#and the cool steampunk looking goggle hat
Chance Encounter
Eyyo finally finished this drabble about @jackplushie‘s automation au! Its scavenger yuu/reader meeting Grim. Hope yall enjoy it!
WC: 1060
Warnings: None
Your sack hung heavily over your shoulder. Not heavy with scrap unfortunately. Just disappointment. You had found barely anything of value all day. A few good circuit boards but not much else. You were lucky you still had some credits saved up… today's haul wasn't going to get you much.
A bell chimed as you swung upon the door of your buyer's shop.
A man in a pointed mechanical mask outfitted with luminous yellow goggles turned to great you from the workbench he had been standing over.
"Ahah! If it isn't my favorite scavenger, just in time! I was wondering if I was going to have to close up shop without your daily visit!" Crowley loudly declared as he walked over to the counter where you placed the sack.
"Crowley, I'm your only scavenger." You sighed. He did this every time. But so did you.
"And I have no least favorites!" He said before diving headfirst into the sack. Honestly your mentor was birdlike in more ways than just the mask… although his top hat usually alleviated that… probably in the wash going by how much grease he was sporting. He usually looked like he had stepped out a steampunk novel… a good one, but still.
"Hmm I can see why you were taking a while. Not much luck today." He came out holding a few of the circuits. 
"Just a bad day." You sighed in response.
"For the both of us I'm afraid…" He said as he turned one of the pieces around in his hands. "I just found a mostly intact pet android but I'm having no luck in fixing it up I'm afraid."
… He really had a weird definition of bad luck on his end.
"Oh!" He suddenly clapped his hands together, "Maybe you'd have a better time with it though! We could do a trade!"
"A trade…"
"Yes! I'll take these doodads and you can have the droid!"
"...You don't have any cash do you?" You responded.
"Nonsense!" He said far too quickly, "Besides, it's in your favor, these circuits are… not particularly valuable as is…"
You kinda wish he wasn't right about that… plus you really didn't have any projects…
"Wonderful! See, aren't I so generous?" Crowley remarked as he walked back to his workbench, picking up whatever was resting there before coming back.
He laid a small cat styled android on the table. It was… cute, in that chunky, boxy sort of way. It might've looked like it was sleeping if it weren't for the open panel and pile of exposed wires.
"I've checked everything, and none of his parts are broken…" Crowley sighed, "So I hope you'll have better luck getting him to turn on."
You nodded. Even if Crowley could be a bit of a pain, this was still an exciting find, you'd never even heard of a bot showing up in the scrap yards in such pristine condition. Crowley probably just forgot to charge the battery or something.
Okay maybe the problem wasn’t Crowley. You had been standing over your workbench for hours and still hadn’t gotten the damn cat to turn on.
You had charged its battery, replaced all its wires, resoldered the motherboard, and then completely replaced its cooling system just for good measure. And it still. Wouldn’t. Turn. ON!
At this point you were probably just going to have to give up. At least for today…
You look out your window to watch as a passing cloud lets the moon shine through. So it’s well past time to eat some dinner.
You look through the cupboards and you find… one can of tuna… great… maybe it'd be nice with some bread?
You set the can on the counter and begin rummaging through the fridge, finally pulling out a loaf of sliced bread and setting it on the counter right next to- nothing?
You blink, but the tuna is still gone. Like it vanished into thin air.
What did not vanish into thin air was the sudden cacophony coming from your work room. Like an angle grinder was being slapped against a cast iron fence. You walked to the door to peek inside and saw… the android, sitting on its haunches with your tuna can held in its grubby little hands and very sharp teeth.
Now that it was switched on you could see that its eyes, tail tip, and the insides of its ears were glowing bright blue.
The bot seemed to finally succeed in biting the lid off the tuna can- hey wait!
"That's mine!" You exclaimed, rushing into the room and grabbing the cat droid by the neck just before it could pour the tuna into its now yowling mouth.
"EH? Hey! Haven't you ever heard about finders keepers?" The cat asked as he flailed in your grip.
"Haven't you heard of how robots can't eat?"
"Of course I can eat! Now let me down you stupid human! That tuna is calling my name!"
"You probably don't even have a name." You sighed.
"I'll have you know I've got the best name!" The android crossed his little arms, "I'm the great and powerful master Grim! And you'd better remember it!"
You watched as Grim continued struggling in your grasp. It was interesting to see an android who had named itself… even more a cat android that was talking… or could eat. Supposedly.
"Okay you can have the tuna…" You began, causing Grim's head to snap towards you. "If you tell me how you turned on."
"Hehe heh! That's an easy one!" Grim replied smugly, "I've been on since that weirdo charged my battery! I've just been waiting for the right chance to sneak away… but that guy didn't have anything worth eating. Now gimme tuna!"
You blinked as you dropped Grim and watched him shove his face to begin devouring the tuna.
He… couldn't have been right. You'd done a bunch of work on him that he couldn't have been online for… and you verified that he was off, otherwise you wouldn't have been working on him so long… SO long…
But as you watched him yawn after finishing the tuna, you had to admit he was kind of cute. In his own way. And you were pretty lonely other than your visits to Crowley…
"Y'know Grim…" You began, "How'd you like to stay?"
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meteor752 · 1 year
Double life kids, eight years later
The final designs for the kids. Wont make anymore, unless I finally get on with making that Superhero au I said I would do a few months ago
I’ve been working really hard on these designs, and some of them are probably the best I’ve ever made! So I really hope you like them!
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(A few years down the road, the watcher genes started to become more prominent. The extra pairs of wings and the eye change are just the beginning too! Her color palette is kinda a mess but it’s just how she rolls. Top hat with goggles and a corset because Steampunk vibes are cool. Also her Flyguy bow, just in case)
Parrot pal has successfully started her own business, where she sells everything from deep slate to gold to clothing and mercenary jobs. The wider the spread, the better the bread
Lives very close to the shopping district, to keep an eye on her shops
The Watcher thing sure is…interesting. Grian hasn’t told her the full story, so she isn’t sure exactly what she is but she knows that it’s something unworldy
Is still learning to disguise it
Has a fierce rivalry with Mumbo over trying to become the riches hermit. Mumbo had no idea this rivalry is happening
She’s bestie with her little brother, Grumbot Prime
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(Golden boy. His Hc and current design has a lot of similarities, mainly because when it comes to change he likes to take things slow. Got a haircut tho, plus many tattoos and a circlet to represent his status as the son of the sun god (Tho who knows how true that actually is). Also has a skull ring, in honor of Jekiv)
Baby boy is doing fine. Mostly
Is decked out in gold because again, he loves to mine, and gold is his favorite ore
Lost part of his ear and hearing in a creeper explosion, least favorite of his scars
Has improved his self confidence greatly over the years, which in turn improved his relationship with his dad
(Side note, I can imagine Xisuma whitelisting like a therapist or something just because these three, especially Wes, has some things to work through)
Is actually an extremely skilled farm creator, just like his other dad
Spends a lot of time trying to find a way to fix their code so they can leave and rejoin servers
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(Total princess warrior vibes for her. Wanted her to be a mixture of Butch and femme, in the weirdest way possible. She’s now also wearing shoes! I wanted her to have heels alright? Her soles eventually got worn out so she’s wearing a pair of boots)
One of the best warriors on Empires SMP
Used to have separate outfits for being a monster hunter and being a noble, but eventually just combined the two to make her life easier
(Eddie made her armor, she’s very grateful)
The armor had to be made fireproof, because despite being older she still scuffles playfully with Johnny
She went through quite a large number of weapons before settling on the mace. It just, “fit her”
Also very few people can actually lift her mace, because it’s extremely heavy.
