#and of course I have a big writing assignment due in two days
augustsails · 7 months
Sometimes creative writing is great, simple fun.
And sometimes creative writing makes me want to bite my brain out of frustration for filling my head with half-baked ideas, feelings, quotes and simultaneously not giving me the power required to make any of them good or even REAL.
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doobea · 2 months
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synopsis: sae is great at a lot of things, his brother... not so much. when sae calls you up to tutor rin for his upcoming exams the first thought should've been 'yeah, sounds like easy money' rather than 'why does it look like he wants to kill me right now'.
contents: gn!reader, reader is two grades above rin, college AU setting, forced proximity, best friend's brother, rin is a lil emotionally constipated but its alright bc we love him, sae is a physics major in this idk why word count: 10.9k (haha... why do i do this) a/n: hi hi umm idk if i know how to write tbh its been quite some time,,, but im slowly finding myself getting back into the groove and umm yeah it'll still take some time!! anyways, thank you for beta'ing @popponn and of course this fic is dedicated to you too my sweet <3
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You meet Itoshi Rin at a coffee shop, of all places.
The kind of shop that you often see campus influencers hanging around. Hole in the wall. Dangling fairy lights paired with a few overgrown rose bushes in the front. A bit old-schooled, wooden counter tops, with well loved espresso machines. It’s not a big cafe, just enough to hold a few couches, a singular bookshelf packed with all sorts of board games, and low rise tables with way too many heat stains. 
At the start of the year, it started out as a quiet job. Never too overwhelming and had just enough downtime for you to finish up assignments in between breaks. Recently, due to a couple of self-proclaimed foodies on campus, business has blown up ten-fold. So, instead of catching up on your latest lectures, you’re stuck brewing teenage girls their overpriced lattes that are just mostly multiple pumps of flavored syrup and copious amounts of whipped cream. It’s rough but manageable to say the least, judging from the tips. 
You’re currently on scholarship, top of your classes and major, but you’re also living on your own so rent’s gotta get paid one way or another. Whether it be working part-time as a teaching assistant, a barista, or both.
On this particular day, you’re just about done closing up shop. The last hour had you rushing back and forth, fulfilling a last minute order from a Karen that swore up and down that she placed a mobile app order for ten frappuccinos twenty minutes prior. It’s been a long day, but the evening has finally calmed down. You’re scrubbing down the counter, putting all the remaining elbow grease you have into this one particular syrup spill earlier that you didn’t realize that someone had walked in until they started clearing their throat.
You barely look up, having the stain just almost disappear from the counter, but the information you register is enough to know that it’s a guy, and he’s by himself. 
And, okay, in a normal setting you would probably be smart enough to realize that a guy wearing a black cap, oversized hoodie, and a large gym bag at nearly nine o’clock at night is anything but suspicious. You, however, worked a long day. Your eyes are strained from operating the bright tablet menu. Your hair is a frenzied mess. There’s tea stains all over your apron. You get the gist.
So you don’t really notice at all, except that this guy is idling in front of the counter, looking over at the menu with equally strained eyes as you. That’s not unusual. You’ve learned when to be helpful and when to give someone their time and space. It’s slow now, not like it’s common for more customers to show up this late anyway. 
After a moment, the customer clears his throat again. You turn around, fixing your apron, and work up a friendly smile and a quick “ready to order?” when it dawns upon you that this guy is breathtakingly gorgeous. So much so that if you could take over the rights of the Oxford Dictionary, you would attach this guy’s face underneath the word gorgeous and emo.
Dark wispy bangs, striking teal eyes, long mesmerizing lashes, and lips that naturally fall into a small frown giving him the ultimate resting bitch face. They’re also very kissable lips, and you hate yourself for jumping to that thought so fast. It’s not usual for you to hit on customers, let alone just anyone, and it’s probably safe to say that anyone as handsome as The Duke of the North (because you’ve also been reading too many romance comics on the side and this stranger definitely fits this role) probably has a partner of his own. 
“Hey,” The Duke of the North looks awkwardly pained, as if he hates starting a conversation. His eyes drift down to your name tag that’s proudly displayed on your apron, littered with all sorts of stickers and pins. “I—um, what do you recommend?”
Working in food service made you absolutely hate this question with a burning passion. Everyone’s taste is subjective. You get this question all the damn time, and you have to put on your best customer service act, all preppy and bubbly. It’s not like you hate helping customers, you do. But, when they don’t give you anything to work with, it becomes your fault if the drink is bad. 
Though, for obvious reasons, you don’t mind extending the conversation with The Duke of the North. Just by glance alone, you can tell he’s a bit of a health nut from the lean physique and the hefty gym bag that’s tossed around his shoulders. Looks scary and a little daunting, but you have an inkling feeling he’s more of a traditional type of guy. 
“If you want popular suggestions then I’d rec our brown sugar boba for beginners or, if you want something less sweet, I always prefer our in house rose oolong milk tea.” You answer, good-naturedly.
The Duke of the North seems to be in deep pondering. The look on his face makes you feel a little uneasy, like maybe he’s missing something, but eventually he settles with the latter.  “Rose oolong,” He says thoughtfully, almost unfamiliar with the term. “I’ll have that then.”
“It’s one of our signature drinks,” you ring in his order with a smile, “tends to be popular with a lot of the older women.” There’s tease laced in the tone, but you mean no harm. Maybe just a tiny amount for him coming in before closing. 
And, after collecting the cash payment, you can tell that he’s struggling with the awkwardness hanging in the air. You assume he’s not used to jokes, or even hanging around others willingly for that fact. There was another comment you wanted to ask, more so his background and if he goes to the same university, but it quickly vanishes when the guy scurries to the furthest corner of the shop. 
Okay, that’s fine too. Not everyone is suited for small talk.
You get the feeling that this guy wants to avoid people and maybe he’s also had one hell of a day. You’ve learned pretty early on as a barista to never ask anyone about their problems, only because you’ll accidentally sign up to become their therapist without meaning to. 
You decide to brew up a warm batch of rose oolong tea, despite the fact he never specified if he wanted it hot or iced - he looks like the type of guy to always order a warm drink, even on a summer day. And, being the lovely barista you are, you decide to give him a large for the hell of it. This will go down as your one positive action for today, hoping that the good luck will carry over for tomorrow’s rough schedule.
“Hope you like it,” you present him with the tea and watch him as he swirls the drink around. He doesn’t look upset that it’s warm, so you take that as a good sign. “Feel free to hang back a little, I still have to clean up a couple of things in the back.”
“Sure, thanks,” he nods, and the words sound genuine. Without missing a beat, he retreats back in the corner and pulls out a laptop, notebook, and somehow manages to balance the drink on the cushion next to him. Yeah, definitely a fellow student working overtime like you.
True to your word, you go back to your boring list of chores to do; tons of equipment to be sanitized, chalkboard to be erased and be replaced by tomorrow’s daily specials, counting the register, taking out all the trash… maybe it’s not too late to find a less taxing job.
If you weren’t so tunnel visioned in your deep cleaning, maybe you would’ve noticed The Duke of the North spilling some of the tea on himself, asking if you had some extra tissues he could borrow, but only growing self-cautious when he realized that your earbuds are shoved in. And maybe you’d notice him cleaning up the spill with his own clothes from the gym bag, dabbing the spot furiously and making sure it looked like the same state prior. 
You’re almost done with your long list of closing chores when The Duke of the North returns with an empty cup. “Thanks, again. ‘S was good,” he awkwardly offers up.
“Glad to hear,” you flush a little, because your uniform is a mess, and you clearly look the part still. Nothing is more embarrassing than a cute guy staring down at you while you’re sweaty, tired, and have soap suds all over your apron.
There’s a bit of a silence, and then he says, even more awkwardly, “I’ll, uh, see you around. Good night.”
“Sure,” you reply in a quiet voice, in a tone that’s taken on a dreamy sort of quality. “Night.”
You let out a ragged sigh by the time he was out of sight, praying to see him again in better circumstances. By the time you’re locking the front door, you’re half debating to FaceTime your best friend about the random encounter. Somehow, Sae tends to know just about everyone on campus, even if his friend group only extends out to you. Though, noting that it’s nearly midnight and you should really catch the last bus of the day, you quickly toss that thought out the window and save the energy for tomorrow’s session.
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“Mind tutoring my brother for me?” Sae asks out of the blue the next day.
You flail a little, shooting him an exasperated look over your shoulder as your fingers stop in mid hover over the keys of your laptop. An hour and a half into the TA grading session and somehow things feel slightly more off than yesterday night. 
There’s only one single thought running through your mind as you stare at Sae, best friend of nearly two years, “You have a brother?!”
A swarm of “shh” and “quiet down” soon blows in your direction in the library. You’re quickly met with glares from other senior students from nearby tables and study rooms as you mumble back flurries of “sorry” while Sae only rolls his eyes.
It’s nearing midterms, everyone and their mothers are camped on every floor and crevice of the building, thus making gossiping quite impossible and frowned upon. So you stare in disbelief at your friend on the wild fact that he potentially has a brother and didn’t bother telling you until now. 
Sae blinks, “…Yeah? That’s shocking news to you?”
You laugh a little sheepishly, “You’ve never mentioned having one, let alone anything familial.” Then again, this is Sae. Talk about emotionally guarded. 
“You’ve never asked,” Sae huffs before setting down a stack of graded papers. At the top, you see an unfortunate student’s work marred in everything red from Sae’s corrections. He’s always been a tough grader and, for any poor soul who has to take physics, chances of them retaking are high when he’s TAing.
“No offense, but you’ve always given me only child vibes,” you say, lamely, not hiding the fact you’re mildly annoyed. Seriously, this guy knows just about everything about your personal life and now you’re just finding out about his?
“All offense taken,” he replies dryly. 
You scoot closer and whisper, “So, who’s the unlucky guy?”
Sae heaves, ignoring your comment, and continues, “Rin. He’s been focusing too much on sports lately to care about his midterms. He knows about the arrangement. I would offer to tutor him but… we don’t have the best sibling relationship.”
And, Sae being Sae, this doesn’t really surprise you. “See? The only child vibe checks out.”
“Anyways,” Sae rolls his eyes for the nth time and tosses you a half folded sticky note with the name and contact info of his presumed brother. “He gets his shitty attitude from me, so try not to get too upset if he doesn’t seem talkative.”
“I haven’t even given my answer to—”
“Just how often do I ask for your help?”
“Like never,” your reply is instant and Sae only raises his brows in confirmation. You take that as a sign of he’ll somehow return the favor. It’s a rare opportunity, perhaps even once in a blue moon, but there is just one thing that you’re wondering about—
“Don’t worry about the money, you’re going to be covered,” Sae reassures as he throws another thick stack of exams on top of the finished pile. “He’s a fast learner when he wants to be, just not as of recently since he’s started the semester.”
“I take it he’s a grade below?”
“About two years younger, in honors.”
You laugh, pulling away and readjusting your attention back to your laptop screen. “Seems smarter than you, I like him already.”
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It’s a terrible day, because you’re awake before your alarm. Hell, you’re awake before sunrise.
It’s absolutely nonsense and your boss knows to stop giving you these opening and closing shifts back to back, but apparently nobody else had been available to open. 
“You’re competent,” your boss had said over the phone last night. “I trust you more than our own managers, so you should at least feel proud about that.”
Should you?
Of course, you don’t fall for his stupid flattery, not when your alarm is finally blasting in your ear at five in the morning. Normally, you at least try to make yourself look half-presentable but, working on approximately four hours of sleep, the best you could do for yourself is throw on a sweater and jeans before heading out the door.
As a whole, you really do like your job and usually get the later shift but the recent manager got fired for stealing cash from the register, and your other co-worker called off for the next few weeks due to a family emergency, so now your life is a living hell — at least until they return. And, let’s not forget to mention that somehow you’re also stuck with tutoring your classmate’s younger brother because somehow he couldn’t have done it himself. Also a so-called “family emergency”. 
The only thing you appreciate is at least it’s warm inside the cafe once you’ve turned on the lights and tossed your bookbag in the back room. The store might be short-staffed today, but mornings are always slow, which only means you can at least get paid by watching some YouTube videos while finishing setting the place up.
You barely get through setting up the pastries when there’s a knock on the door. Dear god. It’s barely seven, you’ve been here for exactly fifty minutes, and already you’re debating smashing your face against the coffee machine to put yourself out of this misery. If it’s a customer, you swear you’re going to kill someone.
As you glare intently at the window, in the early morning, pre-dawn glow, you can make out a tall guy, dressed in athleisure, peering through the glass. You’re about to grumble out loud about entitled customers showing up before opening hours but the door knob suddenly turns, all because you were too tired earlier to lock it, so now you have to put on your dumb customer service voice. 
The bell chimes loudly as the guy walks in. The lighting in the coffee shop is low, with that quiet, comfortable ambience of soft piano background music playing through the speakers. Your eyes are still half-awake too, blurry around the edges with sleep. But that face, no one could possibly forget that.
“You’re back,” you say this in awe, offering up your best smile, even though it’s lopsided and droopy. The annoyance ebbs away slowly as the man approaches the counter.
The Duke of the North scratches his cheek, and looks around the cafe a bit more, realizing that he’s quite literally the only one here. “...Am I early?”
“Kinda, we open in thirty minutes,” you shrug. It’s not an accusatory thing, because at least this time he has the manners to come in before it’s open rather than before closing. That’s something you can work with. You were irritated earlier but now you’re suppressing a giggle. “Did you like the drink that much?”
Before he could answer, he tips his baseball cap and grips his bookbag before settling down on the nearest couch by the counter. Wondering if the comment had came out as off putting, you’re about to throw on a free pastry when—
“My brother recommended this cafe. Needed a quiet place to get some work done,” he explains with a slight pause, and continues, “The drink you made was good,” he says quietly and starts unpacking. For whatever reason, that puts a dumb cheesy grin on your face. You’re thankful he’s too occupied to catch that.
“Well, you’re welcome to stop by anytime. Just, you know, within actual store hours.” You laugh when you see the tips of his ear flushing a light shade of red. 
“I suppose you’re right,” and you don’t have to look at him to hear the tiny smile in his voice.
“Did you want me to make you anything?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing at the moment. Thank you.”
You two are quiet again for a long time. He’s minding your space while you’re trying to finish your opening duties. When you’re finally done fiddling with the coffee bean grinder, you twirl around, mind racing and checking off your internal checklist with the next task being to actually open the shop. Though, as you turn, The Duke of the North is already by the front door, flipping the sign over to OPEN. 
Can this guy get any more charming?
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” except that you totally loved the fact that he did just that. Maybe a concerning amount. 
“I was getting up anyways,” he reasons simply with a shrug. Somehow he slightly reminds you of a certain someone, but you ignore the nagging voice inside your head.
“Well, keep that up and we might just hire you,” you tease.
The Duke of the North strolls up to the counter, presenting a credit card in his hand, and looks over the menu behind you. You give him space, but you absolutely try to make out the name on the card. You probably shouldn’t refer to him as The Duke of the North any longer than you should. Then again, if the shoe fits, why change?
Suddenly, the front door bell rings and the sight of maroon catches your attention.
“You’re here awfully early,” Sae comments, nonchalantly. 
You sigh, rubbing a hand to your temple. “Got moved to first shift, unfortunately.”
“Wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to him,” he nods towards The Duke of the North.
Blinking hastily, you choke out, “Wait, you two know each other?”
“Are you that blind?” Sae deadpans and stands next to the taller male, who looks mildly taken back, like somehow he doesn’t want to be here anymore. “This is Rin. The guy I was talking about yesterday. My brother.”
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To say that you’re shocked might be an understatement. The correct emotion might’ve been appalled, or even dread? You’re not sure. But you weren’t expecting the meeting to be as unnerved as it was. Rin doesn’t even allow Sae to finish explaining, just ends up walking out with the promise of showing up to the shop at the end of your shift. You remember catching Sae’s irritated expression which, in itself, is extremely rare. It placed a strained smile on your face.
Back at your apartment, you’re currently trying to balance this tutoring session by turning it into a personal study time too. Though, you keep the sight of Rin in your peripheral as you complete your assignments in bed. It didn’t take you too long to look through his current curriculum and throw together a few practice and multiple choice questions for a quick knowledge assessment. He seemed pretty adamant about knowing everything, but Sae has his doubts.
Rin keeps looking over at his quiz, your digital clock, and the floor — all in that order. You don’t want to distract him anymore than he already is, though you can’t help but to spare a glance of what he has done so far. 
The multiple choice questions have been filled out, with a couple of eraser bits on the side, but the short answers have hardly been touched. A lofty attempt has been made to the first short answer, where Rin drew a small circuit diagram to determine the internal resistance of a battery, but it kinda just stops at that. Any answers he has written for the problem set are mostly brief notions of what’s already stated in the prompt. 
Rin currently has his fingers knotted in his hair, pencil tapping against the table and, underneath the desk, he’s bouncing his leg like mad.He tries to look indifferent on a surface level, but you can easily see the vein popping out on his neck.
By the time you’ve finished grading, Rin barely scrapes by with a C-. And, while some students would be ecstatic with that, it’s surely not enough to raise his current grade to a passing one. 
Sae mentioned that Rin’s a fast learner when he wants to be and he never said tutoring would be an easy job. No worries, it’s not the first time you had to mentor a student before. What you’re more worried about is how Rin had been so sure that he knew what he was doing… when he obviously doesn’t.
You hand back the paper with the corrected answers in red ink. You even drew a tiny smiley face by his name to give him some sort of comfort, but Rin just makes a disgruntled noise and looks mildly disgusted.
“I don’t need your sympathy.”
You certainly didn’t expect him to snap at you. Rin visibly tenses and blood rushes to your ears.
Your lips part, finding the right words, as he redirects his attention to your bedroom window and stretches his jaw. Then, after an agonizing long pause, he tips his head back, slouches down in the chair, and sighs in defeat. 
“Sorry,” his voice cracks a little and he leans down, resting his forehead on the edge of the table. 
You pinch your lips together, eyebrows raised. He looks frustrated, but you can tell it’s not aimed at you. “Let’s… take a fifteen minute break, how does that sound?”
“I think I should go.” He’s a little breathless, possibly uncomfortable under the weight of your stare. 
“I’m not delicate, Itoshi,” you say, slowly. You’ve dealt with a fair share of angst-ridden undergrads flustering over their assignments. Rin is no different, and you’re not the type to easily give up after a mini meltdown. It’s all about having the right approach, if you send him home now then the next session would just start off even more strained. “Stay for a while longer, we’ll go over everything one by one.”
“It’s fine.”
You sigh, lips curling ever so slightly. “Itoshi, has anyone told you that you’re a terrible liar?”
From the look on his face, it seemed like the world had slipped out from under his feet. You soon realize that Rin almost reminds you of a raging teen, when he’s like this. He’s fiercely independent, that’s for sure. The type that doesn’t like to make others worry but it ends up backfiring in the end. How he’s managed to get through with life is way beyond your comprehension, but you have a feeling that it has something to do with Sae.
“I… I don’t talk about stuff like this,” he admits and chews down on his lip - it seems like a nervous tick, a bad habit. 
“I can tell,” a chuckle bubbles from you but you pause when you catch his glare. You start clearing your throat awkwardly, “I—um, I don’t talk about my feelings often either. I don’t think many people do. We’re all trying to figure things out as we go.”
“Have you figured it out yet?” Rin seems to surprise himself with that question. 
Maybe for him, you look like you’ve got all your shit together. As if you’ve figured out all the great secrets in life. And maybe, you think, he just wants reassurance that he’s not alone, struggling, to find purpose. Or perhaps Rin wants you to offer up some adult advice, something only seniors would know. 
Your eyes widen for a moment. Rin furrows his brows tightly together and stares at you for answers. You both know well enough that you don’t have a solution, but he looks at you anyway. All you offer him back is a warm, big smile. 
“Itoshi, I’m two years older than you. I’ve had a little more years to figure it out,” you begin slowly, “I’ve had my ups and downs, almost flunked out a few courses when I was starting out, too. I didn’t just magically have it all come together.”
He appears doubtful, almost hard to believe. Rin looks like he’s about to protest but one look and he soon realizes that you’re pushing some truth there. You can tell that he’s struggling, mind working in overtime to try and process all of his internal conflicts — only because you’ve gone through the same. 
“Honestly,” you continue, after a long moment of silence, and lean to the side, giving Rin’s shoulder a little nudge, “It’s not my business to dig around your psyche, but just know that you’re welcome to tell me anything. Physics related or not.”
Rin doesn’t say a word, but you take his silence as a contentment. 
“So, uh,” you start to get up from the bed and pace towards the kitchen area, “I have some sliced fruit in the fridge, if you want some. Can’t solve these problems on an empty stomach.”
You two spend the rest of the night assessing the problems he got stuck on and going over shorthand tricks to easily remember what formulas to use. To your surprise, Rin stays mostly quiet and attentive this time around. He doesn’t stare at the worksheet in irritation anymore, and asks questions when he finds himself stuck on a problem. At the end, he manages a passing B on the new practice assessment. And, of course, while downing a bowl of freshly sliced honeydew.
It’s almost midnight by the time he starts heading out. You’re certain that this is going to kick you in the ass tomorrow morning, because you somehow forgot that you have an 8:00 AM class. It’s fine, you think, at least the atmosphere feels a lot lighter than when you guys first started, so you consider that as a plus.
As Rin begins to put on his shoes, you try to lean against the bedroom door casually and nearly fall over. Looking unimpressed, Rin looks up at you.
“Do you dislike me?”
“You’d already be dead if I hated you,” Rin says this with a certain level of confidence that makes you both shiver and relax at the same time. You’re positive that he isn’t a serial killer but, then again, you don’t know if Sae is the only source of all that pent up angst. 
When his hand rests on the front door knob, Rin suddenly looks back, eyebrows knitted together, and you can’t tell what his expression translates into. Nevertheless, it makes your breath catch in your throat, and you swallow hard. 
“Yes, Itoshi?”
”You… your room is messy,” Rin eventually comments, very unnecessarily, which causes you to release a heavy sigh, sticking a disapproving tongue out.
“Wow, you really do get that shitty attitude from him!”
Rin just snorts, hands in his pockets, and you think this is the first time he’s ever really laughed. It throws you off and, before you get a proper chance to recover, he’s out the door. 
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“You’re surprisingly getting the hang of this, Itoshi” you’re glossing over the practice quiz he had today, feeling a surge of pride knowing that Rin was able to handle it just fine. He ended up receiving a B minus, which is nearly a grade higher from his past averages. Guess a heated vent session is the answer to most problems. 
“I’ve cleared my head,” he shrugs nonchalantly, as if it’s the easiest thing to do in the world. 
Outside, a storm rages and rattles the windows every time thunder roars. Typhoon season is nearing as the weather starts to get warmer, which ultimately means your evening shifts are cut early to avoid flood risks and violent winds. It’s been about two weeks since the first tutoring session and there’s been a slow progression in your relationship. 
Having Rin over almost feels weirdly second nature, despite the short amount of time. You try to meet at least three times a week, two of those times happen right after your shift. The thing you miss the most about being a sophomore is the amount of free time you had. Rin’s classes practically finish before three every day and arrive at the coffee shop right after football practice everyday. Majority of the time, it would just be exchanging shorthand greetings but, whenever the evening rush dies down, you try to strike a quick check-in. Afterwards, the two of you  would make the trip back to your apartment to continue the session. 
Which leads to this current situation. 
About an hour into the session you suggested a well needed break, for you at least. You’re laying down in your bed, playing a mobile game on full volume, while Rin is disciplined enough to still scroll over his previous lecture slides at your desk. You’re not sure if this is what he does to “relax”, or if he’s just simply not grown comfortable around you just yet. Either way, it’s hard to believe that you’re being out mentored. 
“You know you can chill, right?”
“I know.” You hear muffled sounds of a lecture recording from his laptop. 
“Well, I don’t hear you chilling.”
“I don’t need to be.”
Okay, yeah, you’re starting to see the family resemblance here. But it’s going to take a lot more than that to stop you. How else have you survived as Sae’s best friend for two years?
“Don’t you have any fun weekend plans?” 
Rin shakes his head, eyes never leaving his screen. “Maybe not fun by your definitions.”
Your ears perk at this and you subtly lower the volume of the game. Maybe this is a sign to get to know his likes and dislikes, and whether or not he has a significant other — because that’s all important information. At least, that’s what you convince yourself. If Rin just so happens to be in a relationship, then you’ll easily set aside that growing curiosity. If he’s not, then a little harmless flirting won’t harm anyone, right?
“Itoshi,” you sit up from the bed with more purpose than before, Rin seems to catch on and visibly grimaces. “Tell me, I wanna know.”
“We should probably go back to studying,” he sighs.
You hop to your feet, sauntering to the desk and shutting his laptop with ease. Ohm’s Law can wait just a little while longer. “You’ve been at it nonstop since we’ve arrived here. It’s not good to cram everything in that big head of yours, that’s how people burn out faster. C’mon, a ten minute break won’t kill you.”
Rin doesn’t bother to argue against you, he’s been over well enough to pick up that you won’t let him become a complete workaholic. 
“Fine,” he gets up and makes his way over to sit on the edge of your bed, because if he doesn't then you’ll eventually force him to sit elsewhere. Something about separating work and personal spaces to improve learning.
You plop down a few inches away with a winning smile, “So, what are your plans?”
“Football practice—”
“Something other than what I already know.”
He exhales loudly. “Catching up on coursework at the cafe, probably.”
This takes you by surprise, only because you work this upcoming weekend. “Really? Well, guess we’ll see each other then.” Maybe tenacity is just rooted deeply in the family’s genes.
“It’s a nice place,” he reasons, sneaking a glance at you.
You begin squirming, trying to turn from Rin without looking like a complete idiot. Then, slowly, “...What do you like about it?”
And, of course, the words barely escape your lips when the whole building seems to creak and groan under the effort of the storm. The power flicks suddenly around the room, and then it’s complete, utter darkness.
You don’t feel Rin’s presence next to you until a sudden gust of air hits your ear. You flinch and clap a hand over your ear while Rin mumbles out a quick apology and stumbles to establish his own personal space on the bed. 
It starts to rain heavier now, water slapping hard against the window panels in big, ugly raindrops. You should probably get up and find a flashlight or any lighting of some sort, something to make the situation less awkward, but your body feels like a rock. You don’t want to move but, at the same time, your mind is telling you to run far, far away from Rin.
