that for each year he did not have an inspection there would be appropriate fines. For our apartment we had black mold growing in our bathroom and the bubble in the ceiling had begun to grow to problematic proportions. Upstairs, Dani’s apartment was suffering from leaks in the ceiling and it looked like her bathroom ceiling was also on the brink of collapsing. We then went to the basement. The boiler was on the verge of exploding, there was flammable items along with gasoline and a pack of matches sitting right beside it. Two things that I did not know was 1. The fire door that separated the two sides did not close all of the way rendering it moot and, on the right basement side there was a toilet. A toilet that had blown up. It had coated the surrounding walls and the leakage prevented us going up to the floor via the right side. The entire time the inspector was photographing and writing constantly.
We stepped outside and he said he needed to come back. When I asked why he said he had run out of space to write down all of the infractions (he had filled the front and had written an entire page on the back portion). I kindly and coyly asked “Well, how much will it cost right now?” He scratched his head and said “Around 20-30k from what I can see but it’s probably going to be higher as this house was never licensed to be split into apartments.” I thanked him and he was going to come back with the county inspector.
So we moved out and but I got the rundown from Rose. Because he was the current owner he owed all current fines and no one new could not move into the empty apartments until everything was up to code. Because three out of four were vacant he was losing 4,500 in potential rent. He handed the property back to his mother and had to claim for bankruptcy. Now here’s the other thing. Every time an old tenant left and a new one was coming in an inspection was supposed to be done. Now that all of the financial burden fell on her they looked into the records and was she was fined for each time she had broken that rule 750/per. By the end of the year Rose had moved out so the place was hemorrhaging money. I sat back, proud of what I had done, and left it be.
Haha, no, fuck that. I wasn’t close to done yet.
I felt like I had destroyed Jay but my real target had always been his mom. I learned that she had about eight properties throughout three towns in my county. I went to each one, spoke to the tenants, and said I was a concerned tenant from another property and asked if they had any problems with their apartments. EVERY person I asked described the apartment in very poor to intolerable levels and that the mom was effectively a slumlord. She would ignore problems unless someone turned to litigations, she was threatened that they would summon the inspector, or, more often than not, the people would move out, she’d refuse their deposit, and sink those into repairs. People rarely fought back because she knew that the occupants were of upper, lower class minorities. So, being the concerned person I was, I want to the inspector of the other two towns and asked for an inspection to be done with at least one, if not more, would be awaiting the inspector when they came. Turns out that she faced pretty much the same infractions on every apartment she owned. It turned out she actually had 12 apartments but I initially only knew about the ones that fell within my county. The remaining properties in the next county over were given a heads up for a surprise inspection. From what I can tell Jays mom had been in the landlord business for about 35-40 years. That collapsed quickly.
Since we moved literally one block down the road from our old one I got to see Jay lose his primary source of income and have to claim bankruptcy BUT also saw that his mother was also trying desperately to find a buyer for all of the apartments so she could pay off the fines. I learned two years later that she too had to file for bankruptcy. Jay and his mother camped out in front of our next apartment two days in Oct. of 13 before she filed for bankruptcy (I’m guessing to scream at me and/or Kate) so I called the cops and said that there were strange people standing in a no parking zone and they kept looking up at the second floor. A cruiser swung by and told them to leave.
I know I should have used the two months I spent monitoring everything to find a new job but this was the one and only time I wanted to cripple a person where they hurt the most; their wallets. I think I got my point across. None of this would’ve happened if you had just fucking fixed the ceiling before it collapsed Jay!
Th;dr: Had a couple of slumlords, they pushed me to a place where I snapped, and so I went a bit crazy and bankrupted the slumlord AND his slumlord mother as well.
(source) story by (/u/Theliterside)
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Heartless Bastard part 2/2
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Negan x OC 
Rated M
Warnings: Smut smut and some angst. 
A week had passed since the incident with Negan at the bar. My friend tried her best to say that she had no idea he was going to be there. I did my best to forgive her, but I really couldn’t. She had put Daryl in front us knowing as well as I did that Negan would follow along. I wish he wouldn’t have, but of course he was going to follow what he thought would be an easy chase. That man would do anything to get his dick wet, I swear. 
It hurt to know that was all I really ever was to him. It was like the pain hit me all over again. When Negan and I were together, I always wanted to believe it was something more. Something more than just a sexual relationship, but his actions proved that there never was. Everything was just a mistake on my end. He  never cared for me the same way I did. I knew that than and I definitely knew it now. The truth still hurt. It was like the pain started all over again. That night reopened so many scars that he had left behind. 
I was in my kitchen one night making some supper when I heard a knock at my door. I looked confused at who would be visiting me at this time of night. I assumed it was my sister who was also my landlord currently in the house I was living at. I couldn’t complain too much about it. I got a great deal after my divorce, but she was super down my throat when it came to things in the house. 
I sighed as I whipped my hands on the towel as I headed towards the door. They knocked again before I had reached the door. This caused me to roll my eyes at them. “I am coming, I am coming, keep your pants on-” I stopped dead when I saw who was actually at the door. It was Negan. 
Questions ran through my head as I saw him at the door. “Negan, what the fuck...what are you doing here?” I asked. “How did you find out where I lived?” “It’s a small town. News travels around fast and we know a lot of similar people. You ask the right questions, you get what you want without seeming suspicious at all.” 
“Well, it was nice seeing you again, but no.” I said as I began to close the door in his face. He pushed his boot out to stop me in my tracks. “All I want to do is talk.” He said. His voice was soft when he spoke. I could tell he was serious, because all of his cocky manner was gone in a second. It didn’t phase me though. I had played too many games with this man. I knew what he was up to. 
“We talked last week.” I said still pushing on the door to try and get it to close. 
“I didn’t get to finish what I had to say,” He said pushing back on the door. “I have also had time to think since then and I just…” He paused. “Look, I am sorry okay. I am sorry for everything. I am not just saying that to try and get in your pants or anything like that at all. I just want you to know that I feel terrible for what I did to you, because I was too scared to open up to you and let you in. Now please, just let me in. I promise no funny business. Just let me explain this time instead of always shutting me back out.” I sighed. I didn’t want to. What could he say to make anything that he has done to me better. I know he has tried in the past to explain himself, but just like the night at the bar, I didn’t want to hear it. I didn’t have time for fake ass apologizes. I moved away from the door though, letting him inside. 
He followed inside and looked around the house. “Nice place.” He said. 
“Thanks.” I said back as I walked back into the kitchen. “I was just making supper. I guess if you want some, you can have some. It is lasagna and breadsticks. Nothing crazy.” I opened the oven to check on the lasagna. 
I wasn’t paying attention to Negan until I felt his rough hands on my waist. He spun me around to face him. Before I got the chance to push him off me, his lips were on top of mine.  The kiss started off soft and sweet, but soon turned needy. He pressed my back against the oven as he deepened the kiss. I couldn’t help, but kiss back. The spark between us had returned within the kiss. It was something I hadn’t felt in ages. I could feel myself melting into the kiss. Reality hit me when his hands went to the hem of my shirt and started to move lightly over my skin. I pushed him off of me. “Nice try.” I told him, shaking my head. 
“What do you mean?” He rasped, his breath heavy from the kissing. “I wasn’t trying to do anything this time. God Damn, I wanted to fucking kiss you. Is that so wrong?” “If you just plan on wanting just sex again.” Tears were already in my eyes. I wished I could have stopped them. I turned so I wasn’t facing him. 
