#and that's Without the little details of 'can melt a vampire's face off' and 'can turn people into thralls if injected w/ a serum version'
talentforlying · 3 months
once again casually thinking about all the weird shit that constantine's demon blood does to him over time and the way he just. hand-waves All Of It.
oh, he can see better in the dark? well yeah, everybody does their weird occult shit late at night for the Vibes, of course he's gotten used to the low light.
people double-take at his eyes when he's standing in the shadows? that'll be the random-man-in-a-trenchcoat-shows-up-in-alleyway effect. sensible reaction, really.
can't walk into a church without starting to boil internally? well, he doesn't give a shit about going to church anyways, so. won't apply.
gets a killer headache from burning sage? yeah, it stinks. so??
occasional bursts of relatively average running stamina despite the terrible smoker's lungs that should have him wheezing uncontrollably after just two city blocks? HA he's faster than you THOUGHT take THAT!!
occasionally puts his foot through a door that he was just trying to kick at rather than kick through? Huh. shoddy construction ig. don't worry about that.
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etherati · 4 months
Taproot - (7/25)
Content warning: some pretty intense fantasy violence, not exactly atypical for canon but with an atypically close POV lens. And the biggest reveal I've ever pulled off.
🎵 Music pairing: Red Rain - Peter Gabriel
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Go to part: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
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It isn’t far to the ruins; the castle is technically among them. The snow poses an obstacle, slowing them down, but it still does not take them long to get to the hold’s entrance—ringed by torches, by dark looming figures doing their best to be menacing. 
It’s still enough time, as the scenery rushes past in a blur of black sky and moonlight-painted snowy hills, for Trevor to have a couple significant thoughts.
For starters: Sypha’s wards all breaking at once, conveniently on the night they were meant to be attacked. Seems unlikely. Seems impossible. Points to preparation, premeditation.
Then there’s the vampires themselves, so feral with bloodlust that they were walking right into Sypha’s fire, but so bent on killing Adrian specifically. It’s almost as if they’d been given marching orders before they left the forest, and who would have been interested in doing something like that?
Any of the regional vampire lords, honestly. But this talk of some weapon in the hold, something powerful that vampires can turn against humans? No such thing exists. It’s bullshit. And the wards. The wards Sypha had promised them couldn’t be broken without her cooperation, without a piece of her to use to unravel the magic—and who would have access to—
This all feels wrong. It feels like a test, somehow—a game being played for no purpose other than to see how well they play it. 
Trevor’s tired of fucking games.
When they get close enough to pick out details by the torchlight, it’s clear these are the leftover forces—numbering maybe ten or so. The snow’s been melted away here, and they’re all battering on the stone entrance slab, sloppy and uncoordinated, as if their goal were making a lot of noise rather than actually getting in. The motion stills as they pick up on the three approaching, heads whipping toward them like hounds on scent.
They don’t attack. They don’t move. A ripple of unease runs through them, tension pulled near to breaking, but something is holding them at heel.
Two figures step out from behind the broken wall towering over them all, clad in black armor trimmed in shining white. They’re vampires, obviously, but unlike the rest; their eyes are sharp, their posture straight, and they are so obviously in control of the situation that Trevor feels his lip curl back in an automatic snarl of challenge.
“Ah, here you are,” the larger of the two says, spreading his hands to either side, grinning with far too many teeth. Male, physically in his thirties perhaps, center of gravity a little on the low side. Local accent. “I didn’t think you were going to accept our invitation.”
The torchlight is playing havoc with the vampires’ features, making them monstrous in ways they normally aren’t—gargoyles, demons, revenants. Trevor ignores it, steps into the light, flanked by the people he trusts most in the world to cover his back. “Yeah, yeah,” he says, waving a hand in dismissal. “Drama drama posturing, veiled threat, overt threat, I know the drill. Can we get to the part where you tell us what the fuck you’re doing here?”
“Oh, that’s simple. We need your blood.”
“Mine specifically.”
“Yours specifically,” the vampire confirms, crossing his arms over his armored chest, nodding to a wood-slat bucket at his feet. What’s visible of his face is drawn into a smug grin. “How else are we supposed to get past this magical piece of stone?”
“You’re not going to,” Trevor says coolly.
“Over your dead body, am I right?”
“No,” Trevor says; he can feel Sypha and Adrian tensing to either side of him, can feel how barely in control Adrian is, blood on his hands from the last fight barely cooled and already ready for another. Sypha he can rely on, but Adrian—his restraint is a golden thread, poorly spun, fraying under its own tension. “Not even then.”
“I think you overestimate your role in this,” the vampire says, detached. “There’s more than one thing that can be done with blood like yours. In any event, my orders were clear: Alucard must be dead, and the Belmont must be bled.” His hand drifts to his belt, produces a keen-edged dagger, holds it out towards Trevor almost casually. “Now be a good bit of livestock—get on the hook and bleed for me.”
It’s incredible, really—the sheer theatricality. Trevor knows that vampires are dramatic bastards, but this is over the top. And there’s something in there somewhere—maybe it’s the livestock jab, or maybe the notion that Trevor serves no greater purpose in this plot than as a magical ingredient to be used and discarded, or maybe just the gruesome imagery—but he can hear the thread of control holding Adrian in place give way with an audible snap. 
The next thing Trevor knows, the man at his right is little more than a blur of red light, reappearing with his sword drawn, the brilliant blade already flashing in descent, aimed for the vampire’s well-armored neck. He’s all predator in that moment, a dark avenging spirit, and his face... God, Trevor’s spent many hours trying to reconcile the Adrian he knows now with the Alucard that fought him below Greşit, and this is the closest he’s ever come to aggression and rage so pure.
But the sword clangs noisily off of the armor, a useless wasted shot that Adrian would never have taken were his mind unfogged. He winds up for another strike, and the vampire takes to the air to avoid it, an easy, easy dodge—and he’s grinning at Trevor all the while.
Yeah, this—this isn’t good.
“Handle this, love?” the vampire sneers to the other armored form, and neither of them seem remotely worried, and that is—that is very fucking worrying, okay. Then the bastard takes off at speed, rushing through the air for the treeline. 
Adrian predictably gives chase, before either of them can say a word to stop him.
“Ah, fuck,” Trevor mutters, because some traps have multiple baits, multiple targets, and shit, shit, Adrian is walking right into this and he’s not a good enough fighter right now and he’s going to—
He’ll need help. Needs someone watching his back if he’s going to survive this obvious fucking trap. And the two in the woods will have better odds than whoever stays alone here. Trevor will give the two of them those odds, gladly. 
He turns to Sypha, hopes she can’t smell the thrice-damned selflessness on him. “Help him?”
At first, he thinks she’s going to refuse. There’s a long moment, her eyes boring into his, the fear of leaving him here alone warring with the fear of leaving Adrian to handle a risky fight on his own in his current mental state.
Then she nods, and presses her forehead to his, with the weight of everything unsaid—and there’s a rush of magical wind and he’s alone. 
With a pack of vampires. Who want his blood badly, for whatever good it’ll do them. “All right,” he says, unhooking the Morning Star from his belt, letting loose a wicked grin. They want crazy, tonight? He can give them fucking crazy. He can show them how crazy is done. “Let’s see what you bastards’ve got.”
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The grass, the sky, blood pounding in his ears, then trees, brambles, thornbushes masked in snow, spindly tree branches catching on his sleeves like clawed fingers, like his own clawed fingers, and he’s going to tear this trespasser on his land apart for… for…
For threatening to hurt Trevor. For threatening to use Trevor like a dumb animal, for bringing a battle to his door that could have killed any of them, all of them.
Where is Trevor? Where’s Sypha? Where, for that matter, is his quarry? He can smell vampire all around him—this must be where they camped for the day, the branches overhead woven thickly like a canopy, blocking out the moonlight now, blocking out the sunlight by day. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever been here, before. It doesn’t—it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters, except for his prey. He’s been holding this back all day, all night, this part of him that wants to feel the air splitting around his pursuit, wants to stalk from the inky shadows, wants to feel the death rattle shaking out from between his teeth. It’s pulsing under his skin, pressing on him from the inside like it’s filled out every space, pushed everything else out and aside. 
He takes a deep breath through his nose, still cannot sort one scent from another. Too similar. Infuriating. 
“Show yourself!” he roars, sword hand shaking with adrenaline, with frustration, with rage.
Nothing. Not the rustle of undergrowth, not the scrape of tree bark on tree bark. Even the wind has stilled.
“What business,” he demands, schooling his voice, “do you have on my fucking land?”
“I think you’ll find that you stepped off your land a moment or two ago,” the voice comes from overhead, from everywhere at once, echoing strangely. Taunting. “Or is it the Belmont’s land? Either way, you’re in the night wilds now, Prince.”
A scrap of lucid thought: his sword is scraping the ground, tearing up that same undergrowth, and the trees are so close he will never be able to swing it without hitting them first. He sheathes it, silent as a breath, and reaches for the shorter blade on his other hip; Trefor Gealbháin’s blade, a blade made for killing vampires.  
“Where are you,” he whispers, tuning all his senses, waiting.
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Here’s the thing. Ten totally feral vampires, versus a Belmont at the top of his game? He could always have screwed up, made a fatal mistake, because to err is, of course, only human. But barring that, Trevor would expect exactly the outcome he’s gotten: a lot of dead vampires.
But lucky number eleven isn’t feral. Isn’t fighting sloppily. Is armored, and Trevor’s gotten through armor like that before but it makes the fight harder, more drawn out. And adrenaline is a thing, but so is exhaustion. 
As the whip fails to connect for a third time straight, it occurs to him: he is very, very tired.
Tired from fighting all night, yes, but also tired from the weeks of tension and stress, tired from the years he’s spent guarding his life from forces that want to take it for no reason other than his name, and sure, it’s a good fight. It’s worth fighting for, all of it. But he’s still tired.
The mistake comes sooner than he expects.
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The forest is silent, silent. 
Then it isn’t, but even as far gone to the hunt as he is, he knows that the clumsy, roughshod approach he hears coming up behind him is a human, is likely either Trevor or Sypha. He takes a deep breath through his nose, nostrils flaring. Sypha.
When she reaches him, they can—
Oh, but she doesn’t get the chance. There’s a slight shift in the air, like the trees themselves holding their breath. Then a sudden weight hits his back, the weight of a bulky vampire and all of his armor with him, slamming into Adrian with such sheer momentum that it’s all he can do to hold onto his knife as he hits the ground.
Cold all down his back. Claws at his throat. A growl in his ear. Heat, blistering along the back of his neck, and screaming, and then the weight is gone.
Screaming. Heat…?
Sypha. She’s standing there at the edge of the clearing, fingers poised to cast again if needed, face set in a mask of stone. Merciless, as she should be.
Adrian has a split second to roll onto his back before the now-flaming vampire descends back onto him. It’s quick work now, one arm between them to buy him some space, to jam the knife straight through a gap in the armor, angling for his heart, sliding it home with a satisfying ring as the crossguard hits the armor. Lethal in an instant, the hostile eyes going dull, blood drooling from his enemy’s lips.
A second passes, two. He takes a long breath, steadying.
“Adrian,” Sypha whispers, fire dying as she darts to his side; he needs no help removing the weight of the corpse from his person now that he has leverage, and there are no other hostiles in the area. But her eyes are wide with a different kind of fear.
“Trevor,” he says back, and he says it like Trevor would say shit or fuck, because her presence here has suddenly connected in his brain: Trevor is alone, back there.
She nods, biting her lip. A coolness runs through him, a sharp focus. 
They will have to move quickly.
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It’s just a moment’s miscalculation, really—he plants his foot a little too far to his outside, strains his center of balance for a moment, and that throws his attack wide, screws up his defense. And suddenly he’s being swept off his feet, grabbed up by the hair before he can hit the ground, spun and pressed to one of the still-standing walls with the vampire’s free arm binding both of his to his chest.
He still has the fucking Morning Star in his hand. He can’t do a fucking thing with it.
Trevor shoots his gaze around the space, frantic. Adrian’s nowhere in sight. Sypha’s nowhere in sight. How long have they been gone? Where the hell is—his frame of vision jolts as the grip in his hair pulls hard to the side—where the fuck are they?
“Well, look at you,” the vampire at his back growls out, low and demeaning. He thinks it’s probably a female, from the voice and from the way the armor sits just a little slimmer on her frame—not that it matters worth a damn. Also local, from the sound of her voice. 
Then she noses in under Trevor’s collar, putting skin to skin, and his observational skills skitter sideways because, fuck. “All marked up and mapped out for me,” she continues, low and threatening. “That’ll make this easy.”
The grip is too solid, the angles all wrong for him to wrench his way free, and vampires are obviously strong but this is fucking ridiculous. This is the solstice at work; there’s never been a common vampire in the world who could hold a Belmont and yet here this one is, doing it effortlessly, her arm around both of his like an iron band. It’s like being held in place in a nightmare, the perfect immobility impossible and terrifying.
“That said, I don’t think anyone will blame me for samp-ling the spoils first.” She leans in closer and oh, oh fuck, he can feel her breath on his throat and it’s like he remembers from his earliest hunts, the sloppy ones that nearly got him killed—cold and creepy and damp, like a curl of cemetery fog. 
He kicks back, hard, sole of his boot slamming into her knee once, twice, three times, trying to collapse it. It doesn’t budge; she doesn’t even react.
“You stink of consecration,” she hisses instead, pressing him harder against the wall, stealing his leverage. And for a second he thinks, okay, the holy water they’d all been doused in, he’s fucking saved—but Sypha dried it all off of them, damn her thoughtfulness, and the vampire drags her tongue up his neck with no hesitation, cool and disgusting and violating. “Don’t think you’ll taste like it, though.”
Okay. Okay, yeah, that’s enough. Trevor twists hard against the grip on his arms, kicks out at her again, throws his entire body into the motion, struggling with something close to panic because nothing else is working.
Panic isn’t going to work, either. He knows that. Okay, fuck—if he can move enough to get some distance between his body and the wall, he can maybe get a foot up, push off of it, knock her off balance, or toe one of his boots off because his feet are still sopping wet in there, but she’s armored, shit, and where the fuck are Sypha and Adrian and—
—and panic and planning both suddenly give way to more pain than he’s ever felt in his life.
It’s blinding, all-consuming, throbbing through his consciousness like it’s coming from everywhere at once, and it takes a second for the realization to hit: oh dear God he’s, he’s being bitten, isn’t he, not like Adrian’s bites but like the bites all his ancestors died with, mutilated and drained and buried bloodless in that cemetery out back and there’s still a few plots left unclaimed, aren’t there? 
Maybe I’m finally going to do something like a proper Belmont after all.
And it’s a seriously mind-expanding sort of pain—blazing, searing fucking agony, and more regret than his heart has room for, and more fear than he thought anyone could ever shake out of a Belmont’s bones. 
Time drips by, suddenly molasses-slow, letting him stew in all the awful, letting it really sink in.
Somewhere, an incoherent shout of denial.
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Sypha feels her eyes go wide as they approach the ruins at a dead run, the ground lit by guttering torches dropped where their owners fell, painting the two figures in flame-limned silhouette—but what’s going on, and the mortal danger Trevor’s in, is unmistakable. She hears herself shouting, hears Adrian too, though she’ll never remember the words. She’s got fire in her hands before she can blink, but she knows—in that slowed down, dilated way brains have of giving a person just enough time to realize how screwed they are, and no more—that they are too far away. She knows that in the time it will take for her fire to reach them, for Adrian to reach them, it will be too late.
No, she thinks helplessly, the wolf’s bloodied face hanging in her mind, even as she looses the volley of fireballs. You can’t have him. He’s ours.
The moment stretches, torturous: her fire growing smaller into the distance, Trevor jerking against his captor, the snow falling around them hanging frozen in space. 
Then out of nowhere, there’s someone else, shouting in frustration as they leap at a run from the uneven line of the ruined, crumbling wall. 
Time shatters back into its normal pace.
And whoever they are, they’re fast; they get there a second before Adrian does. They land noiselessly on the tiled ground right behind the vampire, all billowing white cloak and flashing silver sword, like a ghost, a spirit given form. And without any hesitation, they swing that sword, whipping a deep, hard slash across the vampire’s back—right through the armor, impossibly sharp and with impossible strength behind it, metal screaming against metal. There’s a grinding sound like bone splintering, Sypha notes abstractly, as the vampire’s legs go out beneath it—a spray of too-dark blood, arcing through the air and hanging there for a drawn-out, impossible moment, like a spiderweb, like lace.
She remembers herself, remembers her fireballs, just in time to pull them back.
But they get close first, casting light, and when she catches a glimpse of the features beneath the hood—just a glancing impression of a chin, a mouth, shadow where eyes should be—she thinks she’s never seen a face as ripcord-tight and contorted with rage as what she’s seeing right now.
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He’s not going to scream. He’s not going to scream. That’s what she wants, wants to break him, wants to hear the last Belmont wail and beg and cry for his life.
Never give them what they want, his mother’s voice in his head. It’s been a long time. Whether it’s man or beast. The second you do, you’re dead.
He’s dead anyway. He knows this. But there’s also something to be said for just being fucking contrary to the very end.
Trevor’s whole world is pain, though—a sensory landscape dominated by misery. He can see pain like it’s color; he can taste pain. Nothing else is getting through. He can’t even feel the unyielding coolness of the broken stone wall against his chest, or hear the approaching clamor, or feel the thudding of his heart in his ears. But when there’s a sudden hard, jolting impact driving the monster’s body against his, the fangs pulling free as a hiss of agony bleeds over his shoulder and the grip on his arms goes lax, that he notices; what’s more, his body knows how to react, how to take advantage of it even if his mind is blasted to pieces by pain.
He swings his head back hard, gracelessly slamming the back of his skull into the vampire’s face; their bones are harder than his, but their noses are still pure cartilage.
A wet, crunching sound, and the wailing goes gurgley and damp—and as Trevor bucks to get himself free, she slumps away from him, grappling with his arms as if she needs his support to stay upright. She goes down hard, and Trevor doesn’t know exactly what’s going on but he isn’t going to question it. He drops down on top of his assailant, twisting as quickly as he can to free a loop of the Morning Star’s chain and get it slipped up underneath the helm’s edge, pinned across the creature’s throat like a garrote.
The vampire just gurgles now, too confused or too injured to do much except claw at her throat where the consecrated silver is burning the flesh. Acrid smoke curls up into the air and blood bubbles up and boils as it hits the surface, turning black in the moonlight. 
“I’ve got him covered,” he hears Sypha say, at a distance. She sounds steely and unforgiving. 
She’s also too far away for Trevor to care who she’s talking about. He grits his teeth, leans into the hold, driving the chain harder into the thing’s throat. “Thought you had an easy snack, huh?” he snarls, hissing through his teeth. “You’d just pop in, get my blood and go?”
“Belmont,” Adrian says from somewhere above him, and oh, now the fucker decides to show up, and he’s probably going to be really pissy about Trevor getting himself bitten but Trevor isn’t the one who decided to run off and—
“Yeah?” Trevor growls, instead of saying any of the rest.
“Don’t kill her,” that wavery voice says—and oh, really? They’re being pacifist about this now? The adrenaline is rattling through Trevor’s veins, phantom pain and real pain and all the fear of the last weeks and days and minutes making it hard to see straight, but Adrian continues: “She’s the only one left alive, and we need to know what this was about.”
God damn it. God damn it, he’s right. “Fine,” Trevor grits. “Then get your arse down here and help me hold her. I can’t do it myself without using the chain.”
Instead, Adrian just reaches down and takes the dying vampire’s forehead in his hand, and slams her head back against the stone tile with enough force to shatter a human skull. With the helm getting in the way, it’s just enough to knock her out. Which. Okay, that’s fine. That works. Trevor lifts the chain away, grimaces at how it comes away with stringy bits of burnt flesh still clinging to it.
“Augh, gross,” he says, rolling back onto the ground, landing hard on his arse. He shakes the chain ineffectually, trying to get it to shed its hanger-ons; it rattles and clanks loudly in what is, suddenly, a very quiet space.
“Trevor,” Adrian says, urgent sounding but distant.
“Seriously, this is disgusting.”
Trevor looks up, sees exactly what he’d been hoping to avoid seeing by fussing over his weapon instead: Adrian looks gutted, terrified and panicked, isn’t bothering to hide a speck of it. He looks like he’d been thrown face-first into a shitheap of grief and is only just starting to work his way back to fresh air.
Beyond him, Sypha is holding a fireball at the ready, covering an indistinct figure in a white hooded cloak, bloody sword hanging from their fingers. Sypha looks furious, an avenging angel. The figure doesn’t look like any of Isabel’s people. Trevor narrows his eyes.
“Are you all right?” Adrian asks, blocking his view as he drops into a crouch. The words are bland and quiet for how scared he obviously is, like he doesn’t dare risk any emotion lest it cascade into a breakdown.
Christ. Okay. Trevor doesn’t think he’s bleeding out, but Adrian clearly needs a demonstration before he’ll let him deal with the Mysterious Stranger. So he reaches up to run the back of his hand over the most painful spot on his neck; regards it in front of his face for a second, feels his vision start to tunnel. Oh, that’s… that’s actually quite a bit of blood, isn’t it? But not near as much as there’d be if she’d gotten to an artery; it’s not gushing.
“Yeah,” he says, a little unsteady. “Yeah, I think so. Don’t think she hit anything important.”
There’s a noise, then, that sounds like it was kicked right out of Adrian’s lungs—a quiet, desperate little misery moan, all tangled up in breath. He’s suddenly more in Trevor’s space, hands sliding up both sides of his neck and fingers resting on his jawline, turning his head side to side to see for himself. It’s tender and all, Adrian being delicately cautious with him, but for the first time in his life, Trevor thinks he understands what creatures mean when they say they can smell fear. Right now, Adrian is a pungent, reeking ball of terror.
“For god’s sake,” the dhampir says, nearly a whisper, shaking his head and pressing something made of cloth to the stinging, bruised-feeling stretch of skin and muscle. He’s just trying to stop the bleeding, but holy shit, ow; Trevor knows he’s  going to be black and blue from his shoulder to his ear by morning. “I thought she had your throat out. How could you let it get that far?”
“I couldn’t break the hold,” Trevor says, just as quiet. “They’re too strong, tonight. Stronger than I realized. We never—we always waited ’til a few days after before we went hunting...”
“We knew they were going to be stronger, you insisted you could avoid being grabbed in the first place—”
“I did have a plan,” Trevor feels the need to assert, no matter it’s only halfway true. “I would have gotten loose on my own.”
“You had a plan,” Adrian repeats after him, skeptical.
“I did! I was going to kick off the wall and knock her on her blood-drunk arse.” His voice feels weak even to him—he’s having trouble catching his breath. “With my holy water-soaked socks. Would have been impressive.”
Adrian considers, looking between Trevor and the unconscious body. At some point, sheer size and bulk can come into play, even with vampires—especially if said vampire is all fucked up on bloodlust and the issue is one of balance, of angles and leverage. But they both know that it wouldn’t have worked.
He shakes his head, turns back to Trevor, smiling lightly. “It’s not your most brilliant approach.”
Trevor laughs, leans into the hand on his neck, leans into Adrian’s space. “Better than sucker-punching Dracula.”
“Yes,” Adrian says, ducking to brush his lips against Trevor’s, just a whisper of contact, as if he doesn’t trust himself to endure more. “Your desperate, doomed-to-failure plans have, indeed, improved.”
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Sypha watches the hooded figure carefully, hand coming up between them with fire gathering in her fingers—and for a second, the light from the flame casts a warm glow under the hood and she’s sure she sees a shimmer of red and blue deep in the shadows, a curl of gold, a bright white glint of fang. Vampire. More than that—blue eyes, white cloak. The wolf?
Then the fury she’d seen disappears under a mask of serenity, mouth drawing into a calm line, snarl lines smoothing and fading. She can hear a single deep breath, drawn and released, slow. Centering.
“There’s no need for that,” the stranger says finally, voice clear and youthful and somehow endearing, with an even cadence and the faintest lingering French accent. He sheathes his sword, a whisper of metal. “I just saved him. What sense would it make to harm any of you now?” 
Sypha narrows her eyes into the glow of the flame, feels her own lip curl. Does he think they’re all stupid? Or just her? “Perhaps you simply want to be the one to claim credit,” she says, keeping her tone cool, flat. “Perhaps there is something you need from him first. There are many reasons I can think of.”
Somewhere behind her, she can hear Adrian’s and Trevor’s voices both, quiet cursing and quiet reassurance, so she is reasonably certain that Trevor will live. That certainty, and the resultant sense of indebtedness, is what currently stays her hand. “You cannot expect us to believe,” she continues despite that, “that you are the only vampire in all of creation who does not wish to see the end of the Belmont line.”
He shifts his gaze, looks beyond her to where Adrian is fussing over Trevor, then has the audacity to laugh—but it isn’t the gloating sort of thing she expects. It’s a helpless sort of laughter, as if the stranger has simply become overwhelmed by the absurdity of the situation.
It reminds her of Trevor’s laugh. She keeps her hand up between them, refusing to be disarmed by it.
“I know that it makes no sense to you,” he says, laughter still in his voice, shot through with frustration. “And I’d never claim to be the only one—you had other allies, tonight. But I would prefer the family survived, yes.”
“Why?” Trevor asks from behind her, deceptively mild; out of the corner of her eye, she can see him pulling himself to his feet, one hand on Adrian’s arm. His other hand is pressed tightly to the side of his neck, one of Adrian’s white silk handkerchiefs rapidly turning red beneath his fingers. His gaze is hazy, but intent.
The figure takes a measured step toward them. Sypha lets the flame in her hand flare up in warning, and as the light it casts increases, she notices the same things she did before—red in the eyes, teeth too prominent to be human. But she notices something else, too.