Sometimes helps out fWhip in Gobland with redstone, just because it’s fun. She enjoys the challenges that he presents to her
Wants to someday face ten withers and take down them all. Until then, she will train with all her might
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(My friend told me he looked evil lol. Ran out of cowboy outfits a long time ago, so here’s a more outlaw vibey one. The goggles and scarf are to protect his face from sand though, so likes there’s a reason lol. Butternut stands proud at the scene as well)
Despite his outer appearance, he’s still the nice lad you all know and love
He is more of a free roamer nowadays though, mostly traveling the mesa around Tumble Town, sometimes even beyond it
After Liana left for Empires, Johnny started helping Pix out with his excavations
When there’s word of a new discovery far away from any of the empires, you can bet your ass that Johnny is he first man on the case
And sure, he caaaaaaaaaaan use his elytra and get there in maybe half a day, but that beats the point of traveling!
An absolute expert at dealing with mobs at this point, especially creepers. Goes fucking crazy with that whip of his
Despite it all, he’s still a simple country bumpkin at heart, who likes his breakfast early and his music country
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(Queen is extremely anime. I just searched “anime ninja female” and tried to get general style of outfit correct. Her hair was almost impossible, but looking on it now it looks fantastic. Her daggers are also enchanted, that’s why they’re purple lol)
Jassy is a trophy wife and she takes her job very seriously
She does know her way around redstone, and she ain’t a bad builder (She’s the one who made her and Liana’s base), but her wife is out making bank while she takes care of their many, many cats
The mercenary part of Double Co. is her entirely though.
The story behind her damaged eye is a mystery to all, as every time someone asks about it she makes up some new fantastical tale
In reality she was flipping her daggers while laying down on the ground, then accidentally dropped one. It ain’t as cool as fighting an alligator, or taking down twenty wardens at once though
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(Glow up of the fucking century my dude. He ain’t abandoning his love for pastels anytime soon, but that almost makes him more scary. Exchanged his old staff for a scythe just for the aesthetic. If you look closely at the hand holding the scythe, you can see a golden ring)
*Becomes a mass murderer* ~Character development~
He’s still not a full fledged necromancer yet, though he can summon entire corpses now. Actually getting them to do his bidding is another thing
The squirrel on his shoulders is named Chimp. She’s his familiar, and she’s thirsty for blood
Has spent nearly four years trying to solve the mystery of The Evermoore, but hasn’t come out with much result
Did find out he has no soul, or at least not a traditional one, so that’s neat!
Existential crisis aside, Jekiv is also trying to figure out a way for their code to be fixed.
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(Pov: Ur about to want and rip your ears off. Hat decorated, coat fluffy, heels fucking iconic, my man has the drip. A weird drip, but the drip nonetheless. And after all these years, he still does the ruined makeup look. Some things never change)
Switched to playing the bagpipe, because those things are both loud and difficult to learn to play. Novo does not know how to play, but that doesn’t stop him one bit
Best big brother to Oli’s child, and with that I mean the absolute worst influence a child could ask for
Actually managed to reconcile with Scott, despite all odds. It’s not a perfect father-son relationship, but like none of them have that so it’s fine
Wears a lot of pink partly to match with Gert, and partly because it’s a loud and obnoxious color, so it garners attention
The wealthiest of all the kids, just by people paying him to leave him Tf alone
There’s some fic ideas I still have with the kids, plus maybe the fourth series will give me some new material, but these are probably the final designs I will make for them.
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angelbunny-arts · 9 months
Before the bad boys revealed their skins I had headcanons about what there styles would be because I imagined that they would all choose to dress as over the top stereotypical badboys but in different unique ways 
Joel street punk/grunge wearing a leather jacket with a lot of spikes and pockets also cool sunglasses “given” to him by bdubs which bdubs got from gems sun cult also baggy pants that are just jimmys that he unnecessarily knifed in front of him for fun saying it was for style 
Inspiration Danny from grease and Sam from Danny phantom 
Jimmy pastel goth/scene kid he dyed his hair neon blue because I saw a picture of him with blue hair and he asked Scott for the teal dye he wears fingerless gloves that he cut himself he’s very proud of that and skinny jeans which are just Joel’s but they don’t fit and on his fist are truly a absurd number of bracelets 
Inspiration Neighthan Rot from monster high and avril lavigne
Grian he chose Victorian goth/steam punk but he didn’t feel like going out of his way so he got some suspenders and a ruffled shirt also stole scars top hat and some inventor goggles he swiped from a hermit because there is no shortage of mad scientist types on hermit craft and he called it a day 
Inspiration Entrapta from she ra and Ciel Phantomhive from black butler
Oh that is fantastic- I did try making my designs have their own theming to them myself, I mainly waited until the skins were revealed to make any solid decisions
like for Joel I tried to lean way into like,,, punk biker type beat?? I imagine he put the most about of effort into this bad boy persona so I tried to go all out with his design
For Tim honestly I had him be a bit softer? If that’s the word. he tried, but his fit ended up being a bit more silly than the others. I mainly looked at streetwear for his I believe.
I’m honestly upset at myself for not thinking of scene kid Tim earlier hey mind if I steal that thank youuu he would absolutely wear candi and love it
And like you said, my Grian didn’t really put all that much effort into his fit either. he just kinda slapped on a leather jacket and some darker pants and called it a day- the platforms were given to him by,, somebody maybe Joel because he didn’t “look cool enough”
I wILL say though that the idea of steampunk Grian is very cool I am not immune to the steampunk brainrot
All in all I tried having them be very cringefail silly guys trying to be bad boys grrr
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o5-10 · 7 months
Pointless story one: when I was in middle school, I went to this anime convention and I was dressed up as a steampunk person with like a tophat and goggles and a dressy vest from a thrift store and I had short hair, just generally looked pretty butch. Anyways, a guy came over and asked me to dance and I thought he was being cool and friendly but I couldn’t hear him over the music when he was talking to me so he stole my top hat and then I stole his since I didn’t know what to do and eventually he asked my name and I told him it’s (insert feminine name) and he said he thought I was a guy and practically booked it. I hope he’s doing well sometimes.
What on earth is an anime convention? I would ask Nine but I do not want thwir explanation.