“It was never just sex. It was never ever just fucking sex. It was something more than that. I know what I said back then. I was an idiot back then. I didn’t want to believe that I could be in love with a girl like you, but the truth is, I am madly in love with you. I always have been. It never stopped. I have thought about you every day since you left and got married. I couldn’t stop for a single motherfucking second. I wanted to turn off my feelings for you. I thought that if I just pretend I don’t love you, it would make it true.” He turned me around. “I love you, damn it. I had to let you know. I couldn’t live without you knowing the truth.” His thumb wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from my eyes. I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. I didn’t want to believe it, but when my eyes met his hazel eyes, there was nothing else I could do but believe it. He loved me. 
“I always did too. It was never just sex with me. That’s why it hurt so much when you treated me so badly.” 
“I was so stupid to let you go.” He said as he pulled me close. “I had to try and get another chance from you. You are all that I could think about these last few days. I am so fucking sorry for everything.” His lips kissed my cheek. “I am not just saying this to get into your pants either. I truly mean this with all my heart.” 
I nodded my head as I slowly caressed his face. His beard rubbing against my fingertips as I did. “I know.” I pulled him into a kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His touch lingered on my hips before moving slowly underneath the hem of my shirt. 
Our kiss was full of passion. His tongue grazed my bottom lip begging for an entrance. I granted it as our tongues both began to battle for dominance. 
He lifted me up and put me on the kitchen table. His kisses moved from lips and down to my neck as he began to kiss my neck. Sucking on certain parts causes me to gasp. He was marking me again. He had only done that a number of times. It meant he wanted people to know that he had been there. It was like a dog marking his territory which turned me on even more when he did that. I don’t know why I enjoyed it so much, but I did. 
My hands moved down to the hem of his shirt as I took it off him. I looked at the man before me as I ghosted my fingers over his toned figure. He always had a good looking figure and even with age it still amazed me. 
His hands quickly went to his pants as he undid his belt. He wasted no time getting his boxers down and springing his erect cock free. Negan moved to me, stripping me of my clothes before bending me over the kitchen table. He rubbed his fingers between my lips running them in my wetness. I could hear him moan, but I couldn’t see what he was doing. He had his other hand pressed on my head keeping me down. He played with my clit for a bit before thrusting his thick cock inside me. He rammed me hard into the table. I knew I was going to have bruises on my hips from hitting the hard metal of the table, but I didn’t care. I gripped as hard as I could on the edge of the table as my body began to clench around him. 
“That’s right, baby girl. Milk daddy’s cock.” He groaned in my ear. He reared back and thrusted forward hard. “Thats it.” He did the same harsh movements for a little longer before reaching down and putting pressure on my clit. “Cum with me.” He commanded. I couldn’t do anything else, but listen as I came right as he started to fill me with his seed. 
He collapsed on top of me. His breath was heavy as he did. “Fuck, I love you.” He said before kissing my sweaty forehead. 
“I love you too, Negan.”
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Runaway Love
Pairing: Jay Halstead x (female) Voight!Reader
Word Count: 3340
Author’s Note: Um...I’m not entirely sure what this is, but I know it’s not the best and the storyline is weird as hell. This is also definitely AU because I haven’t seen all of Chicago PD and I’m just going with what I know, so I might’ve messed up on some of it (sorry). Also, could I pick a more cliche title? Lol
Trigger Warning(s): Mention of sexual assault (but it doesn’t go into detail), stalking, running away, underage drinking, alcohol, mention of drugs, mention of prostitution (literally just the mention of it because of a case)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Reader ran away when she was seventeen. On her eighteenth birthday, she met Jay Halstead, who was just getting ready to leave for the Army. After a whirlwind romance before he deployed out, and after constantly sending letter back and forth, and him visiting her when he could, he asked her to move to Chicago with him after he was discharged. Only for her to turn him down, leaving him heartbroken and confused.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
Y/HC = Your Hair Color
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It seemed like it was a fairly average case. They were trying to track down an all around bad guy, he was involved in a drug ring, a prostitution ring, and had killed at least three people.
They caught him and were taking him in when Voight’s eyes landed on a bunch of photos scattered on the coffee table, narrowing in on one in particular. He walked over and picked it up, frowning at it before turning and storming out to the guy and grabbing him by the arm, pulling him away from the officers that were leading him out to the car.
“Why do you have this?” Voight asked as he held up the photo.
The man barely even spared a glance at the photo, scoffing.
“Why do you have this?” Voight asked more insistently, this time grabbing the man and shaking him roughly, shoving the photo into his face.
The man didn’t seem to be bothered much. “I don’t know, she was just another girl that my boss wanted us to snatch.”
This affected Voight, leaving him visibly distraught.
The officers led the man away.
Jay stepped over to Voight, frowning some as he took a look at the picture, which caused a noticeable reaction.
Voight looked at him and frowned. “What?”
“I know her.” Jay breathed out with a frown.
Voight matched his expression. “How?”
“I met her in Florida, before I deployed out, at a bar near the base.” Jay explained, looking at Voight then.
“Right before I deployed out, a few years ago.” Jay frowned deeper.
“This girl has been missing for nearly eight years, and she’s my daughter.” Voight told him.
The rest was sort of a blur for the both of them, and when Jay got back to his apartment, he dug out the last letter he received from her, informing him that she couldn’t leave her life in Florida to join him in Chicago, and started to wonder if maybe the reason she couldn’t was because she was running from something. Then he started digging through the other letters that she had written to him that he still had after all this time. He pulled out one that had a phone number, it was when she had changed her number and sent it to him so that he could call her whenever he could while he was away, which wasn’t very often but still.
He then pulled out his phone, not even considering for a second that it might be a bad idea to reach out to you, and dialed the number.
Three rings.
“Hello?” You answered the phone, a confusion in your voice like you couldn’t understand why anyone was calling you.
Jay was shocked that you answered, and hearing your voice after all this time knocked the breath out of him.
“Hell-o?” You tried again, dragging it out this time.
“Y/N?” Jay breathed out, struggling to remember how to breathe.
There was silence on your end and he was terrified that you’d hung up. “Jay?” You sounded shocked, but pleasantly shocked. “What’s going on?” You asked softly, trying to figure out why he was calling you.
“I…” He didn’t know what to say. “I just needed to hear your voice.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, the worry evident in your voice.
“Yes and no.” Jay admitted, leaving you worried.
“What do you mean?”
“I just...I miss you.” Jay told you honestly.
Silence on your end again, but he heard your breath hitch. “I miss you too.” You whispered into the phone.
He was left not knowing what to say again. “I still love you.” He figured you’d hang up at that.
“I still love you too.” You admitted honestly, quietly. “That’s not why I ended things.”
“Then why did you?” He honestly wanted an answer, to hear it from you.
“It’s just...complicated.”
“Is it because you ran away?” He asked abruptly.
You faltered. “Wh-what?” Your mind started reeling, you knew he was in Chicago but that was the last thing you heard. Did he somehow find out about you from a missing person’s poster or something?
“I’m a cop now, Y/N.” Jay told her, like that explained everything.
“I’m confused.” You told him, which wasn’t a lie.
“Don’t play games with me.”
“I’m not.” You answered him with a frown.
“Why did you leave town?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “It’s a long story.”
“I have time.” Jay answered quickly.
“Well I don’t.” You hung up on him then, starting to think about what you were going to do. If Jay knew who you really were, and where you were living, then he could get a hold of your dad and tell him, and you knew how that would end.
That didn’t stop you from flinging yourself onto your bed and thinking it through as you laid there. If you did go back to Chicago, you’d be with your family again. Maybe you could finally have a normal life. Maybe even fix things with Jay, he did say he still loved you.