Heart throbbing against your chest, you gather up the courage to look at Rin’s face with the help of the dim lighting from the window sill. His eyes are half-lidded, seemingly glazed over in deep thought. He doesn’t say a single word, and every moment of his silence stirs the growing anxiousness inside. You swallow, suddenly aware that he’s beginning to unravel your sanity just by being there besides you. 
“Are you, um, are you okay with thunderstorms?” you adjust your position with shaky limbs, trying your best to not cross his physical boundaries.
Rin fidgets in response, but you can tell he’s also trying to keep his cool. “I’m fine with them. I just wasn’t expecting the power to suddenly…”
“Yeah, my apartment sucks,” you groan, inwardly. “This doesn’t happen all the time, I swear.” A flash of lightning illuminates the room, you squint against the light. “Maintenance won’t be on site ‘till tomorrow morning. I doubt you want to stay so we’ll have to cut the session short for today.”
You feel the mattress dip a little. The two of you fall silent, and there’s a weird awkward tension hanging in the room, one where it leaves you both red and flushing. Your mind is racing, and there’s a million questions. He hasn’t made any moves of getting up, nor has he said anything about leaving. It’s a bit uncharacteristic for Rin to be unsure in a given situation like this, or is he just being polite? This feels different from your first meeting, it’s still unpredictable, still a confusing mess.
“Or we could talk!” you quickly add on. “I…uh, if you want to talk, that is.”
After a few more moments of that awkward, creeping silence permeating the room, Rin sighs. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to talk about,” he whispers and looks up, his face looking worn out.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. Silence is also okay.”
“I like silence,” he confesses.
“We can just sit here then,” you agree, “silence in itself can be therapeutic, too.”
You don’t necessarily agree with yourself. If it’s not for work at the cafe, you spend a good deal of your time in silence. Studying, grading students’ papers, thinking about your family back home, and preparing for life after graduation. It all gets overwhelming when you sit and process everything in your mind. Even so, the silence that falls between you and your best friend’s brother feels comfortable, in spite of the initial close proximity. You find yourself leaning back into the bed frame’s headboard, curling up sideways.
About ten minutes in, Rin cracks.
“When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of storms. Sae used to make dumb blanket forts with me. It’s silly, but…”
And, despite it being dark, you shoot him a knowing look. For a moment, Rin looks like he regrets even opening his mouth, like he’s about to blurt out a quick ‘nevermind’, but you don’t give him a chance.
“I’m listening, you don’t have to stop.” Unknowingly, you give his shoulders a little nudge of encouragement. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Rin thinks it over, and he only has to for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He talks for a while, until he runs out of things to say. Or, rather, he runs out of energy to say anything. His thought process is a jumbled mess of how his relationship with Sae developed. Being the younger sibling, it’s natural for Rin to look up to his brother, to want to gain acknowledgement and become some sort of a mirror image. The thought of Sae looking after Rin while both of their parents were working overtime to provide for their education is also something you could heavily relate to. Around some point down the line, Sae began to distance himself from Rin without any apparent reasoning, at least in his eyes. Towards the end, it becomes a rambling about nothing, too, and you’re positive that Rin hasn’t even gotten into the meat of the issue.
Rin appears mildly exhausted, flustered, and a little embarrassed by the time he’s done. He turns to you, eyes narrowed, “Don’t say that you feel sorry for me, I’ve heard it about a dozen times already. It gets old.”
You shake your head, processing everything. You can tell he has so much more he wants to get off of his chest, so many things he wants to unload, things that he hasn’t even realized that’s been weighing him down. 
“I wasn’t gonna say that,” and he stays still, studying your next words with high concentration. “Sae and I have been close for quite a while, and I totally get how he’s an ass—to you and just about everyone else. He’s abrasive and straight to the point with a lot of things. Also pretty sure he’s allergic to communication. Hell, I’m not entirely sure how I was able to get close to him in the first place,” you flare a deep breath out of your nose and rhythmically tap your fingers along your thighs. “But I know he has a weird way of caring for others, too.”
“How so?” Rin doesn’t sound annoyed, just confused. Almost hopeful, even. 
“Well, he’s signed you up for tutoring, which might actually not be a good example of care but, um… He normally hates asking people for favors. This is just an unconventional way of saying that he’s making sure you’re doing okay.”
“Could’ve said it himself.”
“Yeah, well, you came to the cafe because he told you, right?”
With that, he quickly shuts his mouth, forming it into a subtle pout. Is he embarrassed that you’re right?
Another flash of lightning comes by, followed by low rumbling thunder. Then, an idea brews.
“This is gonna sound a bit crazy but… do you wanna build a fort?”
Rin snorts. “What’s with that?”
“Well, it doesn't seem like you’re in a rush to leave. Then again, maybe a taxi service would be expensive right now…”
He offers up little resistance to your suggestion and ends up dragging a couple of chairs into your living room from the kitchen. You dig around in your closet and pull out a heavy winter blanket, the ones with a giant tiger imprinted on the front. It’s been stored away for quite some time, leaving bits of dust and other mysterious remnants in the air as you straighten the fabric out. Hopefully Rin’s not sensitive to dust mites. 
One side of the blanket is stretched around the edge of the couch and tucked beneath the cushions. Another corner is wrapped and fastened clumsily around a chair. It hangs over the edge of the coffee table and is held in place by the second chair in the corresponding corner. The overall impression is ridiculous, but there's a decent space on the floor in front of the sofa. 
“That’s a bit better,” you decide, with a faint laugh. 
You’re pressed close to one another, and you have to admit that it’s intimate in a way that you didn’t expect. The air is a little warm, heavy with their breath and the faint heat from the candles. It’s… nice. Outside, the wind is howling, but it is fainter, partially obscured by the blanket barrier that keeps the outside world away.
You decide to stream a horror movie to pass the time, until the weather subsides a bit. You’ll probably go over your data plan for the month, but right now, you don’t really care. You prop the phone up against one of Rin’s textbooks that he didn’t get the chance to go over today, and end up watching a really shitty slasher movie from the 80’s.
At some point, you doze off, leaning in and head tipping to tentatively rest on his shoulder. It’s not the most comfortable position. You’re both slouched back against the couch, pillow wedged under your backs. Your phone eventually runs dead, and the candles burn into nothing—smoldering and smoking as they sputter out.
“Hey,” Rin faintly calls out your name. “It’s getting late.”
You stir in your sleep, finding the strength to open your eyes and tilt your head up. You’re sure that your heart is going to stop beating when he takes notice. The look on your face must’ve been a good one, because now Rin’s six shades of red deeper and he’s got his hand over his mouth. 
“Oh god, I’m sorry, Itoshi!”
“It’s… okay,” his voice is low, sounding almost uncertain. “Rin is also fine.”
You fail to notice his fingers making their way past your forearm, past your neck, until you feel them settle on your warm cheek. Shivers course through your body, and the resulting sounds you release is halfway between a sigh and a whimper. His eyes are half-lidded, glazed, and you’re positive yours are no different.
“Sorry, Rin…” you’re apologizing again, his name sounds foreign on your tongue but feels like home all at the same time. Your voice begins to trail off. You can’t finish, your eyes are already closed, head tilted. As you breathe, with your heart rattling in your throat, you feel Rin lean in close.
As soon as you collide into him, his lips meld against yours.
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It’s funny how life works. Some days seem to drag, impossibly slow, especially when you’re trapped in your own mind — replaying everything, obsessing over every single action you’ve done wrong in your life. There are days where you barely get out of bed until it’s time for classes or to get ready for work, where you just go through the motions. 
Other days, they fly by in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s because you hole yourself up at the library, nose glued to your textbooks, and body running on adrenaline. Other times, it’s because you keep replaying that kiss you gave Rin, wondering what it means, or if it just means nothing at all. You remember being roped in by the shy, tentative edge in his voice that reminded you when you first met him at the shop, where you first had been infatuated.
Rin hasn’t spoken to you since that night at your apartment. On one hand, while you’re worried that you might’ve said something out of line, and maybe that kiss came off too strong. Which, of course it fucking came off too strong. You kissed your best friend’s brother, and that just spells disaster on its own. Although, on the other hand, you’re glad that you guys are on a first name basis.
That’s fine. Rin seems to be going through a lot and the best professional way to handle this situation is to be… professional. Everything is all too much, and you've decided that you need to take a break.
That night, you’ve made a quick trip home after work to stay at your family’s. You don’t have time to mull over a certain junior of yours, not when you have your own things to take care of. 
Your parents’ are currently on their anniversary date, leaving behind your two younger siblings all by themselves. You think two eight year olds could handle themselves just fine for a few hours but, then again, kids these days are just built differently.
You ended up ordering takeout and made them sit through a painstakingly long foreign film. Subtitles always put kids to sleep faster, you’ve learned. After carrying them to bed, you decide to spend the rest of your night sitting outside on the patio and wait for the return of your parents.
The skies are always clearer in the suburbs compared to the bustling city lights that pollute everywhere else. You sit down on a small plastic chair, one belonging to your siblings, and spend a good few minutes appreciating the twinkling stars and the raw smell of the countryside. You fix your gaze out in the distance, at the same hills and mountains the sprawling city overlooks.
Feeling inspired, you fish out your phone and decide to send Sae a quick picture of the surroundings with the caption ‘miss you loser :P’. It’s a small mini-game that you two started a year back, sending each other photos whenever away from campus, even though it’s mainly you sending the photos and he sends back middle finger emojis. 
Though, as soon as you hit the send button, dread immediately fills your gut. 
“Wait, shit, shit—wrong brother!” 
Your heart hammers against your chest as you stare at the now seemingly flirty caption and, dear lord, your reputation might as well be down the gutters. This will go down as probably the most embarrassing moments of your life, and what makes things even worse is that you know Rin has seen it because three gray dots are now jumping up and down in the chat log.
God, what are you even supposed to say to that?
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: I’m sorry?
When you receive the responding text, you feel yourself losing ten years off your lifespan. You bury your face into your hands and whine, loudly. 
This incident on top of whatever the hell happened during the night of the storm… Rin probably thinks you’re a creep for doing this. You can already imagine how it’ll play out: Rin tells Sae that you’re harassing him, Sae stops being your friend, and you’ll probably have to drop out and move out of the country. Rin might never even show himself to you again, and that thought alone makes your throat tighten up.
However, before you can descend into further madness, if that’s even possible, your phone vibrates again. You swallow the needles in your throat and peek through the cracks between your fingers.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Looks nice. 
And, to your surprise, there’s an image attached to the text. It’s a dim photo of his opened textbook, a filled in study guide sheet beside his laptop, and on the right side of his desk is a drink from the cafe. You want to make a dumb oolong tea joke, but now you feel bad for disrupting his study session. 
Then, another notification comes through.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Miss you too. :P
Your heart promptly multiplies into a thousand pieces. You lean into the chair, almost tipping yourself over. Your heart’s beating so hard that you can practically feel it pulse against your temples. Taking deep breaths, you don’t look at your phone until the urge to run away fades. 
It feels like you're dreaming, and you know it’s absolutely stupid and silly, that you feel like you’re floating right into a dumb romance drama right now, but you can’t help it. Not when Rin is pulling stunts like this. He probably meant it as a joke, maybe only responded back to mirror you, who knows. But someone like him should not have the power to be so, so adorable under all that hard exterior. That’s just illegal…
“God,” your breath shudders out and you thumb over the keyboard to respond back.
[You]: didn’t mean to send that to you haha… ;; [You]: but i take it that studying is going well??
Rin replies back within seconds.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: I know. [Sae’s Brother!!!]: Studying’s been fine. Might need to look over something when we meet up again, if that’s okay. [You]: of course!! just lemme know what day works :)
Rin sends you a thumbs up emoji and you don’t get a response for a while after that, figuring that he probably went back to work. It doesn’t matter anyway, because it feels like a hundred pounds just got lifted from your shoulders and you feel so light that you’re convinced that you can see the stars even clearer now. 
Thank the heavens he didn’t make it weirder than it already was.
Fuzzy-brained, you decide that it might be best to call it a night and retreat back into the house and towards your old bedroom. Even while laying down on your plush mattress, curled up, with the aircon on blast, you couldn’t fall asleep — at least, not for a long while.
By the time you pass out, it’s from sheer exhaustion and adrenaline rush. Your phone remains gripped against your chest as you sleep, and you end up missing another message from Rin late in the night.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Your manager doesn’t make good oolong. Come back soon.
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There are several moments when you tell yourself you need to take a couple steps back. That you really, really need to calm down about Itoshi Rin.
The rest of the week comes and goes. You haven’t seen Rin in a few days. You guys sorta text, with him giving you curt updates on his assignments, but Rin goes long periods of time without replying. And, when he does reply, even though it’s just a text on screen, you get a distinct idea that he’s probably tired. So most of the time you end up lounging around at Sae’s apartment, busying yourself with your own assignments and bothering Sae about the end of the year assessment. And maybe you mope to him about his younger brother. Just a little bit.
“Does Rin hate me?” 
“Why do you ask?” You could practically hear the eye roll in his response.
You feel a bit juvenile when you explain the reasoning, it’s obvious in your tone. “He’s, um, been kinda dry.”
“Is water dry?”
“Then there’s your answer,” Sae yawns and flips to the next page in whatever new psychological thriller novel he picked up. “Should feel lucky that he’s even responding back, I barely get an emoji out of him.”
Part of the fun thing about being friends with Sae is having full 24 hour access to his apartment. Whenever you’re running low on food, it doesn’t matter if it’s milk or potatoes, somehow there’s always extras at his place. The least fun thing about being friends with him is that he’s god awful at keeping up with conversations. Or, at least in this case, giving you advice on how to approach Rin appropriately.
You decide to change up the topic, slightly. Your mind’s currently running on three shots of espresso and one shitty breakfast sandwich from the dining hall, not really the best combo, and the words start flooding out. “On a different note, if someone you kinda just met shows a side of them that they’ve probably never shown to anyone, how would you react?”
Sae straightens from the couch, eyes flickering to you then back to the book. “Depends on who it is,” he shrugs. He doesn’t sound too interested in the conversation.
“Wise words, I see…” you hum in deep thought. You begin strutting around the tiny living room, circling around in front of the TV and keeping a somewhat watchful eye on Sae as you choose your next words carefully. “What if… it’s like a big thing? Super pent up for so long that they just start pouring all their emotions onto you? How would you react to that?”
“Sounds like a weird person. I would probably leave,” Sae’s voice is dismissive.
You groan, fully understanding Rin’s personal dilemma. “At least pretend to be serious right now!”
And, with that, he shuts his book and rests his cheek against his palm, sighing. “Maybe they told you because they’re afraid of talking to their close friends. Or maybe they just feel comfortable around you, I don’t know. Since you’re so caught up about this… who are you talking about?”
Shit, he caught on. 
Sae hardens his gaze on you, suspicion sprawled across his sharp features.
“I—um, uh, it’s a classmate of mine! We were going over grad school applications and they seemed really lost about if they wanted to apply or not… I was just a little surprised when they started talking about their insecurities with me, that’s all. We’re a little bit closer now, though…” your voice trails off and Sae cocks his head a little, pursing his lips, but decides to leave the topic be.
“Right, well… how are Rin’s studies coming along?” Sae asks after a long pause and backs out of your space. 
It’s not like Rin’s doing terribly at his studies. He’s picking up some of the methods and variables faster than most people in your department, perhaps even learning at a faster pace than yourself. Though, and this is just an observation, you’ve noticed that Rin rarely takes notes in his classes. When he does, well, it’s sloppy and unfocused. You’re starting to worry, since his midterm is rounding the corner, and you’ve been itching to ask if he remembers the material or if he doesn’t care. You want to, really, but it’s technically not your job to look after him full-time.
Unless it totally has something to do with the weird family dynamic that you can never really nail down? Yeah, you’re definitely not sticking your nose into that mud anytime soon. The last time you did that, well… 
“He’s doing fine!” You offer up that much. It’s a little taste of honesty. Not the full truth. Somehow, you know that Sae is damn well aware of that, too.
“As long as he’s motivated, that’s all that really matters.” Sae mumbles. He drops the conversation and it’s probably a good thing, because you can’t concentrate at all.
By the end of this particular meeting, you feel like you’re going to vomit. Your stomach has jumped into your throat, and you’re struggling to keep your breakfast down. It’s way too late to call out of work, so you power through and manage to make it in time for your shift. It’s not until you arrive that you notice a familiar tuff of black hair behind the register, eyes glimmering with all flirt and talk with a female student across the counter. 
Then, it hits you, if there’s one person other than Sae who can give mildly okay advice, it’s him.
When the evening rush dies down, you relay the situation back to Oliver, throwing on the crucial details—well, minus the kiss—unfortunately you can’t risk that information going out of his mouth. Unlike Sae, he shows interest from the get go, providing you live reactions and commentary as the story continues. When asked for his thoughts, Oliver covered his face and howled in laughter for a long while, getting stares from customers, before leaning in and eyes you very seriously.
“Kid’s got a massive crush on you, that’s for sure.”
Oliver is obviously a better listener compared to Sae, but also has a tendency to stretch things out for dramatic purposes. You should’ve mentally prepared yourself for this.
“Wait a sec,” Oliver sits on the countertop, despite the rules encouraging against it written on the chalkboard behind him, ponders hard for a moment, and then, “You like him!”
You almost spill a shot of espresso all over your fingers, letting out a small screech, and look up, doing a bit of a double take at your friend. “Don’t you have better jokes to make?!”
Oliver tosses you a clean towel from underneath the counter space and offers an apologetic smile, but he looks amused. “You wanted my honest opinion. Hot, young stud falls for his tutor who also works as a barista? The prompt just writes for itself.”
You swallow a gagging noise. “Please don’t ever refer to Rin as a hot, young stud… even if it is true.”
“If we want to peel back several more layers, maybe this is all part of Sae’s elaborate plan to hook you up with someone.”
“Can’t you have another family emergency again?” You like Oliver. He’s possibly your only favorite coworker out of all the other part-timers, but you’re very unimpressed with him right now. “I’m still in college. You’re acting like I’m going to be forever alone, or something.”
“While that might be true,” Oliver agrees, mildly. “I still think the kid might just be bad with… y’know, showing emotions.” He motions his hands in a heart shape near his chest. “I was like that when I was his age, too.”
“Gross, now you’re just making yourself sound like an old man.” With that beard, it sure adds a few years to his face. No wonder he’s so popular with the ladies.
“You should be more honest with yourself,” he softly chastises, offering you a blueberry muffin that he definitely stole from the back. “Life would feel a lot easier.”
“You talk as if I’m a fictional character in some stupid story,” you sigh, gracefully accepting the baked good in defeat.
There’s a part of you that feels bitter after the conversation, afraid that he’s right. You’ve been solely focusing on your academics for the most part, and that’s not to say that you haven’t had others showing interest in you. 
You remembered Oliver hounding you down on your very first day at the coffee shop, trying to get your attention by making you clean up his spills, not sure why he thought that was a good idea… Another guy from your department also tried hitting asking you out by creating a fake math problem that would eventually lead to him asking for your number, but the variables were messed up and all over the place that it didn’t make any sense. 
You don’t put relationships on a high pedestal, and you don’t necessarily need to be in one right now. Maintaining a steady income and keeping your scholarship should be your top priority. That, and not falling for your best friend’s brother.
Things go uneventfully for a little while longer at the shop. You and Oliver were going to put on the latest episode of the Bachelor to pass the remaining shift but, by the time you were just about to finish setting up the monitor, the front door bell chimes.
You blink. You and Oliver are in the corner tucked at the back of the store. It’s ten minutes until closing and your stomach churns wildly at the thought of another inconsiderate customer. Because if it happens to be another frat guy ordering a “secret menu” item that some person made up on TikTok again… well, you’re gonna start crying.
“I’ll go take care of it,” you sigh, fishing out the store’s keys out of your pocket. “Just tell me who the guy ends up with.”
Oliver grins as he presses the play button. “Roger that, boss.”
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You hadn’t really expected to see Itoshi Rin of all people to swing by.
He barely gets any words out when you emerge to the front counter, needless to say you were the same. After a few mindless scrabbling around and awkward shifting, Rin spits out that he needs an emergency tutoring session, back at his apartment of all places. And, at some point in the night, between your mind turning into mush and Rin refusing to look you in the eyes, Oliver sends you off a little early before you have the chance to help him close.
Which ultimately leads you off here.
“So, what’s the burning question you have for me?” you ask, setting down your book bag on the floor. 
Rin’s apartment is a lot minimalistic compared to yours, and more on the traditional side. His place is a bit further out of the downtown area, into the quieter parts of Tokyo, but not terribly far from the school’s public transit. Here, the buildings aren’t skyscrapers and the traffic is manageable, which means a lot more parks and greenery. 
Instead of a dining table with chairs, he opted for a low coffee table and cushions instead. There’s tatami flooring, a small bookshelf in the corner with organized sports magazines, textbooks, and a few horror films. Hanging on the walls are a variety of posters; most of them are famous foreign football players and some are a few popular movie covers. 
The coffee table is placed right near his bedside, so it makes a perfect back rest for you. Rin keeps a small desk lamp on, he’s mentioned to you in passing that small amounts of warm lighting helps him focus. This setup is certainly a lot more comfortable compared to yours.
Rin decides to sit next to you this time, pulling out an array of notebooks from his bag and fidgets with his pens on the table before flipping to his last pages of notes. “It’s about… torque and resistance.” He buries half of his face into his palm as his fingers trace, almost obsessively, through the notes. From one glance, his writing looks coherent enough, better from when he first started out.
“Um, yeah, sure,” you keep a close eye on him. Rin is behaving rather strangely. Restless, agitated, annoyed, or a combination of all three. Though, a minute into the small lecture, Rin softly calls out your name. “Y-Yes?” you can begin to feel your neck growing dangerously hot.
“About that night, last week…” he finally pushes the words out, but lets them hang in the air, inconclusive.
Your cheeks flare up, and you turn away, clearly embarrassed. Suddenly, you feel like a complete idiot all over again. “I—I’m sorry about that,” you stammer out, staring down at your fingers. “I don’t know what came over me, everything was so dark and—”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he consoles, quickly. “I’m glad that it happened. It was… I… it was good.”
It’s a bit of a rambling response, but it leaves you stunned and flustered, without even realizing it.  You finally turn to look at him, eyes a little misty, your cheeks still warm. You’re relieved by Rin’s reply. You open your mouth to respond back, but nothing tangible comes out.
“I want it to happen again,” Rin finds himself saying, tone suddenly low and dark. He shoots you a look, one that you can’t quite interpret. It’s like he’s hovering somewhere between concern and fear that he’s pushing too far. And maybe he is, but you are too.
You let your legs slip out from underneath and you lean up against Rin’s bed. If it wasn’t there, you’d collapse for sure.
Rin follows suit but pulls away from you abruptly, and you manage to look up just in time to catch the flush in his cheeks and neck. It’s hard to see it in the dark but, if Rin’s body language is anything to go by, he’s incredibly embarrassed. 
“Are you okay?” His voice is quiet, and you manage a shaky nod, but that nod is immediately followed by another involuntary sound from the back of your throat.
“I, um, should we tell…?” 
You’re not entirely sure where Rin stands with his relationship with Sae, nor if both of you can predict the outcome of what would happen. Sae is still a close friend, but you can’t hide the fact that you like Rin away from him forever. Plus, would this even realistically work out? Graduate school, job interviews, things of that sort aren’t in Rin’s horizons, but…
“We don’t have to do anything right now,” he seems to catch on and clears his throat, looking away. “I just wanted to make my feelings clear.”
You briefly think back to Oliver’s advice earlier in the night, about being more honest with your feelings. How things will magically become easier. It’ll be unfair if you didn’t pour out your heart like Rin had done just now. But words can’t be the only way of showing your honesty.
“We can take it slowly,” you stumble out.
Screw it, maybe you can ask Sae for a favor after you’re done tutoring.
Those words seem to melt Rin’s hard exterior almost instantly. Wrapping both your arms around his neck, you press a chaste kiss to his inviting lips.
Rin doesn’t say anything else, but there’s another little teasing nudge of his shoulder bumping against yours, and it somehow communicates more than it should.
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taglist: @hellothere9597 @itzmeme @scaraslover @kidd3ath @torureadz
a/n: hi again everyone... if you've made it this far - thank you ;; this piece might just be the longest fic i've ever written (to date...) and tbh im not sure if i like it ? maybe i do idk!! there were so many times i wanted to throw my laptop against the wall gaah did you know that i originally wanted sae to come in and interrupt towards the end? thank god i didnt otherwise our two main love birds wouldn't have been able to kiss... anyways, ty for reading and hopefully you'll see me around more <3 <3 ty i love you
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Yandere Ouran High School Host Club x Reader Concept
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I wanted to write this a while ago, but I couldn’t get the dynamic right. Hopefully this is good. Also, to avoid confusion, before reader figures out Haruhi is a girl, Haruhi will be referred to using He/him pronouns in readers POV. In Haruhi's POV, Haruhi will be referred to using she/her pronouns. If it's too confusing, I'll change it so that Haruhi is referred to using they/them pronouns.
You’re a “commoner” student transferring to Ouran in the around the middle of the year. While you were doing amazing academically, your main focus was with the arts, specifically painting. Before transferring, you would enter in art competitions in your area, and would always win first place. Your talents were soon recognized by Ouran Private Acadamy, and in no time you were given a scholarship to the prestigious school.
Starting school was rough. You didn't really fit into the mold of an Ouran student. The most obvious was that you were a commoner, which meant that the other students instantly had a bad impression of you. However, your art never really required you to interact with a lot of people, so you don't really have that many social skills. You spent most of your time at Ouran by yourself, either painting or working on school assignments. You never really thought you would make friends, that was until you met Haruhi.
The moment Haruhi heard that another commoner student would be enrolling in Ouran, she instantly wanted to meet you. She was pleasantly surprised to meet someone so a like her, someone who liked to remain to themselves and stayed out to drama, and the two of you quickly became close friends. While she was kind of disappointed that she had to hide her gender from you, it wasn't something she cared that much about, because she knew you would like her regardless.