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
I think a lot of people would just find them similar to a certain researcher..( i hc Starlight as a researcher at DAMN)
Also, steampunk is like enginering downgraded and magic added. Lots of cogs and goggles and cool lookin' top hats. ( i really like steampunk)
You know those cosplayers who act as the character they're cosplaying? They're like that minus the character as they're just being themself.
Oooh, D.A.M.N would really be a significant place then. Not just for learning but in terms of influences and achievements too.
I think the Freelancer would look cute with top hats and those goggles~
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vulpiximisa · 2 months
Ranking Idolish7 Performing Outfits (pt4)
Mr. Affection 
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What rhymes with affection? Perfection. Okay, they’re not that perfect but they’re incredibly cool. Is it too grungy and bad boy for I7? Yeah lol but it doesn’t change the fact that the outfits are cool. XP; I like the fur and the headphones and the boots and even though it’s probably a nightmare for cosplayers, the asymmetry adds to it. 
Anyway, song, sick as hell, MV, sick as hell, outfits, sick as hell. 10/10
Tomorrow Evidence
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I love the steampunk theme, don’t know the song or MV as much, I’ll have to watch it more. (If Ban wants to lets us, you know, legally.) I love the hats and goggles but they took them away in their BtP performance, but I don’t think it’s that huge of a loss, the base outfits are still really cool. 
Aside from Riku and Yamato (who I always have my eyes out for), I also really like Nagi’s black sleeves and Tama’s shoulder belt thing. 
Beyond the Period/Nightfall
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Uhhhh, I don’t have strong opinions on the former since they look a bit too same-y (the high priest cloak and garb look). If there are differences they’re way too subtle for me to care about because the base outfits don’t interest me. They’re not bad, I suppose, but I’m fine not remembering them. Nightfall gets like a point for being black.
Day/Night Disco
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I literally forgot about this one. Unfortunately it’s just two outfits split amongst the group. The outfits themselves aren’t bad, but there isn’t the fun variance that I look for in a group. The song is nice and fun but the MV is just… there.
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musicarenagh · 5 months
Meet Madam Who?: Your Musical Sidekick for Life’s Rollercoaster Ride Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of Madam Who? Nonetheless, she is no ordinary musician; rather, she’s that cool friend adding to life the music of spice. Let us discuss her latest mix tape, “Peter Meter,” which came from a crazy conversation in the kitchen with Granny Rita twenty years ago. Well, if you can picture an experiment of daring rap mixed with catchy vocals and groovy beats – that’s Madam Who? Now, let's rewind a bit. Have you ever asked how she got her stage name? Imagine steampunk clothing, an eccentric top hat and a character inspired by the Who from “A Wrinkle in Time.” Madam Whatsit? It was the brainchild that gave birth, and her kingdom of madamwho.com clinched it all! Piano lessons in a small Baptist church to life-altering exposure to The Beatles, Madam Who? reveals her foray into the world of music. She loves Paul McCartney and Taylor Swift – artists with real staying power. However, it is not only about the music. Madam Who? She confesses about interests in politics and religion, while this side hustle doing upholstery helps to keep the music dreams alive. As attention is the new gold, she meets these challenges directly and releases her single ‘Peter Meter’ while teasing another banger – “LLAP (Live Long & Prosper).” For those among the fans who’ve been rolling with Madam Who?, she has a simple yet loving message – nothing less than I love ya! Well, sit back and press play that’s Madam Who? act as your music companion on the road of life’s winding turns and bends. Watch Peter Meter below https://open.spotify.com/track/6FWV91qbWueFeGhM0ZwaAl Follow Madam Who? on Facebook Twitter Bandcamp Youtube Instagram What is your stage name My stage name is Madam Who? Is there a story behind your stage name? I  had a couple bands in the past - Merry Madness and Audra & the Antidote - and realized that bands were waaaay too much trouble when I was doing everything anyway. When I decided to go solo I didn’t want to use my name, Audra Coldiron, because I felt like I was creating a character for stage. So I imagined myself onstage and what I might wear. Steam punk tickled my fancy from the moment I laid eyes on the aesthetic. I pictured myself wearing a funky top hat with goggles, an old fashioned tailored jacket, and black and white striped stockings. I thought about what ladies a hundred years ago were called, and landed on Madam. Because of the stockings, it reminded me of Mrs. Whatsit from A Wrinkle in Time, my favorite book when I was a kid. Madam Whatsit didn't sound right but Madam Who? (like Mrs. Who) did. To seal the deal, the domain, madamwho.com was available! Where do you find inspiration? A lot of times it is from something someone says. For instance, with this latest single, Peter Meter, my grandmother inspired it with something she said to me on my way to my freshman year at college in Nashville, TN. She and I were alone in the kitchen. She was a wealthy woman who grew up in Atlanta, GA, so she had that old-school southern accent like Scarlet O'Hara. She look at me and said, “I been outta the datin' pool for some time now... and I was just wond'rin'... do bowyees still requiya that you have sex with them?” I nearly busted up laughing but somehow managed to hold it in. I couldn't wait to tell everybody who would listen and have a good laugh over it. Years later I thought about what she said, and combined with something my mom said to me, I deduced what her advice on how to keep a man might have been. When I came up with the pre-chorus and chorus to Peter Meter I knew I had something really special. Only thing was, I couldn't find the right verses to go with this super hooky chorus. I worked on it off and on for 20 years. Last year I joined a local songwriter's workshop group. I had almost forgotten about the song, though it kept rising to the surface of my mind every now and then. I played the pre-chorus and the chorus for the leader, Marissa Levy (an artist herself) and she LOVED it.