“What reason could you possibly have to give a shit about—”
“Trevor, stop,” Sypha says, because the extra light is picking out what she couldn’t have seen before—pale blue stitching over both shoulders of the man’s cloak, faded by time, almost washed out enough to match the white all around it. Stitching in the shape of a very, very familiar crest, with its curled, swooping lines and emblazoned cross.
Gloved hands reach up to the edges of the hood, presumably to peel it back, to do away with all the secrecy and shadows—
—and Sypha has the sudden feeling of being on a wagon careening towards a sheer dropoff, the horses wild with fright, the trajectory devastatingly inevitable. Something is about to happen that will, she is sure, change everything, and she wants more than anything to pause time, to slow it down, to draw out this moment before the cliff’s edge for as long as she can.
She holds her breath. 
Time does not stop.
The face under the hood, when it’s revealed, is as young-looking as the voice had sounded; fine-featured, delicate almost, a warmth in his expression to make up for the chilled pallor of his skin. There’s only a faint rim of red around otherwise luminous blue eyes—no more wild than Adrian’s, at the moment—and they’re framed by a boyish mess of pale golden hair, all flyaways and disobedient curls.
Beside her, she hears Trevor pull a sharp breath; then he swears again, long and creative, shock crowded out by disbelief. Denial.
And Sypha knows all at once that this cannot be her wolf, cannot be the danger her dream foretold—because she knows that face, has seen it before, has watched Trevor’s gaze drift to it without thinking, seeking approval or reassurance or something, every single time they’ve gone down into the hold.
“I have good reason to be invested,” says the first of the Belmont hunters—the one who swore their oath, who built their home, who dedicated their legacy to battling the night—to his sole surviving descendant.
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ES5: Rise of the Dragon Queen; A Skyrim Fic
Part 1
It was the burning of King Olaf, the first in a long time. Since before this awful war started. High up in a smaller arena near the Blue Palace of Solitude. Chosen for security reasons, Imperial General Tullius said. Chosen for political reasons, her steward and advisors said. Chosen for historical reasons, the head of the bard’s college said. Everyone agreed on enough details in time for it to happen on the perfect night. 13th of Last Seed 4e 201. 9:05pm.
The twin moons hung over the festivities, a rare cloudless night that showed every last detail of the Aurora. Breathtaking. An hour before it was to occur a peal of thunder parted the clouds, it almost sounded to her ears like the Greybeards, but much closer than High Hrothgar. The night watch claimed it to be the work of the dragonborn.
Jarl Elisef stood watching. Not entirely focused on the burning. Sorely needed sight that it was, and she was grateful for all the good fortune that has happened, what drew her eye was her new thane. This whole event - that received every stamp of approval, had irresistable political appeal - was her idea.
She stood apart from everyone else, covered in the little shade from the full moons that the pillars offered. A simple blue dress with a hardened leather corset, a simple gold diamond ring. A strange amulet that looked to be an heirloom. Frazzled braids, visible dirt and dried blood on her face. Dimly glowing eyes with a bad hunger to them. No visible weapons. If the rumors were true she did not need them. Behind her, lurking in deeper shadows, a tall raven haired woman; that one was definitely a vampire.
Ellenwyn hadn’t left the Jarl’s side, hardly took her eyes off the two. Tricky the Thalmor advisor said, guilty of high crimes, and regularly attacked within these very walls by vampire hunters. Dragonborn, if you can believe the tall tales of the guards. Swearing that she charged dragons, smacked their heads aside with a shield, and in one fell blow to the neck killed them. The Jarl did not doubt, but she had not seen it. And the guards did love to embellish; maybe it had taken more than one blow? Something.
Tonight was the night Elisef was going to get answers.
Viarmo, the bard conducting the ceremony, finished up his elaborate denunciation of King Olaf and his crimes against Skyrim. Declaring her rule to be honest and truer than the liar king; it was the moral of the story that swayed her and her advisors to condone it. As he finished and a torch was laid at the feet of their effigy - down below - other effigies around the hold were lit and cheers were heard. Off in the distance as far as she could see the tiny flares of light that signaled her people’s approval. The breadth of her hold, plus some farms on the edge of Morthal looking to curry favor or protection from the Empire.
Tullius walked square up to the Jarl. He sensed her decision. “Don’t go alone. I can’t protect you.”
“He’s right.” Ellenwyn said grimly. “Need I remind you not three weeks ago she murdered Vittoria Vicci in broad daylight! Your childhood friend.”
Thank you for your guidance but I am fine. She wished she had said that. “I am going to have a private conversation as my right as Jarl. I do not need protection from my own thane.” Departing from them without another word, Elisef approached the dragonborn. “Can we talk?” She asked quietly. They nodded, and together they walked the short distance to a nearby garden. The tall woman melted into the background, but Elisef knew both her and a small guard of Imperials circled. Tullius never could leave anything to chance, she noted silently.
“What troubles you, my Jarl?”
“I wanted to thank you. This celebration is a good idea, the people of Solitude owe you a great deal. How did you come up with it?”
“It was Viarmo’s idea. But we worked together to reconstruct the narrative. You know bards, they have to tell the story as dramatically as they can..”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
A pause. “I was exploring ancient ruins to the east of here. Inside I found a journal. Belonging to King Olaf himself.”
“How did you find it?”
“His spirit guided me to it. And a key to get past a magical barrier to the main chamber.”
“Why? Did he tell you?”
“When I was there he was just a cursed soul several hundred years old. All he could do is point and wail. The journal detailed his treachery against the people of skyrim, his guilt. He tried to make it right, even after death.”
“Did he?”
“That is a better question for the bards.” Stopping abruptly, her thane turned to stare her in the eyes. Such a piercing yellow gaze. Like saber cat eyes. “Why do you ask?”
“I’ve never met someone who understands ghosts so casually. Most would be afraid of them.”
“Was it like that with the Wolf Queen? You fought her many times.” “Twice.” “Did she say anything to you?”
“Of course. It was the sort of.. The same. Words, I mean. A soul like hers was defiant, confident. She did not expect to be defeated?”
“How did you? My court wizard said her soul was bound to her body, did you destroy the remains?”
“I didn’t need to. I ate her soul.”
Elisef recoiled. “You.. What?!”
“I am the dragonborn. The power to eat souls was always mine, I just didn’t know until the dragons returned.”
“So you’re just like Potema, aren’t you?”
“No. She learned how to do it, sacrificed her own people. I only found out because of the dragons’ return. I’m not..”
“So you’re a good fiend, is that it?” Her thane did not answer at first. “I’m sorry,” She sighed “That was unkind. I don’t understand your intentions, many think you are a threat.”
“I didn’t ask for this.” Quiet words that had a soft rumble to them. “I was an orphan wandering the roads of Skyrim, I only wanted to help those nice enough to feed me, fight the cruel, unjust. Be remembered like a.. Hero from a book.
But then.. I joined the stormcloaks. They found me to not be “nord enough” because I had no family. Suggested I marry, have sons, they would give me the good standing to be considered one of them. I marched with them until I gained power. The strength of legends. Then.. I was less nord.”
“Or a threat..”
She nodded. “I had property, but not respect. Ulfric insisted I take the challenges to join the stormcloak ranks again, walked out of my swearing in ceremony. I was chosen by the greybeards and he was not. That’s as far as the stormcloaks valued life: Just their own.”
“Being a vampire couldn’t have helped.”
“I was turned later, a little over a month ago. I joined the dawnguard after leaving the stormcloaks. Already killed a few vampires, and they didn’t mind that I was dragonborn. Akatosh’s blessing, Isran would say. We hunted dragons in between raids on vampire nests, it was the best time of my life.”
“What changed?”
“I fell in love..” Her eyes wandered into the shadows. “And was given the choice to kill or join the enemy.. Now here I am. Twice as hated, but I’ve found a greater love for the world.”
“So.. This festival..”
“An opportunity. The people of skyrim need to see hope for justice. That the wrongs can be properly dragged into the light. And that there is a difference between the villains of the past and the heroes sitting on the same thrones today.”
“... Viarmo said that, didn’t he?”
She laughed. “You know bards. All I had to do was have the right mouldy book and the elf practically sprinted to deliver his proposal.”
They walked a bit longer, already at the end of the short garden path. The awkward accompaniment of imperials shuffled slowly behind them.
"Did you ask to be followed around, my Jarl?"
"No. Tullius has said you should be executed for your crimes against the empire, though nord law says you are a free woman."
"Still has his mind set on that, does he? I may need to speak to him myself."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'll think of something. For now, I must retire to my new manor. I have some decorating to do before I sleep. Thank you for time, Jarl Elisef. Hopefully these men can continue to keep you safe." She flashed a wry smile, and disappeared through the nearby door. Elisef was surprised to find herself standing outside proudspire manor. And a little annoyed at not being invited in.
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thebrideofmunson · 3 years
Pink Promise
Pairing: Dean Winchester X younger sibling reader(not in an incest way)
Summary: Dean is there to help his younger sibling after they have a nightmare 
Words: 2211
Warnings: fairly angsty, but still very very fluffy, a detailed nightmare, mentions of John Winchester’s parenting style, bad writing?, like one cuss word, a tiny tiny bit of gore
Note about characters: in the present scenes the reader is 16 and in the flashbacks they’re 6 and the reader and Dean have like a 13/14 year age gap so he’s like 19/20 in the flashbacks, there isn’t any gendered terms for the reader so it’s neutral(unless you count hair being braided as a gendered term, but boys can have braided hair cause gender isn’t real), and finally this takes place in season 5
Dean woke up, not for any purpose, just one of those weird moments where you randomly wake up in the middle of the night. He shook his head and began fluffing his pillow, stopping when he heard soft crying.
“(Y/N)?” He softly called out.
You were laying with your back facing out and your face squished into the musty cushions of the small motel room couch, a failed attempt at muffling your cries.
“Y-Yeah Dean? Something wrong?” You tried to play it off.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing. Were you crying?”
When you guys first got your room Dean cursed the streetlight right outside the window, but now he watched how it illuminated you as you dropped your head down.
You looked up and made eye contact before slowly nodding a yes.
“Think you’re gonna be able to go back to sleep?”
You dropped your gaze again as your face screwed up and you could feel new tears form on your lash line.
“No.” You softly croaked out, barely audible over Sam’s snores.
You couldn’t breathe, too focused on staying quiet to risk opening your mouth. Once the sting in your eyes and the back of your throat calmed down you went back to sleep.
You screamed out running through an old grey house.
“No no no please no!” You heard him scream somewhere you couldn’t find.
“Sammy!” You huffed before taking off running down the hall you came from.
As you ran around the house you felt small and helpless, like when you got separated from your brothers in the corn maze at the pumpkin patch in Iowa, the one Dean took you to without your dad knowing.
“Dean?” You desperately called for your brother as your feet pounded against the floor. 
Completely unaware of your surroundings you ran, the only thing on your mind was finding your brother. Not paying attention to your surroundings you tripped, your heart raced knowing how your dad always got on you for that. You got up and looked down to see what sent you flying to the cracked floorboards.
“Dean!” You screamed
You woke up again, heart pounding in your head and toes. You stopped gasping for air when you felt your dad roll over next to you, holding it in again to stay quiet. Collecting your moose and your blanket, the one you got in Oregon when you were 3 and have refused to sleep without ever since, you slipped off of the bed as silently as possible. Your dad and Dean were fumigating a house in a fancy neighborhood so the only hotel available was a little nicer than your usual moldy motels. The vinyl floorboards stayed quiet as you snuck over to the door that joined your brothers’ room to you and your dad’s. You glanced at your brothers sleeping in their beds before moving their jackets off of the chair that sat in the corner. Dropping your blanket on the floor you traded it for the two flannels that were under their jackets and curled up into the chair. Once you were comfortable you finally let the tears flow, crying softly at first and burying your face into Mort the moose as your chest heaved more and more with the weight of your cries. 
 “(Y/N)?” You heard Dean call out in confusion as he shut the drawer of his nightstand. 
 “S-sorry for waking you up.” You tossed off the flannels and picked up your blanket, heading back to your proper room.
 “No, no, hey, hey, come here.” Dean moved over in his bed and opened his arms, lightly flicking his wrist to call you over to him. 
You gingerly padded over to his bed and with a little effort jumped up.
 “I’m gonna guess it wasn’t growing pains that woke you up.” Dean chuckled. 
 “Ok, I’m sorry, bad timing. Now come on peanut, stop giving me that face and come in closer.” He said shifting so he could comfortably open up his arms for you. 
You still continued to pout, but scooted into his embrace until your body felt lighter. 
“Sorry.” You quietly mumbled, it came out kind of funny because of how your cheek was squished against your brother’s chest. 
Dean pulled back and nudged your chin up, signaling you to make eye contact  with him before resting his hand on your shoulder. His comforting softness melted away as he turned dead serious. 
“Listen to me, do not ever and I mean ever apologize to someone because you’re upset. Ok?” He searched your eyes waiting for an answer, which you gave him with a nod. 
“Now tell me why someone broke into my room and stole my favorite flannel.” And just like that Dean pulled you back into him and your softy of a brother was back.
“Dad yells at me when I don’t sleep and when I cry and when I ask him questions, so I came in here to cry” Even your big brother’s arms couldn’t shield you from the sadness that entered your body.
“Well I’m not dad, neither is Mort the moose, and neither is Sammy.” Dean started.
“Sammy snores now, he’s old.” You shot Sam a dirty look even though he was dead asleep.
“Yeah Sammy is old now, he drools too.” Dean joined you in giving his younger brother the stink eye. “Now tell me, what has my peanut so upset?”
“Nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it?” Dean began playing with your hair as he awaited your response.
Staring up at your older brother’s face you thought about it. 
“No.” You wanted to say what happened, to get it out of your mind, but you didn’t want to tell him about how you saw his still body covered in blood with his stomach in shreds. 
“No? That’s okay.” 
You guys sat quietly listening to the traffic outside and Sam’s snores. After a while Dean assumed you had fallen asleep, but just as he shut his own eyes your little voice stirred him.
“Mm, yeah (Y/N)?’
“Are monsters real?”
Dean watched you hang your head again before scooting to the side and opening up his covers.
“Wanna talk about it kid?”
Even in your sad and scared state a genuine smile broke out across your face, it was small, but still genuine. Without responding to your brother you kicked off the soft blanket that you had fought Sam for and walked over to Dean’s bed. Since motel beds are always oddly tall you had to do a little jump to get onto it, shooting a quick glare at Dean for being clearly amused at your struggle. Tentatively Dean opened up his arms to you and you awkwardly shuffled in until your head hit his shoulder and you instantly melted. The both of you sat there without a word, wondering what the other was thinking, unaware that you were both thinking the same thing. You thought about how long it had been since you two laid like this, both of you becoming aware of how long it had really been since you showed each other affection and comfort, and how after all of these years you two felt so natural. Neither of you took into account how the other’s muscles softened, how the past few years of Azazel, the door to Hell, your dad’s death, Sam’s death, Dean’s death, demons, vampires, and vengeful spirits all released from your guys’ bodies. For the first time in months neither of you cared about Lucifer or Michael or any other dick with wings. 
“Hey Dean.” You finally broke the near silence.
“Yeah?” Your ear being pressed to Dean’s chest made his voice sound deeper and you could feel his jaw move against the top of your head. 
“Do you remember when I was super young and we were staying at that nice hotel in Seattle and I had that really bad nightmare?” You slipped the comforter under your brother’s arm so you could fidget with it.
“Yeah I do actually, but how the hell do you remember it? You were like what, six? So that means it was ten whole years ago.” 
“I don’t think I would remember it if it wasn’t the start of the recurring nightmare I always have.” The first part was a lie. That night had been the first time you ever truly felt like you had a family, the first time you had felt comfort in your life. You could never forget that. 
“Oh.” Dean began to play with your hair, taking three small pieces and trying to see if he could still remember how to braid, something he learned because you hated how John would always cut your hair. 
“This dream,” you started, “it’s bad. It’s always the same house, this weird grey one with cracked floors and for some reason the walls are cement. It’s weird. But in the dream I can never find my way, it’s like a labyrinth and every time I get more and more lost the hallways get darker and darker. It always starts with me screaming for Sammy and he doesn’t respond, but I can hear him. I can hear him.”, Your voice begins to break, “I can hear him screaming no over and over again, like he’s getting attacked and then when I call out for him again he’s silent. So I’ll start running to find him, I guess I’ve always had a hunter's instinct. Then when I’m running around I trip and every time I trip I always get this feeling of fear about dad yelling at me for always being clumsy. But then when I. '' You stop, dropping your head and gaze so far down that all you can see is your own chest. Dean drops the chunk of hair he was twisting in his fingers and looks down at you.
“It’s okay.” He whispers, lightly squeezing your arm to ground you, something he always does when you’re upset. 
His encouragement only made things worse as tears began to fall again. Closing your eyes you take a quick deep breath.
“When I look down to see what I tripped over it’s you. You’re dead. Bloody with your stomach all ripped up, I never see the monster, but it must be something with claws. Then it just ends there. Tonight was kind of different though. Our ages are always different in the dream. Sammy’s voice always sounds like it did when he was 16 so I don’t think he changes, but sometimes I’m a kid and you’re a teenager like when I first had it or we’re both teenagers or we’re the ages we are now or sometimes I’m a kid and you’re an adult. But tonight, tonight I was 16 like I am now and you were a little kid.”
Dean didn’t know what to do, he felt like the deer that stopped in the headlights and actually got hit. He’d been through this before with Sam, but he had been older and wasn’t already upset when they had the conversation. He had felt guilty every time he lied to Sam about monsters and didn’t want to give you that same false hope, but he resented his dad for teaching him about monsters when he was this young. 
“I’m not sure of anything, (Y/N).” It technically wasn’t a lie, while Dean was sure that monsters existed he wasn’t sure of what to tell you.
“Well actually no, I am sure of one thing. Nothing and I mean nothing, no man, no woman, no animal, and sure as hell no monsters will ever hurt you because you are strong and I will kick their butt if they even try.” Dean meant that fully, he’s meant that since the day his dad sat him and Sam down to tell them they have a little sibling.
“Pink promise?” You said looking up at Dean.
“Pink promise?” He pulled back and questioned you.
“A pink promise.” You huffed, freeing your arm out from under Dean’s and extending your pinky finger.
“Oohh, a pinky promise.” Dean held up his arm and extended his own pinky.
“No, it’s pink promise.” You pulled your hand back.
“Ok, I pink promise that nothing will ever hurt you.” And to that you guys joined pinkies.
You begin to quietly sob into your brother’s chest. Dean put his hand at the nape of your neck and put his cheek on the top of your head and let you cry it out, as you calmed down he pulled back and kissed your forehead.
“Hey look, peanut. Sammy and I are not going anywhere, we will always be with you, ok. A lot is going on right now and it will all be okay, we’ve gotten out of so many situations that we shouldn’t have and this one will be no different. I pink promise.” Dean raised up his arm and extended his pinky.
“Oh fuck off.” You lightly hit his hand. 
Unfazed Dean kept his hand up and smugly smiled down at you. You sigh and extend your own pinky. As your fingers wrapped around each other your annoyed façade broke, your smile was joined by a few tears.
“Pink promise.”
A/N: So hey, your local forest wench here. This is definitely different from other stuff I post. I’ve never written a fanfiction before(so basically sorry if it’s not too good and please be patient with me), but I do read a lot of of it and maladaptive daydream a lot so I always have plenty of ideas. I came up with this idea this morning and really liked it, thought that maybe other people would like it and that it would be kind of greedy to keep it to myself. I’m actually really insanely proud of this ngl. If people like this and I feel comfortable, I might even write some more in the future.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
hello if you want you can ignore this of course but I was wondering what would vampire Hoseok do if he found out someone turned oc? Your fics are amazing by the way!
Bitten to death
A/N: Thank you for your request :) It was fun to write. However I took it less as a reaction, and more of a story prompt. So it's not exactly a conclusive answer to your question. I hope you still like it, though ^-^ 💜💜💜
Summary: You thought you knew everything about Vampires but when you wake up one you learn there are some important things you did not know. And it's only going to let worse once you learn why you were turned.
Trigger Warnings: Blood, death, maiming, choking, violence, mind control, abduction, yandere themes.
Vampire! Hoseok
It was like a horror story within your already horrific story. Some man you've never met before broke into Hoseok's house when only you were there. While you screamed and fought and instinctively called for Hoseok, he covered you in bites unlike any other you had felt before. Ones that made you suffer as if fire was coursing through your veins. You wish that you could say you were strong enough that your fight had some kind of impact. But in truth, it was over after only a few seconds. And it was in those few seconds that you felt your chest burning and your breath fill your lungs for the last time.
Waking you're met by the stranger hovering above you. Your head aching and your body throbbing in ways you had never experienced before. With a quick glance, you can see everything around you, and that does mean everything. Every single little detail. And the information is overwhelming.
Your mind feels as if it's breaking from everything you're taking in. For as far as you can see there are pallets and long isles of shelves lined up, the contents on every rack crystal clear. You can hear the sound of his shoes on the concrete and the dirt gritting underneath, and how each peak of sound travels and bounces off the farthest point in the warehouse. Even the smells, there are hundreds of them all hitting you at once. A few you know like the fragrance of the treated wood or the oils stain, but others you couldn't guess at. It's as if all of your senses are on high and you have no way to focus them.
Despite your panic, no matter how much you want to run, you can't. Laying on your back with your arms spread out to either side of you and your legs held together, you're being bound by the thinnest most delicate length of silver chain. Though, it's not tied. It's only draped over you, but still holding you as if it were stronger than any steel. Burning you as if it were touched by the sun.
You may have only seen a few newly made vampires before, but you have still been around them enough and know enough about their existence to recognize how and why your body feels wrong. And absurdly you can't help but feel betrayed. This was not supposed to happen to you. It was the only safety you got from belonging to someone who was called The Immortal King, and The Origin of Cruelty. No one was supposed to be foolish enough to steal from him, and most importantly, no one was supposed to be able to hurt you. But now because Hobi didn't keep you safe, he's now lost his blood supply and you've lost your humanity.
The stranger snaps his fingers, the sound bursting in your eardrums making you groan and wince as he repeats it. "Focus your attention on just this one sound. On just the sight of my hand. Feel the air around it." He coaxes you, snapping again. The noise echos dozens of times, ricocheting off every wall. The dull thud of his fingertips hitting his palm only sounding the once though.
Opening your eyes your concentration goes to the hand held above your face as he said, the space around it blurring. On the back of his pointer finger on an otherwise porcelain complexion, you notice a small patch of dry skin just below his knuckle. Clear blue-black defined veins wrapping the back of his palm. He clicks his fingers again and you catch the sound of friction from the way his finger rubs down his thumb, feeling the most minuscule shift in the air created by his motion.
The pinpointed attention helps for a moment, but then you shift your eyes to his face and the explosion of information overpowers you again. His hold comes around your neck keeping your head from turning. The tight pressure on your throat while stifling your movement, nearly makes you smile. There's no airflow to restrict. Your chest isn't heating, your body isn't convulsing trying to breathe. Even in this tense moment, you can't help but find it humorous, thinking how many times over the years had you wished for this exact thing when Hobi had squeezed the air from you.
"Watch my eyes," on his words your vision becomes immersed in them. They're piercing blue. Made up of streaks of white interlacing with a clear sapphire shade, like thousands of threads made out of the purest tropical ocean. A transparent irregular line encircling his pupil, and beyond that every distinct strand blurs together with the others until it reaches the shadowed grey edge that holds the circular shape. Slowly his jet black pupils dilate, stretching and filling his entire iris till every trace of colour is removed. As if transfixed, you're unable to close your own eyes, a flooding of bright light filling your field of view. The strength of it is so intense that the tendons in your sockets ache and your eyes begin to water. Tears rolling down the sides of your face, cresting in your ears.
"Apologies, you are only my second." He confuses you with a vague explanation you did not ask for. The black finally receding into its natural size. Your own eyes scrunching as you try to blink away the soreness. The bizarre occurrence leaving you feeling drained of strength, filling you with anxiety caused by the uncertainty, which is only worsened by the glimmer of triumph in his gaze.
Searching past him to the ceiling your brain is again processing the whole image instead of the sum of its parts. The strain in your head slowly fading, your tight held muscles releasing as everything begins to normalize. You don't know what he did, but it seemed to help.
He doesn't back away, continuing to invade your personal space. Although, the way his fingers are trailing along your skin while you're restrained on the floor is still not the worst thing he has done to you. Seeing as he killed you.
"I had almost given up hope that Jung Hoseok would love." His hand daintily caresses along your neck and up your jaw. Your eyes shutting as his fingertips run over your lips. "I began to fear it might not be something possible for him." He divulges, his touch still aimlessly wandering.
The way he speaks you can feel his vailed anger. Despite his soft words, this is not someone who cares about Hoseok's wellbeing, this is someone who hates him deeply.
"However, you restored my lost faith. And for that, I would like to thank you, Inamorata."
He thinks Hoseok loves you? Is he crazy?. He's possessive of you, that is all. Even in moments of deception or weakness when you had told him that you loved him, he's never said it back with any sincerity. And he has never said it of his own accord.
"Sir," your eyes reopen. "I think you've misunderstood. These," you weakly gesture to the silver, each slight movement searing the links deeper into your flesh. "aren't necessary. We are on the same side. I hate Hobi, more than anyone."
"Truly?" He asks tilting his head to the side. His white hair messily hanging across his forehead.
"Yes," you nod trying to insist your point. "He's kept me locked up for years." you chuckle dryly. Finding it nearly risible that all of this is because this man believes in a fantasy.