Haruhi tried her hardest to keep you away from anything host club related, she honestly found it kind of embarrassing. Whenever she had to go to the club, she would tell you she had studying to do for another class and of course, you never questioned her. Or course, the other members eventually found out, and demanded that they meet Haruhi's new friend. Since she was in debt to them and had no other choice, she invited you to the host club one day during your lunch break.
You were shocked to hear Haruhi ask that, since it didn't really seem like him to hang out at the host club. When he explained that he was actually a part of the host club, you were genuinely shocked, since Haruhi didn't really seem like the type of person to involve himself in clubs like that. However, you couldn't really refuse, and so you found yourself in the host club during lunch, eating cake and drinking tea with Haruhi.
It was hard to ignore the other hosts watching you and Haruhi from their seats. The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, were the most obvious, coming over to your table and causing mischief. At some point, that pulled you away to play the 'which one is Hikaru game' which you were able to win pretty easily due to their voice difference. You didn't really think it was a big deal, but the guest at their table thought it was.
The next one you met was Honey-senpai. It was surprising to meet someone like Honey-senpai and Mori, and you didn't really believe that he was older than you. He was so childlike; his optimism was kind of nice. After your 'game' with the twins, he got super excited and forced you to try out all these fancy deserts with him. You could barely get a word out; with all the food he was giving you and all the questions he was asking you it was basically impossible. In contrast, Mori was completely silent the whole interaction, Honey-senpai having to introduce him to you. Honey was very happy to meet you and was nearly throwing a tantrum when Haruhi took you from him.
Tamaki's meeting was less nice. He stormed up to your table, demanding what your intentions were with Haruhi. You were too stunned by the sudden interrogation that you nearly choked on your drink. Haruhi quickly apologized and dragged him away, which is when Kyoya told you that the club would be ending soon and "politely" asked you to leave. You tried saying buy to Haruhi, but he was too busy yelling at Tamaki, who was now cowering in the corner.
This was the start of your strange friendship with the host club. You would always see the twins when you would walk Haruhi to class, and almost always you would be late to your class because they wouldn't stop talking to you. Honey-senpai would make you lunches since you couldn't ever afford the ones the school made. Most of the time Mori would deliver them to you alone, but on a rare occasion Honey would be with him and he would always act like it was the first time he's seen you in years, yelling your name and waving at you from a mile away.
Eventually you were able to get on Tamaki's good side, once you were somehow able to prove to him you meant no harm to Haruhi. Soon, he even forgot about his previous hatred for you and pretended like you were best friends. He would offer to take you on trips with the host club, even going as far as to force you when you refused. It was usually Kyoya that had to reel him in and remind him that you were a commoner and so not used to receiving such expensive gifts.
This is when you should've realized something was up, because that was the moment everything really changed. Suddenly, it was a common occurrence to receive extravagant gifts from each of the hosts. Whether it was clothes, jewelry, or anything else, they were handing it over to you without any complaints. Even Haruhi would spoil you by giving you some of his homemade lunch or even offering to do your homework for you. It started became a competition with them, each of them trying to one up each other constantly. Speaking of Haruhi, it was a while before she actually told you she was a girl. It wasn't really a big deal when she did, since it didn't really matter to you. She was extremely grateful you didn't make a big deal out of it and was happy your friendship didn't change.
The surprisingly don't acknowledge their feelings for you for a while, mostly because they had to keep up their image of being single for the host club. However, the moment they all figure their feelings out, its chaos, Tamaki of course being the most dramatic. He doesn't understand what it is about you, but all he knows is he doesn't like the feeling of being in love with a commoner. Kyoya is the calmest, he easily accepts the fact that he loves you, since the doesn't really see any other reasons for the way he's feeling.
They don't even have to think about working together, it just happens. They are very controlling, whether its controlling who you hang out with, what you eat, or what you wear, they make almost every decision for you without any remorse. They see it as pampering, and that you deserve it for being such a great friend.
The hosts won't tell you about their feelings, and don't plan on doing so for a while. Again, they have to keep and image, so they stake their claim over you in more subtle ways. Clothing is a prime example, they lend you coats, small pieces of jewelry, even perfume that they wear to tell people your theirs. They also always make sure you're around them, so no one get any ideas.
I don't think at any point you'll really notice their behavior, since you wouldn't really question it if your rich friends wanted to gift you a few fancy things, what's the harm in that? You don't question it when Haruhi spends more and more time at your house, even going as far as sleeping in your bed with you. You don't question it when the twins gift you another specially designed outfit fitted to your exact measurements. You don't question how Kyoya knows your exact address and sends you flowers nearly every week. You don't say anything when Tamaki starts to be touchier with you, even going as far as kissing you on the cheek as a greeting. And when you, Honey, and Mori start having private lunches together instead of eating in the cafeteria, you don't bat an eye.
They're your friends, why should you question them?
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mamas (don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys)
Pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader Category: angst / fluff / run-on sentences Word count: 3,1k CW: language, I’ve been to Texas once okay forgive me, divorce Author’s note: this was supposed to be a holiday fic but I got stuck on it and almost abandoned it, but here it is rescued from my drafts, shoutout to all the amazing tgm fic writers your writing truly astounds me
Summary: Every year around the holidays, you hear from your ex. This year when you don’t respond, he decides to show up at your door. 
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Jake UT  [November 23, 2022 at 10:24 PM]
Hey stranger
Visiting my mom for Thanksgiving
How’ve you been?
You ignore the message. How you’ve been in the last twelve months is not something you feel up to discussing with him.
You spend the next weeks dealing with crisis after crisis at work, leaning into the chaos like you have been all year. Your personal life? Garbage fire. Reconfiguring your entire pump setup two weeks before going to production, because the DoC slapped an import ban on one of your key suppliers in China? You’re on top of it.
But then, the week before Christmas, another message comes in:
Jake UT  [December 17th, 2022 at 3:47 PM]
In town for the holidays
Would love to see you if you’re free
Brett welcome too, of course
A pang in your chest, but curiosity gets the better of you, so you text back:
Thanksgiving and Christmas? Judy must be thrilled.
You’ve met Jake’s mom all of one time, ten years ago, but she made a lasting impression. Fiercely protective of her only son, she’d been wary of you at first (you were, in order of importance: Too non-Texan, too vegetarian, and too focused on trying to rescue an almost-due group project for your sustainable water management class in which no one was pulling their weight).
And yet, over the Thanksgiving weekend you’d spent at Jake’s mother’s house in Colton, she’d slowly warmed up to you. You’d asked her endless questions about her job as a project manager at Austin-Bergstrom, and she’d poured you half glasses of wine (still exotic, to you, back then) at the kitchen island, shooing Jake back into the living room.
She’d even called you, after you guys broke up, to say she was sorry to hear it, and to tell you to call her up any time you needed someone to talk to. You’d tried your best to keep your voice even, not to break down in tears for the seventh time that day, and never called her again.
* * *
“Dude. Put your phone away for two minutes.”
Jake looks up apologetically at his friend, and pockets the device. “Sorry. Just expecting a text.”
Sandeep holds out his bottle of Lone Star, and Jake clinks it with his own. “It’s good to see you, man. Sorry I wasn’t around at Thanksgiving, we were visiting Jed’s family in NC. I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”
Jake takes a swig of his beer, the cold liquid feeling like a balm to his throat. “Yeah, well. It’s been a big year, work-wise, so they owed me one. I wanted to spend some extra time with my mom.”
Bringing up his drink to toast again, Sandeep says: “Here’s to you, bud. And to getting that permanent assignment in California. At least we knew where to send our holiday card this year.”
Condensation drips down the neck of his bottle, and Jake spins it slowly in his hand, stopping himself from peeling off the label. He feels on edge, unmoored, despite this 6th Street dive bar being as familiar to him as the back of his own hand.
Sandeep’s got his number. “Seeing anyone else while you’re in town? I don’t know, Myers?”
Jake doesn’t look up, but feels his cheeks heat up fractionally.
His friend takes another swig of his beer. “I guess I should stop calling her Myers. You know, with the divorce and all.”
The bottle escapes Jake’s grip, and amber liquid sloshes across the table, into Sandeep’s lap. “Shit, Seresin! Grab some napkins, will you?”
* * *
 You’d always known there was an expiration date on this thing with Jake, which is why you’d been reluctant to meet his mom to begin with.
You wanted fundamentally different things. He, the Navy: Adventure, excitement, a chance to serve his country. You: Stability. A family. A place where you belonged.
Both of you: an opportunity to prove yourself.
It’s civil, as far as breakups go.
“You always knew I wanted to fly.” He says, over breakfast at Magnolia Café. There’s a hard set to his jaw that makes you soften in contrast, because of course you do, everyone who’s ever been near Jake Seresin for longer than ten minutes knows he’s always wanted to fly.
From your first date he told you about how Judy used to park him in her office at the airport when her summer childcare fell through; little Jake happily spending the day watching commercial jets taxiing and taking off in quick succession.
How her coworkers, the civilian engineers who’d stayed on after Bergstrom Air Force Base was decommissioned and commercialized, would regale him with stories about generations of F-4 Phantoms. Or the British Airways Concorde, one of only twenty of the ill-fated aircraft ever made, bringing the Queen to Austin in a little yellow hat. The Reconnaissance Air Meet bringing in the best fighter pilots from across all divisions of the military and abroad, to compete and show off their skills.
Jake would listen to them with stars in his eyes.
You pick at your migas, your appetite gone. “I know, Jake. I would never stop you.”
But you look at him, and you know your face mirrors his determination. “But I can’t come with you, Jake. I can’t start my career following you around from camp to base year to year. I’m forty-thousand dollars in debt getting this degree, and I need to follow my own plan.”
You haven’t moved in together, though Jake spends most of his nights at your tiny off-campus apartment, where you’ve made him countless cups of black coffee trying to fuel weekend study sessions. Where he would come in past midnight, back from the late shift at his part-time job at the H-E-B, and bury his face in your neck, waking you up even though you’d been asleep for hours. Where you would hold his sleeping head to your chest, his deep breathing somehow felt inside of you, and run your fingers up and down the bare skin of his back, trying to memorize him.
You’re twenty-two, you tell yourself. This is not the end of the world.
So you see him off at the front door, a box of his things clutched to his chest, and you force yourself to be strong. “You better be,” and you try to smile up at him, but you’re not sure you’re doing a convincing job, “You better be the best goddamn pilot the Navy has ever seen, Jake.”
For a second, he looks like he wants to say something, but then he just puts down the box, and pulls you into a last embrace. You sink into it, the fundamentally safe feeling of his arms around you, then make yourself pull away after a minute, pretending you don’t see the wet stains on his shirt.
Later you look at all the spaces in your apartment he is now conspicuously absent from (no dog-eared volume of Game of Thrones on the nightstand, no boots by the door), and it hits you then; the crevasse he’s left in your life. It may run deeper than you thought.
* * *
Jake had gone to Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island, then designator-specific training in Pensacola, Florida, and done his best not to think about you.
It helped that his days were intense and exhausting. It helped that, on liberty weekends, girls would flock to him and his friends in bars.
It helped to be several states away from you.
It helped to be living his dream.
* * *
There is a bit of a backslide, that first Thanksgiving after, where you both think it can’t hurt to see each other for one drink, for old time’s sake, which ends in him taking you up against the door in your new apartment, your legs wrapped around his waist because he does not have the willpower or presence of mind to figure out the way to your bedroom.
He knows it was a mistake, at about five AM the next day, when the blue light of morning starts streaming through a gap in the curtains, illuminating your tousled hair fanned out over the pillow, the steady rise and fall of your chest so familiar to him he could cry.
Untangling himself from you hurts, and he does perhaps the most cowardly thing he ever will: he sneaks out before you wake up. But next week he’s shipping out, and the thought of the same dead-end conversation over coffee made just the way he likes it is unbearable, so he makes himself walk away.
Somehow it’s worse, the second time around.
* * *
You’d met someone else, like he’d known you would. He sees the engagement announcement on Facebook, browsing on his phone between drills, and likes the post. It’s the third year he’s been away, and he’s at TOPGUN by then, so he has a lot on his mind. He has a girlfriend, even, a local: cute as a button, beats him savagely at pool.
It doesn’t fully hit him until the first time he sees you with your then-fiancé, at a little holiday reunion of college friends. He sees you with that ring on your finger, another man’s arm around your shoulders, and he gets an acute sense of the alternate reality that could’ve been his.
It feels a little like losing altitude too fast.
Your initial reception of him is understandably frosty, but you seem too genuinely happy to hold a grudge. By the third round, when he sidles up to you at the bar, you give him a quick hug, looking up at him with a smile that squeezes his heart: “I’m so proud of you, Jake.”
He nods, not quite trusting himself to speak, and pulls you back in, just for a moment, tucking your head under his chin. You smell like apple and magnolia, like nights spent with his nose pressed into your back.
You don’t invite him to the wedding, and he’s all too glad not to have to make up an excuse not to go.
* * *
Things settle, after that. Jake gets deployed and reassigned, breaks up with his girlfriend and eventually gets another. You get promoted to senior engineer, then project lead. You see each other, not every year but close enough, sometimes with your husband there, sometimes without.
He braces himself for the next Facebook post; that you’re pregnant, but it never comes. Over time, even that seems to lose some of its potential emotional impact on him.  
Until three weeks ago, when you don’t text him back.
* * *
 You kick your shoes off in the entryway, then head into the kitchen to pour a glass of water. Before you can reach the tap, the doorbell rings, and for a second you think somehow, some way, your terrible Bumble date has followed you home.
Grabbing the biggest kitchen knife you own off the magnet strip over the sink, just in case, you creep back to the door, barefoot, to press your face up to the peephole.
You don’t really expect to see the guy you just left, the ice in your glass not even melted before you were thinking up excuses to get out of there, but you sure as fuck don’t expect to see Jake either.
The door feels heavier than usual as you slowly slide it open, or maybe you’re just a little stunned. The night air hits your skin, and you can make out the sound of dogs barking in the distance.
For a long moment, Jake just looks at you, but then he says: “What were you planning on doing with that, sweetheart?”
You follow the jut of his chin down the line of your arm, and contemplate the knife for a second, Jake’s sudden appearance having made you forget all about it.
“I thought someone might have followed me here.”
“Ah.” He says, a spark in his eyes, clearly suppressing a smile. “If you were going to defend yourself in hand-to-hand combat, a knife is a terrible choice. I could give you some tips, though.”
Putting the damn thing down on your entryway console, you turn back to look at him. It’s not cold, exactly, in December in South Central Austin, but he looks underdressed: a long-sleeved light grey t-shirt, hands shoved in the pockets of a faded pair of jeans.
He looks good, you can’t deny it: he’s always had an immediate effect on you.
Jake, your somewhat gangly, sweet college boyfriend had it. Jake, ten years of military training later: older, filled out, fine crinkly lines starting to appear at the corners of his eyes (helped along by the California sun and God knows what far-off places), irrevocably still does.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. “What are you doing here, Jake?”
At that, his expression sobers, and he looks at you for a long moment before he says:
“You didn’t tell me.”
* * *
Fucking Sandeep, you think, rubbing the back of your hand across your eyes, because that fucker has not been subtle with the hints lately, tutting like a Victorian matron while you pass the time evaluating your Bumble matches with his husband during Monday night football’s ad breaks.
The granite of your kitchen countertop feels reassuringly cool beneath your thighs, and you take a deep breath, keeping your eyes on the tile below:
“I wasn’t ready.”
Jake huffs, or so you assume by the little sound that escapes him, as you determinedly face only his sneakers: “It’s been a year. You sure told everyone else we know.”
That makes your head snap up, emotion rising in your chest in a way you don’t like, have always had to tamp down when it comes to him, these last ten years. “Fuck off, Jake. You know it’s different when it comes to you.”
He leans back against the fridge, arms folded, just slightly lifting his right eyebrow at you in that irritating way of his: “I could’ve been there for you.”
Fuck it, you think, all cards on the table then. “I was heartbroken, and embarrassed, and trying to figure out how to exist on my own again after being married for five years to someone who didn’t turn out to be who I thought he was, Jake. Sorry my first impulse wasn’t to come cry on my hometown hero ex-boyfriend’s shoulder.”
His eyes soften, and he pushes off the fridge to come stand next to you, running his fingers over the edge of the countertop. “I’m sorry,” he says, voice quieter than a moment ago. “I’m being a dick. It’s just, you have to know, I would’ve been there for you.”
He pauses for a second, takes a deep breath: “It’s always been different when it comes to you too, sweetheart.”
You start to shake, a little, or maybe it’s your imagination. But your voice wavers as you say his name, everything about your tone a warning: “Jake.”
He closes his eyes, shakes his head: “Our timing sucked, and I don’t regret our decision from back then. I’m proud of who I’ve become in the last ten years, and I’m proud of you. You think I don’t keep up with what you’re doing? The articles you’ve published?”
This stuns you, momentarily. “No, Jake Seresin. If I’m completely honest, I didn’t think you gave a shit about the latest advances in Texas drought management.”
Just being near him, the familiar smell of him bringing up memories you’ve had years to unsuccessfully repress, is overpowering.
He makes it worse by turning to you, face so goddamn heartbreakingly earnest as he says: “I couldn’t give you what you deserved, ten years ago, but I always told myself, if I was ever in a position to…” He swallows. “I tried to forget about it when you got married, I tried to root for you and Brett, I swear.”
His hand settles next to your thigh, not quite touching, and your hand comes down on its own accord to cover his. He straightens almost imperceptibly, uses his other palm to wipe a tear that’s made its way down your cheek.
Cupping your face, he draws a deep breath. “I have a permanent assignment now, in San Diego. I know it’s…”
“Jake.” You interrupt, squeezing your eyes shut, grabbing the hem of his shirt. “I’m not remotely the same person I was back then.”
He moves to stand in front of you now, and you draw him in between your thighs. Suddenly it seems imperative that you feel him, that he holds you.
Dipping his head to yours, you can hear the smile in his voice, watery, tentative: “Then let me get to know you again. Get to know me again.” He leans one hand on the counter, the other tracing your cheekbone. “No pressure. I’m totally very cool about this. Whatever you want.”
You laugh, a little choked up through tears, but genuine. It feels liberating. “What if I say yes? How does this work?”
His smile broadens, eyes crinkling at the corners, and he’s so goddamn close, nudging your nose with his. “Come visit me, for a start. I’ll show you the sights.”
You draw him in a little closer still, legs wrapping around his waist, one hand finding its way into his close-cropped hair, and you could cry for how familiar he still feels after all these years.
But when you close the gap between your lips and his, it’s like coming home and yet not at all: he’s different and rougher and sharper and it floods you with emotion, something big and terrifying and old and new.
He leans into the kiss, grinning, cards his fingers through your hair before he moves to cover your chin, your brow, the space next to your ear with kisses, and you remember this with a jolt to your heart – how singularly intense it is to be the focus of Jake Seresin, like the strength of the sun is aimed at you, how he never does anything by halves.
You take his chin in your hand, kiss him again for good measure, before saying, into the stubble of his jaw: “One visit. No pressure.”
The grin he gives you in return could power half this city: “One visit. No pressure.”
He dips his head to yours again, kissing the skin behind your ear as he tells you: “Southern California has a lot of drought problems, you know. I’ve actually been reading some really scary articles about it.”
i hope you enjoyed :):) - if you liked this I hope you’ll check out some of my other work:
where the wild things are (rooster x reader)
cross my heart (hangman x reader) masterlist
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love-quinn · 2 months
WOVEN TOGETHER ━━━ remus lupin x reader
━━━ 𖥻︰ 2091 words
summary: despite your best efforts, remus lupin might just become your friend.
pairing: remus lupin x reader
tags: platonic remus lupin x reader, she/her pronouns, reader is a gryffindor the same year as the marauders, shy reader, mentions of anxiety
The common room was one of your least favourite places to be, but your dorm room was worse, so there you were. It was getting late, and you had a potions assignment due the next day, so you were sitting in a quiet corner trying to work on it. Well, trying to want to work on it. You were only just passing by the skin of your teeth, and if you failed this essay then it would bring your grade down from an Acceptable to a Poor, and that meant that you wouldn’t be able to get the NEWTS you needed. You weren’t sure what those NEWTS were, as the idea of having to do anything after finishing school filled you with fear, but you figured it probably would have something to do with potions. You sort of just picked the electives you enjoyed and then did your best.
Unfortunately, your best didn’t seem to be good enough with this essay, as you had been working on it nonstop for the past four days and you still had another 10 inches of parchment left.
“Disfigurement,” a voice came from above you. You looked up from your homework at a boy, looking bashfully at your parchment.
“Excuse me?”
He had the good graces to look embarrassed by the way you were looking up at him. “Disfigurement is one of the major side affects of using lacewing flies in the potion, a big part of the reason that it’s level three restricted by the ministry,”
Now, normally, a man standing above you and explaining something that you already knew would absolutely ruin your day, Merlin only knew it happened often enough. But normally, the men doing it didn’t look like they were talking about it out of pure interest.
His eyes got slightly dimmer as he realised your annoyance, a darkened honey colour that people wrote songs about. “Sorry, I should’ve- Just because you paused writing doesn’t mean you didn’t know what you were talking about. Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You decided on after a minute. You knew who he was, of course, you didn’t spend seven years in the same grade as someone without learning their name, but you were nearly one hundred percent certain he didn’t know yours.
“I just came over for…” he gestured uselessly at the small collection of cups on the table beside you, with a metal pitcher of ice cold water that stayed full no matter how much you poured it. A group of boys in your year had tried to use it to flood the common room one time. You had a sneaking suspicion the boy in front of you had been involved, despite the fact that he never received detention for it like the others did.
“Go for it.”
He poured two glasses of water and paused, looking at you. “I really am sorry. I’ve offended you.”
“I’m not offended,” you replied honestly. “I normally would be, but I’ll allow it just this once.”
The boy cracked a smile, slightly crooked, and it evened out his whole face, as though he had been created just to smile like that. “Thank you, then.” He corrected softly. “For not being offended by my interruption.” He put the cups down gently and looked for a moment as though he might shake your hand, before thinking better of it and leaving them hanging uselessly by his side. “I’m Remus.”
“So I’ve heard,” you didn’t mean to sound pretentious. “I just mean- we share a lot of classes, so I’ve seen you around a lot.” Now it was your turn to be embarrassed.
Remus continued smiling. “No, I know. I see you all the time. You always snag the good table in the library.” He gestured to you, testing your name out experimentally on his tongue, as though afraid to get it wrong. You nodded.
You liked studying in the library because it made you feel like an actual student. Doing homework on your bed, while the more common alternative, made you feel as though you were doing it wrong somehow. As if, because you hadn’t put in the effort to go all the way to the library and bring your study materials with you that you didn’t deserve to do well on whatever it is you were working on. “Do I?” your voice sounded far away, even to yourself.
“I’ll forgive you, though,” Remus said good naturedly, noticing your change in tone. This interaction had gone on far too long for your liking. You were beginning to feel exhausted. How embarrassing.
Talking to strangers for longer than ten seconds makes my stomach do a backflip, you thought bitterly to yourself. That was why your dorm room didn’t feel as welcoming as it was perhaps meant to. The girls in there talked, like they were friends. And they were friends, it was easy to see that.
You’d been so removed when you first started at Hogwarts, when you were only eleven. So overwhelmed by the hundreds of rooms and the hundreds of students, that when your roommates stayed up all night chattering and getting to know one another, you had felt nothing inside you aside from a desire to go to sleep. It took weeks before your nerves calmed enough to even attempt to contribute to their conversations, and by the time you had realised that maybe you did want to be friends with them, they had accepted your silence.
You gave Remus an awkward smile, the polar opposite of the one he’d given you. As if your grinning was a defect, not something you were designed to do. Sometimes it felt like maybe you weren’t.
He was still standing there. How could you make him go away without explicitly telling him to? You felt nauseous, squirmy under his gaze. Why hadn’t he left yet? “That essay Slughorn gave us is a real doozy, isn’t it?”
You cracked a real, genuine smile at his word choice. You didn’t know anyone who used the word ‘doozy’ and the best part was, it seemed to be entirely unironic. “Yeah, I guess.”
“I was planning on spending the afternoon up in the library, working on it.” His hand fiddled with the hem of his button-up. “Any chance I could sit at the good table?”
You nodded almost instantly. “Yeah, no, sure. It’s all yours. Sorry, I didn’t mean to hog.”
“You’re not,” he let out a breathy laugh. “You’re jumpy, aren’t you?” You felt it, and your cheeks burned at the notion that he could tell. “If you wanted to still study at your same table, and I was also to study there, both of us in complete silence, then I don’t think that would be so bad?”
Remus could see that you wanted to say no, and he didn’t want to push it if you were clearly uninterested, but he also knew that it had been seven years of you being the only Gryffindor girl he’d never spoken to, and also being the only Gryffindor girl he’d ever felt a strong desire to speak to. The others were great, sure, Lily and Marlene had become friends to him more concretely now that Lily and James were seeing each other, and Alice had always been sweet. You, on the other hand, had been described by your roommates as sad. Not ‘pathetic’ sad, but a more deep sadness.
“She’s awfully kind,” Marlene had told him once, hushed in the back of a History Against Magic Lesson. He hadn’t remembered how your name had been brought up. “Think she just likes it quiet.”
“The table’s yours,” you offered. “It’s okay. I can just study down here, it’s warmer.”
“It’s louder, though,” Remus reasoned. “Up there there’s no… well, no guys coming over here to explain something you probably already understand.”
“I thought you said you were going to be there?” You were genuinely confused at what he was asking of you by this point, but he laughed it off. You staved off a frown.
“I always find that homework is nicest when you’ve got someone there,” he offered finally. “Even if you’re not talking, just purely sitting there.”
You didn’t see how that would help at all. You’d probably be too distracted by anyone to even get any work done. But, you realised with a start, the notion of someone wanting to spend time in your vicinity, as innocent as Remus’s intentions were, made your heart ache.
He probably just wanted to be able to sit at the good table without putting you rout, you understood that. But at the same time, if he really wanted to sit there, and he really wanted to not disrupt your routine, then you didn’t see why not, even though maintaining eye contact with him for any longer than a second felt as though you were going to combust in a caramel-irised explosion.
“You can come,” you conceded, gently, hoping as not to come off rude or too territorial about your space. Perhaps it would be better if you studied outside, or in an empty classroom. That way you weren’t getting in his way.