However, she suggested one small change in the chorus. Originally I had "the more that he gets above you." She said, "I know what you are trying to say... how about 'the more that he gets up on you'?" I was like, "Oh my god, YES!!! That's so perfect!!!" That sparked something. At home I worked on it and came up with some lyrics, still not happy with my melody. I started doing this thing where if I couldn't come up with a melody I would just speak them in rhythm. I wouldn't call it a rap exactly. I have too much respect for rappers to call it that. Maybe a white girl rap? We need a word for that. Marissa also suggested for the bridge I give instructions on how to "feed the meter." I liked that idea a lot and it just all fell into place quickly after that. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? When I was really young, I watched my aunt play the piano in church. She accompanied the “choir” and the congregation in our small, baptist church in PA. When I turned 7, my mom got me a tiny keyboard for Xmas. She says I “learned” (or really picked out the tune to) seven songs between Xmas and New Years. Realizing I had talent, my mom talked my dad into buying a piano and took me to piano lessons. [caption id="attachment_53808" align="alignnone" width="2000"] When I was really young, I watched my aunt play the piano in church. She accompanied the “choir” and the congregation in our small, baptist church in PA.[/caption] Are you from a musical or artistic family? My parents aren't musical – except my dad had a nice voice and would sing solos in church and for weddings. However, my dad's sister played piano, and my mom's sister actually had a couple folk albums in the 70's. My mom's other sister is an artist who does paintings, pottery, and quilts. Mom's mom – the person Grandma Rita is based on – was a socialite who sewed, and did all the needle crafts as well as doll making and basket weaving in her later years. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? The Beatles. I saw a PBS documentary when I was 12. It changed my life. Before that I wanted to be a pediatrician. Afterward I wanted to be a Beatle. The next day I ordered a guitar from the old sears catalog and began writing songs. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? No one taught me to play or sing, except my piano teacher who taught me to read music. I took it from there by practicing. My mom would buy me music books sometimes for the piano including the complete works of the Beatles. I became good enough that I accompanied by high school's chorus. I learned to sing by trying to mimic my favorite artists of the day, like Madonna. I would break down my favorite songs and try to figure out why I liked it then write something similar. Eventually, I stopped listening to music because I had it all in my head... lol. I do listen to the top hits on the radio when driving though. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? The first concert I ever went to was The B-52's with Ziggy Stardust opening. It was at some amphitheater in Philly. How could you describe your music? In general terms it is pop. A little bit more specific it is called Indie pop or rock these days. I call it quirky fun pop rock. Describe your creative process. Music is constantly swirling in my head. Every now and then I'll land on a hook. From there I flesh it out into a chorus. Then I start on the verses. I used to go to my guitar to “find” the chords before I forgot it. Now I will record it on my phone's voice memos or if I have time I will go to my computer and start creating its track in Logic Pro. I have finished whole songs lately where I don't even know what key it's in or how to play it on the guitar! That never happened before I learned how to record and produce. What is your main inspiration? These days I write to stay normal. I went through I really tough time 5 years ago and started back in music as a form of therapy. As usual I went overboard with it... lol...
What musician do you admire most and why? Paul McCartney. He has written some timeless songs that connect with so many people over many generations. Also, he seems like a genuinely good person. I also admire Taylor Swift. She's incredibly prolific and most of her songs are top notch. The fact that she's been able to sustain and grow her fan base for more than 15 years is incredible. She also seems like a nice person. I used to admire Madonna, but now I realize she's not so nice. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Of course! It's evolved with my access to technology. At first it was all acoustic. Then electric with a band. Now I play to tracks and a lot of it is more on the synth side. I also white-girl-rap more of my lyrics. Who do you see as your main competitor? I don't feel like I have competitors, but it you mean similar artists... I'd say right now that Olivia Rodrigo and Jax are the closest to what I do. Someone said once that I'm the Lady Gaga of rock. What are your interests outside of music? Politics and religion. Don't get me started on either. Ha! If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? Unless your music is being played on the radio/playlists or you are touring constantly with large crowds and low overhead, you need a side hustle. I do upholstery. If I'd never been bitten by the bug I might have been a pediatrician or electrical engineer. https://open.spotify.com/artist/58V4cAkVhvbYuXu7ylx3nm What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? Right now the biggest problem is how to get attention. There is just soooo much out there and no central mountaintop to shout from anymore. Also, there's just not enough time in the day to do everything yourself that needs to be done. Social media is sooooo time consuming and to be successful with it you have to do it often and consistently. Also, if you do have a “hit” the only real money you can possibly make these days is from touring and merch. Those things used to be for promotion so you could do them for a little over cost and give away shirts then sell your physical music product. Now it's all backwards. It is not sustainable. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Fairer pay structure for music makers. What are your plans for the coming months? I'm pushing this single, Peter Meter, as hard as I can then see where it takes me. I have one more single to go in this “Waterfall” release method. It's another fun one called LLAP (Live Long And Prosper). Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? I do plan to put out yet another version of Reclaim Your Power with guest rappers. That should be fun. What message would you like to give to your fans? I love you all!!!! Thanks for sticking with me.
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eggsdreamjournal · 10 months
Copy/pasted from Discord.
yall I had the best dream I think I had a dream so good it woke me up early
1. I was friends with a crow and she was sitting on my arm and I was feeding her little bits of sausage
2. then I went to new york and visited. a black cowboy goth store. which like that already sounds very cool but also they had several of these incredibly awesome life sized automaton/puppets, one of them was a skeleton and another looked like a person in a sort of bondage gimp suit type deal but stylised to also kinda look like that was their skin?? hard to describe but anyway they were all handmade by one of the two guys that ran the place and he called them his children and did really good like ventriloquist stuff w them when customers came in lol. AND THEN ALSO he had a??? a mech basically. a personal transportation device that was basically two leather armchairs mounted on something that looked kind of like those boston dynamics robodogs but the size of a horse and with big chunky legs. and of course all done up in black leather and metal studs and whatnot. it was controlled directly by the guy's brain waves and the second seat was for his bondage automaton baby so he could take her out for joyrides around new york
the guy w the robots was older, his friend the other shop owner was a young dude but this guy was like in his 60s possibly early 70s and he looked kinda like samuel l. jackson in a spiked leather cowboy hat and what I can only describe as goth steampunk goggle sunglasses
some of the puppets were for sale too. I think the bondage suit one was the sort of "definitely never for sale she is my daughter" but then the skeleton one he was accepting applications lol. like if u wanna buy this u gotta have an interview with him as if u were adopting an animal so he can make sure it's going to a good home
which honestly entirely fair, they probably took like hundreds of hours to make
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ratetoy9 · 2 years
I Didn't Know That!: Top Nine Hun Yuan Of The Decade
This retro grunge display font by Cruzine comes in eight totally different kinds, all of them in a recognizable vintage style. Incidentally, it’s nearly all the time the type in thoughts when someone says they like vintage design. 3x3 magnetic speed cube to a chef's knife is an extension of his arm, a pair of scissors is the first tool of most any crafter. As you play by Final Fantasy VI, you’ll select between 14 different primary characters to fill your celebration. Diane beloved the thought of steampunk for the wedding, so set about gathering items to make use of and transform into the genre, embellishing all 10 top hats (two red, one white, seven black) for the bridal get together. This is one of several props I put together for a Firefly/Han Solo/Hellboy impressed Steampunk Space Pirate costume for a costume occasion. The Boba Fett costume was crafted meticulously to each detail. Boba Fett the bounty hunter was hunting for nothing aside from compliments from Steampunk World’s Fair visitors.
Some are nothing greater than a strip of grass, dirt or pavement placed in the midst of a farm or field. Second-degree burns which can be less than 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) in diameter are considered minor burns. They're the product of punk’s intrusion into literature, carrying on the legacy of counter-tradition and various thought. Since our Tv, DVD, and game methods are all routed via the receiver, we wouldn't be utilizing any of them without turning that on first. In the course of the verify-in course of, an agent must scan an e-ticket or manually enter passenger data, noting any upgrades (to first class, for instance) or special needs (wheelchairs, infants, lap kids). Putting together the men’s ensembles was first on the checklist. The only thing to complain here is the added goggles on the helmet, however Boba Fett needs to see to. Boba Fett was noticed in gallery Al Jabber in Dubai. It seems like anyone simply added a bunch of brass to a traditional wood barrel, and someway the end result turned out to be an ultra cool steampunk artwork that resembles the droid R2-D2 from Star Wars everyone knows and love. Phone quantity written on it - the one I had given him years ago when he finally asked me out.