~Flashback ~ You left home two months after you turned seventeen because of reasons you’d rather not discuss. You couldn’t believe you had actually gotten away with it, you were certain that your dad would at least be able to tell what you had planned, he was a cop after all. Or maybe that your mom would have noticed that you hugged her a little longer than normal. Or that maybe Justin would’ve asked why you called him that night and talked for what seemed like forever, like you would never talk to him again. Or even Erin, you stopped by her house before you left Chicago and gave her like three hugs before you left.
It didn’t seem right. Maybe it was because you were always the good girl, maybe that’s why they didn’t notice, because they didn’t expect it.
The more you thought about it, the more your heart broke. You didn’t want to leave your family behind. 
They should have noticed something was up. They should have noticed something wasn’t right with you. They should have noticed.
You had to pull over after driving for an hour because you were crying way too hard. You weren’t even out of Illinois yet, barely even out of Chicago, if you looked in the rearview you probably could’ve still seen the outline of the city.
You didn’t know what you were going to do with your life at this point, but you knew you had to get the hell out of Chicago.
You slept in the backseat of your car at rest stops for about two weeks before you eventually stopped in Florida. Within three months you were able to get a job as an exotic dancer and get yourself an apartment. You avoided getting caught because the owner of the club you worked at was kind of a shady guy, who didn’t care if you were under eighteen or needed to be paid under the table. You liked him because he didn’t ask questions, you didn’t trust him however because, again, he was a shady guy.
By the time you were eighteen, you were doing pretty well for yourself. You made good money, but you still stayed in a cheaper apartment because you didn’t want to risk getting caught and the landlord at your current building didn’t really care about background checks or making sure the name on the lease was your real name.
You celebrated your eighteenth birthday in a dive bar. It wasn’t a horrible place, but it wasn’t the kind of place your parents would want to find you in. And that’s when he walked in with a few other guys. They were Army, you could tell that, but they were newbies. They had to be, they were too fresh faced to have seen combat.
The three of them took a seat at the bar, about six stools away from you and that was when he noticed you watching him and made eye contact with you. You offered him a smirk before turning back to your drink and next thing you knew, he was beside you.
“This seat taken?” He asked
You looked at him, smiled, and shook your head. “Nope.” You replied, popping the ‘p’ for effect.
He slid onto the stool and leaned on the bar before turning to face you. “Jay Halstead.” He offered out his hand, which you shook.
“Y/N Samuels.” You told him, using the name on the fake ID you had that said you were 21.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Jay commented with a smile. “So what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
You laughed out loud. “Oh my god, is that what you’re really going with?” You asked, unable to contain the smile on your face. “Does that ever actually work as a line?”
He shrugged a bit before dazzling you with a wide smile. “I don’t know, did it work this time?”
You laughed softly this time and shook your head.
“You’re not charmed?” He asked you, teasingly.
“Not even a little bit.” You laughed.
He shrugged a bit, but his smile didn’t fade. “I am serious though, you don’t seem like the kind of girl who belongs in a bar like this.”
You gave him a half hearted shrug. “And what kind of girl do I seem like to you?” You raised a brow and smirked.
“A nice girl.” He replied honestly, the smile dropping some, being replaced with a seriousness.
You laughed but it was obviously fake. “Well you suck at reading people.”
“Do I?” He asked you, raising a brow himself.
Whatever quip you had died on your tongue and you shrugged, turning back to your drink and remaining silent.
He nudged your arm a bit. “I didn’t mean that as a bad thing.”
You shrugged again, stirring your drink with your straw. “So Army huh?”
“Is it that obvious?” He asked you, smirking, thankful the playfulness seemed to be coming back to the conversation.
You side eyed him, looking at what he was wearing. “Just a little bit.” You laughed softly.
He chuckled and ordered a beer when the bartender came over. “You want another drink?” He asked you.
You shook your head. “Nah, I’m a bit of a lightweight so I think I’m gonna stick to one tonight.”
He nodded. “So you came to a bar just to have one drink?” He asked curiously.
You smiled at him. “Well, you see, it’s my birthday and I don’t have anyone to celebrate with, and this place isn’t too far from my apartment.”
“It’s your birthday? Then we gotta celebrate.” He told you with a grin.
You watched him for a moment, slowly shaking your head. “I don’t know...I have to work tomorrow.”
“What time do you work?” He asked you.
“I have to be there at four.”
“In the morning?”
“No, afternoon.”
“Then you’ve got plenty of time to get rest.” He replied with a smile. “Come on, party with us until midnight and then you can be like Cinderella.”
You laughed. “I don’t know…”
“Okay, then how about you take it one drink at a time and leave when you want? I just think you should have a little fun on your birthday.”
You had to admit that it would be nice to have some fun, you had been kinda down before, missing your family and everything. So you nodded. “Okay, fine. Midnight and not a second later.”
Well midnight came and went and you were still partying with Jay, his buddies left sometime during this but you and Jay shut down the bar.
The next morning you woke with a pounding in your head, but it wasn’t as bad as what you’d thought a hangover would be like. You sat up and the world felt like it was spinning, and that was when you noticed that Jay was laying shirtless beside you.
“Son of a bitch.” You groaned out under your breath. Not only did you party with a complete stranger, but you brought him home and slept with him. What the hell happened.
Your movement caused him to stir and he opened his eyes, looking up at you, squinting because of the light coming in your bedroom window. “Good morning beautiful.” He murmured sleepily.
You huffed a bit. “Yeah, morning.” You grumbled as you looked away from him, you sincerely hoped that in your drunkenness you remembered to use protection.
He cleared his throat as he sat up, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Something wrong?”
You huffed again and rolled your eyes. “Is something wrong? Yes something’s wrong, I got drunk and slept with a total stranger.”
He pulled his hand off your shoulder at your tone and held both up, eyebrows raised. “Woah, we didn’t have sex.” He was quick to tell you. “Yeah I slept here last night but that’s as far as it went.”
You looked over your shoulder at him. “Really?”
“Well we did make out, but we didn’t have sex.” He added, nodding.
You sighed in relief. “Thank god.” You breathed out, then shook your head some. “Not that you’re not attractive and all, I just really don’t wanna have a one night stand with a stranger, is all.”
He nodded. “I can understand that.” He nudged you a bit. “You said you work at four, right?”
“Yeah, why?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Well it’s almost noon now, meaning you got time before you have to go to work, what do I gotta say to convince you to spend it with me?” Jay asked you with an adorable smile.
You laughed softly. “Why do you wanna spend time with me?”
“Well you’re pretty and you seem like a nice girl, pretty sure I said that last night.”
You pondered it over for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”
“Great, I got a change of clothes in the car, after I change we’ll go get lunch.” He got up and headed out of your room.
You got up too and went over to your closet to dig something out to wear, wondering if he was actually coming back or if that was just an excuse to get out of there without it being awkward.
A moment later there was a knock on your door, so you walked out of your bedroom to answer it.
“Didn’t wanna just walk in.” Jay told you, standing there holding what appeared to be a pair or jeans and a t-shirt.
You stepped out of the way to let him in.
You pointed to the bathroom door and watched as he headed in that direction, you then headed to the kitchen to get something to drink.
You ended up spending the day with him up until right before you had to go to work, almost being late to work in fact. You got lunch together, then ice cream, and just hung out all day. It ended with him dropping you off at your apartment so you could get ready for work, and him asking for your number. You gave him your number, but you didn’t actually think you’d hear from him.
But you did, the next day. He called asking you to have lunch with him again.
And it went like that for a few days, the two of you hitting it off.
Eventually you slept together, and you figured that would drive him away. But it didn’t, again.