“Excellent,” he was talking too loud, and he could tell that by the way you shrank back in your seat.  “Maybe I can finally get my transfiguration grade up, Merlin knows you’re doing well in that class.”
Why would he say that? That made him come across as a stalker who knew all your grades. He hoped you didn’t think that implied you did need help in potions. Your reactions weren’t giving him much, and it was making him nervous. He definitely shouldn’t have come over here, but he had been scrambling for something to say, and now he had to take water over despite the fact that no one had asked for water.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” You closed your textbook so gently it didn’t even made a paper noise as the cover closed. “But if you really do need help, then I might be able to.” You offered him one final smile, cheeks tinged with a visible blush.
You hoped he couldn’t see how dizzy you were getting. You wanted to go sleep and pretend this was all a dream so you could go back to ignoring Remus’s existence like he could go back to ignoring yours.
Unfortunately for you, though, he’d found your little hidey-hole study space that you occupied yesterday, coming in to tease you light heartedly about abandoning him for transfiguration. You didn’t not want to talk to Remus, it was nothing about him. He’d been nothing but sweet and funny in the very limited interactions you’d shared, you were the issue.
“Should’ve known you’d ditch me,” he’d said with a sigh as he sat down, opening his textbook up. You found you didn’t mind his being there as long as you weren’t expected to contribute much to the conversation.
“Thought it would be obvious.” You’d attempted to match his airiness in your tone. It came out strangled.
He sighed gently. “I wanted to pretend it wasn’t so, sweetheart. I thought you and me had something special. I told you about disfigurement in potions and you tell me about disfigurement in transfiguration.”
He’d been attempting to do the spell for about an hour, trying to turn a ball of yarn into a scarf. It was a simple spell that’d normally be of no issue to him, but he just couldn’t get it this time.
After nearly forty minutes of mumbling all but silently to himself so as not to disturb you, you had enough. You reached over and, so delicately he’d thought at first it was simply a breeze, uttered the spell while controlling his hand movements. A long, thickly knitted navy scarf burst from the ball of wool, landing pooled by his crossed legs. You looked up at him, expecting to be reprimanded for the touching, knowing you would have done exactly the same.
“You’re not real,” he said after a moment. Sometimes you felt that way too. “We’re officially studying together every time, now.” He grinned to himself, picking up the scarf and wrapping it securely around your neck multiple times, tucking the ends in to your jumper. It was soft. “Every single time, you little wonder.” You maybe didn’t mind as much this time as you had when he’d last suggested it. Your smile was almost hidden behind the mass of fabric you’d just helped him conjure, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t see it.
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obae-me · 1 year
Hello! I love your writing! Especially your sick fics. Would you be willing to write one with mammon? Possibly just forcing a very sick/stressed reader to rest. Or if you want to go further the fever getting high enough for reader to hallucinate and they keep trying to get up and he's trying to stop her. Either would be very appreciated 😊
Yeeessss, I will always write a good sickfic! It’s one of my favorite tropes, it’s just too good! Thank you for the request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
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Let's Go Home
"...This isn't good..." Whispering, you looked into the mirror, not that you required a reflection to be able to tell. The facts were simple. You were coming down with something. There was a dark corruption stirring and settling inside your body. It felt off, and you could easily assume why. It didn't help that your throat was sore either. A telling sign if there ever was one. Of course you would have the luck to catch something just before a big assignment was due. Now you could spend the next few days being sick and stressed. Yay for you. The dread and anxiousness did little to ease the symptoms that seemed to slowly creep up on you the more you woke up. As much as you'd like to throw yourself back into bed, you couldn't afford to miss these next few days of classes. So, tugging on your uniform with harsh irritated movements, you headed downstairs.
Breakfast was already done for the most part, the sounds of the table being cleared and the last few munches of Beel could be heard from behind the dining room door. You'd given up food this morning for that last little bit of rest. You'd need as much as you could get right now. You could only hope the brothers didn't find your absence suspicious. If they knew you weren't feeling well...you could only imagine the kind of hovering they would do. They meant well, truly, you knew as such, but sometimes they never knew how to let you breathe. Plus, they did have a tendency to overreact, and you didn't need seven different worried voices buzzing through your head when it felt like it was buzzing enough already.
Adjusting your school bag, you twisted the handle to the entrance hall open, ready to make the journey to RAD on your own. That had been the plan, but a demon-shaped wrench was thrown into it. Mammon went through a short series of varying emotions, all of which could be seen plainly on his face as his eyebrows danced up and down. He had been pleased to see you, then confused, then panicked as he looked over his shoulder to ensure none of his brothers were following him out before shutting the door behind him. After that, he seemed rather smug about the fact that it seemed you two were going to head off to school alone together. "Mornin'!" He spoke softer than he normally did, trying to keep this little moment a secret. He slipped out of the main entrance you'd already opened and pulled you outside by the sleeve around your elbow. As the door shut behind you both, he stretched, his arms straight up above his head. He pulled them tightly before his hands dropped back to his sides. "Missed ya at breakfast--I mean, I didn't miss you, I just meant I didn't see ya there," he proclaimed, a little flustered but apparently getting more adjusted to sharing his feelings with you. "Stay up a little too late, huh?"
You remained silent for a moment, focusing on trying to sound as normal as possible. Although, as you attempted to reply, your throat squeaked out the answer. Clearing your throat in an attempt to sound clearer only made the pain in your esophagus worse. Instead, you just nodded your head, hoping that it would suffice.
Suffice it hardly did. Mammon already seemed suspicious, nearly making you sweat under the pressure. Or perhaps that was caused by something else... "You alright? Something seems off with you today.
"Mmhm," you hummed affirmingly, giving him a smile to show that you were fine. With any luck he'd just write off your strange behavior as lack of sleep. Before he could investigate any further, you took rapid steps down the path towards RAD, feeling his eyes track you while you did so. But for now, it seemed you were safe.
Classes at RAD had hardly ever felt so grueling. They were always difficult, seeing as how they were all about subject material you didn't even know existed until you'd been dropped down here. Now that you were sick, focusing almost seemed impossible. But you had to. You had to pay attention. There was a test coming up, and if you got another bad grade... You couldn't stand it, the look on the other's faces whenever you did. With pity. Or even worse, like they expected it. Like you were nothing more than just a human who couldn't hardly be expected to do well. Is that why you had been pushing yourself so hard these last few weeks? Of course you had to fall ill right when all that hard work was supposed to pay off.
The bell for lunch rang cacophonously through the halls. Other demons grabbed their bags and scrambled for freedom. You remained seated till the herd thinned, slinging the bag over your shoulder. Just a little longer...Just a few more classes. You could do this. You would do this. While a demon would've given up already out of temptation, you would show everyone a human's determined spirit!
Outside seemed like a nice place to spend the break. Fresh air might do you good, not to mention it would be quiet. As for lunch...Hm, what would you do? You didn't pack anything this morning...and Devildom food wasn't exactly easy on a sick human's stomach. Maybe you still had some snacks for Beel packed away somewhere in your bag. You stepped through the halls as you rummaged through your things, eyes straining to look into the darker depths for something that might provide you temporary sustenance. If you tried to skip a meal, Beel would know. Somehow he always knew, and a disappointed Beel was ten times worse than a disappointed Lucifer.
"Oi! Watch it!" Two hands quickly grabbed your shoulders, tugging you backwards and slightly off to the side. You raised your head as it happened, able to glance forward at one of RAD's stone pillars that occasionally adorned the walls. You were about to face whoever grabbed you only to be turned around against your will. Mammon's hands lowered, trailing down to your upper arms where he firmly grasped them. "You're kiddin' me, right? Are you really that stupid to be walkin' face-first into the walls?" He sounded astounded. Exasperated. You knew that he had the tendency to sound like that when he was simply just concerned, but somehow the tone still dug into you anyway. You looked away from him, shrugging off his hands and heading down the hall again. "Wait!" Mammon lunged, reaching out and grabbing the nearest part of you. Your hand.
The action had you stop, but you stayed where you were, looking away from him partially out of spite but also because you didn't want your secret to slip. Mammon grasped your hand a little tighter, his palm moving against yours till he seemed to find where his hand fit perfectly. He was warm. Hopefully he would be too distracted by his embarrassment to notice that you were almost warmer. And not from the embarrassment. Perhaps you were worse off than you figured.
"I didn't mean to come off so harsh, You know I didn't mean it that way," he spoke, his voice softer than usual. You still looked away from him, waiting for a real apology. You could hear him shift on his feet, uncomfortable with the silent treatment, although most of it was due to your throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice like that." Better, but not all. You tugged a little on his arm to tell him to try again. "And for callin' ya stupid. I know you're not." You sighed, taking the apology and turning to face him once more. "You're weirding me out today. Somethin''s been bothering me all day-- actually, this whole week-- but I didn't know why. What's going on with ya?" He looked deep into your eyes as if he could pull the answer out from there. It was hard to look at him with such a genuinely concerned face. He almost looked wounded that you would work so hard to keep something from him. Maybe somewhere in his mind, he felt as if he did something to deserve your actions.
You sighed, head drooping a little. "I don't...feel great," you whispered, your voice weak, coming out still a little scratchy despite the low volume. "I'll be okay."
"Not great?" He raised an eyebrow, dropping his hold on your hand to raise it up, approaching your forehead. "Like sick or somethin'?" Suddenly his eyes widened. "You're warm! Freakishly warm! I'll go get Lucifer--"
"No! That's not--" You pressed a hand to your throat as you swallowed, the pain making your fingers tremble. You had raised your voice a little too much. "I can make it through the day. Don't bother him."
He shook his head a bit at you, eyes narrowing. "Ya don't look like you can make it that long, we should get some help and go home."
"I can't, Mammon. I have to go to class. I can't let my grades slip lower."
With that, he actually huffed, almost scoffing in a sort of confused laughter. "Screw grades! This is you we're talkin' about!" One hand settled on his hip, the other gesturing as he talked. "Who cares about a few grades?"
"I do!" Your voice raised again, emotions as well as pain brought a few tears to your eyes. "I'm one of the exchange students. Everyone already looks at me like I'm destined for failure, like I'm not cut out for the Devildom, like it's only to be expected because I'm nothing more than a simple human. I'm going to prove them wrong. So if I have to suffer through a few classes while I'm sick, so what?" You stood your ground, mouth a tight frown.
Mammon took a step back, a bit stunned at your tone, but he seemed to understand. Although you could tell he was beating himself up a little on the inside. Had he looked at you like that? Had he made you feel that way? "So you've been stressed, huh? It's worn ya down." You couldn't quite deny that statement. The demon of Greed shook his head a little. "Hey, can you promise me something?"
Exhausted by your small outburst, you pressed the back of your own hand to your head, shoulders sagging. "Depends on what it is."
"Can you forgive me?"
You could only raise an eyebrow at that strange question. "Forgive you for what?"
All the sudden you felt yourself being swept up, body off the ground, your vision a blur of colors. Mammon's arms held you close, preventing you from falling in your small struggle. "Grades might be important to you, but...you're important to me. Let's go home." He watched your head fall against him dejectedly before rushing down the halls.
Your head had felt light the entire way home. Everything was filled with that dreary fuzziness that came with dreams. You didn't pull yourself back together till you felt Mammon follow a familiar path. Sounds of home flooded your ears. The common squeak of the House's hinges. The echoing footsteps against the Entrance Hall's marble floors. The sound of Mammon's comforted sigh that he unconsciously made anytime he entered your bedroom.
You were sat on the side of your mattress, shoes being tugged off you and haphazardly and frustratingly tossed aside like they had been the source of your troubles. With two hands on your shoulders, you were quickly pushed down into a laying position, the covers being pulled over you and tucked around you so tightly it felt like you could hardly breathe. Or maybe that was just due to the sickness constricting your lungs. Everything was warm, every breath a wheeze. But worst of all was the feeling of defeat. Of the shrinking pride of Mammon being right. You were too weak to make it through classes.
"Hey, forget about RAD," Mammon spoke up suddenly, shaking his head at you. Somehow he had those moments where he knew exactly what you were thinking. You had never thought yourself that transparent, but maybe it was a pact thing. More than likely though, Mammon was just good at this sort of thing. "Your grades ain't gonna change the way we all feel about ya."
"You know what Diavolo and Lucifer expect of me. If I let them down, I'm ruining the image of the program. And I'm not like Solomon, or Simeon, or even Luke. I feel like I have to work ten times harder then the rest of them only to just barely pass. I..." You hesitated with your words, not expecting yourself to become so emotionally vulnerable, but here you were. Almost in tears, crushed under the weight of unbelievable expectations. "I can't take much more of this." Your nerves felt like frayed burning wires, the tips of your fingers trembling.
Mammon fell silent for a long while, glancing at some random spot on your floor. Finally, after you had both marinated in the silence, he lifted his chin, looking directly at you, rubbing the warm and pounding spots of your temples with one of his thumbs. "Forget about all that for just a little bit. Thinkin' about all that stressful nonsense won't do nothin' but make you feel worse." He suddenly stood up, rubbing the back of his head in thought. "Lemme get you somethin' to eat." Before you could say anything otherwise, he was gone. You stared up at the ceiling, a few tears leaving your eyes now that you were alone. This...sucked. But at least...you were no longer alone. Crying did nothing but exhaust you further, so by the time Mammon returned with some food, you were convinced you wouldn't even have the energy to eat it. He used one hand to help you sit up while the other placed a plate in your lap. It was a simple meal, but one that would probably help. Just a sandwich he had made with simple sliced meat and veggies. He even cut them into small little squares for you. His eyes were shining, like he was proud of himself, that he was glad at least that he got to do something like this for you. Then he suddenly looked at the watch on his wrist. "Crap, lunch is about over already." His mood tanked, apparently not intending to stay which surprised you a bit. You had assumed he'd give anything for an opportunity to skip classes with you. "Eat as much as you can, and then sleep long enough so it won't even seem like I'm gone, okay?" He tried to flash a signature smile, but it was filled with worry. "Call me if you need me. And make sure you call me and no one else, got it?"
You let out a breathy sigh. Just sleep and forget about it all, huh? Sure. "Okay." It's not like you could do much else. Plus, this demon was giving you some serious puppy eyes, and you had no idea if he was even intending to do so or if it just came naturally. Before he left, you took a few of the finger-sandwich squares and handed it to him, so at least, even if he was leaving, it was like you were having lunch together. He took them gently, that giddy glow that usually formed around him returning. He took a munch of one before running off, giving you one last glance before he shut the door. You looked down at the plate and tried a bite of your own. It was pretty light as to not upset your stomach, but filling enough to stop the slight hunger pains you were already feeling. How precious of him to make you lunch like that. It was a short time before they were all gone, the empty plate resting on your nightstand. Lying back down, you turned over in bed, groaning under your breath as you did so, closing wearily eyelids. With a full stomach and a sore body, sleep seemed to barrel into you like an overdue train. You might've been hearing things, but you could've sworn you heard Mammon's voice muttering something to you before you drifted off to sleep.
The sound of a sharp breath had you open your eyes. You stared at the ceiling of your bedroom blankly. It took you quite a while to realize you were even awake. Slowly turning under your covers, you tried to figure out what or who had woken you up. "Mammon?" You called out, voice weak, throat dry. You knew you felt warm but you couldn't help but shiver anyway. Shaky and weak hands gripped your bedsheets as you pulled yourself out of bed, your head swimming from the movement. You noticed a shadow flash across your eyes. Something moved right outside your door. "Who...is it?" A few trembling steps and you were at the door, swinging it open. You craned your neck to look down the hallway. Nothing was there. Some sort of hum filled your left ear. It was hard to discern what it was, but maybe whoever had been outside your door went in that direction. So, you left your room, turning left to wander down the hall.
How long had you been sleeping? Were you still sleeping? No, everything felt too real to be a dream. And yet, everything in your mind was hazy. Thoughts were hard to keep ahold of, slipping from your brain almost as soon as they were manifested. You were too preoccupied with the pain in your body, and whoever was in the house apparently. You continued to shuffle past windows and doors, trying to keep an ear out for another noise. Something caught in your peripherals. As you turned to look out the window you were standing by, you caught the last bit of a blur running past the frame. It jolted you back, almost causing you to fall, but you stumbled into one of the hall's little dressers.
Now you were irritated. You didn't feel good enough for games. You were going to find who had just scared you and give them a piece of your mind. You marched the rest of the way through the House, ending up in the entrance hall. You only mildly regretted your decision when you opened the door, the cold air outside almost making your teeth rattle. You took a few steps outside anyway, glaring as you scanned your surroundings. There seemed to be nothing out here. Just as you were about to turn around to go back inside, a hand grasped your shoulder. You jumped, smacking the hand that had touched you as you swirled around.
Mammon looked dumbfounded, only to then turn his expression into one frighteningly close to Lucifer's. "What do you think you're doin' being outside like this? You have a death wish? I said to stay in bed!"
The shock rattled your lungs, a few coughs shaking your frame. "What the hell, Mammon? Why would you do that to me? You think skulking around the House is funny? Some caretaker you are!" You pressed your palms to your throbbing temples.
"Whad'dya mean?" His eyes went a little wide, looking wounded, but mostly confused. You straightened your posture, glancing behind him to see the front gate slightly ajar. Had he just gotten here? Then you spotted the papers he was holding under his arm. A large stack of them. "No one should be home but us. Even Levi was dragged to classes today." You raised an eyebrow at him, trying to go over the details in your brain. Before you could try to figure out if you were crazy or not, Mammon took your arm and led you back inside the House, dragging you along till you were back in your room. He was clearly worried, hardly able to stand still on his feet, his heels tapping against the floor as he helped you into bed.
"Where did you go?" You couldn't help but wonder. You didn't want to outwardly say you had wished he stayed here, but...maybe his tsundere nature was rubbing off on you.
He moved to settle the papers he was carrying onto the table in your room before coming back to you. "I had somethin' important to do is all..." He didn't seem to be very forthcoming with information at the moment. Well, when did he ever? You didn't have the energy to press him on anything. His hand suddenly cupped your cheek as he cursed. "You're even warmer than before..." He got on his knees by your bedside so he could be level with you as you rested. "How do I help you feel better?"
"Some water might be nice, and maybe a cool rag," you shrugged a little. There weren't too many remedies for humans easily accessible down here.
He shot up to his feet. "That's easy! I'll be back!" He dashed off, moving so loudly you could hear him move all the way to the kitchen. He came back just as quickly as he left, putting a cup of water on your nightstand and holding the rag in his hands. He suddenly turned a bit sheepish, slowly getting back down to his knees on the floor, glancing away from your gaze. He was fidgeting with the rag in his hands for a moment before briskly placing it on your forehead. "Why'd you have to go and get sick, huh?" He asked in a huff, pressing the cooler parts of his hand against your burning cheeks. "I can't stand the way you look right now. Hurry and get better, dammit..."
"If I could will it away, I would," you assured him. He stayed by you in a bit of silence, looking down at the floor as he fretted, muttering things about 'finding a magical cure' or something of the like. You couldn't help yourself. He looked a bit like a bruised puppy. Your hand found it's way into his hair, causing his head to snap up and stare at you, embarrassed, but clearly not backing away. "Thank you for being here with me. I always feel a little better when you're around."
It was his turn to feel warmth in his face. "Don't say stuff like that! No gushy stuff! 'Cuz then..." He quickly went silent, enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair. "I...uh..." The subject was suddenly changed. "I know you've been stressed out about classes and stuff, so I...went to all your classes for ya and took notes." He took a moment to relish your pleased look. You could only imagine the confusion of your professors. "But I'll only give them to you on one condition!" He shook his head firmly, letting your hand fall back to the bed. An accusatory finger pointed sternly in your direction. "You can't get burnt out like this again, okay? I'm serious. Deadly serious." He leaned forward, flipping the rag over on the now-cooler side. "Nothin', and I mean nothin', ever takes priority over you, okay?"
A little hum left your throat, almost cooing over him. A little tease left your lips. "Aww, so you do care for me."
He sighed, looking a little annoyed before his eyebrows softened. "Of course I do, ya dummy. That's why I'm here, right? Me and no one else...I won't let anyone else take care of ya."
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pinkacademiaprincess · 9 months
Hi! I’m about to start uni in October (law)
Can you give me a list of to-dos to mentally and physically prepare for this new journey? Like, things to bring, items to buy, notebooks etc 🥹💘
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Operation Straight-A Student: A Comprehensive Guide to Prepping for a Successful Uni Experience 🎀📚💗✏️
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ty for the ask! i'm not a law student, so this is gonna be more general uni advice that i hope can apply for you. best of luck in your journey, you're gonna do amazing things!!
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step no. 1: plan, plan, plan!
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for me, being organized & prepping ahead of time has been so helpful. even if things get a bit hectic or tough, having a routine to fall back on is key. here's how i do it!
google calendar
as soon as i have my class schedule, i input all my class meeting times on google calendar. then, based on whatever free space is left over, i allocate time for schoolwork and studying. here's the schedule i designed for this upcoming term:
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make sure your study/ classwork time accounts for whatever online courses you're taking too. you should also include blocks for work, club meetings, etc. if they're recurring. i have google calendar linked to my phone so i get notifs for each time block.
i recommend having a good planner. whether this is online or physical, depending on your preference, a weekly planner of your own is helpful for staying on top of work & having peace of mind.
the planner i use is the moleskine weekly planner. here is what it looks like inside:
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on the left side i write all the tasks i have on each weekday (similar to the google calendar). on the right side, i list all the tasks i have to complete during that given week - i open the syllabi for all my classes and input whatever hw, assignments, projects, etc. are upcoming. i write them down in a checklist along with the date they're due. then, during my study blocks, i can check this page & decide what to work on!
note-taking & classwork
you should also have supplies for note-taking. some ppl prefer to take digital notes, so this means using your laptop or a tablet & stylus. personally, i like to take handwritten notes, so i bring loose-leaf lined paper & pencils to my lectures. i write the class name & date as the header for each page. when i'm done taking notes, i write the key topics in the top left-hand corner of the pager (in "no-man's land") so i can easily find the notes on specific topics when i'm flipping through them.
in terms of classwork, i recommend having a folder for each of your classes where you can store notes, assignments, tests, etc. i know some people use one big binder for all classes, but if you have a separate folder for each, you don't have to carry them all around on days when you only have two or three classes. i like the brand five star bc the folders are very durable and i've had the same ones all throughout uni!
for me, i've never been a huge notebook person b/c i like to keep my subjects separate so i rarely fill up an entire notebook. you can buy one to start with, and see once school starts if you think you need more!
other supplies
in terms of supplies, i'm honestly pretty minimalistic. the necessities for me are my planner, a folder & loose-leaf paper, and a pencil pouch with plenty of pens & pencils. i also bring my laptop & charger with me to school bc i use that for my online classes.
i do enjoy having cute supplies! i have a cute pink pencil pouch, glittery mechanical pencils, and fun pens. i also put stickers all over my laptop to give it a personal touch. i did a bit of embroidery on my backpack as well. you don't need to spend tons of money on aesthetic supplies, especially if it's something you won't have for long. but, finding simple ways to add a personal touch to your items can be fun & motivating!
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step no. 2: make an action plan
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i feel like it's easy to tell yourself you wanna do certain things or be a certain person during school. for example, i always want to be super studious, outgoing, & involved, but i used to struggle sm to actually do that. instead of only thinking of how you want to be, create actual steps/ tasks for yourself. here are my action items for inspo:
sit in the front row of every class - this can be daunting, but in my uni experience, wherever you sit in the first week becomes your (un)official assigned seat. get to class early, take a deep breath, and sit yourself down at the front! you'll be forcing yourself to stay at the front, but i promise it's fine! i really prefer this b/c if you & the prof get to class early you can chat a bit. also, when i wanna participate, i can speak at my regular volume & they'll hear me (rather than if i'm in the back row and had to scream). if nothing else, you'll become a familiar face!
attend office hours for each class at least once - i sometimes felt nervous/ anxious to go to office hours and talk to the professors & ta. but when you do it once, you realize they truly just want to help! getting to know the ppl who grade your assignments can be super useful. they might give you advice or info you don't get in lectures. plus, they are super knowledgeable!
raise your hand once per week - this forces you to be engaged with the content. i used to have such horrible social anxiety & the thought of speaking up in class & getting an answer wrong was my worst nightmare. and when i set this rule & began forcing myself to participate, i did make mistakes. but guess what... everyone moves on immediately. you might feel like the world is ending. it haunted me for weeks after 😢 but no one else cares! in the end, ppl will only remember that you were confident enough to raise your hand & speak up, not what you said. pls don't let your education suffer just b/c you're afraid some classmates might judge you! if raising your hand to answer problems is too daunting, start with asking clarifying questions & slowly build up to whatever you're able to do.
start a conversation with a classmate - having classmates that you're friendly with is so important. if you miss a lecture, need help on a concept, etc. you'll have someone you can turn to. and that's the least of it - you can end up making long-lasting friends! yes, it's scary to talk to a stranger. so, force yourself to do it as early as possible in the semester. an easy one - if you see someone sitting by an empty seat, ask if that seat is taken. if not, yay! it's go time 😊 sit by them and find something else to talk about - give them a (genuine & non-creepy) compliment, ask them if they've seen the syllabus, ask if they know the prof, etc. just something to get the convo started!! figure out their name, major, and other stuff too. once you've talked with them long enough to feel like you're getting along (whether that's after one class or multiple) ask for their number/ discord/ whatever so you can keep in touch! if they share your major, you should keep in contact with them b/c you might have other classes together in the future. but, again, in the best-case scenario, you have a new friend!
wear a cute outfit once per week - sometimes i would get a bit embarrassed or self-conscious to dress up for class. i forced myself to do it once per week, starting the first week of class, to set a precedent for myself. slowly i eased my way into wearing cute, fun outfits every day! no one is judging you as much as you are judging yourself, so have fun & be true to you.