"Well then, you are free to rise," he nods resolutely. Plucking the chains out of your melted skin as you grit your teeth. The sound of the sizzle on his own skin baffling you as to how he can even lift them.
Sitting up you gently pull your limbs in, inspecting the blistered and bloody marks. The skin on your wrists already starting to intricately knit itself back together.
"Come here." The stranger calls from a rested place on one of the pallets to your right.
Standing, it is a bit hard to walk with your ankles still cut up but you make it to him decently. Looking around you, you can see the sun streaming in from the high windows that line the whole length of the warehouse. It's enough to light up the otherwise dark space, but with the sheer size of this place, the beams of sunlight do not get close to the two of you in the centre. Still in the middle of the day, it means Hobi can't get to you. Not easily at least. So you're on your own for now.
"Kneel." He instructs plainly. And you follow, lowering onto your knees in front of him. Your only thoughts are of escape. You may be in your first minutes as a vampire, but it should be simple to move quickly. It always seemed like something that came easily to them. "Inamorata, you will call me Master." he declares abruptly.
"Yes, Master." You smile confusedly. Inamorata? Why does he keep calling you that? You're unsure if it's a name or a title, but it's weirding you out.
Your face drops, your heart thumping, realizing what you said. The words you just spoke replaying in your head. You hadn't meant to say that.
Why did you say that?
In fact, why had you knelt? Why were you doing what he said at all?
With a gaped mouth you climb back to your feet. "Look, I think-um." You start not knowing what you want to say.
"Kneel." He orders again more forcefully yet with a knowing, jovial smirk. You shake your head hard, staying upright. You're not going to let him order you around. He has to be kidding.
Your brows furrow, your mouth drops open, and your forehead tightens as your knees bend against your wishes. You drop back into your knelt position. Grunting as your jaw clenches, your fingers digging into your legs, doing your best to resist without success.
Your eyes go wide in shock.
"Good. Now stay there," his voice makes your stomach drop. But your muscles relax, your shoulders dropping and your bottom lowering on your calves. Your body resting in this position.
This is nothing you have ever seen before. It's nothing that you knew was possible. It shouldn't be possible. On top of all the horrible advantages they already have, you're sure you would have known if mind control was one of them!
"How?" You gape, shaking your head in disbelief. "Why?"
"Why?" a smile fills his face, "What you have told me is far different than what I had heard." He stands and turns, tapping his foot against the top pallet sending it and its boxed contents flying. He grabs at the bottom slats of wood underneath and drags them closer to you with a horrid screeching on the concrete. Sitting back down he is now much lower and much nearer to you. So much so that his legs spread straight out on either side of you. "See, I had heard stories of the self-proclaimed King of Vampires, who had fallen in love with his human pet. That he kept her close, kept her safe, and drank from her exclusively."
"That's not love." you interrupt with a scoff, "That's imprisonment."
"Well, let us see what the truth is. Tell me honestly, Jung Hoseok's little Inamorata, do you love him?"
"Yes." You're mouth answers before your mind has time to think. "No!" you instantly correct.
The smile grows larger on his face "And what do you feel about him?"
"I'm scared of him. But I care for him." The words are pouring out of you uncontrollably, your face placifying as you speak. "and I miss him when he isn't home."
"And does he love you?"
"I think so, yes." You wish you could make yourself shut up! Your calm tone drops and you bite your jaw trying to take back your own body, growling as you do. "No! He doesn't." you snarl in a rapid shift.
"You think so? Then my last question; Do you want him to love you?" He asks satirically.
"Yes," The word slips out. Being accepted joyously from him. "You can't just make me say anything you want!" you shout. Your body is rigid and stiff as you think to stand with nothing happening.
"I did not," he chuckles, "I made you say what you believe is true."
"No, you didn't! Tha-" his finger raises to his lips shushing you, cutting you off like your voice had disappeared.
That is not how you feel! Hobi may have gotten better as time has gone on, but he is still cruel and malicious and heartless. The only thing this man is doing is speaking to your primal brain. The part of you that gave into its survival instinct and it's the part that you fight every day to repress so that you stay in control. You can't love him, it's not possible.
"Ha, you are far more amenable than my last. I can hardly feel any resistance." He mocks, tapping his temple. "And I recall Jung Hoseok trying to move heaven and earth to break free. Even Mansueto struggled to contain him. But you," he reaches down holding out his hand and you follow his gesture, your body moving independently to accept it. "You are a broken little thing."
You don't understand his ridicule. You're not moving consciously. Your own mind isn't connected to your actions. So you can't fathom how your body is even reacting, let alone how you should be able to fight it.
"Stop." You complain, your voice coming out with far less strength than you had intended. "Look, Hoseok doesn't have my blood anymore, okay. So just leave me out of whatever fucked up feud you have you have going with him."
"No, that is not enough." his tone becomes suddenly harsh. He lifts his hand and you stand as he raises it. "He stole someone precious to me and he must feel the same agony of loss."
"You're wrong." you swallow, working to overcome your nerves, "I'm sorry, but you just are. He doesn't love me. I'm not precious." You try to reason, seeing your pleas falling on an unreceptive man.
"We will see."
The sun has barely set before you hear commotion beyond the metal walls.
You had tried over and over to pry information from this man, to convince him to let you leave. But you were unable to gather so much as a name from him, and clearly, you failed to be let go. After a certain point of ignoring you, he stopped you from speaking altogether. Not allowing you to say a word until he permits it. More than that though, he filled your head with many instructions. Telling you how to behave in anticipation of Hoseok's arrival.
100 meters in front of you the locked doors are ripped off their hinges, a dozen men and women pouring into the warehouse with inhuman speed. But as if time slows down your eyes adjust and you can see them, see their movements with full clarity. Hoseok comes in last and straight down the middle into the open square that you all occupy. And you must admit, you are genuinely happy to see him. Now you just want him to hurry up and get you out of here.
The man steps forward to meet them while you are sat on the stack of pallets behind him. Your only instruction at this time is to sit quietly and wait for him to call you. Hating the feeling of being restrained by your own body.
Watching them all lineup versus a single man, you find it comical how outmatched he is.
Hobi always said that when he got tired of playing with your human body, he was going to turn you. And he was furious if anyone robbed him of even your smallest reactions, so clearly, he was going to be beyond pissed that someone sped up his plan, and took your death away from him.
"That's mine," Hoseok puffs up his chest, looking past the man's shoulder to you. 
The only thing that's confusing you, though, is if this man knows who The Vampire King is, why he didn't expect to be met with hell on earth, and why he didn't prepare better.
"Jung Hoseok, always so impolite. Do you not think you should greet an old friend after so many years?"
"We can talk all you like, Kol," Hoseok snarls, finally giving a name to your killer. "Once I get my property back."
"I think you'll find this is my belonging now." he chuckles in a brief pause. Hoseok's expression darkens, his eyes becoming murderous. The fury around him actually making you shiver. "Do you like the modifications I made? She is much more durable now."
Supposedly, Hobi's already noticed your change, because he doesn't look at you again. Instead, the two men have an intense staredown. All of the vampires on his side looking ready to kill on a word.
"And far more obedient. Come here," Kol calls you, holding his hand out at shoulder height for you to take. Moving automatically, you jump down from the stack of wooden pallets placing your fingers on his palm.
Unable to stand the rage on Hoseok's face you look down, just missing the exact moment he charges. But you see an instant later as he is thrown back like a paper doll into four stories of shelves, his weight bringing the metal, the shelves, and the products down on top of him as the whole structure collapses. His men looking as startled as you to see Hoseok so easily discarded.
Before the toppling construction settles, Kol breaks from your side and an incredible, horrible scene breaks out. His speed is something you can't follow, even now. You only see the trail of destruction when he stops. One after the other, he made his way through half of the vampires, ripping them apart. Literally tearing some in two halves. Decorating the square with blood and innards.
The others are as belated and overwhelmed as you, only just having the sense to react as his blurred image stops. When he advances again, this time he doesn't use his quickness for an advantage and simply ploughs through them. They attack all at once, and still as they grab and strike at him, their forces barely move him. And his response is terrifying.
You can only bear to watch the first one. Kol's fist driving through a woman's chest, the horrid cracking of her ribs as he tears it back out making you want to scream. But his orders have you completely silent. Instead, you close your eyes, sealing your hands over your ears. Trying to block out the violent sickening sounds of his destructive rampage.
There's a last thud before it falls quiet again. Your eyes springing open to see as horrific of a sight as you had imagined. He's dripping in blood. Drenched in it. And Hoseok's people are strewn in every which way. Not a single one having survived.
Sauntering through the sea of dead bodies, he makes his way to the side where Hoseok is unmoved, tossing away the beams and panels as if they were nothing. Grabbing him by the ankle, he drags him from the rubble into the clear space in front of you. The man you once thought of as the most powerful in existence, and his troupe of vampires, was completely demolished in mere seconds of work. And you can only watch on with your body shaking. Your hopes of rescue decimated. Your chest aching with worry, even for Hobi's sake.
"Now that it's a more intimate number of us, should we talk?" Kol releases him, brushing past you as he sits where you had before. His action triggering an instruction he provided earlier, forcing you to follow him and kneel at his feet.
Sitting up, Hoseok rubs the back of his hand against a large gash under his eye. The ferocity not having left his mannerisms. "You disappear for 90 years, and you show up to what, gimmie a blood bath." His laugh falls into a grimace as he stands himself back up.
"I was created in the 13th century and you brought infants to a fight with me. What did you think would happen?" Kol asks scornfully.
"I was hoping they would do a little better," He smirks, shrugging off their deaths. "Okay, that's my bad. But still, that doesn't tell me what you want. Or did you just want to remind me that you're still alive?" He taunts, his sardonic nature returning, "Remind me that you're still pissed and you can kick my ass. Good job. You put on quite a show." he smiles, his tongue running over his fangs as he gestures around at the gruesome display. "But she," he points to you with two fingers, bitterness lacing his next words, "is worth nothing to you."
"Oh, she is worth everything to me," Kol slides forward, his hand brushing down the back of your neck, "because she is worth everything to you."
On those words, you get the most heart-wrenching sight. A pang of insecurity shows up in Hoseok's eyes. Uncertainty and something so close to fear. The smile fading as he looks him up and down.
"I am curious, though, Vampire King, do you think she will detest the Sire bond as greatly as you did?" he punctuates the question, tugging your head back by your hair. "If I treat her as Mansueto treated you, how long do think until she breaks?"
With immense speed, Hoseok splinters one of the wooden crates near him, lunging at Kol, aiming to drive the shard into his heart with a roar. But he's caught before his hand ever plunges forward. Instead, Kol takes the sharp wood and spikes it into Hoseok's stomach. Continuing to dominate him with a solid blow, knocking him off his feet, smacking him into the concrete in front of you. Stepping down, he swings his foot punting Hoseok in the chest hurling him back among the remains of his fallen creations.
You had thought if you ever saw Hobi being handled as roughly as he treated you, that you would enjoy the Karma of it. But seeing him so easily immobilized is making you sick with fear and mostly sadness.
With Kol having stood, you're no longer bound on your knees and you scramble to your feet. You want to run to Hoseok's side but before you have the chance Kol drags you into him, his hand wrapped around your waist, his other crudely brushing the hair from off the side of your face.
"Call out to him. Tell him your every feeling." He hushes the order in your ear.
"Hobi!" you yell, not sure you would have even needed to be compelled to want to shout for him. "Get up, please. I'm scared. I wanna go home!"
"Go to him," Kol releases you and you sprint to his side, hardly able to slow your sudden frantic speed.
Doubled over Hoseok is bleeding profusely. He needs your blood- but you can't do that anymore. And you have no idea what to do. You don't know how to help him or how to get out of here. He's the one that is supposed to keep you safe.
Coming from behind you, Kol bends down shoving you out of the way to lift Hoseok by the throat. "Stop!" you follow their movement, hanging on Kol's arm. "Stop! Please." But you have no effect. Instead, he jerks the wood dagger out making Hobi yell in pain.
"Do you recall what you said as you killed our Sire?" Kol whispers maliciously. "You told me that 'I will get over it'." Releasing him, he lets Hoseok plummet to the floor and you drop with him trying to catch his weight. "In 100 years from now, I'll let you see her again and you can tell me if you were able to take your own advice." he smiles spitefully.
"Hobi," you whine lowly. Brushing his hair from his sweat and blood wet forehead. "I don't want to go with him. Rather the devil you know, right," you softly chuckle, trying to pull his energy back.
Even though you know the both of you have no chance at the moment, you guess you're just looking for an affirmation that he isn't going to let you go and let this other man keep you for the next century.
"Please," you whisper, your waterline filling with tears.
Reaching towards you, Hoseok's hand constricts around your throat, pulling you into him like he has countless times before.
"You're mine," he growls through pained grunts. His anger lessened, distress replacing it. But he gives you the answer he could see you searching for.
"Yes," you nod subtly. Closing your eyes as you lean further into his hold.
"Get up," Kol orders, interrupting you.
Despite his tightening grip, you pull away from Hobi, standing as you were told. The elder vampire taking your arm leads you away through the bodies to the open doorway.
"Say goodbye Jung Hoseok," Kol calls back, leaving him injured and alone, making you wish more than ever that you could pull back. "And do not worry, I'll take very good care of her for you."
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Damon Salvatore - NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: Sex, Oral, Cursing, Fetishes, Masturbation
Ever want to know the intimate details of Damon Salvatore? Well this passage explores and explains Damon's, weaknesses, turns on and secrets.
Damon Salvatore is a very sexual person, if you're not comfortable with it, I would not continue.
Requested: @proseofpandemonium
I hope you like it !
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A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Damon would love to see you a mess after sex. He get up from the bed and look at you, knowing you were under his control after what he just did to you. You both would be sweaty and completely out of breath. Total smell of sex in the air.
B= Body Part (Their favourite body part of their partners)
He loves your folds, you could feel him instantly relax when he would ease into you. He also appreciated your ass a lot of the time. He would gently hold your ass as you straddled him and would get you in the mood by slapping and spreading them while making out.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically .. I’m disgusting person)
He was able to dominate you with a flicker of his eyes. One of his favorite things was him watching you swallow his cum as you looked up to him. Your mouth open and a clear view of where it was going to go. You couldn't deny that it got you instantly wet. The look in his eyes would be overpowering.
D= Dirty Play (Pretty Self Explanatory)
Bondage. Damon knew what you liked, he knew the pain you found pleasure in. His little sub would be eager to try new position and new restraints. Seeing you in a vulnerable position, just made him harder.
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Damon knew exactly how to read you. He knew how to read women in general but you even more. He didn't need you to tell him you were close. He already knew. He knew how to edge you so easily, even when you were try to hide how close you were to cumming. He read you like a book and that's what made him so powerful. Your and his body were so connected, no one else would fit so perfectly inside you. He had experience so much throughout his life but was always excited to show you what he thought you would like.
F = Favorite Position
The one thing that he couldn't resist was you bent over with your ass in the air. You would fully expose your pussy as you bend over and he would speed to you without hesitation. It could happen anywhere. Whether you were in the living room, he would have you bend over on the couch with your head down on the pillow with your ass high. You would feel his gaze which made you even wetter.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humourous, etc.)
Damon was pretty serious when it came to fucking. He was definitely passionate about it. Time to time, you would tease him and it would bring out his playful side when he would see you lead him on. When you had the power, he would let you mess with him but no matter what, he couldn't resist the urge to take control at the end and exhaust both of you. He always wanted to finish on his terms.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
He was always well groomed. He loved how freeing it felt to have no hair. Nothing got in the way when he would watch you suck him off. It made everything easier, especially the cleaning up afterwards.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Damon was a wild card when it came to sex. Sex was passionate and heated. But there's moments when he knows you would want to feel loved and cared for. He would make you dinner, and throughout the night get closer to you. He would start kissing your neck so gently. Those pure blue eyes would show how much he needed you. Every caress would show how much his touch lingered on your skin, making shivers travel up your spine.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
One of Damon's favourite things was when he would watch you get off. He would ask you to take off your underwear and play with yourself. He would tell you that there was nothing more attractive than watching give yourself pleasure. He wouldn't be able to resist for long and and start jacking himself off. You'd both get so riled up from watching each other.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Damon has a kink for wax play. He slowly introduced you to it by getting you use to the feel of the wax on your skin. He would lay you down and watch as he poured wax on your torso, the hot temperature gave a quick sting followed with pleasure as the wax dripped down and cooled. He would get these special massage candles, of course the smell of bourbon (He wouldn't be able to resist the scent), and they would melt turning into massage oil, he would massage your neck, back and legs. He would tease your upper thigh getting closer and closer to your pussy.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Damon was a sucker for shower sex. The hot water travelling down both your bodies and steam in the air would just make the perfect atmosphere for both of you to loosen up. Especially if him and Stefan were gone for a couple of weeks. The first thing he would want when he was home was you and him in the shower. He would strip you and you both get in, your bodies pressing up against each other. You would feel his lips on yours and his hands travel down to your ass.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You being a brat. Any reason you would do to go against him. You loved pressing his buttons, knowing he was going to punish you. You would tease him blatantly. You would wear that dress that was slightly too short for you to go out in public, or jeans that would be that little bit too tight. You would press up against him briefly in public, let your hand linger on his arm a second longer than you should. You would look in his eyes and see a spark behind his them. You knew he was going to have his way with you when you both got home.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Damon didn't want any of your senses blocked. Whether that was sight or sound. He wanted you to be fully aware of what you were doing. He never wanted to blindfold you, he wanted to make sure you were comfortable with what you were seeing. He didn't want to make you so vulnerable that you would get hesitant or nervous.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
You giving Damon head was one of the simpler things that he could never get tired of. But when it came to him eating you out, he never went half way. He wanted to learn you inside out with his tongue and fingers. He was confident about what he was doing. One of his favourite positions was when you were sitting on his face. He loved the control you had, also loved being able to keep an eye on you.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
He would have a quickie when his patience would run out, that was usually out in public or friends house and you would be teasing him all day. But he would always make proper sex a real experience, making sure you were both completely satisfied and drained before getting a good night sleep, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)
Damon is always trying to be risky. That was his thing in general, so anything sexual wouldn't be any different. He was open for everything when it came to adding more pleasure and closeness between you two. He would always want to try new toys and roleplay. He was even open to pegging, but that's a story for another time.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Damon being a vampire has its benefits, one of them being his stamina. It was clearly unhuman but he would have to be realistic when it came to you. He just wanted to keep going for as long you were comfortable with. He knew that after awhile you would get kind of raw. Which meant no sex for awhile and that wouldn't be good. He mainly focus on you. He never would want to hurt you especially when it was avoidable.
T = Toys ( Do they own any toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Damon found one of your toys when trying to find something, he did his typical smirk when he showed you he found it. He asked you why you kept it to yourself. You said you didn't know how he was going to react. He was clearly over the moon to know that you were open to that type of thing. Since then, you both went toy shopping and experimented. Damon being an ass man, he loved trying anal toys with you. He gets hard knowing that you gets so much pleasure from it. You've never looked back from toyless sex since.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Damon would punish you when you were being a brat. One of the ways he would punish you would be through teasing. He wasn't into any light teasing either. He wanted you to be begging for relief. You would be a mess on the bed, tied to the bed posts. You would be spread and soaked in your own sweat and juices from his persistent oral edging and fingering. Once you learned your lesson, he would give you the relief and the most intense orgasm of your life. You never learned that lesson for long mind you. You secretly loved the punishment, seeing him with that kind of power over you was irresistibly sexy.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds do they make)
The room was usually filled with the sounds of Damon whispering in your ear asking if you've been a bad girl while fucking you roughly. You moaning your answers, while the bed banged against the wall. It was hard for you to be both quiet but both of you wouldn't care who would hear by the time you got to the end. Which became a problem at friends house, they would eventually hear you.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Damon was infatuated with your neck, he would nick your neck time to time and drink some of your blood while you were fucking. Learning early on, it made you orgasm harder from the rush of the minor blood loss. After he would indulge himself, he would kiss your neck and then cut his wrist, giving you his blood so you would heal from it. He was in control of it and knew you were in no danger. Plus, he enjoyed the taste of you immensely. When you saw his eyes turn dark and red, you knew what was coming, and getting excited for it instantly.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Damon was known for being good at sex, yes skill plays a big part but, the equipment is just as important. He knew how to use his length, he had a lot of it and knew he had to be careful with women that weren't as open to sex as he was. It took awhile for you to get use to his dick but now nothing else will do.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Unrealistically high, let's just leave it at that.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep)
Knowing that Damon has made you shake with pleasure and cry out his name. He will easily drift off to sleep no problem. You resting your head on his chest, he would stroke your hair as he listened to your heart beat slow down to a rest rate.
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Baking Shenanigans
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Characters: Vlad, Charles Henri Sanson & Johann Georg Faust 
Prompt: In lieu to the baking shenanigans of yesterday. Starring @silhouette-of-a-dream​ as Vlad, @nad-zeta​ as Charles and well, me as Faust. What can go wrong if you put those in the kitchen, right? See it as a thank you gift for yesterday and yet another Crack!fic! 
Warnings: mentions of food.
Word count: +1k
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“I’m not beating eggs.” The statement came so bluntly that the redhead had to blink a few times, his smile dimming ever so lightly before he found it back once more, the face blooming into an even brighter one.
“That’s alright, we can find something!” Charles promised, happy already that he had managed to convince the ever so stoic Faust to join in with baking, though Vlad knew that secretly Faust had been hoping to make something simple to give to the orphans that visited him daily.
“So, what do we want to bake?” came the next question, and Charles was once more bouncing off towards the rows of recipe books he had pulled, eyes eagerly going past the collection he had acquired from you from the modern day. All these potential sweets he didn’t know yet, and could share!
To this both men remained an answer guilty as Faust and Vlad gave each other a look, unsure of how to answer and what to say. “Something with strawberries,” Vlad said whilst Faust had shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn’t care as long as he didn’t have to beat the eggs.
To this Charles’s smile widened, his hands clasping together as he nodded in determination. “[Name] said they wanted to make brownies! And there is also a cheesecake recipe we can try with strawberries!” He proposed, and both Faust and Vlad agreed to the sound of the desserts, not really seeing much opposition to it other than that it sounded foreign to them.
But when Charles reviewed the recipes again, discussing it with you somewhat he realised a rather grave mistake, his lips puckering up as he wondered how he was going to amend this one.
It would be fine, right? He bought the strawberries, he got the flour and cocoa and even some fine chocolate. Accompanied by you Charles had everything gathered together to start the baking event in Vlad’s castle, gathering the rest of the members together in the kitchen.
“Okay,” you had clasped your hands together, deciding to lead the operation as the one who had the most experience with the delicacies they were going to put out today. “Vlad cuts the chocolate and melts it into the cream, Charles washes the strawberries and watches over the recipe and Faust can…”
In here Charles gently nudged you, his head shaking a little as he quickly flashed you a smile. It earned the suspicion from the man himself whose eyes narrowed as Charles sheepishly tried to look away.
“We’re starting with the brownies, since they need to cool!” Charles announced instead, deftly dancing around Faust’s questioning stare as he pulled you along to bring everything they needed to the counter. “And for that we need to start with 100 grams of sugar to every egg we add and beat it!”
The silence that came after the explanation was one that Charles had been expecting, the cold and calculating stare coming from the single vampire that hadn’t been assigned a task yet in the kitchen as he bore down the other man that was still dancing around the subject.
“It is a very quick job, five minutes tops!” he promised Faust, whose expression turned darker as he was handed a bowl and five eggs with a pile of sugar.
“Better work those arms for the gains!” you chimed in cheerfully, catching onto the problem with an annoyingly chipper smile that Faust knew he had lost against as soon as the rest started to work. Even Vlad had gently turned away to get to his own task, the chocolate cut into neat chunks that darkened the white cream they started with.
“Is this fine?” Faust had questioned after a minute, the eggs still a sludgy yellow at which both Charles and you frowned, heads shaking in disapproval.
“Needs some more time,” came the dreadful words to which Faust rolled his eyes, the whisk going through the eggs once more as he tried to beat in the volume.
“You know, this would go faster if you tip the bowl a little, less surface area,” Charles tried to chime in, but the look in Faust’s eyes told the other to shut up and not interfere lest the eggs were going into his hair.
And this was why Charles had been hesitant in telling Faust about the grave mistake he had forgotten to check upon. A detail that he would come to regret later when it came to the cream cheese to be beaten.
“Whisking, again?” Faust had nearly growled when he was handed the cream cheese. Charles could only smile guiltily as you were trying to prevent Vlad from finishing all of the strawberries on his own before the decoration could happen.
“Just soften it up!” he had told the man, who rolled his eyes as he stared at the smaller bowls next to it, containing the lemon juice and the other additions to be added.
“And this goes in?” Faust questioned, having given up on the arguing part as Charles eagerly nodded, already glad that the other had stopped fighting him at every turn and accepted his fate and duty in the kitchen.
“Yes, but you probably want to start with---”
Before the male could finish Faust had poured each and every bowl into the cream cheese, all at once without any regard for order or portions. “Too late,” was the deadpan dry remark from the man who eyed the redhead with a look of: ‘and now?’
However, if Charles ever let himself be beaten by that he didn’t let it show now, his smile recovering once more as he shook his head. “That’s fine! It is about the taste, right?” he beamed and left Faust to his own devices with the whisking of the cream cheese while he went to beat the cream.
Another grave mistake. For when it came down to the combining of the ingredients he found the emulsion to be rather… thin.
“You probably need to beat it more,” you offered, a frown crossing your face as you stared into the mixture Charles held in hands. Vlad and Faust stood across in the kitchen, both watching the both of you in idle manner.