It was a whirlwind romance and in the span of two weeks he had told you he loved you, which you returned.
Everything was great, until one day something changed. It was almost three weeks after that fateful night in the bar, and a week after he let it slip that he loved you. It started out as a normal day for you, until he knocked on your door around eleven. You opened it and let him in, but he just stayed standing there, to which you raised a brow.
“I’m being deployed.” He finally told you once he looked at you, he stepped inside then, shutting the door behind him while sighing heavily.
You nodded slowly, knowing this was coming, he was at base training and whatnot and getting ready to be deployed, you didn’t know how long you’d have before he actually got deployed. You swallowed hard, knowing what was coming. He was going to end things. Or so you assumed.
The two of you stood quietly, a mere four feet apart, just inside the door of your apartment. You were staring at him, he was looking at his hands.
Finally you cleared your throat, which got his attention. “So what does that mean?” You asked quietly, not adding ‘for us’ although you knew it was implied.
His eyes met yours and he was quiet for a moment, still as a statue besides his breathing. “I don’t know.” He admitted quietly, still watching you.
You nodded slowly again, trying to keep the tears at bay but you could feel your resolve slipping.
He must’ve noticed because in a second his arms were around you, pulling you into a hug. “This doesn’t have to be the end of us.” He whispered to you, placing a kiss to the side of your head.
You clung to him like a lifeline, your hands gripping his shirt, tears slipping down your cheeks. “You really think you’re gonna wanna come back to a girl you’ve only known for three weeks?” You asked sadly, choking on your tears.
He hushed you, stroking the back of your head as he kept you locked in his arms. “And why wouldn’t I?” He asked softly. “I already told you that I love you.”
You forced yourself to pull away from him just enough so you could look him in the eyes. “You really mean it?” You asked quietly.
He nodded silently, a seriousness about him. “Of course I do.” He said quietly, bringing his hand up to wipe your tears.
You still had your doubts, but you nodded and sniffled. “When do you have to go?” You asked quietly.
“Next week.” He said solemnly.
You touched his cheek gently and nodded some. “Well then we’ll have to make the most of the time we’ve got left.” You said quietly.
And that’s what you did. You spent as much time as possible together, you even going so far as to take some time off from work.
And when he left, you were devastated. You kept in touch as much as you could through letters and the occasional phone call. Your love for him grew and his for you.
And then you didn’t hear from him, and you were heartbroken. Six months passed and you heard nothing, you were afraid that he had died and you hadn’t been notified because you were just his girlfriend. You even considered finding his parents in Chicago and calling them to see if they had heard anything, but you avoided doing that because you wanted to believe that he was still alive. And then you got the letter from him saying that something had happened and that he was given an honorable discharge from the Army. You immediately worried about what that could mean. And then you finally got a letter from him, assuring you that he was okay, telling you that he got out of the Army and how he hoped you would join him in Chicago.
You wanted nothing more than to go and live a life with him, but you couldn’t go back to Chicago.
~ Flashback Over ~
After fifteen minutes, you sat up in bed, your decision made. It didn’t take long to pack your bags, you could come back and get the rest of your stuff if you decided to stay in Chicago. You got into your car and began driving in the direction of Chicago, getting ready for the sixteen hour drive.
Chapter Two Coming Soon....
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literate-lamb · 4 years
Man of the House | one
Sam Wilson/fem!Reader, future dark!Bucky Barnes/fem!Reader | 18+
Moving day is finally here! Private and public celebrations are in order.
► warnings(!): nudity, non-graphic sex scene, alcohol, slow burn. eventual dubcon/noncon, eventual choking in future chapters. this is a dark fic.
|| Series Masterlist ||
a/n: taglist is open for this series, just hmu with an ask.
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𝕄𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔻𝕒𝕪
Boxes and boxes filled the hallway as men in uniforms brought them in, the moving truck parked in front of the house. The stench of sweat invaded your nostrils as you guided the men on which rooms to settle them. Sam was doing his fair share, gathering your more personal boxes upstairs.
It was moving day, finally.
After two weeks of preparing and prepping, you finally took the step into your new home. A day earlier found you busy with cleaning; sweeping and mopping the floors, wiping the windows, and dusting the furniture among others. You even took the time to pick up some ornaments to decorate your new house. The scented candles and key bowl looked great next to the antique lamp.
When all the boxes and furniture were settled, you paid the movers a hefty sum and left them on their way. Now that left you, Sam, and a load of boxes to be unpacked.
“I’ll start with the ones in the kitchen,” Sam said, “And then maybe we can have a quick lunch later.” You nodded, walking towards the parlour.
Seeing the clear windows elated you, free of dust and stains, permitting sunlight which illuminated the room in a warm glow. The velvety feel of the red Chesterfield sofa was satisfying, letting your mind wander to extravagant wine parties.
Riffling for the retractable knife in your pocket, you started slashing through the boxes, uncovering your book collection over the years. One by one, you arranged them on the pine wood bookshelf; a new addition brought from your previous dwelling.
After the boxes were emptied, you stood and admired your work. The parlour would make a great room for reading, you could imagine relaxing with a glass of wine and a good book after a day's work.
Ding dong!
You swerved to face the hallway, startled. The ringing of the doorbell audibly loud, reverberating through the entire house.
“Who is it?” Sam stood in the entryway, coming from the kitchen. You shrugged.
Entering the hallway, Sam opened the door, standing face to face with their visitor. On the other side stood Mr Rogers, his weathered face smiling. He looked pretty dapper for a man standing on your doorstep. In his hand, he seemed to be holding a small box. Of what, you’re unsure.
“Mr Rogers! Nice to see you,” you greeted. “What brings you here?”
“Hello, dear. Just wanted to drop off some extra keys I had since I don’t really need them,” he said, jiggling them into your hands. “Seems like you have a fella, he’ll probably need it.” Sam laughed, appreciating the humour.
“Sam Wilson, sir,” he introduced himself, offering a hand, “Nice to finally meet the man of the house.”
“Likewise, son,” Mr Rogers shook. He seemed to still for a moment before knocking out of it. “Before I forget, here’s some tea. A housewarming gift, if you will.” He handed you the small box, “It’s chamomile, good for aiding sleep.”
You were humbled by the kind gesture of the elder, thanking him. Before he could leave, Sam invited him in for lunch, “I was about to fix up something quick.”
“It’s okay, son. I have places to be and people to meet today, you two have a good day,” he bid farewell, got in his beetle, waving as he drove away.
“That's a very thoughtful landlord right there,” Sam whistled. You agreed, reminded of how lucky you were, again. Sam closed the door, lulling the house in silence once more. “You hungry, baby?”
“Not yet, really,” you turned to him. “Why?”
“‘Cause I’m currently hungry for something else,” he smirked, mischief swimming in his pools, “How about we christen the place, starting with,” —he startled you, lifting you by the hips— “the kitchen!”  
You chortled, as Sam carried you, hands supporting your buttocks, at the same time  giving them a squeeze. The cheeky bastard.
Clothes were shed. Hands roamed, mapping every inch of uncovered skin. The exchange of fierce kisses and the battle of tongues left you both frenzied.
Sam settled you on the island countertop. The cold granite chilled you. He marveled at your form, hungry eyes taking in everything; your stiff peaks, your mussed hair, your enticing throat.
“I’m starving baby, let me taste you,” he husked, descending to his knees. Calloused hands pushed your thighs apart, serving you to his greedy eyes. True to his words, like a man starved, he helped himself. He was ravenous.
You cried, moans carrying through the halls, echoing. You had no care for the world.
The both of you continued your escapade, carrying to other parts of the house; unaware to the lone shadow.
Watching your every move.