You do need to ensure that the alternative is the same one as you currently have. For one the act of pedaling between spots on a bmx is vastly different from a hard and fast even with bmx gearing. Shannan even had a trial day at the varsity. However, Power Wagons got here solely with the long body even when patrons opted not to order their truck with the Braden winch that was a factory option. We can’t ignore that although the title began as a joke, we are punks through and by. The gates are the place the airplanes park for passenger boarding and deplaning. When it comes to maintenance, the fixie is an economical model of the road bike, since its components are fewer.On the subject of adjusting pace and gearing, fixed gear bikes are much less effective compared to highway bikes. You would possibly find my on-line gear calculator helpful for evaluating along with your present gearing. During my 17 years as an Army infantryman, I’ve had to survive in environments with extreme temperatures and extreme weather with restricted gear for extended durations of time. ‘‘He’s a romantic guy,’’ which Wayne had proved time and again, particularly during the planning and preparation of their unique wedding ceremony.
Wayne collected Diane after work to take her on a picnic at Moturau Moana Gardens on Rakiura. At the lookout at Moturau he proposed correctly… He carved out element to make the helmet look like brass plate. Internet sites like Etsy allow anybody put their wares up for sale. It's possible you'll not think of them as instruments, but insects can be glorious garden gadgets. This comes from again in April, so many of you may have already seen or heard about it. The galaxy far far away in an undefined future is brought again to the the Victorian period with added sense of antiquity of steampunk creations. The design of signage and typography in the Victorian period is the base of the steampunk model. Although it has no set pointers, issues from the Victorian era akin to corsets, petticoats, bustles, dinner fits with tails and waistcoats have been normally included. Set in the surreal world of steampunk, Wayne King and Diane Kenyon took the final word vows - becoming husband and spouse. In tribute to his father, Wayne’s buttons on his waistcoat had been from his dad’s World War 2 uniform and he additionally carried his father’s previous pocket watch. A man purchased a Don Post plastic helmet from Disney World 14 years in the past, and recently determined to show it right into a striking Darth Vader mask.
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himbodyke · 4 years
my among us avatar so sexy .. i got the mechanic outfit and a little robot son
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twstedstoryshop · 2 years
Hello, congratulations for receiving 700+ followers! :D
I kind of wonder if that request is ok, since it isn't twst chara x reader whatsoever, but I'd like to ask for general headcanons(who they are and how they met each other) with Savanaclaw put into gaslamp fantasy AU(I imagine it as more of steampunk + high fantasy settings, because of my preference to Victorian aesthetic, but if you have more ideas with Edwardians, then go for it :) ).
This was a lot of fun to think about and imagine in my brain theater, hehe. -Shopkeep
Gaslamp Fantasy AU With The Savanaclaw Dorm
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Of course still a prince in this universe, but continues down the path of a 2nd son that knows he won’t be in line for the throne anytime soon. But unlike our Leona who kind of just lazes about in NRC days, Leona in a gaslamp fantasy is busy scouring the skies in his airship.
While he may not be the next king, his family and brother expect him to still play a role in the royal family. While his brother takes care of official matters, Leona was given responsibilities as a protector of his kingdom’s people.
While Leona does indeed do his job, does he exactly do it right…? Not really. Think of it along the lines of, “Hey I’m a sky pirate to take down other sky pirates” “Leona, you can’t do that.” “Watch me.”
Also this just gives him an excuse to stay out of royal affairs and happily sail among the clouds. You can think of the Savanaclaw dorm being his rag-tag sky pirate crew.
I imagine unique magic is still a thing within this world. The properties of King’s Roar are still the same albeit rather than turning things into sand, he instantly causes his surroundings to turn to rust. This can be devastating especially within a world that relies heavily on metals for technology.
Though he puts up the front that he’s an uncaring, greedy pirate captain, we all know he cares. He could have easily gone down a path of abandoning his legacy and being a full fledged pirate but every treasure he eyed or adventure he craved, it always benefits his kingdom in some way. Whether people realize it or not.
Cheka is COMPLETELY enamored over the idea that his uncle is a cool sky pirate. He’s so intent on being a pirate too when he grows up and the family is trying desperately to not let him get too influenced by Leona.
Definitely has a get-up very similar to his Halloween outfit. Though he would have more of a ruffled shirt that’s still showing off a lot of his chest because… Yeah… Anyway, he may have to lose the eyepatch and nautical details, but I do like the hat. Just give him a bandana underneath it and bam, there’s our captain.
He may not be the proper definition of a king, but he’s a king among clouds and thieves and you know what? He likes that image a lot better than a prim and proper prince on a throne.
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Oh you know Ruggie is gonna be our cute wise-cracking thief from the bustling city streets. He’s busy hustling through the crowds, pickpocketing snobby nobles and pulling fast ones on poor naive newcomers.
Knows a busy city like the back of his hand. Incredibly acrobatic and can shake any guard off his tail by doing some dynamic tricks. A slippery little guy!
I cannot get the image out of my head that his outfit would be so dang adorable. Like everything he wears looks too big for him. He wears overalls with so many patchwork pockets, chunky boots, his shirt has rolled up sleeves, fingerless gloves, and typical funky goggles around his neck. Also often dirtied with soot or oil.
I had this thought that besides finding coin or his next meal, Ruggie also often looked for scrap machinery and automatons that may have been thrown out. A part of Ruggie feels sympathy for the automatons that were thrown out entirely just because they happen to have one mistake in them or something.
He often fixes them up by himself and does some pretty amazing work, able to bring a machine back to full function. He often has these automatons work around in his makeshift workshop or he gifts them to any kids or families within the slums to make their lives easier.
Ruggie would never say this aloud but a part of him believes that the automatons he takes care of do indeed have consciousness and actually understand him. But he knows that’s a silly idea. What he doesn’t realize is that with this belief, he is tapping into his unique magic.
Laugh With Me manifests differently in that what should be an unfeeling and mundane automaton will listen to him and act on his command like a living being for a short amount of time before going back to their original state. He has yet to tap into this magic fully yet and will discover it over time.
Ruggie was picked up by Leona one day as Ruggie was bold enough to dare and pickpocket him. Though Leona was quicker, able to swiftly take back what was his. But he saw potential in Ruggie, seeing how quick witted he was and his talent in handling machinery. He always did need a shipwright…
With a promise for wealth and greatness, Leona offered an opportunity to Ruggie to come join him on his airship. It took a little convincing as Ruggie was reluctant to leave his family behind, but with enough convincing from his grandmother and the local kids, he boarded Leona’s ship and somehow naturally became the right-hand man of Leona.
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The latest addition to Leona’s crew and a bit of an oddball compared to the grizzled and salty sky dogs. He definitely looks the part with his tall and strong stature, but his sense of duty and honor is quite a rarity among pirates of all people.