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step no. 3: study smarter, not harder
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attending class is one thing, but you've got to put in the effort to study if you truly want to succeed. but, not all study methods will work for every single person. figure out how to study so you don't waste time with methods that don't work for you.
determine your learning style(s)
there are a few widely accepted learning styles. you've probably tried all of them throughout your time at school, so think back on which learning experiences have been most and least successful for you. then, connect them back to these learning styles to figure out ways you can most effectively study.
visual:  if you learn by seeing info visually, such as with maps, graphs, diagrams, charts, etc.
auditory: if you learn by getting info in auditory form, aka when it's heard or spoken
kinesthetic: aka hands-on, if you learn by doing & applying
reading/writing: if you learn info best when it’s in words, aka by writing it down or reading it
you might find that multiple of these learning styles are effective for you, maybe there's one that sticks out as the most similar to your style of learning, or maybe one that just doesn't work for you. now, you don't need to assign yourself one and forego the rest, but you can adjust the time you spend on various study methods based on how well they work for you.
for me, i've realized over time that i am NOT a reading learner. in high school i would diligently read all the textbook assignments, spending hours getting through the chapters, only to retain none of it & do poorly on assignments & tests.
on the other hand, i respond really well to kinesthetic learning - when applying concepts hands-on, such as with practice problems, i have a much better understanding of concepts & retention.
fast forward to college - i spend very little time on assigned readings. in fact, sometimes i skip them all together 🫢 b/c if i spend an hour reading the textbook but retain none of it, that's an hour wasted. especially if the content from the textbook is going to line up with the lecture, i'm much better off paying attention & taking good notes in class, and then spending my study time doing practice problems. if i really do need to read the textbook, i have to make it interactive for myself - i answer the questions at the end of the chapter, take notes, quiz myself, etc.
now, my advice here isn't to skip textbook readings!! that's not something i recommend b/c for so many people, it IS effective and helpful! when it comes to studying, play on your strengths. don't try to force yourself to learn in a way that doesn't work for your brain. make modifications & prioritize your learning! here is an awesome guide to different methods that work for the various learning styles.
find your ideal study environment
you can also maximize the effectiveness of your studying based on the environment you're in. if you can decide what factors help or hinder your studying abilities, it will help you decide where you should make your go-to study spot!
at home or in public? sometimes, studying in a public place can be unproductive. it might make you feel more stressed (like the sensation of having your teacher look over your shoulder during a test 🫣) or distracted. for me, studying in public is actually useful b/c i'm less likely to get disctracted. if i'm in my room i might get tempted to open up tumblr or pinterest, but in public i feel like ppl might see me get off topic which deters me LOL. however, studying at home is nice b/c you're in the comfort of your own personal space - you can change into pjs, cuddle your pet, grab a snack, etc. i do a mix of studying in public & at home b/c i feel like they both have their benefits
quiet or noisy? do you study better in a silent environment, or do you like some sound/ white noise? personally, i cannot deal with ANY noise when i'm trying to study, it totally breaks my focus 😭but some people like the ambient/ white noise of a coffee shop
music or silence? similar to the last one, does having music help you stay focused, or distract you? i know ppl will swear by different things - classical music, upbeat music, songs in different languages, etc. again, i personally cannot handle any sounds 😅 but if music keeps you alert, plan accordingly - have earbuds or go to a coffee shop that has a playlist going
nature or indoors? maybe you find it stuffy to be indoors all day & studying out in the open air helps you stay grounded and calm. on the flipside, being exposed to the elements might just make you more distracted. if you like studying outdoors, try public parks with benches, and also see if your campus has outdoor seating areas. some libraries do too. for a happy medium, you can study someplace with large windows/ nice view.
independent or collaborative? do you study better on your own or in groups? you can join a study group or go to office hours to get a sense of studying in a group setting vs. alone. group studying can help hold you accountable, make it more interactive, and keep you focused. that being said, i def prefer studying independently. i like to go at my own pace, and tbh i get easily distracted w/ others and will begin to just chit chat
based on how you answer those questions, you can decide what your ideal study environment is & pick a go-to place! for me, based on my preferences, my most effective study environment going to the library alone or studying in my room.
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that's all for this post! i feel it got very long but i had so many tips to share. there's no "one size fits all" guide to navigating uni life. but i think everyone can benefit from prepping in advance & being mentally prepared. knowing your own strengths + having a plan of attack will guide you in stressful/ uncertain times!
overall, take the time to get to know yourself & figure out how you can be at your very best. apply whichever bits of advice resonate, and ignore anything that's not gonna serve you. this is YOUR journey!
and remember, even with all the planning in the world, things can go unexpectedly. you are more than equipped to deal with whatever life throws your way! when you are faced with unexpected things - pause & think, assess the situation, & determine your best course of action. above all, YOU'VE GOT THIS! 💗
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ilygetou · 2 years
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pairing 𓏲 𓏲 nerd! armin x fem! bully reader
content + warning 𓏲 𓏲 reader is mean, kinda of sub! armin, teasing, edging, reader flashing her ass, armin obsessed with reader’s boobs, you sit on armin’s face, creampie, overstimulation, armin doesn't have any self control, unprotected sex, hand job during class, reader is mentioned to have big boobs, mommy kink, armin wears glasses, kinda clothed sex, reader rides armin/cowgirl style.
tag; @vampfuyu make sure to check her version of this but with dominant armin :D
navi. m.list
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Armin was walking to his next class, books in his hands, his hair being messy, eye bags under his eyes, and his glasses is on the tip of his nose. poor armin has been studying none stop last night, he basically pulled an all-nighter! you can’t blame him though, finals are close and he needs to pass all of his exams since it's his last year of high school.
As armin was walking through the hallways, he then passed by you, and as soon as you saw him you went and stood in front of him, "y/n..." armin muttered your name, "did you finish it?" you asked, armin took out your notebook from his bag.
"yeah, I also wrote today's math notes since you weren't there," a small smile formed on the corner of your lips, "perfect! I also need you to write me the physics notes, and, don't forget the assignment that is due in a few hours" armin just nodded his head though he didn't catch what your last words were, he decided to move on since they were probably not important.
A few hours later, you found armin beside the bathroom stalls, "armin! perfect timing! did you finish the assignment?" armin looked at you confused, "what assignment?" your smile quickly dropped, "my English assignment? the one i told you about two days ago?"
  armin started sweating, ah, that assignment, how could he forget? you have also reminded him earlier today, "i...i didn't finish it.." armin starts fiddling with his fingers, he was scared and nervous.
"why not!? i reminded you to finish it earlier! how could you forget?? are you trying to get me to fail this year??" armin looked at you surprised, "no of course not!"
you let out a scoff, "then what? how could you forget armin!" you began moving closer to the blonde-haired boy, "i-its... it's because..!" armin couldn't let a word out you were distracting him, you were moving closer & closer to armin which made him nervous, especially since your boobs were out & your cleavage was showing.
you noticed armin getting hard from your boobs, "what a fucking pervert" you angrily held armin's wrists and dragged him into a bathroom stall, you made sure to lock it too, "y/n...??" you ignored armin and cupped his crotch, armin lets out a yelp, as you kept rubbing it till you felt it fully get hard.
"hmm...armin, do you want me to help?" armin covered his face and looked away, as you started unbuckling his pants, this was normal for armin it would happen every time he forgot to do something you requested, it's not a bad thing, he did enjoy it after all.
armins dick sprung out of his boxers, it was very pretty, & it was average sized, which was perfect for you.
you peppered the tip with kitten kisses which made armin let out a whimper, you then fully took him into your mouth, not trying to waste any time.
armin‘s eyes fluttered, trying to keep them open to watch as you sucked him, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose as he let out quiet moans.
"y/nnn...p-plea–fuckk-!" you constantly kept sucking on armins tip since it's his most sensitive spot, & it made armin let out loud moans & whimpers.
"nghh–! m-mommy!" armin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as his cock twitched in your mouth.
you suddenly stopped your movements, which made armin let out a low groan, "why'd you s-stop?" armin questioned & you didn't reply.
"'min...you really think I'd let you cum? after you forgot to write my assignment? 'min y'know that I'll fail if i didn't finish the assignment" you get up & pat your skirt, armin looks at you with half-lidded eyes, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
you left the bathroom stall, leaving armin all alone, dick still hard, you just ruined his close orgasm. armin let out a quiet whimper but then he tucked his dick back into his pants, he could use his hands to finish off but he was already running late to class.
armin was in class, taking notes while also paying attention to what the teacher was explaining, you were seated next to him, you were so bored! there was nothing to do and the teachers explaining was so boring! you took a glance at armin and saw him so focused, an idea popped up in your head, you pushed your pencil (which was on the edge of the table) till it fell on the floor, you acted like you wanted to pick it up.
but then sneakily you went under the table and in between armin’s legs, armin still didn’t notice you, until you touched his thighs, armin gasped, all of his attention is now on you, he’s staring at you with a red face, “y-y/n?? what’re you doing?” he asks, obviously nervous and embarrassed.
you ignore his question and tug down his pants, his hard dick sprung out, you licked your lips at the sight of his pre-cum dripping from the tip of his dick.
your small hands wrapped around his length, stroking his dick & rubbing his tip with your thumb, armin quickly covered his mouth with his hands, trying hard not to let a moan slip out.
"h-hey y/n you should stop, someone might see you..." armin whispered to which you replied by squeezing his dick, which made armin let out a quiet yelp.
you stroked his dick slowly while armin was just shaking in his place, he can't continue holding his moans any longer, his dick twitched in your hands meaning armin was about to cum.
you panicked a little but then took armin's length into your mouth, & that was it for armin, the feeling of your warm mouth made him cum, ropes of thick salty cum filled your mouth.
once you made sure to swallow every drop of armins cum you tucked his cock back into his pants, armin stared at you, tired, you stared back at him & smiled at him before returning back to your seat as if nothing had happened.
later today your teacher assigned you & armin to do a group project together, which you were happy to accept, knowing you were going to make armin do all the work.
you & armin were bound to meet at your apartment, you suggested it because it's bigger & because your parents are out of town, meaning you two will be alone.
once armin arrived you greeted him with a grin, "make sure to take off your shoes" you said to which armin nodded to.
hours & hours have passed & armin was still working on the project, alone of course.
you were starting to get bored, you let out a long sigh until an idea popped into your mind.
"armin..." armin stopped what he was doing & gave you his full attention, "armin come with me i want to show you something" you continued before getting up from your place, armin tilted his head in confusion but decided to follow you anyways.
you headed to your closet, it was so big & had a lot of space despite it being full of your clothes, it can probably count as a bedroom.
"armin! 'm gonna try on new outfits that i bought & you're going to tell me what you think about each one!" armin blushed & looked away, "but what about the project...?" you shook your head, "it's going to be okay! we've been working on it for a looong timee."
yeah right, "we."
you later came back with a tight pink t-shirt with a short that wasn't even your size, "what do you think?" you said as a huge grin covered your face.
armin stood there speechless, what is he supposed to say? you look so fucking hot, that's for sure, but he doesn't know how to put it in words.
you also stood there patiently waiting for armin‘s answer, you stood there for a while as armin kept stuttering & avoiding eye contact.
"do you not like it?" a fake pout covered your face as you stared at armin with doe-eyes.
you were doing this on purpose. armin is sure of it.
you let out a sigh, "onto the next outfit," you walked away from armin to get changed, armin let out a sigh of relief, if this keeps going on for any longer armin doesn't know if he'll be able to hold back.
you came out again, but this time with a white crop top & a really short black skirt, "what do you think about this one armin?" you said as you twirled around which flashed your white panties to armin.
armin gulped as he felt his cock throb in his pants, he has to do something about it.
you started getting closer to the blonde boy making armin nervous as he started to sweat. fuck this, fuck you, armin doesn't care anymore, he can‘t control himself any longer.
armin suddenly groped your breasts which made you let out a gasp, "armin! what're you doing...?" armin ignored you & continued toying with your tits.
you suddenly pushed armin off making him fall on the floor, "y/n...‘m sorry...i-i just don‘t know what came over me...I j-just–" armin kept stuttering which annoyed you, "shut up! 'min if you were getting turned on you could've just told me," you stood in front of armin & if he looked just slightly upwards he'd be met with your clothed cunt.
& that‘s exactly what happened, once he saw how your panties hugged your pussy lips so well, so good, he couldn't help but mutter 6 words.
"y/n...p-please sit on my face..." you just stood there, dumbfounded, did what you hear was right? yeah, you definitely heard armin say he wants you to sit on his face.
you smirked & slide your panties off, "armin are you sure?" you asked armin as you swung your panties & spread your legs to give armin a good view of your exposed pussy.
"yesyes! p-please sit on my face!" armin didn‘t have to say it again, you immediately seated yourself on his face, your folds brushing on armin‘s nose, making you let out muffled moans.
you suddenly felt armins tongue lapping at your cunt, forcing his nose against your clit, you were letting out small cries of armin‘s name as he worked his tongue.
armin was hiccuping against your soft skin, while your hands were running against his blonde locks, tightening your grip on his hair every time you feel his nose brush against your clit, "'min...hnn–!! f-fuck...!" whines & moans of armin‘s name making the blonde boy cock twitch in his pants, his pants getting too tight, making it uncomfortable to move.
"arminnn ‘m cumming...ngh..!!" you came all over armin‘s face, covering his face with white sticky cum.
once you moved away from armin‘s face, you saw as tears pricked on the corner of his eyes, cum covering both his nose & lips, as armin was breathing heavily.
you noticed armin‘s very visible bulge, you cupped his crotch & tucked down his pants, his rock-hard dick hitting you on the face, armin‘s tip was flushed with an angry red color & pre-cum coming out of his slit, veins running alongside his cock.
you felt your pussy clench at the sight, "‘min ‘want to ride you...please..?" you stared at armin with doe-eyes, & he couldn't help but say "yes" you were just so hard to resist.
you positioned yourself on top of armin, sliding his cock slowly before you fully pushed it in.
shaky cries of your name filled the room as you moved your hips, armin thrusting his hips into you, "a-ahh y/n...! your pussy...s-soo good..!" armin couldn't even say one word without stuttering.
your gummy walls clenching on armin‘s cock making it hard for him to move, but instead, just let out shaky moans.
you moved your hips so good, so well & so fast, bouncing on armins cock with your head thrown back & muffled moans being heard from you.
armin‘s hands suddenly reaches your breasts & started squeezing them, twisting your nipples which made you let out a yelp.
you‘ve always known that armin was so obsessed with your tits, he loves them so much, they‘re his favorite thing to play with, but you always bully him for being so desperate to suck on them or to just touch them.
"momm–ahh..! f-fuuuck–!" a moan interrupted armin once you suddenly pinched his nipples making armins eyes roll to the back of his head.
"‘m close! ‘m cumming! y/nnn..! ’m cumming..!"armin‘s dick twitched inside you & started filling you up with his hot sticky cum.
that‘s also all it took for your walls to spasm around his girth as you began to milk his cock, moaning at the feeling of hot spurts of cum filling you up to the brim.
once you & armin settled from your high orgasm, you got up & as soon as you did, you & armin‘s semen started dripping out of your hole.
you let out a sigh, "a-armin we should clean," you felt so hot & sticky which was uncomfortable, armin stared at you with half-lidded eyes, he was too tired to move.
armin once again looked at you, tears in the corner of your eyes, hair messy, your breasts drenched with sweat, & lastly, his cum still dripping out of your hole.
you let out another sigh & bent down to armin’s level, "listen, just because we fucked doesn‘t mean you’d get to do as you please, got it?" armin gulped & because he was too tired to even speak he just nodded his head.
"now hurry up & follow me to the bath" & armin did as he was told, he followed you to the bath despite him being too tired to move.
to be completely honest...you actually quite enjoyed armin’s company, you loved having him around.
maybe...you do have feelings for the blonde boy after all...?
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moralina · 1 year
Family reunion | Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie atends your annual family gathering, and for no ones surprise, he fits right in.
A/N: am i allowed to post a christmas fic a month after christmas? anyway trying to write again for eddie. not sure if i really captured his personality. anyway last time i wrote for him it was a flop, hope this is better
warnings: none, just fluff and reader's family loving eddie. Fem!reader. My english (it's been a while since ive done anything in english).
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There was a light breeze flowing around you, coming from the slightly open window to your left. The cold weather of December made itself present in every joint of your body, making it impossible for you to work on your current task.
The sound of the oven clicking brought you back to your senses, your eyes moving from your frozen hands to the - hopefully -  appetizing lasagna, ready to be set on the table and enjoyed by your whole family.
As clockwork, you heard a weak knock at your front door, a smile making itself present on your features as you knew exactly who was at the door.
"I got it!" you screamed at whoever was there to listen - your family was all in the living room enjoying the nice warmth of the fireplace while you were left to freeze in the kitchen.
There was a tradition done every year one week before Christmas. Every member of your family would get together at someone's house, a game would take place, and the loser was assigned to the main course of the night in the following year. It would be a weekend event, and it was just a big excuse for everyone to see each other. Every year, you'd be excited for this one weekend, happy to taste every food on the table and every dessert your body would allow you to eat.
This year, though, you wanted to jump inside the oven and stay there with the lasagna. It was too cold, and you were extremely tired from all the events of the previous week.
One of your colleagues at work chose to quit in one of the most tumultuous weeks of the month so far. You were dreading the days before Christmas, already knowing people would go on a last-hour shopping spree. Every single thing that needed to be done at the store was thrown your way.
"Welcome to my humble abode, young gentleman." You bowed down after opening the door. As you expected, Eddie was standing - rather awkwardly - on the front steps of your house. He looked terrified - and cute, as always.
"Hi, baby. Hi." His voice soft, as if he was scared to speak any louder.
"Where's my kiss?" you asked after a long, silent 30 seconds of just staring at each other. Your voice calm, and smile gentle, trying to give him as much comfort as you could.
"Sorry." He mumbled, a breathy chuckle left his lips before he closed the distance between the two of you. "So?" he asked, arms open while he did a little dance to show off his clothes, "how do I look?"
"Pretty." You kissed his nose, "like you always do, Eds." Your hand grabbed his, pushing him closer to you. Before closing the door, your eyes traveled to the dark sky above you; heavy gray clouds adorned its splendor. "I think it's going to snow." You mumbled more to yourself, but Eddie heard you. With a shine to his eyes and hands going around your figure, he rested his chin on your shoulder before whispering in your ear.
"You do? Maybe we can build a snowman later."
You sighed, your hot breath creating clouds when coming into contact with the chilling weather. Despite his chattering teeth - due to the night’s cool temperature cutting through his clothes, - his heart was warm against his chest. Never in a million years did Eddie Munson think he'd feel so... domestic with someone. So safe and belonging.
"Oh my god, Y/n. Let the boy inside, he's freezing!" your aunt urged you both inside "c'mon honey, we have some hot chocolate waiting for you." She ended her sentence by dragging Eddie to the living room, his eyes wide. Before disappearing into the corner, he looked your way, and you sent him a teasing smirk. You could see his face relax a little, but his big brown eyes were still as wide, as if they were gonna pop out of their sockets. You couldn’t help the amused chuckle that left your mouth.
"Are you coming to our Easter treasure hunt, honey?" You could hear your aunt ask him as you approached the living room, her voice so sweet and tender. Eddie had never felt so welcomed before, especially by adults, - they usually considered him a bad influence on their kids - and these people barely knew him and still, were treating him as a part of their family.
it all felt so weird but so good at the same time.
"um" he didn't really know what to say. You haven’t invited him, and he didn’t want to intrude on your family’s activities. Being here tonight already felt like too much, so in his head, it was better not to overstep. He didn’t want to ruin everything with you by being too clingy. He settled with "I’m not sure." and a shake of his shoulders.
"Oh, don't be silly!" she rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand. "You're definitely invited; maybe with your help, Y/n will be able to win."
"Hey!" you exclaimed, hand on your heart, "I won in ‘82."
"Yes, indeed." she slowly nodded her head. You knew she had more to say. "Because you cheated."
"I didn't cheat!"
"oh! as if i wouldn’t know. You’re the worst liar in the family!" you huffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest like a grumpy child. Eddie could see the small twitch of your lips, definitely holding a smirk back. At that, he had to laugh, and it was quite loud, making everyone turn their attention from you to him. He coughed, trying to hide it as if no one had just heard him.
"Well," she spoke again, "if y/n thinks she’s too good for a partner on the hunt, you can be mine." she stated simply.
"you’d love that wouldn’t you?" you huffed a laugh.
Before sitting down, you glanced at Eddie. His lips turned upward, and he eyed every member of your family with admiration and curiosity. You nodded towards the comfy sofa, and after gripping his hand, you pushed him down to sit with you.
"Sorry for her, she’s a lot sometimes." you whispered to him after your family settled back into their previous conversation.
"Are you kidding me? She's great!" he exclaimed, bright, dark eyes looking at you adoringly.
Like you knew he would, Eddie fitted just perfectly with your family, and after his initial shyness went away, he was able to be himself, his dramatic way of storytelling amusing your relatives, who listened intently to him while he told them about the time you almost hit an old lady while he tried to teach you how to drive.
It was not a funny story to you
"That did not happen like that."
"it definitely did!"
"I’m sure Eddie is telling the truth." your aunt spoke again, making you glare at her while the whole family nodded their heads in agreement. Your younger cousins holding their laughs, but failing miserably.
"you’re all traitors!" you exclaimed, making Tyler, an 8-year-old little devil, smirk and say
"You know, Eddie, i like you" he squinted at you and nodded his head, as if satisfied with his conclusion, "maybe we can trade you for him."
"ha ha, very funny." You stuck your tongue out at him, but before he could respond, your eyes widened, and you stood up abruptly, "Oh my god, the lasagna!" your voice faded as you made your run to the kitchen.
"she’ll definitely not be in charge of the dinner next year."
"Remember me again," your aunt sighed, "why did we let the kid in charge this year?"
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A/n: Yeah, idk 😭😭😭
If you enjoyed please consider leaving a like and rebloging, it helps a lot 🤍🤍
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pumpkin-cake · 1 year
Midnight Rain
(part two of ???)
-part one-
-part three-
summary - your tutoring sessions with tyler are going well, but you already have something on your mind to prepare for the next day
tw - cursing
Slight spoilers for Wednesday?? Nothing big
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Tutoring with the barista at the Weathervane was a lot more fun than you had been expecting. Of course, Tyler had to work. A lot of it was you bringing in your assignment, him giving you a quick rundown of things before having to go right back to work. On the bright side, neither of you had seen the rude woman from before! Tyler and some of his coworkers were very appreciative. It felt nice that something you did benefited others. Although you felt that was the only thing you had going for you.
You always caught people staring at you in your Nevermore Academy uniform. Like you were some sort of animal or creature. You didn’t have claws like the werewolves or fangs like vampires. What you were was known by hardly anyone. Your mom knew of course. And the staff. It’s not like it was a deep dark secret you couldn’t tell anyone. You weren’t a scary monster that slaughtered people. You just…never felt the need to tell anyone.
Surprisingly, Tyler had never asked. He sometimes asked questions about the school in general, but never really about anything deep or personal, which you appreciated. Probably due to the fact you two didn’t really know each other, but you didn’t exactly have much social experience. You figured he’d be bursting at the seams with questions, but he was more relaxed and laid-back. Never exactly in a rush. Liked to keep things at a steady pace. It made you feel at ease when he helped you with assignments. He wasn’t pressuring you to get the right answer as soon as possible. Told you to take your time.
“So…the four goes…here?” You asked apprehensively.
“Yeah!” He replied, grinning. “Just don’t forget to divide, but I think you’ll be alright.”
“Great!” Your pencil scribbled on the paper, taking a second to make some mental calculations before writing your answer and showing Tyler.
“You got it!”
“Yes! Thank you so much.” You smiled, packing up your stuff and getting out of the booth.
Tyler tilted his head and checked the time on his phone. “You’re usually not heading out until another like, half an hour. Something up?”
“Oh, did I not tell you? We have the Poe Cup tomorrow. I want to make sure everything’s ready.”
“The…Poe Cup?” He asked, clearly puzzled. You had not told him, apparently.
“It’s like- this canoe race. There are four teams, and we have to row to a nearby island, claim a flag from the island's crypt, and row back. The first one to reach the finish line without sinking wins.” You explained briefly. “But, there are no rules.”
“Yeah, no rules. So things like sabotage is all fair game. The same team has been winning for like- several years.” You sighed, slinging your backpack over your shoulders and carrying your coffee cup and plate to the counter with Tyler following.
“That- cannot be safe. Do people get hurt?” He questioned.
“Not too much. People aren’t going around shanking people to win. It’s usually pushing over boats or getting holes in the boats. Although one kid did lose a finger last year.” You hummed, the comment causing Tyler’s eyes to widen.
“Geez. Well, be careful, okay?” He said, going back and taking care of the dishes you placed on the counter. “You’re our star customer, can’t have you losing fingers.”
“Star customer! Well, I am certainly honored.” You said jokingly, bowing dramatically.
“You should be!” He joked back with a smile. “Huge title.”
“I’ll be sure to put it on my resume.” You hummed, brushing off your uniform. “Well, I hope to see you tomorrow!”
“See you next time, (Y/n)!” He called out, and you gave him a wave as you left, the bell singing out as you did. You expected to just calmly get back to school, but not even five minutes into walking back did you crash into somebody, falling to the ground with a groan.
“Oh! (Y/n), I am so sorry!”
There stood your dorm mom, Ms. Thornhill. Her glasses had been knocked askew by the impact, but she quickly readjusted them and helped you up.
“Didn’t see you there, sweetheart! Must have been wrapped up in my own thoughts.” She chuckled, and you dusted off your uniform.
“No problem, Ms. Thornhill.” You waved your hand, a little peeved that you’d been quite literally knocked over, but it was an accident. “Where are you off to, if I may?”
“Oh, just Weathervane. Need my daily coffee.” She hummed. “I missed it this morning. Busy schedule!” She said with a hearty laugh, brushing some hair away from her face.
“Ah, I see.” You chuckled. “Well, I won’t keep you. Just was gonna go rest up for the cup tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes! I almost forgot about that!” She said with a grin. “I’m excited to watch! You’re participating right? With the Black Cats?”
“Yup. Enid’s under the weather so I think I’m co-captain next to Yoko.” You said, feeling a little bad as you remembered how sad Enid was that she couldn’t participate. “I hope I can win it for her.”
“Oh, that’s sweet of you.” She smiled kindly. “I’m glad Ophelia Hall has someone as caring as you, (Y/n).” She said, and you almost felt your face turn red. “I know your mother will be cheering you on, too.”
Ugh, of course. Your mother. She’d been stressing over and over how she desperately wanted Ophelia Hall to have a win this year. Like she did last year. And the year before that.