“We have been beating it for a while, I think we should just let it firm up in the fridge?” Charles tried, a worried expression in his eyes as his eyes went over the small cups that he had handed Faust earlier and seen pouring in.
“The ratios should have been fine,” he mumbled, and you pursed your lips as well, mystified at the why of the emulsion not thickening up.
To this Faust chuckled, his glasses pushed up his nose once more as he had an admission to make;
“I added in another half a lemon of lemon juice after tasting it,” came the admission, and both Charles and you perked up at that, eyes widening as you gave each other a look, an understanding landing.
“Should I have mentioned that?” The man continued to question, though nothing in his demeanour showed that he felt guilty over the addition of extra lemon juice and the possibility of ruining the recipe whilst Vlad stood grinning at the side, unable to hide away the smile.
“Heck yeah!” came your response, as Charles just regretted the whole ordeal of asking Faust to beat anything at all, a mental note made in the back of his mind to never ask the man again to whisk.
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bottomlouisficfest · 3 years
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Now that the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020 has concluded, we know that a lot of readers will have more time to catch up on some of the amazing fics they may have missed over the past two months. We encourage everyone to check out the full collection and to scroll through this masterpost of the 70 incredible fics that were posted during this year’s fest.
Please be sure to give all of these fics love - offer kudos, leave comments, reblog their fic posts on Tumblr, and retweet the fic posts on Twitter to help spread the word about these fics. The fest ending does not mean that our appreciation and reading of these fics has to end too.
Thank you for following along with this fest! We appreciate every single one of you - and we’ll see you later this year for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2021. 😊💜
Rainbow Bloom
A fic by dandelionfairies on AO3 | @dandelionfairies on Tumblr | dandelionfairi1 on Twitter
22k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is in denial. Louis has been in denial for far too long. Then Harry enters his life and everything changes.
Breakable Heaven
A fic by amomentoflove on AO3 | @daggerandrose on Tumblr | dagger_rosefics on Twitter
44k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
bang bang (my baby shot me down)
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
16k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I walked in on them having sex again,” Niall says after a beat of hesitation.
Liam still looks confused. “Why’s this different from every other time we’ve seen them having sex?” Liam asks, and oh, Harry knows Liam really doesn’t want to know the answer to this one.
Niall’s gone silent then, and Harry almost thinks they’re in the clear. Liam is back to scrolling through his phone, and Zayn is whispering something to Louis that makes the older boy giggle. They’re going to get through this car ride without a murder.
But then Niall’s covering his face with his sweatshirt, taking in a breath and on his exhale, Harry hears him mutter, “Louis was wearing knickers.”
Liam’s phone clatters to the floor of the car.
Don't You Know That I'm a Moon in Daylight?
A fic by wildholly on AO3 | @bottomlwt on Tumblr | bottomloulou on Twitter
58k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 79. Louis and Harry fell in love in the 18th century, Louis wanted Harry to convert him into a vampire, but he ended up resenting Harry for it. Fast forward to our modern days, they haven’t seen each other since then, but one day they meet again through a mutual friend. Harry was bitter for a long time, but he accepted that being angry wouldn't erase the fact that Louis was the love of his life. He wanted to court and spoil Louis like in their original time period, but Louis avoided him every time Harry tried to reconnect. Happy ending!
practice in pencil, seal it in pen
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
16k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 174: AU where drunk Harry lifts Louis up after someone says “bottoms up”. Louis blushes at Harry’s antics, flustered that his best friend knew him more than he thought. Friends to lovers with a happy ending please
or Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
tastes like summer, smiles like may
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
blinded by the sparks
A fic by wallstracktwo on AO3 | @wallstracktwo on Tumblr
22k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"You can’t even keep your lies straight. Mike has the memory of an elephant and can remember every single detail about every single person he’s ever met, so don’t stand there and tell me that he mixed you up with someone else.” He took back Harry’s cigarette. “I saw you exchanging lower chips for higher ones. I saw you counting the cards. There is no fucking way you won seven thousand dollars tonight honestly. And so I will repeat myself — I want in. Fifty-fifty.”
Harry was completely taken aback by the stunningly attractive man standing in front of him. He made several attempts to say something — opening and closing his mouth at least twice before he was finally able to string a few words together. “What? No. No way. No. Sorry, but I work alone.”
That was the truth too — he had never trusted anyone enough to let them get close, especially when it came to his scamming, so having a partner was completely, utterly out of the question.
“Don’t you think you need someone on the…” Louis’ tongue darted out, licking his lips as his eyes flickered to Harry’s mouth, one eyebrow cocking up. “...inside.”
Or - Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
somewhere in between
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers.
There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant.
On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine
A fic by Safetypinprince on AO3 | @roselouis on Tumblr | femboyIouis on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
Alternatively titled: and they were roommates.
A Silent Whisper (That's Left Unsaid)
A fic by MyEnglishRose on AO3 | @lwtisloved on Tumblr | darlinlou on Twitter
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“So… we’re doing this?”
Louis shrugs, suddenly acting disinterested.
“Your call, Curly.”
Instead of a verbal response, Harry suddenly takes Louis’ left hand in his. The black ring seems to nag him as the fire’s light reflects its polished edges. He ignores Louis’ curious gaze as he quickly takes off one of his own rings — the rose one —, sliding it on Louis’ middle finger. It is a little large and when he lets go of his hand, Louis has to curl it into a fist so the ring doesn’t immediately fall off.
“We’ll tell them it’s a promise ring, not an actual engagement,” Harry declares, trying to ignore how warm his cheeks feel. Hopefully, it can’t be seen as he is facing away from the fireplace.
“Right… could have gotten me a fitted ring though, my Harry ten years ago was more thoughtful.”
Louis’ tone is light and teasing again. It creates a small smile on Harry’s lips.
“Someday,” he whispers before he even registers it himself.
They both ignore it.
Or. A Fake Relationship & Exes to Lovers AU ft a failed proposal ten years ago, an oblivious Harry, an overworked Louis, Zayn as the protective best friend, a meddling aunt and a lot of talks about weddings and rings.
sweet like honey
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Weeks of flat shopping with their limited budget with Louis as a librarian aid and Harry as a barista and arguments about whether a balcony or extended bathroom suite were more important (Harry wanted to be able to feel the crisp night’s air and watch the sun set and Louis just wanted to take long bubble baths) led to them stumbling across the perfect fit. A small flat only ten minutes from campus with a cramped but lovely balcony and an included bath.
It’s affordable too… well, sort of. But they always manage. Louis picks up more shifts as an aid, adapting a habit of bringing his Psych textbooks and homework with him to finish in between duties, and later his script so he can quietly practice lines with little distraction.
Harry also increases his number of shifts at the cafe and valiantly endures the nasty customers who for some reason flock to their establishment like moths to a flame.
For a while, it’s enough.
Or, Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
Spoonful of Sugar
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry Styles.  
A name better suited for a myth than a man. Like the name of the devil, people either whisper it in fear or laugh it off as fable. Cut it open and this city’s heart doesn’t bleed red. It’s snowy white, and it pulses in the tight grip of Lucifer himself.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
Let's Break the Internet
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’ll tell you what,” Sam leans forward in his chair and steeples his fingers in front of his face, “If you actually make an account and sell nudie pics and porn for more than three months, I’ll believe you.”
Louis purses his lips, ignoring the returning blush on his cheeks at the thought of having to film himself in compromising positions or taking photos of himself without any clothes on. Raising his chin defiantly, Louis accepts the challenge.
“Fine,” he agrees, “But when I win, you have to make one too.”
Lips quirked, Sam nods and holds out a hand, “Deal.” -- Or, the one where Louis is an Only Fans baby.
in a sea of mist
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
126k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
Across the Grey, Salty Sea
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr | Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | thetrashpigeon on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen.”
Written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020- Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
Thank you, five.
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | _nouies on Twitter
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
Prompt 195: Hamilton AU
Know I Think You're Awesome, Right?
A fic by princesshalo on AO3 | @princesshalo on Tumblr | tpwkorra on Twitter
60k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
Based on the prompt: a college AU where Louis is a hippie, very good vibes activist and Harry is a punk, anarchist that always gets involved in violent protests.
show you the stars in daylight
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis laughed, the sound loud and borderline obnoxious. Harry winced. “Are you kidding, Haz? I wouldn’t even look twice at someone that couldn’t pick me up.”
And, well. That was new information to Harry. It’s not like Louis had ever mentioned to him that he was his type in any way, shape, or form.  Harry shifted closer into the space between Louis’s legs, even more intrigued than before. “Why not?” he asked curiously, all pink lips and big curls. Louis smiled.
“Tiny, innocent, little Harold. Need someone that can pick me up, don’t I? I like being tossed around a little. You know, pinned down and made to take it. Lifted up like I’m nothing,” Louis said it all with a confident smile, his sharp little teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he locked eyes with the jock across the kitchen. “Think he might come over here. Move over. I don’t want him to think we’re together.”
Or, the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac)
A fic by MsHydeStylinson on AO3 | @mizzhydes on Tumblr | MsHydeStylinson on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Did you like them?” Louis asked in a seductive tone, propping his elbow against the armrest, chin resting against his fingers.
“I’m not going to answer that,” Harry informed, lips pressed in a hard line.
“I don’t think you have to,” Louis smirked nodding slightly towards his telltale bulge and watched as Harry reddened from his neck to his forehead in a flash.
”Please, I beg you to put that phone away,” Harry pleaded with a suffering expression plastered on his face.
“Please…” Harry whined.
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds.  A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret
A fic by lovelykits on AO3 | @lovelykits on Tumblr
16k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments.
“Okay,” Harry shifts.
“Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.”
"You always get asked out.”
“Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
A Place With Skeletons
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here.
Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
Pretty and Pink
A fic by LarryInPanties on AO3 | @larryinpantiess on Tumblr | babielouu on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis points a finger at the man’s pec, “I’ll have you know Harry, anyone would be lucky to have me as a hitchhiker buddy. I’m nice, I don’t take up too much space, and I’m pretty.”
He’s not lying.
“Let me get this straight,” Harry gives Louis a look when he lets out a tiny laugh. “Ya’ want to take a ride with me but you don’t even know where ya’ wanna go yet?”
Harry never lets anyone come on the road with him.
Then, a cute hitchhiker, Louis comes around.
Cold As Ice And Everything Nice
A fic by harriblou on AO3 | @harriblou on Tumblr | harriblou on Twitter
40k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
A young boy about Harry’s age was zoomed into the camera, blushing a bright red and breathing heavily and as he bowed. The crowd was cheering for him loudly and every movement he made was bashful and flustered. He had on a very nice skate dress that was purple. His name, hometown, skate scores, and all sorts of information was in a banner on the bottom half of the screen. He was really young, especially compared to all the other competitors, which was the second thing he noticed.
The first was that the boy was easily the prettiest in the entire world, the prettiest boy Harry’s ever seen. He felt his asthma squeeze his throat and his heart beat faster and his hands get a little more clammy.
or in which Louis is a professional ice-skater and he meets Harry, who offers to clean the ice for him.
You'll wait for me only.
A fic by signofthetmies on AO3 | @tired-eyes-lou on Tumblr
9k | Teen & Up | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry nips at the bondmark on Louis’ neck, Louis’ hands go to his hips, grounding him. He allows himself this, knowing that his Omega needs it too. Harry pulls back, “Go on a date with me.” He rushes out, looking at Louis’ eyes.
Louis laughs and shakes his head. “No, Louis, I’m serious. We’ve bonded for life anyway, might as well try.” Louis looks at him, “You’ve been thinking about this a lot.” Louis points out, Harry nods. “Okay.” Louis says and walks out leaving Harry. “Okay what?!”
Prompt 15: Omega Louis is a lawyer that worked on omega rights cases. Alpha Harry is a corporate lawyer. Louis and Harry used to be childhood archenemies, until Louis moved to another school and they never saw each other again. Now, they’re both adults that happen to work in the same place. They behave like children and still share a mutual dislike. Both travel to work together for a case. One night they both bond accidentally. Slowly but surely, they fall in love. Enemies to lovers!
through the wheatfields and the coastlines
A fic by thepolourryexpress on AO3 | @thepolourryexpress on Tumblr | ZOUlSBUSONE on Twitter
53k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Hot Cowboy asks, tracking his little lamb with his eyes. Louis frowns slightly, having thought he was doing pretty well at not sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s not like he’s not from around here — it’s not his first summer he’s spent at his grandparents'. But he supposes that the Manhattan city lifestyle that he’s used to is always going to shine through.
“I’m visiting family for the summer,” Louis explains, cheeks a little pink. “Trying to get some work done without distractions.”
Or, alternatively, the one where Louis needs inspiration, and a certain cowboy and his lamb are the perfect distraction.
The Boy with the Tin Chest and a Glass Heart
A fic by louloubaby92 on AO3 | @louloubabys1992 on Tumblr
18k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Alpha Harry Styles, world-renowned author of fairy-tales, is being persuaded by the Beta, Liam Payne to hire a new illustrator. Since Harry’s own illustrations are too graphic for what is supposed to be children’s stories, Liam feels the need is dire. Omega Louis does not agree with Liam since he believes that Harry’s stories are fine just the way they are. Of course this has nothing to do with Louis being totally biased or totally head over heels for Harry. It certainly has nothing to do with being jealous of the mysterious omega illustrator Liam has in mind to team Harry up with.
Seriously, it has nothing to do with that at all. Nothing, absolutely nothing, zilch, nada.
This Glass House
A fic by BabyPowderLou on AO3 | @compactblue on Tumblr | princessbluelou on Twitter
42k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
While deployed, Alpha Harry gets injured by an IED explosion, leaving him to deal with severe injuries in its devastating aftermath. During his road to acceptance and recovery he learns with the help of Louis and their children just how important family can be for the mind, body, and soul.
singing your praises
A fic by loubellies on AO3 | @loubellies on Tumblr | loubellies on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 86: Louis rides Harry while wearing his packer’s jersey/sweater and gets his ass ate.
made for lovin' you
A fic by cuddlerlouis on AO3 | @cuddlerlouis on Tumblr | burntromances on Twitter
52k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I’m in,” is all Louis receives. He blinks a few times, making sure he’s reading this right.
“For real?” he asks, just to be a hundred percent sure.
“Yes,” pops up. “How do you wanna pursue?” The alpha adds, like he’s on a special mission or something.
“I’m gonna call us a cab to go to mine. Once I know it’s here, I’ll leave and join you there,” Louis explains. “I’ll text you to go around five minutes before it arrives, so it doesn’t look suspicious, and our friends don’t notice us leaving together.”
So Louis does, and ten minutes later, he’s sat in the backseat of a cab, next to Harry Styles, the person he hates the most but unfortunately still finds attractive. They’re on their way to fuck in Louis’ flat.
Or the one where a quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
Stuck On You
A fic by WritewhatIwant on AO3
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
On the Edge
A fic by zanni_scaramouche on AO3 | @zanniscaramouche on Tumblr
47k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
Be a Good Girl For Me
A fic by wannabebestseller on AO3 | @sincetheywere16and18 on Tumblr
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Based on this prompt: “AU where Harry is Louis’ older brother’s best friend. He catches Louis dancing around his room in panties and blackmails him, saying that Louis has to do anything he says or else he’ll tell Louis’ family that he wears girly underwear. Secretly soft for him, Harry gives him easy tasks and uses the whole thing to spend more time with Louis. Eventually, the orders begin to escalate and Harry teases Lou about his secret, making Louis shy and embarrassed. Louis loves the attention though, and forms a crush on his brother’s best friend. Lots of feminization, secret relationship, and enemies to lovers. Thank you!”
dripping like spider milk
A fic by raspberryoats on AO3 | @raspberryoatss on Tumblr | raspberryoatss on Twitter
64k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When he sees the alpha, his brown hair curling around the top of his neck and his broad back that’s filled out over the past couple of years, Louis freezes for a moment. The alpha turns around, Louis’ surprised expression mirrored on his own for a fraction of a second before he schools it into a big, yet shy grin and a wave of his huge hand. With his nostrils flared, Louis knows that he can smell him, too.
They never hired alphas, except for—
or prompt 110: Louis is a retired porn star and he gets invited back to test a new line of sex products the company he worked for is releasing (would include photoshoots and videos of Louis sampling certain toys). Harry is there to photograph, film, and intimately help him along the way (preferably in a private setting).
But It's Useless
A fic by thinlines on AO3 | @thinlinez on Tumblr
26k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis was even hallucinating now. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, you.”
He chuckled wetly, head still leaning against the door.
“Can you get out of the way? You're blocking the door.”
He exhaled sharply before slowly turning around. His eyes fixed onto muddy Nike trainers before it traveled up to impossibly short jogging shorts. The yellow color was atrocious, simply ghastly.
“What happened to being polite, Harold?”
OR Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
Yours To Lose
A fic by loulicate on AO3 | loulicaterecs on Twitter
26k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I think I know the person that matches your descriptions of your dream alpha.”
“Who? And oh not my dream alpha, god you’re making me sound like a teenage school girl. I’m a mum, H.” They laugh as they watch kids gather in front of the verandah, getting ready to go back to the orphanage.
“Well, you’re gonna have to find out.” Harry winks before standing up to start cleaning their spot.
Or Louis always gets distracted with his mummy duty and he eventually catches Harry's attention.
Sweet Scary Creatures
A fic by Specklesock on AO3 | @specklelouis on Tumblr | specklelouiie on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
They stare into each other's eyes for a while until Louis remembers this is too intimate and looks at Harry’s hands on his thigh. It spans a big portion of his thigh and Louis has always been insecure about how thick he is, so he loves that Harry has huge, dustbin hands that hold him and makes him feel smaller, safer.
We Are But Dust and Shadows
A fic by louisbarnes on AO3 | @tomlinsonbarnes on Tumblr | dreamersdiving on Twitter
51k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Um, okay. I’m going to…” Harry gestured over his shoulder and gave the two of them an awkward smile.
“Wait! You got a letter.” Zayn held out the letter and Harry’s face dropped. He took the letter from Zayn, gaze locked on it like it was a bomb ready to explode. “What is it?”
“Probably just from the New York Institute,” Harry muttered. He hurried away, ripping the envelope open as he went.
“Remember when you said you didn’t want to fuck him?” Zayn broke the silence and Louis scoffed.
“Quite clearly, actually.”
Zayn grinned. “Your eye twitches when you lie.”
“Fuck off.”
Or: Louis is part of a well respected Shadowhunter family, and Harry is the Mundane turned Shadowhunter who just can’t seem to get it right.
it's hard to fight naked
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 6: Louis and Harry are roommates, but they cannot stand each other. When Harry heard Louis moan his name while Louis was riding a dildo in Harry’s room (Louis thought he was alone at home), Harry couldn’t stop himself and so he ended up fucking Louis against the mattress. Happy ending!
or where Louis leaves dirty socks on the couch, Zayn does assignments while he's high, and Harry is hopelessly crushing on his roommate.
social cues
A fic by outropeace on AO3 | @outropeace on Tumblr | outropetals on Twitter
56k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
A fic by larryent on AO3 | @larryent on Tumblr | oflarryent on Twitter
13k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"A legacy is every life you’ve touched. And you’ve touched mine twice."
On the coast of San Franciso in 2024 is when Harry falls in love all over again.
“This thing upon me is not death but it’s as real, .... this thing upon me like a flower a feast, believe me is not death and is not glory.” — Charles Bukowski, old man, dead in a room
smoke between your teeth
A fic by soldouthaz on AO3 | @soldouthaz on Tumblr | soldouthaz on Twitter
37k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Alright, fine. What is it, then?" Louis asks. "Give me the best you’ve got. What’s this big reason why I smoke?"
Harry’s head lolls backward on the back of the sofa, a dopey grin on his face even though his eyes are already halfway closed - that look he gives Louis when he’s about to spout some incoherent bout of psychological bullshit.
“Oral fixation,” Harry mutters as delightfully as he can muster, his tone suggesting that it should be obvious.
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
calm me down (before i sleep)
A fic by leeanndarling on AO3 | @erodiansunflower on Tumblr | leeann_darling on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 24: Harry is a sex shop owner that has a crush on Louis, the shy customer who flirts with him while buying cute buttplugs, lace panties, and collars. One day, Louis asked Harry to help him put on a corset (they end up fucking in the dressing room). Things escalate quickly from there, so they start seeing each other seriously while trying other sex stuff.
This World’s Ashes
A fic by sunshineandthemoonlight on AO3 | @sunshineandthemoonlight on Tumblr
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The man stares at him, and all Harry can hear is his own heartbeat, racing.
Then the stranger turns away. He walks a few paces and bends down, picking up a large knife from the ground and shoving it into a pouch attached to his belt.
“I won’t hurt you, you know.”
Harry’s eyes snap up to the man’s face. He’s looking at Harry sincerely, palms held up as though in surrender. There’s still a knife in his right hand, though, so Harry is only slightly reassured.
Harry swallows to combat the dryness of his throat, and then says, “I won’t hurt you either.”
A post-apocalypse AU where Harry, battling his past as he survives in the woods, has learnt not to trust anyone except his dog. Then Louis crashes into his life, with his bright spirit and soft lips, pulling Harry from the depths of a loneliness he hadn’t realised he was drowning in. But there is danger lurking, and Harry’s not the only one wrestling with his past.
A Springtime's Wilt, an Autumn's Bloom
A fic by snowcaplou on AO3 | snowcaplou on Twitter
20k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“What about you Harry? Maybe you should apply for the position,” she teases.
“Oi! You better not be trying to get rid of my best driver-- I can’t go looking for a replacement, I’m too busy!” Louis says with a playful slap to Savannah’s shoulder. It's jestful, like the rest of their conversation, but there is a possessive bite to his words-- my best driver-- the words bounce through Harry’s ears until he can just hear the words my and mine. It falls deaf on Savannah’s beta senses, but for a minute Harry thinks he can sense the same words zooming through Louis’ thoughts.
My, mine.
My alpha.
And woah, Harry’s taking it too far. At least, he thinks he’s taking it too far, but when he looks back up from his plate, Louis’ eyes are heavy on his, and for a fleeting second, Harry can pretend he heard Louis say it.
Harry is Louis' personal chauffeur, and although he hides his feelings for his boss behind a wall of rigid professionalism, Louis still manages to squeeze through the cracks.
Starlight’s Crossing
A fic by smittenwithlouis on AO3 | @smittenwithlouis on Tumblr | smittenwlouis on Twitter
30k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He can picture it so clearly, as he holds onto Louis’ sleeping body. How they’d go exploring every inch of the galaxy without a care in the world. He builds a fairytale future in his mind, one that includes marriage, kids, and growing old together. Even after such a short time together, Harry knows that he’d say yes to anything and everything this man ever asked for. He’d follow him to the ends of the galaxy if that’s what Louis wanted.
And that thought terrifies Harry.
Or: All it takes is one night for Harry and Louis' life to change forever. Fast-forward four years, and they embark on an adventure of a lifetime across the universe.
A fic by littleLouve on AO3 | @larents on Tumblr | louvees on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The one where Louis has control over water in every form but he doesn't know what to do with it. Harry is here to guide him.
don't want no other shade of blue
A fic by padfootyoudog on AO3 | @louisisworthit on Tumblr
43k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I know you’re putting on an act,” says Harry after a moment, and Louis scowls when he realises the prince is actually amused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” says Louis.
“All I’ve heard over the past couple of years are rumours of Prince Louis’ kindness, and generosity, and oh, he’s so handsome I can barely pour his tea without shaking!” says Harry, putting on a silly, high-pitched voice for the last bit. Louis’ scowl deepens. “I would already know if you were just another selfish, bratty omega prince. You can’t fool me, darling, but I admire your efforts.”
“As you said,” Louis grits out, “those are only rumours. I assure you, I’m a terrible person.”
prompt 339: it was foretold that Alpha Prince Harry would be mated to a beautiful male omega with eyes that could rival the stone amethyst, but Omega Prince Louis refuses to believe it.
Loving You's the Antidote
A fic by neverheartbroken on AO3 | @neverheartbroken on Tumblr
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 302: Alpha Harry & Omega Louis are divorced but still spend each other’s heat/rut together because they only really trust each other but things get complicated when Louis (or Harry, author’s choice) spend it with someone else. Cue angst with a happy ending. (Prompt Inspiration: Prompt 98 from the 2019 BLFF)
dirty laundry looks good on you
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
When Louis Tomlinson finds his clothes lying in a sad soapy mess on top of the washing machine in which they are supposed to be, he acts upon his anger and retaliates. What he doesn’t expect is having to deal with a six-feet tall, curly-haired and dimpled man in return, who seems to arouse confusing feelings within him and to make his life take an unexpected turn for the better (or worse?).
OR; the utility room is a great place to fall in love.
no good unless it's real
A fic by fackinglouis on AO3 | @fackinglouis on Tumblr
17k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.”
 Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.”
Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that.
“I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh.
“Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.”
Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
Since the Future
A fic by bluestarwitch on AO3 | @loustarlight on Tumblr | IwtstarIight on Twitter
49k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"It's done."
The words were barely above a whisper when they left Harry's mouth, but they hit Louis with the force of a freight train. It was done. Holy fuck. They had created a time machine. And tomorrow, they were travelling to the future.
To Love without Reason
A fic by MuggleMirror on AO3 | @mugglemirror on Tumblr | mugglemirror on Twitter
8k | Not Rated | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Come on in, soldier,” Louis pats Harry’s chest and walks away, leaving Harry to follow behind.
Harry stands in the living room, looking around at Louis’ dwelling. Family pictures placed high on a shelf, certificates of Louis’ practice, and other trinkets that make Harry entirely too nostalgic.
“I have to warn you,” Louis says as he puts the kettle on, the water droplets from his hair trickling down the golden skin of his back. “The door jams if you lock it so you'll have to leave it ajar.”