To some, this may be seen as a weakness, but to Leona, he values these kinds of qualities and why he wanted Jack on his crew.
Jack originally was a simple working man, hired as extra muscle for various heavy duty jobs like working around construction areas or factories. He worked these odd jobs to help bring food to the table for his family.
Sadly his family has fallen on some hard times as his parents are getting too old for work and his younger siblings are a bit too young to be working. Jack would rather see them get a proper education unlike him who got straight to work after basic schooling.
There was also… Another issue he was dealing with that made his life harder. A curse of lycanthropy, unfortunately given to him by a rogue werewolf that stumbled into the city and attacked him while he was making his way home from a late shift.
Jack hides this secret desperately and cages himself far away from his family every time the full moon rears its face.
It was during one of those nights that Leona and his crew found him. Leona had heard reports of some beast prowling in a city and a large reward was going to be given to anyone who could bring its head in to the city guards.
During that night, Leona witnessed that despite being such a feral beast that was half-man, half-wolf, Jack’s absolute instinct rather to protect than kill astounded the prince. He needed that kind of loyalty on his ship. The fact that he could turn into a powerful werewolf was a bonus.
At first Jack absolutely refused Leona, not wanting to take part in any piracy plus he had his ailment as a lycanthrope. However, Leona didn’t back down, showing that he didn’t care about Jack being a werewolf. He respected the man in the monster and promised that through their journeys, they may find a cure for him. Plus, sending his family money via the treasures didn’t sound like a bad offer either…
Jack gave in eventually, boarding the ship and making a place for himself as their newest member. He definitely has a lot of learning to do, but Jack would find in due time, he’ll fit right in.
Also, appearance wise, Jack would keep it rather simple but god, does he make it work. A loose shirt, tight fitting pants, a wrap and belts around his waist, and some solid boots. Please consider him also having facial and body hair…
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deadinsideart · 3 years
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Getting used to CSP, but I was thinking... what if they were swapped..?
But kept their personalities? Idk you can put your own twist to this if you want. And I'm sorry if I'm annoying the hell out of you guys like a little sibling with these, but it's all I can think about currently.
I tried having Luke look steampunk-ish? I only added the cool looking goggles and couldn't think of anything else to add. He's just chillin with Layton and totally not internally freaking out about the fact that he's talking to a ghost in a top hat who loves puzzles.
Hattie got a bit of an outfit change but that's about it for her. Layton just looks like Snatcher but the color of his hat and coat with reference to his afro hair. I probably could've done him better though. Probably could've gave him a MoonJumper type of deal?? Flora takes Bows place and Bow takes Flora's place?
Emmy is Mu! I wanted human snatcher to look like when he was still the Prince but it looks like he ditched the red in his clothes entirely despite having red hair still... and bits of facial hair. Mans looking feral. He has his mail hat too hehehe... It's like he stole something and they're making a run for it. Would he even be a Professor? or a crazy Lawyer who has a kid he didn't mean to adopt? But this would mean Vanessa and Claire got switched around. Like, some science thing happened to kill them both? And Snatcher just managed to escape Vanessa's grasp before she could do anything to him?? Hell, maybe the puzzles and timepieces got switched around too????? Okay, I'll shut up now
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otaku553 · 4 years
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Hi hello here are my revamped Kirby Dreamy Gear designs, please stay in tune for dedede and bandee coming next!
Bonus design process stuff below!
Sooooo I found a summary of what happens in the Kirby Dreamy Gear novel and i l o v e it and had so many ideas and that led to this! I was hoping to be historically accurate with my design, at least a tiny bit, since I’ve been watching a lot of Bernadette Banner recently, so I did a night or so of research before drafting.
Steampunk periods are usually in the late Victorian to Edwardian period, which is where it gets that really pretty vintage aesthetic, so I nailed down a time period to around 1890s or so! Steampunk is usually based on Victorian America, but I couldn’t find much reference for American clothing at the time, so I looked more at English styles. 
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For Kirby’s, as soon as I saw them, I knew I wanted him to have knickerbockers, since they’re short and give a sort of childish/lively effect. I had some problem with the jacket because I’m so used to drawing baggy stuff and also because all the references always look so formal?? I read somewhere that late 19th century the sailor motif was super popular in children’s clothing so I tried to include that in the stripes on the collar/lapels (not sure what the difference is). I had a heck of a time trying to find commoner clothes because all of the pictures and well-preserved outfits always seem to be upper-class clothing.
For context, Kirby is not an upper-class citizen of the town in the novel, Diamond Town. Kirby actually lives alone, in an abandoned apartment building, so I’m not sure he would have access to posh suits and clothes like those that Meta wear. In any case, his hat and belt are pretty elaborate, so I’m explaining them as a gift to Kirby when he made a name for himself as a skilled pilot.
I still find it hilarious that his goggles have star shaped lenses, it’s so funny but so Kirby at the same time!
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And then there’s Meta Knight.
This I had soooo much room to explore because Meta Knight in the novel is a rich upper-class citizen, so he can have any clothing he wants!
I was sorta torn between having a loose coat or a form-fitting coat. Anyone who knows me know that I gravitate towards puffy clothing, so I was originally going to go with a puffy coat but it didn’t really look sleek enough for Meta. There was also the super cool shoulder cape that was an option! They mostly appeared on Ulster coats and Inverness coats and the difference was the length of the cape, so I played around a bit with that too. You’ll find in the final design that I kept the cape but made it removable. I also definitely wanted to keep the walking stick because I felt like it was such a posh thing to have and something that would suit him.
I also wanted his hairstyle to be somewhat historically accurate, so I slikced it back, unlike my usual messy puff hair style. i wanted to unify the stitching on the hat with the coat a bit so I added the line of stitching next to the buttons! I hope it looks good, I spent a good amount of time considering how to do this
Anyways, there’s my thought process through this! I’m thinking of writing a fic just on Kirby and Meta Knight interactions because in the Dreamy Gear novel universe Kirby and Meta only meet close to the climax, when the gears come together. I’m sorta concerned for Kirby’s living situation since not only are the windows broken but there are a lot of cracks all over the building in the illustration and the building has been marked for demolition, and I really want to see Meta adopting Kirby because Meta dad is great
Also Metaroach is so huge in the novel and it’s not something I considered before but I love it a lot now! I don’t think I’d be able to include it in my writing or art though, I can’t for the life of me create anything romantic
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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It may be a little late, but here is this week’s talentswap! Consider this a Talentswap Thursday (Hey, the alliteration is still there!). Introducing Myth, the Former Ultimate Cosplayer!