Oh, yeah, your mother just so happened to be the literal principal of the school.
Larissa Weems wasn’t necessarily a bad mother. Just an annoying one. She purposefully placed you in Ophelia Hall because ‘Oh, she was in Ophelia Hall! Wouldn’t it be so lovely if you were in it too?’
…sure, Mom.
You’d really wanted to be in the same dorm group as your friend, Bianca Barclay. You’d even specifically asked your mother to put you in that group, or at least Bianca in Ophelia Hall. But, nope. She just really wanted you to be an Ophelia Hall student.
You really couldn’t complain too much. The people were pretty nice, and you did get a room to yourself as the principal’s kid. A lot of students figured you were spoiled and privileged, and maybe it was a little true, but you liked to think you were a good person. Tried your best to help out and be kind to everyone. You’d get Bianca to go easy on Rowan during fencing, stuff like that. You usually just kept to yourself otherwise.
“…thanks, Miss Thornhill. I think I’m going to go now.” You offered a very fake smile and walked off without hearing a response from her. You took out your phone and put in earbuds, playing whatever music that popped up first.
The walk back to Nevermore was uneventful after that. Some people gave you odd stares, but you were used to that at this point. You really needed to stop wearing your uniform everywhere.
Once you got onto the grounds, you were almost immediately confronted by your mother. Standing tall at 6’3”, she placed her hands on her hips and raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Where have you been?” She asked, not very accusingly but more curious.
“Um…Jericho.” You said. “Just getting some coffee. Like I have been doing these past few days. Or maybe you were just too busy to notice.”
“(Y/n), you know I don’t appreciate it when you do this.” She sighed. “I just wanted to know what you’ve been up to is all. You seem to be so busy with your academics along with the Poe Cup.”
“I am. Any updates on Enid?” You said shortly, really just wanting to go to your room.
“Oh! I was just about to let you know. Miss Sinclair has made a recovery, so she will be participating tomorrow!” Weems grinned, clasping her hands together.
“Great. We might have a chance at winning.” You said, almost sarcastically. You had a lot of faith in Enid, and in this way you wouldn’t be in charge at all. “I guess I can just spectate then.”
“Oh, come now, there’s no need!” She said. “Of course you’re going to participate. I even came up with a plan for you all to have a chance!” She said with a gracious smile, like she was doing you a favor.
“Mom, seriously? I don’t think interference from the principal is allowed.”
“There are no rules, darling.” She hummed, reaching a hand out and holding your face.
“…why do I have to do this again?” You questioned with a glare. “I really don’t want to. I’m already trying hard enough to keep up with my grades.”
“You’re my child, sweetheart.” She responded like it was that easy. “I know you have what it takes. I was co-captain of my team when I went to school here. You aren’t even in a leading position anymore, so you can absolutely do that, can’t you?”
“…I suppose so.” You muttered, lightly swiping her hand away from her face. “But don’t think I’m gonna act like some try-hard to win this thing. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do only that.”
“Thank you, my sweet child.” She offered a relieved smile before walking off, heels clacking as she did so. She held her hand up, beckoning you to follow so she could explain the details of her plan.
Laying up awake at night nervous for this stupid cup absolutely wasn’t fun. Was your mother going to be royally pissed off if you let her down? Probably. She was a sweet woman when you were a little kid. What a normal mother should be. But when she realized you were like her, she instantly became this fanatic, trying to shape you into what she was but better.
You jumped whenever your phone buzzed from your nightstand. Who the hell? You reached over and took it, wincing as the brightness of the phone blinded you. You quickly turned it down and saw you had a message.
From Tyler.
Good luck during that weird race tmr!
You blinked, before smiling. He was thinking of you. He remembered the stupid cup. That was sweet. You quickly responded with a thank you, letting him know you were going to get some sleep. You turned your phone on silent and closed your eyes. It still took you a while, but eventually you got yourself to sleep, ready for the day ahead.
tags 🏷 @justageek @peachycupotea
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enjoythesilentworld · 29 days
Wille's Month - Literature
day 3! @youngroyals-events
“I thought you were a literature student?” “This is literature!” Wille is a very serious literature student, thank you very much.
Read below or on ao3! (cw: implied sexual content)
To the surprise of no one, graduate school turned out to be a little demanding. Still, Wille enjoyed it. He did. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was actually producing something worthwhile. Finally, he had an outlet for all the confusion and turmoil growing up, an explanation for why it’d been so hard to accept himself for who he was. In literature, in tracing lines between characters and plot lines, connecting authors and themes, he found answers. He found common ground and explanations for the world around him. It helped him see beauty in the little, mundane things and simplicity in the big, complicated things. No more was it, why do I feel like this about another boy? It was oh, you felt this, too, and it all turned out okay. The humanity in his readings and the brilliance in discussing it with others, the searching for answers and that spark of joy when he finally connected two pieces together, it kept him going. All that, along with periodic praise from his advisor, plenty of coffee, and, of course, almost more than anything, Simon. 
Simon. Wille knew that he could’ve done the whole thing by himself – he’d enrolled before even meeting Simon, thank you very much – but something about having the man by his side, going through the same slog of self-doubt and fear and exhaustion made it all the more worthwhile. To have each other to go back to at the end of the day meant everything to Wille, and he was pretty sure Simon felt the same. He still didn’t know who to thank at the university for that silly bonding trip, but Wille was eternally grateful to whatever almighty force had brought Simon into his life. That first day, Simon’s shy smile and blushing cheeks, which quickly turned to sassy remarks and teasing smirks, had been a ray of sunlight in Wille’s life. Things had already been fine, even good, but Simon brought something more. Something Wille would never be able to put into words. Wille could read every book ever written and still never find the words to describe it, that thing that brought them together, that tug at his core; come closer, be near me, be with me.
All told, the little pieces of Wille’s life fit together well. Most days, he remembered to eat meals at reasonable intervals and got at least a few hours of sleep every night. Sometimes, he even went to the gym. Unfortunately, graduate school didn’t give a fuck if you were happy and in love and generally having a good time. It had a way of pulling apart all those little pieces and scattering them across the room, like an ornery housecat. On this particular day, Wille felt as though someone had stuck a spoon up his nose and scrambled his brain. He’d been reading the same three papers for days now and was making no progress, he had dozens of unread emails sitting in his inbox, and only one line written for his writing workshop assignment (which was due in two days). Needless to say, he was exhausted. There was only one thing he wanted to do: curl up in bed with his boyfriend. Very rudely, Simon was busy with rehearsals, so Wille was cursed to spend the evening alone. 
Sighing dramatically, he fell into bed, then squirmed around in frustration. It made him feel a bit better.
As was typical of a literature student – Wille, ever the cliché – his room was covered in books, haphazardly stacked in precarious piles on every available surface. Most were of respectable nature, if a little promiscuous. A few, however, were of a different breed. Since he had the time to kill, he pulled out a book from the bottom of one of the stacks, huffing when the whole pile toppled over. 
The cover was a swirling array of dark fabric, and nothing more. In simple serif font, the title read: “Velvet Desires: Passion Unleashed". And, so what if Wille liked to read trashy smut novels in his free time? He spent so much time dissecting prose and interpreting symbolism, who could blame him if every once and a while he just wanted to turn his brain off?
Simon found him like that hours later, half reading the book and half dozing. 
“Hi, baby,” Simon purred, crawling into bed and wrapping his arms around Wille’s waist, burying his face there. 
Wille smiled and set the book to the side, then pulled Simon closer. “Hello, my love.”
“Missed you,” Simon said into the fabric of Wille’s shirt, the sound a bit muffled. 
“I missed you, too. Did you have a good rehearsal?”
Simon simply hummed and lifted his head, smiling sleepily. Wille glanced at his book for a moment, and Simon followed his eye line. They both froze, before they each pounced on the book at the same time. Simon was faster. He jumped out of the bed and spun away from Wille’s reach. 
“What’s this?”
“It’s a book,” Wille huffed, grabbing at it. Simon giggled and climbed across the bed, dodging Wille again. 
Simon gasped dramatically as his eyes skimmed over the back cover. He looked up with mock horror on his face. Wille rolled his eyes. 
“I thought you were a literature student?” 
“I am– That is literature!” 
“This is smut, Wille.”
Wille groaned. “Come on, Simon, give it!” 
They chased each other around the room a moment longer, Wille not really upset and Simon not really horrified, before collapsing back onto the bed. 
“Very uncouth,” Simon tsked, poking a finger at Wille’s chest. 
“There’s a lot of good symbolism in there.”
“Oh, is there?” Simon asked, tone low. He rolled and moved to straddle Wille, leaning down to kiss gently at his jaw. “What else is in there?”
“Simon…” he whispered, then brought his hands up and gripped Simon’s hips, before sliding warm fingers up his back, along each vertebrae. 
“Anything fun?” 
Wille hummed, then curled a hand around Simon’s neck and brought their lips together. 
“I can show you.”
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faulty-writes · 10 months
Hi, hello!
I found your blog on accident, but it was a really good accident. I love how you write for bnha boys and girls, haven't seen that of an accurate descriptions in a while! It's really enjoyable.
Could I request a female reader with Stymphalian Bird like quirk? Like reader has big wings with very sharp, metal feathers that she can use as blades or just shoot them out. She also has sharp claws that administer poison to the wounds and sharp teeth. Because of that, as her quirk is pretty deadly, she became a villain due to harassment and bullying, but she never kills or severely injures anyone, mostly just destroying property and stealing. However, due to the scale of the attacks, she is considered dangerous, high ranking villain.
But she does it rather to spend her anger and survive rather than actually trying to hurt anyone.
For the Bois Like Hawks, Aizawa and Izuku?
You don't have to write it if you don't want to, I tend to overcomplicate things 😅
[ I'm happy it was a happy accident for you! Apologies that this took longer than expected. Life sucks sometimes. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. ]
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It didn't take a genius to figure out that while you were a high-ranking villain, you never actually shed the blood of the innocent. That's what he found most peculiar, and after months of hounding Madam President, he was finally assigned to apprehend you. Of course, he'd use that as an excuse to find out more about you and more importantly, why you spared innocent lives.
"Sorry there," the sound of your metal feathers crashing against the vacant building was a sound he wouldn't forget. "Guess I'm just a little faster than you, nice try though," he said at your first meeting. He recalled the way you growled, staring up at him with those intense eyes before again trying to strike him down.
Connecting with you was more challenging than he thought. This was even after expressing his interest in getting to know you. He even ventured as far as trying to gain your sympathy by sharing a little bit of his past, namely that his father was a villain and that's why he could understand where you were coming from, but you knew the real reason he told you this was because he hoped you'd open up. But no, you were stubborn and refused to tell a "hero" anything.
"Even with those sharp claws and teeth, you can still be a hero!" He yelled one day while engaged in another furious battle with you. His body had received a few scratches but nothing lethal, of course even if it were, he wouldn't care. He only wanted to convince you that you could still save yourself from this villainous path.
"Heh, well, it looks like you caught me," he joked, daring to smile as you pinned him against the wall with a satanic snarl. "But what's this? Not gonna use your poison, what gives? Or are you just too scared to use it?" His words sent a violent tremble through your body and as capable as you were of poisoning him, you backed away.
"You know, not that I'm much for looks even though I'm considered gorgeous by most, but you should smile more. You'd look even more beautiful than you are." You weren't sure if he meant that to be insulting or not, but why would you smile when you had sharp dangerous-looking teeth?
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The two of you were locked in a fierce hand-to-hand combat session when you first met. You scared some innocent civilians and panic arose. Shota was the first on the scene and made the first move. However, he ultimately ended the fight because there was no illegal quirk usage on your end and that meant no crime was committed. You thought that would be the last time you'd see him.
He recognized your potential from the start, and while your skills could be used for a heroic purpose you were still a villain and one, he intended on stopping, yet he wasn't beyond trying to reason with you. He'd always say something along the lines of "I could care less about detaining you, but you could channel your quirk for a greater purpose." Often his words were met with more retaliation.
He taught his students about the dangers of vigilantism. There was no excuse for what they did. They were criminals, and yet he couldn't help but compare you to a young man he met years ago. He was a vigilante, but Shota let his antics slide and never thought he'd let that happen again but something inside him kept calling him back to you.
He knew it was foolish and dangerous to track you down, and he'd never forget the feeling of your claws digging into his flesh and the sickening feeling of his life slipping away because of the poison that ran through his body. Yet, even as he lay in the hospital bed, he knew that your intention wasn't to kill him and that he'd pursue you again.
You weren't sure if you were angry or relieved when he ambushed you in the alleyway. However, how he smirked at you when you pinned him against the wall with your feathers made you feel uneasy as did his words. "You didn't intend to kill me. If you really want a change in perspective, Yuuei can help you." He acted as though he cared, and you hated that.
"Don't just stand there, we may be heroes, but we all agreed to help you, and in exchange, your villain record will be erased." This was the compromise you had reached with Shota after months of arguments and being at each other's throats, you finally agreed to at least see the world of heroes. In return, Shota had promised no harm would come to you, and it was almost funny or pathetic that you believed him.
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"I...I just w-want to know more about y-your quirk!" His words were coated in fear, and his eyes were fixated on your claws that were mere inches from his face. But his words also made you stop and think for a moment before declaring him a fool and shoving him to the ground.
His frequent visits quickly annoyed you, so you decided to poison the annoying pest to finally make him leave you alone. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Izuku returned after being released from the hospital. "I k-know you didn't mean to kill me! A-and that means t-that you have c-compassion!" His words were greeted with laughter. Yes, quite a stupid kid he was.
"W-why did you become a villain? Your q-quirk may seem dangerous, b-but if…if you really want, I can s-support you because I think…I think you'd make a wonderful h-hero!" A small amount of blood was shed when your claws swiped across his face, but you knew no matter how much pain you inflicted on him, he'd keep returning.
"Here, I t-thought you might be h-hungry!" You weren't sure if you were hateful or grateful because Izuku brought you food. "You n-need to eat! Even v-villains…n-not that I think you are o-one, need…need to eat!" You could hardly believe that you thanked him for said food, but hell…it was less work on your part. Villains didn't exactly get a paycheck, so you mostly relied on stealing and scaring others to get food or material means.
When he showed you his notebook and all the details, he had written about you, it changed something. It made you think and wonder why he was so interested in a villain like you. However, thinking back to your previous encounters, you realized it wasn't because he looked at you as a villain but as a person with a troubled past.
When he started bringing his "friends" to you to prove that not all heroes would judge you, there was a certain rage that seeped deep inside you. The last thing you wanted was more annoying brats around, but to your surprise, they were curious and accepting about you and spoke highly of Izuku and you almost hated yourself for agreeing that the once annoying pest was…pleasant to be around.
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papichulomacy · 3 months
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Make me cry
Pairing : Yuta nakamoto x reader (exes to lovers, forced proximity, enemies to lovers)
Summary: whereas event planner reader gets her big solo project after years of working beneath her superiors, the only problem? It's her ex-boyfriend's wedding who also happens to be the father of her twin children.
Word count : 7528 words, kinda long but y'all will live
A/n: I was feeling angsty while writing this lol, even made a playlist
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"Mommy, wake up" an overly excited Seiji yelled jumping on top of his mother's bed "Huh?, What time is it" mumbled the 27-year-old as she rubbed her eyes "It's 10 Am Mommy" whispered shiho which caused Y/n's eyes to widen almost comically as she quickly got out of bed.
"Oh god, oh god" she yelled running around her bedroom, quickly grabbing whatever work outfit she could find throwing it on the bed and running out straight into the twin's room to grab their clothes.
Which luckily she had put together the day before, "Time for a bath you two" she mumbled filling up the bathtub as she quickly bathed the twins who happily obliged, "No time for duckies i'm afraid" she told them as Seiji pouted and shiho looked like she was about to burst into tears "but, mr quackles" she whined as y/n sighed grabbing the dumb looking duck and throwing it in the tub.
After 10 minutes they were done she quickly dressed them and showered herself while they ate cereal and watched Bluey on the TV.
After she was done she quickly did her makeup and got ready herself "OK babies, grab your overnight bags i'll be dropping you off at Granny's" she shouted putting on her flats.
Scrambling the twins put their cereal bowls in the sink and took their bags, locking the door she and the twins went downstairs and she quickly unlocked the car and strapped them in their baby seats.
Pulling up into her mother's driveway she rushed out and helped the twins out who as soon as they both were out of their seats ran straight towards the door, They adored their grandmother, and sometimes y/n joked they loved her mother more than her.
"There are my favourite grandbabies" Mrs. Kim Baby talked as the twins threw themselves at her, "Mom, they're your only grandbabies" She playfully rolled her eyes as she went into her childhood house and put down their bags.
"Now remember, don't trouble your grandmother too much, i'll be back tomorrow afternoon to pick you both up okay" She kissed their foreheads and hugged her mother goodbye.
After a 10-minute drive she practically ran towards her boss's office, "miss kim, just in time" smiled her boss, Mrs Martin, She was a woman in her mid-40s, who y/n greatly admired due to her work as an event planner.
"Since you've been working with us for almost 5 years it's time you get to plan your very own solo event" "You're not saying..." "Yes y/n, i'm assigning you a solo project" "Excuse me" she squealed due to how excited she got as Mrs Martin laughed. "I'll take that as you agreeing" "I've been waiting for a solo project for 2 years, of course, I agree. What is it," she asked sitting down.
"Well it's a wedding and not just any wedding, it's the wedding of the year apparently" she spoke as y/n gasped "Shut up" "No joke, it's the wedding of the CEO of Nakamoto corporations with his fiancè of 4 years" y/n's smile instantly dropped at the mention of the surname
"Is... Is something wrong?" Questioned Mrs Martin as y/n quickly put on a fake smile, "Nothing, I'd be more than happy to plan this wedding" she stated as her boss smiled "Lovely, here's the address of their house, they want it to take place on their property so you'll have to go there to check it out to plan and hear their suggestions" taking the binder she curtly smiled as she exited.
(T.w: mention of v@mit)
Walking into the restroom she felt bile go up her throat as she rushed into a cubicle, she threw up her entire breakfast until she was left dry and heaving until she felt someone gently grab her hair putting it aside.
"Feeling better?" Asked Sora as Y/n nodded getting up to wash her face and rinse her mouth "Here, take these mints" She thanked her as she put them in her mouth.
"Now are you going to tell me what happened? Are you sick?" She questioned sitting down beside her as she put down two coffees on the table.
"I got my first solo project" she stated, voice void of any emotion as Sora's eyebrows jumped up "That's something to be celebrating over, not throwing up over " she joked as y/n groaned slamming her head on the table.
"Oh, what am I going to do!!, Should I like quit? Yeah i'm gonna write a resignation letter" she rambled confusing her cousin even more who looked at her like she had gone crazy "And why the fuck would you need to do that?!" She questioned getting frustrated with her cousin/best friend who looked to be on the verge of a breakdown.
"They're getting married Sora..." She whispered trying to keep her emotions at bay as Sora sighed "Whose getting married hmm?" She asked rubbing her back as y/n's lips quivered "Yuta and Jieun, they're getting married "As soon as those words left her mouth she broke down and her cousin's expression softened as she tried to console her.
Taking in a deep breath she rang the buzzer as the intercom beeped followed by a voice asking "Name and business with the Nakamoto's ?" "I'm kim y/n and i'm here from Eden Springs, to work on the wedding" she stated.
The huge gate opened revealing the huge manor as she tried not to gap at it "This way miss" stated a polite butler who gestured for her to follow him, which she gladly did, he sat in the driver's seat of the golf cart as she sighed in relief "thank god, I thought I would have had to walk to the front door" and in a matter of 3 minutes they stood in front of the huge dark oak door.
Gulping down her nervousness she prepared herself to face whatever was behind the door, "Ah you must be Miss. Kim, I've heard a lot about you from Mrs Martin, i'm the groom's father if you have any questions please feel free to ask me or mrs sim, who'll be in the kitchen I suppose" he smiled at her politely as she bowed.
"Is the wedding planner here? Oh good, come with me as I tell you about the theme my daughter wants" spoke Mrs. Sim in her snobby posh voice which irked y/n but put on her best people-pleasing smile she went out following the old woman towards the huge backyard.
"This is where the aisle is supposed to be" "I was thinking we make it longer you know, the bride can enter from the back door directly? As the music plays" Mrs Sim looked at her with a sickeningly sweet smile "Is this your wedding? No? Then keep your suggestions to yourself" she stated as y/n pursed her lips and nodded.
"I'll come back tomorrow with my team to start working if you'll excuse me" She left the manor and went straight home. As soon as she did she broke down feeling broken and tired.
The next day she picked up the twins and called their nanny to look after them "Pumpkin, now I want you to behave with seolhyun ok, take your meds right after lunch " she told shiho who pouted "But they taste bitter" Y/n smiled as she kissed her forehead "I know they are baby, but please, for mommy?" "Okay, for you" She stuck her pinkie out which y/n linked with her own.
"Look after your sister," she told Seiji who nodded as she kissed his forehead. "Bye and the food is in the oven, I made lasagna" She waved them goodbye. Getting in the car she drove off.
When she got into the manor her team followed as she started ordering them to start working. An hour or so went by and they started working on the lighting arrangement.
When they were putting on the lights she noticed the servants of the house scrambling around due to god knows what she shrugged thinking it was none of her business until she was harshly spun around by someone.
"What the hell-" "What do you think you're doing here" he hissed standing there while having a tight grip on her shoulders which was hurting her as she tried to pry his hands off "My job, ow, Mr.Nakamoto can you let go that hurts" she whisper-yelled as his eyes softened for a second when he realised how tight his grip was letting go his scowl was unfaltering.
Dusting off her shoulders she glared at him "You can't just go around grabbing people, what manners!!" She hissed as he rolled his eyes "Oh please, manners are the last thing I want to talk to you about, I don't want to talk to you at all" he barked as she smiled at him, her work smile not the genuine one he used to get when they were together.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to work on your wedding" she hissed walking passed him, Meanwhile he rubbed his forehead already feeling a headache forming.
Y/n tried to avoid him at all costs at the manor, but seeing as he was everywhere she was it was impossible. But lucky for her he was resting in his room for the most bit due to the jet lag.
After hours it was 7 pm and she pulled up in her building's parking lot. When she got in she was greeted by her kids running up to her "Aww I missed you too" she cooed pecking their cheeks.
"Did you take your meds on time? Hmm." She asked as shiho nodded eagerly "That's my good girl" She smiled as she bid their nanny goodbye and quickly freshened up.
"Can we sleep with you tonight?" Asked Seiji looking down as she cooed picking him up "Of course, come on bedtime, tomorrow you have school okay". The twins rushed into their mother's room and lay in bed, keeping space for her.
"bedtime story!!" They yelled at the same time as y/n sighed, Despite the exhaustion she nodded as she started telling them a story, which in the middle of it she realised they had both nodded off, Seiji holding his bear plushie and shiho her racoon plushie.
When they were asleep she got out of bed to collect her thoughts, after all, he was the father of her kids and the man whom she once loved dearly.
Pouring herself a glass of wine she settled down by the window sill not being able to control her thoughts which were plagued by him, seeing the look of absolute disdain and disgust on his face made her heart feel like it was stuck in thorns.
The very same eyes that once used to look at her like she held the universe in her eyes.
(6 years ago).
They were both lying in bed cuddled up together while having talks about the future Despite being young they talked about marriage and kids of course y/n brought up the topic "How many kids do you want in the future?" She whispered, chin on his shoulder as he hummed.
"Well I was thinking two, a beautiful girl like her mother and a handsome young gentleman like me" he spoke while smiling as she too couldn't help but smile herself "That sounds perfect, ooh Can we name the boy Seiji? I love the name," she asked hopefully as yuta laughed softly. chest vibrating as she rested her head on it.
"Anything you want my love" he had stated and kissed her forehead, she had gotten up and kissed him, the innocent kiss turning more heated by yuta who just couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"What you say we start making one already" he had joked and she had hit his head "Dream on" she laughed trying to run away but had ended up getting trapped in his muscular arms "noo we're not done cuddling" he had then nuzzled his nose into her face, both ended up falling asleep holding each other.
Sighing she washed the glass and got in bed with her kids "I wish he could have been there to see you guys grow up like this" she whispered kissing their tiny foreheads as she too let sleep consume her.
Days had gone by, and she had planned everything and made arrangements for the wedding and had done her best at trying to stay neutral around yuta who made her job harder than it was.
He had somehow found ways to sabotage everything she was arranging the flowers. He doesnt like them. the lights? Thinks they should be brighter, the alter? Should be placed in another direction.
She sighed as she held a bunch of fake peonies in her arms trying to get them to the decorators to put them near the back door. "You aren't good at this job, if I had known they'd be picking someone this... Incompetent I would have told them to change the wedding planner" he taunted as she rolled her eyes trying to go past the pool while he stood there with a smirk that made her want to slap him across the face.
"Can you move? I need to go past this way" she whispered as his smirk widened "Oh do you? i'm sorry here" he barely gave her any space as she grunted trying to move past him and the chairs as he rolled his eyes "Yeah well I don't like this either " she hissed as she pushed at his chest as a way of telling him to move which him being the hardass that he was he didn't.
She lost her footing and fell backwards right into the pool as he walked away.
"It's kinda funny how you're known for being on our high school's swim team while I don't know how to swim" she had said laughing as they both sat at the edge of the pool soaking their feet in, "well Why don't I teach you?" He had suggested while she hummed.
"Too slow" he had pushed her in and had jumped in straight after and held her up, keeping her afloat "You're such an ass" she whined hitting his chest as he laughed kissing her "i'm sorry".
His eyes widened when recalled that memory not missing another second he sprinted towards the pool while unbuttoning his coat jacket. Which he discarded while running and jumped straight in. She had stopped thrashing and was sinking to the end of the almost 8-foot-deep pool.
Grabbing her by her waist he swam up when he had gotten out he laid her down on the grass while she gurgled and coughed as she spat out water, she was beyond terrified, not because she wanted to live for herself, but rather for the two little kids that were at daycare at the moment, waiting for the time to be up so they could be picked up by their mother who'd take them to get ice cream.
It terrified her since she knew that she was the only parent they had ever known, and this caused her to feel horrible as a thousand thoughts ran through her mind while the water consumed her body whole, " I haven't even told him" she thought but when she felt him grab her shaking body she was forced out of the trance she was in while all these racing thoughts.