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𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕖
The entirety of yesterday was pure bliss as far as you remembered, waking up in bed to sunlight barely peeking through the glass door. Sam’s hand draped across your hip as he lightly snored behind you.
You sighed, feeling sated. What a way to start the morning.
Lazing for a bit, you admired your new bedroom. The once bare four-poster is now draped in delicate tulle, akin to a large veil. The vanity across the bed looked regal, adding to the opulence. This was by far your favourite room. Besides the parlour, of course.
You gave a kiss to Sam between the brows. Slowly slipping away, you got out of bed. Grabbing your robe, you padded across the hall and headed downstairs.
The house was eerily silent in the mornings. Only the creaking of stairs audible as you descend.
In the wee hours, the little sunlight and heavy curtains casted long shadows on the walls. The furniture in the dark stood, creating the illusion of people, making the parlour seem frightening to the average eye. The hallway seemed long and never-ending, getting darker the further it went.
The look of the house in the dark could have been what considered it so terrifying. The mind does tend to wander when in darkness.
Passing by the hallway, you setted on fixing breakfast in the kitchen. Before you could step a foot further, something faint caught your ears.
Scrrrt. Scrrrt. Scrrrt.
It repeated. Again and again. Like nails on wood.
Scrrrt. Scrrrt. Scrrrt.
You squinted, searching for the source. The low visibility was not helping. Fumbling the wall, you turned on the lights.
Scrrrt. Scrrrt. Scrrrt.
Nothing was in your vicinity, yet the noise never ceased. Using your sense of hearing, you listened, tracing it.
Scrrrt! Scrrrt! Scrrrt!
It became audibly louder and erratic as you neared. Your feet found you under the stairs. In front of the black door.
Scrrrt! Scrrrt! Scrrrt!
Faster and faster. As if a desperate call for help.
Grabbing the nearest object —an umbrella— you gripped it tight. The fear of it being a wild animal overcame you.
Scrrrt! Scrrrt! Scrrrt!
Slowly turning the knob, umbrella at the ready, you pushed the door, expecting to be pounced.
Instead, what greeted you was a white fluffy creature. A cat. The same cat you met weeks ago. Waiting on the steps, as if it were expecting your arrival.
“Now, how did you get in here,” you cooed, squatting. The cat murmured back.
Up and down. Left to right. You tried theorising how the cat came to be in the basement. The door was closed, too heavy for a cat. The small windows were shut tight, only allowing light to pass through. The last one here yesterday was Sam, and he would’ve noticed a cat. Yet, it managed to sneak in. How peculiar.
“What are you doing down here.”
You jumped, startled. Your heart almost gave out. Facing the door, Sam stood on the stairs, crusts still in his eyes.
“You startled me!” you grumbled. He put his palms up, wearing his toothy grin.
“I heard scratching sounds and found this cat,” you explained, “Which by the way, did you see yesterday?”
“I think I would’ve seen if there was a cat, but no,” he replied. “Is the little cutie hungry?” he cooed, in a babying tone.
Unexpected to the both of you, the cat hissed. Eyes turned into slits, fur standing, claws out, like a being possessed. You worried it might attack Sam.
Before you could intervene, it sped off. Zooming between Sam’s legs, and headed upstairs, meowing uncontrollably.
“It’s never done that before,” you mumbled, surprised. “I’ll go let it out.”
You followed upstairs, nearly missing the faint scent.
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𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠
Light chatter permeated the space as guests began filtering into the parlour. Wine glasses in hand, they mingled around, exchanging conversations, with the occasional boisterous laughter. It was a light and cozy setting, with every tummy sated, just catching up with long time friends.
“Okay, can I just say, that despite being a 100 year old monument, this place is actually nice?” Tony starts, “Like when I looked outside it was like something out of the Addam’s Family, but then I went in and wham! It’s like a cute lil’ antique store.”
Perplexed, you really didn’t know how to reply to that. “Err, thank you?”
“Stop it, Tones, that wasn’t a compliment,” Rhodey slapped Tony’s back, “It’s a really nice house, very fancy.”
“The house is lovely, I love the vintage feel of it,” Pepper piped up, shooting Tony a look.
You smiled, “Thank you guys, it’s been a dream to live in a house like this.” Just then, Sam came, curling an arm around your waist.
“And my girl here got it for a steal too,” Sam intervened, jovially. “I’m just the lucky guy who gets to stay over some nights.”
You slapped Sam’s chest as he laughed, the trio joining. You reveled in the warmness of the moment, surrounded by friends. Sharing the start of a new beginning.
Everybody else in this room lived in the city, preferring the closeness to their work. You preferred the same. It’s been a long time since you all got together in the same space. You missed it.
After a few minutes of chatting, you excused yourself. A new bottle of wine and light dessert was needed.
Passing through the dining room enroute to the kitchen, you saw Wanda at the end of the hall. She was standing stock-still, staring downwards. You walked closer.
Stopping next to her, you saw that she was staring down at the entrance of the basement. Unmoving.
“Um, Wanda, is there anything wrong?” you asked, confused.
That seemed to snap her out of her stupor. She looked at you, face impassive before giving a thin smile.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” she said. “Where does that lead to, by the way?”
“That’s the basement,” you replied. “Come on, do you want more wine? Dessert?”
“Dessert sounds nice.”
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Arriving into the parlour, you brought out the mini pavlovas with Wanda and set them on the coffee table. The wine bottle was handed off to Sam as he refilled glasses for your guests.
Immediately, everyone began to congregate in the middle to where the sofas were, taking a pavlova and having their refill. Your pavlovas were a favourite among your friends. You even had to swat Scott’s hand from taking more than one at a time.
The chatter turned up again, everyone catching up within the confines of your home. You relaxed beside Sam as he chatted with Vis about football of all things. Vis looked bored, yet was too polite to switch topics.
“So, a little birdie told me that this house is haunted, that true?” you heard Tony as he came to stand beside the sofa, pavlova in hand, “If so, then damn! It really does live up to the Addam’s Family aesthetic it has going on.”
“Tony!” Pepper hissed from across the room, reprimanding him. She turned to you, “I’m so sorry for him.”
“It’s okay, Pep,” and you were, Tony’s just being, well, Tony. “Where did you hear that though? Even I didn’t know at first.” By now, everyone was paying attention to you two.
“Saw it in a blog when I was looking for navigation, apparently they only managed to live here for two weeks,” he said, taking a bite of the sugary confection. “So it is true? Feeling watched? Things disappearing? Ghostly apparitions? Oooh.”
You heard Scott whisper yell, “So we went willingly inside a haunted house? Are we cursed?” in the background. Hope shushed him.
“None so far, the landlord even told me that he had never experienced anything living here. I’d take those blog posts with a grain of salt if I were you,” you said, sipping your glass. “Besides, I don’t really believe in ghosts. Ever heard of infrasounds, Stark?”
Tony smirked, “I expected no less from a woman of science.” He finished the rest of his dessert. “Say, how ‘bout we make a bet? If you can live here past two weeks, i’ll give you $400.”
“Ugh, Tones,” Rhodey grumbled at the back.
“Make it $500 then we’ll have a deal,” you smirked, not backing down.
“No, $500.”
“Ugh, fine! $500.” He eye-rolled, holding out his hand. “Let’s shake it.”
You both shook hands, sealing the deal in front of a live audience that is your friends. 500 dollars, two weeks.