Harry acknowledges with a soft hum, too entranced by Louis’ glistening skin to form a coherent reply.
Sedative Duty.
A fic by daddyharrie on AO3 | @daddyharrie on Tumblr | daddyharrie on Twitter
46k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press,  Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
You and I 'till the day we die
A fic by Allmylovelarrie on AO3 | flightlesslarri on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del  Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend  who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in  the 80s)
Give So Much (Not Enough)
A fic by skinsuk on AO3 | @wifeylouis on Tumblr
24k | Mature | Louis/Harry, Louis/Alex, Harry/Tess | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of  Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”  
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the  push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his  lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of  mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a  very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out  loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still  sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook  him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap  and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact  with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
A friends to lovers au with tons of mama Louis and domesticity.
New York's Beauty
A fic by nocontrol_lou on AO3 | @saxophone17 on Tumblr | nocontrol_louis on Twitter
5k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 104: AU where Harry is an alpha wolf and  Louis is a hybrid kitten. They were roommates. While they were arguing  about something stupid, Harry wanted to bend Louis over the kitchen  table and knot him right there. He slowly accepted his feelings and  extreme desire for Louis, so he started to tease the hybrid until he  would beg Harry to fuck him. They fall in love. Louis needs to feel comfortable with the camera so Harry fucks him until he is blushing and calm and gentle.
feeling borrowed, always blue
A fic by falsegoodnight on AO3 | @falsegoodnight on Tumblr | falsegoodnight on Twitter
67k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ own heartbeat picks up, eyes widening right as  Dr. Zoyansky hits a button and the unsteady pattern of thumps echoes  into the room. His breathing hitches, eyes watering as the rhythm seeps  into his insides and reverberates in his mind. A heartbeat.
He doesn’t register the tears at first, eyes fixed to the screen and vision blurring.
The  situation seems insane. Here he is, twenty-four years old, sitting in  the examination chair and listening to the heartbeat of his future  child, clutching the worn material of his changing gown with pale  fingers, one of which is weighed down by a gaudy engagement ring.
And  most noticeably - he’s entirely alone. It’s just him in the room with  his doctor, experiencing one of the most groundbreaking, life-changing moments of his entire life and he’s all alone.
Or, Louis has been dreaming of his wedding since he was young - he just never expected that it was going to happen like this.
A fic by tomlinvelvet on AO3 | @tomlinvelvetfics on Tumblr
66k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Eight years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart  back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry  Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world  like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never  see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for  him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He's far from expecting the alpha he loved to struggle the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn't  take long for both of them to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the  only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first  place.
moonlit sky over gentle waters
A fic by stardustx on AO3 | stardxstlwt on Twitter
11k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
"The King of the Pirates! Captain Harry Styles! The one  who conquered the seven seas!" Louis boasts, sarcasm drips from his  tone, mocking him.
The bar is clean, but he still scrubs just as  fervently, his brows furrows and a small pout forms on those pink lips  Harry desperately wants to kiss. He looks down, dubiously, at the  address in his hand.
“Every lass and lad dreams of bedding a  pirate like you.” Louis huffs, gazes up at him with a despondant look  that reminds him of a grumpy kitten.
Silence fills the space as Harry mulls over his words. He finally looks up at Louis, blinking slowly. “Do they really?”
"You're an idiot."
OR Harry left his hometown to sail the seven seas and returns seven years later, yearning for something — or rather, someone  — that he isn't sure he can have.
Short and Sweet
A fic by 5ft9 on AO3 | cinnamouroll on Twitter
29k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of  male omegas.  He's always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered  upbringing,  fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He's  immediately smitten  by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad  shoulders, and the  addictive coffee scent.
under thorn and bramble
A fic by thedeathchamber on AO3 | @louehvolution on Tumblr
32k | Explicit | Louis/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 445: A historical AU where Louis is working as a  servant on a farm. The family that owns the farm is exceedingly cruel  to him and he is often exhausted and in pain from his work. A mysterious  stranger boards at the farm and is very intrigued by Louis, but Louis  doubts his interest in genuine. Any pairing fine.
Late night devil put your hands on me (and never, never, never ever let go)
A fic by summerandsunshine on AO3 | sunshine_Iou on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry is a demon that feeds off of people’s nightmares. He finds his next meal in Louis’ dreams where he changes and molds them to become scary nightmares. Soon harry learns Louis is a lucid dreamer- he can act on his own in his dreams. They interact in the real world and have sex in the dream world. when Louis catches feelings the devil, Harry promises to come back to earth once and for all.
No Easy Choice, But You’re Mine
A fic by alltheselights on AO3 | @alltheselights on Tumblr | alltheselightts on Twitter
45k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis’ feet pound on the pavement as he runs, and the echo reverberates through the alley behind him. He drops the gun near a trash bin as he passes, his gloved fingers ensuring that it will never be traced back to him.
He’s panting, his thighs ache, and there’s a cramp forming beneath his ribs on the right side, but all of that is nothing compared to the exhaustion clouding his brain.  
I can’t do this anymore, Louis thinks.
Or: Louis is an omega hitman with one last job that goes a little sideways. Harry is the alpha bartender that looks a little too closely and cares a little too much.
Joker Is Wild
A fic by Typosmyown on AO3 | @palosquared on Tumblr
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/Various | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 390: A reality show AU where Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall are selected to stay at confined in a luxury mansion for 1 month, where they are required to have explicit, graphic sex at all times, like a porn Big Brother kind of show. Every week there are several different sexual tasks and trials that they must overcome together, which all ends in orgasms for all of them. When the boys all discover Louis is strictly a bottom, and a slutty one at that, they all can’t wait to get their hands on him. Bonus if other hot celebs are there too, like Shawn Mendes, for example. Includes lots of hard gay sex, rimming, blowjobs, gang bangs, ass worshipping (Louis ass, of course) and double penetration.
The Pirate and The Piper
A fic by jacaranda_bloom on AO3 | @jacaranda-bloom on Tumblr | jacaranda_bloom on Twitter
38k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Banished from Neverland by Captain Hook and the evil Siren Minerva, Louis is forced to live in the Other World. He makes a life for himself, resigned to the fact he’s never going to see his beloved home and Lost Boys again. Five years later he’s kidnapped and returned to Neverland, only to discover a far worse fate awaits him. But with an unlikely ally by his side, can he overcome those who seek his demise and restore freedom to his homeland?
Or the one where Harry is Hook, Louis is Pan, and nothing is what it seems.
Coeur de Pirate
A fic by louizsv on AO3 | @ashleyjohnsonfanaccount on Tumblr | piccadillyplum on Twitter
34k | Explicit | Louis/Harry, Louis/OMC, Louis/Harry/OMC | Tumblr post | Twitter post
He tilts his chin up as the Captain strides across the deck, his footfalls falling loudly against the planks. The crew watches them from afar.
Stepping into his space, the Captain wraps an arm around Louis’ waist and pulls him in. He lowers his head to breathe his words against Louis’ cheeks. “I won,” he whispers, “I’ve come to claim my prize.”
if you're feeling lonely
A fic by ifthat on AO3 | @lovehl on Tumblr | omegalouis on Twitter
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
The guest list is on the desk. Louis runs through it and stops a third of the way down when a familiar name catches his breath.
Harry Styles.
All he has to do is verify whether Harry Styles is the same Alpha whose scent beckoned him closer.
it's a game we play in the sheets
A fic by loubabyworship on AO3 | @strawbabyloucake on Tumblr | pillouprincess on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Louis is… He’s a boy I’ve been talking to.” He bit his lip, grin evident. “After I watched one of his videos during a Harry Reacts a few weeks ago I messaged him and…”
His sentence was cut short by the sound of a timid little “Hi” being whispered into his ears.
Harry closed his eyes for a second, pausing to take in the online presence of the real-life fairy, before he opened them and smiled. “Hey Lou. Ready to play with me?”
Mind Over Matter (You Under Me)
A fic by youreyesonlarry on AO3 | @youreyesonlarry on Tumblr | youreyesonlarry on Twitter
73k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day.
Prompt 21: Harry stopped playing hockey (after 10 years of a professional career) because of a severe injury. The dream he worked so hard for vanished in the blink of an eye. His family insisted that he had to go to physical therapy, even if it only helped his health. Cue to personal assistant Louis, the most efficient and kind PA one could hire.
View the 2020 BLFF collection here.
View the 2019 BLFF collection here.
269 notes · View notes
chocolate-parfait · 4 years
can I suggest a headcanon for arthur, theo and comte ( or dazai ) reacting to their selectively mute s/o speaking for the first time? ( maybe even singing? ) you can decide if you want a scenario for one of them and what mc sounds like, wether shes soft spoken or has a mature voice~ whatever you feel comfortable with >:0 👌 — have a nice day ! ♡
I made some research to write this but tell me if anything's inaccurate or wrong! I'll fix it right away
Selectively mute MC - ikevamp headcanons (Arthur, Theo & Comte)
Arthur's a bit suspicious when he sees how uncomfortable you seem to be on your first night. No normal person would feel completely at ease, that's for sure, and yet the way your gaze flickers around the room, the way you fidget with your own hands, the look of pure anxiety on your pretty features, they're all blatant red flags for him, though he decides to let you be. It's your first night, after all, for all he knows you could just be terribly shy, right?
He started piecing the signs together after a couple days when your voice was yet to be heard. The only thing they knew was your name, which you wrote on a piece of paper after Vincent's many soft encouragements.
The English writer had tried flirting with you a couple times, but after being met with the same indicators of discomfort as night one, he decided to step back and watch from the sidelines, occasionally helping others translate whatever you were trying to tell them with your body language.
Selective mutism had been diagnosed around 1870 for the first time, and although it was still a relatively new medical condition, he still was a couple decades more experienced when it came to medicine. After realizing that was your case, he moved to inform everyone in the mansion so that they could adjust their behaviors and avoid causing you too much distress.
Eventually Arthur becomes the person you spend most time with in the whole house; you can feel he genuinely cares and, despite the voices you had heard about his incorrigible attitudes and questionable habits, you start appreciating all the efforts he puts into making sure you're always comfortable and understood (his efforts were very much succeeding, by the way).
On one particular night, you decided to bring some coffee to his room, a silent gesture of support in his regards, but once you entered the bedroom, he turned to look you in the eyes and you saw his beautiful blue orbs, usually alight with mischief, now dark and wavering, surrounded by puffy, red skin. He had been crying. Despite all his best efforts to hide it, everyone knew the writer had his own ghosts from the past haunting him, but seeing him so wretched and broken made your heart squeeze in sympathy and pity.
Seeing your worried expression Arthur immediately turned the other way, letting out a self deprecating laugh as he thought this was probably not helping with your case at all. "Ah- D-don't worry about me! I just got some dust in my eyes. Clumsy old me-!" You set down the tray on his desk and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"A-arthur, you can tell me. I'm here for you."
His heart almost flew out of his chest as his wide eyes stared at you in disbelief. He abruptly stood up and had to stop himself from hugging you and twirling you around, grabbing your shoulders instead. "MC, you just spoke right now, didn't you?!". He was so shocked he completely forgot about his troubles and spent minutes fawning over you. He didn't realize he was coming off as too strong until he noticed your voice getting quieter and quieter. He then apologized and took a moment to cool himself off.
From then on, your relationship goes through revolutionary changes as he finally gets to learn more about your past, tastes and personality. Each little detail makes him more and more interested in what had been a complete mystery to everyone for days. As the writer of Sherlock Holmes he certainly couldn't let this one chance fly out of the window now, could he?
If his brain malfunctioned when he heard your voice for the first time, it is pretty accurate to say that he almost passed away for the second time when he heard your laugh! It's the best and most effective antidepressant he's tried in a long time, and the more open you become, the more the look in your eyes starts to brighten up, a worthy rival to the breathtaking smile that graces your lips every now and then.
Your voice is sweet, calm and soft, and Arthur feels as if he's floating on a cloud whenever he hears it. It isn't loud, either, making everything you say seem like the most intimate secret one could whisper to a close friend. On the other hand, your laugh is like the clear and light tinkling of a bell. Each time you let out even the smallest of chuckles his cheeks flush with a rosy blush, earning him stares and teasing remarks from the closest fellow vampire in the room.
Slowly, he starts to see his reactions for what they are: sprouts of a new love. As time passes by, he realizes he wants to hear more and more of your voice. He wants to hear you whimper his name lost in overwhelming pleasure, he wants to hear all the sweet nothings and declarations of love you can offer him, comforting words, even gibberish and dark secrets. Everything that comes out of your mouth is like molten gold to him, and he wants it all to himself.
He starts bragging to others, though it does not take long before you're comfortable enough to grace them with the sound of what Arthur has come to love so much. On one side he's jealous because you've denied him the privilege of being the only one to hear your voice, but at the same time he's also extremely proud of you! You're finally happy and there's no more traces of anxiety and worry in your eyes whenever you're surrounded by the other vampires, and that's one of the most important milestones he's honored have witnessed by your side.
Let's just say that you and theo start off on the wrong foot. To say that you're frightened of him at first is an understatement, and you very much avoid him for as much as you can. He feels guilt strangling his throat whenever he sees your quivering form running away from him, and after noting that you behaved similarly with everyone and still hadn't uttered a word in days made him worry even more.
Arthur's the one who comes up with a diagnosis, and with that everyone changes their manners and speech to make you feel more at ease. Theo, just like his blue haired friend, is actually pretty good at reading body language so he has no particular struggles when it comes to your needs. Unfortunately, he's not so smooth in regulating his tone and words, which often come out a little to harsh. Vincent often reprimands him for it, and he can't help but feel even worse when he realizes he's probably ruining your whole stay.
He starts distancing himself, and you gradually start sticking by the local angel's side, never leaving him for even a second; his vibes are so pure and soothing that they help you out with your anxiety and symptoms. Needless to say, he's also very understanding and is not at all bothered to speak in your stead. This leads to Vincent being the first one to hear your voice, and he's without doubt elated, but he also wishes for you to be able to socialize with the others, too. Theo in particular.
After days and days of the artist's endless rants on how good his little brother actually is, your image of the gruff man has been replaced by that of a soft hearted puppy. Too bad that this soft puppy looks like a hungry hunt dog more than a small, soft cloud of love.
Ironically enough, what brings you and Theo to a new stage of your basically nonexistent relationship is King. In the dog's presence he lets his guards down and turns into a loving owner of a very good and friendly golden nugget, subsequently becoming more approachable. Besides, everyone knows how helpful animals are in fighting anxiety and social disorders! And on the advice of Arthur, he invites you to his daily walk with his dog, hoping your fear will melt away with time.
He's a stubborn man, and even when such delicate issues come his way, he has no intention of giving up. No matter how much time it'll take him, he believes he's going to convince you he's not that bad as you first thought. Why is he trying so hard though? Well, not only it's something that stems from Vincent's care for you, but it's also something for your own good. If you were to avoid him for a whole month, you'd get nothing out of it, and a constant lingering sense of panic would follow you pretty much anywhere; but living for a whole month in those conditions is a no-no for Theo. He has no intention of uselessly make you suffer like that, and as he reminds himself of that, his willpower strengthens his determination to search for a common ground between you two.
Albeit slowly, you start getting less tense around him, and the fright fades away bit by bit with each walk in the woods with the Dutch art dealer and the excited bundle of golden hair. It's a lengthy process that takes many days, but Theo finally knows his efforts aren't vain when he hears you coo at the golden retriever. "King... you're such a good boy.." You say with with the warmest smile he had ever seen painted on someone's face as you patted his canine friend's head lovingly. In that moment he wished he could frame the scene and hang it up in his room next to his brother's paintings.
He didn't know whether it was the emotion of hearing your voice for the first time or the implications that told him you weren't that scared of him anymore, but he became hyper aware that his wasn't a normal heartbeat. Unsteady and crazy like that of a lovestruck fool. Was this all it took him to fall head over heels for someone? Or was this a process that had started way before?
It still takes you some time to be fully able to speak complete sentences in his presence, but once you do, he's overcome with one of the greatest feelings of satisfaction he had ever felt in his two lives, and he can definitely agree that everything was worth the wait and the labour.
Just like Arthur, your laugh almost makes him fly through the roof, but what turns him into a formless puddle of mushy feelings and amazement is your singing voice. The first time he hears you intone a medley to him he turns to stone and just stays there, unmoving. He has an eye for finding hidden talents, but oh God was your singing unexpected. His feeling may be out of place here, but he's so, so glad to have your singing all to himself. He finds the act extremely intimate, and for how much he may believe he doesn't deserve it, he cannot deny the positive effects it has on him
Sometimes, when you're talking to him, you can see him turn his face away and smile to himself like an idiot. In those times, he's thinking about how far you two came, and how glad he is to have persisted as much as he did.
Comte emanates a slightly threatening and imposing aura but it can also be calm and placid, like his voice. First and foremost he's a gentleman, but he sometimes comes off as very intimidating to those who are not used being around such strong presences like his. Luckily, he's a very patient man, and you can feel no judgement nor malice coming from him. He's lived a long, long life, and he knows better than overstepping people's boundaries and making fun of their insecurities.
When with him, you can do things at your own pace! If you don't feel like talking then he's totally okay with it; take your time to find your own way and pace of doing things, he'll gladly help if you ever ask him (with gestures or, once you're closer, with words).
The panic you feel in his presence dissolves gradually; there are no particular events that cause a turning point in your relationship, it just happens. Despite living in such a big mansion, avoiding all life forms is pretty much impossible, so you happen to share some interactions every now and then. Sometimes it's an afternoon tea, others it's just him making small talk as you clean his room (he's either talking to himself or asks answers you can nod to if you feel more comfortable). He immediately makes it clear that he doesn't expect nor want to pressure you in delivering any answer, and if you ever happen to feel too overwhelmed he excuses himself and leaves the room.
One day as you were dusting the shelves in his office, he casually says:"The weather's really nice today." But your head doesn't move in assent, instead he receives a shocking reply despite the ordinariness of the topic. "It really is... T-there's not a cloud in the sky, either." A shocked expression momentarily appears on his features, soon replaced by a wide smile as he hums back in agreement.
He doesn't let it show but he's utterly in love with your voice. It's an addiction but he still wants to give you enough space and time to get comfortable with the idea of speaking around him, so he tries to keep himself in check all the time.
It's when he hears you singing that he can't help but feel greedy, and the rare sight of Comte's blushing cheeks greets you for the first time ever. It's his weak point, use it as you may deem ;)
(okay but jokes aside WHY would you ever want to use it against him, he'd build a pyramid with a butter knife while doing a backflip if you asked him to tbh,, the man is Whipped.)
Everything you do has a meaning and a significance, so he's always taking in even the smallest piece of information you may subconsciously slip his way. Seeing how you trust him enough to lower your guards about him makes him all the more appreciative of the bond you two share. For this reason, if you ever want to try and get over your anxiety, he'll be there to walk with you from the first to the last step of your journey.
His favorite thing is when he's holding you in his arms, nuzzled against his chest while he dozes off to your heavenly humming. It makes him feel like a prince living his happy ever after in a fairytale and he couldn't be more grateful.
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too.
Warnings: cursing, smut, violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Notes: Folks I did my very very best. I am so bad at chaptered fics, it’s insane. But I tried. As always,  Let me emphasize this: there is little rhyme or reason to the way this story is broken into parts.
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship.
p.s if anyone knows the maker of these gifs let me know and i will give credit.
Words: 1628
Part 4: Heartbeat
Henry had agreed to entertain you for the night, waiting a few hours before he left again to find bodies. You played cards, having nothing else to do, and chuckled when neither of you could figure out who was worse at the game. You’d shown him a new one; one your mother taught you that you never developed the skill for but thought Henry might find amusing. And he did, though he had a hard time understanding it. But you were just happy to have him around with a smile on his face rather than the more recent stressed out scowl.
“This game makes no sense,” Henry joked as he tossed his losing hand on the table.
“Not according to my mother, but she’s dead now, so unfortunately we won’t ever get private lessons.”
Henry’s smile dropped at your words and you instantly regretted them. “How did she die?”
“Um,” Your eyebrows pinched as you recalled the day you were left alone in a life where you already had little. “Bad deal with a witch.”
“A witch? Where did she even find one?”
“She heard the whispers and went where the rumors claimed,” You said, fiddling with the stacked deck. “My dad had died, and she thought a deal with a witch for his soul would be smarter than going to a demon.”
“I’m sorr—” Henry began, but paused the instant Chris barged into the dining room. His fingers tugged at his blond hair.
“What?” Henry asked just as a knock sounded at the front door.
Henry’s shoulders tensed as he stood so fast the table nudged, and when you did the same, walking to him, you couldn’t help but notice how he slightly pushed you behind the wall of his body. “Now?”
“I saw him at the gate,” Chris looked from Henry to you and back, and answered the unspoken question hanging between them with a shake of his head. “There’s no time, Hen. He’ll smell her after the hours you’ve been in this room. Y/N,” He calmly said to you, “Keep your mouth shut, ok?”
You nodded, then jumped at the rumbling knock that had Chris heading out of the dining room to the front door a few yards away, you and Henry trailing behind. “It’ll be fine,” Henry said, but you weren’t sure if he was trying to reassure you or himself.
Chris opened the door with a deep breath and moved aside to allow a vampire, black-haired and red-eyed, to step into the entryway. He was built smaller than Henry or Chris, decorated in what appeared to be modernized attire from the 1800s, and had a confident smirk on his face that made your stomach turn. He opened his mouth to speak, but a quick scan of the room and a sniff halted him, and his blazing eyes connected with yours instantly as if you had some beacon above your head.
“Human,” The small vampire said, acknowledging your presence without shock or concern. Almost as if you were just an inanimate decoration in the corner of the room.
Henry moved a little more in front of you when he sensed you flinch from behind.
“And it’s still alive, how interesting.” Elec’s boney hand reached out. “Come here, pet.”
“Back off Elec, she’s Henry’s,” Chris said before Henry could let out a defensive growl.
“Why can’t we share the feast?” He said, never breaking his stare from your face. “I’ve come quite a long way, and we always used to share. It’s the least you could do for a member of the Lord’s court. Unless…” He grinned at Henry, long fangs poking out. “Unless you’ve become one of those vampires who fucks their food before they eat it.” He placed his scarlet glare on you again. “Though you are a pretty thing, aren’t you? I’d have you myself if you were like us.”
“She wouldn’t want you.” Henry snapped.
Elec rose an onyx eyebrow. “So, not only fucking his next meal, but very protective of it too.”
“What have you come for, Elec?” Chris asked, attempting to draw his attention away. “You haven’t visited alone in years.”
“Just thought I’d stop by, see some old friends, reminisce a bit…maybe share a delectable, little meal,” He wet his lips, “But since I am so blatantly unwelcome, I’ll share the bit of news I have for you and go.”
Henry ticked his jaw. “And that would be?”
“As the newly appointed hand of the Lord, I am here to inform you he will be here in seven days. Make your preparations. And be sure to eat her before he comes, or she will be taken as an offering,” He said, nudging his head in your direction.
Henry looked as if to protest, but before he could, Chris said, “Understood.”
“Good,” Elec spun on his heal, but stopped just before passing the threshold, turned his head to the side and said, “Be sure not to get attached to it, Hen. Think of the trouble it’d cause,” Then, “See you in a week, gentlemen.”
Elec stepped out into the night, blending in with the darkness as Chris shut the door.
“Do you think he’ll tell him?” Henry asked Chris, the grip on your arm you hadn’t noticed before now, tightening.
Chris rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know.”
“Henry…” You began, watching him stare into space. He’d dragged you into his room after Elec left as if the space between the dining room and the front door was now tainted with bad energy. “What he said--”
“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter,” He replied without looking your way. “You won’t ever see him again.”
“You’re worried.”
“It’s fine, Lamb, ok? I promise.” He wasn’t trying to snap at you; you could tell by the way he winced when it was too late to take the words back, but he was distraught and couldn’t contain it.
You stood from the bed and made your way over, reaching for this hand. He flinched unexpectedly when you touched him, like he had been in his own little world and the bubble surrounding him popped when he felt your skin on his. He met your eyes. “Thank you,” You said, lightly squeezing his fingers. “For defending me.”
He’d been cryptic after the day Elec visited; not answering the questions that would help to fill the blank spaces in your mind. But you needed those answers, at least for your sanity.
The worry he failed to hide from you momentarily melted away. He raised his other hand to your face and cupped your jaw, rubbing his thumb along its edge. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You were too determined to find them that it distracted you from the book in your lap, and by the tenth time you’d reread the same sentence, you gave up. You stood, threw the book in the unoccupied chair with a little too much ferocity, then marched your way back to the spare room he was sleeping in while you stayed in his. You didn’t even think on it, didn’t consider what he could be doing, so when you shoved the door open without knocking, you immediately regretted it.
His hair was freshly damp, his body covered in little water droplets that traced the curves of his muscles as gravity pulled them down, with a towel barely held around his hips by one hand. He paused when he saw you and his lips parted in surprise, much like your own.
The flush of your cheeks matched the heat that now flowed through your veins at the sight of him. “Um…” You swallowed. “I—"
Henry sharply inhaled, but it was loud enough to shut you up and soak the room in silence, until he said “I can hear your heart beating,” His eyebrows briefly knitted together in a twitch of shock and confusion.
He wasted no time walking towards you, making you back up until you had nowhere to go. Bright, blue eyes never left yours, and when you were good and trapped, Henry dropped the towel without a care so he could place his hands on the wall either side of your body. You didn’t dare break his stare or try to run.
“It’s pumping awfully fast, Lamb,” He whispered with a twinge of awe.