Because she was wracked with scoliosis as a kid, Myth only had anime and the manga her parents bought as modes of entertainment. Luckily, with many operations, Myth managed to get on her feet and out into the real world. But because of her past, Myth only has anime characters (particularly shoujo heroines) to model her behavior around. Myth eventually became famous around school for her skill in textile work, and eventually she started getting commissions from her classmates. But perhaps what she is best known for is her uncannily-accurate and self-made cosplay. If there is an anime convention going on somewhere, you can always count on Myth being there with a brand new cosplay. Myth is now currently making a living as a professional cosplayer and model, but she’s currently taking some time off to chaperone this year’s Ultimates and Jr. Ultimates.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Magician
When Myth first entered Hope’s Peak, the first person to catch her eye happened to be a charming magician in a tuxedo, the ideal mysterious and male shoujo lead. Even after figuring out that this seemingly charming guy just happens to be a loud and rough-and-tumble girl, Myth’s admiration and slight crush on Wyre didn’t fade in the slightest, and they are only the best of friends, even in their adult years. Myth loves to be Wyre’s adorable assistant in her magic shows, and Myth usually lets Wyre model her crossplays (in which Wyre looks damn stunning in them). If someone messes with Myth, Wyre hexes them for life.
Outfit: A black top hat with a ragged red rose on the top, black eyeshadow, a black coat over a white dress shirt with a popped collar, black dress pants and matching shoes and cape.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Astronaut
Despite only being a teenager, Scar managed to ace both the physical and academic exams that the prestigious astronomical institute hands out to her, and is on her way to become a full-fledged astronaut. The intelligence and caring/maternal nature of Scar are unconvincingly covered up by the self-created facade of being an evil alien overlord, being sent down by her superiors to conquer the entire galaxy, starting with Earth. Myth loves Scar’s dark aesthetic and lets Scar model her dark and elaborate dresses and suits. Scar secretly keeps the edgy cosplay Myth created, for they make her feel “powerful”.
Outfit: A black scarf with star badges, a black and white jumpsuit, black boots with yellow soles, makeup from original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Detective
Originally working at his grandfather’s detective agency, Fusion was exposed to crime and investigation, ever since he was little. Originally handling simple cases, such as lost pet and infidelity cases, Fusion stumbled upon and eventually solved an elaborate homicide that eluded even his grandfather, earning him his status as the Ultimate Detective. With Fusion’s wild hair, enormous appetite, and cheerful, yet protective (and almost paternal) attitude, Myth thinks that Fusion wouldn’t be out of place in a shonen anime. Fusion happens to also be a massive anime nerd, which lead to the cosplayer and detective bonding easily.
Outfit: An oversized grey overcoat, a blue vest over a white dress shirt and a red necktie, blue pants, and black loafers, glasses from original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Adventurer
Sightings of a mysterious girl with a flowing dress and a sunhat cropping up all over the world made international headlines, with many people making theories on the true identity of this mysterious girl, especially since she responds to all questions directed towards her with either memes or sarcastic remarks. That mysterious girl eventually became known as Fusion II, who was eventually given a place to stay at Hope’s Peak, and was given the title of the Ultimate Adventurer, for the sheer scope of her globetrotting. Much to the dismay of the globetrotter, Myth figured out about Fusion II’s nerdy side, and wouldn’t stop bringing it up.
Outfit: A white sun hat with a red ribbon, a red pashmina scarf, a white parka with light blue fluff on the inside, a flowing blue skirt and grey hiking boots, sunglasses from original design.
Just Anon, Ultimate Entomologist
Being regarded as a prodigy when it comes to studies of animals and nature, Janon specializes in and is a pioneer in the study of insects, having discovered several new and previously-undiscovered species of insects, thanks to his fool-proof method of insect capturing: sleeping in the middle of the forest and letting the bugs crawl all over him. Myth is rather afraid of insects and she regularly turns to the lazy, cynical and foul-mouthed insect expert if she encounters a creepy-crawly, much to the annoyance of the helmeted scientist, who just wants to go to sleep with his insect friends surrounding him.
Outfit: A helmet that resembles a rhinoceros beetle, a camo-colored hoodie and matching pants, dirt-stained boots, face mask from original design.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Anthropologist
As a devout lover of foreign cultures, Sparkle wrote books detailing both her experiences traveling and the philosophies and mysteries of the charming foreign places that she visits. Sparkle also happens to be a devout lover of anime, particularly magical girl anime, and Myth’s cosplay of the leading lady of Sparkle‘s personal favorite magical girl anime. When Sparkle heard that the famous cosplayer would be chaperoning the Kibo-Con trip alongside her, Sparkle fangirled, to put it lightly. Myth and Sparkle love to roleplay as the two leads of Sparkle’s favorite magical girl anime and pretend their fighting the monster of the week.
Outfit: A brown overcoat draped over her shoulders Yasuhiro-style, a smaller brown jacket, dark blue gloves, a red-and-cream plaid skirt, black leggings, brown boots, glasses from original design.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Inventor, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Pianist/Assassin
Despite the seemingly innocuous talents of the twins, Egg and Wet Sock are quite the devious duo, to put it extremely lightly. Wet Sock uses the alluring piano music that they play to shank people while they are in a trance and Egg invents the various weapons that are used in their twin’s assassinations. And that is ignoring the cursed comments that the two both sprout on a daily basis, that basically alienates them from practically all of their peers. While the cursed comments shatter the image of the “androgynous gentlemen” Myth thought they have, Myth simply adores the steampunk/mustache-twirling aesthetic that they both have.   Egg’s Outfit: Black and brown goggles, a short-sleeved white shirt, black suspenders, short brown pants with a black tool belt, black and brown rocket boots.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: A black jacket over a white dress shirt and a red tie with a gold treble clef on the front, black pants, black shoes, glasses from original design.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Tennis Pro
As a student of one of the most prestigious schools in all of the country, Curious truly has it all: being cool-headed, helpful, rich, athletic, and just so darn adorable. Curious has a massive fanclub at their private school for precisely all of those things. Curious is famous all around the country, for both their affluential family and his unparalleled skill in tennis, despite both their age and their height. In her anime-inspired journey, Myth managed to find both the kind athlete and the oujo trope all in one. Curious is all too eager to help Myth model both her male and female cosplays, and Myth agrees with Curious’s fanclub on their looks.
Outfit: Hair tied back into a small ponytail with a green and yellow striped headband, a white tanktop, a green cardigan tied over their shoulders, green and red shorts, knee-high white socks, green and white tennis shoes.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Child Caregiver
Having been born and raised in an orphanage, Nerd was accustomed to taking care of children, being prepared for just about any scenario that a child could find themselves in. But despite his prowess at taking care of children, Nerd’s personality isn’t exactly child-friendly, for he is foul-mouthed, foul-tempered, and despite caring for children 24-7, claims to hate children. Upon noticing the contrast between Nerd’s temperament and talent, Myth figured out that Nerd was the token tsundere love interest within seconds of meeting him. It helps that even the kids at Nerd‘s orphanage have taken quite the liking to having Myth as a mom.