“Why do I feel this won’t go well,” Vis sighed, holding onto Wanda. She nodded absently, eyes locked to a different corner.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 3 years
"Vampire landlord" Do with that what you will :)
Ahhh! I love this and I love you for sending it! I think I have an answer for you now, actually!! Remember way back when you actually sent me Seeds Of Unrest and I did that whole Edge x OFC x Christian thing? Well, hello to Yvette, Edge and Christian again.. This is kind of a newer / fresher look at it? I think we kinda.. danced around these three and this at some point on Discord and our talks actually inspired me to write this out for your answer. So.. Yeah.
There’s not really anything steamy here, just uh.. Heavy tension. That’s all.
Nothing, really.. Bear in mind that this is a vampire!edge & wolf!omega original character work, so things might... possibly.. get weird. Not in the sexual sense or anything, but like.. yes. Just weird. IE... The brood is portrayed here as an actual family coven of vampires.. And Luna is in a partnership with Gangrel.. And they’ve taken Edge and Christian in as their sons.. So it’s very much also a found family idea that I’ve had in mind for a while but never the guts to truly write..
Oh, wait.. yeah.. There are heavy hints that Orton is involved in this little tale somewhere, sooner or later... And it ends on a bit of a random cliffhanger, sorry!!
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It was a little after 9 pm.
That feeling of unease hadn’t worn off. I kept telling myself that Randy wouldn’t dare cross over to the vampire side of town. But deep down, knowing how insane Randy could be at times… I couldn’t entirely convince myself he wouldn’t if he didn’t want something bad enough.
Three sharp raps at the door of the little house had me jumping at least two feet into the air and scrambling for an old wooden bat that leaned against the door.
Something Luna’s son brought over just when it started to get dark. 
I could almost hear the dry tone to his voice then as he’d told me “If you won’t take a gun or keep a silver blade on you…” when he left it behind earlier.
Tiptoeing towards the window, I found myself peering through cheery red curtains and out into the darkness. In the distance, I could hear a lone howl and that had me tensing all over. The air felt heavy.
I was doing it again, letting my own fears get to me.
“The Alphas of our kind don’t typically come here. He isn’t lurking in the shadows. I need to get a grip.” I muttered it to myself, mostly to break the tension.
The door was being knocked on harder now.
I squeezed my eyes shut, hand shaking so bad I barely kept a hold of the wooden bat as I stepped towards it.
Sniffing the air had my body relaxing only slightly. It wasn’t the pungent and overpowering aroma of Randal or any of his pack mates come to steal me away in the darkness and drag me back to hell kicking and screaming that awaited me on the other side of the door.
Instead, I smelled old leather. Traces of copper that indicated that the surly man with the long blond locks who stood on the stoop must have just returned from either the blood bank or scouring the woods that lined the edge of the town square for deer or any other sort of game he could find.
It’s how they fed, Luna told me once. She never told me why and I never asked.
“Edge?” I questioned, my back pressed as heavily as I could get against the front door to the house until I was absolutely sure it was him and I wasn’t picking up on residual from his visit earlier in the evening.
“Yeah.” he answered.
I turned to face the door and took a few long and deep breaths to pull myself together. The bat fell to the parquet flooring with a quiet thud that seemed to echo all around the room and I rose to tiptoe, peering through the small pane of glass at the top of the door.
I wasn’t taking any chances. 
I knew I was safer here than I was on my side of town, but… I also knew just how calculating and ruthless Randal could be when he set his sights on something and got an idea in his head. I knew that mimicking scents wasn’t below him. Neither was doing something to potentially harm Luna and her family, then using one of them to gain entry to the house I was currently hidden in.
If he really wanted to find me, a silly little thing like unspoken boundaries and code of conduct weren’t going to stop him. Not that he’d ever had a code of conduct to begin with. Or common decency, anything like that.
,,to be fair  it didn’t stop you when you chose to go into hiding here, did it? You’re really only as safe as you choose to believe you are at any given moment. You know you’re putting Luna and her family at risk simply by being here. You know that sooner or later, Randal will find you. He is a monster, after all.” the reminder came just as Edge knocked a few more times, impatient.
“Just a second.” I finally managed to get the words out. I reached for the door knob and unlocked that, then I unlocked all 3 of the chain locks on the door and opened it just a slip, standing in it.
Edge stared down at me, arms folded over his chest. His eyes settled on the fallen bat nearby and he gave a dry chuckle.
“Is there something wrong?” I tilted my head slightly to gaze up at him, shuffling my feet. 
My heart started to pound. I was all too well aware of the tension that radiated off of his body and I knew exactly why. Working with Luna meant I got to hear things now and then. One of those things being Edge’s struggle with going to donor blood or animal blood.
I don’t know why, exactly, but I found myself wondering whether my blood smelled weird to him. I’d been working with Luna for over a year now and I still hadn’t grown accustomed to the scent of her if I were being perfectly honest. And being on this side of town…
The scent of death. Old and new. It mingled heavily in the air.
I wasn’t used to it at all. I’m not sure I’ll ever be used to it.
Edge’s teeth snagged on his lower lip and he cleared his throat, again, a sign of impatience.
“Luna sent me over for tonight.” he explained as he nodded to the room behind me, indicating that he wanted to come inside. I swallowed hard and eyed him, shaking my head.
,, He’s not a threat to you… At least not in the way Randal would be right now.” the thought lingered and while I knew that, there was also this lingering air of danger and mystery that seemed to roll right off the man standing in front of me.
He left me unsettled.
I couldn’t figure out whether that was a good thing or a bad one, either…
After the tension seemed to get thicker to a point where I found myself breathing erratically, I stepped aside and let him into the living room. Edge shut the door behind him and sank down onto the sofa.
I sat down at the other end. Very careful not to invade his space.
The dim glow of the television set filled the room and silence seemed to settle in until he spoke up again.
“Luna had a bad feeling. Thinks you’re in danger.” Edge explained, almost immediately falling silent again. A thoughtful look on his face. I didn’t dare ask what was on his mind. I didn’t dare say what was on mine, either. But the thought was weighing down on me heavily.
,, Oh, I’m in danger alright.. In danger of crawling right out of my damn skin at any second because I can feel my heat beginning. Thank god I have my suppressant patches and I got away from my side of town in time...” just the mere thought had my face burning hot and I didn’t dare meet his gaze. I cleared my throat and spoke up.
I got the distinct feeling that I probably didn’t want to hear his answer, but I knew I had to ask. I had to know if Luna had been feeling off all day too.
“Did she happen to mention why, exactly?” I asked the question in a series of shaky breaths.
My heart pounded harder against my chest. My mind filled and spun with the possibilities. Had Randal and his pack mates found out where I currently hid?
Edge eyed me and shrugged. “All she told me was that she felt like you were in danger tonight.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him out of the corner of my eyes. Studying him intently, searching for any possible hint whether I’d just caused problems for Luna and her family. Edge’s chuckle drew me out of my thoughtful daze.
“You. You do realize if we wanted you dead or if we wanted to turn you, you’d be one of us or  dead already, right?” Edge shrugged as he mentioned it.
I nodded. Dragging my hands through my hair, I spoke up quietly. 
“It’s not so much you guys as it is… The threat me being here poses to you all.” I fell silent, grumbling to myself and pouting a little when Edge nearly doubled over, laughter so hard that he shook a little.
He stopped and the laughter died away. His eyes roamed over me slowly. Carefully.
I tensed and gulped under his gaze. If I thought my cheeks burned hot before, they burned so much hotter now under the gaze. He was moving closer to me.
“You really think we can’t handle a pack of mangy animals?” Edge asked the question as he shook his head in amused disbelief.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I…” I stammered, nervous. Getting more nervous with each second that passed. Because he seemed to get closer.
Sitting taller.
My eyes left his and settled on his mouth. The faintest hint of blood at the corners of his mouth a very real warning of the danger he was to me.