“Mhmm.” He glanced at your lips and removed one hand from the wall so his fingers could graze along your cheek and jaw before settling at the curve of your neck. He didn’t seem to worry the way you did over his lack of clothes. It seemed to be the last thing he cared to waste a thought over, like it was the least important detail in what was happening between the two of you now.
“So that’s—” You swallowed. “I mean—"
“If you’re scared,” He moved closer, “Then don’t look down.”
“Of course I’m not scared of you.” You said so softly it was almost a whisper, suddenly unable to look away from the hypnotic way his lips moved when he spoke only to you.
“No. Just of parts of me.” He smirked.
“I’m not scared of any bit of you.” You tore your eyes away and met his own again. “But I need to know what’s happening. After everything, I still don’t know what you want.”
Delicately, he trailed his fingers up and down the length of your neck, stopping only to savor feel of your pulse. “Little Lamb, I thought…I thought if you knew what I wanted, you would run for the fucking hills, but,” He paused, slipping his hand under the neckline of your shirt to place his palm over your thumping heart. “Maybe you wouldn’t.”
Tags:  @agniavateira​ @tumblenewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ @readermia​ @angelofthorr​ @itmejado​ @caro-jean​ @raven-black102​ @itty-bitty-dancer​ @grungeisntmything​ @wolfiepirate​ @scuzmonkie @heartfullofl @wanderlustkitkat @maan24​ @furievonalexandria​ @posiemax​ @sweetybuzz25​ @iamthetwickster
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
aw, sweet loceit in the evening sun. logan is actually super good at explaining healthy relationships and boundaries and stuff actually, i betcha he could recognize abuse no problem
…aye remy! REMY!! HAve you thought about going to that gay bar more often? who knows, maybe you'll encounter someone nice, make friends with like-minded people, hear some disco, the full nine yards. janus might be there, remus might be there. (just look around for the guy with the blue tie, he's a great guy, if he's not wearing it he'll look like he has that blue tie kinda energy! you could totally just get drunk and unload your grievances on him and i bet he won't even mind!)
(Mentions of U!Virgil but I say beforehand when that happens so those who don’t like U!Virgil can enjoy the rest of the fic up until then)
(Words: 4100)
Remy wiped away a tear while looking at your message. The cold light from their phone was the only thing brightening up the room. Virgil was sleeping beside them, his arm was laid around their waist.
"You just like tots gave me the greatest idea! I'm gonna invite Rem out to the bar! It's gonna the funnest thing like ever! Thanks girl!!"
2 days later Remus was dangerously close to eating the moss straight from the gay bar's wall. He had been left without supervision for over 15 minutes while he sat outside waiting for his friend to show up, what else was he supposed to do?!
Remy came towards him as fast as they could. They had on a short leather skirt, a neon mesh crop top and a leather jacket over it.
They did a little turn "I just like felt a bit glamorous today!" 
Remus choked on his own spit "The world must be a dark place when you aren't feeling glamorous"
"Awwww babbbe"
He sent them a big grin. He'd just put on his usual oversized dysphoria hoodie and matching oversized (:O) sweatpants.
Remus' smile disappeared in an instant as he noticed dark bruises all around Remy's neck. Shades of purple and green collided against each other.
"Ehm did a vampire come and attack you last night? Seriously are you alri-"
"JUst a reminder that it will be loud in there" Remy interrupted.
"Oh. Right!"
He fumbled around in his bag after his headphones. After putting it and a chew necklace on he did a thumbs up. Remy took off their sunglasses and leaned down so they were face to face.
Their face was so close he could feel their breathe against his lips. They put the sunglasses onto him and sent him a soft smile.
“There’s like lots of bright lights too” They explained.
Remus’ heart fluttered. He didn’t understand why “T-thanks”
They moved their arm around his shoulders as they went into the bar. It was past 12 am so some of the daytime furniture had been moved to make place for a dancefloor. There was indeed lots of neon lights flickering all around the bar and fast pop music was blasting through the speakers.
It was hard to see any details of anyone around him so Remus quickly forgot about the bruise. In this lighting it just looked like a weird choker anyway.
A guy with a see through shirt bumped into Remus. He had top surgery scars. For a moment they looked at each other in the most knowing way. The stranger looked away and continued talking with whoever he was with.
Remus whole body seemed to vibrate. There were so many butterflies in his stomach it felt like he was going to puke, in a good way.
Remy sat him down on one of the tall barstools and slumped down right next to him “So whatcha gonna drink?”
“The squashed down organs of my enemies!!!” He shrugged “Soda?”
They burst out into laughter “What? You catholic or something? Not allowed to drink alcohol?”
He slumped in on himself and started fiddling with his necklace “I-I dunno-”
“No. No babe I was just like joking. Like a stupid bitch. It’s okay” They waved at the waiter “Your most alcoholic fruit mix and your finest coca cola please!”
Remus leaned in to whisper “With salt”
“With salt? Please!”
He kept vibrating like an overexcited weasel. After getting their drinks he kept tapping the glass to stim some of the happiness out.
“Honestly I’ve never been to a gay bar before. I’m digging it. Just like how I’m digging graves”
They playfully hit his shoulder “Then I’m tots gonna try my best to make this the  ultimate first gay bar experience! I can’t think of any other lil fucked up gremlin buddy I would wanna have by my side!”
"Muhahah!! I am officially assigned ultimate gremlin buddy-”
“Greetings” A voice suddenly came from behind them.
Both of them flinched away. Remy let out a short yell and Remus was close to throwing his drink in the person’s face when he saw it was just Logan.
He had on jeans and a black button up with the top button unbottoned. He had with him iced coffee from starbucks because he had to drive home later.
“LOGIE!!!” Remy threw their arms around his neck to pull him closer “Babe this is the Log-legend. Once he was like sooo drunk so when he like tried to kiss me puked on my shoes instead!”
Logan grimaced “I am still very sorry about that”
“Oh I already know him through Janus” Remus replied. 
“Oh my gawd babe” Remy looked between them all “So like we all know Janny?! Wig! Sad he isn’t here then”
Remus held up his cola “Cheers to J-anus!” The other two held up their glasses in agreement.
“He is very pretty and charming and cute” Logan dreamily sighed. He stopped himself from continuing to say compliments.
“Yeah” The other two sighed back in unison.
Logan sat down on a chair next to them. Remy looked around the bar before squinting at him “No Patty?”
He instantly started looking like a Very sad seal “Sadly my wife is away on a convention with her magical girl anime fanclub this whole week. I estimated that going to the bar would make me feel less lonely”
“You have a WIFe??? Like a real one???” Remus exclaimed, his eyeballs were close to popping out from surprise.
“Yes. This may be a controversial opinion but when I marry someone I prefer them to be physically real” He replied druly.
He got a smug grin on his lips “Does she peg you?”
“She does far more than just peg me”
“Nice!” His eyes went even wider “IS That a stim toy??!”
He pointed at the tangle Logan kept between his fingers “Correct. If I do not have something to relieve my focus onto I can easily go into senso- OH a chewie?”
Remus nodded while showing of his chew necklace. The two of them started rambling about their favorite stim toy. Until they went off into special interests (star trek/astronomy and art/animal biology respectively).
Soon enough Remus was showing pictures of the animal bones he’d found. Logan ooeh and ahhed at all of them before asking the most nerdy of questions (where he’d found them, their bone density, if any damage had been done to them) which only made Rem infodump which made Lo infodump which made them both happy stim.
Meanwhile Remy sat beside them completely zoned out. They got time to drink 2 more of those fruit mixes and a few shots. The room was starting to spin.
The loud music wasn’t keeping out the yelling. They dunked their forehead against the bar table and covered their ears to try and get it out. The music was supposed to keep it out! Why was nothing working! The bruise ached. Their throat closed in on itself until they couldn’t breathe. 
“Remus” They gasped out. They looked over to their friend with a desperate look in their eyes. They just needed a distraction.
“So my theory for why you keep finding bones in specifically that part of the woods is because of the kind of dirt making it take longer for them to deco-” Logan was explaining while Remus nodded along.
“Rem! L-let’s like go up and dance or something. Please” 
This time it caught Remus’ attention. He looked over to them “Sure- are you feeling alright? Did you drink too much? You’re looking like a mummy”
“Yes. No. I just like- Like- They’re playing Charli xcx of course we gotta like dance!!”
“I will protect your belongings then” Logan added.
Remy stumbled up on shaky legs. Remus sent them a warm smile that made them want to cry before taking their hand. He let them lead him out to the dancefloor. Honestly he was pretty nervous about it, but being with them always made some of the anxiety melt away.
They stumbled on their own feet and fell forward. Their friend took ahold of their wrists and pulled them close to his chest. Their faces were so close to each other. So so close.
He didn’t let go. They couldn't remember him ever letting them hold him this close. Their chests pressed against each other. Their arms around his shoulders. His hands on their back. 
"You’re right. It is a good song. Good to crash a car too" Remus said absentmindedly.
Remy let up into shaky giggles from how sudden he’d said it “Yeah. Yeah I guess” 
They kept giggling. He chuckled back. He started spinning around on the dancefloor. They moved with him. His arms wrapped closer around their waist. Their cheek leaned against the slope of his neck (even though they had to lean down to get on his height level).
Remy quietly sang along to the music which made Remus start yelling along to it. The enby threw their head back from laughter. They took his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Remus moved his hand out and spun them around before pulling them close again. Their cheeks were flushed red, his was as well. He playfully dipped them down when the song ended.
It continued on into a song neither of them knew but they kept dancing anyway. They didn’t stay as pressed close to each other but they always had some contact. Holding hands. An arm around a waist. A head leaning against a chest.
When they finally got back to the bar table they were both panting. Remy was completely leaning on Remus since their body had started to hurt, but even through the pain they were both bubbling over with so much happiness they kept breaking out into bouts of giggling.
To their surprise Logan wasn’t sitting alone. A tall person with long dark hair sat on the chair beside him. Xir hand was on his thigh. The nerd had a soft smile on his face as they leant close to talk.
“Uh Lo?” Remus had to wave his arms around to get his attention.
His head shot around to look at them “Hello” He glanced to the person “These are the ones I was protecting belongings for” He stood up and held out his hand “Shall we?” Xir took it. Logan waved at his friends before going off to the dancefloor with the stranger.
“Huh. Good for him” 
“I guess”
Remy ordered another high alcohol fruit mix. Remus happily chewed on his necklace while humming along to the music. Between their chairs their hands hang with their fingers intertwined. Holding their hand had started to make Remus feel all funny in the head for some reason.
The enby watched on as Logan and the stranger danced for a bit before moving to a corner to make out. When the stranger started to lead him towards the bar’s bathrooms Remy turned to their friend.
“Yeah okay he’s not coming back for like a while. Smoke break?”
“Of course!”
They finished their drink before leaving the bar. The pair stopped right outside. Remus sat down on the side of the pavement. Remy tried to sit down but they stumbled over themself and fell flat on the ground.
Remus got up to help “Are you okay? Are you sure you haven’t drank too much?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine” They laughed out.
He sat them down on the pavement while dusting off their clothes. He patted them on the head while pouting “You should get some water”
“Naaaah babe. I’m good”
In the moonlight the bruise was visible again. That horrible dark purple bruise around their neck. It looked like it hurt.
Remus put his hand on their shoulder “Beanie are you alright? I do know it wasn’t some halloween monster that got you that bruise”
For a moment their whole body tensed, they forced a smile “It’s fine. me and my boyf just tried like some new kinky shit in the bedroom y’know. Nothing more” They lied.
They took out a cigarette pack and a lighter from their bag. They traced their thumb over Remus’ lower lip and opened his mouth just slightly. Remy leaned closer while putting a cigerette between his lips. They lit it.
Remus took a deep breathe. It’d been a while since he’d last smoked. He leaned so close the cigarette nearly touched Remy’s skin. They parced their lips as he breathed out the smoke right into their mouth.
A smile spread on their lips. He held the cigarette over to them but they shook their head. They looked around in their bag again and took out a small poppers bottle.
“Should you really take that. Won’t your brain melt out of your ears?” Remus asked “I really don’t wanna have to slorp up your brain juice...yet”
“Relax babe. It’s like not dangerous as long as I don’t like take too much and I only take when partying” It took a moment before they quietly added “And I only party when I need to get out of the apartement”
They forced on a bigger smile “What?”
Remy moved the popper up to their nose and inhaled as much of it as they could. It took a few seconds before they let up into a giggle. It was in a higher tone than their usual bubbly laugh, it almost sounded like cackling. They could see stars.
(U!Virgil mentions from here on out)
“Y’know my boyfriend gave me like a flashback or whatever last night” They giggled while swaying from side to side.
Remus gently grabbed their shoulders and moved them to lean against him so they wouldn’t fall over “Uhu. Did you stab him?”
“No silly. He just. He’d been soooo sweet all weeek and I just I just ruined it ‘cause i like overeacted to some joke he made while like we were washing the dishes” They were barely even aware they were speaking “And like it just kept going until we were like screaming at each other”
Remy was still smiling and giggling between every word but tears started to form in their eyes. Their fingers felt numb. Bile was rising in their throat.
“And he just like threw the plate he was holding down on the ground. And it like didn’t hit me. He wasn’t even aiming at me. He was just throwing it at the ground. But it shattered and it was so stupid and overemotional and stupid and pathetic but I just I just curled up on the floor and like had a panic attack like a stupid baby”
They smeared their hand across their face to try and get the tears away. They felt sick. Remus quickly put out his cigarette, it didn’t feel like the right time to smoke.
“And I just like- Is that normal? Is that fine? Like throwing stutff like that? I-I- he’s never done it before. Or I mean like not plates” They looked up at Remus “Is it fine?”
He gulped while fiddling with his hoodie sleeve “Well uh did he apologize?”
“Mhmm. He like- like for some minutes he like kept yelling ‘cause he thought I was just like faking a panic attack to like I dunno manipulate him but then he like comforted me and like calmed me down and like held me and cuddled all night until I fell asleep and- and he said sorry a bunch of times and like he said it would never happen again. He uh usually doesn’t lie”
“Well ehm then it should be fine right? Right?” They both shrugged at each other “I mean everyone can make mistakes! And it was during an argument! Everyone does drastic things during an arguments! So it’s fine. I think”
A shaking breathe of relief left Remy’s lips. They stretched themself over his lap and he moved his arms around them. “Thanks babe. I was like tots worried for a bit but y’know i was thinking like that too. So it’s fine”
“Yeah” He combed his fingers through their hair “You do know you can vent to me whenever right? I promise I won’t gross you out with details about how to pull out rabbit teeth ever again so if I can hold that back then I can also listen to stuff! I can super listen!!”
They closed their eyes. They felt so tired. So tired and sick and horrible. “Mhm. I know babe. I know”
Remy sent him a soft smile before suddenly puking. Some of it came on his pants but mostly on the ground. Remus stood up and carefully moved them down to a sitting position.
He rubbed up and down their back with one hand and held their hair back with his other. Their shoulders were shaking and they were taking in shallow breathes between every sudden throw up.
“It’s okay beanie-boo. Breathe. Breathe. You got all the time in the world. Until the sun blows up at least”
“I-I took- too much- too much” They slurred out before lurching forward again. It seemed to stop for now.
“I’m aware” He carefully wiped away some of the puke left around their mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
They leaned back against his chest. They closed their eyes and focused on breathing. He held them so so gently. As if they would break like glass otherwise. He pressed a kiss to the top of their head.
“There you are!” Logan said as came through the bar entrance “What a relief. I assumed you had left without me because you thought my actions were unacceptable” He noticed how pale and shaky Remy looked and got a worried look on his face “Is everything alright?”
“They feel like someone has slammed a fish into their stomach. Not good” Remus replied.
“I see. I suppose it woud be best to get them home”
Logan picked Remy up with ease to carry them to his car. He was quite sure he’d carried dogs that weighted more than them. Remus anxiously followed along.
He sat them in the passenger seat. He shook their shoulders until they opened their eyes. They let out a quiet whine.
He held up 4 fingers “Remy how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Fuck yourself”
They moved to the side and seemed to pass out again. Logan closed the door before turning to Remus.
“Did they take anything?” He whispered.
“Only a popper”
“Good. Do you need a ri-”
“Okay” Logan was about to go but stopped midstep and lowered his voice even more “Oh and Rem...Could you please not ask Janus to hang out next weekend? I am planning a surprise...I hope it will make him happy”
“Good luck comrade....Please text me once Remy is home safe. Please?”
“Of course”
He did a little nod before leaving. Logan got into the car. He couldn’t stop looking at the bruise around their neck. Remy continued to sleep for most of the ride until they they were 5 minutes or so away from their apartment. They suddenly flinched awake.
“Stop the car!” They gasped out. 
“Are you still feeling the same?”
“Logan stop the fucking car!” There was fear in their eyes. 
Logan stopped by the side of the road. The road was barren and dark. It had to be past 3 am at least. Remy crawled back into the backseats while their whole body shook.
“Don’t. Look. At. Me”
“Sure” He stared down into the steering wheel to not accidentally see their reflection in the glass.
“I just. I just have to change clothes. I just. I don’t want Virigl to call me a whore again. I mean. He won’t. But what if. What if he gets mad. I just. I just have to change” They slurred out.
They stumbled out of the car after changing into a pair of long pants and closing their leather jacket. A cold chill went up Logan’s spine. He quickly stepped out of the car as well.
“Okay bye bye Logie!!”
They tried to move but Logan grabbed onto their shoulders. He forced back a choking feeling in his throat “What do you mean by your boyfriend getting mad?”
“Pff! It’s nothing! I’m drunk!! Byyyeeeeee”
They started to stumble away but Logan easily followed along “It did not sound like he called you a whor-...you know what...with your consent. I am simply going to remind you that calling a partner things like that is not okay. Not in any circumstance”
Remy’s expression turned cold. They walked faster “I don’t like what you’re implying”
“I’m not implying anything”
“Yes you Fucking are!”
“Exscuse me for being worried about your wellbeing. What you just said sounded like a very bad sign”
“Yeah exactly it only SOUnded bad! My boyfriend isn’t bad!” Remy snarled out.
“I am not saying he is. He doesn’t have to be bad to say awful things, as long as he changes”
They shoved their hands into their pockets. Their hands moved into fists “You don’t know a fucking thing about me. You tried to kiss me once when you were drunk and that’s all. We don’t know each other”
Logan took a deep breathe “I don’t need to know you to see red flags. Remy-” He searched for words “Remy you’re bruised. How- you can’t expect me to not get worried”
Remy suddenly stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “MY BOYFRIEND ISN’T ABUSIVE! I-”
“I’m not necessarily saying he is. I just wan’t to talk-” His voice started to sound desperate.
They looked like a cornered animal. Tears were brimming at the edges of their eyes “YOU DON’T KNOW A THING!”
He tried to sound soothing “Remy please take a deep breathe-”
They stormed away. For a moment Logan was frozen in place before he forced himself to run after them to try and make sure they would be okay.
“I am not-”
Remy looked at him for one last time. The look in their eyes made him feel cold. It was pure hatred.
“Logan get the fuck away from me! I am drunk and high and alone on a street with no one but you who is sure as hell fucking stronger than me and all you’re doing is spouting bullshit! So please get why I want you to leave. And why I don’t ever want you to talk to me again!”
He stopped dead in his tracks “...Right....Yes....I am so sorry”
Remy didn’t even respond. They simply turned and walked away. Logan stayed and watched to make sure they got home to the apartment safe before going back to his car.
He slumped down in the seat. His heart was racing and his thoughts were for once an illogical flurry. He sat motionless for several minutes before finally getting some semblence of an idea.
He took out his phone and dialed one of his usual numbers. It took several signals before Emile Picani picked up.
“Mhm? Logie bear? I can’t today I have clients in the morning” He yawned out.
“This is about one of your patients. I am fearing that they are in danger”
In an instant all of the sleepyness in Emile’s voice disappeared “In danger? Physical? Is it urgent? Do I need to call someone? Which patient are you even referring to?”
Logan hesitated. If Remy had reacted that strongly to him just attempting to ask about his boyfriend it was very likely that they would stop going to therapy if Emile brought it up. His throat tightened, he didn’t want to put them in any more danger.
“I....Nevermind Emile....This was just a far too gone joke...Someone dared me to call you. I am sorry. Have a good night”
He ended the call. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. His hands held onto the wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.
Logan had no idea what to do. No idea at all. All he knew was fear. Fear for Remy’s safety. Fear for their well being. Fear that anything he did would only make their situation worse.
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twilitty · 3 years
Waiting- twilight fic
Tumblr media
by: @twilitty​
Rosalie and Emmett are babysitting Nessie for Edward. The rest of the Cullens are predisposed and seem to have branched off into their own lives. Rose and Emmett were given one-way plane tickets from Alice and told to meet her in South America. 
word count: 1.6k
Part 1/?
Edward is late, again. Rosalie is standing in the foyer of the Cullens main home, the windows tinted with the dark guise of twilight and eerily dry. It seems to be the one day of the year it hasn’t rained. She’s dressed in an outfit curated by her fashion-oriented sister. All designer, of course. Yet, her jeans have creases around the knees and upper thighs, her sweater sleeves rolled up past her elbows in a way that would make her sister cringe. Her hair had started out in a casual ponytail but is now laying around her shoulders in frizzy waves. It’s the carefree disarray of a new moms wardrobe.
Then, like the angel of messes, Nessie sits in her arms snoring lightly. Her cheek, soft and warm, is against Rose’s collarbone and has been for the last twenty minutes. Rose had happily agreed to watch Nessie while her father went off to feed. Bella was at a business meeting in Port Angeles, a monthly occurrence that the family seemed to consciously not discuss. Edward was supposed to be back forty minutes ago, which was coincidentally also the exact time that the little angel was throwing a tantrum and pulling Roses hair. 
But, Rosalie doesn’t mind watching her. She enjoys the thick teardrops that roll down her puffy cheeks when she gets mad and the melted ice cream that coats the front of Nessie’s shirt after a snack. And as soon as she starts to get fussy it seems that Rose is the only one who can truly calm her down. It’s strange, being so involved in this child when she barely has any rights to her. 
Emmett is upstairs, packing the last of their suitcases and making sure the room is in order. This is why Rosalie is frustrated with Edwards' lateness, he was going to make them miss their flight. It also just happened to be her luck that the rest of the family is happily distracted when she needs them. 
Alice and Jasper had left days ago for somewhere in South America, Alice claiming that she just had to be there and not giving a date for return. She had, instead, also bought Rose and Emmett a one way ticket to a small airport an hour outside of Brazil. The travelling was not uncommon of the couple, Alice moving as she pleases and Jasper following without question. Maybe it was his devotion to her, or maybe it was the uncomfortable silence that always followed him throughout the house. In a group of vampires it’s difficult to find a point of discussion that isn’t based in the past, and the family is not one to tolerate Jasper's discussion of the past. 
That leaves two people left to watch Nessie as Rose and Emmett catch their flight: Esme and Carlisle. Carlisle picked up a job in Seattle, working overnight at a care clinic for the elderly. He never said it, but Rose just knew that it was because he had similar interests to the seniors he cared for. She had overheard him telling Esme one night that he almost wishes he aged into his forties so that he could hold a conversation and base it on his experience, not say his grandfather told him stories. Esme was with Carlisle in Seattle, she funded a series of group homes for at-risk youth and occasionally would go and meet with the kids. If only she was here to watch her grandchild. 
“Rose,” it was Emmett at the top of the stairs. He was whispering, thankfully. He had probably heard Nessie snoring and knew not to wake her. He saw her temper tantrum the last time someone woke her up from a nap and was not looking to face it any time soon. “I have the things packed.” Rose looked over her shoulder at the staircase just in time to see him appear at the bottom, two suitcases at his feet and a neck pillow cradling his head. 
All it took was a raise of her eyebrows for him to fall into a defensive position. Palms facing her, he approached quietly. “I wanna look the part,” he explained. 
“Your neck doesn’t cramp,” she retorted with a smirk. She wouldn’t be able to talk him out of the dumb pillow, the same way she wasn’t able to talk him out of sunscreen the last time they went to Bora Bora. 
“But tourists' necks cramp, why else would they sell these things?” He went up to the main door, opening it and looking outside. “It’s not like the pillow industry is trying to scam vampires.” Rosalie doesn’t have to ask him what he’s looking for, the tenseness in his shoulders tells her enough. He doesn't want to miss their plane and wants Edward to get here already. Out of all the Cullens, Emmett is the most frugal. He hates wasting money. 
He closes the door softly and turns to his wife and their niece, taking off the dumb pillow and tossing it onto the suitcases. A smile cracks open across his face. “Can I?” She nods and his knuckles brush against her chest as he gingerly brings the toddler up to cradle her. His large arms seem brutal next to Nessie, her tiny frame nearly disappears as he hugs her to his chest. Her head lolls onto his shoulder, snores breaking for a moment as she sighs in content. His eyes dance in the light, looking down at her as she sleeps peacefully in his arms. 
Rosalie has always loved Emmett, but the first time she saw him holding their niece, the way he carefully smiled with his mouth closed and crouched to seem smaller, that was when she knew they would have a family. Emmett was initially afraid of scaring the baby, afraid he would seem too big compared to the rest of the family. Like a giant. He would talk quietly around her, always making sure to hide his teeth when he smiled and sit on the floor when she played. 
A movement pulls Rose from her thoughts. So quickly that a human would have missed it, the door opens and closes, the child blinks awake at the noise. Edward stands beside Rosalie, his shoulders slouched forward and his mouth pulled up into a painful smile. “Rose,” he nods to her, “Emmett,” he nods to his brother. 
Emmett ducks down quickly towards the little girl, pressing his lips to the back of her head as she looks over at her father. “Nessie has a lot to show you,” he says with a laugh. His heart isn’t in it. Edward must read it in his mind and politely disregards it, because he strides up to his daughter and lifts her out of her uncle's arms. 