"Y/n!!, Are you okay?" He asked trying to get her attention She stared at his face calming down from her frenzy as she started tearing up, Looking around she saw all the servants and the decorative workers looking at her and she quickly got up.
She grabbed her bag and ran out of the house, She couldn't care less that her clothes were soaking the seats of her car as she drove back to her house, heart hammering she couldn't stop the sobs that raked her body and broke out like a terrible beat of unsteadily loud drums.
After all, it hadn't been like this for them, they were so in love If you had asked either of them about their future they both would have answered the same thing "Everything about my future, I can't picture without him" is what s/he would have said.
Not sure about that now she thought as she put her head against her steering wheel, She remembered that day so well like it was yesterday, she had repeated it over and over again in her head, not being able to forget the way he had looked at her then.
(6 years ago).
His mother had invited her over for dinner which was unexpected since the old woman made it clear that she didn't approve of their relationship.
Y/n sat in front of yuta's mother as she cut into her steak trying to keep her nerves at bay, after all, anxiety wasn't good for the child she was carrying that she wanted to tell her boyfriend about today.
"I'll cut to the case and tell you straight forward, I never really approved of this relationship, plus I can see that he's getting tired of your presence too" words thick with venom the older woman drank her wine as y/n gripped her fork and knife.
"I was a fool thinking that you called me here to apologise for treating me like shit for all these years but I guess some things never change huh, and for your information he loves me he is not tired of me" she seethed as Mrs Nakamoto smiled that devilish smile of hers that made her feel uneasy.
"Aw he loves you?, Are you sure about that? To me, it looks like he'd rather spend time with Jieun than with you" she spoke in a taunting voice as y/ns lips quivered, with both sadness and anger.
"You're lying!!" She yelled slamming the utensils on the table as the older woman wiped her mouth and pouted faking sympathy, Taking a tablet from her assistant she slid it over the table "Look for yourself" she stated as y/n hesitantly took the tablet in her hands.
And what she saw made her heart feel like it was squashed by a rock, for on the tablet were pictures of him with her, the pictures made them look like a couple "The last pic is of them at a jewellery shop" she fake gasped putting a hand up to her lips as y/n's grip on the tablet loosened "oh imagine if it's to get her a ring, I'd love to have her as my daughter in law" she stated.
Reeling back from her chair she stormed out of the house as she let anger cloud her mind and take over her actions, reaching their shared apartment she got in and was faced with a rather angry-looking yuta.
"Oh, you're back already?" He asked voice lacking any emotion She felt her heart fall as she realised the situation"I should be asking you that" she said accusatorily as she scoffed.
"I can't believe you " he yelled as she furrowed her brows "What do you mean?!" She asked calmly as she was practically fuming and she was trying not to lash out in her condition.
"Was I not fucking enough!!?, I gave you everything, my time my love heck I even stood with you when everyone told me you were just using me for money, guess I was a fucking fool" his words were like a slap to the face as she looked at him dumbfounded.
"What the fuck are you on about!?, You think I cheated on you or something!!" she yelled now getting angry How dare he accuse her of something he is the one guilty of
"Don't act dumb, My mother saw you, she saw you with the other guy you've been sneaking off to see" he unlocked his phone to show her the pictures which she looked at confused because they were of her with her cousin's husband, and heck she wasn't even alone with him sora was there with them just not in the pictures.
She wanted to explain that it wasn't what it looked like but all that came out was "What the fuck, she spied on us!!?" She scoffed as yuta looked at her as if she was crazy "You have no shame, does he know you're two-timing him? That youre such a slut opening your legs for every guy-" she cut him off with a harsh slap across the face which sent his face to the other side with the impact, red-faced he turned it around glaring at her with hatred.
Which she mirrored, while she felt more hurt than angry "How dare you ... I- can't believe it I should have known" Laughing incredulously she gripped her hair "You are just like your mother, the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree huh" "DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!!" " fuck you" she yelled as hot tears poured down her face.
Storming into their shared room she quickly pulled out her suitcase and took out her clothes which she dumped into it and all her other useful belongings before leaving him.
Not forgetting to look him in the eye as she spoke "hope she makes you feel whole, since apparently, I failed to do so, goodbye yuta" Confused by her words he looked at her, not finding it in himself to call out to her, to beg for her to stay.
The whole pregnancy was a weird and lonely experience for the one she thought she'd be experiencing it with wasn't even aware she was carrying his child.
She remembers the way Sora had been there for her and so had jaehyun, her husband and their childhood best friend, the three had been inseparable since they were kids y/n thought of him as the older brother she never had and when he married Sora it was official.
And she was so thankful to them for putting up with her, she had refused to burden her mother by staying at her house, her being too old to stress about her daughter's condition.
Sora and jaehyun welcomed her with open arms and had been there for her throughout the 9 months every checkup she was accompanied by both of them.
And during her first checkup when she found out she was having twins she was beyond terrified taking care of one kid as a single mother was one thing, but taking care of two was beyond compare.
But now she could only laugh at the fact since she wouldn't trade either of them for anything, they were her world.
The day she went into labour was both funny and excruciatingly painful to remember, she had been quietly sitting in the living room, binging random romcoms as jaehyun walked in and sat down beside her.
"Watchu got there" he spoke licking his lips while eying the candy and popcorn on her side as she eyed him warily "Don't even think about it Jeong" she warned taking some popcorn and popping it in her mouth as jaehyun rolled his eyes "don't be such a hoarder, gimme some" "HOARDER?!? Mind your fat ass I'm eating for three, so fuck off and go bother your wife" she smacked him upside the head as he whined.
"Wait is that Sora holding muffins?" He whispered, loud enough for her to catch on as she whipped her head to look behind her which jaehyun took as an opportunity to grab a fistful of popcorn as she gasped.
"You did not.." She whispered staring at him as if he had just kicked a puppy "Oh yeah I did" he spoke with a mouth full of popcorn as she frowned deeply. Suddenly a painful contraction hit which caused her to grip his arm.
"Ow- fine, i'm sorry LET go- oh." His eyes shot up in worry when he heard her breathing pick up "Are. Are you okay?" He asked as she quickly got up.
"Fuck, this hurts" she cried out trying to walk to the nursery of her nephew where she knew Sora would be but halted when she felt liquid go down her legs.
"What's all the commotion about, jaehyun You better not have made her cry again- oh my god honey" Sora quickly rushed to her side as she cried out in pain.
"What the fuck are you looking at, go ready the car you dunce" she yelled at her husband who was standing there panicking "The car, yes!" He yelled rushing out.
As Sora quickly took the baby bag they had prepared for this moment and helped y/n into the car.
"Drop Chan at my mom's, and come to the hospital straight after," she told him as he nodded bidding her goodbye.
When Y/n was rushed inside she kept asking for yuta, god he was all she could think about at that very moment, "sora Please... Call him" she cried as Sora pursed her lips nodding.
"Pick up damn it" she hissed at her phone as the call went straight to voice mail "What is it is he not picking up?!" wailed out y/n as she looked at her cousin desperate.
"No, it keeps going to voicemail" "fucking hell, try his mother tell her to give him the phone" Sora quickly dialled the number and after a few tries she picked it up.
"What is it you, idiotic girl" came the shrill voice of the woman over the phone as Sora greeted her teeth "Where is yuta?!" She asked as the annoying voice laughed mockingly over the phone "At his engagement party, where else" she taunted as Sora yelled "Well tell him to come to the xxx hospital this instant it's y/n shes-" "Oh get over yourselves as if he'd like to see the face of that idiotic girl, don't ever call this number again or i'll have my lawyer on your good for nothing asses" she snarked hanging up on sora's face.
"Is he coming?" She asked staring at the older with a small bit of hope which disappeared seeing the look she received "Oh god!" She wept.
"Honey, I think it's time we take you to the operating room" came her doctor as she kept crying. Not being able to answer Sora nodded at the doctor "It's okay you can start now" and with that, she was wheeled away for the c-section.
When she had woken up the nurse brought in her son who had been crying She outstretched her arms as if on instinct to hold him and soothe his cries.
"Does he have a name yet?' Asked Sora as she looked at her sleeping nephew in her cousin's arms as y/n smiled tiredly yet tenderly "Seiji,.. Seiji Nakamoto" she whispered the baby stirred in her arms making a small noise that caused them to coo at the cuteness.
"Where is my daughter?" She asked the nurse who looked at her sadly which caused her to furrow her brows. "Your daughter, she is in the NICU" Y/n looked at her confused "Why is she there?" She questioned handing a sleeping Seiji to Sora.
"Your daughter when she was born didn't cry so we were doing a series of tests and checkups on her, the doctor found that her heart seems to have a defect" she continued as y/n sucked in a breath feeling lightheaded.
"Wha-what do you mean, I- I was sure both of the babies were healthy, I made sure of it Why" Just then the doctor came in as the nurse explained to him what was happening.
"Ms.kim, you see your daughter has a defect called Coarctation of the aorta a critical congenital heart defect, it's when a part of the aorta is narrower than usual. The defect occurs when a baby’s aorta does not form correctly as the baby grows and develops during pregnancy."
All she could do was cry as she took in the information "Can I see her?" She asked as the doctor tilted his head as if in sympathy "Please?!" She begged as he sighed "Okay, prep her and take her to the NICU nurse Jang" The nurse nodded and helped her off the bed, she was still in recovery from the c-section after all.
When she went to the NICU looking at her baby attached to all these wires made her almost lose her balance as she sobbed at the sight of her "Mommy is sorry for not being able to make your heart properly" she whispered as the nurse looked at her in pity.
"Your name is shiho, and i'll make sure nothing breaks your heart" and with one final look, she went back to her room.
It was the day of the wedding and y/n stood in the garden as it was filled with the chattering of guests as they arrived, greeting Yuta's father and him and congratulating him.
She felt overwhelmed and the fact that she stood here on the sidelines waiting for the wedding to start, to watch the man she still somehow loved swoop another in his arms and say vows to.
She couldn't take it, feeling nauseous She went inside, trying to find the restroom she wandered off, Opening random doors she stumbled into a bedroom, where sat his mother in a wheelchair, looking out the window straight at the altar where her son stood.
Hearing someone walk in she turned around and was faced with her standing there "I-I was just leaving" she stated turning around "No, wait, please" Hearing the pathetic tone of the woman whose voice used to make anyone cower caused her to halt.
"I want to talk" "Well I don't" She once again went ahead, almost out the door but stopped hearing the words that left the woman's mouth "i'm sorry" she cried out as Y/n stormed in, fuming as angry tears stung her eyes.
"You're sorry?!! For what? Huh, for treating me like shit for 4 fucking years, making me feel so fucking small just because I didn't have a father, or enough money to be deserving of your son?!, yeah well it's too late for that"I seethed as if the old frail woman in front of me pursed her lips.
"I didn't know about the kids, I swear whatever I did it was for the good of my son and his future " she cried out as y/n's lips trembled.
"Yeah well your actions caused my kids to grow up without a father, just like their mother, I hope you're fucking happy" Her voice was filled with all the pain she was feeling right now as the woman in front of her could only look down in shame.
After all, it was after 4 whole years did she showed up wanting to meet her grandkids, begging for her to hear her out but y/n's wounds were fresh and she wasn't going to let her rub salt all over them.
She had heard about her accident, and a small part of her thought she deserved it but the part of her raised by her mother that was taught nothing but love and empathy felt awful for thinking so.
Exiting the room she was faced with everyone running around the house "What happened?!" She asked one of the maids "The bride has run away, and we can't seem to find her " Worried she looked at yuta's father whose eyes found hers.
"You!" He bellowed as she looked around pointing to herself confused as he approached her "Please help me out here, and from the looks of her letter she isn't coming back, The garden is filled with guests, and this would be bad for my son's reputation as the new CEO".
"You can't be suggesting, what I think you are suggesting" She laughed incredulously but stopped when she saw the look on his face "Oh you're serious ..." Confused she looked at the older man who took her hands as a way of appealing to her as she pursed her lips.
"That is ridiculous, I can't just marry your son, I mean what if im already married!!" She screeched, her voice getting high-pitched and squeaky as the older looked down at her hands "Are you?" He quirked a brow as she looked away embarrassed.
"No" she answered as he sighed "So please, I- i'll give you anything you want, money, a house ANYTHING just please save my son a lifetime of embarrassment" She was going to decline straight away but the desperation in his eyes and the shake of his voice caused her to give in.
"Oh thank you dear," he gave her hands a thankful squeeze as the maids quickly rushed her into the room Jieun was supposed to be getting ready in.
When yuta looked at the back door of the house open he let out a sigh of relief seeing as the guests had started murmuring amongst themselves, which had caused him to get anxious.
But seeing as she was walking down the aisle beside his father confused him, after all, they weren't that close and the veil was rather heavy, shielding her entire face.
When her soft hand grasped his firm one he found out that the woman in front of him wasn't his fiancè but rather the woman who still owned his heart, his father quickly whispered something to the officiant who furrowed his brows but nodded nonetheless.
There weren't any heartfelt vows exchanged aside from the mandatory ones "Do you nakamoto yuta take Kim y/n as your rightfully wedded wife?" Yuta felt his heart jump hearing that as he felt a lump form in his throat until he felt his best man nudge him.
"I- I do" he managed to let out as the officiant looked at her "Do you kim y/n take Nakamoto Yuta as your rightfully wedded husband?" "I-" she paused staring at his face which was void of any emotion, feeling a whirlwind of emotions she contemplated if she did the shiho could have better treatments that she couldn't afford on her own.
Sucking in a deep breath" I do" she let out shakily as the officiant nodded "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" and she felt her heartbeat pick up abruptly.
She was about to make an excuse, anything to get out of this but stopped as her eyebrows jumped up feeling her veil being lifted as yuta's hollow eyes stared right into her shaky ones.
Gently he grabbed her chin and captured her lips in a direct kiss as her heartbeat slowed down, she didn't even realise that she was tearing up until she felt him wipe away the ones that escaped.
Everyone clapped and congratulated the newly married couple as they both thanked them all with fake smiles "When are you going on your honeymoon?" Questioned his friend's wife as she came to congratulate them y/n pursed her lips and looked at him as his grip tightened around her waist, his fingers digging into her flesh as she tried not to show the fact that it hurt.
"Oh, we already have our tickets to our flight to Milan, which is in 2 days" The woman cooed at how romantic that was as y/n nodded along, excusing herself as she went to sit down as his father approached her.
"I don't know how to thank you, really" she sighed looking at him "Well you can start by paying for my daughter's treatment" She gave him a tight-lipped smile as he looked dumbfounded "YOU HAVE A KID?!" He whispered yelling as she rolled her eyes "Yell it out to the whole world why don't you" she hissed as he smiled apologetically.
"I have two kids, twins a boy named Seiji and a girl named shiho" she added smiling softly remembering her kids "Damn, I indirectly got grandkids..." He whispered to himself but she caught it and felt her heart pinch Ohh only if you knew" she sadly smiled looking at her "husband" who was conversing with the guest, stiff as a board, "god doesn't know what to do with that boy, he acts like he's 50" grumbled the old man as he looked at his son.
Y/n snorted "he wasn't always like that" she stated but seeing him whip his head in her direction she widened her eyes " I KNEW IT!!" he yelled triumphantly as she looked at him horrified.
"You do know each other" he wiggled his eyebrows as she stumbled over her words "You're hallucinating-" "I have 55 years of experience on you girl, don't test me" he fixed her with a stare which meant "spill the beans willingly or I will get them spilt somehow, and it will be hella messy" rubbing her forehead she stared at the old man pouting "you guy's are so alike, it's kinda annoying" "oh and so I've been told" he gave her a shit-eating grin as she started telling him about everything, minus the fact that Seiji and shiho were yuta's kids of course.
"Wait, wait... So you're the ex-girlfriend that cheated on him?!?" He gasped out as she bit her lip to stop the exphrastated scream that was building up at the back of her throat.
"Yes?, But for your information, I didn't cheat, I left. he just assumed the worst" she scoffed as the old man looked at her confused "But... My wife told me that you guys broke up due to you cheating-" "Yeah well your wife also made me believe that your son was in love with Jieun and wanted to break up with me".
"That's not- oh oh my god what am I supposed to do with that woman" he sighed avoiding her eyes as she pursed her lips "im so sorry" he whispered as she could only give a strained smile "It's in the past now". " but you- you guys are married" "yeah well, I can already feel a storm coming from his direction, and i'll be waiting for the divorce papers that your son will be arranging to get rid of me" she half-joked as he sighed rubbing his forehead.
"Looks like it's time for the dance for the bride and groom" he whispered to her as she listened to the song playing, Make You Feel My Love by Adele, the very song they once danced to in their shared apartment on a long winter night, both clad in sweaters as they embraced each other, swaying softly.
The very night they shared unspoken promises about a future they weren't so sure of, too in love at the moment to care as they smiled feeling each other's warmth as they stole a few chaste kisses.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a hand being extended in front of her face, and she looked at the owner, "People are expecting us to dance" he whispered, in a tone that meant she didn't have much of a choice, looking at his father who gestured for her to take his hand she shakily grasped it.
His grip not being soft to calm her nerves down, unlike all those years ago the embrace wasn't warm, and the man in front of her wasn't whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he swayed her gently.
"What are you pulling hmm" he whispered against her ear, his hot breath fanning it as she felt shivers go down her spine, gulping she looked him in the eye "What are you thinking? For someone whose bride ran away, you sure are being a stubborn git" she gritted out as her arms around his neck tightened.
He smirked, not the slightest bit amused "How much is he paying you? im sure it must be a hefty sum for you to agree to be tied down like this, after all, you aren't the loyal type" he taunted as she felt her blood start to boil at his audacity.
"Hah!, So you do know how insufferable you are, of course, Your daddy dearest offered me a lot just for me to put on a show tonight" she purred bringing her face dangerously close to his as his smile faltered a little as he felt his neck get hot.
"Oh, would you look at that, the song is over, i'll get myself a drink now, later, husband~" Pecking his cheek she walked away straight towards a server holding the champagne glasses, as yuta stood there both turned on and angry as he watched her walk away from him.
"Yeah no wonder you never introduced your fiancè to us, she's so mother" whispered a tipsy Johnny as he swung his arm around yuta who fixed him with a glare which at the sight of him, he pinched his lips together and walked away.
"Kim, y/n you are treading dangerous waters" he mumbled, A smack at the back of his head caused him to hiss turning around to yell at the culprit, probably cussing them out to blow off the steam he was feeling on the inside.
"Oh spare the poor girl, she's just doing what I asked her to do, You should be grateful to her, not act like a barbarian. Interrogating her like that " he berated as yuta's stoic expression didn't falter, but hardened even more "You seriously trusted this girl enough to present her as my bride?!" he whispered and yelled as his father rolled his eyes rather sassily.
"Don't play with me boy, i'm not the one, I know of your history together. The past is in the past I feel like you both have a lot to talk about, maybe some truths to unveil, besides that don't act like you still don't have feelings for her, and from the looks of it, so does she" all yuta could do was listen as his father talked, after all, he respected his father a great deal.
It was later that evening when all the guests had left y/n had found herself standing in the middle of the huge manor, beneath the magnificent chandelier that looked like it could crush a dozen people in a heartbeat.
"Are you going to stand there looking like an idiot the whole night?" Came yuta's booming voice as he came down the stairs, now in a pair of sweats, most probably to get himself something to drink after a long day.
"Well you can't really expect me to prance around in this god-awful dress as if I know my way around" she hissed as he snorted obnoxiously "Ah right, I forgot you don't belong, here, don't worry you'll leave as soon as my attorney gets our divorce finalized " he spoke, words flowing out of his mouth as if he didn't really care if they did any damage, or maybe he was doing it to hurt her.
He did, the fact that he could barely stand the thought of having her as his wife felt like she had been stabbed and had bled out of all her worth, his words causing her heart to shut down as her mind went into protection mode.
"I need clothes," she told him as he finished his glass of scotch slamming it down on the counter he looked at her up and down, then swiftly turned around to go up the stairs, "Are you coming or not?!" He yelled over his shoulder as she ground her teeth from irritation.
Following him up the stairs she was faced with a long hallway at the end laid his room, stepping in he went straight towards his walk-in closet as she tried not to gape at the size of it "Here" he tossed her a random Tshirt and sweatpants, hitting her in the face.
"Real mature Nakamoto" She rolled her eyes as he gave her a shit-eating grin, similar to his father as she rolled her eyes "This dress has a really low zipper help me with it if you're gonna just stand there" without another word exchanged he approached her back.
Gliding his hand down her back, along her spine she sucked in a shaky breath causing him to smile slightly as he bought down the zipper torturously slow causing goosebumps along her body.
When the zipper was down she held her dress from the front in case it was going to fall off "What?! Turn around" she barked as she felt his eyes over her body, drilling holes "Awh, insecure?" He taunted as she seethed letting go of her dress as it pooled at her feet.
If he was surprised he didn't dare let it show as he gulped the building lump in his throat, quickly grabbing the sweatpants she wore, She turned around to pick up the shirt.
When she picked it up she started pulling it over her head "What is that!?" He yelled approaching her as she looked at him confused as she continued to wear the shirt until she felt him lift it to reveal her stomach.
"That scar, what the fuck is that and where did you get it!?" He questioned as she pushed him away "It's none of your business" she hissed as he scoffed "Right, I forgot you don't deserve people caring for you" Trying not to cry she bit her lip.
"Where am I supposed to sleep?" She asked trying to keep her voice from trembling as he looked at her figure clad in his clothes, which still seemed to affect him as he resisted the urge to grab her by the neck and kiss her hard until she was begging for him.
"The room beside mine" he mumbled waving her off as she didn't spare another second in his room, Walking out she went straight to the room beside his and sat down on the bed, just when her phone rang.
"Mommy!!" Yelled an excited seiji bringing a smile to y/ns face and replacing the sour expression on her face "What are you doing awake bub" she whispered as he pouted "shiho was annoying and wouldn't stop crying over every little thing" he whined pushing his face close to the camera as she cooed.
"Where is your sister now? "Asleep, she was having pain where her heart is" he spoke sadly, feeling his twin's pain as she felt herself go into panic "Chest pain? How bad was it? Give the phone to your grandma Bub" His tiny feet padding against the wooden floor of her mother's house could be heard from across the phone as she waited.
"Y/n, I heard the news ... Are you okay?" I'm okay ma, how is shiho, seiji told me she was in pain?" "She's better now I asked my neighbour Mrs Shin who's a doctor as you know, and she told me it was just because she was worrying herself so I gave her the pain meds you gave her and she's sound asleep now, Are you okay?" Giving her mother a small smile she nodded.
"Lemme talk to her granma" fussed Seiji causing the woman to chuckle as he took the phone "Mommy I made pizza with Aunt Sora today!" "Really? Did you save me some" he smiled sheepishly at the camera as Y/n fake pouted "Don't be sad Mommy i'll make a whole pizza just for you!" He spoke promisingly as she smiled softly.
A yawn broke out of his small mouth as she couldn't help but coo at him "Go to sleep bubs" he rubbed his eyes nodding "Goodnight Mommy, I love you" "I love you too" he ended the call as she waved.
"Wow didn't think the word love was in your vocabulary" came yuta's mocking voice as she pinched her eyebrows "It's too late for your bullshit, go sleep or drink to your fake ego' she hissed as he gritted his teeth.
" don't be such a priss" Gaping looked at him "Does he know how unloyal you are? That love doesn't mean shit to you" he barked "You don't know shit okay!" "Oh but I do know you, you're a materialistic bitch who's so selfish she'd choose money over love" "Take that back!!" She hissed as tears gathered in her eyes.
"The truth hurts doesn't it" "No wonder Jieun ran away heck any sane woman would, you're unbearably suffocating to be around" she laughed incredulously "HOW DARE YOU!!" He yelled "HOW DARE I?!!, no, HOW DARE YOU" she yelled as the tears she had been holding in started streaming down her reddening face "HOW DARE YOU, you- you act like you're such a perfect person when you can't even fight to keep the people you love in your life, you're just so unbelievably fake, it's pitiful, I feel bad for you. No wonder your mother felt like she had to set a path for you, heck she even chose the woman for you to marry, but you screwed it up too" she pouted faking sympathy as her frown deepened.
"You- you didn't even take one moment to consider that maybe it wasn't true, that I love you, gosh I wish you fought for me, for us, yuta All you had to do was ask!!" She broke down as his eyes softened, he tried to approach her but halted when she raised her hand signalling for him to stand there.
She picked up her ringing phone and brought it to her ear "Y/N honey!!, It's Shiho...GOD she- I went to put Seiji to sleep and to check up on her in case she was running a fever and she was barely breathing!!" "MOM!! what!?, Can you calm down and tell me what happened to shiho?" She whisper yelled trying to stay calm as her mother sobbed on the other line "i'm at the xxx hospital, they rushed her into the emergency room- please hurry Seiji won't stop crying" The call ended abruptly "Mom!?, MOM" she yelled.
"Oh god!!" Frantic she looked around the room, spotting her purse she took it and wore her shoes She tried to run out of the room but stopped as yuta grabbed her arm "Woah woah woah, where are you going in this state What happened!?" He asked in a softer tone than before seeing her panicked state.
"My- ... Our daughter she's at the hospital GOD yuta I have to go" she wailed as his grip on her arm loosened "Our... daughter?" He trailed off in question as she looked at him desperately.
Deciding to drop it he nodded "Let's go" Without question she let him take her to the hospital, The car ride was silent, she was silently crying the whole way while a thousand questions were running through yuta's mind.
When they reached the hospital she rushed in, going to the receptionist She asked "Nakamoto shiho, where is she-" "She's in room 503" replied the receptionist "And your relation to her?" "I'm her mother' With that she ran to get to her daughter.
Yuta stood there trying to process the bomb that had just been dropped on him "Nakamoto shiho...." He felt his heart squeeze painfully as he didn't know how to feel.
When y/n reached the floor she went towards the room stopping as she faced her mother who was trying to calm down a crying Seiji "MOMMY!" he yelled as he threw himself into his mother's arms sobbing uncontrollably.
Yuta finally got out of the elevator and was faced with the sight of Seiji crying in your arms as you were trying to calm him down "is shiho gonna die?" He asked while sniffling as his mother sobbed shaking her head as she kissed his forehead wiping his tears.