But the animal within didn’t seem to care.
She felt amused. Satisfied. Curious. And oh so dangerously attracted to the vampire sitting to my left. ,, almost as equally attracted as she was to his brother, who’d come by earlier, right after he left the first time..”  the knowledge of this had me curious. Wondering what was up with that. Telling myself that it was probably just purely physical.. But knowing that was wrong because for whatever reason... I felt this.. Pull... to both men.
I realized that Edge wasn’t the only one moving closer around the same time that the side of my leg brushed against his and the door was being knocked on, yet again. Edge raised a finger to his lips and muttered quietly, “Shhh. Don’t move. Stay put.” as he got up and strode over towards the door.
I tensed even more.
Not that I’d ever fully felt the tension leave my body. Just changing… From one form of tension to another.
I watched that front door like my life depended on it, only letting out a few long and ragged breaths when Luna’s other son Cristian stepped into the room.
And while I may have relaxed slightly, I was still in control of myself enough to know that either way I sliced things currently, I was still in danger.
,, but you’re safer here in this little house on this side of town than you are on your own. Here, you have freedom. You’re not just some little breeder who is frowned upon because she stubbornly refuses to breed with the first Alpha to pay her a passing glance… ”  
If that Alpha had been anyone other than Randal Orton, I may well have caved in.
Cristian cleared his throat and flashed me that megawatt grin, immediately flopping down on the right end of the couch after walking into the living room. He sprawled out, an arm going around the back of the couch lazily.
“Looks like you’re stuck with two stiffs tonight, princess.” Cristian teased, giving me a playful little wink as he held my gaze for more than a few seconds. I couldn’t help but stare right back at the man.
Edge grumbled to himself but flopped down onto the other side of the couch. I tried to focus on the television, on anything but the… sheer magnets pull I felt to both brothers.
I could feel the two glaring daggers at each other over my head and on more than one occasion, I almost spoke up about it. 
“Blondie here thinks we’re afraid of a few little mangy mutt assholes, Cris.” Edge chuckled, a teasing look when those almost golden brown eyes locked on me. I shifted around in my spot between the two of them.
“I never said that.”
“You did. I mean, kind of.” Edge explained, chuckling in amusement.
I needed to catch my breath. Pull myself together. Cristian’s hand brushed against my shoulder and the touch felt like an icy jolt. His arm remained around me, pulling me into his side just a little more, brazenly.
Edge’s leg was pressed against the side of mine and that jolt only doubled. And if I thought Christian were being more brazen and the bigger flirt, I was mistaken, because Edge’s hand settled on my leg, giving a squeeze almost playfully.
 I pulled myself off the sofa and spoke up.
“Popcorn. I think I’m going to go get myself some from the kitchen… Yeah… that’s what I’m gonna do.”
And as soon as I said it, I hurried out of the room as fast as my feet would carry me. I needed to pull myself together. Catch my breath. I couldn’t even think straight between the two handsome men... And that in itself was a very, very dangerous thing right now.
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Hows about finger in the mail with Patton receiving the finger? ((& if you feel particularly bold, perhaps it's Roman’s?))
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(Prompts with boxes have been taken, highlighted have been written)
Requests for this card are closed, thank you to anyone who sent in requests! If you don’t want to see these you can block the tag #false bthb. As always shoot me an ask if you wanna be tagged in future stories, whether it be for bad things happen bingo or any of the other series, one shots or in general!
Thanks for the request I hope you like it!
The Perfect Manicure
Summary: Roman hasn't answered anyone's calls in a week. Patton wants to know why.
Warnings: gore, severed finger, vomiting, missing person, panic
Prompt: Finger in the Mail, requested from tumblr
Ships: platonic Royality (Patton and Roman), background Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)
WC: 2750
“If I never see another goddamn bubble sheet again I would be the happiest man alive.Can you believe they still have us using those even if the thing to check them is broken?”
Patton smiled over at Roman who was currently gesturing wildly with his hands as he ranted. “Language please. But yeah, I don’t know why they couldn’t just get a cheap light box to replace it.”
“Because all the school's funds go into sports! Which is great but teachers have no respect as it is and then they go and rub it in our faces with not enough pencils and a broken grading machine and damn bubble tests.” 
“Language.” Patton chided again but he was largely ignored. Roman had been an English teacher for a couple years now, his love of writing being something he wanted to share with growing minds. His bright outlook had been somewhat dashed however as he learned just how important sticking to a curriculum was and teachers etiquette and preparing students more for state tests than learning how to nurture their creativity. It hadn’t stopped him though, instead making him push for a creative writing club which he poured most of his free hours into to make sure the kids that were a part of it got as much direction and encouragement as he could give them.
He was a great teacher and an even better friend. Patton had known him since college and since then they were inseparable, boisterous but genuinely caring personality making him a perfect match for Patton who liked to nearly smother his loved ones with attention that Roman practically lived off of. From there he had met his brother Remus who acted just like him except more...demented, and his husband Logan which Patton was surprised about until he saw how well the more logic based man reeled the chaos in when it got to be too much and Remus knowing just how to push the others boundaries to remind him to have fun. Meeting Virgil who’s anxiety brought some much needed caution to the often very impulsive group had created an incredibly tight bond that Patton could sincerely say he wouldn't know what to do without.
An idea struck him suddenly as he looked at Roman’s hands, a bit dry and without their usual coating of colorful polish since he had been so busy lately. Patton looked down at his own ragged hands from always chewing on them, never quite breaking the habit even if he did set a terrible example for any of his own students who might catch him in the act. Decision made he interrupted Roman mid rant, feeling slightly bad for not paying attention for at least five minutes but pushing on excitedly nonetheless.
“We have a week off for winter break don’t we? Why don’t we go get a manicure for the holidays, something to relax and feel pretty.”
Roman grinned back at him, thankfully not seeming to care that he had been cut off. “Patton that’s perfect! We can actually hang out together properly instead of only catching each other over lunch. Oh! I just got that new polish from Virgil too that I can bring in!”
They set a time to meet and went off in their own directions, warmth pooling in Patton’s chest at the thought of finally being able to properly talk to Roman rather than stealing whatever time he could in between classes. He loved his job and he knew at the end of the day Roman did too, it was just you had to try so much harder at friendships as an adult with a job than you did when you lived in the same dorm in college. He shook his head. It didn’t matter; they had a relaxing date set and short of Remus and Logan blowing up their kitchen again and calling him and Roman to help clean up before the landlord noticed nothing was going to ruin it.
Patton was worried.
Winter break had been just what they all needed to unwind. The whole gang had gotten together at Logan and Remus’ house to celebrate the holidays, Virgil hiding a smile as Roman had shown off his bright red and sparkly nails to anyone who would pay attention, which was everyone considering how loud Roman could get when he really wanted to. They had all exchanged gifts and everyone had been overjoyed that the gift they chose had been received with excited happiness. Movie night had then gone off without a hitch with all of them being too tired and comfortable to go back to their own homes for the night so it had ended up turning into an impromptu sleepover where everyone scrambled to find something to wear as pajamas...unless you were Remus in which case you just stripped, wrapped yourself up in a blanket and faceplanted on the floor. Patton’s mouth twitched up a bit from his worried frown; no amount of yelling from Roman had reversed that decision and eventually they had all settled down and accepted the late morning in store for them the next day. 