Nessie plants a hand on her fathers cheek, his smile widening as he watches a play by play of her afternoon. 
Regretting her earlier wishes of Edward coming home, Rosalie speaks to break the moment. “We’re leaving. We were supposed to have left forty minutes ago but somebody must have never developed an interest in punctuality.” She receives a glare from Edward, his jaw rolling forward in what must be residue annoyance from some other event. 
Emmett notices this, “Bella spoken to you?” 
“Yes.” He jostles his daughter, raising her so that she can play with his shirt collar. He doesn’t say anything else. 
“Well, Rose and I are heading out so we’ll see you later,” Emmett says jovially, waving a hand at his favourite- and only- niece. She waves back with vigor, a toothy smile spread across her dimpled cheeks. Her father only watches with mild disinterest, his thoughts clearly occupied by some other matter.
They grab their suitcases quickly, Rose planting a sweet kiss on the little girls cheek as they pass by towards the door. 
Against Emmetts pleading, they’re taking Rosalie's car. She had a difficult time understanding why taking his giant Jeep, suited for off-roading, would be ideal for travelling to the airport. 
“Are you okay?” She asks him, turning the key in the ignition and driving out of the garage into the night. He hadn’t said anything as he loaded the suitcases into the trunk, and when she turned on talk radio he didn’t complain or try to change the station. All abnormal.
“I’m gonna miss her,” he pauses, his adam's apple bobbing, “I hope she doesn’t change while we are gone.” 
“I know, me too.” Rosalie doesn’t try to alleviate his anxiety, she knows it would be a lie to tell him Nessie would look the same when they get back. She’ll probably be a little longer, her teeth larger, maybe she’ll have new interests. Every change they miss will hurt them both.
“But we’ve got to go.” His voice is hard, finality ringing through it as if he’s trying to convince himself.
“We’ve got to.” She agrees softly. 
They pull into a parking spot near the front entrance of the airport just in time to make their plane. Her phone rings after take off, the face of her sister smiling up at her from the screen. “Alice?”
“Rose, tell me you’re on your way.” The girl says hurriedly, excitement layering her words. 
“Emmett and I are on the plane now,” she responds. Emmett looks over at her curiously, neck pillow adorned. 
“Jasper and I have a lead.” She then goes to rattle off the details of their current location and where they will be tomorrow night. The phone hangs up. 
Emmetts face is reserved, but the corners of his lips are twitching with barely contained happiness. “A baby?” Rosalie’s pale hand comes up to cradle his cheek, her pink lips turning up at the corners. “Yes, a baby.”
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hiya !! i love you lots and lots !!💖 all your writing is absolute gold 🥺💕💕💕 your answers are so detailed and sweet, makes my heart go doki doki — if you’re still taking requests & it’s not too much trouble could i ask for C U Y for mozart perhaps ? many a thank 💖💕💖💕💖💕
Hello!! Omg of course you can sweetheart, thank you for such sweet praise! I do my best, I hope you enjoy these answers for our dearest Mozart~ 💖💖💖 Ily3!! it’s always a pleasure to see you!!! :D 💕💕💕
I placed a cut before the last one because it was long, but all you need to do is click to see the rest! All wholesome, no content warnings ;)
(These are so long you can hear the Mozart stan in me OTL the limit of my Wolfie love does not exist)
Fluffy ABC Headcanons listed here for requests!
C = Cuddling (how does he like to cuddle?)
(Awwwww shit, I’m softe ;-;)
Mozart tends to be a very private man about his love, so I don’t see him cuddling too much in any kind of public space. The only exception to this rule, however, is that blasted carriage! Though he’s a little mortified he needs comforting, he will melt into MC’s arms when they have a particularly bumpy/bad carriage ride. Usually he’ll try to content himself with holding her hand, or just chatting with her--leaning his head close to her shoulder. But she seems to sense how overwhelmed he is this time; how his hands are locked together to conceal their shaking, his jaw visibly tightening. She’ll draw him into her, settling his head against her shoulder/chest--right where he can hear her heartbeat. He’ll freeze at first before he sinks into her embrace, arms wrapping around her waist. His ears are burning with color, his fair skin easily revealing a blush, but she knows now isn’t the time to tease him about it. His breathing will calm bit by bit, and he’ll settle quickly as his grip around her tightens a little. He’s pouting but it’s clear just how much he needed this, murmuring “Danke, Meine Liebe.” She just drops a kiss to the side of his head, signalling there’s no need for any shyness or thanks, she’s happy to do it after all c;
Another way I see them cuddling is at night in their bed no sexy times, get your head out of the gutter kids. Usually he’ll be doing revisions and composing well into the night, mulling over possible adjustments and melodies single-mindedly. He’ll be sitting up against the headboard, sheet music in his lap as he reviews each page. He loves it when she just climbs into bed and settles against him; whether that means fully climbing into his arms and resting against his chest, or just laying her head against his stomach/lap. He’ll smile fondly and stroke her hair, letting the smooth texture calm him into clarity as she dozes off. These are the moments when inspiration finds him most powerfully, the lovely sight of his muse working wonders.
U = Upset (how does he act when she’s upset?)
Oh my god send help, send help he needs some milk!!! 
All jokes aside, I truly think Mozart is at a loss at the sight of her upset ;-;. If he’s not the source of the distress, he immediately goes into comfort and resolution mode. He will try to calm her with all the sensitivity she deserves, offering a hanky and holding her close if she’s crying. He hates to see her cry, but he also understands that in this moment she needs to let it all out, to just feel it through before they can do the work of fixing things. He'll murmur sweet nothings--not that he wants her to stop crying--but that he’s here for her, that it’s all going to be okay and that’s a promise. When she’s ready to talk or feeling up to sharing he will listen intently, silent as a grave, until she’s communicated her feelings. 
When she feels heard and comforted, only then will he ask her to wait a moment. He’ll return with freshly made hot cocoa--only the best for Meine Liebe--and hopes the warmth will be able to help soothe her further, focusing her senses elsewhere. If she wants it, he will play music for as long as it takes to relieve any stress/crying headaches. When she manages to fall asleep from the exhaustion, he’ll tuck her into bed and hold her close. He will turn off the lights, but by no means is he going to sleep. He will spend another few hours seething with rage at whoever/whatever it was that hurt her so that she doesn’t have to see him like that (he doesn’t want to distress her further). Or, if it’s something more abstract, he will spend that time trying to puzzle out a solution.
If she’s only mildly upset, he’ll call Schelm to the balcony and hope the fluffy friend will be able to take her mind off of things. He’ll hug her close and rock her gently, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, waiting until she just relaxes against him. As mentioned before, he’ll make hot cocoa, play music, ask her about the flowers she’s tending; just about anything he knows will make her perk up in an instant. He’s pretty simple and straightforward, but it’s because he pays attention to what works and he’s sincere--he’s very consistent in his affection. From afar it’s obvious he’s concerned because he will smile very gently at her, and whenever she turns around his face drops to his neutral/thoughtful expression; you can hear the cogs in his brain moving. It would be funny if the poor guy wasn’t so worried HAHA
Now then, here comes the real doozy. While it happens less and less the deeper they get into their relationship (their understanding of how the other works solidifies into trust), now and again Mozart pulls a stupid. He will know immediately when he’s fucked up because her expression tightens and shuts down, concealing every feeling from him. (She's hyperaware that she can sometimes be more irrational than him, so she locks down her thoughts and emotions.) 
She’ll walk away because she doesn’t want to explode and needs a moment to just calm down, reassess. He knows she needs time--and so does he to figure out a proper way to apologize--but fuck if those few days don’t make him wither in self-loathing. He hates it when he says things he doesn’t mean, things that were remnants of a bygone era because they were sentiments that deserved to die. He hates that when he gets stressed out he is prone to verbally lashing out; and he needs to learn how to work at a reasonable pace instead of doing too much and hating every second of his life. He needs to find balance, both for his own sake and because he can’t stand that look. The look that says “not you, too. Please, don’t.” You want the quickest way to gut Mozart? There you have it. Part of it was that she had given him that same look when he first yelled at/intimidated her in that first week at the mansion, and it’s still something he deeply regrets doing. He shouldn’t have frightened her when she was already scared out of her wits and threatened by Arthur.  The mere prospect of stooping to that level makes him nauseous and angry he would ever act with such indiscretion; he expects better of himself and he intends to be better than that. He may be a vampire now, but that doesn’t give him grounds to be a monster.
He doesn’t know squat about how to love someone, and maybe he doesn’t even deserve to be with her--but he’ll be damned if he hurts her without trying to amend what he’s done. When she’s calmed down she’ll return to him and try to apologize for the distance, but he won’t let her. He’ll tell her if anyone needs to apologize it’s him, and that he really does feel horrible about what he said. He’s going to promise to be more careful about his workload from now on, since that tends to be what makes him snap. But more importantly, he’s going to try to amend the behavior regardless of that. Anything that hurts her isn’t worth doing; he firmly believes that.
MC doesn’t worry too much after the few times it happens because he crushes the behavior in its tracks very, very quickly in the aftermath.
Y = Yes (how would he propose to her?)
Honestly? Mozart is the type to be a classic romantic when it comes to proposing to his beloved. While one can argue he really only takes music seriously, the same can be said for the person he has chosen to hold dear to his heart. He will spare no expense--no extravagance--in the process of wooing her. He believes that he needs to offer a proposal worthy of her and nothing less if he should seek to secure her hand in marriage. 
He pulls out all the stops. He plans it all out to the minute. Buys her the perfect dress, rouge and assorted accessories, and tells her to prepare to enjoy herself all night--no other plans. She agrees easily, though she’s a little flustered by how much he’s spoiling her. When the time comes for them to head out he enters her room with an enormous bouquet of roses, and she’s just speechless as she seeks to soak them in a vase before they go. Dressed to the nines, he escorts her to a lovely restaurant where they dine together. She’s sparkling in her attire, nothing short of dazzling; it’s not just the champagne that’s bringing a light blush to his face. He spends most of that night psyching himself up, working to seem normal, and losing himself in her beauty. Not that he doubted his course of action before this moment--it just strikes him even more deeply how precious she is to him. He would never be here, smiling and laughing and enjoying himself, if it wasn’t for her.
And more than anything, he doesn’t want to give her up to anyone else. He wants to be the one to spoil her like this, wants to be the person she goes to first when she needs something. He wants to be the only one to know her most intimate thoughts and desires. He wants to be the one to make her smile like this, to make delight shimmer in those eyes--to be on the receiving end of such excited chatter. Every part of her is so very dear to him; the mere thought of giving her up makes him feel like he’s been hollowed out.
After dinner, he takes her to a concert hall he had rented out for the occasion. He plays a moving collection of pieces that she inspired (only the best) since coming to the mansion, since she filled his life with so much color. She’s already in tears at this point, and his heart aches at the sight of her eyes glistening--as moved as he is by music, one of their greatest commonalities.
He dries her tears gently with a hanky when it’s over, rising from the bench and coaxing her up with him. When she gazes at him in question, he drops to one knee and reveals the ring that has been heavy in his coat pocket all night. He considered a more extensive appeal, but something about rehearsing a proposal felt wrong, felt too wooden. Instead, he went with the words that were resounding from deep within his heart, the feeling that had brought him to this moment.
“Meine Liebe, you are the only reason my music can continue to thrive. But more importantly,” he presses a light kiss to her hand, squeezing it gently, “You are the only reason I can thrive as surely as my music does. I spent so long lost to myself; I had forgotten why I loved what I did in the first place.” His eyes are lowered, remnants of a surpassed shame lingering in his features. “If not for you, I suspect I’d still be ripping up half-filled scores, half-mad with frustration.” 
“Wolf…” her voice is soft, but full of sympathy. It was that tender heart that saved him, that made him really able to live again.
“The prospect of life without you...I can’t imagine it anymore. I want to be the one to make you smile for the rest of your life, to ensure that these tears can only ever be happy ones. Will you make me the happiest man alive in return? Will you marry me?”
Needless to say MC goes straight back to crying after managing a breathless yes, and Mozart sags with relief before pulling her tight into his arms. He slips the ring onto her finger with no shortage of pride, as perfect on her hand as he’d imagined it would be. 
Following his proposal, Mozart is even more smitten than ever. Whenever he wakes up before she does, he’ll gently take her left hand and marvel at the sight of the ring throwing rainbows in the morning light, sighing blissfully. When MC stops by to bring him Rouge/Blanc or coffee and a snack during the day, he has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at the sight of it. “It’s nothing, MC!!! Composing is just...going well today...” Somebody help him his uwus are spilling everywhere
Mozart be like: look at me. serotonin is stored within the MC.
132 notes · View notes
lucywritesreid · 4 years
I know what you are
Notes: I’ve been re-reading twilight and watching criminal minds (it’s almost like I’m trying to relive my youth!) and the scene where Spencer doesn’t know what ‘cullen’ is just kills me every time.
 Summary: Y/N is excited about the release of Midnight Sun. Spencer still doesn’t know what all this hype is about. But he’s about to get involved.
 Word count: 1.5k
 “Y/N, oh my gosh! C’mere!” Penelope shouted in glee, pushing herself away from her computer desk and waving her arms around her face. “You need to see this!” You ran across the room towards her and leaned over her shoulder to read what was on the screen.
Midnight Sun, the new release from Stephanie Meyer.
“Holy shit!” you laughed and squeezed Penelope’s shoulder at the same time. “I didn’t know this was actually coming out!”
“I don’t believe it either y/n but I know I’m gonna need a marathon watching session beforehand!” You both giggled and carried on reading all the details on the screen. Sure, you were both grown women, but you’d be damned if that meant you weren’t excited about the hot vampires and werewolves. “Okay,” Penelope looked up at you, a serious expression across her face. “On the count of three we both need to say which team we are on. 1, 2, 3…”
The happy news of the book release followed you for the rest of the day. Penelope couldn’t help herself making twilight puns whenever she spoke to you. You’d managed to get JJ on board with your excitement, although you were slightly disappointed when she declared her support for Team Jacob.
“Listen guys… I just like looking at them with their shirts off. The vampires, not so much,” she’d shrugged, and you’d happily accepted her explanation. Emily was slightly more reluctant about getting involved, but couldn’t resist looking at all the pictures of ‘topless werewolves’ that you googled during your lunch break. You were still discussing the saga towards the end of the day just as Spencer had walked over to ask if you were ready to go home yet.
“Reid! You haven’t seen the twilight films have you?” Emily asked with a smirk, fully knowing what the answer would be.
“I-I haven’t, no,” he stuttered with a furrowed brow, also guessing where this conversation was headed. “I’m just not really into the whole thing.”
Your jaw almost hit the floor when you looked up at him. How had he not seen them? More importantly, how had you lived together for nearly a whole year and didn’t know he’d never seen one of your favourite film series?
“Well sweet boy you’re gonna have to catch up because there’s a new book coming out and your darling y/n is going to become mega obsessed all over again,” Penelope responded on your behalf. You were slightly smug that someone else was pointing out he should watch them.
He could hardly say no in a room full of witnesses. “Sure thing, Garcia,” he laughed and reached out for your hand.
 Two days later, and you’d had the most exhausting day. You’d agreed to start Thai boxing with Emily after work, and although you enjoyed spending time together, there was very little energy left for your evenings. You stepped in the front door and set your gym bag on the floor. It was oddly dark and you reached out for the hall light. That was strange. You knew Spencer was home, he’d left before you went boxing. “Spence, babe? Are you here?” You called out and edged into the front room.
You could hardly believe what was in front of your eyes. Spencer had moved all your furniture to the side of the room and out on the floor lay a large pile of throw pillows and blankets. Every shelf and surface was littered with lit candles, vanilla and cinnamon swirling around the room. You noticed a plate of red velvet cupcakes and two full glasses of red wine on the edge of the blanket. It looked so inviting. And to make the scene even more perfect, Spencer was stood in his black silk pyjamas in the middle of the room, a proud smile on his face.
“Honey, what is this?” you asked, a mixture of confusion and excitement in your voice.
“Well, after you were talking about your new book coming out the other day, I realised that I have neglected that part of your personality. This is one of your hobbies and I want to experience it with you. So, we’re going to watch the twilight films. This is gonna be our set up every night for the rest of the week. I’ve left your pyjamas on the edge of the bed. The matching ones of course.”
You raced across the room towards him, careful not to stand on any of his decorations. “You are going to love this, I promise!” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, before he pulled away a minute later.
“Go get changed bloodsucker,” he laughed.
Twenty minutes later and you both sat cross-legged on the blanket, fully indulged in the film. Spencer’s scepticism was noticeable from the beginning but you knew he was trying his hardest to enjoy himself. To make the experience more enjoyable, you had refrained from sharing trivia about the cast. Instead, you were profiling each of the character’s as you first met them.
The most enjoyable was when the Cullen family first arrived in the cafeteria. “Okay, here we go!” Spencer sat up and cracked his knuckles. “Well, he’s clearly got some kind of hidden trauma. He’s the most uncomfortable one there,” he pointed to a figure on the screen.
“Yeah honey that’s Jasper, you won’t believe the poor things that guys experienced…”
“And her! The one with him. She reminds me of you,” he turned away from the screen and gave you a smile.
“Alice? How come?” your cheeks were reddening. But you were not about to reveal that you’d desperately wanted to be Alice when you first read the books all those years ago.
Spencer shrugged. “She looks happy. Kind. Caring. And next to the rest of them who all look so miserable, she stands out. Just like you.”
The rest of the film was filmed with commentary about the character’s odd movements and behaviours. Spencer declared his favourite part was when Edward covered his mouth when Bella came into the classroom. He couldn’t stop laughing, and you couldn’t help but join him. “There are serial killers who don’t look that intensely at their victims!” he roared.
“I suppose he kinda wants her to be a victim, Spence. He wants to drink her blood.”
“Even so, you think a guy that’s been supposedly a vampire for such a considerable amount of time would be a little more subtle about it.”
You smirked. You couldn’t help but put yourself in that situation. Imagining discovering Spencer was a vampire, a beautiful immortal. How it would feel if his teeth bit down into the softness of your warm skin…
By the end of the first film, you were recreating the end scene. As soon as Spencer saw them going off to prom, he’d stood up from the blanket bed and asked for your hand. “Let’s join them,” and you were quick to follow. You danced around the living room, arms around his neck and his chest firmly pressed against you. You didn’t have to look up at the screen to know that your dancing was far better than the one on the screen. More passionate, more loving.
“I’ve really enjoyed this, y’know…” he whispered softly, inches away from your mouth. “Same again tomorrow?”
You nodded and melted away into his arms as he leaned down to kiss you.
The next day, you were relieved to come home to the same setup as the day before. This time, you had red wine again, but it was accompanied by popcorn. The smell of your favourite candles lingered from the day before. You settled down into your pillow bed, this time choosing to sit practically on Spencer’s lap, your head nuzzled up into his neck. “This one makes me sad,” you sighed softly just after Edward left Bella in the forest. “I couldn’t imagine you doing this to me…”
He reached out and gently caressed your hair with his fingertips, “Never gonna happen,” he kissed your hair, “besides, they’re going to have a lovely reunion in Italy towards the end. Maybe we should go on vacation to Italy in the summer…”
You gasped. Escaping from his embrace you picked up the nearest cushion and gripped it between your fingers. “Spencer! How do you know that?! Did you watch this without me?” You pouted, teasing him by raising an eyebrow.
He looked down sheepishly and said quietly, “I may have read all the books when you went to sleep last night, y/n.”
You tapped him on the shoulder with the cushion. “No fair! I can’t see your genuine reactions now when you know what happens!” It was hard to fake being annoyed at someone so heartbreakingly adorable. “What will I do now…”
“We,” he interjected, “will finish these films and you can enjoy my now well-informed commentary.” He smirked. “And then we’ll get round to booking that holiday.”
You set down the pillow and went back to your previous position with your head on his shoulder. “Okay, fine. But you have to promise we can have a little vampire roleplay when we go to bed later.”
“Definitely,” Spencer agreed, “you look good enough to eat!” He said in a terrible Count Dracula-like accent.
“That’s not even how they talk in this…” you giggled.
“Well maybe it should be.”
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tenderlyrenjun · 4 years
[2:05 A.M.]
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You drag your feet into your bedroom and dramatically fall face-first on the mattress, mumbling something incoherent, even with the super hearing, through the blankets. Renjun closes the textbook over his lap, sitting up in anticipation for you to make an announcement. He waits another minute then reaches across the blankets to pull back your hair, checking to see that you are still alive. After he sees your blank stare (okay, crazy person), he reclines against the headboard, asking you to repeat yourself.
“We have to send Jaemin another letter.”
“Ah.” Renjun puts the contemporary art textbook on the night stand, freeing up his hand to thread his fingers in your hair. He outlines your ear brushing away a few strands to see your cheeks and moves on to the heaven’s pillar behind your neck, dipping two fingers in the pressure point. You jerk forward a little, unexpectedly relaxed by a treasure. Renjun thinks that you try getting into a better position and helps you lean on his shoulder. You kiss above his clavicle, wrapping an arm around it also, loosely hanging on him like a body pillow. “It’s late. Why are you studying at this hour?”
You know that he is talking about the family’s most recent addition, not the upcoming o chem exam that you are more than prepared for. Unfortunately, he has not been available in the last month to help train new members, with all the work he has for school, the internship, and Jaemin’s new stupid coven leaders rule that requires Renjun to be chained to a zoom meeting twice a day.
“The new recruit -”
“Aurora?” Renjun asks. His hand slides to your lower back, pushing you into his side, and he takes your leg, draping it across his waist. It is not your cycle to sleep yet, but the position brings a great sense of ease to your subconscious.
“Yeah,” you nod, verifying. You open your eyes slowly, tracing his pretty jawline as he takes a turn to close his eyes, almost equally exhausted. His arm raises behind his neck, acting as another pillow to slouch against. It feels like years since you two have been able to relax, despite having just went on a weekend vacation a few months before. You sigh one last time, melting into his collar during your exhale. “She’s only been a vampire for about a decade, and there’s so much to go over.”
“Any special abilities?”
Renjun leans over, manipulating your situations in a way that keeps him as the big spoon, an arm wrapped under your chin and the other supporting under your head. It feels even more comfortable. You shimmy toward his waist, hugging him even tighter.
“No,” you answer, shaking your face in his chest. Sometimes you wish his heart would be a little bit louder, because when it is this low, you know he will have to feed again, meaning that he needs to get up and you would be without a body pillow. It is the equivalent to a stomach growl. Although, his actual growls are pleasant in your ears. Still, you give in, slacking your grip enough, knowing that you likely need to drink something as well. Drinking in bed is something that he prohibited, after you ruined an 18th century duvet, but these informal meetings function like pillow talk, considering that the rather large water fountain by your window blurs out the conversation to outsiders. “She has excellent people skills, and she is very charming, but other than that, no.”
Renjun sighs. “We need to recruit new members with special abilities.”
You turn over, looking at the sparkles across his pretty cheeks, and tuck his hair behind his ears (it is not blocking his face, but the gesture is meant to be a tender display of affection, something to show that you love him). His strands start to neatly frame his forehead again, then you tangle your fingers in the ends. You reiterate his sigh, shoulders dropping with your hands. 
“I know,” you tell him, fatigued by the politics and tensions. “I know, but I also don’t want to participate in another war.”
Renjun kisses the corner of your mouth, leaving his lips there too, to whisper cautiously, “It can’t just be Mark all the time. He needs a break eventually.”
“No, I know,” you lament again before repeating, “but I don’t want to participate in another war. I won’t be able to handle another loss like that.” The last war saw the complete annihilation of your coven, in terms of death and abandonment. Those who posed the greatest threat were slain without reservations, and neither of you ever heard from those who went off to fight after they left, so you assumed they either perished or took on an alias. No one won that last war, and everyone who fought assumed new identities hide the fact that they participated in the political upheaval. “And I don’t want to be like Doyoung’s elitist cult either.” The Kim Clan exclusively watched and turned noblemen for a few centuries in the late 13th century. They became the fourth largest coven, even to this day, with 29 people. “He keeps trying to absorb us; he wants you for his inner circle.” You bury your face in his chest again, trying to find comfort as his heartbeat slows and the breath leaves his lungs. “Everyone keeps watching over kids and mortals, waiting to turn them if they haven’t already, just for their potential abilities.”
“We’re all trying to protect ourselves,” Renjun reasons, combing the crown of your head. “We need to be able to defend ourselves, defend our people. We have nine members in their rooms right now, not accounting for the protection detail around the manor.” He sits up, pulling you with him, then he shakes you off his shoulder, awake. “Come on, let’s go to the kitchen and get something to drink.”
You fall back on him, hanging across his torso like asking for a small request.
“No,” he disagrees, dragging you off the comforter. “You’re not going to ruin another blanket. Come on, let’s get some blood and then we can finish talking about this tomorrow, when you’re not so exhausted.”
“Fine,” you cave, feeling slightly more enamored with him, a side effect of his special ability. 
You slip off the duvet and accept his hand, trailing behind him through the corridor to the kitchen down the hall. He sets a teapot on the stove, straining a fresh pouch of AB positive over a few teaspoons of water, while you sit at the island, taking out two mugs from the cabinet below. You settle them across from Renjun and assume a seat opposite him, knowing that he will eventually lean over the top instead of sitting with you. When Renjun finishes his small tea ceremony, you stare at him.
“Is my presence enjoyable?” he joke while stirring a few sugar cubes. You nod once, slightly timid as he slides a cup to you, the ceramic squealing across the granite. “Well, then we will have to keep meeting like this.”