Outfit: Tan cargo pants with child care supplies in each pocket, black, red, and white sneakers, dress shirt and tie from original design.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Aikido Master
Having been both born and raised at an isolated temple, with only his master to keep him company, Eldritch’s master taught Eldritch to never let his guard down against anybody, for they can and will take advantage of his small and weak build. This life-long message, along with Eldritch’s constant aikido training, resulted in a short but strong boy, who beats anything he sees as a threat into a bloody and bruised pulp, and to Eldritch, anything and anyone could be a threat, so he punches everybody just to be safe. Not even the adorable and innocent is safe from Eldritch’s paranoia-fueled pummeling, much to the wrath of Wyre.
Outfit: Hair in a long ponytail with a white Nippon Ichi headband, a black gakuran top over a white tank top, black pants, white socks, brown geta sandals that boost his height.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Artist
Because Dream was extremely creative but hyperactive and impulsive as a kid, Dream’s parents gave her a large canvas that she could draw on, and within 15 minutes, Dream made an indisputable masterpiece, much to the shock and amazement of her mom and dad. Dream eventually signed up for several art programs and became a master in practically all art forms, with sculpting and coloring being her two favorite mediums. Because of their similar talents and attitudes, Dream was basically the shonen answer to Myth’s shoujo persona, being hyper and boyish, in contrast to the bouncy and girly vibes Myth gave off.
Outfit: A black beret on her head, a pink and white striped sweater, blue paint-covered overalls, a tool belt with art supplies, pink slippers.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Maid
Despite her less-than-stellar past being raised on the streets, she was eventually found, cleaned up, and was adopted into an influential family as their maid. Iris delivers all service with a smile, whether that’d be cooking, cleaning, or simply entertaining guests and business partners of the influential family, making even the most stoic and ice-cold business magnates leave the estate with a giddy and amused smile on their face. Myth loved a girl who can pull off a classic French maid, and definitely tried sticking an eyepatch or a dragon tail and horns on Iris, when she wasn’t looking, but Iris was all too happy to model for her.
Outfit: A standard black and white French maid dress and black stockings with red Mary Janes being the only splash of color.
PURPL-3 (aka. Purple), Ultimate Robot
Having been created by only the greatest masterminds of robotic engineering, Purple was created to be a literate robot who could read and recite books for blind kids. Because of her very purpose, Purple has a massively large vocabulary and uses very old-fashioned and archaic terms in her daily speech. When Myth heard that she’d be chaperoning an actual robot, Myth thought she was having some sort of fever dream, but lo and behold, Purple arrived in all of her robotic and extremely timid glory. Myth internally thought that the world is becoming more and more like science fiction everyday, upon being aware of Purple‘s very existence. 
Outfit: A black beret with a satellite antenna on top, pale metallic skin, purple helmet-like hair, and black armor-like plating.
This series centers around Myth, dazzling everyone with her skills as a cosplayer, and perhaps finding love with someone.
Basically, after recovering from her scoliosis, Cosplayer!Myth decided to reinvent her previous shut-in personality, to be more appealing to others (which succeeded by the way). She chose to model her new personality after shoujo heroines. Despite being (seemingly) ditzy and a massive klutz, she compensates for that by being very kind-hearted and being like an emotional rock for her classmates and conmates. She’s very hardworking on her commissions, often sacrificing sleep to work on her costumes (she hides the eyebags with makeup). Just like with regular Myth, Cosplayer!Myth thinks a lot like a romance novel, often trying to woo her prospective love interest with shoujo tropes.
Cosplayer!Myth has her naturally brown hair dyed purple and tied into two massive pigtails with two red bows with stars in the center. She wears contact lenses, and her outfit is a simple seira fuku with a white dress shirt, a light blue ribbon, a darker blue skirt, tall white socks, and black Mary Janes.
Once again, I’d like to apologize for being late. But, I hope you like the talentswap anyways! Let me know what you think of this swap in your reblogs!
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joyfulbeegaming · 3 years
Can you elaborate a bit on the fashion of the world a bit? I figure we'll learn a lot about it in game because of Jefferson, but I really like fashion and particularly Victorian and steampunk styled fashion (even though this isn't technically steampunk), so I'm curious now
Hi there!
So, yes, steampunk-styled fashion is a major inspiration for the clothing styles in Surveyor!  This whole thing actually started because I was on Pinterest and saw a couple of really interesting steampunk accessories -- and then it morphed into ‘hm, I could make a character who’d wear these’, who then became Jefferson, and then the whole world came about because I needed a place for him XD
I'm ironically not very fashion-savvy myself, I just think things look cool and slap them together XD but I can say a few things that I know for certain!
1) the main time periods I'm drawing from are the Victorian up through the Edwardian eras. It's a big timespan, I know, but it gives me room to play around.
2) Clothing Isn't Gendered. I just... why must everything be gendered. No, bad, throw that out. So, yeah. Men in skirts, women in suits and top hats 👌
3) lots of leather accessories. Like, a lot. Using Jefferson as an example off the top of my head, these include: leather wrist guards, thigh pouches, teacup holsters, parasol holsters, etc, etc.
4) Goggles. It's not steampunk/clockwork if there's no goggles.
5) I'm going to let y'all go crazy with hairstyles, makeup, piercings, and tattoos. There's literally no reason not to. It's a made up world, go crazy XD
I'm sorry I don't have something more elaborative for you, I just realized how little I actually know about fashion but I would feel terrible leaving your ask sitting there 😭 hopefully I'll be able to get some references together in the near future!
Thank you for the ask, and if there's something specific you or anyone else would like to ask about fashion-wise, I'm sure I could find an answer for you!
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shizukateal · 3 years
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I’m not sure why I dislike these new designs so much. (from left to right, San Kagura, Mitsune Miwa (we met her in the Girls in the Hood event) and Miyuri Yukari). Kagura makes me wonder what the hell this aesthetic was supposed to be, Mitsune’s aesthetic is clear but why is there an exposed belly button again? (might dislike it because I’m just not fond of orange lmao) And Yukari’s colors look alright and the dress looks honestly okay but. That fucking hat. Also makes me wonder what they went for. 
I think Kagura is fine, honestly. Her silhouette is clean and I think she’s going for kind of a steampunk look? I like the design on her shorts and her colors are ok. The wheels on her hair are weird, but at least they mesh fine with the look and don’t break the silhouette. I think there’s more of a personality problem here. A common problem with these magical girls is that they have an aesthetic going on but it’s a mystery how that connects to them personally, although Kagura’s pose does convey something. 
Mitsune also has a personality going on with her disheveled rectangular bob combined with the mismatched goggles and her sleepy expression, but her outfit has a wrongheaded idea of what to do with that. The whole electric design of her cape is cool and all, but the shape is weird, the collar is too big which would fit better with a more grandiloquent personality, but the rest is also weirdly short???? I feel like the top was meant to be connected to the shorts, but then they divided them because why the fuck not, gotta get that fanservice somehow. Lastly the witch pattern on the socks is perfectly fine, but when you add them to the gloves the effect comes out weird especially because the white part looks flesh-colored. Also they shouldn’t be that long. 
Yukari seems to be going for a rpg character look imo, I can accept the hat. In fact, her whole look would be perfectly executed where it not for the weird hemline of her dress, that really takes me out.
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