And now a few days had passed- a week to be exact. Patton had sent out a text or two to the usually talkative man to see how the rest of his break was going and if he wanted to hang out again before their holiday ended, not receiving any response. He had tried not to be hurt about it since as little time they had to spend with each other they also had just as little alone time, so Patton just took the lack of response as Roman needing to decompress a bit before coming back to classrooms full of students and meetings full of teachers, silently congratulating him for setting his own boundaries and taking the time he needed even if he wished Roman would have said something first. But now Patton was at school, teaching his class, while Roman was not. A sub had had to be called in when it became clear Roman wouldn’t be showing up and didn’t answer the call the office had sent out to see if maybe he was just running late. Patton had sent a couple of texts himself with no response, the ones he had sent before break ended left unread.
So Patton was worried, and he was going to go to Roman’s small apartment directly after school and see what was wrong or at the very least why he seemed resolute not to answer anyone’s calls or texts or voicemails or- Patton shook his head a bit. He had a full day to get through and he truly could not afford a meltdown in front of his students. He made a vague gesture towards the board saying something about due dates and homework before he flopped heavily onto his chair and tried not to look at the clock too much as a small courtesy to his students. Instead he busied himself organizing random files in his computer until the bell rang, making sure to tell everyone goodbye just like always while packing up faster than he ever had to get out the door as quickly as possible. Driving to Roman’s apartment building was a blur- he had done it so many times he was startled when he realized he had made it there without even noticing. Logan and Remus lived in this building too in a slightly bigger apartment since they were still saving up for something better. Patton and Virgil lived in a building not too far away where the rent was just slightly cheaper but the apartments a little more lived in as a result. Quickly sending a text to Virgil, Logan and Remus letting them know what he was doing he got out of the car and made his way up, Virgil shooting back a text that he’d be there in ten and was bringing their mail with him.
He hurried up the steps as he sent another text to Roman telling him he was coming up, hoping that maybe he’d finally answer but as he stood in front of the silent doorway with no answer his mind was made up. He only hesitated a moment before knocking loud enough the neighbors could probably hear, opening the noise would scare Roman into answering.
“Roman, open up this prank isn’t funny!” Fishing the spare key out of his pocket he quickly fit it into the lock and pushed his way inside. Politeness be damned he wasn’t going another second without knowing what was going on. 
The apartment was dark, curtains drawn and the lights off making it look like he had just gone on an extended holiday rather than what was supposed to be a short winter break. Flicking on the light revealed a thin layer of dust covering everything and absolutely no sign of Roman, even as Patton searched more and more frantically through the small space in a desperate attempt to find something, anything, that could point towards where he had gone. The bed was made neatly with clothes draped over a chair like he was going to change into his teacher’s attire the very next morning, coming in late to twist some dramatic speel about why he hadn’t been in and what adventure he had found himself sucked into. But there was nothing. Hallway to closet to living room to kitchen to bathroom to bedroom. Over and over and over again until Patton was thoroughly sick with worry turned up not a hint.
Patton sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands. Should he call the police? File for missing person’s? He’d call Logan first; Logan would bring Remus and Remus could try and find something and Logan would know what to do. That was fine. Shakily he opened his phone to find he was still in Roman’s messages, blinking back tears as he sent out one last “Where are you?” before exiting and finding Logan’s contact info.
And froze as a sharp buzz cut through the silent apartment.
Snapping his head he looked around in confusion. Surely not- he opened up Roman’s messages again and typed out a quick “Hello?” hearing that same sound a few seconds later coming from the living room. Standing on wobbly legs he typed out a quick “Come up.” to Logan before stumbling into the adjacent room to search for the phone. Said phone was sitting upside down on the coffee table, overlooked in his panic from earlier. He sat heavily on the couch and reached for it, numb fingers fumbling until he finally got a firm hold of it and typed in the password. They all knew each other’s phone passwords in case of emergencies, Virgil and Remus had insisted on it when it became clear they were a unit, and Patton had never been more grateful to both of them.
So many message notifications- all from him and Logan and Remus and Virgil; all of them simply assuming he needed his space since he did sometimes disappear for a day or two for self care. It annoyed them all but they had learned to respect it, staying out of the way until he showed up again more energized than usual and up to his normal idiocy and flamboyance. But this time...this time something had actually happened, and Patton had done nothing for a week. He had been worried and had done nothing and now Roman was gone with no way of knowing where he was or what had happened and-
“Patton.” Patton looked up to see Logan, Remus and Virgil all standing in the still open doorway, all of them glancing around in concern.He shook his head and weakly held the phone up for them to see, Remus’ eyes blowing wide as he took large strides across the room to snatch it from his hand to start scrolling through it, trying to find some kind of indicator as to what had happened. Virgil walked over as well but chose to sit next to Patton, setting the mail down on the dusty table and wrapping an arm around his shoulders to pull him close. 
“Your thoughts are really loud, Pat. This isn’t your fault, we'll find him.” Patton bit his lip to keep from crying, instead glancing over at what the other had brought up only to sit up suddenly to get a closer look at the lone package sitting on top. It was addressed to him but he didn’t recognize who it was from, the return address from some town he had never heard of. He picked it up as Remus threw the phone back down to the table and stalked into the kitchen where he and Logan began whispering. Patton paid it no attention, transfixed as he peeled up the tape and opened the box. In it was a sealed box, small and sitting innocently surrounded by paper packing for padding. He carefully dug it out as Virgil stood and he numbly followed, peeling up the tape of the smaller box intending to throw the other one away. Carefully he folded back the flaps and picked away the paper, frowning as some of it stuck together with what looked almost like rust. Which he knew it couldn’t be... since paper doesn't rust. 
He blinked as he stared at what was underneath the paper, brain having to work double time to catch up to what his eyes were telling him was there. Pale, solid and very real, laid a perfectly intact finger. 
Patton was fond of pranks. As much as he loathed spiders, the occasional plastic one being hidden somewhere he’d find it was a classic. Canned snakes and a dumb joke were always a sure way to make him laugh. Even a dumb Halloween prop could get a rise out of him in the right context. But looking at the finger didn’t make him laugh. Nothing about the crusted blood flaking off the severed stump made him want to giggle. The scar on the second knuckle he knew to be from a stick sword fight earned as a six year old couldn’t make him smile. And the slightly chipped, glittery red nail polish coating the neatly filed nail failed to even make him smile. Instead he dropped the box, rusty paper and neat package slipping through his fingers and hitting the floor with a dull thud.
He barely registered his friends looking over to him before he turned to the side and spilled the contents of his stomach over the tiled floor. His brain shut down as his throat burned, clutching his stomach like a lifeline as he faintly heard a gasp and then one of the others gagging as well while Remus outright screamed, the sound barely cutting through the fog that settled over Patton’s thoughts. If he had just come sooner, had called more, if they had checked on him  after a couple of days instead of simply assuming- who had even done it? Why would someone- he couldn’t finish  the thought, his stomach and brain both rejecting it as he dry heaved through mounting panic. 
He didn’t know who it was that took him out of the building and sat him on the curb. He barely saw the police lights and definitely didn’t hear any questions directed towards him, shock settled so deeply that it was a chore to simply move from the curb to a car to an office and sat down in an uncomfortable creaking chair. His hand was squeezed tightly but he did nothing in return, simply staring at a file in front of him as various people made their way in and out of the room they were in. He was numb and cold and wanted more than anything else for this to be an elaborately cruel prank that would end any second now. Roman would come through the door and hug him and apologize and Patton would never, ever forgive him for making it go on so long but eventually they’d be fine because they always were. And Patton could wave at him in the mornings and laugh with him about Logan yelling at him for breaking into their apartment again to jump on Remus to wake him up.And they’d smile and sort paperwork until their classes came and everything would turn out fine.
Everything would turn out fine in the morning.
This work is also available on AO3!
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