You roll your eyes, hiding a smile behind your nutrition. “Over talks about leading our coven?”
Renjun glares at you. “Stop using that word,” he growls. “It’s so ... cringey.” He shakes his head, “No, but I miss having these meetings with you and feeding with you.” 
You sigh too, knowing what he means. The only time you even share a bed now is to sleep; your room is, otherwise, empty, for the most part. He is either studying, out of town, or in a meeting from time that the sun sets until it rises. And you are either training the new member, studying, or running one of your businesses, from the time the run rises until it sets. The moments when neither of you work are when you take time to relax a little bit, reset your minds from the 12-16 hour schedules. It gets hard, not seeing him, even if he is around the corner.
“I miss you, too,” you confess. You hesitate for a second, tapping the your nails into the ceramic teacup briefly. Renjun lowers his own mug, raising his eyebrow in a silent question, so you sigh .. again. “Do you regret signing up for college now?”
“No,” he answers near immediately, making you sit up straighter, at attention. Renjun groans. That is not entirely what he means. “I like going to college. I know it’s,” he hums, rolling his eyes and sucking in his lips jokingly (to which you roll your eyes, sarcastically), “trying, to you, but I really like it.” He walks around the island, hugging your waist from behind. “And I like that you’re doing it with me. Do I wish that we’re not the brink of war, or whatever the tensions are rising to, that keep making other clans enlist new members? Yeah, definitely, it puts a little dent in our 10-year plan, but I don’t regret this experience. I only wish to see it through.” Renjun rests his chin on your shoulder, not daring to meet your eye just yet, slightly scared of your reaction. You already were not on board with this decision (thankfully, he did not have to use his compulsion for this request, not that he would - you have free will either way, but you chose him in the end and he appreciates that). “Do you regret any of it?”
You place your hands over his, trailing your thumb across his knuckles comfortingly. He thinks, for a second, that you might answer yet, but you surprise him: “No,” you say honestly, “I don’t regret any decision that I’ve made with you.”
“Not even the time I convinced you to replace Ten’s entire blood collection with mentos in coke bottles?”
You smack his hands, then return to stroking them, alleviating any potential pain. “Do you have any regrets then?”
“Just the one,” he recalls bitterly. Renjun kisses your shoulder as another apology. Even a millennium later, he cannot believe that you forgave him, so he never forgets to show you that it was not the wrong decision to let him back into your life. “I love you.”
You spin around fully. “I love you too.”
“Wanna show me?”
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 4)
Surprise! Dear @pjpammee​ & anonymous askers​, I have heard your requests about doing Carla’s route and I hope this makes you happy! (๑و•̀ω•́)و [Honestly, if anyone still has someone they want me to translate from Lunatic Parade in the future, please type an anon ask and I will definitely see it!]
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Place: Bernstein castle — Inside
*alarm goes off*
Yui: —Nn!
(I woke up right on time… it must be naturally a good day since I‘ve got to work really hard today)
(At the worst possible time it‘s not only the very last day of the parade… it also seems to be the day Carla-san‘s petrification reaches its final stage)
Carla: —Did you wake up?
Yui: Kyaaa!?
Carla: Why are you being astonished? Did the both of us not go to bed together?
Yui: W-We did, you‘re right… but, um… you‘re being a little too close right now…
Carla: Hmph… I was simply getting a proper view over your sleeping face.
Yui: Eh!?
Carla: You slept while grinning broadly. Did you have some sort of nice dream while sleeping?
Yui: I smirked, you say… please don‘t do such a thing as observing each and everything I do while I‘m not aware of it… !
(This is so embarrassing… !)
Carla: I was merely waking up earlier than you, which is why I am not to blame for this, am I?
If we stay in bed together this way, even if you believe it is unpleasant, I will happen to catch a sight of your face either way.
It is absurd requesting for me not to observe you like this then.
Yui: W-Well then, this bed is now yours—
*Yui tries to escape*
Carla: I will not permit that. Nn…
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Yui: Nn… but… otherwise—
Carla: I would never lose interest in examining your sleeping face. I want you to show it to me freely.
Yui: B-But… !!
*Yui pushes him away*
Carla: What? Do you want to go already?
Yui: We have to get that jewel back as soon as possible, in order to have Aji-san make the antidote since she can‘t make it without it.
Carla: Do not panic. You are being way too hasty at this hour.
Yui: Even if you say so…
I can‘t stay here carefreely and do nothing either way. Please, let's start moving as quickly as possible.
Carla: Haa… it cannot be helped. I will get dressed up then.
*Carla starts changing*
Yui: (Carla-san seems to be awfully leisurely about this situation… he almost behaves as if nothing ever happened…)
(He might be acting differently since he‘s having the abilities of the founder‘s king… but I, on the contrary, feel rather uneasy about this all…)
Carla: —Let us go.
Yui: Yes! 
Place: Demon World — Glimmer Main Street
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Yui: Hm? Carla-san… isn‘t this a different route from usual? If I recall, the underground corridor isn‘t on that way—
Carla: You simply remain silent and follow me.
Yui: ...Uhh… but…
Carla: …..
Yui: (Aren‘t we heading towards the exact opposite direction of our destination… ? Carla-san, just what are you thinking?)
Place: Demon World — Saint nore park street
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Yui: —Okay, and why did we come to this place?
Carla: There is only one possible thing you can do here.
Yui: Please wait for me! Carla-san… don‘t tell me your intentions were to come hither and then enjoy yourself?
Carla: I did intend on doing that.
Yui: ...Nn… don‘t you think it would be better to do so after you took the antidote?
Carla: I cannot. We have to do it now.
Yui: …..!?
(What on earth is your plan about… ?)
(I don‘t think this has anything to do with getting closer to obtaining the antidote either…)
Carla: Anyhow, you only have to follow my plan.
Yui: (Even if he says it like that… what is there to do?)
1) Obey him♡♡♡
2) Tell him to get the stone back first
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— Obey him♡
Yui: (But I‘m pretty sure Carla-san must've thought of something like a plan before coming here though)
(I made up my mind, I‘ll believe in Carla-san being absolutely fine, doing whatever he came up with… I do believe him, so—)
Alright, understood.
Carla: Good to know.
*Carla comes closer*
Carla: —You merely have to continue following me.
Yui: Yes…
— Tell him to get the stone back first
Yui: Carla-san, this situation isn‘t only about enjoying yourself, you know? We need to seriously hurry up and get this jewel back.
Carla: ...Are you judging my opinion?
Yui: I, um…
Carla: I told you to simply follow me. Come!
*Carla grabs Yui*
Yui: Ouch… !
(I think I made him angry by saying something like this…)
Place: Saint Nore Park — Coffee cup
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Carla: —What on earth is this?
Yui: ...U-Um, let‘s see… I think this is an attraction called “coffee cup”…
You use the handle in the middle to increase or decrease the speed of the cup you‘re riding in…
With this you‘re supposed to control it and therefore avoid hitting the other surrounding cups…
Carla: I see. This playground equipment is supposed to make you enjoy the speed.
Yui: Exactly.
*Carla gets closer*
Yui: Hm… Carla-san?
Carla: Get on.
Yui: Ehh!?
Carla: You shall join me.
Yui: P-Please wait a moment. Are you being serious?
Carla: ...Are you doubting me?
Yui: I-It‘s not like that…
(What am I supposed to say… to be honest, I didn‘t really think Carla-san would be interested in getting on that sort of thing…)
(Instead, I thought he‘d seem like a person who dislikes this kind of place…)
Carla: —Hey, come in quickly. It appears to start moving soon.
Yui: Y-Yes, I‘m coming!
(...I don‘t think there‘s anything helping us about this… I guess I have no other choice but to enjoy it for now)
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— If you win: (+CG)♡
Yui: —Fufu… I really did a good job not bumping into something, don‘t you think?
Carla: Indeed. You were handling this quite skillful.
Yui: Thank you!
(I‘m really glad Carla-san praises me for even trivial things like that)
— If you lose:
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Yui: Nn…
Carla: My, My… it appears as if you truly are not good at turning away from hitting the other objects.
Yui: Nn… I‘m sorry…
Carla: It is fine. You may have been able to enjoy yourself a little.
Yui: —Yes, I did…
(But I actually wanted to show him what I‘m really capable of…)
end Game
Carla: Hmph…
Yui: What‘s wrong?
Carla: I was wondering if I could make you feel relaxed with doing this.
Yui: Eh?
Carla: You may have not noticed it yourself, but you have been persistently showing a stiff face ever since you woke up.
Yui: I-I‘m sorry… I didn‘t even notice if I did show an unpleasant face...
Carla: Whatever. Anyway, I truly hope this has relaxed you for at least a little bit. Let us continue.
*Carla leaves*
Yui: Ah! Please wait for me!!
(Speaking of which, I don‘t know if I really feel better… but I now know Carla-san actually does care about this whole situation)
(I know it‘s way more difficult to enjoy yourself while being in a hurry though...)
Place: Underground corridor
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Carla: —Is this truly the place the twins usually stay at?
Yui: Yes, at least Aji-san said so.
Carla: Let us continue then. These vampire twins, or even just a companion of them, should be discovered right away once we proceed searching.
Yui: I think so too. Let‘s go on.
*time passes*
Carla: Here…
Yui: What should we do now?
Carla: They might think I am here for an attack. Even if I am no threat, they might try to run away when seeing me.
Yui: In that case, I‘ll try my luck….
*Yui knocks on their house*
Yui: —Excuse me. Is anyone in there right now?
*Yui knocks again*
Yui: ...Nobody seems to be inside.
Carla: ...No, that is not it. Even if you cannot see it with your eyes, I will not be tricked by something as simple as that.
They are inside, but they pretend to be out.
Yui: ….. !
*Yui knocks again*
Yui: Please! If you‘re inside there, please come out! We have something important to talk about!
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*Yui knocks again*
Yui: —Please, open up!
Nn… it‘s no use...
Carla: —It cannot be helped then.
*Carla charges magic*
Yui: Carla-san!?
Carla: If they show rough behaviour, so will I—
Yui: Whatever the circumstances, you can‘t do that! They're having children inside there after all! 
Carla: Even though they are children, is it not true that they were the ones silently stealing the gem, and now they are cowardly barricading themselves?
If so, they are splendid thieves indeed. But they will not be forgiven.
*Carla continues charging magic*
Yui: P-Please! Open up for us! Otherwise we have to—
Twin Children Vampire A: ….. !
Twin Children Vampire B: O-Our house… please don‘t break it… !
*Carla continues charging magic*
Carla: ...You two, show yourselves. You were the ones quietly stealing the melted stone from the shop, is that right?
Twin Children Vampire B: Eek… !
Twin Children Vampire A: I-I‘m scared...
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Carla: You will not be forgiven, even if you cry.
Yui: Nn…
(These children are completely startled by his appearance… !) 
Carla-san, please calm down! I‘ll take over here—
Twin Children Vampire B: Uwuahhhhh!! We‘re sorry!!
Twin Children Vampire A: We‘re so sorry!!
Carla: Nn… !
Yui: Come on, there‘s no need to cry, right? Why don‘t you tell your big sis about everything in detail?
Twin Children Vampire B: Y-You won‘t get angry… and destroy our house if we do, right?
Carla: About that—
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Tch…
*Carla steps back*
Yui: Good. Your big sis won‘t get angry nor destroy your house if you try to explain yourself to her.
Did you take the stone with you because you‘re in some sort of difficult circumstances? Please let me know about that first.
Twin Children Vampire B: Err… what should we do?
Twin Children Vampire A: We have no other choice but to tell her...
Yui: So you do want to tell me about it?
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes. Please come with us.
Yui: Eh? Where are we going?
Twin Children Vampire A: It will be easier if you see it for yourself…
*they start walking*
Yui: (Where exactly are they planning on bringing us?)
Carla: —Good grief. That is exactly why children are not my favorites.
Place: Subterranean tunnel — Large door
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Yui: ...Where‘s this place… ? There‘s only a huge door...
Twin Children Vampire A: Right behind this door is a direct way to the castle‘s basement. It barely opens up for anyone, and if it does, rarely any people are going through it.
Twin Children Vampire B: That‘s why… here...
Carla: ...Are you hiding something here?
Twin Children Vampire A: Yes… it‘s somebody called Gazby.
*dog barks*
Yui: A dog!?
Twin Children Vampire A: Gazby!
*dog barks again*
Twin Children Vampire B: Gazby is our dog.
Yui: ...Ah, so that‘s it. You two really have a cute doggie.
Twin Children Vampire A: Right? Gazby has been together with us ever since we were born.
Yui: I see. But we came here because we have to talk to you two about the stone, right?
Carla: —This dog, it has been bitten by the medusa snake as well.
Yui: Eh!?
Twin Children Vampire A: Nn… he‘s right. The first time I encountered the snake was when I played with Gazby in the forest… and that‘s also when he was bitten by it.
Gazby desperately needs help...
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Yui: Ah, I understand. That means, Gazby‘s petrifaction has started spreading through his body too...
But why didn‘t you even try honestly telling Aji-san about it?
I‘m sure she would‘ve made the medicine, by melting the stone, as soon as possible if you told her about it.
Twin Children Vampire A: —Because she would‘ve said that it‘s just a dog anyway.
Carla: What do you mean?
Twin Children Vampire B: Our papa and mama already told us that we should give up on it since he‘s just a dog.
They said even if we did manage to stop the petrifaction by using the gem, he would still die someday.
Yui: That is...
Carla: Then, why did you not use your abilities on Gazby in order to make his body become immortal in case the moment of departure arrives?
You should have known he might pass away sooner or later.
Twin Children Vampire A: ...Hmm.
Twin Children Vampire B: We didn‘t really think too much about that until now. It‘s true that dogs aren‘t normal animals in the demon world, so he‘ll surely die someday, but...
If we make Gazby‘s body unable to die anymore, it wouldn‘t feel as if it‘s really Gazby anymore.
Carla: …..
Yui: (Somehow, this is the same as I feel about that… this suddenly reminded me of a conversation I had with Carla-san…)
Twin Children Vampire A: We know that we have to part ways someday.
But that‘s exactly why we think it‘s ridiculous not to cure something, which clearly can be healed. 
Twin Children Vampire B: That‘s right… but both, dad and mom… no, all adults don‘t really understand us.
*dog whines painfully*
Twin Children Vampire A: We‘re begging you! Please give the medicine, made with the stone, to us!
Twin Children Vampire B: Please!
Twin Children Vampire A: I heard you‘re being referred to as a founder, a person who possesses the strongest magic among anyone else anyway, isn‘t that right… ?
Carla: …..
Yui: ...Nn…
(What should we do now… ? I really want to hand the medicine over to those children… but if we do that, Aji-san—)
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Aji: Here, this is a list of all the missing ingredients. Bring me what you can get, and don‘t worry about it too much if you can‘t.
Carla: There are quite many missing.
Aji: Can‘t change that. However, this is the only way we can obtain the antidote little by little…
It is the only way to save you.
*backflash ends*
Yui: (—This is what she said…)
Carla: —I understand. Take it.
Twin Children Vampire A: Eh!? R-Really!?
Twin Children Vampire B: I‘m so happy! Gazby!
*dog barks*
Yui: But, Carla-san—
Carla: It is okay.
Yui: Nn…
Carla: Believe in me.
Yui: (It‘s not like I‘m not believing in him. I know Carla-san is a really kindhearted person and all, but… I‘m still feeling uneasy about this situation…)
Carla: Hey, children. You have to hand over the gem first, otherwise the antidote will not be able to be finished. Aji has to be the one mixing the medicine together after all.
Twin Children Vampire A: Okay!
Carla: Good. Now, let us go.
Twin Children Vampire A: Yes!
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes!
Yui: Haa...
(I can‘t help myself but wonder about what might happen next. The most important thing we can do for now is to stop the petrifaction from spreading inside the dog…)
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Carla: We are back.
Aji: Nn! I was impatiently waiting for you! Where is the stone?
Carla: …..
Aji: My, My! Ngh, you guys really did manage to bring it back after all?
Twin Children Vampire A: I‘m sorry…
Twin Children Vampire B: I‘m sorry, too…
Aji: I‘ll do the preaching later. I have to mix the antidote first, now that I have this back. Wait here obediently until I‘m done!
*Aji leaves*
Yui: Okay…
Carla: ...Good. After that — Hey, Yui.
Yui: Hm?
Carla: Follow me.
Yui: ….. ?
(Follow me, he said… where on earth are we supposed to go?)
Place: Glimmer Main Street — Zatan’s mouth
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Yui: ...Carla-san, what exactly do you want to do here?
Carla: Just watch.
Yui: (..... ? ...Carla-san, what are you doing… ?)
*Carla uses magic*
Carla: Ngh… !!
Yui: Nn… !
Carla: …..
*Carla uses magic*
Yui: Carla-san… I, um—
Carla: Stay quiet. Just a little more.
Yui: …..
Carla: Okay — this will do.
Yui: ….. ?
Carla: I have given the snake that bit me a strong punishment about its doing.
Yui: Isn‘t the snake only in there while the sun shines?
Carla: Here, look for yourself.
Yui: Kyaaaa!? T-The snake is still right there—
Carla: I already put the snake under my control by now. I had to set a curse on it.
Yui: ….. !?
Carla: —Now, medusa snake, come on my hand.
*snake peeks outside*
Carla: Oh my, you have made me go through some sort of bitter experiences indeed.
This would have never happened to me, if I had been aware of the existence of this particular matter in the first place.
But it does not matter any longer. You will be able to make up for the sins you have created with your own body soon enough.
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Yui: Nn… what does that exactly mean?
Carla: —That stone… it has been dissolved in the interior body of this snake from the very beginning.
Yui: ...Nn… so that‘s it! Does that mean the exact same stone‘s really inside that snake?
Carla: Well, the size of the jewel must have narrowed since it may have reached its upper limit.
But over this short amount of time, it could not possibly afford shrinking too much either. I would have to take out the stone to prove that.
We only have to capture it now—
Yui: Is it seriously okay to touch it barehanded?
Carla: It will not be able to resist because of the effective spell I put upon it… Nn…
—What!? What is this supposed to mean… !?
Yui: Kyaaa!?
(It spouted!!)
*Carla protects Yui*
Carla: —Nn!!
Yui: Carla-san… !!
(It can‘t be… !! Carla-san can‘t be bitten again, he can‘t…)
Are you okay!?
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Carla: Tch… it appears as if the spell has not worked successfully because of its poison... it seems to still have enough willpower to go against it...
Are you alright, at least?
Yui: Yeah, only because Carla-san ended up protecting me though...
Carla: Good...
Yui: Other than that, Carla-san...
Nn… !
*Yui hugs Carla*
Yui: Nn…
Carla: Is there anything to cry for? I have already been bitten by it once by now. If I have not changed after one time, I will not after another.
Yui: Are you sure about that? The petrifaction won‘t keep on moving forward faster… is that really true?
Carla: I have been taking this with me for a long time now, would you not agree?
So, do not cry… Nn...
*Carla kisses Yui*
Yui: (Carla-san… he‘s really affectionate. Even though… he‘s in such a critical situation right now…)
Carla: Okay. We will now take the snake with us, and then make sure to give it to Aji.
Yui: Nn… yes… !
Place: Demon world — Reine • de • Aji store
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Carla: —We are back.
Twin Children Vampire B: Welcome back!!
Carla: The medicine?
Twin Children Vampire A: Oh, yes. Look, it‘s over there.
Aji: —I‘ve heard it from the children already, but are you really willing to give the medicine to them?
Carla: Yes, that is my intention.
Aji: Good grief, our founder-sama really is a praiseworthy person. What will you do about your petrification then?
Carla: —With this, even a small amount should be enough. Would you be willing to make another antidote?
Aji: Oh my, the medusa snake… I see, that‘s what you thought of.
However, I won‘t be able to make enough medicine to completely detoxify your whole body with just this one.
Even so, are you okay with that?
Carla: It is fine. As long as I am able to continue living after only half of my body has turned into stone.
Aji: Alright. I‘ll start making it immediately.
Yui: —U-Um… can I ask something?
That snake… will you end up killing it?
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Aji: Why would you care about something like that?
Yui: That‘s because...
Carla: ...Is there perhaps a method to get the gem out of the snake without killing it?
Yui: Carla-san… !
Aji: Hmm, it wouldn‘t be much of a problem taking it out without killing it, but it will take some time to do so.
In the meantime, the petrification could be possibly completed by then, you know? Do you still want that?
Carla: Yes.
Aji: Okay, fine. Well then, keep waiting a little.
*Aji leaves*
Carla: Now, kids. Give this medicine to your dog.
Twin Children Vampire B: Nn… thank you… really!
Twin Children Vampire A: Founder-sama… you‘re really an amazing man!
Carla: I told you, I do not joke around. Now go, quickly.
Twin Children Vampire B: Yes! U-Um… this...
Carla: What is this? An ornament… ?
Twin Children Vampire A: This is to show our gratitude. Well then… ! 
*they run off*
Carla: ...Now what exactly is this?
Yui: As those two already said, they just wanted to give you something to thank you.
Carla: Hmph. Good grief… that is exactly why children are not my cup of tea.
Yui: (Even if he does say such a thing, Carla-san seems way more gentle to children than to others)
—Carla-san, you‘d surely make a good father in the future...
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Carla: ...Ngh… !
Yui: Carla-san!!
Carla: —Fuck… the petrifaction… it‘s progressing… Nn… !
Yui: (Nn… mostly every part of his body… has already turned into stone… !)
Carla-san! Please, hang in there… !
Carla: I… I‘m al… right...
*Yui gets closer*
Carla: Ngh…
Yui: (...Please! Come back… faster… please, hurry up!)
*time passes*
Aji: —I must‘ve kept you waiting.
Yui: Nn… ! Aji-san… Carla-san, he is… !
Aji: Good god, this is bad. We have to give him the medicine as soon as possible.
Be aware to be careful not to spill anything.
Yui: Carla-san… Carla-san… !!
Carla: …..
Aji: He already lost consciousness. It‘s already impossible for him to drink the medicine all by himself.
Yui: —Then, I‘ll make him drink it mouth-to-mouth...
Carla: Nn…
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Yui: (Please… work… dear goddess, please let it work… !)
(Carla-san… come back!)
*Carla slowly moves*
Yui: (Ah! The petrification… it loosened…)
Aji: I‘m so glad. It seems as if you did it right in time.
Yui: Yes… !
Carla: Nn… Yui… ?
Yui: Yes, I‘m here… ! Carla-san… how are you feeling?
Carla: I feel better now… luckily… it feels as if the petrifaction has loosened itself in my whole body...
Aji: I‘m glad. Since you‘re a founder, only this much amount must‘ve been enough to cure it completely.
This is definitely not normal otherwise.
Carla: Aji, I have to thank you.
Aji: No, No. It‘s only natural to help other people who are troubled by something. 
—By the way, I‘ll take the full responsibility of releasing the snake deep into one of the forests.
Carla: I see… please do.
Aji: Okay!
*Carla dresses up*
Carla: Well, then… next… should be your turn.
Yui: Eh? My turn?
Carla: …..
Yui: My turn you say… then, ah, is that so...
I‘m sorry. My head might‘ve been full with everything that has happened with Carla-san, and that‘s probably how I forgot about myself.
Carla: Haa, that is simply the woman you are… you are way too good-natured for a normal person.
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Yui: ...Probably...
(I only came to this parade because of a treasure that has been stolen from me, but with everything that has been going on, it must‘ve been natural that I forgot about myself)
Carla: —Hey, Walter… are you listening?
Yui: Eh?
Earl of Walter: —Kuku, as expected from your awareness.
Yui: (Nn, the voice of the Earl was coming from somewhere in the sky or something… !)
Carla: I noticed it indeed. You have been continuously doing this for a while.
Yui: W-What is that supposed to mean?
Earl of Walter: Both of your actions, I‘ve been continuously looking at them for a long time by now.
Yui: (I didn‘t even notice him at all…)
Carla: —And, what about it now? Do you feel like returning her heart?
Earl of Walter: I don‘t think so...
Carla: Nn… stop joking around… !
Yui: Carla-san!?
Place: Glimmer street — Eisen alley
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Carla: I will not accept you saying that. She is someone who, in comparison to me, should have her strength being recognized.
This woman is truthful. She is in comparison to anyone, pure.
She is the one and only woman who is worth possessing this sort of heart. I will not let you say anything different from this!
Yui: (Carla-san… I think this might be the first time I‘ve ever seen him shouting out like that…)
Earl of Walter: —My, My. It appears as if I have no other choice but to surrender.
Yui: Eh… ?
(Nn… !?)
(My chest… Nn… !)
Carla: —Hey! Hang in there!
*Carla comes closer*
Carla: Hey!
Yui: Nn… I-I‘m okay...
Earl of Walter: —I certainly did return it now.
Carla: Hey, did he surely return it back to you?
Yui: ...Yes, he did...
Carla: Nn...
*Carla leans toward her chest*
Carla: —What a relief.
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Yui: (Carla-san…)
Earl of Walter: Therefore, I‘m done here. But, enjoy the finale of the parade to your complete heart‘s content, please do this much for me.
Carla: Never appear again!
Earl of Walter: —Fufu, then…
*Earl disappears*
Yui: Ah...
Carla: This issue seems to be settled.
Yui: Yes!
(I was already wondering what would happen at first…)
(But because of all the things that happened to us, I was able to see various aspects of Carla-san again, and I did that without even being able to enjoy the parade at its fullest until now.)
(I was, once again, able to see his other colors for myself, and I‘ll never forget about this sort of feeling any longer. In order to do so, I‘ll keep on living…)
(—With Carla-san together…)
Carla: Now, in that case—
Yui: Let‘s enjoy the remaining time we still have!
Carla: Yes.
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