"No no, she's a strong girl you know, just like her brother, She'll be all better and we'll finally go on that trip you both wanted to go to" she promised as he stopped shaking.
Yuta felt his heart tug at the sight of the little boy who looked like a perfect mixture of him and you, Seiji pulled away to stand next to his grandmother as Y/n went to the approaching doctor to discuss her daughter's condition.
Seiji peeked from beside his grandmother at yuta who was already looking at him, slowly The young boy approached him "You're him" he stated looking up at the man towering over him.
Curious yuta bent down to be at eye level with Seiji "And who do you think I am?" He inquired softly while drinking in  the sight of the smaller boy who was looking up at him with a deep frown etched onto his face.
"You're my dad, I know because every time I saw mommy cry she had your picture in her phone. She doesn't keep any man's photo" he stated as a matter of fact as yuta felt winded.
This little boy spoke like he was in his 20s, maybe he was more of a man than he was, standing up for the ones he loved, At least he got that from his mother.
"I am" he spoke, more to himself than to Seiji who looked at him angrily "Why did you not call my mommy, You made her sad" he spoke with such anger that he felt small under the little boy's gaze.
"I was an idiot, I took your mother for granted, but i'm willing to make up for the lost time," he spoke determinedly Seiji's frown dropped as he looked at his father with starry eyes.
"You will!?" He gushed "Even if it takes me a lifetime" he stated as Seiji threw his arms around yuta who held him securely, he felt all sorts of emotions all at once, peace, contentment, sadness and love.
Love for this little boy he had never met nor knew the existence of a few hours prior, oh he was confused yet delighted, walking with Seiji in his arms he approached a rather upset y/n who was close to lashing out at the doctor.
"What do you mean the catheter needs to be changed ?, She just got it changed 2 months ago, " "i'm sorry Ms.Kim but the catheter we installed isn't working well for her, Pay the amount so we can start the surgery".
Frustrated she gripped her hair as yuta approached her "What's wrong" he asked as she looked at him, red eyes filled with tears "They want to change the catheter even though they did it 2 months ago, I- saved up for that catheter god where am I supposed to get the money-" "what do you mean where" he asked confused as she looked at him baffled "hold him" handing Seiji over to her he stalked over to the doctor "i'll be paying for her treatment whatever she needs, make sure she's situated in the best room this hospital has to offer" "and who might you be?" Questioned the doctor eying him oddly.
"Nakamoto yuta, her father" The doctor visibly paled as he nodded ushering the residents and nurses along to rush the girl into surgery.
Y/n couldn't help but pace around in worry as yuta watched silently, Seiji had gone home with his grandmother when Sora had arrived, "You're gonna tire yourself out, quit pacing around" spoke Sora as she held the girl by her arm as she looked at her "you can't keep pacing around it's a 3-hour long surgery" she stated as y/n sighed nodding.
She sat down as yuta stood against the wall, Sora went to call jaehyun about their son, leaving a fidgety yuta and an angry y/n alone. yuta opened his mouth "SAVE IT!" she hissed as he pursed his lips looking at her eyes filled with guilt and worry "If you had just listened IF YOU HADN'T JUMPED TO CONCLUSIONS i- if you hadn't put me through so much pain throughout my entire pregnancy my daughter would have been healthy!" She hissed as he tried to calm her down.
"Y/n please, calm down you're going to pass out at this rate" he whispered trying to reach for her as she held up her hand "Don't act as if you care, for fucks sake when I was giving birth I still tried to call you, I wanted you to be in their lives even if we weren't together but you were too busy throwing a party after proposing to jieun!" She yelled enraged.
All he could do was listen as she talked, "I was the one who was there for my kids, not you! I was there when shiho was diagnosed, I was there for her monthly doctor's visits, and I was there when Seiji wanted to join an Academy for Soccor you told me YOU promised me that if we ever had kids you'd be there for me and them and YOU WERE NOT THERE" she wailed as he quickly hugged her cradling her head as she shook with violent sobs.
"I was so alone" she whispered against his chest as he couldn't stop the tears that escaped his eyes "I am so sorry, i'm so sorry my love, please don't cry, not over me please i'm not worth crying over, i'll do everything I can to make sure shiho is better okay, she'll be on the top priorities of the donor's list, i'll make sure you and the kids go on the trip whether it's with or without me just. Please don't cry" he hushed her as she stopped shaking.
After a while when he was sure she was better and Sora had come back, he excused himself to go back home for an urgent matter
Barging into his mother's room he found her sitting and reading a book, being a terrible insomniac caused her to stay awake for odd hours until she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open.
"Why did you do it" he calmly said as she took off her glasses and put her book aside, "What do you mean?, What happened" she asked confused as he gritted his teeth together.
"Why did you play such a cruel game with me and y/n I- I could have been there for her and my kids" he spoke hurt and guilty as his mother's eyes became teary seeing her son in so much pain.
"Why!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME MOM" he yelled hurt and betrayed as his mother sobbed "I'm so sorry" "My daughter is going through surgery right now, I could have been there for her from the start making sure she was the closest thing to being fully healthy there is!!" He sounded so defeated.
His mother looked away ashamed "I thought what I was doing was the best thing! I- you're my only child I was consumed by greed of having to shape everything about your life to the point I didn't realise I was ruining it for you instead! i'm so sorry" she cried out as he couldn't find it in himself to look at his mother.
"Yeah well you're right about ruining my life" he bitterly smiled as he left her room, bumping into his father who had heard it all, he looked at his father's worried gaze for a second before exiting.
When he went back to the hospital he didn't waste a second being by her side as she was alone due to Sora having to leave. Unknowingly she rested her head against his shoulder as he held her hand, rubbing reassuring circles on it.
20 or so minutes later the doctors came out as they both got up "How is she doc?" Questioned y/n, still holding his hand that tightened in hers. "She's a strong miracle girl, the surgery went well and we were able to successfully take out the catheter that was causing her discomfort and replace it with a new one, we're moving her to a private room now per her father's request" he smiled patting yuta's shoulder as he left.
She exhaled shakily as she tried not to collapse on the floor, Thankfully yuta was there to hug her close as she breathed in his scent, the same mixture of body wash and cologne he used back then due to them being gifts from her.
The next day when shiho woke up she was greeted by her mother's face which lit up at the sight of her small smile a rather excited Seiji barged into the room, "Dad and I bought shiho so many raccoon-themed things, and a wife for her raccoon plushie" he gushed as yuta walked in running behind him.
"Woah, goodness those short legs sure can run" he panted as y/n tried not to smile at the sight of the two, Seiji already being open to yuta was something she didn't bother trying to understand, "You're just old" teased Seiji as yuta huffed "oh i'll show you old!" He said as he swooped Seiji off his feet, "Noo" he giggled as Y/n laughed.
"Look who's awake Ji" Seiji's smile widened as he approached his sister, Putting her new raccoon plush beside her old one he softly kissed her cheek "That tickles" she giggled as he did it again "I love you Shi," he told her as she smiled wide "I love you to ji" and the parents couldn't help but coo at the soft display of affection.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He gestured for her to walk outside the door, following after him she stood in front of him as he fidgeted with his cufflinks, "I don't know where to start, I- know I messed up so much, I was blinded she's my mother you know. I always trusted her blindly maybe thats why I couldn't even find it in myself to even for a second think that she might have lied" Inhaling he looked at her emotionless face he continued.
"To be honest I was gonna propose, jieun had been helping me look for rings, and I wanted it to be perfect, I spent days looking for the perfect ring, and when I did Mom just dropped that bomb on me- I know me being anxious and insecure isn't an excuse but please if it takes me the rest of my life to make up for the lost time i'm more than willing i-" he got down on one knee as she looked at him both surprised and touched.
"I know we're already married, that our wedding wasn't filled with the passion it was originally supposed to have. Despite all that I want you to wear the ring I've kept all these years with the thought that if you came back I wouldn't care about what happened and was more than willing to spend the rest of my life with you one-sided or not I would have done it, that's how crazy I am about you, please my love give me a chance to be the father shiho and seiji deserve, and the husband you deserve" he finished off eyes glossy with tears, a small crowd of hospital staff had formed.
Y/n looked into his glossy eyes as hers welled up with tears "You're such an idiot" she whispered as he looked at her, they communicated through their eyes as he smiled taking her hand and sliding the ring onto her finger, it fit perfectly as  said.
"Oh thank you" he whisper-shouted picking her up as the crowd clapped, "I love you so much" he stated as she smiled pecking his lips "I love you, I always have" She smiled "OHMYGOD, I DIDN'T JUST MISS MY CHANCE OF SEEING THE GREAT NAKAMOTO YUTA ON HIS KNEES?" came sora's loud voice as jaehyun and y/ns mother followed after her.
"Haha, very funny snotty" he stuck his tongue out at Sora who gave him a middle finger, they were well acquainted. "You must be jaehyun" he spoke bashfully as jaehyun smiled his usual dimpled smile "Yup, i'm the supposed man she cheated on you with," he said while smiling, but his tone carried a warning meaning "Do that shit again and i'll have your head" all yuta could do was smile and shake his hand that gripped his rather hard.
(2 years later)
Sora stood in the kitchen helping y/n make dinner "Genuine question, what happened to make him grovel you know" she asked gesturing towards her baby bump.
"The man has his ways, he can be very convincing" She grinned sleazily as Sora made a disgusted face "Gross, keep that information to yourself" she scoffed as y/n rolled her eyes at her dramatic ass.
"Do you all have a package deal with the kids or what, You're having twins, AGAIN" she inquired as y/n laughed "Is the booger monster bothering you, my queen?" Questioned Yuta as he came to stand beside her, instinctively putting his arms around her stomach as she couldn't help but smile.
"You!!, Out of the kitchen before I light you on fire like a firecracker" she hissed pointing the ladle in his face as he blew a raspberry "She's mean" he stated as Y/n laughed at their bickering, jaehyun came in dressed in a pink tutu and glittery eye makeup.
"What drag show do you perform at?" Asked y/n seriously trying not to laugh, but hearing yuta and Sora cackle like hyenas caused her to laugh too "Oh, that's a good one" Sora cried wiping her eyes as yuta held his stomach.
"WHY DOES HE GET TO BE THE KNIGHT, WHY AM I THE PRINCESS" whined jaehyun stomping his feet as Sora tried to catch her breath "Hush princess, go back to your tea party" stated Sora shooing him away "Princess Jaeya, knight yuyu" came the voice of shiho as jaehyun was dragged back inside by an overly enthusiastic yuta.
Y/n and Sora looked at each other and laughed "idiots" they snickered.
The end .
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i-write-boop-spoops · 7 months
Link Cable (Pt. 2) - Steven Stone x Reader
thanks you so much to the anon who requested this! it's so juicy, i had to write it also why do i always write fics when i have an assignment due?
this of course, a sequel to Link Cable, so if you haven't read it yet, here's your chance! i think i should write a sequel to the leon version of that fic shameless plug to make it fair, yeah?
features: pregnancy, gn! reader, reader and leon are married, steven is angsty and full of regret. approx 800 words.
proofreading? i hardly know her!
He lets out a great sigh as he flops down on his plush seat. His left shoulder aches, spine sore and knees dull , a large sack of gems and stones nestled in the seat beside him. He groans a little as he rubs his injured shoulder.
He's getting too old for this.
No, that’s not true, he’s only just turned thirty-five. He just needs to take it easier from now on, not push himself as hard in the mine, not spend nearly a whole day there like he did today.
A chine rings out from the speaker. “The Hulbury-Wyndon express train will be departing the station shortly. Please take your assigned seats.”
Ah, it won’t be too bad. He’ll head back to the Rose of the Rondelands and avail of their spa, relax in their tepidarium and maybe get a massage. He’ll dine alone in their restaurant, with a glass or two of vintage whiskey, and turn in for an early night in his suite.
He leans back in his seat, and peruses the provided menu. Maybe he’ll order a cup of tea, and a small cake, a treat, for himself.
The sound of footsteps graces his ears. Looks like he won’t be the only passenger in the first class carriage. He doesn’t pay that any mind though, not even glancing away from the menu as they get situated a few seats behind him.
“Pleasure to have you on board Champion,” a feminine voice speaks aloud, no doubt the attendant for the first class passengers.
Steven blushes and shakes his head, putting the menu down. “Oh, there’s no need to call me-”
“Haha, I haven’t been Champion in years,” the friendly, bravado-rich voice of Galar’s previous champion rings out, followed by a soft, almost sheepish, chuckle.
Steven face falls.
Leon’s here.
He doesn’t dislike the man, no that’s not it, the mere mention of him just leaves a sour taste in his mouth and a panging in his chest. It’s envy, not malice.
After all, Leon has what he wants most… and he did so not through deceit or spite, he was just himself, a good man, a better man than he could ever be.
Steven sighs, he only has himself to blame.
“Would you like a hand with your luggage?” he hears the attend ask the other former champion.
Wait, if Leon’s here, does that mean…?
“Hehe, Lee’s got that covered,” your twinkling voice chines in, light and joyful. His heart skips a beat at the sound, even now, years since you last spoke, even longer since you were in love.
Despite himself, he glances between the seats, eager to get a glimpse of you.
There’s Leon, tall and broad, mane of crazy purple hair thicker and fuller than ever, an easy smile on his face as he effortlessly picks up a heavy looking suitcase and props it in the overhead rack. Like him, he’s older, looking more like a man now, but sill retaining that boyish charm. He must be about thirty.
And then, he spies you.
Shorter than Leon of course, and glowing more than ever, giddy smile on your lips, eyes wearing this almost cosy expression. You look good, not much different from when you last spoke. Your haircut is different sure, your style more casual, especially in those Shinotic-patterned overalls, but it’s unmistakably you.
His gaze drifts lower.
Steven’s heart aches at the sight, years of buried bittersweet feelings clawing out of the grave within his heart. Your stomach, ever-so-lovingly cradled by your hand, is swollen. Your bump’s not big, but it’s obvious.
You’re pregnant.
You’re pregnant with Leon’s child.
In a moment of weakness, awash in all his painful memories and mistakes, his mind runs  down a path forbidden to him, another universe, where it would’ve been him.
He’d have been the one who put that child in you.
He’d be your husband. He’d be the one to put a hand so fondly on your tummy, to help you into your seat, to indulge your strange cravings.
And he’d be there when your baby was born. He’d hold them so carefully, this perfect little mix of the two of you.
But they’re not going to be a mix of the two of you, are they? No, they’re gonna be a mix of you and Leon.
He has to stop himself from letting out a pained sigh. He presses his head against the seat, gazing upwards at the ceiling, his expression desolate.
He can’t change the past, he knows that. He can’t change the fact he neglected you and you found someone so much better, and yet, even now, what he would give to be in Leon’s position.
A part of him thinks to stand up, say something, congratulate you on this blessing, pat Leon on the shoulder, give this whole (disingenuous) show of support, but he’s not enough of a man to do that, to face you, with everything you ever wanted, everything you ever deserved.
So instead, he sits, and gazes out the window as the train rolls out of the station, pretending that, just down the aisle, someone else is not living the life he wants so desperately. That he should have lived, had he not been so selfish.
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bozepomagaj · 9 months
How to train your dog.
College AU!Trigun (part 3)
Summary: a couple of days pass and you find out that your professor set you up with none other than Nai Saverem to work on a thesis. You, however, decide to make the most of this and finally confront him and show him who's the 'big dog' now with the help of your new friend, Vash.
A/N: I stalled this for far too long for too many reasons but here it finally is! This year is gonna be hectic as I have an undergraduate to do but I'll do my best to stay consistent this time and continue writing this. This one's a bit shorter than the last two parts but I hope that nonetheless people still enjoy it. Like always, criticism is appreciated.
CW: light swearing, mentions of being roofied/drugged
Word count: 1.8k
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
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You thought everything was going to go smoothly. You thought that your plan was perfect: befriend Vash's friend group, get closer to Vash, and make Nai's life hell. Except, of course, you were never that lucky.
"Can't I just do this by myself?"
Obviously, he'd say that. As rude and brash as ever, however, you had manners so obviously you didn't talk back. Your professor leaned back in his chair sighing in annoyance. He was an older man and it was very clear he was not here to have a debate with you two.
„Listen, the event is in 2 weeks. The topic is very complex and detailed and I don't want you overworking yourself. I gave this assignment to you both because out of everyone here, you two are the only ones who look like their will to live hasn't evaporated yet and seem genuinely interested in what I'm talking about. Not only that but both of you have made some exceptional projects in the past. I need this to be perfect, it's gonna be representing the entire school.“
Open Door Days. The singlehandedly worst and best event every year. Your classes were shortened or simply canceled which was wonderful but then at the same time all the best students were chosen to do all kinds of different projects to „encourage young people to choose this major“.  And of course, you just so happened to be this „best of the best“. This also meant that you'd have to be there, standing for a whopping 8 hours watching annoying high schoolers giggle at you as they eat all the snacks and don't even appreciate all the hard work you've put into these theses.
„Plus, what kind of impression would we leave on the younger generations if we didn't promote teamwork?“
Nai's annoyance was so terribly obvious and irritating. Couldn't he at the very least pretend to be fine with this out of respect?
„Right, my apologies. So the due date is in 2 weeks?“
„A little earlier. We need to submit it by Tuesday so try to get it done by Saturday so I can review it in case there are any mistakes. If you get stuck at any point just come to me and I'll help you out.“
You and Nai both silently nod. The professor hands you 2 large Encyclopedias on the probably largest and most complex topic: bacteriology. Nothing specific, just something from that field which just so happened to be so complex that you could spend at least a week picking which topic to do. In any case, this was a nightmare for both of you. You were responsible and you could get over this silly little grudge but Nai? Oh, he would never. To everyone, he was a force to be feared and reckoned with, terrifyingly intelligent, hard-working with an immaculate work ethic. He took care of his body like it was a sacred temple. Everything about this man oozed with pride and adoration. That was until you got to his shitty personality. At times it honestly felt like you were conversing with a child rather than a grown man. But it was too late to say anything now, with scoffs on both of your faces, you both exited the classroom and you immediately stepped in front of him so he didn't get a chance to run off.
„I need your number. Also, we'll be meeting up at your place cuz it's nicer.“
Quick and straightforward. You learned that this was the best way to make him even listen to you. He cocked his eyebrow and clicked his tongue, a habit he got recently and only did it when he was annoyed.
„Alright. But I expect you not to make a mess of my apartment.“
He handed you his phone and you entered his phone number into yours then entered yours into his. The moment you were done, he snatched the phone from your hands and walked off. You scoffed and yelled after him.
„I'm coming over at 4!“
Whether he heard you or not you really couldn't care less. Your entire walk home was ruined, all you could think about was him and his irritating face, his irritating attitude, his irritating... well, everything at this point. Once you were home all the frustration melted as your dear puppy jumped up on you excitedly. He was honestly a better friend than most humans. It's like he'd always know what you needed. Whether it be silence and some quiet time with his paw resting on your leg while he quietly pants or him dragging you out with his leash in his mouth, urging you to take him on a walk to forget about everything. The only thing was, he was young, healthy, strong, and very much untrained. Plus, as a border collie, he had the energy of not one but five horses. Sure, he was a great source of motivation but sometimes you just couldn't keep up with him. Times like these made you realize why your mom told you that it might be best to leave him at home with them where he could go out and play far more often. You glance over to your living room... ravaged living room, to be more specific. He seemed to have another one of his energy spurts and decided to redecorate everything. Plants on the floor, pillows everywhere, and a couple of pictures broken. You couldn't get mad at him because you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. Instead with a heavy sigh you send him to your room and go sit down at your computer. You spent some time looking up tutorials and blogs about how to train your dog but most of the time, it was about puppies or saying how the dog should've had prior training when they were younger. Which he didn't have. With a heavy sigh, you finally found a blog on which a young woman complains about having a rather large and active dog who wasn't trained prior and is now a total menace to her and everyone in her household. Huh. Seems like there were some people like you after all.
After spending some time looking through the comments, reading the replies of professionals or just random people who learned how to work with dogs you came to two conclusions:
There was still hope for you and there is still a chance that your big puppy could turn into the greatest boy ever with enough treats and reassurance and you won't have to pay concerning amounts of money for him to receive proper training and number two.
Nai was more similar to a dog than you thought.
You kept thinking about him since you were gonna have to meet him up in.... oh crap, less than an hour!? You decided that it was time to pack your stuff if you wanted to be on time. Unfortunately to you, the apartment he lived in was quite a bit away from yours so you needed to take a bus to there. The neighborhood wasn't unfamiliar to you because Meryl lived in the same apartment complex, her parents knew the couple who owned the place and decided to lower her rent slightly, while she got to live in a fancy apartment. Lucky.
As you wait for the tram (because you managed to miss the bus by a couple of seconds), your bus vibrates. You quickly take it out expecting it to be Meryl but instead, it's an unknown number. You make a face, thinking it is some kind of a scammer, but then again would a scammer really send you a message that says:
„Heard you're coming over :D“
You quickly type up, asking the mysterious person on the other line about their identity to which they immediately respond, almost like they were waiting.
„Did you not save my number? It's Vash :)“
Huh. It seems like you did forget to save his number. You finally see your tram pull up and you quickly jump on, trying to find your spot. Once seated, you start typing:
„yeah srry forgot about it lol“
„It's fine, but are you actually coming over?“
„on the tram rn so yeah, should be there soon“
„Great :D. I'll get some snacks ready.“
Oh, he was so nice. Just as nice as the last time you saw him. This means Nai is going to be positively fuming once he sees you two interact.
The ride to their neighborhood was quick, you played some music to pass the time and with a positive mindset, you skipped over to the apartment complex and walked in (you knew the passcode because Meryl gave it to you numerous times), walking up the stairs up to their apartment. After ringing the small bell you heard some commotion inside and rather than being greeted with Nai's scowl, you were greeted by a big hug from Vash.
„There you are! I already got worried you got lost or something.“
He ushered you to come in and now, that you saw the apartment during the day in all its glory, all you could say is that you were truly in awe. Beautifully decorated with lots of unique flowers and greenery you've never seen.
„Holy crap. I'm guessing you're the one that decorated this place? Cuz my God, it's gorgeous.“
„No, it was me. And since when are you on such good terms with my brother?“
Ah, the man on the hour was finally here. You spot him in the kitchen, a scowl on his face, and he clicks his tongue. Like always. You side-eye him and wait for his dear brother to enlighten him on the situation and the moment Vash opens his mouth, the biggest, most evil grin adorns your face.
„Nai, they're the ones who helped me out the other day. Y'know, when I almost got roofied? They were the ones who dragged me here. Honestly, I can't tell you how grateful I am to them.“
He looks over at you with the biggest smile in the world. Unlike you, he had pure intentions and wanted to show you how grateful he was all the while you were busy watching Nai's face contort, showing far more emotion than he ever has. He looks over to you and the moment he sees your shit-eating grin, it's like you could see the fumes coming out of his ears.
„Well... seems like I misjudged you then. Sorry.“
Sure, he whispered it, sure, you could barely hear him say anything but boy did it feel good to have THE Nai Saverem apologizing to you. And just like one of the commenters on the blog said:
„in order to train your dog properly, you first need to assert dominance and show them that you are confident.“
And it seemed like it was finally time to train this dog properly.
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Being with Valkyrie headcanons ❤️
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Warnings: smut below the cut, straps, oral , rough sex, king stuff, fluff and suits. Fluff and stuff i guess 
A/N: this was fun to write 
18+ content below the cut , Minor do not interact or you will be blocked <3
Happy reading Besties
Meeting Valkyrie when she was on Sakaar
She vowed never to fall in love with anyone else after Hela had wiped out her sisterhood and lover.
was hesitant at first to talk to you but got comfortable when she realized Hulk liked you as well 
 Hulk seemed like a good judge of character and he was right as you got close
You were with her as a friend, supporting her on sakaar as a scrapper, joining her on the revengers team to being there when Thor assigns her as the leader of New Asgard. 
Everyone assumed that you have been dating all this time due to how close you quickly got
She asks you out after 1 year of being friends
A good 2 years after she became the king of New Asgard, she decides to ask for your hand in marriage
Took her awhile to see that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with you because she was scared of heartbreak but you gave her the time nonetheless
The wedding is very special day and not the typical wedding you’d think of 
Exchanging swords with each other during the ceremony
Being the queen of New Asgard 
Everyone always jokes about you being the “ perfect housewife “ to the king since you didn’t mind doing all the typical things
You didn’t have to but you loved to do it 
Leads to some very 👀👀👀 things happening between the two of you.
Letting your wife use you for stress relief from her hard days as the king
“ My king deserves to get some stress out and i’m here to help with that of course” 
her being rough is so yummy <3 
You provide a big sense of relief as the town turns from a small village to a big tourist destination in the span of a year.
Going to her office to have a cute lunch date but you end up giving her head under the desk
Literally one of her advisors comes in to talk about the ragnarok play and is blushing like crazy at what the fuck is going on
Cockwarming her at your shared home everywhere and i mean it when i say EVERYWHERE
“ Love seeing my queen all stretched out on my cock”
Pet Names all of the time
Most of the time she’ll call you darling, honey or something along that line
Her casually fucking you during her meetings
It was shocking at first for her advisors but they got used to it
It got more interesting when Jane arrived at New Asgard and was appointed one of the advisers
Valkyrie in a conversation over building a science museum with Jane but it gets too boring for her so she calls you over so she can use your pussy
“ Your majesty what are you doing ?”
“ using my pet while we talk about the science building ? What else am I doing Jane ?”
“ Jane, my wonderful queen here would love to help you unwind “
Helping out your wife with any town problems too not just sex stuff all the time
You both shop for her suits in town 😩😩😩
Sparring together before she has to go do king stuff 
Weekends with your wife consist of just binging either trashy tv shows or going to watch the plays in town 
which you laugh at a lot of the time because the actors the production and Val even laughs about it every once in a while
Valkyrie leaving you in charge of the town every once in a while if she has to help both Thors with some business. 
Cute texts when she’s away 
Both of you ganging up on Jane to tease her which ends up with the three you fucking 
Date nights are a weekly thing with each of you alternating each week who plans it 
The cutest couple ever in town 
If valkyrie was told about her future she would have believed it but now that she has a happy life and a happy wife, it’s something she’d never want taken away 
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